User experience as a method for reducing consumption in domestic buildings.
Graduation Report - M.Sc Building Technology.
By Itai Cohen, 4118952.
Mentors: Michela Turrin, M.Arch. - Design Informatics (TOI). Florian Heinzelmann, Dipl.Ing. M.Arch. - Architectural Engineering (AE). Dr. Ivo Wenzler, - TBM; Policy, Organisation, Law & Gaming Department. Green Building Innovation track, Architectural Engineering + Technology Department. Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft.
Personal Information: Name: Student number: Address: Postal code: Place of residance: Telephone number: E-mail address:
Itai Cohen 4118952 Koornmarkt 9 2611 EA Delft +31639504241 //
Studio: First mentor: Second Mentor: Third Mentor:
Green building innovation Michela Turrin Florian Heinzelmann Dr. Ivo Wenzler
Graduation report, 11.05.2012
i. Table of Contents
02. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
09. Appendix............................................................................................................................. 78
03. Background - Resources consumption in domestic buildings............................ 2
Connection scheme...................................................................................................... 78
04. Definition and scope.......................................................................................................... 4
Control scheme.............................................................................................................. 79
Problem statement......................................................................................................... 4
Game score matrix........................................................................................................ 80
Research question........................................................................................................... 4
Game browsing matrix on a mobile device......................................................... 81
Method............................................................................................................................... 4
Game screen shots on a mobile device................................................................. 82
05. Literature review................................................................................................................. 6
Game navigation screen shots on a mobile device ������������������������������������������83
Comfort theories............................................................................................................. 6
Game screen shots phases and challenges ......................................................... 84
Serious games: Mechanisms and approaches ���������������������������������������������������� 14
Control screen shots on a mobile device.............................................................. 85
Motivation....................................................................................................................... 20
Game screen shots impression of main control console ��������������������������������86
Remote sensing and control..................................................................................... 23
Game screen shots of a social feed update.......................................................... 87
06. Design framework............................................................................................................ 28
Island impressions in different stages.................................................................... 88
Potential in reduction via behavior manipulation ��������������������������������������������33
Technical studies and prototypes............................................................................ 89
Game Design and implementation......................................................................... 35
Apparatus design proposals...................................................................................... 94
Intuitive control............................................................................................................. 60
Apparatus design proposals - early sketches ���������������������������������������������������� 95
07. Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 71 Discussion........................................................................................................................ 72 Further work................................................................................................................... 73 Acknowledgment.......................................................................................................... 74 08. Bibliography....................................................................................................................... 75 Published literature...................................................................................................... 75 Web resources . ............................................................................................................. 77
Chapter i
2. Introduction Starting September 2010, a team of
It was almost convenient to forget that
students have been working around
a house is no ordinary machine, but
the clock to make the ReVolt House, the
someone’s home.
TU Delft’s entry to the Solar Decathlon Europe competition, a reality. I have
As such, paired with the extensive
been very fortunate to be among them.
thought given to the physical properties of the climatic system, there
Until the project’s untimely termination
be a clear vision as to how the system is
on March 2012, I have acted In
being used by the house dwellers, and
the role of climate team leader.
their comfort and contribution to the
It consisted of deep involvement in
house’s energetic demand.
the design of the climatic systems
Fig. 2-1 ReVolt house exterior render. RIP
that where supposed to regulate the
The design of the ReVolt house is
temperature and relative humidity of
challenging industry norms in almost
the house, starting from the conceptual
any aspect of the design. The climatic
proposed system would allow bilateral
system is no different, and neither
communication between the dweller
alterations and adaptations, and
should be it’s control system; this
and his home, to achieve the ultimate
up to the final design which is now
research is looking at the inhabitants
goals of sustainability and comfort.
being implemented. While designing
as a part of the climatic system. Instead
the system the main focus was the
of adopting the standard method in
In spite of the fact that this research
machine: how to squeeze every last
which communication is only going
had commenced with the ReVolt House
Watt of power from the system and
in one direction in the form of an
in mind, it is in fact applicable to any
how to make it as efficient as possible.
instruction from user to machine, the
domestic building, and is developed
Source: ReVolt team TU Delft, Marko Koops, 2010
as such.
Chapter 2
3. Background - Resources consumption in domestic buildings. Domestic use is responsible for a large
9% by the domestic hot water system
portion of the worldwide consumed
(Fig. 3-1, Fig. 3-2).
resources, namely Electricity, water and the production of waste.
The reduction of consumption of demand in resources can be gained
Global warming, as well as the ever
by using two main methods:
growing scarcity of resources, requires a new set of solutions to reduce the
• The improvement of the building
amount of energy consumed by the
and appliance’s properties in order
world’s population. This work would
to improve their efficiency, thus less
focus on electricity as a scarce resource
energy would be used to achieve the
with high environmental impact, but
same effect.
will not be limited to it.
Fig. 3-1 Electricity Consumption by End Use in U.S. Households, 2001 Source: EIA, 2001
• The change of user behavior and According to a recent study done by the
requirements to reduce the need of
US department of energy in 2001 (EIA,
energetic demand, while maintaining
2005), 1140 billion kWh of electricity,
a high quality of life
which are 14% of all electricity produced in that year, were used in
The first approach is being investigated
for powering domestic buildings, out of
in the past two decades by researches
which 33% is consumed by the comfort
as well as manufacturers from various
regulation system (heating/cooling/
fields in order to maintain the level of
ventilation), 31% by appliances and
services and allow users to continue
Fig. 3-2 HVAC, Kitchen Appliances and Electronic Equipment Electricity consumption is U.S. Households, 2001 Source: EIA, 2001
3 with their habits of consumption while
of altering user’s behavior to reduce
research should be reviewed as a basis
consuming less energy. However, this
their impact, by either raising awareness
for the work done in the thesis. First,
method has a limited potential of
of complex process consciously or by
since the main consumer of energy
reduction – Optimization of existing
using psychological and sociological
in domestic buildings is the comfort
methods is exponentially decreasing
approaches to unconsciously reduce
regulation system, comfort theories
as technology is reaching the threshold
the user’s demands.
would be discussed in order to suggest
of the minimum energy required to perform as operation.
a user oriented approach. Then, It is clear that both approaches have
researches regarding improvement of
pros and cons, and the best way to
user awareness of energy consumption
Less explored is the latter, where
create a system that can sustain low
would be discussed, and finally, a review
potential for future reduction of
energy demand in domestic buildings
of existing approaches of motivation
energy consumption seemed to still
is to integrate both into one coherent
manipulation in regard to resource
have a large potential before it would
system. That system should have
consumption will be made.
eventually reach its threshold.
cutting edge technology that would maximize the effectiveness of resource
It is evident that in recent years, aspects
consuming process in building, but at
of user behavior are beginning to
the same time focus on the inhabitants
get more and more attention in the
and work towards changing their
academy and outside its borders. Many
behavior to reduce the amount of time
government funded campaigns for
the process would be active.
resource conservation have appeared around the world in order to make
This thesis focuses on the user related
people aware of their action’s impact
systems, rather than on optimized
on the planet. Furthermore, recent
machine functioning. To do so, some
emerging researches examine methods
terms need to be defined and previous Chapter 3
4. Definition and scope 4.1. Problem statement “Current automation systems lack the ability to effectively stimulate users to reduce their resource demands.”
In·ter·face could be defined as “ the
an elaborated system that interprets
place at which independent and
user’s actions, reacts accordingly and
often unrelated systems meet and
communicates feedback back to the
act on or communicate with each
user- in a clear manner. Furthermore, in
While technology keeps evolving and
approach is needed to maintain a truly
other, e.g – Man-machine interface”
this work, “interface” refers to an array
better performing buildings in terms of
sustainable operation. This approach
( Merriam-Webster, 2012 ). This
of mechanisms that are added over
comfort and energy use are being built,
is still a missing piece in the puzzle
definition includes also the underling
the system in charge of maintaining
one of the weakest links in a building’s
of reducing demands in domestic
mechanisms that would allow that
normal operation of the house, and
energy balance remains the user. As
communication to occur. When
it’s role is to alter user’s behavior to a
an interface is mentioned it is not
more sustainable way of life.
described in chapter 3, a more holistic
merely an instrument of control, but
4.2. Research question “How can a user oriented home automation interface be designed
4.3. Method
to actively reduce resource consumption in a domestic building?”
4.3.1. Literature review
The goal of this study is to design a
responsible way of life; thus tackling
The first part of the research is a
main aspects: Fun and games as a
user centered system which would
the problem mentioned in the problem
literature review, in which methods
motivator for behavior change, and
interact with a domestic building’s
statement by improving the user side
to achieve the projects’ goals are
comfort theories and their application.
inhabitants and motivate them to alter
of consumption.
investigated. Relevant precedents
Due to the nature and novelty of the
their daily routines and behavior to a
are referenced and analyzed. The
study, the sources of data and input
more sustainable and environmentally
literature review had focused on two
for the literature review vary from
5 the traditional method, consisting on
margin of serious gaming, which is
of a set of rules and instructions; their
machine side, it contains a definition
books and published articles mostly.
the focus of this thesis. At the same
implementation in a home automation
of needed inputs (such as sensors) and
Instead, the review consists of many
time, a more conventional review was
system’s interface would allow for such
outputs (such as actuators) to maintain
web-lectures and conference papers
written regarding comfort theories
interaction to happen. The framework
a functional operation. These would be
published very recently. Furthermore,
which would be implemented in the
contains all the demanded input and
specified in a form of flow-charts and
as the gaming industry have recently
thesis. It focuses on the differences
output terminals needed to maintain
feedback loops, as well as a written
surpassed the Hollywood movie
between comfort theories, and covers
it’s operation. On the user side, it
description of the logic behind them
industry in terms of income and
the traditional methods of comfort
contains the method in which it would
and the method in which they could
influence, most of the empirical
design, as well as, immerging theories
visualize, reward and stimulate the user
be adapted over time to suit the users.
studies are conducted in secrecy and
of adaptive methods, and in particular
to alter or maintain behavior. On the
regarded as trade secrets. This results
theories that take into account personal
in poor accessibility to raw data and
bias of the user.
allows little written confirmation for
4.3.3. Extract parts for further development After establishing a complete theoretical
been chosen based on their role in
the hypothesis presented in the media.
The review consists of up-to-date
framework, several key elements or
the overall design and research, their
Despite that fact, the methods used
methods used in practice and will
components of are selected for further
innovation and contribution.
in the industry are available on the
help in selecting the most suitable for
development. These elements have
surface, especially in the less profitable
implementation in the thesis.
4.3.2. Create a framework
4.3.4. Proof of Concept To prove that the framework and it’s
The main body of work focuses on
through which users would be able to
method of operation is plausible, the
formulating and designing a framework
interact with the automation system
chosen elements are extracted and
that would facilitate the desired
of the house, and at the same time,
prototyped at different levels, as a
components and integrate them
be stimulated and motivated by it to
proof of concept - sampling the thesis
into a coherent system, in order to
reduce their consumption of resources.
in several locations to allow a consistent
achieve the project’s goal: an interface
The developed framework is comprised
method of proof. Chapter 4
5. Literature review 5.1. Comfort theories The American Society of Heating,
Among the determining physiological
Ventilation, Air Conditioning and
factors of comfort, one could count
Refrigeration (ASHRAE) defines thermal
operative temperature (an average of
comfort as “that condition of mind
air and radiant temperatures), relative
which expresses satisfaction with the
humidity, air velocity, clothing and
thermal environment” (ASHRAE, 1981).
metabolism, while on a psychological level one could count season, cultural
Human beings have an elaborate
background, sense of control and
and autonomous feedback system
personal preference.
to regulate the thermal balance needed for normal operation (see
This chapter describes the common
Fig. 5-1). Thermal comfort is the state
methods of estimating and designing
in which one does not feel thermal
for comfort.
strain. That feeling is a combined result of a mental state of mind and a physiological state which is close to energetic equilibrium. It is important to emphasize that comfort is a rangenot a set point. A person would feel comfortable in a variety of situations depending on the relevant factors. InSleepers
Fig. 5-1 Human heat regulation scheme
Source: Djongyang, Tchinda et al. 2010
5.1.1. Energetic equilibrium based methods - PMV-PPD, PET and SET* In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s Fanger
is derived from the PMV calculation (see
had established the Predicted Mean
Fig. 5-5) and is a method to predict
Vote (PMV) and Perceived Percentage
the amount of people that would
of Dissatisfaction (PPD) models, which
state that they feel comfortable under
compose a reliable design tool that
a given set of conditions. The higher
enables designers to determine human
the percentage, the more people
thermal comfort in a known setting,
would feel comfortable in the designed
through an index of physiological
circumstances. Noteworthy to mention
thermal strain (Fanger, 1973). PMV
is that the data reflects a high sample
calculation (see Fig. 5-4) comprises of
(1000 subjects), but all were at college
an energy equation of energy gains
age (18-22 years) and the experiments
and loses between a person and the
were made in a neutral room.
Fig. 5-3 PMV scale of comfort Source: ASHRAE, 2004
Fig. 5-4 Extended PMV equation Source: Fanger, 1970
meteorological factors surrounding him, taking into consideration the rate
of metabolism (activity) and amount
temperature (PET) is another method
of thermal insulation (clothing, chairs,
by Höppe based on the a similar
bed etc.)
energy balance (Munich energy balance model for individuals) that
The PMV scale starts at -3 (extremely
provides relatively equivalent results,
cold) and ends at +3 (extremely hot),
but with several assumption integrated
while the closer the value is to 0, the
into the formula such as equal radiant
more comfortable an average person
and air temperature, a set clothing
would feel (see Fig. 5-3). The PPD model
coefficient of 0.9 and a fixed air speed of
Fig. 5-2 PMV and PPD chart
Source: ASHRAE, 2004
Chapter 5
8 0.1 M/S to simplify the workflow (Höppe 1999). Its main advantage over the PMV and PPD models is that it results in a
Fig. 5-5 PPD equation as a relationship to PMV Source: Fanger, 1970
more comprehensible unit (oC degrees) and therefore more comfortable for designers to use (Matzarakis, Mayer et al. 1999). A more complex 2-node model is offered by ASHARE (ASHARE 1997), which is called the new standard effective temperature (SET*). SET* is an index based on a dynamic energy balance between the person and it’s surroundings so that the rate of heat storage is equal to the net heat gain minus the heat loss. Unlike Fanger’s steady state calculation, SET* is taking into account time, as well as the prolonged effect of a person’s metabolism on it’s immediate surroundings. Even though the SET* method is more accurate, the calculation is far more complicated (Ye, Yang et al. 2003).
Fig. 5-6 Comfort scales comparison table Source: Matzarakis, Mayer et al. 1999
5.1.2. Psychological bias based methods - adaptive models. The main criticism regarding the
to be taken into consideration in order
previously discussed energetic
to quantize them into a design tool. It
equilibrium based methods is that
was named the adaptive approach (see
by definition they neglect any
Fig. 5-7) and it assumes that comfort
non physiological factors from
temperature is derived from the
consideration. Recent studies suggest
interaction between the person and the
that there is also a psychological
environment that he or she occupies.
and cultural bias, which could offset
Three main factors are regarded as the
the comfort zone. For instance, in
basis for the adaptive method in which
their recent research done in the UK,
the human body’s ability to adapt is
Humphreys and Hancock have found
taken into consideration (Richard J.
that an offset of up to a full unit can
de Dear 1998):
Fig. 5-7 The thermal comfort adaptive model mechanism Source: Djongyang, Tchinda et al. 2010
be identified between the feeling that people describe as ‘Neutral’ - ‘0’ on
• Behavioral - the array of modification
• Physiological - the biological process
• Psychological - the mind has the
the comfort scale, to the feeling they
the subject may make, whether
of adaptation to a certain climate by
power to stretch the boundaries of
have declared that they want to be at.
consciously or unconsciously to modify
adjusting thermodynamic processes
the body’s perception of the thermal
The offset was noticed on 57% of the
themselves or their surroundings.
in the human body in order to reduce
comfort range. Interpretation of
cases, out of a pool of 868 subjects
These changes can be subdivided to
the thermal strain. These could be
sensory information can be altered due
(Humphreys and Hancock 2007). The
personal (e.g. removing a clothing
either genetic (climatic adaptation
to past experiences and expectations.
new line of research is conducted in situ,
item), technological (e.g. opening
over generations) or acclimatization
unlike Fanger’s tests that were done in
a window or operating a fan) and
(within a person’s lifetime)
a ‘climate chamber’. This fact exposes
cultural (e.g. The Spanish Siesta as a
them to many new variables that needs
response to the hot mid-day climate). Chapter 5
10 The calculation of the design
Dear 1998), who had determined
temperature using the adaptive
according to 21,000 data points
that the “a” value is 0.31 for a
temperature” - which is the average
mechanically ventilated building
of the air temperature and the radiant
and 0.11 for a naturally ventilated
temperature (Tco) (see Fig. 5-11) this is
building, while “b” values are 17.8
a line equation which allows to match
and 21.45 accordingly (see Fig. 5-8
the desired design temperature with
and Fig. 5-9).
the “Outdoor referenced temperature”
Fig. 5-11 Basic equation of the adaptive system for thermal comfort. Source: Ferrari and Zanotto 2012
Fig. 5-8 Line equation for operative temperature in a mechanically ventilated building Source: Ferrari and Zanotto 2012
Fig. 5-9 Line equation for operative temperature in a naturally ventilated building
(see Fig. 5-8).The adaptive part of the
According to the adaptive system, the
system is dependent on two variables
climatic context the building is located
- “a” (slope inclination) and “b”
in, has a key role in determining the
(y-intercept), derived from statistical
comfort range. Therefore it is expressed
data. To account for differences in
in the design formula in the form of a
perception of users, it is needed to
variable called “Outdoor referenced
differentiate between two types of
temperature” (Text,ref ). It is the only
buildings, for which the “a” and “b”
independent variable in the equation
values would be different - building
and therefore is crucial for determining
with mechanical ventilation only, and
the accuracy of the calculation. There
buildings with natural ventilation of an
are two possible inputs for this rubric;
enhanced sense of control by the user.
both have to do with the user’s past
Source: Ferrari and Zanotto 2012
experience. The first option is to use The adaptive calculation adopted by
the monthly temperature average and
ASHARE is a result of a commissioned
the other is to use the “Running mean
research by de Dear (Richard J. de
temperature”, which is derived from the
Fig. 5-10 Acceptability ranges calculated according to the ASHRAE index Source: Ferrari and Zanotto 2012
11 temperature average of the past days,
To the calculated value, an offset of
diminishing as the day is further away
2.5oC above and below it, achieves a
from the selected date.
range that would result in less then 10% complaint rate (see Fig. 5-10).
5.1.3. Personal thermal comfort in the age of informatics Recent technological achievements
is using only air-temperature sensors
have reduced dramatically the cost and
(thermostat) as feedback to determine
improved the accessibility of advanced
wether to switch the system on or off.
technology such as sensors , mobile
This is supplying very partial data in
computing and artificial intelligence,
regard to comfort and thus require
and made them within reach for a
many manual overrides (if possible).
wide variety of applications (Eisenman
As a result, either energy is wasted or
2008). Among them is comfort control
complaints level would rise. To solve
and regulation. Recent studies have
that, Ye, Yang et al. (2003) have
engaged the idea of adding smart
suggested a new approach to
sensors and learning systems in order
sensing comfort that combines air
to improve energetic performance and
temperature, radiant temperature
better predict the comfort preference
sensing, relative humidity and air
of the user. In this chapter several
motion and, using an onboard
noteworthy advancements in the field
processing unit, integrate them
are discussed.
instantly into the a measure on the comfort scale (-3 to +3) in the form
PMV and SET* sensor: Traditionally, the
of digital data (see Fig. 5-12).
Fig. 5-12 Schematic structure of the PMV&SET* sensor. Source: Ye, Yang et al.,2003
Fig. 5-13 Algorithm for PMV comfort system controlled by ANN. Source: Moon, 2011
thermal regulation system of buildings Chapter 5
12 Learning comfort systems: Recently
showed potential for implementation
artificial intelligence has been
in domestic buildings, to reduce energy
introduced to the field of thermal
consumption and lower the period of
comfort in the form of pattern
time of discomfort.
recognition, using Fuzzy logic of Artificial neural networks (ANN).
Another study in the field of learning
These methods allow improvement
systems had focused on individual
over time to the preset design of
preference. A study by Liu, Lian et al.
the system by interaction with the
(2007) had experimented with a back
building’s inhabitants. The comfort
propagation neural network to learn
system logs changes and adapts in
user preference and the extent to
real time according to patterns it had
which the person is subject to external
found during it’s operation. The more
stimuli. The system was designed to
In conclusion, there are several
completely based on statistic data.
time the system would be running,
improve comfort on a fixed individual,
variations in which comfort can be
When creating a profile that is tailor
the better it would be at predicting
alone, within a room with a “private” air
calculated and optimized. The classic
made per user, a learning system
comfort and avoiding overshoots and
conditioner. The control program was
approach that is based on energy
can identify the exact preference
undershoots. For example, a study by
preset (trained) with data collected via
exchange and the adaptive approach
and comfort range of a person. That
Moon (2010,2011) was conducted in
manual questionnaires and compared
which is based on human’s ability to
enables to perfectly balance between
which a methodology, logic framework
it to the input from the individual to
adjust have proven to be accurate
comfort and energy consumption, by
(see Fig. 5-13) and prototype were built
which it was assigned. With training,
and viable. The latter, when properly
eliminating the individual offset of the
as proof of concept: ANN systems were
it improved and was able to predict
used, offers a larger comfort range,
subject from the statistics. The question
installed in building and performance
comfort in the expected manner.
resulting in a decrease of energy
that may rise in regard to the latest
compared to non-learning systems
usage. The ability to track individual
innovations is whether they can replace
(both PMV and air temperature based
users bring a revolutionary approach
the conventional methods completely
systems) was improved. The study
to the field, which until recently was
or not. The answer is complex, and
Fig. 5-14 Individual BP neural network operating scheme. Source: Liu, Lian et al., 2007
13 depends on the target of the design,
Perhaps in a utopian/dystopian world,
the method of control the system has
one’s climatic preference profile could
on the indoor climate, and the user’s
migrate with him, based on remote
pattern of behavior. For example, the
biometric identification. For example,
individual profile system is logical to use
a museum that one visits would
at a home, where there are only a few
identify him remotely and download
unique users that could be monitored.
automatically his comfort profile from
It is also plausible to be utilized in a
the internet, matching it with the rest
conventional office environment.
of the inhabitants to ensure maximal comfort in any area he is visiting in the
In general, the more people sharing
museum. However, the implications on
the same space, the less likely the
privacy should be evaluated against
profile based system to prove effective.
the gains this kind of system may have.
Moreover, in places where people are not re-visiting regularly, such as public
Noteworthy is that the PMV model
buildings, creating a reliable profile of
remains a good and reliable scale and
their preference is harder, and would
method for design, and is the basis of
not cover the added effort needed to
the profile based systems. It is used
collect and analyze the data. In these
as a baseline, from which individual
cases, it is better to revert to the old
offsets can be logged. Even the most
models, namely the adaptive model,
advance personalized system is based
that statically would satisfy most
on the initial findings of Fanger at the
early 1970’s.
Chapter 5
5.2. Games, serious games and gamified process: Mechanisms and approaches 5.2.1. Games Games have been around since the
years.”(Herodotus, Strassler et al. 2007).
dawn of civilization, in various forms and sizes. They seem to be a primeval
A Game, according to Zimmerman and
need of man and have been developed
Salen, is “a system in which players
independently all around the world,
engage in an artificial conflict, defined
by all cultures. One of the earliest
by rules, that results in a quantifiable
mentions in writing of games and
outcome”(Salen and Zimmerman
their ability to influence our minds
2004). They have observed games and
comes from the ancient Greek historian
deducted a primary schema to which
Herodotus, who describes dice games
all games comply (see Fig. 5-15). and
that were invented by the king of
could be used to design new games.
and a set of properly designed rules
some of today’s games, as well as
Lydia at the time of great famine, as
It is called the “Rules, Play, Culture”
result in a meaning full and enjoyable
gamified process, do not quite fit into
a means of distraction from the dire
schema: In the core of a game are the
game. The third element is culture.
this definition. Kim offers another
hunger: “These games they invented
rules, which are the formal part of the
Culture is the context in which the
definition, in which a game is “a
as a resource against the famine, and
game, are both explicit and implicit
game occurs. A game would always
structured experience with rules and
thus they used to do: on one of the
and are identical to all players, and
represent in a way the culture in which
goals, that’s fun”(Kim 2009). The latter
days they would play games all the
known beforehand. The play, is the
it exists, in the form of goals, intentions,
seemed to be more suitable for the
time in order that they might not feel
experiential part of the game, and
values and meanings.
type of games, namely computer based
the want of food, and on the next they
a very important role in the game-
ceased from their games and had food:
it is what makes following the rules
While this definition and method
and thus they went on for eighteen
worthwhile. The play is the fun part,
applies to most traditional games,
Fig. 5-15 Basic components of a game, according to Salen and Zimmerman. Source: Salen and Zimmerman, 2004
games, which would be discussed in this thesis.
15 In the last 25 years, games have made
Every game is based on a set of rules
a dramatic metamorphosis from the
and goals that the user needs to
real world into the virtual world, with
achieve within a specific framework.
the rapid development of personal
This framework needs to very well
computing and consumer electronics.
designed and tweaked to meet the
The gaming industry had flourished
players’ desires; otherwise they would
and now considered larger in capita
cease to play. This framework is referred
and audience than the film industry.
to as the game’s mechanics, which
Games have never been as impressive,
are defined by Kim as “the systems
addictive and popular ever before,
and features that make games fun,
and they have been criticized to be
compelling and addictive”(Kim 2009).
consuming immense amount of time from their players.
5.2.2. Serious Games While we are accustomed to see
successful, model of computer based
games used primarily for fun and as
games in reaching and capturing the
a pastime, a new type of game had
attention of players to other means
emerged in recent years. Seeing the
such as education, problem solving or
overwhelming popularity of computer
norm changes.
based game software, an interesting sub-branch of these games had been
Ritterfeld, Cody and Vorderer define
created, generally referred to as
serious games as “any form of
“serious games”. The purpose of these
interactive computer-based game
games was to harness the ,proved to be
software for one or multiple players to
Fig. 5-16 Gamifyed processes found in my wallet
be used at any platform that has been
The reason games are sought by
developed with the intention to be
educators is that they can be used as a
more than entertainment”.(Ritterfeld,
tool to alter behavior. Serious games in
Cody et al. 2009)
particular have been found by Klimmt Chapter 5
16 to have potential for creating social and
player’s self
behavioral changes, and he has isolated
7. N a r r a t i v e
5.2.3. Gamified Processes
mechanisms which are likely to be most
making framework that facilitates
Serious games were not the first to
The implementation of games into our
effective to achieve the desired change.
tap into game’s ability to alter human
surrounding is constantly increasing.
He had divided the reasons for which
8. Multiuser play facilitates in-game
behavior. Commercial companies
Almost any commercially successful
the mechanisms would be effective to
communication that supports
have been using gaming principals
web based company is using game
groups and counted 15 of them. Out
to maintain costumer engagement
mechanism to a certain extent.
9. Interactively and multimodality
(loyalty) from as early as the 1930’s
Facebook is a radical example, in which
increase likelihood of knowledge
(Salen and Zimmerman 2004). They are
every single function of the site is
known as frequent flyer miles, buy 10
designed as part of a social interaction
get one for free, memberships , golden
game (likes, comments, vitality). But
cards, and even “happy hour”. A quick
other services such as YouTube (video
look into any wallet (see Fig. 5-16 or
rating, number of views as score
open your own wallet)would reveal
keeping) and eBay (commenting,
3. Sense of community in multiplayer
how popular the method is. This
feedback) are integrating more and
gaming legitimizes interest in
method was greatly elaborated with
more game mechanisms in order to
controversial change-related
the development of web 2.0 and the
improve user’s engagement and make
concept of user created content and is
them stay longer in the site.
or which 10 are relevant for this study: 1. Entertainment capacity of serious games increases likelihood of selection change-related message 2. Enjoyment generates attention and interest during exposure
10. Game narrative contributes to persuasion.
4. Enjoyment promotes involvement
currently booming. It is called process
and motivation for repeated exposure
gamification, and it’s defined as: The
Kim counts 5 major game mechanisms
5. Enjoyment promotes involvement
process of game-thinking and game
that are best suited for gamifyed
and motivation to talk about game
mechanics to engage users and solve
processes(Kim 2009): Collecting
problems (Salen and Zimmerman
games, points, feedback, exchange
and customization.
6. Interactively increases likelihood of connection of game content to the InSleepers
17 Collecting games Points
• B r a g g i n g r i g h t s : P e o p l e a r e
in the previous item, if people
• Game points: To create the sensation
their way of interaction with the
responding well to rewards that can
understand that they are missing
of progress and self-improvement, it
game as well as the amount of their
be displayed and bragged about.
on something, the desire to achieve
is recommended that a point tracking
engagement. A good game design
A common application of this
it would be created. Design should
mechanism would be integrated
should make it possible to for users
mechanism is awarding users medals,
try and catalogue achievements
within the process to be completed.
reward each other. (E.g. FaceBook
badges and honors for completing
into series, so that once some of
If a task is complex and dependent
‘likes’ and comments, “did you find
one of the primary or secondary
the rewards are given a need for
on a large number of variables it is
this answer helpful?”).
goals of the game. The best way to
completion would drive the user
advised to have multiple point pools
integrate the awards is to make them
to get the rest. (E.g. Progress bars,
that can be collected separately and
• Redeemable points: Albite the
visible for other users when they are
football players stickers, Pokemon-
together. The display of progress is
increasing popularity of gamified
achieved and showing placeholders
“get them all!”).
important for the individual players
processes, studies show a large
to measure their own progress.
difference in adaptation between
while they have not been achieved yet. This allows the user to aim for
• Tangible collectables: In addition
achieving them and describing
to the previous two items, Kim
• Social points: Social points is a form
that women are less susceptible to
what is needed to be done to get
emphasizes that the more tangible
of credit given from one player to
participation in most games, and
them. (E.g. military service medals,
the collection or collectable items
another. It proves to be a much more
game mechanics and a large portion
diplomas, etc).
are, the more likely it would have
effective and valuable motivator
of women see them as a waste of time.
the desired influence. (E.g. special
than standard game points, since
The mechanism that seems to get
swards other users can see in the
it is based on a social interaction
women involved, is giving purpose
virtual environment).
between two or more individuals.
to the pursuit of points. If points,
far and the work still to be done to
Naturally this kind of reward could
or other game currency becomes
achieve the next reward, furthermore,
not be administered by the game,
exchangeable for real goods, the
it seems that players have a weak spot
but it is completely dependant on
game is more likely to be adopted
for incomplete series. As mentioned
the chemistry between users and
by them. For both men and women,
• Need to complete: a good design would visualize the work done so
male and female users. It seems
Chapter 5
18 redeemable points have proven to increase loyalty over time. (E.g. “buy
10 get one for free”, frequent flyer miles). • Leader board: creating a top scores board can have a positive effect for players that are competitive and wish to display domination over others. (E.g. YouTube’s most played videos). • Levels: levels are an easy and more comprehendible way of displaying game points. Levels are gained whenever a player has achieved a sufficient number of points. It is a good way to gain status, and should be displayed in public. (E.g. forum suffix based on experience, Nike+ Colors). Feedback • Immediate: Surprisingly, considered
allow user to congratulate one
the most effective mechanism of
another for their efforts. As with social
all, and also one of the simplest to
points, the feature can be designed
apply. Users need feedback on their
into the system, but it is up to users
performance to go on working with
to use it. (E.g., Nike+
an application, and want to see their
effort acknowledged. (E.g. Linked in profile setup). • Over time: Another very important mechanism is feedback over time. Users would become more engaged if the software would allow them to see progress over time; how good they are at the given task and how much they have improved at doing it from when they started using the application. (E.g. Nike+ Statistics). • Social feedback: The most powerful type of feedback is social feedback. The introduction of a social element increases player’s motivation dramatically. Applications should
19 Exchange Customization
• Explicit: explicit exchange in games
• Character/profile: Many gamified
• UI customization: More common on
can be described as a stage of
processes are increasing user’s
gamified sites, the user is allowed to
collaboration between players that
engagement by allowing them to
tweak with the user interface, apply
do so intentionally to achieve a goal
make parts of the play space their
themes etc. (E.g. Facebook profile
or maintain the gameplay. It can be
own and allow them to modify it.
pictures, twitter themes, YouTube
for example roles in dice games, in
This mechanism works in two ways.
which one player stops playing so
First, it takes time to make these
that the other could, or exchange of
adjustments. After the time has been
assets in monopoly.
spent by the user they would see the application as something they have
• Implicit: Unlike the explicit exchange,
invested in, and therefore less likely
the implicit exchange is not thought
to abandon it after a short period of
off as a game necessity, but it is
time. Second, it is a space in which
culturally implied. For example, after
users can express their inner self
purchasing a product on ebay, you
to the public, and thus has a social
are asked to give the seller a positive
importance. Some games allow the
feedback in case everything went on
player to create an entire avatar, but
smoothly. It is not mandatory, yet
gamified process are usually less
people came to expect it. If one fails
sophisticated and allow a profile
to do so, people would get offended
page or selection on theme. (E.g. Sims
by it. A well designed system would
character creation, Nike+ Avatar).
encourage these kind of exchanges that contribute to increase user engagements levels. Chapter 5
5.2.4. Layered reality games A very interesting trend that is rapidly
reality applications use video cameras
of the finished building, which they
To conclude, games can be used as a
developing in renascent years is
(located in computers, laptops and
could circle and take snapshots of, as
method to achieve a desired behavior
mixing the real and virtual worlds to
smartphones) to display a window in
if it was complete.
change. The proper adaptation for this
create a new kind of experience. It is
which physical and virtual reality is
generally referred to as “augmented
mixed together. Users are encouraged
An even newer trend that branches
of a layered reality serious game, with
reality”. Augmented reality, as its
to interact with the virtual objects
off augmented reality is referred to
relatively low rate of user immersivity
name suggests, is using the real world
in their physical environment. All
as “Layered reality”. In this type of
and high level of integration of gamified
as a basis for its virtual content, thus
interaction between the virtual and real
experience, there is no virtual world
augmenting it. That trend differs from
world is done via a device that operates
that exists on top of the real world
more conventional games in that
as a portal. For example, in 2009, NAI
in which the player is engaged, but
instead of creating an entire virtual
and the municipality of Rotterdam
instead the actions are performed by
world within the game, the game
had released an augmented reality
interaction with the real world, only to
takes place in the user’s surroundings.
smartphone applications. Code named
be logged by sensors and interpreted
It’s essentially not a new idea and has
“Sara”. Its purpose was to allow visitors
by the software to deduct the user’s
existed for decades in other mediums.
in the city to experience buildings
action. The vast majority of these
The most common example of a low-
which are not yet built, or under
applications are using GPS positioning
tech augmented reality is “scavenger
construction. The users would install
or GSM antenna location to determine
hunt” where players are required to
the free applications, and then take
the user’s location and act according to
complete missions in their physical
a tour though Rotterdam. Whenever
it. They are also mostly depended on a
environment. Today’s technology and
they arrived at a construction site they
repayable and constant connection to
society marches towards the sensor age
could pull out their phone and point
the internet, either via WiFi or by the
(Eisnor 2011) and enables consumer
the camera towards it. On their screen
phone operator.
electronics to act as portals to games’
the incomplete building would be
virtual world. Most of the augmented
replaced in real time with a 3d model
research project will be in the realm
5.3. Motivation The reason for the attraction to
In his book “Flow”, Csikszentmihalyi
computer based games can be
describes the notion of happiness in
explained in several ways. Motivation
the term “Flow” – a state of experience
is a phenomenon studied in many fields
in which one is totally engaged in what
of science, among them medicine,
they are doing(Csikszentmihalyi 1997).
psychology, sociology and philosophy.
Csikszentmihalyi lists the necessary requirements for a person to be “in the
The intense effect games have on
flow”: they must have clear goals, they
their players is evident in the chemical
need to become one with the activity,
balance in their brain at the time they
receive clear and immediate feedback,
are playing: A player’s brain is reacting
be in complete concentration on the
to the situations encountered in the
task at hand, they should have effortless
game by releasing chemicals that are
control over their task and fear not of
related to very powerful emotions such
losing control over it, they should lose
as Oxytocin, which is related to social
their self-consciousness and would
bonding, Serotonin which is inducing
experience distortions in time.
Fig. 5-17 Zone of immersize engagment, according to Csikszentmihalyi’s Flow theory. Source: Zichermann and Cunningham, 2011
positive emotion, Dopamine which is a chemical reward, and DHEA which is
The state of flow is very illusive and hard
released at the drop of eustress(Kim
to maintain for long periods of time.
When applied to computer games, the graph seen in Fig. 5-17 is often used to
To make sure that chemical reward
describe the needed ratio between the
system would be sustained, the player
player’s ever developing skills and the
must always be engaged in the game.
game’s level of difficulty. For a game to
Fig. 5-18 Effectiveness of reward patterns.
Source: Zichermann and Cunningham, 2011
Chapter 5
22 be able to keep the users “in the flow”,
The pattern perfected by modern
the game should not be too hard nor
computer games is based on a primal
too easy at any moment. A game which
evolutionarily principal, which has been
is too hard would not be enjoyable and
proven to work as well on rats as on
the user would soon get frustrated and
humans. It is referred to as operant-
quit playing. On the other hand, a game
conditioning, and it consists of an
must never be too easy, as the player
element of uncertainty and chance.
would get bored. A game should be able
If reward schedule is varying (see
to match each player with the adequate
Fig. 5-18) the level of engagement is
level of difficulty according to the level
drastically rising. That phenomenon
of ability. As the player improves, the
is linked directly with addiction and
game should offer bigger challenges
gambling games use it very often.
• A c h i e v e r : T h e a c h i e v e r s a r e
at the game as yet another means of
to keep a high level of arousal. Today’s
By providing effective reinforcement
competitive by nature, and they
socializing with other people, and
games make tremendous efforts
(positive or negative) after an action had
aspire the sense of winning. They
they are the most common type of
to maintain that balance with user
been taken by the user, the game can
hold an important role in competitive
players. For a socializer, the game
dependent algorithms that learn and
control the frequency of the actions to
games and should be taken into
and winning it has only a secondary
monitor a player’s behavior(Chatfield
follow, and to the level of engagement
consideration in a good game design.
significance. A game designed for
of the user with the game. (Zichermann
A game in which these type of players
socializers should allow them to
and Cunningham, 2011)
would not have an opportunity to win
interact in convenient ways and
would not be exciting for them and
enable their desire to make gaming
they would soon lose interest in it.
a social experience.
Player types To maximize the compatibility of the
4 main types of players and their
game to its users, it is important to
motivations (see Fig. 5-19): The
know the common types of users and
achiever, the socializer, the explorer
their motivations. Bartle describes
and the killer(Bartle 1996).
Fig. 5-19 Schematic layered layout of the home automation system
Still, a game in which every player is constantly winning is just as boring.
• Explorer: This type of player would always try to find the boundaries
• Socializer: These players are looking
and limits of the given game-space.
23 The explorers enjoy the act of
of multi-user games had indicated that
In summation, when designing for
solutions are becoming mainstream
discovering and the social reward
the vast majority (75%) of players in
motivation for a varied user group
and accessible to all. Layered reality
of communicating about their
these games tend towards the social
one should aim for a wide range
games in general and self improvement
type (Bartle 1996). That indicates that
of motivation and engagement
games in particular are still in early
the focus of a long lasting gaming
generators, so that any type of user
stages of their development and are
experience should include socializing
would find their place within the
expected to increase in volume and
opportunities as often as possible.
application. As demonstrated in the
distribution in the next couple of years.
are the least popular type of player,
literature review, current games and
With the adaptation of smartphones
but require design solutions as well.
gamified applications are designed in a
containing a large array of sensors at
They differ from the Achievers by the
‘shooting in all directions’ approach; the
the user’s disposal, the ground for these
fact that they are not only requiring
game tries to appeal to as many players
games is being laid and could be well
the sense of winning to be engaged,
as possible with parallel mechanisms. A
utilized in the near future. These games
but they also require some others to
new design should follow in this path in
are expected to become more popular
lose to them. The more apparent their
order to be widely expected. It seems
and engaging, thus they can be a good
victory over other would be, the more
hard to determine beforehand which
candidate for state of the art serious
satisfied they would be.
mechanism would be most effective in
• Killer: As the name suggests, these players are about making a fuss. They
getting players engaged, and seldom In the early 1990’s Bartle came up with
one mechanism appeals to all. In regard
a gamer personality test, called the
to serious games, they have proven to
Bartle test, in which the subject would
be an effective method to encourage
be scored on a percentage scale for
education and to induce behavioral
each one of the 4 types. These types are
changes. Being rapidly adopted in a
not exclusive, so that each player has a
wide spectrum of fields, varying from
score for each of them, thus describing
military training to corrections of
his profile. His research, done on groups
speech impediments, these software Chapter 5
5.4. Remote sensing and control In order to create an intuitive system,
methods in which this could be done,
which is comfortable to use and would
by reviewing patents and publications.
have a high chance to be accepted by
This chapter was added in a later stage
users, it is needed to rapidly interpret
of the research. In order to answer
the user’s intention and allow for
specific questions that have risen from
fast and accurate operation based
the direction the research had evolved
on the interpretation. This chapter
to, and came as a search of precedents
is dedicated in analyzing existing
for a suggested remote control system.
5.4.1. User position and intention recognition
In 2004, a research was conducted of a
recent years, especially in the field of
system to pin-point user location using
elderly healthcare, is using an array
a hand-held terminal (Yohei 2004). The
of wide angle cameras installed in
system is based on trigonometry and
fixed locations with image processing
uses two markers at known locations,
algorithms that are able to identify
where the user needs to point the hand
human form and deduct the action the
held device towards the first, click a
person is engaged in, as well as their
button, the second, click a button and
location. The system is also capable of
then aim towards the target.
monitoring more than a single person in a given moment. Being still in early
Some office buildings have the ability
stages of development, this kind of
to monitor the location of employees
systems is limited by the photographic
Many automation systems are using
reflected from the room back into its
by tracking their RFID (Radio Frequency
medium. The 2D representation of the
sensors to determine the user’s
sensor. If the reflection is not identical
Identification) tags. An RFID system
3D world is not always interpreted
whereabouts for their effective
to the previous one, it means that there
has the advantage of easily detecting
correctly, especially in low contrast
operation. The most common use is
is movement in the room. This system
which person is present in accuracy
situations, reflections, similarity of hue
called ‘presence detection’ and its aim
is very common, widely accepted
as well as the number of occupants,
between clothing and the surrounding
is to turn off energy consuming devices
and relatively cheap, but has several
but require the users to wear tag at
once there are no users inside, such as
disadvantages rendering it useless for
all times. While it may work well in a
lights and comfort systems. Usually,
the desired application. First, it lacks
business environment, by attaching
Another solution which is not
an infrared dome sensor is being used
the ability to distinguish the number of
the RFID tag to the user’s ID card, for
traditionally used for presence
(for example see Fig. 5-20)to measure
inhabitants in the room, their location
domestic applications it would not be
detection comes from the world of
movement in the room in 5 second
and even their existence while not
as repayable and intuitive to use.
computer gaming. Microsoft had
intervals. The sensor transmits an
moving (e.g. watching TV).
infrared signal and analyses the result InSleepers
released in 2010 a game controller Another method being tested in
named “Kinect”, to remotely control
25 games on their Xbox console. The
create an array of sensors that can cross
technology, developed by a startup
reference data to create a complete
company called Prime Sense (Zaleski
image of the given space.
2005), is a combination between the optical based sensing methods of the
Recent reports claim that Microsoft
previously discussed camera system
is planning a major revision to the
with an addition of an infrared based
sensor (Warren 2012), making it usable
depth camera. The combined sensor
in wider ranges, in higher resolution
(video and depth) is able to rapidly and
and the ability to track 4 persons at
accurately identify human form and the
the same time. The improved ‘Kinect 2’
exact 3d location of the user in the room,
sensor would be more suitable for use
relative to the sensor. Furthermore, the
in as an automation controller.
resolution it offers allows for a clear distinction of 20 different body joints
The Kinect sensor, priced approx. 140
of up to two persons simultaneously.
euros, offers the best cost effective
On the downside, this system is
solution in the market to date, while
currently limited to a preset range of
at the same time provides very accurate
150cm to 350cm from the sensor, and
results and is relatively easy to control
unlike the other systems discussed
and interface with, due to the open
that offer flexibility in installation,
source and API sources released with it.
Fig. 5-20 Schneider electric presence detection infrared sensor
the Kinect sensor must be located in certain heights (40cm to 180cm) to ensure accurate operation. While this technology is still under development, it is possible to link several sensors and
Fig. 5-21 Kinect schematic design and components Source:
Chapter 5
5.4.2. Unconventional approaches in remote control systems A complimentary aspect that was
connected wirelessly to the appliances
investigated had to do with the method
via infrared adaptors, Bluetooth or
in which commands would be given and
WiFi. The smartphone or tablet devices
interpreted by the automation system.
have become fixed companions to the
Emphasis was made on unconventional
gadget enthusiasts, and therefore are
approaches of remote controlling.
perfect candidates to be integrated in the home automation system.
The universal remote control, a discrete device intended to send commands to
To date, most home automation
various devices from afar, has been in
systems are using touch interfaces,
the market since the late 1980’s, when
from which the user can directly
it was first patented (Rumbolt 1985).
manipulate the entire home by swiping
Since then, many attempts have been
through menus and dialogs. To narrow
made to improve its abilities. First, a
the amount of options a user has to
learning ability was introduced, with
scroll through, technologies were
which the remote could be taught
developed to include location aware
using the original remote, and adjust
universal remote controls. One method
it specifically to the user’s needs. Later,
patented in 2001 consists of a miniature
small screens were introduced in the
camera at the tip of the remote control,
remote, until the buttons were replaced
taking pictures of the devices being
with touch screens. In recent years, the
actuated, and using image analysis as
universal remote controls are gradually
well as recognizing which brand they
being replaced with smartphones,
belong to, in order to send the correct
Fig. 5-22 Nintendo WII as controller Source: Gilles 2011
Fig. 5-23 GeeAir home automation controller Source: Gang 2010
27 infrared signals to them (Colmenarez
sensing abilities. For example, the
2001). Another method for context
accelerometer embedded inside the
aware remote controlling was patented
WII controller can be utilized to control
in 2000, where a proposed array of
a cursor on screen (Gilles Bailly 2011). A
wireless controllers are installed on
number of researches and companies
the home appliances’ and a hand held
have also tried to re-design the
device, in that case a ‘Palm Pilot’, would
universal remote controller from the
be equipped with a communicator able
top down, and created custom made
to sense the proximity of the wireless
devices that enable gyroscopic sensing,
controller installed on each appliance.
joystick control, voice commands and
The handheld device would then show
various combinations between the
a selection between the closest devices
listed above (Gang Pan 2010).
first, and then the rest. (Ben-Ze’ev 2000) Another approach which is being Several more attempts were made to
explored in detail is utilizing “natural
adopt devices to be used as control
user interface ” - a term coined by
devices, providing added value to the
Microsoft to define control devices
traditional approach. For example,
that do not require interfacing with
would be able to ‘read’ input from the
when connected to the original game
various game controllers were used
a tangible object, to control home
user from afar. These can be dedicated
console, but also when connected to a
to control home entertainment
automation systems. For example,
sensors or common, widely available,
personal computer with custom made
systems, mostly as an extension of their
hand and full body gestures, voice
sensors that had been converted to
software. Another popular example that
console’s connection to the screen and
recognition, or fully automated
this purpose. The Kinect sensor for
had emerged in the past year is SIRI,
sound system. More elaborate attempts
predictive systems. At the base of the
example, was developed specifically
Apple’s voice recognition agent. It is
were made to directly interface with
natural interface control systems is
for remote gesture recognition, and it is
installed on the company’s most recent
the controller and exploit their advance
always a sensor, or sensor array, that
widely used for this capability, not only
devices and allows users to use natural
Fig. 5-24 Home automation control via natural interface - hand gestures Source: Premaratne 2007
Chapter 5
28 language to operate their phone. SIRI,
poor level of performance, users prefer
with would be the optimal choice for
as well as Kinect, have been hacked
to revert to known, reliable patterns.
the interface. Furthermore, by using
by technology enthusiasts and are
Another popular theory among
household apparatuses, such as the
used for countless other functions, not
interaction designers is that users are
Kinect and a smartphone, little effort
intended by the original manufacturer.
expecting a tenable objects to interact
would be required to convince users
with. Talking to thin air, or marking
to adopt the system.
These interfaces, which free the
gestures to an invisible sensor do not
users from holding a device, were
feel comfortable, or natural, and users
The combination between the two
always considered cutting edge and
are reluctant to use such interfaces.
methods would enable users to have
innovative, yet never seemed to be
an object they are comfortable with,
catching on in user adaptation. Image
The research done in this thesis had
in a method of interaction which is
analysis and speech recognition
begun by trying to create a custom-
known and familiar. The addition of
algorithms are becoming more and
made apparatus, which would be
the external sensing abilities from afar
more reliable, accurate and sensitive,
tangible and accessible by users, and
would allow seamless operation with
and functionality has increased vastly
use gesture recognition to interpret
high accuracy and in fact be transparent
in the past couple of years, but the
intention for operation (ball controller –
to the user.
end users, even if the technology is at
see appendix). That direction was later
their disposal, choose not to use it and
changed in favor of better utilization
maintain their old habits. This could be
of existing technologies, making the
attributed to several factors; the first is
result more plausible, viable and likely
the gap between the expected result
to be adopted by potential users. The
– a human level of comprehension –
conclusion of this review is that a
and the actual result, which can be
combination of gesture recognition
disappointing and frustrating. After
from afar, in combination with a
the excitement is replaced with the
tangible object for the user to interact
6. Design framework The designed interface would act as a
The hardware available for home
method of communication between
automation systems is abundant, and
the inhabitants and the automation
can be sub-categorized according
core running the house. The entire
to the component communication
automation system could be described
methods- centralized systems and
in ‘Layers’: The machine layer, the
decentralized systems. The centralized
algorithm core and the focus of this
(see Fig. 6-2) systems are hierarchical,
thesis, the user interface layer (see
where all devices (sensors and
Fig. 6-1, Fig. 6-4 and appendix 9.1).
actuators) are connected parallel to
a single controller, which runs control
User Interface
software by itself, or connected to a computer that analyses the situation Machine layer: First is the machine
and decides on the actuation. For
layer, which comprises of the hardware-
example, if a user presses the switch
sensors, actuators, controllers and
to turn on the air-conditioning, a
processing units. This layer has the
command is sent to the controller,
ability to transform a command given
the controller’s software interprets
from the top layers into action. The
the signal and sends a command via
nature of this layer is not within the
the controller to the air condition to
scope of this work, other than the
start working and for the windows to
acknowledgment of it’s necessity and
close. The centralized systems cover
the required input and output from
a wide spectrum of applications, and
and to it.
are commonly used in either very small
Benchmarking, Strategy Weather Data, Commands
Statistics, Processed Data
Commands, Preferences
Algorithm core Sensor Data
Machine layer
Fig. 6-1 Schematic layered layout of the home automation system
Chapter 6
30 or very large installations. The main
system (see Fig. 6-3), which was created
benefit of the centralized system is
to face the problems embedded in it.
its simplicity of communication and
The decentralized system is based on
setup, which makes it appeal more
a common bus line, which enables all
to the DIY/makers community. In
devices to communicate with each
addition, extremely large facilities
other. The bus can be in the form of a
(office buildings, hospitals, etc.) are
physical cable connecting all devices
also more likely to be using it for the
or a wireless network (WiFi, BT, Zigbee
relative ease of installation in new
etc.). Each device on the network has
buildings and the ability to change
the ability to read and write from all
and modify the control algorithms
other devices. For example, when a
from a central location. The centralized
user presses the button to turn on the
systems have some major downsides
air condition, the button sends a signal
as well; the linear dependency, and the
directly to the air condition system
complexity in installation. Since the
and another signal for every window
system is hierarchical, each component
to close. The decentralized systems
is connected directly to a single device,
are generally applied in houses and
and when the device malfunctions,
small office environments, where the
the entire system is out of order. The
overall number of devices connected
fact that all devices are connected
is limited and the complexity of control
to a single device means that many
is not high. The major benefits of this
wires must be installed, which makes it
system is that when one of the devices
difficult to apply for existing buildings.
fails or is not connected, the rest are
The decentralized system is a newer
not influenced and can continue
alternative to the previously discussed
to work independently. This system
Fig. 6-2 Representation of devices connected to the automation system
Fig. 6-3 Double feedback loop: fast feedback (blue), and slow feedback (red)
31 is also much more easy to install,
Algorithm core: Is the component in
since every device needs only two
charge of integration of data and has
connections (power and bus) and
the ability to make decisions using
there is no single device that needs to
algorithms. This layer would monitor
be connected to all devices. There are
the database maintained by the
several protocols that use this type of
machine layer as well as data coming
system, the most popular today is KNX,
from the user interface, and make
and many manufacturers (Philips, GE,
decisions on the most energy efficient
Samsung etc.) are providing off-the-
way to run the system accordingly.
shelf devices that are able to be easily connected together. The downside of
Most control algorithms are designed as
such a system is that the conditional
a sequence of if->then/else conditions.
programming needed for setting up
The controller is constantly listening
can get exponentially more complex
to the sensors connected to it, if an
with the more devices connected,
event occurs (E.g. temperature drops
with no ‘central brain’ structuring
under a preset limit, starts raining,
the sequence of commands. Another
window opens, etc.) a certain reaction
downside is the system’s cost, since it
is triggered (E.g. start heating, close
is required that each component would
window, turn off air conditioning, etc).
Fig. 6-4 Schematic illustration of a centralized control system
be equipped with a network adapter and a micro-controller, which is not
This conditional programming can
needed in the centralized system.
remain at this basic level or can be elaborated with the introduction of calendars and logic connections between
Fig. 6-5 Schematic illustration of an uncentralized control system around a common bus
Chapter 6
32 (E.g if temperature is below a certain
between the current state received
memory and deduction abilities to try
switch, thermostat- through which the
preset temperature AND below a preset
from the sensors and the desired state
and predict the most effective method
inhabitants express their desire (e.g.
wind speed AND it is NOT raining AT a
is decreasing. This results in a more
of actuation.
turn on light, cool the room) without
summer night, open window). Naturally,
efficient usage of systems.
a system can be only as intelligent as
receiving any feedback other than User interface: The user interface layer
the actuation of the system itself, an
its designer, and in many cases the
Where more than one method can
is responsible for the communication
indicator LED or sometimes a short
process of building and programming
used to achieve a desired effect (e.g.
between the user and the machine,
confirmation sound.
the conditioning algorithms remains
more than one cooling system available
either initiated by the user or by the
very basic.
at the system’s disposal to reduce
automation system. This includes the
More advanced systems are able to
temperature) it is possible to use
mechanisms though which alteration
collect and log data and arrange it
In high end sustainable systems a more
simplified thermal models to create an
of behavior can occur, namely, the
at the user’s disposal in the form of a
elaborated algorithm can be used
optimization horizon, between speed of
integration of game mechanisms.
display. Using dedicated touch screens
which can perform calculations in real
actuation and energetic consumption.
This layer would provide immediate
or phone and tablet application, state
time and make decisions based on the
Some high end systems are also using
feedback upon user’s actions and
of the art user interfaces are able to
calculation’s result. The first level of
predictive weather data from online
would allow him to deduct the effect he
allow an effective, as well as enjoyable,
added complexity would be to include
sources to strategically plan ahead
has on the inner-workings on the house
method of centralized control over
PID controllers (Proportional-Integral-
the actuation. Another variation of the
(see Fig. 6-5). Of the three layers, the
the many options the automation
Derivative controller ) that have the
control algorithm layer can be related
user interface layer is the most abstract.
system can offer. These systems are
ability to control not only whether an
to user monitoring and self learning
As a matter of fact, the common user
able to visualize the otherwise non-
actuated system is on or off, but also
systems. As described in chapter 5.1.3,
of most automated homes is not
accessible data, such as consumption
the intensity in which the system is
several emerging methodologies are
even aware of its existence. In these
and temperature and make it accessible
operating. By doing so, the control
being developed to ensure accurate
houses, that belong to the lowest
to the average user. Some of the more
system can prevent “overshooting”
actuation by creating a system that can
level of automation, as well as in
advanced system also offers integration
of the system by decreasing the
not only perform energetic calculations,
office buildings, the user interface
with the internet, which enables
intensity of operation as the difference
but maintain a neural network with
consists of a set of switches- e.g. light
remote controlling from outside the
33 house as well as data collection from external sources, such as weather data, electricity prices etc. It is noteworthy that any combination of the methods described in this chapter between layers is possible. In other words, it is possible to integrate any control algorithm on either centralized of decentralized systems,
Fig. 6-7 Schneider electric energy monitoring and automation system interfaces
and very elaborated user interfaces can be connected with basic user interfaces or vice-versa. As far as this thesis goes, the focus would remain on the user interface layer, which could in theory be applied onto any existing or future system, with variable levels of compatibility and supported features. The more extended the algorithm system and the more sensors are available at the interface’s disposal, the more effective the system could ultimately be.
Fig. 6-6 Schneider electric schematic design of a KNX bus decentralised system
Chapter 6
6.1. Potential in reduction via behavior manipulation In order to establish the needed
reduce the overall ecological footprint
intervention, first the desired change of
of the house in which the automation
behavior should be defined. There are
system would be installed: Energy,
three main aspects in which alteration
fresh water consumption and waste
of user’s consumption patterns would
6.1.1. Energy
consideration, the start of a cycle
• Domestic hot water system - The
could be queued by the control
lower the temperature of water the
system or the user to ensure the most
user requires while taking a shower
economic usage.
or doing the dishes, the less energy is needed to operate the hot water
• Comfort system - The control of the
system. These actions could be
comfort system should be regulated
monitored and the heating system
by an automated system which
could be adjusted according to user’s
is designed to minimize energy
Most significant and relatively simple
would be done by smart grid monitors
consumption while maintaining
to monitor is the house’s energy
that can give real-time usage data to
optimal comfort. The users should
• Lighting - The lighting of the house
balance: the frequency and extent to
the interface.
be able to over-ride it whenever
could be tweaked down to achieve
they please, but the system should
a comfortable minimum. Users have
which the appliances are being used, the usage of the comfort system, the
• Home appliances - assuming that the
communicate back immediately the
the ability to largely influence the
domestic hot water production and
efficiency of the home appliances per
consequences of the action. The
amount of light used, using dimmers
lighting are the most crucial factors in
cycle is a given that is beyond our
interface could warn the user in cases
and switches.
this category. If the house is producing
control, reduction of energy can be
of conflicting instructions (e.g. open
energy (e.g. wind, solar collectors or
achieved via user awareness- using
window while heating is turned on)
thermal collectors) , or is connected
appliances when they are full and
to a grid that charges different fees for
using ‘eco’ setting to reduce needs
energy according to the hour of the
These are usually hard to monitor
day in which the energy is consumed,
(might be possible by measuring
there is a significant difference not only
intervals between cycles, and
to the amount of energy used, but also
the duration of them). If time of
to the time of consumption. Monitoring
consumption is to be taken into
6.1.2. Fresh water consumption The second aspect the interface would
pipe, as well as on specific pipes (e.g
be able to monitor is the amount
shower, kitchen, toilet) and provide the
of fresh water consumed in the
system with a live feed on usage. The
household. Monitoring can be done
main consumers of fresh water are the
with flow sensors on the house’s inlet
shower, the appliances and the toilet.
35 • Shower - A reduction of the time
• Toilets - User awareness of the large
a shower takes would drastically
amounts of water used when flushing
decrease the amount of water used
the toilet would prevent unnecessary
in a house hold. That is entirely user
use and encourage using a reduced
depended and might be a bit tricky
amount of water per flush when not
to follow per user (as oppose to per
household). • Gray water usage - Gray water system • Appliances - Washing machines and
is a good opportunity to save fresh
dishwashers use large amounts of
water. The user could be encouraged
fresh water per cycle. User awareness
to use grey or rain water whenever
of that fact with instructions for
optimal usage would reduce consumption.
6.1.3. Waste management The third aspect, which is also the most
patterns of the user, as well as identify
difficult to monitor is the household’s
changes in ratios between organic,
waste management. It could be
non sorted garbage and separated,
monitored by putting electronic
recyclable waste. Points would be
weights at the bottom of the recycle
given according to the amount and
bins and the trash can that would
balance, as well as the time of disposal
provide data on the amount of trash
when needed to regulate the municipal
in the bin and when is it emptied. In this
garbage quota.
way the interface could monitor usage Chapter 6
6.2. Game Design and implementation According to the literature study, a
The mechanisms should be tuned in a
good strategy would be to sustain
way that they would be wide-spread
interest and engagement by a large
across the interaction range, in order to
amount of users to integrate gaming
allow users with different preferences
mechanisms into the interface design.
and motivations to enjoy.
Game environments: The interface
• V i r t u a l
coexists in several different
representation of performance
environments in parallel.
would be visible to the users and their social networks. Goal: a visual
• Control environment: it is displayed
representation would infer meaning
as an HTML interface on a mobile
and help justify the reason for playing
device, allows direction dependent
the game.
actuation and immediate simplified
6.2.1. Goals and objectives
feedback on the effect the actuation
• Tangible redeeming: Points gained in
Design Aim: The aim of the game is to
for example to signing up for a diet
has on the system. Goal: Instant
the game are redeemable to real-life
positively alter users’ consumption in
program, or an aerobics class at the
feedback would improve skill by trial
objects or benefits. Goal: create an
terms of reduction of used resources
gym – the individuals are aware of a
and error.
ultimate goal for the game that suits
(energy, water, waste) for a long
situation in which they require external
enough period (three months) that it
help for self improvement, and willingly
• Game overview: This consists of
reduce resistance and allow a larger
becomes a new habit. Also the design
bind themselves into the rules applied
a set of views in which the player
level of expectance between users.
aims to provide the users with new
by the system.
could note their progress and be
with the player’s reasoning. It would
knowledge and knowhow to improve
able to compare it with others. Goal:
their abilities (skills) to assist achieving
continuous feedback on progress in
the game’s goals.
the game. Player Objective: The objective of the
The game acts as a self implied tool
game is to become the most energy-
• Social feed: Game results would be
for personal improvement. Players
efficient player. This is reflected on the
published via social network feeds.
are accepting the rules out of
level and the ranking. In addition, the
Goal: Social behavior improves
understanding the benefits it would
player would aspire to get as many
the motivation and increasing
have on their behavior. It resembles
trophies as possible while playing.
6.2.2. Rules and gameplay
6.2.3. Points
The game is open ended and based on
environment which mirrors the user’s
The player can gain points in two
To g a t h e r p o i n t s f o r e v e r y d a y
the continuous metering of household
behavior. Rewards are redeemable in
different methods: A. reduction and
consumption, the players are
usage. Efficient usage is rewarded and
the form of an in-game currency which
sustaining a low consumption patterns
constantly in comparison with the
decline in performance is punished.
is exchangeable to real-life money
and B. meeting challenges (single or
virtual energetic reference model of
The player cannot lose in the game;
equivalent based on the product’s
the house. This model consists of a
however effort is needed to be
business model.
benchmark equivalent of the house
maintained in order to preserve the acquired assets.
which is altered by house specific The rewards in the game are given in
information and meteorological data.
two forms: points and trophies. Each
Points are accumulated and determine
The difference between the assumed
Rewards: The game’s reward system is
of the two is corresponding to KPIs
the level a player is at (logarithmic
average household consumption of
designed to keep the player involved by
in three different fields of resource
incremental thresholds, reflect difficulty
the model and the actual measured
positive reinforcement. The players are
conservation: energy improvement,
in moving from one level to the other.
performance of the user is translated
rewarded for both reduction of usage
water consumption reduction and
E.g- between level 3 and 4 the players
to points. The larger the deviation,
and sustaining of low consumption.
waste management. This chapter
would need 300 points, while to get
the more points the user gains. The
describes in detail the logic and
from level 6 to 7 would require 1200
measurement takes place in correlation
mechanism behind them.
points). Points are collected in three
with the actual user taking the action
registered and interpreted by the
hour intervals for energy and water
(recognized via optical means) and
game and are rewarded by the game
performance, while points for waste
counted to their balance. The points
engine based on a quantifiable level
are distributed once a week (00:00) and
are calculated per quarter of an hour,
of compliance with the performance
reflect the effort within the last 7 days.
based on the presence of the player
on the game’s KPIs (Key Performance
In addition, points are distributed upon
in the house. Points are given only
Indicators). The rewards are the
completion of a challenge, regardless
during the time that the user is in the
basis of the generation of the virtual
of time.
house. The inhabitants are measured
Actions done by the players are
Chapter 6
38 on energy balance by electricity meters,
being able to bet them. There is no
water consumption, by flow meters
option for a player to get bankrupt nor
and amount of waste produced and
in dept. Players might lose their status
sorted by electronic weights. Points
and level if they have lost challenges.
are automatically accumulated, even if the user doesn’t show interest
To enable a more interesting game
or involvement in the game. They
that allows strategic thinking, the
can be used as a personal reference
players are not able to see each
for users who are only interested in
other’s point balance: just the level
quantification of data. Extra points can
in which the player is currently at. To
be gained by taking on challenges,
prevent ‘killers’ from demotivating
offered by the game engine, self
less experienced users, players could
implied by the users upon themselves
only challenge other players within
or later in the game in groups. While
two levels up or down from their own
challenging other players, each player
level. To determine the mechanism by
Designing a game which is rewarding
prevent people from abandoning the
takes a similar risk, betting on some of
which points would be distributed to
home energy balance improvement,
game as a result of being unjust.
the points accumulated so far for the
the players, a method is needed to be
is very difficult to achieve, since many
chance of winning the other player’s
established. Later it can be converted
different variables apply when trying
Below are analyzed the most significant
points. The points are a currency and
into the computer code that would
to compare resource consumption
variables should be analyzed while a
therefore users must earn them before
construct the game engine.
between different households (see
balancing scale is integrated as a set
Fig. 6-6). These variables would
of individual coefficients with which Points evaluation methodology.
make the absolute insufficient for
the absolute measured data can be
Fair play: In order to make an appealing
rules are applied to all players in the
determining progress in the game.
normalized and compared.
game for users, it is required to
same manner; equal effort should
Therefore a balancing system should
design an environment in which
be rewarded with an equal prize.
be developed to maintain fair play and
Fig. 6-8 Fair play requires a system that is capable of comparing and normalizing very different scenarios.
39 The general principal used to achieve
The benchmark consists of statistical
equity in the game is to use relative
data of resource consumption from a
information rather than absolute. The
comparable simulation. The score is
amount of success is measured as
then given according to the relative
distance from a model generated upon
distance on an array between the
the first operation of the game by the
actual measured consumption data
user or a third party. The benchmark
(received from the sensors monitoring
creation is integrated in the startup
the house) and the best and worse
menu of the game and consists of
practice settings of the benchmark.
a personal questionnaire and home
Using this mechanism, players are able
survey instructions. From the input an
to compete and be evaluated fairly (see
initial energetic model of the house
Fig. 6-7).
Fig. 6-9 The self reference benchmark system is capable of comparing two different houses by using only relative values.
can be generated. Upon completion of the survey phase the software can
The factors that should be taken
send a query to an online database to
into account in order to make this
find the best matching coefficients for
normalization can be distributed to
applying to the generated benchmark
three main categories; A.the building’s
in order to compare the house and
active and passive efficiency, B.the
user to. Over time, a fuzzy logic neural
inhabitant’s behavior and scheduling,
network would make adjustments to
and C.the climatic environment in
the benchmark to better represent
which the dwelling is located.
the physical environment, so that any inaccuracy in the fitting of the benchmark and coefficients would be canceled out after a period of time.
Fig. 6-10 EPC calculation formula.
Source: Dutch code NEN 7120
Chapter 6
40 Active and passive building efficiency:
7120 code is based on dividing the total
Among the most influential factors on
energetic consumption by a sum of
the absolute amount of resources used
used surface area and the surface area
in a building are the system’s efficiency
to which the building is transferring
and the passive design of the building.
energy to, multiplied by coefficients
What was referred to in the introduction
(see Fig. 6-9).
as the ‘machine’ factor in the demand side, has the most significance in the
In an existing building that has been
overall output. For example, a house
analyzed for EPC the value can just
built in recent years, according to the
be input, and if not a self generated
highest standards and equipped with
climatic model can be generated
state of the art appliances would require
using a dedicated segment in the
far less resources than a house built in
questionnaire that would inquire about
the 70’s with little or no insulation and
the wall properties, surface areas, and
ineffective appliances. Therefore the
geometry in order to run a parametric
first step for normalization should be
climatic simulation of the house and
to eliminate the building’s set energetic
then input the resulting values into the
performance. A good starting point for
EPC formula.
the benchmark is to input (if existing) or calculate the building’s EPC (Energy
In her PhD research, O.G. Santín
performance coefficient) as a starting
suggests that the EPC by itself is not a
point. The EPC is a standardized method
sufficient parameter to establish actual
in use in the Netherlands to determine
energetic consumption of a building
how energy efficient a building is. The
(Santín 2010), and many human factors
method, as described in the Dutch NEN
can be held responsible for the final
Fig. 6-11 Schematic illustrating the scoring method in the game, with input from the survey, the location data and sensors.
41 measured levels of usage (seeFig. 6-10)
covered by the questionnaire, and it should be divided into two parts: the
scheduling: In the following paragraphs
climatic survey and the behavioral survey.
the main variables would be identified and a balancing strategy would be
Climatic survey: In this section the
software would try to understand the climatic and energetic performance
In her Phd research, O.G. Santín had
of the house. It would be formulated
investigated energy consumption in
in a comprehendible manner so
dwellings and suggested numerous
that anyone could answer it. The
factors that influence the variety in
information gathered should allow
them. The following chapter is loosely
the interface to create a virtual model
based on her findings in regard to
of the house which would be used for
which are the determining factors on
the zero climatic benchmark. Questions
a dwelling’s energetic balance.
would include the nature of dwelling,
Fig. 6-12 Factors determining energy usage in a dwelling. Source: Santin, 2010
for example: floor area, wall area, At the first stage of the installation of
window area, number of bedrooms,
the game the inhabitants would be
building type (apartment building,
required to answer a questionnaire
private house, corner house, row house,
in regard to aspects that could
boathouse…) floor, year of construction,
influence the energy, waste and water
number of external walls, number or
consumption of the household.
layers of glass in the windows, context (urban, rural), cooling, heating and
There are many fields that should be
ventilation systems, estimated yearly
Fig. 6-13 Factors determining energy usage in a dwelling. Source: Senopia MagicPlan screenshots, 2012
Chapter 6
42 energy expenses etc. To assist in this
amount of time spent at home daily
user with feedback for their actions,
potentially tedious task, it is possible
and at which rooms, what appliances
a very responsive system is required,
to integrate software solution such as
are used and how, are there any pats of
so that the consequence of an action
the elements being used in Sensopia’s
children in the house and what is the
would be immediately visible to the
MagicPlan phone application. The
health status of the inhabitants
users, and they could adjust it and
software is using the phone’s sensors
improve their performance. On the
to model a floor plan and openings
Noteworthy to mention that some of
other hand, a too responsive system
in a matter of minutes. (see Fig. 6-11)
the questions in the OTB survey are
has the disadvantage of counting in
would not be asked since they are
anomalies as well as be much harder
Behavioral survey: The second part of
within the scope of behavior the game
to compare to the benchmark which
the survey is aimed at constructing an
is intended to change. For example,
is approximated to begin with. The
initial behavioral model of the players.
one of the most influential factors on
suggested solution is to separate the
This model would help to adjust the
the energy balance asked upon in
scoring mechanism from the immediate
scoring mechanism to create a fair
the OTB survey is whether or not the
feedback mechanism so that the
a longer period of time – a 3 hours
game, by providing coefficients by
house is rented and is the cost of gas
displayed values and the registered
average (see Fig. 5-31). For example, if
which the points would be multiplied
water and electricity are included in
values would not be identical, even
a user is turning on the water boiler, he
by in order to balance out factors which
the rent. Since the game is designed
though they are derived from the same
would immediately notice a decrease
may affect the game. A good basis for
to make the inhabitants aware of their
measured and normalized data. That
in the energy balance, representing
such a survey would be the TU Delft’s
consumption, it is assumed that even
would result in an instant feedback
the ongoing load. At the same time,
OTB energy survey (Santín 2010) which
if the rent includes the cost of services,
reading, displayed by the interface
the game would not log the individual
includes, among others, questions
they would work with the game to alter
in real time,5 seconds relay, which
operation, but balance it with the rest
regarding the number of occupants,
that behavior.
would allow the users to correct their
of the collected data until the next 3
behavior, and a logging system that
hour interval.
their age, level of education, their income, the period of time in which
Representation and scoring: Since
would log scores to be used in the
the inhabitants have lived in the house,
the pointing system provides the
game which would be spread over
Fig. 6-14 Dual interval system
The score would be given by applying
Fig. 6-15 Score graph and variables illustration.
Fig. 6-16 Function subscription process illustrated
formula A. The accumulated game
order to allow for comparison between
scores collected by the two groups and
dependent would de divided by the
points in each measured activity are
different schedules and usage patterns.
match them in a way that would bypass
time of active occupancy by the user,
the result of subtraction of the area
Since some actions and routines are
the differences caused by the different
and then multiplied by a correction
between two functions- the function
performed daily regardless of the
level of occupancy.
coefficient that is suppose to maintain
representing the data from the best
amount of time the user is in the house
practice benchmark and the function
(such as laundry, shower, washing
As seen on formula B, the sum of
representing the collected data from the
dishes, etc.) while others are of derived
points gathered from tasks that are
sensors, for quarter of a day intervals,
from the amount of time the player
not time depended would be divided
The scores are kept per user. Common
starting at the average time of wake up
is at the house (such as watching TV,
to the number of seconds of the
tasks (such as washing dishes or
(t0=07:30). The game takes into account
turning on lights, using the computer
interval (10,800) and the sum or points
boiling water) are logged for each user
the players’ occupancy and behavior in
etc.) it is suggested to separate the
gathered from tasks that are time
separately with the same amount of
balance between the S1 group and the S2 group.
Chapter 6
�= �
��������������� (�) � ������� (�)�� Is the numeric score given to the player by the game engine.
Is time in seconds.
Is the function generated by data collected and logged by the sensor array monitoring consumption.
Is the function describing the simulated consumption value of the best practice model, acquired by the survey and AI.
Fig. 6-17 Formula A - Score calculation based on surface subtraction of functions.
points, while
��� ��� � � = + � ����� are the most points in individual actions 10,800 ����������
������ ���
������ =
��� ��� � � + 10,800 ����������
Is the score given to the user every 3 hours.
Is the sum of scores received for actions that are independent of time.
Is the sum of scores received for actions that are dependent of time.
Is the period of time in seconds in which the user is in a mode of active occupancy.
An optional correction coefficient meant to balance the impact S2 has on Stotal.
Fig. 6-18 Formula B - Combination and normalization of time dependent tasks within the score.
the fastest way,
taken. The first would be to bring a third
example- turn on heating and measure
logged per user, according to the
which were not rightfully earned. The
party for installing and setting up the
the time it takes to raise 1 degree).
performance (such as shower, lights
game should offer methods to identify
system. A technician, or experienced
Using this method, the model of the
Is the score and given to the user every 3 attempts, as etc.). This could result in different score balance out chatting ������
player, would come to the new user’s
house would become more and more
house to set up and install the system.
accurate and cheating would become
That would dramatically decrease the
less possible.
Cheating and malpractice: Since One significant failure point could Is the sum of scores received for actions ��� the game is competitive that and are thedependent be the of questionnaire. If coached, time.
cheating attempts. Another way to
the periodcounter of timethose in seconds in which could be ���������� cheating by players trying toIsacquire two approaches
and measure the response time (for
for two players living in the same house.
well as prevent them from happening.
Is the sum of scores received for actions that are independent of time.
points gained in it can be converted could answer it in a way An optionalinhabitants correction coefficient meant �
to balance 2 has on Stotal. to tangibles, it would be prone to the thatimpact wouldSbenefit them in the game. To InSleepers
the user is in a mode of active occupancy.
locate cheating attempts (or innocent inaccuracies) is that the system would occasionally initiate actions
45 providers of induced by the user’s play style. The trophies management system would be available for online update so that new trophies could be added with time or some trophies may become available only for a short period of time. Trophies would have a large variety and they would be subject-specific. Fig. 6-19 Illustration of different occupation times and scoring
The game would contain three sets of trophies- one for energy related challenges, the second for water related challenges, and the third for waste
6.2.4. Trophies:
related challenges. Each of these sets
In addition to points, a parallel system of
the form of species that represent
would be divided internally to three
trophies would be set up to enable the
the effort. Trophies are designed to
levels according to their value. A basic
players to collect proof of competence
keep user engaged and motivated by
level which would reward challenges
in various fields. These would be
introducing a collecting game into
of the lowest difficulty, a medium
granted on successful completion of
the scheme, as suggested by Kim’s
level, and a high level, which would
challenges (both social and personal).
guidelines for gamifyed process (Kim
reward the most difficult challenges.
The trophies would be visible to the
2009). The trophies are used as part of
In addition, special trophies would be
player and the social surroundings in
the challenges module of the game to
kept to reward task repetition. These
form of feed updates, player profile
shift user’s focus into specific goals set
trophies would be given once a player
alteration and unique rewards within
by specific needs that are determined
had completed a series of challenges
the mirroring virtual environment in
by the game designer, the service
of the same kind. Chapter 6
6.2.5. Challenges As oppose to points, which are
for the player to lose interest in it. The
gathered regardless of the user’s active
suggested timeframes are between a
intervention, challenges require the
days and a month. The reward intensity
user for a level of engagement with
should reflect the effort done, and time
the game, and could only be initiated
of challenge should be reflected in it –
and met via user involvement. All
long challenges should be rewarded
challenges and tournaments are
better then the short ones. Once a
defined by both an explicit target and
challenge is met, a trophy is unlocked
a timeframe (for example: reduce your
and points are given in regard to the
electrical consumption by 10% in the
difficulty level. Players are offered the
following week). The timeframe needs
chance to select a trophy to their liking,
to be long enough to get repayable
enabling choice and customization
data, but at the same time not too long
within the same worth level.
Fig. 6-20 Trophies principal schematic distribution. Display: on the game layout, challenges are
conflicting challenges could be taken
displayed in a way that would allow the
simultaneously. For example, a player
users to keep track of their performance
could be engaged in a challenge to
during the challenge.
reduce water consumption and waste management at the same time, but not
Since the period of each challenge is
two challenges for water conservation.
very long compared to the gaming
Unlike the water and waste tasks,
realm, it is suggested that multiple non-
energy challenges allow a higher level
Fig. 6-21 Trophies unlocking per level illustration.
47 of flexibility, since sensors are able to
interference on the power grid can
distinguish many exclusive actions
accurately identify which devices are
that could be distinguished from one
working at any given moment (Mallya
another and thus be scored separately.
2011). This would imply that a relatively cheap sensor could be used in one
A research done recently in Brown
location to monitor the entire house
University had demonstrated that
and analyze the grid usage in real time
a spectral analysis of electrical
(see Fig. 6-21).
Fig. 6-22 Challenge bar display illustration. Challenge types There are several ways challenges can
challenge all players (2-5 players) bet
be taken by the players:
an equal part of their currency and the winner would gets all the sum gambled
Individual Challenge: The players
upon. To play a player/player challenge
can either take a challenge offered
all players must have cleared the first
by the game engine of sets one for
game mode and progressed into the
themselves. Challenges are always
social mode, and should not have a
rewared by both points and trophies.
level difference more than 5 between
The individual challenges are designed
them. The player/player challenge is
for the initial modes of the game, and
designed to be taken within a player’s
therefore are rewarding with relatively
social network so that the challenged
low points, and beginner level trophies.
is played among friends. All multiple player challenges have three different
Player/player competition Challenge
outcomes. In case no player had
(maximum 5 players): In a player/player
completed the challenge, currencies
Fig. 6-23 Spectral analysis of a domestic power grid Source: Mallaya, 2006
Chapter 6
48 gambled on are confiscated by the
Team/team Challenge: A team of
energy field (e.g. water tournament). In
game. In case only one player had
players challenges another team.
the tournament the player get points
met the challenge, he would be the
Again, the players of each team bet
according to your final ranking out of
winner. In case more than one player
a specific part of their points which is
all the participants. The worst player
had met the challenge, the player that
added into a sum. The winner team
gets complimentary points while the
had progressed furthest from the set
gains the sum of the loser team. This
winner gets the highest bonus. During
goal would be declared winner and
sum is divided equally to the winners
the tournament there is always a live
would receive the currency. In any case,
(for more peer pressure). This challenge
status of where you are compared to
each player that had met the challenge
is designed for an intermediate level
the others.
receives the corresponding trophy. For
and is rewarding accordingly. The
example: let’s assume that three players
trophies gained from these challenges
have taken a challenge of reducing the
are similar to the entire winning group
electrical consumption of their home
and can be voted on.
electronics in 10% for a period of a week, and had gambled 100 currency
Tournament: Every tournament starts
points each. The results logged at the
at a set date. Day tournaments start
end of the week were: player 1 had a
each day and worth little points. Week
consumption of 93% percent, player 2
tournaments start on Mondays. Month
had 78% and player 3 had 76%. Player
tournaments start on the 1st day of
1 did not meet the challenge and there
every month and the player can gain
for receives nothing. Player 2 had met
many points.
the challenge and therefore would get a trophy, and player 3 is declared the
One can enter a tournament according
winner, and would receive 300 currency
to a. his level (e.g. tournament for levels
points as well as a trophy.
10-15) or b. his consumption in a specific
6.2.6. Mirroring – virtual environment
the land, by flowers, grass and animals (see Fig. 6-23).
In order to improve the connection
saver (on all devices). The players can
between cause and effect in this serious
fly around their own island as well as
Trophies would be represented as the
game, a visual virtual representation
other players’ islands within their social
biodiversity of the island. Through
mechanism was conceived.
network. During these flights they
advancement to higher levels or by
would be exposed to trophies acquired
winning challenges the player could
The island would act as a mirror,
by their friends and could brag about
unlock different types of fauna and
representing the reality within a virtual
those they got.
flora and add them in his simulated
environment. The two main outputs of
environment. Special tasks would offer
the game, points and trophies would be
At first stage, the island is a rocky
exceptional species that would be hard
displayed in it. Points would determine
wilderness, and the actions of the player
to get. The game engine could decide
the livelihood and size of the island,
create life within it. The island would
according to the player’s performance
and trophies its biodiversity.
represent the progress in the game in
to specifically assign extra trophies or a
a way that from a glance one could
certain aspect of the game that it had
The three different consumptions
tell how well the player is doing. The
analyzed that need reinforcement.
are translated into a simulated
energy balance would be translated
environment which is comparable in
into vegetation – the more CO2 the
social media. Each player is given an
player saved, the more trees and plants
editable procedurally generated island.
would be generated on the island. The
The players’ islands can be edited and
water balance would be represented by
named by them. These islands are
the amount of rivers and waterfalls as
visible to other players in the form of
well as aquatic life (fish etc.) that would
a screen saver that shows a rendered
be generated on the island, and waste
flight between the islands as a screen
would be represented by the fertility of
Fig. 6-24 Schematic of mirroring logic and conversion to currency
Chapter 6
Fig. 6-25 Phase by phase simulation of player progress on virtual island
Fig. 6-26 Schemaic of parametric island and archipelago generation in the virtual environment. Visualization generation methodology
a basic orthogonal grid. Input from
offset inwards and filleted. The new
In order for the islands to be
in the archipelago are in proximity and
the scoring engine is converted into
set of curves would be the island’s
automatically generated by the game
the sizes of the islands are changing, a
repelling values, that in turn would
boundary, and would be sent to the
engine, a set of parameters should
method for creating the island mesh
reshape the grid. Once the new grid is
terrain generator.
be defined, according to which the
is required. The approach used is
established, polygons are generated
construction of the island would take
the prototype is based on a dynamic
using the Voronoi diagram (see
place (see Fig. 6-24). Since the islands
attractor-repeller algorithm, set on
Fig. 6-25). The polygons are then
51 The described procedure would be
the rarest species would disappear first
repeated for every player separately,
once the performance is in decline.
since each archipelago consists of the
The parametric ecosystem generation
player’s friends on social media. As a
would take place according to formula
result, no two players would view the
C, in which the relationship between
archipelago in the same way.
the different elements is described; Each one of the three fields of
Once the archipelago is generated
consumption is calculated separately
and the information from the server
into a sub-ecosystem. Each one of
containing the player contact’s island
the sub-ecosystems is comprised
appearance, the player’s island can be
of the individual species (items)
generated. To do so, it is important
collected by the player, multiplied by
to define how the ecosystem would
a coefficient that represents the rarity
be generated. As mentioned earlier,
of the specimen. The commonness
trophies would be represented as the
coefficients are determined by the
ecosystems’s diversity and the points
game’s main server and the ratio
as the density of it. The combination
between them and the rest of the
of the two should be parametric and
species is identical to all players.
evenly distributed across the island.
The sum of all coefficients in a sub-
The different species’ representation
ecosystem is 1- 100% of the population.
would vary based on their rarity. The
Once the composition of all three sub-
more difficult a challenge is, the rarer
ecosystems is calculated, the real-time
the trophy is. This is done to enhance
feedback score is system is introduced
the satisfaction of completion the task,
to the calculation. The values that
as well as to maintain users alert, since
are gathered from the sensors are
Fig. 6-27 Voronoi diagram distribution based on repeller- attractor values gathered from the player’s levels
normalized using formula A. These
challenges but had neglected the game
values are multiplied by the number
for a couple of days would have bold
of items in the player’s ecosystem, and
spots on the island and the livelihood
together they determine the density of
of the plants and animals would be
items on the island. In other words, if
decreased, but there would still be
a player had chosen not to take many
many different species of them. Since
challenges (little trophies) but at the
effort is made by the players to achieve
same time consumes little resources
and unlock the trophies, it is suggested
(scores high on points), the island
that no specie would go extinct
representing his house would be
permanently. If a user’s performance
lively and vivid, but would have little
had caused species to disappear due
verity of items – many of the same tree,
to the density calculation (statistically,
many of the same fish etc. On the other
rare species would vanish faster than
hand, a player which had taken many
common ones). Chapter 6
����� ∙ � � ���� ∙ � � � ��������� ����� ∙ � � ⋮ � ������ ∙ � � ��, �, � ⋯ �� = 1
����� ∙ � � ���� ∙ � � � �������� ����� ∙ � � ⋮ � ������ ∙ � � ��, �, � ⋯ �� = 1
��������� ∙ ����������� ������� � �������� ∙ ���������� �������� ∙ ����������
����� ∙ � � ���� ∙ � � � �������� ����� ∙ � � ⋮ � ������ ∙ � � ��, �, � ⋯ �� = 1
Is representing a species rewarded for meeting a challenge.
Is the array representing the diversity of an ecosystem in the field X.
Fig. 6-30 Parametric island generation according to outlines and terrain definitions.
Are coefficients representing Itemn’s commonness in the ecosystem. The higher the value the more common the item is.
Is the points given by the immediate feedback system in the field X according to formula A. Is an array representing the combined data of all three ecosystems.
�(�) = 1.1� ∙ (� � 1) 1 1 1 1 � Fig. 6-28 Formula C - Density and ecosystem �( , population , ⋯ ) €���� = (� ���� ∙
InSleepers Where,
� � � ��
Fig. 6-29 Ecosystem distribution on terrain according to parameters derived from formula C
) ∙ ��
6.2.7. Levels The game uses the concept of levels to
the game and allow him to measure
break down the pointing mechanism
himself against others. Therefore, levels
to smaller targets that are gradual and
should be made visible and desirable.
always within reach. A level is earned
This is achieved by unlocking trophy
once enough points are accumulated.
sets according to the level, so that
Levels are distributed in a geometrical
anticipation is created to meet the new
progression with a low common
rank. The level is also mirrored in the
ratio (e.g. 1.15) along the points’
size of the island- the higher the level
graph (see Fig. 6-29). This results in a
of a user, the bigger his island is- a fact
mildly increasing difficulty threshold
that would be very noticeable by other
between levels. Levels mark significant
players, and motivate them to level up.
Fig. 6-31 Conversion of points to levels is done in a mild geometrical progression
milestones in the user’s progress in Level Display method The level in which the user is currently
the initiation on a new level, the graph
at, the amount of points gathered
would start climbing along the circular
and the amount of points to be
curve, starting at 3 o’clock, twisting
gathered until the next level would
clockwise. The entire circle represents
be represented using infographics.
100% of the points needed to be
Displayed on a prominent location
achieved in the current level (would be
on the screen, a circular graph would
updated and remapped at the start of
appear which would represent the
each level). The points gathered would
status in the following manner; upon
be shown as the percentile of the
Fig. 6-32 Level visualization schematic view
Chapter 6
54 graph which is filled and the needed
and the counter is adding an integer
points would be the inverse of it. At the
(see Fig. 6-30).
center of the circular graph a two digit counter would be displayed, counting
The amount of time a user needs to
the number of cycles completed by
spend to advance to a new level needs
the player so far. Upon completion of
to be tweaked and maintained in a level
a level, the graph cycles back to 0%,
which is not too frustrating or too rapid.
6.2.8. Tangibles Many gamifyed processes have
could be converted to real life items,
adopted a model in which users can
money or money equivalent.
convert the currency acquired during the time invested in the game or
The conversion between the logged
platform for real life purposes. This had
performances to game currency should
been proven to increase motivation for
reflect how well the player is at the
engagement in the game, especially
game. The conversion would take place
among female players (Kim 2011), by
once per level, upon completion. Since
providing rational justification to the
the game works in a two dimensional
time spent for the gaming.
array, derived from the two reward mechanisms (points and trophies),
It is therefore suggested, that the
the most logical method of conversion
game described in this work would
would be to multiply them by one
follow the same principals and allow
another (seeFig. 6-31). The island’s
the conversion of points and trophies
density is determined according to
into an in-game currency, which in turn
formula A, and is representing the
Is representing a species rewarded for meeting a challenge.
Is the array representing the diversity of an ecosystem in the field X.
Are coefficients representing Itemn’s commonness in the ecosystem. The higher the value the more common the item is.
Is the points given by the immediate feedback system in the field X according to formula A. Is an array representing the combined data of all three ecosystems.
�(�) = 1.1� ∙ (� � 1)
Fig. 6-33 Diversity and density’s bound surface converted to currency. Different playing strategy would result in different surface area
€���� = (� ���� Where,
€���� �����
�⋯� �� , ��
1 1 1 1 �( , , ⋯ ) � � � � ∙ ) ∙ �� ��
Is the converted game currency.
Is the sum of points gained in the current level in all three fields.
Are coefficients representing Item’s commonness in the ecosystem. The higher the value the more common the item is. Are constants used by the game to regulate the amount of currency converted into meaning full numbers.
Fig. 6-34 Formula D - the conversion of score and trophies to currency.
55 number of points collected at all three
is increasing. At the same time a sound
In spite of being much easier to correct
offers an Ad-Hoc solution and would
fields since the game had begun, while
effect of a cash register would chime
and adjust, the separated system would
have to be harder to adopt to changes
the diversity is representing the number
in the background. After that, the same
be more limited and systematic. Unlike
and the introduction of new possible
of trophies collected and their worth.
would be repeated for the species in
the parametric system, this system
Assuming that trophies that have been
the island.
gained in harder challenges are worth more, the commonness coefficient for
To reduce the tweaking complexity
each item in the ecosystem would be
of formula D and making beta testing
used in inverse, so that the less common
of the system easier, it is possible
the species is, the more points would
to replace the set of relative values
be converted by it to game currency. As
mentioned by an artificial translator.
described in formula D (see Fig. 6-32),
Points and diversity would be rewarded
the conversion would also use two
by preset steps. For example, for 2000
constants which could be determined
points, the user receives 100 currency,
in the game’s beta phase to normalize
for 2300 points the user receives 130
the formula and tweak it to generate
points etc. The diversity would be
logical, real life equivalent numbers.
translated according to groups by difficulty of challenge, e.g: 5 points for
The act of conversion to currency
each common object, 10 points for each
should be accompanied with matching
medium object and 15 points for each
animation and sound effects, making
rare object. Doing so would completely
the act understandable to the user. For
disconnect the two systems, removing
example, when the level is complete, the
the dependency of the currency system
level indicator is scrolling backwards in
on the scoring system.
small steps, while the currency counter
6.2.9. Business model Albeit beyond the scope of this thesis,
content) based on their performance.
some thoughts regarding the business
Even though not unprecedented (self
model behind the currency converting
reward game based mechanism have
mechanism should be discussed.
been existing for years) this model is taking away most of the appeal of such
For the result of a game to be converted
a reward, since most people would not
to real money, a financial connection to
be willing to accept it.
the world outside the game is required. The source of that money could be
Another option is similar in a way,
either from the users themselves, the
but is slightly more elaborated. In this
game operator, third party companies
model, the company distributing the
as sponsors, or the service providers
game and apparatus is selling it to
as partners.
the players with a higher price. The profits from the added value of all
The first model is based on a self reward
players would be joined in a pool, over
system, in which the players are putting
which the gamers would compete. The
money aside and every month and
company would manage the money
the game is giving it back to the users
and the game scores and distribute
(perhaps with added value in form of
it back to the clients based on their Chapter 6
56 individual performance. This model
major discount on a hybrid car at the
needed. If an electric energy provider
is also somewhat problematic, since
top of the tangible pyramid. This viable
would have been utilizing the game,
potential users are likely to regard
model would be conceived as profitable
special challenges could be designed to
the money spent as a loss, and the
for the players and the companies both.
motivate certain households to move
chances of gaining back their money,
The players would receive additional
the time of consumption to the morning
slim. Another problematic aspect of
value for being sustainable without
hours, while other households would
this approach would be to sustain the
spending any additional funds and
be guided to spend their energy at the
systems for a long period of time. Even
the sponsors would get publicity and
evening. The electric company would
if the amounts of money collected by
association with sustainability.
get a distributed load that matches
users are marginal, spanned over a
their ability to produce, reducing
long period of time the ‘bank’ would
Another alternative for a business
losses in the grid and improving the
be depleted.
model, which can be combined with
efficiency of the power distribution
the previous proposal, is to include
grid. This improvement is worth large
The most plausible model is to
the water providers, waste removers
amounts of money to the distributor,
incorporate third party companies
and energy suppliers to the reward
which could invest in the game instead
into the game, and allow them to
loop in a way that would allow them
of buying expensive gear or suffer
offer special offers, deals, discounts or
to regulate their routines in the most
losses. The same applies for evenly
products to the gamers. The companies
efficient way, using the game as a
distributing water consumption over
would get exposure and an affiliation
motivator. For example, smart grids
neighborhoods or cities, which reduces
with an environmental project.
today suffer from a severe problem of
the amount of water that needs to be
Preferably, the third party companies
over production at certain periods of
fed into the water system, and waste
would offer the player to convert their
time. The over production can cause
management companies could benefit
points into sustainable tangibles, such
the network to fail, and many measures
from timing the collection of waste
as a discount for shopping at a bio store,
are taken to make sure that there
according to the amount of trucks they
a high efficiency light bulbs or even a
would not be more production then
have, traffic and municipal laws.
6.2.10. Game modes – Maintaining “Flow”
Mode name
In order to maintain high level of interest
Phase 0: setup and settings.
Calibration and education
and motivation, the game is designed in
Before a player starts the game he has
Trial and error.
several phases that gradually allow the
to install the software, and place the
player to advance to different playing
sensors and actuators in place. After the
Self challenge
Skill development
modes and challenges. The game is
basic setup and geometric introduction
Social challenge
S/S competition
Social involvement
designed to always give the players
of the house, some software settings are
challenges that are not too hard nor
required before the game begins. These
to easy, based on their current level.
are the in software setting steps, and
Doing so would prevent the player
they need to be completed only once:
from getting bored or frustrated
1. Connect to the player’s social
by challenges which are out of the
media accounts from where the
spectrum of their skill.
program retrieves data. The personal
Pattern detection
and motivation 5
Team challenge
Social involvement and
motivation, peer pressure
S/S competition
Sustaining long play
Fig. 6-35 Game modes table
data missing would be filled by a There are 6 different game modes, as
questionnaire (birth date, gender,
described in Fig. 6-33: a tutorial, the
household, etc). The player’s avatar
sandbox mode, self challenge, social
is the social media profile picture.
challenge team challenge and the
2. Building energetic data (location,
energy-ranking, construction type, wind exposure etc.). This part is required
The modes correspond with the game’s
to create an energetic virtual model
phases. These describe the progress of
of the house that would be used as a
a player in the options ladder up from
the first mode until the top.
Fig. 6-36 Phase 0 - setup and calibration
Chapter 6
58 3. Connect devices to the system
the same time the systems actuates
this mode for a week or so, the player
level scale without participating in the
(lights, appliances, meters, etc.). The
systems one by one and establishes
had mastered the control of the house
following stages.
installation software would ask the user
a baseline by measuring the amount
and has a grasp on the inner workings
to flick on and off each device included
of energy that is actually used upon
of the game.
in the game in turn to establish which
sensors and actuators are connected to
Phase 4: Social challenge (with friends): Upon unlock, the players can challenge
Phase 3: self challenge (single player):
other people from his social network.
what physical port.These settings are
Phase 2: Sandbox (Single Player
During this phase the players are able
The winner gets a small part of the
considered permanent. However, the
game): After the tutorial, the player
to take upon themselves challenges,
loser’s points and trophies. This adds
user can change them if alternations
can start playing the game, however,
either at their own initiative of the game
a “gambling” dimension to the game,
occur. (see Fig. 6-34)
only in the single player mode. The
engine’s proposal. These challenges are
making it more intriguing to the
rest of the modes are locked until
time and task based and offer rewards
Phase 1: Tutorial: Before starting the
the player reaches a certain level or
in points and trophies.
game, a player should participate in
shows satisfactory proficiency. The
a predesigned set of actions, which
player gains experience and rewarded
Upon completion, the player has
social network, so it’s a relatively safe
would help him understand the
by points in the game. The player has
proven that he or she is capable of
and supportive environment.
interworking of the game as well as
a chance in receiving first trophies in
playing against others. At this point
to learn basic concepts of resource
the game by answering correctly to
the players would be at a level in which
Phase 5: Team challenge (friends
conservation (e.g. penalty of points if
trivial questions regarding correct use
they are allowed to compete with other
groups): This phase is an extension of
when air-condition is on one opens
of resources.
players. Then, the first competition
phase 4, designed to include more peer
modes are unlocked.
pressure and increase levels of interests
the windows). During the time of the
This option is open within a player’s
tutorial the system is self calibrating
This phase of the game utilizes Trial
and optimizes the virtual model by
and error playability that enables
Players that are not motivated
the player meets the demands for the
measuring time intervals between
the players to consciously link their
specifically by social interaction can
team challenge, groups of friends are
actuation and the expected reaction
behavior with the effects it has on the
remain in this level of interaction with
competing against other groups. Risks
(for example heating and cooling). At
resource consumption. After playing in
the game and slowly climb up the
are higher, and chances are increasing
and rewards in higher levels. When
59 accordingly. Groups must have at least one friend connection within the network (at least one member of the team must be a within the social network of at least one of the other team’s members). Doing so would increase dramatically the opponent potential, while maintaining a level of familiarity. Phase 6: tournament (level based competition): This is the last player
Fig. 6-37 Phase 4 - Method of playing a social bet, 2 players
mode to be unlocked. Here the player can compete against all players of the game with a similar level. That means that there are sub-tournaments according to the level of the player. So, even when the player unlocks the tournament mode, there are still categories that are not available for him yet.
Fig. 6-38 Phase 4 - Method of playing a team challenge.
Chapter 6
60 Strategy and choice The competitive part of the game is open
The game is designed to appeal to the
to personal interpretation and strategy.
four player types (Bartle 1996). Explorers
Players can decide on the amount of points
for instance are likely to enjoy the
they risk and the number of parallel games
possibilities the island mirroring system
they play. Players are only exposed to other
has to offer, with unlocking on new levels
players’ game level and trophies, not their
and methods over time to keep them
current currency balance. That would allow
aroused. The socializers would enjoy
speculation, surprise and uncertainty. As
the social network integration and their
seen in Fig. 6-31, the game allows several
ability to express themselves through the
paths to be taken by the players, based
selection of trophies and maintenance of
on their personal preference, interest and
the island. The achievers would enjoy the
level of involvement. The ideal game path
live statistics and the ability to match up
is a gradual increase in performance and
to other players, while the killers would
trophies, but this path is not obligatory.
ravage upon the tournament stage,
Players that are more keen on unlocking
showing their dominance on a global scale.
trophies could plot a different path then players who are less intrigued by them, which could advance in the game as well by improving their performance.
6.3. Intuitive control Start
6.3.1. Relative comfort system As a conclusion of the literature study
system should be able to differentiate
regarding comfort (chapter 5.1), the
users within the household, so that a
comfort system concept suggested
comfort profile could be made for each
for this research is a learning and
inhabitant, and the actuated result
relative personalized system. Since
would be within the comfort ranges
the user is identified by the system
of the inhabitants currently inside the
and a log is created for each user,
house (e.g. If two persons are in the
accurate preference data can be
house the system would maintain
inferred, derived, saved and analyzed.
comfort for both users, depending
The proposed system would work in a
on the more sensitive one. When one
similar fashion to the system described
leaves the house, the house would use
by Liu (see Fig. 5-14), but with a twist
the remaining user’s profile to maintain
on regard to the user end of it. The
comfort at minimal energy cost)
system would make a PMV calculation
Get sensor input
PMV calculation
What is ANN ΔPMV?
The concept of the suggested relative
reduce energy demand (see Fig. 6-37).
thermostat came from both the
When users would feel uncomfortable,
ASHARE comfort scale, and thoughts
they would adjust the virtual relative
regarding the Placebo effect; We are
thermostat according to their feeling
used to control our comfort with oC
(see Fig. 6-38). The system would log
as the unit of reference to control
the change in their preference to mark
air temperature. As seen on chapter
a comfort limit for the ANN system. The
5.1, air temperature is not sufficient
Actuation to achieve ANN PMV 0
=0±0.5 Log change in ANN
Get User input
Is user complaining?
as a basis point, and start iterating to
Add 20% of ΔPMV to current ANN PMV
No Actuation to reduce energetic demand
Fig. 6-39 Proposed personalized comfort system algorithm for a single identified user.
Chapter 6
62 to determine comfort. Comfort is
level of comfort. Since the indoor target
determined by a large array of factors,
temperature has an immense effect on
and is a state of mind (ASHARE 2007).
the comfort system’s energy demand
Therefore, instead of a person mentally
(estimated between 5% to 10% per
assessing air temperature in which he
1oC), it is suggested not to include oC at
would be comfortable in, it makes
the control interface, but instead mark
more sense to let the control system
comfort on a scale and communicate it
know how that person feels, and let it
to the system by a relative value rather
do the math and actuation needed to
then an absolute one.
1.Default state Cold
2.User input Cold
achieve the result. Furthermore, many people have a certain mental image
Providing visual feedback as suggested
of the air temperature in which they
in Fig. 6-38 would allow the user to
feel comfortable at, based on what
follow the mechanical process he had
they have heard or according to past
initiated, as well as prevent the user
experiences. As a result, they would set
from constant tweaking and over or
the thermostat at a certain temperature
under shooting.
3. Feedback to user on progress Cold
regardless of actual circumstances and Prototype A - Relative actuation of comfort system As proof of concept it was decided
user input in the form of a offset from
to prototype a working real-time
neutral comfort.
actuation system which analyses sensor data, calculates the existing level of
Initially, the system developed in
comfort based on Fanger’s PMV model
the thesis research was meant to be
with the available data and asks for
connected to the ReVolt house, and
Fig. 6-40 Proposed method of operation of relative thermostat, based on the ASHARE comfort scale rather then oC
receive accurate data from the sensors
With the project terminated, this proof
installed in it. After analysis, the system
of concept is not possible any longer.
should have actuated the uniquely
Instead, a data feed transmitted freely
designed HVAC systems to maintain
over the internet from a house in
the best energy balance within the
Liege, Belgium, was found, and is used
user’s comfort range.
as the source of data for the comfort calculation.
63 Since actuation the remote house is not
a smartphone or an irrigation pump,
and analyses how the system would
the distance from the neutral comfort
possible, it was decided that the results
to communicate, interact and actuate
have actuated the HVAC systems of
value and decide the level of intensity
of the calculation and actuation would
each other automatically or manually.
the house if it was indeed operating in
of the actuated response, to mimic the
be transmitted to an internet server as
It is based on open code and it allows
the house, and how is far the performed
possible integration of a PID controller
if there was a device listing to the feed
anyone to connect their devices and
actuation deviates from it.
that would ensure an optimal energy
awaiting actuation orders, making the
do with them as they please.
prototype circle almost complete.
usage by decreasing the intensity of Both of the prototypes are ANN ready.
operation as the desired temperature
Pachube is also popular in the field of
Being out of the scope of this thesis,
gets closer to the logged sensor
The prototype is a piece of software,
home automation, and luckily some
the artificial neural network that would
running on a personal computer
of the home owners are sharing the
have learned the users’ comfort range
within Grasshopper. It is comprised
information collected by their sensors
is neglected and replaced by the
Since the information collected from
of several functional modules that
to pachube in public feeds. This allows
expected output of it which can be
the Belgian house is partial, some
are interconnected. In the following
the prototype script to read them as if
set manually for the prototypes. The
assumptions are made in the prototype
chapter the logic and mechanism
they were in a local environment and
prototypes require two variables, one
in regard to the air velocity, clothing
behind them would be explained.
analyze them. The house in Liege was
for the user’s hot temperature offset
level and personal preference of
selected due to the high level of detail
from 0.0 PMV and one for the cold
the inhabitants. When unknown,
and annotation it offered.
temperature offset. Once the comfort
the simulation defaults to industry
boundaries are set and the data from
standards for these values. Noteworthy
Connection to the data over the internet is done via the Pachube server. Pachube is an open source platform
The prototype was divided into two
the sensors is received, the program
is to mention that the prototypes have
that allows devices to communicate
applications that share most of the
uses this information to iterate the
been designed to receive the complete
over the internet. Nicknamed “The
code, but are meant for demonstration
required air temperature that would
set of data, and mock data can be
internet of things”, Pachbe is a flexible
a different ability. The first application,
meet the respective comfort limit of the
input to them to see how it affect their
logger that enables every device which
prototype A1, is a real-time decision
user. This calculated air temperature
analysis of the collected data.
is connected to the internet, be it an
maker, while prototype A2 is an artificial
is the set temperature for the HVAC
Arduino chipboard, a washing machine,
construct, working on historic data
system. The prototypes then estimate Chapter 6
64 At the core of the prototypes is a
is needed at the specific moment. If
specially designed grasshopper
so, what kind of actuation (heating or
component done for this project that
cooling) and then the intensity needed
receives the 6 environmental variables
of the actuation by calculating the
needed for the PMV calculation and
distance between the desired PMV
outputs a numeric result between -3 to
value (based on the ANN limits) and
3 with the PMV value resulting from the
the current state.
inputs, and a percentile of complaint, in the range between 0%-100%. (another
The resulting commands are then
component was designed according to
uploaded to a separate pachube feed,
the ASHARE adaptive model method
using a readymade component to
but was eventually not integrated in
simulate actuation of the HVAC system.
the prototype).
This concludes the self regulating mode
Fig. 6-41 Prototype A1 input feed data collection from the house in Liege, over an hour. (Possible malfunction on the relative humidity sensor side)
of the system and it maintaining its The PMV calculator gets it’s input
operation as long as there is no user
data from Pachube via feed readers,
partially self coded in VB and partially using readymade components from the
To account for user intervention, a slider
gHowl grasshopper plugin.
was set up to offset the target PMV value according to the user’s request.
Once the PMV is calculated, the data is
The slider can add or subtract 0.7 units
sent to a VB script component together
of the PMV scale. Once a user had set
with the ANN substituted upper and
a value, the value is logged and added
lower offset limits. This component
to the corresponding limit (positive
is checking whether or not actuation
for heating, negative for cooling). The
Fig. 6-42 Prototype A1’s Iteration process to achieve the correct air temperature to satisfy the calculated minimum energy acceptable PMV
65 system iterates to achieve the offset
possible using the real-time actuation.
value. To simulate the visual effect of the
A2 is collecting historic information
proposed relative thermostat, a mock
logged on the Patchbe server, for a
slider is plotted by the file. It shows the
period of a week. The information is
actual and offset PMV values and the
mapped, graphed and located on a local
difference between them. Using Ioannis
spreadsheet. Then, the same calculator-
Chatzikonstantinou’s Hoopsnake
actuator described in prototype A1 is
component, it is possible to introduce
performing the procedure for every 15
a counter to the systems that simulate
minutes interval on the acquired week
the progression of time into the script,
history data. The results are displayed
so to represent the environment’s
on three graphs. The first point graph
reaction to the actuation over time.
shows the calculated PMV value per
This part is generating recursive input
interval, the other point graph displays
to the PMV calculator and is made for
the correlating actuation response (1
demonstration purposes only, since
for full intensity, 0.5 for half intensity
a working design would receive real
and 0 for no actuation), and the third
time input from the sensors to close the
pie-chart graph shows the amount of
feedback loop for both thermal comfort
intervals in the inspected time that
and representation needs.
actuation was required, and how much
Fig. 6-43 Prototype A2 is plotting historic data collected form Pachbe
of it was needed. Prototype A2, nicknamed ‘the backseat driver’, differs from A1 in the type of input data. It was constructed in order to demonstrate the actuation over longer periods of time which are not
Fig. 6-44 Prototype A2 demonstrates the PMV comfort with the current control system (above) and the proposed actuation (blow) in heating/cooling and intensity.
Chapter 6
66 With the realization of these two
While initializing a patent literature
prototypes it was established that
search for this apparatus, an existing
the construct is plausible and can be
patent was found that overlaps most of
used as a part of the intuitive interface
the properties described in this chapter
suggested in this thesis. The relative
(Federspiel 1991). It consists of an input
prototype could replace the known
device similar to the one suggested in
absolute air temperature thermostat
this thesis and follows a very similar
which is common on most systems,
float chart of events. In spite of the
making them more energy effective
fact that it renders the invention not
and better adjusted to the user.
as novel, at the same time it reassures the need and assumptions taken in the process of designing it.
Fig. 6-45 US patent describing a similar apparatus. Found while proofing the prototype. Source: Federspiel, 1991
6.3.2. Location based control The ever-growing use and availability
on. Knowing these, a more accurate
of smartphones and their sensorial
and informed comfort calculation can
abilities are changing the world of
be made, as it is no longer needed
interaction as we know it (see chapter
to assume the amount of clothing or
5.2.4). Assuming that more and more
the level of activity of the inhabitants.
people would be in a possession of such
Furthermore, the system could look for
a device allows us to consider it as a
implicit signs of thermal discomfort,
main tool of interaction with the control
such as pulling the sleeves up or down
system. In addition, advancements in
(see Fig. 6-44).
the field of video gaming had created
Fig. 6-47 Proposed personalized comfort system algorithm for a single identified user. Source: Shotton, Fitzgibbon et al. 2011
cheap and accurate sensors, such as
During the literature study several state
the Microsoft Kinect, that allow real-
of the art researches were found in
time 3D tracking of people in real
universities and commercial companies
space, without interfering with their
in the field of remote sensing which
actions. The Kinect camera is based on a
occurs without user intervention.
coupled depth and color cameras, that using a combination of pixel intensity
Noteworthy is a research done in
and depth matrix (Shotton, Fitzgibbon
the university of Osaka, to establish
et al. 2011) are able to detect accurate
a method of determining the
tracking of several people in a house
thermal resistance of clothing the
(see Fig. 6-45), and thus automatically
inhabitants are wearing and provide
detecting the actions they are engaged
the information to the climate system
in and the amount of clothing they have
of the house, in order to calculate in
Fig. 6-46 Comparing face skin color with elbow joint color can allow making assumptions in regard to the amount of clothing the user is warning
Chapter 6
68 real-time the Clo coefficient in the PMV
to control the TV (play, pause, volume,
calculation (Matsumoto 2011).
channels etc.) . The same would apply for lighting (intensity, color, theme),
This is performed without user
comfort, appliances, windows, blinds,
intervention by a remote camera
connected to a computer running sophisticated image analysis tools
This would increase dramatically the
which interpret the acquired image. The
level of adaptation of the system with
interpreted image is then compared
new users, due to a high perceived
to a clothing database and matched
ease of use. The system would allow
with predetermined U values which
people to maintain old habits (pointing
in turn are converted to the PMV clo
the remote control at a device) in a
new fashion. That is a critical factor, since all efforts invested in the system
The ability to know the user’s exact
would be in vain if the system would
location and activity in the house
not be perceived as easy and more
opens a portal to new possibilities,
comfortable to use than the current
By inferring from the a person’s
state of the art.
Fig. 6-49 Remote sensing of Clo value algorithm using image processing. Source: Matsumoto 2011
posture the center of their focus, the smartphone can act as a “point and shoot” remote: If the user points at the TV with his smartphone, as one would with a conventional remote, the display would automatically adjust itself to show only the controls that are used InSleepers
Fig. 6-48 Clothes detected by remote sensing and analysed for Clo value. Source: Matsumoto 2011
69 Prototype B - Location based remote control As the second proof of concept it was
is now in progress that would allow
decided to prototype the apparatus
to simulate the entire loop- the
that enables the operation by pointing
smartphone would not only show the
on a device.
name of the object, but display a preset menu of actuation of each object, while
Test setup: To better define the needs
acquiring data from the online log and
from the prototype a test setup was
displaying it.
conceived in order better define the scope of the prototype and how it
Method of operation: The method in
differs from the complete product.
which the prototype is working is best
The test setup (see Fig. 6-48) that
explained in phases according to the
was decided upon is as following:
stages of communication between
in a predetermined room, a camera
devices as seen on Fig. 6-49 - Fig. 6-50.
data is read by a Javascript function
script is running and collecting skeletal
and sent to a local server via the WiFi
data which is identified by the Kinect
network the phone is connected to. It
sensor. The Grasshopper file contains
is received by a PHP AJAX code that
geometric information inherited from
transmits the data to the pachube
a Rhino file describing a schematic
server. The function is initialized by
model of the room, where surfaces
a timer, with a 1500 milliseconds
with significance (i.e. the targets) are
interval. The same function would
highlighted. The grasshopper script,
later be used to collect the response
connected to a timer with an interval
data from pachube. Independently
of 1500 milliseconds, is locating the
from the loop running by the phone
3d coordinates of the person’s skeletal
and the local server, a Grasshopper
joints in the room and asses where is
Fig. 6-50 Test configuration
sensor (Kinect) would be installed, a person would enter the room with a
At first, the HTML application installed
smartphone in his right hand, and point
and running on the mobile device
on three separate targets in the room.
sends a query to the internal sensors
A successful result would be that the
are stores 4 values: the angle of front
smartphone would display the name
back rotation (alpha) in radians, the
of the target to which it is pointing,
angle of side to side rotation (beta)
allowing it to be actuated.
in radians, the deviation from north (gamma) in radians and a Boolean value
After meeting the goal of the
stating whether the phone is positioned
determined test, further elaboration
in landscape of portrait mode. This
Fig. 6-51 Simplified connection scheme
Chapter 6
70 the person is facing and describes it
retrieves the current state of them as it
as a vector. That vector would be then
is logged in pachube. These values are
transposed to the right wrist joint of
then populated into the menu that was
the user’s virtual model and set as the
loaded on the smartphone’s display.
basic facing vector reference point.
For example, if the user is pointing
This reference vector is then cross-
at the window, the phone needs to
referenced against the data phone’s
know what is the current state of it – is
sensor data loaded from Pachube’s
it open or close and are the folds up
servers. The next phase would be to
or down. Only then can the relevant
determine if the user is pointing at
data be fully displayed. If the window
a device or not and send a string of
is open, an indicator would show that
data to Pachbe. The combined vector
and the button that would be enabled
is placed in the Rhino model and is
is ‘close’. If the window was close to
tested for intersections with the target
begin with, the opposite would occur.
panes. If there is no intersection, a ‘null’
The complete and elaborated flowchart
value is uploaded to Pachube. In case
can be found in Fig. 6-51. It describes
there is an intersection a value is sent
in more detail the interworking and
to with the name of the target. Back
feed separation between different parts
at the local server, the response of the
of the prototype.
intersection test is read. In case the value is not ‘null’, the target is identified
The prototype had undergone major
and the relevant display panel is sent
changes with time in order to meet
to the mobile device. At the same time,
the predefined target. In the initial
the PHP scrip identifies the values that
iterations the system did not include the
are linked to the specific target and
utilization of the phone’s sensors, but
Fig. 6-52 Simplified prototype mode of operation, in stages
71 only the camera sensor. As experiments
enough to try again the kinect-only
have proven, the resolution of the
solution, though it is not likely that the
device used (Microsoft Kinect V1)
improvement would allow it to work
was not fine enough to identify the
independently from the smartphone’s
minuet nuances of the direction of
sensor array.
setup were not satisfactory, the smart
The next step in the development
phone’s sensor array was introduced to
of the prototype would be for it to
the equation. That allowed for a much
integrated with the calculation abilities
more accurate and robust success
of Prototype A and together they could
rates. Some experiments were made
identify a conflict between user’s
in order to determine if it is possible
demand and the optimal energy usage.
Target location file
Find wrist
Find North, pitch,orientation
Detect intersaction
Update Pachube with feed {A} with null
Yes Update Pachube with target ID{A}
to use only the internal sensors instead
Pachube Feed A
of the combination of both, but it was
This segment of the work is in the initial
proven problematic due to the inability
phases of a patent registration and
to accurately determine the user’s
should not be disclosed.
smartphones are equipped with ability
Phone gyro and compass
Vector integration
the phone. After the test results in this
exact location. In spite of the face that
Kinect sensor
Read Pachube target ID{A}
House and device sensors
Pachube Feed B
Get relevant info from live feeds
Reset Feed{C}
Show corresponding dialog on display
Get pending commands
Pachube Feed C
Is there new user input?
to find their location (GPS), it is far less accurate then the Kinect sensor’s ability to place the user within the room. Microsoft had recently released an updated version of the sensor, with
Delay interval
Timer interval
higher resolution and wider viewing angle. The new sensor might be good
Update Pachube feed{C}
Update ANN profiles
Decision Maker
Fig. 6-53 Prototype B flowchart.
Chapter 6
7. Conclusion This report had described the research
system that would promote resource
to the users’ action in corresponding
a wireless web server, a prototype for
and design made in order to investigate
consumption reduction in it would be
stimuli, encouraging them to change
analyzing user intent was programmed
methods of reduction in resource
most effective.
their behavior.
and tested as a proof of concept. The
consumption in domestic buildings,
relative personal thermostat – another
by utilizing user experience. Initially,
The main concept explored in this
When it comes to desired behavior
method to reduce consumption by
domestic consumption was mapped
work was guided by the notion that
alteration agents, a new and prominent
better understanding the user was
and potential for reduction in various
the most effective method to reduce
player in the field is the serious game.
prototyped as well. It was integrated
fields was identified. Then, an extensive
demands in a domestic environment
Computerized Serious games enjoy the
with online resources harvested from
review was conducted to identify
is to improve the method through
motivation usually affiliated with games
an existing home automation system
existing approaches to personalized
which the inhabitants are experiencing
in general and computer games in
to establish the device’s plausibility
consumption optimization, specifically
the interaction with the appliances.
particular. By harnessing the methods
and prove that the needed level of
in the field of thermal comfort, which
It seems to be the missing piece
developed by the gaming industry, a
data collection, manipulation and
was proven to be responsible for a
in the ‘sustainable home’ puzzle -
game was designed to be an integral
interpretation had been reached.
substantial amount of the energy
While appliance manufacturers put
part of the home automation system of
consumed in the common household.
their emphasis on improving the
the house. The game is played in real life,
The home automation system was
performance of the machine, the user is
converting the conventional appliances
targeted as the interface between the
neglected. This work aimed at changing
into game levers, manipulated to score
inhabitants and the appliances, and
the paradigm of communication
high in the game.
where the potential for improvement
with the home appliances – instead
was greatest. The contemporary home
of the conventional one-sided
To make the system more accepted and
automation system serves as a hub,
communication of giving operation
intuitive, a method for context aware
binding all mechanized operation in
commands, a bilateral communication
remote controlling was developed.
the house. Therefore, embedding a
that would be established. It would react
Using a smartphone, Kinect sensor and
7.1. Discussion The approach presented in this thesis
alteration is aimed at. The answer to
effort required to initially install the
game and method used should fall into
is one of several, and was considered
that argument would be that our
game and peripheral devices in an
that scope.
by the author as the most interesting
behavior as human beings is constantly
existing house make it obvious that
to pursuit, innovative and promising
being altered by our surrounding, and
a person had willingly decided to use
Another questionable aspect in the
from the research point of view. This
since the dawn of time societies had
the game as an aid to improve, and is
work that could be raised would be
perspective is, naturally, arguable
their tools to control behavior of the
willing to further invest time and effort
in regard to the time in which the
and could be confronted with various
individual. It is a part of what defines
to make it work. Self improvement
described game had lost its initial
questions that had remained open after
us as humans – our need to conform
games have been utilized in many fields
appeal, and the users have advanced
the research was concluded.
and align to external demands forced
in various forms and are accepted to be
far enough to lose interest. What would
by society. In the contemporary world,
an effective method to achieve goals. A
be of the game then? The answer to
One of the first opposing questions that
these ancient mental devices were
good example would be diet programs
that query would be that the fatigue is
come to mind is in regard to the overall
developed and are being used by
that use points and score keeping
inevitable, and is bound to happen at
concept of using behavior alteration
governments, commercial companies
in order to sustain their members
one time or the other. Effort had been
techniques as tools to achieve a
and religious leaders. This is done
committed to losing weight.
put to the game’s design to postpone
certain goal, which was defined by the
without knowledge or consent of the
designers as ‘positive’. Furthermore,
derived from the post-modern state
fatigue by dividing the game to several As to the question of is there an absolute
stages and introducing social networks,
good or not, a thorough answer would
surprises and customization options
of mind, comes the question ‘what is
By contrast, a game, as suggested by
be way beyond the scope or this work.
to maintain the principal of flow for as
positive, by what criteria positive is
this thesis, involves aware, conscious
Generally speaking, if consumption
long as possible. The game had been
defined, and who could be put to judge
decisions that are taken by the player.
reduction is regarded as a means of
designed to help people to acquire new
if an action is positive or not?’. While
An action that induces play must be
securing a better communal future,
habits, and in principal, once the habits
playing with ‘mind control’ one should
voluntary – as one cannot force a
and a common interest of our society,
have been adopted and sustained over
be cautious toward where the behavior
person to enjoy. The expenses and
it would be expected that the described
a long period of time, the game is no Chapter 7
74 longer needed. It does not mean that
design is more appealing to younger
resource conservation, willing to invest
expected that it would be adopted due
once the goals have been achieved
individuals. It is less likely that people
in order to improve their performance.
to comfort, technological curiosity and
the game must stop – if it is indeed
over the age of 50 would find the
It would be installed in their house,
will to become more sustainable. The
enjoyable people might like to keep
method used in this thesis engaging by
regardless of the systems available.
later scenario might prove to be more
playing for fun and out of the desire to
itself, but they may be subject to peer
Their motivation could be financial,
efficient at user adaptation, as a pre-
monitor and maintain their behavior.
pressure from their children, assuming
ecological, educational, technological
installed system would save the trouble
Even in the case that the game had
they are in their teens or early twenties.
or derived from peer pressure.
of setup and could be financially viable
Alternatively, if the game installer
for large companies that would add up
already lost its charm, the intuitive control system would keep being
As for the distribution between male
would be the cooperative renting the
the saving as well as use the system as
functional and welcome regardless of
and female players, traditionally males
house or a service provider the users
part of a sales pitch.
the game.
are more prone to adopt computer
would be offered a readymade and
and console based games. In contrast,
working system at their disposal. In
Since the game is partially based
recent studies reported that women
spite of the lack of initial motivation
on social interactions it might have
are occupying more than 50% of the
or the first group, this group would
difficulties reaching the needed
gamer population in mobile phone
be offered an interesting alternative
critical mass of players to produce a
based games. Furthermore, to better
to managing their consumption. It is
vivid playing experience in real-life
appeal for female subjects, the game
situation. This could be solved at least
was designed with tangible redeeming
partially by design strategy, and game
functionality, which have been proven
manipulation by the operators in early
to rise and engagement within this
stages until the system is calibrated and
specific player group.
self sustaining. It is assumed that the target group As for the target group the game aimed
of the game is comprised of dwellers
at, it could be stated that the proposed
that are aware of the importance of
7.2. Further work Bounded by the framework of a
require further market research and
masters’ graduation thesis, the project
adaptation, development of the
was developed only until it had reached
sensor unit and machine compatibility,
the stage of proof of concept. The path
building a viable business plan and
from the current stage to a viable
improving playability through trial
market product is long and would
and error.
75 Some issues were not regarded in the
or appliance manufacturers.
work, such as privacy and personal
system is imperative to the operation of
previously unrelated topics, and
the game, since if the system would not
unifying them in an unconventional
security. The implication on people’s
The game itself is described in
be fair towards all players, the interest
way. The work binds research in the
feelings towards a system that is
an abstract level, and the game
in the game would be lost after a very
fields of comfort design, behavior
constantly watching them could
development process needs to
short time.
science and design of interaction
have negative effect on acceptance.
be much further advanced- the
Furthermore, automation systems in
software running the servers needs to
Overall, when evaluating the research
had been developed using custom
general and the proposed system in
programmed, the content designed,
process described in this thesis, it
built software, sensors and wireless
particular are new vulnerability points
the algorithms balanced and a process
is important to acknowledge that
communication. Combined together,
in home security. Hacking the system,
of design iteration and testing should
a working product of the extent
an alternative method was presented to
which is continuously connected
be commenced.
discussed, is usually developed by a
the way domestic automation systems
dedicated team of professionals over a
are controlled today. The new method
to the internet, could have serious
into a single product. The prototypes
implications on the dwellers and their
A major milestone in the future
long period of time. The key innovation
proposed is capable of effectively
sense of security. Therefore, further
development of the project would
and contribution of this work to the
motivate the inhabitants to conserve
study should be conducted on finding
be the creation and refinement of the
field of building technology, revolves
resources, therefore providing an
ways to achieve the desired effect
balancing system that allows users
around making of connections between
answer to the initial research question.
without jeopardizing the sanctity of
to compete against each other. As
the home.
discussed in chapter 6, several attempts
7.3. Acknowledgment
were made to create a comparative
There have been many contributors to
Kiksen, Ir. Ioannis Chatzikonstantinou,
Plausibility studies should be
system which would be reliable
this work with which I have consulted
Dr. David Keyson, Luciano Santandrew,
conducted to find the most viable
enough to balance out environmental
or bounced ideas off. I’d like to thank
Panagiotis Papanastasis, Telesilla
business strategy. The product can
influences and allow a non bias system
them for their time and patience.
Bristogianni, Valerie Soloveichick and
be marketed as an income generating
for evaluating a building’s performance
Michela Turrin, Florian Heinzelmann,
the entire revolt team. * Special thanks
package worth an investment to large
in comparison to other buildings. The
Dr. Ivo Wenzler, Dr. Regina Bokel,
to Pheadra for grammar and spelling
consulting companies, utility providers,
smooth operation of this balancing
Faidra Oikonomopoulou, Ir. Henry
auto-correct. Chapter 7
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9. Appendix 9.1. Connection scheme Forecast Online Data Calender
Ventilation system
Wind speed
Heating system I
Heating system II
Outdoor Conditions Air Temperature
Input Relative Humidity
Cooling system I User Cooling system II
BIG BLACK BOX (Decision maker)
Visual occpancy
Indoor Climate
Small Black Box (Interface generator)
Configuration Constants
Air Temperature
Radiant Temperature
Relative Humidity
Clothing Factor Season
Sense of control
Energy usage
Waste managment Tiny Black Box (PET) Water consumption
Activity Factor
Appliances settings
Personal Bias
Connections into and out of the automation system. An overview. In blue - the interface generator.
Chapter 9
InSleepers Reset Feed{C}
Pachube Feed C
Get pending commands
Timer interval
Pachube Feed B
House and device sensors
Target location file
Update Pachube feed{C}
Is there new user input?
Show corresponding dialog on display
Get relevant info from live feeds
Read Pachube target ID{A}
Pachube Feed A
Update Pachube with target ID{A}
Detect intersaction
Find North, pitch,orientation
Find wrist
Vector integration
Phone gyro and compass
Kinect sensor
Decision Maker
Update ANN profiles
Delay interval
Update Pachube with feed {A} with null
9.2. Control scheme
9.3. Game score matrix Type Educational
Energy score
Water score
Waste score
Overall score
Complete basic operation training
Play energy mini-game
Play water mini-game
Play waste mini-game
Reduce/maintain lighting usage
Reduce/maintain comfort system energy usage
Reduce/maintain domestic hot water temperature
Reduce/maintain domestic hot water usage
Reduce/maintain number of laundry cycles
Reduce/maintain energy used for cooking
Reduce/maintain number of dryer cycles
Reduce/maintain overall energy usage
Reduce/maintain fresh water usage
Reduce/maintain waste production
Reduce/maintain mass ratio between sorted and non sorted waste
Write a note
Challenges/accepts user to energy challenge
Challenges/accepts user to water challenge
Challenges/accepts user to waste challenge
Create energy mini-game (verified)
Create water mini-game (verified)
Create Waste mini-game (verified)
Verify mini games
Chapter 9
9.4. Game browsing matrix on a mobile device Function/cycle
House stat’s
Neighborhood stat’s
City stat’s
World Leader board
Personal challenges
Household challenges
Neighborhood challenges
City challenges
Global challenges
player Vs player, player Vs household score
House Vs house, house Vs neighborhood score
Neighborhood Vs neighborhood , neighborhood Vs city score
City Vs City, City in world score
Mini games
Note to self
House’s fridge magnet
Neighborhood’s bulletin board
Local player community
Global player community
Mini games Communicate
To move up and down the matrix, a user should flick left or right, in order move side to side, a user should pinch in and out.
Household/communication view
Challenge/personal cycle view
Overview/household cycle view
9.5. Game screen shots on a mobile device 83
Chapter 9
InSleepers Hit “+” To start a new item
Swipe to move between screens
Pinch to switch between effect cycles
9.6. Game navigation screen shots on a mobile device
Household/communication view
Challenge/personal cycle view
Overview/household cycle view
9.7. Game screen shots phases and challenges 85
Chapter 9
9.8. Control screen shots on a mobile device
Live data view InSleepers
Control screen
In-depth control
9.9. Game screen shots impression of main control console
Chapter 9
9.10. Game screen shots of a social feed update
9.11. Island impressions in different stages
Chapter 9
9.12. Technical studies and prototypes
Extracting real-time 3D skeletal data from the Kinect sensor to Rhino/Grasshopper environment InSleepers
Connection of smartphone’s gyroscope and accelerometer to Rhino/Grasshopper via OSC protocol Chapter 9
Skeletal tracking of prototype B in progress with the cross-referenced vector InSleepers
Prototype B - interaction with web server via context aware remote control Chapter 9
Prototype A1 - offset form initial PMV by user InSleepers
9.13. Apparatus design proposals
Chapter 9
9.14. Apparatus design proposals - early sketches
Chapter 9
27.6.2012, Graduation Report, Itai Cohen, 4118952.