Virtual Sky - 9th issue

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Marco Meerkerk IVAO Magazine Team Manager

IVAO Virtual Sky April 2011


Dear readers, A new and fresh edition of Virtual Sky magazine is a fact. Once again this will be a magazine with the most interesting articles a Flight Simulation and Aviation enthousiast can wish for. For me this will be the last magazine as Magazine Team Manager. The past two year I have worked on the Virtual Sky magazine with pleasure, but times are changing and sometimes you feel the time is right for someone else to take it over. This time has come for me personally. I will stay within the IVAO Public Relations department for some time to help the new upcoming Manager with his duties. Next to this I will continue to write and edit articles for Virtual Sky, something I can’t let loose. Via this way I would like to thank you all for the thrust you gave me as a reader, and hope you will continue to read the Magazine. Have fun reading, Marco Meerkerk Magazine Team Manager Editor of Virtual Sky

Publisher: International Virtual Aviation Organisation Editors: Vybhava Srinivasan Marco Meerkerk Raymond van der Ploeg Layout, Design and Translation: Maxime Esnau, Dennis Steinfort, Mikael Gerner, Breno Ferreira, Ugo Cabrol. Website: General Mail: Logo and cover Design: Robert Gottwald Marco Meerkerk Cover screenshots by: Mattias Spiessens Disclaimer: Any information, suggestions or illustrations published in this magazine are exclusively for use with computer flight simulation. All views expressed in this magazine are the views of the respective authors. The publisher does not accept any responsibility for those views. Copyright None of the information in this magazine may be reproduced in any form without prior permission from the publisher.

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Election Board of governors

International Virtual Aviation Organisation (IVAO) ( is pleased to announce the results of the Board of Governors Election. Board of Governors (BOG) members elected for a period of two years with effect from December 1, 2010 are:

NPO Office Bearers and BOG Members Name: Alain Debrouwer NPO Office Position: President VID: 103563

Name: Allen W. Sindel NPO Office Position: Vice-President VID: 139302

Name: Kenny Moens NPO Office Position: Secretary VID: 108442

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Name: Vybhava Srinivasan NPO Office Position: Assistant Secretary VID: 195667

Name: Filip Jockers NPO Office Position: Treasurer VID: 124365

BOG Members

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Name: Alfonso Ballesteros VID: 116260

Name: Gert Battenberg VID: 156794

Name: Eric Olson VID: 101031

Name: Niccolo Melchionne VID: 147676

Name: Erol Basturk VID: 123236

Name: Sandor Fraiko VID: 175283

Name: Gareth Richardson VID: 175096

Name: Wilfried Groetzbach VID: 155252

Virtual sky - April 2011

Crowded Skies 2011

IVAO’s Crowded Skies event was held on January 8, 2011, which witnessed a record participation and successfully created a new record of 2,303 people connected on the IVAO’s network. This new record over takes the previous record of 1,941 connections. As previously announced, Aerosoft will contribute Euro 2,303, representing the maximum simultaneous connections online during the IVAO event to “Guder Orphanage Center”. This organisation located in Guder - Ethiopia supports girls in this region and provide them with a opportunity to get education, etc., Aerosoft and IVAO thanks all the participants of making this possible and making a difference! Three cheers to IVAO Hip Hip Hurray, Hip Hip Hurray, Hip Hip Hurray!

Facebook and Twitter

IVAO is now live and active on Twitter ( and Facebook (http://www. You can follow us on these links (Twitter and Facebook) and be in touch with us at all times. You can now get the latest news on IVAO on your favourite Facebook or Twitter.

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PC Pilot and IVAO Join hands is proud to announce its partnership with Key Publishing, publishers of PC Pilot magazine. PC Pilot is one of the world’s biggest selling flight simulation magazines. This partnership will enable IVAO reach out to flight simulation enthusiast around the world and similarly help PC Pilot to reach out to IVAO members. As you may already know, every issue of PC Pilot contains reviews of the latest simulation software, new standalone programs or add-on aircraft plus scenery and utility software for Microsoft’s Flight Simulator series and other commercial simulations. It also includes assessments of flight control hardware and articles dealing with technical PC issues aimed at both the beginner and the more experienced simmer. This partnership will entitle every IVAO member a discount of £ 5 on all PC Pilot subscriptions. To avail this offer, enter the code “IVAOMB“ in the coupon code box on the checkout page. Click here for their online shop Alternatively, call their customer services team in the UK: 01780 480404 overseas: +44 1780 480404 and state you are an IVAO member and they will deduct £ 5 off the subscription price. Please join us in welcoming our new partner and you can get to know more about them in their website

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By Vybhava Srinivasan FS Weekend for me was a dream come true experience. For many years, this has been home for the most popular Flight Simulation Destination, where flight simulators around the world get together.

FS Weekend, the world’s largest Flight Simulator Show like every year was held in Lelystad between November 6, 2011 and November 7, 2011. The organisers were expecting more than 3500 visitors in the Aviodrome this time. November 5, 2010

I arrived at the Amsterdam Airport (EHAM) on afternoon of November 5, 2011 via Paris on board KLM’s Boeing 737. As soon as I landed I was welcomed by great friend and President of IVAO, none other than Alain Debrouwer. He was so kind to drive down all the way from his home town in Belgium to pick me up at the airport. Quickly we checked into the Center Parcs Holiday Cottage close to Lelystad. I would not do justice to Alain’s choice if I didn’t comment on the accommodation. It was spell bounding, the surrounding was awesome and the lung space was something I could never dream in the busy streets of Bangalore, India. We checked into a three bedroom villa. Wonderful cottage, while as soon as we checked in, Alain allocated the large rooms to Filip and Kenny, while I was allocated the single room. Nice and cosy room for the “thin” me. Soon, we got going to the Lelystad to join our friends from IVAO Netherlands to see if we can do a thing or two to help them set up the IVAO stall. As soon as we reached the entrance I was amazed at the setting. Small airport and there I was at the happening place for Flight Simulation. Soon made through the back door to IVAO stall, there were many friends. The one I immediately recognised was my PR Staff Marco. He had been working hard with his other friends. In fact both of us burnt the midnight oil designing the IVAO’s Banner and other publicity material to be used for the event.

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The next few hours was meeting people and I had the privilege to meet Richard Bischoff, Joppert Peperkamp, Martin Pikard, Erwin Zeeuw and Dennis Steinfort. All saying “You come all the way from” It was a memorable experience from me. Some shots on preparation of IVAO Stall:

Also met my very old and respected friend Bob van der Flier. It was nice to meet him and of course to meet the hero of the event “Frans Broekhuijsen”. Truly a hero for organising this event so well year after year. He was very warm and courteous and also presented me with an Organiser’s Badge. Soon we headed back, it was freezing as Alain kept reminding me it is not too cold it is only 3°C well Bangalore it is usually 10 times that and no wonder I was feeling cold. In the next few hours Kenny and Filip also joined us and it was memorable experience meeting them. I may have spend many hours behind skype, IRC, forums, chatting with them and there I was speaking to them . Advancements in technology may have improved communication but nothing can replace actually “meeting” someone. November 6, 2010 Somehow I got myself out of bed it was very cold for me. But was ready in giffy as that day had come. The FS Weekend had begun! Alain, Kenny and Filip were sharing with me their past experiences in Lelystad and preparing me for this event. We soon set sailing in Kenny’s car and arrived there ontime. There was a rush of enthusiasts waiting to get in. We of course had our badge and walked into the FS Weekend. I was stunned at the atmosphere. It was as it I was living my dream. The exhibitors were all ready to welcome the visitors and show case their products and services. I was confused as I wanted to roam all over but the most important was to visit and see the IVAO stall.

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IVAO Netherlands Division had things up and running. Splendid job ! believe me it is a lot of effort. They showed us our seat where we settled. It took some time for the atmosphere to soak into me. Soon I was happily greeted by many friends from IVAO. “OH! You are the PR guy”, “Oh you are man who sends the NOTAM!” and so on and so forth. But the warmth was awesome and I was pleased that I took the right decision to spend that bucks to be here. Seemed every “Rupee” sorry...every “Euro” worth. Slowly there were many more people thronging in and every stall was crowded with enthusiast. So was the IVAO Stall. There were three beamers showcasing the IVAC, Microsoft Flight Simulator and IVAO Promotional Video. Many IVAO staff doing the role of pilots and ATC to put together a live performance to show case the visitors the true potential of IVAO.

for eam her. t d oget o an Marc rking t , n o i Erw rs w late d serve u t a n r rk a cong ust e netwo m e h t On ing keep

Soon I met my good friend Alfonso. We had great conversations and was a pleasure to catch up with him. We spend time catching up and discuss over a cup of coffee and had lunch together. We talked on IVAO, flight simulator, etc. I spend the next few hours meeting IVAO members, staff and taking feedback and discussing everything about our passion.

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The people kept pouring into the IVAO stall. Soon the Netherlands team also started live displays and presentation. Very soon there would be groups of people standing and gazing at our demo screens. It was splendid to watch and a treat for me. Some images of the IVAO Spectacle in Lelystad:

Soon it was evening and being winter it was getting cold and also dark. It was time to leave for Center Parcs. I was told we had a dinner and were meeting our Italian friends. We reached the dinner table and I met Niccolo Melchionne (Nick) and of course met the other friends of Italy Division. It was indeed very nice to meet Nick. He was very enthusiastic and had good sense of humour, never saw that side of him during my conversations with him on ICQ. The dinner was great “not” for the food. Since I was a vegetarian so any restaurant had limited options. But was great as Alain said “Rabbit” food. The party continued further into the night but I retired early to prepare myself for another bash at Leystad. November 7, 2010 This was same as the previous day. We got ready in the cold morning. It was also drizziling. Kenny did mention that he hadn’t seen a year in Lelystad when it didn’t rain. Strange but it made me feel more cold. The start to the show today was slow. I guess people took time to come considering it was a Sunday. Soon the hall was full of enthusiast all around. The IVAO stall was buzzing as usual and our Netherlands Staff were putting a great show as always. Today my priority was seeing the other stalls and also meeting our sponsors. I walked towards the PC Pilot Stall and was greeted by my friend Martin. He was kind to exchange a few words. We did exchange number of calls before IVAO and PC Pilot joined hands and this meeting was special. Soon I headed to the Aerosoft stall. It was special to meet my friend Mathijs Kok from Aerosoft. He has been a great friend. Also I met Winfried Diekmann. We did have a conversation at the coffee shop along with Alain, Kenny and Filip. This meeting is one I will cherish forever. I was sitting across and exchanging views with guys who for years have been changing and defining the dimension of Flight Simulation Hobby.

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Now one more person I did meet. He is Constant de Haas he is an old friend of IVAO. Has more than 20,000 hours as Pilot on IVAO and was a pleasure to meet him and talk to him on IVAO. I learnt how much he loves IVAO and so much that it has become an integral part of his life. I was inspired. Finally had a chance to see my other friends in Flight Simulation community. The folks from Fly Engravity, CP Flight, Open Cockpits, Revolution Sim Products, etc

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It was time for closing the event. It was a memorable event while a few of us gathered together for a few pictures.

It was unique and unforgettable experience for me. I had an opportunity to meet my friends from flight simulation community and IVAO. It reminded me only one thing that I am proud to be associated and experience “Spirit of IVAO�

This is your Vybhava Srinivasan, signing off with a memorable FS Weekend experience. Hope to have the privilege again soon.

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Responsibility Every controller takes control over all traffic in his area of responsibility. That area is clearly marked with boundaries all around: left, right, below and above, as appropriate. While an aircraft is approaching such boundary, it is transferred to the next controller. It leaves the one sector and it enters the next one. Agreements To allow a smooth and safe flow of traffic, while it moves from one sector to the following, specific (permanent) transfer rules may be agreed upon. For example, aircraft shall be at specified levels, with well determined separation between them and/or at specific routes that may only be used for defined traffic destinations. In short, on forehand, many rules and agreements between different sectors, may be arranged for. These agreements have a permanent character and therefore are laid down in what we call: Letter of Agreements (LoA). There may exist many different LoA’s per sector, since there may be different neighbours to transfer the traffic to or to receive it from. Each transfer situation may differ from another, because it depends on the local situation at the specific boundary of transfer. Example here is Approach Control, that receives and transfer traffic to and from TWR, but at the same time from and to ACC. Therefore different agreements will exist between APP – TWR and APP – ACC.

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LoA The aim of a Letter of Agreements (LoA) is, apart of regulating the traffic flow, to reduce the amount of individual coordination. Apply the standard LoA agreements and normally the traffic flow will be smooth and easy. That’s how the LoA is set up. Only in the exceptional case, where one cannot keep (part of) that agreement, only then an individual coordination is really needed. Then we can use here chat or ‘Intercom’ (Skype). In other words: An LoA is a fixed term of coordination. It has to be applied, so no further coordination is needed any more, and the transfer becomes a routine action. Try to avoid exceptions, since it not only increases the complexity, but above all the workload. This may be specially valid for IVAO. Transfer of Control The transfer of responsibility from one controller to the following takes place at well defined points at or around the boundary. We call those points the “Transfer of Control” points. That is the point, where the LoA agreements refer to and where the transferring controller has to make sure, that the aircraft is at the conditions as specified in that LoA. Note: These points can be a flight-level and/or a fix as well (e.g. IAF between ACC and APP) Example: Traffic destination XXXX has to be level at FL250 at “transfer of control” point YYY. Or, inbound traffic has to be level at the agreed level the latest at the IAF.

Assume control To exercise control over the aircraft, they have to be within your area of responsibility. You are not allowed to exercise control outside your own area. That means aircraft should have effectively past already the “transfer of control” point, before you may change the level or heading or anything else. We call this to “assume control”. It means, you accept (=start the) control over the traffic to further serve it. There is one exception here. If a so-called “release for control” or “assume control approval” has been agreed between the two controllers involved, already before the aircraft actually passed the “transfer of control” point, only then the receiving controller can start controlling the traffic in line with the individually specified conditions here. In other words, if you would like to assume control before the aircraft passes the transfer of control point, coordinate this properly to obtain that permission. Example: Aircraft is transferred before the “transfer of control” point and the receiving controller ask the transferring controller: “May I assume control on [callsign]?” Or, “may I further climb/descend [callsign] ?” This “release for control” is then given beyond the own area of responsibility.

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Transfer of communication Last issue is that you need the aircraft on your frequency, so as to be able to instruct or clear the pilot. Therefore, another transfer has to take place, which is called the “transfer of communication”. This transfer of communication normally shall take place (well) before or the latest at the “transfer of control” point. Therefore particular “transfer of communication points” can be defined and mentioned in the LoA. Always apply the principle of timely transfer of communication to allow assume control in time. If you don’t need the aircraft any more for control reasons, while it is approaching the boundary, transfer it. Don’t sit on your traffic for no reasons. System In modern times the ATC “system” is more and more upgraded with the help of computers. Those computers communicate with each other and assist ATC in the execution of its different tasks. An important item here is the provision of the necessary flightplan data to all concerned ATC positions. The actual flightplan information (current flight plan or CPL) is passed from one to the next sector by computer communication. With that, the estimated time for the “transfer of control” point is known well in advance. Even the hand-off proposed between sectors, as a standard, can be automated and executed at a particular time or point prior the boundary by the system, if wanted so. Still, eventually, a manually hand-off accept has to be done, unless otherwise agreed. The old days of passing an “estimate” message by telephone is more and more vanishing ..... Hand-off (or handover) and transfer Timely before the aircraft arrives at the boundary, more specific that “transfer of control” point, the computer system will pass the necessary information to the following controller. With that, he will be aware that traffic is arriving at his boundary to enter his sector. It will be under his control soon. When the actual controller has fulfilled the LoA agreements, he is ready to “hand-off” or “transfer” the aircraft to the next controller. Therefore, in IVAO, he will make a “transfer” input in IvAc. This input is in fact a “hand-off propose” action

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like in real life. The actual controller proposes his aircraft “as it is” to the next controller. Automatic or manual hand-off accept The action of an IvAc “transfer” input will trigger a message on the receiving controller’s IvAc screen showing an aircraft is proposed to enter his sector. In IvAc at present there are two possibilities, which can be chosen by the receiving controller in his own IvAc settings. Either, he has set his IvAc to an automatic “hand-off accept” or, he has chosen for a manual “hand-off accept”. (For details see IvAc Manual).

The difference is that in the ‘manual’ selection case, for every aircraft this controller has to accept it manually. With that, he has a better overview of what the action status is of the aircraft offered to enter his area of responsibility. Refusing a proposed transfer necessitates an immediate individual coordination. Putting the setting on automatic means that aircraft can be transferred as such without further action. It is a personal choice of the individual receiving controller to see, what he prefers here. Have individual action on any transfer, or rely on the proper LoA conditions of the traffic offered to him. In return, it provokes a slightly different way of working for the transferring controller. Every time he makes a “hand-off propose” (“transfer input”), he has to wait and watch, whether the traffic is accepted or not. Only after it has been accepted, he may activate the “transfer of communications” and instruct the pilot to change frequency. Note: Pay attention to another setting of IvAc here, as shown above in the picture: “Send handoff message when on voice”. Selecting this will mean a message is sent to the pilot’s IvAp on which he may react, even if your handoff procedure has not been agreed by the next controller yet. Virtual sky - April 2011

In short Actual controller: Meet the LoA requirements in time before the boundary. If so, make a “transfer” input to propose the traffic. Wait for confirmation (hand made or automatic). There after instruct the pilot to change frequency to the next controller. After passing the transfer of control point and when on the next controller’s frequency, the full transfer of control procedure is ended. Assume control can be started. Practical example IVAO:

1. Controller A makes sure the LoA requirements are fulfilled (e.g. descent in time, if necessary) 2. Controller A makes a “transfer” input through the label command; he looks whether the request will be pending, or whether the hand-off is accepted. > if no, additional coordination is needed; > if so, 3. Pilot is instructed to contact controller B (transfer of communications). 4. Controller B makes an “assume” input, if not already done so automatically as an action of “hand-off accept” settings. RELEASE

In IVAO there may exist the situation that there is no active next controller at a certain moment. In that case we cannot hand-over the traffic to the next sector. Continuous ATC services is terminated here. Instead we will instruct the pilot that “frequency change is approved” and we will make a “release” input. Please don’t instruct the pilot to contact UNICOM, because that is not possible. Similarly, don’t ask the pilot to switch to 122.8, because UNICOM in IVAO is not a radio frequency. It is a text feature. Just say: “ATC service terminated, frequency change approved” or “No further ATC available, frequency change approved”. In fact, such aircraft is leaving your area of responsibility, so it is not the ATC’s concern any more, what the pilot will do next. That is a pilot’s responsibility. Before the aircraft will enter a next area again with active ATC, the pilot shall, before entering, contact that next controller to ask clearance to enter his area or sector. If cleared so, an “assume” input will be made, since “assume control” is (re)started and the chain is continued again.

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Lauda Air is perhaps the most well know and maybe the only airline in the world started by a racing driver. Niki Lauda the best racing driver ever of Austria, with a great career in Formula One. In the middle of his career (1979) Niki decided to stop with racing and went away from the glitter and glamour world to start his own airline company called: Lauda Air. Since the foundation of Lauda Air in 1979 the company was growing year by year, in 2002 Austrian Airlines took over Lauda Air and Niki Lauda didn’t had any shares at that moment in his own airline. At this moment the fleet of Lauda Air contains 10 Boeing 737-800’s and they all carry names of passed away artists like Frank Zappa and Falco. Lauda Air is used by Austrian Airlines to fly on the holiday destinations like Antalya, Faro, Malta, Malaga etc. On this 222 minute!! DVD from JustPlanes we will follow the crew on their routes to Belgrade, Kefallinia, Santorini, Bucharest, Vienna and Zakinthos .

The Film

The DVD starts of with a nice but simple menu, in that menu you can choose in the flight you want to see. As we want to see the whole DVD we just start with chapter one, a flight from Vienna to Santorini. As we started we are not in the cockpit but just a small room in the building of Austrian Airlines, where captain Stader is explaining the pre-flight briefing. One thing I really liked in this part was the explaining of the fuel savings in this company and.........see the next page!

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how much they would be saving in economy flying. Arrived in the cockpit the captain is explaining all the parts before the flight and how the task are separated to the captain and flight officer. Also very nice on this DVD is the explanation of the loadsheet that’s visible on a laptop. With this settings they can put in the missing things needed in the flight computer. Rotate !!! and we are flying, still watching the first part of this DVD from Vienna to Santorini. Established on cruise level to flight officer is explaining the operational flight plan. As we are landed in Santorini the captain is taking the viewer outside for an walk round outside the aircraft explaining all the technical that’s on the outside of the airplane and what it’s used for. But we are going forward ….as we don’t want that you know the whole DVD already. Now watching the flight with Capt. Roth an flight from Vienna to Belgrade, he is introducing the flight that will be interesting as the whole flight he will expect thunderstorms. After that they continue with the briefing about the taxiways to the active runway and the standard instrument departure they will fly. Time for push back, also during this procedure Capt. Roth is explaining the way to start the engine and the right sequences of starting. After that they can ask for taxi to the runway. When we are airborne the captain explain some FMC features. During the decent the first thunderstorms are visible. Because of this the crew is asking for an “30 degree to the left to avoid” this is to turn around the thunderstorms. One of the last flights on this DVD is an flight from Vienna to Keffallinia and back again to Vienna. From my point of view the best one of this DVD. These pilots really explaining everything what happens in flight. From the gate, in the air and the arrival is well explained. With a connection flight to Zakinthos and then back to Vienna, really everything is well explained by the pilots.


If we are looking at the whole DVD I think JustPlanes can be proud on the DVD out of the Austrian range. Nice pilots that are willing to show the technique and procedures with Lauda Air to the viewers. When I saw the Basiqair DVD (Transavia), I thought there couldn’t be a better DVD but I was wrong. This DVD must and will be very popular by Boeing 737 fans, as well the -600, -700 and -800 is on this DVD and with more then 220 minutes from the flight-deck it’s really good to see this DVD on a rainy Sunday. This DVD is available via for only $30.00 Reviewed by: Raymond van der Ploeg

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Introduction The day that we would test this first version of Heathrow was also the day that V2 (version 2) was released by the UK2000 team. This newer version of this already popular scenery in the Xtreme series is designed on the latest layout of the real Heathrow as there has been some changes done at the airport. This buyers from the version 1 Heathrow can buy the new edition with a nice discount to make Heathrow complete as it is now days. For the ones who don’t know what and were Heathrow is we give these a little introduction. Heathrow Airport is one of the busiest airports in the World, and located just west of London. The history goes back into World War I were it started with an military field later on in 1943 it became under the control of Air Ministry and the development took place till 1947 when Heathrow airport had already three runways. Also nowdays there is much work going on at Heathrow Airport, in 2007 Terminal 3 was rebuild in to accommodate the Airbus A380 jumbojet. And the newest Terminal, number 5 was openend in 2008 and it’s the home terminal of British Airways as Heathrow is still their main hub. To much history now, time to review another great addon by the UK2000 team. This addon is the most complexed and biggest scenery from the UK2000 team, in this review we will look into the details on and around the airport and we will review also each terminal individual that has been modeled in this scenery. We have tested the good old FS2004 edition, but this scenery is also available for FSX.

Heathrow’s Royal Suite !

The Airbus A380 by the entrance

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Scenery First we are going to take a closer look on the terminals, seems every flight will start and end at a terminal. Heathrow airport has a total of five terminals, they are all numbered from one till five. First we are going to look on terminal five also named as T5 , this terminal is the home terminal of British Airways, however in our virtual world of flightsimulation you also can park your cessna next to a gate. Terminal five is one big terminal with an slightly curved roof, also in this addon the shape of this terminal is designed very well. The only problem, well with almost every addon is to create an realistic glass looking texture as this terminal is build out of glass panels, but Gary did well on this job to create something beautifull and to keep frames as many as possible. If we look on the country side of this terminal, the roads from and to the airport fits very good on the default FS9 roads. More to the scenery you have photo scenery as ground texture with even the “T5” symbol in the roundabout. Also animated cars from and to the airport are included. On the tarmac of T5 you can see lots of details, one of those details you can find through the whole scenery is for example drains. But also the lines on the tarmac are very realistic as it almost seems it’s also sprayed on the tarmac. Also the bridges to the airplanes are very real, the only thing we can find are some missing road signs where traffic passes under the bridges. Also the tube that’s below the bridge is looking in reallife more yellow then in this addon.

Terminal 5 The road to T5

Realistic gates

On the southwest of the airport you can find terminal four (T4), opened in 1986 as it is now home to the Skyteam alliance as well as some unaffiliated carriers. Recently this terminal is been upgraded with renovated piers and departures lounges and it also can be used by 2 Airbus 380 aicraft. In the scenery you can see that this terminal is a very different style than T5, not as much glass just a basic building that looks realistic to the real one. Also the platform is different then elsewhere on the airport, you can even count the total of bricks used in the ground textures of the terminal. The other terminals (T1,T2 and T3) are located in the center of the airport, T2 is the oldest terminal build in 1955. This terminal is closed in real-life and is going to be demolished and will be rebuild. On this point you can see the scenery is up-to-date, also the terminal is closed in the scenery and the terminal area is fenced off. Terminal 1 is also under construction in this scenery, on the the westside and on the end of pier J there is work going on. There are even avio bridges on the ground waiting to be mounted on the airport building. Also the ground detail in this part is really great! We arrive on T3, immediately you are looking at one highlight on this part ….the main control tower of Heathrow, well we talk about that later. First the terminal, the terminal is also called the jumbo terminal. Airlines like Emirates, Qantas, Singapore Airlines and Virgin Atlantic departs from this terminal. Late 2007 also this terminal was rebuild and pier 6 was build. Pier 6 prepared for the Airbus 380. Also in this scenery pier 6 is created, only place for 4 Airbus 380’s but they need space and they will have it in this scenery. In real-life there would be also a helispot on top of Page 24 Virtual sky - April 2011

T3, but we couldn’t find it in the scenery, also the UK2000 team is not aware of this spot…so we think Wikipedia is wrong here. Already told you, the massive tower of Heathrow is one of the eycatchers in this scenery, also the standard tower view in MS Flightsimulator is done from here what makes it more realistic to view over all those terminals. The tower is well created even the cables to support this piece of art is included in the scenery. Looking out of the tower we see another great thing, every spotter must have seen this ….I am talking about the famous radar, in this scenery it’s even moving around on the same speed as in real. Many things told about the terminals, also around you can find a lot. Ever seen the BBC production of the series ‘Airport’? You must know Heathrow have a nice Royal suite, also this have been added complete with red carpet to the entrance of your aircraft. You can see everywhere at the airport movings cars and trucks, on the roads around the airport but also on the platforms itselves. Also other vehicles can be seen such at firetrucks, luggage cars, catering trucks. Also the buildings on the service area’s are very complete and very well detailed. We discovered also a detail that is sometime forgotten in other scenery’s heatings and airco systems. Looking on the buildings of Heathrow you see enough of them and there’s even a steam effect added to it. Well it’s time to make a conclusion here.

Park your plane via a mirror

Other details


Radar and Tower

If you are looking for a great scenery for your collection, this scenery must be in it. In my personal opinion a scenery is great and on a high level when you don’t see all those great details that you don’t use or don’t see when you are doing your thing to be a (virtual) pilot. The UK2000 team really has used every detail where they have photo’s or resouces from. If you have already version 1 of this scenery, you only have to pay 5 pounds to get this scenery. Also for older computers this scenery will be perfect, perhaps on a lower density level, but still with lot’s of details. I really enjoyed my flights that I have done for this review, hoping you will expierence the same. * Testing machine: Intel Core2Duo E6600 at 2,4Ghz 2GB Memory NVidia 7900GS graphics card * Developer: UK2000 scenery * Website: * Price: € 17,60 / $ 21,89 USD (download prices) * System requirements: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 with Update 9.1 Windows 7, Vista or XP SP2 Pentium Duo 2,2 GHz or higher 2 GB RAM 3D Graphics card with 300 MB Download-Size: 65 MB

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* Pros: - 100% is up-to-date scenery - Details are really cool; - Moving traffic on surrounding highways, also the double red busses. - Good framerates also on older PC’s * Cons: - Very hard to find one * Score: 9/10 Reviewed by: Raymond Van der Ploeg Virtual sky - April 2011

By: Maxime Esnau Since September 2007, Airlines Manager is a free online game and in real time which allows you to create and become the president of your own airline. Indeed, this game has very similar conditions to those of real airlines by offering a wide choice of destinations and aircrafts, a maintenance system and a banking system.

How to register and how to start the game? Well, simply by going to the site, register by giving the name you wish to choose your airline and the hub of your company. Most of the world's airports are in the game, the updates are done regularly to add those who are not yet present. The choice of hub is very important to develop your company because all the airports cannot accommodate all aircraft based on their category and length of runway available (for instance the airport of Sion in Switzerland cannot accommodate an Airbus A321). Once the registration is completed on the home page, you will see that you start the game with a wallet of two hundred fifty million dollars with a debt of one hundred fifty million dollars. This money will allow you to buy your first aircraft and your first line. The purchase of the first plane is always difficult because you do not have a stretch budget at the beginning of the game, however a wide range of regional aircraft, medium-haul and long haul will be available. Not less than forty-five aircraft are in the game with ATR42-500, CRJ-900ER, A318-122, B737-800, A330-243, B777-200, A340-642, B747-400ER and A380-842. Buy a new or used aircraft, it's up to you to decide, then you should to set your aircraft in deciding the number of seats in economy class or first class, choose between the seats leather or cloth (option at $ 1,000 per seat), the possibility to offering Internet to your customers (optional at $ 500 per seat) or to offer a diversified menu (option $ 100 per flight) ... Once the plane is configured, you must now purchase your first line of South Africa to Australia via the United States, choose the destination that you like best and where you will earn the most money. A marketing agency will be there to help you do further study on the line chosen at a price of $ 900 000 if you need. You will be able to choose the departure time of your flight via a system of schedule after setting the price of tickets.

How to evolve in the game?

Like all airlines real, you can evolve by buying new aircraft to offer more destinations and thus increase your profit. To invest in new equipment, so you’ll need money and you can contact one of the three banks available at the beginning of the game to get a loan. Two types of loans are then offered in each bank, the loan “express” and the loan “large. To get a loan “large” (for funding of up to eight hundred million dollars per loan), you should contact your bank by providing a complete file (projects, guarantees, benefit and expected repayment plan). Depending on

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the repayment term you choose, between 1 and 40 weeks, your banker will review your request and if your file will accept, we will offer you an interest rate so you can accept the offer, refuse or negotiate. The way you manage your company will influence the reputation of your company, because when you start the game, your reputation will be rate of 60%, if your reputation rate grows, you’ll have more passengers. Poorly maintained aircraft and bad decisions leads some consequences and your reputation will decrease. If you want to develop with others persons, why not join or create an alliance, buy aircraft with other people by investing money in this alliance, an entrance fee may be requested at the registration and it will recover a rate ranging from 0 to 30 % on profit that you have made with the apparatus of the alliance.

And much other functionality still‌ Your personal secretary is always there to help you make the best decisions like the price of tickets economic, business and first class. It will inform you by message every day of the results of the previous day, with the growth of the company, and the final profit. The sector of the Research & Development will be available when you signed the contract that allows you to make new discoveries such as the discovery of a new bank (the sum to be paid: $ 15,000,000) or the possibility of using green tires (+ 5% reputation). This application can be useful to add options in your plane (which can be done in one click) or earn reputation points. The daily maintenance contract will help maintain your planes with a high rate of reliability, without your intervention, the contract price will be higher if you have many aircrafts. The marketing space offers you to know the average price of air tickets per line used by your competitors. But also to advertise in a public transportation station, on the radio or on the television. The price will vary depending on the number of diffusion and day when the advertisement is transmitted. Auctions can be proposed from time to time. A lounge space is available from ₏ 1.40 per week to have a customizable home page and lots of other things... Thanks to Benjamin Cohen, the creator Airlines Manager, who propose this free game which reflects the real life of an airline with the wide range of planes available, and destination, multiple possibilities: low-cost or high-end options with configuration chosen and price tickets. The game is constantly evolving, today, the game is only available in French but an English version is already planned for 2011. Discover and become the president of your own airline.

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By: Sam Bogaerts

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Every issue in this section we will hunt down the hottest downloads available in the flight simulation community. We also take this opportunity to salute these freeware developers, who devote their time and efforts in creating some awesome add-ons, an available to us for FREE. ivas va bha



LIPZ Venice Tessera 2010 FS 2004 Scenery Filename: Author: ISD Project Source: ISD team brings together an updated version of the famous, The Venice Tessera airport (LIPZ).

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FS Scenery Manager X v1.3 FSX Utilities Filename: Author: Lionel Uzan Source: FS Scenery Manager X is a tool to easily manage sceneries of FSX. The main function is ability to classify scenery into folders, for an easy management of several sceneries in one click. Moreover you can add more than one scenery with the scan function. FPS Enhancement Package V2 FSX – Miscellaneous Filename: Author: Tom Knudsen Source: FSX FPS Enhancement Package updated version. A collection of textures that contain resized files for better performance, all files are amended and sharpened for best experience. This update includes an alpha channel for all 342 textures. The package has proved to offer reported increases of 10 to 15 FPS

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Athens International Airport v2 FSX Scenery Filename: Author: Moraitis Vaggelis Source: It is a standalone scenery and is dedicated to all those flightsimmers that love to fly.

HDE - High Definition Environment, v2.0 FS 2004 – Miscellaneous Filename: Author: Pablo Diaz Source: Photorealistic texture pack that will change the aspect of your Clouds (cumulus, stratus, cirrus), sky color, aircraft reflections and ground detail. What’s new in V2.0? - New and better photorealistic cumulus, better sky colors, some new cirrus, ENBseries.ini (Bloom effect with great performance). HDE v2 is compatible with your favorite weather engine and environment software.

Sapporo City Scenery FSX Scenery Filename: Author: Harutoshi Nakagawa Source: A two year project to create the north island of Japan including the building of Hokkaido Sapporo City using Gmax.

Zurich Airport FSX Scenery Filename: Author: Stefan Liebe Source: This is a puristic, frame rate friendly scenery. Terminals A, B and E have gate signs to show the number of the gate and ground painted taxiway signs for better orientation. Taxiway signs around Terminal E replaced. All files included, previous version not needed.

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YSSY - Sydney Kingsford Smith International V2 FS2004 Scenery Filename: voz_sydney_kingsford_smith_international_ Author: Robert Fluke, Anthony Lynch & the former VOZ Development Team Source: From the former Leading team of Australian Freeware scenery Guru’s VOZ(Vistaoz) comes the updated version to the Jewel of the Crown for Australian Airports, Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport for Flight Simmers.

Warsaw Airport 2011 X (part 1) FSX Scenery Filename: Author: Mateusz Stabryla, MK-Studios Source: Warsaw Chopin Airport (Polish: Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie) (IATA: WAW, ICAO: EPWA) is an international airport located in the Okecie district of Warsaw, Poland. Formerly Okecie International Airport, it is named after the famous Polish composer and former Warsaw resident, Frederic Chopin. It is Poland’s busiest airport, handling just under 50% of the country’s air passenger traffic.

FSX Douglas C-47 Skytrain Exterior Base Pack FS 2004 Aircraft Filename: Author: Manfred Jahn Source: FSX Douglas C-47 Skytrain Exterior Base Pack 1.0. Two original C47 Skytrain exterior models using the flight dynamics and VC of the default FSX DC-3.

If you have download tips for the ‘Freeware zone’, feel free to contact the Public Relations staff anytime or report your find on the IVAO forum.

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