



MILAN - Every interview has own flow, as is the very natu of this journalism tool qu stions and answers never tu out to be what you expect, b cause the questions arise from what the interviewee says And this was the case when we talked with ENIT’s CEO and president Ivana Jelinic.
to organize yourself .»
As EnIT you must have a market to which you are paying particular attention «well, this will be the year of the return of China Things are really moving, and our data would seem to confirm the massive presence of Chinese visitors in our country Of course, we are also scouting emerging areas, such as the Arab and UAE countries we work a lot with them because it is a high-spending level of tourism and this, as you can well understand, is of some relevance »
Of course I understand that, but to move on to other hemispheres, is the Us confirming its presence again in 2024?
«The US tourist is not about to give up on his Italian holiday Indications are that in 2024 the US will again take the top spot for international visitors But I also want to point out the phenomenon of Australia, with visitor numbers climbing And it is not ethnic tourism, of Italians returning to their homeland, but Australians tout court And this can only please us In a nutshell, there is always huge demand for Italy around the world »
Of course, this is undoubtedly true But what about overtourism. Let's be frank, some cities cannot handle mass tourism, and others are enormously fragile in terms of moving people and road conditions, which is something tourists usually don’t like
«Certainly, overtourism is a serious problem that we have to think about carefully It is clear that Venice, with the huge number of tourists it gets, is endangering itself That is why an entrance system has been put into place, and we hope it will be effective This is a case of overtourism for which the use of AI can be very important By creating a portal to monitor the various flows into the city and, when the city is sold out, communicating in real time with those who create the trips so they can reorganize them A flow-management portal that
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Territorial tour is one of the important area ENIT is pushin because Italy i certainly not just the great art cities and the sea. There is an exceptional hinterland that is worth discovering.
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seems like a good Let's use AI to orgaanage tourist flows is it not possible to sm from overcrowo others nearby that crowded? tourism is one of the important areas ENIT is pushing, because Italy is certainly not just the great art cities and the sea. There is an exceptional hinterland that is worth discovering However, it must be said in all fairness that if I am a US tourist coming to Italy for the first time, my choice is going to be Venice, Florence, Rome and the other big cities Then maybe I will wander around. Of course, we push the lesser-known tourist areas a lot, and indeed they are starting to show very interesting numbers »
Another problem is trying to lengthen the tourist season
«That is why we are turning to lesser-known markets that do not follow the classical holiday calendar In this way, the tourist season is lengthened considerably, and can start even in October, which is usually the end of the high season »
And how is Europe doing?
«Germany is still in first place among the Eurasian countries, but France is also doing well and Spanish visitors have also shown good growth In general, I would say that Europe is working well for Italy, d ill
AdvErTIsIng LIcEnsEE Network & Comunication Srl
Address: Via Aosta, 30 – 00182
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Maria carniglia: Liguria
sonia Moura:
Airways 2024 timetable, with up to 76 weekly flights between the two countries this summer And with direct flights from Rome Fiumicino and Milan Linate to Frankfurt, Mun i c h , S t u t t g a r t , D ü s s e l d o r f a n d
Hamburg, the ITA network in Italy and the rest of the world, includes S o u t h A m e r i c a n d e s t i n a t i o n s i n Brazil and Argentina
We asked Emiliana Limosani, ITA’s CCO and CEO of Volare, what’s new this year, and to focus on the a i r l i n e ’ s s h o r t - t e r m t r e n d s a n d challenges « T h e r e w i l l b e f u r t h e r g r o w t h across the entire network, with the opening of new direct flights from Rome Fiumicino to Chicago (April 2024) Toronto and Riyadh (May 2024), Accra and Kuwait City (June 2024) and Jeddah (August 2024)
Overall this is a 24% growth in the s u m m e r c a p a c i t y c o m p a r e d t o 2 0 2 3 , w i t h a g r e a t e r i n c r e a s e , +43%, on the intercontinental segment, and with +30% on international and +15% on domestic routes »
What’s happening with the fleet?
«More than 28 new aircraft will enter into service In two years the fleet has grown from 52 to 83 aircraft, of which 39 are new-generation, helping to make the company increasingly green and efficient The 2024 target is to further grow our fleet to 96 aircraft, two-thirds of which will be new-generation"
What role does the trade play for ITA Airways?
«The trade is a key player in achieving our results through maximum customer satisfaction We will continue to maximize revenues and profits for 2024 by putting top priority on filling the capacity offe-
red, especially on high yield routes, and also by boosting t h e p a r t n h i with travel a cies. As a re in 2024 we consolidate th s t r a t e g i c p a r tnerships wit global distribu tion we mad i n 2 0 2 2 a n 2023 both in Italy and on primary int e r n a t i o n a l markets In 2024, with a target of o v e r 2 9 0 w o r l d w i d e a g r e e m e n t s w i t h a g e n c g r o u p s m a n g i n g a r
TRADE: in 2024 we will consolidate the strategic partnerships with global distribution we made in 2022 and 2023 both in Italy and on primary international markets
Emiliana Limosanicorporate segment?
e a very close collaborath agency partners for ate travel We want to se ITA Airways’ peneon in the business segnt, to which we provide tailored proposal struct u r e d a r o u n d v a r i o u s tiers and services link e d t o e a c h f a r e brand This is supplemented by the benefits offered by Volare wi th i ts pr o g r a mme s r large companies and s that are members of Volare business club » at were the results in 3? are very satisfied They eded all estimates and
With many new routes being introduced this summer ITA Airways will operate on 57 destinations, of which 16 domestic, 26 international and 15 intercontinental During the summer the company will also offer 10 additional seasonal routes to the most popular Mediterranean tourist destinations including Greece, Spain, Croatia and the Italian islands, with direct flights from Rome Fiumicino and Milan Linate to Rhodes, Ibiza, Palma de Mallorca, Menorca, Heraklion, Corfu, Lampedusa, Pantelleria, Split and Kefalonia - the latter two only from Rome Fiumicino
10additional seasonal routes this summer 83 aircraft of which 39 are new-generation
forecasts We closed the year with an operational breakeven one year earlier than expected in the business plan, and reporting a positive EBITDA of some tens of millions, improving by more than 350 million over 2022
We carried over 15 million passengers, +50% more than in 2023, and the intercontinental segment doubled the number of passengers, achieving EBIT in 2023 The average load factor was 79%, but rose to 82% for intercontinental traffic, and the most consistent growth in performance was recorded in the domestic segment, which rose by 8% compared to 2022 Total revenues, at 2 4 billion (+67%), once again saw the long-haul segment accounting for 50%, and doubling the revenues recorded in the previous year »
Italy-Germany 76
Weekly flights between the two countries this summer, with direct flights from Rome Fiumicino and Milan Linate to Frankfurt Munich
Stuttgart Düsseldorf Hamburg
FLORENCE - Tuscany, a land of many hidden gems faces 2024 with a heady range of proposals From its famous art cities - Florence and Siena in the lead – “Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2024” region for the enhancement of cultural tourism also boasts a UNESCO heritage and charming small and large towns in lesser-known tourist areas These range from the Lunigiana to the Garfagnana and the plain around Lucca, from Pistoia to Pisa, and from the Prato area to Valdelsa and Valdicecina near Livorno To name just a few
« H a v i n g o v e r c o m e t h e b a c k l a s h from the pandemic, visitors returned from Great Britain and Northe in 2023,» sa sco Tapinas of Toscana P zione Turist
«We also r corded a re turn to our a r t c i t i e s a n d w e lc o m e d a h i g hs p e n d i n clientele Th y e a r t h trend is set c o n t i n u with the f cus on susta n a b i l i t y , c u tural touris
We recorded a return to our art cities and welcomed a highspending clientele This year the trend is set to continue, with the focus on sustainability, cultural tourism, and jointventures with other international destinations
Francesco Tapinassiand there are new itineraries in Lucca and its province And, thanks to recent Etruscan archaeological discoveries, the Valdichiana is betting on its candidacy as Italian Capital of Culture 2026
and joint-ventures with other international destinations for the enhancement of Tuscany’s UNESCO heritage »
«We are developing year-long vertical themes and dedicated campaigns to attract families with children, lovers of that artistic craftsmanship, of which Tuscany is a master, and industrial tourism enthusiasts Promotions also encompass hiking trails through parks and villages to be discovered on horseback or on two wheels, as well as spas and our quality food and wines that are our ambassadors »
2024 marks the centenary of the death of Giacomo Puccini, one of the world’s greatest composers
«As a regional promotional agency we have decided to resume the Benvenute project to make our guests feel at home and safe, as well as focusing on the history and values of our region through the voices of the many businesswomen who represent the female soul of Tuscany »
R e g a r d i n g p r i c e s , w h i c h year, in the face of strong mand, rose by 50% in so areas, Tapinassi adds: «W need a change of perspe tive, more direct involve ment by operators and businesses to improve skills and recover the credibility and reliability that we know we can guarantee.»
Once again this year we are promoting ourselves as an ideal destination for visitors from Germany, Austria and Switzerland: historical markets that have always shown great affection for our destination
C A S T E L N U O V O D E L GARDA - Germany is Gard a l a n d ’ s b i g g e s t f o r e i g n m a r k e t , w i t h t h e L a k e
G a r d a a m u s e m e n t p a r k confirming itself once again as a prime attraction for fami
guests, who now account for 30% of total visitors, a percentage that rises to 48% in Gardaland’s hotels «And in the month of August our hotels recorded an occupancy rate of 98%,» says Gardaland's managing director, Sabrina de Carvalho
After Germany, the park’s foreign visitors mainly come from Austria and Switzerland, followed by Eastern European countries, in particular Slovenia and Croatia «Once again this year we are promoting ourselves as an ideal destina-
t i o n f o r v i s itors from Germany, Austria a n d S w i t z e rl a n d : h i s t o r ic a l m a r k e t s that have alw a y s s h o w n g r e a t a f f e ct i o n f o r o u r d e s t i n a t i o n ,continues Sabrina de Carvalho With a view to continued growth, we also aim to consolidate our presence in emerging markets with a special focus on Slovenia, Croatia and France For these visitors we are focusing in particular on our Short Break offer, with accommodation in one of the more than 500 rooms available in our three hotels, including two fully themed properties And, of course, we continue the process of consolidating our relations with Italian and international travel agencies.»
The new Gardaland season started on 23 March with many new features As well as offering sone 40 adventure, fantasy and adrenaline filled attractions, there will be even more street animation with the resort’s musicians and performers The Gardaland Theatre and Cinema 4D will stage a new show themed around illusions and magic, as well as a new film with three-dimensional vision Younger guests will have the opportunity to meet and greet their favourite characters through fun Meet & Greet events, and the new 44 Cats show will be in Italian and English for international audiences With the arrival of summer the Legoland Water Park Gardaland will reopen, there will be a wide choice of evening events with great music and super guests, and in June guests can expect a brand new attraction with great appeal for adventure junkies
MESSINA - With t i l a n d s c aa rich culh e r i t a g e , a s t a n d s eacon of n a l l u r e , ng an enm e n t a l l y cious apch and a h o r a o f p e r i e n t i a l urism opr t u n i t i e s r o m i t s r i s t i n e b e a c h e s to its tant a l i z i n g c u l i n a r y s c e n e , v i b r a n t u l t u r e , d history, doorway sitors 365
«Our city witnessed a remarka-
ble surge in tourism last year, with 35,000 visitors, marking a notable 38% increase, comprised of some 30,000 Italian travelers and 5,000 international guests,» says Federico Basile, Messina’s mayor «This surge underscores Messin a ’ s t r a n s f o r m a t i o n f r o m a mere transit point to a destination ripe with diverse experiences,- continued Mayor BasileTo bolster tourism we are focusing on cultural promotions, on events, and on revitalizing previously closed sites Our marketing campaigns showcase Messina’s culinary delights, cultural attractions, and historical landmarks By reclaiming our narrative we want to shift the spotlight from larger cities like Palermo and Catania, which have of course their own great appeal, to Messina and we are looking at European markets like Germany and at America given the history of emigration from our city »
Accessibility to Messina has never been easier, as it is located just 50 minutes from Catania Airport, and eight new routes w e r e r e c e n t l y i n t r o d u c e d a t Reggio Calabria Airport by Ryanair, thus transforming it into a vital nearby hub «And let us not forget that Messina extends its reach beyond the city limits,- added mayor Basile,encompassing the entire province with Milazzo and the enchanting Aeolian Islands, and our climate allows us to cater to y e a r - r o u n d e x p e r i e n t i a l t o urism » With its 55 kilometers of picturesque coastline, Messina also offers opportunities for exploring its mountainous terrain, embarking on scenic bike trails, and enjoying the excitement of t r a d i t i o n a l s w o r d f i s h f i s h i n g «We are collaborating with the private sector, fostering local initiatives to promote Messina’s allure and reinforce our position as a premier destination for immersive experiences »
We are focusing on cultural promotions, on events, and on revitalizing previously closed sites
We want to shift the spotlight from larger cities like Palermo and Catania
Federico Basile
hinterland, traditions, art, and gourmet excellence This is the Liguria that was presented at the BIT travel show in Milan by Giovanni Toti, president of the region «It’s an extraordinary year, - said Toti, - we are moving towards deseasonalization and an integrated development model with our agri-food industry as a fundamental driver » «2023 closed with excellent res u l t s : 1 6 m i l l i o n o v e r n i g h t s (+3 5% over 2022) of which over seven million foreigners (+9 4% on 2022),- said regional councillor for tourism Augusto Sartori Germany is in the lead (1 5 million, +5 5%) followed by France (1 million, +4%), and there was a strong increase in US (540,000, +25%) Canadian (110,000, +40%) and Australian tourists (150,000 + 157%) After years of decline post Brexit, we also saw a return of British visitors (265,000, + 13%), and s t r o n g g r o w t h f r o m C h i n a (+101%), Japan (+64%), South
K o r e a ( + 7 3 5 % ) a n d I n d i a (+35 8%) The latter is a new market for Liguria, we will be promoting our brand there.»
Figures that promise well for 2024, thanks also to a calendar of monthly events and to important restoration and preservation like the reopening of the Via dell’Amore, a UNESCO heritage trail in the Cinque Terre
«La Spezia will host the Experiential Tourism Exchange and t h e s e c o n d N a t i o n a l O y s t e r Fair (17-19 May),- said Mayor Pierluigi Peracchini and tourism councillor Mariagrazia Frija - It
also leads a sea-mountain project that will involve 64 municipalities along the coast and in t h e h i n t e r l a n d , b e t w e e n L a Spezia and the Lunigiana » «In 2023 our terminal recorded a record 1 7 million cruise passengers,- said Alessandra Bianchi, Genoa’s councillor for tourism and sport -We are consolidating the conference sector and the cultural appeal of the Rolli, and from 12 to 14 September the city will host the 15th World Tourism Event, a stock exchange for the promotion of UNESCO sites »
Main markets and growth
Germany (+5 5%)
France (+4%)
US (+25%)
Canada (+40%)
Australia (+ 157%)
UK (+ 13%)
China (+101%)
Japan (+64%)
South Korea (+73 5%)
India (+35 8%)
It’s an extraordinary year, we are moving towards deseasonalization and an integrated development model with our agri-food industry as a fundamental driver
Giovanni TotiTURIN - TrEno Langhe, Monferrato and Roero’s first journey of 2024 is scheduled for Sunday 12 May, and it is a unique opportunity to explore, in just one day, one of the world’s most famous regions for quality food and wines Created by Edoardo Vallarino Gancia, scion of a famous Piedmontese wine dynasty, and Gianluigi Barone, a soft-mobility enthusiast, Italy’s first historical wine and food train is a multifaceted experience in historical 1930s Centoporte carriages
On this nostalgic journey you can admire UNESCO-protected sites and be gently lulled as
you roll through hillside villages rich in history and traditions, and through vineyards that produce some of the best wines in the world
Visiting the spectacular underground cathedrals of Canelli, taking part in wine and cheese tastings in Nizza Monferrato, or toasting with Brachetto d’Acqui in Acqui Terme are just some of the experiences to be enjoyed on board the TrEno
The 2024 calendar has ten dates with as many experiences that can be enjoyed from May to December, and some of them are an absolute novelty this year
The TrEno departs from Torino Porta Nuova, and passengers can also board and alight in
Bra and Alba D ring the journe cal storytellers tertain passengers who will
Each town is different from the next, and in each of them local restaurants offer a typical menu paired with local wines The uniqueness of these experiences is ensured by visits to places such as the gardens of Canelli Castle which are normally closed to the public, and are accessible only to TrEno passengers
also be offered an aperitif of Asti Spumante served with Amaretti di Mombaruzzo biscuits Each of the destinations, from Canelli, Castagnole delle Lanze, Neive and Nizza Monferrato to Acqui Terme is a unique experienceVERONA - With the MilanCortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Games the event par excellence on the horizon, the Destination Verona & Garda foundation is upping its promot i o n s a n d c o - m a r k e t i n g p r ojects, participating at travel fairs and transitioning towards a future as a “smart tourism destination ”
The foundation was set up in
Chamber of Commerce which brought together two DMOs: Lago di Garda and Verona, the l a t t e r c o m p r i s i n g f o u r a r e a b r a n d s , V a l p o l i c e l l a , L e s s i n i a , Soave and Est Veronese and Pianura dei Dogi Verona Garda is a refined and culturally rich r e g i o n w i t h g r e a t t r a d i t i o n s , from opera to food to wine A region where on foot, riding a bicycle or on horseback through vineyards and olive groves, or lying in the sun on beautiful beaches you can enjoy ourism vibes n i n g n a t u r a l
with the Winics, Destinarona Garda is r a t i n g w i t h olomiti Bellue s i D M O u n d a t i o n t o ploit the mullier effect of is great sporn g e v e n t rt will unfold 026 with the grated, sustaissible Veronam i t i t o u r i s m at non-Europromotional a n O l y m p i c cts involving airports
n a Ga r d a i s rt of the Ver e g i o n ’ s v e n t i o n B u -
nal convention bureaus, and is an example of how shared planning can achieve important goals in the MICE sector The foundation will be present at the main trade fairs, from the ITB in Berlin and the WTM in London to the BIT in Milan, the FITUR in Madrid, the ATM in Dubai and the ILTM in Cannes It is also aiming to become a “ s m a r t t o u r i s m d e s t i n a t i o n ” where the various stakeholders facilitate access to tourism and hospitality products, services, and experiences through innovative ICT-based solutions By making tourism sustainable and accessible, and fully exploiting its cultural and creative heri-
We would like to stress our attention to the protection of the environment, it is one of the main objectives of the MSC Group and SNAV We are proud to start opera- ting with this latest gene- ration vessel equipped with the best environmental technologies
Giuseppe Langella
NAPLES - SNAV’s first ship with hybrid propulsion will arrive in the Gulf of Naples between April and May 2024 The Hybrid High Speed Craft monohull is destined to boost the s h o r t - h a u l m a r i t i m e c o n n e ctions in the Gulf of Naples operated by the company.
«We would like to stress our attention to the protection of the e n v i r o n m e n t , - s a y s S N A V ’ s CEO Giuseppe Langella, - it is one of the main objectives of the MSC Group and SNAV We are proud to start operating with this latest generation vessel equipped with the best environmental technologies As every year SNAV will be present at the main travel trade fairs to meet travel agents who are a privileged sales channel for us We have dedicated plan of interesting incentives and commission schemes aimed at travel agencies »
The entire network of SNAV routes from Naples to the Aeo-
lian Islands, Capri, Ischia and Procida and the Pontine Islands has been confirmed for the coming year, as has the ferry connection from Ancona to Split For Summer 2024 SNAV gua-
rantees reliable and punctual services with the focus on safety, not only in terms of navigation but also with regard to booking This Summer SNAV will offer the possibility of boo-
king well in advance with the p o s s i b i l i t y o f c a n c e l l i n g t h e booking up to 30 days before the departure date, and with a 100% refund of the price, excluding fees
Fleet and connections
The SNAV fleet consists of hydrofoils, catamarans, fast ships and Ro-Ro drive-on ferries
Seasonal connections
Ancona - Split by ferry from May to October
Naples - Aeolian Islands by fast ferry from May to September
Naples - Ventone/Ponza by fast ship from June to September
All year daily high-speed connections in the Bay of Naples
Naples - Capri Naples - Ischia
Naples - Procida
Castellammare - Capri Sorrento – Capri
TURIN - Langhe rhymes with Italian gastronomic excellence, as in La Madernassa Restaurant and Resort, which holds one Michelin star In the village of Guarene, close to the town of Alba in Piedmont’s Langhe del Roero region, the Cascina Casa Lora farmhouse property has been renovated preserving its peasant heritage It combined tradition with contemporary production techniques and with an e m p h a s i s o n r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y sources.
The We’re Smart Green Guide lists L a M a d e r n a s s a a s o n e o f t h e world’s 100 best restaurants With solar and wind power, using Monviso’s natural spring water and the restaurant preferring glass and aluminum to plastic, every element from the restaurant and the swimming pool to the architecture in the guest rooms and the services offered to guests, speaks green
The vegetable garden, vineyard, greenhouse and forest supply the restaurant’s kitchen for Chef Giuseppe D'Errico’s farm-to-fork cuisine including Evergreen, a green salad of ingredients picked from the garden, for a sustainable, fresh and dynamic starter With In cima di Bra Chef d’Errico
The team
We’re Smart Green Guide evaluates the restaurants on whether their menus are comprised of at least two-thirds fruit and vegetables, but also on criteria based on their culinary creativity, ecological footprint and social impact
proposes an autumn and winter dish combining sausages with friarelli, which are a type of broccoli, and his Risotto grande e rosso is inspired by the art of the Italian artist Alberto Burri.
La Madernassa sources only from local suppliers in a virtuous use of
environmental resources, and in compliance with eco-sustainability and traceability The extensive cellar houses fine wines from the most famous wineries in the Langhe, including organic and biodynamic productions