History of Graphic Design Portfolio

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The following projects are inspired by the early Graphic Design movements.

The Internet Strikes Again is a magazine cover inspired Dada style. Dada rejected conventions in art and thought. It sought through unorthodox techniques, performances and provocations to shock society into self-awareness. The typography of this magazine cover rejects the rules for legibility. The work destroys Jean Jaques Louis’ Napoleon Crossing the Alps and depicts Bonaparte as technology savvy modernist. The blue shark is famous from Katy Perry’s performance at the recent SuperBowl 49. This shark is not only a pop icon but a representation of the massive power the internet gives to choose the art and thought we want to be exposed to. The entire picture is composed of shapes and textures that are not harmonious. It is ambiguous and confusing, which the vast internet can be at times.

According to Jean Arp “Dada aimed to destroy the reasonable deceptions of man and recover the natural and reasonable order.” The first page attempts to comment on the new faith in technology over religion. Centuries ago the catholic church was the main source of all knowledge of human life and existence. With the rise of science and technology, millennials are more eager to live a full life and consume knowledge quickly because information is more available and also because among this audience there is less belief in an afterlife in heaven. The s econd page simply makes an attempt to show how Dada is still relevant in today’s society. The eye on the face references Man Ray’s Glass Tears a symbol of Dada, fused with our current translation of Dada, the internet meme.

Redesign of Alexander Rodchenko’s Russian Constructivism poster. The poster entitled ‘Books’ (The Advertisement Poster for the Lengiz Publishing House) was created in 1924. Using the same elements I redesigned the poster in different ways playing with composition, scale and oreintation.

Poster design for The Container Corporation of America. The poster is Satrical. It embodies the tagline ‘Great Ideas of Western Man’, it pokes fun at the tasteless creations we as a society have allowed ourselves to become subject to.

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