ORIGINAL-I.T.F. Articles, news and announcements from around the globe! *I.T.F. news round up *I.T.F. seminar in Chile *Battle of the South East *Martial Arts And Psychology *G.M. Park Jung Soo bio *Netherlands I.T.F. IIC *2011 I.T.F. events round up *Much, much more inside
The on-line magazine
for all I.T.F. Families
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Our Contributors I.T.F. Chang Ung, I.T.F.-V, I.T.F.-C, itftkd.org, S.T.F., L.T.S.I. Admin., C.T.F.I., Raymond Lee, John C. Price, www.jongpark.com, I.T.F. Netherlands and Tracey Leonard.
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Original I.T.F. is a FREE on-line magazine
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Editors Voice Welcome back to Original-ITF! We have had some great content sent in and added to this issue. We looked at other magazines recently to see how they compare in I.T.F. content and, would you believe it, hardly any articles are submitted to them too. I can only assume I.T.F. practitioners do not like writing articles, which is sad as it makes the future of our magazine look bleak as we specialise in the I.T.F. families only. I find it hard each issue to motivate myself, as I feel I am wasting my time trying to bridge the gaps in the I.T.F.’s. I do believe that our magazine has NEVER tried to make false claims and act like we are a voice on I.T.F. technique, as personally I feel everyone has their own views on teaching and explaining the art, so we steer clear of trying to educate. The idea of our project has always been to get news from each I.T.F. and showcase it for them all under one roof so you, the end user, will not have to visit different sites to gather the latest news. We have added what events we can to the events section so, once again, you have access to all the event listings you want. We have deleted the ‘Inside the I.T.F.s’ section, as many felt it was leaning towards negativity. Personally, I felt some of the articles were good and needed to be aired but, as they say, ‘The customer is always right’! Be sure to check out our NEW online web site, as we are adding many features very soon. I thank you all for your continued support and wish you and your families a restful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Best wishes for 2011
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Sunday 6
March 2011
Marlbo rough School Watling Sports S t re e t , S Compl Only £2 ex, t. Alban 0 to at tend (in s, AL1 Sparrin 2QA cludes g * Pat o ne sp terns * ectator Breakin ticket) g * Te a m Patte rns
For invitation & info, tel: 01727 827624 or e-mail ltsihq1@virginmedia.com EVENT COVERED BY WWW.ORIGINAL-ITF.CO.UK Page 5 © Copyright Original-ITF 2010
I.T.F. Seminar in Viñas del Mar, Chile held by the South American Taekwon-do Federation 4th to 7th Nov. 2010
On November 4th to 7th 2010 was held by the South American Taekwon-do Federation (STF) a seminar in Viñas del Mar – Chile, a Country member of this Institution. For F.E.T.R.E.CHFederation of Taekwon-Do Republic Chile President Mr. Hugo Huerta. One of the objectives of S.T.F is keeping actualized to its members in the administrative and technical areas. This aspect was in charge to Grand Master Ricardo Desimone (IX Dan) Vice-President and Chairman of the Technical Committee of STF. And Senior Master Osvaldo Rios Olivero (VIII Dan) and President of S.T.F They emphasised in details agreed in Beijing, China on last April this year where the top categories of the World and the only authorized to give seminars to keep actualized in this aspect, arrive to a final decision about the details to take into consideration. However the main task developed by the STF Authorities was explain to the Dans, Instructors present there and the responsible of the Chilean NGB the ITF activities especially held by our President Prof. & Doctor Chang Ung related with Sport Accord, WTF and IOC.
Was highlighted the necessity to have the ITF certificates to be consider an official ITF member. Was emphasized the support required by the ITF to its activities being present permanently in every event programmed, especially in the Congresses and World Championships. About it the people present in the meeting showed very interested in knowing the details commented and in this new era of the ITF politics promising apply the proposal now in further. Both STF’s Authorities showed to all the present people as they did in the last STF Congress and Championship held in Bogotá – Colombia on last October this year, the relevant and strong Institution that South America has in STF to defend our ITF in this part of the World and putting it as leader in the Continent for the first time in ITF’s history, always supporting the Pan Am Taekwon-do Council (PTC) as the main Continental Organization. Ricardo Desimone Grand Master ITF Vice- President S.T.F
Page 6 © Copyright Original-ITF 2010
Written by :L.T.S.I. admin News from: www.uk-ltsi.com
On 17th October 2010, the L.T.S.I. (founded in 2004) hosted their Invitationals at the Marlborough School Sports Complex in St. Albans. 20 schools took part, with over 130 participants invited. The tournament, which is in its’ fifth year, saw a downturn in numbers this year. Yes, we have heard that one group in the U.K. are claiming this is just an excuse but, the fact is, it is most possibly due to the recession. It has affected most groups across the U.K. and resulted in many students not taking part as actively during 2010. This is just sour grapes and a perfect example of the bigger groups trying to mark down all competitors (and they say they follow the tenets). Despite the downturn, even today, a month after the event, we are still receiving praise on the professional approach that our events are run - this is not a false claim, but a true fact. The following is a report from Original ITF’s editor Chris on how the event unfolded. Page 7 © Copyright Original-ITF 2010
Friday 15th October, Jeff’s knocking at the door after a hard days work - it was time once again to go and hire the van to get the equipment and mats to the venue on the day. One hour later, the van is on the drive and Tracey, Lauren and Rhiannon are helping to load it up. Three hours later, everything is on the van and it was time to rest. It’s amazing how much preparation goes into running these events twice a year, but we do it for the L.T.S.I.’s members. Sunday 5am, I am up after going to bed at 2.30am as I was finishing off a few jobs with Tracey. We get the remaining items loaded onto the van and Jeff arrives at 6.15am. Jeff is our official van driver and security doorman - it is quite handy to have a non Tae Kwon Do’ist that will work the door, not tolerate rudeness and tell the visitors to behave without worrying they may be senior to him (and boy is he good at it!). We arrive at 7am and the arena takes shape as I take control, making sure all areas are set up on time ready for the children’s event which started at 8.30am and finished at 11.30am. Thankfully, Stuart Smith and his family all are on site by 7.15am and was I grateful, as the L.T.S.I. had minimal members in the event (38 in total). We worked as a real team, showing unity to get the event ready on time. Stuart, who is our tournament supervisor, took control and we were ready to start the tournament. Despite low numbers, we witnessed some fantastic standards from the juniors.
First up was the junior patterns section, where some of the children on the floor were as young as five years old. It looked funny if they won spoils, as the award looked as big as them in some cases! I was sitting on ring three watching as D. Doran from Hemel L.T.S.I. eliminated the 15 other competitors in his section, demonstrating some true quality in standard and power. On to sparring I watched as kids from all affiliations shook hands with each other, smiling even in defeat and keeping sportsmanship as their main goal. I was so proud, as good sportsmanship results in everyone enjoying the event, As I sat there, I witnessed D. Doran push his way to yet another gold in a classy bout - two students from my school made sure they also gave their best and both secured bronze medals. I moved onto ring two and saw a number of other students from the L.T.S.I. fighting for their spoils, resulting in more medals being won for the group. In the power test, I. Shah took the gold, scoring a very impressive 78 on the power meter with turning kick. D. Doran made his hat trick and won gold in turning kick for his age group. The children’s event came to a close after all red belt sections had been run. We then started the 13 plus event, but had a few juniors in this due to the low numbers attending. On to patterns, the girls Black Belts saw Jade Doran and Lauren Snow (my daughter) fight off for gold - Jade won after the bout had to be re-run, as both forgot the pattern but redeemed themselves with two quality events. Jade won by a one point lead in one of the patterns, but both were happy to win their spoils and congratulated each other afterwards.
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On to the 10’s to 12’s section Black Belts sparring - first up was a mixed section, boys and girls, one from Hemel L.T.S.I. and one from Rayners Lane. It was decided that the two would fight off for gold with two rounds and did they both give their best. However, Jade made sure she took the gold with some quality side and back kicks that hit the target, making her opponent realise she had the edge. In the 13 to 17’s males patterns, there was not a lot on the day but those that did attend made it worth watching, as fire works night came early! Andy Smith (L.T.S.I.) and Ben Dale (I.T.U.K.) fought for gold, with Ben getting the edge and winning and Andy securing his silver place. There was only one 18+ Black Belt male that signed up on the day so, as sportsmanship was being exercised, the ladies said “Let him go with us”. I think it was a case of ‘we can beat him’ - well, they did and their patterns were quality. The next section was sparring which lead to a quality fight of the day. The first match was Tyla Cross (I.T.U.K.) and Andy Smith (L.T.S.I.). Tyla had beat Andy at the Derby Opens in April, so it was pay back time! Andy beat Tyla, even though Tyla had given his all - he had just been outsmarted on this occasion. Ben Dale (I.T.U.K.) and Andy were next - they had beaten all their opponents and facing off against each other now would be electrifying. We were not let down, as both tried desperately to outsmart the other. After two very closely contested bouts, Ben won but I think Andy earned his respect on this occasion. I walked across the arena to see the ladies section unfolding - as there was only two girls in the event, we mixed ladies and veterans together. Surprisingly, a veteran lady from Long Eaton showed age means nothing with some real fast kicking combinations, securing her gold. There was a 4th Dan pattens section but, to be fair, two of the original four had pulled out. Even so, the two Instructors that performed executed two great patterns which was a real crowd pleaser, especially as nowadays many 4th Dans do not compete. Mr. Adams and Mr. Smith gave their best and Mr. Adams was victorious. It was good to see Stuart compete, as he has been retired a few years now. The adult males Black Belts multi section was won by Chris Heffernan, breaking two very hard boards. Never the less, he broke the boards and made them look like putty, making him the champion of breaking.
Canada Certifies Class C and Class B Umpire Trainers
At around 1pm, the remaining colour belt sections were run - looking at all the rings, the officials were back assisting us after competing, which showed the commitment of those in attendance (which the L.T.S.I. are very grateful for). These were heavily contested, in some cases over 20 adults in the section.
On November 11 and November 12 ten (10) members of the Canadian Taekwon-Do Federation (CTFI) were certified to conduct and certify class C and class B umpire seminars within Canada. It is the first training program of its kind in Canada.
All in all, the day was very good. Parents took the time to congratulate us on how we run the event, some even said they had attended much bigger events than ours, but it was the way the L.T.S.I. prides itself on how we run these events that meant they thought our events were amongst the best in the U.K. Well, what can we say, we have always stated we try and deliver the best events around but, at the end of the day, it really is the comments back from those that attend that separate us from the rest.
The 15 hour certification course was presented by Mr. Kurt Ottesen CTFI Umpire Director and member of the ITF Umpire committee. Both power point presentation and practical umpire exercises were used by Mr. Ottesen to ensure the course material was covered in a comprehensive format. The course covered the rules and regulations for ITF international competition, the point system for all areas of competition, the most recent updates to competition rules, the umpire official’s duties, the rules and procedures for a jury council, and secrets of the trade.
We thank the I.T.U.K., Learn T.K.D., Rayners Lane T.K.D., Hay Harris T.K.D., Essex G.T.I., all the L.T.S.I. schools and any others we may have not mentioned here. To run these events also needs supporters like the many that run the doors, lay the mats, help in areas that we need support - this is what makes our events run smoothly, so we thank you. I must thank those that give support to me directly - Tracey, Pat, Lauren and Rhiannon who pack the van and help me every time. The L.T.S.I. has suffered from blatant attacks over the last 18 months (or, should I say, I have), which inadvertently made the group suffer and resulted in us losing three coaches. Anyone can see those who done this to us are just scared of progress, so it was pick on the small and try to discredit us. I am glad to say we are now more focused and driven than ever before we now know our friends and who will back us but, more importantly, we are committed to L.T.S.I. and all other affiliations are there only for professional standards and nothing more. We have had our web sites upgraded recently, so if you are interested in our events, please head over to one of our sites for access. www.uk-ltsi.com or www.ltsi-tournaments.co.uk www.af-tkd.com. Page 9 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2010
The participants were Master Scott Downey (Newfoundland), Mr. Rod Johnson and Mr. Chris Law (British Columbia), Ms. Brandi Merritt and Mr. Daryl Rasmussen ( Alberta), Mr. Ken Sabo and Mr. David Klimpton (Saskatchewan), Mr. Steven Legrow (Ontario), and Mr. Ken Mackenzie and Mr. Jim Ripley (Nova Scotia).
By Raymond Lee
3. Hamstring Stretch Lie flat on your back in the neutral position. Keeping your left leg straight, bend your right leg, at a 90-degree angle so that the lower right leg is parallel to the ground. Clasp your hands behind your right knee, and begin to straighten your right leg. Do a gradual stretch three to five times, holding it for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat the stretch with the opposite leg. How much time should you spend stretching? This is up to you. To do all the repetitions of all exercises in the following would take at least 30 minutes. It is encouraged to try all the stretches and then decide what works best for you. You may choose to do only a few exercises that seem most helpful for your back condition. Or you may decide to do fewer repetitions of each exercise. Or you may do everything. You are the best person to decide what works for you. The exercises do not all have to be done at once. You can do a little here and there over the course of your day. Here are some of the tips that you can consider to adopt.
1. Trunk Rotation Lie on your back with your arms out to your sides. Bend your knees and either place your feet flat on the floor or pull your knees up toward your chest. Roll your legs to one side and then the other. Experiment with leg positions to find the one that is most comfortable for you. Move from side to side 20 times. Hold the last stretch to each side for 20 seconds while you relax and breathe easily.
2. Knees To Chest While lying on your back, pull one leg at a time up to your chest. Then raise your knees and pull both toward your chest at the same time. Do 20 repetitions of each motion, holding the last repetition for 20 seconds.
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4. Hip Flexor Stretch Kneel down on your right knee. Make sure that your upper body is straight and that your left leg is bent a 90-degree angle. Keeping your hips square and your upper body perpendicular to the ground, drive your hips forward. As you move forward, you should feel the stretch in your right hip. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat three to five times. Repeat with the other leg.
5. Quadriceps Stretch While standing, reach back and grab your right foot or ankle with your right hand. Pull your foot up toward your buttock to stretch the muscles on the front of your thigh. Keep your knee pointing down and next to the other knee. Be sure to stand up straight and avoid twisting. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat three to five times. Repeat with the opposite leg.
6. Calf Stretch Stand with one foot in front of the other or with your feet together. Keep your toes pointing forward and your heels on the floor. Lean forward to feel a stretch at the back of your ankle and calf. Hold it for 20 to 30 seconds. Relax and repeat three to five times.
7. Gluteal Stretch Lie on your back with both legs flat on the floor. Grab your knee and ankle with your hands and pull it toward the opposite shoulder. Hold it for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat three to five times. Repeat with the other leg.
Martial Arts And Cognitive Psychology: toward Further Research In The Cognitive Aspects Of Martial Arts By John C. Price While Asian Martial Arts have become very popular in the western world, many scientific circles do not take the study of the Martial Arts seriously as a topic of research. In some cases, they may suppose that current research efforts in aerobic and anaerobic exercise are sufficient. In other cases, they may believe that there is nothing to be gained by researching such an esoteric area, or that the research is difficult or impossible. Still others may view the Martial Arts as a means to placate violence and object for reasons of conscience. Shaler remarks (as cited by Weiser and Kutz, 1995) that the Martial Arts are " … naught but [a] killing present, anger past, and misery to come in the course of one who studies these arts." Even so, Martial Arts are beginning to be understood and appreciated in the last 25 years in the west, primarily for the health and exercise benefits. Weiser and Kutz (1995) note "The Martial Arts (MAs) deserve recognition as worthy of being added to this list of therapeutic practices … and to the list of supplements to psychotherapy." It is my intention to add "theoretical research" to this ever-expanding list of non-combat uses for the Martial Arts, specifically research into the cognitive aspects of Martial Arts. Many studies point to the mental health benefits of Martial Arts, and the link between traditional (aerobic and anaerobic) exercise and Martial Arts has been noted. To assume that the sole utility in Martial Arts is the link with exercise would be errant since Martial Arts have "an additional and enhancing effect" (Weiser and Kutz, 1995). Page 11 © Copyright Original-ITF 2010
Further the Martial Arts are noteworthy because they not only do not produce immediate benefits, but they may actually increase anxiety before the benefits take effect (Weiser and Kutz, 1995). Weiser and Kutz (1995) also note that the literature "point[s] out the processes of MAs training … are similar to those of verbal psychotherapy" and that these similarities may be linked to the increase of anxiety during initial stages of training. One of the problems surrounding study into the Martial Arts is the bewildering number of styles and the disparity of training methods. In my own case I have studied Judo, American Kenpo, Chen style Tai Chi, and I am currently studying Bujinkan Taijutsu. These arts are all distinctly different, both in methodologies and in philosophy - so how does one make a meaningful claim about "the Martial Arts"? One way to do this is to study a particular portion of Martial Arts training, such as guided imagery, sparring, or weapons training. Cai (2000) did a study of Tai Chi that involved three groups. The first group studied self defense integrated with guided imagery, the second Tai Chi integrated with self-defense, and the control group studied only self-defense. In this study the first two groups "showed significantly lower anxiety and depression scores than the traditional single content program" (Cai, 2000). The study noted no significant difference between the guided imagery group and the Tai Chi group. This study shows an example of isolating specific portions of Martial Arts (in this case, guided imagery and Tai-Chi) and could be expanded on to study other specific portions of Martial Arts.
This is not the whole solution, however, as the whole can not be concluded to be solely the sum of it's parts. In the end an exhaustive study of individual Martial Arts may be deemed necessary, however examining the pieces is a good place to start. If one finds significance in various pieces, then a good hypothesis would be that there is significance in the whole. If one finds no significance in the pieces, then a good hypothesis may be that the whole produces no scientific significance. While both hypotheses require testing, they are reasonable with sufficient evidence – of which the above study provides but one data point. Most Martial Arts have a number of things in common. Kihon ("Basics"), Kata ("Forms"), and free response drills are all quite common among Martial Arts, but there are often philosophical similarities as well. Two of these philosophical similarities are Mushin and "Essence". Mushin is often translated as "no mind", or "empty mind" and refers to the state of mind one experiences where ones concentration is focused externally to the exclusion of "chatter" – the verbal thoughts that often fill our consciousness. Essence is much trickier concept for the martial artist, but for the psychologist there are echoes of cognitive theories. Many Martial Arts have an overriding philosophy that guides its core, and the Kata ("forms") are said to be reflections of this "essence". Once one knows the "essence" of the art, the Kata ("forms") are no longer needed. Another concept in many Martial Arts is the Henka, or variation. A Henka is similar to a base form and is supposed to teach the same principles as the original. Nearly every martial art has a ranking system, or some method of setting the beginner apart from the more experienced practitioner. While this is necessary for training progression, it is also convenient for research purposes as this makes the mental differences between the skill levels easier to track.
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Another thing that is common among many Martial Arts is the desire to generalize what is learned in the training hall to life experiences other than combat. Vockell and Kwak (1990) give an analogy between chess masters and martial artists. They point out that many very good chess players are poor at academic skills, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. This is not to say that they are not intelligent, but rather that they have not learned to generalize to life, where as others can see the similarities between chess and real life. "One member of the famous Royal Knights chess team recently stated, ‘Chess is like life. If you have a plan, you will make fewer mistakes than you will without a plan'" (Vockell & Kwak, 1990). These commonalities give us a good place to start our investigations into the potential rewards for research into the cognitive aspects of Martial Arts. For the rest of this paper I would like to focus on the cognitive aspects of pattern matching, problem solving, prototype creation, perception, consciousness, and creativity. The Martial Arts offer us a unique perspective to the pattern-matching problem. Some Kata ("forms") have been designed for two or more participants and free sparring provides a unique perspective as well. During both of these exercises, the martial artist is forced to quickly determine a number of attributes about their partner, including such things as foot position, attitude, hand position, distancing, and so on. While I have seen a number of studies published on static pattern recognition, there are much fewer on moving pattern recognition, and even fewer on moving pattern recognition under stress. What differences are there between the three states? What differences are there when movement of the subject is involved? What are the effects of stress on pattern matching? What are the effects of pattern matching under stress while simultaneously undergoing movement? Unfortunately the nature of these exercises limits the types of experimental data that can be gathered. Some methods, such as the MRI require the subject to be immobile, while others require the subject to wear expensive equipment that can be easily dislodged by vigorous activity. However technological advances may assist in this area once a need is shown. Eye tracking, for instance, has made tremendous advances. A safe device can now be created to do eye tracking on a moving subject, and this can be used to determine the visual aspects of pattern matching of the martial artist. How does eye movement differ between expert martial artists and novices? What can this tell us about pattern matching under stress?
Henka ("variation") are another potential area of pattern matching research - one which is much easier to deal with. The concept behind Henka is that it similar in principle to a Kata ("form"), but with visual dissimilarities. Interesting questions can then be posed such as "what is the accuracy rate of various practitioners in determining the base Kata from a Henka? How long does it take? How does this compare between various skill levels? How does this compare to standard visual pattern matching tasks? Is there a link between visual pattern matching efficacy and motion pattern matching efficacy?" The last question is, perhaps, the most interesting one. Problem solving is also another area of potential research. Solso (2001, p. 452) defines problem solving as "thinking that is directed toward the solving of a specific problem that involves both the formation of responses and the selection among possible responses." In the case of Martial Arts both free response exercises and multi-person forms may provide an interesting window into the subject, though free response exercises would seem to be the most promising. In free response exercises, there are at least two problems present: "how do I keep my opponent from defeating me?" and "how do I defeat them?" Martial artists typically have a number of responses to choose from as well, including striking, grappling, and exotic moves. The question of what goes into a successful problem response under these conditions is interesting, as is the nature of the solution and the conditions that it was derived under. Typically, there is a very small window of time, and the solution must be determined and executed within that window. Also it is generally expected that the solution is will be arrived at while in a Mushin ("chatterless") state. In typical problem solving examples (c.f. Solso, 2001, ch. 15) the verbal thoughts are important to the solution. How is the problem solving process different when verbal thoughts are limited or disallowed completely? Given the parameters of the exercise, one may hypothesize that the process will be different, but what if it isn't? What does
about our problem solving process? What would it say if it was different? Another interesting possibility for research is the concept of prototype formation. What does it mean when we claim that a particular technique looks like a "Koto Ryu" technique? Does practicing Kata ("forms") in a certain manner create a prototype of a successful response? Is this the same as what the martial artists call "essence"? Is there a link between static visual prototype formation (such as learning faces) and prototyping the "essence" of an art? Solso (2001, 132) holds that a "prototype is an abstraction of a set of stimuli that embodies many similar forms of the same pattern." That Martial Arts training produces a wide variety of stimuli would generally not be disputed, so the question then is whether learning the Kata ("forms") and then testing them with free response could be related to, or the same as, prototype formation. Typically prototype matching is considered to be part of the "pattern matching" field, but what if one hypothesizes that the prototyping structures within the body-mind are available for other functions as well – such as problem solving? Would this give rise to being able to generalize more efficiently between the Martial Arts and real life? One may also wonder about generalizing other portions of pattern matching, such as gestalt theory, canonic perspectives, and feature analysis. Indeed, an alternate translation of Kata is "pattern", so one may wonder how much of a link there is between Kata and pattern matching. Are Kata related to "cano nic perspectives"? Is feature analysis an important part of the learning process? Solso (2001, p. 138 - 39) notes that a study done by Chase and Simon on chess players discovered that the master chess players were able to "see chunks, or meaningful clusters, of chess pieces [that] made it possible for the better players to gather more information in the given time." One could easily do a similar study with Martial Arts Kata ("patterns") that would attempt to determine chunking of data among various martial artists' experience levels. Perception is another interesting topic that could be applied to the Martial Arts. One question dealing with perception is whether Martial Arts training improves the recognition of sensory signals in a meaningful way. That is, does training in Martial Arts allow one to more easily integrate the several sensory perception for more of a "total picture"?
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I had several experiences where someone told me that I "paid attention" better after a short period of Martial Arts training. While an interesting proposition, it nonetheless a single data point. If the training does provide training in perception as well, then why does it do so? Is this similar to dance and athletics, or different? There are other interesting questions as well, though some will likely never be studied. Within the Bujinkan the test for Godan ("fifth degree black belt", full instructor level) is well known. The person being tested kneels in front of Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, the current lineage head, with his or her back to Dr. Hatsumi and their eyes closed. Dr. Hatsumi has a bamboo shinai (split training sword) that he raises over his head. At some random point he strikes at the head of the person in front of him with full force. The test is successful if the person being tested gets out of the sword's way without getting hit.
Within many Martial Arts is the concept of Mushin, a state involving "chatterless" concentration. How is this state different than our normal self-talk? Is this state different? Fortunately, movement is not necessary for this state to be entered, though that is an interesting question in itself. A study that compares Mushin with meditative and standard selftalk states could be revealing. Does Mushin change with movement? Is it identical to a standard meditative state? If so, much can be gleaned from the study of both meditative states. If this state is not different than a meditative state then what are the relevant differences? While thoughts would be missing, what feelings, memories, and bodily sensations would be present? What of "pictorial thoughts" (flashes of imagery that convey deep, symbolic meaning in an instantaneous manner)? Are these more common than linguistic thoughts when one enters Mushin?
That this phenomenon occurs cannot be seriously doubted - the test has been given more than a thousand times. And while there is much public debate (within the organization at any rate) as to the "how", no definitive answer has been proffered. How this occurs is an interesting question that involves perception. Assuming that one discounts mystical explanations, one is left with only some sort of "subliminal perception". How one would test this is beyond my current knowledge, however, but it may be an interesting problem to find a testable hypothesis for this situation.
Creativity can also be studied with Martial Arts, though creativity in general is somewhat problematic to study. Solso (2001, p. 462) defines creativity as "a cognitive activity that results in a new or novel way of viewing a problem or situation." Solso (2001, p. 462) further describes the current model of creativity as a four stage process involving 1) Preparation, 2) Incubation, 3) Illumination, and 4) Verification. He also notes "empirical evidence ‌ is almost nonexistent" (Solso, 2001, p. 462). Does creative response within Martial Arts follow these four steps?
Consciousness is another potential, though troublesome, area of research within the Martial Arts. Consciousness research would overlap perception research somewhat as well. Solso (2001, p. 144) defines consciousness as "the awareness of environmental and cognitive events such as the sights and sounds of the world as well as one's memories, thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations." The awareness portion would be tested in the same way as one would test perception, but what of the rest of Solso's definition?
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It is possible, however the steps would be very compact. Are the Martial Arts creative? Intuitively we may say "yes", but what model of creativity would we use? Incubation would be the problematic step – how does one incubate in such a short period of time? Further, we could ask if the Martial Arts enhance or hinder creativity? One can design an experiment of the latter problem fairly easily by comparing a control group of non-martial artists with a group of martial artists in a test of physical and mental creativity. One might expect more physical creativity and similar mental creativity, however these
results cannot be guaranteed. Does physical creativity translate into mental creativity? How about the other way around? The list that I have presented is not complete, and I expect that many more possibilities for theoretical research could be found. For instance Solso (2001, p. 479) mentions a test of general intelligence involving a subject group learning to play the game "Tetris". In this case the Glucose Metabolic Rates (GMR) were compared both before and after a period of training. It was discovered that even though they had improved "sevenfold", the GMR actually decreased significantly. One may ask after reading this study what would we would discover by testing the GMR of different skill levels of martial artists. General research into human intelligence is also possible. Solso (2001, 469) notes that human intelligence includes at least the following abilities: to classify patterns, to reason deductively, to modify behavior adaptively, to reason deductively, to reason inductively - to generalize, to develop and use conceptual models, to understand. The martial artist utilizes each of these abilities in his or her training. From the ability to classify patterns (Kata) to the ability to modify behavior adaptively (free response drills) each of them are used to some extent and, generally, in a unique fashion. Research into the psychological aspects of Martial Arts is becoming more popular, though at this point the literature seems to be focusing on the application of Martial Arts to therapy and various social and historical aspects. Literature has noted the similarities of studying Martial Arts to psychotherapy and has suggested that both therapist and client can utilize Martial Arts for a more productive relationship. For these reasons I have proposed that Martial Arts can be the subject of pure research as well, focusing on the topic of Cognitive Psychology. I have shown possible links between prototype formation and "essence" of a given martial art, and the relation of human intelligence to the Martial Arts. Pattern matching, problem solving, perception, and consciousness were also covered with the hope that the reader will understand some possibilities of research into cognitive aspects of Martial Arts, with the potential of discovering their own paths of research as well.
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Black Belts: Place belt around waist with name side in left hand and tenets in right.
Swap each end of belt into other hand, ensuring tenets side crosses on top of belt.
Fold name side, dropping tenets side over top of folded section.
Take tenets end of belt through loop upwards - tenets side is in right hand, grade on left side. Pull.
Fold tenets side up under crossed side of belt, pulling through upwards in right hand.
Belt is now tied properly. Adjust so both ends are even (not as shown).
Colour Belts: Place belt around waist with both ends even.
Drop right end down - ensure left side crosses under right end.
Swap ends of belt into opposite hands - ensure left over top.
Take right end up through loop, pull both ends tight.
Take right end and fold under mid belt, pull through with right hand.
Belt is now tied properly. Adjust so both ends are even.
Note: It is considered by many Instructors and Masters that any student who has not taken the time to learn to tie their belt are students with bad attitude and poor respect for the art and their Instructor. Remember: Your uniform MUST be ironed and cleaned and belts tied and worn correctly at all classes.
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I replied her that if she was disposed to be part of this kind of events I would help her at all as I could do. Her participation at the international events started on 2004 in Malaysia, being an important member of all Argentinean delegations until the last one in Belarus. Everybody loves her because she is very helpful and always ready to give a hand under any circumstances. As her Instructor I can say that it would be good for any Dojang to have such an excellent students as Ms. Amelia Gomez as their classmate to encourage the students as an good example to follow. In Malaysia and Bulgaria she won the gold medal, winning silver medals in Uzbekistan and Belarus. Whenever I watch her in the podium, I can’t avoid looking back to those days when this lady had come to my Gym sixteen years ago asking for a soft physical activity. It is evident that nobody is too old to have a dream and ambition and to learn Martial Arts regardless of their age, gender and physical condition.
The lady of true T.K.D. spirit One afternoon in July 1994 came in to my Gym a lady looking for some soft physical activity. By those times the only physical activity that the Gym can offer to her was Taekwon-do and so she was informed inviting her to practice it. She starts laughing, “I’m 56 years old and I think that this is an activity just for men”.
Nowadays she is the best living Taekwon-do practitioner as well as mass propagandist who renders good recommendations to anybody of the benefits of the Martial Art, health, philosophy, camaraderie, sport and self -defence. Undoubtedly she is not only a champion in competition but a champion in life. I sincerely wish her a good luck and a happy life in the future together with her tireless Taekwon-Do training.
After explaining her that she was wrong and giving her a brief written explanation and the monthly fees, she left the gym. The secretariat’s thought on that moment that she would never come back. After one week and under a full surprise of the lady at the reception, she came in with a little bag in her hands asking for her Taekwon-do classes. After her first class, I accepted her as my direct student to whom I explained that she had to be patient and perseverance because her coordination. She gave a lesson of perseverance to the rest of the students, winning over her own self. Furthermore their possibilities she was part of all Championships organized by my Association and was always present in all seminars, included General. Choi’s events. Many times she was named as the best companion in the whole School for her disposal with her classmates and a good cooperation in all administrative necessity. In the recent years and no soon she noticed that the ITF were programming a competition for people over 40 years of age, she asked to me if would be possible at her 66 years of age participate in the ITF Taekwon-Do World Championship. Page 17 © Copyright Original-ITF 2010
Article courtesy of www.itftkd.org
NO EGO You have respect for your club mates, regardless of rank, age and creed. You live by the tenets both inside and outside of the Do-Jang. You are a true ambassador for your club and the art by always promoting it. You lead by example and are always ready to help others when they struggle. You advise students to be quiet when the coach is teaching. You only question authority in private. You help clear up the Do-Jang without being asked.
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Tae Kwon Do Grand Masters past & present
Every issue, we will bring you information on Tae Kwon Do’s Grand Masters from past archives. This issue, we have covered Grand Master Park Jung Soo.
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Choi Hong Hi
Rhee Ki Ha
Park Jung Tae
Charles E. Sereff
Park Jong Soo
Nam Tae Hi
Grand Master Park Jung Soo IX Dan Master Park was born in 1941 in Chung-Nam, Korea. He holds a 9th Dan black belt in Tae Kwon-Do. At the age of 14, and since then, he has been the instructor of the Police Training Centre of Chun Bok in Korea and of the famed Tiger Division of the Korean Army. In 1964, he became Korean National Champion, and in 1965 he made a trip on request of the Korean Government, as a member of the Goodwill Mission for Tae Kwon-Do, demonstrating this art before the highest civil and military authorities of the countries they visited. In that same year, he was invited to Germany as the coach of the German Tae Kwon-Do Association. In 1966, he left Germany to go to Holland where he founded the Netherlands Tae Kwon-Do Association. In the beginning of 1968, he left for Canada and now has his own schools in the Greater Toronto Area. In November 1973, Master Park made another world trip to promote Tae KwonDo in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Master Park is known as one of the world's greatest Tae Kwon-Do experts. Park was born in Chung-Nam, Korea, in 1941, during the period of Japanese occupation. He trained in taekwondo under Hong Hi Choi. In 1965, he was invited to be the coach of the German Taekwon-Do Association, and moved from South Korea to West Germany. G.M. Park was ranked 5th dan that year. The following year, he moved to the Netherlands and founded the Netherlands Taekwon-Do Association. Through the late 1960s and 1970s, Park was a key member of the taekwondo demonstration teams that accompanied Choi Hong Hi around the world. In 1968, Park settled in Toronto, Canada. In 1973, he held the rank of 7th dan. In 1974, Park and several other ITF masters demonstrated taekwondo in Toronto—then being promoted as "the new home of the ITF" by Choi Hong Hi, Park and Choi went their separate ways after Choi insisted on establishing relations with North Korea during a politically-sensitive period. By 2002, however, they were reconciled, and Park was present at Choi's deathbed. In 2004, Park was President of the Canadian Taekwon-Do Association, and presented a seminar in Afghanistan. In 2008, Park conducted a seminar in Beijing. He currently heads taekwondo schools in Toronto.[ Park is listed as a pioneer in Canada (1950s, 1960s, and 1970s) in Chang Keun Choi's list of taekwondo pioneers
Article & Images by http://www.jongpark.com
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International Instructors Course Utrecht, I.T.F. Netherlands 2010
Written by :I.T.F. admin News from: www.tkd-itf.org
For the first time since the nineties ITF Netherlands, www.itf-nederland.nl organized a well-known International Instructors Course by the Technical Committee of the ITF. Under the guidance of the chairman of the committee, Grand Master Maranoand members Grand Master Trajtenberg and Grand Master Bos, the organizers were updated of the details of organizing such an event. We thank our Grand Masters for their patience and their experience in this. For ITF Netherlands 1978 and 1993 (European Championships in Rotterdam and Groningen, (see http://www.itfeurope.org/protmes1993.html) were the last years we organized an international event of such an importance for the ITF. In the past General Choi Hong Hi had several IIC’s in the Netherlands but this was the first time after the passing away of our beloved founder with the new team of Grand Masters. Board of Directors decision The Board of Directors of the ITF Netherlands, Master James Tjin-A-Ton (President) Mr. Martin Schellens (Secretary-General) and Mrs. Rianne Don (Board Member) invited an organizer who was capable to do the work. With the experience this organizer, Mr. Harry van Schaik -5th degree and member of the club www.kisport.nl - had as co-founder with Master Willy van der Mortel in www.promatour.com and many other national championships, events on a national level and international level as organizer and referee, they had full confidence of a 100% dedication to full fill this task.
Organization team The organizer Mr. Harry van Schaik, www.harryvanschaik.nl first looked for a team of capable workers and the organizing team consisted of Mr. Martin Schellens, secretary general and 6th degree Taekwon-Do (appointed by the Board of Directors of ITF Netherlands), Mr. Wouter Meijer, 2nd degree and student on Sport and Management education and a dedicated worker Mr. Hassan Aachboun. ITF Netherlands Masters support The ITF Netherlands has four Masters which we are very grateful for all their hard work in the past. The Masters Tjin-A-Ton, www.itf-taekwondo.nl, Tapilatu www.tapilatu-sportcenter.nl, Van der Mortel www.difesa-willyvandemortel.nl and Van den Heuvel, www.bodyaction-deurne.nl expressed their support in a supporting letter to recommend this event to all members and Taekwon-Doins in the world, see http://www.iicnetherlands.nl/images/iic%20dutch% 20masters.pdf I’d like to thank them for their time, effort and support in this event. Place of event The event had to take place in a mayor city with good transportation and a good facilitated hall, hotel and entertainment. This was found in the city of Utrecht, a central located town of the country with good train facilities from the airport to the hotel (30 minutes by train) and in walking distance of the hall (1,6 kilometers hotel –hall) www.nh-hotels.com and a new sports hall was found in the new and fantastic building of www.nieuw-welgelegen.nl. PR and Marketing The next part was getting the PR ready and a website was launched, www.iicnetherlands.nl and a welcome package was put together. At the European Championships in Sweden 2010,
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www.itfeurochamp2010.se all representatives of the countries received an information package. Furthermore we send all the updates to the mayor websites of Taekwon-Do ITF around the world. Television and radio were informed about this event. Especially for this event we had a professional photographer Mrs. Saskia Oosenbrug. For educational purposes we had the IIC filmed for the technical committee of the Netherlands, Mr. Peter van de Bekerom. We like to thank both for their hard work. Volunteers The next step in the organizing process was to attract more volunteers to assist before, during and after the IIC. In combination with high schools we attracted 18 young students who wanted to participate as a volunteer in the course. In the school for international students, www.isk-utrecht.nl we had the full support of this event. Also the local government, www.utrecht.nl helped us with providing the hall and some arrangements and contacts. Inscription results Participating were 190 participants with 12 masters and in total 159 black belts. 18 countries entered and a list of participants is attached to this article. In total 4 Masters 8 degree, 8 Masters 7 degree. Also we had one participants who had her birthday during the IIC, Maartje Gubbels of the Netherlands. We celebrated their birthday in an appropriate way! Decoration The ITF Netherlands had the opportunity to decorate the hall to its max for this IIC, competition mats, flags, banners, flowers, drinks, volunteers in an organizing t-shirts. Especially the mats were a challenge has they had to be build up every day because of other activities. Special thanks for the volunteers are appropriate. Thank you all.
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Thursday 18 November 2010, Arrival of guests: Many guests from abroad arrived in the hotel, airport and city this day and explored the venue, city and culture of the city of Utrecht. Grand Master Trajtenberg arrived first and one hour later Grand Master Marano arrived and welcome by the organizer Mr. Harry van Schaik and Mr. Wouter Meijer with a present. All foreign delegates were welcomed by our volunteers and accompanied to the train station which is only a half hour trip to Utrecht and then a 5 minute walk to the hotel. The IIC day 1 After a standing ovation the entrance of the Grand Masters was a fact. The acting President Grand Master Trajtenberg entered the hall filled with a lot of Taekwon-Doins, instructor’s and Masters form all over the world. Followed by Grand Master Marano, chairman of the Technical Committee and Grand Master Bos Secretary-General of the ITF who gave his first IIC in the country were he was born. A warm welcome was for him. After one minute silence for our passed away Grand Master Tran, Grand Master Trajtenberg did an explanation of the protocol of Taekwon-Do and the importance of it. After this Grand Masters Marano and Bos switched turn in patterns and Taekwon-Do exercises, from practical to the art form. As every know Grand Masters pushed everybody to the limit and will be a challenge tomorrow. At the end all practitioners help with putting away the mats which were especially put on the floor and gave a very professional appearance. Thank you all. The IIC day 2 During this day the group were separated into two groups and got the attention there belt required. With the help of Master Kim Lan-Ung, 8th degree
The IIC day 2 During this day the group were separated into two groups and got the attention there belt required. With the help of Master Kim Lan-Ung, 8th degree from Germany the red belts till 1stdegree were educated in sparring. De 2nd degree and up trained the higher patterns. After this of course physical exercises and step sparring. Also fundamental exercise were implemented to get the technic to the level was is required. Honorary member of ITF Netherlands
Besides these masters Art van der Lee tested for 6th and his twin son Ron and Edwin van der Lee for 5th degree, a beautiful display how Taekwon-Do as a Martial Arts goes from father to sons. Also Carlo van de Braak and Jack de Smit tested for 5th degree and showed very good Taekwon-Do. Emile Kloor and Mishel Petrovic showed impressive Taekwon-Do and were promoted to 4th degree. See for pictures www.kisport.hyves.nl.
Banquet At the beginning of the seminar of the second day Grand Master Bos was presented a special award by the Board After the second day and the testing, 70 of Directors and all school owners of the ITF Netherlands. persons were enlisted to the banquet which As the pioneer of ITF Netherlands in the eighties Grand was held in famous Chinese restaurant, Paradijs, Master Bos has founded together with Master James http://www.youropi.com/nl/utrecht/restaurants Tjin-A-Ton and Sabum Kiet Tjon-A-Pauw, the bases of our organization. Grand Master Bos was awarded with /paradijs-101 were Chinese delicatessens for the title honorary member of the ITF Netherlands. Thank a reasonable price is being served. The Grand Masters, Masters, their partners and you Grand Master Bos! many presidents, instructors and volunteers Testing enjoyed each other company and good food. After the Saturday training there was a testing for fourth The IIC day 3 degree and up. The testing committee was formed by In the morning all 4th degree and up Grand the Grand Masters Marano, Trajtenberg and Bos. Furthermore the Masters Weiler, Lan, Wintzer, Wheatley, Master Trajtenberg gave a leadership seminar how to progress Taekwon-Do as an instructor, Vones, Triqui, van den Heuvel, van de Mortel, Tapilatu, were present to evaluate the skills of the participants of Master and association. An inspiring moment this testing. We were proud to host the testing of Masters which gave enough ideas for thoughts and tools for making progress in the future. After James Tjin-A-Ton from the Netherlands and Master Frank Vanberghen from Belgium. Both of these masters this the higher patterns were dealt with and all the way up to Tong-Il. are the highest in rank in their countries and bring a valuable experience to the rest of the country and Taekwon-Do in the world. Page 22 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2010
L.T.S.I. BACK ON TRACK!! It’s no secret that the Lions Tae Kwon Do Schools have faced a lot of problems in the last 18 months. Well, there’s no holding us back now, as the Executive have recently ordered its’ senior Instructor to focus on the group and remain under the radar in future with regards to I.T.F. (and he has done what was asked). The first thing he did was to take the annual Instructors course and change it into an technical Instructors course. Working out with Grand Master Bos Together with this son Timothy Bos, Grand Master Bos gave a great display of self-defense, exercises to keep fit and fun games to make the class very attractive. Pictures Every country, school and group had the opportunity to get in the picture with the Grand Master and a lot of participants took the opportunity to let their passport be signed by the Grand Masters or took an individual picture with the Grand Masters. Monday 22 November 2010, Departure of quests Grand Masters Marano and Trajtenberg and many others were brought to Amsterdam and Schiphol were they must prepare themselves for the next IIC the following weekend in Norway, with NTN Norway, see www.ntkd.no. Other participants drove home after an enjoyable weekend in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Thank you for coming and hope to see you soon. Evaluation of the IIC The evaluation of the IIC was this time in a different formula with the permission and the guidance of Grand Master Marano. The results were astonishing and please read the results in the attachment of this article. The Grand Master showed once again how appreciated there work is all over the world in the IIC’s. We hope that they can continue their work for the future. Gratitude As head of the organizing committee I’d to thank the ITF, Technical Committee Grand Master Marano, Grand Master Trajtenberg, Grand Master Bos, Board of Directors of the ITF Netherlands, Organizing Committee Mr. Wouter Meijer, Mr. Hassan Aachboun and Mr. Martin Schellens, SecretaryGeneral, the volunteers, the local government and all Masters, instructors and participants involved to make this event to a success. I hope that maybe in the near future the ITF Netherlands has gained so much experience to organize again such an event of international importance. As an organizer I can advise all who wants to organize such an event to just do it because with the help of the Grand Masters and the ITF the work is enjoyable and rewarding as a human being and Taekwon-Doin. Good luck and thank you all!
On 21st of November, Chris had organised the first Technical Instructors Course for all L.T.S.I. Blue Belts and above. 21 students attended this years course, of which 14 were 1st and 2nd Degrees. The course covered everything and started with grass root technics being corrected, before moving onto the more senior techniques. All participants knew immediately that the two conductors were on a mission to pull the L.T.S.I. back to its’ former glory. Chris started the day by taking the students through sine wave, where he explained that on reverse punch, body mass must not come backwards when straightening the back leg on the punch - this would result in a loss of power. Both Chris and Stuart took the students through all patterns up to 2nd Dan, telling the students to go back and correct the techniques and not allowing them to move forward until they were performing a bit like they were required. Students also sat and watched DVD’s which showed some of General Choi’s top exponents performing the way both conductors expected. Stuart took the students through all set sparring, explaining that all counter attacks must be within an inch of the attacker. After all set sparring was covered, the group moved onto breaking techniques and a small tournament was held for fun. Chris won the most powerful back kick, Andrew Smith, 2nd Degree, won the turning kick and Mark Doran, 2nd Degree, won the ridgehand on the power meter. It was quite funny, as on the first hit, Chris only got 34 pounds and everyone beat him (including the youngest kids!). He said “‘I missed the target” so, after everyone had had their go, he got 136 pounds on his second attempt. Really, he cheated, but everyone allowed it - after all, he is the senior and we need to pat his ego a bit every now and then!
Organizer IIC 2010 the Netherlands
The day was a great one and everyone enjoyed themselves but, most of all, this one course has put the L.T.S.I. back on track. The conductors thanked everyone for attending and then headed off for the three hour A.G.M. A video and report can be found on our website located at www.uk-ltsi.com
ITF Netherlands
Written by Tracey Leonard
Harry van Schaik,
Page 23 © Copyright Original-ITF 2010
IN AT ST TE R NT U I C O TO N R S Attention all U.K. School Instructors and Black Belts Are you stuck in a place where you are not achieving what you want? Would you like to work with a group which is forward thinking and versatile with its approach on how to run your schools? If so, read on. (Affiliates NOW welcome in all countries). We are looking for schools to join our movement and become part of a well respected group in the U.K. We are also interested in red or Black Belts that want to rejoin the I.T.F. and are interested in opening their first school and working on our NEW Instructors scholarship program. You must be willing to work as a team and be ready to learn one of the best syllabi in the U.K. today. You will gain full support from us, both on-line and off. You will be required to take part in monthly on-line meetings to discuss the development of your schools and groups. If this is of interest to you, please e-mail our Head Office to discuss a meeting to see if we can work together. We need like minded coaches that want to make a stand against all the petty politics NO other group will offer the freedom we do. Ex members are always welcome to make an application to rejoin our movement.
Why join us:
Own quality tournaments NOW ON-LINE Annual I.T.F. seminars Uniformity across the board Traditional values taught We believe in the art, not the money like most do. Ÿ Respected syllabus unmatched by any U.K. group. Ÿ Freedom from politics Ÿ United group Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
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News from: www.itftkd.org
On Sunday 21 November, was held in the city of Santiago, the Third National Class, organized by the Federacion de Taekwon-Do ITF Dominicana, FETAID. Practitioners of the city of Santo Domingo, Santiago and Puerto Plata, were present at this last class of year. The activity was led by the instructor Norberto Taveras, V Dan. The class began with stretching, then move to various physical and dynamic exercises, and then work only with the two steps sparring techniques. Before concluding the national class, took delivery of international certified black belt and then Mr. Kelvin Terrero Presidente of ASOTADINA made an Acknowledgement to Mr Fausto Castillo, president of FETAID, for good performance as a leader for the 6 months that has lead the national organization. FETAID congratulates: Yeraldin Moya, Juan R. Tavera, Dominican Pe単a, Jose Reyes, Ivet Ure単a, Arzenio Marte, Fausto Castillo, Chon Ji Pe単a, Jose E. Kelvin Cruz and Terrero, on certifiacion as black belts.
Page 25 息 Copyright Original-ITF 2010
OUT AND Our new pictures section is devoted to you, our readers. Each issue, we are looking for quality I.T.F. practitioner pictures To get your pictures published, please ensure you follow these rules. Ÿ Make your shot appealing Ÿ Demonstrate something with a wow factor Ÿ Make sure you wear your I.T.F. suit Ÿ Use proper techniques Ÿ Submit photos 1 MB and high resolution Ÿ Submit on time before next issue deadline Send to admin@original-itf.co.uk
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HWA-RANG New Stance: Soojik Sogi (Ver tical Stance)
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HWA-RANG Movements - 29 Ready Posture - CLOSED READY STANCE C 1. Move the left foot to B to forma sitting stance toward D while executing a middle pushing block to D with the left palm. 2. Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward D. 3. Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward D. 4. Execute a twin forearm block while forming a left L-stance toward A, pivoting with the let foot. 5. Execute an upward punch with the left fist while pulling the right side fist in front of the left shoulder, maintaining a left L-stance toward A. 6. Execute a middle punch to A with the right fist while forming a right fixed stance toward A in a sliding motion. 7. Execute a downward strike with the right knife-hand while forming a left vertical stance toward A, pulling the right foot. 8. Move the left foot to A forming a left walking stance toward A while executing a middle punch to A with the left fist. 9. Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a low block to D with the left forearm. 10. Move the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the right fist. 11. Pull the left foot toward the right foot while bringing the left palm to the right forefist, at the same time bending the right elbow about 45 degrees outward. 12. Execute a middle side piercing kick to D with the right foot while pulling both hands in the opposite direction and then lower it to D forming a left L-stance toward D, at the same time executing a middle outward strike to D with the right knife-hand. 13. Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the left fist. 14. Move the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D at the same time executing a middle punch to D with the right fist. 15. Move the left foot to E turning counter clockwise to form a right L-stance toward E while executing a middle guarding block to E with a knife-hand. 16. Move the right foot to E forming a right walking stance toward E while executing a middle thrust to E with the right straight finger tip. 17. Move the right foot on line EF forming a right L-stance toward F while executing a middle guarding block to F with a knife-hand. 18. Execute a high turning kick to DF with the right foot and then lower it to F. 19. Execute a high turning kick to CF with the left foot and then lower it to F forming a right L-stance toward F while executing a middle guarding block to F with a knife-hand. Perform 18 and 19 in a fast motion. 20. Move the left foot to C forming a left walking stance toward C while executing a low block to C with the left forearm. 21. Execute a middle punch to C with the right fist while forming a right L-stance toward C, pulling the left foot. 22. Move the right foot to C forming a left L-stance toward C while executing a middle punch to C with the left fist. 23. Move the left foot to C forming a right L-stance toward C while executing a middle punch to C with the right fist. 24. Execute a pressing block with an X-fist while forming a left walking stance toward C, slipping the left foot to C. 25. Move the right foot to C in a sliding motion forming a right L-stance toward D while thrusting to C with the right side elbow. 26. Bring the left foot to the right foot, turning counter clockwise to form a closed stance toward B while executing a side front block with the right inner forearm while extending the left forearm to the side downward. 27. Execute a side front block with the left inner forearm, extending the right forearm to the side downward while maintaining a closed stance toward B. 28. Move the left foot to B forming a right L-stance toward B at the same time executing a middle guarding block to B with a knife-hand. 29. Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to A forming a left L-stance toward A while executing a middle guarding block to A with a knife-hand. END: Bring the right foot back to a ready posture.
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CALLING ALL BUDDING WRITERS, CLUBS & ASSOCIATION LEADERS.... Original-ITF is growing every day with 7000+ downloads an issue, we are clearly doing something right! Our web site has now returned to its’ old name and is dedicated to ALL I.T.F.’s. The name is ‘www.original-Itf.co.uk’. Club News Results Event Listings Articles History Articles Forums Galleries And much, much more Whatever I.T.F. news you have to report.... send it to us to get it catapulted to the I.T.F. communities via our web site and our magazine. All article / news submissions should be sent to us by 07/02/11
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Hearty Thanks to the Belarusian Government and Citizen of Minsk.
THE 17TH TAEKWON-DO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TO TAKE PLACE IN PYONGYANG In accordance with the decision of the 18th ITF Congress held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in 2008, the above Championship will take place in Pyongyang, DPR Korea, the Motherland of TKD, on 6 - 12 September 2011. This fact is creating great interest, not only from the ITF members but also from numerous Martial Artists around the World.
The representative from DPRK confirmed at the last Congress held in Minsk that this forthcoming Championships will be the best ever staged. Preparations for these Championships are fully supported and backed by the DPR Korean government and Municipal Authorities of Pyongyang City.
WELCOME TO PYONGYANG ! Page 30 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2010
2nd South Asian I.T.F. Taekwon-Do Championship-2011 17th - 19th Mar 2011 Location: Kathmandu, Nepal I.T.F. ‘C’ Master Class Seminar
15th. of January 2011 in Znojmo, Czech Republic
I.T.F. ‘C’ Master Class Seminar
19th March 2011 - Caracas, Venezuela
5th Open Brabant Championships Sportshall De Weijer in Mierlo, the Netherlands
16th - 17th Apr 2011 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria information 11th Viking Cup International 2011
vicenteperez_itf@hotmail.com 23rd January 2011
International Instructor's Course Bogota, Colombia
South Windsor, CT USA 17 April 2011 www.viking-cup.se
25-27 March 2011
5th International I.T.F. Open Championship 2011
Information pack
23rd Apr 2011
International Instructors Course (IIC) in Ireland
8th SUN OPEN 2011 International Taekwon-Do Championship
28-30 January 2011
26th Mar 2011
The Brandon Hotel, Conference & Leisure Centre, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Sport hall Braslov e, Slovenia
Elizabeth City, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Information International Instructor's Course Italy Riccione, Italy 29-30 April-1 May 2011
CZECH OPEN 2011 - Cup of Europe 12th Open INTA Championships 5 & 6 February 2011 National Basketball Arena, Dublin, Ireland E-mail: kenleahy@inta.ie I.T.F.. / L.T.S.I. SOUTH EAST OPENS St. Albans, Hertfordshire. 6th March 2011 www.ltsi-tournaments.co.uk www.uk-ltsi.com
8th - 9th Apr 2011 Nymburk, Czech Republic Information
International Instructor's Course Florida Clearwater, Florida USA
I.T.F. Unity Championship
20-22 May 2011
South Windsor, CT USA
9th April 2011 itf-usa@msn.com
2011 All Canadian I.T.F. National Championship
I.T.F. ‘C’ Master Class Seminar
28th May 2011
Telephone 613-841-9877
16th April 2011 to 17th April 2011 World Championship 2011
10-13 March 2011 TSB Bank Arena on Queens Wharf in Wellington, New Zealand http://www.itfnewzealand2011.com/
Page 31 © Copyright Original-ITF 2010
International Instructor's Course Alaska 11th June 2011 to 12th June 2011 Tel: (907)457-5425 International Instructor's Course in Finland Oulu, Finland 10-12 June 2011 iic2011@@taekwon-do.fi European Championships 29th June 2011 to 3rd July 2011 Neptune Stadium , Cork, Ireland iutf@hotmail.com
The 6th Sub-Junior Delhi State ITF TKD Championship & the 22nd Delhi State Junior & Senior ITF TKD Championship held in New Delhi, India, 3rd-5th Dec. 2010 The 6th Sub-Junior Delhi State ITF TaekwonDo Championship & the 22nd Delhi State Junior & Senior ITF Taekwon-Do Championship was held at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vasant Vihar New Delhi from 3rd to 5th Dec. 2010. The Championship witnessed a participation of total 4762 students from all parts of the national capital territory of Delhi as under: EVENT PARTICIPATION SCHOOLS CLUBS 6th Sub-Junior ITF TKD Championship 2326 62 20
International Instructor's Course - Jamaica 18-21 August 2011 Sunset Jamaica Grande ITF & Jamaica TKD Association jatkd_secretary@hotmail.com
U.K.- I.T.F. Championships 2011 Reading, UK 8th & 9th October 2011
I.T.F. Open World Cup Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires 10th November 2011 to 13th November 2011 www.itf-administration.com
Page 32 © Copyright Original-ITF 2010
Mr Ung Chang (centre of photo) has been made an Honorary Professor by the Beijing Foreign Study University for his educational and practical achievements linked to the Olympic Movement and education for young people. ITF Taekwon Do activity in Tianjin, China, Oct.2010 ITF Taekwon-Do had been introduced and started from one middle school in Tianjin in 2002 but today it boasts the increasing number of its students and ITF Taekwon-Do Dojangs. ITF Taekwon-Do takes its place even in Military Academy of People’s Liberation Army of China and Aviation College. As a result of its increasing activities, in the recent years Tianjin could afford to host two rounds of National ITF Taekwon-Do Championships (3rd and 4th National Championships) amid enthusiasm of ITF Taekwon-Do practitioners and its favorites. This excellent result can not imagine without the active role of Korean Senior Master Om Song Il who had started his activity in Tianjin 5 years back.
Permanant Feature
The Legendary Founder of Taekwon-Do - I am the man who has the most followers in the world.
I am the happiest man who has done everything to do in my life. It is fortunate you have come. Is Mr. Chang Ung here? Mr. Rhee Ki Ha, it is good that you have come. I am glad that my son and daughters like you most. You probably might know Mr. Chang Ung well. It is time to introduce Mr. Chang Ung proudly in public. Please carry on propaganda that Mr. Chang Ung is the tallest and in the highest position in the ITF. If only I had been as tall as Mr. Chang Ung, I could have had less opponents, however, as my body was so tiny that there were many opponents. Thus, all alone, I could not but fight against them for so long. But I have never been worn out for the justice was on my side.
I have always worried about a successor to the President, however, my mind is set at ease for there is Mr. Chang Ung. Mr. Hwang Kwang Sung, your duty is very big and important as a spokesman and the Chairman of the Merger Committee. It was my wish to merge the TaeKwon-Do into one. Please get on your own duty responsibly. Mr. Park Jong Soo had immigrated into Canada in 1967. Before that he educated TaeKwon-Do in Europe.
In 1972, I went to Canada where Mr. Park Jong Soo resided leaving my children behind without informing them. In those days Taekwon-Do was not widely spread, so that I used to say to crave the words of TaeKwon-Do on my coffin. Now Taekwon-Do has developed on a large scale. I love Mr. Tom MacCallum.
I have always worried if he might die before me. In case he dies first, I have been thinking how to help his family. He has given the special contributions to the ITF. I have no secrets to him. Thank you very much for what you have done. I love you. Mr. Leong Wei Meng is a man of conscience indeed. He has given a great contribution to educating the Taekwon-Do. As I thought his finance is in a good condition, I drew his name out on the stockolders's list of the Chang Hon Foundation. Mr. Hwang Jin is doing well on the way of Mr. Chon Jin Sik. So I appointed him as a member of the Consultative Committee.
Please enlarge the Consultative Committee into 9 members. Here I appoint Mr. Jong Jae Hon. My followers, - Taekwon-Do never exists without the D.P.R. of Korea You should know this. The ITF is an International organization and does it need to argue about ideology? Does the United Nations belong to the Black people because the Secretary General is Black?. Please give up this kind of idea. TaeKwon-Do must be Korean-centred. Choi Jung Hwa lied me at the airport. I was again deceived. You ought to tell the public throughout the internet that I did not forgive Jung Hwa. I forgave him as a father, but the TaeKwon-Doists would never forgive him. Before Jung Hwa apologizes TaeKwon-Doists the world over, he will never be forgiven. While I am still alive, you should send the message to the internet the soonest as possible. The TaeKwon-Do will exists forever. (16.30 - 17.10) June 11, 2002 At the Hospital in Pyong Yang, The Democratic People's Republic of Korea The ones who heard the last words of General Choi. Mr. Rhee Ki Ha - Grand Master and the Vice-President, Mr. Tom MacCallum - Master and the Secretary General, Mr. Leong Wei Meng -Master and the Chairman of the Consultative Committee,Mr. Hwang Kwang Sung -Grand Master, spokesman and special aide, Mr. Park Jong Soo - Grand Master and a member of the Consultative Council, Mr. Hwang Jin, Master and a member of the Consultative Council, Mr. Hwang Bong Yong - Chairman of the Korean TaeKwon-Do Committee, Mr. Jong Jae Hun - Secretary General of the International Martial Art Games Committee, Mr. Rang Bong Man-Secretary General of the Korean TaeKwon-Do Committee Page 33 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2010
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