Virtual Sky - 6th issue

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Department Interview


VOR Navigation


IVAO Real Live Events


IVAO Exclusive


Hardware Buzz


Promoting IVAO In Kuwait


Aerosoft Review: Manhattan X


Hungary Division On Visit


Visualisation And Awareness




Freeware Zone


Kenny Moens and Filip Jonckers, perhaps the most important persons behind the scenes at IVAO. Read more about their Software Development department.

Charles Wood brings you another edition on flying and navigate with VOR principals. This time he will learn you the basics on VOR approaches. In this section we will review real life IVAO events. This time we look back and forward on the This edition an exclusive interview with Franko Phlippo, ex. pilot of the Belgium Air Force and spreading his experience on IVAO as Belgium Special Operations Coordinator. In this section we bring you infor about the latest and upcoming hardware devices of interest for flight simulation community. The Kuwait division did participate on the World Tourism Expo held in Kuwait, together with Kuwait Airways they were showing IVAO to the big public.

Maxime Esnau did an review of this great detailled Manhattan scenery for MS Flightsimulator X. The Hungary division did a visit with one of their biggest Virtual Airlines to Budapest Ferihegy airport.

Ex- Air Traffic Controller from Eurocontrol, Bob van der Flier gives you another view on ATC. This time the story behind ‘visualisation and awareness’

This edition in the Lounge we show you the latest news known to the flightsim community, will there be a new FlightSimulator...? Check it out!

This issue we have some freeware finds waiting to be downloaded!


Marco Meerkerk IVAO Magazine Team Manager

IVAO Virtual Sky September 2009


Dear members,

Publisher: International Virtual Aviation Organisation Editors: Vybhava Srinivasan Marco Meerkerk Raymond van der Ploeg

First of all we would like to apoligise for the fact you had to wait quite a while for this issue, but there have been some changes in the last period which took some of our precious time. We regret this fact, but we promise each of our readers this delay will be compensated.

Layout and Design: IVAO Magazine Team.

Since a few weeks the team which was responsible for the magazine, is separated from (but under supervision of) PR-HQ. The main reason for this is because the team members are more able to focus on their main core, the magazine. The team has been formed recently and consists of 4 members now, which will grow in the near future. In the next issue each of them will present themselves in a so called ‘Magazine Team presentation’ article.

General Mail:

That said I would like to thank you once again for downloading this new September issue. Again we have some interesting articles ready for you to get devoured. We hope this issue is one to add to your Virtual Sky collection. We are sure this issue will tickle your senses. Until next time! Regards.


Logo and cover Design: Robert Gottwald Marco Meerkerk Cover screenshots by: Yann Chauvet Robert Allen Michael Meier Disclaimer: Any information, suggestions or illustrations published in this magazine are exclusively for use with computer flight simulation. All views expressed in this magazine are the views of the respective authors. The publisher does not accept any responsibility for those views. Copyright None of the information in this magazine may be reproduced in any form without prior permission from the publisher.

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Kenny Moens and Filip Jonckers, are probably the most well known members on the IVAO Network. They are both founders of IVAO. They have been with IVAO for around 8 years, and are known to be the key members of the IVAO Software Development Team. Let me take this opportunity to introduce Kenny and Filip:

Next to Kenny and Filip, the Software Department counts 12 advisors which assists the Directors. The software department does not only develop the software. They keep them up-to-date, test new versions and update the MTL (Multiplayer Traffic Library) database regularly. For more information about the team or software:

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Vybhav: What was your first experience with virtual aviation? Kenny: If I remember well I was around the age of 10, back then I was still quite active with swimming. One of the friends of my parents back then was quite busy with Flight Simulator, more specifically Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0. It was really playing around a bit, at that time I didn’t know much at all of procedures or anything else. Several years later, a friend on secondary school introduced me to recent developments on virtual aviation: IVAO. I learned ATC (with ProController back then) and started enjoying the hobby more and more. Filip: Actually I stumbled by accident on the IVAO website while searching for information on Brussels Airport. Out of curiosity I gave Procontroller a try. After a few months I thought that the software could do better and I wrote a small design paper which I gave to Alain Debrouwer and the rest is history... Vybhav: You have been involved in the Software Development Department of IVAO for a very long time. What has been your most cherished experience and Why?

IvAe, the eye of IVAO.

Kenny: Without any doubt the IvAc 1.0 launch party which we held at Filip’s place. All developers of IvAc where there, together with a few other people from IVAO. During the evening it was amazing to see how more and more people switched from the dated ProController to IvAc. The evening itself was certainly at lot of fun.

Filip: Well, one of my cherished moments is indeed the same “launch party” Kenny talked about. Besides that it’s always a great feeling when we visit foreign divisions and see how much fun people are having using our software and how young people learn about the aeronautical world. The smile on their faces after a successful landing is priceless. Vybhav: We all have now come to love IvAp and IvAc. Can you take us through some challenges that you and your team members faced and overcame in developing this stunning piece of software? Kenny: One of the most challenging parts for myself was IvAp. The development of the IvAp code which makes it possible for people to see each other was really a pain. It took us one month of full time development to get it working in a proper way. Even today I’m not that satisfied with this part yet. If we compare it with the development of IvAp v2 its traffic display is amazing: for FSX it only took us 2-3 days to implement the same logic. Of course the close cooperation with the Microsoft ACES team in Seattle was a great help. Filip: Creating our first version of IvAc was a challenge. But the design process of our next IvAc release was a real challenge which took several years. People often forget that we have to design and build an environment which has to work all over the world while real world systems are unique for every country. Instead of building a situational data display (SDD) which mimics one from a specific country, we choose to implement the best features from different systems worldwide which enables us to provide our users with state of the art software.

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Vybhav: In your view what is the distinguishing feature of our pilot client IvAp and ATC client IvAc that sets it apart from the competition. Kenny: On the pilot side certainly one of our key advantages is the MTL system. We can offer everyone high-quality and framerate friendly traffic in such a way that people have a one-stop approach to retrieve the MTL planes due our central system.

IvAc, the ATC Client

Filip: Don’t forget the major development done by Fabien in the last 2 years on a brand new weather server with a very detailed, worldwide coverage including aloft winds, something no other online network offers. Fabien also did a great job overhauling the interpolation and multiplayer engine which will be available soon for both FSX and FS9. What really distinguishes IvAc is user friendliness and realism. We want our users to focus on what they’re doing, maintaining separation between aircraft instead of trying to figure out how the application works. Vybhav: So there is lot of talk in the forums on version 2 of IvAc? Anything you can share with our readers? Kenny: Sorry, not even to the VirtualSky readers we can disclose any information besides the basic well known facts that IvAc v2 is in development and that it will be a revolution, not an evolution. Filip: We have been working for a few years already on the next release, the FSX version of our pilot client took much more work than expected initially but thanks to the work Fabien has been doing, we were able to improve the FSX support tremendously. The next IvAc release will be totally different. Not only was it build from scratch and looks totally different but it also behaves extremely realistic. Currently several people are helping us building the necessary test environments while we work hard on the development. I could give you a scoop: we got rid of the sectorfiles. (Kenny gives me the bad eye now hahaha) Vybhav: Kenny, you also serve as a secretary of the IVAO NPO organization. For our average members, what are your roles and responsibilities as a secretary? Kenny: As secretary of the NPO it is my responsibility to deal with the paperwork of the NPO. Examples of this paperwork are any changes to the BoG or NPO members. For these standard forms have to be completed and submitted to the Belgian court. Additionally I’m responsible for reviewing the meeting minutes and signing them for approval. Luckily I have a wonderful assistant (Vybhav) who takes care of making the meeting minutes for me.

X-IvAp, special Pilot Client version for X-Plane users.

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Vybhav: The world is of constant change. I am sure over the past 10 years IVAO too has changed; to some extent you may have also been instrumental for these changes being a Senior Staff. In your view what have been these significant changes in our community? Kenny: For me the most significant and important change in IVAO was the creation of our NPO. If I remember well, the first plans for the NPO were laid during a meeting somewhere in 2005. The main goal of that meeting was to reform IVAO in such a way that it could face the changed world and more importantly its changed size. The NPO ensured that whatever happened, it was not a single individual who owned IVAO, rather it was a dedicated group of individuals who formed the organisation and decided how it operated. This way the group has made it next to impossible for IVAO to disappear. Filip: The NPO was a major step, from a small network to the biggest worldwide online flight simulation network with 8000 flights per day. In those 10 years IVAO has become a major part of the flightsim community. Also the realism and professionalism has improved a lot thanks to the hard work of our staff members. I would love to see more international meetings where members and staff are able to meet like for example Lelystad (NL) where IVAO is one of the major attendees. Vybhav: What do you think has been IVAO’s biggest achievement over the last 10 years? IvAi, IVAO Proxy server.

Kenny: In the early years of IVAO it was certainly not easy, we had to fight against our bigger competitor: SATCO (now VATSIM), over the years we steadily grew and gained a significant market share until the latest years where we changed from the smaller underdog to the leading organisation for online flying. Yes, you read that right, in contrary to popular disbelief, IVAO is the biggest online flying network based on the number of flights and connections during the day. Filip: Our biggest achievement? Making dreams come true. Every year I hear about members starting a career as a technician, commercial pilot or air traffic controller. Thanks to the guidance of IVAO volunteers like for example Jean-Luc and Bob who started the Academy project and many others in the local divisions, members find their way into the real world. IVAO members have a big advantage thanks to their online experience! Vybhav: Where do you see IVAO heading over the next 5 years in terms of technology? Kenny: From the Software Development side I can tell you that we are constantly improving and thinking of ways and products that would improve the network. Currently our main focus lies on IvAc v2, but there are also some interesting new features in the pipeline for IvAp. What exactly? Sorry I cannot tell you without killing you :D Filip: We have so many ideas for the future. I hope we can continue to provide the best user experience and to improve the quality of the network. The FSD server software needs an overhaul, IVAE, Teamspeak. There is still a lot of work to do. But I’m especially looking forward to the new innovations IvAc v2 will bring. And what will be the next major flight simulator software?

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IvAp, the Pilot Client for FS2004 and FSX.

Vybhav: Did you read the ‘Virtual Sky’? What do you think about the magazine? Kenny: Of course! I’ve read every issue until now. For me it was an important asset for the organisation, it offers a way of spreading news towards our community and outside of it to promote our community. Filip: Communication is vital in our community and Virtual Sky plays an important role in keeping in touch with our members. Vybhav: Many thanks for the interview. It was a pleasure to hear your views. Kenny: It was my pleasure to share my view with all of you. I would like to take this chance also to thank every community member for their dedication and obviously my fellow staff members who spent a lot of their spare time to make IVAO what it is today. Filip: And now Kenny, lets open that second bottle of red wine...!

HAL is the prototype of a new ATC training software. It can create almost any number of “fake” aircraft that fly in controlled airspace and follow text instructions given by the controller. Those aircraft are visible on the Radar screens and to other pilots. Currently the system is still in development and online for some casual beta tests only. When it is ready it will be available to the training departement and training staff. The software is developed in close agreement with the Training and ATC Operations departments in order to receive the best software for the training of our members.

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By Charles Wood

VOR Navigation

Biography Charles Wood Charles Wood had planned to resume his private-pilot flying after retirement in 1992 but vision problems prevented that. He has been an enthusiastic flight-simmer since the days of FS95 and has authored two major websites, DC-3 Airways Virtual Airline and Flight Simulator Navigation. His other hobbies are making videos, both family oriented and related to Flight Simulation, and writing.

The VOR Instrument Approach “World Travel Airlines 1-2-3-4, you’re cleared for the Runway Nine VOR approach, Anoka County Airport. Visibility is one mile and the wind is calm.” We discussed the basics and techniques of VOR Navigation In the April edition of Virtual Sky. In this issue we focus on the VOR Instrument approach, a natural followon to VOR Navigation. We will also introduce you to the Instrument Approach Plate, the document that describes the approach procedure. The VOR approach, like the NDB approach, the GPS approach, and the Localizer approach, only provides lateral guidance to the runway. No vertical guidance is available. Without vertical guidance all of these approaches are classified as nonprecision approaches. Similar to the previous VOR article, several practice flights are suggested so that you can hone your VOR Approach techniques to a high standard. Any propeller aircraft with an IFR panel and a timer is OK. The Procedure Turn To the left is the Anoka County airport – ANE, and its VOR, GEP. Since aircraft can arrive at the GEP VOR from any compass direction a Procedure Turn realigns the aircraft with that VOR for the 084° approach course to Runway 9.

Mr. Charles Wood

Minneapolis Approach Control radar operators normally provide vectors to aircraft approaching ANE and align them for the VOR approach. But not all airports have radar and for those that do, the radar can occasionally be out of service. Thus a comfort level with procedure turns is appropriate. So we will begin with the Procedure Turn. Not only is it very simple, it is great fun to fly. It methodically and firmly puts the pilot in control of the aircraft’s approach to the runway.

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The picture to the left depicts how the Procedure Turn for the Runway 9 VOR approach is shown on the Instrument Approach Plate. First, understand that the procedure turn is always flown away from the airport. Since our approach is to Rwy 9, or to the east, we will fly to the west to execute the procedure turn.

course. Here’s how it works:

This is a Left procedure turn. Note that the vector with the barb is to the left of our outbound leg. We will turn Left from the outbound

Upon arriving at the GEP VOR from your departure airport, turn as necessary to intercept the 264° outbound radial from the VOR. The R-264 at the left of the diagram specifies the proper outbound radial. Make sure that your VOR OBS is already set to 264° so that you can properly track this radial. Fly the outbound leg for two minutes, and then turn left to 219°. The turn from the outbound leg is always a 45° turn. Fly the 219° course for two minutes, and then make a 180° right turn to course 039°. That 180° turn is always away from the airport. Reset your VOR OBS to 084° when stabilized on the 039° leg in preparation of intercepting the 084° radial to return to the GEP VOR. As your VOR needle nears center turn right to intercept the 084° inbound radial to GEP VOR and track it to the VOR. And there you have it. Four simple legs comprise the procedure turn and all the numbers are on the approach plate. You will note that up to now we have not mentioned altitudes or speeds. Determining the flight altitude is discussed later in conjunction with the explanation of the approach plates. Fly the outbound leg at your initial approach speed and then slow to your normal approach speed just before intercepting the inbound leg. You want to be at your normal approach speed on the inbound leg of the procedure turn so that you can determine the wind correction angle needed. With that information you can stay on course during the critical approach leg to the runway. Let’s Practice a Procedure Turn Finally, we get to climb into the cockpit of our aircraft! Position your aircraft on Rwy 32 at KSTP, St. Paul Downtown Holman Field. Set your Nav receiver to the GEP VOR, 117.3 MHz, and plan on a 3000 ft cruise altitude. You will maintain 3000 ft altitude all the way through the procedure turn. Set the weather to “Fair” for this exercise. We want you to fly VFR so that you can see how you are doing. If you were to fly directly to GEP VOR from KSTP your intercept angle for the 264° outbound leg of the procedure turn would be a bit more than 45°. That is higher than desired; a 30° intercept is much more manageable. So set your OBS to 295°. Turn right to 350° on departure from KSTP and when the VOR needle centers, turn left and track the 295° radial directly to GEP VOR. At arrival to the GEP VOR intercept its 264° outbound radial and then follow the procedure turn instructions just described above. Upon completion of the procedure turn and passing GEP VOR inbound to Anoka County Airport, set up and execute a normal VFR landing on Runway 9. That runway is 5000 ft long by 100 ft wide.

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The Instrument Approach Plate Before flying the full VOR approach it’s important to fully understand the information on the Instrument Approach Plate (also known by many other names). That single-page document contains all of the information needed to properly and accurately fly our VOR approach to Anoka County Airport’s Runway 9. You can download U.S. instrument approach plates, free of cost, from:

... and click on the Digital Terminal Procedure Link, then enter the requested airport info. The Instrument Approach Plate for the VOR approach to Runway 9 of Anoka County Airport is shown below. I removed the frequencies and a few other details that might not match the out-dated information in Microsoft’s Flight Simulator. It will be easier to follow the forthcoming explanation of the instrument approach plate’s features if you first print the annotated chart from the next page. NOTES: • Be aware that some details shown on the U.S. Instrument Approach Plates may differ from those appearing on the Instrument Approach Plates issued by other countries. • The minimum weather landing conditions are specified at the bottom of the Instrument Approach Plate. Landing minima are established for six categories of aircraft; ABCDE and COPTER. An aircraft fits into one category or another based on its maneuvering speed. Maneuvering speed is defined as 1.3 times the aircraft’s stall speed at maximum gross weight in the landing configuration. Here are the Aircraft Categories vs Maneuvering Speed: Aircraft Category Speed (Knots)

A 0–90

C 121–140

E Abv 165

D 141–165

B 91–120

Note that instrument approach plates list only the first four categories. The circled letters on the approach plate above pertain to the airport or surrounding terrain. A. The type of approach, the runway, and the airport. Most important, ensure that the approach plate in your hand matches the approach and airport that you plan to fly! B. The type of navigation facility providing the primary approach guidance to the runway, its identifier code, and its frequency. In this approach it is a VORTAC. That’s good news because it is a VOR and DME facility. DME is a very valuable feature during an instrument approach. The VORTAC’s ID is GEP and its frequency is 117.3 MHz.

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C. The approach course to the runway, here 084°. Note: All course numbers on the approach plate are Magnetic, to match your compass readings. D. Airport information: the length of the runway of this approach (5000 ft), the touchdown zone elevation of the runway (910 ft) and the airport elevation (912 ft). E. The Minimum Safe Altitude within 25 NM of the primary navigation facility. This altitude insures at least 1000 ft clearance above any obstructions or terrain. Note that the symbol inside this circle designates the primary type of navigation facility, thus the VORTAC symbol here. F. Here are obstacles with known elevations, such as communication towers and tall buildings. For years Pilots have wondered why the vicinity of an airport is such a wonderful location to erect a nearlyinvisible 1000 ft antenna tower with completely invisible guy wires. The numbered steps define the actual flight procedures starting with your arrival at the IAF, Initial Approach Fix, all the way to the runway threshold. 1.

This box identifies the Nav Station and frequency used in the approach.

2. This radial, 264° in this flight, is the outbound course that you will fly in the Procedure Turn, Fly this leg for two minutes. 3. This procedure turn is a LEFT procedure turn, as indicted by the barbed-vector pointing left of our outbound course. After two minutes at 264° turn left to 219°. This is a 45° left turn. Fly the 219° leg for two minutes. 4. After flying 219° for two minutes, make a RIGHT180° turn to 039°. The direction of this turn is always AWAY from the airport. Fly 039° and intercept the 084° course TO the GEP VOR. 5. Fly inbound towards the airport on course 084°. During this inbound leg you can determine any wind correction angle needed to maintain course. When you reach the VOR, which is the FAF or Final Approach Fix, you will have completed the procedure turn and will be properly aligned for the final approach leg to Runway 9. 6. Your flight during the Approach must remain within a 10 NM radius circle centered on the GEP VOR. If that requirement is in jeopardy, shorten the procedure turn legs to 1½ minutes each. The lower portion of the Approach Plate includes the profile view, which provides altitude information, and the minimums table showing the weather minimums for the various types of approaches. a.

The first item of note on the profile view is the location of the VORTAC in relation to the runway.

b. The 264° outbound leg is shown above the inbound leg. Notice the underlined 3000. The underline prohibits flight in that leg below 3000 ft. c. The 084° inbound leg is next. Again note the altitude limitation, no flight below 3000 ft in this segment. d. The Maltese Cross is the symbol for the FAF or Final Approach Fix. At the FAF we can begin our descent to the MDA (Minimum Descent Altitude), flying the 084° course shown.

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e. This table gives the MDAs and minimum visibilities for the two types of VOR approach as well as for various categories of aircraft, A through D. Here the straight-in MDA for aircraft of all categories is 1380 ft. It varies from 1400 ft up to 1480 ft for circling approaches. Under no circumstances may you “bust the minimums,” that is, descend lower than the MDA, unless you have either the runway or approach lights solidly in sight. f. The GEP and Symbol with a 6.5 in it designates the presence of DME and here shows the distance (NM) from the VORTAC to the runway threshold. g. If you first sight the runway when you are over its threshold, it is too late to safely land and stop your aircraft. You must execute a missed approach. Obviously, you must also execute a missed approach if you don’t see the runway at all! The missed approach procedure is described in a box at the top of the Approach Plate. h. The FAF to MAP table provides the flight times from the FAF to the Missed Approach Point for various approach speeds. One can approximate for in-between approach speeds with sufficient accuracy to know about when you have passed the Missed Approach Point. Okay, let’s fly a real approach, now We will begin as we did for the practice procedure-turn flight, on Runway 32 of KSTP (purists may taxi to that runway). Tune your Nav receiver to 117.3 MHz., and set the OBS to 295°. Plan on 3000 ft altitude all the way to the FAF where you begin your descent to the MDA. Set the weather at 2000 ft ceiling and 1.5 miles visibility. Leave the wind calm for your first approach. Depart Rwy 32, turn right to 350° and then turn left to 295° when your VOR needle centers, to track that radial to the GEP VOR. Then fly the procedure turn as before. Your aircraft should be in the full final approach configuration upon passing the FAF, with flaps properly set, gear down, and approach speed under control. Start your timer on FAF passage and then you need only attend to flying your aircraft, maintaining the 084° course and the proper air speed. Be prepared to act promptly upon sighting the runway as you may have to quickly adjust your heading or altitude for a proper and safe landing. Two techniques are available to control your altitude during the final leg of the approach, when you are descending to the MDA: • At the FAF, immediately and quickly descend to the MDA at a high rate of descent. Then fly level at the MDA until sighting the runway. Some feel it is easier to control altitude in level flight than during descent. This technique is called the “Dive and Drive” method. The pilot initially “dives” to the MDA then “drives” (level flight) to the MAP. • In the second technique set up your rate of descent so that you just reach the MDA when you arrive at the point that you expect to see the runway. For example, if the visibility is one-mile, then set up your rate of descent to reach the MDA one-mile before reaching the runway. On sighting the runway it is then fairly easy to maintain your descent and land without the need of any abrupt activities. This technique is also well favored.

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Try both altitude-control techniques and select the one that suits you best. Some comments for those wishing to fly this approach with their autopilot. • Be aware of a problem that will occur if you are tracking to the VOR while on the inbound leg of the procedure turn and your autopilot is in the NAV position. You will lose your VOR signal when directly above a VOR. Thus, when you reach the VOR at the FAF, your autopilot will disconnect because of the loss of signal. When you reconnect the autopilot on station passage your aircraft may (probably) wildly gyrate while the autopilot tries to again couple it to the proper radial. • A better autopilot technique is to place it in the Heading” mode for the inbound leg of the procedure turn. Then adjust the autopilot heading to smoothly fly your aircraft to the VOR while keeping the VOR needle centered. On station passage, there will be no autopilot dropout and your aircraft will continue smoothly to the runway threshold. Fly that VOR approach three more times; twice with the same weather conditions that you set in above, and finally, with a serious cross wind. You will be quite impressed at how well you perform by the fourth approach flight. If you wondered why KANE was selected for our VOR approach flight it is because of its simple descent requirement from the FAF down to the MDA. Life is not always that kind. To the left, for example, is the profile view for the descent during the VOR approach to Runway 18R at Orlando International airport. Not only must you adhere to four separate altitude requirements during descent, but one of them actually insists that you remain at or below the specified altitude. Descent requirements similar to Orlando’s VOR 18R approach certainly increase a pilot’s stress during final approach. The procedure turn is not universally required for a VOR approach. In many cases the pilot may fly a specified arc from the primary nav facility and then directly to the FAF. Flying the “Other” type of VOR Approach What’s this all about? Well, unannounced earlier, there are fundamentally two types of VOR approaches. One is the type that you already flew, where the VOR is some distance away from the landing runway (GEP VOR is 6.5 NM from the runway). The VOR is off the field. In the “other” type of VOR approach, the VOR is on the field. A review of the FNT approach plate below, for Flint, Michigan, where the VOR is on the field, quickly reveals that there is no FAF, Final Approach Fix, although in certain instances there can be. Without an FAF, there is no need for the table at the bottom of the approach plate that lists times from the FAF to the MAP vs. approach speeds. The VOR on the field must be to the side or the runway. Since the aircraft is aiming for the VOR the pilot will always confront a turn on sighting the runway to line up with the runway. That turn is about 10° for the Flint approach but in some approaches it can be up to 30°. That is an added challenge in low visibility.

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There are two more practical differences, although neither is apparent from the approach plate. When flying away from a VOR for the approach, as in the case when the VOR is off the field, the horizontal accuracy of one’s position lessens the farther that their aircraft is from the VOR. The reverse is true when the VOR is on the field. As the aircraft approaches the VOR the accuracy of its horizontal position improves. You will have noted this during normal VOR navigation. The closer you fly to the VOR, the more difficult it is to keep the needle centered. That situation develops because the “wedge” for each one-degree increment of a VOR signal narrows as one nears the VOR. And finally, if flying with your autopilot coupled to the VOR (in the NAV position) for an on-field VOR, there is no annoying autopilot drop-out until after you have passed the MAP. This is one less distraction. Okay, It’s Time to Fly This VOR Approach Position your aircraft on Runway 27-Left of Oakland County Int’l Airport, KPTK (Those who wish may taxi out from the gate). Tune your Nav Receiver to116.9, FNT VOR, and set the OBS to 295°. Plan a cruise altitude of 3000 ft. Set the weather to 800 ft overcast (Cloud Base = 1600 ft MSL) and the visibility to 1 mile. The wind is calm. On departing Runway 27L turn right to 345° and climb to 3000 ft. As your VOR needle centers (about 8.0 DME), turn left and track the 295° radial to FNT VOR. When you are stabilized on the 295° radial is a good time to save your flight for later flights. At FNT VOR turn left and intercept the 282° radial outbound, the beginning of your left procedure turn. Slow to your initial approach speed on this leg and descend to 2200 ft. When your DME reads 5.0, turn left to 237° and then perform a standard left procedure turn using the numbers on the approach plate. During the turn, further slow your aircraft and deploy your flaps so that it will be at approach speed on the inbound leg to FNT VOR. At the 5.0 DME point, after turning inbound on the 102° radial to FNT, begin your descent to the MDA, which is 1300 ft. Monitor your DME – you should sight Bishop International Airport’s Runway 9 at about 1.5 DME and the approach lights a bit earlier. Once you see the approach lights you may legally descend below the 1300 ft MDA.

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Note that your inbound track is 102°. But the heading of Runway 9 at Bishop Int’l is 092°. You will have to turn left about 10° to line up with the runway centerline. Runway 9 is 7200 ft long, 150 ft wide. Total flight time, about 24 minutes, although later flights will only be about 15 minutes if you start at your save point on the 295° radial of FNT. You should fly this approach two more times. First, a night-time flight. Second, reduce the visibility to ½ mile and lower the ceiling to 500 ft overcast (cloud base = 1300 ft MSL). You will be surprised at how well you can do in meteorological conditions normally only attempted with an ILS. How Do I Estimate Time to the MAP without DME? As you noticed, DME capability for the above flight was very helpful. However, not every VOR approach is assisted by DME. If the VOR is off the field, the table at the bottom of the approach plate will show times vs various approach speeds to reach the MAP from the FAF. From there, estimate the time for your aircraft’s approach speed. It’s a bit harder when the VOR is on the field. The outbound leg of the procedure turn is about five miles. Calculate how long it will take in your aircraft to fly that five miles at the initial approach speed. Then when you are flying inbound, toward the VOR on the field, start your timer when completing the procedure turn. Since you have slowed to approach speed and are a bit farther out than on the out bound leg, add about 20 pct to the time estimate for the five mile outbound leg. That’s about as good as you’re going to get. Of course, you will know when you have passed the MAP: the TO-FROM flag on your VOR gauge will have switched to “FROM. The VOR-A or VOR-B, etc., approach If an approach plate includes a runway number in the title, such as VOR RWY 9, it must include a straight-in approach to that runway. The definition of straightin is pretty broad, though. If an approach is within 30° of the runway orientation, the FAA considers that “straight-in.” Thus an aircraft is flying a straight-in approach when its course is between 060° and 120° and it is destined to land on Runway 9 with an orientation of 090°. That’s a pretty difficult turn in low visibility when lining up with the runway. If the VOR approach on an approach plate is greater than 30° off the runway centerline, it is designated as a circling approach. In that instance the approach plate will be named VOR-A (or -B, -C, -D, etc., depending on how many types of approach like that exist for that airport). The pilot will note that only circling type approaches are listed in the minimums section of the approach plate. See the Selinsgrove VOR-A approach plate below for further details.

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Note the 035° approach path to the runway shown in the airport diagram view (in the lower right of the approach plate). That path leads the aircraft to the middle of the runway where a landing is impossible without circling. Also note the absence of a straight-in approach in the minimums section of the approach plate, the hallmark of a VOR-A type approach. Be aware that a VOR approach path can lead an aircraft directly to the landing runway and still be classified as a VOR A type approach. If, for example, the distance from the FAF to the runway is too short for an aircraft to descend to the runway elevation a circling approach would be the only possible way to land. Nearby obstructing terrain can force that situation, and it does happen. Flight-Sim pilots should be very cautious of circling approaches. They are much easier in real life than in their simulator. If, however, the simulator pilot is fortunate enough to have a multi-screen setup which provides full panoramic views around the entire windshield area of the aircraft, the experience would be quite similar to the real world circling approach experience where the pilot simply turns his head to keep the runway in sight. Remember, if a pilot loses sight of the runway in a circling approach he is obligated to immediately execute the missed approach. That’s it for VOR Approaches I hope you have enjoyed and found informative this section describing VOR approaches. The VOR approach is not a poor second-cousin to the ILS approach. In some instances a VOR approach is suitable in minimum weather situations very close to those restricted to ILS approaches. And because of the degree of pilot involvement, flying a VOR approach can be much more satisfying.

Have fun!, Charles Wood

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September 2009

In the early days of 2002, a few close friends of the three major virtual airlines in Belgium (Sabena VA, Belgian Virtual Airlines and Eurotrans Virtual) noted that among their members there was a request to organise an event in which online flying provided by IVAO could be conducted in such a way that it is possible to meet the person behind the flight sim or radar screen. The idea of creating a lan party was born. These friends were Björn Comhaire, Bart Devriendt, Tim Verbesselt and myself (Kenny Moens). At this time Björn was the IVAO BE division director and part of Eurotrans Virtual, Bart was part of the Belgian Virtual Airlines staff, Tim and Kenny were part of the Sabena VA staff. Together they used the contacts of Björn to get the event together. One of these persons was Alain Debrouwer, back then the Training Director of IVAO. He proposed a hangar on the airport of Kortrijk to hold the event. After some further brainstorming and discussion, the conclusion was made that this location was not appropriate, in the end we were able to move to a place in Dendermonde. Besides the venue we also needed an FSD server to offer the IVAO services in a local network, to achieve this, we received the kind help of Erwin Lion who brought a server with him for both Teamspeak and FSD. Months passed, the idea was launched and subscriptions could start. The consensus was to let the event continue if we had at least 20 participants, which we reached easily with nearly 30 participants. During the event itself we found out that many people were interested but were afraid to participate the first year, the conclusion of the organisation was quickly made: we had to organise this again!

For the second edition, BASC (Belgian Aero Simulator Club) kindly offered their own local ‘clubhouse’ for the event. In the meantime Filip Jonckers joined the organisation team and started working, together with Bart and Kenny, on developing a new radar client for the IVAO network. This client was presented in première at the second FS Lan Party! As the lan party kept growing, we had no choice but to look for another venue for the 3rd year, which we found in Zandhoven (near Antwerp). It was not really a central place, but the venue was big and easy to reach. It was in Zandhoven were we would first welcome our friends from the IVAO France division. They were so enthusiastic about this idea that they decided to organise their own edition: the French FS Lan Party, which has been running since then every year. The two years we spent in Zandhoven were the years of the fries for dinner. Most of the participants will remember the ‘attack’ of the fries that were delivered in the evening :)

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Sadly, the 5th year, for which we prepared a big anniversary edition, we got the sad news that our place in Zandhoven was demolished and that no new venue was built yet. Again we had to look for a new place, which we found in Geraardsbergen. However we still wanted to do something special this year: first the introduction of the VFR challenge in which the pilots would need to look for certain letters during their flights in order to form a word. Based on these results the prizes would be distributed. Secondly, we added a BBQ in the evening for a reasonable prize. Both items proved a success, we simply had to repeat them the year after. However there was one downside: several people complained about the location which was not central enough in Belgium. Therefore, for the 6th edition we searched again for a new place which we found in Everberg, close to the national airport in Brussels. It proved a good combination, everyone liked the new place which is perfectly located in Belgium and close to motorways. The 2nd version of our VFR challenge was perfect, but comments were made from the ATC regarding the lack of traffic for them. For the 7th edition we had to revise the concept once again, the VFR challenge was replaced by an IFR challenge which proofed as good as the VFR challenge, but satisfied the ATC much better.

During all these years we also saw several special dressings. In the 6th edition Björn Comhaire and Dirk Thysebaert dressed in ‘African’ style, while in the 7th edition they dressed up in a ‘Snob’ style.

2009 - The 8th edition! For the 8th edition, we will repeat the winning combination: the IFR challenge, the BBQ, the flights, the location in Everberg and of course wonderful prizes. Added to that you’ll be able to meet a lot of fellow flight simmers and have a nice beer or chat with them. For these prizes we managed to get several interesting sponsors: Aerosoft, CaptainSim, FlightSimLabs, FS2Crew, FSAddon+, Hifi Simulations, PCPilot, ProSim4u and VLM Airlines (still expanding). All you have to do is to register yourself for participation. For the participation we ask a fee of 10 euro (in advance) or 12,5 euro (on the day itself). This fee is not intended to make profit, it is meant to finance the costs made to rent the place, pay the electricity and all other costs we must make. Besides the event itself you can enjoy an nice evening BBQ for the price of 8,5 euro you will get 3 pieces of meat, vegetables and of course bread, obviously this BBQ is not limited to participants. In name of the organisation, I hope to welcome you on October 3, 2009 in Everberg, Belgium. For more information and registration, please visit our website at

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September 2009


Interview with Frank Phlippo

Top Raking pilot, Belgium Special Operations Coordinator by Marco Meerkerk Frank Phlippo is number 2 on the list of Top Ranking pilots and finds his way throughout the virtual skies for almost 6 years now. Next to flying, Frank is IVAO Staffmember as Belgium Special Operations Coordinator and HQ Software Technical Advisor. With over 21,500 hours, speaking of August 31st, Frank’s hours are still counting. As Frank is a retired Air Force pilot, the combination of the network simulation and real life was reason enough for another exclusive interview. Marco: You have been Air Force pilot for your profession. How was this time like, and which aircraft and/or helicopters did you flew? Frank: I started flying on gliders until I became student pilot at the Belgian Air Force.There I went trough the fighter pilot training and flew SV-4b, Fouga Magister and the Lockheed T-33. After having been graduated

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and after having followed the Instructor’s course on Marchetti SF-260M and Fouga Magister I became a flying Instructor for several years mainly on the Fouga Magister. After my period as Instructor I went flying the Lockheed F104G Starfighter in the fighterbomber role for several years. After that period I made a helicopter conversion course on the Sikorsky HSS-1(military version of the S-58), after which I went to the UK where the squadron was converted on the Westland SeaKing Mk-48,which we flew over to Belgium to use them in the SAR (Search and Rescue) role. On both types I have been an Instructor and Examinator for many years. In my spare time I was Instructor pilot in the private aviation world, mainly on Cessna C-150 en C-172. I had a wonderfull time in the Airforce and had the occasion to fly a variety of aircraft.The most difficult period for us was the transition from fast jet to helicopter. The first 10 hours in that helicopter were really a pe-

riod of blood, sweat and tears. Furthermore and to end this story I have been organising the Koksijde Airshow for 15 years and in between two times the Ostend Airshow. Marco: How did you come across IVAO? Frank: Having been abroad for several year’s and after my return to Belgium, I heard from my son something about Flight Simulator’s on computer and the possibilities of those “games”. My son Stefaan, who was already an IVAO member introduced me in the IVAO world and there started that story. I could not believe my eyes when I connected the first time: real weather, ATC, correct procedures and much more. And step by step I learned what IVAO was all about. I was, and I’m still amazed of the level of realism that has been achieved by a team of hard working people.

September 2009


Marco: From your profile it is clear that you love only to be a Pilot. What kind of aircrafts do you fly? Frank: In fact, having been a real pilot, I love them all. And there are a lot of very good addon aircraft (pay- and free-ware). Most of the time I am flying the Boeing family. But I love very much the oldtimer’s and classic aircraft as well. Actually I am studying the Concorde and the Super 80-series, because it is always important to The C-130 Hercules, one of Frank his favourite aircrafts. study some manuals before getting airborne. This could avoid res, charts, training manuals etc., exactly as in some nasty surprises. real life. As for the military aircraft I like the Dakota, F- Needless to say that this keeps me young and 104G Cloud9, Phantom F-4 Cloud9, F-86 Sabre, still eager to fly and to try out several aircraft. An C-130 Hercules and much more, without forget- example: when going supersonic with the Phanting the B-17, Lancaster, B-24, B-29, etc. tom F-4, you can see the pressure change when And in the small aircraft group we have the Ces- the shockwave is passing the cockpit by looking sna 441 Conquest II, Piper Cheyenne, SV-4, etc. to the vibration of the altimeter needle, just like in For helicopters it is not easy to find good helicop- real life. Unbelievable! ters, but I am sure they exist. Marco: Based on your statistics it appears that Marco: As already said, you have achieved on an average you have been online for around 21,500 hours as a pilot and non as a controller. 10 hours every day for the last 5 ½ years. How Don’t you ever thought about controlling? are you able to manage the anger of your family and dear ones? Frank: Yes, I thought about, but due to technical reasons it has not been possible up to now. Frank: The answer is very simple. I am single Maybe I’ll have a try later on. and in between there is always time to see my family and my dear ones. Marco: Over 21,500 hours is no joke. I am sure it means a lot of flying. Probably even more than Marco: What do like the most about IVAO? what most professional pilots would achieve. What has been the motivating factor to this Frank: IVAO is a worldwide organisation which is mammoth achievement? still growing. It is fantastic to be able to communicate with people who are fascinated by aviation. Frank: Flying has always been a passion to me, And you can do this from your seat with people so it’s fantastic to be able to continue that pas- who are living +10000km from your place. sion in the virtual aviation world. The biggest Another aspect of IVAO is the level of professimotivation is my fascination for the realistic way onalism of many people trying to improve on an everything is happening in IVAO. This is beco- almost daily base the quality of IVAO. ming more than a simulation. Also the level of This makes this organisation so interesting. realism of aircraft, sceneries, utilities and last but not least the weather is astonishing. You can find almost everything about procedu-

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Marco: What would you like to say to a newbie pilots who has a passion to pursue a hobby as a virtual pilot? Frank: IVAO offers you the possibility of a simulation in a very realistic theatre. It can be a good start for those who eventually want to become a real pilot/controller. IVAO has a very good Academy, has very good instructors and the divisions are generally well documentated. But also important is to use all those facilities and to have a look at the basics, theory and practice. And in the virtual world it is also important to learn it step by step. And most of the “old chaps” are always ready to share their experience with the “newbies”. And enjoy flying on IVAO, it’s great fun.

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Marco: As you may be aware IVAO has completed 10 years. What would you want to say to the members and staff on this occasion?

now. And it is not finished yet. We are still testing it, mainly for the weather now, almost on a daily base and I can assure you that it’s very close to the real world weather. I am not a Frank: Congratulations to all software developer, just a slave of them. Keep the spirit high ;-), but I have a deep respect and continue that way. I’m sure for the people who are realising IVAO is an organisation which what we have today. And there is worth to be seen all over the is much more to come. world. Marco: What changes have you seen in IVAO over years you have been a member ? Frank: First of all the growing amount of members. This proves that IVAO succeeded to attain an important position in the world of virtual aviation. And the evolution of the “technical” aspects. I am a beta-tester for IVAP and had the opportunity to follow the whole evolution of that excellent software up to

Marco: Many thanks for accepting our request for the interview. Frank: With pleasure. I am sure that IVAO will continue to perform as it is doing now, as a big worldwide family and showing the world that it acts in a real way in a virtual environment. Furthermore my congratulations to the PR department for the way they are performing. “As real as it gets”.

September 2009

In this section we feature the latest and upcoming hardware devices of interest for flight simulation community

Logitech Flight

System G940 Force Feedback Flight Simulation Controller [New G-Series Controller]

If you thought Logitech has stayed away from the flight simulation community, think again. Recently, Logitech announced the launch of its New G – Series Controller. The G-940 controllers besides being inbuilt with force feedback consist of Joystick , Rudder Pedal and a throttle stick. The Logitech G940 has a two-stage metal trigger, six programmable buttons, mini-stick, 8-way hat and three analog trim controls as well as programmable dual throttle, (for use with multi-engined aircraft), eight programmable

base-buttons, two additional eight-way hat switches, four programmable grip buttons and two rotary analog-controls - which serve you well regardless of whether you’re flying an F18 or an A380. We understand the controllers are designed to work effortlessly with X-Plane, Microsoft Flight Simulation X and other flight simulation titles. The product is expected to be launched in September 2009 and priced around USD 300.

Fly Engravity

Innovates Again !, leading supplier of parts for serious home cockpit developers has released the new AFDS module and SIXPACK recall annunciators for the crazy Boeing 737NG Home cockpit Developers. These are available at about Euro 90 and Euro 80 respectively.

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September 2009

VR Insight Releases more new products Control Display Unit VR Insight, has now launched an upgraded CDU Panel. This panel features a large integrated display and a realistically shaped and fully functional CDU for your FMC. We understand the CDU panel functions with commercial add-ons such as Level D, PMDG, etc., The unit is available at around Euro 319 excluding taxes.

Propeller Aircraft Instrument Panel VR Insight launches a beauty for “The µ-ProPit”. This is a portable instrument panel for propeller aircraft. Contains real knobs and push buttons provide you an ultimately realistic flight simulation experience. All the gauges, buttons and knobs are synchronized with default Flight Simulator propeller aircraft and most aircraft add-ons. It will be yours for about Euro 294 excluding taxes By Vybhava Srinivasan.

If you have any interesting hardware releases you would like to share with our readers, please email your suggestions to

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September 2009

With the new policy of the Kuwaitie

Division that relies on massive media usage to spread IVAO among the youth and older generation in a simple fun way a new achievment is recorded for the Kuwait division with the participation in the WORLD TOURISM EXPO held in Kuwait from the 26th MAY 30th MAY at the international fair and expo grounds in Kuwait.

This expo presents all major tourism companies

and authorities plus major airline companies operating from and to Kuwait. The Division was part of Kuwait Airways section in a first of a kind attempt to show IVAO as an educational and entertaining tool in the modern flight simulation field. With 2 simulator simple consoles one which presents the Boeing 777 as part of the Kuwait airways fleet (and Kuwait Virtual Airways which controlled and operated by Kuwait Division) and An Airbus Console with A320/ A340 setup on it each console using a high end computers with a 42� displays and a Very high end video setup, all visitors enjoyed trying the simulators and flying on- and offline during the Expo.

Most of the VIP visitors were happy to

try and fly and listen to the division members explaining and introducing IVAO to the public among the VIPs who tested the simulator was the minister of commerce in Kuwait , the minister of Tourism of Lebanon and the Chairman of Kuwait Airways and every person in the expo just stopped and asked about IVAO. That was a big Media boost for the Division and it was covered by Major TV and News networks locally and internationaly.

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The division members worked as a family

We used some videos produced by

showing up at the expo with a uniform that had the logos of IVAO, Kuwait division and the call sign of each member. The chance that is given to the division by Kuwait Airways was a success with the increase of serious members plus a lot of major companies in Kuwait asked if we can participate in thier upcoming events to show and teach teh audience how to be part of IVAO. During the expo we had a huge 60� LCD monitor that displayed IVAI and IVAC during a live group flight lead by the Saudi division which made an Air bridge from Riyadh to Kuwait with pilots from all around the region.

the Kuwaiti division. One of the them shows the similarity between Kuwait Airways Real B777 and the Simulated one in term of cockpit and procedures. The audience loved it but the big hit was when we showed a video of our division B737 Cockpit with division members flying it wearing their uniform. It was the first live event but it wont be the last. In the near future Kuwait division promises more events and support to IVAO in many objectives.

KUWAIT DIVISION NEWS: - A new IVAN server will be online soon that will cover the gulf region providing the service from Kuwait ; - More members are joining the division and that will place the Kuwait division as the fastest growing Division in the region; - A NEW scenery of Kuwait Airport will be released with up to date information - Special operations events will be scheduled on Monthly bases with new ideas and more intresting mission; - New Tours will be presented that will let everybody fly from Kuwait ... thĂĄt would be a suprise.

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September 2009

Islands of Manhattan are known for the many skyscrapers. Covering an area of 58.8km ², the islands have more than 1.5 million people. Aerosoft has therefore decided to make scenery close to the maximum of reality without asking too much of resources at the computer. Manhattan is one of the boroughs of the City of New York (the other four are Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island). The island is surrounded by the Hudson River to the west, the East River to the east, Upper New York Bay to the south and the Harlem River to the north. Manhattan is the district the most dense and the richest of New York, making it the borough most tourists.

Its population of over 1.600.000 inhabitants, and its density is much higher than any other county in the United States. Manhattan is famous for its skyscrapers and its bustling activity. Manhattan is one of the largest economic center of the world, alone includes more than 2.4 million jobs. Many education centers and parks are present on the island.

On this scenery, all islands are represented in Manhattan, indeed East Side, West Side, Uptown and Downtown are present. As a bonus, the islands Ellis Island, Governors Island, Roosevelt Island, Statue Island have been added. Afterwards, four helipads have been modelled.

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September 2009

Downtown Manhattan (KJRB) is the heliport from the city center. It has one of the best views of the city. Surrounded by dozens of skyscrapers and the various rivers, you can see the ferries sail. East 34 Street Heliport (6N5) is north of Downtown Manhattan. You can see the Empire State Building from here and explore the district of Midtown. Behind you can see Roosevelt Island and the Queensboro Bridge. Pan Am Metroport Heliport (6N4) is now closed, but the view is especially beautiful at nightfall. West 30 Street Heliport (KJRA) is located near the Hudson River, the industrial district of Manhattan. Madison Square Garden and the George Washington Bridge are located nearby. Its heliport is to be tested when conditions are poor.

Hundreds of buildings have been designed exclusively for this add-on. Specifically, Manhattan hosts the global headquarters of the group such American Express, Merrill Lynch and Dow Jones, they can be seen in the business district. Famous monuments have been set, The Empire State Building, known for being the tallest building in the world between 1931 and 1972. Obviously, the Status of Liberty built to commemorate the centennial of the American Declaration of Independence and as a sign of friendship between France and the United-States. The Plaza Hotel is one of the most famous hotels in New York, located across from Central Park it offers a real contrast to the surrounding skyscrapers, modern architecture, even futuristic. In place of the old Twin Towers, there are cranes in place of the new construction, the Freedom Tower. Between boats dynamic, sounds available, the birds and the smoke, Aerosoft say that this is one of the best scenery performed. They also have got the opportunity to improve the rendering visual of water, making the water dark green, instead of blue, FSX as proposed in the basic game. Gifts, the scenery offers these users a chance to discover the city to the smallest detail, proposing a mission by helicopter. And finally, you will be surprised by the quality of night textures that are exceptional. Unfortunately, this add-on is not available for FS2004. Manhattan X is available in downloadable or on CD-version, installation is quick and easy. A comprehensive manual is supplied to help set the graphics. And charts for different routes to land on the helipad. In conclusion, this landscape is above everything else available in both quality and performance, Manhattan X deserves its place in the library for FSX. This scene is available on Aerosoft website from â‚Ź 27.95.

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September 2009

The European Express VA jointly with the IVAO Hungarian Division organized this event on May 9th, 2009. The main organizers of the event were Somogyi Sandor on behalf of European Express VA and Veres Csaba, Duty Airside Manager for Budapest Airport Zrt., LHBP FIR Chief for IVAO-HU.

We started our visit embarking on two buses that were made available to us by the Airport Zrt. After all, we numbered a bit more then one hundred guests. Our first stop was the Airport’s Fire Rescue Station. We took a look at their engine fleet, training grounds, and ultimately we stepped into the Boeing 737-200, which once flew painted in MALEV Hungarian Airlines colors, then Air Kazakhstan, but ultimately found a resting place in Budapest. Nowadays it serves the firefighters to train both for fire extinguishing as well as rescue training. The firefighters eventually showed us how all of this is done. They put out a training fire and then “rescued” three volunteer guests from aboard the plane. We found especially exiting the ride within the airport grounds aboard a 500.000 € price tag Panther fire engine, especially fitted with water canons that we were able control with the help of joysticks.

Afterwards we made our way to the meteorological terrace on top of the control tower; here we enjoyed an airport view like no other. During this time we formed groups of ten and visited with the ATC personnel, where we were introduced to the environment where Budapest Tower, Budapest Ground, Budapest Planning Tower and as demand required it, Budapest Delivery carried out their duties. Also here, our countless questions were answered and several areas of air traffic control were explained to us by Mr. Farkas Vulkan, Air Traffic Control Tower Chief. Once again we were shuttled with the help of the buses to the beginning of Runway 31 from where we could see the ALS (Approach Lighting System) up close. While there, we waved to the departing Delta Airlines’ Boeing 767-300 scheduled to New York. All of a sudden, all the lights were turned on unexpectedly, which we were told in clear conditions are visible from as far as 200-250 Km. During this time our host, Veres Csaba disappeared momentarily. As we found out later, MALEV Hungarian Airlines scheduled Boeing 737 into Tirana, Albania turned around from within the Hungarian airspace due to a malfunction of the landing gear system. As unfortunate as it was, we had just witnessed the carrying out of emergency procedures and the successful landing of the crippled plane.

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We were bused further and visited the location of the TAR/SSR (Terminal Approach Radar/Secondary Surveillance Radar), the TVOR/DME and BUD-VOR locations. It was during this time, Cserhati Zoltan , who’s been flying one of MALEV’s Boeing 737 and with whom we were already familiar from prior smaller events joined us and was eager to answer once again all the questions we threw at him. Our visit’s greatest moment followed. Our buses held short of Runway 13R, just like any plane would do and then after the proper clearance was issued we lined up and sped down the runway. Needless to say we had to abort, because our buses were not able to reach not even the 80 knots, never mind VR speed ☺. Upon leaving the “active” via a right turn onto APRON1, we had a glimpse of Hollywood’s famous film director Andrew Wajna’s private jet, which just happened to be in town that weekend. We were also introduced to the especially equipped Saab 95 ASFT (Airport Surface Friction Tester) vehicle said to be worth 200.000 €, which is used to measure a runway’s surface friction coefficient. Our next destination was the Aeroplex hangars, where aircraft maintenance is performed, and we were able to take a closer look at some of the aircraft being worked on. We also saw one of the former MALEV 767’s, repainted into Siberian S7 paint scheme, which for some reason was not delivered from Ferihegy and is still parked in front of the hangars. Next, we stopped at Ferihegy’s graveyard apron, were we took a trip “back in time” wondering about the hey days of some of the partially dismantled planes such as a Boeing 767, Yak-40 , a Piper and a magnificently still good looking Boeing 727. A little further away from the planes, at the Airport Emergency Management Center we had an opportunity to see a bus being lifted back onto its wheels with the help of pneumatic bags. We were also introduced to some of the special equipment used in case of a catastrophe. To finish our visit we were taken to Ferihegy Aircraft Memorial Park. We had an opportunity aboard a Tupolev Tu-154 –one of the many planes on display-, to hear from some of our invited guests, first hand accounts of what it is like to serve on this magnificent plane. Even though some of us participated in a similar but smaller event three years ago at this airport, it was a great experience and a great privilege for all of us to be able to take a look from “across the fence” at Hungary’s busiest and largest, that is also one of Central Europe’s most notable airports. We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who contributed to make this day an unforgettable experience: the organizers; our guest experts; the airport employees and ultimately to Budapest Airport Zrt.

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Visualisation and awareness. Wow, what a big words again. Agreed, but let me explain what it is and what the importance of it and ... their relation is, both in the IVAO aviation world like in real life.

radar controller.

To be able to control the air traffic an air traffic controller uses nowadays highly sophisticated electronic and radar systems, except in fact on the tower ... This may be surprising, but the tower controller (that includes ground control :-) ), normally uses his eyes to look out of the windows and look where the traffic is. Well, he nowadays has the great help of radar equipment, like ground radar, but, his style of controlling is not based on radar separation. He looks outside to see the aircraft and he separates it based on what he sees there outside. He is not a

Typically we don’t do this in IVAO. Here we use radar as well for TWR and GND control. This means that within IVAO in fact radar is used everywhere. So, as “real as it gets” does have its limitations, doesn’t it? Now what is the difference in the picture seen from the eyes at the tower and the one seen from the radar screen? That radar picture in fact gives an incomplete picture. It is a flat picture of a traffic situation that takes place in an airspace, that we call three dimensional. The real position of aircraft is made out of three elements: There is the position relative to the radar antenna (direction), there is the distance from that radar site to the aircraft and the third element is the altitude. This third element we don’t see on radar, but we read it. Radar pictures are flat with only a position, which we see as direction and distance. Or in pilot terms, bearing and distance, like with a VOR/DME. Therefore a radar controller has to use his imagination. He looks at this flat picture of a radar screen and reads off the altitude, which he adds in his mind to the information he has seen.

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That is a difficult story this time. I agree. But, it is exactly what it is in the sense how an air traffic controller does his job: He looks at the flat radar screen, adds the read altitude info and he visualises the total picture. This he does numerous times with all the traffic under his control and all that is added to the overall traffic situation picture. Now to make it even more complicated, this traffic situation picture is not a static picture. It is dynamic and it is constantly changing. While you look at your radar, the traffic moves and the picture changes. Positions of aircraft change and with that their separation changes. In fact, this factor of visualising the traffic as it moves, is the most difficult part of air traffic control. Therefore it explains why some have great difficulty with it. Because it is difficult and for some even impossible to do. They should not try to become an ATC :-). Similarly, for the pilots there is the point of awareness. You hardly ever fly alone in the air. There is always traffic around you, closer or further, but it is there. Question is, where is it? That is quite often an essential question for a pilot. Even if he has the help of air traffic control to guide him through the air, he himself as a pilot should know what is happening around him. Let me give an example of a seemingly simple information while on the ILS final: “You are number two on the ILS for landing.� First question in the mind of that pilot should be: Where is that number one (in relation to me)? Because, if he is to land before me, I have to wait with my touching down until he has cleared the runway. In other words, when and where will I know that he has vacated my runway? Hopefully before my decision height! I have to be aware of that to prepare properly either for that landing or ... for a go around. I have to be aware that I may have to go around... What is the go around procedure here? Do I know that? Did I pre-set my instruments already? Situational awareness, that is the big word here. It means: Where am I relative to the situation, that is my environment, that is the others. So, like the ATC, a pilot has to visualise his position and be aware if it. A pilot constantly does this, since he has to know where he is and what is happening around him. A very important way of doing this is to listen to the radio. Not only hear what is happening out there around you, but realise where that happening is and ... what could be the effect for me and what role do I play in the situation! Therefore it is great that in IVAO we not only have radar for ATC to see the traffic, but for pilots to have radio to hear what is going on around them.

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Now having said that, unfortunately in IVAO we don’t always have that radio available. Not always there is ATC available to talk to us. Therefore they invented on IVAO the use of UNICOM. What ever it is (or was) in the real world, in IVAO it is a very important feature to improve the situational awareness. To know what is happening around the pilot. By communicating actively on UNICOM we could help the others around us to become aware of where I am and what I am doing. And the other way around. Does that effect some else? Does it effect me? At the same time, by reading all that information on UNICOM, I am becoming aware of my situation. It helps to make my situational awareness. Sometimes in the IVAO Forum there is a lot of discussion about the use of proper language. Should it be English only? For international understandable situational awareness it will certainly help. Do you want to bump into the other? Do you know where that other one is? If not, then better use your radar, your radio or your UNICOM. It’s there for you, to visualise your position and to become aware of it.


ng, Fo i y fl m e h pt


AO-ACM V I , r e i l der F Bob van l PATCO tro Eurocon acm@iva

The IVAO Desktop Calendar! Every month IVAO members can submit a screenshot to the Desktop Calendar system. One submission that fits the months theme is picked as the ‘screenshot of the month’ and will be eligible for the title of ‘the best screenshot of the year. Maybe your screenshot will be used for the Virtual Sky cover as well!

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More Information:

September 2009

Aerosoft: flightsimulator ? Are we soon going to have a new flight simulator? If the activity in the Aerosoft forum is of any indication, looks like Aerosoft is working hard to release its own new flight simulator. This was Aerosoft’s clarification on the New Flight Simulator in their forums “....... Aerosoft is currently seriously investigating the development of a new simulator, directly aimed at replacing FSX. This project is in very early stages, far from even started. We are now talking to each other and developers we trust to come up with a project definition. With this definition we'll look at the market potential and finances, we are talking a multimillion Euro project here after all. Now the investments do not scare us but the building of a platform we can all agree on bothers us tremendously. If we get that wrong we lost even before we start................. The simulator we got in mind should be modern and versatile. So multi core, DX10 etc. That's all basic stuff. More important is that developers should be able to take their 3d models they made for FSX (so 3dMax models) and convert them to the new format. This will make advanced scenery development easy and without having to start from a blank world. Aircraft models will be the same, but aircraft systems will be a lot more complex. We sure need a complete set of simVars and simEvents like FSX has, but we just can't copy what MS done. Not bad because most devs know that that system is rather flawed in many ways. ................” You can get more and updated information on this new Aerosoft initiative from

Aerosoft: ...AES now available for FSX!! Airport Enhancment Services or popularly know as AES is now available for FSX. This add-on takes your flight simulation experience to a new level. Some of cool features of this add-on are: - Pushback with sound, animated objects and automatic perfect alignment - Push-In for backward parking positions - Pushback available as TBL (towbarless) that lift the nosewheel and conventional that uses a towbar to move the aircraft - Animated gates that link up perfect to the doors of the aircraf, - Moving service vehicles that link up perfectly to the aircraft (catering, air stairs, cargo, buses, cleaning and refueling services) - De-icing in winter - Boarding passengers with sound - Follow me car to show the way to the parking position (looks a lot better than those strange arrows used by Microsoft!) - Sound effects while rolling over the centerline lights at the runway - Simulation of water or snow at the runway - Highly detailed (3d) marshaller at all parking positions that do not have docking assistance systems - Detailed configuration of door/hatch location on aircraft, sound effects and vehicles - Alternative configuration for AES Airports,

The current version for Airport Enhancement Services (AES) is 2.04. In this new version there are another nine FSX scenery addons supported by this great tool.

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September 2009

X-Aviation: seaplane for X-Plane X-Aviation, announced a new seaplane for X-Plane the Seamax M-22. The aircraft is modeled entirely as a 3D object model, with an accurate flight dynamics as well as detailed animations and liveries. We understand, the aircraft includes a virtual cockpit, virtual cabin, and also offers the well known manipulator technology that made the aircraft a more realistic experience to fly. More Information

Real Environment Simulations: ...REX is back ! Real Environment Simulations released the Real Environment Xtreme 2.0 for Microsoft's Flight Simulator X, an update to the successful Real Environment Xtreme. ...Contrails Pro released

Contrails Pro is an add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 that adds realistic contrails to AI aircraft. Easily installed, it will instantly add beautiful, long, detailed contrails behind high-altitude AI aircraft in your Flight Simulator sky. You will no longer need a radar to see big airliners cruising above you! For more information

We understand, REX 2.0 is a powerful, hi-definition, photo real texture environment created from state-of-the-art photography and processes. This new technology is tightly integrated with an upgraded flight planner and newly developed weather engine to give the user the most realistic experience yet within flight simulation. See the website for more information:

TweakFS: ...FSX XML File ToolBox released TweakFS has released another freeware tool. The FSX XML File ToolBox which allows you to easily analyze/enable/disable/edit or create the four major XML files used by FSX: DLL. XML (Loads DLL files) EXE.XML (Loads EXE files) SimConnect.XML (Enables/Disables SimConnect clients) Standard. XML (Default KeyMapping File). This is basically an in-house tool used by TweakFS to quickly make changes to the XML files during testing and has been reworked and released as a freeware tool for the benefit of all flight simmers. For more information visit

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September 2009

Every issue in this section we will hunt down the hottest downloads available in the flight simulation community. We also take this opportunityto salute these freeware developers, who devote their time and efforts in creating some awesome add-ons, available to us for FREE. rk rke

Mee arco


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LEBB/Bilbao Airport FS2004 scenery Filenames: Authors: Agustin Reche (from Fernando Fajardo’s job) Source: Bilbao LEBB/BIO airport scenery does have an updated layout, new AFCAD with south apron updated and C-4/C-2 added, “la paloma” terminal with jetways, freight building, tower and other objects. Also lighting changed for CATII HIALS. Special thanks to Fernando Fajardo for designing all the buildings, and Xavi Perea for beta-testing. Only for Fs9 (not tested on fsx).

SAS DC9-21 and -41 Panel/Aircraft. Version 5.0 for Microsoft FS2004/FS9 FS2004 panels Filenames: SAS_DC9v50.exe Authors: Stellan Hilmerby Source: This panel is made for FS9 and have been tested on that Flight Simulator only. Our main object when creating this panel, have been to make it as close as possible to the real aircraft. We have tried, but not fully succeeded, to get rid of the normal shortcuts available in FS. Therefor: This is a panel for those of you that like to read 10 minutes checklist before engine start. Every time this panel is reloaded, the switches will be set to the default position (OFF). Package includes panels and models. Note: Panel can easily be integrated to JetCity or SGA models as well.

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September 2009

DTTA/Tunis Airport Carthage FS2004 scenery Filenames: Tunis Authors: Nassimovsky Source: This package contains a photoreal Scenery of Tunis City and Aiport.

Budapest 2007 - Ferihegy Airport FS2004 scenery Filenames: Authors: Gabor Rucz Source: This photoreal scenery issues a perfect indication of the most wonderful airport of Hungary! The scenery is free in it’s use and a perfect replacement for the default scenery.

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IvAc assistance tools Various applications Filenames: various Authors: Marco Tröger Source: This website of Marco Tröger contains a couple of handy tools to assist you while controlling in IvAc. An Easy Clearance Generator and Flightstrip Tool are just two of this handy programs. Take a look at Marco’s website for more information!

LKPR 2007 Scenery FS2004/FSX Scenery Filenames: Authors: Filip Dvořák and Pavel Beneš Source: Scenery of Prague's Ruzyne airport made by people working at the airport - that ensures great detail and, within reason, updates to actual status. Actual version is one year old, but changes since are more of a cosmetic nature. Scenery also boosts several non-standart goodies, as for example docking system (with jetways working in FSX), experimental lighting system, acurate highway dig-in under approach path as in real LKPR or DC-3 aircraft on display in front of CSA building (not applicable on IVAO), all that while having more than an acceptable hardware requirements (AKA FPS hit)

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September 2009

Tupolev Tu-154M FS2004 Aircraft Filenames: PT_Tu-154m_Full_2.02.exe Authors: Project Tupolev Source: Explore the outstanding visual model details of this fast and reliable Airliner, accurate 2D panels in normal, widescreen and 3-Monitor version, and a system depth down to a completely new flight engineer panel you haven’t seen before in FS. The flight dynamics, you should feel them yourself, we simply can’t describe it. Same for the breathtaking Soloviev engine soundset, you should hear it yourself! RSDT Bucharest 2009 FS2004 scenery Filenames: Authors: RSDT Romania Scenery Source: After 1 year of hard working RSDT Romania Scenery Design Team brings LROP 2009, a Freeware scenery for MSFS 2004. Our goal was to make a photo-real scenery, to include as many details possible and above all to make it FPS-friendly. LROP 2009 brings many new features such as: - active jetways - safe-gate system - active ground support for airplanes - airport illumination control during foggy weather - animated objesct - improved textures and light effects - realistic landclass (with seasonal texture), buildings, runways, taxiways, aprons, cars and equipment - improved navigation aids for LROP region Sármellék, FlyBalaton Airport (LHSM) FS2004 scenery Filenames: lhsm_v0.99_beta.exe Authors: LH Simulations Source: The first (still beta) scenery from this new development group. Lead by three enthousiast IVAO members. Visit their website for more future information.

If you have download tips for the ‘Freeware zone’, feel free to contact the Magazine Team staff anytime or report your find on the IVAO forums.

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September 2009

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September 2009

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