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Via Quintino Sella, 12 - 13900 BIELLA Tel. 015 - 8480611 Fax 015 - 8480740 Codice Fiscale 90027160028-p. iva 01989770027


THE FAIR : About Forlener FORLENER is the first fair in Italy totally dedicated to the wood-energy chain, from the forestry management to the production of wood in short rotation up to the energy generation in plants of any range of power. After the great success of the first edition (130 companies represented by more than 60 exhibitors, 6 commercial sectors of the entire Forestry-Wood-Energy chain, 4.000 m2 of exhibition area, 3 live on-field demonstrations with more than 90 machines in action, 6 conferences with 44 lectures, 9.000 visitors during the 4 days of fair), the second edition FORLENER 2003 was back to Biella from the 25th to the 28th of September 2003. The showcase section of the fair has been organised by the society EXPOENERGIE S.r.l. while the live demonstrations, the conferences and all other activities connected to this edition have been organised by AGENBIELLA (SAVE Energy Agency of the Province of Biella) in collaboration with AIEL (Italian Association for Wood-Energy) and PAULOWNIA ITALIA S.r.l.. Partner of the event: ITEBE (Insitute Technique Europeienne Bois Energie) - PROVINCE OF BIELLA PIEDMONT REGION

THE FAIR : First results The showcase: The commercial section of the event has registered a participation of about 100 exhibitors. Their products and services covered the whole wood-energy chain including forestry management and woodwork, production and commerce of agricultural and forestry machinery and gear, production and commerce of wood fuels (wood-chips, pellets, etc.), heating systems (from small fire places and stoves, up to boilers and entire wood-fed thermal-plants), advise and research, category associations and Local Authorities involved in the sector.

On-field live demonstrations: Main attraction of Forlener 2003 have been the live on-field demonstration of machines for forestry work and for the transformation of wood for energetic ends. They have been organised in collaboration with IVALSA (Institute for the Valorisation of Wood and Arboreal Species) of CNR (National Centre for Research), while the machines have been furnished by the exhibitors.

The numbers: - 2 demonstration fields (about 2.000 visitors only in the "Bocca del Lupo" field) - 50 machines for the harvest and transformation of woods of any origin - 36 guided tours during the 4 days of fair

The "Sottobosco" area of Forlener: not just wood! The Province of Biella and the Piedmont Region have decided to organise, among all other activities dedicated to the technicians of the sectors, a great area dedicated to all citizens. Such project has taken the appealing name of "Sottobosco" (undergrowth) and presented a mix of culture, didactic, artistic and gastronomic attractions with reference to the main themes of forestry, wood and woodenergy. Main attraction of Sottobosco has been the didactic stand financed by the Piedmont Region and realised in collaboration with AIEL. Its purpose is that of giving a global and clear information about the concept of Wood-Energy chain, its complexity and its ecological, social and economical implications. Within Sottobosco there have also been exhibitions dedicated to the cultural aspect of the wood sector, a projection and multimedial area, an area dedicated to kids with wooden toys and animation. In occasion of Forlener some information material produced with the financial support of Piedmont Region have been presented to the public:

- Handbook about the use of wood for energetic ends - Videotape on the mechanical harvest of wood - Videotape about modern technologies for the production of thermal energy from wood biomass

The conferences: The training and information program of the second edition of Forlener has been the following: - 3 institutional conferences financed by the Piedmont Region and Province of Biella - 1 training course (charged) organised by AIEL - 1 seminar (charged) organised by ITABIA (Italian Biomass Association) - 1 conference organised by the Co-ordination of Piedmont Forest Associations - 1 workshop on the theme of security in the sawmill and woodwork field organised by Husqvarna

In total the event registered about 10.000 visitors at the showcase area and the connected activities (demonstrations and conferences)

The actions of Province of Biella within the Community Project INTERREG III B "Alpenergywood" for enhancing the event FORLENER 2003 The Province of Biella, in collaboration with Agenbiella (Local Energy Agency) carried out the following actions: - Organisation and promotion of 1 international conference - Organisation and realisation of 1 information stand within the fair - Promotion and advertisement campaign through specialised magazines and local newspapers CONFERENCE: ENVIRONMENTAL & HEALTH ASPECTS OF THE WOOD COMBUSTION The conference aimed at focusing the attention on the combustion of wood and its consequences upon the environment and human health. This included an in-depth analysis of the environmental effects of the emissions in atmosphere, presenting at the same time a legislative frame-work at the European level and the environmental consequences of the whole wood-energy chain. Program: Chairman : Eng. Alberto Colucci (Director of Agenbiella) 9.00 Introduction 9.30 Emissions of wood combustion: environmental compatibility and legislative frame at the European level. Ing. Chiadò Rana - ENEA - Unità Tecnico Scientifica Protezione e sviluppo dell'ambiente e del territorio (Saluggia) 10.00 Reduction of PM10: means of control and reduction of emissions from wood biomass Ing. Gaegauf - Centre of Appropriate Technology and Social Ecology (Langenbruck - CH) 10.45 Wood-energy and human health: comparison to traditional fuels Prof. Giorgio Gilli - Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali Università degli Studi di Torino (Torino) 11.15 The recycling of hashes in Swedish forests: technical, economical and environmental aspects

Hans Wickstrรถm - Department of Forest Management - National Board of Forestry (Jonkoping - SWEDEN) 11.45 Control and certification of emissions of wood plants Ing. Riva - CTI - Comitato Termotecnico Italiano (Milano) 12.15 Debate and Conclusions

The conference has been part of the wide Conferences Program of FORLENER 2003 and took place in the Hotel Cascina Casazza facilities- Sandigliano (BIELLA) on the 26th September 2003, from 9,00 AM to 1,00 PM. It registered the participation of 76 people from North Italy, to which must be added 41 students of the Technical High School "Q. Sella" of Biella for a total of 117 participants. All the material concerning the conference (abstracts,slides, acts, etc.) can be found at the following web-site: INFORMATION STAND

Main purpose of the Information Stand was, besides the promotion of the Provincial territory, also that of providing a correct information about the action taken by Province of Biella regarding the exploitation of wood with energetic ends and the creation of a wood-energy chain at a local level.


Advertisement pages have been bought on both specialised magazines (Special Edition about Forlener on Sherwood .....)

and local newspapers ‌

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