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ValBiom durably cultivates the future... D . Va n d e r S t r i c h t , D . M a r c h a l - Va l B i o m

Biomass is one of Walloon’s riches. Rationally exploited, it may represent an important source of renewable energy. Within this context, ValBiom aims to guarantee the promotion and development of the non alimentary sectors of biomass.

T h ro u g h i t s a c t i v i t i e s Va l b i o m works with representatives of both the farming and forest sectors and of the administration and political circles. Its members include private individuals, associations, industrialists, scientific institutions, etc.. ValBiom acts as intervener, integrating notions of agriculture, environment and durable, technological and economic development. With the support of its members and of the

Walloon Region, it ensures coordination and support for the various operators in the sector. ValBiom participates in projects supported by the Wa l l o o n Re g i o n ( a g r i c u l t u re , energy, …) as well as European projects including: • The FARR-Wal project (Agriculture and Renewable Resources Sectors in the Walloon Region), set up by three operators: the Centre for Agronomic Research of Gembloux (CRAGx), University Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of Gembloux (FUSAGx) and the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL). This project aims to improve both the income of farmers in Walloon and rural dynamics, with the consolidation of the non alimentary sector. It can be translated into three specific objectives: increase and diversify the a c t i v i t y o f Wa l l o o n f a r m e r s , increase the Walloon gross domestic product and strengthen the socio-economic fabric of rural areas in a lasting way; • The Belgian Pellet Club. Based on the ITEBE Pellet Club model, in 2002 ValBiom created a work group which unites most professionals of the pellet sector in Belgium. Its main objective is to identify and remove obstacles to the development of this sector in Belgium; • The DiffuSER project, set up by CRAGx and by APERe (Association for the Promotion of Renewable Energies). The training organised within the framework of this project should allow the consultants of the Guichets de l’Energie (Energy Counters: a public service in Walloon which offers free advice

to private individuals on renewable energy and energy conservation) to answer general questions on the applications of “renewable energy” (in this case, wood heating). Valbiom is also a member of the following associations: ERRMA (European Resources and Renewable Materials Association), AEBIOM (European Biomass Association), ITEBE (European Technical Institute of Wood-Energy), … Finally Va l B i o m i n t e r v e n e s a s B e l g i a n operator in the framework of the Altener EUBIONET (European Bioenergy Networks) project.

The activities of ValBiom cover the biomass-energy and those of the renewable materials.


Valbiom, an NPMA (non-profitmaking association), was created from the synergies between two NPMAs; Belbiom and Valonal. Both working for the non alimentary development of biomass with particular attention paid to protecting the environment, they merged on 7 January 2002 to unite their respective strengths. ValBiom’s main objective is the promotion and development of the non alimentary sectors of biomass working with all interested parties and respecting the principles of durable development. ValBiom’s activities cover the sectors of biomass-energy and renewable raw materials. As an indication, Valbiom is involved in: • with regard to resources: flax, rape, chicory, beetroot, forest residues, wood industry sub-products, very-short-rotation coppices, agro-alimentary industries, etc. • with regard to processes: combustion, gasification, cogeneration, bio methanisation, plant chemistry, etc. • with regard to products: solvents, biopolymers, biolubricants, biomaterials, “green” heat and electricity, biofuels, etc.


WOOD ENERGY N°2 / 2003 13

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