Cosmology - The dark energy enigma

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The Dark Energy Enigma

By: J.R. Silva Bittencourt

The Dark Energy Enigma J.R. Silva Bittencourt

According to the most accepted cosmological view the universe would consist of 4% of normal or common matter (also called "illuminated"); 23% dark matter and 73% (!) dark energy. Scholars of the subject can also define, in general terms, the role of each of these variables. For example, both dark and normal matter would be able to deflect light, although dark matter was cold and did not interact with it. Dark matter, also called "missing", would form the scaffold or skeleton, in whose gravitational field illuminated matter could accumulate. Dark energy, in turn, does not interact with the two known forms of matter and therefore can’t be detected or measured. Like an oscillator in its steady state, dark energy does not emit or absorb light, remaining in what would be a state of quantization or packaging that will never be completed, or which will remain suspended until the end of time. Again, I have called my attention to the detail that, in assessing these three variables, it is often forgotten that they depend directly on our "point of view�.

If there is a dark matter, this is not a problem of the universe. The problem lies in the impossibility we have shown to measure it directly, which extends to the concept of dark energy. Another curiosity is that the so-called "enlightened" matter depends on our memory to exist. Since what we can see directly is not matter itself, but the light scattered by it, this scattering becomes continuous and out of time. That is, for us there is only what can be submitted to the judgment of our memory. What can not be remembered, does not exist. It is more than time for us to include the isolated observer in the context of the universe. Without the observer, the universe would continue in its routine. However, is there any other form of intelligent life, beyond what is known, that could give meaning to the events that the universe harbors? What is the point of having an universe where there is no one to admire it? It would be a waste of time! This last sentence was not put by chance. It is the dependence that the observer shows to have, in relation to the direct measurability of time, that would justify the necessary separation between light and space. I shall now enumerate some conclusions to which physicists have arrived and which, although they do not sign below, attest that space

would have no power to directly communicate to us any events, or possible changes in its geometry: 1- "The repulsive effect of dark energy dominates gravity"; 2 - "Dark energy would create spaces, taking the galaxies with it"; 3- "Both dark matter (23% of total matter) and normal (4%) deviate light"; 4 - "Dark energy (73%) is uniform: you get the same acceleration in any direction in the vacuum"; 5 - "The vacuum energy (dark) moves acceleration of the expansionary universe."


Excerpts from the documentary of The History Channel "Dark matter / Dark energy", 2008. When we voluntarily decide to subject ourselves to the yoke of electromagnetic radiation (including the visible light range) and the Doppler, in order to try to describe space directly as if it formed a whole with it, we forget to look at some details of the behavior of the light itself. There would be two distinct moments, related to the harmonic movement performed by all forms of irradiation. In one, the light would be "packed" or

quantized. This would translate into the statement that, unnoticed, "dark energy would create spaces, taking the galaxies with it." This first phase of the harmonic motion of light would be fictitious since, to this day, no one has been able to measure any amount of time that could be destined for the quantization of light. Without measurable time, one can not measure movement of any kind. Unable to be remembered, since our memory depends on the time, things cease to exist, even if they continue there. More important, in this case, is to note that the statement "the vacuum energy moves the acceleration of the expansionary universe" would become an interpretative error. This is due to the fact that it has already been widely demonstrated that the vacuum energy (if it existed) would be negative. Even so, it is worth repeating, you can not directly measure movement in the absence of time. One can make assumptions without practical demonstration. The "dark energy", in creating spaces, would be retaining the light and establishing what would be the first phase of its harmonic movement. It tells us that by stretching, space would retain light, promoting an increase in elastic potential energy. As you would expect when you stretched an elastic, the force would point in the

opposite direction to its stretching. This should be accompanied by deceleration of the motion of galaxies, as much more space was being created by dark energy. It is not what you see in practice. This stems from considering that light and space would be one thing, disregarding the quantization of electromagnetic radiation, manifest in the uncertainty of the position or speed of light sources. Briefly, it may be said that the "before" and the "after" of scattering of the light of the stars next to each of us, would have had mixed the final effects of the distinct phases of the simple harmonic motion of light. That is, the generation of spaces by the dark energy, in expansion, would have incorporated the acceleration of the movement of the galaxies, only in the later phase of scattering of the light. Relaxation of the elastic (with acceleration) would expose its anterior phase of stretching, in a time-lagged manner. This became possible due to the contraction of time, in the expansionary phase. By retaining the light, the expansion would have acted in the likeness of an immense eraser of information, even if they continued there. The disappearance of the first phase of the simple harmonic motion of light would have made both continuous, due to a principle of direct access exclusion. Both the first and second phases of

the harmonic movement became trends that would have been suspended in the direction of infinity. In the second phase of the harmonic motion of light (photon scattering), the observer would have come to live with the contraction of space, and with the dilation of time. But, this would be covered up by the abruptly exposed information, that would account for the expansion of space as if it was occurring in real time, or in the "here and now". If dark energy were creating imperceptible spaces, moving the galaxies directly away from each other, the limited speed of light, we used to trace the event, would have to tell us that the spaces would have been created at an earlier time, inside the light cone of the future of the event. However, since to us there is only what can be remembered, we tend to conclude that these spaces would have remained in our past and that the light would necessarily be arriving from there. Finally, in this alternative view, based on the lagged access of the information provided by electromagnetic radiation, we would be forced to reevaluate the concept of "dark energy" acting absolutely in the past. The reason is that, because we are unable to measure time directly in the future,

it would also be impossible to describe any kind of movement in that sense of its arrow. The motion can only be measured when the dissociation between matter and energy is already complete, an effect that accompanies the continuous scattering of the photons of light next to the observer. It may be that only the light occupying a narrow band is visible directly in the post-big bang, but the information contained in all of the bands of the Maxwell spectrum has become potentially accessible to remote tracking, when the matter jet "projected" in the past. There could be no "dark energy" acting directly in space-time, because all forms of energy are connected to some kind of measurable movement, and it is this movement that, basically, allows us to conclude by the existence of dark matter. When energy became measurable, it would be no longer a dark energy. Santa Maria, RS, Brazil 12/20/2017.

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