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QUALITY MARKING AND ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING OF SMALL-SCALE BIOMASS BOILERS IN AUSTRIA Leopold LASSELSBERGER Federal Institute of Agricultural Engineering (BLT), A-3250 Wieselburg Tel +43-7416-52175, Fax +43-7416-52175-45, email:

Abstract The article surveys the development of hand and automatically stoked biomass furnaces. It includes boiler technology, (international) standards, testing and its results. Heating private homes with wood has a very long tradition in Austria. Over the past decade the combustion quality of Austrian heating systems could be considerably improved. Emission values were reduced and boiler efficiency could be increased. The test reports published by BLT Wieselburg underline this development. The publication of the European standard EN 303-5 "Heating boilers for soild fuels" guarantees standardised testing and assessment of biomass furnaces on a European level.



In Austria, a country which is densely wooded (46 %), 25 % of the overall energy requirement are covered by water power and biomass. 140 PJ out of a total of 1290 PJ (i.e. about 11 %) are supplied by the latter. This contrasts with 5.4 % on a European level, a share which should be raised to 12.5 % by 2010. Even though there are slightly decreasing figures for wood furnaces at the moment (approx. 570000 of the Austrian households are heated with wood, i. e. about 18.5 %), wood is still of increasing importance, a fact which is due to the steady CO2 increase in the atmosphere [I]. Biomass is mostly used in residential heating systems and in district heating plants with varying heat output. In 1998 about 2300 chipped wood furnaces were installed, 2000 of which had an heat output of up to 100 kW. Moreover more than 1300 pellet boilers were sold. Approx. 12000 to 15000 new log wood boilers were installed [II]. In Austria small-scale heating systems (furnaces with a nominal heat output of 4 kW to 400 kW) are used for heating rooms as well as for hot water production. Furnaces are distinguished according to their field of application (for central heating systems, for heating rooms or hot water production) and according to the type of fuel used. There are several types of biomass boilers: hand stoked furnaces (log wood boilers) and automatically stoked furnaces (chipped wood and pellet boilers). Boiler testing and the publication of the test results help to improve boiler technology, as exact measurements and advanced test methods allow insights into the combustion process which might be of use to manufacturers and customers. Thus, the publication of the test results also stimulates the competition amongst the manufacturers of biomass boilers. As an officially authorised institute BLT Wieselburg conducts type tests of heating boilers for biofuels. About 40 small-scale furnaces are tested a year, of which more than 50 % achieve positive test results [III]. When BLT Wieselburg started those tests 20 years ago, appropriate test methods still had to be developed.


Landtechnische Forschung/1999

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