1 minute read
240-291-1958 lizzhuntzberry@yahoo.com
Spring is flying by, and summer is closing in! I absolutely love seeing all the pictures of everyone's calves hitting the ground! This is the time of year when all our rewards come in for hard work the rest of the year...
At ITLA, there have been some adjustments in progress. We are fortunate to have Craig Perez in the office every day getting our paperwork completed and up to par. If you have spoken with him in the office, you know he is competent and committed to providing quick, correct service to our members. He has been an asset in catching up registrations and transfers this past month, and I am grateful for that.
The show and futurity season is well under way, as well as some great sales happening around the country. These are great opportunities for us to get out and see what is going on in other people's programs and share fellowship time with other breeders. One thing I consistently hear from new folks joining the longhorn community is how friendly and helpful everyone is. I have also had this experience and it's one of the things my family values most about our involvement. In other breed circles, there just isn't the same camaraderie we have in our industry. If you are out and about at some of these events this year, make sure and visit with new breeders and show them what sets us apart from other cattle clubs!
With all of us working together, ITLA accomplishes great things for the longhorn breed. Make sure you are doing your part to contribute to our success. Exhibiting cattle, sponsoring events, or serving on committees to promote our cattle are ways each of us can participate. Join me in supporting President Freeman as he steps into the leadership role with ITLA. Good people are in place to keep us growing and moving forward!