Wood –Energy Harvesting Techniques Ismo Nousiainen VTT Energy INTRODUCTION During last decade there is developed many new forest fuel production methods and equipment in Scandinavian. Many of these methods and equipment can be also applied in many other parts of Europe - not only in Scandinavian conditions. Presentation is diveded to six parts: • wood fuels in Finnish energy balance • production potential of forest fuels • wood fuel harvesting techniques • competitiveness of wood fuels • targets for the use of forest fuels • conclusions. VTT ENERGY VTT is an impartial and multidisciplinary expert organization. We promote technology dedicated to the improvement of a company’s competitiveness. Our man years are nowadays over 2 700, staff is over 2 900 and total turnover about 191 million Euros. Our work consist self-financed projects, jointly funded projects and commercial activities. About 30 % of our budget we get directly from the government. We have nine research units and one of these is VTT Energy. The Mission of VTT Energy is to carries out on high-level and impartial research and development work on energy production, transfer, distribution and use and also for process industry. Nowadays the research and development work on renewables energy sources and especially on wood fuels are very important part of our work. PRIMARY ENERGY SOURCES IN FINLAND Finnish energy demand is high because of a cold climate, long distances and energyintensive industry. Primary energy consumption in 1998 was totally 30.8 million tons of oil equivalent. At the same time, the indigenous energy sources, which include hydro and wind power, wood fuels and peat, are scarce and about 70 % of energy is imported. The use of wood derived fuels was 5.9 million tons of oil equivalent, which was 19 % of the total energy consumption and that’s ranks Finland at the top among the industrialized countries.