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Wood-Energy in Tuscany and the

Bioenergy Farm Project Antonio Faini, Gianfranco Nocentini Service “Promotion, testing and transfer of innovation” ARSIA

It is well-known that Tuscany is the region of Italy with the greatest forest cover with just over one million hectares. 76% are coppices principally represented by oak species, Turkey and Pubescent Oak, Sweet Chestnut and Beech. The main wood assortment is still today, as it was to an even greater extent in the past, firewood and then agricultural wood.


Woodland management for the production of wood for energy cannot ignore the principles of technical, economic and environmental sustainability.

For several of the region’s hill and mountain districts, firewood is very often a valid alternative to the fossil fuels currently used in heating. Thus, in these areas it may be worthwhile promoting and providing incentives for the use of this renewable energy source to contribute to the reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and to the creation or preservation of employment. The latter is strategic in ensuring the human presence necessary for the upkeep

and protection of environmentally sensitive areas. Woodland management for the production of wood for energy (firewood or other wood assortments used for energy purposes) cannot of course ignore the principles of technical, economic and environmental sustainability. These principles are indispensable in guaranteeing the multipurpose nature of Tuscan woodlands which is important to the region for a rational use of the natural resources.

In this field ARSIA, acting in agreement with the region, is carrying out a series of projects concerning woodland wood-energy which involve the sustainable forest management of coppices and the development of the “wood” resource not only for valuable manufacturing and structural uses but also for energy. ARSIA worked with public and private bodies to prepare the trade fair “LegnoEnergia Centro Italia” (Wood Energy Central Italy) which took place in Arezzo from 13 to 16 March 2003. It was the first trade fair in central Italy on the production, transformation, transport and energy use of wood. ARSIA’s participation, particularly with regard to the demonstration initiatives and meetings, favoured the creation of working relationships with organisations operating in the wood-energy sector both on a European and national level and in particular with ITEBE (European Technical Institute for Wood Energy) and its Italian representative AIEL .


To promote biomass for energy purposes, considering not only those from forestry activities but also those produced by agriculture, ARSIA is putting the Bioenergy Farm Project into practice within the framework of MiPAF’s National BioFuel Programme (PROBIO). The project costing a total of 525,000 Euros, of which 463,000 is financed by MiPAF and 62,000 by the Region of Tuscany, aims to promote demonstrations and activities capable of stimulating the branch of bio-fuels and all its components. From this point of view and having taken the trends of Community Agricultural Policy into consideration, the project aims to build at least one company or inter-company model of a “bioenergy farm” for Tuscan agriculture, with a high level of energy self-sufficiency. The development of these new company situations, especially in hill WOOD ENERGY N.1 / 2003 8

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