Duty of Care under Swiss Law

Page 42

Annexes Annex 1: Summary of survey results The study carried out an online survey asking key questions about duty of care and safety and security risk management. This survey was shared with the security focal points of EISF member organisations. Most contributions were anonymous. The survey received 26 responses. It is likely that there was no duplication between organisations in these responses and therefore reasonable to assume that 26 different organisations' learnings were gathered in this survey. There is some overlap between the survey respondents and the key informant interviews.

Represented organisations were varied regarding size, head office location, programmatic focus and number of countries of operation. Not all respondents shared this information in the survey, but the data collected evidence a broad mixture of contributing organisation in terms of size, presence, mandate, and location of headquarters (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Survey respondent graphics

All responses were received from respondents who are partially or wholly responsible for their organisation's security risk management system, and this may have influenced answers to particular questions about their organisation's security risk management systems. Please do consider responses in light of this. © cinfo 2018 – www.cinfo.ch – Duty of Care Maturity Model – cinfo in collaboration with EISF


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