Virtual Sky - 5th issue

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April 2009


Vybhava Srinivasan IVAO Public Relations Director

IVAO Virtual Sky April 2009


Dear All, Thank you very much for downloading the April 2009 edition of IVAO Virtual Sky. And now the success story of IVAO Virtual Sky.... Our previous edition did very well with over 10,000 downloads and more than 80,000 cumulative downloads, which is a stupendous achievement for which we have only “you� our readers to thank for all the support and encouragement. I am sure you will find this an action packaged edition with number of great articles ranging from articles relating to training to others giving you a perspective on the flight simulation community in general. We also feature some new authors both of whom are renowned names in the flight simulation community. Of course many more interesting articles, which I am sure you will enjoy. In our constant endeavour to improve the quality of this magazine, we will be publishing articles on the review of Latest Releases of Flight Simulation from July 2009 edition. So look forward to the next edition of IVAO Virtual Sky. As always we look forward to articles that our readers would like to contribute to future issues of this magazine. We hope your journey through this issue will be as fun-filled as ever! Bye!

Publisher: International Virtual Aviation Organisation Editor: Vybhava Srinivasan Layout and Design: Marco Meerkerk Raymond v.d. Ploeg Website: General Mail: Logo and cover Design: Robert Gottwald Marco Meerkerk Cover screenshot by: Alberto Curieses Disclaimer: Any information, suggestions or illustrations published in this magazine are exclusively for use with computer flight simulation. All views expressed in this magazine are the views of the respective authors. The publisher does not accept any responsibility for those views. Copyright None of the information in this magazine may be reproduced in any form without prior permission from the publisher.

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April 2009

Mark the title. It says Flight Simulator and that is meaning Microsoft’s Flight Simulator franchise in general, not ‘flight simulation’. But maybe it should? Anyway, this article is sparked by the recent closure of the Microsoft ACES Studio, a part of their gaming division called MSG (Microsoft Games Studios). Closing ACES sent shockwaves through the FS communities worldwide and was something that most real FS fans and veterans would never have thought could really happen. Yes, it happens with so many companies, divisions and above all games publishers. Us slightly older people will remember many famous companies that are no more, either folded or gobbled up by a few giants. And the ‘games industry’ nowadays is controlled by the ‘console games’ on Sony’s and Nintendo’s and Microsoft’s own Xbox game computers. Not that many PC games around anymore. That’s also one of the reasons that many FS veterans (I will continue to use this term) feared their beloved Flight Simulator would cease to exist: being ported over to Xbox…. and become a mere game instead of a simulation. But NOT to disappear altogether!?? Before discussing the possible future developments of our hobby – because that’s what it is to readers here – let’s have a quick look at recent history at Microsoft. ACES as such did not exist that long yet, having been formed by buying a few people from the outside and adding the existing inside team to it. They were then made responsible for Flight Simulator, and a little while down the road also for the new-to-be-designed Train Simulator 2. As for the ‘recent troubles’ these weren’t so recent actually. Already before starting work on FSX there was an internal struggle to keep the team together and get permission to continue with developing for FS. In the end ‘ACES won’ and some new plans to increase sales were introduced. Among other things a much more open attitude towards the developers and customers was promoted by allowing ACES developers to blog and comment on flightsim forums. It was also promised to not release this version before it was really ready. Hmmm…. Not everybody was ‘in’ on that and so FSX was released prematurely – as happened a few times before. And then ESP was launched, most likely also with big promises of further increased revenue and profits. In the end all of this went wrong internally and ACES became the victim of just being in the wrong place on the wrong time. And now we’re stuck with that. So, lets have a look at what this MAY mean for the future. My crystal ball is as clear or as cloudy as yours of course, maybe with the small difference that I have had the time over thirty years to build a slightly larger FS contact list than most? No matter, my guess is most likely as good as yours, so here we go. The main question on many a user’s lips is ‘Will FS (9 or X) die with this killing of ACES?’

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Short answer: I don’t think so. At least not in the short term. Of course, there will not be an FS11 anytime soon. And there will not be an MS Trains 2 either, maybe even more devastating since the trains fans are still muddling along with the 1.0 from back in 2001 or so. And quite a few have gone over to Trainz and other simulators, although these surprisingly are much less ‘open’. And ESP will gone as of March 1st too….. so bye bye Boeing, Raytheon and other large corporations who adapted it and just started projects using FSX… oops, pardon me… ESP. But since there are still a LOT of fans using Microsoft Trains 1, which is by now some 7 years old, AND there are still MANY people running FS9 instead of the hardware-guzzling FSX, I think that chances that FS will live on in numbers for at least 5 more years, and in smaller numbers for more than a decade possibly. Not having new versions has not stopped true enthusiasts from using the ‘old’ software in any way in the past and that will not change in the future. So far most if not all commercial add-on developers have indicated that they will continue to develop new products for FSX, and some even for FS9. Although some are now more actively also eyeing X-Plane or even FlightGear these two systems do not seem to be in any position to take over from Flight Simulator for some years to come. And advantage of NOT having to take into account ‘FSNext’ is that developers now have more time to delve deeper into the inners of FSX, learn more about it and discover more possibilities for adding details and even come up with brand new ways of using it and its features. Microsoft itself was already well on the way of integrating cars (yes, CARS!) into FSX, using models from one of their other games that were ported to FSX. No doubt that one or more developers will follow suit and continue the ‘road’ that MS was heading with their ESP. There are still MANY untapped resources and possibilities inside the current code that can be unlocked by third party developers. So then what WILL be the effect of the demise of ‘our’ MS FS development group? I’m talking about Flight Simulator here, not MS Trains 2. Nobody is really disappointed not having to upgrade again in a year or two. As with most software these days customers are increasingly annoyed by having to ‘re-buy’ everything they already bought in the past all over again every 2 to 3 years. So NOT having FS11 appear Christmas 2010 is a good thing as far as many are concerned. I happen to agree. We WOULD have liked to see an ‘upgrade’ to FSX, fixing some of the things that went wrong due to the hastened release of it 2 years ago. The DX10 preview mode, which is included as a demo really, could have been made more permanent. Multi-core support could have been introduced in a better way. And a few others loose ends could have been fixed. But we would NOT need yet another totally new base package, the current code is pretty good to build upon. The OTHER – and more important – effect of not having further development and new versions however is that MS will not support the product range with advertising anymore. And that means a severe drop in ‘new blood’, no new customers to discover the wonders of a true ‘aviation simulator’ and no new customer base for the 3rd party developers and on-line hobby communities. Only those that ‘happen’ to discover the on-line news sites and communities such as IVAO, VA’s and flying clubs and all the possibilities of FS will maybe get into the hobby. Microsoft spent a LOT of money in their last version of FS and it showed. They sold more than a million, and even sold a bunch of the Acceleration/SP2 add-on packages. More importantly they introduced FS to many new users. Of course the majority of them have tossed the package in a corner after a few weeks or a few hours because it is ‘not so simple’ to get it working….. and it is not a game with a clear and quickly achievable target. That sort of eliminates the majority of current-day youngsters and ‘gamers’, but hey!

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So the real effects of the extremely regrettable decision by the MS Games Studios’ management will only be felt on the longer term, when there will be a fading of FS user. And that will no doubt have its effects on the add-on development companies. They need a flourishing market in order to survive in this ‘marginal business’. One last note that is of interest: a lot of freeware developers have finally dropped out of the industry with the advent of FSX. So much was changed in the source code, that it was just too difficult for many to adapt and re-learn new techniques and new technology. Also the tools to work with were changed. One now needs the very expensive 3DSMax design tool to take full advantage of everything FSX has to offer, and the old (free) GMax tool will not do everything, nor is it supported anymore. The only alternative, the ‘old’ FSDS by Sinclair, still has too many restrictions and can not be used for top-of-the-line products. Maybe there is an opportunity now too. With FSX being now much longer around it will probably spark a new

interest among freeware designers, because they will have more time to learn and their products will not be obsolete in a few months. And the ‘competition’? In my personal opinion, but yours may vary, there simply is none. I have been playing each and every ‘flying game’ and flight simulator since computers exist, even on mainframes back in 1976, and have an open eye for all products. Fact remains that FS has grown into much more than a ‘flight simulator’. With all the additional effects (weather, AI traffic in the air AND on the ground, highly sophisticated instruments such as the G1000), the entire world mapped into more or less detail, 24.000 airports and airfields, and so many details on the ground, it has become an ‘aviation simulator’. And that’s where it shines and where the competition is left in the dust, really. Programs like X-Plane and the valiant effort of FlightGear are FLIGHT simulators first and foremost and do not offer the depth of immersion, nor the amount of detail and possibilities, that FS does. And seeing the way they are run and developed it will be quite a number of years yet for them to catch up, X-Plane is basically programmed by one guy (FS had over a hundred specialists working on it), and FlightGear is made by a loose group of open source volunteers.| These programs are certainly an achievement by their respective authors and have a future no doubt, but they are ‘not the same’, nor will they be, for a number of reasons. So we’ll carry on with FS9 and FSX and look forward to a whole bunch of new add-ons and new developments in spite of MS pulling out. Maybe if only to show them they were wrong.

is o ç n Fra

About the author: Francois A. ‘Navman’ Dumas is a veteran flightsimmer, having ‘played’ his first ever computer-sim on an IBM 360 mainframe back in 1976, owning and using just about every flightsim and flight game since. Before that François ‘simmed’ with plastic WW2 airplane models hanging from the ceiling of his bedroom, lengthy hand-written hit tables and other paper administration. François finished a career as an international IT executive back in 2005 and started his own publishing company, among other things developing and marketing Flight Simulator add-on products and helping other add-on companies do so. He is also the main force behind the famous news site and forums and a regular writer in Computer Pilot Magazine and other publications. You can find his websites at and 

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April 2009

Do you also read the IVAO forum? sometimes you see some of those screenshots and you are wondering if it’s real or fake out of the flightsimulator? Now it’s time to learn some basics in taking and editting screenshots from your flightsimulator In this tutorial we will work with the following programs. - Adobe Photoshop - Fraps - Virtual Photographer plugin (freeware) These programs are payware but the most common used programs in taking and editting screenshots.

How to begin ? STEP Start Fraps and also open your flight simulator. Now whenever the right moment appears, take a screenshot by pressing the shortcut key defined by you. A tip, if possible capture images in .bmp, with maximum image compression quality

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April 2009

STEP Now you have captured your favorite moment at a click of a button. The time has come to decorate and present it to the whole world. Open Photoshop, we are first going to create a beautiful black border. And for this on the menu go to “layers” and select ‘create new layer’

STEP Select on Left Toolbox, the “rectangle selection” and draw on the image a rectangle on the upper border.

STEP Paint the border with black color from the paint tin tool

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April 2009

STEP Now, copy the layer (control + C and paste, Control + V) and move the section to the bottom.

STEP It is now time to use the magic wand. We will edit the image, using the plug-in filter “virtual photographer�. You can locate this on the menu Filters>>optikVerve Labs>>Virtual Photographer Let us now select the settings on virtual Photographer. There multiple options, but we recommend these parameters

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STEP 1. 2. 3. 4. sity

Always on Subtle the tone Apply the minimum Effect soft yellow Some of sub-expose depending of the lumino-

April 2009

STEP Looks nice! But there is more scope for improvement. This can be done by changing the colors or contrast. Go to image option on the menu (image/adjust in older versions of Photoshop) and adjust settings of automatic colors, contrast or tone to suit your preference.

STEP Great ! But not quite Perfect. You can further improve. Go to option Filters >> optikVerve Labs >>Virtual Photographer and adjust, the following: 1. Underexpose 2. Orange effect

STEP Now use the underexpose tool to create some dirty and shadows effects. Apply this on main clarity zones of the fusalage

STEP It is time for some Sun effect. To do this, go to filters>>distortion>>diffuse glow Page 10

April 2009

STEP Now provide some grain effects and adjust the luminosity based on your preference. You can see the preview on screen to your left.




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And for the perfect finish, create a hot exhaust blur, on the exhaust zones. Select these zones with polygonal tool (quickly on the image select L key for polygonal tool)

Now provide some grain effects and adjust the luminosity based on your preference. You can see the preview on screen to your left.

On the menu options Go to Filters >> Distortion >> Marine Waves Apply this effect based on your choice

April 2009

The Result is – A Great Screenshot

Hope you are now equipped to create those stunning screenshots. Looking forward to seeing your screenshots! 

The IVAO Desktop Calendar! Every month IVAO members can submit a screenshot to the Desktop Calendar system. One submission that fits the months theme is picked as the ‘screenshot of the month’ and will be eligible for the title of ‘the best screenshot of the year. More Information: Page 12

April 2009

By Charles Wood

VOR Navigation

Biography Charles Wood Charles Wood had planned to resume his private-pilot flying after retirement in 1992 but vision problems prevented that. He has been an enthusiastic flight-simmer since the days of FS95 and has authored two major websites, DC-3 Airways Virtual Airline and Flight Simulator Navigation. His other hobbies are making videos, both family oriented and related to Flight Simulation, and writing.

The ‘art’ of VOR Navigation Despite inroads from the GPS the VOR remains the backbone of aviation navigation. Flight-Sim pilots deprive themselves of much fun and satisfaction if they don’t well understand how to navigate with the VOR. This is the first of a two-part article that will explain how to competently fly with the VOR. This is not just book learning, though, but includes practice flights to improve your skills, ensure thorough understanding and increase your confidence in VOR navigation. The VHF Omni-directional Range, or VOR, operates within the 108.0 to 117.95 MHz VHF band and has been in service for over fifty years. The operating principle is simple. A ground-based VOR transmitter radiates two signals. One is a stationary reference signal which always points North. The second signal rotates around the transmitter. The aircraft’s VOR receiver simply measures the difference in time between the stationary reference signal (North) and the rotating signal received in your aircraft. With that information it can calculate which radial your aircraft is on. Radial, Radial, Radial … that term is always used with VORs so you best understand it. Radials are like the spokes on a wheel. They start at the center of the VOR and POINT OUTWARD. The VOR station transmits 360 radials, one for every degree. The VOR signal is at least accurate to one degree and usually much better. Note the very important detail that the North Radial from a VOR points toward Magnetic North. Since pilots fly magnetic headings it is important that the VOR radial correspond to the aircraft’s compass reading.

Mr. Charles Wood

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April 2009

The example here is for the Marconi VOR on Cape Cod, south-east of Boston, Massachusetts. Its magnetic variation is 16° West. Here is the Marconi VOR as it appears on the New York Sectional Chart. The radio information for the Marconi VOR is inside the box: the VOR Name (Marconi), its frequency (114.7 MHz), the three-letter ident code (LFV) and the depiction of the Morse code you would hear for “LFV.” The Channel 94 info is for military pilots. Note also the VOR symbol circled in red. (See next paragraph.)

There are three types of VOR installations: The symbol at the center of the VOR compass rose identifies the type, as shown to the right. 1 … VOR only; 2 … VOR plus DME capability 3 … VOR plus TACAN (Military UHF navigation) called a VORTAC, and with DME for all pilots. The aircraft VOR gauge has five components: 1. The Rotating Compass Card. The arrow at the top points to the selected VOR Radial, here 345°. 2. The OBS … Omni Bearing Selector. This knob rotates the Compass Card. 3. The CDI … Course Deviation Indicator. This needle swings left or right indicating the direction to turn to return to course. When the needle is to the left, turn left and when the needle is to the right, turn right, A centered needle indicates that the aircraft is on course. 4. The TO-FROM Flag which indicates whether you are flying TO the VOR Station or FROM the VOR station. When the arrow points up, you are flying TO the station. When the arrow points down, you are flying FROM the station. 5. The Track Deviation Scale … each dot represents two degrees off course. A bit more information and we begin flying I recommend that you fly the practice flights with a low and slow aircraft. The Cessna 172SP is a good candidate, although I think that the panel is a bit cluttered for basic navigation training. Another option is the standard C172SP but with a custom panel. You can find that on both AVSIM and, with file names (fs9) and (FSX). The custom panel also has a much better view over the panel. They are easy one-step install programs. Here is a picture of that panel:

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April 2009

What Radial am I on? • Move your aircraft to Runway 7, Provincetown Airport, KPVC. Do not takeoff, stay on the runway! • Tune your Nav receiver to 114.7 MHz. Verify that the Morse code ident is LFV. The VOR needle should swing left or right. • Click the OBS knob to rotate the compass card. Continue this until the needle centers and the TO/FROM flag points down, or FROM as seen to the left. You can rotate the compass card in either direction depending on which side of the OBS knob that you click. • The arrow at the top of the gauge should now point to 307°, informing you that your aircraft is on the Marconi 307° radial. Remember that Radials can only extend FROM the VOR station. • NOTE: The needle can also center at 127° (the reciprocal of 307°) but the TO/FROM flag will point UP, i.e., TO the station. That would be your course, in this case, to fly to the VOR, but Radials are only identified with a FROM flag! Most of the illustrations in this article are with VOR-2 to avoid the clutter of the Glide Slope needle. How does the aircraft orientation affect the VOR reading? With your aircraft still on Runway 7 at KPVC we are going to rotate it 90° to the right, to 165°, to see the effect on the VOR reading. Go to the Map View using the Map Icon on your front panel and type 165 into the heading box. Then click OK. The aircraft now has a heading of 165° and the VOR gauge with the needle centered still shows that you are on the 307° radial. The VOR gauge reading does not depend on the aircraft orientation! Flying the Needle:

Here is a planned course of 135° TO the station. We have set the VOR OBS to 135° and the TO flag is showing (pointing UP) indicating that we are flying TO the station. Our needle is nicely centered indicating that we are on course. Here we see that our aircraft is to the Right of our desired course line. Obviously we must turn Left to get back on course. Note that the VOR needle is to the Left of the gauge center mark. With VOR navigation we fly toward the needle to get back on course. Here the VOR gauge tells us to turn left to get back on course. We turn towards the needle. We are off course by 4° … The VOR gauge sensitivity is 2° per dot under the needle. You can see that the needle is two dots to the left of center

In this case our aircraft is Left of our desired 135° course line. We must turn Right to get back on course. Note that the VOR needle is to the Right of the center of the gauge, indicating a turn to the right is necessary to return to course. We turn toward the needle. Here our aircraft is 6° off course, known because the needle is three dots from center.

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Whoa … What happened here? I was holding course so good until I got near the VOR. The needle was right on center! What happened was that you became a victim of the increase in “sensitivity” of the VOR as you move closer to it. Each VOR radial is one-degree in width. At 20 nm from the VOR, for example, that one-degree width is 2123 ft (647 meters). But at 1 nm from the VOR the width of its one-degree radial would be 1/20th of what it is at 20 nm. So if you are flying right at the outer edge of a given radial at 20 nm, and maintain that same distance from the radial (in feet or meters) as you approach the VOR you could be 20 degrees away from the desired radial at 1 nm! There are two very important considerations here: 1) When the VOR needle begins to rapidly move off center you know that you are very near the VOR station, and 2) more importantly, DO NOTHING! – do not chase the needle to re-center it. After passing the VOR station, assuming that your course remains unchanged, the needle will return back near center gauge again as you move away from the VOR. How do I know when I am over the VOR Station? The first requirement is that station passage must not come as a surprise. Either know how far you are from the VOR with a DME or with a time estimate from the previous waypoint. We already mentioned above that there may be a rapid movement of the VOR needle when you are very close to the station. But that won’t happen if your piloting puts you dead on the desired radial or the VOR is coupled to your Autopilot. Normally, station passage is indicated by the LOSS of the TO flag. At that moment, a warning flag is displayed as shown in the illustration above. But be forewarned that the warning flag appears in four separate instances: 1) The Avionics power is off; 2) The Nav receiver is tuned to the wrong frequency; 3) The Nav receiver is tuned to the correct frequency but the aircraft is out of range of that station; and 4) being directly above a VOR station. This last occurrence causes the warning flag to appear because a VOR station transmits no signal directly overhead. Just a few seconds after station passage, the FROM flag will appear. If you are a bit off course and thus not directly over the VOR, the low-signal warning flag may not appear but rather the TO flag will directly switch to the FROM flag. The Autopilot and VOR Navigation Most modern aircraft in fs9 and FSX include an autopilot that can couple to the aircraft’s VOR equipment. Note first that only VOR-1 can couple with the autopilot. The autopilot controls the heading of your aircraft to maintain flight on the radial selected by the OBS on the VOR-1 gauge. You should intercept the desired radial before engaging the autopilot. Then press the “NAV” button on the autopilot. The autopilot can control flights both TO and FROM the VOR. The autopilot will automatically adjust for any wind component to maintain accurate flight on the chosen radial. Recall that at station passage, the VOR signal briefly drops to zero, as discussed above. That will automatically disconnect your autopilot from the VOR-1 equipment in your aircraft. Be alert for that.

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Practice Flights Three and Four … Intercept a FROM radial You will depart from Hanscom Field, KBED, fly north and intercept the 334° radial FROM BOS VOR, then land at Nashua Airport, KASH. Move your aircraft to KBED, Runway 5, Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts. Tune your Nav to 112.7 MHz, BOS VOR, and set the OBS to 334°. You will intercept the BOS 334° radial but the intercept angle is 41°, too large for a smooth intercept. Thus the intercept will require two heading changes. Depart KBED on Runway 5 and maintain Hdg until 500 ft, then turn left to 015° and continue climb to 3000 ft. When the VOR needle moves to within one needle-width of center, turn left to 345° and continue until the needle has mostly centered, then turn further left to intercept the 334° radial from BOS VOR. At 26 nm DME from BOS, begin descent to 1000 ft and make a straight-in approach to KASH, Runway 32. The airport is 34 nm DME from BOS. Time; about 15 minutes. Flight # 4 … Same as above, but set the wind to 300° at 20 kts. Depart from Rwy 29 and turn right to 015° at 500 ft then continue as above. You must adjust your aircraft heading to compensate for this wind both on the north-bound leg as well as to maintain your VOR radial. Time, about 17 minutes. Victor Airways Many countries have established aviation airways, generally routes between designated VOR stations. In the United States those routes below 18,000 ft MSL have a “V” as the first letter of its name followed by one to four digits such as, V146. Because the first letter is a “V” they are called Victor Airways. Some of these details may vary outside the US. The image below shows how Victor airways appear on a Sectional Chart (VFR Charts) and on a Low Altitude Enroute Chart (IFR Charts).

The Sectional Chart, left, shows that V146 is on radial 300° from the Nantucket VOR. The “27” in the box above V 146 is the nautical miles between Navaids for this segment. Note in the IFR chart to the right, that V146 also lies on the 119° radial from the Martha Vineyard VOR. The “2000” above the V146 is the Minimum Enroute Altitude, MEA, for that segment. The I-MVY frequency info in the box is for the ILS, not the VOR.

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Practice Flight #5 This final flight is representative of a common coursechange procedure. Tune your Nav receiver to SEY, Sandy Point VOR, 117.8 MHz and set the OBS to 130°. Depart Runway 14 from Westerly State airport, KWST, and climb to 3000 ft. At 500 ft, turn right to 170° and intercept V58, 130° inbound to Sandy Point VOR. At the VOR turn left and intercept V268, R046° north-east to Newport State airport, KUUU. Land on Runway 4. Total flight time: about 26 minutes. Note that your left turn at Sandy Point VOR, from 130° to 046°, is nearly 90°. The image below shows your route of flight at station passage. With a left turn from 130° (V58) at station passage to 046° your heading will correspond to V268 but you will be 0.5 nm off course, right of the V268 airway. At 100 kts, the radius of a 90° standard rate turn is 0.5 nm. Obviously you have to continue your left turn until intersecting with V268 but you are very close to the VOR and the needle will move rapidly so don’t rush the intercept. If you turn too sharply you will cross V268 and then must turn right to get back to V268, creating an “S” turn intercept, not a lot of fun.

I recommend that you save this flight after satisfactory intercept of V58, 130°. Then you can practice the turn and intercept of V268 without having to repeat the entire flight. That finishes this installment. Next time we will discuss and fly Intersections and VOR Instrument approaches. Both are easy to understand and fun, plus you will be surprised how well you can approach a runway shrouded in IMC weather without an ILS. 

Charles Wood Page 18

April 2009


Air Traffic Control, Provides a service...

It sounds like a simple statement, it was once brought up by a friend of mine, but .... looking at this statement by itself, there is lot to say. ATC is providing a service to the pilots. Not just one, but infact several services at the same time ( These services can go a long way. Look back and listen to the tapes of the by now famous Hudson landing in New York ( topic,100567.0.html). If you have the right tapes to listen to, you will hear that at serious moments there is only one task left for an ATC - Follow the situation and assist the pilots in any way possible. Be at their service like a good and devoted servant and do what ever is needed, whether asked or necessary at such a moment. What else could you do as ATC? Provide your service and assist ( On the pilot’s side, I would say, as shown in New York, use their service to its optimum. Ask ATC what ever you need to ask that could help you in the situation you are in. They are there waiting and more than willing to be at your service. Now we can move away from the New York scene. In general, I would say to Pilots, “Your ATC is there for you to help you and to make your flight a pleasant, successful and above all, a safe one.” That does not mean ATC is a slave or somebodies doormat. Not at all. Pilot and ATC are a team. In a way they perform together. Any flight that takes place in these big (IVAO) virtual skies. Each with its own role and adding to each other. ATC is or could be an addition to the position of the pilot. ATC assists with information, provides proper separation for the safe conduct of flights, is there as a the guide in the air in any situation, especially in case of an emergency. ..... In short, ATC plays a very important role in the performance of a pilot.

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Londen Heathrow, 1968. © NATS.

April 2009

So, let’s aim for a good relation between them, between ATC and pilots. Ah, and realise that in this IVAO hobby here, one may say that ATC is a duty, where a pilot is having fun..... Think about it :) When we compare an emergency situation, there is a considerable difference between the real life and IVAO situation, For an IVAO pilot, in most cases he continues to fly his aircraft, whereby in fact the computer will do most of the work. Keep pushing the right buttons and continue. For an IVAO ATC this is very different. For him it real gets busy since he is absolutely alone and on his self. Contrary to real life, where a controller hardly ever will be alone. In IVAO, we strive to hand-over emergency traffic from the one controller to the next, as usual. In that case, more and more controllers will get some experience with handling an emergency. But, in fact before you hand-over an aircraft in emergency, you should advise the next controller of the situation and tell him whatever there is to tell for his convenience and for that of the pilot. Just to avoid to asking the pilot again to explain the whole story. Meanwhile your normal traffic continues and need some care as well. In short, ATC is at duty. While ATC is on duty, he will immediately recognise the newbie, the beginner and the pilot in need of help. ATC will remain calm and will assist in any way possible to make the pilot at comfort. Whether it is talking in a slow (!!) mode, or with repeating if the pilot did not copy the first time. And you know what, pilots will be grateful for that. In return it will make the ATC happy. At the end of his duty he will look back and say to himself “….That was fun, again today I made many pilots happy, even if it was my duty:..” Which brings me to a forum topic that I read recently about motivation and challenge or say satisfaction. Interesting to read that some IVAO users see and realise that there is a limit in the top we can reach here. Indeed, there is that limit. If you climb the ladder and finally reached the top as a C3 controller or even a C4 and you can call yourself a “principle controller”, than what is next? Not necessarily instructor.... This is interesting where many people think that instructor is a next rank that you can reach so as to be on top of some one else. Wrong!

As it is in real life these days, a tower simulator with instructors next to you.

You know what an instructor is? That is not someone ABOVE you, but that is someone NEXT to you. That’s the guy who sits next to you and will try to tell you how you could do the work of ATC or how to fly as a pilot. You know, instructor is something the one has within and attains. It is a kind of a talent. You are able to do it or you cannot. Therefore, it is not part of that bewished ladder and badge system.

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Someone could be a very good C1 instructor while training IVAO friends to become a TWR controller. But he does not need to have an instructor rank for that purpose. The driving motivation is, every day again, to satisfy the pilots as happy customers. To provide the service which they are looking for and which they need. One way or the other. If the pilots are happy, ATC can be happy. What is the challenge? The challenge is to have all those pilots, time again, guided through your area in a safe and expeditious way. To help them when they need help, to provide them with that missing piece of information they need. Every day again, since every day is different, any moment is different. On the other side, Yes I can understand the question of motivation and challenge or of satisfaction. You know, in real life an ATC would look for an interesting hobby next to his professional work and duty as ATC. Just to relax and have something different from time to time. Maybe an idea for IVAO as well ..... ?? Look for a hobby, maybe of IVAO piloting ?? Do some flying from time to time and experience the other side of the line. Like we do in real life where ATC makes their cockpit flights regularly, to meet pilots and to see how they are at thier work and enjoy the ATC services. ďƒą

r side.

ithe Enjoy, e


van der F ) O C T A Bob (P acam@iv

Coming soon...

IVAO Brand Shop!

Page 21

April 2009

Weather Of all things which influence the safety of flight, the weather, the characteristics and behavior of the Earth’s atmosphere, is without doubt the most powerful. The following can have a direct and indirect influence on flight safety:

Turbulence associated with convective activity (for

example, thunderstorms), terrain (for example, the movement of air masses over mountains), jet streams and the interaction between air masses, can cause structural damage to aircraft.

Surface contamination; standing water, ice, or snow on take-off, landing and maneuver surfaces.

Wind Velocity; the influence of wind on directional

control cross-wind or aircraft stability during take-off and landing, and generally on en-route performance.

Precipitation; for example rain, hail, and snow affect aerodynamics and visibility.

Lightning; a lightning strike can be very distressing to passengers (and crew!) but physical damage to an aircraft is not likely to threaten the safety of the Ice Formation on Aircraft can alter the aerodynamic aircraft. Of greater concern is the effect a lightning characteristics of an aircraft and cause damage to or strike can have on avionics, particularly compass loss of function of the engines and seriously affect the systems, and the potential for the transient airflow performance of an aircraft. Aircraft and In Flight Icing disturbance associated with lightning to cause Risks discusses the commonly-encountered issues engine shutdown on both FADEC and non-FADEC whilst High Level Ice Crystal Icing of turbine engines is a engines with close-spaced engine pairs. recently-identified and improperly understood phenomenon which occurs outside the normal icing envelope. Ice may form on aircraft whilst they are on the ground prior to flight and this must be removed and any further accretion on the airframe prevented by the Aircraft Ground De/Anti Icing so that any aircraft is free of ice deposits at the point at which it gets airborne. Reduced visibility, associated with cloud, mist, fog,

or sand storms, can make safe flight difficult or even impossible, even with the help of technology (ILS, weather radar, synthetic vision systems, etc)

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This shot shows a lightning bolt striking an airplane taking off Osaka's airport, then hitting the ground.

April 2009


(Continued previous page)

Many of the operational safety issues can be affected by weather: Runway Excursion: The indirect contribution of weather to

runway surface state and the direct effect of crosswind component on directional control.

CFIT: CFIT (Controlled Flight into Terrain) accidents often occur when an aircraft is in cloud or in reduced forward visibility, when the crew may be subject to extra workload, be distracted, or have reduced situational awareness associated with the weather conditions. Loss of Control: as a result of turbulence or wind shear

such as might be experienced in a Microburst or as a result of a exposure to In-Flight Icing which exceeds the capacity of the Ice Protection Systems. There are numerous specific mitigation strategies to maintain the safety of flight in certain types of weather. These may be technical, procedural, or navigation related, or all three, and it may be appropriate to re-route, delay or cancel a flight if no satisfactory mitigation is available.

Now days many aircraft do have weather radar integrated within their instruments. Those systems tells something about bad weather enroute like rain and turbulence.

In-Flight Icing Ice accreted on an aircraft structure and/or -40째C, most has frozen. The size of supercooled water droplets and the nature of the airflow around its engines and their air inlets as a result of flight in atmospheric icing conditions. the aircraft surface, dictate how many of the droplets will impact the surface. The size of a droplet

also determines what happens after impact, for The freezing point of water is 0째C. If the local tempe- example larger droplets tend to splash and break rature near an airframe or powerplant external surface up into smaller ones. Finally, the size is related to the mass of water in the droplet, which determines falls to zero or below, then ice may form from water droplets freezing on or immediately after contact with the time required for the physical state change. Larger droplets which do not break up into smaller the aircraft surface. Considerable quantities of atmospheric water continue ones will take longer to freeze and can form a surface layer of liquid water before freezing occurs. to exist in liquid form well below 0째C. The quantity of "supercooled" water steadily decreases until, by about


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April 2009

In-Flight Icing

lucent. If the freezing process is sufficiently slow to allow the water to spread more evenly (Continued previous page) before freezing, the resultant transparent sheet of ice may Surface Hazard from Ice Shed- be difficult to detect. The larger Effects of Icing: Airframe Icing can lead to reduced per- ding the droplets, and the slower formance, loss of lift, altered controllabi- Ice shed during in-flight de icing is the freezing process, the more lity and ultimately stall and subsequent not of a size which could create a transparent the ice. hazard should it survive in frozen loss of control of the aircraft. Hazards of form until reaching the ground icing include: below. However, there has been a long history of ice falls from aircraft Adverse Aerodynamic Effects waste drain masts. There are many Ice accretion on the airframe is likely to documented cases of hazardousmodify the airflow pattern around airfoil sized pieces of so-called "blue ice" surfaces such as wings and propeller falling from aircraft and damaging blades leading to loss of lift, increased property and occasional reports of drag and a shift in the airfoil center of such falls nearly injuring people. pressure. The latter effect may alter Most of these events are recorded longitudinal stability and pitch trim requi-where there is a high density of In extreme cases and depenrements. Longitudinal stability may also long haul commercial air traffic in dant on the temperature and the vicinity of a large airport which be affected by a degradation of lift gedroplet size, the ice accretion is located near a densely populated nerated by the horizontal stabiliser. The residential area. Many have been on a leading edge may take modified airflow pattern may significantattributed to drain masts from air- the shape of a “double ram’s ly alter the pressure distribution around craft galleys or toilet compartments horn” with protrusions on flight control surfaces such as ailerons which should have been heated the upper and lower leading and elevators. If the control surface is to prevent ice formation but the edges. These horns can ocunpowered i.e. manually operated, this heating systems have been found cur at a variety of angles and across a wide range of locatichange in pressure distribution can to have been faulty. ons around the leading edge. ultimately cause uncommanded control Types of Ice Accretion: They may become somewhat deflections that may not be able to be large as glaze ice tends to Rime Ice overpowered by the pilot. have more structure than rime. Rime ice is formed when small Blockage of pitot tubes and static super cooled water droplets freeze Cloudy or Mixed Ice is the vents on contact with a sub-zero surface. description given to ice accretion which has features of both Blockage of the air inlet to any part of a Because the droplets are small, pitot static system can produce errors they freeze almost instantly crea- Rime and Clear/Glaze Icing. Because it forms in the wide in pressure instruments such as Altime- ting a mixture of tiny ice particles range of conditions between ters, Airspeed indicators, and Vertical and trapped air. The ice deposit those which lead to mostly Speed Indicators. The most likely origin formed is rough and crystalline Rime or mostly Clear/Glaze of such occurrences to otherwise ser- and opaque. Because of its crysIce, it is the most common and talline structure, rime ice is brittle viceable systems has always been the and appears white in colour from a may tend to have a relatively non-activation of the built-in electrical distance. more rime-like or glaze-like heating which these tubes and plates Rime ice forms on the leading ed- character and appearance. are provided with. ges and can affect the aerodynamic Some other terms which may characteristics of wings as well as be encountered in connection Communications problems with airframe ice accretion forming an obstruction at engine Ice forming on unheated aerials can air intakes. Rime may start with no include: degrade the performance of radios. particular shape, instead just coa- Supercooled Large Droplets ting the leading edge area roughly. (SLD), Runback Ice, Intercycle Ice. As it develops, it may protrude forward into the airstream, although We hope you have found this it is limited structurally in how much article interesting. Stay tuned of a “horn” it can develop. on the next issue. 

Clear Ice

On behalf of the Clear, or Glaze, ice is formed by larger supercooled droplets which IVAO Training Department. take longer to freeze. This results in some degree of runback, fewer air bubbles, and leads to the ice accretion being transparent or trans-


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April 2009

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April 2009

The Colombian division of IVAO has been active for a few years now. This division has grown under difficult a circumstance to what it is today “the second largest division in South America” with around 1,350 members. The Division offers a number of activities to its members. Some of the important activities have been: Tours The Division has developed some famous IFR and VFR tours. Including, unique tours like the ULM or the Special Operations Mega tour. The division has its own “Tour reporting system” that makes reporting tour legs more exiting and convenient. Events Division’s event department hosted the prestigious edition of Real Flight Event – America. Further, every month the division conducts high traffic events such as crowded skies, dangerous approach, Special operations, etc. Most of these events are successful in simulating real world traffic and giving members the experience of the real world. As a regular feature the division conducts “Online Day” on all Saturdays starting at 20:00 UTC with full staffed ATC position in principal airports of Colombia.

Factsheet Colombia - Language: Spanish (official ICAO language) - Capital: Bogota - Form of Government: Republic - Surface: 1.138.914 KM2 (8,8% water) - Residents: 45.013.674 (2008) - Timezone: UTC -5 - More info:

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April 2009

Training The training department has created their own training center based on Moodle Platform, which contains official material from the Colombia Aviation Entity. The training pages have been successful in improving the skill sets of the Colombian Division members. For more information, we welcome you to visit our website at 

Regards from Bogotá, Colombia. Nicolás Pombo, CO-DIR Ricardo Sarasty, CO-TC

Avianca ©

Coming soon...

IVAO Brand Shop!

Page 28

April 2009

Located at 6° 10′ 30″ S, 106° 49′ 42″ E, Kepulauan Nusantara (archipelago), Indonesia is truly a gem of the equator. With its 17,508 islands, she is the world’s largest archipelagic country. Air transport plays a very crucial role in transporting commuters from one island to another Garuda Indonesia (ICAO: GIA; IATA: GA) is the national flag carrier, that connects Indonesia with the world. Other than Garuda Indonesia, Indonesia sky is colored with various airlines, to mention some: • Citilink; • Merpati Nusantara Airlines; • Pelita Air Service; • Lion Air; • Batavia Air; • Mandala Airlines. The IVAO Indonesia Division welcomes your presence in Indonesia airspace; We wish you a pleasant flight ahead! For more information about ID division procedure, visit:

Some major airports in Indonesia... Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (ICAO: WIII; IATA: CGK) Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (or what Indonesian usually calls as Soe-Ta) is the main airport serving Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. It is named after the first President and Vice President of Indonesia, Soekarno and Muh. Hatta, respectively.

world (Forbes).

This airport was the 35th busiest airport in 2004-2006, according to Airliners World Magazine, but yet rank as the 6th most punctual airport in the

There are two parallel runways running on the North and South of the airport: • RW 07L/25R – on the North (12,887 ft) • RW 07R/25L – on the South (11,811 ft) The most common scenery used is made by Budi Santoso and can be downloaded from http://www.iscenery. net

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Ngurah Rai International Airport (ICAO: WADD; IATA: DPS) Located in Pulau Dewata (the island of the gods), Ngurah Rai Airport becomes the window for tourists from various places to come and visit Bali island. The airport, situated, in the “small throat” in the south of Bali island, offers any pilot a fantastic view during approach with the view of the sea on your three sides. The runway is equipped with ILS navigation system when you are approaching from the East. However, if you are approaching from the West, there is only VOR DME approach available. The airport is capable of receiving wide bodies and being a major tourist destination, has direct routes to and from various places in the world, such as: Singapore, Japan, Australia, Bangkok, China, Hongkong, Russia, and Korea.

April 2009

Juanda International Airport (ICAO: WARR; IATA: SUB) The second busiest airport in Indonesia after Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Juanda International Airport is the gate to enter Kota Pahlawan (The Heroes’ City), Surabaya city, the capital city of the East Java province. The new apron with an area of 148,000 m² can handle 18 aircraft simultaneously, including two wide body, 11 medium and five small aircraft. There are two 3000x30m parallel taxiways, including five exit taxiways (30m wide) and four connecting taxiways (also 30m). Approach to Juanda Airport, is ILS on RW 10 and VOR DME approach on RW 28.

Some Interesting Approaches in Indonesia... Polonia International Airport (ICAO: WIMM, IATA: MES) Ever wondered what it takes to approach an airport situated by residential areas? Although not as dangerous as Hongkong Kaitak International Airport, but approaching Polonia Airport, Medan could be as interesting! Polonia airport is located at the city of Medan, the capital of North Sumatera Province. It is the fourth largest airport in Indonesia after Soekarno-Hatta, Juanda and Ngurah Rai. There is a single asphalt runway (RW 05/23) which is 2.900 m and 45 m wide, but has only 2,625 m of usable length. Moreover, there is no run-off space beyond the runway thresholds. Its location in populated residential areas has taken its toll for more than 400 lives over the course of 25 years. The approach to this airport is challenging not only because of its location in the residential area, but also because it is located at the proximity of Gunung Sibayak which has its peak at 7,257 feet. Due to this terrain condition and the airport location, if there is not much wind, the departure will be from RW23, and the arrival will be on RW05. Departing from Polonia Airport, it is customary to be held at 3,000 ft until approximately 15 nm from MDN VOR. The rule-of-thumb when controlling is to have the arriving traffic above and the departing traffic below. The key of success in controlling in this area is the familiarity of the controller with the surrounding terrain and airport characteristic. Padang, Tabing (ICAO: WIMG; IATA: PDG – No longer operating) Although no longer operating, but this airport still become a major attraction for a lot of virtual pilots. Tabing Airport is located at Padang city, famous for its food called Rendang. A newer airport is built to replace Tabing Airport. However, approach to these airports is still interesting. Approach to Padang is not easy because of the area is surrounded by hills. No straight-in landing is allowed; only circling to land is permitted. To complete the difficulty, you may think you have runway insight, but watch out, which one is Tabing? There are real cases whereby the pilot land at the wrong airport. So will you be the next one? Try it yourself and see! 

We hope to welcome you soon! For the Indonesia Division, Rinaldi Hanafi, ID-DIR Page 30

April 2009

Campus Party 2009 is the biggest network event held in Brazil. The event originated in Spain and in 2009, the second edition of this prestigious event was held in Brazil.

The staff did a magnificent task in educating the visitors about IVAO and impressing upon them the advantages of IVAO through live demonstrations. The visitors were shown the capabilities of IVAO’s software.

IVAO’s Brazilian Division for the second consecutive year was responsible for Civil Flight Simulation section of the event and was responsible in educating the visitors on the basics of flight simulation.

IVAO Brazil division also had also organized a live streaming of the entire event which was available on the Brazil division’s website. This was a big event and the staff are hopeful they have been educate visitors on IVAO and hoping very soon many of these visitors will register as members on IVAO network.

Brazil Division’s participation was made possible due to the presence of most of its staff members from almost all parts of Brazil. The following staff members were present during the event: - BR-DIR, - BR-WM, Fabio Ferragi Victor Troz - BR-AOC, Rodrigo Hahnekamp

- SBBS-CH, Giovani Scarpati

- BR-FOAC, Peter Von Adamovich

- SBBS-ACH, Winder Mendes

- BR-TC, Fabiano Vasconcellos

- SBCW-CH, Mauricio Rodrigues

- BR-EAC, Leonardo Ferreira

- SBCW-ACH, Cesar Franke

- BR-TA5, Guilherme Maguerroski

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This event was a huge success and was made possible due to the tireless effort of IVAO Brazil staff members, members like Sandro Almeirda (EX-Ivaobr staff) and many others. For Everybody I can say Thank You.  With pleasure and Regards, Leonardo Ferreira, Brazil Events Assistant Coordinator

April 2009

MCAS MIRAMAR AIRSHOW 2008 It has been a few months now that the US Division held the Miramar MCAS Air Show. After reviewing the whole event, I must say that I am very satisfied with the final result. More than 40 participants joined the event by providing fantastic shows or splendid ATC services. Although we didn’t had a lot of spectators, the global reactions were great. We had around 10-15 diffirent nationalities and the same number of diffirent planes. I’m very excited to make similar events in the future and I really advise other divisions to make an air show too. The air show was officially opened by the Mexian Air Force and we already had some spectators online. Each pilot or team received 15 minutes for the show. Due a smooth organisation, we only had 3 or 4 pilots who were delayed. On the end of the First day, the french air

force closed the First part of the show, A magnificent display. The 3 highlights of the second day were the 2 F-14’s from the “dreamsky air show”, the solo display of Tiger31 with his F-16 and the USF022 a.k.a. Raptor. Via an IVAC connection, you really could see the professionalism of these pilots. Faster than I thought, day 3 arrived. This day included a display with the thunderbirds together with Air Force One. As final act, the F-16 display team of the Belgian Air Force made a spectacular show. The event was officially closed.. It was a succes! I saw only the best of the best during these 3 days.. 

By Sam Bogaerts US-SOC Page 32

April 2009

Every issue in this section we will hunt down the hottest downloads available in the flight simulation community. We also take this opportunityto salute these freeware developers, who devote their time and efforts in creating some awesome add-ons, available to us for FREE. rk rke

Mee arco


PlanePath NavData FS2004/ FSX Utilities Filenames: Various Authors: PlanePath Source: ‘Flying around with an old AIRAC cycle, getting SID or STAR clearance and your FMS does not seems to have them in the database?’ It’s over now! PlanePath is you website for FREE AIRAC updates. Updates to be downloaded every 4 weeks.

Realtime NG Series Miscellaneous Filenames: N/A Authors: Jasper Bussemaker Source: The Realtime NG Series is a browser-based flash applet, which displays online flights of IVAO or VATSIM sorted by departure / destination airport or airline. You can use it yourself or embed it at your website!

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April 2009

Poznan - Lawica Airport (EPPO2009) and Navaid Fix FS2004 scenery Filenames: & Authors: Mateusz Stabryla - MK Studios Source: Poznan - Lawica Airport (IATA: POZ, ICAO: EPPO), built in 1913, is one of the oldest airports in Poland. It is located 7 km west of PoznaĂą city centre. High quality textures (five seasons + night textures), Detalied autogen, Realistic trees, 3D grass, other details, NEW Ultra realistic snow. LOWG 2009 - Graz Thalerhof FS2004 scenery Filenames: Authors: Michael Eder, Gerhard Brunner, Simon HĂśtzinger (FS Terminal) Source: Beautiful and framerate-friendly state-of-the-art scenery of the austrian airport Graz-Thalerhof (LOWG). Photoreal layout, controllable lights, etc.

Rotterdam, Netherlands (EHRD/RTM) version 1.03 FS2004 scenery Filenames: Authors: Harmen Bosma Source: This is version 1.03 - complete package (no previous update files necessary). This is a highly realistic rebuilt of the default EHRD. In this version the ILS frequency of runway 24 changed to 110.90 as in real-life. Furthermore, a Word-document in included containing some information about the airport. For full detail, please check the readme file. Boeing/BAe T-45C Goshawk for FSX:Acceleration FSX aircraft Filenames: Authors: Dino Cattaneo Source: The T-45C Goshawk is a heavily modified version of the Bae Hawk single engine jet trainer, adapted to aircraft carrier ops.This package contains an entirely new visual model, with self shadowing,bump mapping and photoreal hi-res textures, working virtual dynamic cockpit, 3D gauges, and reasonably accurate flight model. Version 1.25:miscellaneous visual and functional improvements. Acceleration package required for HUD,MFD,sound and carrier ops. Designed by Dino Cattaneo. Page 34

April 2009

Dubai X FSX scenery Filenames: & Authors: Olivier BOCHU Source: After Dubaï2004,Here is a two parts file give you Dubaï city with : Photo real ground texture (Day & Night) of the 65 km shoreline, Most amazing buildings in the world, the last evolution of airport, the Palm island and The World islands. Only for FSX. Part 2 is needed for airport & airport ground texture

Nord3202 v1 (package with English documentation) FS2004 aircraft Filenames: Authors: Andre Chancel, Restauravia team Source: The Nord 3202 is a single-engine aircraft, intended for pilots instruction, built by Nord Aviation (a french manufacturer) in the sixties. This package contains the whole model with 4 liveries, panel 2D, fully functional Virtual Cockpit and original sounds. By Andre Chancel and the RESTAURAVIA team.

Airbus A300B4-600ST Beluga FSX aircraft Filenames: Authors: UKFlightsim, Jonathan Reeves, Tom Ruth, Dave Hazelgrove, Emil Serafino Jr. Source: This is the UKFlightsim Airbus A300B4-600ST Beluga for FSX. This package contains 1 model and 3 Texture Sets. Created by Jonathan Reeves, Tom Ruth, Dave Hazelgrove and Emil Serafino Jr.

If you have download tips for the ‘Freeware zone’, feel free to contact the Public Relations staff anytime or report your find on the IVAO forum.

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April 2009

Allen Sindel, is one of the founders and a very senior and respected member of IVAO. He has been around with IVAO for over 6 years, during these years he has had held various important positions in United States of America(USA) Division and also as Senior Staff of IVAO. As of date he continues to serve IVAO as Vice President of IVAO and Training Advisor of USA. Let me take this opportunity to Introduce to Allen, the side not all of us know about him Vybhav: What was your first experience with virtual aviation? Allen: My first experience was with MS FS2000 and MS’s network. I tried it several times but at that time the MS multiplayer network was more of a game then trying to simulate a VA experience like we do today with IVAO. Vybhav: You have been actively involved with the USA division for a very long time. A number of people would recognize you for the contribution you have made to that division. How much have you seen the division change over the years? Allen: When I first started with IVAO in Jan 2003, the US Division had very little participation. Generally at any time during the day or night there was very little traffic and to see ATC online was very rare. Through the years, I met Jim Ramos, Todd Moore, Eric Olson and many others where we improved our training programs, developed new members to participate, improved our events, and website to what you see today. Although, we still have a lot more development to do, we certainly now have more participation then when I first joined IVAO via the US Division. Vybhav: You have been through a number of senior staff positions in IVAO! What has been your most cherished experience and Why? Allen: My most cherished experience was during the time we finalized IVAO as an NPO and developed our relations with the Microsoft Flight Simulator team. We had many issues during that period, but working

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as a team with Erwin Lion, Gustavo Hernandez, Alain Debrouwer and others, the framework of what we see today was established for transparency and communication with our members. The relationship we developed with the MS Team at that time also allowed the Software Development Team, which is lead by Filip Jonckers and Kenny Moens, to make very significant advances in our software like IvAc and IvAp.

Allen is married, with (6) children and 14 grandchildren. He and his family live in (Ellington, CT) which is near Bradley International Airport (KBDL).

He attended Ohio State University where he received a BS degree in Welding Engineering. After graduating, he has worked in the Navy Nuclear, Oil and Gas Upstream equipment, and recently with Alstom Power in the Utility Vybhav: If I am right you were also Power Generation industry.

one of the first few staff members During his professional in the Public Relations Department, career, he has held positican you share with us some of your ons as the Vice President of experiences in that position? Manufacturing, Vice President Allen: When the Public Relatiof Operations, and served ons Department started, I was the on the Board of Directors for Assistant Director. Primarily the two major companies within the USA. He also servers on Software Development Department several technical committees was at the final stages of releasing with the American Welding IvAc and IvAp which were to reSociety, American Petroleum place ProController and Squawk Institute, and has three (3) Box. IVAO at that time did not have patents related to welding and any know public releases to the VA separation technologies. world news sites so when the PR Department first made news releases we were not even sure they would publish them. Well, to our surprise they published them for IvAc and IvAp. That started a long string of successes which included IvAe, Events, and World Tours. We had many exciting times in the beginning and I think are members enjoyed the fact to see IVAO news items showing on the Virtual Aviation news sites. I know the Div and Sr Staff appreciated that we took an active role in promoting the awareness of IVAO to our community of enthusiast.

April 2009

Vybhav: You have been elected as the Vice-President of the IVAO NPO organization for the second time now. For our average members, what are your roles and responsibilities as a Vice President? Allen: The Vice President role/responsibilities are to assist the President in areas whereby he/she can not chair the Board of Governors and/or General Assembly meetings. In addition, the Vice President servers on the Exec Committee where the day to day management of IVAO is conducted. In addition, the President can assign specific task for the Vice President to accomplish, like writing letters for a specific issue, being a mediator for resolving complaints, reviewing overall IVAO Rules/Regulations, and performing long range strategic planning.

Vybhav: What do you think has been IVAO’s biggest achievement over the last 10 years? Allen: When we formed the NPO. This set up the foundation for financial stability and member involvement through the General Assembly and Board of Governors. As we move forward, which we will always have areas for improvement, this single event allows for a more diverse involvement of our members to shape the future of IVAO and maintain our continued growth and stability for the future. Vybhav: Where do you see IVAO heading over the next 5 years in terms technology, membership base, etc.,? Allen: Our immediate challenge is the future of FS with the demise of the MS Games Studio, i.e. Ace’s Team. In the immediate future, FSX can carry us for some years into the future and since MS is shifting Vybhav: The World is of constant to a new release of XP7 then I am confident the Software Development change. I am sure over the past Team will meet the challenges. As 10 years IVAO too has changed; such, I am equally confident that to some extent you may have also been instrumental for these changes IVAO, which develops are own software, will still be the leader in being a senior staff. In your view this area. As for membership base, what have been these significant I think we will continue to grow as changes in our community? more and more enthusiast become Allen: As we all know the techaware of us through our news releanology advances are improving ses and other promotions we have at a very significant rate. Many taken through the distribution of MS of us have had the opportunity to add-on software. We also must adlive through the times of not even dress how we work with Virtual Airknowing what a PC was to today they are as common in house holds lines to help promote their involvement with IVAO. With respect to the as having a telephone (Note: And even the telephones have changed Training Department, we are making too!!!). In our community, IVAO has significant advances in our training recognized the need to develop our information and the requirements for technology to support our members Pilots/ATC. Through the Training activities I would foresee that new through our own software which is members would first be introduunder our control. During my time ced into the technology, friendship, as Sr Staff in various positions, I events, and the enjoyment of being have always supported these efforts in every position I have held a member of IVAO. by promoting IVAO has having the Vybhav: You have around 1,000 best software for Virtual Aviation, hours as an Air Traffic Controller and attending conferences promoting our software, participating as a Beta over 5,000 hours as a Pilot. So I assume you love flying online. Which Tester, working with the Training Departments (Div/HQ), and naturally aircraft do you fly? Which is your flying on the IVAN to answer questi- favorite route? Allen: Lately I fly the MD-11. ons from our members. Therefore, the most significant changes, which However, I usually pick long rouare always performed by working to- tes since it gives me time to see gether as a TEAM, are: 1) The Best how our weather server responds Software available that is under our to many changes in geographical control, 2) Working relationships areas. My favorite route is to depart with external FS news sites, 3) Sr Staff/Member Communications and for Boston USA (KBOS) to Honolulu USA (PHNL). Since in real life I usuTransparency, and 4) IVAO Finanally depart from Boston and I have cial Stability. not been to Honolulu, I guess it is in anticipation of fulfilling a dream that my wife and I have for the future.

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Vybhav: Are your children or grand children influenced by your hobby are joined IVAO as members? Allen: Well they are not members of IVAO but as my children where growing up they were influenced. Generally by, “Where is Dad?”; answer from Vicki my wife, “Where else but in his cave, flying on IVAO!”. My grandchildren, when the come to visit, sometimes get the same response as my children received from my wife. However, my grandchildren do fly on IVAN with me, but we tend to use autopilot and I answer, “What is this??”. Vybhav: Did you read the ‘Virtual Sky’? What do you think about the magazine? Allen: Yes I read every issue. The magazine is of tremendous benefit not only to our members but also to promoting IVAO. The different subjects covered each month give the readers and in-depth view of IVAO and the Virtual Aviation world. Vybhav: Many thanks for the interview. It was a pleasure to hear your views. Allen: Thank you giving me the opportunity to share my views and thoughts. I would also like to thank all of our members and Sr Staff for giving me the opportunity to work within IVAO to help promote our network and for the experience to enjoy my hobby. We have the best environment for members to meet people from all around the world and to enjoy one common goal, which is virtual aviation. From my involvement with IVAO over the years, I have made and met many friends in many different countries. As I travel in real life, I have met many personally, and my business associates are always amazed and ask, “How do you have so many friends all over the world?”. My answer is always the same, “Join IVAO, and you too can enjoy our friendship and passion for virtual aviation.” 

April 2009



Interview with Hüseyin Hoca Top Ranking Pilot on IVAO by Vybhava Srinivasan Huseyin Hoca is the Top Ranking Pilot in IVAO and has been on the network for over 7 years. As of January 1, 2009 have about 20314 online hours and still counting. Which means on an average he is online for about 9 hours every day. An inspiring pilot of IVAO, we were honoured to catch up with him for an exclusive interview. Vybhav: What is your profession in real life? Most of us think that you are a real world pilot. Huseyin: No, I am not a real world pilot but from my childhood I want to be a real world pilot. My profession is bowling and I am working in Bowling Club since 1998. Vybhav: How did you come across IVAO? Huseyin: I have been flying with MS Flight Simulator since 1995 (offline). In March 2002 one of my friend’s who was also a real world pilot introduPage 38

ced me to IVAO. Since March 2002 I have been flying with IVAO. And my senior ERIM FUNDA (Director of IVAO Turkey Division) continuously helped and encouraged me to fly with IVAO. helped and encouraged me to fly with IVAO. Vybhav: From your profile it is clear that you love only to be a Pilot. What kind of aircrafts do you fly? Huseyin: Yes you are right, I love to be a pilot and IVAO gave me an opportunity to fulfil my dreams. Normally I fly with every aircraft but I love to fly with BOEING 777-300 and AIRBUS 310.

IVAO for giving me such an opportunity. Meet new people having similar interest, I like this very much and also love to fly IVAO world tours. Vybhav: Although you have over 20,000 hours, your rating is only a pilot. Is there any reason why did not pursue a higher ratings on IVAO? Huseyin: Actually I don’t know the answer too. “I love to fly and I can carry on flying with current status” and hence I never looked at my rating. But now your question has set me thinking and hopefully very soon I try to obtain higher ratings.

Vybhav: Over 20,000 hours is no joke. I am sure it means a lot of flying. Probably even more than what most professional pilots would achieve. What has been the motivating factor for this mammoth achievement? Huseyin: I would like to thank April 2009


Vybhav: What would you like to say to a newbie pilots who has a passion to pursue a hobby as a virtual pilot? Huseyin: My message to new pilots is ....just to follow the rules and take the hobby seriously and do everything properly. The most important thing I would like to stress is “communicate “. This may the ATC if one is online else through Unicom via text. IVAO is our family just take care of it. Vybhav: As you may be aware IVAO has completed 10 years. What would you want to say to the members and staff on this occasion? Huseyin: In first I want to Congratulate all members and

staff for completing IVAO’s 10 Years. Actually I am not finding any word to say something to IVAO’s admin and staff members but…. I can’t forget their great efforts and struggle to maintain IVAO and provide us with such opportunity of flying. Vybhav: What changes have you seen in IVAO over years you have been a member? Huseyin: I have seen many technical and other changes in IVAO during my period. The software’s have been periodically updated to provide many other good features. IVAO family has increased. The journey from squawk box to IVaP and Roger Wilco to Team speak has been an amazing

one and symbolised an important progression. I pray for this journey to continue to the newer horizons. Vybhav: Many thanks for accepting our request for the interview. Huseyin: Thank you very much Vybhav. This interview is an honour for me. Once more thank you and many thanks to IVAO. 

Hüseyin behind his ‘working place’, Flight Sim. At his real life profession place, the Bowling Club.

Overall top 100 facts:

- With over a amazing amount of 30000 hours, Dieter Salzl (AU division) is leading the top 100 of most hours spend on the network as a pilot and controller, followed by Hüseyin (TR Division) with over 20000 hours; - As well as the top 100 of all members, Dieter is leading the Controller top 100 as well, followed by Jürgen Hahn (DE Division) with over 6500 hours of controlling; - The Pilot top 100 is led by Hüseyin with 20000 hours, to be followed by Frank Phlippo with almost 20000 hours. These members are making IVAO to what it is today! Page 39

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April 2009

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