Ahil 2015 2016

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CONTENTS Message 賀辭


AHIL Overview 概覽


AHIL Mission & Vision 願景及使命


AHIL Committee 委員會


AHIL Membership 會員


AHIL Event 活動


Message 賀辭

Greetings for the Establishment of Asia Hotel Industry League On behalf of China Hotel Association, I hereby deliver my warmest congratulations to the establishment of Asia Industry Hotel League. I hope Asia Hotel Industry League can gain a foothold in Asia, keep on enhancing and deepening the intercommunication and co-operation of the hotel industry within Asia, as well as between Asia and the rest of the world. In addition, the League would provide the governments, trade associations and the relevant enterprises of various countries with a high level interactive platform to work on the industry’s development; meanwhile, provide the hotels with a channel to showcase their brands image in Asia. Asia Hotel Industry League will upgrade the hotels brands awareness and strengthen competitiveness effectively, boosting a win-win co-operation amongst the Asian hotel industry. Han Ming President China Hotel Association November, 2013

亞洲酒店聯盟成立賀詞 值此亞洲酒店業聯盟成立之際,我代表中國飯店協會對聯盟的成立表示 熱烈祝賀。 希望亞洲酒店業聯盟能夠立足亞洲,不斷促進和深化酒店行業本地區內 和本地區與世界其他地區間的交流與合作,為各國政府、行業組織和酒 店企業等提供一個共商酒店發展的高層對話平臺,為酒店提供在亞洲範 圍內展示品牌形象的管道,有效地提升酒店品牌知名度和市場競爭力, 促進亞洲各國酒店行業的合作共贏。 韓明 中國飯店協會 會長 2013年11月 03

亚洲酒店业联盟汇聚了亚洲各国酒店及餐饮业的优 秀代表,在未来一年里,亚洲酒店业联盟将继续通 过积极开展形式多样、富有成效的活动,为企业行 业的健康发展而努力。 感谢各会员企业的积极参与,同时感谢联盟各 位副主席的支持与贡献。 在此祝愿亚洲酒店业联盟不断发展壮大,继续 带领整个亚洲酒店业共同走向更美好的明天。 亚洲酒店业联盟 主席 韩明

祝贺「国际酒店展」成功迈向十周年! 「国际酒店展」为酒店业界提供了出色的交流平台,为本会会员提供了每年一 度的难得交流机会,共同分享行业发展成果、促进国际交流合作。 在此感谢澳门特区政府的大力支持!感谢「国际酒店展」各主办单位的不懈努 力! 最后,预祝「第十届国际酒店展」取得圆满成功! 中国饭店协会 会长 国际饭店与餐饮协会亚太区 主席 韩明

to express I would like Association, tion Co., Ltd., Thai Hotels ional Exhibi of at lf rn ha te In be l On asta 10th e Co th to g ns zin io ni lat orga my congratu evement in 14. arkable achi tel Expo 20 Ho l on their rem na io at of Intern l Hotel Anniversary Internationa provement, ized as an ssion and im gn re co og re pr tly ar ye inen regardless Through 914) is prom tel Industr y, otel Expo 20 r the Asia Ho is year, the Expo 2014 (H d users. Th s platform fo en es & n sin rs bu ye nt bu the presentatio or excelle d s ar or aw nd d ve an liers & d titions of the supp at they woul inars, compe th m nt se de s, m nfi ru co fo concurrent of which I am erator from are returned ance of the industr y op ceremonies the attend er s. th ar ga ye ly us definite e previo countries lik major Asian de and cere gratitu bition Co., press my sin ational Exhi again, to ex astal Intern Co ge this r, I would like, ze ni ga deavor to sta the or en to t th n ea io gr iat d apprec lism an lebrate its 10 professiona y , and to ce an eir str th du r In fo l , te d., Lt Ho sh ever yone ia wi I As e st, th r lea t fo t st but no success even 14. ar as well. La 20 ye is po th Ex l ry te Anniversa l visit to Ho d successfu enjoyable an

Warmest greetings from Malaysian Association of Hotels. First of all, we would like to congratulate the organizer and the Macau S.A.R. Government on the TENTH edition of the International Hotel Expo in Macau. This event has indeed being recognised as a platform for our association members to interact and gain knowledge on current trends and practices from other hotel and hospitality industry players; from all over the Asia Pacific Region. The various forums, workshops and activities held during the Expo are invaluable resources. Thus, this has been an annual event not to be miss by our association members. Last but not least, an event of this magnitude would not be possible without the support of the Macau S.A.R. Government and the untiring effort of the Organizer. On behalf of Malaysian Association of Hotels, we wish this exhibition every success for many more years to come. Cheah Swee Hee (Sam) CHA President Malaysian Association of Hotels


AHIL Overview 概覽

Asia Hotel Industry League (AHIL) was officially established in 2013. The Inauguration Ceremony being held at The Venetian Macao on November 21, 2013 was attended by the Chairman of all the committee members including China Hotel Association, Korea Hotel Association, Malaysian Association of Hotels, Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines, Thai Hotels Association and the corporate & individual members.


《亞洲酒店業聯盟》於2013年11月21日 在 澳門威尼斯人會展中心 舉行就職典禮 。包括 中國飯店協會、韓國酒店協會、 馬來西亞酒店協會、菲律賓酒店餐飲協 會、泰國酒店協會等的會長及百多位企 業會員出席盛典。

AHIL Mission & Vision 願景及使命

AHIL Vision


 to stimulate interaction and cooperation among the Asian hotel industries

 促進亞洲各國酒店業界的互動交流與 合作。

 to explore the industry’s common concern issues such as green hotel & healthy catering, talent exchange & training, management expertise, hospitality technology solution…etc.

 探索共同關心的議題,例如:酒店節 能環保、健康餐飲、人才培訓與交流、 酒店管理經驗、資訊化及現代化解決方 案等。

to strive the excellence of hospitality service & standards


 to enhance communications and connections of the hotel industry of all over the World

 以亞洲酒店業總體形象加強與世界各 國業界的交流及聯繫。

 to promote the global hotel industry development by means of exhibitions and conferences

 以會展業為基礎,推動全球酒店業的 發展。


AHIL Mission & Vision 願景及使命

AHIL Mission


 hosting the Asian Hotel General Managers Forum every year in Macau in order to share the industry’s market news, knowledge & experience

 每年於澳門舉辦亞洲酒店總經理高峰 論壇, 分享業界市場最新動態、資訊和經 驗。

 extending great support to the International Hotel Expo in order to provide the members with a trade platform to see & buy the industry’s latest & innovative products

 以「國際酒店展」為貿易平台予各聯 盟會員吸納最新產品及訊息。

 organizing various training courses and talent exchange activities in order to improve the level & competitiveness of the industry

 通過不同的培訓及交流活動,提高相 關行業質素、整體形象、管理水平及競 爭力。

 launching familiarization trips amongst the regions of various committee members in order to strengthen communications and co-operation

 組織考察團互訪成員國家,以加強溝 通與合作。

 releasing e-Newsletter regularly in order to upkeep the members with the industry’s latest information



AHIL Committee 委員會

China Hotel Association 中國飯店協會 www.chinahotel.org.cn

Thai Hotels Association 泰國酒店協會 thaihotels.org

Malaysian Association of Hotels 馬來西亞酒店協會 www.hotels.org.my

Hotel & Restaurant Association of the Philippines

菲律賓酒店餐飲協會 www.hrap.org.ph

Korea Hotels Association 韓國酒店協會 www.hotelskorea.or.kr

International Hotel Expo Committee 國際酒店展組織委員會 www.hotel-exhibition.com


AHIL Membership 會員

Member Obligation AHIL members should comply with AHIL constitutions, proactively take part in its activities, and strive for the development of AHIL and the hotel industry.

會員義務 各會員須遵守聯盟章程,積極參與活動,協助推 動會務以至行業的發展。

Become a Member Please fill out the application form of your desired membership category and return to us by email, fax, or mail for AHIL committee for examination and verification.

成為會員 欲申請成為會員,請填妥表格後以電郵、傳真或 郵寄方式遞交,經由聯盟委員會審核及確認。

Members can enjoy a bevy of privileges Basic Right Opportunities to publish in AHIL newsletter and on website.

會員權益 基本權利 各會員均有機會於聯盟的宣傳簡報及網頁刊載內 容等等。

Enjoy the priority to attend seminars, training, familiarisation tour, gala dinner, art appreciation, thematic exhibitions, art seminars, coffee workshops and other activities at a discounted rate or free-of-charge (for specified events)

優先獲邀以優惠價或免費(特定活動)參加研討 會、培訓課程、營商考察團、美食饗宴、專題展 覽、投資藝術賞析、藝術講座、咖啡工作坊等。

Receive free publications, including newsletter, member circular, e-mail broadcast, and etc.

免費取得協會刊物,包括『聯盟通訊』、會員通 告及電郵簡訊等。

Leverage on association network to facilitate business matching.


Acquire updated hotel-related information.


Supporting service, e.g. free consultancy, expect and consultant referral services.

使用協會資源,例如免費諮詢、專家及顧問服務 等。

Enjoy special offers from other members.



► Associate Member Hotel associations, catering associations, and other related associations; to achieve mutual benefit by co-operations.  Participating in product showcases, and promotional activities.

 協會會員 包括酒店業及餐飲業等相關協會,攜手合作 ,達致雙贏。 • 參與協會產品展示和市場推廣活動。

► Corporate Member (2015-16) Hotels, restaurants, and relevant suppliers in the hotel industry; to join AHIL on behalf of company.  Nominate to participate in hotel-related Awards.  Participating in product showcases, and promotional activities.  Special rate for various exhibitions organized by AHIL in Hong Kong, Mainland and overseas.  Members introductions on official website.  Take part in an interview and feature on the AHIL blog.  Selected products / services will be featured on AHIL newsletter.

Two passes to attend the “Asian Hotel General Managers Forum” on Nov 26, 2015  One full page 4C ad in the official guidebook of ‘Distinguished Hotels & Restaurants Parade 2015-2016’

 企業會員 (2015-16 年度) 酒店、餐廳、相關供應商等與酒店業息息相 關的企業,以公司名義成為聯盟會員。 • 獲提名競逐指定類別大獎。 • 參與協會產品展示和市場推廣活動。 • 以特別優惠折扣價參與協會在香港、內地 和海外舉辦的活動。 • 羅列公司簡介於官方網站及『會員名錄』。 • 專訪及介紹刊登於『聯盟通訊』。 • 指定產品/服務刊登於『聯盟通訊』。 • 兩位出席在2015年11月26日舉行的官方午宴。 • 兩位出席在2015年11月26日舉行的〝亞 洲酒店總經理高峰論壇”。 • 『2015-2016傑出酒店及餐廳巡禮』手冊 四色廣告壹全頁

► Individual Member Practitioners of hotels, restaurants, and relevant suppliers; to join AHIL as an individual.  Nominate to participate in hotel-related Awards.  Members introductions on official website.  Participating in product showcases, and promotional activities.

 個人會員 酒店、餐廳、相關供應商等從業員,以個人 名義加入聯盟。 • 獲提名競逐指定類別大獎。 • 參與協會產品展示和市場推廣活動。 • 其介紹刊登於『飯店資訊』。

Two seats at the Luncheon Reception of <Hotel Expo 2015> on Nov 26, 2015


AHIL Event 活動

Asia Hotel Industry League and all the committee members extend full support to the International Hotel Expo which is held in Macau every November. The AHIL Pavilion is specially set on the exhibition floor. The latest news about the regional hotel & catering industries of the respective committee members will be showcased.

11 亞洲酒店業聯盟及委員全力支持每年十一月在澳門舉行的 國際酒店展,特設AHIL專區,展示各委員有關酒店及餐飲 業的最新消息。


亞洲酒店業聯盟及委員,參與一年一度的亞洲 酒店總經理高峰論壇,國際酒店展的其一重點 活動。主席及各委員在論壇發表演講,分享專 業知識和見解,旨在推動酒店、餐飲、款待業 的發展。

Asia Hotel Industry League and all the committee members attend the annual Asian Hotel General Managers Forum, a key activity of International Hotel Expo. The Chairmen of the respective committee members will give speeches sharing their expertise and insights at the Forum, with the aim to enhance the industry development.

Aiming to praise the enterprises which supplied eco-friendly and sophisticated products to the hospitality industry in the previous year, Asia Hotel Industry League launched the <Asia Green Award> and <Asian Best Hotel Suppliers Award>. Winners of 2014 were awarded with the certificates and trophies at the 10th International Hotel Expo.

2014 旨在表揚過去一年為酒店業提供環保和先進產品的企業, 亞洲酒店業聯盟推出的<亞洲綠色環保大獎>和<亞洲金牌 酒店用品供應商大獎> 。 2014年獲獎者在第10屆國際酒店 展授予證書和獎杯。

Asia Hotel Industry League nominated the hotels which provided excellent facilities and service to enter the <Asian Star-Graded Hotel 2014>.

<Asia Culinary Contest 2014> a competition being participated by 100 top chefs from Macau, Hong Kong and China. The event successfully provided the respective suppliers with an interactive platform to establish more contacts with the target customers, meanwhile, served as a cost-effective channel for promotion and enhance brands awareness.


<亞洲星級酒店大獎>旨在表揚過去一年提升設族和卓越服 務的星級酒店的一個肯定。

<亞洲名廚大賽 2014>由酒店及餐飲業高管組成的評審團 將在眾多頂級廚師中選出亞洲名廚。

Address: P.O. Box No. 28657. Gloucester Road Post Office Hong Kong 聯絡地址:香港告士打道郵政局郵政信箱 28657 號 Tel 電話: (852) 3187 7221 / 3187 7227 Fax 傳真: (852) 2110 9050 Email 電郵: inquiry@asiahotelindustry.com

Ref: AHIL’14’F01

MEMBERSHIP FORM 㗁⎟䏱妉圦㛺 Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS, put a 5 where applicable and cross out any unused spaces. Please return the form to the league. 妉ᶣ㨡㠵✩⪩濕᳤㑺弧䐴㑷㛺⅞᳈5唝⊈⃞ ≹㗨坩ょ䏦ᴉ䤸ḋ濕✩⡣⹊妉ᵢ▜伭䖝Ʋ



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Last Name

First Name


Required for Member Log-in - 6 characters (number + lowercase alphabet)

(The name should be identical to that appeared on the Identification Document (⾬柯凮庒Ụ嬰⏴㕮ờᷱḲ⦺⏴䛟⏳)


Birth DAY








⥚ (*must be completed)

Company Name ⅓⏟⏴䨘 Flat ⮋

Floor ⱋ

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Street 堾

Post Code

State ⷩ

Country ⛲⮝

Occupation 堳㥔

Position 偞ἴ Fax No ⛽㕮ₚ䜆

Phone No. 曢婘

Cell Phone No. 㴨⊼曢婘噆䢣

E-Mail 曢⬷惜ờ PART 3

Flat ⮋

Website 䶙䫀

Home INFORMATION ỉᵸ宅㑗垚  Floor ⱋ

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Street 堾

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Phone No. 曢婘

Cell Phone No. 㴨⊼曢婘噆䢣

E-Mail 曢⬷惜ờ PART 4

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Membership 㗁⎟ Association ⌻㛪 Corporate Ứ㥔

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( 5 in the appropriate box )

Category 朜⃣ Individual ῲạ


Annual Fee

Annual Fee


⹛岢 U$500 年費HK$3,800

⹛岢 U$100 年費HK$500

Hotel Supply & Equipment


Prefer 廘壈弶㎅ Food & Beverage

Hotel Management



Others Home Biz ⅝ẽ


Home Biz

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Additional Note ₀娢 Languages Spoken 媅姧 Membership fee should be made by cheque payable to “Asia Hotel Industry League Co., Ltd.” I/We confirm that the information provided is correct and complete in all aspects and agree to fully adhere to the International By-Laws and the rules and regulations of the Asia Hotel Industry League, without reservation. 㜓ạ/␥䬰ὃ⇡偙㗵Ə䢡⮁㈧㎷ᾂḲᷱ志岮 㖀✮ⱓ䜆䢡⎱ḍ䄈恡㻶˛

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Date 㗌㜆 :

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