Original-ITF Magazine Issue 13

Page 1


& Tae Kwon Do News

News from across the globe and many other special features!


European Championships round up South East Opens Report Depression in men Drug free sports supplements A.F.T. at Puma World Championships Avoiding predators I.T.F. Vienna World Championships report

The online magazine for all Tae Kwon Do affiliations


Our Contributors

Many past and present readers of our magazine have requested that we publish how many times our magazine has been downloaded to show readership. Well, you have asked, so it is only right we publish the stats we have to date to ensure we are seen

Web site news: I.T.F., I.T.F.-V, B.U.T.F., U.K.T.A., L.T.S.I., I.U.T.F., U.K.G.T. Contributors: Master Nobilo, Chris Snow, Kerry Sauve, Dean Anderson, www.tkdaction.com Image contribution: Serif International Media, I.T.F. Vienna, I.T.F., U.K.G.T., www.tkdaction.com, PUMA Editor / Copyrighter: Chris Snow & Tracey Leonard

as open and professional.

No 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Issue 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Downloads 4784 7586 6152 5497 6432 6774 4687 5643

Figures are not from all services

Our Magazine Attention all association and club owners! Original-ITF invites you to forward all articles and news. Regardless of your affiliation, we WILL publish them. We need I.T.F. news, so let us help you get noticed.

What’s in this issue?

Normal Features Page 1 - Editors corner Pages 2, 3 & 4 - I.T.F. news

Send all articles to:

Page 7 - L.T.S.I. Poster

By Post or on CD

Page 9 - Out on the net

14 Collyer Road,

Page 20 - L.T.S.I. Poster

London Colney,

Page 22 - Original-ITF needs you

St. Albans,

Pages 24 & 25 - Events Listings


Page 26 - Last words of General Choi

AL2 1PD.

Page 29 - Club listings

Please note, we are unable to return any CD’s. By E-Mail admin@original-itf.co.uk Skype: Original-ITF To discuss advertisements, please call Chris on

Special Features Pages 5 & 6 - South East Opens Page 8 - Depression in men

01727 827624

Pages 10 & 11 - New T.K.D. League

The Rights of Original-ITF

Page 12 - Drug free supplements

Original-ITF is a FREE on-line magazine

Pages 13 & 14 - PUMA Worlds

independently run by Dynamic-Webdesigns Senior Editor, Mr. Chris Snow and his editorial team. The

Pages 15 & 16 - Avoiding predators

Editors Voice Welcome back! This issue has some great articles in. We have tried to push content for other groups more this time (not I.T.F.). We travelled to Swindon to the Puma worlds in March - that was a great event, so we have added the article to this issue for you to read. Original-ITF is sailing along now. We still face the usual narrow minded attacks one way or another but, us being us, will just ignore these people as they obviously love the magazine more than they are letting on! Personally, I did not want to run issue 13 as I hate the number, but it would not look good if we just jumped to 14. Unfortunately, we are still not getting support for the magazine like we envisioned in the beginning. We have decided that we will watch the magazine for a few more issues and, if things do not pick up, may have to close the project down as I am busy with a NEW project I am involved with in the U.K.

magazine has no financial backing from any other

Page 17 - Not good enough seminar

parties, so all hours spent on it are at the editors own

Page 21 - U.K.G.T. Championships

We still need your support but will do our best to bring fab content from around the globe.

I.T.F. Features

I live in hope that one day everyone (including you) will help the magazine grow.

expense. All contributions sent to the magazine for publication cannot be checked, but we will try and verify that the news is from a valid I.T.F. source. This magazine may not be reproduced, reprinted or sold and remains the property of Original-I.T.F. Where pictures from I.T.F. sites are used to enhance news items, they remain the sole property of the site

Pages 18 & 19 - I.T.F. World Championships Page 23 - I.T.F. Worlds in Pyong

named by the articles. All content within this magazine cannot be copied, but the magazine can be placed on all public I.T.F. Tae Kwon Do web sites

Learning Features

© This magazine is copyright under International Law

Page 27 & 28 - Pattern Choong Moo

Page 1 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

Original-ITF web site has grown and been revamped, so do go and check it out. We have tried to make it more fresh but, to be honest, am not sure we will continue maintaining the site, as time seems really hard to come by these days. Until next time, happy reading to you all.

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Page 2 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011



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Page 3 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

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th to from 18 ublic of ld e h s wa Rep eminar eople's tional S pital of the P a rn te F In Ca eijing IT ing, the I.The B 2011 in Beij u Tang b ong W nication Co., h C g 21st Fe in Beij ming mmu ized by al Culture Co r. Zhang Xiao ster n China. a rg o as Ma ysic hM Senior o -Do Ph minar w ody wit This se nal Taekwon Governing B onducted by al Taekwon-D l o c n a ti d o a n ti n o rn a a Nati Inte tern ina) official ts of In ion. F in Ch Ltd the ent under IT Vice Presiden ent commiss , id receive m s n a a re as P Tourn bers to y years l VIII D f o m o h e n C m a g o m ma n n-D Kim Un n (ITF), Chair aekwo ho has over T r o fo ti y ra w ol, unit Fede opport Un g C h luding a great Master Kim are. s a w ces inc ese r in h v io s This n ro e to p hin ence from S from 20 r n Do C tuition on-Do experi embers nal Tae Kwo chief instructo m w o k e -D o n ti g o ry a n e w of Ta v ja rn k o ere F Tae ident of Inte m being D dants w ng an 80 IT res the e atten aster Kim U th More th au-Jie, the P ipei, most of ll A r. M a r in io a M n m T Mr. Ou m Chinese ed to this se ming and Se le seminar. b d o fro sic Taipei es, had atten r. Zhang Xia l and remarka ing, ba M h fu c s to a s l o e c fu stretch ring the 2 c r k c s o n u a a s h th a c u D su an d uch taught s in the nd etc… happy organizing s ts were s, sparring a lour belt clas r c fo e p l, s o a o h rn C nt ec atte r differe l ran th dles, p semina g on the pad im Ung Cho ers. is th ekwon In ster K ickin n hold . ITF Ta ced a k a n , D o M s ti r n h a o io it ig ed rien eh Sen moti an d m y expe eminar, on for th Culture achings the r Pak Yong l days’ s , and afterno ra o M te , ste g mpiring lievable like Ma in were moonin vered U e at the unbe rean Masters Park Chol M o c r a r o te aw min Chol. K The se bers were in ior Mas im Ung hol and Sen m K e r . m te s o a C D M g motion i Myon Senior Dan pro r ter fo under ior Master R s xa m ior Mas en is the e ith Sen aches r w Gun, S a in ld e m h e s t. d co in the s ner wa ior presen tors an rmal din chief instruc to thank Sen to last item fo e a th , r, y a ll g e e a in k k n li li tu m ja n e d o es ould Eve nd I’ st D ion of th uest, and mo the seminar w knowledge. A Dr. Chang s lu c n o g & o of At the c Chol as the won-D eration Prof. lding this ndees o g d is Taek he atte Kim Un ent as well. T sly sharing h ekwon-Do Fe approval of h u a e s T ro th re l e r p a n ge F fo are ation Kim for thank IT f Intern Master President o certainly to e nd thank th his support a r fo g kd.org n U ww. itft from: w News event!


Page 4 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011



On 6th March 2011, it was that time again when the Lions Tae Kwon Do Schools Independent would host the 8th South East Tae Kwon Do Opens in St. Albans. Tournament host was myself, Chris Snow a registered 6th Degree with the I.T.F. under the guidance of Mr. Chang Ung. We have been hosting these events for the past 8 years now on behalf of the L.T.S.I. and, every year, the events have got better. This year was no exception as 150 students from 15 groups signed up to take part in the event, ranging from 5 year olds up to the oldest competitors who were 40+ years young. Despite this being the lowest ever attended event we have hosted, it turned out to be an action packed day, with all children showing that they are the next generation and that they intend on making the future better for Tae Kwon Do. All children under 13 received a printed certificate of attendance on the day, so no one lost in this section in the end. As the day started, the arena buzzed from all 200 spectators that were there to cheer the young on. As the spoils were won from demonstrations of quality pattern performances from children as young as 5 up to 12 years old, Instructors and club mates alike cheered with extreme excitement as they moved through the divisions to take their medals. Onto the sparring and even the smallest competitor demonstrated that height means nothing, beating his opponents on skill alone. It has to be said that the mutual respect all competitors demonstrated to each other, especially from the young, made even the hardest Instructor smile and comment on their conduct. It seems many independent and I.T.F. schools are now focusing on the way of life and ignoring those that continually try to use the internet and their rank to claim they are the ‘real I.T.F.’ After all, we all have the same goal to practice Tae Kwon Do and unite our art, hence why the L.T.S.I. has hosted this event for 8 years now.

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As I walked around the arena, I was caught off guard and, in a way, mesmerized by the technical ability of some of the young who used their legs with skills that I often witnessed some of the best Black Belts in the U.K. demonstrate. The I.T.F. practitioners and the independents that were in attendance shook hands after each bout and congratulated each other - this alone made me happy as, for many years, I have seen and heard first hand both sides give negative responses about each other so I believe that our event is helping the two sides, even if it is in a minute way. At 11am, all children were finished so we moved onto the Black Belt sections where fireworks would explode and the crowd would go mad as the under 13’s demonstrated their quality patterns. As the adults moved onto the floor, we would see some great patterns from the 1st to 4th Dan patterns section males - John Kiy made his way to the gold leaving Colin Avis and Bruce Lapthorn to battle for silver, with Bruce beating Colin by 1 point and securing his silver.

On ring two, the final three competitors in the 13’s to 17’s Black Belts section were up for the final in patterns. Ben Dale beat the other two finalists Andrew Smith and Derek Britten (both from the L.T.S.I.). They gave great performances but lost to a worthy opponent. The day was running smoothly and I was so impressed, but then the team patterns took place and we saw some great performances! Admittedly, most teams were put together in the morning as only one team had entered, so they won as their pattern had splits in it. Never the less, Hemel Hempstead L.T.S.I. secured their respectable silver. We then took a 15 minute break and three students from the L.T.S.I. were awarded the certificates for their Black Belt promotions. Stuart Smith, 4th Degree, also took this time to present my 6th Degree L.T.S.I. certificate. Unfortunately, my I.T.F. certificate has not arrived as of yet. Onto the sparring, we saw Jade Doran, Georgia Milner and Amy Smith from the L.T.S.I. battle their way to the semi finals in the Girls Black Belt Sections. Jade secured her gold, Amy took silver and Georgia took bronze, which was great for the L.T.S.I. again. The crowd congregated on ring three, as two top level fighters (one from L.T.S.I. and one from the I.T.U.K.) had beat all to stand in the final. Andrew Smith (L.T.S.I.), a.k.a. the swagga man, and Ben Dale (I.T.U.K.)., a.k.a. the destroyer, would bring the final alive in two rounds of pure quality fights that all spectators would fire up and cheer their hearts out. It was so loud, even those at the local shops heard the cheers! Another great fight was the veteran Black Belts where we saw two I.T.U.K. Black Belt females set the ring on fire from quality fighting skills. They gave their all, with V. Harlow securing her gold, Lyndsey Reynolds taking silver and S. Miller a bronze medal. After all the Black Belts had fought, the over 13’s colour belts were on - at one point, we saw the U.C.T. group tearing their way to the top and taking gold, silver and bronze medals. As I have already said, the event was not attended as well this year for many reasons, but it was still a great day. We thank our friends that attend every year - Learn T.K.D., Rayners Lane, I.T.U.K., U.C.T. and Harris T.K.D. - who give full support at this event and not forgetting the many others that attended this year for the first time but, due to space, we can’t name here. The L.T.S.I. are in the middle of organising the first ever ‘pure’ I.T.F. opens which is happening on 25th September 2011 at a new multi million pound sports complex. This will have five matted rings and will be operating under rules. You can get details on this from www.ltsi-tournaments.co.uk or www.uk-ltsi.com and see a video. Finally, we thank all supporters and friends of the group for your support (especially L.T.S.I. supporters) as they gave full assistance, which was fantastic. It was important this time, as I was recovering from major hand surgery so I could do no lifting - it was delegation time and the team really did come through! Once again, the feedback was great as many have said that they believe the effort we put in goes above and beyond, as we do our best to ensure everyone gets a good fair deal hence why we only allow one official from each group on each ring. It just proves that if you are willing to work together for the sake of Tae Kwon Do, it can be done. We look forward to seeing our friends at the I.T.F. Opens.

Written by Chris Snow

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Sunday 2 5 th Septem ber 20 11

Bacon School, Sports Only £2 Comple 0 to e n x, Drak t e r - inclu Quality es Driv des a F awards e, St. A REE sp every t lbans ectator ime, in Sparrin cluding ticket! g * Pat terns * best sc Specta Breakin tors £5 hool tit on the g * Te a le! door o m Pa r£ All offic ials are

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For invitation & info, tel: 01727 827624 or e-mail ltsihq1@virginmedia.com EVENT COVERED BY WWW.ORIGINAL-ITF.CO.UK © Copyright L.T.S.I. 2011 Page 7 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

Depression in Men: Why It's Different It's Not Just a "Woman's Disease" By Dean Anderson, Behavioral Psychology Expert Editors Note: In March 2011, a lad the same age as me took his life - upon hearing the news, I was taken aback and shocked, as the lad was a strong person who lived life to the max but, in his darkest period, he could not talk and discuss his issues. Please take the time to read this article, as it may save a friends life. If we reach out to those in need, it may help.

For many years, mental health professionals viewed depression as primarily a women’s disease. Of the 11 million Americans diagnosed with clinical depression every year, less than 1 in 10 were men; and an even larger percentage of people actively seeking treatment for this problem were women. Likewise, the majority of reported suicide attempts were made by women. But there was one troubling statistic that made this stereotype of depression as a woman’s condition a little hard to swallow—that 80 percent of the people who actually died by suicide were men. As researchers began to dig a little deeper, trying to understand this apparent contradiction, it gradually became clear that depression is just as common among men, but men simply weren’t seeking or receiving treatment in proportion to their numbers. Many factors, including both cultural stereotypes and biological differences, made men less likely to report symptoms of depression, and their health professionals less likely to identify the problems they did report as symptoms of depression. This situation has changed quite a bit recently. Last year, more than six million men were diagnosed with depression. But many men (and the people around them) may still have trouble recognizing that their problems are caused by depression that needs to be treated. Here are some things you need to know to avoid this problem. Depression can look different in men. Most experts believe that although the basic symptoms of depression are very similar in men and women, men express them very differently. Here are the differences most often seen: Ÿ Depressed men are more likely to notice and report the physical symptoms of depression: Ÿ Tiredness Ÿ Sleep problems (trouble falling or staying asleep, insomnia, sleeping more) Ÿ Lack of energy Ÿ Changes in appetite (increased or decreased) Ÿ Chronic muscle tension

Depressed men are less likely to exhibit and report the emotional symptoms of depression. This may be due mostly to cultural stereotypes that view the expression of certain emotions as “feminine." In some cases, men may be aware of their feelings of sadness, hopelessness and guilt, but feel compelled not to talk about them. In others, these feelings may be suppressed and go unrecognized. In either case, depression may go unrecognized because the tell-tale symptom of low mood appears to be missing. Ÿ Depressed men are more likely to display behavioral signs that aren't easily recognized as signs of depression: Ÿ Unusual degrees of irritability, anger, and/or aggression Ÿ Blaming others for problems Ÿ Alcohol and drug abuse Ÿ Attempt to manage their moods by taking on more activities, like working overtime Ÿ Engaging in high-risk behaviors such as dangerous sports, gambling, or compulsive sexual activity Depressed men are less likely to display the behavioral signs that are commonly associated with depression, such as spontaneous crying, loss of interest in usual activities, and thoughts or talk of death or suicide. These patterns are not rigid. Many men will experience the same basic symptoms common among women, just as women may experience the symptom patterns described above. And any given individual may experience a combination of “male” and “female” symptoms. If you or someone you know seems to be experiencing unusual or unexplained increases in the physical or behavioral problems mentioned above for two weeks or more, talk to your doctor. There’s a good chance that those problems are signs of depression, and effective treatments are available.

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cess a suc ke p s . You kwon is be n e Op ciation 2011 Tae nships will ta. The event tor of T.I-USA o a s s m u A .A ts uc .S pio Belt P Cham s, Texas, U ly lead instr e tial Ar Black a it e d Mar on Do ll s e d a l ie N b D r if e c h o n t in U W their w cott. M nd 20 ae Kw ional G.M. S t details on om ofess st World T n on 19th a vent have r P e e .c e o fir Th d can g ytkdworld some Swind ve nglan ed the d their T.F. E s seen ers I. a hoste ionships in that attend est they ha m 20 www.m h o t g s ic Un b p o y hange f its off h an g Cham 2011. Man one of the ck Belts fr one ajor c r Mr. C est is that o own, 8th M e d r la d d h a a n B f c e u r 0 Br igg nd up an Mar this is by ver 50 t. You can and 6, Engla ges - the b ster Wayne of the gro . O .F . d T s e I. r t n 5 ve sta yea irman ut in s. Ma t chan this e pages ed in recen g position as the Cha ota were p nnounced in attend s attended s report on ort. h d g o o n S te als a . vo ter cha p p rie e, was o and Mas man. 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I.T.F Taekwon-do League of Southeast Europe

1. 2.

The task of the League is to enable that the best fighters continued fight with best and to show on new way how ITF is strong and beautiful. Second task but not less important goal is to interest and attract the audiences. Creator of concept is Master Toni Nobilo, president of European ITF. For some future times goal of League of Southeast Europe is to become something like Champions League in football and Euroleague in basketball for example. Rules Rules are basic ITF rules(Chang Ung) with some changes: 1.

Every match is organized to have two half-times. In first, there is fights between fighters in there categories. Lighter fighter can appear in higher weight category. In second half-time trainers mix fighters and there is no weight restriction. For example: Fighter in -71kg category can fight with fighter in +85kg category if coach decide that.

If a team do not have fighter for one of category they get -10 points. In same match replacement can appear in second half-time. Page 10 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

system of point is in range 1-5, depends of technique if fighter knock-out other fighter with not allowed technique(elbow, knee...) fighter who land a devastating kick or punch, that produce knock out, will win with 10:0. 3. if fighter knock-out other fighter with allowed technique but from not allowed position(stands with both legs on border) fight stops and ends with score in that moment. 4. every umpire count point independently and computer give average number of points 5. fighter gets warning only if he intentionally violate the rules 6. full contact with leg or hand technique in body area is allowed. In use are boxing gloves (10 un) and standard ITF protection gear for legs, teeth and genitals. 7. Knock-down brings +5 points and knock-out brings +10 points ñ In case of knock-down or knock-out umpire count to 9. ñ if knock-out was due hit to the head, knock-outed fighter can not fight again till 60 days expired. 8. no minus point-point get opponent 9. color of jersey is displayed on screen. There is not red and blue gear, now all competitors have white. 10. to prevent exit from tatami and to increase the attractiveness of fights there is border around tatami. Border is rises at an angle of 45 degrees and it’s made of rubber. It's allowed to step with one leg on border. If fighter step with both legs opponent gets 1 point. Size of “battleground” is 8x8m. 11. Umpire wear black sneakers, black pants, black t-shirt with League logo on chest

Western group: 1. round. (April 02nd 2011, in Pula, Croatia) "Rijeka" - "Unior" "Ketter HwaRang" - "Istra"/"Split" 2. round (April 02nd 2011, in Pula, Croatia) "Rijeka" - "Ketter HwaRang" "Unior" - "Istra"/"Split" 3. round (April 16th 2011, in Maribor, Slovenia) "Ketter HwaRang" - "Unior" "Rijeka" – "Istra"/"Split"

Team for League Team have 5 competitor and 2 replacements. Fighters must be in some of these categories: -67kg, -71kg, -78kg, -85kg i +85kg. Organization of League The league have three main groups: WEST, CENTER and EAST. EAST group have four Bulgarian and four Greek teams. They will organize matches between them to the second round. Then they will join to other teams in WEST and CENTRAL group. WEST and CENTRAL group have four team each, and they come from Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosnia and Herzegovina - Republic of Srpska WEST group: 1.

Maribor (SLO)

CENTER group:

2. Zreče (SLO)


Zagreb (CRO)


Rijeka (CRO)


Cazin (BiH)


Pula (CRO)


Novi Sad (SRB)

The whole League will be held in 5 events: 4.

Zvornik (RS)

1. March 19th 2011. in Zagreb, Croatia, 1st and 2nd round of the Central group 2. April 02nd 2011. in Pula, Croatia, 1st and 2nd round of the Western group 3. April 16th 2011. in Maribor, Slovenia, 3rd round of the Central group and 3rd round of the Western group 4. April 30th 2011. additional matches of second qualified teams for the fourth place in semi-finals 5. May 14th 2011. Semi-finals and Final Three first qualified teams from these three groups are directly qualified for the semi-finals. Three second qualified teams compete for the fourth place in semi-finals. Shedule by rounds: CENTRAL group: 1. round. (March 19th 2011, in Zagreb, Croatia) "Zvornik" - "Metalac" "Bosna" - "Novi Sad" 2. round (March 12th 2011, in Zagreb, Croatia) "Bosna" - "Metalac" "Zvornik" - "Novi Sad" 3. round (April 16th 2011, in Maribor, Slovenia) "Zvornik" - "Bosna" "Metalac" - "Novi Sad"

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We all can confirm that League zero, the experimental League show hidden potential of ITF Taekwon-do and become elite system of competition.Because of that it was decided to continue with the same, because of the huge promotion by such system of fighting brought the ITF. All league matches will be shooting by Fight Channel with whom we have signed a contract and will be aired at different times. This sport channel will begin broadcasting in February and broadcast Dream, K1, K2, It's Showtime and Regional ITF Taekwon-Do League (RTL). In Serbia broadcasting rights have “Total TV” and “SBB” cable operator.

Drug-Free Sports Supplements in Compliance with Sports Organizations Over the last several years, some very gifted endurance athletes have gone from famous to infamous after drug tests indicated they took banned substances, and illegal sports supplements, to enhance their performance. These men and women have been stripped of their Olympic gold medals and other prestigious accomplishments, been the subject of countless headlines and have sullied their reputations forever. By seeking an unfair advantage, these endurance athletes have gained the dreaded asterisk next to their names in publications and destroyed any possibility of lucrative endorsement deals for the rest of their lives. Many have gone from the very pinnacle of their sports to ignominy in a very short period, and it seems that with each doping scandal, the list of sports organizations’ list of banned substances grows longer. Even some drug-free sports supplements are causing problems.

This is the primary reason why Tour de France champions, Olympic gold medalists and other endurance athletes are often stripped of their titles years after their victories. What to Look for in a Sports Supplement Whether you’re a world-class athlete looking to gain a competitive edge or an amateur athlete seeking the same advantage, an athlete must be certain that the sports supplements included in a training regimen contain no banned substances. This includes drug-free supplements. Endurance athletes who are seeking sports supplements to improve their performance and endurance legally should look for: ISO/17025 Drug-Free Certification ISO/17025 is an internationally recognized standard for ensuring the competence and proper calibration of testing laboratories. Laboratories wishing to gain accreditation through their designated accreditation body must meet the rigorous standards of this quality management system.

The Sports Supplements Approval Process by the Food and Drug Administration For a sports supplement to gain approval for sale in the U.S., they must endure the same vetting process as products categorized as “dietary supplements.” This includes drug-free sports supplements. According to the Dietary Supplemental Health and Education Act (DSHEA) signed into law in 1994, a dietary or sports supplement is a product taken orally that contains a “dietary ingredient” intended to supplement the diet. As you might guess, DSHEA’s definition of what constitutes a sports supplement and a dietary ingredient is quite a bit more detailed. However, under DSHEA, the firm that manufactures a sports supplement is wholly responsible for ensuring their product is safe, and any claims made about their products must be substantiated by adequate evidence showing they are not false or misleading. Unless a sports supplement contains a new dietary ingredient not previously vetted by the FDA, FDA approval is not necessary before they are marketed or sold in the U.S. Which Sports Organizations Test and Approve Sports Supplements Professional and elite amateur sports organizations have a vested interest in ensuring that their endurance athletes are not taking banned substances. Billions of dollars in advertising, merchandising and endorsements are at stake. Outfits such as the NHL, NFL, NBA, MLB, NCAA, International Olympic Committee (IOC) and countless other professional and amateur organizations require that athletes submit samples for testing at regular intervals. The heavyweight in the banned substances testing business, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), may not be well known to sports fans, but it is the ultimate authority in drug testing in sports. With offices in Montreal, Canada, and Lausanne, Switzerland the home of the IOC, WADA was created in 1999 “to promote, coordinate and monitor the fight against doping in sport in all its forms.” The problem is that WADA and the drug-testing wings of all major sports organizations are constantly playing catch-up with the chemists who develop new performance-enhancing substances undetected by the testing protocols of the day. Page 12 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

Sports Supplements made in NSF-certified facilities The National Safety Foundation (NSF) is the world leader in product certification, education, standards development and risk management for public health and safety. Manufacturing facilities that have earned NSF certification have passed this organization’s stringent standards for cleanliness, manufacturing protocols, regulatory compliance and other standards for public health and safety. WADA approval Approval by the WADA ensures that all sports supplement, including drug-free, comply with the World Anti-Doping Code, international standards and meets the WADA’s stringent models of best practices and guidelines. Approval by major league sports Major sports leagues such as the NHL, MLB, NBA, NFL, NCAA and others have billions of dollars at stake in ensuring that their endurance athletes compete on a level playing field. To gain approval by major leagues, a sports supplement must first be vetted by independent testing laboratories that they are drug-free sports supplements. Over the last three decades, the sports supplement industry has gone from a niche business to an industry that generates over $20 billion in sales annually. Endurance athletes looking for a safe and legal way to build endurance and supplement their diet nutritionally are well-advised to do their homework to ensure that the sports supplement of their choice is not only drug-free, but also in compliance with the sports organizations guidelines. By doing so, they are making sure that their careers do not fall into the black hole of ignominy too soon.

1st Puma World Championships

On 19th March, the Professional Unified Martial Arts (PUMA) group hosted the first Open World T.K.D. Championships for I.T.F. stylists. However, there was no need to be a member of any particular group or hold a particular insurance policy to take part., just as long as you were insured. This was a true World Championships run the way it should be with independent judges on all rings. At the core of PUMA are tournament hosts Master Gayle, Master Black and Master Ogborne - with the odds stacked against them and many doubters that claimed only I.T.F. can deliver a world class event, they took on organising an event that many are now stating as one of the best world championships in the U.K.. which also delivered true fairness. The morning started as floods of Black Belts poured into the Swindon Oasis Leisure centre, ready and eager to compete against the 22 visiting countries and 250+ Black Belts. Amongst them was no less then seven Masters, but what made this event fair was there were no egos - just smiles and many junior and seniors rubbing shoulders, shaking hands and talking about their first love called Tae Kwon Do. The atmosphere was electric in the morning as an amazing gymnastics squad kicked the event off with an array of fantastic flying acrobatics - they demonstrated skills that were more than pleasing to the eye and prepared all in attendance for a weekend of action. Page 13 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

My name is Chris Snow, 6th Degree Black Belt - I travelled to the event with Stuart Smith, 4th Degree, our squad and the team coach Darren Doran. We were about to witness our squad demonstrate what the L.T.S.I. stands for and do us proud with their performances. Our five junior Black Belts (ranging from 12 up to 17) waited with baited breath as the tournament commenced. All officials were called to the head table where Master Gayle would inform us how the proceedings of the day would unfold.

I stand listening to the Master

and this is the first time I’ve dealt with him or any of the Puma guys - they are all so down to earth, not like some seniors who have egos the size of the bloody Titanic. Master Gayle assigns us to various rings and the crew were all from different groups. All introduce themselves and it was if we were just one big family, laughing and chatting as we waited to get the first draw sheets. The first section was small with only a few in - this was musical weapons. Wow, I have no clue about one guy who performs a pattern with a ‘staff’ (a rather long stick). Well, it looked good but he was against a nunchucker guy and, in my book, that was fabulous to look at. To be honest, I have used chucks for many years now, but only in private as I ain’t that good! Up came two juniors, one with chucks and the other was performing a musical pattern. I really did not know how to mark the scores but, as they say in this game, if you don’t know how to just blag it! I was there as a Tae Kwon Do’ist and was eager to see some quality patterns and sparring and I was not to be disappointed.

Team L.T.S.I. which consisted of Andrew Smith, 2nd Dan, Lauren Snow, 2nd Dan (yes, my daughter), Jade Doran, 1st Dan, Derek Britten, 1st Dan and Georgia Milner, 1st Dan, were called to their respective divisions - a few rounds in and the finals was up. On ring two, Jade Doran had secured a bronze medal in patterns and, in the same division, Georgia Milner had beat all competitors and secured a world title - we were buzzing! Andrew Smith came up next and fought hard, winning his first two divisions in patterns and losing to a very worthy partner but securing his silver medal of the day. As sparring commenced, Georgia Milner and Jade Doran picked off their opponents - unfortunately, Georgia was eliminated in the semi finals but secured a bronze medal. Jade won in pure class, not only beating her fighters but dominating the division, moving onto win the team a second world title. Team coaches were ecstatic at yet another World title, as smiles were all around. Lauren was called to ring two and waited nervously - the girls were big girls that looked like they could pack a punch and a hefty kick but, in true spirit, when it was time to rumble she did not disappoint! Two rounds later and a draw, then another, then a 30 second decider left her scooping the bronze and all were chuffed at her efforts. On ring four, Andrew had a really hard day - two rounds but no joy, but the lads were vicious 17 year olds.. He gave two great rounds, but did not win a spoil for his efforts. On ring three, Derek Britten was showing everyone that their was a new boy on the block. It was his first major event out, yet he was in the final and ready to fight to the end - three rounds later in the final and he showed his true resolve. It was announced that we had scooped another world title - oh my god! Our end result was five members had managed to scoop 3 World titles, one World silver medal and 3 World bronze medals so, yes, we were buzzing at the teams success. The beaches were full up with around 1000 spectators and the floor was a mass of white suits and Black Belts. We were informed that there was no less then 270 juniors on the Saturday and 400 adults on the Sunday so, for a first attempt, this was a serious contender as a World event.. There were a number of bloody noses on the day, but the fact this was a World championships it was kind of expected. The PUMA team of officials were extremely friendly and courteous come to think of it, everyone I chatted to was very friendly indeed. We were given a break during the day which was fantastic talk about hospitality, some could really learn a lot from this event. Of course, some will always say “Well, it’s not a real Worlds” well, sorry to say this, many events have no more than 400 to 500 Black Belts attending at World level. The Puma group delivered a great event that has gone down as an event well worth attending in my book. The main thing that really appealed to many is you could attend, regardless of the insurance you have. Many competing were I.T.F., as the non I.T.F. sections were empty and the I.T.F. sections very heavily stacked! We left at around 4pm as we had other engagements and headed to the top table before leaving for a chat with the Masters. We informed them that their event was one of the best we had attended in the past 10 years - we have attended many, but this one was at the top as far as we can see. We caught up with many friends on this day, formulated many new friendships and even had time to repair bridges that had been burnt due to bad decisions of past affiliations. We laughed at how life is the only educator you need to learn but, above all, agreed that working for the good of the art should always be the number one aim and the Puma group definitely achieved this. Written by Chris Snow

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Avoiding predators Article by Kerry Sauve There is a high profile sexual assault case going on in our Province right now. It involves the kidnapping and sexual assault of a teen girl by a man posing as a police officer. The young person was pulled over by an individual who appeared to be wearing an RCMP uniform, with grill lights on his car. She was informed that her vehicles tags were expired and was instructed to get into the back of the car. Believing he was a police officer she complied. Once in the car, she was taken to a secondary location and repeatedly sexually assaulted. Much later she was released by her abductor. There is also the case of the teen in California who was gang raped while attending a high school dance. They are two very different cases of predatory violence with some similar themes. It is important to note that in both cases the victim was lured or brought to a secondary location. Statistically your odds of surviving decrease rapidly by going to a second location. In this case neither young woman knew she was being led/taken to a secondary location. Let me begin by stating THEY DID NOTHING WRONG. The very fact they survived their ordeal means these young women did everything right. This month I wanted to talk to you about predators and some strategies for identifying and avoiding/escaping them. I refer to predators generically as wolves. However there are different types of wolves; each with their own modus operandi. As a peace officer I have the opportunity to work with all types of predators and observe them in action. It’s a unique opportunity to learn why/how these types of individuals choose certain types of victims over others and our options for avoidance, escape or defense. Let’s just say there is a great deal of controversy in the field as to how this goal can be best accomplished. I’d like to provide you with my perspective. Predator Dynamics It’s important to understand that there is one common element to all predatory attacks, and that is they all require a victim; aka . If you remove yourself from the equation as a potential victim, then the crime cannot occur. This is over simplified and is not always possible, the point being possessing strong Personal Safety skills does a great deal to reduce your risk of becoming targeted as a potential victim in the first place. It’s also important to note that predators see you as a commodity, a means to an end (sex, money, property, drugs, status, and power) and nothing more. Working on an Emergency Response Team, I’ve witnessed and responded to hundreds of assaults, attacks and ambushes. Witnessing and dealing with these incidents as made a few things quite clear. · Predators don’t fight fair. They use ambush, deception, surprise; shock and sudden violence too quickly overpower their victims and get what they need. They also use a variety of social engineering techniques to size up or gain access to potential victims. · Not all predators are the same. There are some generalities that we can make about predators, but to say all predators are the same is dangerous and incorrect. There is a huge difference between how a group of gang members coordinate an assault on a rival and how a predatory rapist or child molester stalks, selects and acquires their victims. It’s vitally important to tailor your training and education and Personal Safety Plan to include the predator types that are relevant to you.

· Predators use terrain, tactics and surprise to their advantage. It only makes sense. A predator is looking for a resource (you) and to procure it in a means that places him/her at the least amount of risk.

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· Predators are adept at recognizing those that are less confident, alone and unaware and taking advantage of their situation. Like their wild counterparts, predators always try to select the weak, unsure, unaware or those with no selfconfidence. For the predator this greatly lowers their risk of retaliation, being caught or escape of the intended prey and increases their chances of success. · In most cases the predator will have the advantage. Sorry; but it’s true. You can train and prepare for how to reduce your risk of being put on their radar in the first place and how to survive if you are targeted. You can’t however always predict who, what, where, when, and why a specific target will be chosen. Action is always quicker than reaction, so prepare yourself for the reality that if you are attacked it will likely be from the direction/angle you least expect and places your attacker at the greatest advantage. You may need to defend yourself hurt, stunned or badly positioned. Your attacker will already be in a highly adrenalized state and you will be at condition normal. Never assume that you will quickly or easily deal with an angry adrenalized predator. It’s a dangerous assumption and one that can cost you your life. · Predators sometimes hunt in packs. Always be aware of the possibility that there may be more than one individual involved. Group dynamics are complex and fluid and can change rapidly. Predators As I stated earlier, not all predators are created equal. The con is the predator that most of us would likely encounter at some point in time during our lives. This is the individual that has learned that it is easy to get what they want through bullying, threats and intimidation. Sociologists may disagree, but I feel most criminals fall into this category. They see taking what they want from others as their right and are not above using violence to get it if they have to. A crack addict with a knife is just as potentially lethal as an apex predator like a serial killer. If you take nothing else away from this article take this; . Cons generally get to spend some time Incarcerated and learn to fine tune their predations while in jail. Jails are an interesting place. Put a bunch of people who victimize others into a confined environment and what do they do? The answer is they continue to victimize others. Predators are not above preying on other weaker criminals. Apex predators are top of the food chain. These are a different animal all together. These predators are different because they’re motivation is different. They are still looking at you as a means to an end, but they are motivated by an internal drive or compulsion (fantasy) to commit the act. Serial killers, serial rapists, sociopaths would fall into this

category. Often when I read reports of what these people have done it is difficult to link the act to the individual. Many of them appear normal, are reasonably intelligent and charming. Not the slavering monsters their crimes would indicate. Once again, . Appearing non-threatening was likely what got some of these killers close enough to their victims to strike. Do your research there are some excellent publications that will cover the predatory criminal mindset in detail. You can’t protect yourself from something you fear and don’t understand. Dealing with Predators The best way to deal with a predator is never being viewed as potential prey in the first place. Easier said than done right? Yes and No. There are risks and resiliencies in all of our lives that increase or decrease the chances that we will be targeted by a predator. There are some excellent Personal Safety and Self Defense programs that can vastly increase your chances of avoiding, escaping or surviving an encounter with a predator and as a potential victim of crime in general. Everyone should receive training and education in basic Personal Safety and Self Defense. As I tell my children; it’s better to have something and not need it than to need something and not have it. Saying you’ll never be in this situation is not the same as the reality that someday you might. You must do some personal research. Pick up a copy of Gavin DeBecker’s “The Gift of Fear”. This incredible book discusses the importance of “Listening to your Gut” when it comes to meeting and interacting with people. It should be on everyone’s must read list. I have always been impressed with Mr. DeBecker’s work as it is practical, realistic and makes sense. It’s a great starting point in your education about predators and crime in general. Understand that predatory attacks do not occur in a vacuum. They are dynamic and the situations and motives are as varied as the predator. There are some general guidelines that will help you begin to understand the continuum of events that occurs prior to and after the attack. What I’ve observed is that in many predatory attacks there is a pattern that repeats itself time and time again. If you understand this and are able to disrupt the cycle, then you are removed from the pool of potential victims. The Approach. In order to be successful in securing a victim, contact must be made. Unlike what the media has led us to believe violence and predation look like, real predatory violence is different. The way to deal with the approach is to switch gears. When dealing with predators it’s a good general rule to always be ready to “throw the switch” because the quick blitzkrieg type of attack is the predator’s stock in trade. I have always found that when confronted with a potential predator maintaining a relaxed/I’m not a good target demeanor is the best policy. It’s easier for them to find another target than to deal with the painful result of a miscalculation in their choice of prey. Maintain Situational Awareness and consider your options. Always have a plan B and an escape route in case it all goes sideways.

Predator Interview. This is how the predator initiates contact with the potential victim. Contact can take a myriad of forms and not all of them are obvious. We know that up to 85% of communications is non-verbal. Predators will use these nonverbal messages when conducting their cost/benefit analysis of the situation to determine who is and who is not a viable target. Self confident, aware, assertive people are far less likely to be targeted as potential victims by predators due to the personal risk involved in making the wrong choice of victim. Shutting down the interview is as simple as not playing the game. Don’t be afraid to be perceived as rude. Be direct and assertive (loud). Drawing attention to yourself is a good thing, predators generally don’t want witnesses. Eye contact and posture are excellent indicators of selfconfidence, use them to communicate non-verbally that you are a bad choice as a victim. Keep your hands out of your pockets and ready in case you need to defend yourself. · I’m a big believer in the; run if you can, de-escalate if you can’t, and fight if you have to philosophy. In order to harm you a predator must always have one thing; Contact. Keep this in mind, if they can’t touch you, they can’t hurt you. Always know where you are, where you are going, where you can find safety, or where you can safely run if you need to escape and evade. Directly and assertively redirect any attempt to initiate contact with you at times or places that are inappropriate or at which you are potentially vulnerable. This doesn’t just mean physical contact, be aware of other media such as the Internet where you could also be placed at risk. This all comes down to planning. You must think about how you will handle these situations before you are scared, adrenalized and possibly injured. Attack. When a predator attacks it will generally be brutal, swift and efficient. You must be prepared for the reality of how quickly and painfully violence occurs. You must also realistically train for how you are going to deal with it. If your training and education do not realistically address these realities you are being placed in a dangerously overconfident state of mind. Never make assumptions about how you will be attacked. I can tell you from personal experience, in all my years working with violent offenders; I’ve never seen a predatory attack occur in a manner that would be deemed fair or equitable to the victim. It’s usually from behind, when they can’t defend themselves or when it’s 5 on 1. Account for these factors when you are planning and training. Taking yourself out of the potential victim pool is about becoming more self-confident, mentally tough, better educated and prepared. As I mentioned earlier, predators are looking for victims they perceive as easy, weak or controllable. As they look at you they are conducting their own risk/reward assessment and are making choices based on your reactions to their interview, past experiences and their level of arousal. If you are perceived to be too big a risk/threat, then they will likely bypass you as a potential victim. Self-confidence and mental toughness are skills that can be acquired through education, training, and practice. The other side of the coin is learning the Urban Survival and Self Defense skills that will allow you to survive if you can’t avoid or escape a predator. It’s vitally important to understand the difference between Self Defense and the Martial Arts. Both have enormous value, but they are not the same things. Once again you must do your research. It is your life and your responsibility. Training should be realistic, simple and make sense. There is no sense in spending time learning skills designed for the ring or sport and expect them to transfer to a real situation. They won’t. Let me give you an example. You know how to ride a bicycle right? Does that mean you know how to ride a high powered drag motorcycle, or a dirt bike on a track? The reality is that most “Self Defense” does not account for someone who is trying to repeatedly stab you with a knife or has already knocked you onto your belly on the floor with a strike from behind.

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Training must incorporate the Adrenal Stress Response that both the predator and prey will be experiencing. Training should take into account the fact that the predator could be under the influence of drugs and alcohol and immune to a good deal of pain and damage. This severely impacts how you would need to neutralize them as a threat and what techniques are likely to accomplish the goal with as little damage to yourself as possible. You need to be realistic here. A wrist lock/nerve strike isn’t going to do anything to an angry, irrational man who is high on methamphetamine. Don’t believe me? Well, I work with a great group of guys on an ERT Team; we have a lot of years/variety of experience in the combat arts. We train regularly, we are in good shape, and we are experienced and motivated. Here’s the thing, with all of those things behind us, I’ve seen psychotics getting up off the floor with 500 lbs of peace officer on their back, arms and legs. The point is; be prepared. If you find yourself dealing with this type of individual, you’d better be ready to do them some serious damage or better yet run, because if they get their hands on you it could be very, very bad. Lastly you must implement what you’ve learned and maintain your training. The best laid plan in the world is completely useless if you don’t use it. Proper training will go a long way to keeping you safe but you’ve got to practice to make it work. Continue to educate yourself on how predators and other types of criminals operate and why they are successful so much of the time. Learn everything you can about social engineering and how it’s used to gain access to potential victims. Learn from people who have real experience working with these types of individuals, because their insights could save your life. Keep in mind what I said earlier about assumptions. Not all predators are the same, nor are they looking for the same victim type. Everything is fluid and you must be able to roll with the punches. Always have a plan “B".


More than one hundred girls in a sparring seminar is not an every day sight, but it happened from 18.-20. february in Surnadal, Norway. The idea behind this project is to get girls more keen on sparring, and more confident within the sparring ring. The instructors divided the class into three different levels of experience, which worked out great. This is the third time this is arranged, and this year National Taekwon-Do Norway had invited Miss Julia Cross from Scotland. She has had an amazing career as a Taekwon-Do competitor, no she entered as an fantastic instructor. No one could imagine that this fireworks of an instructor went through hip replacement surgery just few months ago. She showed speed, intensity, presence and inner drive. She was a great inspiration for both beginners, as well as the most experienced of the lot. Julia Cross was amazing as instructor.

Attention all coaches: The Association For Tae Kwon Do is a U.K. body dedicated to all practitioners like you. If you want I.T.F. recognition, we can help. We can also provide the following: Ÿ I.T.F. Examiners and certification Ÿ Members insurance Ÿ Sponsorship and funding Ÿ Networking potential Ÿ Many on-line resources Ÿ Non political group

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Linn Anita Lundager who gott he idea, together with guest instructor Julia Cross, and participant Lise Kahler. This sparring weekend can be an idea for more than girls in Norway, and the three girls who have been in charge,want to continue their work. - They really seem to enjoy the weekend, and we hope this seminar will be an exiting event for many years, says Linn Anita Lundager, Rita Sivertsvik and Anja Berthelsen. They was really happy to get Julia Cross from Scotland as a special guest instructor. They also wish that girls from other countries can try the same.


From the outset, the New Zealand organising team’s goal was to be “Remembered as the best world championships ever through the end user experience”. We hope we have been able to come close to this goal. The ITF XVII Senior and XI Junior Taekwon-Do World Championships began on the 9th of March 2011 with an emotional Opening Ceremony. The VIPs were welcomed with a traditional Maori “Pohwhiri”. Everyone was then treated to a slick and action packed children’s demonstration, performances by Maori cultural groups and the official opening speeches. One of the many new innovations of this championships was to have the Opening Ceremony at the start of the tournament. Sounds logical – but something that has not been done before. We think the competitors in particular enjoyed this approach, rather having to come back in the evening later in the week.

Following the Opening Ceremony, competition got underway immediately. After some initial familiarisation with the new systems, coaches and teams enjoyed the quick flow between the warm up area and the competition floor accompanied by the Ring Marshalls. The warm-up hall contained large flat screen TVs streaming video of each ring and also the live draws in real time. Something also trialled at the World Champs was the new version of the NESS scoring software, where the public (and competitors) can see the judges scores displayed on the screens during sparring. A summary also shows which competitor is leading at any time. There were mixed views as to whether this is something that should be used in the future. New also was that multiple events (sparring, patterns, special technique and power) were all run at the same time in the arena. This made for a very exciting spectator event. Innovations in the areas of Power and Special Technique judging also made for fast running rings, with little delays or problems. Innovative new machines and judging refinements made for impressively run Special Technique and Power rings. As well as the tournament itself, there were many additional events such as the ITF Congress held on Friday 11th March. Results from the voting held at the congress are published here: WEBSITE VIPs were also treated to an official reception by the Mayor of Wellington, Celia Wade-Brown. This was a very special evening held at the historic Mayoral Chambers and we were grateful for the Mayor’s support of the tournament. The Organiser Mr Lorantos and his wife Vienna also hosted the VIPs for a special dinner at his residence. It was an evening that all the VIPs will fondly remember.

All images found in this article are courtesy of www.tkdaction.com - you can find many others on their website. Page 18 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

The covereage of the tournament was again handled by Mr Doug Hanna of www.tkdaction.com. As many around the world know, his team’s photos and reports are second to none, and are an important part of the World Champs for those that can’t be there. Doug and his team took 27, 694 photographs, published 32 blog posts and sent 595 tweets! For the first time we also had live streaming on the internet free of charge. The webcast attracted 57,057 visits. Our World Champs website (www.itfnewzealand2011.com) had 77,062 visits. Some of the other innovations made for this tournaments included: Running the World Champs as a separate company with a board of Directors including independent directors Having a venue that is walking distance from all accommodation Having Country and VIP liaisons to a higher level than in the past Having our own Passport stamp and meeting people at the Immigration Counter Getting the registrations information correct (they were cross-checked with the ITF database) Photo ID with Bar Codes Having the draw published on the website before the event started

The World Champs Organising Team were:

Getting 4 full days of competition Improving the travel and accommodation processes

* World Championships 2011 Board of Directors

Improving and speeding up the weigh in

o Nick Lorantos (Chairman)

Having a proper warm up area

o Trevour Gill (External Director)

Having ring marshals

o Terry Harkin (ITFNZ Board Member)

Keeping the competition area relatively clear

o Kris Herbison (ITFNZ Board Member)

Running the event on time

* Organising Team

New innovative Breaking Machines

o Mr Nick Norantos - Organiser

Looking after the umpires and officials to a new level

o Mr Steve Fox - Event Project Director

Trained NESS helpers

o Mr Ian Walton

Getting the flags and anthems correct

o Mrs Lena Walton

The Closing Ceremony was held on the last day of competition, and the highlight was the announcement and presentation of the 9th degree for Master Lan from Germany. A very special moment for everyone that witnessed this most popular Instructor becoming a Grand Master!

o Mr Andy Wong

Thanks go to our sponsors and the support in particular of Major Events New Zealand, Wellington City Council and SPARC. Thanks also to the ITF Umpire Committee, the Tournament Committee and the ITF Board for their support and assistance.

o Ms Trisha Inglis

On behalf of the organising team, we especially thank everyone who attended the World Championships in Wellington, New Zealand. Without your support by attending the event it would not have been successful.

o Mr John Raptis

Results, photos and reports can be found on the 2011 World Champs website: www.itfnewzealand2011.com.

o Mr Craig Hannah

Master Paul McPhail Chairman – ITF Communications Committee

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o Ms Sheryl Chase o Mrs Helen Miller o Mr Chris Blackford o Mr Dave Blackwell o Ms Chris Morton

IN AT ST TE R NT U I C O TO N R S Attention all U.K. School Instructors and Black Belts Are you stuck in a place where you are not achieving what you want? Would you like to work with a group which is forward thinking and versatile with its approach on how to run your schools? If so, read on. (Affiliates now welcome in all counties). We are looking for schools to join our movement and become part of a well respected group in the U..K. We are also interested in red or Black Belts that want to rejoin the I.T.F. and are interested in opening their first school and working on our NEW Instructors scholarship program. You must be willing to work as a team and be ready to learn one of the best syllabi in the U.K. today. You will gain full support from us, both on-line and off. You will be required to take part in monthly online meetings to discuss the development of your schools and groups. If this is of interest to you, please e-mail our Head Office to discuss a meeting to see if we can work together. We need like minded coaches that want to make a stand against all the petty politics. NO other group will offer the freedom we do. Ex members are always welcome to make an application to rejoin our movement.

Why join us:


Own quality tournaments NOW ON-LINE Annual I.T.F. seminars Uniformity across the board Traditional values taught We believe in the art, not the money like most do. Ÿ Respected syllabus unmatched by any U.K. group. Ÿ Freedom from politics Ÿ United group Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

WWW.UK-LTSI.COM TEL:01727 827624 Page 20 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011

UKGT GOOD WILL CHAMPIONSHIPS 2011 I think it’s fair to say that recent activity within the G.T.U.K. has left a lot of people wondering how the association would go forward and indeed whether in fact it would be able to move forward. Because of this, this tournament was an even more important event than it would have been normally. This tournament was the start, very publicly, of a new image within the G.T.U.K. It heralded a new beginning, a fresh start for everyone to see, instructors, black belts, students and parents alike. Walking into the hall at around 8am on the Saturday morning you could already sense the change. The hall was set up the night before and even though this was nothing new, the hall felt different. It felt exciting and fresh – the posters that were everywhere proudly advertising the event, the merchandise stall with t-shirts, wristbands and car stickers, the free programmes for competitors and spectators. The hard work that had gone in to organising the event from a relatively small but dedicated group of people was already clear to see. Spectators and competitors began to file into the hall, the usual precompetition nerves mixed in with the positive vibes already being given off. The officials briefing was delivered at 9am and the opening ceremony could begin. Competitors stood in their rows and parents sat eagerly as Master Oldham, Mr. Burgess and Mr. Auciello walked in to the hall to a rousing reception and were presented to everyone. Master Oldham spoke of the loss of Master Chew, a friend of his and the GTUK who had passed away the day before and the hall fell silent for a minute as our thoughts went out to his family. Master Oldham welcomed parents, competitors and officials, thanking them for travelling and supporting the event and the association. The Taekwon-Do oath was spoken by all competitors and officials, and then two competitors spoke for their peers and gave the competitors oath. This was followed in a similar vein by the officials oath. These were greeted with applause and agreement by all – the public display of intent from all that the day would be competed and officiated fairly reinforced the ethics and tenets of Taekwon-Do in a very overt way. Mr D. Holmes presented Master Oldham with a token of thanks from the senior instructors and members of the association, a small item for the massive role he has played in this association's development. The work he does is second to none and it is hugely appreciated by everyone. Mr Burgess, Mr Auciello and then Master Oldham with an axe kick then each smashed a piece of wood on the table in front of them, to reveal the words ‘Tae’ ‘Kwon’ ‘Do’ to all and the tournament was off and running. The highly professional and switched on nature of the officials meant that categories were sorted and distributed to the squares promptly and efficiently. Spectators could easily follow the progress of the people they had come to support and as usual the judging was fair and unbiased. The pee wee’s were up performing their patterns first, followed by the junior patterns and the officials had a tough time of it – the standard was noticeably very high across all the divisions – congratulations to instructors and students alike – this comes from your hard work. Sparring for the pee wees and juniors soon followed and again the standard was the highest it’s been for a long time. The control and skill shown by the competitors was noticeable to all and made for extremely exciting viewing – whether you were there in a fellow competitor or purely spectator capacity. The end of the junior free sparring section saw the beginning of the medal presentations – another new idea. This went down very well with all – the competitors and parents felt like more of a big deal was being made of their results. Master Oldham presented all the medals which again added to the feeling of importance for each competitor. This also provided many photo opportunities and when the presentations were done Master Oldham was inundated with requests for photos and autographs – these could be collected on the autograph page of the programme and something that the younger competitors really engaged with and enjoyed seeing who could get the most senior grades.

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When the medal ceremony was finished the crowds got themselves into the best position they could for the highly anticipated demonstration. The demo began with a performance of Kwang-Gae by the whole demo team, this was to a very poignant backing track and set the tone for what was an electrifying demonstration. There were patterns with attackers, an amazing example of free sparring, patterns to ‘Singing in the rain’ with a cheeky grin and heel kick from Mr. Auciello, breaking wood, bricks, breeze blocks and roof tiles, flying kicks and more, some awesome set sparring from Mr. D and A. Holmes, and a blindfolded flying reverse turning kick kicking a can off the head. The audience lapped up the atmosphere and enjoyed every single moment of it as did the demo team. It was an honour and a pleasure to be part of it and we can’t wait to do another one! The video’s will be on youtube and this website as soon as they have been uploaded. Master Oldham publicly congratulated and thanked the international instructors, not just for the demonstration but for their help in taking the G.T.U.K. in a new direction. With the hall still buzzing from the demonstration it was time for the adult portion of the tournament to begin and again across patterns and sparring the standards were incredible and the atmosphere was amazing – it gave a new edge to the competitors, they were excited to be competing for their medals. The black belt divisions finished off the competitive side of the day with some excellent displays of Taekwon-Do – it’s more than a little something that’s going right when you see that we are producing standards as high as that. The medal ceremony for the adults was again presided over by Master Oldham, and as with the juniors and pee-wees competitors who won medals in the more senior divisions were handed a letter inviting them to the all new squad session on the 27th March – an added bonus and something that injected even more excitement into those invited and to those who are keen to be a member of the new England squad setup. With the competing done Master Oldham closed the tournament, thanking everyone for a great day. I don’t think anyone left that hall having not had a fantastic day. The bar had been opened upstairs and many went to renew old acquaintances from previous tournaments or to have a drink with new friends and despite the tiredness from the day there was still that buzz, people were talking about the tournament, they were talking about the demonstration, they were talking about the G.T.U.K. Make no mistake, the G.T.U.K. is going through an evolutionary process. Evolution though, is natural. Evolution happens and makes things stronger. But this doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t even happen in a couple of weeks, it takes time. It’s already happening and the tournament was a clear display of that and a clear indication to those people wondering if and how the G.T.U.K. can move forward that we’re damn sure we already are and will continue to do so.


Original-ITF is a dedicated magazine to all Tae Kwon Do affiliations worldwide. We are looking for the following content

Club News Results Event Listings Articles History Articles Forums Galleries And much, much more Whatever I.T.F. news you have to report.... send it to us to get it catapulted to the Tae Kwon Do communities via our web site and our magazine. All article / news submissions should be sent to us by 07/06/11

Original-ITF is primarily an I.T.F. magazine covering I.T.F. news but, since our readers asked us to open the magazine, we now cover all Tae Kwon Do news equally, so get on board and help us establish a magazine that works with all affiliations around the globe.

Page 22 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2011

Hearty Thanks to the Belarusian Government and Citizen of Minsk.

THE 17TH TAEKWON-DO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TO TAKE PLACE IN PYONGYANG In accordance with the decision of the 18th ITF Congress held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan in 2008, the above Championship will take place in Pyongyang, DPR Korea, the Motherland of TKD, on 6 - 12 September 2011. This fact is creating great interest, not only from the ITF members but also from numerous Martial Artists around the World.

The representative from DPRK confirmed at the last Congress held in Minsk that this forthcoming Championships will be the best ever staged. Preparations for these Championships are fully supported and backed by the DPR Korean government and Municipal Authorities of Pyongyang City.

WELCOME TO PYONGYANG ! Page 23 Š Copyright Original-ITF 2011

15th to 17th April National Championship in Ukraine www.itftkd.org 16th - 17th Apr 2011 BULGARIA OPEN 2011

14th May Scottish Open Championship in U.K. www.itftkd.org 14th

11th June to 12th June International Instructor's Course Alaska Tel: (907)457-5425


& May Armenian Open 10-12 June 2011 Championship in Armenia International Instructor's Course in www.itftkd.org Finland Oulu, Finland iic2011@taekwon-do.fi


14th to 15th May National Championship in Honduras www.itftkd.org

23rd April National Championship in Malta www.itftkd.org

15th May National Championship in Venezuela www.itftkd.org

23rd April National Championship in U.S.A. www.itftkd.org

20th-22nd May International Instructor's Course 25th to 26th June National Florida

23rd April 5th International I.T.F. Open Championship

Clearwater, Florida U.S.A.

Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

Elizabeth City, North Carolina, U.S.A. No other Details

26th April National Championship in Norway www.itftkd.org 29-30 April-1 May International Instructor's Course Italy Riccione, Italy

1st May National Championship in Puerto Rico www.itftkd.org 14th May Memorial Cup Tournament for Gen. Choi Hong Hi in Canada

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17th to 18th June National Championship in South Africa www,itftkd.org

Championship in Poland www.itftkd.org

European Championships 28th May 2011

29th June 2011 to 3rd July 2011

All Canadian I.T.F. National Championship

Neptune Stadium , Cork, Ireland iutf@hotmail.com

Telephone 613-841-9877

9th to 12th June Pan-Am Championship in Grenada www.itftkd.org 10th June National Championship in Georgia www.itftkd.org




15th June 9th – Year Memorial Service for late Gen. Choi Hong Hi in DPR KOREA www.itftkd.org

7th & 8th July National Championship in Afghanistan www.itftkd.org


24th Sep 2011 Hungarian Lehel Vezér international Cup 2011 Location: Jászberény, Hungary www.itftkd.org

10th July London Open Championship in U.K. www.itftkd.org 14th August National Team Championship in Chinese Taipei www.itftkd.org 18-21 August International Instructor's Course - Jamaica Sunset Jamaica Grande

18th - 20th Nov 2011 International instructors course & seminars, Taekwondo games and celebration of the 61st TKD anniversary www.itftkd.org I.T.F. Sport Accord Convention

I.T.F & Jamaica T.K.D. Association jatkd_secretary@hotmail.com

29th August Brazil Open Championship in Brazil www.itftkd.org 4th Sept MASTER DAY IN DPR KOREA www.itftkd.org 6th & 7th Sept TECHNICAL & UMPIRE SEMINAR IN DPR KOREA www.itftkd.org 6th - 12th Sep 2011 17th ITF TKD World Championships Location: Pyongyang, DPR Korea www.itftkd.org

Page 25 © Copyright Original-ITF 2011


ITF has initiated a process to integrate into Sport Accord, for this issue, Master Loboda with his team by mandate of the Board, more than a year ago started a process for the preparation of a dossier about our ITF and its members, which was officially launched with our application in Sport Accord. Our President GM Trajtenberg, and Secretary General Master Ferrando for first time have participated in the Convention of Sport Accord held in London from the 6th to 9th April, in which made multiple contacts with officials of the organization, Presidents and delegates from other sports federations, delivering to many delegates, the wonderful work book of Master Loboda. The experience was very good, and we hope in a medium term, to have a successful result of the hard work done, and be part of this prestigious organization.


Permanant Feature The Legendary Founder of Taekwon-Do - I am the man who has the most followers in the world. I am the happiest man who has done everything to do in my life. It is fortunate you have come. Is Mr. Chang Ung here? Mr. Rhee Ki Ha, it is good that you have come. I am glad that my son and daughters like you most. You probably might know Mr. Chang Ung well. It is time to introduce Mr. Chang Ung proudly in public. Please carry on propaganda that Mr. Chang Ung is the tallest and in the highest position in the ITF. If only I had been as tall as Mr. Chang Ung, I could have had less opponents, however, as my body was so tiny that there were many opponents. Thus, all alone, I could not but fight against them for so long. But I have never been worn out for the justice was on my side. I have always worried about a successor to the President, however, my mind is set at ease for there is Mr. Chang Ung. Mr. Hwang Kwang Sung, your duty is very big and important as a spokesman and the Chairman of the Merger


Committee. It was my wish to merge the TaeKwon-Do into one. Please get on your own duty responsibly. Mr. Park Jong Soo had immigrated into Canada in 1967. Before that he educated TaeKwon-Do in Europe.

In 1972, I went to Canada where Mr. Park Jong Soo resided leaving my children behind without informing them. In those days Taekwon-Do was not widely spread, so that I used to say to crave the words of TaeKwon-Do on my coffin. Now Taekwon-Do has developed on a large scale.


I love Mr. Tom MacCallum.

I have always worried if he might die before me. In case he dies first, I have been thinking how to help his family. He has given the special contributions to the ITF. I have no secrets to him. Thank you very much for what you have done. I love you. Mr. Leong Wei Meng is a man of conscience indeed. He has given a great contribution to educating the Taekwon-Do. As I thought his finance is in a good condition, I drew his name out on the stockolders's list of the Chang Hon Foundation.


Mr. Hwang Jin is doing well on the way of Mr. Chon Jin Sik. So I appointed him as a member of the Consultative Committee. Please enlarge the Consultative Committee into 9 members. Here I appoint Mr. Jong Jae Hon. My followers, - Taekwon-Do never exists without the D.P.R. of Korea You should know this. The ITF is an International organization and does it need to argue about ideology?


Does the United Nations belong to the Black people because the Secretary General is Black?. Please give up this kind of idea. TaeKwon-Do must be Korean-centred. Choi Jung Hwa lied me at the airport. I was again deceived. You ought to tell the public throughout the internet that I did not forgive Jung Hwa. I forgave him as a father, but the TaeKwon-Doists would never forgive him. Before Jung Hwa apologizes TaeKwon-Doists the world over, he will never be forgiven. While I am still alive, you should send the message to the internet the soonest as possible. The TaeKwon-Do will exists forever. (16.30 - 17.10) June 11, 2002

At the Hospital in Pyong Yang,

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea The ones who heard the last words of General Choi. Mr. Rhee Ki Ha - Grand Master and the Vice-President, Mr. Tom MacCallum Master and the Secretary General, Mr. Leong Wei Meng -Master and the Chairman of the Consultative Committee,Mr. Hwang Kwang Sung -Grand Master, spokesman and special aide, Mr. Park Jong Soo - Grand Master and a member of the Consultative Council, Mr. Hwang Jin, Master and a member of the Consultative Council, Mr. Hwang Bong Yong - Chairman of the Korean TaeKwon-Do Committee, Mr. Jong Jae Hun - Secretary General of the International Martial Art Games Committee, Mr. Rang Bong Man-Secretary General of the Korean TaeKwon-Do Committee

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Choong-Moo Step forward with right leg, taking front leg upwards and jumping executing jump side kick. Landing right foot


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CHOON G-M OO M ovements - 30 Ready P osture - P ARALLEL READY STA N CE 1.

Move the left foot to B forming a right L-stance toward B while executing a twin knife-hand block. 2. Move the right foot to B forming a right walking stance toward B while executing a high front strike to B with the right knife-hand and bring the left back hand in front of the forehead. 3. Move the right foot to A turning clockwise to form a left L-stance toward A while executing a middle guarding block to A with a knife-hand. 4. Move the left foot to A forming a left walking stance toward A while executing a high thrust to A with the left flat finger tip. 5. Move the left foot to D forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand. 6. Turn the face to C forming a left bending ready stance A toward C. 7. Execute a middle side piercing kick to C with the right foot. 8. Lower the right foot to C forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand. 9. Execute a flying side piercing kick to D with the right foot soon after moving it to D and then land to D forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand. 10. Move the left foot to E turning counter clockwise to form a right L-stance toward E at the same time executing a low block to E with the left forearm. 11. Extend both hands upward as if to grab the opponent's head while forming a left walking stance toward E, slipping the left foot. 12. Execute an upward kick to E with the right knee pulling both hands downward. 13. Lower the right foot to the left foot and then move the left foot to F forming a left walking stance toward F while executing a high front strike to F with the right reverse knife-hand, bringing the left back hand under the right elbow joint. 14. Execute a high turning kick to DF with the right foot and then lower it to the left foot. 15. Execute a middle back piercing kick to F with the left foot. Perform 14 and 15 in a fast motion. 16. Lower the left foot to F forming a left L-stance toward E while executing a middle guarding block to E with the forearm. 17. Execute a middle turning kick to DE with the left foot. 18. Lower the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to C forming a right fixed stance toward C while executing a U-shape block toward C. 19. Jump and spin around counter clockwise, landing on the same spot to form a left L-stance toward C while executing a middle guarding block to C with a knife-hand. 20. Move the left foot to C forming a left walking stance toward C at the same time executing a low thrust to C with the right upset fingertip. 21. Execute a side back strike to D with the right back fist and a low block to C with the left forearm while forming a right L-stance toward C, pulling the left foot. 22. Move the right foot to C forming a right walking stance toward C while executing a middle thrust to C with the right straight finger tip. 23. Move the left foot to B turning counter clockwise to form a left walking stance toward B while executing a high block to B with the left double forearm. 24. Move the right foot to B forming a sitting stance toward C while executing a middle front block to C with the right forearm and then a high side strike to B with the right back fist. 25. Execute a middle side piercing kick to A with the right foot turning counter clockwise and then lower it to A. 26. Execute a middle side piercing kick to A with the left foot turning clockwise. 27. Lower the left foot to A and then execute a checking block to B with an X-knife-hand while forming a left L-stance toward B pivoting with the left foot. 28. Move the left foot to B forming a left walking stance toward B while executing an upward block to B with a twin palm. 29. Move the left foot on line AB and then execute a rising block with the right forearm while forming a right walking stance toward A. 30. Execute a middle punch to A with the left fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward A. END: Bring the left foot back to a ready posture.

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