2020–2022 National Executive Board
2020–2022 National Programming Committee
National Teen Board
Jack and Jill of America Foundation
Jack and Jill Partners
National Curriculum Committee
Jacqueline Moore Bowles Teen Summit
We Are One
2021–2023 Jack and Jill Members at Large
2021–2022 Regional Highlights
Best of the Best Programming Awards
Chapter Programming:
Civic & Community Service
Cultural 92 Education
Social & Recreational
We have come to the end of another successful pro gramming year and it is time for us to celebrate the Best of the Best in Programming! Throughout this issue of SCOPE, you will be presented with programming ideas and illustrations of excellence by both the winners of the Regional Best of the Best Bi-Monthly Programming Recog nitions and winners of the National Programming Awards. We have been so pleased with the innovative and dynamic programming taking place in all of our chapters during the 2021-2022 program year. The Regional Best of the Best Program Recognition program gave us the opportu nity to see the chapters’ work on full display throughout the year. It is our hope that you too were inspired as you read about the programs in the email blasts and social media posts that recognized the winners. In this issue, it is our pleasure to present the National Best of the Best Programming Awards which were presented during the
Programming Luncheon on July 29, 2022, at the 45th Biennial National Convention in Orlando, FL. The Awards and the submissions truly represented the talent and cre ativity within our Jack and Jill families. We wanted to share with you all the submissions so that you can see how our five programmatic thrusts have been fully embraced by our membership and are the reason we are able to stay On Mission. On Purpose.
Front Cover: Long Beach Chapter Inside Cover: Bloomington-Normal Chapter Back Cover: Brooklyn Chapter
Welcome to the 2022 Edition of SCOPE, our annual jour nal highlighting the extraordinary programs that exem plify the theme of the “Power to Make a Difference for ALL Children: On Mission and On Purpose.”
I am honored to present the very best of programming that we as an organization have accomplished this program year, in spite of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and continued obstacles to in-person programming. SCOPE brings to life the essence of who we are as a broader national family, and all of the ways that we are able to effectively touch not only our membership, but the communities that we live in and serve. We are incredibly honored and eternally grateful to be able to maintain a positive impact on the lives of these communities –and especially our youth – whom we will continue to advocate for in these challenging times. Their safety, well-being, and future successes, continue to be our focus, as we develop and implement our programming. As such, we commit ourselves to being inclusive, and are proud of our dynamic flexibility in the approach to program development. This ability to ad just to ever-changing social and political landscapes is our strength as an organization and the key attribute that estab lishes our efficacy.
As we approach the 85th anniversary of our organization, we pay tribute to those who have an immediate impact and dayto-day influence on our membership – our national commit tees and task forces, our national and regional leadership, and especially our chapter program directors and teen lead ers. Because of you, we sustain high-visibility as a beacon of excellence in service, philanthropy and creative enrichment for
leadership development. We continue to advance the mission of our founders because of you and are incredibly thankful for your efforts, even if they are not reflected in these pages.
On this occasion of the release of our most current edition of SCOPE, we ask for your continued enthusiasm and sup port for our organizational mission and values. Please know that we are incredibly thankful for your contributions, wheth er highlighted in this publication or pending the release of the next issue. Your endeavors are not in vain! I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to National Program Direc tor Shirell A. Gross and her National Program Committee for their extraordinary service and contributions during this Ad ministration. Because of you, we remain On Mission and On Purpose for All Children
As always, I am incredibly proud to be a part of this orga nization of substantive service and model leadership. Please join me in celebrating our accomplishments and phenomenal community impact. Long live Jack and Jill!
Kornisha McGill Brown 27th National PresidentIam pleased to present the 2021-2022 SCOPE! The theme is “The Magic of Programming: Celebrating the Best of the Best”. In this edition, we will celebrate the very best of pro gramming and community service. The chapters and regions have submitted what they consider their very best work. Let’s use this as an opportunity to learn from each other. We are One Jack and Jill and the beauty of having 7 regions that make up our dynamic organization is that we can leverage the BEST of the BEST of our sister chapters.
We will also highlight our Regional Best of the Best Program ming Recognitions and our National Programming Award winners. This year, we launched Regional Best of the Best Pro gramming Recognitions to recognize programming all year around. Of course, the culmination of it all is the recognition of our National Award Winners during the National Conven tion. The success of our organization depends on ensuring that excellent programming remains our primary focus. While there is a myriad of matters that can distract us, staying la ser-focused on the needs of our children, teens and commu nity will ensure we stay true to the mission and purpose of our beloved Jack and Jill of America Inc. We are doing great pro gramming and collectively seeing the work through SCOPE explains why we are still going strong and have remained rel evant since 1938, despite the turmoil of the past few years.
As we approach our 85th year, my prayer is that we keep evolving and preparing our children, teens, and our commu nity for an ever-changing global and technologically complex world. To do that we must:
1. Leverage our partnerships to provide access and exposure to unique experiences to our children, teens, and community
2. Continue to develop sound curriculum and resources which allows our chapters and regions to expand their knowledge and activate quality programming
3. Ensure that our programming supports ALL CHILDREN
4. Put aside our personal desires and remain laser focused on what’s best for our CHILDREN AND TEENS
5. Leverage the resources and relationships of our Mother Members, Associates, and Dads.
6. Share best practices and dynamic programming both within and outside of the regions.
7. Share externally the impact of Jack and Jill on our children and the greater community
8. Have a Growth Mindset- be courageous to challenge the status quo and pick the best leaders to ensure a dynamic fu ture for our children.
9. Work in love as ONE Jack and Jill – do appreciate the culture of 7 regions while also appreciating we beat on the same drum
10. Listen to our children
As I complete my term as National Program Director, I thank you for your love and support over the past two years. We made substantial changes to our processes, introduced and grew partnerships, introduced a new curriculum, delivered exemplary educational and special programming webinars, revamped Bedtime Stories, launched Career Conversations, worked towards ensuring programming was for ALL CHIL DREN, and remained committed to our communities through fundraising and hands-on community service. Through it all you the Mother Members have been fantastic!! The work was executed by the most dynamic women in this organization: The 2020-2022 National Programming Committee, We Are One Task Force, National Curriculum Committee, National Strategic Partnerships Committee, and the 2019-2021 and 2021-2023 Members at Large.
In closing, I like to thank National President Kornisha McGill Brown and the 2020-2022 National Executive Board for their support, the talented Mothers of the Mighty Eastern Region, my beloved Bergen Passaic Chapter, Kristjen Renard, and our programmatic and community impact partners. It has been my honor and pleasure to serve you and I look forward to seeing and supporting the future great work of programming and community service by our beloved Jack and Jill of Amer ica Inc.
Greetings Mothers,
The 2022 Edition of SCOPE is a compilation of exemplary programs and events designed to enhance the lives of all children in our communities. Jack and Jill chapters continue to embrace the programmatic thrusts of our beloved orga nization – Civic, Cultural, Educational, Health, and Social/ Recreation. You have shown your resilience, creativity, and resourcefulness to deliver superb programming that develops future leaders.
SCOPE is not only a showcase of a chapter’s work, but a way to share ideas and build on the success of others. I hope that you will look through this edition to celebrate our lega
cy of programming excellence. You will certainly appreciate the Power of these impactful articles and be inspired to even greater levels of engagement.
I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the Headquarters team as they support the members through their hard work. The Headquarters team is dedicated to enhancing current programming initiatives and is here to assist each of you.
With gratitude, Joi Grady Interim Executive DirectorNATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD 2020-2022
The National Teen Board (NTB) was formed in 2013. The purpose of the NTB is to give teens a voice on the national level, to help Jack and Jill youth unite as opposed to seven independently functioning regions. The board is represented by each of the Regional Teen Presidents who serve as role models and examples of the Jack and Jill product. Their focus is providing teens more of a voice in important issues and by celebrating the accom plishments of the organization to America to help to further eliminate stereotypes of the average black teenager
We would like to recognize the 2021-22 National Teen Board for all of their hard work and leadership over the past year, and also congratulate and welcome the 2022-23 Board on their election to office and dedication to service!
Dear Jack and Jill of America, Inc.,
The past two years have been nothing short of pivotal—for the nation and for our organizations. Living through a pan demic has challenged us all in immeasurable ways. We were challenged to dig deeper, be more resourceful and step out of our comfort zones. These are challenges YOU, members of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. have all graciously accepted and risen above as they embodied the legacy of the mothers before them who started this great foundation in 1968.
As part of the education initiatives, Jack and Jill of Ameri ca, Inc. chapters across the country partnered to create 45 reading corners in the last 4 years supporting early literacy for 35,000 students, invested in 20 STEM partner organiza tions in the last 2 years that worked to provide STEM-based training and enrichment to help them pursue STEM degrees and careers. The foundation has invested in the future of six scholars and renewed its support of 18 others with a total investment of $132,000 into the Jack and Jill Scholars 4-year scholarship program administered by the United Negro Col lege Fund. Thank you to Madam 21; Past National President and Past Foundation President Jacqueline Moore Bowles and her company Creative Marketing Resources for the investment of $20,000 to six students since 2020. In 2021-2022 the scholarship was increased to $50,000 to make a greater im pact for students.
Thank you for setting the standard to be a leader of service in the community and providing me with financial opportunity. My only job now is to keep striving for excellence through my purpose.
Jack and Jill Foundation continues its mission since 1968 to build strong families, improve health and wellness and ad vance educational opportunities in underserved communities. Our newly elected Foundation Officers and Board Members will continue to steer the organization to a sustainable future and advocate to our vision – transforming African American communities, one child at a time
On behalf of the communities served by your generous contri butions each year, thank you!
Anthony Trotman Foundation President Pier A.H. Blake Executive DirectorTHANK YOU, TYLER A. FISHER
To address issues affecting African American children and families, by investing in programs and services that create a strong foundation for children to thrive long term.
In collaboration with Jack and Jill of America, Inc., the Foun dation has been impacting lives of HBCU students through UNCF with a national partnership since 2006. We are pro viding additional impact since 2019 through the JJ College GAP Fund for HBCUs that meet our criteria. The average graduation rate for HBCU students is 35% compared to 64.7% of predominately white institutions. The causes are multi-factorial; however, a major cause is the inability to pay tuition resulting in students discontinuing their studies and leaving school without a degree. This is how we have closed the gap since 2019:
• 1,000 Students graduated from 15 HBCUs
• Investment of $600,000 since the JJ College GAP Fund inception
• Fundraising events throughout the country – Salon Events have resulted in raising over $100,000 in 2020
• Foundation will graduate more students in Spring 2023
We are committed to supporting services, programs and orga nizations that focus on impacting root causes of social prob lems affecting African American children and families.
Our investments will improve outcomes for core issues in the following Philanthropic Focus Areas and work to improve key issues affecting African American children and families.
What are we doing?
Foundation supported 10 Our Village Grants - $10,000 in vested in each of these organizations:
• Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Augusta – Augusta, GA
• Atlanta Children’s Shelter, Inc. – Atlanta, GA
• The Children’s Center – Detroit, MI
• Street Code Academy – Bend, OR
• Cabrini Green Legal Aid – Chicago, IL
• Big Ideas Educational Services – Miami, FL
• African American Community Service Agency
• The Center for Healthy Families – Columbus, OH
• SOS Children’s Villages Illinois – Chicago, IL
• Metropolitan Family Services Calumet Center – Chicago, IL
Health disparities between African Americans and other ra cial and ethnic populations are striking and apparent in life expectancy, death rates, infant mortality, and other measures of health status and risk conditions and behaviors. During COVID-19, a recent Center for Disease Control report includ ed race and ethnicity data from 580 patients hospitalized with lab-confirmed COVID-19. 33% of hospitalized patients were black, compared to 18% in the white, and 8% were Hispan ic. This data suggests an overrepresentation of blacks among hospitalized patients. Among COVID-19 deaths for which race and ethnicity data were available, New York State identi fied death rates among black/African American persons (92.3 deaths per 100,000 population) and Hispanic/Latino persons (74.3) that were substantially higher than that of white (45.2) or Asian (34.5) persons. Investment of $120,000 to health
Jack and Jill Foundation has a vision to “Transform African American Communities, One Child At A Time” MISSION
fairs with community organizations and Jack and Jill chapters dedicated to improving the health for racial and ethnic minori ty populations.
What are we doing?
Foundation supported 17 Health/Wellness grants invested $120,480
Health/Wellness Agency Grants – Independent Agencies
• NAMI Chicago – Chicago, IL
• New Beginnings Family Academy – Bridgeport, CT
• COR Inc. – Atlanta, GA
• Center Helping Obesity in Children End Successfully, Inc. (C.H.O.I.C.E.S.) – Kennesaw, GA
• Caleb’s Kids – Detroit, MI
• The Little Bit Foundation – Brentwood, MO
• Cy-Hope Counseling & Speech Therapy – Cypress, TX
• Breakthrough – Chicago, IL
• Teen Parent Connection – Memphis, TN
Health/Wellness Chapter Grants – Health Fairs:
• South Belt Houston
• Far North Dallas Chapter
• Suffolk County Chapter
• Lake Spivey Georgia Chapter
• Atlanta Chapter
• Fort Worth Chapter
• The Houston Chapter
College Prep Grants
Investment of $50,000
• Carolina Youth Coalition Charlotte, NC
• Collegiate Directions, Inc. Bethesda, MD
• Arkansas Commitment Little Rock, AR
• Law & Leadership Institute Columbus, OH
• The Little Bit Foundation Brentwood, MO
• Marian Middle School St. Louis, MO
• Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Inc.
• Charlotte, NC
• Henrico Police Athletic League Richmond, VA
• Young Women’s Preparatory Network Houston, TX
• Bridge Scholars of Chattanooga Chattanooga, TN
Reading Corner/Literacy Grants
Our goal is to create programs and opportunity to expose stu dents who have under-developed or below average reading and literacy skills to help them improve their cognitive abili ties, passion for learning, and joy of reading. Investment of $50,000
• Washington, DC Chapter
• Kansas City Missouri
• Saint Clair County Chapter
• The Durham Chapter of Jack and Jill of American, Inc.
• South Jersey Chapter
• New Haven
• Eastern Fairfield County Chapter
• Western Cook County
• Lake Shore Chapter
• Nashville Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorpo rated
STEM Grants
Our investment in STEM has a progressive opportunity to strengthen and build a pipeline of talent for overall college ready youth in Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Math (STEM) for middle and high school students. Investment of $100,000
• Building Blocks 2 Success Portland
• American Association of Blacks in Energy North Carolina Chapter Harrisburg
• Class Matters Inc. Oklahoma CIty
• The Gaskins Foundation Whitewater Township, OH
• Whitewater Township
• Greene Scholars Santa Clara
• Project SYNCERE Chicago
• Loyola Academy of St. Louis St. Louis
• University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc. Balti more
• Comer Education Campus Chicago
• The Ingenuity Project Baltimore
Visit the Foundation’s Website to see the history of our Grant Winners:
Bristol Myers Squibb
American Heart Association
American Red Cross American Camp Association
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Children’s Defense Fund
March of Dimes
National CARES Mentoring Movement
Souper Bowl of Caring
St. Jude Children’s Hospital
National Medical Association
Ron Brown Scholar Program
The SonRise Project Spelman College
The purpose of the National Curriculum Committee is to iden tify and curate innovative curriculum to support programming at each grade level. Our goal is to create a market place of cur riculum materials aligned to our Programmatic thrusts. Chapters are encouraged to use the curriculum market place as is or as a supplement to a planned age group or chapter activity. It is a resource intended to facilitate the delivery of “5 Star Experienc es” to every child within Jack and Jill. The curriculum is flexible to be delivered by chapter members or supported by our national partners such as BOKS.
Our first phase is launching for the 2021-2022 program year and includes a New Global Awareness Curriculum in our Ed ucation Thrust designed to develop global awareness, acquire cultural intelligence and build cross-cultural competence in our young people.
In our Health Thrust you will find a functional fitness curriculum by BOKS that includes a leadership development component for our teens, and finally, Money Smart by the FDIC that is adding to our Financial Literacy resources. We hope you will note two advancements. The curriculums lay out a planned sequence of instruction by grade within the as sociated Thrust so when our teens graduate they would have developed key skills for the next part of their journey. Secondly, our curriculums provide for accommodations in collaboration with our We Are One Task Force.
Our curriculum objectives are to:
• Focus on Curriculum for Key Thrust areas that provides grade specific knowledge and progressive exposure to our young people, PreK – 12. We are looking for a planned se quence of instruction so our young people graduate having developed key skills for the next part of their journey.
• Assess and recommend Financial Curriculum and Finan cial tools
• Develop and/or secure global awareness and global econ omy curriculum
• Develop and/or secure entrepreneurship curriculum
• Develop Rubric for Curriculum Evaluation
• Develop Design components for Curriculum
• Develop Curriculum Delivery Methods
• Include accommodations for our differently abled young people
• Keep it manageable and flexible for mothers to implement The implementation strategies included implementation guides and training sessions for chapter program directors, group chair and mothers, development of JJOA curriculum metrics and to provide systematic feedback options.
Our Highlights and Achievements for the past two program years include:
• Launched NEW Curriculum guide
• Developed curriculum credits model
• Introduced Financial, Entrepreneurial Learning, BOKS, Global Awareness and Historical curriculum (MLK and Tul sa)
• Carole Robertson and Tulsa Activity Book
• Issued Black History Month reading lists
• Held training sessions with Program Directors and We Are One champions on new curriculum and curriculum devel opment
• Issued best practices for curriculum implementation
• Issued best practices for summer learning
• Provided direct support to chapters
• Issued summer reading lists and resources material
• Held webinars on academic programs and academic sup port
The 2022 JMB Teen Summits were a great success!! Yes, summits this year, because we executed both an in-per son and a virtual teen summit, and both were action packed filled with dynamic programming. We wanted to en sure that as many teens as possible are afforded the oppor tunity for leadership development. The theme for this year’s summits was “The POWER of a dream. My Strength. My Voice. My Brand. A special THANK YOU to our Sponsors, Citi, DoubleGood, and AT&T because without their support our teens would not have had these dynamic summits!!
The in-person summit agenda kicked off with a problem solving skill development exercise featuring both young Jack and Jill Alumn from our premiere sponsor Citi and more seasoned Executives from Citi, DoubleGood, and AT&T.
The focus of the exercise was for the participants to engage
also built bikes for 13 elementary kids from the local Boys and Girls Club and were able to see their smiling faces when they came to claim their new bikes. Through the Builda-Bike activity, the teens were able to develop teambuilding skills and experience the rewarding feeling of giving back to their communities. Of course, through it all, we had a DJ and no doubt dance-off contests!! Thanks to USTA for hosting us and providing the DJ.
Well for the teens who could not be in person, our virtual summit also offered a dynamic experience. The virtual sum mit was kicked off by music and photos of favorite vacations submitted by the teens. Thereafter, we had three dynamic presentations, starting off with a Career Conversation on Careers in Social Justice moderated by Joey Jackson, Esq. CNN/HLN legal Analyst and Principal of Joey Jackson Law,
in discussing, debating, and analyzing complex challeng es that companies and entrepreneurs face on a daily ba sis. The goal was not to solicit a right or wrong answer but rather to highlight the importance of problem-solving as a necessary skill for success. This exercise was followed by an interactive and powerful presentation by branding and tech nology expert, Stephanie Humphrey. During this exercise, the attendees learned about the importance of branding, and responsible and impactful social media, and engaged in on-your-feet practice with introductions and elevator speeches. The experience continued in the afternoon with an offsite trip to the beautiful USTA Orlando grounds for lunch, tennis clinics, and a Build a Bike Program. The teens had an opportunity to take tennis lessons from some of the best coaches in the world, where they were either introduced to tennis or used this opportunity to hone their skills. They
PLLC joined by Dad Royce Russell, Esq., Addison Rose, Youth Mayor, and Eastern Region Teen President Addison Rose, David Huntley (AT&T) and Javette Hines (Citi). During this discussion, the panelists spoke about the importance of staying focused on social justice initiatives and how compa nies must support social justice efforts This power punching panel was followed by a powerful presentation by Stephanie Humphrey on branding and communication and the teens were able to do a live Q&A with Stephanie Humphrey where many pearls of wisdom were dropped. The summit ended with an open and candid conversation on mental health hosted by the National Teen Board and moderated by Dr. Stacy Haynes. Our goal was to stay true to the name of the panel- Real Conversation: Mental Health Matters. The teens did their thang! They were vulnerable, shared experiences, and advice, and were helped through it all with the experi ence of Dr. Haynes. We were so proud of the teens and so pleased with the many honest questions asked during this panel.
Honoring Our Legacies
In July 2022, our 45th Biennial National Convention in Orlando, FL fo cused on honoring those who have come of age in our organization and enthusiastically take part in the further enrichment of our youth through meaningful engagement and quality programming. These are our Lega cies. Thank you so much for taking time to give back!
This newly approved standing committee was created to help us understand how Jack and Jill of America, Inc. can better understand the challenges that families with special needs chil dren encounter, and recommend ways to better support them. This Committee now continues to solicit member feedback to determine the best way that our Jacks and Jill’s with special needs can be fully engaged in a loving atmosphere that is sen sitive and inclusive. Inclusive programming is incorporated into chapter age/grade group activities, family activities, and region al and national events. Examples of our modified programming include:
• Size- small group (age group inside of a group based on ability).
• Time- adapt the time allotted for completing the task.
• Level Support- Assigning peer buddy or grade group am bassador.
• Input- adapt the way information is delivered (visual aides, hands on activities, and or audio visual aides). Send videos to introduce a subject or speaker.
• Output- adapt how the child can respond to instruction/ verbal responses and or use materials to participate.
• Alternate Expectations- adapt the goals/expectations while using the same materials.
• Physical Access – ensure it for all
• Take Breaks- especially on Zooms
• Allow video off – if movement is distracting
The We Are One National Task force for differently-abled chil dren has enjoyed an exceptional year educating, implementing, and the initiation of integrating inclusive program accommo dations for all Children. The Task Force Mothers along with the National Programming Committee, under the leadership of our National Program Director Shirell Gross, worked closely to connect the initiatives across all regions. Some highlights of this program year includes educating, bringing awareness, and celebrating differences among our beautiful children and teens, and information was shared via regional and chapter e-Blasts, newsletters, virtual meetings and National Communications.
This administration featured the full implementation of our Chap ter Mother and Teen Champions, who pledge to work for inte gration and implementation of programming for children who are differently-abled. Our Teen Champions are “buddies” and in some cases, advocates who, along with Champion Mothers, are excited to exhibit and build on their leadership skills while helping to educate and support their differently-abled peers. Our highlights for this program year include:
• Launched Chapter Champion Moms and Teens
• Issued recommendations for Area Workdays, Regional and National conferences
• Established a tiered Best Practices Guide for Inclusive Pro gramming
• Held monthly meetings with WR1 champions
• Provided National webinars to educate, empower and sup port mothers
• Consistently held monthly regional meetings with Champion moms
• Provided direct support to chapters
• Launched process to request support for needs accommo dations at the chapter level
• Held Special Programming webinars
• Launched a mother’s support group
At the 45th National Convention in Orlando, we were pleased to present the Chapter Champion Program Awards for extraor dinary inclusive programming:
1st Place:
North Suburban Atlanta Chapter, “Inclusive Books with Sen sory Nooks”
2nd Place: Rockland-Orange Chapter, “Youth Athletes Event”
3rd Place: Ann Arbor Chapter, “Sweet Science: The DNA of You”
Congratulations to these chapters!
We recognize and celebrate our We Are One Teen Champi ons for their exceptional contributions to chapter program ming:
Amari Johnson, Greater Champaign-Urbana, IL
Amelia Anderson,Tulsa OK
Caleb Paylor, Greater Little Rock, AR
Calyn Hemphill, Greater Little Rock, AR
Carrington Johnson, Greater Little Rock, AR
Chase Green, Greater Little Rock, AR
Gideon West, Greater Little Rock, AR
India Hayes, Greater Little Rock, AR
Jaden Little, Denver, CO
Jaden “JJ” Moore, Denver, CO
Lydia Thomas, Greater Little Rock, AR
Madison Hatley , Greater Little Rock, AR Selena Snell, Kansas City, MO
Skyler James, Greater Little Rock, AR
Timothy Johnson, Greater Little Rock, AR
Victoria Williams, Greater Little Rock, AR
Zaleigha Kelley, Greater Little Rock, AR
Zenobia Kelley, Greater Little Rock, AR
Connor Mitchell, Washington, DC
Gabrielle Blake, Westchester, NY
Joshua Green, New Castle County, DE
Lindsay Washington, Pittsburgh, PA
Hannah Richardson, South Jersey, NJ
Marley Watts, Westchester, NY
Michael Green, New Castle County, DE
Myles Jones, Queens, NY
Olivia Bishop, Southern Maryland, MD
Roland Brooks, Columbia, MD
Yvonne Burke, Bucks County, PA
Ava Hairston, Winston-Salem, NC
Camryn Sutton, Midlothian, VA
Chelsea Coleman, Raleigh Wake, NC
Elijah Thomas, Greater Fredericksburg, VA
Kaylin Parks, South Charlotte, NC
Kevin Johnson, Richmond, VA
Madison Conyers, Capital City, NC
Madelyn Hanes, Winston-Salem, NC
Miles Walker, Midlothian, VA
Robert Glover, Eastern North Carolina, NC
Avery Pratt, Southwestern Michigan, MI
Braylon Ball, Detroit, MI
Chandra McMillion, Oakland County, MI
Jon Dolsey, Toledo, OH
Kennedy Rance, Minneapolis, MN
Madison Moon, West Suburban Chicago, IL
Madison Tate, Lake Shore Chapter, IL
Madisyn Harrison, Milwaukee, WI
Mia Dent, Erie Shores, OH
Miles Morgan, Youngstown, OH
Natalie Beasley, Columbus, GA
Nate Stoutermire, North Oakland Macomb, MI
Nyla Williams, Magnificent Mile, IL
Samantha Suggs, Indianapolis, OH
Kameron Tillage, Baton Rouge, LA
Christian Crayon, Fort Worth, TX
Josiah Rone, Fort Worth, TX
Dakota Shelvin, Katy Prairie View, TX
Delee Faison, San Antonio, TX
Ava Caroline Winn, Sugar Land, TX
Addison Carroll, North Suburban Atlanta, GA
Brantley Gibson, Tallahassee, FL
Brice Raspberry, North Suburban Atlanta, GA
Cornell Boyd, Greater Tampa, FL
Daniel Nelson, North Suburban Atlanta, GA
Gabrielle Veazie, North Suburban Atlanta, GA
Hannah Stanley, Greater Huntsville, AL
The Mothers, Teens, and Children of the Cool and Classy Central Region eagerly embraced the region’s motto to strengthen families and uplift communities during the 2021 – 2022 programming year by answering the call to support areas where we work, play, and live through service and philanthropy.
As part of our Virtual 2021 Mothers’ Regional and Teen Leadership Conferences, the region tackled food insecu rity through a Meal Pack Challenge which provided over 300 meal kits to the Phoenix Family Center and the Urban Scholastic Center. Each kit included three specially curat ed healthy dinner options for a family of four. The Central Region is thankful for the support and partnership of the Jack and Jill Foundation, which provided grant funding for the Teen Conference’s service project.
In 2022, the Central Region hosted two hybrid Area Work Days and four in-person Children’s Clusters that each in cluded phenomenal community impact projects. During the AWDs, mothers and teens raised funds to support children in homeless and domestic violence shelters and community gardens for underserved communities. For the Children’s Clusters, the region donated hundreds of
items through Dipes, Wipes, and School Supplies drives for local shelters and schools.
Our teens understood the assignment to support the Foundation and local agencies and sold over $103K through Double Good campaigns. We continued to support National initiatives by par ticipating in The Souper Bowl of Caring food do nation campaigns and March of Dimes drives and projects. Additionally, the Central Region’s Mari on Stubbs Thomas National Leadership Academy Fellows launched an initiative for CR Jack and Jill families to all offer support to our military per sonnel and first responders through writing letters and donating items of appreciation. Many of the chapters continued to support and operate reading corners, and an additional reading cor ner was launched in Spring 2022 with Foundation grant support.
Together at Last was the 72nd Annual Eastern Region Teen Conference theme, and what a homecoming it was. After two years of remote, online activities, the Eastern Region Teens came together in person, safely and successfully to attend an engaging, entertaining, and educational Teen Conference.
One of the many highlights of the 2022 ERTC was the Community Ser vice Event. The teens participated in an engaging football-themed ser vice activity entitled “Team Teen IMPACT Tackling Teen Homelessness” in conjunction with the homecoming theme. Complete with a pep rally, field markers, and a pink and blue goal post, the Eastern Region Teens “tackled” teen homelessness.
Dressed in their Jack and Jill game day attire, teens packed backpacks with essential items for homeless teens. Items included a towel/wash cloth set, socks, hand sanitizer, KN95 masks, toothbrush, toothpaste, lo tion, deodorant, body wash, laundry detergent, and a laundry bag. Each backpack included notes of affirmation written by the teens.
As part of the event, through video testimonials from actual homeless teens, our teens were educated on the plight of teen homelessness. Infor mation was also shared on the programs and services that Sasha Bruce
Youthwork offers to address and support homeless teens. After receiving such valuable information, our teens were able to “huddle up” to talk about ways they can help support homeless teens in their local areas.
Our Jack and Jill Foundation and our Eastern Region Chapters provided funding for this fantastic and beneficial foot ball-themed event. As a result of this generous support, in addition to the essential care bags, our region provided an impactful donation of $16,000 to the Sasha Bruce Teen Outreach Program. TOPs partners with Washington, DC schools to strengthen homeless teens’ educational success and life and leadership skills.
Congratulations to the Eastern Region Teens for tackling teen homelessness!
As the world started to slowly emerge from the pandemic the fabulous families of the Far West region continued to devel op deeper relationships with our local communities and Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated National Strategic Partners. Our chapters continue to support local Boys and Girls clubs, March of Dimes, homeless shelters, HBCU and regionally tack ling hunger with Super Bowl of caring.
Our virtual Teen Conference was innovative and creative. The TEENS supported and honored the Black Nurses Association. They engaged with COMMUNITYx, the first mobile social app that unites likeminded Changemakers around shared causes and calls-to-action such as petitions, events, donations, and more.
The Far West region hosted a virtual Super Area Workday where teens collected and presented hygiene products to a lo cal homeless shelter, while our mothers raised over $7000 for Aspire Youth dance company and over $10,000 for Midnight Mission a homeless shelter. The Far West Region participated in Souper Bowl of Caring contributing $ 2,893 in cash donations, 3,891 food items and 2,534 pounds of food to local nonprofit organizations.
The 2021-2022 program year was the first year as a region the Far West participat ed in the national Teen fundraiser Double Good. The Teens of 27 chapters raised $ 289,018. That is a lot of popcorn! The ex citing part is to see how the Teens will uti lize the funds in their communities.
Through the generosity of American Red Cross our region was awarded a $2000 grant to create a program centered around swim lessons and water safely. Our target audience was children with autism. Far West Region Rise: Leadership in Action, Anchored in Excellence.
Focused and Ready to Serve” is the theme of the MAR velous Mid-Atlantic Region as we launch our 65th year of service. The efforts of our 29 chapters has exemplified our theme in serving despite challenges - we have learned to PIVOT. The 68th Teen Leadership Conference (virtual) was hosted by the Columbia Chapter, home of our very own RD Tarcia Flemming with the theme “Black By Popular Demand”. The teens made an impact throughout the region by supporting 5 non-profit orga nizations with each RTO championing a cause. The final figure yielded $14,862.00 across our community.
Fall Area Workday 2021 was a hybrid event hosted by the Ro anoke Valley Chapter and raised $3,307.00 to sponsor sum mer camp opportunities for disadvantaged youth at Apple Ridge Farm and $1,637.08 for the Harrison Museum of African Amer ican Culture’s youth education program.
On December 10, 2021, 175 teens gathered and had the re gion’s first fully in person event at COPA of the South hosted by the Charleston Chapter. The teens danced the night away and partied with the purpose of helping other youth in the Charles ton, Berkeley and Dorchester County School Districts by pro viding school supplies to The Teacher Supply Closet (TSC). TSC supports teachers who work in Title I schools and ensures they
have all of the necessary school supplies without having to spend their own money.
Children’s Cluster 2022 took us back to Charleston where our children were able to gather in person and work as Agents of Change for the Mid-Atlantic Bureau of In vestigations (MBI). They took deep dives into all areas of STE[A]M and they too supported the efforts of the Teacher Supply Closet.
COVID slowed us, but DID NOT STOP US because we continue to be “Fit, Focused & Ready to Serve.”
JAMI JONES ERVIN MEMBER-AT-LARGEThe Mighty Mid-Western Region, comprising of forty chapters, had a robust year of impacting our community through both philanthropy and service. As we re-emerged to in-person activities and events, we held two Area Work Days with the theme “Building Your Bench Strength”. For both Area Work Day Clusters, we sup ported African American Female owned child care agencies. The IL/ Tri-State Area Workday Cluster was held in Schaumburg, IL, and the MI/OH Area Workday Cluster, which included teen leader ship programming, was held in Grand Rapids, MI. In Schaumburg, Mothers donated items to the School of Scholars Learning Center and in Grand Rapids, the Mothers and Teens donated items to the Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative for a total donation equaling $10,326.
During our 67th Teen Leadership Conference themed “Black Ex cellence, the New Gold Standard”, Teens partnered with Build-ABike and built bikes for Bikes for All People. The Teens also part nered with Feeding America and provided hunger kits to address food insecurities; and had a banner year with the Double Good campaign raising $295,000.
During our virtual Mothers Conference, chapters donated $4118 worth of hygiene projects to positively impact disenfranchised in dividuals. The chapters’ partnerships with community agencies
to procure grants from the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc. resulted in huge success. During the 2020-2021 Program Year, 19 grants were earned and in 2021-2022, 21 were earned. These dollars will go directly back into the communities we serve. The 2022 Regional Day of Service was a Move-aThon resulting in $15,000 benefitting The Children’s Defense Fund.
Reengaging our theme, “Living the Jack and Jill Ex perience; Mission Minded and Dream Driven”, we stayed committed to our existing endeavors includ ing Souper Bowl of Caring and MLK Day of Service with a renewed focus on developing and creating sustainable signature event fundraising, and impact ful community service.
The “Power to Make a Difference for All Children. On Mission. On Purpose” is our mission. “Maximizing and Demonstrating Excellence in Leadership is the South Central Region vision of excellence. The Re gional Executive Board inclusive of Regional Director Danielle Wesley, Regional Treasurer LaKenya Collins, Regional Secretary Vanessa LaF leur, Foundation Member-at-Large Deidra Murphy and National Cor responding Secretary Sativa Leach Bowen, worked diligently behind the scenes to support our chapters and African American families through out Texas, Louisiana, Southern New Mexico and across the nation.
The Regional Teen Board launched the Myopia Awareness PSA Project and celebrated the opening of their Teen Store with proceeds benefiting their fundraising initiatives. Our teens raised $6,200 to support the Gift of Reading Teen Community Service Project, donating black authored books to hurricane impacted schools in New Orleans.
Members raised $16,711.61 and partnered with Birthmark Doulas to fund Emergency Response Feeding Kits; Perinatal Training for over 500 Medical Responders, Mutual Aid support for African American and un documented mothers with children under the age of 3. We also pur chased diapers and menstrual products for hurricane victims in impact ed areas.
The Luggage of Love Project led by MST Na tional Leadership Academy Fellows collected 601 suitcases which provided proper lug gage, essential items and small gifts of love for children in foster care or transitioning be tween their living arrangements. All 32 chapters joined the Regional MLK Holi day Weekend of Service which raised $13,507 in funds, donated 36,604 food items and 21,310 pounds of food to local food pantries. Our regional impact was unwavering and in cluded:
$138,412.40 Mother Foundation Contri bution
$103,937.97 Teen Foundation Contribution
$17,388.52 Associate Foundation Con tribution
$5,096.59 Loose Change
$1,729.09 Other Giving
$2,150.00 College Gap Fund
$268,714.57 Total Foundation Giving
The Sweet, Sweet Southeastern Region has embraced our vision of “Working Together Toward Tomorrow, Lifting ALL Children Higher” as we set out to be intentional in our service and philanthropic giving throughout the year. Coming out of a global pandemic, SER Moms and Teens have held steadfast in our giving to the Foundation with a total contribution of over $290,000.00.
The Greater Metropolitan Atlanta and Lake Spivey Chapters hosted the 2021 virtual Regional Teen Leadership Conference, with the theme of “United as a People, Fighting to be Equal”. Due to the overwhelming impact from our Teen Double Good fundraiser, we were able to continue with the Region’s Dreams Come True in Pink and Blue service project. Our efforts focused on supporting families who had lost a family member or who had been impacted by COVID-19. Teens were able to grant the wishes of seven families, to include all-expense paid family trips to Hawaii, Las Vegas, Disney, as well as provide home furnishing to a family who had, in addition to losing a family member, had also lost their home to a house fire. A room makeover, summer ballet intensive at Balethnic in Atlanta, GA, as well as a Hawks
game experience were among other dreams that teens were able to make come true for families in the Atlanta-metro community. Service did not stop there; teens created an art mural for a local elementary school, as well as read-aloud videos for a local Boys and Girls Club, while also donat ing needed PPE supplies. Their 2021 service grant award was donated to the Atlanta Community Food Bank.
We kicked off our service efforts during our in-per son Mothers’ Work Day hosted by the East Sub urban Atlanta and Stone Mountain chapters on October 2, 2021. Our mothers gave generously to support Morris Brown College and presented a check for $11,000 to the 19th President of MBC, Dr. Kevin James, supporting student scholarships. We also purchased over $5,000 in items to sup port a local mental health agency, The Potter’s House Family and Children Treatment Center.
The Southeastern Region teens, led by Regional Teen Foundation Chair, Kamden Coleman, had another successful Double Good fundraiser, rais ing over $180,000.00! The SER is committed to being the change while remaining “On Mission, On Purpose”- lifting ALL children higher!
No other quote encompasses the last two programming years like the one once stated by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in which he said: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” We faced various challenges as we continued to function within a COVID-conscious environ ment; however, the Central Region kept it Cool and Classy as we were unmovable in upholding the Region’s mission of “Strength ening Families and Uplifting Communities.”
This year we established the region’s “LEVEL UP” Regional Pro gramming Committee. The committee was implemented under the guidance of our marvelous Regional Director, Suzanne Or nelas. The committee’s mission was to elevate the region’s pro gramming to the next level by providing unique programming opportunities for our children and supporting the National pro gramming initiatives/thrusts.
The committee’s first initiative, “Black Is Lit” Book Club, was presented at the 2021-2022 Area Work Day. This initiative was designed to complement the existing National Bed time Stories geared toward younger children. “Black is Lit” focused on children in the Pre-Teen and Teens group, en couraging reading beyond elementary years. The program culminated in a region-wide Book Discussion led by one of our own Jack and Jill Fathers.
In February, chapters across the region participated in the “ Black History Culinary Tour: A Taste of Central Region – Two Centuries of African American Cooking Central Re gion Black History Tours. Chapters watched presentations of families sharing their recipes that were rich in history and taste. This event culminated in a Culinary Tour Cook Book Cover Competition for our region’s teens. The winning art piece will be featured on the cover of the Regional Cook Book.
This year’s Mother’s Area Work Day theme was “Strength ing our Core, Compassion, Outreach, Regional Cohesion, and Efficiency” The focus was on supporting your core and
getting back to the ba sics of providing stellar programming and rich experiences to our chil dren and families. The outstanding workshops focused on program ming best practices, foundation best prac tices, bylaws & poli cies and procedures, succession planning & membership, and more.
The region’s Children’s Clusters theme was “En deavor To D.R.E.A.M, Do Reach Engage Aim For the Stars, Make A Difference” The activi ties focused on financial literacy, mental health, STEAM, and our Na tional Partner BOKS joined us to introduce some fun fitness activi ties to the children. The clusters concluded with an oratorical competi tion. The children spoke on, “I am my ancestor’s wildest dream!”
The region’s chapters have proven that un seen challenges or con troversy cannot keep us from STANDING and moving forward with courage, grace, and compassion. Well done, Central Region! Long Live Jack and Jill.
The Eastern Region, under the leadership of RD Melinda Alex is-Hayes, delivered Excellence in Programming during the 20212022 program year. The chapter Program Directors led the effort of their chapters to plan purposefully and execute flawlessly to the benefit of our children. Activities were both virtual and in-person as we continued to deal with the ongoing impact of the pandemic. Every chapter in the Eastern Region met the new Program Handbook standards. This 100% achievement is noteworthy and an absolute source of pride for me as the RPC.
The Eastern Region Program Committee collaborated on content for the monthly Program Power Hours. Each month the Program Directors were invited to sessions specifically designed to support their efforts to deliver quality programming. We discussed how to in corporate the curriculum, WR1 initiatives, succession planning and various other topics as requested by the chapter PDs. There was best practice sharing across chapters and a strengthening of our programming foundation across the region. I truly appreciated the hard work and innovative ideas from the ER Program Committee.
During the Area Work Days in the Fall, the programming workshop
theme was, “Power Moves”. I shared with mothers the three E’s that are a difference mak er in Jack and Jill: Exposure, Education and Experience. The discussions were engaging and enriching.
The National Program Committee implemented a new bi-monthly Best of the Best in Pro gramming Award this year and the following chapters were awarded 1st Place for their outstanding programs: Rockland-Orange (Cycle 1), Brooklyn (Cycle 2) and South Jersey (Cycle 3). Shout out to the chapters that were awarded 2nd and 3rd place in each cycle. The excellence was evident in the submissions and our children have been exposed to wonderful activities this year.
The region celebrated its first in-person Teen Conference since 2019. Homecoming: To gether Again At Last was held from March 31st through April 3rd, 2022 at the Gaylord in National Harbor, Maryland. The teens participated in a Talent Showcase, Teen Throwback 2000’s party, a community ser vice project and workshops that varied from Entrepreneurship to The College Experience. Our Children’s Cluster, S.T.E.A.M Dreamers was held virtually on May 7, 2022 and was hosted by the Greater Albany and Pittsburg Chapters.
The opportunity to serve the region in the capacity of Pro gram Chair has been immensely rewarding. I have also had the privilege to serve at the National Program Committee Chair and have had the pleasure to work with six dynamic and fabulous RPC sisters across the country. The 2020-2022 Programing term has been memorable and significant. Best Wishes in the coming year.
In the Fabulous Far West Region, under the leadership of Regional Director Tasha B. Penny, programming was the focus of falling forward and starting new waves to bring the Power to make a Difference center stage. The region culminated the program year with the first Far West Region Community Service Project. Over the course of three days, mothers in each chapter collected donation items (hygiene kits, rolling luggage, shoes/clothing, gift cards, and other basic need items) that were provided to a partnering or ganization to support youth aging out of the foster care system. Approximately 23,000 youth age out of foster care each year in the U.S., through this community service proj ect, chapters are providing needed resources in their com munities. The region stood, twenty-eight Chapters strong, supporting youth throughout the Far West.
The Regional Teen Board hosted a two-part legislative pro gram highlighting the documentary On These Grounds. A documentary on racist policing practices in U.S. schools that follows human rights activist Vivian Anderson. The documentary, although difficult to watch, was a display of bravery, inner strength, perseverance, and resistance against injustice.
The Fabulous Far West Region rose to bring program ming alive to all Jacks and Jills through its “Leadership in Action. Anchored in Excellence.” theme. The region stayed steadfast amidst a global pandemic, outstretching, and reaching new limits in programming. The region took a pivotal stance, ensuring programming met the needs of all our members by accessing different delivery/execution styles to provide virtual, hybrid, and in-person options for grade group and chapter-wide activities.
The 68th Annual Far West Regional Teen Leadership Con ference hosted by the Incomparable Inglewood Chapter will be the first in-person Teen Conference in two years. It is time for teens from across the region to gather on the campus of the University of California Los Angeles, where this year’s conference theme, “We are the Blueprint ‘’ will be the focus of teen engagement and workshops.
Other regional highlights included Children Clusters for our Jacks and Jills in kindergarten through eighth grades. Regional Best of the Best programming awards which was an opportunity for chapters to submit grade group and chapter-wide activities during the club year for national recognition. The Far West Region chapters submitted stel lar programming during each cycle, showcasing that pro gramming in the Far West is always fabulous, creative, and innovative.
The past year of programming was a year in great stride, the region has set a precedent that in all things we do, we do it well, we do it fabulously, and most importantly, “We Do it for the Kids”.
The MARvelous Mid-Atlantic Region turns 65!!! - Under the dy namic leadership of Regional Director Tarcia D. Flemming, and the vision of Mother Chandra Hollier, the Mid-Atlantic region com memorated 65 years of service and sisterhood throughout our 29 Chapters in North Carolina, South Carolina & Virginia! In keeping with our unrelenting spirit of service, this MARvelous region launched the “65 Acts of Kindness Campaign”, a year-long commitment to service projects across the region! To celebrate this important mile stone, we also released a 65th Anniversary video highlighting our
talented and innovative mothers, and honoring past and present regional leadership. Finally, we commissioned the work of Durham painter and collagist Clarence Heyward to pay tribute to the Marvelous MAR Mothers - past, pres ent and future. Mr. Heyward, a Brightwork Fellow and a NC Central Alumnus delivered a stunning work honoring the strength and support MAR mothers have provided to one another and our communities over the years. We cel ebrate the mothers of MAR and 65 years of excellence, leadership and service in the Region!!!
MAR ASSOCIATES WEEKEND - APRIL 2022 - Associate Jewels of the MAR gathered for a weekend of relaxation, networking and just plain fun in Charlotte, NC. The week end began with a happy hour evening at Ballantyne Hotel on Friday. More than 30 Associates gathered for a day at Top Golf on Saturday. Joined by Regional Director Tarcia Flemming and Regional Secretary Tomisha Gladman, As sociates engaged in a meet and greet along with a digital
cheetah update. A buffet lunch was served on the tee line, and it was on to a couple of hours friendly competition. Some Associates ended the day enjoying a performance at the Comedy Zone. Judging by the unanimous smiles, and positive words, our first Mid-Atlantic Regional Associates weekend will not be our last!
Mid-Atlantic Module Academy – Committed to producing the next generation of strong leaders, under the vision of Regional Director Flemming, the MAR Module Academy launched its inaugural initiative! Regional Program Chair Rebecca Wheeler Walston & Regional Teen Advisor Mann joined forces to bring talented JJOA moms and dads, and community resources to our teens in a variety of areas. Of fering 4 virtual sessions across the region, for a total of 8 credits, hundreds of MAR Teens gathered to sharpen their skills is areas like college readiness, goal setting strategies, home ownership readiness and financial investment strate gies. We salute our Teens!
The Mighty-Midwestern Region is resilient and thriving! Emerging from the global pandemic’s strict confines, we created powerful programming (virtual, in person and hybrid) to be ON MISSION, ON PURPOSE while Living the Jack and Jill Experience: Mission-Minded, Dream Driv en. Under the dynamic leadership of Regional Director Tanya Watson, the 42 chapters across 8 states stepped up to do good for and with our children. We built our bench strength during 2-Area-Workdays focusing on
health, wealth, and wholeness with engaging workshops in EQ, mental health, fiscal fitness, organizational strat egy for growth/development, and kicked-off our first re gional book discussion with the Award-winning author of Three Girls from Bronzeville. With nearly 600 participants, we also donated over $10,000 for children in our host communities. We designed and delivered transformation al programming for the whole child, inclusive of all ages and abilities. With We Are One (WR1), we partnered to ensure that every PD was equipped to incorporate mod ifications to amplify programming so that it is better for all. We implemented regional Office Hours and hosted our first Regional Empathy & Inclusion Webinar with the Mid-Atlantic Region’s RPC Wheeler-Walston as our guest. We created intentional regional legislative programming and implemented the National My School Votes initiative. At the 2022 TLC, we will host the Legislative Tournament of Houses to educate and inspire in a fun engaging way. We built a strong programming community and worked collaboratively to create and share best practices across ages and abilities. Our LTAs trained to on how to better amplify engagement and deliver experiential learning for teens. This lead to Best of the Best Programming where ≤70% of our chapters submitted for Regional/National Programming Awards. We trained our interest group on Programming Basics creating a foundation from which
all other interest groups in the Nation were trained. We played an active role in the National Career Conversa tions webinars and featured multiple professionals from the MWR. I proudly served as Regional Program Director and am grateful for the opportunity to impact women, chil dren, and communities through the work I do alongside dynamic women who are committed to designing and im plementing excellence in Programming for All Children. Thank you, Mighty Mid-Western Region, for focusing on identity, connection, exploration, and the democratic pro cess; for creating 5 outstanding Children’s Cluster expe riences that focused on STEM, introduced our children to Black Inventors, and taught children how to think more critically. Mighty Mid-Western Region, WELL DONE!
Mothers and Associates were ready to RESET at Area Work Day 2021: The Leadership RESET; a one-day virtual, im mersive experience to further membership involvement and share in the leadership journey. The objective, to en courage while providing dynamic training for our leaders to be effective and thrive in their roles, which motivates and inspires the greatness in each of us.
In January SCR kicked off the 70th Anniversary with Founders’ Day activities and continued the celebration with a month-long observance of Women’s History Month in March. Members from across the region who’ve made significant contributions beyond JJOA, along with past national leaders, were recognized. Trailblazers among us, we celebrated HERstory as these women continue to “break the bias,” shatter glass ceilings and blaze trails in their communities and careers. The culminating event was the fireside chat with a panel focused on Black women leading and thriving through exponential change.
The Sensational South Central Region (SCR) exempli fied that “magic”! This region’s heartbeat is strong and intentional as we achieve programming excellence. De spite another year of a global pandemic, members were laser-focused in delivering outstanding, dynamic, and best in class inclusive programming for all children.
Under the leadership of Regional Director Danielle Wes ley, the 32 chapters leveraged the “MODEL” (Maximizing and Demonstrating Excellence in Leadership), to assist our mothers’ drive to sustain the excellence required to make the magic happen.
SCR Teen Officers creatively planned an exceptional Teen Conference 2021 experience virtually. Teens showed flexibility and cooperation to provide “TOGETHER WE S.T.R.I.D.E - Serve Thrive Reach Inspire Discover Evolve!”, a plan by which teens engage in dialogue on the pressing topics of the day. #JJSpiritWeek served as the vehicle by which teens were provided pep rally forums for these exer cises. Additional opportunities were facilitated where hot button topics—cancel culture, body shaming, homopho bia, and colorism—were discussed. The engagement lev el of our teens speaks to their passion. “And Our Teams Shall Lead Youth Rally” highlighted our impactful leaders within the organization and community via a Big Jack and Big Jill panel discussion.
After two years, Children’s Cluster 2022 was back in per son with SCR’s youth “Going for the G.O.L.D.: Gifted Overcomers Leading with Determination” hosted by the Beaumont and Fort Worth Chapters. Our Jacks and Jills participated in Olympic inspired games, STEM Code Wars, teambuilding, chapter flag competition and the construc tion of time capsules. Orion Jean, TIME Magazine’s Kid of the Year, brought greetings and encouraged them to center kindness and to be leaders. These values were put into practice by making donations to the Burleson Center
“Where there is a woman, there is magic.”
– Nozathe Shange
for Autism Spectrum Disorder and CASA of Southeast Tex as, Inc. What an enriching and inspiring day for our future African American leaders.
Lastly, in partnership with the United States Tennis Associ ation (USTA), and its efforts to promote the sport of ten nis amongst underrepresented communities, families of the Houston Center of Excellence participated in a JJOA
Family Tennis Play Day as part of May’s National Tennis Month. Through this national partnership, the USTA Jack & Jill Tennis Clinics, an introductory five-week tennis clinic exclusive to our membership, will make playing tennis easy and fun for players of all ages and abilities.
Congratulations South Central Region Mothers, with inten tionality we created magic!
Programming is the Heartbeat of Jack and Jill; and the Sweet, Sweet South eastern Region (SER) has proven that our Region’s heartbeat is STRONG! With the theme of the 2021-2023 new ly elected Region al Director, Dar lene Whittington, and Regional Executive Board being Together Toward Tomor
row…Lifting ALL Children Higher, we have assembled an all-star Program T.E.A.M where Together Each Achieves More. Ultimately, our goal was to safely transition our 46 chapters and six (6) provisional groups back to impactful in-person programs during our second program year af fected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our T.E.A.M. nurtured the Region’s heartbeat with our signature regional programs. These programs, guided by Regional Co-Chairs Shannon Chambers and Tam my Means, include a simulated Teen Stock Market Ex change competition, the SER Book Club for All Children: Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader, ‘This is Me’ Gavel Club, and the Reach & Reached Mentorship Program. Our T.E.A.M. also partnered with the SER Booked and Busy Book Club for Mothers & Associates, & National We Are One Task Force. Under the dynamic leadership of Regional Program Chair Selika Sampson the SER was encouraged to participate in multiple National Program Committee “Share Outs” including the monthly Bedtime Stories series, Career Conversations, Financial Literacy, and the Home for the Holidays webinars.
The 2021 Mothers’ Work Day (MWD) and Teen Sum mit were hosted by the East Suburban Atlanta and Stone Mountain Chapters in Alpharetta, GA. The conference theme was “EDUCATE to ELEVATE Your Jack and Jill EX
PERIENCE.” During the event we hosted the inaugural Grace Wyatt Leadership Luncheon, honoring this amaz ing former leader who was the brainchild of the concept of Mothers’ Work Day in the organization. The Region al Teen Officers led by Regional Teen President Jerimiah Lowther challenged each teen in our region to be “ALL IN” during their virtual Teen Summit which included pre sentations from the Regional Teen Officers, a Community Policing forum, and a Regional Quiz Bowl.
SER Children’s Clusters, Super Clusters, and Teen Lead ership Summit occurred March 5 – April 23, 2022. The themes were “We Are Black Excellence: Lifting Each Oth er Higher” and “Beyond All Limits,” respectively. A 40% increase in chapter-level public speaking events lead to impactful and engaging Super Cluster Oratorical pre sentations. The Super Cluster state level teen winners advanced to the regional competition during the 65th Teen Leadership Conference (TLC): Braelynn White (Fay ette County, GA); Mikayla Prude (Nashville, TN); Caitlyn Copeland (Birmingham, AL); & Symone Thompson (Tal lahassee, FL).
The 66th TLC hosted by the Birmingham Chapter oc curred June 15 – 19, 2022. The theme was “Educated, Melanated, and Highly Sophisticated.” The conference included impactful community service projects benefit ing families in the area. The SER Teens were United in SERvice as they left a lasting impact in the Birmingham community!
The Southeastern Region hosted the 45th National Con vention in Orlando, FL July 27 - 31, 2022. The Power of a Dream, On Mission & On Purpose theme embodied the vision of our beloved National President, Kornisha McGill Brown. The National Program Committee planned and executed the JMB Teen Leadership Summit and Program Luncheon celebrating the Magic of Programming.
Under the transformative leadership of 2020 - 2022 Na tional Program Director Shirell Gross, our very own SER RPC Selika Stackhouse Sampson, Program T.E.A.M., Pro gram Directors, and mother members delivered elevated programs for ALL children. Please enjoy the following pages of our SER Best of the Best in Programming.
Since our founding in 1938, Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated has evolved into a strong national or ganization as a result of robust programming. Chapter Programming, the “heart” of the organization, is primarily centered on leadership development, awareness of cultural heritage, and community service. The philosophy we embrace is one of holistic enrichment of our youth and our communities.
The purpose of the National ‘Best-of-the-Best’ Outstanding Programming Awards is to recognize those chapters who have planned and executed chapter wide or grade group activities which exceed programming expectations. Programs that inspire, implement innovation, and include focus on our National Programming Thrusts promote our Power to Make a Difference.
In addition to our traditional best of the best programming awards presented at the National Convention, we implemented recognition on a bi-monthly basis – capturing seasonally-focused programming and recog nizing those chapters that continually put forth quality programs for our future leaders, enhancing the mem bership experience for the entire family. Below are the first place winners of these awards for our four cycles:
Central Region
Oklahoma City Chapter, “Time to Protest” Civic/Legislative Eastern Region
Rockland-Orange County Chapter, “Young Athletes Olympic Games” Educational Far West Region
Long Beach Chapter, “Go Long Beach!” Social/Recreational Mid-Atlantic Region
Capital City Chapter, “Black Farmers” Cultural Mid-Western Region
Ann Arbor Chapter, “Sweet Science: The DNA of YOU” Cultural South Central Region
Clear Lake/Bay Area Chapter, “Jack and Jill Day: African American History” Cultural Southeastern Region
Augusta Chapter, “Module Mania: The Cheese Keeps Moving” Educational
Central Region
Tulsa Chapter, “Rowing through Adversity” Health Eastern Region
Brooklyn Chapter, “Food Insecurity” Civic/Legislative
Far West Region
Contra Costa County Chapter, “Reason for the Season” Social/Recreational Mid-Atlantic Region
Capital City Chapter, “Little Libraries” Educational Mid-Western Region
Great Lakes Bay Region Chapter, “JJ Swims” Social/Recreational South Central Region
Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter, “Inquisitive Minds Get Financially Lit” Educational Southeastern Region
Columbus GA Chapter, “Rise 22nd Biennial Beautillion Ball” Civic/Legislative
Central Region
Central Missouri Chapter, “The Conquerors” Educational Eastern Region
South Jersey Chapter, “Morgan Village School (MLK Day)” Civic/Legislative
Far West Region
San Jose Chapter, “Living Legend” Cultural Mid-Atlantic Region
Richmond Chapter, “Brown Ballerinas” Cultural Mid-Western Region
Cleveland Chapter, “Empowering the Community to Live Well” Taking Charge of Our Health” Health South Central Region
Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter, “Black Cinema – Lights, Camera, Action!” Cultural Southeastern Region
Albany Chapter, “MLK Day of Service and Sacrifice: Get on the Bus” Cultural
Central Region
Bloomington-Normal Chapter, “JJ Swims Water Safety Event” Health Eastern Region
Washington DC Chapter, “Day of Fitness” Health
Far West Region
Phoenix Chapter, “Table Talk Series Policing” Civic/Legislative Mid-Atlantic Region
Durham Chapter, “Why Trick-or-Treat When You Can Tech-or-Treat?” Educational Mid-Western Region
South Suburban Chicago Chapter, “IL Area South Children’s Cluster 2022” Educational South Central Region
Austin Chapter, “Living While Black in Black and White” Educational Southeastern Region
Greater Chattanooga Chapter, “Carole Robertson Reading Corner Within the Bethlehem Center” Educational
Why is this program Best of the Best?
Nation’s Capital Kids Tackle DC Statehood with a Go-Go Twist Nation’s Capital kids’ passion and relentless advocacy for DC Statehood warrants recognition for Civic/Legislative Best of the Best National Programming. The initiative began with the kids learning about the history and artistry of Go-Go Music, the of ficial music of DC. Understanding the sway Go-Go music has on DC residents, the kids created lyrics for an original Go-Go song advocating for DC Statehood, and recorded it in a pro fessional studio! The initiative continued with the kids preparing video speeches for DC Statehood and sharing them with local officials, including the Mayor of DC, DC Councilmembers, and DC’s Shadow Congresswoman, all of whom responded and en couraged the children to continue to fight for Statehood. To fur ther showcase their Statehood efforts, the kids created a mashup of the Statehood song and speeches and performed at the DC Emancipation Day concert. They also distributed DC Statehood advocacy materials at the accompanying DC Emancipation Day parade. Excited about their efforts, multiple media outlets, including NBC4 Local News, Wee Nation Radio and reporters covering the DC Emancipation Day activities, interviewed the children, giving them an additional platform to advocate for Statehood.
Activity Description
Nation’s Capital Kids Tackle DC Statehood with a Go-Go Twist Nation’s Capital elementary, middle and high school children joined the fight for DC Statehood. This multi-faceted initiative began with the kids learning about the history and artistry of GoGo Music, the official music of DC (Cultural). The host kids for the activity prepared and shared multiple videos (5 total) leading up to the event, highlighting key facts about this funk sub-genre and its critical role in the culture of DC (Education: Leadership Development; Cultural). At the activity, Go-Go legend and local celebrity, Ju Ju, the lead percussionist with Experience Unlimit ed, taught the kids how to create the famous “Go-Go” beat. He also shared his personal experiences with Chuck Brown, the Godfather and creator of Go-Go music, and answered the kids’ questions about his 30+ years as a Go-Go music artist and his perspective on the impact Go-Go music has had on DC culture (Cultural; Education: STEAM). Already well-versed in DC Statehood facts from prior Nation’s Capital activities, the kids then brainstormed and created lyrics for an original DC State hood Go-Go song. The last verse and chorus were the favorite. [Verse] DC restaurants, shops, lots of industries Like Media, Art
and Technology Georgetown, G-Dub, Howard U Lots of Uni versities for me and you We pay the US lots and lots of money No voice in Congress, man that’s not funny When you pay taxes you should have a say In all the laws that run the USA [Chorus] DC Statehood Make us a state, state DC Statehood 51st state in the USA DC Statehood We pay taxes and should have a say DC Statehood In our laws that’s the American way A highlight of the activity was recording the song in a professional studio! Un derstanding the needs of our differently-abled children, we were ready with a variety of music cuing options (e.g. using hand sig nals instead of clapping) and pre-arranged a few solo recording sessions to remove unnecessary noises and distractions (We Are One). On fire for DC Statehood, in Part II of the initiative, the kids prepared 90-second passionate video speeches for State hood, which they shared with local officials, including three DC Councilmembers, the current and a former DC Mayor, and DC’s Shadow Congresswoman (Legislative). Each official responded via video with appreciation and encouraged the kids to continue their advocacy efforts. Impressed with the kids’ Statehood activ ities, the Mayor’s Event Coordinator for DC Emancipation Day invited the kids to showcase their Statehood song and speeches at the DC Emancipation Day concert. The kids collaborated and created a mashup of the song and speeches and performed it before thousands (Community Impact). They also walked in the DC Emancipation Day parade and handed out hundreds of Statehood advocacy materials (Civic/Legislative, Communi ty impact). Multiple media outlets, including NBC4 Washington Local News, Wee Nation national radio podcast and reporters covering the DC Emancipation Day activities, interviewed the kids, giving them additional platforms to advocate for DC State hood (Education: Leadership Development; Civic/Legislative, Community Impact).
Why is this program Best of the Best?
The multiple age group activity, Earth Day 2022 demonstrat ed excellence in programming as it was thoughtfully planned to incorporate multiple thrusts that kept all age groups engaged throughout the three-month spanned activity. Although the main thrust was Civic/Legislative with the end goal being a community service project, the children were able to gain valuable insights through lessons in the areas of Education/STE[A]M, Leadership Development, Financial Literacy, and Health. The differentiated activity provided accommodations supporting the We Are One initiative by allowing self-paced activities and lessons at home prior to the in-person activity as well as the accommodation of having frequent breaks and stations for those with different learning styles while in-person during Dig it Day.
Activity Description
Recycle. Reuse. Reduce! Can you dig it? In a differentiated ap proach, Humble-Kingwood Chapter’s Little Treasures (PK-K), Ener-jetics (grades 1-3), and High Hopes (grades 4-5) engaged in a 3-part Earth Day 2022 community service project. Begin ning in February 2022, the children and their families collected their homes’ food waste and partnered with a local composting company to collect their compost bins bi-weekly. This brought awareness to the amount of wasted food in each home which would have otherwise contributed to the greenhouse emissions in landfills. The children learned how rerouting food waste from landfills to composting facilities helped reduce greenhouse emis sions, improve soil health, and conserve water. In March 2022,
the children used the composted soil to plant vegetables to be later planted at a local community garden. Each grade group was assigned a different vegetable seed to plant and cultivate. From the FDIC Lesson It’s Great to Donate, the children decid ed what percentage of their collected loose change would they use to support the Loose Change Initiative and what percentage they would use toward the purchase of seeds for the Earth Day community service project. As they watched their seeds trans form into young plants, the children learned about the life cycles of the vegetables that they planted and updated the group with pictures in the JJHK Dig It Day activity group chat. Lastly, on April 9, 2022, the three grade groups joined for an in-person activity partnering with Urban Harvest of Houston, TX for Dig It Day. The children worked in the community garden at a local school preparing the soil beds for the spring and summer. Each grade group was assigned age-appropriate tasks. Breaks to the rest and learn area with interactive lessons from members of Urban Harvest were available as accommodations for children with different learning styles. Prior to the work in the garden, the host children welcomed each child with breakfast, aprons, sun visors, and gardening tools. They led a lively discussion about conservation and the importance of community gardens in un derserved areas highlighting objectives in the Global Awareness lesson, What the World Needs. Their vegetable plants were transplanted to composted soil beds for use in the culinary ed ucation program at the school. The children learned the impor tance of community gardens in underserved communities and how their plant contributions help limit “food miles” by providing
Why is this program Best of the Best?
This chapter program engaged all chapter families, 26 of 29 families participated! It was a creative way to learn about the legislative process, demonstrate teamwork, learn about our hometown, and engage in physical fitness all at the same time. The original concept, a legislative scavenger hunt, was created by the 2YO-Pre-K and K-2nd grade group mothers. The chapter health committee was engaged by the concept and decided to broaden to all grade groups. Our nine 6th-8th grade BOKS Jr.
Trainer Certification candidates needed leadership demonstra tion hours. Viola! All concepts were blended together and “Leg Up: The Legislative Fitness Act” was born. At each stop on the route racing through our downtown, the children were able to see themselves in the faces of the four local African-American community leaders that hosted the activities at each of the race stations…an elementary school principal, the county administra tor, an attorney and a judge. Our race pitstop was Cool Scoops, a local Black Owned ice cream shop. The chapter children had the opportunity to share with others through the closing activ ity, “Have A Ball with Jack & Jill”, gifting balls to children in our community playing at the Riverfront Park playground “Turtle Grove”.
Activity Description
Modeled after popular television show, The Amazing Race, “Leg Up: The Legislative Fitness Act!” was a unique collaboration be tween all grade groups, health committee, Jr. BOKS trainers, chapter moms and dads and local African American commu nity leaders. The children divided into four teams of six to eight children that included children from 2YO through 12th grade. Everyone donned small pennants to give them a team identity… Red-Green-Yellow-Blue. Moms were assigned to each team to help ensure that the children were safe even though the older children helped the smaller children run between route stops. Each team received an opening clue to one of four route stops. Once the team successfully deciphered the clue to the location and arrived at the route stop, they had to complete one civic/
legislative educational activity and one BOKS Burst Fitness ac tivity to receive a clue to their next stop. Each of the four race teams included two Jr. BOKS trainers to lead the burst fitness activities. Turner Elementary School Principal Mr. Vincent Grace was stationed at the Dougherty County School System office for “Lunch Box Bonanza”. He led a discussion on the free-reduced lunch program, especially relevant as our community has one of the higher poverty rates in the state of Georgia. The children completed a challenge to take plastic food items and set them up on lunch trays to match a picture and then had to perform the BOKS Weather Burst. This station also featured healthy snack bags with fresh fruit, snack crackers and water. Attorney Alfreda Sheppard, Partner in Watson-Spence law firm was stationed at the CB King Federal Courthouse, named for Albany native son and famed civil rights attorney, Chevene Bowers King. Bandit the Bear joined Mom Alfreda in hosting a discussion entitled “Sweet Trouble”. The children discussed the role of the court system in prosecuting crimes. After completing the BOKS As If Burst, teams received their next clue. Dougherty County Administrator, Mr. Michael McCoy, was stationed at the Government Center to “Rock the Vote”. Dad McCoy shared the importance of the elections process and how to register to vote. The children had a blast pretending to be at the Grammy Awards and voting for a song to perform…Baby Shark was a crowd favorite. After com pleting BOKS Dance It Up Burst, they raced to their next stop. Assistant Juvenile Court Judge Ingrid Driskell was stationed at the Dougherty County Courthouse to hear their ideas on how to be an “Egg-Cellent Citizen”. All children jotted down words or pictures on small slips on paper and inserted them into plastic eggs featuring characteristics of good citizens. They closed out this stop with the BOKS Traffic Burst. The final pit stop was local Black Owned business, Cool Scoops Ice Cream shop in Down town Albany…economic empowerment in action. The chapter children had the opportunity to share with others through the closing activity, “Have A Ball with Jack & Jill”. Our children gift ed balls to children in our community playing at the Riverfront Park playground “Turtle Grove”.
Air Capital Wichita, KS
The Air Capital Wichita Chapter in partnership with North Heights Christian Church, collected non-perishable food items and clothing for The Union Rescue Mission (URM) homeless shelter. The shelter is located adjacent to North Heights Christian Church, so the items were loaded up into a wagon, and walked over to URM. The kids were able to get in their daily steps, explore nature, while engaging in small talk on their journey to the shelter.
Upon arrival at the shelter, the group was greeted by the URM staff with a friendly smile and appreciation for their generosity.
Through this joint effort, the children were educated on homelessness, while the URM staff were educated on the mission of Jack and Jill of America, and extended an invitation to attend Sunday service at North Heights Christian Church. We hope to continue this collaboration into the future!
Greater Champaign-Urbana, IL
On Monday, January 17, 2022, Father Dr. Chris Span treated our Greater Champaign-Urbana families to a chapter-wide presentation titled, “Honoring the King Legacy: An Exercise in Non-Violent Civil Rights Engagement”. Father Chris uplifted and encouraged all GCU children that they too could become civically engaged and make a difference in our world by sharing national, state, and local examples of Black children who changed their environments for the good. Everyone left the main session empowered and eager to make change. In breakout sessions, grade groups engaged in letter writing of two main themes—concerns about gun violence and Covid-19 in our schools and communities—to our local leaders. Led by the GCU Legislative Committee, this activity met civic, legislative, and educational thrusts and allowed our children to showcase leadership skills by engaging in a letter-writing exercise exemplifying the King legacy of peaceful, non-violent engagement with civic officials.
Greater Pikes Peak, CO
The Greater Pikes Peak Chapter Teens had the opportunity to experience, “A Day in the Life of the Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers.” This event was a spectacular, educational, and engaging event for our children. This field trip allowed the Junior and Senior Teens to attend a legislative lesson to discuss how the Colorado government serves its citizens. The Teens toured the Mayors’ office and attended presentations from the Mayor himself, various departments heads, and individuals including Communications, Small Business Administration, Economic Development Corporation leaders, the Mayors Chief of Staff, and various other individuals. This event provided a very detailed overview of the city departments and the role of the Mayor and other branches of city government.
Kansas City, MO
Access to fresh and affordable food is crucial for our communities to thrive. The KCMO Visionaries (6-8 grades) and Change Agents (9-12 graders) volunteered at Kanbe’s Market to help prep meal boxes. Kanbe’s Markets eliminates food insecurity by empowering individuals and providing healthy choices. Each recipient received ten meals, fresh produce, and milk. Over one hundred senior/homebound individuals were supported with a food kit. In addition, our teens learned about the impact of food deserts and what communities are affected most by the lack of proper access to healthy foods. This experience also created an opportunity for our Jack and Jills to utilize their communication and problemsolving skills and bond while impacting change.
Oklahoma City, OK
Our Sandbox and Humpty grade groups (Prek- 3rd grade) engaged in an interactive session, led by Former Oklahoma Senator and House Representative Angela Monson. Former Senator Monson did an amazing job of explaining to our children how and why laws are made. She compared laws to rules that the children may have to follow at home or school. After interactively having the children call out rules that they are aware of, she asked them to name the ones they did not like or agree with. From there she explained that protesting is a way tocshow rules/laws that you are for or against and that signs can be used as an aid. It was the perfect segue into our art project. Moms and dads asked each child to identify a rule that they did not like. The discussion was spirited and lively as the children gave great ideas and examples.
The depth of the topics was inspiring; Examples included Free your Hair, Stop Bullying, No Cheating, Voter Rights, and Black Lives Matter. Moms and Dads assisted the children in creating protest signs of their own with the ideas they discussed. After learning the proper way to protest, the children led a mock protest/march throughout the facility. The program “Time to Protest” covered all 5 Programmatic Thrusts.
Brooklyn, NY
On November 20, 2021, the chapter executed two targeted food insecurity service projects designed to provide maximum impact in our community during the Thanksgiving Holiday. The Governor of the State of New York, Kathy Hochul, was our special invited guest at this Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway. Her presence brought an audience and awareness to the important cause of food insecurity and hunger in our Brooklyn community, as the event was broadcasted on local news channels. Sponsored by Aldi Grocery Stores and The Underground Kitchen, our families distributed two weeks’ worth of food to 80 families in addition to packing and providing 300 bags of groceries earlier in the day with the Campaign for Hunger. Faced with supply chain issues that left Aldi unable to supply the complete list of food items, the mothers and associates of the Chapter came together, stepped up and raised $2,500 to meet this important need.
Burlington County, NJ
The Brilliant Burlington County Chapter conducted a POWERFUL “Mothers in the Movement”, Legacy through Legislation, virtual roundtable discussion with dynamic Assemblywoman Shavonda E. from New Jersey’s 35 Legislative District.
Hosted by our Legislative Committee, this discussion endeavored to connect the impact that our mothers have on the civic involvement of our children, and the power of the legacy Mothers can create. These actions show up and are exemplified by mothers who are fully engaged in the political process. The jewels dropped during this discussion served as fuel to ignite the flame of action in all who were in attendance. It was amazing to witness Assembly Woman Sumter’s vision, leadership, and tenacity as she represented the will of the people. She was truly an inspiration. Distinguished guests in attendance included National Program Director Shirell Gross, Eastern Region Legislative Chair Evelyn Sample-Oates and Past Eastern Regional Director Vivian M.J. Darkes.
National Harbor, MD
On January 22, 2022, the National Harbor Chapter’s Topaz and Tigers (Grades 6-8) participated in a community service activity that focused on giving back and celebrated MLK day of service. The pre-teens collected care packages for First Responders and wrote thank you notes to be included in each care package extending their appreciation for the First Responders’ hard work, dedication and service to the community. They delivered the care packages to two fire stations in Prince George’s County, one in North County and one in South County, filled with food and snacks for the firefighters. The children also participated in virtual activities where they discussed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy and answered life’s most persistent and urgent question “What are you doing for others?”. The pre-teens also completed an activity packet on civil rights and played the civil rights video game “Do I Have a Right?” about constitutional law.
Pittsburgh, PA
Building on their grade group series for the program year, “A Day in the Life of…”, our children had a wonderful experience meeting the first Black mayor of Pittsburgh, Ed Gainey, in “A Day in the Life of a Politician” program at the Homewood-Brushton YMCA. Mayor Gainey shared what he does on a daily basis and the role that elected officials play in supporting neighborhoods like Homewood. Homewood is a Black community in Pittsburgh that Mayor Gainey represented for years as state representative.
This program was multi-faceted and our children learned importance of serving and investing in our neighborhoods. Following the visit with Mayor Gainey, they walked to Oasis Farm and Fishery, and learned about urban farming and the importance of growing your own food. The children also incorporated community service into their activity by bringing non-perishable items to support the YMCA’s food pantry.
Reston, VA
On April 30, 2022, the Remarkable Reston Chapter hosted a Spring Egg Hunt at Frying Pan Farm Park to benefit the Fairfax County, VA Department of Family Services BeFriend a Child Program. This is our second year partnering with BeFriend a Child to provide companionship and support to children who have been abused and neglected. During the event, we hosted roughly 40 adults and children from BeFriend a Child and provided lunch, entertainment (e.g., egg hunt, costumed bunny), and activity stations, including coloring, reading, photos, green space, and Earth Day. We also hosted a heart health booth with Reston Chapter physicians to raise awareness about blood pressure. The Reston Chapter Community Service Committee led the planning and execution of this event and engaged 25 Chapter Mothers, Fathers, and Young Moguls (Teens) over the course of 125 volunteer hours to host an impactful, fun-filled experience for BeFriend a Child Program guests.
Rockland County, NY
On Saturday, April 23 2022, the Rockland Orange Chapter’s Legislative and Education Committees, in collaboration with the Gavel Club, held a powerful virtual Youth Rally Against Gun Violence Program. This program was attended by the chapter children across all age groups and was open to invited guests. Keynote speakers included several community leaders such as clergymen, politicians, and educators. Several Gaveliers also heeded the call to be B.R.A.V.E Leaders – Bold and Resistant Against Violence Everywhere by reciting antibullying poems and speeches. Teen Sage Johnson poetically wrote “Gun violence isn’t okay, it will never be. It does not affect one, it affects THEY, HE, and SHE.” In the closing Q&A session, the keynote speakers answered the attending Jacks’ and Jills’ most pressing questions and offered actionable steps to become agents of change. This event was led by Mothers Chantay Miller, Taren Fleming-Mitchell, Nathalie Riobe-Taylor, Vanessa Rice, and Taisha Lewis-Edouard.
South Jersey, NJ
On January 17, 2022, the South Jersey Chapter gathered at Morgan Village Middle School for a day of community service. The chapter partnered with botanists to continue planting and maintaining an indoor garden for Morgan Village. This led the school to develop a garden club. The students take home fresh vegetables and learn about healthy eating and food sustainability. Morgan Village needed an area where differently able students could retreat to. Our chapter cleaned out a classroom, added seating, lights, and pillows, and built isolation tents to create a calming room. The chapter constructed an enormous mural calendar with Black History Month icons to educate and inspire the students. Each day, a student was selected to read the day’s icon over the school’s PA system. The chapter made plastic cots for the homeless utilizing plastic grocery bags. The plastic cots can be rolled up for easy transport and provide a layer of protection from the cold surfaces of the streets. With plastic bags being a significant contributor to pollution; this project helped decrease waste. Our efforts grabbed the attention of various media outlets, which showcased the great work that Jack and Jill continues to do.
Suffolk County, NY
Using our power to make a difference on mission on purpose as service to the community is the backbone of the Suffolk County Chapter. We maintained a community garden growing, donating over 200lbs of organically grown fruits and vegetables to address food insecurity in Suffolk County. In the spirit of providing education for the community, the chapter replenished books through our little library and hosted the second annual health fair to educate families on how to continue to thrive through the pandemic. The chapter also celebrated its seventh consecutive year as the largest team for the Fit for a Cure Breast Cancer Walk as well as the over $2K contribution to March of Dimes. This year, as our 60th anniversary, we exceeded our fundraising goals providing $11,000 in scholarships and the largest donation in the history of the chapter to three locally based non-profit organizations and Jack & Jill Foundation.
Westchester County, NY
On April 23rd, 2022, the Westchester County-New York Chapter partnered with the Mount Vernon Boys and Girls Club to uplift, restore, and organize the classrooms in the facility. The Boys and Girls Club is one of the oldest facilities opened in the city of Mount Vernon to service the needs of the young people within the community, their dedicated staff provides programs to over 1,400 of the city’s youth. The chapter is committed to strengthening our community’s foundation and promoting enrichment, our Teens spent the morning providing service through philanthropy. Our Community Service Committee raised $1,655.00 to purchase a new classroom smartboard, the staff was presented with a check by the Chapter Teens. The Boys and Girls Club has been dedicated to serving the City of Mount Vernon for the past 110 years, we look forward to supporting them as they continue to encourage the young people in the community.
Greater Vallejo, CA
Group 5 partnered with God Family Ball, a non-profit founded by Daniel Johnson of the Cleveland Indians to impact the Greater Vallejo community. Teens worked alongside professional baseball players to provide hot meals, gently used clothes and shoes, and toiletries to homeless and impoverished residents. Prior to the event, teens participated in an EDUCATION component to learn regional homelessness statistics. Determined to help, teens collaborated on the planning and delegation of duties for a successful CIVIC/ COMMUNITY SERVICE event. On the day of the event, the teens rolled up their sleeves and set up food, supplies, and giveaways in the heart of Downtown Vallejo. They advertised and passed out flyers to let the community know of their efforts. The word spread quickly, and residents in need lined up to receive all Greater Vallejo teens had to offer. In total, the teens fed and clothed over 100 individuals.
North County San Diego, CA
In keeping with a commitment to community service, our chapter heeded the call for food donations during the holidays. The North County San Diego Chapter of Jack and Jill, Inc., in partnership with the La’Roi Glover Foundation, held its annual Turkey Drive on November 22, 2021, at the City of Hope International Church. Our children were engaged in every step of the food distribution process. We handed out approximately 150 meals to families in need.
The activity was an inclusion-friendly event that allowed all of our children to participate actively. Our group gained awareness about the role of the black church in providing emotional, spiritual, and financial support. We learned about healthy eating and promoted sustainability in managing leftovers. Our children also learned to debunk misperceptions about food insecurity. It was a blessing to gather together in fellowship for this worthy cause that displayed the power of giving.
San Diego, CA
San Diego Chapter annually celebrates African American legacy every February and 2022 was a truly memorable lesson. This year was a follow-up from 2021’s “Why We Vote” virtual webinar with an in-person activity that allowed the youth to experience the hill from a politician’s perspective. Our Chapter kicked off the Legislative Module by encouraging the youth to research the history of the California State Capitol and submitting artwork for a chapter t-shirt design contest. The exciting weekend began with a fun-filled skiing escapade in the Tahoe Mountains followed by a drive to Sacramento. Although the scenery drastically changed, our Jacks and Jills were not disappointed with their visit with none other than Secretary of State, Dr. Shirley Weber, 79th District Assemblywoman Dr. Akilah Weber, along with US Senator Alex Padilla. Their discussions with the three historical figures surrounded voter participation impacting representation in local and state politics.
Tri-Valley, CA
On Sunday, November 7, 2021 at 1:00 pm, Tri-Valley Groups I/II and III converged upon Multicultural Books and Gifts, in downtown Richmond CA, to participate in a fun legislative-themed activity. Attorney, Author, Entrepreneur and Jack and Jill - Greater Vallejo Chapter Mom, Brittany Whittington, spent the afternoon with our children, sharing her background, profession and passion as a former Civil Rights Employment Discrimination Attorney, Deputy District attorney and children’s author and then, narrating her book, “Layla the Lawyer: The Case of the Missing Cookies”. The children discussed the book’s details with Brittany and explored how they might apply Layla’s techniques to solve everyday-life problems. Brittany later presented each child a copy of the book. This activity showcased the Civic/Legislative Thrust in an engaging and approachable manner. Tri-Valley Chapter supported local Black-owed businesses by purchasing the books and other items from the store that day. Great fun for all!
It was a beautiful Saturday morning in Charleston as the eager group from the Charlotte Chapter of Jack and Jill piled into the towering edifice, Mother Emanuel AME Church. The site of that brutal shooting, 6.17.2015, the story is solemn, the message of regeneration – powerful.
The Junior Teens and Teens (ages 11 – 18) soaked in the truth and raw history. The sentiments echoed: laws matter, leaders matter, and the legislative process can effect change.
Then at the McLeod Plantation (1951), students toured the site and learned stories of the enslaved and their sacrifices. The group then experienced a Gullah Tour, for lessons in language, folklore and architecture. The Jack and Jill teens recorded their thoughts on a memory cube, and finished at a historic market. They purchased handmade goods, and received a gift: complementary artwork to cherish! This legislative sojourn was a labor of love but insightful for all.
Gastonia-Piedmont, NC
Our teens, affectionately known as Panthers, had a fantastic year of volunteering and community service. The goal was to participate in activities year-round to beautify their community. In the fall, our Panthers cleaned up surrounding areas in Belmont, NC. In Stowe Park, they collected litter. During the winter, they cleaned up the Highland Carolina Thread Trail under the guidance of Gastonia-Piedmont Associate Mom and Gastonia City Councilwoman, Donyel Barber. Lastly, during the spring they weeded the garden in the historical Highland area under the direction of Gastonia City Councilman Charles Odom. Providing community service to their area gave the teens a sense of pride. They saw firsthand how their contributions helped the environment and elevated the communities in which they live. The Panthers completed 36 volunteer hours this year!
Greenville, SC
Our Teens hosted a Black Santa Celebration at our local 5013c community partner, Pleasant Valley Connection, Inc. The teens collaborated with our Chapter Foundation Chair and Teen Advisors to execute this civic thrust. The teens prepared a budget, coordinated materials, and led the activities.
The Teens provided 37 elementary school children with holiday-themed stations: ornament making, Black Santa Bingo, cookie decorating, outdoor games, and a visit from Black Santa (a Chapter Dad). Children received a holiday gift of winter accessories donated by our chapter and collected by our Titans (grades 5-8). The impact of the program is exemplified in a quote from the Executive Director, Leda Young, “Magical describes the look in their eyes when their Santa entered the room. Big, jolly, with a brown face and a snow-white beard. The children fell in his arms and, without hesitation, shared their Christmas wish list. He was warm, engaging, and loving.”
James River, VA
The James River Virginia Chapter Middle School group played legislator for a day during a visit to the Virginia State Capitol. In addition to learning about the nation’s oldest democratic body and the legislative process, the children worked with the current House Sergeant at Arms and proposed and voted on their own bills. Although most of the bills were targeted towards adjusting school schedules and better lunches, based on the ideas and fervor, we can see a potential future in law making for our Jacks and Jills.
Norfolk, VA
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, The Norfolk Chapter initiated a partnership with the Chesapeake Chapter for a book drive. Hosted on January 17, 2022, at Mount Trashmore Park located in Virginia Beach, over 300 books were donated by our Chapter families. The books were then divided equally amongst both chapters and provided to local schools and organizations of each chapter’s choosing.
The Norfolk Chapter donated primary-level books to Tidewater Park Elementary and Union Mission Ministries, which provides year-round services to families facing homelessness. In addition, the Norfolk Chapter donated over 70 secondary-level books to the Norfolk Juvenile Detention Center, which serves upwards of 40+ youth on a revolving basis.
Books aid not only our minds but our souls, so it was important for the Norfolk Chapter to contribute in a beneficial way to the youth in our community which will surely have a lasting impact.
Portsmouth, VA
Our civic engagement has remained consistent despite a year of uncertainty due to the pandemic. The Five Star Passionate Portsmouth Chapter created several opportunities for our children to embrace our National Theme, “The Power To Make a Difference In All Children, On Mission, On Purpose,” during this programming year. Our families donated items at each grade group activity to ensure our children understood the importance of giving back to the community. Some recent service projects completed were donations of stuffed animals to the Department of Social Services Foster Care Transition Program, Thanksgiving dinners donated to the Westley Community Center, Christmas Angel Tree Program sponsorships through the Salvation Army Portsmouth, donations of basketballs, coats, and new books, written by African American Authors, to the Boys and Girls Club Portsmouth. We continue to build relationships with our community partners to meet the needs of all children in the Portsmouth community.
Queen City, NC
In November, the Queen City chapter focused on Education and Legislative thrusts. The goals for the activity were to provide an opportunity to learn about the US Legal System and careers in the field. The Mock Trial was an interactive experience allowing teens to explore aspects of a court case. The trial focused on the disparate treatment of Black Americans in the criminal justice system. Roles such as attorneys, witnesses, judge, bailiff, jurors, etc. were assigned to teens who participated in the trial. To help prepare them for their respective role during the mock trial, volunteers engaged with teens who were assigned roles in their area of expertise. Following the activity, an African American Judge and a Mock Trial Coordinator, who observed the event, discussed the experience and current media events. Teens received the book Lead from the Outside by Stacy Abrams and the NC Career Cluster guide.
South Charlotte, NC Advocating for Change
On Saturday, January 29, 2022, the South Charlotte Chapter held Legislative Day. Our Voices Matter: The Power of Advocacy was the theme. The virtual chapter-wide activity provided powerful examples of community leaders advocating and volunteering to enact change. The program consisted of a guest speaker presentation, grade group break-outs, and a panel discussion.
Harvard University freshman Kiersten Hash opened the program with her keynote speech, “The Power of Advocacy.” Then, each grade group broke out into individual sessions to hear “How to Advocate at Your Grade Level.” Finally, the activity ended with a panel discussion consisting of two legislators, SC State Senator Mike Fanning and NC State Representative Brandon Lofton. The panel and individual grade groups discussed pertinent issues relevant to their age. With the civic/legislative programmatic thrust as its focus, Legislative Day 2022 proved to be an exciting and memorable event for all grade groups.
Spartanburg, SC
The Five Star Spectacular Spartanburg Chapter held a community service event on February 8th, 2022, for the March of Dimes as coordinated by Moms Ashley BarnesMitchell and DaLynn Hare. The Baron & Baroness Grade Group hosted the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Blessings Baskets & Bags service project which yielded chapter wide participation.
March of Dimes continues its legacy of helping millions of babies “survive & thrive”. Each family in the Spectacular Spartanburg Chapter was asked to purchase and/or collect key items from a provided list that would help NICU families at our local Spartanburg Regional Hospital in Spartanburg, SC. Each family also assembled the items into a gift basket to aid in transport and distribution.
We happily donated 45 assembled Blessing Baskets & Bags for the NICU families. It was truly a blessing to be able to impact our community while teaching our children the importance of community service.
Winston-Salem, NC
Our Jr. Teens gathered at the Simon Community Garden to learn about the histories of gardening and farming in the African American community. Located in a predominately African American neighborhood, the garden provides residents access to fresh and local produce and provides an opportunity for small African American farmers and residents to get a parcel on site where they can grow their own goods and then sell them at the garden’s monthly farmers market. The children learned that gardening is advocacy that it can affect change! They explored legislation around hunger and the importance of adequate resources in our communities because of Winston-Salem’s food deserts. They learned plant history, particularly those that originated in Africa (okra), weeded the garden, created plant boundaries, spread fresh mulch, and did a few plantings. Our virtual option entailed letter writing to our legislators seeking more funding and legislation around hunger in our communities.
Imagine being a child who has to leave your home because your parents can no longer take care of you. In the midst of your transition you must carry your belongings in a trash bag. Well our Super Hero Group 2 Jack and Jills helped put an end to that for 30 children in foster care. They partnered with Together We Rise by raising $875 to purchase Sweet Cases (duffle bags with goodies such as a teddy bear, blanket, toothbrush and more). Our young Jack and Jills worked hard to decorate and pack the Sweet Cases with love and care.
Thanks to Hatch 41 (a new Black-owned co-working space in the Bronzeville community of Chicago) for opening its doors to allow us to create this opportunity for Grade Group II (1st&2nd graders). Our little ones understood and embraced the concept of being of service to others.
Cincinnati, OH
The Cincinnati Chapter harnessed the POWER to make a difference through civic leadership. Our teens interviewed a Black community member who was running for school board council. They learned the role of school boards and why that candidate was running. The teens engaged in Q&A and provided service by preparing literature to educate the community on voting as a thank you. Groups 5 & 6 received a private tour of the Hamilton County Board of Elections. They learned about Ohio’s bipartisan electoral process, how voting works and cast their first vote. Groups 3 & 4 met a judge and learned how ideas become laws. They researched legal concepts and learned about judicial positions. They had Q&A, read the book “I Choose to Speak Up” by Elizabeth Estrada and discussed the importance of protest and what warrants protest. Our children learned to harness the POWER of their voice and vote.
Great Lakes Bay Region, MI
The Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Great Lakes Bay Region Chapter Mighty Michigan’s (Grade Group 3) completed a wonderful program focused on the Civic/Community Service Thrust (Serving and Advocating for ALL Children). To honor Dr. Martin Luther King’s life of service, our Mighty Michigan’s made recovery pillows that were donated to pediatric patients at a local hospital. The goal was to provide comfort and care to children after surgery or a medical procedure.
In addition to serving local pediatric patients, the Mighty Michigan’s received an invaluable lesson in the timeless art of sewing. They learned the mechanics of using a sewing machine, how to thread a needle and how to manually sew on buttons. The sewing lessons were taught by a local sewing troupe, Bitz N Pieces, who continue the tradition of sewing from generation to generation.
Magnificent Mile, IL
On Saturday, May 7, 2022, nearly 150 family members and guests of the Magnificent Mile Chapter hosted its annual Black Family Day in partnership with the Historic Pullman Community Center in Chicago, IL. The event featured a performance by the Stillwell Institute of Contemporary Art. The songs transitioned into a call and response about initiating change within our communities. Father Wayne Garris, Esq. discussed the impact of redistricting within our communities and Teen President Jordan Williams encouraged families to become more politically active. Children participated in an election where they voted on their favorite programs to conduct for next year. The day also highlighted mental health and children in honor of May as Mental Health Awareness Month. The day concluded with interactive games to instill the importance of physical activity. Attendees were encouraged to track movement through the app “Just Move” in support of Mid-Western Regional Day of Service.
Milwaukee, WI
On October 31st, The Milwaukee Chapter led our grade groups 2 and 3 children on an exciting activity, “HOP for Halloween.” We put a new twist on Halloween by educating the kids on STEM and legislation around city government. It was an adventure; the kids were engaged, had the freedom to wear their costumes and learned how to navigate the transit system while taking a trip on the HOP; the newest streetcar developed in the heart of downtown Milwaukee.
Along the ride the kids made a stop at City Hall and met with the 15th District Alderman, Russell Stamper II. Alderman Stamper provided information on the history of City Hall, the role of the Milwaukee Common Council and how the HOP was voted on by the Common Council and came to fruition for the city. From the words of our Jack and Jill moms, this activity was “phenomenal and executed in excellence.” The activity also inspired our kids to enhance their leadership and public speaking skills while playing a part in community development.
Oakland County, MI
The Honorable Kameisha D. Gant opened up her Oakland County Circuit Courtroom to 41 Jack and Jill of Oakland County Group 5 teens, and hosted a Mock Trial on November 13, 2021, from 9am to 1pm.
The Oakland County Teens presented a simulation of the Ossian Sweet trial, held in the Detroit’s Recorders Court in 1926. Thanks to the support of the NAACP, who hired famous trial lawyer Clarence Darrow, the famous case was the first trial in history to find a black man innocent of murder in selfdefense against a white person in the United States.
Teens played out the courtroom scene in an Oakland County courtroom, with local guest judges and attorneys, who opened the event by providing real facts and history about crimes in our community.
Oakland County Teens forged community partnerships with their court system and civic leaders and engaged in the civic and legislative process.
Toledo, OH
Creating lifelong voting habits in our children is important and it’s imperative that we teach our young minds about the power of their vote, their voice and civic engagement. The PreKs, Primaries, Tweens and Jr. Teen groups joined together at the 6th District Court of Appeals to participate in an interactive legislative session led by The Honorable Judge Myron Duhart. The children gained an understanding of the legislative process, the importance of voting, advocacy and using their voices to create change, in a way that was memorable, impactful, relatable and fun! They also got a unique opportunity to experience what it is like in an actual Federal Court setting and interact with an African-American Judge. By impassioning these young minds, this program helped them understand the power and importance of their vote, so that they will grow up to be dependable voters.
Yspilanti, MI
Grade Groups 1 and 2 engaged in the “A is for Advocacy” grade group activity to learn how to make changes that they want to see in their community. The children received a brief explanation of rules (policies) and how to convince others to make the changes they want to see in rules (the act of advocacy). Then they watched an interactive version of the book “Sofia Valdez, Future Prez” by Andrea Beaty about a little girl who wanted to turn a trash heap in her community into a park and how she advocated to various public authorities for the park to get it built. After the story, the children discussed things they would like to see changed in their home and school and brainstormed on how to advocate (i.e., convince others that the rules should change), or talking to those in charge (parents) to convince them, or writing letters.
Alexandria, LA
The Alexandria Chapter regularly participates in community service throughout the year. For the 2021-22 programming year we hosted a chapter-wide service event led by our youth and teens. During this community service event our youth and teens collected the needed items to donate to our local homeless coalition. This community service event was a drive by collection event. The youth and teens worked together to collect the items and delivered them to the local homeless coalition. The chapter parents donated essential items such as soap, towels, blankets, toothbrushes, toothpastes, non perishable snack items, etc. to this wonderful cause. The chapter proudly donated these items to help our community in need and we look forward to continuing this event each year to promote and bring awareness to this need in our local community.
Arlington, TX
The evening began with the PYTs attending the Arlington, Texas City Council meeting, where they witnessed how decisions are made at the city level, observed parliamentary procedure and were honored with an official certificate from the Arlington Mayor and City Council. After transitioning from the City Council chambers to the state-of-the-art, George W. Hawkes Downtown Arlington Library, the PYTs heard from judicial candidate attorneys in various legal specialties. Minority underrepresentation in the court system was a hot topic of the evening. After the information-sharing session, the teens participated in an interactive mock trial. The guest attorneys coached each teen in the proper actions of a trial and its participants. The PYTs also discussed the importance of securing and maintaining their voting rights. The guest attorneys encouraged the teens to pursue careers in the field of law and offered helpful tips in navigating the legal education process.
Missouri City-Sugar Land, TX
“BE3 – Be Bold in Purpose, Service, and Action”. Our 45th year of programming wholly incorporated the national Civic/Legislative thrust and began at our Jack and Jill Day celebration. Our families continued to respond to local needs of a global pandemic. The chapter generously contributed protective masks and cleaning supplies to Briargate Elementary and homelessness support organization Family Promise. Continuing impactful community support, mothers collected female hygiene products for Shared Dreams while our teens supported cancer survivors by donating scarves to Beauty Beyond Breast Cancer. Our 19th Biennial Beautillion Ball proceeds allowed us to donate $20,000 to Palmer House, supporting homelessness, and over $16,000 to the Jack and Jill Foundation as we presented 25 accomplished young men to society. Fathers Auxiliary aided our National Day of Service and bundled 1,000 blankets and care packages for deserving families. This year of service culminated with support of national partner March of Dimes.
Red River, LA
On September 19, 2021 @ 3:00 pm, the families of the Red River Chapter were grateful for the opportunity to celebrate and remember Carole Robertsons’ life and legacy. We remembered Carole as a member of the Teen group in the Birmingham Chapter, an avid reader, a girl scout, and part of the Civil Rights movement.
In an effort to highlight the importance of education and provide a tangible tribute to Carole Robertson, Red River collected over 665 books as a community service project. All books collected were donated to the Shreveport Parks and Recreation After School Program. Mr. Kenneth Cornelious (Division Manager) attended the celebration to share the mission and purpose of this program. The daily program provides care, activities and a safe place for students to do their homework after school. The donated books will be included as part of their reading corner.
The Jackson MS Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. celebrated the 30th anniversary of our signature community outreach event, Fun with Santa, November 28-December 4, 2021. All aboard the “Christmas Book Express” – distribution of literacy gifts and books by African American authors to students attending Jackson Public Schools. Through the “Gift of Giving,” age groups distributed gifts and dinner to our five adopted families at the Henley Young Juvenile Justice Center. We took over the Boys and Girls Club during “Spreading Christmas Cheer” – dental/health screenings plus giveaways of tablets, gaming systems and 100 bicycles/helmets. During “Holly Jolly Christmas,” 100 Madonna Manor assisted living residents received Christmas gifts and health screenings while enjoying holiday festivities. Our week culminated as we “Decked the Halls” at Thalia Mara Hall: a watch party featuring local artists/performance groups, games and a 30th anniversary Fun with Santa historical tribute by our Associates.
Knoxville, TN
The Knoxville Chapter gathered to inspire, empower, and educate children on legislative processes during an up close and personal visit to the State Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee. Chapter families spent time with Knoxville’s own, Tennessee State Representative Sam McKenzie and his peers with a tour and catered lunch. Families viewed historical artifacts while learning about leaders who demonstrated integrity and ethics in Tennessee’s government. Children witnessed government first-hand by participating in a mock voting session. The session was inspired by Twixt N’ Tween, Nia Vaughn, who submitted a bill for the 2021 Virtual Day at the Capitol’s legislative simulation led by the Southeastern Region. Later, Nia was allowed to officially present the bill which passed unanimously. During the visit, relationships were developed through engaging career conversations and discussions about civic issues that impact black children and families. The Knoxville Chapter is excited to see our children in action for advocacy!
Nashville, TN Contenders Mock Trial
All Rise!! On Saturday, November 20, 2021, Nashville Chapter’s Contenders (Grades 6th-8th) graced the court room of the Honorable Judge Allegra Walker-Birdine where she presided as Judge over their mock criminal case on cyberbullying. Prior to the presentation of their case, the Contenders received a lesson on court hearing procedures, the role of the prosecutor and that of the defender before deciding who they would like to represent in the case. To assist our Contenders, two prominent Nashville attorneys sat with both the prosecution and defense teams to prepare them for trial. Contenders reviewed the case, used civil procedure, legal terminology, and “role playing.” They even placed their witnesses on the stand. Final ruling by the Judge: insufficient evidence to rule on the case. Case dismissed!
North Suburban Atlanta, GA
North Suburban Atlanta Chapter Uses Our Voice!
During this heightened time of divisive rhetoric within our country, it is important that we prepare our children to utilize their vote. This activity was designed to celebrate the power of exercising one’s vote, leveraging one’s voice, and ultimately being a proud, racially aware citizen.
There were three parts to this activity: Education about voting and citizenship, casting your vote, and getting to know your fellow citizens. The North Suburban Atlanta prek-1st grade group participants cast votes on their favorite color, book or ice cream. Stations included a candy voting station, a postcard-writing station, and a bubble station. North Suburban Atlanta prek-1st grade group practiced advocacy by creating and sending “your vote matters to me” postcards to all chapter mothers and teens who are voting age. The pre-K-1st grade group was broken down loosely by age to promote “we are one inclusiveness”.
Tuscaloosa, AL
The Tuscaloosa Chapter of Jack and Jill supported the Bottoms Up Diaper Bank and the Stillman College Food Pantry. During the months of February and March, the chapter chose to tackle food insufficiency for college students and diaper needs for families underserved communities. Studies show that one third of families struggle to provide diapers for their children and that 40% of all college student lack enough to eat and stable housing. The Jacks and Jills from across all age groups worked to sort, wrap, and distribute over 3,000 diapers and other essentials for moms in underserved communities and provided approximately $800 and 678 food items to fill the Stillman College food pantry. In addition to food, new and gently used clothes were donated to students. These efforts helped meet the diaper needs over 100 families in Tuscaloosa and Greene counties and approximately 70 students and their weekly food needs.
Williamson County, TN
On January 15, 2022, the Williamson County Area Chapter partnered with prospective new families and OneGen Away, a mobile food pantry in Middle Tennessee, to provide local families in need with food and personalized cards of encouragement. This annual chapter event is in memory of former WCAC service committee chair Mom Tamara Griffin, who passed last summer.
Tasks at the event included sorting, packaging, delivering food to cars, welcoming guests, praying with guests, upon request, and directing parking lot traffic. Additionally, WCAC families created individual notecards that were distributed along with boxes to each vehicle. Cards included words of inspiration, drawings, well wishes for the New Year, and blessings to the families. Chapter children hand-delivered the notecards to each vehicle on the day of the event. The chapter donated a total of 253 pounds of food! It was a rainy and cold 37-degree day, yet our families persevered!
Why is this program Best of the Best?
In celebration of Earth Day 2022, the Junior Teens of the Queens Chapter participated in a Native Landscape workshop and talk with Shinnecock photographer Jeremy Dennis at the Hudson River Museum. This activity is the Best of the Best, be cause our teens partnered with the community in Yonkers, com pared African American culture to the Shinnecock Nation and accommodated all teens through visual, auditory and kinesthetic modalities. The Junior Teens analyzed geography and discussed the importance of finding heritage lands in the Native American and African American communities. The teens participated in a personal scavenger hunt outside the museum to find landscapes that relate to local history and their own individual stories. Each teen used a polaroid camera or their personal smartphones to find images. The teens shared their images during a round table discussion for a critique and discussion with Mr. Dennis. This experience allowed the Junior Teens to gain appreciation for Native American landscapes, relate their experience to the histo ry of African American communities and find their creative voice honoring the Earth through pictures.
Activity Description
In celebration of Earth Day 2022, the Junior Teens of Queens Chapter participated in a Native Landscape workshop and talk with Shinnecock photographer Jeremy Dennis at the Hudson River Museum in Yonkers, New York on April 23, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. We publicized the partnership with the Hudson River Muse um and the visitation of the Queens Chapter of Jack and Jill of America with the community in Yonkers. The event began with a history of the Shinnecock nation and an overview of land, which was seized by settlers. Mr. Dennis’- a young fine art photogra pher and tribal member of the Shinnecock Indian Nation de scribed his work as he explores indigenous identity, culture and assimilation for his native people. Mr. Dennis gave a history of his nation and compared it to how Africans were taken from their homeland, stripped of their culture to be enslaved in America. The Junior Teens learned the geographical areas of the Shinne cock Indian Reservation, reviewing county and zoning laws in Southampton, NY. During Mr. Dennis’ presentation, the Junior Teens were fascinated how Mr. Dennis’ uses an interactive online map to showcase culturally significate Native American sites in Long island. Mr. Dennis challenged the teens to use their cellular
phones to “look at your own landscape”, expressed his love of the earth, and asked the teens to take pictures that show their lives, their world and their feelings. The teens collaborated with members (parents and children) of the Yonkers community who wanted to take part of the workshop. All participants worked in groups to highlight landscapes in the area to post on Mr. Dennis website. This activity provided an opportunity for our differently able teens to thrive. There was a visual component with the use of Mr. Dennis’ PowerPoint presentation on landscapes maps of the Shinnecock Reservation. An additional visual component re sulted from the teens using Polaroid cameras where the pictures taken were shared in a group discussion justifying the symbolism of the pictures. Teens who are auditory learners could listen to Mr. Dennis presentation through headphones to block out out side sounds for clarity of speech. One teen in particular who has hearing loss needed the headphones for this purpose. Lastly, the activity adapted to kinesthetic learners when the teens were able to use their cellular phones or the Polaroid cameras issued by the museum. The Junior Teens had to expose the Polaroid picture by shaking pictures with their hand. Overall, this activity went beyond expectations. Not only did the Junior Teens meet a photographer who is passionate about displaying the Shinne cock Reservation but they were able to compare and contrast his images to images of slaves in America. Through the use of pho tography, the Junior Teens were able to honor the Earth, honor their culture and find their individual stories.
Why is this program Best of the Best?
Our, “We are Black Excellence” Black History month event should be awarded the Best of the Best because it is the best example of what Jack and Jill programming is all about. Our event was highly inclusive to all of our 48 members, high lighted our Chapter’s partnership with a commu nity leader making change, our collaboration with a long standing Black magazine and a unique op portunity to get to know and appreciate our San Fernando Valley Jack and Jill Chapter families more intimately as a reminder of what is possible and that, “We are Black Excellence”.
Activity Description
The San Fernando Valley Chapter of Jack & Jill adopted the cultural theme, “We are Black Excel lence,” to celebrate and highlight history made by our families and displayed in our version of “EB ONY Magazine” covers. We offered visual, read along, and audio, versions so all were able to lis ten and learn from the beautiful created compi lation of our collective stories and successes. For those that learn at a differently able pace, each family received the Chapter “EBONY” covers as a download. As an added bonus, we spotlighted the Bruce’s Beach family from our SoCal commu nity that was part of the groundbreaking history of the Los Angeles reparations case involving a black owned beach community from the early 1900’s wrongfully taken by eminent domain. Our guest speaker, George Fatheree was the esteemed law yer who led the legal fight to win back the property. We reminded our families that “We are Black Ex cellence” in the San Fernando Valley by highlight ing our stories on Instagram. CEO of Ebony Mag azine, Michele Ghee also graciously arranged for discounted copies of, Covering Black America, including 600 of the most critically acclaimed covers. The Members of the San Fernando Valley Chapter received a significant piece of history that will inspire all our youth with the power to make a difference in the future.
Why is this program Best of the Best?
OKC Chapter should be awarded the Best of the Best Award due to the following accomplishments: 1) Chapter met Cultural Programmatic Thrusts: a) Celebrating Black Culture. Children paid homage to Black Culture by exploring family lineage while strengthening family ties. Additionally, they celebrated Black cul ture by exploring the Black History Section of the museum. b ) “I’m Black and I’m Proud” Representation Matters! Via year books and news articles, participants discovered personal pic tures of African-Americans relative to their families. c) JJOA Sto ries live! Grandma’s and Grandpa's stories came to life allowing children to connect personal family narratives to evidence-based research. 2) Incorporated Education Thrust The event chal lenged children to conduct educational tasks through research and problem solving. They exhibited leadership by encouraging each other, exhibiting patience, and recording valuable knowl edge when found. 3) Incorporated Social/ Recreational Thrust: Children enjoyed fellowshipping and swapping genealogy sto ries. 4) Executed a Successful Program: Through the lens of the Cultural, Social/Recreation, and Education Thrusts, the experi ences and findings resulting from this program are invaluable to our JJOA families. Families are bonded, children continue to research independently and a lasting impact set the foundation for cultural pride, family connections, and the love of research and learning.
Activity Description
On Sunday, February 5th, 2022, the Dynamites and Twixteens (4th-8th grade) attended “Who ya’ with? A Genealogy Explora tion. The program was held at 11 am located at the John and Eleanor Kirkpatrick Research Center (first floor of the Oklahoma History Center). The goals of the program were to foster cultural identity and pride, strengthen familial connections, and foster learning and leadership through research and problem-solving skills. They were accomplished through genealogy tracking and creating a record of family lineage. Upon arrival, the Dynamite/ Twixteen grade groups engaged in an interactive session led by a certified genealogist. The representative taught families how to research by completing an ancestry chart and using various online genealogical databases and catalogs. She also taught the importance of keeping evidence-based records and setting research goals. Once children and parents were armed with the knowledge of how to research their family tree, they were excited to begin exploring their family’s journey. Children took blank charts and started researching. The magic began to hap pen!! Children and mothers uncovered key elements that were interesting, shocking, and integral to their families and culture. Here are our stories: - 2 JJOA family origins are historically con nected: One as a tribal member who owned slaves and one as a slave. “Family A” discovered their great grandfather was from the Creek Nation. It was tracked to third-generation great
grandparents born in 1876 and lived to 1969. “Family B” found that their heritage originated from the Trail of Tears where their ancestors were slaves to the Creek Indians. The family also learned that their ancestors spoke Creek and educated family members through oral history. After slavery ended, the family built a strong black community in Oklahoma. Both families are cross-referencing families exploring additional shared history.A family of twins discovered that their grandfather is 92% African and found relatives of whom their 100-year-old great grand father spoke about in the 1920s census records. This brought history to life. They are able to connect the past to the present. - Another family looked for a long-lost grandfather, an absent father to one of our parents. They discovered he lived in another state, and sadly passed away early in the year. Although the out come didn’t result in a meeting, it provided a sense of closure. The parent was able to find siblings and relatives he remembers from his childhood. - Two JJOKC families discovered they were related through a 4th generation marriage! When discussing and swapping information, the same names were listed on both family charts. They are already close and will continue the bond as a family. After the genealogy exercise, the group further cele brated Black culture by exploring the African- American section of the museum. Per the event evaluations, the program garnered a 95% positive rating and a 100% vote to provide the program next year. Positive feedback from the children included “it was fun, learned a lot about family history, learned how to read cen sus records and, genealogy is their new hobby!
East St. Louis, IL
The month of February always brings the opportunity to implement intentional programming focused on our rich and resilient heritage. This programming year certainly did not disappoint. The East St. Louis Chapter reached beyond the community around us and thought outside of the box to bring a cultural experience as a chapter-wide activity. On Wednesday, February 9th our programming month hostesses brought a live virtual experience hosted by The Kelton House Museum in Columbus, OH. The Kelton House, built in 1852, is the historically preserved residence of abolitionists Sophia and Fernando Cortez Kelton. The Kelton family were well-known anti-slavery supporters and utilized their home as a stop on the Underground Railroad. When the final living family member, Grace Kelton, passed away in 1975 she entrusted the property to the Columbus Foundation with the stipulation that her family home be preserved and used for educational purposes. The East St. Louis Chapter had 22 participants that attended this virtual tour. Our virtual tour guide and Kelton House Museum Executive Director Sarah Richardt and Education Director, Mary Oellermann took the chapter on the visit of a lifetime through the home and answering our questions about time period living, anti-slavery artifacts still remaining in the home and their meanings, and how the family avoided the capture of their “guests” escaping onward to freedom. A special tour highlight was when Oellerman re-appeared as “Sophia Kelton” in period appropriate clothing sharing her family’s secret as conductors on the Underground Railroad and the very special guest “Martha” who came to visit and decided to stay. The East St. Louis chapter provided rave reviews of this experience and highly recommend all to schedule and share this event with their chapter.
Johnson County, KS
For MLK Day, Jack and Jill of Johnson County concentrated on Dr. King’s sacrifice and devotion to serving others. MLK Committee Chair Atoya Blacknall and Chapter Teen President Joelle Kimbrough worked tirelessly to develop a creative skit, conceptualize a digital production and plan an exceptional virtual program. Mothers, children, and teens devoted hours to group practices and a separate Friday night to pre-record the MLK skit. The skit, which had a Jeopardy theme, was enjoyable for the entire family. Under the leadership of the MLK Committee, an extraordinarily virtual commemoration was presented to our children, mothers, families, associates and prospective new members on MLK Day January 17, 2022.
Kansas City, KS
On Sunday November 14th all of the Kansas City Kansas chapters grade groups gathered for ; Uniquely Me! A Cultural and Leadership Activity. The children had the opportunity to learn from the owner of BLK + BRWN the only all brown authored and owned bookstore in the area. Cori took the teens on her journey of establishing this much needed bookstore in the heart of Kansas City. The teens were challenged to identify how they could be uniquely them. The younger children had the opportunity to hear from our young chapter author of I Roc Books to read one of her titles. All children were empowered by Cori to be uniquely them. The children wrapped up this event by browsing the titles in the bookstore with purchases donated to local organizations. The children left inspired by all of the titles in one space that looked like them.
St. Clair County, IL
The Phoenix Grade Group (grades 6-8) of the St. Clair County Chapter enjoyed a Black Business Tour this program year in celebration of Black History Month. Tweens were given a curated list of eight Black-owned businesses to visit and were tasked with visiting as many of those businesses as possible, meeting with the owner, and asking questions about their company. Owners took the time to speak in-depth with our tweens and inspired them to explore their own interests and were treated to a private training session by two business owners. Tweens were able to see themselves as OWNERS, and it sparked ideas in their minds for their own futures. Afterward, tweens met to review their experience in a discussion led by the host mother. We discussed staffing, funding, marketing, and operational requirements for running a business and helped the tweens think through their own future aspirations.
Arundel Bay Area, MD
“I Like The Me I See” workshop with Culture Queen allowed our royal children to engage in a program reinforcing lessons of what makes them unique. Culture Queen offered special lessons about their beauty, history and heritage. Tying in significant Black heroes from Anne Arundel County, MD our activity also focused on the many achievements of Wiley H. Bates whose activism and sponsorship led to construction and operation of the only high school for blacks in the county for over 30 years. They studied the importance and relevance of the artifacts in the Bates Legacy Center.
After the workshops, our children headed outside for some fitness activities including jump rope and kite flying.
Lastly, our 1st-5th graders contributed to our GIVING BOX by collecting food and supplies for Sarah’s House, a supportive housing program offering emergency shelter for families experiencing homelessness in Anne Arundel County.
Bronx, NY
The Bronx, NY Chapter in collaboration with the Metropolitan Chapter celebrated Black History Month with the theme of “History-Making Winter Olympians”. Families were given three event choices; Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The Gold event consisted of an email template with legislative actions to be emailed directly to elected officials. Member engagement resulted in local, state, and federal officials committed to educate our children in the upcoming program year! The Silver event, a family virtual Kahoot game night with Black History trivia and charcuterie competition, was hosted by mothers from both chapters. Prizes, laughter, education, and overall fun was the theme of this event. Our Bronze ice skating event at Wollman Rink focused on Winter Olympics. We honored Black Olympians that changed history. This theme was perfect timing due to the fact that we had our first Black woman to win a Winter Olympic gold in an individual sport, Erin Jackson!
Bucks County, PA
Anime is one of the world’s most popular types of entertainment. If your child has ever played Pokémon Go, they have been exposed to anime. Focusing on the cultural and educational thrusts, the Samburu group explored afro futurism, art, and culture by taking our young people’s love of the Japanese animation style and use it as a vehicle to tell our stories for Black History Month. African American artist Zsudayka Nzinga took the children through comic drawings of American writer and cartoonist Aaron McGruder, artists Lewis “Black Hornet” Brown and Antoine “Ghost” Mitchell and the afro futurist animations from Wangechi Mutu. They used Japanese art styles to develop self-portraits that infused our own culture into the style of painting. They also got a glimpse into the career of being a Fine Artist. The children had fun and were thoroughly engaged. Bucks County delivering exemplary programming on mission on purpose.
Central New Jersey
On Saturday, May 7, 2022, the Central New Jersey Chapter celebrated Black Family Day (BFD), showcasing our “Black Excellence”, and focusing on the Cultural thrust and Global Awareness theme. From traveling to language and school immersion, our Father Auxiliary Chair moderated a “Living Abroad” panel discussion with children about their multi-year experiences. By partnering with InSpira Performing Arts, the children were taught new African dance moves that expressed confidence and freedom of expression. Our families then turned their attention to a performance of fluid dancers and African drum beats as they showcased their natural talents and love for the arts. Of course, no BFD celebration would be complete without a cake to celebrate our Kindergarten graduate, six graduating Teens, and five tenuring Mothers. As our day ended, we were rewarded by our Senior Teens’ presentation on the history of African hairstyles. What a memorable day for our CNJ chapter!
Columbia, MD
The Columbia, Maryland chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. formally presented twenty-eight young men to society at their 21st Biennial Beautillion Ball held April 23, 2022 at the Baltimore Waterfront Marriott Hotel. The ball was the culminating event of the Beautillion experience in which the beaus participated in basic life skills, finance, philanthropy, communication, interview skills and team building workshops. Over 300 spectators attended the affair that included citations, presentations, awards and the Beaus dancing with their Mothers & Belles. Their fundraising efforts resulted in over $50,000. In addition to the Jack and Jill Foundation, this Beautillion Class selected Grass Roots and Columbia Community Care of Howard County to support their philanthropic project. Despite the challenges due to COVID-19, our amazing Beautillion Committee was key to the Beaus’ triumph to the finish line.
Greater Essex County, NJ
Our Group E 5th and 6th graders started this year with a virtual meet & greet honoring Carole Robertson.
The session began with a discussion about segregation and the fight for civil rights in 1963 Birmingham. Next, we read the book “The Youngest Marcher”, the story of Audrey Faye Hendricks, the youngest marcher at Birmingham’s 1963 Children’s March. After finishing the book, we talked about how Carole Robertson was one of four little girls killed in a bombing at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church.
The book includes the recipe for Audrey’s favorite food, “Hot Rolls Baptized in Butter”, so each family made a batch in their own kitchen. While we mixed our ingredients, one family that attended the 2018 Children’s Crusade shared photos of the historic trip. After the meeting, the children shared their “Hot Rolls Baptized in Butter” with their family for Sunday dinner.
Greater Hartford, CT
Greater Hartford successfully facilitated a dynamic virtual HIP HOP afternoon of Black History Month learning for our entire Chapter! Our youngest children received a copy of the book Hip Hop, Don’t Stop! which local African griots brought alive through song and movement. Our elementary age children painted hip-hop themed art led by a local Black and woman owned business. And our teens and parents participated in an interactive lecture by Dr. Jeffery Ogbar, the author of Hip Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap where they explored the history of rap music. Each family received a signed copy of Dr. Ogbar’s book along with curated treats from Black owned companies including Me & The Bee Lemonade, Black Girl Magic Wine, Symphony Chips, and PIP Corn. The Chapter came back together for Black History Bingo, with the winning families receiving gift cards to Black owned pizzeria in downtown Hartford.
Greater Suburban Maryland
GSMJJ Tweens Dinner En Noir: The Talented Tweens of the Greater Suburban Maryland chapter executed a Black-Tie Dinner Party. The 6-8th graders developed the menu and prepared a three-course meal under the direction of a local celebrity chef that focused on color, texture, and taste. To enhance the dining experience at Prince George’s Culinary Arts Center, the Jacks and Jills infused the space with black excellence showcasing cultural icons, such as President Barack Obama, Kobe Bryant, Misty Copeland, Serena Williams, and more. The Tweens curated a wonderfully eclectic playlist for our listening and dancing pleasure as a companion to the evening. The Tweens incorporated the JMB financial literacy modules to aid their preparation for the evening through budgeting and responsible money management. The evening, full of culture, education, and social connections, filled our souls while the delectable food filled our bodies.
Mercer County, NJ
The Mercer County Chapter strives to develop fun, educational and engaging programming that demonstrates the national theme, “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose.” Our Chapter kicked off the programming year with Jack and Jill Day and a tribute to Carole Robertson’s memory. “Homecoming” was the theme, which was a celebration of family, friendships, education, and culture. Our Jacks and Jills arrived wearing apparel representing their alumni and favorite HBCUs. We fellowshipped while having diverse foods, danced to nostalgic hits, and enjoyed several family fun games.
Mothers shared their college experiences which focused on the advantages of attending an HBCU and/or experience as a member in a black sorority. As a community service component, we collected black authored books from a blackowned bookstore and wrote encouraging messages in the sleeves that were donated to children in local underserved communities.
Metropolitan, NY
The Making of a Black Millionaire
Over 50 teens gathered at the historic home of Madame CJ Walker in Irvington, NY for a private estate tour of the nation’s first black millionaire, and lessons in entrepreneurship and Black Excellence. The Estate is currently owned by Richelieu Dennis, an investor, social entrepreneur, and owner of Essence Magazine.
The teens listened to A’Lelia Bundles, Madam CJ Walker’s great great granddaughter and Jack and Jill of America Inc.,alumna. Ms. Bundles shared her own pearls of wisdom and gave a first hand account of the Walker legacy.
Adenauer Bayoh, the founder of Cornbread, shared her incredible story as we sampled her soul food, while Sundial CEO, Cara Sabin, discussed her leadership strategies. We left inspired by the enormity of what Madam Walker accomplished and the pearls dropped by the panel. The day was a true embodiment of our Education, Cultural and Civic thrusts.
Mid-Hudson Valley, NY
On Sunday, January 23, 2022, we celebrated Founders Day with an extraordinary Tri-Chapter virtual event hosted by the Greater Pocono, Rockland Orange, and Mid-Hudson Valley Chapters. Our theme for this event was “Sowing Seeds of Excellence,” whereby we remembered and honored our Founding Mothers Marion Stubbs Thomas and Louise Truitt Dench with notable guest speakers from Jack and Jill of America’s past, present and future. The celebration included an outstanding keynote address from our Eastern Regional Director Melinda Alexis-Hayes, and inspirational messages from our amazing guest speakers: our 24th National President Tammy King (PAST), our 27th National President Kornisha McGill Brown (PRESENT), and JJOA Alumni Senator Cory Booker (FUTURE). With a guest appearance from National Program Director Shirell Gross, these powerhouse guest speakers empowered and motivated mothers to maximize their Jack and Jill experience while they continue to nurture and cultivate the children, our next generation of AfricanAmerican leaders.
Montgomery County, MD
Harriet Tubman Points of Interest Day Trip
Jack and Jill Montgomery County, Maryland Chapter’s Group 4 (grades 4-5) took a 3 ½ hour driving tour in Cambridge, MD birthplace of Harriet Tubman. The Tour Guide offered an interpretative history of the life and achievements of Harriet Tubman and explained her special connection to Maryland, the impact of her legacy on the local Cambridge community and surrounding areas. During the tour, they were able to experience Tubman’s story through the road trip known as the Tubman Byway. Their tour included a stop at Brodess Farm, where Harriet spent her early years. They stopped by the Bucktown General Store, where Harriet’s life changed forever when she received a blow to her head that fractured her skull while she attempted to assist a fellow enslaved man. They learned about Tuckahoe Neck Meeting House, which was a gathering place for Quaker abolitionists.
Montgomery County, PA
In support of Jack and Jill’s Programmatic Thrust focusing on cultural awareness, specifically the importance of HBCUs, we hosted two grade group activities designed to help children gain a greater understanding of and appreciation for HBCUs this program year. In October, our Crown Jewels (grades 9-12) visited Howard University, meeting with former Jacks and Jills, touring the campus and hearing a panel discussion on applying to college, networking, and emotional wellbeing.
In March, our Golden Nuggets (grades 3-5) visited Delaware State University’s Aviation Park. As one of the few HBCUs offering degrees in aviation, the school let our group meet pilots and sit in planes used for training. Before taking a tour of the main campus, we heard from President Tony Allen, Ph.D, who took photographs with and spoke empowering words to our children. The children had lunch at Conrad Hall before boarding the bus back home to Pennsylvania.
Stamford-Norwalk, CT
Taking it back to the Old School
On February 24th, the Stamford-Norwalk Chapter celebrated Black brilliance and beats as Jacils and Dukes & Duchesses explored the history of Hip Hop! This immersive event styled the kids in bamboo earrings, “Gazelles,” bucket hats and four-fingered rings, with a pictorial lesson on Hip Hop and Fashion. They explored graffiti as a legitimate art form. A professional Breakdancer gave them a presentation and lesson on B-boying and DJ DP One gave them a lesson on DeeJay-ing. Moms were decked out in shell toe Adidas and Kangols for effect, demonstrating and teaching iconic dances through the decades. The legendary “KOOOOOOOL DJ Red Alert!” blew us away with a surprise appearance during the set. Children had a great time partying and receiving hip hop swag bags. Most importantly, they left with appreciation and pride for the contribution African Americans made to this country’s culture through music.
Washington, DC
Group 5 Teens (grades 7 and 8) engaged in a cultural expedition at the Reginal F. Lewis African America Museum in Maryland. This well-attended event created an environment for teens to learn about specific facets of African American history. Group 5 Teens learned about the history, culture, and contributions of African Americans. They focused on history that occurred in areas surrounding Maryland and the District of Columbia. Teens also explored recent events in African American history including the evolution of the Black Lives Matter movement. Teens worked in small groups to complete a scavenger hunt as they learned about prominent figures in history. Teens had fun as they celebrated Black History Month in a creative way. They learned about the activism of Gloria Richardson, the organizing efforts of Frederick Douglass, and much more.
Anchorage Chapter Celebrates Kwanzaa
The Holiday Party Committee of the Anchorage Chapter was proud to present for the first time, a Kwanzaa program during the annual holiday party. Our families attended dressed in Afro-centric clothing and were re-introduced to the Kwanzaa holiday and its seven principles. This chapter-wide event celebrated family unity, the talents of our youth, and our rich African American culture. Our youth from every grade group participated by reciting the principles of Kwanzaa and lighting the kinara candles. Not only were oratory skills encouraged, but children also displayed their musical and creative talents. A Jack and Jill dad entertained us while providing an interactive and engaging educational lesson on traditional African drums. Our holiday event was a blessing to share and culminated with a heartwarming poem incorporating all of our children’s names to highlight the spirit of our chapter’s Kuumba (creativity) and Umoja (unity).
Contra Costa County, CA
Our Black History Month event, “The Power of Place: A Walk Through the African American Recreational Experience,” was the perfect way for our families to come together in a safe meaningful way. Our day included a guided ranger hike that focused on the contributions of African Americans, a nature themed scavenger hunt, a presentation highlighting historical gathering places for African American’s seeking safe spaces for outdoor recreation, and our keynote speaker sharing his expedition to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa. We celebrated the enriching talents and purpose African Americans have contributed to every aspect of making this world a better place - both inside and outside! This was a time to share our history and great legacy with our children, to emphasize the importance of knowing our history and honoring the contributions of African Americans, and how we are prepared, through those that came before us, to climb ALL mountains.
Fresno, CA
On a beautiful Saturday morning, the Fresno Chapter gathered with our children in grades pre-K through eighth and enjoyed an amazing workshop offered by Fresno African Drumming.
While learning about West African culture, and history, we also each played a Djembe; our children and Mother’s embraced the meaning behind the drum “everyone gather together in peace.”
We discussed various skills while learning basic drumming techniques. LISTEN: Understand what it means to be quiet and listen and follow along. LEAD: each child had an opportunity to lead our drum circle with Toca seed pod shakers and a cowbell. SHARE: we made up drumbeats, each taking a turn to share and repeat what we have heard. TOGETHER: using techniques given and with full appreciation of the history of the drum, our group played together as a finale.
Oakland Bay Area, CA
The Outstanding Oakland Bay Area Chapter highlighted our Cultural Thrust for Groups 3 & 4 this past fall. Our teens met with Oakland Councilmember Loren Taylor to discuss the importance of African American businesses and how supporting them affects generational wealth within our community. The council member invited our kids to further engage at the Akoma Market, an East Oakland treasure created by the Black Cultural Zone as a place to support Black and Brown farmers, restaurants, and vendors. We engaged with Black candle makers and learned about African traditions that embraced this art form. We ate from vendors who cooked organic farm-to-table recipes. Black authors and bookstores were present as well. Our children were able to fully experience the Black Cultural Zone by preserving and uplifting our customs, arts, and social institutions; supporting black artisans and businesses; and participating in a lively roller skating tour through the market.
Portland Willamette Valley, OR
Monday, January 17, 2022, the Portland Willamette Valley (PWV) Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated (JJOA) partnered with the Portland Playhouse Theater (PPT) to commemorate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The PPT located in the heart of Portland’s historic King Neighborhood operates in the former home of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church; honoring the spirit, history, and lives of the African American community. It was a cultural celebration rooted in the art of poetry, oratorical readings, civic theatrical performance, and song; featuring both local artists as well as JJOA youth.
Following the program and in honoring Dr. King, more than 40 members of the PWV Chapter as well as prospective new members, walked two blocks away, together to serve at the MLK Jr. Elementary School. Adults and youth worked together to improve the school grounds including cleaning up garden beds and painting the sports court.
San Jose, CA
The Sensational San Jose Chapter gathered together online to celebrate Black History month and to have a conversation with a living legend, Betty Reid Soskin, the oldest National Park Ranger serving the United States (who has since retired). The purpose of the event was to provide an opportunity for our children to learn about Black History through the amazing life of Ranger Betty.
Hosted by our own Group 5 Teens, we began with a rising rendition of the Black National Anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing”. Then the group watched “No Time to Waste: The Urgent Mission of Betty Reid Soskin”. After the video, we were joined by Ranger Betty who shared stories of her amazing life in the Bay Area, most notably her time working with the Black Panthers. She talked about her memoir “Sign My Name to Freedom” and answered questions from our Jack and Jill children.
Seattle, WA
Stand Up, Speak Up, Show Up! Group 4 gathered at a Black-owned restaurant, Classic Eats on February 27, 2022, for a discussion about their reflections on the Netflix series – Colin in Black and White. This story about Colin’s life growing up as a young Black man navigating school, sports, social, and community dynamics, gave our Jacks and Jills the opportunity to explore and understand the diverse nature of the cultural heritage that makes up our collective history. After each episode, group members wrote their reflections on a notecard which were collected at the event, and then each person led a discussion from a randomly chosen notecard. This impactful series stimulated meaningful conversations about how Colin’s experiences relate to their own lives. The group also participated in a conversation about entrepreneurship and perseverance facilitated by host and owner, Mr. Hayes. It was an inspirational afternoon filled with self-reflection and community.
Sun Valley, AZ
Sun Valley Chapter’s Age Group 1 gathered in February to hear the story “Joshua’s Masai Mask”. They learned about traditional Kenyan Masai Masks through personal pictures and videos shared from our chapter member who visited a Kenyan Masai tribe. The book explored the dilemma of the protagonist Joshua who’s skilled at playing his kalimba, a traditional African musical instrument but is embarrassed to play it in the school’s talent show. We explored what it feels like to be different and related those feelings to Joshua. G1 discovers that Joshua seeks help from his Uncle Zambezi, who gives him a magical Masai mask. Little does Joshua know, the mask will grant him his wish, and more! Upon completion we discussed the importance of pride in our history and culture. Additionally, we made our own Maasai masks and learned the magic is not in the mask, but it is within us.
The Charming Chesapeake Chapter celebrated an amazing National Black Family Day; the air filled with love; our mothers bursting with chapter pride and the warmth of family! We were extremely happy to finally be able to come together in person at our local Chesapeake Regional Park. Black Family Day afforded us the opportunity to welcome new members/ families and to send off our graduating teens with the love and support of their chapter village. In addition to sharing touching videos of our seniors and presenting them with gifts, senior moms shared loving advice and words of wisdom that left us all excited for their bright futures. This was a wonderfully reflective time, where we were able to review our chapter history, while acknowledging our outstanding growth and evolution through the years. Our in-person fellowship was a reminder that together we have “The Power To Make A Difference ON MISSION, ON PURPOSE!”
Florence, SC
For Black History Month 2022, Families of the Florence, SC Chapter were tasked with a Black History Scavenger Hunt that encouraged them to travel around Florence pointing out local history as well as research online or just uncover history in their very own homes. This activity was for all ages as there was so much to learn from hints such as “The rings of an Audi and this Global Event have something in common. Take a picture reenacting the1968 iconic stance that took place there.” Afterwards the children enjoyed a lunch grilled by our dads at a local park. Canned goods were also collected and donated to the local food bank for the Souper Bowl of Caring.
Hampton, VA
Learning the truth about and embracing the power of OUR origin story was achieved during an event co-sponsored by the Hampton Chapter of JJOA and the Fort Monroe National Monument and Authority. Author Nikole Hannah-Jones and Illustrator Nikkolas Smith hosted a children’s virtual discussion of the book, “Born on the Water”. Illustrator Smith provided a live tutorial on the art of illustration. Ninety-three attendees were then engaged in readings of excerpts from the book by Hannah-Jones and her daughter, Najya, as JJOA families read along at home. Guests from the National Museum of African American History and Culture and Penguin Random House Publishers were also in attendance, as well as others representing 13 different states. An intriguing Q&A followed, with younger and older participants posing thought provoking questions about the 1619 Project and raising awareness about our all-encompassing history. This historical event left an indelible mark on all who attended.
Midlothian, VA
The Mighty Midlothian Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated kicked off the program year with families reuniting on the historical campus of Virginia Union University (VUU) in Richmond, Virginia. Families enjoyed lunch at HBCU-themed tables – learning about the rich legacy of HBCUs. Attendees tested their knowledge with HBCU trivia questions like, “What is the first HBCU?” and “Which HBCU’s mascot was adopted because the school was surrounded by rattlesnakes?” Following the games, the children gathered for the official bridging ceremony - to recognize the Jacks and Jills moving up to new grade groups. Carole Robertson Day was also observed at this event. The day ended at VUU’s Hovey Field for the Willard Bailey Classic. The families watched the VUU Panthers defeat the Virginia University of Lynchburg Dragons. The children enjoyed the football game, dance team, cheerleaders, homecoming court, mascot, and of course, the band!
Richmond, VA
The Jack and Jill Richmond Chapter, Pre-K through 1st grade age group, spent a Sunday afternoon with the Brown Ballerinas for Change at a Momentum Dance Studio. Momentum is owned and operated by Chapter Mom, Ashely Wyatt. The mission of Brown Ballerinas for Change (BBFC) is to help create advocacy for social justice and to increase the participation of underrepresented populations in ballet. The dancers led the students with a craft, choreography, and reading of “My Ancestors Wildest Dreams,” authored by one of our event leaders. This book was inspired by Ava Holloway and Kennedy George, two ballerinas. Their photos were taken by Marcus Ingram and Julia Rendleman in front of the monument of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia. Ultimately, those photographs went viral, and this moment propelled the duo into a summer of activism and dance. Posed in traditional ballet attire, the friends had no idea that a chance encounter at the Lee Monument would catapult them into the spotlight while serving as a beacon of hope for millions of young activists around the world.
Ann Arbor, MI
Ann Arbor families and guests gathered virtually to celebrate the life and legacy of Carole Robertson. Teen Parliamentarian Mashod Evans, Jr., led a discussion with mothers and alumnae of the Birmingham, Alabama Chapter. The women shared the impact Jack and Jill had on them as children, teens, and leaders. They discussed the everlasting effects of the 1963 bombing on their lives as Birmingham residents, church members, and family friends of the victims, including the important bonds and unforgettable experiences provided by Jack and Jill. They gave inspiration and advice for children and teenagers growing up in turbulent times. Ann Arbor teens and children created video montages that celebrated what they love most about living “As a Jack and Jill” and presented a moving recitation of “The Ballad of Birmingham” by Dudley Randall, reflecting on the emotions of the day from the perspective of both a child and a parent.
Central Kentucky
The Central Kentucky Chapter celebrated Black History Month with an activity entitled “Family-The Foundation for the Future”. Dr. Don Offutt, a local educator and African American history scholar, led our activity. The presentation began with singing of the Black National Anthem and discussing the Middle Passage with an emphasis that Africans captured were kings and queens. Included in this discussion was a teaching on the pyramid, built by Egyptians and considered one of the strongest-built structures. Drawing the comparison between the pyramid and the black family, the base represents our ancestors, the sides - the characteristics and traditions our ancestors have instilled in us, and the tip of the pyramid –us as individuals. Each child was given a cardboard square to create and decorate their own pyramids with the names of their ancestors and family traits. Our children presented their pyramids at Black Family Day on May 29th.
Columbus, OH
The Junior Teen Group (6-8) went on a cultural Tuskegee Airmen Red Tail Mission at the National Museum of the United States Air Force, Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, on February 26, 2022, from 10-4 pm. The Junior Teens had a day filled with hands-on experiences of the Tuskegee Airmen and their history-breaking missions in World War II. They observed a 3D Pilot movie to learn about fighter pilots. After the movie and lunch, they went on a scavenger hunt to uncover facts about the US Airforce including the war galleries, Missile, and Space Force gallery. Junior Teens flew drones and rode on fighter pilot simulators. By the end of their mission, they learned the Tuskegee Airmen guiding principles—Aim High, Believe in Yourself, Use Your Brain, Be Ready to Go, Never Quit, and Expect to Win complimented by commemorative Tuskegee Airmen coins and lapel pins.
Detroit, MI
In February Detroit Chapter’s Group 3 Jacks and Jills were ready to roll with a skating event celebrating the cultural significance of Black Skaters! They gathered at a local skating rink going on a rolling voyage back in time through present day! They were introduced to the historic richness of Black Skate Culture, shaped in the 1960s and 70s, while enduring segregation and a changing society. They learned about fashion, music, and Black skating pioneers like Ledger Smith, A.K.A. “Roller Man”, who skated from Chicago to D.C., attending the March on Washington with a placard around his neck reading “FREEDOM”. Wayne County Sheriff Raphael Washington, an avid skater, presented on the importance of Black skaters during the civil rights era. He stressed the importance of skating to staying active and being social! Each child was gifted a reusable drawstring bag with healthy snacks and information about skating past and present.
Lake Shore, IL
Lake Shore Goes Glamping Black Family Day 2022 was an amazing experience! We traveled to the only private, residential summer camp facility in the United States under African-American ownership, Camp Kupugani in Leaf River, IL. Lake Shore families took full advantage of everything the outdoors had to offer including canoeing, archery and campfire s’mores. We also challenged ourselves and practiced teamwork and problem-solving with outdoor games and hiking. We watched a movie under the stars and honored our Mothers on Mother’s Day.
The camp reinforced the importance of a culture of community. Lake Shore families served each other and cleaned up after each other as a community. “Kupugani” is a Zulu concept that means “To raise oneself up” which is what we hope each participant gleaned from the experience. With activities appropriate for all ages, our families bonded, learned to respectfully experience nature, and built community while making unforgettable memories.
North Oakland/Macomb, MI
North Oakland/Macomb Chapter celebrated Black Family Day in historic Idlewild, MI. Also considered Black Eden, the chapter gathered at the still operational historic Morton’s Motel (once a Green Book location) and participated in a guided tour of the community. Our group of mothers, fathers, and children learned about the once-bustling African American resort community, its place in segregated America, and its current revitalization Continuing our chapter’s focus on education and literacy, a sharing library was established for the community, with our children donating books to support. Additionally, the service committee presented a chapter donation to the Detroit Idlewilder’s Scholarship fund. Founded in 1912, Idlewild was a gathering place for discussing issues of vital interest for the Civil Rights Movement. Notable African Americans like Madam CJ Walker; Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, Social Activist W.E.B. DuBois, Joe Louis, Duke Ellington, Louie Armstrong, and Dizzy Gillespie; all visited and owned land in Idlewild.
North Shore, IL
North Shore’s December 2021 program, Holiday Magic at Brookfield Zoo, brought educational, cultural, social, and civic thrusts to life. Attendees learned about famous Black astronomers and scientists. Families reflected on the role that Black scientists, engineers, and astronomers played as they explored the thousands of holiday lights featured at the zoo. Families also participated in a “Game of Gnomes” scavenger hunt to learn about the animals. Attendees enjoyed additional activities, including Black-culture trivia, crafting, and holiday karaoke. Grade groups delivered a Jack and Jill holidaythemed oratory presentation to ensure all attendees knew the significance of this holiday tradition. A coat and can-food drive reinforced our commitment to the community. Two local organizations received donations, including the Souperbowl of Caring partner. The fun-filled evening concluded with a video montage of North Shore families celebrating Christmases past while, together, we sang “Silent Night,” led by an auxiliary father.
St. Louis, MO
In October 2021, our 7th-8th graders spoke with a historian from Washington University’s Department of African American Studies about the Fugitive Slave Acts, the Missouri Territory’s “Once Free, Always Free” laws, and the impact of those laws on enslaved people Our Jacks & Jills were then brought to the Mississippi River, where they boarded voyager canoes and paddled past Meachum Crossing to a pristine uninhabited island. While on the island, they learned about Mary Meachum, a free black woman and widow of a prominent black clergyman, who crossed the Mississippi River from St. Louis with a group of runaway slaves, attempting to reach freedom through Illinois. Our teens discussed the risks enslaved people took to gain freedom for themselves and others, as well as how the Fugitive Slave Act, passed in 1850 to stave off secession by southern states, doomed the runaways’ dreams of freedom The group then canoed back, ending their journey under the Saint Louis Gateway Arch landing.
Windy City, IL
The Windy City Chapter Grade Group 2 presented a live version of A Wax Museum of African American notables. The activity started with a discussion of the definition of leadership and what qualities a leader possesses. Each Jack and Jill dressed up as an African American leader (live or deceased) and prepared a small poster board with a picture(s) of that person and at least 3 words describing the person’s qualities that make (made) him/her a leader. Then, they presented themselves in “costume” and their poster with a short explanation of their leader’s contribution. The children channeled their inner Tuskegee Airmen, Dr. Charles Drew, Rosa Parks, Madame C.J. Walker, Muhammad Ali, and Misty Copeland. Our children had fun dressing up and learning about how their person contributed to our culture and, in many cases, the world.
Ypsilanti, MI
The Soul of Food
To celebrate Black History Month, Ypsilanti children in Grade Group 3 (3rd and 4th grades) were immersed in a cultural culinary extravaganza focused specifically on the history of African-American dishes (aka Soul Food). The children engaged in an interactive presentation titled The Soul of Food. The History of a Cuisine That Fed Our Ancestors, where they learned how our ancestors preserved African food traditions and adapted traditional recipes with the resources available to them. Following the presentation, children engaged in a prepared family-style traditional Soul Food Sunday dinner. Further, the children learned about and practiced the basics of formal dining etiquette, including setting the table, being polite, and using utensils properly. This activity highlighted the importance of celebrating African-American traditions while coming together to reconnect and fellowship.
Beaumont, TX
In February the Beaumont Chapter hosted a robust event incorporating so many programming thrusts topping the charts on child enrichment! The Event “The Art of Money” was hosted at a locally owned Art Studio featuring black artist Wayne Goodman. The exhibit titled Unfinished Productions –African Memories & Expressions was showcased to children as he recited excerpts from Langston Hughes poems that inspired each piece. He passed out colorless copies of the paintings to the children and inspired them to color from the heart. The children toured the Art Studio experiencing everything from true dark rooms, to clay pottery and kilns. They met local “starving artists” and then topped the event off with a financial activity using teamwork to afford basic necessities versus wants, like renting art studio space. After, the children socialized while enjoying a meal. They finished the day off by bringing gathered donations to the local Food Bank.
Clear Lake/Bay Area, TX
To help our Jacks and Jills understand the significance of Juneteenth becoming a federal holiday, Clear Lake/Bay Area took a journey to the past that concluded with inspiration for the future. The journey began with a guided tour of the Varner-Hogg plantation located in West Columbia, Texas, which was followed by sessions with Historians and Storytellers who shared the incredible stories of the ingenuity of our enslaved ancestors despite their unfair treatment. During this extraordinary event, we explored our ancestor’s loss of freedom, recreated the freedom quilt patterns that were believed to be instrumental in helping our ancestors escape to freedom, performed skits explaining the significance of Juneteenth, the holiday honoring our freedom by law, and had a lunch reflecting the foods traditionally served on Juneteenth. The event concluded with a bubble-blowing ceremony and recitation of “Pledge to Never Forget” in honor of our beloved Carole Robertson.
Dallas, TX
The Dallas Chapter Twixteens, 7th & 8th graders, honored Africans taken by force to Brazil by engaging in an introductory Capoeira lesson at the South Dallas Cultural Center. Os Malandros De Mestre Touro taught a brief history of the transatlantic slave trade and the origins of the African Diaspora. The Twixteens were introduced to elements of Capoeira through drumming, dance, and the Brazilian language (Portuguese). The science of martial arts, self-defense, and self-expression were reinforced through chants, singing, and classical African instruments. The program’s goal was to revisit the moral strength and cultural heritage of the African diaspora. Our Twixteens developed physical, emotional, and intellectual balance. Additionally, they received a homemade thematic lunch from a Twixteen father who is also a chef! The Brazilian Bauru sandwich is as popular in Brazil as the BLT is in the US. The Twixteens thoroughly enjoyed this cultural, educational, and healthconscious activity!
DFW Mid-Cities, TX
Honoring Black history starts with *knowing* Black history. The DFW Mid-Cities chapter dived deep into affirming the history of our presence in DFW as Black families with the Hidden History of Dallas Fort Worth bus tour. This educational and cultural tour highlighted pivotal establishments within the metroplex with notable history that allowed Black communities to flourish. Stories of Black excellence and significant societal contributions were revealed. Finally, the children visited many of the post Civil War settlements to appreciate the pattern of Black migration within the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex.
North Houston Suburban, TX
On Sunday, November 21, 2021, NHS Dukes and Duchesses (Grades 4 & 5) experienced the “Ramses The Great and The Gold of the Pharaohs” exhibit at Houston Museum of Natural Science.
Our children toured ancient artifacts and treasures from the reign of Ramses The Great, one of the most celebrated rulers in Egyptian history. Our learners explored the culture and traditions of ancient Egypt, including how Egyptians used gold as a currency many years ago.
They completed an activity exploring currencies of other African cultures and the value of money in today’s society. Each child completed an Egyptian themed scavenger hunt at the exhibit and afterwards decorated a jar to save their money in.
Northeast Dallas, TX
The Northeast Dallas Chapter children participated in Hidden History DFW where they got aboard a bus to learn about the hidden history of the early settlers and communities for people of color in the Dallas/Forth Worth area. This opportunity enlightened our children (6th grade and up) to so many hidden treasures of our ancestry that we experience daily. It educated them on how our culture has influenced the many places and activist movements in our communities.
The tour guides were native Dallas residents who were very knowledgeable, insightful and engaging. Our children were the FIRST-ever tour guests to share their own research and became Junior Tour Guides by presenting their historical significance to facts shared throughout the tour. This threehour tour consisted of twenty historic sites that traced the path of the African American journey and taught our children the true significance our history has made in modern-day society.
Southwest Louisiana
On Sunday, May 1st, 2022 Black Family Day was conducted at the JS Clark Leadership Academy Gym. The participants were transported to Africa with the theme of Allure of Africa meeting the National Programmatic Thrust of Cultural: I’m Black and I’m Proud: Appreciating Our History and Culture. The program was family focused and each grade was present for the event. The participants were requested to adorn African attire for the event and that afternoon the guests were able to sample an exquisite menu of cultural foods. JSCLA Art Club transformed the venue into Africa via the décor and children, parents, and guests were educated on African Dance by observing the FE Dance Conservatory perform and also listened to multiple African musical selections throughout the afternoon. Families had a fantastic time getting their faces painted and listening to an expert in regards to African languages, head wrapping, and creating Kente art.
Sugar Land, TX
The Sugar Land Chapter (SLC) celebrated Black History month by taking a journey back to the Old West to learn about the rich legacy of Black cowboys and their contributions to the cowboy culture in Texas. For this chapter-wide event, the members dressed in their western wear and took a trail ride to the Black Cowboy Museum in Rosenberg, Texas where they met Cowboy Callie, a well-known Black cowboy, who entertained the group with stories about the history of Black cowboys. He shared artifacts, documents, and photos that have been preserved to pass on their history. Next, the SLC caravan continued the trail to Another Place for Dreamers, a black-owned ranch. The cowboys shared with the group a little about their lives as modern-day cowboys. They, also, explained how to care for horses and how horses help others. This culturally enriched day ended with a horse ride into the sunset.
Texarkana Twin Cities, TX
Texarkana Twin Cities Cultural Arts Celebration was led by our President Treva West. February 26, 2022 we began our day at the TRAHC Museum with a Scavenger hunt based on the exhibit “The Fabric of our lives” that the TAAC team curated. The exhibit featured the Texarkana Twin Cities Chapter chartering quilt and square that was sent to the National Quilt Project. We culminated our evening with a night at Circa Zuma Zuma, a performance of music and cultural dance by African Acrobats and dancers. This Cultural African experience brought magic and excitement. The African Acrobats International, Inc. brought something fresh and new to the Texarkana audiences: the allure of the African Circus. Texarkana Twin Cities families came out in great numbers to share this rich Cultural experience. We will continue to look for events that represent rich African History we desire to teach our children.
Birmingham, AL
On February 12, 2022 the Birmingham Chapter launched its annual Black History Program at 11:00AM via Zoom with the theme: “Black Excellence: Super Bowl of African Americans” with 61% family participation. Families were welcomed and given an overview of the program’s four quarters with our children interviewing professionals who have made significant contributions in sports and beyond, changing the game through entrepreneurship, design, creativity, on and off the field. Opening with an excerpt of the late Grammy Award Winner and Songstress Whitney Houston singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” at Super Bowl XXV in 1991, Preteen Marley CowanBrown kicked off the first quarter with an offensive drive by discussing former NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, athlete, activist, author, and philanthropist. Teen Miles Ashford kicked off the second quarter introducing a real game changer, former NFL player Aaron Maybin. Maybin shared insights into life and careers, stories of failure and success, and provided insight into how the NFL changed his life from growing up in poverty and lack of resources in West Baltimore to now a philanthropist, artist, educator, and program director.
Columbus, GA
Flying High with the Red Tails
The Columbus Georgia Lads and Lassies and Twixt and Tweens traveled to Tuskegee, AL to “Fly High with the Red Tails”. The children learned the history of the Tuskegee Airmen, participated in a scavenger hunt of the museum and national historic site learning about the Airmen, and met Captain Jalen Watts, U.S. Air Force Pilot who shared his flight experiences of transporting U.S. military members to Europe to support the Ukraine conflict. COLGA Mother, LTC Tiffany Byrd, MD, shared her role as a physician and flight surgeon for active-duty members. She reviewed the health requirements for pilots and discussed how disparities in healthcare are oftentimes limiting factors towards the pursuit of flight training for minorities, especially African Americans. The children ended their day with a culminating activity- paper airplane competitions highlighting the impact of weight, drag, lift, and thrust on how airplanes fly.
Dunwoody-Atlanta, GA
In February, our Honeycups journeyed to Africa via ART-HAUS in Grant Park, one of Atlanta’s most historic neighborhoods. During this experience, they created a canvas to visualize the animals of Africa while learning which animals are at risk of becoming extinct. They added their thumbprint to the art demonstrating their commitment to making a difference and fighting to stop practices that lead to animal extinction. Next, an African drummer introduced them to the soulful sounds of the African Talking Drum while giving them educational lessons about growing up in Africa and learning to play the family of talking drums. His musical lessons also included how African names go smoothly with the rhythmic sound of the talking drums and how their favorite songs are played on a family of talking drums. It was a fantastic experience connecting to Africa and our ancestors through art and soulful music.
Greater Huntsville, AL
“Appreciating Our History and Culture” was a recurrent theme for GHC during the 2021-22 programming year. Rocketeers (age 2-K) learned the importance of song and storytelling during their “Hidden Messages in Spirituals” activity and about colleges/universities during “ABCs of HBCUS.” Moon Walkers (grades 4-5) attended “Jack and Jill Diaspora: Honoring Our Ancestors Through Song and Dance” where they learned African dances and experimented with drums. Star Gazers (grades 1-3) celebrated “Christmas on the Continent” by learning about Christmas traditions in different African nations, while Dream Chasers (grades 6-8) discussed how incorporating Kwanzaa principles into their lives could make them stronger leaders. In addition to attending the MLK Unity Breakfast, Challengers (grades 9-12) took a walking tour of downtown Huntsville where they learned the significance of landmarks associated with African-American history. Through our programming, we have deepened our children’s understanding of our culture.
Greater Metropolitan Atlanta, GA
The Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter (GMAC) in partnership with the Synchronicity Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia hosted an exclusive showing of Bob Marley’s THREE LITTLE BIRDS on February 25, 2022. This event gave our GMAC families the opportunity to explore our history and appreciate our heritage through song and dance. Our GMAC families learned about the culture and history of Jamaica. They also were exposed to the music of reggae legend, Bob Marley, while watching the play and “jamming” to the reggae beats throughout this musical performance. After the musical performance, the children in the audience were able to ask questions of the cast members and learn more about how the characters and music were developed for the play. Our GMAC families fully embraced this event focused on celebrating Black History Month while honoring one of the most prolific black musicians of our time.
Lake Spivey, GA
“A Merciful Time to Explore a Museum” was a tour that told the story of black people from enslavement to mass incarceration.
Our chapter teens, moms and dads had an impactful visit to the Legacy Museum and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama. They had a discussion with Equal Justice Initiative Lawyer Ashley Adams who works with Atty. Bryan Stevenson (Just Mercy). They met Mr. Anthony Hinton who was incarcerated for 30 years for a crime he didn’t commit and was freed by EJI. The teens shared their reflections from their visit to the museum after viewing a video made for this tour. The video summarized the “Black Holocaust- From Slavery to Mass Incarceration“. The thrusts covered in this activity included cultural, legislative, leadership, and education.
“History, despite its retching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.” Maya Angelu
South Miami, FL
The South Miami Chapter’s Inaugural Biennial Beautillion was held on Sunday, February 20, 2022. It marked the initiation of a brotherhood between eight remarkable young men. Each beau and belle was presented to society by his or her parents. There were several performances and awards. These included a beau and belle stroll, the traditional waltz, a mock step show, fundraising contributions, Mr. Beau, Star award, Merit award, and book scholarships. The beaux were introduced as the “Elite Eight of Establishment” and will forever be known as the trendsetters of South Florida who inspired little black boys to achieve excellence.
Stone Mountain, GA
This past October, our High Flyers (3rd through 5th graders) participated in a virtual tour of the Flat Rock Archives located in Stonecrest, GA. The host families video recorded their live experience touring the historic grounds and shared a video that was professionally produced by one of our mother members. The Flat Rock Archives are housed within a historical landscape and currently maintain the 20th century Georgian Cottage known as the T.A. Bryant, Sr. House which was built in 1917. The site also includes a barn, smokehouse, and outhouse constructed throughout the 20th century. The Flat Rock Archives is part of a larger landscape which includes the oldest standing historical house in DeKalb County known as the Lyon’s house, as well as the Historic Flat Rock Cemetery with burials dating back to enslaved people. Our High Flyers were able to learn about amazing history right in our own backyards.
Tallahassee, FL
2021-2022 Program Year began as last year’s ended: in a global pandemic. Chapter President Selika Sampson encouraged moms to put service first and ELEVATE their Jack and Jill experience. Vice President Tonja Ward motivated moms to embody the Southeastern Regional theme – Together Toward Tomorrow, Lifting ALL Children Higher. Program Director Kimberly Hankerson kept the heartbeat of Jack and Jill strong with extraordinary programming.
The chapter extended National Black Family Day over several weeks. A scavenger hunt encouraged family and community involvement; complete with historical markers highlighting cultural contributions of African Americans in Tallahassee. Youth Safety Day highlighted the roles of first responders and effective engagement for children.
“Florida’s First Chapter” concluded its Black Family celebration, showcasing Dr. Eva Wanton’s adoration for academic excellence, celebrating 10 graduates and nine tenure-completed mothers.
The chapter’s efforts continue to impact Black Families while exemplifying “The Power to Make a Difference — On Mission, On Purpose.”
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Why is this program Best of the Best?
This multi-thrust program was best of the best for the following reasons: Our teens led from the front to develop the topics they wanted to learn more about, they found a differently abled friendly location that was willing to allow them to use their facili ty for free, secured double digit partnerships, found high caliber speakers, and secured free and unsolicited publicity. It truly was amazing to watch our children plan a program for their peers. It showcased how much they have learned from their years in Jack and Jill of America and the leaders they have become. It also allowed them to give back to not only the community, as this event was open to the public and other JNJ chapters, and the proceeds were a part of their fundraising endeavors. The host moms loved partnering with their teens and watching them develop and grow the leadership skills necessary for adulthood and the teens loved having an opportunity to share Jack and Jill with others and create an event that truly was in alignment with the mission and purpose of Jack and Jill.
Activity Description
SUPER SATURDAY: Igniting EXTRAORDINARY Leadership The teens and teen host moms of the Cincinnati Chapter of Jack and Jill of America created a Best of the Best program as they hosted their seventh annual Super Saturday event; an all-day leadership summit fundraiser focused on educating and uplift ing teens from Cincinnati and surrounding communities. This multi-faceted speaker series event shared insights on philan thropy, wealth management/creation, small business ownership, developing your personal brand equity, importance of self-care, and leading transformational change in oneself and community. While this all-day event was in person, the facility and the host ing moms/teens ensured the handicap accessible facility, and the event could be tailored and adapted to fit any needed ac commodations. Space was made available for quiet moments or breaks away from the large group and viewing areas to ac commodate any needs. The speakers ranged from the Senior Vice President of Olay- P&G, Stephanie Headley to the Mayor of Cincinnati, Aftab Pureval- all excited to partner with Jack and Jill of America to grow and develop our youth. While the event was action packed and engaging- the underpinning of it all were the thrusts of our organization. Cultural components were on display as our teens were reminded of our history of overcoming obstacles and the importance of giving back to the community,
creating and supporting Black businesses. Civic/Legislative was strong as the host moms/teens hosted a voter registration drive and shared the importance of voting when reaching the age of 18. In addition to voter registration there was an engaging workshop on community leadership and the important calling we should all heed to work to make our community better, led by Alicia Reese- Hamilton County Commissioner. The importance of Health was brought to life through the beauty matters work shop on skin/hair care and how important it is for our healthboth physical and mental. Education was front and center as our teens left this event filled with knowledge on how to start to save and plan for their future (and the importance of invest ing and wealth creation); how to succeed as an entrepreneur -whether small business or a career in music and how each teen needs to take ownership of their future. Recreational/Social time happened during a college tour, breakfast, lunch, and frequent stretch breaks. The climax of the event was a special keynote ad dress on leadership and transformational change. Utilizing over 10 partnerships; from Olay to the University of Cincinnati, this event was directly marketed to over 25 area schools, received a free 2-week advertisement placement in the newspaper and was featured on the news. The outcome of this event was clear- while teens from around the city talked about the amazing event- the culmination was a special tweet from the Mayor of Cincinnatiwho expressed how amazing the event was and how it was doing the work to develop our future leaders. Super Saturday succeed ed in the mission of making a difference. It was on mission, on purpose to the teens of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Why is this program Best of the Best?
“We must never forget that Black History is American History. The achievements of African Americans have contributed to our nation’s greatness.”-- Yvette Clark. The Best of the Best Pro gramming Award is for programming that is on purpose and on mission thus impactful to our children, teens and communities. The Black History 365: Conference, Walking Tour Oh My! was a spectacular event as it was a layered program incorporating all thrusts and garnered over 85% participation. Given the lack of diversity in educators and administrators across all schools in Suffolk County, the Black History celebration addressed multiple needs within our chapter both seen and unseen. From empires to economy, the Black History celebration enabled our children to connect with history that is not taught in most if not all of their school districts from instructors that looks like each of them and are passionate and powerful. Despite being in the midst of the pandemic, our chapter found ways to engage our children and our community in a way that was socially distant, safe and inclusive. One thing we know for sure in our hearts, we served our children, our teens and our community with the best of the best of everything.
Activity Description
“One who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness.” – African proverb The Jack & Jill of America, Inc., Suffolk County Chapter (“JJSC”) came together to fellowship over two prong Black History Celebration in a safe, socially distant and inclusive setting. Part one of the celebration was hosting the 2nd Annual JJSC Black History 365: Conference for the Children. This year, following the success of the inaugural conference in February 20211, we expanded the conference to include a special workshop for parents across the entire Suffolk County community. Our Black History Celebration took place over a week-long period. The children’s curriculum was curated by the chapters’ Historian, who is a special education teacher in the area of history and ensured all children were able to partici pate in the conference. The special parent’s workshop was a vir tual discussion on the 1619 Project, which was also curated by a current JJSC mother who along with her partner, lead these types of discussions for Fortune 500 corporations and non-profits. The time slots and curriculum content for each age range are out lined below. This event was for our JJSC Children, age-appro priate children across Suffolk County and across America. Mon day February 21, 2022 PreK – Kindergarten Time: 10:00AM – 11:00AM An Interactive Session – Instruments of the African Diaspora 1st – 3rd Grade Time: 1:00PM – 2:00PM Black In ventors Scavenger Hunt Tuesday February 22, 2022 4th – 5th Grade Time: 1:00PM – 3:00PM From Slavery to Seneca Village: A New York State of Mind Wednesday February 23, 2022 6th –8th Grade Time: 1:00PM – 3:00PM The Courageous Story of Liberia: Slave Insurrection and Going Home Thursday February 24, 2022 9th – 12th Grade Time: 1:00PM – 3:00PM Buffalo Soldiers, Riots and The Revolution Friday February 25, 2022 Parents Time: 7:00PM – 9:00PM Part two of the Black History
celebration was a Black History in NYC Walking Tour hosted by our President and with support from our chapter Historian, who supplemented with historical background information at each site. Members of JJSC visited the eight locations outlined below. In addition to the sites listed below, the chapter visited the Africa Center –a museum and gateway for engagement with contem porary Africa and tasted East African sorrel. President Kathryn’s JJSC Black History Walking Tour Saturday, February 26th 2022 9:00AM – 5:00PM 1. Invisible Man: A Memorial to Ralph Elli son Riverside Drive at 150th Street, Manhattan 2. Jackie Rob inson West 147th St. and Bradhurst Avenue 3. Swing Low: A Memorial to Harriet Tubman Frederick Douglass Boulevard, St. Nicholas Avenue @ 122nd Street, Manhattan 4. The Frederick Douglass Sculpture & Water Wall Central Park North and Fred erick Douglass Boulevard @ 110th Street, Manhattan 5. Duke Ellington Statue Duke Ellington Circle, 110th Street and 5th Ave nue, Manhattan 6. Women’s Rights Pioneers Monument Central Park Northwest at 68th Street 7. Dr. Ronald E. McNair Monu ment Eastern Pkwy, Washington to Classon Avenue, Brooklyn 8. Soul in Flight: A Memorial to Arthur Ashe National Tennis Center Flushing Meadows, Corona Ave, Corona, NY 11368
Why is this program Best of the Best?
Statistics show that by the time children reach the 4th grade Black and Latino students are reading far below average. The Bergen-Passaic chapter was inspired to make a difference to wards impacting this alarming statistic by hosting “Your Ticket to Read” an experiential literacy fair with a Carnival theme. The fair had approximately 100 children in attendance from our Ber gen-Passaic Chapter and the Hackensack, NJ community. Our goal was to engage our Jacks & Jills and promote the love of reading. We also wanted to bring this experience to the children of the culturally diverse town of Hackensack. The Literacy Fair treated children to story telling by Black Authors, hands-on illus tration lessons and story development. Music, a book fair, and carnival staples like face painting, ice-cream, and cotton candy rounded out the event. This program is “Best of the Best” be cause it exemplifies a program that layers key National Thrusts: Cultural Pride, Education, STEAM, Community Service, and so cial connection. Bergen-Passaic mothers leveraged their talents and resources, organizing authors and artists to engage our children and secured multiple corporate sponsors. Their hard work allowed children to enjoy free books and have a wonderful day of learning and fun!
Activity Description
The fair took place outdoors at the Hackensack Middle School on April 30th. With wonderful Spring weather, we safely gathered outside with a DJ and several booths for activities and carnival treats. Children were separated by age groups from Pre-K to Senior teens in activities focused on various aspects of literacy: reading, writing, speaking and listening. We had a range of pre senters, including a poet, graphic artist, Broadway actress, and two of our published Senior Teens, Alexandra Dunn and Azure Bush, who read to younger children. Alexandra Dunn, is our very own Bergen Passaic Senior, and author of the Luna Chronicles, a series of books that tell stories through the eyes of her be loved puppy. Azura Bush, an avid teen artist from Bergen Passaic chapter, used her art skills to illustrate her first children’s picture book, “LiLi Rabbit, Eat Your Vegetables!”, published in 2021. Broadway Actress Andrea Patterson facilitated the 3-5 Grade Group focused on creative expression and public speaking. Rob Newman, a visual artist, gave 6th to 8th graders an opportu nity to express themselves through illustration and a hands-on drawing activity. Senior Teens were joined by Poet Fanta Bal lo and explored the art of Spoken Word. The mobile truck for Bronx Bound Bookshop offered free books and Scholastic Books provided additional books for purchase. The overall academic focus was supplemented by a festive carnival atmosphere with a DJ playing music, tickets for ice cream, popcorn, cotton candy, and face painting. Gift bags with age-appropriate books were also provided to all children. We extend gratitude to our partner sponsors: Pepsi, Crème of Nature, Lipton Tea.
Air Capital Wichita, KS
In early April, The Air Capital Wichita chapter held a Financial Literacy seminar, led by Ms. ShaQuilah Banks, of Equity Initiative, for children of all ages. The morning started with a small continental breakfast and an introduction of everyone in attendance. Then the fun began! Throughout the morning, the children participated in financial discussions, group activities, and friendly financial competitions. By the end of the seminar, the children were excited about their newly gained knowledge, and were able to confidently define income, expenses, budgeting, and “needs” vs “wants”. In culmination, the children were asked to complete a diary of their money spent over a 2-week period, documenting whether it was a “need” or “want”. The goal of the diary was to assist with the application and retention of the knowledge gained during the seminar. The children of Air Capital Wichita, are on their way to financial freedom!
Central Missouri
On January 29, 2022, the Central Missouri Conquerors (Grades 5-6) participated in an interactive arts based workshop at Orr Street Studios entitled “Express Yourself” hosted by PD Candice and her son, Kingston. Jacks and Jills attended mini 30-minute workshops where they learned how to express their feelings and inner most emotions through dance, lyrical prowess, and painting from local black artists and business owners. The workshop ended with a Conquerors Talent Showcase where our Jacks and Jills expressed themselves utilizing one of the skills learned from the mini workshops. Our Conquerors also donated to Dream Tree Academy, a local black owned after school program that supports culturally diverse youth with an emphasis on music, graphic design, financial literacy, and mental health.
Denver, CO
The Denver Chapter hosted a chapter-wide activity at Denver’s Young American’s Bank (YAB), featuring AmeriTowne. YAB, is the only bank in the entire world specifically designed for young people ages 21 and younger. In support of the Education Thrust and fundamentally as parents we understand the importance of banking and managing money at a young age. YAB taught the AmeriTowne curriculum focused on basic economics, banking, money management, government, communications, philanthropy, and employment. The full day highlighted the Money Matters class, focused on establishing financial skills for lifelong financial stability. Each of our scholars worked in the town as managers, accountants and other professionals providing insight on possible careers. Additionally, each participant was able to open a bank account at YAB with a contribution from the Denver Chapter.
Greater Little Rock, AR
The Greater Little Rock, AR Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. held a chapter wide event “Black Lives Matter Movement in POP Culture: Our Annual Jack and Jill Day Honoring Carole Robertson”. Prior to this virtual event all families were asked to view various images of art as expressions of civil rights and the BLM Movement. Our grade groups then broke out into two sessions. Our pre-K group through sixth graders viewed works of art by spray painter Tony B. Conscious, photographer Tony Rubino and painter Frank Morrison. Our teens viewed artworks by artist Akilah Johnson, sculptor Chukes and photographer Devin Allen. The children discussed the details that stood out in each image and how each image reflected the ideals and goals of both the Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter movement. Afterwards, children then created their own artwork inspired by equality, freedom, and the spirit of Carole Robertson.
Greater Peoria, IL
PART I: The children will watch an episode of shark tank featuring an African American girl who turned a lemonade stand into an operational business. They will learn the difference between a product and a service and develop different marketing and financial strategies as they compose ideas for a proposed business plan.
PART II: The children will present a teaser presentation, which will include their idea, where they will get their startup capitol and their marketing strategies. This will allow them to take a deeper dive into creating a business plan.
PART III: The children have now composed a business plan that will include a business name, an idea, financial strategy, marketing plan and net profits. They will verbalize their business plan and their visions for their companies to the sharks. This will evolve their leadership, financial and presentation skills upon completion of their business plans.
Kansas City, MO
In March, for financial literacy, the KCMO Little Stars and Explorers learned the importance of budgeting through storytime and crafts. We read Three Cups by Tony Townsley and Mark St. Germain and discussed key highlights in the story. Children how they would contribute and use the funds in their jars.
Participants decorated a saving, spending, and giving jar before the activity. After the story, each child shared their designs, and prizes were awarded for the Most Unique, Best Use of Materials, and Most Related to the Topic of Budgeting.
South Suburban Denver, CO
On January 29, 2022, the South Suburban Denver Chapter participated in an “Art in Motion” educational and cultural activity, providing families with behind-the-scenes career paths in the art world, a lesson on art collecting, and the art world from an artist’s point of view. The journey began at the Denver Art Museum with a series of mini-interactive sessions with Vicki Meek, a Black Art Curator on careers in art and Gail Thomas, a Black Art Collector on how to invest and get started collecting art. The families experienced one of three pre-selected destinations, which included: the Denver Art Museum Experience: behind the scenes of the museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art Experience: touring the art of award-winning Black artists Deborah Roberts and Jason Moran, and the Redline Art Gallery Experience: exploring life as an Artist-in-Residency through the eyes of local Black artist Rochelle Johnson.
Alexandria-Mt. Vernon, VA
The Alexandria-Mt. Vernon chapter of Jack and Jill traveled to Gettysburg, PA for a Black History Month program entitled, “Black Excellence in Winter Sports.” Chapter families enjoyed a winter ski weekend at Liberty Mountain Resort.
In preparation for the trip, our youth researched and delivered presentations about African-American winter athletes during our “Après Ski” family dinner. This showcase allowed our chapter youth to learn about the little known contributions of African-American athletes to winter sports. The chapter family dinner featured a documentary about the history of the National Brotherhood of Skiers (NBS).
After the documentary screening, families participated in interactive Black History trivia games about Black innovators and little-known Black history facts. Our youth received curated activity bags with a Black winter Olympian theme. On the final day, families learned about the challenges faced by African-Americans in Gettysburg during the Civil War period as part of a private walking tour.
Atlantic City, NJ
On January 20, 2022 the Atlantic City Chapter’s Teen and Seagull groups participated in our annual “Module Madness” financial literacy program. The robust program included a presentation by Associate Barbara Washington. The groups participated in several interactive presentations which focused on the importance of money management through financial budgeting; understanding the risks, rewards and returns of investing and the importance of creating and maintaining good credit.
On February 20, the teens participated in a leadership workshop led by Legacy Ty Miller who used “The 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Teen” as the foundation for an interactive discussion on the importance of taking charge of their lives. The teens identified ways to develop self-esteem, explored techniques to overcome public speaking and explored practices on how to become effective communicators.
We are grateful to our presenters for sharing such important information with our teens and children.
Baltimore, MD
The Baltimore Chapter embodied this year’s theme “Empowering our Future Leaders” by hosting the inaugural Teen Historically Black College University forum on November 13, 2021, for rising middle and high schoolers. Our very own Chapter Alumna, Jailyn Clark, provided the keynote address while chapter parents and graduates served as panel members to provide insight on their experiences and the importance of education. This event was to empower the next generation of nationally competitive STEM leaders. As a follow-up to this event, the teens coordinated a fundraiser to support the HBCU College Gap Fund, Jack and Jill Foundation and Franklin Square Elementary Middle School. FSEMS utilized the funds to establish the Carole Robertson National Junior Honor Society.
Boston, MA
The Boston Chapter Intermediate (grades 4-5) and Early Teen (grades 6-8) groups met for a joint STEAM activity session led by accomplished science teacher Michael Chapman of Buckingham, Browne & Nichols, a top independent school in Cambridge, MA. The children learned about African American scientists and trailblazers, while also performing some fun experiments. The groups participated in an engineering design process activity, All About Mars, where they had to figure out what they would bring to survive on Mars. There was special time built into this activity for both ice-breakers and more natural socialization. The kids left the activity inspired to try more STEAM experiments at home.
Buffalo, NY
Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Buffalo Chapter had dynamic program activities this year with a focus on impacting our community. The chapter participated in a community service event at Friends of the Night People, a not-for-profit organization that provides food and necessities to address the effects & impact of poverty to individuals in the city of Buffalo. The Black Magic Age group (ages 10-12) packed lunches and prepared dinners to feed those dealing with food scarcity issues. Additionally, the children folded laundry and prepared clothing bags to be distributed to those in need. This volunteer activity taught the group the importance of giving back to the community and offering assistance to those that may be in need. This was one of the first community events that the group had engaged in since the start of the pandemic and many commented on the satisfaction of being able to volunteer again and help those in the community.
Burke-Fairfax, VA
Environmental education can be a helpful tool to stop the ongoing pollution of the freshwater reservoirs and oceans on our planet. This year the Burke-Fairfax Chapter partnered with Friends of the Occoquan at the Lake Ridge Marina and the Fountain Regional Park to learn about environmental toxins, hazardous waste, strategies to effectively reduce water pollution, and water conservation. In addition, our younger Jacks and Jills, Chapter Moms, and Associates embarked on a hike around the Lake Ridge Marina picking up debris as they discussed the environment’s four R(s) – Recycling, Reducing, Reusing, and Reinventing.
The Father’s Auxiliary transported our teens in motorboats into the inlets and around the coastline to collect floating litter. The teens engaged in a conversation about their individual contribution to pollution prevention and learned the importance of careers such as environmental law, environmental science, and engineering to protect and defend the watershed.
Essex-Hudson, NJ
This year’s Essex Hudson teen retreat was productive and engaging. It touched upon many programming thrust as the teens prepared for a dynamic programming year. The retreat, which took place in Philadelphia, began with an inperson, guided college tour at the University of Pennsylvania. The teens took part in three student-led panel discussions coordinated by MAKUU the University’s Black Cultural Center. The panel discussions included college admissions, college life-balance, and social activism. The day ended with dinner, uno and spades. The next day began with a team-building scavenger hunt, which led them throughout Philadelphia’s Historic District, China Town, and other cultural sights. The scavenger hunt, designed by the advisors, enforced team building, leadership, problem solving, critical thinking, physical activity, history, and culture. The teens found the retreat to be educational, challenging, and simply fun.
Greater Pocono, PA
On October 30, 2021, for its Education thrust, the Teen Group (Onyx) of the Greater Pocono Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. spent the morning with one of the Chapter Fathers, Dr. Al Williams. Dr. Williams is a Board Certified Orthopedic Spine Surgeon and a partner in his Orthopedic Practice. On that Saturday morning, Dr. Williams opened up the office to the Teens and engaged them in a dynamic and interactive conversation about orthopedic medicine. With Dr. Williams, the group discussed academic excellence, overcoming obstacles, and perseverance. They also spoke about diversity in medicine and some aspects of running a medical practice. During their visit, the teens visited the Physical Therapy suite, reviewed x-rays, looked at Ultrasound and MRI machines, and even practiced placing, and removing, casts on each other and on the host mother, Dr. Nancy Monestime-Williams, a Pediatrician. It was an inspiring morning for the teens.
Loudoun County, VA
As part of the Education Programmatic Thrust, the LCVC Jr. Teens spent an afternoon with Dr. Henry McKoy. Dr. McKoy is the lead Entrepreneurship faculty and Director of Entrepreneurship at NC Central University in the School of Business. He is also on the faculty of the Kenan-Flagler School of Business at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he is Professor of Practice in Strategy and Entrepreneurship. Dr. McKoy shared the significance of Black Wall Street in Durham, North Carolina, and its impact on the community. After learning about Black Wall Street, the children participated in breakout groups where they shared ideas on wealth building practices to enhance their futures and solve for financial issues impacting our communities. Each child received a book about Black Wall Street. The afternoon culminated with the jr. teens sharing their entrepreneurial ideas and how their ideas could help our communities.
Manassas-Woodbridge, VA
The “Black Wall Street Strikes Back!” activity, led by MWVC teens, began with special guest Oklahoma State Representative Regina Goodwin, a direct descendent of survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre. Rep. Goodwin spoke about the history and significance of Black Wall Street and inspired the teens to move the baton forward. Teens then engaged in an interactive lesson on investing in the stock market that included an introduction of a virtual stock program that taught them how to execute trades. The group split into 3 teams, and each group was issued $10,000 to “paper trade” using the program. The teams worked together trading on the stock market with their virtual dollars. The group with the best trading activity won $300 to split among their winning team members. This activity was exceptional and equipped our teens with skills to ultimately serve them as leaders in the global economy.
New Castle County, DE
Drone technology has become increasingly popular in recent years. Most people are familiar with drones, but few have an opportunity to see/touch/fly a drone. “Drone 101” introduced Explorers (6th - 8th graders) to the world of drones and how drones have been integrated into our daily lives. Drone flying is recreational and educational. Explorers were exposed to a new experience that would inspire a new hobby or career aspirations.
Explorers received drones before the activity and had the opportunity to fly the drones on their own. On September 26, 2022, a licensed drone pilot led a discussion about drone safety, real-world applications, career paths, a hands-on flying lesson and flying activity. Explorers were paired together for the flight activity and successfully completed the activity by effectively communicating and collaborating with each other. Explorers got a glimpse into one of the fastest-growing segments of the aviation industry.
North Jersey, NJ
In March 2022, the Mighty North Jersey Education Committee was excited to coordinate and execute the “Skills Olympics” for the 2021-2022 program year. The theme, “Inspiring Future Leaders” ensured a focus on academic, life and social skills. The children had the opportunity to develop and showcase their talents in Technology/Robotics, Art, Financial Literacy, History, and Creative Writing. During the 2-hour fun-filled virtual activity, the children were separated into ageappropriate groups and focused on a different theme. Senior Teens built a business, while the Junior Teens and Preteens participated in an African American themed Family Feud. The youngest Jacks and Jills had the opportunity to build robots. The activities were developed with the aim to inspire children to lead in the areas of entrepreneurship, robotics, and creative arts while also stressing the importance of effort and fun.
Northern Virginia
On March 27, 2022, the Northern Virginia Chapter sponsored a virtual book and arts festival featuring Ramunda Young, Owner of Mahogany Books, and several nationally recognized authors, illustrators and poets, including KaNikki Jarkata Virginia’s First African American Poet Laureate; Dr. Bentley Gibson, Founder of the The bias Adjuster, LLC and Author of My Magical Hair; Calin Reynolds, Bestselling Author and Illustrator of “Jayce The Bee” Children’s Books; Mother and Son Duo Carole Bosten Weatherford, Author of Unspeakable: The Tulsa Race Massacre and her son Jeffrey Weatherford; Jewell Parker Rhodes, Award-winning and New York Times bestselling author, and educator and Christine Turner Jackson, Author of Pitch Black. Over 150 participants engaged with the authors by asking questions on how they started their writing careers. It gave the children an opportunity to learn about black history, black authors and exposure to a possible writing career. This event was sponsored by the Education committee.
Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia Chapter Jacks and Jill Take to the Skies
In late spring, nine Philadelphia Chapter High Flyers, six Typical Teens, and two Nestlings learned about the world of aviation through a STEM lens at Doylestown Airport. Currently, aviation has a very low representation of Black people (3.4%) and women (7%) in the field. The purpose of the activity was to expose Jacks and Jills to the industry.
During the visit, they learned how planes are built, how planes work, and professional pilots provided on-the-ground demonstrations on how plans operate. They also learned about the numerous careers that exist in the field of aviation.
“I think this was important for us to do because we got to learn about aviation at a young age and decide if it’s something we want to do when we grow up and have a head start,” said High Flyer Ava Parks.
Prince George’s County, MD
On January 29, 2022 the Prince George’s County Chapter hosted Safety for Every Day, for the 2-PreK age group at Fire Station 855 in Brentwood, MD. The event began with greetings from Tiffany D. Green, the County’s first female African American Fire Chief. Emergency responders taught about dialing 911, stop, drop and roll, the importance of smoke detectors, and how to safely exit a building on fire. While dressed in full bunker gear, a firefighter encouraged the children to not to be frightened of first responders during a rescue. Children participated in an age-appropriate version of the American Red Cross Pillowcase Project to learn about personal and family preparedness and safety skills, local hazards, and basic coping skills. The children were taught breathing excises for calming while coloring their pillowcase and creating their own emergency kit. The event ended with a tour of a fire truck and ambulance.
Prince William County, VA
You are more likely to get struck by lightning than to meet and fly with a black, female pilot! But PWCJJ beat those chances during our Black Family Day / Aviation Day event. With our families united in one space, we showed our children the heights to which they can soar by incorporating an aviation STEAM activity. Our children were enthralled as they engaged with black pilots and others in the aviation field as they rotated through different activities, including a reading of an aviation short-story written by a black author and a tour of a Cessna aircraft. All of this built the momentum to the discovery flight where up in the sky they went as black pilots flew the children around the airport – and some of our teens were able to taxi and fly the plane! We can’t wait to fly with our future PWCJJ pilots!
Southern Maryland
The 2021-2022 year started with a Carole Robertson Day Celebration. The celebration honored the legacy of Carole Robertson by educating chapter members about her life and bringing families together for fun and fellowship. Chapter members also engaged in a community service project by donating diapers, baby wipes, and diaper cream to the Maryland Diaper Bank. In December, chapter members came together to celebrate our 15th Anniversary, the Crystal Anniversary. During Black History Month, members enjoyed a showcase of 3 performances by The Black Revolutionary Theater Workshop. The performances showcased the courageous acts of Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, and Muriel Bowser. Throughout the year, all age groups helped the environment by cleaning up the Southern Maryland Chapter of Jack and Jill of America portion of the Adopt-ARoad highway. The year was filled with activities aligned to the national thrusts. We look forward to planning new activities for the upcoming programming year.
Western Maryland
The Western Maryland Chapter’s preschool group had the distinct opportunity to visit the BLISS Meadows community farm in October. During our visit, BLISS introduced us to the concept of ‘farm to table,’ we learned aspects of agriculture science, and we got a demo on how to properly pick root vegetables all on a black owned farm. Black owned farms make up less than 2 percent of all farms in the entire Unites States. According to a 2019 report featured in the Center for American Progress, black farmers lost 80 percent of their farmland from 1910 to 2007, often because of denied access to economic resources.
Our experience touring the BLISS farm personified everything that is at the heart of Jack and Jill programming – exposure to education, health, social/recreational and cultural tenets. This delightful experience was highly anticipated and wellreceived by both the adults and children in attendance.
Las Vegas, NV
On January 8, 2022 the Pre-Scholars, Mini Scholars and Little Scholars participated in a “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” activity. Prior to the activity, the Scholars were asked to read the “Danny Dollar Millionaire Extraordinaire- The Lemonade Escapade”. After reading the book, Scholars came up with a business plan to sell their own lemonade. They were given up to $20 by their parents to purchase materials and ingredients needed. Scholars had to buy supplies, make their lemonade and sale it the day of the event. They were given fake money to purchase each other’s lemonade. Each scholar had to present their lemonade and explain the process of making it or other things about their business plan. Finally, they used an itemized form to help them determine their net profit. The event ended with Scholars playing a relay race game, matching investment terms and definitions from the Lemonade Escapade book.
Pasadena, CA
African Americans have been collecting medals at the Olympic Games for more than 115 years, since hurdler George Coleman Poage became the first to win his prize in 1904. Many others have followed, often battling racism and adversity along the way. In their honor and in anticipation of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, elementary school children in the Pasadena Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc. celebrated their own Olympic games in September 2021 – competing against each other in events while learning about heroes:
Muhammad Ali - Boxing (1960 Gold Medalist)
Andre Shelby - Archery (2016 Paralympic Gold Medalist)
Briana Scurry - Soccer (1996 and 2004 Gold Medalist)
Simone Biles (seven-time medalist) and Gabby Douglas (three-time medalist)
Samarria Brevard and Nyjah Huston - Skateboarding (2021 Olympian)
Paige McPherson - Taekwondo (2012 Bronze Medalist)
Each child also received a copy of the book, “Black Athletes Who Changed Sports.”
Pamona Area, CA
Understanding the importance of investing as an avenue to build wealth, is a critical concept for Group 4 pre-teens and teens to understand. In the workshop, children were exposed to key concepts around saving, budgeting, investing and inflation. Additionally, they participated in an investment game that allowed them to explore how investors buy and review stocks. Information from the Jack and Jill Financial Modules was also covered during this activity. The workshop was led by Jack and Jill dad, Donald Williams, whose expertise and passion for investing enabled him to engage effectively with our children. Our children left the workshop with a greater appreciation of investing early in life and an understanding of the need to keep the long view around an investment strategy.
San Francisco, CA
March 26, 2022, the San Francisco Chapter hosted the Northern California Children’s Cluster at the Hiller Aviation Museum. The Hiller Aviation Museum, situated in Silicon Valley, features over 40 exhibits that display aviation innovation. Approximately 150 children and parents attended the event. Chapter President Gina Benson Warren stated in her opening comments, “Today, in this room, there are grandsons and great granddaughters of Tuskegee Airman, Buffalo Soldiers, and veterans of every military branch in the United States. Today, you are exploring your history. Our collective history, hidden or not.”
One favorite exhibit included a drone demo that began with a computer simulation to help children navigate and control the device. Next, the children were handed a controller to fly drone. Another included a hands-on engineering project to build a model plane out of provided materials. The event concluded with a healthy boxed lunch and a free-walk exploration of the museum.
Santa Clarita/Antelope Valley, CA
On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in March, the Santa Clarita/ Antelope Valley Chapter (SC/AV) of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., as part of our phenomenal education programming our teens, had the privilege to visit the Kinsey Art Collection as well as experience the historic football field at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California where Los Angeles Rams won Super Bowl LVI.
This became a family event as the teens were able to invite Children, Fathers and Mothers as we were treated to a tour led by Khalil Kinsey, curator of the collection and son of Bernard and Shirley Kinsey. Through his words and the magnificent collection dating back to the 16th century, Khalil enlightened us to African-American history and to art that is rarely shared, and made us all proud of the great work of our people.
South Los Angeles, CA
On Sunday, March 13, 2022 the South Los Angeles children of groups 1 and 2 engaged in a hands-on STEM activity which gave them the tools and resources necessary to build a small robot. The team at Rolling Robots in Palos Verdes, CA taught the little ones all about electronic circuits and exposed them to the world of robots. In addition, they were introduced to the mechanical and electrical principals of robotics. The morning culminated with each child building a small robot crab that was able to detect the edges of a platform and make swift turns without falling off the table. A day of wonderment, excitement, and enthusiasm was had by all.
Tacoma, WA
On 26 March 2022, Groups 2-4 of the Tacoma Chapter enjoyed a day with the Red-Tailed Hawks Flying Club. Our Jacks and Jills met Black Aviators and received a history lesson on Willa Beatrice Brown, who was the 1st Black female officer in the Civil Air Patrol and the 1st Black female to hold a commercial pilot’s license. After learning about Black Aviation history, they practiced how to fly using flight simulators. They even met the Navy’s Helicopter Rescue Team, and learned about their very important search and rescue mission. As an added bonus, the weather was great and all attendees received hands-on flying experience learning how to take off and land a plane. This educational experience exposed our Jacks and Jills to their possible futures in the aerospace industry.
Burlington-Graham, NC
On March 27, 2022, the Burlington-Graham Chapter Buttons & Bows and Guys & Dolls visited Black owned Farm “The Jireh Family Farm” in Durham, NC. During their day at the farm, the children learned about how the farm operates and the importance of agriculture by participating in activities such as planting, watering, weeding, mulching, harvesting, egg collecting, and caring for different farm animals. While feeding the farm animals they had the opportunity to learn more about farm animal life cycles and the life cycle of fruits and vegetables. After their Community Service Gardening Activity, they enjoyed a “Farm to Table” experience which included jerk chicken, rice and veggie medley, and herbal blended iced tea. Overall, the children were proud of their accomplishments, they enjoyed tasting fresh vegetables (arugula and spinach) from the Garden, and ended the activity knowing the many benefits of nutritious food.
Capital City, NC
In March 2022, the Jacks and Jills of the Capital City Chapter joined Dr. Karrie Dixon, Chancellor of Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) and an original charter mother of the chapter, for an activity entitled ECSU Aviation and Drones. ECSU is the only four-year collegiate aviation program in the State of North Carolina and its Aviation Science program is one of the few offered by an HBCU. The activity integrated several thrusts, including Cultural (i.e., Greek step show, HBCU campus tour), Education (i.e., Planetarium visit, flight simulation, and drone demonstration), and Social / Recreational (i.e., Capital City chapter dinner, multiple grade groups, two MAR chapters). The agenda successfully interlaced STEM exposure, career-development, community service and a college tour all into one activity. This activity well-accommodated the differently abled children of our chapter by enabling them to interact with their peers and socialize within the range of their comfort and ability.
Columbia, SC
The Captivating Columbia Chapter’s Early Teens had an awesome “HBCU EXPERIENCE” in October 2021. Jacks and Jills spent the day experiencing Benedict College, a Historically Black College in Columbia, South Carolina, founded in 1870. The Early Teens participated in a private tour of the campus led by a group of Honors Program students, who were also Jack and Jill alumni. The group learned about the school’s rich history and diverse fields of study offered at the institution. The activity concluded with a delicious lunch and a spirited football game against Albany State. The highlight was the halftime show performed by the 2022 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade bound Marching Band of Distinction. Jacks and Jills also enjoyed being hosted by Mother Roslyn Clark Artis, President and CEO of Benedict College, in the President’s Box.
Durham, NC
As warm weather approaches, the children in the Durham Chapter put down their electronics and cellular phones and headed to Harris Lake County Park for a day of fun and fishing. In conjunction with the NC Wildlife Commission, the children were provided with information regarding NC fish species, fishing gear/skills and water safety. Children heard from avid fishermen, marine biologists and park rangers. They participated in games and of course went fishing. What day of fishing would be complete without a playground and prizes? A brand-new fishing rod was donated and given to the Jack or Jill that snagged the first fish. Our fathers shared in the excitement and provided our children with fishing pointers and even got a little dirty rigging and hooking fishing lines. This activity met many of our programmatic thrusts, including but not limited to recreational, health and education.
Eastern North Carolina
On May 25, 2020, the “Central Park birdwatching incident,” occurred. Many will remember the video depicting Amy Cooper, a white woman walking her dog, falsely reporting Christian Cooper, a black birdwatcher, of threatening her and her dog. Since then, black birders (birdwatching enthusiasts) have increased in numbers. In response, on Saturday, April 2nd, our preschool-2nd graders joined the charge by becoming “Birds of a Feather” at the Old Waynesborough Park in Goldsboro, NC. They began with a book reading, learning about birds, their natural habitats, and the types of birds that are native to the park. They were each equipped with binoculars and a folder to keep track of their sightings. They made tally marks for each bird sighting and counted them up. Along the trails, they enjoyed climbing trees and running through fields. After ending with a snack and playtime, our nature enthusiasts were ready for their next adventure.
Roanoke Valley, VA
Parts of the Skeleton: Tweens and Littles learned about the many bones that make up the Skeletal System. They learn how critical bones are to everyday tasks as they help them to safely run, skip, play, and chew. The youth learned that our skeleton is also the protector of our heart, brain, and organs. The Tweens and Littles received kits from BrainRaves! complete with colored papers to cut out and construct a 3-foot paper skeleton. They also completed a crossword puzzle during down time to help them remember the names of the bones. The activity took place using the Zoom platform.
Wilmington, NC
In September 2021, the Wilmington (NC) Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. honored Carole Robertson’s love of reading and literacy by replacing the Little Library for the local chapter of the YWCA. The previous Little Library was destroyed by Hurricane Florence in 2018. In an effort to cultivate a joy of reading, our chapter decided to rebuild the library, which for many years, had served as a free and open source of literacy for children in the community. While mother members and children collected and donated books to restock the library, the father’s auxiliary rebuilt, painted, and mounted the library structure. Chapter members collected and donated monetary gifts as well. On September 25, 2021, the library was presented to the YWCA - Lower Cape Fear. Subsequently, on October 26, 2021, the organization recognized the efforts of our chapter and thanked us via social media.
Akron, OH
The PreK-2nd Grade Group participated a mini medical school experience presented by Mother Members Dr. Katina Sabur and Dr. Yoleetah Ilodi. The children visited 5 stations to learn about: Healthy Meals; Exercise; Anatomy; Safety: CPR/ when to call 911; Germs/ Hygiene; and Teeth/ Bones. The primary goals of the mini medical school were to educate children on the importance of preventative medicine and a healthy lifestyle, alleviate children’s fear of doctors, introduce children to career opportunities in the health care field and foster positive role models for children. Upon completion of mini medical school, the children received their diploma of completion.
Forest City, IL
Forest City Chapter worked to foster childrens’ love of giving and kindness by teaching and exposing them to charitable work. While charity is mainly thought of as monetary donations, we guided them into thinking about giving their time, talent or treasure to help others.
They were introduced to the definition of philanthropy via an educational video highlighting the work of Olympic athlete and philanthropist, Jackie Joyner Kersee. We discussed how it can be achieved, what they can do now to participate in giving of their time and talents. Children were introduced to the types of charitable causes: homelessness, animal cruelty, women and children, political causes like voting and prison reform. We talked about local charities that cover those causes. Finally, children spent time developing a template of relevant points to use during fundraising by creating their own individual paper tri-folds to use when fundraising for the selected charity.
Gary, IN
Our youngest Jacks and Jills learned how to use household ingredients to make a tasty treat. Breaking the ice and planting the seeds of their oratorical skills, each shared something about themselves before jumping into their sweet event.
Each family received a Sweet Science kit which included all ingredients and a homemade ice cream sample. The children discussed how sugar makes food sweet, how salt melts ice and even used scientific reasoning to guess what was happening as they combined ingredients.
While the mixture chilled, the kids met Uncle Steve (brother of host mom, Carmen Evans) via video. He has a homemade ice cream business and led a discussion about entrepreneurship. The children even gave ideas about businesses they’d like to start.
Ultimately, participants had an opportunity to unwind and connect over their sweet treats. It was an amazing afternoon filled with friendship and hands-on learning.
Greater Grand Rapids, MI
On Sunday, May 1, 2022, the Greater Grand Rapids Chapter Jacks and Jills of Groups 2 and 3 learned the basics of fencing, including safety instruction, footwork and how to use the Epee & Foil. The activity titled “Let’s Get to the Point” was held at West Michigan Fencing Academy. The hosting mothers gave a presentation on the first African American to win an Olympic medal in the sport as well as other Black Olympian Fencers. The presentation included a video about sabre fencer and Olympian, Daryl Homer. Our Jacks and Jills also learned about the history of African American fencers including Ruth White, Peter Westbrook, Ibtihaj Muhammed, and Keeth Smart. Each Jack and Jill participated in fencing drills and matches with one another using the electronic Epee.
At the end of the activity, all of our Jacks and Jills received takeaways including book “Proud” by Olympic Medalist, Ibtihaj Muhammad.
Greater Lansing, MI
Grade Group 2 socialized and participated in a group grocery market tour of Kroger. The children were given $20 each, in ones, and a shopping list with pictures and names to practice reading. They discussed budgeting while shopping to increase their Financial Literacy. As a group, they discussed healthy food choices and their importance. While on their quest for items, students gained confidence, while discovering what it meant to “shop the perimeter” while practicing self-discipline, by shopping from a list to prepare their lunch for the day. Later, they went to a restaurant, socialized, and completed their community service. In honor of National Prematurity Awareness Month, they wore purple and watch a short March of Dimes video, which educated them on premature births. Service & Sacrifice was learned through creating and signing a collective note of support to the March of Dimes, which was submitted to March of Dimes, electronically.
Louisville, KY
The children of the chapter gathered at the Kentucky Science Center for our November Educational event, “Mission I’M Possible”. The children were placed in small groups and assigned their missions, if they “chose to accept their mission”. Each “agent” researched famous African American scientists, engineers, and innovators. They realized that anything is possible once they learned about these achievers. After the missions were completed, the children gathered for lunch, and a scientific educational demonstration. The families were entertained and learned about various scientific principles. The conclusion of the event included gratitude journals. A mother spoke about the importance of mental health and reflection. The families were encouraged to use this to send messages and thoughts or draw pictures to reflect their emotions. All of the children left knowing that with the support of their family and the achievements of others before them, you can achieve great success and “I’M possible”.
Minneapolis, MN
The Electric Company group (children from 1st-3rd grade) participated in a Financial Literacy activity. Through this engaging activity, the children learned key concepts: Needs and Wants, Budgeting, Saving, Investing, and Entrepreneurship. The Electric Company illustrated an understanding of finance from a Black History perspective and demonstrated their knowledge through their private Roblox video game. Holly Reid, the author of Teach Your Child to Fish, joined the activity via Zoom to educate the children on the importance of finance. Each child received a copy of her book along with a piggy bank, eager to Save, Spend, Donate and Invest.
South Suburban Chicago, IL
On Saturday March 12, 2022, South Suburban Chicago Chapter hosted IL South Children’s Cluster with the theme “It’s Rocket Science! Launching Our Future Leaders Into Outer Space”. This space themed day began with a dynamic presentation from speaker Kantis Simmons who, in addition to being a former NASA Scientist, is also differently abled. He was both inspirational and educational for children and parents. The K-5 children then split into two groups with lessons on space food taught by a professional chef, comet crafts and constellations presentations. They came back together for a presentation from Dr Theanne Griffin who is a neuroscientist and author. Our tweens launched into deep space with a separate program which included a self-identity assessment led by certified therapist Dr Wanda Parker and a planet exploration activity where the tweens took on roles of NASA Mission Control teams and worked together to learn about the planet Europa.
West Suburban Chicago, IL
The WSCC Tiny Tots participated in an engaging, hands on, and fun STEM activity entitled “I Can be a Scientist” via Zoom. They were supplied with a science lab kit and a personalized lab coat! We began with a round of introductions, including what each child thought was the role and duties of a Scientist. Then they listened to the book “What is Science” by Rebecca Kay Dotlich. They learned that Science is about learning about the world around us through seeing (observing) and doing (experimentation). The children, with the help of their parents, conducted two chemistry experiments. The Wizard’s Brew experiment leveraged test tubes, and measurement cups to generate a chemical reaction, that mimicked an overflowing colorful volcano. The Balloon Genie experiment leveraged the gas given off by the chemical reaction to blow up a balloon. “…dream come true, I’m officially a Jr. Scientist” exclaimed Clay Enders
Ypsilanti, MI
Grade Groups 1-4 engaged in a Mardi Gras style celebration via zoom. Youth learned about how Mardi Gras was started, the meaning behind it and the role of African-Americans in Mardi Gras. The celebration kicked off by giving each youth a Mardi Gras name. Youth then were given a short presentation on 10 important facts about African Americans and Mardi Gras before moving on to playing games. Prior to the event, youth were delivered goody bags filled with Mardi Gras masks, beads and treats. Prizes were awarded for the best costume. This event was designed to educate our youth about the impact of and historical significance of Mardi Gras related to African Americans.
STEM-TASTIC FUN ! Our Kids of Distinction (4th-6th) participated in Chemistry in a Bag. African Americans and Women remain underrepresented in STEM fields far greater than others. This hands on, engaging activity, was facilitated by the Forth Worth Museum of Science and History. Each participant received all materials and conducted several experiments. The goal with each experiment was to observe the physical and chemical changes by adding or removing any substances. Upon completion of each experiment, participants recorded their observations in a series of questions and using the Scientific Method. Bravo to these future Scientists!
Baton Rouge, LA
The Baton Rouge Chapter of Jack and Jill impacts their community by providing community service, mentoring, educational, and leadership opportunities. During February and April, the Chapter served a local food pantry for MLK Day of Service and hosted the South Louisiana “Children’s Cluster Experience”. Both events accumulated over 175 hours of community service! An entire pantry was filled with 1600lbs of food/ dried goods. Partnering with Helix Aviation Academy included over 150 families and 100 children in flight-themed, grade group sessions. Over $2000 was collected for the Power Pump Girls, Inc. along with 1200 feminine products. Combined Chapter families and mentors facilitated the sessions. Both events incorporated programmatic thrusts while addressing the necessities in our local community. Highlights included contests among grade groups, celebrating current and past pilots, flight attendants of color, and former Olympiads who pride themselves in giving back to the community while encouraging others.
El Paso-Southern New Mexico
The children of the Jets (6th -8th ) and Diamond (9th -12th) age group got together on 03/16/2022 to explore their vision for their future and learn to develop their goals and leadership skills in the event “Dinner with a CEO.” The youths attended the dinner dressed in business casual (dress for success). They shared a semi-formal dinner with Leslie Wingo, who is the President and CEO of Sanders/Wingo Advertising. The children got the opportunity to interact with a leader in the advertising industry. They gained insights into how she developed a vision for her current role, maintained her passion for achieving her goals, and navigated being the “only one” in many spaces.
Fort Worth, TX
Jack and Jill and Carol Robertson Day brought together the entire family to kick off the 2021-2022 program year for the Fort Worth Chapter.
This year’s theme was the Fort Worth Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc. Olympic Games. The YMCA Camp Carter hosts over three hundred acres of nature, fun, and activities. Grade group participants had the option to compete in sack races, tug of war, gaga pits, basketball, sand volleyball, reserved archery and rock wall climbing tower which includes trained staff. Children of all ages enjoyed backyard games such as Giant Jenga, Corn Hole, and Connect Four. There were opportunities to visit the reptile habitat, see baby goats, explore the nature trail, and brave the suspension bridge. We commemorated the life of Carole Robertson by reading her bio and releasing white balloon.
Families enjoy family reunion music and Robertson’s BBQ.
Greater Channel, TX
The dynamic Greater Channel Chapter Stars took part in an educational event geared towards helping kids embrace diversity while enjoying social and recreational activities during our Jack and Jill Day celebration. With our smallest children (Twinkling Stars) leading the way we took advantage of opportunities to share historical details about racial discrimination and why these events and conversations are still relevant today. We honored our own Carole Robertson as we remembered the Birmingham church bombing. All grade groups were engaged as we shared the importance of talking about race to help the children understand, respect, and appreciate the differences between people. This deep dive into our cultural experiences helped our children build empathy and compassion for others so they are better able to see when their world seems unjust or unfair. Children and mothers from each grade group also brought can goods to donate to the Houston food bank.
Katy-Prairie View, TX
KPV’s 4th/5th graders celebrated contributions made by African Americans in STEM. STEM IS Black History! This experience took place in one of Houston’s leading MEP engineering firms, Jordan & Skala Engineers. To champion this initiative, the firm transformed their office into four learning stations while introducing black industry leaders, historically and widely underrepresented. First, black innovations were celebrated. Additionally, a hands-on area to explore materials used in construction/engineering projects was explored. They learned how to read construction/floor plans. Activity included individual engineering scales that they got to keep. Second, they created their own obstacle courses and coded a Sphero robot through it. Third, they built structures using only clothespins and popsicle sticks. Finally, students drew simplified buildings using AutoCAD. They learned basic shapes and designed their future homes! Throughout, our hosts guided and answered questions from the curious and animated new pupils, who could be the future faces of STEM.
New Orleans, LA
The New Orleans Chapter hosted a Career Fair on November 13, 2021 at Xavier University for junior and senior teens, and the VIPs (grades 6-8). Prior to the event, participants completed the O*Net Careers Interest Inventory and the Holland’s Code-RIASEC Marker to help them identify careerrelated interests. The participants were also given access to an interactive college search activity with the College Board. The Xavier University Career Services Office held small group sessions explaining the assessment results and provided other career exploration information. The participants also met with professionals, mostly JNJ Moms and Dads, from architecture, personal injury law, criminal defense law, law enforcement, graphic design, obstetrics/gynecology, rheumatology, psychiatry, optometry, financial advising, and education. Additionally, two senior teen officers led the “Goal Setting” leadership module in small groups. Virtual participants were video conferenced into the leadership module and career services session, and met with the professionals in zoom breakout rooms.
North Texas
At approximately 380 feet high in Dallas, flanked by Uptown and Downtown, our Mavericks, Jr. Teens, and Sr. Teens met Derrick Evers, one of the nation’s premier black commercial real estate developers to tour “The Link”, his newest project. Evers, President, and CEO of Kaizen Development (also Developer of the Year) enabled North Texas Chapter youth to fulfill the educational thrust by instructing them on the vision and strategy required to become a pioneer in real estate development. Our kids gained an understanding of the finance, engineering, construction, and marketing disciplines required to complete this project. Evers also discussed legislative and civic approvals/processes involved in completing the multi-million-dollar office building. The $1700M , ~300,00 SF project is the first of its kind by a black developer in Dallas. Our children toured the building, had lunch, and participated in a Q&A session with Evers on the rooftop lounge overlooking the city.
San Antonio, TX
Our Lads & Lassies, children from 1st-3rd grade, were able to have one-on-one hands-on learning with a private tour of Owl Creek Farm in San Antonio Texas. The program focused on educating our children on the importance of agriculture and farming, entrepreneurship/ownership through farming and how to begin becoming financially literate. The first guest speaker, Ms. Brandi Sneed-Clark, owner of the only black-owned farm in San Antonio, gave a fun and interactive presentation on the importance of Growing Natural Food, the Business of Farming, the cost of farming supplies and Financial Assets. The second guest speaker, a representative from Owl Creek Farm, gave a short presentation detailing the responsibilities of caring for the goats, rabbits, pigs and chickens and maintenance on the farm. The third guest speaker, Dr. Bianca, shared Money tips with the children on spending, saving and giving. Jack and Jill Money envelopes were given to each child.
South Belt Houston, TX
During the month of November, the Champs grade group participated in an amazing encounter with animals via the Houston Zoo Conservatory program. The activity afforded our Jacks and Jills the opportunity to partake in the Gift of Grub—a private animal feeding program, and an interactive Q&A session that was lead by the zoo keepers. The Champs were able to observe the habitat, natural behaviors, and eating habits of giraffes. The focus of the event was to provide a meaningful zoological experience while learning financial leadership through giving. Additionally, the Champs enjoyed the zoo’s carousel ride where they had a memorable and exuberant social escape. A parent donation was made in honor of the group to commemorate their unique animal adventure. The CHAMPS philanthropic and educational experience appeared in the Zoo and Houston Conservation publications.
Southwest Suburban Dallas, TX
On November 13, 2021, the Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter partnered with Chase Bank and Outschool to teach our Inquisitive Minds (1st-3rd graders) to become “Financially Lit” in a virtual environment. A representative from Outschool taught about how money is earned and its uses. Through astonishing visuals, discussions, and fun interactive scenarios, the students prioritized needs over wants, learned the function of a bank and how money circulates through, and also that banks distribute personal and business loans. A representative from Chase Bank walked parents and children through how to obtain a debit card for minors. He helped the children get a practical understanding of budgeting, earning, saving, investing, and making spending choices. The children were taught about the history and importance of African American owned banks, also that there is purchasing power in “Banking Black.” In the spirit of philanthropy, the children donated canned goods to a local food pantry.
The Woodlands, TX
On October 17, 2021, the Woodlands Chapter (preschool8th grade) gathered at Space Center Houston (in-person and virtually) for a one-of-a-kind STE[A]M event focused on the historic Artemis missions to the moon! With Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon. Students learned about the Artemis Mission and conducted an Artemis STEM challenge in a private learning laboratory. They also explored the Space Center with small group scavenger hunts and Morpheus VR rides, collaborating to learn about space exploration and NASA career options. Each group mastered age-appropriate missions and STEM challenges before earning an Artemis Generation Leadership Certificate. These activities fulfilled the National Jack and Jill thrust for EDUCATION with focus areas in STEAM and leadership development. Our children were empowered by exploring their potential to make a difference in worlds unknown and leading this generation as history makers.
Athens, GA
On January 8, 2022, at the Lyndon House Arts Center, the Athens Area Chapter hosted a Chapter-wide, hybrid vision board activity called #SeeItAchieveIt. Families were given a foam board, Jack and Jill thrusts cutouts, stickers, markers, and magazines. Virtual families were able to pick up their materials prior to the activity. The activity was facilitated by two in-person moms and one virtual mom. Families were introduced to vision boards, discussed the importance of identifying long-term and short-term goals, and the power of visual reminders. Sample boards were presented, including a digital vision board created using the Canva platform. A playlist of upbeat and inspirational music played as families created their vision boards. Once complete, participants were invited to practice public speaking skills by presenting their boards to the group. Our Jacks and Jills learned that when they are able to see a vision, they can achieve it!
Augusta, GA
The Augusta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. hosted the second annual Module Mania: The Cheese Keeps Moving, October 2021. Our children and teens participated in four leadership modules: “Risk-taking”, “Confidence”, “Communications and Listening”, and “Communications and Public Speaking”, as well as three financial modules, which included “Work Your Money”, and “Where’s the Money”. The final financial module, “Economic Factors that Drive Investments” was presented by National Corresponding Secretary Sativia Leach-Bowen via Zoom, with an audience of teens and children throughout the Southeastern Region. The Augusta Chapter was delighted to share invaluable information pertaining to life-skills, and financial pearls to enable our children and teens to become confident, successful, and financially savvy adults. The chapter is extremely proud that this programming activity won first place recognition for National Best of the Best Bi-Monthly Programming. The program was chaired by Mom Monique Walker and Cochaired by Mom Deshala Murray.
Brevard County, FL
The Brevard County, Florida Chapter Honeybees (preKGrade 2) were treated to a real-world look at finance on Saturday, April 2nd, 2022 when Space Coast Credit Union opened its doors to host the group in a private tour. The little ones excitedly ventured through the financial facility and were amazed by the breathtaking look behind the bank vault. The students buzzed with questions and the bank manager explained the important concepts of saving money and earning interest. The financial life lessons continued immediately after the tour as Host Moms Nikki Clementin and Nicole Hosey guided the group through a life-like financial simulation. The children identified a portion of their income to deposit to a bank account, as well as a percentage to donate to charity. They spent the rest on “needs” and “wants.” The Honeybees left this fun and engaging activity better informed regarding making responsible decisions with their financial resources.
Daytona Beach Area, FL
Florida Water Warriors
On April 25, 2022, the Daytona Beach Moonwalkers boarded a research vessel in St. Augustine Florida and spent the day aboard a floating classroom. This private educational activity was led by marine scientists who introduced the Moonwalkers to the unique flora and fauna of the protected intercostal water ways. Children scouted wildlife and made observations of dolphin species present in the local ecosystem. The children learned how to collect water data samples and identified the characteristics of healthy natural bodies of water. Children had in-depth discussions on the importance of protecting and preserving Florida’s natural water. In addition to the aforementioned science activity, additional financial and health thrusts were explored. Prior to the activity, participants received a personalized lunchbox and gift card, with instructions on healthy meal planning and budgeting. Armed with this knowledge, participants shopped for and packed their own lunches with parental guidance.
Greater Chattanooga, TN
The Greater Chattanooga Chapter’s Twix and Tweens hosted Germs! Germs! Germs! a STEM and Black History activity covering three national thrusts: STEM education, cultural, and health components. Participants received germ collection kits, collected their specimens, and digitally documented the germ’s growth. During the virtual event, participants shared photos and discussed their specimens. They discovered that there are more germs on iPads than inside most toilets. Host moms discussed how germs affect our health and the importance of hand washing and sanitizing electronic devices. We appreciated our history and culture through a presentation and game highlighting the work of prominent Black scientists. It featured bacteriologist, Dr. William Hinton (pictured), and HBCU graduate, Dr. Clarice Phelps, the first Black woman to help lead to the discovery of a chemical element on the periodic table, (117) Tennessine. This activity encouraged our youth that they, too, can make a difference.
Greater Fort Lauderdale, FL
HBCU’ing down the STEAM Lane
The roads of HBCUs are paved in Black Magic. They act as a safe space for Black students to grow, learn and express themselves. To explore college life, more than 30 Teens of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter took a road trip to visit the campus of Florida A&M University (FAMU).
Our Superstars were led by campus guides, who were knowledgeable about the University, its academic programs, and traditions. Our teens observed the bustling activity of campus life, from students chatting on the “Set,” studying in the Quadrangle, and grabbing a bite at the “Orange Room.”
The Teens reviewed entrance requirements with admissions, witnessed the famous FAMU Marching 100, and participated in the campus “Be Out Day”. To end the day, the Superstars had a Q&A session with our GFTL Jack and Jill alums who are current students. A virtual tour was also provided for those that could not attend.
Greater North Central Florida
Education, experience, exposure and interaction matters for our children, especially in today’s political climate! The Greater North Central Florida Chapter, under the leadership of President Antoinette “Tonee” Davis and activity sponsors Mom Dr. Gwendolyn Dawson and CS Dr. Sharla Gray, hosted an informative Interactive Legislative Day at the Capitol, in Ocala, Florida. Over 50 moms, dads, children, and friends attended the chapter wide event. The Honorable Ira Bethea, Chairman of the Ocala City Counsel and The Honorable Yvonne Hinson, Florida House of Representatives, District 20, both spoke about the legislative process and why it is so important for our children to not only know and understand, but participate in the civic process. Everyone was truly reminded and encouraged that “we the people” includes ALL of us and we have a civic duty to be engaged. A delicious boxed lunch was served at the end of the event.
Greater Tampa, FL
All Aboard! The Greater Tampa Chapter Jet Sets set sail on their “Cultural Caribbean Cruise” on Sunday, November 14, 2021. Greeted by the soul-stirring rhythms of calypso, soca, reggae, and salsa, the Jet Sets took a simulated land trip and cruised the Caribbean.
The event energized the children’s imaginary skills as they traveled the world visiting the islands of Panama, Virgin Islands, Haiti, and Jamaica with a focus on African heritage.
The fun-filled activity educated our children while exposing them to the importance of the international experience. Utilizing travel with visual, hands-on activities like obtaining passports, jeopardy, food tasting, and musical entertainment, the roots and history of other parts of the world were discovered.
Greater Tampa Jets Sets elevated programming by embracing various cultures while developing an understanding of the norms, values, and beliefs that make who we are and where we are from a unique gift and treasure.
Jackson, TN
The Jackson, TN Chapter embraced the theme “THE POWER TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE THRU GIVING”. We kicked off the Pandemic year with preparing snack baskets for health care workers at a local hospital. The chapter continued the theme of giving by celebrating Carole E. Robertson and Jack and Jill Day with a 5K walk/run and can donation to RIFA, a local nonprofit organization. In November, the chapter highlighted Arts and Cultural Awareness by supporting Lane College’s band with financial and material donations for the musicians. For December, we sponsored a Holiday Parade and gave goody bags to the local Boys and Girls Club. For our January Service Project, we donated new and gently used shoes to a St. Jude project by our local hero, Dallas Weddle. Our chapter concluded with the Mother’s Charity Tea and Charity Auction. All proceeds were donated to The Scarlet Rope Project, a local nonprofit organization.
Miami, FL
The Perfect Tea Experience
For many tea is just that simply tea. For others, a gentle sip brings peace, serenity and tranquility. On a warm spring afternoon, Dr. Tiffany Howard (lead teen sponsor, educator, speaker, mentor, positive youth development advocate) took time to teach her Miami Teens about the origins of high tea and etiquette.
While enjoying a cup of tea with authentic English dishes, the teens engaged in meaningful conversations on race and culture inside the United States and abroad. The Miami Teens received a refresher on how to conduct themselves with style and grace when dining with their peers and others such as potential college recruiters and employers.
Simply put, a cup of tea can lead to many intellectual and engaging discussions among all ages and cultures. Tea and powerful conversation…definitely makes a difference.
Mississippi Gulf Coast, MS
On November 12, 2021, the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chapter had an opportunity to explore the Institute of Marine Mammal Studies for an overnight program titled “Dozing with Dolphins”. Upon arrival, mothers and children were greeted by overnight hosts to begin our ocean adventure, with blankets, pillows, and air mattresses in tow. The fun night was kicked off with a one-of-a-kind fossil dig to find fossil artifacts. We then moved into the exhibition hall where everyone was able to interact with stingrays, turtles, horseshoe crabs, sharks, and snakes to learn about conservation and how they maintain a healthy environment for local marine life. After a dolphin rescue relay, they learned how to simulate a rescued dolphin to a new habitat for care and recovery. The night ended watching an ocean themed movie. Our morning began embarking on a private dolphin and sea lion show. The education received was second to none!
Montgomery, AL
The Montgomery Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., in an effort to “Empower our Future Leaders”, hosted the Lollipops, Buttons and Bows, and Twixt and Tweens for its ‘Be A Vet Day’. Host mom, Dr. Dana Henderson, welcomed the children to her veterinary clinic with various handson activities and collaborative learning stations related to different animal types, diagnoses, and treatments. One activity included the examination of a cat and sharing what veterinarians look for in ‘healthy’ animals. The children were also able to observe x-rays and a minor surgery of a dog, all before heading to brush and ride horses. Dr. Henderson also engaged the children on what it takes to become a veterinarian and several highlights of working with so many animals. The Montgomery Jack and Jill children were elated to experience life as a veterinarian and expand their STEM focus in a unique and collaborative setting.
Orlando, FL
The Orlando Chapter hosted our Third Biennial Jacqueline Moore Bowles (JMB) Youth Leadership Academy. The JMB Youth Leadership Academy, an exclusive chapter-wide event, emphasized the financial and leadership development of our Jacks and Jills in hopes to develop future global leaders. Our featured esteemed guest speakers have prominent careers such as the state attorney, physicians, successful entrepreneurs, and attorneys, all who shared their expertise in their respective fields and service in the Black community. All activities and workshops were meticulously planned to promote fiscal responsibility and engage our Jacks and Jills in critical thinking skills. They created budgets and examined their emotional intelligence, which assisted them in identifying their attributes that builds character. Further, our children participated in workshops that fostered philanthropy. Lastly, they explored entrepreneurial opportunities as they discovered the significance of being a servant leader in the Black community and how to achieve success in a global society.
Palm Beach, FL
On March 27, 2022, Grade Group 2 got a hands-on view of how energy works. The Teddy Bear Palms toured the Riviera Beach Solar Energy Center where they got a closeup look of solar panel arrays, inverters, a substation and transmission lines. Next, they were provided with fruit battery kits to produce electricity using various mediums such as dirt, slime, lemons and potatoes. The Teddy Bear Palms then tested their hypothesis to see which items produced the most electricity. They used a voltmeter to read how much electricity each item produced, then documented their assumptions on team charts and clipboards. Finally, they talked about Lewis Latimore and his contributions to science. Each child was given their very own scientist lab coat, clipboard, lighted pen, and a science bag filled with goodies including a map of how power companies deliver electricity to homes.
Pensacola, FL
The Pensacola Chapter hosted its 3rd annual Shark Tank event virtually on March 26, 2022. The event focused on providing age-appropriate financial literacy and STEAM programming for all grade groups. Our children worked in assigned groups to develop a unique business idea and prepare a business plan. Preparatory assignments included guided worksheets and animated videos that provided tips on building a successful business. The children also practiced their public speaking skills as they pitched their ideas to the panel of Shark Moms. This event is a chapter favorite. It’s always educational and entertaining. All twelve groups did an outstanding job, making it very difficult for the Shark Moms to vote on the top ideas. The winning groups were 1st Place: Top Tier Talent App, 2nd Place: Styled By Braat and Slime Time, and 3rd Place: Essential Swirl. Each winning group member received an Amazon gift card.
Suncoast, FL
In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Day of Service 2022, all age groups from the Suncoast Chapter participated in a safe, physically distanced, educational activity supporting The St. Pete Youth Farm. This 501c3 organization is a place where the community can access locally grown produce and learn to grow their own food. The organization also provides resources to teens to promote leadership skills, entrepreneurship, urban agriculture and wellness. Suncoast Chapter Families supported the youth farm and their mission by tending to their garden and donating $1000 for resources to help with continued sustainment. Additionally, opportunities were provided to learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to honor his legacy by understanding the importance of giving back through community service. The MLK weekend ended with a walk in the Dream Big, MLK Jr Parade, and Suncoast Children were inspired to use their power to make a difference year-round!
Tuskegee, AL
THE TUSKEGEE CHAPTER of Jack & Jill attended Freedom Rider, a play presented at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival (ASF) Theater along with Dr. Bernard Lafayette, Freedom Rider, one of the participants on the monumental journey.
The play is centered around real-life events of May 1961 with four young students and others boarding a southbound bus from Washington, D.C. to challenge segregated spaces in interstate travel. TRULY AMAZING!
After the play, Chapter Mom, Tiffany Johnson Cole, joined Dr. Lafayette on the stage for a Q & A with the entire audience. Afterward, a reception was held for Jack & Jill and Dr. Lafayette. We were joined by the cast and members of the Late Representative John Lewis’ (fellow Freedom Rider) family who was in attendance. Dr. Lafayette was also able to sell and autograph books. This event provided access to fortyone people in addition to the ASF Theater’s general audience participants.
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Why is this program Best of the Best?
Our Jack and Jill Healthy Fun Day was a cross grade group event. Many of our families and children participated at some level. Our moms, dads and teens served as volunteers, health educators, vendor coordinator, bag stuffers, performers, line dancers, ticket takers and ice cream scoopers, and our smallest children learned, “Why we serve our community and What is community service?” This health awareness event brought to gether corporate and community partners directly aligned with Jack and Jill’s mission to serve African American families. Our funders not only provided resources, but they came and volun teered alongside us. They translated our flyer into Spanish to reach ESL families too. We were intentional about creating a fun and safe carnival environment for special needs children as well as other children in the community. The visibility from our brand ed t-shirts and the media coverage that this event generated left such a positive impression of our organization in the Greater Philadelphia area. Ten non-profits came out and supported us and distributed literature at the event too. Our Healthy Fun Day also created a pathway for future collaborations to meet the health needs of our target communities in Montgomery, Chester and Delaware Counties.
Activity Description
On April 23, 2022, Chester County hosted Jack and Jill Healthy Fun Day, a community health fair and street carnival at St. Luke Community Christian Church in Chester, PA. The overarching goal was to promote healthier lifestyles in the economically vul nerable community of Chester, which is 87% African American. We provided residents supportive services for both cardiovas cular health, mental health and COVID-19 vaccines. We also created an open discussion on mental health and stress. The event featured an education stage within the health clinic and an exercise stage within the carnival. Both stages featured a DJ, educational presentations, and physical fitness activities. We chose this community after our partner, the Delaware County Health Department made us aware of the low vaccine rate in that community. We also raffled off incentive items to encourage participation including bikes, helmets, headphones and more. We provided free food truck tickets and t-shirts to all who partic ipated in the event. Children also received drawstring backpacks with goodies. We had 58 volunteers including moms, dads,13 Teens and 6 Jr Teens. Our chapter’s medical professionals also took part in providing health screenings. Event Activities: 1)
Vaccine Clinic: Children 5-17 & adults 2) Dental Screenings: Children & adults 3) Health Screenings: BMI Glucose Blood Pressure, and Lead Screenings 4) Education Stage: Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure, Dr. Deon Vigilance, Chair AHA Phil adelphia Mental Health and Stress, Dr. Beverly Richards, Key stone First Oral Health: Dr. Nelly Silva, AHA CPR demonstration 5) Exercise Stage: Line dancing, Double Dutch, Limbo, Tricycle races Fitness Instruction, and Yoga instruction: To provide an inclusive environment for all children, including those with spe cial needs in the community, we provided a bounce house, allstar basketball hoops, a balloon artist and a video game truck to serve children 2+. We had a free photobooth featuring our event logo. We also used African American vendors for 82% of all purchases for this event. This was also a cross grade group event. In the morning, prior to the event we held educational activities for our smallest Jacks and Jills (Pre-K - 5th grade) to teach them about Why we serve our community? Empathy and Gratitude, and What is Community Service? We had 25 children take part in these sessions. At the event, we served 105 people in the health clinic and administered 18 Covid-19 vaccines. Our event was also featured on NBC10 11pm broadcast the day of the event. Our event was funded by our lead sponsor Keystone First, The Foundation for Delaware County, and The Delaware County Health Department, Circle of Giving and Black Greek Alumni Coalition of Chester. The total budget for the event was $22,000. This health awareness event brought together corpo rate and community partners directly aligned with Jack and Jill’s mission to serve African American families and we made a pos itive impact on this community and built the Jack and Jill brand.
Why is this program Best of the Best?
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service event, Empowering the Community to Live Well: Taking Charge of Our Health is a model of the Best of the Best programming because the de sign intentionally focused involving the entire chapter in carrying on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in our community through philanthropic giving, offering education, and providing access to services in a unique and relevant manner. Through our numerous community partnerships and our multi-pronged approach including donation to the food bank, presentations and information on health issues, and a COVID-19 vaccine and testing clinic we were able to provide the maximum impact to address the health disparities in our community.
Activity Description
The Cleveland Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Martin Lu ther King, Jr. Day of Service event, Empowering the Community to Live Well: Taking Charge of Our Health, had three compo nents, philanthropic giving, education, and access to services. Philanthropic giving was the focus of the children’s program ming as they participated in a read-a-thon fundraiser. Children were encouraged to read books aligned with the values of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., showing how each of us has the power to make a difference in our community. In the week preceding the day of service children read for over 2,600 minutes and raised $2,695.00. The funds raised are being donated to the Greater Cleveland Food Bank and the Jack and Jill of America Foundation. The read-a-thon concluded on MLK, Jr. Day with a story hour by the Cleveland Association of Black Storytellers and included movement activities from BOKS. The adult and teen virtual programing was designed for participants to gain information to improve health outcomes. On MLK, Jr. Day, adult programming began with a screening of the 2021 documentary film, FIGHT FOR GOOD, discussing how COVID-19 dispro portionately affects communities of color, and highlighting the inequities of healthcare within Cleveland, and across the nation. Sponsored by AARP, the community conversation after the film featured Cleveland Chapter Mother, LaTasha Jarret, MD, CMO of the Centers for Families and Children. A healthy cooking demonstration was provided by Gourmet Gent over the lunch hour, followed by a presentation on nutrition and kidney health, that was sponsored by the Western Reserve (OH) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated Black K.A.R.E. (Kidney, Awareness, Resources and Education) program. Participants then learned “How Racial Diversity in Clinical Research Will Help Eliminate Health Disparities,” in a presentation by University Hospitals. Concurrent with the adult presentations, teens participated in an interactive zoom event starting with a cooking demonstration by Meals Made Easy. They then had discussed advocacy and finding your voice, facilitated by Reading Ramm; taking care of your mental health, lead by Project Lift; and The Social Me
dia Detox, by Jack and Jill Legacy LaVonne Heisser. In addition to our featured presentations, the American Heart Association, Canton and Wooster Pediatric Dental Center, Medworks, NAMI, the Children’s Defense Fund, and Cuyahoga County Board of Elections shared public service presentations giving attendees useful information and connecting them to local resources. The in-person and final event of our program focused on access to health services. Participants were reminded of the importance of being vaccinated against COVID-19 during our informational presentations and had the opportunity to register for and attend a COVID-19 vaccination, booster, and testing clinic, held on January 19th at The Centers Uptown Health & Wellness Center. Dr. Martin Luther King once stated, “Of all forms of discrimina tion and inequalities, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhuman.” The Cleveland Chapter developed its “Empowering the Community to Live Well” programming to address inequal ities in health. We remain committed to making a difference for all children and families, on mission and on purpose.
Why is this program Best of the Best?
Why is the South Jersey Chapter’s Legislative Health Advoca cy Fair Best of the Best? First, the fair focused on advocacy to help not only our South Jersey Jacks and Jills but people in our communities. We put together various tools to help peo ple navigate the pandemic, including sharing the importance of getting vaccinated, eating healthier, and how to gain access to healthy foods. This program shed light on the health disparities in the community and, at the same time, taught our youth to demand change and to facilitate advocacy in their communities and beyond. Secondly, the South Jersey Chapter partnered with Southern Jersey Family Medical Centers, Virtua Health’s Eat Well Program, the Willingboro Library, and Nettie, Nana & Friends to assist in creating a robust community-focused event. Partici pants received free vaccinations, Covid-19 Home Test Kits, N95 Masks, and access to fresh produce. About 30 children in the community and our younger grade groups were entertained by a puppet show, Corey Conquers Covid. Finally, this program is best of the best because it included distinguished political part ners, Tyrus Ballard, outreach coordinator from Congressman Andy Kim’s office, and NJ State Senator, Troy Singleton. Also, the chapter was presented with a congressional citation for our community work, which stresses the service and advocacy work of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
Activity Description
On April 30, 2022, the South Jersey Chapter of Jack and Jill of America came together for our second legislative event, a Health Advocacy Fair. The fair started with a welcome address from our chapter president, Jackie Lopez-Perry. Tyrus Ballard, Community Outreach Coordinator for U.S. Congressman Andy Kim, awarded the South Jersey Chapter a congressional citation highlighting our advocacy in the community, specifically rec ognizing our work against Covid-19. In addition, New Jersey Senator Troy Singleton also visited the Health Fair. He provided encouraging words to participants expressing that working to gether, getting vaccinated, and organizations such as Jack and Jill are partners in the fight to end the pandemic and address health inequities that plague communities of color. The fair was attended by various members of the community and our South Jersey members, who received COVID-19 vaccinations from one of our partnering organizations, South Jersey Family Med ical Centers (SJFMC). SJFMC is one of the leading agencies in the state and was the first to administer Covid vaccinations. SJFMC not only provided vaccines but also supplied participants with at-home Covid-19 test kits and N95 Masks. Other partner ing organizations included the Virtua Health Eat Well Program, which provided an abundance of fresh produce, heart-healthy snacks, and pop-it toys to help relieve anxiety and stress to assist differently abled children and adults. One of the highlights of the day was a puppet show for children. About 30 children from
the community enjoyed Corey Conquers Covid. This story was developed by a local Kindergarten teacher, Ronnette Powell, to help younger children understand what a pandemic is, how we can eradicate the spread of Covid-19, and the importance of being vaccinated. The energetic 45-minute show is an adapta tion of the book titled by the same name, which Mrs. Powell cowrote with her middle school-aged daughter, Destiny Powell. In addition to the puppet show, Mrs. Powell conducted a book fair that showcased other titles that she and her daughter wrote to gether. The Health Advocacy Fair ended with many participants thanking the chapter for a wonderful experience. The Director of the Willingboro Public Library remarked that the South Jersey Chapter of Jack is always welcomed to use their facilities, as our programming is always relevant, top-notch, and rewarding to the community!
Why is this program Best of the Best?
We should win Best of the Best because we saw a major need for health and wellness support and went the extra mile to fill that need. As mothers, we often forget to check in with ourselves and those around us. We saw a growing need in our homes and in our community for an increased focus on health and wellness. We knew our community needed more than a one-day event. We decided to fill that need with a “Check Your Wellness” month of events to inspire new wellness habits, support those in need and foster new community relationships. We made a tangible impact on the community and our members. We showed our families and our community a broad range of ideas to make health and wellness a daily routine. We donated over ten large bags of children’s athletic wear to the Loudoun Women’s Shel ter, we raised money and showed up to fight childhood hun ger and we educated the community on mental health for all ages, stages, and abilities. We accomplished this with COVID restrictions and uncertainty. We met people where they were and maintained a spirit of gratitude and positivity for the future.
Activity Description
The Loudoun County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. hosted “Check Your Wellness” in April 2022 in Loudoun County Virginia to bring awareness to the importance of self-care for adults and children. This month-long event included multiple community service activities, educational community events, chapter fellowship opportunities and fun wellness competitions for children of all abilities. We had weekly themes with mental,
physical, and spiritual wellness activities, inspirational messages and thoughtful reminders. Week 1 (April 1-9), Flex Your Phys ical Fitness, chapter members donated new children’s athletic wear to the Loudoun Women’s Shelter (LAWS). These clothing items are not always available in shelters. We centered our minds with Chapter Chaplain, Mother Crystal Wheeler for an LCVC guided meditation session. We held a Kids TikTok video challenge for the most creative exercise video and ended the week with a chapter Peloton bike swarm. Week 2 (April 10-16), Healthy Eating Inspiration, we participated in OUT RUN CHILD HUNGER 5K on April 10 at Franklin Park in Purcellville Virginia then held a series of kids healthy cooking challenges. The reci pes included smoothies, salads and wraps. Our kids’ creativity sparked some new family favorites. Week 3 (April 17-23), Fo cus on Financial Fitness, we talked about our finances, shared our favorite financial apps and watched the “Money Confident Kids” modules. Week 4 (April 24-30), Mental Health Matters, we hosted a virtual community event with Ms. Melinda K. Thom as, Certified School Psychologist, who shared the importance of caring for every child’s mental health. She shared insights to support children’s mental health from infant to adulthood. We hosted weekly “Walk It Out Wednesday” community walks to fellowship at Trailside Park and ended with a Peloton Meditation to remind ourselves to slow down and practice gratitude. Grat itude unlocks the fullness of life. Photo Credits: We prepared a comprehensive collage of photos, posters and event highlights. However, to align with the submission requirements, we submit ted one special photo of a few of the Out Run Child Hunger 5K participants making an IMPACT.
Bloomington-Normal, IL
On April 30, 2022, Jack and Jill’s Bloomington-Normal Chapter partnered with the local YMCA to host an event aptly titled JJSwims. Although this is the third annual JJSwims event, this is the first one held in person. This communitywide, health thrust-aligned event attracted 85 eager registrants. During JJSwims, children engaged in water safety techniques. While this gathering is great fun for the children and volunteers, there is a far more important goal. JJSwim’s ultimate intent is to eliminate the overrepresentation of African American children in drowning deaths. To further this mission, the YMCA generously gifted all attendees discounted swim lessons. Four special attendees received free swim lessons. We hope every child walked away with an introduction to enjoying water safely.
Kansas City, MO
Our Adventurers, 4th-5th graders, enjoyed a day at “Ruby Jeans Juicery!” to learn the fantastic and healthy option of juicing. Owner Chris Goode shared the origin of this blackowned business, from being a memory of his grandmother to becoming a major staple in the Kansas City community today. Our Jacks and Jills learned how to make healthy meal choices and how juicing is a viable option as in any other meal. Each child blended their own juice as a special treat to end the tour. This opportunity taught them how to take ingredients and create a healthy drink from beginning to end. A new passion was ignited to live healthier by incorporating healthier drink options into their diet. As Ruby Jean Juicery states, “There is LIFE in fruits and vegetables!”
Northwest Arkansas
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), African Americans are twice as likely to die of heart disease than their White counterparts. Thus, it is imperative that we instill in our children heart healthy lifestyle and cooking habits well before they reach adulthood. The Northwest Arkansas Chapter partnered with Tyson Foods to explore the “Farm to Table” food preparation concept. Teens and children worked with the Tyson Foods culinary team to prepare three appetizers and three breakfast items. Our youth were provided access to a commercial grade kitchen, a registered dietician and trained chefs. With approximately 20 in attendance, the Northwest Arkansas chapter teens and children were split into culinary teams where they learned how to create dishes flavored with seasonal fruits and vegetables and prepared with alternatives to salt and sugar. At day’s end, the teens and children returned home with recipes and the skills with which they can recreate many heart healthy dishes in their own kitchens.
Tulsa, OK
This program is exceptional due to its ability to address the Health National Thrust and its designated theme “Rowing through Adversity.” This program was innovative by giving hands on experience with rowboat simulation with our children to understand the importance of unity both physically and mentally with each other to create a better future for themselves and their community. Prior to the event, participants watched “A Most Beautiful Thing.” The film chronicles the first African American high school rowing team in this country (made up of young men, many of whom were in rival gangs from the West Side of Chicago, all coming together to row in the same boat). The film explored the safety these young men found on the water despite their trauma of violence and cyclical poverty. Using rowing as the focus, the children learned about the power of exercise (Health), teamwork, math skills (Education:STE[A]M), endurance, appreciating our black rowing teen history (Cultural), technique and discovering something new together (Social/Recreational). Rowing is a metaphor for the intersection between all these things.
Jersey Shore, NJ
The Jazzy Jersey Shore Chapter used the National Day of Service to make a big impact on Monmouth and Ocean Counties. The Jacks and Jills of the Jersey Shore Chapter collected over 804 lbs. of non-perishable food items and over $300.00 in cash donations to support the work of FulFill Food Pantry. This sizable donation will provide over 1,000 meals to families in the Monmouth and Ocean County areas of New Jersey. FulFill Food Bank is a non-profit organization committed to meeting the needs of families in the Monmouth and Ocean County areas in their battle against hunger and associated needs related to economic insecurity. Through a full suite of programs that provide resources to families, FulFill supports those in need in becoming self-sufficient.
Morris County, NJ
To celebrate Our Health Matters, our youngest Morris County Chapter members of Groups 1 & 2, spent time with doctor of endocrinology, Dr. Sherri Gillis Funderburk, also the sister of MCJJ mother member Shelli Gillis.
Dr. Funderburk made an age-appropriate presentation on the endocrine system, utilizing visual aids, plushes, to help the children visualize the glands of the body. She also discussed the importance of eating healthy foods and exercise to help little bodies and minds grow strong therefore helping to prevent illness.
The children were engaged throughout the interactive activity. They used air-dry clay to make Red Light / Green Light food key chains to provide a tactile experience. Finally, they played a game with the Red Light / Green Light toy foods.
The fun ended with all children receiving a goody bag filled with additional air-dry clay, a pancreas eraser, stickers, water bottles and healthy snacks including fruit cup, apple sauce pouch and a clementine.
Nassau County, NY
The Nassau County Chapter, in partnership with United States Tennis Association Eastern(USTAE), hosted “Tennis Titans”
on Sunday, May 22, 2022, at 2:00 pm. The event location took place at Brookville Park - Derek Dilworth Tennis Courts, Brookville Blvd & 144th Avenue, Rosedale, NY 11422.
Our leader NPD Shirell A. Gross, accompanied by her husband Mark Gross, attended the event. Both beaming with smiles, exuding positive energy and giving support the entire event. NPD Shirell’s presence truly made the event unforgettable.
A multigrade group activity including Pre-K through 3-5, received basic tennis skills training from USTA professional coaches and learned the essentials to be a leader on the court. They learned about African-American tennis players and their contributions and impact on the sport of tennis. The unique logo, created by host mothers, embodied the spirit of “Live, Love, Serve” that will continue to be used during future partnerships with the USTA.
New Haven, CT
The New Haven Chapter held Black Family Day on Sunday, May 29, 2022. Hosted by graduating mother and committee chair, Yulonda Candelario Brown, dad, Dr. William (Terry) Brown and Jack Zion; the day was an ode to our beautiful Jack and Jill families, our African ancestry, our connection to the land and increased health acuity. We hiked, learning to forage and identify edible and medicinal plants, some of which were showcased in the BBQ meal families shared afterwards at the Brown’s home. This annual event expanded our awareness of the value of wild plants, and which ones lower cholesterol, benefit the heart, decrease blood pressure and reduce inflammation. In a time when well-being and conservation policy is vested in both the sustainability of society and the environment, the modern personal, familial, health and cultural values associated with the ancient activity of gathering were honored and enjoyed by all.
Newton, MA
Cooking Up Fun!
Newton Chapter mini-chefs came together for a fun-filled cooking lesson that included safety skills for cutting, chopping, using the stove, and best of all, a lesson on good nutrition! Our children worked in partnership with each other to create healthy and delicious food and learned their way around the kitchen in the process!
Potomac Valley, MD
Providing First Aid instruction, discussing mental health matters, supporting breast cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma awareness, and unlocking the mysteries of DNA… The Potomac Valley Chapter emphasized the physical and mental health of our children, mothers, and local communities this year. The Chapter raised thousands for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society during Light the Night, welcomed breast cancer surgeon Dr. Regina Hampton to discuss breast health with mothers, and sponsored Junior and Senior Teen book clubs, offering safe spaces for mental health conversations. Additionally, Junior Teens received cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, focusing on child and infant aid. Our youngest groups learned the importance of exercise at the Dominique Dawes gymnasium (PreK-2nd) and Sandy Springs Adventure Park (3rd-5th grade). 3rd-5th graders even explored links between health and genetics through a custom presentation with an African American DNA specialist. Through these activities, we deepened our Chapter’s understanding of vital health matters.
Syracuse, NY
The Syracuse, NY Chapter partnered with the American Heart Association (AHA), to provide a wellness activity for children in our 1-2, 3-5, and 6-8 grade groups, aligning with our health, educational, and social programmatic thrusts. Before the activity, children received healthy snacks/Wegmans gift cards, physical exercise balls, or a mindfulness book/journal by an African American author. The activity highlighted the chapter’s “Nutrition Security in Central New York” video collaboration with AHA, as featured on its national website for National Nutrition Month in March 2022. To create an engaging Zoom experience, children rotated across three breakout rooms to learn how to protect their heart and brain: Group 1 – Nutrition with a local dietician, Group 2 – Physical with a local heart survivor, and Group 3 – Mindfulness with a licensed social worker. To express gratitude, one child from each grade group wrote a thank you card to the presenters.
Inglewood, CA
The Incomparable Five-Star Inglewood Chapter answered the call of the National Our Health Matters Task Force and American Heart Association to educate our members about the importance of hypertension prevention and treatment with a chapter-wide health and wellness event. In celebration of Black Family Day on May 7, 2022, Inglewood Chapter families assembled at Darby Park in Inglewood, California for an afternoon of outdoor yoga, meditation, and relaxation. Led by a certified yoga instructor, attendees practiced a variety of yoga poses and meditation techniques. The practice of yoga is known to reduce stress, improve cardiovascular health, and lower blood pressure. In true five-star fashion, Inglewood Chapter families were showered with gift bags and commemorative towels to mark the occasion. It was a special day to celebrate our chapter’s first in-person event in more than two years and implement the national “We Down With Low Blood Pressure” program.
Inland Empire, CA
For the past several years the Inland Empire Chapter of Jack and Jill of America partnered with the University of California, Riverside for the annual Food and Basic Needs Drive. In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his Poor People’s Campaign, on January 15th the Inland Empire Chapter collected over 1200 food items and $445 in monetary donations to help fight food insecurity. Food insecurity is the lack of sufficient, nutritious, and reliable food. The R’ Pantry provides food and resources for undergraduate and graduate students who are in need. Several thrusts were met including health, civic/service, culture, recreation, and social for this philanthropic event. Awesome Job!
Long Beach, CA
As masks come off and doors reopen, many face a new world of anxiety post-COVID. Jack and Jill, Inc. Long Beach Chapter’s children, met the HEALTH thrust by exploring a creative way to deal with travel anxiety…therapy dogs! We partnered with Long Beach Airport’s STARS (Simple Therapy and Real Smiles) program, to meet the EDUCATION thrust by learning the differences between therapy and service dogs; this included each child’s introduction to their own trained therapy dog for the day. The furry tour guides relieved passenger anxiety by posing for selfies, showing off their tricks, and spreading love throughout the airport. Our children met the SOCIAL/RECREATIONAL thrust as they played with dogs and made new friends. At the end, we met the CULTURAL thrust by discussing the absence of African Americans on the wall of Long Beach aviation history, vowing to partner with the airport to add this pertinent history.
Orange County, CA
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of physical health, fellowship & mental wellness. After a 2-year hiatus, the Orange County Chapter returned to our Black Family Day weekend camping tradition, held May 1315th, 2022 at South Carlsbad State Beach. 122 members gathered to participate in social activities focusing on Health & Wellness. We kicked off Friday with a physical fitness Walk & Ride. Saturday morning focused on mental wellness: TaiChi for mothers, while Groups 4-5 held guided meditation and yoga. Our afternoon included surfing lessons for all ages with instructors from Color the Water (a local BIPOC non-profit); Children in Group 1 earned Red Cross Beach Safety Certification; Groups 2-3 participated in Beach Biology hosted by a biomedical scientist; and Father’s Auxiliary held a friendly Tug-of-War competition, all ending with a Soulfood Soiree. Lastly, we hosted Sunday Devotional, reflecting on motherhood in fellowship, ending our program year with gratitude.
Tucson, AZ
On May 14, 2022, the Tucson Chapter pre-teens and teens participated in ‘Your Blood and Your Health.’ During this activity they explored the components of blood and how various blood-borne diseases affect our health. At a local pediatric office, our Jacks and Jills had a didactic session led by pediatrician Dr. Sandra Herron. They learned about differences in red blood cells that manifest as diseases with an emphasis on Sickle Cell Disease. They also discussed disparities in health care related to race and socioeconomic class and learned how to advocate for themselves in a healthcare setting. The event closed with each Jack and Jill being able to determine their own blood type followed by a question and answer session about their health with OB/ GYN Dr. Monique Schoenhage. It became an informative discussion about healthcare and the path to becoming health care providers.
The Raleigh-Wake Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. celebrated Jack and Jill and Carole Robertson Day on September 18th, 2021. The event was held at the newly renovated historic John Chavis Memorial Park in Raleigh, NC. This park was known as a recreational space for African American residents during segregation. The day offered family activities for all grade groups. Jacks and Jills enjoyed splash pad play, playground obstacle courses, sidewalk chalk fun and kickball. As a tribute, Teen Chaplain Skylar Woods read a special poem about our beloved Carole Robertson. In addition, Raleigh-Wake recognized student athletes by presenting medals for their commitment to sports and physical fitness. The program concluded with a performance by the Bouncing Bulldogs Jump Rope Group from Durham, NC, and a friendly competition of Double-Dutch. To support health and fitness along with youth development, Raleigh-Wake donated $350.00 to the Bouncing Bulldogs of Durham, NC.
City of Lakes, MN
The City of Lakes Teens “Smarties” participated in Yoga and Mindfulness practice at Lululemon Athletica, The Mall of America store, led by Dr. Lizzy Adedokun, Ph.D., LMFT a licensed marriage and family therapist who works with adolescents ages 12 to 17, and their families on managing severe depression, anxiety, and interpersonal relationships matters. Dr. Lizzy helped educate our teens on the benefits of both yoga and mindfulness, promoting individual agency to quiet their minds, and cultivating a deeper connection and understanding of self. Our teens learned both practices together, teaches the importance of tuning into their breath, paying attention to bodily sensations, and the importance of being in the moment. This health activity allowed them to focus on health, self-confidence and improving their mental well-being. The event concluded with our teens having dinner together at Mall of America.
Derby City, KY
Derby City Jack and Jill sponsored a Health Fair as a part of our Black Family and Regional Day of Service titled “Down With BP” at Rutherford Elementary. The thrust of this activity was health. The purpose was a community event to connect with the community. This event consisted of speaker Dr. Steve Patton, Cardiologist, who spoke to the families about the importance of maintaining a healthy heart. He shared the causes of a heart attack and the importance of exercise to maintain a healthy blood pressure. He also shared readings for a normal blood pressure as well as a high blood pressure. We had a Zumba session with Mary Vaughn, Zumba Instructor. Additionally, we had field day activities that focused on children and adults with continued movement. Some of the field day activities consisted of wheelbarrow, jump-rope and races. The day ended with healthy snacks for the families.
Erie Shores, OH
Erie Shores Navigators gathered at the Snap.Click.Shoot Selfie Studio in Beachwood, Ohio to focus on the impact of social media and tween mental health. Navigators participated in an engaging discussion, highlighting some of the most common social media induced stressors and tools to combat them : Feeling left out: seeing posts about events to which they weren’t invited, Digital ‘FOMO’: fear of missing out because they weren’t keeping up with the latest on social media, Pressure to be liked: feeling like they need to post positive and attractive things about themselves or their life in order to get comments and likes from friends, Feeling powerless: having others post things about them that they cannot change or control, Discomfort from high levels of communication: feeling that a friend, classmate, or partner wants to text more than they are comfortable with. Post discussion Navigators took selfies with newfound insight.
Greater Northeast Indiana
On Sunday, April 24, 2022 the Greater Northeast Indiana Chapter enjoyed hosting a “We Down With Low BP” community event at a local church. We were able to engage with over 70 people and check their blood pressure. We collaborated with a local medical staffing agency as well as a few individual nurses to take blood pressures and we had an area for yoga/stretching, information tables about health, nutrition and blood pressure and a variety of raffle prizes for participants. Our teens did the registration table along with handing out informational packets. Chapter moms kept the event organized and talked with church members after the service to make sure they got their blood pressure checked. This event helped the chapter to focus on the health thrust in the African American as well as Hispanic community raising awareness about blood pressure checks.
Indianapolis, IN
Safety First: Water Safety and Water Fun
To highlight the Health Thrust, the Indianapolis Chapter provided our 4th/5th graders the opportunity to learn about water safety and how swimming can serve as an excellent form of physical exercise.
Instructors from Goldfish Swim School shared water safety information with our Jacks and Jills (such as never swimming alone), and our host children engaged their peers in an interactive trivia game to test what they had learned. Afterward, the children enjoyed free play in the pool where they were able to put their safety tips to the test. The day ended with a healthy lunch and our Jacks and Jills receiving personalized swim bags, tumblers and towels, along with an information sheet about famous African American swimmers. In support of #JJSwims, a donation was made to the American Red Cross to provide swim lessons for a child from the Indianapolis community.
Motor City, MI
The Motor City Explorers combined culinary exploration and nutritional science with literary fun as they learned all about healthy eating habits. Jacks and Jills enjoyed Storytime with author Dr. Jessica Miller reading, Rico Eats a Rainbow, a story about a similarly-aged child as he investigates and learns to appreciate colorful fruits and vegetables. Explorers learned about the writing, illustration, and publishing process and her inspiration - a desire to help her nephew live a healthier life. Nutritionist and Chef Lisa McLendon then guided our Explorers on an interactive culinary experience leveraging a cornucopia of fresh produce. Using all five senses, Explorers sampled, described and discussed their “rainbow” foods including: kiwi, cauliflower, mango and dragon fruit. She shared facts about her profession and how she helps people make smart food choices in their diet. Our Pre-K - Kindergartners loved eating the rainbow and learned that healthy eating is tasty and FUN!
Southwestern Michigan
The words “Let’s work, let’s play, let’s live together is our Jack and Jill motto …” from our national hymn were brought to life on April 30, 2022, by the Southwestern Michigan Chapter Father’s Auxiliary. The Father’s Auxiliary, led by Dad John Oliver, hosted a chapter family fitness kickboxing event in a virtual platform. Dad Greg Wallace, owner of I Am The One Fitness center, led the class offering. The session start with pray and scripture from the Dads. After the families participated in the 50-minute fitness routine, the Dads spoke to the Jacks and Jills about what a healthy lifestyle and fitness routine should be. Later, the Dads spoke about their career paths, college studies and skills needed to operate a self-owned business. The engaging conversations between all the participants was robust. The commitment to foster an awareness on fitness is one of the Father’s Auxiliary cornerstones.
Arlington, TX
Our youngest Jack & Jill members (Little Tot’s and Shining Stars), enjoyed an informative water safety event, JJ SWIMS. Did you know the risk of drowning for African American children between he ages 5-19 is 5.5 times higher than any other race? To help combat that alarming statistic, Jack and Jill of America is encouraging chapters across the country to ensure our children are skilled and safe in the water with the JJ SWIMS initiative. The class was led by a water safety instructor and mothers received some helpful tips on how to stay safe when in the water. The kids all received swag bags with goggles, and swim hats. This activity was was fun, but also insightful to the dangers that water can have to young children.
DFW Mid-Cities, TX
Exposure and access are critical to inspiring children to consider careers in medicine.
The DFW Mid-Cities youngest teens had the awesome opportunity to learn about some Black pioneers in medicine as well as local prominent and respected physicians in person including Dr. Robert T Myles (spine surgeon); Dr. Torrence Stepteau (anesthesiologist); and Dr. Myiesha Taylor (emergentologist).
Moving into the OR they changed into proper operating room attire - scrubs, booties, hats. They learned how to properly scrub, gown, glove, and maintain sterility performing a procedure to mitigate infections and post-operative complications.
The students learned how to hold suturing tools and do simple sutures. They had the opportunity to understand the basics of the anesthesia machine, monitors, the anesthetic gasses, and the critical role of the anesthesiologist in surgery.
The key to good health is knowledge and education. This opportunity allowed the children to take a peek into what happens during surgery.
Far North Dallas, TX
The Far North Dallas Explorers (PreK-K) and Navigators (1st3rd) participated in a “farm to table“ outdoor tour at Bonton Farms in Dallas, TX to learn about the origin of food and seasonal food options. Attendees explored the farm learning how animals are raised including how goats produce milk, chickens make eggs, and bees make honey. Additionally, they were able to see and touch a variety of organic produce. During tour discussions, the concept of food deserts was introduced and children learned about barriers to accessing healthy food in urban areas. After working up an appetite, everyone enjoyed a chef-prepared organic breakfast. Host moms rounded out the event by giving each child money to use while applying lessons learned during a financial discussion about identifying and counting money. Children received bills after their meal and were responsible for paying while ensuring that the correct change was issued.
Houston, TX
On March 25, 2022, the Houston Chapter Trendsetters (9th and 10th graders) experienced being “Doctors for a Day.”
This activity was led by a team of renowned physicians that are a part of the Houston Chapter: Mothers Dr. Adrienne Walton, Pediatric Cardiologist, and Dr. Nia Johnson, Emergency Medicine; and Father Dr. Thomas Jones, Orthopedic Spine Surgeon. The Trendsetters performed ultrasounds of the heart, learned how to care for and splint broken bones, as well as how to suture wounds. Additionally, they performed cardiac dissections of pig hearts.
Because giving is as important as learning, our “Doctors for a Day” concluded their activity by making first aid kits for donation to the Nehemiah Center, a nonprofit in Houston’s urban core whose mission is to provide assistance to low income families who are invested in seeking a better future for their children through education, emotional wellness, and spiritual enrichment.
North Houston Suburban, TX
On Saturday, April 23, 2022, North Houston Suburban Teens (Grades 9-12) spent the morning with former NFL great and quarterback, Vince Young, and tennis superstar, Zina Garrison. Young and Garrison, both Houston natives, shared the importance of Mental Health Awareness and the role that it played in their amazing journey as professional athletes.
As part of the event, which took place at The Mind Spot Counseling Center, our teens experienced a group session with licensed therapist titled “Your Mind Matters: Coping with Mental Health” where they explored ways to to identify and combat triggers, and maintain good mental health for themselves and their community in today’s busy environment.
After the session, the teens toured the center and learned about exciting and rewarding careers in the mental health profession.
Atlanta, GA
Our Junior and Senior teens planned and executed a chapter-wide community service event focused on supporting the American Red Cross and sickle cell disease patients. The programming contained an educational component and an opportunity for community impact. Our attendees were equipped to understand Sickle Cell Disease, its impacts on people of color, and how blood donors can help patients. The program provided engagement flexibility with options to earn community service hours and gain oratory preparation. Teens worked alongside service committee moms to gain exposure to non-profit career opportunities. The events allowed the entire chapter to learn the biological science of sickle cell anemia from a medical director and provided an opportunity for chapter families to learn directly from Sickle Cell patients what it means to live with this condition. This knowledge and empathy drove our teens to make a difference in recruiting 55 donors who gave 50 pints of blood.
Buckhead Atlanta, GA
Buckhead Atlanta Chapter Pre-Kindergarteners and Kindergarteners hosted a community service project for the refugee children in Clarkston, Georgia, the largest refugee community in the United States. The project was a collaboration with Aid the Journey, Inc., founder Kennedy Walls, a Buckhead Atlanta alum and current Sophomore at Princeton University. This event included a virtual session led by Kennedy and an EDUCATIONAL tutorial on kit assembly. Our children SOCIALIZED by reading and discussing the book, Let’s Learn First Aid. They learned about their HEALTH, various injuries, and how to handle emergencies. They also watched a video tour of the Clarkston community and saw the children awaiting the kits. They learned the importance of CIVIC responsibilities. Host moms later joined Aid the Journey organization to hand-deliver the children’s assembled kits during a vaccine drive. They provided flu informational sheets in eight languages reflecting the beauty and CULTURE of the community.
East Suburban Atlanta, GA
On October 31, 2021, in honor of breast cancer awareness month, the East Suburban Atlanta chapter of Jack and Jill participated in the Pink Day Best Breast Cancer Walk. ESAC elected to aid the Bold and the Breastless charity. The Bold and the Breastless is a non-profit organization that assists (mentally, physically, financially, and provides educational support) men, women, and children who are affected by breast cancer. The chapter raised over $1,000.00 for the charity. Each age group played a vital role by giving back to the community. The Mighty Minis completed a breast cancer public service announcement. The Shining Stars, Jumping Juniors, and the Junior Teens donated clothing items such as hats, scarves, shirts, and other winter apparel items to cancer patients at Piedmont Newton and Piedmont Rockdale hospitals. Finally, the Senior Teens called local, state, and national elected officials and advocated for additional funds for breast cancer research.
Fayette County Area, GA
On October 24, 2021, our Junior Teen Group unplugged from their digital devices to participate in a tree-climbing excursion at Panola Mountain State Park. Our Junior Teens donned harnesses and helmets, ready to learn and implement the rope-assisted tree climbing technique to scale “Naomi Ruth,” a 100-foot Southern Red Oak. In addition to a great physical workout, this activity allowed our Junior Teens the opportunity to sharpen their problem-solving skills, boost their confidence, and improve their self-esteem as they scaled the tree. The afternoon concluded with the Junior Teens working in smaller groups to complete an Arbor Scavenger Hunt. Our budding arborists and horticulturists worked together in smaller teams to identify plants and trees along the trail. The event ended with a small group discussion about the positive effects physical fitness has on our physical and mental health.
Greater North Atlanta, GA
Adventurous Leaders had an enriching educational experience at the GoodR Headquarters where they learned the importance of fighting hunger, that 1 in 3 Black and Hispanic children go hungry daily, and the impact of reducing waste nationwide. Jasmine Crowe, CEO of GoodR, and published author read “Everybody Eats”. The story gives life to food deserts and how a young girl was able to bring a community together to decrease food waste. Mom, Rebecca Williams, MD led the children in a discussion about ways to eliminate waste in their homes, the importance of a balanced diet, and the impact food choices have on overall health. Mom, Angela Wilhite, DDS discussed dental hygiene practices, and the importance of dental exams. As a part of the activity, the children created and donated 100 dental hygiene care packages (toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss) to GoodR to help meet a growing need in the community.
Jacksonville, FL
The Fathers’ Auxiliary held their inaugural National Day of Fitness event on April 24, 2022. The event was kicked off by the Fathers’ Auxiliary Chair Retired NFL Jaguar Player Dad Eric Curry and Co-Chair Dad Ryan Toaston. The dads enlisted the expertise of Retired NFL Jaguar Players Roy Miller and Maurice Williams to speak about the importance of maintaining health through stretching exercises, prior to being physically active. The dads led the children into drill breakout sessions which included agility drill and dash, quick feet, pass and catch, and a 25-yard dash. Our 3rd through 12th graders displayed their skills by participating in two 15-minute quarters of flag football refereed by the dads. Our Pre-K through 2nd graders participated in a punt, pass and kick competition. Medals were awarded to all participants and trophies were given to the winners of the flag football game.
Macon, GA
The Marvelous Macon Chapter hosted the South Georgia Children’s Cluster on March 12, 2022. Children and Sister Moms of the Sweet, Sweet Southeastern Region, worked, fellowshipped, and played together during this momentous occasion. Jacks and Jills of all ages journeyed through the programmatic thrusts by learning new skills such as video broadcasting, “Being a Boss” with financial literacy, CPR, gardening and even made smoothies as they learned about healthy eating. Moms also attended sessions that focused on college financial aid, chair aerobics and CPR. Past National Vice President, Sylvia Mcgee and Regional Member-At-Large, Takeysha Lewis also participated in activities. The Chapter collected food and donated to a local warming center as well. Special Thanks to Chapter President Tisha Davis, Vice President Shandra Yarbrough and the Children’s Cluster Planning Committee for planning an outstanding Cluster.
Memphis, TN
The Memphis Chapter Kid Power (1st-3rd graders) enjoyed an afternoon of exercise and animal heart dissections. The children learned about the cardiovascular system by our very own Jack and Jill Pop Dwight “Dan” Dishmon, M.D. Pop Dan then led the children in animal heart dissections to learn the details of the heart and its vessels. The children were excited to learn all the aspects of the heart and many are looking forward to becoming a Cardiologist, just like Pop Dr. Dan when they grow up. An exciting time in heart health for all!
Mobile, AL
On Sunday, January 9, 2022, the Mobile Chapter Teens met with Mr. John Cobb of Coastal Emergency, to learn about the benefits of knowing how to administer CPR, with an opportunity to earn CPR certification. The Teens participated in a onehour American Heart Association introductory course and were able to learn the basics of adult and child CPR and AED training through video and instructor-led interactions. These activities taught our children the critical skills needed in order to properly respond to and manage a crisis until emergency services arrive. With this course, the Teens were also able to accurately assess heart rates to determine heart activity. This program also involved a STEAM component, which allowed the children to engage with materials and resources needed in order to manually identify heart rates.
South Miami, FL
In February, our Windjammers and Waverunners came together for a joint activity in honor of American Heart Month. “American Heart Month is a time when all people can focus on their cardiovascular health. The Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention is shining a light on hypertension (high blood pressure), a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke.” ( The Jacks and Jills started off their program by learning life saving techniques, including chest compressions on CPR Manikins, as the children were encouraged to “be heroes” by a South Miami chapter dad who serves as a coordinator at Baptist Hospital. Our Jacks and Jills also heard from Interventional Cardiologist Dr. Marcus St. John delivered a wonderful presentation on the path to becoming a physician and shared a wealth of information about heart health and healthy life choices from which Jacks, Jills and age-group mothers could all benefit.
West Georgia
The West Georgia Chapter’s 6th – 8th graders experienced an amazing exploration of sustainable alternative farming methods during its “Our Health Matters: Food for Thought” program at Alo Farms, a sprawling indoor organic farming facility in Peachtree City, Georgia. This program was executed in alignment with the Health and Education (S.T.E.A.M.) thrust priorities.
The goal of this program was to help the children understand nutritional value and the healing powers of food, as well as the innovative scientific methods being used to address food insecurity throughout our community and around the world. The group engaged in a hands-on, close-up activity, exploring the growth cycles of a variety of green vegetables, lettuces, microgreens, herbs, and even tilapia. The group then enjoyed a delicious farm-to-table dining experience, enjoying a delectable four course lunch with ingredients freshly harvested from the farm.
Why is this program Best of the Best?
I believe our April 2022 Family Health Retreat at the Margari taville Resort in Lake Conroe, TX is a Best of the Best program because it was impactful, intentional, and incorporated multi ple thrusts, awareness areas specific to the month of April, and March of Dimes, one of our Jack and Jill community partners. The focus of this program was health, but the planning com mittee intentionally incorporated all the other thrusts as was ev idenced by the incorporation of an HBCU family game night, a session on the benefits of philanthropy prior to a virtual walk for babies to kick off our chapter’s participation in March of Dimes, and the many social and recreational activities made available throughout the weekend. April is National Fitness Ac tivity Month, National Minority Health Awareness Month, and Father’s Appreciation Activity Month, all of which were featured in this program.
Activity Description
On the weekend of April 8 – 10, 2022, Clear Lake/Bay Area families spent three days at the Margaritaville Resort in Lake Conroe, TX for our Family Health Retreat 2022. With the stress of the last few years, we wanted to provide families with an op portunity to come together to focus on our mental, physical, so cial, and emotional health. In addition, this activity provided the perfect opportunity for us to celebrate our father’s Auxiliary in honor of Fathers’ Appreciation Activity Month, launch our March of Dimes March for Babies Campaign, and observe National Fitness Activity Month and National Minority Health Awareness Month. The agenda for the weekend was as follows: Friday, April 8, 2022 Family Welcome Reception at the cottages – Our fam ilies enjoyed dinner, games, welcome baskets, and social time together as they arrived and checked into the resort between 4-8 pm. At 8:30 pm our families met at the fire pits on the resort grounds for ‘Stories and S’mores” by the pit. The night conclud ed with a father’s only social at the host cottage from 10 pm to midnight, an event designed to celebrate and appreciate our fathers. Saturday, April 9, 2022 Saturday’s focus was on Fitness, Minority Health, and Community Service. The day began with breakfast followed by a virtual March for Babies walk to kick off our chapter’s support for March of Dimes. Mother mem ber Dr. Anika Bell-Gray presented a session on the benefits of philanthropy and the importance of our chapter’s participation
in the efforts to raise money and awareness for the March of Dimes. Dr. Gray also presented information on prematurity and rates in the African American community to further highlight the importance of our support for this organization’s mission before the virtual walk began. After the walk, we began our age group wellness activities. Each of our age groups attended a Pickleball clinic to learn the fundamentals of Pickleball and how to play the game before segmenting into age groups to enjoy time on the Pickleball courts engaged in friendly competition with each other. A chapter-wide wellness lunch began at 11:30 am and featured a discussion on healthy eating led by mother mem ber Dr. Karla Vital, followed by a fitness presentation by mother member and WWE Hall of Famer Sharmell Huffman and her husband Booker T, also a WWE hall of famer and 6-time world champion. During the fitness seminar, our families learned prac tical ways to incorporate fitness into their daily routines. After the wellness lunch, our families had time to relax and enjoy the many amenities available at the resort before the exciting and fun filled HBCU themed old school family game night featuring games for all ages like Guesstures, an UNO tournaments, Black Culture Taboo, hula hoop competitions and musical chairs for everyone! Sunday, April 10, 2022 Sunday morning presented the perfect opportunity to focus on our spiritual and emotional well-being with yoga and meditation on the lawn before saying good-bye and returning home.
Why is this program Best of the Best?
When you think about a full circle experience for JJOA youth that is fun, educational, and entrepreneurial, and supports the black dollar, “Rolling with the Junior Teens 2022” (RWJT) fits the bill, truly representing the Best of the Best!! This activity was the idea of and lead by the Hampton Chapter Junior Teens (JTs). JTs displayed insight, wanting an activity to unite the Chapter after being virtual for more than a year. Once they decided on a skat ing party, they sought educational resources, developed plans, established committees, secured materials, organized manpow er and executed the event. RWJT provided an opportunity for the JTs to demonstrate multiple JJOA thrusts including SOCIAL/ RECREATIONAL, CULTURAL, HEALTH and engage in JJOA Fi nancial and JMB Leadership modules, gaining experience with: • goal setting • vision • STEAM • accountability/responsibility • public speaking • service/philanthropy • budgeting • investing • risks/rewards • profit/loss • ethics The JTs enlisted the services of many individuals to achieve their goals: community mentors, chapter leadership (e.g., Chapter Treasurer, Father’s Auxiliary), and vendors, providing an opportunity for them to develop skills outside of their comfort zones. The skills gained as a result of this month-long program provide a great foundation for these future Senior Teens and will remain with them for a lifetime!
Activity Description
The Junior Teens (JTs), 6th-8th graders of the Hampton Chap ter engaged in a month-long, comprehensive, entrepreneurship and leadership development activity during the month of April. The activity kicked off with a 90-minute seminar on “Entrepre neurship & Business”, facilitated by the owners of the Peninsu la Family Skating Center, a black-owned business in Newport News, Virginia. Specifically, the seminar focused on: the ins and outs of buying and operating a business, marketing via social media, managing employees, leveraging personal skills/talents in business, steps to planning a private event, and investing for the purposes of leaving a legacy. After gaining a better under standing of business operations, the Junior Teens set a goal to plan a chapter wide event at the skating rink. The plan allowed each teen to work alongside venue employees to oversee var ious operational tasks at the event: collecting ticket fees, man ning the skate rental desk, DJ booth, and concession stand. JTs met for a “Brainstorming Session” to accomplish tasks such as developing a theme and engage in goal setting. Areas of focus included: event date/time, budgeting, profit, event staff ing (e.g., determining whether to hire staff for the event such as concession attendant, DJ), as well as conversations regard ing COVID-19 protocols and reviewing venue policies to de termine event guests. JTs divided themselves into 3 committees (Marketing, Music, and Auditing/Tracking) based on their inter ests/skills. Committee and Grade Group meetings were held
throughout the month. The JTs also utilized polling technology to make quick decisions in lieu of meetings. The Marketing Com mittee designed an Evite and a Powtoon and set regular inter vals for the information to be disseminated to chapter members to maximize exposure and increase the likelihood of meeting the preset attendance goals, as was presented during their en trepreneurship seminar. The Auditing and Tracking Committee worked alongside the Chapter Treasurer and Financial Secretary to develop a price for the event that was in-line with the project ed revenue while making decisions regarding the pricing being inclusive of skates and a treat. This committee also created a spreadsheet to monitor funds received. In addition, JTs worked with black-owned vendors to secure, via donation, a 360 ̊ pho to booth and worked with the General Manager of the rink to ensure appropriate music was played by the DJ for the evening. As the JTs secured their projected revenue, coordination with the Manager to include balloons and the chapter’s name on the marquee for advertisement were completed. On April 30th, the JTs worked the event and proudly surpassed their original goal of 60 participants, welcoming 90 Jacks, Jills and parents! The Junior Teens provided each guest red necklaces, glow sticks and stickers in recognition of heart health awareness, highlighting the benefits of skating on cardiovascular health. In coordination with the DJ, the JTs provided healthy heart tips and hosted skat ing relays. The JTs elected to use profits to make a donation to support #JJSwims. They are exploring ways to partner with the skating rink for future outreach efforts for youth.
Why is this program Best of the Best?
This program should be considered the Best of the Best in Pro gramming as it was the INITIAL chapter with the idea Going for the Gold at The Summer Olympics as a theme which became an overall theme for multiple chapter events across the South Central Region, including the regional Children’s Cluster. Going for the Gold at the Summer Olympics included multiple thrusts of social/recreational/cultural/legislative/health & wellness. It was an innovative and creative chapter wide event including all children and teens, including our differently abled children.
Activity Description
On September 4, 2021 at Acadiana Park in Lafayette, LA, the entire Southwest Louisiana Chapter (52 people in attendance) came together via a social/ recreational gathering to celebrate and remember the life of Carol Robertson. A tribute to Carole Robertson was done with a mental and physical relay race. Two groups were formed, Team Blue and Pink, and each group at tempted to figure out facts and clues related to Carole Robert
son and the team with the most points won. Each household was given lanterns to release that night in her memory along with a poem to recite during thee release. To honor her cause of bring ing awareness to social issues, all Jacks, Jills and parents layed on the ground during the family event for 9 minutes and 29 seconds to honor the life of George Floyd and senseless killings of unarmed black people. A call for action was made to each mother member to sign a petition via email to President Biden in support of Attorney Ben Crump’s fight to end racial inequality. Jack & Jill Day began in 1948. To celebrate Jack & Jill Day, all of the families came together on Saturday September 4th at Acadiana Park in Lafayette, LA and each child kicked off the exciting day by first honoring our Healthcare Heroes, Our Dearly Departed Mother Audrette Metoyer, and Hurricane Laura/Del ta victims. The children participated in outdoor sporting activi ties such as long jump, sprint, relay, soccer, tennis & basketball centered on health and wellness with the theme “Going for the Gold at The Summer Olympics!” Each age group participated in these age-appropriate sporting events to build important skills of sportsmanship, communication and teamwork.
Air Capital Wichita, KS
Back to School Time! Air Capital Wichita chapter held a Back to School Bash at The Alley Indoor Entertainment Center. The children of all age groups, as well as parents, were able to reconnect for the 2021-2022 programming year, while the children discussed their back-to-school experiences. It was apparent the children had missed one another over the summer! The evening was complete with pizza, bowling, and plenty of fun for everyone. The friendly competition was on to see would be the winner!
The children left The Alley with full tummies, great memories and excitement for the 2021-2022 programming year!
Kansas City, MO
The Kansas City Missouri Chapter ended the programming year, spending old school fun together. Our black family weekend was a celebration for all. We kicked off the weekend with a Friday Night Ladies Night Out featuring a local comedian. The 2021 New Mothers were welcomed into the chapter with a special presentation of gifts. Saturday Night, the dads enjoyed a night at the ballpark. We ended the weekend family reunion style with food, fellowship, and fun. Our teens led the younger Jack and Jills in games and other activities. The teens also coordinated a chapter-wide donation drive for Giving the Basics. Items collected were laundry soap, shampoo, deodorant, toilet paper, and other personal care hygiene products to help those in need improve their health, hope, and dignity.
North Jersey, NJ
In May 2022, the Mighty North Jersey Programming Committee organized “Color Wars”, a fun filled day of family events, healthy competition, and bonding. The youngest Jacks & Jills participated in a Scavenger Hunt and used clues to find answers to black history facts. The answers were hidden inside plastic eggs filled with treats. Teams were divided by color, and they also participated in a Family Health and Fitness Quiz where they competed on topics related to healthy eating, exercise, high blood pressure and diabetes prevention. Lastly, the children enjoyed a physical fitness competition where they competed in an egg and spoon relay race, 100-meter dash, plank contest, hula hoop contest, free throw basketball contest and more. A fun time was had by all!
Western Massachusetts
The Western Massachusetts Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. celebrated Jack and Jill Day last September. We “rounded up” families after the summer break to recenter on the values of Jack and Jill. It was the first time in more than a year (due to COVID-19 restrictions). A local ice cream truck provided “unlimited” soft serve and specialty ice cream. The Bright Lights (our little ones) welcomed everyone. Then Explorers (1st – 2nd graders) and Investigators (3rd – 5th graders) provided the Occasion, reading selections from, “For the Children: The History of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated 1938-2018,” by Valada Flewellyn. The Innovators (6th – 8th graders) entertained guests with a poetry reading. Lastly, our Trendsetters provided reflections on their time in the organization. All the children received Backto-School gifts, which included a Jack and Jill bracelet and card with a poem wishing them luck in the new school year.
Los Angeles, CA
Jack and Jill Day 2021: Homecoming
The Los Angeles Chapter kicked off the new club year with an HBCU Homecoming themed Jack and Jill Day. The day included a Greek step show and HBCU Knowledge Bowl. Our young Jacks and Jills even designed their own “line” shirts. On the same day, the chapter observed the memory of beloved Jill, Carole Robertson, during our organizationwide Carole Robertson Memorial Day. The chapter honored Carole’s love of reading by exchanging and donating nearly 1000 books. Books were used to fill the Jack and Jill Foundation grant-funded reading corner at St. Anne’s Family Services, a community agency supporting women and children. Additionally, over 400 books were donated to J3, an organization that helps increase the literacy rates of children in Los Angeles and Compton School districts. The remaining books were used to fill a community Little Library our chapter teens built and painted.
Phoenix, AZ
The Phenomenal Phoenix Teens held an unprecedented two state, two-day teen retreat in September 2021. The energy generated at the 2021 Phoenix Teen Auxiliary Group Teen Retreat catapulted the teens into an arena of extreme excellence! The Teens started day one on mission and on purpose to map out their upcoming program year. The agenda included: planning the calendar for the 2021/2022 program year; completing Jacqueline Moore Bowles Leadership Modules focused on public speaking and visioning exercises; discussed and created a plan for Area Work Day; developed and began Teen Competition items. The retreat culminated with a chartered bus trip to Universal Studios Hollywood!
The Phenomenal Phoenix Teens exemplified the Jack and Jill motto “Let’s work and play”! They worked collaboratively to bring the labor of love to fruition. It was a true testament to the mutually supportive relationship between the Teens and their Teen Advisors.
Sacramento, CA
Savvy Sacramento Chapter Black Family Day 2022
It was a true family affair for the Savvy Sacramento Chapter. We celebrated Black Family Day at the beautiful home of mother member Sharie Wilson. We had a full day as we welcomed our new mothers, celebrated our bridging over mothers, and installed our new teen officers.
We were so excited to celebrate seven outstanding seniors as they embark on a new chapter of life in college and uphold the Jack and Jill mission.
The day included delicious food, karaoke, line dancing (JJSAC Shuffle), volleyball, bounce houses, a dunk tank, swimming, cornhole, basketball, and much more!
Each child received a Summer Survival Kit.
The spirit of Jack and Jill filled the air as the children laughed and played, and the mother members bonded and relaxed. The fathers stepped up to help out and supported the day as they always do.
Charleston, SC
In November, the Charleston Teens learned how to cook a traditional Lowcountry favorite, shrimp and grits! Chapter mother Chef Sameka Jenkins of Carolima’s lead the virtual session, walking the teens through each step of the recipe and sharing the history of the dish. Shrimp and grits that was popularized by the Gullah Geechee people of the Lowcountry, who were direct descendants from West African enslaved peoples. The teens surprised themselves with their creations, and our families were enjoyed the dish afterwards!
Greensboro, NC
“The Amazing Race” Chapter Wide Activity Downtown
Greensboro held on September 26, 2021. Mother members, dads, children, and teens participated in a timed scavenger hunt to act out scenarios selected from a list of activities such as creating a human pyramid, Jack and Jills running up a hill, dancing as well as locating various Black History themed artifacts in the area which included signage featuring Carol Robertson in the International Civil Rights Center and Museum. Starting from designated starting points, each team was tasked to find the most items with the highest number of points. At the conclusion of “The Amazing Race” prizes were awarded to the top three teams with the highest score. Child and teens utilized Teamwork, leadership skills, conflict resolution, quick thinking, and a sense of direction to complete each clue. Food trucks were onsite to provide lunch and ice cream.
Circle City, IN
Build Me Up: My Voice. My Vision. My Brand. Recognizing the need for self-expression, our January activity equipped our children with the creative freedom to visually display who they are to the world. Husband and wife actor duo Kevin Douglas, Insecure, and Tamberla Perry, All American, set the tone by teaching the tweens how to be their own brand, display the best version of themselves, and the importance of walking in that truth. Following the meaningful dialogue, each child was hand-delivered their preselected graphics, phrases, and sweatshirts, so they could create their very own wearable vision board. As the tweens grooved to a vibrant playlist of their favorite tunes, they had the opportunity to design their sweatshirts. Then, show and tell the group why they selected those images and words, following the activity. Our tweens learned about self-awareness, increased their social and emotional learning through public speaking, hands-on creation, and active listening with their peers.
Dayton, OH
On Sunday April 24th, 2022, The Dayton Chapter, in partnership with Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County and the Dakota Center, hosted its annual Family Fitness Day. The objective of the event focused on minority family health and wellness and bringing awareness about health disparities that disproportionately affect communities of color and other ethnic communities. The program energized, empowered, and encouraged its participants to begin taking action by participating in various health education activity provided by the hosts of the event. Physical activities included Davinci yoga, drum cardio, and SWERK, a new form of exercise that blends popular dance moves and songs with rigorous cardio moves. Activities were open to all age groups. There were also presentations on after school programs for youth of all ages. The highlight of the event culminated with the youth of the Dayton Chapter providing new bicycles to the local neighborhood children. The event was a great success. We know when families become more physically active together, everyone benefits. The Family Fitness Day event provides hope that healthy families are stronger families.
Western Cook County, IL
After over 2 years of pandemic programming, Western Cook County Chapter was thrilled to return to an in-person Black Family Day for the first time since 2019 on May 7, 2022!
With the goal of family togetherness, recreation, and the added bonus of our Regional Day of Service “Just Move” campaign, we rolled, skated, and bounced our way through the afternoon much to the delight of our children, fathers, and mothers alike!
Our children from Grade Group 1 to Teens were grinning from ear to ear as they engaged in the physical activity of skating, competed with each other and their parents, and enjoyed both the concessions and Healthy Living snacks! Parents joyfully reconnected and counted their steps in honor of the Mid-Western Regional Day of Service, while simultaneously donating! A good time was had by all, and it was an excellent way to cap off the program year!
Ypsilanti, MI
Grade Groups 1-4 kicked off the new year by participating in the Zoom into 2022 event held via Zoom. The celebratory New Year’s event provided the children (30 of them) an opportunity to reconnect with each other and have fun, all while learning in a creative way. This event provided our youth the opportunity to celebrate the New Year, set goals, engage in spiritual renewal, and have a little cultural and educational fun. Prior to the event, youth were delivered goody bags filled with hot cocoa bombs, a canvas painting, painting supplies, an index card to set a goal for 2022, and treats. During the event, which was mostly social and recreational, youth learned about why the United States, as well as many countries around the world celebrate the New Year. They learned about countries that celebrate New Year’s on a day other than January 1st such as Sri Lanka (April), China (February), and Ethiopia (September) and they learned that the country of Ethiopia is about 7 years 8 months behind the rest of the world and they are just entering the year 2014. After that, the children painted pictures and played Bingo and Pictionary, where they were given words to draw and guess related to the new year and Jack and Jill.
Austin, TX
The Austin Chapter of Jack and Jill of America headed to the great outdoors for some fun in the sun and relaxation at the 2021-2022 Black Family Day Event! The chapter “Got Social” during a spectacular year end event that included something for everyone. Our Fathers’ Auxiliary was on patrol, hosting both the fishing demos and lawn games activities. Our Children got to take a mental health and technology-free break by participating in the outdoor yoga and meditation sessions. And of course, there was something for our fantastic Mothers…our first annual Swag Swap! All Mothers, from new-to-the-chapter to soon-to-be Associates, brought their Jack and Jill swag and traded with each other for the best “new to me” items. After a warm day of fun in the sun, the chapter cooled off with delicious popsicles from Austin’s local and black owned business, Frios Popsicles.
Greater Frisco, TX
Our 3rd -5th Grade Group engaged with one another in a social/recreational activity on a chilly February day. The children hiked and explored the trails on a guided tour at the Heard Museum. While on the tour, they completed a scavenger hunt as well as observed native animals in their natural habitat and discussed them. The tour also included exploring the animatronic dinosaur exhibit and learning about fossils and other prehistoric animals (as seen in the photo). This recreational activity was the perfect setting for re-engaging our Jacks and Jills after a long absence from each other due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Months of virtual events were replaced with this socially distant activity. In addition, the Jacks & Jills were able to view the planets in the planetarium and learn more about the solar system while reconnecting and having fun with one another.
North Suburban Dallas, TX
To kick off the program year, the North Suburban Dallas Chapter celebrated Carole Robertson Day with an educational, fun, and customized scavenger hunt though the campus of University of Texas at Dallas. Working within their respective grade groups, the children used clues from buildings, murals, and plaques to complete clues for the scavenger hunt to learn facts about Carole Robertson and other notable African Americans. This was a socially distant way to fellowship with each other and engage in a meaningful chapter wide recreational activity. Chapter families enjoyed lunch from Chick-Fil-A and Kona Ice snow cones. The event included several opportunities for community service including donations of new and gently used books for the #BooksLikeMe book drive. Families donated crayons, colored pencils, and coloring books for children battling cancer at Children’s Medical Center and also supported the St. Jude Virtual Run/Walk.
North Mississippi
The North Mississippi Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. had the opportunity to celebrate Black Family Day on the first Sunday, May 1st. Our families celebrated with an afternoon of socializing and engaging with each other while bowling. Youth and parents participated in the activity while enjoying our families.
Families were able to focus on each other in an entertaining environment. Too often, our families face challenges and inequalities in society. The activity provided our families a mental relaxation and celebration of our culture without our daily societal challenges.
Jack and Jill of America, Inc. continues to provide our families with the opportunity to celebrate our culture and heritage.
Savannah, GA
On May 14, 2022, the Savannah Chapter hosted a “Lets Bowl” celebration event in honor of Jack and Jill’s Black Family Day. Each family enjoyed their own lane, arcade games, unlimited drinks, and food. There were over 50 family members in attendance, including our new moms. It was truly a family reunion, as we all reunited, in person, for the first time since the beginning of the program year. Everyone had a great time socializing, laughing, bowling, playing arcade games, and having a tremendous amount of FUN with each other. Who knew we had so many competitive bowlers? Several challenges were made, but the reigning championship title currently resides with one of our moms and her son. Black Family Day was a real treat and a fantastic way to end the program year. We eagerly await the new programming year. Long live Jack and Jill!
Treasure Coast, FL
The Treasure Coast Chapter came together in an outdoor picnic in the park for our 2021-2022 program year kick off activity, Jack and Jill Day, which included celebrating Carole Robertson Day and a multitude of activities for everyone.
Our Jack and Jill families learned about Carole’s history as a girl scout, engaged in learning to tie a rope knot and participated in a scavenger hunt to earn a Merit Badge in honor of Carole Robertson as we explored the park and surrounding lake while team building. We promoted exercise and healthy living through physical movement and play. Families kayaked in search of sea animals and jet skied. We dined together for lunch on the park lawn with our picnic baskets and blankets. This was an exciting program activity and our first together since the pandemic. We finished the day with a community service park clean up.
This edition of SCOPE includes invited article contributions from the following: CHAPTERS THAT HAVE SHARED THEIR BEST CHAPTER PROGRAMS
Shanté Turner, Central Region Member-At-Large Alexis James Steals, Eastern Region Member-At- Large JoAnne Curry, Far West Region Member-At-Large Tiffany Spann-Wilder, Mid-Atlantic Region Member-At-Large Jami Jones Ervin, Mid-Western Region Member-At-Large Deidra Murphy, South Central Region Member-At-Large Takeysha Lewis, Southeastern Region Member-At-Large
LaShonna Harden, Central Region Program Chair Virna Alexander Rhodes, Eastern Region Program Chair Rebekah Archer, Far West Region Program Chair
Rebecca Wheeler Walston, Mid-Atlantic Region Program Chair Helen Kemp, Mid-Western Region Program Chair Michon King, South Central Region Program Chair Selika Sampson, Southeastern Region Program Chair
Anthony Trotman, JJOA Foundation President Pier Blake, Executive Director, JJOA Foundation
Joi Grady Interim Executive Director
Fatima Ceesay Senior Accountant Natasha Johnstone Membership Director Shalieda Marquez Office Coordinator Candace Moore Communications Manager Kristjen Renard Special Projects Manager
We would also like to extend a heartfelt thanks to Mom Carmen Vega of the Bergen-Passaic Chapter for all of her extraordinary contributions over the past two years, and Jill Antos, our Graphic Designer! THIS PUBLICATION WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE WITHOUT EACH OF YOU!
FROM MY HEART TO YOURS Shirell A. Gross, National Program Director