The Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR) is an independent organization, founded to implement actions and programs for sustainable development within the tourism industry. The Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR) was created after a dialogue with UNESCO and it maintains a Cooperation Agreement with this organization; it is a member of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and it is a founder member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), sponsored by the United Nations Foundation.
The Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR) created and developed the Responsible Tourism System (STR), which is acknowledged by the BIOSPHERE certification, as an immediate answer to the need of establishing a set of criteria to regulate the sustainable behaviour within the international tourism industry, promoting a sustainable tourism activity and, ultimately, turning sustainability into a tourist product itself.
It consists on a group of expert professionals, offering services to business, companies, products and destinations related to the tourism sector, at a national and international level, improving the profitability and promotion for entities and territories where they are implemented.
Throughout its existence, the ITR has been awarded the following prizes: European Business Award for the Environment (EBAE): During the 1999-2000 edition, the Special Prize awarded by the press to the “Responsible Tourism System”, developed by the ITR, stood out among the winning projects. Gold Medal Award for Excellence 2001, granted by THOMSON: During the 2001 edition of Thomson’s Gold Medal Awards, the Group of Biosphere Hotels in the Island of Lanzarote were among those awarded. Madera Verde Award for Environmental Responsibility (Special Mention 2005): In 2005 the ITR was awarded the Madera Verde Award for Environmental Responsibility, granted by the Promotion of Social and Cultural Activities Association (APAS) in collaboration with the Royal Spanish Golf Federation.
Sport & Tourism GLOBAL AWARDS (Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, November 2006): The Responsible Tourims Institute was awarded the "Sport and Tourism Global Awards� during its second edition, under the category of non-profit organizations, focused on tourism and environment, for continuously raising awareness about environmental values and their dissemination within the international tourist industry. International Environmental Award (2006): granted by TUI AG as a recognition of the work done by the Responsible Tourism Institute.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Entity’s executive body, consisting of its senior managers.
INTERNATIONAL COMITEE OF EXPERTS Advisory committee in terms of sustainability, tourism, social responsibility and other areas related to Sustainable Tourism, consisting of experts from the main tourist destinations worldwide. TECHNICAL COMITEE Committee composed of expert technicians, responsible for the decision-making regarding the granting of BIOSPHERE certifications and the supervision of projects.
BIOSPHERE certification system The Responsible Tourism System (STR) is publicly recognised through the BIOSPHERE certification, which truly shares the global criteria of Sustainable Tourism developed by the steering committee of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
Tourism consultancy: Quality and environment
Extensive experience in consultancy and implementation of Management Systems specialized in tourist entities and mainly developed within the tourism industry.
Public Institutions Among its consulting activities, it offers advice to public administrations.
Training in Sustainability Organization of training courses for professionals in the tourism sector in order to ensure that the tourist destination counts on the necessary resources to manage its own development.
Event organization It organizes and coordinates, at a national and international level, events related to Tourism, Natural and Cultural Heritage and Sustainability.
International Cooperation It maintains collaborations with international organizations in order to promote the international cooperation and sustainability.
Responsible Tourism System: BIOSPHERE Certification Project on the analysis of tourist establishments for the development of the Responsible Tourism System (1998) • Project in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Tourism. • Analysis of around 30 tourist establishments and their management systems. • Implementation of the Responsible Tourism System based on the collected data and on the Sustainable Tourism principles (International Charter for Sustainable Tourism).
Responsible Tourism System: BIOSPHERE Certification Creation and development of the set of standards for the Responsible Tourism System. Certification of national and international companies (1998-2011) • The BIOSPHERE certification, promoted by the Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR), recognizes and certifies tourist establishments that have made sustainable management of tourism the centre of their activities and, therefore, are an example of sustainability within the sector at an international level. • BIOSPHERE is a voluntary certification based on the principles of sustainable development through specific criteria on environmental, cultural and socioeconomic behaviour, granted to establishments worldwide. • Today, more than 100 companies and tourist establishments already have this international sustainability certification.
Responsible Tourism System: BIOSPHERE Certification Creation and development of the set of standards for the Responsible Tourism System. Destination certification (2007-2011) • BIOSPHERE certifications for destinations can be obtained by territories of tourist interest and leading tourist cities all over the world when the competent authorities involved make a credible commitment to sustainability and responsibility principles in order to orientate their model towards sustainable development. • It covers Biosphere Destination, Biosphere World Class Destination and Biosphere Starlight certifications. • Examples of certified destinations are specified in the following sections.
Responsible Tourism System: BIOSPHERE Certification International presence of the BIOSPHERE Certification
International Meeting on Sustainable Tourism International Meeting on Sustainable Tourism. UNESCO Headquarters, Paris (2000) • Meeting organized by UNESCO and the Responsible Tourism Institute. • The meeting was aimed to touroperators and was attended by the major tourist operators at an international level. • During the meeting, all problems related to sustainability within the tourism sector were analyzed. • Also, the Responsible Tourism System was presented as an improvement and promotion mechanism for Tourism Sustainability.
International Congress “Sustainable Hotels for Sustainable Destinations” International Conference “Sustainable Hotels for Sustainable Destinations” held in Maspalomas (Gran Canaria), sponsored by UNESCO (26th-28th October 2000) • Conference’s objective: To promote cooperation and the exchange of experience on sustainable projects within the hotel sector. • Thematic content: International programs, legislation, tools for a sustainable hotel management and new technologies for responsible hotels. • Aimed to: Government officials, tourism associations, accommodations resorts, hotel chains, operators, consulting companies, etc. • Organized by: ITR and the City Hall of San Bartolomé de Tirajana. • Collaborators: UNESCO, UNWTO, ITC, Island Council of Gran Canaria, Government of the Canary Islands and General Secretariat of Tourism.
OCITURES 2001 Project Development of the OCITURES 2001 project and development of the “Responsible Golf System” standards. (2001) • Through the OCITURES 2001 project the “Responsible Golf Standards” are developed, which included the standardization of good management practices for golf courses and the “Animal Embassy Standard” with the standardization of good practices in theme parks with ex-situ animal display (within the framework of cooperation with UNESCO for the conservation of biodiversity)
• The San Diego Zoo (U.S.A.), the Loro Parque Foundation, the New York Zoo, as well as the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums took part in the last edition.
Euro-caribbean Conference on Cooperation for the Promotion of Renewable Energies in Islands (tourist sector) “Euro Caribbean Conference”. Santa Lucía (30th-31st May 2002) • Project funded by the European Commission (Directorate General for Energy and Transport) . • The conference’s objective was establishing cooperation for the promotion of renewable energies in islands. • It included the creation of an International Forum for RES, Islands and Sustainable Tourism. • It concluded with the holding of the Santa Lucía Wold Conference.
Dialogue “Tourism, Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development”: • 28th March 2003. UNESCO Headquarters in Paris: Presentation and agreement for the launching of the International Dialogue called “Tourism, Cultural Development and Sustainable Development”, which would be held within the framework of the Barcelona’s 2004 Universal Forum of Cultures in early July 2004. • Under the presidency of Mrs. Milagros del Corral (UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Culture) the meeting focused on the presentation of the Forum Barcelona 2004 by Mrs. Mireia Belil, Manager of the Forum’s Congresses and Meetings, and of the International Dialogue “Tourism, Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development” by Mr. Tomás Azcárate, President of the Responsible Tourism Institute, which was in charge of the Forum’s Technical Secretariat. • The main objective was to inform about the Dialogue’s structure within the subject areas this event will be dealing with (Tourist Destinations, Sustainability in the Tourist Industry, Cultural Diversity, Urban and Rural Heritage, Biodiversity, Promotion of Peace and Cooperation, new technologies and knowledge society)
“Sustainable Tourism, local and global culture and cooperation”: •11st June 2003. Zamora, Michoacán, Mexico: International Workshop “Sustainable Tourism, local and global culture and cooperation”. Pre-forum Workshop carried out within the “Iberoamerican Congress on Cultural Heritage, Development and Tourism” organized by the ITR, the National Coordination of Cultural Heritage and Tourism of CONACULTA and the Colegio de Michoacán.
• The main objective was the development of the Workshop with international and iberoamerican experts, analyzing the topics proposed and adding an iberoamerican approach. • The contents of the workshop were: 1. Sustainable Tourism in terms of historical and cultural heritage in cities. 2. Sustainable Tourism in terms of cultural and natural heritage in rural areas. 3. Education and Knowledge Society in favour of Sustainable Cultural Tourism. 4. Tourism and Cultural Heritage as a driving force for International Cooperation.
“Implementation of Sustainable Tourism and ex-situ fauna conservation”: •1st October 2003. Hotel Botánico, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife: International Workshop “Implementation of Sustainable Tourism and ex-situ fauna conservation”, organized by the ITR and the Loro Parque Foundation. • The Workshop’s main objective was specifying the topics to be discussed in the Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism Panel during the International Conference on Tourism, Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development, Barcelona, July 2004, like: 1. Identifying the opportunities tourism can offer to the valuation of biodiversity through its preservation and ex-situ exhibition. 2. Establishing the basis of the strategy for the defence of biodiversity from zoological parks. 3. Contributing to the standardization of good sustainability practices in zoos. 4. Promoting good sustainable practices based on the quality and environmental responsibility standard “Animal Embassy” established by the Responsible Tourism Institute (ITR) and Loro Parque.
Workshop “Sustainble Tourism in Wolrd Heritage Cities”: • 15th December 2003. Mosaic Room at the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, Córdoba: International Workshop “Sustainable Tourism in World Heritage Cities”, organized by the ITR in collaboration with the City Hall of Córdoba and Cordoba’s Tourist Excellence Plan. • It was intended to assert the huge potential that tourism represents as a means of interaction and understanding between peoples, cultures, races and languages. Tourism, understood as a powerful tool for the exchange of human flows is one of the natural allies for peace, since tourism and peace are inseparable and are so closely related to each other that one cannot be understood without the other.
Seminar/Workshop “Tourism, Natural Heritage and Biodiversity”: • 15th-16th January 2004. Santander Central Hispano Auditorium, Madrid: International Seminar/Workshop “Tourism, Natural Heritage and Biodiversity”, organized by the ITR in collaboration with the Santander Central Hispano Foundation. • The objective of this International Seminar and Workshop was the analysis of interrelations between tourism and natural heritage, with a particular focus on its implications on the preservation of the world’s Biodiversity. This issue was addressed in a generic way, but referring to tourist destinations and the in-situ preservation of natural heritage and biological wealth, paying special attention to the recommendations of the World Parks Congress, held in Durban in September 2003.
Universal Forum of Cultures of Barcelona 2004: International Dialogue “Tourism, Cultural Diversity y Sustainable Development” Barcelona, 14th, 15th and 16th July 2004 • Collaboration in the organization of the Universal Forum, a meeting on Tourism that brought together the key actors within the sector. • Over 1000 participants, with the participation of 100 speakers in several sessions of the symposia where more than 68 presentations on the different realities affecting cultural diversity, tourism and sustainable development were discussed. • At the same time, several workshops were developed and 70 communications and experiences were presented.
Universal Forum of Cultures of Barcelona 2004: Dialogue: International Dialogue “Tourism, Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development”. The Dialogue was a meeting forum between all key agents of the tourist activity, turning into a space dedicated to the open debate and free discussion of ideas and point of views, organizing, besides the presentations, numerous round tables and debates, observations of the basis presentations (from which conclusions will be drown), communications (academic ones or experiences) and the exhibition of products and services related to the Dialogue’s topic.
The Responsible Tourism Institute was responsible for the Technical Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of the International Dialogue “Tourism, Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development”.
Forum’s Workshops: • 14th July 2004: “Tourism for everyone”. Organized by the Responsible Tourism Institute and the Once Foundation. • 15ht July 2004: “Culture as an element for Urban Revitalization: Guggenheim Model. Bilbao”. Organized by the Responsible Tourism Institute and the Provincial Government of Bizkaia. • 15th July 2004: “Tourism, Culture and Tolerance”. Organized by the Responsible Tourism Institute, the Provincial Council of Tourism of Córdoba, the Provincial Council of Tourism of Granada, the Tourism Office of the Province of Seville, the Provincial Promotion and Tourism Board of Jaén, the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, the Council of Tourism, Commerce and Sport of the Regional Government of Andalusia and the Provincial Government of Bizkaia. • 15th July 2004: “Tourism Sustainability and Natural Heritage”. Organized by the Responsible Tourism Institute and the Santander Central Hispano Foundation. • 16th July 2004: “Environmental Quality and Tourism Sustainability: Towards the implementation of brands”. Organized by the Responsible Tourism Institute and the TÜV Rheiland Group.
Solidarity Fair; Stands and presentations: • “The Solidarity Fair” represented a real historical opportunity to contribute to sustainable development. The FAIR took place in a 1500 m2 surface, with between fifteen to thirty thousand visitors each day, and consisted of 22 original “truck-stands”, provided for free by the Forum 2004, for the promotion of the organizations working for the DIALOGUE’S objectives.
The “Speakers’ Corner” was used as an open platform for the programmed interventions. Both the design of the Fair and its program were designed to ensure a dynamic and captivating experience.
Collaboration agreement with TÜV Rheinland A g r e e m e n t f o r t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e l a b e l “ I n t e g r a l To u r i s t Sustainability” (2005) • Development, as a result of the agreement, of a label orientated to the international acknowledgement of Integral Tourist Sustainability (ITS) of companies and establishments. • Structured in three levels on order to obtain various recognitions or certifications jointly:
Level 1: BIOSPHERE Certification + Öko-Proof-Betrieb
Level 2: BIOSPHERE Certification + ISO 14001 + Öko-ProofBetrieb
Level 3: BIOSPHERE Certification + ISO 14001 + EMAS + Öko-Proof-Betrieb
Destinations 2004 World Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development Salvador de Bahia, Brazil (2004) • Organization of the Seminar during the World Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development. Conditions for Peace Social Development Cultural Diversity Environmental Preservation Economic Development
Destinations 2005 World Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2005) • Organization of the Plenary Session and conclusions of the World Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development organized by the UNWTO, UNESCO and the Government of Brazil.
Certification of the Island of La Palma as a BIOSPHERE DESTINATION La Palma, Canary Islands (2006) • The island was recognized with the BIOSPHERE DESTINATION Certification, this way becoming the first destination to obtain this accreditation. • The certification acknowledges the consolidation of this tourist destination as a sustainable and responsible one through the implementation of an integrated planning and management perspective for the whole tourist system. Thus, all economic, socio-cultural, environmental and institutional needs, both present and future, will be met, achieving an integral human development that ensures the role of tourism as a factor for their future achievement.
INTERNACIONAL MEETING: “MERCOSUR: Towards a responsible and sustainable tourism” Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay (2006) • Organized jointly with the UNESCO Regional Office in Montevideo and the MAB Programme.
• The Meeting’s objective was to design responsible and sustainable tourism policies within the MERCOSUR countries.
• The event was based on topics such as sustainable development, environmental certifications, biosphere reserves or the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme.
Project “Adaptation Services for the Management of Tourist and Fishing Initiatives in Coastal Areas” Advising on Sustainable Tourism within the fishing sector (2006-2007) • EU Initiative EQUAL/MEDAS 21. • The project “Adaptation Services for the Management of Tourist and Fishing Initiatives in Coastal Areas” is created in order to support the adaptability of companies and employees of the fishing sector and activities related to tourist and fishing diversification in coastal areas.
• Besides, the Responsible Tourism Institute was responsible for the creation of two guides of good environmental and sustainability practices within the fishing sector. • The presentation of these guides was accompanied by trainings for the most important sectors and groups.
Development of UNESCO’s proclamation process of “The image and Legacy of Don Quixote as an Oral and Intangible World Heritage”. Castilla la Mancha, Spain (2006-2007) • Development of international meetings in relevant institutions for the diffusion and support of Don Quixote as World Immaterial Heritage. • Presentation to the National Heritage Council its integration within the list of Heritage Properties and its representation of Spain.
Development of the Declaration process of The Route of Don Quixote as a “European Cultural Itinerary” by the Council of Europe Castilla la Mancha, Spain (2006-2007) • Development of international meetings for the promotion and support of the declaration of The Route of Don Quixote as a “European Cultural Itinerary” by the Council of Europe. The Route finally obtained such Declaration in 2007.
Creation of the sustainable tourist destination Valle del Cabriel Cuenca, Spain (2007) • Development of a Tourist Dynamization Plan and an Approximations Model for Quality Tourism (MACT) where training, product identification and marketing were considered. • It covered the 7 municipalities within the Association of Municipalities of the Bank of the river Cabriel. • We proceeded to the certification of several active tourism companies and accommodation establishments with the BIOSPHERE certification. • Collaboration during the Meetings on Environment en Sustainability in the Region.
Study of the financial returns of investments on Corporate Social Responsibility for SOL MELIÁ Group Sol Meliá Corporation, Spain (2007) • The hotel chain Sol Meliá asked the Responsible Tourism Institute to elaborate the study and assessment of the investments on Corporate Social Responsibility, their positive effect, the improvement that they could imply on the company’s image and the financial returns for the Company. • This work was based on a comprehensive study of the international bibliography related to CSR. Basing on a developed methodology, specific conclusions for Sol Meliá were drawn. Various relevant case studies were ultimately presented.
Benchmarking Study on the positioning of hotel groups in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Sol Meliá Corporation, Spain (2007) • Sol Meliá hotel group, involved in the definition of its Sustainability Strategy, seeks assistance from the ITR in order to elaborate a report on the positioning of its competitors regarding Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability. •
The methodology developed during the study allowed an objectified assessment of the positioning of the different hotel groups.
The annex included a description of the most important certifications, indexes and ranking on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability.
This study completed the one named “Study of the financial returns of investments on Corporate Social Responsibility” of 8th October 2007.
Sustainability Strategy for Sol Meliá. RESPONSIBLE TOURISM MASTER PLAN Sol Meliá Corporation, Spain (2008) • In order to address the expressed commitments with sustainable tourism and a responsible tourist management, SOL MELIÁ included the responsible tourism principles in its management by defining a sustainability strategy. • SOL MELIÁ’s sustainability strategy consists of the mission, vision, values and objectives promoted by SOL MELIÁ and consolidates the chain’s sustainability policy through a Responsible Tourism Master Plan which is based on seven major corporate programmes. • The Diagnosis made by the Responsible Tourism Institute was the first reference point about the challenges that had to be addressed by the sustainability strategy, the “state of the art” regarding environmental management and the initiatives that began to be addressed from the perspective of responsible tourism.
Certification of SOL MELIÁ as the first “BIOSPHERE HOTEL COMPANY” group Sol Meliá Corporation, Spain (2007) • Certification of SOL MELIÁ as BIOSPHERE HOTEL COMPANY, which implied the assessment of the company’s global strategy and a visit to several hotels at the international level to verify the implementation of the strategy. • Also, the most suitable hotels for the obtention of the BIOSPHERE HOTEL certification were selected. • The improvements made by the Group in terms of sustainability are assessed every year through audits at a corporate and hotel level.
Creation of the Tourist Project of Sky Observation in the Island of La Palma La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain (2010) • Project in collaboration with the Management of La Palma Biosphere Reserve. • A detailed study of the astronomical observation resources of the island was carried out. • Afterwards, a tourist product was developed based on the observation of the night sky of La Palma, orientated towards the improvement of the island’s tourist competitiveness at a national and international level, using its sky as an attraction and distinctive offer.
Creation of the Landscape Tourist product of La Palma Biosphere Reserve La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain (2010) • Project in collaboration with the Management of La Palma Biosphere Reserve. • Analysis of the exsistent tourist infrastructure. • Diagnose of the situation of tourism and measures for its maximization. • Management and monitoring of the creation of a tourist product based on the offer and landscape diversity of the Island of La Palma.
Certification of the City of Barcelona as the first “BIOSPHERE WORLD CLASS DESTINATION” Barcelona (2010-2011) • Project in collaboration with the City Council of Barcelona. • The Letter of Commitment of Barcelona with the Responsible Tourism System is signed in December 2010. • The certification process of the city as Biosphere World Class Destination starts with the implementation of the requirements of the standard bearing the same name.
Outreach and Technology transfer Programme for the marketing of special-interest tourist products in Olmué territories (Chile) Valparaíso, Chile (2011) • Cooperation project between the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Valparaíso and the Responsible Tourism Institute. • The BIOSPHERE certification process starts for 31 new establishments of the Municipality of Olmué, Valparaíso, in the framework of the Outreach and Technology transfer for the marketing of special-interest tourist products in Olmué territories.
Seminars on Responsible Tourism in Chile, organized by the EuroChile Corporate Foundation Arica and Santiago de Chile, Chile (2011) • Collaboration in the organization and holding of the Seminars on Responsible Tourism promoted by the Eurochile Foundation. • Participation in the first seminar’s opening conference “Responsible Tourism, a path towards Development for Arica and Parinacota”. 22nd March 2011. Arica. • Participation in the seminar’s central conference. 24th March 2011. Santiago de Chile.
Development and Innovation Plan for Sustainable Tourism for the reconstruction of the Juan Fernandez Archipelago 2012 – 2017 AJF, Valparaíso, Chile (2012) • Participation in the preparation of the Action Plan • Participation in the development of tourist Diagnosis • Participation in the development of Strategic Analysis • Participation in the development of Monitoring Indicators • Conducting workshops on tourism innovation, marketing, positioning ...
Smart Destination Forum Barcelona, España (2012) • Day dedicated to Sustainable Tourism: Smart Destinations. Experts participants in promoting tourism in cities and hotels, business professionals and power, mobility and engineering. The aim was to exchange experiences and propose new initiatives to promote "smart" destinations: more innovative and environmentally responsible, incorporating technology across the value chain to become more sustainable and competitive. • Creation of the event • Participation in lectures
Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)
The new global standard for Sustainable Tourism
Global Sustainable Tourism Council The GSTC is the only accredited entity for sustainable tourist certifications at the global level. The GSTC is currently active in all regions of the WTO, including Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, South Asia, Europe and the countries in the Middle East.
GSTC: Global Scope The GSTC is an accrediting organization linked to the United Nations and it is represented by different members worldwide - including leading travel companies, hotels, members from tourist destination countries and tour operators. It acts as an international organization for the accreditation, promotion of knowledge, understanding and implementation of sustainable tourism practices.
Global Criteria of Sustainable Tourism At the heart of this work are the Global Criteria of Sustainable Tourism, the minimum requirements that any tourist company must fulfill in order to protect and sustain the world’s natural and cultural resources. Sustainable tourism represents a potential tool for the conservation of the environment and the alleviation of poverty.
37 criterios 4 pilares 1. Sustainable Management
2. Socio-economic
3. Cultural
4. Environmental
GSTC and Biosphere Certification
The Biosphere set of standards, developed by the Responsible Tourism Institute, meets the Global Criteria of Sustainable Tourism and, therefore, the BIOSPHERE HOTEL standard has been a pioneer standard in obtaining the GTSC’s recognition.
BIOSPHERE Certification: Approved
BIOSPHERE certification recognized and promoted by: