ITALIABSOLUTELY 9-10 febbraio 2025

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AGRIGENTO - Agrigento is th lian Capital of Culture for 2 with over 2,600 years of hi this year the Sicilian city, skill e n r i c h i n g i t s c u l t u r a l t r a d i t i o n s while embracing the future, is poi sed to become a laboratory of r flection and creativity, This pres gious Capital of Culture status c mes at a crucial time for italy’s cu tural scene which is recoveri from the difficulties of the pand mic, and places Agrigento at t centre of a national and internati nal debate about the current ch lenges and future opportunities

the 2025 cultural programme

The Valley of the Temples, a uneSCo world Heritage Site, will be one of the main stages of the 2025 celebrations This iconic site, which has enchanted visitors from all over the world for centuries, will bridge the gap between past and future, hosting concerts, exhibitions and new contemporary art installations, The programme also aims to create a tourist-cultural circuit spanning the entire Agrigento area that will also highlight places that have inspired great authors such as luigi pirandello, Andrea Camilleri and leonardo Sciascia

The aim being to propose an immersive experience that combines artistic and natural beauty with the region's rich literary heritage the bonds between the individual, society, and the environment

The theme chosen for 2025, “The Self, the other and nature Relationships and Cultural Transformations,” is an invitation to delve into the bonds between the individual, society, and the environment An approach that is aligned with present-day issues concerning sustainability, community unity, and cultural heritage enhancement The year’s cultural programme is inspired by the four elements: water, air, earth and fire which are the symbols of dialogue between cultures, lightness of thought, appreciation of local traditions and contemporary creative energy

A strategy for the future from the distretto turistico valle dei templi

A crucial role in promoting the territory is being played by the Distretto Turistico Valle dei Templi, led by Fabrizio la gaipa in outlining the strategies that are shaping Agrigento as italy’s 2025 Capital of Culture, la gaipa stresses the importance of building lasting and profitable relationships at national and international level «2025 is much more than a year of celebrations, it is an opportunity to strengthen relations and consolidate

Agrigento of cultur exploring roots and Italian capita

A talk with the Mayor of Agrigento

Mayor Francesco Miccichè tells italiAbsolutely about the vision of Agrigento 2025: an opportunity to enhance the destination’s historical heritage and lay the groundwork for a transformation focused on the future

What is the main message that Agrigento intends to convey to the world in its year as italian Capital of Culture?

«The italian Capital of Culture 2025 project is not the ultimate goal, but an extraordinary opportunity to initiate a transformative process that touches every facet of city life, granting Agrigento - rich in 2,600 years of historythe opportunity to fully express and showcase its beauty The dossier we have presented is thorough and comprehensive, with extraordinary events and the participation of artists of great national and international renown This is a further sign of how Agrigento can and must be a protagonist on the world cultural scene »

What infrastructural interventions or specific projects are planned to enhance the tourist experience and the enjoyment of key scheduled events?

«The tourist-reception sector and, in general, the city’s reception capacity will be at the heart of an incredible growth opportunity A fundamental aspect of the italian Capital of Culture project concerns the opening of new spaces and places for the enjoyment of citizens and tourists, such as the City Museum in the former Collegio dei padri Filippini The intense positive trend of tourist arrivals has been confirmed, if not increased, in 2024 and forecasts for 2025 indicate a doubling of arrivals we could speak of a “culture of economy” that not only promotes our heritage but can also create new possibilities for development and employment »

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The aim is to create something lasting Francesco Miccichè

How does your administration intend to address the challenges related to the influx of tourists and sustainable development during 2025?

«As an administration we are working to make the city more vibrant, welcoming and sustainable, focusing on significantly improving the urban decor and furnishings, and enhancing services The aim is to create something lasting that not only enriches our heritage but also becomes an engine of growth for the area’s economic operators, actively involving everyone: from the municipalities to the citizens whom we aim to engage in this process » c d c

Claudiana Di Cesare Communicat ons Manager c dicesare@italiabsolutely com c dicesare@travelquotidiano com


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gento s image on the world’s most prestigious stages,» he said

the cultural twinning with south Korea one of the most important initiatives is the “italy-korea Twinning for Cultural Heritage” which was launched in 2023 under the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, enabling an unprecedented cultural exchange with South korea This project saw a South korean delegation visit Sicily to learn italian techniques for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage participation in the ilTM in Singapore opened new channels of dialogue with the main Asian luxury tour operators, and the municipality of Beverly Hills expressed interest in promoting cultural exchanges with Agrigento «These relationships not only bolster the cultural fabric of our region but also lay the foundations for long-term cultural and tourism development,» la gaipa added

A 40% increase in tourist arrivals over 2019 no less important is the Valley of the Temples’ commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible tourism with a 40% increase in tourist arrivals compared to pre-pandemic figures in 2019, the Valley is at the top of european growth This achievement, according to la gaipa, is the result of «a profound rethinking of tourism offers, in line with the canons of the un Agenda 2030 » obtaining unwTo-queST certification in December 2023 represents a further s t e p

w a r d , p o s i t i o n i n g A g r igento among the world’s excellences in sustainable tourism

AdvertisinG Address: Via Aosta, 30 – 00182

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Press: Tipolitografia Federici s.r.l. Via Adda, 3 - 05100 Terni


LFabrizio a Gaipa


Saims for 15% growth

with expanded routes and intermodal travel

NAPLES - This year SNAV aims to consolidate its role in maritime routes while strengthening its intermodal train+highspeed vessel offer, increasing the synergy with train and bus operators to offer increasingly dynamic, comfortable and accessible mobility The aim being to increase tourist flows to the company’s main destinations by 15%

Last year closed with positive results, marking a 12% growth in the number of passengers over 2023

Innovations will be introduced to improve the all-round travel experience with the fleet upgraded with latest-generation, environmentally friendly highspeed vessels equipped with advanced technologies to reduce CO2 emissions Frequencies on the Naples-Aeolian Islands route will also be expanded and new connections to the Pontine Islands will be introduced, offering more flexibility to users with the confirmation of the “Experience” days to the beautiful islands of Ponza a w T

trade SNAV will launch promotional campaigns dedicated to business partners, with incentives on advance bookings and combined packages, while roadshows and workshops will be organized to boost the distribution network

«Last year closed with positive results - says the company's

train+high-speed vessel travel, which facilitated access to all destinations, including the islands of the Gulf of Naples, the Aeolian Islands, the Pontine Islands and Croatia » Overall the market showed an increasing preference for sustainable and customizable travel solutions with a rise in de-

SNAV’s main routes

Naples - Gulf of Naples/Sorrento - Capri - Positano - Castellammare - Procida – Ischia boosting routes between Naples and Italy’s most iconic destinations with expanded services integrated with rail transport

Naples - Aeolian Islands: direct routes will be expanded to offer fast and convenient services, responding to the high seasonal demand

Naples - Pontine Islands: a new operating plan will be introduced to optimize timetables and ensure better seasonal coverage

Ancona – Split, Croatia: departures will be expanded and on-board services improved, with a focus on the summer market and the demands of Croatian and international tourism With an upswing in religious tourism, especially to the popular destination of Medjugorje, SNAV’s vessels on the Ancona-Split route are strategic for facilitating the connection and Croatia, as ortant access hing Medjugorje

Your VIP pass awaits

Join ItaliAbsolutely’s 2025 elite agent fam trips


ROME - These carefully curated experiences connect top agents and travel advisors who sell Italy, with top operators and organizations that showcase the best of Italy, unlocking a world of opportunities from iconic cities to hidden gems

In 2024, our agent fam trips brought together (70) international travel specialists, exploring vibrant destinations from Sicily to Emilia Romagna passing through the Marche region and beyond

This year, we’re handpicking an e l i t e g r o u p a g a i n , a n d y o u could be part of it! Simply complete the contract form, by clicking on the QR code on this page and you could be on your way to discovering some of Italy’s best offerings, giving you the know-how to enhance and elevate your client presenta-

tions and sales

These events are organized, together with local players, by Travel Open Day, publishers of the ItaliAbsolutely portal and the Travel Quotidiano paper With over 30 years of insider expertise and a track record of o v e r 6 0 0 t r a d e e v e n t s , w e know how to craft value-packed trips that connect global


Lines connections confirmed for the 2025 season

Grimaldi Lines

NAPLES - This year Grimaldi Lines has a variety of new proposals on Mediterranean destinations «We recently concluded 2024, consolidating the record results of the previous year: a summer season in which the d e f i n e d t a r g e t s w e r e f u l l y achieved and with the confirmation of 20 Grimaldi Lines connections, - says Francesca Marino, head of Grimaldi Lines’ passenger department - 2025 starts with three special promotions, each one for a different public within the broad market target that chooses Grimaldi Lines for the continuity of service and comforts offered on board »

T o r e w a r d t h o s e w h o b o o k their summer holidays in advance the “Advanced Booking” promotions provide a 20% discount (fixed charges, EU ETS costs and on-board services excluded) on selected departures between 3 June and 30 September from/to Sardinia, Sicily, Spain and Greece With the dif-

to bookings made before 31 March 2025. Completing the range of new offers is “Viaggia Smart,” for those travelling in the low season which provides for bookings, routes and selected departures up to 31 May 2025 with a 25% discount for travel from Monday to Thursday and a 20% discount on return travel on daytime routes The two discounts can be combined if both conditions are

Three gems, one destination:

or “Ship + hotel” formula, on t h e C i v i t

aCivitavecchia route “Easter in Barcelona” is back (from 18 to 23 April), and also confirmed are “Una Nave di Libri per Barcellona” (from 5 to 10 April), “ B a

a ” (from 31 May to 3 June) and “ G r i m a l d i D a n c e F i t

” (from 14 to 17 June) with fitness classes The company is also promoting packages comp by ship with a stay s i o n s a s h o r e f r o m nes Tour Operator

Iseo, and Idro

The elegance of Lake Garda Garda, on 143 square miles of surface area and with a maximum depth of 1,135 feet, is the largest lake in Italy More of a small sea really, it is nestled between the foothills of the Alps and the Po Valley To the south it is encircled by rolling moraine hills shaped by retreating glaciers, while to the north, towering mountain ranges enclose it, giving it the appearance and path of a fjord Its shores, blessed with a mild Mediterranean climate, have characteristic villages, castles, monasteries and enchanting towns abundant in monuments and steeped in history

The lake’s exceptional beauty, extraordinary views, mild climate and natural warmth and hospitality have attracted poets, writers, artistic and cultural celebrities such as Goethe, Lord Byron James Joyce, Ezra Pound and Franz Kafka to its shores

The discreet charm of Lake Iseo

L a k e I s e o h a s b e e n as Christo’s Lake since brated artist chose it for his “The Floating P stallation, the floating of polyethylene cubes nected the town of Sulzano with Monte Isola and the little island of San Paolo This cultural happening brought the romantic charm of Lake Iseo, the highest lake island in Europe and the largest in all of central and southern Europe, to the attention of visitors from all over the world

or 2025


Hotel on board or Ship + hotel

Easter in Barcelona

Una Nave di Libri per Barcellona

Ballando verso Barcellona

Grimaldi Dance Fit Cruise

2025 starts with three special promotions

Francesca Marino

ditions, and a friendly and refined environment and, a little further on, towards Franciacorta, there are golf courses and vineyards producing the prestigious Franciacorta wines

Fascinating and romantic for the ever-changing nature of its landscape, this lake is ideal for sailing and windsurfing, paragliding and hang-gliding thanks to the constant breeze, but also a favourite with those seeking relaxation and untouched nature

It has charming hotels and small guesthouses, gastronomic tra-

For those who love classical culture and Greek mythology, the perfect choice is Corfu, where six-day packages are offered, taking advantage of the extraordinary Easter departure from the port of Brindisi Those wishing to reach the two great capitals of southern Italy can choose between Naples (departing from Palermo) and Palermo (departing from Naples), where packages are also available with the “Ship + Stay” formula which includes guided excursions The truest and most off-season Sardinia can be explored with four different proposals: two to Alghero and its surrounds (departing from the port of Civitavecchia) and two to Cagliari (departing from the port of Naples), with visits to the historic centre of Cagliari, the sea at Villasimius, the Asinara Park and the beaches and castle in Castelsardo

The unspoiled nature of Lake Idro Lake Idro, at over 12,00 feet asl, is the highest of Lombardy’s pre-alpine lakes and is the ideal destination for peaceful, relaxing and extreme sports holidays, and in summer is popular for its outdoor activities as well as the authenticity of its traditions and lifestyle Nestled betw e e n t h e m o u n t a i n s o f t h e

Alps, it lies on the border with the Trentino region and is caressed by a constant breeze that makes it an ideal choice for sailing, surfing and kitesurfing

I t c a n a l s o b o a s t n u m e r o u s campsites and the mountains are an ideal training ground for those who love mountain biking, rock climbing, paragliding, canyoning and fun activities

one of the flagshiop vessels of the Group
The Grimaldi
Lake Garda
Lake Iseo
Lake Idro

Trenord’s M

5.3 million travellers in 2024

MILAN - In 2024, 5.3 million passengers chose to travel to and from Malpensa Airport by train, with Trenord’s Malpensa Express service setting a new record Trenord connects the city of Milan with the international airport with 147 daily services, one every 15 minutes in each direction from 4 a m to 1 a m Monday 23 Septembe was the peak day, with over 20,000 passengers using the service, coinciding with Milan Fashion Week and a number of congresses taking place in the city

The 2024 data show that Malpensa Express customers prefer self-service ticketing with over 70% of passengers buying their tickets independently, using the automatic ticket machines at Terminals 1 and 2 and in Milan’s s t a t i o n s , o r t h r o u g h o n l i n e channels

«The train is the most convenient, quickest, sustainable way to travel between the city of Milan and Malpensa Airport, and the constant growth in passengers is a confirmation of this - commented Leonardo Cesarini, Trenord’s chief commercial officer. - In 2023 4.7 million airport passengers travelled with us and in 2024 we more than surpassed the record five mil-

lion mark We make every effort to offer customers a smooth journey from the platform to the gate, thanks to an integration of services and airport assistance We are also intensif y i n g

w i t h trade fairs and congress organizations to make the train increasingly the dedicated transport solution for this type of event » M a l p e

s Malpensa Airport to the main stations in the city of Milan: Milano Cadorna, the closest station to the city centre and to the M1 and M2 metro lines; Milano Porta Garibaldi, which offers interchange with regional lines, national and international high speed lines, the M2 and M5 metro lines; Milano Centrale, the most important Lombardy hub for national, high speed and regional trains, international and cross-border connections, regional lines and the M2 and M3 metro lines

All trains stop at Milano Bovisa, the entrance station to the Passante Ferroviario and they also stop at the intermediate stations of Busto Arsizio and Saronno, making the airport connection a service also for those who do not live in Milan Mal-

airport is also connec to Varese and the Canton cino (including Lugano and B linzona) by the S50 TILO li operated by Trenord, with train every hour Trenord and SEA Milan ha been collaborating for years the mutual integration of se ces Malpensa Express cus mers can purchase SEA’s ViaM lano Fast Track ticket - for pr rity access to airport secu checks - together with th train ticket on the malpensa press it website, on the Trenord App or at Trenord ticket offices in Milano Centrale, Porta Garibaldi, Cadorna, Bovisa and Saronno

Untracked Italy.

FLORENCE - Untracked Italy is a B2B tailor-made inbound tour operator specialized in the leisure segment for an international individual clientele «We were set up three years ago as the offshoot of an operator that had existed since 2011 and dealt with outdoor packages, - explains CEO Tommaso Castelli - Our principal partners are American, French, German, Dutch and British travel agencies »

Let's start with the hard facts: how did 2024 go?

«I would say very well Last year we doubled both our turnover and the number of packages created and sold »

What are the key features of your proposal?

«All our products must comply with three core elements Starting with the spirit of the place, because travel memories are always shaped by the people you meet and the culture of an area This can only be achieved through authentically local experiences There is the uniqueness, which is the result of our love for our work, and our constant goal which is to create new itinera-

We try to break down the wall that divides residents from travellers in tourist locations Tommaso Castelli

ries and products for every type of traveller And we are environmentally sustainable as is demonstrated by the fact that we hold the Travel Life certification from one of the leading green tourism organizations »

Play Quest, a brand dedicated to creating analogue games for tourists, is one of your products Why analogue?

«For various reasons First because it is practical We are based in Florence, so we know only too well how enormously difficult it can be to load data in the city centre during the high season, despite the 5G connection And this is a problem that does not only affect Florence as Rome, Venice and other

popular destinations have the same problem Then the analogue format allows users to experience new emotions, which are different from those experienced through an app. And this is especially true for the new generations Finally, each of our adventures obliges the player to make direct contact with locals, talking to them and asking them questions In this way we try to break down the wall that divides residents from travellers in tourist locations »

How do you distribute Play Quest games?

«We also sell this B2C, so every traveller can buy the game of their choice on our website, through Otas or from our partners scatte-

l the spirit of the place

l the uniqueness

l environmentally sustainable Core elements

red around the city, including hotels. For the B2B market after we presented our products at trade fairs, we received many requests to create ad-hoc games in specific sites, with farmhouses, villas and hotels asking us to organize fully structured modules for their properties It is a way to provide their guests with an original, creative and innovative concept, which is very different to the typical inhouse food tours »

Tommaso Castelli
Leonardo Cesarini

new municipalities

in the Marche s Itinerari della Bellezza guide

PESARO - The 2025 edition of the Itinerario della Bellezza (Itinerary of Beauty) project promoted by Confcommercio Marche Nord in the Province of Pesaro Urbino, will be presented on 10 February at the M a r c h e R e g i o n stand at the BIT travel show in Milan This year the guide broadens its horizon and will be p u b l i s h e d i n t w o different formats «This year the guide expands to a regional level, with four n e w m u n i c i p a l i t i e s including the municip a l i t y o f C o r i n a l d o , which is in the prov i n c e o f A n c o n a ,said Amerigo Varotti, Head of Confcommercio’s Itinerari della Bele z z a P r o j e c t - S o , next to the municipali-

ties in the province of Pesaro Urbino, there is the inclusion of the first municipality outside the province, for the start of a path to expand this project to other splendid towns in the beautiful Marche Region » The 2025 guide includes 28 municipalities, a significant result for a project that, eight years ago, started with the participation of only five towns «This is a great success for the project, thanks also to the communication done by Italiabsolutely and Travel Quotidiano, which continues to have important feedback, with the municipalities


This year’s new entries are the


The guide will be available in two versions: a 360-page, more detailed version and a 180page guide to be distributed at

This year the guide expands to a regional level, and it is a great success for the project

Amerigo Varotti

travel shows and with more emphasis on images and photographs After the presentation at the BIT in Milan, on 13 February the guide will be showcased in the Sala del Cenacolo of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, and Varotti also announced that work is underway to present it to the European Parliament in Brussels

U p c o m i n g e v e n t s f o r t h e guide’s presentation include the Liberamente fair in Bologna, the Vicenza Fair and the ID Weekend in Nice, the latter organized in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Nice and the Côte d’Azur This year, thanks to a synergy with the Marche Region’s Tourism Department, there will be three press tours for Italian and international journalists «One will b

y and another will connect Urb

through the figure of Federico da Montefeltro,» Varotti added

Amerigo Varotti

GNV Pola ris

a new chapter in sustainable maritime transport

The Polaris is not just a ship; it is the symbol of our vision Matteo Catani

GENOA - Grandi Navi Veloci has unveiled the GNV Polaris, the first of four newly built ships at the Guangzhou Shipyard International The Polaris is a landmark point in time for GNV’s fleet renewal plan which is currently under full steam «The Polaris is not just a ship; it is the symbol of our vision,» says Matteo Catani, CEO of GNV, the ferry company of the MSC Group

«This project is an investment in the future aimed at redefining the standards of quality and sustainability in our fleet and in the maritime transport sector. We offer passengers a travel experience that blends comfort, innovation and a deep respect for the environment With the Polaris and the three other ships which are on the way, we are taking a major step forward in our development, co n fi r mi n g o ur co n cr e te co mmi tment to more sustainable and responsible transport » The new ship can boast high environmental stand

duce CO2 emissions by 30% compared to the craft currently in the fleet During its maiden voyage from China to Italy GNV conducted a study in cooperation with RINA to monitor and optimize Polaris’ energy and environmental performance The results will be presented at the end of January at the technical conference organized by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Managing CII and

Not only are we targeting passengers travelling for pleasure, but also those who use our services for professional reasons

Matteo Della Valle

Imo headquarters in London

«We have carefully defined the services we provide, - adds Matteo Della Valle, GNV's chief commercial officer - Not only are we targeting passengers travelling for pleasure, perhaps to tourist destinations, but also those who use our services for professional reasons, such as cargo operators The Polaris is a step forward for everyone » The second ship under construction, the GNV Orion is now undergoing technical trials and will be delivered by spring, while for the other two new units, the GNV Virgo and GNV Aurora, the company’s first to be powered by LNG, deliveries are planned by the

l On board the Polaris passengers and drivers with cars will enjoy an innovative travel experience thanks to a wide range of services The innovative food & beverage area has a panoramic Seaview Lounge and a Marketplace for cooking shows The Pizza and Steak House is an evolution of the classic

and there are state-of-the-art

tality areas designed for every need, from digital play areas dedicated to children to pet-friendly zones.

l The new ship also has advanced communication technologies, including stable and fast Wifi and, thanks to digital and braille signage, the Polaris offers an inclusive experience, ensur i n g e f f e c


y which is ideal for handling flows on high-intensity routes such as the Genoa-Palermo.

aves Frasassi

FRASASSI - Hidden beneath the rolling hills of Italy’s Marche region, the Frasassi Caves are just a 40-minute drive from the coastal city of Ancona Renowned as Europe’s most expansive cave complex, these remarkable grottos and tunnels invite some 270,000 visitors a year to step into an underground wonderland shaped by nature over nearly 200 million years What sets the Frasassi Caves apart isn’t just their extraordinary scale but the ease with which you can explore them

This is not an adventure for the daring few but an accessible j o u r n e y f o r a n y o n e w i t h a sense of curiosity Visitors find well-maintained walkways to

A journey beneath the surface of the Marche


Visitors to the Frasassi Caves per year

the first massive cavern, they a r e a w e s t r u c k b y t h e s h e e r scale of the entrance chamber which is so vast it could comfortably house Milan’s iconic cathedral Water and rock have worked over millennia to create towering stalagmites while stalactites descend from above in crystalline patterns The twists and turns of the path reveal shimmering underground lakes and deep wells, and mankind has also left its mark as tucked inside one of the chambers is the Temple of Valadier, an exquisite octagonal church built in 1828

Not just nature

The Temple of Valadier, built in 1828, is an octagonal church in travertine marble with a domed roof

For seasoned travelers seeking a unique destination or families looking for an unforgettable outing, the combination of nat u r a l b e a u t y , a c c e s s i b l e p athways, and intriguing history m a k e s t h e F r a s a s s i C a v e s a must-visit site in the heart of the Marche

Della Valle

meets nat ure

L u x u r y in Sardinia

PALAU - The Capo d’Orso Ho tel in Palau in Sardinia is th first Delphina Group propert to enter the Leading Hotels o the World «This is a very sign ficant moment for our compan and for the Capo d’Orso, a tru turning point in a developmen tal course with far-reaching ef fects in North Sardinia, - says the company’s general director, Libero Muntoni - Joining a prestigious brand such as LHW is further recognition of the success of our 5-star property and of a philosophy that encompasses sustainable luxury integrated into the territory, and authenticity reflected in local traditions With this very important affiliation, and at the end

Capo d'Orso's milestone entry into LHW

panoramic view of

of a strong investment pattern, Capo d’Orso ranks among the i s l a n d ’ s m o s t e m b l a z o n e d brands, thanks also to the uniqueness of its bond with nature The fact that the ownership and management is 100% local makes us proud, and also feel a strong sense of responsibility as the only LHW from the Costa Smeralda to the Maddalena archipelago » For its May 2025 reopening the Capo d'Orso will be targeting the demands of the premium market with numerous refurbished rooms, including exclusive Executive Junior Suites and Caprera Open Space Suites, all with sea views, Mediterranean design and artefacts from local a r t i s a n s T h e w e l l n e s s a r e a s and gardens have also undergone restyling, following the renovation of the gym on the cliff and the upgrading of the golf facilities with a professional simulator to play virtually on the world’s most prestigious courses.

«The inclusion in LHW is an opportunity to boost our presence in strategic markets such as the

The hotel in pills

l The romantic Capo d’Orso boutique hotel in Palau is a haven of privacy and relaxation with a private marina and a fleet of boats for island tours, hammocks hidden in greenery, paths leading to the lighthouse, and the beaches of Cala Capra and Cala Selvaggia that overlook Caprera on the Costa Smeralda Breakfast is where the essence of Gallurese hospitality shines with the melody of a harp on the terrace which has vistas of the sea or of the Ile Flottante, a waterside location for exclusive dining

which is in the Gambero Rosso’s 2025 Restaurant Guide, the catch of the day is a favourite with the yachts that dock at the hotel's private marina

l The l’Incantu Thalasso & Spa Centre, a few steps away from the sea, offers a rejuvenating experience with heated seawater pools and massages en plein air enveloped by the essence of the Mediterranean flora For golf enthusiasts the nine-hole Pitch & Putt course is set amongst greenery in a panoramic position with island vistas To discover the beauty of the surrounding area, flights and helicopter transfers are available from the nearby Olbia International Airport, as are skippered boats that depart directly from the private marina These include the sailing ship Pulcinella, a 1827 N

which sets sail to explore the islands of the Maddalena archipelago

United States, the Middle East, and Asia, where demand for N o r t h S a r d i n i a i s c o n s t a n t l y growing, - adds Capo d'Orso’s general manager, Dino Mitidieri - We are confident that Gallura will be an increasingly more popular international destination, thanks to its unspoiled nature and the traditions which are deeply rooted in the island »

Il Paguro, which is in the Gambero Rosso’s

Libero Muntoni the company’s general director
Capo d’Orso Junior Suite Excutive solarium
Capo d’Orso pool
the Capo d’Orso Hotel in Palau
2025 Restaurant Guide

T urin’ s vision for 2 025


TURIN - Sport and culture mark the course of the promotional strategy of Turin, chosen by the European Commission as European Capital of Intelligent Tourism 2025

«This is an award for tourist destinations that stand out for sustainability, accessibility, and the digitization of their cultural heritage and creativity, - says Domenico Carretta, Turin’s councillor for sport, major events and tourism -Turin is an example of good practices and the ability to combine tradition and innovation, and this will enable the e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f c o l l a b o r a t i o n s with other European cities

On the occasion of international sporting events such as the ATP Finals, which generated an economic impact of €300m for the €2m invested by the city council, the city lives at the service of sport Art, history, and cultural and environmental elements are progressively forming a powerful attraction, and they serve as a driving force behind initiatives jointly undertaken by public and private partners, with the support of Turismo Torino, the city's and province's tourism promotion agency

For the first time in Italy on 23 August Turin will kick off the Vuelta a España 2025, Spain's leading professional road cycling race, and from 28 to 31 August it will host the men's volleyball pre-World Cup

t o u r n a m e n t o n t h e e v e o f t h e W o r l d C h a m p i o n s h i p i n M a n i l a

Then, from 9 to 16 November, there will be the return of the ATP Finals, which is being reconfirmed until 2027, and great rugby at the Allianz Stadium “In the meantime, Turin has reapplied for the 2027 Winter Universiade , - Carretta adds, - and is in the running for the cities selected to host the 2032

I t a l y - T u r k e y E u r o p e a n F o o t b a l l Championship Distanced by comparisons with Ven i c e , F l o r e n c e , o r R o m e , P i e dmont’s capital is defined by an inhe-

Turin is an example of good practices and the ability to combine tradition and innovation and this will enable the establishment of collaborations with other European cities

Domenico Carretta

Turin, chosen by the European Commission as European Capital of Intelligent Tourism 2025

rent elegance and quality that sets it apart as its unique strength Qualities that are also appreciated by the younger generation “It is liked for its sustainability, it is easy to get around, tourists eat where the locals eat and prices are lower than in other places - says the councillor -Students who live here and tell their stories on social media are our best promoters Certainly the city will have to expand its receptivity This Spring the Hilton will relaunch the former Golden Palace and the former Porta Susa station will be converted into an eco-friendly hotel, while new investment opportunities are emerging ” Overall, the 12-month programme

is closely linked to specific products From the “Made in Turin Tour the Excellent,” a Turin Chamber of Commerce project managed by Turismo Torino e Provincia,which in 2024 brought more than 2,000 visitors to cross the threshold of Turin businesses to learn about their history and excellence - to the project to enhance the R e g g e S a b a u d e a n d t h e i r s u rrounds For each event, a palimpsest - a kind of script Like a film, it represents another intriguing chapter in a city that is drawing numerous international productions and, as a result, film tourism enthusiasts

Domenico Carretta, Turin’s councillor for sport, major events and tourism
Cibreo Caffe at Helvetia & Bristol


wins the Tourism Oscar and aims for year-round appeal

PALERMO - Sicily, recently awarded the “Oscar del Turismo” as Italy’s best destination, has among its main objectives for 2025 the deseasonalization of tourist flows Elvira Amata, regional councillor for tourism, sport, and entertainment, underscored this point and reaffirm e d t h e D e p a r t m e n t ’ s c o m m i tment “Events like the Sicilia Jazz Festival, the Coppa degli Assi, the Sacred Music Week, the Bellini Celebrations, and the Historical Trains have validated our efforts, reinforcing a substantial rise in tourism during the off-season ” The figures for 2024 are not yet official, but the overall flows and those generated by foreign markets point to doubledigit percentage growth

A positive trend that will continue this year And if Agrigento, the Italian Capital of Culture, is an attraction of undisputed charm, the entire island of Sicily can boast a rich and varied heritage of art, culture, traditions and agriculture. "Excellence which prompted the Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts, and Tourism to designate Sicily (the first in Italy) “European Gastronomy Region 2025 ” "The abundance of locally sourced products serves as a cornerstone in developing a model tailored to the current tourism landscape In line with the approach of my department and t h e c o m m i t m e n t o f t h e nment, food is the natural e ment of what is now call tourism, and is aligned with nable tourism which has increasingly relevant and s gic in the post-pandemic er

T h e a p p e a l i n g b i e n n i a l calendar of events is al-

ready available and consists of artistic, folk and sporting events and fairs as well as musical, theatrical, cinematographic and gastronomic festivals ideal for short and long stays “Services must contribute to making our destination even more appeal c

While we are plea with the results,

food is the natural enhancement of what is now called food tourism, and is aligned with sustainable tourism

El i A t

The winner of the Oscar for Tourism aims for year-round appeal

l The Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism nated ily (First n Italy) “European Gastronomy Region 2025”

ture such as ens ring

rail and roa

airports and interports, and particular attention to the internal road network ”

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