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& Tae Kwon Do News

News from across the I.T.F.’s and many other special features!


Mr. Changs new year message 2011 I.I.C. in ireland Out on the net The adrenaline factor Grand Master in question Martial Arts heroines Focus on gang culture I.T.F. v W.T.F. Much, much more inside

The online magazine for all Tae Kwon Do affiliations


Our Contributors

Many past and present readers of our magazine have requested that we publish how many times our magazine has been downloaded to show readership. Well, you have asked, so it is only right we publish the stats we have to date to ensure we are seen

Web site news: I.T.F., I.T.F.-V, T.A.G.B., B.U.T.F., U.K.T.A., L.T.S.I., A.M.A, I.U.T.F. Contributors: Chris Snow, Paul Cain, Master Richardson, Linda Bacon, Erin Treder, Alan Hunt, Kerry Sauve, Dean Walsh Image contribution: Serif International Media, Woojinjung.com, F.I.T.E, I.T.F. Vienna, I.T.U.K. Editor / Copyrighter: Chris Snow & Tracey Leonard

as open and professional.

No 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Issue 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Downloads 3870 4784 7586 6152 5497 6432 6774 4687

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Our Magazine Attention all association and club owners! Original-ITF invites you to forward all articles and news. Regardless of your affiliation, we WILL publish them. We need I.T.F. news, so let us help you get noticed.

What’s in this issue?

Normal Features Page 2 - Editors corner Page 12 - South East Opens Advert

Send all articles to:

Page 25 - Writers needed at Original-I.T.F.

By Post or on CD

Page 29 & 30 - Global Events Calendar

14 Collyer Road,

Page 31 - Founders last words

London Colney,

Page 32 - Club Listings

St. Albans,

Special Features

Herts. AL2 1PD.

Page 9 - Out on the net - T.K.D. news from across the internet

Please note, we are unable to return any CD’s.

Page 15 - Masters Bio GM Woo Jin Jung

By E-Mail

Page 16 & 17 - Females in Martial Arts


Page 19 & 20 - Focus on Gangs

Skype: Original-ITF

Page 21 - Beat the Bullies

To discuss advertisements, please call Chris on 01727 827624

Page 26 & 27 - W.T.F. verses I.T.F.

The Rights of Original-ITF

I.T.F.’S Features

Original-ITF is a FREE on-line magazine

Page 3,4 & 5 - News across the I.T.F.’s

independently run by Dynamic-Webdesigns Senior Editor, Mr. Chris Snow and his editorial team. The

Page 6 & 7 - I.I.C. Ireland 2011

magazine has no financial backing from any other

Page 8 - VIII Congress of F.I.T.E.

parties, so all hours spent on it are at the editors own

Page 24 - A decade of I.T.F.

expense. All contributions sent to the magazine for publication cannot be checked, but we will try and verify that the news is from a valid I.T.F. source. This magazine may not be reproduced, reprinted or sold

Page 28 - I.T.F. Worlds 2011 advert

Learning Features

and remains the property of Original-I.T.F. Where

Page 11 & 12 - Who’s the boss?

pictures from I.T.F. sites are used to enhance news

Page 13 - The adrenaline factor

items, they remain the sole property of the site named by the articles. All content within this

Page 14 - Crash diets - the untold truth!

magazine cannot be copied, but the magazine can

Page 22 & 23 - Pattern Hwa Rang

be placed on all public I.T.F. Tae Kwon Do web sites © This magazine is copyright under International Law

Editors Voice Welcome back to Original-ITF magazine. Well, it has been a crazy few months! I have been ill with flu and a chest infections (so not able to sort things) but I am now back on track. We announced that we were going to close the magazine and re-launch under a NEW name, but we were inundated with complaints and various Masters pledging their support. Our official reason for opening the magazine was to get more parties involved in the project and include other Tae Kwon Do affiliations, whether I.T.F. or W.T.F. so, as a compromise and as many requested we rethink changing the name, we have reinstated ‘Original-ITF’ and will open the magazine to all affiliations. We hope that this move keeps you all happy. We have been accused of trying to tread on others toes - please, like everything, competition is healthy! We have no interest in other magazines as we do not plan to copy anyone but if you, our readers, send into our magazine, we will add it. Over the past 19 months, some authors have come and gone. Again, not a problem - if you want your articles covered, we will do it. The object of Original-ITF has always been to bring all I.T.F. news under one umbrella, but the smallest I.T.F. group of the three stated they did not want our support (the door has always been left open to them). We open the magazine to all affiliations (whether I.T.F. or not), so jump on board and let’s fire this baby up! Well, thanks to everyone for restoring our faith in Original-ITF. Let’s hope everyone helps us grow. Until next time - happy training!

Page 1 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

s a fte r in a rm p u has e s ar group he mu n itie t th a t o n e T m . o .’ c .F . h s I.T.F o me to lig e le tte rs ‘I.T .’ ese .K th U c s The n h a s tra d e ma rk th e w h o u s e c tio n if o ti a m to in fo r nyon gal a ly trie d th a t a w ill fa c e le d o c u me n t, a lle g e d o n s ta te d e e m h a T n . ti sent b .C a in fo rm fte r th e ir c lu s o f th e B.T il, h a s b e e n w h o a a r e m n s b r o e e ers le tt v ia mem fa lls le g a l p u la te d re not th e y a a s b e e n c irc th e U .K. A “Th is mo v e o s e h s th id s w h ic h ims s a ’, s o s acro u s a n d n th e s e c la c tic e L a w s th e p a rtie s a o to th o r t P d s e in I.T.F. u iz z tiv e aga was q ‘R e s tric v e a c a s e Mr. C h a n g s e th a . r . h ims tio n ” unde o u ld th e a c e n ts c la ned c th re a te a tte mp tin g to th e d o c u m re in w h o a a re lo o k in g s O ffic e r

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The IIC hosted by the Irish Taekwon-Do Association (ITA), in Tralee, Ireland from January 28th – 30th was a great success. 138 people took part in the course from red belt to 8th Dan, including 50 4th Dan and above and 5 masters. Participants came from 9 countries; Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Ukraine, Spain, Jamaica, Belgium and Norway. The course was conducted by the ITF technical committee of Grandmaster Marano, Chairman of the technical committee, Grandmaster Trajtenberg acting President of the ITF and Grandmaster Bos, Secretary General of the ITF. The Grandmasters did an excellent job over the three days of the course. They displayed fantastic knowledge that left participants with no doubt about the technical aspects of Taekwon-Do, inspired the participants with their passion and knowledge, and motivated everyone to train hard, stay in shape and always strive to put on the dobok and improve. Arrival of participants Upon arrival all participants were greeted by the organising committee and as they registered received their ID cards, free t-shirt of the IIC and free pen as well as an info pack containing information on the IIC and the local area. The venue The venue for the IIC was the Brandon Hotel, Conference and Leisure entre, in the heart of the town of Tralee. Having the IIC and accommodation in the same building made the course more enjoyable and convenient for everyone. The IIC hall was very well decorated with banners of the ITF & AETF logos, pictures of the founder and of GM Tran, and large banners showing different aspects of Taekwon-Do. Outside the Conference Centre a large banner hung so that passers-by could take notice of the prestigious Taekwon-Do event being held in the town. Opening ceremony As part of the opening ceremony the organising committee wanted to make the Grandmasters feel at home so the mayor of the town officially welcomed the Grandmasters to the town of Tralee and presented each of them with the medal of the town, gold with the official town emblem engraved on it.

The course The IIC promised to be a great event and the Grandmasters did not disappoint. Over the three days all aspects of ITF Taekwon-Do were taught and every participant put in a big effort in their training, motivated by the Grandmasters. Page 6 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

Some participants described the atmosphere during the IIC as “a family atmosphere” and the Grandmasters added to this by being very approachable and willing to answer questions and clarify any doubts. Grandmaster Marano astounded participants with his knowledge of the patterns as he referenced pictures and pages from the encyclopedia verbatim. Grandmaster Bos, as always inspired participants with his excellent physical shape, his motivating teaching style and innovative ideas on teaching all aspects of Taekwon-Do. Grandmaster Trajtenberg exudes positivity and wisdom and with his anecdotes of times with General Choi clarifies every question with technical and background information. Examination On the Saturday afternoon there was a promotional examination conducted by the ITF technical committee. Five people took part in the exam of which four were successfully promoted. Among them was a new Master for the ITF and Ireland, Master Patrick O’Rourke, who has been practicing Taekwon-Do since 1974. Promotees: 1.

Master Patrick O’Rourke Irish VII


Mr. Robin Blair Scottish VI


Mr. Donal O’Donoghue Irish V


Mr. Oleg Solovey Ukrainian V

Seminar with Senior Master Hwang Ho Yong VIII in Poland, 21st-23rd Jan. 2011

Banquet The banquet was attended by 114 people who enjoyed a three-course meal and had the opportunity to experience some of Irelands unique culture. A group of young and very talented musicians entertained the crowd with some traditional Irish music, dancing and singing. The crowd really enjoyed the entertainment and there was plenty of clapping, cheering and singing along with the music. Closing ceremony The IIC was officially closed on Sunday afternoon. During the closing ceremony the organising committee presented the technical committee with some gifts, including the IIC t-shirt, Official CD of the course (500 photos) and a very special gift of a personalized bottle of 12 year old Jameson reserve Whiskey. Each bottle was specially commissioned with the name of the Grandmasters engraved on the bottle. The ITF Children’s program During the IIC Master Donato Nardizzi from England and Mr. Fabian Izqueirdo from Argentina worked on the official ITF childrens programme. On Sunday afternoon they made a presentation to the Grandmasters of their work on the programme. Feedback from participants The feedback from the participants was extremely positive and all were complimentary of the work from the organising committee and the ITF Technical Committee. A selection of photos can be viewed on the ITA website gallery here

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From 21-23 January 2011 in Poland, a seminar was held, mainly about technical training with Master Hwang Ho Yong (Chairman of ITF Technical Committee, VIII Dan). During the 12 hours of Seminar sessions it was given technical aspects, a formal education system and other more issues regarding a real battle of Taekwon-Do. In this special training there participated 37 people from 10 clubs under the All Poland ITF Taekwon-do Organization. We welcomed the President of the Czech Union of Taekwon-do ITF, Mr. Martin Zamecnik (V Dan). In the seminar was held the exams for grading IV and VI Dan promotion.

Annual Congress of the Federación Internacional de TaeKwon-Do España held in Estepona, Málaga, Spain, 28th – 30th Jan. 2011

VIII CONGRESS OF THE F.I.T.E. As every year the F.I.T.E. organized its annual Congress on January 28th, 29th and 30th, 2011. Edition number eight of the national call was endorsed in the Andalusian TaeKwonDo Association, being a successful organization and participation, taking as location Estepona, Malaga. The International TaeKwon-do Federation Spain planned different activities for which were cited to various levels. Calls for education were to the “Monitor” and “National Trainer” certification test. The Congress started on Friday 28th at morning, meeting with a training in CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Recovery) focused to full capacity which must be purchased to respond to unexpected situations. Finished the same step was taken to the degree in physical education, Mr. Andrés Luengo, through his extensive experience introduced instructors in the most important concepts to keep in mind when working with children. The afternoon session was reserved for the annual assembly, where were different proposals, as well as the planning of the new season, where made special mention to the world championships to be held in North Korea next September. A big democratic environment could breathe where the exchange of ideas and the fortress in decisions characterize and reinforces every year federal smoothly. Saturday 29th began with the umpire course, allowing access to reviews of chronometer, corner referee, and center referee. In charge of the training was the Instructor Mr. Alejandro Veyssiere Vth Dan, who was informed of the present updates corresponding to the new regulation used in official I.T.F. tournaments. The afternoon session was reserved for two paragraphs. The F.I.T.E. President Mr. Carlos Martín VIth Dan, made an introduction on emerging trends in training used are present; TRX (suspension training) and functional training. Both caused great impressions on attendees who one were putting into practice lessons learned for new sensations. Finished it addressed all the technical issues relating to categories from blue belt to black belt 2nd Dan. Evening closing will leave space to the dinner of brotherhood where all the people were in a relaxed atmosphere and utmost cordiality. Sunday morning session worked on the development and implementation of the categories of black belt 2nd dan until 5th Dan, being seeded every detail, interacting with the rest of the categories who worked on the previous day. The last section of the Congress was for the instructor Mr. Sergio Maneiro 4th Dan, who demonstrated self defense is one of the specialties more attractive and useful knowledge of taekwon-do practitioners. An hour and a half made short, showing all participants enjoyed the most from the experience of the instructor. After practice and with all the students and instructors lined up, the F.I.T.E president wanted to thank everyone who made possible the Congress was a success, notably Mr Carlos de Blas and those responsible of the sports area of Estepona Town Hall. Also wanted to express its appreciation to all instructors, encouraging them to continue along the same lines and waiting to see them in the next event. Page 8 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011


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10 Ways to Start Taking Control of Your Life At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with one another. But many of us with ADD develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward. Practicing positive thinking allows people with ADD to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases happiness and motivation. This, in turn, allows us to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling down and stuck. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns: 1. Take Good Care of Yourself It’s much easier to be positive when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest. 2. Remind Yourself of the Things You Are Grateful For Stresses and challenges don’t seem quite as bad when you are constantly reminding yourself of the things that are right in life. Taking just 60 seconds a day to stop and appreciate the good things will make a huge difference.

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4. Refrain from Using Absolutes 5. Detach From Negative Thoughts 7. Practice Lovin’, Touchin’ & Squeezin’ (Your Friends and Family) 2 By increasing social activity, you decrease loneliness. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way! 8. Increase Your Social Activity 9. Volunteer for an Organization, or Help another Person Everyone feels good after helping. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return. 10. Use Pattern Interrupts to Combat Rumination If you find yourself ruminating, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Rumination is like hyper-focus on something negative. It’s never productive, because it’s not rational or solution-oriented, it’s just excessive worry. Try changing your physical environment - go for a walk or sit outside. You could also call a friend, pick up a book, or turn on some music. When it comes to the corporate world, protocol is pretty much the religion. To know the things needed to do are the basics of productivity, but interaction and having a steady mind makes up the entire thing to true productivity. There are those who seem to work well even under pressure, but they’re uncommon ones and we are human and imperfect. To get these little things like stress under our skins won’t solve our problems. Sometimes it takes a bit of courage to admit that we’re turning to be workaholics than tell ourselves that we’re not doing our best.

Written by: Paul Cain, 5th Degree Chief Coach Spirit Taekwon-Do Academies

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Article by Kerry Sauve The adrenals are a pair of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. Each gland can be divided into two distinct organs. The outer region secretes hormones which have important effects on the way in which energy is stored and food is used, on chemicals in the blood, and on characteristics such as hairiness and body shape. The smaller, inner region is part of our sympathetic nervous system and is the body's first line of defense and response to physical and emotional stresses. These glands are about one to two inches in length and weigh only a fraction of an ounce each and secrete dozens of hormones. Our adrenals take instruction from the pituitary glands and have important effects on physical characteristics, development and growth. Each gland has two parts. The cortex, or outer layer, takes its instructions from the pituitary hormone ACTH. The hormones secreted here are called steroids and have three main types: those which control the balance of sodium and potassium in the body; those which raise the level of sugar in the blood; and sex hormones. The inner layer makes two types of hormones and takes all its instructions from the nervous system, producing chemicals which react to fear and anger and are sometimes called "fight or flight" hormones. It is this inner layer that is so important for the purposes of Personal Safety and Self Defense. It is the Fight, Flight, Posture or Submit response which has enabled a relatively slow, weak mammal to survive without sharp teeth and claws. Adrenaline has helped keep us alive to propagate through the millennia. It also has less desirable effects on the human body during combat situations. This is known as the Adrenaline Response. This potent hormone floods into our system during times of stress. It causes an increase in respiration and strength to prepare us to fight or flee. It can also cause us to become fixated on the potentially life threatening situation before us, or “Freeze” and do nothing. While target fixation may not sound like such a bad thing, it is dangerous if it causes us to miss important information such as; (Your attacker is holding a gun) or (There are actually three attackers not one). It is important to note that no one is immune to the effects of adrenaline. The physiological effects of adrenaline affect everyone, including criminals and people who confront dangerous situations and individuals for a living. Through training we can learn to minimize the effects of adrenal stress but never eliminate it. As our heart and respiration rates climb, our ability to perform effectively diminishes rapidly. After our hear rate reaches around 150 beats per minute our fine motor skills become impaired and it becomes harder to rapidly process and assess the stimuli around us. After 180 beats per minute (quite common in an attack situation) our fine motor skills are almost non existent and we are operating on training, reflex and instinct. To add to this there is also profound psychological and emotional stressors involved in violent or life threatening situations. All of these variables must be analyzed and acted upon almost instantaneously if one is to survive. Page 13 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

What makes a good street fighter so dangerous? #1 they have conditioned themselves, through repeated exposure to combat, to function while under adrenal stress. #2 they have also overcome the psychological reluctance to harm other human beings. This is an incredibly important piece to the puzzle that needs to be addressed as it is so often overlooked when people discuss and teach Self Defense. We can easily teach people to learn to deal with the debilitating effects of adrenaline during combat. We can also teach them how to confront and overcome their fears. Teaching them to “Throw the Switch” and physically harm another human, being even in their own defense is much more difficult. The most devastating Self Defense techniques are useless if the student is reluctant to apply it during a violent encounter. Reality Based Training is an excellent method to safely teach student’s how to overcome this societal prohibition. A properly structured Self Defense course will induce an adrenal stress response in participants regardless of the fact that their minds are telling them that it is not real. What is often forgotten in the design of Reality Based Self Defense programs are the psychological and emotional component of the attack and our innate desire not to harm others. Research by pioneers such as Grossman has shown that “Stress Inoculation” training was successful in preparing military and police units for the realities of combat. It also diminished the likelihood of developing severe stress related illnesses such as PTSD after an incident had occurred. We have developed the ASIST© (Adrenal Stress Induced Saturation Training) method of teaching Reality Based Self Defense. It utilizes Reality Based progressive asymmetric training principles to teach student’s how to regulate their physiological responses to adrenal stress through Saturation Training and the use of Combat Breathing. Saturation Training involves repeatedly exposing the student to stressors that induce an adrenal response. Through repeated exposure, student’s learn how to reduce their anxiety level, confront their fears and that they can successfully defend themselves from attack. Combat Breathing helps students learn to utilize focused breathing to control their physiological response to adrenal stress. Instructors must carefully watch their student’s for signs of emotional stress and assist them in working through their anxieties and doubts. In the end, you can’t eliminate the effects of adrenaline but you can learn how to be more combat effective while in its grasp.

How Crash Diets, Like the Master Cleanse, Harm Your Health and Heart ......... Linda Bacon, PhD, dreads swimsuit season, but not because she has anything against the beach. Instead, the California-based nutritionist fears what the season brings: scores of otherwise healthconscious citizens who subject themselves to deprivation diets (like the Master Cleanse) or intense exercise regimens, often in blazing hot weather, to look slimmer in revealing clothes. Many unwittingly end up harming their health—and possibly even their hearts.

Six Pack Abs Routines

“Early June and January are the two times of year people do crazy, desperate things to get thin fast,” says Bacon, a nutrition professor at the City College of San Francisco and the author of Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight. “They go on fasts, yo-yo diets, detox programs, and ‘cleanses’ without realizing that there are serious consequences to weight loss and nutrient restriction.” That crash dieting doesn’t work and can be dangerous is a message that gets lost in the national clamor over rising rates of overweight and obesity. Thinking of trying a lemonade fast or cabbage soup diet? Here’s what to keep in mind if fitting into your skinny jeans or your Speedo is high on your summer agenda.

15 Minute Workout for your Abs

Crash diets may harm your heart

Here is a 15 minute workout routine for your abs. This routine includes three ab exercises along with a 5 minute cardio exercise.

Cardiologist Isadore Rosenfeld, MD, a professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College, in New York City, and author of the forthcoming Doctor of the Heart: A Life in Medicine, opposes crash diets (less than 1,200 calories a day) and detox plans like the Master Cleanse. The Master Cleanse involves consuming a mixture of water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper—and nothing else—for several days. He says these very low-calorie regimens are based on the false theory that the body needs help eliminating waste. Research suggests rapid weight loss can slow your metabolism, leading to future weight gain, and deprive your body of essential nutrients. What’s more, crash diets can weaken your immune system and increase your risk of dehydration, heart palpitations, and cardiac stress. “A crash diet once won’t hurt your heart,” Dr. Rosenfeld says. “But crash dieting repeatedly increases the risk of heart attacks.” Bacon adds that long-term calorie-cutting can eventually lead to heart muscle loss. “Yo-yo dieting can also damage your blood vessels. All that shrinking and growing causes micro tears that create a setup for atherosclerosis and other types of heart disease,” she says. Chip Stinchfield, a 55-year-old shop owner in New Canaan, Conn., has experienced the cardiac effects of dieting firsthand. On the advice of friends, he went on a Master Cleanse for days and exercised vigorously. Another time he ate nothing but cottage cheese, beets, and peanut butter. Both were “quick, easy fixes” that helped him drop up to 10 pounds fast. But both diets also gave him shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and “the feeling like I was going to have a heart attack.” Under pressure from his family, who thought his dieting might disable or kill him—like many extreme dieters, Stinchfield kept his doctor in the dark about his radical habits—he eventually went back to sensible eating.

Best Workout Routine - Six Pack Abs Routines

1. JOGGING Jog for 5 minutes straight 2. ABS - CRUNCHES Starting Position: Start flat on your back. Bend your knees and hips. Place your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest, with each hand touching the opposite shoulder. Movement: Exhale as you curl up slowly pulling your head, neck, shoulders and upper back off the floor. Keep your lower back on the floor throughout the exercise. At the upper limit of this movement, "crunch" or squeeze the abdominal muscles by holding the position for 1 - 2 seconds. Slowly release the curling motion, and inhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat as required. How Many: 3 set of 25 Rest: 20 seconds 3. ABS -SIDE CRUNCHES Make sure you do both sides. Switch sides

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Article Courtesy www.woojinjung.com

Grand Master Woojin Jung's Life On December 31, 1971, Grand Master Woojin Jung landed at the Cedar Rapids, Iowa airport in the United States. The ground was covered with a meter of snow. Both confused and awestruck, he thought, 'This is the land for me to be challenged.' Upon his arrival in the U.S. from Korea, GM Jung had only $35 - he was almost penniless. His English was still poor and life was hard at first. His first job was a pump man at a gas station. Poor and hungry, living in a foreign country was much harder than he expected. "At first, I had hard times, but every morning I was excited. My earliest memory is that I had to work from six in the morning into the evening, but I was supposed to spend only 20 dollars a month. It was hard. There was a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurant on the way to the gas station. At home I was supposed to eat only some rice and water, so I couldn't afford to buy anything from there. So I bought a piece (of chicken) a week on Friday. I became happy from Thursday. I ate even the bones. It was the most delicious thing in my life. Sometimes I go there, looking at trees in front of the store. I go to KFC and eat one piece on December 31st every year." Today, he is known as one of the most successful Taekwondo masters in the U.S. He runs seven fitness clubs and owns several shopping malls. He operates a 36-acre Taekwondo training site in the Rocky Mountains and is the publisher of the world-famous magazine, TaeKwonDo Times. But he has not forgotten the hard work and perseverance that got him to where he is today. Working around his clubs, he seems like a janitor, picking up garbage and cleaning pools. It is a rare thing to see from such a successful businessman. It was because of Taekwondo that he was able to do best in the foreign country. He rarely met Asians in a small rough neighborhood in Iowa, where he opened his first Taekwondo school. Guess what the name was? It was 'Taekwondo Karate.' Master Jung did not have enough money at first and found the laws of Cedar Rapids very confusing. Having a college degree in engineering, he would do his own electrical work. But an inspector from the city became upset, saying he could not do it "he was not licensed. Master Jung did not understand why. More inspectors came and were upset that he did not have things 'up to code' but he did not understand. One day, the city summoned him. They wanted a public hearing. Showing up in the city hall, people started to whisper to themselves, "That's the man, definitely!" The quiet city Cedar Rapids had an eccentric person. The people of city hall held many talks on his school and even disputed it. With his hands on his stomach, he talked in the most modest way possible. "It's not been long since I came to your country, and I don't have enough money. So I have a lot of troubles here. I would like to teach Taekwondo to people in your country, but I know little in many ways. So you please help me," he said. The people of city hall decided to give him an opportunity. Don Conney, Mayor of Cedar Rapids, fought in Korean War. He remembered Koreans as good and wanted to help. They became friends and even like brothers. Moreover, Cedar Rapids and Wulsan, Woojin Jung's hometown, became sister cities. Still, after opening his school against all odds, he still had many obstacles. It had only one bathroom, and water heating system was so poor that more than two people could not take a shower. It had no parking lot, so students had difficulty parking their cars. But nobody complained. Students understood his situation, their instructor was poor. Master Jung recalls, "I learned a lesson that the large number of students doesn't make you happy." His first testing was for only 11 students, then 20 to 30 and finally to 100 after a year. He tested a total of 700 people for seven years in this school. He had no money to advertise his school, but more and more students came. But Master Jung faced other challenges. Most notable were the gangs. In his rough neighborhood, gang members constantly challenged him. He was bothered by them for a year. It was a terrible headache. Every time he had to face those thugs he was alone. One day, one thug challenged him, and no matter how hard Master Jung tried to scare him off, he would only laugh. Master Jung got scared. He had to beat the guy, die or live. He made up his mind, and made one of his students bring pencil and paper. Once he got prepared, he wasn't scared at all. He handed the pencil and paper to the thug, and told him to write a memorial, 'It's OK if I die during this fight.' The thug said he didn't want to die. So Jung told him to call the police. The thug just left the school running away from him, saying "Don't call the police, please." Master Jung had a hard time in demonstrating, too. People didn't know about Taekwondo so he would break concrete with his fists or even his head. The doctors would advise him not to use his head, but he did it to popularize Taekwondo. He did all kinds of things to distribute Taekwondo. His childhood was hard, so he was able to make through the tough times he faced now. The Korean War broke out when he was only nine. The Korean War gave a lot of pain to the Korean people. People would starve without food or clothes. The whole country seemed crazy and no one felt safe. So he started Taekwondo. "Taekwondo didn't have its formal shape. I learned it just for self-defense. It was dangerous to hang around at night in those days. At nine, Korean War broke out, and the world was so tough. I think I learned Taekwondo from a yellow belt holder. I entered a school in Pusan, and then I opened my own school in 1962 when I was studying alone in Seoul. I wanted to get some financial advantage from it." He was fascinated with Taekwondo. It led him to be a Taekwondo instructor even in Vietnam. Finally he took Taekwondo for his vocation. Fighting for survival, he decided to leave Korea where there were so much suppression that he couldn't realize his dream and to emigrate to USA, 'Country of Liberty.'

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Martial Arts Heroines During the fifth and sixth centuries, Zen Buddhist monks and nuns brought from India to China yoga and Indian fist-fighting techniques similar to modern karate. These fighting techniques came in handy in war-torn China. Indeed, learning to fight was as common as learning to cook or pour tea. Survival for men, women, and even children hinged on their ability to protect themselves. Those who excelled became notable warriors. Thirteen-year-old Shuen Guan is a perfect example. Her ability to fight with swords, spears, and even her bare hands earned her the nickname "Little Tigress." According to one legend, she saved her town from an attack by bandits by fighting her way through the attackers and returning with a neighboring general and his troops. Her heroic deeds were eventually honored by the emperor of China. But not everyone could be as multi-talented as Shuen Guan. Specialization had a definite place in war-torn China. After learning a basic fighting skill, the tendency was to add moves and techniques to suit a particular ability or body type. For one woman named Ng Mui that meant redirecting her punches from the midsection of an attacker to the head, and throwing kicks to the lower legs. Specialization enabled people to become masters of their own styles. Mui was so proficient at her style that to prove its effectiveness, she demonstrated her moves on martial arts masters themselves, who quickly came to realize that her methods would work as well for them as they did for her. That Mui was a woman is impressive enough. But what makes her extraordinary to martial arts students who practice her style today is the fact mat she was a Buddhist nun! She came from a Shaolin monastery in southern China during the Ching Dynasty. One of Ng Mui's students, Yim Wing Chun, carried on this style after Mui's death. Eventually, this system became known as Wing Chun kung fu. Interestingly, though developed for a woman, Wing Chun kung fu became the style of choice among many men. In fact, this style of kung fu grew stronger in popularity as the centuries rolled by, and became the preferred style of the late martial artist-turned-actor Bruce Lee, who introduced and popularized this style in the West in the 1960s and 70s. For those too young to remember, visit any video store where you'll find a wide selection of Bruce Lee movies. Though as grade B as a movie can get, they're worthwhile watching just to observe Lee's extraordinary athletic abilities.

Written by Dean Walsh Occasionally called "the woman's spear," the naginata was the weapon of choice for Itagaki, a female general in charge of three-thousand warriors in 1199. Her expertise and courage supposedly inspired her troops and shamed the enemy. Another famous woman warrior of the same period was Tomoe. The name means "circular" or "turning," and was probably given to her because of her mastery of the naginata, which is used by making circular movements. Woman warriors continued to fight up until one of the last civil wars in Japan. In 1877, a battle was fought with a group of 500 women in its ranks. These women, armed with naginatas, fought against Japanese government troops. Unfortunately, their skills were no match against the guns carried by their opponents. If you were lucky enough to be a female born into a ninja family, chances are you would be taught, along with your brother if you had one, starting at the age of five or six, to be a superior athlete. By the age of twelve or thirteen, you might move on to weapons training. Ninja were latter-day James Bonds: super-agents who were not only superior fighters, but masters at disguise. Men often dressed as women, and vice versa.

Judo, too, has some distinctly female roots. While kung fu grew out of China, judo has its roots in the fighting systems of feudal Japan, which from the tenth to the eighteenth centuries found itself awash in samurais-highly skilled fighters who, often on horseback, battled with bows and arrows, swords, and spears.

In the mid- to late 1800s, as there became less of a need for samurai, women's influence in the martial arts declined. Unless women came from a military family, it was considered scandalous for them to train alongside men in martial arts schools. If any training went on, it was done in private.

In the early part of this period, samurai women shared the battlefield with men-and occasionally commanded them. These martial matriarchs were often trained in the use of weapons, especially spears and small daggers.

Scandalous or not, many women wanted to practice a martial art, and did. In 1893, Sueko Ashiya became the first women student of Jigoro Kano, who founded judo in Japan. Soon after he took on Ashiya, Kano began teaching his wife, daughter, and their female friends.

One of the favored weapons among samurai on horseback was the naginata, a long pole, from five to nine feet, with a sword at the end. Page 16 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2011

In the mid-1920s, Kano opened a women's section of his school so his female students could train in a proper environment. Though a major breakthrough that guaranteed many women the opportunity to train, Japanese women today still train only in the women's section, and except for special situations are not allowed to train with men. But don't think that old habits die hard only in the Orient. Up until about 1976, the belts worn by female judo martial artists had to have a white stripe running down the middle if the women wanted to compete in national competitions. The ruling was changed, however, thanks to a few determined women who demonstrated their disapproval of the rule by fighting in competitions wearing only white belts, refusing to wear a colored belt with a stripe in it. Consider another rule that prevented women from achieving the same rank as men. Kano's original school prohibited black belt women from being promoted higher than fifth dan, while men could go as high as twelfth dan. In 1972 the school received letters from women all over the world protesting this rule and asking the school to promote one of its leading female students, Keiko Fukuda, who had received her fifth-degree black belt in 1953. The letter-writing campaign worked, and Fukuda became the first woman sixth dan in the worldalmost twenty years after becoming a. fifth dan. Karate also never traditionally distinguished between male and female. Karate originated in Okinawa as a defense against Japanese invaders who stripped the natives of their weapons. In addition to using their hands and feet, Okinawans utilized farm tools to attack their oppressors. Women and men would practice their skills alone in the forests or fields using sickles or bamboo polls. Eventually, even a harmless-looking farm woman reaping her crops became a force to contend with. Sport karate became increasingly popular and widespread in the 1940s. While competition was originally limited primarily to men, women now compete in both sparring and kata tournaments. There are even some mixed forms competitions, and occasionally mixed sparring between men and women. Today, notable female martial artists can be found in every style of martial art-from kick boxer Kathy Long to karate champion Cynthia Rothrock. These women, and others like them, are the modern-day equivalents of the women warriors of centuries ago. Their determination to carve a niche for themselves in this sport is a shining example to every female martial artist.

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Why Taekwondo Is So Popular By Alan Hunt First, let me set the scene. I am not a Taekwondo Master. Nor even a Black Belt. In fact, I don't have a belt at all. Indeed, I have never had a Taekwondo belt. So why, you are entitled to ask, am I writing an article about Taekwondo? The reason is simple. In my day job at a leading UK team building company, a surprisingly large number of our wider event team members over the years are Taekwondo practitioners. Most of them are of black belt status and two of them have actually got on their martial arts CV that they have represented England. The reason for this is simple. One of the two is our Client Services Manager and she has roped in some of her Taekwondo friends. Basically, I feel qualified to write this through multiple third-party connections. So here is what I have gleaned from them. In keeping with the majority if not all martial arts, Taekwondo offers a mixture of activity, self defence and approach to life in general - a philosophy if you will. One factor that mas made it so popular around the world and far from its Korean roots is that it is a very social activity, bringing together people from all walks of life and even generations. While it is an Olympic sport involving experts and watched by millions, it is also a very participative activity that can be enjoyed by all. The tenets of the art encourage camaraderie and even teamwork, so there's a link to my day job there! So what is it? Well, it is a martial art that originated in Korea. Its literal translation is "the way of the foot and the fist", with Tae meaning to break with the foot, Kwon meaning the same but with the fist and Do supplying the way. Interestingly, it was born in the same year as me. 1955. It is certainly wearing its years better than me! Choi Hong Hi, a South Korean General and martial arts expert. I gather that Choi is something of a controversial figure within Taekwondo and not all factions view him as its creator, but I'm going with the local flow here. When I say it was born in 1955, that isn't strictly true. It gained its name then, but actually it has been around for well over a thousand years. Back in that day it was called Taek-Kyon. Basically, the people who unified Korea from the original three kingdoms that existed managed to do so largely by force and the force in question had Taek-Kyon at its disposal. The martial art helped the relatively young (by age of its members) army of the Hwarang-Do unify Korea. Once they had achieved this, they began to spread the word and get people across the kingdom engaged with the marital art. It survived a near extinction event when the Japanese occupied Korea in Yi Dynasty times shortly after the turn of the 20th Century (1910 to be precise) and really took off once the occupation ended in the mid 1940s. As I write, Taekwondo is enjoyed in an organised fashion by people in almost 70 different countries. Including this one, of course. And if the spirit and camaraderie of my colleagues here is anything to go by, it isn't going away any time soon. So in answer to the question I raise in the title, it seems to me to be a martial art for all that engenders a great spirit among those who practice it together. Even those who have never taken a lesson in their lives can benefit from that if they know people who are already into it.

IN AT ST TE R NT U I C O TO N R S Attention all U.K. School Instructors and Black Belts Are you stuck in a place where you are not achieving what you want? Would you like to work with a group which is forward thinking and versatile with its approach on how to run your schools? If so, read on. (Affiliates now welcome in all countries). We are looking for schools to join our movement and become part of a well respected group in the U..K. We are also interested in red or Black Belts that want to rejoin the I.T.F. and are interested in opening their first school and working on our NEW Instructors scholarship program. You must be willing to work as a team and be ready to learn one of the best syllabi in the U.K. today. You will gain full support from us, both on-line and off. You will be required to take part in monthly online meetings to discuss the development of your schools and groups. If this is of interest to you, please e-mail our Head Office to discuss a meeting to see if we can work together. We need like minded coaches that want to make a stand against all the petty politics. NO other group will offer the freedom we do. Ex members are always welcome to make an application to rejoin our movement.

Why join us:


Own quality tournaments NOW ON-LINE Annual I.T.F. seminars Uniformity across the board Traditional values taught We believe in the art, not the money like most do. Ÿ Respected syllabus unmatched by any U.K. group. Ÿ Freedom from politics Ÿ United group Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

WWW.UK-LTSI.COM TEL:01727 827624 Page 18 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011


S G N A G To further the corporate analogy, gangs also use brand recognition and targeted advertising to reach their target demographic. Every gang member I’ve ever known describes himself as a “businessman”.

We won’t be discussing the different types of gangs in this article. That’s a whole separate discussion and best left for another time. Nor will we examine the complex social problems that allow gangs to flourish. These issues are far too large to explore in one article and are best digested in small doses. Instead in this article we will examine some risk factors for young people being targeted for recruitment or victimization by gang members and the some of the myths and misconceptions that abound with this topic in general.

The word Gang causes a great deal of controversy and fear every time it is uttered. There is a great deal of myth and misconception about just what is a gang, how they recruit/ operate and the danger they pose to our society, our families and children. Working with gang members for a great number of years, I’ve watched as they have become more sophisticated and violent as time has passed. What was once given short shrift or ignored as an anomaly is now recognized as an incredibly complex problem, not only for law enforcement but for our society as a whole. This article is a good starting point for parents and youth who want to see the truth about what gangs are, and are not..

Young people become involved in gangs for a lot of different reasons; a sense of belonging, family/friends involved in gang lifestyle, money, protection, etc. The point is; everyone is potentially vulnerable to or affected by gangs on some level. As parents we need to recognize the potential warning signs of attempted recruitment and acknowledge that while we can’t reduce all of the risk factors in our children’s lives, but we can give them enough resiliencies to deal with the problems when/if the time comes. Parents always ask how they will know if their children are becoming involved with gangs. You will notice changes in their behavior and interactions with family, authority and society in general. Some of the changes that parents would notice immediately would include; * Sudden changes in friends * Change in appearance * Disrespect for authority * Withdraws from family activity

* Desire for excessive privacy When we hear the term “Gang” it conjures images of * Staying out all night drugs, bullet ridden bodies, money and fear. The reality is; * Extravagant spending beyond explainable income gangs are not new. In fact there is documented evidence of gang related activity going back as far as 1400-1500 AD. * Having unusually large amounts of cash What is changing is the increased communications and * Begins using gang related slang, graffiti, hand signs cooperation on joint criminal ventures between gangs that would traditionally be at war or in competition for the same * Unexplained cell phones or pagers drug territory. Expertise and even technology are shared in * Drugs or weapons found in their rooms/bags an attempt to evade law enforcement and increase the bottom line. If it’s beginning to make gangs sound more than just a little like a business, it’s because they are. The I think it’s important to note that these indicators are not only difference is that their products are crime, fear and definitive. I know a lot of teens who display several of these death. identifiers and are no more affiliated to criminal gang activity When you take a close look at how many gangs operate, than I am. What these warning flags should do however is patterns begin to emerge. Gangs want the same thing as alert parents/teachers and anyone working with youth that any corporation. They want to grow and expand in their there is a potential for recruitment/association if early territory/target niche. Profit is the bottom line and ruthless intervention does not occur. There are other risk factors that business tactics are often employed in the name of cannot be controlled such as; gaining a competitive edge. Page 19 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

* Living in a “High Risk” neighborhood * Socially isolated * Living in poverty * Recent immigrant * Sex (most gang members are male, however female membership is on the rise) * Early exposure to violence or substance abuse * Limited opportunities for training or employment * Limited education For every risk there are also resiliency factors. Resiliency is the product of a set of influences and circumstances that would pre-dispose youth away from negative lifestyle choices. Strong family ties, involvement in organized activities and strong adult role models and community involvement can go a long way to helping young people keep from becoming involved in gangs and other negative activities. It’s important for parents to realize that in many ways they are the ones on the front lines in the war on gang/criminal activity. There are a great number of myths and misconceptions around gang culture. Some of them are loosely based in reality, but utilized by gangs to increase recruitment and perpetuate the fear/respect and “silence through intimidation” they need to operate. One of the biggest myths is; Gangs will protect me from my enemies: The facts would indicate otherwise. It is physically impossible for any gang to protect their members 24/7. The United States Secret Service spends billions of dollars and has tens of thousands of agents to protect a very small number of individuals. Gangs, no matter how much money they are making from the sales of drugs and other criminal acts have neither the financial resources, the training, nor will to protect a lowly foot soldier on the street. Replacing them when they are killed or incarcerated is easy. Finding and training a new foot soldier is a much more cost effective business decision than paying lawyers. Secondly your risk of death increases dramatically when compared with actuarial tables of youth not involved in gangs. A police officer well known for his expertise in these matters summed it up beautifully. He said; “The moment you join a gang, you automatically gain one hundred new enemies you never even knew you had.” Gangs also rule by fear and intimidation of their own members. This means that in addition to the risk of being kidnapped, assaulted or killed by rival gangs; gang members often face the same risks from their own group. Joining a gang will give me respect.: This is one of the most common misconceptions in gang culture. When gangs talk about respect what they really mean is fear; “Respect is earned and always there. Fear is generally present only when the object of the fear is nearby. Fear often coincides with hate. It is the power of illusion.” We need to understand and convey to our young people that they are not the same things. Gangs must rule by fear in order to maintain their control over a very competitive drug market and other crime related activity. If their enemies don’t respect/fear them, then their drug markets will be taken over and their runners “jacked” and assaulted. If their members don’t respect/fear them, then they could potentially rip off the gang by running independent operations Page 2 0 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

Let’s face it; one of the best ways to control a violent criminal is to be a bigger and more violent criminal yourself. Gang members are my friends: Over the years I’ve come to know a lot of young people involved in gangs. Many of them had friends and family involved in the gang lifestyle. Unfortunately many of them are also dead, or know a lot of other young people who are. Although there is the perceived loyalty to the gang and its members it is always interesting to note that the loyalty only goes one way. An average gang member who is working as a runner/soldier for any gang is not making a lot of money. Don’t let all of the cash you see them being arrested with confuse you. That money is the proceeds of crime and the property of the gang’s hierarchy. Foot soldiers no more get to keep the proceeds of their criminal activities than the salesman at car dealership gets to keep the money for the sale of a new BMW. In fact those arrested are likely on the hook and fined by the gang for the loss of the drugs and money. Gang members are paid a salary like any other employee; they just get the added privilege of needing to wear body armor to work and going to jail and/or being shot at as a condition of their employment. Secondly if gangs are so loyal to their members, how come they never seem to use any of the millions that they are making on drug sales to get incarcerated members the best lawyers possible? I will be at the top someday: Realistically there is next to no possibility of this happening. An average foot soldier would likely have no opportunity to become the leader of a large gang. In order for this to happen it would involve surviving; the street, jail, internal dissent, rival gangs, etc. Then potential leader would actually require some business acumen and organizational talent, because as mentioned previously gangs are in the business of making money period. They are just involved in a huge array of criminal offences and operations to fulfill this goal. The facts are that sometimes gangs are controlled by larger criminal organizations much as a subsidiary company would be controlled by a large corporation. They have the ability to engage in independent action, but the overall organizational vision is determined by the more powerful entity (Organized Crime). I can’t get out now that I’m in: Not all gang members are created equal. Don’t get me wrong, gangs are a huge problem and need to be dealt with. We can’t treat every gang member like they are the head of a Triad and spend inordinate amounts of money protecting society from them after they have caused untold damage to people’s lives. It is counterproductive, costly and mostly ineffective. Most gang members are not members of the leadership or upper management whose knowledge of the groups operations and intelligence would make them a liability to the gang should they attempt to leave. Most gang members are foot soldiers who are involved in the day to day operation of a small part of the organization as a whole and likely not in possession of any knowledge that could seriously damage the gang’s leadership or operations. Many times gang members simply walk away with no repercussions whatsoever.

In other articles in future we will explore the world of gangs and gang culture and look at topics such as; * Types of gangs/gangsters from wanna-be to made men, and hate groups to crime syndicates. * The gang/money connection. * Graffiti vs. gang graffiti and how to tell the difference. * Colors and tattoos what do they mean? * Gang initiations and exiting. * Rising through the ranks.

How to Handle School Bullies

* Gangs and the internet.

Erin Treder

* Girls in gangs. * Community mobilization and education. * Intelligence lead policing. * Why tougher anti-gang laws are not working. * What we can do to help lessen the risk and take back our communities. In the meantime, take the initiative to find out what resources are available in your community and avail yourself of their time and experience in educating yourself on this issue. Believe it or not what you don’t know can hurt you. There is a lot of excellent free literature available online to give you an overview of general information on this subject. Talk to you children about the dangers of gangs and know their friends. Know who/where they are hanging out and any potentially dangerous areas to avoid. Educate yourself and your children on Personal Safety and basic Self Defense and teach them how to reduce as much risk in their lives as possible. The best you can do is provide them with as much Resiliency as possible and hope that it can outweigh the risk.

Every school has its bullies - people who try to show that they're stronger and more powerful than others. They do this through name-calling, making threats, spreading rumors, and other behaviors. Bullying is different from teasing. Teasing may be a part of bullying, but bullying goes beyond teasing. Bullying is a pattern of behavior that is meant to hurt, embarrass, and frighten its intended target. According to stopbullyingnow.com, a website designed for students by the US Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Service Information anti-bullying campaign, bullying is more common than some people think. Between 15 and 25 percent of US students are bullied, and it can affect them so seriously that they have trouble learning and may skip school. Students who are bullies are also more likely to skip school, smoke, and drink alcohol. They are also more likely to vandalize property and eventually be convicted of other crimes. Boys are more likely than girls to bully others, but girls report being bullied by boys and other girls, while boys are more likely to be bullied only by other boys. Bullying even affects bystanders who aren't actually involved, because it fosters a feeling of fear and disrespect in schools. Bullies usually harass others when there are few adults or teachers around, in places like playgrounds, cafeterias, locker rooms, buses, and even on computers. By doing this, they know it will be harder for their victims to do anything about it. There are things you should and should not do when dealing with bullies.

Do: Ignore the behavior and walk away. Even if the bully is being very mean, try to pretend as if it doesn't bother you. It's not as much fun for him if you don't react. Report the behavior if you don't feel safe. If the bully threatens you or makes you feel unsafe, tell you parents, teacher, principal, or guidance counselor. Try to avoid the bully and stay with a group of friends. Friends will support you and can be witnesses to the bully's behavior. Report it if you see someone else being bullied. Bullies often get away with their behavior when it's one person's word against another. It's easier for a school to take action against a bully if another student reports what's going on.

Don't: Article by Kerry Sauve-

Fight with a bully. This will just get you in trouble. If you try to get even, the bully will probably try to get even with you again later.

About the Author of Focus on Gangs:

Tell the bully he's hurting your feelings. Though it's usually good to let others know how you feel, in this case, it's usually not helpful. This just lets the bully know that he's been successful.

I am a full time Peace Officer and the Director of StreetSense Safety and Security Inc. Our company teaches Personal Safety and Self Defense courses, corporate team building and security training. I've been involved in the combat arts for the past 25 years and enjoy teaching, running and spending time with my family Page 2 1 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2011

Become a bully yourself. Some people respond to harassing behavior by becoming bullies themselves. Remember how bad bullying makes you feel. Treating someone else this way won't make you feel good about yourself. The most important thing to remember when dealing with a bully is to remind yourself that what he says isn't true. The bully is the one with the problem, not you

HWA-RANG New Stance: Soojik Sogi (Ver tical Stance)

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HWA-RANG Movements - 29 Ready Posture - CLOSED READY STANCE C 1. Move the left foot to B to forma sitting stance toward D while executing a middle pushing block to D with the left palm. 2. Execute a middle punch to D with the right fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward D. 3. Execute a middle punch to D with the left fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward D. 4. Execute a twin forearm block while forming a left L-stance toward A, pivoting with the let foot. 5. Execute an upward punch with the left fist while pulling the right side fist in front of the left shoulder, maintaining a left L-stance toward A. 6. Execute a middle punch to A with the right fist while forming a right fixed stance toward A in a sliding motion. 7. Execute a downward strike with the right knife-hand while forming a left vertical stance toward A, pulling the right foot. 8. Move the left foot to A forming a left walking stance toward A while executing a middle punch to A with the left fist. 9. Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a low block to D with the left forearm. 10. Move the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the right fist. 11. Pull the left foot toward the right foot while bringing the left palm to the right forefist, at the same time bending the right elbow about 45 degrees outward. 12. Execute a middle side piercing kick to D with the right foot while pulling both hands in the opposite direction and then lower it to D forming a left L-stance toward D, at the same time executing a middle outward strike to D with the right knife-hand. 13. Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the left fist. 14. Move the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D at the same time executing a middle punch to D with the right fist. 15. Move the left foot to E turning counter clockwise to form a right L-stance toward E while executing a middle guarding block to E with a knife-hand. 16. Move the right foot to E forming a right walking stance toward E while executing a middle thrust to E with the right straight finger tip. 17. Move the right foot on line EF forming a right L-stance toward F while executing a middle guarding block to F with a knife-hand. 18. Execute a high turning kick to DF with the right foot and then lower it to F. 19. Execute a high turning kick to CF with the left foot and then lower it to F forming a right L-stance toward F while executing a middle guarding block to F with a knife-hand. Perform 18 and 19 in a fast motion. 20. Move the left foot to C forming a left walking stance toward C while executing a low block to C with the left forearm. 21. Execute a middle punch to C with the right fist while forming a right L-stance toward C, pulling the left foot. 22. Move the right foot to C forming a left L-stance toward C while executing a middle punch to C with the left fist. 23. Move the left foot to C forming a right L-stance toward C while executing a middle punch to C with the right fist. 24. Execute a pressing block with an X-fist while forming a left walking stance toward C, slipping the left foot to C. 25. Move the right foot to C in a sliding motion forming a right L-stance toward D while thrusting to C with the right side elbow. 26. Bring the left foot to the right foot, turning counter clockwise to form a closed stance toward B while executing a side front block with the right inner forearm while extending the left forearm to the side downward. 27. Execute a side front block with the left inner forearm, extending the right forearm to the side downward while maintaining a closed stance toward B. 28. Move the left foot to B forming a right L-stance toward B at the same time executing a middle guarding block to B with a knife-hand. 29. Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to A forming a left L-stance toward A while executing a middle guarding block to A with a knife-hand. END: Bring the right foot back to a ready posture.

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10 YEARS OF I.T.F. Article by Chris Snow, 6th Degree I.T.F.

In January 2001, upon my resignation from what I now see as one of the U.K.’s best Tae Kwon Do groups, if you’d told me what would follow would be ten years of aggravation I probably would have stayed put., but I did not as I was young and gun ho. There were also developments in that group that made me feel it was my time to move on. I have no regrets and, of course, would not return but I now understand that their group was and is the best (and we can say that as we have had dealings with most and all have fallen short in many areas over the years).

and a complete disregard to the tenets they spout on seminars. I personally would air caution to any Instructor thinking of leaving their group and joining the I.T.F. - research who is who. I also think you should take six months to decide your options and join someone like the A.F.T. until you make your mind up. They can provide insurance, C.R.B.’s, public liability, first aid courses and coaching courses. Go to www.af-tkd.com for further info.

In the ten years, we have gained a lot as an organisation and, sadly, lost a lot due to unscrupulous masters, but we have remained true to the I.T.F. (even if, at times, we have questioned the motives of some seniors who have blatantly tried to take over and poach our Instructors membership sadly to say, it appears this is common in the U.K. and those that have done this are guilty of doing this many times before).

Joining other groups is also a problem as far as we are concerned, as most have ulterior motives and treat you like their puppets - mind you, that being said, they normally give you 12 months and then add the thumb screws.

I originally started looking at I.T.F. In 1999 when the group I was a member of re-joined the I.T.F. and held a seminar. General Choi was the conductor at this seminar and there were a number of comments from him that made me wonder what was up with our Tae Kwon Do. I was a coach running two clubs at that time. On the seminar, General Choi pulled me up where I would do a very shaky Yul Gok, Afterwards, Mr. A. Rhee spoke on behalf of General Choi asking why I stopped on certain moves in the pattern and said “You are good, but you could be better”. General Choi did speak, but he was hard to understand.

Many are now of the opinion that grade under the I.T.F. seems to mean nothing, as some are refusing to recognise each others certificates. Let’s be honest, the certificate means more to the holder. I have witnessed first hand independents being treated like gods on I.T.F. Sites, yet they have never taken an I.T.F. grade (let alone practice sine wave or I.T.F. technique)., so what are the benefits? For me, I love being I.T.F. as it is the only way forward.

Upon arriving home, I went on the internet to find out about I.T.F. and began to see things that concerned me. I spent two years going to I.T.F. clubs to see the difference, but remained loyal to my coach. In 2001, I decided I wanted to be part of the I.T.F. and, given recent changes in the group, it was time for me to move on. This move was hard as I lost all my friends and an Instructor I respected, despite a recent breakdown in relationship. When I left, everywhere I turned, doors were slammed in my face which gave me a wake up call on how the seniors of T.K.D. seemed to back each other at that time (especially if we contacted B.T.C. members, as they made sure they closed ranks on us).

Nowadays you need to ask “What does I.T.F. do for us?”. Well, international tournaments and certification really is it, as technique seems to be quite different between the three I.T.F.s. (which is an opinion shared by millions now).

I personally teach for Tae Kwon Do and not for I.T.F. and I also have a lot of Independent friends who teach. In the old days of General Choi, technique was standard across the board but, as the glue died, so did the standardisation of Tae Kwon Do. If you don’t believe me, take a seminar under all the I.T.F.’s and you will see first hand how different things are now. I am registered with the I.T.F. under Mr. Chang - do I feel he is the true leader? Well he certainly does a good job, but I wont claim to say we are the real I.T.F. All I will say is we pay our dues, buy I.T.F. certificates and remain true to the I.T.F. family. Ten years we have devoted to the I.T.F. and many times seen things that leave us thinking “What the ****??”.

We joined a few groups as L.T.S. and never could settle down (if you want to see our complete lineage, you can on our website at www.uk-ltsi.com). Today we are independent but hold membership with the I.T.F. and B.T.C., but this article is to explain the problems we have seen in I.T.F. first hand.

Our opinion on I.T.F. is it is a great product to be part of, but some Masters have done damage and left many juniors feeling like they have been victimised (then they leave it altogether). I.T.F. is not to blame, the individuals who continue to misuse their position are.

The biggest problem today in I.T.F. is the given fact that anyone you speak to in I.T.F. claims their group hold the official rights to it which, to be honest, gets boring when you hear it a few hundred times.

I’d like to see the I.T.F. back as one in the future but, hand on heart, I cannot see it happening now. Why? Well, when our Tae Kwon Do father passed, a lot happened - people came back into the I.T.F. and were elevated to positions that they should have not been put into. Each I.T.F. has their own Board, so a unification is almost impossible as that would mean others losing their jobs.

Many members nowadays are confused about who is who due to the gumph you often read on the internet. For the L.T.S.I. we have been part of all the I.T.F.’s and all have great Masters in but they also have a few jackass Masters that are not humble, who wear their grade as a trophy (which goes against our ethos as a group). Since joining I.T.F., I personally have dealt with Masters who are your mate while you are paying into their organisation, but the moment you say “Actually, we want to do something different”, they slam you and do their best to damage you - hardly a trait of humility Page 24 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

The simplest way forward is for all to agree to work as one I.T.F., but what I have disclosed above makes it look like it is now impossible. I have met many that feel the same as me - across the board, members all want the same but the question is which of the I.T.F.’s will stand up and take action to prevent further damage to an art that seems to develop even more cracks every day that we stand divided.


Original-ITF is a dedicated magazine to all Tae Kwon Do affiliations worldwide. We are looking for the following content

Club News Results Event Listings Articles History Articles Forums Galleries And much, much more Whatever I.T.F. news you have to report.... send it to us to get it catapulted to the Tae Kwon Do communities via our web site and our magazine. All article / news submissions should be sent to us by 07/04/11

Original-ITF is primarily an I.T.F. magazine covering I.T.F. news but, since our readers asked us to open the magazine, we now cover all Tae Kwon Do news equally, so get on board and help us establish a magazine that works with all affiliations around the globe.

Page 25 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2011

By Duncan Richardson Chief Master Instructor

WTF fighters are "sloppy", "lack control", "fight with their hands down", "focus too much on the sport", "never punch", "unrealistic", etc, etc, etc. Then what do you hear about ITF? Nothing! Is that because ITF is a perfect system? No, it's because most World Taekwondo Federation practitioners haven't seen an International Taekwondo Federation match. The ITF isn't practiced as much as the WTF, thus not giving it the same exposure.

well, that's just plain frustrating to a lot of people, WTF or ITF. I'll get back to that. Please, don't say, "I could use an effective roundhouse kick or sidekick." I thought the same thing as a point style fighter in the ITF. I decided that I wanted to take a shot at Olympic style competition (WTF). I was successful at a local level, when I competed in my first WTF tournament, so I went to the US National Championships.

I can tell you the downsides to ITF, not because I'm pro WTF, but because I hold multiple Black Belts in both styles. I currently own 2 dojangs and they are WTF. I will reveal later why our school has chosen to be affiliated with the World Taekwondo Federation over the International Taekwondo Federation.

I'll admit, I had my opponent confused, but that didn't last long. Here is what I found out quickly. WTF practitioners can cover several meters in a split second, in any direction. My kicks were too short, imagine that... I'm 6'3", and I didn't have the footwork or training to move across the mat fast enough to ever hit my opponent. Sure, I had fast roundhouse kicks and sidekicks. I could sit on my back leg and snap multiple kicks to the body and head like no other.

First and foremost, I am pro Taekwondo, not pro WTF. I read a blog comment somewhere and the gentleman said that it's ALL Taekwondo anyhow. I believe it takes a mature mind to truly understand and believe that. The World Taekwondo Federation is essentially a mutated version of International Taekwondo Federation. If you recall, one was created from the other. We all know of Gen. Hong Hi Choi. If you're a WTF practitioner, chances are, you've never heard of him. The reason you may have never heard of him was because he was viewed as a traitor by the South Korean government. Korea adopted a new system of Taekwondo after Gen. Hong Hi Choi was excommunicated from the country which is why we have two large federations todayWTF & ITF. Interestingly enough, Gen. Choi is not mentioned by the WTF. WTF or not, Gen. Choi is the father of Taekwondo and is responsible for helping coin the name Taekwondo, and should always be remembered for that. Why he was excommunicated is an entirely different subject and won't be discussed in this article. Most of the techniques that were created by Gen. Choi are practiced in all Taekwondo, whether it's WTF, ITF, or even ATA. World Taekwondo Federation practitioners evolved into a mutated version, as I stated earlier. It's important to understand that the WTF did not create what you see today. The competitors created it. Specific rules created it. The masters and grandmasters of the World Taekwondo Federation APPROVED of it, but they did not create what we see today. The traditional roundhouse kick was no longer good enough. The powerful sidekick became ineffective in an Olympic style competition. Punching... Page 26 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2011

If you think about it, the ring in an official WTF match is 12 meters square. That is nearly 40 feet wide, and that ring does get used. Here I am, a highly successful point style fighter, winning first place in practically every tournament I competed in. Then, at nationals, in San Jose, California, I'm knocked out with a swift roundhouse kick to the ribs. The WTF roundhouse kick has several variations to be more effective. Why raise your knee straight up and turn all the way over when you can cut your distance and time by going diagonal. The kick has less power this way, but it hits your opponent much quicker. The other plus is that it sets your opponent up for another kick in which you might turn your roundhouse kick all the way over. Other stylists view this practice as being sloppy. WTF practitioners deem it as being effective. Think of WTF competition like boxing. It's exactly the same, just with your feet. In the WTF, we throw many "Fast Kicks" or "Quick Kicks". In the ITF, the closest version would be a "Skipping Roundhouse Kick". It's a very quick motion forward, usually generated from a skip, then followed immediately with a front leg roundhouse kick. These roundhouse kicks, and 45 degree kicks are similar to a boxers jab. They're not meant to knockout the opponent, just meant to setup for another attack. In the World Taekwondo Federation, you'll find other variations of the roundhouse kick, like the bada chagi (counter roundhouse kick)or the ahp bal chagi (front leg kick- typically front leg roundhouse kick).

Then there's lateral bada chagi's, and lateral ahp bal chagi's. Then there's double roundhouse kicks, and triples and "quads". Most of these kicks make ITF practitioners want to vomit when they see them. I know, the first time I saw a double kick, I thought it was a joke.

I had started my competition career late as a WTF competitor, since I had been a part of the ITF for so long. It was essentially my one shot, before my priorities shifted to raising a family. I understand that it's not the style of Taekwondo or style of martial arts you practice, but rather the experience you gain from it.

The double kick is actually a highly powerful kick that requires strength, timing, and balance. Note- the WTF double is with alternating legs in a continuous fashion. It's effective in competition, and that's it! If I were attacked today, the double or triple kick is the last thing I'm going to do. Why practice it then? Are you ready for my answer? Because it's FUN! People don't do fencing competitions because they want to learn how to defend themselves. They do it because it's an art form to master and it's fun. I don't know of any WTF competitor that does competition so they can become better at self defense.

In our academy, we don't train like Olympic Taekwondo competitors. We do teach students how to punch. We even teach our students how to box and grapple as well. We also teach them practical self defense maneuvers, as opposed to rehearsed 3 step fighting patterns.

I've been studying martial arts for over 30 years now and I'm to the point where I don't need to pretend or convince myself or others that WTF competition is a great self defense practice. I'm also mature enough to know that any competition is not good self defense practice, and that includes the UFC. Heck, punching should be in your arsenal if you were ever attacked on the street. In WTF competition, we don't punch, and it's not because we don't know how. It's because the dang judges won't EVER score them. Why throw them, and waste energy? It's unfortunate, but that is part of the game, and that's what sparring is. Sparring is a game. In ITF & WTF, a sparring match is nothing more than a game of tag, with kicks and punches. I do disagree that ITF is more realistic than WTF. For the record, they are both unrealistic, in competition, in their own ways. The WTF practitioners learns to feel what a devastating blow is like. The strikes are real and they hurt, and if you're careless, you'll be going home with severe injuries. On the other hand, we typically keep our hands lower, and sometimes down. By the way, when your arms are down, your body is more relaxed and you can accelerate your body and kicks better. Instead of blocking with our arms, and risk having them break, we just use footwork to move away or jam our opponent. In an ITF match, the practitioners will fight with more care and precision, usually because they aren't wearing gear or have limited protection. A misplaced kick will jam your toe in a hurry. I liked how we alternated between kicking and punching in ITF competition. I also enjoyed the precision and control over my kicks that I gained. On the other hand, the constant starting and stopping of the match to award the point would break the momentum of a match and wouldn't allow for further strategies to be developed. It also allowed you and your opponent to catch their breath- not likely to happen in a real situation. All competition stuff aside, the WTF and ITF are wonderful systems. They have great practitioners, masters, and grandmasters. The WTF is the most practiced style in the world, therefore, you're going to find flaws in the character of athletes just from the sheer number of people competing. You're going to find dojangs that have completely lost the meaning of Taekwondo and martial arts as a whole. I've seen dojangs that have lost 100% of their etiquette and respect to martial arts. Bear in mind, I've also seen Karate schools and Kenpo schools that have lost the same elements. You rarely see it, because those styles are not in the Olympics and get less exposure. So, why are we WTF and not ITF? Years ago, I became heavily involved in competition. I had a dream to one day go to the Olympics and the only way I was going to have a chance was to switch over to the WTF. I would like to think I came close. I made it to the quarter finals at the US National Championships. I lost to an outstanding fighter and individual, Michael Tang. Michael Tang was a US Team member at that time, and was basically my only obstacle from making it to the US Team Trials that year. The match was close, very close! On the other hand, Michael had a dream too!

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Those students that are looking for competition, train separately in class geared to prepare them for Olympic style competition. I continue to stay affiliated with the WTF because of the opportunity it provides for athletes to dream, especially young athletes who have the opportunity to train for the Junior Olympics, an exciting event for kids.

WTF or ITF, it doesn't matter. How the curriculum is presented as well as the additional insight to martial arts you're providing to students is what's important.

Hearty Thanks to the Belarusian Government and Citizen of Minsk.

THE 17TH TAEKWON-DO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TO TAKE PLACE IN PYONGYANG In accordance with the decision of the 18th ITF Congress held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in 2008, the above Championship will take place in Pyongyang, DPR Korea, the Motherland of TKD, on 6 - 12 September 2011. This fact is creating great interest, not only from the ITF members but also from numerous Martial Artists around the World.

The representative from DPRK confirmed at the last Congress held in Minsk that this forthcoming Championships will be the best ever staged. Preparations for these Championships are fully supported and backed by the DPR Korean government and Municipal Authorities of Pyongyang City.

WELCOME TO PYONGYANG ! Page 28 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2011

19th March - Caracas, Venezuela I.T.F. ‘C’ Master Class Seminar

15th to 17th April National vicenteperez_itf@hotmail.com Championship in Ukraine www.itftkd.org 25th March 7th National

5th to 6th Feb National Championship in Greece www.itftkd.org

Championship in UAE www.itftkd.org

21st to 28th Feb 26th Adult, 17th 25-27 March Junior, 3rd Veteran & 1st Children European International Instructor's Course Championship in Estonia Bogota, Colombia www.itftkd.org asocolombiaitf@hotmail.com

23rd to 28th Feb 4th I.M.G.C. Games in Estonia www.itftkd.org

26th March National Championship in Canada www.itftkd.org

26th to 28th Feb Central American Open Championship in Nicaragua www.itftkd.org

26th March 8th Sun Open International Taekwon-Do Championship

6th March 2011

Sport hall Braslov e, Slovenia



St. Albans, Hertfordshire.

26th March National Championship in Canada www.itftkd.org

www.ltsi-tournaments.co.uk 10-13 March World Championship 2011

8th - 9th April

TSB Bank Arena on Queens Wharf in Wellington, New Zealand

CZECH OPEN 2011 - Cup of Europe


17th to 19th March 2nd South Asian Championship in Nepal www.itftkd.org

16th - 17th Apr 2011 BULGARIA OPEN 2011 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria Information

23rd April National Championship in Malta www.itftkd.org 23rd April National Championship in U.S.A. www.itftkd.org 23rd April 5th International I.T.F. Open Championship Elizabeth City, North Carolina, U.S.A. No other Details

26th April National Championship in Norway www.itftkd.org

Nymburk, Czech Republic

29-30 April-1 May International Instructor's Course Italy


Riccione, Italy

9th April


I.T.F. Unity Championship South Windsor, CT USA



19th March English Open Championship in U.K. www.itftkd.org

Page 29 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

10th April National Championship in Italy www.itftkd.org


9th to 12th June Pan-Am Championship in Grenada www.itftkd.org

10th July London Open Championship in U.K. www.itftkd.org

1st May National Championship in 10th June National Championship in Puerto Rico www.itftkd.org Georgia www.itftkd.org

14th August National Team Championship in Chinese Taipei 14th May Memorial Cup 11th June to 12th June International www.itftkd.org Tournament for Gen. Choi Hong Hi Instructor's Course - Alaska in Canada www.itftkd.org Tel: (907)457-5425

14th May Scottish Open Championship in U.K. www.itftkd.org

10-12 June 2011

14th & 15th May Armenian Open Championship in Armenia www.itftkd.org


International Instructor's Course in Finland Oulu, Finland

14th to 15th May National Championship in Honduras www.itftkd.org

15th June 9th – Year Memorial Service for late Gen. Choi Hong Hi in DPR KOREA www.itftkd.org 17th to 18th June National Championship in South Africa www,itftkd.org

15th May National Championship in Venezuela 25th to 26th June National www.itftkd.org Championship in Poland www.itftkd.org 20th-22nd May International Instructor's Course Florida Clearwater, Florida U.S.A. pthibado2004@earthlink.net

European Championships

18-21 August International Instructor's Course - Jamaica Sunset Jamaica Grande I.T.F & Jamaica T.K.D. Association jatkd_secretary@hotmail.com

29th August Brazil Open Championship in Brazil www.itftkd.org 4th Sept MASTER DAY IN DPR KOREA www.itftkd.org 6th & 7th Sept TECHNICAL & UMPIRE SEMINAR IN DPR KOREA www.itftkd.org

29th June 2011 to 3rd July 2011 Neptune Stadium , Cork, Ireland iutf@hotmail.com

28th May 2011 All Canadian I.T.F. National Championship Telephone 613-841-9877

Page 30 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

7th & 8th July National Championship in Afghanistan www.itftkd.org



Permanant Feature The Legendary Founder of Taekwon-Do - I am the man who has the most followers in the world. I am the happiest man who has done everything to do in my life. It is fortunate you have come. Is Mr. Chang Ung here? Mr. Rhee Ki Ha, it is good that you have come. I am glad that my son and daughters like you most. You probably might know Mr. Chang Ung well. It is time to introduce Mr. Chang Ung proudly in public. Please carry on propaganda that Mr. Chang Ung is the tallest and in the highest position in the ITF. If only I had been as tall as Mr. Chang Ung, I could have had less opponents, however, as my body was so tiny that there were many opponents. Thus, all alone, I could not but fight against them for so long. But I have never been worn out for the justice was on my side. I have always worried about a successor to the President, however, my mind is set at ease for there is Mr. Chang Ung. Mr. Hwang Kwang Sung, your duty is very big and important as a spokesman and the Chairman of the Merger


Committee. It was my wish to merge the TaeKwon-Do into one. Please get on your own duty responsibly. Mr. Park Jong Soo had immigrated into Canada in 1967. Before that he educated TaeKwon-Do in Europe.

In 1972, I went to Canada where Mr. Park Jong Soo resided leaving my children behind without informing them. In those days Taekwon-Do was not widely spread, so that I used to say to crave the words of TaeKwon-Do on my coffin. Now Taekwon-Do has developed on a large scale.


I love Mr. Tom MacCallum.

I have always worried if he might die before me. In case he dies first, I have been thinking how to help his family. He has given the special contributions to the ITF. I have no secrets to him. Thank you very much for what you have done. I love you. Mr. Leong Wei Meng is a man of conscience indeed. He has given a great contribution to educating the Taekwon-Do. As I thought his finance is in a good condition, I drew his name out on the stockolders's list of the Chang Hon Foundation.


Mr. Hwang Jin is doing well on the way of Mr. Chon Jin Sik. So I appointed him as a member of the Consultative Committee. Please enlarge the Consultative Committee into 9 members. Here I appoint Mr. Jong Jae Hon. My followers, - Taekwon-Do never exists without the D.P.R. of Korea You should know this. The ITF is an International organization and does it need to argue about ideology?


Does the United Nations belong to the Black people because the Secretary General is Black?. Please give up this kind of idea. TaeKwon-Do must be Korean-centred. Choi Jung Hwa lied me at the airport. I was again deceived. You ought to tell the public throughout the internet that I did not forgive Jung Hwa. I forgave him as a father, but the TaeKwon-Doists would never forgive him. Before Jung Hwa apologizes TaeKwon-Doists the world over, he will never be forgiven. While I am still alive, you should send the message to the internet the soonest as possible. The TaeKwon-Do will exists forever. (16.30 - 17.10) June 11, 2002

At the Hospital in Pyong Yang,

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea The ones who heard the last words of General Choi. Mr. Rhee Ki Ha - Grand Master and the Vice-President, Mr. Tom MacCallum Master and the Secretary General, Mr. Leong Wei Meng -Master and the Chairman of the Consultative Committee,Mr. Hwang Kwang Sung -Grand Master, spokesman and special aide, Mr. Park Jong Soo - Grand Master and a member of the Consultative Council, Mr. Hwang Jin, Master and a member of the Consultative Council, Mr. Hwang Bong Yong - Chairman of the Korean TaeKwon-Do Committee, Mr. Jong Jae Hun - Secretary General of the International Martial Art Games Committee, Mr. Rang Bong Man-Secretary General of the Korean TaeKwon-Do Committee

Page 31 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2011

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