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We have slected for you the current documents of wood-energy DOCUMENTS Wood-energy: lasting heat for the home and service industries Document aimed at the general public and managers of public and private heating plants which use wood for energy purposes employing the most modern technology. The index is as follows: • A widely available resource • Attention paid to supplying and the quality of the woodfuel • How to conceive a wood-energy heating project • Optimisation of project costs • Positive spin-offs for the environment and social condition • Support for the development of the Wood-Energy sector Contact:

11/2002. 58 p. The aim of the publication is to define a method making it possible to establish the quantity of absorbed carbon both in forests and wood products in Italy. Contact: APAT, Via Vitaliano Brancati 48, 00144 Rome Italy -

Towards a Non-Carbon Fuel Economy: Research, Development and Demonstration. Report of the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee - Fourth Report of Session 2002-03 Volume I.

Efficient technology for competitive production of forest chips: The Finnish Wood Energy Technology Programme 1999–2003. Tekes. August 2003. 4 p. Contact: The National Technology Agency, TEKES, P.O. Box 69 (Kyllikinportti 2), 00101 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358-105 2151 • Fax +358-9-694 9196, E-mail: -

Other available titles include: Wood fuel : sustainable heat for public buildings

Wood fuels - for residential buildings

A methodological approach for assessing woodfuel sustainability. An FAO publication in English (2003), entitled WISDOM, an acronym for Woodfuels integrated supply/demand overview mapping. The basic idea of the book is that a more sustainable use of woodfuels will not only have a positive impact on the environment and support sustainable forest management, but will also contribute towards generating employment and income and thus improve food security in developing countries. Links to the WISDOM publication can be found on these

Wood and fuels for residential buildings from the Austrian Energy Agency (EVA) (download from site

How much carbon do we fix in Italy? Absorption and fixation of carbon in forests and wood products in Italy. Report 21/2002. AA.VV. APAT (Environmental Protection and Technical Services Agency).

WOOD ENERGY N°2 / 2003


sites: .org/docrep/005/y4719e/y4719e02.htm

Guide to studies on supply, offer and demand of woodfuels. (Guía para encuestas de demanda, oferta y abastecimiento de combustibles de madera) The document is in Spanish. The guide was made by the Deputy Management for the supplying and marketing of forest products (FOPH). The document was prepared by Dr

Teresita Arias Chalico in conjunction with Enrique Riegelhaupt. Further details are available on the website

Industrial Uses of Biomass Energy: The Example of Brazil. 9 March 2000. 304 p. Jose Goldemberg, Frank Rosillo-Calle, Sergio V. Bajay, Harry Rothman. Publisher: Taylor & Francis; ISBN: 0748408843 Price: £65.00 Synopsis This work demonstrates that energy-rich vegetation, biomass, is a key renewable energy resource for the future. Most energy scenarios recognize bioenergy as an important component in the future world’s energy outlook, both in developed and developing countries. Brazil, uniquely, has a recent history of large-scale biomass industrial uses that makes it a specially important test-bed both for the development of biomass technology and its utilization, and for understanding how this is shaped by political and socio-economic forces. Finally, it is argued that Brazil’s experience with the development for industrial biomass use provides wider lessons and insights in the context of the international movement for sustainable economic development. This book is an interdisciplinary, multiauthor work, based upon an international study by Brazilian and British experts at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Energy Planning-NIPE, State University Campinas, and the King’s College, University of London. Production of FT transportation fuels from biomass; technical options, process analysis and optimisation, and development potential. Publication in English from the University of Utrecht on Fischer Tropsch diesel deriving from biomass. Can be downloaded in its entirety from internet. The authors are: Hamelinck, C.N., A.P.C. Faaij, H. den Uil, and H. Boerrigter (2003), Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute, Department of Science Technology and Society, Utrecht, Holland.

Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2003, IEA. The International Energy Agency

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