ITTF Development Report Magazine 2009-2010

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“Breaking Down Barriers with Table Tennis Balls”


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19/08/10 12:24 PM


Contents MESSAGES Messages from Pere Miro, Adham Sharara, Glenn Tepper, Leandro Olvech

PYRAMID From grass roots to the highest level

OVERVIEW A synopsis of the work of the ITTF Development Department

FLOWCHART The Roles within the ITTF Development Department

ACCREDITATION ITTF Coach Accreditation System

SUPPORTERS Foundation for Global Sports Development, DTTB, Butterfly, Stag, Nittaku, ESN-Tibhar

GOODWILL FUND A programme in support of humanity EDITORIAL BOARD Ian Marshall, Leandro Olvech, Glenn Tepper

6 8 9 10 12 14 16


CONTINENTS Africa Asia Europe Latin America North America Oceania

18 24 29 41 44 23

DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS ITTF Women’s Development Program Marketing ITTF Global Junior Program Education and Training Para Table Tennis Umpires and Referees Committee

CONTRIBUTORS Mikael Andersson, Raul Calin, Steve Dainton, Alejandra Gabaglio, Arif Khan, Leandro Olvech, Georg Silberschmidt, Polona Cehovin Susin, Albert Rooijmans, Glenn Tepper

PRINCIPAL PHOTOGRAPHERS Remy Gros, Katherine Garcia, International Olympic Committee

50 50 52 54 56 58 60 PRINTED BY Minsun Company, Shanghai, China


MESSAGES lympic Solidarity concentrates its effort on providing assistance to the vast network of 205 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) across the five continents. This help given to the NOCs aims to develop sports and its practice from grassroots to elite level worldwide. The 19 programmes offered by Olympic Solidarity to the NOCs for the 2009 – 2012 quadrennial plan, follow the same pattern as for the 2005 – 2008 quadrennial Pere Miró plan, but with increased supDirector of Olympic Solidarity port for the athletes, particularly for the Games of the XXX Olympiad in London in 2012 and for the first ever Youth Olympic Games in Singapore 2010. Olympic Solidarity, therefore, encourages the NOCs and their affiliated National Sport organizations to constantly provide the best support for their athletes, improve their organizational structures, raise their management level and make rational and efficient use of the resource coming from the share of the TV rights from the broadcasting of the Olympic Games, which finally belongs to the NOCs. But this support is only possible thanks to the very fruitful and mutually beneficial collaboration with the International Federations and particularly with the ITTF for more than 20 years now. As stated before, the development of each sport started at national level. The support and the valuable technical advice provided by the International Federations to the national bodies makes a huge difference. One entity cannot work alone and a collaboration between all parties is crucial, i.e. ITTF, Olympic Solidarity, National Federations, NOCs, etc. in order to achieve mid to log term results. This joint collaboration between Olympic Solidarity is crucial in order to achieve mid to long term results. One entity cannot work alone and a collaboration between all the parties is needed, i.e. ITTF, Olympic Solidarity, NF, NOC, etc. Thanks to this, the funding which has been made available for all these important actions, either from Olympic Solidarity through the NOCs or directly by the ITTF to National Table Table Tennis Associations, has been used to maximum effect. But we can always do better by complying more with the specific needs of our respective stakeholders and adapting ourselves to the situations of each country. We have therefore define a motto to follow these objectives which is “flexibility into diversity”, meaning that flexibility towards the NOCs is requested in order to guarantee a support to their diversity. In my capacity as Director of Olympic Solidarity, I would like to sincerely thank the ITTF for this excellent and fruitful collaboration based on open minded discussions. Together, we are making the most to build a robust and sustainable high-performance system, which produces the best support and results for athletes, coaches and sports administrators. I believe that collectively with the ITTF we are making excellent work as we are trying to invest the right areas, ensuring the right people are in place, surrounding them with the right support and striving for excellence in everything they do. Our joint strategy is to build a lasting legacy of success for Table Tennis.



Pere Miró Director of Olympic Solidarity

Adham Sharara ITTF President


t is again my pleasure and my privilege to preface the ITTF’s Development Magazine; this is an opportunity to express how proud we all are with the tremendous advancement made to our sport through the ITTF’s Development Programme. Since the establishment of the ITTF’s Education & Training Department, this new department has worked very diligently to enhance Adham Sharara the development of our ITTF President sport at all levels, and has found the right synergy with our Development Department to jointly deliver programmes and initiatives to the benefit of our member national associations. The ITTF Development Plan has several delivery streams. The most effective and most productive is of course the joint Development Agreements of Understanding between the ITTF and the Continental Federations. However, our programme also includes direct initiatives in specific areas of need with the support of our member national associations. Both streams work effectively and we will further refine and enhance our delivery systems in order to be even more effective and more efficient in the use of our development financial and human resources. The effects of our Development Plan have seen the increase in our membership to an astounding 210 member national associations, putting the ITTF in the top 5 International Federations in terms of membership. We have also started a series of marketing courses in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania, which have already borne fruit with enhanced sponsorship and TV coverage possibilities. The ITTF’s Coaching Accreditation system has grown tremendously and is now available in several languages (English, French, Spanish and Arabic) at the various levels, including the very important “Course Conductor” component. The most impressive statistic over the last two years is that the ITTF delivered, through 62 different course conductors, 185 courses with more than 9,000 participants worldwide. In addition, over the same period of time, more than 50 equipment packages and 2600 coaching manuals have been provided to member associations. Added to the ITTF’s own investment, the IOC’s Olympic Solidarity has injected and committed close to US$ 2,000,000 to table tennis activities throughout the world. This is a direct result of the excellent relationship between the ITTF and the IOC. I also want to thank our partners and suppliers Butterfly-Tamasu, STAG, Nittaku, the DTTB and the Foundation for Global Sports Development for their financial and equipment contributions. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the “Peace and Sports Foundation” for honouring the ITTF with the “Best Sport Peace Project” award in 2009. This gesture makes all our efforts worthwhile and serves as a reminder that the international sports community recognizes our work. It is also a stimulus to our Development Staff and leaders to continue their excellent work.


he years 2009-2010 have seen innovation and new directions to add to the established ITTF Development Program. The three world staff, four continental development officers and approximately 50 part-time course conductors have been kept very busy implementing almost 100 courses and 30 equipment packages per year. Polona Cehovin Susin joined Leandro Olvech and myself for the world staff and her experience in conducting courses, administration and marketing is well appreciated. Scott Houston, as Oceania Development Officer, added a new spark of youthful Glenn Tepper ITTF Executive Director - Development enthusiasm together with hard work to push the Oceania Program to new heights, joining the experienced foundation staff Evelio Alvarez (Latin America Development Officer) and Afshin Badiee (Asia Development Officer). The Oceania Development Program was a pilot project for ITTF way back in 1999 and again leads the way with a Business and Marketing Plan being trialled in 2010. Europe has seen some changes with three Development Officers in three years. Lilamani de Soysa is currently filling this position in a period of change for the European Table Tennis Union. New development agreements were signed with all continents for 2009-2012, providing a solid base for planning and assistance based on needs and rotation. Marketing courses have been introduced this year with courses in Latin America, Africa, Oceania and Asia led by the highly motivated Marketing Director, Steve Dainton, himself a former Oceania Development Officer, so having a clear understanding of the needs of the developing world. ITTF Membership grew to 210 with the addition of five new members in 2009-2010: Papua New Guinea, Cayman Islands, Anguilla, Norfolk Island and Swaziland. When the Development Program began in 1999 the membership was just 180. However, the highlight for 2009-2010 was our work with “Peace and Sport”, who act to put sport at the service of sustainable peace within vulnerable communities affected by poverty, the aftermath of conflict and lack of social cohesion. A successful project in three disadvantaged regions of Colombia, led by Leandro Olvech, led to a commitment to aim for two joint projects annually. At the 2009 Peace and Sport Awards in Monaco the ITTF won the prestigious “Best Project by an International Sports Federation”, something of which we can all be proud. ITTF and Peace and Sport are currently working on a “Table Tennis for Peace” instructional manual. Arabic and Portugese were added to the languages in which the ITTF Coach Accreditation system’s manuals are available joining English, French and Spanish. Butterfly and Stag remain as strong partners in our development work providing way beyond what could reasonably be expected - thank you! I cannot finish without mentioning Chérif Hajem and Melecio Rivera, both long time Continental Presidents in Africa and Latin America respectively before moving onto the ITTF Executive Committee. Their contribution, passion and untiring efforts to assist development in their continents has seen both continents make huge steps forward and while they will no doubt be active still, their day to day involvement in the development programs will be sadly missed. To our innovative President, Adham Sharara, our untiring staff, the Continental Presidents, the Course Conductors taking table tennis to the far reaches of the world and all others involved in our important work-thank you!


he period was a milestone in the progress of the Development Program. It was a new stage of growth. The Development Program is now more mature and consistent which allows us to extend our vision to new objectives and fields. In the last two years our ITTF family has significantly expanded as five new members joined; that means a total of 210, which makes the ITTF sport Leandro Olvech ITTF Development Manager number four in terms of membership. The expansion is not only a geographical issue, it must be also social. The newly designed project of our department is “Table Tennis for All”, a document being developed to be distributed to the national associations as a guideline for their local programs aiming at popularization. We need to reach more people and new targets require innovative channels to do it effectively. Social networks are the most expansive new tools that we can use nowadays. We have created a profile in Facebook called “ITTF Development” where we inform users that probably can´t be approached through conventional ways. Development is for us not only a question of quantity, it means also quality. A new possibility for coaches’ education is available. The University of Leipzig, in Germany, offers a five month extensive table tennis program where most of the participants’ expenses are covered. The course includes the ITTF Level Two course. Education for umpires and referees was re-structured to fit with the association needs, Para Table Tennis continues its expansion to more countries through the integration principles. Perhaps the biggest step of the Development Program in this period has been in the humanitarian projects. The relationship with Peace and Sport is in the honeymoon period after a successful joint program in Colombia “Ping Pong Paz” (Peace through Ping Pong). Current planning is in place for similar projects in Palestine, East Timor and for earthquake devastated Haiti. The highlight of the period was the Development Program being awarded in Monaco as Best Peace Project from an International Federation. Besides that, the film about “Ping Pong Paz” was nominated for the “Sport Movies & TV Award” in Milan. These recognitions are huge motivational factors for us to continue our expansion and also to give more exposure of ITTF endeavours. The Development Program is aiming to use these factors to attract more sponsors. ITTF Marketing is active in that respect. Finally, I would like to thank all development staff and course conductors for their teamwork plus the Executive Committee, Continental and National Associations for their co-operation and support. A special mention must go to Glenn Tepper for his continued advice. I am personally impressed that we still can´t find our limits and that is the main motivation. Table Tennis for all, for everyone. Everywhere!

Glenn Tepper ITTF Executive Director-Development Programs

Leandro Olvech ITTF Development Manager ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 7



Continued Growth The Beginnings

Development Staff Since Inception

The ITTF Development Program began in 1999 with a pilot project in Oceania.

Glenn Tepper Oceania Development Officer:1999-2000 ITTF Development Manager: 2001-2006 ITTF Director of Development Programs: 2007-2008 ITTF Executive Director-Development: 2009-current

In 1999 the ITTF had 180 member countries. Following the success of the Oceania Development Program, the program was expanded to Africa, Latin America and Europe in 2001. By 2002, all continents had an “agreement of understanding” with ITTF for development.

The Period 2009-2010 In 2010, ITTF has 210 member countries. The current continental development “agreement of understanding” is for 2009-2012 185 courses were organized 33 courses from Olympic Solidarity 64 courses of these courses included education about Para Table Tennis, 35% of the total, while in the last quadrennial it was 14%. 50 equipment packages with tables, scorers, rackets, balls were donated More than 9000 people attended ITTF courses worldwide 37% of them were women while during the last quadrennial (2005-08) it was 33% 117 national associations were supported through courses or equipment donations

Babatunde Obisanya Africa Development Officer: 2001 Evelio Alvarez Latin America Development Officer: 2001-current Zita Pidl Europe Development Manager: 2001-2008 Afshin Badiee Asia Development Officer: 2001-current Steve Dainton Oceania Development Officer: 2002-2005 Surendra Suwal Oceania Development Officer: 2006 Andrew Hubbard Oceania Development Officer: 2006-2008 Leandro Olvech ITTF Co-ordinator of Development Programs: 2007-2008 ITTF Development Program Manager: 2009-current Scott Houston Oceania Development Officer: 2009-current

2600 Coaching Manuals of different levels and languages were distributed

Polona Cehovin Susin Europe Development Co-ordinator-2009 ITTF Departments Program Manager: 2010-current

62 Course Conductors from 34 countries represented the ITTF internationally

Lilamani de Soysa Europe Development Manager: 2010-current

Djibouti was a recipient of an equipment package ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 9


ITTF Coach Accreditation System


he ITTF Coach Accreditation system began in 2004, as a means of assisting those countries without their own Coach Accreditation system in place. Since that date, the ITTF Level One Coaching Manual has been released and has sold over 18,000 copies in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. In subsequent print runs Para Table Tennis Level One was added. More than 240 ITTF Level One Courses have been conducted worldwide with the year 2008 seeing the ITTF Advanced Coaching Manual for ITTF Level Two, ITTF Level Three and ITTF High Performance courses becoming available in English, French and Spanish. In 2010 a version in Arabic was released. Over 20 ITTF Level Two courses have been conducted to date; an ITTF Level Three will commence in 2012 and ITTF High Performance in 2014.

In 2009 Argentina’s Alejandra Gabaglio (front row, third from left) conducted an ITTF/PTT Level One Course in Paraguay


Courses Community Leader Course Level: basic introduction Target Group: community leaders Accreditation: non accredited course, participation Certificate presented (three hours) Resources: ITTF/PTT Level One Coaching Manual

School Teachers Course Level: basic introduction for school teachers Target Group: school teachers Accreditation: non accredited course, participation certificate presented (six hours) Resources: ITTF/PTT Level One Coaching Manual

Club Coach Course Level: basic introduction for club coaches Target Group: club coaches Accreditation: non accredited course, participation certificate presented (12 hours) Resources: ITTF/PTT Level One Coaching Manual

ITTF/PTT Level One Course Level: base level Target Group: ITTF Development Program Courses, Olympic Solidarity courses Accreditation: coaches course (30 Hours); coaching practice including five hours of supervised coaching (30 hours) Resources: ITTF/PTT Level One Coaching Manual

ITTF Level Two Course Level: intermediate Target Group: state, provincial level coaches, ITTF Development Program courses, Olympic Solidarity Courses Accreditation: coaches course (36 Hours); coaching practice including five hours of supervised coaching (50 hours) Prerequisite: ITTF Level One Coach Accreditation Resources: ITTF Advanced Coaching Manual

ITTF Level Three Course Level: advanced Target Group: national level coaches, continental high performance coaches Accreditation: coaches course (48 Hours); coaching practice including five hours of supervised coaching (80 hours) Prerequisite: ITTF Level Two Coach Accreditation Resources: ITTF Advanced Coaching Manual

ITTF High Performance Course Level: high performance Target Group: national level coaches, Accreditation: Coaches course (144 Hours); coaching practice including five hours of supervised coaching (100 hours) Prerequisite: ITTF Level Three Coach Accreditation Resources: ITTF Advanced Coaching Manual

Ahmed Dawlatly (back row centre) was the expert on duty for an ITTF/PTT Level One Course in Jordan



Valued Partners Support Worldwide Initiatives Assisting those less fortunate is a major part of the work of the ITTF Development Program; in this respect the International Table Tennis Federation needs help from outside agencies; the Foundation for Global Sports Development, the German Table Tennis Association, Butterfly, Stag, Nittaku and ESN-Tibhar have all proved invaluable partners in this respect. BY GLENN TEPPER


he International Table Tennis Federation has received great help in the past two years to make humanitarian projects possible. International and national organisations plus manufacturers have all been involved.

Foundation for Global Sports Development Originally named “Justice for All”, the Foundation for Global Sports Development is led by the charismatic David Ulich and Steve Ungerleider. Since 2008, the organisation has provided US$30,000 per annum for projects with a humanitarian leaning connected to the ITTF Development Program. In 2009, this included projects in Jordan plus hurricane assistance for Jamaica and Côte

D’Ivoire. Meanwhile, in 2010 they became partners for our projects connected with Peace and Sport commencing with East Timor and followed by help in Swaziland, Honduras and Bangladesh.

Butterfly Butterfly is a longtime supporter of the ITTF Development Program and 2009-2010 was no exception. During a friendly discussion at the World Junior Championships in Spain, 2008, the International Table Tennis Federation, represented by Glenn Tepper and Butterfly represented by Yuki Kamizuru discussed a project with a new partner “Peace and Sport” with the plans for a special project in Colombia to start in 2009. Both parties were not really sure if the concept would work but trust built following co-operation during many previous projects such as Tsunami Rebuilding, the South Africa disadvantaged areas project, being the first sport back into Afghanistan plus many other projects prompted both parties to go ahead. History was to prove the initiative correct. The project was made into an award winning film and the International Table Tennis Federation was awarded the “Best

Peace Project” by an International Sports Federation. The success reflected very positively on the International Table Tennis Federation and underlined the commitment of Butterfly to support table tennis and no seek any great reward. Now the International Table Tennis Federation in liaison with Peace and Sport aims to promote two projects each year. Butterfly has made the project a reality by providing tables, rackets, balls and printed shirts for each project. In addition, the final stage of the Butterfly Continental Junior Assistance Project was also concluded. The Continental Junior Championships in Africa in 2006, in Latin America in 2007, Oceania in 2008, and now Asia in 2010 were each provided with 480 mid level rackets, 120 elite rackets, and 48 gross of training balls. The aim was two-fold; to encourage participation at the Continental Junior Championships and to provide talented juniors from developing countries with the chance to receive top level equipment. Butterfly also funds the ITTF World Hopes Team project, providing opportunities for talented players under the age of 12 years to be involved in a structured program in both Europe and Asia with special-

Butterfly supporting Ping Pong Ba Dame Project (Peace through Ping Pong) in East Timor


ist guidance from ITTF Coaches. Equally, support from Butterfly is immediate; they responded positively and strongly to the Haiti Earthquake disaster. It was no surprise and greatly appreciated. Undoubtedly, Mr Hikosuke Tamasu would be delighted as he looks down from above to see his vision of using table tennis to promote peace and understanding for the youth of the world continuing through the great work of Butterfly.

German Table Tennis Asociation In 2006, following the Liebherr World Championships in Bremen, the German Table Tennis Association was not satisfied with the treatment several African and Latin American countries had received, in particular, with respect to visas. They wanted to do something to assist those continents. Motivated and innovative leaders,Thomas Weikert and Matthias Vatheuer, contacted the ITTF Development Department; after brief discussions it was agreed the German Table Tennis Association would provide equipment packages to those continents. Each equipment package included six tables plus nets, six scorers, 80 rackets and eight gross of balls. It was regarded as part of the equipment donation normally provided by the Development Program on a rotational basis to increase the amount of equipment provided. “Personally I was very happy to receive this assistance from the German Table Tennis Association in 2006, as was Africa Table Tennis Federation, Latin America Table Tennis Union and the benefitting countries” said ITTF Executive Director-Development, Glenn Tepper. “That they have continued this annual assistance up to and including 2010 is something special and an example for other leading countries in our sport.” Since that time the donations made by the German Table Tennis Association have enabled table tennis to grow in: Centrafrique, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Libya, Somalia, Togo, Netherlands Antilles, Peru, Guyana, Barbados, Anguilla, St Kitts-Nevis and Anguilla. Furthermore, it is not the only area where Germany is active in developing table tennis. In conjunction with German Embassies, Germany Government and the Germany Table Tennis Association, the University of Leipzig, offers a five month course for different sports and different languages. Participants only need to pay the airfare. Hospitality and all tuition fees are met.A trial course was held in English for Afri can Countries prior to full implementation with the first official course being in Spanish from Tuesday 1st September 2009 to Sunday 31st January, 2010. The course involved 12 coaches being from the Latin American countries of Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Honduras, Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia. It is envisaged that the next course will be in French, commencing September 2011.

Stag has sponsored all Oceania countries

Stag For those that know the amiable Kohli brothers, Vivek and Rakesh, they seem as if they have just come from meditating in the Himalayas, something Vivek actually does, than running the most successful Indian Sporting export company. Sport is their field of work but table tennis is their passion. Regularly I wonder about the headaches of the Stag accountant, as Vivek returns from another trip. In early 2009, in El Salvador, there was a friendly discussion at the Latin American Junior Championships between Vivek Kohli, Melecio Rivera, the President of the Latin American Table Tennis Union at the time and Glenn Tepper, the ITTF Executive Director - Development Programs. The conversation went something like this: “Melecio, I would like to assist Latin American countries by sponsoring them”, said Vivek Kohli. “How many countries would you be able to help?” was Melecio’s response. “How many are active?” retorted Vivek Kohli. “Around 30”, explained Melecio Rivera. “Then I would like to sponsor 30 countries”, concluded Vivek Kohli. Vivek spent the rest of the event, meeting with all countries present and signing sponsorship deals with every one of them. It is a typical “Vivek” story and a sign of his passion for table tennis and in particular for assisting those in the developing world. Later that year at the World Junior Championships in Colombia Vivek said he would like to help Oceania. I think you know the rest of the story! Stag has been a supporter of the ITTF Development Program since the beginning and always the first to volunteer assistance for special projects with a humanitarian link. The International Table Tennis Federation pays a token price for the equipment provided through the development program but with Vivek’s philosophy of providing the best tables and equipment it is closer to a donation. An exalted place in the next world is certainly assured for the “Indian Saints” named Vivek and Rakesh. They are certainly very much appreciated;

their contribution is an example to all.

Nittaku The Japanese manufacturer, Nittaku is the most recent to join the group of supporters of the ITTF Development Program. Nittaku has become the major funding partner for the social program Sport and Activity and Physical Trainers (SPAT) which is a project in Ethiopia led by RESPO International, a Dutch organization, working to give jobs and life opportunities to people with a disability. The International Table Tennis Federation provides technical assistance sending experts to train those people to become table tennis coaches and tailoring the project accordingly, RESPO is the local organizer and Nittaku provides financial and equipment support. The first step was organized in January 2010 with a table tennis coaching course for the SPAT students, in which they gained knowledge to teach table tennis for able-bodied as well as for people with a disability. Now, they can help Ethiopian table tennis development in several ways. Nittaku has now stepped in and will fund courses in both 2011 and 2012 as well as providing 30 tables, 300 basic rackets, 30 gross balls, 40 printed shirts, 40 shorts and 40 tracksuits. It is Nittaku’s first contribution and hopefully the beginning of a fruitful partnership.

ESN-Tibhar Following a visit to ESN in 2009 by ITTF Executive Directors Mikael Andersson and Glenn Tepper, it was agreed that 3000 elite Tibhar rubbers with very minor defects and 1500 blades would be provided as 500 rackets to Oceania and 1000 rackets to Africa. In addition, Oceania targeted the most active Pacific Countries-Fiji-Tonga-Kiribati and Guam, while for Africa the rackets will be distributed to participating countries at the 2011 African Junior Championships. Thanks to ESN and Tibhar! ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 15


Humanitarian Values Sport is an activity to be enjoyed, an activity that brings people from all walks of life and backgrounds together; for the ITTF Goodwill Fund it is also a vehicle for social change and a means by which to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.



he International Table Tennis Federation has a long history of using table tennis as a vehicle for social change and facilitating sustainable peace. Perhaps an icon in this matter was “Ping Pong Diplomacy” in 1971; a catalyst for China to open its doors to the West. Meanwhile, in 2004, the International Table Tennis Federation was the first international federation to recognize Kosovo and allowed them to participate at the World Championships; whilst, in the same year, a joint project with the International Olympic Committee was held in Afghanistan immediately after the country had been involved in a period of war. The ITTF Development Program has a strong humanitarian focus. In addition to the 100 courses conducted worldwide annually; the Program became more formalized after the well-known tragedy, the Tsunami in 2004. A project including re-building, courses and equipment packages for affected countries was organised. Afterwards the Goodwill Fund became more structured in order to anticipate future actions and to work not only in post disaster cases. The Goodwill Fund has provided special projects for disadvantaged groups. Projects have been organised in Uganda, Congo Democratic, Iraq, Kenya, Kosovo, Peru, Haiti and Cuba plus a Mine Education program took place in the Balkans and a special Women’s Project in Rural Egypt. The latter was designed to change the perception of women in society through table tennis; furthermore, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees also worked with the International Table Tennis Federation in Yemen Refugee Camps.

New Approach After the first stage, when the International Table Tennis Federation acquired more experience, the new focus for the current quadrennial is to work on main partnerships with global actors specialized in the use of sport for a social change; then to introduce sponsors, non governmental organisations, sponsors and national table tennis associations for each project. The current sponsors are: the Foundation for Global Sports Development, Butterfly, Stag and Nittaku. The modification was a key to the future. The partner offers the International 16 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

The ITTF Goodwill Fund supported the efforts made in earthquake torn Haiti

Table Tennis Federation a project where the field of operation is already investigated and gives support by organising local people, this system provides greater chances of long term and sustainable progress; a major objective of the ITTF Goodwill Fund.

randum of Understanding in September 2009. Together, they developed the program "Table Tennis for Peace”; this program aims to use Table Tennis as the vehicle for educating target groups regarding peace by adapting its programs to local problems encountered in the field.



“Peace and Sport, L’Organisation pour la Paix par le Sport” based in Monaco, acts to put sport at the service of sustainable peace within vulnerable communities affected by poverty, the aftermath of conflict and lack of social cohesion. To do so, it intervenes at two levels: as a co-operation and communication platform: Through the organization of an International Forum, whose objective is to facilitate communication, to raise awareness amongst decisionmakers from the worlds of peace and sport in order to encourage them to use sport in concerted policies. Peace and Sport is currently the main partner of International Table Tennis Federation with a program already running in Colombia. The next target is East Timor (Ping Pong Ba Dame or Peace through Ping Pong in local language) with the aim to support national efforts to use sport as a tool to channel the expression of violence in young people and strengthen national unity by fostering education and reintegration of vulnerable youth.

Immediately after the earthquake that devastated part of Haiti, the International Table Tennis Federation looked for a means to support the victims, with the aim of providing sporting opportunities to those living in the tent cities. A bank account was opened and the table tennis community donated not only cash, but also a huge amount of equipment. Also many Table Tennis Stars including China’s Liu Shiwen and Ma Long; Korea’s Park Mi Young, Ryu Seung Min and Kim Kyung Ah plus Romania’s Daniela Dodean and Japan’s Ai Fukahara donated signed shirts for an ebay auction. The aim is to bring all items collected and send also experts to work in a long term plan together with the Haitian Table Tennis Association. The first stage was emergency aid; table tennis aid will follow shortly.

Table Tennis for Peace Manual Peace and Sport and the International Table Tennis Federation signed a Memo-

Peace and Sport Award The International Table Tennis Federation received in late 2009 the Peace and Sport Award at the forum held in Monaco for its development programs, which use the values of table tennis as an instrument of integration and social stability in severely disadvantaged urban areas in Afghanistan, Yemen, Jordan and Colombia.


Smiling faces and plenty of fun in Ethiopia


PAT (Sport and Activity and Physical Trainers) project is being led in Ethiopia by RESPO International which is a Dutch organization working to give jobs and life opportunities to people with a disability. The SPAT project, has selected 20 young students with a disability from Ethiopia, to educate them in physical ed-

ucation, recreation and sports with the aim of allowing them to become sport teachers and to work in schools. Inclusion is a priority as it gives equal opportunities to both genders; in fact the students are 10 men and 10 women; thus, in a joint project between the ITTF Development Program and RESPO International, a table tennis coaching course only for SPAT students was organised in

January 2010; the expert on duty was Alejandra Gabaglio from Argentina. It was the first time ever that a course included only students with a disability; the most important fact is that the students received knowledge to teach table tennis for able-bodied and for people with a disability. Now, they can help in several ways with Ethiopian table tennis development.



Adham Sharara supported Colombianitos program

ccording to the United Nations, Colombia has the highest number of displaced persons anywhere in the world, four million; the main problem for children is the lack of healthy activities to pursue in their spare time under adult supervision. Thus an environment to stay on the streets and become involved in criminality and drugs use, has been created. Sport is a therapy, it promotes discipline, and it can be used in the daily life. In late 2008, the International Table Tennis Federation, together with “Peace and Sport”, visited Colombia, and were received by the local non governmental body, Colombianitos. The objective was to set up a program using table tennis as the vehicle for social change for children at risk; it was the beginning of a fruitful partnership. Colombianitos assists nearly 4000 children in seven locations; 80% of the inhabitants were displaced from their original home because they felt unsafe. after a year of preparation, the Ping Pong Paz program was launched in late 2009 in Ciudad Bolivar, Cartagena and Puerto Tejada. Cement and wooden tables were installed and Butterfly supported the program with training shirts, rackets and balls for all children. Three local coaches have been hired to lead table tennis classes twice a week for the Colombianitos children. The aim is to reach 600 children in the middle term. In December 2009 the ITTF World Junior Championships were played in Cartagena, Colombia. A total of 25 children from the three Colombianitos venues were invited to watch and participate in activities with National Team players and Sweden’s Peter Karlsson, a former World Champion. The aims were to motivate them to practise sport, have fun and meet some role models. For those coming from Bogota and Puerto Tejada is was the first time to take a seat on an aeroplane or to see the beach; just one month after the launching of the program, they had the chance to watch the best players of the world in their age group and to chat with them! Miss Colombia, who has a special place in the nation’s culture also attended and interacted with the children. The program has reached already 400 children and still growing.


Photo by Zita Pidl


ITTF Development Assistance 2009-2010




ITTF World Hopes Team 2009






2x 2x































2 x URC



































































ITTF Assistance as at 30.7.10

KHALED EL SALHY - PRESIDENT AFRICAN TABLE TENNIS FEDERATION My special thanks to the ITTF Development Program for the support given to Africa for the period 2009-2010. It has been a huge operation to cover all areas and zones in our continent during the last two years with different kinds of courses involving coaches, umpires, training camps, forums, programs for women and equipment distribution. One of the major effects of the work has been the quite remarkable results gained by our cadet & junior players at international tournaments. My great thanks to Mr. Chérif Hajem, President of the African Table Tennis Federation for more than the half period of the current program; also, my thanks to all the experts for their excellent contribution.

Seizing the Opportunities





frica is a continent that has taken full advantage of the menu offered by the ITTF Development Program. Training camps and equipment assistance in addition to a wide variety of courses, including eight organised by Olympic Solidarity, have been promoted. The last two years has seen a period of growth, almost 400 coaches have been certified by the International Table Tennis Federation. Also, ITTF

Level Two Coaches Courses are starting to appear in the region, more match officials are being educated, the Para Table Tennis component is featuring in more and more courses and in many cases it has been the first time where the word disability has before mentioned in the local table tennis context. Women’s courses and forums have been carried out with successful results and the Junior Circuit events are now fully established and can now be referred to as traditional.

The courses are increasingly being conducted by African experts, following the ITTF principle of regional and then national sustainability. A new generation of officials is emerging, bringing a fresh energy to the continent. Certainly, that is the case with Khaled El Salhy, who started as President of the African Table Tennis Federation with the difficult mission to continue the excellent work fulfilled by Chérif Hajem, now an ITTF Executive Committee member. ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 19


Rapid Progress Unity, equality and peace is the national motto for Djibouti; it would also seem to be the motto for the Djibouti Table Tennis Federation who are well aware that co-operation with neighbouring countries is vital.



population of less than 500,000, Djibouti is situated on the Horn of Africa with a coastline on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Led by the tireless Farah Hassan, the Djiboutian Table Tennis Federation joined the International Table Tennis Federation in 2005; since that time, they have hosted three coaches courses as part of the ITTF Development Program, one of them sponsored by Olympic Solidarity. They have also received a significant amount of equipment from the International Table Tennis Federation in conjunction with the Indian manufacturer Stag. In addition, through an agreement with the German Olympic Committee and the German Table Tennis Federation, they have welcomed the expert Achim Kraemer three times. Over the period of time that Achim Kraemer has been visiting Djibouti. He has become a most popular figure, a fact that was clearly illustrated by the response he received from local people, who had boundless enthusiasm and welcomed their guest with open arms.

“He was greeted on arrival in the country’s one and only practice hall by 80 young players between the ages of 10 and 18”, explained Farah Hassan Farah. “The goal was to introduce table tennis to schools as we are preparing a partnership with the Ministry of Education in near future; however, the hall was very small to meet players’ expectations, so Achim Kraemer had to change his planning; it was a long day, coaching started at 8.00am and finished at 8.00pm!”

International Co-operation The Djibouti Table Tennis Federation also discussed the possibility of expanding the development of table tennis in the region of the East Africa; we are now planning to organize a high level junior training camp for Djibouti. “The training camp with Ethiopia and Somalia and will be held in the newly built high level athletics and football training centre, located outside the capital city”, explained Farah Hassan Farah. In 2010, Farah Hassan Farah paid a visit to Ethiopia and signed an agreement of co-operation for the develop-

A tough job for Achim Kraemer (far left) organising the vast demand for coaching 20 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

ment of table tennis in both countries. Furthermore, the sport is used as a means of cementing friendships and strong ties have been established with China. “For the third consecutive year we have organised friendship matches between Djiboutians officials from the Ministry of Sports and Foreign Ministry against the Chinese Ambassador and his team”, continued Farah Hassan Farah. “Last year we celebrated 31 years of a Djibouti and China bilateral relationships.” The effects of the courses and the close co-operation with a range of organisations is proving a successful policy in Djibouti. Even if they are among the poorest countries in the World, the Djiboutian Table Tennis Federation is a model of management, motivation and optimism. The development does not depend exclusively on the ITTF Program, not at all. All doors are knocked, from Olympic Solidarity to embassies, national sports ministry to European organizations and they don´t want to improve alone. They are well aware that if the countries in the surrounding area raise their level that will indirectly impact on Djibouti.


Continent of Commitment EGYPT

CÔTE D’IVOIRE Basic Umpires, Referees & Tournament Organiser’s Course Saturday 21st September - Thursday 1st October 2009

“The group had an average age of less than 30 years and comprised 12 men and eight women; it is a positive move to see the younger generation becoming involved in officiating. In many parts of the world the vast majority of umpires and referees are of rather more mature years.” PATRICK RINGEL

Advice from Aleksey Yefremov

ITTF Elite Training Camp Saturday 6th - Monday 8th February 2010

“The most important factor at Junior Circuit Training Camps is to give a great deal of attention to players from visiting countries. Training camps are like a family gathering; it’s really good to see a New Zealand boy practise with an Egyptian girl or a player from Djibouti or Ghana. It helps young players assume responsibility and gain confidence.” ALEXEY YEFREMOV

Course members with Patrick Ringel

CONGO BRAZZAVILLE Basic Umpires & Referees Course Tuesday 22nd - Sunday 27th June 2010

“I was astonished by the spirit and commitment shown by the Federation President, Mr. Henri Djombo, who is also the country’s Minister of Forest Economy and Environment, he opened the doors to his residence to provide a venue for the courses. For fear of interrupting the course due to power cuts, they requested to have the course be conducted at the President’s resident where a generator ensured continuity in power supply.” RONALD MUGWANYA

A break in proceedings for course members in Congo Brazzaville



A Positive Response CENTRAFRIQUE


ITTF/PTT Level One Course

ITTF Level One Course

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th November 2009

Monday 4th - Sunday 10th May 2009

“In Bangui there are 10 table tennis clubs playing in a league; the aim for the future is to develop the sport outside of the capital and a program is being developed in order to promote table tennis as part of the school curriculum. A main focus of the course was to enhance the creativity of future coaches, so that table tennis can be promoted even where there are no table tennis tables available.”

“I have been involved in table tennis for over forty years; now, I have a greater understanding, I intend to pass on the knowledge to the young players in the leagues in my area.”


MANOU Manou was a student on the course led by Kaka Lawson who has travelled 170 kilometres to be present in Antananarivo

GAMBIA ITTF Training Camp Saturday 3rd Wednesday 7th April 2010

“We went to the National Stadium which was built in the 1970s by the Chinese Government employing workers from China as a present to The Gambia; on the first day there were journalists, the second day television and the third the radio. A total of 26 players started the course but news spread fast and more came, an extra 15 players were present at some of the sessions!” RAMON ORTEGA MONTES

Smiling faces in The Gambia

ETHIOPIA ITTF/PTT Level One Course Monday 11th Friday 15th January 2010

“It was the first time that a coaching course was conducted solely for coaches with a disabilities; the most important thing is that they are going to teach table tennis to everyone! I am extremely pleased and happy to have the opportunity to participate in this program because sport is not only about competition; this time it was about giving chances to work in sport with people who had disabilities. Now they are ready to start teaching table tennis and making their first steps as beginner coaches, I cannot wait to see them in action!” ALEJANDRA GABAGLIO


Ready to start teaching table tennis


LESOTHO Basic Umpires, Referees & Tournament Organiser’s Course Thursday 24th September - Sunday 4th October 2009

“The country already boasts one International Umpire, I am confident that, if both, the leadership and the people maintain their momentum as well as continue to have ITTF assistance and support, the Lesotho Table Tennis Association will, in the coming years have sufficiently qualified match officials and also as be in a position to organize a major regional championship.” CYRIL SEN Flying the flag in Maseru

LIBERIA ITTF Level One Course, Training Camp and Tournament Organiser’s Course Saturday 14th - Sunday 22nd March 2009

“The association’s management is aware that only by competing and being present in the global table tennis family will the know-how that is accumulating during the courses come to life and moreover, show that sport is definitely the right vehicle to significantly contribute to an even brighter development of the country.” POLONA CEHOVIN SUSIN

Flying the flag in Maseru

A determined group with Polona Cehovin Susin in Liberia

SOUTH AFRICA ITTF Level Two Course Monday 19th - Saturday 24th July 2010

“Coming to Johannesburg I had my experience of an emergency landing! Suddenly we were told that the plane was not able to land because a sign indicated the landing wheels were not down. We circled for 30 minutes; then the floor of the plane was opened to have a check to see if the wheels where down! Luckily the wheels were down, a soft landing was possible; the fire brigade with lights flashing, lined the landing path. Arriving at the gate we understood the airport had been closed because of us!” EMANUEL CHRISTIANSSON

Emanuel Christiansson (centre) with course members in Johannesburg ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 23

Photo by Zita Pidl


ITTF Development Assistance 2009-2010













































Socotra (YEMEN)























2 x EQM



















ITTF Assistance as at 30.7.10

CAI ZHENHUA - PRESIDENT ASIAN TABLE TENNIS UNION I would like to extend my appreciation to the International Table Tennis for their decades of effort in helping all continents promote the popularity of table tennis, improve the technical level of athletes, as well as enhance the all-round management of the game. My priority goes to finding ways to change the unbalanced development situation in Asian table tennis. No one could deny that the only answer lies in pursuing development, especially among those associations where table tennis is not a big sport. Development in all aspects of the current world is an everlasting theme; the concept of development is deeply rooted in peoples’ minds. It is as the ITTF Development Mission states, “the ITTF actively promotes table tennis worldwide by creating a structured, sequential and progressive pyramid development and competition structures for athletes, coaches, administrators and match officials, from beginner level to Olympic Games. ” My thanks to Glenn Tepper and Afshin Badiee, the responsible person for development programs within the ITTF and Asia; also my thanks for the foresight of the International Table Tennis Federation for its guidance and co-ordination of activities.

Bridging the Gap

Table Tennis development in Bangladesh, a training camp for aspiring players.



he general objective of Asia's Development Program is to promote table tennis throughout the continent and to create opportunities for players, coaches, umpires and administrators to raise their standards. Meanwhile as the largest, most powerful but most imbalanced continent in the world of table tennis, one of our main goals is to help to decrease the wide gap between the east and other parts of Asia. Though this is the most difficult and

time consuming part of the job, there are signs telling us that we are moving in the right direction: a South Asian team stood in third place at the Asian Junior Championships, a South Asian player, Sharath Kamal Achanta, won gold at the United States Open and on the ITTF Pro Tour in Egypt, players from central Asia have won medals on the ITTF Junior Circuit and West Asian players have performed well in Asian Cup. Needless to say that we have still a long road ahead. My thanks to the Presidents of both the International Table Tennis Federation and the Asian Table Tennis Union for helping to enrich development agreements.

Furthermore in 2010, Youth Camps organised by the Asian Table Tennis Union were introduced thus motivating our young players and providing a faster route to senior level. Finally my thanks to all who have supported; I must thank all staff members of the International Table Tennis Federation and the Asian Table Tennis Union; my thanks to Tony Yue the Secretary General of the Asian Table Tennis Union and to Glenn Tepper the Executive Director-Development Programs for the International Table Tennis Federation. My thanks for the support everyone has given in developing table tennis in the continent of Asia. ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 25


Continent of Contrasts Geographically and in terms of population, Asia is the largest continent in the world; it possesses some of planet earth’s most densely populated countries and some of the least inhabited. The diversity is immense and for sport it is very much a similar scenario, especially when table tennis is under consideration.

A NEW ENERGY by Glenn Tepper


he world’s elite sit alongside many developing nations, while many different cultures co-exist. Undoubtedly the election of Cai Zhenhua as President of the Asian Table Tennis Union has seen a new energy, typical of his playing style, enter into the Asia region. In addition to the traditional development projects, 2009-2010 has seen Youth Training Camps introduced; the aim of the camps being to help elite juniors from developing nations bridge the gap to senior levels. Also, a marketing course was held at the Asian Junior Championships.

Commitment The commitment of the Asian Table Tennis Union, China and Cai Zhenhua personally, to assist development in Asia, is exemplified by the fact that this year the “matching funds” of the agreement between the Asian Table Tennis Union and the International Table Tennis Federation, were provided by China in the form of equipment assistance to all regions. There are many success stories in Asia, other than those known well to all of us like China, Korea and Japan. India, with a booming economy, is one of the most active countries on the ITTF Pro Tour and ITTF Junior Circuit as well as hosting major events such as the Commonwealth Games, the ITTF Junior Circuit Finals and the Global Cadet Challenge. In comparison, Bahrain is small in size but big in motivation. Led by the inspirational Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, the small Gulf country has hosted an ITTF Junior Circuit tournament annually, the Arab Championships and in 2011, the World Junior Championships. There are more, two of particular note.

BANGLADESH by Arif Khan Table Tennis has always been one of the major sports in Bangladesh, in the late 1980s they were one of the stronger teams in South Asia. However, from the early 1990s to the middle of 2000 that progress for some reason slowed down drastically. Now since 2007 the Bangladesh Table Tennis Federation has embarked on a new Cristina Hirici (left) & Bernadette Szocs in traditional dress at the 2009 Bahrain Junior Open 26 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

In 2010 Mongolia hosted an ITTF Level Two course

journey of development to welcome back Bangladesh as a strong table tennis playing nation in Asia and then in the world. In the last five years they have held two ITTF Level One courses organized, first in 2006 conducted by Marles Martins of Brazil and then in 2007 led by Arif Khan of Pakistan. In 2008 they also organized an ITTF training camp under the direction of India’s Kamlesh Metha. Also, while generating resources on their own they have been strongly supported by AB Bank (a local bank) and have so far successfully been able to conduct three coaching and training camps in 2008, 2009 and 2010 for their national senior and junior players.

Results Already the results have started to show in the form of medals at international tournaments. The driving force behind all this has been the senior most official and the rock of Bangladesh Table Tennis Federation, their General Secretary Shamsul Alam. He has been supported by the Joint Secretary Mr. Saadi, Vice President Mr. Muneer and the dedicated officials of Bangladesh Table Tennis Federation. Since Shamsul Alam took over again in 2007 he has be8.5December this year and to host the South Asian Junior championship and the Bangladesh Open next year. The National Sports Council and in particular the Ministry for Youth and Sports of

Outstanding Facility Bangladesh has done a fantastic job by building a beautiful air-conditioned facility which is now being used by the table tennis and badminton federations jointly and

has already become the hub of table tennis activities. Now the Bangladesh Table Tennis Federation is under the leadership of its new President Mr. Md. Abdul Karim who is also the Principle Secretary to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and no doubt table tennis in the country will move forward with more even more determination.

MONGOLIA by Georg Silberschmidt Some years ago, in Mongolia, the eighth biggest country on earth but with the fewest inhabitants per square kilometre (1.9) on earth, there have been three popular sports with a long history: horse riding, wrestling and archery. At the Olympic Games in Beijing, Mongolia won two gold medals, one in Judo and the other in Boxing. However, there is another sport in the country conquered in the fourteenth century by Ghengis Khan; it is Table Tennis! Table Tennis has become very popular during the last few years for different reasons. The Board of the Association are some very important businessmen as well as political leaders. In addition they have a general secretary, named Amarsanaa Chimeddorj who is doing a great job. Therefore, with his educational background, business experiences from some years in Europe and perfect English he has many innovative ideas. He is bringing a sound structure into the association and is a great networker.

Hosted Courses Also, the ITTF Development Program has supported during the last four years. Mongolia has hosted an ITTF level One course, an Olympic solidarity course, an ITTF level Two course and has received a package of eight table tennis tables and nets, 80 rackets and eight gross of balls sponsored by Stag. However, they have organised a great deal themselves. The highlight of course was the perfect organisation of the 1st Asian Student Championships in 2008, where more than 500 spectators joined the venue every day and different television stations broadcasts the event live.

Celebration In October 2009, Amra organized a special venue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the association, an international competition with teams from China, Russia and Kazakstan. At the end of the competition, there was a Mongolian dinner for all the past national players and officials. Important persons from the government and companies as well as the President of the National Olympic Committee were present. A huge tombola was organized to raise fund for further activities. Good work will always bring some benefits! At the Liebherr World Team Championships in Moscow, the Mongolian Women’s Team finished in second place in Fourth Division and climbed to the Third Division. You can be sure, this is only the beginning of a bright future for this country where still have many Nomads living in Gers, a special kind of tent! ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 27


Wide Variety of Courses MALAYSIA


National Referees Course

ITTF Marketing Course

Thursday 17th - Saturday 19th December 2009

Thursday 22nd - Sunday 24th July 2010

“A number of the participants came from fairly distant places, with two travelling being more than a thousand kilometers from their homes to attend the course, new friendships were made and table tennis matters were discussed into the late evening. At the request of the participants, sessions were extended so as to accommodate the many questions and discussions on rules and situations faced by a Referee. Certainly this augurs well for the game in Malaysia and will, I believe, help raise the quality of the competitions played in the country.”

“The goal of the course was to help associations understand better what is needed to commercialize the sport in their countries so they can be more financially independent and secure, it is an important goal in the development of the sport in any country. It has been decided to continue a similar path for 2011 and the ITTF will develop a Marketing Awareness Plan with a long term strategic vision of helping to educate associations to further understand the power and importance of marketing and commercializing its activities for the long term sustainable benefit of the sport.”



IRAQ ITTF/PTT Level One Course Saturday 7th Tuesday 17th November 2009

“Arabs, Kurds, Turkmenistans, Sonies, Sheiaa and Christians, all joined efforts to send a clear message of peace and tolerance to the whole world, and again, the vehicle was table tennis! A total of 24 students, including three women, gathered in Sulaymaniyah, a lovely city surrounded by an endless series of huge mountains city in the north of the country.” AHMED DAWLATLY

A proud group of students with Ahmed Dawlatly (centre) at the ITTF/PTT Level One Course

Basic Umpires & Referees Course Saturday 8th Thursday 13th May 2010

“I explained the development plans of the International Table Tennis Federation and the ITTF Umpires and Referees Committee in general. The course should have been six hours per day but participants were so active and motivated that each day so far has been nine hours a day. Furthermore, none showed signs of being tired; one important point was the everyday presence of the local authorities.” MOHAMED BASSYOUNI


Aspiring umpires and referees in Iraq


JORDAN ITTF/PTT Level One Course Monday 10th Wednesday 19th August 2009

“Our small caravan stopped at the Al Talbeya camp for refugees, where the Jordan Table Tennis Federation has chosen to establish one of its centres to serve a community of about 10,000 people. Immediately, 25 girls applied for table tennis on the opening day; it must be the quickest response ever and endorses the value of the programme being promoted by the Jordan Table Tennis Federation.” AHMED DAWLATLY

Course members in Jordan

MALDIVES ITTF Level One Course Friday 26th March - Friday 2nd April 2010 “Nearly 5,000 people live in the Lhaviani Atoll Naifaru, they have been promoting the course for over one year, the course members from Male had to travel by sea! They showed great commitment and interest in playing table tennis; almost 130 students attended the camp. If we can get some coaches and physical education teachers from different atolls and islands, then we will train and educate them under a systematic coaching program; thus providing help to the Atolls, our aim must be to have at least one coach in each Atoll.” WAJIRA MADHUSHANKA

Time to stretch in the Maldives

SRI LANKA ITTF TRAINING CAMP Friday 17th - Sunday 19th July 2009

“The interest of the children for table tennis was most visible; they played until it was too dark to see the ball. On the third day when we went to the camp, we found out that one table tennis table had been moved to another room; when asked the reason for moving the table there, the children who were playing at that time said that they could get a little light from the roadside lights in that room so they moved the table and played at night!”” DILMINI DIRECKZE

Help for an aspiring young player from Dilmini Direckze ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 29

Photo by Latvia TTF


ITTF Development Assistance 2009-2010











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ITTF Assistance as at 30.7.10

STEFANO BOSI - PRESIDENT EUROPEAN TABLE TENNIS UNION The Eurokids project has proved a big success and has been highly appreciated, in particular, by our smaller associations, this is a reason why it has been a permanent project in our Development Programme since 2001. We also continue with assistance packages, a service granting table tennis equipment to associations free of charge. What makes us especially proud is that the newly developed concept, the Olympic Project 2012-2020, has been extremely well received by our member Associations. The project is still in its early days and is being monitored and updated constantly. The Experts Group in charge of it is always looking for new and innovative ways of improvement. Last year the first combined training camps with Europe and China were organised and for the first time in European table tennis history, the ETTU organised two talent identification camps with more than 150 young people participating in total in the two camps. We are looking forward to establishing additional concepts in order to provide even better conditions for development of table tennis in the Old Continent.

Meeting Needs

Belgium’s Marc Closset (left) & Croatia’s Andrej Gacina (right) gave a demonstration at the Talent Identification Camp in Marpingen in August 2009



he development of Table Tennis in all parts of Europe is the ultimate objective of the European Table Tennis Union. Within its long-term strategy the Continental Union is committed to encourage, co-ordinate and provide the best possible opportunities for a sound and comprehensive development of players; from beginner to world class performers, coaches and officials. Moreover, the European Table Tennis Union endeavours to assist in a systematic and up-to-date development of the structure of its member associations. The aim is to facilitate the im-

provement and growth in all aspects of table tennis to the very highest levels possible. In the last two years the Development Programme in Europe has undergone a major restructuring process whereby priority areas of involvement have been identified, in particular education of coaches and officials as well as performance and excellence of players. The newly launched Olympic Project comprises a Talent Identification Programme, a comprehensive programme for the 2016 Olympic Selection and Education of Coaches, as well as an Annual Coaching Conference. Furthermore, the very popular and the long-standing Eurokids project saw its 25th meeting in October 2010; it is still a very strong initiative.

Eurokids targets the most promising girls and boys under 13 years of age from all over Europe. The main intention is to give to talented young players from all member Associations the opportunity for several joint training camps at the best European training centres. It creates grounds for young players and their coaches to upgrade their knowledge and experience in order to become future champions. In addition, the Continental Development Plan involves activities initiated by the Women’s Working Group as well as with the Assistance Programme. The latter offers valuable support in forms of courses, camps or equipment packages to several National Associations every year. ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 31


OLYMPIC PROJECT China: Wednesday 12th - Saturday 22nd August 2009


he small landlocked mountainous country of Armenia, located in the Caucasians where Eastern Europe and West Asia meet, staged its first ever coaching course in 2010; an ITTF/PTT Level One Course, supported by Olympic Solidarity. The cause of the sudden wakeup call is the new leadership that was elected in March 2010; it immediately started working on a comprehensive development plan. “I know we have a lot of knowledge and experience in Armenia but we have to mobilize all the resources, work on a good plan and then hard work must follow”, explained Levon Grigoryan, the newly elected President. “It will not be easy but we expect the first medals from the European Youth Championships to arrive in Armenia in a few years time,” Armenia has a long and very successful tradition in table tennis; the Soviet Union Team almost always possessed at least one Armenian player, so the bold words of the President are very much in place. Elmira Antonjan and Bagrat Burnazyan were both members of the Soviet Union team.

Long-term and Ambitious Plans The Coaches Course was just one of the first measures undertaken by the new leadership, which has set up a clear vision of development, to concentrate on young, talented players. The next step will be education of umpires and referees; since the next big target is to organize international events thus actively promote table tennis in order to become the number one sport in the country. “Table tennis is still very popular in Armenia, people enjoy watching the sport, especially ladies”, added Grigoryan. The outstanding achievements of Elmira Antonjan and Bagrat Burnazyan belong to the past, to the times of the former Soviet Union but will hopefully they be challenged soon as a new generation of Armenian players is coming to the floor. Watch Armenia; a exciting future lies ahead.

“A huge step forward; the ten days over here were absolutely first class and very valuable. The European coaches had many interesting discussions and meetings with the coaches of the Chinese A Team. I think we have a big chance now to learn; they are very open to support Europe.” JORG BITZIGEIO

CONFERENCE Croatia: Friday 20th - Sunday 22nd November 2009

“In the early 1970s I was the head coach for Yugoslavia, the Chinese came and asked us for technical help, we passed them the knowledge about top spin. Now the roles have changed; we need to step forward, the only way is the co-operation.” RADIVOJ HUDETZ “I have been preparing my presentation for two weeks, with the help of a professional translator and a Power Point expert, I was quite nervous. It was the first time that a national coach from China has come to Europe to exchange ideas; the Chinese Table Tennis Association is interested in changing the situation where China always wins. We are proud of our achievements but it does not make table tennis so attractive. In any case it is also benefits China, as we are exchanging knowledge; it was a very good conference as there were many coaches from different associations.” LI XIAODONG

TRAINING CAMP Lithuania: Thursday 19th - Sunday 22nd November 2009

“We practised twice a day about three hours per day and I organized the programme in liaison with the local coaches. The main points were using the forehand, footwork, placement, the passive game and topspin; additionally we looked at the grip, service return, physical work and decisions as when to use the forehand or backhand. In the evening I discussed with the coaches plans for a year, preparation for big tournaments, service return training, rackets and other aspects that concern young players. The players were motivated, I think the girls have a good future and I think the boy, Medordas Stankevicius, is very good; he is born in 2000.” The future for Armenia




COACHING COURSES Greece: Friday 6th - Sunday 8th November 2009

“All were very positive, perhaps more so because it was the first such high level coaching seminar to be held in Greece. The schedule was three days with two sessions per day, six hours daily; much discussions taking place during free time. The most important topics were the techniques required for offensive and defensive strokes, movement and footwork, advanced services, training exercises for different stages of preparation, multi-ball training and the aspects of different style of players. We completed all aspects of the programme and I am very satisfied with the achievements of all the Greek coaches.” ALEKSEY YEFREMOV

Richard Prause in Hungary’s Kiskunfelegyhaza, August 2010.

Greece: Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th April 2010.


“Greece has recently decided to restructure their coach education system; the first level was conducted by Mrs Katy Spanou last year. Thanks to assistance from ETTU and ITTF, they have now finalised four seminars for the second level and in May, a Level Three Course will be held in Marathon. A total of 45 students attended the course in Athens, coming from throughout Greece. The atmosphere was very positive and the participants showed a lot of interest in the subjects that were covered; it was clear that there was a lot of knowledge in the group and thus discussions were invaluable.”

Italy December 2009

“My assistant coaches and myself are pleased with the conditions we were offered in the Ge Tur Sport and Tourism Village but above all it’s always satisfying to receive positive feedback from the coaches, who accompanied their promising protégées.” ISTVAN KORPA

EMANUEL CHRISTIANSSON Hungary: Sunday 8th - Saturday 14th August 2010

“There is very good talent here, especially among the girls.” RICHARD PRAUSE Germany Monday 10th - Sunday 17th August 2009

“After having observed more than 150 young talented young players from more than 30 member associations the Talent Identification Programme Head Coach, Istvan Korpa, has a hard job selecting the most promising ones; they will become members of the next European Olympic selection. Hopefully, this will be our new generation of players, who will raise the level of European table tennis to where it once stood.” POLONA CEHOVIN SUSIN

EUROKIDS Romania: Tuesday 24th - Monday 30th November 2009

“I was very pleased with the final outcome of the camp as in spite of the language barriers we were able to strengthen the team of players, the biggest praise goes to the coaches. They were just perfect. I’m also very thankful to the organizer for providing us with excellent conditions.” The course conducted by Jan Berner was one of several held in Greece

BRANKA BATINIC Italy: Sunday 23rd May - Sunday 31st May 2010

Greece: Friday 7th - Sunday 9th May 2010

“The areas covered included multiball practice, footwork, serve end receive and tactics. In addition the subject of nutrition was addressed by George Pittas with Michael Katsikadelis presenting a thesis on table tennis. The President of the Hellenic Table Tennis Federation, Mr. Emmanuel Kolibadis, was also present during the course; he welcomed everyone to the gathering.”

“A Eurokids Camp is a lot more than just a table tennis camp, it’s a place where lifelong friendships begin. It’s a place where an indefatigable Head Coach (Branka Batinic) gives all she’s got to ensure the future of European table tennis, it’s a place where not only the kids but the coaches also learn and actively participate; Branka makes it a point that they join in the camp, from the early morning warm-up until the late evening stretching session.”



Photo by Maria Isabel Batista


ITTF Development Assistance 2009-2010


























ITTF World Hopes Team 2010































































ITTF Assistance as at 30.7.10

JAIRO ORLANDO PAEZ - PRESIDENT LATIN AMERICAN TABLE TENNIS UNION The ITTF Development Program 2009-2010, with particular reference to Latin America, has most certainly benefited the young people who live in the various countries that form the continent. Every day we see the technical level of the players rise; they are gradually approaching the standard of players from the countries in the world that are highly developed in the sport of table tennis. Also, the promotion of our sport is becoming better and that has been made possible to a great extent through the efforts of the ITTF Development Programme. I appreciate the great efforts made by Ing Melecio Rivera, who has now been promoted to Vice President of the International Table Tennis Federation and to Evelio Alvarez, Development Director of the Latin American Table Tennis Union; both have faced challenges, met those challenges and enhanced our sport. My thanks to them and to all the experts who have visited Latin American and conducted courses; their advice and assistance has helped motivate countries in Latin America to strive for higher goals. I am most confident that the progress made in recent years will continue.

Taking Full Advantage

A Marketing Course was held in El Salvador in November 2009, a new innovation for the ITTF Development Programme



here is no doubt that Latin America is one of the Continents that takes full advantage of the ITTF Development Program. Statistics advise that is the region where the most activities are held. The agreement between the Latin American Table Tennis Union and the International Table Tennis Federation allows them to organize 17 courses a year plus the training camps before the global junior circuit events. The 2009 -10 period saw them increase to 36 associations with the inclusion of Cayman Islands and Anguilla,

both from the Caribbean. Meanwhile, for the second time, the ITTF World Junior Championships were held in Latin America, this time in Colombia in 2009 and boasting Volkswagen as the title sponsor. The Global Junior Circuit is now well established with six events per year and with every possibility of increasing. Particular attention has been paid to the inclusion of athletes with a disability, more than half of the member associations have hosted a course that includes Para Table Tennis education. Women´s development is high on the agenda of the Latin American Table Tennis Union with multiple courses and conferences having ben held throughout the continent. The high number of programmes

pursued have been made possible thanks to very positive leadership. Melecio Rivera, who is now a member of the ITTF Executive Committee, very much took the lead and he has been followed by Colombia’s Jairo Paez, recently elected to the position of President of the Latin American Table Tennis Union and the man who masterminded the Volkswagen World Junior Championships in Cartagena de Indias in December 2009. It was a tournament that proved extremely successful and set new standards not only for the event but for the country of Colombia. There was a challenge, the challenge was met and that is very much Latin America. Facing new challenges and setting new targets. ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 35


An Example to All Formed in February 2008 and elected unanimously as a member of the International Table Tennis Federation, the extremely active Belize Table Tennis Association is promoting table tennis with innovative and well organized programs; they are setting a fine example. BY THE EDITOR


he speed of growth in Belize is arguably as fast, if not faster, than anywhere else in the world. In less than two years, a sound organizational structure under Arturo “Tux” Vasquez, the President, has been put in place. Situated in Central America, formerly known as British Honduras and therefore English speaking; Belize, a country with just over 300,000 inhabitants, is very much at the vanguard with regards to the development of table tennis. Accepted they do not have players who as yet can grace the world stage and contend for the highest honours in the sport but when it comes to innovation, new ideas and increasing participation; then their world ranking is amongst the elite.

Equipment Equipment is one of the first issues to face for a new federation. In 2008, Belize received six tables, rackets and balls from the International Table Tennis Federation; then thanks to sponsorship from local company RF&G Insurance, the National Association has purchased 20 Elite tables. Ten of those tables are now in place in the “home of table tennis”, the Belize Elementary School; the remaining 10 elite and six hobby tables are being distributed to schools and affiliated clubs in order to expand the facilities country wide. “After several conversations with a very energetic and enthusiastic parents from Holy Redeemer Primary School in Belize City, the reality of introducing table tennis to the students began this Saturday”, said Arturo “Tux” Vasquez. “The parents were able to raise enough funds to acquire three table tennis tables for the school.” Table tennis tables in place, coaching immediately followed. “Efforts between the parents and the national association resulted in the first session for the children”, continued Arturo Vasquez. “Experienced members of the Belize Table Tennis Association were on hand to provide coaching and encouragement to these very curious minded children.” Co-operation, all parties helped and again Belize set a fine example. “The players were aged seven to about 14, they were all very excited to be a part of this event”, explained Arturo Vasquez. “After the session, the children were pro36 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

Members of the ITTF Level One Coaches Course led by Marcus Gustafsson

vided with hand outs with some printed tips on the “Basics of Table Tennis” plus free DVD's and application forms to become members of the Association.”

Coaching In 2009, Sweden’s Marcus Gustafsson was sent by the ITTF Development Program to lead a coaching course, just a few weeks after that the introduction of the cadet age group in Belize. Participants came from the various districts in Belize plus the National Sports Council, Primary Schools, Kolbe Foundation, Stella Maris School, as well as several of the nation’s leading players. The course proved a great success.

Officials One effect is that the association needs more qualified officials, so also in 2009 and under the auspices of the ITTF Development Program, Costa Rica’s Fernando Aguilar visited Belize in order to give a helping hand. The aim was to motivate members of the association to assume the mantle of umpire and referee. The fact that Belize now has a number of qualified officials is owing to those Basic Umpires and Referees Course organized. “All members of the Tournament Committee are Certified ITTF Basic Certified

Umpires & Referees, as well as Level Two Latin American Table Tennis Union Umpires”, explained Arturo Vasquez.

International Links At the Latin American Annual General Meeting in El Salvador, Arturo Vasquez was able to invite Melecio Rivera, former President of the Latin American Table Tennis Union and Glenn Tepper, ITTF Executive Director-Development to visit Belize and witness the current healthy situation at first hand. “While still probably close to the best player in Belize still, his focus now is very much on building a new generation of Belize table tennis players and he is leaving no stone unturned to achieve the goal”, explained Glenn Tepper, who with Melecio Rivera enjoyed a very intensive few days in Belize. Meetings were held with the National Sports Council, the National Olympic Committee, the Belize Table Tennis Association Executive Committee and Belize Table Tennis Association members, as well as attending newspaper interviews and two television chat shows, each highlighting table tennis for 30 minutes. The Belize Table Tennis Association has now some enough equipment to start, ITTF certified coaches, Officials, a ranking system in place and a website. For sure, Arturo Vasquez is not letting the grass grow under his feet.


Talent Abounds TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Wednesday 14th July - Monday 26th July 2010

“In 2008, when I was asked to go to Trinidad and Tobago for the Development Program, I accepted; three days later I received the offer to go to the Olympic Games as masseur of the National Spanish Team. I told them, no chance because I am going to the Caribbean. I was a little bit sad but after the experience, I was very happy I decided to go to Trinidad and Tobago, because I learnt a lot, and met many people; I enjoyed my time in those islands so I was very happy to return to the Caribbean and to Grenada.”

VOLKSWAGEN WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS Wednesday 9th - Wednesday 16th December 2009

RAMON ORTEGA MONTES “I have begun to change the grip as you told me during the course, now I am seeing better results and more possibilities in my game; I think if we teach children, we, as coaches, must sacrifice our game and try to play with very good technique so the players copy us, instead of playing in bad technique. It is exactly what I have been trying to teach during all the courses, you must change your thinking and begin to think as coach not as player, so I´m very happy.” CARL FELIX (COURSE PARTICIPANT)

JAMAICA Monday 14th to Saturday 19th December 2009

Paraguay’s Marcelo Aguirre endorses the point made by Peter Karlsson

“There is talent everywhere in the world; what is needed is knowledge to develop that talent.” PETER KARLSSON

Exercising good control in Jamaica


“Another highlight of the course was the demonstration of physical exercises presented by Mickey Ruben, the coach assistant and physiotherapist of Usain Bolt, who trained every day just a stone’s throw away from the venue, the three times Olympic champion and world record holder, played table tennis in Kingston in a club in his younger years but didn’t come to practice as he felt his co-ordination was not in a good shape! Anyway, by the end of the course, the coaches were convinced that there is no reason why in the future they should not follow in the paths of their celebrated track and field athletes. That's indeed good news for a prosperity future for Jamaican table tennis!”

“I was been really surprised when I arrived to the venue, Curacao has a permanent table tennis venue with capacity for five tables and four of them are showcase style! The Netherlands Antilles was almost inactive in recent years in the sport of table tennis but a couple of natives took the charge of the Federation two years ago, they are Franklyn McLeod and his wife Edith, they are on their 70s but work with the energy of teenagers, this couple show up every day at the table tennis centre, coach the children and also the national team.”



Monday 19th to Friday 23rd October 2009



Dedication to Duty BARBADOS

ST VINCENT & THE GRENADINES Friday 30th July - Friday 13th August 2010 “Keith Joseph Treasurer of St Vincent and the Grenadines National Olympic Committee explained that he would make every effort to support table tennis. He stated clearly that he wished to apply for an ITTF Level Two Coaches Course.” AHMED DAWLATLY

ST KITTS & NEVIS Sunday 22nd - Friday 27th August 2010 “Also, they have agreed to help develop table tennis in St. Kitts and Nevis even more, they plan to broadcast the ITTF Pro tour events in the future.” GEORG SILBERSCHMIDT

COLOMBIA Multi-ball practice in Barbados Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September 2009

“I couldn’t believe when one of the participants, Mark-Anthony Dowell, told me that every day during the course he was working all night and participating in the course during the day. That is love for table tennis and a true desire to become a good coach!” ALEJANDRA GABAGLIO

VENEZUELA Wednesday 8th - Tuesday 14th September 2010

“Beauty is an important concern for women in Venezuela, it is not by chance that Venezuela has won the Miss Universe contest on four occasions. Participants were delighted when they heard about all the changes proposed by table tennis manufacturers to change women’s clothes and the new possibilities they have for their women’s team; during the seven days everyone worked hard but of course they did not lose the element of glamour.” ALEJANDRA GABAGLIO Concentration in Colombia

GUATEMALA Tuesday 3rd August 2010

“The player had to build up his or her own exercise and try to achieve the game scheme suitable for the strong point.” EMANUEL CHRISTIANSSON 38 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

September 2010

“Our aim is to provide different healthy activities for the children in for their spare time; table tennis is one of them.” JUAN BAUTISTA PIQUE, COLOMBIANITOS PROGRAMS AND SOCIAL AREA DIRECTOR CORPORATE PROJECTS DIRECTOR.



ARUBA Monday 12th to Saturday 17th October 2009.

“We were working from Monday to Saturday, people had to wake up in the morning to go to work, then they came to the course from 5.30pm to 10.30pm every evening; on Saturday we started at 8.00am and finished at 1.30pm. Then Remy de Lange, a real table tennis fan who assisted me during the course took me to a short sightseeing tour through the Island; suddenly he received a phone call, it was the National coach Rudy Raga saying that they will train that afternoon with the national team as they didn´t train during the week; those guys are real table tennis fans.”


Laura Viera a student on the course led by Alejandra Gabaglio Saturday 10th - Wednesday 14th October 2009

“The Uruguayan coaches were very interested in being part of the ITTF Coach Accreditation system and wanted to have the possibility also attend the next levels and continue their education, they want to reach the highest level. Present on the course were several very experienced coaches and young players who want to become future coaches; a good combination for the sharing knowledge, giving advice and encouraging questions. Also, the Para Table Tennis component was followed with great attention as everything was new for most of them, how to use the wheelchair, how to perform the techniques. They wanted to feel the sensations to know each detail to pass on to their future players. The National Federation has been led for more than 25 years for Roberto Miglietti. He explained that to develop sport in Uruguay needs a high degree of personal work and dedication; as he said you must put on your working clothes.” ALEJANDRA GABAGLIO

Raymond de Lange (left) and Andy Gomez (right) in Puerto Rico

ITTF Initiatives Foster Growth by Evelio Alvarez, Latin American Table Tennis Union Development Officer


overs of Table Tennis in Latin America, after 67 years of organized play, most certainly admire and welcome the stimulating P4 philosophy that was brilliantly implemented by the International Table Tennis Federation and supported by the Development Program. Now, from small beginnings well over half a century ago, a total of 36 countries in our region are members of the International Table Tennis Federation. I congratulate this noble and positive initiative of our parent organization, it has allowed us to popularize our sport breaking down barriers to establish a new era using a ball and a racket. Structures have been strengthened, equipment has been provided and human resources have made progress possible. Success has been possible with everyone being treated on an equal footing. There has been no distinction with regards to race, gender or language. My thanks to those who have supported from other continents; their help has enabled Latin America to make progress.To all, my congratulations


Photo by Zita Pidl


ITTF Development Assistance 2009-2010



























ITTF Assistance as at 30.7.10

MIKE CAVANAUGH - PRESIDENT NORTH AMERICAN TABLE TENNIS UNION In my brief experience with the International Table Tennis Federation, I have been very favourably impressed with their global vision and support for the development of youth. In 2009 and 2010 the North American Table Tennis Union continued to benefit from the ITTF Development Program in ways that allows our young athletes to experience training and competition that will not only improve their skills in the short term but also encourages them to set their goals and standards to ever higher levels. It ignites the flame within and reinforces the athletes in their individual dream to be the best that they can be.

The Right Direction

Anqi Luo, one of Canada’s promising young players



he North American subcontinent is a quite unique region where the active national federations

number just two, they are the large geographical areas of the United States of America and Canada. In terms of development their aim is quite clear, to promote a new generation of players; for that reason the stress of the

activities is to bring young players from the two countries to participate in training camps. Camps have been held in China, and in Latin America in addition to North America based camps. ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 41


North America’s Future It is now a lifetime since the United States of America competed for the highest honours in the sport of table tennis, we have to look back to the 1930s; however, there is now a new and exciting group of young players who look to set to establish new standards and rejuvenate the sport in a part of the world where undoubtedly there is a wealth of talent. BY GLENN TEPPER


he United States is a country with huge potential. Sports which are successful in the country generally have access to sponsorship and funding of which others can only dream. It assists greatly worldwide growth. Recently the United States Table Tennis Association has undergone major political and structural changes and has hosted the World Junior Championships; it was the home for the prestigious event in 2007. Now, there are many positive indicators coming out of the United States under the leadership of Mike Cavanaugh, the Chief Executive Officer. The launch of SPIN Table Tennis Nightclub by actor Susan Sarandon has made table tennis the “next big thing” in the United States. Meanwhile, talented juniors Ariel Hsing and Lily Zhang are becoming household names with regular appearances on television variety shows; both have played against the likes of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. Furthermore, in a joint project with the

Ariel Hsing

Erica Wu

ITTF Development Department, the United States Table Tennis Association is working to introduce the ITTF Coach Accreditation system nationally; matters are being led by Richard McAfee, already an experienced ITTF Course Conductor. Also, the call was made to assist Haiti, following the earthquake, the United States Table Tennis Association and their sponsors, responded in a big way providing

The United States and Canadian Girls’ Teams at the Ecuador Junior Open in September 2010 42 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

Lily Zhang

38 tables, seven robots, 100 rackets, 200 pairs of shoes, 4000 balls, 135 competition shirts, 25 table tennis books and several other items, which will no doubt be greatly appreciated. Of course, there is much more happening, but everything points in the right direction and the continent looks forward in eagerness to much progress in the coming years.


Inspirational Program U.S.A. “The 2009-2010 ITTF Developing Program is a major factor and great help in developing our young athletes and increase the interest of parents and players in table tennis. It is an opportunity for our players to train and make friends with players from other country and raise the training standard. Sometimes we have to be flexible and adjust programs based on players' needs, domestic calendars, school schedules and I would like to thank all experts and staff from the International Table Tennis Federation for being responsive and accommodating our requests. I am looking forward to future ITTF Programs to contribute in developing a better and stronger generation of players in North America.” TEODOR GHEORGHE (USATT TECHNICAL DIRECTOR)

CANADA “The ITTF Continental Development program has inspired a number of young Canadian players to participate in training camps in China and with international junior players in Canada. It is safe to assume that without this program most of these youngsters would not have bee exposed to international high performance camps such as the one this year at the Chinese National Training Center in Zhending. Other parts of the Development Program have helped us to build capacity, e.g., last year's women's referee course in Montreal, Canada. In general, the program offers important 'seed' funds that the National Association can leverage to raise funds for these high quality activities. We are very happy to be part of this program.” Teodor Gheorghe, the USATT Technical Director



Course members with Glenn Tepper at what proved a most successful innovation

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the enjoyable experience at the coaching clinic. This was by far, the most pleasurable and memorable experience in Table Tennis I have had . I wish each and every one of you the best in your endeavours and hope to see you again soon.” JOEL MITCHELL


Photo by Ben Collins


ITTF Development Assistance 2009-2010





























2 x EQM























ITTF Assistance as at 30.7.10

PATRICK GILLMANN - PRESIDENT OCEANIA TABLE TENNIS FEDERATION In the last two years, the Oceania Table Tennis Federation’s Development Plan has moved to a higher level in relation to high level performance and professional event management. There has been close co-operation with the Oceania Development Officer, Scott Houston and the ITTF Executive Director Development, Glenn Tepper. The result is that standards within the Oceania Table Tennis Federation have risen. Now there are more coaches and more umpires of a higher level; furthermore, the cadet players in particular show progress as a result of attending continental training camps and international tournaments. Also, relationships with National Olympic Committees are strong, thus more Olympic Solidarity Courses have been possible. Meanwhile, thanks to the help of Steve Dainton, the ITTF Marketing Director, live television coverage has been secured for the Oceania Cup in 2011. Most certainly it has been two tremendous years for the expansion of our sport and unquestionably that trend is set to continue.

Active and Productive BY SCOTT HOUSTON


ighly active and very productive is an accurate summation for the Oceania Development Program throughout 2009 and 2010. Strong relationships have been built up between the Oceania Table Tennis Federation and the National Olympic Committees within Oceania since the inception of the Oceania Development Program in 1999. It is a point that is underlined by the fact that there has been a one hundred per cent success rate in securing Olympic Solidarity Courses over the past two years in countries that have a National Olympic Committee. In 2009 eight Olympic Solidarity Courses were conducted in Kiribati, Federated States of Micronesia, Cook Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, Fiji, Palau, and Guam. In 2010 once again eight Olympic Solidarity Courses were held in Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Fiji, Guam, Samoa, Tonga and Tuvalu. The Oceania members that do not have National Olympic Committees have not been neglected either. In 2009, development visits were conducted in New Caledonia, Northern Mariana Islands and Norfolk Island. Further development visits in 2010 were made in Tahiti, Tokelau and Wallis & Futuna. Additionally in 2010, an Oceania Women’s Course was conducted in Guam.

Increasing Officials Increasing the number of officials is also a priority. In 2009 a Basic Certified Umpires Course was held in the Cook Islands and in 2010 further Basic Certified Umpires Courses were held in Palau and Fiji. Meanwhile, to assist in the development of administrators, the Oceania Table Tennis Federation invested in the Oceania Development Officer to become an accredited Oceania Sports Education Program course conductor; as a result of this, a Sport in Communities Administrator Course was held in Guam in 2009 and in 2010 in Nauru.

Scott Houston (back) with enthusiastic children in Kiribati

Over the past two years the last three remaining Oceania countries and territories were secured as new members to the Oceania Table Tennis Federation. In 2009 Norfolk Island became an Oceania Table Tennis Federation member following a development visit and their ITTF Membership was ratified in 2010. In 2010, development visits were made to both Tokelau and Wallis & Futuna. The result is they have also become Oceania Table Tennis Federation members and it is anticipated that their ITTF Membership will be ratified in 2011. Tokelau’s membership is especially significant, as the development visit held there was the first of its kind for any sport in Tokelau and also table tennis was the first sport in which Tokelau have become a member of at a Continental or International level. Within Oceania there have been numerous international competitions over the past two years. At a junior level there were Global Junior Circuit Events and the Oceania Cadet Challenge held in Australia in 2009 and New Zealand in 2010. In addition to this, the Oceania Championships and the Youth Olympic Games Qualification Tournaments were held in New

Zealand in 2010. On a Pacific scale the Mini Pacific Games were held in the Cook Islands in 2009 and the Micronesian Games were held in Palau in 2010. At a National level there has also been National Championships held in Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Guam, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Tonga and Vanuatu and in both 2009 and 2010. Also the Oceania Cadet Team competed at the ITTF Cadet Challenge in Japan in 2009 and India in 2010. The best Oceania junior players have also had access to strong training possibilities. In 2010 the Oceania Talent Team spent three weeks in a fully professional environment in China in what proved to be a very successful training camp. Additionally, all countries are invited to attend an ITTF Training Camp which has a world class coach at the helm prior to the Global Junior Circuit event each year. Over the past two years it is felt that more countries are more active which can only be a positive step forward; with a new commercial approach and an increase in sponsorship opportunities, the Oceania Development Program is continuing along the right path. ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 45


Guam Emerges Situated in the western Pacific Ocean, Guam is an idyllic destination, perfect for the annual holiday; it is also an island where table tennis is prospering and in 2011 it will welcome more guests to its shores. The island will host an ITTF Global Junior Circuit tournament.

James Ji (left) and Scott Houston (back) with Guam’s future



apid progress has been the order of proceedings in Guam; in the past two years table tennis in the small Pacific island has grown at a quite unprecedented rate. Under the guidance of a highly motivated President, Mr. James Ji, along with Secretary Narci San Augustin, the Guam Table Tennis Federation has been a model country in terms of development. James Ji attended the H.I.S. World Championships in Japan in May 2009 where he met with members of the Oceania Table Tennis Federation to discuss the possibility of hosting an Olympic Solidarity Course was proposed. Later in the year, in September, one of the most successful Olympic Solidarity 46 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

courses of the year within Oceania was held in Guam.

High Participation High participation numbers and successful completion rates were obtained at an ITTF Club Coaches’ Course; in addition an Oceania Sports Education Program, Sport in Communities Administrator Course was staged and likewise proved very successful. Included in the Olympic Solidarity Course was the Guam Island National Championships. The National Federation performed outstandingly to gain 15 sponsors with extensive media coverage involving television as well as features in newspapers and on radio being plentiful. Courses completed, theory has been put into practice. Many school visits have been made with over 160 school students

being exposed to table tennis for the first time. The result of the splendid efforts was that the Oceania Table Tennis Federation offered the 2010 Oceania Women’s Course to Guam.

Support for Schools Meanwhile, equipment has been distributed throughout the island to encourage greater participation in the sport of table tennis. The Guam Table Tennis Federation has distributed 60 tables to schools; a massive step forward. Additionally, given the commercial knowledge and the “can do” attitude 2011 will see another positive step forward being taken. Guam will host an ITTF Global Junior Tournament; the first time ever an international table tennis event has been stage in the island. Welcome to Guam.


Guiding Hand Someone to seize the initiative, to take the lead and move matters forward, is essential in order to be successful; in the Pacific island of Fiji such a person exists, a person who motivates others and as a result is taking table tennis in the region to a new level. BY SCOTT HOUSTON


he Fiji Table Tennis Association under the guidance of President Anthony Ho has gone from strength to strength in 2009 and 2010. Since Anthony Ho took over as President in 2002, he has built table tennis in Fiji from the ground level to what it is today, a highly active and innovative National Association that is very well respected within Oceania. In 2009 an action packed Olympic Solidarity Course was conducted in the capital city of Suva. The course consisted of an ITTF School Teacher Certificate Coaching Course, a Para Table Tennis Level One Coaches Course, a training camp for the Fiji National Team and training sessions for school children. Also, at the Mini Pacific Games in the Cook Islands in 2009 Fiji finished with five medals from the seven events on offer, where they won one gold medal and four silver medals. The Fiji Table Tennis Association was

officially recognized at the highest level inside Fiji in 2009. At the 2009 Fiji Amateur Sports Association and National Olympic Committee Sports Awards presentation, the Fiji Table Tennis Association won the coveted Fiji Sports Association of the Year award. Additionally, Anthony Ho was named the Fiji Sports Administrator of the Year. Meanwhile, to round off what was a very successful year for the Fiji Table Tennis Assiciation, 16 year old Carolyn Xuan Li was named the Fiji Female Sportsperson of the Year. In 2009 she qualified for the Oceania Cadet’s Team and anchored the Fiji Women’s Team en route to a silver medal at the Mini Pacific Games. Additionally, she was also selected into the 2010 Oceania Talent Team. In 2010, another successful Olympic Solidarity Course was conducted in Fiji, this time in the western city of Lautoka. An ITTF/PTT Level One Coaches Course was conducted, in addition to a Basic Certified Umpires Course and training sessions for junior athletes. Furthermore, the Fiji Open Championships attracted a record number of participants.

Carolyn Xuan Li with her award

Smiles on the faces of Fiji National Team members ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 47





TONGA Monday 13th - Monday 27th July 2009

“The first week of the visit was used to conduct an ITTF/PTT Level One Coaches Course; this proved to be very successful, with enthusiasm and motivation everywhere to be seen. As a result of the course, six participants are now eligible to become ITTF/PTT Level One Coaches and a further six qualified as Club Coaches; surely this will be a massive boost for table tennis in Tonga. The coaches came up with the idea to start the Tonga Table Tennis Coaches Association, which is a fantastic initiative and would be a first for any Oceania nation. The coaches association will place different coaches in charge of different areas, namely – competition, elite players, junior development, strength and conditioning, and Para Table Tennis. “The National Team is very happy with the level of training provided dur48 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM


ing this camp and with our new found skills”, said Simote Manumanu Pepa, the National Development Officer. “We will be in good shape to aim for medals at the Mini Pacific Games this September.” SCOTT HOUSTON

COOK ISLANDS Saturday 12th - Friday 18th September 2009

“The young umpires have displayed excellent umpiring skills throughout the Mini Pacific Games and are well on their way to becoming top level umpires. Surely this is a good promotion for umpiring, when young people take on the role in such a positive manner. With many opportunities available for umpires on the international level, one hopes that they continue on well into the future.” DAVID DELPRATT

NORFOLK ISLAND Wednesday 11th - Wednesday 18th November 2009

“No less than 260 people were exposed to table tennis over the weeklong visit. The Norfolk Island Central School, under the guidance of Physical Education teach Mr. Brett Thompson really came on board and every student at the school had at least one lesson. The more advanced and more interested students had access to multiple lessons and the skills they possess indicates that with further training and coaching they could develop into accomplished players in the future. In addition to school visits, there was also a series of introductory sessions held at the Norfolk Island Leagues Club, which is the venue that has been set aside to be the initial home of table tennis on Norfolk Island.





Close to 40 people attended at least one session, with the majority returning for multiple sessions. It is clear that there is ample enthusiasm and interest for table tennis on Norfolk Island, however without the establishment of a committee to form an association this enthusiasm and interest would be wasted. On the evening of Monday 16 November, a meeting was called for all interested people to try to kick start an active association. There was an excellent response to this, as five locals promptly accepted nominations to form an interim committee.” SCOTT HOUSTON

KIRIBATI Thursday 25th February - Tuesday 2nd March 2010

“No less than 160 school students attended lessons across five schools. Last year there

was an influx of 24 tables into Tarawa thanks to the generous financial backing of the Australian High Commission and the New Zealand High Commission in Kiribati. As a result, no less than 23 local schools and one community now have access to a table tennis table which can only be good. From the skills on display from the predominantly 9-11 year old students, the next generation of players is seemingly not too far away. Kiribati is enjoying the services of their newly appointed National Development Officer, Mr. Tokannata Ioatene. His first duty after commencing his role in October 2009 was to distribute the donated tables to the schools and communities, a task which he completed most competently. He has brought a level of enthusiasm to the role that will help to improve the level of table tennis in Kiribati. Over the course of the visit many discussions were held to help the continued improvement of his work and there is a feeling that so far he is well and truly on the right track.”

A Personal Touch BY SCOTT HOUSTON “Over the past two years I have conducted my role as Oceania Development Officer with two ideologies in mind – “Excellent service with a personal touch” and “Different in the best possible way”. More Oceania countries are now more active and development in our region continues to head in the right direction. We now have 22 National Associations out of a possible 24, and it is anticipated that we will have 100% membership by 2011. Coupled with the expansion of marketing activities it means that the Oceania Development Program is in good shape; ready to go to unparalleled level in the coming years.”



All Possible Roles The Women's Development Programme promotes the advancement of women's opportunities, gender equity and women empowerment as an integral part of the process of development. BY POLONA CEHOVIN SUSIN


uring the Liebherr World Championships in Paris in 2003 the first ITTF Women’s Forum was organized and at the same event also the Women’s Working Group, the engine of the programme, was born. Since its establishment a major development in the area of assuring favourable conditions for women inclusiveness has been achieved: 2004 the ITTF launched courses that targeted women. 2005 the constitution of the ITTF changed, determining that 25% of elected committee members should be women. 2006 equal prize money was introduced at all ITTF events. 2007 the policy was initiated that there is at least one woman in the ITTF Executive Committee, 2009, 37.4% of participants in all development programme activities were women.

All Roles Addressed As seen the Women’s Programme uses a wide range of gender integrated activities such as courses, seminars, meetings and forums, organized at grass roots level and implemented globally. Moreover, the programme is targeting

women in all possible roles of their involvement in sport: players, coaches, umpires. Also officials and women, who are in decision making, i.e. executive positions. Such a model is possible thanks to the multimodal approach that is put in place and works on awareness, participation and, last but not least, on the education of women in table tennis around the globe. Development Courses and Training Camps, targeting specifically women, whether it be coaches, umpires or managers, were one of the first tools that were put in place. In 2009 and 2010 we have witnessed an expansion of Women Courses. Eight coaching courses were held worldwide: Liberia, Iraq, India, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Tunisia, Guam and South Africa were the hosts. In addition a total of four Women’s Training Camps were staged being organised in India, Austria and twice in China for European selected players. Also, one course for umpires in Canada was arranged with three more on the schedule before the end of 2010. Furthermore, we can proudly state that the percentage of women participating in regular courses is also steadily increasing. In 2009 the objective of one third was achieved and even surpassed. A comprehensive and structured promotion now is in place; so the trend will hopefully continue, reaching 50% as the ultimate objective.

Women’s Forums The Women’s Working Group is continuing with the tradition of organizing international forums; these proved to be an effective and very useful means of meeting for everyone involved in female table tennis. The fourth edition, organized as a Forum for Athletes, was held during the H.I.S. World Championships in Yokohama in 2009 under the title “Player Today, Leader Tomorrow”. About a 100 delegates, officials, coaches and players from national associations, present at the forum, were provided with information and objectives of the Women’s Working Group; the aim being to ensure the equal participation of women in table tennis. The forum was structured in a way that the persons responsible for Development, Education & Training, Competition and Marketing at the ITTF could also present their strategies for improving women’s table tennis. A very comprehensive guidelines document with very useful practical recommendations was the end result. The publication can be used by stakeholders at all levels, national, continental and global, when aiming to mainstream gender issues. In 2009 the ITTF introduced also the so called Mini Forums, which are normally organized in combination with other development activities. Since not everyone, who is interested in gender equity issues, can participate in international events, the ITTF

(left to right) Stefy Bau, Anne Gripper, Fédérique Touvé, Brigitte Zuffrey & Alejandra Gabaglio at the 2010 International Women’s Group Conference in Sydney 50 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

All smiles in the Central American country of El Salvador for the Friendship Trophy

is bringing forums to their homes. Multi-skilled course presenters are on duty to attract in co-operation with national associations as many participants as possible, offering them practical but above all topics tailored according to their interests, needs and local circumstances. In 2010 two such Mini Forums were organized in Tunisia and Oceania and proved to be an ideal tool for empowerment of women within national structures.

Working Group Meetings One of the important tools that the Women’s Working Group uses for its work are regular meetings; usually organized at least twice per year. In 2009 the group met twice, in Japan during the H.I.S. World Championships and later on in South Africa in November. The two day long session produced a complete set of recommendations and objectives, aiming to move from awareness to implementation, focusing on courses and education, that not only the group itself but the entire table tennis family should pursue to achieve. The recommendations are to: ......create project and programs, including budget planning .......increase male participation in the execution of the women’s development programme ......increase the percentage of women in executive positions ......increase the number of women technical officials and coaches, including scholarships offered to women to go on an identified course ......increase awareness and promotion of women in table tennis, using modern technologies and means of communication ......set up a model of comprehensive and structured support and mentoring, like

players life-skills programs, scholarships for studies, mentoring process ......initiate new projects targeting gender but also social issues, like inclusiveness of women athletes with disabilities, HIV/AIDS awareness etc.

Spotlight The spotlight of the meeting in 2010, which was held during the Volkswagen Women’s World Cup in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was oriented toward a comprehensive reporting system that is being put in place, the need to establish continental Women’s Working Groups and furthermore a workshop aiming to define their tasks and duties followed. The meeting was concluded by an operative plan for the following two year period. The Group also agreed to address the Executive Committee and the Development Continental Council by proposing to co-opt the chairs of continental Women Working Groups to the continental executive bodies. Additionally, the Women’s Working Group meets annually with players, participating at the Volkswagen Women’s World Cup, which is the ideal opportunity for an interactive and dynamic exchange of opinions. In 2009 the meeting was held in Guangzhou and after the general update of players about the ongoing projects and initiatives the players took the floor debating on the following two topics: “What do you want the ITTF to do for you now and in your life after competition?” and “What do you want to see the Athletes' Commission do to assist you?”. Follow-up and in-depth presentations of the achievements based on the raised issues were presented at the meeting in 2010. Moreover, the players were updated regarding the changes related to the status

and elections of the Athletes Commission that will take place at the World Championships in Rotterdam in 2011. The adopted changes represent a unique opportunity for the players to have their voices heard. Finally, some educational content was added to the meeting as well: a presentation about the importance of public relations for players was followed by a presentation about the International Table Tennis Federation’s Development Program and opportunities that await players after their playing careers.

Other Activities Unity is power and this is the reason why the ITTF yearly initiates, supports and promotes a wide range of activities that are linked to international events or are organized by national associations. In the period 2009-210: ......the allocation of two thirds of the ITTF Scholarships for young journalists were granted to women, shows at the 2009 Volkswagen World Junior Championships in Colombia and at the Volkswagen World Cup in China in 2010 were staged. ......The Friendship Trophy on the International Women’s Day saw six continents involved and 16 countries: Paraguay, Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, United States of America, South Africa, Congo Kinshasa, Malaysia, Japan, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Switzerland. ......continental forums and meetings of continental Women’s Working Groups were held. ......there was participation at the 2010 World Conference on Women and Sport in Australia, presenting the strategies and pathways that the ITTF has adopted in such areas as gender equity. ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 51


A Better Future Building a better future for the sport of table tennis, promoting at every opportunity, fulfilling dreams; that is the essence of marketing. Development Program to now try and assist. The first very important step has been about educating associations with respect to Marketing and the Commercial aspects of the sport. Through a series of marketing courses held jointly with the ITTF Development Program the focus has been to inform associations and give them the tools needed to help them find extra income outside their traditional sources. Our aim has been to advise how to make the maximum use of sponsorship for either their top national events or national teams and to start thinking about hosting bigger and more important events.

Aims The courses have had the following goals: encourage associations think outside the traditional sources of seeking funding for their events and national team. encourage National Associations to approach their national television networks to try and make deals to show more table tennis. educate associations that the way they host an event has a real impact on the marketing value of the sport




he ITTF Development Program has been so incredibly successful over recent years that it was no surprise to many of us when it was announced as the best project designed by an international federation by Peace and Sport. In the developing regions of the world there is now far more grass roots table tennis activity than every before. There is more equipment and more coaching structures in place to foster the 52 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

development of players. Also, we have seen the ITTF Global Junior Program blossom; in 2011 no less than 30 events are planned, a true success. Furthermore, the integration of Para Table Tennis into the ITTF has helped mutual growth. There is a wonderful future and now is the time to capitalize on that; not only from a sporting perspective but also from Commercial perspective. The next important steps in the developing regions are to assist in further commercializing the sport to ensure long term sustainability. The ITTF Marketing Division has started working together with the ITTF

Marketing Courses have been held in: ......Latin America: El Salvador (Tuesday 17th - Thursday 19 th November 2009) ......Africa: Egypt (Saturday 6th - Monday 8th February 2010) ......Oceania: New Zealand (Saturday 10th Sunday 11th April 2010) .....Asia: Thailand (Thursday 22nd - Saturday 24th July 2010) In addition to these courses another step taken has also been for the ITTF to encourage its commercial partner TMS International to jointly invest in supporting continental events such as Continental Championships, Olympic Qualification events and Continental Cups. Basically the idea is to try and become involved to make the events more commercial and media friendly, with the overall aim to increase television and media coverage of the competitions in these regions and make the sport more commercial.

Agreements Agreements have already been made in Oceania, Africa and Latin America and as a result we are seeing sponsors becoming interested, television networks are looking at broadcasting the events. In essence it is a financial stimulus to try and promote the sport more outside of the traditional strong markets so that we have a truly

global commercial sport. It is very important for the long term sustainability of table tennis. Now to find sponsors for the ITTF Development Program. The ITTF Marketing Division has recently unveiled new branding: “ITTF - Dream Building, The Social Responsibility Programs of the ITTF". Most of us know that these ITTF programs are helping society to become a better place. These new push is towards targeting companiy’s corporate social responsibility programs and making them aware of our incredible programs; the long term goal of creating partnerships is to have them actively involved. ` The ITTF Development Program, which is undoubtedly the key program in the International Table Tennis Federation’s Social Responsibility programs “is providing the opportunities to dream” for those at the very grass roots of our sport to follow their hopes and dreams to one day be World and Olympic Champions.

Para Table Tennis Meanwhile, the Para Table Tennis events will also be a stakeholder. Para Table Tennis, a growing part of the ITTF, provides opportunities for those with a disability to still reach the dream of World and Olympic Champions, in fact “nothing can stop the dream”.

Steve Dainton and Miguel Angel Delgado (right) listen to Melecio Rivera open the El Salvador course

Finally we are bringing the Global Junior Program on Board. A series of international events for young players in which to be involved, at a more competitive level, it allows the youth of the world to participate in positive program In this manner, the ITTF is "providing a dream pathway" for players to one day be-

come World and Olympic champions. Obviously the long term goal is to have more income in all sectors of the ITTF so that we can reinvest back into these wonderful developmental type programs; together using new initiatives the ITTF Marketing Division is also trying to make a difference.

Members of the Marketing Course held in New Zealand ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 53


More Opportunities Every year more young players are given the opportunity to compete on the international scene as the ITTF Global Junior Program continues to grow; not only does it give more players the chance to compete, it gives more national associations the chance to organise international events.

In 2009 Hong Kong set high standards for an ITTF Junior Circuit tournament; in 2010 they raised the standard to an even higher level



t all started nearly a decade ago with an idea in an alert mind. A globe trotter by the name of Mikael Andersson, who had been working for the International Table Tennis Federation for several years, was the person with the bright idea. He had been giving seminars and coaching clinics in various countries and was established in Ottawa, operating from the offices of the ITTF Marketing Department; he was charged with the duty of developing a programme of activities for players under the age of 18 years; the position: Global Junior Programme Manager.

Four Events The Global Junior Programme was born, the year was 2002; four tournaments were 54 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

held with Spain, the United States of America, China and Peru being the hosts. Now, in 2010, in its ninth year of operations, the Global Junior Programme has grown to 24 events worldwide; it reaches every continent and just about every region of the world.

New Challenge Mikael Andersson has moved to new challenges as Executive Director of the ITTF Education and Training Department, while the Global Junior Programme has increased in profile sufficiently to warrant its own Director, Raul Calin of Spain, whose passion for the role touches each official, player and coach with whom he deals. The Global Junior Programme has grown each year with the period, 20092010 witnessing a total of 61 tournaments A total of 49 Global Junior Circuits tournaments, two Global Junior Circuit Fi-

nals, two Global Cadet Challenges, two World Junior Championships, five Youth Olympic Games qualification events and the first ever Youth Olympic Games plus 26 training camps were organised.

Collaboration It proved a very successful programme thanks to perfect collaboration between the four ITTF Departments: Operations & Olympic Games, Competitions, Education and Training and Development Programmes. In the space of 24 months, opportunities have been given, more than ever, for all to compete, for all to learn and grow in the sport of table tennis. The Global Junior Programme has, in these two years, enabled associations not previously participating in any competitions others than the World Championships, to appear in the statistics more

Acclaimed the Best Ever The first ever World Junior Championships were staged in Santiago, Chile in 2003; six years later, the competition returned to Latin America; it was staged in the beautiful Colombian city of Cartagena de Indias and received universal acclaim as the best ever. It set new standards.

and more. They have been able to send players to tournaments and they have been able to organise tournaments. However, these facts are not just symbolic; there have been many noteworthy performances.

Israel & Colombia Israel won its first Global Junior Circuit title when Elad Kuperberg succeeded in Malta in 2010. A Singaporean, Isabelle Siyun Li, and a young lady from Thailand, Suthasini Sawettabut player finished in the top three in the Junior Circuit Standings in 2010. Furthermore, Tunisia won its one and only medal at the Youth Olympic Games in Singapore; it was in table tennis with Adem Hmam securing bronze in the Team event. Such are the facts, the scales in the power of table tennis worldwide and hopefully the scales of table tennis in the power of sports worldwide is changing?

Opportunities are there for the players to grow, the Global Junior Programme has grown in stature and branding. Colombia organized what was acclaimed the best ever World Junior Championships in December 2009. Notably, for the first time ever, the tournament was televised live in China. A total of 56 hours of junior table tennis were aired in Colombia and over 26 hours in China, with over 18 million “unique viewers�.

Unique - Global Cadet Challenge Unique and also the Global Cadet Challenge is unique. It is a continental event that for a week, allows enemies to become allies fighting for the common continental honour, under the same flag and creating a unique team spirit. The Development department makes an

important investment in this activity that during 10 days gathering the young talents of the entire World. The limit of a maximum one player per gender and national association ensures that every year, at least 30 associations are present among the 48 participants.

Future The future is bright but most importantly, the future is for all. The ITTF has the target to make the Global Junior Programme accessible to all its affiliated members. Watch 2011; we have a record breaking 30 event on the calendar which are ready to start in January in the Iraqi city of Erbil; the programme starts in Asia but by the time the year ends, every continent will have been visited. The ITTF message is clear: we will provide opportunities, the future is in our minds. ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 55


Constructive Pathways ITTF and Para Table Tennis are now fully integrated at International Table Tennis Federation level. The challenge is now to implement this at national Federation level so that we can truly be “One Sport, One Family”. BY MIKAEL ANDERSSON The ITTF Education & Training Department has continued the work to find suitable “start and stop” projects to support development and junior activities in 2010. Priorities remain intact with the overall vision launched in 2009. The ITTF Education and Training department will play a fundamental role in improving the sport of table tennis by securing sound and constructive pathways for athletes and coaches’ development, solid officiating and event management.

Youth Olympic Games, Top Priority The number one profile event of the year was the first Youth Olympic Games in Sin-

gapore held in late August. A major sporting event, it opened up the perfect opportunity for the ITTF Education and Training department to establish a dialogue with coaches and young athletes, many of them most definitely set to be our future stars. The International Olympic Committee launched the so called Cultural Education Programme and indicated clearly the need for International Sporting Federations to become proactive in the field of education; the overall target was to really make the Olympic values of respect, friendship and excellence stick with young athletes.

Olympic Movement Growing in Strength The first Youth Olympic Games was a success. It is important to understand some of the principles behind, not only this event, but also the direction that we are seeing for the future of youth sports.

Singapore proved perfect hosts for the first ever Youth Olympic Games 56 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

It is quite clear that the International Olympic Committee is expanding its role in the sporting community and now more than ever, is seeking direct contact with young athletes and their coaches. The Olympic Movement is going to, very much thanks to the Youth Olympic Games, become even stronger and also more demanding. Nowadays, in international Sport we are facing Olympic exposure every second year instead of only once every fourth year. It is a significant change and for that reason we need to be clear and precise in our direction.

Major Move for Universality One of the most interesting aspects of the Youth Olympic Games was the major move for universality. In this case translated into more medals for more countries. Out of

The Training Camp prior to the Youth Olympic Games which featured Jean-Philippe Gatien as the role model was a great success

the more than 200 National Olympic Committees participating in Singapore almost half came away with one medal or more. Quite amazing and interesting. I am for the role of sports in general and for the sake of Table Tennis all positive. We, the International Table Tennis Federation, is well equipped to deal with development and junior youth activities thanks to well established and constantly upgraded initiatives like the ITTF Development and the ITTF Global Junior Programmes . The role of the ITTF Education Department then clearly becomes to support and add new values to an already existing drive to widen and deepen the importance of Table Tennis in the Global sporting community.

Focus on Athletes’ Development Although we were on the mark, active in Singapore with publications and training camp initiatives, much of the Youth Olympic Games work was done leading up to the Games being focused on athletes’ development. Active communication with the International Olympic Committee and the involved National Olympic Committees during the Youth Olympic Games qualification process resulted in extra scholarship and funding for a handful of young Olympians. Some of them grabbed the given opportunity by the horn and showed splendid progress in Singapore. The left-handed

Nigerian Ojo Onaolapo was perhaps “the player of the Games”, not only for advancing to the quarter-final but also for delivering a blistering challenge to the champion elect, Koki Niwa from Japan in what could be a career defining match.

Hello Future Conference Another high profile event launched in 2010 was the early May; the Hello Future Conference in Sant Cugat, Barcelona. Combined with an identification training camp for the Youth Olympic Games the conference itself addressed a number of issues related to racket control, fair play, media and marketing as well as direct coaching education . Discussions also centered on the re-establishment of an ITTF network of training centres set to commence sometime in late 2010, with the official launch now scheduled to the start of 2011.

The ITTF Athletes Development Model In order for to have success with the training centre concept we have to revert back to the Universality idea and understand all aspects of Athletes Development. For some time now we have actively worked on an ITTF Athlete Development Model. The intention here is to clearly outline initiatives and to provide guidance to all the involved parties, coaches and training centers in order to optimize resources and provide young talents with optimal

training. The following working parameters are in place for the ITTF Athletes Development Model: ......develop our sport, a global reach concept to recruit athletes from all over the globe. ......creation of a level playing field ; coaching and training environment (ITV Training Centres. ......promote our sport in untapped markets, in this respect the Youth Olympic Games will help. ......raise the quality of coaching available to young players ......introduce management aspects to improve the flow of athletes ......point of reference for national associations and national Olympic committees

ITTF Hopes Proper Talent Identification, again working within the global reach concept, is another important key to success. Along those lines the ITV Hopes Program continues to grow and offer those lucky enough to be selected to the ITV World Hopes Team a unique opportunity to kick start an international youth career. New ideas are in the pipeline targeting a much more direct involvement from the National Associations. A fully operative model is anticipated within a year or two with a complete set of initiatives for the first national phase of a new process, that eventually will result in a World Hopes Team selection. With the Future in Mind ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 57


One Sport, One Family ITTF and Para Table Tennis are now fully integrated at ITTF Level. The challenge is now to implement this at national Federation level so that we can truly be “One Sport, One Family”. Natalia Partyka, gold medallist in the Class Ten Women’s Singles event at the Paralympic Games in Beijing in 2008 competed in the prestigious Volkswagen Women’s World Cup in 2010



ome years ago many people from the table tennis community didn´t even know that someone having a disability could play our sport, many couldn´t imagine that there is an elite level. Nowadays the awareness stage is very successful but needs to go further; most of the associations know that Para Table Tennis exists and is an excellent way for social and physical rehabilitation, integration, competition and that there are some specific rules related. The integration reflects the policy of 58 ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

inclusion adopted by the International Table Tennis Federation since the beginning of this process that started 10 years ago and had a milestone in 2008 when the ITTF signed a contract with the International Paralympic Committee that moved PTT under the ITTF umbrella.

All Levels

the World Championships 2009. Posters are also available in Internet for downloading and print. The Organizing Committee of the Liebherr World Championships in Rotterdam in 2011 is showing a pathway; during that event there will be parallel a Para Table Tennis Tour, similar to ITTF Pro-Tour, tournament. Same venue and officials.

All levels of the table tennis family must be familiar with this issue and in this case an image can say more than thousand words, that´s why the Development Department released a promotional campaign composed by three posters in three languages of players with a disability. A total of 800 posters where distributed to the National Associations during

The aim is not to replicate what International Table Tennis Federation does within Para Table Tennis, the coaches’ education is not an exception. The experts of the International Table Tennis Federation delivering courses worldwide are gradually becoming updated in table tennis for the disabled


Promoting Integration Integrating athletes with a disability into main stream sport is growing; in Ethiopia, thanks to an innovative programme the concept has gone one step further

Argentina’s Alejandra Gabaglio was the expert on duty for an ITTF/PTT Level One Coaches Course in the Ethiopian capital city of Addis Ababa from Monday 11th to Friday 15th January 2010. The course was organised in conjunction with the Sport and Physical and Activity Trainers Programme (SPAT). SPAT is a unique programme funded by Respo International, an organisation which takes its name from the

and afterwards including that topic into their courses. Two specific training sessions were organized with that purpose, one in Paris with the aim to increase the available French speaking course conductors and a second in Moscow during the World Championships.

Written Resources Educational programs can´t be outlined if not accompanied by written resources, the ITTF/PTT integrated coaching manual was translated and printed in Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese. The English version is already completed and the French is ready to be printed. A pack compiling Para Table Ten-

first five letter of the word “responsibility”. Respo International was founded in 2005 and lists as its major goal, the aim to give people with a disability job opportunities through the sport. High on the agenda is becoming sports’ leaders and coaches themselves; the end result is that they qualify to teach both athletes with a disability and those who are able bodied. It is a major step toward more integration

nis multimedia resources was also released. Since its conception, Para Table Tennis was led and managed by volunteer officials, in 2009, Alison Burchell was hired to support professionally the Para Table Tennis matters among other duties. ITTF Marketing is now working to find sponsors for Para Table Tennis competitions.

Ethiopia The humanitarian projects are not an exception in terms of normalization, the International Table Tennis Federation in partnership with the Dutch NGO RESPO, launched in 2010 a program in Ethiopia. It was the first time ever that a course included only students with a disability but

the most important fact is that the students received the knowledge to teach table tennis for able bodied and for people with a disability. Now, they can help in several ways to the Ethiopian table tennis development.

Next Step The next step regarding integration is to increase awareness, with the International Table Tennis Federation taking a lead. Increasing awareness within national associations is the main challenge. Nothing can stop people playing whatever their physical conditions. We just need to get released from our own barriers. One sport,-one family ITTF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 59


URC Accreditation System A detailed qualification process for officiating is now firmly in place; the countries that lead the world of table have had their own protocols in place but many smaller nations need a system; as with coaching the ITTF URC Accreditation System creates a universal policy.



he ITTF URC Accreditation system has continued to evolve and develop during the period 20092010. It was agreed that the model for accreditation would follow the same structure as the ITV Coach Accreditation system with four levels. There are now two levels below that of International Umpire and International Referee; the levels are ITTF Basic Certified Umpire and ITTF Basic Certified Referee at Level One and ITTF National Umpire and ITTF National Referee at URC Level Two. URC Level One and Level Two is aimed at countries who do not have their own URC Accreditation system in place so is used widely in the ITTF Development Program. Very often umpiring and refereeing courses at this level are combined and can also include a Tournament Organization Course to leave the maximum legacy.

Higher Levels At the higher umpiring levels, International Umpire (Level Three) and Advanced Umpire Training (Level Four) are proceeding as previously with an increasing number of umpires in each areas. Meanwhile, at the higher refereeing levels, a new International Referee (Level Three) course has been introduced with courses being held in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America in the last two years. Plans to introduce an Advanced Referee Training (Level Four) are currently being evaluated.

In October 2010, Michael Zwipp and Joe Fischer alongside Albert Rooijmans, the Chair of the ITV Umpires and Referees Committee, and Fernando Aguilar conducted the first ever International Referees Course to be held in Latin America. The course was staged in Rio de Janeiro

URC Databases An internal database has been developed which will assist the administration of Umpires and Referees Committee now that the bulk of the updating of previous information has been done. On the Development section of the ITTF Website, there has also been a database set up, similar to the Coaches Registry and aimed at URC Level One and Level Two courses conducted through the ITTF Development Program.

Fernando Aguilar (far left)conducted courses in the Dominican Republic in 2010

URC ACCREDITATION SYSTEM Level High performance Level Three Level Two Level One


Umpires Course Advanced Umpires Training (one day) International Umpire (to be developed) National Umpire (one day) Basic Umpires’ Course (three days)

Referees Course Advanced Referee Training (to be developed) International Referee (four days) National Referee (three days) Basic Referees Course (one day)

Course Conductor Elite URC Elite URC Targeted Blue Badge & IR’s Multiple Conductors

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Young Umpires Encouraging more people to assume the roles of officials at competitions is an important aspect of development, especially encouraging young men and women to become involved. At the Youth Olympic Games in Singapore, the accent for the umpires was on youth with the introduction of the ITTF “Young Umpires Project”.

The young umpires at the Youth Olympic Games in Singapore

ON-LINE by Mikael Andersson & Alison Burchell The 2010 Singapore Youth Olympic Games marked the first appearance at any ITTF event for a specially selected and trained Young Umpires Group. From start to finish this initiative proved to be a success. The umpires not only performed very well but also gave all the involved parties a good insight in project management and progressive education offered via an on-line platform. A total of 185 applications from 54 countries were received for the 23 on-line course places; 68% were men and 32% women; there were 35 International Umpires, 123 National Umpires and 27 with no umpiring qualification. The examination of one hour followed by immediate results was a good innovation; the end result was that nine umpires were selected directly by the URC, nine from the online course candidates. Also, in Singapore a group of 18 young umpires attended training for the for the Games. The average age of the 18 international selections was 26.5 and all 36 umpires attended training onsite for racket control as part of their umpiring duties. The challenge is now to continue to work also with other projects within the URC framework in a similar fashion: open, accessible and progressive.

DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM UMPIRES, REFEREES & TOURNAMENT ORGANIZATION COURSES 2009 - 2010 2009 Peru Belize Panama Morocco Uruguay Canada Cook Islands Laos Côte D'Ivoire Lesotho Barbados

20th - 22nd May 29th May - 3rd June 2nd - 5th July 7th - 10th July 27th July - 2nd August 17th - 19th August 12th - 18th September 14th - 19th September 23rd September - 1st October 25th September - 3rd October 5th - 11th October

Basic Umpires & Basic Referees Basic Umpires & Basic Referees Basic Umpires International Referees Basic Umpires & Basic Referees Women’s Referees & Basic Referees Umpires Tournament Organisation Basic Umpires, Basic Referees & Tournament Organisation Basic Umpires, Basic Referees & Tournament Organisation Basic Umpires & Basic Referees

Fernando Aguilar (Costa Rica) Fernando Aguilar (Costa Rica) Fernando Aguilar (Costa Rica) Richard Scruton (England) / Michael Zwipp (Germany) Fernando Aguilar (Costa Rica) Joe Fischer (Canada) Dave Delpratt (Australia) Chan Foong Keong (Malaysia) Patrick Ringel (France) Cyril Sen (Malaysia) Fernando Aguilar (Costa Rica)

2010 Mexico Puerto Rico Cambodia Iraq Côte D'Ivoire Dominican Republic Palau Fiji Islands Ecuador Brazil Central Africa

8th - 14th March 23rd - 25th April 25th -30th April 8th - 13th May 10th - 14th May 31st May - 5th June 28th - 30th July 23rd - 25th August 20th - 25th September 2nd - 5th October 15th - 21st November

Basic Umpires & Basic Referees Basic Umpires Tournament Organisation Basic Umpires & National Referees Basic Umpires & Basic Referees Basic Umpires & Basic Referees Basic Umpires Basic Umpires Basic Umpires & Basic Referees International Referees Basic Umpires, Basic Referees & Tournament Organisation

Fernando Aguilar (Costa Rica) Fernando Aguilar (Costa Rica) Chan Foong Keong (Malaysia) Mohammed Bassyoni (Egypt) Patrick Ringel (France) Fernando Aguilar (Costa Rica) Dave Delpratt (Australia) Dave Delpratt (Australia) Fernando Aguilar (Costa Rica) Michael Zwipp (Germany) / Joe Fischer (Canada) Ronald Mugwanya (Uganda)


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