The Superpilke The productivity of the 'Superpilke 2000' firewood processor was studied during TTS Institute research. In this firewood processing machine the wood is cross-cut using a spiral or guillotine blade, and log splitting is carried out by a wedge.
The length of Superpilke machine conveyor is 3.0 m.
he automatically fed 'Superpilke 2000' machine proved to be an efficient machine for processing wood for heating. In manufacturing firewood logs from spruce and hardwood, productivity was nearly 8 m3/working hour when the average diameter of the wood fed in was 10 cm.
According to MTT Agrifood Research Finland statistics, there were 2 400 cross-cutting and splitting devices sold in Finland during 2001. These are machines that both cross-cut and split the firewood log. Out of the cross-cutting and splitting machines sold, approximately 700 were firewood shearing machines. In firewood shearing machines the wood is crosscut using a spiral or guillotine blade, and log splitting is carried out by a w e d g e. T h e firew o o d s h ea r in g machines can cross-cut and split stems up to a maximum of 20-22 cm in diameter. Firewood made by firewood shearing machines does not meet the requirements for selling as quality class 1 (see article page 22)
firewood because the cross-cut surface is not even and straight. Instead, firewood made by firewood shearing machines is suitable as wood for domestic heating.
THE MACHINES ARE STUDIED IN THE NEW TTS INSTITUTE PROJECT A research project 'The Control and Development of the Firewood Log P rod u cti on P roce ss' ha s be e n launched at the TTS Institute and is included in the TEKES technology program on Wood Energy. The subproject "The Productivity, Costs and Development Targets of New Firewood Processing Devices" researches the productivity, quality and costs of new firewood processing machines that are suitable for professional and private use. The work safety and ergonomics of firewood processing machines will also be analysed. Furthermore, suggestions will be made to the device manufacturers on the development of firewood processors. The research work on the firewood machines were carried out in AprilMay 2002 at Vihti and Ylistaro, Finland. Two hydraulic splitters and eight cross-cutting and splitting devices were researched, of which seven were saw equipped firewood processing machines and one was a shearing firewood machine. The latter was Agromaster Ltd's 'Super-
pilke 2000' firewood processor. This article presents the productivity of the 'Superpilke' machine.
THE 'SUPERPILKE' UNDER RESEARCH The automatically fed 'Superpilke 2000' i s a fi re wood p rocessin g machine which has been on the market for five years. The end of the wood to be processed is set on the feed rollers of the machine, after which the machine then cross-cuts, splits and transports the firewood logs
Superpilke machine cross-cuts, splits and transports automatically firewood logs into a trailer.
Kalle K채rh채, Aki Jouhiaho, TTS Finlande
machine efficiently processes firewood for heating