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We have selected for you the current documents of wood-energy ERA HEM


Progettualità e problematiche negli insediamenti energetici alimentati con biomassa: seminario internazionale Planning and problems in biomass energy installations: international seminar Piemonte Region. Turin. 1997 Contact:: Settore Programmazione e Risparmio in materia energetica Corso Stati Uniti, 21 10128 Turin - Italy Tel : +39 011 432 4472 Fax : +39 011 432 4961

Energy technologies from Italy published in Italy in English. Filling a gap in specialised publications in Italy, it aims to enhance the exportation of energy products and services available in Italy by providing detailed information on the national energy market and its operators. Cover price: - in Italy: 37 Euros (VAT and delivery included) - abroad:47 Euros (VAT and delivery included)

Indagine sulla cippatura in Italia Survey on wood chipping in Italy Raffaele Spinelli and Bruce Hartssough, published in “Contributi scientifico-pratici per una migliore conoscenza ed utilizzazione del legno”. Institute for Research on Wood. Ed. Compagnia delle foreste.05/2001. IRL Via Brazzuoli, 23 50136 Florence Italy Tel : + 39 055 661750 Fax : + 39 055 670624

Impianti di riscaldamento a cippato di legno Woodchip heating plants Papers from seminar, 10-11 February 1997. Piemonte Region. 1997 Document based on the papers of the seminar “Supplying and managing woodchip thermal plants”. Contact: Piemonte Region Assessorato politiche per la Montagna e Foreste Settore Forestazione Stati Uniti 21 10134 Turin Italy Tel : +39 011 4323968 Fax : +39 011 4322941 WOOD ENERGY N.1 / 2003 4

Petits réseaux de chaleur au bois-énergie, une opportunité pour les collectivités de Rhône-Alpes Small wood energy heating networks, an opportunity for the Rhone Alps collectivities RAEE. 09/2002. This brochure is accompanied by a cd-rom containing the papers of a meeting on the spread of small wood energy heating networks which took place on 24th September 2002 in the Conseil régional de Rhône Alpes. Contact: Rhônealpenergie Environnement 10 rue des Archers 69002 Lyon France Tel : +33 4 78 37 29 14 Fax : +33 4 78 37 64 91

Installations de chauffage alimentées à bois pour le séchage du bois scié. Wood-fired heating plants for drying sawn timber Practical Guide, 2002 - 108 pages, 16x24 cm, reference CTBA : L 209 The kiln drying of sawn timber has become an essential part of the marketing of sawn timber. This new publication from CTBA sets out to prove that the cost of a useful thermal kWh from the burning of sawmill wood residues is competitive in many cases. Sawmill owners will find all the information they need in this guide to carry out a drying project linked to a wood heating plant in the best possible conditions of profitability. Contact : CTBA 10, avenue de Saint Mandé 75012 Paris France Tel : +33 140 19 49 19 Fax : +33 143 40 85 65 ois.htm

Forestry Statistics in Great Britain In Great Britain, the “Forestry Commission” has just published the 2002 forestry statistics, an annual publication giving all the figures concerning forestry, sylviculture and wood conversion in the United Kingdom. Thus, we read that: -The total forested area in Great Britain amounts to 2.8 million hectares -Since 1996, about 100,000 hectares of new forest have been planted -The number of trees in Great Britain is estimated to be 3,814 million. Half of these are in Scotland, one third in England and the rest in Wales. Source: article n° 1717- 19 December 2002

Cd Rom Chauffage domestique alimenté au bois : Wood-fired domestic heating: technology and catalogue of woodfired heating appliances Vol 1 This CD Rom launched with 500 copies is mainly aimed at heating engineers and self-employed persons to assist them in the installation of wood-fired domestic heating in the home: -improved knowledge for the choice of equipment (database 2001) -main installation rules -calculation of the cost of woodfired heating Contact: Costic 6, rue a. Lavoisier –ZI de Saint-Christophe 04 000 Digne-les-Bains France Tel: +33 4 92 31 19 30 Fax: +33 4 92 32 45 71

Wood fuels – sustainable heat for public buildings Wood fuels – sustainable heat for residential buildings Heating large buildings with wood fuels – Basic technical information Three documents containing a very wide range of basic technical information useful for designing chip and pellet fired heating systems to heat groups of buildings or public

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