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ICT tools evaluation Criteria for tools that make something (presentations, posters ...) There are five criteria that should be used to evaluate tools: ​ ease of use, sharing, maths integration, freedom of use and overall impression​ . As the tools are used for making the criteria apply equally to them, but when comparing it’s sensible only to compare tools in the same category, for example only compare the tools for presentations with other tools for presentations. Students should be given concrete tasks when evaluating, for example if evaluating tools for mind mapping they should all try to make a mindmap of a specific thing they are learning about. Also this tasks should all be the same so the evaluation grades can be comparable. Every criteria has a scale of grades from 1 to 4, and has a name and a description connected to it so it’s easy to say what the grade is for. Based on this it will be possible to make a form for evaluation which should also have a field where students can give a short written comment in addition to grades. What can be evaluated with this criteria: ● presentation tools ● poster tools ● comic tools ● video and animation tools ● mind­map tools Exception: ● quiz making tools ­ in addition to basic 5 criteria they also have an additional criteria: ​ Feedback (how does it give feedback to students) and ​ Question bank (is it possible to import questions and variety) ● Do we need additional exceptions? Ease of use Evaluate how complicated is the tool ­ how complicated is the interface, can you find help etc. 1. Hard​ ­ The user interface is very complicated, it’s difficult to get anything done and its very hard to get help when you need it. 2. Medium​ ­ The user interface is complicated, but it’s possible to find help so you can learn how to use the tool. You can get things done but it takes a lot of time. 3. Easy​ ­ The user interface is either simple and intuitive or you have integrated help (tutorials) which takes you step by step of the basic usage even if things look unfamiliar. You can get things done and it’s possible to get up to speed. 4. Super easy​ ­ The user interface is simple and you have step by step help for everything if needed. You can get things done and it’s possible to be fast even if you just started to use it for the first time. Sharing and collaboration Evaluate how easy is to share your work, are the end results exportable, is it possible for more people to work at the same time etc. 1. Closed​ ­ You can make things online, but it’s not possible to share online (you have to download the results first). Only one person can access the tool to edit the presentation.

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