Virtual Sky - 1st issue !

Page 1




Reality Meets Fiction

freeware tips


Training Your own Ground School

Tribune Convention Report

JANUARY 2008 Issue: 01





Tune In

Speaking Up




You are now connected to

In the online world you

Know the events

You are new to online

Interested in being an online

IVAP! What next? Our

are not alone! Tips for

calender and join the

flying? You will find

Air Traffic Controller? Some

suggestion for you to take the

our new pilots and

group of people who

some tips to make your

guidance for you to start

first step into the online world

controllers on radio

never fly alone

first online flight easy

controlling the birds in the sky


Crowded Skies V

T P19

The International Virtual Aviation Organisation (IVAO) is please to announce the fifth-annual Crowded Skies event starting at 1900Z


on January 5, 2008.

As with our previous Crowded Skies

events, IVAO members are encouraged to get online as a pilot or air traffic controller to help us break our current Crowded Skies record of 1501 simultaneous connections!

What is IVAO? The International Virtual Aviation Organisation (IVAO) is a dedicated, independent and free of charge service to enthusiasts and individuals enjoying and participating in the flight simulation community worldwide.

This installment of Crowded Skies is expected to be the biggest online event ever held with active air traffic controllers available in each of our fifty-eight active divisions around the globe with a peak time of 2100Z expected. IVAO invites you to join us on January 5th at 1900Z to become a part of this historic record-breaking event. For more information

IVAO allows flight-simulator enthusiasts to fly together and act as controllers, just as in the real world, using correct aviation phraseology. It’s “job” is to simulate the real world as realistically as possible. What do you need? A computer, an internet connection, a good attitude and membership account (or VID)!

Upcoming Year

about Crowded Skies, please visit



With the close of the IVAO Events Department calendar for 2007, we look ahead to what the year 2008 will bring us.


On January 5, the IVAO Events Department will bring the record-breaking Crowded Skies event back for

I am sure you already have an internet connection and the attitude, VID is the easy part. Click on this link to register now

it's fifth appearance. Crowded Skies was originally an event designed to test the server load of the IVAO network, however, has become a cornerstone of the IVAO Events Department trying every year to break

The Eye of IVAO - IvAe

The Eye of IVAO, On IVAO, you can request training to become even better and you can request nicknamed IvAe should practical exams to increase your rating as a controller or pilot.The level of be a real alternative to realism is getting closer and closer by the day. Today, you have the opportunity to fly together with other pilots on the network and/or act as an air traffic ServInfo or WhazzUp. controller. The software introduces a smooth and fast You may ask; how do I know where there are controllers online at the current mapview based on moment? The solution is simple! On IVAO, we have a freeware add-on called OpenGL, special colour IvAe (International Virtual Aviation Eye, also called “The eye”) which can be downloaded from the link below ; coding, less data Maarten Oosters, a Belgian airliner pilot, started his simulation career at the age of 10 with FS4.0. transfer between your A few years after starting to fly on IVAO, at age PC and the servers, of 14, he commenced his glider course. IvAe tracks the current flights and controllers online, which ICAO flightplans, At the age 21 heare successfully from lets you see where controllers andofpilots located. graduated In and much more. a professional flightschool Madrid, Spain. statistics Very addition, it stores flight plans of all flights online,inwhich soon after, his career was brought to life as a lets you see the callsign,First departure, arrival, altitude, speed, Officer on the Airbus A320 for a Belgian and a whole lot of things. airline, while continuing to fly on IVAO.


the record from the current year. The current record from December 2006 is 1501 simultaneous connections. February 2008 will bring the return of the Real Flights Event to Europe. Real Flights Events are designed to simulate real-world traffic at an airport over a period of the day. The last Real Flights Event in Algiers was held in December 2007 and featured over 200 movements in a period of more than 12 hours! March 2008 with bring a new event to IVAO. While several ideas are currently being tested, the IVAO Events Department promises that it will be an event to remember!


DIVISION FOCUS Story of a Pilot


by Maarten Oosters When I was still very young, flying was my everlasting dream. For me there was only one option: becoming an airline pilot. For many years I was possessed with the famous flying-virus and flying was all I could think off. It was also my main occupation. But all this time I was craving for the ability to fly, to learn how to fly an aircraft. A few years later, at the age of 9, my parents bought us a Macintosh, with FS 4.0 on it preinstalled. I was in heaven. Blue was the sea, green was land, and grey the runway. There wasn't much eye candy nor great realism, but I didn’t care: using my mouse, I could finally take my airplane airborne! 2 years later, flightsim 95 was released (I skipped 5.0), but only for Windows, it made me buy my Pentium I 133 MHz, now I could fly a big Boeing jet! Around this time, I discovered the internet and I was able to get tons of information to know everything what I wanted to know, all of my many questions got answered. After a few months, I ran on a link, it was SATCO. It talked about a virtual network of pilots and controllers while seeing each other and talking (typing) to them. In this



time, being this young, this was the most revolutionary in Flight Sim development ever! I even remember my first flight. On FS98 I flew the Beech 200 from Chicago Meigs to Detroit, with only few people connected, but for sure in the beginning, it grew exponentially.


Not much later, IVAO was founded. It used the same software and but with other ideas than Satco (which was soon after renamed to Vatsim). I instantly made myself a member, and started flying IVAO much more.


While FS4 and FS95 taught me the basics of flying, instruments and procedures, with FS98 and IVAO, I learned the other part: Communication, rules of flight, making a flightplan, using airways, obliged to use instrument approaches,… . As IVAO grew, so did the IVAObut united realism, when voice becameabout available withkingdom a real boom United This Kingdom Division of IVAO is a when IVAP and IVAC wasThe released! made a realistic well recognized, independent experience even more ‘as real as it gets’. dedicated, And I don’t use this term without a reason. division of the IVAO Network. We welcome members with all levels of experience in aviation from the seasoned pilot/controller to the desktop enthusiast.



The UK division first began operations back in December 1999 and has just celebrated its 8th birthday with a fantastic Real Flight Event using 3 airports located in the North of England. We are growing at a rate never seen in



Innovation has always been a key part of the history of the United Kingdom Division. We were one of the first divisions to introduce: • A live help system on the division website • An Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel specifically for division members • A dedicated Teamspeak channel for members to use • A division tour specifically designed to test the skills of the pilots • A comprehensive bi-monthly division newsletter




06 P10 P12 P24 P

Editorial Vybhava Srinivasan IVAO Public Relations Director




Reality Meets Fiction

freeware tips


Training Your own Ground School

Tribune Convention Report

JANUARY 2008 Issue: 01


IVAO Virtual Sky January 2008

Welcome and Happy New Year! Publisher: International Virtual Aviation Organisation

I am really excited to pen this page not just because this is the first issue of this magazine, but because, we at International Virtual Aviation Organisa! tion "IVAO# have a stimulating medium through which we can reach out to the flight simulation community and shower the community with some of the best of the information on virtual flying/ controlling. At the outset, I would like to thank all the avid contributors for their articles and of course my colleagues in IVAO who have guided us through! out the birth of this magazine. Coming to the essence of the first issue, you will run into articles that will help kick start your career in virtual flying and controlling. We have peppered it with some mind blowing training material created by some of our most experienced virtual pilots/ controllers. You will also find interest! ing stories on IVAO’s participation in recent fairs, events, etc, and you could read on to know more about this virtual land of flying/controlling. Your views and ideas on the new magazine are most welcome. You can mail us at on what got you hooked on and what needs more spice. We also welcome contributions of articles from our readers. If you have any ideas or articles, what are you waiting for? We are more than eager to include quality submissions in this magazine. We are confident that you will all find it interesting and inspiring. So sit back and enjoy the first issue.

Chief Editor: Vybhava Srinivasan Assistant Editor: Yigit Yildrim Layout and Design: Yigit Yildrim Website: General Mail: Cover Screenshot: Alberto Curieses Logo Design : Robert Gottwald Disclaimer: Any information, suggestions or illustrations published in this magazine are exclusively for use with computer flight simulation. All views expressed in this magazine are the views of the respective authors. The publisher does not accept any responsibility for those views. Copyright$ No n e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h i s magazine may be reproduced in any form without prior permission from the publisher.

A big warm welcome to the virtual but real world of Flying! See you again in April 2008. Vybhava Srinivasan Chief Editor


INSPIRE Maarten Oosters, a Belgian airliner pilot, started his simulation career at the age of 10 with FS4.0. A few years after starting to fly on IVAO, at age 14, he commenced his glider course. At the age of 21, he successfully graduated from a professional flight school in Madrid, Spain. Very soon after, his career was brought to life as a First Officer on the Airbus A320 for a Belgian airline while continuing to fly on IVAO.

Story of a Pilot

by Maarten Oosters When I was still very young, flying was my everlasting dream. For me there was only one option: becoming an airline pilot. For many years, I was possessed with the famous “flying-virus” and flying was all I could think of. It was also my main occupation. But all this time, I was craving for the ability to learn how to fly an aircraft. A few years later, at the age of 9, my parents bought us a Macintosh, with FS 4.0 pre-installed. I was in heaven; blue was the sea, green was the land, and grey was the runway. There wasn't much eye candy nor great realism, but I didn’t care; using my mouse, I could finally take my airplane airborne! Two years later, flightsim 95 was released (I skipped 5.0), but only for Windows. It made me buy a Pentium I 133 MHz and now I could fly a big Boeing jet! Around this time, I discovered the internet and I was able to get tons of information to know everything that I wanted to know, all of my many questions got answered. After a few months, I ran into a link for SATCO. It talked about a virtual network of pilots and controllers with the ability to see each other while talking (typing) them. At that

time, this was the most revolutionary Flightsim development ever! I even remember my first flight on FS98. I flew the Beech 200 from Chicago Meigs to Detroit with only few people connected, but it was the beginning and it grew exponentially. Not much later, IVAO was founded. It used the same software but with different ideas than SATCO (which was soon after renamed VATSIM). I instantly became a member and started flying much more on IVAO. While FS4 and FS95 taught me the basics of flying with instruments and procedures, with FS98 and IVAO, I learned the other part: Communication, rules of flight, making a flightplan, using airways, using instrument approaches, etc. As IVAO grew so did the realism, but with a real boom when IVAP and IVAC was released! This made Flight Simulation experience even more ‘as real as it gets’. So I don’t use this term without a reason.



During my training flights, interpretation of the flight instruments was easier ever. They are exactly the same as in flightsim. I could now concentrate and focus more on flying itself, which again was due to my past experience on the computer. You now know how much and how to correct your plane and how much input you have to give to your flight controls in different situations, how much power you need. Although flightsim is very realistic, flying, and with this I mean actually controlling the aircraft, is still much different in real life because of the weather and its influence on the plane (airframe icing, carburetor icing, fuel too cold, turbulence in clouds, etc.). Hopefully programmers have real life experience and will fix and expand upon this in future versions of flightsim. As a matter of fact, in most situations in normal operation, once you know how to fly the real thing, it’s far easier to control a real plane! You and your plane are one; you feel everything, you correct it before it’s visible on your instruments because you feel it, you don’t need a mouse to control everything, and you have a wider, real view in 3D allowing you to better visualize distances. As the training got more advanced, I started the MCC (Multi Crew Course) where I learn how to work together in a cockpit in normal operation and with presented (sometimes major) problems. As you can imagine, this was done in a simulator (Beech 200 then the A320 Level D). The Beech 200 had a 180° view with a full real

cockpit but without motion. This canceled out the visual problem as everything was presented in 3D. The A320 had the same, it had a full motion system, solving the problem of ‘being there’ as you felt every vibration and shift of your airplane! In these two courses, I was lucky to be accompanied by my very experienced friend and also a long proud member of IVAO, Lenny Zaman, sharing the same great experience on flightsim! The Beech 200 taught us how to work together as a team, which was totally new and progressed very well. A two-pilot cockpit was one of the few things that were difficult to simulate in flightsim, but with the new feature of FSX and some great addon planes to share the cockpit, I hope this will be a standard in flight simulation. I figure that most pilots flying on IVAO want an experience as realistic as possible. When developers know that, I’m sure we’ll be flying soon as “pilot flying” or “pilot non flying!” As we both used to flying the big jets, the A320 felt really comfortable (it even has a joystick -sidestick to fly it with!). In flightsim everybody is used to doing everything by himself; now it’s time to share. In normal operations, this makes it even easier than in flight simulator! The pilot flying doesn’t have to worry about communications or switching buttons as you just have to ask! By this time, less focus was on flying, but on handling emergency problems and decision making. Thanks to FS and IVAO, where flying became a second nature, we could concentrate more on handling the problems with our airplane rather than wasting time trying to control it. Lenny and I have seen and noticed that at some stages of the training we had an advantage over the other students who didn’t have all these virtual experiences we were lucky to have. We entered flight school with a good ‘pre-flight’ experience dare I say it was worth real flight time! learning new things and straightening up all the details about the things we did know, while knowing what to expect. Thanks for reading, Maarten Oosters

Before you all think flightsin and IVAO are the flight schools of the future, while it is an excellent aid, I must clearly add that none of it is official, so you need to check, confirm and expand everything you learn in the virtual world before applying in the real one! !

Having all the experience from Flightsim and IVAO in my suitcase, I left for a professional pilot school in Spain. I started the theory and practical course simultaneously and it made me realize how much IVAO helped me in my training. I have answered many theory questions just by thinking: what would I do in flightsim in the same situation? Just for examples: the different speeds: IAS, TAS, GS and Mach numbers, why are these so different? When you change the QNH on your altimeter? What does your readout do? Situational awareness helped me a great deal! The interpretation of different navigation instruments (no moving map!) to know exactly where you are and where to go. Instrument Approach Plates also looked very familiar. Communicating over the frequency was taught to me in IVAO, so I just needed to study some details. The same goes for setting up a flightplan. Did you know that the IVAO flightplan is an ICAO international flightplan as used in real life? Apart from some details which are not applicable in Flightsim, this was another thing explained to me before I entered flight school!



Maarten Oosters


IVAO BREAKING NEWS IVAO President Alain Debrouwer’s Announcement to the Community IVAO PARTNERS WITH AEROSOFT Friends, I want to announce that IVAO and Aerosoft will be partners in trying to bring online flying to even greater groups of sim pilots than ever before. It’s close to ten years ago!that Mathijs Kok from Aerosoft!gave a presentation at a meeting of flight simmers and he held up a network cable and said that that was the future of flight simulation. Time has proved that!he's right ! No matter if you fly close to the ground in bush aircraft or like to fly a 747 over continents, using online Air Traffic Control adds a whole new layer of emersion to your flights. IVAO is one of the leading organizations in online! aviation! and everybody at Aerosoft is happy to call!us a partner in!their attempt to make flight simulation even more realistic.

Aerosoft, is a leading software publisher of Flight and Train Simulation add-ons offering more than twenty five new products every year. The international awards bestowed upon them stand as a testimony to their high quality standards of their products.

Aerosoft will benefit IVAO and together online events will be organized that will feature the Aerosoft products . Participants of those events will have the chance to win Aerosoft downloads . IVAO will benefit from the financial support and also from the additional attention they will give to our organization, but also to make sure that the IVAO member will get special prices in some products. I want to thank Winfried Diekmann, Gustavo Hernandez and Ralph Henschen to make this possible ! Thanks friends, ! Friendly, Alain

IVAC UPDATE RELEASED The International Virtual Aviation Organisation’s (IVAO) Software Development Team is pleased to announce, the Christmas release of its long awaited update of IVAO Virtual ATC Client (IVAC), the premier ATC Client for real-time virtual simulation of air traffic controlling.! This update in addition to bugfixes, offers a highly realistic controller working position (CWP) and an even more realistic simulation of Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems. For more information and to download this new update, please visit From all of us, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!





Tune In

Speaking Up




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In the online world you

Know the events

You are new to online

Interested in being an online

IVAP! What next? Our

are not alone! Tips for

calender and join the

flying? You will find

Air Traffic Controller? Some

suggestion for you to take the

our new pilots and

group of people who

some tips to make your

guidance for you to start

first step into the online world

controllers on radio

never fly alone

first online flight easy

controlling the birds in the sky



What is IVAO? The International Virtual Aviation Organisation (IVAO) is a dedicated, independent and free of charge service to enthusiasts and individuals enjoying and participating in the flight simulation community worldwide. IVAO allows flight-simulator enthusiasts to fly together and act as controllers, just as in the real world, using correct aviation phraseology. It’s “job” is to simulate the real world as realistically as possible. What do you need? A computer, an internet connection, a good attitude and membership account (or VID)! I am sure you already have an internet connection and the attitude, VID is the easy part. Click on this link to register now On IVAO, you can request training to become even better and you can request practical exams to increase your rating as a controller or pilot.The level of realism is getting closer and closer by the day. Today, you have the opportunity to fly together with other pilots on the network and/or act as an air traffic controller. You may ask; how do I know where there are controllers online at the current moment? The solution is simple! On IVAO, we have a freeware add-on called IvAe (International Virtual Aviation Eye, also called “The eye”) which can be downloaded from the link below ; IvAe tracks the current flights and controllers online, which lets you see where controllers and pilots are located. In addition, it stores flight plans of all flights online, which lets you see the callsign, departure, arrival, altitude, speed, and a whole lot of things.

The Eye of IVAO - IvAe The Eye of IVAO, nicknamed IvAe should be a real alternative to ServInfo or WhazzUp. The software introduces a smooth and fast mapview based on OpenGL, special colour coding, less data transfer between your PC and the servers, ICAO flightplans, statistics and much more.


INSI GH T Pilot Requirements

I VAO IVAO Virtual Pilot Client - IvAp

Prior to your first flight, it is recommended that you read through (at least the basics) in the I-pack, available here:

When connected, you are expected to follow given instructions from the controllers and you are expected to control your aircraft in a professional way. If you are novice, input the word “newbie” in your flight plan remarks, and controller will know that you are new, and will try to keep the transmissions as short and as easy as possible. If you are unsure about the transmission given, or if you don’t know how to comply with it, ask the controller instead of ignoring it. He/she will be more than happy to accommodate you. Everyone is new in the beginning, but nobody will ever be perfect. Online flying is a learning experience. It’s always a challenge in the beginning; you make mistakes, but never give up. You learn by flying.

The International Virtual Aviation Orgainisation, IVAOAERO, is pleased to announce the release of "IvAp2 - Public Beta" version 1.9.4 for FSX to all of our members. This new pilot client for FSX has been under development by the Software Development Team for many months. Many of the Software Development team and Beta Testers have participated with the Microsoft Flight Simulation Team during the early development of FSX so we could be ready to release this client with the public release of FSX. We will continue the support for IvAp, which is our pilot client for FS9, and has proven to be a very stable program for our members who have enjoyed the virtual aviation experiences on our network.

Controller Requirements

IVAO virtual ATC client IVAO's premier ATC Client for Real-Time virtual simulation for Air Traffic Controlling as a Ground, Tower, Approach, or Center Controller. IvAc runs on a Windows based operating system with video cards supporting Open GL graphics and is fully compatible with IVAO's TeamSpeak voice interface.

On IVAO, we welcome new talents. Any member is allowed to commence their online Air Traffic Controlling (ATC) career at any time, but should be aware of the local procedures of the desired airport and the procedures of controlling before connecting. Detailed theory, including suggested phraseology and procedures are available in the I-PACK.For higher ratings other than S1, (Student 1, rating given when applying for membership) S2, (Student 2) and S3, (Student 3, theoretical only) you must pass theoretical and practical tests to advance in the certifications from: Ground to Tower to Approach and finally as a Center controller.




Tune In

Speaking Up

When first tuning into a frequency, it!s important that you read the local airport ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service), the position name, say for example “Frankfurt Ground”, the current information, a recent weather report and controller remarks. (I.e. if a taxiway or runway is closed), or for example “After departure contact Langen Radar on 120.800)

Voice is something most pilots use on IVAO. It!s much easier for both pilots and controllers, but especially for center controllers to keep a rapid flow of the traffic without having to press numerous keys on the keyboard and delaying bits of the traffic. However, one should know how to handle it properly. When handled improperly, it can get messy at times; if the channel is congested, you need to make sure it!s clear before talking. When talked over someone, it can cause both confusions and delays in the traffic flow. When such a situation occurs, it!s in the controllers! hands to retake control of the situation, and ask for one of them to go ahead and pass the message. It is also very important that when you!ve just tapped in the frequency, stand by for a couple of seconds, take a short moment to think about what to say, remember to keep it short and concise. Listening to messages filled with uhm and ehm is very frustrating and takes up precious time. Also make sure the frequency is clear before transmitting.

When requesting clearance from a controller, it!s important that you state your gate number and destination, so the controller will know where you are, and your destination: “Frankfurt Delivery, Lufthansa 425, stand 1 information Foxtrot, request clearance Amsterdam Schiphol”. The controller may respond with “Lufthansa 425 Stand by”, there!s no need to read this back, as it will only clog up the frequency if it!s busy. Have a pen and paper ready, to write the clearance down. Write in summarized words, meaning not to write down whole sentences, but words, such as “Sq 1022”. When you have been cleared for takeoff, the controller may add: “Lufthansa 425, wind 260 degrees 8 knots, runway 25L, cleared for takeoff. After departure contact Langen Radar 120.800”. This means that after your departure, you don!t have to wait for the tower to hand you off to the next controller, you contact him after departure on your own instead, which can ease the workload for the tower.

Something important to remember when flying online, is to first comply, then reply. Let!s say you!re about to be given your final turn for the ILS. The ATC tells you; “Lufthansa 425, turn left heading 290, cleared ILS runway 26”. First comply with the instruction, meaning setting your heading knob to 290 and intercepting the ILS, then replying with a readback to the ATC, but not with a verbatim recital: “left 290, cleared ILS 26, Lufthansa 425”. This way, it does not mess up the controllers preparations for you, and the experience will be much more enjoyable for both you and the controller. A tip for the controllers is to always speak clearly and slowly, so you won!t have to repeat yourself. Having to repeat yourself in a situation like the one above can result in confusion and perhaps a go-around.




Finer Points Let!s say you want to depart IFR from LFPG, Charles de Gaulle in Paris, France, and there is no G r o u n d , To w e r o r Approach controller online. The only controller available at the time is LFFF_CTR, who!s responsible for several airports within the control zone. Let us also assume that it is a particularly busy evening and Paris Control is handling many aircraft. In that situation your proper call would be to Paris Control for a clearance. Paris Control will issue your clearance and give you the same instructions as Tower and Approach. Calling a controller prior to taxi will result in taxi instructions to the departure runway followed by takeoff clearance and departure instructions. However, tonight, the controller is too busy to offer that "personal touch! and instead tells you “Call when airborne.” This is all perfectly acceptable. The center controller!s primary responsibility is to ensure separation of IFR traffic. Be assured that prior to releasing you for departure the controller has verified that there is no arrival traffic or other departures at LFPG to pose an immediate hazard to your departure flight path. Once you are airborne and make the call while climbing, the controller will be able to add you to the traffic flow on his radar screen and provide service to get you on your way. In this instance the controller did not have time available to provide comprehensive ATC services to you until you became part of his "traffic picture! at which time your aircraft became his responsibility for separation.

On IVAO, events are held almost daily. The most popular days, events are on Fridays and weekends. Occasionally, there are 24 hour events, but most events occur during the evening, around 1700Z/1900Z and forward. The most common events are fly-ins. What are flyins? They are often organized by one or more divisions, which usually targets a particular airport, such as, let’s say; Frankfurt. “Frankfurt Fly-in”. These events are often very crowded, so be sure you bring an extra tank of fuel as a backup, because you might end up in a 20-minute holding due to the congestion in the airspace. Online flying is a world beyond. As real as it gets? You decide. IVAO can be your first step into the real world of aviation.

by Ronén Björkqu!t


Training Section If you're new to IVAO - Welcome! My title is CA-TC that means I am Canada's training coordinator for the IVAO Canada division. I help train and educate members of IVAO Canada, if they request it or are preparing for IVAO pilot or ATC ratings. However, we - staff members - will try to help all IVAO members. Dan Poelman

IVAP and Common Errors Today, I will explain a little about IvAp and some common errors in completing a flightplan.


IvAp is the IVAO pilot client or program that allows you to fly online with other pilots and ATC. IvAp has features like t r a n s p o n d e r, pushback, m o d i fi e d ACARS and a functional TCAS (a mini radar that allows you to see other aircraft in range and with their transponder on). Luckily, IvAp come with a user manual to help you setup and use this pilot program. You will find the IvAp user manual in your program files under IVAO.

You can also find support in the IVAO training department, forum and emails that you will find Common errors that we see is filing a flightplan with a cruise speed as indicated airspeed instead of the correct true airspeed. Do not use indicated airspeed, like 290 kias (indicated) for a typical jet is not correct. For example, a typical jet has an average speed of 450 ktas (true airspeed in knots) expressed as N450 in the flightplan. Another error is in filing altitude. For example, if you plan to fly at an altitude of 2000 then file it as A020 and not A2000.

FL290 or 2) add the letter W to box 10 (equipment) of your flightplan.

Common errors that we see is filing a flightplan wi th a cruise speed as indica ted ai rs pe ed in st ea d of th e correct true airspeed

Please read read or review the explanations in the chapter on flightplans in the IvAp user guide a n d h t t p : / / w w w. i v a o . a e r o / training/ See you online and enjoy your flight, Captain.

Finally, when operating in RVSM airspace (FL290 to FL410) - you have 2 choices - 1) stay below


Fly Across the Ocean and Operate as an Oceanic Air Traffic Controller I was asked to write about what it is like to fly across the ocean and to operate as an Oceanic Air Traffic Controller. The North Atlantic is where I am most at home so I have chosen that as the focus of this article.


My name is Andrew Brown. I am a British Citizen with a home in Spain and a member of the Canadian Division of IVAO. I have been a member of IVAO for over two years. Although I both fly and operate as an Air Traffic Controller my passion is operating as an Oceanic Controller over the North Atlantic. I am t h e C a n a d i a n AT C O p e r a t i o n s C o o rd i n at o r a n d a n I VAO ATC Operations Advisor both of which allow me to indulge my love of the ocean. As ATC Operations Advisor I am currently working with a few Divisions who are responsible for Oceanic Airspace to research procedures for that airspace. Until early 2007 I was the Canadian Events Coordinator and among other things I was responsible for organising two or three "Atlantic Crossing" events which involved coordinating the efforts of up to eight other Divisions to bring around 100 pilots across the Atlantic with full ATC cover all the way. All pilots when passing a waypoint give a position report. To tell the Air Traffic controller the time of passing a waypoint, the time he or she will reach the next waypoint, the name of the waypoint after that, Flight Level and Mach number. Some are happy to have something to do while others find it an annoyance. What most are not aware of is the reason for giving the position report. Even before starting the crossing the pilot must ask for Oceanic Clearance and give an exact time at which he or she will fly past the first waypoint of the North Atlantic Track, at which Flight Level and at what speed. That might seem like a strange thing to have to do. In the real world within Canadian Oceanic Airspace there are three Flight Service Stations with Radio Operators. Clearance Delivery and in the middle of it

by Andrew Brown

all the Centre Controller. The voice of Oceanic Air Traffic Control is the Radio Operators that staff the Flight Service Stations. The arrangement for the UK Oceanic Airspace is very much the same.

way is to assign a flightlevel to that flight not occupied by another aircraft. During that flight often the Controller will try to educate that pilot so that next time we can only hope that he follows a NAT.

North Atlantic Tracks (NATs). They are simply High Level Airways between the United Kingdom and North America. The exact position of the NATs changes daily to take advantage of the best weather conditions and they are updated twice a day at 0000Z and 1200Z. Aircraft crossing the Atlantic should follow the NATs in the same way that they would be expected to follow airways overland. Eastbound NATs are open for pilots to enter between 0100Z and 0800Z and Westbound NATs operate from 1130Z until 1900Z. Luckily the East and Westbound NATs are far apart for most of the flight so here on IVAO pilots can use the NATs at any time day or night the only thing we must ask is that when you use a NAT outside of the time it would be open you list every waypoint along the Track, failure to do so will result in denial of clearance until the flightplan has been amended.

What I have shared with you in this article is only a small part of what happens that you do not see as a pilot. A course is offered to those wanting to learn more as Air Traffic controllers by the United Kingdom and Canadian Division Jointly. Part of our job as Oceanic Controllers is to educate pilots so always feel free to ask as many questions as you like. We are not there solely for our own enjoyment we are there to offer a simulated experience as close as is possible to that which a pilot would have in the real world. We are there to give pilots the opportunity to experience something like nowhere else.

It is not unusual in the real world for 500 flights to cross the North Atlantic in one day. Online at IVAO there is never that number of flights but as Air Traffic Controllers we always keep it as real as it can be for the pilots. Over the North Atlantic there is no radar. The only way to know where so many aircraft are is if you tell us with your position reports. We must ensure that there is never less than 15 minutes between every aircraft, that all aircraft are separated by at least 1000 feet and that to your left and right there is no aircraft for 60nm (1 degree). The information you give the Radio Operator is written down and the information is compared with the information given by others. Just as is the case in the real world we do not use radar to control pilots. It is not unusual for a pilot to file a flightplan direct from a VOR in Ireland to a VOR in Canada making it almost impossible for the Controller to know where you are for the entire crossing which will interfere with every other pilot crossing the North Atlantic. We cannot give vectors so sometimes the only safe

My best ever experience was during a North Atlantic Crossing event as Gander Radio. Over 50 pilots under my control. Over 50 flightstrips with written information telling me where everyone was. Listening and recording the information given by position reports. Watching every flightstrip to make sure every pilot maintained separation and had a safe flight. My shift lasted for 7 hours. I only hope there is another such event soon. A final word from me. I control pilots over the North Atlantic because I enjoy it more than anything else I have found in the world of virtual flight. The satisfaction gained from sharing what I know with pilots and other controllers is tremendous. I hope more of you will join me and my fellow Controllers soon so that we can all enjoy together the as real as it gets experience of "Flying the NATs". See you there very soon. To read those few things that a pilot must now visit For Controllers who want to learn more sign up for training at "The Training Centre" to be found here and receive your North Atlantic Controller Certification. We guarantee both pilots and controllers a new and exciting experience like none you will find anywhere else in the virtual world of IVAO.





IVAO TRIBUNE IVAO Malta Division Virtual Airshow

The last weekend of September means only one thing for many IVAO members worldwide - IVAO MT Virtual Airshow !

Between Friday 28th September and Monday 1st October, the I VAO - M T D i v i s i o n ( M a l t a ) organized the 2nd edition of the Malta International Virtual Air Show. Over 150 flight simmers from all over the world participated in this Special Operations event and were treated to a 4 day, 20-hour realtime and fully staffed online professional air traffic control service. Friday evening was arrivals day for all participants, which was followed by air displays on Saturday and Sunday. All pilots were allocated 10 to 15 minute slots to perform their displays and a number of short breaks were included in the schedule to allow for commercial traffic. A briefing document was also prepared with all the relevant information which pilots needed to know before flying.

Opening Group Flight

IVAO Events Approved

Frecce Tricolori Virtuale one of the official aerobatic teams who participated in this year's airshow



Apart from a number of excellent solo aircraft displays, the MT division hosted the Virtual Patrulla ASPA & Patrulla AGUILA from Spain and the Virtual Frecce Tricolori from Italy who put on a perfectly executed aerobatic show with some amazing formation flying. Air traffic controllers were quite busy controlling aircraft on Monday when all the participants departed one after the other heading towards their destinations. The show was enjoyed by many IVAO members who connected online through IvAi and by others who visited the control room from where air traffic controllers provided the ATC service. The room was set up by the MT Division and included a number of computers with IvAc running for ATC, while other members opted to bring their own

computer and show off their flying skills from there! Tower view and radar was also projected on a big screen for everyone to enjoy the fantastic displays. Spectators were also free to take screenshots of the show, and many shared their “photos� on the IVAO forum. Interest in Special Operations events has been growing in the IVAO community. The number of participants in the MT Airshow more than doubled this year, with next year set to be another BIG one! Such an event would not have been possible without the immense support of the main sponsors, GO Mobile, and Razer Computers. Claude Attard Bezzina, MT-EC



International FS Weekend ANOTHER GREAT FLIGHTSIM EVENT TOOK PLACE IN THE WEEKEND OF 3 AND 4 NOVEMBER 2007 IN THE NETHERLANDS Another great flightsim event took place in the weekend of 3 and 4 November 2007 in the Netherlands. This yearly international FSWeekend event ( attracts many flightsim enthusiasts, not only from the Netherlands itself but from several other European countries, like Germany, Belgium, France and the United Kingdom. This year there were even people that took the journey all the way from Turkey. Many groups participated whereby the group of IVAO was far out the largest and most international. Apart of the Dutch, Belgium, German, British and Turkish Divisions there were people from the IVAO IPACK team, IVAO Software Development team and the FSLAN Party Belgium group. IVAO demonstrated a big number of "unusual" flightsim features, like FSX shared cockpit in IFR and VFR flight, VFR circuit training, Military visual circuit training, Special Operations Air to Air refuelling, Special Operations formation flights with C130 and SF260 Marchetti and even a sea carrier deck landing

Assisting a visitor to perform a save landing .... sometimes it only takes a finger ....



Looking forward to welcome you, Bob van der Flier, IVAO-TA12

Presentation screen and while changing beamers answering questions from the audience

Overview with on foreground some of the (internationally occupied) ATC positions

“ It was a pleasure to work together in establishing this great IVAO success


Further more many different computer presentations were running constantly on one of the 3 large beamer screens. In addition, thanks to the Software Development Team there even was the possibility to demonstrate the HAL training programme life at this show. Useless to say that several IVAO pilots demonstrated their skills and constantly at least 3 different ATC stations where manned (a.o. by real life ATC students) to provide a safe conduct of all these flights at 3 nearby airfields. To make it more attractive for the viewers the airports chosen where situated in Switzerland, known for its beauty not only in real life but with the used sceneries as well. Another highlight was appreciated by many visitors when they accepted the invitation to take the cockpit seat and had a flight experience by themselves under the guidance of one of the IVAO people. In short, this is IVAO International as it should be and that was clearly what it showed. Maybe good for you as well next year?



The Fama Fair in Bulle 23 TO 25 NOVEMBER SWITZERLAND






IVAO TRIBUNE! The Fama Fair in Bulle took place this year from Nov. 23 to 25. IVAO Switzerland participated to this fair with our own stand for presentations, demos, and to make visitors discover our passion. 1. Ivan, that replaces Antoine as our little voice of Geneva sitting in front of Filippo, watching and commenting what's going on. 2. On the left Markus, our nice and friendly controler vith this typical German accent when speaking French and Roberto our crazy Event coordinator 3.In the center of the Picture, Nicolas our LSAG Fir Chief. 4.In the middle of this picture Cedric our Member coodinator. See you next year in Switzerland yours, Manuel Goepfert CH-WM


The Public Relations Department is pleased to present the IVAO Promotional Video Contest

Create a promotional video for IVAO with the theme "Spirit of IVAO". The three best videos will be awarded the IVAO Creativity award and one winning video will also win an Aerosoft FS add-on as a prize! The winning video will be uploaded to YouTube, Google Video and other public video sites as part of our promotional campaign to lead a next generation of flight simulation enthusiast in the right direction.,67313.0.html FROM: IV A O P U B L IC R E L A T IO




Crowded Skies V


The International Virtual Aviation Organisation (IVAO) is please to announce the fifth-annual Crowded Skies event starting at 1900Z on January 5, 2008.

As with our previous Crowded Skies

events, IVAO members are encouraged to get online as a pilot or air traffic controller to help us break our current Crowded Skies record of 1501 simultaneous connections! This installment of Crowded Skies is expected to be the biggest online event ever held with active air traffic controllers available in each of our fifty-eight active divisions around the globe with a peak time of 2100Z expected. IVAO invites you to join us on January 5th at 1900Z to become a part of this historic record-breaking event. For more information

Upcoming Year

about Crowded Skies, please visit


With the close of the IVAO Events Department calendar for 2007, we look ahead to what the year 2008 will bring us.

On January 5, the IVAO Events Department will bring the record-breaking Crowded Skies event back for it's fifth appearance. Crowded Skies was originally an event designed to test the server load of the IVAO network, however, has become a cornerstone of the IVAO Events Department trying every year to break the record from the current year. The current record from December 2006 is 1501 simultaneous connections. February 2008 will bring the return of the Real Flights Event to Europe. Real Flights Events are designed to simulate real-world traffic at an airport over a period of the day. The last Real Flights Event in Algiers was held in December 2007 and featured over 200 movements in a period of more than 12 hours! March 2008 with bring a new event to IVAO. While several ideas are currently being tested, the IVAO Events Department promises that it will be an event to remember! For more information on events visit



IVAO World Tours


IVAO offers you a variety of world tours. The aims of these tours are to take you around the world and provide a chance to land in different airports and in different conditions. Also, be assured that you will never be alone flying these tours, large number of pilots participate in these tours and further most of the divisions also provide ATC services along various legs of these tours. You can


VFR World Tour – A special VFR tour which takes you around the world. Like the other tours on completion you will be awarded a specially designed ‘VFR world tour badge’. Special thanks to Wilfried, Sascha, Pablo and Sandor for making these tours a reality. Visit for more information on these exciting world tours.

see a short description of the tours below:


Divisions of IVAO also offer interesting division

Long Haul World Tour – A tour designed for the

tours, which take you around the division. These

long haul fans. This tour takes you all around the

are IFR, VFR, Heli Tour, etc., On completion of

world through a series of long haul flights. At the

these tours the pilots are awarded a Division

end of this tour you will be awarded a specially

badge for successful completion of these tours.

designed ‘long haul world tour badge’. Visit for

Dangerous World Tour – This is a special world

more information on division tours.

tour, takes you around some of the worlds most difficult and dangerous approach airports. This tour will test your flying skills. At the end of this tour you will be awarded a specially designed ‘dangerous world tour badge’. IFR World Tour – A normal IFR tour which takes you around the world. This tour is usually around 70 legs. At the end of this tour you will be awarded a specially designed ‘IFR

world tour






by Luke Bowesand & Gareth Richardson

about IVAO united kingdom


The United Kingdom Division of IVAO is a well recognized, dedicated, independent division of the IVAO Network. We welcome members with all levels of experience in aviation from the seasoned pilot/controller to the desktop enthusiast.

Innovation has always been a key part of the history of the United Kingdom Division. We were one of the first divisions to introduce:

The UK division first began operations back in December 1999 and has just celebrated its 8th birthday with a fantastic Real Flight Event using 3 airports located in the North of England. We are growing at a rate never seen in the UK division before. We now have over 300 active members within the division and welcome between 15 and 20 new members each week. Over 180,000 online hours have been logged by members of the division.

• A live help system on the division website • An Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel specifically for division members • A dedicated Teamspeak channel for members to use • A division tour specifically designed to test the skills of the pilots • A comprehensive bi-monthly division newsletter • A monthly screenshot competition in our community forums where members have the opportunity to win great prizes (The winner of the December competition won a real flying lesson!) • A division Virtual Airline Committee, where representatives from UK registered VA’s meet up to discuss any problems and ideas to improve the division


EGESTA QUIS SET AHMET LOREM Online Night From 1800Z, every Tuesday evening, the UK division members flock to the skies and control towers of the UK. Why not come and join in the fun?! As a pilot, you can expect ATC coverage for most of the major airports and TMA sectors. As a controller, experience an ever increasing volume of traffic packed into tight blocks of airspace. Be prepared for lots of brow-wiping as you become responsible for thousands of virtual passengers!


division tours

We take a great deal of pride in the fact that our most

We have 7 division tours which will take you throughout

important asset is our active and friendly divisional

the UK skies, from the major international airports to

community. Every new member to the division is

small grass strip airfields. The tours we offer include:

welcomed with open arms and will be given as much help

• IFR Tour

and support as they need to start the ball rolling in their virtual aviation career.

• VFR Tour • Scottish VFR Tour

Communication with the membership is something that

• Historical Tour

the staff focus on more than anything. Members are free

• Helicopter Tour

to voice any concerns or options that they may have.

• Special Operations Tour

There are a large number of ways for members to

• Island Hopper Tour

communicate with each other as well as with the staff

The Island Hopper Tour is the first “Pilot Skills” tour to


exist on the IVAO network. For this tour, you need to be able to fly both VFR and IFR and a

• 24/7 Teamspeak voice channel • 24/7 IRC channel • Community forum • Live Help system • Email ticketing system • And of course, the online network


number of different types of aircraft. This has been by far the most popular tour in the UK. In its first week of operation, over 600 legs were validated.

UK & USA Visit for further details



by Robert Gottwald

the resurrection More than half a year after a change in the IVAO US leadership In February 2007 the IVAO HQ initiated a change in the IVAO

doing so they will qualify for sweepstakes, where they can

US Division staff structure. Since then, things have changed

win payware scenery prizes. More information soon on

dramatically. The gap of qualified personnel for the US Staff

has been filled with competent IVAO Members from around

Many things have changed in the US Training Department as

the globe. Before the changes, at the beginning of the year,

well. A new team of qualified trainers, consisting of several

not more than four staff positions were filled. Today, 24

real world pilots is now offering high-quality training sessions

volunteers serve under the star spangled banner for IVAO.

and exams to the membership. The team is also working on new, ivao-tailored training

Back at the end of 2006 a look on the

documentation based on the FAA

United States with IvAe rarely would


have shown several ATCs online. Today the skies over the North

New Virtual Airline Partnership

American country are enjoying great

programs are enhancing the exchange

popularity by pilots, who profit from

between the VAs and the division

the much more dense ATC coverage

authorities in order to fill the needs of

that has developed over the last

the Virtual Airlines and their members,

months. In recent times the US

in the best possible way.

Division has hosted several larger events such as the AOPA VFR Gathering, the Oshkosh Airventure, the San Juan Fly-In

The hard competition from other networks makes recruitment

or Atlantic Crossings. Meanwhile the Division is also hosting

of new members a hard job, but with the consistent growth,

shuttle events on regular bases, in order to offer the

the division is becoming more and more attractive, especially

membership an alternative to the online day, that is currently

for members new to the field of online-flying. But the division


would not have been so successful without the great help from the division staff and members. The US Division has put

In the new year the US Division will be hosting a huge VFR

forth a strong effort to turn the division in the right direction.

Event in cooperation with the Canadian Division. The so called VFR Poker Run will be a repeated VFR shuttle event,

Visit for further details

where pilots will fly a route over several airports, and by




24/7 Dieter Salzl

Top Overall Ranking Pilot and ATC on IVAO byYigit YILDIRIM (YY)

One of my dreams has always been to learn to fly. Dieter Salzl (DS), a friend and trainer, has inspired me with his achievements in virtual side of aviation. He has become successful in aviation, a field often thought belonged to real pilots.

Dieter Salzl: I am 64 years old. In real life, I was a teacher of economics. After I retired I began virtual flying and controlling. I am neither real pilot nor atc. but I was flying model aircrafts for 25 years. Now, since I am online everyday I have no further time for my model aircrafts lol.

YY: How did you decide to Yigit Yildirim: What is your be a virtual ATC and profession in real life? pilot? Most of us think that you are a real pilot or ATC. DS: A good friend convinced me to try online flying although I thought I

would be too old for this. ). Earlier I have flown on flight simulator under DOS environment. YY: You have been awarded with Spirit of IVAO with your amazing online time. Only in 4.5 years 24.600 hours. How did you get to be where you are? DS: Flying and controlling every day at least 12 hours. I have no wife, no childrens live alone just with a dog. )



DS: Mostly I like all the nice guys I meet on the ivao network most of them always doing their best to reach as real as it gets. I dislike threads in ivao general forum about members who made mistakes and pilloried there by name. YY: You do flying and controlling “as real as it gets”. Do you have close connection with real pilots and ATCs? DS: Yes. I am always looking for real pilots and atcs. I learnt a lot from them, how something is said and done in real world. A special friend of mine is flying a real Boeing 727 all over europe. And I believe I am still learning. :) YY: Your online flight hours are close to real airliner pilots. According to this experience, can you compare real and virtual aviation? DS: I cannot. I know how to do as real as possible but often I fly just for fun without calculating fuel, doing checklists … YY: What would you say to newbie pilots and ATCs who have a passion for virtual aviation?

DS: Come to me for training. and be aware that virtual aviation can be addictive. )

Three ducks on a pond A grass bank beyond White clouds on the wings What a little thing To remember for years To remember with tears YATES

YY: What do you like and dislike most about your virtual career?

YY: Final Comments? DS: Always three greens for all IVAO pilots and crowded skies for controllers :) YY: I would like to thank you for this entertaining interview. Wish you more crowded skies and happy landings. DS: you´re welcome, was my pleasure

Interviewing Dieter Salzl really made me realize that any career virtual or real is possible if you work hard enough at it. He continues to inspire me. ! !

Giles G-202 Wingspan: 3m Weight: 19kg 4 cylinders 210 ccm 19 HP



Every issue in this section we will hunt down the hottest downloads available in the flight simulation community. We also take this opportunity to salute these freeware developers, who devote their time and e!orts in creating some awesome add"ons, available to us for FREE. Vybhava Srinivasan Iceland 76 Meter Mesh FS2004/FSX Scenery Filenames: Authors: Michael Johnson Source: This terrain mesh covers the whole of Iceland in 76 meter detail. Iceland's default mesh coverage in FS2004 was particularly poor, while the default FSX mesh for Iceland is of varying resolution. As such this add-on mesh in some cases provides a significant enhancement and in others it is only a mild improvement. The greatest difference can be seen in the flatter rolling interior parts of the country.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia FS2004/FSX Scenery Filenames: Authors: Nestor D'Angelo Source: Scenery for the city of Kuala Lumpur. Lots of landmarks of Kuala Lumpur city are represented in this file.

FS Real Time, V1.82 FSX Utilities Filenames: Authors: 3D Softworks Design Studios Source: FS Real Time designed to keep Flight Simulator's UTC, Zulu/GMT, time and date in sync with the Real World.


FinnTerrain FS2004 Scenery Filenames: Authors: FISD Source: FinnTerrain adds accurate roads, coastlines and other terrain data to Finland. Version 1.8 covers the whole Finland.

iFly Boeing 747-400 V1.1.0.0 FSX Aircrafts Filenames: Authors: iFly Developer Team Source: iFly 747-400 offers an extremly detailed cockpit with fully simulated FMC. Complete TCAS simulation with audio and visual TA and RA system. Fully simulated Inertial Reference System. Probably on of the best freeware aircrafts for FSX.

Fokker-100/70 Release v2 FS2004 Aircrafts Filenames: Authors: PROJECT Fokker Source: PF100/ 70 v2 is a fully loaded base package. includes, 39 different liveries, operational panels, sound package, sample flight, etc.,

Project Fokker F28 v1 FS2004 Aircrafts Filenames: Authors: PROJECT Fokker Source: Project Fokker F28 is full loaded base package. This includes F28 aircraft variants Mk1000, Mk4000 and Mk6000. Also included complete functional panels, sound package, flight tutorial, flight test, etc.,

Real Environment Professional FS2004 Scenery Filenames: Authors: Tim Fuchs Source: This is an extensive environment upgrade package for Microsoft's Flight Simulator 2004. This package includes sunglow, suneffect, aircraft spotlight, airport lights, Trees , etc., All in all a good add-on.


Greece 76 Meter Mesh FS2004/FSX Scenery Filenames: (FS2004) and (FSX) Authors: Hellenic Scenery Project Source: This is a terrain mesh for Greece enhancing the accuracy with extensive work done so as to correct wrong land formations and wrong airport locations as set in FS2004 and FSX.

George Grimshaw's Boston V2.1 FS2004 Scenery Filenames:, Authors: George Grimshaw Source: A highly detailed freeware rendition of Boston Logan International Airport from the developers of FlyTampa Scenery

FRF Studio’s Heathrow FS2004 Scenery Filenames: Authors: William Morgan / FRF Studio Source: A rebuild of one of the most important airports. Heathrow has been fine tuned and updated from the default version with the remodeling of Terminal 3, the A380-capable gates, and now more accurate.

NL2000 v3 FS2004 Scenery Filenames: nl2kDVD1.iso to nl2kDVD5.iso Authors: The Netherlands Scenery Design Team Source: A top quality scenery for entire Netherlands, mind the size 21GB!!

Aircraft Installer FSX Utilities Filenames: Authors: Steven Logiudice Source: This program can install your aircraft. The program makes it a whole lot easier than copying and pasting files


Ready For Pushback Boeing 747-200 v2 FS2004 Aircrafts Filenames: Authors: Ralph Tofflemire, Chris Koegler, Bodo Mueller and Herve Dongmo Source: FS2004 Ready For Pushback Boeing 747-200 v2; now freeware. Includes the analog panel, tape panel and seventeen aircraft. One of the most accurate and detailed jetliner models ever when it originally came out several years ago.

Airport Light Environment FS2004/FSX Utilities Filenames: Authors: Luke Harvest Source: This utility redesigns all airport lighting in both FSX and FS2004 to give a fantastic and realistic feel.

Real Forest Enviroment FS2004 Textures Filenames: Authors: Vagner Dalbosco Source: Real Forest Environment 1.0 is a new forest textures for FS2004.

Rainy Day Spary Effect FS2004 Utilities Filenames: Authors: Dennis Franke Source: Adds a rainy day spray effect.

FSX TweakFS Zip Utility FSX Utilities Filenames: Authors: Source: TweakFS Zip has been released as freeware. It is a useful tool for unpacking zip files downloaded from FS file libraries, the big handy feature is that it has a tree display of the zip folder structure giving you a clear view. It has several handy folder location presets making it quick and easy to install aircraft, scenery and other addons which come in Zip files that include folder path information. F R E E WA R E Z O N E



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