Hotel Expo 2014

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A Premium Event Exclusively Supported by Asia Hotel Industry League 《亞 洲 酒 店 業 聯 盟》唯 一 支 持 的 活 動

The 10th International Hotel Expo 第十屆國際酒店展

2014. 11. 26 – 28 Cotai Strip® Cotai Expo™ (The Venetian Macao) 路氹金光大道® 金光會展™ (澳門威尼斯人會展中心) Organizers 主辦 Coastal International Exhibition Co., Ltd. 海岸國際展覽有限公司 Coastal International Exhibition (Macau) Co., Ltd. 海岸國際展覽(澳門)有限公司 Co-organizers 協辦 Coastal International Exhibition (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. 廣州市海基展覽有限公司 Macau Expo Group Ltd. 澳門博覽集團有限公司 Guangdong Furniture Association 廣東省家具協會 Specialty Coffee Association of China 中國特種咖啡協會

Special Supporters 特邀支持

Asia Hotel Industry League 亞洲酒店業聯盟 Members include 成員包括 China Hotel Association 中國飯店協會 Korea Hotel Association 韓國酒店協會 Malaysian Association of Hotels 馬來西亞酒店協會 Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines 菲律賓酒店餐飲業協會 Thai Hotels Association 泰國酒店協會 China Food Association 中國副食品流通協會 Supporters 支持 Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute 澳門貿易投資促進局 Macau Government Tourist Office 澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局 Macau Hotel Association 澳門酒店協會 Macau Hoteliers & Innkeepers Association 澳門酒店旅業商會 The United Association of Food and Beverage Merchants of Macao 澳門飲食業聯合商會 Macao Convention & Exhibition Association 澳門會議展覽業協會

Macau – A Place of Favorable Business Environment 澳門 – 營商環境優越的城市

Macau, a famous international tourist city , attracts visitors from all over the world. The number of tourist arrivals in 2013 broke through 30 million. It is expected to keep on rising and brings positive development to the overall economy. With the steady economic growth, a comprehensive functional trade platform along with the geographical advantage, Macau does offer enterprises from home & abroad with a favorable business environment. 澳門,中西文化合壁的國際知名旅遊城市,吸引了世界各地旅客到訪。2013年的入境旅客數字已經突破三千萬人 次;預計仍持續攀升,帶動整體經濟向好發展。 經濟平穩增長、平台功能完善以及優越的地理位置, 澳門為境內外企業製造良好的營商環境。

Asian Hotel & Catering Industries – Huge Market Potential with Numerous Opportunities 亞洲酒店及餐飲業 – 龐大的市場、無限的商機

Table 1 㺘а

Large-Scale Projects in Macau ◩䮶⸣ᵕ‫ޝ‬㊂ᔰⲺཝශ主ⴤ 㺘а Upcoming ◩䮶⸣ᵕ‫ޝ‬㊂ᔰⲺཝශ主ⴤ

Project 檔䥽 Wynn Macau Cotai Strip 㻇Ⓒ恾㻈⩝ Galaxy Macau Phase II 䉂栏攏㽂 2 㦮 Studio Macao City 㢮焦栏 The HillDun Hotel Macau 䉂栏゛䓍檢握ㄦ Harbourview Hotel ▄ㄼ䀆㣾握ㄦ Legend Palace Hotel ▄⸽握ㄦ Legendale Hotel ▄沎握ㄦ Dinosaur Museum ㋟爜◩䓸殷 Raffles Hotel Macau 嚙⇪⭺握ㄦ St. Regis Macao 䉂栏䛭⚘握ㄦ Yacht club and public pier 拙哖㦒♙⏻䧍䭋檼 Covered open-air shopping, dining & entertainment colonnade 㦘坚槁⮸律䓸ᇬ初歮♙Ⲫ㲑㪀ㅙ

Anticipated Investment Amount 檟岗㔤彖摠櫜 USD 2 – 3 billion 20 咂 30 ⎓初⏒ 16 billion HKD 160 ⎓䂾⏒ 15 billion HKD 150 ⎓䂾⏒ --

Macau’s rapid growing tourist industry needs to be associated with abundant supply of hotel & catering facilities which brings enormous business opportunities for the industries. Over 10 large-scale hotel resort projects will be added in the coming 3 years. (See Table 1). Numerous hotel projects being launched in the neighboring regions, creates a huge potential Asian market. 1.6 billion HKD 16 ⎓䂾⏒ (See Table 2) --澳門快速增長的旅遊業,需要配合充裕的酒店及餐飲供應,從而為業界帶來龐大的 -商機。在未來三年,逾10個大型娛樂渡假酒店項目在籌建中,將為市場增添數以千 -計的酒店客房、娛樂及餐飲設施 (詳見表一)。在澳門周邊地區多個酒店項目陸續推 出,為整個亞洲地區創造龐大的市場 (詳見表二)。 --

Table 1 (表一) Upcoming Large-Scale Projects in Macau Table 1 㺘а

Large-Scale Projects in Macau ◩䮶⸣ᵕ‫ޝ‬㊂ᔰⲺཝශ主ⴤ 㺘а Upcoming ◩䮶⸣ᵕ‫ޝ‬㊂ᔰⲺཝශ主ⴤ 澳門短期內籌建的大型項目 Project 檔䥽 Wynn Macau Cotai Strip 㻇Ⓒ恾㻈⩝ Galaxy Macau Phase II 䉂栏攏㽂 2 㦮 Studio Macao City 㢮焦栏 The HillDun Hotel Macau 䉂栏゛䓍檢握ㄦ Harbourview Hotel ▄ㄼ䀆㣾握ㄦ Legend Palace Hotel ▄⸽握ㄦ Legendale Hotel ▄沎握ㄦ Dinosaur Museum ㋟爜◩䓸殷 Raffles Hotel Macau 嚙⇪⭺握ㄦ St. Regis Macao 䉂栏䛭⚘握ㄦ Yacht club and public pier 拙哖㦒♙⏻䧍䭋檼 Covered open-air shopping, dining & entertainment colonnade 㦘坚槁⮸律䓸ᇬ初歮♙Ⲫ㲑㪀ㅙ

Anticipated Investment Amount 檟岗㔤彖摠櫜 USD 2 – 3 billion 20 咂 30 ⎓初⏒ 16 billion HKD 160 ⎓䂾⏒ 15 billion HKD 150 ⎓䂾⏒ -1.6 billion HKD 16 ⎓䂾⏒ --------

Anticipated Completed Years 檟岗囌㒟㄃↌ 2015 – 2016 2015 2015 Pending ㈔⸩ 3rd quarter of 2014 2014 ㄃䶻ₘⷲ 3rd quarter of 2015 2015 ㄃䶻ₘⷲ 2016 4th quarter of 2015 2015 ㄃䶻⥪ⷲ Pending ㈔⸩ Pending ㈔⸩ Fourth quarter of 2014 2014 ㄃䶻⥪ⷲ Fourth quarter of 2014 2014 ㄃䶻⥪ⷲ

Table 2 (㺞ӂ 㺞ӂ): 㺞ӂ A Glance of the hotel status in the major regions of Asia Ӕ⍨ѱ㾷൦ॶ䞈ᓍ᛻⋷Ᾰ㿳 Guangdong Province ㅲ㨀䦐

Currently 98 five-star hotels; by the end of 2015, at least 5 five-star hotels with over 1,700 rooms will be added. 䚍㦘 98 ⹅℣㢮侩握ㄦᇭ 2015 ㄃ㄤ⺖㠿栚㦏⺠ 5 ⹅℣㢮侩握ㄦ,⬭䂊拍 1700 栢⸱㓎ᇭ


Anticipated Completed Years 檟岗囌㒟㄃↌ 2015 – 2016 2015 2015 Pending ㈔⸩ 3rd quarter of 2014 2014 ㄃䶻ₘⷲ 3rd quarter of 2015 2015 ㄃䶻ₘⷲ 2016 4th quarter of 2015 2015 ㄃䶻⥪ⷲ Pending ㈔⸩ Pending ㈔⸩ Fourth quarter of 2014 2014 ㄃䶻⥪ⷲ Fourth quarter of 2014 2014 ㄃䶻⥪ⷲ

Table 2 (表二) A Glance of the hotel status in the major regions of Asia 亞洲主要地區酒店情況概覽

Table 2 (㺞ӂ 㺞ӂ): 㺞ӂ A Glance of the hotel status in the major regions of Asia Ӕ⍨ѱ㾷൦ॶ䞈ᓍ᛻⋷Ᾰ㿳

Guangdong Province ㅲ㨀䦐 Hong Kong 氨䂾 Korea 橢⦚ Thailand 㽿⦚

The Philippines 嚁㈚形 Malaysia 氻∕導ℭ

Currently 98 five-star hotels; by the end of 2015, at least 5 five-star hotels with over 1,700 rooms will be added. 䚍㦘 98 ⹅℣㢮侩握ㄦᇭ 2015 ㄃ㄤ⺖㠿栚㦏⺠ 5 ⹅℣㢮侩握ㄦ,⬭䂊拍 1700 栢⸱㓎ᇭ There were 68,300 hotel rooms by March of 2013. An increase of 12% to reach 76,600 hotel rooms in 2017 is expected. 㒹咂 2013 ㄃ 3 㦗᧨握ㄦ㓎栢㠇䥽䍉 6.83 嚻᧷檟岗Ⓙ 2017 ㄃, ⺖⬭┯ 12᧡᧨拣 7.66 嚻栢ᇭ Currently 1,310 hotels in Korea; only in Seoul, by the end of 2013, there were about 30,000 hotel rooms; 15,000 hotel rooms will be added in the next 3 years. 橢⦚䚍㣑㦘 1310 ⹅握ㄦᇭ2013 ㄃, ⠽㢾氥䓍め㦘 3 嚻栢⸱㓎᧷檟岗⦷㦹∕䤓 3 ㄃栢᧨岗 ┒㠿⬭ 1 嚻 5 ◒栢⸱㓎ᇭ By the end of 2013, 3,919 4- & 5-stars hotel rooms added to Thailand; it is planned to add 8,000 new hotel rooms to Bangkok by 2015. 2013 ㄃⏷⦚㠿ㆉ 3,919 栢 4 㢮㒥 5 㢮侩握ㄦ㓎栢᧨檟岗⦷ 2015 ㄃ㄤ᧨㦋廆⺖⬦┯侓 8000 栢握ㄦ⸱㓎ᇭ The number of hotel rooms is expected to rise from 2,392 in 2012 to 9,273 by 2014. 檟岗握ㄦ㓎栢䟀 2012 ㄃䤓 2,392 ⬭咂 2014 ㄃䤓 9,273 栢ᇭ Totally 180,037 hotel rooms by the end of 2013; it is targeted to add some 4000 rooms in 2014-2015. 2013 ㄃᧨⏷⦚握握ㄦ⸱㓎␀拣 180,037ᇭ䥽㲨⦷ 2014-2015 ㄃㠿⬭拍 4000 栢⸱㓎ᇭ

International Hotel Expo – Serving A Comprehensive Hospitality Industry Chain 『國際酒店展』–服務全方位酒店產業鏈

International Hotel Expo, aims to affiliate with the development trend of the hotel & catering industries of Macau, also focuses on the huge market of China and Asia. International Hotel Expo is dedicated to serving the hotel industry chain thoroughly. Regardless the suppliers & vendors or the buyers & end-users would definitely find the appropriate business opportunities at this event. 主力配合澳門酒店及餐飲業發展趨勢,兼顧中國及亞洲龐大的市場, 『國際酒店展』的服務對象是全方位的酒店產業鏈。供求雙方都可以在 酒店展中找到適當的商機 。

The 10th Anniversary – Successfully Built a Business Platform for the Asia Hotel Industry 踏入十週年 -- 成功營造亞洲酒店業工作平台

In 2005, the first International Hotel Expo was presented in Macau, a special city under the special environment, and committed to build a collaborative business platform for the Asia Hotel Industry. In 2013, Asia Hotel Industry League, with China Hotel Association, Thai Hotels Association, Malaysian Association of Hotels, Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines, Korea Hotel Association and the hotels of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macau, was officially established. The objective is, taking Macau as the base and International Hotel Expo as the platform, linking up the hotel practitioners with the suppliers of various regions of Asia to enhance experience exchange & co-operation. Asia Hotel Industry League, integrating the hotel general managers and the respective associations of Asia into a new power to enhance the quality and quantity of the professional buyers for International Hotel Expo, exhibitors would not only expand their business in the favorable Macau market but also the gigantic Asian market. 十年前(2005年),首屆國際酒店展在澳門這個特定城市、特定環境舉辦,並立下宏願:要建設一個亞洲酒店業的 合作工作平台。 2013年,由中國飯店協會、泰國酒店行業協會、馬來西亞酒店行業協會、菲律賓酒店餐飲業協會、韓國酒店行業協 會以及粵、港、澳地區酒店業代表組成的《亞洲酒店業聯盟》正式宣佈成立,其宗旨是:以澳門為基地、以酒店展 為平台,展開亞洲地區各國酒店行業的交流與合作。 《亞洲酒店業聯盟》匯聚了亞洲相關協會和酒店總經理,凝聚一股新力量,帶動『國際酒店展』,為參展商帶來更 多、更高質素的專業買家,令展品進軍澳門、甚至亞洲各地的紐帶和橋樑。

第十屆國際酒店展 第 十 屆 國 際 酒 店 展

Fascinating Concurrent Activities - Enhancing Exchange and Co-operation 活動多樣,創造更多交流與合作機會 The 8th Asian Hotel General Managers Forum - Asian Hotel Industry Development and Cooperation Summit

第八屆亞洲酒店總經理高峰論壇 - 亞洲酒店業發展與合作 Asia Culinary Contest 亞洲名廚大賽 Seminar on Co-operation between Hotels & SMEs 酒店業與中小企合作研討會 Seminar on Investment for Featured Tourist Hotels 特色旅遊酒店投資洽談會 Tourist Hotel Promotional Fair 旅遊酒店推介會 2013-2014 Asian Star-Graded Hotel Service Award Presentation Ceremony 2013-2014 亞洲星級酒店服務大獎評選及頒獎活動 Coffee Culture Workshop 咖啡文化工作室 Spa and Wellness Forum 水療與養生論壇 Asian Best Hotel Suppliers Award Presentation Ceremony 亞洲金牌酒店用品供應商頒獎典禮 Best Hotel Furniture Suppliers Award Presentation Ceremony 金牌酒店家具供應商頒獎典禮 Macau International Lotus Cup Hotel Furniture Design Competition 澳門國際荷花杯酒店家具設計大賽 Asia Green Award Presentation Ceremony 亞洲綠色環保大獎頒獎禮



Cleaning equipment & supplies 清潔設備

Luxury tableware 高級餐具

Furniture 酒店家具

Carpet 地氈

Linens & bedding 酒店高級布草及床墊

Housekeeping products 管房用品

Guest rooms amenities 客房用品

Energy-saving kitchen equipment 節能廚具

Energy-saving lightings 燈光

Intelligent equipment & hospitality technology 智能設備

Electrical & mechanical equipment 機電設備

Spa & wellness product 水療及養生產品

Wine 酒

Seafood 海產

Frozen food 冷凍食品

Quality ingredients 高級食材

Juice & beverage 果汁、飲料

Healthy alkaline water 健康鹼性飲用水

The 10th International Hotel Expo 2014 䫔 ⋩ ⯮ ⚳ 晃 惺 ⸿ ⯽ 2014. 11. 26 - 28 ®

Cotai Strip Cotai Expo™ (The Venetian Macao) ® 嶗㯡慹⃱⣏忻 慹⃱㚫⯽™ (㽛攨⦩⯤㕗Ṣ㚫⯽ᷕ⽫)



⊁ ⬓ 圦 㛺

Deadline ヨ㨠㒣㗝 : 30 / 9 / 2014

We wish to participate in Hotel Expo 2014. Kindly reserve the following space. We declare to have read and accepted the rules and regulations of the exhibition on the overleaf. ㆹ⎠⅛⭂⍫⯽, ᷎⎴シ側枩䘬⍫⯽夷⇯ˤ婳枸䔁ẍᶳ㓌ỵˤ  Constructed Booth: Includes 3 walls partition, carpet, fascia board with Chinese & English Company Name, 2 spotlights, 1 socket (5 Amp), 1 desk, 2 chairs and 1 waste basket. 㧁㸾㓌ỵ: ⊭㊔ᶱ朊昼㜧ˣ⛘㮗ˣᷕ劙㔯℔⎠⎵ᷳ㊃䇴㜧ˣℑ㓗⮬䅰ˣᶨᾳ暣㍺⹏(5 ⬱➡)ˣᶨ⻝㟴⫸ˣℑ⻝㢭⫸⍲ᶨᾳ⺊䳁䮵ˤ  3m ᶱ䰛 x m 䰛= sq.m.⸛㕡䰛 US$350 per sq.m. / 㭷⸛㕡䰛伶⃫ 350.00 (Min.3m x 3m = 9sq.m. / 㚨⮹ᶱ䰛 x ᶱ䰛 = ḅ⸛㕡䰛) US$伶⃫ __  Raw Space: Raw space only, exhibitors set up stand at their own expenses. 㶐⛘: ⍫⯽⓮冒屣⺢忈㓌ỵˤ m䰛 = sq.m. ⸛㕡䰛  Width 敲 m 䰛 x Depth 㶙 US$320.00 per sq.m. / 㭷⸛㕡䰛伶⃫ 320.00 (Min.30sq.m. / 㚨⮹ᶱ⋩⸛㕡䰛)

US$伶⃫ __

 Official Exhibition Catalogue Advertising : Size 21cm x 28.5cm Deadline for submission of advertising final artwork and films : September 30, 2014 ↲䘣⟜↲⺋⏲: ⯢⮠ 21 ⍀䰛 x 28.5 ⍀䰛 婳Ḷ 2014 ⸜ 9 㚰 30 㖍⇵⮯㬋䧧⍲↮刚䇯復Ṍᷣ彎╖ỵ (Non-exhibitors are subject to 50% additional charge 朆⯽⓮暨⎎丛 50%旬≈屣) Cover Full Page (4 colors) ⮩朊(⚃刚 ⮩朊 ⚃刚) ⚃刚  Inside Front Cover ⮩朊ℏ枩 US$1,950

 Inside Back Cover ⮩⸽ℏ枩 US$1,950

 Back Cover ⮩⸽ US$2,150

Inside Pages :ℏ枩 ℏ枩 ˎġ Central Spread (2 pages, 4 Colors) ᷕ攻↮枩(ℑ枩ˣ⚃刚) US$1,650 Full Page ℐ枩  4 Colors ⚃刚 US$1,100  2 Colors ℑ刚 US$910  B/W 湹䘥 US$750  2 Colors ℑ刚 US$625  B/W 湹䘥 US$490 Half Page ⋲枩  4 Colors ⚃刚 US$750

US$ 伶⃫

GRAND TOTAL US$ ䷥柵伶⃫ Company Name ℔⎠⎵䧙: Address ⛘⛨ : Tel.暣娙: Email 暣悝: Representative ℔⎠ẋ堐: Position 借ỵ: Product Line 㤕⊁䭬⚵:

Fax ⁛䛇: Web.䵚⛨ :

Country ⚳⭞:

PAYMENT TERMS 丛㫦彎㱽: 丛㫦彎㱽 50% deposit of the grand total should be paid together with the submission of the completed application form. The balance must be settled on or before October 31, 2014. All cheques / money order should be made payable to COASTAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION CO., LTD. or remit to : 婳⮯㬌⍫⯽堐㟤忋⎴䘦ấᷳḼ⋩妪慹ᶨἝṌẀ,检柵⛐ 2014 ⸜ 10 㚰 31 㖍⇵丛Ẁ,㓗䤐㉔柕”㴟Ⱡ⚳晃⯽奥㚱旸℔⎠”,ㆾ暣⋗军ẍᶳ岔㇞: Account Name 岔㇞⎵䧙 : Account No. 岔㇞嘇䡤 : Bank Name 戨埴⎵䧙 : SWIFT Code ⚳晃⋗㫦嬀⇍䡤: Bank Address ⍿㫦戨埴⛘⛨:

Coastal International Exhibition Co., Ltd. 㴟Ⱡ⚳晃⯽奥㚱旸℔⎠ 002-6-836247 The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (Main office) 楁㷗ᶲ㴟⋗寸戨埴㚱旸℔⎠ HSBCHKHH 1 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong 楁㷗ᷕ䑘䘯⎶⣏忻ᷕᶨ嘇

Authorized Signature And Company Chop ℔⎠⌘䪈⍲䯥⎵

————————————————————————————— Please complete and return to 婳⭬⚆ :

Date 㖍㛇 : ————————————————————————

COASTAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION CO., LTD. 㴟Ⱡ⚳晃⯽奥㚱旸℔⎠ Room B, 16/F, Times Tower, 391-407 Jaffe Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 楁㷗䀋Ṽ嫅㔸忻 391-407 嘇㕘㗪ẋᷕ⽫ 16 㦻 B ⭌ Tel.暣娙: (852) 2827 6766 Fax.⁛䛇: (852) 2827 6870 E-mail 暣悝: Web 䵚⛨:

Rules and Regulations 1.

Exhibitors shall be bound by conditions, rules and regulations set forth in this form and any changes must be made in writing and signed by an authorized official of Coastal International Exhibition Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CIEC) who shall have full power to interpret and to alter or amend these rules hereof.


Any organization which, having signed and submitted this application form for booking exhibition space, fails to exhibit whether or not for any reason of the Exhibitor’s own choosing and has not been released from the form by the Organizer shall be liable for the full amount stated in the form plus any additional costs incurred by the Organizer as a result of such failure to exhibit.


No Exhibitors shall be permitted to exhibit unless they have paid prior to the organizer all of the fees agreed for this exhibition.


Exhibitors are required to comply with the Exhibition Centre, the building and all Government rules and regulations of Macau Special Administrative Region, P.R. China.


Rights of Exhibitors shall not be assignable. No Exhibitors may assign or transfer or sublet the whole or any part of their contracted spaces to any other parties, unless otherwise, the prior written approval shall be given by CIEC to the registered Exhibitor.


Insurance a. The Exhibitors shall be responsible for all risks insurance covered on their exhibits and inside their booth area (including all equipment provided and rented from the Organizer) whilst : i) At the Exhibition Hall including erection, preparation and dismantling. ii) The period should cover minimum 10 days before the Exhibition and also 10 days after the Exhibition period, means the Exhibitors should cover all risks insurance during stated period at their own costs. b. The Exhibitors shall be responsible for the "Public Liability Insurance" to fully indemnify the Organizers, visitors and all other parties against liability at Law for and claimant's costs expenses in respect of : i) Accidental bodily injury (including death, disease and illness) to persons/workers/visitors and all other parties who enter or stay in the areas / space owned by Exhibitor in respect of the occupational period. ii) Accidental loss or damages to materials properties arising in connection with the insured's business (other than properties in insured's care, custody or control). iii) The exhibitors should cover the minimum period of 10 days before the Exhibition date, and also minimum 10 days after the Exhibition date, means, the Exhibitors should cover the "Public Liability Insurance" at anytime when the area/space are occupied by Exhibitors. c. Any failure to cover the above mentioned "all risks" and "Public Liability Insurance" by the Exhibitors in respect of the said occupational period within the owned area/space, the Exhibitors should fully be responsible for any claims of loss and damages and any further legal liabilities incurred.


The Payment of all applications: a. Non-refundable of the total fees payable by each applicant must be made according to the payment terms of this application form which is stipulated at the front page of this application, any failure of payments by the applicant will be responsible for the legal liabilities. b. Any payment made by applicant in respect of this application are non-refundable due to the canceling, reducing, substituting or non-participation from their application are deemed conclusive of the forfeited the rights of all reservations. c. Any delay payments for the application in respect of this Exhibition whatsoever, the commitments of reservation made by the Organizer, CIEC, will be automatically void or forfeited and also the applicant will be responsible for any incurred expenses and interest as a result of this application.


The representative of CIEC, Sponsor, its Agents shall not be liable for loss, damage or delay resulting from acts of war, civil commotions, strikes or lock-outs intervention or regulation, military activity or any other circumstances which shall make it impossible or inadvisable for the Exhibit Committee to hold the Exhibition at the time and place provided. CIEC reserves the right to re-schedule the exposition at an earlier and later date, or change of nature or cancellation in due course. The said Exhibitor shall be acknowledged that CIEC have sustained damages and losses as a result of the foregoing as well, and shall and does hereby waive all claims for any damages or compensations in this respect. The sums paid to CIEC as fees or otherwise in connection with this Exhibition shall remain as the property of CIEC.


This agreement shall be governed by and construed according to English law. jurisdiction of Hong Kong Courts.


The organizer, CIEC reserves all rights to refuse any persons or parties enter this exhibition, only paid attendees, appointed persons of the Exhibitor and special invited guests who are accepted by CIEC will be allowed to receive the entry badge for admission.


All Exhibitors should follow the rules and regulations of the exhibition centre set forth by the centre owner including : operation of booth, booth design, decoration, erection and dismantling, exhibits display, booth operation, water/electrical work, insurance covers for all risks and public liabilities, move in and out of exhibits or any other current regulations imposed by the Government of Macau S.A.R., P.R.China or all related authorities.


It is not permitted to hire local peoples to assist in the Exhibition booth space. All such manpower shall be provided by the Fair Manager at the expense of the Exhibitors.


No exhibitors shall be permitted to withdraw after the issue of the confirmation written by the organizer regardless of any reasons. All rights to pursue all of the fees agreed for this exhibition are reserved


Other: a. Any work carried out in Macau must be in accordance with the current regulations imposed by the government of Macau S.A.R., P.R. China and all related authorities. Any contravention of the conditions will be stopped immediately. The Organizer will not hold responsible for any extra cost or delay so caused. b. Failure of the Exhibitor at any time before or during the Exhibition period to comply with any of the Exhibition rules and conditions shall automatically deprive the right to participate any further in the Exhibition and no claim for refund of any fee paid shall be entertained by the Organizer. c. The Organizer reserves all rights to alter and amend any of the regulations herein and issue additional rules if they deem necessary for the orderly presentation of this Exhibition. Any disputes or difference arising out of the interpretation of these regulations or regarding the rights, duties and obligations of the Exhibitors shall be decided by the Organizer, whose decision shall be final. d. In the unlikely event that the Exhibition has to be adjourned, canceled, terminated earlier or during exhibition period for the acts of God or un-foreseeable circumstances or for compliance with the Government laws and regulations, the Organizer CIEC shall not be liable for any damages or compensations. The Exhibitors shall acknowledge that any payment made in respect of this exhibition whatsoever shall not be refundable.

Any dispute between the parties hereof shall submit to the

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