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TABLE OF CONTENTS National President’s Letter


National Editor’s Letter


Mid-Western Regional Highlights


National Executive Board


Mid-Western Chapter News


National Teen Board


Mid-Western Family Albums


Jack and Jill History


Mid-Western Memorials


Central Region


Mid-Western Debutantes and Beaus


Mid-Western Seniors


South Central Region


Central Regional Highlights


Central Chapter News


Central Family Albums


Central Memorials


Central Debutantes and Beaus


Central Seniors


Eastern Region


Eastern Regional Highlights


Eastern Chapter News


Eastern Family Albums


Eastern Memorials


Eastern Debutantes and Beaus


Eastern Seniors


Far West Region


Far West Regional Highlights


Far West Chapter News


Far West Family Albums


Far West Memorials


Far West Debutantes and Beaus


Far West Seniors


Mid-Atlantic Region


Mid-Atlantic Regional Highlights


Mid-Atlantic Chapter News


Mid-Atlantic Family Albums


Mid-Atlantic Memorials


Mid-Atlantic Debutantes and Beaus


Mid-Atlantic Seniors


Mid-Western Region


South Central Regional Highlights


South Central Chapter News


South Central Family Albums


South Central Memorials


South Central Debutantes and Beaus 673 South Central Seniors


Southeastern Region


Southeastern Regional Highlights


Southeastern Chapter News


Southeastern Family Albums


Southeastern Memorials


Southeastern Debutantes and Beaus 829 Southeastern Seniors


Children’s Art Contest


Letter From the

27TH NATIONAL PRESIDENT Greetings Mothers and Families of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated,


t is my pleasure to welcome you to our 2023 Up the Hill publication which celebrates the extraordinary work of our Regions, Chapters, Members, and Graduating Seniors. This year, our beloved organization achieved a momentous milestone—85 years of making a difference in the lives of all children...and “We Are Still Rising!” We are so grateful for our founding mothers’ vision, courage, and fortitude to establish Jack and Jill in 1938 amid challenges related to the Great Depression, racism, and social inequities. I am exceptionally proud of our mothers’ and families’ unwavering commitment to leadership and service which have consistently paved the way for our continued success 85 years later, with children remaining the central focus of all that we do within our organization. The 2022-2024 National Executive Board is grateful for all of the incredible contributions to Up the Hill and hopes that you enjoy every moment captured in this edition. Graduating Seniors, we particularly commend you on your achievements! Continue leading, shining, and accomplishing your goals. A special thank you to National Editor Amanda McWilliams and our National Headquarters Staff in ensuring that Up the Hill is produced with the excellence that is our standard. In honor of Jack and Jill’s enduring legacy, I encourage you to remain focused on the excellent work of our organization. May the pages in this publication reflect the hope of our founding mothers in 1938, exhibit our remarkable present achievements, and offer a glimpse into the greatness of our future. Together, we have the “Power to Make A Difference For All Children. On Mission. On Purpose.” And together, we can “Tell Them We Are Still Rising”! Long Live Jack and Jill! Always For the Children,

Kornisha McGill Brown 27th National President

Letter From the

NATIONAL EDITOR Dear Mothers of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated:


t is my honor to serve as National Editor for the 2023 Edition of the Up the Hill. This book chronicles our Jack and Jill experiences, activities, and our wonderful children. It is an indelible record of our organization’s legacy of leadership and service. Congratulations to the Class of 2023! I know our future is bright with you in the forefront.

I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the entire National Executive Board and to the Far West Region Executive Board, it is truly a pleasure to work with each of you. I also wish to thank the Headquarters staff for your support and involvement in this process. You are a wonderful group that should be recognized for your tireless contribution to our operations. I wish to acknowledge my family for their patience and willingness to grow with me. To my daughter Carissa and my son Brayden, thank you for your understanding of all the travel, conference calls, and late nights. Your love continues to sustain me on this journey. I would like to extend a special thank you to the National Teen Board, Regional Editors, the National Public Relations Committee, and the National Historical Task Force. I appreciate your display of support for me and my efforts in my role as National Editor. Mothers this publication would not exist without your tremendous contributions. Thank you for sharing the many accomplishments of our chapters and our children. I hope you enjoy our 76th Edition of the Up the Hill Publication. Yours in Jack and Jill,

Amanda R. McWilliams National Editor























The History of Jack and Jill of America 1938–2023


ack and Jill of America, Incorporated was founded January 24, 1938 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from a meeting of 20 mothers under the leadership of Marion Stubbs Thomas seeking to stimulate a social and cultural relationship between their children. Jack and Jill of America has avalanched into a strong national organization from the humble beginning of a local group. The National organization was born on June 1, 1946 when representatives of eight of the ten groups that had formed since 1938 voted to establish the national organization. The second national convention was held in 1947 in Columbus, Ohio where plans were formulated to sponsor new groups in accordance to the governing documents. The Constitution and By-laws were drawn up and Jack and Jill of America was incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware on August 28, 1947. Each year, chapter programming activities are guided under a national theme in adherence to fulfillment of our organizational goals. Individual chapters embrace a plan of action geared toward a united commitment to address and help alleviate disturbing community problems that affect children. Since 1938 Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated has continued to grow and make a difference in our society for children through chapter programming and collaboration with other organizations that focus on the welfare of our youth. Today, Jack and Jill of America has a membership base of over 10,000 members and over 252 chapters functioning in seven regions across the United States. The organization’s colors are pink and blue and the flower is the pink sweetheart rose.

Our Organization’s Goals To create a medium of contact for children which will stimulate their growth and development. To provide constructive educational, cultural, civic, recreational, social and service programs for children. To aid mothers in learning more about their children by careful study. To seek for ALL children the same advantages we desire for our own. To support all national legislation aimed at bettering conditions for all children.

CENTRAL REGION Air Capital Wichita, KS Bloomington Normal, IL Central Missouri, MO Denver, CO Des Moines, IA East St. Louis, IL

Greater Champaign-Urbana, IL Greater Little Rock, AR Greater Peoria, IL Greater Pikes Peak, CO Johnson County, KS Kansas City, KS

Kansas City, MO Northwest Arkansas, AR Oklahoma City, OK South Suburban Denver, CO St. Clair County, IL Tulsa, OK




Beloved Cool & Classy Central Region Mothers and Associate Jewels,


t is truly my honor to serve again with and for you as your National Treasurer and to represent the families of the “Oh So Cool & Classy Central Region”. It has been an extreme pleasure to serve alongside our Regional Executive Board: Regional Director Suzanne Ornelas, Regional Treasurer Sandra McKinney, Regional Secretary Torii Ransome Freeman and Regional Foundation Member-At-Large Shante’ Turner. These dedicated regional servants have unselfishly committed their talent, time, and energy to ensure our regional mission to Strengthen Families and Uplift Communities and remains at the forefront of all we do in the Central Region. Thank you to my home chapter, the Historical and Exceptional East St. Louis Chapter led by Chapter President Carmella Hardnett for granting me grace. My love for these wonderful women is undying. Thank you for your love, encouragement, support and for allowing and trusting me to serve Jack and Jill on your behalf at the national level. As I reflect on my 15 years in Jack and Jill, I am so very proud of the growth I’ve been blessed to witness. We have truly leveled up on every level – membership, programming, philanthropy. I can’t wait to see what new heights we reach. We’ve proven that being small but mighty but all the while Cool & Classy is a standard to emulate. I am confident our Central Region families will continue to serve our National and Regional missions. We have demonstrated that we indeed have The Power to Make a Difference, On Mission and On Purpose… For All Children. Thank you in advance for the time and talents you will continue to share with our treasured organization. Your commitment to Jack and Jill goes far beyond your local chapter. As a Region, we continue to have a global impact, and that is only because of each of you. My family and I have truly been blessed in my Jack and Jill membership. Thank you to my husband, my children, my parents, and my entire network of family and friends for your unwavering love and support which allows me to serve Jack and Jill. On every webinar or call and on every day I am away, I take you with me. I serve because of you and for the love of you. Long Live Jack and Jill!

Michele Henry-McGee National Treasurer

REGIONAL HIGHLIGHTS CENTRAL REGION REGIONAL HISTORY Proverbs 22:6 reads: Train up a child in the way they should go

Two National Presidents proudly hail from Central Region Margaret

and when they are older, they will not depart from it. This verse

Simms, 7th President 1962 - 1966

fundamentally guides us on how we approach Jack and Jill ,"Cool

President 1978-1982.

and Classy" style. We have been Strengthening Families and

Chapter; Central Missouri Chapter has made an positive and

Uplifting Communities since our inception.

needed impact on their Central Missouri Community.


Dr. Lillian Parks 11th

The 18th Chapter of the Cool and Classy

The Central Region is one of the seven regions established under the regional plan of organization committee and finally adopted by the national body at the annual convention in San Francisco in 1957. The region covers the largest geographical area in the Jack and Jill Organization spanning the heartland of America, from the Mighty Mississippi River to the Rustic Rocky Mountains. The Region, to date, has hosted six National Conventions. The last being held in 2019 in Kansas City, MO.

Regional Officers

Regional Appointments

Regional Director: Suzanne Ornelas

Associate Chair: Elsie Jackson

Regional Treasurer: Sandra McKinney

Bylaws Chair: Joanna Bowie

Regional Secretary: Torii Ransome Freeman

Editor: Cherdena Daniel

Regional Member at Large: Shante' Turner

Fathers’ Auxiliary Chair: Fred Little

National Officer: Michele Henry-McGee

Legislative Chair: Trina Payne Grier Membership Chair: Tamara Parker

Teen Officers

Nominating Chair: Deidre Williams

President: Selena Snell

Policy and Procedure Chair: Diona Mills

Vice-President: Trinity Scales

Program Chair: Adrienne Smith

Secretary: Courtney Roberts

Protocol Chair: Pamela Morris-Thornton

Treasurer: Hadley Harvey

Strategic Relevance and Value: Tonasha Sylvester

Foundation Chair: Da'Micheal Jackson

Technology Chair: Rhonda Johnson Teen Advisor: Takama Statton-Brooks Parliamentarian: Joanna Bowie Pruitt Sergeant-at-Arms: Carmella Hardnett We Are One Committee Chair: Amber Crosby


REGIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Central Region has celebrated many accomplishments this year. We

We had 16 Chapters that received the Blue Ribbon Bylaws

are extremely pride of our inaugural class of Marion Stubbs Thomas

Distinction. Our programming committee started a Book Club for

National Leadership Fellows: Adrienne Smith (GLR), Diona Mills

our tweens and teens called "Black is Lit". We also hosted a Virtual

(ESL), Joanna Bowie-Pruitt (GPP), Jon Porter (JOCO), MAL Shante'

Black History Tour of Cultural Foods and published a cookbook

Turner (NWA) and Tamara Parker (SCC). Additionally, Stephanie

from the videos and recipes submitted. The Oklahoma City Chapter

Walker Hynes and Trina Payne Grier were honored as MOMentous

won a National Best of the Best Programming award for Cultural.

Moms from the Central Regional.

The Northwest Arkansas received the 5 Star Award for Chapter

National Grant Awardees include the following chapters: Johnson


County, Denver, East St. Louis and Oklahoma City.

CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS 2022 was a year of Reclamation and Reconnection for the Cool &

Next, Central Region mothers and teens traveled to the Mile High

Classy Central Region as we continued to Strengthen Families and

City of Denver, CO for our SW Fall Area Workday Cluster – Our

Uplift Communities. We celebrated our ability to come together in

special guest was NCS Michelle Levy from the Mid-Atlantic Region.

person and feed off the energy and love that is Central Region. In

Our NE Fall Area Workday was hosted by the Des Moines Iowa

April, our littlest Jacks and Jills through our Terrific Tweens enjoyed

Chapter. We were delighted to host NPD Marvis Donaldson from

Children’s Clusters hosted by the Kansas City, KS, Greater Little

the Midwest Region. NT Michele and RT Sandra helped Chapter

Rock, Blooming Normal and Greater Pikes Peak chapters. Our

Treasurers migrate to Quickbooks Online. This software has truly

Children’s Clusters focused on “Endeavoring to D.R.E.A.M.- Do,

been a new National Platform that will help streamline our financial

Reach, Engage, Aim for the Stars, Make a Difference. Our children

processes. Both workdays were engaging and thoughtful for our

explored STEM, Financial Literacy, Culture and Health & Wellness

Teens. They delved into “How to become an entrepreneur” and

through interactive and engaging activities. In addition, tweens

“How to stay sane in this Insane Post Covid Word”. The training

tackled the oratorical competition topic “I am my ancestors wildest

for our Mother Members was insightful, informative and needed for


effective leadership and membership in Jack and Jill of America,

As always, summer brought high temperatures and equally high


energy as teens from every corner of the Central Region converged

"Jack and Jill has truly been a blessing to me and my family. It

on East St Louis at the Union Station Hotel the 69th Annual Teen

afforded me the opportunity and insight to assist my daughters as

Leadership Conference. Themed “My Melanin is My Power”, special

they navigate their young adulthood through careful study. The

guests included National Corresponding Secretary Sativa Leach

engagement of a village of like minded mothers has made the

Bowen. Central Region Teens partnered with "A Call to Help" for

difference in preparing them for beautiful adulthood."

which they created on-site hygiene bundles, mental health kits,

Suzanne Ornelas

arts and crafts and school supply packs. Also, we were able to

2019-2023 Central Regional Director

retro fit the facility with equipment for two of their healthy space

Greater Little Rock Chapter

mental health rooms and adorned the walls with posters of all of our Black Comic Super Hero’s. While in St Louis, we had the privilege to honor our 11th National President, Dr. Lillian Parks at a reception to include our National and Regional Officers, East St Louis Member, Past and Present and host of family including sisters, children, cousins, grandchildren, nieces and Nephews. On that Friday night, Mayor Robert Eastern III officially named the month of June “Jack and Jill Day” and presented us with the Proclamation.


Mothers' Conference 2023 Dote: June 12-15, 2023 Theme: Celebrating the Legacy of Excellence in Central Region Location: Denver, Colorado - Westminster Marriott Hosting Chapter: Greater Pikes Peak Conference Chairs: Shay Jennings, Lisa Korama

Teen Conference 2023 Dote: June 15-18, 2023 Theme: Blackness ... An Infinite World of Possibilities Location: Denver, Colorado - Westminster Marriott Hosting Chapter: South Suburban Denver Conference Choirs: Katrina Little, Chawn Howard

Mother’s Area Workday Dote: November 12, 2022 NE AWD Theme: Black Excellence - Creating the Pink and BluePrint Location: Des Moines Community College - Urban Campus Hosting Chapter: Des Moines, IA Conference Chairs: JoChristine Miles

Mother's Area Workday Dote: October 15, 2022 SW AWD Theme: Black Excellence - Creating the Pink and BluePrint Location: Central Presbyterian Church Hosting Chapter: Denver, CO Conference Chairs: Beth Faye

Children’s Cluster Dote: April 1, 2023 North Location: Johnson County Missouri Hosting Chapter: Johnson County Conference Chairs: Raquel Terry

Children’s Cluster Dote: April 22, 2023 (West) Location: Denver Colorado Hosting Chapter: Denver Conference Chairs: Sherlenia Mitchell

Children’s Cluster Dote: April 22, 2023 (East) Location: Champaign-Urbana, Illinois Hosting Chapter: Greater Champaign-Urbana Conference Chairs: Malikah Gordon

Children’s Cluster Dote: April 29, 2023 (South) Location: Wichita, Kansas Hosting Chapter: Air Capita Wichita Conference Chairs: Jamillah Anderson



Suzanne Ornelas is the 26th Regional Director of the Central Region of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. She is serving out her 2nd term. RD Suzanne is the third to have served in this role from the Greater Little Rock Chapter. RD Suzanne has been a member of the chapter since 2006 and has had the opportunity to lead in several different positions including Special Events Chair, Foundation and Fundraising Chair, Pink and Blue Chair, Chapter Vice President (2008- 2012) and Chapter President (2012-2016). She was Regional Nominating Chair (2015-2018), Small Chapter Task Force Chair (2018-2019) In 2018, she served on the National Nominating Committee representing the Cool and Classy Central Region and co-chaired the National Small Chapter Task Force. Born and raised in North Little Rock, RD Suzanne is a proud graduate of Spelman College. She is a member of Bethel AME Church in Little Rock, where she has served in many capacities including the Trustee Board, Director of Special Projects and Executive Assistant to the Pastor. She is highly active in the Women’s Missionary Society holding the office of 1st Vice-President, Society President and Area II Unit Leader. She is currently the Director of Development at Mosaic Templar’s Cultural Center.


Torii Ransome Freeman is a member of the Tulsa Chapter. Torii is a legacy rooted in Jack and Jill, through her paternal grandmother’s charter membership with the founding Philadelphia chapter. She is the Immediate Past President of the Tulsa Chapter, in addition to serving in leadership roles as Financial Secretary, Bylaws Chair, and Parliamentarian. Torii has also been a member of National Rules and Regulations; Policies and Procedures; and Curriculum ad hoc committees, as well as the Regional Nominating Committee. Torii's current career position is Senior Human Resource Director, Title IX Compliance Officer, and Qualified IDI Administrator at Phillips Seminary. She has more than two decades of experience in human resources, managing employment issues for private companies,state-wide universities and nonprofits. Torii earned her Bachelor’s degree from Spelman College and her Juris Doctorate from Paul M. Hebert Law Center. Torii and her husband Craig M. Freeman, are proud parents to two JJ legacies, and two active teens. Torii serves on multiple non-profit boards including Goodwill Industries; National Association of Legal Assistants; Gilcrease Advisory Council; Living Arts of Tulsa; and Art4Forms.


Sandra A. McKinney has been a dedicated member of the Five-Star Kansas City, MO Chapter since 2003. She has served her chapter in various capacities including Treasurer, Age Group Chair, Program Director, Financial Secretary, Parliamentarian, Lead Teen Sponsor, Recording Secretary, Children’s Cluster Chair, Mothers’ Conference Chair, and a variety of other chair positions and committee member. She has served as Regional Budget and Finance Committee Co-Chair. RT Sandra has mentored many moms in her chapter. RT Sandra is the wife of Kevin L. McKinney and mom of J&J alums sons, Maxwell (2017) and Brennan (2020) and currently participating Jill daughter Jordan (2026). RT Sandra received her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and her MBA from Baker University in Baldwin City, KS. She has worked in corporate finance for over 25 years in areas of budgeting, decision support, and regulatory. She currently works as a Senior Regulatory Analyst working with state commissions and federal government agencies. She is a member of the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO where she serves on the Baptismal Ministry. She is also member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. 15



Shante’ Turner is currently a Senior Director of Merchandising Operations for Dry Grocery at Walmart US. Since joining Walmart in 2016, she has led several teams in multiple workstream, including general accounting, accounting flow and design, and inbound flow of products into multiple Walmart distribution networks. Shante’ has been instrumental in supporting several business expansion and innovation projects and receives high marks for the great customer service and the collaborative relationship established with her business partners. Her experiences prior to Walmart include Caterpillar, Arysta LifeScience, and John Deere, primarily in Finance and Accounting functions. Shante’ is a graduate of Florida A&M University, having earned both a Bachelor of Science in Management degree and a Master of Business Administration degree with a concentration in Accounting. Outside of work, Shante’ is actively involved in Jack and Jill of America, Inc, where she is the Regional Foundation Member at Large for the Cool and Classy Central Region. She is a proud member of the Northwest Arkansas Chapter of Jack and Jill, having served as Chapter President and Financial Secretary. Additionally, Shante’ is proud member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc Phi Alpha Omega Chapter.



Elsie M. Jackson is an associate member of the “Dynamic” Des Moines, Iowa Jack and Jill chapter. Elsie has been married to Reginald L. Jackson for 34 years. They have four sons, Xavier, Kourtlin, Avery and Keenan, who all have graduated out of Jack and Jill and are now legacy. Elsie and Reginald have 3 amazing grandchildren, Justice Olivia Deanna (11yrs.), Laila Renee (5 yrs.) and Xavier Reginald Lee Jackson (7 mos.). Elsie served on several National committees, chapter, and regional leadership roles. She served as past Regional Editor and past Regional Member at Large. Elsie is passionate about ensuring all children regardless of their social economic conditions receive the same opportunities as other children by supporting and implementing various community service programs to bridge the gap. “For these are all of our children, we will all profit by or pay for what they become.” James Baldwin. Elsie is currently a Vice President leading Risk Engine Management for a multinational financial services company. She has 32 years of strategic planning, organizational development, and implementation experience in designing performance systems and strategies to drive organizational change. Elsie received a BA from Iowa State University.


Regional Teen Advisor Takama Statton-Brooks is a charter mother of the Northwest Arkansas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. As a mother member Takama has served several leadership positions within her chapter starting with the Chapter Secretary, the Chapter Vice President, and is a two term Chapter President. With over 20 years of experience in Higher Education, she believes in the power of education. Her passion in serving as a student advocate has her busy serving in volunteer roles within her campus community. She holds a bachelor's degree from Emporia State University, a master's degree from Washburn University and a doctorate in Educational Leadership from Saint Louis University. Takama feels blessed to have called Northwest Arkansas home for the past 17 years. Her community involvement includes serving as a Girl Scout volunteer, being an active member in her church community, enthusiastically serving as a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc.-Phi Alpha Omega Chapter. She has two active and talented daughters and a loving husband of 20 years.




Frederick Little serves as the Regional Father’s Auxiliary Chair for the Central Region. He has been involved in the Jack and Jill of America, Inc., South Suburban Denver Chapter with his wife Katrina Little and their four sons (ages 18, 14, 11, and 6) since 2010. Fred has been active in his local Father’s Auxiliary where he has consistently served to support and further the mission and purpose of the organization. Because of his background as a former Intelligence Specialist in the United States Marine Corps and a seasoned professional with 16 years in law enforcement, he’s served as an expert panelist for Area Work Day and conducted firearm safety presentations for the Fathers of the South Suburban Denver Chapter. In addition, Fred was the chapter Father’s Auxiliary Chair for the 2019-2021 program year where he organized Fire Arm Safety, Top Golf, and Bowling outings for the fathers, Fathers and Kids White Water Rafting, and Sunday Football Kick-Back parties for virtual engagement during COVID quarantine. Fred represented the Central Region Father’s Auxiliary at the 2022 National Convention in Orlando, FL. He has studied at Grambling State University and the University of Cincinnati in Computer Information Technology and Criminal Justice. As a passion and Founding Owner of BodyBFit LLC., Fred enjoys spending his free time mentoring and developing athletes, young and older, in the areas of physical strength training and conditioning to elevate them not only physically but mentally for the game and life ahead. Fred has devoted his leisure time to his love of travel with his wife and children, exploring 21 states domestically plus 10 countries internationally, and counting.


TEEN OFFICERS SELENA SNELL | TEEN PRESIDENT Selena Snell is a senior at University Academy and has been a member of the Kansas City, Missouri chapter of Jack and Jill of America since 2011. Selena currently serves as Central Region Teen President. In addition to her activities in Jack and Jill, Selena is an active participant in various activities in school and the community. These activities include volleyball, wrestling (she founded the girls wrestling team at school), soccer and student council. After graduation Selena plans to attend North Carolina Central University as a theater major.

TRINITY SCALES | TEEN VICE PRESIDENT Trinity Scales is a senior at Denver School of the Arts, where she majors in violin. She has been with South Suburban Denver Chapter for 7 years. She currently serves as Central Region Teen VP. In her community, she is the National Anthem vocalist for multiple associations, and performs at other community events. She also volunteers in the musical arts, and participates in many shows through her school whether it involves violin, acting, singing, or dancing. Trinity plans to Major in Finance and Spanish, and continue her pursuit of being a successful singer, songwriter and musician.

COURTNEY ROBERTS | TEEN RECORDING SECRETARY Courtney Roberts is a senior at Bentonville High School and has been a member of the Northwest Arkansas chapter of Jack and Jill since 2015. Courtney serves as the Central Region Teen Secretary. In addition to her involvement in Jack and Jill she is heavily involved in all aspects of her academia, from Varsity Bowling to Digital Media Professional Studies. After graduating in May, Courtney plans to attend Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia with a major in biology.

HADLEY HARVEY | TEEN TREASURER Hadley Harvey is a sophomore at Theodore Roosevelt High School (TRHS). She has been a part of the Des Moines Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc. since 2009. Currently, she is serving as the Regional Teen Treasurer. In 2021-2022 she served as Regional Teen Parliamentarian. She also served as a Delegate for the Des Moines Chapter in 2021. Additionally, she participates in extracurricular activities, including speech & debate and dance. She dances for Devine Dancers and TRHS’ dance team. What she loves most about Jack and Jill is the many opportunities to learn and serve. She hopes to continue serving in Jack and Jill of America.

DA'MICHAEL JACKSON | TEEN FOUNDATION CHAIR Hello, my name is Da’Micheal Jackson and I currently serve as your Regional Foundation Chair. I am a junior at Christian Brothers College Prep High School and I’m a member of the St Clair county chapter. I enjoy playing basketball at my school and spending time with my family. My goals as foundation chair are to bring together chapters and hear how they would like to give back in their communities.

GUNNETTE JONES | TEEN CHAPLAIN Gunnette Jones is a junior at Mascoutah High School and has been a member of the East St.Louis Chapter since 2014. Gunnette currently serves at Central Region Teen Chaplain. In addition to her activities in Jack and Jill, Gunnnette actively participates in many activities in school and her community. These activities include colorguard, Art Club and Spanish Club. After graduation Gunnette plans to attend Howard University as a International business/trade/commerce major.


ADDISON MONROE PORTER | TEEN EDITOR Addison Porter, an eighth grader at Aubry Bend Middle School, is the daughter of Jon and Walter Porter II. A member of the Johnson County, KS Chapter since 2011, Addison serves as Central Region Teen Editor. Outside of Jack and Jill, Addison loves the theater, listening to music, writing, and hanging out with friends and family. Addison wants to obtain a degree in Journalism and move to New York City to pursue her dream of working at Vogue.

LAUREN PAYTON | SERGANT AT ARMS Lauren Payton is currently a sophomore at Champaign Central High located in Champaign, IL. Lauren is your Sergeant-At-Arms and has been a part of Jack and Jill since 2018. She is in the drama club and loves art and piano. Lauren plans on majoring in psychology so she can become a child psychologist.

RILEY GRIER | TEEN LEGISLATIVE CHAIR Riley Grier is a 9th grader at Bentonville High School. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America Inc. since 2015, and has traveled between 3 chapters. Riley balances Jack and Jill with many other activities, such as being a Girl Scout, an active Black Student Union Member, the Vice President of the Arkansas Children's Hospital Club, and a frequent volunteer. Through her volunteering and role in the Arkansas Children’s Hospital Club, she has decided to pursue Child Development and Psychology as her career pathway.

BJ DUMAS | TEEN PARLIAMENTARIAN BJ is a Junior at Normal Community High School where he serves as the current Black Student Union President. Currently he is serving as the Jack and Jill Central Region Parliamentarian. He is a part of the BloomingtonNormal chapter, which he has been a part of since 2017. BJ is an avid bowler, but also has a passion for fashion and making music.

MAKAYLA MCCONNELL | TEEN NOMINATING CHAIR Makayla McConnell is a freshman at Belton High School in Belton, MO and a member of the Kansas City, Missouri Chapter since 2020. She has served on the Regional Nominating Committee and is currently the committee chair. She also serves as the chapter’s Foundation Chair. She plays competitive softball, serves as a nonprofit Teen Board Member, is a Girl Scout and volunteers over 150 hours annually with various local organizations. At school she is on the Superintendent and Principal's Advisory Committees, Student Council, softball, and basketball teams

AMARI JOHNSON | TEEN SOCIAL MEDIA CHAIR Amari Johnson is a Senior at Urbana High in Urbana, IL, and is the daughter of Marcus and Tori (Exum) Johnson. She is a charter teen member of the Greater Champaign-Urbana Chapter since 2018 where she has served as the Teen President for the past two years. Amari is the Regional Teen Social Media Chair and was previously the Regional Teen Editor. She is a high honors student, a member of the National Honor Society, and has repeatedly received the gold level of the President's Volunteer Service Award. Amari has been admitted to several Universities and is undecided, but plans to attend an HBCU. She will be majoring in Business Administration.





President: Ken’Dhari Curry Vice-President: Jaylen Young Secretary: Isiah Williams Chaplain: Jaleb Anderson Sergeant-at-Arms: Jaleb Anderson

President: Carmen Moore Program Director: Jamillah Anderson Recording Secretary: BreAnn Gilkey Corresponding Secretary: BreAnn Gilkey Treasurer: Beonca Young Financial Secretary: Krista Lovette Editor: Iris Williams Chaplain: Danecia Williams Historian: Iris Williams Foundation Chair: Danecia Williams Parliamentarian: Iris Williams Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Jamillah Anderson Associate Chair: Crystal Johnson Turner Father’s Auxiliary: Phillip Moore


Carmen Moore, Iris Williams, Krista Lovette, BreAnn Gilkey, Beonca Young, Jamillah Anderson, Danecia Williams


Our membership is extremely proud of the Chapter’s accomplishments including two members holding Regional and National Offices: (1) Crystal Johnson Turner, Past Regional Director; (2) Felicia Crowley Rolfe, Regional Teen Advisor; and (3) Two-term National Treasurer Crystal Johnson Turner.

The Air Capital Wichita Chapter has been committed to serving and enriching the lives of children of color in the Wichita, Kansas area since the chapter was incorporated in 2000. It all began at the National Convention held in Charlotte, North Carolina when the Air Capital Wichita Chapter received a resounding vote of approval. The late Dr. Karen Clark facilitated the Chapter’s induction and a debt of gratitude is owed to her, and the Oklahoma City Chapter, for the endearing support. Under the leadership of Regional Director Regenia Moore-Lee and later, Regional Director Ann Clay, the Charter Chapter Mothers installed were as follows: Nelsonna Potts Barnes; Angela Breckenridge; Carla Breckenridge; Sheila Clemons; Tamara Cotman; Janine Eustache; Pamela Johnson; Leslie Lyday; Cynthia Mundine; Sebrena Oliver; Crystal Johnson Turner; Tracy Williams; and Wanda Wilson. Air Capital Wichita Chapter is committed to upholding the standards and supporting the aims and objectives of the National Organization. We are extremely proud of the many families who have benefitted from local programming and outreach activities. Specifically, the visible impact on Chapter youth who are provided with stimulating monthly activities centered on the national thrusts of educational, recreational, social, cultural, community service, health, and legislative programming, is a point of pride for us.


Over the past 20 years, the Air Capital Wichita Chapter has planned and executed many outstanding programs including the following: Annual Safety Clinic; Donate-A-Book Program to the Maya Angelou Library; Easter Egg Hunt for community children; Teen retreats and creative community service program. Air Capital Wichita Chapter routinely partners with the City of Wichita, African-American Sororities and Fraternities, and other community organizations to promote a positive image of the organization in our community and inspire our Youth.






President: Shomari Caffey Vice-President: Lashonna Harden Program Director: Roxanne Stewart Recording Secretary: Erica Lockett Corresponding Secretary: Monica Washington Treasurer: Jade Lamar-Hursey Financial Secretary: Sharon Williams Editor: Dr. Kristal Shelvin Chaplain: Kentrica Coleman Historian: Kenisha Luke Foundation Chair: Jenae’ Davis Parliamentarian: Dr. Dakesa Pina Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Renarda Dumas Father’s Auxiliary: Dr. Brandon Caffey

President: Sahara Williams Vice-President: Naya Shelvin Secretary: Symone’ Davis Treasurer: Khadirah Muhammad Parliamentarian: Raine Fung Chaplain: Kendall Luke Sergeant-at-Arms: Kendall Luke



In the fall of 1997, at the request of Dr. Karen Clark, Central Regional Director, Patricia Scott began searching for mothers in the Bloomington/Normal, Illinois community who were interested in becoming affiliated with an organization whose purpose is to benefit their African-American children. She enlisted the assistance of two mothers, Regina Cason-Collins and Delilah Johnson. Representatives of the Central Region assisted in organizing a provisional group. After a conference call with Sylvia McGhee, National Vice President; Regna Moore-Lee, Regional Director; and Gwen Childs, National Corresponding Secretary; 10 mothers convened and elected officers. On May 20, 2000, Bloomington/ Normal was officially a Jack and Jill interest group. Excitement of what the group could achieve grew. Nearly seventy mothers expressed interest in the group, but a dedicated 21 worked tirelessly toward becoming a provisional chapter. On May 24, 2001, The NEB, Carla D. Williams, National President; Dr. Catherine Collins, National Vice President; Patrick Noble, National Recording Secretary; Linda Knight Burkley, National Corresponding Secretary; Patrise Perkins-Hooker, National Treasurer; Gail Barrett, National Editor; and Dr. Karen Clark, National 2nd Vice President - Program, approved the Bloomington/Normal Provisional Chapter. The Bloomington/Normal Chapter of Jack of Jill of America, Incorporated was inducted on Sunday, June 24, 2001 at Eastland Suites and Convention Center. Dr. Karen Clark, National 2nd Vice President - Program, presided over the induction ceremony which included Ann Clay, Regional Director; Regina Singleton; Gwen Childs, Regional Parliamentarian, and Cheryl Martin, Foundation Member at Large.

The Bloomington Normal Chapter is committed to actively participating in community events that reflect Jack and Jill’ s national theme, “ The Power to Make a Difference for All Children On Mission On Purpose.” The grade groups, teens and chapter mothers have executed intentional and meaningful programming. Our Pre-k - 2nd grade group focused on the civic thrust and participated in the chapter-wide MLK Day of service. During this event, members volunteered at a local food bank. At the Midwest Food Bank, we packed and prepared food for shipment to local families. The 3rd - 8th grade groups and teens addressed the civic and education thrusts. Our Jacks and Jills hosted “Money Mania: Financial Symposium.” This joint symposium included several required financial curricula. The 3rd through 5th grade group focused on the FDIC curriculum “It’s Great to Donate.” The 6th through 8th grade groups received the “Spend, Save or Give” curriculum. The teens completed the “Pocket Giving” curriculum. These lessons focused on the importance of giving and generosity. To bring the teachings full circle, youth purchased and donated art supplies for children at the Mclean County Boys & Girls Club. In alignment with the health and education thrusts, our chapter partnered with the local YMCA for our 3rd JJSwims. This event aims to promote water and swimming safety to African American families. The Bloomington Normal Chapter members look forward to continuing to make a difference for ALL children. On mission. On purpose.

Charter Members Mary Autry, Regina Cason-Collins Natalie Brunson-Wheeler, Michelle Matlock, Wilma Bates, Almetrise Lane, Ruth Cobb, Tracye Mitchell, Jackie White, Bridgette Beasley, Charlene Hill, Kathy Calahan, Michele Robinson, Venus Belew, Carolyn LaVere, Delilah Johnson, Tracye Rollins, Leslie Williams. In 2023 we are proud to have a total of 34 members, which includes 2 Associate Mothers.





President: Chiquita Chanay Vice-President: Natalee Thornton Program Director: Marjorie Dorime-Williams Recording Secretary: Laura Henderson Kelley Corresponding Secretary: Tawny Brown Treasurer: LaRita Emanuel Financial Secretary: Jasmine Bourdeau-Stodghill Editor: Candice Malveaux Chaplain: Denise Chapel Historian: Deon Barnes Foundation Chair: Mischa Epps Parliamentarian: Mischa Epps Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Tawny Brown Associate Chair: Laine Walker Young Father’s Auxiliary: Michael Williams

President: M’Jai Watkins Vice-President: Alfred Johnson Secretary: Christian Aaron Treasurer: Carl Aaron Parliamentarian: Malachi Johnson Chaplain: Sasha Thornton Sergeant-at-Arms: Sasha Thornton


Erika Aaron, Holly Burton Aro, Elizabeth Malm Buatsi, Deon Barnes, Tawny Brown, Chiquita Chanay, Denise Chapel, Celeste Do, LaRita Emanuel, Mischa Epps, Ebony Johnson, Laura Henderson Kelley, Candice Malveaux, Wanda Seeney, Jasmine Bourdeau-Stodghill, Angela Taylor, Natalee Thornton


and trade, and thinking about future careers. Our Father’s Auxillary Group chose to focus on three strands of programming this year (a) building community, (b) building wealth, and (c) fatherhood. They aim to enhance wellness for fathers and their families through social and educational programming, such as discussing how to develop positive financial behaviors for Black families. By December, every grade group had participated in activities (both virtual and inperson) with an emphasis on community service, financial literacy, and leadership. This year, our chapter is focused on building and improving our programs and practices. We continue to reflect on our efforts and look forward to continued improvement in the new year.

The Central Missouri Chapter was established on October 11, 2020 with 20 founding mothers: Deon Barnes, Jenelle Beavers, Jasmine Bourdeau-Stodghill, Chiquita Chanay, Denise Chapel, Anecia Davis, Marjorie Dorime-Williams, LaRita Emanuel, Mischa Epps, Ebony Johnson, Christina King, Elizabeth Malm-Buatsi, Candice Malveaux, Roberta Martin, Tiffany McGee, Eryca Neville, LeAnn Stroupe, Natalee Thornton, Allyson Walker, & Laine Young Walker. The mission of the Central Missouri Chapter is to create a medium of contact for children, which will stimulate growth and development; and to provide or children a constructive educational, cultural, civic, recreational, and social program.


The Central Missouri Chapter began the 2022-2023 program year by creating engaging, purposeful programming for our children. The chapter’s programming theme this year is “Grit, Growth, Giving, Gratitude,” which focuses on engaging our children in events that promote positive development. Each grade group has participated in various activities and events to contribute through service to their communities, participate in civic events, and build their relationships with one another. For example, our chapter hosted a Trunk or Treat community service event in a local housing community in October. Our Teens facilitated an afternoon of fun and games, including judging costumes and trunk contests with prizes for the “best of” categories. In November, our younger children (PK-4) participated in an interactive event to learn about free and fair elections. Another of our standout events this year included visiting the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank and Economy Museum. The day included escape room activities, learning about money





President: Maria Ware Vice-President: Allison Trimble Program Director: Heather Barry Recording Secretary: Yasmeen Nkrumah-Elie Corresponding Secretary: Jaelen Tate Treasurer: Robin Robertson Financial Secretary: Kelli Jackson Editor: Emmaly Rohrer Foundation Chair: Konye Henderson Parliamentarian: Beth Robinson Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Omisola Ari

President: EllinQton Garland Vice-President: Menkhu Jones Secretary: Robert Kenney Treasurer: Bryce Dilworth Parliamentarian: Xavier Ellie Chaplain: Jada Pace Sergeant-at-Arms: Jada Pace


Omisola Ari, Heather Barry, Voletha Bradley, Maria Burdine, Tandy Dilworth, Brook Dorsey Holliman, Brenda Fuller, Marlena Grant, Angela Green Garland, Konye Henderson, Kelli Jackson, Michelle Kenney, Tchernavia Lowe, Erica McCray, Sherlenia Mitchell, Yasmeesn Nkrumah-Elie, Nicole Nunn Hilliard, Camille Osbourne Roberts, Lori Pace, Robin Robertson, Beth Robinson, Emmaly Rohrer, Simone Ross, Esperonda Siefert, Sonia Stovall, Jaelen Tate, Allison Trimble, Maria Ware, Kimberly Wheatley, Cortney Worrell


marching in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Marade, hosting a Black History Month celebration where youth engaged in trivia, performed speeches and provided education about important African American figures, engaging in a picnic for Carol Robertson Day where families played lawn games and observed remembrance activities, and hosting a Kwanzaa celebration complete with crafts and presentations about the holiday.

The Denver Chapter was organized by Mrs. Isabella Bartholomew in September of 1955. Sponsored by the Memphis, Tennessee Chapter, the Denver Chapter was officially initiated into Jack and Jill of America, Inc. in the summer of 1956 by Dr. Ruth Howard, a national officer from San Francisco. The first chapter officers were Isabella Bartholomew, President; Irene Johnson, Vice President; Regina Lewis, Secretary; Addie Spurlock, Treasurer; and Mildred McCleave, Corresponding Secretary. In 1970, the Denver Chapter transferred from the Far Western Region to the Central Region.

After a three-year hiatus, in collaboration with the South Suburban Denver Chapter, the Denver Chapter ended the year with a celebration at its Belle and Beautillion event. Although the Denver Chapter’s signature event was established in 1983 to highlight achieving young men in the community, the Denver Chapter welcomed the opportunity to expand the gala this year to celebrate bright and driven young women making strides as well. In addition to the gala event which included speeches and dance performances by the Beaus and Belles, the Denver Chapter provided mentoring and workshops for Beaus and Belles focused on etiquette, reproductive health, mental health, and diversity and inclusion within the African-American Community.


In the spirit of civic mindfulness, in coordination with the Denver Chapter hosting Area Work Day, the Denver Chapter teens raised the most money for a chapter in the region which they donated to support Food Bank of the Rockies and an organization which provides toys and décor to families utilizing supervised visitation services. The Denver Chapter sponsored scholarships for teen participants of Girls Inc. of Metro Denver, a nonprofit that focuses on the development of local girls. Families also supported Clothes to Kids of Denver where they stuffed bags of clothing to be donated to individuals in need and stocked and organized supplies. In honor of Earth day, Denver Chapter teens participated in environmental justice advocacy related to toxic chemicals in neighborhoods and climate change. Educational activities provided by the Denver Chapter included a STEM party hosted by local African American scientists and classes on financial literacy, investments and entrepreneurship. With a focus on health and wellness, the Denver Chapter families learned about healthy eating practices and the importance of staying physically active. Additionally, the youth learned about the importance of physical fitness through various activities including hiking, golfing and skiing. The Denver Chapter embraced opportunities for fellowship and cultural awareness during the year with activities which included 24





President: Carmella Hardnett Vice-President: Diana Mills Program Director: Aisha Cass Recording Secretary: Destiny McCain Corresponding Secretary: D’Jamildo Graham Treasurer: Latosha Johnson Financial Secretary: Crystal Nicholson Editor: Dr. Candace Howell Chaplain: D’Jamildo Graham Historian: National Treasurer Michele Henry-McGee Foundation Chair: Dr. Candace Howell Parliamentarian: Shantia Coley, Esq. Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Kenyada Harris Associate Chair: Dr. Lillian Parks Father’s Auxiliary: David Hardnett

President: Kameron Dixson Vice-President: Brooklyn Morris Secretary: Camryn Walton Treasurer: Kayden Criss Parliamentarian: Kody Lyles Chaplain: Kamiiah Adkins Sergeant-at-Arms: Aariyah Rockett


Kimberly Armour, Tatyana Bell, Aisha Cass, Kendra Chapman, Eric Criss, Angela Davis Lyles, Attorney Shantia Coley, Renetia Coline, Kimberly Crumble, Sonja DeJesus, Yashica Friend, Deidra Gibbs, Delesha George, D’Jamildo Graham, Chapter President Carmella Hardnett, Kenyada Harris, National Treasurer Michele Henry-McGee, Mechelle Howard, Dr. Candace Howell, LaDonna Hull, Liberia Hunt, Alicia Hunter, Dr. Shawni Jackson, Latosha Johnson, Chinita King, Deniece Long, Asia Loveless, Kacey Martin-Johnson, Kelly Martin-Young, Destiny McCain, Tanesha McGee-Dent, Diana Mills, Crystal Nicholson, Shamika Patterson, Dr. Chyla Pennington, Rashida Pollion, Whitney Roberson, Shardai Smith, Ashley Taylor, Falyn Taylor, Toni Williams, and Stephanie Williams-Esaw


and chapter charge to “R.I.S.E. (Restore, Inspire, Support, Excel) up for Effervescent Programming”. These focus areas are heavily emphasized through our efforts to create intentional programming geared towards developing and empowering our children to be successful future leaders.

On September 20, 1960, sixteen East St. Louis mothers met with four members of the St. Louis, Missouri Chapter to form the East St. Louis, Illinois Chapter. Through their partnership and dedication, the East St. Louis, Illinois Chapter was established at the National Convention in July 1962, and chartered on September 21, 1962. The founding mothers were; Laura Beck, Thelma Blackwell, Annie Lee Bonner, Mrs. Frazier, Rosie Hancock, Bernice Higgins, Geneva Irby, Florence Jackson, Mildred Jeffers, Dorothy Kenney, Juanita Loveless, Myrtle Officer, Louis Polk, Mary Louis Perry, Lawanna Russell, and Ada Woodson.

This fall, our children explored programming at the St. Louis Science Center and the Health Works St. Louis Kid’s Museum to expose and educate them in the areas of STEM. We also held an etiquette class to teach our children proper dining habits and salutations; and we conducted a Black Panther Themed Election to emphasize the significance of voting. During this event, our children were taught the voting process by using paper ballots to select their favorite movie snack at our family movie night.

Today the East St. Louis Chapter has grown to forty-two mother members, and is the home chapter of the 11th National President, Dr. Lillian Parks; Past Central Regional Director, Lisa Bobbitt, and current National Treasurer, Michele Henry-McGee. The East St. Louis Chapter was also the host of the 2022 Central Region Teen Leadership Conference, and proudly earned awards in several teen categories. The mission statement of the East St. Louis Chapter is “Come GROW with Us: Grooming our future leaders to Reap the Opportunities for Winning in life”.

Our chapter has also modeled our theme and charge by serving our East St. Louis Community through partnerships with local organizations to support veterans, fire fighters, and families. In December, our chapter partnered with Project Christmas to give the most unbelievable Christmas gifts to three families in need, and also helped to provide needed supplies and non-perishable items to local community centers. Our chapter is off to a phenomenal start and is in great expectation for what is in store for the remainder of this program year!


The East St. Louis, Illinois Chapter kicked off the 2022-2023 programming year focused on our National Theme “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children On Mission On Purpose”,





President: Mila Fuller Vice-President: Landria Seals Greene Program Director: Apryl Martin Recording Secretary: Ronda Holliman Corresponding Secretary: Tiy Goddard Treasurer: Lina Mongwa Financial Secretary: Monica Bowe Editor: Jenell Hardy Chaplain: Tiffani Dillard Historian: Tori Exum-Johnson Foundation Chair: Nicola Sharpe Parliamentarian: Margareth Etienne Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Tori Exum-Johnson


President: Amari Johnson Vice-President: Langston Span Secretary: William Jaxson Hardy Treasurer: Homer Radden, II Parliamentarian: Julia Bilsbury Chaplain: Xenia Mongwa Sergeant-at-Arms: Xenia Mongwa


Kaamilyah Abdullah-Span, Deneca Avant, Tosha Bilsbury, Monica Bowe, Angela Bradley, Nerissa Brown, Tiffani Dillard, Margareth Etienne, Tori Exum-Johnson, Karen Flynn, Mila Fuller,Tiy Goddard, Malikah Gordon, Asia Fuller Hamilton, T’Chana Harden, Jenell Hardy, Ronda Holliman, Nicole Howell, Candice Jenkins, Sammer Jones, Reitumetse Mabokela, Apryl Martin, Lina Mongwa, Genene Radden, Chanda Reese, Natika Roberson, Landria Seales Green, Nicola Sharpe, Yavonnda Smith, and Trina Wright-Dixon.


In January, we held our first-annual community-wide day of fitness. This event was open to the entire community free of charge and was co-hosted with Leaders for Life Martial Arts. This event provided many fitness activities and classes for all ages, along with healthy lifestyle and eating tips. Our chapter’s 85th Founders’ Day celebration was spent in reflection. We remembered our founders as we focused on our theme “Loving Ourselves Inside and Out”. Our families also attended our second annual Family Ski Trip to Grand Geneva Resort and Spa in Lake Geneva, WI. Our culminating event is our Black Family Day held in the summer which will be focused on our cultural heritage and strengthening the bonds of our black families. We will honor those promoted from middle school to high school, our high school graduates, and our Mothers moving to the Associate level. GCU continues to work, play, and live together. Long Live Jack and Jill! Visit us online at www.jackandjillgcu.org.

The foundation of the Greater Champaign-Urbana, IL chapter was paved in 2017 with the vision and leadership of two mothers, National Member Tiffany McGee and Nicole Howell who were joined by thirty-six other mothers becoming an official interest group called Mothers of Chambana Youth (“MOCY”) later becoming a provisional group. On July 27, 2018, the chapter was approved to transition to a provisional chapter. On September 23, 2018, at the Champaign Country Club in Champaign, IL thirty-two mothers were installed as a charter chapter with the chapter name of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. - The Greater Champaign-Urbana Chapter (GCU). Our charter mothers originate from ten countries with impressive and diverse backgrounds, including university professors and administrators, business owners, members of the practicing bar and judiciary, elected officials, physicians, and artists.


The Chapter kicked off its 2021-2022 programmatic year with a Programming Retreat reflecting on our previous year and planning events and quality activities to fulfill our national theme, “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children. On Mission. On Purpose.” In September, the chapter commemorated the life of Carole Robertson and celebrating Jack and Jill Day. GCU Youth GCU youth commemorated Carole Robertson providing a biography and synopsis of Carol, the society in which she lived, and the Birmingham bombing. Our event concluded with GCU Youth competing against GCU Moms and Dads in an “Old School vs. New School” trivia challenge. In November, we held our annual “Big Give” event, packing and providing turkey dinners to 300+ families in need. In December, the chapter banded together to adopt eight children and their caregivers providing much-needed gifts and resources. Our teens held a Double Good Popcorn fundraiser raising over $2,300 for the Jack and Jill of America Foundation and worthy local non-profits. 27




Surgeons with a class teaching basics of how to identify and treat life-threatening bleeding using tourniquets, wound packing, and pressure dressing. The children learned how to help themselves and others survive in critical situations and enhanced leadership skills by learning how to react in a crisis. Explorers, along with Jammin’ Juniors, participated in the Education Entrepreneurship FIC Module L21, Financial Literacy and Leadership, by examining the small business development cycle and heard from a panel of highly successful Black business owners to discuss their journey. To facilitate a year of success, Teens started off this Jack and Jill year by hosting a retreat that involved planning, team building, parliamentary procedures, leadership development based on Jack and Jill history, and completed a financial literacy module on Jack and Jill goal setting. A community project collected toys and classroom donations to distribute to local nonprofit organizations. The Teens also enjoyed socializing by going to a restaurant for lunch together. The following thrusts and additional focus areas were addressed: Education: Financial Literacy Module 15, Leadership Development, Civic: Community Service, and Social/ Recreational. To honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s work to fight inequity and racism in the criminal justice system, criminal lawyer now judge, mother Cara Connors, led a discussion with the Jammin’ Juniors about the judicial system and a mock trial was completed. The children discussed how they could commit to Dr. King’s mission on injustice, policymaking, and equality. National thrusts and focus areas were covered; Civic: Legislative, Community Service, and Education: MLK. Service continued to remain a focus throughout this programming year, as seen in Kid Power and Jammin’ Juniors’ donation of blankets and socks to local homeless shelters.

President: Katrina Banks Vice-President: Shatoria Daniels Program Director: Telischa Lewis Recording Secretary: Kinetra Washington Corresponding Secretary: Krystal Dillett Treasurer: Joycelin Randle Financial Secretary: ShaRhonda Love Editor: Kim Davis Chaplain: Courtney Donnor Historian: Osmonetta Beard Foundation Chair: Candice Bailey Parliamentarian: Maria Bunting Smedley Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Margaret Love Associate Chair: Andress Gray Father’s Auxiliary: Derrick Fletcher

President: Zenobia Kelley Vice-President: Calyn Hemphill Secretary: Lydia Thomas Treasurer: Zaleigha Kelley Parliamentarian: Madison Hatley Chaplain: Amaria Love

On July 18-22, 2000, Kim Evans, Dr. Paula Martin-Fletcher, Priscilla Alexander, Patricia McCullough, Antoinette Brim, and Rosalyn Pruitt attended the 2000 National Convention of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. held in Charlotte, North Carolina. There, the Provisional Group became a Provisional Chapter. On September 9, 2000, an installation ceremony was held, and the Greater Little Rock Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was established! The official ceremony took place at the Cammack Woods Board Room in Little Rock, Arkansas. Dr. Karen Clark, National Program Director, Ann Clay, Central Regional Director, and Gwendolyn Childs, Central Regional Parliamentarian, were in attendance. Charter members for the chapter include Kim Evans (President), Brenda Ficklin (Vice President), Adrienne Conley (Recording Secretary), Keli Williams (Corresponding Secretary), Garbo Hearne (Treasurer), Paula Martin-Fletcher (Financial Secretary), Bridgette Newson (Program Director), Kathryn Fitzhugh (Editor/Historian), Joyce Warren (Parliamentarian), Shrel Rose, Valencia Corrothers, Freda Jefferson, Antoinette Brim, Rosalyn Pruitt, Cassandra Steele, Stephanie Neal, Debrah Mitchell, Ramona Elliot, Miriam Bernard, Masha Davis, Natalie Loggins, Vera Watson, Helen Barnes, and Patricia McCullough.


The Greater Little Rock Chapter (GLRC) kicked off the programming year with the national theme of “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose.” The Busy Bees and Kid Power groups began with a water safety and history of African American swimmers and swimming discussion with Busy Bees for a JJSwims! presentation. Children received prizes for answering questions about safe swimming techniques and African American swimmers in history. Afterward, the children swam and socialized while a former USA Swimmer and swim coach assisted as a lifeguard. The following thrusts were fulfilled: Education: JJSwims! swimming safety; Health: Fitness; and Cultural: African American swimmers. The thrusts of Health, Education (Leadership Development) were addressed for Explorers, Jammin’ Juniors, and Teens in partnership with MEMS and the Arkansas College of 28




President: Erika Carter-Bailey Vice-President: Nikki Romain Program Director: Yolanda Lowry Recording Secretary: Tina Walton Corresponding Secretary: Timony Criss Kirkwood Treasurer: Jennifer Strickland Financial Secretary: Letecha Haywood Editor: Lillie Gillespie Chaplain: Shacorrah Evans Historian: Iris Leverett Foundation Chair: Roberta English Parliamentarian: Denise McWhorter Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Monica Arbuckle

President: Cailyn Bell Vice-President: Sarai Saintilus Secretary: Bethany Simpson Treasurer: Darielle Saintilus Parliamentarian: Sylvia Arbuckle Chaplain: Morgan McWhorter Sergeant-At-Arms: Sylvia Arbuckle


Jaleesha Allen, Monica Arbuckle, Jehan Gordon-Booth, Charity Gunn, Karen Cadet-Saintilus, Erika Carter-Bailey, Thembi ConnerGarcia, Timony Criss- Kirkwood, Kelly Daniels, Roberta English, Shacorrah Evans, Lillie Gillespie, Donniece Hall, Sundra Harris, Letecha Haywood, Iris Leverett, Denise McWhorter, Prudence Mortoti, Nikki Romain, Christa Spates-Bell, Jennifer Strickland, Bethany Thimote, Mireille Raoul Volmar, Tina Walton, Yolanda Lowry



In September, across the nation, the families of Jack and Jill come together in their home chapters to celebrate Jack and Jill Day. The purpose of Jack and Jill Day is to allow family members to love on one another after the summer break. GPI families came together on September 4th at Dozer Park, to eat, socialize and watch America’s favorite past time - baseball. From our littles to our moms and dads, everyone enjoyed themselves. Before the grande finale which concluded with an elaborate fireworks display, The Greater Peoria Chapter of Jack and Jill was highlighted as a community volunteer organization! The Greater Peoria Illinois chapter also used this time to acknowledge Carole Robertson. She was killed in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing on September 15, 1963. At our National Convention in San Francisco in 1988, it was decided by resolution that all chapters would honor her in September with an activity that would highlight the goals of human rights, civil rights, racial harmony that Carole did not live to enjoy. This year, we had our finale teens construct and present a presentation to the families of Greater Peoria Illinois Chapter. The teens spoke about social injustice and how they are working to counter act social injustice in our society today. The teens ended their presentation with a poster board demonstration about Carole Robertson and the 16th St Baptist Church bombing.

On Sunday, November 9, 2014, the Peoria Provisional Chapter officially became the Greater Peoria, Illinois Chapter with a charter membership of 21 mothers and 42 children strong. In March 2013, Kim Dickerson and Thembi Conner-Garcia met and talked about what they could do to enrich their children and assist them in becoming well-rounded adults. Jack and Jill of America Incorporated was the focus of their conversation. On July 15, 2013, interested mothers had a teleconference with National Vice President Tammy King and National Treasurer Crystal Turner. Interest group status was given to this group of mothers on August 1, 2013. A few days later, Mothers Kim and Thembi had a conference call with Central Regional Director Debrah Mitchell to guide them to the next step of becoming a provisional group. At the end of August 2013, the Peoria Interest Group sent in the provisional group application on behalf of 24 mothers. On October 20, 2013, the Jack and Jill of America Incorporated National Executive Board approved a change of status from interest group to provisional group. With a group of mothers dedicated/devoted to improving the lives and expanding the reach of Peoria’s African-American children and families through the virtues and excellence of Jack & Jill of America; the first official meeting of the Peoria Provisional Group occurred on Sunday, November 17, 2013 at 3:00 pm, at the home of Kim Dickerson.







President: Joanna Bowie-Pruitt Vice-President: Sharandis Farley-Jennings Program Director: Sharandis Farley-Jennings Recording Secretary: Stephanie Zenon Corresponding Secretary: Stephanie Zenon Treasurer: Rhoda Lockett-Moore Financial Secretary: Erika Ziegler-Rabet Editor: Uchenna Njiaju Chaplain: Uchenna Njiaju Historian: Uchenna Njiaju Foundation Chair: Christy Ball Parliamentarian: Christy Ball Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Ava Roberts Father’s Auxiliary: Jacob Pruitt

President: Afiya Roberts Vice-President: Rosalyn Rabet Secretary: Kamryn Koroma Treasurer: Nia Roberts Parliamentarian: Karim Fudge Chaplain: Rosalyn Rabet Sergeant-at-Arms: Karim Fudge


Joanna Bowie-Pruitt, Sharandis Farley-Jennings, Rhoda Lockett-Moore, Stephanie Zenon, Erika Ziegler-Rabet, Uchenna Njiaju, Christy Ball, Ava Roberts, Lisa Koroma, Danielle Osler, Allison Osler, Tasara Fudge, Nataki Brown-Jones



GPP started the year with a Cool Science STEAM fair at the UCCS campus in the summer during which they also worked through some financial literacy modules. They also had a dedicated financial literacy event hosted at the Colorado Springs location of our National Partner, Boys and Girls Club of America. Senior Teens had a Volunteering activity with Crossfire Ministries. All children had social and cultural events particularly a get-together to watch “Black Panther - Wakanda Forever,” during which all joined the national movement to honor the late actor, Chadwick Boseman, by wearing white. Moms had a Wine & Wreath & Charcuterie event, and a Movie Night for watching the emotional Premier of the Till Movie based on the true story of Mamie Till-Mobley’s relentless pursuit for justice for her murdered 14-year-old son, Emmett Till. GPP closed the year with a dynamic cultural event learning about Kwanzaa, African dance, and instruments, along with a charitable giving presentation.

The Greater Pikes Peak Chapter was chartered on October 16, 2016. Founding mother, Tonya Crawley, moved to Colorado Springs in 2011 and initially joined the closest chapter in Denver, Colorado (70 miles away). In 2013, then Vice President Linda Williams of the Denver Chapter and Tonya began strategizing about forming a local chapter in Colorado Springs, Tonya reached out to Regional Director Debrah Mitchell to share the timeline for forming a Provisional Group, and she transferred from the Denver Chapter to a National/ Regional member. In August, Tonya and Priscilla Alston met and made a list of mothers they thought would be a good fit. The first official informational meeting was on October 20, 2013, and was followed soon after by a brief informational event. Activities culminated in the Colorado Springs Interest Group sending in the provisional group application on behalf of 26 mothers. On April 8, 2015, the Jack and Jill of America Incorporated National Executive Board approved a change of status from interest group to provisional group. Our first official meeting as a Provisional Group was held March 1, 2015, where we voted to call ourselves M.O.C.H.A. Mothers of Color Harvesting Achievers. After celebrating our first Black Family Day on May 3, 2015, we had ten months of phenomenal programming supported by NVP Joli Cooper-Nelson, RD Debrah Mitchell, Yvonne Pace, mentor Cyreena Boston-Ashby and Casey Curry. On July 29, 2016, in Palm Desert California, M.O.C.H.A. received a unanimous vote to become the Colorado Springs Provisional Chapter at the 42nd National Convention. On October 16, 2016, the Provisional Chapter became the Greater Pikes Peak (GPP) Chapter with a chartering membership of 18 visionary mothers.




President: Jon Porter Vice-President: Ericka Duker Program Director: Clarissa Betts Recording Secretary: Lindsey Orrick Corresponding Secretary: Tara Boldridge Treasurer: Lisa Ford Financial Secretary: Tiana Alexander Editor: Alicia Riley Chaplain: lmani Copeland Historian: Rhonda Mason Foundation Chair: Kristi Smith High Parliamentarian: Ramona Eason Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Jamila Jefferson Jones I Brianne Dawson Associate Chair: Tonya Boone Father’s Auxiliary: Kareem High

President: Sydney Maxwell Vice-President: Kendal Ford Secretary: Ella Riley Treasurer: Alphonso Eason Jr. Parliamentarian: Bria Dawson Chaplain: Piper Newton Sergeant-at-Arms: Phaelin Jones


Tiana Alexander, Clarissa Betts, Atoya Blacknall, Tara Baldridge, Tonya Boone, India Boulton, Deangela Burns-Wallace, Alicia Combs, lmani Copeland, Dia Covington, Brianne Dawson, Ericka Duker, Ramona Eason, Cynthia Eckert, Lisa Ford, Tanya Gibson, April Hall-Key, Jamila Jefferson-Jones, Karen Joye-King, Dionna Littleton, Alanna Lee, Sharissa Mabry, Rhonda Mason Tammecca Maxwell Jehan Moore, Kim Newton, Lindsey Orrick Tiauna Ousley, Dana Patterson, Nelson Jon Porter, Nefertari Pross, Erin Pullen, Dawn Rattan, Alicia Riley, Kristi Smith High, Courtney Starnes, Cherie Suther, Shani Tate Ross, Raquel Terry, LaNesha Washington



In 1971, twelve mothers formed the JOMOs of Overland Park, Kansas. A year later, they were chartered as a new chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and, in July of 1973, officially voted in at the 20th National Convention. As more African American families moved into the Johnson County area, it became necessary to change the name from the Overland Park, KS Chapter to the Johnson County, KS Chapter. Along with those changes came the need to support issues related to African Americans in the entire Johnson County area. From its beginnings, the Chapter has been politically involved. The Chapter was instrumental in adopting the Martin Luther King holiday in the Johnson County school district and conducted workshops on Strengthening the Black Family.

The Johnson County Chapter leveled up this program year by introducing our inaugural signature fundraiser, KC Dad Day, to cultivate community, celebrate fatherhood, foster fun, and support the men who uplift us in their health and wellness journey. The proceeds from KC Dad Day support the needs of impoverished children and families from the African diaspora in our communities. The 2022-2023 children’s and teens’ program year is robust with activities and events that embody experiences that live out our national theme, The Power to Make a Difference for All Children on Mission on Purpose. JOCO mothers curated opportunities to emphasize the power of our history, expose the power of our vote, and encourage the power of a dream!

2023 is a triumphant year for the Johnson County Chapter as we celebrate half a century of existence. We are so very fortunate and blessed to have a rich history and tradition of mothers, fathers, children, and their families dedicating their time, talents, and hearts to enhancing the lives of all children.

The Johnson County Chapter has stood the test of time for 50 years. We are overjoyed to celebrate our Golden Anniversary in 2023 and passionately committed to sustaining and building upon the legacy of our predecessors. Long live Jack and Jill!







President: Jennifer Mcconico Vice-President: Kristina lyamu Program Director: Porcia Block Recording Secretary: Jennifer Mcconico Corresponding Secretary: Porcia Block Treasurer: Nikkita Allen Financial Secretary: Chanda Woods Editor: Roxanne Moore Historian: Roxanne Moore Foundation Chair: Kristina lyamu Parliamentarian: Porcia Block Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Roxanne Moore

President: Rashelle Taylor Vice-President: Donnell Bolton Secretary: Giselle Potts Treasurer: Giselle Potts Parliamentarian: Donnell Bolton Chaplain: Rashelle Taylor Sergeant-at-Arms: Rashelle Taylor


Jennifer Mcconico, Kristina lyamu, Porcia Block, Nikkita Allen, Chanda Woods and Roxanne Moore


children. The chapter celebrated MLK Day of Service by hosting a Community Blood Drive in partnership with The American Red Cross. In January, Chapter Moms gathered for the 85th Founders’ Day Celebration. All age groups joined in a virtual session to watch “Schoolhouse Rock: Money Rock!”video and kicked off the children’s Loose Change Initiative.

In July of 1957, a charter was granted to the Kansas City, Kansas chapter at the National Convention held in San Francisco, California. At the helm of this new chapter were: Mauria Davis, President, Adoria Taliaferro, Vice-President, Juanita Yancey, Recording Secredary, Marie Jackson, Corresponding Secretary, Leah Boone, Treasurer and Josephine Vandiver, Journalist. In addition to planning worthwhile programs for our children and meeting our chapter obligations, we continue to serve the mission through various activities.


The Kansas City, Kansas Chapter started the program year with a planning retreat to review programming activities as well as have a debriefing session to discuss Teen Leadership Conference and National Convention events. The teen group started the year with a planning retreat and Escape Room Challenge. Chapter families joined together for an afternoon of food, fellowship, and fun in the park where they celebrated the life of Carole Robertson and Jack and Jill Day. The teen group led the candle light tribute in remembrance of her importance to our history. Chapter members attended the play “Akeelah and the Bee”at The Coterie Theater. Moms and children experienced the beauty of fall at a local Fall Harvest pumpkin patch. Chapter teens connected with black professionals at a Get Out and Vote Midterm Election Rally and Fall Stem Fest. In November, the chapter hosted a prospective new mom informational tea. Over the holiday, chapter families and guests gathered to celebrate the holiday season with a festive event planned and hosted by the teen group. A local caterer provided a healthy cooking demonstration. The teen group set up a hot chocolate bar, interactive craft stations and games for the younger children. Moms and children collected toiletries and other wish list items for Friends of Yates, a local nonprofit organization that provides emergency homeless shelter for battered women and their







Our November’s Civic and Legislative Advocacy activities focused on the concepts of voting and civic duty. They learned the importance of governing bodies in their neighborhood. Our children learned why their political voice matters and how they can create impact and mobilize people for a cause. The State Senator including chapter moms discussed the importance of being aware of politic topics and exercising their voice by voting. The teens planned, organized, and participated in a Town Hall having an open dialogue regarding views and experiences with racism in their schools and communities.

President: Tonasha Sylvester Vice-President: Tiffany Bradley Program Director: Yolanda Waldon Recording Secretary: Anjelica Walters Corresponding Secretary: La Shonda Coleman Treasurer: JoEllen Richardson Financial Secretary: Nikki Johnson Editor: Syreeta Van Ross Chaplain: Pam Moses Historian: Kia Randle Foundation Chair: Patrice Wright Parliamentarian: Carla Johnson Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Michelle McConnell Associate Chair: Janelle Harvey Jordan Father’s Auxiliary: Darryl Duncan Sergeant-at-Arms: Stephanie Smith

President: Cameron Craven Vice-President: Kendall Stewart Secretary: Aniya Byrd Treasurer: Jackson Edington Parliamentarian: Alex Duncan Chaplain: Darrius Bradley Sergeant-at-Arms: Tyler Harris

The Kansas City, Missouri (KCMO) Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was established in 1950. Betty Allen, the wife of an intern at General Hospital, brought the idea with her from Philadelphia, PA. She invited some of her friends and asked them to extend the invitation to others, bringing mothers from both Missouri and Kansas to establish the KCMO Chapter. In 1957, the group became too large and separated to better serve both Missouri and Kansas. Today, the KCMO Chapter boasts a membership of 50 Mothers and is the home chapter of Regional Officers: Treasurer Sandra McKinney, Teen President Selena Snell, and Vice-President Kiara Odums.

December festivities consisted of grade group holiday parties that fostered bonding and socialization. A host of exciting programming events awaits our Jacks and Jills for the remaining of the year.


Our Chapter hosted our 85th Founders’ Day Celebration at a local restaurant and invited the Johnson County, KS and Kansas City, KS Chapters. Our keynote speaker was Jack and Jill Mother Kim Alexis Newton who shared a powerful message and her purposeful quilts.

Our Chapter President Tonasha Sylvester kicked our program year with a Virtual Planning Meeting in August. We launched the new programming year with a skating party to celebrate Carole Robertson/Jack and Jill Day. Our Jacks and Jills gave special presentations honoring Carole’s legacy established by the National Jack and Jill of America. Inc. After the presentation, the chapter teens Visionaries (Grades 6-8) and Change Agents (Grades 9-12) led a dedication ceremony in Carol Robertson’s honor.

We look forward to the upcoming Chapter wide Black History, Financial Literacy, Health and Wellness, Fathers Appreciation activity, a Spring Children’s Cluster and our signature Chapter Java and Jazz fundraiser events. We will complete the Program Year in May with an enjoyable Black Family Day activity. Our Program Year will conclude in May with an enjoyable Black Family Day activity.

In October, the thrust was STE[a]M. Little Stars (Grades PreK-K) learned about basic coding mechanics and concepts. Explorers (Grades 1-3) learned about brain power and received a kit to build a brain. Chapter mom/neurologist Dr. Kim Hatchett discussed brain functionality and components. The Adventurers (Grades 4-5) visited a local waterway and learned about the characteristics of water and categories of water pollution. The Visionaries met at a local studio to learn how architecture, interior design, marketing, and economics professions come together to create spaces in their communities. Change Agents met with the first black graduate from University of Kansas Aerospace Engineering Department. She shared her experience in engineering. They later discussed entrepreneurism while enjoying Top Golf. 35





President: Jennifer Bechet Vice-President: Charys Williams Program Director: Kanosha Grigsby Recording Secretary:Michelle Gray Corresponding Secretary:Tricia Hicks Treasurer: Trina Grier Financial Secretary: Tommi Caston Editor: Angela Collier Chaplain: Jaime Deigh Historion:Angela Collier Foundation Chair: Kirstie Sims Parliamentarian :veronica Obianwa Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Stephanie Adams

President: Jordan Stewart-Mitchell Vice-President: Evan Collier Secretary: Samantha Deigh and Johani Singh Treasurer: Riley Grier


Stephanie Adams, Ciara Anfield, Emma Atilola, Jennifer Bechel, Maya Bowie, Tommi Caston, Angela Collier, Jaime Deigh, Michelle Gray, Kanosha Grigsby, Tsitsi Hantuba, Trina Payne Grier, Tricia Hicks, Shunya Howell, Shalon Wansley, Ashley McElroy, Myra McKenzie-Harris, Keisha Merritt, Veronica Obianwa, LaNelle Owens, Emma Pengelly, Natasha Purnell, Maurissa Roberts, Kirstie Sims, Sherry-Lee Singh, Tammie Smith, Takama Statton-Brooks, Jelahn Stewart, Jessica Taylor, Shante’ Turner, Ade Wejinya, Charys Williams.


make up the Northwest Arkansas area. The Teens continue to support the Central Region’s Teen goals of addressing food deserts; mental health needs for teens and young adults and fulfilling the philanthropic pursuits of Jack and Jill of America’s Foundation. This age group began the year completing several leadership and financial modules in one day during their annual retreat. The teens also worked toward their charitable goal by hosting a multi-cultural toy drive to benefit Sharing and Caring of Benton County during our annual, chapter-wide fundraiser, “Cookies with Santa Pajama Jam”! In addition to their charitable giving, multiple grade groups visited Crisp Recording Studios where they learned about careers in the music industry and they recorded their own cover of the hit holiday song, This Christmas.

On August 1, 2014, five representatives from the group (Blake Sias, LaTure Hicks, LaKeshia Garrett, Jennifer Bechet and Tammy Fussell) attended the 41st Jack and Jill National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. After making a presentation to the voting body of delegates, the chapter received a majority vote to move its group status from Provisional Group to Provisional Chapter, signaling the accomplishment of the final step in the Chapter Establishment process. On September 27, 2014, The Northwest Arkansas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was chartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. The chartering ceremony was held at the Doubletree Hotel and Suites and was facilitated by National Treasurer, Crystal Johnson-Turner and Central Region Regional Director, Debrah Mitchell. The chapter’s focus followed the national guidance on Culture, Education, Philanthropic giving, and STE(A)M.

The focus of our programming throughout the year remains focused on completing the National thrusts of: Cultural, Educational, Health, Civic and Social/Recreational as we work to nurture future leaders.


The 2022-2023 program year began with planning retreats for the executive board, chapter members and teens. The chapter’s first activity was the recognition of Carole Robertson’s life and the celebration of Jack and Jill Day. This year the chapter members and their families were able to gather for a cookout, bounce house, HBCU TikTok videos designed by each family and games. The grade group and chapter wide programming planned for this year have some component of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Financial skills/knowledge. One exciting event was a multi-grade group activity that led our Jacks and Jills through an exhibit called, “Worst Case Scenario”. In this exhibit participants learned what they could do to protect themselves and their families should an emergency or a disaster occur. As part of our charitable giving, multiple grade groups purchased non-perishable items, sorted them into their respective food groups and created meal kits that were donated to little pantries across the four major cities that 37



President: Cherdena Daniel Vice-President: Juliet Ware Program Director: Jessica Dozier Recording Secretary: Kanesha Trammell Corresponding Secretary: Vanessa Adams Treasurer: Chaya Pennington Financial Secretary: Erma Gaston Editor: Melanie Gray Chaplain: Ashley Cooks Historian: Eneshal Jones Foundation Chair: Shana Trevillion Parliamentarian: Tamara Griffin Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Serena Wallace/April Johnson Associate Chair: Carla Smitherman/Cheryl Dixon Father’s Auxiliary: Edward Daniel Sr.

President: Zorie Wallace Vice-President: Dillion Stidwell Secretary: Jafari Trevillion Treasurer: Janelle Johnson Chaplain: Chris Harrison Jr. Sergeant-at-Arms: Leah Jackson


Vanessa Adams, Noor Jihan Abdul-Haqq, Arla Bradford, Sommer Brown, Kendra Burkhalter, Tisha Clay, Ashley Cooks, Yolanda Coronel, Cherdena Daniel, Jessica Dozier, Shivon Elens-Eigbokhan, Violet Ford, Erma Gaston, Melanie Gray, Teresa Goggins, Tamara Griffin, Marsha Herron, Ruth Jackson, April Johnson, Danne Johnson, Eneshal Jones, Penny Love, Ashley Parker-Johnson, Kristi PendletonHarrison, Chaya Pennington, Torie Pennington, Elicia Pollard, Tamesha Rayes, Jill Reynolds-Jones, Cara Scott, Shanika Stepney, Tiffanni Stroy, Kanesha Trammell, Shana Trevillion, Christel Wallace-Wesley, Serena Wallace, Patrina Walter, Juliet Ware, Aquesha Williams, Kelly Williams.


the ingredients of love, commitment, responsibility, community, leadership, and service help develop children into strong adults that will carry on the Jack and Jill legacy and mission. The meeting was led by Chapter President and Programming Director, with the support of the Executive Board and Associate Mothers. In celebration of Jack and Jill Day, the Social Committee and September hostesses, hosted a camping trip at St. Crispin’s Conference Center & Camp. Activities included basketball, double dutch, volleyball, fishing, and kayaking. The chapter children held a memorial ceremony to commemorate Carole Robertson Day. The final night ended with s’mores around the campfire and a group walk along the trails. Our Father’s Auxuliary hosted “Wakanda Forever” where the chapter rented a theater to watch the iconic movie together. The Sandbox and Humpty moms hosted “Dumptrucks and Dolls Toy Drive”. Children repurposed and donated gentle used toys for MLK Day of Service. Dynamite /TwixTeens vounteered at Oklahoma Regional Food Bank; they collectively assembled 4,568 backpacks.

The illustrious Oklahoma City Chapter was established by our dynamic founder, Ruth Littlepage. While visiting her native Pennsylvania, Ruth Littlepage became acquainted with Jack and Jill of America, Inc. When she returned, she organized the Oklahoma City Chapter in 1942. The original group included eight members: Ruth Littlepage, Doris Trotman, Jennie Lou Pollard, Ruby Hall, Grace Palmore, Sadye Boyd, Loeshia Moon, and Freddye Williams. In 1952, Dr. Alberta Turner, Jack and Jill of America National President, officially chartered the Oklahoma City Chapter. The following members were present: Ruth Littlepave, Saretta Finley, Ruby Hall, Opaline Wadkins, Jennie Lou Pollard, Cernoria Johnson, Elwyn Breaux, Gloria Massey, Thelma Gorham, Gay Biscoe, Mattie Locust August Morgham, Jean Harvey, Alberta Slaughter, and Irene Kimbrough. These women were guided by the desire to ensure their children were exposed to premiere cultural, social, educational experience and that Black children in Oklahoma City would learn and thrive with the support of a strong network of mothers.

In December, we hosted the Pink and Blue Sneakerella Ball, a magical night filled with culture and whimsical luxury. Our Project VIBE participants delighted guests with a special performance and senior debutantes were presented to society. Our chapter programming remains amazing thanks to our enthusiastic moms, wildly fun children, supportive fathers, and everlasting curiosity of the community. We are endlessly devoted to maintaining excellence and providing children with unique and enriching activities that will enable them to thrive.


The Oklahoma City Chapter represented well at National Convention in Orlando, Florida by winning 3rd Place in the Best of the Best Programming Cultural category. Additionally, the chapter received the Blue Ribbon Bylaws award and a National Reading Corner grant. In August, the chapter hosted its annual Mothers Planning Meeting “Spice Island” to set the tone for the new program year. Our “spice”,






President: Leslie Summey Vice-President: Stephanie Rance Program Director: BreyonLeDuff Recording Secretary: Dianna Williams Corresponding Secretary: Kesha Kayhill Treasurer: Stephanie Sapp Rideau Financial Secretary: Dana Stephens Editor: Chawn Howard Chaplain: Rita Beard Foundation Chair: Lakeasha Smith Parliamentarian: Jeri Steen Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Lisa Buckley and Shanika Carter Associate Chair: Cathie Noble Father’s Auxiliary: Dominic Williams and Johnathan Rideau

President: Jaqsynne Chase Russell Vice-President: Jaida Graham Secretary: Trinity Love Treasurer: Milani Cook Parliamentarian: Jeremiah Little Chaplain: Maya Nassardeen-Buckley Sergeant-At-Arms: Dominic “DJ” Williams



The South Suburban Denver Chapter started the 2022-2023 program year in August with an in-person planning retreat. We used the retreat to ensure the National Programming Thrusts were a part of each planned activity via a chapter wide theme. Themes that are woven into our age group planning include, cultural, education, health, civic: legislative and community service and social/recreational. Having these themes created a consistent experience across the chapter and throughout the age groups.

South Suburban Denver Chapter (SSDC) - Chartered 1980 SSDC was organized when a group of moms recognized that an additional chapter was needed to fulfill the growing request for membership in Jack and Jill in the expanding Denver suburban areas. Following the provisional period, SSDC was officially chartered and installed on September 20, 1980, by Dr. Lillian Parks, National President, and Barbara Ponder, Central Region Director. Our current group of 29 members and 48 children and teens is led by Leslie Summey, Chapter President, and Stephanie Rance, Chapter Vice President.

Highlights of our programming year include our Carole Robertson/ Jack and Jill Day observation, a community celebration in correlation with the Black Panther 2 launch and our signature Santa event. SSDC commemorated the life of Carole Robertson during its annual event and celebration of Carole Robertson Day in September: Families participated in a short program, honoring the life of Carole Robertson, while taking in a Rockies game. SSDC had a successful community celebration with the launch of Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever. Our Sr. Teens met their fundraising goal of $1,000.00 in support of Aurora Community College and the Jack and Jill Foundation. This was due to the generosity of our sponsors American Automation, and Kiewit Construction; our ticket sales were through the roof, thanks to our partners at Big Brothers Big Sisters CO (BBBSC) and Denver Urban League. During our Breakfast with Santa event, members enjoyed food, fellowship, crafts, prizes, and took group and family photos with Santa! In addition to our celebration, SSDC in partnership with BBBSC, purchased wanted holiday gift items for BBBSC mentees and their families. More than 50 gift items were collected and distributed. Members also gathered over 120 non-personable food items to support the Tackle Hunger initiative. Food items were delivered to the More Life Community Center in Aurora, CO, which distributes fresh and non-perishable food to families in our community who are in need.

The South Suburban Denver Chapter was created for the same reasons the National organization was established - the growth and nurturing of our children- and today we continue to take our goals and objectives seriously. We are implementing programs that are fun, educational, designed to contribute to and be supportive of our community partners.






President: Tamara Parker Vice-President: Pamela Morris-Thornton Program Director: Kristina Anderson Recording Secretary: Clarissa Harris Corresponding Secretary: Adriena Beatty Treasurer: Monica Murray Financial Secretary: Sherrone Beatty-Wells Editor: Johanna Jones Chaplain: Pamela Greer Hibbler Historian: Lynette Lingard Foundation Chair: Chelise Wooten Parliamentarian: Adriena Beatty Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Tiffany Corley & Marissa Slater Associate Chair: Pamela Morris Thornton Father’s Auxiliary: Byron Thornton

President: Skylar Hunter Vice-President: Isaiah Slater Secretary: Asah Wharton & Marian Williams Treasurer: Richmond Lingard Chaplain: Dallas Thornton Sergeant-at-Arms: Dallas Thornton


Kristina Anderson, Adriena Beatty, Sherrone Beatty Wells, Stephanie Blackshear, Amanda Brown, Tiffany Corley, Claudia Duncan Tonia Ellis, Torri Findlay, Devon M. Graham, Pamela Greer Hibbler, Clarissa Harris, Johanna Jones, Kristen King Winfrey, Lynette Lingard, Brianne Leroy, Jymeka Martin, Pamela Morris Thornton, Misty Mosley Jackson, Monica Murray, Tamara Parker, Marissa Slater, Candace Wakefield, April Williams, La Tonya “Shay” Williams, Carmece Winters, Chelise Wooten -- St. Clair County Chapter is proud of our Chapter Officers that are representing at the regional and national level; Tamara Parker, Chapter President & National Membership Committee Chair, Pamela Morris- Thornton, Chapter Vice President & National Protocol Committee member , Kristina Anderson, Chapter Program Director & Regional Small and Mighty Chapter Task Force Chair, DaMichael Jackson Regional Teen Foundation Chair


event filled with food, crafts, Santa, and a Kwanzaa presentation hosted by the ninth through twelfth grade groups. The SCC Martin Luther King Day Celebration activities included Warm Wishes, a special Chapter Program where youth collect food, toiletries, coats, hats, and gloves for the homeless and distribute it near a local homeless shelter. Spring programming includes a SCC signature Foundation fundraiser, Grown Folks Game Night, where grownups get their chance to play games and have fun! Outdoor fun is planned for Jack and Jill’s Day of Fitness, and the SCC program year will culminate with Black Family Day that involves a chapter wide recognition of youth achievement in each grade group, community service recognition, and a special recognition for youth graduating out of Jack and Jill. This day is full of laughs, hugs, food and family fun.

In 1983, the St. Clair County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America was organized as a mother’s group by Margaret Handy. The East St. Louis Chapter provided guidance and sponsorship. Nineteen mothers were concerned about the isolation of black families living in small towns in St. Clair County. These mothers and twenty-nine children from the cities of Fairview Heights, O’Fallon, Belleville, Lebanon and Scott Air Force Base in Illinois were granted provisional status on October 27, 1983. St. Clair County was officially nominated and voted to become a chapter at the 1984 Jack and Jill National Convention in Washington, DC.


The St. Clair County Chapter (SCC) proudly incorporated Jack and Jill’s theme: “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children on Mission on Purpose throughout this year’s programming. SCC kicked of the program year to recognize Jack and Jill Day/ Carole Robertson Day with a chapter-wide health walk. SCC youth continued their support of ‘It’s Your Birthday, Inc.’, a local nonprofit organization that gives birthday parties to low-income and homeless children that would not otherwise receive food, a cake or presents on their birthday, by serving on their Junior Board of Directors. St. Clair County Chapter hosted A Wakanda Forever movie premier dressed in their finest JJOA and African Attire while incorporating a diaper drive to help replenish diapers for a local diaper pantry supporting at risk families. Other annual programming included our Holiday Extravaganza, a chapter wide 42





President: Nicole Travis Vice-President: Kimyatta Brent Program Director: Jameca Price Recording Secretary: Nikki Harrison Carter Corresponding Secretary: Lacey Marshall Treasurer: Leslie Shelton Walters Financial Secretary: Nichole Newton Editor: Taniesha Buffin Allen Chaplain: Nikki Harrison Carter Foundation Chair: Leslie Shelton Walters Parliamentarian: Michelle Gentry Anderson Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Kenya Carter Associate Chair: Christie Boyd Father’s Auxiliary: Milford Carter

President: Sage Walters Vice-President: Sam Freeman Secretary: Zaire Carter Treasurer: Mason Freeman Sergeant at Arms: Max Freeman Chaplain: Morgan Marshall


Taniesha Buffin Allen, Michelle Gentry Anderson, Aesha Beattle, Erica Bell-Townsend, Kimyatta Brent, Brandi Cannon, Nikki Harrison Carter, Kenya Carter, Jan Clayton, Janice Connolly, Jolie Fredieu, Tiffany Freeman, Torii Ransome Freeman, Crystal Green, Lacey Marshall, Joel-lyn McCormick, Eder J. Williams McKnight, Danielle Melton, Kimmi Natt, Nichole Newton, Ashley Philippsen, Sherritta Polk, Jameca Price, Trinity Price, Jewel Smay, Nicole Travis, Leslie Walters and Kimberly Williams.


The chapter celebrated the opening night of “Wakanda Forever”, a red carpet event where the Jacks and Jills showcased their talents through creative expression with the attire they created to represent an African country. The families were educated on various countries prior to viewing the movie. The chapter closed out the first half of the year, with an annual holiday event in which boxes were assembled to donate to Seniors in the community. As the second half of the year begins, the members of the Tulsa Chapter continue to be diligent and committed in an effort to lead our children on a mission to express our “Power to Make a Difference for All Children On Mission On Purpose.”

The Tulsa Chapter was established in 1949, and chartered by its Founders- Lilian Perry, Charter President/Co-Founder- Helen Rouce, and Jeanne Goodwin. Under their leadership and service of their successors, the Tulsa Chapter thrived for many decades following its inception. After 50 years of service, the chapter dissolved in the 1990’s. In 2008, the chapter was reestablished, following a petition initiated by charter members Michelle Gentry Anderson and Angela Bontemps Hardman.


The Tulsa Chapter started the year strong and motivated while working to fulfill “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children on Mission on Purpose.” We started the program year with a family picnic celebrating the life of Carole Robertson. Our newer families had an opportunity to learn more about Carole Robertson, who was one of the four girls killed in the 1963 bombing at 16th Street Baptist Church, and how her legacy continues to live on. Our age-groups kicked off the year with dynamic programming beginning with the Tulsa Tots who hosted“Piggy Banks and Ballots”. During the activity, the tots learned about the value of money, understanding budgets, as well as voting amongst themselves about their favorite snacks. The Trailseekers hosted “Finding the Leader in You” where they learned about the characteristics of a leader. Upon conclusion of the leadership activity, the trailseekers attended a football game at Langston University. The Trailblazers hosted “Urban Farming, Food Forests and Sustainability”where they learned about urban farming, as well as local efforts to address food deserts and sustainability in Tulsa. The Tulsa Teens and Tots also hosted an activity that focused on exercise, water safety and healthy movement.



The Ful ler Famil y

The Dixon Family




The Span Family




Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The Or nelas Family


The Mason Family

Oscar, Nola, Asa, & Suzanne


The Riley Family

The Litt le Famil y





R, CO 45


Dr. Christopher Dunbar, Jr. GREATER CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, IL


r. Christopher Dunbar, Jr. was born on January 29, 1954 in Rochester, NY, the middle son of the late Christopher and Willa Mae Dunbar. Chris has two sisters, Sharon (Phillip) and Valerie (Phillip) heattended Rochester public schools and was among the earliest cohort of students who were bused in an effort to desegregate these schools. He was married to Reitumetse (Reitu) Obakeng Mabokela from South Africa, whom he met in graduate school at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign while pursuing his doctoral studies. Their union was blessed with two children, Karabo Christopher and Orefile Kristen. Christopher passed away peacefully at home on April 30, 2022. Christopher’s pursuit of educational opportunity took him across the country, from New York to California, where he completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California-Los Angeles. Upon graduation with a B.A. in Political Studies, he returned to Rochester to begin his career first as an Account Executive at Gannet Newspaper and later joined the family bar business. He later returned to Los Angeles where he pursued and successfully completed a Master’s in Education while teaching at a special education school for boys. He then proceeded to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and earned a Ph.D in Education Policy Studies. His commitment to social justice and education issues started early. His formative experience as one of the earliest students who were bused in Rochester public schools fueled his involvement with the Black Teens for Community (BTC) and intensified his dedication to develop and to support programs that provided educational and employment opportunities for youth, especially in the African American community. Similarly, his scholarly research and academic work at Michigan State University (MSU), where he retired as Professor Emeritus after twenty years, reflected a deep commitment to mentoring the next generation of urban educators and leaders. His commitment to educational excellence, was acknowledged when he was awarded the Crystal Apple award by the College of Education at MSU.

After his retirement from MSU he returned to his alma mater, the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, where he spent the last five years of his academic career.As we celebrate Chris’ life and the various ways he touched our lives, remember his words: “I have lived a full life, I have done everything I wanted, I have traveled the world, I have no regrets.”


Alice Leonard Johnson OKLAHOMA CITY, OK


lice Leonard Johnson, a proud member of Jack and Jill, was born in Chicago on February 16, 1943 to Thomas and Earnestine Leonard adding to a family already with one boy and one girl. Though a Chicagoan at birth, her family’s roots were in Columbus, Georgia where she spent many summers. After high school, she attended Lincoln University where she met her then husband, Visanio Johnson. They moved to Oklahoma City and later welcomed three beautiful daughters, Alicia Johnson McDonald, Andrea Nicole Perry and Angela Johnson. Alice’s career started at the Oklahoma Head Start Program, but she ultimately retired from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. Alice was a faithful and active member of Trinity Presbyterian Church having served as a Deaconess, Church Officer and Worship Leader until her health no longer permitted it. Having been active in a number of social and civic organizations that included the Oklahoma and National Urban League, the National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, she was elected to serve as a National Officer for Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated during a National Convention. This election was a testament to her activism through her local chapter and her region. It was through her membership of Jack and Jill that Alice formed and maintained lifelong friendships to include Priscilla Metoyer, Vinata Johnson and Diana Franklin, especially. While there were others with whom she shared a close bond in Jack and Jill, these four women understood the value of a village. Their friendship and their deep relationship was spawned in large part due to their participation in Jack and Jill and was crucial in the development of their now successful adult children. If anyone doubts the impact of Jack and Jill, look no further than Alice and her relationships with the other mothers as a prime example of its benefits. The ability to share the ups and downs of raising children in an environment where they are safe and cared for while ensuring they are exposed to multiple world experiences creates children and thus adults who can confidently face this world.




Ellington Garland, the son Mr. and Mrs. Torry and Angela Garland, was honored at the Belle and Beautillion hosted by the Denver and South Suburban Chapters of Jack and Jill. Ellington is a senior at Smoky Hill High School and currently serves as the Teen President of the Denver Chapter. Ellington is a member of the National Honor Society, Japanese National Honor Society, debate team and key club. He earned varsity letters in baseball and golf, is the Senior spirit leader, and a founding member of the Black Student Union. Ellington plans to attend college to major in biochemistry.


Amari Johnson is the daughter of Marcus and Tori (Exum) Johnson. She will be presented to society at the Annual Cotillion Ball sponsored by Gamma Upsilon Psi on April 7, 2023. Amari is a Senior at Urbana High School in Urbana, IL. She plans to attend an HBCU and major in Business Administration.


Phillip MacLoren Johnson is the son of the late Harvey Johnson and Sharon Johnson. He was presented to society at the Little Rock Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Delta Presents on Sunday, April 30, 2023. Phillip attends Driven Virtual Academy in Pulaski County and plans to attend an HBCU.


Zenobia Kelley was presented to society at the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Pi Lamba Chapter Debutante Ball on December 17, 2022. The Pulaski Academy student plans to major in Studio Art with a concentration in Photography at Howard University.


Caleb Paylor is the son of Dr. Rogerich and Angela Paylor. Caleb was presented to society as a Champion of Hope at the Evolve Gala by The Centers for Youth and Families on April 30, 2022. He is a senior honors student at Pulaski Academy. He is an accomplished soccer player on his Varsity, Club Academy, State and Regional Olympic Development Program Teams, a Varsity basketball player, and a MTACA Honors pianist. Caleb plans to major in Engineering and Computer Science in college.


Debutantes & Beaus | CENTRAL REGION


Debutante Kaiya Key was presented to society at the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Beta Omega Ball in November, 2022. She is the daughter of Dr. Vincent Key and IPMAL April Hall-Key. Kaiya Key was honored for her fundraising efforts and her high school activities at the ball. Kaiya has been a member of the Johnson County, Kansas chapter since 2009 and was a former Regional Teen Officer and member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. She plans to major in Sports Psychology and run track at a Division 1 university.


Ella M. Riley is the daughter of Chad and Alicia Riley and will be presented to society at the Cotillion sponsored by the KCMO Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc and DEED, on April 8, 2023. Ella, a honor student at Blue Valley North High School, plans to major in Nursing at North Carolina A &T in the fall.


Sinaya is the daughter of Dr. Billy and Erma Gaston. Sinaya was presented to society at the Oklahoma City Vibe Social and Holiday Celebration on December 16, 2022. Sinaya plans to major in Accounting and Business while attending an HBCU of her choosing. She then plans to attend graduate school to earn a Masters in Business Administration.


Zorie Renay Wallace, a senior at Harding Charter Prep High School in Oklahoma City, is the daughter of Lonzo and Serena Wallace. She has been a member of the OKC Chapter of Jack and Jill for 7 years where she is currently the chapter president of the teen auxiliary. Zorie is also a member of student council, Black Student Union, National Honor Society, founder of the Baking Club, and Girls State attendee. Her other activities include volleyball and track, and she enjoys running and painting. Zorie plans to attend a 4-year university and pursue a career in law.


Jaida is the daughter of Lakeasha and Kenneth Smith. She was presented to society at the Jack and Jill Belle and Beautillion in Denver, CO on Dec. 18, 2022. After graduating from Grandview Highschool, Jaida plans to attend Hampton University in the fall to major in nursing.


Jaden Eugene Little is the son of Frederick and Katrina Little. Jaden was presented to society at the Denver and South Suburban Denver Jack and Jill of America Beautillion on the 18th of December, 2022. Our Vista Peak Preparatory Honor Student plans to major in Business Administration and Accounting at Morehouse College.



Zoe Bella Rance, the daughter of Floyd & Stephanie Rance was presented to society at the 2022 Belle/Beau Beautillion on December 18th. The Cherokee Trail Senior plans to major in film studies at an HBCU


Emiola is the daughter of Harold and Leslie Summey. She was presented in December 2022 at the Denver Sheraton by the Denver and South Suburban Denver Chapters of Jack and Jill.


Gregory DeVon Lawary is the son of Mom Devon Moody-Graham and Gregory R. Lawary. Beau Gregory Lawary was presented to society at the Mr. and Miss Top Teen Cotillion Saturday, March 11, 2023. The Cotillion was hosted by the Top Teens of America, East St. Louis, IL Chapter. Gregory attends East St. Louis Senior High School and plans to major in Kinesiology and Minor in Business at Morehouse College in the fall.





Amaya Hursey is a senior at Normal West Community High School in Normal, IL and the daughter of Andre and Jade Hursey. Amaya has been a member of the Bloomington-Normal Jack and Jill chapter for 5 years. She is the president of Black Student Union at Normal West High School, past Jack and Jill Chapter Teen President, a freshman mentor, active member of Not In Our School and a member of the Key Club. Amaya will attend Spelman College and major in psychology this fall.


Simone Lee is a senior at Bloomington High School in Bloomington, IL. She is the eldest daughter of Craig and Memuna Lee. Simone Lee joined the Bloomington-Normal, Illinois Chapter in May 2010 and has served as the teen chapter chaplain. Simone has decided to attend Heartland College in pursuit of becoming a psychologist.


Alfred Z. Johnson is a senior at Capital High School in Jefferson City, Missouri and is the son of Drs. Alfred and Ebony Johnson. He has been a member of the Central Missouri Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated since it’s inception in 2020. Alfred participated in band, soccer, golf, and track. He will attend Howard University or The University of Missouri where he will major in Business and minor in Music with plans to compose music in the future.


Ellington Garland, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Torry and Angela Garland, is a Senior at Smoky Hill High School. He has been a been a member of Jack and Jill for 10 years and currently serves as the teen President. Ellington is a member of the National Honor Society, Japanese National Honor Society, debate team and key club. He earned varsity letters in baseball and golf, is the Senior school spirit leader, and a founding member of the Black Student Union. Ellington plans to attend college to major in biochemistry with the intention to become an orthopedic surgeon.



Kameron Isaiah Dixson is a senior at East Saint Louis Sr. High School. He is the son of Kenyada Harris and the late Marque Dixson, and the stepson of Roy Mosley Jr. Kameron has been a member of the East St. Louis Chapter for four years and is the Chapter Teen President. He has also served as a Regional and Chapter Sgt. at Arms and Chapter Treasurer. Kameron enjoys playing on the baseball team, and volunteering with the Catholic Urban Programs, and Helping Hands Disaster Relief Program. He plans to attend Indiana State University and major in Industrial Engineering.


Jeremiah Leigh Hardnett is a senior at O’Fallon Township High School (OTHS) in O’Fallon, IL. He is the son of Minister David and Carmella Hardnett. Jeremiah has been a proud member of the East St. Louis Chapter for the past 14 years, and is a past Teen Sgt. at Arms and Treasurer. He is also a member of the OTHS Track and Field and Varsity Football Teams, and has received the 1st Team All-Conference award twice. Jeremiah attends Macedonia Baptist Church and serves on the Media Ministry. He plans to attend Monmouth College, major in Business Administration, and play football.


Charlton E. Jackson-Jones (CJ) is a senior at Parkway North High School in St. Louis, MO, and is the son of Dr. Shawni Jackson and Calvin Jones. Charlton has been a member of the East St. Louis Chapter of Jack and Jill for five years. He was also a member of the St. Louis Chapter Kappa Leadership and Development Program League from 2014-2022. Charlton enjoys sports, and has participated in several basketball leagues. He also enjoys assisting children, with different needs, play sports at his school. Charlton plans to attend the Paul Mitchell School of Barber located in Madison, Wisconsin.


April Johnson is a senior at Belleville East High School in Belleville, IL and is the daughter of Latosha Johnson. She has been a member of the East St. Louis Jack and Jill Chapter for four years. April enjoys volunteering in her community by helping those who are experiencing homelessness and domestic violence. Upon graduation, April will attend Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville and major in English. It is her aspiration to pursue a career in creative writing.


Taryn A. Lyles is a senior at Belleville West Township High School in Belleville, IL and is the daughter of Chinita King and Travaughncai Lyles. She has been a member of the East Saint Louis Chapter of Jack and Jill Inc. since 2022. Taryn is also a proud member of the Bellevilletes Choir and serves as a section leader for the Soprano Twos. Taryn plans to attend a four-year college and major in business.


Myles Henry McGee is a Senior at Althoff Catholic College Preparatory High School in Belleville, Illinois and is the firstborn son of Sylvester and Michele Henry-McGee and brother of Ashley, Carla, Paige, and Drew. Myles has been a member of the East St. Louis Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 15 years. At school, Myles is active in the performing arts of Choir, Drama, and Speech. In his community and church, Myles devotes his time to serving others through volunteerism. Myles will be attending McKendree University in Lebanon, Illinois and will major in Psychology and Religious Studies.




Amari Johnson is a senior at Urbana High in Urbana, IL. She is the daughter of Marcus and Tori (Exum) Johnson. She is a charter member of the Greater Champaign-Urbana Chapter since 2018 where she served as Teen President for the past two years. Amari is the Regional Teen Social Media Chair and past Regional Teen Editor. She is a high honors student, National Honor Society member, and repeatedly received the gold level, President’s Volunteer Service Award. Amari has been admitted to several Universities and is undecided but plans to attend an HBCU. She will be majoring in Business Administration.


Homer Radden, II is a senior at St. Thomas Moore High School in Champaign, IL, and is the son of Genene and Homer Radden. He is a charter member of the Greater Champaign-Urbana Chapter since 2018 where he served as Teen Treasurer. He is a member of his school’s soccer team; volunteers at the Champaign Public Library every weekend; plays golf, chess and has worked as a lifeguard. Homer participated in the WYSE U of I summer youth teen engineering program where he was afforded the opportunity to create and work with robotics. He plans to major in Biomechanical Engineering.


Langston A. Span is a senior at Central High School in Champaign, IL. He is the son of Dr. Christopher M. Span and Kaamilyah Abdullah-Span. He is a charter member of the Greater Champaign-Urbana Chapter since 2018 where he has served as Central Region Teen Conference delegate, vice-president, and parliamentarian. As a diver on the varsity swimming and diving team, Langston was recognized as a scholar-athlete and served as assistant coach of the diving team. He also served on the Illinois State Board of Education Student Advisory Council, National Young Artists Summit planning team, and the NAACP Champaign County ACT-SO program.


Phillip MacLoren Johnson is a senior at Driven Virtual Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas, and is the son of the late Harvey Johnson and Sharon Johnson. He has been a member of the Greater Little Rock Chapter for three years. He has been involved in various activities, including sports and community service organizations such as the American Heart Association. Phillip enjoys spending his evenings and summers volunteering at West Central Community Center mentoring and coaching younger students within the Little Rock School District. He plans to attend an HBCU, but is undecided about his major.


Zenobia Kelley is a senior at Pulaski Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas, and is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Morris and LaShawn Kelley. She has been a member of the Greater Little Rock Chapter for 13 years. Zenobia community involvement includes Top Teens of America, Inc., Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Pi Lambda Chapter Debutante, Arkansas Commitment, 20th Century Lodge-Angel of Hope, American Heart Association-Sweetheart, National Charity League, and the Mayor’s Youth Council. She has decided to attend Howard University where she will major in Studio Art with a concentration in Photography.


Caleb Paylor is a senior at Pulaski Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas. He is the son of Dr. Rogerich and Angela Paylor. He has been a member of the Greater Little Rock Chapter since 2010, and currently serves as Teen Legislative Chair. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society, National Beta Club, and Robotics Club. He is an All State, All Conference Varsity, Club Academy, State and Regional Olympic Development Program Team soccer player, Varsity basketball player, and MTACA Honors pianist. Caleb plans to major in Engineering and Computer Science in college.



Victoria Williams is a senior at Little Rock Christian Academy in Little Rock, and is the daughter of Tiffany and William Greenfield. She has been a member of the Greater Little Rock Chapter of Jack and Jill for 10 years and serves as Foundation Chair. Victoria attended Arkansas Girls State and is a member of the Little Rock Christian Academy Varsity Tennis Team, National Honor Society, Mayor’s Youth Council, and Arkansas Commitment. She works as a junior counselor, and in her free time, enjoys playing the flute. Victoria plans to attend college, likely at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas.


Mackenzie Isabella Gillespie is a senior at Dunlap High School in Dunlap, Illinois. She is the daughter of Lillie and Douglas Gillespie. She has been a member of the Greater Peoria Chapter for 7 years. She is currently serving as the Chapter Editor and Historian. She previously served as the chapter chaplain. Mackenzie has been active in her school’s basketball team and track and field team. She has volunteered with local food pantries and several other local organizations. Still deciding on her major, Mackenzie plans to choose from and attend a University in Illinois.


Darielle Amerie Saintilus is a senior at Richwoods High School in Peoria, Illinois. She is the daughter of KarenCadet Saintilus and Derold Saintilus. She’s been a member of the Greater Peoria Chapter for 7 years, serving as President and Treasurer. She volunteers for several food pantries and other local organizations. Darielle is an active member of the National Honor Society and Act-So/NAACP. She is president of the French club and editor for her school newspaper. She served as Captain of the track team. She will attend Loyola University, majoring in molecular/cellular neuroscience.


Fritz Volmar is a senior at Laurel Springs High School in St Louis Missouri. He is the son of Fritz and Mimi Volmar. Fritz has been a member of the Greater Peoria Chapter for 8 years. Fritz’s community passions include elevating the arts in the Black community and the fight against food insecurity, particularly for children. He is also very passionate about supporting philanthropy and the arts in Haiti, his parents’ country of heritage. Fritz will attend either Northwestern University or Princeton University, where he will major in Economics.


Jeremy Walton is a senior at Peoria Christian High School (PCS) in Peoria, Illinois. He is the son of Jay and Tina Walton. He has been a member of the Greater Peoria Chapter for 3 years. He is an active member of the Peoria Christian band where he plays baritone. Additionally, he is a member of the varsity PCS soccer, basketball and track and field teams. Jeremy is a member of the National Honor Society and PCS Student Council. He has decided to attend Florida A&M University where he will major in Health Sciences with a concentration in Physical Therapy.


Orrin Jones is a Ramstein High School senior at Ramstein AFB, Germany and is the eldest daughter of Brigadier General Otis C. Jones and Nataki Brown Jones. She has been a member of numerous chapters across several regions due to her family’s military commitment for 16 years. She is the Immediate Past Teen President and Central Region Nominating Committee Member. Orrin participates in National Honor Society, Student 2 Student, National Spanish Honor Society, Model Senate, Black Student Union, Club Beyond Youth Ministry, & Varsity Girls Basketball. She plans to major in International Affairs & Politics at a university next fall.




Afiya Jinae Roberts is a senior at Pine Creek High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado and is the daughter of Drs. Nixon and Ava Roberts. She has been a member of The Greater Pikes Peak Chapter for three years. She is currently serving as Teen President for her chapter. She works part time at a local Safeway Grocery Store and is a volunteer Sunday school assistant at The Potter’s House Christian Church. She was accepted to four colleges & universities and is planning to attend Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri where she will major in Nursing.


Raven Iman Boone is a senior at Gardner Edgerton High School in Gardner, Kansas. She is the daughter of Tonya Boone and Gary Boone. She has been a Johnson County Jack and Jill Chapter member for eight years. Raven is involved in community service, earning several National Presidential Volunteer Service Medals. She plays volleyball for her school and competitive club team; she plans to continue her volleyball career at the collegiate level. Raven plans to attend college to study Pharmacy, with the ultimate goal being to earn a Ph.D. in Pharmacy (PharmD).


Kaiya Key is a Senior Honor Roll Student at Bishop Miege High School. She served two years as Central Region’s Teen Foundation Chair and one year on the Jack and Jill Foundation Board of Trustees. She received the Presidential Youth in Service Award and has more than 350 hours of community service. Kaiya earned varsity letters and is Captain of: The Cheer Squad, The Track Team, and The Diversity Club. Kaiya is a Cheerleader All-American and State Track medal earner. Kaiya desires to be a Sports Psychologist and run track at a Division 1 school.


Kendall Shane Lee, a senior at Mill Valley High School in Shawnee, KS, is the third of three boys. The son of Dr. Keith and Alanna Lee, Kendall is looking forward to college and wants to pursue a degree in architectural design. He and his brothers have been members of the Johnson County, Kansas Jack and Jill chapter since elementary school. A Boy Scout for many years, Kendall has always enjoyed the outdoors as well as drawing, painting, and robotics.


Aaron Jovon Mason,“A.J.,” is the son of Mr. Scott and the Honorable Rhonda K. Mason. A.J. has been a member of the Johnson County, Kansas Chapter of Jack & Jill since 2011. He is currently the Teen Foundation Chair. A.J. is a senior at Olathe West High School in Olathe, Kansas, where he participated in wrestling and is a current member of the Chess Club. AJ’s interests include soccer and skiing. A.J. has been awarded academic scholarships from Kansas University and Washburn University, he plans to major in Criminal Justice/Pre Law.


Ella Riley, daughter of Chad and Alicia Riley, is a senior at Blue Valley North High School in Overland Park, KS. Ella has been a member of the Johnson County Kansas chapter for six years and served in many roles including chapter secretary for two years and chapter vice president for one year. She has been a member of her high school volleyball team for three years and has played club volleyball for five years. Ella is also a member of the National Honor Society. She will be attending North Carolina A&T in the fall majoring in Nursing.



Langston Browne is graduating from North Kansas City High School. He is the son of Dominga Levin who has been a member of the Kansas City, Missouri Chapter of Jack and Jill of America,Inc. since 2015. Langston is a member of the NKCHS Black Student Union, serves as a teaching assistant and has completed one year of culinary training. Additionally, he is a member of Troop 16, Scouts BSA, having earned the rank of Life Scout. Langston plans to attend an HBCU and double major in Plant Science and Business.


Alonzo Byrd is a Lincoln College Preparatory Academy scholar-athlete, starting on the varsity football and baseball teams. He plans to continue to play at the collegiate level while majoring in mechanical engineering. He has served as Teen Chapter Editor, Sergeant at Arms, and Parliamentarian and has been a Kansas City, Missouri chapter member for ten years. His other leadership roles include serving on the High Aspirations leadership council and lawn service program. He has volunteered countless hours with Stay in Your Lane as a mentor. Yolanda Waldon and Aaron Byrd are his proud parents.


Hello, my name is Isaiah Evans, and I am a part of the Kansas City, Missouri Jack and Jill Chapter. My parents Chris and Leyshon Evans have prepared me for greatness by putting me in Jack in Jill at the early age of 2 in 2007. I attend Lincoln College Preparatory Academy, where I am the Varsity Baseball Team Captain, a member of the Student Council, and National Honor Society. In the future, I plan on attending Morehouse College where I will major in Cinema, Television, and Emerging Media Studies.


Simone Holden is a senior and honor student at Lee’s Summit West High School in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. She is the daughter of Victor and Yolanda Holden and has been a member of the Kansas City, Missouri Chapter for 10 years. When not in school, you can find her at the gym with her competitive cheer squad or working at her local doggy daycare center. In the fall, she plans to attend Xavier University in New Orleans where she will study animal science and become a part of Xavier’s competitive cheer squad.


Kiara Odums is a high honor senior at Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH, and is the daughter of Mr. Wilbert & Kristi Odums. She’s been a member of the KCMO Chapter for 11 years. She served as the Immediate Past Regional Teen Vice President of the Central Region. She serves as a proctor of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, dorm proctor, Varsity Dance Company choreographer, and Co-Founder & Captain of the Roaring Tigerettes for her school. She will attend Spelman College, majoring in History & International Studies and plans to pursue a career in Archaeology.


John Randle IV is a senior at Staley High School in Kansas City, MO, the son of Kia Richardson and John Randle III. John has been a member of the KCMO Jack and Jill Chapter for 12 years. He attends his school district’s Early College Academy and will graduate high school with an Associate degree. John is a member of the National Honor Society, student council, and an All-Conference baseball/football athlete. John will play baseball at the University of Missouri-St. Louis and major in Sports Management inspiring to become an Athletic Director.




Selena Snell is a senior at University Academy in Kansas City, Missouri and is the daughter of Denesha Snell. Selena has been a member of the KCMO chapter for 12 years. At University Academy, she has been active in student government, soccer, volleyball, and founded the girls wrestling team. Her artistic passion has led her to participating in the Kansas City Girls Choir, and Kemper Museum Teen Arts Council. Selena has worked with organizations such as Awesome Ambitions and the Rhoer Club. This fall, Selena will attend North Carolina Central University and major in Theater.


Kendall Marie Stewart is a senior at Truman High School in Independence, Missouri and is the daughter of Craig and Kimberly Stewart. Kendall has been a member of the KCMO Chapter for seven years. Within her school community, Kendall is a founding member and current Vice-President of the Black Student Union representative in the Student Senate. She plays the flute in the marching, symphonic, and concert bands. Kendall volunteers, researches and job shadows at a local animal clinic/shelter. This Fall, Kendall plans to attend an HBCU and major in Animal Sciences.


Courtney is a senior at Bentonville High School in Bentonville, Arkansas and is the daughter of Sam and Maurissa Roberts. Courtney has been a member of the Northwest Arkansas Chapter for eight years. She has decided to attend Spellman College where she will major in Biology/Pre-Med.


Jordan is a senior at Thaden School in Bentonville, Arkansas and is the son of Jelahn Stewart and Brian Mitchell. He has been a member of the Northwest Arkansas Chapter for four and a half years, and is the teen president of the chapter. Jordan excels in math and science and hopes to study cognitive science in college. He also loves travel and service and looks forward to combining those passions in a study abroad program in college.


Sinaya Jean-Marie Gaston is a senior at Harding Charter Preparatory High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and is the daughter of Dr. Billy and Erma Gaston. She has been a member of the Oklahoma City Chapter of Jack and Jill for 3 years. Sinaya is president of Student Council and is senior class representative. She is an active member of Covenant Church, Xinos, Youth Leadership Exchange, Black Student Union, and is co-captain of the HCP cheer team. Sinaya has offers at several prestigious HBCU’s. Her plan is to major in Accounting and Business and continue to grow as an entrepreneur.


Zorie Renay Wallace, a senior at Harding Charter Prep High School in Oklahoma City, is the daughter of Lonzo and Serena Wallace. She has been a member of the OKC Chapter of Jack and Jill for 7 years where she is currently the chapter president of the teen auxiliary. Zorie is also a member of student council, Black Student Union, National Honor Society, founder of the Baking Club, and Girls State attendee. Her other activities include volleyball and track, and she enjoys running and painting. Zorie plans to attend a 4-year university and pursue a career in law.



Milani Danielle Cook attends Grandview High School in Aurora, Colorado. She is the daughter of Byron and Elycia Cook. She has been a member of Jack and Jill South Suburban Denver Chapter since 2010. Milani was the youngest volunteer at the Aurora Gubernatorial campaign office to help lead our current governor to victory. She was a voice for the CROWN ACT and helped Colorado become the 4th state in this nation to make hair discrimination in the workplace illegal. Milani regularly volunteers for positive youth development and mentoring agencies, FRIENDS FIRST and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado. Milani has a 4.35 GPA.


Jaida is a senior at Grandview High School in Aurora, CO and is the daughter of Lakeasha and Kenneth Smith. She has been a member of the South Suburban Denver Chapter since 2000. She serves as the Senior Teens Vice President, is a member of FBLA, throws shot put for her track team, and was a varsity member of her school’s swim team for three years. She plans to attend Hampton University in the fall and major in nursing.


Mikayla LeDuff is a senior at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colorado and is the daughter of Michael and Breyon LeDuff. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 12 years. Mikayla is a member of the National Honor Society and received letters in field hockey, band, and FBLA. She is active in the Colorado Honor Band, the pit orchestra in school musicals, and volunteers with the Link Crew and Key Club. She has decided to attend the University of Memphis where she will major in Nursing and minor in Music.


Jaden Eugene Little is a senior at Vista Peak Preparatory in Aurora, CO; son of Frederick and Katrina Little. He’s been an active child/teen of the South Suburban Denver Chapter for 13 years. Jaden has served as the Regional Teen Treasurer for two consecutive terms and Chapter Teen Legislative Chair. He is a member of Kappa League, National Honor Society, CABPES math tutor, Student Council Class Representative, Founder & CFO of No Star Ent., and a classicly trained violinist. Jaden will attend Morehouse College to major in Business Administration/ Accounting and prepare for a career in owning his own Accounting and Finance Firm.


Zoe Bella Rance is an extraordinary young woman. She has a caring heart and an artistic eye. Her father and I are extremely proud of all of her accomplishments and know that she will excel in whatever she pursues in life.


Chase Russell is a senior and captain of her varsity basket ball team at The Academy Of Charter Schools in Westminster, Colorado. She is the daughter of Alan and Christyle Russell. Chase has been a member of the South Suburban Denver Chapter for 15 years. Her philanthropic endeavors include fund raising for Big Brothers Big Sisters in Colorado, A Precious Child , Inc. , Friends First , Metro Caring and the Jack and Jill Foundation. She has decided to major in Neuro Psychology in her college endeavors.




Trinity Scales is a senior at Denver School of the Arts in Denver, Colorado and is the daughter of Clenda and Kenneth Scales. She has been with South Suburban Denver Chapter for 7 years. Trinity is the National Anthem vocalist for Colorado High School Activities Association and East High School and performs at other community events. Trinity volunteers in the musical arts program at Columbia Middle School, and performs with Praise in Motion Dance, and SSMBC Choirs at Saint Stephen Missionary Baptist Church. Trinity plans to Major in Finance and Spanish, and continue her pursuit of being a successful singer, songwriter and musician.


Emi Summey is a Senior at Overland High School, in Aurora, CO and is the daughter of Harold and Leslie Summey. She has been a member of South Suburban Denver since 2018. Emi has been active on Dance Team, Varsity Cheer, BSU, and Black Girl Affinity as co-chair. She hopes to attend an HBCU and major in Agriculture and Business.


Skylar Kitt Hunter is a senior at Belleville Township High School West in IL. Skylar is the daughter of Tiffany Corley and Chaunsey Hunter. Skylar, a six-year member of the St. Clair County Chapter, currently serves at the Teen President. Skylar is an award-winning Lincoln-Douglas debater, flute section leader for the Marching Maroons, President of Next Generation, and a Leader in Training for Harambee. Skylar is a volunteer at the Belleville Area Humane Society and as a tutor at the Belleville Public Library. Skylar has not yet selected a university. She plans to study genetics or neuroscience.


Gregory DeVon Lawary is a Senior at East St. Louis High School in East St. Louis, IL and is the son of Mom Devon Moody-Graham and Gregory R. Lawary. Gregory has been a member of the St. Clair County Chapter for one year where he serves as the Financial Secretary. Gregory is an honor student. Gregory is a member of Running Start, he is a STEM Scholar in the SMASH Admit and Meta Programs. Gregory plans to attend Morehouse College and major in Kinesiology and minor in Business. He aspires to become a successful entrepreneur and work in real estate.


Isaiah Slater is a Senior at Edwardsville High School in Edwardsville, Illinois. He is also enrolled in Lewis and Clark Community College for a dual program while receiving a certification in construction. Isaiah is the son of Charles Slater and Marissa Slater. He has been a member of the St. Clair County Chapter for six years. Isaiah is very active in the community supporting various causes. Currently he works with a construction program and assists with building homes for Habitat for Humanity in Alton, IL. Upon completion of high school, he will continue his education track in the construction field.


Amelia Anderson is a senior at Riverfield Country Day School in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is the daughter of Dr. Bret and Past National Recording Secretary Michelle Anderson. She has been a member of the Tulsa Chapter for 14 years. Amelia is a talented bass player and singer in the Riverfield Rocks program. She is a cheerleader, letters in basketball, tennis and soccer, and is the quints player in the drumline. Amelia served the Central Region as their past Teen Vice President and past Teen President. She plans to attend Spelman College and intends to become a gynecologist.



Mason B. Freeman is a senior at Broken Arrow High School in Broken Arrow, OK and is the son of Mario & Tiffany Freeman, Sr. He has been a member of the Tulsa Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated for 10 years where he has served as Teen Chapter Financial Secretary and is currently serving as the Teen Chapter Treasurer. Mason is a member of the National Honor Society and is a varsity athlete currently participating in Track/Field. He has lettered in Track/Field, Football and Basketball during his high school career. Mason has received The President’s Volunteer Service Award for his community service work once under President Obama (Gold Award).


Jackson James McCormick is a senior at Cascia Hall Preparatory School in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Langston McCormick, IV. Jackson has been a member of the Tulsa (OK) Chapter for six years. Jackson’s activities include speech and debate, academic bowl, theatre, and coordinating “Book for Cecilia,” an annual book drive benefiting the Cecilia Clinton Elementray School. Jackson plans to attend Stanford University where he will pursue a double major in Economics and Cinematography.


Truman Natt is a senior at Bishop Kelley High School in Tulsa, OK and is the son of Bruce and Kimmi Natt. He has been a member of the Tulsa Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years. He has been active in many community activites. His plan is to attend College and play baseball. He is undecided at this time where he will be attending. He would like to pursue a career in the engineering field.



Alexandria/Mt. Vernon, VA Arundel Bay Area, MD Atlantic City, NJ Baltimore, MD Bergen-Passaic, NJ Boston, MA Bronx, NY Brooklyn, NY Bucks County, PA Buffalo, NY Burke-Fairfax, VA Burlington County, NJ Central New Jersey, NJ Chester County, PA Columbia, MD

Eastern Fairfield County Essex-Hudson, NJ Greater Albany, NY Greater Baltimore County, NY Greater Essex County, NJ Greater Hartford, CT Greater Poconos, PA Greater Suburban Maryland, MD Greater Union County, NJ Jersey Shore, NJ Loudoun County, VA Manassas-Woodbridge, VA Mercer County, NJ Metropolitan, NY Mid-Hudson Valley, NY

Montgomery County, MD Montgomery County, PA Morris County, NJ Nassau County, NY Nation’s Capital, DC National Harbor, MD New Castle County, DE New Haven, CT Newton, MA North Jersey, NJ Northern Virginia, VA Philadelphia, PA Pittsburgh, PA Potomac Valley, MD Prince George’s County, MD



Prince William County, VA Queens, NY Reston, VA Rochester, NY Rockland- Orange County, NY South Jersey, NJ Southern Maryland Stamford/Norwalk, CT Suffolk County, NY Syracuse, NY Washington, DC Westchester County, NY Western Maryland, MD Western Massachusetts


NATIONAL RECORDING SECRETARY Dearest Mothers of the Mighty Eastern Region,


elcome to Up the Hill 2023! I am honored and humbled to serve as your National Recording Secretary representing the Mighty Eastern Region, our Founding Region.

It has been a pleasure to serve with our outstanding Regional Executive Board who love Jack and Jill and work tirelessly to serve our children: Regional Director Melinda Alexis-Hayes (Brooklyn Chapter), Regional Treasurer Melissa Desravines (Nassau County Chapter), Regional Secretary Niya Yeboah (Western Maryland Chapter) and Foundation Member-at-Large Alexis James Steals (Pittsburgh Chapter). The Regional Executive Board and the entire regional team work extremely hard to uphold the regional theme of Empowering Families for Success. Thank you to my home chapter, the Founding Philadelphia Chapter under the leadership of our calm and gracious Chapter President Sakina Parks. You are a special sisterhood of strong and brilliant women, and your continued support has been unwavering. I would not be able to serve our beloved Jack and Jill without the support that you so freely give. I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart! The 2022-2023 program year has been a year of celebration. This is the first year that we have had the opportunity to function as the old, pre-pandemic Jack and Jill that we all know and love. The ability to see each other in person at our Area Work Days, grade group and chapter activities and mothers meetings is something that I will never take for granted. Just to be in the same space with our phenomenal Sister Moms is a true gift! It blessed me to meet and greet so many of you throughout this program year. Learning about the programming that you provided to our Jacks and

Jills and how our children were so excited to be fully in person this program year made my heart smile. Thank you all for the time, effort, and love that you pour into our children. You embody The Power to Make a Difference for our children and all children, and your work and service does not go unnoticed. I look forward to the 2023-2024 program year with joy and excitement! We’ve learned so much during our first “post-pandemic” program year and we will continue to soar. I look forward to meeting more families of the Mighty Eastern Region and learning about all the great work that you do. I look forward to working alongside you as we continue to build our children into the future leaders that this world needs. The Mothers of the Eastern Region embody the mission of Jack and Jill and I am proud to call you my Sisters. I cannot do the work that I do without my family, my G-Men. The greatest of thank yous must go to my husband Gordon Jr., my legacy, Gordon III, and my high schooler Grant. Their love and support and “Mom, you can do it!” pep talks make this all possible. My family is the reason that I choose to serve our beloved Jack and Jill. When I look at what this organization has poured into my legacy husband and sons, it makes me want to give more to our children and those that will come after me. Jack and Jill is a true village, and it is a key part of my family legacy. A few months back during a webinar I asked the Mothers of the Eastern Region to participate in a word cloud activity and answer the question “Who are the Mothers of the Eastern Region?”. The answers were amazing and familiar at the same time. You are Powerful. You are Leaders. You are Resilient. You are Compassionate. You are Strong. You are Committed. I love you all and I am so proud to serve with you! Long Live Jack and Jill! Yours in Service,

Ily J. Houston

National Recording Secretary




he late Marion Stubbs Thomas founded Jack and Jill of

family and friends. Since there were more children than a home

America, Incorporated, on January 24, 1938, in Philadelphia,

could comfortably accommodate, the children met once a month at

Pennsylvania. Twenty mothers came together to discuss creating

the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA). It soon became

an organization to provide social, cultural and educational

necessary to make special plans for each gathering; therefore,

opportunities for youth between the ages of 2 and 19.

the mothers deemed it wise to have a “Mothers” Meeting for this

When Marion Stubbs Thomas shared her intention to develop a

purpose. Such was the humble beginning of the Mighty Eastern Region, in East-Philadelphia.

club that would bring their children together in a close social and cultural relationship, it was met with great enthusiasm from her

Regional Officers

Regional Appointments

Regional Director: Melinda Alexis-Hayes, Esq.

Associate Choir: Cheryl Muller

Regional Treasurer: Melissa Desravines

Bylaws Choir: Bridgette Tillman

Regional Secretory: Niya Yeboah

Editor: Thais Moore

Regional Member at Lorge: Alexis J. Steals

Fathers' Auxiliary Choir: John A. Williams

Notional Officer: lly J. Houston

Legislative Choir: Kristina Carr Membership Choir: Sherri Sampson

Teen Officers

Nominating Choir: Tonya Jackson

President: Addison Rose (Washinqton. DC Chapter)

Policy and Procedure Choir: Janelle Woods-McNish

Vice-President: Billi Hall (National Harbor. MD Chapter)

Program Choir: Kathyrn Simmons

Secretory: Dawn Mitchell (Greater Union County, NJ Chapter)

Protocol Choir: Dorlisa Young

Treasurer: James "Max" West (Metropolitan. NY Chapter)

Strategic Relevance and Value: Shawn Hill

Foundation Choir: Torey Bullock Jr. (Pittsburqh, PA Chapter)

Technology Choir: Chane Gilliam Teen Advisor: Ayana Brantley-Lewis Parliamentarian: Keita Young Sergeant-at-Arms: Bamidele Alexander We Are One Committee Choir: Sakina Parks


REGIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Day of Service

fundraising efforts to support the great work of our Foundation.

The Eastern Region came together to honor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther

The Region hosted fundraising workshops at all four Area Workdays

King, Jr. by hosting our 3rd Annual Virtual Showcase of Service.

to ensure that our chapters were poised and prepared to execute

This event is one of the highlights of our regional programming as it

engaging and beneficial fundraisers. From presentation balls to

showcases the talents of our Jack and Jills and displays the amazing

anniversary galas to weekend ski trips to day parties, our chapter’s

community service rendered by our chapters. As stated by Dr. King,

enhanced fundraising efforts will help our Foundation continue to

“Greatness is determined by service…you only need a heart full of

transform communities, one child at a time.

grace and a soul generated by love”. Our Mighty East chapters truly

Legislative Action - Our children implored us to advocate for social

displayed greatness by honoring Dr. King’s life and legacy through

justice, to reduce gun violence, increase voter registration numbers

meaningful and impactful community service initiatives.

and discuss issues that affect us locally in our communities. To

Foundation Accomplishments

meet this call from our children the Mighty Eastern Region executed

The Eastern Region truly values our partnership with our Jack and Jill

Legislative Meetings with our elected officials from Massachusetts

of America Foundation. Our Regional Executive Board takes great

to Virginia. Our uniform call to action will leave a lasting legacy in

pride in working directly with our chapters to enhance and increase

our continued fight for health care equality and social justice for all.

CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS Regional teen conferences are held annually. The first teen

The region’s second virtual Teen Conference in 2021, hosted by

conference was held in Philadelphia, PA, in June 1951. Each

the Greater Essex County Chapter, inspired hundreds of teens to

Region has teen officers who are elected annually at the Teen

be The Movement You Fear with celebrity appearances by actor,

Conferences. The region is proud to have launched in 2006

producer, and philanthropist Antony Anderson, music producer DJ

mandatory certification training for Teen Conference chaperones

Khaled and singer and actress Naturi Naughton. All walked away

to assure clear expectations and a safe experience for our teens.

from this event with a continued spirit of giving and demanding

June 5-6,

2020, the Eastern Region, along with the Brooklyn

excellence from themselves and their peers for a better tomorrow.

Chapter, hosted the first Virtual Jack and Jill Conference, when

The Eastern Region hosted the organization’s first in person

we kicked off the 70th Annual Eastern Region Teen Conference

conference since the COVID-19 Pandemic in National Harbor,

themed “Reclaiming Our Time. This magnificent event featured the

Maryland with our 72nd Annual Eastern Region Teen Conference

inaugural Finding the Next Mogul Competition, led by Immediate

where over 1200 attendees celebrated our theme: Homecoming:

Past Eastern Region Teen Treasurer Kelli Graves, which featured

Together at Last March 31- April 3, 2022. We are looking forward

guest judges Kwame Jackson, Tricia Clarke-Stone, Monique Nelson

to hosting our 73rd Annual Eastern Region Teen Conference in New

of UniWorld, Jean-Louis Ramcess Global Head of Diversity and

York City, March 16-19, 2023, where our theme is: We Are Our

Inclusion and Belonging at Verizon and a special performance

Ancestors’ Wildest Dream.

by Hezekiah Walker.

We celebrated our Graduating Senior,

Distinguished Teens, Carole Robertson winners, art competition winners and so much more.


Mothers' Conference 2023 Dote: July 19-23, 2023 Location: El Conquistador, Puerto Rico

Teen Conference 2023 Dote: March 16-19, 2023 Theme: We Are Our Ancestors' Wildest Dream Location: New York, NY Hosting Chapter: Westchester Chapter Conference Chairs: Kimberly Coaxum & Kanika Morgan

Mother’s Area Workday Metropolitan Cluster Dote: December 3, 2022 Theme: We Are Our Ancestors' Wildest Dream Location: New Brunswick, NJ Hosting Chapter: Essex Hudson, NJ Conference Chairs: Jamilia Aquil and Renee Richardson

Mother’s Area Workday Delaware Valley Cluster Dote: November 19, 2022 Theme: We Are Our Ancestors' Wildest Dream Location: Mount Laurel, NJ Hosting Chapter: Bucks County, PA Conference Chairs: Ingrid Scott Donnelly and Akiah Sekon

Mother’s Area Workday Northern Cluster Dote: September 24, 2022 Theme: We Are Our Ancestors' Wildest Dream Location: Hartford. CT Hosting Chapter: Eastern Fairfield County, CT Conference Chairs: Patricia Bernard and Damika Jordan

Mother’s Area Workday Southern Dote: Oct 29, 2022 Theme: We Are Our Ancestors' Wildest Dream Location: Tysons Corner Hosting Chapter: Loudoun County, VA Conference Chairs: Holly Farrell and Fatimah Moody

Children’s Cluster Dote: May 6, 2023 Theme: Location: Hosting Chapter: Bronx, NY and Southern Maryland Conference Chairs: Crystal Isom, Teresa Gonzalez, Irene Mkhize, and Cherisse Cleary



As a legacy member of the Brooklyn Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. I learned from an early age the importance of the popular saying “plant a tree under whose shade you will never sit.” In my first year of membership I served as an age group chair. In the following year I chaired the Policy and Procedures committee. When called to run for Financial Secretary I answered the call for service again. I then answered the call to be my chapter’s Program Director then two term Chapter President. While serving as Chapter President I served our organization as the National Legislative Chair leading the National Legislative Committee which developed the Legislative 5 A platform, Align, Activate, Advocate, Act and Acknowledge, which we still use today. I am a member of the Church of St. Mark, Brooklyn, The Links, Incorporated, Brooklyn Chapter, and I am a Lifetime Silver Soror of Alpha Kappa, Alpha, Sorority, Incorporated, Psi Lambda Omega Chapter. My commitment to our organization and my commitment to excellence is fueled by our children, our members, my two lovely daughters, and loving husband. I trust that my work finds favor in his sight.



Regional Secretary Niya Yeboah is honored to serve the mothers of the Mighty Eastern Region. Niya is a charter member of the Western Maryland Chapter where she currently serves as Associate Liaison. She has previously served the chapter as President, Treasurer and Financial Secretary. Niya has served the Eastern Region as Protocol Chair and Project Coordinator. She has been married to her husband Manny for 19 years and has two children, Billy-Joe and Mirabel Ariel.


Melissa Desravines has been a dedicated member of the Nassau County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated since 2004. She and her husband Jean are the proud parents of Jalen and Mia. Prior to her election as Eastern Region Treasurer, she served as the Regional Program Chair, Regional Teen Advisor and as a member of the Regional Budget & Finance Committee. At the local level Melissa has served as the Nassau County Chapter President, Vice President, Program Director, Corresponding Secretary, Foundation Chair, Historian, Grade Group Chair and in various committee chair positions. Professionally, Melissa has over 25 years in a variety of financial positions in various industries. Currently, Melissa is the Director of Financial Services for an academic institution where she is responsible for budgeting, investor services, reconciliations, financial reporting and forecasting. She earned a BA and an MBA from Fordham University where she learned that great leaders know that there’s always more to learn. She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, and is humbled to serve the families of the Eastern region with diligence, integrity and pride.




Alexis James Steals is honored and delighted to serve as the Eastern Region Foundation Member-atLarge. Alexis is a 17-year member of the Pittsburgh Chapter, the fourth oldest chapter of our beloved organization. Before being elected Eastern Region Foundation Member-at-Large, Alexis served two terms as the Chair of the Eastern Region Community Service Committee. On the chapter level, Alexis served as a two-term President, Vice President, and two-term Program Director. Most recently, Alexis served as Co-Chair of her chapter’s signature fundraiser, The Pittsburgh Chapter Presentation Ball. Alexis is blessed to have two beautiful children, Alanna and Drew, and she recently celebrated 22 years of marriage to her loving husband, Mel. Professionally, Alexis is Senior Vice President of TriState Capital Bank, where she manages the bank’s Deposit and Liquidity product set. Service to others is very near and dear to Alexis. Alexis currently serves on the board of two non-profit organizations in the Pittsburgh area. She recently started a Community Engagement Working Group at her place of employment to formalize and increase community outreach and corporate giving. She is also the Community Engagement Coordinator for St. Edmund’s Academy. Alexis is a member of the Links, Incorporated, Pittsburgh Chapter where she serves as Chair of the Services to Youth Program.



John Williams is a father of two. His son is a college freshman and Jack and Jill graduate, and his daughter is in sixth grade. He and his wife, Ivy Fuller Williams, Chapter Program Director, have been active in Jack and Jill since their family’s induction into the Greater Suburban Maryland (GSM) Chapter in 2018. He is a volunteer with the Black Heritage Golf Tour and Excel Youth Golf Program, where he mentors young golfers. John served as the Fathers Auxiliary Chair for GSM from 2019 to 2021. He was appointed as the Regional Fathers Auxiliary Chair in January 2022.


TEEN OFFICERS ADDISON ROSE | TEEN PRESIDENT Addison Rose, daughter of Darryl and Tiffany Rose, is a Senior at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia. She has been a member of the Washington, DC Chapter for 7 years. Addison served as the Chapter’s Teen Vice-President and Teen Foundation Chair. The 2020 winner of the Eastern Region Teen Oratorical Contest and current Washington DC Youth Mayor, she has completed over 523 community service hours during the past four years. In the Fall, she will study Political Science. Last year, Addison served as the Eastern Region Teen Parliamentarian and currently proudly serves as the Eastern Region Teen President.

BILLI HALL | TEEN VICE PRESIDENT Billi Madison Hall, daughter of Kimberly and William Hall, is a senior at Holton-Arms School. A member of the National Harbor Chapter for 9 years, she currently serves as the Eastern Region Teen Vice President. Billi has held several positions within her chapter, including Vice-President and Treasurer. A STEM Scholar candidate, her activities include the science research program, social activism, DEI work, serving as the BSU Senior President and the school dance team. Billi is still deciding on her college choice but plans to major in Biomedical Engineering, where she will focus on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

DAWN MITCHELL | TEEN SECRETARY Dawn Mitchell, the daughter of Hope and Douglas Mitchell, is a senior at Watchung Hills Regional High School. She has been a member of the Greater Union County Chapter for eight years and served as its Teen President and Recording Secretary; winning the Distinguished Teen Chapter Award. Dawn is an honor roll student. Her activities include the tennis team, BSU; Girl Scouts, Mock Trial and Grade Level Council. Dawn will attend Hampton University in the fall majoring in Liberal Studies with a minor in Criminal Justice. She is honored to serve as the Eastern Region Teen Recording Secretary.

JAMES "MAX" WEST | TEEN TREASURER James “Max” West, son of Lori Davis West and James West, is a senior at Dwight-Englewood High School. An honor student and Most Valuable Athlete, his activities include varsity co-captain of track and cross country, NAACP Mid-Manhattan Youth Council Vice President, and NYS Black & Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus Advocate. An 18 year member of the Metropolitan Chapter, he served as Teen Vice-President and Teen Recording Secretary. Max is privileged to serve as the Eastern Region Teen Treasurer. He will continue his academic and athletic career at Washington University in St. Louis, majoring in Data Science & History.

TOREY BULLOCK, JR. | TEEN FOUNDATION CHAIR Torey Bullock, Jr., son of Torey Bullock and Jalila Jefferson-Bullock Esq., is a junior at Winchester Thurston School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A member of the Pittsburgh Chapter for 13 years, he was presented to society at their 21st Biennial Presentation Ball in December 2022. His activities include the Student Council, BSU Leader, school theater productions participant, school jazz band, church youth department, mentee of 100 Black Men of Western Pennsylvania, soccer, track, and basketball. He has a heart for service and is proud to serve as Eastern Regional Teen Foundation Chair. He aspires to be an attorney and activist.

ANTONIO CLAY-HARDY | TEEN CHAPLAIN Antonio Clay-Hardy, son of Rev. Dr. Regina M. Clay and Mr. Carlos Hardy, is a sophomore at Wilde Lake High School in Columbia, MD. He has been a member of the Columbia, MD Chapter for 13 years. He currently serves as the Eastern Region Teen Chaplain. He is an honor roll student and a member of the Varsity Golf and Baseball Club. He served as a delegate to Howard Counties SMOB Convention and serves as an Executive Board Member with the Howard County Association of Student Councils. In the future, he hopes to study Political Science.


VICTORIA FELDER | TEEN NOMINATING CHAIR Victoria Felder, daughter of Mark and Adel Felder, is a senior at Chantilly High School in Chantilly, Virginia. A member of the Reston Chapter for 5 years, she currently is the Regional Teen Nominating Committee Chair and President of her school’s Black Student Association. Crowned National American Miss Virginia Junior Teen, Victoria established a 5-year project to help kids facing food insecurities, partnering with local and national organizations including Feeding America and county government. A varsity cheerleading AllAmerican, she is deciding between several universities and will major in Psychology.

LOVE DONYEL MCCLUNE JR. | TEEN SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Love Donyel McCune Jr. is the son of Nicole and Love McCune Sr. He is a senior at The Haverford School, where he serves as BSU President, student rep and member of the student body for the Signet Society. Love is a leader on the school rowing team. He has been a member of the Chester County Chapter for eight years. He is currently serving his second term as the Eastern Region Teen Sergeant-at-Arms. He has also served as Treasurer on the Executive Board for his chapter. In the Fall, Love plans to major in civil engineering.

ISABEL MENDES | TEEN PROTOCOL CHAIR Isabel Mendes, the daughter of Dr. Asante and Ruth Mendes, is a senior at Miss Porter’s School in Farmington, Connecticut. She has been a member of the Greater Hartford Chapter for 12 years and serves as the Eastern Region Teen Protocol Chair. Isabel’s accomplishments include being a high honors student and recognized nationally for community service, receiving the National Youth and U.S. Presidential Gold Volunteer Service Award. Isabel is a digital and physical artist focusing on Black inspired digital art under the Instagram handle @IzzyMendyes_Art. Isabel plans to major in biology and aspires to be a physician.

ALEXA PARCHMENT | TEEN PARLIAMENTARIAN Alexa Parchment, daughter of Dr. Alfred and Suzanne Parchment, is a junior at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia. She has been a proud member of the Jersey Shore Chapter for 9 years, where she has served as Teen Vice-President, Teen Parliamentarian, and Teen Chaplain. She currently serves as the Eastern Region’s Teen Parliamentarian. Outside of Jack and Jill, Alexa is an advanced and honors student who maintains a 4.5 GPA, while performing various leadership roles and establishing social entrepreneurship projects involving technology. She hopes to study either computer science or software engineering.








to support the Level the Playing Field by expanding access within youth sports. The Onyx grade group (grades 4 and 5) explored the area’s most important local waterway by kayaking with their peers. For the second event, the Onyx prepared sushi meals.

President: Elena Neely Vice-President: Tammie Smiley Program Director: Angela Dorsey Recording Secretary: Christina Berger Corresponding Secretary: Rashida Shorter Treasurer: Crystal Lander Financial Secretary: Keisha Culbreth-Brooks Editor: Stephanie Moore Chaplain: Elena Neely Historian: Tara West Foundation Chair: Robin Meriweather Parliamentarian: Nicale Nxumalo Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Associate Chair: Sandra Clark Father’s Auxiliary: Michael Berger

President: James Moore, IV Vice-President: Scott Price II Secretary: Heather Hawkins/Madison Bell Treasurer: Jarrett McKinney Parliamentarian: Daniel Franklin Chaplain: William Price Sergeant-at-Arms: William Price

The Alexandria-Mount Vernon Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. began as the Alexandria-Mount Vernon Mother’s Club. It was officially chartered in 1966. The original group of 31 mothers began a rich tradition of dedication to the cultural, social and educational development of their children and community service. The Alexandria-Mount Vernon Chapter now consists of 65 mothers, 64 children, 36 teens, 45 fathers and 13 Associates. The chapter was recognized for 5-Star Chapter Excellence at the 45th Biennial National Convention in July 2022.

The Ruby grade group (grades 6-8) participated in an AfroBrazilian Capoeira workshop. Next, they raced against the clock for an Escape Room event. Then, the Rubies and the Diamonds volunteered for the Northern Virginia (NoVA) Project Giveback. In December, the Rubies attended a Nutcracker performance and conducted a coat drive to support the Lorton Community Action Center. The Diamond grade group (grades 9 - 12) learned basic survival skills during an “Art of Survival” event. In October, the Diamonds attended the Second Annual “Truth and Service Classic’’ football game at Howard University. The Diamonds concluded the holiday season by participating in an annual wreath laying memorial service to recognize our fallen military heroes.


In keeping with the national theme, “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children,” the Alexandria-Mount Vernon Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. provided opportunities for our children and teens to make valuable contributions to serve our greater Alexandria community this program year.

For the chapter’s holiday party, we hosted an afternoon of holiday cheer, gingerbread making, line-dancing, complete with an African-American Santa Claus. This event also included a coat drive to support the Lorton Community Action Center. To conclude December, the chapter launched a week-long, “National Twin Day ‘’ fundraiser to support the March of Dimes and Jack and Jill of America Foundation. We celebrated by profiling our current and graduated twin mothers. The event culminated with a video message from March of Dimes Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, Stacy Brayboy, to raise awareness about their organization’s efforts to provide maternal support for women with children from multiple births.

The Pearls grade group (pre-K to K) joined the Emeralds for an interactive presentation about the native habitats of reptiles. In November, the Pearls joined the Emeralds, Onyx, and 6th grade Rubies, for a reenactment of Civil Rights leader Ruby Bridges’ effort to integrate an all-white school in Louisiana. To conclude the calendar year, the Pearls attended a sensory-friendly performance about making new friends and sharing ideas. The Emeralds grade group (grades 1-3) learned about food inequity and how to improve unequal food systems. In December, the Emeralds and the Onyx launched a sporting goods equipment drive






President: Lisa Brooks Vice-President: Kimberly Moseley Golder Program Director: Stacy Herbert Recording Secretary: Bridnetta Edwards Corresponding Secretary: Ede Jermin Anderson Treasurer: Marian Brown Financial Secretary: Rhonda Caldwell-Dove Editor: Jessica Johnson Chaplain: Tiffany Wallace Historian: Felicia Ellison Foundation Chair: Venus Figueroa Porliomentarian: Shadey Brown Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Michelle Cannon Associate Chair: Nina Everett Father’s Auxiliary: Tony Downing and Devin Johnson

President: Maya Daniels Vice-President: Riley Dove Secretary: Kendall Golder Treasurer: Taylor Brooks Parliamentarian: Olivia Bellamy Chaplain: Rachel Tucker Sergeant-at-Arms: Devin Lana



The Arundel Bay Area Chapter 2022-2023 had an exciting programmatic year guided by the National Theme, “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children on Mission on Purpose” and the Chapter’s Mission “Back to Basics”.

On August 7, 1988, six mothers from the Glen Burnie area of Anne Arundel County were called together by Christine Scott Davenport. Forming a family-related organization to meet the needs of AfricanAmerican families in predominantly white Glen Burnie and its surrounding area was the topic of discussion. Previously, Mrs. Davenport had been in San Francisco attending a convention for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., which was held at the same time and in the same hotel as the National Convention of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.

We kicked off the year with an in-person event to honor the life of Carole Robertson and Jack and Jill Day Celebration. The theme for this year’s event was “Family Reunion: We are Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams.” The event took place at Montpelier Farms Participants enjoyed mingling with one another and engaged in a number of family fun activities including a 7-Acre Interactive Corn Maze, “Spookley The Square Pumpkin” Corn Maze, Rope Maze, Hay Rides, Animals, Pedal Karts, Hay & Play, Kids Corral, Club Corral, Roping Range, Hill Slides, Penalty Paddock, Pumpkin Bowling, Puzzle Mania, Sandy Square, Barnyard Basketball, and an Interactive Scavenger Hunt. Our Carole Robertson event, focused on public speaking and audience engagement, our Jacks and Jills led a wonderful presentation highlighting who Carole was, the life she led, and the social climate and reality of her time.

Mrs. Davenport noticed that the speakers and agenda of the organization were dedicated to children. She was also impressed by the stature of women in attendance and the breadth and scope of their programming. Returning home, she was very excited and got together with Gloria Marrow and several mothers from the Baltimore County Chapter. They explained the goals and objectives of this family centered organization and Mrs. Davenport was convinced that this was the type of organization that her community needed.

The Sweet Dreams (PreK- K) and Dream Makers (1st-3rd) collaborated on this activity. The children engaged in a STEAM activity by making ice cream in a bag while learning about simple chemistry. The other objective is to deconstruct the stereotype that scientists are white men in lab coats with crazy hair. The Sweet Dreams and Dream Makers were taught about some notable scientists and inventors by discussing their accomplishments. Examples will be the development of the COVID-19 vaccination by Dr. Kizzmekia Corbin and the traffic signal invented by Garrett A. Morgan. The children were reminded that they are young African American scientists while they engaged in the scientific process.

The August 7th meeting took place at the home of Sylvia Tilghman in Severn, Maryland. A steering committee was formed to begin recruiting mothers with the same interest and vision as Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The Steering Committee consisted of Earnestine Butler, Christine Davenport, Doris Durrett, Nancy Jernigan, Erretta Morris, and Sylvia Tilghman. These dynamic women started on a mission. In less than a week, the committee had identified more than 25 mothers who shared the same vision and objectives. During the following two years, several programs were implemented for the group and the children of the community; many continue today. The group fulfilled the requirements set forth by National and was chartered on October 27, 1990, with 15 founding members. In 1999, the membership submitted a request to National for a chapter name change. Arundel Bay Area was chosen to better reflect the geographical region covered by the Chapter. The name change officially took effect at the 21st Biennial National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, in July 2000. 73




President: Kristina Carr Vice-President: Donna Grant Program Director: Timia Johnson Recording Secretary: Tiffany Brown Corresponding Secretary: LaToya Inman Treasurer: Tracey Triniwell Financial Secretary: Mariean Stokes-Monroe Editor: Olethia Brown Chaplain: Kathryn Howard Foundation Chair: Shailen Woods Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Anqela Moore Associate Chair: Anqel Hassan-Miller Father’s Auxiliary: Woody Lake

President: Alyshia Brown Vice-President: Alex Moore Secretary: John Carr Treasurer: Jasmine Jackson Chaplain: Giada Brown Sergeant-at-Arms: Giada Brown


Bianca Dozier, Tammy English, Leteki Knight-Jackson, Tara Lake (Teen Co-Advisor), Shanee Muhammad, Nicole Murray, Christina Ragland, Lisa Smith, Nanette Stuart, Gerri Turner, Alicia White, Erica Woody


The Amazing Atlantic City, NJ Chapter currently has twentythree members. Chapter status for the Atlantic City Chapter was recognized at the Third National Convention, held in Washington, D. C., on May 15, 1948. As such, the Atlantic City, NJ Chapter became the sixteenth (16th) chapter recognized by the National organization. Our boundaries include Atlantic, Cape May and Cumberland Counties. At the time of our chartering, Mrs. Dorothy Wright was National President. Our charter members, fourteen pioneering women, with a crystal-clear vision were: Mrs. Wilma Nelson, President Emeritus, Mrs. Lucille Barbour, Mrs. Lillian Bryant, Mrs. Carrie Harrison, Mrs. Harriet Lamkin, Mrs. Edythe Marshall, Mrs. Alice Carter, Mrs. Juanita Fowler, Mrs. Hugh Gregory, Mrs. Elveta Harris, Mrs. Cecelia Hawkes, Mrs. Margaret Hawkins, Mrs. Florence Johnson, First President, and Mrs. Erma Spencer. The past deeds of these wonderful women, our fore-mothers, continue to inspire and strengthen our membership.

System, to host three 2-hour educational sessions on hypertension prevention, treatment, and critical care in times of crisis at the Atlantic City Boys & Girls Club. The Father’s Auxiliary continues to support Chapter activities, and has planned an afternoon brunch for our Mothers and a Fathers’ Outing with the Children and Teens Groups. The Chapter will end the program year by celebrating 75 years of Black Family Excellence with a community-wide Family Fun Day and Anniversary Luncheon.


The Atlantic City Chapter has a legacy rich in family values and community service. We started the program year in June 2022 with an in-person Planning Retreat. Focused on the theme, The Power to Make a Difference for All Children on Mission on Purpose, the Mothers curated a hybrid activity schedule for the 2022-2023 Program Year designed to impact the lives of our children and the southern NJ community. The Chapter kicked off the year celebrating Jack & Jill Day and recognizing Carole Robertson with a ceremony lead by the Teens. Throughout the year the Chapter sponsored multiple community service activities culminating with a Winter Wear Clothing Drive at a low-income housing complex in Atlantic City, NJ for MLK Day of Service. With the grant received by the American Heart Association, we partnered with the AtlantiCare Health






President: Annette Anderson Vice-President: Lisa Armstrong Program Director: Bethany Pace Recording Secretary: Shapel Lee Corresponding Secretary: Nicole Brown Treasurer: Tamara Curtis Financial Secretary: Shauntell Campbell Editor: Angelique Griffin Chaplain: Stacey Williams Historian: Angelique Griffin Parliamentarian: Jocelyn Williams Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Angie Ginn-Meadow

President: Dylan Barnes Vice-President: Dana Thompson Secretary: Paris Griffin Treasurer: Montgomery Bedford Parliamentarian: David Anderson Chaplain: Miles Anderson Sergeant-at-Arms: Miles Anderson


We currently have 64 magnificent Mothers and 109 beautiful, bright, promise-filled children, as well as 22 associates (19 Lifetime)


Our Jack and Jills have been busy reconnecting and serving. Both our Middle School and Teen Groups hosted Wakanda Forever Theater Night fundraisers, that benefit our community service partner, Franklin Square Elementary/ Middle School. Our Chapter’s youngest children were mentored by our teens during National Day of Service in making handmade get-well cards for children staying in the local Ronald McDonald House with their families while they receive health care. Youth in our Chapter enjoyed making casseroles (one major ingredient: love) again this year to give to a Baltimore-area women/children’s shelter.

To prepare for the year, Mom’s came together for a wonderful retreat where a night of mystery and fun was had by all. RD Melinda Alexis-Hayes graced us with her wisdom as our keynote speaker, setting the charge for the year. The Baltimore Chapter kicked off the program year by gathering to celebrate the life and sacrifice of Carole Robertson. Our Teens led the remembrance ceremony as families reflected. The event embodied the national theme, “EMPOWERING FAMILIES FOR SUCCESS,” through fellowship and bonding. Our Mothers and families were eager to engage at our chapter wide and grade group activities. Mothers especially enjoyed coming together for the Southern Cluster Workday.







HEALTH: In June, the USTA and Bergen-Passaic hosted a clinic to expose our children to various tennis skills. In November, the Health and Wellness Committee hosted a webinar that was open to the community and focused on supporting children with learning differences. Our senior teens took a cooking class at Eva’s Village in Paterson and learned how to incorporate seasonal ingredients to create delicious and healthy meals. In February, families enjoyed a skate night.

President: Tar-Kisha Bryant Vice President: Keshia Golding-Cooper Treasurer: Rachel Jones Program Director: Diana Novillo-Gibbs Assistant Program Director: Naana Anderson Financial Secretary: Tiaa Allen Recording Secretary: Stacey St. Rose-Drayton Corresponding Secretary: Sophiea Lamb-deLagarde Parliamentarian: Rachelle Martin Historian: Stacey Wing Editor: Arika Easley-Houser Chaplain: Michele Thornton Ghee Foundation Chair – Sharon Content Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Joy Dorsey-Whiting Associate Chair: Madeline Thomas Father’s Auxiliary: Aldon Bryant and Ken Martin

President: Taylor Ghee Vice President: Miles Eby Corresponding Secretary: Camile Whiting Recording Secretary: Madyn Bryant Treasurer: Khalia Content Editor and Historian: Simone Finn Parliamentarian: Cayden Walton Chaplain: Carly Dow Sergeant at Arms: Jordan Ghee Foundations Chair: Vaughn Foster Protocol Chair: Cayden Walton

The Bergen-Passaic Chapter’s history began in 1953 at the National Convention. Sponsored by the North Jersey Chapter, BergenPassaic started with 12 members. We now have 65 Mothers.


CULTURAL: In September, we kicked off the JJBP programming year through fun activities for Jack and Jill Day. Children also learned about Carole Robertson and created a mural in her honor. For Black History Month, our PreK-2 group learned about African history through storytelling, music and art. Our PreK & K-2 groups also visited the Poster House museum exhibit about Black History. Our 3-5 group explored the Schomburg exhibit about Black Comics. Our 6-8 group viewed a museum exhibit about social activism.

SOCIAL: In September, the various age groups re-acquainted after the summer in various social activities. Our PreK-2 and 3rd5th groups participated in special activities focused on team-work in field day activities and games. Our 6-8 group went bowling, played in the arcade and played games to get to know each other better. In October, our Senior teens went on a retreat at Camp Bernie and participated in team building workshops and lessons. The Social Committee also hosted a wonderful event at a blackowned paint and sip company. We enjoyed a successful holiday party in December hosted by the Executive Board and celebrated with over 200 attendees.

EDUCATION: In January, our 3-5 group participated in an entrepreneurship workshop and operated a virtual store. Mixing science and technology with art, our 6-8 group had a private art immersive experience with a local artist. Senior Teens participated in a Financial Frenzy Learn-a-thon and hosted a fundraiser in May for the Close the HBCU College Gap Fund. In April, we hosted our signature Literary Luncheon fundraiser with the theme “Driven by Intention” and featured a panel of prominent leaders who experienced outsized success and power by pursuing their passion and purpose. CIVIC/LEGISLATIVE: For our Madinah Grier & Samantha Hankins Day of Service in October, we partnered with the Hackensack Boys and Girls Club & donated items to the St. Paul’s Community Development Corporation Emergency Men’s Shelter. Mothers & children volunteered to help touch up the Black Lives Matter painting at the Rodda Center and we participated in a voter registration event in partnership with other community organizations. Senior teens partnered with the NAACP’s annual Angel Tree event in December. In March, the Legislative Committee sponsored a panel discussion with all age groups focused on the C.R.O.W.N Act to encourage our Jacks and Jills to have pride in their natural hair styles. 77







Our Nursery group attended a puppet show, Father Goose’s Tales by Nappy’s Puppets as a cultural activity. They handcrafted personalized greeting cards for the military as a display of gratitude for their service. Our Teen group volunteered at STEC’s Health Fair where they engaged elementary children with arts, crafts and games as well as assisted with community voter registration.

President: Janelle Woods-McNish Vice-President: Monica Grace Program Director: Tiffany Hogan/Tarshene Greaves Recording Secretary: Folashade Solomon Corresponding Secretary: Dacia Campbell Treasurer: Agnes Engmann Financial Secretary: Jennifer Brathwaite Editor: Annemarie Carter Chaplain: Faith Montgomery Historian: Christina West Foundation Chair: Kareen Blake/Annemarie Carter Parliamentarian: Shelby Smith Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Sabriya Targete/Lisa Mitchell/ Shanique Smith/Dee Hall Associate Chair: Yvonne Horne Father’s Auxiliary: Lord Grace/Hansley McNish

President: Taylor Mendes Vice-President: Jessica Brathwaite Recording Secretary: Kai Quinones Corresponding Secretary: Dahlia Roberts Treasurer: Isaiah Solomon Parliamentarian: Dominic Greaves Sergeant-at-Arms: Bryson Smith

The Boston Chapter was established in 1946 by eleven visionary mothers, three of whom, Anne Magbie, Eva Jordan and Edna Roosa, served as Chapter President, and one of which, Mrs. Roosa, served as a National Officer as National Corresponding Secretary. These founding mothers established the first Jack and Jill chapter in New England believing the goals of the national organization aligned closely with their collective vision for their own children. Today we have 47 members, who are believing in the Jack and Jill mission of creating the next generation of leaders. We are working hard, executing the National Program Theme, “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose”.

Our Primary group enjoyed the outdoors snowtubing and collected winter items to donate to a local organization. Our Intermediate group learned about the banking system and smart saving as they read age-appropriate books, watched videos and played games about financial literacy. Our chapter engaged in a MLK Day of Service partnering with a local organization Courageous Conversations to make “Blessing Bags” filled with basic necessities for Boston area residents experiencing housing instability.


The Boston Chapter kicked off the year executing fun, educational and intentional programming aligning with the theme of “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose”.

Finally, we will finish out the year with Black Family Day as well as celebrating the graduating teens and our fathers.

Our Teen group attended the HBCU Football Classic Howard vs Morehouse at MetLife Stadium and experienced a taste of black college life while watching the “Battle of the Bands”. The chapter hosted a Field-A-Palooza at our annual Jack and Jill Day and honored the life of Carole Robertson. It was a family-friendly event of outdoor games and activities. We collected donations (school supplies, games, etc.) for the Sportsmen’s Tennis & Enrichment Center (STEC) in Dorchester, MA and money for our Loose Change Initiative. Our Early Teens learned about the district court system by mother member, Judge Shelby Smith. They evaluated criminal and civil cases determining appropriate bail and judgement. Our Teen group visited the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston to view the Obama Portraits following a creative photoshoot and bus tour of Historic Black Boston.





President: Rachel Cheeks-Givan Vice-President: Alicia Ferriabough Taylor 2nd Vice-President: Lisa Andujar-Ray Program Director: Tinamarie Brown-Joseph Recording Secretary: Sabrina Stratton Corresponding Secretary: Lilian Alston Treasurer: Nicole Fluellen-Young Financial Secretary: Msgiovnni Clements Editor: Seneka Johnson Chaplain: Tamisha Chestnut Historian: Lakisha Brooks-Perkins Foundation Chair: April Horton Parliamentarian: Stephanie Siaw Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Soyini Chan Shue/Co-Lead: Ardis Carlos-Alim Associate Chair: Theresa Land-Latta Father’s Auxiliary: Thelvis Alston

President: Kamille Brewster Vice-President: Christina Isom Secretary: Amir Joseph Treasurer: Joshua Williams


Judith Absalon, Khaliah Adams-Joseph, Bababunmi Adelana-Caviness, Lilian Alston, Lisa Andujar-Ray, Gyl-Maria Bartholomew, Tiombe Bowman, Kendra Brockington, Lakisha Brooks-Perkins, Tinamarie Brown-Joseph, Ardis Carlos-Alim, Soyini Chan Shue, Rachel CheeksGivan, Tamisha Chestnut, Cherisse Cleary, Msgiavonni Clements, Alicia Ferriabough-Taylor, Pamela Flood Morrison, Nicole FluellenYoung, Kameil Grant-Knight, April Horton, Crystal Isom, Sharon Faulk Jean-Pierre, Seneka Johnson, Nikki Tillman Lofton, Heather LukeJackson, Jinan O’Connor, Tracey Reed, Nancy Reid Verna Saunders, Stephanie Siaw, Danielle Smith-Johnson, Sharon Spann-Bethea, Sabrina Stratton Ayana Thomas, Ayisha Wade, Amy Williams-Larkin


families were given three event choices: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The Gold event consisted of an email template with legislative actions to be emailed directly to elected officials. The Silver event was a virtual family Kahoot game night with Black History trivia and a charcuterie competition. The Bronze ice skating event at Wollman Rink focused on Black Winter Olympians. Keeping in the spirit of health and fitness, we held our 2nd annual Fun Fitness Day in April of 2022, hosted by Mother Sabrina Stratton. The partnership with Jack And Jill of America, Inc. and the American Heart Association helped to increase heart health awareness and the importance of LOW BP. In May of 2022, we joyfully installed 12 new Mother Members and one Associate Jewel, all of whom have entered our chapter with love and the willingness to serve.

The Bronx Chapter was established in 1994. In February 1992, Mrs. Cheryl Simmons Oliver explored the prospects of joining Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. With the encouragement from, National President, Mrs. Nellie A. Thornton, Mrs. Joyce Mills-Kittrell and Mrs. Oliver began the process and in July 1994, during the National Convention in Austin,Texas, the Bronx, New York Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was confirmed. Our mission as the “The Family Chapter,” remains the same: to provide cultural, social, civic and recreational activities to stimulate and expand the minds of the Bronx community children.


During the magnificent 45th National Convention, in Orlando, FL, we were recognized as a 5-Star Chapter for the 2nd time, received a 2nd Place Editor Award in the Eastern Region, thanks to our Chapter Editor, Seneka Johnson and received a 1st place Award for our Cultural Programming Black History Month event with the Metropolitan Chapter. The year of 2022 was packed with blessings. Our teens and moms were thrilled to make history by attending the first COPA dance, in NYC, since the pandemic and it exceeded its amazing reputation. We look forward to having a productive 2023 -2024 programming year and will continue to build stronger bonds within our chapter and our community. As co-hosts of the 2023 Eastern Region Children’s Cluster, we are enthusiastic about serving in this capacity and providing an abundance of meaningful and engaging activities that will allow all of us to implement the “Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose.” Long Live Jack and Jill!

The Bronx, New York Chapter, led by Madame President Rachel Cheeks-Givan, bowled our way into the 2022 new program year at Bowlero with contagious laughter and fun. We honored Carole Robertson by remembering the importance of solidarity, and equality for all. The Teens 8th Annual Backpack Drive continued to grow and provided over 85 backpacks and school supplies for the children of Edenwald Community Center. Some of the highlights of 2022 include: celebrating Jack and Jill Founders’ Day with Suffolk County Chapter, putting together our chapter’s preservation plan with our Preservation Chair, Associate Jewel Theresa Land-Latta and Chapter Historian, Lakisha BrooksPerkins, which led to working with the Bronx Historical Society to capture the legacy of all of our Past Presidents. We enjoyed collaborating with the Metropolitan Chapter to celebrate Black History with the theme “History-Making Winter Olympians.” The 80


jack Bronx,NewYork jill


President Rachel Cheeks-Givan






Since then, the chapter children have had a wide range of experiences that align with national’s programmatic thrust and focus areas. For instance, our youngest Jacks and Jills learned to play chess and practiced their power to make choices and to vote. While our grade schoolers explored the world of endangered species via Outschool virtual learning, became familiar with key financial terms during a trip to a local Carver Federal Savings Bank branch and participated in Parkour, a sport heavily influenced by hip-hip culture.

President: Danielle Eaddv-Allevne Vice-President: Nicole Mitchell Program Director: Jillian Joseph Recording Secretary: Afriqiyah Woods McDowell Corresponding Secretary: Jemimah Henderson Treasurer: Ayanna Ifill Gadsby Financial Secretary: Jennaydra Jordan Editor: Dana Muldrow Chaplain: Cynthia Aker Historian: Simone Pratt Foundation Chair: Carla Lewis-Long & Lisa Lews Parliamentarian: Aisha Green Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Cynthia Aker & Marcella Gay Associate Chair: Stephanie Cyrus Father’s Auxiliary: John Alleyne

President: Jordan Kennedy Gay Vice-President: Nyla Aker Secretary: Jaden Jerome, Devin Watkins, & Jordan Betts Treasurer: Kennedy Thompson Parliamentarian: Noah Louis Chaplain: Calle Hayes Sergeant-at-Arms: Kurleigh Yetman & Charles Whiteman

The Brooklyn Chapter was established in June 1952. On November 10, 1950, a group of women met in the Brooklyn home of Mrs. Emilie Pickens to discuss the formation of a borough-based outpost of the group. In 1951, the chapter began to take shape under the chairpersonship of Mrs. Gwendolyn S. Bourne. She worked alongside Mrs. Vernice Horne, Mrs. Adele Hairston, Mrs. Lurline Purvis, Mrs. Louise Smith, and Mrs. Anna Fultz. Today the Bold and Beautiful Brooklyn Chapter is a Five Star Chapter of Excellence. It boasts more than 80 families who are deeply committed to serving all children and strengthening our beloved borough.

The eleven- to twelve-year-olds tested the laws of gravity while learning about physics at Urban Air Adventure Park and expanded their knowledge of New York City’s food ecosystem to identify and advocate for healthier food options. While the junior and senior teens attended the HBCU New York City Football Classic and heard about the value of an HBCU education from alumni in the chapter. Additionally, junior teens tapped into their entrepreneurial curiosity and commitment to community during a conversation with Craig Samuels, owner of several Brooklyn restaurants including Peaches. And the senior teens discussed the importance of character and goals setting as well explored the science behind the sport of bowling.


The Brooklyn Chapter started the year focused on delivering bold and beautiful programming designed to support the growth and development of our children, positively impact our communities, and uphold the illustrious legacy of our chapter. Anchored by the theme “The Power to Make a Difference for all Children,” our committees, age group chairs, mothers and teens established activities and initiatives that celebrate the rich history of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and acknowledge the shoulders upon which we stand.

Chapter-wide our families came together to support and care for those in need throughout Brooklyn. We collected and distributed hats, gloves, and scarves to men living in a local shelter and provided food baskets to residents during the holiday season. The chapter also established the first-ever “Little Library” at the Brooklyn Hospital Children’s Health Center and donated more than 400 books to serve patients ages two to 19.

The program year began with a drive-in movie and outdoor get together in honor of Carole Robertson and Jack and Jill Day. This now annual event started in 2021 as a way to safely gather during the height of the COVID pandemic. The chapter convened at Brooklyn’s Christian Cultural Center, grabbed pre-packaged snacks and goodie bags, enjoyed Mr. Softee ice cream, and settled in to watch Black Panther from tailgates across the parking lot. The following day our teen leadership led the Carole Robertson Ceremony, signaling the beginning of the teens’ year-long programming around “We Are Our Ancestors Wildest Dreams,” during the chapter’s first Mothers meeting of the year.






President: Andrea Corpening Vice-President: Denise Allen Williams Program Director: Taneise Marshall Recording Secretary: Meshagae Hunte-Brown Corresponding Secretary: Sharon Fowler Treasurer: Nadia Pringle-Davis Financial Secretary: Carolyn Talley Editor: Kelly Reid Chaplain: Michele Smith Historian: Deborah King Foundation Chair: Melissa Christie Parliamentarian: Tammy Hudson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Connie Peace, Margot Goodson, Brigitte Walker-Quinn, Denise Allen-Williams Associate Chair: Gwendolyn Scott-Hodges Father’s Auxiliary: Michael Johnson

President: Chloe Thompkins Vice-President: Laila Johnson Program Director: Maya Raghunandanan Corresponding Secretary: Asher Brown Recording Secretary: Kayla Raghunandanan Financial Secretary: Casey Peace Treasurer: Xavier Smith Historian: Michal Brown Editor: Halaylah Lewis-McGlothan Foundation Chair: Koen Reid Chaplin: Cailtyn Peace Sergeant-at-Arms: Leah Bell


Denise Allen Williams, Tanya Barone-Durant, Taira Bell, Letitia Carroll, Melissa Christie, Andrea Corpening, Carla Daily, Tyhesha Elmore, Ally Felder, Sharon Fowler, Tricia Godfrey, Margot Goodson, Bernell Holmes, Tiffani Howard, Tammy Hudson, Mesha Hunte-Brown, Candice Johnson, Debbie King, Sydney Lewis, Tamala Mallett-Moore, Taneise Marshall, Phoebe Nelson, RoShunda Nelson.Topaz Nobles, Sonya Nock, Fanella O’Brien, Monira Parkinson-Cole, Connie Peace, Nadia Pringle-Davis, Keisha Raghunandanan, Tashika Reeves, Kelly Reid, Lynn Seth, Michele Smith, Melissa Smith, Carolyn Talley, Michelle Thompkins, Marci Urbanek.Brigitte Walker-Quinn, Lisa Williams, Kim Xantus, Allyson Youngblood


The Bucks County Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. was established in 1988 by founding mother Mrs. Pearline A Greene. Our chapter has 42 Magnificent Mothers, 74 Beautiful Children and 37 Associate Jewels. Our mission is simple; develop phenomenal leaders through providing age-appropriate programs, community service, legislative advocacy and philanthropic giving. We believe the leaders we develop today will be the voice for our communities, our children and our nation in the near future!


The Phenomenal Five Star Bucks County Chapter enthusiastically kicked off the program year with our annual Jack and Jill Day & Carole Robertson recognition at Briarwood Day Camp in New Hope, PA. A comprehensive set of activities were planned that centered on our recreational and social thrusts. The children were led in a competitive set of physical relay games with former NFL player Vaughn Hebron and enjoyed in other activities such as fishing and tennis. The teens in collaboration with other area Jack and Jill chapters attended the epic HBCU Classic football game Howard vs Morehouse. The Bucks County Chapter take pride in our exemplary programming. Our grade groups participated in Legislative activities with Judge Lori Dumas and Judge Clyde Waite where they deepened and strengthened their knowledge on the Jack & Jill Legislative platform e.g. Crown Act. In addition, the role of African Americans in developing our government and laws in historic Philadelphia was discussed. We were excited to expose

our children to active learning experiences at a top engineering university which involved virtual reality, dissection modeling and architectural elements for futuristic buildings through engineering practices – the Bucks County Chapter children are ready to embrace STEAM. With the help of active fathers and associates, our mothers continue to develop and nurture our future leaders by teaching them to take charge of their life with goal setting, life coaching, and understanding their leadership style so they can be amazing entrepreneurs and global citizens.







friendships that bind us. Currently our chapter has 19 magnificent mothers, 8 amazing fathers, 22 beautiful children and 6 associate jewels.

President: Leah Bassett-Mitchell Vice-President: Sherita DuBois Program Director: Rachelle Nurse Recording Secretary: Seolar Jackson Corresponding Secretary: Regina Harris Treasurer: Orniece Hill Financial Secretary: Brentnie Adams Editor: Lorene Walker-lbeka Chaplain: Chandra Redfern Foundation Chair: Tomasina L. Cook Parliamentarian: Denetra Roberts Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Regina Harris Associate Chair: Sherita DuBois Father’s Auxiliary: Mark Adams

The first Buffalo Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, began in 1945. The Buffalo Chapter had the distinction of having Edna Seay serve as National Secretary-Treasurer, National Vice President, and in 1950, National President of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. After several years of inactivity, in November 1972, through Dr. Carrie Johnson’s efforts, a group of parents sought to reestablish a Jack and Jill chapter. Under the Rochester Chapter’s sponsorship, the Buffalo Group became a provisionary chapter using the name “Pathfinders,” with Maxine Baskerville serving as president. The Pathfinders was established as an official chapter in November 1974. Dr. Pearl Boschulte, National President at the time, officiated at the initiation ceremony. Gertrude Burke was elected to serve as the first president of the newly formed Buffalo Chapter. The legacy of service on the Regional and National levels has continued with Thelma Taborn, Regional Secretary-Treasurer; Eric Eve, Eastern Region Teen President, Youth Representative Jack and Jill Foundation; Barbara Brown, National Editorial Board, Regional Member-At-Large, Eastern Region Editorial Board, Eastern Regional Historian, and Eastern Regional Nominating Committee; Dr. Catherine Collins, Official Representative for National Board, National Vice-President, Eastern Regional Director, National Editor, National Nominating Committee, Regional Nominating Committee Chair; Jonathan Seay, Eastern Regional Teen Chaplain; Marie Black, Eastern Regional Nominating Committee; Cherie Brown Jackson, Eastern Regional Budget Committee and current President Tomasina Cook served on the Eastern Regional Membership and Archives committees. In 1987 the Buffalo Chapter established The Biennial Beautillion Extraordinaire. The affair is a black-tie dinner and awards ceremony that showcases young African American men. The young men participate in a six-month leadership development program, including a variety of workshops and a Rites of Passage ceremony. On September 16, 2007, Buffalo Chartered the Associates Group with Dr. Catherine Collins, Cheryl Dublin, Rubie McKelvey, Linda Seay, and Martha Younger as Life Members. Our Father Auxiliary membership kicked off in spring 2008. Our chapter remains a group of dedicated families whose mission is to provide opportunities that will develop leaders who will enrich the communities that they serve in the Western New York region and beyond. With the dedication and hard work of these mothers and fathers who enhance the lives of their children and create lifelong

President: Gabrielle Goodly Vice-President: Oliva Harris Secretary: Milan Hill Treasurer: Elijah Douglas Parliamentarian: Cierra Mitchell Chaplain: Frederick Harris Jr Sergeant-at-Arms: Lovell Pompey Jr


The Buffalo chapter began the 2022–2023 program year embracing our national theme, “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children.” On Mission. On Purpose.” We started the year with a weekend-long, chapter-wide recognition and celebration of Carole Robertson Day, where we honored her legacy and heart for philanthropy. The Teen Executives engaged in a community service project to address food insecurity in a local community by weeding, harvesting vegetables, and preparing them for nearby residents. The weekend culminated with all families joining for a formal ceremony in memory of Carole Robertson, followed by a cookout for Family Day at Ellicott Creek Park.We gathered to volunteer for an annual event called “Breakfast with Santa” at the Buffalo Federation for Neighborhood Centers, a program that provides services for women and children in the area. Our chapter has enjoyed a myriad of fun and memorable activities, including Jack and Jill’s National Day of Service, where our mother members, Teen Executives, Black Magic, Electric Company, and Wee Pals grade groups collected new and gently used clothing and shoes, as well as non-perishable food items. This volunteer event helped support Gerard Place, which provides support and housing for single-parent families that have experienced the pain of poverty, homelessness, and/ or domestic or substance abuse. In February, our Teen Executives participated in a Black History event, Tulsa, Oklahoma’s Black Wall Street, an activity robust with cultural, educational, civic/ legislative, and social thrusts. The teens researched and presented information on a prominent African American figure or African American-owned business from 1921 in Tulsa, OK, in the area formerly known as “Black Wall Street.” The teens also viewed a short documentary, “Tulsa Burning,” and met virtually with a very special guest, Representative Regina Goodwin, from Tulsa House District 73. She provided our teens with invaluable information and answered their questions. Our Teen Executives also took part in an educational thrust with a panel of current students and graduates of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to discuss student life experiences on an HBCU campus, why they chose to attend an HBCU, as well as financial aid and college admissions 85 information for all colleges and universities.





President: Jessica Bullard Vice-President: Marsha Anderson Program Director: Ranata Thornton Recording Secretary: Uchechi Wosu-lsirimah Corresponding Secretary: Nickole Sharp Treasurer: Dora Hughes Financial Secretary: Lemoiquel Williams Editor: Michele Bumbary Chaplain: Ranata Thornton Historian: Lolita Allen Foundation Chairs: Dionne Garvin & Tonya Joseph Parliamentarian: Angela Wade Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Sabrina Boyd Associate Chair: Coleste Huggins Father’s Auxiliary: Todd Cranford

President: Eli Boyd Vice-President: Jada Wallace Secretary: Trey Jones Treasurer: Shanaiya Miller Parliamentarian: Camille Harris Chaplain: Sean Cranford Sergeant-at-Arms: Boisseau Woltz


Lolita T. Allen, Marsha Anderson, Archampong-Gray, Awa, Patricia Bassette-Woltz, Sabrina Boyd, Stacey Brayboy, Zakiyya Brodie Maxwell, Jovette Bryant, Jessica Bullard, Michele K. Bumbary, Nydia Burnett, Tara Charity, Kellina Craig-Henderson, Jacqueline Cranford, Chineta Eure-Miller, Tilda Fleming, Dionne Garvin, Venus Harper Shannon, Lisa Harris, Nakesha Harris, Deirdre Hatcher, Dora Hughes, Katrina Hush, Rashea Jackson, Lauren James Jere, La Tanya James-Rouse, Kendra Nicole Jenkins, Leslie Jones, Tonya Joseph, Tisha Lewis Griffith, Meredith Lowery, Frankie McDaniel, Tawanna McGhee-Thondique, Arkesha Moses, lfraj Muhammad-Burris, Tonyi Pelham, Karen Pinckney-Womack, Arvette Reid, Nikki Rogers, Evelyn Samuel, Dwana Shabazz, Nickole Sharp, Nicole Simmons, Ranata Thornton, Angela Wade, Melissa Walker, Deborah Wallace, Lara Webb, Dee Wilkes, Lemoiquel Williams, Uchechi Wosu-lsirimah


safety and keeping the community healthy. Our Intermediate and Junior Teen grade groups enjoyed a legislative activity designed to provide them with the awareness of the role of the justice system in our society. The participants learned about the history of the US Supreme Court and Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s journey. Our teens gathered at the Chantilly National Golf and Country Club where they acquired knowledge of club etiquette and spent the afternoon with a golf professional who provided individual and small group instruction on putting, shot gameplay, and long-range ball striking. In December, our teens received an immersive art experience as they toured the ARTECHOUSE, the nation’s first innovative art destination dedicated to the intersection of art, science, and technology. Our chapter celebrated the Christmas holiday together with a festive party full of games, crafts, Santa, and a live DJ. The children decorated cards and wreaths that were later delivered to the Annie B Rose House in Alexandria, a senior citizen community center. Our chapter honored our Jack and Jill Founders and celebrated the rich 85-year history of the organization.

The Burke-Fairfax Virginia Interest Group of Jack and Jill of America Inc. was formed in the fall of 1979. The chapter was granted provisional status at the 1982 National Convention in Chicago, with sponsorship by the Alexandria - Mount Vernon Chapter. In 1984, the Burke-Fairfax, Virginia chapter was voted into membership at the National Convention in Washington, DC and installed on October 13, 1984, as the 40th chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Burke-Fairfax is a proud 5 Star chapter that has grown its membership to 51 active members, increasing its membership by 70% since its inception.


Burke-Fairfax chapter programming year began with a successful planning meeting. Our programs aligned nicely with the overarching National Theme, “The Power to Make a Difference” For All Children On Mission On Purpose. We announced our 2022 - 2023 programming theme SOAR Higher, an acronym that signifies the enrichment each grade group activity provides: Skills, Opportunities, Ambition, and Resources. In September, we commemorated Carole Robertson’s legacy and celebrated Jack and Jill day at Burke Lake Park in Fairfax, VA. In addition to the celebration, our very own Senior Teen, Noah Isirimah spearheaded a community service drive, collecting shoes with Souls4Souls, a nonprofit organization that strives to turn shoes and clothing into opportunities. Our Early Primary grade put on their white coats and became pharmacists for a day. The activity focused on medication 87






drive. Beyond AWD, this year our grade group activities have also fulfilled the National Theme by routinely demonstrating how to make a difference for all children. One grade group held a STEM activity to learn about composting and then donated crayons for recycling for use by other children. Another age group learned about healthy eating by holding an exciting cooking competition. Our teens participated in a stimulating hacking event to help build critical thinking skills. The chapter’s Carole Robertson Day ceremony was a heart-warming tribute with a focus on self-reflection, and our Jack and Jill Day Event was a fun-filled gathering that culminated in a rip-roaring kickball tournament between the kids and moms. In December we partnered with a local community organization to host a Kwanzaa celebration, and then in January we donated supplies to youth living in foster care to commemorate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On Founder’s Day we held a touching rededication ceremony and enjoyed a festive big hat brunch. For Black History Month we are planning an event celebrating Black artists with a speech from a contemporary Black artist combined with a painting class with our children. 2023 marks our chapter’s 50th anniversary and as we reflect and celebrate, we could not be prouder of our chapter’s accomplishments and our success supporting the National Theme.

President: Melanie Babb Wilmoth Vice-President: Kelly Walker Moore Program Director: Monique Warren Recording Secretary: Kendra Thompson Corresponding Secretary: Dawn Davis Treasurer: Bahiya Hateez Muhammad Financial Secretary: Branetta Toatley Editor: Ardythe Williams-Mitchell Chaplain: Nachelle Boden Historian: Daria Holley Foundation Chair: Bethany Andrade Siddiqu Parliamentarian: Karen Williams Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Jenee Murry Associate Chair: Tia Baxter Father’s Auxiliary: Floyd Wilmoth

President: Maisah Muhammad Vice-President: Jewell Jacobs Secretary: Pia Donnelly Treasurer: Jalen Davis Parliamentarian: Anaya Woodards Chaplain: Jeffrey Toatley Sergeant-at-Arms: Ryan Burroughs

The Burlington County Chapter, formerly Burlington-Willingboro Chapter, was established on October 13, 1973, by Mrs. Marie Akins along with 40 mother members and their families. Our mission is to focus on all areas of connectivity within our chapter and our community, to ensure that our mothers, children, and families remain strengthened and encouraged. The Brilliant Burlington County Chapter provides programming excellence and purposeful service to our children and community.


The Brilliant Burlington County Chapter started the year fulfilling our National Theme and making a substantial difference in the Delaware Valley Cluster through hosting the first in-person Area Workday in years. We launched the successful two-day event with a fitness-focused and fun dance party for the moms and a highly competitive game night for the kids. The next day, attendees (mothers and children) learned about a variety of helpful topics including mindfulness, how to create a business pitch, and the power of mentorship. In addition to having fun and imparting knowledge, the Burlington County Chapter used AWD to make a significant impact on our community, through an extremely successful food




President: Evette Alexander Vice-President: Dominique Young Program Director: Christa Dozier Recording Secretary: Makeda Breedy-Fryson Corresponding Secretary: Rhea Williams Treasurer: Shirline Heath Mason Financial Secretary: Yvette Blaney Editor: Marcella Addison Chaplain: Andrea Gray Historian: Lauren Reaves Foundation Chair: Wema Hoover Parliamentarian: Afifya Ellington Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Juanita Daly Associate Chair: Makeda Breedy-Fryson Father’s Auxiliary: James Williams

President: Maya Bryan Vice-President: Alexandria Bannister Recording Secretary: Niara Beckwith Corresponding Secretary: Amira Pinkett Treasurer: Olivia Mendez Parliamentarian: Saraiah Hoover Chaplain: Joshua Williams Sergeant-at-Arms: Taylor Reaves



CULTURAL: A Carnival of our culture. That’s how Central New Jersey started the program year. We explored the games of our youth. Games were played on the roads deep in the south, the streets of the city, or the scenic views of the islands. We discovered the Joy of outdoor fun activities. Our Carole Robertson program was a fantastic journey;” We are still rising.” We learned of the awful sacrifice Carole Robertson made but the beautiful impact her life is still making today on all of us. Several civil rights activists visited, including Angela Davis.

The Central New Jersey Chapter comprises a network of dynamic Black women who are workers. “They give generously of their time, energies and talent to achieve the goals and objectives of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.” quote from the originator and 1987-1989 President Faye Warren. In the spring of 1976, Frankye Clarke and Mary Nelson saw a need to organize a positive base of operation for children to interact culturally and socially. As a result of their efforts, a group of ten mothers met at the East Brunswick Sheraton on a Sunday afternoon in March 1977, to discuss the possibility of organizing a chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Those in attendance were Frankye Clarke, Mary Nelson, Frances Dunston, Nancy Durant, Nancy Jackson, Lana Sims, Dorothy Tabourne, and Ava Webber. Mary Nelson, the moving force, hosted the first organizational meeting in July 1982. Mrs. Gertrude Andrews of Philadelphia, a national Founder, and Mrs. Gwendolyn Bourne, the first President of the Brooklyn Chapter, were present and shared their ideas and expertise. On July 20, 1984, at the National Convention in Washington, D.C., CNJ was voted in by the assembly to be installed as the Central New Jersey (CNJ) Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. On October 27, 1984, the Central New Jersey Chapter was installed with 41 members.

Education: A Day at the museum will have a new meaning in Feb as we explore Africa. Families will learn why it’s called The Mother Land. CNJ will have a caterer prepare reinvented delicacies of our culture, including oxtail and cabbage, stuffed empanadas, and black-eye peas hummus. Our little wonders and High achievers will have a guided tour while the teens will embark on a new kind of scavenger hunt. The hunt will be documented by creating selfie stations and educational speeches to receive clues for the next step. Civil/Legislative Civic Fundamentals: Why We Love Our Community; Fill My Bucket Legislative Bills: High Achiever Grade Group participated in learning the process for writing proposed laws known as legislative bills. The activity will open with an interactive discussion and the value of laws that impact our communities.







in America with a trip to the National Museum of African American History in Washington, DC. Our 1st-5th Graders learned about the founding documents of our country to understand their rights as US citizens; their trip to the National Constitution Center fit nicely to support our Civic/Legislative Thrust. And our PreK/K children were introduced to civic and legislative concepts in an age-appropriate way, focusing on the importance of making good choices with a fun, high energy, and interactive balloon show that combined fantastical balloon creations with storytelling, song and dance!

President: Darlene Phillips Vice-President: Deardra Campbell Program Director: Nicole Anderson Recording Secretary: Melissa Ayers Corresponding Secretary: Myra Cornwell Treasurer: Tamara Thomas Smith Financial Secretary: Carolyn Rawlins Editor: Lana Womack Chaplain: Anthonise Fields Historian: Erikal Roberts Foundation Chair: Frankie Alstin-Brooks Parliamentarian: Robin Vann-Lynch Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tamika Curry Associate Chair: Yvette Franklin Father’s Auxiliary: Zeke James

President: Sydney Phillips Vice-President: Gabby Roberts Secretary: Claire Rawlins Recording Secretary and Jailyn Cardwell Corresponding Secretary Treasurer: Anthony Carter Parliamentarian: Kayla Scott Chaplain: Katelyn Butts Sergeant-at-Arms: Taylor Graham

The Chester County Chapter launched in September 1975, when the late Dr. DeVida Johnson held a meeting with nineteen likeminded women in her Malvern, PA home. The “Las Madres” Interest Group conducted programs and performed community service during 1975-1976. The Provisional Group received a favorable vote at the 22nd National Convention. Then, on October 23, 1976, in a ceremony at the first HBCU, Cheyney University, the Chester County Chapter was officially installed. Our mission is to create unique programming experiences for our children that not only develops their leadership and oratorical skills, but also promotes service and advocacy for all children in our community.

Chapter-wide Programming is also at the heart of what we do! We honored Carole Roberson and enjoyed a few fun social activities for Jack and Jill Day, entertaining 179 chapter members and prospective new families. Our Holiday Party exceeded all expectations for members and prospective members as well with thematic centers for each grade group, a line dance competition for mothers, and a lounge area for fathers. The theme was Christmas at Grandma’s with a Touch of Kwanzaa and there was something for everyone!


The Powerful Chester County, PA Chapter started the 2022-2023 Program Year with our Back to the Basics approach to achieve our theme, The Power to Make a Difference for All Children. Chester County’s programming continued to shine, focusing on all the Programmatic Thrusts while also creating more opportunities in the three counties—Chester, Delaware and Montgomery—that we serve. We harnessed our power to make a difference to help local children and families by collecting cleaning supplies for 60 families for our new Community Service Partner, Circle of Giving 2020; donating and managing a Christmas Store for over 30 families at Good Samaritan Services; and donating clothes and building spice baskets, an often-overlooked item for food banks, for 250 families at Murphy’s Giving Market. For each project, mothers and prospective families donated their resources with a bonus of our teens earning volunteer hours while gaining invaluable experiences. Grade Group Programming saw a tremendous increase in creativity and teamwork to support our national thrusts of EDUCATION, CULTURAL, CIVIC, SOCIAL/RECREATIONAL, and HEALTH. Our Senior Teens kicked off the year with an HBCU Classic game at MetLife Stadium and traveled to 4 HBCUs in Atlanta, GA and Tuskegee, AL. The Junior Teens explored the rich history of Africans








HONORING THROUGH SERVICE January, 2023 The chapter started off the New Year by gathering together for community. Household items, such as diapers, hygiene products, and non perishable food items were donated from chapter families to Columbia Cares. Bird houses, and letters for seniors were collected and delivered to neighboring senior living facilities.

President: Cynthia Bell Vice-President: Michelle Brooks Program Director: Trina Ward Recording Secretary: Candace Smith Corresponding Secretary: Dawn Watson Treasurer: Tamera Lewis Financial Secretary: Kia Payne Editor: Nesikah Wragg Chaplain: Reqina Clay Historian: Nicole Cousin-Gossett Foundation Chair: Monifa Coaxum Parliamentarian: Stephanie Brown Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Nia Leak Associate Chair: Sabrina Saunders-Hodqe Father’s Auxiliary: Arthur Tiger-Robinson

President: Stephen Robinson Vice-President: Jaden Watson Secretary: Heather Bell Correspondinq Secretary: Taylor Closson Treasurer: Mathias Miller Parliamentarian: Antonio Hardy Chaplain: Brielle Brade Sergeant-at-Arms: Brielle Brade

The Columbia Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Incorporated was established on December 4, 1970, under the leadership of President Celonia Walden, Vice- President Roberta Briscoe, and Secretary Grace Dixon. The Columbia Chapter, more than 50 years later, now has the efforts and talents of 95 mothers,180 children and teens, 95 fathers, and 106 associates. With the legacy of the mothers before them, and their commitment to collective work, the current mothers of the Columbia Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Incorporated, have garnered the power to change the lives of their own children while simultaneously doing the same in their own community. Working together, they strive to continue to demonstrate, “The Power to Make A Difference, For All Children, On Mission, and On Purpose.”

WHAT WE’RE CELEBRATING Awards and Accomplishments At the end of the 2021-2022 Program Year, The Columbia, Maryland Chapter received another recognition as a 5 Star chapter from the National Organization. This would be the 3rd year the chapter has received this honor. The chapter was also awarded the Eastern Regional Chapter of the Year, and the Eastern Regional 1st Place Health Award. The chapter received a Superior Handbook Award during the 2022 program year as well. All of the Columbia Chapter moms were thrilled to also hear they had earned 1st Place in “ Total Foundation Giving Nationwide” during the 2021-2022 Program year.


A HOLIDAY BRUNCH TRADITION December, 2022 Recognizing its rich heritage, the Columbia, Maryland Chapter builds upon the educational, community, and social priorities established by Chapter Founders. Jack and Jill families gathered for a delightful afternoon of dancing, and gift giving in early December. The yearly toy drive, Corduroy’s Closet, is home to this end of the year event. Afterwards, all gifts donated here are gathered. Within the following week, neighboring community members are invited to bring their children to choose a gift for each of their family members. It’s always a joyful way to end the calendar year. The chapter programming is seamless through all of the hard work and dedication of the participating mothers. The chapter moms collectively thank their Program Director for coordinating all of the moving parts that go into the programing.





President: Damika Jordan Richardson Vice President: Andrea Fonseca Treasurer/Teen Advisor: Desiree Wolfe Program Director: Wendy Headley Recording Secretary: Pamela Felder-Fox Corresponding Secretary: Kimberly Garvey Financial Secretary/Parliamentarian/Chaplain: Jemine Wayman Lead Teen Advisor: Reine Boyer Chapter Web Page Administrator: Patricia Surpris Bernard


Satra Arokium, Reine Boyer, Tasha Caballero, Danielle Charlton, Renita Crawford, Denise Dunbar, Barbara Escobar, Collette Fearon, Jodyann Ferguson, Andrea Fonseca, Nadine Ford, Bridgette Gaillard, Kim Garvey,, Valeria Nichols, Maxine Onianwa,, Jemine Wayman, Desiree Wolfe, Michelle Yorke



The Eastern Fairfield County Chapter celebrated the life and legacy of Carol Robertson on September 24, 2022. The event educated the children about this remarkable young girl and the importance of her life. The day began with the Carole Robertson remembrance ceremony, led by our Teen Auxiliary President and Vice President. built bonds by playings games ,culminating with our inaugural Kids vs. Dads Tug-of-War contest (the Kids WON!). We continued to build bonds with one another and our community with Our Harvest Fest in October 2022. The kids and teens dressed in costumes portraying Notable African Americans. We also partnered with the local food bank to collect non-perishable canned goods. In November 2022, we hosted hands-on culinary experience for our mother members, in conjunction with The American Heart Association’s Healthy Eating Pillar, that focused on development, education and empowerment for healthy bodies and minds through nutrition. Our Holiday Party and Kwanzaa celebration were spectacular with poetry and musical performances from our children and teens, as well as a visit from Santa to share the origin story of St. Nicholas and the true meaning of Christmas. The Chapter also planned a winter family retreat at the Kartrite in NY, where the chapter celebrated the 85th anniversary of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. We are committed to service and know that we have “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose.” in our surrounding communities and beyond. Finally, we are proud to present our graduating seniors: Cyrena Arokium, Naomi Ford, Alexandra Garvey, Imani Laporte, and Jadon Wolfe.

The Bridgeport Chapter was established in October 1954 by a group of mothers interested in the holistic well-being of children and motivated by a collective desire to empower their community through civic engagement and education. The years 1954 and 1955 were marked by national civil unrest and social injustice, which spurred local communities to act. The founders of the Bridgeport Chapter advocated for the educational and cultural enrichment of all children while carrying out the core mission of Jack & Jill and building a solid foundation to support current and future aims of the national organization. The Chapter’s first President, Edith Elliot led the inaugural thirty-member chapter. The first Executive Board also included Geraldine Johnson, First Vice President; Ella Anderson, Second Vice President; Jeanne Williams, Recording Secretary; Peggy Lee, Corresponding Secretary; Minnie Smith, Treasurer; Helen Grinage, Financial Secretary; and Louise Johnson, Journalist. In recognition of the broader geographic reach of the members and programming, in 2015, the Bridgeport Chapter changed its name to the Eastern Fairfield County Chapter (“JJEFC”). The JJEFC chapter currently consists of 22 members and is open to families from the eastern sector of Fairfield County, Connecticut, which includes seventeen towns and the cities of Bridgeport and Danbury. As we reflect on the past 66 years, the members of the small and mighty Eastern Fairfield County Chapter are committed to continue building on the legacy of service and excellence of our predecessors by growing our membership, and providing innovative programming to empower our youth to make a difference in their communities and beyond.





President: Stacie Yates Church Vice-President: Anissa Golden Nixon Program Director: Kelly Garnes-Pages Recording Secretary: Sandra Richardson Corresponding Secretary: Brandi Lilly McLean Treasurer: Nerlande Lafontant Financial Secretary: Tanya Curry-McMichael Editor: Sheryl Stoessel Suarez Historian: Enshalla Anderson Foundation Chair: Krissy Moore Parliamentarian: Rhonda Fitzgibbons Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tatia Mays-Russell Associate Chair: Katrice Little Simon, Sophia Branch, Janet Smith Father’s Auxiliary: Kelli Gooden

President: Marshall Graves Vice-President: Monroe Russell Corresponding Secretary: Zahra Aquil Recording Secretary: Ryan Andrews Treasurer: Robby Young Parliamentarian: Simone McMichael Chaplain: Leila McMichael Sergeant-at-Arms: Kayin Davis



The Essex-Hudson Chapter began in June 2005 when visionary mothers Pat France, Debra Goldson-Prophete and Keita Young met with regional and national officers of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for an exploratory meeting. By December 2005, there were 53 members of what became known as the Essex-Hudson Provisional Group. On October 29, 2006, Essex-Hudson was installed as an official chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.

During the 2022-2023 programming year, the Chapter continued to make a difference on purpose by developing highly engaging programming designed to grow tomorrow’s leaders and foster community. We kicked off our programming calendar with our Carole Robertson Day event. Families gathered with Congressman Donald Payne and West Orange Councilwoman and EH Associate Tammy Williams to learn about civic engagement. Then, our teens and Chapter President led the Chapter through the ceremony. For Jack and Jill Day, the Chapter created snack packs for college students who experience food insecurity. For Founders Day, we convened with our sister chapters to fellowship and learn our national history. We also held our annual teen retreat where our Junior and Senior Teen groups visited a campsite to engage in enrichment activities; Moms’ Night Out and self-care events; fun voting workshops for children; and a creative writing exercise for Junior Teens led by a Black poet. Future events will include our annual Black History Month celebrations and our signature tutoring program for underserved elementary school children.

Since its founding, the Essex-Hudson Chapter has provided many activites that educate and develop its members, children and community. This includes mock trials, a capstone fundraising event - Tea a la Mode, obtaining two Foundation grants to support community enrichment, and donating a bus full of computers and other school supplies to childrens’ organizations. Today, the Chapter has the benefit of 62 dynamic mother members and over 100 children.






President: Tia Corniel Vice-President: Vanessa Borum Program Director: Shavonne Slaughter Recording Secretary: Leah Threatte Corresponding Secretary: Michele Bridgewater Treasurer: Remeica Vaval Financial Secretary: Leah Akinleye Editor: Lakeia Bowman Historian: Lakeia Bowman Foundation Chair: Anzala Alozie Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Anzala Alozie Associate Chair: Vanessa Borum

President: Isabella Gayle Vice-President: Anna Brown Secretary: Roman Antonikowski Treasurer: Anabel Corniel


Leah Akinleye, Anzala Alozie, Angela Antonikowski, Victoria Boley-Jackson, Vanessa Borum, Lakeia Bowman, Michele Bridgewater, Jan Brown, Regina Butler, Shondra Conyers, Tia Corniel, Najiyyah Goodbee, Nikita Hardy, Deidre Hill-Butler, Ceylane Meyers-Ruff, Mahogany Miles, Suzanne Miles Gustave, Jennfer Okwerekwu, Ricja Rice-Ghyll, Zuleika Sanchez Gayle, Debra Sanders, Shavonne Slaughter, Angela Tatum, Leah Threatte, Vanessa Threatte, Remeica Vaval, Cecily Wilson-Turner



The Greater Albany Chapter started the year celebrating the start of programming with Jack and Jill Day while honoring the memory of Carole Roberson. Later that month we engaged all GRAL families in the Race for Equity 5K at the University at Albany. This programming provided an opportunity for jacks and jills of all age groups to learn about equity and social justive while getting their bodies moving! In October families joined us for a family picnic at Cook park to enjoy food, fellowship and games together. In December we held our annual fundraiser, Black Santa Breakfast at the Century House where families and guests participated in games, a visit from Santa, who shared a special book and photo booths. Funds raised from this event will be given to the Jack and Jill Foundation. With a focus on deepening harmonious sisterly relationships our moms engaged in multiple Jill Nights, including a visit to see The Urban Bush Women at the UAlbany Performing Arts Center.

In January 1989, Mrs. Linda Gillis attended a brunch at which she participated in a conversation expressing the need for a Jack and Jill Chapter in Albany New York.Mrs. Gilis moved to the Albany area in 1985 from Seattle, Washington where she had been an active member of Jack and Jill. Another guest at the brunch, Mrs. May Bryan, forwarded Mrs. Gillis’ name to Mrs. Charlie Mae Brown then National Vice President. In February 1989, Mrs. Gillis received a letter from the Regional Direcor Mrs. Nellie Thornton, inviting her to organize a provisional group in the Captial Region, New York. After several meetings, provisional group activites and coordination the Greater Albany Chapter was established as a chapter on October 6,1990 by Lida Gillis, Robin Flanagan, Elousie CroderRolene Ford, Rita Pete, Vera Bryan, Denise Houston and Rene Johnson, with a total of 24 charter members.




President: Angela Weems Vice-President: Lisa Jones Program Director: Bettina “Tina” Adjei and Marthe Motley Recording Secretary: Maria Finger-Elam Corresponding Secretary: Erinn Gross Treasurer: Jacquline Cade Financial Secretary: Simone Feaster Editor: Natasha Gordon Chaplain: Kedra Paige Historian: Cicely Jones Foundation Chair: Joyce Bonsu Parliamentarian: Heather Boles Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Elyse Jackson, Camille Hammond, Kaliq Simms, Mycha Marshall, Valda Coryat Associate Chair: Heather Ross Father’s Auxiliary: Chester Ray

President: Laila Weems Vice-President: Justin Rush Recording Secretary: Kai hammond Corresponding Secretary: Marc Boles Treasurer: Brandon Boles Parliamentarian: Natalia Jackson Chaplain: Hunter Simms Sergeant-at-Arms: Justin Feaster


The Baltimore County, MD Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., was born through the concept of Mother Gloria Marrow. She sought to fulfill the organization’s mission and represent a growing African American population in the suburbs of Baltimore - so she voluntarily left the Baltimore City Chapter of which she had been a member since 1979 to begin a Baltimore County interest group. She recruited several mothers who were interested in becoming members of Jack and Jill and lived in Baltimore County. By the time the request for chartering was officially drafted, there were 22 mothers that formed the Chartering Group. By 1987 the group was in the Chartering stage. In July of 1988 at the National Convention in San Francisco, these forward-thinking women were voted into membership of Jack and Jill of America. On October 1, 1988, the Baltimore County, MD Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was given their Charter membership and its Officers were installed. The Chartering Officers included Gloria R. Marrow (President and Historian), Bernadette Randall (Vice President), Sheila Whitaker (Program Director), Linda Hollis (Sergeant at Arms), Phyllis King (Recording Secretary), Barbara Jones (Chaplain), Georgia Diggins (Treasurer) and Georgia Simpson (Financial Secretary). The Chartering Ceremonies, reception and program was held at the Holiday Inn- Belmont. In 2018, the Chapter’s name was changed to Greater Baltimore County.


The Greater Baltimore County Chapter kicked off the 20222023 program year in “Black Excellence” through prayer and worship on Jack and Jill Day in September. Following service, we commemorated the life of Carole Robinson and her importance to the Civil Rights Movement. Later in September, Grade Groups 1 and 2 attended the Bill Pickett Invitational Rodeo, where they learned about Black Western Heritage and the significance of Black Cowboys and Cowgirls. Since September is also National Preparedness Month, our Grade Group 3 received instruction on family and personal preparedness, first aid, safety skills, local

hazards, and basic coping skills. Our teens (Grade Groups 4 and 5, respectively) started the program year by learning to sail and in the power of making a difference, held a back to school drive, collecting school supplies that were distributed to a local elementary school. The Greater Baltimore Chapter completed the year with a wide variety of grade group activities which included: chores tied to financial literacy, an HBCU tour, and mask making pertaining to the African Diaspora. The power of giving continued into October! As a part of the theme of fall harvest, the children collected non-perishable items for donation to a local food bank. One of many chapter-wide events included the ‘Striking Up Some Fun’ fundraiser at the Bowlero. The children dressed in their costumes, participated in a parade, and competed in the best costume contest. We concluded the 2022 calendar year with Sparkle and Glam Holiday Jam, a black tie holiday party at the beautiful Renaissance Hotel in downtown Baltimore. Our children performed a holiday program, and received a special guest from the North Pole. Friends and family enjoyed fellowship and partied into the night!





President: Kenna Baudin Vice-President: LaTonyia Cameron Program Director: Jeffelee McClain Recording Secretary: Shahri Griffin Corresponding Secretary: Jade Dean Treasurer: Janeene Balmir Financial Secretary: Tanya Dunbar Editor: Melissa Kramer Chaplain: Candi Carter Historian: Melissa Kramer Foundation Chair: Tammy Mata Parliamentarian: Carolyn Byrd Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Marcia Dukes Community Service Chair: Sheereen Russell Technology Chair: Dara Sanderson

President: Jaimee Keys Vice-President: Xavier Donaldson Secretary: Taylor Aska Treasurer: Alston Dukes Parliamentarian: Armani Dukes Chaplain: Gabriella Coleman Sergeant-at-Arms: Gabriella Coleman


In the summer of 1998, a group of mothers met several times at the home of Paula Tuffin in Montclair, New Jersey to form an organization that would address the social and cultural needs of their children. The group decided to become the New Jersey Community Youth Group (NJCYG), an interest group of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The NJCYG prioritized creating a constructive, educational, recreational, social and cultural program for children and their parents or guardians. Under the sponsorship and guidance of the North Jersey chapter of Jack and Jill, the group of 48 women submitted a formal request to become a chapter. Upon completion of the nationally and regionally mandated organizational and administrative requirements, charter and formal chapter status was granted to the NJCYC. At the National Conference of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. in Charlotte, North Carolina in July of 2000, the Greater Essex County Chapter (“GECC”) of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was founded.


During our April 2022 mother’s meeting, the Greater Essex County Chapter (“GECC”) held a monthly business meeting followed by brainstorming sessions to remind mothers of our commitment to outstanding programming and identify volunteers for National Recognition Day and global chapterwide event committees. Mothers reviewed program planning requirements, roles and responsibilities, and completed Google form surveys to submit ideas for committee consideration as well as vote for whether chapter-wide events will continue to have content applicable to all age groups or have more tailored age-appropriate content to generate interest from our Jr. and Sr. Teens. Mother members began grade group planning by breaking into grade groups and meeting their co-hosts. By the end of the planning session, all dates, thrusts, hosting members were identified and the 2022-2023 calendar was published. Mother Members agreed to finalize grade group planning with newly initiated Mother Members in September 2022 prior to the start of the club year.

Over our 21-year history, the Greater Essex County Chapter of Jack & Jill has excelled in its philanthropic, service, and programming efforts garnering accolades within both the organization and our community, alike.





In support of our commitment to youth literacy in urban communities, we installed a Little Free Library® for neighborhood children and their parents to have easy access to a variety of books that promote positive images of our children.

President: Trina Williams Vice-President: Cynthia Peoples-Hobson Program Director: Keturah Kinch - Carletha Texidor Recording Secretary: Fallon Banks Corresponding Secretary: Nakia Alexander Treasurer: Tisa Rabun-Marshall Financial Secretary: Zisca St. Clair Editor: Ruth Mendes Chaplain: Jennifer Pickett Historian: Alexandra Muchura-Mensah Foundation Chair: Tiffany Donelson Parliamentarian: Dawne Westbrook Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Shaun BiQQers Associate Chair: Kimberley Scott Father’s Auxiliary: Elton Wiliams

President: Madison Donelson Vice-President: Tyra Harris Secretary: Cathy Williams - Mackenzie Donelson Treasurer: Kaden Collins Parliamentarian: Grayson Shaw Chaplain: Melvin Weaver Sergeant-at-Arms: Melvin Weaver

The Greater Hartford Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. was established on November 14, 1958 and we will celebrate our sixty-fifth anniversary in 2023. Our Chapter was founded by a small group of mothers who wanted to expand the social, cultural, and extracurricular opportunities for their children in the Greater Hartford Connecticut community. At the time, there were chapters in other large northeastern cities, and Hartford, the state capital, was thought to be an obvious place to establish a chapter of this quickly expanding national organization. The Chapter thrived for decades in Hartford, but lost many members as they moved to distant suburbs of Hartford. The Chapter was rebuilt in the 90’s by the dedication of several mothers who felt it was more important than ever to have a haven for African American children in these disparate suburbs. One of the cornerstones of our rebuilding was the chapter’s recommitment to serving our community through sponsoring many ongoing community service activities. Creating alliances with local institutions allowed us to contribute to our community’s cultural landscape, while also exposing our local community to Jack and Jill of America, Inc. as a national organization. Over the years, our community service programs have included relationships with My Sister’s Place – a shelter for battered women, The Village for Children and Families, Mercy Mission Shelter, Hands on Hartford, The Boys and Girls Club, The Amistad Center for Art and Culture, and the Wadsworth Atheneum - the oldest continuously-operating public museum in the United States.

Our children are engaged each year collecting, and at times distributing, socks (Socktober), essential clothing items and thousands of pounds of food donations to meet community needs. They are introduced to financial literacy in meaningful ways that teach the importance of saving and even investing. They have sowed seeds and harvested produce for local food pantries. Our chapter programs teach them at every age the importance of personal care and safety, mental and physical fitness, nutrition and good food choices. Civic engagement is taught to our children starting with the impact of voting to the power of their collective voices through writing campaigns while engaging with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity. Our children have walked through history representing prominent historical figures in our live “wax” museum. The mothers of our Chapter strive to provide creative and productive cultural programming for the active minds of our youth. We bring life to our national thrusts as a platform to encourage engagement and to strengthen and educate our children through leadership development, volunteer service, philanthropic giving, and civic duty.


We are fortunate to be in an area rich in culture, history, and the arts. Our Chapter has been recognized for our community engagement, philanthropic support and strategic community partnerships. Our support of The Amistad Center helped to fund new gallery space and to create a digital teaching tool for school-age children to explore the Black Master of Fine Art, like Romare Bearden, David Driskell and Alma Thomas. 102





President: Katiera Grundy Vice-President: Thamar Sampson Program Director: Shaneka Storey Recording Secretary: Kellie Davis Corresponding Secretary: Dr. Cornelia Allen Treasurer: Dr. Nia Rashad Financial Secretary: Guerline L. Laurore, Esq. Editor: Lorna Lewis Chaplain: Shaneka Storey Historian: Lorna Lewis Foundation Chair: Dr. Cornelia Allen Parliamentarian: Guerline L. Laurore, Esq. Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Prunella Harris Associate Chair: Tameka Patterson Father’s Auxiliary: Joseph Sampson

President: Meiko Sivells Vice-President: Aniyah Williams Secretary: Max Laurore Treasurer: Ava Williams Parliamentarian: Kendall Bolden Chaplain: Kyle Bolden Sergeant-at-Arms: Kyle Bolden


Althea Aikens, Dr. Tasha Bolden, Christa Caceres, Kellie Davis, Shelly Durant, Yolanda Gordon, Katiera Grundy, Prunella Harris, La Toya Jernigan, Shara Mells, Guerline L. Laurore, Esq., Lorna Lewis, Dr. Nia Rashad, Dr. Nancy Monestime-Williams, Thamar Sampson, Dr. Cornelia Allen, Dr. Melenese Sivells, Shaneka Storey


Greater Pocono Chapter was conceived in October 2016 by Dr. Ginger Farrow-Williams and Dr. Earlena Wilson as a mother’s group. The Ebony Circle began with the purpose of nurturing young, future, African American leaders through engaging youth in creative and intellectually stimulating activities to foster community service, education, and civic duty. Provisional status was given on July 29, 2018, at the National Convention held in Kansas City, MO. On September 30, 2018, the Greater Pocono Chapter was Chartered as the 58th Chapter of the Eastern Region boasting 26 mothers, 27 children, 17 teens and 27 fathers.


GPC began the program year in earnest. Kicking it off at Dorney Park in celebration of Carole Robertson’s Day, with presentations of artwork by our children and a trivia game led by our teens, to reinforce her legacy. Prospective mothers enjoyed a Karaoke Brunch mixer. The “Woman King” watch party held in conjunction with the NAACP of Monroe County completed the month. Our October programming concentrated on leadership and knowledge of who we are and what we’re capable of. The Umber group experienced a cyber city, interactive roleplay at Imagi Nation where they were leaders and decision makers. The Cordovan and Mocha groups took us on a trip around the globe with presentations of African Countries and cultural delicacies. Knowing our stories help strengthen the foundation we stand on. Our Onyx teen group engaged in a team bonding fireside event, which helped them destress and enjoy fellowship, as they learned to balance school, work and play. After chatting things really took off, literally, as they strapped in for indoor skydiving.

November was filled with giving and receiving. Metamorphosis with Thanksgiving Day baskets were compiled and distributed. A chapter wide STEAM activity, to The American Museum of Natural History in NYC proved informative. In partnership with NCNW our Chapter held a “Wakanda Forever” watch party. Some of our mother members attended the Delaware Valley Work Cluster in which our Onyx teen, Max Laurore, won the oratorical competition making us all proud! GPC’s Jack and Jill Kwanzaa Extravaganza was amazing! We had a beautiful rites of passage ceremony for our graduating teens, a wonderful Kwanzaa program presented by our children, food, dancing, a jolly Black Santa, soulful karaoke, and fun with friends and family, all while raising funds for the Jack and Jill Foundation. Upholding our principles, the children created Holiday cards for the military, sponsored gifts for six children from Monroe County Children and Youth and supported Metamorphosis’s holiday party. Our teens and moms ended the month by attending the 2022 COPA NYC! GPC successfully hosted our first MLK Day of Service Community Health Fair, focused on Mental Health Awareness. It featured a journaling workshop, yoga, massages, Life Coaching and more. Some of our mothers and children attended the annual East Stroudsburg University MLK breakfast where our Mother Crista Caceras was the keynot







their annual 24-Hour Lock-In, participating in numerous outdoor activities, team building exercises, and legislative and leadership modules. The Teens held their annual Modulepalooza, an immersive activity focused on Leadership Development and Financial Literacy modules combined with fun recreation.

President: Bridgette Tillman Vice-President: Teriauna Duran Program Director: : Ivy Fuller Williams Recording Secretary: Hillary Wood Corresponding Secretary: Darlene Abraham Treasurer: Treda Grayson Financial Secretary: LaTonya Waddell Editor: Demetra Smith-Stewart Chaplain: Natalie Pickett Historian: Michelle Williams Foundation Chair: Najma Roberts Parliamentarian: Lisa Mclntye Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Alyssa King Turner Associate Chair: Barbara Waits Father’s Auxiliary: Jerome Jones

President: Kofi Irving Vice-President: Sanaa Holston Secretary: Chloe Maignan Treasurer: Warren ‘Tre’ Waddell Parliamentarian: Erika Bracey Chaplain: Michael King Sergeant-at-Arms: Cameron Harris

On October 30, 2016, fifty-two mothers proudly chartered the Greater Suburban Maryland (GSM) Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. The third chapter in Prince George’s County, Maryland, and the 56th chapter in the Mighty Eastern Region, GSM underscored the continued growth of the organization and the desire of mothers to make a difference in their communities while creating priceless opportunities for leadership and cultural development for their own children. The Mothers of GSM built upon the energy and enthusiasm of being a young chapter in Jack and Jill, winning awards and recognition for their efforts; receiving national recognition as a Five Star Chapter (2018–2020 and 2020–2022), regional recognition for 1st Place Best of the Best Programming (2018), 3rd Place Best of the Best Programming (2019), 2nd Place Eastern Region’s Legislative Award (2020), 3rd Place Foundation Award (2021), 3rd Place Teen Conference Best Digital Banner Overall (2021), 2nd Place National Programming Award (2022), and 3rd Place Eastern Region’s Legislative Award (2022). GSM is proud to be the sponsor of the Jack and Jill Foundation STEM Grant 10k Award (2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-2021) to Archeology in the Community, a 501(c)(3) African American, woman owned organization. Today, sixty mothers strong, GSM continues to curate impactful programming, serve the community, and excel in philanthropic giving.

In addition to the thrust-conscious programming conducted monthly, grade groups served their communities. Tots donated new and previously loved toys to the StoreHouse. Tykes made 200 sandwiches and over 100 bags of trail mix for Martha’s Table. To promote literacy, community service and leadership, Treasures decorated and donated a Tiny Library, along with over 200 books, to St. Ann’s Center for Children, Youth, and Families. Tweens held their annual Shake It Well for Sickle Cell party to support Howard University’s Center for Sickle Cell Disease. Teens hosted a Give Back Kick Back Fundraiser to highlight the significance of HBCUs while collecting toiletries for Promise Place, an emergency youth shelter. In addition, GSM families banded together to host a Day of Thanks, fellowshipping and feeding the residents of Shepherd’s Cove Shelter in November and cleaning up the shoreline at Oxon Hill Park on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, proving we have ‘The Power to Make a Difference for All Children on Mission on Purpose.’


GSM started the year by celebrating Jack and Jill Day and Carole Robertson Memorial in September with an Old School Block Party, introducing guests to our village and our activism in the community with a legislation station and toy drive. This fun-filled family event included laser tag, face painting, a game table, basketball, giveaways, DJ, food, fun, and more. Our Grade Groups conducted welcome back activities. The Tots collected gently used toys. The Tykes raised money for the Jack and Jill Foundation with a Pop-Up Lemonade Stand. The Tweens held 106






the younger jack and Jill and our guest about the life and impact of Carole Robertson. This event was our official start of the GUCC Programming Year, so we maximized the time and the audience with information via presentations from our local Assemblywoman to discuss the importance of voting and representatives from Family Promise to receive the donations and discuss the importance of giving to those in need.

President: Tonya Y. Williams Vice-President: Kalshelia Lloyd Program Director: Ebonique Silver Recording Secretary: Kalisha Harris-Morgan Corresponding Secretary: Juliana Worrell Treasurer: Andrea Woody Financial Secretary: Nicole Zuber-Jean Editor: Ivy Wilson-Peeples Chaplain: Deborah Neal Historian: Dr. Kimberly Brown Foundation Chair: Deoborah Neal and Nishea Clark Parliamentarian: Annel Montero-Mitchell Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Melissa Harris and Chaunte’ Smith Associate Chair: Yvette Gibbons Father’s Auxiliary: Malcom Lloyd and Sam Silver

President: Kameron Harris Vice-President: Desiree Mitchell Secretary: Reina Smith Treasurer: Clayton Brown Jr. Parliamentarian: Korey Hatcher Chaplain: Korey Hatcher Sergeant-at-Arms: Korey Hatcher

In 1984, the Greater Union County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. began as the Plainfield Area Mother’s Group. Coorganizers Judith Marshall and Pat Hembree, together with five other mothers, sought affiliation in a group that fostered the consciousness of children about their black heritage. Jack and Jill provided an opportunity to enrich their children through familycentered cultural, social, and educational activities. In agreement that Jack and Jill’s goals mirrored what the mothers wanted for their children, the group applied for membership. In the spring of 1985, the application was accepted, and the group became known as the Union County Area Interest Group, under the sponsorship of the Morris County Chapter of Jack and Jill. In April 1985, the group held its first Membership Tea, and twenty-three new members were installed into the group. The chapter obtained provisional status during the National Convention held on July 24, 1985. Twentyseven mothers, beamed with pride as they were installed as members of the National Organization of Jack and Jill on September 20, 1986. The Greater Union County Chapter of Jack and Jill is now 35 years strong, and we remain focused and committed to our core values - providing our children with outstanding programs, leadership opportunities, and outreach to our local community.

In keeping with the national theme, we have been intentional about our Community Service efforts to focus on our children. Over the last decade, GUCC hosts a biennial Coat Drive where we collect, donate and distribute coats, hats, and gloves to the Plainfield Action Services in Plainfield, NJ. During the months of October and November, the mothers of GUCC gather and collect coats for children, women, and men from their circles and networks. The collected coats are donated to a local organization that serves the needs of the socio-economically disadvantaged in Union County. December 2022 saw GUCC support the Muslim Community Soup Kitchen of Plainfield, NJ by donating winter accessories. food items, and our time. Greater Union County Chapter collected items during our annual Gingerbread Village activity inclusive of hats, gloves, socks, and scarves, and created small care bags for distribution to our neediest community members.

Our Mission: To create quality programming that connects and engages our youth, and promotes teamwork and collaboration throughout the chapter and our community.


The Greater Union County Chapter begin the 2022-2023 year developing fun, educational, and engaging programming that demonstrates the national theme, “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children, On Mission, One Purpose.” GUCC, “Loves Our HBCUs”, and we showed that love by hosting an HBCU-themed Jack and Jill Day where our children were immersed into HBCU culture inclusive of learning about some of the outstanding HBCUs and their campuses, the divine nine, and notable HBCUs Alumni. In remembrance of Carole Robertson the children of GUCC participated in the interactive activity “Getting on the Bus.” Our very own Trendsetters (Teens) created and delivered shorts facts to 108




“The first meeting of the Ocean County Mothers’ Interest Group was hosted by Mrs. Sharon Andrews at Peterson’s Restaurant, Route 9, Lakewood, New Jersey, on Sunday, April 8, 1984. The Mothers present at the meeting expressed an interest in forming a Child-centered Family organization with the purpose of pursuing membership in Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. The Mothers at the Peterson’s Restaurant meeting established organizational goals. Present at this meeting and participating in the discussion were representatives of the Plainfield Area Mothers’ Interest Group: Mrs. Judith Marshall and Mrs. Pat Hembree. To ensure sufficient membership for the tasks ahead, Mrs. Andrews and some of the members of that original Mothers’ Group: Joan Bivins, Delores Nicholas, Carolyn Sylvester, Connie Reed, and Shelia Wiggins held a second meeting a few days later with each bringing additional Mothers. At this meeting an administrative structure was agreed upon with Mrs. Andrews as President and a formal application for membership in Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated approved and submitted to National. In December 1984, Mrs. Andrews relocated to the Arizona area and the group continued and expanded under the leadership of the Vice-president, Mrs. Lynette Jones, who succeeded to the office of President. The original application packet was clarified and expanded by Mrs. Jones at the request of National. The revisions were approved by National and the group continued under the formal sponsorship of the neighboring Monmouth County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, Mrs. Newanna Sheppard, President. Mrs. Sheppard appointed Mrs. Helen Scott, of the Monmouth County Chapter, to serve as advisor to the then Ocean County Interest Group.


“The Jazzy Jersey Shore Chapter began its program year with respite and reflection as we celebrated Jack and Jill Day and our beloved Carole Robertson on the summer sand and sea of the magnificent Jersey Shore. Our chapter event encouraged everyone to remember mindfulness strategies to encourage calm and for stress relief as we work in our daily lives as well as for our Jacks and Jills. In the month of October our teens set their sights on making a difference by supporting differently abled athletes as volunteers of the Special Olympics. The Jazzy Jersey Shore teens kept athletes on the correct course, provided them with water, and were the wind beneath their wings cheering them on to complete each competition. During the months of November, December and January the Jazzy Jersey Shore made a difference in the Monmouth county community as well as internationally. During November the Teens fundraised for the Asbury Park Boys and Girls Club, Pinwheel Place and Foundation. December was dedicated to showing our appreciation to our community members both near and far. The Jazzy Jersey Shore chapter made holiday cards of gratitude for our United States troops abroad. We also showed our senior citizens of the Imperial Rehabilitation and Nursing Home that they are loved and cared about through handmade cards of love by our Busy Bees and Explorers. The start of the new year gave the Jazzy Jersey Shore Chapter an opportunity to stamp out hunger through service, as the entire chapter dedicated itself to working at the FulFill food pantry of Monmouth County. The members of the Jazzy Jersey Shore Chapter collected donated food items, sorted food items, stacked shelves and made emergency food packages proving that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s National Day of Service is indeed a day on and not a day off.”

In December 1984, Mrs. Andrews relocated to the Arizona area and the group continued and expanded under the leadership of the Vice-president, Mrs. Lynette Jones, who succeeded to the office of President. The original application packet was clarified and expanded by Mrs. Jones at the request of National. The revisions were approved by National and the group continued under the formal sponsorship of the neighboring Monmouth County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, Mrs. Newanna Sheppard, President. Mrs. Sheppard appointed Mrs. Helen Scott, of the Monmouth County Chapter, to serve as advisor to the then Ocean County Interest Group. Provisional status was granted to the Ocean County Interest Group by the National Executive Board of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, and planning for the 1985-1986 year began. During the 1985-1986 year, the Ocean County Mothers worked together implementing children’s activities. The groups participated in Community service projects to fulfill the membership requirements of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated.”






President: Donja Mercer Vice-President: Connie Jackson Program Director: Kimberly Cooper Recording Secretary: Cynthia Jefferson Corresponding Secretary: Sharon Moore Treasurer: Latesa Bowen Financial Secretary: Lisa Amazigo Editor: Nicolette Boxe Chaplain: Crystal Wheeler Foundation Chair: Kahni Ward-Uzzell Parliamentarian: Azzmeiah Vazquez-Ward Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tracy Johnson Associate Chair: Rhonda Hewitt Father’s Auxiliary: Brian Jackson

President: Clinton Burke Vice-President: Galileo Thomas Recording Secretary: Ashlei Cleaves Corresponding Secretary: Miles Mercer Treasurer: Alana Talbert Parliamentarian: Naomi Amazigo Chaplain :Alvin Green Sergeant-at-Arms: Nicholas Hosten & Ava Ray


Lisa Amazigo, Jennifer Bailey-LaMothe, Latesa Bowen, Nicolette Boxe, Elanda Brown, Joy Brown, Robin Burke, Brooke Berry, Kimberly Cleaves, Kimberly Cooper, Shalonda Davis, Lisa Desamours, Alicia Edwards, Holly Farrell, Nicole Fulgham, Iva Funderburg, Madeleine Gillis, Tamasha Graham, Martina Green, Malkia Henson, Shani Hosten, Kanika Hyman, Connie Jackson, Cynthia Jefferson, Kiila Johnson, Tracy Johnson, Cherita Lewis, Eugenie Lewis, lvelise Little, Stacy Manvitz, Lisa McDonald, Arica McKinnon, Donja Mercer, Fatimah Moody, Sharon Moore, Naumi Pridgeon, Angela Ray, Tamika Smith, Amber Talbert, Amy Thomas, Shelly Tudor, Kahni Ward- Uzzell, Azzmeiah Vazquez-Ward, Crystal Wheeler, Samira Willis, Kenay Wright, Natasha Wyllie


In February of 2001, Janice Bryan was contacted by Francene H. Robinson, president of the Reston Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. concerning several residents of Loudoun County, Virginia who were seeking membership into the Reston Chapter. Knowing that Janice had recently moved to Loudoun County, and had been a member of the Alexandria/Mount Vernon Chapter, Francene asked Janice if she would organize a chapter for Loudoun County, as the Reston Chapter had very few openings for new members. Accepting the task, Janice wrote a letter to the National Vice President, Dr. Catherine Collins, stating a desire to have a chapter of Jack & Jill in Loudoun County.”! On March 18, 2001 prospective mothers referred by the Reston Chapter, along with other interested mothers from Loudoun County was greeted by Janice for an afternoon tea at her home in Ashburn, Virginia. Over thirty excited mothers met to discuss organizing a formal interest group in Loudoun County. There was an overwhelming positive response to starting a mothers’ group with an emphasis on providing advantages for their own children as well as other African-American children in the community. This enthusiasm inspired these mothers to continue the process of becoming a provisional chapter. During September 2001, the first official interest group meeting was held at Sherri Robinson’s home. During this meeting, the interest group was named Umoja for the Children. Officers were elected at that meeting which included: Lena Hickman-Miott, 1st president; Kimberly Jenkins, 2nd president; Jacqueline Williams, vice–president; Alisha Hall, parliamentarian; Joni Blizzard, treasurer; Harvetta Spann, recording secretary; Sherri Robinson, corresponding secretary; LaSheryl Stokes, financial secretary;

Patricia Harris, historian; Twana Ballard, program director; Stacy Clark, editor; Janice Bryan, Advisor. In 2002, the Loudoun County Virginia Chapter was granted official chapter status at The National Jack and Jill of America Inc. convention in Los Angeles, California.


The Loudoun County Virginia Chapter (LCVC), hosted “Check Your Wellness” in April 2022 to bring awareness to the importance of selfcare for adults and children. The month-long event included multiple community service activities, educational community events, chapter fellowship opportunities and fun wellness competitions for children of all abilities. As mothers, we often forget to check in with ourselves and those around us. Our children saw a growing need in our homes and our community for an increased focus on health and wellness. Through leadership skills, our children planned community events beyond a typical one-day event, which allowed our LCVC children to plan and expand our events to include a full four weeks of famiily activities. Inspired by new wellness habits learned in various workshops, our families supported those in need and fostered our community. Our month long family events provided our community with a broad range of ideas to make health and wellness a daily routine. We donated over ten large bags of children’s athletic wear to the Loudoun Women’s Shelter, we raised money and showed up to fight childhood hunger and we educated the community on mental health for all ages, stages, and abilities. We accomplished our events working through COVID restrictions. We met people where they were and maintained a spirit of gratitude and positivity for the future. As a result of our events, the Eastern Region awarded LCVC with “The Best of The Best” award.





President: Sequana Robinson Vice-President: Shandelyn Crittendon Program Director: Johnda Scott Adams Recording Secretary: Michelle McPhatter Corresponding Secretary: Lena Collins-Hall Treasurer: Amber Christopher Financial Secretary: Angela Mattox Editor: Chekita Hall Hamilton Chaplain: Patrice Williams Historian: Chekita Hall Hamilton Foundation Chair: Ashley Skinner Parliamentarian: Tyeshia McIntyre-Bray Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Jacquie Henry Associate Chair: Fran Wonnum Barr Father’s Auxiliary: Sean Robinson

President: Lena Gooden Vice-President: David Washington Secretary: Kamilah Jerry Treasurer: Jordan Henry


President Sequana Robinson, Vice President Shandelyn Crittendon, Treasurer Amber Christopher, Program Director Johnda Scott Adams, Financial Secretary Angela Mattox, Recording Secretary Michelle McPhatter, Corresponding Secretary Lena Collins-Hall, Editor Chekita Hall Hamilton, Assistant Program Director Lakeisha Scott, Parliamentarian Tyeshia McIntyre-Bray, Chaplain Patrice Williams, Foundation Chair Ashley Skinner, Tawana Adams, Nicole Adkins, Melissa Alexander, Shepeta Allen, Melanie Bryson, Tara Cook, Eboni Cornish, Shana Dominic, Pier Durst, Monika Gooden, Kenisha Haywood, Jacquie Henry, Telia Hughes, Felicia Isaac, Desi Jerry, Selina Johnson, Karen Moore Jones, Jennifer Ledbetter, Janet Manu, Arnetta Lawrence, Von Beard Mitchell, Kami Patton, Jane Reynolds, Regina Roberts, Shinda Starr, Tiffany Washington


On January 24, 2004, the Manassas-Woodbridge Chapter was established by a group of trailblazing mothers who cworked tirelessly throughout 2003 to bring the national goals of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. to their children and their community. The women who charted the Manassas-Woodbridge Chapter were known fas pillars in the community and for always leading the way. The Charter Members of the Marvelous Manassas-Woodbridge, Virginia Chapter were: Shelia Bryant, Kathy Flowers-Bonds, MaryAnn Cornish, Tracy Fisher, Edna Isreal, Larthenia James, Kimberly Mabry, Francine Nelson, Felicia Norwood, Ingrid O’Neal, Karen Pressley, Donna V. Powell, Joylyn Skeete, Beverly Sublett, Lori Ford-Taylor, Serrina Winslow, and Andree Woods. These unique women brought their gifts and talents to the newly formed chapter. Our charter members were keenly aware and sensitive to the large community of women who served the nation in uniform and as public servants. Through creative and excellent programming, the charter members placed emphasis on philanthropic giving, developing leaders, and community service, with a huge emphasis place on valuing public service. In their minds, public service would translate into community service and community service always lends itself to an understanding of collective responsibility. Positive programs and activities that involved community and corporate partnerships were the foundation for the success of the chapter. Additionally, affiliations with faith-based groups, schools, and civic organizations supported the efforts of these mothers.

Today, the Manassas-Woodbridge Chapter boasts 38 members who are committed to maintaining the rich, cultural legacy of this illustrious organization while continuing to build a legacy of service and excellence around dynamic and empowering programming.


The Manassas-Woodbridge Chapter began its program year focused on our “power to make a difference” by celebrating Carole Robertson’s life and legacy to the Civil Rights Movement. In the spirit of civic and cultural engagement, the House of Holiday provided educational lessons on the meaning and history of Kwanzaa while the House of Truth hosted “Politics and Pancakes” with State Representative Briana Sewell. The House of Tubman connected the present to the future world through a Lego STEM while the House of Carver was “on mission and on purpose “ during their tcollege tour of three HBCUs. The House of King introduced teens to the art, strength, and beauty of fencing. In December, our chapter bonded as we listened to an original holiday skit performed by the Gavel Club at the “Christmas in the Chocolate Factory” party where we collected resources to support the Sweet Julia Foundation.


Manassas-Woodbridge, Virginia Chapter






Groups 1 and 2 met to have a Movie Night Meetup under the stars. The children enjoyed fun games, s’mores and snacks, and a movie. The mothers hosted their Annual Halloween Spooktacular for Groups 1-3. Dressed in their favorite costumes, children’s activities included pumpkin carving for adults as well as Arts and Crafts and STEM experiments for the children. The group ended with a trunk or treat and food from local black businesses.

President: Carol Williams Vice-President: Ja’Nelle Harmon Program Director: Arlee Barksdale-Moore Recording Secretary: Nicole Bailey Williams Corresponding Secretary: Nakia Barr Treasurer: Christy Welborne Financial Secretary: Melissa Matthews Editor: Laurie Newell, PhD Chaplain: Sushama Austin-Connor Historian: Michele Swain Foundation Chair: Ka’Neda Bullock Parliamentarian: Cecily Henson Williams Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Anissa Henderson/Fatima Scipio Associate Chair: Ja’Nelle Harmon Father’s Auxiliary: Anaka Toson

President: Kendall Henderson Vice-President: Lauren Williams Secretary: Nia CadoQan Treasurer: Ariana Saintil Parliamentarian: Sasha Moise Chaplain: Ethen Michel Sergeant-at-Arms: Ethen Michel

The Mercer County, NJ Chapter was installed on September 8,1990. Founded by mothers Patricia Jones, Carole KrauthamerBittner and Carol Washington, the Chapter began with 35 Charter Mothers, 58 children and loving and supportive fathers. As the Mercer County Chapter has grown – now boasting 49 mother members and 75 children – we remain focused on our mission. Our Chapter continues to lead our children by example, demonstrating our commitment to family and community in everything that we do. From our community service activities, to our fun holiday events and celebrations of Jack and Jill history, each program is designed to enhance the development of our children and ALL children in our community.


The Mercer County Chapter strives to develop fun, educational and engaging programming that demonstrates the national theme “Legacy: 85 Years of Jack and Jill: How our Past has Met our Present and What our Future Holds.” Our Chapter kicked off the 2022-2023 programming year with a Jack and Jill Day with a 60s flair. It was a memorable event for our families where we hosted a tribute to Carole Robertson’s memory. Families came dressed in their most spectacular 60s inspired attire. In keeping with the national theme, we have been intentional about our community service efforts. This emphasis has been woven into each of our monthly chapter-wide activities.

Groups 3 and 4 had their leadership retreat at a Sports Center with a fun filled afternoon of engaging and physical leadership activities. ‘Total Jack and Jill Leadership Island’ was designed for the Group 3 and 4 kids to have fun, get to know one another, and actively practice their leadership skills. The children were broken up into teams where they competed in different challenges that pushed their thinking and team building skills to the limit. The teen group held their retreat in September with activities that included a guest speaker from an organization who spoke to the teens about ancestry which ties into the next Teen Conference theme “We are our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams”. We closed out the calendar year with a Family Worship service for all chapter and associate families. All of our activities so far and others upcoming throughout the year, are designed to engage our children, and to let them have fun. We look forward to continuing on the national theme, “Legacy: 85 Years of Jack and Jill: How our Past has Met our Present and What our Future Holds.”

The community service committee has focused on local food pantries with donations occurring each month. The first community service initiative was to collect items for a local non-profit Arm In Arm. Additionally, community service activities have also included Diabetic Meal bags to support Trenton Area Support Kitchen. Teens have been engaged in community service activities as well, such as a clothing drive to benefit HomeFront Families and a Halloween 5K and 1 mile walk/run to support Home Front. Additional community service activities included Bowling for Babies which collected items for babies. 115



President: Dana Reed Vice-President: DeNora Getachew Program Director: Satrina Boyce Recording Secretary: Wendy Smith Corresponding Secretary: Barbatra Scott Treasurer: T. Hudson Jordan Financial Secretary: Vannesa Lindley Editor: Rhonda Mims Chaplain: Tanya Phelps Historian: Rhonda Mims Foundation Chair: Camen Walker Gray Parliamentarian: Tracey Brown Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tanya Phelps, Nissa Booker, Chantal Smith, Marion Conteh Associate Chair: Cheryl McNeil Father’s Auxiliary: Blair Smith

President: Carter Boyce Vice-President: India Williams Secretary: Julian Boyce Treasurer: Logan Simmons Parliamentarian: Skylar Fraser Chaplain: Maxwell Alston Sergeant-at-Arms: Maxwell Alston


Margaret S. Green and seven of her friends met on November 12,1938 in New York City to discuss the idea of forming a club to foster guidance and companionship for their young children. The group was called The Mothers Club and included Delma Holland Collier, Dorothy Derrick Coshburn, Dora Skeeter Daniels, Mary Tobias Dean, Laura Delaney Murrell, Emile Brown Pickens and Laura Smith Thomasson. Mother Emilie Pickens heard of another group of like-minded Mothers in Philadelphia who had the same concern for their children. In February 1939 after careful consideration, The Mother’s Club officially became a part of Jack and Jill of America. Throughout the next several decades, the Metropolitan Chapter was extremely busy in the community. Compelled to protect children from the stresses of racism, the mothers sought to reinforce and celebrate African American excellence. Exposure to some of the great talents of the time - Lena Horne, Jackie Robinson and Cab Calloway, among others - was part of the programming calendar. Mothers continued to use innovative programming to instill a sense of pride and accomplishment among the chapter’s growing membership.


The Metropoitan New York Chapter hosts innovative programs to promote BLACK JOY and Excellence through out the program year. One such program involvded a simulated stock market challenge described below. How would you invest $100,000.00. The Metropolitan Chapter’s 7th and 8th Graders have plenty of ideas. On October 21, 2022, the teens met at the Goldman Sachs Headquarters in lower Manhattan. Hosts mothers Bernirene Ramos and Tiffany Gardner partnered with the Goldman Sachs Wealth Management team for a financial wellness education session. Last year, in a sperate program, the teans learned the” Saving with the Mason Jar Method”. And this year, they were ready to delve deeper into money matters and build a solid financial foundation as part of the education/financial literacy thrust. Additionally, the program inclufes a $100,000 simulated stock market challenge that the group will track for the next year.

Throughout the 60’s and 70’s the Metropolitan Chapter continued to thrive. As more children began attending predominantly white institutions, the mothers sought out programs to preserve African American heritage and strengthen bonds with children in other chapters. It was in the 1960’s that the chapter’s annual teen Christmas Disco became a regional event called the COPA. COPA, now called The METRO COPA, has grown into a regional event with national attendance of over 1,200 teens celebrating black excellence. The Metropolitan Chapter continues to be deeply involved in the support of civic organizations like the NAACP and supported local Harlem institutions like Hale House, Harlem Hospital and Harlem Dowling Children’s Services. The Chapter has also created its own Boost Scholarship Program donating $2,500.00 annualy in scholarships to college students in need.






President: Dawanna Veneable Vice-President: Janice Byndloss Program Director: Jennifer Joly Recording Secretary: Ludmillar Mesidor Corresponding Secretary: Maxine Worden Treasurer: Lisa Alexander Financial Secretary: Natalie Rawlinson Editor: Tiffany Mizen Chaplain: Cheryll Smith Historian: Tosha Walton Foundation Chair: Robin Williams Parliamentarian: Valerie Raynor Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Karen St. Vil Associate Chair: Margaret Gibson Father’s Auxiliary: Courtney Smith

President: Morgan Watt Vice-President: Celina St. Vil Secretary: Adrian Perry & Bryce Williams Treasurer: Eva Venable Parliamentarian: Eian Cushnie Chaplain: Terrell Raynor Sergeant-at-Arms: Terrell Raynor


Lisa Alexander, Latoya, Bennett-Johnson, Ashley Bonds-Liptay, Tynelle Booth, Janice Byndloss, Shari Cushnie, Valcuse Delma, Scherrie Donaldson, Anastasia Dukes-Asuen, Ellen Exum, Katasha Harley, Damia Harris-Madden, Helena Hawkshawe- Webster, Tawana Haynes, Ellen Hilton, Ryanna Blackburn, Jennifer Joly, Jill Jones, Diann Kelly, Jennifer Maine, Ludmilar Mesidor, Tiffany Mizen, Juliet Nevins, Deon Perry, N. Damali Peterman, Natalie Rawlinson, Valerie Raynor, Ingrid Richards, Ashley Sacaza, Cheryll A. Smith, Sharla St. Rose, Karen St. Vil, Michelle Valdes-Batter, Dawanna Veneable, Marla J. Walker, Tosha Walton, Sheryl Warren, De-Angela Watt, Robin H. Williams, Maxine Worden.


On December 2, 1990, thirty mothers met at the home of Penny Walters Nash in Katonah, NY to begin the process required to form an Upper Westchester chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The group was approved for Provisional Group status on April 11, 1991. All children’s groups met for their first monthly activity in April 1991. Strong bonds formed amongst the children and new friendships were made in the ranks of the membership. For the next year, the mothers worked hard to build a strong and cohesive chapter, and to provide our children the benefits sought in joining. On July 22, 1992, the delegates at the 30th National Convention in Orlando, FL approved the formation of the Mid-Hudson Valley Provisional Chapter. On October 17, 1992, National President Nellie A. Thornton installed the Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter (MHVC) and initiated 63 members. Our installation theme was “Weaving the Basket of Life: 5P’s (Pleasure, Praise, Pride, Perseverance and Power).” Pennye Walters Nash became the Chapter’s first President. The Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter of Jack and Jill of America has stood the test of time boasting 30 years of working, playing, and living Jack and Jill of America’s national aims and goals of fundamental educational, cultural, civic, social, and health service programs to improve the lives of children, and to raise the next generation of African American leaders. Our Chapter today is comprised of 39 Mother Members and their families. Today, we fully embrace the power of staying “On Mission, On Purpose” to truly make a difference in the lives of children. The Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter is R.I.S.I.N.G. Together!

with our “Family Reunion” themed Jack and Jill Day event. This was our first in-person Jack and Jill Day since 2019 and was great fun and games for all ages. We observed our traditional Carole Robertson tribute led by our teens before focusing the celebration on the joy of being together again! As the year unfolded, our children and teens connected in activities ranging from ageappropriate financial literacy lessons, healthy cooking classes, team building, voting and civic engagement, a day at the farm, self-defense through Krav Maga, and philanthropic giving through feeding the needy, shopping for children in foster care, a coat drive and donation, and much more. MHVC celebrated its 30th anniversary at a fundraising gala in October, held in the same location as our chapter’s chartering ceremony. MHVC’s fundraising efforts resulted in record high fundraising that will benefit our local partner, Open Door Foundation, and the JJOA Foundation. Over the course of this program year, each event and activity thoroughly and enthusiastically supported our National Theme, “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose” as we deliberately sought and strategically planned unique, innovative, creative and engaging programs that would help our children reach their truest potential as the next generation of African American leaders.


The Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter started the 22-23 program year 118





with a local elected official. Our tweens and teens began the program year with an overnight retreat bonding through fellowship, team building and completing various leadership and financial modules. The middle school group traveled to New Orleans for an excursion steeped in history during MLK weekend, packed cancer patient care kits, and experienced a captivating performance by Alvin Ailey Dance Theater. Our senior teen group enjoyed a private tour of the United States Capitol, collaborated with a local church to address food insecurity, and attended the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra’s performance of the Black Panther original music score. All age groups participated in regular chapter-wide community service activities including collecting Halloween costumes for children, preparing dental hygiene kits, donating to a local food bank and participating in the MLK Day of Service. Finally, our graduating teens were celebrated during our annual holiday party where each graduate and their parents shared personal testimony and heartfelt reflection on their years in the chapter.

President: Sherri Sampson Vice-President: Holli Townsend Program Director: Erica Pollard Recording Secretary: KaShauna Rohlehr Corresponding Secretary: Meredith Webb Treasurer: Celia Washington Financial Secretary: Kimberly Mosby-Griffin Editor: Lia Fordjour Chaplain: Christine Langford-Dixon Historian: Tamika Bennett Watt Foundation Chair: Angela Riemer Parliamentarian: Mignon Mclemore Pierce Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Bamidele Alexander Associate Chair: Petrice Younq Father’s Auxiliary: Erwin Sampson

President: Lindsay Townsend Vice-President: Spencer Johnson Secretary: Canady Conerly Treasurer: Isaiah Daniel Parliamentarian: Namara Muqamba Chaplain: Zachary Johnson Sergeant-at-Arms: Zachary Johnson

The Montgomery County Maryland Chapter of Jack and Jill was established in October 1962 amid the background of separate drinking fountains, freedom rides and student sit-ins, by educator Henrietta Franklin. Mrs. Franklin and 13 other mothers wanted their children to experience social, cultural, and leadership opportunities in spite of the cultural segregation of the times. By nurturing our children, serving our community, engaging our 102 mothers and 27 associates, the Montgomery County Maryland Chapter actively personifies the “Power to Make a Difference for All Children. On Mission. On Purpose.” Together, we are poised to continue the journey of nurturing highly motivated and socially responsible learners and leaders.


In August 2022, our mothers gathered to reconnect and recharge at the chapter’s seventh annual overnight retreat. This year’s theme “I Am My Sister’s Keeper” served as a wonderful welcome back to the program year and provided an outlet for mothers to refresh and rejuvenate. Our chapter moms were treated to extraordinary speakers, meditation and other fun-filled activities. This treasured time together truly strengthened sisterly connections. Our Father’s Auxiliary hosted Jack and Jill Day to start the program year with excellence. Chapter families were treated to a delicious meal on an afternoon with ample sunshine, music, and festivities. More than 120 family members attended and were thrilled to begin the program year in-person following two years of virtual and socially distanced activities. The day also featured our senior teen tribute to the life of Carole Robertson with a moving ceremony in her honor. Our teen officers led the remembrance and the powerful moment served as a reminder to all of the importance of the continued fight for civil rights.

This year, our beloved Montgomery County Maryland Chapter celebrates 60 years of excellence! Our theme is “Diamonds: Sustaining a Legacy of Excellence” which embodies the enduring work of mother members over our chapter’s storied history. The brilliance of ideas, energy, commitment and leadership is a legacy that shines brightly for our future leaders and community. As we celebrate 60 years of family in Montgomery County, our mothers continue to lead exemplary programming with a renewed commitment to build for another 60 years and beyond.

This year’s programming engaged all age groups in enriching activities incorporating all of the programmatic thrusts. Our youngest age groups explored nature, learned to ride and care for horses, and voted in a mock election following a lively discussion 119






At our chapter wide MLK Day of Service event, children, and parents brought donations, packed food and toiletry bags, or loaded cars for delivery. In addition, our Silver Spoons participated in a food drive to support food insecurity through the month of November and then distributed the food to community refrigerators within Montgomery county. Our chapter supported our teens with their Double Goods, 4 day popcorn sale and raised over $14,000. We believe in supporting our community and helping those in need.

President: Shunda Irons-Brown Vice-President: Pamula Hart Program Director: Taryn Flood Recording Secretary: Courtney Walker Corresponding Secretary: Jacquillia Hooper Treasurer: Tamika Addo-Boateng Financial Secretary: Alissha Alexander-Hodges Editor: Stacey Stroud Chaplain: Tasha Scott McCauley Historian: Candace Renfrow Foundation Chair: Dana Walters Parliamentarian: Desiree Trader-Kent Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Nicole Black Associate Chair: Pam Hart Father’s Auxiliary: Baba Renfrow

President: Grayson King Vice-President: Carson Bethea Secretary: Dudley & Madison Gee Treasurer: Christian Black Parliamentarian: David Mills Chaplain: Keira Stevens Sergeant-at-Arms: Keira Stevens

In September of 1982, the Par-0-Monts organization was formed creating the foundation of the Montgomery County PA Chapter. Nineteen mothers attended the initial meeting on September 26th at the home of Mrs. Anne Reasoner Sumpter. In October of 1982, the Chester County Chapter had accepted the important task of sponsoring our chapter. In November of 1982, our membership grew to 38 mothers. The National Office was contacted in late November to seek official sanctioning as an interest group, children’s age groups and programming were organized. In February of 1983, we were recognized as a viable interest group. In the Spring of 1983, we were granted provisional status. On May 19, 1984, a delegation of 12 members of the Par-0-Monts attended the workshop for Provisional Groups and was subsequently installed in the National Organization of Jack and Jill of America Inc.


Our 2022-2023 Programming year kicked off with “One Mission, On Purpose, For Our Children”. The first event was in collaboration with the founding Philadelphia Chapter as we celebrated and honored Carol Robertson at our annual Jack and Jill Day. At this event, our historian shared the highlights of Carole’s life and the events that took place on September 15, 1963. The teens read reflections about the importance of honoring Carol Robertson. Grade Group chairs and members of the Father’s Auxiliary served as hosts for this event. Families enjoyed friendly games and a sandcastle competition. The annual Family Christmas Party & Luncheon, which was open to friends and family, had crafts for the kids, music, and a special guest to entertain the family while they enjoyed a delicious lunch. We collected donations for a local charity (Laurel House) to help our community have a festive holiday. We had a photographer on site to take family holiday portraits.






President: Kelley White Vice-President: JudyAnn Hargrove Program Director: Emmanuelle Fleurinor Recording Secretary: Ayana Summerville Corresponding Secretary: Leslye Folmar-Harris Treasurer: Ana Maria Olmeda Baron Financial Secretary: Nicole Freeman Editor: Natacha Duroseau Cantave Chaplain: Kendra Williams Foundation Chair: Melanie Smih Parliamentarian: Rachel Lokken Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Raiza Gaston Father’s Auxiliary: Brian Hargrove

President: Ethan Gaston Vice-President: Nia Freeman Secretary: Isabella Cantave Treasurer: Donovan McHenry Parliamentarian: Caleb Lokken Bradford Chaplain: Morgan Vannoy Sergeant-at-Arms: Morgan Vannoy


Ana Maria Baron, Amelia Benka-Coker, Natacha Cantave, Larissia Crosby, Crystal Davis, Nancy Davis, Shacara Delgado, Emmanuelle Fleurinor, Nicole Freeman, Raiza Gaston, Judy-Ann Hargove, Monique Holman, Leslye Folmar-Harris, Rachel Lokken, Aliah McHenry, Melviena Miller-Drew, Jessica Moffett-Lee, Mechelle Olidge Evans, Susan Parsons, Reshema Kemps Polanco, Darnesha “Starr” Scott, Denise Sharperson, Melanie Smith, Ayana Summerville, Lisa Vannoy, Kelley White, Kendra Williams and Lisa Gittens Williams.


The Morris County Chapter was formed by a group of passionate and enthusiastic mothers, led by Maria Pryor and Carol Wilson. On September 14, 1980, an official steering committee formed to lead the creation of the Morris County Interest Group. Morris County Chapter, with its 45 mother members, was installed on November 6,1982 at the National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. From there, the founding mothers created wonderful Chapter programming and community service opportunities that to this day - over 40 years later -serve as the backbone of the Chapter’s mission to provide leadership, cultural, civic, legislative, social and philanthropic services for their children, and ALL children, in the community.


The Morris County Chapter kicked off its programming year with the annual Carole Robertson / Jack & Jill Day Celebration at an in person gathering at Pinot’s Palette, Morristown. All Grade Groups painted colorful and moving renditions of Carole Robertson. The Chapter reflected upon its past 40 years of existence, celebrated its present, and reveled in its belief in unity for a prosperous future. The Teen Group continued its bi-monthly food preparation for Homeless Solutions. The Chapter hosted a coat drive with Table of Hope; assembled and donated blessing food baskets for families in need during the holidays; collected and created over 100 care packages on MLK Day of service for beneficiaries of the Spring Street Community Development Corporation. Through all of the aforementioned activities, the Chapter exposed its children and membership to what it means to make a difference for all children by being servant leaders. To strengthen the financial literacy of the Chapter grade groups, members hosted “Spend, Save, Give” and an in depth discussions about credit and wealth building. Grade age groups also participated in activities outside our area: the Teens attended a Basketball Tournament featuring Top HBCUs and our Groups 1-4 attended a Broadway performance of “Hip Hop Cinderella”, both examples of Black Excellence and culture. Through it all, the Chapter exposed its membership and families to what it means to make a difference for all children by being of service to others and developing skills to be their best selves.






Vice-President: Donyshia Boston-Hill Program Director: Cilicia Thomas Recording Secretary: Traci Caines Corresponding Secretary: Taquana Johnson Treasurer: Kerri-Anne Fraser Financial Secretary: Tamra Walker Editor: Naima Smith Chaplain: Jeannine Smith Historian: Natalie Nelson Foundation Chair: Sybil Chermise Parliamentarian: Karrien Francis Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Andrea Anderson Associate Chair: Natalie Nelson Father’s Auxiliary: William Cooper and Paisley Demby

President: Darien Ward, Jr. Vice-President: Gabrielle Wongbe Secretary: Emma Daniels Treasurer: Bailee Smith Parliamentarian: Danaya Jackson Chaplain: Jasmine Sealey Sergeant-at-Arms: Carter Hoskins


The Nassau County Chapter was established in 1958 as the 97th Chapter charterd by Jack and Jill of America, Inc., having received its charter on October 25, 1958. Sponsored by the Queens Chapter, the ceremony and installation of 39 charter members took place at Patricia Murphy’s Restaurant in Manhasset, NY. National Officers Emile Pickens, Second National Vice President and Burma Whitted, National Program Director participated in the program. Since its inception, the Nassau County Chapter has demonstrated dedication and commitment to all children. The chapter’s goals have consistently aligned with the organizational mission to develop empowered leaders through age-appropriate programming, legislative advocacy, community service and philanthropic giving. As we enter our 65th year, the Nassau County Chapter is stronger than ever with 64 active mother members, representative of 66 families and 103 children. Our vision and purpose are driven by a shared passion to create opportunities that positively impact the lives of others in the Nassau County community. Excellence in programming remains a key to our continued success. Relationships are essential as raising healthy, happy, productive, self-reliant, and empathetic children is our chapter’s ongoing mission.


Cancer Walk at Jones Beach where we walk in honor of our dearly departed mothers whose lives were shortened by breast cancer. The Fall and Winter of 2022 brought many returns. Our signature Parents Night Out event, Denim and Diamonds returned successfully. Our Young Investor’s Symposium, where we educate our local middle school community in Nassau County, returned bearing the theme Grow Your Financial Dreams.

The Five Star Nassau County Chapter brought in the 2022-2023 Program Year with a theme in the form of the mnemonic HEART & SOULS. We are committed to Helping our Jacks & Jills Excel and Achieve Results Together and we are doing it as Sisters Operating in Unity Love and Service.

In January, we hosted another community event to empower teens with the return of our in-person Teen Summit Leadership Conference hailing the theme“The Future We Hold.” Later in January, the chapter came together again at the Lakeville Fire House where we packaged over 100 emergency packs for homeless people.

This program year, we returned to pre-COVID signature events. June kicked off with a family beach day followed by a return of our in-person mix and mingle. During our 45th National Convention, the Nassau County Chapter excitedly received its Five Star Chapter of Excellence Designation. Soon after, Jack and Jill day sparked fun-filled competition with an all-inclusive Color War while we also gave honor to our beloved Carole Robertson with a celebration led by our teens. Grade groups celebrated their kick-off activity events with overnight trips and other engaging activities. Our moms congregated together at Jones Beach for its annual Breast

In February, we will have our Black History Month presentation. In April, we host our Jack and Jill National Day of Health and Fitness and celebrate our Fathers. In May, we will celebrate our 2023 Black Family Day where our theme is SAWOBANA - We see you as an individual and as a family unit, capable of greatness and appreciated for all you have done and will do in the future. The Five Star Nassau County Chapter continues to Work, Play and Live Together.




President: Tonya Jackson Vice-President: Mesheca Bunyon Program Director: Joy Barnes-Marshall Recording Secretary: Dawn Salters Corresponding Secretary: Aubreana S. Holder Treasurer: Kisha Allen Financial Secretary: Chantrell McCormick Editor: Tanya Deleon Chaplain: Vanessa Balqobin Historian: Anqelita Plemmer Foundation Chair: Stacia Geiger-Alston Parliamentarian: Natalie Harris Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kimberly Hall Associate Chair: Darlene Walker-Brooks Father’s Auxiliary: Dalas (Dawn) Salters

President: Trinity Jackson Vice-President: Kristian Montqomery Hernandez Secretary: Chase Pettiqrew/McKenzie Clifton Treasurer: Evan Simmons Parliamentarian: Tyler Salmon Chaplain: Victoria Balqobin Sergeant-at-Arms: Hailey Smith

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The National Harbor Chapter was established in 2010 by 32 Marvelous and Magnificent Mothers. The National Harbor Chapter has a wonderful legacy of women whose dedication to our children and our community has established a solid foundation of leading the Chapter. Over the past 10 years, the Chapter has continued to grow in numbers, strength and purpose. The objectives of the National Harbor Chapter are twofold: 1) to create a medium of contact for children which will stimulate growth and development; and 2) to provide for children, constructive educational, cultural, civic, recreational, health and social programs. We are the 64 Marvelous and Magnificent Mothers of the National Harbor Chapter!


National Harbor Chapter families came out to the last National Harbor Chapter Activity of the program year for “Bowl en Blanc”! This was a Private Bowling event with a DJ, Pizza and drinks for children, hand crafted goodie bags, and a 360 photo booth. There was also a parent pit, teen area, an optional signature drink & appetizers for parents, and discounted laser tag and video game cards. The Chapter started the program year with Jack and Jill Day 2022! Families had the ultimate HBCU experience! They enjoyed meeting the President of Morgan State University while taking a guided campus tour. Tailgating was fun filled and the evening ended with a college football game: Morgan State vs. Towson! The best part of the day was watching the halftime marching band show! There is nothing like watching an HBCU Band!! All were dressing in we’re rooting for every HBCU tees and sweatshirts!! Diamonds and Dinosaurs and youngest pumpkins (Age 2Kindergarten), had a great time at the Fall Festival for our October Grade Group Activity!! Some of the fun included jump pads, slides, farm animals, and games. We also enjoyed a private hayride that took us to different spots on the farm, a photo scavenger hunt in teams in the Miller Farms corn maze, a Get-To-Know-You activity, and pumpkin decorating together.

Emeralds & Eagles (1st-3rd), closed out the month of November with Thankfulness. They enjoyed an afternoon of food and fitness. The theme was “Family, Food, and Fitness, “Living our best lives on Purpose!” They began the day with a Zumba expert. Kiddos learned breathing techniques and exercises to increase their heart rates. Next, they prepared a healthy meal with a chef, who led an interactive cooking class as we prepared Honey Sesame Chicken, wheat pasta and broccoli. They ended the day eating as a family and discussed ways to stay healthy. Jades and Jaguars (4th-5th) had the honor of attending a private White House tour. They learned about the rich history of the White House, the oldest public building in Washington, DC. Led by Officer Brandon Watts, the children learned interesting facts about the rooms, special events and the famous guests who have visited there. They also learned about the history of the West Wing and the role of the Secret Service to protect the President. Each received a Declaration of Independence scroll, Constitution guide and a https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/my-drive quill & ink bottle. They learned first-hand the history and beauty1/1 of the famous house, also understanding the role of government in society. Topaz and Tigers (6th-8th) Group went horseback riding in our community, supporting a local farm, and learned about caring for horses, goats, and chickens. In addition, a legislative activity including information regarding elections and voting was provided to our T & T group to work on such as writing your representatives, student elections, and more.


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President: Shunda Murray Leecost Vice-President: Kelli Lofton-Oqlesby Program Director: Davida M. Brown Recording Secretary: Meedie L. Bardonille Corresponding Secretary: Monique Ross Treasurer: Cherise M. Cole Financial Secretary: Crystal McKenzie Editor: Kendra Davis Briqqs Chaplain: Meedie L. Bardonille Historian: Renee Bryant Foundation Chair: RaShonda Riddle Parliamentarian: Patrice Taylor Shelton Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Jacqui Allen-Settles Father’s Auxiliary: Kevin Corbitt

President: Jadyn Settles Vice-President: Charlie Cole Secretary: Clarke Oqlesby Treasurer: Madison Miller Parliamentarian: Anthony Bardonille, Jr. Sergeant-at-Arms: Carter Leecost


In 2016, longtime friends LaToria Eason-Brent and Julia S.V. Miles Davis brought together mothers dedicated to enriching their children’s lives in the District of Columbia. By April 2017, LaToria and Julia had organized a group of like-minded mothers that became The Nation’s Capital Mothers Group (NCMG). Sponsored by the Washington, DC Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., the NCMG worked together to uplift their children, families, and surrounding communities through quality programming. The Nation’s Capital Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was officially chartered on November 18, 2018, becoming the 59th chapter of the Eastern Region. Nation’s Capital received Five Star Chapter Excellence designation in 2020 and in 2022, and the chapter won 1st place National Best of the Best Programming Award, and 2nd place National Best of the Best Civic Programming Award, Eastern Region, in 2022. The chapter’s mission is to promote innovative programming for children, empowering engagements for mothers, bonding opportunities for Black families, and investing in community service and philanthropy.


This program year was full of innovative programming. Our two youngest grade groups, Discovery Theater and Natural History, learned all about space from a NASA engineer. Our 3rd through 5th grade group, Air & Space, wrote and recorded an original song advocating for DC Statehood. Our middle-school group, African Art, explored the Harriet Tubman byway, learning little known facts about the civil rights icon. Our teen group, NMAAHC, supported local non-profits and participated in mental and physical health activities. Gavel Club participants and Air & Space children created a mash-up of the Air & Space DC Statehood song and speeches advocating for DC Statehood, which they performed before thousands at DC Emancipation Day. Our Gavel Club also soared to new heights, launching the podcast series, “Nation’s Cap, NO CAP,” where the kids interviewed experts on internet, social media, and financial safety topics.

On September 24, 2022, Nation’s Capital families gathered in Georgetown at Pinstripes Bowling Alley to celebrate the life and legacy of Carole Robertson. As a tribute to Carole, this year the Chapter chose to reflect on the 59th anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham and its impact on the Black community. Nation’s Capital families created a video montage of our children sharing their thoughts and reflections on Carole’s life and her impact on the civil rights movement. Nation’s Capital continued our annual participation in the St. Jude Walk/Run. Mothers and children walked a 5K to raise awareness and money for childhood cancer. Our successful Vineyard Fundraiser returned during Breast Cancer Awareness month, again raising funds to benefit the Jack and Jill of America Foundation and Breast Care for Washington. The chapter also launched our Save A Life Campaign!, holding our first blood drive in partnership with the American Red Cross. We also continued our holiday season community partnerships with Sasha Bruce Youthwork, one of the largest providers helping young people find safe homes in DC, and S.O.M.E. (So Others Might Eat), an interfaith, community-based service organization that exists to help and support residents of our nation’s capital experiencing homelessness and poverty.






President: Jackie Santiago Vice-President: Andrea Squire Program Director: Tonya Baynes Recording Secretary: Tamiko Glover Corresponding Secretary: Chalanda Jones Treasurer: Rachael Parris Financial Secretary: Nicole Redd Editor: Michelle Berkeley-Ayres Chaplain: Chrishaun Fitzqerald Historian: Erika Dennis Foundation Chair: Gabrielle Harding Parliamentarian: Kim Hall Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Shawna Soto Associate Chair: Adrienne Smith & Crystal Barrow

President: Michael Green Vice-President: Antonio DeVauqhn Secretary: Cameron Ridgley/ Andrew Soto Treasurer: Reanna Johnson Parliamentarian: Eliiah Neal Chaplain: Mikayla Quarles Sergeant-at-Arms: Quin McManus


In the spring of 1973, the mothers of Girl Scout Troop 210 from Wilmington and a mother’s club known as “The Group” from Newark contacted the Regional Director of Jack and Jill (“JJOA”) for membership. The groups merged in October 1973 per the suggestion of the Regional Director. Thirty-five women joined and formed the provisional organization named, “Les Meres Interresse” (The Interested Mothers). The provisional group was sponsored by the South Jersey Chapter. On January 19, 1975. National President, Dr. Pearl W. Boschulte installed the provisional group. The new JJOA chapter was named “The Wilmington Chapter.” The Chapter’s membership increased, and members were involved in local, regional and national activities of JJOA. In 1975, Jewel Lucy Crawford McLamb served as the first President, delegates attended the Regional Teen Conference, and the chapter made its first contribution of $100 to the National Foundation. In 1980-1981, the chapter changed its name its name to the “New Castle County Chapter, Delaware” (“NCCC”) to embrace our commitment to provide more services to our youth and the community at large as our reach had extended past the borders of Wilmington, DE. As NCCC solidified and expanded over the years many noteworthy milestones occurred as individuals, children and families received support from our community service events and initiatives.

meaning of service and are currently working on a community service bank where our children and members can find new service opportunities. In the Fall, we focused on the importance of voting by sponsoring a Town Hall with legislators and election candidates as well as a Candidate Debate. Our children have been busy impacting their community by supporting a homeless shelter, maintaining our NCCC Road via Adopt-A-Highway and donating 1,960 pounds of food with their “Cangineering” Project. NCCC remains steadfast will continue our work in the community so that our children and all children can have the opportunity to thrive.


NCCC continues to embody our National Theme, “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children On Mission On Purpose.” Our members joined JJOA to serve our communities and to have a positive impact on all children. We continued our traditions of “Adopt the Family” and the returned to our in person “Ringing of the Bells” which allowed us to bless many families in our community. We understand the devastating affect that food insecurity has on children and families, and we partnered with the DE Food Bank, Heart for Humanity/Blessings and the YWCA, collecting food and various items for our MLK Day of Service. We understand the







Families; providing holiday baskets to residents at a local senior citizen retirement community; fulfilling wish lists and wrapping gifts for children whose parents are incarcerated; ordering wipes, diapers, chuck pads and other associated materials for contribution to a local diaper bank; preparing meals for families staying at the local Ronald McDonald house; and contributing to clothing drives during the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend.

President: Ayana Brantley-Lewis Vice-President: Kia Levey-Burden Program Director: Thais Moore Recording Secretary: Azaria McClure Corresponding Secretary: Tandet Mazo Treasurer: Paula Rice Financial Secretary: Darcey Cobbs-Lomax Editor: Tracey Irby Chaplain: Laquita Joyner-McGraw Foundation Chair: Lisa Bennett Parliamentarian: April Adams-Johnson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Azaria McClure Associate Chair: Ayana Brantley-Lewis Father’s Auxiliary: Ceasar Irby

President: Zaria Bradley Vice-President: Maya Draughn Secretary: Lolade Oshin Treasurer: Anthony Bolden 11 Parliamentarian: Seth Levey Chaplain: Tre Bolden Sergeant-at-Arms: Mikayla Gardner

An interest group for The New Haven Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was established in 1955 by twentyfive mothers: Mildred Allen, Eunice Banks, Helen Brown, Helen Carl, Julia Cutting, Agnes Farrar, Inez Flamer, Louise Gray, Helen Johnson, Jean Johnson, Lois Johnson, Dorothy Keyes, Constance Lonche, Frances McCoy, Edna MCKoy, Edna McDonald, Polly Moorer, Eunice Royster, Luberta Sims, Jessie Sizemore, Mary Snyder, Millicent T. Smith, Marian Stanley, Jennie Trash, Agnes Timpson, Gilda White, Faustina Whitmore, Alva Williams, Elizabeth Wilson and Ruth Wilson dedicated to enriching their children’s lives and those of the New Haven County community. They fulfilled all the requirements for becoming an accredited chapter on the 12th day of October in 1956. Agnes Timpson served as the Chapter’s first president. Today the New Haven Chapter continues to stand strong and flourish with 54 Mothers, 93 Jacks and Jills and a robust Father’s Auxiliary. This year two mothers from our Chapter, serve on the Eastern Regional Team, Ayana Brantley-Lewis as Regional Teen Advisor and Thais Moore as Regional Editor.

It is our hope that we leave an imprint of the children whose lives we have touched, particularly our Jacks and Jills, so that they develop an increased sense of social responsibility—a global view of society and a heart for “giving back” and helping others; ultimately creating a progression, sequence and continuum of our national organization’s theme: The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose, that persists well into their own adulthood. Our Chapter is eternally grateful it can look back with pride on achievements made; remember with appreciation the many special families and moments shared that have made up its rich fabric, and celebrate the future with all its possibilities. Long Live Jack and Jill!

The theme for our Chapter during the 2022-2023 program year is Reset, Refresh, Renew…Let’s Focus on Thriving Not Just Surviving, the goal is to ensure that our entire membership community takes responsibility, accountability and action to provide for and interact positively with our Jacks and Jills, and the children in the New Haven community-at- large, and have fun while doing so.


The New Haven Chapter started the year with a pledge to mobilize and serve others throughout the year. Some of the service events we have already accomplished include participating in our annual chapter-wide activity—Dominate-the-Day 5K, where we volunteer and help raise funds to help children in the community participate in activities that empower them to be the best version of themselves; purchasing and packing backpacks for housing insecure children; collecting and donating toys during the holidays that benefit foster children affiliated with the CT Department of Children and






Memorial Fund, in honor of Newton Chapter Teen, Preston Settles and in financial support toward the cause of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.

President: Jennifer Jenkins Vice-President:Angela Smith Program Director: Doreen Rachal & Gina Gibbs Foster Recording Secretary:Ziporia Johnson Corresponding Secretary: Alexis Smith-Attuquayefio Treasurer: Natasha Parker Financial Secretary: Christy Arnold Editor: April Eugene Chaplain: Anya Thomas Foundation Chair: Bithiah Carter Parliamentarian: Chenita Daughtry Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Christy Arnold, Nicole Gilmore, Larissa McMillan, Aljani Stanley Associate Chair: Michelle Miller Father’s Auxiliary: Kean Holmes

President: Jaime Durodola Vice-President: Saul Daughtry Recording Secretary: Morgan Gibson Corresponding Secretary: Madeline Gibson Treasurer: Tiffany Stanley

The Newton Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was chartered in November 1966 in Newton, Massachusetts. The Chapter was chartered by a group of twenty-two mothers who believed that the goals of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. closely paralleled those that they envisioned for their own families. The Newton Chapter became the 124th chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. In the 56 years since our inception, the Newton Chapter remains committed to developing and executing impactful programs for our children and ensuring our children recognize the responsibility of service to the community and making a difference for all children.


Newton Chapter’s 2022-2023 programs are centered around the National Theme “The Power to Make a Difference. For All Children. On Mission. On Purpose”. Our programming centers on developing friendship amongst our families and creating impact through service-oriented programming. The year started with Newton Chapter families gathering for our Jack and Jill Day/Carole Robertson Day where our Newton Teens led a moving tribute to Carole Roberson and called upon all to continue to lead toward social justice, peace, and equality in our communities. Our talented teen group has engaged in leadership activities including a community-based 5K in support of the Dimock Health Center and continue to fundraise in support of the Preston Settles

Several events involved literacy drives with book donations filling the shelves of our Newton Chapter Literacy Corner at the Dimock Community Health Center. During our annual Trunk or Treat event we collected carloads of books and coats for donation. During our MLK Day of Service, our families celebrated the legacy of MLK through oratorical presentations, led by upper elementary Jills involved in the Newton Chapter Gavel Club. We held an engaging and informative discussion on Microaggressions: Language and Tools. Children and teens learned language and tools to educate themselves and others about identifying and handling microaggressions. Our successful community service initiative filled the shelves of a local non-profit, My Brother’s Table, with hundreds of brown bag lunches for donation to homeless populations. Elementary and middle school age groups completed community service projects of Thanksgiving Baskets for donation to families in need and joy filled boxes through Birthday Wishes, Inc. while also learning about food insecurity. Ringing in the new year, we held a joyous and lovely 85th Founders Day Tea with the theme of Celebrating Wellness, Self-Care & Mindfulness. We enjoyed a meaningful discussion, bonded, and refueled ourselves to continue the work and legacy of Jack and Jill to the benefit of all children.






President: Rochelle Herring Vice-President: Monique Jean Pierre Program Director: Marlaina Powell Recording Secretary: Marlow McDaniel Corresponding Secretary: JanelleAlcime Treasurer: Ebonee Lewis Financial Secretary: Rita Warfield Editor: Allison Smith Chaplain: Sunne-Ryse Smith Historion: Tawaina Turner-Dones Foundation Chair: Mikita Farrow-Glover Parliamentorian: Angela Nimoh-Etsiakoh Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Nancy Wheeler, Ali Ryan Scott, Erika Crawford, Natasha Gaujean-LarMar, Kelli Montgomery Associate Chair: Rhonda McFarland Richard, Monique Pryor

President: Kai Gibson Vice-President: Sana’a Smith Secretary: Maya Evans Treasurer: Sundi Evans Parliamentarian: Lorenzo Viney


For almost 70 years, the “Mighty” North Jersey Chapter of Jack & Jill has worked in Essex County New Jersey to bring excellence to our children and our surrounding community. In 1949, Natalie A. Johnson brought friends together to form a club to address the social and cultural needs of their children. At the Fourth National Convention in 1949, this group of dynamic women applied for “Interest Group” status with Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Formal chapter status as the North Jersey Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. occurred at the 1950 National Convention in Buffalo, New York. Through the years, the North Jersey Chapter has wholeheartedly supported National, Regional and Local conferences. The Chapter enthusiastically hosted the Eastern Regional Teen Conference In 1971 and 1984; the Eastern Region Conference In 1961, 1971 and 1984; the Eastern Region Mother’s Conference In 1961; the Metropolitan Cluster Meeting In 1990, 2001, and 2011 and Children’s Cluster In 2018. The North Jersey Chapter is also proud to have sponsored four chapters into the National Organization, including: the Morris County Chapter (1982); the Central Jersey Chapter (1984); the Greater Essex Chapter (2000); and the EssexHudson Chapter (2006). The chapter has a proud family and community-focused history exemplified by its track record of service projects, scholarships, and donations to worthy causes. Chapter programming is rich in the development of leadership skills for our teens, as well as educational and cultural activities for all of our children such as skills olympics, the Heritage Committee (formerly Rites of Passage) and the Senior Teen Retreat. We have been humbled by the awarding of the National Legislative Award in 2013 and placed 2nd in Regional Community Service.


The North Jersey Chapter is happy to be back in person and getting back to business. This year our programming goals are relatively the same as they were last year. Quality over quantity. We’ve learned that doing less, sometimes, will help us execute our programming with excellence, as opposed to doing more, and missing the mark. Our programming continues to reflect our desire to build future leaders. It is focused, culturally responsive, and fun. The pandemic taught us that less can be more, and we can do more when we focus on what is most important; our children. “Children don’t always do what we say, but they always find a way to do what we do.” By choosing quality over quantity in our programming we avoid both mental and physical burnout, and by doing so we set an example for our children to prioritize wisely. 2022-2023 North Jersey Programming Highlights Include: Jack and Jill/Carole Robertson Day Celebration - The Montclair Art Museum Holiday Kick-off Ice Skating Party - Secaucus, NJ (Private Jack and Jill only party) North Jersey Heritage Celebration - I Am Enough. Spoken Word, Music and Journaling/Writing Affirmation Workshop for our children, that ends with a dinner and music celebration. Christmas Toy Drive for families and children in need Martin Luther King Remembrance Food Drive at Toni’s Kitchen Montclair, NJ Color Wars - Physical Fitness Competition to promote physical and mental health



The Mighty North Jersey Chapter




President: Rhonda D. Anderson Vice-President: Dr. Simona Black Program Director: Maisha O’Neal Recording Secretary: Keshia Ellis Corresponding Secretary: Chrystal Brown Treasurer: Janell Cline Financial Secretary: Brandie Weddle Editor: Helen McIntosh Chaplain: Dr. Samantha Buery-Joyner Historion: Andrea Brown Foundation Chair: Loren Hudson Parliamentarian: La’Ketha Prioleau Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Adora Williams Associate Chair: Malikah Day Father’s Auxiliary: Daniel Wilson

President: Jordan Rubin, Jr. Vice-President: Amaya Arnie Secretary: Andrew King Treasurer: Moses Boyd Parliamentarian: Madeleine Martin Chaplain: Taylor Grace Peterson Sergeant-at-Arms: Michael Evans II,


Rhonda D. Anderson, Jen Arnie, Denise Barnes, Lindsay Barnes, Simona Black, Paula Boyd, Andrea Brown, Chrystal Brown, Samantha Buery-Joyner, Christine Bussey, Kim Campbell-Young, Bernadette Carroll, Kissy Chapman-Thaw, Janell Cline, Danielle Craddock, Andrea Crittendon, Malikah Day, Tara Dunlap, Keisha Ellis, La Tonya Evans, Aisha Fallen, Lauren Garba, Tamara Garrett, Rashida Green, Kristi Guillory Reid, Faith Harris, Tunisia Holloway, Loren Hudson, Kelley Jackson-Cherry, Karen James, Lisa Johnson, Miki King, Theresea Lea, Folake Martin-Milton, Deborah Marks, Helen McIntosh, Naeemah Moore, LaGuardia Myers, Lenora Odom, Maisha O’Neal, Wande Oshode, Angela Parham, Brandy Payne, Ellen Perkins, Theresa Peterson, Andrea Phillips-Eaton, Maida Piggee, La’Ketha Prioleau, Angela Reid, Katrina Rivers, La’Nae Robinson, Lisette Robinson, Deshawn Robinson-Chew, April Rochelle, Chelsea Ross, Elle Schnetzler, Ciara Simonson, Renee Small, Theresa Spitzer-Smith, Michele Swain, Angela Trammel, Karen Underwood, Brandie Weddle, Adora Williams, Keely Wilson


The Northern Virginia Chapter was chartered on December 3, 1966. Sponsored by the Washington, DC Chapter, Pauline Ellison organized our chapter and served as our first president. The chapter mourned her passing in July 2022. In November 2015, Past National President Tammy King officiated the chartering of our Associate Group with fifteen Life Members/Associates. We have 65 active mothers. The Northern Virginia Chapter was chartered on December 3, 1966. Sponsored by the Washington, DC Chapter, Pauline Ellison organized our chapter and served as our first president. The chapter mourned her passing in July 2022. In November 2015, Past National President Tammy King officiated the chartering of our Associate Group with fifteen Life Members/Associates. We currently have 65 active mothers.


Northern Virginia started the year focused on our mission to: Educate, Inspire, and Empower! We are excited to continue to create intimate, interactive, intentional, and inclusive programming for our children. For Jack & Jill Day, we welcomed 72 members of our families to work, play and live together. The children created sensory bottles for our adopted school Ferdinand Day. Mothers also donated Costco, grocery store and gas gift cards for distribution

to the Second Story Teen Shelter. As a bonus event, the chapter gathered for a special viewing of the movie Wakanda Forever. Chapter families were able to take a picture with a character from the movie and enjoyed special treats and keepsakes from the chapter. As an homage to the late Chadwick Boseman, attendees were encouraged to wear white and several members donned purple African inspired scarves for the occasion. The chapter was excited to mark the return of our annual holiday party, which featured an entertaining Black Santa, a local DJ named Prince of the City, a children’s Winter Wonderland play area in addition to a teen lounge. Our Founders Day observance was made extra special as we welcomed many of our Associate Jewels to celebrate with us and partake in an Associate’s Appreciation program. We shared a champagne toast and honored them with keepsakes as they shared sage words with the chapter mothers. NOVA typically celebrates Black History Month with our Jumoke (Swahili for everyone loves the child) cultural celebration. This year we will highlight West African dance and music for our families and guests. For Black Family Day, we will celebrate at the blackowned health club, The St. James. The venue offers many ways to get moving including a rock wall, obstacle courses and even golf simulators for our Dads. We will also bid a fond farewell (for now) to our graduating mothers: April Rochelle, Theresa Peterson, Ellen Perkins, La’Ketha Prioleau, and Angela Trammel.





President: Sakina Parks Vice-President: Iva Ferrell Program Director: Heather Duggin Recording Secretary: Salome Kachidza Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Hammond Treasurer: Natalie Wiltshire Financial Secretary: Mayla Jackson Editor: Faisha Cherry Chaplain: Lisa Corbin Historian: Christine Gaddie Foundation Chair: DawnMarie Callaway Parliamentarian: Kimberly Clotman Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kimva Johnson Associate Chair: Claire Burris Father’s Auxiliary: Julian Duggin

President: Jeremiah Shepherd-Baker Vice-President: Jaden Palmer-Waldron Secretary: Stone Love Chaffin Treasurer: Grant Houston Parliamentarian: Jaxon Adams Chaplain: Lena Johnson Sergeant-at-Arms: Amir Johnson


After attending a Christmas party where the children of friends were getting together, Louise Truitt Jackson Dench pondered the possibility of creating a group that would provide children with a way to have the positive feelings experienced over the Christmas holiday “last all year long!” Louise shared her idea with her good friend Marion Turner Stubbs Thomas. On January 21, 1938, Marion Turner Stubbs Thomas invited 20 of her girlfriends to her home on Christian Street, located in the heart of Black Doctors Row in South Philadelphia. Despite the accomplishments and success of each of the families represented, they were all impacted by the pervasive discrimination of that time. Notwithstanding significant obstacles and ongoing Great Depression, the Founding mothers and 25 Charter members responded by pooling together their time, talents, creativity, energy and social capital for the benefit and development of their children. Over the past 85 years, these forward-thinking women achieved their goal to improve the lives of their own children as well as the children of future generations. As the Founding Chapter we are proud of our rich history including; 7 past National Officers, 10 past Eastern Regional Officers and 8 Teen Eastern Regional Officers. We are still rising and writing our history with the addition of National Recording Secretary, Ily Houston.


The Philadelphia Chapter entered our 85th program year prepared with activities that are engaging and enriching, which will ensure that our programming has “The Power to Make a Difference, For All Children, On Mission, On Purpose”. We began the year in collaboration with the Montgomery County, PA chapter honoring the memory of Carole Robertson during the Carole Robertson memorial celebration and tribute during Jack and Jill day at Belmar Beach. Across age groups, our programming has continued to deliver exciting activities that create and cement lasting bonds amongst our children. Whether completing a Tough Mudder obstacle course with our High Flyers (9-11yr.), learning about the fine arts via a mural arts walking tour for our Fledglings (6-8yr.), or as we look

ahead to a trip to the NASDAQ stock exchange in NYC for our Hill Top Teens, our programming is creating lasting memories and advancing our vision for our children. Our teens are leaders, partnering with a Philadelphia City Commissioner to support voter registration. We are continuing the legacy of our founding mothers and charter members by supporting the community. Mother members have provided Christmas gifts for children of mothers who are incarcerated, supported breast cancer survivors, addressed food insecurity through Chosen 300 Ministries, and partnered with the American Red Cross for blood drives. While we continue to deliver excellent programming, we are eagerly preparing to host the Mighty Eastern Region at the Mother’s Regional conference in Puerto Rico this summer.




President: Kelly McCormick Vice-President: Nichol Green Program Director: Rhonda Fischer Recording Secretary: Joan Bartlett Corresponding Secretary: Treasurer: Erica Grant Financial Secretary: Della Hollins Editor: Jennifer Bennet Brown Chaplain: Denise Smalley Historian: Jennifer Bennett Brown Foundation Chair: Tina Russell-Brown Parliamentarian: Ayana Teter Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Jalila Jefferson-Bullock Associate Chair: Karen Swift Father’s Auxiliary: Darren McCormick


The Pittsburgh Chapter started the year with grade groups dedicated to “gathering” for fun, pre-programming activities such as pool parties at mother members’ homes. Mothers returned from the summer refreshed from the 45th National Convention. The summer fellowship also helped to recapture the energy from our successful May 2022 Children’s Cluster. The chapter theme continued to be “Level Up,” and we recommitted the year to instituting creative, innovative programming that would help to develop our young leaders with a mission for community service. Mother members also did a fantastic job organizing activities that nurtured our growth and development as African American women. Our Jill’s Night Out program allowed our Chapter to take a virtual socio-cultural, foodie tour of Pittsburgh, further mapping our presence on Pittsburgh’s urban landscape. Our Book Club continued to give us the space to learn from the genre of African American women’s memoir such as Viola Davis’s acclaimed Finding Me and publications by local African American women authors. The Pittsburgh Chapter’s goal is to scour and mine the City’s historical, cultural, educational, and/or environmental sites to maximize exposure to the City’s gems. We have developed wonderful relationships over the years with the Heinz History Museum and the University of Pittsburgh. This program year, we cemented a strong relationship with the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and held the summer 2022 Black Family Day at a coveted cement pavilion in the City’s famous Highland Park. For the event, “Historical Moments in Time of Black Pittsburgh,” we discovered a new cultural site, the Walter J. Brannon Community Activity Center, named in honor of the first African American Chief of the Sewickley Police Department. Also, we held our Fall 2022 monthly meetings at the coveted sustainable corporate site of Lawrenceville’s Tech Mill. We began the program year with Carole Robertson Day when we gathered as a Chapter for food, fellowship, fun, and service activity of creating rich graphics on laminated placemats with inspiring African American poems to distribute to a local senior

citizens’ home. We showed The Wiz, a new, retro treat for our delighted children. Teens continued to develop exceptional public speaking skills in our Gavel Club. This produced excellent results since one of our teens serves as a regional officer who represented the Chapter well at the Southern Cluster in Tyson’s Corner in November 2022. The Father’s Auxiliary helped a grade group with a low ropes course and taught an entrepreneurial workshop. Our Sunshine Club nurtures and supports the chapter and celebrates its talents. Our Christmas program featured a teen strings quartet that serenaded us during a Sunday brunch with gingerbread houses and crafts for the age groups to complete. This was a Ball year to support The Jack and Jill Foundation and the Josh Gibson Foundation. We celebrated an unusually high number of juniors, seniors, and attendees who valued the festivities even more after the limitations the Covid-19 pandemic placed on our previous Ball year. Our MLK Day of Service served one hundred citizens in need. One grade group’s financial literacy workshop merged with fun at a local carpet skate park.We look forward to a Health/STEAM activity with Pittsburgh’s African American Major Taylor Cycling Club. Finally, our vibrant Black History Month event will be a memorable program.






President: Kimberly Conliffe Stephens Vice-President: Randi Chapman Program Director: Quiana Dawson Recording Secretary: Kathryn Brewer Corresponding Secretary: Lakeisha Munn Lewis Treasurer: Verleria King-Jones Financial Secretary: Frances Steen Editor: Sophia 0. Robinson Chaplain: Kathy Williams Historian: Sophia 0. Robinson Foundation Chair: JeVivvien Ray Parliamentarian: Rita Sampson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Yvonne VanLowe Father’s Auxiliary: Cameron Jones

President Sophia VanLowe Vice-President: Kirie Frederick Recording Secretary: Lauren Johns Corresponding Secretary: Elana Stephens Treasurer: Dessalines Amprey Parliamentarian: Nadia Ray Chaplain: Brook Chapman Sergeant-at-Arms: Mackenzie Tyson


On October 6, 1984, twenty-nine dedicated women were installed as charter members of the Potomac Valley Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Led by Carol Leftridge, their goal was to include their children in an organization whose ideals encouraged the spiritual, intellectual, and social growth of African American children. The efforts of those charter members culminated at the October installation ceremony where the Potomac Valley Chapter (nicknamed “PVC”) was established. Today, the Potomac Valley Chapter has 74 dynamic, active mother members. With Pride, Value, and Commitment, our theme is “Connecting Families and Building Future Leaders.”


Continuing to cultivate self-love and pride in our African heritage, we gathered for “The Holidays Reimaged.”At registration, our families donated coats and canned goods to support Martha’s Table. Recognizing Christmas and Kwanzaa traditions, we hosted eight stations of Kwanzaa-themed activities, while Santa read to our Jacks and Jills and carolers led us through the “Twelve Day of Christmas.” For the activities embodying Nia (Purpose) and Imani (Faith), we encapsulated on ornaments our hopes and dreams. Soon we will celebrate Black History Month at the National Museum for African American History and Culture, and we will embark on a multi-chapter ski trip where our children will develop skills and build friendships. We look forward to continued exceptional programming.

As pandemic restrictions lifted, our chapter resumed in-person programming. We traveled together to New York and dined at the historic Sylvia’s restaurant, observed inspiring museum exhibits in Harlem, saw the musical “MJ” on Broadway, and met the Tony award winning star of the show - Myles Frost - after the performance. Our Black Family Day involved a tribute to Carole Robertson led by our Senior Teens and culminated in an afternoon of bowling and fellowship. With pride in our heritage, we filled a 96-seat movie theater to view the premiere of Wakanda Forever. Skills were sharpened as our young Jacks and Jills learned dining etiquette. Horizons were broadened as our Senior Teens learned about college life from legacies and learned about career paths from professionals in our chapter. Community service is at the center of our programming as we exemplify pride, value, and commitment to those in need. Our Senior Teens held their annual Light the Night Walk to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society which raised $6K to support those affected by blood cancer. Keeping with philanthropic traditions, our Jacks and Jills helped assemble 812 pounds of meals for families living with food insecurity during Thanksgiving. Our Senior Teens collected diapers for the District of Columbia Diaper Bank. They also assembled over 150 oral care kits, including notes of encouragement written by our younger children, for A Wider Circle in honor of MLK Day of Service. 140






annual celebration, “Home for the Holidays: Winter Wonderland.” There was something for everyone to enjoy! Our children enjoyed ornament making, cookie decorating, a hot chocolate bar, candy stations, glitters tattoos, and a 360 Camera. We had performances from every age group, and had professional family photos taken by Carlton Stuart Photography. Our Senior Teens also brought back their Santa’s Workshop, where our younger Jacks and Jills purchased and wrapped presents for their loved ones. The Community Service Committee collected lightly used coats and blankets to help support Andrew Jackson Academy, a Title I school in Prince George’s County. Last, but not least, each family received our signature Home for the Holiday’s commemorative ornament! It was a fantastic time for all!

President: Angelique Williams Vice-President: Zipporah Miller Program Director: Brenda Wilkins Recording Secretary: Gayle Lomax Corresponding Secretary: Makeba Barnes Treasurer: Trashawn Thornton-Davis Financial Secretary: Raneene James Editor: Melanie Jackson Chaplain: Shadonna Wallace Historian: Maya Garrett Loggins Foundation Chair: Angelique Williams Parliamentarian: Karyn Temple Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Toni Howard Father’s Auxiliary: Kristopher Hartmann

President: Maxwell Gaynor Vice-President: Caroline Figaro and Matthew Crittenden Secretary: Simone Lewis and Jackson Henderson Treasurer: Kourtlyn Eaddy

The Prince George’s County Interest Group of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was founded in 1973 as a provisional group by Ms. Geneva Mays. Under the sponsorship of the Washington, DC chapter, the group was installed as a Chapter in 1974. 39 mothers came together to create quality programming and community service projects for their children in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Noteworthy activities from 1974-1994 include The Red Velvet Ball, Jill Foundation and hosting 30th annual Eastern Region Conference and most recently hosting the Eastern Region Teen Conference 2022 at the Gaylord National Harbor. We are also the proud sponsors of 2 additional chapters in the area which are the Southern Maryland Chapter and the National Harbor Chapter. We have consistently made an impact in our community through our Fundraising efforts, most notably hosting the 4th Annual Catalyst Awards honoring trailblazing African-American women. Due to these efforts, we have raised over $250,000 in scholarships which have benefited more than 100 Prince George’s County students.


On September 25, 2022, the Prince George’s County Chapter celebrated the opening of the 2022-2023 program year with Jack and Jill, Carole Robertson Day! Jack and Jill Day was held at the beautiful Watkins Regional Park in Prince George’s County, MD. The Senior Teens presented a powerful and moving tribute to Carole Robertson, highlighting her story and honoring her legacy. We ended our tribute by reciting a beautiful poem written by, Carole Boston Weatherford, aptly titled, “Carole Robertson.” It was a memorable and touching tribute. What a way to start the program year! On November 7, 2023, the Prince George’s County Chapter hosted Module Madness-Reunion, our signature your leadership event! Each year, our Chapter offers this one-day youth leadership conference to ensure that our Chapters 3rd-12th grade Jacks and Jills - and Chapters in the surrounding area - complete all Programmatic Thrusts and Jacqueline Moore Bowles Leadership Modules required annually by the Eastern Region and National leadership On December 11th, 2022, the Prince George’s County Chapter celebrated family and the holiday season with our bi-

On January 16th 2023, educators and families came together for our annual MLK Day of Service Program, “A Day On, Not Off. “ Moderated by our very own Senior Teen President, Maxwell Gaynor, Senior Teen Vice President, Caroline Figaro, and Mother Ayanna Lynch. The Prince George’s County Chapter enjoyed family and friends during this Chapter-wide event in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Day of Service. It was a phenomenal day of service with over 150 family and friends!









President: Nicole Jackson-Williams Vice-President: Antoinette Guidry Program Director: Marlene Moody Recording Secretary: Shantiki Sanders Corresponding Secretary: Quanteia Maxwell Treasurer: Yolunda Dockett Financial Secretary: Sharon Street Editor: Ashley Newell Chaplain: Carlesa Sneed Historian: Shanna Davis Foundation Chair: Nakia McKenzie Parliamentarian: Yvonne Ferquson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Mishta Brooks Associate Chair: Melanie Jones Father’s Auxiliary: Sam Chisolm/Duke Meekins

President: Camille Johnson Vice-President: Kyle Coleman Secretary: Kendyl Maxwell Treasurer: Stephanie Ferquson Parliamentarian: Lauren Sanders Sergeant-at-Arms: Timple Jordan


The idea of having a Jack and Jill of America, Inc. chapter in Prince William County, Virginia began in 1981 when ten ladies met at the home of Dr. Frances Wood and became an interest group in March of 1982. In 1982, the interest group reached provisional status and at the 1984 National Convention, delegates voted to have the Prince William Provisional group be installed as a chapter. The installation took place on September 8, 1984, with 28 members. Since that time, our chapter has maintained a rich history and commitment to service. Our programmatic and community service activities are geared to raise future leaders, as well as support our community through various service and fundraising objectives. In addition to growing in size, strength, and service, our chapter has also grown in the number of active Associates. On March 15, 2015, eleven Associate members were installed as the Prince William County, VA Associate Group. Dr. Frances Wood, our Chapter Organizer, and our Chapter’s first President served as the first Chairperson of the Prince William County, VA Associate Group. The chapter was presented with The Five Star Chapter Excellence Award 2.2, for 2022-2024 at the 45th National Convention in Orlando, Florida in recognition of our commitment to excellence in programming, financial management, membership, community service/philanthropy, and chapter operations. Our chapter has 50 mothers, 90 children/teens, and 19 associates. The chapter celebrated its 38th Anniversary in 2022.


The Prince William County, VA Chapter started the 2022-2023 program year with the theme of “The Power to Make Difference for All Children. On Mission. On Purpose.” Jack & Jill Day was the first opportunity for families to gather together again. The teens presented a reflection of Carole Robertson and the historic details of that tragic day. During the Carole Robertson tribute, the teens honored her life by recommending ways to continue her legacy today. During the season of giving, the Community Service Committee organized a chapter-wide effort to support food insecurity in Prince William County to “Make a Difference For All Children.” Each programming group was assigned to donate certain items to provide Haymarket Food Pantry with a variety of necessary food and essentials. Mothers, children, and teens collected and organized items to assist the pantry. The activity helped support local families during the fall. Our children and teens have engaged in leadership, educational, and legislative activities. Through a variety of activities across the age groups, the children have enhanced their exposure to new ideas and learned from each other. A visit to a local African American-owned farm provided children with an opportunity to learn the importance of farming and property ownership. An overnight camping trip allowed teens to engage with peers from nearby chapters about ethics and develop leadership skills. Our children and teens traveled to the Virginia State Capitol to attend a legislative session, meet legislators, and gain an understanding of the legislative process by advocating for “Universal Free Lunch” and “Every Student Succeeds” initiatives. To decrease the wealth gap, a “Junior Black Wallstreeter” workshop exposed children to a variety of financial literacy topics, including banking, budgeting, and investing in the stock market to learn lifelong financial awareness tools. In each event, we will continue to keep “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children. On Mission. On Purpose.” the primary focus of our programming.







President: Greer Hansen Velazquez Vice-President: Alexandra McGlashan Program Director: Danielle N. Williams Recording Secretary: Alyson Thompson Hughes Corresponding Secretary: Rana Martin-Henderson Treasurer: Deborah Johnson Ingram Financial Secretary: Afua Wilson Editor: Rashana Due Chaplain: Carla Hunter Ramsey Historian: Jonelle Buddoo Foundation Chair: lmelba Rodriquez Parliamentarian: Lisa Clark Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Lisa Clark Associate Chair: Carlene Jean-Zephyrin Father’s Auxiliary: Lamar Huqhes and Allen Williams

President: lcema Castle Vice-President: Juliet Ramsey Corresponding Secretary: Miles Jones Recording Secretary: Olivia Hughes Treasurer: Alani Timmons Parliamentarian: Briana Robinson Chaplain: Kailyn Kelly Sergeant-at-Arms: Allen Williams


In the spring of 1952, Emilie Pickens and a group of mothers founded the Queens, NY Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. With over 70 years of existence and 50 mothers strong, we continue the legacy of developing constructive educational, cultural, civic, recreational and social programming that stimulates growth and development in our African-American children. Our chapter nurtures future leaders through outstanding chapter programming, community service, legislative advocacy and philanthropic giving. Over several decades, we have eagerly given our time and resources to organizations, such as the local NAACP branch during the Civil Rights Movement, the Queens Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children in the 1970’s, the Black Spectrum Theater in the 1990’s, and more recently the Urban Resource Institute, the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning and the Jamaica YMCA as well as the Ronald McDonald House, and St. John’s University Liberty Partnership Program. Throughout the years, we have established long-term trusted community relationships. It is our hope that these examples of commitment to the community have demonstrated that we truly have “The Power to Make a Difference” as we continuously strive to do more.


Committed to the theme of “The Power to Make a Difference, For All Children. On Mission. On Purpose.”, our families kicked off the program year in the spirit of service and family togetherness during our Jack and Jill Day celebration. We celebrated our families and held our annual color wars competition in addition to collecting book bags filled with school supplies to donate to the Math & Science, Research and Technology Magnet high school students in Queens (MAST) who are in temporary housing. Our Education Committee hosted and celebrated the life and legacy of Artist Jean-Michel Basquait with a private guided tour of the Jean-Michel Basquait: King Pleasure exhibit in NYC. All participants learned about his cultural influence and passion for art and advocacy. To honor him, participants crowned their creativity

and created their own versions of their favorite Basquait painting. In November, the Queens Chapter hosted a private screening of the much anticipated Black Panther: Wakanda Forever movie and thematically celebrated the life of King T’Challa. Continuing our commitment to make a difference, the chapter in partnership with the Urban Resource Institute, a domestic violence survivor and homeless shelter for families, celebrated the holidays with the spirit of giving by collecting clothes and accessories for distribution to the women and children at their newly opened Queens location. Additionally, in honor of Martin Luther King Day of Service our chapter ensured all classrooms at P.S. 35 in Queens, NY had grade-appropriate books and learning materials. We also assisted in creating space for a sensory room for the school and sorted all books in classrooms so they were age appropriate. This project will impact almost 600 students and give them a chance to improve their overall reading scores in every grade level. Lastly, our monthly Gavel Club provides our children the opportunity to build their confidence by developing public speaking and leadership skills in a friendly and supportive environment. With a mission to take our chapter to the next level, we will continue to work diligently to curate experiences and cultivate impactful partnerships that provide opportunities that will improve the lives of our children and our community.









Christmas holidays, the Chapter sponsored two Black families with food and specialty items from a curated wish list. In January, we celebrated Founders Day with a wonderful historical presentation on our JJOA Founder Marion Stubbs Thomas. In February, we will celebrate Black Entrepreneurship for Black History Month before enjoying “Black Excellence” during Black Family Day in May.

Chapter Officers: 2022-2023 President: Courtney Chadwick Vice-President: Blake Sias Program Director: Kia Braxton Recording Secretary: Tiyeme Lampart Corresponding Secretary: Kimberly Adams Treasurer: Sharon Hymes Financial Secretary: Alicia Anderson Editor: Donna Banks Chaplain: Shayla Bason Historian: Candice Turpin-Stephens Foundation Chair: Yvette Carmouche Parliamentarian: Tammy Benjamin Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Delcina “Adel” Felder Associate Chair: LaNay Coleman Father’s Auxiliary: Kevin Chadwick

President: Zoe Clement Vice-President: Kevin Chadwick Jr. & Maya Davis Secretary: Allison Anderson & Noemie Dalencour Treasurer: Jordan Hymes Parliamentarian: Jillian Felder Chaplain: Historian: Emma Lampart Sergeant-at-Arms: Historian: Emma Lampart

The Reston, VA Chapter started the club year with its annual Jack and Jill Family Day picnic in September. The Young Moguls, aka Senior Teens, presented a Carole Robertson tribute. The theme of our celebration was “Back Together Again: Family Reunion,” where we reunited Reston families for food, fun, and fellowship. This activity integrated JMB Module #10 (Communication and Public Speaking) as the Young Moguls learned key points on public speaking and presentation delivery in preparation for the event. We ended the day playing field games and enjoying the scenic views of Lake Fairfax. After experiencing a day packed with positivity, our Reston families felt refreshed, inspired, and excited for the Program Year! In September, the Reston Chapter enjoyed a Sip & Shop event at Kendra Scott with proceeds benefiting our Chapter scholarships and continued our fundraising efforts in December with Double Good Popcorn raising over $8600 in proceeds. In November, Reston Chapter families enjoyed a hayride and fireside s’mores at Krop’s Crops. At the start of the Christmas season, we celebrated our families with young children as we hosted our signature Breakfast with Santa event at Westwood Country Club. Mothers also enjoyed our annual Ornament Exchange. During the Thanksgiving and

Tiny Tots completed the Community Service and STE(A)M thrusts with Color your World: a community service project benefiting Reston local Senior Citizens with the life changing power of art. The Explorers and All Stars engaged in understanding local government activities, community service drives, and financial literacy with Jackie Trust. The Trendsetters enjoyed adventures in Holiday financial “CENTS”, Electronic Music Production, with a focus on mental health. The Innovators engaged in a visit to a historical black bank and vault tour and learned the science and engineering of DJing. The Young Moguls participated in a leadership lock-in. They hosted a Charleston Wrap fundraiser and donated the proceeds to the Chapter for scholarships, to the Foundation, and a local charity. They are also leading the donations of bottle caps for the construction of a much needed bench at local Annandale Terrace Elementary.





President: Stella King-Turner Vice-President: Kearstin-Piper Brown P rogram Director: Rashondra Martin Recording Secretary: Yasmin Mattox Corresponding Secretary: Tammi Panton Treasurer: Maya Crane Financial Secretary: Felecia Drysdale Editor: Fatimat Reid Historian: Fatimat Reid Foundation Chair: Rashondra Martin Parliamentarian: Yasmin Mattox Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Belinda Redden Father’s Auxiliary: Gareth Warren

President: Terrell Richards Vice-President: Elizabeth Sophia Tucker Secretary: Daja James, Catherine Alexis Treasurer: Nailah Smith Parliamentarian: Aniyah Reid


The Rochester Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was established on December 8, 1962 by founding mothers Mrs. Marie Jacobs, Mrs. Claire Hurst, Ms. Margarette Whitaker, and Mrs. Ermine Byas. In July 1961, founding mothers met to ascertain the procedures and requirements to charter a chapter. These dedicated mothers prepared and disseminated letters of interest to a multitude of mothers, thus resulting in several mothers agreeing to meet. Thus, in November of 1961 a club formed, and interim officers were elected. In June of 1962, the group was notified that their application to establish a chapter would be considered at the National Convention the following month. The Rochester Chapter’s proposed charter was approved on December 8, 1962; the acting National Vice President, Jacqueline Robinson, came to Rochester to install the chapter and 27 mothers into Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Since then, we remain aligned with the National Theme A Power to Make a Difference for All Children. On Mission. On Purpose.


The Rochester Chapter began the program year by celebrating Jack and Jill Day. Our families gathered to commemorate the life of Carole Robertson with a powerful presentation by the Teen Group. In line with our National Theme, The Power to Make a Difference, families were asked to donate art supplies to Saving AJ, a non-profit organization in Rochester providing short-term crisis childcare services to community families in need. The families donated in abundance which in turn allowed our children to volunteer additional time to organize the art supplies for Saving AJ. In October, our chapter supported victims of domestic violence by participating in a 5k walk which also raised funds for the Willow Domestic Violence Center. In November, our first through sixth graders participated in an important living focus with a mental health check-in. The children discussed what it means to be mentally and emotionally healthy. A guided discussion occurred with a mental health therapist on hypothetical situations that may occur and ways to address the situations. Our chapter concluded the 2022 year

by hosting our annual Plymouth Gardens event where we filled gift bags with personal care items for seniors who live in that building. Our chapter is excited about celebrating upcoming events such as, for Black History Month, the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra’s Black Composers concert. The children will see performances featuring our very own Vice President-Kearstin Piper Brown, a soprano singer. VP Kearstin will provide a special behind-thescenes chat. Prior to the performance, families will meet for dinner, where children will learn about healthy eating habits and proper table etiquette. We will continue to engage our families for the rest of the year by participating in nature hikes, ice skating and enjoying time together at a baseball game for Black Family Day! Families will come together to enjoy the baseball game in a private suite while enjoying food and fellowship. We will also have a presentation on the history of the Negro Baseball League. The Mothers and families of the Rochester Chapter rest in the knowledge that we provide Riveting Opportunities for Our Children (R.O.C.). Programming is the R.O.C. of the chapter, and the diverse activities we continue to organize set the framework for engaging our families, impacting our community, and leading by example through our riveting program for our children.





President: Michele Reed Bowman Vice-President: Marci M. Daniel Program Director: Victoria Agostini Recording Secretary: Nikosa Collins Corresponding Secretary: Peta-Gave Williams Treasurer: Shante George Financial Secretary: Donnia Elise Williams Editor: Lisa Hines-Johnson Chaplain: Martenz Williams Historian: Widley Cesar Foundation Chair: Rasheena Wilson Parliamentarian: Vanessa Rice Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Nycole Smith-Minnifield Associate Chair: Nicole Moorer Father’s Auxiliary: William Bowman and Rick Daniel

President: Joseph L. Griffith Vice-President: Gabriella Santos Secretary: Christian Brewster Treasurer: Ella Bosse Parliamentarian: Michaila Miller Chaplain: Zachary Tenemille Sergeant-at-Arms: Tyler Daniel


Victoria Agostini, Patricia Brimais-Tenemille, Sonya Burnham, Widley Cesar, Nikosa Collins, Marci M. Daniel, Cynthia Dansby, Marissa Darling, Taisha Lewis Edouard, Claire Elpenord, Tanya Gayle, Shante George, Djenane Griffith, Lisa Hines-Johnson, Latoya Jeffers, Millicent Lee, Amy Lucas, Devon Malebranche, Christina Merriweather, Chantay Miller, Taren Mitchell-Fleming, Deana Nelson, Shamaine Nials, Mary Lynn Nicolas-Brewster, Michele Reed Bowman, Vanessa Rice, Fabiola Riobe, Nathalie Riobe-Taylor, Johanne Santos, Teyanna Smalls-McEachin, Nycole Smith-Minniefield, Camille Stewart, Cheryl Walters, Donnia Williams, Martenz Williams, Peta-Gaye Williams, Rasheena Wilson


The Rockland Orange Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. had its initial installation of 24 visionary members on October 20, 1990. These charter mother members were united in their desire to work collectively to make a difference in the lives of their children and the children of the Rockland County community. The organization grew in June 2013 when our boundaries and services were expanded to include the beautiful and historic Orange County community. Our chapter currently includes 37 vibrant mothers, committed to upholding the chapter’s phenomenal legacy. Our Chapter theme is “The Road to Excellence - Raising our children to lead with power and purpose!”


Rockland Orange Chapter’s programming for the 2022-2023 program year is focused on our National Theme “The Power to Make a Difference – For All Children. On Mission. On Purpose.”The highly anticipated opening to our program year began with JJROC Jack and Jill Day held in the Ramapo Hills at Kruckers Picnic and Catering Grove. This fun family day bought our entire Chapter together and introduced interested Mothers to our members. It was a classic family gathering with music, food, dancing, double dutch, swimming, volleyball and a salute to Carole Robertson by our super talented Senior Teens. The Chapter continues to safely engage in various age group appropriate civic, cultural, educational, financial, health and wellness and community service activities. In just the first quarter of the program year, the Chapter hosted several activities including visits to petting zoos and farms to learn about animals and their habitats; a grocery store scavenger hunt to gain knowledge about

food groups and creating healthy balanced meals, and cooking healthy meals under the tutelage of an experienced Chef. Our programming also included a Youth Symposium where we hosted STEM presentations, leadership development classes, financial literacy, and other educational content for over 80 community children. The Chapter collected and distributed food, clothing and personal care items through Day and Midnight Runs; held a wellness, recreational, social and learning based getaway weekend in the Catskills, a day long retreat, and bowling and ice skating social. JJROC Jacks and Jills supported private events hosted by local Black businesses including a Black-owned soul food restaurant and Orange County’s only Black-owned bookstore learning about entrepreneurship.The Chapter will continue to curate engaging and impactful programming in support of our National initiatives for the remainder of this program year, concluding with an inclusive and memorable Black Family Day celebration.





During November the families of the South Jersey Chapter gathered for a chapterwide service activity at the Morgan Village Middle School to distribute food to combat the food insecurity that many Camden families experience. The chapter also celebrated a day of family worship at The Family Church and made a donation to support the Family Matters Childcare Center.

President: M. Jackie Lopez-Perry Vice-President: Yvette Lincoln Program Director: Josette Franks Recording Secretary: Nicole Huber Corresponding Secretary: Mame Wilson Treasurer: Nichelle Wilson-Wade Financial Secretary: Ebony Freeman Editor: Mariama Grimes Chaplain: Maya Lewis Historian: Danielle Wriqht-Fennell Foundation Chair: Lakisha Gordon Parliamentarian: Dawn Harris Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Shavonne McMillan Associate Chair: Tinique Peery Pitts/Donica Venable Father’s Auxiliary: Troy Miles

President: Delize Patterson Vice-President: Paiqe Huber Secretary: Eva Sprewell Treasurer: Justin Harris

The South Jersey Chapter was founded in 1954 by Mrs. Vivian Brown along with charter members Myrtle Ashhurst, Mirian Brown, Gwendolyn Chaires, Mattie Conwell, Emily Cromwell, Doris Davis, Carolyn Foreman, Violet Gordon, Helen Green, Helen Hampton, Minnie Henry, Lottie Johnson, Marion Jones, Cordelia Lane, Evelyn Middleton, Cynthia Phillips, Rubietta Scott, Verna Walker, and Gretchen Waples. A vibrant chapter of 60 mother members, South Jersey thrives as an organization dedicated to nurturing children - future AfricanAmerican leaders - in the South Jersey area. In the more than six decades since its installation, the South Jersey Chapter of Jack and Jill has continually functioned as an asset not only to its members but also as a resource to a variety of community-based organizations.


The theme for the 2022-2023 programming year is “Stepping into a New Season: Exemplifying Leadership, Programming, and Service. ” The South Jersey Chapter kicked off the 2022-2023 programming year on September 26, 2022 to celebrate the life of Carole Robertson during our Jack and Jill Day celebration. The tribute highlighted the goals of human rights, civil rights, and racial harmony presented by our Lords and Ladies (Teen Group) and Protocol Committee. After the tribute, our South Jersey families engaged in food, fun, and fellowship.

For the holiday season in December our children and teens continued their focus on increasing their service hours. In addition, chapter families gathered for our annual holiday party which featured a Kwanzaa celebration to reaffirm our African American heritage and strengthen the well-being of our families, friends, and community. The day included food and fellowship amongst members along with a performance by an African drum and dance troupe and a surprise visit from Santa who read the story of Kwanzaa to our youngest Jacks and Jills. The South Jersey chapter anticipates continuing the program year with a strong focus on our national programmatic thrusts by offering engaging programming, creating opportunities for our children to develop into leaders, and meeting the needs of our community through service

The month of September also included the Lords & Ladies overnight retreat during which they engaged in a service project and worked collectively to complete several leadership and financial modules; and an inspiring day-long mother’s retreat featuring motivational speaker Lolita E. Walker and IPNPD Shirell Gross. In October, the chapter hosted a legislative event developed by the Legislative Committee in collaboration with the Lords & Ladies, that featured a panel discussion with public safety experts and community activists about the need for gun reform and the way that citizens can advocate for change in their communities. 152



President: Lesley Quattlebaum Vice-President: Lisa Jenkins-DePeiza Program Director: Yovonda Kolo Recording Secretary: Jocelin Maxwell Corresponding Secretary: Andrea Hawthorne-Garcia Treasurer: Karleshia Dorsey Financial Secretary: Irene Mkhize Editor: Malena Brookshire Chaplain: Nikia Muller Historian: Ronnetta Johnson-Stump Foundation Chair: Irene Mkhize Parliamentarian: Tiffani Redding Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kesia Wheeler Associate Chair: Jacqui Hunter Father’s Auxiliary: Bruce Blake and Van Jenkins DePeiza


President: Sydney Cooksey Vice-President: Tori Jackson Secretary: Julia Pender Treasurer: Anthony Grady Parliamentarian: Gabrielle Blake Chaplain: Braxton Wheeler Sergeant-at-Arms: Braxton Wheeler


Shaquisha Bishop, Malena Brookshire, Felicia Blake, Tanja Brown, Dawn Carman, Nicole Cooksey, Karleshia Dorsey, Laura Dunk, Tia Farmer, Jocelyn Fisher- Perkins, Nkeshi Free, LaVita Gardner, Nicole Gaskin-Laniyan, Teresa Gonzalez, Gia Grady, Tamicka Hart, Andrea Hawthorne-Garcia, Janneice Hill, Angelica Jackson, Brianna Jackson, Theresa Jackson, Lisa Jenkins-DePeiza, Jeff (Ronetta) JohnsonStump, Yovonda Kolo, Bianca Lynch, Jocelin Maxwell, Kendra Mays, Marina McCulley-Boyd, Irene Mkhize, Yonelle Moore Lee. Nikia Muller, Joi Neal, Tia Nobles, Alfreda Owens, Deirdre Pender, Lesley Quattlebaum, Jill ReChrod-Monegain, Tiffani Redding, Brandy Sims, Slauger-Atiemo, Jamilia Smith, Clarissa Stroud-Kemp, Stephanie Taylor, Torri Turner, Shiquita Walker, Kesia Wheeler, Nicole Wilson, Akosua Wright, Lindsay Wright


The Southern Maryland Chapter was established in 2006. The names of the 26 Charter members include: Star Benjamin, Desney Bowen, Virginia Dennis, Delecia Eller, Kamila Fenwick, Rane Franklin, Vera Glover, Earlene Greene, Nadine Hunt, Michelle Johnson, Angela Jones, Jean Jones, Stephanie Jones, Stephanye Maxwell, Valinda Nwadike, Gwendolyn Phillips, Kim Pope, Karen Prout, Deidre Reid, Marissa Rivero, Lisa Smith, Gwen Spriggs, Rachel Thomas, Tamika Tremaglio, Dawn Tucker and Eunice Washington. The mission of the Southern Maryland Chapter is “Keeping Our Children First and Making an IMPACT with Intention.”


Our Adventures (grades 3-5) visited the International Spy Museum to engage in the interactive exhibits and learned about the history of spying, how it shapes the world, and how this information is turned into useful national and international intelligence. Our Adventurers also learned about influential Black inventors, and brainstormed ideas and developed plans to create their own inventions.

The 2022-2023 program year kicked off with the celebration of Carole Robertson Day at Historic Sotterly in St. Mary’s County, The Navigators (grades 6-8) partnered with the Friends of St. MD. Our families had a private tour where we learned about the Clements Bay to learn about oyster restoration. The Navigators descendants of our ancestors and the influence they have in the made and placed reef balls in the bay to filter and remove excess local community. The official Carole Robertson Day Ceremony nutrients from the water and to provide habitat for fish and crabs. was conducted by the teens and middle schoolers. Additionally, Also, the Navigators learned proper dining etiquette at fine dining the children painted rocks that were placed in the Sotterly Garden. restaurants, and were given a dining budget to stay within as a All age groups have been engaged in meaningful programming lesson in financial literacy. aligned with the National thrusts and this year’s theme. Our The Admirals and Pearls (grades 9-12) participated in a local Skipjacks (grades 2-year-Pre-K) and Explorers (grades K-2) learned college tour and experienced a-day-in-the-life of a college water safety practices and discussed how swimming promotes a student. The teens also engaged in a dynamic overview of financial healthy lifestyle. Following swim instruction, the children enjoyed readiness and career options in the banking industry. Additionally, water fun while using the skills they learned. Our Skipjacks and the teens participated in an interactive discussion about race and Explorers also participated in a “Little Medical School” activity racial identity, discussing key lessons in self-love. where they learned lifesaving procedures, such as CPR, and how to The Southern Maryland Chapter of Jack and Jill is excited about the identify an emergency. As a community service activity, the children success of our programming this year. donated thank-you cards to local first responders. 153






With a focus on serving, SNJJ hosted a Voter Registration Drive and educated the community about the election process. We also hosted our third annual Drive-By Food Drive in our fight against food insecurity to donate to a local food bank. Pepperettes and Merry Makers toured a member family’s apple orchard and beekeeping production. They learned how to harvest honey and sustainably use beeswax.

President: Nia Rhodes Jackson Vice-President: Yolanda Seals-Coffield Program Director: Allyson Smith Recording Secretary: Rasheema Foeb Corresponding Secretary: Melissa Kelly Treasurer: Melody Rollings Downes Financial Secretary: Karenza Alexis Editor: Tichianaa Armah Chaplain: Danielle Robinson Historian: Tichianaa Armah Foundation Chair: Candace Phaire Parliamentarian: Carmen Hughes Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Antonia Thompson

President: Lula Jackson Vice-President: Mika Bernard Secretary: Sebastien Bernard Treasurer: Chase Richards Parliamentarian: Madison Duckett Chaplain: Breanna Baldwin Sergeant-at-Arms: Breanna Baldwin

The Stamford-Norwalk Chapter of Jack and Jill began as a “twinkle in the eye” of a small group of devoted mothers who met to talk, bond, and share ideas about motherhood. The group bonded through their common interest in supporting the unique needs of their African-American children. Thankfully, these mothers heard of a mother’s organization called Jack and Jill of America through Esther Taylor, a member of the Los Angeles Jack and Jill Chapter. The mothers were intrigued by the organization and forged ahead in their quest to become a part of the organization. On November 14, 1953, the hard work of Espie Bowens (Saunders), Josephine Blackshear, Mabel Redfern, Olivia Darrow, Evelyn Sumner, and Virginia Powell paid off. The group was proudly installed by then National President, Dr. Alberta V. Turner as the Fairfield County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America. This inaugural group of women attentively built and nurtured the chapter by supporting several initiatives, including C.O.R.E. and the NAACP. In 1963, our Chapter’s name changed to the Stamford-Norwalk Chapter. The Stamford-Norwalk Chapter exemplifies the ideals of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, which endorses that leaders are not born; they are developed. Building tomorrow’s leaders is at our core. The power of our sisterhood is what makes us strong. The love of our families and the focus on our children drive and unite us as a family!

A Wakanda forever private screening is fun but it is “on mission, on purpose” when you do it at The Prospector Theater, a non-profit dedicated to providing competitive and integrated employment to people with disabilities. Sleepovers are fun but it “makes a difference” when you have it at a museum where you discover the science behind sleep and donate bedtime stories to the Children’s Defense Fund. Children will tour “Little Liberia”, the “Black Wall Street.” of Connecticut, but spent a day behind the scenes and in front of the camera at NBC sports. They will learn about the history of Step Dancing from the world-renowned and dynamic performers of Step Afrika and meet legendary Negro League of Baseball player and historian Gil Hernandez. With too many notable activities to describe, the experiences this year could not be richer. Our teens were on mission on purpose and then had fun returning to the COPA.


The Stamford-Norwalk Chapter programming this year was the embodiment of the national theme, “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose.” with a combination of resuming old traditions and creating new ones for children and their families. The much-anticipated cotillion resumed as families and close friends gathered to celebrate our outstanding teens in an elegant and inspired evening. We celebrate the life and the legacy of Carole Robertson with our first tailgate party at the HBCU NYC Football Game. As a tribute to the avid reader, members brought new children’s books about Black figures for the Carole Robertson Book Drive. 155




to those in the Suffolk County community. In an effort to increase early voting, the Suffolk County chapter in collaboration with other community-based organizations hosted the inaugural Countywide Party 2 the Polls, an event geared towards increasing voter participation in the Black community.

President: Wendy Lattibeaudiere Vice-President: Candace Cummings Program Director: Carla Simpson-Boakye Recording Secretary: Kimberly Joyner Corresponding Secretary: Selina Williams Treasurer: Melissa Guillaume-Thomas Financial Secretary: Lareicha Hunter Editor: Linda Frederique Chaplain: Michelle Richards Historian: Thereze Madison Foundation Chair: Donna Bacon Gilbert Parliamentarian: Kathryn Simmons Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Retha Fernandez Associate Chair: Jasmin Jones Father’s Auxiliary: Sidney Joyner

President: Christina Cummings Vice-President: Kinley Simmons Secretary: Kendal Crawford Treasurer: Alicia Madiido Parliamentarian: Brea Baker Chaplain: Angel Sampson Sergeant-at-Arms: Morgan Taliefero

The Suffolk County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was established in July of 1962. Sixteen mothers chartered the Suffolk County Chapter: Kathleen Taylor, Constance Allaway, Olive Baugh, Sarah Berhannan, Julia Higgs, Esther Hayes, Marie Hobbs, Vivian Powell, Delphine Primm, Blanche Robins, Gloria Smith, Helen Washington, Gladys Hayman, Alestine Owens, Marie Hendy and Gloria Bowser. Continuing to navigate in these times and uphold the thrusts and initiatives of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. at the National, Regional and Chapter level. The Suffolk County Chapter remains on mission on purpose with the children at the heart of it all - comprising 45 families strong, with 40 children and 33 teens.

Our chapter continues to serve on the National and Regional levels of leadership for the 2022-2023 program year: Kathryn Simmons National Programming Committee member and Eastern Regional Programming Chair and Linda Frederique National Founder’s Day Task Force Committee and Eastern Region Editor Committee. Keeping the children as our primary focus - the Chapter continues to lead in excellence for all children and community.


The 2022-2023 elected officers are: President Wendy Lattibeaudiere, Vice President Candace Cummings, Treasurer Melissa GuillaumeThomas, Program Director Carla Simpson-Boakye, Recording Secretary Kimberly Joyner, Corresponding Secretary Selina Williams, Financial Secretary Lareicha Hunter and Editor Linda Frederique. 2022 marks the Suffolk County Chapter’s 60 years of service, dedication and commitment to our families, children and the Suffolk County community. In celebration of 60 years, the chapter provided $25,000 to Jack & Jill of America, Inc. Foundation and 10 deserving Suffolk County high school students with $1,000 scholarships. The chapter also donated $10,000 to Family Community Life Center, Inc. and $10,000 to Choice for All. The chapter opened its very first computer lab, donating 3 Apple desktop computers for the youth of the Tri Community Youth Agency and completed another cohort of the JJ Swims sponsorship with the American Red Cross. Kicking off the 2022-2023 programming year, the Chapter celebrated the following awards of distinction from the 45th National Convention: Five Star Chapter distinction, 1st place Eastern Region Foundation Giving Per Capita, 2nd place Education Best of the Best and 2022 Eastern Region Superior Handbook to name a few. Most recently, our chapter participated in the Tanger Fit for a Cure 5K Walk/ Run and won the largest team award with over 90 registrants for the eighth consecutive year. Our teens participated in the National Legislative Week of Action and handed out voter registration forms 156






President: Sheila Johnson-Willis Vice-President: Selina Lazurus Program Director: Kerra Hunter Recording Secretary: Daryl Lovell Corresponding Secretary: Camille Ferrell-Knighton Treasurer: Tiffany Brookins-Little Financial Secretary: Lawanda Stitt Editor: Alyssa Campbell Chaplain: Peggy Odom-Reed Historian: Alyssa Campbell Foundation Chair: Alyssa Campbell Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Dana Zanders Father’s Auxiliary: Donald Sheperd

President: Trinity Odom-Reed Vice-President: Gabrielle Nichols Secretary: Jehlani Harper Treasurer: Amina Barry


Sheila Johnson-Willis, Camille Ferrell-Knighton, Selina Lazarus, Dana Zanders, Alyssa Campbell, Peggy Odom-Reed, Tayari Shaw, Shonette Harper, Tanya Paul Shepherd, Tiffany Brookins-Little, Kerra Hunter, Lawanda Stitt, Stacey Nichols, Rhonda Lee Miranda AskewBrown (Associate), and Yolanda Mitchell (Associate).


The Syracuse Chapter was established in 1982. The 1982 charter members included Ethel S. Robinson, President; Jo McCall, Vice President; Minnie Jenkins, Recording Secretary; Betty Goodwine, Corresponding Secretary; Eva Harp, Financial Secretary; Geneva Williams, Treasurer; Barbara Kearse, Parliamentarian; Rachel Clark, Historian; and Lee Watkins, Chaplain. We salute our charter members.


The Syracuse Chapter started the program year with a focus on “Making a Difference” by paying tribute to Carole Robertson’s life and celebrating Jack and Jill day through art, creating portraits of black families and engaging in discussion about being “Our Ancestor’s Wildest Dreams”. Our families are continuing our journey to make a difference and impact our community through volunteering with local organizations dedicated to combating poverty and homelessness, promoting healthy eating and lifestyle habits, engaging in public speaking, and organizing community campaigns focused on ending gun violence and poverty, mental health awareness, and improving childhood literacy. Our chapter closed out 2022 by coming together and celebrating our history and culture through our annual Kwanzaa Celebration and began 2023 by honoring Dr. Martin Luther King and partnering with the Salvation Army’s Parenting Center to help local families in need. We will continue our year on a high note, focusing on civic engagement through local community partnerships, exploring what it means to be a leader, supporting local black businesses, and focusing on improving the mental and physical health of African American children and families.







Through Jumoke, our children gain exposure to a multitude of African cultures and Black history.

President: Jennifer Joyner-Hall Vice-President: Ericka Bellamy Program Director: Monica Holmes Evans and Stephanie Moore Recording Secretary: Jessica Milton Corresponding Secretary: Shayleen Thorne Treasurer: Simone Goring Devaney Financial Secretary: Keisha Streeter-Clark Editor: Natasha Shields Sanderson Chaplain: Tiffany Gilliard Historian: Joigie Tolson Foundation Chair: Deidra Jackson Parliamentarian: Jasmine Riley Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Denise Wardlaw, Meredith Jolivert, and Sherlonda Goode-Jones Associate Chair: Jessica Milton and Marlynn Barnes Father’s Auxiliary: Robert Thorne

President: Cierra Barnette Vice-President: Kai Jones Secretary: Marley Long and Eva Doomes Treasurer: Kendall Weaver Parliamentarian: Nathaniel Romine Chaplain: Karis Francis and Aidan Foster Sergeant-at-Arms: Karis Francis and Aidan Foster

March 16,1940, Washington, DC became the third Jack and Jill club following Philadelphia and New York. Elinor McGuire was elected as the first president; Lillian B. Perry, elected as Vice President and chair of the Mother’s Program Committee; Lillian C. Bailey secretary. Other elected officers were Doris Gregory, treasurer and Angela T. Hayes chair of the Children’s Activities Committee. The first chapter members were: Lillian Bailey Huffman, Anne Burwell, Frances Dean, Doris Gregory, Angela Hayes, Olive Lindsay, Elinor McGuire, Frances Payne, Ethylbert Payne, Lillian B. Perry, Altona Robinson, Melba Syphax, Hortense Walton, Burma Whitted, Ruth Whitted, and Thelma Riggs. The founding mothers wanted to give their children the opportunity to forge friendships, to learn through cultural activities, and to develop into good citizens through civic and service projects. 2022-2023 total number of mothers in the chapter is 179, total Children: 298.

In 2022, the Chapter celebrated the 10th Anniversary of National Day of Fitness with our Family Fitness Day Celebration. This event focuses on health and wellness by addressing heart health and mental well-being. This multi-layered activity included an educational session about hypertension, tennis lessons, blood pressure readings, dance aerobics, and sculpt yoga. The familyoriented event engaged all grade groups in games and sports activities. The Chapter continued the tradition of community service by collecting gently used sports equipment and books for donation.


The Washington, DC Chapter of Jack and Jill makes a difference for all children on mission and on purpose. The Chapter engages in quality programming that develops the skills of our Jacks and Jills. Our activities are inclusive and often involve community members. Our diverse activities address the programmatic thrusts and feature activities around civic engagement, community service, mental health, and physical fitness. Signature Chapter events include Project Give Back, Jumoke, and Family Fitness Day. Project Give Back has a mission to distribute Thanksgiving food boxes to 2,500 families in the DC Metropolitan area. Our children collected cash and canned goods to donate to this cause. Each year we work with organizations and community members to pack and distribute food boxes. Jumoke, meaning “one who loves the child,” is the Chapter’s signature event that takes place every February. The event focuses on community strength, and artistic and cultural awareness.





the day to reinforce to our Jacks and Jills that connection, love, partnership, community, and health are vital to our existence as a unified group of people. Our families strengthened our bonds as we played, fellowshipped, ate, laughed, and shared stories. We were blessed to see many of our Westchester families spending the day connecting, working, and playing together again. In honor of Carole Robertson and with the focus of the “We are One” national task force initiative in mind, our families collected and donated various items for students in the special education programs in two of our Westchester County schools.

President: Dawn Hankin Vice-President: Asuncion Hostin Program Director: Eileen Lambert Recording Secretary: Randi Gray Corresponding Secretary: Mitzi Ambrose-Washington Treasurer: Janelle Bradshaw Financial Secretary: Tiffani Chambers Editor: Tia Leslie-Troy Chaplain: I. Javette Hines Historian: Kanika Williams Morgan Foundation Chair: Marrietta Nkomo Parliamentarian: Marjorie De La Cruz Boben Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Seana Watts Associate Chair: Paige Long Sharps Father’s Auxiliary: Christopher Washington

The Westchester County, NY Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was chartered on September 25, 1954. Chapter officers and members were installed on October 14, 1954, at the home of Lois Black in Hastings-On-Hudson. The Fifth National President, Nellie G. Roulhac, conducted the installation ceremony. The following chapter officers were installed: President, Vera Randolph; Vice President, Leticia Brown; Corresponding Secretary, Viola Walters and Treasurer, Helen Mason. Other members installed included: Ann Green, Jesse Adams, Lois Black, Sarah Gray, Mae Carey, Thelma Wood, Gloria Branca, Edna Desverney, Lavina Hill, Helen Pearman, Wihelmina Williams, Johnnye English, Erma Parham, Josephine Johnson, Farrell McClane, Jean Olivierre, Elizabeth Peacock, May Morgan Robinson and Mable Smith. Visiting mothers in attendance were, Nell Frazier, Emily Pickens, Marion Grandy, Althea Price, Marian Wyatt, and Amaza Reid. On January 7, 1955, one of the first Westchester chapter-wide events involved attending the debut of Marian Anderson, the first African American soloist to sing at New York’s Metropolitan Opera. At the 29th National Convention held in Memphis, TN on July 1525, 1990, Westchester Chapter Mother Nellie A. Thornton was elected as the 14th National President and re-elected at the 30th National Convention. She was present at the resigning of the Civil Rights Bill in 1991 at the White House as an invited participant by President George Bush. We are very proud to embrace the legacy of National President Nellie Thornton and many other chapter members who sought to make a difference.


President: Lauren Watts Vice-President: Isaiah Ndzibah Secretary: Gabrielle Barnett Treasurer: Maison Smith Parliamentarian: Christen Smith Chaplain: Logan Sharps Sergeant-at-Arms: Kyla Warren

For the remainder of the program year, each grade group has strategically planned a well-thought-out and exciting program calendar of social and community activities that focus on Culture, Health, Civic, Legislative, Financial Literacy, and Leadership while keeping our theme of connection at the center of everything we do. Our chapter is committed to strengthening our community’s foundation and fighting against poverty, crime, homelessness, and hunger. We will continue to promote positive self and cultural awareness for all of our children, all the time and on purpose.

Our warm and wonderful JJWC family kicked off our 2022-2023 programming year on Sunday, September 25th, 2022. In a sea of pink and blue waves on I-95 headed to Chelsea Piers Stamford, CT 06902, 163 chapter family members gathered to ring in the new program year with our annual Jack and Jill Day Celebration. The theme behind this year’s celebration was the power of connection. Many would agree that one of the most meaningful lessons to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic was cherishing moments in time by reconnecting with oneself, reconnecting with family and friends, or disconnecting from things that did not serve you. We wanted 160




President: Nekesha Williams Vice-President: Carolyn Manley Program Director: Yolanda Jenkins Johnson Recording Secretary: Timika Thrasher Corresponding Secretary: T. Nicole Smith Treasurer: Cyrese Brooks Financial Secretary: Melanie White Editor: Kara Foster Lewis Chaplain: Yolanda Davis Historian: Kara Foster Lewis Foundation Chair: Kamilah Bunn Parliamentarian: Candice Thomas Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Renee Thomas-Spencer Associate Chair: Erica Gordon Hyman, Lauren Mangrum Father’s Auxiliary: Stanley Jean-Pierre, Steven Brooks

President: Xavier Phillips II Vice-President: Kaylan Ewing Secretary: Nicolas Piermarini, Jardin White Treasurer: Julian Lewis Parliamentarian: Senaiah Amoah Chaplain: Madyson Davis Sergeant-at-Arms: Gregory Thrasher


Courtney Aklin, Carrie Artis, Laurenia Augustin, Rachelle Barlow, Cyrese Brooks, Kamilah Bunn, Sherrell Cottrell, Yolanda Davis, Sophia Ewing, Protean Gibril, Ebony Haslam, Sharnine Herbert-Amoah, Ruth Jean-Pierre, Yolanda Jenkins Johnson, Yokechia Kenyatta, Kara Foster Lewis, Carolyn Manley, Zolinka McCauley, Toya Newman-Piermarini, Shantay Phillips, T. Nicole Smith, Candice Thomas, Renee Thomas-Spencer, Timika Thrasher, Kia Tisdale, Keysha Walker, Melanie White, Della White, Zakiya White, Nekesha Williams, Niya Yeboah


The Western Maryland Chapter was established on November 16, 2014, under the leadership of our first President, Stephanie Brown. There were 15 charter members. Our chapter includes 31 members and 7 Associate Jewels. Our theme for the 2022-2023 program year is One Accord: Unity in Community, Sisterhood and Purpose. Our Mission is to serve African-American children ages 2-19, of our own, and in our community to advance their understanding of their heritage through positive role modeling and experiential learning. We are dedicated to nurturing their self-esteem, igniting their imaginations, and providing enjoyable growth opportunities through interdisciplinary experiences that offer leader, volunteer, and philanthropic experiences.


The Western Maryland Chapter started the year by celebrating Carole Robertson/Jack and Jill Day with an old-school style picnic. Our Chapter will remain on mission and on purpose by enhancing our Jacks and Jills’ knowledge of black history, culture, and art through our grade group programs and chapter-wide events. Jacks and Jills will learn about African dancing and drumming and the history of the black farmer. Attending the Bill Pickett Black Rodeo will teach them about African-American cowboys. They will learn about historically black colleges and universities during Black Family Day and attend Howard University homecoming. Our programming will also include walking tours of African American historical sites in Frederick, MD, and the U-street Corridor which is one of D.C.’s historic black neighborhoods. They will also study a black photographer and a black artist, learn about the roots of graffiti in black culture, and create their own graffiti. Jacks and Jills will participate in STEM activities that will teach gymnastics while enhancing mathematical knowledge, explain

the science of bridge-building, demonstrate how to read a GPS during a geocache challenge, raise awareness about careers in STEM and provide mentoring opportunities. A certified nutritionist will teach them about healthy eating. They will learn about the need for African American blood donors and help recruit donors for our second annual blood drive to be conducted in partnership with the American Red Cross. Their financial literacy will be expanded through programming about budgeting, savings, investing, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship. They will learn to develop business plans and pitch products or solutions. Their leadership skills will be enhanced during a workshop on self-awareness, effective communication, and good manners in public settings. The Western Maryland Chapter will continue to use our “Power to Make a Difference” by supporting the Jack and Jill Foundation, our community partners, the Boys and Girls Club of Frederick County, the African American Resources Cultural and Heritage Society (AARCH), and the Maryland Food Bank. We will also support the March of Dimes, Care 4 Kids at Frederick High School, the Frederick Rescue Mission, and other organizations. Our Chapter will participate in community service activities including the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, where we will donate and pack items for the Frederick Rescue Mission and Care 4 Kids. MLK Day will also mark the end of the “Step Up and Give” sneaker eco-friendly fundraiser. We will also collect new and used books by black authors to donate to a local elementary school. Our newly established Associate Group has supported the Chapter’s community service efforts with the “Pack 2 School” event which provided elementary school students with school supplies, and they are also supporting Chapter initiatives. Our Mothers’ retreat and planning meeting for the 2023-2024 program year will mark the end of the program year.






President: Yolanda D. Johnson, EdD Vice-President: Eleanor P. Williams, Esq. Program Director: Dayna A. Campbell, PhD Recording Secretary: Keisha Green, PhD Corresponding Secretary: Arria Coburn, EdD Treasurer: Pamela Westmoreland, Esq. Financial Secretary: Renay E. Hill Editor: Dayna A. Campbell, PhD Chaplain: Angela J. Hunter Historian: Lisa J. Green, PhD Foundation Chair: Yemisi Oloruntola-Coates Parliamentarian: Lisa J. Green, PhD Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kelly Watkins Associate Chair: Michele Alston Father’s Auxiliary: VVan Johnson Ill, Esq.

President: Jackson Council-Watkins Vice-President: Morgan Eriana Secretary: Miles Jeffries Treasurer: Savanah Westmoreland Parliamentarian: Oluwafunmilayo Coates Chaplain: Vincent Nasir Jackson Sergeant-at-Arms: lsiash Lewis


The Western Massachusetts Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was established in 2016. The three organizers, Alesia H. Days, Yolanda D. Johnson, and Jamina Scippio-McFadden, and eighteen additional women were the charter members, mothers on a mission for our children’s well-being, growth, and success. Mother members continue to participate in all levels of work, learning, and experiences in Jack and Jill of America, Inc., including Northern Cluster Workdays, Eastern Regional Mothers Conference, National Conferences, and special cultural travel activities. Mothers play a major role in bold and brilliant programming and efficient and effective chapter operations. Community engagement continues to be an integral part of our Chapter’s programming and contributes to the positive impact on our neighbors. The Chapter has collected books distributed at community festivals and donated winter apparel to children as part of the “A Snowy Day Service Project.” While engaging with our partner, the Boys and Girls Club Family Center of Springfield, our mothers and children experience the power to lead, advocate, serve, and grow the mottos of Jack and Jill of America. Another moment of great pride included our Chapter’s commitment to supporting the Jack and Jill of America Foundation with two distinct fundraisers: “The Porch Project” in partnership with a local Black photographer featuring professional photos of our families during the holidays and our annual collaboration with our local Blackowned bookstore during Black History Month. In celebrating our five-year milestone in November 2021, the Chapter established its Associate Group with seven mothers. Our hard work, focus, and commitment to Jack and Jill of America Inc. have garnered our Chapter the distinguished rating of being a Five Star Chapter of Excellence in 2018, 2020, and 2022.


This year’s Area Work Day was the Western Massachusetts Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.’s first opportunity to carry out an event of this magnitude for Jack and Jill of America, Inc., and we did so inspired by the national theme, “The Power to Make a Difference

For All Children On, Mission On Purpose.” Our entire chapter, from the youngest to our teens, Mothers, Fathers, and Associate Jewels, united to implement an Area Work Day experience that reflected our commitment to each other, our children, and our community. It was truly a testament to how a community of Black families can come together and share in the responsibility bestowed upon us to create a meaningful event for other Jack and Jill families. Mothers stayed up past the midnight hour singing, dancing, and stuffing bags while strengthening their bonds. The fathers enjoyed reconnecting with each other and were eager to support in a myriad of ways. Mothers of our littles took turns caring for each other’s children. Our Associates gleefully served as hostesses. Whatever was needed, it was clear we were there to support each other, “On Mission, On Purpose.” In demonstrating our “power to make a difference for our children”, the chapter sponsored a regional-level community service project called “Good Night Moon”, which collected pajamas and ageappropriate books by Black authors. Mothers attending the Area Work joined together to sort and package these gifts of love to benefit children participating in programs of two local organizations led by Black leaders – “On Mission, On Purpose.” Our AWD theme of “We Are Our Ancestors Wildest Dreams” best describes the tenacity and bond of the Western Massachusetts chapter. We are 18 families strong and continue to grow. We push ourselves and center our children on understanding what it means to be part of a family, a community, and a culture rich with lasting traditions and standards of excellence.




The Wiley Family


The Williams Family CENTRAL NEW JERSEY, NJ


164 164

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION



The Barnes Family COLUMBIA, MD

The Hanes Family COLUMBIA, MD

165 165


The Hunter ,FMamD il y

The Jones Family



The Watson Family COLUMBIA, MD

The Aikens Family GREATER POCONO, PA


166 166

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The Storey Family GREATER POCONO, PA

The Williams Family GREATER POCONO, PA

The Williams Family GREATER POCONO, PA

167 167


The Waddy Famil y JERSEY CIT Y, NJ

The Irby Family


The Curwen Family

The Guilfu Family




168 168

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION


The Patience Family NASSAU COUNTY, NY Doug, Austin, & Alona

il y m a F s g n i m m u The C UNT Y, NY SUFFOLK CO

169 169




Robin Peterson-Brown ATLANTIC CITY, NJ

Robin was a dedicated member of Second Baptist Church of Atlantic City, NJ, where she proudly sang with the Inspirational Choral Ensemble. Her love of singing began earlier in life as a member of the New John Howard Gospel Caravan. Robin obtained a degree in Computer Information Systems from the Richard Stockton College (now Stockton University), and Associates and Master’s Certificates as a Certified Project Management Professional. Robin began a 20-year career with the Federal Aviation Administration at the William J. Hughes Technical Center in 1998 as a contractor. She later accepted a federal position as an Information Technology Specialist. She was a prominent member of the team that received the Department of Transportation Secretary’s Team Award for a Department of Defense Drone Simulation.


obin Peterson-Brown was a rare and priceless jewel whose beauty was reflected humbly and beautifully as a wife, daughter, mother, sister, friend, coworker and dedicated child of God. Robin was born on January 13, 1956 in Mays Landing, NJ, to Charles and Marie Peterson. She gained her wings from God on November 26, 2022. Robin attended the local schools and graduated from Oakcrest High School in 1974. She met and married Reverend James M. Brown and from that marriage, Jillian Mikaela was born. Early in marriage, Robin toured and managed the business operations for the South Jersey Theater Ensemble where James wrote and directed plays and musicals, most notably, Yes God is Real!

Associate Robin Peterson-Brown was a life Member of the Atlantic City Chapter. She was initiated into Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated in 2004 and graduated in 2016. Robin gave unselfishly of her time for the positive development of all children. During her tenure she served in the offices of President, two terms; Program Director, two terms; Financial Secretary and Editor - Historian. She served as Chairperson for Jack and Jill Day, Publicity and Archives. She received the Distinguished Mother Award for her dedication to the organization. Robin was preceded in death by her father, Charles Peterson; her husband, Reverend James M. Brown and her sister, Leah Peterson. Robin is survived by her devoted daughter, Jillian; mother, Marie Peterson; siblings, C. Stephen Peterson, Cserelyn Peterson, Paul Peterson, Stephanie Peterson; sisters in law, Carolyn Tann and Kathleen Warren; nephews and nieces, Douglas Peterson, Leigh Anne Peterson, Jason Peterson (LaToya), Iyana Peterson, Michael and Mikayla Bell; greatniece, Layla Peterson, and numerous family members and friends.




ernice Robinson was a Burlington County (formerly Burlington-Willingboro) Chapter Charter Member. The chapter was founded on October 13, 1973. As a career educator, Bernice was dedicated to the cultural awareness and educational and social development of all children, especially her two daughters, Deborah Robinson, Esq. and Dr. Lesly Robinson, both Jack and Jill alum. She will be remembered fondly for her jovial spirit, kind generosity and many contributions to the Burlington County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.

Michele Hall Duncan ESSEX–HUDSON, NJ


ichele Hall Duncan was a member of the Associate Group of the Essex-Hudson Chapter and the longestserving Chair. Michele was our Jewel in every way. A lifetime Jack and Jill of America, Inc. member and a charter mother for the Essex-Hudson Chapter, Michele served as Vice President and Lead Teen Advisor. Her love of service was evident as she humbly served as a member of the Community Service, Foundation, and Hospitality committees. She fought fiercely for every child in our chapter and the communities we served to ensure every Essex-Hudson Jack and Jill experience brought joy to their hearts. Michele’s educational path took her through Jefferson Elementary, Whittier Middle School, and Central High School, “Class of 1981.” But she was most proudly a Spartan for life, having received a degree in marketing and advertising from Michigan State University. Michele’s unique career path was under one organization – enCourage Kids Foundation (EKF). Within a nearly 30-year time frame, Michele rose from volunteer to President and CEO. She was the heart and soul of EKF, and words cannot express the full scope of her impact on the organization and the children, families & hospital partners it served. Love was an action word for Michele, and she demonstrated that every time she encountered her Jack and Jill mothers, with a smile so warm it challenged the brightest sun and open arms so wide, they reminded us that, at that moment, life was worth smiling about. As the longest-serving Associate Chair, Michele was always there to welcome our chapter mothers into Associate Land. Michele was Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Children’s Specialized Hospital Foundation, served on the Advisory Board of one of the leading anti-bullying organizations, STOMP Out BullyingTM, for which she received a 2019 Public Service Leadership Award, and was Board Secretary of the NYC chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, where she also served on the professional advancement committee. There are no words to describe the void Michele’s sudden departure leaves for our Associate Group and the Essex-Hudson Chapter. She leaves her beloved son, esteemed Jack and Jill alumni Wesley Hall, and husband Ron Duncan to cherish her memory and honor her legacy. We join them.

Nancy Finley Barbour LOUDOUN COUNTY, VA


ancy Finley Barbour, the youngest daughter of the late Floyd R. Finley III and Ella Washington Finley, was born on January 22, 1963 in Winchester, Va. Deeply rooted in her small-town values of family, faith, friendship, and community, Nancy branched out to love, serve, inspire, and impact every person, institution, cause, and organization she encountered. Nancy was educated in the Winchester Public Schools. Nancy’s love for higher learning led her to James Madison University, where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in 1985. While at JMU, Nancy entered Greek life in Fall 1983 and was initiated into the Iota Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. After graduation, Nancy relocated to Northern Virginia. After her marriage to Paul Barbour, a beautiful daughter, Robin Lindsey Barbour was born.

In 2016, Nancy became an active member within the Loudoun County VA Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., where she served as the Lead Teen Advisor and Legislative Chair. It’s not surprising that because of Nancy’s diligent work in the community, she would receive many honors, awards, and recognitions. Amid all of Nancy’s work and commitment to family and community, she created, maintained, and nurtured lasting friendships. Nancy left her mark on the hearts of many.

Annie Wallace



ASSOCIATE JEWEL ANNIE WALLACE JULY 9, 1950 - DECEMBER 26, 2022 We the Prince William County Chapter of Jack And Jill, honor Associate Jewel Annie Wallace. Associate Jewel Annie served in our Chapter as Mother, treasured friend, and Associate. We will miss her presence, devotion, and her friendship here on Earth. We rest assured knowing that our dear Associate Annie is now with her Savior; a jewel in Heaven's crown.

Alexis Celestin QUEENS, NY


lexis Celestin was a member of the Jack & Jill Queens Chapter and a former member of the Mid-Hudson and Atlanta Chapters. A graduate of Hofstra University and Harvard Law School, she was affectionately called the Black “Murphy Brown” as she held many esteemed roles such as a former WilmerHale rockstar associate, Westchester County Assistant D.A., Teach for America graduate, and a trailblazing Math Teacher in both Atlanta and South Korea. Her most recent position was Deputy Director of the Conviction Integrity Unit of the Queens County District Attorney’s Office.

Mother Celestin was a breathtaking and inspirational wife of 16+ years to Steven Celestin, an incredibly proud mother to Noel and Joshua; and a heroic bonus mom of Tiana and Lisa. While Alexis is sorely missed by her Jack & Jill family and beyond, we are honored to have been a part of her amazing life and will keep her memory alive by living a full, impactful, fulfilling and enriching life that she so gracefully led.



haron Robinson, Bonita (Jones) Robinson, 59, of Wilbraham, MA, departed this life on November 30, 2022. Born in Newark, NJ, she was a daughter of Cleveland Jones and Ethel (Crenshaw) Jones. Sharon was employed as an accountant by MassMutual Life Insurance Co. and resided in Wilbraham since 2004. She was a member of St. John’s Congregation Church, where she served on the Finance Committee. She was a charter member of the Western Massachusetts Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, an active member of Alpha Kappa

Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, and the Black Accountants Society. She enjoyed walking, traveling, and photography. Sharon is survived by her husband, Scott Robinson of Wilbraham; her daughter, Lena J. Robinson of Wilbraham; her brother, Al-Sharif Muwwakkil of Newark, NJ; her mother-inlaw, Ernestine Robinson of Wilbraham; a niece, Juanita Davis of PA; a nephew, Nadir Jones of MD; three great-nephews; and a host of other relatives.

Debutantes & Beaus | EASTERN REGION



Madison Ruth Allen is the daughter of Drs. Angela & Jeffrey W. Allen. Deb Madison was presented to society and crowned Miss Precious Pearl at the Boston Pearl Foundation, Inc. (Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.) Cotillion on June 4, 2022. The Brookline High School Honor Society student and social activist plans to major in Political Science at Spelman College.


Stephen D. Moses II is the son of Stephen and Arkesha Moses. Stephen has been a member of the Burke-Fairfax, VA chapter for four years. Stephen was presented to society at the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. National Harbor Chapter’s Diamond Cotillion on April 29, 2023. Stephen was also presented to society at the Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc. Alexandria – Fairfax Alumni Chapter’s Beautillion on May 21, 2023. Stephen will attend college in the fall of 2023 and plans to major in Marketing or Computer Science.


Callie Johnson is the daughter of Andre & Debbie Johnson. Callie was presented to society at the Jack & Jill of America, Inc. Delaware Valley Rites of Passage Gala on Saturday, November 23, 2019. Callie is a Senior at Camden Catholic High School, Cherry Hill, NJ. Callie will be attending Montclair State University and majoring in Business Administration & Entrepreneurship.


Jefferson Cooper is the son of Emilio and Elise Cooper of West Chester, Pennsylvania. Jefferson was presented to society at the Jack and Jill Delaware Valley Rites of Passage Gala on December 18, 2021, at The Alloy in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Jefferson is currently a senior at West Chester East High School. He plans to major in computer science and business with a focus on entrepreneurship.



Love Donyel McCune, Jr. is the son of Nicole and Love McCune, Sr. Love was presented to the society at the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Delaware Valley Chapters’ Rites of Passage Presentation on December 18, 2021. Love is a Senior at The Haverford School and plans to attend college in the fall to study Civil Engineering and continue rowing.


Gabrielle Roberts is the daughter of Daryl and Erikal Roberts. Gabrielle was presented to the society at the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Delaware Valley Chapters’ Rites of Passage Presentation on December 18, 2021. Gabrielle is a Senior at Downingtown S.T.E.M. Academy and plans to attend college in the fall where she will major in Civil Engineering.


Meiko is the proud daughter of Dr. Melenese Sivells and Cee Harris. Meiko was presented to society at Faith International Cottilion & Beautillion Gala on September 24, 2022. The Notre Dame senior plans to major in the Five Year MBA Program at Hampton University in Hampton, VA.


Aniyah Malisse is the youngest daughter of Mr. Paul Williams and Dr. Nia Farrow Rashad. Aniyah has received awards and scholarships from the Vice Presidential, Congressional, and Senatorial nominations to the US Military Academy at West Point. She is an accomplished artist, violinist and award-winning equestrian. She also is a talented field hockey player. Aniyah been accepted to West Point, the University of Pennsylvania, Penn State University, Howard University, and Hampton University. She plans to study Art History and attend law school.


Kelsey E. Lawrence is the daughter of Retired U.S. Army Colonel Kenneth Lawrence and Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Arnetta Lawrence. Kelsey was presented to society at the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc, Rho Nu Omega Chapter Cotillion, in conjunction with the Ivy Pearl Foundation in May of 2022. Kelsey will graduate from C.D Hylton High School in Woodbridge, Virginia and will attend Morgan State University where she will major in Public Relations.


Beau Zachary Chase Johnson, Teen Sergeant at Arms of the Montgomery County Maryland Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., was crowned Mister Journey to Excellence and awarded Mister Top Scholar at the 2022 Biennial Cotillion-Beautillion. He is the son of Jeffery E. Johnson and Stephanie A. Johnson of Laytonsville, Maryland. Beau Zachary is a Junior at Seneca Valley High School where he is in the Project Lead the Way Engineering and International Baccalaureate Certificate Programs, while working towards the Certificate of Meritorious Service and member of Varsity Basketball, Varsity Cross Country, and the HBCU Pathways Program. 178

Debutantes & Beaus | EASTERN REGION


Debutante Namara Mugamba is the daughter of Joseph and Martha Mugamba. She was presented to society on April 9, 2022 at the Journey to Excellence Ball hosted by Jack and Jill, Montgomery County, MD. She enjoys dancing competitively and serving her community as she has over 475 hours of service and earned the Girl Scout Gold Award. She currently serves as President of the Gavel Club an organization chartered under Toastmasters International and Teen Parliamentarian for Jack & Jill, Montgomery County, MD. She is a junior at Blake High School and is interested in pursuing psychology in college.


Debutante McKinley London Wilson is the daughter of Wayne Wilson and Yvonne Briley-Wilson, Esquire and was presented to society on April 9, 2022, during the Montgomery, Maryland Chapter’s A Journey To Excellence Cotillion-Beautillion. McKinley was awarded the First-Runner-Up Crown. An 11th grader in the Project Lead the Way, Biomedical Science International Baccalaureate Diploma Program at Rockville High School, McKinley is cultivating her interest in science through this rigorous science-based honors program. She also has a strong interest in art and hopes to create a business for her resin art. She will attend college focusing on science.

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Beau Blake Alexander Mathews is the son of retired Sargent First Class Matt Wayne Mathews and Legacy Mom Kya Edece Lewis-Mathews. Blake was presented to society at the National Harbor Chapter’s Diamond Cotillion on April 29, 2023. The Dunbar High School student plans to major in Physical Therapy at Tennessee State University.

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Beau Isaiah Rose is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Rose. Beau Isaiah was presented to society at The Columbia Maryland Chapter’s 21st Biennial Beautillion on April 23, 2022. Isaiah currently attends Georgetown Preparatory Highschool in Bethesda, MD. He plans to attend West Point Academy and major in Business/Finance.

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LINDSAY KAYEE SIMMONS https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1vc8lz5lQlZnGs1ZJFralWpckaCF9Fp35qUah5yK81S_pYT1UiDyerNerbXLMd7Gt3gjnrWxG

Lindsay Kaye Simmons is the daughter of Lewis Simmons and Legacy Mom Evie Adams Simmons and sister of Evan (‘25). She was presented to society at the National Harbor Chapter’s Diamond Cotillion on April 29, 2023. The Bishop McNamara High School student will attend college and major in Mathematics with a minor in American Sign Language. She is excitedly awaiting decisions from several colleges and universities and will declare her choice on “Decision Day” May 1, 2023. 1/1


Beau Nicolas Dwayne Brewington is the son of Derek Dwayne Brewington and Licelis Brewington. Nicolas was presented to society by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. on November 12, 2022. The Newark Charter High School student plans to major in Computer Sciences & Graphics in the Fall of 2023.





Debutante Jaime Briana Durodola is the daughter of James Durodola and Christina Durodola. Debutante Jaime Briana Durodola was presented to society at the Precious Pearls Cotillion on June 4, 2022. This Avon MiddleHigh School student plans to major in Neuroscience/Cognitive Science at Howard University.


Debutante Maya H. Porter is the daughter of Dr. Chrystal and Brian Porter. Deb Maya was presented to society at the Boston Pearl Foundation’s Precious Pearl Debutante Ball on June 4, 2022. She was 2nd runner up in fundraising efforts among the debs. Maya currently attends Covenant Christian Academy in Peabody, MA and plans to double major in Illustration and Animation while pursuing her Bachelor in Fine Arts degree.


Evan Gregory Allen is the son of Gregory and Dara Allen. Evan is 17 years old and a junior at Pittsburgh Science & Technology Academy (SciTech), where his major concentration is Computers and Connections. He is a high honor student with a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.98 and is a member of the National Honor Society. Evan is afforded many opportunities at SciTech, such as accelerated courses including taking AP Calculus as a 10th grader. He is a member of the baseball team, soccer team, Black Student Union, and the Feminist Student Union. He also participates in service and leadership opportunities through the National Honor Society.


Nyla Maria Brown is the oldest daughter of Mr. Milan Brown and Dr. Tina Maria Russell-Brown. She is a junior at North Allegheny High School, where she enjoys challenging herself academically, meeting new people, and participating in athletics. This is Nyla’s 10th year in Jack and Jill, Incorporated. The organization has been a steady presence in her life and has served as a connection tool as she moved from state to state. As a junior, she is considering many options for a career and which college to attend. Two things Nyla knows for sure- 1) she wants to speak Spanish fluently and 2) she wants to travel the world to learn about as many cultures as possible!


Torey Alfonzo Bullock, Jr. is the son of Torey Bullock and Jalila Jefferson-Bullock , Esq. Torey was presented to society at the Pittsburgh Chapter of Jack and Jill, Inc. 21st Biennial Presentation Ball on December 17, 2022. The Winchester Thurston junior plans to attend a four-year college of his choice where he will work to pursue his dream of becoming a civil rights attorney.


Gabrielle Gathers is the daughter of Rashard and Carla Gathers. Gabrielle was presented to society at the Pittsburgh Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. 21st Biennial Presentation Ball on December 17th, 2022. The Pine-Richland High School Student plans to attend a 4-year college or institution and major in International Business.


Debutantes & Beaus | EASTERN REGION


Alexandra Graves is the daughter of Kevin Graves and MJ Roach. Alexandra was presented to society at The Jack and Jill Presentee Ball on December 17, 2022. She will graduate from Franklin Regional Senior High School in May. Alexandra plans to major in Business Administration with a minor in Psychology.


Jalen Bryce Hollins is the son of John and Della Hollins. Jalen was presented to society at the Pittsburgh Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. 21st Biennial Presentation Ball on December 17, 2022. The Central Catholic High School student plans to major in Engineering at a 4-year college or university.


Dailyn Hopkins is the daughter of David and Devona Hopkins. Dailyn was presented to society at the Jack and Jill of America Inc., Pittsburgh Chapter 21st Biennial Presentation Ball on December 17, 2022. The Montour High School student plans to major in Sports Marketing at Baylor University.


Olivia Jackson is the daughter of Calvin and Karris Jackson. Olivia was presented to society at the Pittsburgh Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, lnc.’s 21st Biennial Presentation Ball on December 17, 2022. The Sewickley Academy student plans to attend an HBCU and major in psychology.


Noah Robert Jordan is the son of Antoine and Pamela Jordan. Noah was presented to society at the Pittsburgh Chapter’ s 21st Biennial Presentation Ball on December 17, 2022. The Quaker Valley High School senior plans to major in business/entrepreneurship at a four-year uni versity of his choosing.


Quincy L. McCormick is the son of Darren Brett and Arnetta Kelly McCormick. Quincy was presented to society at the Jack and Jill of America, Pittsburgh Chapter Presentation Ball on December 17, 2022. Quincy is a junior who attends Central Catholic High School.



Mackenzie Elizabeth Primer is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Tanisha and Matthew Lydic, Sr. and Dale Primer. Mackenzie was presented to society at the Pittsburgh Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. 21st Biennial Presentation Ball on December 17, 2022. The Pine-Richland High School student plans to attend a 4-year university and major in Biology.


Amari Ray Smith is the son of Alvin and Lavette Smith. Amari was presented to society at the Pittsburgh Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. 21st Biennial Presentation Ball on December 17th, 2022. Amari will attend a 4-year university where he will study Broadcast Journalism and International Law.


Evangeline (“Evi”) Dorothy Teter is the daughter of Rev. Ayana Teter and Rev. Aaron Teter. Along with her parents, sister Naomi and brother Ezra, her family is currently relocating from the western edge of Pittsburgh to Historic Highland Park. Evangeline’s High School journey has been at the Ellis School where she is currently a junior and has remained on the honor roll every semester. Evangeline has a love for the Arts and Humanities with a keen interest in learning diverse languages and a passion and talent in illustration and graphic arts. While focusing intently on the study of the Spanish language, Evangeline is also teaching herself Japanese!


Morris Edward Turner III is the son of Morris Edward Turner Jr and Crystal Danyail Turner. He is currently a senior at Pittsburgh Central Catholic High School. Throughout his high school regime, he has been a member of the Central Catholic Black Student Union. Morris participated in a host of sports for Central Catholic High School. Morris has been an avid member of Jack and Jill for 11 years. He has served as Teen Sergeant at Arms and proudly serves as Teen Chaplain. In the fall of 2023 Morris will attend a four-year learning institution or university of his choice that has a legacy of producing innovators and leaders.


Joshua Wade is the son of Clarence and Marsha Wade. Joshua was presented to society at the Pittsburgh Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. 21st Biennial Presentation Ball on December 17th, 2022. The Central Catholic High School student plans to major in biomedical engineering at Columbia University in New York City.


Lindsey Simone Washington is the daughter of Scott & Joan W. Bartlett and Thomas C. Washington III. Lindsey was presented to society at the Pittsburgh Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. 21st Biennial Presentation Ball on December 17, 2022. The Pine-Richland High School student plans to attend a 4-year college or university and major in Digital Media, with a minor in Psychology.


Debutantes & Beaus | EASTERN REGION


Miss Karrington Chanel Eaddy is the daughter of Ms. Trina Alexander Eaddy, Esq. and Mr. Sherman J. Eaddy. She was presented to society as a Zulu Maid by the Zulu Social Aid and Pleasure Club of New Orleans, Louisiana at their Coronation Ball at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center on Friday, February 17, 2023. The Eleanor Roosevelt High School honor roll student plans to major in Business Adminstation with a minor in Fashion Design at Clark Atlanta University in the Fall.


Beau William Franklin is the son of William Franklin and Dr. Iesha Franklin. William is a senior at Bishop McNamara High School and was presented to society by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity on June 9, 2023. William is a 16year member of the Prince Georges County Chapter and plans to attend an HBCU and major in Sports Medicine.


Maxwell D. Gaynor is the son of the Honorable Donine Carrington Martin & Marvyn L. Gaynor, Jr. Beau Maxwell was presented to society at the IFNV-Alpha Kappa Alpha Cotillion on April 16, 2023. He is a senior at North Point High School and plans on attending an elite 4 year college.


Simone F. Lewis is a senior at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School in Washington, DC and is the daughter of Drs. Cassandra and Essentino Lewis, Jr. She has been a member of the Prince George’s County Chapter for 11 years. Simone has engaged in many service activities in her community and abroad. She played AAU basketball for Team Takeover since 5th grade. She is also a 4 year varsity player on her high school team, where she served as captain for 2 years. Simone is involved in various clubs at her school. She is a co-president of the American Sign Language Club and an active member of the Womanist Club and Black Women’s Society.


Andrew “AJ” Brooks Jr is the son of Andrew and Mishta Brooks Sr. Andrew was presented to society at the Diamond Cotillion sponsored by the National Harbor Chapter of Jack and Jill on April 29, 2023. The Battlefield High School student plans to major in Engineering in the fall. He plans to attend Southwest Virginia Community College where he has accepted a soccer scholarship.


Christian Jeremiah Ethan Baldwin is the son of Dr. Celeste Sharlene Cox-Baldwin and Duane Stephan Baldwin. Christian was presented to society at the Hilton Stamford Hotel on June 25th, 2023. He has served on the Stamford-Norwalk Chapter teen executive committee, as treasurer and editor. Christian is a varsity basketball forward and faculty-selected member of the student leadership council at his high school. He manages several successful social media pages and was a junior sports writer for the local newspaper, the Greenwich Sentinel. The Greenwich Country Day School student plans to major in Marketing at the college of his choice.



Lula Naima Jackson is the daughter of Nia Rhodes-Jackson and Tunde Jackson. Lula was presented to society at the Hilton Stamford Hotel on June 25th, 2023. A proud member of the Stamford-Norwalk chapter since 2012, Lula has served as Regional Teen Protocol Chair, Regional Teen Treasurer, and Teen President of her chapter. She is a student lead at Tiny & Great Inc., Pierrepont’s literary magazine editor, and the Student Leadership Council co-chair. Lula is a member of the varsity rowing team at Greenwich Crew. The Pierrepont School student plans to major in Data Science and International Relations at Stanford University.


Alex is the son of Vanessa and Gregory Riché. Alex was presented to society at the Hilton Stamford Hotel on June 25th, 2023. The Greenwich High School senior is continuing to explore his options in engineering and design and plans to attend a school in the Northeast.





Maya Daniels is a senior at Archbishop Spalding High School in Severn, MD and is the daughter of Clifford and Pamela Daniels. She has been a member of the Arundel Bay Area Chapter for 8 years. Maya currently services as Teen President and has received the Jack and Jill of America Broze and Gold awards consecutively for her many hours of vounteer work. Maya also works and particpates in school activites and clubs. She will attend college after graduation and will major in Business.


Ethan Ellison is a senior at Howard High School in Ellicott City, MD, and is the son of Felicia and Michael Ellison, Esq. Ethan has been a member of the Arundel Bay Area Chapter for 11 years and has served as Teen Historian and Teen Conference Scrapbook Chair. He is an honor student and the recipient of a prestigious senior year internship. He continuously serves his community through his volunteer work at various organizations. Ethan has been accepted to several universities, but is undecided at this time. He plans to study Immersive Media (Game) Design, with a minor in Computer Science.


Devin Lang is a senior at South River High School in Edgewater, MD and is the son of Anthony and Dinean Lang. He has been a member of the Arundel Bay Area Chapter for two years and part of Jack and Jill of America for five years. Devin has not decided which university he will attend, but plans to pursue sports management.


Joshua Scott is a senior at Oxon Hill High School in Oxon Hill, MD. He is an active participant in many clubs and organizations at school and has recently developed a fond interest in lacrosse, of which he devotes weekday afternoons to perfecting his craft. He has a natural affinity for business and is currently working as an apprentice with a commercial real estate developer. After graduation, Josh will attend college and study computer engineering, with aspirations of obtaining an MBA.


Sean A. Williams is a Senior at St. John’s College High School in Washington, D.C., and is the son of Rosalind Williams and Cliff Williams, Jr. He has been a member of the Arundel Bay Area Chapter for 13 years. Sean is on the St. John’s Varsity Football Team (WCAC Championships 2021 & 2022), Varsity Track & Field Team (WCAC Championship 2021), Captain in Cadet Corp, and an Honor Roll Student. Sean has committed to play D1 Football for the University of Maryland, College Park, where he will be majoring in Business.



Alishya Brown is a senior at Chartertech High School in Somers Point, NJ. She is the daughter of Kermit and Olethia Brown. Alishya has been a member of the Atlantic City chapter for seven years. She held the offices of President, Vice President, Treasurer and the Foundation Chair; receiving the Distingished Teen Award twice. Alishya was elected as the Dance Artist CEO, Student Council Interact Club representative, and Chartertech’s Billboard and Istagram School advertisement. She is an Usher and Praise Dance Coreographer for the Faith Baptist Church. Alishya has decided to attend Virginia State University to major in Physical Therapy.


Jaden Isaiah Gibbs is a senior at Buena Regional High School in Buena Vista Township, NJ and is the son of LaToya Inman and Jason Gibbs, Sr. He has been a member of the Jack and Jill Chapter of Atlantic City, Inc. for 8 years. He has been heavily involved in the community by volunteering with various organizations such as: Gilda’s Club, Northfield, NJ, Senior Center, Pleasantville, NJ, and the Veteran’s Memorial Home, Vineland NJ to name a few. He has decided to attend Susquehanna University where he will major in Biology and plans to become a Cardiovascular Surgeon.


Maiya White is a senior at Egg Harbor Township High School in Egg Harbor Township, NJ and is the daughter of Rashon and Alicia White. She has been a member of the Atlantic City Chapter for nine years. She is an active volunteer with the homeless, the local food bank, and with the elderly. Maiya is undecided on which University she plans to attend but will major in Psychology. Maiya’s aspiration for the future is to become psychologist.


David H. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Anderson, is a senior at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, where he is part of the Ingenuity Project Gifted STEM program. His mother, Dr. Annette Campbell Anderson, currently serves as President of the Baltimore Chapter. David has been a member of the Baltimore Chapter since 2014. He has served the Teen Group as Community Service Chair, Teen Parliamentarian, and Moderator for the HBCU College Forum. He was named a National Recognition Scholar by the College Board. In addition, he has been a member of Poly’s varsity football and baseball teams.


Darryl Russel Armstrong, Jr. is an Honors Senior in the Law and Public Policy Program at Towson High School in Baltimore, MD. He is the son of Lisa and Darryl Armstrong, Sr. A nine-year member of the Baltimore, Maryland Chapter, Darryl has served as Teen Recording Secretary and Teen Historian. He is a member of the National English Honor Society. He received the National Recognition Program Award from the College Board for exceptional performance on Advanced Placement exams. He is a Social Justice Teen Fellow, certified Lifeguard and Student Mentor for the Law & Public Policy Program. Darryl will attend college in the Fall for Economics and Public Policy.


Dylan Barnes is a Senior at Friends School of Baltimore in Baltimore, Maryland and is the daughter of the late Derrick Barnes and Davia Lilly-Barnes. She has been a a member of the Jack and Jill Baltimore Chapter for 6 years. She currently hold the position of Teen President of the Chapter and is very involved in her community both is school and out. In school she holds leadership positions in the following Board of Trustees, Student Representative, Black Student Union, Admissions Ambassador Club, Diversity and Social Justice Practitioner, Varsity Soccer Captain, FS Athletics Association Representative. Outside of School she is the Captain of her travel soccer team.




Lauren Elise Edwards is a senior at the Baltimore School for the Arts in Baltimore, Maryland and is the daughter of Mr. Derrick Edwards and Dr. Mellasenah Edwards. Lauren has been a member of the Baltimore Chapter for 14 years. Lauren is a violinist and has plans to become a professional violinist performing internationally. She will attend a music conservatory in the fall after graduating from high school.


Christian Smith, son of Kimberly Randolph member of Baltimore chapter of Jack And Jill for over 11 years Christian attends Baltimore school for the arts during high school. He volunteered as a peer counselor at the Planned Parenthood of Maryland. He also served as a member of the black student union at BSA. After graduation Christian would like to attend Marymount University in Manhattan in New York City and study theater arts.


Jordyn Elyse Allen is a Senior at Immaculate Heart Academy in Township of Washington, NJ and the daughter of Tiaa and Keith Allen. She has been a member of Bergen-Passaic Chapter for 10 years. Jordyn is a member of National Honors Art Society, on the Distinguished Honor Roll, and is active in the community as a member of C.A.R.E. (Christian Actions Reach Everyone), Made with Love, and the Black Student Union. Jordyn has been accepted to several schools with Presidential Scholarships where she plans on double majoring in Psychology and Criminal Justice with aspirations to study law.


Kahlia Simone Content is a Senior at Immaculate Heart Academy (IHA) in the Township of Washington, NJ, and the daughter of Sharon and Steven Content. She has been a member of the Bergen-Passaic Chapter for 5 years. At IHA she founded the Black Culture Club, won several awards with her volleyball team and was recognized for her dedication to community service. Kahlia has been accepted to several schools that are interested in her potential of playing volleyball in college. She plans on majoring in Biology (Pre-Med) and minoring in Criminology with aspirations of being a Forensic Psychiatrist.


Vaughn Foster is a Senior at Dwight Englewood High School and the son of Annette Powlis. Vaughn has been a member of Jack and Jill for 8 years. Vaughn has held the positions of Sergeant at Arms, for Gavel Club, Senior Teen Parliamentarian and Senior Teen Foundation Chair. At school, Vaughn was awarded MVP on the basketball team and coached younger children in basketball. Vaughn has volunteered with Operation Christmas Child, Feed My Hungry Children, Soles 4 Souls and Operation Backpack. Vaughn aspires to be an on-air television sportscaster, after obtaining a degree in Broadcast Communications.


Taylor Madison Ghee is the daughter of Tony and Michele Ghee. She is class President at DePaul Catholic High School in Wayne NJ. She served as Senior Teen President, Treasurer, served on the Eastern Region nominating committee and won the Jack & Jill distinguished Teen Award. At her high school, she founded the 1st cultural resource group for diverse students and she is a member of two honors societies. She won multiple medals in track and field, plays the piano and volunteers in her community. She intends to study political science in college and then attend law school.



Nina Jeffries-El is a senior at Bergen County Academies in Hackensack, NJ, and the daughter of Carla Kelly Jeffries-El and Hassan Jeffries-El. She is a member of the National Spanish Honor Society and President of the Art Honor Society. She serves as a leader for SPARK, the International-Day of Acceptance, and a member of the Girls Varsity Soccer Team. Nina has been a member of Jack & Jill for 15 years. She currently serves as Parliamentarian. She won the Eastern Region Sr. Teen Conference Art Contest. Nina is excited to expand her academic foundation, while also pursuing her passion for art.


Angelique Victoria Mitchell is a senior at Tenafly High School in Tenafly, NJ. She is the daughter of Dr. Dennis and Bridgette Mitchell. Angelique has been a member of the chapter for 15 years. At school, she is the President of the Science Discovery Club and active in Young Democrats Club and the New Jersey Chemistry Olympics. Angelique has participated in gymnastics since the age of 7, competed in high school, and won the 2nd Team AllLeague Honor for the uneven bars. Angelique has been accepted to Barnard College and will study biochemistry and attend medical school in the future.


Jordyn Wynn is a senior at the Academy of the Holy Angels in Demarest, NJ, and the loving daughter of Jaime and David Wynn. She has been a member of Jack and Jill Bergen Passaic for 7 years. At school, Jordyn is a distinguished honor roll student, a member of the National Honor Society and French Honor Society, where she also serves as the Co-President. She is an active member of Operation Smile and the national champion AHA Varsity Dance Team. She will be pursuing business with a concentration in marketing in a college of her choice.


Madison Ruth Allen is a senior at Brookline High School in Brookline, MA, and is the daughter of Drs. Angela & Jeffrey W. Allen. She has been a member of the Boston Chapter for 15 years. Madison is the Co-Founder of the Brookline Placard (Anti-Racist) Program, Co-President of the Black Student Union, most recent past President of J&J Boston Chapter, Miss Precious Pearl (Boston Pearl Foundation), Girl Scout Ambassador, Grubstreet Writing Fellow, Whipple Writing Fellow, and a member of National Honor Society. Madison will be a member of the 2027 class of Spelman College and will major in Political Science.


Jess Brathwaite is a senior at Canton High School in Canton, Massachusetts and is the daughter of Richard and Jennifer Brathwaite. She has been an active member of the Boston Jack and Jill Chapter for 4 years where she served as Vice President, Recording Secretary and Foundation Chair. Jess is a talented cellist and athlete participating in ice hockey, soccer and track and field. She gives back to her community by volunteering at a local homeless shelter and as a soccer coach to first grade students. Jess plans to attend college in the Fall majoring in Architecture.


Myles Burgess is a senior at Beaver Country Day School (BCDS) in Chestnut Hill, MA and is the son of Shawn and Keisha Burgess. He has been a member of the Boston Chapter for 1 year. Myles is a dedicated student, passionate community member, and tenacious athlete. He is co-founder of the Real Estate Club and member of the soccer, basketball and lacrosse Varsity teams at BCDS. Myles plans to pursue a degree in Finance and Entrepreneurship.




Trystan Carter is a senior at Randolph High School in Randolph, MA and is the son of Sherman and Annemarie Carter. He has been a member of the Boston Chapter for 4 years. Trystan is a talented student-athlete as a member of his Varsity basketball team and AAU National team. He is passionate about giving back to his community volunteering for local organizations combating food insecurities as well as My Brother’s Keeper in Easton, MA for the past 7 years in their Christmas program. Trystan plans to continue playing basketball in college and pursue a degree in Kinesiology or Engineering.


Dominic Greaves is a senior at St. John’s Preparatory High School. He is the son of Paul and Tarshene Greaves. He has been a member of the Boston Chapter for 4 years. In addition to Dominic’s teen group volunteer activities, he serves meals at My Brothers Table in Lynn, MA; has been a student leader/mentor in the Multicultural Affairs and Community Development department and a freshmen retreat leader. Dominic will be attending Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, where he will be majoring in Business and is committed to playing basketball.


Maya Johnson is a senior at Wellesley High School in Wellesley, MA and is the daughter of Dacia Campbell and Mervin Johnson. She has been a member of the Boston Chapter for 10 years. Maya is involved with the YOUTH SPOKE organization where she works to collaborate, spread positive knowledge, and invoke communal growth by creating spaces for effective conversations and art projects. She has plans to attend a four-year university where she will major in Psychology.


Camille Jordan is a senior at Brookline High School in Brookline, MA and is the daughter of Mr. Larry Jordan, Jr. and Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan. She has been a member of the Boston Chapter for 10 years. Camille has been active in our voter registration efforts as well as our efforts to feed the homeless. She will be attending the University of Pennsylvania as a student athlete joining the track and field team. She will be pursuing a career in medicine with a focus on underserved populations.


Taylor Mendes is a senior at the Woodward School for Girls in Quincy, MA and is the daughter of Dyetra Hall and Fortunato Mendes. She has been a member of the Boston Chapter for 5 years serving as Teen Editor in 20212022 and as Teen President in 2022-2023. Taylor is the President of BSU at her high school and volunteers in several school and community projects. She is also a high achieving athlete and currently serves as captain of the soccer, basketball and softball teams. Taylor has decided to study engineering at either Spelman College, Columbia or Tulane.


Andrew Mitchell is a senior at Dexter Southfield School in Brookline MA. He is the son of Ron and Lisa Mitchell. He is the grandson of Life Member and Past President Dr. Juanita Peterson of the Metropolitan Chapter. Andrew has been a member of the Boston Chapter for 15 years. As Legislative Chair, last year he represented MA at On The Hill Summit where he enjoyed working with Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s office. A standout athlete he received an Honorable Mention in his first year of NEPSAC basketball. In college, he plans to study Architecture with a focus on Urban Planning.



Miles Edward Palmer is a senior at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, and is the son of Mr. Malcolm and Dr. Monica Palmer. Miles has been a member of the Boston Chapter for 6 years and served as Treasurer. He volunteers with Phillips Academy Initiatives, Community Servings, and during COVID, made protective masks. Miles is co-captain of the Varsity Wrestling team, Dorm Prefect, Student Council Representative, Finance, BSU, and Brotherhood clubs. He has performed as Hercules in Argonautika and Shreddy Eddie in Airness. Miles will attend the University of Chicago majoring in Economics and pursuing a career in Finance.


Bryson Smith is a senior at Concord Carlisle High School in Concord, MA and is the son of Brad and Shanique Smith. He has been a member of the Boston Chapter for 6 years. Bryson has held office as Sergeant-at-Arms, Editor and Corresponding Secretary. During his high school tenure Bryson ran Track, played Football and was in the Orchestra. He plans to attend college and will major in Mechanical Engineering.


Isaiah Matthew Solomon is a senior at The Cambridge School of Weston in Weston, Massachusetts. He is the son of Jesse and Folashade Solomon. He has been a member of the Boston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 8 years. He is currently serving as Teen Treasurer for the 2022-2023 term. In college Isaiah intends to major in International Relations and has future plans of becoming a diplomat.


Julian Targete is a senior at Dexter-Southfield School in Brookline, Massachusetts, and is the son of Patrick and Sabriya Targete. He has been a member of the Boston Chapter for six years, serving on the executive board as Corresponding Secretary and Co-Community Service Chair. Julian is a nationally ranked lacrosse player who has used his voice to advocate for organizations whose goals are to improve diversity and reduce the financial barriers to entry to the sport. He plans to continue playing at The Ohio State University while pursuing a dual major in finance and real estate development.


Kamille J. Brewster is a senior at The Calhoun School in NYC and is the daughter of Mother Member, Kendra Brockington. She has been a member of The Bronx Jack and Jill Chapter for 9 years where she is currently serving as the Teen President. She, along with the entire teen group, collect school supplies and backpacks to give to any child in need and raises money for Breast Cancer Research. Upon graduating from high school, Kamille will attend an HBCU and major in Business Management and Fashion Design. Her career goal is to own her own retail design business.


Joshua G. Williams is a senior at Fordham High School of the Arts, in Bronx, NY and is the son of Mother Amy Williams. He has been a member of the Bronx Jack and Jill Chapter for 3 years and currently serves as Teen Treasurer. Joshua gives back to his community through food drives, walks for Breast Cancer research, and providing school supplies to children in need. Joshua credits his mother, for inspiring his love for helping people. He intends to pursue his interests at Howard University to pursue a degree in Psychology and a minor in the Arts.




Jordan Betts, a senior at Mary McDowell Friends School in Brooklyn, is the son of Lisa Varlack and William Betts. He has been a member of the Brooklyn Chapter for 14 years. Jordan has participated in many community service activities such as arts and crafts with children of incarcerated parents through Children of Promise, and handing out groceries to the under-served at Cornerstone Baptist Church. Jordan is undecided about his major and which college he will attend.


Justin Betts, a senior at Vermont Academy in Saxton River, Vermont, is the son of Lisa Varlack and William Betts. He has been a member of the Brooklyn Chapter for 14 years. He has been involved in many community service initiatives such as handing out winter accessories to the homeless, and donating books to children through Assemblywoman Latrice Walker’s office. Justin is undecided about his major and where he will attend college.


Throughout high school, Gabrielle maintained a 99.61 GPA while acting as President of the Black Student Union and becoming a nationally ranked debater. Outside of school, she has worked with the NYC Chancellor’s Office, Brooklyn DA’s Office, and office of Senator Chuck Schumer. She also worked for the non-profit GOSO, which provides vital resources to recently incarcerated individuals, and as a tutor for the SHSAT. Additionally, she has been featured in a number of publications, such as Good Morning America, and BBC. Gabrielle was recently accepted into Harvard, and we are excited to see where life takes her next.


Jordan Gay, a senior at Sacred Heart, is the daughter of Jerome and Marcella Gay. Jordan has been a member of the Brooklyn Chapter for nine years. She is currently Senior Teen President, previously served as Junior Teen President, Teen Conference Chair, and Community Service Chair. As a Schomburg Scholar, Jordan collaboratively produced a documentary on the portrayal of black women in media. She attended NYU’s School of Journalism summer study and published a piece on social justice in NYC. Jordan currently interns at Condé Nast Publishing. She plans to major in Economics or International Business with a French minor.


Jaden Jerome, a senior at Science Technology and Research Early College HS in Brooklyn, is the son of Shaun and Dr. Lenelle Jerome. He has been a member of the Brooklyn Chapter for eight years and is currently the Senior Teen Corresponding Secretary. Jaden has participated in numerous community service activities including volunteering at senior citizen centers. Jaden is an intern at The Fellowship Initiative, a JP Morgan Chase leadership program. He is an honor student and has completed a year of college while in high school. He is undecided on his college, but plans to study Architecture and Engineering.


Noah Louis, a senior at BASIS Independent Brooklyn, is the son of Juanita Scarlett and Errol Louis. He has been in the Brooklyn Chapter for five years. Noah is a member of the National Honor Society, a College Board AP Scholar and received National African American Achievement recognition. Noah’s research on the history of the Episcopal church in the Civil Rights Movement is on display at Trinity Church Wall Street. He has been involved in community service since the age of six. Noah plays guitar and will perform at the Governor’s Ball this summer. He plans to major in History.



Khari McDowell, a senior at the Winchendon School in Winchendon, Massachusetts, is the son of Craig McDowell and Afriqiyah Woods McDowell. He has been a member of the Brooklyn Chapter for four years and served as Teen Foundation Chair. He is a varsity basketball player, gold honors student, and a member of the National Honor Society. Khari is a passionate and active leader in his community. His service includes tutoring and mentoring at-risk children, participating in annual holiday food giveaways, volunteering at community book and blood drives, and social justice activism. Khari’s ambition is to pursue a career in medicine.


Mariama Middleton, a senior at Avenues the World School in Manhattan, is the daughter of Sunni Middleton and Reggie Middleton. She has been a member of the Brooklyn Chapter for 15 years. She served as the Foundation Chair of the Junior Teens. She will major in Business or Economics at an undecided college.


Kennedy Olivia Thompson, a senior at the Chapin School in Manhattan, is the daughter of Lu-Shawn Thompson and the late great Ken Thompson. Kennedy has been a member of the Brooklyn Chapter for nine years. She has served as the Recording Secretary and is the current Treasurer. At school, she is the Editor-in-Chief of the yearbook, Vice President of the outdoor outing club, and the Arts President. While Kennedy has been accepted to several colleges, she has not yet committed to one. She plans to dual major in Architecture and Theater, her two passions.


Caleb Toppin, a senior at Midwood High School in Brooklyn, is the son of Jolene McAuley, a legacy of the Brooklyn Chapter, and Stephen Toppin. Caleb has been a member of the chapter for eight years and has served as Junior Teen Corresponding Secretary. Caleb has played football since he was seven and was the senior captain of the varsity team at Midwood. He plans to continue playing in college and eventually in the NFL. Caleb has been accepted into several colleges and is still deciding where he would like to pursue a degree in Business and Sports Management.


Devin L. Watkins, a senior at Xavier High School in Manhattan, is the son of Keisha and Dale Watkins Sr. He has been a member of the Brooklyn Chapter for over 15 years. Devin previously served as Senior Teen President. Devin has participated in a number of community service initiatives, including The Annual Nursing Home Christmas Event, The Holiday Food Basket Giveaway, the Brownsville Food Bank for women and children in shelters, and MLK Day of Service. Devin plans on majoring in Engineering.


Jeremiah Nelson is a senior at Cumberland Valley High School in Mechanicsburg, PA and is the son of Jimmy and RoShunda Nelson. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 9 years (Harrisburg Chapter: 1 year, New Orleans Chapter: 3 years, Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter: 4 years and Bucks County Chapter). Jeremiah is a member of the football and track team. He is also a member of FBLA, Women’s History, Stocks & Trades and Engineering club. Jeremiah plans to attend a HBCU where he will pursue a degree in Psychology.




Chloe Thompkins is a senior at Neshaminy High School in Langhorne, PA and is the daughter of Jeff and Michelle Thompkins. They have been a member of Jack & Jill for six years and held the offices of Teen President, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary. At her high school Chloe is President of the Diversity/Pride Club, member of the Marching Band Color Guard Team, writes for the Playwickian school newspaper, and was selected to perform in the Bucks County Musical Chorus. They have participated in many community events through the United Way and the YMCA to help families in need and support children battling cancer. Hobbies: singing, acting, poetry, crocheting.


Zuri Williams is a senior at the George School in Newtown, PA. She is daughter to proud parents, Lisa and Dorian Williams. She has been a member of the Bucks County chapter for 7 years and has participated in Gavel Club, On the Hill, and a plethora of community service activities. Zuri’s entrepreneurial spirit led her to start a business, Luna, where a portion of proceeds support underserved children. She is a member of Umoja, leader in Thrift Club and founding member of Craft Club which will all be useful as she persues a career in early childhood education.


Joseph Vernon Youngblood, III is the son of Dr. Joseph and Allyson Youngblood. He is a senior at The Pennington School in Pennington (NJ) where he is in the Applied Science & Technology Program, a four-year varsity lacrosse player, and served as a Peer Counselor and Junior Class President. Joseph has been an actively engaged member of the Bucks County Chapter for 13 years and has held leadership roles in the teen group serving as Chaplain and Foundation Chair. Joseph aspires to be an engineer and patent attorney and will attend Trinity College in Hartford, CT where he will major in Mechanical Engineering and play college lacrosse.


Elijah Douglas is the son of Dr. Errol Douglas and Ama Douglas. He attends Clarence high school in Clarence, New York. Elijah has been a member of the Buffalo chapter for three years, serving as the teen Treasurer for the past two years. Elijah’s community involvement includes; volunteering at his local community soccer club, Teachers Desk and homeless shelter serving single-parent families. Elijah has played soccer at the highest level for many years. (2022 senior year), Elijah led his high school team to victory in the Section VI ECIC and was named to the ECIC League First Team and All-Bee Newspaper All-WNY Player of the Year.


Mia Allen is a senior at South County High School in Lorton, VA and is the daughter of Lolita and Raymond Allen. She has been an active participant of the Burke-Fairfax Chapter of Jack and Jill for 10 years. Mia has enjoyed her work and volunteer experiences at a local Animal Hospital/Shelter. Furthermore, she has served as an energetic team member of her school’s “Sources of Strength” club. Mia is considering matriculation to the great Howard University with a major in Criminal Justice. Additionally, future considerations also include the North Carolina State University Veterinary Science program.


Eli Boyd is a senior at South County High School in Lorton, Virginia. He is the son of Samuel and Sabrina Boyd. Eli is a 5-year member of the Burke-Fairfax Chapter currently serving as Teen President. He is a three-year letterman, captain of the varsity wrestling team, and an accomplished flutist in the symphonic band. Eli is an Eagle Scout (Boy Scouts of America’ s highest rank), and both a certified student pilot and lifeguard. Eli will attend North Carolina A&T State University; join their Air Force ROTC; and major in mechanical engineering, aspiring to be an Air Force pilot.



Jaiden Cranford, a senior at The New School in Fairfax, Virginia, is the child of Todd and Jacqueline Cranford. Jaiden has been a member of the Burke-Fairfax Chapter for 8 years and has served as the Chair of the Teen Conference Apparel Committee. Outside of Jack & Jill, they have been actively involved in school theater and other arts, chorus, and marching band. Following high school, Jaiden will pursue undergraduate degrees in Gender and Sexuality and Africana studies and a graduate degree in dress history. Jaiden has been accepted to several colleges and is currently deciding their matriculation path.


Stephen D. Moses II is a senior at Flint Hill School in Oakton, VA and the son of Stephen and Arkesha Moses. He has been a member of the Burke-Fairfax, VA chapter since 2019. He currently serves as the Senior Teens’ Community Service and Foundations Chair. Stephen is also an active member of the Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc. Alexandria-Fairfax Alumni Chapter’s Kappa League where he currently serves as President. Stephen enjoys officiating basketball games and is active in several school clubs. Stephen is undecided on a college but plans to major in Marketing or Computer Science.


Ryan Michael Burroughs is a senior at Bordentown Regional High School and the son of Karen Williams and Paul Burroughs, Jr. He’s been a member of the Burlington County Chapter for 7 years. Ryan has been active with community service activities with school and as a member of the Sigma Beta Club, Youth Organization of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Ryan is Co-Captain of the varsity basketball team, where he asserts his leadership skills and love for the game. Ryan is close to making his college decision and looks forward to a career in Marketing and Sports Management.


Temya is a senior at Burlington County Institute of Technology in Westampton New Jersey and is the daughter of E. Terrence and Lynda Carter. She has been a member of the Burlington County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years. She is an active member of the Delta Gems where she provides many different community service projects. She has decided to attend Montclair State University where she will major in film and she plans on being behind the scenes of your favorite movies.


Callie D. Johnson is a senior at Camden Catholic High School in Cherry Hill, NJ, and is the daughter of Andre & Debbie Johnson. She has been a member of the Burlington County Chapter for the past 9 years. Callie has attended Christian Stronghold Church since 2010. Callie has been a proud member of the Girls Scouts since 2010 and is also a member of the Alice Paul Leadership Council. Callie also danced for Stepping Stone Dance Studio for over 14 years. Callie will be attending Montclair State University and majoring in Business administration & Entrepreneurship.


Taylor Acker is a senior at Montgomery High School in Skillman, NJ, and is the daughter of John and Dennika Acker. She has been a member of the Central NJ Chapter for one year after transferring from the North Shore Chapter in IL, where she was a member for five years. Taylor is a three-year varsity basketball athlete. She coached feeder basketball and cheer teams for five years. She is active in the environmental club and enjoys writing and playing guitar. Taylor will pursue an undergraduate degree in Economics with plans to continue her studies in law.




Devynn is a senior at St. Benedict’s Preparatory School in Newark, NJ, and the daughter of Marshall and Alicia Alston. She’s been a member of Central New Jersey Chapter for 12 years and has held various elected and appointed leadership roles on CNJ’s Teen Auxiliary E-Board. In addition to playing basketball competitively for 14 years, Devynn was a founding member of the Black Student Union at her former high school, helping to raise awareness about social injustices. To elevate issues of social justice through sports. Devynn plans to major in sports journalism and minor in African American studies.


Selah is a Rutgers Preparatory School Senior in Somerset, NJ. She is the daughter of Minister Richard and Nefatiti Anderson, a 15-year member and Immediate Past President of Central New Jersey. She is an award-winning competitive cheerleader, girls’ varsity lacrosse player, and the RPS boys’ varsity basketball team manager. Selah is active in the Pulpit and Children’s ministries at Fountain Baptist Church. As a future Anesthesiologist, Selah will attend THE illustrious Spelman College majoring in Psychology Pre-med. Selah is a SpelHouse and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Legacy, and will become the fifth woman in her family to attend Spelman.


Alexandria is a senior at Immaculata High School in Somerville, NJ, and the daughter of Dwight and Stacey Rodgers-Crooms. Alexandria is dedicated to community service through her school, First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens, and her mother’s sorority, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., She has sewn pillowcases for children with cancer for Ryan’s Case for Smiles; cooked meals and packed snack bags for the homeless with Elijah’s Promise; and helped coordinate various youth programs. Alexandria wants to major in Sociology to help people in underserved communities. She enjoys hanging out with friends and reading during her leisure time.


Maya Juniel Bryan is a senior at Central Jersey College Prep Charter School in Somerset, NJ, and is the daughter of Joel and Tamaysha Bryan. Maya has been a Central New Jersey Chapter member for eight years and is the teen Auxiliary President. Maya is the treasurer on her school’s student council board and is the Black Student Union Board secretary. Maya actively participates in school and clothing drives, specifically in Jamaica, helping students get the resources they need to learn efficiently. Maya will major in finance to help others learn how to start and grow their generational wealth.


Drayton Kolaras is a graduating senior at The Pennington School and is the son of Thomas and Patricia Kolaras, Esq. He has served as Chaplin and Treasurer and has been a member of Central New Jersey for 12 years. In service to the CNJ community, he organized Inclusion-In-Action to bring real action against racial injustices in schools. As a scholar-athlete, he plans to continue his advocacy of people journalism, focusing on sports, entertainment, and the arts. Dray will attend Morehouse College, majoring in Broadcast Journalism with a minor in business, and looks forward to competing in collegiate track and field.


Olivia Faith Mendez is 17 years old and a member of the CNJ Chapter of Jack and Jill. During her 8- year membership, Olivia has served in several leadership roles, including Teen Treasurer, Teen Parliamentarian, Gavel Club President, VP of Education, and VP of Membership. Olivia has thrived as a young leader due to her willingness to take on challenging roles. Olivia is completing her senior year at Franklin HS. Her interests include photography, Video and film editing, storytelling through literature, and script writing. Olivia is passionate about filmmaking and aspires to become a successful filmmaker.



Aaron Joseph Turnbull is a senior at St. Joseph High School in Metuchen, NJ, and is the son of Vernald and Lumishka Turnbull. He has been a Central New Jersey chapter member for eight years. Aaron has been a member of the NBA Kappa League, a W.E.B. Dubois Accelerated Academy Scholar at Princeton University, volunteered at the Special Olympics basketball clinics, worked as a YMCA Summer Camp Counselor, and enjoyed playing on his school basketball and track & field teams. Aaron plans to pursue an undergraduate degree in Engineering.


Colin is a senior at Bridgewater Raritan High School in Bridgewater, NJ, and is the son of Dr. Matilda Miranda and Anthony W. Vaughn, Jr. Colin has been a member of the Central NJ Chapter for over ten years. Colin is a varsity boys’ soccer, basketball, and track team member. He has played the trombone for eight years and plays n Bridgewater Raritan High School Symphonic Band. In June 2022, Colin attended New Jersey Boys State and was elected to the State Assembly as a Representative. While attending college, Colin will major in health and human sciences, government, and politics.


Joo-Yung, a senior completing coursework with the Keystone School, is the niece of Dr. Amber N. Wiley and daughter of retired Air Force Staff Sergeant Christopher Wiley and Ju A Kim. A Jack and Jill legacy, she was a member of the Central New Jersey chapter for five years and the Greater Albany chapter for one year. She has taken six years of dance, is a published illustrator, is fluent in Korean and English, and is proficient in Japanese and Spanish. She was also active in CNJ’s Gavel Club. Joo-Yung is interested in pursuing international diplomacy and/or veterinary science.


Joshua J Williams is a senior at Immaculata High School in Somerville, NJ, and is the son of John and Kimberly Williams. He has been a member of the Central NJ chapter of Jack and Jill Inc, for five years. Joshua has served in many community service efforts through his school and church. Joshua served as a student government gradelevel representative for four years. He was a three-year-old basketball captain and Immaculata High School campus ministry retreat leader. He has decided to major in Kinesiology when he enters college in the fall.


Milanni Barr is a senior at Lower Merion High School in Ardmore, PA and is the daughter of Najah Naylor and Bryant Barr. She has been a member of the Chester County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 8 years. As an athlete throughout high school, Milanni also served as a member of NHS, buildOn and BSU. She has been an active volunteer at New Covenant Church of Philadelphia and Victory Church. Milanni will make her college selection in the spring at a university where she will major in Political Science and study to become a corporate lawyer.


Katelyn Christine Butts, a senior at Monsignor Bonner-Archbishop Prendergast Catholic High School, is the daughter of Mr. Kevin Butts and Dr. Kina Smallwood Butts. Katelyn serves on the Chester County Chapter’s Teen Executive Board as Chaplain and as the chair of the Teen Conference Banner Committee. Throughout her high school career, she has been an honor student and athlete, exhibiting leadership on the rowing, lacrosse, and soccer teams. Katelyn aspires to become a defense attorney and serve underserved communities.




Jefferson Emanuel Cooper is a senior at West Chester East High School in West Chester, PA. He is the son of Emilio and Elise Cooper and the brother of Justin, Jared, Jada and Jackson Cooper. Jefferson has been a member of the Chester County, PA Chapter for 13 years. He has excelled in leadership, academics and athletics throughout high school. He serves as National Honors Society President, Computer Programming Team President, and is a National Merit Semifinalist, Wrestling Team Captain and a marathoner. Jefferson plans to major in computer science and business with a focus on entrepreneurship.


Nicole Gilbert is a senior at William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia, PA and is the daughter of Brian and Tina Gilbert. She has been a member of the Chester County Chapter for 11 years. Nicole has been very active in the arts from Honors/Senior Choir to leading roles in the annual school plays and musicals. She is also active on campus leading clubs that encourage diversity and the arts. In college, she will major in Screenwriting and will continue to find outlets for her on-stage talents.


Jason Lamarr Henderson is the son of Jason and Nakia Henderson. Jason is a senior at the Haverford School for Boys, a Maguire Scholar, Black Student Union Treasurer, and a varsity basketball player. Jason is a caring, kind, considerate and intelligent young king. He served as the Gavel Club President, Sergeant at Arms, and Chair of the Ad Committee for Teen Conference in the Chester County chapter, where he has been a member since 2016. He was accepted to Morehouse College, Hampton University, North Carolina Central University, Morgan State University, and Winston-Salem University. He plans to pursue Sports Journalism.


Alexander “Xander” Demitrius Little is the son of Anthony Derrick Little and Shonda Marie Little. Xander is a Senior at Malvern Preparatory School in Malvern, PA where he excels as a straight As Distinguised Honor Roll student and AP Scholar. Also, he is an active member of the Malvern Theatre Society and Track & Field team. He has been a member of the Chester County, PA Chapter for 8 years. Xander plans to attend college in the Fall of 2023 and major in Television. Radio, and Film Production. He aspires to be an author and screenwriter.


Love Donyel McCune, Jr. is the son of Nicole and Love McCune, Sr. He is a senior at The Haverford School, where he serves as President of BSU, student rep and member of the student body for the Signet Society. Love is a leader on the school rowing team as well. Love has been a member of Chester County for eight years. He is currently serving his second term as the Eastern Region Sergeant at Arms. He has also served as Treasurer on the Executive Board for his chapter. Love plans to attend college and major in civil engineering.


Deleah Neal is a senior at Marple Newtown High School in Newtown Square, PA, and is the daughter of Derrick Neal and Deleah Archer-Neal. She has been a member of Chester County for seven memorable years. She eagerly engages in the chapter’s community service programs and conferences. Deleah has traveled the world and shared her vocal talents with Philadelphia Girls’ Choir for nine years. She has not yet decided which university to attend; however, she will major in Business and intends to merge her love of music, creativity, and entrepreneurship as she creates her pathway to success.



Eliana Rochelle Okala is a senior at The Agnes Irwin School in Rosemont, PA, where she has consistently attained Honors and High Honors. Eliana is the daughter of Mr. Phil Okala and Mrs. Emily Branch-Okala. She has been a member of the Chester County Chapter for 8 years. Eliana has actively served the community via The Impact Center and served on their Youth Advisory Board. With plans to major in engineering with a minor in computer science, Eliana has been accepted at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California, and Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.


Sydney Phillips, Teen President for the Chester County Chapter, is a senior at Great Valley High School in Malvern, PA. She is the daughter of Eric and Darlene Phillips and sister to Joshua. She has been a member of Jack and Jill, Inc. for 12 years. In addition to her officer duties, she is Great Valley High School student body treasurer, a long-time member of best buddies and a four-year varsity soccer player. She also runs track and plays the trumpet. Sydney plans to major in mechanical engineering at Spelman, University of Michigan, or Georgia Tech.


Claire Rawlins, a senior at Unionville High School in Kennett Square, PA, is the daughter of Walter and Carolyn Rawlins. She has been a member of the Chester County Chapter of Jack and Jill for six years, currently serving as the Recording Secretary of the Teen Auxiliary. Claire was the 2021 Unionville Fair Queen winner. She participates in her local First Tech Challenge Robotics Team, where she teaches STEM classes for an after-school program. Claire plans to attend college in the fall, where she will major in civil engineering and continue to encourage the next generation to participate in STEM.


Gabrielle Amari Roberts is a senior at Downingtown S.T.E.M. Academy in Downingtown, PA, and is the daughter of Daryl and Erikal Roberts. She has been a member of the Chester County Chapter for 12 years. She currently serves as Teen Vice President and has held the office of Teen Corresponding Secretary. Gabrielle is the president of the school’s Black Student Union, President of the Cradles to Crayons Club, and a member of the National Honor Society. She is passionate about design and while she has not decided on her college, she plans to major in Civil Engineering in the fall.


Jocelyn Baker has been a member of the Columbia, MD Chapter for 17 years. Her parents are Todd and Cindy Baker. She attends River Hill High School where she is an honor roll student and four-year varsity athlete on the field hockey team. At school, Jocelyn is a member of Delta Scholars, Maryland Technological Honor Society, her school’s mentoring program, and a volunteer chess tutor for elementary school students. She serves as the senior teen second vice president and in the future she hopes to study international affairs and foreign policy.


Sydney, a member of the Columbia Chapter has served as teen Legislative Chair and is in her second year as a Community Service Co-chair. She leads the Improvisational club, enjoys membership in the International Thespian Honor Society and the All-County Improvisational team at Atholton High School. Sydney’s good grades and leadership helped her become an Elijah Cummings Youth Fellow. She has earned awards at both State and National Thespian Festivals and is a past winner of Jack and Jill’s Oratorical competition. She credits the Arts with helping her maintain good health. After college she aspires to join the EGOT club!




Taylor Closson has been a member of Jack & Jill Columbia, MD Chapter since 2006. She is the daughter of Dr. Carey and Robin Closson. Taylor attends Glenelg Country School. She is captain of the varsity soccer team and ran on the Varsity Track Team. Taylor is an honor roll student and a member of the National Honor Society and Art Club. She was also a delegate of the 2021 Congress of Future Medical Leaders. Taylor has served as the Financial secretary for the Senior Teens and currently serves as the Corresponding Secretary. Taylor will be attending college in the Fall.


Aminah has been a member of the Columbia, Maryland Chapter for 8 years, and has served as the Legislative and Technology Chair for Senior Teens. Aminah is the daughter of Amber and Brent Coleman. Aminah attends Atholton High School where she has been a member of the Varsity Cross Country Team throughout her high school career, and now serves as the Team Captain. Aminah is also President of the Math National Honor Society, a member of the Science National Honor Society and Social Chair for the Scholars Leadership Program at her high school. Aminah plans to attend a 4-year university majoring in Biology, Biochemistry, or Computer Science.


Jasmine Hanes is an honor student at Glenelg Country School, Jack and Jill Gavel club leader and past nominating committee member. At school, Jasmine was awarded the 2021-2022: “Exemplary Service Leadership Award,” and president of their Amnesty International and Black Affinity Space. Acting credits include the main character in “JG and the BC Kids” and ESPN primetime promos; also recording songs for Nickelodeon’s “That Girl Lay Lay” and the voice and created song for the doll, Disney’s “The Ghost and Molly McGee”, and Netflix’s “Family Reunion.” Jasmine will pursue the arts, marketing, broadcasting, spiritual psychology, and more.


Irby Hunter, III has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, for 10 years, 7 of which have been with the Columbia, Maryland Chapter. His parents are Dr. Irby and Natalie Hunter. He attends Reservoir High School where he is an honor student and varsity basketball athlete. He is also a member of Celebration Church of Columbia. Irby has volunteered his time with Kappa League and is currently the Senior Teen Financial Secretary. Irby desires to attend college, where he would like to play basketball and major in Business.


Jacobi Jones is the son of Mother Ashley Deadwyler Jones and a senior at Reservoir High School. He is an honor student who enjoys math and science. He is a talented drone pilot, filmmaker and varsity basketball player. He is currently a member of the Alpha Achievers and a member of the school orchestra. He volunteers to play cello at assisted living centers during the holidays and volunteers with a food pantry on weekends. He plans to pursue a B.S. degree in Aeronautics and Mechanics or Aerospace Engineering at either Morehouse, Auburn, EmbryRiddle, North Carolina A&T, or Hampton.


Alana Leak has been a member of the Columbia, MD Chapter for 11 years. Her parents are Derrick and Nia Leak. She attends Reservoir High School, is an honor student, Varsity Lacrosse Captain, Academic Chair of the National Honor Society and Chair of Community Service of the Scholars Leadership program. She is a Young Activist and has interned for the City Council, a Non-Profit Organization, and the Human Equity Rights Commission. In Jack and Jill, she has served as the Protocol Chair, Nominating Committee Chair, and Corresponding Secretary. Alana plans to major in political science on the pre-law track.



Mariana Payne is the daughter of Kia and Michael Payne, II. Mariana joined the Columbia, MD Chapter as a legacy member in 2015. In addition to routinely volunteering with her JJ Chapter, Mariana also serves as Community Service Co-Chair for the Senior Teens. Mariana attends Reservoir High School in Fulton, MD. While attending high school, Mariana also works full time and is enrolled at Howard Community College. Mariana plans to be a chef and will either attend the Culinary Institute of America in NY or, instead, an HBCU where she will study agricultural science.


Stephen Robinson has been a member of the Columbia, Maryland Chapter for 13 years. His parents are Arthur and Luzmila Robinson. He attends Glenelg Country School where he is a member of the National Honor Society, the National Spanish Honor Society, Captain of the Varsity Wrestling Team, a Youth Ambassador, and a Delegate for Leadership University Howard County. He attends St John’s Episcopal Church and has been a featured Chef for Men in the Kitchen and many local clubs and organizations. Stephen hopes to attend the Culinary Institute of America to study Culinary Food Science, and Business Management/ Entrepreneurship.


Amira Wallace has been a member of the Columbia, MD Chapter for 10 years, and the only daughter amongst 4 boys of Cherie and Robert Wallace. She is an honor student at Marriott’s Ridge High School, graduating a year early. Amira, a diehard Baltimore Ravens fan, enjoys sports and is a member of travel, premier blue soccer. Amira has participated in hip-hop dancing and cheerleading and volunteers with Power52 Foundation and her church, McKinney’s Memorial Holiness Church to help the underserved communities within Baltimore City. Amira is seeking acceptance to Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, her top choice.


Jaden Watson is the son of Craig and Dawn Watson and has been a member of the Columbia, Maryland Chapter for 10 years. Jaden is a Senior at River Hill where he is an honor roll student and a member of Alpha Achievers, serving as the Program Director for the middle school mentoring program. Jaden is a member of the National Honor Society and works part-time. He has served as the Senior Teen Chaplain, Sergeant at Arms and currently as the Senior Teen Vice President. Jaden plans to attend a 4-year university where he can pursue his interest in pre-law.


Cyrena Arokium is a senior at Newtown High School located in Sandy Hook, CT, and the proud daughter of Satra and Carlos Arokium and sister of legacy Ajene Arokium. Cyrena has been in the Eastern Fairfield County Chapter for nine years and is the Immediate-Past Teen President. She is a member of the Newtown High School Gymnastics team, Newtown Junior Action Alliance, and Students Advocating for Diversity and Equity. As a survivor of the Sandy Hook School Massacre, Cyrena uses her voice to advocate for legislation on assault weapons. Cyrena plans to major in biology and become a cardiothoracic surgeon.


Naomi Ford is a senior at Trumbull Highschool in Trumbull, Connecticut, and is the daughter of Nadine HydeFord and Rashad Ford. She has been a member of the Eastern Fairfield County Chapter of Jack and Jill for six years. She served as Teen Treasurer and participates in community service initiatives through a local youth council. Naomi is also a member of Future Farmers of America, through which she earned two recognitions (Greenhand & Chapter degrees). She has not yet decided where she will pursue higher education, however, plans to major in Environmental Science and pursue a career in environmental restoration.




Alexandra is a senior at Hamden Hall Country Day School, located in Hamden, CT. She is the daughter of Lindsworth and Kimberly Garvey. Alexandra has been a member of the Eastern Fairfiled County Chapter, in CT, for the last 7years. During which time she served as the Teen Auxiulary Vice President for the last 2 years, and pror to that served as the Recording Secretary. Alexandra has been active at our church serving meals to the homeless for Tuesday night suppers. Alexandra intends to study Political Science at a college yet to bedetermined.


Imani Isabelle Laporte is a Senior at Notre Dame Catholic High School in Fairfield, Connecticut. She is the daughter of Mr. Richard Laporte and Attorney Reine C. Boyer. She has been a member of the Eastern Fairfield County Chapter for 10 years. Imani is currently the Secretary on the Teen Executive Board. She is also on the Fundraising Committee. In addition, Imani does community service with Lucinda’s House, Anacaona Youth Enrichment Program and Nourish Bridgeport. She’s a member of the French and National Honor Societies. Imani plans to major in Global-Allied Health on a pre-medical track to become a pediatrician


Jadon Isaiah Wolfe is a Senior at Cheshire Academy in Cheshire, Connecticut and will graduate with his International Baccalaureate diploma. He is the son of Steven and Desiree Wolfe. He has been a member of the Eastern Fairfield County Chapter for 2 years. Jadon is currently the President of the Teen Auxiliary Chapter. Jadon is a Varsity Basketball, Cross Country and Soccer player. In addition to being an accomplished pianist, Jadon has led in his high school community as a Peer Mentor and as President of the Chess Club. Jadon plans to major in Business and become an entrepreneur.


Brisco Luke Anderson is a senior at St. Peter’s Preparatory School in Jersey City, NJ and is the son of Byron and Timicka Anderson. He has been a member of the Essex-Hudson Chapter for 6 years and previously the North Jersey Chapter for 7 years. He serves his school community as Vice President of The Ebony Club and as a Campus Ministry Retreat Leader. He also volunteers as Head Coach of The OLC School 7th and 8th grade basketball team. He will attend an HBCU majoring in Psychology. Brisco aspires to travel abroad, visiting all seven continents. Bryce head shot


Bryce Logan Anderson is a senior at St. Peter’s Preparatory School in Jersey City, NJ and is the son of Byron and Timicka Anderson. He has been a member of the Essex-Hudson Chapter for 6 years, serving as Teen Foundation and Nominating Chair, and previously the North Jersey Chapter for 7 years. In school, he serves as President of The Ebony Club, a Varsity Basketball player, and is a member of the Global Education and Diversity Boards. Bryce will major in Finance or International Business in a leading Business program. Bryce plans to focus on investing in Black businesses.


Horace Elijah “Eli” Anderson attends Saint Peter’s Preparatory School in Jersey City, New Jersey. The eldest son of Horace and Enshalla Anderson, Eli is a 12-year member of Essex-Hudson. Eli is the Fencing team’s co-captain, the Ebony Club’s treasurer, and an appointed member of the Student Diversity Board. He received the National Merit Scholarship Letter of Commendation and the College Board National African American Recognition Award. Though undecided for college, Eli received admissions to Howard University with the Achievers Scholarship award and Morehouse College with the Academic Award to explore the intersection of the Environment & Politics.



Ryan Andrews attends Montclair Kimberley Academy in Montclair, NJ and is the daughter of Steven and Nicole Andrews. Ryan has been a member of Essex-Hudson Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 16 years, serving as Chaplain, Nominations Chair and Recording Secretary. Ryan is the Co-President of The Covenant House Community Service Initiative, a Club Leader for Model UN, and Secretary of the Global Feminism Club at her school. Ryan has done extensive community service over the summer, excelled in a rigorous course load and played lacrosse throughout the school year. Ryan plans to study Business in college.


Quintin Arinzeh is a senior at Midland Park High School in Midland Park, New Jersey and is the son of Uzo and Treena Arinzeh. He has been a member of the Essex-Hudson Jack and Jill Chapter for 14 years. Quintin played varsity soccer and was on the travel soccer team throughout high school. He also played basketball. He was involved in community service in Jack and Jill where he volunteered at the local soup kitchen. He was also involved in the scrapbook committee and the apparel committee. Quintin has not selected the college he will attend.


Cameron Brown is a senior at The Pingry School in Basking Ridge, New Jersey and is the son of Michael and Stephanie Brown. Cameron has been a member of the Essex-Hudson Jack and Jill Chapter for 15 years. He has served in various roles on the chapter’s teen board such as Legislative Chair, Sergeant at Arms and Recording Secretary. Cameron plays varsity basketball and is involved in Student Government. He intends to pursue a career in business.


Kayin Davis attends Newark Academy in Livingston, NJ. He lives in Maplewood with his parents, Adrienne and Bakori Davis, and brothers, Devin and Cole. Kayin has served as corresponding secretary and technology chair and is currently parliamentarian of the Essex-Hudson teen group. Kayin has played football, basketball and cross country, but his passion has always been track and field. Kayin is also a drummer in Newark Academy’s award winning jazz band, Chameleon. Chameleon is ranked first in the state of New Jersey and one of the top 15 jazz bands in the country. Kayin will study biomedical engineering in college.


Clark Thomas DeBerry is a senior at Seton Hall Preparatory School in West Orange, NJ, and is the son of Corlisse and Jeremiah DeBerry. Clark has been a member of the Essex Hudson Chapter for 15 years and is currently the Foundation Chair for the teen group. Clark has been a school and community leader and presently serves as an SHP Student Ambassador, a Peer Leader, and Co-President of the Black Student Society. Clark is an accomplished actor and visual artist, a Black Belt in karate, and a gifted speaker. Clark plans to study Mechanical Engineering and Entrepreneurship in college.


Lex Eastmond is a senior at Columbia High School in Maplewood New Jersey and is the daughter of Dr. Tania Mason-Eastmond and Craig Eastmond. They have been a member of Essex Hudson Chapter for 8 years. Lex has been involved in major activities at Columbia High School, such as the Marching Band, All School Musical Stage Crew, Spectrum Club Gay Student Alliance, and is currently a TA for Architectural Studio Design. Lex has decided to attend college and major in architecture. They plan to pursue environmental architecture which allows wildlife and humans to coexist in more sustainable environments.




Marshall Graves is a senior at Newark Academy in Livingston, New Jersey, and is the son of Gerald and Paige Graves. He has been a member of Essex-Hudson Chapter for 16 years and is currently the President of the Teen Group. He has previously served as Treasurer, Community Service Chair, and Program Chair. He has yet to decide which college to attend, but he will major in Bioengineering. His future aspiration is to start a biotechnology research company.


Amari Urquhart is a senior at The Montclair Kimberley Academy (MKA) in Montclair, New Jersey and is the son of Drs. Marc Urquhart and Erica Rowe Urquhart. He has been a member of the Essex-Hudson Chapter for 8 years. Amari is a National Achievement Finalist. He currently serves as MKA’s Associated Student Body President. As Global Leadership Council Co-Chairperson Amari has led international student exchanges including a Tanzania pen pal initiative. He played varsity basketball for 3 years. Amari has decided to attend college at Harvard University where he will major in Neuroscience and pursue pre-medical studies.


Robert Young, known as Robby, is a senior at Packer Collegiate School in Brooklyn, New York and is the son of Keita and Peter Young. He has been a member of the Essex-Hudson Chapter (New Jersey) for 16 years. For the past 4 years Robby has played varsity basketball and ran varsity track (the 400 meter and 800 meter dashes). In the Essex-Hudson Chapter Robby has held several teen leadership positions including Treasurer (2 times) and Vice-President. Robby has decided to attend Tulane College where he plans to major in public policy or political science.


Aziz H. Alozie is a senior at Shenendehowa High School in Clifton Park, New York and is the son of Anzala B. Alozie, JD and Uche Alozie. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 11 years. Aziz is the recipient of the Steuerwald Varsity Football Award & Team Co-Captain. Aziz participated in the Youth and Government program, is co-founder of Power Club for students of color and volunteers annually for the American Heart Association. Aziz plans to attend Georgia Southern University where he will major in Criminal Justice.


Roman Patrick Antonikowski is a senior at Niskayuna High School in Niskayuna, NY and is the son of Dr. Angela Adger Antonikowski and Patrick E. Antonikowski, Esq. Roman has been a member of the Greater Albany New York Chapter of Jack and Jill for 9 years. He is a member of the National Honor Society and the Varsity Cross Country, Outdoor and Indoor Track team. He has been a camp CIT at his local JCC and at Camp Chingachgook in the Adirondacks of New York. He has decided to attend The University at Albany, State University of New York where he is undecided in his major.


Anna Brown is a senior at Niskayuna High School in Niskayuna, NY and is the daughter of Jan Brown. She has been a member of the Greater Albany Chapter for six years. While in Jack and Jill, Anna has served as the Chapter’s Teen President, Vice President and Treasurer. She is member of the National Honor Society, is on the varsity soccer and softball teams, and is active in the French, Latin and Model UN clubs. Named as a National Merit Scholar Semifinalist, Anna will attend Brown University and plans to study Cognitive Science.



Marc Boles is a Senior at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute in Baltimore, Maryland and is the son of Marc and Heather Boles. He has been a member of the Greater Baltimore County Chapter for three years. He is a member of his high school’s football team and volunteers at the Maryland Food Bank. He is currently making a decision between Susquehanna University and Frostburg State University where he will major in Finance.


Aaron is a senior scholar (GPA 3.89) at Gerstell Academy in Finksburg, Maryland and is the son of Dr. Jason Hammond and Dr. Camille Hammond. Aaron has been a member of the Greater Baltimore County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for 14 years. He is a member of the National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, National History Honor Society and the National Math Honor Society and has been a varsity athlete on the Baseball and Basketball teams. Aaron is an experienced trumpeter musician and has played at many local and national events. He is interested in Morehouse College and Howard University.


Kai Jason Hammond is a senior honor student (3.86 GPA) at Carver Center for Arts and Technology in Towson Maryland and is the son of Dr. Jason Hammond and Dr. Camille Hammond. Kai has been a member of the Greater Baltimore County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for 14 years and is currently the corresponding secretary for the teen group. He is a member of the various Honor Societies, including the National Honor Society, just to name a few. Kai is a varsity athlete on the Baseball team for 3 years. He is also a very gifted singer and actor and has performed in shows at school and throughout the Baltimore metropolitan area for the past 4 years.


Simone Alexis Hammond is a senior scholar (GPA 3.86) at Gerstell Academy in Finksburg, Maryland and is the daughter of Dr. Jason Hammond and Dr. Camille Hammond. Simone has been a member of the Greater Baltimore County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for 14 years. She is a member of various Honor Societies, including the National Honor Society, and subject based Honor Societies, just to name a few. Simone has been a varsity athlete on the Volleyball team and Basketball teams for 2 years. She is the president of the Gerstell Academy Diversity club and has been engaged in social activism that focus on racial justice throughout high school.


Nia Eris Jolivet, the daughter of Kendra and Arnold Jolivet II, is in the Class of 2023 at Western School of Technology and Environmental Science in Catonsville, Maryland, where she has accumulated a weighted GPA of 4.96 in the Academy of Health Professions Magnet. Nia is the Vice-President of the French National Honor Society while also being a member of the Technical and National Honor Societies. She has been a member of the Greater Baltimore County Chapter since 2008. Nia will decide between fourteen colleges, where she intends to major in Public Health or Sociology with minors in English and French. She plans to earn her MPH.


Kymberly Morgan Neriah Pugh is an Honor senior at Garrison Forest School in Owings Mills, MD, and is the daughter of Mr. Jeffrey S. Pugh and Dr. Kendel M. Wylie-Pugh. Kymberly has been a member of Jack & Jill of America, Inc., Greater Baltimore County, MD Chapter since 2013. Kymberly has been involved in various activities throughout her tenure at Garrison Forest School to include participation in several diversity and mentoring programs. She has also participated in lacrosse and soccer, and is currently the Captain of the Equestrian Polo Team. Moreover, Kymberly is a cellist with Peabody Preparatory, and fluent in Spanish.




Justin Lance Aska is a senior at West Orange High School in West Orange, New Jersey. He is the son of Aaron Aska and Tanya Dunbar. He has been a member of the Greater Essex County Chapter for four years. Justin has participated in a mission and cultural awareness trip to Costa Rica and remains a youth group student leader. He’s also participated in a range of sports, for which his passion for swimming has led him to becoming a lifeguard. Justin plans to double major in both Accounting and Cybersecurity as he’s still considering his options for college.


Jordan Atkins is a Senior at Rutgers Preparatory School. He is the son of Dr. Brandon Atkins and Sharifa Atkins. Jordy has been a member of Jack & Jill for 15 years, beginning in the Cleveland chapter and transferring to the Greater Essex County Chapter of New Jersey. Jordy has served as Social Justice Chair and Legislative Chair for the Sr. Teens. Jordy is a 4-year Honors Student, 4-year Varsity basketball player, and First Chair bassist for the Rutgers Prep Chamber Orchestra. Jordy is excited to be attending college in the Fall where he intends to major in psychology or business.


Xavier is a senior at Seton Hall Preparatory School (SHP) in West Orange, N.J., and the son of Xavier and Paula Donaldson. He has been a member of the Greater Essex County Chapter for eleven years, serving as the Teen Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Programs, and Community Service Chair. Xavier is an AllAmerican Track and Field Athlete, Honors Student, Peer Leader, and President of the Black Student Society at SHP. Xavier will continue his academic and athletic pursuits at Princeton University, exploring interests in Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Psychology.


Alston Dukes is a senior at West Orange High School in West Orange, NJ and is the son of Marcia and Joseph Dukes. He has been a member of the Greater Essex County Chapter for 9 years and has served as the Nominating Committee Chair and Treasurer. He also coaches youth in his community. He has decided to attend Caldwell University where he will major in Communications and participate in track as a college athlete.


Davis Favors is a senior at Columbia High School in Maplewood, NJ and is the son of Dale and Tara Favors. He has been a member of the Greater Essex County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years. Davis is very active in his school and within his community. He is passionate about theater and has performed in several high school and community productions. Additionally, he is a member of his school’s chapter of Minority Achievement Committee (MAC) Scholars as well as an active member of his shool’s Chinese Honor Society”. Davis plans to attend college with an Acting major.


Hailey Fouché is a senior at Montclair Kimberley Academy in Montclair, NJ and is the daughter of Patrick and Lori Fouché. She was a member of the San Francisco Chapter for 5 years and has been a member of the Greater Essex County Chapter for 11 years. Hailey was a Senior Teen Corresponding Secretary and member of her school library leadership team. She will attend Babson College and major in Business with a concentration in Economics. She will also play volleyball for the Beavers.



Christopher Lee Hobbs is a Senior at Newmark High School. He is the son of Milwood and Kimberly Hobbs. He has been a member of the Greater Essex County Chapter for 11 years, since 2012. Chris loves art most of all, you can usually find him drawing for hours. When he is not doing something in Art, he is playing basketball, camping, listening to music and helping others. He also loves to eat. .. a lot! Chris is on the honor roll. In the Fall he plans to attend College, but currently undecided where. His career goals will definitely be something in the Arts!


Jaimee Keys is a senior at Montclair High School in Montclair, New Jersey and is the daughter of Brian and Kimberly Keys. She has been a member of the Greater Essex County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 10 years, and was in the Metropolitan Chapter prior to that. She is currently serving as the Teen President of GECC. She is the captain of her volleyball team, as well as a peer leader, and a math tutor. She has decided to attend The Wharton School of Business at The Univestiy of Pennsylvania where she will be majoring in finance.


Morgan is a senior at The Pingry School in Basking Ridge, NJ. She is the daughter of Robert McDonald and Twinkle Morgan and a member of the Greater Essex County Chapter. Morgan is a four-year varsity swimmer and a pole vaulter. A senior year highlight has been serving as a summer teaching assistant at a school in Accra, Ghana through a service award. At Pingry, Morgan is a member of the Green Team and Student Diversity Leadership Committee. She is excited to attend Pomona College this fall to study neuroscience with a goal to help address inequities in healthcare.


Madison McGehee is a senior at Columbia High School in Maplewood, NJ. She is the daughter of Marie and Frank McGehee. Madison has been a member of Jack and Jill for fifteen years - both the Greater Essex County New Jersey and Newton Chapters. An actor, dancer, singer-songwriter and musician – Madison is a performing artist. In 2021, she starred as Juliet in Nathan Darrow’s Juliet and Her Romeo. Madison is passionate about helping to reduce food insecurity and has led related initiatives for MEND, NJ. She looks forward to pursuing a BFA in musical theater in the fall.


Lindsey Minor is a senior at Columbia High School in Maplewood, NJ and is the daughter of Deirdre and Michael Minor. She has been a member of the Greater Essex county chapter for 15 years. She is a squad leader for the Minority Achievement Community at her school. She is the Epee Captain of her school’s fencing team and is a nationally ranked fencer. She has committed to Temple University to fence at the Division 1 level where she will major in political science.


Chelsea is a senior at Cushing Academy in Ashburnham, MA and is the daughter of Sandra Oliver-Mukete and Colin Mukete. She has been a member of Greater Essex County for 16 years. She has been on the student honor roll, and a student leader for the Student Leadership Diversity Conference. Her college major will be Engineering and Real Estate. Her career choice is to become a Commercial Real Estate Developer.




Kira Rasheed is a senior at the Montclair Kimberly Academy school and is the daughter of Lela Weems and Shaka Rasheed. She’s been a member of Greater Essex for 12 years. Kira has danced with Alvin Ailey, Joffrey, and Broadway Dance Center since the age of 2. She spent a semester at The High Mountain Institute in Colorado, participating in backcountry expeditions and community service. In school, Kira was Spirit Chair and Secretary. She currently serves as Peer Leader, Chair of SDLC, Founder of Women In Business Club, and OneLove Ambassador. Kira will attend USC Marshall School of Business in the Fall.


Jackson is a senior at Seton Hall Preparatory School in West Orange, NJ and is the son of Jonathan and Sidney Simon. He has been a member of The Greater Essex County Chapter for 9 years. He has been an active leader as a Seton Hall Prep Ambassador, and a member of the Black Student Society, Future Business Leaders, Kinder Smiles and the SHP Track Team. He has decided to attend The Newhouse School of Communications at Syracuse University where he will major in Public Relations.


Jackson Tindall is a senior at St. Peter’s Prep in Jersey City, New Jersey and is the proud son of Alphonso and Regina Tindall. He has been a member of the Greater Essex County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 15 years. He is currently co-captain of his school’s varsity basketball team and a member of the Ebony Club. In addition to community service with the Teen Group, he has spent time during the past two summers planning and completing tasks to support housing and urban development projects in East Orange, New Jersey. He is currently undecided as to where he will attend College and is interested in Business and Communication.


Cole Michael Samuel Alleyne is a senior at The Loomis Chaffee School in Windsor, Connecticut, and is the son of Shaun D. Biggers, M.D., and Kenneth R. Alleyne M.D. He has been a member of The Greater Hartford Chapter of Jack and Jill for 17 years. Cole received a Norton Foundation Grant to create a film on the impact of COVID on his community. He serves as a George Shultz Fellow encouraging civil discourse on divisive political issues and has been a Diversity and Inclusion Fellow. He has committed to Trinity College as a Track and Field recruit.


Elyana is a senior at Miss Porter’s School in Farmington, CT and is the daughter of Richard and Julie Alleyne. She has been a member of the Greater Hartford Chapter for 10 years. She served as Teen Recording Secretary and now leads the Social Justice Committee. Elyana serves as Co-Lead of Miss Porter’s black affinity group, Sister2Sister. Elyana has also served as Research Assistant for The Amendment Project, seeking to rectify the racial wealth gap. She will attend the University of Pennsylvania in the Fall, majoring in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, and pursuing her dream in law and racial justice.


Sydney Florestine Alleyne is a senior at Choate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, Connecticut, and is the daughter of Shaun Biggers, M.D. and Kenneth Alleyne, M.D.. She has been a member of The Greater Hartford Chapter for 17 years. She is the president of RISE, the student wellness committee, Dance Company, and is a 2 sport varsity athlete in Lacrosse and Field Hockey. As a member of The John F. Kennedy signature program, she leads Student Congress, and is op-ed Editor for The Choate News. She helped create Equity in Education, a non-profit focused on bridging educational inequities.



Sydney Cloud is a senior at Farmington High School in Farmington, Connecticut and is the daughter of Adam Cloud and Nicole Plessy Cloud. She has been a member of the Greater Hartford Chapter of Jack and Jill for 9 years. Sydney is an active member of her school community in her roll as President of the Black Student Union, a member of the Social Justice Council and a member of the golf team. Sydney will attend college in the fall.


Madison Donelson is a senior at Miss Porter’s School in Farmington, Connecticut and is the daughter of Tiffany and Mishone Donelson. She has been a member of the Greater Hartford Chapter for 12 years and currently serves as the Teen President. Madison’s accomplishments include induction into the Cum Laude Society, receiving the Hartford Girls Rock! award, and attending the MIT MITES program. She serves in leadership positions at school and competes with the varsity golf team. Madison plans to attend the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business where she will major in Finance and minor in Biology.


Tyra Harris is a senior at Kinsella Magnet School of Performing Arts in Hartford, CT and is the daughter of Jay and Stephanie Harris. She has been a member of the Greater Hartford for 6 years and currently serves as the Chapter Teen Vice President. Tyra’s accomplishments include being an acting mentor, continually taking leadership roles in her church and school, participating in community activism and various community service projects, including her current capstone project regarding Period Poverty. Tyra will be attending college in the fall where she will major in Musical Theater and potentially minor in Marine Biology.


Alexia Lilly is a senior at Northwest Catholic High School in West Hartford, Connecticut and is the daughter of Sean and Jodi Lilly. She has been a member of the Greater Hartford Chapter of Jack and Jill for 8 years. Alexia is a member of the Liberty Christian Center Church International where she is an active member of the choir and community outreach efforts. Alexia is an avid FSA soccer player who also helped her high school team advance to the finals for two consecutive years. Alexia was recruited to play Division 1 soccer at Delaware State where she will major in political science.


Isabel Marie Mendes is a senior at Miss Porter’s School in Farmington, Connecticut, and the daughter of Dr. Asante and Ruth Mendes. She has been a member of the Greater Hartford Chapter for 12 years and serves as the Eastern Region Teen Protocol Chair. Isabel’s accomplishments include being a high honors student and recognized nationally for community service, receiving the National Youth and U.S. Presidential Gold Volunteer Service Award. Isabel is a digital and physical artist focusing on Black inspired digital art under the Instagram handle @IzzyMendyes_Art. Isabel plans to major in biology and aspires to be a physician.


Naisola is a senior at Miss Porter’s School in Farmington Connecticut, and is the daughter of Alexandra MuchuraMensah and Sarfo Mensah. She has been a member of the Greater Hartford Chapter for three years. Naisola was an avid technical ballet dancer for 12 years. In her junior year, she discovered a love of volleyball and served as captain her senior year. She is co-head of the black student affinity.




Melvin P Weaver III is a senior at Avon Old Farms School in Farmington, Connecticut, and the son of Natalie and Melvin P Weaver Jr. Melvin has been a member of Jack & Jill for seven years and currently serves as Sergeant of Arms. Melvin’s accomplishments include receiving the Ernest and Persistent Effort award from Avon Old Farms School. Melvin is a captain of the varsity basketball team. He has held leadership roles mentoring freshmen as they acclimate to school. Melvin plans to attend college and pursue a degree in Business Administration while playing basketball.


Zoe D Westbrook is a senior at Glastonbury High School in Glastonbury, CT. She is the daughter of Dawne Westbrook and Tory Westbrook. She has been a member of the Greater Hartford Chapter of Jack and Jill for 17 years. She has worked in the hospitality field and with children for the past few years in addition to her involvement with school activities. She hopes to attend Morgan State University where she will major in Business and Hospitality.


Kendall Bolden is the son or Drs. Brian and Tasha Bolden. He attends Moravian Academy. He has been part of Jack and Jill for 5 years, in that time he has held the positions of Treasurer and Parliamentarian. He won the 2021 basketball player of the year award. He enjoys basketball, tennis and skiing. He will be attending Morehouse College or Howard University in the fall. He will be focusing on Business Finance.


Shakyra is the daughter of Yolanda Gordon. She attends Liberty high school. She is an active member, contributing her time and ideas to the projects our Onyx group is working on. She is the President of Lady leaders. She enjoys playing video games and playing soccer. She will be attending Northampton Community College where she will study to become a travelling Ultrasound Technician.


Meiko attends Notre Dame High School and is the daughter of Cee Harris and Dr. Melenese Sivells. During her 4 years as an Onyx, she has held the offices of President, VP, Regional Teen Nominating Committee, Regional Teen Task Force and Chapter Foundation Chair. Meiko’s in the National Honor Society, National Foreign Language Honor Society, Student Council Executive Board Vice President, Key Club President, Captain-Varsity Cheerleading and has received a Hampton University Merit Scholarship. She enjoys reading, journaling, yoga, volleyball, and playing and listening to the violin. She’s attending Hampton University, to pursue her MBA with an interest in law.


Aniyah Malisse is the youngest daughter of Mr. Paul Williams and Dr. Nia Farrow Rashad. Aniyah has received awards and scholarships from the Vice Presidential, Congressional, and Senatorial nominations to the US Military Academy at West Point. She is an accomplished artist, violinist and award-winning equestrian. She also is a talented field hockey player. Aniyah been accepted to West Point, the University of Pennsylvania, Penn State University, Howard University, and Hampton University. She plans to study Art History and attend law school.



Aaron Irby is a Senior at DeMatha High School in Hyattsville, Maryland. He is the son of Korey and Cassandra Irby. He has been a member of the Greater Suburban Maryland Chapter for 7 years where he has held the position of Chaplain and currently serves as Fundraising Co-Chair. Aaron is a member of the Varsity Crew Team at DeMatha. He is also the owner and CEO of Yardz Cardz - a company that he created during the pandemic. When he is not rowing or delivering yard signs, he spends Saturdays serving at the Mother Mary Lange Food Pantry at a local parish. He enjoys working in the community assisting students at local schools with special needs.


Kofi Theodore Dennis Irving, son of Kwasi Irving, Sr. and Nayoka Irving, Esq., is a senior at St. Vincent Pallotti High School in Laurel, Maryland. A member of the Greater Suburban Maryland Chapter for seven years, he is the current Teen President and the former Treasurer, Historian and Nominating Committee Chair. Kofi is an Honor Roll student and a member of the Pallotti Panthers Varsity Football Team since his Freshman year of high school. Kofi is deciding on the college he will attend in the fall where he plans to pursue his interests in Communications or Graphic Design.


Jevon Johnson is a Science & Tech scholar athlete Senior at Oxon Hill High School in Oxon Hill, Maryland. He is the youngest son of Mr. Lonnell and Tamara Johnson. He is a charter member of the Greater Suburban Maryland Chapter and has been a member for 7 years. He has been involved in several organizations that are focused on community service and mentoring and will graduate with over 200 hours of service. He is undecided on his College but will attend a 4 year University where he will compete in track and field, and major in Computer Science with a Cybersecurity tract.


Chandler Mya McCoy is a senior at Bishop McNamara High School in Forestville, Maryland. She is the daughter of Nicoe and Darren McCoy. Chandler has been a member of the Greater Suburban Maryland Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 7 years where she currently serves as the Historian and Chair of the Editorial Committee. Chandler volunteers as a math and Spanish tutor during her down time. Chandler has not determined where she plans to attend college but will major in journalism and plans to study abroad.


Christian Roberts is a senior at Indian Creek School in Crownsville, Md, and is the son of Najma and Gregory Roberts Jr. He is a member of Jack and Jill of America Greater Suburban Maryland Chapter. Christian is a musician with a specific love for drums. He picked up his first set of drumsticks at 2 years old and has been playing since 2008. Christian loves working with children, he volunteers for after-school programs and provides virtual drum lessons. Christian plans to study at Berklee College of Music in Boston and major in Music Performance and Music Therapy.


Myles Sandy is a senior at St. Stephen’s and St Agnes School in Alexandria, VA. He is the son of Nichelle and Mark Sandy. He has been a member of the Jack and Jill of America, Greater Suburban Maryland Chapter, since its chartered-on October 30, 2016. Myles is Student Council President, an Admission Ambassador, Honor Disciplinary Board member, Leader of AAMATE, Student Vestry and member of the Student Council on Racial Equality (SCORE). Myles is a MLS Next Soccer Player for Alexandria Soccer Association and he also volunteers as a Special Week of Camp Mentor for Hope Worldwide Organization. He will study Communications/Political Science.




Sydney Adiyah Bryant is a senior at Flint Hill High School in Oakton, VA. The youngest daughter of Dwan and Lisa Bryant, Sydney has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2021. She is a youth counselor with I Can Build A Bridge and member of the HS Athletic Counsel and Black Student Counsel. She plays and is a team captain with Metro Volleyball Club. Sydney maintains a 3.5 GPA and received a full Athletic Scholarship to play DI Volleyball at the University of Maryland College Park where she plans to major in Psychology and become a child Psychologist.


Kameron Harris is a senior at Union Catholic High School in Scotch Plains, NJ, and is the son of Frederick and Melissa Harris. He has been a Greater Union County Chapter member for fifteen years and is the 2022-2023 Teen Chapter President. Kameron was voted 2021-2022 Distinguished Teen and served as teen historian and foundation chair. Kameron is actively involved with his school’s track team, Journalism Club, and African-American Club. He is a member of the Omega Leadership Institute facilitated by the Omicron Chi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Kameron plans to major in Journalism at an HBCU.


Morgan Kinard is a senior at Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School in Scotch Plains, New Jersey, and is the daughter of Keith and Celeste Kinard. She has been a Greater Union County Chapter member for 13 years. Morgan, a high honor roll student, and College Board National African-American Recognition Awardee is a member of the National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, National Society of High School Scholars, and Varsity Volleyball team. She supports her community by leading her high school’s Medical Club for future careers in medicine and science. Morgan will attend Swarthmore College, majoring in Biology and playing volleyball.


Dawn Mitchell is a senior at Watchung Hills Regional High School in Warren, NJ, and is the daughter of Douglas and Hope Mitchell. She has been a Greater Union County Chapter member for eight years and the 20222023 Eastern Region Teen Secretary. Dawn supports her community by volunteering for food drives and through church-based outreach. Dawn’s vision is to make the world a better place for others by providing equal opportunities to be one of God’s perfect creations. She has decided to attend Hampton University, majoring in Liberal Arts and Criminal Justice to become a Civil Rights Attorney and open her law firm.


Desiree Mitchell is a senior at Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child in Summit, NJ, and is the daughter of Douglas and Hope Mitchell. She has been a member of the Greater Union County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for eight years. Desiree supports her community as a volunteer Emergency Medical Technician. Desiree’s vision is to live her life upholding good values and helping others by using her education and strengths. She has decided to attend New York University where she will major in Biology, leading to a career in Orthopedic Surgery focusing on Sports Medicine.


Miles Neal is a senior at the Academy for Information Technology in Scotch Plains, NJ, and is the son of Lester and Deborah Neal. He has been a Greater Union County Chapter member for seven years. He supports his community as a teen instructor for the Union County 4-H Archery Club and through community food drives and canvassing. Miles’s vision is to live life fully and be a source of inspiration for others. He plans to major in Accounting at the university of his choice in the fall.



Christian Turner is a senior at Westfield High School in Westfield, NJ, and is the son of Latricia Stephens and Marc Turner. He has been a Greater Union County Chapter member for twelve years. Christian is an avid gardener who grows and sells produce and the proceeds support families in Flint, Michigan. Christian has been a drummer in his High School band and spent the summer volunteering. He plans to leave the planet better than he found it by majoring in the STEM field in the fall at the university of his choice.


Mikaela Hubbard is a senior at Saint John Vianney High School in Holmdel, NJ and is the daughter of Dr. Mariama Hubbard and Milton Hubbard, III. She has been a member of the Jersey Shore Chapter for 6 years where she has held positions both as Editorian and Chaplain. Mikaela has been active at the varsity levels for both Basketball and Volleyball at her High school, where she is also the team captain. She plays a significant role within her community as a Pianist for over 12 years, performing at both count Basie and Vogel theater, as well as volunteering at the local Veterans home. Mikeala has maintained excellent grades making the Honors.


Jalen Lespinasse is a senior at The Lawrenceville School in Lawrence Township, New Jersey and is the son of Tarsha Jones. He has been a member of the Jersey Shore Chapter for 5 years. He is the VP of the LEAP Program in addition to being a writing tutor. Jalen is also the co-founder of Share a Shovel Inc. His college choice is currently decided but he will major in Pre-Med. Jalen will continue to play football and wrestle during his college experience.


Gene C. Waddy II is a Senior at The Hun School of Princeton in Princeton, New Jersey and is the son of Gene and Kim Waddy. Gene has been a member of the Jersey Shore Jack and Jill Chapter for 9 years and served as Foundation Chair from 2020-2021. During his High School career, Gene has received several awards including the 2022 Delaware Chapter - BBC Sports Unsung Hero Award for Football and also served as a Hun School Delegate for Harvard’s 2022 Model Congress. Gene played Football for 4 years at The Hun School of Princeton, was involved in the production of Hun TV and enjoys Computer Aided Animation. He will attend Vassar College.


Clinton Burke is a senior at Briar Woods High School and Academies of Loudoun. He is the only child of Steven and Robin Burke. Clinton has served in multiple leadership positions during his 13 years in Jack and Jill and is the current Teen President. He is active in his community and serves as President of the Dulles/Leesburg (VA) alumni chapter’s Kappa League mentoring program. Clinton is a member of the National Honor Society and varsity baseball team. After graduation, Clinton will continue his studies at a four-year university majoring in Aerospace Engineering.


Ashlei is a Senior at Dominion High School, Sterling, Virginia and is the daughter of Kimberly and Ronald Cleaves. She has been a member of LCVC for 12 years. As recording secretary of the chapter, Ashlei is active in her community through food drives, mentoring and tutoring high schoolers. She is a member of the French and National Honor Societies. As Vice President of her Global Ambassadors club, she has traveled to Iceland, South Africa and Turkey while presenting the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals. Ashlei plans to attend a university majoring in international politics and become an attorney.




Nicholas Terence Hosten is the son of Terence and Shani Hosten and a member of LCVC for 14 years. As a Dominion High School honor roll student, Nicholas is a member of the Latin Honor Society (Vice President), Chess Club, DECA, National Society of High School Scholars, Varsity Golf and Varsity Basketball (Captain) teams. Nicholas has been invited to several academic camps and programs. He is a participant of the Morgan Stanley JumpStart program and attended the University of Maryland School of Business Leadership camp. Upon graduation Nicholas will attend Morehouse College and major in Economics and Finance.


Kyle is a senior at Riverside High School in Leesburg, Virginia and is the son of David and Tracy Johnson. He has been a member of the Loudoun County Virginia Chapter for 10 years. Kyle enjoys spending time with his family and friends and giving back to his community. He is co-captain of his high school Varsity Baseball Team and has earned numerous awards for baseball over the years, including 2022 All-Metropolitan, All-State First Team, and All-State Co-Player of the Year. Kyle is committed to play baseball at Duke University where he will major in business.


Ashley is a senior at Independence High School in Ashburn,VA. She is the daughter of Col (Ret) Sharon Moore and the late Ernest T. Moore. She has been a member of the Loudoun County Chapter for 8 years. Ashley is a member of the Nation’s Capital Girl Scouts for over 10 years completing her Gold Award on environmental protection this spring. She is a 2x Varsity letterlady in Golf, Vice-President of her BCU Club, active participant with her church youth group and Delta GEMS. While she is still contemplating her college of choice, Ashley plans to study communications and business.


Ava Ray is a senior at Riverside High School in Leesburg, VA and is the daughter of Angela and David Ray. She’s been a member of the Loudoun County Virginia Chapter for 8 years, but has been in Jack and Jill since 2009. She’s an active member of her church, serving in the nursery weekly. She started volleyball at 6 and is the captain of her high school and travel teams. Ava is attending Texas Southern in the fall and will major in Kinesiology with hopes of becoming an athletic trainer or physical therapist for a professional team.


Ryan Tucker is a senior at Freedom High School in South Riding, VA and is the great-nephew of Brian and Connie Jackson. He has been a member of the Loudoun County Virginia Chapter for three years. Ryan volunteers at Heritage Fellowship Church and Mobile Hope. He has been a member of the marching band since 8th grade. Ryan plays euphonium and sousaphone. He served as a co-leader of the baritone section. Ryan plans to attend Norfolk State University or Old Dominion University where he will major in Mechanical Engineering.


Miles Tudor is a senior at Riverside High School in Leesburg, Virginia. He is the son of Zachary and Shelly Tudor. He has been a member of the Loudoun County Virginia Chapter of Jack and Jill for 3 years. Miles has been an active member of the LCVC Teen fundraising committee. Additionally, Miles has participated in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) Student of the Year program helping to raise over $200,000 for cancer research. Miles spends his free time playing basketball and coaching young players. He will major in Computer Science at a university yet to be determined.



Tatiana Ward, daughter of Azzmeiah Vázquez-Ward, Esq., and Ronald S. Ward, Esq., is a Senior at Tuscarora HS. She has been a member of the Loudoun County, VA Chapter for 2 years before transferring from the Burlington County, NJ chapter, where she was a member for 7 years. Tatiana served as Recording Secretary and chaired Display, Banner and Apparel Committees. Tatiana has a 4.08 GPA, was inducted into the National Honors Society and received the American Legion Award. Tatiana plays varsity soccer and will major in Biology. She has been accepted to several HBCU’s and plans to attend medical school.


Paige Rose Durst is the daughter of Jonathan and Pier Durst. Paige is a senior at Garfield High School, in Woodbridge, Virginia where she is a member of the Leadership Council as well the Yearbook Committee. Paige has been a member of Jack and Jill for 4 years and is actively involved in the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Paige plans to attend college upon graduation in major in Veterinarian Medicine.


Lena M. Gooden is a senior at Osbourn Park High School in Manassas, VA and is the daughter of Troy and Monika Gooden. She has been a member of the Manassas-Woodbridge Jack and Jill Chapter for 9 years. Lena serves as the President of the Manassas-Woodbridge Jack and Jill Teen Chapter (2022-2023), President of her high school’s Black Student Union, and on the Principal’s Advisory Council. She is an active member of the National Honor Society of America, Art Honor Society of America, track team, junior usher at First Mount Zion Baptist Church and a 13-year member of Girl Scouts of America Nation’s Capital. She will attend Vanderbilt University.


Jordan Henry is a senior at Battlefield High School in Haymarket, Virginia and is the son of Cedric and Jacqueline Henry. He has been a member of the Manassas-Woodbridge Virginia Chapter for 11 years. He has been elected as teen editor and teen treasurer as well as a volunteer with the First Mt Zion Baptist Church Children’s Ministry. He has decided to attend Drexel University where he will major in Music Production and Graphic Design/Marketing. Jordan plans to join his brothers and create a multimedia resource company.


Kamilah Jerry is a senior at Forest Park in Woodbridge, Virginia and is the daughter of Thorman Jerry III and Adesimbo Jerry. She has been a member of the Manassas-Woodbridge Chapter for 13 years. Kamilah will major in Civil Engineering.


Leah Janae Jones is a senior at Woodbridge Senior High School in Woodbridge, Virginia and is the daughter of Joseph and Karen Jones. She has been a member of the Manassas-Woodbridge Jack and Jill Chapter for 11 years. Leah is active in her community as a member of First Mt. Zion Baptist Church, member of Top Teens of America and The Class of 2023 Prince William County Youth Salute Honoree. Leah has decided to attend The Virginia State University where she will major in Criminal Justice, Pre-Law track, and plans to follow in her Grandfather’s footsteps by becoming a Lawyer.




Kelsey Lawrence is a senior at C.D. Hylton High School in Woodbridge, Virginia, and is the daughter of Retired U.S. Army Colonel Kenneth Lawrence and Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Arnetta Lawrence. She has been an active member in the Greater Fredericksburg and Manassas-Woodbridge Chapters for five years where she served in various leadership positions. Kelsey is an active member of the Top Teens of America, Inc. and an affiliate of Dale City-Prince William County Chapter of Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. Kelsey plans to attend Morgan State University where she will major in Public Relations.


Parker Phillip Starr is a senior at Charles J. Colgan Senior High School in Manassas, Virginia and is the son of Retired U.S. Navy Commander Phillip A. Starr and Shinda Starr. He has been a member of the ManassasWoodbridge Virginia Jack and Jill Chapter for 14 years. Parker is involved in the Black Student Union at his high school, he is an active member of Potomac Valley Church’s POVA CARES which he actively serves and volunteers throughout the community. He plans to attend Old Dominion University where he will major in Nursing with the ultimate goal to become a Nurse Practitioner.


David A. Washington V is the son of David and Tiffany Washington. He is a senior at North Stafford High School in Stafford, Virginia where he has maintained a 4.41 grade point average. David currently serves as the Teen Vice President of the Manassas-Woodbridge Chapter. He is a member of the National Honor Society and the Environmental Club. David will major in Biology with the long-term interest in attending medical school.


Jordan Baker is a Senior at Robbinsville High School in NJ. Jordan has been a member of Jack and Jill for four years and currently serves on the Executive Board as the Technology Chair. Jordan will be completing his second term as President of the Black Culture Club at RHS. Established in 2005, RHS has officially recognized the Black Culture club as of December 2022. He has also been a member of the RHS track team, Chess club, and Environmental club. Jordan plans on majoring in Health Sciences focusing on Physical Therapy and is currently undecided regarding his university choice.


Aiden Collins is a Senior at Allentown High School in Upper Upper Freehold Township, NJ and is the son of Ethan and Adrienne Collins. Aiden has been a member of the Jack and Jill Chapter of Mercer County for 14 years. As an active participant he has served as the Chapter’s Teen Group Legislative and Health Chairs, as well as supported numerous community-based charitable activities and events. To date, he has been accepted to Hampton University and Howard University and is awaiting other acceptances before making his final determination. He will major in Finance and pursue his M.B.A. to become an Wealth Management Advisor or Investment Banker.


Joseph Forbes is a senior at Notre Dame High School in Lawrenceville, NJ. His family include Gwendolyn and Donald Forbes, sister Vita and brother Christian, a Legacy JJ member. Joseph has participated with the Mercer County NJ Chapter of Jack and Jill Inc. for 16 years. He has been elected to many student government positions and lead many academic, service, cultural and school activities. As a 4 year varsity football player and a track and field member, Joseph is currently considering which school’s offers and program to choose. “Success is my journey.”



Ava Clark Harmon is a senior at Steinert High School in Hamilton, NJ and is the daughter of Kevin and Ja’Nelle Harmon. She has been a member of the Mercer County Jack and Jill Chapter for 8 years. Ava has had the pleasure of serving the community in many capacities to include local shelters and soup kitchens. She is also the Vice President of the Black Student Union and plays soccer. She plans to attend Montclair University where she will major in Business Administration with a concentration on Real Estate, in hopes to be a Real Estate Developer.


Kendall Henderson is a senior at Robbinsville High School in New Jersey and is the son of Anissa and Richard Henderson. He has been a member of the Mercer County Chapter for 5 years, currently serving as President. Kendall is an Honor Roll student and a team captain on the Varsity Track team. Extra-curricular activities include: Crushers clothing apparel, National Honor Society, Black Culture Club, and Environmental Club. Volunteer work includes Project Appalachia and Homefront. Undecided on where he will attend college, Kendall plans to major in business and graphic arts.


Sasha Moïse is a senior at the Hun School of Princeton in Princeton, NJ and is the daughter of Jimmy and Yakenya Moïse. She has been a member of the Mercer County chapter for 16 years. As President of the Black Student Union, she organized inspiring events for the community. She does musical theater and performs in a female a capella group; additionally she composes music, plays piano, guitar and performs for local organizations. Sasha has been admitted to several universities and will continue her passion for music and entertainment while pursuing her bachelor’s degree.


Brendyn James Porter is a senior at Notre Dame High School in Lawrenceville, NJ and is the son of Aldwyn Porter and Dr. Ramelle Martin-Porter. He has been an active member of the Mercer County Chapter for 9 years. Brendyn’s extensive volunteer activities include Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK), HomeFront, Special Olympics and Hoops 4 Hope. He is a member of the schools National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Shades where he offers tutoring for other students and a starting varsity football offensive lineman. Brendyn is undecided where he will take his talents but plans to major in Biology/Pre-med.


Ariana is a senior at The Pingry School in Basking Ridge, NJ and is the daughter of Justina Nixon-Saintil and Willis Saintil and sister of Justin and Gabriel. She has been a member of the Mercer County Chapter for 15 years, and currently serves as Treasurer of the Teen Group. Previously, she was Protocol Chair. She plans to study the Business of Cinematic Arts in college.


Madison Kaylee Tucker is a senior at Princeton Day School, Princeton, NJ. She is the daughter of Mr. Michael Tucker & Mrs. Renee Tucker. Madison has been a member of Jack and Jill for 16 years. She has been a Girl Scout for 13 years and earned both the Trifecta Award and the Gold Award. She has served as her school Volleyball Captain for the past 2 years, played club volleyball for the past 3 years and served as Jr. Coach for the girls Middle school team for 2 years. She will attend college in California and study political science.




Maxwell Alston, the son of Robin and Jeffrey Alston, has been a member of Jack and Jill for nine years. He is a senior at Riverdale Country School where he is active in Track and Field and is the president of the Black Student Alliance. Max is also a member of the J&J Eastern Region nominating committee and an active member of the New York City Black Student Coalition and the NAACP Mid-Manhattan Youth Council.


Ruth Atta, daughter of Dawn Simmons has been a member of the Metropolitan Chapter of Jack and Jill for 7 years. She currently attends Léman Manhattan Preparatory School where she is active in the Dance Club, Women’s Choir, Black Student Union, Gender & Sexuality Alliance, MainStage, One Act Plays, Intercultural Club, and the Debate Club. She is looking forward to going away to college for Musical Theater and hopes that the younger kids cherish their years in Jack and Jill.


Dalyn Courtney Booker is the daughter of Nissa and S. Courtney Booker III. She attends The Marymount School of New York where she is Co-Captain of the Varsity Volleyball team, Captain of the Varsity Basketball team and Co-President of Black Girls Rock, Marymount’s African American affinity group .Dalyn has been an active and engaged member of the Metropolitan Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years and she looks forward to attending college in the fall where she plans to combine her love of languages, history and art by studying Art History.


Carter Everett Boyce, son of Satrina and Dominick Boyce, has been a member of the Metropolitan Chapter of Jack and Jill for 7 years. He currently attends Riverdale Country School where he is active in Varsity Basketball, the Medicine Club and the BSA. Carter is Teen President of the Metropolitan Chapter and has served in many roles. He is also the president of the local NAACP Youth Council. Carter plans to attend Brown University upon graduation.


Zoe Margaret Brown, daughter of Lisa and Ken Brown, has been a member of the Metropolitan Chapter of Jack and Jill for six years. She currently attends Miss Porter’s School in Farmington, CT where she is a student head of diversity and captain/varsity coxswain of the crew team. Zoe plans to attend college upon graduation.


Devonay Burgess, daughter of Chantal Smith and Eddie Burgess has been a member of the Metropolitan Chapter of Jack and Jill for 17 years. She currently attends the American Sign Language School, where she serves as a Senior Class Representative and is actively involved in civic engagement and giving back to the community. She also volunteers as a Girl Scout leading the Troop in developing award-winning programming for the younger members. Devonay plans to pursue a career in nursing.



Nola James, daughter of Keisha Sutton-James and Michael James has been a member of the Metropolitan Chapter for eight years. She currently attends The Dalton School, where she is the president of the Criminal Justice Reform Club, founder and president of the Black Student Union, a Peer Leader, and a Dance Theater Workshop choreographer.


Phoebe Johnson, daughter of Dana and Joseph Johnson, has been a member of Jack and Jill for 14 years. She currently attends the Professional Performing Arts School where she studies dance at the Ailey School and is an active member of the Senior Leadership Council. Phoebe has been engaged in multiple community service activities, including a volunteer internship with the Classical Theatre of Harlem where she was an outreach coordinator in the local community. In addition to continuing her dance practice, Phoebe is interested in studying philosophy and law in college.


Ava Johnston, daughter of Valerie Mitchell Johnston, has been a member of the Metropolitan Chapter for three years. She attends Hunter College High School serving as Co-President of the Black Student Union, Girls Varsity Volleyball team Co-Captain, Chapter President of Best Buddies, one of 17 schoolwide Peer Leaders, and a teaching assistant for 8th grade math. Ava tutors children regularly. Ava was selected as a National Merit Scholar Semi-finalist, and a recipient of the National African American Recognition Award. Ava has danced with Alvin Ailey for over 10 years. She will attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the Fall.


Sydney Mitchell, daughter of Aischa and Clarence Mitchell has been a member of the Metropolitan Chapter for 14 years and is the current Chair of the Newsletter. She attends the Chapin School, where she is the VicePresident of Dance Club, Visual Editor for Polaris (Science Magazine) as well as an active member of Model UN and Limelight (School newspaper). Sydney is a dedicated ballet dancer. She gives back to the community by volunteering weekly as a Teen Helper for the Dancing Dreams organization where she assists children with medical and physical challenges in dance classes. She will attend Yale University.


Tori Phelps, daughter of Tanya Phelps has been a member of the Metropolitan Chapter for 10 years. She attends The Hewitt School, active in the annual school musical, is a Student Ambassador, School Orchestra, Black Student Union, facilitator for Young Women Cooperative, tennis team manager, assistant teacher in the middle school orchestra, and tour guide. Tori is the head of the Hewitt-Browning Committee, Tori is also a student at the Diller Quaile school of music as a violinist for the past 10 years. She has volunteered at Bethel Gospel Assembly Thanksgiving and City Smart Scholars for a number of years.


Nigel Pinn, son of Katrina Parris and Mark Pinn, has been a member of Metropolitan Jack and Jill for 13 years. He currently attends NYC iSchool in Manhattan where he is a member of the Indoor Track team. Nigel also is active in his community, as a regular volunteer for Marcus Meets Malcolm (MMM), a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization created to strengthen the Harlem Community with innovative culturally appropriate programming. Nigel plans to attend college in the Fall.




Elaina Jay Taylor, daughter of Danielle Durden-Taylor and KeithTaylor. Elaina has been a member of the Metropolitan Chapter of Jack and Jill for 8 years. She currently attends The Chapin School where she is Captain of the Fencing team, Vice President of Model UN and a member of the Chorus and Acapella groups. Elaina has studied the piano for 13 years and also enjoys musical theater. Elaina plans to attend Barnard College upon graduation.


James “Max” West is Eastern Region Teen Treasurer and a senior at Dwight-Englewood (D-E) High School. He is the son of Lori Davis West and James West. An active member in the Metropolitan Chapter for 18 years, he served as Teen Vice-President and Recording Secretary. At D-E, where he is Club Lead, Varsity Track Co-Captain, and Cross Country Co-Captain, Max has earned academic and athletic achievements including Honor Roll, Most Valuable Athlete, Silberfein Award, and Michael Glowski Award. Max serves his community as Vice President, NAACP Mid-Manhattan Youth Council; through advocacy work at NYS Black & Puerto Rican Legislative Caucus.


Alexandra Clark Williams is the daughter of Donald and Ainsley Minton Williams, and has been a member of the Metropolitan Chapter of Jack and Jill for 4 years. Alexandra currently attends Urban Assembly for Media Studies High School. She is a graduate of Columbia University First Generation Entrepreneurs Program and is currently enrolled in the NYU Music Industry Essentials online program. She is a black belt in karate and an 8 time grand champion in kata and weapons. Alexandra plans to attend Sarah Lawrence College. Her favorite quote “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot accept” -Angela Davis


India Williams, daughter of Mavis Fowler-Williams and Windell Williams, has been an active member of the Metropolitan Chapter of Jack and Jill for 16 years and is the Vice President. She currently attends The Beacon School, where she is one of the Co-Captains of the Girls Ultimate Frisbee Team, takes Honor Arts, Calculus, the Physics of Sound and is a Teaching Assistant for Art. She has also been a regular volunteer at the Bank Street School for Children.


Eian Cushnie is a senior at Wooster school in Danbury, Connecticut and is the son of Shari Cushnie and Errol Cushnie (predeceased). He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 13 years. During his time in Jack and Jill he has served as treasurer and parliamentarian. He plans to attend Drexel University where he will be studying Biochemistry on a premed track.


Chelsea Jayna Kelly is a senior at Walter Panas High School in Cortlandt Manor, New York. She is the youngest daughter of Drs. Damyn and Diann Kelly and has been a member of the Mid Hudson Valley Chapter for 16 years. She is an equestrian and has won numerous awards. She trains at Fox Hill Farm in Pleasantville, New York. She plans to study psychology in college and become a child psychologist.



Keith Barrington Perry is currently a senior at Yorktown High School in Yorktown Heights, NY. He is the son of Deon and Troy Perry and he has been a member of the Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter for 16 years. During his Junior and Senior year, Keith served as the Teen Chaplain. In his future endeavors, he plans to major in business management on his path to entrepreneurship.


Celina Anginé St. Vil is a senior at Ossining High School in Ossining, New York, and is the daughter of Karen and Jerry St. Vil. She has been a member of the Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter for 16 years. She has served as Teen Corresponding Secretary, Teen Recording Secretary, and Teen Vice President. Celina has been a member of the Heart of the Hudson Girls Scouts for 12 years, and is a member of the National Honor Society. Celina is Vice President of the Ossining High School Business Club, Secretary of the Ossining High School Math Club, and plans to study business in college.


Morgan Watt has been an active member of the Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter in New York for fourteen years and has served as the chapter’s Teen Foundation Chair, Teen Vice President, and currently, as the Teen President. As Teen President, Morgan’s objective is to encourage teens to realize their power at the polls by participating in legislative activities, leaning into leadership, and giving back to the community. Morgan is an avid member of her AAU track team, the Poughkeepsie City Striders and the Fashion Magazine Club at Arlington High School in Lagrangeville, New York. Morgan is the beloved daughter of De-Angela and Gary Watt.


Malia Raine Adams is a senior at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School and is the daughter of Adonis and Katrina Adams. She’s been a member of the Montgomery County, MD Chapter for 11 years and has served as Teen Legislative Chair. She is a member of BCC for Change, Minority Scholars and the Black Student Union. As captain of the lacrosse team, she took her school to their first appearance in a state championship game and is ranked as the top Midfielder in the county. Malia has committed to play D1 women’s lacrosse at the University of Cincinnati and plans to study Anthropology.


Xavier Allen is a senior at Gonzaga College High School in Washington, D.C. He is the son of Edward Allen, Jr. and Donné Settles Allen. Xavier has been a member of the Montgomery County Maryland Chapter for 7 years, participating in a myriad of group activities and community service projects. Xavier plays varsity football and was the 2022 DCSAA heavyweight wrestling champion. He also participated in the drama club, oratorical contests, and the Onyx club for young Black men. Xavier will attend Bucknell University in the fall of 2023 and will double major in psychology and management.


Camille Beavers is a senior in the International Baccalaureate Program at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Maryland. She is the daughter of Dr. Cynthia L. Long and Dr. Frederick P. Beavers. Camille has been a member of Jack and Jill Montgomery County Maryland Chapter for 10 years. She is a tutor through the National Honor Society and co-founded a non-profit organization, Treehouse Academy, to address educational disparities following the COVID pandemic. Camille plans to major in biological engineering at Princeton University and pursue a career in medicine.




Sage Alicia Crittenden is a senior at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Maryland. She has been a member of the Montgomery Maryland Chapter for three years and held the post of Financial Secretary. She is the daughter of Dr. William Crittenden III and Stacee Bain Crittenden. Sage’s memberships include the National Honor Society, French Honor Society, Math Honor Society, UNICEF, and Minority Scholars Program. She founded the Zero Footprint club and volunteers at Bethesda Help. Sage has not decided which school to attend, but has been accepted to Xavier, Towson, LSU, and Spelman College. She will major in biology.


Ryan H. Johnson is a senior at James Hubert Blake High School in Colesville, MD and is the son of Eve-Lyn and Geno Johnson. He has been a member of the Montgomery County Maryland Chapter for 11 years. Ryan is active in the community, volunteering since middle school at school events and with the JJMCMC Chapter. Ryan has played the Alto sax for over 8 years and is a member of Blake High School’s Concert Band. Ryan plans to major in Computer Science with an emphasis in Cyber Security in college. His interests include weightlifting, running, music and reading.


Cailtyn B. Laws is a senior at Paint Branch High School in Burtonsville, Maryland. She is the daughter of Lauren J. Laws and has been a member of the Montgomery County Maryland Chapter for 15 years. Caitlyn has participated in AVID, a college preparatory program, since Freshman year. Caitlyn is a member of her church’s Young Voices of Praise and Youth Ministries. She is also a member of Girl Scouts and Children’s International Summer Villages. Caitlyn is undecided about where she will attend college but will major in pediatric nursing. Her hobbies are cooking, arts & crafts, painting, and IT.


Justin Manning is a senior at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Maryland and is the son of Richard and Lisa Manning. He has been a member of the Montgomery County Maryland Chapter of Jack and Jill for 16 years. Justin is a member of Grace Episcopal Church, plays lacrosse and tennis and loves to ski. Justin is applying to colleges on the East Coast and is interested in business and real estate.


Arianna Eva Nnawuchi is a senior at Our Lady of Good Counsel High School in Olney, Maryland and is the daughter of Jackie and Ike Nnawuchi. She has been a member of the Montgomery County Maryland Chapter of Jack and Jill for 15 years. Arianna has committed to play soccer at Hampton University in the fall of 2023 where she will study biology and then go on to medical school once her undergraduate studies are complete.


Brendon Noël is a senior at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Maryland. He is the son of Faith Dixon and Mr. & Mrs. Reginald and Whitney Noël. He has been a member of the Montgomery County Maryland Chapter for two years. He serves as Historian on the Teen Executive Board for the 2022 - 2023 program year. He has worked as a startup intern with University Startups and is on the boys varsity volleyball team. Brendon plans to study computer science in college and pursue his interests in psychology and film.



Johnnie Leon Peace III is a senior at Wheaton High School in Silver Spring, Maryland. Johnnie has been involved in track and field since age 5 and is a nationally ranked athlete, a top athlete at Wheaton High School and being recruited to compete collegiately. At Wheaton High School he is a member of the Drama Club, Chorus, Mock Trial Team, Art Club, and the National Honor Society. Johnnie plans to major in communications and journalism with a minor in graphic design in college.


Shelby Moran Pollard is a senior at St. John’s College High School in Washington, D.C. and is the daughter of Prentice and Erica Pollard. She has been a member of the Montgomery County Maryland Chapter for five years. She was a 4-year varsity starter on the SJC Girls Soccer team and a 2-year captain while winning 4 championships for the school. Shelby has decided to attend Delaware State University where is will be a member of the Women’s Soccer team and she will major in pre-law or psychology. Shelby aspires to become a civil rights attorney or a psychologist to care for children on the Autsim Spectrum.


Sydney Mary-Ellen Shaw is a senior at Bullis School in Potomac, Maryland and is the daughter of Mr. Marcus Keith Shaw and Dr. Maren Golding Shaw. She has been a member of the Montgomery County Maryland Chapter for 4 years and was a member of the Chattanooga, Tennessee chapter for 3 years. She has studied ballet for over 13 years and is in the conservatory program at the Jones-Haywood School of Dance. She is active in the Bullis Black Student Union and volunteers with KEEN for neurodiverse teens. She will attend Spelman College and major in economics and art history.


Lindsay Anne Townsend is a senior at James Hubert Blake High School in Silver Spring, Maryland and is the daughter of Holli and Amos Townsend. She has been a member of the Montgomery County Maryland Jack and Jill Chapter for eight years. She is currently involved in Girl Scouts, Young Voices of Praise, Fashion X and runs track and field and cross country in high school. She is still deciding which university to attend and will major in psychology. Her future plans include becoming a psychologist and eventually building a family.


Christian I. Watkins is a senior at Clarksburg High School in Clarksburg, MD, and is the son of Aubrey and Teresa Watkins. He has been a member of the Montgomery County Maryland Chapter for five years and was a member of the Montgomery County Pennsylvania Chapter for two years. Christian’s community service efforts include volunteering at A Wider Circle, Comfort Cases, and serving families in need. He will attend Florida A&M University where he will major in business with a finance concentration and plans to complete the 5-year MBA program.


Margretta Lena Williams is a senior at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, MD and is the daughter of Margretta Browne. She has been a member of the Jack and Jill Montgomery County Maryland Chapter for 10 years. She has served as an acolyte in the Episcopal Church for seven years and participated in several outreach ministries. She is a competitive ice hockey player on three teams and serves as captain for two of them. She is still deciding upon her college choice and is planning on majoring in Business/International Affairs.




Christian Black is the son of Kenyatta and Nicole Black. He is an Honors Student at William Penn Charter High School in Philadelphia, PA. He is a student leader in the Center for Public Purpose and a Captain of the Varsity Track Team. Christian has been a member of the Montgomery County, PA Chapter for 14 years. Christian currently serves as the Chapter Teen Treasurer, he also served as a community service co- chair. He also serves as a math tutor and a STEM teacher at church. Christian plans to pursue a degree in Computer Engineering and minor in Chinese.


Madison Clark the daughter of Kisha Martin and Desmond Clark. Madison has been a member of the Montgomery County PA Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc. for 14 years. Madison received national recognition from the college board as an African American scholar. She also plans to play soccer in college and will study aerospace engineering at Princeton University.


Zoe Hammond is a senior at Abington Friends School in Jenkintown, PA, and is the daughter of Lorne and Aliya Hammond. She has been a Montgomery County, PA Chapter member for nine years. Zoe has enjoyed serving on the Teen Eboard as Historian and Co-Chair for the Banner Committee. In 2021, Zoe started a mental health podcast on teen mental health. Zoe has received numerous college acceptances and plans to major in Entrepreneurship.


Grayson King is a senior at St. Joseph Preparatory School in Philadelphia, PA and is the son of Pamula Hart and Kim King. He has been a member of the Montgomery County, PA chapter of Jack and Jill for 13 years. Grayson currently serves as the teen president. He is also an Eagle Scout and serves in leadership roles in the Environmental Club, Black and Latino Club and Mission and Ministry leadership Board at St. Joe’s Prep. While he is undecided about which college he will attend, he plans to major in political science and communication.


David W. Mills is the son of David and Marisia Mills. David is an honor student and member of the varsity Cross Country team and Cheltenham High School in Wyncote, PA. David has been an active member of Montgomery County PA Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated for 14 years and is currently serving as Parliamentarian for the Teen Auxiliary. David supports his community by volunteering his time as a poll worker and in church. Though David’s choice of college is undecided, he will attend an HBCU and pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts.


Amira Shakur is a senior at Abington Friends School in Abington, Pennsylvania and is the proud daughter of Mujahid and Angela Shakur. She has been a member of the Montgomery County, PA Chapter of Jack and Jill, Inc. for 7 years. She currently serves as the Foundation/Community Service Chair for her teen Eboard. This fall, she plans to study biomedical engineering with a biomaterials and tissue concentration. She has not chosen which university she will attend.



Dorian Stroud is a senior at Carlisle Area High School in Carlisle PA and is the son of George Stroud and Stacey Stroud. He has been a member of Jack and Jill Montgomery County PA chapter for 7 years. He is active in his community by volunteering for Central PA Canine Rescue and the Carlisle Area Little League. Dorian plans to continue playing baseball and has been accepted into the bachelor’s and master’s dual program where he will study Electrical Engineering and earn his MBA at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).


Grant Michael Watson is the son of Marilou Taylor Watson and Clarence Watson, Jr. Grant attends the William Penn Charter High School in Philadelphia, PA. Grant joined the Jack & Jill Montgomery Co., PA Chapter when he was in 4th grade. Grant plans to attend college and explore finance and science majors with the possibility of eventually going to medical school.


Brandon K. Davis, son of Dr. Crystal D. Davis and Kayron W. Davis, is a member of the Morris County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Brandon attends Boonton High School in Boonton, New Jersey. He is a member of the Teen Advocacy Group and volunteers at the New Jersey Firemen’s Nursing Home. Brandon is a member of Clinton Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church where he is an active on the usher board. Brandon plans to attend the College of New Jersey in the fall.


Ethan Gaston is a senior at Oratory Prep High School in Summit, NJ and is the son of Raiza and Frantz Gaston, Jr. Ethan has been a member of the Morris County Jack and Jill Chapter for nine years. Ethan is currently the President of the Teen Group of the Morris County Chapter. He is also part of the Varsity Swim and Track teams in school. He is an active contributor to Homeless Solutions, a local shelter in Morris County. Ethan is undecided in his college, but he plans to major in Psychology with a Premed track.


Olivia Hargrove, daughter of Brian and Judy-Ann Hargrove, is a twelve-year member of the Morris County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. She attends Chatham High School in Chatham, NJ. She is a member of the Chinese Language and Culture Club, the French Club and has been the Varsity Volleyball Manager for three years. She enjoys volunteering at Homeless Solutions, Table of Hope, Morristown Neighborhood House and participating in a Night in the Cold. She plans to major in Chinese Language Studies and International Business.


Donovan McHenry is a senior at Warren Hills Regional High School in Washington, NJ and is the son of Brian McHenry and Aliah Davis-McHenry. He has been Treasurer of the Morris County Chapter for the last three years. Donovan is active in Warren Hills’ computer science club, organizing the annual Coding for Kids event. He is also deeply involved in the Human Rights Club, and regularly volunteers with the Environmental Club. Donovan has applied to NJIT, Rutgers, Stevens, Drexel, Temple and Howard, and plans to major in Computer Science, with a goal of working in the high tech industry.




Bart Edward Scott, Jr. is a senior at West Morris Mendham High School in Mendham, NJ and is the son of Starr and Bart Scott. Bart has been a member of the Morris County Chapter for 12 years. He has decided to attend Southern Illinois University where he will major in Marketing and Business management.


Morgan Vannoy is a senior at Parsippany High School in Parsippany, NJ, and she is the daughter of Lisa and Charles Vannoy. She is a member of the Morris County Chapter. Morgan has been a member of the Parsippany High School Volleyball Team for four years. She is currently a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, The African American Club, Peer Buddies and the American Red Cross. She is a certified lifeguard and swim instructor. Morgan was the 2022 Parsippany High School Homecoming Queen. Morgan plans to attend Rutgers University in the fall and major in Biology.


Grant Boylan is a 10-year member of Nassau Chapter, attends Westbury High School and is the son of Dana and Carl Boylan. Within Jack & Jill Nassau Chapter Teen Group he served as Secretary and Editor/Historian. He also served as Treasurer and Sergeant of Arms of the chapter’s Gavel Club. His volunteerism and external leadership roles include Energeia for Teens, COVID19 vaccine ambassador, food distribution, Anti-Vaping Ambassador for Nassau County Office of Youth Services, volunteer at Northwell Hospital and at a Physician’s office. In college, he plans to major in Engineering with future aspirations of pursuing a medical career.


Miles Elombe Brathwaite is a senior at South Valley Stream High School in Valley Stream, New York, and the son of Noel Holton Brathwaite and Mgavi Elombe Brathwaite. He has been a member of the Nassau County Chapter for three years. Miles has volunteered at the food pantry at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Harlem, NY, feeding the homeless. He was a member of the South Valley Stream Wrestling Team, and is currently playing Varsity Basketball. Miles is undecided on where he will attend college, but he has plans to major in Physics and Engineering.


Skylar Curwen is the daughter of Shawn and Tricia Curwen and the older sister of Sunday Curwen. She has been a member of the Jack and Jill, Nassau County Chapter for 10 years. Skylar is an honor student at Baldwin High School and a member of the National Honor Society. Skylar is the captain of the girl’s tennis team and has won numerous tennis awards through the years as well as many academic acknowledgments. Skylar, a teen who loves service, has decided on a career in Psychiatry. To date, Skylar has been accepted to St. John’s University and Temple University.


Emma-Marie is a senior at Friends Academy in Locust Valley NY, and is the daughter of Dr. Elvire L. Daniels. A proud Nassau County chapter member since 2011. The current Teens secretary, past Foundation Chair, Fundraising Chair, and on various committees. She is the Chair of Friends Academy Diversity & Black Student Alliance club, T.A.S.Q.U.E Service Committee Leader, Students Football Team Manager. Emma is professionally trained with Alvin Alley Dance Theater & Eglevsky Ballet. She is Mass Reader and Choir member for St. Agnes Cathedral NY. Emma enjoys culinary classes. She will major in Fine Arts with a PT minor.



Cristian Guilfu is a senior at Hicksville High School in Hicksville, New York. He is the son of the late Marie Guilfu and Jose Guilfu. He’s been a member of the Nassau County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for 7 years. Cristian was a member of the Hicksville High School Marching Band, which won first place at the New York State Field Band Conference. in the Fall of 2021. He received the Hicksville SEPTA Personal Achievement Award in June 2022. Cristian will be attending Nassau Community College, majoring in Performing Arts-Music.


Lonnie Hart III is a senior at Baldwin High School located in Baldwin, Long Island, New York. He is the eldest son of Margaret Desir-Hart, Esq. and Lonnie Hart, Jr., Esq. He has been a member of Jack and Jill Nassau County for 12 years. Lonnie has served as Teen Service Committee Co-Chair and has served on the Nominating Committee for Jack and Jill Nassau County. His activities outside of Jack and Jill include fencing, Chess Club and Mock Trial. Lonnie intends on attending Adelphi University where he will major in Computer Science.


Caitlin McCalla is the daughter of Sean McCalla, Sr., and Dr. Sammantha McCalla. She is a graduate of East Meadow High School with high academic achievement. She has played the cello in the orchestra since the 3rd grade and has attained first row status as cellist. Caitlin has been a member of the Nassau County Chapter for two years and has donated many hours of community service to veterans, underserved children, and by delivering turkeys door to door to the elderly for Thanksgiving. Caitlin is deciding where she will attend college to study psychology.


Samuel R. Murad is the son of Deacon Rachid and Dr. Ianthe Murad. Sam is a graduate of St. Mary’s College Preparatory High School with high academic achievement and has been a member of the Nassau County Chapter for 2 years. Samuel’s passions show through on the Debate Team, Varsity Lacrosse Team, and Captain of the Varsity Basketball Team. Sam is also the youngest Volunteer Firefighter with the Manhasset/Lakeville Company 3 Fire Department and a NYC Youth Leadership Council member with The Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office. Sam is considering his college home and intends to major in economics and history.


Austin Patience, son of Alona Phillips and Douglas Patience, has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2009. He’s a senior at Freeport High School in Freeport, NY. Austin’s a 2 letterman scholar athlete in football (Line Captain) and lacrosse (Captain). Leadership roles are Robotics Club (all elected positions/currently President), National Honor Society (Treasurer), and Nassau County Chapter of Jack and Jill (Treasurer). Philanthropic endeavors include volunteering at local elementary schools teaching science/technology; raised over $3,000 for Breast Cancer Awareness and scholarships; and raised $1,000 for Dollars for Scholars.


Justin Hunter Valentine is a senior at Hewlett High School in Hewlett, NY where he is a member of the Varsity Tennis Team, Film Production Club, and Photography Club. Justin is the son of Kevin and Jamise Valentine. Justin has been a member of the Nassau County Chapter for nine years and served as Foundation Chair and Gavel Club Public Relations Chair. Justin has received early acceptance and merit scholarships to Adelphi University, Hofstra University, and St. John’s University. Justin plans to continue his families HBCU legacy while studying Film Production and Cinematography.




Darien Ward Jr is a National Honor Society Senior at Baldwin High School. He is the son of Darien and Latonia Ward, MD. He is Captain of the Varsity Football team and also enjoys Wrestling and Lacrosse. He has been in Jack and Jill for 15 years. Most recently he serves as the Teen President of the Nassau County Chapter. Darien plans to become a physician.


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Leila Elizabeth Alston is a senior at Our Lady of Good Counsel High School in Olney, MD. She is the daughter of Thomas Alston and Stacia Geiger-Alston. Leila has been a member of the Montgomery County MD and National Harbor Chapters for a combined total of 10 years. She is an International Baccalaureate student, member of the National Honor Society and played Varsity Tennis. She served her Chapter as Teen Historian and participated on the Community Service and Fundraising Committees. Although undecided, Leila plans to attend an HBCU where she will major in Applied Mathematics and minor in Social Service. 1/26/23, 4:14 PM

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Billi Madison Hall is a senior at Holton-Arms School and the daughter of Kimberly & William Hall. She has been a member of the National Harbor Chapter for 9 years and currently serves as the Eastern Regional Teen Vice President. Billi has held several positions within her chapter, including Vice President and Treasurer. Billi is a STEM Scholar candidate and science research program participant at her school. She is also on her school’s dance team. Billi is still deciding on her college choice but plans to major in Biomedical Engineering, where she will focus on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. 1/26/23, 4:10 PM







Kristian Montgomery Hernandez, is a Senior at College Park Academy High School in Riverdale, Maryland. Son of Max and Kendra Hernandez, he has been a member of the National Harbor Chapter since it was chartered 13 years ago. He currently serves as the Teen Vice President for the National Harbor Chapter. He is an Eagle Scout, SGA Officer, member of Mu Alpha Theta (Math National Honor Society) and remains active in the community with other civic organizations. Kristian plans to attend a University in New York City majoring in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Cinematography.


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Areana Princess Holder is an Honors student at Bishop McNamara High School in Forestville, MD. The daughter of Mark and Aubreana Holder, she has been a member of the National Harbor Chapter for 5 years. She’s a 4-year varsity volleyball player, Senior Class Treasurer, Secretary, member of the National Honor Society and National English Society, Vice President of the Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honors Society), Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honors Society, We Are all Educators Social Media Advisor, NHC Teens Technology Chairman and maintained a 4.3 GPA throughout high school. Although undecided, she plans on majoring in Computer Engineering.



Trinity Noelle Jackson is a senior at Oxon Hill High School in Oxon Hill, MD. She is the daughter of Tonya and David Jackson. She has been a member of National Harbor Chapter for 9 years. Trinity is currently the National Harbor Chapter Teen President and serves as Class President at Oxon Hill High School. She’s also served as Chapter Parliamentarian, Fundraising Chair and Chapter Teen Conference Exhibit Chair. She plans to attend New York University and double major in film and business.

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Blake Alexander Mathews is a Senior at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School and the son of Retired Sergeant First Class Matt Wayne Mathews and Legacy Mom, Kya Edece Lewis-Mathews. He is the younger brother of Legacy Braxton Khol Mathews. He has been a member of the National Harbor Chapter for 9 years and formerly served as the Teen Sergeant of Arms and Social Committee Chair. Blake is a Dunbar High School Student Ambassador and a member of the Principal’s Advisory Board. In the fall, Blake plans to attend Tennessee State University while pursuing a degree in Physical Therapy.

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Isaiah Rose is a Senior at Georgetown Preparatory High School in Bethesda, MD and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rose. He has been a member of the National Harbor Chapter for 6 years. Isaiah served as Recording Secretary, Legislative Chair and is currently the Fundraising Chair. He’s also the National Harbor Chapter’s 2022 Distinguished Teen. Isaiah was recently elected as the Student Vice President at Georgetown Preparatory High School. He plans to attend West Point Academy, where he will major in Business/Finance and pursue his dream of serving his community as an Attorney while exploring other entrepreneurial opportunities. 1/26/23, 4:14 PM

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Jayden Russell is a senior at Chesapeake Math and IT Academy (CMIT) North High School in Laurel, MD and the son of Greg and Kesa Russell. He has been a member of the National Harbor Chapter since it was chartered 13 years ago and served as Recording Secretary, Community Service Co-Chair and By-Laws Co-Chair. Jayden is a member of the National Honor Society and achieved Principal’s Academic List. He volunteers with the Prince Georges County Memorial Library Teen Action Group and recent NASA Supply Chain Quality Intern. Jayden is finalizing his college selection and plans to major in Computer Science.


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Tyler Salmon is a senior at Chesapeake Math and IT Academy in Upper Marlboro, MD and is the son of Terry and Donna Salmon. He has been a member of the National Harbor Chapter of Jack and Jill for 3 years. Tyler is currently the National Harbor Chapter Teen Parliamentarian and served as the Teen Conference Banner Committee Chair. He is an Eagle Scout and his organization memberships include Kappa League and Top Teens of Prince George’s County. He has been awarded a full academic scholarship to Lafayette College where he will major in Mechanical Engineering. 1/26/23, 4:14 PM

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Lindsay Kaye Simmons is a senior at Bishop McNamara High School in Forestville, MD. She is the daughter of Lewis Simmons and Legacy Mom Evie Adams Simmons. She has been a member of the National Harbor Chapter for 7. Lindsay currently serves as Teen Community Service Chair and is on the Eastern Regional Teen Nominating Committee. She has served as Teen Technology Chair and chaired the Teen Nominating Committee. Lindsay will attend college, major in Mathematics and minor in American Sign Language. She is excitedly awaiting offers from several Universities and will declare her choice on “Decision Day.”


Madison Miller is a senior at Elizabeth Seton High School in Bladensburg, MD and is the daughter of Sheila Miller. She has been a member of the Nation’s Capital Jack and Jill Chapter for 5 years. Madison is the current Teen Treasurer. She is still deciding upon her college choices but intends to study in Business Administration.






Kevin Nathaniel Barrow is a senior at Concord High School in Wilmington, Delaware and is the son of Captain Kevin and Crystal Barrow. He has been a member of the New Castle County Chapter for 15 years. Kevin has been involved in several school, community programs and committees in leadership roles. Kevin is an athlete and participated in marching band and Delaware All State Band. Kevin has served as Teen Treasurer, Teen Conference Alternate, Teen Legislative Chair and on various Regional Committees. Kevin has received acceptances to several universities. He will major in Sports and Entertainment Marketing.


Jackson Baynes is a senior at Wilmington Friends School in Wilmington, Delaware and is the son of Mathu and Tonya Baynes. He has been a member of the New Castle County Chapter for 6 years. At school Jackson played varsity football, served on the Yearbook Committee and participated in the Dance Club. An avid enthusiast of aviation, Jackson is a member of the Organization of Black Aerospace Pioneers and the Academy of Model Aeronautics. He has competed in Fly RC (Remote Control) Aircraft competitions nationwide. Following graduation, Jackson will pursue his ultimate professional goal to become a commercial airline pilot.


Jamal Bryant Salahudin Bin-Yusif is a senior at St. Georges Technical High School in Middletown, Delaware and is the son of Salahudin and Katherene Bin-Yusif. He is a 3-year member of the New Castle County Chapter. Jamal participated in the Omega Manhood Bridge Builders mentoring program and won the 2022 Achievement Week Essay Contest. Jamal was the Delaware Winner of the White House Healthy Lunchtime Contest and attended the Kids State Dinner, he met and was acknowledged by First Lady Michelle Obama and featured in People Magazine. He will attend an HBCU on football scholarship and will major in Business.


Nicolas Dwayne Brewington is a senior at Newark Charter High School in Newark, Delaware and is the son of Derek Dwayne Brewington and Licelis Brewington. Nicolas has been a member of the New Castle County Chapter of Jack & Jill of America for over 15 years and has participated in community service events and Teen Election and Nominating as Co-Chair and Teller the past 4 years. Nicolas will be attending college in the Fall of 2023 and will major in Computer Science & Graphics. His goal is to create software that will help guide users through virtual entertainment content.


Paisley Elaine Crocker is a senior at Paul Hodgson Vo-Tech High School in Newark Delaware and the daughter of Ms. Anita Hester-Crocker. She has been a member of New Castle County Chapter for six years. Paisley plans to attend Hampton University or Delaware State University to pursue studies in Aeronautical Science with a minor in Aviation Management. Her professional goal is to become a commercial pilot with a major transport carrier. She also aspires to become a mentor to other African American girls who are considering a career in Aviation.


Jamison Delaine is a senior at MOT Charter High School in Middletown, Delaware. She is the daughter of Judith Delaine and granddaughter of Icilda Passley. Jamison is very active within her high school community, where she is the captain of 3 teams & president of multiple clubs. Outside of school, Jamison has served as the National Director of Chapters for a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. During her 15 years in Jack and Jill, she’s served as chapter Teen President, Community Service, Guidelines Chair, and Recording Secretary. After high school, Jamison plans on attending a university to pursue a degree in journalism!



James R. Fitzgerald, IV. is a senior at Appoquinimink High School located in Middletown, De. He is the son of Mr. James & Dr. Chrishaun Fitzgerald. He participated as a member of the New Castle County Chapter for 9 years. James served as the Senior Teen Community Service Chairperson. He is a member and Vice President of the National Honor Society and third Vice President for the Wilmington Conference Young Peoples Division for his AME Church. He serves as a member of the junior usher board and the youth praise team. He plans to pursue a career in Electrical Engineering.


Laila Glover is a senior at Caravel Academy in Bear, Delaware, and is the daughter of Tamiko and Keith Glover. Laila, a five-year member of New Castle County Chapter, was Teen Historian, Foundation Chair and Teen Service Leader for Ringing of the Bells. Laila’s passion for service also included volunteering at the Food Bank of Delaware. Laila is a member of the National Honor Society and the New Castle County Youth Planning Board and is a certified Parliamentarian. Laila is an award-winning athlete for volleyball and basketball. Laila will major in International Studies with plans on becoming a Politician.


Joshua Edward Green is a senior at The Tatnall School in Greenville, Delaware and is the son of Leslie E. Green, III and Marlo Ricketts Green. He is an 11-year member of the New Castle County Chapter. Joshua is a leader and member of school and community clubs and organizations. He is an avid musician and athlete. Joshua excels at his studies and was appointed to the DE Community Foundations Youth Philanthropy Board. He is Teen Recording Secretary. He will attend The University of Delaware and double major in Mechanical Engineering and Psychology to become a Biomedical Engineer.


Michael Edward Green is a Senior at The Tatnall School in Greenville, DE and is the son of Leslie E. Green, III and Marlo Ricketts Green. He is an 11-year member of the New Castle County Chapter. He is Teen President and on the We Are One National Task Force. He attended Jacks in the House Summer Program and the On the Hill Summit. Michael is a leader and active in school clubs and organizations. He is a musician, athlete, and community volunteer. He will attend The University of Delaware, major in Finance and hopes to become a CPA.


Luke Hall is a senior at MOT Charter High School in Middletown, Delaware and is the oldest son of Stanley and Kim Hall. Luke has been a member of the New Castle County Jack and Jill Chapter for eight (8) years. He has been a varsity soccer team member all four (4) years of high school. He plays soccer for Sporting Delaware ECRL ’05. Luke established the MOT Charter Aviation Club. Luke plans to attend a University and major in Professional Flight Aviation with a minor in Aviation Management.


Quinn is a Senior at the Charter School of Wilmington in Wilmington, Delaware. She is the daughter of Karryl Hubbard and Alex McManus. Quinn was 8-year member of New Castle County Chapter, where she participated in Ringing of the Bells, Ronald McDonald House, Adopt-A-Family and Adopt-A-Highway. Quinn participates in several clubs, marching band, and golf team. Quinn is an honor student and was a U.S. Senate Page in Washington D.C. She won a business pitch contest and presented to local government to support funding for youth programming. Quinn will attend Hampton University to study business in their 5-year MBA program.




Kevin Anthony Mitchell Jr. is a senior at Cab Calloway School of the Arts in Wilmington, DE and is the son of Kevin and D’Veda Mitchell. Kevin has been a member of New Castle County Chapter for 5 years. Kevin participated in the Wilmington Children’s Jazz Band, Cab Calloway Spirit Marching Band, Teen Choir, symphonic band, and Black Student Union. He was active in community youth enrichment programs and worked for Wilmington Youth Summer Jobs. Kevin has received several HBCUs acceptances and will study Computer Engineering and Sports Management. Kevin plans to continue marching band at the university he attends.


Jackson Dillon Campbell Redd is a senior at Wilmington Friends School in Wilmington, Delaware and is the son of Dwayne and Nicole Redd. Jackson has been a member of the Chester County, PA and New Castle County, DE chapters of Jack and Jill for the past 13 years. Jackson currently supports his community at the Delaware Food Bank and teaches inner city youth the sport of the lacrosse. He will be attending Tufts University in the fall of 2023, joining the lacrosse team, and majoring in Economics with a minor in Finance.


Cameron Jordan Ridgley is the son of Peter and Jacqualine Santiago & Daniel Ridgley. Cameron attends Middletown High School where he is an honor student. Cameron is a leader and member of various student run clubs and organizations including Dungeon & Dragons Club, the school newspaper, National Honor Society, National Society of High School Scholars, Teen Corresponding Secretary in the New Castle County where he has been a member for 14 years, and the Guitar Club. Cameron also plays the clarinet and the piano. Cameron plans on attending a HBCU in the fall to become a Software Developer.


Kalilah Akbar, a senior at Westminster School, is a 15-year member of Jack and Jill. Kalilah is a standout scholarathlete, receiving multiple academic awards and lettering in soccer. She represented the Dominican Republic in the U17 Women’s World Cup Qualifier. Additionally, Kalilah exemplifies leadership skills in school and her community. She serves as a peer tutor, while co-leading the Ladies of Color and Horizons program. Kalilah is active in the Finance Team and Student Activities Committee. Kalilah plans to major in Finance. Becoming the youngest trader in the stock exchange is her career aspiration.


Tiana Andrews-Harris is a senior at Sacred Heart Academy in Hamden, CT. She is the daughter of Stephen Harris and Talima Andrews-Harris. She has been a member of the New Haven Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2021. Tiana is an active member of the Black Student Union, Shades of SHA, Excelsior Club, and Math League. Tiana is also an artist; performing in school musicals and regionally as a competitive dancer. Tiana plans on attending an HBCU where she will major in Business Management & Entrepreneurship. Additionally, her future plans include becoming a restaurateur.


Nazaria K. Asbery is a senior at Hamden High School in Hamden, CT, and is the daughter of Dr. David Asbery and Mrs. Tanisha Thomas Asbery. She has been a member of the New Haven Chapter for 13 years and served as the Teen President and Teen Corresponding Secretary. Nazaria received several recognitions: New Haven Chapter Distinguished Teen; National World Language Honor Society; and Miss Black Talented Teen USA. A student leader, she is a member of the Cheerleading, Golf, and Track Teams; NAACP Youth Council; Students Against Violence Everywhere Club; Black & Hispanic Student Union; and a Diaper Bank volunteer.



Anthony Bolden II is the talented son of Mrs. Azaria McClure née Keeling and Mr. Anthony Bolden. He has been a member of the New Haven Chapter for six years. Anthony will graduate from New Haven Academy High School in New Haven, CT. He is an accomplished varsity football player and has earned All SCC, All Jackson Levi Area and All State awards. Anthony’s favorite community service activity is serving as a volunteer for the Dominate the Day Foundation. He looks forward to attending college in the fall, where he will major in business and continue his athletic endeavors.


Kwame Danso is a senior at New Haven Academy in New Haven, Connecticut and is the son of Kellie and Nana Danso. He has been a member of the New Haven Jack and Jill Chapter for just over three years. Kwame has a robust community service record, with active participation in voter registration, the New Haven JCC Counselor in Training program, and several food drives at the Community Baptist Church in New Haven. He has decided to attend Central Connecticut State University where he will major in Business Administration, after which he will pursue a career in marketing.


Chandler Dicks, a senior at Deerfield Academy in Deerfield, Massachusetts is the son of Carl and Alexandra Lee Dicks of Derby, CT. He has been a member of the Jack and Jill New Haven chapter since 2017. He is also a member of Deerfield Men of Color, Black Student Alliance, and Be Worthy Mentorship Program. Chandler has earned academic honors each term. He is a Varsity basketball player and member of the Track & Field team and senior year captain for both sports. He volunteers weekly with the Special Olympics. Chandler will attend College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.


Jaylin Gardner has maintained a 3.5 GPA at New Haven Academy HS. Jaylin has been a member of the New Haven Chapter of Jack and Jill Inc. for six years with her parents Patrick & Lisa Gardner. She is the Chapter Teen Recording Secretary. She is a Certified Lifeguard and a member of the Hamden HS Swim Team. Jaylin is the co-founder of 5013c Our Kids Swim Too. Her community service addresses racial inequities/infant prematurity. Jaylin has been accepted to St. Augustine’s University, Johnson C. Smith University and awaits acceptances to several universities. She will continue her studies in social work & business.


Mikayla Gardner has maintained a 3.5 GPA at New Haven Academy HS. She’s been a member of the New Haven Chapter of Jack and Jill Inc. for six years with her parents Patrick & Lisa Gardner. Mikayla is the co-founder of 5013c Our Kids Swim Too. Mikayla is a Certified Lifeguard and a member of the Hamden HS Swim Team. Mikayla has community service experience addressing: racial inequities & infant prematurity. Mikayla has been accepted to St. Augustine’s University & awaits college acceptances to several universities. She will continue her studies in business & real estate.


Simone is a senior at Choate Rosemary Hall and a multi-year Dean’s List student. The daughter of Erik and Dawn Johnson has been a member of the Inland Empire, CA and New Haven, CT Chapters of Jack and Jill for 10 years. Her achievements include: 2022 Fifth Form awardee, Day Student Prefect, Pathways mentor, Diversity Day facilitator, member of the girls varsity volleyball team, JV volleyball captain and manager of CRH’s boys Varsity volleyball. Simone has a certificate from REEX’s LEED program at MIT/Harvard. In college she plans to minor in French with a major in international business.




Alysia Copeland is a senior at Dana Hall School in Wellesley, MA and is the daughter of Nona and Ulric Copeland. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 14 years, first in the Montgomery County, PA Chapter and currently in the Newton Chapter. She is a member of the Varsity field hockey and softball teams and served as a student ambassador. Alysia plans to pursue a degree in Psychology.


Saul K. Daughtry, son of Sean and Chenita Daughtry, is a senior at Newton South High School in Newton, MA where he is a member of the Legacy Scholars. Saul has been a member of the Newton Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated for 15 years where he is currently serving as the Teen Vice-President. Saul is a member of Kappa League, the Concord Baptist Church Junior Ushers and recently served as an escort in the Precious Pearls Cotillion. Saul plans to attend college at an HBCU where he will major in film studies.


Jaime Briana Durodola, daughter of James Durodola & Christina Durodola is a senior at Avon Middle-High School in Avon, Massachusetts where she is Captain of the Varsity Volleyball Team, President of the Student Council, and a Physics Tutor. Jaime has been a member of Jack and Jill for 10 years. Jaime currently serves as Teen President and former Vice President of the Newton Chapter. Jaime plans to attend an HBCU and pursue a career in Neuroscience.


James Challenger Hurd, son of Mallika Marshall and Jason Hurd. James has been a member of the Newton Chapter for the past 14 years. He is a senior at Belmont Hill School where he leads Chinese Club, Brother 2 Brother, and Students Actively Fostering Equality, has participated in the Advance Action Research program, and has competed on the Varsity Track/Field team. James has shown a keen interest in East Asian Studies, mastering Advanced Chinese at Belmont Hill and college-level courses in Japanese at Tufts and Harvard. He served as the inaugural intern at the Harvard Asia Center this past summer.


Maya H. Porter, the daughter of Dr. Chrystal and Brian Porter is a senior at Covenant Christian Academy in Peabody, MA. She has been a member of the Newton Chapter of Jack and Jill for six years. She is a member of her school’s Art Club, Fine Arts Council, Global Community Council, and has been the manager of the Girls Varsity Basketball Team for 4 years. Maya plans to double major in Illustration and Animation while pursuing her Bachelor in Fine Arts degree.


Nicholas Price is a senior at Framingham High School in Framingham, Massachusetts and is the son of Emmett and Nicole Price. He has been a member of the Newton Chapter of Jack and Jill for 7 years. Nicholas is involved with the Social Justice Club, the National Honors Society, lead for the media ministry at Community of Love, and plays club soccer. He is still deciding on where he will attend college, wherever that may be, he will major in mechanical engineering.



Sundiata Evans is a senior at Millburn High School in Millburn, New Jersey and is the son of Tiana and Guka Evans. He has been a member of the North Jersey Chapter for sixteen years. He is the North Jersey Senior Teen Treasurer, the proud co-founder of the Finance & Investment Club and the football team manager at Millburn High School in addition to being the co-founder of the Financial For All teen investment summer program. He has decided to attend Temple University where he will major in Finance with plans to be the CEO of a hedge fund one day.


Jackson Lee is in the North Jersey Chapter and has been a member since 2007. He is the son of Courtney Harris Lee and M. Ulysses Lee, Esq. Jackson is a senior at The Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. He has been recognized as a High Honors recipient consecutively throughout his entire high school career. Jackson’s involved in several extracurricular activities including Lawrenceville’s Disciplinary Counsel, Stanford Hutchins Scholar, Lawrenceville Prefect Team, Rising Scholars Program Resident Assistant, The Lawrentians Club and Varsity Baseball. Jackson has committed to attend Duke University in the Fall where he will study Physics.


Lorenzo Viney is the son of Lmani and Deidra Viney. He is graduating from West Orange High School. He has been a member of the North Jersey chapter for the past 6 years. While in high school Lorenzo has been a Mountaineer Mentor, mentoring younger high school students. In addition, he has been a member of the marching band all throughout high school, serving as section leader. Lastly, he has been an active member of Kappa League serving in many roles. Lorenzo is looking to pursue a degree in Furniture and Industrial Design at Savannah College of Art and Design.


Ella is a senior at the Northfield Mount Hermon School in Gill, Massachusetts. She is the daughter of Nancy and Reb Wheeler and has been a member of the North Jersey Chapter for seven years. Ella’s favorite memories are of chapter-wide community service events. She enjoyed sorting clothing for the Fashion Pop-Up Shop at the Newark YMCA and Emergency Shelter and our annual MLK, Jr. Service partnership with Toni’s Kitchen to fill backpacks for food insecure families. Ella will attend the University of California, Berkeley in this fall.


Michael Evans II is a senior at South County High School in Lorton, Virginia and is the son of COL (Dr.) Michael T. and Mrs. LaTonya K. Evans. Michael came into Jack and Jill at the age of two in the Fayetteville (NC) Chapter and has been member of the Tacoma (WA), Hampton (VA), and the Northern Virginia chapters. Michael plans to attend a HBCU in the fall where he will major in General Meteorology.


Marley Hudson is a senior at Osbourn Park High School in Manassas, VA and is the daughter of Loren and Mark Hudson. She has been a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter of Jack and Jill for 11 years. Marley is involved in promoting mental health for teens through National Honor Society, beautification of her school through Art Honors, making care packages in Key Club and teaching children art. She is currently undecided where she will attend college in the Fall. She will major in veterinary science and plans to become a veterinarian.




Myla Elise King is a Senior at Charles J. Colgan Sr. High School in Manassas, VA. She is the daughter of Dr. Michael King and Dr. April Rochelle. She has been a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter for 13 years where she has enjoyed participating in community service projects that involved collecting and donating items (food, school supplies, clothing, toiletries, toys, etc). Myla is a member of the National Honor Society, an artist and a classically trained pianist. She plans to attend Virginia Commonwealth University.


Madeleine is a senior at H-B Woodlawn School in Arlington, VA and is the daughter of Adora Williams and Steven Martin. She has been a member of Jack and Jill Northern Virginia Chapter for 11 years and currently serves as the Teen Chapter Parliamentarian. She has been an active member of her community. She serves as the President of the Zeta Phi Beta, Alexandria Virginia Chapter Archonette Club, and is a memebr of her school’s National Honor Society and Gender and Equity Club. She has decided to attend Temple University, where she will major in Psychology, and has plans to pursue a career in the field of neuropsychology.


Tyler Perkins is a senior at Landon School in Bethesda, MD. He is the son of Rory and Ellen Perkins. Tyler has been a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter for 14 years. Tyler is the Captain of the Varsity Basketball Team. He has been active in community service through his school, contributing to food drives and environmental cleanup efforts. He has also been a regular volunteer with ALIVE and the Last Saturday Bag Distribution. Tyler has committed to the University of Pennsylvania where he will play Division I Basketball and intends to major in Psychology.


Taylor Grace Peterson is a senior at St Stephen’s and St Agnes School in Alexandria, VA. She is the daughter of Terence and Theresa Peterson. She has been a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter of Jack and Jill for 10 years. Taylor Grace is active in several social justice organizations at SSSAS where she works tirelessly to promote equity literary choices in required reading in high school and in girls sports . She is a Dean’s list, three sport athlete and has served as co-captain of her soccer and baskeball teams. Taylor Grace is member of Alfred Street Baptist Church and has received a Presidential Appointment to West Point to major in Mechanical Engineering.


La’Donia is a senior at Gainesville High School in Gainesville, Virginia, and is the daughter of Donald & La’Ketha Prioleau. She has been a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter of Jack and Jill for 11 years. She’s a 2nd Degree Black belt and is on the Varsity Track Team. She’s a member of the National Honor Society and Key Club, and volunteers at Prince William County Junior League of Cotillion. She has decided to attend Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY where she will major in International Relations and study in either Italy or Ireland.


Jordan Rubin, Jr. is a senior at South County High School in Lorton, Virginia and is the son of Mr. Jordan Rubin, Sr. and Dr. Elle Schnetzler Rubin. He has been a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter for 2 years. He is a 3 sport varsity athlete and he is an outstanding brother and son. He has decided to attend Virginia Tech where he will major in physical therapy and then become a Physician Assistant.



Ariana Mercedes Trammel is a senior at Centreville High School in Clifton, Virginia and is the daughter of Ernest and Angela Trammel. She is a member of the Northern Virginia Chapter. Ariana plans to follow her family legacy of attending an HBCU to pursue her college degree. She is considering Tougaloo among others in the SWAC.


Aubrey Russell Carter is a Senior at the Springside Chestnut Hill Academy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he is an honor student. He is the son of Russell Carter and Stephanie Branche Carter and has been a member of the Philadelphia Chapter of Jack and Jill for 14 years. Aubrey is the President of his High School’s Student Body and is a Varsity Ice Hockey player. He also played varsity football for the first three years of High School. Aubrey is currently deciding between college acceptances. He plans to study business finance with a concentration in commercial real estate.


Laila Rae Johnson is a senior in the International Baccalaureate program at Central High School in Philadelphia. She is the daughter of Reverend Dr. Kevin R. Johnson and Mrs. Kimya S.P. Johnson, Esq. A member of the Philadelphia Chapter for 14 years, Laila served as Teen President, among other roles. She is a National Honor Society member, served as the President of her class and its African American Student Union. She is actively engaged in Dare to Imagine Church. Laila will attend college this fall, majoring in Sociology and African American Studies, and plans to be a civil rights lawyer.


Raymond T. Jones, III, is a senior at Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is the son of Rhashidah Perry-Jones and Raymond T. Jones, Jr. Raymond has been a member of the Philadelphia Chapter for six years. He is in the National Honor Society and is a reading volunteer. He serves as an officer in the Keystone State Boychoir and selected for its most distinguished choral group. Raymond has performed in six countries as a member of the choir. He is reviewing his college acceptances and is considering New York University and Berklee School of Music.


Jaden Palmer-Waldron is a Senior at Germantown Friends School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is the eldest son of Michelle Palmer and Conrad Waldron. Jaden has been a member of the Philadelphia Chapter for 8 years. He currently serves as Vice President of the chapter’s teen group. Jaden is an avid basketball player, sings with his school’s choir, plays the saxophone and is a leader in the Black Student Union. Jaden is excited about college and aspires to attend Howard University or Morehouse College in the Fall of 2023, majoring in Finance with a minor in Psychology.


Jeremiah Nicholas Shepherd-Baker is a Senior at Abington Friends School in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. He is the son of Vince and Marcia Baker. A member of the Philadelphia Chapter of Jack and Jill for 16 years, Jeremiah currently serves as Teen President. He was the Vice President of the Black Student Union for his high school and a starting, Varsity basketball player. Jeremiah is a member of the Youth Pulpit Ministry at Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church, where he has been on the Pastor’s Honor Roll for 4 years. Jeremiah will attend Morehouse College majoring in Business Administration.




Michael I. Whaley is a Senior at Germantown Friends School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is the son of Jeneen and Michael Whaley and a member of the Philadelphia Chapter for 5 years. Michael has served as the chapter’s Teen Vice President and Teen Conference Apparel Co-Chair. He was named a 2020 U.S. Lacrosse Impact Athlete. He’s a member of his school’s Choir and Chorus, Diversity Ambassador, and Model UN Leader. Served as Inaugural V.P. and Associate Policy and Advocacy Director for Encode Justice, Director of Operations Eptire Magazine. Michael will attend college in Fall 2023 majoring in Political Science or Engineering.


Gabrielle Gathers is a senior at Pine-Richland High School in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania. She is the daughter of Rashard and Carla Gathers. Gabrielle has been a member of the Pittsburgh Chapter for 5 years where she serves as Teen Parliamentarian, and served as Teen President, Corresponding Secretary and Legislative Chair. Gabrielle is a 3-year varsity letter winner in Girls Volleyball and is the current President of the Black Student Union. Gabrielle plans to attend a 4-year institution where she can major in International Business and study abroad in Spain. She plans to pursue a career in business consulting.


Alexandra C Graves is a senior at Franklin Regional Senior High School in Murrysville, Pennsylvania. She is the daughter of Kevin S Graves and Melodie “MJ” Roach. Alexandra has been a member of the Pittsburgh Chapter of Jack and Jill for 1 O years. She plans to major complete a 4 year degree in Business Administration with a minor in Psychology. Then Business Plans to open a Medi Spa that specializes in African American Skin, Hair, and Nail Care.


Dailyn Hopkins is a senior at Montour High School in McKees Rocks, PA and is the daughter of David and Devona Hopkins. She has been an active member of the Pittsburgh Chapter for ten years serving as Teen Historian, Teen Recording Secretary and Teen Corresponding Secretary. Dailyn is a member of the track team and gymnastics team at Montour HS and also a member of a competitive cheer team. She loves coaching gymnastics at All Star Athletics and volunteering for the adaptive gymnastics program. She has decided to attend Baylor University where she will major in Sports Marketing and has been recruited to join the Acrobatics and Tumbling team.


Olivia Jackson is a senior at Sewickley Academy in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. She is the daughter of Calvin and Karris Jackson. Olivia has been a member of the Pittsburgh Chapter for 2 years and currently serves as the Teen Community Service/Foundation Chair. Olivia is a 3-year varsity letter winner in Girls’ Basketball and is co-captain. She is on the Black Student Union Board and the Student Diversity and Leadership Club. She is a member of Mt. Olive Baptist Church. Olivia will attend an HBCU and major in psychology. Her career goal is to be a child psychologist with her own practice.


Noah Robert Jordan is a senior at Quaker Valley High School in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. He is the son of Antoine and Pamela Jordan. Noah is a member of the National Honor Society and will graduate with honors in the spring. He is the president of his school’s Black Student Union and captain of the basketball team. Noah has been a member of the Pittsburgh Chapter for nine years. In that time, he has participated in several volunteer opportunities to support organizations in the Pittsburgh area. Noah plans to attend a four-year university and major in business/entrepreneurship in the fall.



Amari Ray Smith is a senior at Central Catholich High School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Amari is the son of Alvin and Lavette Smith. Amari has been a member of the Pittsburgh Chapter for 10 years where he serves as Teen Legislative Chair, and has served as Teen Chaplain and President of the Gavel Club. Amari is a 4-year varsity letter winner in Speech & Debate and is the current Vice-President of the Forensics Society. Amari will attend a 4-year university where he will study Brodcast Journalism and International Law.


Morris Edward Turner III is the son of Morris Edward Turner Jr and Crystal Turner. He is currently a senior at Pittsburgh Central Catholic High School. Throughout his high school regime, he has been a member of the Central Catholic Black Student Union. Morris participated in a host of sports for Central Catholic High School. Morris has been an avid member of Jack and Jill for 11 years. He has served as Teen Sergeant at Arms and proudly serves as Teen Chaplain. In the fall of 2023 Morris will attend a four-year learning institution or university of his choice that has a legacy of producing innovators and leaders and will have a strong academic acumen.


Joshua Wade is a senior at Central Catholic High School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is the son of Clarence and Marsha Wade of Wexford, PA. Joshua has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 16 years. He is Teen President and has served as Teen VP, Teen Legislative Co-chair, and won the award for the highest GPA, 4.8, in the Region at 2022’s Teen Conference. His interests include: community service, working out, and anime. Joshua will be attending Columbia University in the fall where he will major in biomedical engineering.


Lindsey Simone Washington is a senior at Pine-Richland High School in Gibsonia, PA. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Joan Bartlett, and Thomas C. Washington III. Lindsey has been a member of the Pittsburgh Chapter for 5 years, where she has served as Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Historian, and Teen We Are One Champion. She was elected Distinguished Teen 2 years in a row. Lindsey was inducted into the National Honor Society during her junior year at Pine-Richland. She is also an active member of the Pine-Richland TV and the Black Student Union. Lindsey will attend a 4-year college or university where she will major in Digital Media.


Grace Bryant is a senior at The Academy of Holy Cross in Kensington, Maryland and is the daughter of Jamal and Gizelle Bryant. She has been a member of the Potomac Valley Chapter for 11 years. She is a dance teacher at the Bethesda Dance Center, as well as the manager for her school Bocce Team. Her favorite subjects in school are precalculus and jazz/hip-hop. She plans to attend an HBCU school in the fall and major in business management in hopes of one day becoming an entrepreneur.


Caleb Robert Doyle is a senior at Covenant Life School in Gaithersburg, Maryland and is the son of Rob and Connie Doyle. He has been a member of the Potomac Valley Chapter for nine years and served on the executive board as Teen Chaplain. Caleb is a member of the Montgomery County Center Program for the Highly Gifted and National Society of High School Scholars. Caleb thrived in varsity basketball, golf, and is a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. Caleb has been accepted into several universities with plans to pursue a degree in Computer Science and Management Information Systems.




Richard F. Johns II, a senior at St. John’s College High School in Washington, D.C., is the son of Richard and Lynn Johns. Richard has participated in Jack and Jill for 16 years. He served the Potomac Valley Chapter as Corresponding Secretary and Historian/Editor. Richard enjoys school theatre, creative writing, and is an editor of his school’s literary magazine. Richard served his community through the Dorothy Day Meal Program, as well as a service mission trip to Browning, Montana where he mentored students. Richard plans to pursue studies in literary arts, computer science, and theatre.


Cameron Earvin Jones is a senior at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland and is the son of Verleria King-Jones and Cameron Jones. Cameron has been a member of the Potomac Valley Chapter for three years. Cameron is a member of his school’s track and basketball teams and has a passion for social justice and food insecurity through his community service involvement. He plans to study finance and sports management in college during the fall.


Kristopher Lawson is a senior at Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, Maryland and is the son of Kelli Richardson Lawson and Keith Lawson. Kris has been a member of Jack and Jill for 14 years, and is a multidimensional Academic All-American and all-star athlete in swimming. Kris won the 2022 NCSA National Championship in 100 Butterfly. He holds five high school records and 13 county records for swimming. Kristopher plans to attend the U.S. Naval Academy, and has committed to swimming for the school and to serving his country as part of his Naval Academy appointment.


Olivia Profit is a senior at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Maryland and is the daughter of Eugene and Michelle Profit. She has been a member of the Potomac Valley Jack and Jill Chapter for 14 years. At school she participates in Black Student Union and the Drama Club. She is a part of the Psi Alpha Honor Society. She is deciding among numerous colleges and plans to study psychology, since she aspires to practice medicine.


Bailey Mackenzie Seaton is a senior at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School in Bethesda, Maryland and previously attended American Heritage School in Florida. She is the daughter of Douglas and Tracy Seaton. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 14 years, participating in three chapters: Potomac Valley, Greater Fort Lauderdale (served as Historian), and Miami. At B-CC, she is Co-Captain of Varsity Bocce Ball, Co-Leader of Minority Scholars Program, Co-President of Chinese Honor Society, Co-Vice President of Chinese History/Culture Club, and a member of the National and Math Honor Societies. She plans on attending college in the fall.


Douglas Maurice Seaton II is a senior at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School in Bethesda, Maryland and previously attended Western High School in Davie, Florida. He is the son of Douglas and Tracy Seaton. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 14 years, participating in three chapters: Potomac Valley, Greater Fort Lauderdale, and Miami. He has served as a sighted guide to the blind. During the pandemic, he served as a community organizer where he organized and publicized food drives and fundraisers. He plans on attending college in the fall and exploring Religion, History, and Criminal Justice.



Marcus Andre Steen is a senior at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Maryland and is the son of Michael and Frances Steen. He has been a member of the Potomac Valley Chapter for 14 years. He participated in the 2021 On the Hill Summit in Washington, DC. Marcus is an Eagle Scout; Certified Lifeguard; received the Maryland Service Award for 345 Community Service hours; runs track at Walter Johnson; and is on the Olympiacos DC soccer team. Marcus has been accepted by several colleges but has not decided which to attend. He plans to major in Engineering.


Mackenzie Tyson is a senior at Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC and is the daughter of Tessa Cholmondeley and Douglas Tyson. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 13 years, and served as Sergeant-at-arms on the executive board for Senior Teens. She has been a varsity field hockey player for four years, serving as captain in her senior year. She has also been head of the Black Girl’s Society, and the Mental Health Awareness club. Mackenzie looks forward to her college career and plans to study psychology and premed.


Sophia VanLowe is a senior at Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, Maryland and is the daughter of Yvonne and Kevin VanLowe. She has been a member of the Potomac Valley Chapter for 18 years. She currently serves as the President of the Chapter’s Senior Teen Group. Sophia is also Secretary of the Student Government Association and the President of the Black Student Union at her high school. Sophia is a Captain of her high school Varsity Co-ed Ice Hockey team. Sophia plans to attend Hampton University, where she will double major in Political Science and Criminal Justice Studies.


Donovan Wayman is a senior at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Maryland and is the son of Brian and Annica Wayman. He has been a member of the Potomac Valley Chapter of Jack and Jill for four years. Donovan is an active scholar and athlete. He is in the National Honor Society and on the varsity soccer and track teams at his school. He is also finishing his Eagle Scout Rank in Boy Scouts. Donovan has been accepted to several universities, but has not yet decided on a school. He will major in Finance.


Karen Williams is a senior at Our Lady of Good Counsel High School in Olney, Maryland and is the daughter of Bernard and Kathy Williams. She has been a member of the Potomac Valley Chapter since 2009. Karen is an active member of the African Student Association, where she serves as Secretary. In addition, she is a member of her school’s Volleyball team. She has been the recipient of many awards, such as All-Conference Honorable Mention and WCAC Volleyball Conference. After graduation, she plans to attend SCAD, VCU, or The University of Arizona for Fashion Design and Sociology.


Starsky Darrell Wilson II is a senior at Winston Churchill High School in Potomac, Maryland and is the son of Drs. LaToya and Starsky Wilson. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for nine years. Starsky qualified for Regionals twice in outdoor and indoor Varsity track. Starsky volunteered with Black Voters Matter in November 2020 to provide voters with food, water, and PPE. Starsky participated in Princeton University’s From the Fire Leadership Program and was presented with the W.E.B Du Bois Outstanding Scholar Award. He will attend Hampton University and major in Finance with a full tuition scholarship.




Zione Yeboah-Amankwah is a senior at Washington International School in Washington, DC and is the daughter of Safroadu Yeboah-Amankwah and Denise Long. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for four years. Zione formed an organization which provides tutoring to 3rd – 7th grade children of the African diaspora in math to overcome the widened divide that occurred in the underserved population due to the pandemic. Zione looks forward to her college career and plans to study Economics and Africana Studies as well as continuing her work with her tutoring non-profit organization, Tree House Academy.


Dylan Tyler Barnes is the son of Honorable Darryl Barnes and Makeba S. Barnes of Upper Marlboro, MD. While in Jack and Jill (2016-2023), Dylan was appointed to serve as a Sr. Teen Legislative Co-Chair; represented the Chapter for a Conversation with Little Rock Nine Member Carlotta Walls LaNier; defended HB 1296 at the 2021 Links at the Legislature; and appeared in the PSA When We All Vote. A Varsity soccer player and co-captain at The Key School, Dylan was named MIAA All-Conference and placed Honorable Mention on the All-County Team. Dylan will pursue a degree in sports journalism.


Joshua Alexander Brown is a senior at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring , Maryland and is the son of Dr. Andrew and Mrs. Patricia Brown. He has been a member of the Prince George’s County Jack and Jill Chapter for 13 years and presently serves as Editor for the Senior Teens. He conducts research through the TKS Amazon Ahead Program, tutors in math, chemistry and computer science through his honor society memberships and fences at On Target Fencing. He plans to major in data science and computer engineering.


Bryan Andrew Chapman, son of Kimberly Jenkins-Chapman and Bryan Chapman, is a senior at Georgetown Day School in Washington, DC. He has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2012. Bryan has been a member of the varsity basketball team for three years, and was selected team captain his senior year. He is the president for his school’s Young Men of Color Affinity Group and serves as a mentor in his school’s Buddy Program and Peer Leadership Program. Bryan will attend the University of Pennsylvania where he will major in Economics.


Sydney Rae Cooper is a senior at Charles Herbert Flowers High School in Springdale, Maryland and is the daughter of Raymond and Dana Cooper. She has one brother, Braylon. Sydney is an active member of Zion Church and her high schools Marching Band/Color Guard as a captain of the Flag Team. Sydney Rae has been a member of the Prince George’s County Chapter for 6 years. Sydney Rae will be attending Morgan State University in the fall and will major in Multi-Platform Media in the School of Global Journalism & Communication.


Matthew Alan Crittenden, a senior at Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, DC, is the son of Nathaniel and Crichelle Crittenden. A member of Prince George’s County Chapter for 11 years, Matthew served as Senior Teen Second Vice President and Corresponding Secretary. Matthew is a pre-professional dancer and 2022 winner of the DC Mayor’s Arts Award for Excellence in Performing Arts. Besides dance, Matthew loves creative writing and swimming. He plans to attend Juilliard, Boston Conservatory or USC to continue dance training. Matthew aspires to be a professional dancer/choreographer for screen and Broadway. #ThatboyMatthew #Achiever



Gavin Joseph Diedrick is a Senior at DeMatha Catholic High School in Hyattsville, Maryland and is the son of Mr. Gareth J. Diedrick and Dr. Pamela Diedrick. Gavin has been a member of the Prince George’s County Chapter of Jack and Jill since he was 2 years old. Gavin has served on the Senior Teen Executive Board as Historian and currently serves as Parliamentarian. Gavin is the Varsity Coxswain on the DeMatha Crew Team and he has been a member of DeMatha’s National Honor Society since 2020. Gavin is considering Morehouse College and the University of Maryland College Park where he will major in History.


Karrington Chanel Eaddy is a 12th grade Honor Roll student at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt, Maryland and is the daughter of Ms. Trina Alexander Eaddy, Esq. and Mr. Sherman J. Eaddy. She has been a member of the Prince George’s County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 7 years. She is a member of Youth Leadership Greater Washington (Class of 2022), a Jills Take Spelman Leadership Institute and Jacqueline Bowles Leadership Academy participant, an Air Force JROTC Cadet Tech Staff Sargeant (3 yrs), and Co-Captain of the Royal Raiderettes Dance Team. She has decided to attend Clark Atlanta University and will major in Business Administration.


Caroline Elizabeth English Figaro is a senior at Elizabeth Seton High School in Bladensburg, Maryland and is the daughter of Dr. K. Michael and Cheli Figaro. A member of Jack and Jill for 15 years, she has served as teen Chaplain, Parliamentarian, and 1st Vice President. She also won the Jack and Jill Eastern Region Academic Award in 2020. Caroline is a two-time United States Figure Skating Association Gold Medalist and a Cellist in the most advanced orchestra within the DC Youth Orchestra. Caroline will attend Yale University and will study Ethics, Politics, and Economics.


William is a senior at Bishop McNamara High School in Forestville, Maryland, and is the son of William Franklin and Dr. Iesha Franklin. Willam has been a member of the Prince George’s County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for 16 years. He plans to attend Morehouse College and major in Sports Medicine in the Fall of 2023.


Maxwell D. Gaynor is a senior at North Point High School, Waldorf, Md. He is the son of the Honorable Donine Carrington Martin & Marvyn L. Gaynor, Jr. He has been a member of the Prince George’s County Chapter for 9 years. He is the Sr. Teen President.


Rickie Simone Green is a senior at Bishop McNamara High School in Forestville, Maryland and is the daughter of Rickey and Molette Green. Rickie is the elected Vice President of the International Thespian Society. She is a member of the National Honor Society, participates in the Best Buddies program and was a member of the Cheerleading team. Rickie has been a member of the Prince George’s Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2014 where she served as Teller for the Senior Teens. Rickie plans to attend a top ten HBCU and major in business administration and acting.




David McKinley Howard, son of Dr. John E. Howard and Dezmona Mizelle-Howard, Esq., is a senior at Frederick Douglass High School in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. He has one brother, John Cameron Howard, and one sister, Julye Simone Howard. He is an honor student, a member of First Baptist Church of Upper Marlboro, a member of the varsity footbal team and co-fundraising chair of the senior teens. He is also an active participant in Project Enrich, an educational program held by the Gamma Pi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. He has been a member of the Prince George’s County Chapter for 15 years. He is planning to major in business.


Simone F. Lewis is a senior at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School in Washington, DC and is the daughter of Drs. Cassandra and Essentino Lewis, Jr. She has been a member of the Prince George’s County Chapter for 11 years. Simone has engaged in many service activities in her community and abroad. She played AAU basketball for Team Takeover since 5th grade. She is also a 4 year varsity player on her high school team, where she served as captain for 2 years. Simone is involved in various clubs at her school. She is a co-president of the American Sign Language Club and an active member of the Womanist Club and Black Women’s Society.


Courtney Amber Lipscomb, is a senior at Bowie High School in Bowie, MD. She is the daughter of proud parents Dr. Richard Lipscomb, Jr. and Christy Lipscomb. Courtney is an active member of Girl Scout Troop 6486 for the past 13 years. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Student Government Association Executive Board, Debate Team, Mock Trial Team where she received the All-Star Witness Award, and Her(d) club. She has been a member of the Prince George’s County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 8 years. In the Fall of 2023, she will attend Spelman College and major in English.


Brandon James Macon, II is a graduating Senior at Bowie High School in Bowie, MD, and is the son of Harvis Macon and Angela Black Macon. He has been a member of the Prince Georges County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 5 years. Brandon has been on the Swim Team since age 6 and currently swims Varsity. Brandon has high academic standards and a commitment to performing at his best. He has upheld a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and will be studying Business at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia in the fall. Brandon wishes to pursue a career in Business laying a foundation for generational wealth in the African American Community.


Ainsley Skinner is a senior at St. John’s College High School in Washington, D.C. and is the daughter of Darren and Raquel Skinner. She has been a member of the Prince George’s County Chapter since she was two years old. Ainsley actively serves her community by regularly volunteering at a local senior nursing home. She is a talented member of the National Honor Society and has received her high school’s prestigious San Miguel Febres Cordero award for academic excellence for three consecutive years. Ainsley plans to attend Spelman College and major in Psychology.


Channing Elizabeth Williams is a senior at Shabach Christian Academy located in Landover, MD and is the daughter of Angelique Williams and Marc Williams and the sister of brothers-Christian and Cameron Williams. Although she has been scholar-athlete playing basketball for a Nationally ranked girls basketball team, she has also been an active Jill within the Prince George’s County Chapter since she was three (3) years old. Psalm 16:8 is her guiding belief, “I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” She has not decided which college she will attend where she will also play basketball.



Gregory David Yancey III is a senior at Flushing High School in Flushing, Michigan. Born and raised in Annapolis, Maryland – the pandemic created a silver as well as a bicoastal life. Temporarily relocating to the Rust Belt in Michigan far away from the hustle and bustle of the DC Metropolitan area to a family home in the country with plenty of space to enjoy urban farming and a sense of “normalcy” in a time that wasn’t so normal. Collectively, his mother Yolanda Oliver-Yancey and father Greg Yancey, Esq. supported his decision to experience a combination of hybrid, synchronous, asynchronous, and in-person classes. He gives a lot of credit to Jack and Jill.


Andrew “AJ” Brooks Jr. is a senior at Battlefield High School in Haymarket, VA and is the son of Andrew and Mishta Brooks Sr. He has been a member of the Prince William County of Jack and Jill for 7 years. He serves in his community as a soccer coach and referee. He also volunteers at a local food bank. AJ plans to major in Engineering in the fall. He plans to attend Southwest Virginia Community College where he has accepted a soccer scholarship.


Trinity Gaither, the daughter of Victor and Yvonne Gaither, is a senior at Battlefield High School in Haymarket, Virginia. A candidate for an Advanced Diploma, Trinity, a student-athlete, has been a 4 year Varsity and travel softball player and is the Team Captain. Trinity has been a member of the Prince William County Virginia Chapter for 15 years. She has served the community through Fauquier Family Shelter, Martha’s Table and has participated in community service projects affiliated with church. Trinity will major in Forensic Science and pursue a career in that field. She is making her final college decision.


Camille Johnson, daughter of Thon and Cassandra Johnson, is a Senior at Battlefield High School in Haymarket, Virginia. She has been a member of the Prince William County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 9 years. Camille has served as Teen Recording Secretary and Vice-President, and currently serves as the Chapter’s Teen President. She was a national qualifier for track and field and has participated in numerous community service activities, including volunteering at shelters and food banks. Camille is finalizing her college selection and is planning to major in Biology.


Timple Savannah Jordan is a senior at Battlefield High School in Haymarket, Virgina and is the daughter of LTC(R) Timothy T. Jordan and Tonya Brailey-Jordan. She has been a member of the Prince William County Jack and Jill Chapter for 9 years. Timple’s involvement in her community includes, participating in local protests, collecting supplies with various organizations locally/abroad; and volunteering at community service events. She has served previously as Legislative Chair and currently serves as Sargent at Arms for the Teen Group. Timple is undecided where she will attend college but plans to major in Pharmacy or Dentistry.


Morgan McMillan is a senior at Battlefield High School in Virginia. She is the daughter of Chris and Lachelle McMillan. Morgan has been a member of the Prince William County Chapter for six years and served as Teen Parliamentarian, Vice President and President. Morgan is the co-founder and Vice President of the SAVE Promise Club (Students Against Violence Everywhere). Morgan also serves as team lead of her school’s Robotics Team, with responsibility of ensuring the team has a well-functioning robot for competitions and for planning and conducting STEM outreach events. Morgan plans to major in mechanical engineering in college.




Alexis Walker, daughter of Judson and Pamela Walker Jr., is a senior at Gainesville High School. She has been a member of the Prince William County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 5 years. Alexis serves as President of the Archonette Club, Psi Omicron Zeta Chapter, Gainesville High School University dance team’s Captain, and Gainesville High School’s Student Ambassador. Alexis is considering attending Hampton University, University of WV, George Mason University, Christopher Newport University, University of Memphis, or NC State to major in Political Science/Pre-law and minor in dance. She plans to attend law school to focus on intellectual property.


Olivia Walker, daughter of Judson and Pamela Walker Jr., is a senior at Gainesville High School. She has been a member of the Prince William County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 5 years. Olivia serves as Archonette Club’s VP, Psi Omicron Zeta Chapter, GMS Gymnastics Level 8-10’s Captain, and Gainesville High School’s Student Ambassador. She is considering attending Hampton, Fisk, University of WV, Old Dominion University, Texas Women University, Virginia Commonwealth, Ball State, University of Alabama, University of Bridgeport, Clemson, or Vanderbilt to major in Biology/Pre-Medicine and minor in food nutrition, then medical/physical therapy school.


Chandler Whitted is a senior at John Champe High School in Aldie, Virginia and is the daughter of Dwight & Gail Whitted. She has been a member of the Prince William County Chapter of Jack and Jill for eleven years. She has served as Secretary and Treasurer during her time in the teen group. Chandler has participated in the Black Student Union, Little Knights and numerous community service projects. She plans to attend Virginia Commonwealth University majoring in Child Psychology and minoring in Interior Design.


Jason Anthony Buddoo is a senior at Westbury High School in Westbury, N.Y. He is the son of Jonelle and Donovan Buddoo. He has been a member of the Queens Chapter of Jack and Jill for 10 years. He is passionate about music and has played the tuba for the past seven years. In college Jason plans to major in electrical engineering.


Icema Danielle Castle is a senior at Marymount School of New York. Her dynamic parents are Icema Gibbs and Kiecey Castle. Icema has been a proud member of the Queens Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2018, serving as the former Foundation Chair and current Teen President. Among other leadership positions, Icema serves as CoPresident of Black Girls Rock, and Co-Vice-President of JSA (Joint Service Activities). She is also a member of the National Honor Society and was named a National African American Scholar by the College Board. In college, Icema plans to study law to become an entertainment lawyer.


Aidan DesRuisseaux is a senior at St. Mary’s High School in Manhasset, NY and is the son of Genevieve and Mario DesRuisseaux. He has been a proud member of the Jack and Jill Queens Chapter for six years. Aidan currently serves as Queens Chapter Teen Editor and chairs the Newsletter Committee. He is also a member of the varsity basketball team at his high school. Aidan has decided to attend Binghamton University where he will major in business administration.



Jackson Amir English is a graduating upperclassman at Monsignor McClancy Memorial High School, (Queens, New York). He is an eight year member of the Queens Chapter of Jack and Jill where he served as Fundraising Chair in 2020. His proud parents, Iva Wilson English and Darrin English nurtured his love for athletics, volunteerism and Black pride. Jackson is a talented baseball and basketball player, and has voluntarily led a baseball clinic for the students in Chokor, Ghana. Jackson plans to attend college in the fall and pursue his love for both sports and journalism as a sports broadcasting major.


Jude Killikelly is a senior at Archbishop Molloy High School in Queens, New York, and is the distinguished son of Orette and Cindy-Lou Killikelly. He has been a member of the Queens Chapter of Jack and Jill for 16 years and has served as Teen Treasurer, Teen Legislative Chair, and Teen Vice President. He has decided to further his academic career at Hampton University, majoring in computer science.


Jacques M. Leandre III, affectionately known as Trey, is a senior at Long Island Lutheran Middle & High School in Brookville, NY. Trey is the son of Christela & Jacques M. Leandre Esq. He has been a member of the Jack and Jill Queens Chapter for 12 years. In the Fall, he has decided to attend his father’s alma mater, Morehouse College, where he will major in business. Additionally, he aspires to play football for Morehouse College.


Terrence R. Winston, Jr is a senior at Brooklyn High School of the Arts in Brooklyn, NY and is the son of Ann Houslin and Terrence R. Winston, Sr. He is a member of the Jack and Jill Queens, NY chapter. He has recently signed a modeling contract with WILHELMINA Models, and will work with them for the next few years until deciding his next career steps.


Allison E. Anderson is a senior at WT Woodson High School in Fairfax, VA and is the daughter of Dr. Alan and Alicia Anderson. She has been a member of the Reston Chapter of Jack and Jill for 14 years. She is the youngest sibling of legacy Jack and Jill members Alan and Alex Anderson. In the fall of 2023, she will study Civil or Environmental Engineering in the college of her choosing.


Zachary Byas is a senior at Flint Hill Upper School in Oakton, VA. He is the son of Jeffrey and Benita Byas. Zachary joined Jack and Jill in 2012. He has participated in many Jack and Jill events. He has held leadership roles at both his High School and Church and particularly enjoys community service and mentorship. He served on the Youth Leadership Council in his church. Zachary is a devoted soccer player. He has not decided which University he will attend but he does intend to play collegiate soccer and major in Psychology and Business.




Kevin Chadwick Jr. is a senior at Madison High School in Vienna, VA and is the son of Kevin and Courtney Chadwick. He has been a member of the Austin, TX Chapter for 5yrs and currently in the Reston Chapter for 6yrs, having served as Vice President for 2yrs and Treasurer. He is the Student Government Pres., Pres. of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Co-Pres of Black Student Union, VP of Student Leadership Assoc, VP of Global Relief Project, Varsity Football Team Captain, and Defensive Player of Year. He is college bound football player majoring in Mechanical or Civil Engineering.


Zoe Dru Clement is a senior at Meridian High School in Falls Church City and is the daughter of Gloria Peele Clement and Kelly A. Clement. For nine years, Zoe has been a member of the Reston Chapter of Jack and Jill, where she has served as Teen President, Second Vice President, and Corresponding Secretary. At MHS, Zoe is a Co-Editor of yearbook, Vice-President of the Black Student Union, Mustang Ambassador, and varsity volleyball team member. Zoe is an active Girl Scout and works at an artisanal bake shop. She plans to study biology and global health in college.


Maya Michelle Davis is a senior at Potomac School in McLean, VA. She is the daughter of Carol and Michael Davis. She has been a member of Jack & Jill for 16 years, first in Dallas, TX then in Reston, VA serving as Second Vice President, Sportsperson of The Year, and former Teen Chaplain. Maya plays trumpet in Potomac School’s Honors and Jazz bands. She earned All-League and All-Met recognition in soccer and All-State honors in track. Maya will attend Washington University in St. Louis. She plans to major in medical anthropology or public health and join the track team.


Victoria Felder is a senior at Chantilly High School in Chantilly, Virginia and daughter of Mark and Adel Felder. A member of the Reston chapter for 5 years, she currently is the Regional Teen Nominating Committee Chair and President of her school’s Black Student Association. Crowned Miss Virginia Junior Teen of National American Miss, Victoria established a 5-year project to help kids facing food insecurities, partnering with local and national organizations including Feeding America and county government. A varsity cheerleading All-American, she is deciding between Clemson, Hampton, and Kennesaw State University majoring in Psychology.


Catherine is a senior at the Harley School in Rochester, New York, and is the daughter of Christine Hay and Jeffrey Alexis. She has been a member of the Rochester Jack and Jill Chapter for two years. Catherine is devoted to helping her community by making Thanksgiving baskets for those in need, planning blood drives at her school, and volunteering with a vaccination team to help vaccinate marginalized communities in Rochester for COVID-19. Next year, she is attending university where she will major in chemistry and begin the pre-med track.


Dajania James is a senior at East Rochester High in Rochester, NY and is the daughter of AJ James and Shaquana Divers. A member of the Rochester, NY Chapter for 15 years. Won Miss New York’s Outstanding Teen in 2022. High School activities; Select Chorus, Musical Theater, Cheerleading, Student Council Leader, Diversity Ambassador. Sr. Dance Captain and volunteer radio show host. National Honor Society, Frederick Douglass and Susan B Anthony Scholarship awardee. Dajania will attend college in the fall of 2023 to pursue a BFA in theater, she plans to be a performing artist in the future.



Terrell Richards is a Senior at Aquinas Institute in Rochester, NY and is the son of Terry and Rhondalynn Richards. He has been a member of the Rochester Chapter of Jack and Jill for 14 years and has served as the Teen Vice President and Teen President. Terrell’s community service includes volunteering at the Aquinas Youth football camps and he is a Teen board member at the Anthony Jordan Foundation. Terrell will attend college in the fall and major in Business Administration.


Christian Brewster, a Senior at Clarkstown South High School in West Nyack, NY, has participated in numerous theatrical productions and received several academic awards. Christian is the son of Victor Brewster and Mary Lynn Nicolas-Brewster. Christian has been a member of the Rockland Orange Chapter for 16 years and serves as Teen Secretary. He previously served as Editor and Chaplain. He has been active in community service projects, including People to People, Soles4Souls, Midnight Run, and Breakfast with Santa. Christian is a member of Kappa League and Centerstage Drama Club. Christian will major in Audio Engineering and Theatre.


Joseph Griffith is a Senior at Bergen Catholic High School in Oradell, NJ. Joseph is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Brunelle Griffith. He has been a member of the Rockland Orange Chapter for eight years. Joseph is Senior Teen President and was previously Treasurer, Fundraising Chair and Co-Chair, and Gavel Club member. During his two-year tenure, Joseph led the Fundraising Committee in raising approximately $20,000 in donations to local and international charities. He served on Assemblyman Zebrowski’s Annual Youth Policy Conference and summer interned with the Hudson River Next Generation Educator Environmental Program. He will major in Psychology.


Gabriella Santos (Gaby) is a Senior at Nanuet High School in Nanuet, New York and is the Daughter of Alexander Santos, Jr. and Johanne Santos. She has been a member of the Rockland Orange Chapter for six years. Gaby is the Vice President of the Senior Teen Group and has served as Co-Chair for Fundraising. Gaby was also involved with Midnight Run, Breakfast with Santa, and People to People. She is a member of the National Honor Society and received “All Section” for Tennis for years 2019 through 2022. She will major in Biomedical Engineering.


Zachary Tenemille is a Senior at Clarkstown South High School and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Tenemille. As a member of the Rockland Orange Chapter for eight years, he has served as Chaplain, Parliamentarian, and Sergeant-at-Arms. Zachary has been active in many programs including Soles4Souls, Midnight Run, and People to People. He also served as Vice-President and Toastmaster for Gavel Club. Zachary was a Kappa-Leaguer and as a member, served as Vice-President, Treasurer, and Sergeant-at-Arms. He sings for his church choir and the All-County Choir. He was also a Youth Leader for his church’s Vacation Bible School.


Victoria Cato is the proud daughter of Jamel and Sherkera Cato and a senior Business Leadership Academy student at Kingsway Regional High School in Woolwich Township, NJ. At Kingsway she is a member of the swim team, SHADES club, Cultures club, serves as Vice President of Kingsway’s DECA chapter, while being a DECA state qualifier, as well as starting a mentoring program for BLA. Victoria has been a member of the South Jersey Chapter for nine years where she has served as Teen Editor, Foundation Chair and Teen Conference Chair. Victoria will be attending Spelman College in the fall.




Christopher Diggs is a senior at Eastern Regional High School in Voorhees, NJ and is the son of Mrs. Elise Diggs Saunders and Mr. Brian Saunders. He has been a member of the South Jersey Chapter of Jack and Jill for eight years. In these eight years, Christopher has been very active in community service and in the chapters Inaguaral Gavel Club where he served as Sargeant at Arms. Having received college acceptances that include Delaware State University, Rowan University, and others Christopher is still awaiting additional acceptances before choosing where he will continue to play Football and study to pursue a career in Sports Medicine.


Justin Harris is a senior at Paul VI High School in Haddonfield, NJ and is the son of Col. Paul Harris, Esq. and Dawn Harris, Esq. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for seven years. He currently serves as Teen Treasurer, and previously served as Foundation Chair and Service Chair. He is a National African American Recognition Program Scholar, AP Scholar and is Vice President of Paul VI’s National Honor Society. He has been accepted to Yale University, West Point, and the Air Force Academy. He plans to major in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering.


Delize Patterson is the daughter of Dr. Donee and Tony Patterson. Delize attends Eastern High School in Voorhees, NJ where she is on the advanced honor track. Delize has 3 older siblings (all J n J alumnae): Damon, Dominic, and Daaliyah. Delize hopes to attend Spelman College to major in marketing. Delize does extensive community service work and has been recognized for writing a bill for NJ to have a state muffin. Delize is the current teen president of the SJC and is an active member of the National Honor Society and the National French Honor Society.


Valdoston “Trey” Shealey, III is a 12th grader at St. Augustine Prep in Richland, NJ and is the son of Valdoston Shealey, Jr. and Monika Williams Shealey. Trey has been a member of the Lords and Ladies Teen Group of the South Jersey Chapter for 4 years. Trey has served as Legislative Chair for 2 years. Trey’s other activities include serving as the Sabre fencing team captain, Executive Committee Member of Student Government and member of the National Honor and Spanish Honor Societies. Trey plans to major in Finance in college.


Britt Starghill, II is a senior at St. Joseph’s Preparatory School in Philadelphia, PA and is the son of Catherine and the late Rev. Dr. Britt Starghill. Britt has been a member of the South Jersey Chapter for ten years. He held the positions of teen Community Service and Social Media Chair. He is senior Class Secretary at his school and has served on the executive board of the Black and Latino Culture Club and Mission and Ministry. Britt hopes to attend Howard University at which he will major in international business and supply chain management.


Macey Elle Wilkins, a senior at Moorestown Friends in Moorestown, NJ is the daughter of Pamela R. Wilkins and Darnell Wilkins. Macey’s been an active member of The South Jersey Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2011. A natural leader, Macey served in the following capacities: MFS Peer Leader, The Ronald McDonald House Student Advisory Board, VP; Gavel Club Toastmasters International, Editor; Jack & Jill, Captain; Varsity Soccer and Varsity Basketball, and a model for various corporations. As a passionate advocate for equality and an ambassador for social justice, Macey will major in Political Science and ultimately attend law school.



Olivia Bishop is a senior at Patuxent High School in Lusby, Maryland, and is the child of Dwight and Shaquisha Bishop. They have been a member of the Southern Maryland Chapter for 14 years. They have participated in several community service projects in the local community. Olivia has not yet decided on a college to attend from a wide range of college acceptances. They plan to major in Architecture and open their own architectural firm in the future.


Sydney Cooksey is a senior at Northern High School in Owings, MD and is the daughter of Ricky and Nicole Cooksey. She has been a member of the Southern MD Chapter for 13 years. Sydney is currently President for the SoMD Teens and a student leader at Northern as the Vice President of Minority Scholars, SGA Community Outreach Chair, and a member of Future Business Leaders of America. Sydney is also a member of National Honors Society maintaining a GPA of 4.18. She has decided to attend Morgan State University where she will major in Marketing and minor in Theater.


Anthony is a senior at St. Charles High School in Waldorf, Maryland and is the son of Robert and Gia Grady. He has been a member of the Southern Maryland Chapter for 12 years. He is a member of the Varsity Football team, Treasurer of Jack and Jill Teens, VP of Programs CASH NSBE Jr Chapter, member of SoMD Top Teens of America, member of the National Honor Society, member Youth in Aviation Program and Boy Scouts. Anthony has not decided on the college/university he will attend, but he plans to major in engineering and become a petroleum engineer.


Randolph J. Hart IV is a Senior at Lackey High School in Indian Head, MD. He is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Randolph and Tamicka Hart. RJ has been a member of the Southern Maryland Chapter for 16 years, serving as Sargeant at Arms, Editor, and named Most Engaged Teen. RJ has maintained a 4.0 GPA while being a four sport varsity athlete, working, and serving his community. He has not decided where he will attend college, but is grateful to be weighing over thirty acceptances with the goal of majoring in Forensic Science to become a Criminal Investigator.


Haven Mays is a senior at North Point High School in Waldorf, MD, and is the son of Jon and Kendra Mays. Haven continues to excel academically taking challenging AP courses, and playing competitive soccer all while continuing to develop his gift as a pianist. Haven has entertained audiences globally and was a 2022 Berklee School of Music Aspire Program scholarship recipient. Haven has been a proud member of the Southern Maryland Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2016 and looks forward to implementing all that he’s learned when he continues to pursue his education in Jazz Performance. Haven Mays is a senior at North Point High School in Waldorf, MD.


Micah is a senior at North Point High School in Waldorf, Maryland and is the daughter of Michael and Jill Monegain. She has been a member of the Southern Maryland chapter for 15 years. She is a member of the National Honor Society, the secretary of her school’s Key Club, on the Yearbook staff, and has participated on her school’s volleyball, track and cross country teams. She also danced with the Washington School of Ballet for 6 years. In the fall, Micah plans on attending one of the many colleges in which she has be accepted.




Gabrielle Elise Moore is a senior at St. Charles High School with a 4.2 GPA and an academic letter. She was Southern Maryland’s Teen President, Treasurer and Most Engaged Teen. She is an NAACP Youth Council President, Top Teens First Vice President and Area II Financial Secretary. Gabrielle was SGA Vice President, and is active with National Honor Society, Mock Trial and Model UN. She was elected Senator at Maryland Girl’s State and represented Maryland at Girl’s Nation. Gabrielle interned with Maryland General Assembly’s Student Page Program, Congressman Steny Hoyer and Judge Monise Brown. She hasn’t decided on a college.


Cameron Owens is a senior at La Plata High School in La Plata, Maryland and is the son of Ashley and Alfreda Owens. He has been a member of the Southern Chapter for 1 year. Cameron has volunteered with food drives and soup kitchens with local churches in his community. Cameron has received acceptance letters from Hampton University, Towson University, North Carolina Central University, Duquesne University, McDaniel College, Frostburg State University, and Virginia Commonwealth University. Cameron will be majoring in Kinesiology and will narrow his college choices to one of the above schools soon.


Robert is a senior at Westlake High in Waldorf Maryland he is the son of Dawn Carman and Robert Pearson. He has been a member of the Southern Maryland Chapter for 3 years where he is a member of the Gavel Club. He is currently a Point Guard of the mens basketball team, Cross Country, Track, Elite Black Men of Westlake and SGA. He enjoys playing basketball, video games and spending time with family and friends. He plans to attend college in the fall where he will study computer technology.


Braxton Wheeler is a senior at North Point High School in Waldorf, Maryland, and is the son of Eric and Kesia Wheeler. He has been a member of the Southern Maryland Chapter for 7 years and is in his second year as the Teen Sargent-at-Arms. He is the Sargent-at-Arms for Southern Maryland’s Gavel Club, President of the Purple Boots Mentoring Program, and Lead for his Radio Control Racing team. In his spare time, he plays the bass guitar and enjoys video games and drawing. He plans to study 2-D animation and have a career as an illustrator in the future.


Christian Baldwin, a senior at Greenwich Country Day School in Greenwich, Connecticut, is the son of Dr. Celeste Cox-Baldwin and Duane Baldwin. He has been in the Stamford-Norwalk Chapter of Jack and Jill for ten years. Christian is a three-year varsity Basketball forward and was selected for the student leadership council to represent his class and shape the future of his school. He was a junior sports writer for the Greenwich Sentinel, a local newspaper, and has managed several successful sports social media pages. He is deciding which lucky college will get him and will major in Marketing.


Lula Naima Jackson is the daughter of Nia Rhodes-Jackson and Tunde Jackson. Lula was presented to society at the Hilton Stamford Hotel on June 25th, 2023. A proud member of the Stamford-Norwalk chapter since 2012, Lula has served as Regional Teen Protocol Chair, Regional Teen Treasurer, and Teen President of her chapter. She is a student lead at Tiny & Great Inc., Pierrepont s literary magazine editor, and the Student Leadership Council co-chair. Lula is a member of the varsity rowing team at Greenwich Crew. The Pierrepont School student plans to major in Data Science and International Relations at Stanford University.



Alexandre (Alex) Riché is a senior at Greenwich High School in Greenwich, Connecticut, and is the son of Vanessa and Gregory Riché. Alex has been a member of the Stamford-Norwalk chapter of Jack and Jill for four years. Alex has a keen sense of duty and serves on the Teen e-Board of his Jack and Jill chapter as Chaplin. He volunteers with his church, at school events, at the Greenwich Conservatory, and at Unified Sports where he coaches kids with disabilities. Alex is exploring his college choices in the Northeast looking at engineering and design programs.


Andrew is a graduating Senior at Greenwich Country Day School in Greenwich, CT and is the son of Carlton and Antonia Thompson. Andrew has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years. He has served as the Teen Chaplain and Teen Legislative Chair. He enjoys playing baseball and anything Marvel. He plans on majoring in Chemistry and Computer Science in college.


Hiro Wyatt is a senior at Staples High School in Westport, CT, and is the son of Tamami and Lorenzo Wyatt. He has been a member of the Stamford-Norwalk Chapter for two years. He has decided to attend University of Southern California where he will major in business and play baseball as a scholarship athlete.


Miriam Allen is a senior at St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School in West Islip, New Yorkand is the daughter of Thereze Madison. She has been a member of the Suffolk County Jack and Jill Chapter for 10 years. Miriam advocates for students of color within her school, speaks to students about the importance of voting, and regularly participates in volunteer work. She has decided to attend St. John’s University where she will major in Political Science and minor in Africana Studies on the pre-law track.


Christina Cummings is a senior at ESM Junior-Senior High School in Manorville, NY, and is the daughter of Dr. Candace Cummings and Minister Justin Cummings. She has been a member of the Suffolk County Chapter for nine years. Christina has served as Chapter Teen President, Teen VP, Teen Legislative Chair, and Teen Historian. She serves as a member of the National Honor Society, World Languages Honor Society, National Society of High School Scholars, The Metropolitan Youth Orchestra, Girls Inc, and she volunteers at Stony Brook ELI Hospital ER. Christina plans to major in Biochemistry and pursue a career in medicine.


Garin Fraser is a senior at Half Hollow Hills High School West in Dix Hills NY and is the son of Donovan and Sabrina Fraser. He has been a member of the Jack and Jill Suffolk County Chapter for 16 years. Garin enjoys track and field and has a passion for Chess. At his school, he is a part of the Chess Club and Rising Stars. He is currently the foundation chair for the J & J teens. Finally, he enjoys reading and researching at the Dix Hills library. He is undecided. His future goals are business and finance.




Dylan Richie Hall is a senior at Half Hollow Hills High School West in Dix Hills, New York and is the daughter of Dr. Brian McDonald Hall and Mrs. Josephine Hall. She is a member of Jack and Jill Suffolk County Chapter for 6 years. Dylan is the Teen Legislative Chair, President of the African-American Student Organization, VicePresident of the Women’s Empowerment Initiative, member of the National Honor Society, Math Honor Society, and Spanish Honor Society. She enjoys listening to music, and painting. Her future plans include success, family and travel. Dylan has not yet decided on a university.


Angel Sampson is a senior at St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School in West Islip, New York, and is the daughter of Clarissa and Sean Sampson. She has been a member of the Suffolk County Jack and Jill Chapter for five years. She has decided to attend University at Albany where she will major in communication and plans to become a speech-language pathologist.


Morgan Taliefero, a senior at Half Hollow Hills East in Dix Hills, NY, is the son of Charles Taliefero (+) and Shiverne Taliefero. He has been a member of the Suffolk County Chapter since first grade. He served as Sergeant of Arms and Parliamentarian. Morgan is a three-season athlete on the basketball and track teams and captain of the football team. Adding to his accolades, Morgan received the Coach’s Varsity award for all-around excellence. He plays the tuba in the band and is active in community service. Morgan plans to attend college in the fall interested in math and music.


Jehlani S. Harper is a Senior at Jamesville Dewitt High School in Syracuse, New York. She is the daughter of William and Shonette Harper. She has been a member of the Syracuse Chapter for 12 years. Jehlani has been involved in community service activities such as food and clothing drives, feeding the homeless, volunteering at soup kitchens and nursing home facilities, developing self-care kits for homeless families, and participating in Delta Youth Initiatives since early childhood. In the Fall, Jehlani will attend a four-year college or university where she will major in Nursing with hopes of becoming a Pediatric Nurse.


Trinity Odom-Reed is a senior at Ithaca High School (IHS) in Ithaca, New York, and is the daughter of Father Bertrand and Dr. Peggy Odom-Reed. She has been a member of the Syracuse NY Chapter for three years. As the President of Syracuse Teen Auxiliary and IHS’s I-Rise, Community Outreach Coordinator for IHS’s Choir Leadership Team, Youth Affiliate Member to the Village at Ithaca Board, and member of the Superintendent Student Advisory Council and National Honor Society, Trinity serves the community. Trinity received early admission offers to multiple HBCUs including Spelman College, and she plans to major in Political Science.


Lillian Magdalena Aguirre is the daughter of Shanna Batten Aguirre and Eduardo Aguirre. She is a senior at Fusion Academy in Rockville, Maryland. Lillian has been in Jack and Jill since the age of four-- initially with the Pasadena, California Chapter and then for twelve years with the Washington, DC Chapter. She is an Ambassador level Girl Scout and is a member of Round House Theater’s Teen Performance Company. She enjoys sculling and sailing. Lillian plans to travel and study overseas before attending an HBCU.



Cierra Barnette is a senior at Jackson-Reed High School in Washington, DC and is the daughter of Kim (Woodson) and Corey Barnette. She has been a member of the Washington, DC Chapter for 14 years. She is the current chapter Teen President. Her community service involvement includes bagging groceries and distributing clothing at Martha’s Table in Southeast DC. She plans to attend Temple University or Spelman College to major in Nursing with the aspirations to become a pediatric nurse.


Thomas L. Batties, II is a senior at Gonzaga College High School in Washington, DC. He is the son of Thomas and Leila Batties, and has a younger sister, Logan. Thomas has been in Jack and Jill since the age of three. At Gonzaga, Thomas is a leader in the school community and on the basketball court. Also, he has played the piano since he was 4 years old. Thomas will attend Harvard, where he will also play on the basketball team.


Quint Booker is a senior at Bishop Ireton HS. He is the son of Dr. William Booker and Sonya White, Esq. At age 2, Quint joined Jack & Jill as a legacy member and is currently in the Washington DC Chapter. Quint plays varsity basketball in the WCAC, is the Captain and leading scorer on his team, and is a member of Adidas’ 2022-U17 National Championship Team. Quint plans to major in business with an emphasis in finance. He has committed to play D1 basketball at the United States Military Academy at West Point.


William Clark is a senior at St. Johns College High School in Washington, DC where he has earned recognition on the honor roll. He is the son of Joseph Clark and Keisha Streeter-Clark and has been a member of the Washington, DC Chapter for ten years. William studied sports medicine at the Boston Leadership Institute and sports business and entertainment management at Loyola Marymount University. He is a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo. William earned an academic scholarship to Morehouse College and is awaiting other college offers. He would like to major in business administration, marketing, or economics.


Thomas is a senior at Saint John’s College High School in Washington, DC and the son of Natisha and Thomas Dawson III. He has been a member of the DC Chapter for 11 years. Thomas is an entrepreneur at heart and passionate about business. His future goals include learning how to make money work for him rather than working for money. Thomas’ college decision is pending. He’s been accepted into Hampton University and is waiting to hear from others. Thomas will major in Economics and Business.


Eva Marie, a senior at St. John’s College in Washington DC is the daughter of Elliot and Aeva Doomes. She is a Mikva Challenge Fellow and served as teen host moderator of a WHUT program on voter suppression. On the tennis court, Eva Marie is a four-year varsity player, three-time WCAC conference champion, two-year captain and Washington Post All-Met Honorable Mention. She was inducted into the National Honor Society and the Spanish Honor Society, and was awarded the Presidential Scholarship in the De La Salle Honors Program. After graduation, Eva Marie plans to study economics and pursue a finance career.




Dakota Dorsey is a Senior at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart and is the daughter of Joy and Ted Dorsey. With her twin brother, she’s been a member of the Washington, DC Chapter of Jack & Jill for 10 years. Dakota’s a varsity soccer player as a goal-keeper. In support of her community, she has volunteered support for Martha’s Table, Appalachian Service Project, Project Give Back, and A Wider Circle. As a college student she plans to explore a major in Environment Studies.


Gabriel is a senior at Gonzaga College High School in Washington, DC and the son of Joy and Ted Dorsey. With his twin sister, Gabriel’s been a member of the Washington, DC Chapter of Jack & Jill for 10 years. Gabriel enjoys the performing arts, as an actor, dancer and singer and supports his community through volunteering for Martha’s Table, SOME, Project Give Back, and A Wider Circle. As a college student he plans to explore taking on a dual major in Economics and Theater.


Alex Edwards is a senior at Jackson-Reed High School in Washington, DC and is the son of Tracy Edwards. He has been a member of the Washington, DC Jack and Jill Chapter for 15 years. When he is not in school he serves as a volunteer preparing sandwiches for Martha’ table. He is also a member of the Jackson-Reed Varsity Football team, Alpha Academy and INROADS. He is awaiting acceptance from his top choice Jackson State University where he will double major in Major Computer Science and Accounting.


Daniel Ford is a senior at Georgetown Day High School in Washington, DC and is the son of Christopher and Kim Ford. He has been an active member of the Washington DC Chapter of Jack and Jill for 16 years. Daniel is a four-year varsity basketball player and Team Captain. He is also the co-founder of the Black Men United club at his high school. Daniel will attend the college of his choice and plans to major in Exercise Science. Daniel is considering a career in physical therapy or sports medicine.


Karis Francis is a senior at St. John’s College High School in Washington, DC. She is the daughter of Garrick and Sheila Francis. She has been a member of the Washington DC Chapter for 2 ½ years. Karis attends Kingdom Fellowship AME Church and serves as a Teen Leader, Greeter, Dancer and Daughters of Esther member. She also volunteers as a Lacrosse Coach with WINNERS Lacrosse. Karis plans to study Screenwriting in college although she has not yet decided which admissions offer she will accept.


Cameron James Franklin is a senior at The Potomac School in McLean, Virginia and is the son of Lamont & Lisa Franklin. He has been a member of Jack & Jill for 9 years and served as both foundation chair and parliamentarian. Cameron has been active in the community volunteering with BeTheMatch, Jackson South Children’s Hospital, and local food banks. A scholar athlete, Cameron is a member of the Varsity Basketball (captain) and track & field teams as well as Black Student Alliance. He plans to major in Business/Marketing in the fall.



Cameron Grace Gamble is a senior at BASIS D.C. in Washington, D.C. and is the daughter of Princess and Cameron J. Gamble. She has been a member of the Washington, D.C. Chapter for five years. Cameron is a member of the National Honor Society, Debate Club, Student Government, and leads her school’s Peer Tutoring Program. She was also elected to serve as Washington, D.C.’s Ward Five Youth Representative. Cameron will continue her father’s legacy by attending Howard University where she is considering majoring in psychology.


Brantley is a senior at St. Paul’s School in Concord, NH and is the son of Nygina Mills and Gerald Gilliard. Brantley has been a member the Newton (MA), Loudoun County (VA) and Washington, D.C. Chapters of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. for ten years. Brantley is a varsity football player and a director of Onyx, an affinity group for St. Paul’s students who identify as being of African heritage. Brantley has been accepted to Morehouse College. Brantley plans to major in economics.


Zoe is a senior at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart in Bethesda, Maryland where she has received high academic honors. She has been a member of the Washington DC Chapter for 16 years having served as recording secretary. Additionally, Zoe has served on the National Executive Committee. Currently, Zoe chairs her school’s Black Student Alliance. Additionally, she successfully completed Leadership Greater Washington’s 2022 Youth Leader program and the 2022 Jills Takes Spelman Leadership Institute. Zoe is the daughter of Tiffini and Brett Greene. In the fall she will attend Spelman College.


Pilar Holder is a senior at Georgetown Day School in Washington, DC and is the daughter of Gabrielle and Rod Holder. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for ten+ years and serves as Nominating Co-Chair. Pilar is a Team Captain for Varsity Track. She is involved in social justice initiatives, including The Policy Institute, The Consent Summit, and The Student Mental Health Collaborative at GDS. She served as BSU Co-Chair, mentors younger students in The Buddy Program, and initiated a 5K Run fundraiser in honor a former classmate. Pilar will attend Scripps College in California.


Taylor is a senior at Jackson Reed Senior High School in Washington, DC. She is the daughter of Corey D. Jackson and Jennifer Landry-Jackson. She has been a member of the Washington DC Chapter of Jack and Jill for 10 years. As the co-captain of her school’s Girls Varsity Crew team, she has fostered an invaluable level of inclusion and acceptance in the sport. She plans to study Environmental Justice in college and continue to volunteer in her community to help those less fortunate.


Annelise Marie Jefferson is a senior at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School in Washington, DC and is the daughter of The Reverend David L. Jefferson and Naima Jefferson. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America for fifteen years and is a member of the Washington DC Chapter. Annelise enjoys cooking, spending time with family and friends, and customizing sneakers. She hopes to continue her education and major in Economics and eventually pursue a Master of Business Administration.




Coleman Jones is a senior at McKinley Technology High School in Washington, DC. He is the son of Leslie and Michael Jones. He has been a member of the chapter since 1st grade and currently serves as co-chair of Community Service. Coleman is an Eagle Scout and Treasurer of the Washington DC Kappa League. He has not decided where he will attend college but has been accepted to more than 30 HBCUs with plans to attend one in the fall while majoring in Computer Science.


Isaiah Langston Keene is a senior at Albert Einstein High School in Kensington, Maryland and is the daughter of Sherri Lee Keene and Jason Okera Keene. Langston has been a member of the Washington D.C. Chapter for twelve years. Langston plays the trumpet in jazz and symphonic bands and plays club soccer. He is in the National Honor Society and volunteers to improve local parks. Langston has been accepted to Morehouse, North Carolina A & T, and UMBC and will major in mechanical engineering in college.


Corey, son of Malene & Curtis Lawrence, Jr, is dual-enrolled at School Without Walls HS and George Washington University in Washington, DC. A member of Jack and Jill for nine years, Corey is also a member of the National Honor Society and KEL Alpha Academy while serving as captain of his VEX Robotics Team. As President of the DMV NSBE, Jr Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers, Corey tutors’ math, provides STEM outreach and enjoys cooking and running in his spare time. An aspiring astrophysicist, Corey plans to double major in physics and mathematics and minor in Spanish.


Connor is a senior at Thomas Sprigg Wootton High School in Rockville, Maryland and is the son of Allyson and Charles Mitchell. He has been a member of the Washington, DC Chapter for 15 years. Connor is the CoCaptain of the Varsity Boys Basketball team and a member of the National Honor Society. He has served as Teen Nominating Committee Chair and as teen Co-Chair of the Community Service Committee. Connor plans to attend college after graduation and pursue a career in psychology.


Kyla R. Phillips is a senior at Bullis School in Potomac, MD and is the daughter of Brandon and Nedelka Phillips. She has been a member of the Washington, DC Chapter of Jack and Jill of America since 2018. Kyla is a competitive swimmer whose dedication inspired her to launch a business to teach Black children to swim, promote water safety, build confidence and prevent drownings. She plans to attend Spelman College where she will major in Health Science. Kyla aspires to pursue her M.D., MPH and dedicate her life to addressing health disparities at the local, national and global levels.


Miles Pierre is a senior at Meridian High School in Falls Church, VA, and is the son of Nikki Clifton and Damien Pierre. He has been a member of the Washington D.C. Chapter for 7 years. Miles is the President of Meridian’s Black Student Union and has played the trumpet for 9 years. He regularly volunteers with Martha’s Table, GIVE Day and Project Giveback. Miles is passionate about wildlife conservation and photography. He is undecided in his major but will attend college in the fall.



Addison Rose is a senior at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia and is the daughter of Darryl and Tiffany Rose. She has been a member of the Washington, D.C. chapter for 7 years. Addison served on the Washington DC J&J Chapter’s Executive Board for two years, and on the Regional Teen Board for two years. She currently serves as the Eastern Regional Teen President. In the fall, she will be studying Political Science on the Pre-law track with the college. Addison is waiting to hear back from numerous schools but has been accepted to Spelman, Temple, and LSU.


Elias Sanderson is a senior at St. John’s College High School in Washington D.C. and is the son of Andrew and Natasha Sanderson. He has been a member of the D.C. chapter for six years. Elias is an Honors student, plays Varsity soccer, and runs track. He is committed to service and passionate about social equity. He is undecided on his college choice, but intends to major in a field of study that supports his interests in business, writing, sports, psychology and ethics.


Nina Sinkford is a senior at Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart in Bethesda, Maryland. She is the daughter of Stanley and Kim Sinkford. Nina has been a member of the DC Jack and Jill Chapter for 13 years. In addition to participating in JJ community service projects, she is also a member of Best Buddies Inc., Bikes for America and a regular volunteer at A Wider Circle. At this time, Nina is undecided about what university she will attend in the fall.


Kennedy Spence is a senior at Jackson-Reed High School in Washington, DC and is the daughter of Paul and Kelly Spence. She has been a member of the Washington, DC Chapter for 4 years. She has participated in numerous activities with Martha’s Table and Get out the Vote. Kennedy plays Varsity Lacrosse for Jackson-Reed High School. She plans to major in Business with a minor in photography and is currently undecided on a college or university.


Savannah Stewart is a senior at Maret School in Washington DC. She is the daughter of Stacey and Jarvis Stewart and has been a member of the Washington DC Chapter for 13 years. Savannah serves as Editor-in-Chief of Tone Magazine, a school-based digital publication, and Founder of The Sisters Collaborative, a network of Black girls attending PWIs. She earned her Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest award in Scouting, and honors in programs at Barnard College and Parsons School of Design. For four years, Savannah played varsity lacrosse. At the college of her choice, she will major in Journalism.


Catherine is a senior at The American School of Tegucigalpa in Honduras and is the daughter of Stacie Scott and Jason Turner. She has been a member in the Washington DC Chapter for 10 years. In DC, Catherine was a consistent volunteer with Dress for Success and explored her love of journalism at the Duke Ellington School of the Arts. Currently, Catherine is enjoying living abroad, learning spanish and immersing in a new culture before deciding which University she will attend.




Chloe Walker is a senior at St. John’s College High School in Washington, DC and is the daughter or Erika and James Walker. Chloe has been a member of the Washington, DC Chapter of Jack and Jill for 9 years. Chloe has been a competitive tennis player as a member of her high school tennis team and USTA tournaments throughout the region. Chloe has participated in community service with her school, The Junior Tennis Champions Center and organizations abroad. Although Chloe has not decided on the college she plans to attend, she plans to major in Business Finance.


Julian Wardlaw is a senior at District of Columbia International School in Washington, DC and is the son of Denise and Michael Wardlaw. He has been a member of the Washington, DC Chapter for 11 years. Julian is a conscientious entrepreneur, a dedicated honors student, and a talented soccer player. He co-founded Muscle N Bone, LLC (www.musclenbone.com), a multi-media production company, and studied abroad in Germany during high school. Julian intends to major in International Business.


Elle Waters is a senior at Washington Latin Public Charter school. She is the daughter of Marsha Waters and the late Reginald Waters. A member of the DC Chapter for 11 years, Elle serves as Teen Parliamentarian and previously was Teen Chaplain. Throughout high school, she played basketball, lacrosse, and volleyball, tutors middle school students, is a school Ambassador and is a member of the choir, where she is President of Latin Voices. Elle is considering offers from colleges to study Public Health.


Kendall Weaver is a senior at St. Albans School in Washington DC and is the son of Yvonne Williams and Alexander Weaver. He has been a member of the Washington DC chapter for 12 years. He is currently the Teen Treasurer and has previously served as the Teen Financial Secretary and Foundation Chair. Next fall, Kendall will attend and play football at Kenyon College and major in either English or Political Science. He plans to become either a sports journalist or lawyer.


Christopher Wells is a senior at the Landon School in Bethesda, Maryland and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andre Wells. He has been a member of the Washington, DC Chapter of Jack and Jill for 7 years. Christopher has participated in many community activities with his Jack and Jill chapter. At school, Christopher volunteers for summer basketball camps and is a leader of the Black Students Organization. While Christopher is still considering his college choice, he plans to major in business.


Ian Withers is a senior at Reservoir High School in Fulton, MD and is the son of Darius B. Withers, Esq. and Christie Morris-Withers. He has been a member of the Washington DC Chapter of Jack and Jill for 15 years. Active in his community, Ian has been a member of Boy Scout Troop 544 at People’s Congregational UCC since 6th grade. Ian is a member of his high school Golf Club. Ian has received several college acceptances and plans to major in finance.



Jordan is a senior at Woodlands High School in Hartsdale, NY, and is the daughter of Leigh Burton and Saul Acevedo. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 13 years. In school, she is a student-athlete, where she excels in volleyball and softball; she is a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta Math National Honor Society, and several clubs. Jordan also serves on the youth council of her local community center. She has been accepted to several colleges and universities, plans to study biochemistry, and aspires to become an anesthesiologist.


Harris Adolph is a senior at Riverdale Country School in New York, NY and is the son of Gwen and Gerald Adolph. He has been a member of the Westchester County chapter for twelve years. An honors student-athlete at Riverdale, Harris is co-captain of the swim team, as well as a tenor saxophonist in the jazz ensemble. He also serves as a peer mentor for freshmen. Harris excels at math and science and loves science fiction. He has been fascinated by space travel and exploration most of his life and plans to major in aerospace/aeronautical engineering in college.


Noah Lucas Chappell is a senior at Scarsdale High School in Scarsdale, NY and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Nicole Chappell. He has been a member of the Westchester County, NY Chapter for 6 years. Member of Hitchcock Presbyterian Church, he participated in Midnight Run and renovated affordable housing in Yonkers, NY. Captain, 2022 Varsity Football, coached K-8 kids in flag football since 2021. Coached Scarsdale Youth Lacrosse grades K-8. Participant in Paulie Strong Foundation charity events for childhood cancer. Noah will be attending Amherst College where he will major in Economics and play lacrosse.


Alexander Julian Ciriaco, a senior at New Rochelle High School in New Rochelle, NY, is the son of Traci Alexander and Carlixto Ciriaco, and a member of Westchester County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 15 years. He holds membership in New Rochelle High School’s Business and History Honor Societies, Performing Arts Visual Education, Distributive Education Clubs of America, Gardening Club, Rugby Team; Westchester Links, Incorporated Young Achievers; Fordham University STEP, and a longtime member of New York Covenant Church Boy’s and Ignite Ministries. Alex plans to study business, economics, and history at the school of his choice.


Quinn Coaxum, the daughter of Kimberly and Wole Coaxum, attends Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire. She has been a member of the Westchester County, NY Chapter for 10 years. At Exeter, Quinn is on the crew team, a student council member, a student listener and a peer counselor. She is also a yearbook board member, secretary of ALES (Afro Latino Exonian Society), a member of the History Club, and a violinist in the orchestra. Quinn is undecided on where she will attend college, but plans to major in finance and pursue a career in investment banking.


Emma Farley is a New Rochelle High School senior in New Rochelle, NY. The daughter of Sharon Epperson and Christopher Farley, she has been a Westchester County, NY Chapter member for 15 years. As a STOMP Out Bullying Youth Leader, Emma’s dedicated to bullying prevention in schools and communities. She participates in 5K races for the Brain Aneurysm Foundation, helping her family raise over $50,000 for research. As co-president of her school’s National Art Honor Society, she creates art lessons for students. Emma will attend Columbia University, plans to major in Political Science, and become a human rights lawyer.




Kendyl is a senior at Hackley School in Tarrytown, NY and is the son of Geoff and Mai Flournoy. He has been a member of the Westchester Chapter for 13 years. Kendyl is a 4-year varsity football player, the president of Hackley’s Black Student Union and the founder of Fishing for Kids of Color, an organization he launched to introduce Harlem youth to an alternative pro-mental wellness outlet. Kendyl will attend Cornell University in the fall, where he plans to major in Psychology, and pursue a career in neurodegenerative disease research.


Jaelee Hewitt is a senior at New Rochelle High School in New Rochelle, New York and is the daughter of Marstus Hewitt and Dr. Suzanne Greenidge-Hewitt. She has been a member of the Westchester Chapter for 9 years. She has received Certificate of Recognition: STEAM Camp for Girls, Steam Camp Achievement Award, New York State Assembly Certificate of Merit and Certificate of Merit from Westchester County Board of Legislators. She currently runs track and has won many awards. She is undecided on her college choice but will major in Hospitality Management.


Colin Michael is a senior at Scarsdale High School in Scarsdale, New York (“SHS”), and is the son of Deidre and Mark Michael. He’s been a member of the Westchester County Chapter for 13 years. Colin is co-president of the SHS Business Club and is co-founder and VP of the SHS DECA chapter. He is also president and captain of the SHS Quiz Bowl team. Colin is First Chair, Viola in the school Chamber Orchestra and plays piano. He is on the SHS Varsity Golf and is active in his church’s Youth Group. Colin is planning to study Economics.


Isaiah Ndzibah is a senior at Hackley School in Tarrytown, NY and is the son of Kwame and Nicole Ndzibah. Isaiah was a member of Greater Baltimore Chapter for 4 years, before his family transferred to Westchester County, NY 12 years ago. Isaiah is the Captain of his school’s Varsity Basketball team and is the co-founder of a Music & Culture club. He has served as his chapter’s Teen Editor and is currently the Vice President. Isaiah intends to be a business major with a focus on sports management.


William Ryan Sears, a senior at New Rochelle High School, New York. The son of Mr. Wendell T. Sears and Rev. Dr. Denise Smartt Sears. William has been a member of the Westchester County, NY Chapter for twelve years, he served as the Teen Parliamentarian. An active member of his church, a board member of the Spanish Honor Society and the NAACP Youth Council President. William led the voter registration and membership drives. As captain of the Varsity Basketball team, he has proven to effectively lead his peers, while encouraging them to make a difference in the community.


Logan M. Sharps is a senior at Iona Preparatory High School, New Rochelle, New York and is the son of Mr. Ian Sharps, Sr. & Dr. Paige Long Sharps. Logan has been a member of the chapter for 8 years and has served as the chapter’s Sargent-at-Arms, and Chaplain. Logan is a two-part athlete, Football and Basketball. Logan is a member of the African American Student Association. Logan has been awarded the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy Youth Award by the African American Men of Westchester, Inc. Logan hopes to attend Penn State or Howard majoring in Software Engineering.



Christen Smith, daughter of Mrs. Karen Smith & Dr. Elsworth Smith, is a senior at Horace Mann School, New York. Christen has been a member of the Westchester County, NY chapter for 10 years and has served the teen executive board as historian, treasurer and parliamentarian. Christen received the Girl Scout of America Silver Award, is a volunteer tutor at Mount Vernon Boys & Girls Club and a member of the New York State Youth Advisory Council where she received a Certificate of Merit for contributing. Christen plans to become a neuropsychologist. She is currently working on publishing her research.


Kyla Warren is a senior at Cardinal Spellman High School in Bronx, NY and the daughter of Maiysha and Eric Warren. She has been a member of the Westchester County Chapter for four years, previously served as the Teen Foundation Chair and currently serves as Sergeant-at-Arms. Kyla is her school’s Student Body President, Model UN President, and founder of Mind Body Connection, a peer-to-peer support group. A member of the National Honor Society, Kyla has received numerous awards for her academic, extra-curricular, leadership and community service achievements. She is college-bound with plans to major in Political Science or Criminal Justice.


Jadyn Washington is a senior at Woodlands High School in Hartsdale, N.Y and is the son of Kiana Washington and Samuel Washington Jr. He has been a member of the Westchester Jack and Jill Chapter for 7 years. Jadyn is an avid bowler with awards from the local to the national level. He is on the WHMS Bowling Varsity team and has won a regional championship, 2 sectional championships and 2x NY State finalists. He is All-league Bowler and has earned multiple MVP awards. He has decided to attend Suny Oswego, majoring in Communication and Broadcasting.


Kendall Artis is a senior at Frederick High School in Frederick, Maryland. She is the daughter of Christopher and Carrie Artis. She has been a member of the Western Maryland Chapter for four years and has previously served as Historian. Kendall is a member of the National Honor Society and the National Technical Honor Society. Kendall served as a hospital volunteer and intern in Orthopaedics. Kendall is a cheerleader and golfer. She served as the captain of the varsity golf team and as a youth leader for St. Paul A.M.E. Church. Kendall plans to become an occupational therapist.


Xavier Phillips II is a senior scholar-athlete at Brunswick High School in Brunswick, Maryland and the son of Xavier and Shantay Phillips. He has been a member of the Western Maryland Chapter for three years. He is Teen President, a Cadet Airman in the Frederick Civil Air Patrol, a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and the National, English and Computer Science Honor Societies. Xavier tutors at Brunswick High School and is a volunteer. He was a campaign aid and plans to attend the University of Maryland, become a Chartered Public Accountant, and a real estate investor.


FAR WEST REGION Los Angeles, CA Phoenix, AZ San Francisco, CA Oakland Bay Area, CA San Diego, CA Pasadena, CA Sacramento, CA South Los Angeles, CA Seattle, WA San Jose, CA

Inglewood, CA San Fernando Valley, CA Tucson, AZ Fresno, CA Tacoma, WA Contra Costa County, CA Orange County, CA Pomona, CA Inland Empire, CA Greater Vallejo, CA

Las Vegas, NV North Country San Diego, CA Tri Valley, CA Anchorage, AK Long Beach, CA Santa Clarita Valley/Antelope Valley, CA Portland Willamette Valley, OR Sun Valley, AZ




Dear Mothers of the Fabulous Far West Region,


am honored to serve as the Far West Region’s representative on the 2022-2024 National Executive Board. My experience as National Editor continues to be rewarding and fulfilling, and I maintain an unwavering commitment to the aims, and objectives of our organization. I would like to thank the mothers, officers, and families of the Far West Region for their love, support, and faith. I would like to extend a special thank you to my sister mothers in the Las Vegas Chapter. I truly could not serve in this capacity without you. As you look through the sections to see what other chapters are doing to develop tomorrow’s leaders and celebrate the rich heritage of our organization, please enjoy this 2023 edition of the Up the Hill. Yours in Jack and Jill,

Amanda R. McWilliams National Editor




he Far West Region encompasses 28 chapters in the states of

In 1949, the expanding arms of Jack and Jill of America reached

California, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Alaska, and Oregon.

across the nation to form the Los Angeles Chapter, the first chapter

Three National Presidents have hailed from the Far West Region

in our region. In 1959, our region elected its first regional officer,

including the 6th, Ruth Brown Howard, (1958-1962) from the San

Ms. Willia Jean Lewis, at the regional conference hosted by the Los

Francisco Chapter; 12th, Dr. Ramona Arnold (1982-1986) from

Angeles Chapter. Ms. Lewis served two terms. In 1963, Ms. Muriel

the South Los Angeles Chapter; and the 19th, Ida La Brie Younge

Spaulding was elected at the regional conference hosted by the

(2002-2004) from the Pomona Area Chapter. Dr. Sheryl Thomas,

Denver Chapter. Ms. Spaulding was re-elected for a second term

the 7th national president, appointed the first Father’s Auxiliary

at the 1965 regional conference hosted by the Oakland Bay Area

Chair, Fitzroy L. Younge, Jr., legacy from the Oakland Bay Area

Chapter. The Far West Region last hosted the National Convention

Chapter (and husband of Ida L. Younge)

in 2016, in Palm Desert, California.

Regional Officers

Regional Appointments

Regional Director: Tasha B. Penny

Associate Chair: Tiffany Alexander-Aldridge

Regional Secretary: Tracy Mack-Askew

Constitution and Bylaws Chair: Camille Stroughter

Regional Treasurer: Janece W. Richard

Fathers’ Auxiliary Chair: Randy Jones

Regional Member at Large: JoAnne Curry

Legislative Chair: Tunua Thrash-Ntuk

National Officer: Amanda McWilliams

Membership Chair: Misha Dunford Nominating Chair: Lisa Buffong

Teen Officers

Policies and Procedures Chair: Terry Cato

President: Sydney Vaughn

Program Chair: Monique Angara

Vice-President: Stephen Payne

Protocol Chair: Adrian Yokley

Secretary: Ava Russell

Public Relations: Roslyn Patterson

Treasurer: Aaron S. Richard II

Strategic Planning Chair: Paula Watkins-Baker

Foundation Chair: Kennedy Plummer

Technology Chair: Alexandra Stephens Parliamentarian: Stefanie Pettaway Sergeant-at-Arms: Angelia Huff We Are One Chair: Nicole Alston-Abel Editor: Luciana Starks Teen Advisor: Rachelle Hardin-Chambers


REGIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Our families and communities are thriving due to the talent,

The Far West Region was Down with Low BP! The National

commitment, and dynamic programming in affect throughout our

Our Health Matters Task Force showed a continuous focus on

region during this program year. Our five programmatic thrusts

hypertension awareness throughout 2022. To support efforts, our

have been fully embraced by our membership and our leaders

region showed up in record numbers to complete the American

and Mothers are the reason we are able to stay On Mission. On

Heart Association Hypertension Module Challenge.


The Talented Tri-Valley Chapter hosted the 2022 Northern Area

The highlight of our first activity, is always commemorating the life

Workday on Oct 14-15, 2022. There were approximately 150

and legacy of Carole Robertson and Jack and Jill Day. Let us not

moms and 50 teens in attendance. What an amazing Area Workday

forget, we remember Carole’s life because she was one of our very

Cluster on Nov. 4-5, 2022, hosted by the Sensational San Diego

own. Carole was the youngest daughter of Jack and Jill of America,

Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc! Over 350 moms from the

Inc. Southeastern Regional Director, Alpha Robertson. This year, we

Fabulous Far West Region attended this lovely event to collaborate

were able to commemorate Carole’s life together, as we participated

and fellowship on behalf of our children.

in a national webinar on September 15th. During this webinar, we heard from our very own Jack and Jill leaders, and we also heard from Carole’s older sister, Diane Robertson Braddock.

Finally, the past year has taught us so much about ourselves, our neighbors, and our community. But the one lesson I hope we’ve all learned is that good things are possible when we work together.

Our Fathers’ Auxiliary held a fishing trip and its 2nd Annual Golf

Being thankful helps us reflect on the good that is already in our

Tournament. Both events were successful and widely attended. The

lives. And that lifts our spirits, improves our mental health, and

Golf tournament was co-sponsored by Jack and Jill Los Angeles,

opens our hearts even more.

Orange County, Inglewood, and Long Beach chapters. Fathers had a great opportunity getting to know one another better while having a good time.

CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS The region stood, twenty-eight chapters strong, supporting

fellowshipping with Mothers and our Teens in-person at our 2022

youth throughout the Far West. Each Far West Region chapter

Fall Area Workdays and a myriad of key events throughout the

submitted stellar programming during each cycle, showcasing that

region. The theme was, ‘Ring the Alarm.’ Ring the Alarm was a

programming in the Far West is always fabulous, creative, and

clarion call to action and part of remarks shared by our newly


inducted honorable mother member, Susan Taylor. Susan Taylor

In a change from its virtual format last year, it was wonderful

also spoke at our 45th National Convention.

Mothers' Regional Conference

Host: Contra Costa County Chapter

Host: Oakland Bay Area Chapter

Date: March 25, 2023

Date: July 12-16, 2023

Location: Northern California

Location: Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos

Host: Sun Valley Chapter

Teen Leadership Conference

Date: April 15, 2023 Location: Southwest

Host: Sacramento Chapter Date: June 22-25, 2023

Host: Inland Empire Chapter

Location: William Jessup University: This year’s theme is: “I am

Date: April 22, 2023

because we are.”

Location: Southern California

Children’s Cluster

Host: Seattle Chapter

Host: South Los Angeles Chapter

Date: April 22, 2023

Date: March 11, 2023

Location: Pacific Northwest

Location: Los Angeles Area 267


Tasha B. Penny is the 27th Regional Director of the Far West Region of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and the fifth to have served in this role from the Los Angeles Chapter. RD Tasha has been an active mother member with the Los Angeles Chapter holding numerous chapter, regional and national committee positions since 2013. A native of California, RD Tasha is a legacy member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., having graduated out of the Contra Costa County Chapter in 1992. RD Tasha earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Spelman College in Atlanta, GA and a Juris Doctorate from The Catholic University, Columbus School of Law in Washington, DC. RD Tasha practiced law as a litigator for nearly 20 years in the areas of Family Law, Criminal Law, and Workers’ Compensation. The majority of her career was spent at the largest law firm in the State of California, the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, where she was a lead prosecutor for the criminal branch. RD Tasha left the legal arena to spend more time with her family and develop other areas of interest. RD Tasha has been the legal consultant for the Emmy nominated and Award-winning HBO Comedy “Insecure”.


Tracy Mack-Askew joined the Greensboro, NC chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc in 2015. In 2016, she transferred to the Portland Willamette Valley (PWV) chapter in the Fabulous Far West Region (FWR).

In service to PWV, Tracy served on the Bylaws Committee, as Social Committee

Chair, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Chapter President. During Tracy’s tenure as the 4th Chapter President, Portland Willamette Valley earned their first 5-Star Chapter Excellence Recognition for the 2018 – 2020 program years. Tracy served on the 2020 campaign committee of PNO Lisa Grant-Dawson and served as the 2020 Co-Chair for the first virtual Far West “Super” Area Work Day: combining the Northern and Southern clusters. Tracy was the 2020 – 2022 National Policies and Procedures Committee Chair (NPPC) and is currently serving as Regional Secretary on the Regional Executive Board. Tracy is honored to serve the Far West Region in this capacity. Tracy is a loving wife to Thomas Askew, Jr. and they have three amazing children, Grant, Hillary, and Channer. In addition to her Jack and Jill service for the benefit of all children, Tracy works full time as a Chief Engineer.


Regional Treasurer Janece Richard is a humble wife and mother. She is passionate about the growth and development of her family and community. RT Janece has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling, and a Doctorate Degree in Psychology. In her community she works as a mental health professional that focuses on helping families to grow and be successful. As a native of Alaska RT Janece lives in Anchorage with her husband, Aaron Richard, and her three handsome sons, Aaron II, Marc, and Samuel. RT Janece began her Jack and Jill journey in 2010, when she was initiated into the Anchorage Chapter. She has proudly served many rolls in the organization that includes, chapter foundation chair, group leaders, chapter editor, chapter program director, chapter recording secretary, chapter treasurer, regional budget and finance committee member, and in her second term as the Regional Treasurer for the Fabulous Far West Region. Janece’s passion in life is to serve and travel the world with her family. She has an inspiration for exploring life and wants to have memorable experiences




Far West Regional Foundation Member At Large JoAnne Curry moved to Arizona from Chicago over 25 years ago. MAL JoAnne is the proud wife of Randy Jones and the mother of legacy Alyssa and Devonte who is a sophomore in high school. She graduated from The University of Iowa College of Dentistry. She has been a general dentist for over 25 years. She owns her own Dental practice named after where her and Randy met. Foundation Member at Large JoAnne has had an active role in Jack and Jill since joining, from Mother’s Conference Sergeant-At-Arms, Grade Group Lead, Program Director, Past Vice President, Past President to Immediate Past National Program Committee Chair/ Regional Program Chair. With each position she learns more and more about our beloved organization. MAL JoAnne enjoys cooking, DYI projects, watching movies and traveling.


Regional Associate Chair, Tiffany Alexander Aldridge, is a lifetime member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. joining the Los Angeles Chapter in 2006 and served as Associate Chair for 2 years prior to her appointment. During her 12-year active tenure, she served the Los Angeles Chapter in roles such as Jack and Jill Day Chair, Age-Group Chair, Program Director and Chapter President as well as serving the Far West Region in the role of Regional Program Director. With a life-long commitment to community, civic engagement and educational access, RAC Alexander Aldridge has spent her entire career in various development roles of non-profit organizations such as Rock the Vote, Fulfillment Fund and Independent School Alliance that directly address those issues. Currently, she serves as the Director of Annual Giving at the Harvard-Westlake School where she leads the nation’s largest dayschool Annual Giving program. RAC Alexander Aldridge resides in Los Angeles with her husband of 27 years, Erikk and is the proud mother of son, Chase and daughter, Drew.



As an information technology professional working in the industry for over 20 years, Randy has a passion for solving problems and creating solutions. This passion can be traced back to his days of working in banking operations where he would volunteer for technical projects. Randy later completed his degree in Information Technology from Western International University. His passion was later fostered while attending college. Throughout this process, Randy was blessed to meet his wife and best friend, JoAnne Curry. As a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, the couple now resides in Arizona. God blessed the two with lively and fun-loving children, Alyssa (2017) and Devonte (10th grade). Randy enjoys volunteering as a member of Omega Psi Phi and working with youth in the Omega Youth Leadership Academy. Randy learned early in life about having good manners, honesty, and the value of hard work. While serving in Jack and Jill, he has had great opportunities to meet many new friends, develop new leadership skills, and participate in meaningful volunteer programs.



Luciana Starks was initiated in the Inland Empire (IE) Chapter in 2017. Since joining the organization, she has served the IE Chapter as Program Director, VP of Membership (Co-Chair), Technology Chair, Grade Group Lead and served on various committees. Last year, she served as the Far West Region’s Co-Editor. Luciana is a corporate communications executive by day and a graduate school professor by night. She and her husband of 21 years, Will Starks, reside in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. They are proud parents of children Jaylin (Legacy - 19), Charlee-Simone (15) and Jaxson (14). Luciana holds a Doctorate Degree in Organizational Leadership from Pepperdine University, a master’s degree in Organizational Development from Chapman University and bachelor’s degree in Communications (speech and PR) from California State University, Long Beach. She is a certified etiquette instructor for women and girls and passionate about serving her community through mentoring.


Rachelle Hardin Chambers was initiated into the Phoenix Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. in 2013. Since joining she has served the Phoenix Chapter as Lead Teen Advisor, Grade Group Leader, Founders’ Day, and Associates’ Appreciation Chair and served on various committees. She and her husband of 24 years, Mark Chambers, reside in Fountain Hills, Arizona. They are the proud parents of their son Cameron (19) and daughter Carmen (16). Rachelle is a native of New Orleans where she graduated from Loyola University with a bachelor’s degree in English and communications. She absolutely loves working with youth, from Preschool to Undergraduates. She is passionate about serving the youth of her community and has done so as a reading specialist, catechist, mentor, and art instructor. She is excited to serve the Far West Region as Regional Teen Advisor!


TEEN OFFICERS SYDNEY VAUGHN | TEEN PRESIDENT Sydney Vaughn is daughter of LaSalle and Nikole Vaughn and sister of LaSalle Vaughn, IV. She serves as the current Far West Region Teen President. She is a Disney Dreamer, 5-year NSBE Jr. officer, VA Hospital volunteer, and health & wellness enthusiast. She holds a 4.5 GPA and AP/Honors Fellow at Valley Christian High School. Sydney is a golfer, SIMR (at Stanford) Duke Foundation grant recipient, Coding Collaborative Mentor, National Society High School Scholar, and Children’s Church volunteer. Sydney values God’s unyielding love, her parents, and the families of Jack and Jill.

STEPHEN PAYNE | TEEN VICE PRESIDENT Stephen Payne is a junior at Helix Charter High School in La Mesa, CA and son of Valarie Littlejohn and Glenn Payne Jr. He’s been an active member of the Sensational San Diego Chapter of Jack and Jill for 10 years. He is currently the Far-West Region Teen Vice-President and previously served as the Far West Region Teen Legislative Chair. Stephen is an AP/Honor student and an active community leader. He is part of the Young Legislators Program with California's 79th District Assemblywoman Dr. Akilah Weber. He’ll attend a UC or HBCU and major in Architecture or Psychology.

AVA RUSSELL | TEEN SECRETARY Ava Russell, a junior at Lakeside School, is from the Seattle Chapter, where she has previously served as recording secretary. Passionate about inspiring others through arts, Ava acts at school and professionally. She was most recently selected to participate in the Fifth Avenue Theatre’s Rising Star Project. Ava is a student ambassador, an active member of her Black Student Union, and she founded the school’s Hackathon Club. Ava is also a student member and volunteer at Red-Tailed Hawks Flying Club and is currently pursuing a Private Pilot’s License, which she aims to acquire before graduating.

AARON S. RICHARD II | TEEN TREASURER Aaron S. Richard II is a senior at Robert Service High School in Anchorage, Alaska. He’s the son of Aaron and Janece Richard. Aaron has been active in the Anchorage Chapter for the last 13 years and has serviced as Chapter Teen Treasurer, Chapter Teen Vice President, Chapter Teen President, and now as the Far West Regional Teen Treasurer. Aaron is active in his community, school sports, and academics. He has achieved awards including most improved runner, first place essay on domestic violence, and recognition in national honor society. Aaron seeks to improve society by decreasing barriers and increasing awareness.

KENNEDY PLUMMER | TEEN FOUNDATION CHAIR Kennedy Plummer is a senior at Benicia High School in Benicia, California. She’s the daughter of Ashley Worsham and a member of Jack and Jill since age two. She currently serves as the Regional Teen Foundation Chair and the Foundation Teen for Jack and Jill’s Foundation Board, and previously served as Teen President and Foundation Chair of the Greater Vallejo Chapter. Kennedy is a dancer at Benicia Ballet, on the advanced dance team, and varsity cheer team. She is co-president of the Impact Club and treasurer of the BSU. Kennedy plans on majoring in journalism and then attend law school.







for our Foundation and the Community Fridge in November. The teens also emulated what a healthy lifestyle entailed to other teens with various challenges and competitions. Also in November the entire Chapter built 800 boxes and filled them with non perishable, shelf stable items that the community could access in time for Thanksgiving who were experiencing food insecurity. During MLK Day of Service all grade groups had the opportunity to participate in the Anchorage Chapter’s annual canned food drive where our children accepted donated food items from the community while experiencing inclimate weather as many whom our houseless experience during the cold winter months. The donated items were given to a local food pantry for distribution. In January, all grade groups were given the opportunity to paint abstract art to benefit children who are currently houseless so when they get an apartment they have something to decorate their walls with to make it a home. Our Jacks and Jills continued to learn about children experiencing homelessness and how they can help brighten someones darkest moments. The Anchorage Chapter Annual LIVE Wax Museum is a production in which all grade groups participate in oral and visual presentations of African American influential persons throughout history that the community can attend and learn about each person from their peers while having fun in February.

President: Terria Ware Vice-President: Shayne Wright Program Director: Allison Reed Recording Secretary: Porsha Grant Corresponding Secretary: Andrea Hudson Treasurer: Jennifer Youngberg Financial Secretary: Melanie Myles Foundation Chair: Kim Waller Parliamentarian: Renee Wardlaw Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Shayne Wright Father’s Auxiliary: Sam Hudson

President: Sentha Wright Vice-President: Malik Hudson Secretary: Nakierra Simon Treasurer: Stanley Wright

The Anchorage Chapter once known as the “Alaska Angels” became fully installed and chartered on Friday, October 4, 2002 in Anchorage, Alaska. Presiding over the ceremony was the 19th National President Ida Younge, Regional Director Gretchen Garner Easter, and Far West Regional Secretary/ Treasurer Rochonne Simmons. The charter members include IPNPD Vara Allen-Jones, Wanda Wilson, Mattie Alexander, Yvonne Charles, Sandra Coleman, Adrian LeBlanc, Germaine Burd, Amanda Holmes, Beverly Jones, Tanya Green, Pamela Washington, Leisa Roberts, Delmonicia Williams, Denise Knox, Stephanie Butler, and Juita Johnson. Our mission is to create a medium of contact for children, to stimulate growth and development; and to provide children with constructive educational, cultural, civic, recreational and social programs. Since our official charter in 2002, the Anchorage Chapter has hosted the Northern Cluster AWD (2005, 2009, 2012), Children’s cluster (2007), Far West Region’s 27th Biennial Mothers’ Regional Conference (2013), and the Far West Region’s Teen Conference (2017).


The Anchorage Chapter started in 2002 and continues to demonstrate the Power to Make A Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose with our chapter programming. The Anchorage Chapter assisted the Community Fridge in our local neighborhood who believes “ food is a basic necessity, but it also permeates every layer of our lives. What we eat contributes to how we shape identity, create family and community”. By providing refrigerated and non-perishable food to those experiencing food insecurity the Anchorage Chapter filled the Community Fridge in June. The Anchorage Teens Skate A Thon promoted a healthy, social activity that other children could attend while fundraising


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION






we hosted our Black History celebration at the Oakland Museum of California where we viewed the exhibit “The Power of Our People: Celebrating a Legacy of Action” which featured Angela Davis. In March our chapter hosted the FWR’s Nor Cal Children’s Cluster where we focused on a healthy mind, body, and spirit. We ended our program year with our Black Family Day Celebration where we honored our graduating seniors, mothers completing their Jack and Jill tenure and the accomplishments of all our Jacks and Jills.

President: Sukoji Grigsby Vice-President: Misha Dunford Program Director: Deadra Henderson Recording Secretary:Tavoria Wilson-Morton Corresponding Secretary: Kimberley Evans - Dixon Treasurer: Christine Pauley Financial Secretary: Marisha Hopson Editor: Beatrice Shelton Chaplain: Andrea Hairston Historian: Beatrice Shelton Foundation Chair: Petrina Winston Parliamentarian: Melissa Sladden Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Cynthia Cormier, Sonya Ellis, Cherisse Shephard Associate Chair: Angela Butler-McDonald and Dr. Beverly McLeod Father’s Auxiliary: Clyde Ellis

The Contra Costa County Chapter was established in 1982 led by Ruth Lockhart as the first president. The chapter is currently 63 members strong plus an active Associate group. For 40 years our chapter has been a village in which to nuture our children, promote bonds that foster high self-esteem and integrity, build strong leadership skills, instill a commitment to excellence, foster empathy and respect for others, and model strong positive images. The 2022-2023 chapter theme is “Celebrating 40 Years of Sisterhood and Service to Our Children and Our Community”. We are committed to ensuring our programming and community service efforts are enriching and impactful to our children.


The Contra Costa County Chapter kicked off its 2022-2023 programming year with a productive planning meeting where our mothers laid the groundwork planning dynamic and enriching grade group activities, national recognition days and chapter wide programming in alignment with the national theme “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children On Mission On Purpose”. We also held our first post-pandemic Mothers’ Retreat themed “Relax, Connect & UnWine” where we enjoyed a time of fellowship and bonding to strengthen our sisterhood.

President: Sydney Ellis Vice-President: Cherissa Shepard Secretary: Vivi Ferguson Treasurer: Morgan Love Parliamentarian: Collin Ellis Chaplain: Leiah Goode Sergeant-at-Arms: Ava Freeman

In 2022, the chapter celebrated 40 years of excellence, service, and commitment to Jack and Jill and Contra Costa County during our bi-annual fundraiser the Heritage Ball. The theme for the signature event was “Harlem Renaissance to Hollywood Glamour”. More than 250 guests gathered for an evening to walk down memory lane and celebrate our chapter accomplishments over the years. We honored our charter members, associate jewels, and past chapter and regional officers who laid the foundation that continues to support our chapter today. Contra Costa County Chapter raised over $54,000 in support of the Jack and Jill Foundation and the Pittsburg Youth Development Center.

In September the Contra Costa County Chapter hosted a “We are Ohana” themed Jack and Jill Day. During the Luau, our Jack and Jill familes enjoyed fun games and great food. Our attendees supported our Group 5 Teens’ community service efforts by bringing diapers, wipes, and non-perishable food items which were donated to the Bay Area Crisis Nursery. Our Teens also led the tribute in honor of Carole Robertson Day. In December we hosted our “Jingle Jangle” themed holiday celebration and toy drive, where our children made crafts, danced, enjoyed a visit from Santa and brought gifts to donate to a local non-profit. In January members presented the Litany to Jack and Jill in observation of Founder’s Day. In February, 274

Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION




President: Janee Young Vice President: Keisha Lewis-Nesbitt Program Director: Tamara Kelly-Scott Recording Secretary: Lissa Francois Corresponding Secretary: Nicole Broomfield Treasurer: Cynden Hives Financial Secretary: Nicole James Editor: Rochelle Butler Chaplain: Chenena Ward Sergeant-of-Arms: Edythe Stewart Historian: Sara Cross Foundation Chair: Jaca Drake Parliamentarian: Ebony Hailey Father’s Auxiliary: William Broomfield

President: Nirina Rabetsimba Vice-President: Jayda Phipps Secretary: Angelo Ward Treasurer: Kayden Broomfield Historian: Jaden Jones Parliamentarian: Thomas Stewart Sergeant-at-Arms: Lalaina Rabetsimba Foundation Chair: Jayda Phipps


Alicia Austin-Townsend, Nicole Broomfield, Rochelle Butler, Christie Cooley, Latrice Cooley, Sarah Cross, Jaca Drake, Lissa Francois, Michele Greenhouse-Phipps, Ebony Hailey, Cynden Hives, Nicole James, Tamara Kelly-Scott, Nicolete King-Rabetsimba, Keisha LewisNesbitt, Rena Mitchell, Hermela Moultrie-Jones, LaVera Smith, Edythe Stewart, Diane Thomas, Crystal Waller-Scott, Chenena Ward, Christina Wells, Andrinee Wilson-Tucker, Janee Young


Between 1978 and 1979, an interest group of approximately 20 mothers led by Dollie Whitehead and Poppy Booker met in the home of Doris Bugg to discuss forming a chapter of Jack and Jill, Inc. in Fresno, California. Committees were organized to design educational, cultural, recreational, and social children’s programs. The group later applied for membership with Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and became a Provisional Chapter. In July 1980, the Fresno Chapter was approved for membership at the 24th National Convention, in Houston, Texas. From 1995-1997, Former Chapter President, Willie Mae Haskin, served the Far West Region as Regional Secretary-Treasurer.


The Phenomenal Fresno Chapter kicked off the 2022-23 programming year with a family-focused celebration in honor of Carole Robertson Day. The Fresno Chapter combines Carole Robertson Day with Jack and Jill Day each year. The chapter mothers, potential mothers, and their families gathered in the park for the festivities. Our day included prayer, great food, and backyard barbecue-style games including a treasure hunt where each clue was a fun fact about Carole Robertson.

November and December brought with them the spirit of thanksgiving, love, and celebration. We started the holiday season off by attending the premier of Wakanda Forever as a group with friends and family. In conjunction with this activity, grade group 3 researched Eastern African countries. The children made t-shirts bearing the flag of the country of their choice. This exercise taught the children to appreciate the differences in cultures. We wrapped up the year with our holiday party where the children had the opportunity to take photos with Santa and share their Christmas wishes. The Chapter was off to a running (or marching) start in the new year by participating in the 39th Annual March in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Our enthusiasm got us recognized by our local newspaper. The children enjoyed the opportunity to learn about civil demonstration and its importance during the civil rights movement. The Phenomenal Fresno Chapter is excitedly looking forward to the second half of the programming year. We have many activities planned that will continue to expand upon the National Theme, “The Power to Make a Difference.” We strive to give our children the tools, skills, and knowledge they will need to lead powerful and enriching lives.

In October, the Fresno Chapter enjoyed a fantastic Harvest festival. In the spirit of the season when children consume more candy, grade groups 1 and 2 learned about the importance of oral hygiene. Fresno Chapter graduate mother Dr. Cheryl Whisenhunt DDS gave an engaging presentation that included a tooth health learning activity.





On November 20, 2022, Greater Vallejo partnered again with God Family Ball (GFB) to provide hot meals, new sleeping bags and blankets, new shoes, and clothing to hundreds of unhoused members of the Vallejo/Solano County community. GFB is one of the many charitable endeavors of mother member Heather Gomes’ son Daniel Johnson, a professional baseball player with the Cleveland Indians.

President: LaTasha Porter Hurd Vice-President: Gillian Reader Program Director: Wendy Riley Recording Secretary: Alicia Cook Corresponding Secretary: Jessica Brown Treasurer: Jacalyn Ellison Financial Secretary: Kymberly Aleem Duncan Editor: Cherita Dilley Chaplain: Katrena Jackson Historian: Cherita Dilley Foundation Chair: Brittany Whittington Parliamentarian: Alex Maddalone Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Heather Gomes Associate Chair: Lisa Freeman Father’s Auxiliary: Darius Cook

President: Hailey Fox Vice-President: Tristen Potts Secretary: Aliyah Miller Treasurer: Jaxon Hurd Chaplain: Josiyah Maddalone Sergeant-at-Arms: Josiyah Maddalone

2022-2023 has been a transition year for Greater Vallejo as we navigate past our post-COVID-19 challenges and resume in-person meetings and activities. A hybrid option has worked best for our chapter, giving mothers the option to appear in person or via Zoom. Greater Vallejo remains committed to the “Power to Make a Difference,” and thus our chapter goals remain the same: generate active participation while creating safe spaces for everyone. September 25, 2022, started off our programming year with Jack and Jill Day and the First Annual Greater Vallejo Olympic Games. Our families had matching t-shirts with different slogans/ family names, and everyone came ready for the Olympic games. Following Sunday worship, families met at the Benicia Community Park where we welcomed ten prospective new members and their families. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful trivia session about Carole Robertson and her important legacy for both the Civil Rights Movement and Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Following the trivia session, families lined up for several Olympic-style games that included the three-legged races, sack races, relay races, and tug-of-war. The games were a tremendous success and every child participant received either a gold, silver, or bronze medal. Our Father’s Auxiliary staffed the grill and our First Annual Greater Vallejo Olympic Games ended with the promise that this would be our signature Jack and Jill Day Celebration.

With an increased advertising effort, we set up at Vallejo Waterfront in an area triple the size of the previous year; As a result, we were able to reach a larger population and provide much-needed toiletries and necessities for those in need. Our Associate mother members were instrumental in providing a helping hand and our Group V teens were present, supportive, and engaged in helping those in need. Our third annual Adopt-A-Poll was a huge success with Foundation Chair Brittany Whittington and Associate Mother member Lisa Freeman at the helm. We raised over $4000.00 towards our foundation goals and look forward to November 2023 for more civic engagement and an even greater fundraising effort. As we move into the second part of our programming year, GVJJ will continue to bring innovative programming to make a difference for all children on a mission on purpose.


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION





The Power to Make a Difference. On Mission. On Purpose - and incorporates the National Programming Theme - The Power of Being All In. Every Grade Group activity includes multiple Programmatic Thrusts and Leadership Curriculum Elements. Further, by the end of the year, all of our Jacks & Jills will have met and exceeded the targets for Financial Leadership. The programming calendar is filled with creativity, encourages and celebrates Black excellence, and sure to prepare our Jacks & Jills for opportunities and challenges they will face in their daily lives.

President: Rebekah Archer Vice-President: La Chanee Thompson Program Director: Kerri Harper-Howie Recording Secretary: Michelle Banks-Armour Corresponding Secretary: Shirley Nichols Treasurer: Monique Arrington Financial Secretary: Yamel Mcfarlin Editor: Marcal Henderson Chaplain: Shayla Smith Historian: Stacie Shepherd Foundation Chair: Jennifer Thomas Parliamentarian: Christine Wood Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Adreon Fenderson Associate Chair: Winifred Yancy Father’s Auxiliary: Jeff Armour and Shannon Faulk

President: Elliot Fenderson Vice-President: Reiss Collier Secretary: Sophia Landry Treasurer: Tiffany Armour Parliamentarian: Haley Henderson Chaplain: Gabrielle Joiner Sergeant-at-Arms: Ziya Reed

The Inglewood Chapter was the 140th chapter to seek and achieve provisional chapter status during the Nineteenth National Convention in Dallas, Texas, July 13-17, 1970. On November 6, 1970, the Inglewood Chapter was chartered by a dynamic group of twenty women who sought to be active in a national organization making positive changes in the lives of not only their childen, but all children. The Incomparable Inglewood Chapter as diligently served the Inglewood community for over fifty years. Moreover, the Inglewood Chapter is the single longest partner with Midnight Mission HomeLight Family Living, providing support to families residing in their Inglewood facility. During this remarkable and historic time, our chapter of forty-eight mothers is armed with the power to make a difference and the drive to do it with 5-Star Excellence! Our mothers have continued pushing the envelope and thinking outside the box to execute creative and innovative programming. We work diligently to accomplish our national mission through diverse programs focused on leadership development, cultural exposure, community service, legislative advocacy, and philanthropic giving. Through these programmatic thrusts and our service projects, the chapter successfully creates a medium of contact for our children and others to stimulate their growth and development. Our fierce commitment to strengthening our sisterly bonds with each other and our sister chapters is essential to helping us stay on mission, on purpose. The work is not easy, but as we come from a long line of courageous, strong, and persevering women, the Inglewood Chapter is grateful to lean on each other to further our beloved organization for the benefit of all children.

Our Chapter’s Social Committee has planned fun and engaging activities to incorporate National Recognition Days into our calendar. We kicked the year off with an old school park picnic for Jack & Jill/Carole Robertson Day, during which we ate, played and soul train line danced together! In addition, each of our Grade Groups put together an art exhibit to display at our “Living Museum” dedicated to the legacy of Carole Robertson. In December, we hosted our annual signature event, Spirit of Giving, where we ushered in the holiday season with community service, a shared meal, and entertainment from our children highlighting the theme: Hip Hop Christmas. In May, we will celebrate Black Family Day with another fantastic Chapterwide event. The Incomparable Inglewood Chapter Mother Members, Jacks & Jills will continue to thrive during this Program Year as we focus on fulfilling the expectations of carrying the honor being a Two-Time 5 Star Chapter.


The Two-Time 5 Star Incomparable Inglewood Chapter hosted a Planning Meeting in August 2022 to set the foundation for an inviting, inspired and invigorating 2022-2023 Program Year. The Mother Members in each Grade Group collaborated to create a programming calendar that aligns with the National Theme 277




Our middle group of 3rd and 4th graders begin the year with a behind the scenes tour at American First Credit Union, learning the importance of saving and investing. Through their “Who Runs the World” activity, they visited public offices and learned about civic involvement. They participated at a fun-filled workshop at the Claremont Cooking Class where they sharpened their culinary skills and learned about food safety and social etiquette. During their Black Wall Street activity, the middle group learned about the history of America’s Black Wall Street and how they themselves can become entrepreneurs. In their culminating “I’ll be the Judge of That” activity, the middle group explored the inner workings of the judicial system.

President: Qiana Amos Vice-President: Dezzarae Henderson Program Director: Benita Byrd Recording Secretary: Rochelle Kanatzar Corresponding Secretary: Ange’ Saunders Treasurer: Stefanie Pettaway Financial Secretary: Shelby Wimberly Editor: Nicky Fuller Chaplain: Carletta Loflin Historian: Nicky Fuller Foundation Chair: LaJetta Wright Parliamentarian: Katina Napper Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tiana Otubuah Associate Chair: Shandreka Rankin Father’s Auxiliary: Rochelle Kanatzar

In June 1985, The Inland Empire Interest Group of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated began with ten mothers under the direction of the Pomona Area Chapter (PAC). PAC also sponsored the organization of the new chapter and on October 4, 1986, the Incredible Inland Empire Chapter was installed with sixteen members. The charter president was Mildred Sparks. Other charter mother members included Virginia Beecher, Nan Clopton, Debbie Cooper, Clementine Cosby, Elizabeth Davis, Sandra Doyle, Darnetta Duncan, Vivian Grant, Joyce Harvey, Ardyce Johnson, Dorothy Martin, Jacqueline McKinney, Diane Seaton, Audry Taylor, and Beverly Wright.


Our National Theme eloquently reminds us, “We have the Power to Make a Difference for All Children On Mission On Purpose.” By incorporating rich programming in all key areas of our National Thrusts throughout the year, our chapter demonstrated unyielding commitment to Jack and Jill’s mission. We started the year with two uplifting working retreats for the executive board and mother members. During these retreats we collaborated to set direction for the year and our mothers were also blessed with great coaching on benefitting our families by first attending to our own physical, mental, and emotional health.

President: Shelby Page Vice-President: Kennedy Franklin Secretary: Brooke Unaka Treasurer: Marques Pettaway Parliamentarian: Miles Napper Chaplain: Peyton Brown Sergeant-at-Arms: Peyton Brown

Our 1st and 2nd graders started the year learning to make healthy food choices during their “Just for the Health of It” activity. Like our middle group, they also attended the Claremont Cooking Class. They enriched their knowledge of African American culture through a Forgotten Figures activity and explored STEAM by visiting PennyPickle’s Workshop where they participated in interactive exhibits and experiments. Additionally, our youngest children visited the San Bernardino Garden of Health to learn how whole communities can cooperate and support each other through community gardening.

Teens engaged in their own program planning of activities that included launching an outstanding tribute to the life of Carole Robertson for our annual inaugural event. They hosted a workshop where they learned effective financial strategies from a JJIE Teen alum who is now a Financial Broker. During their mid-year retreat, teens attended the Los Angeles Black College Expo. Teens also participated in multiple community service events, including Skate 4 a Cure in support of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Shoes and a Gift Holiday shopping for people in need, volunteering at the annual Turkey Trot 5K Run, serving residents at the Inland Empire Senior Center and helping to beautify a San Bernardino neighborhood garden for Earth Day. Finally, teens explored creativity at Color Me Mine Pottery Workshop, creating artwork representing leadership and proudly raised nearly $20,000 in their Doublegood fundraiser. 278

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President: Paula Watkins-Baker Vice-President: Darlene Adams Program Director: Iandia Morgan Recording Secretary: LaToya Jordan-Brown Corresponding Secretary: Tina Marie Barnes Treasurer: Shonda Hardman Financial Secretary: Alexandra Mitchell Editor: Brittani Gray Chaplain: Stacy Powell Historian: Brittani Gray Foundation Chair: Carmen Beals Parliamentarian: Sandra Douglass Morgan Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Piper Overstreet White Associate Chair: Michelle Gabrielle Father’s Auxiliary: Don Morgan

President: Torrance White Vice-President: Dylan Morgan Secretary: Carlie Powell Treasurer: Bryson Brown Parliamentarian: Alexander Ford Chaplain: Dior Green


Alexandra Mitchell, Amanda McWilliams, Ashley Thues, Augusta Massey, Ayana Carroll, Berna Rhodes-Ford, Brenda Owens, Brittani Gray, Carmen Beals, Chaeli Wallace, Chaka Crome, Chareece Sheppard, Cheree Toombs, Darlene Adams, DeRonda Williams, Erica Johnson, Iandia Morgan, Jeneeah Girma, Janpeg Avignon-Steele, Jasmin Lilly-Spells, Jennifer Green, Karen Williams-Cormier, Latoya Jordan-Brown, Lenita Austin, Marguerite Brathwaite, Melissa Cooper, Naysha Isom, Okiki (Kiki) Louis Deziel, Paula Watkins-Baker, Piper Overstreet-White, Rachael Adair, Sabrena Clinton, Sandra Douglass Morgan, Shonda Hardman, Stacy Powell, Stefanie Wilson-Palacio, Tanya Robinson, Tashondra Hicks, Telisha (Tish) Bazil, Tina Marie Barnes, Tutu Ekpo


In July of 1992, the provisional chapter “EYE ON THE PRIZE” was accepted as an official chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. at the national convention in Orlando, Florida. In attendance at the convention were the president, Linda Dougan and treasurer, Nancy Justice. On September 26, 1992, with national and regional officers present, the formal induction ceremony of the Las Vegas Chapter at the Alexis Park Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada with 22 charter members.


The Las Vegas chapter started the year continuing to remember our purpose and mission to Educate. Empower. Embrace our families and children. We must be vigilant and focused on ensuring that we educate all children. We must empower our children to have the knowledge and grit for success and compassion for service. We must embrace and support all children and lift each other up during these uncertain times, in the footsteps of our chapter’s founders. In order to understand our Power to Make a Different For All Children on mission and on purpose, it is imperative to understand our history. On September 17th, 2022, The Las Vegas Chapter teens presented a tribute honoring the life of Carole Robertson. and shared facts about her life by remembering the past, honoring the present, and preparing for the future. We gathered at Summerlin “Garden’s Park “to celebrate Carole’s life and legacy during Jack and Jill Day.

philanthropic giving, and civic duty. The Las Vegas Chapter has continued to live the legacy of service excellence promoted by the vision of our chartering members. In honor of this monumental event, the Las Vegas Chapter was provided a dedication by Congressman Steven Horsford. On October 1, 2022, Jack and Jill, Las Vegas Chartering Members, Past and Present Presidents, Mother Members and Families, Associates and Friends of the Las Vegas Chapter from the community came together to celebrate and commemorate the legacy of the chartering members vision of “Eye on the Prize” through 30 years of continuous service. To aid in promoting emotional awareness groups 1 and 2 painted inspirational messages on rocks with a local company that specializes in creating artwork to donate to local Las Vegas hospitals and provided to other children who are under the hospitals care. Groups 1 and 2 discussed the importance of giving back and their inspiration for the creation of their inspirational rocks. Our chapter partnered with local community organizations to donate household items to homeless youth, and women’s clothing to our local domestic violence shelter and our teens helped recycle hygiene products to improve the quality of life for women, children, and the community.

On September 26, 2022, Jack and Jill, Las Vegas Chapter has come full circle as the chapter celebrated 30 years of continuing to fulfill the chapter’s mission to nurture the growth and development of our children through leadership development, volunteer service, 279



Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION





were reviewed. As recepients of multiple BEST of the BEST awards for 2021-2022 PY - we are set and on track for another Year of Programming Excellence!

President: Johnette Creary Vice-President: Tunua Thrash-Ntuk Program Director: Tenille Thomas Recording Secretary: Jaimie Page-Hodge Corresponding Secretary: Felice Sparks Treasurer: TaMiko Crockett Financial Secretary: Ayanna McLeod Editor: LaDonna Jackson Chaplain: Tina Houston-Armstrong Foundation Chair: Amber Johnson Parliamentarian: Nicole Ballard Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Michelle Buffet-Butler Associate Chair: Marie O’Kelly Green Father’s Auxiliary: Ludlow Creary II

President: Corryn Thrash Vice-President: Dylan Ballard Secretary: Mia Crockett Treasurer: Ashley Arnold Parliamentarian: Matthew Crockett Chaplain: Mekhi Yanthis Sergeant-at-Arms: Ryan Ware

The Long Beach Chapter was established in 1988 and re-chartered in 2006. The Chapters legacy began when two visionaries who lived in Long Beach recognized the need to have a local Jack and Jill of America, Inc. chapter in the community. Spearheaded by Doris Cooper Robinson (Chartering President) and the late Indira Hale-Tucker, twenty-three mothers joined together to establish the Long Beach chapter in the Far West Region at the 28th National Convention in San Francisco, California. Although the chapter flourished for many years, it eventually dissolved when the last graduating senior class tenured out. However, their work and service in the local community did not cease. Notably, many of the original charter members have received numerous awards and have been recognized as “Women of Distinction in Long Beach” for their leadership and community service. It is through their legacy and contributions that we have embraced our own “We can do more” spirit to make a difference in the lives of all children. Through the tenacity and commitment of our Lovely “Sweet Sixteen,” the Long Beach Chapter was rechartered on May 30, 2006. Led by Chapter President Dana Washington, a dynamic group of mothers forged ahead to rebuild the chapter and continue the legacy of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., Long Beach. Our re-chartering mother members: Crystal Barnes, Leslie Kelley, Traci Nelms, Edith Armstrong Hicks, LaShawn Ware, Marie O’Kelly-Green, Erika HuieDowns, Joyce Wilson, Karen Mayer, DeAnna Lewis, Angel Schaffer, Gretchen Spencer, Kim Brown, Carlitha Allen and Terolyn Phinsee.


The Long Beach Chapter started the year off with an amazing Planning Retreat - hosted by our Chapter Program Director. Our day started with words of inspiration from the Chapter President and Program Direcetor (which included a review of our National Guiding Principles and 2022-2023 National Programmatic Thrusts). New members were welcomed as all mothers celebrated African American History Month by playing music trivia and singing together, as we finished the lyrics to our favorite songs. Grade group leads led break out sessions to engage mothers in completing their at-a-glance calendars for the PY. In preparation for meeting in person, Digital Cheetah forms and Covid-19 guidlines

The “Lovely” Long Beach Chapter is Committed to Bringing All that we Are and All that we Have to developing Future Leaders…..We have the “Power to Make a Difference for All Children On Mission On Purpose” Our commitment extends to not only our children but to all children in our community. The Annual Jack and Jill Day (Family Reunion Themed Picnic) incorporated a special tribute to the Legacy of Carole Robertson. The annual commemoration allows us to all refresh our commitment to social justice and equality (not only through Speech but through Action). Everyone in attendance was challenged to engage in exercises of fitness and endurance while having fun (there were several yard size games, tic-tac-toe for the BOK challenge, and a teens vs parents tug of war). The 85th Founders Day Celebraton will hosted by the Hospitality/ Sisterly Relations Committee and will provide an opportunity for Chapter Mother Members and Associate Members to attend an elegant lucheon that will include highlights through storytelling, sharing memories and lighting candles (we will honor National Founder Marion Stubbs Thomas, Louise Truitt as well as our Chapter Associate Members). Black Family Day will be hosted by the Programming Committee and Teen Advisors. The poolside event will be held at a private local estate. Our families will engage in watersafety lessons, celebrate our Senior/Graduating Jacks & Jills (acknowledging accomplishments and college acceptances, highlighting the impact and history of HBCU’s all while enjoying the connections that we share with our JJLBC family (Mothers, Fathers, Associates, Children & Teens).





Teen Officers 5A President: Miranda Harward-Jones Vice President: Ayden Blue Recording Secretary: Nina Brown Financial Secretary: Lola Jefferson Treasurer: Makaela Brown Editor/Historian: Amanda Moran Sergeant-at-Arms: Olivia Atterberry Chaplain: Sophie Bobb Legislative Chair: Langston Brown Foundation Chair: Nathanael Brown Parliamentarian: Gentry Garcia

President: Asia McLain Vice President: Khalisha Jefferson Program Director: Adrian Yokley Recording Secretary: DeAnn Spell Corresponding Secretary: Gail Anthony Treasurer: Monique Jones Financial Secretary: Brenda Brown Editor: Tenesha Masaitis Chaplain: Lynette Brooks Historian: Breanna Freeman-Jordan Foundation Chair: Chrystal Evans-Bowman Parliamentarian: Chelsea Patterson Teen Advisors: Vanessa Keith-Garcia and Joanna Jackson Father’s Auxiliary: Byron McLain

Teen Officers 5B President: Hannah Messaye Vice President: Brooke Hinkle Recording Secretary: Alexis Martin Corresponding Secretary: Joshua Patterson Treasurer: Kassidy King Sergeant at Arms: James Clough Historian: Savannah Dawson Chaplain: Jada Smith Legislative Chair: Karsten Cole Parliamentarian: Jonathan Choyce Foundation Chair: Maddie Baffo


The Los Angeles Chapter was established in 1948. Emily Brown Portwig, Ph.D, a pharmacist, was the impetus for the formation of the Los Angeles Chapter of Jack and Jill of America. Dr. Portwig learned of the organization while visiting her good friend Emilie Pickens, the second National President, in Brooklyn, New York. Although she did not have any children, Dr. Portwig felt that her niece Emily, and nephew Conklin would benefit greatly from an organization like Jack and Jill. The Los Angeles Chapter was inducted as the twentieth chapter along with Cleveland, Ohio, Gary, Indiana, Petersburg, Virginia, and Tulsa, Oklahoma on May 21, 1949 in New York City, New York. The Los Angeles Chapter has grown to a maximum membership of 130. The chapter continues its commitment to all children, expands its outreach in the community, and answers the call to build legislative awareness amongst members.


Under the leadership of President Asia McLain and the executive board, the 2022-2023 program year began with a mission to Engage, Evolve, Elevate, and Excel! We kicked off our program year with Carole Robertson Day, with a beautiful tribute celebrating the life of a young woman who sacrificed and paved the way for us and our children. We also supported our community with the gift of book donations to J3 Foundation and our local Boys and Girls Club. We were proud to have mother member and former Far West Region Member-at-Large Tasha B. Penny continues her service as the 2021-2023 Far West Regional Director and our Los Angeles Chapter teens raised over $24,000 with their Fall fundraiser.

Our programming for the 2022-2023 program year strived to continue enriching the lives of our children through cultural, civic, educational, health, social/recreational, legislative and financial literacy beginning with an impactful community service event packing over 3,000 food bags for families in need in the Los Angeles community. Our children explored various activities during the program year, ranging from voter legislation, to learning about African-Americans who pioneered 3D films, to bird watching, and even learning about investing in the stock market. 2022-2023 was a program year of continued growth and participation with mothers attending Southern Area Workday committed to “Ring The Alarm”, and we rededicated ourselves to supporting the needs of our community, raising over $2,500 for March of Dimes and holding a “Havana Nights” fundraiser for Jack and Jill of America Foundation. We were also proud to attend our 85th Anniversary Celebration in Washington D.C in January. As our chapter continues to evolve, we encourage our children and teens to create friendships and memories which will last a lifetime. Long Live Jack and Jill!


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION



President: Taura Gentry-Kelso Vice-President: Rio Dickens-Celestin Program Director: Dariene Graham-Perez Recording Secretary: Kerri Yarbrough Corresponding Secretary: Denise Holmes Treasurer: Demetria Buncum Financial Secretary: Lashawn Summerour Editor: RaShonne Darling Chaplain: Maisha Cobb Foundation Chair: Audra Meadows Parliamentarian: Adrienne Conrad Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Lashawn McDaniel Associate Chair: Kimberly Lacour Father’s Auxiliary: Benjamin Kelso

President: Jameel McDaniel Vice-President: Kamilah Lige Secretary: Chloe Lindo, Taylor Summerour Treasurer: Ryleigh Patterson Parliamentarian: Ella Lindo Chaplain: Chloe Davis Sergeant-at-Arms: Noah Austin


Adrienne Conrad, Angela Miller, Audra Meadows, Ayesha Kelley, Blair Strother, Cheryl Gorman, Darjene Graham-Perez, Danielle Parker, Dekiyyah Edwards, Demetria Buncum, Denise Holmes, Dhalia Balmir, Jamaika King, Jaronda Session, Kamilah Brown, Kendra Norton-Qualls, Kerri Yarbrough, Kym Moore, Lael Gross, Lashawn Summerour, Lashawn McDaniel, Lee Wills Irvine, Lisa Bullen-Austin, Maisha Cobb, Rio Dickens-Celestin, RaShonne Darling, Roslyn Patterson, Roxanne McCray, Shanelle Watkins, Spring Glover, Stacy Carter, Susan Henderson, Taura Gentry-Kelso, Tracy Ting-Lindo, Wendy Stewart


The North County San Diego Chapter was established in 1994. In January of 1993, Mrs. Catherine Joseph and Mrs. Patricia DupontNorton organized a meeting of San Diego Jack and Jill mothers who resided in the northern region of San Diego County, California. Other mothers, supportive and instrumental to this endeavor, were Shirley Hall, Phyllis Collins, Charlotte Houston, Pamela Sanford, Angela Ashwood and Layurne Carey. Two members of the existing San Diego Chapter, Ingrid Chapman and Dayle Veasey, were also in attendance to lend their support to the group. The installation reception of the North County San Diego Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, was held on October 16, 1994 at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido, California.


The North County San Diego Chapter, which started in 1994 and is celebrating 29 years this year, is 35 mothers strong for the 20222023 program year. The chapter started the program year with a successful Opening Day on September 25th, to celebrate and honor the legacy of Carole Robertson with a beautiful tribute by our teen group, and to engage in family fun and fellowship. The chapter continues to focus on nurturing future African American leaders by strengthening our children through leadership development, volunteer service, philanthropic giving, and civic duty. We have been focused on supporting the National Theme of “On Mission and On Purpose” through a variety of service projects, including community partnership via our Annual Turkey Drive, which provided meals to families in need with San Diego’s House of Hope; purchasing and wrapping gifts for foster children via Walden Family Services, of which we’ve partnered with since 2011; and volunteering with

the North County San Diego NAACP for the MLK National Day of Service. Our children also participated in cultural, educational, recreational, and health-focused activities that placed an emphasis on African American contributions in golfing, transportation, civic leadership, financial literacy, and environmental impact. As we move through the second half of the program year, we look forward to many more leadership opportunities, with our teens hosting sports and cultural food fairs for our children and families, and continued educational and community activities for our younger groups, such as guided hikes, rock climbing, community clean-ups, water safety, entrepreneurship, and healthy eating. Finally, we plan to end the year with our Teen Gala celebration and Black Family Day.


“Embracing Sisterhood Through Our Motherhood” NORTH COUNTY284SAN DIEGO, CA

Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION



President: Beryl Crumpton Potter Vice-President: Darnele Wright, Carli Kyles, Andrea Jones Program Director: Sharon Durousseau, Tiffany Charles Kolahdooz Recording Secretary: Glenda Scarbrough, Shawnte Mitchell Corresponding Secretary: Yemaya Ponder Pitts Treasurer: LaTonya Robinson Financial Secretary: Simone Green Editor: Maisha Gray-Diggs Chaplain: Amanda P. Williams Historian: Erin Guess Foundation Chair: Rachelle Cunningham Parliamentarian :Tamara Rasberry Harris Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Gina Hunt, Carla Weeks, Erin Guess Associate Chair: Cynthia Jones, Regina Guillory Father’s Auxiliary: Tipkins Hood, Jr., William Pate

President: Sydney Harris Vice-President: Miles Colley Secretary: Richard Jones, Bryce Hunt Treasurer: Maxwell Colley


Twenty-five interested mothers met at the home of Mrs. Christine Scott, organizing the Oakland Bay Area Chapter (OBAC) of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. (originally chartered as the Easy Bay Area Chapter). The charter was presented to the group in February 1955 at a ceremony at Mosswood Park in Oakland, CA. These trailblazing mothers were full of hope, dedication, and humility as OBAC became the fourth chapter established in the Fabulous Far West Region and the 70th chapter established nationally. Winifred Younge had the distinction of serving as the chapter’s first President from 1955-1957. Subsequently, the chapter’s scholarship program was established in her name and is awarded to a young person each year through the Marcus Foster Education Institute. OBAC has implemented the aims and ideals of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. through the support of the organization’s national programs and projects, active participation in regional and national leadership, by providing enriching experiences for children and by making contributions to our community. The chapter has hosted an annual fundraiser, which has been executed in various ways, including luncheon and dinner parties. Portions of the funds raised are donated to local charities. In the 1990s, recipients of the funds included the following: Jubilee West (1995-1996); The East Oakland Youth Development Center (1996-1997); Oakland YWCA’s Welfare to Work Transition Training Program and the Lane Family Trust (1998); and Santa Fe Elementary School (1999-2000). Through the 2000s, the chapter also contributed a large amount of its fundraising activity, in time and dollars, to the United Negro College Fund’s annual walk-a-thon at Lake Merritt (Oakland, CA) and the Healthy Infant Program, now known as the March of Dimes. OBAC has been one of the leading fundraisers in the Far West Region and nationally for March of Dimes. OBAC has continued our charitable efforts into the present day, including contributions to Elizabeth House (2014-Present); Hidden Genius Project (2018); Girls Inc. (2019); Oakland Reach (2020); and East Oakland Collective (2021).


Guided by our theme to “Reflect, Refine, and Renew”, we began the year with our newest mother members and their families at their first Jack and Jill Day and Carole Robertson Memorial at the Antioch Water Park. We were together, poolside for fun in the sun. In October, the Teen Auxiliary returned to the tradition of paying homage to the signature outreach program of the Black Panther Party with the Feed The People event at One Stop Market in East Oakland. Hygiene kits and hot lunches were prepared for local community residents. In December, the Soulful Holiday Brunch was hosted at the Kissel Hotel with children’s musical and arts performances and a drive for Souper Bowl of Caring. In January for MLK Jr. Day of Service, families served at the Alameda County Food Back. To recognize the 85th Anniversary Founders Day, we celebrated at the January Mothers’ Meeting with a guest speaker from the Founding Philadelphia chapter. In February, the African American Read-In returned to chapter wide programming at Holy Names High School, and families contributed to a book drive for local health clinics. In April, we hosted our first National Fitness Event with national partner USTA for family tennis clinics. In May, we gathered at Urban Cowgirl Ranch, a black woman, family owned and operated horse ranch for Black Family Day. Families made contributions to PACT, an adoption agency for black and brown children. The Foundation and Ways and Means Committees reinvigorated the ‘Flip Flops’ Party with a Purpose fundraiser in downtown Oakland to support Oakland’s Elizabeth House, the East Oakland Collective, and nationally the March of Dimes.

Today, OBAC is the second largest chapter in the Fabulous Far West Region, with 91 mothers and 164 children. 285




off the 2022-2023 program year honoring Carole Robertson at our Annual Program Kick-Off Picnic. Mother members, families and special guests gathered in the memory of Carole Robertson and her untimely sacrifice in our journey to equality. Group 2 children focused on financial savviness, similar to the modules Carole would have participated in with her Jack and Jill chapter. They learned about the power of leveragingcompound interest and using credit in a positive way to avoid debt.

President: Brandi Gutierrez Vice-President: Tecoa Turner Program Director: Regina Ossey Recording Secretary: Diidri Robinson and Natasha West Corresponding Secretary: Kimberly Murry Treasurer: Tracee Jones Financial Secretary: Tenise Juge Editor: Kimberly Collier Chaplain: Tangla Waddy Historian: Kimberly Collier Foundation Chair: Jona Knight-Hall Parliamentarian: Tahira Mitchell Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tahira Mitchell and Demetria Jackson Associate Chair: Tifani Bradley Father’s Auxiliary: Javier Gutierrez

President: Willington Nelson Vice-President: Elijah Juge Secretary: Nicholas Johnson Treasurer: Chase Jones Parliamentarian: Gareth Forde Chaplain: Andrew Boatswain Sergeant-at-Arms: Tyson Woods

The Orange County Chapter has been in existence since 1980 and was officially installed by the newly elected National President of the Far West Region, Mrs. Ramona Arnold on Sunday, February 6, 1983. There were fifty charter members. Gale Hollingsworth served as our first President. The founding members of our organization felt strongly that the establishment of an Orange County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America was necessary to provide an organization where African American families could interact and keep in touch with their roots. We remain committed to ensuring our youth feel empowered, develop solid leadership skills and become socially and politically conscious by developing and facilitating activities for our children to learn and grow into trained servant leaders. Going into the 2022-2023 program year, we are proud to celebrate our chapters fabulous 40th year anniversary. Chartered in 1983, the OUSTANDING Orange County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated has fostered a multitude of legacies through the mothers and children who have matriculated since our inception. The impacts they have made within our surrounding communities and beyond our chapter borders speaks to the legacy created by our founding charter members. From our very beginning, the Orange County Chapter of Jack and Jill (JJOC) has conducted quality childrens programming and community service projects that embody the ideals of Jack and Jill of America, leaving a legacy of meaningful impact on those it touches. Examples of such programming are noted herein. Community service programs have included (but are not limited to): food drives for homeless and child abuse centers; letter writing campaigns and “care packages” sent to our Armed Forces stationed in Iraq; voter registration drives conducted by our teens to increase voter participation; chapter-wide shoe drives to benefit the Soles4Souls charity, collecting more than 1,600 pairs of gently used shoes donated to families in Kenya and Tokyo; the collection of toys distributed to disadvantaged youth at Christmas; and National Day of Service partnership with OC Food Bank.


The Orange County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc kicked

Jack and Jill Day, was hosted by our Picnic Committee and was held in conjunction with Carole Robertson Day at William Mason Regional Park, was an outdoor gathering full of fun and fellowship. This event marked our return to inviting prospective new members and their families to our most casual event. Group 1 engaged in science experiments while Group 2 worked on a financial module & chapter presentation. Group 3 had a leadership module incorporating mindfulness while Group 4 flexed their global awareness muscles, learning impacts of recycling on the environment. Group 5 teens discussed their plans for the year while adults enjoyed music and conversation. After lunch, children & teens were recognized by receiving certificates for their servant leadership. The Outstanding Orange County Chapter Foundation committee hosted a Soulful Tribute to the Stars: 70s & 80s Concert. Proceeds benefitted Jack and Jill of America, Inc Foundation and WISEPlace. WISEPlace is an OC based nonprofit leading the efforts to end homelessness for women. Our Chapter spent MLK Day volunteering at the Orange County Food Bank. The project allowed the mothers and their families to assemble and pack food boxes to help feed those in need in our community. We prepared 1,752 food boxes. This year, it is especially important for us to honor the wonderful legacy of our Jack and Jill Founders and our organizatios rich history as we reflect on the black history we have created, right here in Orange County. Dressed in our Sundays best; members, families, associates and the community joined together for a Pink & Blue Champagne Masquerade to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Orange County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. On Sunday, February 6, 1983, fifty women with an aligned vision set off on a path provide a supportive environment for Black children.


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION





President: Shannon J. Miller Vice-President: Bridgette Glover-White Program Director: Christina Berlin Recording Secretary: Robin Byrd Corresponding Secretary: Noemi Emeric-Ford Treasurer: Stacie Bolden Financial Secretary: Elvia Bedolla Editor: Vanessa Baden Kelly Chaplain: Heather Anderson Historian: Vanessa Baden Kelly Foundation Chair: Alison Taylor Parliamentarian: Windy Watson Crick Associate Chair: Joelle Phillips Morriseau


President: Zora Phillips Vice-President: Asa Phillips Secretary: Jazmin Jones Treasurer: Logan Weaver

Chartered in 1956 by a group of mothers who migrated from the Los Angeles area, the Pasadena Chapter quickly became a significant part of the San Gabriel Valley African American community. Pasadena Chapter charter members included Kathryn Teer and Jean Mills. As the 84th Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., (nationally) and the 6th (regionally), the Pasadena Chapter upheld a vision and a belief, in designing programs that improved the lives of children and provided a service to their community. Today, the chapter hosts over 40 members and services over 60 children.


The Pasadena Chapter started the year with the first, non-modified event in over two years: Jack and Jill Day. “Back In Stride Again” was the theme of the beautiful, family reunion style picnic where families were able to embrace each other, our children, and reconvene for the national purpose of remembering our “Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose.” The Programming certainly reflected that message as our mothers and children hit the ground running to create memorable, dynamic, and children-focused events that enhanced and enriched the lives of both our members and the community at large. Our teens and pre-teens visited The Museum of Social Justice where they were challenged to become active members of the freedom fight. Our youngest children, Groups 1 and 2 explored sustainable urban farming and it’s effects on black and brown communities. And our entire chapter had a private tour of the touted Kinsey Collection of Art, reminding all of our families that what we create in this world is both valuable and has lasting promise.


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION




President: Leah Landrum Taylor Vice-President: Natalee Sansone Program Director: Keilani Burrage Recording Secretary: Denea Hampton Corresponding Secretary: Marissa Woods Treasurer: Leslie Fuqua Williams Financial Secretary: Femia Pittman Editor: Jewel Jones Chaplain: Erika Brantley Historian: Kamilah Kennedy Foundation Chair: Sherida McMullan Parliamentarian: Joan Sherwood Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Rachelle Hardin Chambers Associate Chair: Dana Brooks Father’s Auxiliary: Randy Jones

President: Kyle Starks Vice-President: Savannah Taylor Secretary: Ava Sharen Treasurer: Rayne Thompson Parliamentarian: Safiyah Supreme Chaplain: Sophie Brantley Sergeant-at-Arms: Alex Brown


Michelle Adair-Lee, Muminah Ahmad, Angela Banks, Rebekah Bell, Erika Brantley, Tracey Brown, Gioia Bufkin, Tara Buie, Keilani Burrage, Natalee Campbell, Kyra Clark, Tiffani Collins, JoAnne Curry, Alisa Cutright-Thompson, Nicole Davis, Antwinetta Debnam, Traci Fitzhugh, Leslie Fuqua Williams, Julie Gill, Quincy Gillespie, Marva Green, Denea Hampton, Tiffany Hardaway, Rachelle Hardin-Chambers, Regina Holmes, Tiffany Hunter, Kearya Jasper, Katrina Jewett Hammons, Jewel Jones, Kamilah Kennedy, Taylor Landrum, Konya Lindsey, Lynn Mackey, Cannon McCray, Ebony McKinley, Sherida McMullan, Racquel Miller, Brenitra Moore, Velva Moses-Thompson, Natalie Okeke, Vonda Owens, Cherrie Paul, Pamela Perrilliat, Femia Pittman, Chekesha Polite, Lee Radden, Kalani Rice, Arlisa Richardson, Prudence Sanders, Hope Sharett, Quianna Shealy, Joan Sherwood, Nina Spears, Pamela Starks, Tiffany Starks, Toya Supreme, Allison Swanson, Sheena Thompson-Nelson, Lanisha Tibbs-Mayo, Tisha Troutman, Monique Waddell, Briana Wellington, Gretchen Williams, Lesley Williams Blackwell, LaToya Williams, Tara Winey, Ebony Winston, Marisa Woods


The Phoenix Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was established November 28, 1952, by twenty-five mothers. The chapter was formed to bridge the social gap for African American children who, at that time, were denied access to cultural and social venues. Our Charter Members are Louise Phillips, Senoma J. Smith, Charlesetta F. Banks, Thelma F. Shaw, Juanita U. Dickey, Lorraine P. Crump, Elaine Mullins, Anzella Grant, Margaret Warren, Ethel Warren, Eddie J. Johnson, Mary E. Stanford, Josephina Smith, Lucy B. Orum, Jacquelyn Rideair, Cora Griffen, Pokie Clark, Rosa J. Williams, Helen F. Edwards, Betrice Brown, Clara T. Moore, Regina M. Blackburn, Geraldine Solomon, Helen Mason, and Ada Devine.

Community Service Chair and Rachelle Hardin-Chambers as Regional Teem Advisor.

The chapter has grown over the past years seventy-one years from 25 families to 68 families and continues to provide a positive and nurturing environment for African American children. Juanita Dickey served as the first president of the chapter. In addition to local positions held, members of the Phoenix Chapter have also served on the leadership team of the Far West Region. These members include Evelyn Warren, Regional Director; Lois Myers, Member-at-Large; Linda Fullmore, Rochonne Simmons and Carla Underwood, Regional Secretary/Treasurer; Tracey Walker-Banks, Regional Nominating Chair; Marie Boykin Scott, Regional Program Chair; and Dana Brooks, Membership Chair and Member at Large. Continuing our leadership legacy are members Joanne Curry as the Regional Member at Large, Sherida McMullan as the Regional

For the Phenomenal Phoenix Chapter, this program year was all about finding new and creative ways to use our power and influence to Make A Difference in our community. During the 2022-2023 programming year, we plan to heighten our commitment to and presence in the Phoenix community. As we deliver on our theme of “The Power to Make a Difference” our focus will be on strengthening community partnerships, supporting national partnership with organizations like the Red Cross and March of Dimes, and ensuring we are supporting the mental and physical health of our children, mothers and community. In 2023, we will have provided the Phoenix area with 71 years of continuous service, doing our part to deliver on the goal to do more!





President: Patrice Cole-Morrow Vice-President: Lisa Buffong Program Director: Kimberly Peters-Clayton Recording Secretary: Carla Knowles Corresponding Secretary: Kimberly Britt Treasurer: Tracy McCray Financial Secretary: Danisha Lawrence Editor: Phelisha Licerio Chaplain: Alicia Hamilton Historian: Phelisha Licerio Foundation Chair: Samatra Morris Parliamentarian: Cherene Sherrard-Johnson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Jill Haynes Associate Chair: Lisa Buffong Father’s Auxiliary: Lionel Lawrence

President: Carter Haynes Vice-President: Bishop Turner Secretary: August Johnson Treasurer: Jordan McCray Chaplain: Isaiah Buffong Sergeant-at-Arms: Isaiah Buffong


The Pomona Area Chapter is located in the Fabulous Far West Region and was founded by Gloria White, from the Chicago North Shore Chapter, and Janice Dawsey from the Pasadena Chapter. Realizing the potential growth in the Pomona Valley area, other mothers joined them in January of 1980 and with the help of supporting members from adjacent Jack and Jill chapters, this small group persevered in the journey to achieve chapter status. On February 19, 1983, the San Gabriel Valley Chapter was chartered. Due to the growth in the valley, and the establishment of the West Covina Chapter and the Inland Empire Chapter, the San Gabriel Valley chapter was renamed the Pomona Area Chapter. Members of the Pomona Area Chapter that have held positions of leadership include Foundation Member-at-Large (Marion Duff), Regional Secretary-Treasurer (Ida Younge & Regina Page), Regional Director (Ida Younge & Regina Page), Regional Protocol Chair (Renee Young), National Editor (Regina Page), National Recording Secretary (Regina Page), National Program Director (Ida Younge) and the 19th National President (Ida Younge). In addition, we have had teens that held Regional Positions as Regional Teen Secretary 2015-2016 (Jayden Taylor) and 2016-2017(Mikala Page) and immediate past (2021-2022) Far West Regional Teen President is Bradley Adams.


Pomona Area Chapter began the program year with the observance of Carole Robertson Memorial in conjunction with Jack and Jill Day. The commemoration entailed grade group presentations and a candle ceremony in remembrance of the four little girls lost. Age group four attended a pool party where they discussed water safety and shared facts on black cultural icons to help polish off public speaking skills.

During the holidays, our chapter had the pleasure of enjoying fellowship at a Winter wonderland where families and children in various age groups enjoyed socializing over hot chocolate, ice skating and other winter themed activities. Similar to last program year, the Teen group had the opportunity to welcome back recently graduated seniors to discuss and share life as a first-year college student and how to navigate the transition from moving from home to university life. Age groups three and four attended in intensive financial workshop led by group 4 mother on financial literacy and the diverse types of currency to include bitcoin. Children look forward to culture activities this program year to include attending the symphony, Black History Month activities and community service. The chapter embraced the re-opening of in person activities this year which contributed to strengthening bonds. We look forward to more opportunities to engage the chapter in meaningful activities!

In the fall we hosted our annual Democracy Day in partnership with the 100 Black Men of the Inland Empire. This year’s theme focused on social media and the importance of accountability for what we post, using current national events to facilitate the discussion. 290

Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION



President: Constance Tucker Vice-President: Natalie Labossiere Program Director: TerryAnn Cabine Recording Secretary: Chasity Weaver-Russ Corresponding Secretary: Kimberly Corbette Treasurer: Selam Meharry Financial Secretary: Melanie Maurice Editor: Anisha Abdul-Ali Chaplain: Cindy Fontenot Historian: Meera Bowman-Johnson Foundation Chair: Kimberly Ireland Parliamentarian: Gwen Turner Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Danielle Wade Father’s Auxiliary: Sam Russ and Maurice Tucker

President: Jaymi Robinson Vice-President: Nyilah Mayo Secretary: Nathaniel Tripp-Folsom Treasurer: Bryson Cabine Parliamentarian: Chloe Johnson Chaplain: Ava Cabine Sergeant-at-Arms: Arinze McGee


Anisha Abdul-Ali, Melanie Adria Harris, April Allen, Camille Applin-Jones, Claudia Arana-Colen, Cyreena Boston Ashby, Meera BowmanJohnson, Nicole Bragg-Scott, Thallen Brassel, Ayana Bridges Horn, Janelle Bynum, TerryAnn Cabine, Erin Chaney, Tia B. Coachman, Kimberly Corbette, LaSha.da DiCosmo, Alexandria (“Alex”) Diehl, Adriane Douglas, Nadia English-Williams, Cindy Fontenot Tasia Frater, Kimberlynn Heller, Kimberly Howard Wade, Shana Jackson, KeviaJeffrey-West, Heather Johnson, Bridget Kelly, Natalie Labossiere, Kimberly Mack Ireland, Tracy Mack-Askew, Erica Marson, Melanie Maurice, Charlene McGee Kallie, Selamawit Mehary, LeKisha Moore, Anderozzi (Andy) Muir, Angela Patrick, Patrice Pratt, Kia Robinson, Kali Thorne Ladd, Felicia Tripp Folsom, Constance Tucker, Gwendolyn Turner, Danielle Wade, Jeannette Ward Horton, Chastity Weaver Russ, Tia Wideman, Marsha Williams


The “Passionate and Powerful” Portland Willamette Valley Chapter (PWV) was established on October 17, 2014 with 21 members. Our Associates Group of six was charted on June 22, 2019. We are a 2-time 5-star winning chapter. Portland Willamette Valley is determined to Make a Difference. We know that We Can Do More, and we look forward to doing so as we continue to fulfill our motto by working, living , and playing together!


Our Portland Willamette Valley Chapter kicked off our program year by celebrating Carole Robertson Day of Service by reflecting on her impact and love of reading. We met online and viewed an outstanding documentary about her life. After we discussed her legacy and donated books to celebrate her love of reading. Our chapter celebrated Jack and Jill Day on September 25, 2023. We enjoyed a fun day outside at the park. It was an exciting time to reconnect after a year of virtual programming.

In December, we hosted a Black Santa event and fundraiser. Over 200 people from our chapter and community came to the event. The fundraising event raised hundreds of dollars for local charity. Our chapter also came together to celebrate the season at our annual holiday party, Wakanda Forever. It was a beautiful space and wonderful fellowship opportunity. On January 16th, our chapter participated in a community MLK day celebration. Hosting a booth for blood pressure screening and awareness. We look forward to many more opportunities to cultivate our children and engage them in meaningful activities so they make a difference in our community and continue to do more. Finally, we are proud to present our fabulous graduating seniors.

In October, we focused on legislative theme, a highlight of our programming was a visit to the Oregon crime lab. Our teens were able to tour the facility and learn about how evidence is processed and used. In November, we participated in the Portland book festival to understand and appreciate our history and culture. We were able to listen to black authors read their stories aloud.



Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION




President: Joycelyn Ward-Richardson Vice-President: Latrece Smothers Program Director: Marlena Norman Recording Secretary: Kavisa Wood Corresponding Secretary: Janae Ross Treasurer: Dr. Carla Galbraith Financial Secretary: Dr. Rosalyn Earl-Clark Editor: Joycelyn Ward-Richardson Chaplain: Cindy Cain Historian: Nicole Fitt Foundation Chair: DaVina Fleminqs/Maureen Craft Parliamentarian: Marcia Mickle Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Jillian Spears/Monique Powell Associate Chair: Latrece Smothers Father’s Auxiliary: David Smothers

President: Mariah Havener Vice-President: Skyler Fitt Secretary: Nana Alainchar Treasurer: Caris Ross Chaplain: Marcus Mickle Sergeant-at-Arms: Marcus Mickle


Isabelle Afawubo, Ky-Acia Anderson, BernNadette Best-Green, Cindy Cain, Rosalyn Clark, Maureen Craft, Toya Davis, Renee DeBose, Shaunte Derrick, Malinda Dumisani, Nicole Fitt, DaVina Flemings, Vanessa Fulcher, Carla Galbraith, Angela Grey, Theanne Griffith, Courtney Havener, Cassandra Henderson, Camille Wagner Ivy, Maia Johnson, Melanie Lewis, Marcia Mickle, Natasha Miller, Marlena Norman, Renee Pilot, Deidra Powell, Monique Powell, Jo’Vel Prejean-Hickey, Cheryle Roberts-Smothers, Shacunda Rodgers, Janae Ross, Linnea Willis-Smith, Latrece Smothers, Jillian Spears, Joycelyn Ward-Richardson, Sharie Wilson, Maisha Winn, Kavisa Wood


The “Savvy” Sacramento Chapter received its charter at the National Convention held in June, 1956 at Cleveland, Ohio. Its purpose is to provide a constructive educational, recreational, social and cultural program for children and by this medium of contact create a greater bond of friendship for the children and their parents and guardians. A group of women got together with Mrs. Lucy Amerson and Mrs. Grace Morgan-Jones to establish our local chapter. Mrs. Grace Morgan-Jones was the first President.


The Savvy Sacramento Chapter began in 2022-23 Programming Year by celebrating Jack and Jill Day and honoring Carole Robertson. Our first all chapter activity was “Jack and Jill Day in the Park”. We fellowshipped, played games, and each grade group honored Carole Robertson.

In January, the chapter celebrated and honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a day of service and grade group activities. Each group participated in activities focused on the Jacqueline Moore Bowles Leadership Modules and STEAM activities. In addition, the children and teens participated in MLK Day of Service by donating supplies and stuffing “warming bags”. Each bag contained: gloves, hats, scarves and snacks. The bags were donated to a local elementary school with a high percentage of African-American students. Our teens have also participated in community service events, as well as the Double Good Popcorn Fundraisers. We will end our program year with installation of Chapter and Teen Officers, Initiation of New Mother Members and our chapter is hosting the 2023 Far West Regional Teen Leadership Conference.

In December the Sacramento Chapter held its 5th. Annual Cookies & Cocoa with Santa. Cookies and Cocoa is a free community event where our children and children in the community can take a picture with a Black Santa, participate in arts and crafts, STEM activities, Mrs. Claus Reading Corner, and of course cookies and cocoa. In addition, each child in attendance receives an age appropriate book written or illustrated by an African-American authors and illustrators. The chapter also donates books to our “Jack and Jill Reading Corner” partners.



Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION





For community service, we partnered with Sharia’s Closet, and donated over 200 coats to women throughout the community who were in need of clothing and shoes. Likewise, our sensational teens raised $5,000 on behalf of “Humble Design San Diego”, an organization that provides homeless families and veterans with donated furniture and household goods. As a highlight, our teens who received the most donations, were provided with an opportunity to decorate the home of an African American father and his daughter who were in need.

President: Connie Gibson Vice-President: Shandra Harville-Coleman Program Director: Jahari Weir Harrison Recording Secretary: Monica Loyce Corresponding Secretary: Monica Loyce Treasurer: Deanna Laramore Financial Secretary: Victoria Peterson Editor: Shawna Codrington Chaplain: Geneva Darcuiel Historian: Shawna Codrington Foundation Chair: Christine Antoine Parliamentarian: Shonte Hobson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tammy Robinson

President: Rheily McWhorter Vice-President: Barry Tunstall Jr. Secretary: Justice Peterson Treasurer: Carter Henderson Chaplain:Keon Robinson Sergeant-at-Arms: Dilyn Norris

On January 7, 1955 the late Mrs. Voradel Carey held an introductory meeting in her home which led to an inspiring overview tea led by Dr. Geraldine Woods, President of the Los Angeles chapter. San Diego mothers formed a provisional chapter and were voted into the National Body and officially installed August of 1955 at the US Grant Hotel. Today, the San Diego Chapter includes over 30 active mothers and a wonderful group of Associates. This year marks our 67th Anniversary of service to nurturing San Diego’s youth.


The Sensational San Diego Chapter started the program year commemorating the legacy and life of Carole Robertson and her impact on our community. With a luau theme and Polynesian dancers, grade groups presented their reasons why Carole Robertson remains dear to their hearts. This year, we welcomed nine new moms into our sensational chapter. New mother members were welcomed with a delicious feast, games, and teambuilding activities to introduce them to the sisterhood of Jack and Jill. This year, our chapter hosted the Far West Regions Area Work Day; which received glowing reviews from mother members throughout the region.

In December, the Sensational San Diego Chapter celebrated Kwanzaa, which is one of the signature events our community has come to cherish. This was our first in-person Kwanzaa celebration in two years, and families were enthralled as children and mother members actualized the seven principles of Kwanzaa. The 22-23 program year thoroughly and enthusiastically supported our National Theme, “The Power to Make a Difference for all Children, on Mission, on Purpose.” Mother members deliberately sought and strategically planned unique, innovative, and engaging programs that would help our children reach their truest potential.




President: Kalynda McLean Vice-President: Bonnie Watson Program Director: Cree Duncan Recording Secretary: Shinina Butler Nance Corresponding Secretary: Laverne Seales-Saley Treasurer: Danette Samilton Financial Secretary: Sharita Nichols Editor: Rochelle Poland Chaplain: Loren Hamilton Historian: Jenean Glover Foundation Chair: Camille Ward Parliamentarian: Alexandra Hinkle Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Kim Porter-Fluellen Associate Chair: Charlean Dubois Father’s Auxiliary: Robert Stephens

President: Gabby Samilton Vice-President: Edison Friday Secretary: Jackie Samilton/Lina Marie Saley Treasurer: Lauryn Samilton Parliamentarian: Aaron Berry Chaplin: Kayla Nichols Sergeant-at-Arms: Paige Porter Editor: Piper Porter Historian: Mariano McLean Foundation Chair: Laila Fluellen


The San Fernando Valley Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was established in 1978. Chapter Founder Jackie Smith had the vision to begin a chapter in our community and 45 years later, the chapter has grown to 50 dynamic, creative and caring members, growing rapidly as our chapter becomes more visible through our good deeds. Our mission statement is “it feels good to do good” and our chapter emulates that motto in all activities through our programming. Under the sponsorship of the Pasadena Chapter, the San Fernando Valley received its charter as an active chapter within Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Dr. Gertrude Paxton, the National Corresponding Secretary, presented the chapter. Assisting Dr. Paxton was the Pasadena Chapter President, Iris Hackett and the Far West Regional Director, Edna James. The San Fernando Valley Chapter has raised funds and donated them to worthy 501(c)(3) organizations in honor of our beloved sisters and educators Darnell Avery Rucker, Carolotta Grigsby Walker, and Dr. Lacey Wyatt. The purpose and devotion these trailblazers brought to the San Fernando Valley Chapter will continue as a tribute for us to emulate for future years to come. In 2009, we were honored to award 10 scholarships in total, the most we have ever awarded, in the amount of $19,000.00. Five of the recipients were awarded a “Special Needs’’ Scholarship benefiting students with Autism, Asperger Syndrome, Down Syndrome or Developmental Delays. It was an especially proud moment for our chapter when these unique recipients spoke at the Scholarship Award Ceremony. Due to our philanthropy, our chapter has been awarded 1st Place for Fundraising in the Far West Region that year. In 2011, Jack and Jill Foundation acknowledged our outstanding philanthropic endeavors with The Incentive Award of $3000 for the highest contribution per capita by mothers in a mid-sized chapter In the 2018-19 Programming year, our teens raised the most money for Foundation of any teen Group in the Far West Region! In 2020-21 our goal was to be creative and raise the bar with mostly virtual programming. Our theme was “Together Apart.” And as we approached a big election year, we had several voting seminars, a postcard writing campaign, and a special program

with Congresswoman Maxine Waters that encouraged us all to vote! We also are proud to say that we became a 5-star chapter! Even a pandemic cannot stop the San Fernando Valley chapter. In addition to virtual programming the San Fernando Valley chapter collaborated with the Children’s Defense Fund to present the I Can Make a Difference virtual event focused on mental health, wellness, and social action. Although virtual, the event included special guests, speakers, videos, and intriguing partnerships. We highlighted ways children and youth can stay physically and mentally fit as they emerge from the pandemic. In 2021-22 our goal is to transition safely back to face-to-face programming while keeping some of the elements of virtual programming that worked well. Our theme is “Re-engage to elevate your membership” so the chapter is focused on a renewed engagement that will take the legacy of the great work of San Fernando Valley to new heights.


Over the past 44 years, we have made big strides as we continue to raise the bar year after year with exceptional programming that impacts our children and community. As a two-time five-star Chapter and SCOPE National Best of the Best runner-up, we aim to provide memorable programming for all Jacks & Jills, along with guests. Inclusive practices from “We are One” is woven into our programming, where all children receive invaluable experiences at our All Chapter Activity Jack and Jill Day Carnival and Carole Robertson Tribute Event led by Grade Group 5. This was a wonderful day of true “Edu-tainment.” Children enjoyed outdoor activities like jumping in a bouncy house, playing Dad vs. Kids - tug of war, and the Teens shared important facts about the life of Carol Robertson.


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION




President: Danielle Lane Vice-President Membership: Dani Kilgore Program Director: Lauren Macmadu Recording Secretary: Cassandra Dixon Corresponding Secretary: Neda Weems Treasurer: Darlene Goins Financial Secretary: Terri Hamer Editor: Michelle Stewart Historian: Trina Garrett Foundation Chair: Pamela Gamble Parliamentarian: Lynn Harwell Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Trina Garrett and Eleva Gibson Associate Chair: Renee Jones Father’s Auxiliary: William Kilgore, Vernon Goins, and Darius Fewlass


President: Nala Harmer Vice-President: Niko Gamble Recording Secretary: Anderson Waldrop Treasurer: Shelby Jones Parliamentarian/Sergeant-at-Arms: Hailey Bancroft Chaplain: Michael Gibson Foundation Chair: Auvin Cole Historian: Isaiah Adler Corresponding Secretary: Sterling Luddington-Simmons

Five mothers who wanted to expose their children to social, cultural and educational experiences met at the home of Mrs. Charlotte Poole in the summer of 1950. The five founding members were: Mrs. Clyde Bonner (Nellie), Mrs. Noah Griffin (Theresa), Mrs. Edward Hambrick (Vivian), Mrs. Andrew Howard (Dr. Ruth) and Mrs. Cecil Poole (Charlotte). The San Francisco Chapter, launched by this small but determined group of mothers, was honored to host the Jack and Jill National Convention in the summer of 1957, a mere five years after chartering. The chapter hosted the Far West Regional Conference in 1975, and again hosted the National Convention in 1988. Jack and Jill Regional Teen Conferences were hosted in 1956, 1970, 1994, and 2009. The chapter hosted Area Work Day On October 20, 2018. Over 170 moms and 42 teens from the Far West Region attended for a day of informative and uplifting workshops.


The 2022 programming year is filled with opportunities to reconnect and build community as we are coming out of Covid. The national theme, “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose,” is reflected in our diverse and interactive programming bringing children together to learn about themselves and how to navigate in the world around them. The young children participated in a variety of activities including taking trips to museums, zoos, and parks. They learned about being in service by providing resources to unsheltered residents on the San Francisco Tenderloin community. They also had the opportunity to see their very first Broadway show – Frozen. Our middle school children developed strong bonds through several cultural, social and recreational activities including pottery making, hiking, and farming. They also gave back to the community through writing letters to the troops during the holidays. Our high-schoolers learned about the culinary field and how to run a successful restaurant business. They also had the opportunity to learn about life at a HBCU through the real live stories of Jack and Jill alumni that returned home for the holidays.


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION





President: Edrienne Brandon Vice-President: Alicia Black Program Director: Dionne Morgan Recording Secretary: Niki Love Corresponding Secretary: Melissa Chabran Bouie Treasurer: Jennifer Booker Financial Secretary: Cynthia Stewart-Green Editor: Jennifer Ellis Cox Chaplain: Nikole Vaughn Historian: Subrina Martin Foundation Chair: Folake Oshodi Parliamentarian: Nia Castelly Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Bridgett Tucker & Rebecca Williams Associate Chair: Frances Johnese National Curriculum Chair: Bridgett Tucker Father’s Auxiliary: George Arzu

President: Boladale Erogbogbo Vice-President: Benjamin Bouie Secretary: Sydney Backhus & Kaitlyn Arzu Treasurer: Parker Ashton Porliamentarian: Kenneth Tucker Chaplain: Dillon Thomas Sergeant-at-Arms: Bryce Lawson


The San Jose Chapter was established in 1967 as the San Jose Mother’s Club of Jack and Jill, Inc. After sponsorship by the San Francisco Chapter, the San Jose Chapter was formally chartered at the National Convention in 1968 and became the 12th chapter in the Far West Region. In 2022, San Jose became the only Far West chapter to receive a third Five Star Chapter Excellence designation. Our 44 Mother Members remain dedicated to leadership and service in support of our Jack and Jill mission.


The San Jose Chapter has a programmatic focus on manifesting “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children. On Mission. On Purpose” while we strive for “Learning, Leading, Levitating with Love for All Children”. We started the year by reuniting for a first-ever Jack and Jill Weekend overnight camping trip. We fellowshipped, played games, crafted, dined, danced and ended the evening around the fire pit making s’mores. In the morning, we commemorated the life and sacrifice of Carole Robertson through praise, worship and remembrance. In September, our Group 4 tweens hosted a cultural event entitled “Careers in Broadcast Media: Making it Happen.” The activity centered Black Excellence and highlighted the work and career of music producer and educator, Eric Hayslett, host of “The Drive Thru” radio show on KKUP Radio 91.5 FM, Cupertino. Our tweens learned about the creative side of radio broadcasting, and discussed career opportunities in the Arts and Music. Group 4 had the opportunity to record a lead-in script while adding their own flair! Mr. Hayslett aired several of their recordings on his morning radio show in honor of our chapter the following week. In November, the Chapter hosted a Legislative Summit for Groups 3-5 themed “Protecting Our Families…Preparing Our Youth: the Impact of Gun Violence on Children and Adolescents.” During the Summit, participants learned how in addition to physical harm, direct and indirect exposure to gun violence can negatively affect youth’s mental health and well-being. The expert panel, Chief of Police for Los Altos, Vice Mayor of San Jose, and Co-Founder

of Appa Health App, shared their expertise in policy, mental health and public service. Each grade group participated in ageappropriate, engaging discussions, asked insightful questions and presented their thoughts on California gun laws and how to reduce gun violence. In December, the Chapter gathered for a Holiday Party filled with philanthropy, fellowship and fun! We collected gift cards to bring holiday cheer to families in need, and each grade group decorated their own themed Christmas tree. Now an annual tradition, we participated in hosting a Chapter Christmas Tree at San Jose’s “Christmas in the Park” to amplify our presence in the San Jose community. In January, we hosted a soul-filling Rev. Dr. MLK, Jr. Day focused on serving our community and the renewing music of our African ancestors. Our G5 Teens played a significant role in the MLK Day programming and leading our service activity. It is a blessing to see our mission come to life in our teens. For Founders’ Day, we held an energizing Rededication Ceremony and brunch that included Mother Members from neighboring chapters. While our Associate Jewels shared reflections about the impact that Jack and Jill had on their families, Washington DC MM and Immediate Past President & CEO of The March of Dimes Stacey Stewart shared her wisdom on “Showing Ourselves Grace With Power & Resilience.” We will end our program year celebrating our seven sensational graduating teens at Black Family Day.


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION

San Jose Chapter 2022-2023




President: Melissa Delahoussaye Vice-President: Tosca Stepter Program Director: Jessica Dure Menardy Recording Secretary: Felicia Breland Corresponding Secretary: Natasha Burton Treasurer: Valorie Moore Financial Secretary: Sandy Lanning Editor: Terry Mitchell Collier Chaplain: Bianca Page Historian: Danielle Cooper Foundation Chair: Anitra Ballou Parliamentarian: Cherise Moore Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Sheree Spencer Associate Chair: Kara Price Father’s Auxiliary: Jay Stepter

President: Juliana Stepter Vice-President: Daylan Moore Secretary: Drew Delahoussaye Treasurer: Akina Ma’at Parliamentarian: Addae Ma’at Chaplain: Braelen Spencer Sergeant-at-Arms: Kenyatte Gladden, Jr.


The Santa Clarita Valley/Antelope Valley Chapter first established a s a provisional group of Jack and Jill of America, Inc in 2007 and was organized by Katrina Schauble and Kimberly Hudson with an initial interest of more than 70 women. On September 13, 2008 the Santa Clarita Valley/Antelope Valley Chapter was inducted as the 29th Chapter in the Far West Region with 34 families. Our chapter theme is “The Grace to Grow and Thrive in Santa Clarita and Antelope Valley” as we not only want to grow our membership but also our presence in our community, to thrive for years to come.


In the tradition of the Spectacular and Amazing Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley Chapter began its programming year with Carole Robertson Day at the Santa Clarita Park. Our families had a wonderful day of games, food and karaoke! The teens blessed our families with a remembrance of Carole Robertson in poem and story. We were proud of our teens as they stood together and reflected for all of us the promise of Carole Robertson. October brought about a reflection of the upcoming midterm elections; discussions from the teens and fellowship after the LA Haunted Hayride, while Groups 1-4 made posters and a TikTok on voting. Financial Literacy was developed for both our Teens and Groups 1 – 4 with the teens focused on how much it costs to be teens through budgeting, investing and saving. In celebrating Kwanzaa, purchasing of books from black owned bookstore to honor the principal of Ujamaa – Cooperative Economics, was an important lesson for everyone. Our chapter participated in the Inaugural MLK Unity Walk in Santa Clarita. Our families showed up in the rain, but we were exceptionally proud as Parliamentarian and School Board Trustee for Hart School District Dr. Cherise Moore addressed the crowd as well as our own Mother Member Antira King who graced us with the Black National Anthem. A Founders Day celebration for the mothers was coupled with community service day. The children made lunches for our local Bridge to Home making over 75 lunches for families in need. The families also participated in a

successful Souper Bowl of Caring Drive for the Santa Clarita Food Bank, Afghan Refugee Toiletry drive for high school students in our Valley, as well Children’s Hunger Fund . Mothers attended SAWD and were proud of our teen, Akina Ma’at, who placed 3rd in the Oratorical Competition. At the Los Angeles Clippers vs. Phoenix Suns game, our chapter enjoyed the Flag Experience where they carried the American flag while the National Anthem was being sung court with some of the NBA’s most elite players However, the highlight of our Programming year remains the tour of the Kinsey Art Collection at SoFi Stadium in February! This was a teen event that grew to an all- chapter event where our chapter was treated to a tour of the collection by Khalil Kinsey, curator and director of the Kinsey Art Collection established by his parents Bernard and Shirley Kinsey. All families were in awe of the collection and the personal tour given by Mr. Kinsey in an event we would never forget as the tour brought us closer to our history . Our fathers lived out their best NFL dreams by striking their pose, our children practiced skills such as field goal kicks and the mothers were not too shabby in our skills throwing the football. Yet, with all this great programming throughout the year and our officers in place, we would not be where we were if we did not bring in new mothers to join. Thanks to the magnificent membership committee creating activities such as teas and thoughtful gatherings centering around what brings us joy!


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION





President: Elke Suber Vice-President: Kina Gilmore Program Director: Natalie Matthews Recording Secretary: Angelique Okeke Corresponding Secretary: Brooke Spearmon Treasurer: Kara Sims Financial Secretary: Ashley cooks Editor: EIFreda Agboka ChapIain: Nicole Alston-Abel Historion: Marielle Heisser Foundation Chair: Alia Dockins Parliamentarian: Lara Lovelace-Macon Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Debbie Conway Associate Chair: Brooke Spearmon Father’s Auxiliary: Brooke Spearmon

President: Tavis Conway Vice-President: Jacob Taylor Secretary: Neva-Nataia Lowery Treasurer: Bryant Lowery Parliamentarian: Julius Suber Chaplain: Nina Truitt Sergeant-at-Arms: Nina Truitt


In 1958, twenty-two dedicated mothers formed the Seattle Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated becoming the 98th chapter. We are indebted to these mother members for providing a foundation established on the philosophy of Jack and Jill founder, Marion Stubbs Thomas: “Our philosophy is to bring together children of our friends, giving them the opportunity not only to form friendships, but to play together, to learn together through cultural activities, and to grow and develop into good citizens.” Charter Members: Verna Alexander, Yvonne Beatty, Lucile CarterPerry, Guela Gayton-Johnson, Myra Gray, Bernice Green, Doris Hickman, Dorothy Hollingsworth, Edith Johnson, Laelle Johnson, Margerie Johnson, Jacqueline Lawson, Gloria Leonard, Clara Lesesme, Theresa Marie Floyd, Constance Morehead, Nan Petit, Beverly Raines, Marion Schultz Southerland, Mary Stallworth, Josephine Stokes, and Dorothy Woods. At the 45th National Convention, Sensational Seattle was recognized as a Blue Ribbon Bylaw Chapter, presented two National Certificates of Appreciation, and two Far West Region awards: • Blue Ribbon Bylaws Certificate of National Achievement for garnering a firm foundation of governance and for earning the distinction of a chapter with Blue Ribbon Bylaws during the 2020-2022 term • Certificate of Appreciation commemorating the completion of all 2021-2022 Chapter Strategic Planning Initiatives • Certificate of Appreciation for participating in Five Star Chapter Excellence 2.2 for 2020-2022 • Certificate of Recognition to ElFreda Agboka, Chapter Editor for being a Tier 1 Contributor • Certificate of Recognition as Second Place – Large Chapter 2022 Foundation Total Contributor • Nicole Alston-Abel was appointed Far Western Region Representative for We are One • Ninevah Rudolph Lowery was appointed Far West Region Representative for Leadership Development • Ava Russell was elected Regional Teen Secretary Sensational Seattle represents 69 Mothers and 105 Children and

Teens, 7 Legacy members and 49 Associate Mothers, including 37 Lifetime members.


Sensational Seattle embarked upon the 2022-2023 program year with an amazing plan for programming which included a fun-filled Jack and Jill Day and Carole Robertson tribute in September. We kicked off the holiday season with our Wakanda Wonderland themed Santa Brunch held at the Bellevue Club in Bellevue, WA where each grade group hosted activities like cookie decorating and ornament making. Our fabulous Teens strutted across the stage showcasing their styles in a fashion show. The Foundation Committee raised funds for local charities with a silent auction and raffling tickets for various items which included wine baskets, gift certificates to the spa, baked goods, and home organization sessions. We kicked off January with a Chapter-wide Community Service event at Vision House on MLK day; and one grade group gathered at a local library to assemble blessing bags for homeless individuals. We celebrated the Pacific Northwest Joint Founders Day with Portland Willamette Valley, Tacoma, and Anchorage Chapters. Our Teens along with teens from Anchorage, Tacoma and Portland Willamette Valley Chapters gathered for their 7th annual Teen Retreat for a weekend of bonding, team building, leadership development, public speaking, and financial literacy. In April, Sensational Seattle hosted Children’s Cluster which was held at the YMCA in Kent, WA. Additionally, we hosted our annual Associates and Father’s Auxiliary appreciation event, and we recognized our Jacks and Jills, graduating seniors, dads, and mothers bridging over to become Jewel Associates. Throughout the year, we focused on delivering engaging and inclusive programming for all our children and teens.


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION





Program, volunteering with the Omega Educational Foundation Annual Youth Leadership Conference, donating Halloween candy to overseas soldiers, supporting the LA Regional Food Bank, volunteering with “Heal the Bay” and co-sponsoring the annual Palos Verdes Library Living History Museum during Black History Month.

President: DeWanna Sharp Vice-President: Dawn Reese Program Director: Chloe Boutelle Recording Secretary: Kim Reddy Corresponding Secretary: Kara Courtney Treasurer: Chiquita Crawford Financial Secretary: Dr. Medell Briggs-Malonson Editor: D’Ondra Marie Arnold Chaplain: Lachelle Metcalf Foundation Chair: Dr. Angila Romious Parliamentarian: Chloe Boutelle Teen Sponsor/Advisor: D’Ondra Marie Arnold Father’s Auxiliary: Marcus Reese

The South Los Angeles Chapter was organized in 1956 in the home of Velma Woods. Jo Anna Haynes served as the first President of the Interest Group/Mother’s Club in 1956 just prior to the chapter being installed. In July 1957 the chapter installed its first President, Jewel Jackson. During the past 65 years, the South Los Angeles Chapter has been a beacon in the community by providing philanthropic support to organizations that work closely with at-risk children throughout South Los Angeles. The Chapter has contributed significantly to the organization both on a national and regional level. We are proud that our dear chapter member, Dr. Ramona W. Arnold, served as the 12th National President of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. from 1982-86. During President Arnold’s tenure, she initiated a relationship with Africare, a non-governmental organization (NGO) committed to addressing African development and policy issues. President Arnold also commissioned the first history book about the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. organization. And, she developed the first convention handbook and many national forms that are used today. Shortly after Dr. Arnold’s term, our chapter remained on the national scene with the election of Dr. Jacqueline Parker Scott (1987-89) as the Far West Regional Director. Some twenty years later Tracie Thompson (2010-2011) was elected Far West Regional Director.

President: BrookeMonae Westbrook Vice-President: Danielle Patricia Arnold Secretary: Lauren Armstrong Treasurer: Sophia Alexander Chaplain: Grace Elyse Wheaton

The chapter has also sponsored numerous fundraising events, including: Casino Night, jazz brunches, dances, and fashion shows with the proceeds benefiting needy families and children throughout the South Los Angeles community.


In October 2022, the South Los Angeles Chapter celebrated 65 years of service to the children of the greater Los Angeles community, by hosting a fundraising gala, with a “Harlem Nights” theme at The Beehive, the nation’s first opportunity zone business campus located in South LA. With the support of over 150 guests, 10 gala sponsors including UCLA Health, JP Morgan Chase, and Torrance Memorial, family, and friends, the chapter raised over $55,000 to support the Jack and Jill College Gap Fund. “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children On Mission On Purpose.”

Three members have served in the role of Far West Regional Secretary-Treasurer: Inez Wauls (1975- 1977) and (1977- 1979), Gloria J. Riddick-Williams (1997-1999), and Tracie Thompson (2009-2010). Dr. Jacqueline Parker Scott also served as National Program Director. During her tenure, she developed a Teen Leadership Summit Module that became a prototype for leadership development for our teens. The South Los Angeles Chapter has had several Far West Teen Presidents and several teens who have served in other regional capacities, including current Teen Vice President, Danielle Arnold, who served as the FWR Teen Editor (2021-2022). Throughout the years, our community service projects have included: feeding and donating to the homeless, visiting senior citizen centers and nursing facilities, hosting holiday toy drives and donating to local community organizations, developing a partnership with the Mayme A. Clayton Library and Museum, organizing a Career Day 306

Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION





President: Tina Williams Vice-President: Tanya Smith Program Director: Shaunna Cooper Recording Secretary: Tamika Sanders Corresponding Secretary: Jessica Delafield Treasurer: Kimberly Roberson Financial Secretary: Janet Melvin Editor: Ivorie Coleman Chaplain: Linda Manning Foundation Chair: Erica Sheade Parliamentarian: Bernita Clark Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kimberly Roberson Father’s Auxiliary: Samuel Melvin

President: Taylor Towns Vice-President: Kamiyah Musgrove Secretary: Eliana Sheade Treasurer: Aubrey Clark Chaplain: Samuel Melvin Sergeant-at-Arms: Samuel Melvin


Cynthia Bass, Miranda Baugh, Kristen Campbell, Bernita Clark, Ivorie Coleman, Shaunna Cooper, Jessica Delafield, Tanisha Frazier, Linda Manning, Janet Melvin, Candice Moore, Tolanda Philpott’s, Tiffany Reynoso, Erica Richmond, Kimberly Roberson, Tamika Sanders, Erica Sheade, Tanya Smith, Lakita Wheat, Devina Williams, Tina Williams, Tiffany Willford


The Sun Valley Chapter was voted into the national body of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. at the 44th National Convention on August 23, 2020. The Chartering Ceremony was held on October 23, 2020, welcoming twenty Charter Mother Members. Sun Valley became the second chapter in the Phoenix metro area due to the need to support the influx of black families moving to the area. The Sun Valley Chapter has charged forward with vigor and passion under the leadership of Chapter President, Tina Williams and twenty-one phenomenal mother members that have embraced the mission, “Moving Forward as one!”

Department for support kids involved in domestic violence or other traumatic situations. They were invited by the Police Department to have a tour and learn how police officers support our community. Group 3 learned about municipality laws and statutes that impact animals on land while participating in Goat Yoga. Group 4 was introduced to the civic duty of serving on a jury. Our teen group created their own fundraiser and rented out a local theater to view Black Panther. The teens also used this opportunity to learn and discuss the legislative structure shown in the film. In December our chapter celebrated the holidays with a family event with food, games, Christmas Carols, and of course St. Nick.


The Sensational Sun Valley Chapter started the year with an engaging and exciting Carol Robertson Day and Jack & Jill celebration. We highlighted the accomplishments and life of Carole Robertson through the Teen’s Ceremony along with presentations about the life of Carole Robertson presented by each grade group. We had a celebratory Jack & Jill Day and highlighted our children transitioning to new grade groups. Our families had a fabulous time with our hula hoop competition, basketball game, and bounce house. In October our chapter activities were focused on health. Each age group participated in activities that supported either their physical, emotional, or nutritional health. In support of the Health Thrust our chapter also participated in the Autism Speaks Walk and raised $3,053.40 to donate towards the Autism Speaks charity which directly impacts families in Arizona. In November, our chapter focused on the Civic and Legislative Thrusts. Group 1 learned about the significance and process of voting. Group 2 had the opportunity to complete a community service project by donating teddy bears to the local Police


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION





President: Melissa Grant Vice-President: MarcKia Wilson Program Director: Jasmine Hogan Recording Secretary: Tamara Allen Corresponding Secretary: Lashayla Harris Treasurer: Courtney Jarmon Financial Secretary: Dierdre Sylvie Editor: Niesha Harrison Chaplain: Whitney Mason Historian: Niesha Harrison Foundation Chair: Emily Linkhorn Parliamentarian: Courtney Jarmon Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Whitney Mason Associate Chair: Cynthia Lewis-Harris


President: Monee Dubose Vice-President: Jamaiya James Secretary: Cianna Cantrell Treasurer: Taryn Cantrell

The Tacoma Chapter, sponsored by the Seattle Chapter, was voted into the national body of Jack and Jill of America, Inc at the 42nd National Convention in Houston, TX. Installation services were held on Sunday, October 25, 1980, at the Fort Lewis Officer’s Club. Dr. Gertrude Paxton, past national officer, and Edna James, then Regional Director rendered a very memorable service installing twenty-seven founding mothers. At that time, Tacoma became the thirteenth chapter in the Far West Region. The goal this programming year is to provide engaging programming that promotes community service, leader development, and encourages our children to step outside of their comfort zone and learn new skills.


The triumphant Tacoma Chapter kicked off the programming year with an introductory paddle boarding class for our teens. Our chapter then honored Carol Robertson by gathering at Sunnyside Beach Park in Tacoma. Our Mothers have been working hard to continue to plan programming that enriches our children and keeps them engaged. The small and mighty Tacoma Chapter hosted a private viewing of “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” at the Century Point Ruston movie theater in Tacoma. Throughout the programming year our fabulous mothers have planned a variety of activities including our Kwanzaa celebration and a night at the Seattle Opera. This programming year the Tacoma Chapter has done an amazing job showing our children that they have the power to make a difference by planning activities that highlight African American artists, entrepreneurs, and leaders within our community.


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION

The MIGHTY Tacoma Chapter! TACOMA, WA





President: Nicol Williams-Pruitt Vice-President: Robin Dozier Program Director: Candace Gray Recording Secretary: Deborah Titre-Hayfron Corresponding Secretary: Deborah Titre-Hayfron Treasurer: Brandy Taylor Financial Secretary: Teyonna Bowman Editor: Michelle Tompkins Chaplain: Shawnda Johnson Historian: Michelle Tompkins Foundation Chair: Ericka Mitchell Parliamentarian: Sharon Cooper Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Deborah Titre-Hayfron Associate Chair: Sharon Cooper

President: Terrell Gray, Jr. Vice-President: Lillie King Secretary: Max Hayfron Treasurer: Nicolas Pruitt


The Tri-Valley Chapter was officially voted into membership of Jack and Jill of America Inc., on July 24, 1994. The chapter’s 16 founding members included Denise Pugh who served as the first chapter president. The vision of the group was to bring together African-American families living in the Tri-Valley area to increase their sense of community, provide mutual support as well as provide opportunities for networking and community service. At the 44th National Convention in 2020, Tri-Valley was awarded the prestigious 5 Star Chapter of Excellence under the leadership of our 9th President Regina Lucas (2018-2020) and 5 Star Chair JaMese McGowan. Nicol Williams- Pruitt serves as our current chapter president. We currently have 24 moms and 36 children in the Tri-Valley Chapter.


In September, Tri-Valley hosted a chapter-wide picnic honoring Carole Robertson and celebrating Jack and Jill Day. We began the event with an opening from our President and an explanation of the scavenger hunt dedicated to Carole Robertson. The scavenger hunt highlighted who she was and the impact her legacy had on our community, the world, and our organization. The children were engaged in age-appropriate activities to enhance their knowledge of historical events. Our goal was to focus on social, as our chapter came back together in person for food, fun, and J&J fellowship. The Talented Tri-Valley Chapter hosted the 2022 Far West Region Northern Area Workday at the Santa Clara Marriott on Oct 1415, 2022. There were approximately 150 moms and 50 teens in attendance. Our NAWD Chair Joy Becton Davis and co-chairs Carmen Brown and Teyonna Bowman, executed a phenomenal weekend of learning and fellowship. With the theme of “Ring the Alarm”, the Regional Executive Board set the stage with a morning of informative reports and workshops. The luncheon keynote speaker, Dr. Carla Wicks, discussed the disparities in healthcare for African Americans. Afternoon workshops ranged from Emotional Intelligence to Tech Talk, and the teens finished off our day with an enlightening oratorical competition.

“Doing Good with Goodness Village” was a chapter-wide community service event. The children of Tri-Valley (and their parents) provided dinner to the residents of Goodness Village and engaged the residents with fun games. Goodness Village is a tiny home community in Livermore, CA that provides affordable and permanent housing options in a supportive community for people experiencing chronic homelessness. Group I/II gathered on Zoom to learn the importance of voting, the legislative process, and standing up for what they believe in. The children began by watching two short videos from the Kids Academy on YouTube: “Voting for Kids: Why is Voting Important?” and “Teaching Laws, Rights, and Responsibilities to Kids”. Then there was a group activity - The Pizza Election. The event ended with a group read of the book “V is for Voting”. Groups III & IV convened at the San Francisco Department of Police Accountability. The group was given a tour, information, and souvenirs. Students listened to presentations by the Director and his staff. They learned about why the department exists in the context of the growing concerns of police brutalities against citizens. The children learned about their rights, what to expect when interacting with law enforcement, how to communicate effectively with law enforcement officers. Group V held their business meeting and discussed the topic of vision and its importance in building strong leaders. Following the business meeting, the teens met at the Haas Pavilion on the UC Berkeley campus to watch the Cal Bears take on Butler University. This outing provided our teens the opportunity to explore the campus and most importantly envision themselves as college scholars.


Chapter News | FAR WEST REGION

FAR WEST REGION Tri-Valley Chapter




President: Regina Hart Vice-President: Kimberly Braxton Anekwe Program Director: Sandy Herron Recording Secretary: Nelda Akinbile Corresponding Secretary: Nia Fenn Treasurer: Carmishun Coleman Financial Secretary: Sabrina Salmon Editor: Open Position Chaplain: Tarin Bynum Neal Historian: Open Position Foundation Chair: Gina Gant Parliamentarian: Nitalya Williams Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Laila Hishaw Associate Chair: Nelda Akinbile Father’s Auxiliary: Sabrina Salmon


President: Hayden Hishaw Vice-President: Naomi Schoenhaqe Secretary: Aliyah Akinbile and Malik Akinbile Treasurer: Elyse Williams Parliamentarian: Kynasen Johnson Chaplain: Open Position Sergeant-at-Arms: Kynasen Johnson


Nelda Akinbile, Kimberly Braxton Anekwe, Carmishun Coleman, Misha Dawson, Nia Fenn, Gina Gant, Raquel Givens, Regina Hart, Sandy Herron, Laila Hishaw, Cesanee Johnson, Jennifer Canada McKnight, Tarin Bynum Neal, Sabrina Salmon, Monique Brown Schoenhage, Kimberlynn Williams, Nitalya Williams, Monica Wilson


The Tucson Chapter was established on Saturday, October 7, 1978. Our 22 charter members are Fran Keith (interim President), Wyllstyne “Styne” Hill (1st Vice President), Leyda Herring (2nd Vice President), Rose Dubose (Treasurer), Sara Pogue (Recording Secretary), Barbara V. Williams (Corresponding Secretary), Pearlie Pridgett (Financial Secretary), Rosa Herring (Historian), Winona Ettrick (Chaplin), Norma Watson (Parliamentarian/Sargent at Arms), Mary Campbell, Fay Chappel, Mariette Ekuchukuri, Bernice Harmon, Jean Johnson, Jerry Lewis, Margaret Kimbrough, Yvonne Lake, Wilhelmina Robinson, Edith Sorrell, Bernice Jackson, and Louise Young. The chapter installation was conducted on Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona. The initial membership dues were $75 per family, and 57 children were included in the chapter roster with the last founding members graduating in 1996. After our chapter was chartered, Wyllstyne “Styne” Hill became our first chapter President. Today the Tucson Chapter has 18 active mother members, 4 lifetime members and 30 children and teens.


and I am Carole Robertson.” Grade Group 2/3 recited a poem commemorating Miss Robertson and the civil right struggles. Grade Group 4/5 performed the recognized ceremony in her honor to close out the evening. We celebrated Founder Day and Associates Appreciation with a charcuterie board making class. Our 1st Chapter President and charter member, Wyllstyne “Styne” Hill was present along with several of our life-time members. It was fun had by all. We partnered with our local Boys and Girls Club to host our Black History Month “Living Wax Museum” event. Some of the members of the Boys and Girls Club will also participate in our program. We participated in the University of Arizona’s Financial Literacy program “Arizona Financial Face-Off” where middle and high school students complete financial literacy modules conducted by the University of Arizona. In April, our teens will exhibit their financial literacy in a full day of fun and educational activities based on real-life financial scenarios. Our Black Family Day event will be our final chapter wide celebration to end our programming year. Our Jacks and Jills will enjoy a fun afternoon of food and fellowship. Our teens participate, compete in, and oversee the relay races, games, and activities for the younger age groups. A catered BBQ meal will be served, along with drinks and desserts.

Our program year began with our Jack and Jill Day and Carole Robertson Celebration. Our theme was: “Jack and Jill: Where Greatness Blooms!”. The theme celebrated our little seeds of Jacks and Jills growing into leaders in their communities with the help of our Chapter! We had a pottery painting activity, where each child attendee took home their own potted seed and was reminded of the commitment by the Jack and Jill Tucson Chapter to help them grow! We also had a splash pad and jumping castle for the kids and food and drinks for all attendees. We also commemorated the memory of Carole Robertson. Grade Group 1 gathered flowers and put them in a vase in her memory while identifying themselves and their passions. They ended their introductions with the statement: “… 314


Family Albums | EASTERN REGION


The Ferguson Famil y

The Ellis Family



The Honore Family



315 315


The Kivila-Moonzwe Family INLAND EMPIRE, CA

The Brogdan Family LOS ANGELES, CA

The Bryant Family

The Choma-Severin Family



McCorney, Tamala, Saliha, & Mahalet


316 316

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The Cook Family

The Jac obs Famil y



The Messaye Family LOS ANGELES, CA

The King Family LOS ANGELES, CA

317 317


The Baden Family PASADENA, CA

Vanessa, Ronald “RJ”, & Ryder

The Irvine Family


The C laErNkIXF, aAZmil y PHO

The Dodds Family PASADENA, CA

Therese, Marshall, & Landon 318

318 318

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The Williams Family


Rashad, Marsha, Sylas, Shyla, Sauvion, Shani, & Selah

The Cato Family SAN JOSE, CA



319 319


The Moore Famil y

The Conway Family



The Yattassaye Family SEATTLE, WA


320 320


Clarence James Reese CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA


larence James Reese peacefully departed this life on Thursday, January 7, 2021 in Plano, Texas. He was born on July 22, 1942 in New Orleans, Louisiana to the late Daniel Webster Reese and late Marjorie James Reese. Clarence was affectionately known as “Butch” to close family and childhood friends in New Orleans. His parents and siblings were pillars of support for the New Orleans community, always reaching out to help those in need. This drive to support and “give back” transcended throughout Clarence’s life and left footprints on the paths of everyone he touched. Clarence married his wife of 41 years, his soul mate and partner, Roselyn Richardson, June 30, 1979. They were blessed with one child Jason. From his previous marriage to Valjeanne Taylor, there were three blessings, Sharyn, Clarence Jr. and Daryl During his tenure at Dillard, he was an athletic scholar. Clarence played football, whilst attaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. While balancing academics and sports, Clarence pledged Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. Clarence began his corporate career as an Engineer. Clarence was recruited by the Xerox Corporation as an Engineer in 1967. He co-founded the group CARI formed to help promote minority hiring and development. Clarence held various positions during his 30+ years of service including, Vice President of Quality. With his Wife Roselyn, Clarence served the Contra Costa County and North Suburban Dallas Chapters of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. As an active member of the men’s auxiliary, Clarence loved dressing up as Santa during the annual holiday events. Every year he could be found developing the next generation of changemakers and scientists. Clarence is preceded in death by his parents, sisters Barbara Reese Lee, Ruthlyn Reese Morris, and Gwendolyn Reese Barconey, and sister-in-law Donna Hurt Reese.

He is survived by his devoted wife, Roselyn Richardson Reese, daughter Sharyn Reese Winborn, three sons Clarence James Reese, Jr., Dr. Daryl Webster Reese (Shannon), and Jason Guice Reese, four grandchildren Daniel Reese, Tristan Reese, Maison Reese and Reese Winborn, two brothers Claude Reese and Webster Reese, two sisters Evelyn Reese Adams (Walter) and Patricia Reeves, brother-in-law Whitney Barconey, aunt Alberta Guillory, goddaughter Joy Lee Brown, adopted family Charlotte, Chelsea, Brandon and Deshawn Stephens, longtime childhood friend Jesse W. Bridges, long-time devoted friend Levern Wilson and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.


Irma LaJune Mitchell FRESNO, CA

“As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” Isaiah 66:13


rma LaJune Mitchell was a long-time member of the Fresno Chapter. Irma kept her children, Richie, Rena and Raymond, actively involved in monthly age-appropriate social, educational, civic, and cultural activities. As a teen, Richie answered the call to serve as a Big Brother to younger Jack and Jill boys. Raymond held teen leadership positions on the local and Far West Regional levels. A legacy of service continued when her daughter Rena, was initiated into the organization. Irma was a Fresno Chapter leader and worked faithfully on various Chapter committees. She mentored younger mothers and upheld one objective of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated which is to “Aid mothers in learning more about their children by careful study…” As a teacher and concerned citizen, Irma demonstrated her love and concern for children living in the West Fresno School District and greater Fresno community. She was an advocate for many years, serving as a substitute teacher, after her retirement, encouraging children to maintain healthy friendships and excel academically. Irma also helped parents navigate the educational system in support of their children. Irma faithfully upheld a second objective of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated which is to, “Seek for all children the same advantage which we desire for our own.” Irma completed her tenure in good standing with the Fresno Chapter when her youngest child graduated from High School. We shared many wonderful experiences rooted in our common bond of motherhood and service. Years later Irma became an Associate Jewel of the Fresno Associate Group. Her laughter, faith, and upbeat nature were infectious. She never changed, even during her most challenging moments. When

acknowledging another’s hurt or her own mistake, she often would readily say, “Charge it to my head and not my heart.” Irma’s faith in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ sustained her through her illness. She continued to praise Him in the midst of it all. Associate Jewel Irma LaJune Mitchell was called to rest on Wednesday, December 21, 2022. Fresno Chapter Mothers and Associate Jewels of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, on behalf of Members and Officers of the Far West Region and Members and Officers of the National Executive Board, embrace the bereaved family. We extend our deepest sympathy and submit to God’s will.



Jayden Thomas Gillespie NORTH COUNTY SAN DIEGO, CA


ayden was a remarkable, kind, smart and vibrant young man who was an aspiring filmmaker. His interest in film and production began in elementary school with roles in community theater and oratory competitions. Jayden grew up in the Rancho Santa Fe area and attended R. Roger Rowe Elementary School and Canyon Crest Academy (CCA) High School where he graduated in 2017. He gave the commencement speech at both his 8th grade and high school graduations. As a high school senior, Jayden was chosen as a Presidential Scholar in the Arts. The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program was established in 1964 by the Executive Order of the President to recognize some of our nation’s most distinguished graduating seniors for their accomplishments in many areas: academic success, leadership and service to school and community. While in high school, Jayden was also a member of the Film Conservatory and served as Executive Treasurer for the Student Body Association. He was the Arts host for his high school’s #1 ranked TV station (CCATV) and received numerous awards including Best Drama from CCA Film Festival for his film entitled Slide, Best Screen Nominee from the All-American High School Film Festival, and Harvard WestFlix Film Festival Director’s Choice Award for Lola & Elaine. He was also recognized by the National Young Arts Foundation Cinema in Miami where he was selected as one of 8 national finalists for the Cinematic Art Award. Additionally, while in high school, he participated in the Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Summer High School Program held at the distinguished Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Business. Jayden attended Loyola Marymount University (LMU) School of Film and Television in Los Angeles, California. At LMU, Jayden was a member of The Learning Community (TLC) , the Black Student Union, the Summer Undergraduate Research Program, and worked in the Student Affairs Dean’s Office. He was a promising filmmaker, who made videos for the university, including Black Student Services, Ethnic and Intercultural Services, Intercultural Programs and Initiatives, and Jewish Student Life. In 2020, Jayden founded Uni-Colors

Entertainment, a production company specializing in narrative films and music videos. His passion for storytelling was exemplified in his short films. Jayden became a member of Jack and Jill North County San Diego Chapter at the age of 3. He also volunteered as a mentor to young students interested in cinematography. He traveled the world with his family.




enise Conley was a member of Jack & Jill for over 13 years, beginning in the 1990’s when her daughter, Danielle, was in elementary school, until she graduated from high school in 2003. Denise and Danielle were avid fans of Jack & Jill camp, and enjoyed the camaraderie of other campers for a number of summers. Both Denise and Danielle made life long friends through Jack & Jill.

Denise was born and spent her early years in Germany, where her dad was in the US military. As a youngster, she spoke German along with English. When her family returned to the US, they settled in Colorado where Denise attended school. After high school, she studied at Radcliffe College (Harvard University) where she earned a B.A. in Economics. She also completed some graduate work at Harvard School of Design before relocating to the west coast. In California, she made Oakland her home, and worked for the City of Oakland. She later worked at Stanford Research Institute, and then moved on to Keyser Marston Associates, a real estate economics firm, where she became a shareholder. In the early 2000’s, Denise left Keyser Marston and started her own firm, Conley Consulting Group, and conducted research and provided real estate economics expertise to a number of public jurisdictions and private developers. Denise’s firm was highly successful and well respected. She was one of very few Black women in her industry. In 2013, Denise scaled back her business and moved from Oakland to Atlanta, GA, where she lived until she had a massive stroke and returned to Oakland in 2018. Denise was a sought after speaker and served on a number of non-profit housing corporation and other boards. She was committed to community service. In Oakland, she was a member of the Alpha Nu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., where she created a program to mentor girls in Alameda County Juvenile Hall. She was a gourmet cook who showered friends with delectables and love at her annual

Christmas parties and other events during the year. Above all, Denise was a devoted daughter to her mother, Marcella, and a wonderful mother to her daughter, Danielle. She was also a loving “auntie” to many young people who loved her back. She’ll be missed. May she rest in peace.



Mary Elizabeth Cooke OAKLAND BAY AREA, CA


ary Elizabeth Cooke was the oldest of 3 children born on November 9, 1941 to Tom Thompson and Edna Mae Thompson. She was born in Kilgore, Texas and later moved to Oakland, CA. Mary attended Oakland schools and became the first African American cheerleader at Castlemont High School. She went on to receive her degree and teaching credential at San Francisco State University. She made lifelong friends who shared her commitment to the community when she joined Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. She continued her ties to her Rho Chapter as a graduate advisor in Alpha Nu Omega. She married John Cooke in Oakland, CA. They shared more than 60 years of marriage together. She raised her three children, John, David and Elizabeth in Oakland CA and joined Jack and Jill Oakland Bay Area Chapter to help build bonds of friendship for them. Mary loved Jack and Jill and became President of the chapter. Mary served the children of Oakland for 30 years as a teacher, school administrator and mentor. Mary also served as president

of the Oakland youth orchestra’s executive board, was an Oakland Museum history docent, she was assistant to the superintendent and implemented a 21st century grant to make Stonehurst a dual language elementary school. Mary was the organizer, charter member and first president of the Eden Rose Chapter of the Links, Inc. Mary Cooke departed this life on November 7, 2022. She was preceded in death by her parents, Tom and Edna Thompson, sister Priscilla Thompson Turner, and son John Frederick Cooke, Esq. She is survived by her husband John Cooke, Sr., her daughter Elizabeth Cooke, her son David Cooke, MD. And his wife Rachel Cooke; her daughter in law Mikie Cooke and her grandchildren Claire Cooke, John Cooke, III and Audrey Cooke; her sister Willetta Jennings and her nephew Todd Jennings and her niece Ashley Jennings Wild and her spouse William Wild. She will also be cherished and missed by her many other cousins and extended family.


Roderick Waldren May, Jr. OAKLAND BAY AREA, CA


oderick Waldren May, Jr. was granted his angel wings on August 22, 2022.

Roderick was born October 18, 1951, in St. Louis, Missouri to Roderick May, Sr. and Mary Jane Jordan (Hall). He attended Christian Brothers High School in St. Louis, Missouri and graduated in 1970. He continued his education in California at Claremont College, Pomona in Claremont, California. Rod graduated in 1974 and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree. After graduation, Rod moved to Oakland with his sister and her family. In 1976 Rod was hired by Pacific Bell and worked for Pacific Bell (AT&T) for approximately 42 years, until retirement. Rod enjoyed listening to music and playing cards, mainly bid whist. He totally enjoyed basketball. He was a diehard Golden State Warriors fan. He followed the Warriors from their winning season in 1975 through their current winning trend. Rod enjoyed attending the Warriors games, especially with his family. His first love was his family.

Rod is survived by his loving wife of 30 years, Denise Eaton May, daughters, Shenelle, Shevonne (Roosevelt) and Keisha (Joshua), his sister, Joycelyn May, his nephew, Che Stinnetti, grandniece, Isabella, grandnephew, Joseph and a host of cousins and friends. Rod was preceded in death by his parents, Roderick Waldren May, Sr. and Mary Jordan Hall and his first wife, Gloria Richardson May who died in 1986. Rod’s life would seem too short to many, but those who were touched by him understood that the quality of existence far exceeds the quantity of time in which one lives. His kindness, generosity, sense of humor, commitment to family and friends brought much joy to everyone that crossed his path. Rest In Peace.





tis McGee, Jr., beloved father to Aaron McGee, husband to Jack & Jill Mom Valerie Lewis McGee, and active Oakland Bay Area Chapter Dad, passed on February 14, 2022. From 1997 until the family “graduated” in 2014, Otis McGee could be found at Group bowling and science projects and picnics. He loved the annual Jack & Jill Tahoe ski trip. Mr. McGee would often reminisce fondly about the family’s trip to Southern California during Teen Conference. He was always excited to hear about the achievements of Oakland’s former Jack & Jillers. Otis McGee, Jr. was a nationally recognized attorney. A graduate of the University of California Berkeley and University of California Boalt Hall School of Law, Attorney McGee was at one time the Managing Partner of the largest minority owned law firm in the country, Alexander, Milner & McGee. He was also a Senior Partner with Sheppard, Mullin Richter & Hampton. He was a neutral with Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services. Not only was Otis McGee recognized for his legal acumen and trial skills, but he is fondly remembered as a mentor to many. Despite his busy schedule, he was a leader in the legal community and in the community at large. Attorney McGee was inducted into both the National Bar Association and Charles Houston Bar Association Halls of Fame. He was a member of the American College of Trial Lawyers, The American Board of Trial Advocates, and the Association of Defense Counsel. He would serve in leadership positions in each of these organizations. Attorney McGee was a Master in the Earl Warren Inn of Court. Otis McGee helped found and serve on the boards of the Museum of the African Diaspora, KMTP (California Minority Television Project) Black Porsche. A true renaissance man, Otis restored and showed several antique cars at the prestigious Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance and the Silverado Classic Car Show. He was the proud owner of an internationally recognized HO Scale train layout, modeling the Southern Pacific Shasta route. He also served as President of the Southern Pacific Historical and Technical Society.

In addition to Valerie and Aaron, Otis leaves behind a daughter, Kellyn, and a host of family and friends. Otis loved to travel and refined his palate for a great wine or cigar, sharing his experiences with others. While he is greatly missed, he is remembered often, fondly, and with love and respect.


Angelite Armento McWhorter SAN DIEGO, CA


ngelite Armento McWhorter was a member of the Sensational San Diego Chapter, where she held a number of roles including Secretary, Program Director and Vice President. She was known for her boundless energy, kindness to others, and fierce sense of style and fashion. She was an amazing friend, sister, daughter, and also a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. She will be missed by our chapter, her husband, Kevin McWhorter, and her beautiful twins, Rheily and Remi. The Sensational San Diego Chapter thanks her immensely for her tireless contributions, but most of all… her friendship.





he beginning of this programming year came with grief and sadness as our beloved SFVJJ Father, David Anthony Arnold, father of Anna-Grace and Ashlyn, husband to Mother Member Julie Arnold unexpectantly passed away on September 7, 2022. David was born on March 15th, 1968 in Cleveland Ohio. David was full of character and ambition, naturally funny and effortlessly charming. He was a United States Navy Officer and served his country as a medic during the day, but at night he performed in nightclubs as a comic. An Act with no shortage of Michael Jackson impressions, David moonwalked his way onto the USO Comics on Duty Tour bringing laughs to people around the world. After years of honing his comedic talent and many years of disappointment, David met the love of his life, Julie Harkness. David and Julie married in July of 2003 and brought their two lovely daughters into this world. His family inspired David to focus and press forward with his dreams to be a successful writer, producer and comedic performer. David’s famous TikTok episodes put him in the spotlight. “Life with Dave” YouTube rants that were hilarious skits about his family became such a trend. David later hosted Comedy shows appearing at The Laugh Factory in L.A., on television hosting the Black Men Revealed and made appearances on Def Comedy Jam, Comic View, and Russell Simmons Presents: The Rukus. David often toured the country while performing with his good friend Kym Whitley in “He Said, She Said” to sold out audiences. David loved that everyone could relate to him on any level. He appreciated people treating him like he was familiar. David was always genuine and such a great family guy, loving, and nurturing husband. A scappy kid who graduated from Beachwood High School with a 1.8 GPA, is making millions of people laugh on his highly praised Netflix specials, Fat Ballerina and It Ain’t for the Weak, also became an accomplished producer of Fuller House, Side Hustle, and the creator and showrunner of the hit TV series, That Girl Lay Lay. A model of strong will and sheer determination, David Anthony Arnold leaves to carry forward his legacy to his wife Julie, his family and close friends. We love you David. Thanks for making us laugh with you.




Aris Carter is the son of Timothy and Christina Carter. He is the Vice President of Berkeley High School’s National Society of Black Engineers chapter. He was a member of the Oak8 cohort of Hidden Genius. He is active in Mechatronics and the robotics team. Aris has extensive experience coding and teaching robotics. He served as an ambassador for the international travel exchange program Global Glimpse; a role he was asked to take on after creating a philanthropic project where he solicited and delivered school supplies to Ecuador. Aris will attend college to pursue a career in technology and engineerin


Sydney Ellis is the daughter of Sonya Ellis and Clyde Ellis. Sydney was presented to society at Pearls of Perfection Debutante Cotillion presented by the Contra Costa County Alumnae of Delta Sigma Theta on February 4, 2023. The Monte Vista Student student plans to major in political science.


Valise Marie Ferguson is the daughter of Lisa Gamble and Victor Ferguson. Valise was presented to society at the 7th Annual Pearls of Perfection Cotillion Ball on February 4, 2023 by the Contra Costa Alumni Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. She was escorted by Aris Carter, son of Christina and Tim Carter. This beautiful young lady is a senior at Carondelet High School in Concord, CA. Her college plans are to major in Media Journalism and Film at Howard University in Washington D.C. As a debutante, Valise is poised, polished and prepared for success in her future endeavors.


Debutante Georgiana Elizabeth Fields, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Fields was presented to society on February 4, 2023 at the 7th Annual Pearls of Perfection Debutante Cotillion, a program sponsored by the Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Georgiana is a senior at Monte Vista High School in Danville, California. She is passionate about the performing arts and sings in multiple choirs and enjoys acting. She regularly volunteers with health focused non-profit organizations such as the Alzheimer’s Association and JDRF. Georgiana plans to attend the University of Arizona and major in Psychology.


Debutante Hannah Imani Grigsby is the daughter of James and Sukoji Grigsby. She was presented to society at the 7th Annual Pearls of Perfection Cotillion sponsored by the Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. on February 4, 2023. After graduation from Liberty High School, Hannah plans to major in Biology at North Carolina A&T University or Howard University and pursue a career in medicine.


Debutantes & Beaus | FAR WEST REGION


Nasim Lawrence is the son of Ajamu and Karimah Lawrence. He was presented to society at the 7th Annual Pearls of Perfection Cotillion sponsored by the Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. on February 4, 2023. Nasim is a junior at Deer Valley High School, upon graduation he would like to attend Morehouse College and major in Computer Science, Management or Finance.


Ariel L. Moore is the dayghter of Angela Moore. Ariel L. Moore was presented to society at the Kappa Beta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Fashionetta Debutante Ball on November 19, 2022. The Berkeley High Schoo student plans to major in Political Science at the University of California, Los Angeles.


Evan Allen Shepherd, son of Van Shepherd and Deadra Henderson, is a sophomore at Berkeley High School. He is a student athlete with a 3.83 G.P.A., and plays on his school’s Junior Varsity basketball team. Evan is a member of the Berkeley High School Chapter of the National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE Jr.). He is also a member of Bay Hills Community Church in Pinole, CA. Evan’s interests include photography, piano and travel. Evan plans to enroll in the Aeronautical Science Degree Program at Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ., with aspirations of becoming a pilot.


Micah Amani Youngblood is the daughter of Anthony and Cassandra Youngblood. Amani was presented to society at the Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Pearls of Perfection Cotillion on February 4, 2023. Amani has enjoyed leadership roles in Girl Scouts, Air Force JROTC and Varsity Drumline. She was also active in Delta Academy and GEMS. Creative in music, writing and sewing, she looks forward to exploring a career in the fashion industry. The Heritage High School honor roll student plans to major in Business at Howard University in the Fall.


Thomas, son of Drs. Robert and Edythe Stewart, was presented as a Gent by the SJVA Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. He is a senior at Edison High School where he has twice been Leadership Student of the Year. He is also the snare drum captain and on the varsity water polo and swim teams. Thomas is the recipient of the California State Civic Seal of Engagement. He plans a career in Journalism and Public Policy where he plans to use written word to elevate the voices of the unheard and the silenced.


Malik Khajir Dawson is the son of Clifford Dawson and PNO Lisa Grant-Dawson. Malik is participating as a Beau in the Kappa Omicron Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Beautillion and is seeking to win the award of Beau of the Year. Malik is a Senior at Angelo Rodriguez High School, and a member of the Black Student Union, basketball, and football teams. Malik plans to major in education or kinesthesiology, where his goals are to secure a career as a physical education teacher or physical therapist/athletic trainer.



Beau Josiyah Maddalone is the son of Alexandria Maddalone-Wilson. Josiyah will be presented to society at the Kappa Omicron Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated Beautillion on March 18, 2023. Josiyah attends Justin-Siena High School and he plans to major in Marketing at an HBCU.


Debutante Aliyah Miller is the daughter of Roderick Miller and Kim Miller. Debutante Aliyah was presented to society at Kappa Beta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Miss Fashionetta 2022 Debutante Ball on November 19, 2022. The Jesse M. Bethel student plans to major in computer science at the University of California, San Diego.


Debutante Shelby Joelle Page, the daughter of Joseph and Christine Page, was presented to society at the Eta Nu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated’s 14th biennial Nubian Pearls of Distinction Shades of Elegance Debutant Ball on April 23, 2022. The Orange Vista High School senior plans to major in Computer Science at a 4-year university and ultimately pursue a career in Cybersecurity.


Katelin Helen Shipp is the daughter of Administrative Law Judge LaJetta Wright and Daniel Shipp. Katelin was presented to society at The S.U.P.R.E.M.E Foundation, the nonprofit arm under Omega Delta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. The 3rd Biennial Pearls and Gilded Ivy Debutante Ball held at the Pacific Palms Resort on April 15, 2023. The Centennial High School-Corona Senior plans to major in Psychology and continue her education at one of the various universities she has been offered admission.


Debutante Kalyn Washington, the daughter of Ms. Kecia Washington, was presented to society through the Orange County Chapter of the Links, Incorporated on February 25, 2023. The Eleanor Roosevelt High School senior plans to major in Physical Therapy and Early Childhood Education when she enrolls at the university in the Fall. Kalyn has received multiple college acceptances, but is deciding between Texas Southern University and North Carolina A&T University.


Lailah Downs is an 18-year-old senior who attends Los Alamitos Haigh School where she is enrolled in honors classes and participates in extracurricular activities such as Student Council and ASD. Laila is also an extraordinary athlete. She has played on the Los Alamitos High School’s Girls Varsity Soccer team since she was a freshman and has participated in track, swim, dance and gymnastics. Lailah wishes to continue her education at a university where she will major in Political Science and then move on to law school to become a lawyer.


Debutantes & Beaus | FAR WEST REGION


Brooke Danielle Phillips is the daughter of Tiffany Bell & Darryl Phillips. She was escorted by Anderson Pecot, son of Joseph and Candyce Pecot. Brooke was presented to society by the Orange County Chapter of The Links, Incorporated on February 25, 2023, and served as Vice President. The Millikan High School student plans to major in Business Administration; Real Estate at San Diego State University or Psychology at Spelman College.


Bradli Kerryington Powell is the daughter of Jonathan Powell and Brandi Murdock-Lewin. Bradli was presented to society at The Orange County Chapter of The Links, Inc. Debutante Affair, in Irvine, CA on February 25th, 2023. The Los Alamitos High School student plans to major in Psychology. Bradli has yet to decide what college she is attending; she has received acceptances to Howard, Spelman, Pepperdine, Loyola Marymount and Clark University. God is with her.


Lauren Kendall Brooks is the daughter of Steve and Lynette Brooks. Lauren Kendall Brooks was presented to society at The S.U.P.R.E.M.E Foundation’s Pearls and Gilded Ivy Debutante Ball on April 15, 2023. Lauren is a senior and honor roll student at King/Drew Magnet High School of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles, California. She plans to major in Biology at Spelman College with future goals to become a dermatologist.


Saliha Tamu Choma-Séverin is the daughter of Mr. McCorney Séverin and Mrs. Tamala Choma-Séverin. Saliha was presented to society at the Los Angeles Chapter of The Links, Incorporated/Los Angeles Chapter Charitable Trust Grand Cotillion Ball on November 25, 2022. The Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles student intends to become an environmental lawyer. While in college she plans to explore her interests in environmental, international, and French language studies before pursuing graduate study. She plans to either attend college abroad or stateside while participating in as many study-abroad programs as possible and ultimately reside abroad.


Jonathan Choyce is the son of Dwight and Tina Choyce. He will be presented as an Achiever to society by the Angel City Chapter (CA) of the Links, Incorporated, and the Achievement Trust on June 25, 2023. Jonathan is a senior at Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnet High School in Los Angeles, California. He is the Varsity Basketball Team Captain and is actively involved in the Black Student Union. Jonathan has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Los Angeles Chapter for seven years. He plans to attend Howard University and major in Computer Science.


Kendra Fleming is the daughter of Kenneth Fleming and Ardra Fleming-Williams. Kendra was presented to the society at the Los Angeles Chapter of The Links, Incorporated on November 25, 2022. The Campbell Hall scholar plans to attend college and major in Business.



Cotillionette Kassidy Arielle King, daughter of Monica M. Batts-King and Gregory King, is a senior at Palisades Charter High School in Pacific Palisades, California. She is an honor roll scholar, Varsity Cheerleader Co- Captain, and will receive the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. Kassidy has been a member of the Los Angeles Chapter of Jack and Jill for 15 years and has served as President, Vice President and Treasurer on the Teen Exec Board. Kassidy was presented at the Los Angeles Chapter of the Links Incorporated 70th Annual Leadership Institute and Cotillion on November 26, 2022. Kassidy will major in Criminology.


Debutante Lovely Gentry-Thomas is the daughter of Chapter President Taura Gentry-Kelso, Will Thomas, and Benjamin Kelso. She is a senior at Morse High School. Lovely was presented to society at Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc. Epsilon Xi Omega Chapter’s Ebony Pearls Leadership Academy (EPLA) on April 16, 2022. Lovely’s Debutante Sponsor and Mentor is the FWR’s Immediate Past Regional Associate’s Chair Pamela Gray-Payton. The Morse High School senior plans to major in Biology Pre-Med or Engineering at Howard University or another HBCU. “Trust in The Lord now and forever! The Lord God will always be our strong Rock.” – Isaiah 26:4


Arianna Irvine is the 17-year-old daughter of Edward Irvine and Lee Wills-Irvine. Arianna was presented to society at the Ebony Pearl Gala sponsored by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority on April 8, 2023. The Westview high School student plans to attend university in California or go to an HBCU to study psychology or nutrition because she is very interested in human mental and physical well-being. She thanks everyone who supported her, parents, brothers, sister, extended family and friends. Additionally, the AKA Sorority for the wonderful experience of the Ebony Pearls Program. Her Alpha Kappa Alpha mentor is Tara Welbourne.


Morgan Gabrielle Caitlin Hunt is the daughter of Drs. Thurman and Stacey Hunt. Morgan was presented to society at the Pearls of Perfection Debutante Ball sponsored by the Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. on February 4, 2023. She has been a member of the Oakland Bay Area Chapter for 15 years. She is presently the Regional Teen Editor. She is a member of the Piedmont Varsity Soccer and Softball where she is a Captain on both teams. The Piedmont High School student plans to become a writer and major in Communications and Journalism.


Beau Kyle Eldridge Starks is the son of Pamela Cox-Starks and Kenneth Starks. He was presented to society at the Phoenix Chapter “Young Men on Mission and on Purpose” 22nd Biennial Beautillion on March 25, 2023 in Chandler, Arizona. Kyle is an honor student, Swim Team Captain, and Senior Class President at Desert Ridge High School in Mesa, Arizona. He is active in many clubs and serves as the Phoenix Chapter Teen President. He loves science and has been accepted into several colleges and universities where he will study Global and Public Health on the road to become a Virologist.


Naedia Sherri Louise Williams is the daughter of Mr. Nathaniel U. Williams and Mrs. Gretchen E. F. Williams. Naedia was presented to society at the Phoenix Emerald Foundation Inc. 36th Biennial Cotillion on June 4, 2022. Naedia is a senior at Perry High School and a member of the National Honor Society. She is the president of the Black Girl Empowerment Club, an active participant in the Black Student Union, Link Crew, and Skills U.S.A. Naedia plans to major in engineering and is considering several schools for college such as Spelman, Loyola Marymount University, and the University of Arizona. 334

Debutantes & Beaus | FAR WEST REGION


Beau Aaron Barefield is the son of Dr. Carla Galbraith. Beau Aaron was presented to society at the Kappa Omicron Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Beautillion on March 18, 2023. He is a senior at Franklin High School in Elk Grove, California and plans to major in Kinesiology and Physical Therapy at Sacramento City College.


Debutante Mariah Dempsey Havener is the daughter of Mark & Courtney Havener. Debutante Mariah was presented to society at the Kappa Beta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc Miss Fashionetta Debutante Ball on November 19, 2022. The NP3 student plans to attend an HBCU and major in Medical Laboratory Science towards her goal of becoming a forensic scientist.


Debutante, Krislyn Daniella Sanders, is the daughter of Captain K. DeWayne and Leonie Sanders. Krislyn was presented to society at Alpha Kappa Alpha, EXO chapter’s 68th Annual Debutante Ball on April 8th, 2023. She was escorted by her JJ brother Carter Henderson. The Eastlake High School student plans to major in Business with an emphasis in Finance at a top HBCU.


Debutante is the daughter of Terri and Sean. The San Francisco University High School student plans to major in Computer Science at Pace. She has been a member of the San Francisco Chapter for 4 years and was previously a member of the Philadelphia Chapter for three years. Nala has served as Historian and Teen President of her chapter. She was the leader of her school’s Girls Who Code Club and Co-leader of the Black Student Union in addition to being on the Sports Equity Task Force.


Elon Cooper is a senior at The Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville, New Jersey and is the daughter of Dwayne and Danielle Cooper. She was presented to society by the Los Angeles Chapter of the Links, Incorporated on November 25, 2022. She has been a member of the Santa Clarita Valley Antelope Valley Chapter for 14 years. Elon is passionate about Sports Medicine, volunteering her time as an Athletic trainer for over 300 athletes and 20+ teams. Elon plans to major in Biochemistry at Hampton University and continue her studies at Boston University School of Medicine to become an Orthopedic Surgeon.


Cotillionette Carly Taylor is the daughter of Emanuel and Stacy Taylor. Carly was presented to society at The Links Incorporated of Los Angeles Chapter Charitable Trust on November 25, 2022. The Valencia High School student plans to major in Bio-Genetic Engineer at Spelman College.



BrookeMonaé Westbrook is the daughter of Eric and Michelle Westbrook- she will be presented by The S.U.P.R.E.M.E. Foundation, Pearls and Gilded Ivy on April 15, 2023. BrookeMonaé attends Palisades Charter HS., in Pacific Palisades, California. In addition to community service, she enjoys spending time with family and friends. BrookeMonaé plans to attend an HBCU or USC to major in Forensic Psychology and Film.


Kamiyah Musgrove is the daughter of Kimberly Roberson and Phillip Musgrove Jr. Kamiyah was presented to society at the White Rose Cotillion sponsored by the Phoenix Chapter of the Links on June 4, 2022. The Chandler High School student plans to major in Marketing at a Historically Black College and University.


Debutante Jordan Deborah Hart is a senior at University High School in Tucson, Arizona. Jordan is the daughter of Jimmy and Regina Hart. Jordan was presented to society in the Phoenix Chapter of the Links, Incorporated Young Leaders Academy & Cotillion on June 4, 2022. Jordan is the Immediate Past Far West Region Teen Treasurer. Jordan received an academic scholarship for college from the Phoenix Chapter of the Links, Incorporated Young Leaders Academy & Cotillion. Jordan will attend college and major in Biology with a Pre-Med focus.





Aaron S Richard II is a senior at Robert Service High School in Anchorage, Alaska. He is the proud son of Aaron and Janece Richard and has been a member of the Anchorage Chapter for 13 years. In his 13 years with the Anchorage Chapter, Aaron started in group 1 and has served as the chapter teen treasurer, chapter teen vice president, chapter teen president, and regional teen treasurer. Aaron is a well immersed in his community and has assisted with local food banks activities, the salvation army, community clean-ups, and volunteered with community musical organizations. He will attend the University of Alaska Anchorage for Engineering & Linguistics.


Derrick JR. Bedford is a Senior at Saint Mary’s College High School in Berkeley, CA and is the son of Derrick and Trina Bedford. He has been a member of the Contra Costa County Chapter for 8 years. He is fluent in Spanish and enjoys giving back to his community. He annually collects gently used baseball equipment and delivers to youth in Cuba, Columbia and Puerto Rico. He has lettered in varsity Baseball and Football. JR is looking forward to his senior year campaign of Baseball & 2x Varsity Team Captain. JR will attend California State Fresno as their freshmen shortstop and major in Fire Science - Go BullDogs!!!


Aris is a Senior in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program at Berkeley High School. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for fourteen years. He was a member of the Oak8 cohort of Hidden Genius and nationally recognized BHS NSBE Vice-President. Aris is active in Mechatronics and the robotics team. He is a Global Glimpse Ambassador. In this role, he organized a philanthropic project where he solicited and delivered school supplies to Ecuador. Aris is a scholar athlete and played soccer, cross-country, and track and field. Aris will attend college to pursue a career in technology and engineering.


Sydney Ellis, is a Senior At Monte Vista High School in Danville, California and is the daughter of Sonya Ellis and Clyde Ellis. She has been a member of the Manassas, Bergen Passaic, and Contra Costa County chapter for 10 years. Sydney has volunteered in third-world countries performing community service work and creating a better environment for the natives. In college, Sydney plans to major in political science and obtain a law degree. She is a member of her high schools Mock Trial class and has been selected as lead Attorney for the MV Team for the past three years.


Valise Ferguson is a senior at Carondelet High School in Concord, California and is the daughter of Lisa Gamble and Victor Ferguson. Vivi previously held the position of Teen Social Chair and is currently the Teen Secretary of Contra Costa County Chapter, where she has been a member for 6 years. Vivi is the photographer and member of the Black Student Union at both Carondelet and De La Salle High Schools. She was a Stunt and Sideline Cheerleader for De La Salle football. As a member of Allen Temple Baptist Church, she participates in the youth programs and is an Ambassador Girl Scout. She received a Presidential Gold Award.



Georgiana Fields attends Monte Vista High School in Danville, California. She is the daughter of David and Karla Fields. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 16 years. She has served in the roles of Chaplain and Editor. Georgiana is in the Concert Choir and serves on the Choir Leadership Team. She sings in the Oakland Interfaith Youth Choir and acts with ICDT Performing Arts Center. Georgiana volunteers with Rotary Interact Club, the Alzheimer’s Association, JDRF, Bay Area Black Nurses Association and UCSF Black Health Initiative. She will attend the University of Arizona and major in psychology.


Leiah Goode is the daughter of Terry and Latondra Goode and a Senior at Saint Mary’s College Hight School in Berkeley. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years, served as Teen Chaplain, at her school as Senior Class Representative, a member of NHS, and received the President’s Scholar Athlete award for achieving a 4.0 GPA as part of the 1st NCS and top 10th place State Championship Cross Country Team. Leiah is an intern and student leader for RJOY, Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth, and plans to study Psychology at USC, a UC, or NYU.


Hannah Grigsby is a senior at Liberty High School in Brentwood, California and is the daughter of James and Sukoji Grigsby. Hannah has been a member of the Contra Costa County Chapter for 15 years, and has served on the Teen Executive Board as the Nominating Chair and Protocol Chair. Hannah is an honor roll student, a multisport athlete and a leader. She’s Vice President of the Black Student Union and serves on the School Climate Cultural Committee--advocating on behalf of African American students. Hannah plans to major in Biology at Howard University or North Carolina A&T University and pursue a career in medicine.


Jillian Massenat is an honor roll student and senior at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland, CA. She’s the daughter of Roburta Burroughs Massenat and Terry Collins. Jillian is a member of the National Honor Society and has been a member of the Contra Costa County Chapter for seven years. She serves on the chapter’s Teen Executive Board as chair of the Nominating Committee. Jillian also spends time volunteering in the healthcare sector. An AAU Academic All-American, Jillian will attend Emory University in Atlanta, Ga, to major in one of the hard sciences and play for the highly-ranked volleyball team.


Ariel L. Moore is a senior at Berkeley High School,in Berkeley, California, and is the daughter of Angela Moore. She has been a member fo the Contra Costa County Chapter of Jack & Jill for eight years. Ariel’s teen involvement in the community, consist of: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Women’s Health, the Joy of Giving, Soles4Souls, Reading Heroes, Hope 4 the Homeless, National Night Out, Community Policing Advisory Council, Green DOT, Food Bank, MLK Day of Service, Bulky Waste cleanups, Oakland Police Departments Toys for the Town, Creek by the Bay, Earth Day, Youth Cultural Ambassador, Lend A Hand Foundation, My Life My Dreams.


Micah Amani Youngblood is a senior at Heritage High School in Brentwood, California and is the daughter of Cassandra and Anthony Youngblood. She has been a member of Contra Costa County Chapter for 16 years. Amani has been involved in community service endeavors such as sewing masks for essential workers during the pandemic, creating care packages for women’s shelters, and facilitating physical and mental health wellness workshops for young girls in Girl Scouts. Amani plans to attend Howard University where she will major in Business with an emphasis in marketing, in pursuit of a future career in the fashion industry.




Lalaina is the daughter of Dr. Nicholette and Mr. Henintsoa Rabetsimba. Lalaina is a senior at Clovis West High School, and a member of Family Community Church. She is the teen Sergeant-at-Arms and immediate past teen president of JJOA Fresno Chapter. Lalaina is a member of Chamber Choir, African American Student Union, Hip Hop Club, and Natural Beauty Club, serving as president for all four organizations. Lalaina is also the co-founder and Vice President of Yoga and Mental Health Club. Lalaina hopes to major in Classical Vocal Performance and Psychology. “It always seems impossible until it is done.” Nelson Mandela.


Thomas, the son of Drs. Robert and Edythe Stewart, is a senior at Edison High School in Fresno. He has served as vice president and is the current foundation teen chair for the Fresno Chapter. At school, he serves as Associated Student Body Vice President and President of Rise Up Mentoring. He plans a career in Journalism and Public Policy and he plans to matriculate at a college on the east coast.


Malik Khajir Dawson is the son of Clifford Dawson and PNO Lisa Grant-Dawson. Malik is a Senior at Angelo Rodriguez High School, and a member of the Black Student Union, basketball, and football teams. Malik was also recognized as one of the top football athletes in Solano County. Malik is also the Sergeant of Arms for his Teen Group and is looking forward to attending his final Teen Conference! Malik is participating as a Beau in the Kappa Omicron Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Beautillion. Malik plans to major in education or kinesthesiology.


Denzel Daniel Dilley is a senior at Angelo Rodriguez High School in Fairfield, California, and is the son of Dennis and Cherita Dilley. He has been a member of the Greater Vallejo Chapter for four years. Denzel is a baseball player, who plays for his school and for travel teams. His community involvement includes participating and volunteering with the Omega Gentlemens Program, FMBC’s Food Bank, and the Willie B. Adkins Scholars Program. He is bilingual and has served internationally with the Global Medical Training Program in the Dominican Republic. Denzel plans to attend a 4-year university and major in kinesiology.


Hailey Fox is a senior at Benicia High in Benicia, CA and the daughter of Heather Gomes and Frank Fox,Sr. She has been a member of the Greater Vallejo Chapter for 5 years. Currently, she’s the chapters Teen President, a 5th year Willie B. Adkins scholar and the Vice President of the school’s BSU. Hailey is the founder of Education Opportunities Consulting and coordinates an annual homeless feed and giveaway with GFB. She has decided to attend Tuskegee University and has been awarded the University’s merit scholarship, starting her journey toward becoming a marketing executive. 1/13/23, 6:52 PM



Josiyah Maddalone is a senior at Justin-Siena High School in Napa, California, and is the son of Alexandria Maddalone-Wilson and Stepson of Michael Wilson III (Legacy). He has been a member of the Greater Vallejo Chapter for 9 years. Prior to the pandemic, he was active in the youth Kappa League and the Willie B Adkins program. He has volunteered at the teacher store, in after-school programs, and fed the homeless. Josiyah plays varsity football and baseball. He also enjoys helping and mentoring young kids. Josiyah plans to attend an HBCU and major in Marketing.



Aliyah Miller is a senior at Jesse M. Bethel in Vallejo, California, and is the daughter of Roderick Miller and Kim Miller. She has been a member of the Greater Vallejo Jack and Jill Chapter for eight years. Aliyah has been involved with several community service organizations, including the Bay Area Youth Climate Group, Relay for Life, Vallejo School District’s Teacher Store, and Girls Scouts of America. She has decided to attend Boston University where she will major in computer science to become a software engineer.


Kennedy Plummer is a senior at Benicia High School in Benicia, California. She has been a member of the GVJJ chapter for 14 years and has held various leadership positions in the organization. Kennedy has served as Foundation Chair and Chapter President and is the 2022-2023 FWR Teen Foundation Chair. Outside of Jack & Jill, Kennedy is a varsity Cheerleader, a member of the BSU, and Founder & Co-President of the Impact Club. Kennedy is an accomplished dancer in classical ballet, ballet folkloric, and BHS’s advanced dance team. Kennedy plans to attend a 4-year university and major in Broadcast Journalism.


Tristen is a senior at Benicia High School in Benicia, California. She is the daughter of Dale Potts Jr. and Tiffany Potts. Tristen has been a member of the Greater Vallejo Chapter since 2016 where she currently serves as the Vice President of Group V and previously held the positions of Treasurer and Secretary. She is also a second-year Varsity cheerleader at her high school and an active member of the BSU. Tristen’s college plans have yet to be confirmed, but she plans to major in Interior Design.


Aaron Archer is a senior at Westchester Enriched Sports Medicine Magnet and is the son of Rebekah Archer. He has been a member of the Incomparable Inglewood Chapter for 10 years. Aaron has been an active teen in the Inglewood community supporting legislative events and an advocate for pets by volunteering his time at a local animal shelter. He will attend Santa Monica Community College, where he will major in business.


Noah Martin Evans is a senior at Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnet High School and is the son of Maricsa and Martin Evans. He has been a member of the Inglewood Chapter for eight years. Noah has played football since ninth grade, ran track for the last two years and is on the soccer team. He is a member of the Youth Ministry at Greater Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church and a member of The Sigma Beta Club. Noah is being recruited by Santa Monica and Los Angeles Valley Colleges for football. He plans to transfer to CSUN and major in Kinesiology.


John Kirby Honore, II is a senior at Alexander Hamilton High School in Los Angeles, California and the son of attorney and Regional Logistics Chair, Melissia A. Buckhalter-Honore and attorney Derek Honore. He has been a member of the Inglewood Chapter for 12 years and has been actively involved in community service throughout that time. John has been an Honor student the past four years in high school. He plans to attend West LA College in Los Angeles, where he will major in computer science.




Vanessa is a senior at Eleanor Roosevelt STEM Academy. She is the daughter of Vincent and Angelique King. Vanessa has been a member of the Inland Empire Chapter for 11 years. She has been involved in multiple community service projects including recycling and using the money to buy school supplies for an underserved school, regularly volunteering at a family shelter, participating in the Best Buddies program assisting students with special needs and street cleanups, to name a few. Vanessa has not made her final college decision, but will major in psychology. Her future plan is to become a psychiatrist.


Emma Kivila is a Senior at Rancho Cucamonga High School in Rancho Cucamonga, CA and is the daughter of Constance Moonzwe. Emma has been a member of Jack and Jill, Inland Empire for two years. Emma has several offers to universities and will make her selection soon. She excels in AP Theater and plans to major in Accounting and Finance with a minor in Theater. Emma is a wonderful daughter and caring sister. She has enjoyed and has grown tremendously since we joined Jack and Jill. She is forever grateful for the opportunities Jack and Jill have given her.


Shelby Page is a senior at Orange Vista HS in Perris, CA and is the daughter of Joseph and Christine Page. Shelby has been a member of Jack and Jill, Inland Empire Chapter for six years where she served as Teen Secretary, Parliamentarian and is the current Teen President. Shelby is an AVID scholar, has served on ASB, and is a 4-year varsity soccer starter and captain. She plays club soccer with LASC NPL Discovery. Shelby will be furthering her academic and athletic career at the University of Redlands where she will play women’s soccer while studying Computer Science.


Katelin Helen Shipp is a member of the Inland Empire chapter for the past 2 years and serves as Foundation Chair. Her parents are LaJetta Wright and Daniel Shipp. She attends Centennial High School-Corona where she maintains a 4.5 GPA all while serving as Vice President of the school Umoja program. Katelin was selected to participate in the City of Lake Elsinore Future Leaders Dream Extreme program. Katelin wants to major in Psychology and open a practice with a focus on black women and their mental health.


Kalyn Washington is a senior at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Eastvale, CA and a member of the Black Student Union and AVID program. As a member of Jack and Jill Inland Empire for thirteen years, Kalyn has been responsible for coordinating her teen group’s annual service activity, a Thanksgiving 5k Turkey Trot in which they provide resources, directions, water and snacks to the participants. Kalyn plans to study physical therapy and early childhood education when she enrolls in college this Fall. While she has received multiple acceptances, Kalyn is deciding between Texas Southern University and North Carolina A&T.


Bryson (Camron) Brown is a senior at Northwest Career and Technical Academy in Las Vegas, Nevada, and is the son of La Toya Jordan Brown and Hugh Brown. He has been a member of the Las Vegas Chapter for twelve years. Bryson is an active member of the Black Student Union and the biomedical club, HOSA. Bryson will attend the University of Las Vegas, Nevada, and major in biology.



Alexander Ford is a senior at Desert Oasis High School in Las Vegas, NV and is the son of Aaron Ford and Berna Rhodes-Ford. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years. Alexander is a varsity letterman in track and wrestling. He is also a member of Kappa Leadership League. Alexander plans to attend Arizona State University where he plans to major in biochemistry and eventually become an orthopedic doctor.


John Wesley Butler II is a senior at Mater Dei Highschool in Santa Ana, CA and is the son of John and Michelle Butler. He has been a member of the Long Beach Chapter for ten years. John is a mentor at Saint Simon and Jude and has been involved in the LB Rescue Mission. He is a member of John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth and a major contributor to his school’s website and social media channels. He has decided to attend UC Berkeley where he will major in African American Studies with aspirations of becoming a College Professor.


Lailah Downs is a senior at Los Alamitos High School in Los Alamitos California. She is the daughter of Erika and Michael Downs. She has been a member of the Long Beach Chapter for 15 years. Lailah is very active in soccer, playing on both high school and club teams. She is very active in her school’s ASB program where she as been noted in local newspapers for her hard work. She is currently undecided where she will attend college, but wants to major in Political Science and eventually go to Law School.


Eden-Simone Nave is a senior at Renaissance High School for the Arts in Long Beach, CA and is the daughter of Marquis and Tenille Nave. She has been a member of the Long Beach Jack and Jill Chapter for four years. Eden incorporates her love of art into volunteerism and activism. She chartered and is the president of her school’s first culture club, the teen chapter editor and a commissioned artist. She is currently in the process of choosing an art school to attend and will major in art therapy with plans to become an art therapist.


Brooke Danielle Phillips is a senior at Millikan High School in Long Beach, CA, and is the daughter of Tiffany Bell & Darryl Phillips. She has been a member of the Long Beach Chapter for 7 years. She has served on the Teen Executive Board as both Secretary and Treasurer. She will attend either San Diego State University or Spelman College where she will major in Business; Real Estate or Psychology with future plans of becoming a commercial real estate entrepreneur.


Malaika is a senior at Millikan High School in Long Beach, California and is the daughter of Felice Sparks and Cliff Phiri. She has been in Jack and Jill for 12 years and is the Teen Foundation Chair. Malaika completed the Jacqueline M. Bowles Leadership Development Program. Extracurricular activities include the Female Leadership Academy and Chair of the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council. Her community involvement includes Youth Leadership Long Beach, USC Environmental Justice Youth Fellowship, and earning a MasterClass Certificate for Youth Advocates. She is finalizing her college choice and plans to major in English and pursue a law degree.




Bradli Kerryington Powell is a senior at Los Alamitos High School in Los Alamitos, CA and is the daughter of Jonathan Powell and Brandi Murdock-Lewin. Bradli has been a member of the Long Beach Chapter for 4 years. She has served as Teen Chapter Vice President and Parliamentarian. Bradli is the founder and owner of Bradli’s Smoothie Bar, an advisor for the USC Environmental Youth Fellowship, Link Crew Leader (mentoring freshmen), and a member of the National Honor Society. Bradli has yet to decide what college she is attending; she has received acceptances to Howard, Spelman, Pepperdine, Loyola Marymount and Clark University for Psychology.


Ryan L. Ware is a senior at Servite High School in Anaheim, CA, and is the son of Kenneth and LaShawn Ware. He has been an active member of the Long Beach Chapter for the past 15 years. He serves as Sergeant-At-Arms; a role he held last year as well. A competitive athlete, Ryan is currently Captain of the track team. He completed the Global Youth Ambassador program in 2021 and will major in Sports Administration at the University of Michigan, UCLA or Florida State University.


Jaden Bobb is a senior at Harvard-Westlake in Los Angeles, California and is the son of Gordon and Alyse Bobb. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 10 years. Jaden served as a lead for the Black Leadership and Awareness Culture Club, Editor for the Sports section of The Chronicle, his school’s newspaper, and was on the Varsity Track and Field team and played club basketball. Thus far, Jaden has been admitted to Georgetown University and Morehouse College. Jaden is planning to major in Computer Science and minor in Statistics.


Zoie Noelle Brogdon is a senior at Crossroads in Santa Monica, California and is the daughter of Tracy BurnettBrogdon and Marc Brogdon. Zoie has been a member of the Los Angeles Jack and Jill Chapter for six years. Zoie is a passionate artist and an advocate for social justice. She calls it “artivism” – where art meets activism. Zoie is also a competitive Equestrian. Over time, her passionate hobby catapulted her into a top-ranking Equestrian. Zoie has yet to decide which college she will attend but, whichever school she chooses, she will make a meaningful impact.


Lauren Kendall Brooks is a senior at King/Drew Magnet High School of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles, California and the daughter of Steve and Lynette Brooks. Lauren has been a member of the Jack and Jill of America, Los Angeles Chapter for 10 years and has been active in various leadership roles. On campus she serves as a College Peer Counselor, Black Student Union member, and manager for the football team. She is an Ambassador with Girl Scouts of America, and tutors elementary students. Lauren plans to attend Spelman College, major in Biology and become a dermatologist.


Maya Bryant is the daughter of Ina Martin Bryant and Jerard Bryant. She is a senior at Immaculate Heart High School in Los Angeles, California. Maya has been a member of Jack and Jill, Los Angeles for 12 years. Maya is the Associated Student Body President and a school ambassador. Even with a heavy course load and activities, Maya is a sales associate at Milk Jar Cookies. She loves music and sings in her church’s youth choir. Maya will attend college on the east coast (where she has received multiple acceptances) and will study English or Marketing.



Saliha Tamu Choma-Séverin is a senior at Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles and is daughter of McCorney Séverin and Tamala Choma-Séverin. She has been a member of the Los Angeles Chapter of Jack and Jill for three years and a member of the North County San Diego Chapter for eight years. Saliha is a student leader of the Social Awareness in Lycée, Global Outreach, Climate Crew, and Digital Arts clubs and a youth member of the United Nations Association of the USA. While in college she plans to explore her interests in environmental and Frenchlanguage studies before law school.


Jonathan Choyce is a senior at Westchester High School, LA, CA, and is the son of Dwight and Tina Choyce. He has been a member of the Jack and Jill, Los Angeles Chapter for seven years and has served as the Parliamentarian for the past three years. Jonathan is actively involved in Jack and Jill of America, the Angel City Links Achiever Program, Bethlehem Baptist Church, and the 100 Black Men of LA. He is the Varsity Basketball Team Captain and works at Top Golf in El Segundo. Jonathan plans to attend Howard University and major in Computer Science.


James Clough is the son of Renett Clough, is a senior at Renaissance School for Arts and Sciences in San Pedro, CA., where he serves as President and founding member of the Black Student Union, and is a member of the International Thespian Society. James is an active member at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church where he regularly volunteers. He has been a member of Jack and Jill of America Inc., for 10 years and transferred to the Los Angeles Chapter in 2017. James has decided to attend Drew University, while double majoring in Classical Studies and Theatre Arts.


Elizabeth Christina Cook is a senior at Renaissance High School and daughter of Wayne and Yewande AyodeleCook. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America for over 11 years. Elizabeth has been active in church, community service activities as well as several writing projects that focus on teens and high self-esteem. Elizabeth started a program as a pre-teen called, “ Black Girl Meets World.” This program was designed to highlight the variety of interest of women of color. In the spirit of helping others, Elizabeth plans to pursue a nursing degree and continue her passion for writing.


Kendra Fleming is a senior at Campbell Hall in Studio City, California and is the daughter of Kenneth Fleming and Ardra Fleming-Williams. She has been a member of Jack and Jill, Los Angeles Chapter for 11 years. Kendra volunteers by mentoring and tutoring at-risk youth. She has decided to major in business in college and would like to become an angel investor/venture capitalist.


Fallon Elizabeth Garcia is a senior at Brentwood School in Los Angeles, California and is the daughter of Vanessa Keith Garcia and Jeffery Garcia. She has been a member of the Los Angeles Chapter for 11 years. Building on the leadership skills that she has developed in Jack & Jill, Fallon serves as a Co-President for the Multiracial Student Association and was the Assistant Director for two theatrical productions at her school. Fallon plans to pursue a degree in Film with a specialization in cinematography. She looks forward to using her talent to uplift people of color.




William Lawrence Jackson, a senior at Loyola High School in Los Angeles, California, is the son of Fred and Joanna Jackson. William has been a member of the Los Angeles Chapter since 2020. William played varsity football, is a leader and facilitator for the Loyola Center for Service and Justice, a facilitator for the Cub Year Program and Loyola Office of Equity and Inclusion, an Arrupe Senator and lead on unhoused awareness, and a writer for the school newspaper. William is deciding where he will attend college but looks forward to majoring in political science and a career in politics.


Chloe Elizabeth Jacobs is a senior at Choate Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, CT and is the daughter of Akieva Jacobs and Martin Jacobs. She has been a member of the Jack and Jill Los Angeles Chapter for 11 years. Chloe is involved in a cappella, tennis, theater, and as a Peer Educator all while achieving Deans’ List recognition. Her extracurricular activities earned her a United States President’s Volunteer Service Award. Chloe is inspired by those before her and is excited to work for systemic change. She plans to attend Barnard College or Spelman College and major in Anthropology and Economics.


Kassidy Arielle King is a senior at Palisades Charter High School in Pacific Palisades, California and is the daughter of Monica M. Batts-King and Gregory King. She is an honor roll student and has been a member of the Los Angeles Chapter of Jack and Jill for 14 years. She’s a proven leader having served on Executive Board as President, Vice President and Treasurer and is a Link Leader at her high school. Kassidy will receive the Presidential Volunteer Service Award for 2023. Kassidy is a Varsity Cheerleader Co-Captain, member of the BSU and will pursue a degree in Criminology.


Hannah Messaye is a senior at Harvard-Westlake School in Studio City, CA and the daughter of Wonde and Stacy Messaye. She has been an active member of the Los Angeles Chapter for 12 years, has chaired community service, developing the mentorship program for Black youth within and outside of our chapter. An active leader, Hannah served as Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Foundation Chair, VIce-President, and President. Outside of J&J, she has been heavily involved in tutoring, activism and advocacy work in varying arenas. Hannah plans to attend Amherst College or Tufts University, major in History and pursue a legal career.


Kinaya Rosana Smith is a Senior at Immaculate Heart High School in Los Angeles and is the daughter of Koko L. Renee and Nathan Smith. She has been a member of the Los Angeles Chapter for 17 years. She served as 5A Historian and participated as a committee member for many teen activities. She is a varsity tennis player and president of the Black Students group at IHHS and part of the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee. She hopes to attend Howard, Tuskegee or Xavier University and will major in Architecture, Psychology or be a Pre-Med undergraduate student.


Reid Joel Celestin is the oldest son of Attorney Joel Celestin and Dr. Rio Dickens-Celestin. He joined the North County San Diego Chapter as the son of a legacy mother in 2018. Reid began his high school career at Pacific Ridge School and transferred to Brewster Academy, a boarding school in New Hampshire in his 10th-grade year. Reid is a starter on the Brewster Academy Prep Basketball Program, and has been recruited by many colleges. He expects to enter as a student-athlete in the Fall of 2023.



Lovely Gentry-Thomas is a senior at Morse High School in San Diego, CA. She is the daughter of Chapter President Taura Gentry-Kelso, Will Thomas, and Benjamin Kelso. She participates in Varsity Cheer, Basketball, Track & Field, BSU, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Restorative Justice Council, ASB, Engineering club, and is an FAA certified Drone Pilot. Lovely is a member of North County San Diego Chapter for 4 years, serving as Teen Chaplain and recognized for Distinguished Community Service. Lovely wants to attend Howard University or another HBCU to study Biology or Engineering. She plans to become a Physician or an Engineer.


Arianna Irvine is a senior at Westview High School in San Diego, California and is the daughter of Edward Irvine and Lee Wills-Irvine. She’s been a member of the North County San Diego Chapter since birth. Arianna has been involved the community by supporting Walden Family Services foster care organization. Arianna plans to attend university in California or go to an HBCU to study psychology or nutrition because she is very interested in human mental and physical well-being. Her role-models are the strong, accomplished and caring women in her family. She thanks all family & friends for support.


Kamilah Lige is a senior at Del Norte High School in San Diego, California, and is the daughter of Julius Lige and Jaronda Session. She has been a member of the North County Jack and Jill Chapter for 5 years. Kamilah is the vice president of her teen chapter. She is involved in her school’s Black Student Union, Equity Task Force, Link Crew, and Student Council. She works at an after-school program with kindergartners. She is undecided about the college she will attend. She will major in Biology. She plans to take the Pre-Med track and will be a pediatrician!


Chloe Lindo is a senior at Torrey Pines High School in San Diego, California, and is the daughter of Emir ElliottLindo and Tracy Ting Lindo. She has been a member of the North County San Diego chapter for five years, and most recently, served as the Corresponding Secretary of the chapter Teen Board. She also dedicates her time doing volunteer work through NCL. Chloe is a scholar-athlete, and is a varsity lacrosse player for her school and at the club level. Chloe will attend Tulane University in New Orleans, where she will pursue a major in Exercise Science.


Drew Parker is a global-minded trilingual scholar at La Jolla Country Day School. Daughter of Mr. Bernard and Dr. Danielle Parker, she’s been a Jack & Jill member for 17 years. Drew has volunteered at food banks, organized book drives, and tutored French; and she’s a 4-year Varsity Starter in both Lacrosse and Field Hockey, two-year Lacrosse Team Captain, USA Lacrosse Academic All-American, Founder & President of her school’s International Business Club, Co-President of the French Club, and Board Member of the Community Service Board. Drew will attend Cornell University, where she will study French Studies, Commercial Real Estate, and Finance.


Ryleigh Michelle Patterson, daughter of Bruce Wayne and Roslyn L. Patterson, is a senior at Cathedral Catholic High School. She’s the North County San Diego Chapter Jack and Jill teen treasurer, and previously served as teen foundation chair. Ryleigh is consistently recognized for her leadership, service, academic and athletic achievements. She’s a member of the National Honor Society, leader of the Black Student Union, and excels at volleyball and track & field. Ryleigh received early acceptance and has committed to play NCAA Division I women’s volleyball for Harvard University, where she’ll pursue a dual degree in economics and political science.




Sloan Elizabeth Strother is a senior at Del Norte High School in San Diego, CA, and is the daughter of Scott and Blair Strother and big sister to Logan. Sloan has been a member of NCSD Jack and Jill for eight years. Throughout high school and in addition to sports, Sloan has held various leadership positions in the NCSD Jack and Jill Teen Group, as well as school sponsored clubs and organizations. Sloan plans on attending college this fall and majoring in Business, and ultimately becoming an Entrepreneur.


Carson Walker, a senior at La Jolla Country Day School, is the son of Dr. Maisha Cobb and the late Anthony Walker. Carson is a 12-year member of the North County San Diego Chapter. Carson serves as President of his school’s Black Student Union, captain of his baseball team, and student ambassador. Carson is a member of the Links, volunteers for our local Congressman, and was accepted into the highly prestigious Bill of Rights Institute. Carson has several college offers and will make his decision in March. He will major in Political Science and aims to be an international ambassador.


Amelia Allen is a senior at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland, CA and is the daughter of Tracy and Miller Allen. She has been a member of the Jack & Jill Oakland Bay Area Chapter for 3 years. Amelia has spent time tutoring elementary school students in reading and math; community gardening for City Slickers in West Oakland during her freshman year; volunteering for Habitat for Humanity throughout her Junior year; and camp counselor for the Bishop O’Dowd High School Summer Academy for middle schoolers. Since freshman year, Amelia has also been a member of the Bishop O’Dowd debate team and is currently co-captain.


Layla Simone Bowen is a senior at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland, California and is the daughter of Krystal N. Bowen and The Honorable Colin T. Bowen. She has been a member of the Oakland / Bay Area Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years. Layla is an Honors student, a member of California Scholarship Federation, and a member of the Solidarity In Action senior leadership team. Layla intends to study Theatre/Drama at college.


Kamara Butler, an honors senior at Lick Wilmerding High School in San Francisco, is the daughter of Mr. Angelo Butler and Dr. Teiahsha Bankhead. She is devoted to community service and has flourished in a youth leadership internship where she facilitated restorative justice circles for marginalized people. Kamara presented at two national conferences, serves as the President of the BSU, is on the Board of the Red Cross Club, Co-Founder/ President of the Sustainable Fashion Club and excels at Varsity Badminton. Kamara is a historical dress reconstructionist. She hopes to attend college in the East and to major in history.


John F. Cooke is a senior at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland, CA and is the son of Mikie Cooke and the late John F. Cooke, Esq. John has been a member of the Oakland Bay Area Chapter since he was two years old. John is currently working towards his rank of Eagle Scout after thirteen years in scouting, is an honor student, a captain of his Varsity Lacrosse team and has completed more than 300 hours of community service while running his own digital art business. John plans to attend a four year university and major in Business Administration.



Sydney Jordan Harris is a senior at Head-Royce School in Oakland, California and is the daughter of Theresako and David Harris. She has been a member of the Oakland Bay Area Chapter for 15 years. She has served as the President, Vice President, and Corresponding Secretary from 2020-2022. She is the president of her school’s Women’s Alliance Group and tutors lower school students in Oakland. Sydney will attend Brown University and major in Sociology next fall.


Morgan Hunt is senior at Piedmont High School in Piedmont California, where she is a member of the Honors Society, and is the daughter of Drs. Thurman and Stacey Hunt. She has been a member of the Oakland Bay Area Chapter for 15 years. She is presently the Regional Teen Editor and has served as Teen Corresponding Secretary in previous years. Morgan has given back to the community by mentoring minority elementary and middle school students, and assisting with feeding the homeless. She is a member of the Piedmont Varsity Soccer and Softball where she is a Captain on both teams. She plans to become a writer and major in Communications & Journalism.


Gabby Mayeda is a senior at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland, California, and is the daughter of Melanie Bell-Mayeda and Greg Mayeda. She has been a member of the Oakland Bay Area Chapter for 12 years. Gabby has deeply enjoyed the connections she has developed through Jack and Jill and the opportunities the organization has given her to serve the community. She is excited to begin college in the fall and will cherish the lessons she learned through Jack and Jill.


Journi Taylor is a senior at Holy Names High School in Oakland, CA, the daughter of Linda Taylor-Cochrane and Steven Cochrane. She has been a member of the Oakland Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for seven years. Journi was awarded an internship with councilman Loren Taylor. She also campaigned for him in the Oakland mayoral race in 2022 going door to door. Journi’s involvement with the Oakland City Council started while volunteering at The East Oakland Collective’s “Feed the Hood” event. She has participated in food giveaways, toy drives, and food sorting with this non-profit organization and the Alameda Food Bank.


Nicholas Johnson is a Senior at Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Orange County, California. Nicholas is the son of Kevin and Renee Johnson and has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years. He has served on the Teen Executive Board as Corresponding Secretary. He has been involved in various community and volunteer service projects , such as local food pantries and homeless clothing drives. Nicholas plans to attend a four year university and major in Business Entrepreneruship.


Elijah Jugé is a senior at Troy High School in Fullerton, CA and is the son of Dr. Tony and Mrs. Tenise Jugé. He has been a member of the Orange County Chapter for 9 years. He is currently the chapter’s Teen Vice President and has earned a gold medal from Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Youth Volunteer Service Recognition Program for completing 251 community service hours during the 2022-2023 program year. He has decided to attend University of California, Irvine where he will major in Business and plans to play professional soccer for FC Barcelona.




Emily is a senior at Beckman High School in Irvine, California and is the daughter of Tamala Murray. She has been a member of the Orange County Jack and Jill Chapter for 11 years. Emily is currently the president of the Beckman High School Black Student Union and involved in Link crew. Outside of school she also participates in the National Charity League. She has been accepted into several universities including Howard University, LSU, University of Oregon and Penn State. She is waiting for more decision announcements before making her selection. She will major in Architecture.


Wellington Nelson is a senior at Los Alamitos High School in Los Alamitos, California. He is the son of Dr. Shanaeya Nelson and Mr. Brian Nelson. He has been a member of the Orange County Chapter for 10 years and currently serves as the Teen President. He also serves as the Teen Vice President for the 100 Black Men of Orange County. He is involved in clubs at his high school and gives back to his community by volunteering. Wellington will be a Business major in college. He plans to have a career in Marketing, Real Estate, or Investment Banking.


Anisa is a senior at Orange Lutheran High School in Orange, California and is the daughter of Drs. Gerald and Natasha West. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 14 years. She is a dual athlete in track and soccer. She has participated in the ASB, JSA, served as Foundation Chair and Corresponding Secretary for Jack and Jill. She has participated in countless hours of community service. She has been accepted to Spelman College and multiple colleges, to date. She is planning to major in Psychology and pursue a career as a Psychiatrist.


Adrian D. Crick, daughter of Windy Watson-Crick and Ian Crick, is a senior at Sequoyah High School in Pasadena, California. Ms. Crick is Director of Sequoyah’s STEM Institute, volunteers at the Altadena Library as a teen leader and gardener, and served as a member of the Tournament of Roses 2023 Royal Court. She has been a member of the Pasadena Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2018. Ms. Crick looks forward to studying the intersection of business, technology and media, and is in the process of deciding where she will pursue her studies and continue to feed her curiosity.


Marshall is the son of Therese Ogbonna Dodds and Larry Dodds, attends San Marino High School. He has been a member of the Pasadena Chapter for seven years, has served as Fundraising Chair, and attended SAWD. He also has two businesses - Around the House Chores and Classics Designs. Thinking quickly on his feet, he thrives in Speech and Debate Extemporaneous Contests and placed 2nd in the Novice category. In his spare time, he builds computers, skateboards, and plays basketball, violin, and piano. Marshall is passionate about technology and plans to pursue a degree in Computer Science with emphasis on Cyber Security.


Xavier Haynes is a Senior in the Pasadena chapter. He enjoys basketball, football, reading comics and spending quality time with good friends. He maintained a rigorous curriculum of honors and AP classes, managing his academics with AAU basketball, varsity track, Jack and Jill activities and board responsibilities, flight school coursework, summer internships in digital media with the LA Rams, and years of participation in the Gamma Zeta Boule Leadership, Achievement, Management and Professionalism (LAMP) program. He is interested in majoring in engineering, urban planning or communications, and pursuing a career in city planning or player relations.



Jazmin Argelis Wilson Jones is a senior at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy. She is the daughter of Danny Jones and Darcy Wilson-Jones. She has been a member of the Pasadena Chapter for four years. Jazmin served as the Teen Vice President and Chaplain of the Pasadena Chapter. Jazmin also served as President and board member of the Black Student Union, co-captain of the Comedy Sports team, and varsity basketball team member at FSHA. Jazmin is a member of the Jr. Altar Guild at St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church. Jazmin has been accepted to several colleges and is awaiting all letters before deciding on her matriculation.


Asa Clarke Phillips is the son of David Phillips and Joelle Morisseau-Phillips. He is a senior at Loyola High School in Los Angeles where he is on the track team, plays in the band, and is a guest columnist for the school paper. Asa has been a member of the Pasadena Chapter since 2012 and has been the Teen Board Secretary for two years. Asa is also an active participant in the Gamma Zeta Boule Foundation LAMP Program. Asa has written and directed a short film and intends to enter it into several film festivals. Asa plans to study Astrophysics.


Zora Eloise Phillips is the daughter of David Phillips and Joelle Morisseau-Phillips. She is a senior at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy where she is the captain of the track team and Treasurer of the Black Student Union. Zora has been a member of the Pasadena Chapter since 2012 and has served as Vice President and currently serves as President of the Teen Board. Zora is an active participant in the Delta GEMs program. Zora is a phenomenal sculptor and sketch artist. She plans to study biology to prepare for a career in medicine with a focus on plastic surgery.


Xavier Kimanthi Smith is a senior at St. Francis High School. He is the son of Jay Kimanthi Smith and Elvia Bedolla. He has been a member of the Pasadena Chapter for five years and has served as Teen Fundraiser Coordinator. Xavier is a mentee of The L.A.M.P. Mentor Program. He is a recipient of the 18th Annual L.A.M.P. Mentor Program Scholarship. In his spare time he enjoys working out, traveling, connecting with friends and listening to music. He is currently deciding between three prestigious universities where he will study Behavioral Economics.


Kyle Eldridge Starks is the son of Pamela Cox-Starks and Kenneth Starks and a member since 2008. He is an honor student, Swim Team Captain, and Senior Class President at Desert Ridge High School in Mesa. Kyle is currently Teen President and has produced award winning videos for Teen Conference. He is also a member of the National Honor Society, AP Club, Future Medical Professionals Club, Co-Founder of the Black Student Union, and a Mesa Lifeguard. Kyle has been accepted into several colleges and universities where he will study Global and Public Health on the road to become a Virologist.


Naedia Sherri Louise Williams is a Senior at Perry High School in Chandler, Arizona and is the daughter of Mr. Nathaniel U. Williams and Mrs. Gretchen E. F. Williams. She has been a member of the Phoenix Chapter for 6 years. Naedia is smart, creative, and is a member of the National Honor Society. She is the president of the Black Girl Empowerment Club, is an active participant in the Black Student Union, Link Crew, and Skills U.S.A. She will major in engineering and is deciding on her final college destination between Spelman, Loyola Marymount University, or the University of Arizona.




Bishop Myles Turner is a senior at Charter Oak High School High School in Covina, California and is the son of Kimberly Britt and Eddie Turner. Bishop has been a member of the Pomona Area Chapter for 7 years where he has held the positions of: Sergeant-At-Arms, Teen Treasurer and Teen Vice President. Bishop is activity in Varsity Football. Bishop has been recruited to play football by several colleges and has decided to attend the University of Nevada where he will major in Psychology.


Chloe Johnson, daughter of Mat Johnson and Meera Bowman-Johnson has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2016, starting in the Humble-Kingwood Chapter outside of Houston, TX. After moving to Oregon in 2018, Chloe joined the Portland Willamette Valley Chapter. She will graduate from De La Salle North Catholic High School in Portland, Oregon in June of 2023. An AP student, Chloe is also a member of the National Honors Society, Student Council, and volunteers through Lasallian Youth Ministry. She will choose to attend an HBCU, Scripps College, or the University of Oregon and plans to major in Psychology.


Liam Johnson, son of Mat Johnson and Meera Bowman-Johnson has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2016, starting in the Humble-Kingwood Chapter outside of Houston, TX. After moving to Oregon in 2018, Liam joined the Portland Willamette Valley Chapter. He will graduate from De La Salle North Catholic High School in Portland in June of 2023. An AP student, Liam also enjoys jazz, playing piano, spending time outdoors, and being a student educator for the World Salmon Council. Liam plans to attend an HBCU, Loyola Marymount University, or the University of Oregon and major in Environmental Science.


Jaymi Robinson is a senior at Central Catholic High School in Portland, Oregon. She is the daughter of James Robinson III, PsyD and Kia Robinson. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated for 11 years and currently serves as the Teen President for the Portland Willamette Valley Chapter. Jaymi is an honor student, the Vice President ASB, a Student Council yearbook editor, a member of the Black Student Union, and a costume assistant for Oregon Children’s Theater and school productions. She is passionate about fashion and plans to pursue a degree in design.


Aaron Albert Barefield is the son of Dr. Carla Galbraith. He is a senior at Franklin High School in Elk Grove, California. Aaron has been a member of the Sacramento Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for nine years since 2014. Aaron began playing football at 5 years old. He played on the Varsity level and served as a Student Coach for the Franklin Jr. Wildcats Football Program. In the community, he is active in the 100 Black Men of Los Angeles Young Black Scholars, Kappa Alpha Psi Kappa League, Alpha Kappa Alpha Debutante Ball Escort, Alpha Phi Alpha Beautillion, and an Acolyte in the Church of God in Christ, Inc.


Obasi Green is a senior at Saint Mary’s High School in Stockton, California. He’s the son of Mr. Marcus Green and Dr. BernNadette Best-Green. He has been a member of the Sacramento Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2017. He is also one of the Sacramento Links’ Black Achievers Creating Change participants/beaus. Obasi looks forward to finalizing his college choice soon. So far, he has been accepted into an impressive list of HBCUs & PWIs—and he has been offered several full-ride scholarships! Obasi intends to combine English and African American studies and pursue a career as a college professor.



Jada is a senior at Monterey Trail High School in Elk Grove, CA and is the daughter of Angela & William Grey. She has been a member of the Sacramento chapter for 5 years. She’s passionate about playing basketball, proud to be a Lady Mustang and play AAU basketball. Jada is a member of Black Achievers Creating Change and Delta Gems and previously was president of the BSU, volunteer for TNT Parents Club, JNJ’s community service co-chair and t-shirt designer, and teen mentor for Impact Sac. Jada plans to play D1 basketball, study sociology and African-American studies at an HBCU.


Mariah Havener is a senior at NP3 High School in Sacramento, CA and the daughter of Mark & Courtney Havener. She has been a member of the Sacramento Chapter of Jack & Jill for 16 years. Mariah is the Teen President and an officer in each of the school clubs in which she participates: Key Club; QSA; Animal & Environmental Club and the Black Student Union. She has danced with the Step 1 Jazz Company for the past two years. Mariah plans to attend an HBCU and major in Medical Laboratory Science towards her goal of becoming a forensic scientist.


Joshua Ross is a senior at Bella Vista High School in Fair Oaks, California and is the son of Christopher and Janae Ross. He has been a member of the Jack and Jill Sacramento Chapter 10 years. He is undecided on which college he will attend. He plans to attend a University in California and major in Marine Biology. Joshua will also join the school’s band and continue to play his trombone.


William is a senior at Kennedy High School in Sacramento, CA and is the son of William Smothers, Jr. and Stepmother Cheryle Roberts. He has been a member of the Sacramento Jack and Jill Chapter for 6 years. William has been involved in the Nutcracker in Oak Park as a dancer and actor, participated in the MLK walk for over 4 years, made donations to the Hazel Mahone School Reading Corner in 2022, and volunteered for the Jack and Jill Cookies and Cocoa with Santa community event in December of 2020 and 2022. He is involved with the mentoring program IYT (Improve Your Tomorrow) in Sacramento and attended their HBCU tour in April of 2022.


Marcell Deshawn Wilson is a Senior at Monterey Trail High School in Elk Grove, California. He has been a member of the Sacramento Chapter since he was 10 years old. He is ambitious, optimistic, and motivated. Marcell is a scholar athlete maintaining a 3.5 GPA. He has played football since kindergarten which has earned him a football scholarship to Black Hills State University, South Dakota. Marcell is extremely passionate about social justice issues and plans on majoring in Business Management. Marcell has been featured in the Sacramento Bee’s 2022 All-Metro Football team. Marcell believes all things are possible with Christ and hard work.


Amani Brinkley is a senior at High Tech High in Point Loma High School and is the daughter of Michaelia Overton and Edward Brinkley. She has been a member of the Jack and Jill San Diego Chapter for 6 years. She enjoys staying active in her school community by contributing to her roles in the Black Student Union and ASB clubs. She has decided to attend Pace University where she will major in Business Marketing.




Azra Darcuiel is a senior at Olympian High School in Chula Vista CA, and is the daughter of Geneva and Faruq Darcuiel. She has been a member of the San Diego Jack and Jill chapter for nine years. Azra will attend the University of Hawaii where she will major in Special Education and is excited to work with children. Azra excelled in Varsity sports, Soccer, Lacrosse and Field Hockey while volunteering as a Link Crew Leader and Safe School Ambassador for the Peer Mediation Program. Azra made history while attending Olympian by becoming the first African American Homecoming Queen.


Lillie Gibson is a Senior at Bonita Vista High School in Chula Vista, CA and is the daughter of Dr. Glenn and Connie Gibson. She has been a member of the San Diego Chapter of Jack and Jill for 14 years continuously with no breaks. She has been involved with many community service activities and really enjoys sending the Halloween candy to the troops yearly. She has not decided on a college there are so many on her list. Her plans are to major in Psychology and open a business in the future to help others.


Carter Robert Henderson is a senior at University City High School in La Jolla, Ca and is the son of Robert and Frances Henderson. He has been a member of the San Diego chapter for 11 years where he served as Vice President, Treasurer & Sergeant of Arms. Carter is a Link Achiever, an active volunteer in the community, Bi-Lingual, on the robotics team & lettered in Baseball. He escorted debutante, Krislyn Sanders to the 2023 AKA cotillion. He would like to attend the University of Chicago or Xavier University. He plans to get a PHD in Sociology and practice clinical psychology.


Remi is a senior at High Tech High Mesa in San Diego, California and is the son of Kevin McWhorter and Angelite Armento-McWhorter. Remi has been a member of the San Diego Jack and Jill Chapter for 11 years. He has been involved in a variety of community service activities, such as voter registration initiatives and food drives, in addition to playing competitive club soccer. He is currently participating in the LINKS Achievers program. Remi plans on attending college and playing soccer in the UK at The American International University London - Richmond. He will be majoring in Business Management.


Rheily is a senior at La Jolla High School in La Jolla, California and is the daughter of Kevin McWhorter and Angelite Armento-McWhorter. Rheily has been a member of the San Diego Jack and Jill Chapter for 11 years. She is the President of the chapter’s Teen Group and has served in a variety of leadership roles over the years. Rheily plans on taking a gap year and will spend it working/volunteering at AmeriCorps prior to attending college in the Fall of 2024.


Deven Charles Norris is the son of Rev. Charles and Tracy Norris. He is a senior at Carnahan High School of the Future and dually enrolled at Harris-Stowe State University and maintains a 3.5 G.P.A. He has been a member of the San Diego Chapter for 11 years. Deven is a member of the computer science club and is part of the media team at his church. He is responsible for audio/visual and live-streaming services. Deven is majoring in computer science and wants to become a cyber security architect.



Dilyn Drew Norris is a senior at University City High School in San Diego, California and the son of Rev. Charles and Tracy Norris. He has been a member of the San Diego Chapter for 11 years. Dilyn founded a Black Student Union serving as President for two years, organized beach cleanups, fed the homeless, and coached flag football. Dilyn has a strong interest in African American History and racial injustice and wishes to attend an HBCU. He isn’t sure of a career yet, but he knows he wants to make a difference in the lives of people of color.


Krislyn Sanders is a senior at Eastlake High in Chula Vista, California. She is the daughter of Captain K. DeWayne and Leonie Sanders. She has been a member of JJ for 16 years. She held many positions on the Executive Board including President. Krislyn has received credit for 6 AP courses. Krislyn is the Captain of the Lacrosse Team. Politics is her passion; she has received many awards including recognition from California State Assembly for volunteering and participating in the Young Legislators Program. She was voted most Inspiring Leader. Krislyn has decided to attend an HBCU to study Business and Finance.


Barry Jr. is a senior at e3 Civic High School in San Diego, California. Son of Barry Tunstall Sr. and Angelia “Peaches” Huff-Tunstall. He has been a member of JJSD for 9 years. 4.26 GPA, National Honor Society member, Distinguished Honor Roll. Awarded the Design Thinking Empowerment and Griffin Award. Co-Founder of the Game Development Club, V. P. of the No Hate Committee and a member of the Black Student Union. Over 200 hours of community service. Current V.P. of the Teen Group, Link Achiever and intern at Night Coders. Attending an Ivy League University and majoring in Aeronautical Engineering.


Hailey Bancroft is a Senior at San Francisco University High school and is the child of Stacey Bancroft. Hailey has been a member of the San Francisco Bay Area chapter for 11 years and served as Historian, Teen President, and most recently Chaplain Parliamentarian/Sergeant at Arms. Hailey has not decided where they will be attending college but has been accepted into Spelman, and plans to study Film and or sociology in the future.


Niko Gamble is a senior at Capuchino High School in San Bruno, CA, and is the son of Pamela and Marc Gamble. Niko has been a member of the San Francisco Jack and Jill Chapter for 5 years. He has served as Treasurer and Vice President. Niko’s future plans include attending college and playing basketball while he acquires his undergraduate degree.


Nala Hamer is a senior at University High School in San Francisco, California, and is the daughter of Terri and Sean. She has been a member of the San Francisco Chapter for 4 years and was previously a member of the Philadelphia Chapter for three years. Nala has served as Historian and Teen President of her chapter. She was the leader of her school’s Girls Who Code Club and Co-leader of the Black Student Union in addition to being on the Sports Equity Task Force. She has decided to attend Pace University where she will major in Computer Science.




Danielle is a senior at the Groton School in Groton, Massachusetts, and is the daughter of Tonia and Adam Karr. She has been a member of the San Francisco Jack and Jill Chapter for 10 years. She is the head of her school’s Christian Fellowship, and a board member of the Diversity and Inclusion and Cultural Alliance groups. Danielle plays tennis and soccer and spends time volunteering through Groton Community Engagement. Danielle plans to attend college in the fall where she will major in Religious Studies.


Sterling Luddington-Simmons is a senior at Convent & Stuart Hall High School in San Francisco, CA, and is the son of Lori Luddington and Clark Simmons. He has been a member of the San Francisco Chapter for ten years. Sterling has volunteered as technology support at the San Francisco Sequoias Retirement Community Center, food-bag preparation at Contra Costa Food Bank, elderly support at Booker T. Washington Center, a family childcare facility, and coaching at Serendipity School teaching basketball and reading skills. Sterling is currently undecided on where he will attend college but plans to major in Economics and play college basketball.


Weston Edric Starbird is the son of Scott & Valerie St. John Starbird and has been a Jack & Jill member since birth. Weston attends The Branson School in Ross, California, where he was elected class co-president and has been active in the investment club, chess club, and track & field. He is also a semi-professional gamer, routinely ranked among the Top 80 Fortnite players in the Western U.S. Weston was recently admitted to the Morgan Stanley Jumpstart program for promising high school seniors. He plans to study Economics/Finance and pursue a business career in the gaming industry.


R.J. is a senior at Sacred Heart Preparatory in Atherton, CA, and is the son of Rycklon Stephens Sr. and Jennifer Stephens. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 9 years. R.J. served as teen secretary for the San Francisco chapter for 2 years. R.J. is deeply invested in his community where he volunteers for his church as a sound engineer intern and also for Ecumenical Hunger Program and Habitat for Humanity. R.J. has decided to attend UC Berkeley where he will major in Economics while playing football for Cal!


Drake Matthew Warren is a senior at Riordan High School in San Francisco, California, and is the son of Gina and Michael Warren. He has been a member of the San Francisco Chapter of Jack and Jill for 16 years. A Teen Executive Board Member, successful Grant Writer, and CoFounder of Teen Tech Conference, he is a Scholar Athlete in both Basketball and Football. Drake volunteers at The Glide Foundation and St. Ignatius Church coaches youth Basketball and intends to pursue a career in Sports Medicine and Entrepreneurship. He has founded two small companies so far.


Brandon Ellington Berry, the son of Andrea and D. Channsin Berry, is a senior at Chaminade College Preparatory High School. Brandon played Junior Varsity Basketball and is an avid skateboarder. His passions include writing, reading, Anime, computer technology and travel. Brandon is a member of the Young Ambassadors Leadership Academy. He recently spent a month in a French immersion program in Toulouse, France where he learned the French language and culture. Brandon intends to study Computer Science, focusing on Artificial Intelligence at DePaul University, with the hope of making changes in this world through technology and philanthropy.



Sydne is a senior at Oakwood School in North Hollywood, CA. She is the daughter of Tim and Charlean Carmon. She has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2017. She is a former member of SDLC (Student Diversity Leadership Conference). She is a member of the award winning a cappella group Squad Harmonix where she also serves as a teacher in training. Sydne is a 2023 YoungArts award winner and a member of SAG AFTRA. She plans to take a gap year as she continues to develop her skills as a singer, songwriter and arranger.


Edison Friday is a senior at Notre Dame High School in Sherman Oaks, California and is the son of Nicole and Jeff Friday. He has been a member of the San Fernando Valley Chapter for 6 years, and prior to transferring to California, he was a member of the Morris County Chapter in Morristown, NJ. Over the years, he has been involved in various community service programs through his membership with Jack & Jill including youth programs, MLK and medical explorers. He is planning on attending college on the east coast with a major in Sports Management


Jacob Huggins is a senior at Harvard Westlake High School in Studio City, CA. He is the son of George and Amy Huggins. He has been a member of the San Fernando Valley Jack and Jill Chapter for 5 years. Jacob is a 4 year varsity basketball player at Harvard Westlake and has played on Team Why Not in the Nike Elite Youth Basketball League. Jacob has decided to attend Princeton University where he will play basketball for the Princeton Tigers.


Ryan Michelle Miller is a Senior at Valley Academy of Arts and Sciences in Granada Hills, California and is the daughter of proud parents Kurtis Miller and Dawn McNairy. Ryan has been a member of the San Fernando Valley Chapter for 10 years. Ryan is a member of the Black Student Union at VAAS and has volunteered with Children’s Hunger Fund and the Midnight Mission. Ryan will attend either San Francisco State, San Diego State, Cal State Northridge or Cal State Long Beach in the Fall, with an intended major of Marketing.


Gabrielle Samilton is a senior at Granada Hills Charter High School in Granada Hills, CA and is the daughter of Jawell and Danette Samilton. She has been a member of the San Fernando Valley Chapter for 5 years. Gabrielle serves as the current SFVJJ Teen President. She is also the President of her school’s Black Student Union and is involved in the Global Business and Finance Program. She will attend college and major in Business Administration. Upon graduation, Gabrielle plans to work in venture capital or private equity.


Jacquelyn Samilton is a senior at Granada Hills Charter High School in Granada Hills, CA and is the daughter of Jawell and Danette Samilton. She has been a member of the San Fernando Valley Chapter for 5 years. Jackie is active within her school community. She is a member of the robotics team, the Girls Who Code club , Co-President of a robotics and engineering club called RoboGirls, and the current Treasurer of Black Student Union. She plans to attend college, major in Engineering or Environmental Science and become an Environmental Engineer.




Lauryn Samilton is a senior at Granada Hills Charter High School in Granada Hills, CA and is the daughter of Jawell and Danette Samilton. She has been a member of the San Fernando Valley Chapter for 5 years and currently serves as Teen Treasurer. Lauryn is Vice President of her school’s Black Student Union and is a member of the DECA program for business. She also serves as the Corresponding and Recording Secretary of the Rhoer Club affiliate of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. She plans to major in Public Health and ultimately become a Doctor of Pharmacy.


Kaitlyn Arzu, daughter of George and Tia Arzu, is a senior at Archbishop Mitty High School in San Jose, CA. She’s been a member of the San Jose Chapter for seven years and is currently serving as Teen Corresponding Secretary. She loves being behind the scenes in both theater and media production, participating in set building, tech crew, and stage managing for multiple productions as well as media production for multiple extracurricular activities. She’s also a Life Core leader in her school’s campus ministry. She’s still deciding on colleges, but she wants to study in the field of media production and technology.


Sydney Backhus is a senior at Saratoga High School in Saratoga, CA and is the daughter of Jeffrey and Leah Backhus. She has been a member of the San Jose Chapter of Jack and Jill for 8 years having been a member of the Seattle Chapter for 3 years prior to that. In addition to Jack and Jill, Sydney volunteers with the American Red Cross and is a member of the Saratoga High School Varsity Cheer Team. She has not yet decided which college to attend but plans to major in Human Biology to pursue a career in medicine.


Boladale Erogbogbo is a senior at Saint Francis H.S. in Mountain View, CA and is son of Boladale and Dr. Alissa Erogbogbo. He is currently serving as Teen President of the San Jose Chapter. He has been a member of the San Jose Chapter for 5 years. Boladale regularly works with the Los Altos Youth Comission as Chair and regularly tutors children in STEM after school. He will major in Economics and research subjects related to wealth inequalities.


Amina is a senior at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts and is the daughter of Joe Hurd and Christina Mireles. She has been a member of the San Jose Chapter of Jack and Jill for 14 years. Amina serves as an African-Latino-American Mentorship Program mentor to younger students at school. She is also co-president of the Students in Medicine Club. This past summer, Amina traveled to Przemysl, Poland to help feed Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war. Amina’s plans for next year include a gap year option, and she looks forward to majoring in Biology and Russian.


Arissa Peters is a senior at Willow Glen High School in San Jose, California, and she is the daughter of Machelnil Cormier and Winston Peters. Arissa has been a Jack and Jill San Jose Chapter member for nine years. Arissa is passionate about sports and has excelled in high school basketball, tennis, track and field, and competitive club soccer. She loves fashion and beauty and spending time with friends and family. She plans to attend an HCBU, and a career in medicine is in her future.



Sydney N. Vaughn, daughter of LaSalle and Nikole Vaughn and sister to LaSalle IV, serves on the National Teen Board as Far West Region Teen President. While attending Valley Christian High School, she earned a 4.5GPA and was a Health&Wellness Honors Fellow, Disney Dreamer, VA Hospital volunteer, 5-year NSBI J r. officer, golfer, Stanford Institutes of Medicine Research(SIMR) program Duke Foundation grant recipient, Coding Collaborative Mentor, a National Society of High School Scholar, and Children’s Church volunteer. Brown University accepted her to commence Fall 2023. She credits her success to guidance from her parents and God.


Keely Shaye Washington is a senior at Palo Alto High School in Palo Alto, CA and is the daughter of Kali and Kenneth C Washington II. She’s been a member of Jack and Jill for 16 years. She volunteers with vaccine clinics, leads climate education, and organizes protests and campaigns for environmental justice awareness within the community. She’s decided to major in public health, in order to eventually improve the overall health of marginalized communities.


Elon Cooper is a senior at The Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville, New Jersey and is the daughter of Dwayne and Danielle Cooper. She was presented to society by the Los Angeles Chapter of the Links, Incorporated on November 25, 2022. She has been a member of the Santa Clarita Valley Antelope Valley Chapter for 14 years. Elon is passionate about Sports Medicine, volunteering her time as an Athletic trainer for over 300 athletes and 20+ teams. Elon plans to major in Biochemistry at Hampton University and continue her studies at Boston University School of Medicine to become an Orthopedic Surgeon.


Carly A. Taylor is a senior at Valencia High School, Valencia, Ca and the daughter of Emanuel and Stacy Taylor. She has been in Jack and Jill of America for 14 years of which 9 years was with SCV/AV Chapter. Carly has been active in Track and Field, Marching Band, many Community Service activities, and a host of clubs in High School. Carly was a participate in the Links Cotillion of Los Angeles while maintaining a reputable GPA. Carly will pursue Bio-Genetic Engineer at a HBCU this fall.


Tavis Conway is a senior at Lakeside School in Seattle, Washington. He is the son of Michael and Debbie Conway and older brother to Talia Conway. He has been a member of the Seattle Chapter since 2013 and was formerly a member of the Bucks County, Pennsylvania Chapter, beginning in 2007, at the age of two. Tavis has served as teen president, treasurer, and teen conference delegate. He played varsity football and lacrosse for Lakeside School. Tavis plans to study film and media and is looking forward to deciding where he will attend college.


Dylan Davis is a senior at Eastside Catholic High School in Sammamish, Washington and is the son of Alicia Boler Davis and Fitzgerald Davis. He has been a member of the Seattle Jack and Jill Chapter for two years and a member of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated for a total of 12 years. He is a member of the National Honors Society, DECA and Co-Captain of the Track and Field team. He has decided to attend Stanford University where he will run track and major in Computer Science with a concentration in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.




Kalieyah Gabrielle Johnson is the first born of her proud parents, Pastors Harry and Simone Johnson, and is a dedicated and doting big sister to her younger siblings, Kameirah and Kaden. Kalieyah is a graduate of Holy Names Academy where her commitment to academic excellence has earned her a stellar GPA and many accolades and awards. Kalieyah plans to pursue a career in psychology and open community centers focusing on addressing the mental health crisis of inner-city youth of color. Continuing in her parent’s footsteps, Kalieyah is also an anointed minister of the gospel. Kalieyah’s favorite scripture is Isaiah 41:10.


Christian Moore is a born leader, scholar, athlete, and kindhearted man of God. Christian has maintained high academic standards and was admitted to the John Hopkins Talented Youth initiative in 2015. He currently attends the The Lakeside School and holds a 3.75 GPA. Christian is active in the Lakeside community on the diversity leadership council and a varsity athlete in basketball (4 years) and football (3 years). He is also active in his church and spends time mentoring other youth in the community. Christian will continue as a scholar athlete, playing football at Amherst College in the fall.


Yasmeen (Yazzy) Muhammad is a senior at The Lakeside School in Seattle, Washington. She is the daughter of proud parents Benjamin Muhammad and Shaniqua Manning Muhammad. Yazzy has been a member of the Jack and Jill Seattle Chapter for 12 years. She enjoys serving her community and has volunteered for numerous non-profit organizations serving youth and families. A four-year varsity volleyball player, three-time Seattle Metro League champion, two-time District champion, and 2022 state volleyball champion, Yazzy will continue to develop as a student, athlete, and leader majoring in psychology at Pace University to become a child psychologist.


Maya Sheppard is a senior at Seattle Academy in Seattle, Washington and is the daughter of Kelly and David Sheppard. She has been a member of the Seattle Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years. Maya has served as the chapter’s teen vice president and is currently the teen foundation chair. Maya has consistently achieved high honors in high school. She’s a member of the varsity volleyball team, her school’s premier jazz choir, and the Black Student Union. She’s also a tutor for middle school students. Maya will attend Columbia University in the fall and plans to study architecture.


Joshua Dean Williams is the beloved son of David and Diana Williams and is a senior at Lake Washington High School in Kirkland, WA. The Seattle Chapter of Jack and Jill welcomed Joshua in 2020. Joshua has diverse interests including mixed martial arts, team sports, DECA, photography and scouting. He has earned the rank of Life and plans to earn the highest Boy Scouts of America rank of Eagle. Joshua has completed more than 600 hours of community service since 2019. After graduation, Joshua plans to attend a four-year college and major in computer science and business.


Aniyah T. Yattassaye is the only child of Amadou and Meleshia Yattassaye. She has been in Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated for 14 years where she has served as teen vice president, foundation chair and chaplin for the St. Louis Missouri Chapter teen group prior to her relocation in 2021 to the Seattle Chapter. In the fall of 2023, Aniyah plans to major in business and minor in french studies in college and go on to attend law school. Aniyah plans to use her knowledge, community engagement, study abroad and internship experience to be impactful in the world.



BrookeMonaé Westbrook is the daughter of Eric and Michelle Westbrook. She is a senior at Palisades Charter HS., in California, where she is Captain of the Varsity Cheer Squad; a founding member of the Black Women’s Association and on the leadership team for the BSU. BrookeMonaé has been a member of the South Los Angeles Chapter for 7 years where she has served as Secretary and Chaplain- she currently serves as Teen President. BrookeMonaé is an active Girl Scout and volunteers for Saving Our Daughters. Her goal is to attend an HBCU or USC to study Forensic Psychology and Film.


Sarah Elyse Wheaton is the proud daughter of Andrew and Dieema Wheaton. She is a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., South Los Angeles Chapter, serving as the Teen Historian. Sarah is a senior at El Segundo High School, where she serves in various leadership roles, including the Associated Student Body (ASB), Black Student Union (BSU), and Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) for four years. In 2022 she was one of three students selected as the school district’s student representative for the Equity and Inclusion committee. She plans to attend a California-based University to major in Elementary Education.


Kamiyah Musgrove is a senior at Chandler High School in Chandler Arizona and is the daughter of Kimberly Roberson and Phillip Musgrove Jr. Kamiyah has been a member of the Sun Valley Chapter for three years. Kamiyah is the Speaker of House for her school’s Black Student Union, Vice President of Project Alphas HBCU Legacy Tours, and currently the Sun Valley Chapter Teen Vice President. Kamiyah has decided to attend a Historically Black College and University where she will major in Marketing and pursue a career in Public Relations.


Dwight is a senior at American Leadership Academy, Applied Technologies Campus in Mesa, Arizona and is the son of Mr. Dwight Richmond II and Dr. Erica Richmond. He has been a member of the Sun Valley Chapter for 3 years. Dwight’s involvement in the community includes volunteering with DSquared for the Homeless, East Valley Dream Center and St. Mary’s Food Bank. He has decided to attend Northern Arizona University, majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

1/28/23, 10:16 PM




Cianna is a senior at River Ridge High School in Lacey, WA where she was elected Treasurer of the Associated Student Body. She is the daughter of Tamara Allen. She has been a member of the Tacoma Chapter of Jack and Jill Inc for the past year and is the Recording Secretary. Cianna has been recognized by Thurston Group of Washington State for her community involvement with All Kids Win Program, Salvation Army, and the Black Student Union President. Cianna will major in Marine Science at Savannah State University and continue her education in Zoology.

MONEE’ JAMILLE DUBOSE https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGrcFbgWcVlRHHtBftzmFgKmXfh?projector=1&messagePartId=0.3

Monee’ Jamille DuBose is a senior at Annie Wright Schools in Tacoma, WA and is the daughter of James and Monique DuBose. She has been a member of the Tacoma Chapter for 10yrs. Monee’ volunteers at the Tacoma Rescue Mission and has led the chapter’s Alzheimer’s Walk, raising over $2K for research. She is a volunteer for Operation Homefront and has distributed over 300 book bags to military youth. Monee’ will attend Clark Atlanta University where she will major in Mass Media Arts with a minor in African Dispora Studies. Monee’ plans to continue her basketball career with the Panthers! 1/1




Cristian L. Mayo is the son of Kelvin and Felicia Mayo. He is a senior at Amador Valley High School in Pleasanton, CA. Cristian has been a member of the Tri-Valley Chapter for 13 years and has served as Teen Treasurer. He is a scholar athlete and plays Varsity and AAU basketball. While loving sports, he loves to debate, manage his stock portfolio and has focused on getting teens of color interested in Engineering through the African American Parents organization. He plans to attend a four year University to study Mechanical Engineering.


Jordan Deborah Hart is a senior at University High School in Tucson, Arizona. Jordan is the daughter of Jimmy and Regina Hart. Jordan has been active in the Tucson Chapter since 2015. She has been Grade Group 3 & 4 President; Grade Group 5 Treasurer; and the Far West Region Teen Treasurer for two terms. Jordan is active in her church, community, and athletics. Jordan will attend college and major in Biology with a Pre-Med focus. She plans to become a doctor and focus on health education in the African American community.


MID-ATLANTIC REGION Aiken County, SC Burlington-Graham, NC Capital City, NC Charleston, SC Charlotte, NC Chesapeake, VA Columbia, SC Conway, SC Durham, NC Eastern North Carolina, NC Fayetteville, NC

Florence, SC Gastonia-Piedmont, NC Greater Chapel Hill, NC Greater Fredericksburg, VA Greensboro, NC Greenville, SC Hampton, VA James River, VA Midlothian, VA Norfolk, VA Orangeburg, SC



Portsmouth, VA Queen City, NC Raleigh-Wake, NC Richmond, VA Roanoke Valley, VA South Charlotte, NC Spartanburg, SC Upper Palmetto, NC Wilmington NC Winston-Salem, NC




reetings, Mothers of the Marvelous Mid-Atlantic Region, where we are “Fit, Focused, and Ready to Serve!”

I join you in celebrating the great work of our chapters, mothers, and graduating seniors in this 2023 edition of Up the Hill. Despite the social and political challenges we face in our country, our organization continues to lead the way. As National Corresponding Secretary, I have the honor and privilege of partnering with the talented mothers tasked with executing the strategic, governance, and legislative direction of our organization, as well as with fostering community among our fathers. I acknowledge the tremendous work of our Mother Members, Associates and Fathers Auxiliaries, including my South Charlotte Chapter family. I offer my sincerest congratulations to our graduating seniors and their families. I thank my husband, Sid Levy, Jr., and my sons - graduating senior Sidney Walter Levy, III ("Tre"), and rising senior Nicholes Maxwell James Levy ("Nic") for supporting my desire to serve our wonderful region and national organization in this capacity. Enjoy this edition of Up the Hill. In Service,

Nichelle N. Levy National Corresponding Secretary



he Mid-Atlantic Region is one of seven regions established in

enhance programming and leadership since its inception. The

1957 and embodies four states: North Carolina, South Carolina,

Marvelous Mid-Atlantic continues to provide dynamic leadership

Virginia and West Virginia. When the Region was established, there

on the national, regional and local levels. Notable representation

were 22 chapters across the four states. The first chapter established

at the national level includes the 17th National President Ingrid

in the Region, the Durham Chapter (1945), was also the sixth of the

Watson Miller of Charlotte Chapter (1998-2000) and two national

ten chartered chapters of the National Organization.

vice presidents Emma B. Johnson of the Wilmington Chapter (1990-

Each Regional Director has worked to propel the Region and

1992) and Claudia Curtis of the Durham Chapter (2020-2022).

Regional Officers

Regional Membership Chair: Courtney Mack-Telfaire

Regional Director: Tarcia N. Flemming

Regional Parliamentarian: Diane Cabbell

Regional Treasurer: Daralyn Bryant

Regional Policies & Procedures Chair: Tamara Charity-Brown

Regional Secretary: Tomisha Gladman

Regional Program Chair: Joi Gilliam

Regional Member at Large: Tiffany Spann-Wilder

Regional Protocol Chair: Anissa Milbourne

National Officer: Nichelle Nicholes Levy

Regional Public Relations Chair: Kimberlei Davis Regional Resolutions Chair: Diana Knox

Teen Officers

Regional Small & Mighty Chapter Support Chair: Maria Bright

Regional President: Ciara Grant

Regional Strategic Planning Committee Chair: Kryste’l Jordan

Regional Vice-President: Honesty McQueen

Regional Technology Chair: Alicia Artis

Regional Secretary: Alexis Bennett

Regional Teen Advisor: Warrenetta Mann

Regional Treasurer: Julian Duncan

Regional Time & Place: Rhonda McNutt

Regional Foundation Chair: Taylor David

Regional We Are One Chair: Tracey V. Hawkins

National & Regional Appointments

National Cultural Trip Task Force Co-Chair: Tamika Henderson National Alumni Connections Task Force: Lisa Ellis Hailey

National Legislative Chair: Aimy Steele National Emergency Responders Task Force Chair: Chandra Hollier Regional Nominating Chair: Felicia Millner

National Governance Task Force Member:

Krista Marshall

National Growing Strategically Task Force Member: Glenda Turner National Leadership Training and Development Task Force Member:

Regional Associates Chair: Donna Stoeling

Claudia Curtis

Regional Bylaws Chair: Tiffany Fox

National Founders' Day Task Force Member: Chris Carlisle

Regional Chaplain: Sonya Brailsford

National Historical Task Force Member: Carol Bolden Stone-El

Regional Editor: Koren Townsend

National Youth Trip Task Force Member: Madiana Sanoh-Udeozo

Regional Father’s Auxiliary Chair: Chris Oliver

National Our Health Matters Task Force Member: Lisa Bell

Regional Historian: Danyell Miller

Regional Strategic Partnership Task Force Chair: Detra Hunt

Regional Investment Committee Chair: Lisa Reynolds

Regional Webmaster: Jennifer Keen

Regional Logistics Chair: Summer Banks


REGIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS On the journey back to normal in 2022 our primary focus never

The first regional Associate’s trip was held in Charlotte, NC and

waivered, we bolstered our focus on family, fun and philanthropic

brought forty-five active Associate Jewels for a weekend of fun and

giving. The MARvelous Mid-Atlantic Region, under the direction

fellowship at TopGolf.

of Regional Director Tarcia N. Flemming, celebrated 65 years of excellence in programming and leadership development and we remained “Fit, Focused and Ready to Serve” our children and our communities.

The 2022 Teen Leadership Conference, themed “Black to the Future”, was held in Hampton, VA and was hosted by the Chesapeake and Hampton Chapters with a record breaking number of registrants. Regional Teen Foundation Chair Bryce Lindsay was awarded the

The first Regional Founders Day to celebrate our 65th was scheduled for January 15th in Raleigh, NC. Despite a winter weather storm in the Southeast that forced the cancellation of the event, we united across the Region to contribute generously to the Diaper Bank of North Carolina, A Note in the Pocket, and Halos. RD Tarcia commissioned artwork by Clarence Hayward and developed an idea for a regional commemorative history book. Proceeds from the artwork sale were donated to the Boys & Girls Club of America while National Archivist Carol Bolden Stone-El worked with Soar Publishing to publish the Mid-Atlantic history book “Class Redefined: On Mission. On Purpose”.

Mid-Atlantic Regional Carole Roberston Award. In 2022, the region set a goal to exceed the previous foundation contributions of $112,934 and community contributions of $115,235. Under the leadership of our Regional Teen Foundation Chair Bryce Lindsay and his MAR C.A.R.E. Program, the teens raised over $388k. A third of the proceeds donated to the Jack and Jill Foundation and earmarked for the HBCU Closing the Gap Fund. Today, the MAR boasts 32 chapters to include the newly chartered Aiken County, Greater Chapel Hill and Upper Palmetto Chapters, and continues to excel in leadership and programming excellence.

Excellence in programming included the five programmatic thrusts and to help facilitate an atmosphere of cross regional learning, RD Tarcia established the MAR Module Madness Academy to introduce and facilitate virtual workshops. The 2022 Children’s Cluster, “Mission Possible Becoming Agents of Change” was hosted by the Charming Charleston Chapter. The hybrid event was created to be inclusive of all children and we celebrated 25 Shining Stars.

Fall Area Workday 2022

Teen Conference - 2023

Date: October 7-8, 2022

Date: June 22-25, 2023

Theme: An EPIC Journey Through the Marvelous Mid-Atlantic Region

Theme: Melanin Magic

Location: Charlotte, NC

Location: Raleigh, NC

Hosting Chapter: Queen City, NC

Hosting Chapters: Capital City, Durham, Fayetteville

Conference Chairs: Rhonda McNutt and Letasha Williams

Conference Chairs: Bernice Bond, Pia Duncan, Lisa Hailey

Children’s Cluster/Conference - 2023

Mothers Conference - 2023

Date: March 4, 2023

Date: July 13-16, 2023

Theme: Telling Our Story The Adventures of Jacks and Jills

Theme: Beautifully Rooted to Rise, Renew, Restore

Location: Charlotte, NC

Location: Richmond, VA

Hosting Chapter: South Charlotte

Hosting Chapters: Portsmouth, VA and Richmond, VA

Conference Chair: Lillian Burgess

Conference Chairs: Karma Johnson-Freeman and Marchelle Smit



Tarcia N. Flemming and her husband George are the proud parents of 2nd Lieutenant Jordan Christopher and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Freshman Justin Cameron. She is a member of the Captivating Columbia Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated and currently serves with humility and gratitude as the 23rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Director. In her fourteen year tenure, she has graciously served in various roles at the chapter and regional levels. RD Tarcia served two terms as the Mid-Atlantic Regional Logistics Chair, as a member of the Regional Budget and Finance Committee and as Regional Treasurer immediately prior to her election as Regional Director in 2021. RD Tarcia has the esteemed honor of receiving recognition as Distinguished Mother of the Year of the Captivating Columbia Chapter in 2018 and 2021. In her role as Regional Director, Tarcia has worked to establish a high-performing Executive Leadership Team and strong and cohesive Mid-Atlantic Region. She has successfully streamlined communications, enhanced regional programming experiences and conferences, offered training and support to chapter presidents, national and regional chairs and the Regional Executive Team and expanded and chartered three new chapters, Aiken County, Greater Chapel Hill and Upper Palmetto. RD Tarcia brings more than 27 years of experience in the business and marketing industry as a sales manager with Altria Group Distribution Company. She is an alumni of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and actively serves and volunteers in her local community as a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and member of the Richland Library Friends and Foundation Board. RD Tarcia is fit and focused, serving the Mid-Atlantic Region with great pride and integrity.


Daralyn Bryant is the proud mother of Lillian Denise (15) and Dwight Rahaam (13). The Bryant family became members of the First & Foremost Fayetteville NC Chapter in 2016. With service in her heart, Mother Daralyn Bryant held her first role on the Chapters Internal Review Committee where she saw an opportunity to be of greater service in the financials of the chapter. Her journey includes Grade Group Chair, Membership Committee, Financial Secretary, Chapter Treasurer and Regional Budget and Finance Committee, now serving as the 2021 – 2023 Mid-Atlantic Regional Treasurer. Professionally Daralyn Bryant is Division Director leading a support effort for the premier warfighting organization in the world, the United States Joint Special Operations Command. With over a 15 years of service with this organization and customer, Daralyn brings a unique blend of vision, leadership and knowledge where she bears responsibility for the cost, schedule, and quality of execution in an arena that is remarkably intolerant of anything other than complete success. Before entering the Department of Defense Contracting Sector, Daralyn served in the United States Army for 7 years completing several overseas tours of duty that include Italy, Turkey, Germany and Iraq serving as a warfighter herself with the 173rd Airborne Brigade and the United States Pentagon. Daralyn is actively serving as a United States Air Force Reservist out of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina and is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.



Tomisha Gladman is serving for a second term as Mid-Atlantic Regional Secretary (2019 – 2021 and 2021 – 2023). Regional Secretary Tomisha is a member of the Five-Star Chapter Excellent Winston-Salem Chapter. Since her initiation in 2012, RS Tomisha has been an active and engaged member having served on various Chapter and Regional committees including Age-group Advisor, Membership, Legislative, Bylaws, and regional appointment to the Jack and Jill University Taskforce. In 2013, RS Tomisha began her service in Jack and Jill Leadership as Chapter Vice President and served two-terms (2015-2017 and 2017-2019) as Chapter President. Regional Secretary Tomisha is a Certified Paralegal with more than 20 years of experience with a primary focus on Family Law. Regional Secretary Tomisha is the past 1st Vice Chair of the North Carolina African American Caucus of the Democratic Party. She currently serves as Secretary for the Arts Based School Board of Directors and is an Advisory Board Member of the Kids Cooking Coalition. Regional Secretary Tomisha is married to John Gladman, II. The Gladmans have two children, Jasmine (age 16) and John, III (age 9).


A Servant-Leader in the courtroom and in her community, Tiffany Spann-Wilder is a licensed attorney with membership in the South Carolina Bar, Federal District Court of South Carolina and the United States Supreme Court. She is the owner and CEO of Spann Wilder Law, LLC. Her leadership has gained her selection as a Liberty Fellow (Aspen Global Leadership Network) having traveled as far as South Africa for training and engagement across political, religious & color lines. She is also a graduate of Leadership South Carolina (Clemson) and Riley Institute Diversity Leaders Initiative (Furman). She is an honor graduate of Winthrop University and a graduate of the University of South Carolina School of Law. Tiffany has served as President of the South Carolina Bar’s Young Lawyer’s Division, garnering the first national service award for the S.C. Bar from the American Bar Association during her tenure. She has served the country as an Army JAG Officer and locally as a part-time judge for the City of North Charleston & Charleston County. In the local community she has been an active member of The Charleston Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. since her initiation in 2010. She has served the chapter as a Chapter President, Vice President, Program Director, Chaplain, 5 Star Co-Chair and Marvelous Mother 2017 & 2018. She has served the Mid-Atlantic Region on the Nominating Committee and the Program Handbook Committee. She is a proud member of the inaugural year long Marion Stubbs Leadership Academy class. Tiffany is also a member of The Charleston (SC) Chapter of Links, Incorporated; and The Charleston Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She is married to Jeffery Wilder and is the mother of two active teenagers - Jared (17) and Lauren (14).


TEEN OFFICERS CIARA RUTH GRANT | TEEN PRESIDENT Ciara Ruth Grant serves as the 2022-2023 Regional Teen President for the Mid-Atlantic Region. During her term as RTP she participated in National Convention in Orlando, Florida as a page alongside the National Teen Board where she was recognized and awarded a certificate at the JMB summit for volunteer service. She also attended Fall Area Work, Module Academy and Copa with her fellow Regional Teen Officers. She served as the Teen President for two terms of the Greenville Chapter. She has been involved in JNJ for 10 years within two different regions, and has made many memories and long-lasting friendships.

HONESTY MCQUEEN | TEEN VICE PRESIDENT Honesty McQueen is a senior at South Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, NC and is the daughter of Carla Roberts. She has been a member of the Charlotte Chapter for 3 years her final year she was the Regional Teen Vice President. Honesty is fluent in both Spanish and English. Honesty is a part of the national honor society, BETA club, field & track and the cheer team. She has decided to attend Clark Atlanta University where she will major in psychology and double minor in Spanish and Political Science and plans to go to law school to pursue Immigration law.

ALEXIS BENNETT | TEEN SECRETARY I am RTS Alexis Bennett, a member of the fabulous Fayetteville Chapter. I have been in Jack & Jill for five years and have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the organization. As a result, I ran for Regional Teen Secretary to grow my leadership, cooperation, and service skills! Through this position, I have met and developed bonds with several impactful people, and I could not be more grateful for these relationships and my experience!

JULIAN DUNAN | TEEN TREASURER Julian Duncan, 2022-2023 Regional Teen Treasurer, is a Sophomore at Trinity Collegiate School in Darlington, SC. He has been an active member of JJOA for 13 years and is a member of the Florence Chapter. He has served as a Chapter President and Secretary. On the regional level has served as a delegate, page and nominating committee member. He is involved in his school’s student council, varsity soccer and track teams, captain of the cross country team and member of the ASL club. He would like to go to a college for Agribusiness and loves riding his bike with friends.

TAYLOR MAKYIA DAVID | TEEN FOUNDATION CHAIR Taylor Makyia David is a senior at West Cabarrus High School in Concord, NC and is the daughter of Dr. LaSheta and Terendius David. She has been a member of the Queen City Chapter for 13 years. Taylor serves as the current Regional Teen Foundation Chair, past Regional Teen Parliamentarian, Chapter Vice President, President of the Student Body & Black Student Union, HOSA Treasurer, Girl Scout Gold Award recipient, Founder of Melaninated Queens, member of Cross Country and Track & Field Teams. On her quest to become a Pediatric Dentist, Taylor plans to major in Biology, Public Health and/or Nutritional Sciences.




President: LaQuanda Carpenter Vice-President: Lauren Johnson-Hall Program Director: Herlaysia Hagwood Recording Secretary: Amy Neloms Corresponding Secretary: La Tina Turner Treasurer: Ragina Dicks Financial Secretary: Victoria Parker Editor:Geneva K. Wright Chaplain: Christy Wise Historian: Maria Washington Foundation Chair: La Tosha Glover Parliamentarian: Ramonia Nelson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Amy Neloms


President: Chelce Dicks Vice-President: lmani Neloms Secretary: Makayla Wise Treasurer: Lia Allen Parliamentarian: Samaya Dicks Chaplain: Nicole Hagwood Sergeant-at-Arms: Theodore Flakes


The Aiken County Chapter was chartered on September 11, 2022 under the leadership of president LaQuanda Carpenter. After spending months of contacting moms she was able to bring 29 interested moms together to submit an application packet to Jack and Jill of America, Inc. during the summer of 2021. On September 7, 2021, the group was granted permission to begin the training process and operate as a provisional group. On Sunday, November 21, 2021, these like-minded women attended a virtual meeting hosted by Columbia Chapter President Candace Pringle and Chapter Liaison Joann Thompson in order to gain additional insight into the chapter establishment process, the relationship structure between the sponsoring chapter and provisional group, and expectations of the National Executive Board. On July 28, 2022 we received a favourable vote to become a provisional chapter. CP Candace made the motion on behalf of the moms of Aiken County. On September 11, 2022, 20 mothers were installed as charter members of the Aiken County Chapter under the direction of Regional Director, Tarcia Flemming. After Chartering, Mom Roshell Prince was granted approval to transfer to our chapter after recently relocating to Aiken County. On September 17, 2021 we attended our first official chapter meeting as the 32nd chapter of the Mid-Atlantic Region of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. at the Aiken County Public Library.


Our Program Director along with members of our Executive Board created names for each age group (Ambitious Minis: (2KK), Exploring Ponies (1st – 2nd), Young Stallions (3rd – 5th), Adventurous Thoroughbreds (6th – 8th) and Awe-Inspiring Teens (9th – 12th). Following the naming of each age group an age group lead was assigned and each group begin planning their calendar for the program year. In the spirit of being community focused and providing excellent programming, on September 18,

2022 our Teens conducted our chapter wide ceremony in honor of Carol Robertson Day virtually. On September 24, 2022 our Teens had their first business meeting and planning retreat at Aiken Technical College. In October, all of our age groups attended the 37th annual S.E.E.D STEM festival event at the Ruth Patrick Science Center at USC Aiken. The event celebrated innovations in the areas of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). We also, hosted our inaugural chapter-wide Trunk or Treat. In November, our children participated in civic duty/voting activities. On November 23, our chapter donated 1200 rolls to the Salvation Army and One Table for their Thanksgiving meal for the homeless and individuals in our community. On December 3, 2022 we hosted our first foundation event, the Pink & Blue Groove: 90’s R&B Edition. We were able to support our National Foundation and a local non-profit, Boys and Girls Club of Aiken County. In January all of the age groups participated in the National Day of Service on MLK Jr. Day by giving back to our community in different capacities. We look forward to creating long-lasting memories and life changing experiences for our children and families.




the processing plant. The Jr. Jets also discussed the contributions that African American farmers made to the dairy and farming industries and the importance of increasing our daily intake of dairy products as a minority. Our Jet Set Teens gathered at Mad Splatter to creatively “de-stress” and learn to take time for themselves to focus on their personal mental health. Their activity promoted a playfully artistic way to illustrate that point and enjoy some bonding time and fun. Graduating seniors Bryson & Alissa then led a lively and informative discussion about teen mental health and all built their now annual Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for donation.

President: Reisha Drumgold Vice-President: Natalie Hopkins Program Director: Crystal Wilson Recording Secretary: Tennille Jones-Lewis Corresponding Secretary: Porsha Barfield Treasurer: Dr. Kathy Cousins-Cooper, Esq. Financial Secretary: Shawnya Toole Editor: Racinda Hillian Chaplain: Tammica Reaves Historian: LeShawn Johnson Vega Foundation Chair: Kiana Calvin Teen Sponsor/Advisor: LeShawn Johnson Vega/ Bridgett Rogers Associate Chair: Tameka Ferrell Father’s Auxiliary: Vinson Wilson/ Johnny Calvin

President: Alissa Drumgold Vice-President: Zora Jones-Lewis Secretary: Mackenzie Hopkins Treasurer: Kyle Cooper Parliamentarian: Chaplain: Quincy Stanley Sergeant-at-Arms: Quincy Stanley

The Burlington-Graham Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. joined the national body in 1956, as it’s 80th chapter. Mrs. Juanita F. Spaulding, a mother who had a vision and hope, formed an interest group called the Guys and Dolls. The installation ceremony of the 18 charter members was held on September 29, 1956, at the home of Odessa Davis. Since chartered our chapter has been dedicated to providing superior programming and making a difference in the lives of All children within our chapter and the community. Currently the Burlington-Graham Chapter consists of 25 Mother members, 38 Children between the ages of 2 to 19, 9 Associate members, and an active Fathers Auxiliary (Chartered in April of 2021).


The Burlington-Graham Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. began the 2022-2023 program year dedicated to continuing with the national mission, “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children. On Mission. On Purpose”. In September, our chapter held its annual Carole Robertson and Jack and Jill Day at Palace Pointe where our families enjoyed roller skating, bowling, and dining together. During our program the Jet Set Teens provided us with beautiful performance in honor of our beloved Carole Robertson and her legacy. Our community service included donating School Supplies to the Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club of Burlington.

The Burlington-Graham Chapter ended 2022 with some Holiday Cheer during our annual Christmas gathering. Our theme was “Pancakes and Pajamas” and our families enjoyed brunch, games, art, cookie decorating, and wonderful fellowship. All families donated books to TECpark, a facility committed to teaching and connecting with children of All Abilities.

Our Buttons & Bows met for their program activity, “Mind Your Manners”. During their activity they practiced their dining etiquette with the Etiquette Director of “The Manners Edge”, Amanda Wyckoff. The practical skills they learned gave them the confidence needed to display the proper table manners while enjoying their delicious meal. Our Guys & Dolls met for their “BGJJ Black Wall Street” program activity. During this activity each child arrived dressed as the future profession of their choice and met with professionals during their group learning sessions. They then participated in a money management game of “LIFE” which gave them an understanding of Budgeting, Saving, Investing, and Giving. Our Jr. Jets went to The Randleigh Dairy Heritage Museum located at NC State Howling Cow in Raleigh, NC. While touring the museum they learned about dairy cow breeds, cow care, and 372






President: Nikale Cooper Vice-President: Madiana Udeozo Program Director: Kenya Graham, Kymberli Shropshire Recording Secretary: Dana Jefferson Corresponding Secretary: Tonya Norflett Treasurer: Trina Burkett Financial Secretary: Sandra Frazilus Editor: Keli Holmes Chaplain: Randi Simpkins Historian: Arrica Dubose Foundation Chair: Danielle O’Neal Parliamentarian: Petra Sargent Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Ndidi Azikiwe, Candace Davis Associate Chair: Anitra Duncan Father’s Auxiliary: Cory Cooper, Philip O’Neal

President: Kendall Johnson Vice-President: Hailey Desir Secretary: Ellis Charles Treasurer: Logan O’Neal Parliamentarian: Ashton Charles Chaplain: Christopher Arnold


Angel Akinbinu, Lauren Arnold, Ndidi Azikiwe, Tanneisha Barlow, Candra Bass, Ayanna Brown, Nia Bullock, Trina Burkett, Shonette Charles, Nikale Cooper, Kymberly Dalton, Candace Davis, Christi Davis, Francoise Desir, Karrie Dixon, Arrica Dubose, Anitra Duncan, Ashleigh Dunston, Pia Duncan, Sandra Frazilus, Kenya Graham, Korrie Hester, Keli Holmes, Nikki Holt, Nacole lnkumsah, Anita Jackson, Dana Jefferson, Nicole Johnson, Randi Jones, Kimberly Kizito, Lafarrah Lane, Zakiya Leggett, Netasha Mclawhorn, Tonya Norflett, Stephanie Oliver, Danielle O’Neal, Petra Sargent, Veronica Sawyer, Kymberli Shropshire, Mechele Stewart, Donya Strong, Madiana Udeozo, Tiffany Wilcox, Keisha Williams, Shonda Williams


On 12/17/2010, Mrs. Shonette Charles and Mrs. Dawn Blagrove gathered mothers together with the common goal of reinforcing ethnic pride, development, and leadership in their children. After 20 months as a provisional group, the Capital City Chapter was chartered with 21 mothers on 9/15/2012 at the Capital City Club in Raleigh. Since chartering, the chapter has established superior programming activities. On 10/19/19, Capital City Chapter chartered its first Associates Group.


Capital City’s program year began with our Mother’s Retreat: “Our Purpose Is Our Children”. The ladies worked and played hard while focusing on programming to develop and enhance our Jacks and Jills. For our combined Jack and Jill / Carole Robertson Day, chapter families gathered at a local park for a catered meal and to experience an original spoken-word piece performed by Teens. We donated $500 to Wake Up and Read and provided books to three local schools. We also celebrated our chapter’s 10th anniversary. Events included “A Sparkly Shoe Affair: There’s No Place Like Capital City”, a dinner and visual display honoring our charter mothers. Teens and Innovators attended the Capital City Lawyers Association Youth Law Day. This event, co-founded in 2014 by our very own Mother Ashleigh Dunston, a Wake County District Court Judge, has created positive interactions with officers and attorneys of diverse backgrounds for over 900 youth.

Our Explorers learned about the Supreme Court and Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. The Discoverers experienced an election by making campaign posters and voting for their favorite foods (pizza won!). Pathfinders prepared time capsules to rediscover in 10 years and made a video to get out the vote! Innovators collected and packed items into duffle bags for foster care children as a former foster care child shared her experience. Our Trailblazers purchased meals and gifts for local families in November and December. They also attended the multi-chapter Annual Friendsgiving Event and COPA, the regional holiday activity in Charleston, SC. At the chapter’s annual Winter Wonderland event, older children helped younger children purchase small gifts and “Santa” was available for pictures! We spent our 2023 MLK Day of Service beautifying Garner Community Center’s entrance and playground and collecting cans supporting the Tackle Hunger Food Drive. Our annual Leadership Summit took place on North Carolina Central University’s campus. Teens from the chapter and the Boys and Girls Club were exposed to college and career options and age-appropriate health and financial tools. Our annual fundraiser in February, supporting the Jack and Jill Foundation, was themed “Giving from the Sole: A Black-Tie Sneaker Affair”. The Father’s Auxiliary kicked off the year with an NFL mixer. Chapter Fathers coordinated “Pops on Patrol” service as Capital City prepared to co-host the 2023 MAR Teen Leadership Conference!



Capital City Chapter

Our Purpose is Our Children





President: Sharlonda Tullock Vice-President: Courtney Howard Program Director: Kartika Gibson Recording Secretary: Christina Chandler Corresponding Secretary: Karel Givens Treasurer: Josette Pelzer Financial Secretary: Martina Jackson Editor: Ebony Carolina-Franklin Chaplain: Della Jordan Historion: Ebony Carolina-Franklin Foundation Chair: Lena Mcilwain Parliamentarian: Natalie Ham Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Erica Roberts Associate Chair: Sherrie Snipes-Williams Father’s Auxiliary: Jeff Wilder

President: Jared Wilder Vice-President: Nailah Brown Corresponding Secretary: Autumn Jordan Recording Secretary: Lillian Brown Treasurer: London Alford Parliamentarian: Francis Roberts II Chaplain: Landon Paige


Eleanor Alford, Auryel le Ascue, Tanya Ascue, Carole Barnes-Reese, Debbie Brown, Kimberly Brown, Monique Brown, Terra Burke, Ebony Carolina-Franklin, Christina Chandler, Shakeima Chatman, Stacey Crowder-Gethers, Joye Fordham, Cheri Frankl in , Jami lah Frazier, Kartika Gibson, Karel Givens, Natalie Ham, Stacy Hardy, Courtney Howard, Martina Jackson, Del la Jordan, Sonja McTeer, Nicole Middleton, Karla Moore, Lena Mel lwain, Josette Pelzer, Kori Price-Worley, Carole Reese, Jenna Richard son, Erica Roberts, Jasmine Rose, Shauna Rowland, Sharvette Slaughter, Niki Smith, Tiffany Spann-Wi Ider, Sharlonda Tullock, Adianne Walker, Tamekia Weaver, Yolonda Zanders-Barr


In September 1953, Lois Moses helped organize an interest group of mothers in Charleston. She successfully secured sponsorship from the Columbia Chapter and an application was filed with the national organization. In February 1954, the application was approved at the National Conventional held in Durham, NC. On October 8, 1954, the installation service was held at the Owls “Whist” Roost, conducted by the National President, Nellie Roulhac. There were 21 charter members. Throughout the years, we have shown our steadfast commitment to our families and the Charleston Community. During the 42nd and 43rd national conferences, the Charleston Chapter was honored with five-star status, becoming the first chapter in South Carolina to earn this prestigious recognition.


The Charleston Chapter kicked off our program year by celebrating the life and legacy of Carole Robertson through oratory, poetic, and artistic displays. In October, the preteen age group learned about three forms of civic activism. Organizing, protesting, and artistic expression- while visiting and learning about three local historic sites. Teens participated in an event titled Lobbying: The Legislative Superpower. They learned about how relationships and agendas build the legislative process at the South Carolina Statehouse, as well as deliberating and debating as functions of the legislative process. In December the Charleston Chapter was honored to host the Mid- Atlantic region for Copa in the South. This annual event helps to raise funds for the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, as well as the Teacher’s Supply Closet, a local organization co-founded by the Charleston Chapter that

provides free school supplies to children in Title I schools. In February, multiple age groups toured the brand new International African -American museum in Charleston, SC. Children explored cultures and knowledge systems retained and adapted by Africans in the Americas. The Teens further considered how the museum is funded, and the importance of corporate and individual donations, in bringing this new museum to our community. In the following months, our programming continued to focus on the flourishing development of our children in support of our national objectives and theme: “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose”.






President: Krista Marshall Vice-President: Chanel Davis Program Director: Tiffany Daniel Recording Secretary: Carla Reaves Corresponding Secretary: Nicole Kennon Treasurer: Naura Pierre-Hoard Financial Secretary: Shanon Jones Editor: Nelvia Bullock Chaplain: ltali Frasier Historian: Rachel Bernard Foundation Chair: Cathy Bell, Jeanine Craft, and Hloye Cyprian Parliamentarian: Latarsha Williams Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Carla Roberts & Gina Duncan Associate Chair: Stephanie Exum & Candace Webb Father’s Auxiliary: Brian Cyprian

President: Kendall Davis Vice-President: Cole Kennedy Regional Vice President: Honesty McQueen Recording Secretary: Caleb McCall Corresponding Secretary: Sydney Collins Treasurer: Sanai Rouse Foundation: Cassidy Reaves


The Charlotte Chapter of Jack and Jill of America was offically installed by Mrs. Burma Whitted and Mrs. LuSybil Taylor on October 29, 1957. Charter officers and members are installed as follows: President: Mrs. Vivian L. Williams Executive Board: Mrs.Gwendoyln Heard, Geneva Stewart, Roberta Thompkins, Ophelia Greay, Mrs. Marge Belton, Mrs. Magartha Rann, Mrs. Ruth Cohen. Members: Mesdames Cornelia Belton, Lou Benson, Ocala Bluford, Charlie Butler, Louella Currie. Members Continued: Thelma Davis, Florence Goodwin, Malta Levi, Catherine Hawkins, Naomi High, Lydia Pride, Ann Roberts, Samella Twitty, Virginia Wood, Carolyn Wyche, Maria Wynn. The continued vision of the Charismatic Charlotte Chapter is to be “an embracing village for children and parents. In support of Jack and Jill of America’s national goals the mother members provide constructive educational, cultural, civic, recreational, soical and community service programs to improve the lives of particularly African American children.” Throughout the years the Charlotte Chapter has grown into a diverse membersip of infulential women from educators, leading executives to lawyers, journalists, doctors, homemakers, authors, and host of other exceptional careers with a goal of fostering greatness for our families. Today the chapter has 99 mother members.


The Charlotte Chapter programming begins with an in-depth planning meeting to review our nationally recognized programs, refine grade group chair roles, incorporate programmatic thrusts, and map out our monthly activity calendar. Our mother members benefited from newly formed relationships with future host moms, inspiration for future events and recharged to put on exceptional programming for our children. We then moved into plannning for combined efforts on Carol Robertson Day and Jack and Jill Day. On September 11, 2022 the Charlotte Chapter hosted a chapterwide Skating to Freedom Event. The children donned 1960’s Peace,

Love and Jack and Jill inspired shirts to showcase the synergy of our theme as collective body. The 2022-2023 program year also marks an exciting time for the Charlotte Chapter. The Charismatic Charlotte Chapter of Jack & Jill of America celebrates 65 years of award-winning programming, community service and philanthropy. To commemorate this momentous occassion, we desigend a exquisite gem shaped Charlotte Chapter logo alongside a branded slogan, “Honoring our legacy gems and cultivating our future jewels.” Mother members, associates, dignitaries and community leaders gathered together on October 24, 2022 at the Grand Bohemian Hotel to recognize the legacy and celebrate the future of the chapter. In November we introduced a new chapter-wide event, A Mental Health Forum. The day ensued with programming for our mothers, fathers, associate jewels and children. We left with the motivation to nurture and strengthen our bodies and minds. In April the Charlotte Chapter enthusiastically looks forward to bringing back our hallmark fundraiser Blazers & Bling. Throughout the year we continue the legacy of service with various organaizations like Sowing Mustard Seeds Ministry, Communiteis in Schools Charlotte, McCreesh Supportive Housing Communities, our little libraries projects and more.







President: LaGora Oliver Vice-President: Kristin Allen Program Director: Maxie Hays Recording Secretary:Jacqueline Nesbitt Corresponding Secretary: Geraldine Eady Treasurer: Jaclyn Ashe Financial Secretary: Jocelyn Gilchrist Editor: Bonita Billingsley Harris Chaplain: Angela Reddix Historion: Bonita Billingsley Harris Foundation Chair: Tonya Byrd and Monique Crabb Porliomentorion:Candice Hardiman Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Miriam Goganious Father’s Auxiliary: Monique Crabb

President: Brooke Cuffee Vice-President: Justin Hardiman Secretary: Celina Harris and Lorenzo Goganious Treasurer: Elisa Brown Parliamentarian :Trae Byrd Chaplain: Madison Gilchrist Sergeant-at-Arms: Ayla Reddix


The Chesapeake Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was organized in 1966. under Regional Director Mrs. Elizabeth Coefield. Founded by Mary Brabble, Ruby Dupree, and Evelyn Williams, it was known as the Lads and Lassies of Chesapeake. The group remained in provisional status for two years. In 1968, the chartering ceremony of the Chesapeake Chapter was held at the historic Golden Triangle Hotel in Norfolk, Virginia. Over the years, the Charming Chesapeake Chapter has provided a range of projects and activities that have enriched the children and the community educationally, culturally, civically, healthfully and socially. Several members have also served as Regional and National Officers, including Ingrid Miller, who served as National President of the organization from 1996-98. Through the pandemic, our grade group chairs forged ahead with amazing virtual and COVID19-safe programming. We also committed to working towards Five Star Excellence and are well on our way to achieving that goal! In May of 2022, the Chesapeake Chapter was finally, happily and safely able to hold an in-person National Black Family Day at our local Chesapeake Park. In June, along with the Hampton Chapter, we co-hosted the regional Teen Leadership Conference in a successful and grand event themed “Black to the Future.” Currently the small, but mighty chapter has 24 members. Our President is Dr. LaGora Oliver Brooks. Under her dynamic leadership, the mothers, fathers and children are growing closer together and continuing to serve others, ON MISSION, ON PURPOSE!


The Charming Chesapeake Chapter loves nurturing future leaders and fostering healthy, lifelong friendships. After two years of COVID, our families kicked off the program year with an even greater appreciation for connecting with each other and uplifting our communities. In September, we celebrated Jack and Jill Day at the “Battle of the Bay” football game between Norfolk State and Hampton University. We also paused for our annual tribute to Carole Robertson, the Jack and Jill teen who was killed in the 1963 Birmingham church bombing. Our October activities included Legislative Week of Action. Virginia Delegate Cliff Hayes encouraged our future voters to become active in the political

process. The first, second and third grade “Trailblazers” enjoyed getting in touch with their wild side and singing hakuna matata at a production of The Lion King in Norfolk.The “Vanguard” teens visited Elizabeth City State University to see STEM education in action with various aviation science, and flight simulator exercises. They also made a donation to the ECSU Vikings Care Fund Pantry. In November, our littlest ones with the “Groundbreakers” and “Trailblazers” had tons of fun preparing spaghetti and meatballs at a cooking class in Chesapeake, which included healthy eating tips. Cooking has never been so adorable!! The children of all ages enjoyed donating their time and treasure to the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia to brighten Thanksgiving for less fortunate families. “Vanguard” coordinated “Sk8 for Our Mental State” to have fun and raise awareness about the importance of mental health.Meanwhile, our dashing Dads have gotten together for a few very spirited Men’s Night Out events. In December, the “Pathfinders” had a ball making Christmas ornaments, pizza, s’mores, and dancing. Our kids do have some dance moves! The “Pathfinders” and “Innovators” had a jolly ol’ time at the Escape Room in Virginia Beach. One group escaped, and the other group was so close. Nevertheless, cupcakes for everyone! Vanguard had a pajama movie night. It included a discussion about college life and a service project to fill bento boxes with holiday goodies for families who are homeless. It’s not Christmas without cookies! So, our Jacks and Jills baked and decorated cookies. We think Santa was pleased.







President: Candace Prinqle Vice-President: Fern Kelly Program Director: Joi Gilliam Recording Secretary: Yvette Sands Corresponding Secretary: Kimberlei Davis Treasurer: Nashiba Boyd Financial Secretary: Walletta Moore Johnson Editor: Cynthia Johnson Chaplain: Yvette Graham Historion: Sonya Brailsford Foundation Chair: Tesha White-Mosely Parliamentarian: Tonya Green Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Trell Belk, DeAndrea Benjamin, and Michelle Hurley Johnson Associate Chair: Audra Kimpson Father’s Auxiliary: Edna and BJ Lanqley

President: Chandler Prinqle Vice-President: Bethany Benjamin Recording Secretary: Jordan Benjamin Corresponding Secretary: Rachel Johnson Parliamentarian: Jacia Green Chaplain: John Belk Sergeant-at-Arms: Elise Pringle


Inez E. Simkins, a Founding Mother of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, and her family moved to Columbia, South Carolina, in 1945. Already well entrenched in the community, Ms. Simkins organized a meeting with a group of friends who became the charter members of the Columbia, South Carolina, Chapter of Jack and Jill. Several years later, the Philadelphia Chapter asked Mrs. Simkins to organize a chapter of Jack and Jill in Columbia. The organizational meeting was held at the home of Mrs. I.P. (Ada) Stanback on Oak Street. On the night of September 13, 1951, the charter members were installed in an impressive candlelight service conducted by then-National President Mrs. Edna Seay. Charter members were Lois Bailey, Ethel Bolden, Margaret Boulware, Meredith Douglas, Agnes Evans, Harriett Everette, Rachel Griffin, Bessie P. Jenkins, Elise Jenkins, Pearl M. Mance, Vivian Marshall, Marion Morgan, Katherine Moses, Inez S. Simkins, Mary Solomon and Billie Stephenson. Inez S. Simkins was elected the first president of the Columbia Chapter. Chapter President Candace Pringle is continuing the legacy of leading the chapter. Tarcia N. Flemming, the 23rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, is a member of the Columbia chapter. Mother Sonya Brailsford serves as the regional chaplain, and Mother Joi Gilliam serves as the regional program director for the Mid-Atlantic Region.


activities, fellowship, fun, and food. The chapter’s grade groups participated in various activities, from HBCU day at Benedict College to printmaking with a local artist and an evening at the COPA in the South semi-formal. In February, families gathered to celebrate the 70-plus years as a chapter as they danced down the Soul Train line in a Seventies-themed party. The year ended with the Black Family Day Celebration. Families enjoyed swimming, game trucks, golf, tennis, and crafts. Throughout the programming year, the Columbia chapter continued the legacy of service with various local organizations.

The Columbia Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated started the year with the annual Jack and Jill Day. Families enjoyed a day at Stars and Strikes. With more than 20 families in attendance, the afternoon began honoring Carole Robertson, a member of Jack and Jill, who lost her life in the 1953 16th Street Baptist Church bombing, through a memorial. Following the memorial, families enjoyed an afternoon of various indoor




President: Katara Jordan Vice-President: Crystal Franklin Program Director: LaTonya Brown-Goodson Recording Secretary: Kendra Greene Treasurer: Courtney Wilson Financial Secretary: Leona Bonds Foundation Chair: Ashley Nelson


During the fall of 1990, the President of the Columbia (SC) Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc, Willatrel Stockton, contacted Pat Lee to survey the interest of establishing a chapter in the Conway, South Carolina area. After receiving information about the organization, Pat Lee began hosting meetings in her home to discuss the concept of organizing a chapter in the Conway area. In December 1990, Pat Lee received support from Ruth Whitney, Chair of Chapter Establishment Committee, with the Columbia (SC) Chapter. During the ensuing months 19 ladies expressed an interest in establishing a chapter. In September 1991, the group was established as Parents and Children Together (PACT). Pat Lee was elected as President and through her leadership, the organization began the process of becoming a chapter. In August 1993, the organization received provisional status and the Columbia (SC) chapter remained a sponsor and provided guidance to the organization. The chapter was approved for membership during the 41st National Convention in Austin, Texas in July 1994. In September 1994, 16 of the original PACT members were installed as chartered members of Conway Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The chapter serves the Conway, Myrtle Beach and Georgetown areas. 29 years later, our courageous Chapter continues the legacy of Jack and Jill through service to our communities and ensuring all children have access to the resources they need to thrive.


The Conway Chapter began its 2022-2023 programming year with the national theme “The Power to Make a Difference.” During our planning retreat we discussed activities for the upcoming year and innovated ways that our children could serve our community and make difference while serving. In September, we kicked off the programming year with a Family Day to commemorate Carole Robertson Day in the Market Commons area of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. During the month of October, our kids participated in a Unity Day Parade and visited a local Community Garden where they learned about growing a variety of vegetables, composting and were able to harvest carrots fresh from the garden. We also utilize our social media platform to post “Tuesday Tidbits” informing the community of local election information. A local author stopped in and held a session on “positive affirmations” and everyone received an Affirmation Coloring Book. During Christmas, our chapter hosted Family Day “Holiday Edition”. Our children exchanged Christmas cards and celebrated the reasons for the season. This was our first full year back together since COVID-19 and we have enjoyed every minute of it. We adopted a local senior citizen facility and donated board games, coloring books, and other activities to the seniors. Our children also designed Valentine’s Day cards for the seniors. We introduced our children to a 300- year-old Charleston tradition “Sweetgrass Basket Weaving” and moms hosted a STEM activity to introduce our kids to a new world of math, science and engineering.






President: Jasmine C. Smith Vice-President: Chandra Hollier Program Director: Josephine Kerr Davis Recording Secretary: Erica Frasier Corresponding Secretary: Tomeka Hartsfield Treasurer: Kelley Paris Financial Secretary: Andwisa Johnson Editor: Jeanetta Powell Chaplain: Tracey Temne Historian: Valerie Quiett Foundation Chair: Ashleigh Rosette, Kandace Farrar Parliamentarian: Anitra Royster Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Chanda Douglas-Ward, Christina Ndoh Associate Chair: Kito Jones Father’s Auxiliary: Queron Smith

President: Aniekan Ndoh Vice-President: Todd Bond Secretary: Taylor Bond Treasurer: Malayna McDaniel Parliamentarian: Victoria Morris Chaplain: Mia Durant

CHAPTER HISTORY The Durham Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was founded October 9, 1945, by Mrs. Leonia Dorsey, a member of the first Jack and Jill Club in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was the sixth chapter founded in the organization. Mrs. Dorsey introduced the organization to a group of mothers on the campus of North Carolina College, now North Carolina Central University (NCCU). The Chapter has had several opportunities to host Area Workdays, Children’s Clusters, Regional Conferences, and a National Convention through the years. In June of 1954, the Chapter served as the first Mid-Atlantic Region to host a National Convention. The Chapter hosted the Mothers’ Regional Conference in 1961 and 2015. The Chapter is a three-time host of the Teen’s Conference in 1973, 1983 and 2009. In 1987, 2003, and 2009 the Chapter hosted Fall Area Workday. In 2006, the Chapter hosted the first Children’s Cluster. Through the years, the Durham Chapter has supported various local and national organizations with monetary gifts and contributions, volunteered several hours of service, and participated in multiple activities and events. In October 2020, the Durham Chapter celebrated 75 years of service to the Durham Community. To commemorate this historic milestone, the Chapter established the “Power to Make a Difference Scholarship” at NCCU with an initial donation of $25,000. The Durham Chapter became the first Mid-Atlantic Region Chapter to establish an endowed scholarship at an HBCU. The Chapter remains dedicated to the organization’s mission, “to seek for all children the same advantages which we desire for our own.”


Programming is the heart of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., and this year the Durham Chapter remained laser focused on providing programming that was impactful for children of all ages and abilities. We began our year, honoring the memory of our Jill,

Carole Robertson, by incorporating a day that included her interests in the arts and science. In the months to follow, each age group provided opportunities for children to engage in programming that developed their leadership skills, provided an opportunity to serve those less fortunate and strengthened their resolve to be change agents in our community. Not only did our programs meet our national programmatic thrusts but our children were able to refine their table manners, learn about the accomplishments of African Americans in Durham, explore our city via a scavenger hunt, go fishing, prepare for college, and have some good old-fashioned fun. Our children had the privilege of learning from entrepreneurs, scientists, dentists, farmers, and artists. We ended the year with a bang at Black Family Day as we all enjoyed a Durham Bulls baseball game and danced all night at a silent dance party. From Tech-Or-Treat to Show Me Your Grillz (dental hygiene workshop) to Module Madness, our mothers created activities that stimulated our children’s growth and development while capturing the goal for the programs to be exciting and relatable. Led by our Programming Committee, we made sure that our programs were inclusive for children of all ages. This year, we created activity books for our chapter wide activities for children with diversabilities which explained the subject matter in greater detail. In everything we do, in every program we plan, our children have learned they have “the power to make a difference.”







Chapter status by a unanimous vote. On September 18, 2010, in Greenville, NC, sixteen mothers were installed at 5:00pm at the City Hotel and Bistro as the charter members of the Eastern North Carolina Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. by National Recording Secretary Allison Copeland and Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Pamela Askew. Charter Members: Julia Atkins, Sherry Bullock, Tracy Burton, Regina Edmonds, Kim Edwards, Ericka Griffin, Dorothy Jordan, Angela Mebane, Ebony Mitchell, Lisa Overton, Kelli Pack-Smith, Mary Patterson, Jenise Phillips, Heather Rhodes, Cheryl Robbins, Yolanda Soney

President: Ericka Griffin Vice-President: Maria Bright Program Director: Sherry Rogers Hill Recording Secretary: Teisha Glover Corresponding Secretary: Jennifer Friend Treasurer: Kenya Martin Financial Secretary: Ericka Lawrence Editor: Diane Taylor Chaplain: Miranda Haskins H istorion: Elizabeth Jenkins Foundation Chair: Cortrina Smith Parliamentarian: Jennifer Friend Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Angela Haskins Associate Chair: Alicia Artis Father’s Auxiliary: Cedric Bright

President: Elizabeth Griffin Vice-President: Kaila Lawrence Secretary: Nicholas Glover Treasurer: Norah Smith Parliamentarian: William Taylor Chaplain: Steven Edwards Sergeant-at-Arms: Andrew Bright

On March 13, 2009 under the leadership of Tracy Burton, a group of mothers in eastern NC began to organize to provide meaningful cultural and social activities for their children. On April 10, 2009, the nascent group contacted Jack and Jill of America, Inc. to begin the process of forming a provisional group that would encompass Beaufort, Edgecombe, Greene, Lenoir, Martin, Pitt, Nash, Wayne and Wilson counties. The National Executive Board of Jack and Jill of America voted to approve Provisional Group status in July of 2009. The small group that met at Emerge Gallery became the Family Alliance of Eastern North Carolina (FAENC) launched with the first mother’s meeting held July 17, 2009 at the home of Tracy Burton, where the organization’s name and bylaws were established. The programming year kicked off on Sunday, August 30, 2009 with a Back to School Barbecue at Paramore Park in Greenville, NC where all the families came together for the first time and celebrated our provisional group success. The children’s groups were named after pirate ships and we set sail with our eyes on the horizon. We celebrated our first Carole Robertson Day on September 29, 2009 at the Imperial Center in Rocky Mount. Other highlights of the 2009-2010 programming year included our Brunch with Santa at Yankee Hall, our MLK celebration that honored local community servants Eve and Ray Rogers and a Senior Prom for the Golden Living Nursing home. Under President Burton’s leadership, financial contributions were given to the community through our “Pass the Hat” program. The 2009-2010 programming year concluded in Chicago, IL at the 39th Biennial National Convention of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. July 27th through August 1, 2010 where the conference theme was “Power, Purpose and Pearls: Securing our Children’s Future”. Clad in pirate gear, President Burton and Program Director Patterson made the presentation at the national convention. At this convention, the FAENC was endorsed by its mentor, Raleigh-Wake Chapter, and a motion was made by chapter President Barbara Blackburn to move FAENC from provisional group to provisional chapter status as the Eastern North Carolina Provisional Chapter. On July 30, 2010 at 6:30pm central time, the Eastern North Carolina Provisional Group along with 6 other provisional groups was elevated to Provisional


The Eastern North Carolina kicked off 2022-2023 with our theme for Carole Robertson Day was “A Walk In Her Shoes.” On September 17, 2022, ENC families gathered together at the Round About Skating rink parking lot in Goldsboro. The teens shared a moving Carole Robertson tribute followed by a memory walk.. Families and community guests held signs reading, “No Justice, No Peace, “Black Lives Matters” and Carole Robertson banners. The unity march ended at the skating rink. Once returning, 188 pairs of shoes were presented to representatives of Dillard Academy, a local charter school. The celebration culminated in an afternoon of skating, fun, food and fellowship. During the 2022-2023 program year, the Eastern NC Chapter Moms will celebrate Founders Day at the Walnut Creek Country Club in Goldsboro, NC on January 22, 2023 at 2:00 pm. We enjoyed a competitive Founders Day activity. Charter mom members presented a creative, historical narrative describing the genesis of our ENC chapter. We showered our Associate Jewels with tokens of love, while we enjoyed eating, bonding and reaffirming our commitment to Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Jacks & Jills delivered unique, oral presentations about the contributions made by Africans and African Americans. This year’s theme is “Agriculture for the Culture “. The objectives of the program are to: Develop and strengthen leadership and communication skills and to highlight the contributions of African Americans in Agriculture.Address and understand challenges facing the agriculture industry and plausible solutions. We also celebrated and recognized African American farmers in Eastern North Carolina.





President: Lisa Ellis Hailey Vice-President: Tiffany Daniels Program Director: Nicole Moore Recording Secretary: Danielle Graham Corresponding Secretary: Ebone Williams Treasurer: Lavondra McLaughlin Financial Secretary: Kenjuana McCray Editor: Leah King Metzger Chaplain: Rondell Bennett Historian: Wanda Baker Foundation Chair: Ericka Whitaker Parliamentarian: Patrice Barber Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Karmyce Quinn Associate Chair: Wendy Lapsley Father’s Auxiliary: Ashard Moore and Chancer McLaughlin Mid-Atlantic Region Treasurer: Daralyn Bryant

President: Kyndal Quinn Vice-President: Julian Stokes Secretary: Lillian Vauters Treasurer: Lemuel Hailey Parliamentarian: Michaela Deas Mid-Atlantic Region Teen Secretary: Alexis Lael Bennett


Wanda Baker, Patrice Barber, Rondell Bennett, Sharonda Boykin, Jermecka Covington, Daralyn Bryant, Tiffany Daniels, Jannifer Deas, Tedra Gilmore, Danielle Graham, Lisa Hailey, Delores Johnson-Lee, Memory Jones, Leah King Metzger, Kenjuana McCray, Lavondra McLaughlin, Nicole Moore, Audrey Noble, Karmyce Quinn, Yvette Stokes, Ericka Whitaker, Ebone Williams


The Fayetteville Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was chartered in 1957 with the following members: Mary Cherry, Nettie Daniels, Mabel Douglass, Inez Early, Dorothy Lane, Margaret McDaniels, Mildred Miller, Earline Mitchell, Beatrice Pindle, Beulah Quick, Lee Reeder, Louise Rogers, Marie Vaughn and Jesse Vick. Ms. Jesse Vick was elected as the chapter’s first President. The chapter became inactive for a period in the 1980s and its full history continues to be recovered. However, information gathered before and after the gaps in our history reflects strong leadership and community impact in Fayetteville and the surrounding areas. With the combined efforts of our national historian and current chapter members, most of the gaps in our chapter history were filled. We continuously make history; making it both inspirational and a guide for future Fayetteville Chapter of Jack and Jill of America members and the community at large. Currently in our 66th year of being established as a Jack and Jill of America Chapter in Fayetteville, our membership remains small but mighty. The Fayetteville Chapter promotes the goals of Jack and Jill with a dominant presence, having leadership representation at the regional and national levels.


The program year kicked off with Jack and Jill Day and the Carole Robertson Memorial. It was a day of reflection on the past, and vision for our children’s future. The day included a candle-lit ceremony, self-written poetry recitations, and a butterfly release led by our youngest members. Notable programming that took place included a PNC bank vault tour with financial lessons, a Chapterwide Kwanzaa celebration, theater performance attendance, STEAM activities across all the age groups, a public speaking and etiquette seminar, Youth Law Day at Wake County Courthouse, a Teen Olympics retreat, an International Civil Rights Museum Tour, National Museum of African American History and Culture Tour in Washington DC, and various community service projects. These projects supported gathering supplies and resources for the homeless in our local area. During this programming year, we also continued to strengthen our partnership with the Fayetteville Raeford Cares Mentoring non-profit. As a local affiliate of JJOA national partner National Cares Mentoring Movement, we emphasized the need to provide the organization with school supplies, books, volunteer hours, and monetary funds. Additionally, proceeds from our Foundation ‘Santa Like Me’ event benefited the Mentoring organization while allowing its selected families to pose with Santa free of charge.







President: Kenyetta Kennedy-Sanders Vice-President: Clamentine Scott Elmore Program Director: Dana Mitchell Recording Secretary: Michelline Williams Corresponding Secretary: Michelline Williams Treasurer: Melissa Hamer Financial Secretary: Dr. Donya Wallace Editor: Sherrlyn McFadden Chaplain: Dr. Tracy Stokes Miller Historion: Lamibia Dunham Foundation Chair: Dr. Donya Wallace Parliamentarian: Ester Thomas Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Natalie Whitfield Associate Chair: Hilda Conner

President: Tyrone Wallace (TJ) Vice-President: Madison Miller Secretary: Bre Melvin Treasurer: Jalen Wallace Parliamentarian: Brayden Chaplain: Farnan Whitfield IV


Under the leadership of the Mid- Atlantic Regional Director of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Dr. Ingrid Watson Miller (1991-1995), the Florence Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was organized as an interest group in 1990 under the guidance of Dianna White, Jeanette Pendergrass, and Dr. Linda Bigelow. Twenty-four (24) mothers attended the first meeting, which was held at the home of Dianna White. After several meetings, the group was established as the Pee Dee Children’s Association with sixteen mothers. The group remained an interest group for one year. The children and families experienced a variety of positive activities to include the following: a weekend trip to Myrtle Beach; Family Day; Christmas Dinner; and teen visits to colleges and universities. Representatives also attended various conferences. In 1991, the association was voted into membership with Provisional Chapter status during the National Convention in Orlando, Florida as the 247th chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc. Mid-Atlantic Region. After two years of hard work and dedication of seventeen (17) mothers, a chapter was formed that now serves Florence, Darlington, and Williamsburg counties. On Saturday, October 24, 1992, the Florence Chapter chartering ceremonies were held at the Oakdale Country Club. The charter members were Teresa Anderson; Linda Bigelow; Barbara Brooks; Carolyn Brown; Diane Chapman; Elizabeth Clark; Hilda Conner; Shirley Green; Betty Jackson; Nellie Jones; Ann King; Gloria McCutcheon; Jeanette Pendergrass; Janetha Prioleau; Teresa Rozzelle; Marian Weeks; and Dianna White. Since its inception, the Florence Chapter has held various projects throughout the years that have benefited the children of the group and the community educationally, culturally, and socially under the leadership of the following presidents: Linda Bigelow (1990-1993); Elizabeth Clark (1993-1995); Frances Thomas (1995- 1997); Loretta Brown (1997-2001); Patricia Singleton Parr (2001-2005); Dr. Adora Matthews (2005-2007); Tracy Miller (2007-2011); Karen Aikens (2011-2013); Dr. Jeniqua Duncan (2013-2017); Lamibia Dunham (2017-2021); Kenyetta Kennedy-Sanders (2021- Present) The mother members of the Florence Chapter strive to provide constructive, educational, social, and cultural activities for our children as well as the children of our community. These activities have included the adoption of a first-grade class at North Vista Elementary School. Volunteering for voter registration drives

and UNCF. Preparing an annual Thanksgiving Dinner, “Time of Sharing” for the elderly. Hosting a Christmas Party for the Boys and Girls Club. Organizing a Manna House Food Drive. Collecting donations for local Nursing Homes, Co-sponsoring/participating in Health Fairs, Summer Reading Programs, and participating in many other chapter activities. Florence Chapter has hosted the 1995 and 2002 South Carolina Regional Cluster meetings and served as a Co-host of MAR Teen Leadership Conference 2012 with the Conway, SC chapter and 2021 Teen Leadership Conference, along with Columbia, SC. In 2022, the Florence Chapter adopted Frank Monroe Drive. Regional and National leadership positions include: Frances Thomas, National Nominating Committee, Regional Nominating Chairman; Patricia Singleton Parr, National Legislative Committee, Chair Regional By-Laws Committee, Chair National Standing Rules Committee, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, MidAtlantic Associate Chair, Five Star Chapter Excellence; Denise Sowell, National Nominating Committee Meredith Brown, (Teen) Regional Teen Secretary; Jeniqua Duncan, Regional Time & Place Committee, Regional Membership Committee, Regional Technology Committee, National Small Chapter Support Task Force, National Growing Strategically Task Force Chairwoman; Clementine Elmore, Regional Teen Conference Competition Committee; Sherrlyn McFadden, Regional Teen Conference Competition Committee; Kenyetta Kennedy-Sanders, Regional Teen Conference Competition Committee, Regional Teen Conference Courtesies Committee; Autumn Sanders, (Teen) Regional Teen Technology Chair, Region Teen Communications Committee; Julian Duncan, (Teen) Regional Teen Nominations Committee, Regional Teen Treasurer






Our Chapter ended 2021 with a Christmas Social for kids, moms, dads and potential new families to meet and greet families that joined the chapter within the last few virtual years.

President: Konika Bell Vice-President: Ja’Nate Holland Program Director: Annette Sida Recording Secretary: Francine Freeman Corresponding Secretary: Francine Freeman Treasurer: Abbie Overton Financial Secretary: Kamilita Botchewy Editor: Neci Adams Chaplain: Maya Feemster-Jones Historian: Neci Adams Foundation Chair: Christa Daniel Parliamentarian: Twana Burris-Alcide Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Chimma Coq/Sonia Miller Associate Chair: Angela Harris Father’s Auxiliary: Arieus Alcide

President: Jacob Echevarria Vice-President: Morgan Costner Secretary: Noa Aviles Treasurer: Samantha Daniel Parliamentarian: Jerome Butler Chaplain: Christian Reynolds Sergeant-at-Arms: Chase Parker

The Gastonia- Piedmont Chapter was established on September 28, 2008. It was conceived at a medical dinner in 2005 and the vision was carried forth by Dr Shawnya Gore. Nineteen mothers were installed as charter members of the Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. Our Chapter strives to make a positive difference in our children’s lives and the lives in our community. Our mission is to create a medium of contacts for our children which will stimulate growth, development and provide them a constructive, educational, cultural, civic, recreational, health, and social program. All in efforts to keep our national theme, “The Power to Make a Difference, We Can Do More”.


January’s activities for our chapter were: a tour of the African American Museum of History, experiencing scientific exploration through flight simulation and investigating how International Space programs change devices we use everyday from medicine to engineering. We will culminate the activity year by celebrating Black Family Day in-person. We will include our newly initiated mothers and their families. We will also celebrate our graduating seniors, our wonderful dads and our mothers who have tenured into Associatehood.

The Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter started the year with a service and civic leadership activity for Carole Robertson Day at the Mount Calvary Community Center. All kid groups joined forces with the teens to create a library for an underserved afterschool program at this community center. Used books featuring children of color were collected to start this library. The Cubs, Cougars, Bobcats, Jaguars, Panthers/Teens and moms put together bookcases, made bookmarks and sorted books by age groups. This celebration encouraged teamwork, development pf group dunamics and social bonding. For 2022-2023 programming year, our Panthers/teens are committed to gaining a better appreciation and understanding of African American culture, participating in cleanup projects in their local counties and focusing on community service around at risk communities specifically schools and community centers. Some projects included cleaning the playground and the entrance of the Mount Calvary Community Life Center in Shelby, NC and donating 72 pairs of hats and gloves to Woodhill Elementary School. Our teens also attend a city council meeting where they had the opportunity to learn more about their community and learn about local politics.


Gastonia-Piedmont 2022-2023






President: Cheryl Woods Giscombe Vice-President: Natasha Young Program Director: Tinesha Smith/ Samonia Barrett Recording Secretary: Meriel Parker Corresponding Secretary: Apryle Lawson Daye Treasurer: Benita Hall Financial Secretary: Pamela Hester Editor: Dwella Moton Nelson Chaplain: Ruthie Lyle Historian: Ella Smith Foundation Chair: Krystal Privette/ Patrice Smith Parliamentarian: Monica Wheeler Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Samonia Barrett Father’s Auxiliary: Kessonga Giscombe

President: Zuri Giscombe Vice-President: Amya Barnes Secretary: Kyla Newkirk Treasurer: Jeremi Young Parliamentarian: Jeremiah Young Sergeant-at-Arms: Kennedy Williams


On September 16, 2021, Cheryl Woods Giscombe hosted a group of mothers from Chapel Hill, NC who shared a desire to support and advance the well-being of their children, families, and communities. Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Tarcia Flemming graciously shared insights with the mothers about the necessary process to establish a provisional group and ultimately pursue a Chapter Charter in Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The mothers received sponsorship support from the Durham Chapter, and later received official national recognition as the Greater Chapel Hill Provisional Group. On September 10, 2022, the Greater Chapel Hill Provisional Charter was given full Charter Membership into Jack and Jill of America, Inc. as the Greater Chapel Hill Chapter.


Carole Robertson Day The Greater Chapel Hill Chapter (GCHC) hosted our first Carole Robertson Memorial Day at the William M. Hargraves Recreation Center. We collected books and learned about how Chapel Hill contributed to the civil rights movement. Jacks and Jills were given a copy of ‘The Pledge to Take a Stand’ to rewrite in their own words. The pledge was taken from the Wall of Tolerance at the Civil Rights Memorial Center (Montgomery, AL). GCHC teens led the Memorial Service. An Award-Winning Chapel Hill Historian, Mrs. Danita MasonHogans, shared details about Chapel Hill’s ties to civil rights. Her father, Mr. David Mason, Jr., is a member of the ‘Chapel Hill Nine’, a group of teens who organized the first sit-in in Chapel Hill. Mr. Mason greeted us at the civil rights memorial sign commemorating his sit-in. He shared his experiences fighting for civil rights Healthy Mouth, Body and Soul In this activity, our children learned about the importance of good health. The presenter shared different strategies that the children could use daily to maintain healthy mouths, bodies and souls.

Our Jacks and Jills learned specific steps that they can incorporate into their daily oral care routines to ensure excellent oral health. Next, the children received their own yoga mats and learned calming mindfulness using music and yoga. During the event, we discussed kid-friendly ways to limit holiday treats and sugar consumption. Our Moms and children wore pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Democracy and Debate Local school and Government Officials joined our Jacks and Jills to share their expertise in democracy, debate and policy creation. Local role models joined us to teach our children the importance of education and community leadership. Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School Board Member, Riza Jenkins, spoke with our children about the importance of voting. She shared her passion for equitable education and explained why it is important to support public schools. North Carolina State Representative, Allen Buansi, spoke with our children about his career as a Lawmaker in Washington, DC. The children were excited to hear about his path to this career, educational background and personal experiences while serving our community.




President: Tamara Jones Barnes Vice-President: Victoria Sulyans Program Director: Michelle Parr Recording Secretary: Chandra Beander Corresponding Secretary: Ayonda E. Batts Treasurer: Tarah Goggins Financial Secretary: Tasha Willoughby Editor: Yolanda Comfort Simmons Chaplain: L’Antoinella Spiller Reddick Historian: Talethia H. Thomas Foundation Chair: Jennea Correia Parliamentarian: Benita Parks Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Mia N. Valentine Father’s Auxiliary: Wilbur Barnes

President: Seven Whiteman Vice-President: Bayleigh Valentine Secretary: Elijah Thomas Treasurer: Elijah Thomas Parliamentarian: N/A Chaplain: Kendall Parks Sergeant-at-Arms: Kendall Parks


Tamara Jones Barnes, Ayonda E. Batts, Chandra Beander, Chrisonia Broadnax, Yolanda Comfort Simmons, Jennea Correia, Sheena Gilreath, Tarah Goggins, Akera Mincey, Benita Parks, Michelle Parr, Kathryn Saffold Musah, L’Antoinella Spiller-Reddick, Sukeena Whiteman Stephens, Victoria Sulyans, Talethia H. Thomas, Mia N. Valentine, Tasha Willoughby


On Sunday, October 16, 2016, the Greater Fredericksburg Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was installed as the 236th chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. The charter members of the Greater Fredericksburg Chapter were: LaTanya Arthur, Tamara Jones Barnes, Ayonda E. Batts, Rochelle Bazemore-Fountain, Nancy A. Carroll, Michelle Cartagena, Nicole Tarlton Cole, Hope R. Coleman, Natasha Monique Edlow, Nancy T. Ellis, Elena P. Gold, Donna Gordon Green, Penny Hairston, Anedra Henley-Logan, Ellise Mussington- Vigilant, Belinda A. Porter, Rachel Samuel, Giovonni Hargraves Smith, Sukeena Whiteman Stephens, Victoria Sulyans, Talethia H. Thomas, Mia Newell Valentine, Deirdre Powell White and Alicia Frenzley Wilkerson. The Greater Fredericksburg Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., currently has 18 mother members and 30 children between the ages of 2 to 19. The chapter remains focused on our fundamental principles; providing our children with superior inclusive programming, leadership opportunities, and continued community outreach while being mission driven and focused on our purpose.


The Greater Fredericksburg Chapter started the program year on September 10, 2022 in honor of Jack and Jill Day with a historical trolley tour of downtown Fredericksburg. The families were able to see and identify locations of historical African American churches and murals, gain further insight on the history of the African American church, learn about prominent African American leaders within the community, and acknowledge areas where demonstrations were conducted by African Americans. Closing out this weekend and to honor and celebrate the life of Carole Robertson, on Sunday September 11th, we gathered in worship at the historic Shiloh (Old Site) Baptist Church, where our families had the opportunity to participate in an open dialogue with the pastor, Rev. Dr. Aaron

Dobynes regarding racial injustice, the importance of advocating for equality, and events that occurred in Birmingham, AL during the late 1950s and early 1960s regarding civil rights. Inclusive programming is an important part of the Greater Fredericksburg Chapter and that was clearly demonstrated in late September when our younger Jacks and Jills learned the health benefits of equine therapy while strengthen their leadership skills through horsemanship training at Steadfast Trails. In October we had an amazing cultural and educational experience as we learned the history of the African-American Cowboy from the Jackson Family, 5th Generation Cowboy and Rodeo Champions. Virginia is for VOTERS and GFC raised awareness through a transformative social media campaign providing important dates and deadlines, information on accessible voting, absentee voting and details on same day registration. We recognize that in our community there are those who are less fortunate and have successfully completed two donation drives to support Empowerhouse, the local shelter for victims of domestic violence and the Brisbane Center, the greater community’s largest full service, year-round, residential emergency homeless center. Additionally, we supported Stafford County SERVE in their annual stuff-a-truck event to help address food insecurity in the community. On December 22nd we continued our annual tradition of joining with Wreaths Across America to Remember, Honor and Teach by participating in a wreath-laying ceremony. As we closed out the first half of the program year we volunteered with the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign. Our efforts with this venture impacted the lives of those in need in our community through social services assistance, disaster relief, and children’s programs.







President: Felicia Millner Vice-President: Ruth Phillips Program Director: Sedettra Bowen Recording Secretary: Michelle Lester Corresponding Secretary: Michaux Moore Treasurer: Jo Lacy Financial Secretary: Camellia Woods Editor: Tammy Lea-Hill Chaplain: Travella Lanqford Historian: Felicia Cooper Foundation Chair: Monica Carter Parliamentarian: Diane Cabbell Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Jocelyn Becoats/Kelle Watkins Associate Chair: Paula McKinney Father’s Auxiliary: Kerry ldlebird and Brian Carter

President: Ava Cabbell Vice-President: Rachel Rorie Secretary: Richmond Parris Treasurer: Trinity Wilson Parliamentarian: Noelle Millner Chaplain: Jaeden Watkins Sergeant-at-Arms: Jaeden Watkins


The Greensboro Chapter currently has 69 members, 40 children, 45 teens and 26 Associates. We also have a very active Father’s Auxiliary.


The Greensboro Chapter was established in the Fall of 1953. On October 8, 1954 National President, Mrs. Nellie Rouhlac, installed the Greensboro Chapter in the home of elected President Margaret Falkener. A total of 11 Mother’s were installed.


The Greensboro Chapter of Jack and Jill started the year off celebrating Carole Robertson and Black Family Day on September 25, 2022. The Teen Executive Board presented the Carole Robertson ceremony to the chapter. The day was filled with games for all ages that included jumping rope, water games and tug of war, just to name a few. Food trucks and an ice cream truck made the even especially memorable. Our Dreamcatchers and Shooting Stars, had a blast exploring the Nido & Mariana Quebein Children’s Museum during their October Education activity. The children participated in a scavenger hunt and enjoyed riding the carousel, among other things while there. In November our Dreamcatchers and Magic Makers had a relaxing time at Soulstice Wellness lounge. They participated in mindful breathing with bubble, and had a mini mediation and art expression and Tai Chai. In October, our Make Makers enjoyed skating, learning to skate, dinner and learned some super cool facts about the history of skating and the Black culture.

Pops on Patrol (POP) Several Greensboro Teens attended COPA and Greensboro’s own Logan Speight was named Miss COPA. In December 2022, the entire chapter celebrated Christmas with a Ginger Bread Gala at Sheraton Hotel. There was food and entertainment for all ages including a 360 Photo Booth. We look forward to celebrating the remainder of our special Jack and Jill days.

The Senior Group celebrated Dinner en Blanc, wearing all white while learning the rules of etiquette during dinner. The teens also had a Self Defense class in November, skills that will help them navigate safety awareness and self care. The teens had an awesome time at their annual Christmas Party wearing their favorite pajamas, playing games and exchanging gifts. The Greensboro Teens opened their Christmas Party to other chapters as well, having over 90 Teens in attendance. Our Jack and Jill Father’s served as 394





President: Dr. Lori Grant Vice-President: Nina Dunlap Program Director: Brandy Fisher and Qena Jennings Recording Secretary: Roxanne James Corresponding Secretary: Nicole McClelland Treasurer: Melissa Brown Financial Secretary: Dr. Rochelle Sullivan Editor: Tiffany Whitney Chaplain: Schevelle Boyce Historian: Dr. Regina Bradley-Wall Foundation Chair: Kimberley Reed Parliamentarian: Pamela Bennett Askew Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Nicole Burton Bennett Associate Chair: Dr. Genice Williams Father’s Auxiliary: Dr. Cedric Fisher

President: Blake Grant Vice-President: Loren Long Secretary: Kendal Ford Treasurer: Temple Dunlap Parliamentarian: Bennett Askew Chaplain: Drake Belcher Sergeant-at-Arms: Austin Cummings


The Greenville Chapter was established in 1960 with founding Mother Mrs. Alberta Tucker Grimes and 17 other charter members including: Justine Adair, Janie Brockman, Janie Chatman, Elizabeth Edwards, Ruth Hall, Helen Lenhardt, Elizabeth Martin, Fannie Martin, Frieda McPherson, Janie Mosley, Ponselle Pitts, Anna Porter, LaBarbara Sampson, Clareece Schell, Mae Ruth Thompson, Ruth Washington, and Blanche Zimmerman. The installation service was held in the home of Mrs. Justine Adair, followed by a dinner dance with Fathers at the Ghana Restaurant and Lounge. Mrs. Thelma Keck, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director from Raleigh, North Carolina, was the installation officer. As strong sister moms, we are dedicated to excellence and working together as one; which allows us to carry out our goals of nurturing our future African American leaders, teaching our children through leadership development, engaging in community service, philanthropic giving and executing our civic duty. The Greenville Chapter has sixty-two years of history and service to the Upstate. The Greenville Associate Group was installed as the 22nd Associate Group and the largest Associate Group in Jack and Jill’s history. We remain diligent in all that we do for our families and children of Greenville, Anderson, Laurens and Pickens Counties of South Carolina.


The Greenville Chapter started the year with an amazing hybrid planning retreat hosted by our Co-PDs Qena Jennings and Brandy Fisher with a Planting Seeds for a Successful Program Year theme. This day allowed us to reconnect with one another, celebrate our 5 Star recognition, examine our WHY, and creatively plan our monthly activities that focused on our National Thrusts. The afternoon centered on self-care with yoga and a charcuterie board making class.

Picking, Fire Safety, JJ Swims, Snow Tubing, Culinary Education, Financial Literacy, Film Making; 3rd – 4th grades enjoyed Flying Rabbits, Amazing Race, JDRF Diabetes Walk, Children’s Theatre, Gullah Culinary, Cancer Awareness Fair, Money Smart; 6th – 8th grades led Readings in Memory of Carole Robertson, Fencing Class, Wakanda Forever, Escape Room, Physics of Bowling, African American Champions, Celebrity Cooking Class, STEAM Festival; 9th – 12th grades enjoyed Namaste Yoga, Black Santa, Boxing, HBCU Experience, Get It Poppin, College Tours, Paintball, Career Conversations, Escape Room, and Community Garden. These are just a few of our exemplary activities planned to accompany our regularly scheduled Carole Robertson Day, Black Family Day and Founders Day activities.

We currently have 4 age groups to include the following: Lil Dreamers and Explorers (preschool - 2nd); Navigators (3rd - 5th); Titans (6th - 8th) and Innovators (9th - 12th). Highlights for children’s activities include: Pre-school - 2nd grades participating in Apple 395





President: Nicole Jackson Vice-President: Rebecca Wheeler Walston Program Director: Chelsea Williams Recording Secretary: Jihan Minson Corresponding Secretary: Lea Thomas Treasurer: Denise Peterson Financial Secretary: Glenda Turner Editor: Melanie Bond-Artis Chaplain: Alicia Durrah Historian: Samantha Snead Foundation Chair: Natoya Haskins Parliamentarian: Melanie Bond-Artis Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Shanail Allen, Nadia Boyd, Rana Graham, Felicia Hiqhland Associate Chair: Michelle Lakins-Waller Father’s Auxiliary: Derek Nevels

TEEN OFFICERS 2022–2023 President: Clarence Bostic Vice-President: Jada Turner Secretary: Skylar Montaque Treasurer: Evan Hiqhland Parliamentarian: James Spencer Chaplain: Josiah Walston


Mrs. Thelma Boone had a vision of creating an opportunity for children in the Hampton Roads, Virginia area to form lasting friendships, participate in activities that enhanced them spiritually, socially and educationally, and that began to shape them into future leaders. Armed with this vision, she sought to establish the Hampton (VA) Chapter of Jack and Jill of America. On February 24, 1954, work began to make this vision a reality. Our wonderful chapter was chartered in September, 1954 and then later that year, incorporated as the Hampton Chapter of Jack and Jill of America. The first officers were: President - Mrs. Thelma Boone; Vice President - Mrs. Hattie Alston; Recording Secretary - Mrs. Juanita Thomas; Assistant Recording Secretary - Mrs. Montrose Brown; Corresponding Secretary - Mrs. Gertrude Tull; Financial Secretary - Mrs. Maxine Riley; Treasurer - Mrs. Clara Alston; Journalist - Mrs. Charlotte Wilkinson National and Regional Level Service Barbara Savage 1989-1991 - Regional Director 1994-1997 - First Mid-Atlantic Regional Associate Chair Rebecca A. Wheeler Walston 2020-2022 - Mid-Atlantic Regional Program Chair 2020-2022 - Liaison to National Curriculum Committee Tatia Granger 2020-2022 - National Chair, Leadership Training and Development Task Force Michelle Avery 2016-2017 - Mid-Atlantic Regional Program Director 2016-2017 - National Program Co-Chair 2017-2019 - Mid-Atlantic Regional Secretary


families to the Hampton Roads area as hosts of the Mid-Atlantic Teen Conference. A delegation of Hampton Chapter mothers, Teens and children also attended the 45th Biennial National Convention in Orlando, FL (July 26-31, 2022). Our Chapter received two accolades on the National stage: Top Community Service Hours (Teen) Mid-Atlantic Region; 2nd Place - National Best of the Best Award (Social/Recreational Thrust - “Rolling with the Junior Teens ‘22”). Entrepreneurship - The Chapter’s award-winning event, “Rolling with the Junior Teens ‘22”, was held on April 30, 2022. The Junior Teens of Hampton Chapter partnered with a local skating rink to learn about serial entrepreneurship, developing a fundraising event, leveraging social media advertising, budgeting strategies and project management tenets. The event was a success, raising more than $200, which was used to help fund the Chapter’s #JJSwims Service Project. In addition to learning marketable skills, the Junior Teens were able to provide the community with a family friendly event that promoted safe, social re-integration following the COVID-19 pandemic. St. Jude - The Hampton Chapter continued its annual participation in and support of the St. Jude Walk/Run, held on September 18, 2022 in Williamsburg, VA. The Chapter’s Team, “Good Trouble,” raised over $3,100 for the organization.

The Hampton (VA) Chapter prides itself in offering premier, awardColon Cancer Awareness - The Senior Teens of Hampton Chapter winning programming and outstanding leadership development presented the film “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” on Sunday, opportunities to our children, the Jack and Jill organization and November 13, 2022 at Cinemark Theater in Newport News, VA. the community. In June 2022, we proudly welcomed Teens and 397




President: Tamara Charity-Brown Vice-President: Brooke Taylor Program Director: Elan Taylor Recording Secretary: Dana Jackson Corresponding Secretary: Dienabra Croskey Treasurer: Anita Taylor Financial Secretary: Rachel Meyers Editor: Chantel Brown Historian: Kelly Johnson Foundation Chair: Bobbi Graves & Tiffany Lewis Parliamentarian: Lisa Hicks-Thomas Teen Sponsor/Advisor: AnQela Nikki Brown & Monica Brinkley Davis Associate Chair: Carla Struthers-Durr Father’s Auxiliary: Devon Henry

President: Chelsea Brown Vice-President: Brinkley Davis Secretary: Kendall Scott Treasurer: Cameron Cook Parliamentarian: Carlin Miles Chaplain: Aaron Jones Sergeant-at-Arms: Michaela Prince


The James River Virginia Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was chartered at the University of Richmond University Club on Sunday, September 18, 2005, in a ceremony conducted by the National Vice President, National Secretary, National Treasurer, and National Program Director of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. In the last twelve years, JRVA has tripled its membership and continues to achieve high levels of success in programming activities and community service. As the chapter grows and ages, JRVA is working to become more strategic to ensure that everything that we do supports our mission and focuses on raising leaders and enhancing the lives of every child in the metro Richmond area.


The James River Chapter started the program year with a chapter-wide Jack and Jill Day celebration and Carol Robertson Day recognition on the beautiful Armour House & Gardens at Meadowview Park in Henrico, Virginia. The theme for this year was James River’s Got Talent. Many of our families participated by showcasing their artistic abilities through song and other mediums, favorite dishes, sports and poems. As the year progressed, mothers planned events that continued making a difference within the lives of our children and those children in the surrounding community. Highlighted below are key programs and outreach events that the chapter has participated in this program year: The Chapter’s Charitable focus was on literacy. It donated books to the Calhoun Center, Image Matters Salon and Barber Shop; and donated books and clothing to the Carver Elementary. Participated in the clean up of Evergreen Cemetery, a private, historic African-American cemetery in Richmond, VA dating back to 1891 and is the burial site of Arthur Ashe and many notable Black Richmonders Replenished a community closet that we created last year for a deserving community. In addition to refilling the closet, we created blessing bags for over 500 children in need in the community.

For Black History Month, we developed a Family Experience Box that focuses on the many untold stories and achievements of Black men and women who have given shape, color and definition to the worlds of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). Curated the Richmond Renaissance Junior Cotillion, the signature fundraising event for the James River Virginia Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc and the only middle school cotillion in the state The Fathers Auxiliary started an annual event with the Teens to discuss car maintenance, and the financial investment behind choosing and maintaining an automobile. This activity will help prepare our Teens to independently care for cars as many will be new drivers or preparing to become drivers. As the James River Chapter continues to bloom, we will continue working as a cohesive unit demonstrating “The Power to Make a Difference for all Children On Purpose On Mission”.







President: Nina Sims Vice-President:ronya Mccarther Program Director: Jernice Giles/ Tiffany Cole Recording Secretary: Sadeqa Johnson Corresponding Secretary: Jokita Braqq Treasurer: Tara Cherry Financial Secretary: Yolanda Crewe Editor: Taya Jarman Chaplain: Shayla Maddox-Pierce Historian: Tanesha Allen Foundation Chair: Tracey Phillips Parliamentarian: Kimberly Dickerson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: DeAnne Watson Associate Chair: Lisa Overton/Deborah Hillman Father’s Auxiliary:Marquis Allen/LaMar Sims

President: Zora Johnson Vice-President: Vlikal Banks Secretary: Jadyn Sutton/ Rabbie Bascomb Treasurer: Julia Pointer Parliamentarian: Brynn Hassell Chaplain: Langston Mccurdy Sergeant-at-Arms: Bryan Hobbs


The Midlothian Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was installed with 43 charter members on September 15, 1990, in Chesterfield, Virginia. The chapter boasts a membership of 53 active mothers. The Chapter’s first Associates Group was installed in 2009. Currently, there are 27 active Associate members. The Midlothian chapter has hosted several regional events. Many members have served in regional leadership and committee positions.


The Mighty Midlothian chapter recommitted to our purpose with the theme, “Rooted in Promise, Blooming in Purpose.” The theme encourages moms to remember the promise they made when joining the Chapter and the endless blooms that are possible. Mothers re-connected in August 2022 at an annual retreat. The chapter celebrated Carole Robertson/Jack and Jill Day with more than 100 Jacks, Jills, Moms, and Dads visiting a notable historically black university, Virginia State University (Petersburg, VA). Families were greeted with HBCU-themed tables complete with school colors, pennants, and fun facts. During lunch, the group enjoyed HBCU trivia and learned about the rich legacy of HBCUs, of which many chapter members are alums. The Jacks and Jills were also recognized with a special “moving up” pinning ceremony. The night was capped off with the chapter cheering on the VSU football team to victory. To celebrate the holidays, the chapter held an “I’m Dreaming of a Jack and Jill Christmas” event. The event featured dinner, music, line dancing, entertainment, and much more. Families also collected and delivered more than 50 gifts for children at the Southside Boys and Girls Club (Richmond, VA). Teens distributed toys at the Radio One Toy Drive to under-resourced families. Jacks and Jills also created winter-readiness kits that included gloves, hats, snacks, and hand warmers. During Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day of Service, families gathered at a local elementary school to create “Lunches of Love” for CARITAS.

Midlothian joined the James River and Richmond chapters this year to host a joint Founders’ Day program. Over 100 moms from the region enjoyed fellowshipping and meeting new moms. The program year will be rounded out with a Black History Month program, age group activities, officer installations, and Black Family Day that will include a tribute to the 2023 graduates and tenured moms. The biannual newsletter, the “Midlothian Jack & Jill Journal” continues to highlight innovative programming and group accomplishments. The chapter’s Instagram page @jjmidlothian is growing and active. The Mighty Midlothian Chapter remains committed to building tomorrow’s leaders and supporting our circle of families and the communities in which we work, play, and live.







President: Tara Johnson Williams Vice-President: Rashonda Adkins Program Director: Christin Carey Recording Secretary: Renee Sandifer Corresponding Secretary: Darlene Brown Treasurer: Demetrice Smith-Mutegi Financial Secretary: Kawanna Ward Editor: Sharri D. Mapp-Jones Chaplain: Sotonya Motton Historian: Tiffany Williams Foundation Chair: Darlene Brown Parliamentarian: Tasha Scott Beverly Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Carline Jean-Giles/Marissa Rivero Associate Chair: Stephanie Marioneaux

President: Kaelin Sutton Vice-President: Gabrielle Rivero Secretary: Ashley Bush Treasurer: Devyn Bandy Parliamentarian: Nia Shelby Chaplain: Kyra Bradford Sergeant-at-Arms: Shelby Beverly


Rashonda Adkins, Dayna Bandy, Dorothy French Boone, Quiana Bradford, Trimaine Brinkley, Darlene Brown, Serena Bush, Christin Carey, Devon Charity, Robin Corbett, Sasha Digsby, Denise Harris-Proctor, Angela Hudgins, Carline Jean-Gilles, Tara Johnson-Williams, Daphne Lenox, Sharri Mapp-Jones, Stephanie Marioneaux, Sotonya Motton, Peggy Newby, Hope Quinn-Keys, Marissa Rivero, Renee Sandifer, Tasha Scott-Beverly, Demetrice Smith-Mutegi, Kawanna Ward, Kameka Washington, Tiffany Williams, Geshla Windley


The Norfolk Chapter was chartered in 1948 by twenty-four dynamic women who were motivated by their desire to provide their children with broader cultural and educational enrichment. They lead with a focus on the pursuit of knowledge and personal enrichment for their children. Louise C. Mitchell was the first chapter president. Ella Perry, a founding member, served as National Editor of the “Up the Hill” publication from 1952-1956. The mission of the Norfolk Chapter is to nurture the next generation of African American leaders while positively impacting the lives of all children. Currently, there are twenty-nine mothers in the chapter.


The 2022-2023 year kicked off with a remarkable picnic to honor Carole Robertson. The day was filled with family, friends and fellowship. The Teens paid homage to Carole Robertson by paying tribute to her legacy and incorporating a bubble dedication. This allowed all children in the chapter to participate and we were able to see the bubbles float across the lake at Mt. Trashmore on a beautiful sunny day. The year continued with programs around our core thrusts. In the winter, the chapter held its first Tea With Santa fundraising event which was a rousing success. The chapter is eager to participate in the remaining events for the year. They include the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service; a Black History Month event open to other local chapters of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.; chapter wide tennis and pickleball clinic; and conclusion of the program year by honoring graduating mothers and children from the chapter during Black Family Day.



1/30/23, 7:05 PM







President: Latisha Hope Bonnette-Smalls Vice-President: Bridget Staten Program Director: Teetandeeahnahsee Williams Recording Secretary: Nicole Anderson Corresponding Secretary: Audrey Gordon Treasurer: Nedra Craig Financial Secretary: Tarshua Teresa Mack Editor:Bridget Staten Chaplain: Dana Platt Historian: Elrica Glover Foundation Chair: Clay Sandra Ray Parliamentarian: Nedra Craig Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Eve Lighty Associate Chair: Candace Berry-Vaughn Father’s Auxiliary: Craig Williams

President: Creighton Williams Vice-President : Lauren Smalls Secretary: Morgan Mack Treasurer: Arden Craig Parliamentarian: Matthew Golden Chaplain: Erin Glover Sergeant-at-Arms: Erin Glover


Nicole Anderson, Latisha Hope Bonnette-Smalls, Nikki Carr, Nedra Craig, Elrica Glover, Audrey Gordon, Wallette Crumel-Hudson, Lakesha Jeffries, Kemeka Johnson, Eve Lighty, Tarshua Teresa Mack, Dana Platt, ClaySandra Ray, Bridget Staten, Colleen Whetstone, and Teetandeeahnahsee Williams.


Currently, under the leadership of Chapter President Latisha Hope Bonnette-Smalls, the Orangeburg chapter is a small, but mighty membership of 16 women, and 25 children. Our journey of developing strong leaders officially began on October 22, 1966 at the Sunlight Community Center with a group of over 30 visionary women under the leadership of Mellicent Anderson, the first Chapter President. Early in 1965, Mellicent Anderson saw the need for an organization that would assist our children in their cultural and social development. She had been associated with Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated before coming to Orangeburg and believed it would be an asset to the Orangeburg community. She assembled a group of interested and enthusiastic mothers to acquaint them with the aims and purpose of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. As a result, the Mothers Club was formed, and served the probationary period preparing to become members of the National Organization. On July 7-10, 1966, at the 17th National Convention (the 4th Biennial National Convention) was convened in Atlanta, GA. The Mothers Club was approved by majority vote of the 99 delegates present. The Orangeburg Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. was installed at the Sunlight Community Center. Fifty-four years later, on October 10, 2020, the Orangeburg Chapter Associates’ Group was chartered under the leadership of Candace Berry-Vaughn. The chapter has hosted more than five regional conferences, including the MARvelous Mid-Atlantic Region’s first virtual Fall Area Work Day 2020. It was a lasting experience for the mothers and the teens. The chapter boasts of several members and teens who served on the regional and national levels of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Our chapter consists of several current and former members who have served on both the regional and national levels. Over the years, the Orangeburg Chapter has provided families and communities with innovative programming and philanthropic giving. Our

Chapter’s mission is to, “Reset, Rebuild, and Recover,” and we remain committed to the mission and purpose of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated.


The Orangeburg Chapter 2022-2023 programming year kicked off with Jack and Jill/Carole Robertson welcome back program. Families participating paid tribute to Carole Robertson by honoring her and the leaders who tirelessly fought for civil rights and equity in Black communities. The Orangeburg Chapter celebrated Carole Robertson Day in conjunction with Jack and Jill Day by participating in a walk to raise funds for the Orangeburg Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation on Saturday, September 17, 2022. The families then continued with words of tribute during a family fun day in the park. The Sickle Cell Anemia walk and program were well attended by our membership, and was truly a day of both remembrance and celebration. Plans are in place for the MLK Day of Service celebration, Founders’ Day celebration, Associate’s Appreciation, and Black Family Day Brunch. 404





President: Dr. Latanya Hunter Vice-President: Candiss Cox Program Director: Melanie Gilchrist Recording Secretary: Yolanda Daughtry Corresponding Secretary: Ebony Hudson Treasurer: Ariole Taylor Financial Secretary: Karma Johnson-Freeman Editor: Dr. Liquita James Foundation Chair: Ronda Davis Parliamentarian: Jasmine Fields Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Thomasina Wright Associate Chair: Yvette Watkins-Cherry

President: Christina Wright Vice-President: Danielle Wright Secretary: Shawnawjah Gray Treasurer: Kennedy Banks Chaplain :Timothy James, Jr.


Summer Banks, Kristen Bates, Dionne Brinkley, Natalie Brooks, Errin Boyd, Candiss Cox, Yolanda Daughtry, Ronda Davis, Jasmine Fields, Melanie Gilchrist, Nicole Newby Goodson, Latanya Gray, Alexis Hutchinson, Ebony Hudson, Liquita James, Colette Jordan, Karma Johnson-Freeman, Kelli Marin, Margaret Payne, Whitney Pendleton, Rasheesa Peele, Dianna Ransom, Treva Stokes, Ariole Taylor, Clivel Turner, Thomasina Wright


The Portsmouth Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., began as the “Jay and Jays” and was organized in 1957. The group’s date of entry into the national record was 1957. Working as an affiliate group, the mothers carried out numerous service projects while waiting to be installed into the national organization. The group was installed into Jack and Jill of America, Inc. by Mrs. Nellie Rouhlae, National President of Jack and Jill, Inc. on Saturday, October 3, 1958.


The Portsmouth Chapter celebrated our annual Jack and Jill Day and Carole Robertson Day this year in seaside glamour by beginning our program year with a beachside family fun day. Our chapter gathered by the beautiful shoreline to lay biodegradable, non-invasive wreaths in honor of Carole Robertson. As our teens read her dedication, we watched the waves carry her memory into the sunset. Our families shared great food, including a unique Mexican street corn, a custom ice cream truck, recreational games, races, and a family volleyball challenge. We kicked off the program and school year, enjoying the fresh air, fun, and fellowship.

to have hands-on training with the horses, learning how to execute commands and work as a team. The group also assisted with grooming and preparing the horses for riding before experiencing a horseback ride along the dusty trial. Our Roadrunners II, Grades Sixth through Eighth, gathered for an afternoon of dining at the award-winning Roger Brown’s Restaurant in Historic Olde Towne Portsmouth to learn etiquette. They learned how to use manners, kindness to get along better with others, the value of social grace, and met new friends throughout the meal facilitated by host mothers. The afternoon ended with evaluating the Top 10 Table Manners for Kids skills. Our Teen Achievers began the programming year with an afternoon of Leadership Development. They learned Robert’s Rules of Order and the proper way of conducting a business meeting. Our teens had an opportunity for immediate application, using the productivity app GroupMe to communicate efficiently, provide feedback, and vote. The Passionate Portsmouth Chapter looks forward to another year of robust and exciting programming.

Our Unicorns, Grades Preschool through Second Grade, began the programming year spending an afternoon in the Calvert Square Community Garden, learning how to plant and cultivate seasonal vegetables. As they learned about sustainable farming, they also had an opportunity to plant collards, kale, broccoli, swiss chard, and winter squash, all of which were grown to provide free access to fresh food for families experiencing food insecurity in the City of Norfolk. Our Road Runners I, Grades Third through Fifth, kicked off the programming year by visiting a local black-owned horse farm to learn about horses and black cowboys. They had an opportunity 405




President: Rhonda McNutt Vice-President: Tianah Washington Program Director: Autumn Keck Recording Secretary: Tamara Rodriguez Corresponding Secretary: Colleen Black Treasurer: Aimy Steele Financial Secretary: Toria Jones-Miles Editor: Courtney Bridgers Chaplain: Rita Fatherly Historian: Karin Dancy Foundation Chair: Veleria Levy Parliamentarian: Diana Reynolds-Knox Teen Sponsor/Advisor: LaSheta David Associate Chair: Shelitha Mills Father’s Auxiliary: Desmond Sullivan

President: Kamryn Burton Vice-President: Camille Duncan Secretary: Riley Selden / Ryan Prather Treasurer: Olivia Graves Parliamentarian: Terendius David, Jr. Chaplain: Joshua Dancy Sergeant-at-Arms: Joy Atwell


One pivotal morning in January 2009, Ruby Cooper, Sonja Nichols, Lydia Taggart, Romell Johnson and Laura Bynum convened to discuss the possibility of starting a local chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. in the northern region of Charlotte, NC. As a result of that meeting, mothers from North Charlotte, Cabarrus County, and Rowan County were invited to a tea at the home of Lydia Taggart to discuss the prospect of serving in an organization dedicated to children and the African-American community. More than 40 excited mothers joined together on February 8, 2009 to learn about the ideals and purpose of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Several meetings followed and the official Queen City Interest Group quickly grew to over 60 women. By Spring 2009, Queen City was officially recognized as a provisional group with the Greenville, South Carolina Chapter as its sponsoring chapter, under the leadership of Fay Latta Queen City’s commitment to learning about Jack and Jill and our desire to become part of a premier family organization was demonstrated by our record attendance at all regional events as well as our adherence to the national guidelines. At the 39th National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, Queen City was voted into the organization and on August 28, 2010, at the Ritz Carlton in Charlotte, North Carolina, the Installation of New Chapters Ceremony took place, along with the Initiation Ceremony for 62 new mother members, the Initiation Ceremony for 50 new member fathers and the Installation of Chapter Officers.


The Queen City Jack and Jill Chapter kicked off our 2022-23 programming year focused on Civic and Legislative activities. The Voyagers (K-1 grade) created and donated blessing bags to the Salvation Army and the Achievers (2-3 grade) participated in the Isabella Santos 5K for Kids Cancer activity which included raising nearly $6,000 for pediatric cancer research from friends and family. The Trailblazers (4-5th) created Christmas boxes for senior citizens and the Innovators (6-8th) made no-sew blankets for the Baby Bundles organization. The Trendsetters (9th-12th) participated in a simulation of creating laws and learning about the voting process. In November, they continued their legislative focus by attending city council meetings in Charlotte and meeting members of the Salisbury city council. The Voyagers and the Achievers visited the Levine Museum of the New South to learn about community leaders and politicians. The Trailblazers had a fun voting exercise and developed persuasive arguments on what is the best fun activity to try. Finally, the Innovators did a mock trial focused on gaining knowledge of the judicial system, the legal process and courtroom procedures.

Today, the Queen City Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. proudly boasts a membership of 79 phenomenal mothers, 21 Associate & Lifetime members, 182 children & teens and an active Father’s Auxiliary.





President: Tamika Henderson Vice-President: Fenita Morris-Shepard Program Director: Dana Bessard Davis and Catherine McGlown Recording Secretary: Ronda Moore Corresponding Secretary: Shawna Parker Treasurer: Felicia Hughey Financial Secretary: Candrice Oliver Editor: Kimberly Townes Soden Chaplain: Shelaun Williams Historian: Angel Lewis Foundation Chair: LaMonica Peay Parliamentarian: Kimberly Grainger Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Pamela Keels Woodyard and Stephanie Spann Associate Chair: Trina Geiger Father’s Auxiliary: Dion Bennett

President: Anne Joyce “AJ” Woodyard Vice-President: Chase Spann Secretary: Makalla Parks Treasurer: Aria Johnson Parliamentarian: Kendall Scotton Chaplain: Deanna Bennett Sergeant-at-Arms: Jalen Lewis


The Raleigh-Wake Chapter, orginally named the Raleigh chapter, was established in 1950 by seventeen mothers and became the twenthseventh chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. It was sponsored by Mollie Huston Lee, a member of the Durham, NC Jack and Jill Chapter, who was the first African-American librarian in Wake County. In 1993, the Raleigh Chapter changed its boundaries to encompass all of of Wake County, under the leadership of Shirley Nimmons, the twenty-fist President of the Raleigh Chapter. The new boundaries brought about a new name Raleigh-Wake. Currently, Raleigh-Wake has 80 active members. Raleigh-Wake’s mission is to Re-engage, Re-connect, and Re-imagine Jack and Jill of America.


The Raleigh-Wake Chapter launched the 2022-2023 program year with a dynamic Chapter Planning Retreat centered around our Chapter goals to Re-connect, Re-engage and Re-imagine Jack and Jill through the revolutionary Power of Joy. In September, the Chapter honored the legacy of Carole Robertson, observed Jack and Jill Day, and cheered on North Carolina A&T’s football team as they battled Duke on the gridiron. The children learned that Carole was an avid clarinetist, preparing to make her first appearance with the Parker High School band at a football game the evening of September 15, 1963. Sadly, Carole never made it to the football game. Our children were able to honor Carole through the power of joy by attending the football game she was unable to. Our chapter maintained an empty seat in Carole’s remembrance. In December, the Chapter centered family and fellowship as we celebrated the Holiday Season with our “Home for the Holidays Brunch,” and school supply drive benefiting the Nativity School of Durham. In January 2023, the Chapter honored the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by partnering with Rise Against Hunger and packing 40,000 meals to aid in Rise against Hunger’s mission to end hunger in our lifetime by providing food and life changing aid to the world’s most vulnerable. The Raleigh- Wake Chapter closed the month of January honoring our Founders and Associates in a

joint celebration. The event was held in partnership with Nordstrom and continued our legacy of service through a book drive benefiting Read & Feed (readandfeed.org), the local organization the Chapter chose to sponsor this year. The event emphasized self-care offering tips on skin care, beauty, and fashion trends. The 2022-2023 program year has been filled with activities that foster community, inclusion and intentionally highlight our chapter’s joyful revolution and partnerships with organizations that meet the needs of children in our community.






kicked-off our week of action with activities to participate in to show our civic involvement. We participated in “Write Your Reps” initiative by supporting George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021, Crown Act and Keep Americans Safe Act, just to name a few. Our Junior Teens spear-headed and participated in Making Strides for Breast Cancer/American Cancer Society Walk. We wrapped up October with our 2nd Annual Spooky Soiree fundraiser. Mother Kathryn Bentley led the chapter in adopting a family for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We were honored to bless a family with a traditional Thanksgiving meal, as well as food items for additional meals for the days after. We also provided for the same family meals for Christmas, as well as gifts from the children’s wish list. The year concluded with a book drive to honor Family Literacy Month. We collected and donated over 100 books to support the Boys and Girls Club of Richmond. Jacks and Jills were amazed to see Soul Santa and were anxious to tell him what gifts they were hoping to be under the tree at our Family Christmas Party. The Richmond Chapter embraced our goals and lived out the mission of The Power to Make a Difference for All Children, On Mission, On Purpose.

President: Chris Carlisle Vice-President: Ronnette Anderson Program Director: Marchelle Albertson and Nikki Powell Recording Secretary: Brandy Mimms-Paige Corresponding Secretary: Marla Bell Treasurer: Je’Nae Little Financial Secretary: Natacha Wilkerson Editor: Crystal Johnson Chaplain: Shandra Stewart Historian: Tomesha Mabry and Renee Goode-Boyd Foundation Chair: Shawne Zollar and Kathryn Bentley Parliamentarian: Nikki Powell Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Teshana Gipson-Stinson Associate Chair: Karen Pettis-Walden Father’s Auxiliary: Robert Brown

President: Clinton Tucker Vice-President: Eniya Henderson Secretary: Brandon Anderson and Christopher Carlisle Treasurer: Jacob Zollar Parliamentarian: Kennedy Anderson Chaplain: Makayla Stewart Sergeant-at-Arms: Kennedy Tucker

The Remarkable Richmond Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc was chartered in 1950 with 14 charter members ~ Clara J. Brown, Alice R. Calloway, Sue C. Clay, Marion C. Davis, Irma R. Dillard, Evelyn S. Fraser, Aretha S. Freeman, Evelyn R. Johnson, Altia H. Picott, LeMoyne W. Savage, Irma H. Smith, Leola C. Turpin, Carolease B. Wallace and Bernice D. Winston. Irma R. Dillard served as the first Chapter President. Since its founding, the Richmond Chapter has worked hard to nurture and develop the next generation of African-American leaders.


The Remarkable Richmond Chapter began the programming year with joint activities to celebrate Jack and Jill Day and a Carole Roberston Remembrance. We hosted an ‘80s Family Skate Party in September where Jacks and Jills, mothers and fathers were dressed in ‘80s-themed attire. CVP Ronnete Anderson shared the Sister Circles Initiative in October which included Book, Dinner, Wine, Fitness, Cooking, Movie, and Travel groups. Also in October, our Legislative Co-Chairs, Mothers Stephanie Gilliard and Juval Scott,





President: Angelia Vernon Vice-President: Erica Cooper Program Director: Angela Wells Recording Secretary: April Mattocks Corresponding Secretary: lieoma Okogbue Treasurer: Hope Cupit Financial Secretary: Alexis Taylor Editor: Melanie Hayden Glover Chaplain: Rosie Spann Johnson Historian: Gena Chandler-Smith Foundation Chair: Juanita Fallen Parliamentarian: Lena Hill Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Angela Penn

President: Kennady Wade Vice-President: John-Miller Penn Secretary: Ceasha Johnson Treasurer: A’ron Wilson


Kisha Young Collier, Jennifer Huffman, Shernita Lee, Kianna Marshall, Gaynelle Pearson, Loni Quarles, Lorena Wilson


The Roanoke Valley Chapter was established in June 1951 at the National Convention in Baltimore, MD. This was only thirteen years following the establishment of the national organization. These charter members were a committed group of mothers who were excited to be a part of such a positive national organization. The chapter continued to grow and flourish for several years but became inactive in the early 1970’s. However, realizing the benefits of this organization, several concerned mothers from Roanoke, Salem, and the New River Valley began meeting as a provisional group, culminating in chapter membership being granted during the 1990 convention in Memphis, TN. In past years, the Roanoke Valley Chapter has provided a free children’s activity and distributed seat belt safety information at the annual Henry Street Heritage Festival. Focusing on serving the Roanoke Valley, the Chapter has previously collaborated with local organizations for an Ethnic Toy Drive to ensure community youth receive holiday gifts. In prior years, the Teens collected items for and decorated children’s rooms at the Roanoke Transitional Living Center. Recently, the Chapter provided a free financial literacy workshop and hosted a bi-annual, youth-led debate for Roanoke City Council candidates. In 2018, the Chapter co-hosted the inaugural HBCU Fair to increase visibility of HBCUs in the Roanoke Valley. Over 300 parents and students attended the event at William Fleming High School (Roanoke, VA). This event received National recognition at the 2018 National Convention.


The Roanoke Valley Chapter started the year ready to “make a difference, for all children on mission, on purpose.” In August 2022, the chapter conducted an intensive planning retreat to prepare for the upcoming year. Chapter mothers implemented programs for their children that were aligned with National Program Thrusts. Education was the focus in October when the Chapter’s youngest grade group visited Dixie Caverns to explore this fascinating underground cave system. Likewise, the tween grade group

engaged in an interactive workshop titled, Voting Is A Superpower, to examine benefits of voting and review the history of voting rights legislation. A civic and community focus led our teens and their mothers to host The Great Roanoke Debate for Roanoke City Council candidates. Our teens served in all aspects including as moderators and timekeepers. The younger grade groups supported the event and learned about the importance of listening and making informed voting decisions. A cultural focus November when chapter families dressed in their Wakanda inspired attire while attending the movie Black Panther II: Wakanda Forever together. Chapter teens and their mothers enjoyed the Mid-Atlantic Region’s COPA in Charleston, SC, and sponsored a teen for their annual Angel Tree gift donation. In observance of Founders’ Day, the chapter honored past chapter presidents Rosie Spann Johnson and Kianna Marshall. Mother Angela Penn was recognized for 20 years of dedicated service to the chapter and faithfulness as Lead Teen Advisor for several consecutive years and as a former chapter president. Former members of the Roanoke Valley Chapter Anita and Charles Price provided a historical perspective as they shared highlights of their experiences as children and parents in the organization. Highlights of the remaining programs for 2023 include the “Souper Bowl of Caring” food drive, heart health and STEM activities, and the HBCU College Fair in collaboration with the Harrison Museum of African American Culture.




President: Kimberly Odom Vice-President: Tara Staten Glover Program Director: Kamy Taylor Recording Secretary: Katrina Barnett Corresponding Secretary: Sasha Prince Treasurer: Shamieka Dixon Financial Secretary: LaMonica Okrah Editor: Bishana Shipp Chaplain: Tierra Ford Historian: Lylah Holmes Foundation Chair: Bonika Wilson Parliamentarian: Micah Hall Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Rogina Scott-Franklin Associate Chair: Amber Logan Father’s Auxiliary: Michael Brown

President: Jalen Franklin Vice-President: Gavin Lindsay Secretary: Journey Dixie Treasurer: Brandon King Parliamentarian: Nathan Johnson Chaplain: Troy Keen Sergeant-at-Arms: Julia Alston


In September 2007, a group of African-American mothers had a shared vision of creating a second chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. in Charlotte, North Carolina, due to the growing population of African-American families in south Charlotte and the south suburbs. On November 7, 2007, a dynamic group of 51 women from south Charlotte started their journey with Sonja Nichols, who decisively became the Chapter’s charter president. Mothers from various professions and social groups were encouraged to join. They all had a similar goal of raising the next generation of African-American leaders and enhancing the lives of all children. Firmly grounded in the powerful Romans Chapter 12 scripture, the mothers cooperatively formed the South Charlotte Provisional Group. The Greensboro Chapter sponsored the Provisional Group of Jack and Jill of America Inc. until its’ official recognition as a Chapter. On July 30, 2010, at the 39th National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, the South Charlotte Provisional Group was granted official chapter status. The provisional group’s membership was 63 mothers strong at the convention with 80 completed children’s programs, 26 community service projects (completed by mothers, children, and teens), and nearly $20,000 in monetary donations. On August 28, 2010, at the Ritz Carlton in Charlotte, North Carolina, the South Charlotte Chapter was installed, initiating 63 marvelous mothers.


The South Charlotte Chapter continued its dedication to providing engaging programming in the 2022-2023 year. With the National theme, “The Power to Make A Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose,”as our guiding principle, we executed impactful activities for all age groups. Our program director, age group chairs, Senior Teens, and mother members in leadership worked diligently to plan activities. Examples of these activities included the Promise Pajamas service activity, a Mission Grit teambuilding event, and an executive-led resume and interview prep session. Each activity aligned chapter programming objectives with National Thrusts.

Our 2022-2023 programming year kicked off with a chapterwide Jack and Jill Day to highlight Historically Black Colleges and Universities and to fellowship while tailgating. We hosted our first-ever HBCU Tailgate before the Duke’s Mayo Football Classic. National Corresponding Secretary Nichelle Nicholes Levy opened the program with greetings, followed by Chapter President Kim Odom’s welcome back message to members and their families. Additionally, the Junior Teens participated in a ceremony to honor Carole Robertson, an active Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated member. She was one of four girls killed in the infamous 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, AL, on September 15, 1963. We jump-started 2023 with our annual chapter-wide Legislative Day program to focus on civic service and spotlight guest speakers with unique career paths. We also partnered with the Mid-Atlantic Region on March 4, 2023, to host the Children’s Cluster. The theme was “Telling Our Story, The Adventures of Jack and Jill.” The South Charlotte Chapter consists of mother members serving at the regional and national level to improve our children’s lives and the larger community. As the Chapter grows, we remain focused on leading in our local community and globally.






President: Chrissundra Proctor Smith Vice-President: Anissa Milbourne Program Director: Dr. Ashley Barnes-Mitchell Recording Secretary: Dalynn Hare Corresponding Secretary: Tara Rice Treasurer: Ashly Wilburn Financial Secretary: Dr. Sherrie Gillison Editor: Kayla Hines Huqqins Chaplain: Audril Jones Historian: Nefetari Smith Foundation Chair: Bobbie K. Anderson Parliamentarian: Myra Foster Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Dr. Lavena Collins Associate Chair: Angelina Cunningham Father’s Auxiliary: Isiah Davis

President: Samiah Lewis Vice-President: Janelle Brown Secretary: Charlotte Gardner Treasurer: Donovan Rumble Parliamentarian: Joi Foster Chaplain: Ayasani Collins Sergeant-at-Arms:CJ Proctor


The Spartanburg Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was organized through the efforts of Mrs. Lonnie Holman, Mrs. David Parks, and Mrs. Charles Spann in March 1975. The chapter was sponsored by the Greenville, South Carolina Chapter. Under the presidency of Dr. Pearl W. Boschulte, National President from Washington, DC and after the required probationary period, the Spartanburg Chapter was approved to attend the 22nd National Convention of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. in Denver, Colorado, in July 1976. Mrs. Holman was in attendance. The official installation was conducted on September 11, 1976, in Spartanburg, SC, by Mrs. Lydia C. Pride, Regional Director, MidAtlantic Region from Charlotte, North Carolina, and Mrs. Helen Caldwell, National Officer from Elizabeth City, North Carolina. The officers of the first Spartanburg, SC chapter were as follows: Romasena Holman, President; Willa Parks, Vice President; Lola Taggart*, Recording Secretary; Doris Tidwell, Assistant Recording Secretary; Jane Spann, Corresponding Secretary; Delores Oliver*, Treasurer; Virginia Jones, Historian/Journalist; and Dorothy Lewis*, Parliamentarian. Members included the following: Mary Arnold*, Ernestine Bailey, Patricia Bullock, Laura Carr, Harole Cox*, Ada Cunningham, English Gibbs, lola Gilliam, Jacqueline Gilmore*, Sarah Goodwin, Fannie Jeter, Bobbye Mobley, Lula Nesbitt, Mary Beth Roberson*, Lelia Cleveland* (*Deceased) In 2022 our Spectacular Spartanburg Chapter had another exciting initiation year. With a focus on growing the Jack and Jill of America experience for Black Families in Spartanburg County we were able to successfully recruit and initiate our largest class of mothers to date. On May 15, 2022 we welcomed eight new mothers Brittany Boyd, Schuyler Carson-Jackson, Scartisha Davis, Amber Geathers, Lesley Ofori, Erica Smith, Nefertari Smith and Betty Zikusooka. In conjunction we were very fortunate to intake two new transfer mothers Danielle Gaskin and Trenise Stukes from Portland, Oregon and Greensboro, North Carolina chapters, respectively. As a chapter it has been rewarding to watch many of our new mothers embrace the opportunity to grow the chapter through their personal leadership/volunteer experiences. We are proudly 33 mother members strong. We are forever looking forward to

carrying on the legacy of supporting our children while serving the Spartanburg Community. As a chapter we are growing stronger and are committed to using our collective power to make a difference.


The Spartanburg Chapter currently has the following age groups. Barons/ Baroness, ages 2-7; Grades prek-2nd Dukes/ Duchesse, ages 8-12; Grades 3rd-6th Prince and Princesses, ages 13-15; Grades 7th-8th Kings/Queens, ages 16-19; Grades 9th-12th During the 2020-2021 Jack and Jill Year, our teens won the 2021 Spartanburg Chapter of the NAACP’s Black History Bowl. We are very proud of their accomplishment. Twenty members of our Prince/Princesses and our Kings/ Queens received certificates for successful completion of 2020-2021 JMB Leadership and Financial Literacy Modules. Seven of our Dukes/Duchesses group received certificates for successful completion of 2020-2021 JMB Financial Literacy Module During the 2021-2022 Jack and Jill Year 17In keeping with Jack and Jill of America’s Educational and Social thrusts the Spectacular Spartanburg Chapter once again enrolled a team of astute middle and high schoolers into the 2022 Black History Quiz Bowl. Teams from around the Upstate of South Carolina were given Black History facts. The Quiz Bowl also included a poster contest for junior/ middle school and an oratorical competition for high school.




President: Chelsea Padgett Vice-President: Destiny Jenkins Program Director: Gina Jenkins Recording Secretary:constance Reid Corresponding Secretary:Tasha Anderson Treasurer: Adriane Brown Financial Secretary: Beatrix Hawthorne Editor: Gaylene Long Chaplain: Wakita D. Barksdale Historian: Samantha Brimley Foundation Chair: Lorette Polite-Young Parliamentarian :Jeannine Merritt Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tonya B. Belton Father’s Auxiliary: James Jeter


President: Reynolds Young Vice-President: Montrio (Trio) Belton, Jr Secretary: Christina (Christi) James Treasurer: Chelsei Brown Chaplain: Taylor James


Olajumoke Jumi Adeola, Tasha Anderson, Wakita D. Barksdale, Monica Belk, Tonya Belton, Barnetta Barrett Boston, Samantha Brimley, Adriane R. Brown, Lula Brown, Uniqua C. Brown, Roshawn Brunson, Brittny M. Meekins Ervin, Ashley Foster, Regina R. Gingles, Nimanee Harris, Beatrix Hawthorne, Malinda Hodges, Jennifer D. Hutchinson, Amanda Ivey, Krystal James, Shandra James, Amie Jeter, Destiny Jenkins, Gina Jenkins, Sherae Johnson, Danielle Lennon, Gaylene Long, Kimberly McCaskill, Jeannine Merritt, Nichell Newton, Chelsea Padgett, Syndie Jean-Pierre, Takesha Pollock, Constance Reid, Tori Robinson, Jasmin Salley, Lorraine Smith, Sophia Spearman, Freda Thomas, Kenya Willis, Tilwanna Witherspoon, JocelynYoung, Lorette Polite-Young


September 10, 2022, will forever in history be coined as the date the Jack and Jill of America, Inc Upper Palmetto Chapter was chartered. Our group was initiated and organized by founding President Chelsea Padgett anchored on our mission of elevating our children to higher heights through grounded love. The last chapter chartered in South Carolina was 28 years ago. What an honor to make history and be the first South Carolina chapter back on the map. Once again, we would like to thank our 43 mothers, 39 dads, and 81 kids. We had a dream fulfilled. We are the charter members of our new chapter. We want to thank our Charter Committee Members for their hard work and dedication to creating the most spectacular experience We would also like to thank our national and regional officers, sponsoring chapters, and friends who supported us near and far. We’re ready to make it happen for our babies. Long Live Jack and Jill!

ice skating and sharing delectable sweets and treats. We soared to higher heights by hosting our first financial literacy module mania as a component of our MLK Day of Service activity. Our Jacks and Jills tackled food insecurity while completing center-based experiences addressing Problem-Solving and Conflict Resolution, Service and Sacrifice, and Integrity and Ethics. Throughout the programming year, we continued to gain altitude by trying out goat yoga, ropes courses, a mock election, and a legislative day of action at the SC State House, among other educational and wellness activities. As the year came to a close, we centered on our core values of love as we partnered with our Father’s Auxiliary to sponsor our annual Black Family Field Day event. Overall, harnassing the power to make a difference on mission on purpose for all children.


The Upper Palmetto Chapter welcomed its chartering year by affirming our commitment to “elevate our children to higher heights, through grounded love.” Beginning with our first Jack and Jill Day celebration, our village came together to knit a commemorative quilt complete with each family’s crest that will be honored annually as a part of our Carole Robertson ceremonies for years to come. From studying Gullah culture through Adinka stamp-making to examining parallels between rapper Jay Z’s serial entrepreneurship strategies and the tenets of the Black Panther Party’s Ten-Point Program, our children explored cultural identity and personal selfawareness in pursuit of excellence. During our annual Sneakers and Snowflakes Christmas Social, Jacks and Jills learned about holidays across the diaspora and created ornaments reflecting different cultural groups, followed by 413




President: Tasha Parnell Vice-President: Jhaniqua Palmer Program Director: Carla Bozeman Recording Secretary: Rosetta Royster Corresponding Secretary: Bernice Johnson Treasurer: Donna Dawson Financial Secretary: Khadiia Brown Editor: Sherelle Foust Chaplain: Katherine Grice Foundation Chair: Leslie Bowles-Early Parliamentarian: Chelsa Stubbs Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Penny Sidbury Associate Chair: Lynore Young Father’s Auxiliary: Sean Palmer

President: Anthony Parnell Vice-President: Makayla Grice Secretary: Kenny Braxton Treasurer: Nate Smith Parliamentarian: Chris Braxton


Danielle Applin, Leslie Bowles-Early, Carla Bozeman, Sharon Braxton, Cershila Brown, Khadija Brown, Donna Dawson, Sherelle Foust, Aviqon Graham, Katherine Grice, LaKeshia Jarrett, Bernice Johnson, Jhaniqua Palmer, Tasha Parnell, Kristin Peoples, Lisa Robinson, Rosetta Royster, Tyisha Sellers, Jamila Simons, Penelope Spicer-Sidbury, Chelsa Stubbs, Tasha Thomas, Erika Tucker


Twelve mothers in Wilmington NC, sponsored by the Greensboro NC Chapter, became a provisional group in November 1954. Finally, in June 1955, this group of mothers became an official chapter in Jack and Jill, with Celeste Eaton as the founder and first president. The members of the Wilmington NC Chapter of Jack and Jill Inc. are committed…We have uncompromising commitment to the “Port City” through service, commitment to leadership beyond the “Port City” borders, and are committed to maintaining our rich legacy as a “Small, but Mighty chapter” for the advancement of our children. We support the national programming ing to continue our work For All Children, On Mission, On Purpose!


The Wilmington Chapter began the 2022-2023 planning year with a three-day, in person retreat themed,“Gaining MOMentum: Reclaiming Our Coastal Family. The retreat consisted of activities planned for the entire family. Using the kickoff to set the tone for the year, the chapter proceeded to plan and take part in events centered around family and giving to others. This year’s Remembering Carole Robertson chapter event offered families and guests a screening of “4 Little Girls, A Spike Lee Documentary”with an academic discussion that followed, giving attendees of all ages the opportunity to engage and ask thoughtful questions. Participation in the Fall Area Workday allowed members to give generously to the Baby Bundles EPIC baby shower and led the way to more events with the mission of caring for others. Events such as the Cape Fear Heart Walk, Collection for Thanksgiving Baskets, Christmas Shoe Box Giving, Christmas Cards for Seniors, Pajama Collection/Count and Sort, and Souper Bowl of Caring (benefiting the Cape Fear Foster Pantry) focused on the well-being of others.

Organized activities throughout the fall and winter provided quality time for chapter members and their families to come together while being entertained or engaging in ways to better themselves. To name a few, the Family Self-Defense Course, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Viewing, Etiquette Class, and a holiday visit to a popular-area farm with wagon rides and a family-style dinner created lasting memories. The chapter continued participation in the local parade in celebration of the national Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, walking as families, and made sure it was a “day on” by contributing to a community service event. The 2023 Founders’ Day Program was celebrated as a jazz brunch and also served as a chapter fundraiser.





President: Jennifer Joines Vice-President: Andrea Bryant-Jenkins Program Director: Reminence Penn Recording Secretary: Amber Brooks Corresponding Secretary: Cheryl Hicks Treasurer: Deniece Barnett Financial Secretary: Timika Byrd Editor: Tiffany Waddell Tate Chaplain: Reminence Penn Historian: April Ruffin-Adams Foundation Chair: Denisha Little-Green Parliamentarian: Glynis Dobson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Sherri Pilson, Tracey Hanes, Eyanna Lessane Associate Chair: Clio Austin Father’s Auxiliary: Virgil Lessane, Marcus Sanderlin

President: Lashley French Vice-President: Gigi Davis Secretary: Maddie Hanes Treasurer: Ava Hairston Parliamentarian: Caleb Ellison Chaplain: Draven Pilson Sergeant-at-Arms: Lleyton Pilson


The Winston-Salem Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., was chartered in 1951. The Winston-Salem Chapter was established in 1951 by five charter members: Louise Davis, Mary Hauser, Elaine Malloy, Melanie Walker and Nell Wright. Our mission is to participate in cultural, educational, social and spiritual programming that will strengthen the family unit and increase participation on a regional and national level. Our vision is to strive toward attaining personal and family growth through meaningful experiences and relationships for our children and our community. Over the past 71 years, we have continued to grow and thrive, and provide quality programming for our children. As we continue to grow and expand, our aim is to further enhance the overall experience for our children alongside making a difference in our local community each year.


While COVID attempted to disrupt the Winston Salem Chapter with ongoing isolation, our chapter diligently worked in our communities, schools and beyond and supported their various critical needs. A few 2021-2022 programming year highlights include: Mother members volunteered their time in the Simmons Community Garden and tilled the soil to foster a bountiful reaping of fruits and vegetables for the upcoming Spring season. We partnered with our school of focus, Ashley Elementary, with a stocked food pantry and assisted with organizing food to prevent waste and food expiration. We assisted the Winston Salem Police department in a Backpack Program initiative. We were grateful for the support of local law enforcement, businesses, and service organizations as they partnered with us to achieve our goals as a chapter. During the holiday season, our smaller Jacks and Jills made handmade cards for Senior Citizens in the community. We held a chapter-wide coat drive, and Sr Teens prepared meals on a Saturday to be delivered Sunday to those the HOPE Foundation serves. We supported The Ronald McDonald House of Winston Salem as well as The March of Dimes.

Tight ropes course with the Sr. Teens and a fitness field day with the Playmates. Some of our Jr. and Sr. Teens traveled to Charleston, SC and participated in the COPA of the South, a Mid Atlantic Regional Teen Event. The teens and mothers enjoyed fellowship with other chapters at this regional event. Fun for the fathers was also on deck for last year. They had their own Night on the Town event in downtown Winston-Salem. Activities enjoyed were bowling and simulated golf while spending time catching up. For mother members, the Health committee served up a healthy dose of Zumba in the spring that left Mothers breathless yet invigorated. A membership social event was held at Medaloni Cellars and it provided an opportunity to wind down and interact with members. We ended the program year with Black Family Day, and what a “Sunday Fun Day” it was for all. We had old school field day activities, volleyball games, double dutch contests, and celebration.




Family Albums | EASTERN REGION


The Jordan Famil y

The Desir Family



Della, Clifton, & Autu


The Wilder Family

The Levy Family

Tiffany, Jared, Jeff, & Lauren

Veleria & Jack (Joseph Earl)



417 417


The Franklin Family SOUTH CHARLOTTE, NC


The Workman Family SOUTH CHARLOTTE, NC


418 418




n November 29, 2022, Beverly Ellis Morgan, a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, friend, and mentor gained her heavenly wings. Beverly was a God-fearing woman with enormous faith. Professionally, Beverly retired as Vice President and Human Resources Business Leader in Research and Development after thirty two years from Glaxo, Inc. Beverly was passionate about helping others and determined to make sure everyone had access to opportunities. One of her greatest accomplishments was implementing the Howard University Fellows program at her Alma Mater to recruit diverse students into business leadership roles.

Beverly, was steadfast to her commitment to her grandkids Max, Chloe, and Raleigh-Wake Alum Madyson and because of that she had an undaunted commitment to the Raleigh-Wake Chapter. Beverly’s experiences professionally and personally represents a life well-lived in the service of others. RaleighWake is forever grateful for the lasting impact Beverly had on our Chapter and we will continue to surround the Morgan family with love and support.




Chelce Alana Dicks is the daughter of Chester & Ragina Dicks. Chelce will be presented to society at the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Kappa Upsilon Omega Chapter Touch of Class Cotillion on March 11, 2023. The Midland Valley High School Junior plans to major in Nursing with a Concentration in Obstetrics at University of South Carolina. In her spare time, Chelce enjoys cheerleading, giving back to her community, and participating in varying organizations. Chelce is also the inaugural Teen President for the Aiken County Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Incorporated.


Hailey Marguerite Desir is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjy Desir. Hailey Desir was presented to society on January 28, 2022, at the Capital City Chapter’s 5th Biennial Rose and Sapphire Ball, themed Magic In Our Melanin, Royalty In Our DNA. The Panther Creek student plans to major in International Studies with a minor in Spanish.


Beau Julian Pierre Duncan is the son of Mr. Pierre Duncan and Mrs. Anitra Dickerson Duncan. Julian was presented to society on January 28, 2022, at the Fifth Biennial Rose and Sapphire Ball hosted by the Capital City Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. The Raleigh Charter High School honor student will attend a four-year university and intends to pursue a degree in International Business Relations with plans of attending law school.


Kendall Johnson is the daughter of Mr. Jeff and Dr. Nicole Johnson. Kendall was presented to society at the Capital City Chapter Rose and Sapphire Ball on January 28, 2022. The Millbrook High School student plans to major in Health Care Management at Appalachian State University.


Chase Nicholas Williams is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Seydric L. and Keisha Williams. Chase attends Middle Creek High School in Apex, NC and makes an impact as a student athlete and in community service. He is a member of the Wrestling Team and the Lacrosse Team, and he earned 2nd team all-State SWAC in Wrestling. Chase is a writer for the school newspaper “The Creek Flow”. His favorite interview has been with his father, a Wake County area superintendent. Chase aspires to major in Communications at Queens University at Charlotte or Virginia Tech.


Debutantes & Beaus | MID-ATLANTIC REGION


Nailah Caimile Brown is the daughter of USN Commander (ret) Darryl Brown andAttorney Monique Brown. Nailah will be presented to society at the Gamma XiOmega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Debutante Ball on April 22, 2023. The Bishop England High School student plans to attend Hampton University where she will major in Political Science and plans to pursue a career as a lawyer.


Otis Levern Franklin III is the son of Otis L. Franklin II and Ebony Carolina-Franklin. Otis was presented to society by the Beau Affair on March 25, 2023. The Eagle Scout, homeschooled junior, plans to major in game design and music.


Beaux George Calvin McTeer-McGinnis, lll is the son of Mr. Darrell L. McGinnis, and Ms. Sonja N. McTeer and the grandson of the late Dr. George C. McTeer,Sr. and Mrs. Norma J.E. McTeer. Beaux George Calvin McTeerMcGinnis,lll was presented on February 25, 2023. Beaux George is a Senior at Charleston Charter School of Math and Science. Beaux George is a proud member of his schools National Honor Society. Upon graduating from high school, George will attend a four year college where he plans on majoring in Pre-Med. George desires to be an Emergency Medcine Physician with a concentration in Trauma.


Jared William Wilder is the son of Mr. Jeffery Wilder & RD Tiffany Spann-Wilder. Jared was presented to society on March 27, 2022 through the Charleston Youth Leadership Council Beaux Affair Rites of Passage Program. Jared is a junior at Porter-Gaud School where he has been a member of the varsity swim team for the past four (4) years, the Upper School Choir and Theatre department. He is a student member of The Hiram E. Mann Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen and Organization for Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP). Upon graduation, Jared plans to attend college and pursue a career in Astrophysics.


Drew Marie Noelle Hemans is the daughter of Lauri Givens Best and Christopher Hemans. Deb Drew Hemans was presented to society at the Delta Debutante Cotillion in Charlotte, NC on April 8th 2023. The William A Hough High School Senior plans to major in criminal justice at North Carolina Central University. Drew wants to change the criminal justice system from the inside. Drew is driven to be the change she wants to see in this world.


Debutante Cassidy Reaves is a senior at Providence High School in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is the proud daughter of Derrick and Carla Reaves. Cassidy was presented to society at the Delta Sigma Theta Charlotte Alumnae Chapter Cotillion on April 8, 2023. After graduating, Cassidy plans to attend North Carolina A&T where she will be a 5th generation AGGIE!



Bethany Adrienne Benjamin is the daughter of Steve and DeAndrea Benjamin. Bethany was presented to society on December 22, 2022, at The Delta Assembly sponsored by the Columbia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Incorporated. Bethany is a Senior at Spring Valley High School, and plans to major in Journalism and Communications at a four year college or university. Bethany was also presented to society at The Poinsettia Cotillion Christmas Ball on December 30, 2022.


Jordan Grace Benjamin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Benjamin. Jordan Grace was presented to society at The Poinsettia Cotillion on December 30, 2022. The Spring Valley High School student plans to attend a four-year college and law school.


Ivy Fiona Boyd is the daughter of Roland and Nashiba Boyd. Ivy was presented to society at the Emeralds of Excellence Debutante Cotillion held by the Upsilon Omega Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. on May 28, 2022. Ivy was escorted by Justin Cameron Flemming, son of George and Tarcia Flemming. Ivy was awarded more than $8000 in scholarships and was named Miss Emerald Scholar. Ivy, a Senior at Ridge View High School, plans to major in Public Health in college.


Tamia Celeste Devine is the daughter of Jamie & Tameika Isaac Devine. Tamia was presented to society at The Delta Assembly sponsored by the Columbia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. on December 22, 2022. The A. C. Flora Senior plans to major in Journalism at a 4 year institution.


Hailey Savannah Duncan is the daughter of COL (RET) Rodney and LaTanza Duncan. Hailey was presented to society at the Columbia (SC) Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Delta Assembly on Thursday, December 22, 2022. Hailey is an honor athlete at Blythewood High School and plans to major in Biology at Coastal Carolina.


Arrington Alexa Earle is the daughter of Mr. Ivan And Dr. Sharon Earle. Arrington was presented to society at the Poinsettia Cotillion on December 30, 2022 in Columbia, SC. The Hammond School student plans to major in Sports Journalism at an undetermined college or university.


Debutantes & Beaus | MID-ATLANTIC REGION


Jacia Denise Green is the daughter of Dr. J.R. and Tonya Green. Jacia was presented to society at the Eighteenth Presentation of the Poinsettia Cotillion on December 30, 2022. The Fairfield Central High student plans to attend college in her pursuit of becoming a dermatologist.


Rachel Hurley Johnson is the daughter of George and Michelle Hurley Johnson. She was presented to society at the Poinsettia Cotillion on December 30, 2022. Rachel is a senior at Spring Valley High School. She plans to attend a four-year college and major in political science.


Ryann Leevy Johnson is the daughter of George and Michelle Hurley Johnson. She was presented to society at the Poinsettia Cotillion on December 30, 2022. The Spring Valley High School student plans to attend a four-year college and major in international affairs.


Hannah Reese Langley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Langley III. Hannah was presented to society at the Poinsettia Cotillion on December 30, 2022. The Dreher High School student plans to major in Biochemistry at a 4 year University.


Rachel Jean Langley is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Langley III. Rachel was presented to society at the Poinsettia Cotillion and Delta Assembly on December 2022. The Dreher High School student plans to major in Business and Accounting at a four-year University.


Michaela Jordyn Meggie is the daughter of R. Derrick and Jackie M. Meggie. Michaela was presented to society at the Delta Assembly sponsored by the Columbia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. on December 22, 2022. Michaela plans to attend college and have aspirations of becoming a psychologist.



Peri Nicole Kathryn Moore is the daughter of Jerry and Paige Moore. Peri was presented to society at the Delta Assembly Cotillion on December 22, 2022. The Hammond School student was inducted into the National Honor Society and National High School Scholars. She plans to attend a four-year college upon completion of high school.


Elise Pringle is the daughter of Elbert and Candace Pringle. Elise was presented to society at the Emeralds of Excellence Cotillion hosted by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated on May 27, 2022. The Blythewood High School student plans to major in Meteorology and minor in Art Education at a historically Black college or university.


Blythe Sinead Robinson is the daughter of Dr. Warren D. and Mrs. Dawana B. Robinson of Blythewood, South Carolina. Blythe was presented to society at the Poinsetta Cotillion on December 30, 2022. The Heathwood Hall Episcopal School student is looking forward to attending college, where she’ll endeavor to major in Economics and Marketing.


Taylor is the daughter of Todd and Bernice Bond. Taylor was presented to society as a debutante at the Durham Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Jabberwock event on April 9, 2022. The Durham School of the Arts student plans to major in Kinesiology at Hampton University.


Kendall Scott was presented in the November 2022 Alpha Kappa Alpha Professionals Reaching Out to the Community (PROC) Foundation Beautillion. Kendall is the son of Ms. Kelly Johnson and Mr. Dwayne Darrell Scott. Kendall is an honor student at Thomas Jefferson High School in Richmond, Virginia. Kendall plans to attend a Historically Black College or University upon graduation.


Taylor Makyia David is the daughter of Dr. LaSheta and Terendius David. On Saturday, April 8, 2023, Taylor was presented to society at the 59th Annual Debutante Cotillion sponsored by the Deltas of Charlotte Foundation and the Charlotte Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. This West Cabarrus High School graduate plans to major in Public Health or Food & Nutrition on the Pre-Dentistry track towards becoming a Pediatric Dentist.


Debutantes & Beaus | MID-ATLANTIC REGION


Beau Joseph Earl Levy, III son of Legacy/Charter Member Veleria M Levy and Grandson of Earl & Legacy/Member Joanne F Levy, will be presented to society by the Kappa Foundation of Charlotte Inc & The Charlotte NC Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated at the 47th Annual Kappa Beautillion Militare Scholars program on March 26th, 2023. Joseph Earl attends Cannon School as a Scholar Athlete and intends to continue his track and field aspirations at the collegiate level while majoring in Public Policy with the intent of becoming a Civil Rights attorney and ultimately a Federal Judge.


Avery Carlton Love is the son of Anthony and Pamela Love. Avery was presented to society at the 47th Annual Kappa Beautillion Militaire that was sponsored by Kappa Foundation of Charlotte and the Charlotte Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. on March 26, 2023. The Lake Norman Charter student plans to major in Biochemistry or Chemistry on a pre-dental track to become a pediatric dentist.


Beau Mason McGriff Wallace is the son of Rodney and Veronica Wallace. Beau Mason will be presented to society at the 47th Annual Kappa Beautillion, sponsored by the Kappa Foundation of Charlotte, Inc. and the Charlotte Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. on Saturday, March 26, 2023. Mason is a senior at Mallard Creek High School and upon graduation he will attend Morehouse College where he will study Computer Science.


Debutante Angel Simone Gayles is the daughter of Anthony and Joy Gayles. Angel was presented to society at the Jack and Jill of America, Inc., Capital City Chapter 5th Biennial Rose & Sapphire Ball on January 28, 2022. Angel plans to attend Hampton University or NC State University as a pre-dental major this fall.


Chloe Virginia Francis Pigues is the daughter of Monica and Keith Pigues. Chloe was presented to society at the 5th Biennial Rose & Sapphire Ball, hosted by the Capital City Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., held on Friday, January 28, 2022. The Saint Mary’s School student plans to major in biology at Hampton University.


Zoee Maya Stewart, daughter of Elee and Erika Stewart was presented to society at The Capital City Chapter of Jack and Jill’s 5th Biennial Rose and Sapphire Ball on January 28, 2022. The Athens Drive Magnet High School student plans to major in Biology at a 4-year university. She aspires to be a Surgeon.



Anne Joyce “AJ” Woodyard is the daughter of Terrance Woodyard and Pamela Keels Woodyard. Anne was presented to society at the Capital City Cotillion Beautillion on January 28, 2022. She was escorted by Chase Spann, son of Corey and Stephanie Spann. After graduating from Wakefield Highschool, Anne plans to study architecture at Hampton University and pursue a career in building design and construction.


Reynolds is the son of Mandrile and Jocelyn Young. Reynolds was presented to society at the 47th Annual Kappa Beautillion Militaire on March 25, 2022. The Nation Ford High School student plans to major in Biochemistry or Biochemical Engineering at a to be determined university.


Lashley Marie French is the daughter of Nate and Camille French and reigns as the 2022 Miss Jabberwock of the Winston-Salem Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Lashley participated in a series of pageant events including community service opportunities, etiquette classes, financial planning, and career building. Lashley raised over $20,000 in scholarship funds to assist with her attendance at a 4-year college or university, where she intends to study International Business. A senior at Parkland IB Magnet School, Lashley has been a member of the Winston-Salem chapter for 6 years and serves as the Sr. Teen chapter president.


Zuri is the daughter of James and Ulysesa Sweatt. Zuri will be presented to society at the Miss Jabberwock Pageant in Greensboro, NC, on March 5, 2023. The West Forsyth High School student plans to major in Political Science and ultimately become a Lawyer at Howard, Spelman, Hampton, Cornell, or UNC Chapel Hill. Reigning Inaugural Queen Juneteenth 2022 and 4-yr Scholarship Award, Reigning Miss Taste of Charlotte Teen 2023 & Scholarship Award, Model, National African American Academic Achievement Award, National Princess Teen and Community Service Award & Scholarship, Scholastic Art, Writing Award, & Triad Cultural Art Internship.





Theodore Flakes is a senior at Fox Creek High School in North Augusta, SC. He is a Field Captain for his school’s Marching Band and participates in the Jazz Ensemble and Concert Band. In 2019-2020 he was a member of the Wynton Marsalis Jazz Ensemble. He is versed in playing over seven (7) instruments and started playing the trombone at the age of two (2). After graduation, he will attend Newberry College in Newberry, SC and major in Music Education. Theodore is the son of Mr. Frederick & Dr. Bettina Kyler. He is the older brother of Frederick Kyler, Jr.


Alissa A. Drumgold attends the Alamance-Burlington Early College in Graham, NC and is the daughter of Aaron & Reisha Drumgold. Alissa has been a member of the Burlington-Graham Chapter for 15 years where she has earned several awards and serves as Teen Chapter President. She is very active in her church, is a 13 year Girl Scout, a National Honor Society member, and volunteers frequently in the community. Alissa is graduating with both her high school diploma and Associate of Science Degree and plans to pursue an undergraduate degree in design and environmental engineering.


Bryson Stallings is a senior at Eastern Guilford High School in Gibsonville, North Carolina and is the son of Mr. Javon and Dr. Sheila Stallings. He has been a member of the Burlington-Graham Chapter for 8 years. Bryson is a member of community service organizations including: Piedmont Triad Omega Lamplighters sponsored by Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Men of Distinction, Beta Club, and National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). He has decided to attend a Historical Black College and University (HBCU) where he will major in business and psychology with plans to pursue a career in sports psychology.


Hailey Desir is a senior at Panther Creek High School in Cary, NC and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjy Desir. She has been a member of the Capital City Chapter for 3 years. Hailey maintains a 4.4 GPA, consistently makes the ‘A’ honor roll, and serves as Secretary of her National Honor Society chapter. Hailey’s extracurricular and service achievements include serving as Vice President of the Black Student Union and completing more than 60 hours of community service. Hailey will attend a 4-year university and aspires to major in International Relations with a minor in Spanish.


Julian Pierre Duncan is a senior at Raleigh Charter High School and the son of Pierre Duncan and Anitra Dickerson Duncan. He has been a member for 11 years as a charter Jack of the Capital City Chapter, where he served as Teen Vice President and Parliamentarian. Julian is a member of The National Honor Society and The Freedom Struggle Committee and serves as Co-Chair of Voices for Minorities. He also plays for the varsity soccer team and the NC Futbol Club Youth. Julian will attend a four-year university and major in International Business Relations.



Kendall is a senior at Millbrook High School in Raleigh, NC and is the daughter of Jeff and Dr. Nicole Johnson. She has been a member of the Capital City Chapter for 9 years. Kendall has participated in multiple food drives, collecting toys for tots and student tutoring. Kendall has decided to attend Appalachian State University on a track scholarship where she will major in Health Care Management.


Chase Williams is a senior at Middle Creek High School in Apex, NC. He is the son of Seydric L. and Keisha Williams. He has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2010 originating from the Roanoke Valley Chapter in VA and transferring into the Capital City Chapter in 2013. Chase’s volunteer efforts include working with Feed America: US Hunger Relief Organization, the North Carolina Food Bank, and work with a Wake County Elementary school for the creation of a youth Lacrosse league. Chase will be pursuing a major in Communications at Queens University at Charlotte.


Nailah Caimile Brown is a senior at Bishop England High School in Charleston, South Carolina and is the daughter or USN Commander (ret) Darryl Brown and Attorney Monique Brown. Nailah has been a member of the Charleston Chapter for three years, and previously a member of the Jacksonville, FL and Chesapeake, VA chapters. She has participated in Palmetto Girls State, Model UN, student government, started a multi-cultural club at her school. Nailah has decided to attend Hampton University where she will major in Political Science and plans to pursue a career as a lawyer.


Autumn Olivia Jordan, daughter of Della and Clifton Jordan, III, Charleston’s Chapter Teen Corresponding Secretary; member since 2015. A Senior at Pinewood Preparatory School, Summerville, SC holding a 4.70 GPA. Member of Beta Club, National Honor Society, National Spanish Society, and Headmaster’s List. She runs track and is captain of both sideline and competition cheerleading teams, with her 3rd state championship ring, she also works at a local restaurant. Autumn has college acceptances, her plan is to major in biology, furthering her education onto medical school, intending to become an obstetrician. Autumn Jordan is living her best life!


George Calvin McTeer-McGinnis, lll is a senior at Charleston Charter School of Math and Science in Charleston, South Cartolina and is the son of Mr. Darrell L. McGinni, Sr. and Ms. Sonja N. McTeer and the grandson of the late Dr. George C. McTeer, Sr. and Mrs. Norma J.E. McTeer. He has been a member of the Charleston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America,Inc. for five years. George is a member of the Charleston Charter School of Math and Science National Honor Society. George participates in the Links,Inc Leadership Program,The Beaux Affair, The Rev Clement Pinkney College Readiness Program, and the MUSC Minority Medical Students Mentoring Program.


Carsyn Ashleigh Smith is a senior at Charleston County School of the Arts. She is the daughter of Kevin and Nichole Smith and sister to Legacy Caleb Smith. She has been a member of the Charleston Chapter since 2016. Carsyn volunteers with several organizations such as The March of Dimes, Hands of Christ, and The Liberty Hill after school program. She has over 500 hours of community service hours, which has been recognized on a local, state, and national level. Carsyn has plans to attend Virginia Tech and double major in Psychology and Journalism.




Jared is a senior at Porter-Gaud School in Charleston, SC. He is the son of Mr. Jeffery Wilder & MAL Tiffany Spann-Wilder. He has been a member of the Charleston Chapter for twelve years. He is a member of the varsity swim team and has lettered in that sport. He is a part of the Upper School Choir, Chamber Singers, Theatre Department, Student Council, Debate Club and Co-Founder of the Black Student Union. Jared is a Service Leader in Porter-Gaud’s community service program. He is the Charleston Teen Chapter President and has served as the Teen Foundation Chair and Teen Chaplain and Mid-Atlantic Regional Teen Conference Rules & Regulation.


Haylee Bell is a Senior at Mallard Creek High School in Charlotte, NC, and is the daughter of Cathy Jo and Venton Lee Bell, Jr. She has been in the Jack and Jill Charlotte Chapter for eight years. Haylee has been an avid supporter and volunteer with Sickle Cell Partners of the Carolinas for over 10 years. She is the DECA Director of Leadership which spearheads community service projects in the Charlotte. Haylee is undecided about which University she will attend. Her intended major is Computer Science with a Political Science minor. Her future plans include attending Law School.


Sasha Elisabeth Thomilie Bernard is a senior at Lake Norman Charter High School in Huntersville, NC and is the daughter of Joseph and Rachel Bernard. She has been a member of the Charlotte Chapter for seven years. Sasha is a member of the National Honor Society, Science Honor Society, Math Honor Society and English Honor Society. She runs track, volunteers in her community as a math tutor with Caterpillar Ministries, a summer basketball camp coach to children, and leader of various initiatives in under-served neighborhoods. She will be pursuing a major in Biochemistry at a 4-year university in fall 2023.


Kennedy Alyce Cooper is a senior at Hickory Grove Christian in Charlotte NC and the daughter of David and Regina Cooper. Kennedy has been a member of the Charlotte Chapter for 16 years and currently serves as the ST Parliamentarian. Kennedy is a member of the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society and RHO Kappa. She is president of the Art Club and Secretary of HOSA - Health Occupation Students of America. Kennedy will attend Hampton University pursing a BSN, minoring in Psychology. Kennedy will continue graduate studies with a career goal of becoming a Pediatric Nurse Anesthetist.


Kendall M. Davis is a Senior at Mallard Creek High School and is the daughter of Andrew and Chanel Davis. Kendall is in the biomed career pathway and honors program. She has been in the Charlotte Chapter of Jack and Jill for 5 years where she has held the following leadership positions: Corresponding Secretary, Chapter VicePresident and currently serving as the Sr. Teens’ Chapter President. Kendall volunteers at assisted living locations, food banks and in two mayoral campaigns. She has decided to attend a 4-year university majoring in forensic science and go to medical school and become a Forensic Scientist.


Drew Hemans is a senior at William A Hough High School and the daughter of Lauri Givens Best and Christopher Hemans. She has been in the Charlotte Chapter of Jack and Jill for 14 years. Drew has been dancing for 14 years and completing her 12th year at Precision Dance Studio. Drew is active with the BSU, the BWLA. Drew volunteers with the Key Club and a homeless ministry. Drew is participating in the Delta Debutante Cotillion. She has decided to attend North Carolina Central University or Hampton University where she will major in criminal justice.



Cole Kennedy is a senior at William Amos Hough High School in Cornelius, NC and son of Cy Kennedy and Dj Bradford-Kennedy. He has been a member of the Charlotte Chapter for 3 years. He played on his school’s JV and Varsity Men’s Soccer Team for all 4 years of high school, participated in his school’s Concert, Symphonic, Wind, and Jazz bands, and is a part of the National English, Math and Music Honors Societies as well as the National Honors Society. He has decided to attend Morehouse College where he will double major in Mathematics and Music.


Caleb McCall is a senior at South Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, North Carolina and is the son of Dwoski and Deanita McCall. He has been a member of the Charlotte Chapter for over 11 years and currently serves as the Senior Teen Recording Secretary and has also served as the Senior Teen Chaplain. Caleb is a STEM Apprentice at the Discovery Place Nature Museum, and he currently serves as the President of the National German Honor Society at his school. Upon graduation, he plans to attend college and major in Biology.


Honesty McQueen is a senior at South Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte and is the daughter of Carla Roberts. She has been a member of the Charlotte Chapter for 3 years her final year she was the Regional Teen Vice President. Honesty is fluent in both Spanish and English. Honesty is a member of the national honor society, BETA club, field & track and the cheer team. She has decided to attend Clark Atlanta University and major in psychology and double minor in Spanish and Political Science and plans to go to law school to persue Immigration law.


Clayton Pugh is a senior at Myers Park High School in Charlotte, NC and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mtu Pugh and Lisa Givens Pugh. He has been in the Charlotte Chapter for 16 years. In addition to service to the Charlotte Chapter, Clayton has been involved in the youth and Sunday school at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church as well as several volunteer and community service activities with his swim team the Queen City Dolphins. Clayton’s college choice is undecided with plans to pursue his interests in culinary arts and environmental science and sustainability.


Cassidy Reaves is a senior at Providence High School. She is the daughter of Derrick and Carla Reaves. Cassidy has been in the Jack and Jill Charlotte Chapter for seven years. Cassidy served as the chapter Senior Teen President in 2021 and as the Regional Teen nominating Chair for the Mid-Atlantic Region. She was appointed by the Board of Directors of Sowing Mustard Seeds Ministry to serve as Student Leader for 2021-2023. Cassidy founder and CEO of Cassidy’s Collection custom made jewelry. After graduating, Cassidy plans to attend North Carolina A&T and will be a 5th generation AGGIE!


Qwest Schofield is a senior at Mallard Creek High School and is the son of Erica Strong and Antawuan Schofield. He has been in the Jack and Jill Charlotte Chapter for 8 years. He supports the homeless community in numerous food and clothing drives. Qwest is extremely athletic and placed nationally in track and field on the 4x1. He has been on many AAU basketball teams since age of 6. Qwest will attend North Carolina A&T University with a major in Fashion Merchandising and minor in Business. Qwest will also obtain his real estate license and continue serving disenfranchised communities.




Justice N. Upshaw is a senior at Charlotte Catholic High School in Charlotte, North Carolina and is the son of Bill and Tiffany Upshaw. He has been a member of the Charlotte Chapter for three years, but started Jack and Jill in the Philadelphia Chapter in 2011. He is an artist who enjoys producing art work across a wide range of mixed medium, but his preferred mediums are sculpting and clothing design. He is also a member of the Charlotte Catholic High School Varsity track team. He has not decided which college he will attend, but will major in Fine Art or Industrial Design.


Brooke Elyse Cuffee is a senior at Landstown High School in Virginia Beach, VA. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Cuffee. Brooke has been a member of the Chesapeake Chapter for 14 years. As a member of the teen group, she has served as Recording Secretary and current President. She is a member of the track team, played basketball, and acts as the school’s mascot, Eddie the Eagle. Brooke was selected to be a part of the City of Virginia Beach 2022 Neptune Festival Royal Court. She served the city as a Neptune Festival Princess. Brooke is currently undecided on her college but plans to major in Kinesiology and become a Physical Therapist.


Lorenzo Henry Goganioius IV is a senior at Catholic High School in Virginia Beach, VA and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo H. Goganious III. He has been a member of the Chesapeake Chapter since 2017 and currently serves as Teen Corresponding Secretary. Lorenzo will graduate an honor student with academic excellence awards. He plays varsity and travel lacrosse where he earned tournament FOGO All-Star, All-Star Offensive MVP, and 1st Team All-Conference. He serves the community, volunteers at lacrosse camps, and coaches youth players individually. Lorenzo has an academic and athletic scholarship to Belmont Abbey and will major in Biochemistry.


Justin Hardiman is a senior at Landstown High School in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He is the son of Candice and Travis Hardiman. Justin has been a member of Jack & Jill for 16 years. As a member of the teen group he has served as historian, foundation chair, and vice president. He is the senior class president of his school, and he has advanced to state competitions for Deca multiple times in his high school career. He is currently undecided on what college he is attending, but plans to major in supply chain management.


Celina Harris is a senior at Kings Fork High School in Suffolk, VA. She is the daughter of Elisha, III and Bonita Billingsley Harris. She’s been a member of the Chesapeake Chapter since 2014, serving as Teen Recording Secretary for two years. At school, Celina is the President of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) club and the Social Media Manager for Sister Cities International. Celina is also a member of The National Honor Society, the Ecology Club, and a tutor for Spanish students. She plans to pursue Film Studies in college.


Brian Jones is a senior at Maury High School in Norfolk Virginia and is the son of Dr. Tamice Jones and Bernard Jones. Brian has been a member of the Chesapeake Chapter for 7 years and has been involved in multiple servant leadership projects within Jack and Jill and his school. Brian is a member of the National Honors Society and a 4-year letterman of baseball and first chair Bass in the orchestra. Brian is undecided on his college choice, however he is excited about the his future opportunities. He plans to play baseball and major in Engineering.



Ahmon Dyson Reddix is a resident of Virginia Beach, Virginia and a senior at Fusion Global Academy. He is the son of Dr. Angela Reddix and Mr. Carl Reddix. Ahmon has been a member of the Chesapeake Chapter of Jack and Jill for five years. He has been a team player on basketball, lacrosse, and soccer teams. Ahmon’s passion for music has landed him lead roles in school plays and drives him to prefect his artistry. He writes, sings, and produces his own music, of which he has released five singles. Ahmon plans to pursue a business degree with a minor in music as he aspires to own a music label.


Selby Jayden Artis is a Senior at Ridge View High School and is a Biomedical Magnet student. He is the son of Mr. Selby and Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis and has been a member of Jack & Jill for 8 years. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Science Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, and the Beta Club. Selby currently ranks in the Top 5% of his class and currently serves as the VP of the Senior Class. He was also elected Homecoming King for 2022-23. He plans to attend Morehouse College to study Biology.


Bethany Adrienne Benjamin is the daughter of Stephen and DeAndrea Benjamin. She has been a member of the Columbia Chapter for eleven years and is Teen Vice President. She is a graduate of Spring Valley High School (Discovery Magnet). Bethany was a member of the National Honor Society, English Honor Society, Science Honor Society, FIERCE Leadership Club, and Soccer team. She was Senior Class Community Service Chair, a Girls State delegate, Girl Scout, plays the piano, and is a lifeguard. She plans to attend college and major in Journalism.


Ivy Fiona Boyd is a senior at Ridge View High School in Columbia, SC, and is the daughter of Roland and Nashiba Boyd. A six-year member of the Columbia Chapter, she has served as Teen Corresponding Secretary and Teen President. Ivy will graduate from the BioHealth Magnet Program at Ridge View, ranked third in her graduating class. She is a member of the Varsity Cheer team, numerous academic honor societies, and a coach at Carolina Gymnastics Center. Ivy is planning to attend college and major in Public Health to become a pediatric orthopedic surgeon.


Tamia Celeste Devine is the daughter of Jamie and Tameika Isaac Devine. She has been a Columbia, SC, Chapter member for 15 years. Tamia is a graduate of the International Baccalaureate program at A.C. Flora. She is a member of the National Honor Society & the National French Honor Society. She also serves as Co-president of Amnesty Club, co-lead for March for Our Lives, Co-Editor of The Falcon student newspaper & is a junior usher at Brookland Baptist Church. Upon graduation, she plans to pursue a degree in journalism.


Hailey Savannah Duncan is a senior honor student at Blythewood High School. She is the daughter of Colonel (Ret.) Rodney and LaTanza Duncan. Hailey is a 12-year member of the Columbia, SC Chapter of Jack and Jill, where she was named Athlete of the Year 2021-22 and a Mid-Atlantic Region Top 10 Community Earner for her community service. She is named to the All-Region Track Team for 2022-2023. Hailey is the 4x100 Meter Relay State Championship Winner and the 4x100 Nike National All-American Championship Winner. She plans to attend Coastal Carolina University, where she will major in Biology.




Jacia Denise Green is the daughter of J.R. and Tonya Green. She has been a member of the Columbia chapter for seventeen years. She is a graduate of Fairfield Central High School and Midlands Technical College. Jacia was Senior Class President, a member of the Beta Club, Girl Scouts, NAACP Youth Club, Principal’s Advisory Council, tennis MVP, Region IV tennis Player of the Year, All-Region soccer, and the Golden Boot award winner. She plans to attend college and pursue becoming a dermatologist.


Ashley Gunn is a senior at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina. She is the daughter of Anton and Tiffany Gunn. She has been a member of the Captivating Columbia Chapter for approximately two years. She is an AP Student and was a member of the Leadership Council at her previous high school. She was a 2-sport athlete, a South Carolina All-Region player, 3-time recipient of the Offensive Award, and a 5-year Varsity Letterman. Ashley is planning to major in International and Diplomatic Studies with a minor in Psychology.


Rachel Hurley Johnson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson of Columbia. She attends Spring Valley High School, in the top five percent of her class. She is a member of the National Honor Society, the Science National Honor Society, and the Senior Student Council. She is an algebra tutor and a member of the lacrosse team. Rachel has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2012. She plans to attend a four-year college and law school.


Michaela Jordyn Meggie is the daughter of R. Derrick and Jackie M. Meggie. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for thirteen years. She is a graduate of Ridge View High School. She has been a Girl Scout member for twelve years. She is a member of the National Honor Society, National Beta Club, Delta Gems, and the President of the Debate Club. Michaela has aspirations of attending college and becoming a psychologist.


Chandler Nehemiah Pringle is a Senior at Blythewood High School in Columbia, South Carolina, and he is the son of Elbert and Candace Pringle. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for seven years. Chandler demonstrates his leadership skills at school as a student ambassador and a member of the captain’s class. He also led the Teens as President. Chandler looks forward to attending an HBCU and Majoring in Business Administration. Chandler wants to own a real estate firm.


Elise Pringle is a Senior at Blythewood High School in Blythewood, SC, and is the daughter of Elbert and Candace Pringle. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America for seven years. She has served as the Parliamentarian and the Sergeant at Arms. She is a Junior Volunteer and a Charter member of Top Teens of America, Columbia Chapter. She has been a member of the Blue Legion Marching Band and would love to high step in an HBCU Marching Band. She plans to major in Meteorology and minor in the Arts.



Ivana Maria Thigpen is the daughter of Ivory and Martia Thigpen. This is her first year as a member of the Columbia chapter. She is a graduate of Westwood High School. Ivana was a member of the student council, Beta Club, Palmetto Girls State attendee, National Society of High School Scholars, Westwood Volleyball All-Region player, National Society of Leadership and Success Midlands Technical College, WHS TA/Peer Mentor, AAU/Club Volleyball, and the National College Board African-American Recognition Award recipient. She plans to attend an HBCU, pursuing Pre-Med to become a Pediatric surgeon.


Taylor Marcella Bond graduated from Durham School of the Arts (DSA) in Durham, NC and is the daughter of Todd and Bernice Bond. She has been a member of the Durham Chapter of Jack and Jill for 13 years. Taylor served as the 2022-23 Regional Editor and Durham Chapter Teen Parliamentarian. Taylor has achieved multiple awards as a varsity tennis and golf athlete for her high school while being an honors student. She has a passion for photography and enjoys capturing moments in life. Taylor has decided to attend Hampton University in the fall where she will major in Kinesiology.


Todd Bond graduated from Durham School of the Arts (DSA) in Durham, NC and is the son of Todd and Bernice Bond. He has been a member of the Durham Chapter of Jack and Jill for 13 years. Todd served as the 202223 Regional Teen Legislative Chair and Durham Chapter Teen President. In addition to being an honors student, Todd is an avid athlete who enjoys working out. Todd is the captain of the varsity Tennis team and has participated in high school Track and Basketball. Todd has decided to attend Hampton University in the fall where he will major in Political Science.


Nicholas Hale is a senior at CE Jordan High School in Durham, North Carolina and is the son of Rochelle Hayes and Christopher Hale. He has been a member of the Durham Chapter for 15 years. Nick is a member of The National Honor Society, The Spanish Honor Society, and The Black Student Union. He lettered in varsity cross country and track and is also a member of White Rock Baptist Church. Nick has not yet made his final decision on the college he will attend or his major field of study.


William Patrick Hannah is a student at Ignite Academy and the son of Patrick and Takeila Hannah. William, along with his family, have been members of the Durham chapter since 2010. William is passionate about working to ensure an inclusive environment for people like himself. Recently, starting his own business to provide an opportunity for workplace inclusion, within his community. William has not currently decided on his course of postsecondary education, deciding to operate his business, FirstBorn Shredding and Scanning, on a full-time basis.


Leah Grace Hartsfield is a senior at Grace Christian School in Raleigh, NC and is the daughter of Robert and Tomeka Hartsfield, Jr. Leah Grace has been a member of the Durham Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 5 years. She is captain of the Varsity cheerleading team, an active member of the swim team where she qualified for State level competition, and received numerous awards for leadership, strong academic performance, and being a mentor for the underclassmen. Leah Grace has earned a scholarship to attend Queens University in the fall and plans to earn a nursing degree to pursue her passion to work as a nurse anesthetist.




Sean Edward McLean is a senior at Durham Academy in Durham, North Carolina and is the son of Sean and Carmen McLean. He has been a member of the Durham Chapter of Jack and Jill for 6 years. He has interest in basketball, math and science. He is a member of the varsity basketball team. He is interested in pursuing a premedical curriculum in college. He is an avid University of Michigan and Duke fan.


Veronica Maleah Quiett is a senior at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in Durham, North Carolina and is the daughter of Vincent and Valerie Quiett. She has been a member of the Durham Chapter for 14 years. Veronica currently serves as NCSSM’s Student Senate President and has served as a volunteer Program Assistant at both Durham Academy and NCSSM Summer Programs. She plans to attend a four year college and is interested in Global Public Health and International Relations.


Kennedy is a senior at Durham Academy and is the daughter of Kenny and Kara Turner. She has been a member of the Durham Jack and Jill Chapter for seven years. Kennedy is an honor student, Senior Class President, Peer Educator, and member of the Varsity Track Team. She plans to attend college and major in Communications/ Public Relations.


Jordan Vereen, son of Phillip and Sabrina Vereen, is an honors student at Durham School of Technology, where he is the Student Body President, FBLA Chapter President, Student Ambassador, and has lettered with Hillside Varsity Golf. He has been in Jack and Jill for 16 years and serves as Teen Vice President, as well as past Regional Sergeant-at-Arms and Evaluations Chair. Jordan is interested in equity topics around the intersectionality of race, technology, and labor and has completed research projects with the Duke University Aaron Young Scholars Program, along with his involvement with Young Men of Excellence, City of Durham Racial Equity Commission.


Faron D. Cureton II is a senior at John Paul II Catholic High School in Greenville, North Carolina. He will graduate with honors. Faron is the son of F. Douglas Cureton and Sharon Johnson, and he has one sister, Ramsey Cureton. Faron has been accepted at several colleges in NC. He plans to major in cyber security/business. Faron is a member of the National Honors Society, yearbook team, pep club, Christian Student Athletes Association, Varsity Basketball and Football, and JP II Crew student volunteers. Faron attends United Christian Center in Middlesex, NC, and is an active church volunteer.


Robert Nicholas Glover is a senior at Early College East in Havelock, NC and is the son of Robert and Teisha Glover. Glover has been heavily involved in theater since the second grade when he performed in Shrek Jr. the Musical. Since then, he’s performed in numerous plays. He also volunteered with the New Bern Historical Society. His theater experience helped him to develop oratorical skills. He has competed at both local and state 4H oratorical contests where he won second place at the regional level with his speech “I Matter Too” following the murder of George Floyd.



Kaila Alexandria Lawrence is a senior at J.H. Rose High School in Greenville, NC and is the daughter of Mr. Cornelius and Dr. Ericka Lawrence. She has been a member of the Eastern North Carolina Chapter for nine years. She has served in various Teen leadership positions while also participating in several community service activities including the Volunteen program at ECU Health, Pack for Patriots and in the children’s ministry at her church. Kaila plans to attend the University of Kentucky as a student/athlete gymnast. She will major in Public Health and plans to pursue a career as a physician.


Norah Blake Smith is a senior at The Oakwood School in Greenville, North Carolina and the daughter of Dr. Anthony and Mrs. Kelli Pack Smith. She has been a member of the Eastern North Carolina Chapter for 13 years. She has served various Teen leadership positions while also participating in numerous community service activities including TOS Horizons, Pitt County Teen Leadership Institute and Pack4Patriots. Norah is also an avid volleyball and soccer athlete. She plans to enroll in an accelerated BS/MBA program and double major in Finance and Accounting and pursue a career as a CPA.


William Thomas Taylor is a senior at J.H. Rose High in Greenville, NC and the son of Willie and Dr. Althea Taylor. As a 9 year member of the ENC Chapter, he’s involved in various leadership roles and service projects including School Supply Drives & Pack4Patriots.As ENC’s 2022 Athlete of the Year and National Scholar, William is an acclaimed Varsity quarterback accolades including: 2021 NC state 3A Finalists, NCHSAA 3A Conference Title, #1 in 3A NC Conference & #7 in NC - passing yards. He plans to pursue a BS & MBA in Accounting and become a certified CPA.


Alexis Lael Bennett is a senior at Pine Forest High School in Fayetteville, NC and is the daughter of Donald and Rondell Bennett. Alexis has been a member of the Fayetteville Chapter for 6 years. She is the Mid Atlantic Regional Teen Secretary for the 2022-2023 year. She volunteers in many ways with her church, school and the 2-6 Project. Alexis the SGA president, a member of the National Honor Society, a member of the varsity cheer squad and Academy of Scholars. She would like to attend Spelman College and major in Economics with minors in Biology and Spanish. Her career goal is to become an Anesthesiologist.


Jasmine Tamia Ford is a senior at Reid Ross Classical School in Fayetteville, NC and is the daughter of Roderick and Tina Ford. Jasmine has been a member of the Fayetteville Chapter of Jack and Jill for over 5 years. She has been involved in KIndareetes Chapter, Wings of a Dove Chapter #3, Pride Pact, Student Council as Student Body Secretary, Photography Club, Junior Marshall, and Top 10 in her class. She plans to attend the University of North Carolina Charlotte where she plans to major in Marketing.


Kyndal Michelle Quinn is a Senior at Fayetteville Christian School in Fayetteville, NC and is the daughter of LTC Anthony and Karmyce Quinn. She has been a member of the Fayetteville Chapter for four years. At school, Kyndal is the student body president, varsity cheer captain, student mentor and ambassador. In the community, she volunteers as a community youth cheerleading coach and works at various food banks. She is a natural born leader and debater. She plans on attending the University of Alabama where she will major in political science and journalism. She aspires to become a political journalist.




Michaela Deas is a Senior at Jack Britt High School in Fayetteville NC. She is currently dually enrolled at Jack Britt and FTCC. She is the youngest daughter of Armstead and Jannifer Deas. She was on the Varsity Cheerleading team at Jack Britt and a member of Insanity Allstars. She is currently a member of Jack and Jill Fayetteville Chapter and the Legistlator for the teens. Michaela plans to attend Fayetteville State or East Carolina and major in Marketing and minor in Entrepreneurship. Upon graduation Michaela plans to use her marketing degree to follow in her parents footsteps and open a business.


Madison Abbigail Miller is the daughter of Rev. Anthony Miller and Dr. Tracy Stokes Miller. She is a senior at Central High School in Pageland, SC. She has been a member of the Florence Chapter for 16 years and currently serves as the Teen Vice President. Madison’s school activities include Beta Club, Volleyball, and Student Government where she serves as the senior class Vice President. Madison is also an active participant in Delta GEMS and the Delta Assembly. After graduating high school, Madison will attend Spelman College where she will major in Health Sciences and minor in Digital Filmmaking.


Vincent C. Alexander III is a senior at Clover High School in Clover, SC. He is the son of Monica & Vincent E. Alexander II. He has been a member of the Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter for 7 years. Vincent served as Chaplin and Treasurer for the chapter. He is a member of the National Society of High School Scholars, Varsity basketball Forward/Captain, and a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Vincent also enjoys community service / volunteering with Alpha Academdy. He plans to attend a 4 year college/university and major in Integrated Information Systems with a Digital Media concentration.


Noa’ Aviles is a senior at South Point High School in Belmont, NC, she is the daughter of Kim & Allan Lindstrom and has been a member of the Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter for over 7 years where she is currently the Teen Chapter Secretary. She is a National Technical Honors Society and Community Beautification Club member, Student Council and Historic Belmont Foundation representative, and YMCA-certified AED/CPR lifeguard youth counselor. Furthermore, she is a National Award-Winning Equestrian competitor and youth mentor with aspirations for collegiate success focusing on Business with a Digital Marketing concentration.


Olivia Bennett is a senior at Nation Ford High School in Fort Mill, South Carolina and is the daughter of Antoinette Godfrey and Eric Bennett. She has been a member of the Gastonia Piedmont Chapter for 9 years. Olivia is apart of the Beta Club and the Dance team where she volunteers with both groups to help her community and make her school a safe and healthy place. She is also the president of the Dance Club, and dances competition outside of school. She has decided to attend Spelman College where she will major in Economics on a Pre-Law track and plans to pursue a career as an corporate attorney.


Varleine Coq is a senior at Gaston Day School in Gastonia, NC and is the daughter of Chimma and Davidson Coq. She has been a member of the Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter for 5 years and previously served as Teen Parliamentarian. Varleine is a member of the National Honors Society and International Thespian Society. She is Student Body President of Gaston Day School, Co-President of Environmental club, President of Drama Club, Youth Ambassador and Social Media Coordinator for non-profit MercifulHearts Foundation and Pioneer Research Alumni. Varleine will be attending college in the fall with a major in Marketing.



Morgan Costner is a senior at Forestview High School in Gastonia, NC; she is the daughter of Russell and Tonya Costner and has been a member of the Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter for 15 years. She is currently the Teen Chapter Vice President and served as Foundation Chair and Secretary. She is a member of the National Technical Honors Society and the National Society of High School Scholars. Furthermore, she is a National Award-Winning competitive dancer and title holder as the 2022-2023 North Carolina Cinderella Teen. Morgan has plans to attend a 4-year university, Majoring in digital marketing and minoring in psychology.


Sean-Michael Gore is a senior at South Point High School in Belmont, NC. He is the son of Drs. Herman and Shawnya Gore. He has been a member of the Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter for 15 years. Sean-Michael served as Teen President, Teen Vice-President and Sergeant at Arms for the chapter. He is the Student Body President, Varsity basketball Point guard/captain, on the Varsity Tennis team, and member of the Chamber choir. He is active with community service and continues with his musical group The Gore Boyz. He plans to attend a 4 year college/ university and major in Exercise Science Pre-med.


Christian Clark Reynolds is a honor student and Student Body President at Ashbrook HS in Gastonia, NC. He’s the son of Dr. Eugene Reynolds II and Mrs. Lisa Reynolds. He has been a member of the Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter for 15 years and served as Treasurer and is the current Chaplain. Christian is an Eagle Scout who built his project in a community garden. He is an excelling sprinter, Regional champion and State qualifier in indoor and outdoor track. He plans to attend Louisiana State University where he will major in Animal Science and become a Veterinarian for exoctic animals.


Marco Gordon Wright is the son of Mark. W. Wright and Heather Keets Wright. He has been a member of the Gastonia-Piedmont Chapter for 14 years. Marco attended Gaston Day School where he was a member of the National Honor Society and the Varsity Soccer team for four years. Marco led the team to three State Championships and holds the school’s goal-scoring record. Marco was invited to train professionally with the Charlotte Independence USL team and has been recruited by High Point, Campbell and Queens Universities. Though undecided, Marco aims to play soccer professionally and earn a degree in media.


Amya C. Barnes is a senior at Chapel Hill High School in Chapel Hill, NC. She is the daughter of Mrs. Keta J. Barnes, Esq. and Mr. J. Steven Barnes. Amya is the Inaugural Teen Vice President of the Greater Chapel Hill Chapter of Jack & Jill of America. She is active in the Black & Brown Student Association, Blue Ribbon Mentor Program, Youth Leadership Institute and the Social Activism Club (Vice President). Amya has served as a NC General Assembly Page and Tiger Link Student Ambassador. She has danced with several dance companies. Her intended major in college is Business/Entrepreneurship.


Seven is a senior at Colonial Forge High School in Fredericksburg, Virginia. He is the son of Jason Whiteman and Dr. Sukeena Whiteman Stephens. Seven is a Greater Fredericksburg Chapter charter member and is currently the Teen Chapter President. Previously, he also served as the Recording Secretary and Editor. Seven is a member of Youth in Philanthropy, DECA, volunteers with the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank, and at his church, Land of Promise. Seven has decided to attend Johnson and Wales University, majoring in Culinary Arts and Food Service. His goal is to become a professional chef.




Jadyn, a senior at Page High School, is the daughter of Dr. Eric and Dr. Jocelyn Becoats. Jadyn participates in many school activities: Principal’s Council, founding member and current President of LUX club, Athletic training, Editor in Chief of Yearbook and Senior Class Vice-President. She attends Calvary Christian Center and participates on the usher and media ministries. She has over 250 service-learning hours with the majority in Safety Town and Teen Court. Jadyn plans to attend NC State University or the University of NC at Charlotte majoring in Math and Elementary Education.


Sydney Bowen is a senior at Weaver Academy for Performing & Visual Arts and Advanced Technology in Greensboro, North Carolina and is the daughter of Sedettra and William Bowen. She has been a member of the Greensboro Chapter for 11 years. Sydney is a member of the Weaver National Honor Society and shares her love of math by tutoring elementary students. She plays violin with Greensboro Strings and volunteers with the Greensboro Science Center as an aquarium docent. She plans to attend a four-year college majoring in Biology or Biochemistry with plans of becoming a veterinarian.


Gabrielle is a senior at Northeast Guilford High School and is the daughter of Elmer “Bo” & Allison Chisholm. Gabrielle has been a member of the Greensboro Chapter for 2 years. She has played varsity volleyball all 4 years, serving as Captain the last 2 years. As an inspiring leader, she’s been active in student council since elementary school and was voted to currently serve as Public Relations Director. A young woman with many interests, she created Youth Stance Organization as a platform for teens to make space for their future. As a 2021 Guilford County Poet Laureate, she received donations through Youth Stance to host her first Poetry Slam.


Kaleb is a senior at Southeast Guilford High School in Greensboro, North Carolina and is the son of Meko and Teresa Cooper. Kaleb has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2019. He is student athlete and participated on the football and track teams during his high school career. Kaleb enjoys volunteering with local summer football camps mentoring younger athletes on skill and character development. Kaleb plans to attend North Carolina Central University and major in Business Administration.


Michael Godetee II is a senior at Northwest Guilford High School and maintains a 3.94 GPA. He is the son of Ms. Doris Godette. Michael is an eight-year member of the Greensboro Chapter of Jack and Jill of America; and previously served as Teen Treasurer. He is a member of the Northwest Guilford High School varsity football leadership team and was selected as All-Conference. Michael led his team in rushing yards and touchdowns. He plans to complete his undergraduate studies at North Carolina A&T State University or Appalachian State University and continue his education in dentistry to perfect smiles.


Elana Joyner, a Senior at Piedmont Classical High School in Brown Summit, NC; is the daughter of Joseph and Chartarra Joyner. She has been a member of Greensboro Jack and Jill Chapter for 5 years. Involvement includes: Student Body Treasurer, National Honor Society, Out of the Garden-Volunteer, Most Valuable Volleyball Player ‘22. Elana will pursue a degree in Higher Education to study pre-med at her school of choice. Her future goal is to attend medical school and become a Dermatologist.



Keith G. Pemberton II is a senior at Forsyth Country Day School in Lewisville, NC. He is the son of Keith G. and Nicole Pemberton. He has been a member of the Greensboro chapter for 3 years. Keith serves as Student Body President, President of the NAACP High Point Youth Council and Captain of his Varsity Lacrosse team. He enjoys learning Arabic and serves as a Junior Trustee at Turners Chapel AME. He has been accepted to Yale University where he will major in Political Science or Global Affairs with plans to become a human rights attorney and diplomat.


Jaeden Elliott Watkins is a senior at Southwest High School in High Point, NC and is the son of Trent and Kellee Watkins. He has been a member of Greensboro’s Chapter for 5 years. Jaeden volunteers for theater productions with High Point Theater, a dance studio, and Southwest High School. He worked election polls with the NAACP Youth Council. As yearbook editor, Jaeden enjoys journaling memorable moments of students through innovative photo and video techniques. Though undecided about his college choice, he will major in business and journalism, and will attend law school to become a sports and entertainment agent.


Kaylee Bennett is a senior at the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities in Greenville, SC, and is the daughter of Nicole and Delancy Bennett. She has been a Greenville, SC Chapter member for six years, serving as Teen Foundation Chair for two terms. Kaylee is a National Honor Society officer, a member of the Honor Council, and a Student Ambassador. Additionally, she enjoys cheerleading and robotics. Upon graduation, she will pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a concentration in acting and focus on building a career as an actor, writer, and director.


Cameron Foster-Martez is a senior at The Lovett School in Atlanta, GA, and is the son of Antonio and Eboni Martez. He became a member of the Greenville Chapter of Jack and Jill in 2022. Cameron is a Student Ambassador, and a Sports Broadcaster with the Lovett Sports Network. He is a four-year member of the varsity basketball team. He has held positions of Treasurer, and Community Service Chair, as a member of Kappa League, Stone Mountain-Lithonia Chapter, Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity Inc. Cameron plans to attend college and major in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Finance.


Ciara Grant, age 17, hails from Easley, South Carolina and attends Easley High School. At Easley High School, Ciara is an active member of the National Honor Society and the National Technical Honor Society. She enjoys playing golf, reading, art and spending time with family and friends. Ciara has been a member of Jack and Jill for ten years, which includes two different regions; she currently serves as the Mid-Atlantic Region’s Teen President. Ciara’s parents speak well of her dedication to her academic studies. She works well with others and is committed to her personal goals and professional aspirations.


Chase Harris is the son of Dr. & Mrs. Dwayne Harris and a senior at Dorman High School, Roebuck, South Carolina, Chase’s focus has been on academics and athletics throughout his high school career. From an academic perspective, he has maintained an exceptionally high academic record. Presently, he is in the top twenty percent of the Dorman High School Class of 2023. Chase has also exemplified a competitive spirit on the basketball court. A shooting guard, and a three -year varsity letterman, he has been recognized by PrepHoops as one of the top four shooting guards in South Carolina.




Loren Kennedy Long is a senior at Riverside High in Greer, SC, and is the daughter of Dr. William and Tomiko Long. She has been a member of the Greenville Chapter for 6 years and has served as sergeant of arms, treasurer, and vice president. She holds various positions in Beta Club, National Honors Society, Student Council, Youth in Government, and Black Student Union. Loren has given back to her school and community. She also participates in Varsity Cheerleading and Track & Field. She plans to major in Biomedical engineering. After pursuing her undergraduate degree, she plans to attend Dental School.


George Douglas Whitney is a senior at Riverside High School in Greer, SC and is the son of James and Tiffany Whitney. He has been a member of the Greenville Chapter of Jack and Jill for 11 years. George played the alto and tenor saxophone for the marching band and wind ensemble. He has served as a Harvest Hope Food Ambassador and a member of the AHEC Medical Mentor Cohort. George plans to major in History and PreMedicine with an emphasis in oncology. George aspires to bring equity to the table for all coupled with access to affordable, quality healthcare.


Clarence J. Bostic, a senior at Grafton High School in Yorktown, VA, is the son of Clarence and Wendy Bostic. Clarence has been a member of Jack and Jill for 13 years, completing four in the Hampton Chapter. He serves as Sr. Teen President, has two Presidential Commendations for community service, is Treasurer of the Key Club, chartered a chapter of the National Beta Club, and is a member of the National Honor Society. As a scholarathlete, Clarence played varsity lacrosse and regional qualifier in Track and Field. CJ plans to attend NCA&T or Hampton University, majoring in Computer Science.


Sekou Charles Frye, Jr., a senior honor student at Smithfield High School (Smithfield, VA), is the son of Mr. Sekou and Dr. Candice Nickens Frye. He has been a member of the Hampton Chapter of Jack and Jill for eight years, serving as Teen Treasurer. He is a member and Captain of the varsity basketball team and Go Green club. Sekou volunteered 250+ hours with: HR Youth Volunteer Corps, Peninsula Foodbank and IOW Christian Outreach. He is a member of College Links-DC Scholars and the Kappa Alpha Psi Guide Right Program. Sekou plans to pursue a degree in Architectural Engineering.


Rheis Granger, a senior at Jamestown High School in Williamsburg, Virginia, is the daughter of Earl and Tatia Granger. She has been a member of the Hampton (VA) Chapter since age 2. She has been a standout leader in school and in the community across academics, athletics, and community service. She is planning to attend a four-year university and major in kinesiology and health sciences with a goal of working as an athletic trainer for a professional sports team.


Julea is a senior at Tabb High School in Yorktown, VA and the daughter of Drs. Fred and Lea Thomas. During her 10 years in the Hampton Chapter, she has served as Teen Corresponding Secretary and Historian. At school, she participated in DECA, Club Earth, Student Ambassadors, African American history club, track, cheerleading and served as FBLA secretary and lead choreographer for school musicals. She was inducted in National BETA Club, National Honor Society, National English Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta. She plans to attend Spelman College, where she will major in English and minor in Interior Design.



Jada Turner is a senior at Jamestown High School in Williamsburg, Virginia and the daughter of William and Glenda Turner. She has been a member of the Hampton (VA) Chapter of Jack and Jill for 7 years. Jada is an honor student, cheerleader, community volunteer and serves on the advisory committee for the WilliamsburgJames City County School Board. Jada is planning to attend a four-year university and major in Chemistry with a goal to become a teacher.


Cameron is a senior at Prince George High School in Prince George, VA. She is the daughter of Mr. Frederick Boyd, Jr. and Dr. Nicole Roberts-Boyd. Cameron has been a member of the James River Virginia Chapter for twelve years. Through academic excellence, she completed the MYP IB program and is a member of National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society and Beta Club. Cameron is Vice President of her senior class, volunteers at the farmers market and has volunteered with the Richmond SPCA for four years. She plans to major in Civil Engineering and explore research in disaster recovery.


Kaden Bragg, daughter of David and Kim Bragg, graduated from The Madeira School. She has been a member of the James River Chapter for 12 years and serves as Regional Teen Legislative Chair. Kaden was the president of Black Student Union and ran Varsity Track and Field at Madeira. She interned with Representative Bonnie Coleman (N.J.) on Capitol Hill and J &J Mom, Dr. Daphne Bazile. Her community service includes volunteering at Garfield Elementary School supporting the children’s academic development and tutoring math to Sudanese children at St. Elizabeth’s church. Kaden plans to major in Health Science to become a Physician.


Chelsea, the daughter of Dr. Brian and Angela Brown, graduated from St. Catherine’s School in Richmond, Virginia. She was inducted into the Cum Laude Society for being in the top 10% of her class and served as Co-Head Student Ambassador, a Peer Advisor, and Student Council representative. Chelsea was also Team Captain on the Varsity track team. She has been a member of the James River Chapter for nine years and served as Chapter Teen President, Vice President, and Historian. She also was appointed as Logistics Chair and Page at prior Mid-Atlantic Teen Leadership Conferences. Chelsea will attend Duke University.


Brinkley Simone Davis is a senior at Maggie L. Walker Governor School in Richmond, Virginia and is the daughter of Monica and Damon Davis. She has been a member of the James River (VA) Chapter for 9 years. Brinkley currently serves as Teen Vice President and previously served as Teen Secretary and Chaplain. Brinkley is a member of the Consolidated Community Club, the National Honor, National German Honor and National Science Honor Societies. Brinkley has played Varsity Volleyball for 3 years, 2 of which she served as Captain. Brinkley will attend The University of Virginia where she plans to major in Environmental Science.


Elise is the daughter of Mrs. Tonya Scott-Hickman and the late Edward L. Hickman. Elise is a high-honor student at St. Gertrude High School (SGHS) in Richmond, VA. Elise is active at First Baptist Church of South Richmond in the Youth Choir, assisting in Children’s Church, and volunteering in the Café. Elise is active at SGHS in sports, playing basketball all 4 years, track team, & softball. She serves on the Year-book staff, Mock Judiciary Team and is a founding member of the Minority Student Union. Elise looks forward to attending an HBCU in the fall.




Kendall Scott is the son of Ms. Kelly Johnson and Mr. Dwayne Darrell Scott. Kendall is an honor student and focused musician at Thomas Jefferson High School where he is a trumpeter in the marching and concert band. Kendall is a member of the James River Chapter of Jack and Jill where he currently serves as Secretary. His scholastic memberships include Henrico PAL Youth Leadership Council, Young Achievers, Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence, Beta Gamma Lambda Leadership program, and the inaugural cohort of the Alpha Beta Boule’ Oliver W. Hill Scholars. Kendall will attend an HBCU.


Aniya Vincent is a senior at Matoaca High School in Chesterfield, Virginia. She is the daughter of Patrick and Vonzella Vincent. She has been a member of the James River Chapter for 13 years. Aniya serves as Senior Class President, SPIRIT Mentor, and Giving Heart volunteer. She is a member of the National Honor Society, SwimRVA Rapids, varsity swim, the track & field team, Mount Olivet Baptist Church Jubilee Center of the Performing Arts, and its youth choir. Aniya will receive her Associate Degree in May and seeks to explore sociology and human resources majors post-high school.


Mikal Sanaa Banks is a senior at The Steward School in Richmond, VA. She is the daughter of Khristie RichardsBanks and Michael Banks. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for four years, serving as Chapter Corresponding Secretary, Chapter Vice-President, and Regional Task Force Committee Member. She serves as the Yearbook Editor-in-Chief, Student Council President, Diversity Club President, Co-Founder and President of the HOSA - Future Health Professionals Chapter, Richmond Forum Scholar, and the National Honor and Spanish National Honor Societies. Mikal will attend The University of Pennsylvania to major in biochemistry (pre-med track).


Brandon Bonner is a senior in the Computer Information Technology program at Matoaca High School. He is the son of Delando and Treena Bonner. He has been a member of the Midlothian Chapter for 12 years. Brandon’s community service includes Eden’s Community Garden at Second Baptist Church. The garden serves fresh fruits and vegetables to low-income communities in Richmond, VA. He is a volleyball player and has a Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Security Fundamentals certification. Brandon plans to attend a four-year university where he will study electrical engineering.


Samantha Rae Bragg is a senior at Thomas Dale High School in Chester, VA. She is the daughter of Kevin and Jokita Bragg. Samantha has been a member of the Midlothian Chapter for six years. She has participated on the RVA swim team for eight years, and Thomas Dale swim team for three years. Samantha is Treasurer of the Key Club and is Vice-President of the Science club. She plans to attend college in the fall to major in Applied Mathematics and/or Mechanical Engineering.


McKenzie Claiborne is a senior at Matoaca High School in Chesterfield, VA. She is the daughter of Tyrone and Peggy Claiborne. She has been a member of the Midlothian chapter for 14 years. She has been an active member at First Baptist Church and served in the youth choir. McKenzie is a member of the National Honor Society and the National Society of High School Scholars. She plans to attend a four-year college to major in early childhood education.



Zora Johnson is a senior at Midlothian High School in Midlothian, VA. She is the daughter of Glenn and Sadeqa Johnson. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for ten years. Zora has served as President, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary. She’s volunteered with a business clothing drive for graduating Virginia Union University students and created emergency hygiene packets for the Atlantic Outreach Group. She is a co-founder of the Black Student Union and captain of the cheerleading squad. She plans to attend a four-year university and major in Sports Marketing and Communication to become a Sports Attorney.


Prestyn Pierce is a senior at the Meadowbrook Academy for Developing Entrepreneurs at Meadowbrook High School in Chesterfield, VA. She is the daughter of Shayla Maddox-Pierce and Jeffery Pierce. Prestyn has been a member of the Midlothian Chapter for four years. She is currently the Teen Community Service Chair. Prestyn is a member of the Beta and DECA clubs, the National Honor Society, and W.E.B. DuBois Honor Society. She plans to attend a four-year college to major in business administration and entrepreneurship. In the future, she plans to operate her own corporation.


Miles Walker, son of Marcus and Tia Walker, is a senior at Trinity Episcopal School (International Baccalaureate diploma). Miles began his Jack and Jill journey in May 2008 in the Memphis, TN chapter. Miles is the Teen Legislative Chair. In school, Miles is a Senior Class Officer of the Student Government Association, Recording Secretary of the Black Alliance Initiative, and a member of the tennis team and orchestra. He has received numerous academic honors including the College Board’s National African American Recognition Award. Miles plans to major in computer science and become an attorney within the gaming industry.


Noah Hassan Williams is the son of LaVera and the late Dexter Williams. He has been a member of the Midlothian Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 17 years. He is a senior at Interlochen Arts Academy in Interlochen, MI. After graduation, Noah plans to attend Berklee College of Music, the University of Miami, or the University of Southern California to study music. Noah released his debut single, ‘Magic’ in January 2023. His single is available on all streaming platforms under the alias ‘Midas Hassan.’


William Lafayette Doss, IV, “Bill”, is a senior at Western Branch High School in Chesapeake, Virginia and is the son of Dr. William L. Doss, III and Dr. Robin Corbett. He has been a member of the Norfolk Jack and Jill Chapter since 2008. Bill is a member of the National Honors Society and the Stem Club at his school. He enjoys playing the trumpet and video games. He is an active member of Grove Church in Portsmouth, Virginia. Bill will major in Mathematics at the school of his choice.


Xavier Corbett Doss is a senior at Western Branch High School in Chesapeake, Virginia and is the son of Dr. William L. Doss, III and Dr. Robin Corbett. He has been a member of the Norfolk Jack and Jill Chapter since 2008. Xavier is a member of the National Honors Society and the Art Club at his school. He enjoys playing the drums and video games. He is an active member of Grove Church in Portsmouth, Virginia. Xavier will major in Engineering at the school of his choice.




Ariel Joanne Marioneaux is a senior at Redemption Christian Academy in Troy, New York and is the daughter of Harold J. Marioneaux, Jr., D.D.S. and Stephanie Jones Marioneaux, M.D. She has been a member of the Norfolk Jack and Jill Chapter since she was in first grade. Ariel actively participates at her school and in the community by singing in the youth choir, participating in the STEM project, delivering food to the homeless and visiting residents at Nursing Homes. Ariel will be completing a post-graduate program at Redemption Christian Academy upon graduation.


Marcella R. Newby is a senior at Norfolk Collegiate School in Norfolk, Virginia and is the daughter of Dr. Keith and Peggy Newby. She is an active citizen in school and the community. She participates in Varsity Volleyball and Cheerleading Norfolk Collegiate. Marcella is active with the youth ministry at the Historic First Baptist Church and events funded and supported by the James E. Newby, Jr., MD Foundation. Marcella serves as Co-Chair of the Medical Health Care Club and volunteers at Fort Norfolk Plaza Medical Associates. Marcella will major in Psychology or Pre-Med at the school of her choice.


Mason Windley is the son of Darius and Geshla Windley and graduate of Nansemond River High School in Suffolk, Virginia. Mason has been a member of the Norfolk Chapter for twelve years, serving as Teen Chaplain and Foundation Chair. At Nansemond River, Mason was the Senior Class Treasurer and member of the National Beta Club and National Honor Society. He performed in the jazz and concert bands and was Drum Major of the marching band. Mason also shared his musical gifts in the Grove Church praise team band. Mason intends to earn degrees in music composition and film scoring.


Creighton Reece McMillian Williams is a senior honors student at South Carolina Virtual Charter School in Columbia, SC. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Teetandeeahnahsee Williams. He has been an active member of the Orangeburg Chapter for 5 years and currently serves as Teen Chapter President. His community involvement includes When We All Vote, Voter Registration, Toy Drives, Food Drives, Operation Christmas Child, March of Dimes, and Connie Maxwell Home. Creighton plans to attend Charleston Southern University and major in Cybersecurity and minor in Graphic Design. He aspires to become a Chief Security Officer.


Bryson Isaiah Banks is a senior at Hayfield Secondary School in Alexandria, VA and is the son of Johnathan and Summer Banks. He has been a member of the Portsmouth Chapter for nine years. Bryson has served as Teen Treasurer and is a Project GiveBack volunteer. Bryson will attend Winston Salem State University where he will major in Sports Management.


Charles Anthony Wall-Davis is a senior at Nansemond River High School in Suffolk, VA and is the son of Ronda and Charles Davis. He has been member of the Portsmouth Chapter for twelve years. Charles Anthony is the captain of the varsity track and field team, plays the saxaphone in the concert band, in is the Project Lead the Way engineering program, and is a member of the National Honor Society and Beta Club. He enjoys traveling with his family, playing video games, anime and reading graphic novels. He plans to attend Cornell University where he will major in Engineering.



Shawnajah Nykia Gray is a senior at Western Branch High School in Chesapeake, Virginia and is the daughter of Mr. Alphonso Gray and Dr. Latanya Gray. She has been a member of the Portsmouth, VA chapter for 16 years. She currently serves as the Teen Recording Secretary and has enjoyed her participation in the organization over these many years. She enjoys music, dance, and social media. She plans to pursue a career in Customer Service.


Christina Michel Wright is a senior at StoneBridge School in Chesapeake, VA and is the daughter of Kenneth and Thomasina Wright. She has been a member of the Portsmouth Chapter for 16 years. Christina has held several teen officers positions including Teen President, Vice President, and Foundation Chair. She was selected as Teen Achiever in 2021. She was very involved in her community with over 250 volunteer hours during her high school years. Christina was President of the Key Club, Treasurer of the National Honor Society, played Varsity Basketball, and was Drama stage manager. She will attend North Carolina State University for Mechanical Engineering.


Danielle is a senior at StoneBridge School in Chesapeake, VA and is the daughter of Kenneth and Thomasina Wright. She has been a member of the Portsmouth Chapter for 16 years. She has held several teen officers positions including Vice President and Chaplain. She was very involved in her community with over 200 volunteer hours during her high school years. She was an active member of the Key Club, manager of the Varsity Girls Volleyball and Basketball teams, student alethic director, and performed in six school drama performances. She will attend James Madison University for Early Childhood Education to become an Elementary School Teacher.


Kamryn Marie Burton, daughter of Bowman Kenneth Burton, Jr. and Aneta Robinson Burton, has been a member of the Queen City Chapter since 2010 and served as Teen President, Community Service Chair and Bylaws Chair. Kamryn attended Northwest School of the Arts as a Musical Theatre major. She was Senior Class President, Spanish National Honor Society President and member of the National, Thespian, Science, Math and History Honor Societies. She earned the Girl Scouts Gold Award, worked as a choreographer, and founded Girls Lead 2, Inc., a girls empowerment organization. Following college, Kamryn plans to attend medical school.


Michelle Faleese Cartwright attends Salisbury High School in Salisbury, NC and is the daughter of attorneys Ginger and Corey Cartwright. She has been a member of Queen City for 12 years where she has been Teen Parliamentarian and Teen Conference Committee Co-Chair. Michelle is in National Honor Society, Secretary of Salisbury Youth Council, Crosby Scholar, member of the Women Empowerment Club, Captain of the Salisbury High dance team and a varsity cheerleader. She will attend NC A&T State University where she will major in Prelaw with future plans of becoming a lawyer in the field of civil law.


Taylor Makyia David is a senior at West Cabarrus High School in Concord, NC and the daughter of Dr. LaSheta and Terendius David. She has been a member of Queen City for 13 years. Taylor serves as the current Regional Teen Foundation Chair, past Regional Teen Parliamentarian, Chapter Vice President, President of the Student Body & Black Student Union, HOSA Treasurer, Girl Scout Gold Award recipient, Founder of Melaninated Queens, member of Cross Country and Track & Field Teams. On her quest to become a Pediatric Dentist, Taylor plans to major in Public Health and/or Food & Nutritional Sciences.




Justin Evans is a senior at Lake Norman Charter School in Huntersville, North Carolina and is the son of Dr. Adrienne and Rodney Evans. He has been a member of the Queen City Chapter for 13 years. Justin is captain of the Varsity Cheerleading team, Co-President of the Black Student Union and Vice President of Interact Club. Justin enjoys volunteering at his school’s elementary campus, where he tutors students in various subjects, and at a local charity sorting clothes for the less fortunate. He will attend a four-year university where he plans to major in Advertising and Mass Media.


Re’Niya Lynn Galloway is a senior at West Cabarrus High School in Concord North Carolina and is the daughter of Rick and Sonya Galloway. She has been a member of Queen City for 9 years. Teen involvement in the community include: Book bag giveaway, elementary library, food bags and toiletry items for the transitional community. She has decided to attend North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University where she will major in Elementary Education and upon graduation she will further her education by attending graduate school.


Leonard Mikal Hilliard is a senior at Hopewell High School in Huntersville, NC and is the son of Michele Y. Griffith and Leonard Hilliard. He has been a member of the Queen City Chapter for 13 years. He is team captain of Hopewell High School Men’s Varsity Basketball Team, Historian of the Student Government Association, official school photographer and owner of “Leo Shot That” Photography. He is undecided about his major and college.


Jayla is a Senior at Lake Norman Charter in Huntersville, NC, and is the daughter of Jacob and Maliek Holcomb. She has been a member of Queen City for eight years. Jayla has a heart of service that has led her to serve as a Volleyball Camp Counselor/mentor. Jayla also helped coordinate an independent volunteer project, Buy a Shirt – Be a Blessing. She created, promoted, and sold custom t-shirts via social media during the covid lockdown. 40% of the proceeds were donated to various homeless shelters. Jayla plans to major in Psychology on the pre-med track to become a psychiatrist.


Myles Lee is a senior at Hickory Grove Christian School in Charlotte, NC and is the son of Larry and Attorney Tamila Lee. He has been an active charter member of the Queen City Chapter for 12 years and currently serves as the Teen Foundation Chair. Myles is on the high school soccer team, is an avid snow boarder and enjoys videography. He plans to attend college and pursue a career in Engineering.


Joseph Earl Levy, III is a Scholar Athlete at Cannon School in Concord NC. Son of Legacy/Charter Member, Veleria Levy and Grandson of Earl & Legacy/Member Joanne Levy, he’s been a member of Queen City for 13 years (chartered in 2010). He’s held several offices including the current by-laws committee chair. Joseph Earl volunteers in his community and school and is a stellar athlete in football/track receiving state and national recognition. He intends to continue his track aspirations at the collegiate level while majoring in Public Policy with the intent of becoming a Civil Rights attorney and ultimately a Judge.



Avery is a senior that is dual enrolled at Lake Norman Charter in Huntersville, NC and North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in Durham, NC. He is the son of Anthony and Pamela Love. He has been a member of the Queen City Chapter for 13 years. He is Treasurer of Pre-Med Club, a Member of National Honor Society, Math Honor Society, International Thespian Society, Science National Honor Society, Math Competition Team, Science Olympiad Team, and an Eagle Scout. Avery plans to attend college and major in Biochemistry or Chemistry on a pre-dental track to become a pediatric dentist.


Madisyn attends Hickory Ridge High School in Harrisburg, NC and is the daughter of LaChelle and Thomas Mullins, Jr. She has been a member of the Queen City Chapter for 13 years. Madisyn was a 2022 participant in the Jill’s Take Spelman Summer Leadership Program, has participated on and off the stage in her school’s theater program for 7 years, she is secretary of the Drama Club and was awarded Best in Stage Managing at the 2022 North Carolina Theater Competition (NCTC). Madisyn plans to attend college and major in Psychology to become a Forensic or Child Psychologist.


An aspiring CEO, Clarke Pauling attends Charlotte’s Philip O. Berry High and is the beloved baby girl of Carlos and Corie Pauling. As a chartering family of QueenCity, Clarke has been in Jack&Jill since age four. Clarke’s achievements span from Jack&Jill to school, sports, church and dance: National Honor Society, National Technical/Math Honor Societie, National Society of Black Engineers, All-A Honor Roll, Spirit-of-BB Award, Adobe Certifications, WFU LAUNCH Program, President, Brown Girls Big Things, Manager, Varsity Basketball, Competitive Dance (ten years), Harvard Pre-Law Program, School Ambassador, Church Youth Leader.


Riley Selden is a senior at Cannon School and is the daughter of Kymberly and John Selden. She has been a member of the Queen City Chapter for 12 years and currently serves as the Teen Recording Secretary. Riley is a member of multiple National Honors Societies, has organized voter registration drives, tutors underclassmen, and enjoys giving back to her community. A high-achieving student, Riley has earned annual recognition from her teachers as an Honors-In-Course Student and has received national recognition in the Nation French Contest. Riley plans to major in Biology in hopes of becoming a sports medicine physician.


Koleman Ivory Walker is a senior at Oak Hill Academy in Mouth of Wilson, VA and is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Barry & Kym Walker. He has been a member of the Queen City Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years. He has held various leadership roles at the YMCA, Leaders of Tommorow, National Black Engineers Jr, and Oak Hill Academy. He decided to attend Randolph College in Virginia where he will major in Creative writing and story telling.


Mason is a senior at Mallard Creek High School and is the son of Rodney and Veronica Wallace. Mason has been a member of the Queen City Chapter of Jack and Jill for seven years. He is an active member of DECA, National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society and Vice president of Speech and Debate. Mason is an Eagle Scout. Mason will attend Morehouse College where he will study Computer Science.




Chelsea Janee Coleman is a senior at Saint Mary’s School in Raleigh, NC and is the daughter of Clarence and Janine Coleman. She has been a member of the Raleigh Wake Chapter for 16 years. Chelsea serves as a Marshal and is a member of the Beacon Society. She is a member of the National Honor Society and the National French Honor Society. Chelsea plays basketball, volleyball, and softball. She started a basketball camp for youth with physical and developmental disabilities called Hoops for Heart, which she plans to establish as a nonprofit organization. She will major in Pre-Medicine and plans to become a pediatrician.


Chloe Janine Coleman is a senior at Saint Mary’s School in Raleigh, NC and is the daughter of Clarence and Janine Coleman. She has been a member of the Raleigh Wake Chapter for 16 years. Chloe is the President of the Beacon Society, and a member of the National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, National Dance Honor Society and Quill and Scroll Honor Society. Chloe is also a cheerleader, runs cross country and is a member of the Orchesis Dance Team. Chloe is undecided where she will attend college and she will major in Pre-Law and plans to become an attorney


Christian Coleman is a senior at Panther Creek High School in Cary, NC and is the son of Michael and Angela Coleman. Christian has been a member of the Raleigh-Wake Chapter since 2018. He has served as secretary for the chapter’s teen executive board, worked as a page in the Governer’s Page Program, has played 4 years with the NCFC Soccer Program, and has starred in theatrical productions at Panther Creek High School. One of Christian’ s major accomplishments is being part of the Panther Creek National Honor Society. He has not made a final decision on a college yet, but plans to attend an HBCU to study graphic design or computer science.


Angel Simone Gayles is a senior at Apex High School in Apex, NC, and is the daughter of Anthony and Joy Gayles. She has been a member of the Raleigh-Wake chapter for 11 years. Angel is the legislative chair for the teen chapter. She competed in all-star cheer for three years on the Worlds team at Inspire Athletics. Angel is a varsity cheerleader and was a 2022-23 Modern Woodmen of America Athlete of the Week award recipient. She will attend Hampton University or NC State University as a pre-dental major and plans to attend dental school post-baccalaureate.


Max is a senior at Green Hope Hgh School, Cary, NC. He is the grandson of Beverly and Howard Morgan. He has been a member of the Raleigh Wake Chapter of Jack and Jill for 14 years. He has volunteered in the community at the NC Food Bank and Project HOPE. He has attended STEM camps at UNC and NC State. Max plans to attend college to pursue a degree in Film and Video Production.


Tyler is a senior at Ravenscroft School in Raleigh, North Carolina and is a son of Peter and Tamika Henderson. He has been a member of Jack and Jill since he was three-years-old. He is a three-time Varsity letterman in Cross-Country and Track, a member of the National Honor Society and named by the College Board a National African American Recognition Program Scholar. Tyler has not decided which University to attend but he plans to major in Computer Science.



Aria Johnson is a senior at Knightdale High School of Collaborative Design in Knightdale, NC, and the daughter of Dr. Idella Johnson & Mr. Raymond Johnson. She has been a member of the Raleigh-Wake Chapter of Jack and Jill for 16 years, and served as Teen Treasurer. Aria has participated in numerous community service projects: Teen Leadership Corp, Dance Team Instructor, and volunteer and tutor at Lockhart Elementary and Forestville Elementary School. Other activities include: the National Honor Society, KHSCD Link Crew Leader, KHSCD Student Ambassadors, and KHSCD Varsity Tennis. Aria plans to attend a 4-year University majoring in Biology.


Jalen Lewis is a senior at Apex Friendship High School in Apex, North Carolina and is the son of Courtney and Angel Lewis. He has been a member of the Raleigh-Wake Chapter for 9yrs. Jalen has been involved in the Academy of Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing for two years; volunteered routinely at the Raleigh Food Bank, and Student Ambassador for the 2022 school year. He has not made a decision on which college he will attend. He is considering East Carolina University, and will major in Computer Engineering.


Chloe Virginia Francis Pigues is a senior at Saint Mary’s School in Raleigh, North Carolina. She is the daughter of Monica and Keith Pigues. Chloe has been a member of the Raleigh-Wake Chapter for 11 years. Chloe has created headbands for pediatric cancer patients, served at the NC Food Bank, and helped create unique donor engagement options at the NC State School of Textiles. She has also served as Teen Chaplain and Teen Historian. Chloe has been accepted to Hampton University and plans to study biology with plans to become a radiologist.


Chase Spann is a senior at Wake Forest High School in Wake Forest, North Carolina, and is the son of Corey Spann and Dr. Stephanie Spann. He is the current teen Vice-President of the Raleigh-Wake Chapter and has been a member for three years prior to transferring from the Tuskegee Chapter. Chase is currently the president of Omega Sparks, played Varsity Football, Varsity Basketball, Band, Junior ROTC, Student Athletic trainer & National Achievers Society. Chase has decided to attend either Hampton University or Morehouse College, where he will major in Biology and Kinesiology.


Zoee Maya Stewart, daughter of Elee and Erika Stewart, is a senior at Athens Drive Magnet H.S. in Raleigh. She’s a member of Raleigh Wake J&J for 10 years. Service includes: President of Best Buddies organizing Special Olympics and prom; Historian of HOSA participating in outreach like Bears to Care to benefit hospitalized children and creating cards for seniors; Member of National Honors, National Art Honors and Science National Honors Societies, leading community beautification projects and organizing food and clothing drives; Foundation Chair for J&J. Zoee will attend a 4-year university majoring in Biology. She aspires to be a Surgeon.


Jalen White is a senior at Green Level High School in Cary, NC and is the son of Eric and Marion White. He has been a member of the Raleigh-Wake chapter for 10 years, where he participated in various activities and community service projects. At school, he played defensive tackle and special teams positions for the football team. He won the 2022 Elite 11 Varsity Football Award for outstanding performance. He was recognized by the Academic All-Conference. He competed in track & field - Shot put, discus, sprints, and relay. Jalen will attend Western Carolina University and major in engineering technology.




Anne Joyce “AJ” Woodyard is the daughter of Terrance and Pamela Woodyard. She is graduating from Wakefield High School in Raleigh, North Carolina where she is a member of the National Achievers Honors Society and the Black Students Union. Anne works full time as a manager at Chick-Fil-A, is an active member of Davie Street Presbyterian Church, and regularly volunteers with Habitat for Humanity. She plans to attend Hampton University to study Architecture. Anne has been a member of Raleigh Wake Jack and Jill for sixteen years. She has served as Raleigh-Wake Teen Group Treasurer, Vice President, and President.


Kennedy Anderson is a senior at Glen Allen High School in Richmond, Virginia and is the daughter of Christopher and Linda Anderson. She has been a member of the Richmond Chapter for 16 years. Kennedy is a member of the National Honor Society, the National Art Honor Society, the National Technical Honor Society, and a member of the Henrico County Superintendent Student Advisory Board Committee. Kennedy will be attending either Spelman College or Howard University and plans to double major in Art and Psychology.


Leland is a senior at Trinity Episcopal School in Richmond, Virginia, and is the son of Cynthia and Hank Coleman Jr. He has been a member of the Richmond Chapter for twelve years. Leland is Student Body President, captain of the varsity basketball team, and a founding member and committee chair of Trinity’s Black Alliance Initiative. Leland holds basketball offers from West Point, Austin Peay, Radford and Robert Morris with continuing interest from other schools. He has also been accepted to LSU and will make his decision soon. He plans to major in Mechanical Engineering.


Kyla Johnson is a senior at The Steward School in Richmond, Virginia and is the daughter of Ron and Tawanda Johnson. She has been a member of the Remarkable Richmond Chapter for three years. Kyla has excelled both academically and athletically. She is a standout volleyball player and enjoys volunteering to support at risk youth. Kyla plans to major in nursing and become a Nurse Practitioner.


Jackson Prescott is a senior at Glen Allen High School in Glen Allen, Virginia and is the son of Warren and Wendy Prescott. He has been a member of the Richmond Chapter for 15 years. He has served on the Executive Board of the Senior Teen Group as Corresponding Secretary. Jackson is a member of the National Honor Society, the Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society, Young Achievers, NVA-STEM (NSBE), the BGL LeadershipCitizenship Institute and the Glen Allen Varsity Football and Basketball teams. Jackson plans to major in Biology/ Pre-Med in college.


Clinton Tucker is a Senior at Cosby High School in Chesterfield County, Virginia and is the son of Tracy and Garry Tucker. Clinton has been a member of the Richmond Chapter for 7 years. He has served as Corresponding Secretary and is currently the Senior Teen President. He enjoys volunteering for Sportsbackers and Feed More in Richmond, VA. He is a member of the National Honors Society, National Society of High School Scholars, Young Achievers and The Beta Gamma Lambda Leadership-Citizenship Institute. Clinton plans to attend college and study Pre-Med.



Madisyn is a senior at Open High School in Richmond, Virginia and is the daughter of Brandy and Vernon Paige. Madisyn has been a member of the Richmond Chapter for 3 years and is the Teen Foundation Chair. She is a member of the Girls Varsity Volleyball Team, the Co-Founder and President of the Black Student Union, an active participant of the National Society of Black Engineers Jr., NVA-STEM Chapter, and a member of the Youth Ministry at the historic Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church. Madisyn is attending Spelman College majoring in Biochemistry with the goal of becoming a surgeon.


John-Miller A. Penn is a senior at Patrick Henry High School in Roanoke, Virginia and is the son of Courtney and Angela Penn. He has been a member of the Roanoke Valley Chapter for 15 years. At Patrick Henry John-Miller serves as a member of the Varsity Football Team, Track and Field Team and is a founding member of Students for Racial Unity. He served as a member of the Mayor’s Youth Council, the Renaissance Academcy and is a member of the Roanoke Branch NAACP Youth Council. John-Miller looks forward to continuing his education while being a collegiate athlete.


Kennady Wade is a dynamic leader, driven student athlete, and multi-talented performer. Kennady is Senior-Class President at Patrick Henry High School and member of the National Honor Society, Students for Racial Unity, and the Roanoke City Youth Services Board. With a 3.8 GPA, she played Varsity Lacrosse for 3 years and was Varsity Cheer Team Captain. Since age 8, she performed at the Virginia Children’s Theater and Mill Mountain Theater. She sings in the Church Youth Choir and is a former member of Roanoke Valley Children’s Choir. She volunteers with the Harrison Museum of African American Culture and United Way of Roanoke Valley.


A’ron Wilson is a senior at William Fleming High School and has been enrolled in honors, AP, and dual-enrollment classes. He has been in Roanoke Valley Chapter for six years and served as a member/officer in the Roanoke Branch of NAACP Youth Council for 13 years. He was an active member of Roanoke Valley Cathedral of Praise Church of God. He plays baseball and provides hours of volunteer service including distributing COVID-19 information. A’ron will graduate with an advanced diploma and attend an HBCU to become a guidance counselor. His parents are Marvin Wilson Sr. and Lorena Taylor-Rollins Wilson.


Tami Alli, a senior at Providence Day School in Charlotte, NC, is the daughter of Dr. Seun and Foluke Alli. Tami has been a member of the South Charlotte Jack and Jill chapter for three years. She is involved in the Leaders Readers Network, founded The Tsundoku Project, and volunteered at Novant Health and the Red Cross throughout high school. She has achieved excellence in and out of the classroom (National Honor Society, College Board African Recognition award, United States Presidential Service award, and Varsity Tennis Captain.) She will attend a 4-year college in the fall, majoring in Global Health.


Samaya Cullum is a senior at Levine Middle College in Charlotte, NC, and is the child of Dr. Princess and Mr. B. Lemar Cullum. They have been a South Charlotte Jack and Jill Chapter member for five years. They have decided to attend Goucher College in Baltimore, MD, and major in International Relations.




Zahra G. Douglas is a senior at Marvin Ridge High School in Waxhaw, NC, and is the daughter of Marques and Sparkle Douglas. She has been a South Charlotte Jack and Jill Chapter member for five years. Zahra is a member of the National Honor Society and the Career Research Club at her school, and she’s the captain of the women’s varsity basketball team. Zahra is also an active member of Word Fellowship Church and volunteers in various ministries. She will study veterinary medicine and aspires to become a veterinarian.


Jalen is a senior at Myers Park High School in Charlotte, NC, and is the son of Mr. Brian Franklin and Dr. Rogina Scott-Franklin. Jalen has been a member of the South Charlotte chapter for 11 years, where he has served as Teen President, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. He has also served as a North Carolina Youth Health Advisor. Jalen has volunteered at Atrium Health-CMC, Freedom Schools Partners, Crisis Assistance Ministries, and Second Harvest Food Bank. He is a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and the National Science Honor Society. He will attend a four-year university, majoring in biology.


Tori Nöelle, a Senior at Cato Middle College High School in Charlotte, NC, is the daughter of Steve & Sharon Jarrett. Her 15-year Jack & Jill journey began with the Prince Georges County, MD chapter. Tori is a member of the National Honor Society, Young Black Leadership Alliance, Eunoia - Girls Empowerment, and the Softball team. She also received her Jr. Toastmasters’ Outstanding Speaker designation and volunteers consistently, including an annual mission trip with Samaritan’s Feet International. Tori plans to pursue a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Marketing and become a successful global entrepreneur.


Davis Johnson is a senior at Charlotte Country Day School in Charlotte, NC, and is the son of Lance and Landra Johnson. He has been a South Charlotte Jack and Jill Chapter member for 15 years. Davis is a Varsity Track Runner, Club Soccer Player, and Honor Roll Student. He will enroll in college in the Fall of 2023 and intends to major in Business with a concentration in Marketing.


Nathan Morgan Qodesh Johnson is a senior at Catawba Ridge High School in Fort Mill, SC, where he served as a member of the Beta Club, Yearbook Club, and Cross Country/Track team. He’s the second son of Dr. Brian and Shemeka Johnson and has been a member of Jack and Jill (Tuskegee, AL and now South Charlotte, NC chapters) for six years, where he served as Parliamentarian. He will attend a 4-year university in the fall, majoring in Sociology or Psychology, and pursue a career in Law.


Joy is a Senior at Marvin Ridge High School in Waxhaw, NC, and the daughter of Troy and Jennifer Keen. She has been a member of the South Charlotte Chapter for 12 years and served as Foundation Chair, Social Chair, and on the MAR Teen Technology Committee. Joy is an Honor Student, Varsity Cheerleader, Senior Advisor in the African American History Club, and on the Student Leadership Committee. Joy is active in the community as a member of Girl Scouts of America and volunteered with UNCF and Loaves & Fishes. She will attend a 4-year university and major in Sociology.



Carmen Kimpson is a senior at Ardrey Kell in Charlotte, NC, and is the daughter of Maxwell and Letetia Kimpson. She has been a South Charlotte Jack and Jill Chapter member for two years and was a member of the Potomac Valley chapter for ten years before moving. She has done several community service events with SoleHope, March of Dimes, and NCCF and was active in cross country and track. She will be attending college in the Fall, where she will major in Animal Sciences/Biology. After college, she plans to attend veterinary school to open her own practice after graduation.


Maxwell Kimpson is a senior at Ardrey Kell in Charlotte, NC, and is the son of Maxwell and Letetia Kimpson. He has been a South Charlotte Jack and Jill Chapter member for two years and was a member of the Potomac Valley Chapter for ten years before moving. He has been involved in community service events with SoleHope, March of Dimes, and NCCF along with playing football and participating in field events. He will be attending college in the Fall, majoring in Marketing. After college, he plans to work in sales and start his own business.


Sidney Walter Levy, III (“Tre”) is a senior at Trinity Christian Preparatory School in Charlotte, North Carolina, and is the son of Sid and Nichelle Levy. Tre has been a South Charlotte Jack and Jill Chapter Member for 13 years. Tre also developed his leadership skills at the National Youth Leadership Forum for Advanced Medicine and Healthcare, the National Global Young Leaders Conference, and as a Duke Tip Scholar. Tre developed an interest in veterinary science while working as an attendant at Matthews Animal Clinic throughout his senior year. He plans to explore that interest in college.


Donald “Donnie” Moore III is a senior attending East Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, NC, and is the son of Donald and LaSonya Moore. Donnie has been a member of the South Charlotte chapter for 11 years. He earned his Eagle Scout ranking with Troop 63, where he has been a member for 11 years. He is a National Technical Honor Society member and ran four years on his schools’ varsity track teams and Purpose Driven Elite Track Club, earning: 800m Conference Champion and 1500m AAU Club National Champion. He will attend a 4-year university and major in Computer Science.


Sion is the daughter of Ella Rice-Moultrie and Norman Moultrie. Sion is a Senior at South Mecklenburg High School and has been a member of the National Honors Society, National Chinese Honor Society, National Science Honor Society, and Mu Alpha Theta. She also enjoys playing the harp. Next year, she plans on majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders at Western Carolina University.


Kofi Okrah is a senior at Myers Park High School in Charlotte, NC, where he is an IB and AP/Honors student. He is the son of NanaKwasi Okrah and LaMonica Okrah. He has been a South Charlotte Jack and Jill Chapter member for 12 years. Kofi enjoys sports, especially basketball and weightlifting. He has grown through volunteer work, BLC leadership conferences, and as a founding cohort member of Kaiya, a national teen mental health advocacy program, to name a few. Once he makes his final college decision, he plans to major in entrepreneurship and marketing.




Mikayla is a senior honor student at Marvin Ridge High in Marvin, North Carolina, and is the daughter of Mr. Justin Harold Smith and Mrs. Katrina Gaddy Smith. She has been a member of the South Charlotte chapter for the last four years. She will attend an HBCU in the Fall of 2023, where she will major in Nursing. Her extracurricular activities include theater, costume and makeup design. In Mikayla’s free time, she enjoys drawing, reading, and watching movies.


Bryce Johnathan Taylor is a senior at Providence High School in Charlotte, NC, and is the son of Robert Taylor and Tanya Robinson-Taylor. Bryce has been a member of the South Charlotte Chapter for four years. While at Providence High School, Bryce has earned academic and athletic achievements such as being on the Honor Roll, National Honor Society, Men’s Varsity Basketball All-Conference Player, and captain of his varsity basketball team. He has held many volunteer leadership positions within the Charlotte community. Bryce is finalizing his college choice and will major in Biological Sciences.


Lance Toppin is a senior at Charlotte Country Day School in Charlotte, NC, and is the son of Linwood and Lisa Toppin. He has been a South Charlotte Jack and Jill Chapter member for six years. Lance led a team that raised more than $50,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and currently serves as President of his class. Lance has decided to major in Musical Theater and hopes to find the right school to study and train. He hopes you will see him starring on Broadway in the future.


Ryan James Tyler is a senior at Providence High School in Charlotte, NC. He is the son of Tyrone and Tabitha Tyler. He has been a South Charlotte Jack and Jill Chapter member for 11 years. Ryan is a member of the National Honor Society and volunteers his time with Roof Above, helping with food insecurity issues within the community and Habitat for Humanity. He has been awarded The President’s Volunteer Service Award. Ryan plans to attend Virginia Tech or the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and major in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Biochemistry.


Alexander Khmani Wertz is the son of Whitni and Langston Wertz. Khamani has been a member of the South Charlotte chapter for ten years and served as the Teen Legislative Chair. As an active community member, Khamani is a varsity team captain on his basketball team. In addition, he has volunteered with organizations such as Muggsy Bogues’ Always Believe, Salvation Army, and more. He will attend a four-year university in the Fall of 2023, majoring in Business Finance.


Westin Hunter Workman is a senior at East Mecklenburg High School in Charlotte, NC, and is the son of Westley and Charisse Workman. Westin has been a part of the South Charlotte Chapter as a charter member since 2010. Westin is an excellent student and is a nationally recognized race car driver. Upon deciding on his college choice, Westin plans to major in mechanical engineering (automotive), and he aspires to further his race car driving career.



Janelle Elise Brown is a senior at Boiling Springs High School in Boiling Springs, SC and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Brown. She has been a member of the Spectacular Spartanburg SC Chapter for 14 years. Janelle enjoys helping in the community and was recognized in 2022 as Top Ten Community Service Earners in the Mid-Atlantic. She has served as Foundation Chair and Teen Vice President. Janelle will attend Hampton University in the Fall and major in Psychology. Her post-graduate studies will include Law school.


Ayasani Collins is a senior at Boiling Springs High School in Boiling Springs, SC and is the daughter of Cobay and Lavetta Collins. She has been a member of the Spartanburg Chapter of Jack and Jill for 2 years. She is a Varsity Cheerleader, Beta Club Member, Member of the National Honor Society, and a Member of the Fosters’ Grove Baptist Church. She has decided to attend Claflin University where she will major in Psychology in hopes to pursue a career as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.


Jeremiah Greene is a senior at Gaffney High School in Gaffney, SC and is the son of Drs. Jermaine and Syreeta Greene. He has been a member of the Spartanburg Chapter of Jack and Jill for 3 years. Jeremiah is a tutor, a coding coach at ATWA, a panel leader for South Carolina for STEM and CS, the Ambassador for Be Pro Be Proud CTE Tour and STEM Education, GHS Varsity Football player, USC PMECS participant, and Media Technology worker for Pine Grove Baptist Church. He plans to attend USC Columbia or SC State University majoring in Computer Science Engineering.


Samiah Carlin-Noel Lewis is a senior at Spartanburg High School in Spartanburg, South Carolina and is the daughter of Terrica Stripling-Lewis and the late Kendrian Lewis. She has been a member of the Spectacular Spartanburg Chapter for 4 years. She has created over 5,000 menstrual care bags for the Homeless Period Project, volunteers as a mental health supporter of 7Cups, and she is a member of the Girl Scouts and the Black History Club at her high school. Samiah has decided to attend Spelman College where she will major in Psychology and become a counseling therapist.


CJ Proctor is a senior at Byrnes High School in Duncan, SC and is the son of Chrissundra and Tyrone Smith and George and Courtney Pope. He has been a member of the Spartanburg Chapter of Jack and Jill Chapter for 6 years.He is an honor student and three time Byrnes High School Football Letterman. He has decided to attend South Carolina State University where he will major in Education and play football.


Derrick “DJ” Barksdale is a Business Management mid-term enrollee at James Madison University on a full football scholarship. DJ is from Rock Hill, SC. His parents are Dr. Derrick and Wakita Barksdale. He has been a member of the Upper Palmetto Chapter since its chartering. Community service includes being an Adopt the Highway volunteer, a church youth leader, and a Next Level Basketball Mentor. DJ attended York Preparatory Academy and was awarded a 1000 Point Ball his junior season and graduated from South Pointe High School. DJ is a Shrine Bowl participant and his Region’s Defensive Player of the Year.




Montrio (Trio) Belton, Jr. is a senior at Catawba Ridge High School in Fort Mill, South Carolina, and is the son of Montrio and Tonya Belton. He has been a member of the Upper Palmetto Chapter since its chartering, serving as Teen Vice President. Trio is the Senior Class President and a basketball team member at Catawba Ridge High School. He is a board member of the Fort Mill History Museum and Palmetto Boys State junior counselor. Trio will attend a four-year university and major in Communications with an emphasis on broadcast journalism.


Lauren Marie Young is a senior at Victory Christian Center High School in Charlotte, NC, and is the daughter of Drs. Robert and Lorette (Polite) Young. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc for 6 years. She serves her community as member of Silver Mount Baptist Church’s Food Ministry, Second Harvest Food Bank, Crisis Ministry, Samaritan’s Purse, Fort Mill YMCA and the Optimist Club. She is Captain of her Volleyball team. She has decided to attend an HBCU where she will major in Chemistry.


Reynolds is a senior at Nation Ford High School in Fort Mill, SC, where he resides with his parents, Mandrile and Jocelyn Young. Reynolds is a 4 year member of the Varsity Swim team, a tutor through the Historic Paradise Foundation, member of the National Honor Society, Beta Club, and HOSA. He is also a Fort Mill Film Club member and the Nation Ford Performing Arts Company. Reynolds serves as Teen Auxiliary President for the Upper Palmetto Chapter and Board Member for National Kappa League. He is deciding on a university and will major in Biochemistry or Biochemical Engineering.


Mykhari Atkins is a senior at West Forsyth High School in Clemmons, North Carolina and is the son of Jerry and Adrienne Numaworse. He has been a member of the Eastern Fairfield County and Winston-Salem Jack and Jill Chapter’s for 2 years. Mykhari has volunteered as an Enviornmental Ambassador for the Mayor’s Conservation Corp for the last three years. During this period he helped to build community gardens in urban food deserts to offset the limited access to affordable and nutrious food. This work greatly influenced his future plans. He will attend Norfolk State University to study finance to one day finance projects that eliminate such disparities.


Jianni Davis, the daughter of Kimberly Davis and Jerry Gilmore, is a Senior at East Forsyth High School in Kernersville, NC. She has been a member of the Winston-Salem, NC Jack and Jill Chapter since 2012 where she has served as Teen Fundraising Chair, Secretary and Vice-President. She is a member of National Honor Society, Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society and English Honor Society. Jianni also serves as Vice-President of the Interact Club and is Captain of the East Forsyth High School Dance Team. Her future plans include majoring in business and becoming an attorney.


Caleb Ellison is a senior at Ronald Wilson Reagan High School in Pfafftown, NC and is the son of Eric Ellison and Andrea Horton. Caleb has been a member of the Winston Salem Chapter for four years serving as parliamentarian for the last two. Caleb is a member of the National Honor Society, chess club, and serves as the point guard for the varsity basketball team. Caleb has received offers to play basketball at the collegiate level but has not decided where he will attend college. Caleb plans to major in Economics or Finance then attend law school.



Lashley Marie French, a senior at Parkland IB Magnet School, has been a member of the Winston-Salem chapter for 6 years. She’s the current Sr. Teen chapter president. Lashley is a member of National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, and Crosby Scholars. She served as a Junior Marshall at last year’s graduation and is Treasurer of the Parkland Chapter of Black Achievers. She is captain of the Parkland High School Tennis Team, and participates in Delta GEMS, Spanish Club, and Mandela Club at Parkland. Lashley intends to study International Business. She is the daughter of Nate and Camille French.


Matthew Joines is a senior at East Forsyth High School in Kernersville, NC. Matthew is the son of Chris Joines and Jennifer Joines, Chapter President. Matthew has been a member of the Winston-Salem Chapter for 8 years. Matthew is a member of the National Honor Society, Varsity Football Team and Varsity Basketball team. He will attend West Point Academy in the fall, majoring in Kinesiology and Exercise Management.


Braeden Lessane, son of Virgil and Eyanna Lessane, is a 9 year member of the Winston-Salem Chapter of Jack and Jill of America. He attends Woodberry Forest School in Woodberry, VA and has remained on the A/B honor roll while playing lacrosse, running track and leading as captain of the varsity football team. He was selected to serve as Prefect which is the highest honor that a scholar can receive at Woodberry. Braeden has a passion for playing the piano and enjoys music production. Upon graduation, Braeden will attend a college to pursue a Mathematics-Computer Science degree.


Sofiya Joi Mann is a senior at Reagan High School in Winston Salem, NC and is the daughter of Rick and Warrenetta Mann. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years and served as chapter teen Secretary and Foundation Chair. She attends Reagan High School where she participates in Sprit Club and Key Club. She was also selected as a NC Governor’s Legislative Page. History and Spanish are her favorite subjects. She enjoys staying fit and playing with her dogs. Sofiya hopes to attend college to prepare for a career in the medical field.


John Mark Oliver, Jr is a senior at Ronald Reagan High School in Winston-Salem, NC and is the son of Drs Mark and Pam Oliver. He has been a member of the Winston-Salem Chapter for 12 years. He plays varsity tennis and is an active member of Crosby Scholars and the National Math Honor Society. He plans to pursue a degree in Computer Science.


Lauren Nicole Oliver is a senior at Laurel Springs Academy and is the daughter of Drs Mark and Pam Oliver. She has been a member of the Winston-Salem Chapter for 12 years. She plays competitive junior tennis on the regional and national levels. She is president of the Reagan High School DECA chapter and competes at the state and national level. She plans to pursue a degree in Computer Science.




Jordan Louis Shegog is the son of Don R and Jamehl Demons Shegog of Kernersville, NC and a senior at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in Durham. He is a twelve-year member of the Winston-Salem chapter. In addition to chapter activities, Jordan served the Mid-Atlantic Region as Teen Conference Teller. At school, he is the president of the History Club and sings with the Colours Choir. He enjoys working with his church including packing backpacks of food for food insecure children and working the sound board for services. Jordan plans to attend college and major in physics.


Zuri Sweatt is a Senior at West Forsyth High School in Winston Salem, NC and is the daughter of James and Ulysesa Sweatt. She has been a member of the Winston Salem Chapter for 9 years. Zuri has served as the Sr. Teen Treasurer and has been involved in the community by helping pack and stock school food pantries, make care packages for American Troops overseas and give canned food, clothes, toiletries, and uplifting cards for the homeless. She plans to major in Political Science and ultimately become a Lawyer at Howard, Spelman, Hampton, Cornell, or UNC Chapel Hill.



Chicago, IL Forest City, IL Lake Shore, IL Magnificent Mile, IL North Shore, IL South Suburban Chicago, IL West Suburban Chicago, IL Western Cook County, IL Windy City, IL Circle City, IN

Gary/Northwest Indiana, IN Greater Northeast Indiana, IN Indianapolis, IN Central Kentucky, KY Derby City, KY Louisville, KY Ann Arbor, MI Detroit, Mi Flint, MI Greater Grand Rapids, MI


MOTHERS: 1,861 ASSOCIATES: 1,652 FATHERS: 1,151 TEENS: 1,184 CHILDREN: 18,57

Great Lakes Bay Region, MI Greater Lansing, MI Motor City, MI North Oakland/Macomb, MI Oakland County, MI Southwestern Michigan, MI Ypsilanti, MI City of Lakes, MN Minneapolis, MN St. Louis, MO

Akron, OH Cincinnati, OH Cleveland, OH Columbus, OH Dayton, OH Erie Shores, OH Toledo,OH Youngstown,OH Milwaukee, WI South Central Wisconsin


mighty region. Our regional leadership, under the direction of Regional Director Tanya Watson, is no exception. Director Watson, you truly have a servant’s heart. Thank you for your leadership e can finally and vision. To the rest of the REB, Treasurer Deidre say that we Lindsey, Secretary Miree-Coppin, and MAL Jami are out of the Ervin, thank you for your commitment to remain COVID pandemic mission minded and dream driven. Love you all. after two years of virtual meetings, Congratulations Class of 2022 including our Teen c o n f e r e n c e s , leaders – President Carter Minor, Vice-President and grade group Samantha Suggs, and Secretary Kendall Cade. You have all done an amazing job as leaders in activities. this region and we are so proud of you and look While grateful that God has brought us on the forward to hearing all of the amazing things you other side of the pandemic, we can’t be more will accomplish in your lifetime. This organization thrilled that we are able to connect in-person has poured into you and you are prepared to again. I would like to say a special thank-you to take on the challenges of this world. Remember, the National Executive Board, Midwestern Region that Jack and Jill of America, Inc. will always be Leaders, and the amazing mother members in this here to support and advocate for you and that region and across the nation for their resilience God is in control and has a plan for your life. and commitment to keeping our organization focused and on mission during some of our most “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares difficult years. I am proud of our organization the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm and can confidently say that we are even more you, plans to give you hope and a future. resolved in keeping Jack and Jill of America, the My service in Jack and Jill would not have been premier African-American family organization – blessed without the love and support of the on mission, on purpose. Wonderful Western Cook County Chapter, under It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your the leadership of President Lanya Satchell. Thank National Officer. Jack and Jill of America, Inc. you, WCCC, for loving me enough to allow me has given so much to me and my family and for the grace to serve. To my son – Blake, I love that I am grateful. I have been blessed to call you and I am so proud of you. God blessed me The Mighty Midwestern Region my home since I with an amazing and supportive Son and I am joined Jack and Jill in 2011. I continue to beam grateful to be your mother. I congratulate you on with pride as our region continues to focus on your Senior year and wish you much success in excellence and making sure our brown babies your future endeavors. You are my WHY! have premier experiences that will develop them Long Live Jack and Jill! into the leaders we know they can be while continuing to support the communities in which Marvis M. Donalson we serve. This would not be possible if not for the incredible mothers and leaders that serve in this National Program Director Greetings Mighty Mid-Western Region,




The mighty Mid-Western Region continues to strive for excellence

and reading nook items donated to the Boys & Girls Club. Another

in programming and engagement. In May 2022 for our annual

service opportunity at the Jackie Joyner Kersee Foundation included

Regional Day of Service, we held a Mid-Western Region Move-a-

Beautification inside and out, Greenhouse organization and

thon; Movement for Children. Chapters were encouraged to choose

monetary donations.

a day and be physically engaged for pledge amounts. The 2022 Mid-Western Region’s Marion Stubbs Thomas Leadership Academy Cohort led the initiative which yielded almost $20,000 in cash donations for the Children’s Defense Fund and Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc

In July 2022, for the 44th National Convention in Orlando, Florida, the energy was electric and the sense of community palpable as we attended the first in-person National Convention since 2018. We were successful in delivering our candidate, National Program Director Marvis Donalson on the first ballot, witnessed 7 graduation

During our Leadership Summit, officers attended training sessions

cohorts from the inaugural class of the Marion Stubbs Thomas

to ensure chapter leaders were able to sharpen their skills and

Leadership Academy, and were approved to charter our newest

broaden their knowledge, thus better enabling them to lead their

chapter, Monarch Cities.

chapters. The event culminated with the Rising Star Leadership Academy graduation, the region’s leadership development focused on building chapter bench strength.

“Fortifying Our Roots: Back to Basics” was the theme for our 2022 Area Workday Clusters. The MI/OH Area Work Day Cluster was held in Cincinnati, OH and the IL Area / Tri-State Area Work Day Cluster

The 68th Annual Teen Leadership Conference was held on the

was held in Indianapolis, IN. The Community Impact Committee

campus of Washington University in St. Louis, MO. Registrants

led us to a successful giving campaign for The Boys and Girls

attended the first in-person TLC since June 2019. In addition to

Club. We raised almost $10,000 in goods and cash donations to

their business matters and leadership development, the attendees

benefit the Cincinnati and Indianapolis area. Our teens participated

left an indelible footprint in the community by providing 931 articles

in Oratorical Competitions earning top awards; we are looking

of clothing valued at $12,000 to a Foster Care and Adoptive

forward to hearing these dynamic speakers at our upcoming Teen

Agency. Our teens organized 520 toiletry knapsacks, 750 books,

Leadership Conference.

CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS Emerging from the pandemic proved to be extremely challenging as

"Black Evolution" was the theme for our 68th Annual Teen Leadership

we worked to implement impactful programming. This was especially

Conference, held at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. 815

felt among our tweens. To conquer this challenge, we hosted four

total registrants attended the first in-person TLC since June 2019

Children' s Clusters with stellar children' s and tween programming

and didn' t miss a beat.

that ignited the spark for them to be excited about one day attending teen conferences through chapter cross pollination and

"Fortifying Our Roots: Back to Basics" was the theme for our 2022 Area Workday Clusters. In an effort to reach the "whole" member,

age-appropriate activities.

mothers attended morning workshops focusing on increasing our

On June 3-4, our annual Leadership Summit, a summit specifically

organizational knowledge, and enjoyed an afternoon of classes

designed for Jack and Jill Officers, was held in Detroit, Ml. Facilitators

geared towards fun and fellowship.

included current and past regional and national leadership and a host of subject matter experts.


Mothers Conference 2023 Date: July 12-16, 2023


Theme: Dare to Dream

The Mid-Western Region began with the founding of the Columbus, Ohio Chapter in 1945. The Columbus Chapter was the eighth Jack and Jill of America, Inc. chapter and was the first chapter not located in the Eastern Region. The chartering of this chapter began the organization’s expansion across the country. The Columbus Chapter hosted the 2nd National Convention in April 1947. The theme was “The Responsibility of Jack and Jill Mothers.” After moving from Philadelphia, national founder Marion Stubbs Thomas helped charter the Detroit, Michigan Chapter in 1953. The first Teen Conference was

Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Teen Conference 2023 Date: June 15-18. 2023 Theme: Reunion: Celebrating Our Connection Location: The Ohio State University Hosting Chapter: Ohio Center of Excellence

hosted by the Cleveland, Ohio Chapter in 1955. The first Mothers’ Regional Conference

Mother’s Area Workday

was hosted in 1959 by the Toledo, Ohio Chapter. Throughout history, Mother Members

Date: October 14-15, 2022

from the MidWestern Region have served as leaders for the national organization and

Theme: Fortifying Our Roots - Back to Basics

for the Foundation. In 1946, Constance Bruce of the Columbus Chapter was elected

Location: Hyatt Regency Cincinnati, OH

the first National Corresponding Secretary. National Presidents included Alberta Turner

Hosting Chapter: Ml/OH Centers of Excellence

(4th) and Eleanor C. DeLoache Brown (8th) of the Columbus Chapter, Sheryl Mathews (16th) from the Detroit Chapter, Alice Leigh Peoples (20th) from the Ypsilanti Chapter and

Mother’s Area Workday

Jacqueline Moore Bowles (21st) of the Milwaukee Chapter. In 2012, Jacqueline Moore

Date: November 18-19, 2022

Bowles was elected to serve as the President of the Jack and Jill Foundation after serving

Theme: Fortifying Our Roots - Back to Basics

as National President of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. In 2008 at the 38th Biennial

Location: Sheraton Indianapolis, IN

National Convention in Miami, the teen leadership modules were renamed and are now


known as the Jacqueline Moore Bowles Teen Leadership Modules. The Mid-Western


Region was the site of the first Teen Conference Service Projects, which were held at the

Children’s Cluster

1998 Teen Leadership Conference hosted by the Western Cook County Chapter. This concept was presented to the Foundation at its 1998 board meeting by Past Mid-Western Regional Foundation Member-at-Large Alice Leigh Peoples. The Foundation was asked to provide transportation to take the teens around the Chicago area to perform hands-on community service. Support for community service at Teen Conference was embraced by the Foundation and executed under the leadership of Past Regional Director Sharon






Date: March 11, 2023 Theme: Let's Blow Off Some S.T.E.A.M. Location: Elgin Community College, Elgin IL Hosting Chapter: IL Area North Center of Excellence

V. Clayton. The initiative was a great success, and the practice has been embraced by

Children’s Cluster

several other regions and continues to align with the leadership development commitment

Date: March 11, 2023

of the Foundation.

Theme: Master Class: A Return to Black Joy Location: University of Chicago, IL Hosting Chapter: Chicago Chapter

Regional Officers

Teen Officers

Regional Director: Tanya Watson

President: Carter Minor

Children’s Cluster

Regional Treasurer: Deidre Lindsey

Vice-President: Samantha Suggs

Date: March 11, 2023

Regional Secretary: Cynthia Miree-Coppin

Secretary: Kendall Cade

Theme: Big Doc/ Little Doc: Health and Wellness

Regional Member at Lorge: Jami Jones Ervin

Treasurer: Hudson Davis


Notional Officer: Marvis Donalson

Foundation Chair: Carlos Dillard

Location: Indiana University- Northwest, Gary, IN Hosting Chapter: Northwest Gay Indiana

Regional Appointments

Children’s Cluster

Associate Chair: Lori Taylor

Program Chair: Lakindra Pruitt-Grooms

Date: March 3-4, 2023

Bylaws Chair: Jessica Price Smith

Protocol Chair: Reeshemah Howard

Theme: Mission: Possible

Editor: Faith Mitchell

Strategic Relevance and Value: Lashawn

Location: University School Upper Campus,

Fathers' Auxiliary Chair: David Wade


Hunting Valley, OH

Legislative Chair: Brandy Merrit

Technology Chair: Stephanie Williams

Hosting Chapter: Ohio Center of Excellence

Membership Chair: Cecelia Bolden

Teen Advisor: Shea Burden

Nominating Chair: LaDawn Norwood

Parliamentarian: Deadra Stokes

Policy & Procedure Chair: Kimberly Mitchell

Children’s Cluster

We Are One Committee Chair: Kelley Kellis Date: March 4, 2023 Theme: A Whole New World Location: Sloan Museum of Discovery, Flint, Ml 465

Hosting Chapter: Flint Chapter



Tanya Watson joined Jack and Jill in 2006 as a member of the Akron Chapter. Since joining she has served her chapter as President (two terms), Vice-President, Treasurer, Editor, Historian and Chair of numerous committees.committees. Tanya has served the Region as Technology Chair and she has served Nationally as the National Technology Chair. Prior to her appointment as Regional Director she was the Regional Treasurer. Her career as a Software Engineer has led her to work in the areas of retail, health care, utilities, finance and is currently the Director of Software Quality Assurance leading the quality transportation vertical. Tanya has been recognized for her leadership by Athena Akron and professional accomplishments by the companies she has served. She and her husband Benjamin have two children: Benjamin and Carter. In addition to her service to Jack and Jill, Tanya is President of a Toastmasters Club, volunteers in her community and is an active member of Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., The Kent Area (OH) Chapter of the The Links, Inc. and the National Society of Black Engineers.


Cynthia Miree-Coppin joined Jack and Jill as a member of the North Oakland/Macomb Chapter in 2007. She and her husband Addington have three boys: Nathaniel, Manny and Michael. During her time in Jack and Jill, she has served the Region as a member of the National Strategic Planning and Relevance Committee, Regional Growth Coordinator and Michigan Center of Excellence, Lead. Cynthia has also served as Chapter President (two-terms), Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Parliamentarian, Leadership Summit Planning Committee (Co-Chair) and Foundation (Chair). Cynthia works as a Professor of Management with expertise in the field of strategic management. She has received the School of Business Administration’s Teaching Excellence Award and has twice been awarded the School of Business Administration’s Distinguished Service Award. Cynthia is also very active in her church where she teaches adult Sunday School and participates in the church’s regional women’s ministry program as a speaker.



Deidre Lindsey, PharmD, MBA has been an active member of the Indianapolis Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. since joining in 2008. At the chapter level, Deidre served as a member of the Chapter Executive Board for nearly 10 years in the offices of President (3 years), Vice President, Program Director and Editor/Historian. She also chaired Membership, Program, Technology, and Breakfast with Santa committees. Deidre was appointed Regional Treasurer in August 2020. Prior to her appointment, she was very active on both the regional and national levels of Jack and Jill. Deidre has served in the roles of Regional Program Director/National Program Committee CoChair, 2016 Mid-Western Region Teen Leadership Conference, Regional Chair of Strategic Planning, TriState Center of Excellence Lead, Jack and Jill University National Task Force Member, and Chapter Development Chair where under her leadership, the inaugural Mid-Western Region Leadership Academy was launched. Currently, Deidre serves as a member of the National Budget and Finance Committee and Chair of the Regional Budget and Finance Committee.




Jami Jones Ervin was initiated into Jack and Jill in 2004 in the Austin, Texas chapter and has the distinct privilege of serving in four chapters across three regions. Her commitment to the organization has led to her holding leadership locally, regionally, and nationally throughout her tenure. On the local level she served as Financial Secretary, Program Director, Vice President and 1.5 terms as Chapter President. Regionally, she chaired Teen Leadership Conference, served the Regional Chaplain, the Dean of the Rising Star Leadership Academy, COE Lead, and Chair of the Healthy Chapters and Leader Development Functional Group. Nationally, she served as the co-chair for the National Leadership Training and Development Task Force.In her current MAL role, she serves as the MAL Liaison which means she holds a seat on the JJOAF Executive Board. Jami is an ordained clergy woman and certified life coach who enjoys jogging and reading. She is wife to Mark and mother to two sons (Aaron and Caleb). She describes her family as the oxygen to her soul. She has served on several non-profit boards and is an active member in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.



Lori W. Taylor has been a member of the West Suburban Chicago Chapter since 2013 and as an Associate serves as the Mid-Western Region Associates Chair and the National Associates Chair. She previously served as the Regional Associates Co-Chair in 2020-2022. She has also served as the Mid-Western Region We Are One Taskforce Representative, the Chicago Center of Excellence Lead, one of the inaugural faculty members of the Mid-Western Region Leadership Academy, Regional Growth and Development Committee, Regional Grievance Committee and has helped bring in several new chapters. She hasserved her chapter as a two term President, 2nd Vice President, Nominating Committee Co-Chair, Teen Advisor, 2013 Teen Leadership Conference Community Service Committee member and Five Star Committee for four years. She has been honored by her chapter with the Outstanding Leader Award twice and Outstanding Associate. Lori has been the CEO of Designs By Lori Interior Design Firm for 25 years which has clients in New York, Ohio, Arizona, and Chicago Suburban Area. Lori has served on the Village of Glen Ellyn Board of Education and is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., The Links Incorporated, & DuPage AME Church Steward Board.



David’s participation in Jack and Jill spans over 14 years including volunteering at several Teen Leadership Conferences and facilitating several grade group activities over the years. David is married to his wife of 31 years, Courtney Wade and is the father of five children, Justin, Peyton, Sydney, Darby, and Bailey. He is a Rutgers University School of Engineering alum with a BS in Electrical Engineering and a graduate of Drexel University with a MS in Engineering Management. David was recognized as a Business Leader of Color by Chicago United and received the Multicultural Leadership Award from the Illinois Diversity Council. He was past chairman of the Board of JARS, Inc. and a director and board member of Epic Aviation, LLC. He has served on the board of the Quad County Urban League, as well as the national board of the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE). David is currently the Chair of the Rutgers University School of Engineering Advisory Board. David is the President of Incrementum Energy, LLC, where he provides strategy development, project management, and marketing & sales strategy development services. He is also founder and President of KastleTek, LLC where he delivers Information Technology as well as Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM) educational services. 467

TEEN OFFICERS CARTER MINOR | TEEN PRESIDENT Carter Minor, a graduating Senior at New Albany High School in New Albany, OH, is the son of Kimberly and Marc B. Minor, Esq. He’s been a member of Jack and Jill for 13 years. Carter currently serves as MidWestern Regional Teen President. Carter is an accomplished performer with several professional lead role credits. Carter is treasurer of the National Honors Society, a founder of the Black Student Association, enjoys performing in school productions, giving back to his community, and is a featured speaker at many community events. He looks forward to attending college, and a career in Communications.

SAMANTHA SUGGS | TEEN VICE PRESIDENT Samantha Suggs is a senior at Carmel High School in Carmel, Indiana and is the daughter of Denis and Annette Suggs. She has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 16 years. Samantha served as MidWestern Teen Vice President (2022-2023), Indianapolis Teen President (2021-2022), and Teen Secretary (2020-2021); is a member of Carmel High Ambassador Show Choir, Select Sound Acapella Ensemble, GKOM Council Member, Black Student Alliance, National Honors Society, and founder of the Community Service club. She plans to attend Georgetown University and major in Psychology with a minor in Government.

KENDALL CADE | TEEN SECRETARY Kendall Cade is a senior at John Burroughs School in St. Louis, Missouri, and is the daughter of Creshuna and David Cade. She’s been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years. Kendall is the Chief of Staff at her school and Captain of her school’s Varsity Competitive Cheer team. She has played piano for 13 years, and is also a Girl Scout going for her gold award. She volunteers at SLU Campus Kitchen and Missouri Botanical Gardens. She is unsure where she will be attending college, however would like to major in Classics and/or Philosophy.

HUDSON DAVIS | TEEN TREASURER Hudson Davis is a sophomore at Francis W. Parker in Chicago, IL and is the son of Aimée and Marcus Davis. He has been a member of the Western Cook County Chapter of Jack and Jill for eight years. At Francis W. Parker, Hudson is an active member in the Black Leaders Union, Math Team, and Student Council. In his freetime, Hudson enjoys skiing, kayaking, golf, and playing the violin.

CARLOS DILLARD, JR. | TEEN FOUNDATION CHAIR Carlos Dillard, Jr. is a junior at Lincoln Way East High School (LWE) in Frankfort, IL and is the son of Carlos Dillard, Sr. and Dr. Salwa Rahim-Dillard. He has been a member of the South Suburban Chicago Chapter for 12 years. Carlos supports student engagement as a Peer Helper and Junior Representative of the Black Student Union at LWE. Carlos is passionate about helping others. Every month he prepares and serves food to people without homes with members of Masjid Al-Taqwa. Carlos would like to major in Business at a university in the Midwest.

MAKENZE HUMPHREY | TEEN NOMINATING CHAIR Makenze Humphrey is a junior at The Latin School of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois and is the daughter of Eugene Humphrey and Dr. Monica Humphrey. She has been a member of the Lakeshore Chapter for 12 years. Makenze is active in theater, track, and student government within school. She spends her time advocating for social equality through oration and fulfilling her passion for acting through participating in productions year round. Makenze would like to attend an HBCU and ultimately become a lawyer.







President: Antoinette East-Jenkins Vice-President: Natina Henson Program Director: Tracey Coates Recording Secretary: LaCrista Dawson Corresponding Secretary: Cori Turner Treasurer: Nichole Wilson Financial Secretary: Yoleetah liodi Editor: Darrielle Snipes Chaplain: Kadi Pride Historian: Joelle Brake Foundation Chair: India Kaczmarek Parliamentarian: Kani Hightower Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Cari Culver and Tami Bolder Associate Chair: Daphine Painter Father’s Auxiliary: David Jenkins

President: Carter Painter Vice-President: Robert McFarren, Jr. Secretary: Parson Jordon Treasurer: Dillon Weems


In May 1961, the Cleveland, Ohio chapter provided guidance to an Akron group of 39 mothers and 98 children that called themselves “Oak and Acorns”. In April 1962, the Cleveland chapter of Jack and Jill sent an advisory team to Akron for a progress report. In July 1962, at the National Convention the Akron Chapter was accepted into the national organization. The Fall of 1962 found the chapter adopting their bylaws as a member of the national organization, forming committees, developing activities for each of the five age groups and planning community projects. On February 12, 1963, the installation services for the Akron Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. were conducted by Mrs. Junald Braddock of St. Paul, Minnesota, National Recording Secretary. Mrs. Braddock also administered the oath to all chapter members. The group consisted of 34 mothers and 77 children and were divided into five activity levels. Chapter members installed 1962-63 as the Akron Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.


The Akron Chapter started off the 2021-2022 program year excited to be back in person after a year of remote programs due to the ongoing pandemic. The first chapter wide event was to celebrate Jack and Jill Day at the Hall of Fame Classic featuring Grambling State and Tennessee State University football teams at The Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. Our children were able to learn more about HBCUs school spirit and deeply rooted traditions. Our littlest Jacks and Jills (PreK-5) gave back to the community by cleaning up parks during the Keep Akron Beautiful Community Service Project. The children learned the value of team work, the correlation of positive action and change. The entire chapter came

together to celebrate Leona Farris, one of our chartered members when The City of Stow renamed a lodge in her honor. At 103 years old, Mrs. Farris attend the event. It was a lovely evening and one of the last times chapter members would see her as she passed away in February of 2022. In November, the PreK- 2nd grade group experienced a mini medical school hosted by Dr. Katrina Sabur and Dr. Yoleetah Iiodi. The primary goal was to educate the children on the importance of preventative medicine and living a healthy lifestyle. They even got a chance to wear white coats. All our children had the opportunity to learn fencing skills and the history of fencing during a two separate group activitites at Kiraly Fencing Academy. They even suited up to practice basic blocks and footwork. Our 6th-8th grade group and teens participated in mock trial hosted by mother member and Summit County Magistrate Kani Hightower. Children acted out roles of attorneys, defendants and witnesses to get a hands-on experience of how the judicial system works and learned more about the United States Constitution. In December, the chapter hosted three separate Christmas parties in order keep the number of people in a room to a minimum in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19. All the parties were held at the newly named Leona Farris Lodge. The children also collect toys for Toys for Tots organized by our teen president Dylan Henson.





President: Brandy Merritt Vice-President: Cynthia Bowman Program Director: Kathryn Powell Recording Secretary:Leslie Evans Corresponding Secretary: Brianne Dotson Treasurer: Robin Hall Financial Secretary: Tonya Berry Editor: Dayna LePlatte Chaplain: Malika Fair Historian: Kafi Laramore-Josey Foundation Chair: Chantez Pattman Parliamentarian :Dana Thompson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Monica Weaver, Migdalia Musler Associate Chair: Lynn Wooten Father’s Auxiliary: Mashod Evans

President: Mashod Evans Jr. Vice-President: Brandon Bowman Secretary: Brock Merritt Treasurer: Mikayla Eccelston


Angela Johnson, Shayla Fletcher, Mashunda Oliver, Jasmine Criswell, Kandace Jones, Shannon Polk, Lakeisha Simmons, Tanya Hill, Samm Pryce, Sonja Greenfield


The Ann Arbor Chapter of Jack and Jill, Incorporated, was officially recognized as an interest group in 1977 and was founded in 1978 after an interest group of 28 members was formed by two local mothers, Lola M. Jones and Barbara A. Robinson. The mission of Jack and Jill was appealing to this group of mothers who, like many of us today, struggled to find opportunities for their children that emphasized the importance of their heritage, encouraged community service, and allowed like-minded mothers to interact with and serve as a network of support for each other. The chapter has always had a strong community presence, which started with the chapter’s inception, and the chapter continues to serve as a viable partner in Ann Arbor and within greater Washtenaw County. Through our programming, mother members fulfill our mission to create rich experiences for all children that stimulate growth and development through educational, cultural, civic, recreational, health, leadership development, volunteer service, and social activities.


The Ann Arbor Chapter formally began programming activities in 1978. The 2022-2023 programming year marks our 44th year. Programming activities support the National Theme, “The Power To Make A Difference.” Activities center around leadership, critical thinking, volunteerism and community stewardship, social justice, Black culture, financial literacy, and activism. Each year, our children and teens participate in activities that reinforce an understanding of their rights and the importance of their votes and opinions in politics, and society. Service is central to our work as a chapter and support of local and national nonprofit organizations includes: Jack and Jill of America Foundation, SOS Crisis Center, Ozone House, Ann Arbor Community Center, SafeHouse, Gleaner’s Empty Bowls Project, the Salvation Army, March of Dimes, Girls Group, Peace Neighborhood Center, and Bryant Community Center.






President: Anqela Brandford-Stevenson Vice-President: Camille Chenault Program Director: Melissa Moore Murphy Recording Secretary: Sabra Wilson Corresponding Secretary: LaTisha Cox Treasurer: Luv’Tesha Robertson Financial Secretary: Takara Jones Editor: Dawn Offutt Foundation Chair: LaToi Mayo Parliamentarian: Kacy Allen-Bryant Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Yvette Thompson, La Toi Mayo, and Thalethia Routt Associate Chair: Kimberly Baird Father’s Auxiliary: Tim Stevenson

President: Bryce Mayo Vice-President: Hillary Thompson Secretary: Brooklyn Mayo Treasurer: Preston Chenault Parliamentarian: Donovan Fullwood Chaplain: Xavier Routt Sergeant-at-Arms: Xavier Routt


Kacy Allen-Bryant, Angela Brandford-Stevenson, Camille Chenault, La Tisha Cox, Sonia Fullwood, Ka’Teri Higgins-Scott, Samantha Johnson, Takara Jones, Twanjua Jones, LaToi Mayo, Falon McFarland, Melissa Murphy, Dawn Offutt, Stephanie Ogunbayo, Chandra Owens, Luv’Tesha Robertson, Thalethia Routt, Yvette Thompson, Vicki Turner, Alicia Wilson, and Sabra Wilson


The Lexington Mother’s Club (“LMC”) was founded in September of 2002 when a small group of mothers met to discuss the idea of bringing their children together to participate in social and educational activities. The goal of the newly formed LMC was to become a chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. (“Jack and Jill”). To that end, the LMC drafted its objectives and aims based on those of Jack and Jill. The LMC began its 5th program year in the fall of 2007 with more than 20 mothers and 40 children, ages 2 through 19, who actively participated in LMC projects and activities. In July of 2008, the LMC was granted Provisional Chapter Status by delegates of the 38th Biennial National Jack and Jill Convention in Miami, Florida. The LMC was officially chartered as the Central Kentucky Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. on Sunday, November 2, 2008.


The mothers of the Central Kentucky Chapter of Jack and Jill are dedicated to enriching the lives of our children and creating lifelong friendships for both the children and mothers. Now proudly entering our 14th year as the Central Kentucky Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., the chapter has grown to include 21 loving mothers, 35 awesome children, 19 fabulous fathers, and 8 incredibly happy associates, who enjoy planning and participating in monthly activities. The programs planned and implemented throughout each year focus on the social, civic, educational, cultural, health, recreational, and service goals and aims emphasized in the mission of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Many of the activities are age-specific; designed for preschool, elementary, middle, and high school-aged children. Other program activities involve the entire family with elements designed to include fathers as well. An example of just a few of our Central Kentucky Chapter of Jack and Jill chapter-wide activities include an annual cultural

pride and awareness activity featuring an homage to Carole Robertson, exploration of the legislative process featuring local council representatives as guest speakers, hosting our traditional Foundation fundraiser “Breakfast with Santa” event which features a culturally sensitive African-American Santa, collecting food donations during the holiday season and delivering to those who are food and housing insecure, and a black history activity that focuses on various ways of exploring our heritage which culminates in presentations during Black Family Day. In addition, each grade group implements unique, age-appropriate programming which includes themes such as dinner and theatre etiquette, the legacy and leadership of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., STEM activities focused on oral hygiene, balanced diets, and yoga, and a Black History Bowl.






President: Cicely Glanton Vice-President: Daiquiri Lewers Program Director: Lynn Watkins-Asiyanbi Recording Secretary: Joya Gregoire Corresponding Secretary: Rheanna Guess Treasurer: Toya Randolph Financial Secretary: Dana Earles Editor: Faith Mitchell Chaplain: Dontrey Britt Hart Historian: Ashley Rayner Foundation Chair: Gloria Elam Norris Parliamentarian: Erica Kirkwood Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Aisha McCarthy Associate Chair: Vynessa Alexander Father’s Auxiliary: Kris Levy

President: Kennedy Ross Vice-President: Katie Williams Secretary: Joseph Clayton Treasurer: Ethan Collins Chaplain: Matthew Woodfolk II Sergeant-at-Arms: Christopher Childers


The year was 1947, the occasion being the 2nd National Convention hosted by the Columbus, Ohio Chapter. A group of young matrons from the “Windy City,”determined and resolute, brought forth a request to join an organization that fit the needs of their families and fostered the nurturing of their children. Thus, the National Executive Committee was authorized to explain the responsibilities of membership to a dynamic group of young mothers. Under the direction of charter members Isabelle Gibson, Myrtle Sengstacke, Evelyn Spencer, Lois Lowe, Evelyn Shropshire, Rosa Morgan, Harrietta Matthews, Mae Wethers, Lydia Davis, Adeline Morris, Enid Turner and Kate Whitefield, National President, Dorothy B. Wright welcomed Chicago as the eleventh chapter and “presented the charter to Isabelle Gibson, its first president. The chapter began to grow from the small group of approximately thirty-nine. As children’s activities were being planned, so were thoughts given to expanding the teen program in anticipation of the chapter’s growth. Since its inception the Chicago Chapter has evolved to embody a membership total of 127 mother members. As the Chapter continues to evolve our mothers work hard to develop phenomenal programming, while supporting our theme: Creating A Next Level Commitment to Our Community. Mothers are also committed to making our pursuit of 5 Star a priority, all while connecting to build and nurture relationships between our families.


Our current board (2021-2023) is led by President Cicely Glanton. Our theme, “Creating a Next Level Commitment to Our Community,” encompasses our collective focus on increasing charitable giving, support of Black businesses, and our community activism efforts. President Glanton is assisted in leading the chapter by Vice President Daiquiri Sartor Lewers, PD Lynn Watkins-Asiyanbi, RS Joya Gregoire, CS Rheanna Guess, FS Dana Earles, Treasurer Carmen Sallay (2021-2022), Treasurer Toya Randolph (2022-2023), Editor Faith Mitchell, Chaplain Dontrey Britt-Hart, Parliamentarian Erica Kirkwood, Sergeant-At-Arms and Protocol Chair Yvonne Blake, and Foundation Chair Gloria Elam Norris. This program year, our chapter is excited about returning to in-

person activities, executive board meetings and mothers meetings. As such, we are dedicating significant focus to getting back to basics and providing the necessary support to ensure that every mother understands chapter processes, as well as regional and national requirements. During the tenure of the 2021-2023 administration, the Chicago Chapter continues to pave the way in demonstrating a commitment to excellence in service and programming. In honor of our 75th anniversary, we forged a partnership with the only independently owned and operated African-American history museum in the country, the DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center. This relationship aims to garner more memberships to support this national historic treasure that honors the rich culture and history of the African-American community. The Chapter also sponsored an exhibit that houses a multimedia exhibit of the organization’s history. As a result of this effort, led by our 2022 Outstanding Mother of the Year MM Roni Jackson, our chapter won first place in the region for Foundation at the 2022 National Convention. Additionally, the chapter was awarded second place in the region for our Du Black: Intentionally and On Purpose campaign, led by Social Activism Chair Keiana Barrett. This initiative reinforced our strong commitment to supporting Black-owned businesses in the Chicago-land area and across the country via a winter Buy Black Shop and Sip Crawl. Together we shopped for the holidays and had bites to eat at several Black-owned businesses in the Hyde Park area. We also hosted a virtual holiday shopping spree and invited Black entrepreneurs from across the country to share their business information and present their wares to our mothers prior to our December Mothers Meeting.








President: Marcy Fitzgerald Vice-President: Deidra Richardson Program Director: Tamia Collins McGuire Recording Secretary: Sherry Whitlock Corresponding Secretary: Christa Gatewood Treasurer: Takeitha Lawson Financial Secretary: Dana Sherrer Editor: Marviette Johnson Chaplain: Dwonna Lenoir Historion: Marviette Johnson Foundation Chair: Juanita Johnson Parliamentarian: LaRita Aubespin Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Patrice Barnes

President: Gabrielle Nelson Vice-President: Joria Wilkerson Secretary: Sara Hall Treasurer: Rachel Stargill Parliamentarian: Donovan Kemp Chaplain: Josh Fussell


Crystal Alston, LaRita Aubespin,Tia Baily, Patrice Barnes, Holly Blackley, Letitia Block, Muzette Britt, Tonie Britton, Talia Bryan, Markiea Carter, Tamia Collins McGuire, Akisha Davenport, Andrea DuBois, Tiffany Dunn, Jillian Durojaiye, Marcy Fitzgerald, Maya Franlin, Karyn Frost, Tammy Fussell, Christa Gatewood, Agnes Godwin Hall, Erica Grayson, Arnyka Harris, Nicole Heard, LaDora Hill, Nikki Hollis, Constance Holt, Opal Hubbard, Chenoa Jackson, Juanita Johnson, Marviette Johnson, Melissa Jones, Yemisi Jones, Helen Kemp, Cheryl Lavender, Takeitha Lawson, Dwonna Lenoir, Tanya Mack, Sharron Manuel, Ljillauna McCauley, Sylvia Nelson, Lisa Norman, Erica Parker, Nicole Pickard, Deidra Richardson, Dana Sherrer, Rhonda Starghill, Casandra Strudwick, Patricia Thomas, Kimberli Valentine, Erika Watson, Sherry Whitlock, Andrea Wilkerson, Jerelyn Williams, Vonda Willis, Cyndi Wilson, Tiffany Wilson


In February 1953, Mary Evelyn LaNier and Mary Woods gathered together a group of Cincinnati mothers interested in working together to improve the lives of their children. They wanted to create a medium or a familiar conduit for educational, civic and social development and knew that Jack and Jill was the best organization to meet their needs. They worked diligently to complete all the necessary charter paperwork and a provisional chapter was formed on March 14, 1953. In December of that same year, the Cincinnati Chapter became the 51st local chapter to be chartered into Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The organization was founded with 33 mothers and 60 children. Sadly, in 2019 our chapter’s last surviving charter member, Marian Spencer, passed away at age 99. She was recognized for her trailblazing accomplishments in the Cincinnati Chapter and beyond during the Mid-Western Region Mothers Conference hosted by the Cincinnati Chapter in July. After 66 years, the Cincinnati Chapter now has 55 mother members and over 100 children.


The Cincinnati Chapter continues to execute a robust calendar of both chapter-wide and individual grade group activities. This year, the Cincinnati Chapter came together for Jack and Jill Day on the campus of Central State University in Wilberforce, OH for an HBCU Cultural Experience. The day was filled with activities for all grade groups. Afterwards, all attendees came together to reflect on the life and legacy of Carole Robertson, led by the Senior Teens. Finally, in preparation for the football game between the Central State Marauders and Miles College there was a tailgate celebration, food, music and dancing. The marching band paid Jack and Jill families a visit on their way to the stadium. While

having fun was top of mind, service was not far behind. Attendees gave back to the Jack and Jill Foundation through the HBCU Close the Gap Fund. The chapter moved their programming thrusts from cultural to civic by focusing on legislative awareness just in time for the state and city government elections. For the Thanksgiving holiday, each grade group sponsored at least one family and created Thanksgiving baskets and our chapter developed a virtual drive to help area children get the necessary items for swimming (swimsuits, towels, etc.) to continue the chapter’s JJ Swims Initiative that was launched in 2019. The chapter continued to support our families through leadership modules for the teens and financial literacy modules for our kids. This year has been an amazing year where our chapter continued to keep the theme of “Marvelous Moms Making an Impact” in the forefront.



Jack and Jill of America, Inc.







through an “HBCU Experience” tour of Central State University and a visit to Purdue University where they learned about life as a black student at a predominately white institution. The teen group met the president and other administrators at both universities.

President: Janee Drake Vice-President:Thiwasha Harper Program Director: Micah Smith Recording Secretary: Diana Fisher Corresponding Secretary: Erica Porter Treasurer: Mande Adams Financial Secretary: Angela Westerhaus Editor: Tamara Carpenter Chaplain: Ebony Funches Historion: Donna Blackmon Foundation Chair: Allison Pearson Parliamentarian: Deirde Davis Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Ashanti Ordone Associate Chair: Aimee Laramore Father’s Auxiliary: Antoine Drake

President: Trinity Kendrick Vice-President: Terryn Green Secretary: Carson Ordone Treasurer: Juliana Daniels

In December 2010, mothers from the Indianapolis Chapter held a new chapter interest meeting to meet the demands of a growing membership in the greater Indianapolis area. During the first business meeting the group was named Circle City Mothers on the Horizon. Mother Deborah Russell Chube was elected as the first President and Mother Treci Maye Davidson was voted VicePresident. On Sunday, November 4, 2012, the Circle City Chapter, Indianapolis’s second chapter was chartered with 18 members. Today, under the leadership of Chapter President Jonee’ Drake Circle City has 39 active members and 75 children.

The Circle City Chapter is blessed with exceptional mothers and an entire chapter of hard-working individuals dedicated to living and fulfilling the Jack and Jill legacy. Rich programming and community service is at the heart of everything we do. Children, Operational Excellence, Exceptional Programming, the Circle City Chapter’s definition of COE, was front and center this year and we look forward to a continued commitment to service in years to come.”

CHAPTER PROGRAMMING “This year the Circle City Chapter continued its commitment to the community and demonstrated “The Power to Make a Difference: For All Children On Mission On Purpose”. From youngest to oldest, the chapter dedicated its time and resources to serving our most vulnerable. For MLK Day the chapter attended the Martin Luther King day celebration at the Madame CJ Walker Legacy Center and donated to the Boys and Girls Club snack drive. Circle City Chapter programming was designed to create unique experiences to educate and enrich our children . The PreK-K age group shopped and packed Thanksgiving boxes for needy families and donated them to a local charity. The 3-5 age group volunteered at a community garden and learned about farming, the impact that a community garden can have in food deserts, and what it takes to run a farm as a business. Our 6-8 graders discovered the rich black history associated with Indianapolis through a scavenger hunt across the city where they visited a local black art exhibit and met 2 local artists (whose protest artwork was displayed at the height of the Black Lives Matter movement), stopped at the historic Crispus Attucks High School, toured the Madame C. J. Walker Legacy Center, and visited the oldest AME church where they met Eunice Brewer-Trotter, author of “Black in Indiana.” Our Teen group prepared for higher education






President: Janine Sanders-Jones Vice-President: Porsche Page Program Director: Nekeidra Forbes-Morrison Recording Secretary: Jan Tyson-Roberts Corresponding Secretary: Tammi Harmon Treasurer: Michelle Edgerton Financial Secretary: Shamara Henry Editor: Maima Fant Historian: Maima Fant Foundation Chair: Stepanie Pierce Parliamentarian: Lynn Farmer Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tamika McDaniel, Andrea Cunningham, Cheryl Bethune Associate Chair: Leslie Wright Father’s Auxiliary: Kevin Armstrong

President: Michael Edgerton Vice-President: Sydney McDaniel Secretary: Maya Farmer Treasurer: Jay Bowles Parliamentarian: Kevin Armstrong Jr.



In January 2010, the Minneapolis Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. invited more than fifty mothers to an informational meeting about forming a second Chapter in the Twin Cities. These mothers were searching for a way to connect with other like-minded women. Under the leadership of the Minneapolis Chapter, an Interest Group was formed. The City of Lakes Interest Group held the first Planning Retreat on May 21, 2010. With the help of the dedicated women of the Minneapolis Chapter, we quickly organized, elected officers and formed Childrens Groups.

The City of Lakes started the year with a sucessful Jack & Jill Day to honor Carole Robertson. Families enjoyed an afternoon of fellowship, games, music, and fun. Our Fall grade group activities included a visit to an apple orchard, the Minnesota State Capitol, and an overnight retreat for our teens. In October our Chapter celebrated 10 years by hosting a gala themed “Celebrating Black Excellence” Our chapter raised funds for The Jack and Jill Foundation and our local Agape Oasis-A Black-owned non-profit organization serving children and families in our community.

Sponsor Chapter Liaison, Vanessa Ware, and the Minneapolis Chapter’s outgoing President, Pamela Alexander assisted us in planning the first event. In July 2010 we were delighted to receive Provisional Group status from the National Executive Board and in 2012 we were officially chartered. We continue to be blessed with rich leadership and generosity within the Mid-Western Region, including mentorship from past National President Alice Peoples.

In January 2023, the City of Lakes will be celebrating Founder’s Day virtually and will spend our time reflecting on the history of Jack & Jill of America Inc. and the dynamic women who founded this organization. We will continue to celebrate our10th year by looking back on our accomplishments while looking toward a continuation of realizing our mission.





President: Jessica Price Smith Vice-President: Michele Gilbert Program Director: Lisa Farmer Cole Recording Secretary: Cheryl Walton Corresponding Secretary: Alyson Nobles Treasurer: Kimberly Sutton Financial Secretary: Janaya Burke Editor: Lori Johnson Chaplain: Deadra Williams-Lewis Historian: Lavone Lee Foundation Chair: Miesha Wilson Parliamentarian: Anqela McDonald-Fisher Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Melissa Burrows Associate Chair: Louise Buchanan Father’s Auxiliary: Greqory Smith


President: Madison Maynard Vice-President: Skylar Johnson Secretary: Olivia Thornton Treasurer: Kyndall Mack Parliamentarian: Carson Burrows Chaplain: Phillip Colvin Sergeant-at-Arms: Graham Coleman

Presently, 68 families are carrying out the objectives of the national organization. Through Jack and Jill of America Foundation donations and direct gifts, we are diligent in our efforts to help eliminate some of the contemporary obstacles confronting children. Our fundraising efforts span over thirty years, with active giving to organizations including Karamu House Performing Arts Theatre, NAACP, Cleveland Food Bank, Wilberforce University- Library Tornado Fund, UNCF, and Birthing Beautiful Communities. Since 1987, the chapter has hosted a cotillion biennially. This signature event provides an additional opportunity for civic and social engagement while uplifting our outstanding juniors and seniors. Our service in the Greater Cleveland area is the result of dedicated, visionary presidents through the years, including current president, Judge Jessica Price Smith.


For 74 years, our Chapter has been an integral part of the Cleveland community. To support the community during COVID-19, we provided opportunities for children and families to connect and volunteered by creating resource packets for families in need of assistance with digital connections, food insecurity, educational resources, and access to COVID-19 information and supplies. For this year’s Jack and Jill Day, we remembered Carole Robertson through service with Habitat for Humanity and celebrated Black excellence at the HBCU Hall of Fame Football Classic. Our award-winning Teen Legislative Summit returned, in person, with teen leaders from local high schools coming together to “Take Action Today to Change Tomorrow”. The summit focused on advocacy training for the teens in the areas of gun violence, environmental justice and voting rights. This year’s Kwanzaa celebration was a community affair at Karamu House where we hosted over 250 participants for a the celebration with a focus on Ujamaa, cooperative economics. Our MLK Day of Service event, Empowering the Community to Live Well, brought health screenings and an opportunity to get connected with support services into the Hough neighborhood in Cleveland. In addition, we collected and donated linens for 63 beds at the City Mission. Cleveland Chapter of Jack and Jill remains focused on empowering our children, at every age, to do and see what is possible. In this way, we honor our commitment to raise the next generation of African-American leaders.







President: Lia Easler Vice-President: Janelle Fedlam Program Director: Tiffany Barfield Recording Secretary: Shahita Foster Corresponding Secretary: Natasha Miser Treasurer: Shea Burden Financial Secretary: Serena Smith Editor: Brandale Johnson Chaplain: McKenzie Harmon Historian: Brandale Johnson Foundation Chair: Janae Tucker Parliamentarian: Jayme Smoot Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Veronica Farris Associate Chair: Traci Bell-Thomas Father’s Auxiliary: Todd Easler

President: Averi Rodriguez Vice-President: Alek Boyd Secretary: Grayson Thomas Treasurer: Jamil Burden Parliamentarian: Ellis Appiah Chaplain: Ellis Appiah


The Columbus Chapter was among the history makers established in the mid 1940’s as part of the first ten original chapters of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Founded in 1946, we were the eighth chapter established in the national organization and the original chapter that began the Mid-Western Region. Edna Mapp was our first chapter president. Charter members wereMary Anderson, Myrna Beatty, Constance Bruce, Louise Colston, Inez Dillard, Lula Evans, Marie Kent, Constance King, Phoebe Layton, Mary Reid and Variah Thomas. Two national presidents hailed from the Columbus Chapter: Eleanor DeLoach Brown and Alberta Banner Turner, Ph.D. who also served as the national vice president. Other national officers from the Columbus area include Constance Bruce, who served twice as national corresponding secretary. The Columbus Ohio Chapter has hosted many regional and national conventions, conferences and clusters, starting with the 2nd National Convention in 1947 including and not ending with the 26th Mid-Western Regional Mothers’ Conference in 2009. Columbus Chapter is proud to have alumni who designed the logo that was adopted in 1998 and presided as National President of the Jack and Jill Foundation.


The program year for the Columbus, Ohio Chapter can be described with one word, ENGAGED. Coming out of the pandemic where virtual activities were the norm, our children and families are present and engaged with “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children On Mission on Purpose”. We have hosted several chapter wide events where we were excited to make a difference in the Columbus Community. For Jack and Jill Day, we donated supplies to HBCU students and over the holidays we donated toys to underprivileged children. On the MLK Day of service, we provided meal delivery to the elderly. Through these events, our children were able to apply what they learned from the Jacqueline Moore Bowles Module, Financial Literacy #13: Give and Take: The Benefits of Philanthropy and the firsthand experience of giving to others. The Senior Teens led by example in philanthropy through their Double Good Popcorn fundraiser and raised over $8,000.00 for Mothers Helping Mothers and to the Jack and Jill Foundation. Our age groups have stayed on mission on purpose and have had a 60% attendance rate at every activity. The activities have left lasting impressions on our children by building relationships and daring them to dream. As a result, children in the Columbus, Ohio community are seeing Black excellence as the norm.

Our fundraising efforts have led to the Jack & Jill Foundation grant funds being awarded to local nonprofits within the Columbus, Ohio community.



Jack & Jill of America, Incorporated Columbus, OH Chapter

2022-2023 COLUMBUS, OH 483




President: Alisa “Niqqi” Vukasinovich Vice-President: Sharon Boomer Program Director: Terra Williams Recording Secretary: LaDawn Mims Treasurer: Nicole Johnson Financial Secretary: Lynetta Kohilawatta Editor: Barbara Ward Foundation Chair: Samantha Smith- Lowery Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Rashida Adekoya Father’s Auxiliary: Keith Vukasinovich

President: Anika Vukasinovich


Milinda Zambramba, Lisa Coker, Kenya Crosson, LaSue Juniel, Malloree Elis, Danielle Edwards


The Dayton Chapter was chartered in 1951 through the Colubus Chapter. The Dayton Chapter will celebrate its 72rd Anniversary in 2023. Wertha Dugger served as the first Chapter President.


The Dayton Chapter is overwhelmed with gratefulness to work, play and live together in person after navigating a devastating global pandemic that challenged us to think outside the box for virtual programming. We were humbled by the opportunity to love on, and recognize our new Mother Members at our in person initiation, gather for business meetings and provide high quality and intentional programming for our children and community. We were fortunate to recognize Carole Robertson Day / Jack and Jill Day at Central State University with The Cincinnati and Columbus Chapters. We shared the rich history of Historical Black Colleges with our children and rocked our “H.B.C.U-ish” shirts as we cheered on Central State University’s football team. We were thrilled to have solid representation as we joined The Mid-Western Region Chapters at Area Work Day in Cincinnati. It was wonderful to reconnect with old friends and meet new Mother Members. The Dayton Chapter continues to work alongside neighboring Chapters and community members to serve as we carry out the national thrusts and implementing the nation theme. We took our families to the movies for a private viewing of Wakanda forever. The movie was amazing and our time together as a chapter was a beautiful reflection of who we are proud to be. The Christmas/ Kwanzaa Celebration gave our chapter an opportunity to give back with holiday cheer. Not only did our Teens facilitate a candle lite Kwanzaa ceremony, we partnered with YWCA Dayton and donated natural hair care products to women and children who call their shelters home. Our Grade Group 3 tumbled into our program year with aerial yoga and related bio mechanics and engineering behind this wellness activity. They also donated S. T. E. A. M books with special messages enclosed to an organization advocating for equitable access to S. T. E. A. M. literacy. Our Grade Group 4 did not miss a beat with this theme. They traveled to Columbus for a memorable trip to COSI.

Our Teens traveled to Teen Leadership Conference for an amazing experience with their peers. The Dayton Chapter Teen President ran for office and even though she was not elected, she continues to find the value in stepping out and seeking opportunities to grow and develop as a young woman in leadership. Our littles stayed closer to home as they learned what it was like to be a Judge for a day and witnessed the trail of Spiderman in a local common pleas court room. Mother Members were tickled by how our littles came to Spiderman’s defense as he was accused of throwing a rock in a neighbor’s window. To have an older sibling dress up as Spider Man and to have their parents pretend to be witnesses really brought the trial to life. They learned how to form and ask questions, sharpened their public speaking skills, and after thoughtful deliberation, determined Spiderman was indeed innocent! After a celebratory dance and a tour of the courtroom they worked up an appetite for their much-anticipated pizza party. These are just a few highlights of our amazing year together. The Dayton Chapter is proud to represent the Mid- Western Region with a great balance of new and experience Mother Members. We look to Beautillion, future service, and programming energized by the opportunity to engage children in community service, financial literacy, cultural enrichment, and wellness! We continue to be on mission, on purpose, for our children and ALL children.
















Chapter Officers: 2022-2023 President: Angela Beckett Vice-President: Kellye Singletary Program Director: Kenya Natsis Recording Secretary: Joanne Turner Corresponding Secretary: Leah Starks Treasurer: Dyann Francis Financial Secretary: Felicia Smith Editor: Arlana Glenn Chaplain: Marsha Thornton, Jr. Historian: Donna Butler Foundation Chair: Tonia Porter Parliamentarian: Kori Baker Jackson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Lisa Bell Associate Chair: Ria Chandler

President: Gabrielle Beacham Vice-President: Christopher Thompson Secretary: Nadia Sougoufara Treasurer: Ashton Natsis Parliamentarian: Kane Watson Chaplain: Courtney Porter Sergeant-at-Arms: Alex Allen


Ronalda Anderson, Tracilia Beacham, Jasmine Beane, Angela Beckett, Lisa Bell, Brandon Bonner, Jonelle Brown, Shannon Bush-Smith, Donna Butler, Ebony Carter, Brittany Davis, Dyann Drake-Francis, Anitra Durand Allen, Arlana Glenn, Youri Hall, Maria Hughes, Deja Jackson, Kori Baker Jackson, Chan Kemper, Jade Lynn-Mitchell, Courtney McClellan-Brown, Kenya Natsis, Tawanda Owsley, Ashley Payne, Bonika Peters, Tonia Porter, Kimberly Pringle, Kellye Singletary, Felicia Smith, Stacey Sougoufara, Leah Starks, Kathryn Thompson, Marsha Thornton Jr., Joann Turner, Teresa Walker, Kellie Watson


The Derby City Chapter of Jack and Jill of America was established on September 24, 1988 with 35 mothers and 68 children. This day was filled with happiness and satisfaction after a lot of hard work and determination. A group of three women, Sharon Davis, Freda Norvell and Marie Lewis, saw early on the need to form collegial relationships with others in the community to provide friendships and cultural experiences for their children. More than thirty years later, the Derby City Chapter is still going and growing strong. The chapter was often identified and selected as host chapter for Regional Conferences, Clusters, and Meetings, has developed strong youth leaders that consistently served on the Regional Teen Leadership Board. Derby City continues to reach and serve a wide variety of families and children in the Kentuckiana Region (Greater Louisville and Southern IN).


The Derby City Chapter of Jack and Jill started the year with our annual Jack and Jill and Carole Robertson Day. We collaborated with the ACLU of Kentucky and NAACP. We discussed life during the Civil Rights Movement and how we continue to fight for our human rights, civil rights, and racial harmony. With help from the ACLU, we organized a peaceful rally demonstration. This activity addressed the Civic/Legislative tenant.

with Red Cross Certification and continued training to become junior lifeguards, shallow water lifeguards, and lifeguards. Groups 3 and 4 (3rd Grade - Middle School) met in November, at the Big Four Bridge to walk for mental health. The children learned mind and body stretches to use as a calming strategy if they ever feel alone and/ or upset. Each child brought a non-perishable item for Transitioning Family Advocates, a nonprofit organization that works alongside families with children that are transitioning through the family court system. The Health Programmatic Thrust and part of leadership module #11, service and sacrifice - The act of giving to the community, was covered. On Monday January 16, our chapter met at The Playhouse. This day of service consisted of celebrating the life and legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with community artists and African American Theatre Program representatives. They used artistic expression to commemorate Dr. King’s contributions to the world. The chapter brought new/gently used books to benefit students at Rutherford Elementary school and collected non-perishable items for the Souper Bowl of Caring.

Our Teen group focused on water safety and the importance of learning to swim. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated African American children’s chances of drowning are greater than anyone in America. This activity provided participants 486






President: Verynda Straughter Vice-President: Stephanie Mays-Hurst Program Director: Monife Knuth Assistant Program Director: Dara Morgan Recording Secretary: Krystal Copeland Corresponding Secretary: Roshunda Steele Treasurer: Siedah Spencer-Ardis Assistant Treasurer: Monique Woods Financial Secretary: Kimberly Shorter-Siebert Assistant Financial Secretary: Sarena Harris Editor: Gladys Ayala Prempeh Chaplain: Kamilah Henderson Sargeant at Arms/Protocol Chair: Teneka Singleton Foundation Chair: Layna Gardner-Lott Parliamentarian: Janecki Nance Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Lashanda Thomas Associate Chair: Kyla Bias Father’s Auxiliary: Harry Weaver

President: Lexi Clark Vice-President: Kylii Taha-Marks Recording Secretary: Avery Roberson Corresponding Secretary: Alexander Grace Treasurer: Maxwell Motley Parliamentarian: Dennis Archer III Editor: Olivia Jacque Foundation Chair: Savannah Yopp Legislative Chair: Devin Lott


Erica Adams-Williams, Roberta Archer, Danyelle Armour, Gladys Ayala Prempeh, Tracey Ball, Theresa Brooks, Vikki Brown, Kyla Byas, Tourqoise Cannon, LaQuita Carter, Renita Clark, Taia Collins, Krystal Copeland, Keyantee’ Davis, Tresa Deal-Galloway, Melanca Durham Clark, Victoria Innis Edwards, Lashawn Elston, Rian English Barnhill, LaQuita Evans, Tracy Betina Foster, C’ Ardiss Gardner Gieser, Layna Gardner-Lott, Curtrise Garner, Khalilah Gaston, Akoco Grace, Sarena Harris, Kamilah Henderson, Aliya Courtney Hines, Diane Hutcherson, Lisa Joseph, Melani Ivery, Onnie Jacque, Lisa Joseph, Nicole Key, Monife Knuth, Stephanie Mays-Hurst, Alysha McGee, Stephanie Miley Johnson, LaDonna Moore, Dara Morgan, Bridgette Motley, Janecki Nance, Linda Ornsby Hendricks, Cinnamon Plonka, Shashu Polk, Lisa Prince-Jones, Eboni Quinn, Angela Raspberry, Pamela Rhoades-Todd, Jakeema Roberson, April Robinson, Maya Rogers-Dallah, Leticia Sampson, Robin Scales-Wooten, Kimberly Shorter-Siebert, Teneka Singleton, Noceeba Southern, Siedah SpencerArdis, Roshunda Steele, Michelle Story-Stewart, Valencia Stoudamire, Verynda Straughter, Nikki Studstill, Zahra Taha-Marks, Lashanda Thomas, Kim Trent, Delisha Upshaw, Phaedra Wainaina, Dawn Weaver, Brandi Wheeler, Randi Williams, Shawntane Williams, Lisa Wilson, Monique Woods Williams, and Twyla Woolwine.


The Detroit Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was established in 1953 with a group of 15 mothers. Detroit Chapter was the 53rd chapter to established by the National organization and the 10th in the Mid-Western Region. Our National Founder, Marian Stubbs Thomas, was a charter member of the Detroit Chapter. At the installation of the new members in September 1953, 42 mothers were installed. The Detroit Chapter of Jack and Jill continues to attract to its membership accomplished professionals and prominent community leaders. The dedication and hard work of these mothers to enrich the lives of children and create lifelong friendships, is the tie that binds us. For this reason, legacies return as members, new members join, and the Detroit Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. thrives.


The Detroit Chapter started the year with the Executive Committee strategic planning retreat focused on fully unleashing our National Theme, “The Power to Make a Difference.” In support of the theme and our thrusts, the Detroit Chapter maintained engaging and fun programming, including commemorating Carole Roberson at Jack

& Jill Day and hosting the Inaugural Jack and Jill of America, Inc., Detroit Chapter Beautillion on May 14, 2022. We have continued to plan and execute dynamic programming with events such as “Cider in the City” at DTE Beacon Park, a Halloween Trunk or Treat, and “Winter Wonderland in the D!” to celebrate the holidays. Throughout the year, the Detroit Chapter created robust and meaningful programming for all Groups. Along with our Jack Pack and Associates, we continue to be on mission, on purpose, for our children and all children.







President: Tanisha Knighton Vice-President: Bianca Griffin Program Director: Candace LaRochelle Recording Secretary: Constance Dunn Corresponding Secretary: Cariss Turner Smith Treasurer: Briget Grant Financial Secretary: H. Camia Brown Editor: Denise Johnson Chaplain: Courtney Clayton Jenkins Parliamentarian: Chelci Fudge Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Erica Thomas and Sherrie Massey Father’s Auxiliary: Quinton Massey

President: Savannah Hameed Vice-President: Julian Williams Secretary: Hayden Talley Treasurer: Serene Hameed


Denise Ali, Roeshana Boyd, H. Camia Brown, Cynthia Davenport, Deidra Davis, Tyffani Dent, Constance Dunn, Chelci Fudge, Stephanie Gaines, Felicia Hameed, Michele Heath-Smith, Valissa Howard, Briget Grant, Bianca Griffin, Courtney Clayton Jenkins, Denise Johnson, Franceska Jones, Jessica Jones, Iman Joshua, Tanisha Knighton, Candace LaRochelle, Adrienne Loretz, Sherrie Massey, Jennifer McKinney, Chaundra Monday, Areial Morrison, LaCola Mosley, Racquel Robinson, Susan Roebuck, Michele Scott Taylor, Patti Solomon, Stacey Talley, Erica Thomas, Qianna Tidmore, Shamera Totty, Cariss Turner Smith, Cassandra Washington, Raquel White


In 2017, the leadership of the Mid-Western Region of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. determined that the Cleveland metropolitan area had sufficient population and diversity to support an additional chapter. An interest group was formed and the mothers immediately immersed themselves in the new chapter formation process. With the guidance and support of Sponsor Chapter President Richelle McCoy of the Cleveland Chapter, Akron Chapter President Tanya Watson, Past National President Alice Peoples, Mid-Western Regional Director Nadine Gibson, Past Regional Director Sharon

Clayton and countless other officers, mother members and associates, Erie Shores’ diligent work culminated in provisional group status in July 2018. Thirty-six enthusiastic mothers were initiated and installed in the Erie Shores Chapter, November 18, 2018. Chelci Fudge served as the founding President. The Erie Shores Chapter continues to grow in membership and offer enriching opportunities for children and teens, with service at the forefront of all our efforts. We strive to reflect the motto, “Let’s Work, Let’s Play, Let’s Live Together!”






President: Dr. Cecilia Miller - Sims Vice-President: Michelle Health Program Director: Stephanie Grandberry Recording Secretary: Venetta Tucker Corresponding Secretary: Venetta Tucker Treasurer: Arlene Wilborn Financial Secretary: Stephanie Grandberry Editor: Dr. Cecilia Miller - Sims Foundation Chair: Arlene Wilborn Parliamentarian: Venetta Tucker Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Stephanie Grandberry

President: Kalynn Grandberry Vice-President: Alyse Health Secretary: Frank Grandberry Treasurer: Kemarion Sims


Cecilia Miller-Sims, Michelle Heath, Stephanie Grandberry, Arlene Wilborn Erica Beavers, Rosalyn Maben-Feaster, Qiana Dawson, and Venetta Tucker


The Flint Chapter was established on July 15, 1960. The Chapter had the honor of being the first installed after the National Convention held in Boston, Mass. Just as the twelve (12) charter members embraced the objective of Jack and Jill in 1960, the chapter currently strives to create a medium of contact for children; provide constructive educational, recreational, and social programs for our children. The Flint Chapter has hosted the following initiatives, Michigan Center of Excellence Annual Founders Day Brunch, Children’s Cluster, and co-hosted Teen Conference to mention a few. We are on the cutting edge of integrating the Jack and Jill concept into our community by partnering with organizations. Our hope is to provide mental awareness, relationship building, and cohesiveness among all children.


During the 2022-2023 program year, the Flint Chapter will continue to focus on community outreach and the Jack and Jill of America, Inc., National Program Thrusts. The Flint Chapter continues to work alongside community members to serve and will continue to utilize the Michigan Center of Excellence to help advocate for our children and all children while carrying out the National Thrusts. We look forward to working under the national theme of The Power Of A Dream. On Mission. On Purpose. For All Children.





President: Jedediah Cantrell Vice-President: Dennie Roqers Program Director: Charo Chaney Recording Secretary: Tiffani Weatherly Corresponding Secretary: Nicole Macaulay-Denthriff Treasurer: Danielle Sheridan-Bell Financial Secretary: Venika Goode Editor: Briana Younq Chaplain: Maeqan Enqlish Historian: Tashaunda Anderson Foundation Chair: Dwan Montqomery Parliamentarian: Sonia Gates Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Venika Goode, Nicole Macaulay-Denthrif Father’s Auxiliary: James Morris

President: Carrinqton Weatherly Vice-President: Thaddeus Denthriff Secretary: Brooklyn Shorter Treasurer: Rakim Chaney Parliamentarian: Sara Dorsey Sergeant-at-Arms: Alonzo Latimore


Tashaunda Anderson, Teresa Barnes, Jedediah Cantrell, Charo Chaney, Marisha Cook-Harris, NeAngela Dixon, Maegan English, Sonja Gates, Venika Goode, Kenyatta Muhammad, Caprice Latimore, Nicole Macaulay-Denthriff, Dwan Montgomery, Karen Perry, Tamara Richmond, Dennie Rogers, Fateema Rose, Danielle Sheridan-Bell, Stacy Shorter, Michelle Strand, La Tonya Walker, Tiffani Weatherly, Eboni Wrenn, and Briana Young


Following acceptance as the Northern Gateway Provisional Group on October 1, 2019, 20 mothers went on to be installed as the new Forest City Chapter during the chartering ceremony on October 18, 2020 after being showcased and accepted at the National Convention of Jack and Jill of America held August 20-23, 2020. These excited and determined founding mothers continued to learn the Jack and Jill way with quality programming and events that continue to improve the experience of our children and families. As a result, the Forest City Chapter was able to expand with the addition of 8 new mothers being installed on May 20, 2022. These new mothers were Ebony Wrenn, Fateema Rose, La Tonya Walker, NeAngela Dixon, Caprice Latimore, Stacy Shorter, Kenyatta Muhammad, and Tamara Richmond. They were sponsored by Mothers Dennie Rogers (Mothers Wrenn and Rose), Venika Goode, Maegan English, Charo Chaney, Tashaunda Anderson, Briana Young and Danielle Sheridan-Bell respectively. Today, Forest City is a small but mighty chapter with 24 dedicated mothers committed to doing the work for our children and all children in the Rockford and surrounding areas. Our mission is to be a dynamic Jack and Jill of America, Inc. chapter attracting new families, delivering quality programming for children and making a real impact in our community.


The Forest City Chapter has continued to provide quality and structured programming to support the National Theme “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose”. While we had a wide array of diverse and thoughtful grade group programs this year, below are just a few highlights of our distinguished activities focusing on serving multiple thrusts simultaneously. These included activities based in STEAM such as

the “Maple and Elm 3D Printing Workshop and “Oak and Elm are Up to the Challenge”, an engineering and architecture workshop explored through play. We continued to stress the importance of health and fitness with programs like “Maple, Dance to the Beat of Your Own Drum” which included a cultural component rooted in African Dance. Mothers branched out to include the importance of self-care in total wellness during “Birch Hair Care Day” while learning about Madam CJ Walker and her contributions to our culture. During “Melanin Maintenance for Oak and Redwood”, the teens and pre-teens learned the science of the integumentary system and how best to care for melanated skin from field professionals who also presented them with the potentials of a career in product development. Our middle schoolers even explored a career in Hollywood creating their own PSA for JJOA in “Showtime! Elm Productions Presents: Lights, Camera, Action!”. Mothers offered cultural learning, art exploration, and combined philanthropy during our MLK Day Program with a virtual guided journey through the Civil Rights Movement, art collages highlighting black history, and donating materials to a local homeless shelter where families have established monthly volunteering events. From tea parties and movie nights to getting dressed up for the orchestra and cultural museum visits, our year was jam-packed with learning through fellowship. The Forest City Chapter, along with the West Suburban Chicago and Northshore Chapters were honored to serve as co-hosts for the IL Area North CoE Children’s Cluster entitled “Let’s Blow Off Some STEAM”, taking our experience in programming to new heights in March 2023. Long live Jack and Jill!






President: Jacqulyn Marcus-George Vice-President: Brandy Jones Program Director: Michele Lee Recording Secretary: Nicole Woods Corresponding Secretary: Norissa Topete Treasurer: Michelle Wainwright Financial Secretary: Nakia Sprouse Editor: TaShena Melton Chaplain: Debra Givens Historian: TaShena Melton Foundation Chair: Erica Williamson Parliamentarian: Camile Lee Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Gina Jones Associate Chair: Delta Walker Father’s Auxiliary: Watoris Mosley

President: Kamal Sprouse Vice-President: Micah Jones Secretary: Kamryn Taylor Treasurer: Lanaya George


Norissa Topete, Brandy Darling, Anyahlyn Dillon, Carmen Evans, Jacqulyn George, Debra Givens, Nina Greer, La Tanya Hampton, Ava Haywood, Alisha Jacobs, Angela Jones, Gina Jones, Camile Lee, Michele Lee, TaShena Melton, Deidre Monroe, Charmanika Mosley, Shemeca Noland, Barbara Spotwood, Nakia Sprouse, Latasha Taylor, Michelle Wainwright, Chantal Walker, Jacquese White, Erica Williamson, Nicole Woods


On May 21st, 1949, the Gary Chapter was chartered as theee nineteenth chapter of the organization during the Fourth National Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated Convention. It stands as the nineteenth incorporated chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Our Charter Mother Members include Evelyn Anderson, Anne Bromley, Mildred Carr, Johnnie Carruthers, Juanita Grant, Hazel Gray, Josephine Johnson, Joyce Morgan, Naomi Rose, Harriet Trimmingham, and Esther Watkins. Juanita Watkins was elected as the first Chapter president. These phenomenal women birthed a collective dedicated to fostering an environment rich with intelligent programming, cultural awareness and appreciation, dedication to community service, and lifelong fellowship. With over seventy-three years of exceptional programming and community engagement, the Gary/Northwest Indiana Chapter of Jack and Jill continues to nurture our beloved Jacks and Jills.


With over 70 years of exceptional programming and community engagement, the Gary/ Northwest Indiana Chapter of Jack and Jill of America has continued to provide programming that benefits all children. This year we began our programming year with a chapter-wide Jack and Jill Day and Carole Robertson Memorial Tribute celebration. The Gary/Northwest Indiana Chapter Jacks and Jills honored the memory of Carole Robertson with music, food, artwork, fellowship, and festivity. The Jacks and Jills created one-of-a-kind ceramic, candle, and painting masterpieces, and a teen Jill gave a presentation discussing Carole Robertson and the four young girls killed in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. Throughout the program year, our grade groups continued to demonstrate the Power to Make a Difference. “The Cast” (Grade Groups 1 and 2 visited the petting zoo and learned about different

wildlife and the historical preservation of the foliage and endangered animals, dove into the legislative process by joining a party, voting, proposing a bill, voting on amendments, and then voting to pass a bill, and hosted an elaborate treasure hunt for the Jacks and Jills. “The Writers” of grade group 3 started the program year with some recreational fun as they enjoyed a day of fun and fellowship at the Central Park Market playground. However, they also put in hard work when they hand-packed nutritious Manna Pack® meals specifically designed to assist in reversing and preventing under nutrition. Our “Directors” in grade group 4 viewed the movie “Till” and participated in a discussion of how Emmett Till’s murder impacted/empowered the generation of teens who experienced his death and how the death of George Floyd affected their generation. Finally, the “Producers” in the teen group visited the Museum of Illusion and experienced how the brain interprets reality and how illusions required the brain to see differently. During dinner, they compared and contrasted laws that give the illusion of one thing but can be interpreted as something else with unintended consequences. All in all, this program year has been a wonderful time to return back to normal with in person activities and amazing programming.


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JACK and JILL of America, Inc.



President: Germaine Foley Vice-President: Ebony Daniel-Ogweno Program Director: Tiffany Torain Recording Secretary: Ayana Haynes Corresponding Secretary: Jennifer McKinney Treasurer: Jeanelle Smith Financial Secretary: Deidra Jones Editor: Lashon Ford Chaplain: Glecia Tatum Historian: Lashon Ford Foundation Chair: Elisa Malone Parliamentarian: Lesley Foxx Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Nicole Liggins Father’s Auxiliary: Mit Foley

TEEN OFFICERS 2022–2023 President: Alexxandria Braddock Vice-President: Mit Foley II Secretary: Robin Askew Treasurer: Kennedy Craig Chaplain: Ayiteh Sowah Sergeant-at-Arms: Ayiteh Sowah


Dafina Allen, Shawanda Brockington, Ebony Daniel-Ogweno, Germaine Foley, LaShon Ford, Lesley Foxx, L’Oreal Hartwell, Ayana Haynes, Tyreka Horne, Deidra Jones, Camille Landenberg, Nicole Liggins, Elisa Malone, Kinesha Mason, Jennifer McKinney, Shawna PattersonStephens, Kujuanna Ray, Ivy Siaw, Jeanelle Smith, LaKesha Smith, Algeria Sowah, Glecia Tatum, Tiffany Torain


In 2016, Tiffany Torain and Toni Riley organized mothers in the Bay, Midland and Saginaw counties of Michigan to form an Interest Group. On August 28, 2016, Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Past National President Alice Peoples and North Oakland/ Macomb Chapter Member Nicole Tate met with interested mothers. The Great Lakes Bay Region Provisional Group Mothers united with a single mission: To empower and equip our children with the resources to be confident, inclusive and well-rounded leaders. Along with the leadership of the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. National Executive Board, the Great Lakes Bay Region Chapter received support and mentorship from the Mid-Western Regional Team and the North Oakland/Macomb Chapter. In July, 2018, the Great Lakes Bay Region Provisional Group was voted in as a Provisional Chapter at Jack and Jill of America, Inc. at the 43rd National Convention in Kansas City. The Jack and Jill of America, Inc., Great Lakes Bay Region Chapter was chartered October 28, 2018 in Midland, Michigan and included nineteen Charter Members, eighteen fathers, ten teens and twenty-nine children.


In 2021-2022, as we grew to 23 members, we tragically lost charter member, Shantina Davenport. We dedicated our resources to supporting local domestic violence shelters. We provided much needed Black hair and skin care products to under served residents, monetary donations, and awareness information to the community. For our awareness and service efforts, we received the 1st Place Emerald Award at the Midwestern Regional Awards Breakfast during the 45th JJOA National Convention.

We partnered with the YMCA of Saginaw, Michigan to host USA Olympic Swimmer Cullen Jones. Our families and members of the community received encouragement to swim, asked questions and took pictures with his gold and silver Olympic medals. We secured a $25,000 grant from the Dow Company Foundation for the YMCA to provide swim lessons to children in the Great Lakes Bay Region. We received 1st Place recognition in Cycle 2 of the National Best of the Best Recognition for Programming. We hosted The CROWN Act Youth Legislative Summit, discussing aspects of natural and protective hair. A panel discussed hair discrimination in diverse workspaces, including panelist Vievee E. Francis, a contributor to the book, the 1619 Project, another focused on hair discrimination in schools and in sports and tackling micro-aggressions, and one included a call to action to pass the bill from MI State Representatives Sarah Anthony and Amos O’Neal. Our Teens moderated the panels and Q&A. There was an essay contest with TheSWAGMagazine.com where submissions were shared with Michigan legislators. We received the 1st Place 2022 Teen Community Impact Award at TLC. We participated in the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Unity March and our Mighty Michigan Grade Group sewed recovery pillows for pediatric patients. We ended the year with an amazing Black Family Day event that included STEM stations, delicious food, sports, and an atmosphere for families to connect. Teens enjoyed the JJMWR 68th Annual Teen Leadership Conference at Washington University and won 2nd Place in the Skit Competition. For the first time, one of our Teens, Semaj Torain, served as a Regional Teen Officer. Five JJGLBR graduating teens, J’ Angelo Jones, Caleb Smith, Ayanna Sowah, Semaj Torain and Jennifer Tsaras, participated in the TLC Class of 2022 Senior Gala.

We celebrated Jack and Jill Day and Carole Robinson Day with a presentation from Carole Robertson’s childhood friend, Mrs. Linda Booth and presentations including an original song by the Happy Hurons and recitation of Maya’s Angelou’s poem, I Rise by the Outstanding Ontario and Excellent Erie grade groups. 496





President: Jennifer McCormick-Bridgewater Vice-President: Marcia Boyce Program Director: Natalie Hall Recording Secretary: Myesha Melvin-Gholston Corresponding Secretary: Antoinetta Freeman Treasurer: Sonya Kelly Financial Secretary: Nicole Smith Editor: La’Leatha Spillers Historion: La’Leatha Spillers Foundation Chair: Tatum Hawkin Parliamentarian: La’Leatha Spillers Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Ardina Washington Associate Chair: Courtney McCurdy Father’s Auxiliary: Khary Bridgewater

President: Armand Moyer Vice-President: Trevor Freeman Secretary: Kori Smith Treasurer: Phoenix Moyer Parliamentarian: Grace Bridgewater Chaplain: Aaron Gholston Sergeant-at-Arms: Aaron Gholston


Tracey Brame, Veronica Bradford, Shannon Cohen, Holly Gibson, Shaquanda Gordon, Tiesha Hogue, Kania McGhee, Takara Taylor, Kayla Tucker, Monica Taylor, and Shannon Wilson.


On November 14, 2010, under the leadership of founding mothers Delvenia Beason and Barbara Welch, 16 members were installed as the Greater Grand Rapids Chapter of Jack and Jill of America.


The Greater Grand Rapids Chapter started our 2022 - 2023 programming year with our chapter-wide Jack & Jill Day celebration under the theme We Have Something in Common.” Our families came together for a day of service, honor and celebration. Led by our teens, Carole Robertson was memorialized through our teen’s talents in an artistic showcase through music, poetry, dance and artwork. Community service focused on two local nonprofits. Families brought African-American hair products for teens at AYA Youth Collective and decorated over 125 brown sacks for Kids Food Basket sack suppers. Group one kicked-off the programming year and was introduced to STEM through the National Association of Black Farmers. They visited Deep Roots Farm, an AfricanAmerican farm, and learned about various professions in the farming industry. The STEM theme continued in November by learning about chemistry through food with a chemist. They practiced reading a recipe, learning to cook and noting chemical reactions that turn into yummy food. Group two took flight with a private tour of the “Black Wings: An American Dream” exhibit at the Air Zoo. Here they learned about the significant contributions of African-Americans in aviation and aerospace. In November, our Jacks stayed airborne and met African-American scientists and engineers from the Nasa Johnson Space Center and MIT. They also experimented with the concept of drag and built their own rockets. Group three took fine dining to a new level with an etiquette and fine dining experience led by a chef who educated the Jacks and Jills on African-American chefs and cuisine throughout time. Group three also donated non-perishable food items to a local food

pantry. They then moved into the Mayor’s office as Mayors for a Day with Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss. Here the Jacks and Jills learned about city officials and civic duty. They also learned about Lyman Parks, Grand Rapids first and to date, only Black Mayor. The session ended with a Q and A and each Jack and Jill presenting on an issue that they are passionate about providing not just the problem but also a solution. Our tweens explored aquatic science by visiting W.G. Jackson Aquatic Research Vessel where they learned about the water resources in Michigan’s Great Lakes and participated in water quality research by collecting samples from Lake Michigan and conducting experiments in the vessel’s science lab. In November, our tweens were Presidents for a Day as they visited Ferris State University and met with Dr. Bill Pink, President of Ferris State University. The tweens took a tour of the college campus and learned what it takes to run a University. Our Teens kicked off the programming year by hosting a community discussion on issues on the city of Grand Rapids ballot. This activity impacted their learning around accountability and actions that impact their schools, neighborhoods and families. In November the teens visited an African-American recording studio and learned about music production and songwriting. The end result was each teen recording and producing their own songs.






President: Alane Laws-Barker Vice-President: Reshane Lonzo Program Director: Monique Smith Recording Secretary: Sonii Revis Corresponding Secretary: Shalonda James-Garza Treasurer: Alexis Travis Financial Secretary: Lori Fluker Editor: Tara Ferguson Chaplain: Shulawn Doxie Historian: Tara Ferguson Foundation Chair: Latonea Perkins Parliamentarian: Dorinda Andrews Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Danielle Eiland Associate Chair: Viola Burton-Mitchell Father’s Auxiliary: Steven Lonzo

President: Bryce Sanders Vice-President: Zachary Barker Secretary: Blake Haller Treasurer: Nia Long Parliamentarian: Carmel Eiland Chaplain: Ezra Easterly Sergeant-at-Arms: Stephen Phelps-Mosby


Alane Laws-Barker, Dorinda Andrews,NiCole Buchanan,LaDawn Caldwell,Terah Chambers,Shulawn Doxie,Morgan Dudley, Talitha Easterly,Danielle Eiland,Shalonda James-Garza.Tara Ferguson,Lori Fluker,Carmen Harden,Nyshell Lawrence,Lynette Long, Re’Shane Lonzo.Hope Lovell,Latonea Perkins.Jada Phelps,Jennifer Pope, Meritta Proctor,Sonji Revis,Santrece Roberts,Tanisha Sanders,Ninah Sasy,Monique Smith, Shatoria Townsend, Alexis Travis


In 1978, a group of six mothers from Lansing, East Lansing, and Okemos met to discuss the unique challenges that were confronting their African American children in terms of their residence and schooling in a predominantly white social milieu. The mothers were Sharon Cardwell, Harriette Gillum, Carrie B. Jackson, Sarah Vern King, Patricia Little and JaMille Webster. As a result of their discussion, the six mothers decided to reach out to other families residing in the Greater Lansing area who felt similarly, and they began to collectively provide their children with varied experiences related to their Black heritage. This newly created network of friends eventually included over twenty families. A wide variety of stimulating and enjoyable experiences were arranged and shared over the next several years. The mothers affectionately called themselves “Our Group.” In January 1980, the Mid-Western Regional Office of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated contacted “Our Group” to explore the mutual benefits of affiliation. The required application was submitted and accepted by Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated in 1981. The Greater Lansing Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., was voted for approval at the National Convention in Chicago in 1982 and chartered by the National Office on March 12, 1982. While mothers hold membership in the organization, fathers are also an integral part of chapter activities and projects. A family focus is reflected in monthly children’s activities and various chapter events.


On the 40th Anniversary of the Greater Lansing Jack and Jill Chapter, the members came together,on September 17, 2022, from 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm to celebrate as a collective family following a grandcelebration earlier in the day. As Dorothy Wright,

the first National President, had envisioned the day; this was a true family round-up. Greater Lansing members, children, teens, and fathers came together to focus on “building, bonding, and bridging” and had a fantastic time. In the event, we alsohonored Carole Robertson with engaging activities. Together, we engaged in physical movement,to include our health thrust and to include children of all abilities, across all age groups. The chapter explored social recreation and physical exercise, participating in the health thrust through the game of golf, followed by an adventurous go-cart driving range. Parents and children enjoyed the healthy competition and cheered each other in these activities. Our children and teens concluded the afternoon by taking home a “mini self soothe bag” created to calm, relieve stress, and encourage emotional wellness. The bag included items that appealed to all five senses (sight, sound,smell, taste, and touch) as this is an excellent way to selfsoothe and practice self-care and nurturing,with a focus on mental health awareness. Jack and Jill Day was a high-energy, engaging, and fun event for Mothers, Teens, Children, and Fathers.




President: Felicia Johnson Vice-President: Kimberly Brooks Program Director: Tabitha Ervin Recording Secretary: Keisha Goldman Corresponding Secretary: Jennifer Lapsley Treasurer: Alisa Pearson Financial Secretary: Sharon Davis Editor: Dawn Smith Chaplain: Keisha Goldman Historian: Valentine White-Xayarath Foundation Chair: Tandalla Jackson Parliamentarian: Richelle Humphrey Teen Sponsor/Advisor: India Barnes


President: MaKayla Johnson Vice-President: Trinity Jackson Secretary: LaNya Goldman Treasurer: Jasmine Barnes Parliamentarian: Harrison Brooks


India Barnes, Cynthia Black, Nicole Booker, Kimberly Brooks, Michelle Collins-Austin, Angela Collins, Jessica Craft, Sharon Davis, Andrea Dortch-Thomas, Tabitha Ervin, Keisha Goldman, Richelle Humphrey, Jamila Jackson, Tandalla Jackson, Felicia Johnson, Jennifer Lapsley, Lesley Jones-Sessler, Ariana McGee, Lori Morgan, Shay Palmer, Alisa Pearson, Erika Phillips, Angela Pickens, Dawn Smith, Valentine Xayarath


The Greater Northeast Indiana Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was established on November 2, 2018 with nineteen mothers India Barnes, Cynthia Black, Kimberly Brooks, Tamarah Brownlee, Sharon Davis, Andrea Dortch Thomas, Alise Easley, Tabitha Ervin, Keisha Goldman, Richelle Humphrey, Tandalla Jackson, Felicia Johnson, Lesley Jones Sessler, Jennifer Lapsley, Lori Morgan, Alisa Pearson, Sherri Stiles-Franklin, Vivian Tillar and Valentine WhiteXayarath. Our mission is to prepare our children to use their imagination to find creative solutions to reach their goals. We set the stage for our children to be creators and innovators impacting the world around them. We teach and model authentic leadership so that our children will grow to direct other and produce greatness. Not Just a Play Date is our motto.


Our 2021-2022 program year was filled with milestones and firsts. One of our teens, Jasmine Barnes, was recognized in the November 12, 2021, Friday R.A.P as a 3rd place Art Contestwinner in the 2021 Up the Hill Art Contest. The theme was “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children on Mission on Purpose.” This was a first for one of our teens to be recognized on a regional level for her talent. We had our second intake of new mothers on May 15, 2022. Seven new mothers: S. Nicole Booker, Angela (Angie) Collins, Jamila Jackson, Ariana McGee, Angelica Pickens, Erika Smith- Phillips and Dawn Smith are now part of our growing chapter! We also welcomed two transfer mothers, Shalot (Shay) Palmer and Jessica Craft, which brings us to 25 families strong, totaling 38 children. The teens still represent our largest grade group, with 14! We only had one graduating senior, Brooklyn- Kai Xayarath, and we celebrated her at our Black Family Day event May 22, 2022. As we look at the future and the transition of our chapter, we will

have to be strategic in how (being mindful of gender and ages) and the most appropriate timeframe (determining who graduates out) when to recruit new families At the 2022 National Convention in Orlando, Florida, two of our mothers (President Felicia Johnson and Program Director, Tabitha Ervin) represented our chapter, and GNI received thefollowing recognitions: Outstanding Leader= Felicia Johnson, Outstanding Teen Advisor = India Barnes, Inspirational Leader = Keisha Goldman, Distinguished Father = Dennis Johnson, Sr. Congratulations to those mothers and father! Our officers will remain the same until next program year! In the meantime, we recognize the work we must do for not only our children, but for ALL children. We will continue planning diverse, robust, in- person programs, growing our chapter,serving our community, exposing our children to culture and activities that impact government and legislation. Together, we are committed to instilling the skills, the character, and the moral attributes necessary to develop future leaders of America.








President: Annette Suggs Vice-President: Nneka Breaux Program Director: Danette Howard Recording Secretary: Tawana Ware, Talai Smith Corresponding Secretary: Dana Austin Treasurer: Kelly Payne Financial Secretary: Shamika Anderson Editor: Tania Makins Chaplain: Sigrid Elston Historian: Rachelle Hardiman Bible Foundation Chair: Monique Hill French Parliamentarian: Sherry Warren Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Deirdre Reed Associate Chair: Angela Bowens Father’s Auxiliary: Jason Breaux

President: Blaire Jones Vice-President: Nia Breaux Secretary: Charlese Cross Treasurer: Jaidyn Lindsey Parliamentarian: Lauren Humes Chaplain: Shaune Shelby Sergeant-at-Arms: Philip Jones


Lisa Anderson, Shamika Anderson, Rona Ash, Tavonna Harris Askew, Dana Austin, Kimberly Bacon-Gray, Adrienne Bedford-Jones, Rachelle Hardiman Bible, Marly Bradley, Sherrie Brady, Nneka Breaux, Kendell Brown, Patricia Brown, Tamarah Brownlee, Nicole Caldwell-Gross, Darrianne Christian, Akilah Darden, Kiahna Davis, Karen DeFrantz, Sigrid Elston, Monique French, Valerie Gathers, Hilma Green-Riley, Hope Hampton, Lisa Hawkins, Ayana Rowley Henderson, Maxine Henderson, Terri Hill, Karen Holly, Diane Houston, Danette Howard, Pamela Humes, Kimberly Jones Jefferson, Tomika Jefferson, DeLaina Jones, Delilah Morgan Jones, Samantha JonesDavis, Jamilia King, Deidre Lindsey, Amanda Lockett, MeKeeba Lomax, Tania Makins, Stephanie Young Moss, Dennisha Murff, Pendana Odle, Chelsea Overstreet, Kelly Payne, Lindiwee-yaa Randall-Hayes, Deirdre Reed, Lisha Shelby, Charise Shoffner, Adrienne Sims, TaLai Smith, Jennifer Thorington Springer, Annette Suggs, Tia Thomas, Tawana Ware, Sherry Warren, Angela White-Randolph, Crystal Williams, Felicia Williams, Nichole Wilson, Tene Wright


On September 8, 1951 the Indianapolis Chapter was installed as the 33rd chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated and the 7th chapter of the Mid-Western Region. What started with a group of 10 mothers bringing their young children together for monthly activities has grown into a large and thriving chapter committed to youth leadership and development, philanthropy, and community service. We are a chapter of distinction focused on servicing all children in the Indianapolis area through excellence in community programming and leadership development. Through flagship programs like the Youth Economic Summit, Beautillion Militaire scholarship program, and Breakfast with Santa, the Indianapolis Chapter has created a lasting legacy in the local community. The charter members were Ruth Bell, Fannie Blackburn, Sarah Daniels, Shirley Evans, Mary Hawkins, Daisy Lloyd, Margaret Mackey, Wilma Sims, Osma Spurlock, and Ruby Thomas. The first Executive Board included Mary Hawkins, President; Shirley Evans, Vice-President; R. Leah Thomas, Recording Secretary; and Flora DeFrantz, Treasurer.


For 2022-2023 the Indianapolis Chapter continued with our programming theme of, “Meaningful Connections through Programming Excellence” with a focus on “Elevated Programming.” We discussed ways to take our programming to the next level during our Annual Program Planning Meeting and Chapter Retreat in August. We kicked off the year with a chapter event honoring Carole Robertson and celebrating Jack and Jill Day. On Monday, January 16th, we honored the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a day of service. Our children and teens were excited to visit one of our community partners, The Wheeler-Dowe Boys & Girls Club of Indianapolis, where they painted, cleaned, organized care packages, and donated cleaning and hygiene supplies. This year, we will continue our commitment to promoting financial literacy through our flagship Youth Economic Summit (Y.E.$.) event. In addition, our activity calender consists of the following monthly themes for all grade groups: October/STEAM, November/ Civic-Legislative, January/Civic-Community Service, February/ Cultural, March/Financial Literacy, April/Mental Health, May/ Social-Recreational.


Indianapolis Chapter







Our families celebrated Jack and Jill Day with ‘Lake Shore Goes Golfing’. To commemorate the life and legacy of Jill Carole Robertson, our teens recited passages about Carole and shared facts about her impact on the fight for social justice.

President: Vanessa Smith Vice-President: LaDawn Norwood Program Director: Pamela Binion Recording Secretary: Joselyn Carson Corresponding Secretary: Trisha Smith Treasurer: Valerie Coleman Financial Secretary: Akeisha Walker Editor: Tracee Blackburn Chaplain: Kenyatta Young Historian: Tracee Blackburn Foundation Chair: Pamela Garmon-Johnson Parliamentarian: Karla Gowen Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Karen Johnson Father’s Auxiliary: Robert Johnson

President: Dylan Tate Vice-President: Sean Baker-Billings Recording Secretary: Jori Findley Corresponding Secretary: Kennedy Bolton Treasurer: Miles Johnson Parliamentarian: Makenze Humphrey Chaplain: Payton Pitts Sergeant-at-Arms: Leah Norwood

The Lake Shore Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was chartered on October 18, 2008 by Past National President Jacqueline Moore Bowles, the 2008-2010 National Executive Board, Past National President Alice Peoples and many past and current Mid-Western Regional Officers. As we prepare to celebrate our 15th Anniversary as a two-time 5-Star Chapter, we honor our 43 Charter Mothers who charted our path to excellence: Sheron Banks-Fallis, Tracey Booker-Edwards, Kimberlie Boone, Dana Burke, Veta Caldwell-Charles, Lynda Edwards, Jamie Findley, Angela Ford, Allyson Fox-Crump, Paula Grantt, Melody Grimes, Jackie Hall-Harris, Terisa Hammond, Rhea Henderson, Sherita Jackson, Tonya Jarrett-Jeter, Angela Johnson, Nancy Jones, Katrina McWilliams, Kay Monelle, Phyllis Paige, Tanya Ramsey, Antoinette Rayburn, Jil Ross, Algeia Scott, Karen Shaw, Raynya Simmons, Pamela Sims Nunley, Allison Street, Sandra Whetstone and Celeste Wright-Harris. Our Charter Officers included: Felicia M. Perkins, Kim Bowens, Teri Day, DeNalda Guice Gay, Hope Tate, Cherya Jenkins, Tracey Patterson, Von Simmons, LaDonna Flanagan, Sherilyn Crawley, Malba Allen and Stephanie Austin-Jackson. Today, Lake Shore Chapter boasts 58 Mothers committed to our mission—to be the premier (best in class) mid-sized chapter in Chicago recognized nationally and regionally for excellent programming that is flawlessly executed leading to the development of our children as global leaders. Year after year, our Chapter’s history of excellence grows and we always look forward to bettering our best each program year!


Lake Shore Chapter emphasizes early and ongoing exposure. In November, we hosted our annual “Be Exposed” College and Career Fair to provide opportunities for mentorship and visibility to numerous career options for teens and tweens. We are committed to uplifting children’s voices and in February, hosted our annual “Be Spoken” Oratorical Competition for all grade groups. This showcase allows our children to develop public speaking skills and experience the power of eloquent and persuasive speech. Lake Shore promotes cultural exchanges through our annual December Cultural event. This year’s event, a Winter Sneaker Ball, featured African drummers and dancers. Our families also served the community by giving over 50 bags of non-perishable food to The Edward Irving Foundation. Our Mission IS Possible through our grade group programming, featuring activities like rolling out the red carpet to learn improv and perform before a live audience, a three-course dining experience to practice etiquette and other practical life and social skills, understanding the power of money in their personal lives and society while solving a business challenge and staying committed to philanthropy, and exploring The International Museum of Surgical Science to learn the history of surgery and solve a medical emergency with limited resources. Our Teens attended the musical, 1619: The Journey of a People, followed by the Chicago Mayoral Candidate Forum to expand their historical and current civic knowledge. Together, we achieved “Mission Accomplished” this program year!

Lake Shore Chapter started the year with a June Planning theme of MISSION: IS POSSIBLE aligning to the National theme- The Power to Make a Difference for All Children. On Mission. On Purpose. During planning, Lake Shore’s mothers were On Mission, With Purpose to continue our legacy of quality programming for our families and community.








This center provides clothing, food, and toiletries to children in need during and after school. The Louisville Chapter profoundly believes that all children deserve the right to learn and grow in a safe environment with their basic needs fully met. We were able to supply thousands of dollars of goods, build shelves, and provide an abundance of labor for stocking and organizing all the donations. The school’s officials were overwhelmed with gratitude as were all of us for the opportunity to work hard on the behalf of others honoring the legacy of Dr. King by not only our words but also our deeds. Through the implementation of intentional community focused programming, we have been able to exemplify the national theme of “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose.”

President: Danielle Graham Vice-President: Toni Allen Program Director: Tonda Helton Recording Secretary: Meredith Benz Corresponding Secretary: Angel Bryant Treasurer: Felicia Romine Financial Secretary: Tam Johnson Editor: Leigh Wilson Graf Chaplain: Giavonne Rondo Hillman Historian: Leigh Wilson Graf Foundation Chair: Jennifer Porter Parliamentarian: Ashlee Gray Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Tam Johnson Father’s Auxiliary: Adrian Graham

President: Rheagan Johnson Vice-President: Jaxson Helton Secretary: Lola Rondo Hillman Treasurer: Genesis Romine Chaplain: Xavier Cox Sergeant-at-Arms: Xavier Cox

The Louisville Chapter was incorporated on September 18,1954, with twenty-four charter members. Founding Chapter President Minnie Alta Broadus and Vice-President Helena Lawson served as their leaders. Currently our membership consists of 35 magnificently marvelous mothers. During these past 68 years, several hundred families have been a part of the legacy of our organization and have contributed greatly to the cultural, educational, and social realm of the Louisville community.


The Louisville Chapter started the year celebrating family with Jack and Jill day and remembering Carole Robertson. During this event, we raised funds for disaster relief for the flooding in KY and MS. The children played minute-to-win it games, a mother vs. kids kickball game, and presented poems and presentations on what Carole Robertson’s legacy meant to them. For October, Breast Cancer Awareness month, our chapter raised funds and participated in the fifth annual Sista Strut, a 3k breast cancer charity walk that aims to increase awareness to the benefits of breast cancer screenings and other breast cancer resources in the Kentuckiana area. Our families in partnership with Kentucky African Americans Against Cancer, handed out waters, walked, and brought joy and encouragement to thousands including several current survivors in our chapter. Also in October, we held a “Farmer in the Dell” a learning experience with a local African American Urban farmer. The children received planting lessons, books, and healthy treats. They toured the farm and tasted the plants, saw animals, and learned about the importance of sustainable agriculture within urban communities. In November, we hosted Mancala: a game of strategy and the private viewing of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. All our families, from the youngest that participated in the games to the oldest that watched and enjoyed seeing black excellence in film had a wonderful time in fellowship. One of our proudest moments of programming came during our MLK Day of Giving 2023. We adopted a local middle school’s Family Resource Center.






President: Myesha B. McClendon Vice-President: Tikisha Buford Program Director: Constance Grady-Woodberry Recording Secretary: Michelle Flagg Corresponding Secretary: Traci Jones Treasurer: Letitia J. McGee Financial Secretary: Amber Commodore Editor: Alexandria M. Cummings Chaplain: Geneva M. Porter Historian: Tiffany Ward Foundation Chair: Marcletta R. Kerr Parliamentarian: Nikisha Horn Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Larcenna Mason Father’s Auxiliary: Joshua Mercer

President: Chasen Cage Vice-President: Madison Griggs Recording Secretary: Greer Waller Corresponding Secretary: Caitlin Johnson Treasurer: Nyla Williams Parliamentarian: Maya Lambert Chaplain: Prestyn Robertson Sergeant-at-Arms: Allison Commodore


The Magnificent Mile Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was chartered on October 17, 2020 with 81 extraordinary women from diverse backgrounds with the goal to make a difference in our children’s lives and the children in our community. Our motto has been “rooted in tradition, focused on the future.” The journey to chartering the Magnificent Mile Chapter did not occur in a bubble. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic. On May 29, 2020, the city of Chicago was the site of numerous protests and rioting for several weeks in the aftermath of several unjustified killings of African Americans in the United States, resulting in the closing of retail and grocery stores. Magnificent Mile families took part in a nonviolent protest against racism for children and families organized by the Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated Chicago Chapter on June 13, 2020. Youth spoke to the importance of civic engagement and the value of black lives. On August 23, 2020, at the 44th National Convention, the national body voted in favor to officially grant the mothers of the Magnificent Mile Provisional Group new status as the Magnificent Mile Provisional Chapter.


The Magnificent Mile Chapter was excited to host a number of our first in-person activities this program year, beginning with a tribute to Carole Robertson. The official Carole Robertson Memorial Ceremony was conducted by the teen group, led by Teen Club President Chasen Cage. Participation in this ceremony aligns with Leadership, Communications and Public Speaking, and Character Building. The Children and Teens also donated school supplies to children in need as a way to focus on Leadership and the Benefits of Philanthropy.

activities facilitated Communications, Public Speaking, Character Building and Trust and Respect. The children also participated in a book drive by collecting and packaging books to present to children at La Rabida Hospital, a pediatric specialty hospital for extended acute care. This exercise supports Give and Take: The Benefits of Philanthropy and Service and Sacrifice. On December 18, 2022 our Magnificent Mile families enjoyed an evening on Broadway with the cast of the award-winning musical “The Lion King”. The children were able to learn about the score and choreography which contain many African cultural influences. Next, the chapter hosted our MLK Day of Service in partnership with the historic Mount Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church where Dr. King once spoke. Mag Mile geniuses facilitated a program that included oratorical, artistic, musical, and literary expressions across grade groups. This day stressed the importance of literacy through various genres of reading on the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The service activity ended with a donation of household items to senior residents of Liberty Commons.

The Magnificent Mile Chapter hosted a Jack and Jill Day celebration with a day of social recreational activities to celebrate the kick-off of a new program year. The event included a diverse group of activities for all ages. The highlight of the day was a Dodgeball game with the children versus the Father’s Auxiliary, puzzles, mazes, card games, and push up and pull up fitness challenges. These 509







and Bumps,” with pumpkin carving and learning about proper skin care. They practiced skin washing and learned why sunscreen is so important for skin including those of us with darker pigments. Grade groups 2 & 3 did a bridging activity around food science and community service. Both groups participated in a science experiment and prepared and packaged 175 sandwiches for the homeless.

President: LuVerda Sayles-Martin Vice-President: Lisa Goodman Program Director: Jennifer lmediegwu Recording Secretary: Trina Smith Corresponding Secretary: Latasha Patterson Treasurer: Bridget Borum Financial Secretary: Denise Baldeh Editor: Latoya Stamper Chaplain: Brandy Watkins Historian: Alicia Walker Foundation Chair: Christina Orr Parliamentarian: Kawanza Newson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Sharniecia Norman Associate Chair: Felita Daniels-Ashley Father’s Auxiliary: Gregory Martin

President: Kyle Norman Vice-President: Taiah Goodman Secretary: Johnathan Smith Treasurer: Brandon Watkins Parliamentarian: John Daniels Chaplain: Jeremiah Johnson Sergeant-at-Arms: Darius Wright

The Milwaukee Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, share a proud history that spans more than 60 years. The seeds of our legacy were planted in 1950 when Mildred Carr relocated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin from Indiana. Having been familiar with Jack and Jill in that state, it was her desire to unite mothers with similar goals and ideals for their children and form a chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. in Milwaukee. Her unrelenting efforts to organize a chapter in the city resulted in the Milwaukee Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. being chartered in 1952. Other founding members were Frances Brock Starms, Pauline Redmond Coggs, Marian Atkinson, Clarice Harris and May Mitchell. Our Chapter is honored to have had among its members, Jacqueline Moore Bowles, the 21st National President of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and Kimberley Goode. Mrs. Goode served as MidWestern Region Editor, National (and Regional) By-Laws Committee chair, Regional Secretary/Treasurer, and National Editor. Over the years the Milwaukee Chapter has grown in strength, community presence and membership with 39 active mothers. The focus of the Milwaukee Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. is to nurture and enrich the lives of not only its own children, but others as well by providing constructive educational, cultural, civic, and social programming for its youth.


The foundation chair lead members with a fundraising event through Double Good Popcorn to raise funds to support a local community based organization supporting the needs of our youth. In October the chapter presented a check for $3,000 dollars from the fundraiser to Foundations For Freedom, Inc. Group 3 ended 2022 with holiday cheer and hosted a Holly Jolly Jammie Jam. The kids wore their holiday PJ’s, decorated cookies, made Christmas cards, wrote letters to Santa, and stuffed teddy bears to go with a Christmas book (which were donated to the Black Child Development Institute of Milwaukee). The activity ended with the kids dancing in a soul train line to holiday music. Members participated in MLK Day of service. The children packed 100 snack packs for the Boys & Girls Club and 200 flu kits for United Way to provide for families. We are so excited to see what 2023 brings. Our moms will continue to plan activities to educate and engage our children and close the year with our annual Black Family Day celebration in May.

The Milwaukee Chapter started the program year with hosting a gathering at a park in honor of Annual Jack and Jill & Carole Robertson Day. The teens led with a heartfelt presentation on the legacy of Carole Robertson, members engaged with prospective families and collected cleaning supplies for a local youth housing program. Group activities were created to align with the National theme, “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children on Mission On Purpose.” Each group got off to a great start participating in various activities. Grade group 1 enjoyed their first adventure of the year with horseback riding and feeding friendly fury animals at the petting zoo. Grade group 4 participated in a fun activity,”Pumps 511




President: Jennifer Harris Vice-President: Marquita Davis Program Director: La Shonda Kessee-Crump Recording Secretary: Celeste Ogusanya Corresponding Secretary: Tiffany Scott-Knox Treasurer: Bridgette Herndon Financial Secretary: Dawn Simpson Editor: Megan E Poole Chaplain: Jori Thibodeaux Historian: Megan E Poole Foundation Chair: Shanequa Williams Parliamentarian: Tinaisha Abdur-Razzaq Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kendra Dodd, Kirstin Johnson-Nixon and Shannon Tenner Associate Chair: Djuana Banks Father’s Auxiliary: Kemal Simpson


President: Rayyan Abdur Razzaq Vice-President: Cori Thibodeaux Secretary: Kira Fraser, Malayna Davis Treasurer: Lauren Dodd Parliamentarian: Raphael Johnson-Nixon Chaplain: Judah Johnson-Nixon Sergeant-at-Arms: Judah Johnson-Nixon


A group of mothers from Minneapolis and St. Paul organized the Twin Cities Chapter (TC Chapter) in early 1952. In October of the same year, Ms. Edna Sesy of Buffalo, New York installed the first officers and presented the Chapter with its charter. The Chapter grew and matured into a closely-knit group of dedicated mothers who faithfully served the organization and the communities in which they lived. In 1962 the Twin Cites chapter began hosting a series of conferences/ conventions beginning with Jack and Jill’s National Conference held at the Radisson Hotel, Minneapolis. The Convention theme was “Jack and Jill’s Blueprint for Broader Horizons.” In 1981, the Twin Cities Chapter sponsored the St. Paul interest group and they were installed as the St. Paul Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. in 1982. The Twin Cities Chapter then became the Minneapolis Chapter. The St. Paul Chapter later dissolved and its members rejoined the Minneapolis Chapter. In 1999 the Minneapolis Chapter hosted its first annual signature fundraising event, the Rites of Passage program. The six-month Rites of Passage program was created to mentor and support African-American males in their senior year of high school. As we prepare to host our 25th Rites Of Passage cohort, we acknowledge the incredible blessing of being able to serve over 300 young men in greater Minenapolis-St. Paul by providing them with mentors, leading them in a variety of workshops, and celebrating them with a presentation ceremony. The Minneapolis Chapter hosted the Mid-Western Regional Conference in 1981 and 2007. The Twin Cities Chapter also hosted four Teen Leadership Conferences in 1967, 1987, 1997 and 2015. The 1997 Teen Conference was chaired by Marcia Murray on the University of Minnesota campus and introduced the Midwest Region to the “Jack Pack” (Dads, husbands serving as chaperones). In 2008 Twanya Hood Hill was elected as the Mid-Western Regional Member-At-Large 2008-2010.

installed as the City of Lakes Chapter in October 2012. In 2013 the Minneapolis Chapter chartered 12 Associate members, VP Vanessa Ware was re-elected to the Regional Nominating Committee and Minneapolis won Regional Outstanding Chapter for Fundraiser/Community Service for Rites of Passage. In 2016, the Minneapolis Chapter was awarded the Foundation Visionary Award at the 42nd Biennial National Convention for our contributions to the Jack and Jill Foundation. During Regional Conference 2017, Minneapolis was awarded 3rd place for the Regional Per Capital for Fundraising and 3rd place for the National Foundation Giving Award. The region also recognized Tina Grant (Leadership of the Year); Sheneeta White (Outstanding Mother Member), Sabrina Morris (LTA of the Year); Rodney Anderson (Father of the Year); and Bessie Griffin (Outstanding Associate). President Vanessa Ware was also selected as Center of Excellence Leader for the Chicago Area. In 2018 the region recognized Pashell Johnson (Outstanding Chapter Leader), Parliamentarian Carmela Bolden (Mother of the Year), Anton Vincent (Father of Year), Alicia Phillips (LTA of the Year) and Shelley Carthen Watson (Associate of the Year) At the 2019 Regional Conference, Minneapolis Chapter was awarded 3rd Place for the Underground Railroad Cultural Chapter Programming. The region also recognized Vanessa Ware (Outstanding Chapter Leader); Daheia Barr-Anderson (Outstanding Mother Member); Marquita Davis (LTA of the Year); Scott Morris (Father of the Year) and Sharon Buckner (Outstanding Associate).

The Minneapolis Chapter celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2010. We also sponsored the City of Lakes interest group, which was 513


President: Rachel Giddens Vice-President:Tayo Hill Program Director: Ebony Winn Recording Secretary:Tittany Stewart-Williams Corresponding Secretary: Melanie Mandisodza Treasurer: Kimberly Fairman Financial Secretary: llundria Bardwell Editor: Tiffany Sommerio Chaplain: Alise Barrymore Historian: Cassie Lincoln Foundation Chair: Charlotte Smith Parliamentarian :Tracy Stallworth Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Melanie Harris-Smith, MD Associate Chair: DeAnna Smith Father’s Auxiliary: Shannon Hill


President: Zinn Amos Vice-President: Noelani Hill Secretary: Madison Williams and Matilyn Terrell Treasurer: Kenny Smith Porliomentorian: Jared Malone Chaplain: Mckinley Singleton Sergeant-at-Arms: Damien Koonce

CHAPTER MEMBERS Aesha Binion, Aja Winding, Alise Barrymore, D. Min., Antoinette Weston, Ashley Carr, PhD., Ashley Russell -Ashmore, Ashley Harris, Asmarah Clinkscales, CPA , Carla Boyd, Cassie Lincoln, Charlesnika Evans, PhD., Charlotte Smith, Christian Moody, Daria Terrell, M.D., Darnice Koonce Dawnielle Gaskin, DeAnna Smith, Debra Wright, Ebony Winn, Evita McNeil, Felicia Houston, Gabrielle Siengo, Germayne Cade, llundria Bardwell, Jac’Keyia Wells, Jameca Lozano-Lott, Jennifer Matthews, PhD., Joni Bradley-Scott, Kahmeelah Bradley, Karen Zinn-Amos, Kelli Nickols, DNP, Keshia Steele, Kimberly Freeman, Kimberly Fairman, Lakeisha Koonce, Latisha Malone, Latoi Thomas, D.D.S., Latrece Russell, Markuail Griggs, Melanie Harris-Smith, M.D., Melanie Mandisodza, Nia Mathis, Esq., Nichelle Hamer, Nicole Lucas, Nunya Irvine, D.M.D, Phaedra Riley, Rachel Giddens, PhD., Stacy Crook, CPA, Stephanie Whyte-Williams, M.D., Tania White, Tayo Hill, Theresa Andrews-Johnson, Thessa Robertson-Williams, M.D., Tiffany Sommerio, Tiffany Stewart-Williams, Tiffany Walker, Tanika Roach, Torra Jones, M.D., Tracey Lassiter-Levy, Tracy Stallworth, Esq., Yolanda Johnson CHAPTER HISTORY

Monarch Cities’ journey to chartering began with a virtual interest meeting hosted by Jack and Jill of America Incorporated MidWestern Region on Saturday, June 27, 2021. Four mother organizers started the application process that would provide the foundation necessary to cultivate our genuine efforts. After the initial interest meeting, Mothers cast an official vote for the name of the interest group; Monarch Cities. On June 30, 2021, mothers submitted a letter of interest to form an official interest group in the Southland Chicago area covering 54 zip codes. The final interest group meeting took place virtually on July 18, 2021, with the support of our sponsoring Chapter, South Suburban Chicago (JJSSCC), and Mid-Western Regional Director Tanya Watson. The Monarch Cities Interest Group submitted 71 applications on Monday, July 25, 2021, to become a Provisional Group. On August 19, 2021, the National Executive Board of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated cast the official vote to approve the formation of the Monarch Cities Provisional Group (MCPG).

of Jack and Jill of America Inc. To date, Monarch Cities chapter is composed of 63 mothers, 112 children, and 37 fathers.


The Monarch Cities Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc. officially began our year on October 9, 2022. We were chartered with the momentous responsibility of providing carefully curated programming that reflects this year’s theme, “Legacy: 85 Years of Jack and Jill: How our Past has Met our Present and What our Future Holds,”. The 2022-23 Monarch Cities Chapter Program Activity Calendar encompasses all national observances and programming thrusts. Programs, which have been layered to implement engaging and enriching events! Our grade groups have been affectionately named: Dreamers (PK K), Believers (1st - 2nd grade), Thinkers (3rd - 4th grade), Scholars (5th - 6th grade), Achievers (7th - 8th grade) and Navigators (9th 12th grade). Our mothers chose these Inspirational names because they embody our aspirational desires for our children. As our children progress from one grade group to the next, our Dreamers, with the help of Jack and Jill of America Inc., will be given the tools to navigate the world with the skills attained in our grade group masterclasses, experiences, and philanthropic ventures.

Our esteemed executive board members attended the 45th National Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated Convention in Orlando, Florida, representing the 60 mothers of MCPG. Our signature theme: A Tale of Monarch Cities, A Walk Through the Enchanted Garden, highlights the group’s journey to chapter establishment. A display table, virtual presentation, and scrapbook showcased the group’s programs and activities from the 2021-2022 programming year. On July 28, 2022, during the 45th National Convention, Mother Members graciously voted in favor of MCPG to transition from a Provisional Group to a Provisional Chapter. On October 9, 2022, we officially became the 41st Mid-Western region chapter 514






Chapter Officers: 2022-2023 President: Sherida DuBose Parsons Vice-President: Tiffany Albert Program Director: Lashawn Nichols Recording Secretary: Kamelia Wise Corresponding Secretary: Raina Rawlings Treasurer: Adrienne White Financial Secretary: Tiffany Baker Editor: Jamie Shepherd Chaplain: LaRhonda Chastang Historian: Janissa Cameron Foundation Chair: Zaundra Wimberley Parliamentarian: Claire Mason Lee Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Marci Oliver Associate Chair: Lisa Bradham Smith Father’s Auxiliary: Eric Scott Sr.

President: Joi Coleman Vice-President: Grant Johnson Secretary: Colby Oliver Treasurer: Hailgh Cameron Parliamentarian: Alexis Albert Chaplain: Miles Lee Sergeant-at-Arms: Miles Lee


Tiffany Albert, Charmese Armstrong, Tiffany Baker, Cecily Barney-Macon, Alisha Bell, Lisa Bradham Smith, Maia Brooks-Murphy, La Tanya Burge, Janissa Cameron, Regina Ann Campbell, Samantha Carter Winkler, Danielle Chaney, LaRonda Chastang, Jaye Clement, Sherida DuBose Parsons, Bobbi Edwards, Tameka Haden, Aiyanna Hampton, Erica Henley, Adrienne Hinnant-Johnson, Nikole Howard-Whitsett, Jennifer Jackson-Jackson, Sonja Johnson, Alicia Jones-Coleman, Brittany Knox, Karissa Lacy Mcleish, Jessica LeMelle, Claire Mason Lee, Wanda McGlown-Hall, Ginelle McPherson, Tanea Menifee, Rinna Mitchell, Lashawn Nichols, Marci Oliver, April Page, Veronica Petty, Raina Rawlings, Ambra Redrick, Tracey McNeil Robinson, Contessa Rudolph, Jamie Shepherd, Lisa Smith, Alexis Smith-Scott, Laurecia Smith-Witherspoon, Kristi Stepp, Deanne Surles, Jennifer Tabb, Kim Hunter-Varner Tandy, Jamila Taylor Crocker, Katrina Turnbow, Lashell Warner, Kyra Watts, Adrienne White, Chareese Williams, Stephanie Williams, Stacy Wilson, Lakia Wilson Lumpkins, Zaundra Wimberley, Kamelia Wise, Piper Woodger, and Taralyn Wright


One afternoon, in the spring of 1991, Sylvia England and Deborah Gillum discussed the shortage of formal groups providing activities for parents and their children. After exploring the idea with several of their friends and family members, they decided to attempt the establishment of another Jack and Jill chapter in Detroit. Michele Hudson, Renee Jenkins, Dorothy Tyler and Deborah Adams joined Sylvia England and Deborah Gillum to become the organizing group. This group of ladies labored long hours to help the chapter achieve the status of Motor City Provisional Group in 1995. Over the course of one and one-half years, the Provisional Group met to introduce their families to the programs of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The group’s status changed to the Motor City Provisional Chapter by the end of the 1995 Program Year. The members of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. approved the chartering of Motor City as a chapter of the organization at the national convention in Cleveland, Ohio during the summer of 1996. On November 9, 1996, the Motor City Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was chartered, actualizing the goal of expanding the presence of Jack and Jill in the Detroit area and becoming the first chapter in the organization’s history to share city boundaries with another chapter. Deborah Gillum served as the first chapter president.


In keeping with our national theme, ‘The Power to Make a difference for All Children On Mission On Purpose,” Motor City aligns its annual programs with the mission. In addition to supporting the Jack and Jill Foundation, in the past 26 years, Motor City has supported Habitat for Humanity, Matrix Human Services, The Christ Child House, and Gleaners Food Bank are some of the local organizations supported by Motor City Chapter. In recent years, Motor City has provided donations to C.O.T.S., Children’s Center of Detroit, C.C.S.S., March of Dimes, NAMI, American Red Cross Swim Initiative with the Butzel Recreation Center, American Heart Association, SDM2, and the Dossin Museum. Our programming for this year aimed to enrich our children’s lives through cultural, civic, educational, health, legislative, and financial literacy programming. The MLK Day program stands out as it engaged all age groups. They worked together to deliver a dynamic oratorical program for MLK Day. Participants exercised their oratorical skills, and all exercised philanthropic, social, and emotional skills by giving to our charity and supporting all the other kids.






President: Karra Townsend Vice-President: Letisha Thomas Program Director: Kineta Pittman Recording Secretary: Katrina Zackery Corresponding Secretary: Shavonne Crimes Treasurer: Andrea Hunter Financial Secretary: Dara Blake Editor: Verena Peeples Chaplain: Michelle Stoutermire Historian: Verena Peeples Foundation Chair: Julia Patton Parliamentarian: Lorinette Clark Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Shalesia Smith Associate Chair: Kathleen Mickens Father’s Auxiliary: F. Carlton Peeples

President: Makayla Pittman Vice-President: Cameron Wilson Secretary: Lawrence William’s Ill Treasurer: Zharia Hunter Parliamentarian: Lauryn Tellis Chaplain: Hills Howard Sergeant-at-Arms: Hills Howard


Kenicia Adams-Strong-Charese Aibana-Dawn Batts-Dara Blake-Jenine Bland-Meagan Brown-Shannon Cannon-Lorinette Clark-Mitzie Clark-Tanya Clark-Shavonne Crimes-Tyann Davis-Benetia Davis-Williams-Rebecca Dennison-Rita Eaton-Gloria Ellis-Garry-Nicole FieldsVelva Flowers-Ebony Gans-Cheryl Greer-Sonya Hakim-Reeshemah Howard-Nicole Huddleston-Andrea Hunter-Tamara Hunter-Anna lvoryLavergne-Quanya Jefferson-Talona Johnson-Kathleen Mickens-Tressia Mills-Cynthia Miree-Coppin-Markiesha Moorer-Nyasha MurphyAida Owens-Edwina Patterson-Julia Patton-Tracey Payne-Tellis-Verena Peeples-Nicole Philando-Kineta Pittman-Gloria Raines-Lynsey Rogers-Lauren Sanders-Kristina Smith-Shalesia Smith-Michelle Stoutermire-Corey Taylor-Tia Tartt-Fails-Letisha Thomas-Donna Totty-Karra Townsend-Alison Vaughn-Richelle Williams-Davida Williams-Charlotte Wilson-Angela Wright-Katrina Zackery


Families interested in providing cultural, social, and educational experiences through Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated gathered at the home of Ruth Bowers on March 17, 1996. On December 11, 1996, the group received sponsorship of the Oakland County chapter. Boundaries were established, officially forming the Northeast Oakland/Macomb County Group. The Interest Group began with forty-one families and gained chapter status at the 1998 National Convention in New York. With an inaugural theme of “Children First,” North Oakland/Macomb (NOM) chartered on October 10, 1998, under the leadership of Ruth Bowers and officers Jacqueline Gadson-Veal, Cynthia Martin, and Vicki Brown. Along with the following members: Doris Bailey, Carlene Bohannon, Ruth Bowers, Vicki Brown, Gabriela Darris, Joyce Dean, Donna Demby, Yvonne Dixon, Bernadette Gebregiorgis, Brenda Griffen, Beverly Gooden, Carolyn Lee, Karen Lewis, Cynthia Martin, Glenda Minor, Barbara Moore, Uwa Osimiri, Priscilla Rice, Jacqueline Veal, Tara Washington, Eleanor White, and Monica Wiley.

CHAPTER PROGRAMMING Through intentional and impactful programming, NOM embraces the theme theme “The Power to Make a Difference for ALL Children, On Mission, On Purpose.” We began the program year by celebrating the life and legacy of Miss Carole Robertson. The chapter paid tribute to young Miss Robertson’s memory through the poem “Birmingham Sunday” by Joan Baez. The Carole Robertson Tribute continued through a Memorial Candle Lighting Ceremony.

It closed as the chapter gathered in a circle, paused for a moment of silence, and released bubbles to symbolize blowing life into the legacy of our fallen Jack and Jill member. The chapter embarked on an educational journey highlighting the splendor of “The HBCU Experience” for our Jack and Jill Day Celebration. The HBCU EXPERIENCE consisted of a “Talk IT UP” session with mother members who spoke of the beautiful experiences gained because of attending an HBCU. The Founder’s Day program was two-fold, as a Living Museum and the recognition of our children. The Living Museum gave children in each Grade Group a chance to exhibit artistic and creative expression through photographic displays, video performances, and live speaking parts while presenting our chapter’s history. The Father’s Auxiliary was recognized and awarded for service to the chapter. Other enriching activities planned included: My Feelings Matter The Black Ice Experience Future Dentist When we all Vote Life Skills Training Rounding out the year, North Oakland/Macomb will take our Black Family Day back down memory lane with a chapter-wide family picnic! We will enjoy fellowship and continue to celebrate the accomplishments of our youth, Associates, and Father Auxiliary Group.







President: Kassandra Hayes Vice-President: Donna Williams Program Director: Debbie Sainte-Rose Recording Secretary: Steffani McLean Corresponding Secretary: Kai Oputa Treasurer: Wendy Willis Financial Secretary: Sheila Henry Editor: Markeisha Marshall Chaplain: Syndi Craig Historian: Andrea Nichols Foundation Chair: Maia Davis-Singleton Parliamentarian: Allison Powers Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kimberly Easley Associate Chair: Cheri Reid Father’s Auxiliary: Greg Easley

President: Clark Easley Vice-President: Jordan Cleaves Secretary: Jasmine Porter Treasurer: Deven Sainte-Rose Parliamentarian: Noelle Lanton Chaplain: Kennedy Currence


The North Shore Chapter was organized at the Trinity Episcopal Church in Highland Park, Illinois on February 1, 1975, by Shirley G. Mines. It was sponsored by the Chicago Chapter and was granted provisional status on July 23,1975. The charter, extending full membership, was granted on July 24,1976, at the 22nd National Convention held in Denver, Colorado. Georgia Williams, National Secretary, installed the chapter on September 26,1976, at the Continental Plaza (Westin) Hotel. Forty-six members from 21 North Shore and Northern suburb communities signed the charter. On October 27, 2019, the North Shore chapter became the 28th chapter in the Mid-Western Region to install an Associates Chapter. During this momentous occasion, five associates were installed, marking the chapter’s first Associate members. In 2022, there were 25 Associate members. The North Shore Chapter is now a two term Five Star Chapter of Excellence. The chapter was one of eight chapters in the MidWestern Region to achieve this designation in 2022. The chapter will hold this distinction through 2024. Our chapter is strong with 72 mothers working together to inspire leaders in our homes and in our communities, including six mothers with regional and national appointments. Our theme is “Caring. Collaborating. Climbing.”, which aligns with the National Theme of “The Power to Make a Difference, For All Children – On Mission, On Purpose”.


In September 2022, the North Shore Chapter kicked off the programming year with “North Shore Family Affair!” to commemorate Carole Robertson Day and Jack and Jill Day. Chapter families attended this outdoor, social/recreational celebration and were emotionally moved by an impassioned oratorical presentation of “What You Might Not Know About Carole Robertson” led by our teens. This anchoring event set the tone for ardent programming to come. North Shore ensured our children experienced a variety of activities

and topics including creating generational wealth, the legislative process, climate change, the legacy of quilting in our culture, art therapy, and hip hop dance. Our commitment to the community remained strong. The teens participated in the Double Good popcorn fundraiser raising over $21,000 in support of JJOA Foundation, the YWCA of Evanston/North Shore, and Socks in Books. Mothers laced up their sneakers to “JJNS -Walk the Park” and raise funds for the Children’s Defense Fund. Mothers and teens continued philanthropic efforts by supporting community organizations, like Northern Illinois Food Bank, committed to supporting families who are food insecure. Accepting the challenge from our Chapter President Kassandra Hayes, mothers worked to establish their Jack and Jill legacy and to be contributors before being consumers of Jack and Jill. The chapter established the Marion Nell Rice Leadership Academy in honor of Past Chapter President and Lifetime Associate Member Marion “Nell” Rice who passed away in February 2021. The academy is preparing 20 newly inducted mothers to thrive and lead at all levels of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. In 2022, a total of 10 mothers were graduates of the Mid-Western Regional Leadership Academy while three were selected to participate in the third cohort. North Shore has a record number of mothers serving at regional and national levels with six mothers serving. One North Shore teen was selected to join the Mid-Western Region Teen Nominating Committee. In 2023, North Shore will continue to make a difference for all children - through impactful programming, chapter and regional leadership, and community engagement.






President: Johanne Pearson Vice-President: Mattie Scott-Phillips Program Director: Anqela Lipscomb Recording Secretary: Tara Pervine Corresponding Secretary: Khalia Hill Treasurer: DaShaun Draper Financial Secretary: Alicia Merkerson Randle Editor: Paulina Johnson Chaplain: Verlonda Thompson Historian: Shaura Robinson Foundation Chair: Markisha Williams Parliamentarian: Kishna Tarver Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Bobbie Hayes Goodrum Associate Chair: Saundra Lamb Father’s Auxiliary: Johnathan Randle

President: Alexa Thomas Vice-President: Talia Faison Secretary: Peyton Price Treasurer: Derek William Oqlesby (“Will”) Parliamentarian: Erika DuBose Sergeant-at-Arms: Zoe Patterson


In early 1976, Robbie Johnson and Bobbye Wilhite started an interest group of mothers in the Oakland County area. The goal of the group was to promote social, cultural, and recreational opportunities for their children. Recognizing that their goals were compatible with Jack and Jill of America, Inc., these mothers organized a provisional chapter in late 1976. The Oakland County Chapter charter was approved at the TwentyThird National Convention in 1978. The chapter was formally installed on September 10, 1978 at the Wabeek Country Club and became the 163rd chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. The chapter was established with 39 mothers. Today, the Oakland County Chapter consists of 75 mothers, 120 children and 71 Associates. Each member is continuously dedicated to enriching the lives of all children and nurturing future African American leaders. We meet the aims of the national organization through programs focused on leadership development, cultural exposure, community service, legislative advocacy, and philanthropic giving. In 2023, we celebrate 45 years of serving the Oakland County community and a legacy of leadership. This legacy includes innovative youth programming, Five Star Chapter Excellence (2014-2016) and our signature philanthropic focus of granting academic incentive awards to deserving college bound youth in Oakland County.


Oakland County Chapter programming exemplifies the Power of Being “All In” in support of the National Program Theme. Our year began with a successful program planning session that resulted in our moms and teens formalizing an exciting and fruitful program year. Our guest keynote speaker was Mid-Western Regional Secretary Cynthia Miree-Coppin who delivered an inspiring message to mothers on leadership and legacy. We introduced our local theme of “Leaning In for the Children” to encourage optimal member engagement and programming excellence. The program year began with a farm themed chapter-wide

Jack and Jill Day where each age group paid tribute to Carole Robertson. Grade group activities have included enriching activities to learn more about Historical Black Colleges and Universities, STEAM activities using creative experiments and robotic technology, legislative teen talk topic, financial literacy and leadership development. Several of our children programs this year centered around a “A Healthier You”, taking care of self and learning to be mindful of others. Maintaining a chapter focus on community impact, we made blankets for hospitalized children as part of Make A Blanket Day 2022 and our teens participated in two annual walks to raise awareness and donations for the Sickle Cell Disease Association and America Cancer Society. Oakland County supported the National Day of Service (MLK) by organizing a chapter-wide event in partnership with a local community organization consisting of service projects and a Food Drive benefiting Blessing in a Backpack, Book Donation Drive, Lighthouse of Michigan and Open Door Charity. Senior Teens Alexa Thomas and Montana Jones placed 1st and 2nd in the Senior Oratorical category at the 2022 MI/OH Area Workday Cluster qualifying them for the regional competition at Teen Leadership Conference. Oakland County Mothers and Associates are participating in fun and meaningful fundraising events this year to raise funds to support the Jack and Jill Foundation and Academic Incentive Awards. This includes our highly successful movie premier screening of Wakanda Forever where our families dressed in our best African Attire and our upcoming Supper At the Masquerade fundraising event. Oakland County Mothers experienced a dynamic Mothers retreat filled with sisterly relations, relaxation, culture and fun that recharged us for the programming year. Black Family Day will round out our year where we will celebrate our families, highlight the accomplishments of our children and teens and recognize our graduating seniors.






President: Angela Byars-Winston Vice-President: Kiah Calmese Walker Program Director: Zakiyyah Salim-Williams Recording Secretary: Janean Dilworth-Bart Corresponding Secretary: Deidre Garrett Treasurer: Danyelle Perry Financial Secretary: Yolanda Tolson-Eveans Editor: Lauren Powell Historian: Lauren Powell Foundation Chair: Ahavaha Pyrtel Parliamentarian: Melissa Rhone Schaller Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Marah Curtis Associate Chair: Willa Blasingame

President: Lyric Eveans Vice-President: Marie Outlay


Kesha Bozeman, Angela Byars-Winston, Kiah Calmese-Walker, Marah Curtis, Janean Dilworth-Bart, Tamela Fralin, Deidre Garrett, Lashonda Irby, Mankah Mitchell, Christina Outlay, Lauren Powell, Danyelle Perry, Ahavaha Pyrtel, Melissa Rhone Schaller, Zakiyyah SalimWilliams, Yolanda Tolson-Eveans, Telisa Yancy.


organizations in Madison.

South Central Wisconsin was voted in as a Provisional Chapter on July 29, 2016 at the National Convention held in Palm Desert, California. The small, but mighty, chapter was chartered on October 22, 2016. The 17 founding mothers were: President Willa Blasingame, Vice President LaShonda Irby, Program Director Sheryl Henderson, Recording Secretary Angela Byars Winston, Treasurer Yolanda Tolson-Eveans, Financial Secretary LaKesha Bozeman, Editor Maisha Winn, Denise Baldeh, Makeba Boatwright, Janean Dilworth-Bart, Tia Eady, Azure Fudge Hart, Tracy Lewis-Williams, Mankah Mitchell, Claudia Mosley, Cherene Sherrard-Johnson, Petrolina Sims.


The South Central Wisconsin chapter started the year hosting our Annual Carole Robertson Day and Jack and Jill family activity where we embraced health and wellness! Our theme was Health and Wellness and we provided health education and fun, physical activities for our children. During our program, we reviewed information about heart health and healthy eating provided by our community partner, the American Heart Association. In addition, we were joined by Dr. Adrienne Hampton who provided our children with Ko-Thi dance instruction. She also shared information about the history of Ko-Thi, engaged the children and mothers in learning Ko-Thi dances, and discussed the link to heart health. We also discussed the significance of Carol Robertson Day and our children read excerpts from Carol Robertson’s biography.

In December, the chapter celebrated Kwanzaa. We were joined by Jerome Hunter for drumming and a celebration of the seven principles of Kwanzaa. Our children learned about West African Traditional, Afro-Cuban and Afro-Brazilian drumming and their cultural/historical significance in order to build self-esteem and selfconfidence through discovering the rewards of discipline, teamwork, creativity, responsibility and self-respect. We also participated in fun collective activities from designing gingerbread cookies and a toothpick and marshmallow house building challenge. We delivered the gingerbread houses and marshmallow/toothpick kit to all of the chapter members. Jerome Hunter is a master dancer, national & internationally known choreographer and drummer who has merged several dance disciplines such as traditional Africa dance, Brazil, Caribbean, as well as North America, to create a unique fusion that is synonymous with LaRocque Bey, and has been performing these dance styles for over 30 years.

In November, the chapter hosted a private screening of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. This event was open to our children, family, and friends. Guests dressed in African garb and shared positive representation. Our goal was to showcase positive representation of African Americans in film, highlight actors of color and instill cultural pride in our children. We invited children in the community to attend through connections with a variety of 524




President: Tracie Hayes Vice-President: Deborah Harris Program Director: Rashida Downing Recording Secretary: Ankhe Bradley Corresponding Secretary: Marianne Powell Treasurer: Latonya Ford Financial Secretary: Ashonta Akiwowo Editor: Mariba Woods Chaplain: Lori Jordan Historian: Leslie Williams Foundation Chair: Leslie Levy Parliamentarian: Kimberly Mitchell Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Cassaundra Rouse Associate Chair: Deadra Stokes Father’s Auxiliary: Derrick Hayes

President: Nya Stokes Vice-President: Layla Kimmons Secretary: Braelyn Hall Treasurer: Jared Rouse Parliamentarian: Ernest Woods, III Chaplain: Khyla Wilson-Hill Sergeant-at-Arms: Elias Mayes


Jane P. Brown and Gloria Simms organized the South Suburban Chicago Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Both Jane and Gloria remained active members for many years in the Chicago Chapter, even after moving to the South Suburbs. Realizing that it was time for a chapter closer to home, they decided to form a chapter. After many months of meetings, organizing, and collecting information, the interest group became a Chapter in 1976. Seventeen (17) ladies joined Jane and Gloria as organizing charter members and Nine (9) additional ladies joined as charter members. To date, South Suburban Chicago Chapter is composed of 79 mothers and 119 children.


In keeping with our National theme, The Power to Make a Difference for All Children. On Mission. On Purpose” programming for the South Suburban Chicago Chapter (JJSSCC) has continued in a spirit of excellence. In March 2022, we held a successful fundraiser, “The Blue and Blush Brunch”. We raised over $15,000 for the Jack and Jill Foundation, community programming, and college scholarships. Black Family Day, held in May 2022, was a collaboration with the Monarch Cities Chapter, during which we gathered at a local golf course to enjoy lessons and socially distanced rounds of golf. At Teen Leadership Conference, in June 2022, at Washington University, our teens exceeded expectations in every way. They won first place in Outstanding Senior, Step, and T-Shirt competitions— second place in the Banner competition, and third place for Teen Community Impact. At the 2022 National Convention, South Suburban Chicago Chapter was excited to receive the prestigious 5-Star Chapter designation for a second time. We also won first place for Quarter 4 Best of the Best in Programming for the Illinois Area South COE Children’s Cluster, which engaged children in an exploration of space!

Jack and Jill Day/Carole Robertson Remembrance 2022 was held in September. With the theme,”This Is How We Roll”, families enjoyed an afternoon of bowling and fellowship. They also learned more about the involvement of African Americans in the sport of bowling, as well as HBCUs with bowling teams. For Thanksgiving, in place of a food drive, JJSSCC gave $1,000 in grocery gift cards to support families in need at the Ford Heights Boys and Girls Club and the Jones Community Center in Chicago Heights. We also provided turkeys for families served by the Family Christian Health Medical Center in Harvey, Illinois. Our commitment to our community has not wavered. We had a three-part service outreach for MLKDay/National Day of Service in January 2023. We began with a community food and book drive, which collected 270 pounds of food and 328 books. Next, we partnered with Centene for a chapter-wide discussion on food insecurity tailored to our age groups. Each grade group also participated in leadership activities. Finally, our teens gathered to organize and paint a reading room at the Boys and Girls Club in Ford Heights, IL. The Reading Room was created in fulfillment of the Reading Corner Grant we received from the foundation to encourage and motivate children’s love of reading. Our philanthropic giving and community outreach to our surrounding communities remain strong. We are grateful for this distinction and immensely proud of all our hardworking Mothers who continued to provide valued programming for our children and impactful outreach to the South Suburban Chicago community






President: Roxanne Myles Vice-President: Kelley Kellis Program Director: Candace Moore Recording Secretary: Richelle Beverly Corresponding Secretary: Richelle Beverly Treasurer: Luchara Wallace Financial Secretary: Jocelin Bailey Editor: Michele Oliver Chaplain: Jihan Young Historian: Michele Oliver Foundation Chair: Carla Thompson-Payton Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Brandy Brown Associate Chair: Kelley Kellis Father’s Auxiliary: John Oliver

President: Avvery Pratt Vice-President: Alexander Pratt Secretary: Carissa Myles Treasurer: Layla Wallace


Jocelin Bailey, Richelle Beverly, Brandy Brown, Sakinah Harrison, Adrienne Hill, Kelley Kellis, Jyllian Liggins (on leave) Tameshia Mansfield, Candace Moore, Roxanne Myles, Michele Oliver, Rhonda Sanders, Carla Thompson-Payton Luchara Wallace, Jihan Young


The first organizational meeting of the Metro Kalamazoo Jack and Jill Provisional Group was held November 15, 1989. The following officers were elected: President and Treasurer, D. Page, VicePresident and Corresponding Secretary, J. Baraka-Love, Financial Secretary, C. Phillips; Recording Secretary, N. McClendon; Parliamentarian C. Bridges; Chaplain M., El-Mohammed. The Kalamazoo Provisional Group was granted Chapter status by the delegates of the 29th Biennial National Convention on Thursday, July 19, 1990. On September 16, 1990 at the YWCA, The Metropolitan Kalamazoo Chapter of the Mid-Western Region of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was installed as an official chapter at a ceremony conducted by Dr. Alma D. Vinyard, National Recording Secretary of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Charter members were Beatrice C. Agunloye, Jeanne Baraka-Love, Callie Baskerville, Bonita Bates, Cassandra Bridges, Janice Brown, Wanda Burton, Lynda Cross, Bettye Daly, Musette Bell El-Mohammed, Janice Brown James, Gwen Etter Lewis, E’Toile L. O’Rear-Libbett, Grace M. Lockette, Narda McClendon, Beverly Moore, Deborah Page, Jackie Pettis, Catherine Phillips, Deloris Jordan Phillips, Derene Rush, Patricia Scrutchions, Deborah J. Smith, Dorothy Washington, and Josephine Woods. At the National Convention held in Miami, Florida in July 2008, a resolution was passed to change the name of the chapter from Metropolitan Kalamazoo Chapter to Southwestern Michigan Chapter. The rationale was that the new name would be reflective of the region in which the chapter intends to extend membership. Our goal is to make a difference in the lives and experiences of all children, on mission and on purpose.


This year we welcomed back in person programming and accommodated all children by integrating the new “We Are One” standards into our activities.

Chapter families celebrated Carole Robertson where our children and teens engaged in public speaking, presentations, and a scavenger hunt while we all reflected on the life and impact of Carole Robertson’s life. We also offered activities that met our programmatic thrusts such as financial literacy and leadership, STEAM and culturally relevant events. Additionally, we were the host chapter for the Michigan COE’s 85th Annual Founders’ Day celebration continuing the legacy of celebrating our founding mothers’ vision.





President: Creshuna Cade Vice-President: Angela Rhone Program Director: Faridah Burnett Recording Secretary: Nikkisha Ming Corresponding Secretary: Nicole Colbert-Botchway Treasurer: Sophia Ford-Glanton Financial Secretary: Leighanne Terry Editor: Lisa Blue Chaplain: Donya Taylor Historian: Ashley Ellis Foundation Chair: Tamara Estrill-Lett Parliamentarian: Tiffany Taylor-Johnson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Bettina Drake/ Shanti Parikh Associate Chair: Monica Black Robinson Father’s Auxiliary: Keia/ Derek Mays

President: Ismail Botchway Vice-President: Madeline Littleton Secretary: Ashley Mays Treasurer: Kelenna Eke-Okoro Parliamentarian: Kendall Cade Chaplain: Braylon Taylor Sergeant-at-Arms: Travis Pryor


The St. Louis, Missouri Chapter of Jack and Jill was started as a Mothers Club and organized by Hortense Brooks on February 3, 1947. In addition to Hortense Brooks, the membership included Joy Blanche, Marie Burrows, Vivian DeShields, Alice Edwards, Sue Lucas, Carolyn McClellan, Melba Parker, Antoinette Robinson, and Elizabeth Williamson. The club was introduced into the national Jack & Jill body at the organization’s national meeting in Columbus, Ohio on June 20, 1947. The first President of the St. Louis Chapter was Carolyn McClellan. Other women who have served in this capacity, in order of service, are: Hortense Brooks, Elizabeth Williamson, Eloys Williams, Margaret Simms, Marie Burrows, Helen Harris, Maxine Freeman, Lucille Campbell, Maxine Stark, Florence Billups, Mischa Love, Johnetta Haley, Kermit Hill, Anne Thames, Anita Bond, Ruth Burns, Marion Evans, Bernice Bates, Dorothy Quigless, Yetta Kilgore, Mary Montgomery, Mildred Shelton, Sandra Reid, Ann Blackmon, Joyce Balls, Dianne Powell, Wanda Reese, Victoria Buck, Jocelyn Woodson-Reed, Paula Endsley, Sandra Townsend, Vanessa Ragsdale, Sharon Harvey Davis, Michelle Sanders, Tara Buckner, Tamila Taylor, and currently Creshuna Cade. In March 1975, the St. Louis, Missouri Chapter moved from the Central Region to the Mid-Western Region. In 2015, the Metropolitan St. Louis Chapter of the Central Region merged with the St. Louis Chapter. Our chapter has experienced remarkable growth while making outstanding contributions on a local, regional, and national level.


The 2022-2023 Program year embodies the theme Power to Make a Difference…For All Children. On Mission. On Purpose. We have worked in many of our chapterwide events to have an impact that extends beyond the strengthening of our bond as a chapter. In September 2022, our teen-led community outreach asked families to donate business attire to help Father’s Family Support Center, and can goods to donate to Isaiah 58 Ministries. We engaged in stronger community-building within the Saint Louis

chapter by practicing physical fitness and participating in group sports. Younger Jacks & Jills shared a love of water in an interactive swim exhibit as well. Our teens also led a candlelight ceremony to pay tribute to Carole Robertson and other youth killed in the 16th Street Baptist Church at this memorable event. In October 2022, our 3rd - 4th graders learned about their Power to Make a Difference while engaging in legislative advocacy. They met in City Hall at the office of St. Louis city Mayor Tishaura Jones where they enjoyed a welcome video from the Mayor. They also watched The Fight for the Right to Vote in the United States, both stressing the importance of voting. Our future voters then worked in groups to solve a community problem: their local community needed a new playground for kids to enjoy. Using legos they had to design and build a playground and convince the city alderwomen (mothers) to fund it. After designing 5 structures, based on cost, sustainability, function, service to diverse abilities, and fun, our Jacks and Jills earned prizes for all their hard work building their playgrounds. And in January, 2023 our teen group learned about the power their voices hold, and how to use those voices to impact change. They participated in a game show-styled financial awareness event, “In It to Win It.” Teens learned about investing, savings and budgeting through fun and interactive game show modules.






President: Candice Harrison Vice-President: Jeanna Temple Program Director: Sheila Eason Recording Secretary: Nazarene Tubman Corresponding Secretary: Nazarene Tubman Treasurer: Rita Russell Financial Secretary: Shawanna LaVoy Editor: Patrice McClellan, Ed.D. Chaplain: Jovita Robertson Historian: Patrice McClellan, Ed.D. Foundation Chair: Shalynne Owens Parliamentarian: Vallie Bowman English - ESQ Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Na Tasha Baker Associate Chair: Kelli Winston Father’s Auxiliary: Brandon Harrison

President: Brandon Daisey Vice-President: Ian English Secretary: Maya Winston Treasurer: Aiden Owens Parliamentarian: Langston Baker Chaplain: Langston Baker Sergeant-at-Arms: Langston Baker


Kimberly Algee Olla Avery NaTasha Baker Brittany Barbosa Vallie Bowman-English Charmaine Brown Marla Carlisle, Karen Corbin Angelita Cruz Bridges Sharonda Diggins Dee Daisey Sheila Eason Salena Ferguson Candice Harrison Ebonie Jackson Tamika Kemp Shawanna LaVoy Angela Lucas Patrice McClellan Reva Moore Shalynne Owens Jovita Robertson, Mayka Rosales-Peterson Rita Russell Michelle Taylor Jeanna Temple Nicole Tolliver Nazarene Tubman Kelli Winston Shawna Woody


The Toledo Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was founded in December 1952 by a group of loving exceptional women who happened to also be dedicated mothers. Catherine Holland was the chapter’s first president. Though the list is much greater, some members of the earlier years were Katee Martin, Helen Duffy, Thelma Adams, Genevieve Dale, Marion Nunn, Ruth H. Smith, Louise Brower, Charlie B. Nunn, Thelma Jones, Ruth Thomas, Eudora Dobois, Erminie Hart, Doris M. Bryant and Isabelle Carter. Throughout the years, other families involved with Jack and Jill just to name a few include Dr. Sherlon Brown, Zephyr Taylor, Jackie Adams, Lera Doneghy, Yolanda Jackson, Helen Woody, Kay Thorpe, Shirley Duckins, Juanita Price, Gwen Brown, Wanda Brown, Beverly Baker, Vera Rice, Waverly Early, Lucretia Thomas, Odessa Rowan, Rosie Lewis, Olivia Newby, Carol Baker, Kay Cook, Doris Thomas, Danise St. Andrews Fisher, Michele Taylor-Smith, Deborah Carlisle, Theotress Badgett, Joan Coleman, and Brunetta O’Neal. Some of our prominent alums from the Toledo Chapter are Columbus, Ohio mayor, Michael Coleman, Cleveland O’Neal, a major television producer and Terrance O’Neal, the first African-American elected president of the American Institute of Architects - New York Chapter.


The Toledo Chapter kicked off its 2022-23 program year with a mother’s retreat, an annual planning event held at Brookwood Metropark in Toledo, Ohio. The theme for the retreat was “Refresh. Recharge. Renew. Reconnect,” in keeping with our National Theme of “The Power to Make a Difference” and focused on building strong programming, a strong chapter, strong leaders in our children, a strong community, and strong mothers who lead our chapter and families. This day of learning, planning, reflection, and fun was inspiring and encouraging and brought our mothers closer

by establishing trusting relationships. In September, 2022, we honored Carole Robertson Memorial Day and celebrated Jack and Jill Day with a combined event by hosting a chapter wide family day at the Toledo Zoo & Aquarium. The Pre-K/Primary, Tween, and Jr. Teen groups hosted programs on anti-bullying, and a legislative program where they voted to support causes they are passionate about. They also hosted a book drive in honor of MLK Day of Service and donated the 200+ books that were collected to the local Boys and Girls Club of Toledo. The Teens collected and delivered school supplies to Safety Net, a shelter serving runaway homeless youth in Northwest Ohio. They also prepared and served meals to the unhoused at St. Paul Community Center. We held a chapter wide program for Black History Month where we visited the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit, MI. The children and Teens participated in a special curated tour and played games to engage them with the art. As a chapter, we provided 75 wrapped shoeboxes full of various supplies to the Art Tatum Zone to give to students in grades K-12 for Christmas.





In recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in January, our chapter gathered for a day of Service and Caring. This multi-faceted service event featured guest speakers, performances from our children and teens, a blood drive in honor of Jack and Jill alumnus Jaden Blake and several kitting stations for local shelters and veterans. Families also contributed towards a food drive for the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry in Aurora.

President: Courtney Wade Vice-President: Nicole Fleming Program Director: Nikita Wynn Recording Secretary:Ami Morrison Corresponding Secretary: Julie Stewart Treasurer: Lisa Lockett Financial Secretary: Shuntae Williams Editor: Karyn Lee Historion: Jepharya Badie Foundation Chair: Melissa Engram Porliomentorion: Christa Small Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Chandra Wiggs Associate Chair: Lori Taylor Father’s Auxiliary: David Wade

President: Jaiden Wiggs Vice-President: Ivory Lambert Secretary: Madison Moon Treasurer: Vincent Smith Parliamentarian: Sydney Williams

The West Suburban Chicago Chapter (WSCC) originated as the Far West Suburban Jays, a provisional chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. that included 45 founding members. WSCC was installed in 1982 at the 25th National Convention in Chicago, IL. Today, WSCC is comprised of 74 incredible mothers and 132 children. We proudly celebrated our 40th anniversary in 2023 and our legacy of developing future leaders who excel in our communities. Our mother members continue to prove that we can accomplish anything when we work together.


The West Suburban Chicago Chapter started the 2022-2023 program year with anticipation and excitement in our hearts. Not only was the chapter preparing for our first full year of in-person programming since the pandemic, but we were also preparing to celebrate our 40th chapter anniversary. In September, we gathered to celebrate Jack and Jill Day/Carole Robertson Day with a funfilled picnic for the entire family. The event featured family field games, a bounce house, and a food truck with engaging activities facilitated by the Mothers on our Programming Committee.

Our chapter celebrated our 40th anniversary during our Founders’ Day and Associates Appreciation Luncheon. It was a beautiful afternoon of sisterhood and joy, as we reflected on the rich history of WSCC. In May, our chapter will end our incredible program year by celebrating Black Family Day. During this weekend event, we will highlight the accomplishments of our children and send off our nine graduating Mothers and seniors with gifts and well wishes. Long live Jack and Jill and the legacy of West Suburban Chicago!

During our November chapter-wide day of service , WSCC families collected Thanksgiving foods, fall decor and household supplies for three shelters in our area: Lazarus House, Hesed House, and Bridge Communities. In all, more than 3,400 items were collected, including 477 pounds of food! Our Membership Committee planned a wonderful Kwanzaa celebration in December. WSCC families gathered for an afternoon of songs, games and storytelling centered on this cultural celebration. Our children led us in activities rooted in each principle of Kwanzaa.







and have a fun-filled picnic in the park! This allowed our families to be together to enjoy a day of comradery and reconnect after the summer! The picnic took place in a familiar place for our families, Maple Park under the gazebo, where all were visible allowing optimum engagement opportunities for all. As we enjoyed the outdoor fun, we also celebrated Carole Robertson Memorial Day with a balloon release tribute that culminated the donation period.

President: Lanya Satchell Vice-President: Sonya Anderson Program Director: Veronica As-Salaam Recording Secretary: Myla Barefield-Young Corresponding Secretary: Soraya Hall Treasurer: Kim Arnold Financial Secretary: Carolyn Fitzpatrick Editor: Shesel Washington Chaplain: Nicole Thompson Historian: Micale Stephens-Mack Foundation Chair: Nancy Marseille Jones Parliamentarian: Rani Morrison Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Leslie Truelove Associate Chair: Pamela Valderrama Father’s Auxiliary: Gregory Dairyko

President: Olivia Thompson Vice-President: Jalen Fitzpatrick Secretary: Kennedy Daniel Treasurer: Madeline Daniel Parliamentarian: Blake Donalson Chaplain: Miles Jenkins Sergeant-at-Arms: Sheridan Holliday

The Western Cook County Chapter (WCCC) was established in January 1983. In 1980,15 mothers formed the provisional chapter. These women recognized that there was no Jack and Jill chapter, or similar organization in the area, which met the cultural, civic, and social needs of African American families. They worked as a provisional chapter from 1980 to 1983. In January 1983, WCCC was installed into Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Cheryl Broussard was the Founding President. The chapter’s theme is a universal idea: “One childhood to every child: a time to love, to grow and to share.” Western Cook County Chapter currently has 53 families and over 100 children, ages 2 – 19. Since its inception, WCCC has hosted numerous Regional and Illinois Area events for mothers, teens and children. Mother Members and Teens have proudly served in Jack and Jill leadership positions, including 2019-2021 Mid-Western Region Foundation Member-At-Large, 2021-2022 Mid-Western Region Illinois Area South COE Lead and 2021-2022 Mid-Western Region Teen Vice President. Western Cook County is the home of the Immediate Past Regional Member-At-Large (2019 - 2021) and current 2022-2024 National Program Director, Marvis Donalson. WCCC was awarded the 5-Star Chapter Excellence in 2020.

Each grade group has enjoyed September programming with the thrust of “Social/Recreational” allowing our children to have an amazing time getting to know each other through age-appropriate activities. Fun times had as they became reacquainted in a multitude of activities including at field day, horseback riding, indoor aquatics, historical boats tours and the teen lock in. Additionally, WCCC will celebrate its 40th Anniversary during our chapter fundraiser, April 2023. The celebration will recognize our Charter members Associates, Graduates, and Past members in attendance. Western Cook County Chapter continues to be committed to strong programming and fostering the best experiences possible for our children and mothers.


Western Cook County is the home of the Immediate Past Regional Member-At-Large (2019 - 2021) and current 2022-2024 National Program Director, Marvis Donalson. Our Program year began with a delightful June Program Planning Meeting held at Pinstripes located in Oak Brook, IL where the mothers of WCCC came together eagerly to prepare for the year ahead. All of our groups finished the year strong and were ready for the new program year to begin after summer break. Our Teens continue to showcase their amazing skills and talents at the Teen Leadership Conference. The Teen Advisors and Teens held a memorable experience at TLC winning second place in the skit competition and our very own Hudson Davis was elected the Mid-Western Region Teen Treasurer. Jack and Jill Day This year the chapter opted to enjoy the outdoors 532






President: Sharon Coty-Bryant Vice-President: Seyon Flowers Program Director: Yahesa Worsham Recording Secretary: Sylvia Posey Corresponding Secretary: Raven Patterson-Talley Treasurer: Paula McGuire-Rowe Financial Secretary: LaTonya Seanior-Smith Editor: Maricha D. Matthews Chaplain: Lauren Rojugbokan Historian: Latoya Bibbs Foundation Chair: Rae Ellis Parliamentarian: LaTisha White Williams Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kourtnee Palamore Associate Chair: Shadawn Morrison Father’s Auxiliary: Raven Patterson-Talley

President: Mario Davis, Jr. Vice-President: Sasha Bryant Secretary: Samantha Williams Treasurer: Christian Talley Parliamentarian: Bryce Griffin Chaplain: Alexander Wright Sergeant-at-Arms: Keeland Jordan


The Windy City Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was chartered by 26 mothers on September 26, 1998 in Chicago, IL. From those 26 charter mothers and families, Windy City Chapter boasts a current membership of over 65 families serving and living the legacy of the chapter charter members and our Founders. The Windy City Chapter Associates Group was chartered at an installation ceremony in February 2013 at Chicago State University. The Windy City Chapter Associates continue to be an active group that supports the chapter and national organization. The Windy City Chapter is a chapter dedicated to service in the national organization and the Chicagoland community. Since 1998, the chapter has co-hosted the 39th National Convention, hosted the Illinois Area Children s Cluster, chaired numerous Winter Escape Ski Trips, hosted a Illinois/Indiana Mother’s & Teen Workday Cluster and most recently, the 2019 Mid-Western Region Teen Leadership Conference.


The Windy City Chapter started the 2022-2023 program year with being intentional in reminding everyone the importance of family, creating bonds and heritage. After 2 years of virtual and hybrid programming, Windy City committed to engaging in-person activities for all groups. We kicked-off the year with our annual national program Jack and Jill Day. We reimagined Jack and Jill Day into a “Block Party” where we partnered with Disney+ to screen clips from Pinocchio and a special message from Cynthia Ervio. During the event, our Windy City Teens conducted the Carole Robertson ceremony in remembrance of her and to educate those in attendance. “Remembering Carole Robertson” buttons with pictures of Carole were created and distributed by the teens and culturally relevant books were donated to the Carole Robertson Learning Center in Chicago. The Windy City Chapter Jack and Jill Day event was filled with love, laughter and inclusion of all of our programmatic thrusts.

partnered with Rainbow PUSH to provide over 100 families with inspirational messages and warm meals. For the chapter’s MLK Day of Service, Windy City donated to and packed college care boxes for PushEXCEL college students and sent encouraging messages within the boxes. Throughout the year, Windy City Chapter continued to be On Mission, On Purpose by donating care items to the Primo Center for Women and Children, food items to IMAN Village and SouperBowl of Caring and raising money and awareness for the March of Dimes. During this program year, WCC also went Red for Women and celebrated our Wonderful Windy City Chapter families at our annual Black Family Day event. Windy City Chapter also worked to provide leadership development through our annual June Planning meeting, Mother’s Retreat and Teen’s Retreat. The chapter also enjoyed fellowshipping with each other at our Mother’s Night Out events, Chapter Mother and Associate chats, Father Auxiliary meet-ups, Teen outings, Grade Group Activities, cultural excursions and holiday events.

Windy City Chapter strives to make a Difference for All Children in the Chicagoland Community. On Thanksgiving, Windy City 534






Divine Nine stroll-off, black business vendors, and a performance by blues singer Thornetta Davis

President: Shanta McMullan Vice-President: Tallette Kitchen Program Director: Lana Levens Recording Secretary: Dorothy Bivens Corresponding Secretary: Tiffany Buckley-Norwood Treasurer: Wendy Duren Financial Secretary: Sheron Marteen Editor: Karen Jones Historian: Dawn Johnson Foundation Chair: ShaVonna Wilson Parliamentarian: Monique Williams Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Patti El-Amin Associate Chair: Kimberly Gardiner Father’s Auxiliary: Darris Alvin

President: Payton Kitchen Vice-President: Alexander D’Haene Secretary: Victoria Winfield Treasurer: Madison Duren Parliamentarian: Tyler Bond Sergeant-at-Arms: Christian Pruitt

The Ypsilanti Chapter was founded and organized in September 1985, by Dr. Jan Collins-Eaglin and Tracy Brown White with the encouragement and support of Dr. Kenneth Hicks. They believed that tangible goals could be reached through unity of purpose with those of similar interests, concerns, and aspirations. It was also their belief that a healthy situation for their children demanded participation as well as civic, social, educational, and cultural activities for personal development. Furthermore, it was felt that it was up to the parents to stimulate, foster, and provide these activities for all children. The Ypsilanti Chapter was chartered on November 1, 1986 with 24 active mothers.


Ypsilanti programming has continued to support the theme: “The Power to Make a Difference, For All Children On Mission On Purpose” and we began the year making a difference through service. During our MLK Day of Service / Souper Bowl of Caring event, our children collectively donated over 1,000 food items to our community partner, Ypsilanti SOS Community Services, whose mission parallels our focus on making an impact in the community. May 2022 was an exciting time for the Ypsilanti chapter as we celebrated our 35th Anniversary with a Kentucky Derby themed fundraiser: “A Race Towards Excellence – 35 Years Strong.” We partied with a purpose, raising money to support the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Foundation, as well as local charities: Growing Hope and Gretchen’s Place.

Our chapter-wide Jack and Jill Day was a fun, old-school “family reunion” with a series of traditional family games and competitions, and a Carole Robertson memorial ceremony led by our Teens. 2022 was also filled with many civic lessons, with highlights including Grade Group 3’s discussion on the democratic process, including a mock campaign and mock election, and the Teen “Who’s Reppin’ You?” program during which they learned about lesser-known local public offices, and heard directly from Michigan State Representative, Ranjeev Puri, who shared his story and how to get involved in local government. Through it all, the Membership Committee has continued to integrate our new families and keep Mother Members engaged with “Y-Town Wednesday” happy hour, Friendsgiving and Galentine’s events.

We also partnered with Canton Township (a city in our service area) to host its first Juneteenth Celebration festival. With greetings from the 20th Past National President and Ypsilanti Life Member, Alice Leigh Peoples, we honored our past and fostered cultural education in the local community through arts, dance, music, food, and fellowship. The event featured a Teen-led voter registration table, an HBCU-style high school marching band, and the Ypsilanti Chapter Children’s Choir. The crowd also enjoyed Motown hits, a




Family Albums | EASTERN REGION


The C lar kIT,FMaImil y

The Motley Family

The Thomas Family

The Sanders Family





537 537


The Aust in Famil y




The Sommerio Family MONARCH CITIES, IL


538 538

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The Williams Family NORTH SHORE, IL

The Bogan Family NORTH SHORE, IL

The Faison Family OAKLAND COUNTY, MI

The Hil l Famil y



The Oglesby Famil y OAKL AND COUNT Y, MI

The Pearson Family OAKLAND COUNTY, MI

The Patterson Family OAKLAND COUNTY, MI


540 540

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The P hung Family

The P hillips Family



The Sherman Family OAKLAND COUNTY, MI

The Thomas Famil y OAKL AND COUNT Y, MI

541 541


The Rhone Family ST. LOUIS, MO

The Williams Family


The Bet h Famil y WINDY CIT Y, IL


542 542




eona Farris, a chartered member of the Akron Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. passed away on February 27, 2022 at the age of 104. Mrs. Farris was a trailblazer who stood up for the civil rights for African-Americans in her career and community. She graduated from The Ohio State University with a B.S. in Home Economics in 1940 and a Masters from Kent State University in 1970. She was the first Black woman to become an assistant professor at the University of Akron in 1969. Mrs. Farris and her husband Doctor Melvin Farris were one of the first black families to move into Stow, Ohio. They faced discrimination, when the price of a home they attempted to purchase in 1948 increased due to the color of their skin. The Farris family then became one of three black families to build homes on Fishcreek Road after a contractor purchased the land for them. Mrs. Farris was an active member of her community by volunteering for numerous organizations including the PTA at her children’s school, Western Reserve Girl Scout Council, Akron Urban League, Akron Chapter of the NAACP, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and Jack and Jill of America, Inc. She was a chartered member of both the Akron Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and the Zeta Theta Omega Chapter of AKA. She was very proud to help families by increasing the number of Model Cities Program and Headstart agenices to 95 during her tenure. In 2021, The City of Stow honored Mrs. Farris by renaming the Silver Springs Lodge after her. At 103, she was at the dedication ceremony as members of Jack and Jill joined her in the celebration. Mrs. Farris represented Jack and Jill’s mission by giving back to her community. She fought to make sure all children had opportunities and resources to be successful. We thank Mrs. Farris for paving the way for us. She will be missed.


A. Oveta Fuller, Ph.D ANN ARBOR, MI


. Oveta Fuller, Ph.D died on November 18, 2022. Dr. Fuller received her B.A. degree in Biology in 1977 and her Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology in 1983, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She joined the University of Michigan Department of Microbiology and Immunology as an Assistant Professor in 1988 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 1995. Starting in 2005, Dr. Fuller was Science Advisor at the African Methodist Episcopal Church - Service and Development Agency (AME-SADA) for HIV and AIDS Prevention. Dr. Fuller was the Associate Director (2014-16) and Director, interim (2016-17) of the African Studies Center of the International Institute of the College of Literature, Science and Arts. She received many awards for her community engagement, including the Detroit-Windsor Metropolitan Council of Churches, 2017 “Trumpet Award” for Excellent Service in Community Engagement and was the Sarah Goddard Power Award Recipient 2022, Academic Women’s Caucus, University of Michigan. Dr. Fuller was a distinguished virologist who focused her work on herpesvirus entry and pathogenesis and translational research for HIV/AIDS elimination. She was dedicated to global health and health equity interventions to reduce infectious and chronic diseases. For almost two decades, she worked with church leaders in Botswana, South Africa and Zambia to develop and test a prevention model designated the “Trusted Messenger Intervention” (TMI). TMI engages with clergy and faith leaders who have substantial community access and influence to effectively address HIV/AIDS. This program profoundly improved the lives of the communities she served by limiting the spread of infectious disease through scientific education, implementation, and community engagement. Dr. Fuller served on many advisory boards and committees at the University of Michigan, nationally and internationally, generously contributing her unwavering commitment to create a better world. A bioethics advocate, she was a Founding Member of the Bioethics Commission, Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference, Inc. and Tuskegee University Center for Bioethics. In 2020, she was a Member of the Vaccines and Related

Biological Products Advisory Committee for the FDA. She was instrumental in the approval of the COVID-19 vaccines and continued her science education activity in local communities during the pandemic. Dr. Fuller was a pioneer. She was the first woman to receive tenure in Microbiology and Immunology and she never stopped advocating for opportunities for women and trainees, especially from diverse backgrounds. She touched the lives of so many through her classes, fieldwork, ministry, and service.



Jaden Sebastian Blake CHICAGO, IL


aden Sebastian Blake was a graduate of the Chicago Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. He was a presence you could not forget once you encountered him. He didn’t just light up a room; he set it on fire! He was fun-loving with a passion for social justice. Jaden was also an academic and athletic scholar, excelling in the sport of pole vaulting at Grand Valley State University. Jaden also served in captain roles and helped capture several championship titles. Jaden boasts a history of philanthropic service as early as 8th Grade. His concern for his peers and his kindness led him to raise $800 in funds. He raised this money in support of families in need of financial assistance to send their children on the 8th Grade graduation trip. Jaden, along with his brother Jarrett (JB), were the keynote speakers at the Children’s March in 2020, which drew in over 2,000 families. The march was held in honor of George Floyd and so many others who have lost their lives to police brutality. Jaden is forever remembered and survived by his mother Yvonne Blake (Milton), his father Justin, his younger brother Jarrett (JB), and a host of family and friends who will dearly miss his energy and spirit.


Sharon Eubanks-Pope CHICAGO, IL


ast National Treasurer Sharon EubanksPope served as the Mid-Western Regional Director from 1995-1997. She lived her life with purpose up until she earned her heavenly reward on December 5, 2022. Past National Treasurer Eubanks-Pope leaves a legacy of leadership to our organization by also serving as Regional Parliamentarian, Regional Secretary-Treasurer, Regional Director, Member of the Jack and Jill Foundation Board, and Chair of the National Headquarters Committee, which was responsible for selecting the first National Headquarters. She was then elected to serve as the 17th National Treasurer. Past National Treasurer Eubanks-Pope has had a lasting impact in the Mid-Western Region. Her most significant accomplishment was the expansion of chapters in the Chicago Area. As the Chicago Chapter grew in membership with a long waiting list, she realized some governance changes were necessary to allow for expansion in metropolitan areas. She worked with the other Regional Secretary-Treasurers to influence changes which make it possible for more mothers to join Jack and Jill in densely populated cities. The first expansion chapter in Chicago was Windy City. Charter members met with Eubanks-Pope in her home, and eventually became a chapter in 1998. She and her family were active members of the Chicago Chapter from 1981 to 2000. She is the mother of 4 children: Rebekah Eubanks, Esq., Aimée Eubanks-Davis, Dr. O. Eliot Pope, Jr., and Adrienne Pope. We are grateful for Past National Treasurer Eubanks-Pope, and we will dearly miss her and her lasting legacy.



Patrice Gayden Coleman MAGNIFICENT MILE, IL


atrice Gayden Coleman passed far too soon on December 20, 2022. She was a beloved wife, mother, Spelmanite, sorority sister, and friend to many. Patrice was married to Konota Coleman of Chicago, Illinois. They were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, Kendyl Marie, who was the center of Patrice’s world. Patrice was a Charter Member of the Magnificent Mile Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated in 2020. She served in various capacities of Jack and Jill, most recently as Assistant Grade Group Chair for the Ebony Jets. Patrice spent her childhood and formative years in Gary, Indiana surrounded by family and friends. There she attended Bethlehem AME Zion Church and gave her life to Christ at any early age. Most recently she was a member of Apostolic Church of God in Chicago, IL and sang with the Angelic Choir. Patrice, always dedicated to sisterhood and service, was an active alumna of Spelman and was committed to building Spelman’s pipeline. She was actively involved with the National Alumnae Association of Spelman College (NAASC) when she lived in Boston, Los Angeles, and most recently Chicago. Some of her noteworthy associations and accomplishments were graduating summa cum laude from Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia with a Bachelors degree in Political Science. While at Spelman, she followed the legacy of a close aunt, “Liz”, and became a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated’s Mu Pi Chapter (Incandescent 56.) Most notably, Patrice showcased her beautiful singing voice as a member of the Spelman Glee Club under the direction of the late Dr. Ronald L. Allison. During her Junior year, Patrice was selected to sing alongside actress Phylicia Rashad for the Hillman College episode of “The Cosby Show”. Professionally, Patrice enjoyed a rewarding and award-winning career in the pharmaceutical industry for over 25 years, She was currently employed by NS Pharma, Inc., a subsidiary of Nippon Shinyaku Co, Ltd.

Patrice’s legacy lives on through her warm spirit, loving nature, and the care and concern she showed for family and friends. She leaves to cherish her memory and continue her legacy: husband, Konota Coleman, and daughter, Kendyl Marie Coleman. She is preceded in death by her loving parents, the late Reuben B. Gayden, Jr., and Janie Parker Gayden in Gary, Indiana.




August 9, 1946–December 14, 2022

he Minneapolis Chapter honors and celebrates the life of Associate Mother Brenda McDaniel. Brenda was an active Lifetime Minneapolis Associate Jewel who will be sorely missed. Brenda was a Charter Assiciate Jewel, installed in 2013. Brenda’s daughter, Tarnika McDaniel, and her two children (Sydney, 17 and Jackson, 8) carry on Brenda’s Jack and Jill Legacy as members of the City of Lakes Chapter in Minneapolis.



Angelica Anderson Tasker NORTH OAKLAND/MACOMB, MI


ngelica Anderson Tasker was a North Oakland/Macomb, MI chapter member in the Mid-Western Region of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Angelica was the loving mother to Austin Tasker and Alyssa Tasker. She joined Jack and Jill of America, Inc. in 2000, where she held the esteemed honor of serving as Midwestern Regional Secretary, Regional Associate Chair, Regional Five Star Chapter Excellence Lead, Regional Logistics Chair, Regional MI/OH Pen Pal Chair, Regional Grievance Committee Chair, Regional Nominating Committee Member, National Five Star Committee Member, National Nominating Committee Member, North Oakland/ Macomb Chapter President, Chapter Vice President, Chapter Treasurer, Chapter Recording Secretary, Chapter Financial

Secretary, Chapter Corresponding Secretary, Chapter Editor, and Chapter Parliamentarian. Angelica was dedicated to service throughout her life. She received the Mid-Western Region Outstanding Treasurer Award for all her hard work. She remained committed to the organization’s goals by graciously serving others, motivating and encouraging our youth’s ability to become successful. Angelica loved Jack and Jill of America, Inc. immensely, evidenced by her cheerful disposition and her hands were always open to help others for the sake of all children. Angelica will be remembered as one who embraced and reinforced the aims of our organization and was a faithful servant of the chapter and community.


Denise E. Braggs-Brown WINDY CITY, IL


enise E. Braggs-Brown was a Chartering Mother for the Windy City Chapter. A native Chicagoan, she gave back to her community through education and service. Denise was an educator, teaching Special Education in Chicago Public Schools and serving as the Director of Pupil Personnel Services in Ford Heights, IL and the Director of Special Services in Harvey, IL.

graduated out in 2008. Throughout her tenure of ten years, she served as Vice-President, Grade Group Chair and Grade Group Co-Chair. She actively served on the Fundraising Committee and assisted the Teen Group from 2004 to 2008 with skits for the Teen Conferences. Denise is loved and remembered by her daughter Shannon, granddaughter, family and friends, and the Windy City Chapter.

Denise became a member of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated through chartering the chapter in 1998 and 550

Debutantes & Beaus | MID-WESTERN REGION



Corinne Alexander is the daughter of James and Robyn Alexander. Corinne was presented to society by the Chicago (IL) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated on April 29, 2023.The Saint Ignatius College Prep graduate will major in business administration.


Michael Keith Collins, Jr. is the son of Mr. Michael Collins and Dr. lrsenia Norfleet­Collins. Michael was presented to society at Chicago Illinois Chapter of The Links, Incorporated on April 29, 2023. Collegiately, the St. Rita of Cascia High School student plans to major in Political Science.


Kennedy N. Ross is the daughter of Kenneth and Nicole Ross. Kennedy was presented to society at The Chicago Links Cotillion on April 29, 2023. The Lindblom Math and Science Academy student plans to major in Forensic Psychology at an HBCU.


Chase J. Monroe Russell is a senior at Kenwood Academy High School in Chicago, Illinois and is the son of Terence & Kiley Russell. Chase has been a member of The Chicago Chapter for 12 years. Chase is a member of the Kenwood Cross Country, Track & Field Teams. He is also a former Varsity member of the Kenwood Wrestling Team & Animation Club. Chase has served as Parliamentarian for the Teen Group of Jack & Jill and has completed over 100 community service hours. Chase has maintained his role as teen group mentor with the Omega YES Program with the Rho Gamma Graduate Chapter of Omega Psi Phi. Chase has been accepted to many colleges.


Layla Stubbs is the daughter of Wonda Montgomery and Larry Stubbs. Layla Stubbs was presented to society at Chicago Chapter of The Links, Incorporated on Saturday, April 29, 2023. The Kenwood Academy student plans to major in Computer Science at Spelman College.



Donovan K. Kemp is the son of Dr. Helen and Mr. Darius Kemp. Donovan was presented to society at the 2023 Grand Ball for the Dayton Chapter’s Beautillion Militaire on Saturday, March 18, 2023. The Princeton High School student plans to attend Miami Unversity (OH) majoring in Game Design and Early Education.


Timothy Adams Jr. is the son of Mr. Timothy Adams Sr. and Mrs. Mande Adams. Timothy Jr. was presented to society at the 37th Annual Beautillion Militaire 2023 sponsored by 100 Black Men of Indianapolis, Inc. on April 15, 2023. The Brebeuf Jesuit, class of 2023, student plans to attend college in the fall of 2023. He hopes to have a career in corporate law or investment banking.


Beau Joseph Emeka Jideonwo, son of Valentine and Arvetta Jideonwo and brother to Master Jacob Chike Jideonwo. Joseph was presented to society at the 37th Beautillion Militaire Scholarship Program, 100 Black Men of Indianapolis, Inc. on April 15, 2023. The Cathedral High School Senior plans to attend college and will major in Computer Science, where he seeks to gain expertise in software engineering and as an entrepreneur will design accessible technology applications for people with disabilities to improve their lives. Joseph’s life’s motto is “In life, don’t try to be better than others, stay humble, instead try to be better than yourself”.


Christian Stokes Anderson is the son of Mr. Eric W. Anderson, Sr. and Ms. Sherreé L. Anderson. Christian was presented to society at the Jack and Jill Cleveland Chapter Seventeenth Biennial Cotillion Ball on April 23, 2022. The Hawken School student plans to attend American University where he will be a track and field student athlete.


Skyler Shanise Johnson, daughter of Brandon Johnson and Tiffany Smith, is a senior at Hawken School where she is a House Leader, serves on the Philanthropy Board, Red Key Club, Leadership Council, Black Student Union, and French Language Intern. Skyler is also Captain of Hawken’s varsity volleyball team, and member of the CVC all-star team. She has also competed in Junior Olympic volleyball. In the Jack and Jill Cleveland Chapter, Skyler has held the positions of Historian, Social Media Chair, and Vice President. Skyler has interests in business and travel. Upon graduation, she plans to major in business and pre-med.


Kendall Cherie Long is the daughter of Mr. Ed and Mrs. Tanisha Long. Kendall Cherie was presented to society at The Jack and Jill of America, Inc Cleveland Chapters Seventeenth Biennial Cotillion on Saturday, April 23, 2022. Kendall is a senior at Gilmour Academy and will be attending Howard University in the fall to study biochemistry. Kendall has been a member of Jack and Jill from the age of 3. She is steadfast with her involvement in service projects, programming, and leadership development. Kendall’s greatest appreciation for Jack and Jill is her village of extended family and friendships.


Debutantes & Beaus | MID-WESTERN REGION


Debutante Kyndall Joy Mack is the daughter of Mr. Quintero Mack and Christine Fowler Mack. Debutante Kyndall was presented to society at the Renaissance Cleveland’s Grand Ballroom on Saturday, April 23, 2022 by the Jack and Jill of America Cleveland Chapter’s Cotillion. This Hathaway Brown School scholar has been actively engaged in finalizing plans to transition to a still yet-to-be named higher education institution where she plans to pursue a major in Business Administration to become a successful corporate leader or entrepreneur.


Madison, the daughter of Terry and Charlene Maynard, is a senior at Gilmour Academy where she is an AP student and a member of the National Honor Society. She is a member of Honor Counsel, Civic Engagement Club, Black Student Association, Student Ambassador, Lancers for Liberty, and co-creator of the Feminism Club. She is a four-year Varsity A tennis player. Some of Madison’s high school honors include: school representative for NAIS Conference, Foreign Language Award, AP U.S. History Award, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award, Head of School Award, Glen Oak Scholarship, and Oberlin College Book Award recipient.


Debutante Myrel Alexandria Clark is the daughter of Dr. Renita Barge Clark and the late L. Stanley Clark. Debutante Lexi was presented to polite society at The Cotillion Society of Detroit EF Ball on April 24, 2022. The Detroit Country Day School senior will major in Film at New York University Tisch this fall. Lexi is a 16-year member of the Detroit Chapter of Jack and Jill where she is the Teen President. She served the AKATeens of Detroit for four years, Miss Co-Ette 2020, and has won numerous Film awards. Lexi is the founder and CEO of two non-profits.


Mariama Stewart is the daughter of Michelle and Neil Stewart. Mariama was presented to society at The Cotillion Society of Detroit Educational Fund’s annual cotillion on April 24, 2022. The Cass Tech student plans to major in Biology (pre-dental) at Spelman College or Howard University.


Kylii Samirah Taha-Marks is the daughter of Tarian Marks and Zahra Taha-Marks. Kylii was presented to society at The Cotillion Society of Detroit Educational Foundation on April 24, 2022. This Cass Technician plans to major in Psychology at an HBCU, and hopes to become a clinical psychologist, focused on teen mental health.


Savannah Yopp is the daughter of the late Tanya Heidelberg -Yopp and Roger Yopp. Savannah was presented to society by The Cotillion Society of Detroit. Savannah has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years where she has served as recording secretary and foundation chair. Savannah is an accomplished ballet dancer. She has studied Vaganova Classical Russian Ballet for 12 years and was invited to audition for Juilliard. She is an active member of the Co-Ette Club, Inc. and Life Church Southfield . The Cranbrook senior is an honors student and plans to attend Howard University.



Jasmine Barnes is the daughter of Jovan and India Barnes. Jasmine was presented to society at Ladies with Purpose Cotillion on March 18, 2023. The Homestead High School student plans to major in animation and illustration at the Savannah College of Art Design.


Makayla Johnson is a senior at Wayne New Tech Academy in Fort Wayne, Indiana and is the daughter of Dennis and Felicia Johnson. She has been a member of the Greater Northeast Indiana Chapter since 2018. She is currently serving her second term as Teen President, previously served as Teen Vice President and the Regional Nominating Committee. She is a member of the National Honors Society, Pave the Path, Youth Summer Academy and has earned varsity letters playing golf, basketball, softball, and track. Makayla will attend Spelman College, where she will double major in political science and business.


Robert “Dru” DeFrantz, IV is the son of Karen and Robert DeFrantz, III. Dru was presented to society at the 100 Black Men of Indianapolis Beautillion Militaire Program on April 15th, 2023. The Park Tudor student plans to attend Hampton University and major in Kinesiology. Dru plans to pursue a career in physical therapy and sports management. He aspires to professional and community leadership as well as change agency for good within his spheres of influence.


Theryn Amelia Marie Gray is the daughter of Kimberly Bacon Gray and Ten Gray. The debutante was presented by the Alpha Kappa Alpha Pearls on October 2, 2022. The Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory student plans to attend Howard University or American University where she will major in International Relations and minor in French.


Lauren Sophia Humes is the daughter of Pamela A. and Lawrence E. Humes. Lauren was presented to society at the P.E.A.R.L.S. Presentation on October 2, 2022. The Cathedral High School student plans to major in Business/ Entrepreneurship at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University.


Beau Philip Jones is the son of DeLaina and Randall Jones. Philip was presented to society at the 100 Black Men of Indianapolis Beautillion Militaire Program on April 15th, 2023. The Fishers High School student plans to major in business and law.


Debutantes & Beaus | MID-WESTERN REGION


Debutante Malia Alexandra Lomax is the daughter of MeKeeba and Robert Lomax. Malia was presented to society at the Indiana Statehouse rotunda by the Debutante PEARLS committee on October 2, 2022. This North Central High School student plans to major in Biology/Dentistry at Tennessee State University and attend Meharry Medical College to pursue a career in Dentistry.


Beau Lincoln Anderson Murff is the son of Dr. Dennisha and Mr. Darrell Murff. Lincoln was presented to society at The 100 Black Men of Indianapolis, Inc. Beautillion Militaire program on April 15, 2023. Lincoln has served his community in a variety of ways, including food pantry donations, youth sports camps, and mentoring. He has also been a multisport athlete participating in football, lacrosse, basketball, baseball, and track and field throughout his high school career. The Ben Davis High School student plans to major in Psychology or Cybersecurity. He is currently undecided on the college he will attend.


Beau Ramon Randolph is the son of Angela White-Randolph and Reginald Randolph. Ramon Randolph was presented to society at the Indianapolis, Indiana 100 Black Men Beautillion Militaire on April 15, 2023. The Cathedral High School student plans to major in Integrated Business and Engineering at Purdue University.


Morgan Charles is the daughter of Robert Charles and Veta Caldwell-Charles and older sister to Payton Charles. Morgan Charles was presented to society at the Links Cotillion on April 29th, 2023. She currently attends Kenwood Academy High School and is serving as the all class Student Council President. The University of Southern California is her number one choice for college after she graduates and she plans to major in Data analytics with a Focus in pop culture.


Miles Johnson is the son of Robert and Pamela Johnson. Miles will be presented to society at The Links Cotillion on April 29, 2023. The Urban Prep Academy student plans to major in Sports Management.


Debutante Kendall Morgan Terrell is the daughter of Roslyn Mitchell Terrell and Kenton Terrell. Kendall was presented to society at the Chicago Links Cotillion on Apr 29th, 2023. The De LaSalle Institute student plans to major in Psychology at the University of Illinois.



Wesley Williams is the son of Dr. Karen Johnson and Lafayette Wesley Williams,III. Wesley served as an escort at the 60th Chicago Links Cotillion on April 29, 2023. The Jones College Prep student plans to major in Biology.


I am a senior at Sacred Heart Academy in Louisville, Kentucky. I plan to attend college to become a nurse practitioner in child psychology. I also plan to continue painting and being active in public service. A highlight of my senior year has been participation in the Jack and Jill Cotillion while still being involved in other leadership and service activities in school and in my community. Being authentic is important to me. This is why my favorite philosophy is “Memento Mori” which means remember that you die. It reminds me to live life to the fullest every day.


Debutante Allison Zoë Commodore is the daughter of Mr. Dwayne Commodore and Dr. Amber Commodore. Allison was presented to society at the 60th Annual Chicago Links Cotillion on April 29, 2023. The Lindblom Math and Science Academy student will major in Business Administration at Fisk University in the fall.


Nyla Rachelle Williams is the daughter of Torri L. Adams and Sellers L. Williams. Nyla was presented to society at the Chicago (IL) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, 60th Annual Cotillion on April 29, 2023. The Whitney M. Young Magnet High School student plans to major in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance at Florida A&M University.


Kenneth Francis Smith, III is the son of Kenneth and Melanie Smith, and older brother of twin sisters, Madeleine and Morgan. He will be presented to society Spring of 2023. Kenny is proud to be a charter Teen member of Monarch Cities Chapter of JJOA, currently serving as its first Teen Treasurer. Kenny plans to attend Tuskegee University, majoring in Computer Engineering and plans to pursue a career in Cybersecurity at the federal government level.


Debutante Talia L. Faison is the daughter of Todd and Terri Faison of West Bloomfield, Michigan. Debutante Talia was presented to society at the Essence de’Noire Cotillion on Sunday, April 23, 2023. The West Bloomfield High School Student plans to major in Architecture in college.


Debutantes & Beaus | MID-WESTERN REGION


Debutante Montana Michelle Jones is the daughter of Drs. Lamont and Teniesha Jones of Farmington Hills, Michigan. Through grant money awarded to Montana for a social justice initiative, she founded and created a camp that targets inner-city children with the goal of helping them find their voice through dramatic arts including acting, dancing, and creative writing. Montana was awarded a proclamation from Oakland County Commissioners for her academic achievement and camp development. Debutante Montana was presented to society at The Cotillion Society of Detroit on Saturday, April 24, 2022. She plans to major in Musical Theater in college.


Debutante Sydney Iman Lee is the daughter of Jason and Nicole Lee of Southfield, Michigan. She has received a Scholar Athlete Award, 4-year Varsity Award, Spirit of Detroit Award, and is a 2022-2023 cohort member of the Morgan Stanley JumpStart program and 2022-2023 cohort member of The Midnight Golf Program. Debutante Sydney was presented to society at The Cotillion Society of Detroit on Saturday, April 22, 2023. The Wylie Groves High School Student plans to major in Business while attending a prestigious HBCU.


Derek William Oglesby, the eldest son of Derek and Naomi Oglesby, is a senior at Bloomfield Hills High School. He is the current teen Treasurer of the Oakland County Chapter, a member of the National Honor Society, Alpha Esquires and Forensics Club, having earned a state semi-finalist title. Derek plays varsity soccer, having earned All-State Honors and his team’s Most Valuable Player. He is a Co-President of the Black Student Alliance and a national finalist of the LEADership, Education and Development Program. Derek plans to attend Howard University in Washington D.C. as a Scholar Athlete and major in finance.


Debutante Gabrielle Pearson is the daughter of Henry and Johanne Pearson. Gabrielle was presented to society by The Cotillion Society of Detroit Educational Foundation on April 22, 2023 at the Masonic Temple in Detroit, Michigan. The Debutante Club culminates a series of educational, social, civic and cultural experiences. The Wylie E. Groves High School student plans to major in Biomedical Engineering.


Debutante Aaryn Janea Sherman is the daughter of Kendall and Michelle Sherman of Southfield, Michigan. Debutante Aaryn was presented to society at The Cotillion Society of Detroit on Saturday, April 24, 2022. The 4.0 GPA Detroit Country Day School Student plans to major in Health Sciences/Dental in college.


Debutante Alexa Elaine Thomas is the daughter of Wayne and Kimberly Thomas. Alexa was presented to society by the Cotillion Society of Detroit on Saturday, April 24, 2022. A senior at Detroit Country Day School, Alexa plans to attend college and major in International Business.



Debutante Kendall Cade is the daughter of David and Creshuna Cade. Deb. Kendall was presented to society at the Delta Sigma Theta Cotillion on May 28, 2023. Deb Kendall is captain of the JBS Cheerleading Squad and has been a member of The St. Louis Jack and Jill Chapter for 14 years. She is also a classically trained pianist where she shares her joy for music with others in the community. Kendall will major in Classical Studies in the Fall of 2023. The John Burroughs School senior plans to major in Classical Studies in the Fall of 2023.


Madison Lynn Moon is the daughter of Vernon and Jennifer Norrell Cole and Damien Moon. Madison Lynn Moon was presented to society at the Chicago Chapter of The Links, Incorporated 60th Annual Cotillion on April 29, 2023. The Metea Valley High School student plans to major in psychology/pre-med next fall.


Auri Allyse Watson is the daughter of Dr. Shuntae and Patrick Williams. Auri was presented to society at the Chicago Chapter of The Links, Incorporated 60th Annual Cotillion, Diamonds & Pearls: Celebrating 60 years of Brilliance & Culture on April 29, 2023. The Bolingbrook High School student plans to major in Psychology at Tennessee State University.


Miss Olivia Thompson is the daughter of Drs. Trevonne and Nicole Thompson. Olivia will be presented to society at The Chicago Chapter of the Links, Incorporated, 60th Annual Debutante Cotillion “Diamonds and Pearls”, on April 29, 2023. Olivia is a homeschooled student that has achieved superior accomplishment in all of her high school and college classes. Olivia has been a member of the Western Cook County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years and has held offices of Chaplain, Vice President, and President. She plans to major in political science and film at a top university of her choice.


Aliyah Beth is the daughter of Dr. Alfreda Holloway-Beth and Phillip Beth, Esq. Aliyah was presented to society at the Chicago Chapter of The Links, Incorporated 60th Annual Cotillion on April 29, 2023. The Lindblom Math and Science Academy student plans to major in Art History at Barnard College of Columbia University in New York.





Titus Baskerville IV is a senior at Stow-Munroe Falls High School in Stow, Ohio and is the son of Titus and Ebonie Baskerville. He has been a member of the Akron Chapter of Jack and Jill Chapter for one year. Titus is involved in the Bulldog Leadership Academy at Stow-Munroe Falls High School as well as community outreach programs where he helps in providing the less fortunate with necessities such as food, clothing and education. He has decided to attend University of Mount Union where he will major in Engineering and further pursue his basketball career.


Malachi Collier is a senior at Maple Heights high school in Maple Heights, Ohio and is the son of Corwyn and Iisha Collier. He has been a member of the Akron Chapter of Jack and Jill for 1 year. Malachi is a member of the National Honor Society, captain of the track team and he is often involved with giving back to his community through various drives including food, toys, and toiletries. Malachi has been accepted into Drake University, University of New Mexico, University of Southern Florida, University of Iowa, Kansas State University. Malachi will major in Biology or Engineering.


Robert McFarren Jr. is a senior at Walsh Jesuit High School in Cuyahoga Falls, OH and is the son of Robert and Nicole McFarren. He has been a member of the Akron Chapter for 2 years and currently serves as Teen Vice President. Throughout high school Robert played football, basketball and ran track. He was very involved with the local food bank and spent time coaching youth football and basketball summer camps. Robert will attend college this fall where he will study pharmacy.


Carter Painter is a senior at Copley High School in Copley, Ohio and the son of Chris and Daphine Painter. Carter has been a member of Jack and Jill for ten years and has served as Teen President. Carter is a gymnast and dFancer and became the Regional Champion in Dance in 2021 representing Creative Motions Dance Studio. In his spare time, Carter designs and sells cell phone cases for his business Cases By Carter. He’s had over 10 million views on social media and over 150,000 supporters. Carter plans to study Entrepreneurship at Kent State University.


Dillon Weems is a senior at St. Vincent - St. Mary Highschool in Akron, OH and is the son of Latoria and Eugene Weems. He has been a member of the Akron Chapter for 7 years. Dillion has given back to his community by donating masks to a local homeless shelter, donating haircare products to a women’s shelter and donated toys to Toys for Tots. He has also volunteered at the food bank. Dillon has decided to attend The Ohio State University where he will major in Computer Science and Engineering.



Mashod A. Evans, Jr. is a senior at Huron High School in Ann Arbor, Michigan and is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Mashod & Leslie Evans. He has been a member of the Ann Arbor Chapter for 3 years and currently serves as Teen President of the Ann Arbor Chapter. In addition to his service in Jack & Jill, he serves as President of Young Peoples and Children’s Division at Bethel AME Church in Ann Arbor Michigan and is active in several school activities including the Marching Band and Orchestra. Mashod’s volunteer activities are extensive, most signficantly annual service trips to Belize City. He will attend an HBCU for Buisness Management or Music Performance.


Bryce Ryen Mayo is a senior at Lafayette High School in Lexington, Kentucky and is the daughter of Brian and LaToi Mayo. Bryce has been a member of the Central Kentucky Jack and Jill Chapter for 4 years and serves as the Teen President. She is a competitive dancer and a leading member of the African American Ballet Troupe, a local dance organization dedicated to teaching ballet to African American youth. Bryce has not decided where she will attend college, however she plans to major in Psychology and attend medical school thereafter towards her goal of becoming a Psychiatrist.


Makari Danné Murphy is a senior at Bryan Station High School in Lexngton, Kentucky and is the daughter of Daniel and Melissa Murphy. She has been a member of the Central Kentucky Chapter for 8 years. Makari has been active in her community through delivering meals to elders at church, making greeting cards for nursing home residents and veterans. Makari plans to attend the University of Kentucky where she will major in Social Work, her future plans are to become a licensed clinical social worker and therapist. Makari wants to be a therapist specializing in therapy for children and adolescents.


Xavier Routt is a senior in the Liberal Arts Academy at Henry Clay High School in Lexington, Kentucky. He is the son of Thalethia and Randall Routt and brother to Gabrielle Routt. He has been a member of the Central KY Chapter for five years. Through Jack and Jill and other organizations, Xavier gives back to his community and understands the value of service. Xavier plans on attending a four-year institution to major in mechanical engineering with a minor in digital photography. His ultimate career goal is to own an auto shop specializing in luxury cars, like BMWs, etc.


Hillary Paige Thompson is a senior in the Biomedical Academy at Frederick Douglass High School in Lexington, Kentucky. She is the daughter of Myron and Yvette Thompson. She has been a member of the Central Kentucky Chapter for 9 years. Hillary serves as Vice President of the teen group. She has received numerous awards and recognitions for outstanding academic performance and community service. Hillary was honored to be selected as a 2022 Jills Take on Spelman Leadership participant. Hillary is undecided on where she will attend college. She intends to major in Biology and minor in Public Health and Spanish.


Warren Kelvin Wilson, III is a senior at Lafayette H.S. in Lexington, KY. He is the son of Warren and Alicia Wilson. He is a member of the Central Kentucky chapter of Jack and Jill. Warren is in the pre-engineering program, Captain of the baseball team and a member of the football team, Kappa Klub and Brotherhood. He is still undecided on where he will attend college however, he plans to major in agricultural engineering. Warren’s college goals include playing baseball and participating in study abroad opportunities. This summer Warren plans to publish his first youth sports recovery devotional.




Folasade Adeoye is a senior at De La Salle Institute in Chicago, and is the daughter of Martins and Shawn Adeoye. She has been a Chicago Chapter member for 15 years. Sade is currently Teen Service Chair with over 150 completed community service hours. She has 400+ hours in production experience as a theater member. She is President of the De La Salle Thespian Society, Brother J. Rush National Honor Society chapter secretary, Gems Black Student Alliance founder, and Author of the Children’s Book Sunny’s Purpose. Sade is undecided, but hopes to major in Business and English or Creative Writing.


Corinne Alexander is a senior at Saint Ignatius College Prep in Chicago, IL and is the daughter of Robyn and James Alexander. She has been a member of the Jack and Jill Chicago Chapter for 13 years. Community service has always been a core commitment for Corinne and she has actively served the following charities for the past 10 years: Misericordia, The Ray Graham School, and the Edward G. Irvin Foundation (Kappa Alpha Psi) Food Pantry. She has also been active in sports, as a member of the Field Hockey and Lacrosse teams. She is a founder of the Social Justice cohort at Saint Ignatius and a Youth Diplomat for World Business Chicago.


Nicholaus J.O. Asiyanbi is a senior at Kenwood Academy in Chicago, IL and is the son of Charles and Lynn Asiyanbi. He has been a member of The Chicago Chapter for 11 years. Nicholaus was Teen Treasurer and completed over 100 service hours. He is captain of the Varsity Baseball Team, member of the National Honor Society, a University of Iowa Tippie Gateway School of Business Scholar, manages a profitable investment portfolio and a member of St. Mark UMC. Nicholaus is undecided, yet aspires to pursue a double major in Finance and Industrial Engineering, to excel in Investment Banking.


Asim Heru Trent Baraka is a senior at The Chicago Academy for the Arts, and is the son of Maryka Trent Baraka. He has been a Chicago Chapter member for two years, and was a Greater Champaign-Urbana Chapter member in the Central Region for four years. Asim is his school’s Black Student Union leader, and devotes time to performing arts pre-professional training. In 2022, Asim was an August Wilson Monologue Competition finalist at Goodman Theatre, and won first place at the TLC Oratorical Competition. Asim plans to major in musical theater to pursue a multi-hyphenate entertainment industry career.


Kros Barrett is a senior at Curie High School in Chicago, Illinois and is the son of Keiana Barrett and Machi Barrett. He has been a member of The Chicago Chapter for 5 years. Kros is a student/athlete, with a commitment to team building and service. He has served as a youth basketball coach, volunteered with the Curie community council, Christmas in the Wards, Chicago Football Classic, Sterling Bay Holiday Bazaar, Community Covenant Church, South Shore Community Clean-up, 4th Ward Blood Drive, and Dems on the Move. Kross plans to attend Morehouse College where he will major in Business.


Deric Bomar II is a senior at Oak Park River Forest High School in Oak Park, Illinois and is the son of Deric and Valarie Bomar. He has been a member of The Chicago Chapter for 13 years. Deric has participated in several Jack and Jill community service projects as well as projects outside of Jack and Jill. He enjoys giving back to his community. Deric participated in basketball and football teams as a Freshman, but opted not to continue his sports activities. Deric intends to pursue his dream of being an entrepreneur and owning his own business upon graduation.



Ian Boyd is a senior at Whitney Young High School in Chicago, IL and is the son of Colbert and Tiffanie Boyd. He is a member of the National Honor Society and has participated in programs such as Student Council, mock trial, among others. Ian has played competitive basketball since grade school and is on the Whitney Young basketball team. Ian demonstrates his passion for serving others by tutoring at school, participating in a mission trip through Athletes in Action, and volunteering at his church. He is in the Morgan Stanley Jumpstart Program and plans to pursue a business degree in college.


Christopher Childers is a senior at Jones College Prep (JCP) in Chicago, Illinois and is the son of Chris and Danita Childers. He has been a member of the Chicago Chapter of Jack and Jill for 15 years and served as Teen Treasurer from 2020-2021. Christopher is a member of the JCP Student Government Association and serves as student body vice president. He is a member of the National Honor Society, the National English Honor Society, the Varsity Basketball team, the Black Student Union and Best Buddies. Christopher plans to attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison and pursue a business degree.


Michael Collins Jr. is a senior at St. Rita of Cascia High School in Chicago, Illinois and is the son of Mr. Michael and Dr. Irsenia Norfleet-Collins. He has been a member of the Chicago Chapter for 12 years. His athletic involvement during his four years included football, basketball and track. When not competing athletically, he was involved in his high school’s ministry as well as serving as a volunteer within his community. Collegiately, he will major in political science and aspires to become a federal judge.


Blake Alexander Dunkley is a Senior at The University of Chicago, Laboratory Schools and is the son of Gordon Dunkley and Gelaine Tammye Coleman. He has been a member of The Chicago Chapter for 15 years. Blake is currently a member of Kappa League, Youth and Business and LEAD GSLI (Leadership Education and Development/Global Summer Learning Institutes) programs.Blake is undecided, but plans to Major in Finance and minor in Technology.


Donovan Hackett is a senior at the University of Chicago Laboratory School (Lab) in Chicago, Illinois and is the son of Nickol and Darrel Hackett. He has been a Chicago Chapter member for 13 years. Donovan is a member of the varsity basketball team at Lab and Secretary of the Butterfly Effect Club addressing food insecurity. Donovan spent his summer as a LEAD Scholar and as an intern for the Fourth Ward Alderman’s office. As a senior he is participating in the Morgan Stanley Jump Start program. He has a younger sister, Shelby, who is also in Jack and Jill.


Sydney Charlize Metcalf is a senior at De La Salle Institute in Chicago, Illinois, and is the daughter of Michelle and Joseph Metcalf. She was a charter member of the City of Lakes from 2012 to 2019, and transferred to the Chicago Chapter in 2019. She is a member of De La Salle’s City of De (student government), captain of the tennis team 2020-2023, Black Student Union and an official photographer of the De La Salle yearbook. Her community involvement includes serving the homeless. Upon completion of her high school diploma, Sydney plans to pursue studies in architecture and culture.




Lauren Robinson is a senior at Jones College Prep in Chicago, IL and is the daughter of Dr. Sam Robinson and Ms. Carla Robinson. She has been a member of the Chicago Chapter for 15 years. Lauren is Chapter Secretary of the National Honor Society, active in musical theater, acapella, varsity golf and Spanish Honor Society. She has published and spoken extensively on STEM entrepreneurship and has done biomedical research with top universities. Lauren is a member and volunteer at Trinity United Church of Christ. She plans to major in biomedical engineering and pursue a career in immunoengineering research.


Kennedy Nicole Ross is a senior at Lindblom Math and Science Academy in Chicago, Illinois and is the daughter of Kenneth and Nicole Ross. She has been a The Chicago Chapter member for 13 years. Kennedy is Teen President and has completed over 100 community service hours. She is a Junior Olympic All American 100 M Hurdler, Student Council Vice President, Dance Ensemble and Track Team Captain, National Honor Society, Windy City Hammers Track Club, and St. Mark United Methodist Church member. Kennedy will attend an HBCU, where she will major in Forensic Psychology with plans to join the FBI.


Chase J. Monroe Russell is a senior at Kenwood Academy in Chicago, Illinois and is the son of Terence and Kiley Russell. Chase has been a member of the Chicago Chapter for 12 years. Chase is a member of the Animation Club, Cross Country Team and a former Varsity member of the Wrestling Team. Chase has served as Parliamentarian for the Teen Group and has completed over 100 community service hours. Chase has served as teen group mentor with the Omega YES Program. Chase is undecided and will pursue a degree in Computer Science, with a concentration on Digital Animation.


Ashlyn Tiffany Smith is a senior at Merrillville High School in Merrillville, Indiana and is the daughter of Latrice Mosley-Smith and Ervin Smith. She has been a member of the Chicago Chapter for two years. She initially began her membership in the Gary Chapter. Ashlyn, has completed over 120 community service hours. Through 4 years of high school, Ashlyn was a Color Guard member with the marching band, freshmen mentor and Ruth/Bloom Ministry member at her church. Ashlyn will attend Indiana State University, where she will major in Nursing with future plans to become a midwife.


Myles Stewart is a senior at DePaul College Prep in Chicago, Illinois and the son of Paul and Kristian Stewart. A member of The Chicago Chapter for 14 years, he has served as Teen Nominating Committee Chair and completed over 100 hours of community service. He’s a Varsity Men’s Basketball Captain, Student Council Representative, Black Student Union Executive Officer, and Student Ambassador. Myles is a National College Board African American Recognition awardee, National Honor Society member, and Northwestern University Health Professions Recruitment & Exposure Program graduate. Myles will attend Vassar College for Sociology/Pre-Med.


Layla Stubbs is a senior at Kenwood Academy High School in Chicago, IL and is the daughter of Wonda Montgomery and Larry Stubbs. She has been a member of the Jack and Jill Chicago Chapter for 6 years. Layla is Teen Historian and has over 100 community service hours. Layla is a choreographer, a member of the National Honor Society, Black Is Gold, the Kenwood Dance Project and a service club called Really Rich Cares. Layla plans to attend Spelman College where she will major in Computer Science and her goal is to work for Google as a software engineer.



Matthew M. Woodfolk II is a senior at Wolcott College Preparatory in Chicago, Illinois and the son of Matthew and Anita Woodfolk. He has been a member of the Chicago Chapter for 7 years. Matthew is Teen Chaplain, Nominating Co-chair and has completed over 150 community service hours. He is the president of his Black Student Union, member of National Honor Society, head manager of the Wolcott varsity basketball team, and former secretary and treasurer of student government. Matthew is currently undecided but plans to attend an HBCU, where he will major in international business with a minor in religion.


Kevin is a senior at Mt. Healthy High School in Cincinnati, Ohio and is the son of Crystal Alston and Kevin D. Allen (deceased). He has been a member of the Cincinnati Chapter for 6 years. He is a local rapper/producer who performs throughout the city of Cincinnati and is looking forward in pursuing a career in music and film. He plans on majoring in Communication at Florida Memorial University in Miami, Florida.


Kyle Fitzgerald is a senior at St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati, Ohio and is the son of Brian and Marcy Fitzgerald. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years and has served as the Teen Foundation Chair. Kyle played varsity football at St. Xavier and currently serves as a Bomber Pilot/freshman mentor. He plans to attend Florida A&M University and major in business administration.


Sydney Frost is a senior at Indian Hill High School in Cincinnati, Ohio and is the daughter of Damon and Karyn Frost. She has been a member of the Cincinnati Chapter of Jack and Jill for eight years and served as the Teen Recording Secretary for two years. Sydney participates in theater and “Premieres”, the select choir at Indian Hill and currently serves as the head of outreach for the nonprofit organization, the Power of Music. She looks forward to attending The Ohio State University in the fall.


Joshua Fussell is a senior at Lakota West High School in West Chester, OH and is the son of Jerry Fussell and Tammy Fussell. Joshua has been a member of the Cincinnati Chapter for 7 years, as well as the Northwest Arkansas Chapter as a charter family. Joshua has served on the chapter’s teen executive board for several years and is currently the chaplain. As a student-athlete, Joshua has lettered in football, basketball, and track with academic honors, including 1st team conference & state football recognition. Joshua will attend Northwestern University on football scholarship and major in sports management.


Lance C. Grayson is a senior at Wyoming High School in Wyoming, Ohio and is the son of Lonnie and Erica Grayson. He has been a member of the Cincinnati Chapter for 13 years. Lance is currently the captain of the varsity basketball team. Lance is unsure about which college he will attend. He may play basketball if offered or have a traditional experience where his first choice being the University of Kentucky where he will major in mechanical engineering.




Sarah Hall is the daughter of Darin and Agnes Hall and has been an active member of Jack and Jill for 14 years. She served as Chapter Editor/Historian in the 2019-2020 program year and is currently serving as Recording Secretary in The Cincinnati Chapter. She attends Walnut Hills High School in Cincinnati, OH where she is a member of the Senior Chamber Choir and Vocal Ensemble. Sarah is considering Clark Atlanta University and Hampton University to study Mass Media Arts with a concentration in film making.


Reagan Heard is a senior at Summit Country Day school in Cincinnati, Ohio and is the daughter of Melvyn and Nicole Heard. She has been a member of the Cincinnati Chapter for 12 years. Reagan volunteers at “Tutor Teens” and tutors a member of the National Honor Society through her school, packs and delivers meals and birthday gifts for elderly locally through Meals on Wheels, and this past summer worked with Cincinnati Pride week. She has not decided on a University as of yet plans to major in forensic science and pre-law future plan is to be a defense lawyer.


Donovan Kemp is a senior at Princeton High School in Cincinnati, Ohio and is the son of Dr. Helen and Mr. Darius Kemp. Donovan has been a member of the Cincinnati Chapter for 16 years. He served as the Teen Legislative Chair, Community Service Chair and Parlimentarian As Service Chair, he planned and led outreach activites serving area homeless, disenfranchised youth and the elderly. Donovan regularly volunteers at the Healing Center Clothing/Foodbank and Matthew 25 Minitries. A varsity cross country runner, he won the prestigious Viking Award. He plans to attend Miami University majoring in Game Design and Early Education.


Jason Lee Isaiah Lavender is a senior at Lakota West High School and is the son of Wayne and Cheryl Lavender. Jason has been a member of the Cincinnati Chapter for 8 years and was installed in the Northwest Arkansas Chapter as one of the Charter Families. He served as the Historian / Photographer in the Senior Teen Group. Jason is a Varsity Basketball Player, competes in Engineering Robotics competitions and is an Honor student. Jason has a college offer to play basketball and will attend the college of his choice. Jason’s future plans are to become a Mechanical Engineer.


Gabrielle Nelson is a senior at Walnut Hills High School in Cincinnati, OH and is the daughter of Bryan and Sylvia Nelson. She has been a member of the Cincinnati Chapter for 7 years. Gabrielle has served as a volunteer at the Cincinnati Museum center and as a tutor for students in the community. She has decided to attend Howard University where she will major in Chemical Engineering and play on the Howard University Women’s Lacrosse team.


Timothy Adams Jr. is a senior at Brebeuf Jesuit College Preparatory School in Indianapolis, Indiana and is the son of Mr. Timothy Adams Sr. and Mrs. Mande Adams. He has been a member of the Circle City Chapter for 10 years. He plans to attend college in the fall of 2023. With over 7 years of student leadership experience, he plans to continue to lead and advocate and hopes to have a career in corporate law or investment banking.



Terryn Green attends Hamilton Southeastern High School in Fishers, Indiana and is the daughter of Terry and LaCusia Green. She has been a member of Circle City’s Jack and Jill Chapter for three years and has served as Treasurer and Vice President. Terryn is Vice President of her school’s Black Student Union and Aspiring Health Care Students Club. She also serves as Captain of the Spell Bowl and Academic Teams and as a participant on both the Principal Advisory Council and the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee. Terryn aspires to become a pediatric neurosurgeon.


Joseph Emeka Jideonwo is a Senior at Cathedral High School, a 2022 National Blue Ribbon School located in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is the son of Valentine and Arvetta Jideonwo and brother to Master Jacob Chike Jideonwo. He’s been a member of the Circle City Chapter for 11 years, serving as Parliamentarian. Joseph serves on the Indianapolis Mayor’s Youth Leadership Council, President of Alpha Esquires, National Honor Society, and plays Euphonium in the Cathedral Band. Joseph has earned a cumulative 3.9 GPA, is a College Board National African American Scholar and has been accepted to 25 top colleges in Engineering across the nation.


Trinity Kendrick is a senior at Fishers High school in Fishers Indiana and is the daughter of LiToia Kendrick and Antonio Kendrick. She has been a member of the Circle City Chapter for 4 years.She has participated in serving the less fortunate, organizing HBCU fairs and multiple community clean-ups. She has decided to attend Tennessee State University where she will double major in Business Administration and Fine Arts as well as minor in Spanish. She plans to use her degrees to handle international business and start her own photography business.


Michael Edgerton is a senior at East Ridge High School in Woodbury, MN, and is the son of David and Michelle Edgerton. He has been a member of the City of Lakes Chapter for six years and is currently serving as the Teen President. Michael lettered in band and theatre and is a member of his high school’s top choir. He has performed in many honor ensembles including the All-State Jazz band and the Suburban East Conference orchestra. He is the president of the diversity club, and a member of the Black Student Union, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Michael plans to major in acting/theatre arts in college.


Noah Farmer is a senior at Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the son of Reverend Kevin and Mrs. Lynn Farmer. He has been a member of the City of Lakes since the chapter was chartered in 2012. He was appointed Legislative chair in 2020. Noah enjoys sports including snowboarding and golf, is a member of the National Honor Society and was voted homecoming king in the fall of 2022. Noah is an initiate in the Rites of Passage program hosted by the Minneapolis chapter. Noah plans to study Business and Photography in college.


Sydney McDaniel is a senior at Breck School in Golden Valley, MN and is the daughter of Tarnika McDaniel. She has been a City of Lakes Chapter member for eight years, serving on the Teen Executive Board as Editor, Treasurer and currently as Vice President. Sydney is a volunteer at Agape Oasis Child Development Center and co-leader of OASIS and Cove - Breck black affinity groups. She received All Metro and All Conference mention in volleyball. Sydney currently serves as the Senior class Vice President and member of the Breck Integrity Council. Her achievements include: Head of School List and is a member of The Cum Laude Society. She will major in Biology.




Christian Stokes Anderson is a senior at Hawken School in Gates Mills, OH, and is the son of Eric W. Anderson, Sr. and Sherreé L. Anderson. Christian was born into the Jack and Jill Cleveland Chapter where his family has held membership since 2001. Throughout high school, he has volunteered at the Cleveland Food Bank, the McGregor at Overlook Retirement Community, and the Coit Road Market. Christian has decided to attend American University where he will be a track and field student athlete.


Kendall Cherie Long is a senior at Gilmour Academy in Gates Mills, Ohio, and is the daughter of proud parents Mr. Ed and Mrs. Tanisha Long. Kendall has been a member of the Cleveland Chapter for 15 years where she served as teen group President, Vice President, Parliamentarian and currently Regional Community Impact Committee Co-chair. At Gilmour Academy, Kendall was a member of the National Honor Society, a Student Ambassador, Civic Engagement Team facilitator, Catalyst graduate research program, and a four-year varsity basketball and football cheerleader. Kendall will attend Howard University to study Biochemistry and study genetic research.


Kyndall Joy Mack is the daughter of Mr. Quintero Mack and Christine Fowler Mack. She is a Senior at Hathaway Brown School in Shaker Heights, Ohio. Kyndall is the Treasurer of the Cleveland Chapter teen group. Kyndall has been actively engaged in finalizing plans to transition to a still yet-to-be named higher education institution where she plans to pursue a major in Business Administration to become a successful corporate leader or entrepreneur.


Madison Marie Maynard is the daughter of Terry and Charlene Maynard. She is the President of the Cleveland Chapter Teen Group, and has previously served as Vice President and Corresponding Secretary. Madison founded two non-profit organizations: Minorities Together Movement, a social action organization, and the Teen Media Project, a social media group. She is passionate about social justice and activism and was interviewed by WKSU, the local NPR station, for her community contributions and has presented at national conferences on the subject. Madison will pursue a degree in Broadcast Journalism to advance her reach as a community leader.


William C. Garner IV is a senior at The Wellington School in Columbus Ohio and is the son of William C. Garner III and Melissa Blount-Garner. William has been a member of the Columbus Ohio Jack and Jill Chapter for 13 years. He is a lettered varsity member of both his high school basketball and baseball teams. William enjoys working with youth and has spent numerous summers as a camp counselor. He is also an active member of the Alpha Esquires. William plans to major in Sports Journalism, with a minor in Communications.


Lucas R. Jones, son of Erika Barnes-Jones and Ramon Jones, is a senior at Columbus Academy. He has been a Jack and Jill member since 2017. Lucas plays piano and cello and has strong interests in Spanish, botany, environmental studies and computer science. Additionally, Lucas has interned at the New Albany Food Pantry for several years. While at Columbus Academy, Lucas has achieved First-Team All-Academic honors while on the varsity ice hockey and baseball teams and is Co-President of the CA Black Organization of Students. In the Fall, Lucas will be attending Swarthmore College, Engineering School, located near Philadelphia, PA.



Danielle is a senior at Columbus School for Girls in Bexley, Ohio, and is the daughter of Rhonda Talford Knight, PhD and Damon Lamar Knight. She has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2012. Danielle spends her spare time as a member of the theater department and swim team and plays club rugby in the spring. She also enjoys working with children and aligns her passion for swimming by teaching swim lessons at the YMCA. Danielle will attend University of Law in London England. She plans to reside in England and specialize in juvenile law after her studies.


Carter Minor, a graduating senior at New Albany High School in New Albany, OH, is the son of Kimberly and Marc B. Minor, Esq. He’s been a member of Jack & Jill for thirteen years. Carter currently serves as Midwest Regional Teen President. Carter is an accomplished performer with several professional lead role credits. In school, Carter is the treasurer of the National Honor Society, a founder of the Black Student Association, and enjoys performing in school productions, Honors Chorus, and is a featured speaker at many community events. He looks forward to attending college, and a career in communications.


Gabrielle Moulton is a senior at Olentangy Liberty High School in Powell, Ohio and is the daughter of Dana & Maurice Moulton. She has been a member of the Columbus, Ohio chapter for 14 years. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Kneading for the Needy, and Meals on Wheels. She has been named the District and Central Ohio Player of the Year for volleyball and will graduate ranked fourth in the state and number one as a setter. She will attend The University of West Florida and will join their top-ranked Women’s Volleyball team.


Kyndall Coker is a senior at Centerville High School in Centerville, Ohio and is the daughter of Dwayne and Lisa Coker. She has been a member of the Jack and Jill Dayton Chapter for four years. Kyndall has served as the Teen Treasurer and Foundation Chair for the Dayton Jack and Jill chapter, served on her high school’s Student Service Board where she organized community service events, and was a member of her high school’s tennis and track & field teams. Kyndall aspires to be a physician and is excited to begin her undergraduate journey at Spelman College in Atlanta, GA where she will major in Health Sciences on the Pre-Medical track.


Anika Natalia Vukasinovich is the daughter of Keith and Alisa Vukasinovich. She has served as two terms at both Chapter Teen President and Regional Teen Strategic Planning Committee Co-Chair. She is a senior at Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School, where she was a Varsity Soccer (Captain) and Lacrosse starting player. Anika has enjoyed 11 years in the Dayton Chapter and looks forward to her collegiate experience. She plans to study Business Finance with aspirations to have a career in grant writing.


Olivia Corinne Allen is the daughter of Harold and Anitra Durand-Allen. She has been a member of the Derby City Chapter in Louisville, KY since 2011. Olivia is a senior Musical Theatre Major in the Youth Performing Arts School Magnet at Dupont Manual High School. A true triple threat, Olivia began her performance career at age 7 in the Louisville Ballet’s annual holiday production, The Nutcracker. Her intentions are to become a professional working actress and Broadway performer. Olivia plans to earn a BFA in Musical Theatre at the prestigious Penn State University to help achieve her goals.




Gabrielle Beacham is a senior at DuPont Manual High School in Louisville, KY and is the daughter of Drs. Timothy and Tracilia Beacham. She has been a member of the Derby City Chapter of Jack and Jill for 4 years, where she has served as the Legislative Chair and Teen President. She has received several highly competitive academic and musical awards. She was selected to participate in the Governor’s Scholars Program and the Louisville Academy. As a dedicated oboist, she was co-principal oboist in Louisville Youth Orchestra’s (LYO) Symphony Orchestra, the All-County Wind ensemble, and the All-State Symphonic Band.


Demani Butler is a senior at Bullitt East High School in Mount Washington, Kentucky and the daughter of Donna and Godfrey Butler. She has been a member of the Derby City Chapter for 10 years. Demani is a member of the Multicultural Club, where she advocates for school justice. She is an active member of her church and has played league volleyball during her entire high school career. Demani will be attending the University of Kentucky where she will major in Finance.


Brandon Hughes is a senior at Ballard High School in Louisville, KY, and is the son of Kevin and Maria Hughes. He has been a member of Derby City for 9 years and held positions ranging from financial secretary to President. In his community, he worked with his school district to improve accessibility to students’ Bill of Rights and led fundraising initiatives. After High School, he has decided to major in Finance and intends to work in private equity/wealth management.


Ashton Hunter Natsis is a senior at duPont Manual High School in Louisville, KY and is the son of Drs. James and Kenya Natsis. He has been a member of Derby City Jack and Jill for twelve years. He plays basketball, runs track, and is in French and Beta Club. He is a member of Kappa League and served as Treasurer for the Teens. He has his Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and attends Brown Memorial CME Church. He will attend Clark Atlanta University and major in International Business in French. His goal is to become an entrepreneur.


Travis Smith, Jr. is a senior at duPont Manual High School, in Louisville, KY, and is the son of Mr. Travis and Dr. Felicia Smith. He has been a member of the Derby City Chapter of Jack and Jill for eight years, serving two terms as Financial Secretary. Travis’ passion for the game of soccer has led him to volunteer for a non-profit organization that introduces soccer and all of its benefits to youth in disadvantaged communities. Travis has committed to play Division 1 soccer for Wake Forest University, where he will pursue a career in business or medicine.


Heaven Marie Turner is a senior at North Hardin High School/Early College Career Center in Radcliff/Elizabethtown, Kentucky and is the daughter of Ramon and Joann Turner. She has been a member of the Derby City Chapter for four years. Heaven has been involved in the North Hardin High Color Guard for four years, Vice President of the Green Dot Club, and selected to be the Legislature for Derby City Teen Executive Board. She has decided to attend University of Kentucky, where she will major in Nursing and pursue her dreams of being a Neonatal Nurse.



Dennis Archer III is a senior at the Detroit Country Day School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and is the eldest son of Dennis and Robbie Archer. Dennis has been a member of the Detroit Chapter for more than 10 years and is completing his second term as Teen Parliamentarian. He is Vice-President of the Black Student Alliance and a member of the Varsity Tennis and Track & Field teams. Dennis has decided to attend the University of Michigan where he will major in business administration.


Jason Brown is a senior honor roll student at University of Detroit Jesuit High School in Detroit, Michigan. He is the son of Jason D. Brown and Vikki Hardy Brown. As a member of the Detroit Chapter for 12 years, he has served as the Lead Teen for the local service partnership with C.O.T.S and spearheaded the award-winning Cereal Drive. Jason serves as Captain of his high school Varsity football team, President of the Sports Broadcasting Club, and was a Teen Ambassador for the State of Michigan’s Vaccination campaign. Jason is college-bound with an interest in journalism and sports broadcasting.


Myrel Alexandria Clark is a senior at Detroit Country Day School in Beverly Hills, Michigan and is the daughter of Dr. Renita Barge Clark and the late L. Stanley Clark. Lexi has been a member of the Detroit Chapter for 16 years, since she was age two. Lexi is the Detroit Chapter Teen President, past Legislative Chair and served on the Regional Nominating Committee. Lexi is a Varsity Track and Field Captain, President of DCDS Film Production and CEO of two non-profits. Lexi will attend New York University Tisch as a Film major to become a Film Director.


Payton is a senior at the University High School Academy in Lathrup Village, Michigan, and is the daughter of Victoria and David Edwards. She has been a member of the Detroit Chapter for 13 years. Payton volunteers with Motor City Steam, Coalition on Temporary Housing. She is a member of the Co-Ette Club Inc., the National Honor Society, and Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy. Payton has been accepted and received scholarship opportunities from both Alabama A&M University and Hampton University. She has not made her final decision regarding where she will major in Biology in the Fall.


Nelson “Nelly” Gordon is a senior at Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Livonia, Michigan. Nelson is the son of Noceeba Southern Letts and Justin C. Letts. Nelson has been a member of Jack and Jill of America since 2007. Nelson is a high achieving scholar athlete who plans to take his academic, football, and wrestling skills to the collegiate level. He currently is weighing merit and athletic scholarship opportunities, but ultimately plans to attend a college or university that will best prepare him for a career in business and sports management.


Caleb Knuth is a senior at the University of Detroit Jesuit High School in Detroit, Michigan and is the eldest son of Bryon and Monife Knuth. Caleb has been a member of the Detroit Chapter for 6 years. Caleb earned varsity letters in both lacrosse and football and was awarded Defensive player of the year, All-College, All-Regional and All-Star Senior. Caleb was also selected by Governor Whitmer as a COVID relief Teen Ambassador and appeared on the Today Show discussing Teen Mental Health. He has decided to attend Florida A&M University or Morehouse College to major in business administration.




Maxwell Motley is the son of Ms. Bridgette Motley and the late Dr. Reginald J. Motley. A member of the Detroit Chapter for 13 years, he currently serves as Treasurer for the Teen Group. Maxwell is a senior at the University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy. In addition to Varsity Football and Track and Field, Maxwell is a National Chess Champion and captain of the Chess Team. Maxwell earned four City Council Spirit of Detroit Awards and participates in B.A.S.E, Detroit Kappa League, and the Midnight Golf Program. He will study Engineering at an HBCU in the Fall.


Mariama Stewart is a senior at Cass Technical High School in Detroit, Michigan. She is the daughter of Neil and Michelle Stewart. In addition to being a member of the Detroit Chapter for 12 years, Mariama services the community through Co-Ettes and the National Honor Society, including over 100 hours of volunteer work at the Motor City STEAM Foundation. She has also been a competitive dancer for 8 years and is co-captain of the Cass Tech Dance Workshop team. She plans to attend Spelman College or Howard University and major in Biology on a pre-dental track to become an orthodontist.


Kylii Samirah Taha-Marks is a senior at Cass Technical High School in Detroit, Michigan and is the daughter of Tarian Marks and Zahra Taha-Marks. Kylii has been a member of the Detroit Chapter for 9 years. She is currently the Teen Vice-President of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., Detroit Chapter and the Assistant Treasurer of Co-Ette Club Incorporated. Additionally, she is a member of the DECA Business program and Co-Captain of Cass’ Varsity Softball Team. Kylii hopes to attend an HBCU where she will major in Psychology, and own a practice helping teens with their mental health.


Olivia Thomas is the fourth of five children of Terence and LaShanda Thomas. Olivia is a senior and merit scholar award recipient at The University of Liggett School in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan. She has been a Detroit Chapter of Jack and Jill member for 17 years. Olivia is an exceptional student-athlete who is ambitious, determined, and thoughtful. She has received All-State honors for Track and Field Hockey, All-American honors for Soccer and a full scholarship to play soccer at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Olivia wants to change the world positively and plans to study chemistry and engineering.


Madison Diane Williams is a senior at Renaissance High School in Detroit, MI and the daughter of Shawntane Williams and Darrell Williams. She has been in the Detroit Jack and Jill Chapter for five years and served as the Teen Foundation Chair. Madison has been a member of AKA Teens and the Co-Ette Club where she continues to volunteer and serve her community. At Renaissance, Madison is ranked 11th in her senior class, honor roll student and Team Captain for the Robotics Club. She will major in Cognitive Science or Neuroscience and pursue a career as a Neuroscientist.


Hailee Wilson is a senior at Salem High School in Canton, MI. She is the daughter of Hardy and Lisa Wilson. She has been a member of the Detroit Chapter for three years. Hailee has organized several literacy focused community service projects with her local Girl Scout Troop. She is actively involved in the Black Student Union and helped organize events that bring awareness to social justice issues in the community. Hailee will study human resource management this fall.



Savannah Louise Yopp is a senior at Cranbrook High School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and is the daughter of the late Tanya Heidelberg-Yopp and Roger Yopp. She has been a member of the Detroit Chapter of Jack and Jill for 15 years. Savannah is a member of the Co-Ette Club, Inc., a member of the 2022 Debutante Club, and a volunteer with the Motor City Steam Organization. She is also an accomplished award-winning ballerina. She plans to attend Howard University’s Business School, but is also considering pursuing her love for the arts.


Mia is a senior at Laurel School in Shaker Heights, Ohio and is the daughter of Travis Dent and Dr. Tyffani Monford Dent. She has been a member of the Erie Shores Chapter of Jack and Jill for 4 years. Mia serves on the Young Feminist National Committee of the National Organization for Women. At Laurel, she is a Student Senator and a Diversity Fellow. Mia is the co-founder of Living At The Intersections, Inc. an organization focusing on Black girls. Mia plans to attend an HBCU with a goal of working in environmental justice policy/advocacy.


Kalynn is a senior at Grand Blanc High School in Grand Blanc, Michigan. She’s the daughter of Frank & Stephanie Grandberry. She’s been a member of the Flint Chapter for 10 years. Community service projects includes student tutoring and volunteering on MLK Day at the Dort Federal Center preparing food packages. Kalynn is undecided on a university as she waits on school acceptance letters. Her top five schools include Spelman College, Howard University, U of M - Ann Arbor, Rice University and Columbia University. Her major will be Biology Pre-med with a career goal to become a Gynecologist.


My name is Phenixx Montgomery-Bradley. I am the foundation chair of the Forest City teen chapter. I attend Boylan Catholic High School in Rockford, IL and have participated in softball, key club, newspaper, violin, and figure skating throughout high school. I have volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club, food banks, and at the local homeless shelter over the years. I will be graduating in May with honors. I am currently undecided on a college, but plan on double majoring in computer science and marketing.


Jadyn Primes is a senior at Jefferson High School in Rockford, Illinois and is the son of Deonta and Kenyatta Muhammad. He is a new member of the Forest City, IL Chapter. Jadyn volunteers at the Rockford Rescue Mission servicing in the kitchen and is a member of the Teen Leadership Program of UKUU. He also volunteers as an active speaker/advocate for the Teens of Juneteenth and serves on the Rockford Park District Team. He has decided to attend Jackson State University where he will major in Criminal Justice and continue on to law school to become a defense attorney.


Alicia Jones is a senior at Munster High School in Munster, Indiana and is the daughter of Warren and Angela Jones. She has been a member of the Gary/NWI Jack and Jill Chapter for 12 years. In addition to representing the Gary NAACP chapter in ACTSO in dance, she also dances competitively with her varsity school dance team and national winning studio dance team. She has volunteered with multiple food drives, tutoring, book drives, cancer walks, and community cleanups. She will attend Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana and will major in business. Her future plans include business, marketing, and the performing arts. 572



Kamal Sprouse is a senior at Munster High School in Munster, IN. He is the son of Dr. Ahmad and Nakia Sprouse. Kamal has been a member of the Gary/Northwest Indiana chapter for seven years. In the Teen Group, he has served two terms in the role of Treasurer and currently serves as President-Elect. Kamal is a member of DECA as well as the track team and works part-time at Chipotle. He has been accepted to Alabama A&M, Kentucky State University, and Indiana Tech and plans to major in Computer Science.


Alexxandria S. Braddock is a senior at Heritage High School in Saginaw, MI; the daughter of Willie and Kinesha Braddock Mason. She has been a member of the Great Lakes Bay Region Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2018 and serves as teen president. She’s a 4-year varsity basketball player, 2 years as captain and a 3-year varsity track member, proudly earning a college academic and athletic scholarship from Concordia University majoring in Accounting & Finance. She serves her community by volunteering in city wide clean-ups, STEM camps, food giveaways and church leadership. Alexxandria’s spiritual guidance comes from Proverbs 3:5-6.


Mit Foley II is the son of Dr. Mit & Germaine Foley. Mit is a senior at Heritage High School where he takes advanced placement courses, is a member of the National Honors Society and was named Student of the Month. In addition, Mit earned his varsity letters in Football and Track. Mit attends Hopevale Church, serves as theTeen Vice President of the chapter and is active in his community. Mit plans to attend Michigan State University where he will study human biology and pursue a career in medicine. Mit’s dream is to become a Sports Medicine Physician or an Anesthesiologist.


Ayiteh A. Sowah is a senior at Nouvel Catholic Central High School in Saginaw, Michigan; The son of Ayiteh and Algeria Sowah. He has been a member of the Great Lakes Bay Region Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2018. He loves Track, Hockey as a Goalie and is Captain of the Football team. He will play college football and study Kinesiology or Sports Marketing; undecided on which college. Ayiteh’s Inspiration: God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life.” John 3:16


Armand Moyer is a senior and an honor student at Grand River Preparatory Academy. He is the son of Lee and Tonja Moyer. Armand has been a member of the Greater Grand Rapids Chapter for five years and has previously served as secretary, treasurer, vice-president and currently serves as the Teen President. Armand has earned the prestigious Eagle Scout Award. He is active in theater and creative arts and serves in the media and children’s ministries at church. Upon graduation Armand plans to attend a HBCU and major in Film/Media Studies with the goal of becoming a Showrunner/Director.


Blake Haller is a senior at DeWitt High School in DeWitt, MI and is the son of Jennifer Pope and Alan Haller. He has been a member of the Greater Lansing Jack & Jill Chapter for 16 years. He has served as treasurer and secretary in the teen group. He also enjoys serving with the Greater Lansing Food Bank delivering food when he’s not playing football or running track. Blake has decided to follow in his parents footsteps and attend Michigan State University where he will major in Business Administration with plans to become a real estate developer.



Bryce Sanders is a senior at Okemos High School, located in Okemos, Michigan. He is the son of Tanisha and Tyrone Sanders. Bryce has been a member of the Greater Lansing Jack and Jill chapter for 7 years. He has served as Sergeant of arms, Treasurer, Vice president and current President of the Greater Lansing teens. Bryce’s activities include music and performing arts as well as being the editor of the black student union soical media page at his high school. Bryce is a member of Mt. Zion All Nations Bible Church where he worships with his family. He plans to attend Hampton University or Western Michigan University majoring in Marketing.


Nia is a Senior at East Lansing High School in East Lansing, Michigan. She is the daughter of Octavis and Lynette Long. Nia has been in Jack and Jill, Greater Lansing Chapter for 13 years and has served as the chapter Teen President, Vice President and is currently the Teen Treasurer. Nia is a member of the National Honor Society, Varsity Track & Field, Varsity Cheerleading, and is a nationally ranked Jr. Olympics All-American in Shot Put. Nia is also active in her church youth group where she serves as a teen mentor. Nia has been accepted to Spelman College, North Carolina A&T, and Howard University. She plans to study Business Leadership.


Stephen Phelps-Mosby is a senior at East Lansing High School, located in East Lansing, Michigan. He is the son of Jada Phelps. Stephen has been a member of the Greater Lansing Jack and Jill chapter for 3 years and currently serves as sergeant at arms for the teen group. He is undecided with his major but plans to attend an college in the Mid West.


Kenneth Michael Austin is a senior at Homestead High School in Fort Wayne, Indiana and is the son of Drs. Kenneth Austin and Michelle Collins-Austin. Kenneth has been a member of the Greater Northeast Indiana Chapter of Jack & Jill since 2019, serving as past Teen Foundation Chair. Kenneth is a member of the National Honor Society and played 3 years of basketball. As an academic lettered scholar, Kenneth coordinated his schools Health Professions and School Board Forum for the 2022 election. Kenneth has been accepted into Hampton University majoring in Biochemistry with plans to matriculate into medical school.


Makayla Johnson is a senior at Wayne New Tech Academy in Fort Wayne, Indiana and is the daughter of Dennis and Felicia Johnson. She has been a member of the Greater Northeast Indiana Chapter since 2018. She is currently serving her second term as Teen President, previously served as Teen Vice President and the Regional Nominating Committee. She is a member of the National Honors Society, Pave the Path, Youth Summer Academy and has earned varsity letters playing golf, basketball, softball, and track. Makayla will attend Spelman College, where she will double major in political science and business.


Pasha Z. Anderson is a senior at Herron High School in Indianapolis, Indiana and is the daughter of Lisa and Harold Pete Anderson. She has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 13 years. Pasha is a volunteer and board member at Girls Rock Indy, active with Riley Dance Marathon fundraising, a volunteer for the Mozell Sanders Foundation, and a fundraising organizer for Wheeler Mission and the Pro Choice Music Festival. She has decided to attend Belmont University where she will major in Music Business with plans to work in artist development, production, and host her own international music tours.




Nicholas Joseph Brown is a senior at Pike High School. He is the son of Patricia and Charles Brown and has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years. Nick is a four-year varsity letterman in Track and Field, advancing to the Regional Finals in 2021 and 2022. Nick is an Honors student, plays French Horn, and is a talented ceramics artist. Nick attends and volunteers at Trinity Episcopal Church in their Sunday Dinner program and food pantry. Nick received multiple college scholarship offers and has decided to attend Hampton University to study Cyber Security and Business/Entrepreneurship.


Robert “Dru” DeFrantz, IV, is a senior at Park Tudor School in Indianapolis, Indiana and the son of Karen and Robert DeFrantz, III. He has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 10 years. Dru’s activities include the Men’s Varsity Basketball Team, Men’s Varsity Football Team, Black Student Union, Center for Leadership Development, and Beautillion Militaire. He has volunteered at Feed My Starving Children, Day Springs, and Coburn Place. He plans to attend Hampton University to major in Kinesiology and minor in Business Administration. Dru hopes to pursue a career in physical therapy and sports management.


Theryn Amelia Marie Gray is a senior at Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School in Indianapolis, Indiana and is the daughter of Kimberly Bacon Gray and Ten Gray. She has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 13 years. She served as chapter teen Nominating Committee chair (2019-2020) and teen Legislative Liaison (20222023). She has decided to attend Howard University or American University where she will major in International Relations and minor in French.


Madison Holly is a senior at Fishers High School in Fishers, Indiana and is the daughter of Karen and Lee Holly. She has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 8 years. Madison participates in Girl Scouts of America, Model United Nations, German Club, and the National Honor Society. She is undecided where she will attend college, but she plans to major in Engineering or Business.


Lauren Sophia Humes is a senior at Cathedral High School in Indianapolis, Indiana and is the daughter of Pamela A. and Lawrence E. Humes. She has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 13 years. Lauren was a 2022 P.E.A.R.L.S. Debutante, was in the 2022 Circle City Classic Coronation Class, is a Peer Mentor at Cathedral High School, served as chapter teen Legislative Liaison (2021-2022), and serves as chapter teen Parliamentarian (2022-2023). Lauren has decided to attend Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University where she will major in Business Administration/Entrepreneurship.


Blaire Jenice Jones is a senior at Cathedral High School in Indianapolis, Indiana and is the daughter of Dr. Adrienne Bedford Jones and Matthew Jones. She has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 13 years. Blaire has served as the Indianapolis Foundation Chair, Vice President, and as the Teen President this past year; Captain of the CHS Dance Team, Student Council member, National Honor Society member, and a Peer Mentor. She has decided to attend Spelman College where she will major in Biology on the Pre-Med track. She further plans to obtain the profession of a General Surgeon.



Philip Jones is a senior at Fishers High School in Fishers, Indiana. He is the son of DeLaina and Randall Jones. He has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 9 years. Philip serves on the Jack and Jill Apex Teen Eboard. He is a member of New Era Church and their Ignite Teen Ministry. Philip participates in football, hockey, lacrosse, and the DECA team. Philip serves as vice president of the Alpha Esquires of Indianapolis, an affiliated youth group of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Philip is undecided on his college/university choice. He will major in business/law.


Malia Alexandra Lomax is a Senior at North Central High School in Indianapolis, Indiana and is the daughter of MeKeeba and Robert Lomax. She has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 15 years. Malia is a member of New Life Worship Center Church and has also been committed to serving the community in many roles, including as an executive board member of the Indianapolis Chapter teen group. She plans to attend Tennessee State University where she will major in Biology/Dentistry. Upon graduation, from college, she plans to attend Meharry Medical College to pursue a career in Dentistry.


Lincoln Anderson Murff is a senior at Ben Davis High School and is the son of Dr. Dennisha and Mr. Darrell Murff. He has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 12 years. Lincoln has served his community in a variety of ways, including food pantry donations, youth sports camps, and mentoring. He has also been a multisport athlete participating in football, lacrosse, basketball, baseball, and track and field throughout his high school career. Lincoln plans to major in Psychology or Cybersecurity. He is currently undecided on the college he will attend.


Ramon Randolph is a senior at Cathedral High School in Indianapolis, Indiana and is the son of Angela WhiteRandolph and Reginald Randolph. He has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 5 years. Ramon is a published author, National Honor Society member, and College Board National African American Recognition Program Scholar. He volunteers with Coburn Place, New Era Audio-Visual Team, and Ignite Youth Ministry. He is a Center for Leadership Development alumnus and Direct Employers Institute marketing intern. Ramon will attend Purdue University majoring in Integrated Business and Engineering for a career in engineering management.


Samantha Suggs is a senior at Carmel High School in Carmel, Indiana and is the daughter of Annette Suggs and Denis Suggs. She has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 16 years. Samantha served as MWR Teen Vice President (2022-2023), Indianapolis Teen President (2021-2022), and Teen Secretary (2020-2021); is a member of Carmel High Ambassador Show Choir, Select Sound Acapella Ensemble, GKOM Council Member, Black Student Alliance, and a piano student. She plans to attend Georgetown University and major in Psychology with a minor in Public Policy. She plans to obtain dual JD-MBA degrees and work in corporate law.


Aniya Thomas is a senior at Lawrence North High School in Indianapolis, Indiana and is the daughter of Dr. Tia and Mr. Anthony Thomas. She has been a member of the Indianapolis Chapter for 9 years and served as teen chapter secretary for the 2021-2022 program year. Aniya plays midfielder on the Varsity Girls Lacrosse team, is a member of Student Council, Student Athletic Council, and Black Student Union. She has volunteered with Changing Footprints and United Negro College Fund Indianapolis. Aniya plans to attend Delaware State University where she will major in Business Administration.




Sean Michael Baker-Billings is a senior at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School. When he is not serving as the Vice President of his chapter, Sean dedicates his free time to running track, managing a school spirit social media page, and working as a host at a restaurant on the weekends. Sean is interested in a degree in either business or engineering. He is a national NROTC scholarship recipient with plans to become a military officer after college. As an officer, Sean plans to seek a career as a pilot and involvement in a space program.


Gabrielle Bolton is a senior at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicago, IL. She is the daughter of Ola and Dana Bolton, and the sister of Kennedy and Tiara Bolton. Gabrielle has been a member of the Lake Shore Chapter for fourteen years and has served as Service and Nominating Chair of her teen chapter. She launched her own handmade jewelry business during the pandemic and donated a portion of her earnings to Silence the Shame, Inc. Gabrielle plans to major in Psychology and hopes to be a Psychiatrist or Clinical Psychologist.


Morgan Charles is the daughter of Robert Charles and Veta Caldwell-Charles and older sister to Payton Charles. Morgan Charles was presented to society at the Links Cotillion on April 29th, 2023. She currently attends Kenwood Academy High School and is serving as the all class Student Council President. The University of Southern California is her number one choice for college after she graduates and she plans to major in Data analytics with a Focus in pop culture.


Miles is a Senior at Urban Prep Academy – Bronzeville and is the son of Robert and Pamela Johnson. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Senior Class Treasurer, and Student Ambassador and was awarded the Outstanding School Service Award. He is ranked 3rd in his Senior Class with a 4.13 cumulative GPA. Miles is a 7 year member of the Lake Shore Chapter of Jack and Jill of America where he has served as Foundation Chair and is currently the Treasurer. He is a founding member of the Good Sense Kids Club, a financial investment club, and the Obama Youth Corp Program.


Bryce Mitchell is a senior at Kenwood Academy in Chicago, Illinois and is the son of Melody Pierce and Robert Mitchell. He has been a member of the Lake Shore Chapter for 15 years, where he has served as the Technology Chair. Bryce is a starting defenseman for the varsity Lacrosse team, a member of the drumline and concert band, a member of the Kappa League Leadership Institute, and a mentor for Let’s Mentor, Inc. He will study architecture and business in college.


Payton Pitts is a Senior at The Francis W. Parker School in Chicago. He is an honors student, athlete, leader, and violinist. He has attended Parker since kindergarten. Payton enjoys having a diverse student experience representing the interests of students in a variety of roles. Payton is in his second year as Founder and President of the reconstituted Black Student Union, He is head of the Men of Color Heritage Affinity Group, and is an elected member of the Student Government. Payton is also serving in his second year as Captain of the Boys Varsity Basketball team and is First Chair Violinist in the school’s Senior Orchestra. He serves as Chaplain of the teen group.



Dylan Tate is a senior at Whitney M. Young High School in Chicago, IL., and is the daughter of Michael and Hope Tate. She has been a member of the Lake Shore Chapter for fourteen years. Dylan is the Teen Auxiliary President of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Lake Shore Chapter, a member of the National Honor Society, Whitney Young High School Guys & Dolls Dance Team, and works for a popular breakfast restaurant in Chicago. She will study Business in college, focusing on Marketing and Finance.


Wesley Williams is a Senior at Jones College Preparatory High School. His parents are Lafayette Wesley Williams, III and Dr. Karen Johnson. Wesley has been a member of Lake Shore Chapter for 10 years. He has served as Parliamentarian, Legislative Chair, and currently serves as the Editor. He has maintained high honors in high school. His academic interests include pre- medicine, criminal psychology, English and religious studies. Outside of his academic endeavors, he is heavily involved in competitive club soccer, Good Sense Kids Club (founding member) and riding his bike that he designed and put together from scratch.


I am a senior at Sacred Heart Academy in Louisville, Kentucky. I plan to attend college to become a nurse practitioner in child psychology. I also plan to continue painting and being active in public service. A highlight of my senior year has been participation in the Jack and Jill Cotillion while still being involved in other leadership and service activities in school and in my community. Being authentic is important to me. This is why my favorite philosophy is “Memento Mori” which means remember that you die. It reminds me to live life to the fullest every day.


Chasen Cage is a senior at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicago, Illinois and is the son of James and Tolvish Cage. He is a Charter Member of the Magnificent Mile Chapter, which was incorporated in 2020. Chasen is the current President of the Teen Group and previously served as Vice President and Recording Secretary. Chasen is proud of his straight A status, which has earned him membership in the National Honor Society. In his free-time, Chasen plays water polo. He plans to major in Economics with a minor in Spanish this Fall at Wake Forest University.


Michael Fabian Cobbins is a Senior at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicago, Illinois and is the son of Mr. Fabian Cobbins and Mrs. Natasha Robinson. He has been a member of the Magnificent Mile Chapter for 3 years. Michael is a young entrepreneur and is very excited about fintech. He has been accepted to several colleges but is undecided at this time. However, he will major in Computer Science this Fall at Howard University.


Allison Zoë Commodore, the daughter of Mr. Dwayne Commodore and Dr. Amber Commodore, is a Senior at Lindblom Math and Science Academy in Chicago, Illinois. Allison is a member of the Magnificent Mile Chapter and has served as Seargent-at-Arms since its inception. Allison is a member of First Baptist Church of Chicago and Girls, Inc. Allison is a CPR Certified Babysitter and High School Intern with Accenture’s Innovation Hub. She will attend Fisk University where she will study Business Administration. Her plans also include obtaining an MBA from Vanderbilt University then returning to Accenture to begin her career.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023


6:16 PM


Caitlin Josephine Johnson is a senior at the DeLaSalle Institute in Chicago, Illinois. She is the daughter of Evelyn Holmes and the late Allan Johnson. Caitlin has been a member of the Magnificent Mile Chapter since its chartering in 2020. While in the teen group, she has served as the Corresponding Secretary. Caitlin is currently a member of the National Honor Society and serves as its Faculty Liaison. She is a student athlete, involved in community based activities, and writes for the school newspaper. Caitlin plans to attend the University of Missouri at Columbia in the fall and major in Broadcast Journalism.


Nyla Rachelle Williams is a senior at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicago, Illinois. She is the daughter of Torri L. Adams and Sellers L. Williams. Nyla is a member of the Mid-Western Magnificent Mile Chapter and has served as Teen Treasurer for the past two years. Nyla is the Service Chair of her school’s National Honor Society chapter, a Varsity Volleyball player as well as the team’s Captain, and is an advocate for youth experiencing homelessness. She has decided to attend Florida A&M University and will major in Business Administration, concentrating in Finance.


George Charles Walker is a senior at Rufus King International Baccalaureate High School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and is the son of Dr. Alicia Walker and George Walker. He has been a member of the Milwaukee Chapter for six years, serving as Teen President, Chaplain, and Legislative Chair. George is a member of the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, NAACP Youth Council and worked as a City of Milwaukee Election Inspector. He has earned medals and lettered in football, wrestling and track. George has been accepted to 5 Quick Notes Page 1 colleges and universities and plans to study Nuclear or Industrial Engineering.


Rayyan Abdur Razzaq is a senior at Central High School in Saint Paul, MN and the daughter of Kasim and Tinaisha Abdur Razzaq. She has been a member of the Minneapolis Chapter for 13 years. Rayyan held the role of Teen Legislative Chair her junior year and is currently Teen President during this, her senior year. Rayyan has decided to attend North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University where she will double major in French and criminal justice. She aspires to become a defense attorney and work within the field of social activism.


Brian Banks is a senior is at Benilde St. Margaret’s High School in St. Louis Park, Minnesota and is the son of Shawn and Djuana Banks. He has been a member of the Minneapolis Chapter since 2005 and is the current Foundation Chair. Brian is in the National Honor society and involved in Football and Track and Field. Brian was awarded the MWC Academic award, Defense MVP award and several Student Leadership awards. Brian is also the founder of his schools Chinese Language club and volunteers for his church. Brian will attend a 4-year university and major in Finance.


Camille Crump is the daughter of Mr. Phillip Crump and Dr. La Shonda Kessee-Crump. She has been a member of the Minneapolis Chapter for 5 years and has served as Teen Nomination Chair, Editor and is currently the Legislative Chair of the Teen Group. Camille played varsity volleyball and track throughout high school and has worked as a summer intern for Abbott Laboratories for the past 2 summers. In the fall, Camille will major in aerospace engineering and aspires to work for NASA in the future.



Malayna Elizabeth Davis, a senior at Champlin Park High School, is the daughter of Eric and Marquita Davis. She has been a member of the Minneapolis Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for sixteen years and currently serves as Teen Corresponding Secretary. Malayna is consistently on the Highest Honor Roll and has received Academic Letter Awards in National Honor Society, Choir, and Link Crew. She sings in Concert Choir and serves as a tutor for underclassmen. Although Malayna is currently undecided about her college major, she is looking forward to attending one of her top choice universities.


Isaac Hardy is a senior at East Ridge High School in Woodbury, MN. He is a strong student who has been recognized with academic honors. Isaac played high school and club soccer as well as recreational basketball. He also enjoys video and fantasy games. Isaac is amicable, kind, and empathetic, and is driven by his innate desire to help people. He would like to become a doctor, psychologist or be otherwise involved in a healthcare career that allows him to contribute to societal health and well-being. Isaac is currently considering where to continue his studies in the fall of 2023.


Kennedy Gail Herndon, daughter of Darrell and Bridgette Herndon, is a senior at Phillips Academy in Andover, MA. A Jack and Jill member since 2008, Kennedy is a Morgan Stanley Jumpstart Scholar, co-founder of the Black Student Union at Phillips Academy, a Suzuki trained cellist, and a French Ministry certified fluent French speaker. She is an honors student-athlete and played nationally for Adidas basketball and Nike lacrosse. She is a Prep Hoops New England Region top 100 basketball player and has accepted the largest Division I lacrosse scholarship in UC Berkeley history. Kennedy plans to pursue a career in engineering.


D’Engelo (DJ) Shannon is a senior at Woodbury High School. He enjoys playing baseball and participates in intramural basketball. In his spare time, he serves as an assistant youth coach for Woodbury basketball. He also started a small business making customized graphic tees and hats and works as a team member during summers in the fast-food industry. After graduating from high school, DJ plans to attend Century College and transfer to the University of Minnesota. At present, he aspires to major in design pursuing a career where he can expand upon his creativity and entrepreneurial interest.


Zinn Lawrence Amos, a senior at Providence Catholic High School, is the son of Walter and Karen Amos. He is a member and Teen President of the newly established Monarch Cities Chapter. Zinn is passionate about serving his church, school and local community. He is President of the National Honor Society and Founder of the Medical Club at Providence Catholic H.S., and he has a 4.22 GPA. Zinn is evaluating his college acceptance options, including full ride scholarships to Howard University and Xavier University, respectively. His career aspiration is to become an orthopedic surgeon.


Bradan Hamer, son of Mark and Nichelle Hamer, is a senior at Southland College Prep. Bradan is an athlete for Southland College Prep’s varsity basketball team and is a member of the National Society of High School Scholars. Bradan’s community service consists of volunteering at Victory Apostolic Church’s back-to-school program, and mentoring young disciple’s. Bradan is a member of CAPS and has been a member of the Monarch Cities Chapter of Jack and Jill since their chartering in October 2022. Bradan plans to major in Biology and pursue a career in Dentistry.




Brandon Hamer, son of Mark and Nichelle Hamer is a senior at Southland College Prep. Brandon is an athlete for Southland College Prep’s varsity basketball team and is a member of the National Society of High School Scholars. Brandon’s community service consists of volunteering at Victory Apostolic Church’s back-to-school program, and mentoring young disciple’s in the annual back-to-school supply drive. Brandon was also a member of CAPS. He has been a member of the Monarch Cities Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2022. Brandon plans to major in Biology and pursue a career in Anesthesiology.


McKinley Tavares Singleton is a senior at Homewood Flossmoor High School. He is currently in the HF marching band where he plays the trombone, he has been playing the trombone since he was in the 5th grade. He is currently is the chaplain of the Monarch Cities Chapter Teen Group. He plans to attend Ball State University in the fall where will major in Dietetics.


Kenneth Francis Smith, III is an honor roll student at Marian Catholic High School. He is the son of Kenneth and Melanie Smith, and older brother of twin sisters, Madeleine and Morgan. Kenny is proud to be a charter Teen member of Monarch Cities Chapter of JJOA, currently serving as its first Teen Treasurer. He is passionate about investing, building computers, and football. Kenny is a member of NSBE, Jr at Chicago State University and participated in the National Security Agency GenCyber Camp at Purdue Univ. NW. Kenneth has decided to attend Tuskegee University, majoring in Computer Engineering and plans to pursue a career in Cybersecurity.


Blake Bradham is a senior at Edsel Ford High School in Dearborn, MI, and is the son of Lisa Bradham Smith and Clyde Smith. He has been a member of the Motor City Chapter for 13 years. Blake has participated in youth football for fourteen years and plays on the Varsity Football team. He’s a member of the usher board and mime ministries at church. Blake plans to major in journalism to pursue a career in sports broadcasting.


Anton Myles Chastang is senior at Plymouth High School in Canton, MI and is the son of Anton and LaRonda Chastang. He has been a member of the Motor City Chapter of Jack and Jill for six years. Myles has been playing the trumpet since fifth grade and is an active member of both Marching and Jazz Bands. He is currently deciding between three prospective schools where he has been accepted - the University of Kentucky, Kettering University, and North Carolina A&T. He plans to major in Mechanical Engineering and minor in Acoustics.


Colby John Oliver is the son of Corey and Marci Oliver. He is a senior at Renaissance High School in Detroit, Michigan. He has been a member of The Motor City Chapter for 5 years, where he has served as Sergeant at Arms, Treasurer and most recently as Recording Secretary. Colby is also a member of the Southfield Kappa League and serves as the Communications Chairman. Colby supports various community service organizations, such as Coalition on Temporary Shelter (COTS), Focus Hope, SDM2 and the Youth Connection. A member of Grace Community United Methodist Church where he served as an acolyte, Methodist Youth Fellowship member.



Dierra Surles is a graduating senior at Cass Tech. Chem Bio Curriculum, Loves STEM Activities/Clubs: Girl Scouts, DAPCEP, Math Corps, Girls Who Code, Ivylettes, Detroit Urban League College Club, Chair of Wayne County Commission Youth Council


Donovan Jackson is a Senior at Woodhaven High School in Woodhaven, Michigan. He is the eldest son of Labrit and Jennifer Jackson. He has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2018. Donovan is a nationally ranked chess player and is Captain of the Woodhaven Warriors wrestling team. He is the owner of Gutter Gladiators Gutter Cleaning Service. He is godley men who serves his community through Jack and Jill, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity’s Project Manhood and Word of Faith Christian Center. Donovan plans to attend Purdue University and major in Aerospace Engineering.


Ethan Kyle Whitsett is a senior at Cass Technical High School in Detroit, Michigan. He is the second oldest of 5 children of Maurice and NiKole Whitsett. Ethan has appeared in the Nutcracker at the Detroit Opera House, was showcased in the Debbie Allen Dance Academy and was a cast member in the play “Now That I Can Dance.” Ethan played basketball for 2 years and is currently a second-year varsity baseball player at Cass Tech. Ethan is a lifelong member of Life Application Ministries and volunteers in the nursery. He is also a member of the Midnight Golf Program.


Eric Hobson Jr. is a senior at Franklin High School in Livonia, Michigan, and is the son of Stephanie L. Williams and Eric Hobson. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for thirteen years. Eric is a nationally ranked chess player, basketball player, and business owner. While at Franklin, Eric was the captain of his basketball team, member of the National Honor Society, and a student council member. He is an enthusiastic member of his community and has completed many service activities. Eric plans to major in Civil Engineering and is still deciding where to attend college.


Joshua Johnson is a senior at Cass Technical High School in Detroit, Michigan and is the son of Judge Adrienne Hinnant-Johnson and Mr. Sean Johnson. He has been a member of the Motor City Chapter for 13 years. Joshua is a member of the Cass Tech tennis team and ROTC. Joshua plans to attend University in the fall and major in Business Administration.


Logan Albert Robinson is the son of Tracey McNeil Robinson and Ernest Robinson. The Farmington High School senior has earned two varsity letters in basketball and cross country. Logan has been a member of the Motor City Chapter of Jack and Jill for 16 years and he has held leadership roles during his tenure. He also served the Detroit Kappa League for four years and he was elected President of the Junior class in 2021-2022. Logan has been accepted to multiple universities and he plans to attend a historically black college in the fall.




Miles Elijah Lee is a senior at Renaissance High School in Detroit, Michigan where he will be a graduate of the class of 2023. He is the son of Andre T. Lee and Claire Mason Lee, Esq. He has been a member of the Motor City Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., for 9 years. He has served as the teen Parliamentarian and currently serves as the teen Chaplain. Miles has been actively involved with several community service projects, including, but not limited to projects conducted by organizations like SDM2, Focus Hope, Empowerment Church, The Thanksgiving Project and the Coalition on Temporary Shelter (COTS). Miles is a competitive swimmer.


Trey’on Bosley is a Senior at Romulus High School in Romulus, Michigan. Labrit and Jennifer Jackson have been his Guardians since 2019. He is a quarterback for the Romulus Eagles Football team. He is an Assistant Manager at the Pretzel Peddler in Taylor, Michigan. Tre recognizes the importance of serving his community. He has participated in various service opportunities through Jack and Jill and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity’s Project Manhood. Upon graduation, Tre plans to serve our country in the United States Armed Forces.


Collin Taft Batts is a senior at Detroit Country Day School in Beverly Hills, Michigan and is the son of Dawn and Derek Batts. Collin has been a member of North Oakland/Macomb Chapter for seven years. Collin’s community service has focused on addressing food insecurity especially for the elderly population and equity in education for the youth. Collin plans to major in political science at Morehouse College or Howard University, and continue to law school.


Manny Coppin is a senior at Rochester High School in Rochester Hills, MI, and is the son of Drs. Addington and Cynthia Coppin. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 16 years. Manny is a percussionist and very active in the band community and has received several awards for his music, leadership, and conducting skills. He has also served as Chaplain in the NOM Teen Group. He is planning to attend Eastern Michigan University and major in music. He would like to be a music teacher and professional musician.


Nick Eaton is a senior at Lake Orion High School in Lake Orion, Michigan. He is the son of Darrin and Rita Eaton. He has been a member of the North Oakland/Macomb chapter for 5 years. Nick has been a community servant since elementary school. He is a volunteer teacher at the Lake Orion Early Childhood Center, served food to the homeless community;coached youth football; gathered food for Meals on Wheels senior citizens; read to elementary school students. He is deciding between Northwestern University,University of Michigan and Boston College; where he’ll major in pre-medicine. He plans to become a Plastic Surgeon.


Christian Owens is a senior at Detroit Country Day School in Beverly Hills, Michigan and is the son of Kevin and Aida Owens. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 9 years. Christian is an International Baccalaureate Diploma candidate at his school and plays varsity basketball. He also serves as Chaplain for the NOM Teen Auxiliary Group. He will be majoring in Business and pursuing entrepreneurship or law, and has not decided where he will attend college yet.



James Patterson Jr. is a Senior at Lake Orion High School in Lake Orion, Michigan and is the son of James Patterson Sr and Dr. Edwina Patterson. He has been a member of the North Oakland/Macomb chapter for ten years. James is a Scholar Athlete, in National Honor Society, President/Founder of Black Student Union, School Choir leader, and Varsity Football Captain. He supports homeless community initiatives. He has decided to attend the prestigious Amherst College where he will double major in Political Science and Philosophy. James aspires to become a lawyer specializing in Constitutional/Political Law and a Federal Judge.


Makayla Pittman is a senior at West Bloomfield High School in West Bloomfield, Michigan. She is the daughter of Corey and Kineta Pittman. Makayla has been a member of the North Oakland/Macomb Chapter for 8 years, serving various leadership roles in the Teen Auxillary Group, with the last 2 years being the Teen President. She is also a leader within her community and school, developing fundraising event, serving on student leadership and advisor for the last 4 years, all with maintaining a 4.0 GPA. Makayla plans to attend a HBCU and currently considering Florida A&M University and Howard University.


Lauryn Tellis is a Senior at University High School in Southfield, Michigan. Lauryn is the daughter of Levasseur Tellis & Tracey Payne-Tellis (Mr. & Mrs. Tellis). She has been a member of the North Oakland/Macomb chapter of Jack and Jill for ten years. Lauryn is on the varsity volleyball team, plays clarinet in band, a member of the National Honor Society, web building developer on YouTube and entrepreneur for youth health/body care items. Lauryn will attend FAMU like her parents & brother.


Morgan Wesley is a senior at Groves High School in Beverly Hills, Michigan and is the daughter of Dr. Nicole Fields. She has been a member of the North Oakland/Macomb chapter of Jack and Jill since 2018. Morgan is a member of the Book Club and enjoys drawing and crochet in her spare time.


Lawrence (Tre’) Williams Ill attends Adams High School in Rochester Hills and is the son of Lawrence Williams II and Richelle Williams. He has been a NOM member for thirteen years, and currently serves as the Recording Secretary. He is on the Varsity Track Team and leads the Here 4 U Club at AHS. Lawrence (Tre’) is a member of the Alpha Esquire Leadership and Midnight Golf Programs. He has received scholarships to multiple universities but is currently undecided. He plans to major in Graphic Design, with the future goal of becoming a User Experience Designer.


Cameron Wilson is a senior at Rochester High School in Rochester Hills, Michigan. He’s the son of Chris and Charlotte Wilson. Cameron has been involved in the North Oakland/Macomb Chapter for 13 years. He’s a strong advocate for his community and finds joy helping those less fortunate than himself. Cameron’s been a member of the Rochester Alliance of Theatrical Students for 5+ years. Undecided about where he’ll attend college, Cameron is excited to pursue a career in Film and Television. Cameron is grateful for the leadership and speaking opportunities in NOM as it inspired his decision to be an actor.




Ava Bogan is a senior at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, IL and is the daughter of Brad and Windy Bogan. She has been a member of the North Shore Chapter since 2013, a member of the Tacoma Chapter from 2010-2013, and joined the organization in 2009 as a member of the Bridgeport Chapter. She is an active member of Loyola Academy’s Varsity Volleyball, Women of Color Symposium and Medical Club groups. Ava is passionate about helping people overcome disease and illness and will attend Cornell University to study biology and pre-med while playing volleyball. Go Big Red!


Zoe Douglas is a senior at Niles North in Skokie, IL and the daughter of Johnny and Tonya Douglas. She has been a member of the North Shore Chapter since 2009. She is the captain of Niles North Varsity Swim and runs track, while also serving as executive board member of Niles North Dance Marathon and Black Student Union. Zoe is a nationally recognized African American Scholar through the College Board and is a member of both the Spanish and National Honors Societies. She plans to attend a university in New York and study political science and neuroscience.


Angelique Holmes is a senior at Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, IL and the daughter of Robert and Kinyana Holmes. She has been a member of the North Shore Chapter since 2007. She is an active member of Stevenson High School Color Guard which placed 28th out of 96 teams at the World Championships. She plans to study forensic science and criminology in college and aspires to be a forensic scientist.


Noelle Lanton is a senior at Elgin Academy in Elgin, IL and is the daughter of Robert and Colette Lanton. She has been a member of North Shore Chapter since 2009. She has been a member of the Varsity Tennis Team since freshman year and has served as captain since sophomore year. She won the 2022 State Championship with an undefeated season of 30-0. Noelle is a nationally recognized African American Scholar through the College Board and is a member of the Spanish and National Honors Societies. She plans to study medicine in college and aspires to be a dermatologist.


Olivia Myers is a senior at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, IL and is the daughter of Justin and Malaika Myers. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. since 2013 and a member of North Shore Chapter since 2017. She is an active member of Loyola Academy Swim and Water Polo teams and African American Youth Group. Olivia is a nationally recognized African American Scholar through the College Board, a National Merit Scholar, and serves on Peer Jury. She plans to attend college and aspires to be a criminal defense lawyer.


Donovan Nichols is a senior at Barrington High School in Barrington, IL and is the son of Dia and Andrea Nichols. He has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 11 years and currently serves as the Editor for the North Shore Chapter where he’s been a member for three years. Donovan is the captain of the Varsity Basketball team and volunteers his time as a youth counselor for area youth basketball camps. He will major in business administration when he attends college in the fall in pursuit of his MBA.



Kennedy Pemberton is a senior at Lake Forest Academy in Lake Forest, IL and is the daughter of Steve and Tonya Pemberton. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. since 2005 and a member of North Shore Chapter since 2012. She serves as captain of Lake Forest Academy Varsity Volleyball and is an active member of Girl Up Club and Black Student Union. She plans to study business and communications in college and aspires to be a Fortune 500 Chief Executive Officer.


Olivia Stevenson is a senior at Evanston Township High School in Evanston, IL and the daughter of Terrance and Regina Stevenson. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. since 2018 and a member of North Shore Chapter since 2021. She is active in Varsity Cheer, the National Honors Society, and involved in community service activities including mentoring youth, helping families in need, and leading sports groups. She plans to pursue sports and entertainment law in college.


Isaiah Thompson is a senior at Evanston Township High School in Evanston, IL, and is the son of Sean and Dr. Ama Rivers Thompson. He has been a member of the North Shore Chapter since 2013 and served as Community Service Chair on the Teen Executive Board. He is active in Varsity Fencing and Illinois Fencers Club. Isaiah is also a National Honor Society member and participates in the Boule Scholars program. Additionally, he achieved honors for Artistic Craftsmanship and was a member of Boy Scouts. Isaiah plans to attend college and study interactive media and game art.


Brandon Underwood is a senior at Round Lake Senior High School in Round Lake, IL and is the son of Essence Underwood. He has been a member of the North Shore Chapter since 2022. Brandon is an Eagle Scout and an active member of his school’s Esports team, Wind Symphony, and Percussion Ensemble. He plans to study computer science and creative writing in college to pursue a career in game design and storyboarding.


Jordan Williams is a senior at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, IL and the son of Dr. Jay Williams and Dr. Gioia Herring-Williams. He has been a member of the North Shore Chapter since 2011. He is an active member of the National Honor Society, E-Sports and Loyola’s African American Youth Group. Jordan also runs track, plays tennis, and has played piano since age five. He plans to attend The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign or the University of Maryland where he will study data science.


McRae Edward Carpenter is a senior at Farmington High School in Farmington, Michigan and the son of Kirk and Cora Small. McRae has been in Jack and Jill since 2014 with the last six years in the Oakland County Chapter. He has been a member of the Southfield Kappa League and has served as Chair of the Community Service Committee. McRae has played AAU basketball for the Michigan One Team. Currently, McRae is the Lead Building Assistant at The Hawk Recreation Center. McRae has been accepted to numerous colleges and plans to major in Logistics or Computer Science.




Jason Denny is a senior at Eton Academy in Birmingham, Michigan, and is the son of Dr. Jason and Lisa Denny. He has been a member of the Oakland County Chapter for six years and a member of Jack and Jill for fourteen years. He is an Alpha Esquire and served as Class President for three years. He is an active member of the Student Council. He is the captain of the football team and a three-year member and captain of the varsity basketball team. Jason will major in Business Administration while attending Notre Dame College.


Taryn Denise Faison is a senior at West Bloomfield High School in West Bloomfield, Michigan and is the daughter of Todd and Terri Faison. She has been a member of the Oakland County Jack and Jill Chapter for 7 years. Taryn is a member of the Midnight Golf Program, a Delta GEMS Scholar of the Southfield Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and the Co-Manager of her High School Wrestling Team. She has decided to attend Loyola University Chicago, where she will major in Biology and pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine or Zoology.


Annisia Alesandra Hill is a senior at Oakland Early College in Farmington Hills, Michigan, and is the daughter of Tavare and Khalia Hill. She has been a member of the Oakland County Chapter for eight years and a member of Jack and Jill for a total of ten years. She has served on the teen leadership board in various roles. She participated in Girl Scouts of America, West Bloomfield High School Swim Team, and DECA. Annisia will major in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing in college.


Thornton Christopher Hughes II is a senior at International Academy OKMA in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. He is the son of Thornton and Madonna Hughes. He has been a member of the Oakland County Chapter for three years, and of Jack and Jill for twelve years. He is a tutor and serves as a community volunteer for a homeless shelter. He is a 4-Year Varsity Tennis Player and Captain, Morgan Stanley Jumpstart Scholar, LEAD Reex Scholar & Alumni, MIT/Harvard Intern, PSAT National Merit Recognition Recipient, All-Star Code Scholar & Alumni, and Junior Olympics Fencing Athlete. Thornton will major in Aerospace Engineering.


Montana Michelle Jones is a senior at Cranbrook Kingswood High School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, and is the daughter of Drs. Lamont and Teniesha Jones. She has been a member of the Oakland County Chapter for six years. She is the Founder of “Shoot for the Moon, Land Amongst the Star, Advocacy through the Arts”. She is also president of the African American (4A) Club and Glee Club. She has performed as the lead role in Alice in Wonderland, Spongebob the Musical, and Shrek. She also performed as Rizzo on Broadway with her acting troupe. Montana will major in Musical Theater in college.


Sydney Iman Lee is a senior at Wylie Groves High School in Beverly Hills, Michigan, and is the daughter of Jason and Nicole Lee. She has been a member of the Oakland County Chapter for ten years. She has served as a teen Historian, Nominations Chair, and T-shirt Committee Chair. She has over 150 service hours delivering food to the elderly, creating urban gardens, creating care kits for nursing home patients, painting urban murals, packaging STEAM educational kits for school-aged children. She is a member of the National Honor Society. Sydney will major in Business in college.



Derek William Oglesby, the eldest son of Derek and Naomi Oglesby, is a senior at Bloomfield Hills High School. He is the current teen Treasurer of the Oakland County Chapter, a member of the National Honor Society, Alpha Esquires and Forensics Club, having earned a state semi-finalist title. Derek plays varsity soccer, having earned All-State Honors and his team’s Most Valuable Player. He is a Co-President of the Black Student Alliance and a national finalist of the LEADership, Education and Development Program. Derek plans to attend Howard University in Washington D.C. as a Scholar Athlete and major in finance.


Zoë Blossom Patterson, daughter of Tiberia and Tracee Patterson, attends Oakland Early College in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Zoë became a member of Oakland County in 2019 and served as teen Parliamentarian/ Sergeant-at-Arms. She is a national Detroit City Chess champion, the 1st Student Council President at Niji-iro Japanese School, President of the Southfield Alumnae Delta G.E.M.S., and 2022 recipient of a “Black Girls Who Rock Entrepreneur Award.” Zoë became a business owner at 10 yrs. old, as a Deejay and upon graduation will be certified in Japanese, hold an Associate in Arts Communication, and teach deejaying overseas.


Gabrielle Simone Pearson is a senior at Wylie Groves High School in Beverly Hills, Michigan, and is the daughter of Henry and Johanne Pearson of Southfield, Michigan. She has been a member of the Oakland County Chapter for eight years. Gabrielle currently serves as teen Historian. She is very involved in Student Congress at Groves HS and serves as Treasurer. She leads community service efforts at her high school and with community organizations she belongs to. She excels academically, is a member of the National Honor Society, and maintains Advanced Placement courses. Gabrielle will major in Biomedical Engineering in college.


Lauren Prestage is a senior at Walled Lake Western High School in Commerce, Michigan and is the daughter of Rochelle and Jay Prestage. She has been a member of the Oakland County chapter since 2007, serving on the Teen Executive Board for 4 years and is currently the teen chapter President. She has served at the regional level for 2 years and holds board positions in other clubs. Lauren is a 3-year varsity member of her school’s Golf team. Outside of school, Lauren has completed mentorship at Vanderbilt University where she conducted Anthropology research. Lauren plans to study Political Science.


Jaiden Kendall Reed is a senior at the University of Detroit Jesuit Academy and High School in Detroit, Michigan, and is the son of Lateef and Charlene Reed. He has been a member of the Oakland County Chapter for three years. He has served as a Summer Jr. Camp Counselor and Headstart classroom volunteer. Jaiden was recognized as the 2022 Detroit Free Press/USA Today Michigan Track & Field Athlete of the Year and has received numerous awards for his athleticism. Jaiden will attend the University of Iowa where he will continue his track and field career and major in Occupational Therapy.


Aaryn Janea Sherman is a senior at Detroit Country Day School in Beverly Hills, Michigan, and is the daughter of Kendall and Michelle Sherman. She has been a member of the Oakland County Chapter for eleven years. She has served as the Teen Editor and Courtesy Chair. She has over 150 hours of volunteer and community service including shadowing, serving the homeless, teaching youth dance/cheer and Delta GEMS. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA and is a member of the Cum Laude Society. She has received numerous awards for academics, photography, writing and dance. Aaryn will major in Health Sciences/Pre-Dental.




Justice Tyler Southward is a senior at Bloomfield Hills High School. He has been a member of the Oakland County Chapter for four years. Justice currently serves as the Equity and Inclusion Advisor for Student Council and Lead Forensics Captain at his high school. In 2022, he received 3rd place honors at the Michigan Interscholastic Forensics Association State Finals, and 1st Place Poetry honors in the Birch Run Invitational. He also placed 3rd at the Teen Leadership Conference oratorical competition in 2020 and 2021. Justice intends to double major in Psychology and Spanish with long-term career goals in Psychiatric Medicine.


Dillon Teamer is a senior at West Bloomfield High School in West Bloomfield, Michigan and is the son of Dirk and Lenise Teamer. He has been a member of the Oakland County Jack and Jill Chapter for 15 years. Dillon’s community involvement includes Southfield Goodfellows, World Medical Relief, Adopt a Family and Angel Tree . Dillon will attend Grand Valley State University or Bowling Green State University where he will major in business with a concentration in marketing.


Alexa Elaine Thomas is a senior at Detroit Country Day School in Beverly Hills Michigan, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thomas Jr. She has been a member of the Oakland County Chapter for ten years and a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years. Alexa has served as teen Freshman representative, Corresponding Secretary, Vice President, and currently serves as President. She has participated as an oratorical competitor and placed in the top three for the past 4 years. Alexa completed over 250 community service hours with several organizations. Alexa plans to study International business.


Marie Claudinette Outlay is a senior at Sun Prairie West High School in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. She is the daughter of Mr. Terrell and Dr. Christina Outlay. She has been a member of the South Central Wisconsin Jack and Jill Chapter for five years, where she is the current Chapter Teen Vice-President and past Chapter Teen Treasurer. Marie is a member of the National Honor Society and Black Student Union, Captain of her varsity basketball team, and a multi-year recipient of the BEAM (Black Excellence Achievement Matters) and MLK Outstanding Young Person Awards. She also runs her own online math tutoring service. Marie will attend a four-year University.


Lyric Sheyenne-Soleil Eveans is a senior at Sun Prairie East High School and is the daughter of Bennie Eveans and Yolanda Tolson-Eveans. She has been a member of Jack and Jill South Central Wisconsin Chapter since 2016 she has served as the Teen Chapter legislative chair and is currently the outgoing Teen President. She has concluded her final year of service to Jack and Jill as a member of the Mid-Western Regional Teen Nominating Committee. Lyric has been active in high school working, being a member of the BSU, Yearbook Club, and has been a varsity hurdler in Track and Field. In addition to working, she has also volunteered at local food pantries.


Morgan Denise Harris is a senior at Lincolnway East High School in Frankfort, Illinois and is the daughter of Anthony, and Deborah Harris. She has been a member of the South Suburban Chicago Chapter of Jack and Jill for eight years serving as Foundation Chair and Journalist/Historian of the teen group. Morgan’s school activities have included being a member of the Student Council, Black Student Union, POMs team, and the Lincolnway Girls LaCrosse team. Morgan is still deciding where she will attend college but plans to major in Business Administration.



Layla Paige Kimmons is a senior at Homewood-Flossmoor High School in Flossmoor, Illinois, and is the daughter of Gyata and Leslie Kimmons. Layla has been a member of the South Suburban Chicago Chapter for five years. In this chapter, she has served as Chaplain and currently serves as Vice President of the Teen group. Layla has continued involvement in her school and community by volunteering numerous hours at social service organizations. Layla is interested in studying forensic anthropology and will attend Hampton University in the Fall.


Elias is a senior at Homewood-Flossmoor High School in Flossmoor, IL. He the Son of La Tosha Mayes-Watson & Joe Mayes. He has been a member of the South Suburban Chicago Chapter of Jack and Jill of America since 2012. His community involvement iincludes the following but not limited to Top Teens of America, Skyline Metropolitan Chicago Chapter and a mentee in 100 Black Men of Chicago South Suburban Chapter. Elias wants to major in Business Administration.


Patrice St. Jean is a senior at Homewood-Flossmoor High School and the daughter of Drs. Peter and Zahrain St. Jean. Patrice has been a South Suburban Chicago Chapter member for eight years. She has served as the Teen Group as Corresponding Secretary and is currently the Legislative Chair. Patrice is an honor student who has won several awards for graphic design and radio shows. She was an Executive Producer for her school’s tv station and is currently the school’s Radio Station Manager. After graduation, Patrice plans to study Broadcasting Journalism and Graphic Design and eventually produce her own talk show.


Nya is a senior at Lincoln Way East High School in Frankfort, Illinois and is the daughter of Paul and Deadra Stokes. Nya has been a member of the South Suburban Chicago Chapter for 16 years. She currently serves as Teen Chapter President and has served as Teen Chapter Treasurer and Parliamentarian. Nya is a member of National Honor Society, Math Honor Society and Pi Sigma Pi. She was selected as one of 150 Senior scholars to participate in the Morgan Stanley Jumpstart 2022 -2023 Internship program. Nya plans to attend Delaware State University where she will major in Finance.


Sanai Tyler, a senior at Kenwood Academy in Chicago, Illinois, is the daughter of Dominic and Kim Tyler. She has been a member of the South Suburban Chicago Chapter for 12 years. Sanai has successfully balanced her athletic commitments and civic responsibilities while maintaining high academic achievements. Sanai is undecided about which college that she will attend, and has several options to consider including Ivy League, Big Ten, and HBCU institutions as well as whether to accept both basketball and bowling scholarship offers. Her selection and major in business analytics will best position her to attend law school upon graduation.


Faith Iyanna Wilson is a senior at Marian Catholic Hs in Chicago Heights, IL. Faith is the daughter of George and Nikki Wilson. Faith has been a member of the South Suburban Chicago Chapter since 2016 and has served as the teen TLC chair since 2019. Faith is currently participating in the 2023 Miss Shades of Pink Cotillion Scholarship Cotillion for the Phi Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. Faith will attend Tuskegee University. She plans major in Criminal Justice with the intent to become a lawyer and eventually a judge.




Ernest A. Woods, III, is a senior at Homewood Flossmoor High School in Flossmoor, Illinois, and is the son of Ernest Jr and Mariba Woods. He has been a South Suburban Chicago Chapter member for five years. Ernest has served as the Foundation Chair and is currently the Parliamentarian for the Teen Group. He is a member of the National Honor Society and on the swim and lacrosse teams. Ernest is also the Vice-President of the Skyline Chapter of Top Teens of America. Upon graduation, he plans to pursue Engineering at North Carolina A&T University.


Layla Reaneé Wallace, a Portage Central High School graduate, has been a member of the Southwestern Michigan Chapter for the past 9 years. Layla served as a Mid-Western Regional Teen Committee Rules and Regulations Co-Chair (2021-2022) and served in multiple Teen Executive Board offices (2018-2023). Layla is the Founder and CEO of Layla’s Cool Pops, Inc., a nonprofit baking company committed to eliminating homelessness one sweet at a time. Layla plans to attend Western Michigan University and major in Food Marketing, where she has also been recruited to compete on the Women’s Track Team.


Avery is a senior at Metro Academic and Classical High School in St. Louis, MO and is the son of Aaron and Kira Banks. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 13 years and the St. Louis Chapter for 11 years. He has been an honor roll student all four years of high school and has enjoyed serving the community through tutoring in math and reading. He has been accepted to Morehouse College and will major in computer science with plans to pursue a career in aerospace engineering.


Kendall Cade is a senior at the John Burroughs School in Ladue, MO and is the daughter of David and Creshuna Cade. She is captain of the JBS Cheerleading Squad and has been a member of The St. Louis Jack and Jill Chapter for 14 years. Kendall has volunteered as a Girl Scout Day Camp Counselor and organizer for 4 years and other non-for profit organizations. She is also a classically trained pianist where she shares her joy for music with others in the community. Kendall will major in Classical Studies in the Fall of 2023.


Kelenna E. Eke-Okoro is a senior at The John Burroughs School in Ladue, Missouri and the son of Mr. Udonna and Ms. Barbara Eke-Okoro. Kelenna has been a member of Jack and Jill of America for 8 years. He is currently serving his second term as the St. Louis Jack and Jill Teen Treasurer. He has served as JBS Secretary and Treasurer 2020-21 and is the current Chief Justice at John Burroughs. Kelenna has volunteered with the St Louis Campus Kitchen and the Montgomery Plan clean-up initiatives. Kelenna plans to pursue an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Business Administration.


Chelsey Nwamu, daughter of Fidel and Chonda Nwamu, is a senior at Mary Institute Country Day School (MICDS) in Saint Louis, Missouri. She has been a member of both Oakland, California and St. Louis Chapters of Jack and Jill where she is completing her sixth year. Chelsey has consistently been an Honor Roll student while competing on the Varsity basketball team and as co-captain of the tennis team. She was also awarded a bronze award in recognition of over 100 hours of community service. Chelsey plans to attend The University of Pennsylvania where she will major in a STEM discipline.



Kendall Amaya Pace, daughter of Orlando and Carla Pace, is a senior at Ladue Horton Watkins High School in Saint Louis, Missouri. She has been a member of the St. Louis Chapter for 2 years. Kendall is captain of Laduettes competitive dance team, Corporate Partners Chair of Dance Marathon, a member of The Sparkle Effect for disabled students and an avid volunteer at Operation Food Search and The Little Bit Foundation. Through internships, Kendall studies business strategies and has led projects at local companies for the past two years. She will attend college this fall and major in Finance.


Travis N. Pryor is a senior at Chaminade College Preparatory School in St. Louis, Missouri and is the son of Dr. Seqwana and Mr. Travis Pryor. Travis has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 15 years. He served as the 2021-22 Mid-Western Regional Teen Nominating Chair, Chapter Teen Parliamentarian and Sergeantat-Arms. He is a member of the National Chinese Honor Society, NSBE Jr. National Ambassador and Teen President - St. Louis Gateway Chapter and has earned the Presidential Service Award (4) straight years. Travis plans to pursue an undergraduate degree in Computer Science/ Software Engineering.


Arlington M. Rhone is a senior at Whitfield School in St. Louis, Missouri and is the son of Eric and Angela Rhone. Arlington has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 12 years. He has served on the Teen Executive Board as the Historian (2021-2022) and the Editor (2022-2023). He is also a member of Whitfield School’s award winning varsity Soccer, Basketball, and Track & Field teams. In addition, he is also a member of Kappa League and NSBE, Jr. Arlington aspires to be a Commercial Pilot and plans to pursue a degree in Aviation.


Braylon Taylor is a senior at Ladue High School in St. Louis Missouri and is the son of Lay and Donya Taylor. He has been a member of the St. Louis Jack and Jill Chapter for 9 years. Braylon is a member of Kappa League St. Louis chapter and has completed hundreds of community service hours. He is undecided about the University he will attend, but plans to study Business.


Brandon Edward Dolsey is a Senior at Ottawa Hills High School in Ottawa Hills, Ohio. He is the son of Dr. Brian and Mrs. Dionne Dolsey. Brandon has been a member of the Toledo Chapter, Teen Auxiliary for eight years and he has served as Treasurer and currently serves as President. Brandon was a First Class Scout of the Erie Shores Council, Troop 27. He volunteers in his community as an Ambassador for Books 4 Buddies, a non-profit organization committed to improving and increasing literacy for boys in the Greater Toledo Area. Brandon is a studentathlete and marching band member. His high school sport is Track/Field. He will attend Michigan State University.


Ian B. English, II is a senior at Maumee Valley Country Day School in Toledo, Ohio. He is the son of Judge Ian English and Vallie Bowman-English, Esq. Ian has been a member of the Toledo Chapter for seven years and has served as Teen Vice President and Secretary. Throughout his school career, Ian has volunteered as a Book Ambassador with Books 4 Buddies, a nonprofit organization that collects new and gently used books for disadvantaged children in NW Ohio. Ian plans to attend college in the fall, majoring in Communications. He ultimately plans to obtain a law degree.




Jasmine Armstead is a senior at Plainfield East High School in Plainfield, IL and is the daughter of Janelle Armstead-English and Vernon English. She has been a member of the West Suburban Chicago Chapter of Jack and Jill Chapter for one year. Jasmine is a High Honor Roll student and she is involved in a variety of activities including National Arts Honor Society and the DuPage County ACT-SO program, where she’s competed since her freshman year and has earned several medals in architecture, engineering and drawing. Jasmine plans to major in architecture in Fall 2023.


Dylan Colbert is a senior at Nazareth Academy in Lagrange Park, Illinois and is the son of Drs. Christopher and Carmelita Colbert. He has been a member of the West Suburban Chicago Chapter for five years. He has remained an honor student and member of the National Honor and National English Honor Societies. He is also a member of the varsity basketball team, Finance Director of the Future Healthcare Professionals Club and Vice President of the Fitness Club. He has decided to attend Hampton University and major in biology. His lifelong goal is to become an orthopedic surgeon.


Layla Henderson is a senior at Naperville North High School in Naperville, IL and is the daughter of Lee and Kimberley Henderson. She has been a member of the West Suburban Chicago Chapter for 11 years, where she served as Teen Foundation and Social Media Chairs. At school, she has served as Student Government Vice-President, member of the National Honors Society, Spanish National Honors Society, PE Leader, Link Crew Leader, Dawg Pound Student Activities Leader and is a 4-year varsity basketball player and current captain. Layla will attend and play basketball at Johns Hopkins University and major in Sociology/Global Studies.


Ellis Charles Mcadoo is a senior at York High School in Elmhurst, Illinois. He is the son of Dr. Efrem and Nakia McAdoo. Ellis has been a member of the West Suburban Chicago Chapter since 2010. Ellis is a two-sport athlete, playing both basketball and football in high school. As an offensive lineman on his varsity team, he helped York reach the Illinois 8A semifinals this year. Ellis spends his free time volunteering at the Hines Veterans Hospital, organizing team food drives, and coaching young football players. He plans to play college football and major in sports marketing and management.


Madison Lynn Moon is a senior at Metea Valley in Aurora, Illinois and daughter of Vernon and Jennifer Norrell Cole and Damien Moon. Active in Jack and Jill for 15 years, she served as a teen officer. With a successful record of advanced coursework, her activities include journalism writer and editor, Black Student Alliance and Ecology Club and placing regionally on the badminton team. Her volunteer focus has been combating food insecurity and homelessness at Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry, Feed My Starving Children, Hesed House and Marie Wilkinson Child Center. Madison plans to major in psychology pre-med next fall.


Zachariah Morton is a senior at Wheaton Warrenville South in Wheaton, IL, and son of Trevin and Simone Morton. He’s been a member of the West Suburban Chicago Chapter since 2011. Zachariah is a member of the National Honor Society and captain of the boys varsity tennis team. He’s a member of the Principal and Dean Student Advisory boards. Zachariah was named All-Conference, All-Academic each year and was a State Finalist. He plans to study civil engineering and has been accepted to several schools including Michigan State, Purdue, Ohio State, Howard and University of Missouri, but hasn’t made a decision.



Ayana Seegars is a senior at Neuqua Valley High School in Naperville, Illinois and the daughter of Wil and Tonya Seegars. She’s been a member of the West Suburban Chicago Chapter since 2009. At Neuqua, Ayana has become a leader for African-American underclassmen and received honor awards for both equity and leadership. Outside of school, she loves drawing and photography. Ayana plans to study nursing and pursue a career as an international traveling nurse.


Vincent Smith is a senior at Neuqua Valley High School in Naperville, Illinois. He is the son of Naomi & Samuel Smith III and has been a member of the West Suburban Chicago Chapter of Jack and Jill for seven years. He has been active in his school’s Marching Band, Performance Band, Black Student Alliance as well as sports in and out of school as a member of the wrestling and baseball teams. He has also been a medalist in the NAACP’s ACTSO competition. Vincent plans to attend an HBCU and prepare to become a language and speech pathologist.


Auri Allyse Watson is a senior at Bolingbrook High School in Bolingbrook, IL, and is the daughter of Dr. Shuntae and Patrick Williams. She has been a member of the West Suburban Chicago Chapter for six years. Auri is a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and has been on the track and cross-country team for approximately 10 years. Auri served as the President and Recording Secretary of the Trailblazer Group. She is a Debutante for the Chicago Chapter of the Links, Incorporated. Auri will continue her academic journey at Tennessee State University as a Psychology major.


Carson Adam is a senior at Oak Park and River Forest High School (OPRF) in Oak Park, Illinois and is the son of Serge Adam and Lia Colbert Adam. He has been a member of the Western Cook County Chapter for 11 years. Carson is a member of the OPRF Track and Field Team and Varsity Football Team. Carson has decided to attend Fisk University in Nashville, TN, and major in Business/Marketing.


Kennedy Daniel is a senior at Oak Park River Forest High School in Oak Park, IL, and is the daughter of Dr. Silver and Jeremy Daniel. She has been a Western Cook County Chapter member for seven years and serves as the 2022-23 Western Cook County Chapter Teen Group secretary. She has served her community through reading and toy drives. She has decided to attend Spelman College, majoring in Health Sciences on the pre-med track.


Madeline Grace Daniel is a senior at Oak Park and River Forest High School in Oak Park, Illinois and is the daughter of Dr. Silver and Jeremy Daniel. She has been a member of the Western Cook County Chapter for seven years and serves as the 2022-23 Western Cook County Chapter Teen Group Treasurer. She has served her community by participating in Huskie Helpers, organizing and collecting toys for a toy drive for By the Hand Club. Madeline has decided to attend Spelman College where she will be on the premed track with a goal to go to medical school.




Blake Donalson, son of Marvis Donalson and Barry Donalson, has a love for musical theater and a passion for animals. As a 12 year member of Western Cook County Chapter, he has served as Parliamentarian, and Regional Teen Nominating Committee member. Blake, a Dean’s List student and graduate of Oak Park River Forest High School, shined brightly as a member of the OPRFHS Show Choir, Acapella Choir, Lead in Sister Act, Mama Mia, and cast member of 2022-23 Illinois All State Theatre production. Blake will pursue a career in animal science after attending college and Veterinary Medical School.


Sheridan Holliday, daughter of Dr. Christopher and British Holliday, a graduate of Fenwick College Prep, Oak Park, Illinois, is a 12-year member of Jack and Jill, Lake Spivey (GA) and Western Cook County (IL) chapters. Serves on Teen Executive Board, currently Sergeant-at-Arms, previously Editor and Treasurer. Member of National Honor Society, Honors Chamber and Bel Canto Choirs, state ranked vocal competitor, Shield Mentor, founded first Women in STEM club, played volleyball, VP of Black Student Union. Created“Tech Talks with Sheridan”as senior center’s Assistant of Programs. Sheridan will attend Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.


Marley Carmen Montgomery is a senior at Trinity High School in River Forest, IL and is the daughter of Mr.Marc and Dr.Erika Montgomery. She’s participated in the Western Cook County Chapter for 8 years. Her community service activities include implementing a youth basketball camp at her middle school, serving as lead camp counselor at West Suburban Special Recreation Association and volunteer projects with her highschool and WCCC teens. Marley is considering attending Spelman College, Howard University or Florida A&M. Marley will major in Health Science/Physical Therapy with a concentration in Kinesiology.


Eli Rodgers, son of Frowene and Elliott Rodgers, is a graduate of St. Ignatius College Prep in Chicago, a 9-year member of the Western Cook County Chapter, and serves as Teen Group Technology Chair. Eli is a member of the National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, and an Illinois State Scholar. A 4-year Boys Rowing varsity team member, Midwestern Regional rowing champion, and competitive Model UN delegate, Eli’s community service includes Beyond Hunger in Oak Park, IL. Eli plans to major in Computer Science and has been accepted to Stanford University and the US Military Academy at West Point.


Olivia Thompson, a senior at The Thompson Academy of Excellence, has a 4.0 GPA in all high school and college classes. She is the daughter of Drs. Trevonne and Nicole Thompson and a member of the Western Cook County Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years where she served as Chaplain, Vice President and currently as Teen President. Olivia has been a fellow for a candidate running for U.S. Congress, participated in varsity crew, performed on stage and television, and performs circus arts. She plans to major in Political Science and Film at a top university of her choice.


Cameren Truelove, daughter of Leslie Truelove and Richard Truelove is a senior at Oak Park and River Forest High School, Oak Park, IL, a ten-year member of the Western Cook County Chapter, and a past Teen Foundation Chair. Cameren is a multifaceted OPRFHS Honors student, a Spanish Honor Society inductee, a College Board African American Scholar, and a 2023 All-State Musical cast member. She’s performed in 5 musicals, sings with an acapella group, and serves as Show Choir Spirit Captain. Cameren intends to pursue a degree in Cinema and Media Studies, and a career in the entertainment industry.



Nicolette Bennett is the daughter of Andre and Lolita Bennett. She attends Saint Ignatius College Preparatory and is a 16 year member of the Windy City Chapter, where she serves as Teen Co-Foundation Chair. She is the American Red Cross National Youth Council Social Engagement Lead; President of the Anti-Racism & Anti-Bias Cohort and Diversity Club; Illinois Junior Classical League Historian; Consul of the Classics Club; Captain of the Varsity Scholastic Bowl Team; Top Teens of America Treasurer; and member of the National and Latin Honor Society (latter Director of Tutors). She plans to study Psychology and become a Criminal Psychologist.


Aliyah Beth is a senior at Lindblom Math & Science Academy in Chicago, Illinois and is the daughter of Dr. Alfreda Holloway-Beth and Phillip Beth, Esq. She has been a member of the Windy City Chapter for 10 years. Aliyah serves as captain of the girls golf and badminton team and in Lindblom’s Sport Hall of Fame. Aliyah also serves as the nominating chair of the Windy City Chapter Teen Group. She has decided to attend Barnard College of Columbia University in New York where she will major in Art History and hopes to be a museum curator.


Roman Chambers is a senior at Chicago Tech Academy. He is the son of Rufus Chambers and Rachel Greene. Roman has been a member of three Jack and Jill Chapters over 11 years: Windy City, Charlotte and Seattle. He has served as Special Projects Chair, Technology Chair and Chaplain. Roman is a member of Top Teens of America, Evergreen Park Chapter, National Black MBA Association, Chicago Chapter, Leaders of Tomorrow and is a Greenwood Project Scholar. Roman is passionate about game design and traveling. He plans to attend college in the fall and major in Computer Science.


Mario Davis, Jr. is a senior at Lincoln Park High School in Chicago, IL and is the son of Mario Davis, Sr. and Leslie Davis. Mario has been a member of the Windy City Chapter for 10 years. Mario has served as Teen Technology Chair, Teen Treasurer, and Teen President. Mario is a founding member of the Good $ense Investment Club and a contributor to On the Money Magazine. Mario plans to major in Business with a concentration in Finance and Real Estate.


Bryce Griffin is a senior at Marist High School in Chicago, IL and is the son of D. Darrell and Chereese Griffin. He has been a member of the Windy City Chapter for 15 years. He is an active member in his church and a leader at his school where he was chosen as a Student Ambassador and a Peer Leader. In Jack and Jill, Bryce currently holds the position of Parliamentarian. Bryce has decided to attend Morehouse College where he will major in Business Administration and one day work in Sports Management.


Keeland Jordan is a senior at Leo Catholic High School in Chicago, IL and is the son of Eddie Jordan and Kourtnee Palamore. Keeland has been a member of the Windy City Chapter for 14 years. He currently serves as Sergeant at Arms for the Teen Club. He is also a member of Top Teens of America, Evergreen Park Chapter and the Chicago Park District Teen Leadership Connection. He is the captain of the Varsity basketball team and a member of the National Honors Society. He plans to attend an HBCU in the fall to study Agriculture.




Sydni Poston is a senior at Whitney Young High School in Chicago, IL and is the daughter of Andre and Lakeya Poston. She has been a member of the Windy City Chapter of Jack and Jill for 2 years. Sydni has served as a mentor to middle school students and incoming freshmen. Sydni also volunteers at IK Gymnastic mentoring and coaching young gymnasts. She has decided to attend Bethune Cookman University in Daytona Beach, FL where she recently committed to play Division #1 volleyball. Sydni will major in Health and Exercise Science to pursue a career in physical therapy.


Austin Washington is a senior at Kenwood Academy in Chicago, IL and is the son of Houston Washington and Robin Jackson. Austin has been a member of the Windy City Chapter for 16 years. Austin has served as Teen Legislative Chair and a member of the Teen Fundraising and Community Involvement Committee. Austin is a member of the Kenwood Soccer Team. Austin is involved with several organizations including SMASH Scholars and Urban Alliance Obama Youth Job Corp. Urban Alliance selected Austin to interview President Barack Obama in October 2022. Austin plans to major in Mechanical Engineering.


Gabrielle Antoinette Allen is a senior at Salem High School in Canton, Michigan. She is the daughter of Jené and André Allen. She has been a member of the Ypsilanti chapter for 9 years. Gabrielle previously served as legislative co-chair and later served as legislative chair. She currently serves as co-chair of the community service committee. A dedicated 3-sport athlete, she’s active in gymnastics, track, and cheer. She recently created a racial injustice symposium to educate fellow students at her high school. Gabrielle plans to study criminal justice in college and aspires to become a criminal defense lawyer.


Tyler Lamar Bond is a senior at Salem High School in Canton, Michigan, and is the son of Tyrun and Gwendolyn Bond. He is a member of the Ypsilanti Chapter for six years. Tyler has previously served the Teen Group as the Foundation Chair and is currently the Parliamentarian. Tyler is a member of the Detroit Chapter Kappa League where he currently serves as Historian. At Salem, he was on the Varsity football team and a member of the Black Student Union. Tyler plans to study pre-law in college.


Micah Brielle Finley is a senior at Salem High School in Canton, MI and is the daughter of Roy & Cheryl Finley. She has been a member of the Ypsilanti Chapter for 15 years. Micah is a member of the National Honor Society, Link Crew, Black Student Union, Park Players Club and Salem Congress Club. She also won first place in the American Chinese Association (ACA) Art Contest “Justice for All”. Micah plans to study Biomedical or Chemical Engineering.


Lawrence Millben IV is a senior at Salem High School in Canton, Michigan, and is the son of Lawrence and LaTonya Millben. He has been a member of the Ypsilanti Chapter for eight years. Lawrence is a member of the AAYI Kappa League and has a passion for music production and art. He plans to attend college and study Music Business/Management and Music Production.



James M. Thomas III is a senior at Huron High School in Ann Arbor, MI, and is the son of James M Thomas Jr and Monik C Thomas. James has been a member of the Ypsilanti, MI chapter for 11 years. While in the teen group, James has served as Teen President, Treasurer, and Community Service Chair. James has been actively involved with Alpha Esquires, the NAACP, NSBE Junior, and the Black Student Union where he served as Vice President. James plans to attend PrairieView A&M where he will study Architecture with future plans of designing commercial buildings.


SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Alexandria Chapter (LA) Arlington Chapter (TX) Austin Chapter (TX) Baton Rouge Chapter (LA) Beaumont Chapter (TX) Clear Lake/Bay Area Chapter (TX) Dallas Chapter (TX) DFW Mid-Cities Chapter (TX) El Paso - Southern New Mexico (TX/NM) Far North Dallas Chapter (TX) Fort Worth Chapter (TX)

Greater Channel Chapter (TX) Greater Frisco Chapter (TX) Hammond-Northshore Chapter (LA) Houston Chapter (TX) Humble-Kingwood Chapter (TX) Katy-Prairie View Chapter (TX) Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter (TX) New Orleans Chapter (LA) North Houston Suburban Chapter (TX) North Suburban Dallas Chapter (TX) North Texas Chapter (TX)



Northeast Dallas Chapter (TX) Red River Chapter (LA) San Antonio Chapter (TX) South Belt Houston Chapter (TX) Southwest Louisiana Chapter (LA) Southwest Suburban Dallas (TX) Sugar Land (TX) Texarkana Twin-Cities (TX) The Woodlands (TX) Waco (TX)



reetings and Salutations to all of the graduates and their parents on this momentous occasion.

Congratulations parents of our esteemed graduating seniors for your commitment to the legacy of love and development of our future leaders. What an honor and privilege it is to serve as your National Vice President and as a member of the Arlington Chapter in the South Central Region. The work of many hearts, hands and minds in the village will culminate with the introduction to society, rites of passage and graduation ceremonies for your children. As parents, you continued to show up, step up and have not deterred from the mission - you all made their dreams a reality - job well done! To the graduates, I encourage you to enjoy and take in the fullness of this moment and all that it represents for your family. You represent our ancestors’ wildest dreams and their dreams fulfilled. This is one more moment in your journey to a beautiful adulthood. We acknowledge and salute your matriculation to the next phase of your life’s journey. May the Lord bless you and keep you, make, His face shine upon and be gracious to you in all of your endeavors. Favor and blessings both now and forever is my prayer. Always Ready to Work and Honored to Serve,

Sativa Leach-Bowen National Vice-President


SOUTH CENTRAL REGION REGIONAL HISTORY The South Central Region is committed to striving for and

Initially, Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, had no plans to

demonstrating excellence in our chapters and children that will

establish chapters west of the Mississippi. However, in Houston,

create lasting impacts in our communities, which is aligned with the

Texas, mothers were vigilant in their desire to bring a chapter

current regional theme – MODEL: Maximizing and Demonstrating

there. Mothers called on Dr. Katherine Loett, who had friends in the

Excellence in Leadership, under the leadership of Regional Director,

national organization, to help persuade them to grant the charter.

Danielle Wesley.

On September 24, 1952, after two years of efforts, the Houston

For more than seventy years, the South Central Region has

Chapter became the first chapter established in Texas. Thus, these

consistently extolled the vision of our founder, Marion Turner Stubbs Thomas, promoting black excellence by providing preeminent programming focused on youth leadership development. The idea of the regional structure was introduced in 1948 at the Third Annual Meeting of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, held in Washington, DC. While various national committees debated the suitability of restructuring the organization, the South Central

two chapters were the first established chapters in what would become the South Central Region five years later. Today, the region has thirty-two (32) chapters in Louisiana and Texas. Growing and sustaining the Region is one of the current operational priorities. Currently, efforts are underway to explore and establish the first chapter in New Mexico and further expansion in Louisiana and Texas.

Region was already at work. In 1952, two chapters west of the Mississippi were established. Sponsored by the Buffalo, New York Chapter, New Orleans was granted a charter, and on March 27, 1952, the New Orleans Chapter was installed, becoming the first chapter in Louisiana, led by the efforts of Roberta Bobb.


REGIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS During the 2022-2023 program year, the regional theme MODEL,

Mother Members that demonstrate our values and MODEL

Maximizing and Demonstrating Excellence in Leadership, was

leadership across the region. Another major accomplishment was

evident and prominent. This aspirational vision charged us to

the migration of all chapters to Quickbooks Online. Most chapters

be the epitome of excellence and set the example in our homes,

utilized the merchant service option to streamline the collection

chapters, and communities – worthy of imitation. We continued

of members' payments. The Region provided Quickbooks experts

with the following goal and vision statement, "The South Central

to assist chapters with the transition. The new system provides

Region is committed to striving for and demonstrating excellence

for easier dissemination of financial data to members. Regional

in our chapters and children that will create lasting impacts in our

Treasurer LaKenya Collins and the Budget/Finance committee did

communities." Across the South Central Region, mothers, teens,

an outstanding job of offering training and support that enabled

and children demonstrated excellence in programming and service.

the successful conversion. Another highlight is the Mary Lou Adams

Undoubtedly, 2020 and 2021 were years of resilience for our

Leadership and Excellence Academy, which kicked off the fourth

organization and us - as leaders. We learned strength through adversity and became adept at adapting to constant change. However, as we kicked off the 2022-2023 program year, we moved swiftly with intentionality and purpose to a post-COVID-19 era (hopefully a post-hurricane era). We went back to in person activities; many chapters held in-person planning sessions and

cohort. The focus of this academy is to engage our newest members in leadership early in their membership journey and to augment the onboarding experience at the local level. Approximately 55 mother members were invited to participate in the 2023 cohort. Each year the academy provides immersion and rapid knowledge acquisition of our history, governance, membership, protocol, and financial

chapter retreats to celebrate togetherness again. At Area Work


Day (AWD) 2022, we convened in New Orleans, Louisiana. The

South Central is proud of the regional chapter establishment efforts

theme was E3 – Equipping Excellence, Engagement & Expansion,

underway. The growing strategically and the chapter establishment

which propelled us to move forward with intention, purpose, and

committees have been hard at work identifying, exploring, and

expectation. We were ready to exemplify the excellence that equips

researching new opportunities for regional expansion. We anticipate

our chapters, children, and communities and to advance regional

bringing several new chapters into the Region. Likewise, we continue

excellence for long-term perpetuity. With over 580 attendees,

to see steady growth in membership gains in the Region. And even

the workshops and officer training sessions were informative and

during the pandemic and mothers tenuring out, there was an 8%

engaging. The Teens were back and spent the weekend engaging

gain in 2021 and about a 2% increase in 2022. This continues

with alums, local professors, physicians, and mental health experts.

to speak to and shows us that prospective mothers continue to

They also walked away with the 2023 Teen Conference theme

see the enriched value in what membership in our organization

recommendation. We were also proud to impact the local community

can afford their families. We are excited about making room for

significantly with "Pockets Full of Hope," which supported homeless

more families to have the Jack and Jill experience. As we focus

children and teens at the following organizations: Covenant House

on regional expansion, we are also keeping a watchful eye on our

New Orleans, Raintree New Orleans, Boystown New Orleans, and

at-risk chapters. There continues to be a priority on reducing the

The Department of Children and Family Services, New Orleans. A

number of at-risk chapters to sustain all chapters in the Region. The

total of $36,134.25 was raised, which offered each organization

famous rugby player, Jack Dixon, coined the phrase, "If you focus

100 backpacks full of personal necessities and a $3,500 check

on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will

each. After AWD, the Presidents' leadership weekend continued with

get results." South Central is committed to change and being the

expanded learning opportunities and fellowship. But the highlight

MODEL in our chapters and communities.

of the experience was box seats at the Mary J Blige concert. It was indeed an impactful and fun weekend in the Big Easy! The United States Tennis Association partnership launch in Houston, TX resumed and in October 2022, over 140 participants came out to the Dallas, TX launch event to learn more about the sport and sign up for tennis clinics. We are excited about this partnership expansion across the Region. Our TOP MODEL recognition program was brought back and we look forward to recognizing


CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS During the post-COVID-19 conference season, all conferences

is proud of the following chapters for this great attainment - Austin

were back to an in-person format. Mothers and Teens alike were

Chapter, Clear Lake/Bay Area Chapter, Dallas Chapter, Far North

excited to be back together again, and it showed with record

Dallas Chapter, Fort Worth Chapter, Greater Frisco Chapter,

in-person attendances and sold-out affairs. Teen Conference

Houston Chapter, Humble-Kingwood Chapter, Katy Prairie View

2022 was held in San Antonio, Texas, with approximately 1,000

Chapter, Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter, North Suburban Dallas

attendees. The theme was Rooting 4 Everything Black: 4 the

Chapter, Northeast Dallas Chapter, Red River Chapter, South Belt

Culture, 4 the People, 4 the Future. This theme reminded us that

Houston Chapter, Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter, and The

it was time to celebrate and honor ourselves – our children, our

Woodlands Chapter. These chapters will enjoy having their names

communities, and our Culture! While many of the traditional Teen

displayed at the headquarters office in Washington, DC. We were

Conference experiences were featured, there were modifications

elated to celebrate the election of Sativa Leach Bowen as the

to the agenda to minimize close physical contact (no Sports Day).

National Vice President, Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. We

The teens enjoyed a day at Six Flags over Texas amusement park

are proud of this achievement and know she is "BUILT FOR THIS"

as an alternative event to Sports Day. It was a truly remarkable

and will represent the Region exceptionally. Toward the end of the

way for the teens to enjoy outdoor activities and have some fun.

convention, we celebrated the region's 70th Anniversary during the

The community service activity was a huge success. Building off

regional breakfast. The theme, "Reflecting the Past, Reshaping the

the theme, 'Project Empower: For the Culture, For the People for

Future," was a special occasion to commemorate the outstanding

the Future,' impacted three local charities in the communities of

and extraordinary leadership and service, past and present. We

the host chapters, San Antonio and Waco, Texas. In addition to the

were fashionably fabulous in florals for the event. It was a grand

$15,000 Foundation Grant, our region contributed $5,000 of our

time for all.

chapter fundraising dollars to this activity. The Boys and Girls Club of San Antonio - Eastside Clubhouse and the Children's Defense Fund Freedom School, J. H. Hines Elementary School received over 500 backpacks filled with school supplies, earbuds, and hygiene kits, along with 22 bicycles. Additionally, the teens donated five art panels to local hospitals in each of the five Centers of Excellence (COEs) in the region; Turtle to Shriner's Children in Shreveport, LA (Northern Louisiana COE), Azaleas to Academic Clinic in Metairie, LA (Southern Louisiana COE), Butterfly Happiness to Baylor Scott & White, Waco, TX (Central Texas COE), Carousel to Texas Oncology Pediatrics, Dallas TX (Dallas COE), and Otters to LBJ Hospital in Houston (Houston COE). Alas, the 2022 National Convention in sunny Orlando, Florida. The theme, "The Power of a Dream, On Mission, On Purpose, For All Children," was apropos in the city of Disney World, "Where Dreams Come True." South Central won several programming, legislative, and service awards and brought home bragging rights as winners of the Lip Sync Regional Battle contest. South Central showed up and showed out! Also, the eight Marion Stubbs Thomas Academy fellows officially graduated during the event and were recognized for this outstanding accomplishment. We were very proud to have these exceptional leaders participate, Terehas Pearson, Leah Matthews, Shawnica Pollard Moss, Alicia Carrier, Dianne Livings, Kenyail Carr, Giselle Smith Johnson, and Tifany Wilson. We also celebrated the accomplishment of 16 Chapters receiving the Five Star Recognition Award, a 33% increase from 2020. South Central


SOUTH CENTRAL REGION HISTORY POEM Today it seems the proper thing.

Texas gives us Arlington Chapter and South Belt Houston to add

The praises of one’s “Roots”, to sing.

two to its roll,

The search from Genesis to Revelation

while Louisiana charters Monroe.

has spread across our very nation.

Texas continues to grow as Houston

South Central Region is no different from the rest, and so we’d like

adds Greater Channel Chapter in nineteen

to share our best.

hundred and ninety-four.

Of those who with their talents have paid;

Four years later, North Texas ends its wait

And for our children a strong foundation laid.

in July, nineteen hundred and ninety-eight.

June nineteen hundred and fifty-two,

The Republic of Texas comes back into view,

the first chapters establish,” Spanking New,”

with Beaumont, Katy-Prairie View and

Was Houston, Texas in the south

Southwest Suburban Dallas in two thousand-two.

and New Orleans, Louisiana, at the Mississippi’s mouth.

The chapter in Texas continue to grow,

June nineteen hundred and fifty-three

adding Texarkana and DFW Mid-Cities

came Austin, Dallas, San Antonio Texas, all three.

in the fall of two thousand-four.

None in Fifty-four, but in fifty-five

Louisiana suffers a loss, Shreveport,

came Fort Worth, Texas, we’re still alive!

while Texas grows stronger as she welcomes

June nineteen hundred fifty-six,

friends old and new, Tyler-East Texas

In Waco, Texas, things were fixed.

in two thousand and six anew.

A very long jump until July nineteen sixty-two, Prairie View, Texas

Two thousand eight graced South Central with two, Greater Frisco

said, “We’ve made it too.”

to the north and

In June, nineteen hundred sixty-four,

Sugar Land to the South. Then Hammond-North Shore came in it

Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Galveston,

was two thousand ten.

Texas made two more.

Twenty-twelve brought a milestone

July, nineteen hundred sixty-six,

Northeast Dallas and Red River shone!

Port Arthur, Texas had her name affixed.

In twenty-fourteen, Tyler East Texas said goodbye which was not

Then in nineteen hundred and sixty-eight,


Tyler, Texas came in. We had found ourselves another friend.

The Sensational Region is now at twenty-nine.

Back down to that Pelican State,

Two Thousand and Eighteen brought three new chapters to the

Alexandria, Louisiana, asked if it was too late.


Then in nineteen hundred and seventy-five

Texas grows to twenty-five with the addition of Far North Dallas

Missouri City says,” we’ll keep it alive!”

and El Paso.

Then in nineteen hundred and eighty-two

New Mexico is no longer barren with the addition of El Paso which

we go to the largest city in Texas with no port,

borders Texas and New Mexico.

North Suburban Dallas, Texas gives Dallas two.

Southwest Louisiana brings Louisiana to six.

In nineteen hundred and eighty-four,

South Central Region now boast of thirty-two.

North Houston Suburban, Texas; and the twin

This shows up to date how we have grown from a tiny start we’ve

Cities Shreveport /Bossier City, Louisiana

become renown.

give Texas and Louisiana each one more.

We’ll strive and work until we die, to keep the standards of Jack

Back up to the great State of Texas,

and Jill high.

July nineteen hundred and eighty-six,

With devotion as deep as our religion

Beaumont, Texas gets its name affixed.

do a bit of flag waving for

July nineteen hundred and eighty-eight,

the South Central Region!

Southeast Texas adds three more. Humble-Kingwood, Clear Lake Bay and the Woodlands. Then it is Westward Ho!, Lubbock, Texas

Updated July 1984, 1988, 1992, 2001 November 2003, October

drives in its stake.

2004, 2006, 2010, 2012, 2014 and January 2021 by: Georgia L.

It has been a long dry spell, til nineteen hundred and ninety-two,

Johnson, Life Associate Member, Austin, Texas Chapter



Danielle Wesley, DrPH, is the 22nd Regional Director of the South Central Region. Dr. Wesley was the founding organizer and charter member of the Northeast Dallas Chapter, which began as an Interest Group in 2009 and installed in 2012. Since her tenure, she has served locally, regionally, and nationally. Danielle served locally as a two-term Chapter President, Teen Advisor, and Co-Chair for the chapter’s Inaugural Mardi Gras Gala. Regionally, she served as the Teen Legislative Leadership Summit Co-Chair, Pages Committee Chair, Teen Conference Co-Chair, Centers for Excellence (COE) Task Force Chair and Children’s Cluster Chair. Nationally, she served as the Literary Masterminds / Children’s Anthology Committee Chair and served on the National Program Committee. Dr. Wesley has more than 30 years of experience in hospital and healthcare operations, program/ project management and healthcare informatics consulting. She is nationally recognized for her expertise in school-based telehealth. She holds a doctorate in public health and a master’s degree in hospital and healthcare administration. Additionally, she is a Project Management Institute Certified Professional and a Six Sigma Black Belt Certified Professional. She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, The Links, Incorporated, and serves on various local boards and community organizations. Her biggest accomplishment is being the proud mother of Courtland Grant and Austin Bryce Wesley.


Vanessa Caston LaFleur is the State Representative for the 101st District for the State of Louisiana. Representative LaFleur is the South Central Regional Secretary and has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. since 2007. She is a member of the Baton Rouge Chapter and served as Chapter President, Chapter Vice President and Chapter Historian. Representative LaFleur was elected to the Regional Nominating Committee and served on the Regional Strategic Planning Committee. She is a graduate of Southern University A&M College and Southern University Law Center. She has been an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. for over 30 years. Representative LaFleur is in her thirtieth year of the practice of law. She is a Southern University Foundation F.G. Clark Endowed Fellow in recognition of her philanthropic efforts. She is also the recipient of the Southern University Law Center Distinguished Alumni Award. Representative LaFleur has served a leadership role in various organizations in the Baton Rouge community. She was the first African American to be President of the River Road Chapter of the National Charity League.


LaKenya O. Collins, South Central Regional Treasurer, has been a member of the New Orleans Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated since 2010. She has served in various leadership positions, including Chapter Treasurer (2011-2015), Vice-President (2015-2017), and President (2017-2018). She has chaired the Budget Committee for her local chapter and the Investment Committee for the region. She has over 29 years in a wide variety of financial positions for the State of Louisiana government student accounting at colleges and universities, patient accounting at state hospitals, technology integration, financial compliance, auditing and accounting. Currently, she is the Chief Financial Officer for the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners. Her responsibilities include overseeing the daily operations of payables, receivables, payroll, reconciliations, and financial reporting. She is a Certified Public Accountant and holds a Master’s Degree in Accounting. LaKenya is the proud mother of two beautiful children Taylor and Paul who will be celebrating graduations in 2023. Taylor is a pre-med major at the University of Southern of California and Paul is a graduating senior at Isidore Newman School. 606


Deidra Henry Murphy serves as the South Central Regional Foundation Member-at-Large and is an active member of the Greater Frisco Chapter in Texas. Her journey began in the Mid-Atlantic Region when her mother was initiated into the Wilmington, NC Chapter. As a teenager, Deidra was elected to serve as Mid-Atlantic Teen President, Teen Secretary and Teen Chapter President. As a mother member she was initiated into the Charlotte Chapter, where she continued to serve the organization as Chapter President, Vice-President, Program Director and Regional Nominating Chair before transferring to the South Central Region. Deidra is a graduate of Florida A&M University where she received her MBA in Marketing and her BS in Business Administration. With over 35 years of professional experience in the medical, foodservice and technology industries she continues to reinvent herself and support the passions of family to include husband Kevin and four children: Kevin (Legacy, Class of 2020), Chloe (Legacy, Class of 2021), Sydney (Class of 2026) and Ella (Class of 2027).


TEEN OFFICERS LANGSTON BENFORD | TEEN PRESIDENT Langston John Benford, a Senior at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory in Houston, Texas, is the son of Alaina and Leo Benford. He has been an active member of the Houston Chapter since 2012, serving as 2022-2023 Regional Teen President and National Teen Board Member, 2021-2022 Regional Teen Vice President, and Houston Chapter grade group President and Vice President twice. Langston proudly advocated at 2021 On the Hill in Washington, D.C. for natural hair equity under the CROWN Act. An accomplished pianist, musician, and producer, Langston plans to major in Music/Audio Engineering and Production in college.

LAKYRA SAMARIA HOBBS | TEEN VICE PRESIDENT LaKyra Samaria Hobbs is the 2022 SCR Teen Vice President from the Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter! She is the 17-year old daughter of Victor Hobbs and Kristinia Anderson. She is a senior at Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Collegiate Academy where she is a varsity cheerleader with a 4.1 GPA. She enjoys painting, singing, writing poetry, cooking and spending time with her friends and family. She currently ranks number two in her high school class and has been a recipient of the College Board National Recognition Award for Excellence in Academic Achievement. She has also held other notable positions such as junior class vice president.

CADEN NICHELLE YOUNG | TEEN SECRETARY Caden Nichelle Young is the proud 2022 SCR Teen Secretary from the Noteworthy Five Star Northeast Dallas Chapter! She is the 16-year-old daughter of Carlos Young and Stacy Young. She is an 11th grader at Parish Episcopal School where she is a softball varsity athlete with a 4.3 GPA. She enjoys family nights out, quality time with her friends, singing, and meeting new people. She is a well-rounded student-athlete, a published author, the first black 4-time all-star pitcher at her school, a member of the National Honors Society, and the recipient of the NAACP teen award. She is a member of the Noteworthy Five Star Northeast Dallas Chapter.

MASON DANIELS | TEEN TREASURER Mason Daniels is the 2022 SCR Teen Treasurer from the Glorious Greater Frisco Chapter! He is the 17year old son of Mr. Darren Daniels and Dr. Ericka Daniels. He is a 12th grader at Frisco Reedy High School where he is a varsity track athlete with a 4.7 GPA. He enjoys listening to music, spending time with friends, and exploring new places. He is a well-rounded scholar in the National Honor Society and National African American Recognition Program. He is very interested in finance and plans to major in it during college. He has been a member of the Greater Frisco Chapter since it was founded in 2008.

HOPE CHRISTINE SINGLETON | TEEN FOUNDATION CHAIR Hope Christine Singleton is the 2022 SCR Teen Foundation Chair from the Notable New Orleans Chapter! She is the 15-year old daughter of Commander Damon Singleton, USN -R (WDSU Meteorologist) and Dr. Tami Singleton. She is a 10th grader at Metairie Park Country Day School where she is a 3 sport varsity athlete (volleyball, basketball and softball) with a 4.3 GPA. She enjoys singing, dancing, acting, modeling, reading and spending time with friends. She is a well-rounded scholar and two-time National Spanish exam Silver Medal Recipient. She has trained in the arts since age 4, and was a performer with Uptown Musical Theater.







President: Alysia Nelson Vice-President: LaQuanta Jones Program Director: LaQuanta Jones Recording Secretary: Courtney Brown Corresponding Secretary: Brandi Huntsberry Treasurer: Renisha Beaudion Financial Secretary: Bridgette Chenevert-Jackson Editor: Charlathia Rachal Foundation Chair: BridQette Chenevert-Jackson Parliamentarian: Ashley Baptiste Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Renisha Beaudion Associate Chair: Beverly McQuarn Father’s Auxiliary: Jared Nelson

President: Rylee Beaudion Vice-President: Kaylyn Jackson Secretary: Tylon Johnson Treasurer: Ana Wiilliams


Kesha Allen, Ashley Baptiste, Renisha Beaudion, Camellia Brown, Courtney Brown, Bridgette Chenevert-Jackson, Keandra Coleman-Ford, TaRae Flagg, Jessica Hampton, Kialonti Harris, Brandi Huntsberry, LaQuanta Jones, Melanie Lacour Alysia Nelson, Charlathia Rachal, Whitney Stafford, Kathy Taylor-Melbert, Kai Wicker-Brown, Asia Williams


The Alexandria Chapter of; Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was established in 1968. The chartering mothers include Erma W. Hines, President; Dorothy Robinson, Vice President; Delores M. Thompson, Secretary; Barbara Curtis, Corresponding Secretary; Evelyn Sigur Financial Secretary; Rosia G. Metoyer, Treasurer; Marjorie Lawson, Programming Director; Gloria Washington, Reporter; Josie Ballentine, Germaine Bayonne, Gladys Duncan, Delores Metoyer.Velma Page, Ann Rooks, and Iola Roberts.


The Alexandria Chapter participated in various community service activities during the year. Our year began with our Jack and Jill and Carole Robertson day celebration in our local park. During this event, our families took the time remembering Carole Robertson and ended with our families celebrating together. This was an amazing and fun way to kickoff our program year. Throughout this programming year, our chapter ensured that each age group participating in many activities. With a focus on health and wellness, multiple age groups participated in heart healthy events such as the “Cure for the Girls Run” and “ St. Judes Run” in with we donated funds, had a volunteer/cheer on station, and ran or walked in the event. The 2-5 age group also attended a

mommy and me yoga class. Educational activities provided by the Alexandria chapter included a stem event and multiple module madness events throughout the program year. Our 2-5 and and 1st-3rd age group participated in a story telling event in the month of February.






They also had the opportunity to make their own slime which came with a science lesson on matter. The Shining Stars (1st3rd) had a Halloween Lesson on leadership in which they earned leadership module credit. They dressed in Halloween costumes which fostered a fun environment for them to learn. They had a leadership scavenger hunt where they unlocked the leadership word and learned the definition. They worked together as a team to build a haunted house out of candy. Lastly, they got to practice public speaking skills by sharing why they picked out the costume they chose to wear and how it fits them as a person.

President: Dr. Sonia S. Watson Vice-President: Wendy Walker Program Director: Bronwyn Justice Recording Secretary: Sydney Davis Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Fulqence Treasurer: Rochelle Porter Financial Secretary: Virqinia Brown-Alexander Editor: Khiandra Woods Chaplain: Jonikka Davis Historian: Dr. Tanaya Sanders Foundation Chair: Nina Jones Parliamentarian: Hon. Stacey White Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tyra White Associate Chair: Demethous Chambliss Father’s Auxiliary: M. Jermaine Watson

President: Albert Mitchell Vice-President: Jewel Walker Secretary: Leah Glover Treasurer: Sterlinq Butler Parliamentarian: Solomon Watson Chaplain: Cail Estrada Sergeant-at-Arms: Isaiah Fadel

The Arlington Chapter was established in 1992. The Arlington Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, was the result of an idea which was initially discussed by Mrs. Doris Johnson and Ms. Linda Banks. This idea was presented to members of the Fort Worth Chapter who resided in Arlington. Unable to organize a chapter while members of an existing chapter, the idea was acted upon by Ms. Emma Walker and Mrs. Doris Johnson. On April 8, 1991, Fort Worth agreed to become the sponsoring chapter of the Arlington Interest Group. The group then received Provisional Group status in July 1991. The first year was filled with group activities and meetings that allowed the members the opportunity to get to know each other. On June 9, 1992, twenty-nine (29) mothers’ names were submitted for Provisional Chapter status. This status was granted at the 1992 Jack and Jill of America, Inc. National Convention in Orlando, Florida. The Arlington Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was chartered on September 12, 1992 with Doris Johnson serving as the first President. Currently, the Awesome Arlington Chapter has 52 active mother members.


The Arlington Chapter started the program year with Jack and Jill Day at the 2nd Annual Arlington Showdown- a HBCU football game between Texas Southern University and Southern University. The highlight of the event was the children of the chapter seeing themselves on the jumbotron as Arlington Chapter was a featured organization. The Arlington Chapter recognized Carole Robertson Day several times during the month of September. Our Effective, Fantastic, eXtraordinary Teens (EFX Senior Teens) & Positive Young Teens (PYT Junior Teens) recognized Carole Robertson during their monthly meetings. The Little Tots, Shining Stars and Kids of Distinction acted out Seven Days with Carole, had a balloon release, and painted portraits of Carole Robertson. Grade group activities during the year demonstrated the Power to Make a Difference For All Children. On Mission. On Purpose. The Little Tots (Pre-K-Kinder) engaged in a combined legislative and S.T.E.A.M. activity. The children voted on the artwork they painted as a group and received a lesson on how voting works.

The Kids of Distinction (4th-6th) experienced Flying with KOD at the Aviator Air Flight School. The children learned about aviation, took part in S.T.E.A.M. activities and enjoyed a 20-minute flight in a Cessna four-seater airplane. The children learned about the field of aviation from an Aviator Air flight instructor. The real fun began when the KODs took flight. The Positive Young Teens (7th-8th) participated in a community service activity where they collected funds to purchase items to assemble 100 bags of giving to be donated to a local nursing home. During the activity, they talked about the importance of giving to others and how small acts of kindness can positively impact others. The Effective Fantastic and Extraordinary Teens held a LEVEL UP – Leadership Summit for students in grades 9th – 12th at Texas Christian University. The teens wore attire to represent their favorite college. 100 teens from the the Dallas COE and SCR registered for the summit. The leadership summit included workshops on “Your Personal Brand”, “Lessons in Leadership,” “Maximizing the College Experience,” and “College Life 101.” The Arlington Chapter celebrated Founders Day with the Dallas COE at the Ashton Depot in Fort Worth, TX and during the January Chapter meeting. The Arlington Chapter celebrated Black Family Day by recognizing our eight graduating seniors. The Mother & Father of the Year Award was given out. All of the children that earned JMB Leadership Certificates & Community Service hours were acknowledged to demonstrate the Power to Make a Difference For All Children. On Mission. On Purpose.







President: Maureen Oviriaru Vice-President: Kim Hill Program Director: Dominique Isaac-Williams Recording Secretary: Jolie Mathis Corresponding Secretary: Yolanda King Treasurer: Tiffany Tillis-Lewis Financial Secretary: Tiva Wilson Editor: Stephanie L. Pierce Chaplain: Helvnn Nelson Foundation Chair: Tymeeka Middleton Parliamentarian: Raissa Ferron Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kathy Burrell Associate Chair: Susan Johnson Father’s Auxiliary: Daniel Oyiriaru

President: Campbell Earley Vice-President: Reed Newson Secretary: Jameson Brown Treasurer: Benjamin King Parliamentarian: Bravlon Hill Chaplain: Nylah Berkley Sergeant-at-Arms: William Gray


Akua Afriye-Gray, Kimberly Allen, Candice Akpaka, Angela Anderson, Juakita Berkley, Marcia Brooks, Benee Brown, Keffrelyn Brown, Kathy Burrell, Danielle Carroll, Deborah Chube, Raquel Dennie, Bolutife Dosumu, Michelle Earley, Chiquita Eugene, Raissa Ferron, Aisha Gayle Turner, Shafeeqa Giarratani, Brandelyn Green, Melita Harden, Tam Hawkins, Kimberly Haynes Resse, Gayden Henderson, Jana Henry, Cicely Hill, Kim Hill, Elizabeth Holliman, Angela Hurdle, Cynthia Jackson, Kenyatta James, Yolanda King, Tiffany Lewis, Jolie Mathis, Angela Means, Tymeeka Middleton, Amanda Moore, Helynn Nelson, Masika Olumide, Pamela Owens, Maureen Oyiriaru, Janet P age, Tasha Philpot, Stephanie Pierce, Crystal Roberson, Valerie Sampson, Mischca Scales, Michele Scott, Nakia Scott, Shanteka Sigers, Kanice Spears, Roslyn Swindel, Edith Thomas, Brandi Vasher, Sonya Vento, Danielle Walker, Dominique Williams, Nakeenya Wilson, Tiya Wilson, Niky Wooding


The Austin chapter was chartered in June 1953. Charter members were Hazel Adams, Myrdis Allen, Ada C. Anderson, Curtis Collins, Lucille Crawford, Marcet King, Bertha Means, Rose Thayer, Bessie Rowe, Myrtle Royster, and Nancy Williams Johnson. As a Five Star Chapter of Excellence, it is our intention to provide a supportive village for our children which fosters positive self-identity, educational readiness, and cultural awareness.


The Austin Chapter began its 69th year of programming with emphasis on truly embracing sisterhood, focus on the well-being of our children, and ensuring that chapter mothers are connected and communicating. The operating year began with planning festivities for our upcoming 70th year anniversary in 2023, as well as, some phenomenal in-person age group activities for our children. These activities included our Tots (2-pre-K) becoming mad scientists, our Yearlings (K-2nd) learning how to play golf, our Vogues & Esquires (3rd - 5th) being taught how to plan an events through hosting their own epic birthday party, our Betwixt & Between (6th - 8th grade) becoming movie producers through learning how to make short stop motion films , and our Teens engaging in and being educated on the benefits of philanthropy, financial literacy, leadership developmen In addition, 2022 was also the 50th year of hosting our bi-annual Beautillion celebration, which honored 16 Jacks and other young African American men from the Austin community.

The goal for the 2022-2023 year has been to continue, and enhance, the legacy that the Austin chapter has established in its community, strengthen the connectivity between our Mother members, and implement creative and influential activities for our children that will continue to expose them to concepts not considered and inspire them to pursue bigger and better goals.



Austin Chapter

Jack & Jill

of America, Incorporated





could take into their journey to manhood. We were fortunate to present 17 young men and engage them in the community through volunteering and utilized our platforms for encouraging our young Beaus to “embrace” our culture, and to be empowered in every area of life -both socially and professionally. Scholarships were awarded to all participants.

President: Ann Tibbs-Tillage Vice-President: Celeste Jefferson Program Director: Joy Abernathy-Dyer Recording Secretary: Tangie Neal Corresponding Secretary: Lynn Howard Treasurer: LaMiesa Bonton Financial Secretary: Ingrid Knight Editor: Caroline Mays Chaplain: Sharon Evans Historian: Candace Weber Foundation Chair: Mesa Jefferson Parliamentarian: Wendy Daniels Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Keshia Rambo Associate Chair: Gloria Whiten Father’s Auxiliary: Diamond Sherrod

President: Matthew Evans Vice-President: Cecile Taylor Secretary: Sydney Jefferson Treasurer: James Neal Parliamentarian: Kelsie Tillage Chaplain: Ethan Hunter Sergeant-at-Arms: Alexia Perkins

The Baton Rouge Chapter was chartered in 1964 by eighteen strong women who were committed to community service, the cultivation of young leaders, and activities which foster the growth and total development of children and families. The founding members of the Baton Rouge Chapter were: Ella Maybuce Burchell, Hazel B. Davis, Marguerite Wade Eames, Mildred D. Higgins, Lenore Honore, Marjorie Dumas Lawless, Estella Collins Lenoir, Lena Williams Lockhart, Martha Reid Mitchell, Helen Walker Poydras, Thomasina Ramsey, Gwendolyn Jase Robinson, Hortense Pickens Sewell, V. Jean Butler Smith, Willie Honeywood Smith, Joice Green White, Eva Williams and Earline Williams.


Quality Programming has always been at the forefront of the Baton Rouge Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Our commitment is deeply rooted in serving the community, producing young leaders and strengthening families while endeavoring to be known as one of the most philanthropic organizations in the capital region. This year, we are proven to be “A Synergistic Sisterhood” while “Creating the Perfect Masterpiece” as we navigate our way through fulfilling Programming goals and targets in an innovative way. 2023 continues to challenge us to display resilience as we answer the call by serving in unprecedented ways. Thus, our signature events include Carole Robertson Day, Jack and Jill Day and the most prominent event- Breakfast with Santa which were both featured outdoors and on a hybrid platform. This year’s Breakfast With Santa marked our 37th year anniversary and we were able to carry out our tasks in-person, serving over 100 children. The children of the Mid-City Baton Rouge Community, in conjunction with The Big Buddy Program, were overwhelmed by our outpouring of gifts, high level of engagement, and special visit from Santa, Straight “out of” the North Pole! Throughout the year, the Baton Rouge Chapter impacts the local and surrounding communities such as hosting our First Beautillion in partnership with 100 Black Men of Baton Rouge. Our efforts were combined with other local and national organizations that promoted the importance of being represented and the sharing life-long skills that our young men

Moreover, we continue to offer monetary and resource assistance to the March of Dimes, Jess Bra Closet, the Food Pantry, local Homeless Shelters and the Council on Aging. Additionally, we are committed to incorporating a community service component at each Chapter and Grade Group Activity. Our Chapter also partners with other organizations to host events such as “MLK Day of Service” - which took place on “The Day of Service.” This year, we partnered with one of our very own dads, Councilman Darryl Hurst, as he led the efforts for us to share in the planting of a community garden. All Grade Groups participated in “sprucing up” an overgrown area in Mid-City Baton Rouge, in a quest to turn the space into something aesthetically appealing while providing home grown fruits and vegetables to local citizens. This act of service will be followed by providing service to our community while collecting and distributing food to those in need. The Baton Rouge Chapter of Jack and Jill, Inc. believes in the empowerment of women, children and will continue serving as a catalyst for positive change in the Baton Rouge community.







President: Camille Briggs Vice-President: Charlotte Rogers Program Director: Mikn Simon Recording Secretary: Valecia Tizeno Corresponding Secretary: Dewanah Allison Treasurer: Shermette Doctor Financial Secretary: Celia Scott Editor: Apryl Mensah Chaplain: Christine Cavalier Historian: Apryl Mensah Foundation Chair: Dewanah Allison Parliamentarian: Valecia Tizeno Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Ame Ena Fowler Associate Chair: Sharae Bassett-Reed Father’s Auxiliary: Lionel Briggs

President: Peyton Greer Vice-President: Loni Briggs Secretary: Kaicey Angelle Treasurer: Blake Hall Parliamentarian: Collin Roberts Chaplain: Alexcee Guillory Sergeant-At-Arms: Alexcee Guillory


The Beaumont Chapter of Jack and Jill was originally founded in July of 1986 and reorganized in 2002. With a strong desire to empower and give back to our community, the Beaumont Chapter has grown to a stable and sustainable organization in the South Central Region. The Beaumont Chapter hosted its first Regional event in 2007, Area Work Day, which was an outstanding event. Our chapter provided learning and social activities that set a new bar for Area Work Days to come. In 2010, the Chapter successfully hosted Children’s Cluster, where children learned about health as well as aviation from a black pilot at our regional airport. In 2012, the Chapter celebrated its 10year Anniversary and began an annual May banquet to recognize our outstanding mother, father, and graduating mothers and teens. In the summer of 2016, the Chapter hosted Teen Conference for the South Central region. Once again, our conference set new standards adopted by the region for future Teen Conferences. Within the past 5 years, we have won regional awards for our unique programming three years in a row. In 2017 we earned a national programming award for a review and discussion of the movie “Rosenwald,” which chronicled the cooperation between Booker T. Washington and Julius Rosenwald to build and maintain schools across the South for Black schoolchildren. We then won a programming award for our January 2018 “New Year, New You” event for 2- 12 year-olds, focusing on fitness, self-defense, and anti-bullying techniques. In the 2019-2020 program year we won the Best of the Best programming award, placing 3rd nationally for our annual JJ Swims event. In April 2022, the Beaumont Chapter had the pleasure of hosting Children’s Cluster for the Houston COE. Our chapter, small but mighty, organized an impactful Olympic- themed event, complete with a guest Olympian from our area.


annual Splash Day, where we also focus on water safety. As part of that theme, our teens enjoyed CPR training at the historic Sprott Hospital. In October we participated in Area Work Day in New Orleans, during which time our teens were able to tour local universities. Later we served at a walk to support breast cancer with a local philanthropic organization, The Gift of Life. In that same month, our younger grade groups enjoyed a STEM- related Trunk or Treat, complete with science experiments! The highlight of November was our JJOA Foundation event, a Fashion Show and Wine Tasting. This was followed by our yearly Kwanzaa celebration, held at the Museum of the Gulf Coast during their African American Quilt exhibition. Throughout January and February we will participate in the SouperBowl of Caring. Our younger age groups will focus on healthy eating and etiquette, while the teens are preparing their leadership and financial modules. As we wrap up the year, we look forward to regional Childrens’ Cluster in Baton, Rouge, LA. In July 2023, the Beaumont Chapter will have the pleasure of hosting Mother’s Conference for the South Central Region in Cancun, Mexico. Our chapter is small, but mighty, and we are confident that we will impress in our conference hosting ability as we always have. We are leading into this program year with confidence and grace.

The Beaumont Chapter started the year off strong with our Jack and Jill Day & Carole Robertson Tribute, which was part of our





President: Alicia Carrier Vice-President: Tanya Scott Program Director: Jackie Stewart Recording Secretary: Dwan Nunn Corresponding Secretary: Michalyn Porter Treasurer: Deanna Pichon Financial Secretary: Carol Tillman Editor: Nyesha Cavil Chaplain: Tonya Jackson Historian: Erica Simon Foundation Chair: Melissa Williams Parliamentarian: Stacy Houston Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Anika Bell-Gray Associate Chair: Cherie Singleton Father’s Auxiliary: Quentin Stubbs

President: Lauryn Vital Vice-President: Amirah Gray Secretary: Nathan Crews Treasurer: Mason Peterson Parliamentarian: Brittaney Daphnis Chaplain: Raleigh Patterson Sergeant-at-Arms: Raleigh Patterson


Stacie Bean, Anika Bell-Gray, DaLesia Boyd, Krystal Braden, Alicia Carrier, Nyesha Cavil, Marion Crews, Denise Cromwell, Pamela Dugano- Daphnis, Javana Gatewood, Stacy Houston, Sharmell Huffman, Jackie Ingram, Tonya Jackson, Marci Jordan-Washington Stephanie King, Tori Lamb, Sheila Lee, Tonya Moses, Dwan Nunn, Oluwatosin “Fatima” Ogunlana, Angela Patterson, Michalyn Porter, Deanna Pichon, Tanique Rainford, Veronica Sabatier, Tanya Scott, Michaelle Shankle, Erica Simon, Jacqueline Stewart, Crystal Stinson, Angelia Stubbs, Carol Tillman, Karla Vital, Angela White, and Melissa Williams.


The Clear Lake/Bay Area Chapter was establised in 1988. Our charter mothers, Jackie Bolden, Louise Jefferson, Tella Johnson, and Cheryl McNair met with members from the Missouri City/Fort Bend Chapter on August 5, 1986 to discuss establishing a chapter. A majority vote at the 1988 National Convention in San Francisco unanimously granted provisional Chapter status to the Clear Lake/ Bay Area Mother’s Club. This was the beginning of a dynamic group of mothers whose mission is to offer a variety of learning experiences to develp youth who understand the role of service in vitalizing the community and who provide capable, dedicated leadership with the community.


The Clear Lake/Bay Area Chapter started the year off with it yearly Carole Robertson Day celebration which took place at the Moody Gardens Aquarium Pyramid in Galveston, Texas. While Moody Gardens Aquarium Pyramid our chapter members listened while the children told stories about the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing, the Little Rock Nine, the need for police reform, and the Crown Act. Afterwards the children toured one of the largest aquariums in the Southwest before going to sleep. The next day both mothers and children participated in a beach clean-up on Galveston Island. Clear Lake Bay Area removed more than In October the chapter members and children partnered with the Galveston County Greeks and participated in a Voter’s Caravan where they drove through various neighborhoods to encourage voting in the upcoming election. During the legislative events each age group educated the children about the importance of voting and current voter

suppression tactics that were being attempted. Children were given information and shown how to write letters demanding change to their local representatives. In November, the chapter partnered with Amoco Federal Credit to provide information about financial fortitude. Employees from the credit union were present to play financial games and encourage health financial behavior. Mother and children donated food items to present to MI Lewis a local food pantry that exist to reduce food insufficiency.


Clear Lake Bay Area , Texas






President: Audra Chavis Vice-President: Judy London-Young Program Director: Tiffany Knight Recording Secretary: Shannon Cowherd Corresponding Secretary: Summer Collins Treasurer: Timika Wilson Financial Secretary: Lisa Winston-Hicks Editor: Bernice Middleton Chaplain: Stephanie Carter Historian: Jessica Weaver Foundation Chair: Kimberly Brown Parliamentarian: Mia Terrell Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Verena Frazier Associate Chair: Monica Stansberry Father’s Auxiliary: Jason Scott

President: Kennedy Carter Vice-President: Thompson McLeod Secretary: Chloe Grinnell Treasurer: Bryce Vaughn


The history of the Dallas Chapter is unique in that the charter members had formed The Child Study Club ten years earlier before its 1953 affiliation with Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Mrs. Blanche Davis conceived and initiated the idea with twelve members. Mrs. Davis served as the club president. The club consisted of mothers of pre-school children who aimed through study to learn more about their children and the role parents play in the development of the whole child. Member families joined for Christmas parties, Easter egg rolls, and picnics. As club membership grew, the name changed to The Crib to College Club. In 1952, member Nadine Stanfield, informed the members of the similarity of aims, ideals and activities of the club with those of JJOA. The Crib to College Club applied for membership and received its charter October 1953 when Dr. Alberta B. Turner, the fourth National President, installed eighteen charter members into the Dallas Chapter. In addition to enhancing the cultural and educational foundation of chapter children, the monthly programming and charitable events formed lifelong bonds for both mothers and children alike. In January 1980, the Chapter organized an Associates section with Mrs. Barbara James serving as chairperson with a roster of ten. The Dallas Associates presently have a membership of more than 75 ladies.


We’re back! The ninety-four mothers of the Dallas Chapter made a big splash in 2022. Our first exciting event celebrated the life of Carole Robertson along with Jack and Jill Day. The Southern Cross Ranch in Dallas, Texas was the backdrop for our amazing, family centered, back-in-action activity. The theme for the event was Family Reunion and we hosted over 150 Jack and Jill family members for this event. In October, our children learned all about voting, local-historical civil rights leaders, legislative powers that affect the lives of African Americans, and how they can get themselves and their parents more involved in politics and the community. They also visited the We Over Me Farm at Paul Quinn College. They planted and harvested vegetables while learning how to maintain a healthy garden in the

middle of a food desert. In November, Grade Groups were taught how to stack their coins. Our children were exposed to and taught real-world Financial Literacy lessons. Supermarket Sweeps was a winning activity that allowed the children to plan, shop, budget, and host an entire event for their group. The Chapter’s Annual Christmas Celebration was held at the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden where guests included Santa and Mrs. Claus. The Arboretum’s transformed gardens with lights, music, and decorations were the perfect scenery to collectively celebrate the season. In January, the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King was celebrated and remembered by listening to his speeches and volunteering to serve the needy. A teen bus tour highlighted areas in the city that were once thriving, Black communities with homes, businesses, and churches that greedy developers destroyed. The 46th Annual Beautillion was a memorable and timeless event. There were twenty-eight Beaux that participated and received scholarships and book awards for college. Black Family Day is our closing affair celebrating our graduating mothers and teens. Grade Group promotion certificates, parting gifts, and farewells to our graduating teens and mothers make for a heartwarming event.







President: Alice Dungey Vice-President: Sharonda Lowery Program Director: Raquel Daniels Recording Secretary: Hayley Ball Corresponding Secretary: Sharonda Ransom Treasurer: Tika Sampract Financial Secretary: Eureka Harris Editor: Dr. Myiesha Taylor Chaplain: Rochelle Wright Historian: Giselle Williams Foundation Chair: Dee Amos Parliamentarian: Dr. Jeane’ Holmes Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tamyra Paschal Sergeant-at-Arms: Dr. Arlene Davis Associate Chair: Michelle Donatto Father’s Auxiliary: Timothy Wright

President: Erin Amos Vice-President: Kelsea Johnson Secretary: Gabrielle Williams Treasurer: Noah Amos Foundation Chair: Kennedi Paschal Parliamentarian: Madison Corzine Historian: Kendall Flythe Chaplain: Sanaa Sanders Sergeant-at-Arms: Camryn Dennis


The DFW Mid-Cities Chapter was established in 2004 at the 50th Biennial National Conference held in Kansas City, Missouri. The vision for the chapter was formulated by a group of mothers living in Dallas/Fort Worth Mid-Cities who shared a common goal of creating cultural, educational, and social activities for their children which would aid in molding them into well-rounded individuals. On June 22, 2003, twenty-three women came together for their first interest group meeting representing Colleyville, Grapevine, Haslet, Keller, Roanoke, Southlake, Trophy Club, and Westlake. Thereafter, DFW Mid-Cities was successfully voted in as a provisional chapter and on October 9, 2004, the Charter Installation Ceremony was performed.


The Distinguished DFW Mid-Cities Chapter gets LOCKED and loaded, leading our children with excellence and determination. We are empowered to make a difference for all children, on mission, and on purpose with excellent programming and community involvement. As the world reopens after the pandemic, we are able to begin the year by bringing our entire DFW Mid-Cities family together in a fantastic tribute to Carole Robertson. We celebrate three National Committees & Task Force appointments: Alice Dungey, Legislative; Dr. Myiesha Taylor, Our Health Matters; and Terehas Pearson Youth Trip. We congratulate two mothers who were selected into the prestigious Marion Stubbs Thomas Leadership Academy, D’Ani Pullam and Fallon Cooper. The inaugural class for the National President Legacy Honor Awards included our alumna Haley Taylor Schlitz. We are also proud to rally in support and celebration of Miss National Juneteenth 2022, our senior Madison Corzine.

scholarship to be awarded to a student in Keller ISD attending an HBCU. Our children have enjoyed new experiences that develop their confidence such as flying high on a trapeze, and self-defense workshops. They were immersed in very significant history by visiting Tulsa Oklamoma’s Black Wall Street. In cultivating leaders, the children had an opportunity to visit our state Capitol to engage in social and legislative action around the CROWN Act. Finally, integrated throughout our yearly age-group activities are financial and leadership modules, community service, and a focus on health and wellness. The teens established a Mental Health Chair to help raise awareness and decrease the stigma of seeking help when necessary.

This year is our fundraising year and our signature event, the golf Swing, is in full effect to benefit ACH Child and Family Services of Fort Worth and the Jack and Jill Foundation. Additionally, we are excited to support local Keller ISD students by way of our HBCU 621





Chapter Officers: 2022-2023 President: Dr. Davida Manor-Ward Vice-President: Dr. Bola Adedeii Program Director: Dr. Jennifer Molokwu-Alozie Recording Secretary: JoAnna Ross Corresponding Secretary: Sonia Subani-Quintyne Treasurer: Giselle Smith-Johnson Financial Secretary: Sonya Moreno Editor: Erika Cox Chaplain: Thurayya Deboskie Historian: Erika Cox Foundation Chair: Sereka Barlow Parliamentarian: Latoya Walker- Adams Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Teresa Anekwe Associate Chair: Regina Baptiste Father’s Auxiliary: Garry Kennebrew

President: Mayokun Adedeii Vice-President: Kelechie Alozie Secretary: Tito lkem Treasurer: Adanna Chikwendu Parliamentarian: Indira Johnson


Davida Manor, Bola Adedeji, Christina Freeman, Giselle Smith-Johnson, Jennifer Molokwu-Alozie, Latoya Walker- Adams, M’melo Banda, Nagela Sainte-Thomas, Ose Ikem, Robbie Kennebrew, JoAnna Ross, Sereka Barlow, Sonia Subani-Quintyne, Sonya Moreno, Tamekia Brown, Teresa Anekwe, Thurayya Deboskie, Travelle Moseley, Valerie Chikwendu


The El Paso -Southern New Mexico Chapter (EPSNM) was established on September 22, 2018. We began our humble journey as the Ladies of West Texas – New Mexico, Provisional Group with 23 Mothers, 37 children, and 5 Teens. This group of women persevered through careers, family obligations, and Mothers furthering their education to bring to fruition a local Jack and Jill chapter to the city of El Paso and New Mexico. On July 27, 2018 at the National Convention in Kansas City, Kansas, The Ladies of West Texas - New Mexico was voted favorably to become a Provisional Chapter thus establishing the first Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated chapter in West Texas and New Mexico. Our mission statement is, “Carving our legacy for tomorrow’s future leaders.”


The El Paso-Southern New Mexico Chapter started the 2022-2023 program year with our annual planning retreat brunch hosted by our President, Dr. Davida Manor-Ward. We had the honor of having LaShanda Reed-Larry from the Arlington, TX, Chapter present to us via zoom. Mother Reed-Larry encouraged our new members to engage early, often, and everywhere. Our Chapter members were exhilarated to start the year executing impactful programming for our children. We began by celebrating the life of Carole Robertson and Jack and Jill Day, which included a donation drive for books to be donated to the transitional living center for families of domestic violence. Our Chapter’s philanthropy continued in October with our younger grade groups decorating pink pumpkins with inspirational phrases that were presented to breast cancer survivors at the annual Delta Sigma Theta, Incorporated Breast Cancer Awareness Tea. Our middle school grade group, Jet and Diamond, learned

“stepping” from the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. They learned the history of STEP dancing along with a lesson; after they completed community service at the Food Bank for the initiative “You eat, I eat.” November chapter events included a trip to the Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo Cultural Center to learn about the indigenous Native Americans of El Paso and a meet and greet with Representative Mary Gonzalez as she discussed the importance of voting and her experience for the last 12 years in the Texas legislature. Our small but mighty Chapter was the recipient of a grant awarded from the Jack and Jill Foundation. Those funds and donations raised at our first Black Artist Spotlight Hour event, held at the El Paso Museum of Art, were used to create a Cultural Library at the YWCA Sarah McKnight Transitional Living Center. With the hard work of the Foundations Committee and the Teens volunteering their time and talents, the ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on January 19, 2023, with media coverage from the local news. Our Chapter is working hard to develop our future leaders and positively impact our community by representing Jack and Jill of America, Incorporate.







Chapter Officers: 2022-2023 President: Felicia Murray Vice-President: Keena Thicklin Luckett Program Director: Kelley Davis Recording Secretary: Dana Sigler Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Morton Treasurer: Priya Gathings Financial Secretary: Brandis Thompson Editor: Amber Elizabeth Anderson Chaplain: Shade Lester Historian: Lauren Scott Foundation Chair: Coleta Ezidore Parliamentarian: Jennifer Miles Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kesha Woods Father’s Auxiliary: Demetrius Anderson

President: Noah Walker Vice-President: Camille Murray Recording Secretary: Christopher Hill Corresponding Secretary: Madesyn Payne Treasurer: Ryenn Johnson Parliamentarian: Emmanuel Lester Chaplain: Mya Brim


On September 16, 2018, Prosper MVPs were installed as the Far North Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and became the 30th chapter of the Sensational South Central Region. Far North Dallas began with 41 Chartering Mothers, 76 Children, and 37 Fathers committed to strengthening and building communities by providing opportunities for all children to become leaders that influence the world and strive for excellence in all they do. At the 2022 Jack and Jill of America Inc. 45th National Convention, the Far North Dallas chapter was recognized as a Five Star Chapter of Excellence. As a newer chapter of just four years old, this recognition reflects the hard work and dedication of the mother members who have brought forth excellence in programming, planning, and execution in all endeavors, but most importantly, their commitment to serving all children. September 16, 2023, marks the fifth anniversary of the Far North Dallas Chapter, with 52 mothers, three associate members, and 74 children.


Far North Dallas began its programming year with a chapter family picnic celebrating Jack and Jill Day. We paid tribute to Carole Robertson through our “Chalk the Walk for Carol,” our new school way of expressing gratitude with positive messages showcasing gratefulness. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Hate can’t drive out hate; only love can do that.” Using our creativity in spreading messages by “Chalking the Walk” against violence and hate crimes will spread love, self-confidence, and acceptance in remembrance of Carol Robertson. Five Star programming events carried the theme “Gear up to GLOW up: Growing Leaders Our Way.” This national theme drove the chapter’s goal to develop servant leaders and world changers by building lifelong relationships, exposing our children to dynamic programming experiences, and instilling the value of service to others. In the Fall, the Ambassadors attended the Heard Museum and climbed a 23ft. tree to a platform, then soared down a 487ft zip line through the forest. They learned the art of trust and respect through

exhilarating team building and leadership activities that involved aerial obstacle courses and zip lines. Pacesetters participated in a “Money Matters” Workshop that taught them about investment choices and gave them hands-on experience with various financial accounts. Finally, Trendsetters participated in a “Trauma Day” at Collin County College, where they observed and participated in out-of-hospital patient care scenarios with Firefighters and EMS Paramedics. They were exposed to multi-disciplinary health fields, including nursing, sonography, respiratory, surgical tech, and many other health disciplines. This winter, events such as “Who Am I? Living Wax Museum” allowed our Explorers to research an influential African American, dress as that person, and give a 1st person account of their accomplishments and impact on our communities. In the Spring, Navigators explored the wonders and challenges of a working fruit and vegetable farm. They discussed the financial hardships farmers endured during the COVID-19 pandemic and gained lessons regarding plant life cycles and seasons. As a chapter, Far North Dallas finished the programming year with Black Family Day, an all-encompassing family event including swimming, field activities, and games for children of all ages.







President: Kenyail Carr Vice-President: J’Anzia Bell-Cook Program Director: Michelle Muckelroy Recording Secretary: Dr. Keona Roberts Corresponding Secretary: Dr. Naima Garrett Treasurer: Britney Burnett-Rylander Financial Secretary: Mya Byrd Chaplain: Dr. Ivy Smith-Coleman Historian: Denise Childs Foundation Chair: Dr. Stacie McCormick Parliamentarian: Rosalind Evans Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Shanita Lofton Associate Chair: Barbara Cager Father’s Auxiliary: Rev. Dr. Louis Carr Jr.

President: Makayla Offiong Vice-President: Demi Byrd Secretary: Evan Lofton and Karah Hill Treasurer: Jonathan Washington Parliamentarian: Bryce Evans Chaplain: Dylan Muckelroy Sergeant-at-Arms: Matthew Offiong


In spring 1955, at the request of Mrs. Sadie Gee of Dallas, Mrs. Dixie Ackerman assembled a group of women in the Fort Worth home of Mrs. Lonnie Odom. Among those present were Jeffrey Adams, Armenta Hill, Yvette Melton, Ollie May Belfrey, Bertha Reynolds, Joyce Hunter, Beverly Sims, and Bernice Mebane. The group subscribed to the goals of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., and agreed to work diligently to meet the requirements of membership. The goals of the local chapter were quickly accomplished and in October 1955, sixteen mothers were installed as the Fort Worth Chapter of Jack and Jill, Incorporated, at the home of Mrs. Bernice Mebane. The installing officer was Mrs. Nellie Gordon Roulhac, National President of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Other chapter members were Jeffrey Adams, Ollie Belfrey, Edna Busby, Mary Frances Clemmons, Margie Denton, Audrey Douglas, Armenta Hill, Essie Ransom, Bertha Reynolds, Edna Sessions, and Beverly Sims. Fort Worth is proud to host a bi-annual beautillion that prepares young men to be great leaders. Our chapter mothers are making an impact by serving at the regional and national level. Recognition has been received for programming excellence, and our Program Handbooks have been completed in excellence and received SUPERIOR and PERFECT scoring. We were awarded two $3000 grants and used them to partner with The Potter’s House, Fort Worth, for the School Giveaway and Health Fest. We proudly hosted The Dallas COE Children’s Cluster 2022; J’Anzia Bell-Cook was the chair. The Bylaws Committee received the Blue Ribbon Bylaws Award. Chapter President Kenyail Carr completed the Marion Stubbs Thomas Leadership Academy. Michelle Muckelroy served as the National Historical Task Force Chair and the 45th National Convention Chair. Rev. Dr. Louis Carr Jr. is currently the South Central Region’s Fathers Auxiliary Chair.


The Fabulous Two-Time Five Star Excellence Fort Worth Chapter understands The Power to Make a Difference On Mission On Purpose through programming excellence. In conjunction with Jack and Jill Day, we celebrated the life and legacy of Carole Robertson on September 24, 2022, at The Brick Recreation

Center. A youth representative from each grade group read the history and interesting facts about Carole Robertson. Our children learned about JJ Swim Initiatives and water safety from a certified lifeguard. The chapter supported Funky Town Fridge by collecting non-perishable food items. We presented Christmas Wonderland 2022 on Saturday, December 3, 2023 from 5:00-9:00 pm at Hope Farm, Inc in Fort Worth! This event featured a night of family fun that included a photo opportunity with Black Santa, games in Santa’s Village, a holiday feast, and a Christmas Tree auction. We engaged our Grade Groups, Teens and Associates by having each group decorate a Christmas tree for auction. Community partners sponsored ads to support the event. The Jack and Jill Foundation and Hope Farm, Inc., a leadership program for at-risk boys both received a $2000 check. To close out the program year, we will ROCK, SKATE, ROLL, BOUNCE!!! With our scarves, poodle skirts, Bobby socks, blue jeans, leather jacket, and cool hats. We are traveling back to the 1950’s Jack and Jill Fort Worth style. as the organization celebrates Black Family Day. Skating is a great inexpensive form of exercise; it helps with balance and body form. What a grand opportunity to celebrate our families in a chapter-wide activity while getting our skate on and close out the program year. Every Family will donate $20 to Hope Farm which is a long-term leadership development program that guides at risk boys.





planning has been implemented to focus on the development of children, the needs of our community, and the commitment of the Mother members.

President: Juantongia Calvin Vice-President: Gina Hudnall Program Director: Chandra Ledet Recording Secretary: Balia McKinney Corresponding Secretary: Samantha Davis Treasurer: Quinesha Goode Financial Secretary: Ashley Ingram Editor: Kim Bridges-Bradby Chaplain: Niki Smith Scott Historian: Stacy Pradia Foundation Chair: Jermeshia Goudeau Parliamentarian: Jacqueline Leggington Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Staci Taylor Fullmighter Associate Chair: Tameka Stegall Father’s Auxiliary: Mark Grav

President: Stacia Frank Vice-President: Tori Pradia Secretary: Hilton Grav Treasurer: Chloe Evans Parliamentarian: Camille Cooper Chaplain: Michael Ashby Sergeant-at-Arms: Michael Ashby

The Greater Channel Mothers Interest Group was formed in the spring of 1993, under the leadership of Glenda Thibeaux. The Interest group consisted of about 30 mothers with a common interest in the betterment of children and resided in and near the Channel Area of Houston. The Fabulous Greater Channel Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, has grown over the years through the vision and the mission of each of its past Presidents - Glenda Thibeaux (19941996), Pat Pellerin (1996-2000), Carolyn McCray (2000-2002), Debra Johnson (2002-2005), Dawana M. Lewis Scott (20052006), Cheryl Fleming (2006-2008), Renee Lewis (2008-2010), Barbara Pierce (2010-2012), Melanie Flowers (2012-2014), Paula Harris (2014-2016), Demetra Jones (2016-2018), Trela Parker (2018-2020) and Stacey Frank ( 2020-2022). Greater Channel hosted Area Workday (1996), the Regional Mother’s Conference (2005), along with other Houston area chapters, the National Convention (2006), and the Children’s Cluster in 2013. In June 2017, GCC hosted the first Teen Conference held on a college campus (University of Houston). In 2019, the chapter celebrated 25 years of “making a difference” in the lives of children and families. The Greater Channel Chapter Associate Group was formed under the leadership of Mattie Sharp and Barbara Auzenne in 2000.

The Greater Channel Chapter began its programming year with Jack and Jill Family Day in the park fellowshipping with families, enjoying great food, playing games, and listening to beautiful tributes about the legacy of Carole Robertson. The Twinkling and Shining Stars participated in an interactive presentation highlighting the life of dinosaurs at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. The Rising Stars enjoyed the opportunity to litigate a case in a mock trial in a courtroom led by two of GCC amazing mothers who are Judges. The Blazing Stars made a difference by donating over 50 birthday bags to benefit birthday parties for children residing in the Bridge Over Troubled Waters Domestic Violence Shelter. Finally, our teens donated over 100 hygiene care packages during the holidays to the Star of Hope, collected over 500 pounds of food for the Houston Food Bank, and engaged in a Wellness Event hosting a round-table mental health discussion to nourish the mind and a hands-on cooking class of homemade recipes to nourish the body. Effective and engaging programming is the heartbeat of the Greater Channel Chapter. The goal is to produce the best and brightest stars to forever shine bright because of the Outstanding Greater Channel Chapter in Houston, Texas.


Greetings from the South Central Region’s Outstanding Greater Channel Chapter in Houston, Texas led by President Juantongia Calvin. She launched her platform at the Mother’s Retreat with the 2022-2024 program theme of “Our Children, Our Community, Our Commitment” encouraging mothers to “Get Off The Bench” & “Get In The Game” after the pandemic. Her “Game Time” theme encouraged Mothers to remain motivated, inspired, and active while designing program activities that will continue to build great leadership skills and the confidence needed for their youth to soar toward greatness. Under the leadership of Program Director Chandra Ledet, a dynamic year of program 628




President: Kris Floyd Vice-President: Kristin Jones Program Director: Genine Riley Recording Secretary: Tamara Cannon Corresponding Secretary: Shawn Wills Treasurer: Tracey Parks Financial Secretary: Marella Simpson Editor: Sharell Bolden Chaplain: Rebecca Woods Historian: Melissa Johnson Foundation Chair: ShaQuana Newsom-Battle Parliamentarian: Dianne Livings Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Natasha Clark Associate Chair: Renee Sample Father’s Auxiliary: James Musco


President: Tyler Bozeman Vice-President: Maci Curtis Secretary: Keith Maddox Treasurer: Isabella Dellinger Parliamentarian: Alex Floyd Chaplain: Harrison Montgomery Sergeant-at-Arms: Kaleigh Williams


The Greater Frisco Chapter was chartered in 2008 by 28 mothers who established the roots for the 28th chapter in the South-Central Region. The chapter has grown to 82 members from the GFR area and around the nation and was recognized as a “Five Star Chapter”. The chapter continues to create a family and community experience ensuring that we do all we can to create an environment for our children to be loved and nurtured.


Ready, Set GO Greater Frisco!!! Our 1st year together postpandemic has been full of opportunities to re-meet, engage and SERVE! Our activities this year are focused on high energy, big connection and HIGH impact activities that enrich and engage our Jack and Jills. Greater Frisco’s 2022-2023 programming year kicked off with a Jack & Jill Day honoring Carole Robertson at Andretti’s Indoor Karting and Games. Families were able to reunite over breakfast, learn and honor Carole Robertson, and have some fun racing and playing laser tag. There was plenty of fun for everyone. As our children navigate the post-pandemic world, we focused on key leadership initiatives by delivering executive leadership training for our teens, resume prep, and future career identification and marketing opportunities. Increasing the teen’s ability to create and enhance their leadership skills October brought lots of learning about the right to vote, training in public speaking, and the importance of civic and community engagement. Children were able to simulate a congressional session by walking through the process of voting on a bill, electing representatives, presenting that bill to the congressional houses, debating its merits, and making it into law. They were excited to learn the process.

opportunities. The chapter celebrated the holidays and our culture by teaching our youth about Kwanzaa, the meaning of the celebration, and how and why it is celebrated. The children were able to participate in the celebration by singing, dancing, and playing drums. Founder’s Day celebration included a citywide brunch with the Dallas COE chapters, and in honor of Dr. King’s legacy, the chapter collected items to provide for the community during our chapter wide day of service. Spring activities included a Black History Program where our Jacks and Jills shared their knowledge of African American legends via a living interactive museum, our young entrepreneurs gave us an opportunity to support their endeavors via a marketplace; as well as virtual STE(A)M experiments, career path exploration and healthy living activities.

Our Program year ended by celebrating our graduating seniors through our annual Rites of Passage activity and our wonderful Black Family Day 2023 event at the Frontiers of Flight Museum. It was filled with information on the joy of aviation through museum During November our teens learned about influencing and financial tours, student and family activities and how Black History played a opportunities available on social media. Teens had the opportunity part in the Aviation industry. Our heritage was on full display which to learn from influencers that have monetized their platforms and embodies the spirit of Jack and Jill and our community. Thanks to have successful businesses through social media. They also learned our E-board, Mothers, Associates, and families, we were able to about leveraging social media responsibly and how it could impact deliver another year of programs and activities that blessed our college admission, scholarships, personal brand, and future children and our community in this post-pandemic world. 630





President: Sandra Joiner Vice-President: Carla Sanders and Mykayla Jones Program Director: D’Wan Carpenter and Nicole Jackson Recording Secretary: Kimberly Hodge Corresponding Secretary: Kimberly Hodge Treasurer: Keisha Allen Financial Secretary: Angela Bezue Editor: Jezreel Joseph Chaplain: Kimiyo Williams Historian: Tampy TIiman Foundation Chair: Courtney Hollis Parliamentarian: Kimiyo Williams Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Angela Beal Lee Associate Chair: Dwan Mabry Father’s Auxiliary: Marcus Jackson

President: Todd Aubert Vice-President: Jayla Carpenter Secretary: Promise Fair Treasurer: Zoe’ Lee Parliamentarian: Amaya Jackson Chaplain: Matthew Williams Sergeant-at-Arms: Elijah Jackson


Sandra Joiner, Carla Sanders, Mykayla Jones, Keshia Allen, Angela Bezue, D’Wan Carpenter, Nicole Jackson, Kimiyo Williams, Angela Beal-Lee, Tameka Jackson, Tampy Tillman, Kimberly Hodge, Shawn Colbert, Valencia Richardson Sanders, Cortney Hollis, Tara Ferdinand, Toria Brown, Ashley Jones, Jezreel Joseph, Judith Champagne, Chamika Hawkins-Taylor, Deborah Beal-Ruffin, Deana McClain, Deidre Johnson, Trenise Hebert, Rheneisha Robertson, Latasha Ramsey, Tennille Parris, Preferance Fair, and Tomyria Courtney.


for the remainder of the year.

The Hammond-Northshore Chapter was established in 2010 but the seeds were planted to start an interest group in Hammond, Louisiana in February 2009. Dr. Dwan Mabry-Hill, a member of the Baton Rouge Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated and a Hammond resident, was instrumental in organizing and assembling dozens of dynamic women in Brister hall of Beacon Light Baptist Church in Hammond, La. With the help of the Baton Rouge Chapter and their president, Jacqueline Nash, the HammondNorthshore interest group sprouted and became the HammondNorthshore Provisional Group. In March 2010, the HammondNorthshore Provisional group welcomed the Sensational South Central Regional team under the guidance of Regional Director, Lesa Rice Jackson. The chapter bonded and named themselves the Magnificent Magnolias. They became an established chapter with fifteen charter members on October 2, 2010.

Each program incorporated a service aspect, with different age groups focusing on serving each month. This effort impacted children in our community with sickle cell disease, children in foster care, the United Way, Safe Harbor Crisis Center and the Boys and Girls Club. Most of our programming centered around educational and cultural advancement. Activities such as Kitchen Science Fun, Mock Trial and African American Pioneers in Aviation were enjoyed by children of different abilities. Black Family Day served as the perfect ending to our programming year. As a chapter-wide event, chapter members and their families enjoyed festivities of a family reunion. Our Teens and Buds/Blooms challenged Chapter Moms in a fun game of kickball, encouraging bonding, recreation, health and bragging rights for the winner.


The Magnificent Magnolia Moms of the Hammond-Northshore Chapter demonstrated a consistent commitment to “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children …On Mission, On Purpose,”throughout the 2022-2023 program year. Our chapter enjoyed quality programming that highlighted our National programmatic thrusts, impacted our local community and enriched our children and families. In September, we enjoyed our annual chapter-wide Carole Robertson/Jack and Jill Day observance at a local interactive entertainment venue. Children engaged in an array of activities focused on our beloved Carole Robertson on age-appropriate levels. This activity set the tone of enthusiasm and volunteerism 632






President: Jocelyn Greely Vice-President: Renee Morris Program Director: Shannon Davis Hunter Recording Secretary: Natashia Miller Corresponding Secretary: Alicia Bibbs Treasurer: Ann McDowell Financial Secretary: Sarita Dilliard Editor: Carlecia Wright Chaplain: Felicia Broussard Historian: Latanya Love Foundation Chair: Kaylan Henderson Parliamentarian: Yoshida Kirkwood Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Terri Turner-Smith Associate Chair: Elizabeth Smith Father’s Auxiliary: Melanie Bibbs

President: Jonah Goodwine Vice-President: Kima Upkong Secretary: Bailey Perry Treasurer: AndrewJordan Parliamentarian: Anthony Walker Chaplain: Caleb Bryan Sergeant-at-Arms: Caleb Bryan


Chartered in 1952, the Houston Chapter was the first chapter established south of the Mason Dixon Line. It also was the first chapter founded in the South Central Region. Its charter members included Louise Birchette, Inez Bowman, Elsie Coffee, Mildred Collins, Leona Dorsey, Alfreida Foster, Goldie Hartshorn, Euneida Hogobrooks, Mattie Hilliard, Helen Jones, Mildred Jones, Ethel Ladner, Mable Lott, Augusta Madison, Delores Magnum, Mollie Parrot, Dorothy Perry, Margaret Purnell, Birdell Ransom, Versie Shelton, Mollie Stevenson, Irene Stone, Olga Walker, Governess Wayne and Doris Wesley. Mrs. Leona Dorsey was the first president. The Houston Chapter will observe and celebrate Founders’ Day on February 5, 2023 at Union Station at Minute Maid Ballpark an annual collaboration with the eleven chapters in the Houston Centers of Excellence.


This year Houston Chapter children, mother, fathers, and associates kicked of the program year by paying tribute to Carole Robertson and the goals of human rights, civil rights and racial harmony that Carole did not live to enjoy through two weeks of activities, such as a book club, virtual watch party, a lesson for the teens on civil rights and a scavenger hunt for our little ones. Our chapter’s celebration of Carole Robertson culminated with Jack and Jill Day on September 10, 2022, where we heard from, Angela Veale Joubert, a Birmingham native that shared her experience growing up in Birmingham in 1963 and how the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church affected her community. Additionally, our chapter strives to weave the community service national area of focus throughout all of our programming, our families brought toiletry kits and duffle bags to Jack and Jill Day which were to be donated to children in the care of Child Protective Services. In line with “The Power to Make a Difference for our Children on Mission and on Purpose” we have impact programming planned for 2023. In February, we will have a chapter-wide programming during Black History Program, this activity has always been special to the Houston Chapter. In conjunction with our Associates, we seek

to create a program that celebrates our cultural growth, historic roots and iconic legendary figures. This year will be nothing less than spectacular. In May 2023, the Houston Chapter will celebrate “Black Family Weekend!” First, chapter members and families will participate in the Gulf Coast Walk to End Lupus Now at Texas Southern University. One of our chapter mothers, Dr. Melenda “Mendy” Jeter, lost her battle with lupus in May of 2022; and the chapter will participate in the Walk to End Lupus Now both in her memory and to raise funds to ensure that one day there is a cure for this devastating disease that disproportionately affects women. On Sunday, May 8, 2023 we will gather together to observe Black Family Day. The chapter will attend worship service together at Fort Bend Church and later that day, the chapter will host our Senior Recognition Luncheon and Black Family Day program. At this event, each Senior will decorate his or her own table with the college of his or her choice and be recognized. Our Houston Chapter program year will culminate with our annual Yes Summit! Teen Conference that is open to area African American Youth featuring topics that align with our national theme “The Power to Make a Difference for our Children on Mission On Purpose.








architect for an interactive STE[A]M activity to learn about careers in architecture and the contributions of African American architects in the US. The High Hopes (Grades 4-5) explored the civil justice system by solving The Case of the Missing Cookies while role playing in a mock trial, in an actual courtroom. Our Trendz-Setters (Grades 6-8) had the opportunity to tour a local recording studio, write, and perform an original work by singing, rapping, playing an instrument and/or spoken word that focused on overcoming obstacles and building self-esteem which can be used for music therapy. Our Teens, the Stylistics (Grades 9-12), visited Houston’s Innovation District to meet with individuals and start-ups incubating in the spaces that are working to develop global innovations that progress the work of industry and the mission of the public sector. Our chapter actively supported several of our National partners including American Heart Association, SouperBowl of Caring, March of Dimes, When We All Vote and The CROWN Act. We will close our year by celebrating Black Family Day in May with our annual camping trip where our families will have the opportunity to come together and celebrate the end of another successful program year. In support of the #JJSwims Initiative, the children will be provided important tips on water safety before they begin their adventures at the campground’s waterpark.

President: Milicent Triche Vice-President: Brittany Francis Program Director: Chanda Mayers-Elder Recording Secretary: Jade Jackson Corresponding Secretary: Kimberly Robertson Treasurer: Sonia Perkins Financial Secretary: Crystal Jones Editor: Rickesha Adams Chaplain: Connie Hunte-Larkin Historian: Rickesha Adams Foundation Chair: Naiah Callander Parliamentarian: Chamelia Robinson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Anitra Bogar Associate Chair: Tanisha Baker Father’s Auxiliary: Terrell Triche

President: Allison Williams Vice-President: Chloe Robertson Secretary: Hailey Sherrard Treasurer: Landon Bogar Parliamentarian: Cayla Carey Chaplain: Christopher Winfield Sergeant-at-Arms: Christopher Winfield

The Humble-Kingwood Chapter was established in 1988. Nineteen bold Mothers chartered the chapter with Cheryl Cash serving as the first Chapter President. The founding Mothers were dedicated to the growth and development of children. In our 35th year, with 65 Active Mothers, the mission of the chapter remains the same, to make a difference in the lives of all children in our local community and beyond.


The Mothers of the Five-Star Fierce Humble-Kingwood Chapter started the program year with our annual Chapter Mothers’ Retreat. The theme for this two-day event was “Reunite, Review and Reminisce.” Day One of the retreat provided mothers with much needed relaxation and reuniting with a Mom Prom Social. Day Two was filled with the business of the Humble-Kingwood chapter. This year’s community service project aimed to Help End Period Poverty. Feminine hygiene products were collected and donated to various Humble ISD schools. To honor Carole Robertson Day, our families rolled up their sleeves to help build garden beds and plant winter vegetables. We partnered with Humble Independent School District Education Foundation and Growing Longer Life, LLC which were local recipients of Jack and Jill Foundation funds. Our teens kicked off the activity by leading the Carole Robinson Day Memorial service for the group. They also prepared and distributed legislative packets with information focused on opportunities to advocate for all children, while our younger Jacks and Jills served by decorating lunch bags to be used for Kids Meals, USA which provides free, healthy meals for over 7,000 children daily. The Humble-Kingwood chapter continues to provide 5-Star quality programming that engages and excites our children. Our Little Treasures (Pre-K to Kindergarten) learned about the role of firemen, command structures, smoke alarms, cooking safety, and electrical outlets during an activity that was led by a JJHK legacy. The EnerJetics (Grades 1-3) participated in an “Amazing Race” through countries in Africa and met with an African American female






President: Erika Taylor Vice-President: Carrienne Matthews Program Director: Tammy Francisco Crockton Recording Secretary: Denese Toliver Corresponding Secretary: Carnen Carter Treasurer: Roslynn Foster Financial Secretary: Lisa Riley Editor: Lunzeta Brackens Chaplain: Raven Watson Historian: Charlaine Miles Foundation Chair: Latrice Turner Haseman Parliamentarian: Veronica Rouse Brown Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Vanessa Ledbetter Associate Chair: Angela Daniel Father’s Auxiliary: Francis Singleton

President: Christopher Augustus Vice-President: Daejah Francisco Secretary: Kennedy Watson Treasurer: John Long Parliamentarian: James Ledbetter Chaplain: Erick Moultry Sergeant-at-Arms: Sydney Devone


The Katy-Prairie View Chapter of Jack and Jill was formally chartered on October 13, 2002, by our Fabulous Five visionaries: Vickie Byrd, Pat Miller, Mona Covington, Linda Parrish-Heard and Paulette Jones. The chartering was the rebirth of the Prairie-View chapter that was established in 1962, comprised mainly of Prairie View A&M professors and their families. For many years, the University required that professors reside in Prairie View. Once released from this requirement, professors migrated towards Houston and surrounding areas, causing the demise of the Prairie View chapter of Jack and Jill. With a concern for the legacies from the chapter and the growth in the Katy community, the need arose to reinstate the chapter to include the Katy area. Vickie Byrd and Pat Miller saw the need and the desire for unity among family and friends on the west side of Houston, so they compiled a list, contacted mothers to determine their level of interest, and the response was promising. In the early fall of 2001, the Fabulous Five put together a plan to establish a chapter in West Houston. On July 12, 2002, the Katy-Prairie View Interest Group was voted on as a provisional chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. at the 35th Biennial National Convention held in Los Angeles, California. Our chapter installation date was October 13, 2002, at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center in Katy, Texas.


The Keen, Passionate and Victorious two-time 5-Star Katy-Prairie View chapter boarded KPV’s flight Jet Blue & Pink with service to Jack and Jill ready to fulfill the theme: “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children on Mission on Purpose.” In September, we hit the runway rolling with our KPV Jack and Jill Day Splash Bash honoring Carole Robertson at a local waterpark. The chapter-wide event included fun facts, an interactive children’s book reading, water safety tips from a certified lifeguard and a surprise video guest appearance from the first African American woman to win an Olympic gold medal in swimming, Simone Manuel. To date, KPV’s activities and experiences have run the gamut, from hearing from published authors to participating in

mental health and wellness activities to attending aviation events down to meeting the second-ever African American woman to become a PGA member. The programming year culminated with just as much vigor and excitement as it began. In November, we enjoyed a three-day 20th anniversary celebration that concluded with a private screening of Wakanda Forever, where games were played, community service donations were collected, and families took holiday photos with Houston’s own black Santa. Our final destination in 2022 was a chapter wide grade-group activity titled “Full Steam Ahead on the KPV Polar Express.” During this event, our Jacks and Jills celebrated the season by indulging in several STEAM related activities including robot mazes, K’nex engineering and rocket building. Our kids were given instruction from real-life engineers including former Jack and Jiller and head of the Mechanical engineering department at PrairieView A&M and a signal engineer who is part of the revitalization of Los Angeles in preparation of the 2028 Olympics. As we go into the next year, we will continue to uphold KPV’s mission of “Building a legacy through innovation and first-class programming while leveraging our individual talents to collectively L.I.F.T. OFF!”







Returning from the summer break, our families gathered in person in the spirit of our armed forces for a high energy “Boot Camp” at our activity-filled Jack and Jill Day event. The celebratory weekend included a beautiful Carole Robertson Memorial Ceremony hosted by our teens. In October moms attended the South Central Region’s Area Work Day in New Orleans, LA. In November we hosted a chapter wide community service initiative by partnering with a local church to collect nonperishable food, socks and blankets for the homeless community. Our Legislative Committee capitalized on an election year to emphasize growing a generation of actively engaged citizens with activities that focused on civic and service responsibilities including voting, jury duty, advocacy, engaging with the law enforcement, environmental awareness, and being a good neighbor through service. In December MCSL Jack and Jill Elves boarded the Christmas Train for a fun-filled family holiday party. The party had activities for Jack and Jills of all ages, including a hot cocoa bar, story time with Santa and go-kart rides. Our teens hosted a “Glow With the Flow” Party, collaborating with another local chapter to support raising funds. The party was a glowing success, and our teens earned a generous contribution for Jack and Jill Foundation!

President: Tyra Jones Mccollum Vice-President: Jackie Ward Program Director: Alisa Peppers Recording Secretary: ShaJra Austin Corresponding Secretary: Sharon Garner Treasurer: Treci Watkin Financial Secretary: Monica Akompi Editor: Toni Wallace Chaplain: Cheronda Briqht Historian: LaKisha Holloway Foundation Chair: Anqela Henry Parliamentarian: Tameika Carter Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Martanya Blair-Hyde Associate Chair: Daler Wade Father’s Auxiliary: Kevin Anderson

President: Aaron Spann Vice-President: Lindsay Lewis Secretary: Abiqail Anderson/Trent Hubbard Treasurer: Catherine McFadden Parliamentarian: Sarah Webber Chaplain: Olivia Mhoon/Jordan Steen Sergeant-at-Arms: Olivia Mhoon/Jordan Steen

In July 1975, Mrs. Gladys Waddy founded the ChasewoodBriargate Mothers Club in Southwest Houston. Their goal was to link with an organization that would provide culturally rewarding activities for their children. On September 25, 1975, an application was submitted for charter membership to Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. The Club was accepted as a Provisional Chapter during the National Convention in July 1976, and installed as the Missouri City/Fort Bend Chapter in September 1976 with officers including Barbara Williams (National Editor) and Erma W. Hines (South Central Regional Director). Initial membership embraced 41 mothers and 95 children. In May 2008 the chapter was renamed Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter by resolution at the 58th National Convention. Today the Chapter proudly boasts 90 mothers, 161 children, and 64 Associates. Upholding the high standard of excellence in operations and programming, the Chapter has received the Five Star Chapter of Excellence at three consecutive National Conventions in 2018, 2020, and 2022.


The 2022-2023 program year presented another opportunity for the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter to use our “Power to Make a Difference” in our community by Maximizing and Demonstrating Excellence in Leadership. We celebrated the South Central Region’s return to an in-person Teen Conference in June by sending a delegation of 39 teens to San Antonio, TX. Our Teens brought home multiple chapter and individual honors. Three of our teens earned an invitation to the Teen Leadership Summit. At the 2022 National Convention MCSL Mothers and Associates received our third Five Star Chapter of Distinction recognition, earned a blue ribbon for our Bylaws, won first place for our Foundation contribution, and made the leaderboard for our contributions to March of Dimes and the Souper Bowl of Caring. At the Executive Board Retreat in August we embraced the challenge to R.E.B.O.O.T. every aspect of our chapter operations, showing that we are “Ready to Execute our B3 chapter theme On Mission. On Purpose. Together.” This was the inspiration for a dynamic chapter retreat, encouraging mothers to create unique and engaging programming for our children.

As we move into 2023, we continue to seek the same advantages for other children which we desire for our own, in FIVE STAR fashion. We are still the Magnificent Missouri City – Sugar Land Chapter!






President: Rhonda Goode Douglas Vice-President: Robyn McCormick Program Director: Dana Labat and Danette Saylor Corresponding Secretary: Eraka Delarge Treasurer: Tira Jones Financial Secretary: Tracey Guient Editor: Dekesha Duplessis Chaplain: Charique Richardson Historian: Dekesha Duplessis Foundation Chair: Rashain Williams Parliamentarian: Erika Singleton Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tammuella Singleton Associate Chair: v Swafford Father’s Auxiliary: Wayne Delarge

President: Lauren Bickham Vice-President: Gabrielle Johnson Recording Secretary: Heaven Stewart Corresponding Secretary: Navis Allen Treasurer: Brock Johnson Parliamentarian: Darrick LeBeouf and Nala Hamilton


On March 27, 1952, Mrs. Roberta Bobb Johnson, sponsored by the Buffalo Chapter, organized the New Orleans Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Dr. Alberta Turner of Columbus, Ohio, then National President of Jack and Jill of America, presided as the installing officer. The chapter had as its first officers: Roberta B. Johnson, President; Sara Epps, Vice-President; Jessie R. Vickman, Corresponding Secretary; E. Lucile Serge, Recording Secretary; W. R. Coleman, Treasurer; Irene H. Greene, Program Chairman; Oralee B. Mitchell, Membership Chairman; Jessie Dent, Constitution Chairman; Maggie Buggs, Housing Chairman; and Gladys Sartor, Reporter. Chapter members included the following: Mrs. Mark Birchette, Mrs. Mason Haywood, Mrs. Jean Maloney, and Mrs. Houser Miller. Many of the New Orleans Chapter Mothers have served in both a regional and national capacity. Phyllis C. Lodrig represented the chapter as National Program Director, ex-officer Board Member, Jack and Jill of America Foundation, and as a member-at-large to the Foundation from 1976-1978. Five of our members served as regional officers: Gladys J. Hill as region Central Regional Director from 1968-1969, Lydia Adams as Regional Director from 19791983, Shirley Epps as Regional Secretary/Treasurer from 1995-97, Ann Coxen Mitchell as Regional Secretary/Treasurer (2003-2007), and LaKenya Collins as Regional Treasurer (2018 - present). The New Orleans Chapter hosted Mother’s Regional Conferences in 1960, 1969 and 1991, and host for the 1997 South Central Regional Conference. The New Orleans Chapter hosted the First Area Children’s Cluster in 2001, and 2016., as well as the SouthCentral Teen Conference in 2015 and the 2022 South Central Regional Area Work Day, where we donated over $30,000 in monetary contributions as well as goods to over five agencies in the New Orleans community.


New Orleans Chapter 2023 programming events include Moppets Powdered Sugar pillows, hx of New Orleans beignets, discussed notable black New Orleanians who helped shape our community; explored Mardi Gras culture, toured Justice Revius Ortique court room on Dillard University campus, STEM activity cooking safely and loving the skin we are in and how to protect our melanin, using sunscreen. Our Skippers explored Louisiana History as well as how to make your vote count and the importance of voting, Women’s Sufferage and the Civil Rights Act. Spacers worked a Lemonade Stand, developing future entrepreneurs. They also had a mock trial in the court room on “Is the Quality of Water important”, given an opportunity to focus on oratory skills. Sunday Stroll on a Streetcar, exploring New Orleans streetcar history and culture. Global Awareness by doing whats right for your blood type. VIPs attended the Amine Art Fest, Cheer to the Elderly by visiting a local nursing home and had a mock election for Tweens. Our Junior teens hosted Fireside Chats, discussed building self confidence and participated in the NAMI walk and the Amazing Race. Last but certainly not least, our teens hosted the HBCU Legacy Bowl, Cultural Fashion Show, water safety demonstration, leadership through civic engagement and Cryptocurrency Risk and Rewards of bitcon or apecoin. We also hosted our September Let’s Get Acquainted Bowling party, our Holiday Pajama Soiree, Carol Robertson Day, Founder’s Day Tea and the future Black Family Day event.

Mother Regina Woods serves as Regional Parliamentarian (20192023). President Rhonda Goode-Douglas served on the Regional Nominating Committee as an alternate (2019-2020). The New Orleans Chapter celebrated its 70th Anniversary in March of 2022. 642

A NOL Proud


Class of3 202 Lauren Bickham

Paul Collins

Macailen Davis Austin Guillory

Nicholas Jacobs

Mason Mackie

Sinclair McKinney Blake Steib

Joshua Washington

Gabrielle White


You Are Blessed Beyond Measure The New Orleans Chapter Moms Chapter President Rhonda Goode-Douglas




President: Kristyn Senters Vice-President: Tomeka Herod Program Director: Kelly Gant Recording Secretary: CaSaundra Henderson Corresponding Secretary: Latoya Randle Treasurer: Catrina Mays Financial Secretary: Ebonii Bell Editor: Dana Lester Chaplain: Callie Lalugba Historian: Jasmine Gause Foundation Chair: Crystal Vincent Parliamentarian: Tammy Barrow Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Terry Clark & Tonya Mitchell Associate Chair: Shelita Seals Father’s Auxiliary: Brian Johnson & Kalif Bell

President: Christion Gause Vice-President: Chase Bell Secretary: Sydney Thomas Treasurer: Gabrielle Barnett Parliamentarian: Roman Clark Chaplain: Austin Senters Sergeant-at-Arms: Elijah Phillips


The noteworthy Northeast Dallas (NED) Chapter was established in 2012. The journey began with one mother, Danielle Wesley. In January 2009, Danielle attended an interest meeting of another local chapter, and became inspired to impact and give back in her own community. Her inspiration birthed the beginning of the fortitude and determination of 31 mothers to form the Northeast Dallas Chapter. After meeting requirements of a year-long program and periodic evaluations, the Northeast Dallas Provisional Group was approved to proceed to the 2012 National Convention to receive a formal vote from the National body of mothers of Jack and Jill. As the organization celebrated the hallmark year of the 75th anniversary of Jack and Jill, the Northeast Dallas Provisional Group received a unanimous vote and became a Provisional Chapter. On September 29, 2012, the Northeast Dallas Chapter was installed as the 227th Chapter of Jack and Jill and became the 29th Chapter of the South Central Region. There are 77 active members who are proudly serving and representing our community. We also have six associate members and six 10- year life members. The chapter celebrated its 10th anniversary in September 2022.


The Northeast Dallas Chapter started the year with a gathering to honor Carole Robertson’s Day on September 16, 2022 with our NED mothers and their families. In celebration of the Northeast Dallas Chapter’s 10th Anniversary, A Night of Elegance was hosted on September 17, 2022, more than 300 people attended. The gala raised an astounding $62,408.18. The funds raised contributed to the Garland Education Foundation where Garland ISO seniors will receive stipends to help them pursue their collegiate goals. In addition, these funds will support the Jack and Jill of America Foundation and their efforts impacting the lives of African American communities and families across the nation. At our Roll into the Holidays: Spirit of Giving event the chapter created and donated 91 shoeboxes to Samaritan’s Purse: Operation

Christmas Child. Our children added encouraging notes to each box. The shoe boxes were given to Children in need all over the world. All of the children from our chapter participated in a Dare To Stand - RISE: Change Your World event. Our young age groups were hosted by The Honorable Valencia Nash, Justice of the Peace (Dallas Precinct 1 Place 2), in her courtroom. The Grant Halliburton Foundation designed a program to help students reframe their thinking and behaviors related to bullying. Afterwards, the group volunteered and packed food donation boxes for Lovepacs Food Pantry. These boxes were delivered to students to have nourishment during the Thanksgiving holiday break. Our older age groups’ program was themed “I Am My Brother’s Keeper”. They gathered at the George Allen Courtroom to hear from several Dallas County Judges to learn about the journey of African Americans speaking out and advocating for equal rights and fair treatment. Their community service included canvasing with the Democratic Party to encourage citizens to vote in the upcoming election. On January 14, 2023 we gathered to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and celebrated his legacy. Our MLK day committee organized a parade and a musical to celebrate.





President: Marvalette Hunter Vice-President: Vanetta Jackson Program Director: Bridqet Chapital Recording Secretary: Jennifer Scott-Thompson Corresponding Secretary: Ehrika Lord Treasurer: Tene Thompson Financial Secretary: Crystal Cornelius Editor: Katerina Winqfield Chaplain: Danielle Washinqton-Powell Historian: Jamilla Bluford Foundation Chair: Raechelle Kelley Parliamentarian: Carla Coleman Butler Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Hazel Jones & lnqa Anderson Associate Chair: Vickie Franklin Father’s Auxiliary: Newal Hunter, Jr.


President: Joshua Smothers Vice-President: Perrial Jenkins Secretary: Lauryn Jackson & Leah Elliott Treasurer: Zuri Scott Parliamentarian: Kiera Hines Chaplain: Jazzlyn Williams Sergeant-at-Arms: Landen Anderson


Inga Anderson, Jamilla Bluford, Carla Coleman Butler, Bridget Chapital, Kristy Chavis, Erica Cleveland, Crystal Cornelius, Kimberly Daniels, Davita Davenport, Janea’ Dennis, Tamica Dillon, Angela Elliott, Maudria Fitchett, Karol Gillum, Marvalette Hunter, Alonda Jacks-Moorehead, Vanetta Jackson, Tamika Johnson, Hazel Jones, Raechelle Kelley, Ehrika Lord, TaMeka Martin, Monica Monroe, Sherrell Ogletree, Cecily Parker, Danielle Powell, Kimberly Scott, Jennifer Scott-Thompson, Dimitra Smith, Avis Smothers, Oshea Spencer, Erika Stewart-Moore, Tamieka Tavares, Tene thomas, Stephanie Turner-Hines, Kimberly Williams, Ranique Wilson, Katerina Wingfield


During the summer of 1982, after consulting with other interested mothers, Priscilla Walker initiated the idea of forming a chapter and contacted the Prairie View Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. to seek sponsorship of the mother’s club which would later become the North Houston Suburban Interest Group of Jack and Jill. The North Houston Suburban Chapter was established in 1984. The first officers were Madame Virginia McGriggs, President; Priscilla Walker, Vice President; Jean Paul, Recording Secretary; Linda Carlisle, Treasurer; Melanie Curtis, Financial Secretary; Carole McCown, Program Director; Patricia Morgan, Parliamentarian; Patricia Williams, Historian; Bettina Wills, Editor. A total of 23 ladies were chartered on September 15, 1984. Since then, our membership has ebbed and flowed to our present body of 38 members. We have active and indispensable Associates and Fathers’ Auxiliary groups. Our mission is to aid mothers in learning more about their children by careful study, to seek for all children the same advantages which we desire for our own, and to support all legislation aimed at bettering the conditions of all children.


The North Houston Suburban Chapter entered the programming year following a successful chapter retreat in Houston, Texas on August 7th. The chapter solidified its guiding motto for the programming year, “Building Our Stronger Selves (B.O.S.S)”. Our mothers spent the day bonding, laughing, and planning for a phenomenal year.

presenting a detailed tribute honoring her life. It was great to see our moms and families connecting in the spirit of togetherness. We had several events from ‘Unlocking Your Future Career Expo’ with our Princes and Princesses and Teens of Pride & Success, to ‘Medical Research Career Exploration’ with our Dukes and Duchesses, and ‘Order in the Court’ with our Ladies and Gents. Our chapter has also engaged in several service events to pour into our community by feeding those in need, sorting clothing donations, and providing support to children in the foster system. Programming has been wonderful for our chapter and has provided our youth with a view of “what our future holds”. We ended the 2022 year with our fun-filled Christmas Holiday Party for our families at Constellation Field in Sugarland, Texas and the NHS Chapter Holiday Brunch in December at Fallbrook Church in Houston, Texas. We are looking forward to our 2023 events of Founders’ Day, Heritage Day, and Black Family Day with our chapter. We are also bursting with excitement to present the return of our Champions for Children Gala in March to benefit Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club, Acres Home.

To start the year, the NHS Chapter acknowledged the life and memory of Carole Robertson at the chapter-wide celebration of Jack and Jill Day, on September 17, 2022 at Lagoonfest Texas in Texas City, Texas. NHS families honored Carole Robertson by 646





learned how to exercise their right to vote, while Super J’s were taught how to “Make Your Voice Heard!” through the bill writing process. Jammin J’s and Junior J’s practiced hands-on civic engagement in Arlington City Hall and the 95th Civil District Court of Dallas County respectively, while the Guys and Dolls held “The Great Debate,” a mock lobbying experience to protect our voices on social media on the “Congressional Floor.”

President: Michon King Vice-President: Shelly Davis Program Director: LaDonna Oatis Recording Secretary: Alina Butler Corresponding Secretary: Nicole Blair Treasurer: Sherri Ballard Financial Secretary: Lettie McClain Editor: Kimberly Monk Chaplain: DaTesha Fisher Historian: Carmella Martin Foundation Chair: Suneese Eagleton Parliamentarian: Michelle Barnett Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Sherry Murphy Associate Chair: Adrienne Whiting Father’s Auxiliary: Darnell Moore and Prentis Murphy

President: N’dia King Vice-President: Caleb Lathan Secretary: Bronwynn Blair Treasurer: Semai Martin Parliamentarian: Lawrence Gardner Chaplain: Audra Davis Sergeant-at-Arms: Evan Cooksey

In July 1980, eighteen mothers met to discuss establishing a Jack and Jill chapter in Plano, Texas. Following, a recruitment effort led to a total of 30 mothers informally expressing interest to advance more culturally rewarding and stimulating activities for their families. Under the sponsorship of the Dallas Chapter, they submitted an application for new Chapter establishment in March 1981, and on April 18, 1981, the Mother’s Club was officially accepted as a Provisional Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Incorporated. Sherry Nuness, President, and T. Ann Jackson represented the chapter at the National Convention in Chicago, IL July 1982, when the provisional chapter was accepted. On February 5,1983, North Suburban Dallas was installed as the 15th chapter in the South Central Region. Today, NSD has 73 mothers, including members who have served in national and regional positions currently represented by Michon King, National Strategic Partnership Task Force South Central Regional Chair, Tifany Wilson, Assistant to National Vice President Sativa Leach-Bowen; Lisa Gardner, Regional Chaplain and Nicole Blair, Regional Foundation Grant Review Team.


In November, all groups focused on Education and Financial Literacy, from our youngest Big Bird Buddies/Super Friends in “Share, Spend and Save” to our Guys and Dolls learning “Wealth through Real Estate Investing.” They turned their financial prowess into action by hosting a chapter-wide fundraiser where all NSD families and community members could enjoy a private viewing of Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever. The following months NSD served the community after our Holiday at the Dallas Arboretum event by packing food boxes for LovePacs and then again in January during the MLK Day of Service preparing nearly 3,700 sandwiches. Our brazen efforts to serve the community where we live has remained strong for 40 years and we look forward to serving our community for many more years to come.

Mothers of the “Notable, Five Star North Suburban Dallas (NSD) Chapter” began the 2022-2023 program year with an in-person retreat held at the Marcus Room inside Neiman Marcus Willow Bend. Dressed in shades of ruby red, the Marcus Room was the perfect place to kick off our 40th anniversary with a RUBY jewel theme inspiring us to be “Relentlessly, Unapologetically, and Brazen in our Efforts to Serve.” The first program celebrated the life and legacy of Carole Robertson, where families honored the late Jack and Jill Teen by viewing a beautiful exhibit that represented her love of music, Girl Scouts, dance, and band while creating a colorful floral wreath in her honor following a moving historical presentation. October activities focused on Civic/Legislative thrust building fundamental knowledge of the power of the vote within the community we live and serve. Big Bird Buddies/Super Friends 647






President: Ebony Carrington Vice-President: Elishia Williams Program Director: Lawanda Jones Recording Secretary: Avione Lee Corresponding Secretary: Shanda Wright Treasurer: Sonja Johnson Financial Secretary: Sheila Taylor-Clark Editor: Suzanne B. Jackson Chaplain: Taryn Lee Historian: Taryn Lee Foundation Chair: Kristyn Ampofo Parliamentarian: Geordana Dow Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Candice Jackson Associate Chair: Erica Daniel Father’s Auxiliary: Dadrian Carrington

President: Jordan Dillard Vice-President: Gabby Jackson Secretary: Emery Jones Treasurer: Zoe Littlejohn Parliamentarian: Taylor Gamble Chaplain: Julian Fitzgerald Sergeant-at-Arms: Samantha Jackson


Georgia Barnes, Alysha Beckwith, Katina Bland, Kalilah Coulter, Najiyyah Crayton, Tasha Dabney, Teila Darthard, Fran Dillard, Geordana Dow, Trishun Fitzgerald, Calandra Gamble, Lisa Giuroiu, Sharen Jackson, Nicole Johnson, Kimberli Lambert, Torrey Littlejohn, Shelia Maness, Gwendolyn Miles, Corrine Norton, Demetria Olive, Valencia Powell, Ingrid Rahman, Kyla Rankin, Tamika Sloan, Nikki Thomas, Kelly Turner, Chelle Wilson, Kristal Young


The North Texas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was established as a provisional group and voted into Chapter status in July 1998 at the 60th National Convention in New York City. Our Chapter was officially installed on October 24, 1998 in a ceremony on the campus of Texas Women’s University in Denton, Texas. Each January, we observe Founders’ Day which not only celebrates the lives of Marion Stubbs Thomas and Louis Truitt Jackson Dench, the two women who formulated the idea for Jack and Jill of America, Inc., but also the 18 local mothers who saw the need and benefit of a Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Chapter in North Texas. It is these pioneering women who laid the foundation for our organization that continues to serve families living in Coppell, Flower Mound, Highland Village, Lewisville, Lake Highlands and other cities in Denton County. The 18 charter members were Carolyn Mohair, Gloria Johnson, Betty Adams, JoAnn Hill, Debra Richardson, Lee Chavers, Linda Eaddy, Pamela Dorsey, Earline Jackson, Adrienne Norris, Gloria Alexander, Carmen Hurd, Gwen Coleman, Janice Dawson, Pamela McKinney, Paula Roberts and Meredith Titus. Consistent with the founding principles, our mother members nurture their children through active participation in educational activities, community service projects, legislative advocacy and philanthropic giving.


coupled with the national theme“Power To Make A Difference”in planning chapter and age specific programs. The annual chapter Jack and Jill Day celebration took place at a local campground. This increasingly popular and well attended event provided current and prospective members with the opportunity to socialize and engage in various activities including a father-sponsored cookout, camping survival lessons, swimming clinics, age specific community service projects, as well as, a tribute to Carol Robertson performed by the children. Mother members and the Father’s Auxiliary enjoyed hosting inperson programs again. A highlight including a private viewing of Black Panther in conjunction with a winter coat drive. This successful event was in addition to other innovative age group programs such as Day in the Life of a NBC DFW Reporter, AT&T Career and STEM Discovery Day, Improv Comedy Clinic, Harlem Renaissance High Tea and Etiquette, Kid-Inspired Culinary Class, Black Leaders in Commercial Real Estate, Stock Market 101 Workshop, Immersive Van Gogh Experience and the Denton Black Film Festival and Tech event. The North Texas Chapter continues to make a significant impact, whether it be through formal programming that is educational and enriching or through informal activities that foster connection and community. The chapter looks forward to a fruitful year with many “WINNING” programs focused on relationships, innovation, and positioning the children for success.

The North Texas Chapter kicked off its 25th year with the theme WIN With A Passion - Well-positioning our children for success, Innovating with the times, and Nurturing relationships. The Executive Board and Programming Committee used the chapter theme, 649






President: Brandi Stephens Vice-President: LaKeisha Myles Towner Program Director: Shelia Handy Recording Secretary: Wanda Thomas Corresponding Secretary: Chanel Willis Treasurer: Cynthia Franklin Financial Secretary: Nina Mitchell Editor: Denisha Winston Chaplain: Ayodele Anderson Historian: Kimberly McCray Foundation Chair: Kenya Roberts Parliamentarian: Brittany Bass Arvie Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Shelia Handy Associate Chair: Joyce Feagin

President: Peyton Handy Vice-President: Keishawn Carroll Treasurer: Ethan Weather Parliamentarian: Nicholas McCray Chaplain: Bradon Stephens Sergeant-at-Arms: Taylor Franklin


Ayodele Anderson, Brittany Bass Arvie, Ree Casey-Jones, Lekisha Cason-White, Beronica Clay, Shondale Coleman, Cynthia Franklin, Ilene Fraser, Brandy Gilyard, Shelia Handy, Brittani Mandigo, Kimberly McCray, Nina Mitchell, Cynthia Montgomery, LaKeisha Myles Towner, Evelyn Pryor, Kenya Roberts, Brandi Stephens, Wanda Thomas, Chanel Willis and Denisha Winston.


their acts of kindness for children who may be hurting.

The Red River Chapter was chartered on September 30, 2012 and is the thirtieth chapter in the South Central Region. Its chartering represented the rebirth of the former Shreveport-Bossier Chapter. The seventeen founding mothers were Twyla Abraham, Stancy Davis, Joyce Feagin, Ilene Fraser, LaKesha Green, LeShonda Lindsey, Kimberly McCray, Cynthia Montgomery, Torri Moore, Keidra Burrell, Kim Pendleton, Andretta Williams, Jayne Ruben, Wanda Thomas, Tonya Washington, Sandra Williams, and Kimberly Wilson. These seventeen women came together and committed to providing high-quality cultural, educational, civic, social, and recreational experiences for children in the greater ShreveportBossier area. We are proud to have served the North Louisiana community for ten years this programming year.


The Red River Chapter started the new programming year with our annual Mothers Retreat and planning meeting. The planning centered around family, community service, excellent programming, and excitement to return to in-person meetings. We hosted a combined Carole Robertson/Jack and Jill Day Celebration. Teen President, Peyton Handy, shared the occasion of remembrance during the event. Handy memorialized Carole Robertson’s contribution to our organization and highlighted Robertson’s instrumental role in the civil rights movement. Families and guests brought nonperishable food items to donate to the Galilee Baptist Church Food Pantry. The Tweens gathered in October to prepare potted plants for the Gingerbread House to display. The Gingerbread House Children’s Advocacy Center is a community-based, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that began serving abused children in 1998. Tweens discussed the importance of service and sacrifice as they completed

Teens organized a carnival for the children of the Providence House. The Providence House serves as a refuge for homeless families with children, established in 1988. The carnival included age-appropriate carnival-style games and face painting led by Red River Teens. This event fulfilled our mission to make a difference for all children. Our own Red River Teens were invited to the Office of Voter Registration to see first-hand the collection process for Early Voter Ballots. The Caddo Parish Registrar hosted the Teens, shared details of his role and office and how they assist with our democracy. Tumblers and Tots are actively participating in the voting process this year. They learned about the legislative process by participating in an interactive game that included voting and why they should participate in elections. Teens joined with current students and Alumni from various HBCUs including Xavier University, Dillard University, Southern University at Baton Rouge, to learn about their experiences on an HBCU campus. In addition, there was an opportunity for Teens to meet city officials and pre-med advisors to learn more about scholarships, post-graduate programs, and college activities. We continued to show our “Power to Make Difference” while serving Thanksgiving Day dinner with the Salvation Army Corps at their community center. Red River Chapter families assisted with cooking and boxing meals and delivery to residences and nursing homes. The Red River Chapter is looking forward to the second half of the programming year as we participate in activities that meet the requirements of the programming thrusts.


Red River Chapter






President: Pamela Faison Vice-President: Relisa Wilson Program Director: Dior Edison Recording Secretary: Courtney Abanaka Corresponding Secretary: Nikki Demby Treasurer: Cheryl Scott Financial Secretary: Stephanie Curtis Editor: Sharon Denson Chaplain: Sharon Perry Historian: Dana Perry Foundation Chair: Olivia Jewel Parliamentarian: Kayla Jackson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Nikki Polk Associate Chair: Andrea Hardeman Father’s Auxiliary: Rich Wilson

President: Renee Wilson Vice-President: Robyn Wilson Secretary: Wesley Jackson Treasurer: Elijah Sherrod Parliamentarian: Walter Bell Chaplain: Josiah Owens


The origin of the San Antonio Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. began in 1951 when four mothers, Havel Gay, Mary L. Johns, Bennie Rutledge, and Olga Thompson united to provide special activities for their children. With help from the Reverend C. William Black, the San Antonio Provisional Chapter became affiliated with the National Organization of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. On September 28, 1953, Dr. Alberta Turner, National President, installed the first officers of the San Antonio Chapter and presented the chapter with its charter. Since its inception, the San Antonio Chapter has experienced tremendous growth in membership and has sponsored and/or participated in a variety of educational, cultural, social, and civic activities that made positive impacts on its members, the community, and the San Antonio-Bexar County metropolitan area. We strive to uphold the chapter mission, Creating Legacies of Leadership and Service for our Children to Follow.


The San Antonio chapter kicked off the 2022-2023 program year on August 27, 2022 with Mother’s Retreat; this year’s theme was In Living Color. It was a fun-filled afternoon where mothers discovered their true colors personalities in order to help us work better together throughout the program year. Our annual Carole Robertson Memorial Day took place on September 10, 2022 at La Escondida Celebration Center. To commemorate the life of Carole Roberston each grade group presented various readings and poems. Our children spoke about her upbringing, her time with Jack and Jill and how she was murdered in the 13th street bombing in Birmingham Alabama. In conjunction with the Day, families and guests kicked off the new program year with Jack and Jill Day. In true family style, good ol’ family reunion playlists were enjoyed by all. Our children and guests enjoyed a variety of games such as tug of war, volleyball, hit the pinata, oversized jenga and more! The Day also served as the medium to support Big Brother Big Sister, as attendees donated art supplies to the organization. Three of our grade groups kicked off the program year with an event titled “We Are A Masterpiece!” These age groups included

children ranging in age from 2-10 years old who unlocked their creativity while being introduced to African-American artistry. Our 11-12 year olds enjoyed learning how to design and fly drones via an obstacle course at St. Mary University and Our teen group held a Poetry Slam where they discovered African American poets old and new, created their own poems and starred in individual plus group performances. After the long Christmas holiday our chapter families met in downtown San Antonio on Martin Luther King Blvd. to participate in the largest MLK march in the nation! We had 50 plus participants which included Jack and Jill mothers, fathers and children to celebrate the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Lurther King Jr. The chapter also collected cleaning supplies for the Myra Davis Hemmings Resource Center. Its mission is to raise funds to provide scholarships to youth seeking to attend college, promote wellness for senior citizens, and rehabilitate and preserve the historic facility.




President: Natasha Goode Vice-President: Stephanie Roqers Program Director: Leah Matthews Recording Secretary: Alicia Washinqton Corresponding Secretary: Krishna Buford Treasurer: Tiffany Williams Financial Secretary: Racquel Ceasar Editor: Tomira Eason Chaplain: Tamara Edwards Historian: Monica Byars Foundation Chair: Sherida Barnes Parliamentarian: Tennille Banner Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kendra Thomas Associate Chair: Marsha Shepherd Father’s Auxiliary: Kenneth Brouqhton

President: Janae Williams Vice-President: Madison Perkins Secretary: Preston Lemond Treasurer: Kennedy Cooper Parliamentarian: Drew Dixon Chaplain: Kara Thomas Sergeant-at-Arms: Noah Byars


On October 24, 1992, the South Belt Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was inaugurated with 24 charter mothers under the creative vision of Josephine Turner. These mothers were guided by a desire to connect with like-minded African American families to foster leadership, social responsibility and cultural awareness in their children. Since inauguration, the South Belt Houston Chapter remains firmly committed to the goals first established by its forward-thinking charter members. Every mother gives tirelessly of their time and talents to serve our community and develop future leaders of tomorrow.


The South Belt Houston Chapter launched an incredible program year by embracing our National Theme: The Power to Make a Difference for All Children: On Mission, On Purpose through our dynamic programming. With excellence in programming, serving and leading in mind, we developed age group goals that reaffirmed our mission to nurture future leaders by exposing them to unique educational and cultural experiences. We began the year with enthusiasm and purpose, while also giving our families an opportunity to reconnect at age group social activities. Next, we celebrated Jack and Jill Day/Carole Robertson Day with a reflective memorial ceremony led by our teens. This event was held at the historically rich National Buffalo Soldiers Museum. The theme - “I’m Not Your Stereotype, I’m My Own Type” - challenged our children to not allow anyone to put them in a box based on preconceived ideas. In addition to the speakers, our families enjoyed an interactive tour of the museum led by its founder, ice cream, games, and entertainment. Lastly, through our partnership with the Buffalo Soldiers Museum, our children were given excellent volunteer opportunities. In October, we highlighted the importance of our Civic/Legislative responsibilities by focusing our younger children’s activities on learning about civic professions through a Career Fair and Mock Trial called “The Case of Jack & Jill Vs. The Hill.” Also, reflecting on the racial biases in policing African-American youth today, our teens

participated in a “Street Law – Know Your Rights” symposium where they discussed how to respond to a law enforcement encounter. During November, our children participated in STEM programs to learn the importance of engineering, physics, and math while exploring career opportunities. Our youngest age group enjoyed author Tiffany Obeng, who read her book titled “Andrew Learns about Engineers.” Additionally, our children participated in a STEM activity from her book. Our middle schoolers enjoyed an exceptional farming experience where they learned the importance of growing their own food, the sustainability of gardening and the financial impacts of homesteading. And our preteens took their STEM activity to new heights with an iFly experience where they were able to evaluate their hypothesis in a real wind-tunnel. Our teens’ November activity “From Backpacks to Briefcases” included a college tour, a college financing seminar, and evaluated the financial implications of choosing their college majors. We concluded the year with a magnificent chapter-wide Christmas celebration where our children received passports to explore Christmas Around the World with their families. The event also included ornament decorating, a scavenger hunt, a Toys for Tots community service activity and an amazing display of Christmas lights.





resident: Kimberly Smith Bibbins Vice-President: Zita Andrus Program Director: Natalie Anqelle Recording Secretary: Jamila Riley Corresponding Secretary: Jamila Riley Treasurer: Genaii Williams Financial Secretary: Rachel Francis Editor: Jonique Wells Chaplain: Demonica Allen Historian: Jonique Wells Foundation Chair: Demetria Boutte’ Parliamentarian: Satrica Williams-Bensaadat Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tiffanie Lewis

President: Zyon Lewis Vice-President: Gelaya Williams Secretary: Mia Sophia Ben Treasurer: Sian Allen Parliamentarian: MiaSophia Ben Chaplain: Madison Boutte Sergeant-at-Arms: Madison Boutte


A request was made to the national board in February of 2018 to become a provisional group for the Lake Charles and Greater Acadiana region. Both provisional groups had been approved individually by the national executive board in August of 2017. On March 21st, 2018, the Southwest Louisiana Provisional Group became the first in Jack & Jill history to be voted on as a combined Provisional Group. The combined provisional group was known as the Southwest Louisiana (SWLA) Provisional Group and was sponsored by the Beaumont Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. The mission of this group of mothers was to create programs for children that focused on leadership development and personal growth through cultural, educational, civic, recreational and social programs for Southwest Louisiana. Mothers and children involved in the chapter span the following regions: Allen, Acadia, Beauregard, Cameron, Calcasieu, Iberia, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, St. Landry, St. Martin and Vermillion Parishes. On July 27th, 2018 in Kansas City, Missouri, 17 mothers who were tirelessly working were able to reap their rewards as the group was promoted to the Southwest Louisiana Provisional Chapter at the 43rd National Convention of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Five dedicated mothers were able to attend the conference: Zita Andrus, Menka Bertrand, Ashley Lastrapes Collins, Kimberly Smith Bibbins National Member & Satrica Williams-Bensadaat and presented Creole Country to the body as “Laissez les Bon Temps Rouler in SWLA”. The chapter status was confirmed after 17 mothers were installed into Jack & Jill of America, Inc. South Central Region. On May 16, 2020 the Southwest Louisiana Chapter initiated 7 new dynamic Mother members. Due to COVID-19 and the inability to meet in person, the Southwest Louisiana Chapter participated in its first virtual initiation presided by the 26th National President Danielle Brown (Eastern Region) with Chapters across the nation. The 2020 new mother members were the following: Demonica Allen, Natalie Angelle, Rachel Francis, Danielle Dixon-Lation, Tiffany Lewis, Jamily Riley and Genaii Williams. These dynamic women along with the existing mothers developed creative virtual programming for the chapter and enticed interested new mothers into joining the Southwest Louisiana Chapter despite the hindrances of the year due to COVID19. Due to their dedication to the mission of Jack & Jill

and their exemplary leadership despite the adversity of the year, 5 new mothers were inducted at the home of Associate Mother Member Gisele McKinney Hawkins in 2021 to join the dynamic group of mothers. The following mothers joined May 15, 2021: Angela Celestine, Kayla Guidry, Jasmine Harris, Dayrun Rideau, & Whitney Owens.


In Southwest Louisiana, we are setting standards! We are always ready to take it to the next level and we know that continuous improvement is KEY! So, we’re SETTING STANDARDS on all levels: PROGRAMMING. PARTICIPATION. PHILANTHROPY. PARENTING. We’re focusing on improving, not only the way we deliver programming, but the types of programs that we offer. We’re focusing on OPPORTUNITIES that break from the norm to INSPIRE and CHALLENGE, while EXPOSING our children to activities and adventures that they may not get in school, church, or other social settings. We intend to provide ELEVATED, engaging and relevant activities that are aligned with the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. national thrusts and community needs. IN SOUTHEST LOUISIANA, WE ARE SETTING STANDARDS AND RAISING LEADERS!




President: Talisa Frazier Meekins Vice-President: Dionne Williams Program Director: Shimeka Johnson Recording Secretary: Kendra Jackson Corresponding Secretary: Sonya Bolden Treasurer: Joneice Preston Financial Secretary: Ashley Jackson Editor: Tracee Rainey Chaplain: Alecia Valentine Historian: Pamela Rogers Foundation Chair: Deneen Anderson Parliamentarian: Nina Morris-Richardson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Dwana Cordova Associate Chair: Angela Berry Roberson Father’s Auxiliary: Marc Meekins

President: Alison Green Vice-President: Taylor Bryant Secretary: Recording- Amarie Lewis, Corresponding-Aris Preston Treasurer: Lailah Burton Parliamentarian: McKenna McShann Chaplain: Hunter Smith Sergeant-at-Arms: Hunter Smith


The Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter (SWSD) was established on October 5, 2000. Organizers Teresa Bright and Gina Bradford envisioned starting a chapter in the southwest region of Dallas County. That dream came to fruition on October 19, 2002, with 21 mothers being installed. Now with 57 active mothers, 22 associates, and 95 children and teens, SWSD continues to uphold the Jack and Jill national thrusts by providing award-winning programming with this year’s theme of Excellence in True Color. Excellence in programming, community service, and chapter management propelled the Chapter to receive Five Star recognition at the 45th National Convention in Orlando, Florida.


SWSD began the program year with Jack and Jill Day in worship at Community Missionary Baptist Church Cedar Hill followed by brunch where our teens led us in our Carole Robertson Ceremony. We hosted our annual Youth Leadership Conference where the theme was: Lead with Love: Impactful Leadership Through Service and Philanthropy. Youth from other area chapters and the public participated in workshops on the financial aspects of fundraising, how laws affect social issues, ethics and integrity in civic duty, and a STEaM presentation on how condensation helps with water scarcity. In the following months SWSD continued excellent programming with monthly programmatic thrusts that align with our National theme: The Power to Make a Difference. Our Brilliant Bloomers (PreK-Kinder) have been engaged in activities such as Big Emotions Little Bodies, where they and their parents learn to deal with their emotions in a healthy manner. Bloomers learned Advocacy in Action when they visited Old City Park, had their own lunch counter sit in and advocated for change through a silent protest march on the streets of Old City Park. Our Inquisitive Minds (1st-3rd grade) have enjoyed learning physical and mental health wellness through yoga, civic action by learning to use electronic vote machines when visiting the Dallas County Elections Office, and working through problem solving and advocacy with our talented tweens (4th-6th

grade), Stars On The Rise (7th-8th grade) and our All Stars (9th12th grade) at Chicken-N- Pickle. Emerging from the Pandemic we have hosted in person activities to renew and strengthen our bond with chapter wide events including a VIP screening of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever on opening weekend. We hosted our Annual Breakfast with Santa, a community service event benefitting local foster families. This year’s theme was Disney: The Power of a Dream. Mickey and friends appeared in a parade with a local high school marching band. Attendees enjoyed face painting, holiday crafts, and lots more. Teens taught the meaning of Kwanzaa through rap and dance. We have continued in community service through our monthly Adopt-A-Street, Meals On Wheels, and teen volunteerism with Youth World, a safe haven for at risk youth. SWSD supports the Jack & Jill Foundation by direct donations from our YLC, as one of the Region’s top Double Good popcorn fundraisers, and we are excited to donate proceeds from our 20th Anniversary Gala. We look forward to finishing the year strong with engaging programming that nurtures our future leaders.







President: Kelley Austin Vice-President: Bridgette Smith-Lawson Program Director: Iris Lewis Recording Secretary: Nicole Robinson Corresponding Secretary: Patrece Clay Treasurer: Andrea Williams Financial Secretary: Pleshette Johnson-Wiggins Editor: Adrienne Banks Chaplain: Christian Winn Historian: Carla Ferrell Foundation Chair: Keya Porter Parliamentarian: Misty Robinson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kameshe Jackson Associate Chair: Pamela Dauzart-Sims Father’s Auxiliary: Ray Austin

President: Bria Lawson Vice-President: Dorian Gee Secretary: Jadon Smith Treasurer: Ava Winn Parliamentarian: Victoria Taylor Chaplain: Bryson Easley Sergeant-at-Arms: Kyle Quarles


In June 2007, seventeen mothers expressed an interest in becoming a chapter in the Sugar Land area. The mothers completed the necessary requirements and were accepted as a Provisional Group. During the National Convention in Miami, FL the following year, the Sugar Land Provisional Group was voted by the esteemed mothers of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated to become a chapter in this exceptional organization in the South Central Region. On November 9, 2008, twenty mothers were installed as charter members of the new Sugar Land Chapter. The mothers of the “Sweet” Sugar Land Chapter provide their children with outstanding programming and community service and leadership opportunities while raising thoughtful, involved leaders.


The Sugar Land Chapter (SLC) started the year excited to celebrate our 15th Anniversary! We, also, started the year with our largest number of members to date. Our chapter has grown and we are looking forward to doing life together! In August, the mothers met for our annual Mother’s Retreat where we began planning for the year. The theme “Do It for the Kids,” was the focus of our planning. The Associates spent time with the newest mothers imparting knowledge and history. The mothers ended the retreat excited and ready to strive for “Best of the Best” programming while keeping with the National theme, “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children On Mission, On Purpose.” The first event of the year was a fun day at the beach to celebrate Jack and Jill Day. The families relaxed while the children and teens re-connected and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Two of the teens gave a presentation on water safety. In addition, to honor the legacy of Carole R. Robinson, the chapter members delivered a brief presentation and released pink and blue balloons in her memory. In November, our chapter took a trip back to Wakanda to enjoy the film “Wakanda Forever.” Two inspirational guests from Nigeria and Ghana gave our members some insight into their beautiful home countries. And there was a surprise visit from the Black Panther!

The Sugar Land Chapter celebrated the holidays in December with our biennial Reindeer Run. This highly anticipated event brought the SLC families together for holiday fun with food, games, lots of activities, a holiday movie, a toy drive led by the teens, and a visit from Santa! In January, to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the chapter members came together for a day of service at a historic African American cemetery to remember those who came before us. For this unique event, there was something for everyone to do to help beautify the final resting place of the former slaves and residents. It was quite an emotional day! To recognize Black History month in February, the SLC families will gather at a former Freedman’s town to learn about its history. The children and teens will give presentations on different aspects of the Black experience from Reconstruction to Civil Rights. They, also, will dress up from the era they will represent. In April, the SLC members have planned an elaborate weekend celebration to honor the chapter’s 15th Anniversary. It will be a very entertaining series of events! As the “Sweet” Sugar Land Chapter continues to grow, our goal remains the same: to provide quality programming and unique opportunities for our young leaders.






President: Treva West Vice-President: Krystal Willis Program Director: April Scoggins Recording Secretary: Debra Wright Bowers Corresponding Secretary: Debra Wright Bowers Treasurer: Regina Lenoir Editor: Neika Shavers Chaplain: LaTonya McElroy Historian: Neika Shavers Foundation Chair: Krystal Willis Parliamentarian: Enriquea Allen Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Joanna Leeks Associate Chair: Kimberly Bursey-Reece Father’s Auxiliary: Kenneth West

President: Savannah Leeks Vice-President: Princeton Love Secretary: Reina Lenoir Treasurer: Layton Scoggins II Parliamentarian Dominic West Chaplain: AJ McElroy Sergeant-at-Arms: AJ McElroy


Treva West, Krystal Willis, Debra Wright Bowers, Regina Lenoir, Joanna Leeks, April Scoggins, Allyson Wade, Neika Shavers, Enriquea Allen, LaTonya McElroy and Allegra Grice.


The Texarkana Twin Cities TX Chapter was established October 10, 2004 by fifteen members under the leadership of Kimberly BurseyReece. The fifteen charter members were: Gayla Cranford, Bess Gamble-Williams, Kimberly Bursey-Reece, Delores Melton, Deveta Crouther, Jenell Ingram, Donna Dounley, Karen Brown, Terri Bailey, Shirley Jackson, Pamela McDonald, Angela Perry, Marilyn ParksThompson, Trisha Bursey-Elmore and Treva West.


The Texarkana Chapter began its program year with its Annual Mothers’ Planning Retreat at the Texarkana Arkansas Recreation Center. Carole Robertson Day and Jack and Jill Day were celebrated in September, and led by the teens for all members in attend. We viewed the chapter Carole Robertson video and the National Video in which our chapter is featured. In these unprecedented times, the chapter continues its annual traditions such as Black Family Day at Bringle Lake Park, The Black History Quiz Bowl and the Souper Bowl of Caring Event with Liberty Eylau Food Pantry. Our chapter has been “Maximing and Demonstrating Excellence in Leadership. “The chapter enhances the community through service projects designed to develop positive well-rounded children. The projects are: Salvation Army, Liberty Eylau School Food Pantry and Little Free Library located at the Texarkana Arkansas Recreation Center. The Texarkana Chapter’s positive contributions in the community focus on its efforts to empower all children, knowing we have the “The Power to Make a Difference-For All Children on Mission On Purpose.”






President: Kerry Ann Zamore Byrd Vice-President: Wendy Bell Program Director: Yulanda Washington Recording Secretary: Sherronda Henderson Corresponding Secretary: Sakina Dixon Treasurer: Angela Mackin Financial Secretary: Cassandra Carwise Editor: Kerry Ann Zamore Byrd Parliamentarian: Ebony Jackson Todd Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Brandy Williamson Associate Chair: Connie Nichols Father’s Auxiliary: Steven Byrd

President: Thaddeus Henderson Vice-President: Isaac Jones Secretary: Mekhi Carwise Treasurer: Isaiah Macklin Parliamentarian: Tre Neal Chaplain: Jaylen Williams Sergeant-at-Arms: Kendall Macklin


Stella Amaechi, Wendy Bell, Pauline Burns, Cassandra Carwise, Dixon Sakina, Farmer Neal Rochondra, Larissa Garth, Semiko Green, Sherronda Henderson, Birdie Jones, Unique Laylor, Angela Macklin, Mia Moody Ramirez Tamu Moore, Ebony Todd, Yulanda Washington, Melli Wickliff, Kerry-Ann Zamore Byrd. Associates: Connie Nichols, Dell Walker


The Waco Central Chapter was chartered in 1956. Mothers and children ages 2 to 19 (grouped by age and school grade) participate in civic and community service, cultural, recreational, educational and family activities. Each age group is required to perform community service in line with the national program. The Waco Chapter is part of the South-Central Region of Jack & Jill of America. The chapter membership has been extended to Central Texas area to include Temple, Belton, Killeen, Harker Heights and Ft. Hood area. We support our community through contributions and volunteer services, including the following: Feast of Sharing, Doris Miller YMCA, Caritas, Jack & Jill of America Foundation, TSTC Women’s Resource Center, Children’s Cluster, (Host– April 2009), Hillcrest Hospital (Valentine’s Day , Cards for those hospitalized), Woodland Springs Nursing Home, Carver Park Baptist Church (Feed My Flock Meals for the Homeless), J.H. Hines Elementary School Family Day, American Heart Association, Foster Love Garden of Hope, Killeen Food Pantry (Souper bowl of sharing), Ralph Wilson Boys and Girls Club , The Zamore Foundation, McClane Children’s Hospital (March of Dimes).

as stories where told by two notable civil right leaders in the community - the first male and female to intergrate high school in Central Texas. The Chapter also enjoyed a mother’s tea and invited prospective membership, financial literacy, a night at the movie to celebrate the opening The Black Panther and Woman King, and Founders Day together. All grade groups participated in Founder’s Day through an interactive leadership worskhop where they learned team building, communication, community engagement and networking. The Chapter also collected and distributed over 100 canned items, warm blankets, gloves and scarves to three different community agencies for foster youth, displaced families and neighbors without homes where all grade groups and and fathers participated in the event. The Chapter attended the Waco Family, and Faith International Film Festival to films written, directed and produced by African Americans. The mother of the Waco Chapter also attended A Stage Play Written and Directed by CP Zamore Byrd as Scholarship Fundraiser. The Chapter honored Fathers with a family outing and celebrated National Black Family Day with a traditional Texas Style Barbeque and Pool party where all families and grade groups particpated in water safety, and water games.


The Waco Central Texas Chapter started the year off with Jack and Jill Day at Baylor University tailgate. Our families met at the historic state trooper museum in Waco where we celebrated with food with games (sack race, horse shoe). Families then attended the Baylor, TSU game together. Also in September the chapter celebrated Carole Robertson Day in Temple Texas at a Black Owned Private Academy, where all grade groups participated: PreSchool age particiapted in music, movement and story telling, Grades 1-3 particiapted in Story telling with local civil right activist. And grades 4-12 participated in healthy soul food cooking class and demonstration. The Chapter ate family style dinning together 661



President: Yvette Oldacre Vice-President: Jennifer Jackson Program Director: Dr. Carliss Miller Recording Secretary: Tashanna Thoms Corresponding Secretary: Dr. Alicia Waits-Briscoe Treasurer: LaShanda Osby Financial Secretary: Dawn Norman Editor: LaKenya Finley Chaplain: Dr. DeMonica Amerson Historian: LaKenya Finley Foundation Chair: Zipporah Singleton Parliamentarian: Shawnica Pollard-Moss Teen Sponsor/Advisor: NaKedra Campbell Associate Chair: Lilson Curl Father’s Auxiliary: Jason Miller, Troy Spencer Sergeant-At-Arms: Anissa White Protocol Chair: Meshonda Womble

President: Savannah Knight Vice President: Kaelon Osby Recording Secretary: Kendall Cooper Treasurer: Dyan Campbell Parliamentarian: Kay! Broussard Chaplain: Troy Spencer, Jr. Sergeant-at-Arms: Houston Scott Foundation Chair: Trinity Carter Editor: Olivia Womble Corresponding Secretary: Jaiden Briscoe Legislative Chair: Ethan Scott


Since 1988, The Woodlands Chapter has served the North Houston community through committed service. Combining shared ideals, the 18 founding chapter mothers, with Myrna Irons as president, recognized the need for a Jack and Jill presence in The Woodlands. Other officers included Michelle Stokes, Nancy Dunson, Pat Holmes, Paulette Anderson, Franca Sheehy, Carolyn Swain, Sheridan Vickers, Hallie Dorsey, Jane Peterson, Doris Franklin and Jane Peyton. Our founding mothers were dedicated to nurturing children and building future African-American leaders.


The Woodlands Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., launched its 2022-2023 programming with a theme “Stronger Together - It takes a Village.” Our goal is to help mothers grow stronger individually - emotionally, mentally and spiritually - so that the chapter will be Stronger Together. As we recognized the power of togetherness and our need for each other in every aspect of our lives and our children’s lives, we recognized It takes a Village. The Woodlands Chapter combined Jack and Jill Day and Carole Robertson Day by hosting a chapter-wide family day of remembrance, celebration and learning. This year’s theme: “JJ FIT: Exercising Brain & Body” included an age-appropriate STE[A]M activity, a physical fitness competition, a dance-off with families, and free time to play and socialize. As a three-peat Five-Star Chapter of Excellence, we provided exceptional programming during the year with activities centered around community, culture, care, and creativity. Through our Montgomery County Meals on Wheels partnership, we safely delivered meals to more than 650 families. We closed out the Fall by attending Houston’s Urban Nutcracker which put a new and exciting twist on a holiday classic while exploring the proud heritage of the city of Houston.

arts, culture, and philanthropy. Proceeds will support local grants for high school graduates and community service organizations. Our cultural exploration continues with Exploring the African Diaspora, an HBCU experience with Prairie View A&M, and exploring Houston’s black history. Teen grade group will also learn more about the state capital as we Take on Austin. We are excited to participate in Founder’s Day, MLK Day of Service, and Souper Bowl of Caring. We will continue to develop “kidpreneurs” through an Author your Destiny event, which will encourage the next generation of writers, and visits to local businesses. We will end the year by taking over Big Rivers Water Park & Adventures. As a part of Jack and Jill’s national JJ Swims initiative and partnership with the American Red Cross, chapter children and their parents will receive instruction from a certified water-safety instructor and will be encouraged to join the centennial campaign to make water safe for everyone. We will close the year celebrating our rising ninth graders, graduating seniors, new families, and new Associates.

In the Spring, we are excited to bring A Taste of Black Excellence to our community. This event will focus on Black Excellence in cuisine, 662




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The Butler Family



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Steven, Madelyn, Sterling, & Sullivan

The Schlitz Family

The Sanders Family




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664 664


Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The Carr Family FT. WORTH, TX

The Curtis Family GREATER FRISCO, TX

The Dell ingerISCOFa, TXmil y



665 665


The Mims Family HOUSTON, TX

The Smit h Famil y HOUSTON, TX

The Eagleton Family

The Tanner Family


KATY-PRAIRIE VIEW, TX Keisha & Chelsea


666 666

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The Monk Family


The Wilkinson-Cooper Family NORTH SUBURBAN DALLAS, TX

The FaisoTnONFIOa,mTilX y SAN AN

The Wilson Family

, & Delee

Doug, Pamela


Rich, Relisa, Reanna, Regan, Renee, & Robyn

667 667





oving husband, father, grandfather and physician, Robert Emile Hanson Jr, also known as Dr. Hanson, Doc, or Bobby, was born on August 27, 1939, to the late Adrienne Anne Alexis and Dr. Robert Emile Hanson. He concluded his service to mankind on December 5, 2022. Dr. Hanson and his wife, mother Deborah Hanson, were dedicated and active members of the original Beaumont Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. His daughter, Mikn Simon, is the current Chapter Program Director. Dr. Hanson was most known in Beaumont for caring for his patients. In fact, one seldomly ran into a person in Beaumont that was not a patient of, or delivered by, Dr. Hanson. He was also an advocate for education, an amazing cook, and had a love for rescue cats! He leaves to celebrate his life, his wife, Deborah Ann Thibedeaux Hanson; sons, Michael Hanson, Alan Hanson, Ryan Hunter (Elicia), and Paul Hanson (Michelle); daughters, Piia Hanson, Robyn Hanson, Ahli Little (Jeremy) and Mikn Simon (Peter); godchildren, Danny Kean, Laura Walton Malveau, and Brandi Gordon; fourteen grandchildren, Meagan, Adrian, Peter, River, Cameron, Anaya, Kamren, Ean, Rylee, Sira, Maya, Paloma, Niia and Solana; and one sister, Dr. Adrienne Hanson Walton of Hayward, Ca. Dr. Hanson believed that life was about service. In life, he gave his time and talents to help patients entrusted to his care. In death, he continues to support education by donating his body to his alma mater, Meharry Medical College. He would encourage others to donate to science as well.



Tricia Allen Scruggs FAR NORTH DALLAS, TX


ricia Allen Scruggs was born on May 19, 1971, in Maywood, IL, to Charles D. Allen and Carolyn J. Hill. On January 31, 2004, she married Anthony Scruggs. Tricia met Anthony as a bridesmaid at her friend’s wedding when a shoe mix-up led to her walking down the aisle on his arm. They have two sons, Andrew Lincoln Scruggs and Luke Austin Scruggs. She loved to travel and prioritized the boy’s growth through trips.

In her early career, she worked as a journalist. In 2018, Tricia combined her love for food, travel, culture, and entrepreneurial spirit to launch, We Ate Well Food Tours. Tricia was a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated Far North Dallas Chapter, where she served as a chartering officer. She enjoyed volunteering and supporting local ministries, schools, and organizations.


Melenda “Mendy” Dionne Jeter HOUSTON, TX


elenda “Mendy” Dionne Jeter was born in Camden, New Jersey on Thursday, the 7th of October 1971, to Brenda Wade (Dickerson) Jeter and the late Melvin Leroy Jeter. A brilliant physician, adoring mother and wife, and passionate lover of life, Mendy embraced hers with love, laughter, and accomplishment. Mendy attended the University of Virginia for undergraduate studies and earned a full scholarship to the University of Virginia Medical School where she graduated at the top of her class. She was the first African American to complete a residency in Radiation Oncology at Harvard’s Joint Center for Radiation Therapy. During residency, she also earned a Master of Public Health from the T. Chan Harvard School of Public Health. Mendy moved to Houston in 2002 to join the faculty of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center as the first African American woman in Radiation Oncology. She was known as a compassionate and caring clinician having been named a Top Doctor by Leading Physicians of the World and America’s Top Oncologists. She was beloved by her patients and colleagues. Mendy cherished her role as a mother and a wife. Her relationship with her husband, Garvin Davis, spanned 25 years after they met at a National Medical Fellowship Association research conference. Their union was blessed with two daughters, Blair Victoria Davis (16) and Dylan Alexandra Davis (15). She worked hard to give “the girls” a great start in life and to leave them with her best qualities that they will treasure forever. She was a legacy member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., and served as a Lead Teen Sponsor for the Houston chapter. Mendy was also active in many community organizations. Mendy was a fighter and one of the most courageous people you would ever meet. She battled severe Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE), an auto-immune disease that attacks healthy tissue, for most of her adult life. Throughout it all, she never complained, always smiled, and laughed when faced with various challenges. Her disease was so severe that she

received the extraordinary gift of a double-lung and kidney transplant on the 1st of May 2012. This gift of life made her and her family fierce proponents of organ donation. In her words, “We give, and we take!” Mendy died unexpectedly on Thursday, the 5th of May 2022, leaving a void in the hearts and lives of family and friends near and far.




June 27, 1967–September 22, 2022


arriel Donnell was a devoted mother member, who joined the Katy-Prairie View chapter in the South Central Region of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., in 2008. As a member, she kept her daughter, Lauren, actively involved in the activities of the organization. Throughout her life she upheld the main objectives of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., which are to aid mothers in learning more about their children by careful study and to seek for all children the same advantages, which we desire

of our own. She demonstrated her love, care and concern for all children throughout her work in the Katy community through her volunteerism. She successfully completed her tenure in Jack and Jill of America, Inc. on May 10, 2022, where she bridged over to officially become an associate member. Associate Jewel Darriel Donnell will truly be missed. Her legacy lives on through her precious daughter Lauren Horace.




honda Ann Doxey was born on December 1968, in Kansas City Missouri to Ronney Lee Johnson and Joyce Ann Dodd. She was preceded in death by her father, Ronney Lee Johnson and beloved son, Byron Damond Doxey, Jr. Rhonda was baptized at Zion Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO the summer of 1976. She attained her early education from the Kansas City, Missouri Public School System, graduating from Van Horn High School in Independence, MO in 1987. During her high school years, Rhonda modeled for the DECA Club, was a USA Missouri Pageant Attendee and a member of the NAACP, where she helped with the HBCU Scholarship Fund. After graduating from high school, Rhonda attended Central Missouri State University (CMSU) in Warrensburg, MO and Longview College in Lee’s Summit, MO. While in high school, she was introduced to the love of her life, Byron Damond Doxey, by her cousin Anthony Albritton. Rhonda and Bryon were married on November 30, 1988. They then moved to Fairbanks, Alaska, where Byron was stationed for 4 years with the United States Air Force. While in Alaska, Byron, Jr. was born, they then moved to Montgomery, Alabama for another 4 years of military duty. After Byron’s military career ended, they moved to Houston, TX, where their twin girls (Sydney and Symone) were born. Rhonda loved traveling domestically and internationally. She was bursting with excitement and joy about her most recent trip to the United Arab Emirates of Dubai and Abu Dhabi with her husband and mother-in-law. In 2004, she started the “The Doxey Book Club” where a select group of moms worked together to expose their children to various community service and cultural activities. Through this group, lifelong friendships began and extended to her work with the Katy-Prairie View Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Rhonda’s community service events were designed to develop the leadership skills in adults. Rhonda was a model, entrepreneur, fashionista and the best visionary at interior design. Rhonda was a licensed realtor for 24 years. Her professional career spanned several decades of sales, marketing and business administration.

She leaves to mourn her passing, her husband, Byron Damond Doxey, Sr. of Spring, Texas, daughters: Sydney Leann Doxey, and Symone Leann Doxey of Spring, her mother, Joyce A. Johnson of Houston, Texas, and a host of other beloved relatives and friends.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTH CENTRAL REGION



Beau Sterling Bryson Butler is the son of Mr. Steven L. Butler and Mrs. Madelyn Opal Butler. Beau Sterling was presented to society at the 30th Annual Metroplex Beautillion Presentation by the Arlington Grand Prairie Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated on April 23, 2023. He is a senior at Mansfield High School, where he is a four year starting point guard and team captain of the Varsity Basketball Team having achieved academic and athletic accolades. Sterling plans to major in pre-law and business with aspirations of being an attorney and entrepreneur with many college and university opportunities.


Beau Albert William Mitchell is the son of Albert H. and Wanda Mitchell. He was presented to society at the 28th Annual Metroplex Beautillion sponsored by the Arlington Grand Prairie Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. in April 2023. He serves as the Arlington Chapter teen president for two consecutive years. He’s active in National Honor Society and the marching band leadership as a senior at Mansfield Lake Ridge High. He’s received multiple academic scholarships and will pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering at an HBCU: North Carolina A&T, Prairie View A&M or Southern University and A&M College.


Beau Donovan Fitzgerald Allen is the proud son of Mr. Demetrious Allen and Dr. Sancerie O’Rourke-Allen. Beau Donovan was presented to society at La Rouge Beautillion with Baton Rouge Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated on November 5, 2022. He was crowned Top Fundraiser during the ceremony. The Parkview Baptist student plans to major in Sports Communication, but hasn’t made his final college decision.


Beau Carter Alexander Drummond is the son of Dr. Zarius and Constance Drummond. Carter was presented to society at La Rouge Beautillion on November 5, 2022. The Catholic High School student plans to major in Construction Science and Management at Tuskegee University.


Ethan is the son of Earl and Bobbie Banks Hunter. Beau Ethan was presented to society by the La Rouge Beautillion of the Baton Rouge Chapter of Jack and Jill, and The 100 Black Men of Baton Rouge, on November 5, 2022. He is a graduate of Catholic High of Baton Rouge and plans to major in kinesiology.



Zachary Joseph Jefferson is the son of Donald and Celeste Jefferson. Beau Zachary was presented to society by La Rouge Beautillion of Jack and Jill of America, Inc Baton Rouge chapter partnering with 100 Black Men of Metro Baton Rouge Organization on November 5, 2022. The Catholic High senior student plans to major in Mechanical Engineering at Morehouse College & Georgia Tech Engineering.


Lyndsy Corynn Joseph is the daughter of Dr. Erica Joseph and Attorney Lance C. Joseph. Debutante Lyndsy Joseph was a participant at the Top Ladies of Distinction, Nonpareil Chapter, Blue and Silver Ball on November 19, 2022. Debutante Lyndsy Corynn Joseph will be presented to society at the Cotillion for Louisiana Tri-Parish Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. on May 13, 2023. The Dunham High School student plans to attend college and major in Computer Science and Music Technology.


Debutante Simone Riley is the daughter of Toja and Sophia Riley. Simone was presented to society with Les Jeunes Amies of the Baton Rouge Symphony League on November 26, 2022. Simone has participated in service projects with the Baton Rouge Symphony League throughout her high school career. Simone is an AP Honor Student at The Dunham School and a school ambassador. Simone has been selected to perform with multiple All State Choirs during her high school years. Simone plans to continue her artistic development in college while majoring in English, Linguistics and/or Business.


Cecile Sophia Johnson Taylor is the daughter of Doctors Jonathan and Yolunda Taylor. She is a senior at St Joseph’s Academy. She was debutante of Les Jeunes Amies de la Symphonie sponsored by The Baton Rouge Symphony League on November 11, 2022. Cecile has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years. She has maintained an outstanding GPA and is an AP scholar. Cecile will receive the Seal of Biliteracy upon graduation. She has devoted hundreds of hours serving her community and church. Upon entering college, she plans to major in chemistry and ultimately become a physician.


Princess Kelsie Ania Tillage is the daughter of Keith and Ann Tillage. She will be presented at Mystic Krewe of Louisiana Washington DC Mardi Gras on January 28, 2023. She was selected for her academic strength and community service and is the current Miss Southern High Centennial Queen at Southern University Laboratory School. She is a Gold Medal Congressional Winner awarded by the US Congress which is the highest award achieved by a civilian youth with over 450 service hours. Only five high school awardees in the state of Louisiana since its inception in 1979.


Keith YaDonn Abney II is the son of Keith and Tammi Abney. Beau Keith was presented to society at 46th Annual Dallas Chapter Beautillion. The Waxahachie High School Senior will attend Arizona State University on a full football scholarship and plans to major in Business and/or Sport Management.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTH CENTRAL REGION


Morgan Brooks is the daughter of Monica and Everett Brooks. Morgan was presented at the Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc’s 46th Annual Beautillion on March 11, 2023. She attends the Booker T High School for the Performing and Visual Arts Student and plans to major in Film & Television Production.


Debutante Daisha Kiara Clayton, daughter of Taj Clayton and Tonika Cheek Clayton, was presented to society at the 46th Annual Beautillion presented by the Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. While attending Townview’s School for the Talented and Gifted, Daisha became a 12-year senior corps dancer with Mary Lois School of Dance and a decorated thespian in Townview theater. Daisha will attend Harvard University where she plans to study Comparative Literature, English and Theater. Daisha’s dream career is to become an influential writer like Shonda Rhimes and actress like Sandra Oh. She cherishes her 12 years of J&J memories.


Beau Rance Julian Greer II is the son of Rance and Alexis Greer. Rance was presented to society at the 46th Beautillion by the Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. on March 11, 2023. Rance is a graduate of John A. Dubiski Career High School and plans on majoring in Biology to pursue a career as an orthopedic surgeon.


Beau Myles Barrett Sturns-Thomas is the son of Ms. Misha Sturns and Mr. Nicholas Williams. He is the grandson of retired Judge Louis E. Sturns (Marilyn Sturns) and the maternal grandson of Sharon K. Sturns. Beau Myles was presented to society at the 46th Annual Dallas Beautillion on March 11, 2023. Myles talents include singing and song writing. He composed an anti-bullying song designed to empower victims and discourage teen bullying. This music conservatory student at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts plans to major in Economics at Morehouse College or in Musical Theater.


Beau Bryce Vaughn is the son of Kyle and Latasha Vaughn. Beau Bryce Elliot Vaughn will be presented to society at the Dallas Chapter 46th Annual Beautillion on March 11, 2023. The Oakridge School senior is weighing a number of college acceptances and plans to major in communications to pursue a career in sports broadcasting.


Timothy Glenn Waters III, affectionately known as “Trey,” is the son of Tim Waters Jr. and Tracy Adams. Trey was presented to society at Jack and Jill Dallas Chapter Beautillion on March 11th, 2023. The Lone Star High School student plans to major in Civil Engineering at Texas Tech University. As a NSBE Jr. leader, and current National Ambassador for the organization, Trey is preparing himself for a future in engineering. Additionally, his years as a student athlete participating in faith-based leadership programs, as well as Jack and Jill, he’s formed a strong foundation in community leadership.



Debutante Madison Elizabeth Corzine is the daughter of Jay and Shalunda Corzine. Deb Madison was presented to society by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated; Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter Cotillion on April 8, 2023. The Timber Creek High School senior plans to attend Spelman College and major in English. Madison cofounded the non-profit Pragmatic Prodigies and is the reigning National Miss Juneteenth USA 2022-2023. Her future career aspiration is to become a civil rights attorney.


Debutante Kendall Flythe is the daughter of Dr. Jimmie Flythe and Dr. Kandace Farmer, and was presented to society at the Annual Debutante Ball sponsored by the Arlington Foundation for Excellence, Xi Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, on November 12, 2022, where she was awarded the third highest GPA in the presentation class. The Westlake Academy graduating senior plans to major in accounting at Historically Black College and University to become a certified public accountant.


Debutante Paris Lowery is the daughter of Pastor Parish & Sharonda Lowery. Paris was presented to society at the Winter Emerald & Gold Scholarship Ball sponsored by the Arlington Foundation for Excellence / Xi Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., on November 12, 2022. The Timbercreek High School student plans to major in Dramatic Arts at NYU Tisch School of Drama & Fine Arts.


Debutante Kyler Monique Reese is the daughter of Alfred Reese and Monica Ross. Deb Kyler was presented to society at the Annual Debutante Ball sponsored by the Arlington Foundation for Excellence, Xi Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, on November 12, 2022, where she was named Miss Congeniality. The early college graduate successfully operates her own non-profit, Pragmatic Prodigies, and plans to complete medical school and subsequently become a medical oncologist.


Debutante Gabrielle Williams is the daughter of Sam Williams, Esquire, and Giselle Williams. Gabby was presented to society at the Winter Emerald & Gold Scholarship Ball sponsored by the Arlington Foundation for Excellence / Xi Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., on November 12, 2022, where the Black Girl Magic award was bestowed upon her. The Keller High School student plans to major in Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, and subsequently pursue a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology to focus on ending women’s health disparities in communities of color.


Debutante Ukeme “Makayla” Offiong is the daughter of Dr. Dominic and Netavia Offiong. Debutante Makayla was presented to society at Winter Emerald and Gold Debutante Ball, sponsored by the Arlington Foundation for Excellence in Education in partnership with the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Xi Theta Omega Chapter on November 12, 2022. She was awarded the perfect attendance award, the community service leader award, and a book scholarship. The Southwest Christian School student plans to major in journalism at Hampton University or Morgan State University.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTH CENTRAL REGION


Quinn Alexis Sanders is the daughter of Denise and Dewayne Sanders. Quinn was presented to society on December 29, 2022, at the 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball hosted by the Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Quinn is a sophomore psychology major at the University of Houston where she is also on the dean’s list. Her future plans include completing her doctorate and becoming a clinical psychologist. Quinn serves the community through organizations such as the Women of Gold, the Peace and Humanity Project, and the Black Student Union. Quinn is a member of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church.


Beau Tyler J Bozeman is 4.0 International Baccalaureate (IB) senior at Frisco High School in Frisco, TX and is the son of Frederick and Tiffany Bozeman. He is a member of Greater Frisco Chapter of Jack and Jill Chapter for 8-years. Tyler is the 2022-2023 Homecoming King, Black Student Union- Vice President, Varsity Basketball-Team Captain, National Honors Society, Student Council and the current Teen Jack and Jill President. Tyler’s seeks to attend one of his top three college choices (Howard, Stanford, or John Hopkins) to major in Biology on a PreMed track. Beau Tyler aspires to become a neurosurgeon.


Beau Tyson C Bozeman is a 3.5 Advance Placement (AP)senior at Frisco High School in Frisco, TX and is the son of Frederick & Tiffany Bozeman. He is an 8-year member of the Greater Frisco Chapter of Jack and Jill Chapter. Tyson is a 3-year Varsity Basketball Letterman, he is involved in Student Council, Honor Society, Black student Union, Leaders of Tomorrow, and the Alpha Merit Program. Tyson aspires to attend Oklahoma University (OU) majoring in Health Science, with the plans of becoming a Physical Therapist.


Maci Curtis is the daughter of Mr. Steven Curtis and Dr. Michon McCloud. Maci was presented to society by the Collin County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc, on May 21, 2023. The Frisco High School student plans to major in Biology on the Pre-Dental track, at a four-year university.


Mason Daniels is the son of Darren and Ericka Daniels. Mason was presented to society at the Dallas Chapter 46th Annual Beautillion on March 11, 2023. The Reedy High School student plans to major in Finance at Howard University.


Isabella Dellinger is the daughter of John and Mahisha Dellinger. Isabella was presented to society at the Collin County Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. The Frisco High School student plans to major in Business Administration with a concentration on Marketing at Southern Methodist University.



Jayden Musco is the son of James and Tominko Musco. Beau Jayden Musco was presented to society at the 46th Annual Beautillion sponsored by the Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. on Saturday, March 11, 2023. The Winston School students plans to major in Psychology/Pre-med at one of the colleges where he has received a full academic scholarship. He is an honor roll student, participant in the Winston Leadership Academy, Winston World Cultural Academy, Winston Soccer Team, and serves as the Senior Class Student Government representative. In Jayden’s leisure time, he enjoys reading, video games, and traveling.


Hailey Burnette is the daughter of Dr. Robert Burnette, MD and Mrs. Erica Littlejohn Burnette, Esq. Hailey was debuted at the Houston Chapter’s 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball. She is the sister of Cameryn Burnette a 2018 Debutante. Hailey is also big sister to Sophia and Robert “Theo”. Hailey enjoyed 12-years in the Houston Chapter, serving as President and Foundation Chair. Hailey is a St. John’s School graduate and a freshman at Spelman College where she is in the Honors Program and studies economics and French. She is Secretary and Co-Founder of La Voz and a member of the Debate Team.


Nia Butler is the daughter of Mrs. Cheryl Nelson Butler, Esq. and Mr. Jarvis S. Butler. Nia has been active in the Houston Chapter for 18-years. Nia studied with the Houston Ballet Academy and performed professionally as a supernumerary in the Houston Grand Opera’s Showboat. A 2021 Honors graduate of The Hotchkiss School and a leader in PRISM and Council for Change. Nia is a sophomore at Cornell University, she played field hockey her freshman year and was initiated into Pi Lambda Sigma, the Black Ivy Pre-Law Society and serves as Vice President of Diversity & Equity in Real Estate.


Kendall Von Harris is the daughter of Kenneth Harris, Jr. and Holly Cherry Harris and the younger sister of 2018 Debutante Kennedy Harris. Kendall debuted at the Houston Chapter’s 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball on December 29, 2022. Kendall served as both the Nominating Chair and Foundation Chair. A pre-medicine major at University of Albany, studying to be an anesthesiologist. Kendall is also a student athlete that is a pin hitter on the women’s division one volleyball team. Kendall is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and volunteers with the YWCA Meals on Wheels.


Avery Elise Harrison, the daughter of Shannon Buggs-Harrison and James Harrison III, was presented at the Houston Chapter’s 31st Biennial Debutante Ball on December 27, 2021. She and her brother O’Neal are the only grandchildren of Rosalie and Ralph Buggs and Vivian Harrison and the late James Harrison Sr. Both grandmothers held Jack & Jill membership – Mrs. Buggs as a Missouri City-Sugar Land charter member and Mrs. Harrison as a Houston chapter member. An Episcopal High School graduate, Avery is a Howard University honors student, studying journalism and photography. Her escort was fellow EHS and Houston chapter alum Chase Gray.


Rory Alexander Johnson is the son of Mr. Perry Johnson and Ms. Allison Hollins. Rory is a sophomore at University of Texas at San Antonio where he is majoring in Psychology. He is a member of the PRISM Club, the Roadrunner Gaming Group and the Student Psychological Association. Rory aspires to be a Behavioral Therapist working with teens and young adults or with a government agency as a Criminal Profiler. A world traveler, Rory hopes to study in England his junior year through the UTSA Education Abroad program. His dream is to learn abroad, think globally, and expand his reach.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTH CENTRAL REGION


Jordan Nicole Jones is the daughter of Artee Jones and Tracy Carmen-Jones. Jordan attends the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business as a marketing major and member of the Robert J. Coury Applied Leadership program. Jordan completed her first semester in Rome, Italy. Jordan graduated from St. Agnes Academy with dean’s academic honors. A varsity player as a Freshman, Jordan helped St. Agnes win two consecutive regional basketball championships. She was TAPPS 6A third highest state scorer in 2020 and 2021. She was Captain of the team and scored over 500 points, 500 rebounds as a player.


Zachary Clarence Jones is the son of Artee Jones and Tracy Carmen-Jones. Zachary is a sophomore at the University of Miami, Herbert School of Business with a major in marketing and a minor in architecture. Zachary is a University of Miami Student Ambassador and a member of the Orange Umbrella, a student-led consultancy. He is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and INROADS. He is also an Eagle Scout of Troop 242, Sam Houston Council. Zachary envisions leading creative teams that bring marketing and operations together to create extraordinary, branded customer experiences.


Kennedy Kyle is the daughter of Mother Karen Lemond Kyle, and is a 12-year member of the Houston Chapter. She is a 2022 graduate of Bellaire High School where she was in the top 12% of her class, she earned the College Board National African American Recognition Scholar, French Language Distinction Honors, and District Regents Scholar. She danced with Bellaire’s Emotions Classical Dance, Houston Ballet and American Ballet Theater in New York. Kennedy is a freshman Political Science Major at UCLA, and Freshman Representative for the Bruin Democrats and Activism through Policy. She hopes to become an equal rights attorney.


Mr. Jalen Micah Morrison is the son of Drs. James and Joi Morrison. He is a 2022 graduate of Heights High School where he excelled in both the classroom and in sports. While finishing in the top 15% of his class as a member of the National Honor Society, he was also voted 2019 Houston Regional Football Newcomer of the Year. He is currently a Freshman Quarterback at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he is enrolled in the Honors College and majors in Finance. He has a career interest in investment banking. His hobbies include fishing, painting and photography.


Madison Jewel Phillips is the daughter of Mrs. Cynthia Phillips and Mr. Gregory Phillips. She is the youngest sibling of legacies Miss Sidney Phillips (2016 Debutante) and Mr. Wesley Phillips. Madison was presented to society with the Houston Chapter’s 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball, on December 29, 2022. She has been a member of the Houston Chapter for ten years. She served as parliamentarian, secretary and foundation chairman and was voted outstanding teen by her peers during her sophomore and junior years. Madison is a sophomore at Howard University where she is pursuing a degree in political science.


Debutante Minla Gabrielle Phillips is the daughter of Mr. Roy Phillips, Jr., and Mrs. Kimberly Phillips. Minla was presented to society at the Houston Chapter 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball on December 29, 2022. Minla has been a member of the Houston Chapter since 2013. During her tenure with the Houston Chapter, she has served as chaplain, Trendsetter president, and Houston Chapter teen president for two consecutive years and served as a mentor in the Houston Chapter’s Little Bigs Mentoring program. Minla is a sophomore at Howard University majoring in psychology and human development.



Torryn Mechol Sales is the eldest daughter of Mr. Michael Sales and Dr. Vernicka Porter-Sales. Torryn was a member of the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 15 years. As an International Baccalaureate graduate of Lamar High School in Houston, she excelled as a varsity cheerleader and member in the National Honor Society. A sophomore and WellsLinks Scholar at Syracuse University, Torryn is majoring in Biotechnology with plans to attend medical school. Torryn is currently a member of the Finance Board of the Syracuse SGA. Most notably she is the Founder and President of the Multicultural Student Coalition.


Daija Nyala Satcher, the daughter of Dr. D’Juanna White-Satcher and Dr. Robert Satcher Jr., was presented to society at the Houston Chapter 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball on December 29, 2022. An active member of the Houston Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. for 12 years, she was voted Outstanding Teen for three years and served as Teen President in her senior year. Daija is a 2022 Honors graduate of St. Agnes Academy. She is currently a first year at the University of Virginia. There, as an aspiring physician, she is studying public health on a pre-medicine track.


Christopher Batiste Smith is the son of Mr. Byron B. Smith and Ms. Melanie Evans-Smith. Christopher was presented as a Stag at the Houston Chapter’s 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball in December 2022. He was an active member of the Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill, Inc. for ten years. Christopher earned his Eagle Scout honor in Troop 242. Christopher is a sophomore at Texas State University and is majoring in Public Relations with a minor in business. As an athlete, he competes in men’s volleyball at Texas State. Christopher plans to work in a global business organization in investment relations


Kayla Michelle Smith is the daughter of Mr. Byron Smith and Ms. Melanie Evans-Smith. Kayla was presented to society at the Houston Chapter 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball on December 29, 2022. Kayla has been a member of the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for ten years, serving as Treasurer and Secretary. Kayla is a freshman at Lamar University on a Women’s Track and Field scholarship and studying speech and hearing science. Kayla plans to pursue working in a clinical hospital or private practice in Speech Pathology to build confidence in youth and adults and restore their quality of life.


Debutante Zoe Tiann Smith is the daughter of Dr. Umekei Smith and Zurick Smith, Esq. and the older sister to Chloe Smith. Zoe was presented to society at the Houston Chapter’s 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball on December 29, 2022. She is a five-year member of the Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill. Zoe is a freshman at Brown University. She is a member of the Club Climbing Team, Black Student Union, and the League of United Black Women. Zoe’s concentration is international relations and public policy and aspires to earn a PhD or attend law school.


Aaron Christopher Wilson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Darryl and Giselle Wilson, was presented to society at the Houston Chapter 32nd Biennnial Debutante Ball on December 29th, 2022. He is a sophomore at the University of Southern California studying Global Marketing where he is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, the Dean’s List, staff photographer for USC’s Haute magazine and serves as Team Manager and Social Media Content Coordinator for the NCAA Women’s and Men’s Volleyball Teams. Aaron is a freelance digital media producer, photography entrepreneur and club volleyball player. His brother Jared was a 2018 Beau.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTH CENTRAL REGION


Sydney Caroline Dixon is the daughter of the Hon. Martina Lemond Dixon and Mr. Scott Dixon. Sydney was presented to society at the 32nd Biennial Houston Chapter Debutante Ball on December 29, 2022. Sydney is a sophomore at Spelman College and is majoring in Interactive Media with a minor in Documentary Film.


Sheldyn Elizabeth Cole is the daughter of Dr. Nichole Fleming Cole and Mr. Robert Cole. She’s been a member of the Katy-Prairie View Chapter for 18 years. Sheldyn graduated from St. Agnes Academy in 2022; participating on the track team, student council, and serving the homeless and elderly in her free time. She worked as a medical missionary in Bogota, Columbia, and as a COVID screener at Memorial Hermann Hospital. Sheldyn, a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin majoring in Speech pathology/PreMed, aspires to be a doctor. She was accepted into the Dell Medical Scholars Program.


Debutante Elise Virginia Gentry is the daughter of Dr. Erika Gentry and Mr. Wyatt Victor Gentry, III. Deb Elise was presented to society at the 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball of the Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated on December 29, 2022. Elise hails from the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter and has been a member for 12 years. She served as the South Central Regional Teen Foundation Chair and Regional Teen Nominating Committee Chair. Elise has excelled as a sophomore School of Business honors marketing major at Howard University. Elise aspires to be an entertainment attorney.


Debutante Ariel Lynn Joseph is the daughter of Mr. James Joseph and Mrs. Donna Joseph. Deb Ariel was presented to society at the South Belt Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated’s Biennial Debutante Ball on June 30, 2022. She is a junior psychology major at Louisiana State University (LSU). Ariel is President of The Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement at LSU and was honored by The Black Scholars Program. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Ariel plans to open her own clinical psychology practice.


Debutante Reagan Alyse Peppers is the daughter of Alisa Manning Peppers and Reginald Peppers. Deb Reagan was presented to society at the Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated’s 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball on December 29, 2022. Reagan has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter since 2016. Her social and civic leadership skills were cultivated by serving as president of the Keen Teens and recording secretary and vice president of the Ebonies. Reagan is a sophomore at Louisiana State University focused on communications with a minor in psychology.


Debutante Avery Zen Thomas is the daughter of Aganta Beasley Thomas and Gregory Thomas. Deb Avery was presented to society in the South Belt Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated’s Debutante Ball on June 30, 2022. The St. Agnes Academy graduate is a sophomore majoring in Sociology - Health, Medicine and Society at Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans, LA.



Debutante Greer Corinne Thomas is the daughter of Aganta Beasley Thomas and Gregory Thomas. Deb Avery was presented to society in the South Belt Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated’s Debutante Ball on June 30, 2022. The St. Agnes Academy graduate is a junior majoring in Nursing/Health Science at Howard University in Washington, D.C.


Debutante Sydney Rose Wallace is the daughter of the Honorable Toni Wallace and Quinton Wallace. Deb Sydney was presented to society at the 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball of the Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated on December 29, 2022. Sydney has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land chapter for ten years, where she served as the Teen President. She is a sophomore in the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin, where she is the recipient of the Dean’s Level Scholarship. Her professional goals include investment banking and community transformation.


Debutante Bria Neomie Woodard, daughter of John and Krystene Woodard, was presented to society at the 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball on December 29, 2022 by the Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Bria has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 8 years. A sophomore Biology major, Chemistry minor at Howard University, she maintains a 4.0 in the Honors College and is the Mentorship Chair of the College of Arts and Sciences Honors Program. The 2021 MEAC Volleyball Rookie of the Year, Bria led the Howard Bison Volleyball team to 2021 and 2022 Championships.


Debutante Cimone Christine Woodard, daughter of John and Krystene Woodard, was presented to society at the 32nd Biennial Debutante Ball on December 29, 2022 by the Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Cimone has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 8 years. A sophomore Biology major, Chemistry and Spanish double minor at Howard University, she maintains a 4.0 in the Honors College. Cimone serves on the College of Arts and Science Student Council and plays on the Howard Bison Volleyball team leading her team in hitting stats and back-to-back MEAC Championships.


Lauren Monique Bickham is the daughter of Mr. Ralph Bickham, Esq. and Dr. Shaniece B. Bickham. Lauren was presented to society as Fourth Maid at the Young Men Illinois Club, Incorporated’s annual ball on February 3, 2023. She was also presented as a debutante at the Pearls of Pride and Promise Cotillion hosted by the Omicron Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated on March 25, 2023. Upon graduation from Ursuline Academy New Orleans, Lauren plans to attend the University of Alabama and major in Biology.


Kori Michelle Ballard is the daughter of Arthur and Trina Ballard. Kori will be presented to society at the 2023 Chi Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Pearls & Ivy Debutante Ball. The Frisco High School student is currently considering several colleges to begin the next phase of her life. Kori plans to major in sports medicine.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTH CENTRAL REGION


Kennedy Eagleton is the daughter of Derek and Suneese Eagleton. She was presented to society at the Pearls and Ivy Debutante Ball presented by the Chi Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. on May 27, 2023. Kennedy is an honors student at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in the Theater Conservatory. She will attend Columbia University in the fall where she plans to double major in Film and Political Science.


Debutante Jordan Jouan-Mattie Griffin is the daughter of Mr. Darryl and Dr. Niyah Griffin. She will be presented to society with the Chi Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated on May 27, 2023 at the Plano Event Center. Jordan is a senior at Lebanon Trail High School in Frisco, Texas. She plans to attend the University of North Texas (UNT) where she will major in Psychology in hopes of becoming a Psychiatrist or Psychologist after she graduates from college.


Debutante Madison Grace Monk is the daughter of Mr. Antonio and Kimberly Monk. Madison was presented to society at the 2023 Pearls and Ivy Debutante Cotillion Ball sponsored by Chi Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Madison is a senior at Lebanon Trail High School in Frisco, Texas. She plans to attend Texas Women University where she will major in Kinesology.


Mya Williams is the daughter of Michael and Shannon Williams. Mya was presented to the society at Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Chi Zeta Omega Chapter 2023 Pearls and Ivy Debutante Ball. The Hebron High School student plans to major in premed at Auburn University.


Jordan Dillard, son of Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Dillard Sr. (Fran), has been a member of Jack & Jill for 16 years. Jordan is a graduate of Lewisville High School where he served in the Black Student Union and played basketball. He served as North Texas Teen Chapter President, Vice President, and Foundation Chair. He was voted Outstanding Junior teen and placed second in the 2021 Oratorical contest at the annual SCR virtual Teen Conference. Jordan is active in his community and attends One Community Church. He will attend Morehouse College in the fall majoring in sports journalism.


Beau Roman Dale Clark is the son of Dale and Terry Clark. He is a senior at Plano East Senior High School in Plano, TX.. Roman is an active teen in the Northeast Dallas Chapter since the chapter was chartered in 2012. Roman was presented at the 46th Annual Beautillion sponsored by the Dallas Chapter, Jack and Jill of America on Saturday, March 11, 2023. Roman plans to continue his higher education by attending either Hampton University or LSU majoring in Sports Management and pursue a career as a sports agent.



Christion Anthony Gause is the son of Kevin & Jasmine McFerren-Gause. Christion Anthony Gause was presented to society at The Jack and Jill of America, Inc.- Dallas Chapter’s 46th Annual Beautillion on Saturday, March 11, 2023. The Plano East Senior High School student plans to major in Political Science and minor in Computer Science at Clark Atlanta University.


Mikalah Hodge is the daughter of Trimone Washington and Step Father Dedrick Washington. Mikalah was presented to society at the Collin County Alumni Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta’s 2023 cotillion in May 21,2023. The Wylie East High School graduate plans to major in Government at The University of Texas at Austin or Georgetown University.


Beau Christian Alexander McKendall is the youngest son of Christopher and Laurie McKendall. Beau Christian was presented to society at the Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill March 2023. The Rowlett Hight School PTECH Academy student plans to major in Biomedical engeneering at Morehouse College or North Carolina A&T. He will continue his post-secondary education to receive a PhD in Biomedical engineering and serve as a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force as a software developer designing devices useful in the healthcare industry. He would like to thank his family and friends for supporting him through this passage into manhood.


Debutante Chayil Thomas is the daughter of Nicholas and Saleeta Thomas. Debutante Chayil Thomas was presented to society at the Young Men Illinois Club Cotillion on February 3, 2023 and the Omicron Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Cotillion on March 25, 2023. The New Century high school student plans to major in Business Administration at Tuskegee University.


Austin Bryce Wesley is the son of Kerry and Dr. Danielle Wesley, 2019-2023 Regional Director of the South Central Region. He is a senior at Plano East Senior High School in Plano, Texas. Austin is a teen participant in the Northeast Dallas Chapter and has been in the chapter for eleven years, since the chapter’s chartering in 2012. He will be presented to society at the 46th Annual Beautillion sponsored by the Dallas Chapter, Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, on Saturday, March 11, 2023. Upon graduation, Austin plans to attend a historically black college or university, majoring in Criminal Justice, and pursue a career in national intelligence and security.


Debutante Delee Lauren Faison is the daughter of Dr. Douglas and Mrs. Pamela Faison. Delee was a member of the North County San Diego Chapter for 3 years and has been a member of the San Antonio chapter for 12 years. Debutante Delee was presented to society at the 40th Biennial Alpha Kappa Sigma Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc Debutante Ball on December 30, 2022. Delee plans to major in Psychology and minor in Art. She is considering several college acceptances. Her career goals are to become a Doctor of Psychology specializing in childhood and teen trauma.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTH CENTRAL REGION


Debutante LaKyra Hobbs is the daughter of Victor Hobbs and Kristinia Anderson. LaKyra was presented to society at the Coterie of Debutantes sposored by the Xi Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated and The Arlington Foundation for Excellence in Education on November 12, 2022. The Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Collegiate Academy student plans to major is Psychology and Biology at Howard University.


Beau Dominic West is the son of Dr. Kenneth West and Treva West. Dominic West was presented to society at the Texarkana Alumnae Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Oustanding Young Man program, on January 28, 2023. The Texas High School student plans to major in Engineering and Robotics at N.C. A&T in Greensboro North Carolina or the University of North Texas, Denton.


Debutante Mikhya Jeane’ Willis is is the daughter of Michael and Krystal Willis. Mikhya was presented to society by The Las Amigas Social and Civic Club of Texarkana on December 30, 2022. The Texas High School student plans to attend Prairie View A & M University to pursue a degree in Kinesiology or Biology with aspirations of becoming a Physical Therapist or Sports Medicine Specialist for a collegiate or professional team.




Nicholas Dietrich Abram is a senior at Martin High School in Arlington, Texas. He is the son of Ronald and Felicia Abram. Nicholas has been a member of the Arlington Chapter for 14 years, where he was president of the chapter’s junior and senior teen boards. Currently, he is the South Central Region Programming Chair. Nicholas is graduating in the top 7% of his senior class. In addition, he is a STEM Ambassador, Vice-Chair of the Robo-boat Computer Science team, and a Texas Region Five Choir member. Nicholas will pursue dual degrees in computer science and business.


Sterling Bryson Butler is a senior at Mansfield High School in Mansfield, TX and is the son of Steven and Madelyn Butler. He is a member of the Arlington Chapter of Jack and Jill of American, Incorporated, and Teen Treasurer. Sterling founded Hoop Shoes for the homeless to share his love of basketball and compassion for homelessness by organizing the collection and donation of basketball shoes and food gift cards to homeless teenagers. He has options to attend multiple colleges and universities where he plans major in pre-law and business seeking to become an attorney and entrepreneur.


Leah is a Senior at Fellowship Academy, where she academically excels in Honors and Dual credit courses earning a 3.6 GPA. Leah participates in theater, art, cheerleading, basketball, and track. Leah aspires to major in Biology in hopes of becoming a Marine Biologist. Leah serves the community is through Mercy Street Kitchen which is a non-profit organization that feeds the homeless that she and her family run. Leah’s hobbies include Basketball , Shooting Guard, Art, and Theater. Leah has served as Jack and Jill of America Inc as the Chaplain, Treasure, Community Service Chair and Recording Secretary.


Roman Jones is a senior at Dubiski Career HS in Grand Prairie, Texas and is the son of Rob and Lauren Jones. He has been a member of the Arlington Chapter of Jack and Jill for 3 years. Roman serves on the School Leadership Team, the Student Voice Committee, and Interns at the Commemorative Air Force in Dallas, Texas. He has a 4.13 GPA, scored 1390 on his SAT and is currently training to earn his Private Pilot license. Roman is undecided about his future college but will major in Professional Flight.


Rylan Kennedy is a Senior at Lake Ridge High School. He is the son of Rhonda Kennedy. He is a ten year member of the Arlington Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc where he has actively demonstrated leadership skills and community service commitment. His pursuit of excellence extends far beyond the classroom. He will attend Texas A&M University College Station on a full scholarship where he will major in Sports Science and play Division 1 Football.




Albert William Mitchell is a senior at Mansfield Lake Ridge High and the son of Legacy Albert H. and Wanda Mitchell. He’s been a member of Jack and Jill for seven years and serves as the Arlington Chapter teen president for two consecutive years. He’s active in National Honor Society, the marching band where he’s the section leader for the trumpets, and in Kappa League. He’s received multiple academic scholarships and will pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering at one the of the following HBCUs: North Carolina A&T, Prairie View A&M or Southern University and A&M College.


Trinity Williams a Senior at Lake Ridge High School in Mansfield, TX and is the daughter of Tara Paige. She has been a member of the Arlington chapter of Jack and Jill for 8 years. Trinity volunteers by serving at volleyball tournaments, tutoring fellow classmates, and by donating essential items to Domestic Violence Shelters. Trinity has held the offices of Sergeant at Arms and Protocol Chair. She is currently undecided on the college she will attend but will major in Kinesiology and Physical Therapy. Trinity wants to use her talents to make the world a better place.


Dhiara Amani Berkley is a Senior at Vandegrift High School in Austin, Texas and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Demarron and Juakita Berkley. She has been a member of the Austin Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 2 years. Prior thereto, she was a member of the San Jose California Chapter where she served as Teen Chaplain. Dhiara is the City of Austin Youth Council Mental Health Committee Co-chair, Vice President for the East Side Church of Christ Youth Group and member of the Youth Choir. Dhiara plans to major in Psychology.


Jameson Nile Brown is a Senior at L.C. Anderson High School in Austin, Texas. He is the son of Dr. Benée and Mr. Marwin Brown. He has been a member of the Austin Chapter for 7 years wherein he attended two Teen Conferences and earned top honors in Photography. Jameson has been an avid investor since age 7 and is a founding member of the Good Sense Kids Investment Club. Jameson is also an active member of the AHS Fashion Club, the GSA and the recipient of three President’s Volunteer Service Awards. Future plans include Market Investing and Fashion Marketing.


Campbell Earley is a Senior at St. Michael’s Catholic Academy in Austin, Texas and is the daughter of Bill and Michelle Earley. She has been a member of the Austin Chapter for 15 years. Campbell currently serves as Teen President of the Austin Chapter after having served as Vice President. She has been actively involved with Girls Giving Grants and Mobile Loaves and Fishes. Campbell, a dedicated competitive gymnast, has decided to continue her gymnastics and academic career at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Campbell will seek a pre-Nursing degree for a future career in the Nursing profession.


Braylon Derrick Hill is a senior at Cedar Ridge High School in Round Rock, TX and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Derrick and Kim Hill. A member of the Austin Chapter for 8 years, Braylon is the 2022-23 Austin Chapter Sergeant-At-Arms, served as a two-time Recording Secretary and is a multiple 1st place SCR Scholastic Achievement winner. He is a National Honor Society member, Varsity Football Team Captain, and named to first team Football Academic All-State. Braylon is ranked in the top 10% of his class and plans to pursue a degree in Physical Therapy.



Reid Holliman is a senior at Hendrickson High School in Pflugerville, Texas and is the son of Mr. Cedrick and Dr. Elizabeth Holliman. Reid has been a member of the Austin Chapter of Jack and Jill for eleven years. Reid has been a part of several organizations in his church including the Children’s Usher Board, and Under the Bridge. Reid has also participated in several Thanksgiving Day events serving families in need and Ronald McDonald activities helping families of hospitalized children. Reid has decided to attend Hampton University Fall 2023 where he plans on majoring in Computer Science.


Mykayla Grace Means is a Senior at St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School in Austin, Texas and is the daughter of Beveren and Angela Means. Mykayla has been a member of the Austin Chapter for eight years. Mykayla was involved in many activities including track and field, volleyball, basketball, robotics, social justice, and many instruments. Mykayla is excited to continue her educational journey by attending a four-year university this Fall where she plans to study Engineering.


Ashlyn Wilson is a Senior at Weiss High School in Pflugerville, TX and is the daughter of Gerard and Tiya Wilson. She has been a member of the Austin Chapter for 6 years and prior served in the Frisco Chapter. Her accomplishments are not limited to lettering in varsity volleyball, Xtreme Force track club, Top Teens of America, and leading through service in her local chapter. She has decided to attend a HBCU where she will major in Child Psychology and minor in foreign languages to propel her towards a career as a youth and Adolescent Therapist.


Donovan Fitzgerald Allen is a senior at Parkview Baptist School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and is the son of Mr. Demetrious Allen and Dr. Sancerie O’Rourke-Allen. Donovan has been a member of the Baton Rouge Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. since 2009. His community service involves serving his church as an acolyte, confirmand, choir member, Youth Fellowship member and on the media team. During the pandemic, he made kits for healthcare workers and served meals to the less fortunate. Donovan is considering a major in Sports Communication or Film at a college still to be determined.


Jaiden Alexander Ausberry is currently a mid-year enrollee at the University of Notre Dame. He is part of University Lab School Senior Class of 2023 and will return in May to walk with his class. Jaiden served as a member of the Student Council and a Council Representative officer. He also served as President of the Black student Union. This scholar star athlete is also a member of the National Society of High School Scholars. Jaiden’s passion for the grid iron has garnered several successes including All American, All metro and 3-A Defensive player of the year. He is also a Nominee for Warrick Dunn Sports-line Player of the year. He will major in Business and Finance.


Carter Drummond is the son of Dr. Zarius and Constance Drummond. He is senior at Catholic High School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He has participated in football, wrestling and several clubs during his tenure at Catholic. Carter’s hobbies include reading, weight lifting/working out, traveling, volunteering and gaming. Carter has been a member of Jack and Jill for 11 years and served the Baton Rouge Teen Group as Editor during his time with the chapter. After high school, he plans to attend Tuskegee University and major in Construction Science and Management.




Amiri Fontenot is a senior at The Brighton School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and he is the son of Brandon Fontenot and Kori Thomas Fontenot. He has been a member of the Baton Rouge Chapter of Jack and Jill for two years. Amiri has a heart for service and has completed over 200 hours of community service over the course of his high school years. He is a leader and organizer of his schools gaming club and was elected Homecoming King 2022. Amiri has decided to attend Nicholls State University where he will major in Engineering.


Ethan Elijah Banks Hunter is a senior at Catholic High School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and he is the son of Earl and Bobbie Banks Hunter. Ethan was born into the Baton Rouge Chapter, and has been a member since first being eligible at age two. Besides the many volunteer opportunities, he enjoys with his fellow teens, he is very involved in giving back to the community through various church activities. At this time, Ethan has not made his choice from the many offers he has received; however, he will major in kinesiology.


Zachary Joseph Jefferson is a senior at Catholic High and is the son of Donald and Celeste Jefferson. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years. Zachary is very active in the community and his school athletics/ science department. Zachary is a member of the Baton Rouge Mayor’s Youth Council, completed an internship with LSU College of Engineering, earned All-American Scholar, and owner of his Power washing company. He was a beau for the La Rouge Beautillion in partnership with 100 Black Men. He will attend Morehouse College & Georgia Tech and major in Mechanical Engineering.


Lyndsy Corynn Joseph is a senior at The Dunham High School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She is the daughter of Dr. Erica Joseph and Lance C. Joseph, Esq. She has been a member of the Baton Rouge Chapter for two years. She is President of Top Teens of America, Nonpareil Chapter, St. Jude Leadership Society, 4H Junior Leader, Delta G.E.M.S. participant, and member of Kingdom Life Church. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Cultural Club, Treasurer of the Science Club, and Editor. She plans to attend college and will major in Computer Science and Music Technology.


Melanie Anne McCormick is the daughter of Drs. Melissa and Theron McCormick. She has been a member of the Baton Rouge Chapter for 16 years. She is a senior at St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge, LA where she was a member of the French Club, and the Redsteppers Dance Team that won a national title in “Game Day” at the 2021 National Dance Team Championship. Melanie plans to attend Louisiana State University where she will study Conservation Biology.


Simone is a senior at The Dunham School in Baton Rouge, LA and is the daughter of Toja and Sophia Riley. She has been a member of the Baton Rouge Chapter for 14 years. Simone is a four year varsity soccer player, French Club President, Board Member of the Culture Club and a member of the Institute of Leadership Service Committee. Simone is an exuberant worship leader and pianist at her church and enjoys photography, reading and writing short stories as hobbies. Simone plans to major in English, Linguistics or Business.



Cecile Sophia Johnson Taylor is the daughter of Doctors Jonathan and Yolunda Taylor. She is a senior at St Joseph’s Academy. Cecile has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years. She has maintained an outstanding GPA and is an AP scholar. Cecile will receive the Seal of Biliteracy upon graduation. She is a member of the Spanish, Beta, Mu Alpha Theta and Women’s Empowerment clubs. She has devoted hundreds of hours serving her community and church. She enjoys traveling, playing piano and snowboarding. Upon entering college, she plans to major in chemistry and ultimately become a physician.


Kelsie Ania Tillage, National Gold Medal Congressional Award Winner from US Congress and attends Southern University Laboratory School. As a member of Jack and Jill for 14 years, she has served as Regional Teen Editor/ Historian, Chapter Vice President, Secretary, and 2nd place Regional Scholastic Achievement Award. She is currently a National Teen Advisory Board Member for Teen Ink Magazine, Self-Published Author and Editor of the “Unpopular Opinions’’ Anthology, Volleyball Outside Hitter and Defensive Specialist, All-Academic Team, and Regional Zone 8 Student of the Year. She is the daughter of Keith and Ann Tillage.


Sasha Williams is a senior at Baton Rouge Magnet High School in Louisiana and is the daughter of Duke and Melanie Williams. She has been a member of the Baton Rouge Jack and Jill Chapter for 2 years. She dedicates her free time to making art, spending time in nature, and submerging herself in nature, travel, and learning different cultures. She is a member of the international cultural association, earth talk, key club, and rhythm and poetry. She has decided to attend Louisiana State University and she will major in behavioral health and plans to help women as a therapist.


James Peyton Greer is a senior at Monsignor Kelly High School in Beaumont, TX, and is the son of Van and Alea Greer. He has been a member of the Beaumont Chapter for 16 years and is Teen President. He has earned gold volunteerism medals each year with JJOA, serving over 100+ hours yearly. He has organized Peyton’s Pals, gifting holiday cards to nursing homes. He excels in soccer and is part of the MKCHS 6A State Championship Soccer Team 2021. He will attend University of Houston and major in Business, with plans to become a Certified Financial Planner.


Blake Hall is a National Honor Society senior at West Brook High School in Beaumont, TX, and is the son of Brian and Constance Hall. He has been a member of the Beaumont Chapter for 16 years and serves as Teen Treasurer. He is passionate about community service, assisting homeless citizens and children with monetary support, clothing, and meals through JJOA and St. Jude Catholic Church. He has excelled in varsity track and baseball and was named PG and Under Armour All-American 2020-23. He has decided to attend Chattanooga Stage Junior College he will continue his baseball and academic pursuits.


Brittney Jolie Daphnis, a senior at Clear Falls High School in League City, Texas, is the daughter of Herman and Dr. Pamela Daphnis. She has been a member of the Clear Lake/Bay Area Chapter for 12 years. Brittney has served in several leadership positions within Jack and Jill. She is a student athlete and is the captain of her varsity Volleyball team. She is also a member of the National Science Honor Society and National Society of High School Scholars. She has also participated in many church groups including pathfinders, community service, health ministry, bible bowl (winning multiple national tournaments) and choir. She also loves animals.




Justin is a senior at Clear Lake High School in Houston, Texas and is the son of Stacie Bean. He has been a member of Clear Lake / Bay Area Chapter of Jack and Jill for 14 years. He has been a member of the Clear Lake High School basketball team and volunteered countless hours at the Houston Food Bank assisting with flood mitigation in Clear Lake at both Exploration Green Nature Preserve and Armand Bayou Nature Center. He has decided to attend Texas Tech University where he will major in Computer Science.


Raleigh Patterson is a senior at Clear Brook High School in Friendswood, Texas and is the daughter of Angela Patterson. She has been a member of the Clear Lake Bay Area chapter for 3 years. Raleigh is a member of the theatre department and the National Thespian Society. She enjoys acting, speaking, directing, and production: she was the production dramaturg for The Ladyship musical. Raleigh also enjoys volunteering at the Galveston County Food Bank. She will attend college this fall and pursue a degree in Theatre Arts.


Taryn Joy Williams, a senior at Lutheran South Academy in Houston, Texas, is the daughter of Terence and Melissa Williams. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 11 years and currently is in the Clearlake Bay Area chapter. She is South Central’s Regional Teen Chaplain/Timekeeper. In addition, she is the captain of the varsity cheer team, member of National Honor Society and Eco Club. Taryn has been a Girl Scout for 7 years and earned her Gold and Silver Awards. Taryn plans to pursue nursing where she can help people and leave a positive impact on society.


Keith Ya Donn Abney II is a senior at Waxahachie High School in Waxahachie, Texas, and is the son of Keith and Tammi Abney. Keith has been a member of the Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 15 years. Keith has received numerous full football scholarship offers from several top tier schools including Rice and Utah State. After careful consideration, Keith has decided to continue his academic and football career at Arizona State University on a full athletic scholarship. He will major in Business and/or Sports Management. His plans include playing professional football, owning a business, and becoming a successful entrepreneur.


Jada Beard is a senior at The Hockaday School in Dallas and is the daughter of Lori and Jerome Beard. Previously a member of the Contra Costa County, Northern California Chapter for twelve years, she is currently a member of the Dallas Chapter for three years. She is avidly involved in the community, as an intern for Brighter Magazine. She volunteers for DISD Reading Buddies and Habitat for Humanities. She is a varsity swimmer and the 2021 USA National Acrobatic Gymnastics National Champion. She will attend Villanova University and major in Communications PR and Advertising with a Marketing minor.


Morgan Brooks is a senior at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, TX and is the daughter of Monica and Everett Brooks. She has been a member of the Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill for three years. Morgan is President of the Film Club. She has served in the Audio/Visual production ministry at Concord Church in Dallas, as a volunteer with the Dallas Mayor’s Back to School Fair, and as a student art instructor at Pencil On Paper Gallery. She intends to study and pursue a career in Cinematic Arts and Marketing.



Kennedy Jewell Carter, daughter of Pastor Bryan and Stephanie Carter. She is a senior at The Oakridge School, member of the National Honor Society, and a 2-year Varsity Cheerleading Captain. Kennedy plans to attend Spelman College in the fall where she will major in English with a minor in religion. Kennedy has been a member of Jack and Jill for eight years. Kennedy is the Senior Teen President of the Jack and Jill Dallas Chapter and enjoys every moment!


Elle Terese Chavis is a senior at The Hockaday School in Dallas, Texas and is the daughter of Audra and Terrence Chavis. She has been a member of the Dallas Chapter for 15 years. Elle currently serves as the Hockaday Senior Class President and is the Immediate Past South Central Regional Teen Programming Chair. She was selected to participate in the 2023 Disney Dreamer Academy and will concentrate on filmmaking while there. Elle will attend Duke University in the fall where she will double major in Cinematic Arts and Linguistics with the goal of owning her own production company.


Daisha Kiara Clayton is a senior at Townview’s School for the Talented and Gifted and daughter of Taj Clayton and Tonika Cheek Clayton. Daisha cherishes her 12 years of memories with the Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill. During this time, Daisha became a 12-year senior corps dancer with Mary Lois School of Dance and a decorated thespian in Townview theater. In fall 2023, Daisha will attend Harvard University where she plans to study Comparative Literature, English and Theater. Daisha’s dream career is to become an influential writer like Shonda Rhimes and an actress like Sandra Oh. Daisha enjoys travel, good books, and storytelling.


Rance Greer II is a senior at Dubiski Career High School and is the son of Rance and Alexis Greer. He has been a member of the Dallas Chapter for 5 years. Rance is a member of the National Honor Society and a founding member of the Oak Cliff Chapter’s Young Men’s Service League. Rance received the classification of Expert in BMX racing through the American Bicycle Association and awarded Rider of the Year in 2022. Now, Rance volunteers as a coach and mentor to younger riders. Rance plans on majoring in Biology to pursue a career as an orthopedic surgeon.


Lauren Renee Ingram is a Senior at The Hockaday School in Dallas, Texas, and is the daughter of Vera Renee Ingram and Tyrous William Ingram III. She has been a member of the Dallas Chapter for eight years and was a member of the DFW Mid-Cities Chapter for eight years. Lauren was a highly recruited volleyball player and decided to attend and play volleyball for Duke University. She plans to major in Economics and to one day become an entrepreneur.


Kevin Kelley II is a graduating senior and the son of Kevin and Deseri Kelley. He has been a member of the Dallas Chapter for 13 years. Kevin has played for the top soccer academies in the world and represented our country with the USA Youth National Team. Consistently ranked in the top 25 in the country for the class of 2023, Kevin has participated in international games against Poland, Russia and Iceland while representing the USA abroad. Kevin will attend Princeton University and major in Economics, with a finance focus. Kevin plans to work in private equity and investments.




Drew Muller is a senior at Greenhill School in Addison, Texas and is the son of David and Michelle Muller. He has been a member of the Dallas Chapter for 16 years. Drew is an Honor Roll student, Captain of the Varsity Baseball team, 4-year Varsity Letterman, Yearbook Sports Editor, Athletics Board Member and Hill Tour Guide. He is an active member of the FIT Ministry at Concord Church. Drew has admissions offers from several universities to begin his bachelor’s degree. He plans to major in Journalism and Communications with a focus in the sports industry.


Rome Patton, son of Erin and Nicole Patton, is a senior at Plano East Senior High School. Rome has been a member of the Dallas Chapter for 10 years. He is a member of the East Basketball and Football team. Rome exemplifies leadership in volunteer work in his community. His entrepreneurial spirit has parlayed into a sneaker business Kickbackixx, and most recently an apparel business. One of his passions is traveling. Rome plans to attend college in the fall. He will major in Business Administration and plans to be an entrepreneur and invest in real estate.


Ava Perpall is a senior at the Fusion Academy in Dallas, TX. Ava is the daughter of Frederick Perpall and Dr. Abigail Perpall. She has been a memeber of the Dallas Chapter for eight years. Ava has won several awards for her involvement in the National Charity league and has served on the teen board of Meals on Wheels for three years. She plans to attend University of Tampa and study Marketing/Industrial Psychology.


Kyla Rounsoville is a senior at Booker T High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, in Dallas, Texas where she has studied dance and advanced mathematics. Kyla is the daughter of Mr. Walter and Mrs. D’Jameal Rounsoville. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America for 10 years. Kyla has played an active role in her school community where she served in multiple leadership roles in the dance conservatory and as the Vice President of her school’s National Honor Society chapter. Upon graduation, Kyla plans to study Industrial Engineering.


Myles Barrett Sturns-Thomas is a senior music conservatory student at Booker T. Washington HS in Dallas. He is the son of Ms. Misha Sturns and Mr. Nicholas Williams. Myles has been a member of the Dallas Chapter for 3 years. Myles is the praise team and youth choir leader at Concord Church in Dallas. He serves as the Youth Commissioner for the City of Dallas-District 3. Myles has been accepted by universities including his first choice, Morehouse College. He plans to study Economics or Musical Theater. He has a desire to be on Broadway and be involved in city planning.


Bryce Vaughn is a senior at the Oakridge School in Arlington, Texas. He has been a member of the Dallas Chapter for 3 years. He is currently the senior teen treasurer. Bryce serves his community through several organizations such as: Young Men’s Service League, Desoto Teen Council and the Alpha Ambassador Program. While at Oakridge, Bryce has been a Student Ambassador, a participant in the Black Culture Club, Robotics team and is a three sport Varsity letterman. Bryce has not decided what college he will attend but will pursue a major in Communications with a focus on Broadcasting.



Samantha Renee Ward, a senior at Parish Episcopal High School in Dallas, Texas is the daughter of Mitchell Ward and Pamela Wills-Ward. Samantha has been a member of the Dallas Chapter since 2017. Active in school and community, Samantha is Student Body President, Vice President of the Student Diversity Leadership Council, and Co-President of Student Ambassadors. She is in the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Latin Honor Society and English Honor Society, has lettered in field hockey and track; and is a member of the NTFB Teen Advocacy Board. Samantha will attend Northwestern University to study International Relations/Business.


Timothy “Trey” Waters III, is a senior at Lone Star High School in Frisco, TX and is the son of Tim Waters Jr. and Tracy Adams. Trey has been a member of the Jack and Jill Dallas Chapter for 3 years. Trey is a NSBE Jr. National Ambassador and consistently gives back to his community through his True Buzz 7v7 team, the faith-based leadership organization, Distinctly His Ministries and his Jack and Jill chapter. Trey has decided to attend Texas Tech University. He will major in Civil Engineering and plans to own his own Civil Engineering business in the future.


Nia Simone Wright is a senior at Wylie High School in Wylie, Texas, and is the daughter of Roderick and Monica Wright. She has been a member of the Dallas Chapter for 16 years, and currently serves as Foundation Chair. Nia is a member of the National Honor Society and is affiliated with several community services organizations such as WIN (Women in Need) and Coalition of Churches for Prison Ministries. In her spare time, she enjoys archery, reading, and crocheting. While undecided, Nia plans to obtain a bachelors in education before acquiring a master’s degree in Library Science.


Erin Amos is a senior at Westlake Academy in Westlake, TX. She is the daughter of Dr. Darryl and Dee Amos. She has been a member of the DFW Mid-Cities chapter for five years. Erin serves as teen President and previously as Secretary. At Westlake Academy, she founded the Black Student Connection Club, served as President of the Student Council, co-captain of the varsity volleyball team and is a member of the National and Spanish Honor Societies. She was awarded the Yale Book Award and IB Award for Caring. Erin plans to pursue a career in medicine.


Madison Elizabeth Corzine is a senior at Timber Creek High and Tarrant County College in Fort Worth, TX. She is the daughter of Jay and Shalunda Corzine. She has been a member of DFW Mid-Cities Chapter for four years. She serves on the chapter’s executive board as Parliamentarian. She gives back to the community through her non-profit Pragmatic Prodigies, as chair of North Tarrant High School Voter Registration Day, President of the TCHS Cultural Student Union, and reigning National Miss Juneteenth USA 2022. She will attend Spelman College where she will major in English and subsequently pursue a Juris Doctorate.


Blake Crim is a senior at Keller High School in Keller, Texas, and is the son of Roslyn and the late Bobby Crim. He has been a member of the DFW Mid-Cities Chapter for eight years. Blake takes great pride in honoring military Veterans as a member of the Keller High School Clay Target Team and also volunteers in community outreach programs with a focus on feeding the homeless. Blake discovered his passion for cooking and founded “Blaked Goods” in 2019. Blake is a member of Life Church and will attend Prairie View A&M majoring in Business Administration.




Camryn Dennis is a senior at Timber Creek High School in Keller, Texas, and the daughter of Alexis and Niketa Dennis. She has been a member of the DFW MidCities Chapter for twelve years. Camryn has served in several positions in the chapter’s teen group. She is a member of the National Honor Society, TCHS Executive Council, and the Keller ISD Superintendent’s Cabinet. She is a three year Varsity volleyball starter where she served as captain for the last two years. Camryn has not finalized her college decision, but plans to major in Marketing with a focus on Data Analytics.


Kendall Flythe is a senior at Westlake Academy in Westlake, Texas. She is the daughter of Dr. Jimmie Flythe and Dr. Kandace Farmer. She has been a member of the DFW Mid-Cities Chapter for five years and is the current chapter Historian. She is a member of the National Honor Society and International Baccalaureate diploma candidate. Kendall is a member of the community storehouse junior board and previously served as secretary of the National Society of Black Engineers Junior Chapter of Lewisville. She is finalizing her college choice and plans to major in accounting to be a CPA.


Isabel Camille Henderson is a senior at Carroll Senior High School in Southlake, Texas, and is the daughter of Terrance Henderson and Stephanie Carson-Henderson, M.D. She has been a member of the DFW Mid-Cities Jack and Jill Chapter for 14 years. Isabel is Captain of the basketball team and a member of the track & field team. She is a National Merit Semi-Finalist and member of the National Honor Society. She has participated in a multitude of community service activities through NHS, SASO, and Jack and Jill. She plans to attend the University of Notre Dame in the Fall.


Jaden Jenkins is a senior at Colleyville Heritage High School in Colleyville, Texas. He is the son of Thomas and Tamara Jenkins. Jaden has been an active member of the DFW Mid-Cities Chapter for thirteen years where he served as the Hospitality Chair. He is an AP Honor Student, a member of the National Honor Society, has received District Honors in basketball, and is a state ranked hurdler. Jaden has been recognized nationally for both academic and athletic excellence with the awarding of numerous scholarships. He plans to attend college and major in meteorology.


Kelsea Johnson is a senior at Keller High School in Keller, Texas, and is the daughter of Truman and Duwana Johnson. She has been a member of the DFW Mid-Cities Chapter for 16 years serving as Teen Vice-President, Treasurer, and on the Regional Nominating Committee. Kelsea is a 3-year Letterman in Choir and a member of the National Honor Society, HOSA, and Student Council. She was also recognized by the College Board National African American and National Indigenous Recognition Programs for her academic performance. Kelsea plans to major in Chemistry (Pre-Med) and aspires to become an Anesthesiologist.


Paris Lowery is a senior at Timbercreek High in Keller, TX, and is the daughter of Pastor Parish & Sharonda Lowery. She has been a member of DFW Mid-Cities Chapter for four years. Paris is a four year letterman with the TCHS Theater Department, serving as a 2nd year officer, a member of the National Honor Society, and Student Council. She is Board President for the I am His youth ministry board at Greater Friendship MBC and Brand Ambassador for the “I Don’t Mind” non-profit organization. Paris plans to major in Dramatic Arts at NYU Tisch School of Drama & Fine Arts.



Olivia Pearson is a senior at Faith Christian School in Grapevine, TX, and is the daughter of Terehas and William Pearson IV. She’s been a member of DFW Mid-Cities Chapter for 13 years and has served as Chapter Chaplin, Foundation, and Legislative Chair. Olivia is a member of the National Honor Society, Covenant Church, and is the first African-American and first woman Student Body President and a recipient of the College Board National African-American Recognition Program. She is Speech Captain and a member of the all girls Boy Scout Troop 1928 and will complete her Eagle Scout project in 2023.


Kyler Monique Reese is a senior at Central High in Keller, TX, and is the daughter of Alfred Reese & Monica Ross. She has been a member of DFW Mid-Cities Chapter for 4 years currently serving as Mental Health Chair. She’s a member of the National Honor Society, Honors English Club, founder of the Black Student Union, and the Varsity Volleyball Team. She is also the co-founder of her non-profit, The Pragmatic Prodigies. She has graduated with honors from Tarrant County College earning her Associate of Arts Degree. Kyler plans to become a medical oncologist and find a cure for cancer.


Gabrielle Williams is a senior at Keller High School in Keller, TX, and is the daughter of Sam and Giselle Williams. She has been a member of DFW Mid-Cities Chapter for 7 years, currently serving as Secretary. Gabby is also a board member of Health Occupation Students of America, Circle of Friends, NHS, and Cards for a Cause. She is a member of Women in STEM, Spanish Club, and an Ambassador in Girl Scouts earning her Gold Award. She plans to major in Psychology to pursue a career in medicine with a focus in women’s health to serve diverse communities.


Tito Ikem is the oldest child of Dr. Kachi and Ose Ikem. Tito spent her earlier years in London, New Jersey, and Dallas before moving to El Paso in 2020, where she later joined Jack & Jill. Tito attends Coronado High School and is graduating top 3% of her class. In school, Tito enjoys participating in her student council and theatre program, where she helps organize and perform shows. In addition to Jack & Jill, Tito volunteers at her church, assisting ushers in decorating the church for festive events. Her future goal is to be a software engineer for Microsoft.


Noah Christian Walker is a senior at Wakeland High School in Frisco, TX, and is the son of Doctors Christy and Torrance Walker. He has been a member of Jack and Jill since he was four years old and the Far North Dallas Chapter for five years. He is the Teen President, a music composer, and a varsity percussionist. He has decided to attend the Berklee School of Music, majoring in music production and composition. He plans to pursue a career in writing and composing for others.


Madison Muckelroy is a senior at Timber Creek High School in Fort Worth, Texas and is the daughter of Darryl and Michelle Muckelroy. Madison has been a member of the Fort Worth chapter for seven years. She has served as Fort Worth Teen Corresponding Secretary and Teen President. She is an honor student who has participated in Fellowship of Christian Athletes, community service, choir, volleyball, basketball, and is a district and area track and field champion. She loves to travel and swim. In the fall of 2023, Madison plans to attend Prairie View A&M University; she will major in engineering. 696



Ukeme “Makayla” Offiong is a senior at Southwest Christian School in Fort Worth, TX and is the daughter of Dr. Dominic and Netavia Offiong. Makayla has been a member of the Fort Worth Chapter for 4 years and currently serves as the Teen President. She is highly active in the performing arts: Dance, Film and Theater. She is a member of the SCS Eaglettes Dance Team. Makayla has decided to attend Hampton University or Morgan State University, where she will major in journalism.


Kyndal Noel Cooper is a senior at Lamar High School in Houston, TX and is the daughter of Jocelyn Cooper and Donnell Cooper. She has been a member of the Greater Channel Chapter for 5 years. Kyndal has served in the San Jacinto Girl Scout Council Troop 18963 for 11 years, earning her Bronze, Sliver and Gold awards. She achieved hundreds of hours of community service and was awarded the Presidential Volunteer Service Award and the State of Texas Certificate of Recognition presented by Boris L. Miles. She will attend Louisiana State University and major in Pre-Athletic training.


Chloe Evans is a Senior at Lamar IB High School and is the daughter of Jeremy and Niki Scott. She has been a member of the GCC of Jack and Jill for 10 years and Treasurer for 4 years. Chloe has been a Girl Scout for 11 years volunteering community-wide and earning her Silver Award, volunteering countless hours with Brentwood Church, and earning Texas Recognition Presidential Volunteer Service Award presented by State Senator Boris Miles. She has decided to attend LSU in Baton Rouge where she will study Mass Communications - Public Relations with aspirations to become a Sports Broadcaster.


Stacia Leigh Frank is a Senior at Heights High School in Houston, Texas and is the daughter of Mark Frank and Stacey Frank. As a Jack and Jill member since 2013, she has served as Foundation Chair, Corresponding Secretary, Vice President, and President. Stacia has received numerous awards, 2019 2nd place MLK Place Humanitarian Award, 2020 and 2021 Outstanding Teen Award 2022 1st Place Photography. She has also received the Gold President’s Volunteer Service Award in 2020 and Bronze in 2021. She has played golf four years with 2 years as Team Captain. Stacia plans to major in Mechanical Engineering.


Kyle Christian Randon is a senior at Energy Institute High School and the son of Earl and Marleah Randon. He has been a member of the Greater Channel Chapter for 10 years. Kyle plans to attend Carleton College in Minnesota and major in Computer Science and Business with a minor in Japanese. Kyle is an EMERGE Fellow and Mentee, a POSSE Scholar, a NHS Scholar, and Spanish NHS member. Kyle volunteers with AMIGOS and CIEE, which focuses on sustainability locally, in Costa Rica, and Portugal. Kyle is a high achiever, loves traveling, excels in public speaking, and enjoys playing basketball.


Jordan Willingham is a senior at Robert Turner College and Career High School in Pearland, Texas and is the son of Mr. Gary Willingham and Dr. Simone Willingham. He has been a member of the Greater Channel Chapter for ten years. He has served as a Houston Food Bank Student Heroes Volunteer and a volunteer for PEAR Camp which is designed to nurture the interests of middle school students in the areas of programming, engineering, applied mathematics and robotics. He has decided to attend the University of Texas at San Antonio where he will major in cybersecurity.



Tyler J Bozeman is an International Baccalaureate senior at Frisco High School in Frisco, TX and is the son of Frederick & Tiffany Bozeman. He is a 8-year member of the Greater Frisco Chapter of Jack and Jill Chapter. Tyler is the 2022-2023 Homecoming King, Black Student Union- Vice President, Varsity Basketball-Team Captain, National Honors Society, Student Council and the current Teen President. Tyler seeks to attend one of his top three college choices (Howard, Stanford, or John Hopkins) to major in Biology on a Pre-Med track. Tyler aspires to become a neurosurgeon.


Tyson C Bozeman is an Advance Placement (AP)senior at Frisco High School in Frisco, TX and is the son of Frederick & Tiffany Bozeman. He is an 8-year member of the Greater Frisco Chapter of Jack and Jill Chapter. Tyson is a 3-year Varsity Basketball Letterman, he is involved in Student Council, Honor Society, Black student Union, Leaders of Tomorrow, and the Alpha Merit Program. Tyson aspires to attend Oklahoma University (OU) majoring in Health Science, with the plans of becoming a Physical Therapist.


Maci Curtis is a senior at Frisco High School in Frisco, Texas and is the daughter of Mr. Steven Curtis and Dr. Michon McCloud. She has been a member of the Greater Frisco Chapter for 5 years. Maci is the Vice President of her chapter, as well as an officer for the National Honor Society, Health Occupations Students of America, and her dance team. Maci has completed over 200 hours of community service and enjoys serving her community. She is still deciding where to attend college in the fall, but she plans to major in Biology on the Pre-Dental track.


Mason is a senior at Reedy High School in Frisco, Texas and is the son of Darren and Ericka Daniels. He has been a member of Greater Frisco for 14 years. He is a member of the National Honor Society and runs on the varsity track team, and serves as the regional teen treasurer for the South Central Region of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. He has decided to attend Howard University where he will major in Finance.


Isabella Dellinger is the daughter of John and Mahisha Dellinger. Isabella was presented to society at the Collin County Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. The Frisco High School student plans to major in Business Administration with a concentration on Marketing at Southern Methodist University.


Lauren Sydney Evans is the daughter of General Edward H. Evans and Mrs. Priscilla J. Evans. She is a senior at Prosper High School in Prosper, Texas. She is a member of the National Honor Society and a 2-year Varsity Volleyball Letterman. Lauren plans to attend the University of Oklahoma in the Fall and study Nursing. Her goal is to become a surgical nurse. Lauren has been a member of the Greater Frisco Jack and Jill chapter for 8 years.




Keith Maddox, Jr. is a senior at Frisco High School in Frisco, TX, and is the son of Keith and DeAdrian Maddox. He has been a member of Jack and Jill of America for 14 years (12 years in Greater Frisco, TX, and 2 years in Huntsville, AL). He is the Teen Secretary of his chapter and a member of the Academic Decathlon Team and the National Honor Society. After graduating with his International Baccalaureate Diploma, he will continue to college where he will major in Political Science and then proceed to law school.


Gabrielle Milam is a senior at Memorial High School in Frisco, Texas, and is the daughter of Bebee Milam. She has been a member of the Frisco Jack and Jill Chapter for 7 years. She has helped start her school’s first-ever Black Student Union and National English Honor Society. She enjoys the volunteer opportunities Jack and Jill have provided her if it means she can give back to her community, such as Meals on Wheel or beautification projects. She has hopes of attending Howard where she will major in Psychology and possibly minor in communications.


Devin Minor is a senior at Rock Hill High School in Frisco, Texas that is within the Prosper ISD school district. He is the son of Donnie and Richelle Minor and has been a member of Jack and Jill for eight years. Devin has received three outstanding Jack and Jill community service awards by volunteering at events such as Feed My Starving Children and assisting with various food drives. In addition, he was Treasurer in his previous chapter for 2 years. Devin’s career goal is to become a biomedical engineer assisting in the prevention and early detection of terminal diseases.


Harrison Foster Montgomery is a senior at Legacy Christian Academy in Frisco, Texas and the son of Kent and Lisa Montgomery. He has been a member of the Greater Frisco Chapter for 12 years. Harrison serves on the Teen Executive Board as the Chaplain. He is a scholar athlete and actively serves his community through his Jack & Jill Chapter, his school’s community service board, and through his work with the Mint Foundation who serves children and families in need. He will attend Hampton University where he will major in Business and play lacrosse. Harrison has plans to join his family’s business after graduation.


Jayden Musco is a senior at The Winston School in Dallas, Tx. He is the son of James and Tominko Musco. The 15-year chartering teen member of the Greater Frisco Chapter has served as a member of the Regional Teen Nominating Committee, Teen Parliamentarian, and on the Editorial and Historian Committee. Jayden is the recipient of many accolades including The Harvard Prize Book award, National Honor Society, National Society of High School Scholars, and the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence to name a few. He has been accepted into several colleges and received several full academic scholarships.


Victoria is a senior at Reedy High School and dual credit student at the University of North Texas. She’s the daughter of Victor and Tamiko Olabintan and a 15-year member of Jack & Jill of America (Contra Costa County, Las Vegas and now the Greater Frisco Chapter). She is also a Girl Scouts completing her Gold Award. In 2019 she won the SCR Teen Short Film Award; 2020, the PepsiCo MLK Award and recently recognized and awarded by Frisco ISD for the National African American Scholar Award and Advance Academics Award. Victoria plan to pursue a BS in Marketing.



Savion is a senior at ASU Prep and is the son of Trenton and Tracey Parks. He has been a member of the Greater Frisco Jack and Jill Chapter for three years and the West Suburban Chicago Chapter for five years. He is also a member of the Frisco Kappa League. Savion has been awarded a Bronze and Silver Presidential Service Award for his community service involvement. He is the co-founder/owner of Lepark Enterprises. Savion is currently selecting the college of his choice and will major in Cybersecurity. He ultimately aspires to open a global Cybersecurity firm.


Danielle Smith is a senior at Wakeland High School in Frisco, TX and is the daughter of David and Nicole Smith. She has been a member of the Greater Frisco Chapter for 15 years. She currently serves as theTeen Protocol Chair for Greater Frisco and is actively involved with her community, participates in various school clubs and played Volleyball for many years. Danielle plans to major in Biology and pursue a career in medicine.


Kaleigh Williams is a senior at Wakeland High School in Frisco, TX and is the daughter of Eric and DeJuan Williams. She has been a member of the Greater Frisco Chapter for 11 years. Kaleigh has volunteered over 100 hours in the community which includes Miracle League of Frisco, a church volunteer and her annual participation with Meals on Wheels in Dallas. Kaleigh is a member of the National Honor Society and National Technical Honor Society. Kaleigh has decided to attend the University of Oklahoma, where she will study biology with a goal of becoming a Pediatraic Dentist.


Ellison Sef-Aker Wright is a senior at The Shelton School in Dallas, Texas and is the son of Gary and Elizabeth Wright. He joined the Atlanta Chapter in 2008 and transferred to the Greater Frisco Chapter in 2019. Sef is a professional DJ and photographer, an award-winning choral vocalist, a published author in the Jack and Jill Super Chronicles, and a varsity soccer player. Sef plans to attend Hampton University where he will major in Aviation and will seek a pilot slot in the United States Air Force then fly for a commercial airline.


Amaya Jackson is a senior at Northlake Christian School in Covington, Louisiana and the daughter of Chris & Dr. Nicole Jackson. Amaya’s been a member of the Hammond-Northshore Chapter for 2 years, transferring from the Macon, Georgia Chapter after 9 years of membership. She’s the Chapter’s Parliamentarian. Amaya is a varsity cheerleader, member of the basketball and track teams, and various school clubs. Amaya’s a 7 year All- Star cheerleader and competes on a level 4 team at a private gym. Amaya will attend Tulane University, where she will major in Biomedical Science with plans to be an Orthopedic Surgeon.


Zoe’ Angelle Lee is a senior at Liberty Magnet High School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joey and Angela Lee. She has been a member of the Hammond- Northshore Chapter for three years and is the 2022-2023 Teen Treasurer. Zoe’ contributes to her school and community as follows: National Honor Society (Treasurer), Entrepreneurship Club (Secretary), Boys and Girls Club of Covington, Baton Rouge Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Baton Rouge, Varsity Softball Team, and Bowling Team. Zoe’ has decided to attend Southern University A&M College and major in Nursing.




Quinnton Marshall is a senior at Morris Jeff High School in New Orleans, Louisiana and the son of Bernard and Rheneisha Robertson. He’s been a member of the Hammond-Northshore Chapter for 1 year. In the community, he’s worked with the Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies in the Teen Education Access Workshop program. Additionally, he volunteered at Covenant House New Orleans, helping with their annual Christmas celebration. Currently, he is an ambassador and section leader for the MJHS marching band. He has applied to several schools and is waiting on acceptances. He’ll be majoring in Ecology and Zoology.


Brianna Robertson is a senior at Benjamin Franklin High School and New Orleans Center for Creative Arts. She is the daughter of Rheneisha and Bernard Robertson. She’s been a member of the Hammond-Northshore Chapter for 1 year. She has volunteered with the Youth Advisory Board of New Orleans, Louisiana Children’s Museum, and is a Young Men Illinois First Maid debutante. She has acceptances from Fordham University, LSU, Tulane University, and is awaiting to hear from 10 more colleges. She will major in International Relations and Foreign Language/Linguistics with plans to study abroad and to volunteer with Peace Corps.


Brooke Barnes will complete her high school career at Concordia Lutheran High School in May 2023. While at Concordia, Brooke was an event winner on the debate team and won multiple tournaments as a singles and doubles player on the varsity tennis team. Brooke was team lead on the Capstone Neurosurgery project at Georgetown University’s pre-college program in Summer 2022. She serves as president of the Future Medical Professionals of America and has twice served as chapter editor of Jack & Jill. In 2021-22, Brooke received the Yellow Rose Award for community service with the National Charity League.


Senior Cortlandt Barrett is a theater student at Kinder High School for Performing & Visual Arts, where she served as President of Black Student Union. She is the daughter of Donya Gardner and Kenneth Barrett. She has been a member of the Houston Chapter of Jack & Jill for fifteen years and served as Chaplain of her grade group. She volunteers with Houston Food Bank, Manna House, Souper Bowl of Caring and Twelve Days of Christmas, Inc. At the 2022 Teen Conference, Cortlandt won 3rd place in Vocal Competition and 1st place as lead singer of the band in the Ensemble Category.


Langston John Benford, a Senior at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory in Houston, Texas, is the son of Alaina and Leo Benford. He has been an active member of the Houston Chapter since 2012, serving as 2022-2023 Regional Teen President and National Teen Board Member, 2021-2022 Regional Teen Vice President, and Houston Chapter grade group President and Vice President twice. Langston proudly advocated at 2021 On the Hill in Washington, D.C. for natural hair equity under the CROWN Act. An accomplished pianist, musician, and producer, Langston plans to major in Music/Audio Engineering and Production in college.


Jarvis “JT” Taharka Butler is the son of Mrs. Cheryl Nelson Butler, Esq. and Jarvis S. Butler. JT is a four-year starter and defensive tackle in varsity football, having played first with the awesome Knights at Episcopal High School before transferring to Lamar High School where he made honor roll. During junior year, he was named First Team All -District in Football and First Team Academic Honor Roll. JT has won several national championships and tournaments with his football and basketball travel teams. Most notably, in football he was team captain with the East Bethel Cowboys and Southside Ducks.



Lauren Elizabeth Byrd is a senior at The Kinkaid School in Houston, daughter of Michael Byrd, MD and Benita Britton Byrd, MD, and member of Jack and Jill since 2007. Lauren’s favorite causes include the Down’s Syndrome Association of Houston, Kids Meals and the Houston Food Bank. An active member of clubs in and outside of school, she has held office, including local presidency, in the Math and American Sign Language Clubs and National Charity League. Her extracurricular activities include Kinkaid Dance Company principal dancer and choreographer and varsity cross country and track teams. Lauren is interested in pediatric surgery.


Marcus D. Cosby II attends Dulles High School where he served with the ROTC for two years. While in high school, he is active in his community and committed to service through various organizations. At his church, he uses his musical gifts in the band and he is the current president of the youth ministry. Marcus intends to attend an HBCU where he will study business administration with a minor in music.


Arianna Grace Doss is a senior at St. John’s School in Houston and the daughter of Dr. Tommy Doss and Dr. Angela Shippy. She has been a member of the Houston Chapter since 2013 and twice served as nominating committee chair. Committed to social justice, Arianna has written multiple award-winning critical essays and she leads both the African American Affinity Group and Unity Council. Arianna also captains the varsity soccer and track & field teams. Arianna co-founded a non-profit tutoring organization and was recognized for her commitment to serving others. She plans to pursue engineering in college.


Ryann is the daughter of Leah and Brian Drummer, Sr. She is a senior at Manvel High School in Manvel, TX, where she plays varsity girls basketball. She has played AAU basketball since seventh grade and been a member of the Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2010. She is also an active member of Silver Lake Church. Ryann plans to pursue a major in physical therapy and a minor in biology.


Campbell Epps, son of Howard Epps and Phyllis Griffin Epps, is a senior at St. John’s School in Houston, Texas. He has been a member of the Houston Chapter since first grade and has and completed terms as the chapter’s teen parliamentarian and custodian. Throughout his high school career, he has been involved in basketball, tennis, band, and the African American Affinity Group and earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Campbell plans to attend college and pursue a career in business and engineering.


Jackson Moritz Craven Fazande, is a graduating senior at St. Thomas High School in Houston, Texas. At St. Thomas, Jackson was an accomplished leader and athlete, serving as a member of the St. Thomas Black Student Union and a Senior Leader. Additionally, he was a four-year lettered varsity basketball player and one-year lettered varsity football year. Jackson has been a member of the Houston Chapter for nine years, where he represented the chapter at “On The Hill.” Jackson is a member of the Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ and is an active volunteer for Souper Bowl of Caring.




Sydney Fullen is a senior at St. John’s School in Houston and the daughter of Elliot and Angela Fullen. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 12 years. She is an honor student, has been a member of the field hockey and lacrosse teams, a co-editor of the yearbook her junior and senior years and is a peer advisor. She was named to the 2022 All-District Team in lacrosse for defense. She received the Silver and Bronze Presidential Volunteer Service Awards. As a member of the National Charity League, she has held multiple leadership positions.


Jonah Clarke Goodwine is the son of Ms. Saronda McKinnie Goodwine and Vince Goodwine. Jonah has been a member of Jack & Jill for 16 years. Jonah is president of the Houston Chapter and a twice member of the regional nominating committee. Jonah was the recipient of the College Board’s National African American recognition award for recording 97th percentile test scores. Jonah attends St. John’s School and has served on student council as class president and school prefect. Awarded St. John’s’s Maverick award for exhibiting exemplary character and twice the recipient of the schools Latin excellence award.


Jillian Elise Greely is the daughter of Mr. Efrem and Dr. Jocelyn Greely and sister of Jack and Jill alumna Jordan Woods. A Houston Chapter member of Jack and Jill for twelve years of her sixteen-year membership, Jillian has been inducted into the National Honor Society and National English Honor Society, received Texas Regional Visual Arts Highest Honors, President Volunteer Service Award and is a National African-American Recognition Scholar. Her activities include varsity cheerleading, lacrosse, National Charity League Class President, Student Body Vice-President and Jack and Jill grade group Vice-President. Jillian plans to become a Dermatologist.


Alexander Nelson Green is a senior at Strake Jesuit in Houston, Texas, where he is a Ciszek Leader, Freshman and Kairos Retreat Leader, and freshman orientation leader. He plans to graduate with a degree in history or education and become a teacher. For the last two summers, Alex has been a Kindercamp counselor at the Jewish Community Center, working with 4–6-year olds. Alex is a tenor in the mixed choir and enjoys history and travel. He is in his fourth year of Latin. Alex joined Jack and Jill in second grade and attended teen conference as a freshman.


O’Neal Stafford James Harrison is a senior and tennis team member at Episcopal High School in Bellaire, Texas. He is the son of Ms. Shannon Buggs Harrison and Mr. James B. Harrison III and has been a youth member of the Houston Chapter since age 2. A visual artist, creative writer and member of the National Art Honor Society, O’Neal combined his photographer’s keen eye with his wry sense of humor to produce screenplays and short films at youth intensives at Northwestern University and Interlochen. Although undecided on a university, O’Neal intends to study screenwriting and filmmaking.


Blair M. Hearne has spent his high school career pursuing his academic and athletic interests at Westside High School. He is a scholar-athlete who places a high priority on grades and his chosen sport. As a senior, he is wrestling competitively for a second year. Blair has also juggled his athletic and academic responsibilities while working at Jersey Mike’s Restaurant, where he has enhanced his people skills and demonstrated customer service. Blair will be attending University of Houston where he will pursue a Bachelor of Business Administration.



Hilton Iglehart is a senior at University of Texas High School in Houston, Texas. He is the son of Tumarrow Romain and Thomas Iglehart and proud big brother to his baby sister, Brooklyn. He has been a member of the Houston Chapter of Jack and Jill Chapter since 2021. Hilton has served the community through the Meals on Wheels Program. He plans to attend Louisiana State University where he will major in economics or finance after completing a gap year upon high school graduation.


Ethan Kenneth is the son of Daphne and Kenneth Earl Jett of Bellaire, Texas. Ethan has been a member of Jack and Jill of America since 2011. A graduate of The Kinkaid School, Ethan led his Falcons soccer team to the school’s first SEC championship in 41 years! He served as lifestyles editor of The Kinkaid Falcon school news publication. Ethan was a member of the Debate Team, the Black Student Association and was chosen for the 2022 Norton Rose Fulbright National High School Mock Trial.


Isaac “Zachary” is a senior at Bellaire High School. His top college choices are NYU, Howard, and Tulane. He completed academic enrichment courses at NYU the past two summers. His passions are medical studies, the arts, and humanities. He attended middle school in Korea and earned a black belt in Korean martial arts. Upon returning to the states, he excelled in track. His service includes volunteering at Nehemiah Center, the Houston Food Bank, TDECU Cares, Souper Bowl of Caring, and YES Summit. Zachary is a member of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church. He has received two acceptance letters and scholarships totaling $150,000.


Andrew Jordan is the son of Dr. Rhonda Jordan and the Honorable Darrell Jordan Jr. He has been a member of the Houston Chapter since 2010 serving as the Community Service Chair and Treasurer. He will simultaneously graduate from Westside High School and Houston Community College (HCC) with an associate degree. He played for Westside’s Lacrosse Team and is a member of National Honor Society, Phi Theta Kappa, and HCC’s Honor Society. Andrew has received multiple scholarships narrowing his choices to Xavier University or University of Missouri’s Honors College majoring in pre-med and public-health to become a cardiothoracic surgeon.


Mackenzie is a Girl Scout and has earned thirty-six badges, six Journey Awards, the Bronze Award, the Silver Award and the Gold Torch Award. She has volunteered numerous hours at the Houston Food Bank and helping a school restore its grounds. Mackenzie was Miss Texas Junior Teen 2018 (National American Miss), Miss Lone Star State 2019 (International Junior Miss), and Miss Texas Teen 2021 (International Junior Miss). She used her platform to further awareness of mental illness among youth and teens. Mackenzie was chapter historian in ninth grade, attended On The Hill and participated in three teen conferences.


Ethan, the youngest son of Drs. Dawn and Edward Lord, III, has been a member of the Houston Chapter of Jack & Jill of America for all of his eighteen years. He is currently a senior honor student in the Engineering Academy at Elkins High School in Missouri City, Texas. Ethan is a member of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church and of Boy Scout Troop 242, having reached the highest rank of Eagle Scout. In his spare time, Ethan enjoys playing basketball, video games and board games.




Carnegie Mims IV, son of Aziza and Carnegie Mims, III, Esq., is a senior at Jack Yates High School in Houston, Texas. He has been a member of the Houston Chapter for ten years. Carnegie is a scholar-athlete lettering in varsity baseball. His work in the community has earned him the rank of Eagle Scout and winner of the Jack and Jill Hypertension PSA contest 2022. His top three choices for college are Howard University, the University of Southern California, and Florida A&M University, where he plans to study management information systems.


Matthew Jalen Neal is a senior and honor roll student at Energy Institute High School. Matthew is also a National Honor Society Scholar and a member of the Democratic Club. He has a passion for history and politics and often follows national and global election results. He has worked as a Harris county election worker since 2019 and volunteered on local political campaigns. Matthew is a member of Wheeler Ave. Baptist Church. He plans to study history or political science/pre-law.


Portia Robinson is the daughter of Ronique and Press Robinson. She is a member of the Class of 2023 at The Kinkaid School. Portia has been a member of Dance Company for two years and was a cheerleader for three years. She has been a member of Jack and Jill since the age of two and has served as president and protocol chair. Portia spent seven years as a competitive dancer winning Summit and Worlds in Orlando, Florida. Portia plans to major in dance while seeking a Bachelor of Fine arts in college.


Kima Ukpong is a senior at the Kinkaid School where she is passionate about leadership and service to others. She serves on the Community Leadership Council and is an admissions ambassador for prospective students. In the Houston chapter, she serves as vice-president for the Jet Set group. Kima excels in the arts and academics, receiving awards in French and Ceramics at the regional and national level. She was selected for the National Society of High School Scholars. For fun, she enjoys cracking business cases at case study competitions. She plans to study economics and pursue a career in finance.


Ian Scott Dixon is a senior at Kingwood High School in Kingwood, TX, and is the son of the Hon. Martina Lemond Dixon and Mr. Scott Dixon. He has been a member of the Humble-Kingwood Chapter for 15 years. He has served as Teen Legislative Chair. Ian’s passion is music production and working as an artist. He has released three EP’s on iTunes under his stage name, Ianzmind. Ian plans to major in music production, and is considering several colleges, including Hampton University, Florida A&M University, Loyola University, or Full Sail University.


Madisyn Estes is a senior at Summer Creek High School in Houston, TX and is the daughter of Clarence and Tawanna Estes. Madisyn is a 3rd-year member of the Humble-Kingwood Chapter. She is the Editor/Historian for the Stylistics, in The English Honor Society, on the Architecture committee, and is the project manager over the SCHS Tiny Home project, building homes for homeless veterans. She volunteers with the Houston Fire Department, Houston Food Bank, Minnie’s Kitchen, and mentors with the AVID program. She is deciding between several excellent schools where she will major in Architecture and build her creative future.



Allison Brenklin Williams is a senior at Summer Creek High School in Houston, TX and is the daughter of Evad and Ursurla Williams. She has been a member of the Humble-Kingwood Chapter for 11 years and is the Teen Chapter President. At SCHS, she was a cheerleader for 4 years and senior Varsity Cheer Captain. Allison is in the top 10% of her class and is a member of the National English Honor Society and National Honor Society. She is a College Board African American Recognition Program Scholar. After college Allison will become an Attorney or an Optometrist.


Christopher Augustus is a senior at Cypress Ranch High School in Cypress, Texas and is the son of Michael and Kiyoko Augustus. He has been an active member of the Katy-Prairie View Chapter for 13 years. Christopher belongs to several organizations, including the Varsity Football team, Key Club, Kappa League, National Honor Society, National English Society, Black Student Union, as well as a youth teen leader at Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church. Christopher plans to attend college in the fall where he will major in Biology Pre-Med with a minor in Business.


Paige Victoria Baham is a senior at Bridgeland High School in Cypress, Texas. She is the daughter of Craig and Kesha Baham. Paige has been a member of the Katy-Prairie View Jack and Jill Chapter for 14 years. Proudly, her community service participation has been with the American Red Cross, March of Dimes; Rise against Hunger, Mamie George Community Center, and the UNCF. She has held the office of Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Chaplain. Paige is attending Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. She will be majoring in Nursing. Paige’s future aspiration is to become a Neonatal Nurse.


John Banks is a senior at Langham Creek High School in Houston, Texas. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo and Jeanne Banks. John has been a member of the Katy-Prairie View Chapter since 2008. John is a member of the National Honor society and has volunteered with Generation Serve. He has received multiple academic college scholarships. He plans to earn a degree in Finance, as well as an MBA and become an entrepreneur.


Jaxon Dean Brock is a senior at Seven Lakes High School in Katy, TX where he is a 3 year member of the National Honor Society and 4 year member of the basketball program. Jaxon is the youngest son of Mrs. Jamillah and Dr. Ralph A. Brock II. He has been a member of the Katy-Prairie View Chapter for 16 years serving various offices. Jaxon will attend Texas State University pursuing a career in Physical Therapy.


Alana Camille DeBlanc is a senior at Cinco Ranch High School in Katy, Texas, and the daughter of Anthony and Chantay DeBlanc. She has been a member of the Katy-Prairie View Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated for 16 years. Alana is a member of the National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America and the National Society of High School Scholars. Her community involvement includes, Houston Food Bank, Ballard House, and Cougars4Charity. While Alana has not finalized her selection of a university, she will be pursuing a degree in Marketing in the Fall of 2023.




Nicolas Olujimi-Ngozi Garrett is a senior at Cypress Springs High School in Cypress, TX and is the son of Dr. Tamara Garrett. He has been a member of the Katy-Prairie View Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 14 years. He has been a member of the Prairie View Chapter of Kappa League for 2 years. His plans after graduation are to pursue a certification in welding and become an entrepreneur. He would also like to continue his international travel journey and see the rest of the world.


Blair Montgomery Henderson is a senior at Obra D. Tompkins High School in Katy, Texas, and is the son of Angela Ambers-Henderson, J.D. and Howard Henderson, Jr. He’s been a member of the Katy-Prairie View Chapter for seven years and served as Parliamentarian and Chaplain. He is currently on the Boys Varsity Track Team, was a member of the marching band and served his community in a variety of capacities. Blair hasn’t made a final decision on where he’ll attend college, but plans to major in Audio Engineering. He aspires to establish a music label and own a production company.


Kyle Marks is a senior at The Village School in Houston, Texas, and is the son of Dr.’s Kevin and Antoinette Marks. He has been a member of The Katy-Prairie View Chapter for eight years. Kyle will successfully graduate with an IB Diploma. Kyle is a member of the National Honor Society and the Science National Honor Society. Kyle also is the SGA President for the Village High School. He plans to study finance and has received multiple college acceptances & scholarships but has not made any final decisions as to which university he will attend in the fall.


Chelsea Tiana Tanner is a senior at James E. Taylor High School in Katy, TX. She is the daughter of Ms. Keisha Wilson Tanner and Dr. Tyrone Tanner. She has been a member of the Katy-Prairie View Chapter for 10 years. Chelsea is a member of the National Honor Society, Varsity Pacesetters Dance Team, and is a two-time MVP of the Varsity Cross Country Team. Chelsea has participated in the Big/Little Jill program for four years. She will attend Baylor University where she will major in Biology (Pre-Med track) and become a Neonatologist.


Jacob White is a senior at Tompkins High School in Katy, Texas and is the son of Mr. Jon White and Dr. Ketrese White. Jacob has been an active member of The Katy Prairie View Chapter of Jack and Jill for 10 years. He’s served on the Teen Executive Board as Financial Secretary, and has volunteered with a number of organizations. Jacob was selected for the Peer Assisted Leadership program and serves as a mentor and role model for elementary students. He was also Homecoming King for Tompkins High School. Jacob will major in Business Law at Texas State University.


Dior Beatty is a senior at Dulles High School in Missouri City, Texas and is the daughter of Shaunda Beatty and the late Derek Beatty. She has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 12 years. Dior has worked in the communication corps at Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, and has been an active member of the Vikings Theatre Company at her high school for 3 years. Dior has decided to attend UT Austin where she will major in journalism and plans to _pursue a career in political journalism.



Preston Boyd is a senior at Fusion Academy in Sugar Land, Texas and is the son of Jenine and Charles Boyd. He has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 14 years. He has earned the National Jack and Jill Service Award for the last six years. During Summer 2022 he enjoyed his role as a 1:1 residential camp counselor serving children with developmental disabilities. Preston enjoys international travel, basketball, graphic design, songwriting, and music production. Preston has decided to attend a HBCU to study business. He looks forward to a career that combines music and business.


Carrson Canady is a senior at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory School in Houston, Texas and is the son of Jaimi Huff-Canady and James Carlos Canady. He has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 4 years. Carrson is a member of the National Honor Society and was recognized by the National College Board. He is a member of the Strake Jesuit Crusader baseball team, where he is a pitcher. Carrson has volunteered at the Houston Food Bank, Catholic Charities, etc. Carrson is still considering several universities, and is planning on majoring in Biology or Biomedical Engineering.


Kiarra Francis is a senior at Ridge Point High School in Missouri City, Texas and is the daughter of Kevin and Kamisha Francis. She has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 3 years and two additional Chapters: North County San Diego, CA and Wilmington, NC. Kiarra is a dedicated member of the Red Cross Club. She also volunteers with various organizations throughout the Houston area. Kiarra plans to attend college and major in Nursing or Forensic Science.


Jaden Garner is a senior at Ridge Point High School in Missouri City, Texas and is the son of Sharon and Juan Garner. He has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for twelve years and has served as Teen Parliamentarian. Jaden has received Ridge Point High School’s Academic Excellence Award each year, is a College Board AP Scholar, and is ranked in the top twelve percent of his class. He is a four year varsity track athlete, a captain on the track team, a district champion, and a regional qualifier. Jaden plans to major in Mechanical Engineering.


Bryce Jackson is a senior at Ridge Point High School in Missouri City, Texas and is the son of Angela and Keith Jackson. He has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 9 years. Throughout high school Bryce excelled academically while playing high school and AAU basketball. He is a PAL teen mentor, and he serves as a youth usher at church. Bryce enjoys traveling, particularly to Ski resorts; he loves skiing and snowboarding. Bryce has decided to attend Prairie View A& M University where he will major in political science/ pre-law and plans to become an Attorney.


Sydney Jones is a senior at Hightower High School in Missouri City, Texas and is the daughter of Javon and Rasheedah Jones. She has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 4 years. Sydney is actively involved at Crossing Point Church, student council, and volunteers with Camps By KT. She enjoys volunteering, and recently helped with the first inaugural Life Lung Walk. Sydney has decided to enlist in the US Military with dreams of becoming a commercial airline pilot. She also plans to attend Texas Southern University.




Bryce Lanier is a senior at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory in Houston, Texas. He is the son of Tammy and Odysseus Lanier. He has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 18 years. Bryce excels academically- on the high academic honor roll (Principal’s list), member of the National Honor Society, and set a record in football. A member of St. James’ Episcopal Church, he is the recipient of numerous awards and committed to helping others. Bryce has decided to attend Howard University or Xavier University of Louisiana to study Biology/ Pre-Medicine and plans to become an orthopedic surgeon.


Micah McCollum is a senior at Fulshear High School in Fulshear, Texas and is the son of Tyra and Aquental McCollum. He has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 16 years. He served as Teen Editor, UNCF Representative, participated in the chapter’s Beautillion Ball, and received the community service award three times. He is a member of Omega Lamplighters Mentorship Program. He played Varsity baseball for 3 years and participated in the African American Students Club. Micah has decided to attend an HBCU and major in Kinesiology with plans to become a high school sports coach.


Aaron Spann, son of Shelly and Warren Spann, is a senior at Clements High School in Sugar Land, Texas. He has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for twelve years and serves as Teen President. Aaron has received Clements’ Academic Excellence Award and has membership in: National Honor Society, National Arts Honor Society, National Society of High School Scholars, and Museum of Fine Art Houston Teen Board. Aaron is the 2021 winner of South Central Regional Teen Conference and 2021 National On The Hill art design contests. Aaron plans to attend Howard University and major in architecture.


James Walley is a senior at Ridge Point High School in Missouri City, Texas and is the son of Denise and James Walley. He has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 5 years. James is passionate about playing football and spends time striving to be the best he can be on the field. James has decided to attend University of Texas at San Antonio where he will major in Cybersecurity. He will also be a student athlete as he has signed to play college football at UTSA.


Sarah Webber, daughter of Jeffrey and Kethia Webber, is a senior at Fort Bend Christian Academy in Sugar Land, Texas. Sarah has been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 6 years. She is an active member of several organizations including National and National English Honor Societies, Medical Club, Eagle Ambassadors, and Student Council (Vice President). She was a key player in the FBCA varsity volleyball team’s first state championship title in 2021 and return to state in 2022 when she served as team Co-Captain. Sarah plans to pursue an Engineering degree and continue post graduate studies.


Karlyn Williams is a senior at Ridge Point High School in Missouri City, Texas where she has been recognized for earning Academic Excellence. Karlyn is the daughter of Shawn and Benjamin Williams. She’s been a member of the Missouri City-Sugar Land Chapter for 10 years and served as a Belle in the 19th Biennial Beautillion Ball. Outside of school, Karlyn serves the community in various ways including with Lucille’s 1913, an organization that provides meals to underserved communities. Karlyn has decided to attend Southern or Howard University where she will major in pre-veterinary medicine and plans to become a veterinarian.



Lauren Monique Bickham, a senior at Ursuline Academy in New Orleans, Louisiana, is the daughter of Mr. Ralph Bickham, Esq. and Dr. Shaniece Bickham. She has been a member of the New Orleans Chapter for 5 years and is the 2022-2023 Teen President. Lauren is actively engaged in community service and has completed hours at nursing homes, homeless shelters, and daycares. Lauren is also a leader of the spiritual retreat team at her school, a school ambassador, a bible study leader, and a member of the Key Club. Lauren plans to major in Biology at the University of Alabama.


Paul Anthony Collins is a senior at Isidore Newman School in New Orleans, Louisiana and is the son of Paul and LaKenya Collins. He has been a member of the New Orleans Chapter for 13 years. Paul served on the New Orleans Mayor’s Junior Civic Council gaining insight of city government and as a volunteer with Breakthrough NOLA assisting students from under-resourced schools in academic enrichment activities. Paul volunteers with STEM NOLA inspiring children towards STEM careers. Paul also plays on the varsity basketball team and has been accepted into many universities. Paul plans to study Sports Management/Medicine in college.


Macailen J. Davis is a senior at Willow High School NOLA in New Orleans, Louisiana, and he is the son of Dr. Claude Davis and Mrs. Kim Conner-Davis. He has been a member of the New Orleans Jack and Jill Chapter for seven years. Macailen has contributed to his community by participating in hurricane and flood relief efforts across South Louisiana, serving lunches to participants at the Komen Race for the Cure in New Orleans, assisting the elderly community in the Greater New Orleans area, and helping elementary students at a local French school. He has received acceptance to many of his favorite universities, including Marquette University.


Austin-Jake Guillory, the son of Ronald and Jada Guillory, is a senior at Isidore Newman High School in New Orleans, Louisiana. A member of the New Orleans chapter for two years, he serves as a mentor for the non-profit organization Black Boys Read Nola and is an avid fundraiser for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. The recipient of the New Orleans Quarterback Club Scholar-Athlete award, Austin is a captain of the Varsity football team and has earned All-District, All-Metro, and All-State recognition. He is also a track and field team member and enjoys playing chess. Austin will attend Harvard University and will likely major in economics.


Nicholas Jacobs is a senior at Jesuit High School in New Orleans, LA. He is the son of Ingrid Labat, MD and Wilmer Jacobs, Jr. He has been a member of the New Orleans Chapter for ten years. He will attend college in the fall.


Mason Mackie is a senior at Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology Academy in Avondale, Louisiana and is the son of Dr. Calvin Mackie and Mrs. Tracy Mackie. He has been a member of the New Orleans Chapter for 9 years and served 2 years as Teen Foundation Chair. Mason proudly served as the 2021-22 Regional Foundation Chair. Currently, he is president of the Student Government Association and captain of the Boys’ Varsity Basketball Team. He is the spokesperson for STEM Global Action and STEM NOLA. Mason has volunteered numerous community service hours. He will attend College in the fall.




Sinclair Alexandra McKinney, a senior at Benjamin Franklin High School, in New Orleans, LA, is the daughter of Drs. Gerald and Shawn McKinney. She has been a member of the New Orleans Chapter for 2 years after transferring from MS. Sinclair’s community interests focus around environmental science and justice, and she participates in various projects that conserve the environment and expose injustice in underserved communities, with a recent feature in Teen Vogue. She will major in environmental science and policy, has already received multiple scholarships, and is in the process of making her decision on where she will attend college.


Blake Steib is a senior at Holy Cross High School in New Orelans, Louisiana and is the son of Dr. Larissa LittletonSteib and Mr. Kyle Steib. He has been a member of the New Orleans Jack and Jill Chapter for 8 years. He has decided to attend Louisiana State University where he will major in Biology Pre-Med and plans to become a Dermatologist.


Joshua Preston Washington, the son of Preston Washington and Dr. Clinette Washington, is a Senior at Jesuit High School in New Orleans, Louisiana. He has been a member of the New Orleans Chapter of Jack and Jill for 10 years and has served as Teen Sergeant-at-Arms. Joshua is an active member of the Men of Color Council and Big Brother Mentoring Program. He has volunteered with Salvation Army, Sunrise Senior Living, and Hams for Fams, and has served as a youth basketball counselor and teaching assistant for Operation Upgrade. Joshua is a dual-sport Varsity Lettermen, serving as co-captain in football and basketball.


Gabrielle White is a senior at Metairie Park Country Day School in Metairie, Louisiana, and is the daughter of Dr. Stanford White and Mrs. LaTresha White. She has been a member of the New Orleans Jack and Jill Chapter for five years and is currently serving as protocol chair. She is the recipient of the Princeton Book Award and is a member of The National Honor Society and The Cum Laude Society. Gabrielle volunteers for the Louisiana SPCA and has organized and led volunteers for the Ochsner Hospital Blood Bank. Gabrielle plans to double major in Anthropology and Biology.


Landen Anderson is a senior at Cypress Ranch High School in Cypress, TX and is the son of Lamont and Inyang Anderson. He has been a member of the North Houston Suburban Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Incorporated for 6 years and currently serves on the Teen Executive Board. Landen is also a member of the Cypress Ranch Varsity Baseball team. He is currently entertaining several academic offers from universities and plans to major in Electrical Engineering.


Eric Daniels, son of D’Arwyn and Kimberly Daniels, is a senior at Klein Cain High School in Klein, Texas. He has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2013. A lifelong member of St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church, Eric has supported hurricane relief efforts, parish garage sales, and a ministry that makes sack lunches for a local center providing services to the homeless. He also enjoys varsity football, choir, and art, along with being an Eagle Scout candidate. Still undecided, Eric will likely attend Ouachita Baptist University and major in biology with plans for a career in medicine.



Devon Fitchett is a senior at Cypress Ridge High School in Houston, Texas and is the son of James and Maudria Fitchett. He has been a member of the North Houston Suburban Chapter for 16 years. He has not decided where he will be attending college, but he has been accepted at Texas State University, and the University of Houston. He will major in Business and minor in Finance. Devon’s ultimate goal is to one day run the family’s Home Health business.


Victoria Grace Hunter is a senior at St. Pius X High School in Houston, Texas and is the daughter of Dr. Newal and Marvalette Hunter. She has been an active member of the North Houston Suburban Chapter for 12 years where she has demonstrated a commitment to community service. Victoria is a member of the National Honor Society and a nationally ranked All-American Softball Player. She has been heavily recruited by numerous D-1 colleges. Victoria has decided to further her athletic and academic career at the acclaimed University of Texas, McCombs School of Business where she will major in Economics.


Claire Kelley is a senior at Houston Christian High School in Houston, TX, and is the daughter of Charles II and Raechelle Kelley. She has been a member of the North Houston Suburban Chapter for 9 years. Claire loves theatre production and serves as Costume Department Head. She has married that love with psychology and volunteers to encourage adolescent expression with her theater troops. She is also the Diversity Club Secretary and co-founder of her high school’s Black Student Union. Claire will attend Boston College, where she will major in Psychology and plans to pursue a career in Sports Psychiatry.


Zuri Scott is a Senior at Cypress Ranch High School in Cypress, TX. She is the daughter of Brian and Kimberly Scott. She has been a member of the North Houston Suburban Chapter since 2017. Her academic achievements include distinguished honor roll, National Honor Society, National Math and Spanish Honor Societies, AP Scholar, and National Merit Scholar Recognition. She volunteers as a student mentor, assists teachers after school and volunteers at local organizations. She also works at a local movie theater. Zuri has been accepted to several universities and is currently undecided. She has future plans to attend law school.


Joshua Jordan Smothers is a senior at Cypress Ranch High School in Cypress, Texas and the son of Dr. Aneil and Avis Smothers. He has been a member of the North Houston Suburban Chapter for seven years. Joshua served as TOPS Treasurer and is currently the President. Joshua is a member of the National, Math and Social Studies Honor Societies, varsity football team, PALS and Pony Up mentoring groups, YMSL, and other community service organizations. Joshua received the THSCA Academic Allstate Award, All District Academic Award and multiple collegiate scholarships. Joshua will major in Business Management at Howard University.


Mason Cade Thenor is a senior at The Kinkaid School in Houston, Texas and is the son of Tamika Johnson. He has been a member of the North Houston Suburban Chapter for 11 years. Mason is currently the Area One President of Top Teens of America, Inc. where he actively leads over 50 chapters in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. He is on the Student Advisory Board with Leaders of Tomorrow where he assists in many local community efforts. He will attend either Georgetown University or Tulane, majoring in International Business and will immediately attend law school upon graduation.




Kori Ballard is a senior at Frisco High School in Frisco, Texas. She is the daughter of Arthur & Trina Ballard. She’s been in Jack & Jill for 15 yrs and has participated in numerous leadership and community service activities. Kori graduates with distinguished level achievement and subject matter endorsements in multidisciplinary studies and STEM. She is a member of the NHS, Spanish NHS and is a 3-year member of the girls varsity soccer team. She also plays with Solar soccer club where she has competed with the Developmental Academy and Elite Clubs National League teams. Kori is considering several universities where she plans to major in sports medicine.


Kayla Barnett is a senior at Lebanon Trail High School in Frisco, Texas and is the daughter of Kervin and Michelle Barnett . She has been a member of the North Suburban Dallas Chapter for 10 years. She is a member of the Black Student Union at high school serving as Vice President for two years. She is also a member of the FCCLA club. Kayla plays Varsity basketball and is passionate about all sports. She will attend a college where she will major in Sports Management and Marketing.


Kennedy Eagleton is an honors student at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in the Theater Conservatory. She is the daughter of Suneese and Derek Eagleton and has been a member of the North Suburban Dallas Chapter for two years where she currently serves as Teen Foundation Chair. Kennedy is President of the Student Council at her school, and she is a 2023 National YoungArts Winner and a 2022 National ACTSO Champion in Playwriting. Kennedy will attend Columbia University in the fall where she plans to double major in Film and Political Science.


Joshua Fisher is a senior at Plano West Senior High in Plano Texas and is the son of Leon and Tesha Fisher. He has been a member of the North Suburban Dallas Jack and Jill Chapter for 8 years. He has decided to attend SMU where he will major in Business and begin a pre-law track.


Jordan Griffin is a senior at Lebanon Trail High School in Frisco, Texas and is the daughter of Mr. Darryl and Dr. Niyah Griffin. She is a member of the North Suburban Dallas Chapter for 9 years. She is involved in the following: Jack and Jill, Incorporated, Pearls and Ivy, Varsity Basketball, Varsity Track, and has been receiving extensive training with Barbizon Modeling and Acting School. She has decided to attend the University of North Texas (UNT) where she will major in Psychology in hopes of becoming a Psychiatrist or Psychologist after she graduates from college.


Austin Daniel Jones is a senior at Plano Senior High School in Plano, Texas and the son of Denise and Anthony Jones. He has been a member of the North Suburban Dallas Chapter for 15 years and previously served as Teen Sergeant at Arms, Teen Parliamentarian, and Teen Nominating committee. Austin has a passion to strengthen his community by volunteering at North Texas Food Bank and Minnie’s Food Pantry where he helps to package and organize food for North Texas families. He has decided to attend Collin College in the Fall and is undecided on a major at this time.



Lana Lewis is a senior in the Visual Arts Conservatory at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, TX. She is a 15-year member of the North Suburban Dallas Chapter and the daughter of Peter Lewis and Willow Sanchez. She is a member of the National Honor and Art Honor Societies, a College Board African-American Recognition and DISD Scholar, a top 10% graduate and plays varsity golf. Her artwork has been commissioned, received regional awards and selected for exhibitions. She tutors math and volunteers regularly. Lana will pursue psychology and fine arts in college.


Caraday Martin is a senior at The Hockaday School in Dallas, Texas and is the daughter of Dr. Richard and Candace Moran Martin. She has been a member of the North Suburban Dallas Chapter for 15 years, serving as Teen Corresponding Secretary, Hospitality Chair, and voted as Outstanding Sophomore . As an honor student at Hockaday, Caraday is a member of the concert choir, recipient of the Sigma Math Award, and President of Black Student Union. Caraday plans to attend Duke University, majoring in Economics and Finance.


Madison Monk is a senior at Lebanon Trails High in Frisco, Texas and is the daughter of Antonio and Kimberly Monk. She has been a member of North Suburban Dallas Chapter for 5 years and served as the Chapter Teen Hospitality Chair. She is a member of the Chi Zeta Omega Pearls of Service mentoring program sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., LINKS, Inc. Securing Wisdom and Grace mentoring program and Girl Scouts of America. Madison attends One Community Church where she’s apart of AWANA, Student Leadership and student volunteer. She plans to attend Texas Women University majoring in Kinesiology.


Sydney Roberts is a senior at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas and is the daughter of Noelle LeVeaux. She’s been a member of North Suburban Dallas Chapter for 8 years. Sydney is in the Music Conservatory at Booker T. as a vocalist with a focus on Musical Theater. When she is not in rehearsal or on stage, Sydney participates in Student Council, Black Student Union, Fellowship of Christian Artists, Yearbook Committee and more. Sydney was recently named to the 2023 Disney Dreamers’ Academy. Sydney will pursue a BFA in musical theater.


Khalil Wilkinson is a senior at Plano West High School in Plano, TX, and is the son of LaReese Cooper. Khalil has been a member of the North Suburban Dallas chapter for 9 years. He is a member of One Community Church in Plano and has served as part of the Audio Visual ministry. He has also volunteered for various organizations and charities, including The Boys & Girls Club and Salvation Army. He is undecided and has narrowed his options between Stephen F. Austin State College and the University of North Texas, where he will major in Marketing.


Mya Williams is a senior at Hebron High School in Carrollton, TX and the daughter of Michael and Shannon Williams. Mya has been a member of the North Suburban Dallas Chapter for two years and was previously a member of the Greater Frisco Chapter for four years. Mya is an active member of One Community Church, the Black Student Union, Hebron Varsity Soccer Team and FC Dallas Soccer Club. She loves to volunteer at the local food pantry. Mya will further her education at Auburn University where she is committed to play soccer. She plans to major in pre-med.




Maya Bland is a senior at Argyle High School in Argyle, Texas. She is the daughter of Martell and Katina Bland. Maya has been a member of the Orange County/North Texas Chapters for 11 years. Maya has been involved in serving her community throughout her years in Jack and Jill and has earned the Girl Scout Gold Award. She has committed to attend The University of Oklahoma where she will major in Biology and plans to become a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon.


Jordan Dillard, son of Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Dillard Sr. (Fran), has been a member of Jack & Jill for 16 years. Jordan is a graduate of Lewisville High School where he served in the Black Student Union and played basketball. He served as North Texas Teen Chapter President, Vice President, and Foundation Chair. He was voted Outstanding Junior teen and placed second in the 2021 Oratorical contest at the annual SCR virtual Teen Conference. Jordan is active in his community and attends One Community Church. He will attend Morehouse College in the fall majoring in sports journalism.


Austin Olive is a senior at Hebron High School in Carrollton, TX and is the son of Demetria Olive. He has been a member of the North Texas Chapter of Jack and Jill for 2 years. Austin is a member of the NJROTC, Black Student Union, Theatre and Neuroscience Club. Austin has volunteered at multiple locations throughout DFW feeding the homeless and providing packages of essential needs. He has decided to attend Texas State where he will major in Multi-Interdisciplinary Studies.


Sara Powell is a senior at Edward Marcus High School in Flower Mound, Texas and is the daughter of Kerrie and Valencia Powell. She has been a member of the North Texas Chapter of Jack and Jill for a total of 10 years serving as Recording Secretary for 2 years, Health and Legislative Chair, Parliamentarian, Foundation Chair and currently serving as Nominating Chair. Sara plays the piano, enjoys flying, traveling, and donating her time to various community service organizations. She has been accepted at Southern University A & M, Texas Southern University and Prairie View A & M. Her plans are to study Aviation or Aerospace Engineering.


Roman Clark is the son of Dale and Terry Clark and is a senior at Plano East High School, where he is taking a rigorous curriculum of Honors and AP classes. Roman enjoys giving back to his community and frequently volunteers. Roman is a ten-year charter member of the Northeast Dallas Chapter, where he has held numerous positions. He currently holds the title of Parliamentarian. He has also earned over 100 hours of community service and has achieved the Youth Volunteer Service Award. Roman plans to continue his academic journey at Hampton University or LSU where he will major in Sports Management.


Wade Dennis is a senior at Plano East Senior High in Plano, TX and is the son of Warren and Shantell Dennis. Wade has been a member of the Northeast Dallas chapter for 2 years. Wade is a lead teen servant at One Community Church, serves as a student advisor on the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee and serves the community through a variety of community service initiatives through the chapter. Wade plans to attend one of his top 3 universities where he will pursue a major in Business. Duke University, University of North Carolina, or The University of Texas at Austin.



Marcus Drake is a Senior at Rockwall High School in Rockwall, Texas. He is the son of Vernon and Toya Drake, an active member for the past 5 years in the Northeast Dallas Chapter, and a former member of the San Antonio Chapter for 11 years. Marcus was honored to be 1 of 100 winners of the 2022 Disney Dreamers Academy Essay Contest. He’s a member of the National Honor Society and the special events coordinator for the Film Club. Marcus plans to attend college majoring in Film and Media Studies. He’s a budding writer, director, and production company founder.


Christion Anthony Gause is a senior at Plano East Senior High School in Plano, Texas, and is the son of Kevin E. & Jasmine McFerren-Gause. He has been a member of the Northeast Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill for four years. Christion served as Chapter Programming Chair, Vice President, and President. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Community Service 100 club, PESH Student Senate, and Varsity Wrestling team. Christion will attend an HBCU where he will major in Political Science and minor in Computer Engineering.


Mikalah Hodge is a senior at Wylie East High School in Wylie, Texas and is the daughter of Trimone Washington and Step-Father Dedrick Washington. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for four years. Mikalah’s leadership and commitment to academic excellence has allowed her to become the President of the Diversity Club, Treasurer of the National Honor Society, Captain of the Debate Team, Leo Club member, Wylie East Sapphire and Teen Court. Mikalah plans to attend one of her top 3 universities where she will pursue a major in pre-law!


Laila Hunte is a Senior at Plano East Senior High School in Plano, Texas and is the daughter of Dr. Michael and Richonda Hunte. She has been a member of the Northeast Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for 2 years. Laila’s commitment to academic excellence has allowed her to become a member of the National Honor Society, Co-Chair of the College Readiness Committee, and an athletic trainer for various sports. She will attend college in the Fall of 2023 at one of her top choices where she will major in Computer Information Systems.


Mikiya Love is a Senior at Plano East High School. She is the daughter of Michael and Mellannise Love. Mikiya has been a member of the Northeast Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Incorporated since 2012. She is active in the community through her personal and monthly Jack and Jill of America Community Service events. Mikiya also serves the community through her monthly donations to local food pantries and the EJM Foundation as the teen liaison for scholarship awards. Mikiya plans to attend Spelman or Howard University, majoring in Journalism with a goal of law school.


Christian Alexander McKendall, is a senior at Rowlett High School PTECH Academy and the youngest son of Christopher and Laurie McKendall. Christian has been a member of Jack and Jill for 15 years. Christian serves on the AV ministry at church and an Eagle Scout with troop 1020. He has decided to attend Morehouse College or North Carolina A&T major in Biomedical engineering. He will continue his post-secondary education to receive a PhD in Biomedical engineering. And serve as a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force as a software developer designing devices useful in the healthcare industry.




Elijah Phillips (EJ) is a senior at Prince of Peace Christian School in Carrollton, Tx and is the son of Rashunda Hunter. He has been a member of the Northeast Dallas Chapter for 8 years. He currently serves as Sergeant-atArms for the NED teens and has previously served on the regional teen nominating committee. EJ is a member of Young Men’s Service League, which focuses on mother/son community service opportunities and development of young men. He is also a captain on the varsity basketball team. EJ has applied to multiple universities but is currently undecided on which one to attend.


Chayil Thomas is a senior at New Century High School and is the daughter of Nicholas and Saleeta Thomas. She has been a member of the Northeast Dallas Chapter of Jack & Jill for two years. Chayil participated in Black Girls Code, Paine College’s STEM Program, the #CAP Program and the Beta Club. Chayil is a member of the National Honor Society, INROADS College Links and the Morgan Stanley Jump Start Program. She also demonstrates leadership as a corporal in the JROTC Program. Chayil will attend Tuskegee University on a full academic scholarship where she will major in Business Administration.


Sydney Elyse Thomas attends Allen High School in Allen, Texas and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil and Senta Thomas. Sydney is a 10-year, charter member of Northeast Dallas and currently serves as Recording Secretary. Sydney mentors elementary and middle school students through Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAL). She loves sports and is an Athletic Trainer for varsity football, soccer, and wrestling. She is a member of National Honor Society, Red Cross Club and serves her community diligently through numerous volunteer activities. Sydney will continue her education at a four-year university and major in Pre-Law.


Austin Bryce Wesley is the son of Kerry and Dr. Danielle Wesley, 2019-2023 Regional Director of the South Central Region. He is a senior at Plano East Senior High School in Plano, Texas. Austin is a teen participant in the Northeast Dallas Chapter and has been in the chapter for eleven years, since the chapter’s chartering in 2012. Austin has been an honors student-athlete since middle school and has held several leadership positions. Austin was a recipient of the President’s Volunteer Service Award for many years. Upon graduation, he plans to attend a historically black college or university, majoring in Criminal Justice for a career in national intelligence & security.


Jadyn C. Wilson, daughter of John and Carmella Wilson, is a senior at Plano Academy High School. She has been a member of the Northeast Dallas Chapter since 2016, serving one term as teen secretary. Jadyn is a Student Advisor and a voting member of the board of directors of Plano Youth Leadership. She is also a member of the National Honor Society. Jadyn plans to attend Hampton University (on scholarship) where she will major in psychology with a minor in biology. She will pursue a career as a clinical psychologist after earning her PhD.


Yvonne Camille Bell is a senior at Great Hearts Northern Oaks in San Antonio, Texas and is the daughter of the Hon. Kenneth and attorney Pamela Bell. She has been a member of the San Antonio Chapter of Jack and Jill for 11 years. Camille is a College Board National Recognition awardee, volleyball Varsity Team Captain, Leader of Model UN Club, Editor of her school’s yearbook, Texas Girls State elected leader, and Founder and Chair of the World Humanities and Cultures Club (WHAC!). Currently evaluating multiple college acceptances, she plans to study Business and Political Science before attending law school.



Trevin J. Demby, Jr. is a senior at Young Men’s Leadership Academy in San Antonio, Texas. He is the son of Dr. Nikki and Mr. Trevin J. Demby, Sr. He has been a member of Jack and Jill since he was 2 years old. Trevin is a 4 year letterman in Football and Track and Field. He is also very active in his church youth ministry. Trevin has been accepted to numerous universities and received multiple scholarship opportunities. He has officially committed to attend The University of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas. He will be joining their NCAA Division 1 football team playing on their Offensive Line.


Delee Lauren Faison is the daughter of Dr. Douglas and Pamela Faison. She’s a Senior at Memorial Early College High School and will receive her Associates of Science Degree prior to high school graduation. She’s a member of the National Honor Society and National Arts Honor Society. Delee was a member of the North County San Diego Chapter for 3 years and a member of the San Antonio Chapter 12 years. Delee plans to major in Psychology and minor in Art. She’s considering several college acceptances. Her career goals: become a Doctor of Psychology specializing in childhood and teen trauma.


Azarel Hardeman (AJ), a Senior at Johnson High School in San Antonio, Texas, is the son of Vincent and Andrea Hardeman. He has been a member of the San Antonio Jack & Jill Chapter for 12 years. He served as Teen President and briefly as Regional Parliamentarian until his bookings prevented him from continuing his tenure. AJ has been acting since three and has played roles in Annie, Dreamgirls, The Color Purple, and other major productions. He plans to attend the Juilliard School of the Performing Arts, majoring in Fine Arts, and hopes to become a successful actor.


Khai Addison Heath is a senior at the Christian School of Castle Hills in San Antonio, Texas. She is the daughter of Collis and Keisha Heath. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for nine years and has served as the youth Historian. Khai is a member of the National Honor Society and she received numerous community service awards. She plays Volleyball, Basketball, Golf, and a member of the Cheer Team. Khai plans to attend Prairie View A&M University to pursue a career in Education to become a High School History Teacher.


Wesley LeMoyne Jackson is a senior at Smithson Valley High School in Spring Branch, Texas and is the son of Demetrius and Kayla Jackson. He has been a member of the San Antonio Chapter for 11 years and has served as historian, corresponding secretary, and recording secretary of the teen group. Wesley is also the vice-president of his school’s Oral Interpretations Team, with which he has received high commendations in competitive speech. He enjoys community service with Jack and Jill, National Honor Society, Black Student Union, and Antioch Missionary Baptist Church youth. Recipient of several acceptances and scholarships.


Leah Denise Sanchez Jones is a freshman at the University of Texas San Antonio in the Honors College majoring in computer engineering. Leah is the daughter of Tamika Sanchez-Jones and Brian Jones. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 11 years. Leah was a member of the Center for Applied Science and Technology band, Cyberpatriots, and the National Honor Society. She was also a member of the National Society of Black Engineers where she competed in national Ten80 competitions.




Josiah is a senior at International School of Americas in San Antonio, TX and is the son of Dr. Jay R Owen, II and Bonita Owens. He has been a member of the San Antonio Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 6 years. Josiah served as an Executive Officer and a member of the Color Guard in the Army JROTC. He is also a member of the Kappa League. Josiah enjoys playing video games and helping others. He plans to attend college and is currently exploring a future career.


Elijah Sherrod is a senior at Harlan High School in San Antonio, TX and is the son of Brad Sherrod and Dr. Monique Clinton-Sherrod. He served as the Teen Treasurer in the San Antonio Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and has held leadership positions in 3 other Chapters during his nine years of participating in Jack and Jill. Elijah has been actively involved in civic and academic clubs while maintaining academic excellence. He has been accepted at universities in TX and NC and plans to pursue a degree in cybersecurity.


Jorden Spencer is a senior at Antonian College Preparatory High School in San Antonio, TX and is the daughter of Tremaine and Latoya Spencer. She has been a member of the San Antonio Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 6 years. Jorden is a 3 year All State Letterman in Track & Field, a member of Apache Minds mental health awareness group at Antonian and an active participant in the youth ministry at her church. Upon graduation, Jorden will pursue a degree in Psychology with plans to become a child advocacy attorney.


Brooke Twitty is a senior at Clark High School in San Antonio, TX and the daughter of General Stephen and Karen Twitty. She has been a member of San Antonio Chapter Jack & Jill for 2 years. During high school, Brooke participated in Spanish National Honors Society, The Congress of Future Medical Leaders receiving their Award of Excellence and Science Certification signed by a Nobel Laureate, Georgetown Pre-college Medical Research, and National Student Leadership Conference for Medicine & Healthcare at Duke University. Brooke will attend Baylor University and major in Pre-Medical Humanities with plans of becoming a medical doctor.


Renee Candice Wilson is a senior at Johnson High School, San Antonio, Texas and is the daughter of Colonel, US Army Retired Richard and Relisa Wilson. She has been a member of San Antonio Jack and Jill Chapter for seven years and is the Teen President. Renee enjoys environmental advocacy. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Student Council, and Varsity/AAU Volleyball. Her involvement includes Vice President of Girl Up, Incorporated and Healthy Futures of Texas Youth Advocacy Council. Renee will graduate Summa Cum Laude and attend a HBCU. She will major in Civil and Environmental Engineering.


Robyn Antoinette Wilson is a senior at Johnson High School, San Antonio, Texas and is the daughter of Colonel, US Army Retired Richard and Relisa Wilson. She has been a member of San Antonio Jack and Jill Chapter for seven years and is the Teen Vice President. Robyn enjoys serving her community and listening to music. She is a member of the Student Council and Varsity/AAU Volleyball. Her involvement includes President of Girl Up, Incorporated and Healthy Futures of Texas Youth Advocacy Council. Robyn will graduate Magna Cum Laude and attend a HBCU. She will major in Computer Science.



London Noelle Goode is a senior at Shadow Creek Ranch High School in Pearland,TX and is the daughter of Natasha Goode and Lewis Goode. She has been a member of the South Belt Houston Chapter for four years and is a former treasurer on the chapter’s teen executive board. She is a member of the National Honor Society, an award-winning artist, and regularly volunteers in the community. She will attend Prairie View A&M University where she will major in Chemical Engineering.


Dylan Paul-Joseph Goodman is a senior at Shadow Creek Ranch in Pearland, Texas and is the son of Kimberly & Shelton Goodman. Dylan has been a member of the South Belt Houston Chapter of Jack & Jill for 12 years. His community involvement includes Houston Food Bank and Kappa League. Dylan, a Competitive Gamer, Gaming Strategy Consultant and Stock Market Day Trader, also co-founded the MELLPZ foundation along with his siblings, a breast cancer treatment service, in honor of his grandmother, Melva “Nana’’ Clay-Brown. Dylan plans to major in Computer Engineering with a focus in Virtual Reality Design.


Austin Amazen Gray is a senior at Glenda Dawson High School in Pearland, Texas and is the son of Adfanie & Aaron Gray. Austin has been a member of the South Belt Houston Chapter of Jack & Jill for 14 years. Austin’s community involvement includes Houston Food Bank, and Pearland Neighborhood Centers. Austin is a competitive gamer, avid writer, and junior chef. English literature and oratorical pieces are his passion. His literary talent was spotlighted at the 2022 Teen Conference as he confidently captured 1st Place in Oratorical Humorous Monologue. Austin plans to major in Journalism and Writing.


Rachel is a senior at Glenda Dawson High School in Pearland, Texas and is the daughter of Mother Dori and Dr. Oliver Hunter. She has been a member of the South Belt Chapter of Jack and Jill for eight years. Rachel has been an active member in the San Jacinto Girls Scout for eleven years where she has participated in numerous community and leadership activities. She also serves on the Teen Advisory Board of Pearland West Library. Rachel will attend college in the fall and plans on majoring in psychology.


Mallorie Kameron Obeng is the daughter of Mother Gina Obeng and Dr. Michael Obeng. She is a senior at Glenda Dawson High School in Pearland, Texas. Mallorie has been a member of the South Belt Houston Chapter for 8 years, serving on the Teen Executive Board. She currently serves as a Regional Teen Officer Editor/Historian for the South Belt Region. Mallorie spends her time volunteering through various organizations including the French Honor Society and the African American Club. She was recently named a Houston Posse Semi-Finalist. Mallorie is interested in studying Environmental Science with a focus on Pre-med.


Morgan Elizabeth Turner is a senior at Glenda Dawson High School in Pearland, Texas and is the daughter of Marcus and Elizabeth Turner, and the granddaughter of South Belt Houston Chapter charter member, Josephine Turner. Morgan has been a member of the South Belt Houston Chapter for 14 years, serving on the TOPS Executive Board as Editor. Morgan spends her time volunteering through various organizations including the Spanish Honor Society, English Honor Society, Music Honor Society, and American Red Cross. Morgan is a Saxophone Section Leader in the Dawson Eagle Band. Morgan is interested in studying Business and Engineering.




Janae Williams is a senior at Shadow Creek High School in Pearland, Texas, and is the daughter of Tiffany and James Williams, Jr. She has been a member of the South Belt Houston Chapter for 4 years. Currently, Janae serves as the Teen President of TOPS, is active in her school’s National Honor Society, was named a Posse Houston Finalist, and volunteers in her community and church. While still undecided, Janae has been accepted into Baylor, Texas A&M, the University of Oklahoma, and Colorado School of Mines. She will major in Environmental Engineering.


Jaylah Williams is the daughter of Erica Mouton and Samuel Williams. She has been an active member of Jack and Jill since 2018 and has completed numerous hours of community service. Jaylah is a senior at Shadow Creek High School where she has been the Soccer manager for the last 4 years. Jaylah attends Alvin Community College and JB Hensler College, where she will be receiving her Pharmacy Tech Certification and graduate with an Associate Degree. Jaylah will attend Texas Southern University majoring in Biomedical Sciences as she moves forward in earning a Doctorate in Pharmacy.


Mia Sofia is a senior at Magnet Academy of Cultural Arts in Opelousas, Louisiana. She is the daughter of Karl Alexander & Dr. Mia Ben. She has been a member of Southwest Louisiana Chapter of Jack and Jill for 5 years. She currently serves as Teen Secretary of the Southwest Louisiana Chapter. Mia is passionate about dance and loves hanging with her friends. Her goal is to pursue her lifelong dream of being an FBI agent. She plans to attend college at Alabama State University in Montgomery, AL in the fall to major in Criminal Justice with a minor in Forensic Science.


Amarye Allen is a senior at Red Oak Senior High School in Red Oak, TX, and is the daughter of Jerry and Aundrea Allen. She has been a member of Jack and Jill (Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter) for 7 years. She loves working with seniors and delivering meals via Meals on Wheels. Amarye has volunteered with the Women’s Council of Realtors, and has dedicated hours working with the American Lung Association. She has decided to attend Grambling State University where she will major in Hotel/Restaurant Management. After graduation, she will attend the Art Institute of Dallas to pursue additional studies in Culinary Arts.


Joshua Cosby is a senior at South Grand Prairie High School in Grand Prairie, TX and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Sonji Cosby. He has been a member of the Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter for 15 years, where he has served as Teen Protocol Chair. Joshua is a varsity letterman in Swimming and in Water Polo where he serves as Captain of both teams. Joshua is a member of the National Honor Society, and has been a member of a USA Swimming club team since the age of nine. He also owns a private lifeguarding business. Joshua will attend college in the fall where he will major in Accounting.


Alison Green is a senior at Duncanville High School Collegiate Academy in Duncanville, Texas and is the daughter of The Honorable Lisa Green and Mr. Mark Green. She has been a member of the Southwest Suburban Chapter for 9 years. She served as an volunteer and intern with Oak Cliff Pediatrics, where she served mostly medium to low income Black and Hispanic patients in West Dallas. She also served her community through numerous Jack and Jill service projects for children in need such as Christmas toy and clothing drives, and “adopt a street” program. She has decided to attend Rice University where she will major in Health Sciences.



LaKyra Samaria Hobbs, South Central Regional Teen Vice President, is a senior at Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Collegiate Academy in Dallas,Texas and is the daughter of Victor Hobbs and Kristinia Anderson. She has been a member of the Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter for 4 years. LaKyra is a varsity chearleader, member of the debate team, mock trial team, and Dallas Leaders of Tomorrow, the immediate past teen chapter president for the Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter, former first vice president for the Dallas Chapter of Top Teens of America. She has decided to attend Howard University where she will major in Biology and later go on to medical school.


McKinley Jordan is a senior at Bishop Dunne Catholic School in Dallas, TX and is the son of Michelle and Jeff Jordan. He has been a member of the Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc for 6 years. McKinley is a member of the National Honor Society, Dallas Oakcliff Chapter of Young Men’s Service League, Bishop Dunne’s Varsity Basketball team and Concord Church. McKinley will major in Economics and minors in Visual & Media Studies and Innovation & Entrepreneurship. He has not yet finalized his decision on where he will attend college.


Mallory Wallace is a senior at Irma Rangel Young Women’s Leadership School in Dallas, Texas, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Travis and Angela Wallace. She has been a member of the Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter for 7 years. Mallory is active in her community in Meals on Wheels, SPCA, City Square Food Pantry, and volunteering with the Feed my Starving Children Holiday Packing Event with her church. She also registered area voters and worked as a poll worker in the last local elections. Mallory has decided to attend University of Texas at Austin where she will major in Neuroscience and pursue a career in biomedical research as a physician scientist.


Kaylin Marissa Daniels is a senior at Clements High School in Sugar Land, TX and is the daughter of Kelvin & Keasia Daniels. She has been a member of the Sugar Land Chapter for one year. Kaylin is active in the Creative Writing Club, National Society of High School Scholars, Mental Health Club, African Student Association, Varsity Volleyball, and Houston Juniors Volleyball Club. Kaylin will attend Northeastern University in Boston, MA where she will play Division 1 Volleyball on a full athletic scholarship. She will major in Political Science and Economics, then pursue a graduate degree and career in Public Policy.


Layton Davis is a senior at Ridge Point High School in Missouri City, Texas and is the son of Layton and Jonnette Davis. He has been a member of the Sugar Land Chapter for one year and currently serves as the chapter Teen Community Service Chair. Layton has been actively involved in the community. He has volunteered at the Houston Food Bank, St. John Church, and Numana, Inc., to name a few. He has held membership in the Houston Kappa League and Leaders of Tomorrow - NBMBAA. Layton has been accepted to several universities and will major in Business Administration.


Samantha Elaine Johnson is a senior at Lawrence E. Elkins High School in Missouri City, Texas and is the daughter of Brandon and Tamara Johnson. She became a member of the Sugar Land Chapter in 2022. Samantha is co-captain of the Elkins Elite Drill Team, first chair bass in the Elkins High School Chamber Orchestra, member of the Symphonic Orchestra, Houston Youth Symphony, and Texas All-State musician. She volunteers as a tutor and a student teacher for middle school dance programs. Samantha was accepted to Spelman College where she plans to major in English, Pre-Law.




Surrell Taylor is a senior at Fort Bend Christian Academy in Sugar Land, TX with a 5.4 GPA and is the son of Victor and Dawana Taylor. He has been a member of the Sugar Land Chapter since the chapter was chartered in 2008. Surrell currently serves on the Regional Teen Nominating Committee. He has also served as Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Protocol Chair. He lettered in varsity football, is an active member of the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, and American Sign Language Honors Society. Surrell has been accepted to attend Morehouse College.


Savannah Leeks is a senior at Texas High school in Texarkana, Texas and is the daughter of Joanna Leeks. She has been a member of the Texarkana Twin Cities Chapter since 2019 where she served as teen president for the past two years. Savannah maintains honor roll status and is a member of Texas Highsteppers, Varsity Mixed Choir, and senior officer of Rosebuds Junior Garden. Savannah is a 15-year student at JMSD where she assistant teaches. Savannah attends FBC of Wake Village where she volunteers and sings with youth. Savannah plans to attend Texas A&M and major in Biology.


Dominic West is a senior at Texas High School in Texarkana, TX and is the son of Dr. Kenneth West and Treva West. He has been a member of the Texarkana Twin Cities chapter for 16 years. He is a member of Esports, an Eagle Scout, Outstanding Young Man 2023 and Regional Teen Parliamentartian. He has decided to attend N.C. A & T where he will major in Engineering and Robotics.


Mikhya Willis is the 17yr. old daughter of Michael and Krystal Willis. She is a senior at Texas High School in Texarkana, TX. Mikhya has been a member of Jack and Jill for seven years. She is a member of the Varsity Choir, Key Club, and Tiger Sports Medicine program. Mikhya is a member of Top Teens of America, and an honor roll student. She is an active member in Youth Ministry at St. Paul Baptist Church. Mikhya will attend Prairie View A&M University this fall pursing a degree in Kinesiology or Biology, aspirating of becoming a Physical Therapist or Sports Medicine Specialist.


Isaac Jones is a senior at Belton High School, in Belton, Texas and is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Kenyatta Jones. He has been a member of the Waco Chapter for 7 years. He has served as the Vice President of the teen auxiliary of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., chapter alternate at Teen Conference, and Vice President of the CenTex HCBU 4-H Club. He is active in varsity football, varsity powerlifting, and National Honor Society. Isaac was a state medalist in the 2022 powerlifting season. Isaac will pursue an undergraduate major in pre-medical biology.


Ariana Brown is a senior at Conroe High and the daughter of Germaine and Charvette Brown. Ariana was a member of the varsity volleyball team for four years and is a High School All-American. Ariana has been a member of Jack and Jill the Woodlands Chapter for six years. Ariana has over 15O community service hours. She had actively volunteered for developmental youth volleyball and Fallbrook Church for vacation bible school. Ariana will attend the University of Louisiana-Monroe on a full volleyball scholarship and will major in Nursing. Her career goal is to be a nurse practitioner. 723


Kendall Cooper is a senior at The John Cooper School outside Houston, Texas, and will be attending Harvard this fall. At Cooper, Kendall currently serves as Student Body President, JSA Chapter President, and Chief Poetry Editor for Inkblots literary magazine. A perennial honors student, she has received top awards in English, History, and Humanities. Outside school, Kendall serves as Co-Executive Director for March for Our Lives – Houston. She has won numerous national writing awards, including selection to the prestigious Adroit Journal Mentorship and Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop. Kendall has been a member of Jack and Jill for 12 years.


Elle is a senior at Montgomery High School in Montgomery, Texas and is the daughter of Romain and Laura Godfrey. Elle has been a member of The Woodlands Chapter since 2016 and has served as the Courtesy Chair. Elle is a varsity tennis player and a member of National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta and National Charity League where she has earned over 200 hours, serving philanthropies such as Meals on Wheels and Angel Tree. Her recognitions include the Presidential Volunteer Service Award and College Board National Recognition Award. She plans to major in Neuroscience and then attend Medical School.


Malachi Oldacre is a senior at Klein Oak High School in Spring, TX and is the son of Pat and Yvette Oldacre. He has been a member of The Woodlands Chaper for seven years. Malachi has served as the Teen Legislative Liason, Treasurer and Nominating Chair. At school he is a member of the Football Leadership Council , Anthoglogy Club, Stand Leaders, Panther’s for Christ and a letterman in Football and Track. He is also a graduate of Lone Star College Leadership High School program. Malachi plans on majoring in Software Engineering with a minor in Business.


Ethan is a senior at The Woodlands High School in The Woodlands, Texas. Ethan is the son of Gary & Ashley Scott, and has been a member of The Woodlands Chapter for 7 years. Ethan is a National Merit Scholar, a member of the National Honor Society and National Charity Roundtable, and is a member of the varsity football, rugby, and powerlifting teams. He will attend Texas A&M University in College Station where he will major in Exercise Physiology & Pre-Dentistry in order to become a dentist. Ethan enjoys listening to music, watching scary movies, and hanging with his family.


Olivia Womble, daughter of Will and Meshonda Womble, is a senior at Klein Oak High School in Spring, Texas. She has been a member of The Woodlands Chapter for eight years and has served as Legislative Liaison, Corresponding Secretary, and Editor. Olivia has excelled academically and is in the top of her graduating class. She is a member of the National Honor Society, the Student Council, Science National Honor Society and many more. Olivia enjoys volunteering her time and plans to major in Computer Science for undergrad.



Albany Chapter, GA Athens Chapter, GA Atlanta Chapter, GA Augusta Chapter, GA Birmingham Chapter, AL Brevard Chapter, FL Buckhead Chapter, GA Columbus Chapter, GA Daytona Beach Area Chapter, FL Dunwoody-Atlanta Chapter, GA East Suburban Atlanta Chapter, GA Fayette County Area Chapter, GA Golden Isles Chapter, GA Greater Chattanooga Chapter, TN Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter, FL Greater Huntsville Chapter, AL Greater Lake Allatoona Chapter, GA Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter, GA

Greater North Atlanta Chapter, GA Greater North Central Florida, FL Greater Tampa Chapter, FL Jackson MS Chapter, MS Jackson TN Chapter, TN Jacksonville Chapter, FL Knoxville Chapter, TN Lake Spivey Chapter, GA Macon Chapter, GA Memphis Chapter, TN Miami Chapter, FL Mississippi Gulf Coast Chapter, MS Mobile Chapter, AL Montgomery Chapter, AL Nashville Chapter, TN Nature Coast Chapter, FL North Mississippi Chapter, MS North Suburban Atlanta Chapter, GA


MOTHERS: 2,280 ASSOCIATES: 1,119 TEENS: 1,617 CHILDREN: 2,483

Orlando Chapter, FL Palm Beach Chapter, FL Pensacola Chapter, FL Savannah Chapter, GA South Miami Chapter, FL Southern Crescent Chapter, GA Southwest Florida Chapter, FL Stone Mountain Chapter, GA Suncoast Chapter, FL Tallahassee Chapter, FL Treasure Coast Chapter, FL Tuscaloosa Chapter, AL Tuskegee Chapter, AL Valdosta, GA West Georgia Chapter, GA Williamson County Area Chapter, TN


Dear Mothers of the Sweet, Sweet Southeastern Region, As the 2022-2024 National Executive Board concludes its first year of service, I am filled with much gratitude and joy! It has been such a pleasure to work with such a committed group of talented leaders, on mission and on purpose for all children. I am also very grateful for the amazing support that we have received from our regions—and I am especially thankful to my very own region, the Sweet, Sweet Southeastern Region. The phenomenal leaders, mothers, and children of our region continue to be a source of pride, inspiration, and motivation during my service as National President to our beloved organization. As I write this letter to the region, it is also bittersweet. When I began my second term as National President, I knew I would be celebrating the Class of 2023 graduates, which I am proud to say also includes my son. What I am finding not so easy is the thought that with the writing of this letter, my own son has graduated and is now a Jack and Jill legacy with this class and so many other outstanding Jack and Jill legacies who are making their mark on the world. I am so very proud of the Class of 2023, and I shed tears with all mothers of these graduates in knowing that our babies are not babies any more. The world is waiting for them, and I can’t wait to see the great things that they will accomplish.

Our region has had a remarkable year of successes through events and programs such as hosting the 45th National Convention in the “City Beautiful” of Orlando, Mothers’ Area Workday in historic Savannah, the annual regional trip to the lovely Bahamas, and fantastic children’s clusters throughout the southeast. I am also most in awe of the strong sisterhood of mothers who do all that they can in support of all children. This sisterhood begins with our phenomenal leadership team; our dedicated and compassionate Regional Director Darlene McGhee Whittington, who leads with great competence and understanding, taking our region to higher heights; our magnificent Regional Secretary, Sharon January, who ensures we have all the information necessary to excel at all levels; our highly skilled Regional Treasurer, Florence Holland, who keeps all of our “cents” in check, and our fabulous Member-at-Large, Takeysha Lewis, who continues to strategically position our region for exceptional community service impact and amazing fundraising goals. It is a pleasure to serve with you all as your National officer, and it is my honor to be a member of such an amazing Regional Team. I stand in celebration with every mother as we look at the amazing village that has been created for our children. I thank all of our chapter presidents and all mothers of the Southeastern Region for the collective and collaborative work that we have done together to make this program year a success. I eagerly look forward to seeing what wonderful experiences the next phase has in store for all of us. Always For the Children,

Kornisha McGill Brown 27th National President




stablished as one of the seven regions under the 1957 Regional

Plan, the Southeastern Region has distinguished itself as one

of the national organization’s premier regions. The Nashville (TN) Chapter was the first chapter chartered in the Southeastern Region in April 1947 and the twelfth (12th) Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Today, more than twenty- two hundred

(1970 - 1974)* Deceased • •

and unwavering commitment our families have for Jack and Jill and for each other. The Southeastern Region’s aim is to be the most effective African American family organization in the Southeast advocating for all children's well-being through national legislation, philanthropic giving, and direct service programs. Our elected and appointed mothers have embraced innovative activities that empower ALL children. Over the years, they have developed signature programs to support the region's vision by leveraging our mothers' talents to benefit all children and teens. Nashville, TN Chapter hosted the first Southeastern Regional Teen Leadership Conference on Fisk University's campus and served as host for three consecutive years. The Nashville Chapter also hosted the 50th, 58th, and 64th Annual Regional Teen Leadership Conferences. The region's solid foundation and rich history result from dedicated leadership and service to our organization from Chapter, Regional, and National Officers. The Southeastern Region has six members of the National Executive Board who have served as National Presidents of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, and they are:


Mrs. Shirley Barber James, 15th National President (1994 - 1996)

Mrs. Tamara Turnley Robinson, 23rd National President (2012 - 2014)

Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. We call ourselves the Sweet, Sweet Southeastern Region because of the love

Dr. Eva Curry Wanton, 13th National President (1986 - 1990)* Deceased

families are members of the fifty-two (52) chapters that make up the Southeastern Region. The region spans the following states:

Dr. Mirian C. Shropshire, 9th National President

Mrs. Joli Cooper-Nelson, 25th National President (2016 - 2018)

Mrs. Kornisha McGill Brown currently serves as the 27th National President (2020 - present) of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.

Since 2021 the regional theme has been “Together Toward Tomorrow…Lifting ALL Children Higher.” This theme was adopted standing on the premise that in whatever we do in the SER we are stronger together. Our signature programs include Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader Book Club; Speak Up, Speak Out Youth Oratorical Presentation; Ann Owen Gordon Teen Oratorical Competition; REACH and REACHED youth mentoring initiative, the Stock Market Exchange Challenge (3rd - 12th grades), SER Teen of the Month, Regional Booked and Busy Mothers Book Club; SWEET Sundays Virtual Worship Service; and the SER Body and Soul Health Challenge . We are developing African American leaders, and our rich heritage in the Southeastern Region allows this premier African American family organization to harness our power as we exemplify the Power to Make a Difference: On Mission and On Purpose.

Regional Officers

Father’s Auxiliary Chair: Dameon Clay Historian Chair: Demarish Ruffin-Smith Legislative Chair: Dee Dawkins-Haigler Membership Chair: Shondria Covington Nominating Chair: Chii Onyeagocha* (Elected) Parliamentarian: Deborah Stewart, Esq. Policy and Procedures Chair: Nicole Lawson Jenkins, Esq. Program Chair: Selika Sampson, PharmD Program Co-Chair: Tammy Means, PhD Protocol Chair ( National): Joselynn Forde Protocol Chair ( Regional): Jaynaia Griggs Sisterly Relations Chair: Sonya Love Social Media Chair: Christina Miller Sponsorship Chairs: Leila Jerome Clay Strategic Planning: Jessie Hood Technology Chair: Leslie Thomas Teen Advisor and Lead Teen Sponsor Liaison: Keisha Lowther, MD Trip Coordinator: Tiaudra Shaw Beyond the Classroom: Sunny Royal-Boyd Health Advocacy Task Force: Kia Kemp

Regional Director: Darlene McGhee Whittington Regional Treasurer: Florence Holland Regional Secretary: Sharon January, MD Regional Member-at-Large: Takeysha Lewis National Officer: Kornisha McGill Brown

Teen Officers Regional Teen President: Jasmine Stewart Regional Teen Vice President: Josephine Glass Regional Teen Secretary: Blake Haynes Regional Teen Treasurer: Gabrielle Bowie Regional Teen Foundation Chair: Kennedy Means

Regional Appointments Associate Chair: Gwen Thompson Hewitt Bylaws Chair: Danielle Roberts Chaplain: Rev. Andrea Lewis, PhD Community Service Chair: Crystal Shahiid Editor: Tomyka Chaney Events and Logistics Chair: Tiffany Richburg

Mother's Area Workday: Savannah

Children’s Cluster - Alabama/Mississippi Super Cluster

Date: October 7-8, 2022 Theme: Educate to Elevate Your Experience…And the Beat Goes On Date: March 25, 2023 Location: Savannah, GA Cluster Theme: You Laid the Blueprint, We’ll Build the Empire Hosting Chapters: Savannah Chapter Teen Summit Theme: Let’s Lay the Blueprint, To Build the Empire Conference Chairs: Rachelle James Gregory Chair, MarRonde A.Location: Tougaloo College Pumpkin-Lotson Co-Chair Hosting Chapter: Jackson, Mississippi Conference Chairs: Aisha Nyandoro, Kashonda Day, 67th Annual Regional Teen Leadership Conference Teneisha Wynter


Date: June 15-19, 2022 Children’s Cluster - Florida Super Cluster Theme: “Black Excellence: Aspire to Build An Empire” Date: March 25, 2023 Location: Hollywood, Florida Cluster Theme: You Laid the Blueprint, We’ll Build the Empire Hosting Chapter: Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter Teen Summit Theme: Let’s Lay the Blueprint, To Build the Empire Conference: Chair Enette Henderson , Co-Chairs: Margaretta Kearson, Location: Flagler College Desorae Giles Smith Hosting Chapter: Jacksonville, Florida Conference Chairs: Chandra Jordan, Leslie Minor, Angie Walker

Children’s Cluster - Tennessee Super Cluster

Date: March 18, 2023 Cluster Theme: You Laid the Blueprint, We’ll Build the Empire Teen Summit Theme: Let’s Lay the Blueprint, To Build the Empire Location: Lane College Hosting Chapter: Jackson, Tennessee Conference Chair: Wanda Newsome & Robyn Winston-Hicks

Children’s Cluster - Florida Cluster

Children’s Cluster - Georgia Cluster

Children’s Cluster - Georgia SuperCluster

Date: March 18, 2023 Cluster Theme: You Laid the Blueprint, We’ll Build the Empire Location: Woodland High School Hosting Chapter: Lake Spivey, Georgia Conference Chair: Chaundra Lewis & Kia Lewis

Date: April 15, 2023 Cluster Theme: You Laid the Blueprint, We’ll Build the Empire Teen Summit Theme: Let’s Lay the Blueprint, To Build the Empire Location: Global Impact Academy Hosting Chapter: Greater Metropolitan Area, Georgia Conference Chair: Latonya Raston, Kirstyn Martin

Date: April 1, 2023 Cluster Theme: You Laid the Blueprint, We’ll Build the Empire Location: Ransom Everglades High School Hosting Chapter: South Miami Conference Chairs: Lencola Cummings, Shawndra Woodard




he Southeastern Region remains deeply devoted to the mission

Programming is the Heartbeat of Jack and Jill; and the Sweet, Sweet

and vision of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Our

Southeastern Region (SER) has proven its heartbeat is STRONG!

mothers, through leadership and service, are committed to raising

Under the enthusiastic leadership of Regional Program Chairs Selika

future African American leaders. Since September 2021, our

Stackhouse Sampson (National) and Tammy Means (Regional),

programming activities have continued to elevate to new heights

the SER Program Committee, and host chapters facilitated six

and model excellence while ensuring our families remain connected,

opportunities for children to work, play, and live together during the

engaged and vigilant as we navigate and adhere to our updated

2023 Children’s Cluster season. The Super Clusters included the

in-person safety protocols. We are thrilled to continue in-person

state-level Speak Up, Speak Out (10-12 year-olds) presentations

conferences during the 2022-2023 Program Year. Excitedly, the

and the annual Ann Owen Gordon Teen Oratorical Competitions,

Regional Executive Board led by Regional Director, Darlene McGhee

with state-level teen winners advancing to the final competition

Whittington rounds out the final year of their term under the theme

during the 2023 Regional Teen Leadership Conference. The youth

of Together Toward Tomorrow… Lifting ALL Children Higher. The

spoke passionately on the following themes: Speak Up, Speak Out!

Southeastern Region kicked off the first conference of the program

“You Laid the BLUEPRINT...We’ll BUILD the Empire” and the Ann

year in grand fashion by hosting the 45th National Convention

Owen Gordon Division I Teens, “Black Excellence: Aspire to Build

in sunny Orlando, Florida from July 27 - 31, 2022. The theme of

an Empire.”

The Power of a Dream. On Mission. On Purpose for ALL Children

participated in our innovative regional programs including “Today

embodied the bold vision of our beloved National President and

a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader” inclusive book club representing

SER’s very own, Kornisha McGill Brown. During the conference,

books for all grade levels and abilities; “This Is Me: Gavel Club”

we were honored to have NP Kornisha McGill Brown re-elected as

where our children and teens master public speaking at every

our National President for a second term! The Regional Breakfast

age; Stock Market Exchange Challenge ; and Reach and Reached

was simply beautiful with a Tiffany Blue theme of “Brown & Co.”,

Career Mentoring.

in honor of our National President and her outstanding service. The 3 host chapters for the National Convention were: Orlando, Brevard County, and the Greater Tampa Chapters. Tanisha Nunn Gary (Orlando) valiantly served as the Chair along with Co-Chair Monica Newman McCluney (Brevard County), and Co-Chair Joycelyn Henson (Greater Tampa).

Throughout the program year children and teens

The 67th Annual Regional Teen Leadership Conference (TLC) was hosted by the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter in conjunction with several other Metro-Miami area chapters. The conference was led by Regional Teen President Jasmine Stewart of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter. The Regional Executive Board, Conference Chair Enette Henderson and Co-Chairs, Margaretta Kearson and

Fall Area Mothers’ Work Day was hosted by the Savannah, GA

Desorae Smith were all on hand to ensure a successful and exciting

Chapter in their home city at the Westin Savannah Harbor Resort

Teen Conference. The theme of “Black Excellence: Aspire to Build

and Spa hotel. The conference theme was “EDUCATE to ELEVATE

an Empire” was woven throughout the convention. MAL Takeysha

Your Jack and Jill EXPERIENCE…. And the Beat Goes On”. The

Lewis and the host chapter guided the teens through a successful

goal was for each mother to leave empowered to make tangible

community service project. Last, but certainly not least, the efforts of

change upon returning to her home chapter. The conference kicked

all teens who participated in the Double Good Popcorn campaign

off on Friday afternoon with training for Financial Officers, Vice

led by Teen Foundation Chair Kennedy Means made Dreams Come

Presidents, and Programming Directors. The Regional Executive

True in Pink & Blue for families experiencing homelessness in the

Board took time to connect with the Regional Leadership Team

community. The SER Teens were United in SERvice as they left a

and the Chapter Presidents engaged in leadership pearls with Past

lasting impact on the South Florida community.

National President Tamara Turnley Robinson and Regional Director Darlene. RD Darlene rolled out two new exciting regional projects: A Regional coffee table collectable history book and a State License plate project! Associate Jewels that we consider SER “Legends” were joined by their “Legacies” for a riveting panel conversation during the The Grace Wyatt Leadership Luncheon. Later in the evening, the Savannah Chapter hosted a fun-filled “Dancing Through the Decades” themed party. Saturday, was filled with a myriad of informative workshops and seminars followed by the installations of two new chapters: Southern Crescent Chapter and Golden Isles Chapter. 730


Darlene Whittington currently has the honor of serving as the 28th Regional Director of the Southeastern Region of Jack and Jill. In 2019, she was elected as the Member-at-Large (MAL) and the region’s representative to the National Board of Trustees of the Jack and Jill of America Foundation. She successfully served a 2-year appointment as the Southeastern Region Program Chair with oversight of the regions’ Book Club program, Pen Pal program, oratorical competitions, Childrens’ Cluster meetings, and the annual regional family trip. Darlene has also served as the Southeastern Region representative to the National Policies and Procedures Committee, as Regional Technology Chair and for 2 terms as the Regional Editor. RD Darlene came into Jack and Jill as the Organizer and Chartering President of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. (GMAC). Under her leadership, GMAC became the first chapter of Jack and Jill to attain the designation of 5 Star Chapter of Excellence. She has subsequently served GMAC in the capacity of Parliamentarian and two-time Co-Chair of the chapter’s signature Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion.


Sharon January, MD is the proud wife of Michael January and mother to 3 sons and 1 daughter. She has been a proud charter member since 2010 of The Greater North Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. where she has proudly served her chapter on numerous committees, as Charter Sergeant at Arms, Grade Group Sponsor, Senior Teen Sponsor, and as Chapter President. She is the Immediate Past Southeastern Region Editor and Bylaws Chair and is the Immediate Past Southeastern Region representative to the National Constitution & Bylaws Committee. Her love of governance prompted her to take the test to join the National Association of Parliamentarians. She completed a yearlong fellowship in the Inaugural Marion Stubbs National Leadership Academy and is in the second year of her term as Southeastern Regional Secretary. Her passion for timely communication, organization, order, governance, and serving her community all coalesce very well in her current role as Regional Secretary of the Sweet, Sweet Southeastern Region.


Florence Holland, EdD is a visionary leader, bridge builder, and a dedicated professional with more than 15 years of strategic planning and hands-on expertise. She has worked with businesses and led strategic planning around talent development, diversity, equity, and inclusion. She also has extensive education experience working with secondary and post-secondary education students, securing resources and implementing effective programs. Florence currently serves as the Director of Culture, Diversity and Inclusion for RSM US LLP, Adjunct Faculty for Auburn University and Southern New Hampshire University. She is a member, choir director, and office administrator at Greenwood Missionary Baptist Church in Tuskegee, Alabama, Regional Treasurer of the Southeastern Region of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and a member of the Tuskegee Chapter of Jack and Jill, Board Treasurer for the Ostara Initiative as well as the Lee County Remembrance Project. Most importantly she is the wife of an amazingly supportive husband, Michael and a boy mom to Michael (16), Miles (14), and Major (11).




Takeysha Lewis calls it a blessing and an honor to serve as the Foundation Member at Large for the Sweet, Sweet, Southeastern Region. She represents the Southeastern Region on the Jack and Jill of America Foundation Board of Directors where she serves as Co-Chair of the Program Committee and a member of the HBCU Committee. MAL Takeysha strives to ensure that SER service projects flourish with the overall goal of exposing our moms, children, and teens to opportunities to ensure that we continue to be well equipped to make an impact on the world around us and beyondthrough service and philanthropy. She is a proud member of the Macon (GA) Chapter, where she has held membership since 2010. As a member of the Macon Chapter, she has served as Chapter President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Chapter Editor, Grade Group Lead/Sponsor, Social Committee Chair, Membership Chair, and Five Star Chair. Regionally, she has served as the Regional Community Service Chair, Evaluations Committee Chair during the 31st Biennial Mothers’ Regional Conference, as a member of the Regional Strategic Relevance and Value Committee.


Gwen Thompson Hewitt serves as the Area Development Director for the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) of Central and Northern Florida. UNCF is second only to the federal government in providing funds for students pursuing post-secondary education. Gwen is responsible for the support and development of resources to increase the total number of African American and low-income college graduates by focusing on activities that ensure more students are college-ready, enroll in college and persist to graduation. Gwen tenured her membership from the Orlando Chapter of JJOA after 24 years of active participation. She served the Orlando Chapter in a variety of roles ranging from Teen Sponsor to President. At the Regional level, Gwen served on the membership, programming, budget, protocol and strategic planning committees to name a few. She was elected as Foundation Member at Large in 2011 and reelected in 2013. During her tenure the SER consistently received the largest number of Foundation grants. Gwen served our National organization in a variety of roles including, as Resolutions chair, Nominating chair and Strategic Planning chair. Currently, Gwen serves as the Chair of Orlando Associate Jewels.



Mr Dameon Clay has been a member of Jack and Jill of America Inc. with his wife Dr. Leila Jerome Clay since 2015. During that time he has been active and served as the father’s auxiliary chair in the Augusta Chapter where he supported the moms of the chapter. He participated in the national programming activity in 2020 where a discussion was held on the movie Uncorked. Dad Dameon served as a panelist and provided his expertise on the mental health aspect of the movie. In 2021, Dad Dameon accepted the role of Regional Father’s Auxiliary Chair and served on the National Committee. Soon after, he accepted and served as National Father’s Auxiliary chair in 2022. As the National Father’s Auxiliary chair, he supported the Southeastern Region by hosting the father’s activities for the 45 National Conference. During the conference fathers from all over the country gathered and fellowshipped while participated in activities. The Father’s Auxiliary activity committee agreed upon a goal which constituted fellowship and encouragement of father’s, to support our mothers, by becoming more active in Jack and Jill of America, Inc activities and functions. Dad Dameon is a High School counselor in Tampa Fl. 732

TEEN OFFICERS JASMINE STEWART | TEEN PRESIDENT Jasmine Stewart is a member of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. She is currently the newly elected Southeastern Region Teen President and the Immediate Past Southeastern Region Teen Vice President. She is also a past participant in and winner of the Ann Owen Gordon Oratorical Contest. Named as a National Jack and Jill Teen Who Inspires in 2019, Jasmine also served as a workshop presenter at the 2020 Southeastern Region Teen Conference and the 2019 Southeastern Region Children’s Cluster. She was appointed to serve on the Fulton County Youth Commission, is a Debutante for the Stone MountainLithonia Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and is the Founder and CEO of her own company.

JOSELYN GLASS | TEEN VICE PRESIDENT Josephine Glass is a Senior and Honor Roll student at Oak Mountain Academy Class of 2023. She is a chartering member of the 5-star West Georgia Chapter established in 2018. She served as Teen Editor, Teen Historian and Teen Foundation Chair. She also served the region as Teen Legislative Chair, and Teen Communication Board Chair. As Regional Teen Vice President Josephine started a teen initiative program titled Stress-Free-SER. Without proper coping mechanisms, untreated stress can lead to poor sleep, education underperformance, and even depression. Through this initiative Josephine introduced fun and innovative programming that teaches children, teens, and moms how to combat stress and wants to pursue a degree.

BLAKE JOSEPH SATCHEL HAYNES | TEEN SECRETARY Blake JS Haynes is the son of Shun Haynes and Dr. Laura Sams Haynes. Blake, an Atlanta native and junior at The Westminster Schools, is an honor roll student and varsity basketball point guard. Blake has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill since the age of two. Having served as Atlanta Chapter Teen President, currently Blake is honored to serve as the Southeastern Regional Teen Secretary. Blake is a member of the 2022-2023 cohort of INROADS College Links and plans to pursue a business BA, MBA and JD.

GABRIELLE BOWIE | TEEN TREASURER Gabrielle Bowie is the daughter of Michael and Mother Verdelle Bowie. She is a senior at Lebanon High school in Lebanon, Tennessee; and is dual enrolled, on track to receive her associates degree in May 2023. She has been a member of the Nashville chapter for almost 10 years while also participating in various extracurricular activities including varsity soccer, the National Honors Society, and coaching at her local soccer club. Within the organization, Gabrielle bolstered her role by running from the floor at the Southeastern regional teen conference. While representing the Oh, So, Live 615 Nashville chapter, she was elected regional teen treasurer, the first regional teen officer post in the history of the chapter

KENNEDY MEANS | TEEN FOUNDATION CHAIR Kennedy Talia-Marie Means is a senior at Hoover High School in Birmingham, Alabama and is the daughter of Mr. Kenneth Means and Dr. Tammy Means. She has been in Jack and Jill for 8 years as a member of the Mississippi Gulf Coast and Birmingham Chapters. She is President, Service Chair, and Foundation Committee Co-Chair. Notably, she is a three-time Outstanding Volunteer Service Award recipient grossing over 400 hours of service over her highschool career. She is a member of the Youth Serve Action Council, Virginia Samford Theatre Company, is a Certified Peacebuilder of Metropolitan Birmingham, and holds an internship at the Ross Bridge Animal Hospital. Kennedy has future plans of becoming a small animal veterinarian.






President: Nedra S. Fortson Vice-President: Alfreda Sheppard Program Director: Jazmine Gilbert Assistant Program Director: SaJuana Williams Recording Secretary: Narkisa Howard Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Love Treasurer: Kisha Davis Financial Secretary: Christine Ford Assistant Financial Secretary: Rhonda Porter Editor: Alyssa “Lee” Locus-Robinson Chaplain: Magalie Nelson Charles Historian: Alphonese Wilson Foundation Chair: Shaunae Motley Parliamentarian: Stephanie Dyer Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Stephanie Dyer, Christine Ford, and Rhonda Porter Associate Chair: Crystal Merrell-Calhoun Father’s Auxiliary: Demetrius Love

President: Christianna Ford Vice-President: Christina Tillis Secretary: Jaria Ware Treasurer: Kennedy Smith Parliamentarian: Cydnev Love Chaplain: Gregory Williams Sergeant-at-Arms: Korey Fortson


The Albany Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated was established in 1950. Twelve years after Mrs. Marion Stubbs Thomas envisioned JJOA, Mrs. Nellie Gordon Roulhac, a native of Philadelphia and an English professor at Albany State College (now University), was inspired to cultivate such a vision for children and mothers in the Deep South. During the spring of 1950, Mrs. Roulhac was instrumental in gathering fifteen mothers at her Albany, GA home. At that meeting, her vision flourished. On September 23, 1950, the Amazing Albany Chapter became the first chapter in the state of Georgia, chartered by then National President Mrs. Edna Seay of Buffalo, New York. Mrs. Belle Few Thompson hosted the chartering ceremony at her Albany, GA home, and the Memphis, Tennessee Chapter served as the sponsoring chapter. The Albany Chapter went on to sponsor the Tallahassee Chapter. September 23, 1950 Chartering Officers: Chapter President: Mrs. Nellie G. Roulhac Vice President: Mrs. Addie H. Heard Recording Secretary: Mrs. W.M. Dennis Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Pearl Sanders Treasurer: Mrs. Lessie Miller Journalist: Mrs. Bemry Nelson Chartering Members: Ophelia Andrews, Evelyn Battle, Grace Blaylock, Zenola Cheevers, Beatrice Crowell, Duloe Dabney, Sue Ellis, Miriam Gay, Connie

Jones, Mary L. Vincent Harris, Ruth Humphries, Lucile Horton, Helen Mays, Virginia Searles, Edna Smith, Belle Few Thompson, Mary Watson


Shining Bright Like a Diamond was a theme befitting for the Albany Chapter as we kicked off a new program year and wrapped up a phenomenally successful one. Being recognized for a National Top 3 Best of the Best Program, a First Place Cycle 3 National Best of the Best Honor, and a twotime Five Star Chapter designation Illustrates our commitment and dedication to our children and families. We are On Mission. On Purpose. With the addition of thirteen new Mother Members this year, the Albany Chapter is poised for excellence and execution of purpose driven programming For All Children in Albany, Georgia, and surrounding communities.






President: A. Michelle Phillips Vice-President: Mariel Blake Program Director: Cheryl Sewell Recording Secretary: A. Michelle Phillips Corresponding Secretary: A. Michelle Philips Treasurer: Zaheerah Biggers Financial Secretary: Keisha Carithers-Ryals Editor: Mariel Blake Chaplain: Felisha Floyd Historian: Mariel Blake Foundation Chair: Lyquaia Stowers Purcell Parliamentarian: Tharinia Oyegun Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Kesha Collier Father’s Auxiliary: Felisha Floyd

President: Obayemi Blake Vice-President: Sasha Phillips Secretary: Kendra Collier Treasurer: Jadyn Biggers Parliamentarian: Jordan BiQQers Chaplain: Kelli Floyd Sergeant-at-Arms: Kelli Floyd


Zaheerah Biggers, Mariel Blake, LaKisha Bolton, Keisha Carithers-Ryals, LaTiffany Carter, Kesha Collier, Daphne Esho, Felisha Floyd, Beatrice Howard, Ashley Love, Kena Miller-Worthy, A. Michelle Phillips, Cheryl Sewell, Rhondolyn Smith,Tharinia Oyegun, Lyquaia Stowers Purcell, Tracie Tomas, Lynyetta Willis


The Athens Chapter was established on November 20, 1988. The chapter was organized by Gwen Payton and Yvonne Studevan and sponsored by the Macon (GA) and Stone Mountain (GA) Chapters. The chartering mothers were Candace Sheats, Betty Brown Williamson, Juanita Floyd, Selena Miller, Gwendolyn Payton, Barbara Dent McRae, Eleanor Carithers, Yvonne Studevan, Janlyn Fleming, Johnnie Lay Burk, Sandra Blount, Henrietta Jackson, Janet Robinson Jordan, Vivian Alford, Gloria Cisrow, Pearl Powell, Gail Hurley Iglehart, Joann Knapper, Patricia B. Wilker and Ora Lumpkin Jennings.


CP Michelle has continued the work of chapter expansion into her second term (2022 - present). The Chapter welcomed four new moms to the chapter, now totaling eighteen moms, thirty-two Jacks and Jills and fifteen dads. A resumption of in-person activities for the chapter strengthend relationship building among Chapter families. Community service continued to be an area of emphasis. The Chapter began collecting canned goods at each meeting and event for future donation to an area charity. Holiday wish lists were fulfilled for residents of the Winder Healthcare - Nursing Home at the chapter wide gift wrapping party. The Chapter increased community visibility through participation at the Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. parade and by partnering with Adventure Bags and Joshua’s Voice to create mental health care packages for children and teens in need and the American Red Cross to host a blood drive. We held our first Module Mania, our younger ones learned about the history of farming and sharecropping in Georgia and got behind the scene tours of a local bank and election office. Our teens held their first Financial Jubilee to complete their financial modules. Additionally, teen foundation giving increased with a successful Double Good Fundraiser, with the teens raising their highest foundation contribution to date of $1,668. They used

some of the funds to host local displaced families at a private showing of Wakanda Forever. They also wrote and performed a play for Jack and Jill Day/Carole Robertson Day that depicted the events of the 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing. The Chapter concluded the year with Black Family Day festivities focused on healthy eating and mindful exercise. Poised to continue making its mark in the community, as a Small AND Mighty chapter, the Athens Area Chapter was recognized at the 45th National Convention with certificates for Blue Ribbon Bylaws, Digital Cheetah Officer Compliance, Chapter Strategic Planning Initiatives, and a 2022 Volunteer Service Award for Teen President Simone Phillips.





President: Pamela Redd Vice-President: Shana Davis Program Director: Felicia Jones Nickerson, Carla Dillard Homer, Jessica Cooke Scarborough Recording Secretary: Quiante Neal, Erikka Searles-Mitchell Corresponding Secretary: Stephanie Cross Treasurer: Dana Weeks Ugwonali Financial Secretary: Alicia Cullens Watkins, Annette Marshall Editor: Anika Palm Chaplain: Kimberly Manning Historian: Nicole Lawson Jenkins Foundation Chair: Dymeka Harrison, Genifer Stewart Parliamentarian: Erika Harrison Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Jennifer Marshall, Ashani O’Mard, Leslie P. Thomas Associate Chair: Alfreda Maves Father’s Auxiliary: India Epps, Jodi Watson, Roberto Young

President: Sasha Menzie Junior Teen President: Katie Johnson Vice-President: Caden Jenkins Junior Teen Vice President: Ava Marshall Secretary: Mia Heath, Kellye Cleveland Junior Teen: Dylan Harris, Lydia Berry Treasurer: Charlie McAdoo Ill Junior Teen Treasurer: Whitcliff “Tre” McKnight Ill Parliamentarian: Sampson Thomas Junior Teen Parliamentarian: Cristina Cross Chaplain: Rayne Blasingame Junior Teen Chaplain: Michael Davis Sergeant-at-Arms: Rayne Blasingame Junior Teen Chaplain: Michael Davis


The Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., was organized in February 1951 through the effort of Mrs. Elizabeth Macomson, a teacher at Spelman College. An Albany Chapter member suggested to her that this mothers’ organization should be represented and active in Atlanta. Mrs. Helen Bell Robinson Brooks, a colleague, invited a group of mothers, many of whom were affiliated with the various schools in the Atlanta University Consortium, to organize in her home. By installation time on September 16, 1951, there were 34 mothers. The following were the charter officers: Elizabeth Macomson, president; Mexico Mickelbury, secretary; Helen Bell Robinson Brooks, treasurer; Jewel Simon and Toki Connally, co-chairmen of program committee; Alice Holmes Washington, reporter to the national organization; and Johnnie Yancey, chairman of the membership committee. The other charter members included: Ernestine Brazeal, Miriam Burney, Harriet Chisholm, Ernestine Comer, Billie Davis, Grace DeLorme, Louis Eagleson, Jacqueline Frye, Sadie Gaines, Ann Graves, Gertrude Hackney, Marge Harper, Freddye Henderson, Dorothea Hill, Juliette Jackson, Ruth Jackson, Betty Mapp, Gladys Powell, Marion Scott, Ruth Scott, Clara Singleton, Juanita Smith, Lavada Smith, Helen Westerfield, Virginia Whatley, Beatrice Williams, and Irene Wilson. The mothers of the Atlanta Chapter are committed to our legacy of leadership and love in the Atlanta community. With 205 mothers among our ranks, we are making an impact in our great city by nurturing the next generation of leaders and contributing to the betterment of the entire Atlanta community through philanthropic works that support ALL children.


We began by culminating our 70th Anniversary celebration on Jack and Jill Day with a Family Gala & Carole Robertson Memorial Observance. In tribute, our children and teens enjoyed activities centered around the theme of Carole Robertson’s pastimes. NurturingNEXT continued during our children’s Brunch with Santa and Kwanzaa celebration. Our lower grade group families enjoyed brunch, captured memories with Santa and held programming activities representing the Nguzo Saba, all under one roof! Servant leadership was exhibited via our teens, hosts of the metro-Atlanta chapters Teens2Serve opportunity, through partnership with the American Red Cross via education on sickle cell anemia, then by recruiting volunteers to give blood. Our children and teens strived to live the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream through participation in age-appropriate service projects to benefit the vulnerable, with a focus on facilitating our family units to serve together. The Atlanta Chapter continues a robust oratorical curriculum, which expanded this year to launch our children and teens’ “Programming with ‘Pardonable Pride’ through the years” podcast series and hosting our local competition. Our teens intentionally focused on leadership styles and team-building strategies by participating in a series of interactive workshops with community leaders. Through the creation of individual publicity and fundraising efforts, we encourage our children to increase their philanthropy and fundraising skills and raise awareness about prematurity in the annual March for Babies. We closed out celebrating those traits necessary to be focused, resilient and fruitful in shared goals, participating in exercise-based games and bonding.







President: Monica Johnson Vice-President: Dee Griffin Program Director: Lauren Green Recording Secretary: KaMona Riley-Lee Corresponding Secretary: La Toya Harris Treasurer: Angela Duncan Financial Secretary: Candace Walker Editor: Quan Myers Chaplain: Kristie Searcy Historian: Quan Myers Foundation Chair: Danielle Allen Parliamentarian: Donna Adams-Pickett Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Alicia Elam Associate Chair: Deborah Brown Father’s Auxiliary: Chris Johnson

President: Alyce-Dean Elam Owens Vice-President: Carter Hill Recording Secretary: Aniyah Williams Corresponding Secretary: Kennedy Johnson Treasurer: McKenzie Hill Parliamentarian: Simon Davis Chaplain: Kamille Johnson Teen Editor/Historian: Chloe Prescott


Samantha Chilton, Stacy Davis, Marian Ebron, Vanesa Hamard,Melissa Johnson, Tara Johnson, Tammy Kelly, Kellie McIntyre, Tiffany Moorhart, Deshala Murray, Elisehia Nesbitt, Riquetta Prescott, Lynthia Ross, Toni Seals-Johnson, Angela Sorapuru-Lopez, LaShon Sturgis, Sherry Tollerson, Cheri Tutt, Kimbly Walker, LaDonna Walker, Monique Walker, Kimberly Wilder, Julia Williams, La’Quinta Williams


The Augusta Chapter was chartered in May 1970. The charter group was sponsored by the Savannah Chapter and included 25 mothers. Bernice Griffin, Margaret Jones, and Willarena Williams organized the group as the Augusta Mothers’ Club in 1968.


The Augusta Chapter continues to deliver exemplary programming by serving the community while empowering our youth to make a significant impact in society. The Augusta Chapter celebrated Carole Robertson day on September 11, 2022. We enjoyed worshipping together at New Direction Christian Center. The congregation welcomed our chapter with open arms for us to participate in the service. We had an opportunity to educate the members of the congregation about who Carole Robertson was and why we remember her. One of our Mothers shared the occasion with the congregation. All children and families enjoyed participating and worshipping together. The congregation appreciated learning about Carole Robertson. Our 5-Star Chapter mothers attended the Southeastern Region’s Mother’s Day in Savannah, GA. There was a great balance of work and play. The officers participated in regional training. Additionally, mothers engaged in informative workshops. We also enjoyed socializing at the Decades Dance Party and Contest. During our Founders’ Day celebration, Mid-Atlantic Region Chaplain and Augusta Chapter Legacy, Sonya Dunn-Brailsford Inspired us to be Grateful. RS Sharon January spoke about the Power of Engagement, and Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Tarcia Flemming delivered a wonderful message about the Power of Being All In. After the program mothers enjoyed Brunch en’ Blanc. The Augusta Chapter celebrated Souper Bowl of Caring and MLK

Day of Service in January. Our children and teens collected 1402 items for our Columbia County Community Connections partners. On MLK Day of Service, chapter members worked together to package over 130 weekend snack bags that will go to children facing food insecurity. Our Zodiac teens also served our community by cleaning up debris around the historic Lucy C. Laney Museum of Black History. The Augusta Chapter Black Family Day celebration will be a “Splash Landing” after an eventful program year. The family fun day will be held on Sunday, May 7, 2023 at Riverwood Neighborhood Pool in Evans, GA. The children will have an opportunity to participate in fun swim competitions such as relay races, water volleyball, basketball and other fun aquatic activities. The program committee will set up posters around the pool highlighting HBCUs that have swim teams and professional African American swimmers. Families will be able to support black owned businesses through our food truck crawl and delight in traditional African American and Caribbean cuisine. Our chapter will also celebrate our graduating seniors as they SOAR into the next dimensions of their lives. The Augusta Chapter will continue to execute superb programming to help make a powerful difference in the lives of our children.









Safety, Pumpkin Patch Express, and Courthouse Rocks. Our Satellites explored nature with hiking at Ruffner Mountain and participated in a community 5K Run to benefit a local elementary school. Our Friskies had programming in STE[A]M at Cooks Museum of Natural Science and programming at the Jefferson County Courthouse with active role play in a live court case. Our Preteens started the year with Cave Camping and Mental Health Retreat at Majestic Caverns and had an impactful Day in Court at the Jefferson County Courthouse. Our Teens kicked off the year with Teens Unplugged Retreat at Camp Cosby, activated our HBCU focus with a visit to the historical Tuskegee University, and were educated on the Game of Life with outside financial experts sharing hands-on scenarios in financial literacy.

President: Erica Edwards-Lankford Vice-President: Krysten Holloway Program Director: Tammy Means Recording Secretary: Erica McDaniels Corresponding Secretary: Serina Johnson Treasurer: Vera Copeland Financial Secretary: Demarish Ruffin-Smith Editor: Kwoya Fagin Maples Chaplain: Zay Allen Historian: Demarish Ruffin-Smith Foundation Chair: Jennifer Maye Parliamentarian: Christina Norman Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Linda Ware Associate Chair: Valerie Green

President: Riley Ashford Vice-President: Maya Davis Secretary: Morgan Lankford Treasurer: Logan Ware Parliamentarian: Evan Houser

The Birmingham Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, was organized by Mrs. Marguerite W. Steward and became a Provisional Chapter on November 7, 1954. The Nashville Chapter of Jack and Jill sponsored the Birmingham Provisional Chapter. Provisional Officers were Mrs. Marguerite W. Steward - President, Mrs. Lillian Sheehy - Vice President, Mrs. Mayo Forniss - Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ruth Gaillard -Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Laura Sterling - Treasurer, and Mrs. Beverly Bradford - Journalist. The Birmingham Chapter was chartered on September 30, 1955. The Charter Officers and members were installed in the Birmingham Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. by National President, Mrs. Nellie G. Roulhac, at the Ballard House. The Birmingham Chapter became the sixty-sixth chapter. Charter Officers were Mrs. Marguerite W. Stewart - President, Mrs. Lillian Sheehy - Vice President, Mrs. Mayo Forniss - Recording Secretary, Mrs. Joanna Dale - Sergeant-at-Arms, and Mrs. Beverly Bradford- Journalist. The other Charter Members were Mrs. Henrietta Bradford, Mrs. Catherine Hall, Mrs. Lorayne Coar, Mrs. Wilma Harris, Mrs. Sarah Nell Cole, Mrs. Beatrice Jones, Mrs. Reva Coleman, Mrs. Theodora Shores, Mrs. Addine Drew, Mrs. Roslyn Ware, Mrs. Electra Green, and Mrs. Marguerite Wills.


The Birmingham Chapter started the 2022-2023 programming year with a very robust calendar of events supporting the National Theme “On Mission. On Purpose.” In June, we had the honor of hosting the 66th Annual Southeastern Region Teen Conference. In September, the Chapter kicked off a weekend in full swing with Family Day at the Movies, Time for Worship and Commemorating Our Precious Carole, a program honoring and celebrating the life of Birmingham Chapter Preteen Carole Robertson who was one of the four little girls who lost her life in Birmingham 16th Street Church Bombing the September 1963.

In December we celebrated our annual Christmas/Kwanzaa with the seven principles of Kwanzaa. The live musical selections performed by our chapter children and teens coupled with delicious food and fellowship were fantastic compliments to an unforgettable event. Our December Sisterly Meetup did not fall short of rejuvenating, reviving and refreshing our mothers to stay in tuned with the Jack and Jill Mission. Our Spring single-grade group programming will consist of various cultural, philanthropic, health, and social events. The Chapter will close the year out celebrating all chapter family members through programming, community service and sisterly acts of kindness. Through robust programming, community service and strong sisterly relations, the Birmingham Chapter remains “On Mission. On Purpose.”

Our fall single-grade programming activities consisted of programming covering the five thrusts and programmatic focus areas with our littlest ones, Eager Beaver programming in Fire





President: Mia Somersall Hosey Vice-President: Kira Walls Program Director: Monica Newman Mccluney Recording Secretary: Sabrina Morton Corresponding Secretary: Simone Kinq Paul Treasurer: Traci Mitchell Financial Secretary: Panya Mitchell Editor: Mia Somersall Hosey Chaplain: Tysha Pittman Historian: Scottie Winslow Foundation Chair: Nikisha Clementin Parliamentarian: Carmen Robertson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Scottie Winslow Associate Chair: Deborah Maycock-Walcott

President: Erick “RJ” Sanz Vice-President: Joshua Anderson Secretary: Jade Somersall Treasurer: Kennedy Walls Parliamentarian: Ivie Mitchell


Kelli Addison, Kendra Bailey, Courtenay Blunt, Sabrina Morton, Rachel Callender, Nikisha Clementin, Lolona Coleman, Shanel Crusoe, Toya Dupuch, Lauren Goff, Shalarie Highsmith, Melonie Holt, Mia Hosey, Nicole Hosey, Donna Lewis, Chrislyn Martin, Monica Newman Mccluney, Tiffany Michaux, Panya Mitchell, Traci Mitchell, Lashawnda Mobley, Simone King Paul, Tysha Pittman, Kawanda Rembert, Carmen Robertson, Vanessa Sanz, Michelle Somersall, Kira Walls, Kenyatta Washington, Andrea Wilson, Scottie Winslow, Tacoya Wright


The Brevard County, Florida chapter was established on July 23rd, 2005 by the following charter members: Valora Gurganious, Kira Walls, Judge Rhonda Babb, Susan Jerkins, Esq, Hope Baker, Connie Lanier, M.Ed, Tina Wilson, Ursula Moses, PharmD, Constance Lea, Regine Pappas, MD, Natasha Kendall Myles, Marza Penny, MD, Ranya White, Gloria Smith, Daryth Stallone, Ph.D, Twila Chapman, Vonda Ware, MD, Kimberly Turner, Kathy Courteney Whitten, CPA, Kelley Moore, DDS, Scottie Winslow and Marissa Rocourt, MD. On October 27th, 2019, the following women chartered the chapter’s Associate affiliate group: Judge Rhonda Babb, Marcia Bentley, Donna Kinley, Connie Lanier, Deborah Maycock-Walcott and Tina Wilson. The Brevard County, FL chapter has many achievements under its belt. It was tapped to be a host chapter for the 45th National Convention that took place in Orlando, Florida in 2022. Brevard County, FL Chapter’s Monica Newman McCluney served as co-chair for the spectacular event. The chapter also hosted the 2022 Florida Super Cluster and Teen Leadership Conference at the historic Kennedy Space Center Visitors Complex. Monica Newman McCluney served as the chair. BCF chapter teen, Karrington Lawson made chapter history in 2021 as the first teen to be elected to serve as a regional teen officer - Regional Teen Treasurer - for the 20212022 year.


In the year 2022-2023, the chapter operated under the “Stronger Together” theme initiated by Chapter President, Dr. Mia Somersall Hosey and under the fierce leadership of Chapter Program Director Monica Newman McCluney. The year kicked off with a family outing to the Nyami Nyami River Lodge where the teen auxiliary led the Jack and Jill family in a ceremony in recognition of the

life and legacy of Carole Robertson. Other notable family events included a “Wakanda Forever” premiere fundraiser, an excursion to a Disney-inspired Winter Wonderland, a Founder’s Day picnic promoting black business and “random acts of kindness” and a day of “Relaxation and Recreation” for Black Family Day. Under the National Jack and Jill of America Theme “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose,” grade groups engaged in a variety of experiences. These included activities such as HBCU tours, a visit to a city council meeting, a glimpse into Veterinary Medicine, and a hands-on exercise in the practice of Pharmacology. The Jacks and Jills engaged in enriching activities such as a hot yoga session, an crash course in the Afro-Brazilian “Capoeira” and a lesson in swim safety. Eastern Florida State University was the host venue of “J&J University” - a day-conference for chapter Jacks and Jills featuring several leadership development and financial literacy modules. Truly, the Brevard County chapter embodies the term: “The Power to Make a Difference.”





Couture fundraiser where we danced the night away to the theme of Harlem Nights and the sounds of DJ Jazze Pha.

President: Candice D. Tate Vice-President:Christy Dixon Program Director: Tarsha Calloway Recording Secretary:Bianca Howell Corresponding Secretary: K Dionne Posey-Hammond Treasurer: Yolanda Foreman Financial Secretary: Tracy Moss Editor: Portia G. Williams Chaplain: Celia Campbell Historian: Portia G. Williams Foundation Chair: Courtney Hooker Parliamentarian :Allegra Lawrence-Hardy Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Suzanne Mitchell Associate Chair: Lauren Arnaud Father’s Auxiliary: Granvel Tate

The Buckhead Atlanta Chapter was officially chartered on March 19, 2005. Founding members are: Sonya Bellamy Adkins, Tracy Moss- Watson, Glenda Proctor Belcher, Yolanda Jones, Carol Elam, Kymberlee Estis, Paula Greenfield, D’Anna Hawthorne, Stephanie Russell, Joanne Kelly, Etienne LeGrand, Brenda Ward, and Sabrina Shannon Womack, Wanda Gold, Coretha Rushing, Donna Hardnett, Judith James, Angele Johnson, Robin Jones, Wonya Lucas Kirton, Jennifer Taylor McDonald, Christine Moore, Gail Morales, Cynthia Moreland, Vikki Millender-Morrow, Jill Pemberton, Rene Pennington, Laverne Poindexter, Kristina Ratlif, Marcia Riley Steele, and Marcia Williams.

President: Ivy Holland Vice-President: Ariana Frinks Secretary: Armstrong Jones Treasurer: Sloan Mitchell Porliomentorion:Caron Gee Chaplain: Carrington Smith

Buckhead Atlanta continues to strive forward in excellence! —“It Takes a Village!”


Two-time Five Star Award-winning Buckhead Atlanta Chapter (BAJJ) has Soared towards Excellence as we and continue to demonstrate the Power to Make a Difference For All Children… on Mission on Purpose. We kicked off the programming year with a virtual Program Planning Meeting. This was the first time the chapter has held a separate planning meeting to accommodate chapter growth and the need for reorientation of Age Group activity planning. The meeting For our founding members, the concept and ideals of an African was included an overview of Programming, setting expectations, village became the goal for the new chapter. Among the dynamic recapping the Jack and Jill Programmatic Thrusts, providing best founders — African-American women who found kinship living in practices in programming, sharing updated COVID-19 Guidelines, the predominately white neighborhood of Buckehad-Atlanta, the and reviewing We Are One: Inclusive Programming. The Host premise of the “village” was to build a strong sense of community mothers were then moved to their designated age group planning for themselves and their families, where none existed. Fostering the session to begin their planning discussions. We then held a socially chapter’s village ideals required creating a culture that embraced distanced, in-person Jack and Jill Day celebration, at the High each mother’s individual talents and required a robust level of Museum of Atlanta which included a tour of the museum gallery, participation and commitment to excellence, leadership, and service display commemorating Carole Robinson and a host of activities in order to attain goals of regional distinction. In this, our 18th and fun experiences for our children and teens. In December, the year, the Buckhead-Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, chapter hosted a fun, mothers-only holiday gathering of charcuterie Inc. boasts 73 mothers and 128 children. We are “On Mission board making hosted by the Social Committee. In 2022, the chapter and On Purpose”. The chapter has been graced with distinguished hosted multiple community service activities including supporting mothers and associates who have elevated our chapter twice to the Souper Bowl of Caring through our ongoing partnership with 5-Star excellence — providing thoughtful, impactful philanthropic Atlanta Food Bank where families of the chapter delivered meals service to the community and robust programming offering our to the elderly community across metro Atlanta. In February, BAJJ chapter’s children growth in intelligent and thoughtful leadership. celebrated Black History Month with an in-person celebration of In addition to core programming, noted annual activities keeps our history, achievements and adversities that are extraordinary part service at the heart. In November, the chapter came together to of our country’s history, “Unbreakable”. As part of this year’s Black serve Meals On Wheels Atlanta (MOWA) in memory of Mom Jovita History, we incorporated an Oratorical Showcase, highlighted our Moore. In addition to service, the MOWA garden was populated children and teens displaying their talents in an oral presentation with beautiful red tulips in her honor and a plaque of dedication highlighting the unbreakable spirit of our past, present, and future. was placed in the garden. MOWA was Mom Jovita’s favorite We used this showcase to prepare our children continue to hone Atlanta service entitiy, and we have vowed to serve in her honor their leadership skills through participation in the Southeastern each year. Additionally, Our foundation committee showed up in a Region’s Oratorical/ Speak Up Speak Out competition and Gavel full display of excellence in January for our annual Costume and Club presentations. 742






President: Pamela Watson Vice-President: Gina Daise Program Director: Lisa Dupree Recording Secretary: Shelia Baker Corresponding Secretary: Cherie Elcock Treasurer: Shannon Chambers Financial Secretary: Gwendolyn Edmond Editor: Crystal Shahid Chaplain: Donna Baker Historian: Crystal Shahid Foundation Chair: Shelia Baker Parliamentarian: Lauren Chambers Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Donna Baker Associate Chair: Michelle Nelson-Hawlins Father’s Auxiliary: Victor Watson

President: Lauren Baker Vice-President: Otis Lofton, II Secretary: Layla AlbriQht Treasurer: Darius Brown, Jr. Parliamentarian: Joseph Baker, II Chaplain: Zion Daise Sergeant-at-Arms: Robert Malone, II


The Columbus, Georgia Chapter was chartered in July 1966 by a local group of young women under the leadership of Mary Lee Bussey, Alice Fowlkes, and Laura Mae Strickland. Other charter members of the Columbus, Georgia Chapter included Helen Barnhart – the first Chapter President, Thelma Baskin, Mary Frances Beckett, Juanita Booker, Josephine Baugh, Norma Oleen, Elizabeth Gibson, Ruth Lewis, Sally Lunsford, Inez Morris, Lula Lunsford Odom, Gertha Stafford, Mary Frances Stephens, Mildred Terry, Jackie Whittlesey, and Jeannette Wilson. Several chapter presidents from the Columbus, GA Chapter have served the organization on the regional and national levels to include Veronis Hall – Southeastern Regional Director, 1979-83; Juanita Booker – Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Foundation Board; as well as current, National President Kornisha Brown – Southeastern Regional Secretary, 2015-17; Southeastern Regional Director, 2017-19; Southeastern Regional National Endorsed Candidate, 2019, National President, 2020-2022 and 2022-2024. Leadership flows through the COLGA Senior Teen group, as well, with several chapter teens having been elected to various regional positions throughout the chapter’s existence. First recognized in 2018, the Columbus, Georgia Chapter is also a twice, nationally recognized 5-Star Chapter of Excellence exhibiting exemplary practices in membership, programming, financial operations, chapter operations, and community service.


The Columbus, GA Chapter kicked off the 2022-2023 programming year excited to be back in person executing programs of COLGA excellence. COLGA families kicked off Carole Robertson Day by sharing the history, educating and reminding the chapter on the civil rights movement that was occurring in Birmingham in 1963 and the events that transpired at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church to Carole Robertson and the girls that perished in the bombings. After the remembrance, COLGA children led by the Senior Teens, performed a candlelight ceremony leveraging the Carole B. Robertson

curriculum provided by the National Curriculum committee. Jack and Jill Day highlighted the importance of exercising, eating and living a healthy lifestyle and the rest of the evening, our COLGA families played basketball, jumped in bouncy houses, swam in the pool, played tag and enjoyed delicious food showing that exercising can be fun and eating can be healthy. COLGA donated school uniforms to Brewer Elementary School as part of the service component of Jack and Jill Day. This local elementary school was in need of school uniforms and gently used coats for their students and COLGA was more than willing to step up and bless this school. In December 2022, the Chapter hosted a Christmas with COLGA event and celebrated 27th National President Kornisha McGill Brown on being elected for a second term as National President The Founders’ Day and Associates’ Appreciation Day theme of “First Class Forever” started with families, associates and legacy members workshipping together at the Greater Bellewood Baptist Church and transitioned into brunch which allowed an opportunity to fellowship. The program then featured children sharing 55 years of COLGA history with our families, Associates and Legacy members. This rich history was shared so that our youngest children to eldest associates could remember where COLGA originated and ended with the associates receiving a special gift from our children.






President: Chantel Day Vice-President: Lakisha Holmes Program Director: Monique Upton Recording Secretary: Tionis Fordham Corresponding Secretary: Tionis Fordham Treasurer: Shani Wright Financial Secretary: Valeake Smith Editor: Nadine Heusner Chaplain: Sundria Ridgley Historian: Nadine Heusner Foundation Chair: Floretta Robinson & Brigette Orey Parliamentarian: Nadine Heusner Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Valeake Smith & Lakisha Holmes Associate Chair: Patricia James Father’s Auxiliary: Shawn Holmes

President: Lydia Holmes Vice-President: Taylor Fordham Secretary: Brianna Fordham Treasurer: Peyton Orey Parliamentarian: Palyn Orey Chaplain: Darius Robinson Sergeant-at-Arms: Darius Robinson


Chantel Day, Lakeisha Holmes, Monique Upton, Shani Wright, Valeake Smith, Nadine Heusner, Tionis Fordham, Bridgette Orey, Danyelle Wilson, Aneesah Farris, Floretta Robinson, Amber-Veta Ball


The Daytona Beach Area Chapter was established on September 15, 1990 with the following charter mothers and officers: Bernadette Smith Bell, Lucy Butler Bell (Corresponding Secretary), Barbara Reasoner Blossom (President), Cynthia Smith Bradley, Gertrude Davis Briggs, Sandra Casselberry Corbett (Recording Secretary), Jean Covington Harding (Chaplain), Sandra Myers Hill (Financial Secretary), Linda Butts Huger, Murvyn Baker Kelsey, Linda Wilder McGee, Angela Livingston Price, Wanda Mobley Pride (Treasurer), Leila Purcell, Camille Pinn Ramsey, Debbie Wallace Ramsey, Diane Richardson Ross (Editor), Alma Glover Smith (Vice President), Carolyn Robinson Solomon (Parliamentarian), and Remona Stephens Thompson. Since inception, the Chapter has worked vigorously to enrich the lives of children by providing them with meaningful education, cultural, civic, health, and social/ recreational experiences. The Chapter’s mission is to aid mothers in learning more about their children, seek for all children the same advantages that are desired for one’s own, and support legislation aimed at improving conditions for all children.


The Daytona Beach Area Chapter has committed to carry forward the national theme, “The Power of Being All In” in all areas of chapter programming for the 2022-2023 program year. The chapter celebrated Jack and Jill Day with a Swim and Sail cruise and visit to the famous Disappearing Island. Highlights of pre-school programming include an introduction to physics at the Orlando Science center, a fishing expedition and a behind the scenes tour of NASCAR. Our elementary age Jacks and Jills explored equestrian sports, attended opening night at the Orlando Philharmonic and learned team and self-esteem building skills via tennis with at the Kurt Academy. Our middle schoolers earned their CPR certification, attended a robotics academy, and visited The Lincolnville Museum in St. Augustine Fl, to learn about local civil rights history. Our teen

Jacks and Jills celebrated Friendsgiving by donating Thanksgiving meals to the Volusia Basket Brigade, participated in a cooking and entrepreneurship workshop with Chef Count of the Saute Kingz and created their own Jack and Jill anime after learning about pioneering Black comic and anime artists. Our chapter celebrated our annual Fall Family night with a Boo-tastic Trunk or Treat and attended the Volusia Civic Ballet’s Nutcracker to celebrate the holidays. Upcoming programming includes our chapter ski trip to Winter Park Colorado, our New Mothers Literary Fair Service project, and a surf academy for our teens.




President: Denise Daisy Vice-President: Sana Chriss Program Director: Alana Leverette and Charlotte Foster Recording Secretary: Lisa Bowman Corresponding Secretary: Charnelda Lewis Treasurer: Terica Harleaux Financial Secretary: Aisha Redmond Editor: MaKara Rumley Chaplain: Frankie Gilmore Historian: MaKara Rumley Foundation Chair: Germani Hunt Parliamentarian: Angela Galloway Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Rashida Liddell


President: Grant Polk Vice-President: Elizabeth McCall Secretary: Chace Rumley and Kamilah Pierre Treasurer: Tristan Davis Parliamentarian: Joseph Milfort Chaplain: Caleb Morris Sergeant-at-Arms: Caleb Morris


Lisa Bowman, Sana Chriss, Trei Clark, Denise Daisy, Jamie Davis, Nicole Davis, Odicie Fielder-Kimbrough, Angela Galloway, Frankie Gilmore, Terica Harleaux, Monica Hayes, Germani Hunt, Alana Leverette, Charnelda Lewis, Rashida Liddell, Nakia Mattis, Suzanne Melan, Alisia Milfort, Natasha Morris, Tania Pierre, Terri Polk, Aisha Redmond, Terris Ross, MaKara Rumley, Charlotte Simmons-Foster, Tasha Spann McCall, Kay Stanley, Pamela Tolliver, Nicole Townsend, Lidet Yilma


The Dunwoody-Atlanta Chapter was established in Dunwoody, GA on October 5, 2014. The founding Mothers included: Phyllis Allen, Tracy Brown, Tiffany Bussey, Sana Chriss, Denise Daisy, Carletta Demps, Valeria Griffin, Monica Hayes, Lisa Jasper, Nicole Jasper, Doris Johnson, Danielle Jones, Rashida Liddell, Jennifer Long, Cheryl McMahon Lee, Tina Olidge, Terri Polk, and Karen White. The chapter established the following mission: To enrich the lives of children and parents while building a legacy of service and leadership in the community. Presently, the chapter has 30 active moms. The Executive Board consists of the following people: President: Denise Daisy; Vice-President: Sana Chriss; Program Directors: Alana Leverette & Charlotte Simmons-Foster; Recording Secretary: Lisa Bowman; Corresponding Secretary: Charnelda Lewis; Treasurer: Terica Harleaux; Financial Secretary: Aisha Redmond; Editor: MaKara Rumley; Chaplain: Frankie Gilmore; Historian: MaKara Rumley; Foundation Chair: Germani Hunt; Parliamentarian: Angela Galloway; Teen Lead Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Rashida Liddell; Protocol Chair: Jaime Davis; Community Service Chair: Natasha Morris; Five Star Chair: Terri Polk


to conquer her biggest fear, the dark. The Azaleas participated in an event at a local African-American-owned bookstore - Brave and Kind Books. The children met with a young author, similar in age to them, who had published a book. They learned about writing, publishing, and marketing a book from the author and one of the author’s parents. The Red Maples connected economic justice with the civil rights movement based on a speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968 called “The Other America.” Children learned about the speech, answered questions about budgeting, and took home an activity sheet to practice budgeting their time.

The Dunwoody-Atlanta Chapter supported the national theme The Magnolias toured the headquarters of MedShare in Decatur, Georgia, and worked together to sort and package medical supplies of “Legacy: 85 Years of Jack and Jill: How our Past has Met our Present and What our Future Holds” by starting the year with our sent to healthcare facilities in medically underserved communities. They exceeded their objective by packing 617 pounds of supplies chapter retreat. This time provided the rejuvenation that our moms needed to transition from the summer into the programming year. that will help 512 people! The Teens of the Dunwoody-Atlanta Moms experienced a makeup and skincare consultation, traveled Chapter hosted the 2022-2023 Metro Atlanta Teen Dance. The dance was held at the Westside Cultural Arts Center with nearly 300 to a vineyard, and had a relaxing spa day. The Honey Cups visited teens in attendance. There was also an opportunity to unwind and the Alliance Theatre and saw an interactive play inspired by the Mayor’s Summer Reading Club book, Do You Love the Dark, by play games such as Jenga, Uno, and Connect Four. Our chapter Maya Lawrence. They interacted with the show’s main character, looks forward to finishing the programming year strong with all of the exciting activities that we have planned for our Jack and Jills. Maya, a young girl who has experienced many sleepless nights trying 747






On November 12, 2022, ESAC hosted its annual Children’s Ball : Tuxedos and Tutus the Sneaker Remix. With its first premiere since the pandemic started, the Children’s Ball came back better than ever! The event included special celebrity guest, a children’s dance group, a special treat (cookies, candy, and all things sweet) station, and an absolutely good time to be had by all children and adults! It was truly a family gratifying event!

President: Sha’Ronda McRae Vice-President: Jenea Kennedy 2nd VP: Tomyka Chaney Program Director: Kimberly Underdue Recording Secretary: Colenda Arvelo-Jefferson Corresponding Secretary: Jennifer Kirby Treasurer: Angela Chapman Financial Secretary: Damienne Denham Shabazz Editor: Latoya Hunter Chaplain: Kedral Thornton Historian: Dee Dawkins-Haigler Foundation Chair: Lawanda Reese Parliamentarian: Juenesse Holman Teen Sponsor: Jennifer Kirby Associate Chair: Lavonda Clarington Father’s Auxiliary: Felicia Sharpe

President: Brooke Chaney Vice-President: Terron McRae Recording Secretary: Madison Williams-Zachery Treasurer: Bryson Parker Parliamentarian: Jayla Kennedy Chaplain: Zada Washington Sergeant-at-Arms: Joshua Holman

The East Suburban Atlanta Chapter (ESAC) of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was initially embarked upon in February 2007, when Deborah Shorter attended a Jack and Jill event and met Ruth Wilson, a lifetime associate of the organization. During the event, Deborah expressed an interest to Ruth regarding initiating a chapter in Rockdale/Newton/Dekalb counties in Georgia. In March 2007, Associate Ruth Wilson met with Deborah Shorter, and Tauwanna Ford, where Ruth explained the protocol for becoming an official chapter. On September 21, 2008, ESAC was chartered, and twelve moms were initiated. Tawuanna Ford was installed as ESAC’s first president. In July 2018, ESAC had the honor of becoming a Five Star Chapter of Excellence under the leadership of President Thandie Hazelton Pinkston. The chapter became a 2nd time recipient of the Five Star Chapter of Excellence award in 2020. Currently, under the leadership of President Sha’Ronda McRae, we have continued our Five Star status for a third time.


ESAC continues our commitment to providing powerful and effective programming which exemplifies the national theme, “The Power of A Dream On Mission On Purpose for All Children”. The esteemed ESAC members committed to ELEVATING, educating, engaging, and evolving during the annual chapter retreat held in Calloway Gardens. Besides handling the business of Jack and Jill there were games, great speakers, ziplining, hiking, and prodigious memories made! Carole Robertson Day found the chapter in Birmingham, Alabama. They participated in a historical tour, and community service project.

ESAC hosted its annual holiday celebration. The event included ice skating, decorating stockings, photos with Santa, ornament making, mingling , and lots of laughter! ESAC hosted its annual MLK Day On not off. The chapter partnered with Flat Rock Archives The families restored areas of the property while learning about its rich history. Chris Tucker was there and shared his history, and family memories with the community. ESAC celebrated founders’ day by commemorating the founders by hosting a Dinner en Noir with a theme of the great Gatsby experience. In March 2023, ESAC introduced, to society, 10 beaus escorted by their Belles at the ESAC Genteleman’s of Distrinction. The Beaus and Belles enjoyed the leadership training and the opportunity to learn and serve throughout the community. As a 3-time Five Star chapter, we ELEVATED our programming and will continue to leave a legacy for all children on mission and on purpose.

ESAC participated in their annual breast cancer awareness program, Pink Day Best. ESAC raised over $1000.00 for the cause. We recognized our breast cancer survivor chapter members ; Mother Dee Dawkins Haigler and Mother Kedral Thornton.






President: Kim Sutton Vice-President: Bunmi Fasogbon Program Director: Judiffier Pearson Assistant Program Director: Janise Patterson Recording Secretary: Ayisat Idris-Hosch Corresponding Secretary: Tanya Smutherman Treasurer: Kimberly Hammond Financial Secretary: Meredith Fleming Editor: Tamika N. Ball Chaplain: Angela Savage Historian: Jynelle Harris Foundation Chair: Sheila Cook Parliamentarian: Heather Bailey Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tanesha Jenkins

President: Kierra Smutherman Vice-President: William “Billy” Norris Recording Secretary: Jordyn White Corresponding Secretary: Noah Watson Treasurer: Donovan Sutton Parliamentarian: Eric Brown Chaplain: Braelynn White Sergeant-ot-Arms: Financial Secretary: Christopher Wyckoff Historian: Searra Boulware Editor: Abigale Smith


The initial Fayette County Area Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. organizing meeting was held on March 20, 1999, at the Peachtree City Library. Tonya Cureton Curry and Veronica Pearson Curry, shared the desire to unite with other African American mothers with similar ideas and interests to form the Charter Chapter. On March 28, 1999, the mothers of Tots, Tweens, and Teens of Fayette County met with national and regional officers of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. confirming the commitment to a Charter Chapter of Jack and Jill. In the inaugural 1999-2000 programming year, the Tots, Tweens, and Teens successfully benefited from the founding members aspirations, which included bringing together children in a social and cultural environment that fostered their growth towards adulthood. Provisional Chapter status was obtained on July 20, 2000, during the 2000 National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, officially formulating the FCAC. On September 24, 2000, the FCAC celebrated its installation as the 37th Chapter in the Sweet Sweet Southeastern Region of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.

The Fayette County Area Chapter began the 2022-2023 programming year by selecting a theme for the year—”The Black Love Experience.” This theme encouraged our mothers to design activities that focused on Black Love of self, family, and community.

Carole Robertson, Denise McNair, Addie Mae Collins and Cynthia Wesley. Local African drummers and dancers set the mood for the chapter to transition into our House System selection. The House System has an African centered framework that features five nurturing communities: Sayansi, Ase, Al’liman, Amani, and Ubuntu. We use this framework to strengthen the engagement of our village. Throughout the year, age groups participated in Black Love theme activities. This included the Tots’ Delta Flight Museum experience. Tots learned about black aviators and air professionals. Our Tween I children participated in the “Discover Black Excellence in Robotics” activity. Children completed a story web about Black Engineers and learned how to code mini robots. Tween II children researched African American leaders in the community and designed posters for the local MLK Day Parade. Jr. Teens participated in the “Storytelling through Virtual Production” experience. The Jr. Teens group toured the Creative Media Industries Institute and gained experience with designing virtual worlds and building avatars to tell the story of Black History. Lastly, the Teens engaged in the “Design for the Soles” activity where they had the privilege of listening to an entrepreneur discuss the art, financial, and Hip-Hop aspect of the sneaker industry. During this activity, teens were able to design and develop marketing strategies for a sneaker business.

On September 10, 2022, the chapter celebrated Jack and Jill and Carole Robertson Day by viewing an interview with Dianne Braddock, Carole’s older sister. Our families had the unique opportunity to hear about Carole’s life and experience a firsthand account of the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. Our children also had an opportunity to perform a re-enactment of

FCAC will end the year by completing a renovation project at the Boys and Girls Club in Newnan. Families will work diligently over two weekends to renovate the art room and teen suite bringing them back to life for the children of Coweta County. Finally, FCAC will host our fundraiser “W3…The Black Love Experience Presents Raheem DeVaughn,” which will benefit our charities.

Founding Officers: Mothers Tonya Curry; Veronica Curry; Celeste Smith-Carter; Janet Williams; Yvette Tuitt; Gina Martin; Valerie Knight and Renee Asbury Founding Members: Mothers Shyril Beck; Janice Perkins; Tonya Garland; Cynthia Smith; Cynthia Henderson; Kim W. Johnson; Deanna Hinds-Williams; Paula Snowden; Cheryl Jefferies and Beverly Hall Mosby









President: Shantae Buffington Vice-President: Kaia Alderson Program Director: Shanetta Reid Recording Secretary: Senetra Haywood Corresponding Secretary: Takiyah Chapman Treasurer: Elena Bryant Financial Secretary: Denise Creighton Editor: Michele Seals Chaplain: Michele Seals Historian: Michele Seals Foundation Chair: Shantra Hall Parliamentarian: Laura Johnson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Denise Creighton

President: Taylor Buffington Vice-President: Zariah Johnson Recording Secretary: Deoni Hacker Corresponding Secretary: Terrance “T.J.” James Haywood Treasurer: Derwin (DJ) Creighton Parliamentarian: Jeremiah Bass


In January 2021, a Zoom informational meeting developed into a series of organizational meetings of the Coastal Georgia Mothers (CGM) representing Camden, Glynn, and McIntosh Counties. Those 22 mothers began planning and executing the initial grade group activities throughout the spring. By the summer of 2021, the group received formal notification that the National Executive Board of Jack and Jill of America had granted them provisional group status. The now 24 mothers began to plan engaging children’s activities and establish business protocols to become a chapter of Jack and Jill. Provisional President Shontae Buffington, Vice President Kaia Alderson, and Treasurer Elena Bryant represented the group at the 45th Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Biennial Convention to introduce CGM to delegates and members of the organization. On July 28, 2022, along with nine other provisional groups, the convention body voted for CGM to become a chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.! With zeal, the Golden Isles Provisional Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was officially chartered on October 8, 2022, during the Southeastern Region’s Mother’s Work Day at the Savannah Westin.


The Golden Isles Chapter started the program year eager to execute programs that showcased our community “The Power to Make A Difference.” The local theme, “On Mission. On Purpose. With Absolute Confidence,” exemplified how the Golden Isles Chapter would empower children, teens, mothers, and fathers. For the first official programming year, the chapter presented via five areas covering each programmatic thrust through which the children could develop more confidence. Those areas included:“Show me the Money” financial confidence, “My Vote Matters” civic confidence, “I am the Dream, I am Black History” cultural competence and confidence, “I wear my C.R.O.W.N. Proudly” self-confidence, and “Get Out of Your Feelings” emotional intelligence and confidence. The Golden Isles Chapter planned a combination of whole group and grade group activities. The chapter celebrated its first Carole

Robertson’s Day and Jack and Jill Day by welcoming families to an afternoon of fellowship, which allowed the children to learn about Carole Robertson while exhibiting their talents. Viewing Wakanda Forever provided the children with an exciting visual experience and STEM exploration while starting conversations about mental health that continued in the Winter Wonderland Experience. The children continued their focus on culture by recognizing the history of everyday people during Black History Month. To celebrate the accomplishments of the year, families will be celebrated at the Black Family Day event at Gilliard Farm, a black, family-owned organic farm. Grade groups presented practical yet fun activities to help the children learn important information and lifelong skills. Multiple activities exposed teens and children to the importance of financial literacy, including considering their current wants, needs, and resources. As the year progressed, it was evident that leadership skills and confidence were being developed with each session as children were challenged to share their thoughts on current events and how to allow their voices to be heard. Children recognized the power of the vote and participated in various civic engagements, including making posters encouraging adults to vote. Teens responded to the needs of the community by packaging and donating hygiene packs to a local elementary school, collecting and donating coats to local charities, and embracing our culture via music.






President: Latonya Mahlahla Vice-President: Lindsey Locke Program Director: LaTasha Rogan Recording Secretary: Dr. Marsha Drake Corresponding Secretary: April Crenshaw Treasurer: Ronnette Hall Financial Secretary: Dr. Yolanda Spraggins-Wilson Editor: Dr. Sandra Affare Chaplain: LaTasha Rogan Historian: Dr. Sandra Affare Foundation Chair: Shaquanta Locke Parliamentarian: Tanya Tarver Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Marsha Drake, Candace Brown, and Michele Stephney Associate Chair: Kimberly Spears Father’s Auxiliary: Dr. Jeffrey Wilson

President: JaMya Rogan Vice-President: Justin Brown Secretary: Curtis Drake and Alia Sherrow Treasurer: Thomas Wilson Parliamentarian: Aaron Tarver Chaplain: JaMya Rogan Sergeant-at-Arms: Aaron Tarver


Sandra C. Affare, PhD; Crystal Allison; Charity Black; Candace Brown; April Crenshaw; Marsha Drake, EdD; Andrea Brown-Franklin; Jennifer Ellis, PhD; Ronnetta Hall; Tersheia Hayes; Tenesha Irvin; Althea R. Jones; Lindsey Locke; Shaquanta Locke; Latonya Mahlahla; La Tasha Rogan; Gabrielle Sanders; Tykisha Sanders; Shevonda Sherrow, MD; Stephanie Sinkfield; Michele Stepney; Deidre Talley-Clack; Tanya Tarver; Gideon Thomas; Shayla Toombs-Withers, MD; Kenya Warren; Angie Webb-Whitfield; Yolanda Spraggins-Wilson, MD; Life Member: Wonjen Bagley; and Associate Members: Nicelle Price-Gray, Kimberly Spears, and Latrice Currie-Leslie


In 2011, 23rd National President, Tamara Turnley Robinson connected with two National Members in the area to discuss reestablishing a Jack and Jill Chapter in Chattanooga. The Greater Chattanooga Chapter was installed as the 239th chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated in 2014 by 25th National President, Joli Cooper and Past Southeastern Regional Director, Gail Ash Dotson. A total of nineteen (19) mothers became charter members. In 2022, we celebrated eight years with 28 mother members, 48 children, 3 Associates and one life member.


The Gracious Greater Chattanooga Chapter (GCC) was glad to reunite in person! We started the program year with familyfilled Carole Robertson and Jack and Jill Day programs. Families worshipped together, enjoyed a deliciously catered brunch, and participated in several “Minute to Win It” games afterwards. Some mothers elected to decorate the brunch tables with items that represented their family. There was a family game night table, a New Orleans Saints decorated table, and a travel table, to name a few. This year, moms planned for more outdoor activities–Jacks, Jills, parents, and Teens had a great time in a pumpkin patch at Copper Creek Farm in October. While continuing to focus on food insecurities in the community, the Jacks and Jills collected food donations for the Chattanooga Food Bank and the GCC Teens provided Thanksgiving food baskets for families in need at Orchard Knob Elementary School. The day after GCC families shared their time and talents with a local unit of the Boys and Girls Club of

America, we enjoyed a few rounds of ice skating at Ice on the Landing. GCC continues to apply Jack and Jill’s commitment to serve. We thoroughly enjoy helping others and will continue to do more for ALL children. The teachers and students of DuPont Elementary experienced this first-hand when the GCC families and prospective families created a Belonging Center in the school’s library and set up a STEM resource lab for the teachers during our Day of Service event in January 2023. The donated shelving, wall art, and STEM materials celebrated diversity of thought and ideas. Donations of books such as Colin Kaepernick’s “Color Myself Different”, which is based on true events of Mr. Kaepernick’s childhood, encourages self-discovery and identity that celebrates the beauty of our differences.





NAMIWalks’ Fall United Day of Hope 5k The Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter participated in the 2022 NAMIWalks Your Way 5k at Nova Southeastern University. Organized by the Chapter’s Health Committee, and lead by Chair Ashley Smith and Immediate Past Chair Kris Crosby, mothers and their families joined the 5K to show support and raise awareness towards mental health. As a supporting sponsor, the Chapter exceeded its goal and raised $1,175. The Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter is proud to support NAMI’s dream of Mental Health for All.

President: Lisa Ivory Vice-President: Saunia Terrell Burt Program Director: Zakkiyyah Terell White Recording Secretary: Jennifer Davis Corresponding Secretary: Latosha Sigler Treasurer: Erica Paschal-Darling Financial Secretary: Andrea Taylor Editor: Candice Peralta Chaplain: Kimberly Perry Historian: Allana Robinson-Woods Foundation Chair: Samone Gibson Parliamentarian: Keh’ara Hendrieth Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tamara Williams Associate Chair: Jeanne Charles Father’s Auxiliary: Ivey Kearson

President: Taylor Williams Vice-President: Jaxon Gay Secretary: Zoe Burt Treasurer: Rylee Kearson Parliamentarian: Dallas Hawkins Chaplain: Christian Smith Sergeant-at-Arms: Christian Smith

The Fort Lauderdale Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was admitted full membership in the national organization during the 16th National Convention in June 1964. The idea for organizing a chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. in Fort Lauderdale was introduced in 1963 to a group of 22 mothers by Beatrice McLauglin Davis. “Bea”, as she was affectionately known, invited a group to her home and outlined the objectives and aims of the organization. Everyone agreed and the application to become a provisional chapter was submitted to the national organization. On November 21, 1964, the Fort Lauderdale Chapter was installed in solemn candlelight service at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. During the 2014 National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina the chapter was approved for a name change to become the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter. Currently, the chapter has 78 mothers who work diligently to support our national themes and objectives.


Carole Robertson and Jack and Jill Day The Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter celebrated Jack and Jill Day with a rooftop pool party on September 18, 2022. The event was hosted at the ultra-chic Easton Rooftop Pool. Our families were greeted by Mermaid Sabrina’s synchronization in the pool. In furtherance of #JJSwims! water safety and instruction were provided to our families through P-SWAP, a community-based service organization which provides swim instruction and lifeguard training in underserved communities throughout South Florida.

Souls to the Polls The Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter continued its commitment to voter participation and advocacy. Lead by the Legislative Chair, Bacardi Jackson, the Chapter participated in ‘Souls to the Polls’ on November 5, 2022. Empowered to make a change, dozens joined the traditional march down Sistrunk Boulevard to the African American Research Library, where participants gathered to be a visual representation of the Power of Voting. Joined by many of the Jack and Jills, who created video messages leading up to the march to emphasize the importance of actively participating in the voting process. MLK Day of Service The Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter had an impactful MLK Day of Service at the Broward Partnership for the Homeless. We extended our reach at two locations in Fort Lauderdale and Pompano. The chapter donated $1,500 in toiletries, and volunteered our time by Sorting and Organizing Donations, Prepping and Serving Lunch, and Packing Hygiene Kits for the Homeless. We also hired an artist to lead the children painting an MLK day inspired canvases.

In honor of Jill Carole Robertson, an inspirational and impactful piece entitled “Change” was performed by SER Teen Poet Laureate, Jill Skylar Reed. Because We Can Do More, the Chapter donated bathing suits, swim caps, trunks, goggles, and towels to P-SWAP in effort to assist in their mission to continue providing Child Safety Learn to Swim Programs.






President: Dawn Stanley Vice-President: Yolanda Powell-Friend Program Director: Jamia Shepherd Recording Secretary: Tina Maye Corresponding Secretary: Quaynteece Mosby Treasurer: Margaret Carter Financial Secretary: Courtney Hamilton Editor: Cynthia Booker Chaplain: Lady Tucker Pollard Historian: Addie Brown Foundation Chair: Jovonne Foster Parliamentarian: Ashley Kelly Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Dawn Stanley and Yolanda Powell-Friend Associate Chair: Adrienne Walls-Brunner Father’s Auxiliary: Thornton Stanley, Jr.

President: Hannah Paige Stanley Vice-President: Cassidy Himes Recording Secretary: Ashlyn Friend Corresponding Secretary: Sophia Johnson Financial Secretary: Joshua Boyd Treasurer: Anthony-Ransome Williams Parliamentarian: Joshua Friend Chaplain: Historian: Nicolas Brown Sergeant-at-Arms: John Hawkins


Tiavalya Befecadu, Gloria Boyd, Tina Carter, Brittannie Chester, Teneshia Daniels, Cheryl Davis, Richele Davis, Rachel Dunbar, Denise Hamlin-Glover, Lakiesha Hawkins, Krista Himes-Shingleton, Tawanda Johnikin, Michelle Jordan, Kristin Kiel, Tabitha Malone, Tamarra Matthews-Johnson, Chanon Stewart, Shayla Tate, Irene Tucker, Angela Turner, Gayle Williams


The Greater Huntsville Chapter was originally established as the Madison County Interest Group in July 1996 and a Provisional Chapter in July 1998 through the collaborative efforts of Theresa Befecadu, Sharon Butler, Zelda Goggans, Johnnie McAlpine, Elaine Patton, Claudia Smith, Lydia Tadesse, Rosa Kilpatrick and Bettie Upshaw. These women believed that children are tomorrow’s leaders and that they must be groomed to one day embody this role. In July of 2010, The Madison County Chapter became the Greater Huntsville Chapter during the 39th National Convention in Chicago, Il and expanded its borders to include Limestone and Morgan counties.


The Greater Huntsville Chapter started the year off with a chapterwide Carole Robertson/Jack and Jill Day. During this familyfocused activity, members were able to enjoy original artwork that was created using the “Coloring with Carole” lesson from Jack and Jill’s new curriculum. Each age group was given the opportunity to paint portraits of Carole that were displayed during the festivities. This opening also served as the kickoff to the Greater Huntsville Chapter’s upcoming 25th Year Anniversary. Utilizing the “Time Capsule” lesson from the Global Awareness curriculum, families selected items that represent the chapter to create a time capsule that will be opened at the chapter’s 50th Jack and Jill Day. From the youngest to the oldest, chapter members have been active and involved since the beginning of the program year. The Rocketeers (preK-K) have learned the importance of voting by participating in virtual story-time with the Father’s Auxillary and accompanying their parents to vote. The Star Gazers (grades 1-3) also learned the legislative process through their “Scoop on Legislation” activity in which they split into groups and decided on the recipe for the

perfect ice cream sundae. Participants were encouraged to speak up on their preferences and were then able to cast their votes. The Moon Walkers (grades 4-5) spent time together while giving back with their “Cocoa with a Cause” activity. Participants shared a cup of hot cocoa while collecting warm, gently used clothing to donate to a local women’s and children’s shelter. The Dream Chasers (grades 6-8) learned about the Civil Rights Movement in their hometown and its unsung heroes (some of whom are grandparents to current members) during their walking tour of downtown Huntsville. Looking towards the future, the Challengers (teens) completed FDIC 3: Can you Pay Your Bills? and FDIC 16: Crash Pad. Participants toured an apartment, spoke to recent college graduates and created a budget for themselves. The chapter was once again able to come together for a chapter-wide trip to the National Museum of African-American Music in Nashville, TN. Participants attended a private “Something to Nothing” session with legendary Lucius “Spoonman” Talley. During this session, participants not only heard a firsthand account of Mr. Talley’s life story, but also learned how to play the spoons. By providing engaging grade group and chapter-wide activities, the Greater Huntsville Chapter has been able to expose all our children to academic, cultural, historic, financial and civic focused activities and further promote our national theme of “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose.”






President: Sophia McIntyre-Daniel Vice-President: Tiffany Wray Program Director: Ni’Cole Mccrae Recording Secretary: Freeda Stewart Corresponding Secretary: Zecole Thomas Treasurer: Marla Norwood Financial Secretary: Akan lyamu Editor: Lawanda Murphy Chaplain: Shayna Ross Historian: Shayna Ross Foundation Chair: lnise Mayfield Parliamentarian: Alecia Chatman Teen Sponsor/Advisor: La Wanda Murphy Associate Chair: TA Zecole Thomas Father’s Auxiliary: Matthew Ross and Bill Murphy

President: Kylie Mudie Vice-President: Terrence Mccrae Recording Secretary: Miles Iyamu Corresponding Secretary: Justin Clark Treasurer: Clifford Daniel Chaplain: Wade Murphy Sergeant-at-Arms: Isaiah Clark Editor: Joseph Thomas Historian: Anaya Lawrence Foundation Chair: Alex Washington


Chartering Chapter Members: Arianne Abdur-Rahim, Cheryl Chapital, Alecia Chatman, Inga Clark, Akan lyamu, Staci Kenner-Fuller, Najia Lawrence, Sandra Manning, lnise Mayfield, Ni’Cole Mccrae, Sophia McIntyre-Daniel, Monica Mudie, Lawanda Murphy, Marla Norwood, Brandi Quinn, Shayna Ross, Freeda Stewart, Jamelle Taggert, Zecole Thomas, Kamesha Washington, Tiffany Wray


The magnificent Moms Of Cherokee County’s (MOCC) journey began when Dr. Sophia McIntyre-Daniel, Jack and Jill member, relocated from New York to Cherokee County, Georgia, where she hoped to join a local chapter only to learn there was not a chapter in the area. Sophia harnessed her professional and social networks to identify like-minded mothers with a servant’s heart. In September 2021, with the support of Regional Director Darlene Whittington and the generosity of sponsoring North Suburban Atlanta Chapter, MOCC was approved as a provisional group. On Sunday, October 2, 2022 MOCC was chartered as the Greater Lake Allatoona Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. National President Dr. Kornisha McGill Brown officiated the ceremony and 21 moms were initiated into the chartering chapter. Our mission is to empower and advocate for African American children by engaging them through educational and social experiences, cultural awareness, and civic responsibility to foster authentic and influential leaders who will serve and transform their communities. As an official Jack and Jill chapter we proudly stand with 21 moms, 27 children, and 10 teens representing the best and brightest in the Cherokee, North Cobb, and Bartow counties we serve.


As a newly installed chapter, Greater Lake Allatoona Chapter strives to create programming that reflects the excellence of Jack and Jill. We launched the 2022-23 program year with a chapter-wide celebration for Jack and Jill Day and Carole Robertson Day. The children and teens painted shopping bags and gathered donations of books, gift cards and toiletries for The Children’s Haven in Canton, Georgia.

December brought in a spirit of joy and togetherness with the GLAC Holiday Party where families enjoyed building gingerbread houses and story time with Santa André (Parker). Later in the month, the chapter joined with local Metro Atlanta Jack and Jill chapters for the American Red Cross Sickle Cell Blood Drive. The chapter started 2023 with service, participating in the City of Acworth MLK Celebration and Day of Service. GLAC attended the fellowship breakfast, joined the Unity Walk and sorted food, clothing and toiletries for local churches and organizations. On Founders Day, we hosted our Hats, High Tea and Harmonious Sisterly Relationships event, celebrating 85 years of Jack and Jill in high fashion at the Swan Coach House in Atlanta. The mothers reviewed proper etiquette for formal afternoon tea, engaging in Jack and Jill history, trivia and prizes. In March, GLAC will participate in the 1.3-mile Civil Rights Heritage Walk beginning at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, visiting several civil rights landmarks along the way, paying tribute to the black experience, and recognizing our contributions to community and country. Throughout the program year, GLAC implemented Grade Group,Teen and chapter-wide activities that were socially impactful, encouraged leadership and nourished a spirit of service and giving based on GLAC’s ABCs: AMPLIFY the voices of our children, BUILD harmonious sisterly relationships and CREATE and CULTIVATE Confident and Courageous Children.




President: Kimberly Bell Vice-President:Tiaudra Shaw Program Director: Dori Bolton White Recording Secretary:Amy Mccants Corresponding Secretary: Shayla Galloway Treasurer: LeMonica Hakeem Financial Secretary: Jaynaia Griggs Editor: Erika Gardner Chaplain: Wheda Carletos Historion: Nsenga Burton Foundation Chair: Joy White Parliamentarian: Daphne Walker Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Ashley Merritt Associate Chair: Belinda Stanley Majors Father’s Auxiliary: Kawonza Wilson

President: Kennedy Bell Vice-President: Morgan Black Recording Secretary: Kaiden Dye Corresponding Secretary: Brooke Smalls Treasurer: Peyton Funderburk Financial Secretary: Chase Dent Parliamentarian: London Gaston Chaplain: Grace McTier Sergeant-at-Arms: Corbin Raston Editor: Erinn Gardner


The Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter (GMAC) was established on September 30, 2012, in Atlanta, GA. The chapter was chartered with 59 mothers led by Mom Melody Smalls and current Regional Director Darlene Whittington. Currently, GMAC has a membership of 101 mothers this 2022-2023 programming year. In 2014 GMAC made history at the National Convention by being recognized as the very first Five Star Chapter of Excellence. GMAC has received the Five Star Chapter of Excellence designation four times. The mission of GMAC is to be a powerful, loving organization of responsible mothers of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Area; united to empower, educate and engage not only our own but all children, in the pursuit of personal success, life-long friendships, and service. We aspire through our efforts and programming to: Inspire – Provide quality programming that will inspire our children to live what they learn Impact – Forge together to make a positive and lasting impact on our community Innovate – Use cutting edge solutions to maintain our group’s relevance in this ever-changing world


GMAC rolled into the new program year to celebrate Jack & Jill Day on September 18, 2022, with good ole family fun at Sparkles Family Fun Center. Our 6th graders led with their Carole Robertson Day remembrance program and then we spent the rest of the afternoon having a 5-star afternoon roller skating, playing games and reconnecting. On September 30, 2022, GMAC hosted our 10year Anniversary Celebration at ZuCot Art Gallery in Castleberry Hill. The sophisticated event featured a slideshow featuring GMAC families, important milestones and a historic exhibition curated by GMAC’s past and present historians. On October 7-8, 2022, 21 GMAC Mothers traveled to Savannah, GA to attend the 2022 Southeastern Region Mothers Workday for officer training, workshops, and programming to promote unity and togetherness. In addition to work, there was also play with GMAC mothers having a blast during the 80s themed party. GMAC proudly sponsored its 5th Biennial Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion on December 3, 2022. We presented 21 beautiful and accomplished debutantes to Atlanta society in a lavish Cotillion. Our families continued our tradition of serving the community with several events including a metro Atlanta chapter sickle cell anemnia blood drive, Kwaanza Celebration at the YMCA and grade level donations to seniors at AG Rhodes senior center. In January 2023, we had an amazing MLK Day Celebration at Meals on Wheels Atlanta (MOWA) where our families sorted, packaged and delivered healthy meals to seniors. Our chapter was honored to host the Children’s Supercluster in April which provided a day of engaging, fun and educational activities for the children and teens in the Atlanta cluster. Finally, we ended the programming year with a fun filled Black Family Day and our dazzling end of year celebration where we celebrated our graduating seniors and tenuring moms.






President: Kelly Johnson Vice-President: Amber Buchanan Program Director: Catrecia Bryan Recording Secretary: Rita Morgan Corresponding Secretary: Blair Armstrong Treasurer: LaToya Griffin Financial Secretary: Maranda Barbour Editor: Ann Everett Chaplain: Sonya Brown Historian: Jennifer Reed-Askey Foundation Chair: Keisha Dennard-Hall Parliamentarian: Genora L. Harrell Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Ursula Jones Associate Chair: Shawndra Geer Father’s Auxiliary: Mark W. Johnson, Sr.

President: Anya Jones Vice-President: Jillian Daniels Secretary: Jessica Askey; Bella Primus Treasurer: Sky Philpot Parliamentarian: Ca’Leia Nelson Chaplain: Kennedy Brown Sergeant-at-Arms: Paul Williams


The Greater North Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was established on September 12, 2010, with the installation of sixty-six mothers. Chartering Officers: Sharron M. Bassil, President; Yvette Drake, Vice-President; Roshelle Nash, Recording Secretary; Ursula Comer, Corresponding Secretary; Tajuana Pearson, Treasurer; Kisha Wiley, Financial Secretary; Oteia Morris, Maria Aguilar, Valencia Wiltz, and Cheryl Lee, Program Directors; Loretta Willis, Historian; Tameka Pero, Editor; Deborah Chandler, Parliamentarian; Sharon January, Sergeant-At-Arms; Kathy Jackson, Chaplain; and Shandie Williams, Timekeeper. Additional Charter Members: Rhonda Godfrey, Angela Merlette, Jennifer Andrews, Geri Gonzalez, Jacqueline Anglade, Ronna Green Muhammad, Courtney Baines, Lidia Griffin, Yvette Nwoko, Charlotte Barge, Erika Harrison, Vanessa Barksdale, Carmen Hill-Mekoba, Jennifer Reed-Askey, Tammie Bender, Ellen Hines, Lisa Reid, Sonya Brown, Jennifer Cantor, Rita Jackson, Lecia Scott, Liz Carnegie, Kelly Shaffer, LaShawn Jenkins, Ricki Shaw, Yvette Christopher, Karyn Greer-Johnson, Cindy Smith, Theresita Jones, Lisa Smith, Renita Conner, Ursula Jones, Cindy Spain-Green, Keisha DennardHall, Carla Jordan, Deborah Stewart, Jennise Kelson, LaShaunn Stoddart, Karen Dudley, Mica Koli, Diane Walthour, Robin Dunson, Rhasheda Lawery, Shelley Dunson-Allen, Foncia Fralin, Gail Lewis, Shawndra Geer, and Yvonne Little. Elected Southeastern Region Officers: Sharon January, 20212023 Regional Secretary; Jasmine Stewart, 2022-2023 Regional Teen President and 2021-2022 Regional Teen Vice-President Mission Statement: ‘To create a nurturing and an extended family environment that will build long-lasting friendships. To provide our children with an educationally beneficial, culturally aware, community service oriented, and socially adept path that will promote future leaders.”


The three-time Five Star award-winning Greater North Atlanta Chapter is answering the call to LEVEL UP and remaining On Mission On Purpose during the 2022-23 program year. We kicked off the year with a carnival-themed Jack and Jill Day celebration, which included a moving Carole Robertson Memorial ceremony highlighted with a beautiful 22-dove release. Then, in December, the chapter hosted a family-centered holiday event, “A December to Remember,” where families enjoyed photos with Santa, donated blankets to the homeless, and danced the night away while sipping hot chocolate. To ring in the new year, GNAC honored MLK’s legacy with a full day of service which included a worship service with local clergy and city officials, a Unity walk through downtown Alpharetta and finally, a service project where our children and teens made over 800 sandwiches to donate to The Sandwich Project that provides aid to food-insecure children in our service area. In February, GNAC will celebrate Black History Month with a chapter-wide trip to Nashville, TN, to explore the history of Black Music with our program, “Jubilee and Jubilation”. Families will tour the National Museum of African American Music, experience a private tour and cultural scavenger hunt at Fisk University, dine at several popular black-owned restaurants, and more. We are proud to highlight our elevated children’s programming where they have learned the roles of community helpers, participated in a real medical surgical unit, enjoyed the Symphony, practiced etiquette through fine-dining experiences, participated in mock trials, met the Atlanta city Mayor, strengthened their philanthropic giving and more! In addition, our children and teens continue to hone their leadership and financial literacy skills through participation in the Southeastern Region’s Oratorical/Speak Up Speak Out competition, Gavel Club, and Stock Market Exchange programs. The GNAC bar has been set high. We will continue to LevelUp as we work diligently to create the next generation of leaders!






President: Antoinette Davis Vice-President: Pamela Davis Program Director: Heather Miller Recording Secretary: Yvonna Baker Corresponding Secretary: Sharla Gary Treasurer: Chakesha Harvey Financial Secretary: Carlean Harris Editor: Antoinette Davis Chaplain: Cynthia Batts Historian: Amir Sims Foundation Chair: Monique Belin Parliamentarian: Tyran Butler Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Stacey Payne-King Father’s Auxiliary: Derris King

President: Sanaa King Vice-President: Nigel Davis Secretary: Shaila Gary Treasurer: Tyler Baker Parliamentarian: NIA Chaplain: Moria Bowman Sergeant-at-Arms: Moria Bowman


The Greater North Central Florida Chapter (GNCFC) was chartered on October 1, 2016. The chapter included 15 mothers, 10 fathers, and 27 children. Charter mother members included: Najah Adams, Cynthia Batts, Crystal Bowman, Sheri Brasfield, Antoinette Davis, Chakesha Harvey, Elisha Hicks, Lashon Jenkins, Monica Jones, Gailine McCaslin, Maru Opabola, Yolanda Rogers, Tova Peterson, LaWanda Thornton, and Tiffany Watts-Chestnut. The Greater North Central Florida Chapter was established with a vision to serve as a guiding light of leadership. Our aim is to use our diverse talents, skills, and abilities to create an environment where our children are motivated to achieve and to empower themselves and those around them to be self- sufficient and creative leaders in our community.


The Greater North Central Florida Chapter kicked off the programming year honoring all things 90s during our Jack and Jill Day event. The chapter members dressed in their favorite 90s attire and jammed to the great hits of that era. Activities were available for all ages to enjoy. Families really engaged with each other, got active, and strengthened the camaraderie in our chapter. Families had fun fellowshipping Jack and Jill style while skating, dancing, and playing games. The Chapter honored Carole Robertson through setting aside a portion of Jack and Jill Day to learn about the life and legacy of Carole Robertson. Carole Robertson was honored with the release of monarch butterflies and the reading of the poem “To Carole” by our Teen Vice President Nigel Davis. In October, the Pre-K to Kindergarten and First to Second grade groups in recognition of fire prevention month had story-time with Smokey Bear. The group learned how to safely build and put out campfires, met wildland firefighters, learned about the equipment used in wildland firefighting and met Smokey Bear himself. The group finished the day creating a video to encourage voting. The children took turns recording their message based on the theme “Your vote is your voice”. In November, the Chapter hosted a private viewing; premiering the film Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. During this red-carpet event families were dressed in white to represent royalty. This

event allowed the Chapter the opportunity to come together as families and view the long-awaited sequel while supporting positive cinematic projects highlighting people of color. The chapter enjoyed a wonderful holiday party in December. It was complete with a DJ, 360 photo booth, fathers played musical chairs, and craft stations. The holiday celebration was held at the Cotton Club Museum and Cultural Center, which allowed the families an opportunity to come together while experiencing local African American culture. The Sixth to Eight grade group ended the calendar year with their All Rise: Meeting with the Judge activity. During this activity held at the Alachua County Courthouse, participants met with Hon. Judge Meshon Rawls. Judge Rawls discussed different law careers and gave the children a tour of the courthouse. Judge Rawls also shared demonstrated positive and negative choices as it relates to being accountable and responsible. In January, the Chapter looks forward to hosting its first Bully Prevention and Karate for Christ community workshop aimed for children in grades Pre-K to Fifth grade. This workshop is aimed to prevent bullying by talking to children about bullying, encouraging them to do what they love, model kindness, self-discipline, and respect, to improve their self-esteem, and to seek help. The Greater North Central Florida Chapter has many planned activities for the remainder of the program year that focuses on growing future leaders while empowering not only our children, but all children of the community we serve.





President: Tammie Pickett McFarland Vice-President: Joycelyn Henson Program Director: Alaina Gibson Recording Secretary: Moneque Walker Pickett Corresponding Secretary: Cassandra Thomas Treasurer: Evita Wells Financial Secretary: Sonya Love Editor: Katrina Oliver Chaplain: Melissa Love Historian: Christian Baley Foundation Chair: Ashley Burqess Laster Parliamentarian: Sherry Williams Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Felicia Thomas Associate Chair: Debra Blossom Father’s Auxiliary: Anthony McFarland and Edwin Narain

President: Maiyah Hall Vice-President: Alicia Jenkins Secretary: Campbell Oliver Treasurer: Zoe Johnson Parliamentarian: Madison Sheriff Chaplain: Camden Allen Sergeant-at-Arms: Matthew Connally


While visiting Tallahassee, Florida in April 1983, Rudean Crawley met a childhood friend, Jeraldine Smith, and the two discussed the Tampa of that day compared with the Tampa of their childhood. It was their opinion that more could be done for the youth of Tampa through a local chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Mrs. Crawley returned home to lead the efforts. She contacted Margarette Spears, along with several other Mothers who expressed similar concerns and the initial meeting of twenty interested Mothers led to the formation of the Tampa Bay Interest Group. In February 1984, the group met the requirements for “provisional” chapter status. After several years of enriching activities and conforming to National guidelines, the chapter received charter status from the National body at the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. biennial convention held in July 1986 in Norfolk, Virginia and officially became the Tampa Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.


The Greater Tampa Chapter (GTC) co-hosted the 45th National Convention in Orlando, Florida during the Summer of 2022. Our very own Vice President Joycelyn Henson, served as the 45th National Convention Co-Chair. She along with other chapter moms elevated GTC in leadership and planning capacities: National Steering Committee, IPCP Dianna Allen-Quin, National Convention Teen Summit Chair Kia Blythe, National Father’s Auxiliary Chair Dameon Clay, National Convention Sponsorship Chair, IPVP Leila Jerome Clay, National Convention Courtesies Chair Lakesia Dupree, National Convention Logistics Chair Joselynne Forde, and National Convention Closing Gala Chair, incoming Chapter President Tammie Pickett McFarland. GTC also received the 20222024 Five Star 2.2 Chapter Excellence Recognition for the 3rd time in a row. Almost 200 members gathered for our first all-group event of the year, the Luau themed celebration of Jack and Jill Day. The programming was rich in culture, education, philanthropy, and fellowship. Greater Tampa Chapter Teens led the Carole Robertson Memorial program and what started out as a gloomy day due to

inclement weather, ended with smiles, laughter, and appreciation. We continued our 10+ year partnership with Abe Brown Ministries in a chapter-wide community service activity to support their annual Christmas Blessings program. Mothers, Fathers, Youth, and Associates led the event where families of over fifty children with incarcerated parents received prepackaged food, gifts, toiletries, and new clothing. This Founders’ Day, we highlighted the global contributions of the “She-roes” of our beloved organization who have done so much to advance the mission of philanthropic giving and civic duty through leadership and service. We traced the footprints of the past, stood proudly in the present, and prepared ourselves to step boldly into the future. Our 4th Annual Tutus and Tennis Shoes: Elevating ALL Children 5K Run/Walk and Health Fair was again a resounding success. The wellness event welcomed over 300 community participants and highlighted African American culture with the incorporation of our Black History Program. We raised over $36k, a portion of which will benefit Jack and Jill of America Foundation, with remaining proceeds directly donated to local charities that serve children and families. “GTC Renaissance-Lunch En Noire: A Tribute to Black Excellence” was the theme for our culminating event of the year, the 2023 Black Family Day. During this formal event we honored our graduating seniors and our tenuring mothers, as well as presented chapter awards.




Parliamentarian: Lilli Evans Bass Foundation Chair: Lisa Gibson-McKee Chaplain: LaToya Merritt Historian: Florence Fraser Sergeant-at-Arms: Cathy Watson Teen Sponsor: Michelle Gibson-Thompson Tween Sponsor: Davetta Lee Jr. Tween Sponsor: Ashley Claxton Tot Sponsor: Angela Shannon Protocol Chair: Crystal Martin Immediate Past President: Althea Davis

President: Lori Hill Marshall Vice President: Mona Arnold McBride Program Director: Annette Green Assistant Program Director: Erika Tanner Treasurer: Kamesha Mumford Financial Secretary: Teneisha Wynter Recording Secretary: KaShonda Day Assistant Recording Secretary: Gayla Carpenter-Sanders Corresponding Secretary: Kristena Gaylor Editor: Dee Bookert-Nixon


In 1966, a group of Jackson, Mississippi mothers who were interested in maintaining the role of the family as a cohesive unit during the 1960s organized and met to form a Mothers’ Club. This Mothers’ Club was a prerequisite to become a functioning chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Mrs. Marguerite Randolph was the leader of the Mothers Club. In June 1969, Mrs. Eleanor DeLoache Brown, National President, officially installed the Mothers’ Club into the national organization; thus, the Jackson MS Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was chartered. Mrs. Randolph was elected as the first President of the Jackson MS Chapter. The chapter was originally in the South Central Region and later the chapter successfully petitioned to become associated with the Southeastern Region. Since that time, the Jackson MS Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated has maintained its membership in the national organization and the Southeastern Region. The Jackson MS Chapter puts ALL children first. Programming for our children is the heart and soul of our chapter. We stand poised to serve and support our community, cultural, leadership, civil, philanthropic, and educational programming for ALL children. Over the years, the Jackson MS Chapter has continued to grow and expand. The chapter currently boasts an active membership of 69 families and 64 Associate members, 59 of which are Life Members. The Jackson MS Chapter has established a rich legacy of leadership and service within the Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated community and the community at large.


The Jackson MS Chapter strives to serve communities across our state and remains committed to improving the community through our service. In 2022, the chapter hosted its 31st annual “Fun with Santa” (FWS) holiday tradition, the Chapter’s signature program for the Jackson metro area community. Over the years, FWS has evolved from a program for children within the chapter to celebrate the holidays featuring a black Santa Claus with a program for the greater community. This year’s event hosted an impactful day for over 1000 guests. Attendees had the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities including the Christmas Book Express, Celebrity book reading,

Health Initiatives including dental care, prize giveaways for adults and children, and the ever popular bicycle and tablet giveaways. Donations were made to the greater Jackson Metropolitan area. During the 2021-2022 program year, the Jackson MS Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. hosted the 17th Biennial Sweetheart and Gents Ball. This biennial event provides a wonderful opportunity for young ladies and gentlemen between the ages of 16 and 19 to be presented to Jackson, Mississippi, society as “Sweethearts and Gents.” In light of the Covid-19 pandemic we focused on a “Renaissance Reimagined” The funds raised from this activity allow the chapter to give back to the Jack and Jill Foundation and the Metro Jackson community. The community benefits in a variety of ways including scholarships, donations, leadership training, community service projects, and seminars, all of which enrich the children of our community. This joint beautillion and cotillion is specifically designed to build character, promote the development of leadership skills, provide opportunities for community service, encourage positive growth into both womanhood and manhood, while maintaining a healthy self-esteem, and provide scholarship opportunities. As a part of the combined inaugural beautillion-cotillion program, the participants completed two community service projects. The Jackson MS Chapter continues its efforts toward inspiring, nurturing and developing future leaders. Educational pillars remain a staple through our chapter’s emphasis on STEAM and financial literacy through our age groups. Our age groups continue to learn about the importance of HBCUs. Physical and mental health continue to be important areas of focus for all age groups. Programming for our children is the heart of the chapter!







President: Kimberly Hicks Vice-President: Wanda Newsom Program Director: Le’Dita Holder Recording Secretary: Allyson Anyanwu Corresponding Secretary: Chivonne Mays Treasurer: Tamara Chandler Financial Secretary: Chelsea Currie Editor: Latisha King Chaplain: Teri Gore-Wood Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Robyn Winston-Hicks

President: Megan Hicks Vice-President: Kirsten Holder Secretary: Kelsey Hicks Treasurer: Madison Agomuo Sergeant-at-Arms: Brynn Currie


Allyson Anyanwu, Juanjeca Barrow, Alisha Baskerville, Tamara Chandler, Chelsea Currie, Chanel Helper-Holland, Keoisha Herron, Le’Dita Holder, Latisha King, Chivonne Mays, Wanda Minor-Agomuo, Wanda Newsom, Kimberly Rice-Hicks, Konisha Williams, Sheree Williams, Robyn Winston-Hicks, Teri Wood


On Saturday, November 13, 2004, the Golden Circle Provisional Group was inducted into the National Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated’s family as the Jackson, Tennessee Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. The Charter Membership included the following: Karen Anthony, Phyllis Bledsoe, Anna Burk Covington, Shelia Deadmon, Cynthia Early, Deborah Gooch, Le ‘Dita Holder, Teresa Leary Jenkins, Andrea Bond Johnson, Rhonda Jones, Karen Osayamen, Denise Perry, Wendy Braxter Rhyne, Psyanita Smith, Ragan Summers, Jena Verser, and Samone Polk Brooks, Chartering President. Finally, the Jackson, Tennessee Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated continues to tirelessly work to ensure adequate programming not only for children in the Jack and Jill family,but for the children within the entire Jackson, Tennessee community. While the Chapter has graduated 19 mothers and 31 teens from the Chapter within a seventeen-year period, the motto of the Chapter still remains dear: “The future which we hold in trust for our children will be shaped by our fairness to other people’s children.” Marion Wright Edelman.


Since the time of the Jackson, Tennessee Chapter’s inception in 2004 into the organization, the Chapter has established signature programs such as, The Mother’s Charity Luncheon and Fashion Show, The Pink and Blue Celebration, The Mother/ Son and Father/ Daughter Valentine’s Day Dance, Winterfest Brunch with Santa, An Inaugural Celebration for our 1st Black United States President, and two major Black History play productions written and directed by Samone Polk Brooks. The chapter currently sponsors A Little Free Library to provide free books for the families in Allenton Heights Housing Community of the Jackson Housing Authority.






President: Latasha Garrison Vice-President: Ta’Vianna Sanders Program Director: Marshana Rivers Recording Secretary: Tara Braithwaite Corresponding Secretary: April Brown Treasurer: SuDelta Henson Financial Secretary: Robbin Bray Editor: Tiffany Woodie Chaplain: Kelly Toaston Historian: Camille Coates Clark Foundation Chair: Triana Watkins Parliamentarian: Deidra Johnson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Wilatreal Curry Associate Chair: Patricia Mitchell Father’s Auxiliary: Ryan Toaston

President: Dylan Johnson Vice-President: Kennedi McGowan Recording Secretary: Elece Curry Corresponding Secretary: Eric Curry Treasurer: Caleb Hicks Parliamentarian: Ariana Cobb Chaplain: Ryan Brown Sergeant-at-Arms: Joshua Brown


On November 15, 1968, National President, Mrs. Eleanor DeLoache, arrived in Jacksonville with her spouse and conducted an unprecedented workshop with the founding mothers Alma Daniels, Betty Davis, Iva Grant, Helen Gregory, Doris Hallmon, Frankie Handy, Laurice Hunter, Bernice Jackson, Joyce Lawson, Lorita Martin, Delores Shaw, Bennetta Sherard, Joan Spaulding, Marian Walker, Norma White, and Lydia Wooden. After the workshop, our long-awaited charter was presented, and our first officers were installed. The teens had a workshop, and the National President installed their officers. Mr. and Mrs. DeLoache delivered deliberate and stirring messages, and charged the Jacksonville mothers and fathers with the responsibility to support the ideals and activities of Jack and Jill as a family organization.


‘The 2022-2023 program year led into the Jacksonville Chapter’s 55 year history of excellence. In July, nineteen moms attended the 45th National Convention in Orlando and six attended virtually. The Chapter received the following recognition: (1) Digital Cheetah Office r Compliance Award, (2) Certificate of National Achievement for Blue Ribbon Bylaws and (3) Chapter Strategic Planning. August was a busy month. The Membership Committee hosted a Mother’s Retreat; moms left recharged and committed to a year of exciting, quality programming. Our healthcare professional moms participated in a virtual health seminar that we co-hosted with the African American Wellness Project. The Chapter participated in a political forum with the Collective Voice Partners, attended by candidates for local, state and federal office. In September, the Chapter celebrated Jack and Jill and Carole Robertson Days. In October, fifteen Moms attended SER’s Mothers’ Workday in Savannah, Georgia; Jems and Jewel Jasmyn Joseph was recognized for her second-place ranking in the Region for children’s community service hours. Later in October, the Chapter enjoyed Fall Festival with a “County Fair” theme and fun activities like sack races, pumpkin decorating and a live DJ who had everyone dancing. In November and December respectively,

the Chapter timely provided its handbook and bylaws updates to the Region. The Chapter continued its Love of Literature Monthly Book Club with lively discussions and outstanding selections including First Lady Michelle Obama’s “The Light We Carry.” In December, a group of moms traveled to Atlanta for the First Lady’s tour with moderator Tyler Perry. On MLK Day, the Chapter held an informative program on beekeeping and urban farming. The Chapter celebrated Founders’ Day and Associates Appreciation Day at the Ritz Theatre. Families explored the exhibit “Young, Gifted and Black” and several of our gifted children and teens celebrated the Associates and the legacy of Jack and Jill through song, poetry, trivia and tributes. The Chapter held its 18th Biennial Les Beautillion Militaire on February 25, 2023 themed “Distinguished Gentleman…Soaring into Possibilities.” The six-month journey for the 12 Beaus included a bonding retreat, workshops on leadership, situational awareness, financial literacy, and sex, drugs and hip hop and a Ronald McDonald House community service project. Other Chapter charitable efforts included a breast cancer walk and food and toiletry drive for Hurricane Ian survivors. In March, the Chapter hosted 12 other chapters for Florida’s Super Cluster at Flagler College themed “You Laid the Blueprint: We’ll Build the Empire” which included mental health and money management programming and trolley tours of historic St. Augustine. The Chapter closed out the year with Black Family Day.





President: Syreeta Vaughn Vice-President: Adia Jackson Program Director: Shenika Welch-Charles/Sheryl Houston Recording Secretary: Latonya Rudolph Corresponding Secretary: Rekisha Rhyan Treasurer: Meshelle Lowery Financial Secretary: Vidya Barnes Editor: Maria Loggins Chaplain: Summer Moore Historian: Katatra Vasquez Foundation Chair: ReShanta Hazelbaker Parliamentarian: Tiffany Malone Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Fanesha Powerll Associate Chair: Jeanne Bonner Father’s Auxiliary: Clarence Vaughn/Justin Rosser

President: Laila Rudolph Vice-President: Craig Myles Secretary: Diondre Jackson Treasurer: Dominic Vasquez


Vidya Barnes, Myisha Dorsey, Nayasha Farrior, ReShanta Hazelbaker, Sheryl Houston, Adia Jackson, Eboni James, Latonya Jordan Melba Kendricks, Maria Loggins, Meshelle Lowery, Tiffany Malone, Summer Moore, Althea Murphy-Price, Latoya Myles, Clarice Phelps, Fanesha Powell, Aja Rosser, Latonya Rudolph, Monica Smith-Albright, Katatra Vasquez, Syreeta Vaughn, Kesha Waters, Shenika Welch-Charles


The Knoxville Chapter of Jack and Jill of America was started in the summer of 1965, after a group of concerned parents met to discuss the possibility of becoming an affiliate of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. The primary desire of this group is to provide for the optimum growth and development of their children. After communication with the National Officers, their dream became a reality in the form of a Mother’s Club. Following a year of provisionary activities, the Knoxville Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was formed. In November 1966, Jill Aurelia James of the Chattanooga Chapter installed the officers of the Knoxville Chapter. The Charter Members of the Knoxville Chapter were as follows: Goldie Carter, Cora J. Coleman, Esther Davidson, Marcia Donaldson, Bobbie J. Hill, Barbara McArthur, Alma Moore, Ernestine Moore, Lula C. Powell, Annice Scruggs, Theretha Strickland, Laura Turk, Mary H. Whaley, Sammye Wynn, Jacqueline Underwood The Knoxville Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. is committed to making a difference in the Knoxville community. We are dedicated to nurturing future Leaders by supporting children through leadership development, volunteer service, philanthropic giving and civic duty.


“On Mission, On Purpose” is so fitting as it is a common thread that is weaved tightly in the mindset of the Knoxville Chapter Moms. We added nine new mothers to our chapter this year and are eager to continue our growth with our community presence, engaging and exciting programming for our children, and life-long family bonds in 2023.

Following our Mother’s Retreat, we finalized our calendars to ensure an even emphasis on each of the programmatic thrusts. We kicked off the year with a heavy emphasis on the STEAM thrust for the WWPI and TNTs as they learned the chemical components needed to make a tasty handmade ice cream. The Royal Teens began the year with community/civic duties with cleaning the annual cleaning of the Adopt-A-Road. This was preceded by a workshop with an area police officer detailing cyber bullying and other sensitive topics. The entire chapter came together to celebrate Carole Robertson and her legacy with a program that included a childhood classmate of Carole who is now a retired educator. She provided the children with a historical perspective of how it felt to be a black child during times of segregation; fulfilling the Cultural thrust. The program concluded with a lantern release in her honor. The TNT and WWPIs were afforded the opportunity to tour the facility of Bush Beans. This included a pivotal tour of the bean plant, facilities, details on the origins of the company, and afforded our children an opportunity to see the manifestation of a small business/entrepreneurial learning. Continuing with community outreach and philanthropy, our Kwanzaa celebration included a “Week of Giving” which teaches the children the importance of “giving back” to the community. We organized a clothing give-away/donation and the children prepared “self-care” gift baskets for families in need. The chapter held a Foundation fundraising event by reserving two theaters for a private viewing of Wakanda Forever. This allowed the entire chapter to come together for fellowship while also extending our presence into the Knoxville community. We are committed to staying “On Mission , on Purpose” as we forge forward into this programming year.






President: Chaundra Lewis Vice-President: Tiquette White Program Director: Amanda Phillips Recording Secretary: Clarez Evans Corresponding Secretary: Jennifer MaQwood Treasurer: Lisa Charles Financial Secretary: Andrea Miles-Barlay Editor: Ashli Hollins Chaplain: Monica Coleman Historian: Sherlina Thomas Foundation Chair: Sandea Harris Parliamentarian: Tonya Smalls Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Deidrea Collins Associate Chair: Airraca Hughley-Bell Father’s Auxiliary: Kevin Lewis

President: Kennedy Collins Vice-President: Caleb Robinson Secretary: William Harris Treasurer: Donovan Smalls Parliamentarian: Ethan Barlav Chaplain: Brian Magwood Sergeant-at-Arms: Allison Simmons


In 2003, Adrienne Booth Johnson set out to establish a new Jack and Jill of America, Inc. chapter in Jonesboro, Georgia. It began as the Lake Spivey Provisional Group, with its first meeting at Shiloh Baptist Church. Over the course of the provisional group’s programming year, they held a Black Family Day with African folk teller performances, toured museums, toured black colleges and experienced African-American cultural activities. The provisional group’s culminating event was the chapter’s Installation Ceremony, held on October 2, 2004, at Eagles Landing Country Club. The Lake Spivey Georgia Chapter was chartered by twenty purposeful mothers: Cynthia Andrews, Teresa Ayala, Margo Berry, Terrace Bowles, Loretta Bush, Nicola Chin, Loretta Clark, Marcia Edwards, Juanita Gobourne, Melody Hodge, Adrienne Booth Johnson, Cara Johnson, Karen Lewis, Tujuania Richardson, Vanessa Richardson, Brenda Stinson, Janet Swearing, Andriette Turner, Felicia Warner, and Elaine Youngblood. Adrienne Booth Johnson served as the chapter’s first president, from 2004-2006. During her tenure, the chapter implemented her vision of greatness, opportunity and determination, through service in the Henry and Clayton county communities. Throughout President Adrienne’s leadership, Lake Spivey continued to create quality educational, legislative, financial, social, and cultural programming activities that promoted the organization’s national goals. Currently, Lake Spivey is led by Judge Chaundra Lewis, who is serving her second term as chapter president (2012-2014 and 2022-present). Her vision is to EDUCATE. EMPOWER. ENGAGE. within and outside of the chapter. The Lake Spivey Georgia Chapter is committed to continuing down a path to success, and looks forward to attaining its third Five Star Chapter of Excellence recognition!


The Lake Spivey Georgia Chapter began this program year with a successful planning retreat where moms planned meaningful activities that emphasized the national theme: The Power to Make a Difference For ALL Children. On Mission. On Purpose. Additionally, moms incorporated Chapter President Chaundra Lewis’s vision to

EDUCATE. EMPOWER. ENGAGE. In September, we celebrated Carole Robertson Day, and our Jacks and Jills participated in community service by creating greeting cards and filling duffle bags with toiletries to donate to NECCO Foster Care Agency. In October, we focused on educating the community on the importance of voting through a social media public service announcement video. Our teens then had the opportunity to partner with the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter teens to host “We the People” Town Hall, where Georgia legislators and lobbyists gave teens insight on the legislative process. During the holiday season, we came together in our ugliest sweaters for our chapter holiday celebration. Our families donated toys for underserved children, and we enjoyed an evening of fellowship, fun, and service. In January, we celebrated Jack and Jill of America, Inc.’s 85th Founders’ Day and held our Associates’ Appreciation event. The Lake Spivey Georgia Chapter dressed up in our little black dresses, pearls, and black gloves to honor our founders and salute our associates, with the theme,”The Essence of Who We Are.” We were joined by our founding mother and first president, Adrienne Booth Johnson, several Lake Spivey Georgia chartering mothers and Associate Jewels. Mom Natosha Reid Rice delivered an empowering message, and reminded us that “Mothers Move Mountains!” We look forward to hosting our signature fundraiser in April 2023, the 3rd Annual Pink Skirts and Blue Polos Charity Golf Classic, at the Harbor Club on Lake Oconee. This year’s event will feature a women’s empowerment symposium, silent auction, and VIP reception.





President: Tisha Davis Vice-President· Shandra Yarbrough Program Director: Curlandra Lightfoot-Smith Recoraing Secretary: Terrie Lockhart Corresponding Secretary: Tonya Woolfolk Treasurer: Charlene Williams Financial Secretary: April Harvey Editor: Sharon Anderson Chaplain: Precious Jones Historian: Sharon Anderson Foundation Chair: Margaret Hollaway Parliamentarian: Marqueta Hall Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Precoius Jones & April Harvey Associate Chair: Megan McIntosh Father’s Auxiliary: Mickel Davis

President: Maya Jones Vice-President: Chinyere Cody Financial Secretary: Isaiah Davis Recording Secretary: Gabriella Tate Corresponding Secretary: Sean Williams Treasurer: Kimberly Watson Parliamentarian: Kahlil Harvey Sergeant-at-Arms: Ryan Rodgers


Mrs. Geraldine Williams, formerly of the Westchester, NY Chapter, established the Macon Chapter in 1977. We currently have 43 members, 14 Associates and an active Father’s Auxillary. This two-time Five-Star Chapter has been the home of a National Vice President, Regional Director, Regional Committee Chairs and two Regional Members-At-Large, including the current SER-MAL, Mother Takeysha Lewis. Since its inception, we continue to demonstrate the mission of the national organization by training children to become phenomenal impactful leaders in the community.


Macon started the programming year off with a chapter-wide activity to celebrate Jack and Jill Day and Carole Robertson memorial. During these National Celebrations, each age group sponsored a Program “Celebration Station”! to expose children to the importance of voting and advocacy! Busy Bees (Pre-K-2nd) were provided with a customizable “My Vote, My Voice” flyer. They used art to create a picture of what they want to see more of in the world! Youth also demonstrated Leadership Development by completing Gavel Club Speeches!

Our teens had their second “Top Chef” Culinary Arts competition which offered them the opportunity to utilize STEM concepts through cooking, while fostering bonding, team building and cooperation. The teens also had a HBCU Walk-a-Thon activity to educate them about “Childhood Obesity Month” and to make participants aware of healthy living through walking (cardio) and healthy mental health. Teens also raised funds to provide a book scholarship for one student at Fort Valley State University. Teens also were able to complete a Leadership Modules and Financial Literacy Modules.

We continued with another chapter-wide activity that exposed Macon Chapter Youth to Voting Advocacy strategies through a Chapter Canvassing Challenge! Macon Chapter Youth were challenged to knock on doors of family, friends and neighbors to provide them with the, “What’s on the Ballot Guide” then snap a picture and share it on the Chapter’s Social Media Page!

Later in the year, the youth will have a curator lead tour of the Tubman Museum, including the new Tyler Perry Exhibit with behind the scenes access. The youth will also participate in a African Drumming Class. They will then complete the “Teaching Kids to Celebrate Diversity” using the Dove Self Esteem Project Resources. This will expose the youth to African American Culture.

In an effort to gear up for the holiday season our Exploring Eagles, Busy Bees/Curious Hares completed community service hours and gave back to the community. The youth constructed boxes for food storage for a food drive. This also provided an opportunity for the group to socialize and get to know each other through “Get to know you” games. Prior to the service project, youth completed Leadership Development Module, and Financial Leadership Module. In addition, the youth also raised funds with the Salvation Army for those in need.

Our children are continuing in their commitment to service and community involvement. We look forward to more engaging programming and community activities in alignment with the National theme that we do more…on mission, on purpose.







President: Tracy McGee, PharmD Vice-President: Chii Onyeagocha, PharmD Program Director: Kandice Henderson, Esq Recording Secretary: Eboni Campbell, PharmD Corresponding Secretary: Jara Best Jones, MD Treasurer: Monee Dahmer Financial Secretary: Sharon Wofford Editor: Myra McCaskill Crenshaw, CPA Chaplain: Bridgett Turner, Esq. Historian: Pam Bails Foundation Chair: Chaka Conway, Nieika Parks, Sandra Nicholas.PhD & Shemica Gautreaux Parliamentarian: Ocpivia Stafford, PharmD Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Angela Watson-Mcclarty, MD Associate Chair: Lashell Vaughn Father’s Auxiliary: Scotty Hendricks & Lowell Bush

President: Soraya Norris Vice-President: Kennedy Graham Secretary: Kylie Jackson & Obala Onyeagocha Treasurer: Phillip Wofford Parliamentarian: Madelyn Wallace Chaplain: Olivia Cyrus Sergeant-at-Arms: Mark Blakemore


The Memphis Chapter was officially chartered on August 28, 1946, one of the first ten chapters of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. There were fifteen charter members. They were: Mrs. Vivian Baker, Mrs. Alma Roulhac Booth, Mrs. Lena Fouche, Mrs. Victoria Hancock, Mrs. Corrine Hightower, Mrs. Sallie Bartholomew, Mrs. Lillian Campbell, Mrs. Marian Gipson, Mrs. Helen Hayes, Mrs. Ida Jamison, Mrs. Althea Price, Mrs. Ann Rheba Twigg, Mrs. Louis Whitaker, Mrs. Vivian White, and Mrs. Bernice Pinkston. Since its charter, the Memphis Chapter has been active on the national, regional and local levels. When the Memphis Chapter was chartered, it was a part of the Central region, but later moved to the Southeastern region. On a national level, the Memphis Chapter hosted National Conventions in 1953 and 1990. Past National officers from the Memphis Chapter include Nell Roulhac who served as the second National President, Charlotte Polk who served as National Corresponding Secretary, and Myrna Owen Ford who served as the National Associates Chair. Our very own Gina Williams-Jackson was the elected 2018-2020 National Editor. In recent years, the Chapter has received several awards including the Jacqueline Robinson Regional Competition Grant, the Violet Greer Teen and Associates Grant, the Independent Grant and FEDEX Grants. These funds have been used primarily to support signature community programs and events such as the Black History Program Celebration, The S.T.E.A.M. Engine Career Fair, and The ACT Preparedness Program. The Memphis Chapter has a long history of dedication to community service. The chapter has cultivated relationships with several local agencies such as the Binghamton Christian Academy, Porter-Leath and the Porter Boys and Girls Club of Greater Memphis. Over the past three years, the Chapter has added the Collage Dance Collective, as well as, partnering with the Sickle Cell Foundation of Tennessee to help bring awareness to the disease and its impact on the African American community, and Vance Avenue Youth Development Center, serving in a variety of service and support roles. August 28, 2021 marked the Memphis Chapter’s 75th anniversary. For the safety and in consideration of all, we patiently waited and

celebrated our anniversary this August with a black-tie gala held at our community partner, Collage Dance Collective’s fabulous new dance studio in the heart of the Binghampton neighborhood. The gala was attended by chapter member Mothers and Pops, Associate Mothers invited guests and community leaders.


In our 76th year, we continue under the leadership of Chapter President, Tracy McGee. The Memphis Chapter Programming Theme for 2022-2023 is: Success through Synergy: Embrace, Educate and Empower. For the 2022-2023 Program Year we have a total of 85 Mothers and 155 Children. Our mothers continue to implement the Jack and Jill programmatic thrusts through age group signature events such as: Jay Teens Legislative Summit, the Senior Luncheon, Breakfast with Santa, and our MLK Day of Service event. The Chapter is an integral part of the history of the local community. We strongly believe that every child, with proper guidance and opportunity, can be a leader. We continue our efforts, on behalf of our children, to strive for Chapter excellence, to support our community, encourage our members, and nurture future leaders.







President: Julie Harris-Nelson Vice-President: Anetra Poindexter Program Director: Lindsay Hopkins Recording Secretary: Robin Tisdahl Corresponding Secretary: Lauren N’namdi Treasurer: Melanie Grant Bassin Financial Secretary: Tewana Reddick Editor: Lynn Labrousse Chaplain: Chiauita Butler Historian: Melinda Youna Foundation Chair: Shawntravia Pointville Parliamentarian: Sheila Goodman Williams Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tiffany Howard Associate Chair: Nawa Funa Lyew Father’s Auxiliary: Patrick Nelson & Ray Parris Immediate Past President: Quintera Parris

President: Tori Bean Vice-President: Millicent Smith Treasurer: Brycen Pointville Parliamentarian: Ronald Frazier Chaplain: Lailah Rutledae Sergeant-at-Arms: Lailah Rutledae Financial Secretary: Jacob Blake Recording Secretary: Rayhana Parris


The Majestic Miami Chapter was chartered in 1964 by a small group of twenty women led by Mrs Geraldine Arrington. Currently, our local chapter is composed of more than thirty five Majestic Miami Moms and guided by more than twenty five Associate Miami Jewel Mom members. Over the years are charming children stand strong fifty (50). This year we have two senior teens who are well on their way to pursuing and continuing their education. Our mission continues to remain the same: produce and shape our children into the greater leaders of tomorrow.


On Mission On Purpose is how the Miami Chapter started the program year. The Miami Vision was clear —lead, motivate and encourage our Mothers to better our brand. Pave the way for our children. Hence Adjust our individual Crowns of Greatness by planting seeds of leadership through our children in our community. The Miami Chapter exposes their children to extraordinary chapter programming while at the same time teaching our children to be philanthropic, kind and respectful. Our Miami Chapter programming includes but is not limited, promoting the arts and education by sponsoring South Florida Childrens’ Cluster,attending cultural excursions to tennis matches, sailing events, teaching etiquette classes, collecting/preparing/ serving meals to the needy, can food drives, attending Jack and Jill golf outings, exploring the Underground Salt Water Railroad and Lighthouse, packing backs of school supplies for the Boys and Girls Club of America, studying the history of black jockeys contribution to horse racing and traveling around the world virtually to learn about other cultures and traditions. The Miami family faces a new normal and challenge, everyday. This Chapter always accepts the challenge. Miami parents are resilient and so are the children! Their mission is always on purpose and always for all the children.






President: Michelle Ellerby Vice-President: Teka Washington Program Director: Kutina Carter Recording Secretary: April Love Corresponding Secretary: Tonya Henderson Treasurer: Kimberly Brown Financial Secretary: Edwina Roland Editor: J. LaShay Atkins Chaplain: Tomesha Davis Historian: J. LaShay Atkins Foundation Chair: LaKeisha Patton Parliamentarian: Tomesha Davis Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Lakeisha Patton Associate Chair: Joyce Washington Father’s Auxiliary: Mitch Ellerby

President: Matthew Roland Vice-President: Evyn Ulmer Secretary: Ashton Johnson Treasurer: Blake Henderson Parliamentarian: Brooklyn Henderson Chaplain: Marley Roland Sergeant-at-Arms: Kyleigh Carter


J. LaShay Atkins, Kinyatta Bennett, Kim Brown, Kutina Carter, Meta Danzey, Ebonie Davenport, LaShonda Deloach, Tomesha Davis, Chiazo Ekenna, Michelle Ellerby, Nicklya Harris-Ray, Tonya Henderson, Tonya Larkin, April Love, Jessica Madison, Teka McKnight, LaKeisha Patton, Edwina Roland, April Ulmer


The Mississippi Gulf Coast Chapter was chartered on September 17, 2014, with 17 phenomenal mothers, including founder and past president, Stephanie Barnes-Taylor. The chapter’s mission statement is Culture, Education and Service for a Lifelong Commitment.


The Mississippi Gulf Coast Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. is having a highly active and successful 2022-2023 programming year. The year started with our annual Carol Robertson and Jack and Jill Day celebrations, which brought families together to have fun, honor Carol Robertson and celebrate Jack and Jill Day. The chapter was a proud silver sponsor of the 2nd annual Sunset on Cancer at Sunset 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run, held at Fort Maurepas Park. All chapter members put their running skills to the test and won several awards for being the fastest runners across various age groups. In October, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the chapter participated in the annual event “Bras Across the River” along with Singing River Federal Credit Union, by creating decorative bras to place on the Mississippi Bridge and donating bras to a local woman’s shelter. The chapter also hosted a program called “Come Swim with Me,” where children received group swim lessons and learned important concepts of water safety. The chapter’s “Slice of Fun” program was a big hit among the younger children. They had the opportunity to work with a chef and learn how to make homemade pizza and cinnamon topping for breadsticks while using math. During Thanksgiving, the chapter blessed families in need by participating in the “Feed the Homeless” program at one of our local homeless shelters, Loaves and Fishes. The annual Gingerbread and Jammies program was a great way to end the first half of

the programming year, with our Kwanzaa presentation, karaoke, Christmas games, dirty Santa, gingerbread house competition, good food, fun, and sister mom fellowship on mission, on purpose, for all children.






President: Danielle Roberts Vice-President: Jia Johnson Okeke Program Director: Natasha Andrews Recording Secretary: Erica Abrams Corresponding Secretary: Kimberly Rice Treasurer: Kimberly Rice Financial Secretary: Tennille Ball Editor: Thkisha Sanogo Chaplain: Nina Johnson Historian: Sande McBryde Foundation Chair: Monica Motley Parliamentarian: Kortni Tucker Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Samantha Ngando Associate Chair: Sherry Archibald Father’s Auxiliary: Steven Roberts

President: Madison Motley Vice-President: Kendall Sampson Secretary: Malone Ngando Treasurer: Jillian Ngando Parliamentarian: Kyle Kelly Chaplain: Bailee Smith Sergeant-at-Arms: Kameron Ball


Abrams, Erica; Andrews, Natasha; Andrews, Shawanda; Ball, Tennille; Bell, Jessica; Belle-Henderson, Anitra; Bracy, Lanesha; CraytonKelly, Arthesta; English, Natasha; Ford Johnson, Nina; Gant, Stefany; Green, Bevley; Hammond, Cecelia; Hitchens, Nicole; Jackson, Chasity; Johnson-Okeke, Jia; Jones-Nelson; Tasha; Lockette, Tiffany; McBryde, Sande; McGraw, Brandy; Missouri, Clair; Motley, Monica; Ngando, Samantha; Odom, Petrina; Powell-Green, Jaquitta; Rice, Kimberly; Riley Thomas, Jathany; Roberts, Danielle; Robertson, Lisa; Sampson, Pamela; Sanogo, Thkisha (DeDe); Scott, Shanda; Smith, Elizabeth; Swett-Smith, Nikki; Tucker, Cynthia; Tucker, Kortni; Tucker, Ursula; Williams-Maynard, Suntrease.


In January 1955, a meeting was held at the home of Alma Foster to organize a chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. They wanted to provide their children with the philosophical framework for which Jack and Jill was known. They received their charter in June of 1956 proudly sponsored by the Pensacola Chapter with 38 members and 80 children. Mrs. Yvonne King was installed as the first Mobile Chapter President Currently with 39 members and 73 children, we proudly celebrate 67 years nurturing future African American leaders through leadership development, cultural exposure, community service, philanthropic giving, and legislative advocacy.


The Mobile Chapter started our 2022-2023 program year off to a fantastic post-covid restriction start. We celebrated Carole Robertson Day in conjunction with our Jack and Jill Day activities. The Teens recited, “Carole’s Poem”, to the the younger Jacks and Jills in Carole’s honor. The Busy Bees, Golden Nuggets, Vogues and Esquires, and Leaders and Achievers held a toiletry drive where they collected and donated toiletry items to be donated to an underrepresented elementary and middle school. Our Teens hosted its annual Breakfast with Santa at the Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club and held a food drive in an effort to tackle food insecurities. At the Financial and Leadership workshops, our children and Teens learned about “Paths to Success’’ and investing. This year culminated with our premier fundraiser, The Le Beautillion Militaire,

held at the Daphne Civic Center. Throughout this program year, the Mobile Chapter wil continues to make an immeasurable difference in Mobile and Baldwin Counties. We will continue this mission lifting all children and our community higher and higher.





President: Nichole Thompson Vice-President: Tandra Shambray Program Director: Courtney Griffin Recording Secretary: Aronette Bowman Corresponding Secretary: Jennifer Richardson Treasurer: Stacey Lancaster Financial Secretary: Calandra Hawkins Editor: Porcia Love Chaplain: Catrina Waters Historian: Erika Tyler Foundation Chair: Jo Guice Parliamentarian: Jennifer Flowers Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Schuronda Stanton Associate Chair: Sandra Washington Father’s Auxiliary: Anthony Richardso Protocol Chair: Lori Boone Legislative Chair: Tamika Reed Assistant Lead Teen Sponsor: Delecia McIntyre Assistant Lead Teen Sponsor: Val orie Lawson

President: Noah Waters Vice-President: Logan Boone Recording Secretary: Nicholas McIntyre Corresponding Secretary: Claire Gary Treasurer: Jai Ivy Raines Parliamentarian: Ava Howard Chaplain: Evan Bowman Sergeant-at-Arms: Robert Guice Editor: Chandler Henderson


Impressed with the aims and philosophy of Jack and Jill, fifteen mothers met at the home of Hazel James in September of 1954, under the chairmanship of Cleonia Taylor, to establish a chapter in Montgomery. Sponsored by the Tuskegee Chapter, Hazel led the group with planning and reorganizing to meet the national requirements. On October 1, 1955, the Montgomery Chapter was formally installed with thirty-three charter members by Mrs. Nellie G. Rouhlac, National President, on the campus of Alabama State University. These charter members set the standards for the high ideals, aims and objectives of our chapter. In 1980, the chapter sponsored its first Beautillion Militaire. This biennial event focuses on a series of character-building socials and cultural and educational activities designed to help young men from the community make the crucial transition from boyhood to manhood. The Beautillion Militaire has raised thousands of dollars for the Jack and Jill Foundation and for reinvestment in the community through charitable contributions. Celebrating our 65th Anniversary in 2021, a time capsule burial was held on the grounds of one of the first chapter members, the late Vera Harris. The home, which played a pivotal role in the Civil Rights Movement, served as one of the primary meeting spaces for chapter meetings during the 1960’s and 1970’s. During the 2022 National Convention in Orlando, Florida, the Montgomery Chapter received its second Five Star Chapter Excellence recognition under Chapter President Nichole Thompson’s leadership. Currently with 39 members, the Montgomery Chapter continues the commitment to our children and the community that our charter members made so long ago.


dance to the song, “Brown Skin Girl.” Guests were also given ribbon wands in event colors to represent their African tribe in an African Roll Call. In September 2022, the Montgomery Chapter held a week-long celebration merging Carole Robertson and Jack and Jill Family Day celebrations. Families engaged in Cupcakes and Conversation and used movies and online resources as conversation starters to discuss the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. A “Hello Fall, Goodbye Summer” family fall festival allowed children and parents to enjoy the fun of family themed arts, crafts, and games. The week ended with an All Chapter Spiritual Worship Service at Freewill Missionary Baptist Church. Age group programming focused on the six national thrusts. Programs included Healthy Eating at E.A.T. South Urban Farm, a Swim Safety session, and Robotics in Medicine. The chapter held a holiday party and donated over 1500 diapers and 60 packages of wipes to Gift of Life, an organization committed to improving the health and well-being of at-risk mothers and babies.

Looking ahead, chapter programming includes our biennial Beautillion Militaire in March 2023. Moms of the Magnificent Montgomery Chapter are creating an unforgettable year of programming filled with precious memories. 780

The Magnificent Montgomery Chapter hosted a “Black is Queen” Heritage Ball in honor of Black History Month in February 2022. During the ball, chapter couples serenaded guests with a formal






President: Courtney Woods Vice-President: Katherine Brown Program Director: Leah Granderson Recording Secretary: LaDonya Johnson Corresponding Secretary: Victoria McGowen Treasurer: Lashonda Daniels Financial Secretary: Malika Anderson Editor: Lillian Blackshear Peay Chaplain: Allyson Young Historian: Trenay Bynum Foundation Chair: La Tandra Collins Parliamentarian: Latrecia Jordan Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Tracey Lovett Associate Chair: Ingrid Collier

President: Dennis “Trey” Woods, Ill Vice-President: Kennedy Lovett Recording Secretary: Cameron Barnes Corresponding Secretary: Brock Burgess Treasurer: Ziah Jones Parliamentarian: Mikayla Prude Chaplain: Austin Cason Sergeant-at-Arms: Autumn Haddox


In February 1939, Pearl Creswell and Geraldine Fort invited a group of like-minded mothers who deemed their children as their common bond and became the Mother’s Study Group. They arranged an ambitious program of culture, service, and learning for the flourishing of their children and the Nashville community. In 1947, Phoebe Layton, the sister-in-law of Jeanette Forrester and a former member of the Mother’s Study Group, became a member of the Columbus, Ohio Chapter of Jack and Jill. To our fortune, the Nashville Mother’s Study Group ultimately became the Nashville Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. This addition in 1947 made Nashville the first chapter chartered in the Southeastern Region and the twelfth chapter in the nation. The Nashville Chapter has hosted more than five regional conferences, including the 1956 inaugural Southeastern Region Teen Leadership Conference (TLC), the 50th Anniversary of the SER TLC in 2006, and the first virtual TLC, held in 2020. Our chapter earned the Five Star designation for 2018-2020. Additionally, the Nashville Chapter has had several teens and mothers serve at the regional and national level, including the Immediate Past Regional Director, Latrecia Jordan, and current Regional Teen Treasurer, Gabrielle Bowie.


The Nashville Chapter launched its programming year with a Programming Pajama Jammy-Jam where mothers met at a Midtown hotel to plan an exciting year embodying the year’s programmatic thrusts. Inspired and guided by programmatic thrusts, grade group activities this year were creative and included a Pre-K/K voting activity using snacks, 1st-3rd graders chatting with a civil rights legend, tennis instruction for 4th and 5th graders, a scavenger hunt at Fisk University for 6th-8th graders, and a glow party and fundraiser planned by the teens. Chapter-wide activities this year were exceptional. The Chapter celebrated Jack & Jill Day and Carole Robertson Memorial Observance at NASCAR’s Nashville Superspeedway. Children were inspired by the guest speaker, who was the first Black president of a NASCAR track. Children also harnessed their public speaking skills by reciting a Carole Robertson tribute poem and learned about

STEM by building their own model racecars. Licensed teens and parents were even able to drive their cars on an official NASCAR racetrack. In October, the Chapter hosted its “Soul Train or Treat” event, where families dressed retro and learned about exercise, healthy eating and the significance of roller skating and Soul Train in the Black community. Chapter-wide activities were augmented with grade group workbooks, which served as independent guides for children to complete at home to learn more about upcoming activities and programmatic thrusts. All children who completed the workbooks earned “Jack and Jill Bucks” to be traded in for prizes. Community service remained at the heart of the Nashville Chapter. The Chapter continued its participation in year-round Adopt-a-Street cleanup events, donated children’s gifts as part of its Christmas celebration, and donated clothing to a nonprofit assisting mothers struggling with addiction. A highlight of the year was the Chapter’s 2023 Beautillion Ball and Scholarship Fundraiser. This was the first beautillion sponsored by the Nashville Chapter in over 30 years. The beaus attended classes on etiquette, career awareness and character-building. Held at the Grand Hyatt in downtown Nashville, the Beautillion was an elegant sight to behold as these distinguished young men in grades 11 and 12 were proudly presented to society.




Protocol Chair: Erica Wilson Parliamentarian: Marisa Price

President: Sheena Lofton-Huggins Vice-President: Creah Demps Program Director: Alisha Nesbitt Recording Secretary: Racquel Smith Corresponding Secretary: Ashley James Treasurer: Carol Alexander Brocks Financial Secretary: Joslynne Harrod Editor: Cannice Ellis Chaplain: Okeya Valentine Historian: Alesiah Harris Foundation Chair: Sherri Monger Parliamentarian: Marisa Price Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Creah Demps Associate Chair: Sabrina Lewis Father’s Auxiliary: Mark Demps


President: Joshua Nina Vice-President: Amari Demps Secretary: Karis Ellis Treasurer: Ethan Wilson Parliamentarian: lyla Wilson Teen Editor/Historian: Nicollette Watson Teen Foundation Chair: Camille Monger


Marquita Armstead, Ngozi Benyard, Geniece Brady, Carol Brocks, Creah Demps, Cannice Ellis, Alesiah Harris, Joslynne Harrod, Ashley James, Sabrina Lewis, Sheena Lofton-Huggins, Keyshonna Miller McNeil, Taryn Mobley, Sherri Monger, Alisha Nesbitt, Courtney Nina, Marisa Price, Racquel Smith, Dealtra Tillman, Okeya Valentine, Collette Watson, LaToya Wilcher Smith, Erica Wilson


The Nature Coast Chapter’s journey began on January 22, 2021, when a group of women gathered to discuss creating opportunities for their children and other Black youth to empower and cultivate leadership while socializing in the communities of North Tampa, Pasco, and Hernando county. From that meeting, Sheena Lofton Huggins, Creah Demps, and Cannice Ellis shared the vision to begin finding ways to gather mothers in the area and children to form a group. By May 2021, a total of thirty women expressed interest. On June 12, 2021, these women hosted a calendar-setting meeting and created events and activities for children centered around five thrusts: Education, Social, Black History, Financial Literacy, and STEAM. At this meeting, Creah Demps proposed forming a chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The group unanimously voted to engage in the process of becoming an official chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. After which, the women crafted a mission statement; “To increase the involvement and presence of Black youth and families in communities along the Nature Coast of Florida through educational activities that promote leadership, social and cultural awareness, and civic duty that influence life outcomes.” On September 28, 2021, Nature Coast Moms received

official notification of acceptance and became an official Provisional Group. Over nine months, the Nature Coast Moms engaged in programming that celebrated Black History, cultivated leadership, educated youth on financial literacy, encouraged STEAM, fostered socialization, and built hearts for service. On Saturday, September 24, 2022, Nature Coast chartered as an official chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, which included the installation of the Father’s Auxiliary and Teen Executive Board.


On Saturday, January 14th, the newly chartered Nature Coast chapter participated in the annual Dade City 2023 Dr. Marting Luther King Jr. Parade and Unity Prayer. This was a well-attended chapter event that allowed Moms, Dads, and children the opportunity to interact with the Dade City community while celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. King Jr. The children especially enjoyed being a part of the parade and seeing the joy on the community children’s faces as they passed out parade favors. The unity Prayer served as a reminder that our work within the community is needed and valued. Our chapter was invigorated and re-energized to “Make a difference for all children.”



The relationships held with moms who were already members of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. generated interest and inquiry among a community and family focused group of mothers in North MS to organize as a provisional group to petition Jack and Jill of America. Inc. for membership through the chartering of a chapter. As this interest grew and formalized, Dr. Tamala Boyd Shaw connected with those moms to convene Mingling with Moms of North MS on June 22. 2019, at Brown Missionary Baptist Church in Southaven, MS guided by then National Editor Gina Williams-Jackson. Following that June informational meeting, and more formally after official approval in October 2019, the North MS Provisional group connected with each other to develop and engage in meaningful family-oriented programming activities that have elevated the value of access to civic, cultural, educational, health and social activities for children in and across Mississippi. As events and engagement happened over the next few months, so did life. In January 2020, life changes led to the emergence of the Sweet Sixteen Moms committed to furthering the journey of the North MS Provisional Group becoming the North MS Provisional Chapter. On this journey, the world changed in March 2020 with the onset of the global pandemic of COVID-19. While this pandemic caused the group to pivot quickly from in person engagement to virtual platforms, it did not hinder the desire or dedication from this group to forge ahead. During the 44th Biennial National Convention in August 2020, the first ever virtual convention, the North MS Provisional Group received a favorable vote to become the North MS Provisional Chapter. With the continued guidance and support of Immediate Past National Editor, Gina Williams-Jackson, sponsoring Memphis Chapter President, Tracy McGee and the leadership of Immediate Past National Vice President Tanya Hand, Past National President Alice Peoples and notably Regional Director Latrecia Jordan continued their work. The provisional officers who led this charge include: Dr. Tamala Boyd Shaw - President Mrs. Tara Bullard Jones - Vice President Mrs. Lillian Morris-Hilson - Program Director Mrs. Vanese Long Griffin - Recording Secretary Mrs. LaTonya R. Todd - Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Latrica F. McCool -Treasurer Ms. Kimberlyn Commee· Seals - Financial Secretary Mrs. Sherrie Short Long -Editor/Historian & Grade Group Chair Mrs. Ashley Thompson - Sgt At Arms Ms. Genarda Latrece Wright - Parliamentarian Dr. T. Celeste Turner- Foundation Chair Dr. Lashunda Thompson Roberts - Protocol Chair Ms. Ashley Waller - Special Days Chair Dr. April Bowen Smith - Chaplain & Grade Group Chair Dr. Aleshia Hall-Campbell -Hospitality Chair & Grade Group Chair Mrs. Shavon Dale - Grade Group Chair

The Sweet Sixteen moms of the North MS Provisional Chapter enjoyed a chartering date of Saturday, October 3, 2020, and continued the journey of impacting their families and communities. These moms represent lasting community ties and dedication to community growth through civic and organizational work and committed family strengthening through faith-based activities and cultural experiences focused on family and who are enthusiastic about pooling their networks. skills, and expertise to further develop their own families and families of North Mississippi.


The chapter celebrated the kick-off of the 2021-2022 programming year with the theme “L.I.F.T. Loving and Inspiring Families Together” under the current leadership of: Mrs. Tara Bullard Jones, President Mrs. Lillian Morris-Hilson, Vice President Mrs. LaTonya Tood, Program Director Mrs. Latrica McCool, Financial Secretary Ms. Genarda Wright, Treasurer Dr. Tamala Boyd Shaw, Chapter Editor/Historian The current administration’s theme, Leading from Every Seat, is paramount to the continued community-service focus grounded in the elevation of our children experiences and opportunities.





President: Cecily McDaniel Vice-President: Stacey McNeil Program Director: Kimberly Fisher, LaTure Hicks, Isis Nelson-Graham Recording Secretsry: Monique McNeil! Corresponding Secretsry:Tangela Jones Treasurer: Maria Martin Financial Secretsry: Shaletha Bolden Editor: Dana Ewell Chaplain: Leslie Briscoe-Andrews Historian: Inger Veazie Foundation Chsir: Tracey Guinyard Parliamentarian: Myriam Pierre Warren Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Schnell Hart Associate Chsir: Kim Jones-Snipe Father’s Auxiliary: Tasha Robinson

President: Laine McDaniel Vice-President: Tyler Hart, Chelsea Williams Secretary: Olivia Woodall Treasurer: Jailah Shepherd Parliamentarian: Spencer Snipe Chaplain: Gabrielle Brisco Sergeant-at-Arms: Daniel Graham


In April, 1979 twenty-five women living in northern suburban areas of Atlanta, met to discuss the possibility of establishing a new chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. In May, the prospective group applied to Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and in September was accepted as a provisional chapter under the sponsorship of the Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The provisional chapter established a budget, designed a program, and enthusiastically carried out community service projects. In impressive fashion, over 50 activities for 65 children were planned and completed that program year. This dynamic group of mothers collected donations for UNICEF, donated books to the North Fulton Child Development Center, gave $200 to the United Negro College Fund, and donated food baskets to families in need, among other contributions. The provisional chapter was officially chartered by Jack and Jill of America, Inc. with 29 members in July 1980 and installed as Jack and Jill of America, Inc., North Suburban Atlanta Chapter (NSAC) on September 14, 1980.


Excellent programming is the heart of North Suburban Atlanta Chapter. This year was filled with impactful and excellent programming. Our Carole Robertson Jack and Jill Day explored the history and heritage of The Black Family Reunion. The Carole Robertson picnic was held at the child inclusive Swift Cantrell Park in support of “We Are One”. The NSAC families had a fun filled day celebrating the strong cultural tradition of the Black Family Reunion. Our chapter-wide event started with families gathering and admiring the mobile art gallery, featuring artistic creations from our various grade groups depicting the Birmingham church bombing of 1964. The NSAC Teens began with an exceptional educational and historical talk about the creation of the Black Family Reunion. Our young Jacks and Jills learned about the historical recount of the Birmingham church bombing. Our Pre-K – 3rd Grade Jills dressed to impress in tribute of Carole Robertson, reflecting the importance to this moment in time. The North Suburban Chapter hosted its

annual Christmas Party at the Whitley Hotel in Buckhead Atlanta. The Urban Nutcracker was this year’s theme. Our version of the Nutcracker was a fusion of modern and classical dance, but it was much more! Our Holiday program showcased our children’s talents in speaking, dance, and interpretation of African American culture. Service is integral to NSAC programming. Building awareness of Food Insecruity was the focus of the entire chapter. The NSAC Teens created awareness campaigns for social media in support of this. All of our Jacks and Jills collected food items to support the MUST Ministry food bank. The Power of Art: Resistance A-NonViolent Protest was theme of our Black History Porgram. This program focused on the importance on the collection, history, and educational value of art. The NSAC families were impressed by the NSAC Sotheby’s Children’s Art Auction. Lastly, the programming year culminated with Black Family Day, where our children and their achievements were recognized and celebrated.





President: Chenoa Reed Vice-President:April Page Program Director: Monica Ferguson and DeNeale Luckie Recording Secretary:sherita Polke Corresponding Secretary: Cara Williams-Cohen Treasurer: Renee Marques Financial Secretary: Meredith cook Editor: Natalie Williams Chaplain: Jacqueline Donaldson-Francois Historian: Andrea Deloach Foundation Chair: Latasha Greer-Adewale Parliamentarian :Tonya Moore Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Jacqueline Donaldson-Francois, Kathy Gutzmer, Simone Ali, Latisha Thompson Associate Chair: Gwen Hewitt Father’s Auxiliary: Keith Reed and Joshua Jones

President: Donovan Francois Vice-President: Samaya Baggs Corresponding Secretary: Tori Clark Recording Secretary: Madeline Simpson Treasurer: Matthew Nunn Parliamentarian: Arturo Gutzmer Chaplain: Suriyah Ali Sergeant-at-Arms: Lemuel Robinson


The Orlando Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc. was installed on November 10, 1956. Fifteen mothers were inducted and Adrienne Harrison, who had been the driving force in establishing an Orlando chapter, was elected President. The Orlando Chapter has since had several notable members who have served Jack and Jill of America Inc. on a broader level. Barbara Newton served as Executive Director (1998-2000) and Oree Johnson served as Southeastern Regional Director (2000-2002). Adele Baker and Valeda Flewellyn (along with Lillian Seays) co-authored the Jack and Jill history book Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated: Into the New Millennium, published in 2000. Baker and Flewellyn have also served as National Archivist for Jack and Jill. Ramona Manning, Lisa Shannon-Brown and Gwen Thompson Hewitt served as the Member-at-Large for the Southeastern Region. Gwen Thompson Hewitt guided our foundation to record breaking contributions during her tenure as MAL. The Orlando Chapter is dedicated to the idea of bringing children together in a social, cultural and service environment. The membership has grown to over seventy families with mothers whose interest, contributions and imagination blend together to promote and support the goals of the local, regional and national levels of our organization. Additional Chapter Officers 2022-2023: Sergeant-At-Arms: Angela White-Jones Additional Teen Officers 2022-2023: Editor: Miguell Luckie Foundation Chair: Christian Luckie Historian: Zariah Patterson


The Orlando Chapter’s theme for the 2022-2023 program year was “Embracing Our Children Through Learning, Laughing, and Love.” After two program years of virtual and hybrid programming, the Mothers of the Orlando Chapter were eager to host robust and engaging in-person program activities consistent with the Jack and Jill mission. The Chapter kicked off the program year with a family skate party to celebrate Jack and Jill Day 2022. In celebration of Carole Robertson Day, the Chapter hosted a community service event to support the band and orchestra program at Carver Middle School (a local Title I school) in Carole’s honor. The Orlando Chapter also hosted its inaugural Jack and Jill Law Day at the Orange County Courthouse complex in downtown Orlando. During this Chapter-wide event, Jacks and Jills participated in ageappropriate day-long workshops where they met Black judges and legal professionals, learned about the legal system, and participated in a mock trial. A Wakanda themed holiday celebration was the perfect closing activity for 2022. Families, dressed in African inspired attire, enjoyed a fun-filled day of music, games, food, and fellowship. Dedicated to serving the Orlando area and surrounding communities, the Chapter engaged in several philanthropic and community service opportunities with various local organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club, participated in the UNCF Walk, and hosted a community blood drive with OneBlood, to name a few. In addition, the Senior Teens hosted a Black Panther 2 Private Screening Fundraiser with proceeds benefiting the Jack and Jill Foundation. The Senior Teens also organized a service event to collect and donate items to support unhoused students at the University of Central Florida.



Jack and Jill of America, Inc.— Orlando Chapter

We Shine Together!




President: Jennifer Mazyck-Brown Vice-President: Katrina Williams Program Director: Charlotte Lockhart, Jasset Smith Recording Secretary:Daphne Dorce Corresponding Secretary: Cassandra Charles-Gerst Treasurer: Sherrie Mahan Financial Secretary: Camille Coley Hancock Editor: Amber Tracey Chaplain: Marjorie Garcia, Danisha Hemphill-Rolle Historian: Hollani Davis Foundation Chair: Francine Walker Parliamentarian :Jeanine Lewis Canales Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Lashonda Overstreet Associate Chair: Cyprianna Jackson Father’s Auxiliary: Alan Bottorff


President: Gabrielle Kiminyo Vice-President: Lauryn Mahan Secretary: Redick Brown, Ellis Daggs Treasurer: Rayna Richards Parliamentarian: McKenzie Williams Chaplain: Serena Coleman


Sia Baker Barnes, Destinie Baker Sutton, Daheia Barr-Anderson, Cassandra Charles-Gerst, DeAnne Collier, Nicole Daggs, Kimberly Dawkins, Hollani Davis, J’Nelle Delica, Daphne Dorce, Winifred Dorce Evans, Marjorie Garcia, Turia Grantlin, Camille Coley Hancock, Chanelle Harper, Danisha Hemphill-Rolle, Karlene Kiminyo, Jeanine Lewis Canales, Charlotte Lockhart, Jennifer Loiseau, Sherrie Mahan, Jennifer Mazyck-Brown, Tiffany Mccalla-Bottorff, Kimberly Mingo, Tiffany Moncrieffe, Rhonda Norwood-Dobson, Cassandra Oliver, Lashonda Overstreet, Ashley Pinnock, Whitney Powell, Sandra Powery Moses, Lisa Quarrie-Duncan, Renaye Quintyne, Elrika Richards, Melanie Roger, Kori Searcy, Jassett Smith, Naomy Soto-Coleman, Lakiesha Thomas, Amber Tracey, Andrea Walker, Francine Walker, Katrina Williams, Latosha Williams, Vernique Williams


In 2011, Fort Lauderdale Chapter mothers Candace BerryVaughn, Sonja Houston and Gail Luchey, assisted Elrika Richards in coordinating an interest group in Palm Beach. At the provisional meeting on August 13, 2011, our pioneer, Mom Elrika, assumed the Charter President role. The group adopted the motto “Roots to Wings” based on the Hodding Carter quote, “There are two lasting bequests we can give our children; one is roots, the other is wings.” At the October 7, 2012 installation, their “roots” became “wings” as the keynote speaker, National President Tamara Robinson, emphasized that strong roots allow thoughtful programming efforts to spread like eagle’s wings. Engaged and empowered, the charter mothers forged ahead. The Chapter credits Chiquita Alexis, Juliet Bradford, Jennifer Mazyck-Brown, DeAnne Collier, Nicole Daggs, Nikiis Doherty, Lisa Duncan, Marjorie Garcia, Carol DeGraffenreidt-Willis, Whitney Green, Mayanna Hammonds, Danisha Rolle, Cyprianna Jackson, Karlene Kiminyo, Charlotte Lockhart, Lakiesha Thomas, Tammy Thomas-Anthony, Latosha Williams and Vernique Williams for planting firm roots. In 2023, the Chapter’s wings spread to 45 members.


First stop: Jack and Jill Day on September 12th at a ranch for food, fun, family and friends. On October 14th, celebrating its 10th anniversary, charter and chapter moms gathered at a rooftop restaurant to rap, reminiscence and reflect. Celebrations continued with a private screening of Wakanda Forever. This sold-out event drew over 200 guests. In December, families partied and played over a pancake brunch at “Jack and Jill Jammie Jam Jingle” and the teens commanded the cockpit to organize a social for legacy members from the past 10 years. Uniting with sister chapters in 2023, the inaugural Tri-county Founders Day Jazz Brunch was a stellar occasion. Continuing the journey to serve, the Chapter left an indelible mark on the community by providing Halloween costumes to foster youth; hosting a holiday toy drive; providing socks, food and hygiene kits to the homeless; donating blood; and sponsoring an etiquette class for youth from the Boys and Girls Club. Before completing the journey, the Chapter co-hosted the 2023 Senior Gala at the National Teen Conference in Fort Lauderdale. Soaring high for the past 10 years, the Palm Beach Chapter looks forward to the journey ahead.

At the start of its tenth anniversary, the Palm Beach Chapter boarded the Mission Possible aircraft intent to elevate with a tank full of F.U.E.L.S. Using the National theme as a guide, the Chapter strategically planned five destinations/goals for the year: Five Star, Unite, Engage, Lead and Serve. With Chapter President Jennifer Mazyck-Brown as pilot and Vice-President Katrina Williams as copilot, the 45 member crew agreed, “a successful program year is not a trip, but a journey.” 788





President: Tracey Robinson-Coffee Vice-President: Christina Hawkins Program Director: Corby Wilson Recording Secretary: Donya Charles Corresponding Secretary: Maritza Woodfaulk Treasurer: Virqie Charlery Financial Secretary: Meron Kebede Editor: Stephanie Powell Chaplain: Carla Davis Historian: Carla Davis Foundation Chair: Alonda Jones Parliamentarian: Sabrina Hopkins Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Corby Wilson/Maritza Woodfaulk Associate Chair: Camilia Benson Father’s Auxiliary: Marcus Coffee

President: Charis Davis Vice-President: Marcus Coffee, Jr. Secretary: Ira Woodfaulk Treasurer: D’Ayshia Lett Parliamentarian: Justin Hawkins Chaplain: Jairus Bailey Sergeant-at-Arms: Jairus Bailey Foundation Chair: Lindsay Charles Editor: Jaylin Charlery


Priteyja Brannon, Virgie Charlery, Donya Charles, Genevieve English-Charles, Tracey Robinson-Coffee, Carla Davis, Kamaria Dunn, Zandra Gaskins, Chelsie Green, Andranette Hall, Christina Hawkins, Sabrina Hopkins, Alonda Jones, Meron Kebede, Stephanie Powell, Tia Robbins, Angel Stinnett, Deirdra Thompkins, Corby Wilson, Maritza Woodfaulk, Tonya Young


The Pensacola Chapter was established in 1956 by charter members Martiel McCray Watson, Georgette Jones, Annie Guillebeauz, Gloria Hunter, Mae Augustus, Charlie Mae McMillian, Alyce Henderson, Gladys Morris and June Moore, Larene Thomas, Earle Baskerville, Mildred Harris, Tammye White, Stella Sheppard, Wilhemnia Valcour, and Ruth White. The Tallahassee Chapter sponsored our membership in the fall of 1955. The formal installation ceremonies were conducted on January 14, 1956 by the National President, Nellie Rhoulac, making us the 76th chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. Martiel Watson, the founder of the Pensacola Chapter, was its first president. In 2015, the Pensacola Chapter Associate Auxilary was chartered by National President Joli Cooper Nelson. On November 12, 2016, the Pensacola Chapter celebrated its 60-year diamond anniversary. National President, Joli Cooper-Nelson attended. The Chapter currently has 21 members. Under the leadership of Chapter President Tracey Robinson-Coffee the mission statement for the 2021 - 2023 program years is “Preserving the Past, Igniting and Empowering the Future.” At the 45th National Convention, which began on July 26, 2022, the Chapter was recognized as a 5-Star Chapter of Excellence, along with other Regional and National honors.


At the 45th National Convention, the Pensacola Chapter achieved the distinguished 5-Star Chapter of Excellence designation. On the heels of this achievement, Chapter Mothers were filled with great pride as the program year began with our culture-themed Jack and Jill Day Celebration and our memorial tribute honoring the life of Carole Robertson. Our Jack and Jill Kids showcased the culture and history of St. Lucia, the Ivory Coast, Jamaica, and the USA. After our authentic Caribbean lunch, our Teens shared a touching

presentation honoring Carole Robertson’s historic legacy, followed by a pink and blue balloon release. The Tiny Tots and Buttons & Bows began the year with a Fall Health Festival that included storytime with a special guest from the Okaloosa County Farm Bureau, healthy snacks, and outdoor festival activities. Bow Ties and Tiaras participated in the Annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in support of past Chapter President, Associate Charlean Clifton, a breast cancer survivor. This year’s event had a rainy start, but it was a beautiful celebration Our Tweens first grade group activity involved an afternoon together enjoying nature at The Leaning Post Ranch. They learned about horses, went horseback riding, and participated in team-building activities. The Annual Teen Retreat was a great success. Chapter Teens left the retreat with a plan for the year that covered community service, the teen banquet, budgeting, and college preparation. As the program year continues, our chapter mothers will remain committed to delivering quality programming inspired by the mission of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.




President: Tara Aikens Vice-President: MarRonde Lumpkin-Lotson Program Director: Felicia Vereen Recording Secretary: Angelecia Latimore Corresponding Secretary: Angelecia Latimore Treasurer: Leslie Tyson Financial Secretary: Janet McCray Editor: CE Amirah Reeves Chaplain: Kimsherion Reid Historian: Kimberly Nieto Foundation Chair: Keisha Reddick Parliamentarian: Ebony Simpson Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Aysha Parks/ Kimsherian Reid Associate Chair: Connie Cooper Father’s Auxiliary: Tori Aikens


The late Mattie M. Leftwich envisioned an organization that focused on the FAMILY, and sought, for all children, rich cultural experiences that would enhance both their physical and mental growth. Mrs. Leftwich and 24 mothers began efforts to form the Savannah Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The Chapter was installed by Mrs. Thelma Keck on October 15, 1960 and sponsored by the Charlotte, N.C. Chapter. Mrs. Leftwich was elected as the first chapter president. The Charter members were as follows: Dorothy Adams, Ernestine Bertrand, Virginia Blalock, Jacqueline Bryant, Mozelle Clemmons, Mozella G. Collier, Agatha Cooper, Ruth Dobson, Veronica Douglas, Ester Hardin, Constance Johnson, Edith Jones, Margaret Law, Mattie Leftwich, Merdis Lyons, Mary McDew, Violet Singleton, Harriett P. Stone, Sadie Williams, Mary Edith Stiles, Ouida Thompson, Mary White, Inez Williams, and Martha Wilson. Of the 24 charter members, two are blessed to be with us today: Constance Johnson and Jacqueline Bryant. The two-time, Five Star of Excellence Award recipient, Savannah Chapter, has the distinct honor of having mothers and teens to serve as officers on the regional and national levels, to include, but not limited to: Shirley Barber James , 15th National President (1994-1996) and National Corresponding Secretary (1992-1994); Robert E. James, II, SER Teen President (1988-1990); W. Clay Fonvielle, SER Teen President (1993-1994); Hamilton Avery Stone, SER Teen President (2004-2005) and SER Teen Secretary (20032004) and Lydia S. Young, SER Secretary/Treasurer (1993-1995) and SER Foundation Member-at-Large (1996-1998), just to name a few. Other chapter mothers and teens served in various positions/ committees over the years. In addition, the Chapter served as host chapter for regional events: Children’s Cluster, Teen Leadership Conference, Mothers Regional Conference and Mothers Work Day. The Chapter holds many accomplishments, too numerous to name, but we remain on mission.


The Savannah Chapter kicked off the program year with their annual Mothers Retreat and Teen Retreat. All were engaged with

strategic planning and self-care activities supporting the national Our Health Matters Initiative. Jack and Jill Day was celebrated “HBCU Homecoming Tailgate” style with a special tribute, honoring the memory of our dearly departed Carole Robertson. The Chapter served as host chapter for the 2023 SER Mothers Work Day under the leadership of RD Darlene Whittington and NP Kornisha McGill Brown. The Chapter sponsored the newly inducted Golden Isles Chapter. All age groups encompassed community service to Park Place Outreach Program for homeless/runaway youth; financial literacy with a “Money Management” activity with one of the oldest Black-owned banks--Carver State Bank; social/recreational activities during the holidays and reflection of the importance of service, the life and global impact of MLK, Jr, and others. The lower age groups learned about healthy eating--“From Farm to the Table.” The 85th Founders Day celebration spanned a week of activities: The MLK, Jr. Unity 5K/10K Run, benefitting hungry children through the “Blessings in a Book Bag” program; an “Ax Throwing” social event for mothers; and community service through giving of toiletry bags for homeless youth. The week ended with the Chapter’s Founders Day Program highlighting graduating senior moms through reflections. The year was filled with other activities encompassing our programmatic thrusts. In closing, we ended the year with a celebration of members, newly elected officers, Bridging Ceremonies and Black Family Day.






President: Latricia Branch Vice-President: lslamiyat Nancy Adebisi Program Director: Trudy-Ann Armand Recording Secretary: M. Nia Madison Orndorff Corresponding Secretary: April Garrett Treasurer: Shanae Turner Financial Secretary: Brandi Campbell Editor: Kia Guilford Chaplain: Toi Scott Historian: Lasonya Rodgers Foundation Chair: Lencola Cummings Parliamentarian: Monique Dennis Spence-Hayes Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Toi Scott Associate Chair: Melinda Davis Father’s Auxiliary: Evans Branch Protocol Chair: Danyelle Gray-Leonard Five Star Chair: Jamie Burgains

President: Kennedy James Vice-President: Tije Scott Recording Secretary: Aniolie Leonard Corresponding Secretary: Jaden Gilliam Treasurer: Ashton Gary Parliamentarian: Meara Rasul Chaplain: Tene Scott Teen Foundation Chair: Tiana Burrows Teen Historian: Jada Campbell


In August 1986, a special interest group, the Tradewinds, was formed by young Miami mothers of the Southern Region of Dade County, FL with similar values, interests, and a desire to enrich the lives of their children by creating a nurturing, supportive, and culturally inspirational network in which to grow. In July 1988, the dream of Cynthia Beardon-McAdory and Irma Claxton-Scruggs was realized when the Tradewinds Interest Group became the South Miami Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated during the National Convention in San Francisco, California where Rene Beal, President-Elect, received the new charter. On September 14, 1988, at the Hyatt Regency in Miami, the South Miami Chapter held its Installation Banquet with guest speaker, Dr. Eva Wanton, Thirteenth National President. The first elected officers of the Tradewinds were: Cynthia BeardenMcAdory, President; Thelma Battle, Vice-President; Irma ClaxtonScruggs, Secretary; Shirley Ferguson; Gwendolyn Gibson Hines, Treasurer; Patricia Duncan, Parliamentarian; Nancy Young, Chaplain; and Lydia G. Ross, Historian. The South Miami Chapter has served as hosts to the following activities in the Southeastern Region: 1995 and 2000 Area Workdays; 1999, 2006 and 2012 Children’s Clusters; the 2004 Teen Leadership Conference; and the 38th Biennial National Mother’s Convention from July 22 - 27, 2008. The inaugural Biennial Beautillion of the South Miami Chapter took place on February 20, 2022. The Chapter is celebrating 35 years of serving the South Miami Community and the Southeastern Region.


The South Miami Chapters 2022-2023 program year was all about our commitment to the National theme “The Power to Make A Difference for All Children. On Mission. On Purpose. The program year launched by honoring the legacy of Carole Robertson and celebrating Jack and Jill Day. In the fall, we held our Boo Breakfast Fundraiser. During the winter, the chapter participated in the Jr. Orange Bowl Parade in Downtown Coral Gables, held our annual Socks for Seniors event and celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. with a day of service. In the Spring, the Chapter held its annual Black Family Day. On April 1st, the South Miami Chapter hosted the South Florida Children’s Cluster in Coconut Grove, FL. Throughout the programming year, our age groups connected with one another, engaged in STEM activities, had valuable learning and cultural experiences, and served the South Miami community. Below are a few of our community projects and fundraisers: • Voter Registration Drive • Mississippi Water Crisis donation • Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser • Boo Breakfast Fundraiser • Miami Book Fair donations • Thanksgiving donations • Jr. Orange Bowl Parade Participation • Socks for Seniors care packages • Gift donations to Homestead Soup Kitchen • MLK Day of Service providing gift baskets for local public service and community health workers • Earth Day & Beach Clean Up The South Miami Chapter will continue to provide programming that inspires and develops our children while also impacting the greater Miami community.






President: Stephanie Rogers Vice-President: Neanda Andrews Program Director: Leslie Fagin Recording Secretary: Tangela Williams Corresponding Secretary: Tiffany Wilson Treasurer: Taria Brittan Financial Secretary: Chrystal McDowell Editor: LaRhonda Wilson Chaplain: Leslie Gagin Historian: LaRhonda Wilson Foundation Chair: Gentsey Booker Parliamentarian: Lisa Head


President: Kia Franklin Vice-President: Adyn Brittian Secretary: Nya Andrews Treasurer: Alayna Brittian

In 2016, Southeastern Regional Secretary, Kornisha McGill Brown expressed the need for a chapter to be organized in the Butts, Lamar, Pike, Spalding and Upson County areas. On October 24,2020, SER IPRD Latrecia Johnson and Macon chapter CP Tisha Davis met via teleconference to discuss the possibility of identifying prospective mothers. CP Tisha Davis, with the Marvelous Macon chapter, became the sponsoring chapter for Southern Crescent chapter. As sponsoring Chapter, during the summer of 2021, CP Tisha Davis submitted the application to the National office for Southern Crescent to be recognized as a Provisional Group. On its journey to Chapter status, The Greater Spalding Group faced many challenges. First, the group was organized during a global pandemic ( Covid- 19). This pandemic severely restricted opportunities for the mothers and families to meet and bond in person. Friendships had to be forged and activities had to be planned virtually in order to ensure safety for all. This limitation also impacted chapter growth and development. The required number of active mothers dropped below the minimal requirement. The provisional group was at risk of dismantling. Macon CP Tisha Davis then reached out to NVP Claudia Curtis with a proposal to seek permission from the National Executive Board to allow for the recruitment of new mothers. The proposal was approved and 15 new members were accepted. This group of new and remaining mothers had vibrant and determined spirits. They were willing to commit to for filling the necessary obligations to gain full chapter status. On July 26,2022, President Stephanie Rogers and CS Tiffany Wilson traveled to Orlando, FL for the 45th National Convention, under the leadership of NP Kornisha Brown in hopes of becoming a Provisional chapter. In our favor, we received the votes needed to become a provisional chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. We transitioned from the Greater Spalding Provisional Group to the Southern Crescent Provisional History was made on October 8, 2022, in Savannah, GA. Southern Crescent Chapter celebrated its chartering and membership induction. On that day, seventeen moms, alone with thirteen kids and eleven teens, joined Jack and Jill and became part of the Sweet Sweet Southeastern Region.


The recently chartered Southern Crescent Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated has been busy in our communities providing programming opportunities for our children, community service activities, holiday parties, and parades, as well as beginning to expose them to the elevated programs of Jack and Jill. We have two teams participating in the Stock Market Exchange, and they are learning a lot about creating a solid plan for their financial well-being. Our Jacks and Jills have participated in Bedtime Stories and Teen Webinars, attended cultural activities during the holiday season, and bought Christmas toys for children whose parents are incarcerated. The gifts were purchased by our members, but the children were told they were from their parents, which we are sure was a joy to them. Our moms attended Mother’s Work Day in Savannah; two officers participated at the National Convention in Orlando, and plans are being made to attend Children’s Cluster and the Oratorical Contest. We are visiting the King Center, volunteering to help with tornado relief after five tornados hit our town. We are a new chapter but have jumped in with both feet On Mission. On Purpose.






President: Autumn Watkins Holloway Vice-President: Shadreka McIntosh Program Director: Adrianna Burrows Recording Secretary: Shangriah Roberts Corresponding Secretary: Tabbatha Carter Treasurer: Kiondra Henderson Financial Secretary: Margo Ward Editor: Carloncia Hogan Chaplain: Tiffany Powe-Salters Historian: Angelia Sakyi-Agyekum Foundation Chair: Keiana Desmore Parliamentarian: Tenisia Tyre Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Nateefah Jackson Father’s Auxiliary: James Holloway III

President: Keehnon Jackson Vice-President: Corris McIntosh III Secretary: Miracle Salters Treasurer: London Daniels Parliamentarian: James Little IV Chaplain: Ziya Chambers Sergeant-at-Arms: Ziya Chambers


The Southwest Florida Chapter was established in 2022. In September of 2020, while thinking of strategies to bridge the achievement gap in the African American community which was significantly widened by the Covid-19 pandemic, Autumn Watkins Holloway had an idea to create a group that could bring like-minded black families together for individual and community advancement. After months of research, she realized that establishing a Jack and Jill chapter in Southwest Florida (SWFL) would be a great asset to the SWFL area. With the aid of Shadreka McIntosh and Carloncia Hogan, a membership committee was formed and they invited friends of like minds, shared desires, talent, temperament, and high moral character to an interest meeting held on February 21, 2021. With boundaries inclusive of Lee, Collier, and Charlotte counties and with the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter as its sponsor, the group was approved as LEGACY of Southwest Florida. On September 25, 2022, the 21 mothers proudly chartered the Southwest Florida Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. These mothers along with their 40 wonderful children, and 17 supportive fathers have created a LEGACY for future generations to continue developing Leaders Emerging with Greatness in Academics and Cultural Awareness while Yearning for Excellence in the SWFL area.


The Southwest Florida Chapter’s commitment to the National Theme was at the heart of the 2022 - 2023 programming. They commenced the year honoring the legacy of Carole Robertson and celebrating Jack and Jill Day during a formal ice cream social. Framed writings and illustrations accompanied the decor, showcasing letters to Carole Robertson written by the children. In response to Hurricane Ian, which devastated the SWFL area just three days after chartering, the chapter, On Mission and On Purpose, hosted a community-wide “Family Fun Day” to provide families a mental break from hurricane recovery efforts. In recognition of National Legislative Week, onsite voter registration was available. Using their Power to Make a Difference with the support of donations from the Southeastern Region, the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter, and other neighboring chapters, each family was able to take home a board game, new books, household supplies, and healthy snacks! In support of our community partners, the Middle Schoolers participated in a cooking class at a local black-owned family restaurant. After preparing dinner and dessert, the group delivered the meals to Valerie’s House, an organization that provides support to children coping with family loss. Demonstrating a commitment to our children and community through service, cultural exposure, and leadership, the Southwest Florida Chapter continues Building a Legacy of Leadership and Excellence for ALL Children!






President: Marissa Key Vice-President: Melvina Norwood Program Director: Erin Littles Recording Secretary: Dee Carswell Corresponding Secretary: Joy Hall Treasurer: Stephanie Martin Financial Secretary: Shavone Smith Editor: Kristi Fultz-Butts Chaplain: Anjanette Elliqan Historian: Tiffany Edwards Foundation Chair: Aprille Moore Parliamentarian: Felicia Washinqton Teen Sponsor/ Advisor: Stephanie Amos Associate Chair: Tonya Raines Father’s Auxiliary: Melisha Roqers Harris

President: Reaqan Butts Vice-President: Garrison Andrews Secretary: Brooke Spiva Treasurer: Trinity Thurman Parliamentarian: Madison Norwood Chaplain: Lauren Lee


The Stone Mountain Chapter established with nine mothers seeking opportunities for their children to gain cultural enrichment, make lasting friendships, and share wholesome and enriching experiences. The mothers first convened on February 2, 1985, for the purpose of chartering a new chapter in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Today, with 85 members, the chapter has embarked upon its 38th year.


Still we rise, from the fog of an enduring pandemic with “The Power to Make a Difference For All Children On Mission On Purpose.” Our chapter implemented an impactful and innovative year of programming with safety at the forefront. The Stone Mountain Chapter celebrated Carole Robertson and Jack and Jill Day at the New Black Wall Street in Stonecrest, GA. Mr. Bill Allen, founder/ CEO of the New Black Wall Street, spoke about “dreaming big.” He stressed the importance of ownership as being the key to black wealth. Inspired by the history of “Black Wall Street” in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the New Black Wall Street is a world-class facility featuring some of metro Atlanta’s up-and-coming businesses. Senior Teen President Reagan Butts conducted the Carole Robertson ceremony in a private room. Following, families enjoyed shopping while our Health Committee conducted blood pressure screenings and hypertension education for shoppers. The Service Committee selected Jumpstart for Young Children, Inc. as the partner for this program, an early literacy organization that advances equitable learning outcomes for children in underserved communities. Our chapter supported Jumpstart and Eldridge Miller Elementary School for Read for the Record where millions of students read the same high-quality book. Through our chapter’s efforts, students of E. L. Miller read “Nigel and the Moon”. In November, chapter families enjoyed a private screening of “Wakanda Forever”. Before the movie, families created greeting cards for Emory Winship Cancer Institute patients to honor Chadwick Bozeman’s legacy.

In January, we celebrated the 85th Founders’ Day of the national organization honoring our chapter’s charter members; followed by a rededication ceremony. The program consisted of a beautiful trip down memory lane. Keynote speaker Mallory Butts, 2021 Stone Mountain Chapter alumna and 2022 Glamour College Woman of the Year, spoke about the influence of Jack and Jill on her continuing servant leadership. Honoring the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., we participated in a service project focused on mental health, food insecurity or homelessness and children engaged in activities to enhance their understanding of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘s impact, Celebrating our Black Leaders and Authors. In May, we gathered for a fun-filled outdoor celebration: “School Daze” - Pink and Blue! celebrating graduating seniors and mothers. The program concluded with graduating mothers bridging over to Associates.






Chapter Officers: 2022-2023 President: Chandra B. Carter Vice-President: Danielle Flynn Program Director: Arieal Calhoun Recording Secretary: Elayne McKinney Corresponding Secretary: Jacqueline Gayle-Kelly Treasurer: Monica Rochelle Williams Financial Secretary: Brooke Taylor Editor: Alvanita Hope Chaplain: Nourish Harvey-Lopez Historian: Tiffany Williams-Gooding Foundation Chair:Crystal Pruitt Parliamentarian: Jade Davis Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Lorianna Harris-Temple & Stephany Greene


President: Tyler Speed Jr Vice-President: Cameron Temple Secretary: Matthew Barfield Treasurer: Nicolas Hasbun Parliamentarian: Zoei Johnson Chaplain: Zachary Kelly Sergeant-at-Arms: Mykenzi Davis-Cowart


Nikki Barfield, Cheryl Bradbury, Kendra Brown, Jennifer Curry-Duncombe, Delphinia Davis, Denise Delbrune, Caroline Ellerson, Donya Gilchrist, Angela Hawthorne, Kimberly Jackson, Anne-Marie Johnrose-Brown, La’Tina Johnson, Sonia King, Valerie Powell-Stafford, Stephanie Sandaire, Ajene Snow, Lauren Taylor, Marjorie Thomas, Khalilah Weston, Ramona Young


The Pinellas County Chapter was organized Spring of 1989 by 15 mothers, who saw a need for a chapter within the St. Petersburg community. After requesting permission from the National Office of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. to become a provisional group, these ladies began spreading the word about Jack & Jill within the community. Later, Cheryl Wooding and Inez McRae attended the National Convention in Memphis, TN, where the chapter was voted on by the national body and chartered in July of 1990. The official induction ceremony took place on September 29, 1990 at the historic Don Cesar Hotel. It was performed by Lynda Jolivette, the National Corresponding Secretary, and Barbara Palmer, the Southern Regional Director. On this joyous morning, a cohort of fifteen mothers, dressed in white, were inducted as the charter members of the Pinellas County Chapter. Due to notable growth, the boundaries were enlarged to include Manatee County in 2011. Later in 2013, the National Board granted approval for the chapter to further extend its boundaries to Sarasota County. As a result of the boundary extension, the chapter voted to change its name to the Suncoast Chapter in the fall of 2013. The Delegates of the 41st National Convention of Jack & Jill of America, Inc., voted to approve the name change in August 2014

CHAPTER PROGRAMMING September • HBCU College Fair • Jack & Jill Day / Carole Roberson Day October / November • Meet & Greet / Open Socials December • Kwanzaa / Holiday Celebration January • MLK Day of Service & MLK Dream Big Parade • Jack & Jill Founders’ Day May

• • • •


National Black Family Day Celebration Year-Long Events/Activities (check website/social media) Community Service Events Age-Group Activities




President: Selika S. Sampson Vice-President: Genae Crump Program Director: Kimberly Hankerson Recording Secretary:Natalie Payne Corresponding Secretary:Tonja Ward Treasurer: Darice Richard Financial Secretary: Janele Bullard Editor: Shaunte’ Deas-Banks Chaplain: Edra Taylor Historion: Shaunte’ Deas-Banks Foundation Chair: LaQuanda Flagg Parliamentarian :Tammy Hamlet Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Monesia Brown & Fran Close Associate Chair: Lametra Smallwood Father’s Auxiliary: Jon Brown

President: Brantley Gibson Vice-President: Symone Thompson Secretary: Nia Sampson Treasurer: Nyla Close Parliamentarian: Evan Brown Chaplain: Gabriel Brown Sergeant-at-Arms: Bryce Sawyer


Adanna Amanze; Nina Ashenafi-Richardson; AishaBailey; Camille Blake; WhitneyBolden; Genyne Boston; Letitia Brown; Lynnsy Brown; MonesiaB; JaneleB; Monique Butler; Maura Byrd; Stephanie Certain; Atira Charles; Franc; KaneshaCole; GenaeC; Shanna Daniels; Shaunte’D-B; Brandi Tatum Fedrick; LaQuandaF; Terri Gamble; R.Jai Gillum; Cecka Rose Green; Janelle Hall; TammyH; KimberlyH; Arlecia Harris; Jacqueline Hightower; CandiceHopkins; Laura Howard; Brandy Jones; Sharon Lettman-Hicks; EricaMays; Deana McAllister; Kimberly Menchion; AndreaNelson; Zelena O’Banner; Livetra Paul; NatalieP; Audra Pittman; DariceR; SelikaS; Theresa Sawyer; Taita Scott; ShaiaSimmons; LametraS; Tia Smith; AngelaSuggs; EdraT; Lillie Thomas; Renee Thompson; TonjaW; and Allyson Watson.


The Tallahassee Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was formally established September 15, 1951, as Florida’s First Chapter. The chartering activities included an afternoon cowboy party for thirty-six children representing seventeen mothers. The following day, families and honored guests enjoyed a buffet luncheon at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Porter. The primary purpose of this organization is to create a medium of contact among mothers and children that provides constructive programs for children through concentrated efforts of organized parents. For over 71 years, the chapter has promoted the ideals of the National office. Since inception the focus of the activities has been to work with and include the parents and children of families other than our own and to engage in projects for the betterment of the community.


The Tallahassee Chapter embraced the 2022-23 program year as the Five Star Florida’s First Chapter recommitted to the E.L.E.V.A.T.E. motto. As each Tallahassee Chapter mother adopts the Southeastern regional call to move “Together Towards Tomorrow Lifting All Children Higher,” collectively the chapter embodies Engaged mothers Leading and Enhancing Jack and Jill of America’s Value by Aligning to Our Guiding Principles while Training & Empowering All Children On Mission & On Purpose. Tallahassee Chapter continues to engage nationally, regionally, and locally especially with the newly chartered Valdosta Chapter that we were proud to sponsor and witness becoming a chapter October 30, 2023.

The Chapter’s program planning retreat hosted by PD Hankerson June 1, 2022, the Leadership Development retreat hosted by Regional Program Chair/CP Selika August 20th, and Teen Retreat hosted by Lead Teen Sponsors Monesia & Fran August 21stoutlined a year full of intentional “But for Jack and Jill” opportunities for the Jacks, Jills, and Tallahassee Big Bend community. Although this is the third program year affected by COVID-19, it has not stopped the engagement with our family. Observation of Jack and Jill Day was celebrated in an enormous way with a Family Reunion style gathering complete with fun for all ages hosted by Mom Suggs. All participants assembled also participated in the memorial tribute to Carole Robertson led by the teens. Celebration of the chapter’s 14 graduating 2023 seniors is ongoing throughout the program year. In addition to memorable service projects, the teens will experience a beach day, college tours, lockins, cotillions, monthly activities, and teen leadership conference together. The chapter was “All In” and hosted a well-attended Black Panther: Wakanda Forever multi-grade group activity led by the Menchion Family, “Innovation, Inspiration, & EmPOWERment,” opened to the public. Pre-show programming included lessons in STEAM innovation, philanthropic giving focused on unhoused Veterans, and empowering affirmations. Impactful programming continues to be the heartbeat of the Tallahassee Chapter while living out the national theme – The Power to Make a Difference: On Mission, On Purpose!






President: Mishka Symonette Jamison Vice-President: Melissa Hill Program Director: Gusti Labatte-Deneau Recording Secretary: Amanda Noel Corresponding Secretary: Melissa Davis Treasurer: Carol Gipson Financial Secretary: Panayotta Birch Editor: Madetric Wood Chaplain: Jean Winfield Historian: Debbie Hines Foundation Chair: Kanitra Edwards Parliamentarian: Motisola Manu Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Madetric Wood Associate Chair: Bonita Williams Father’s Auxiliary: Kahari Wood

President: Faith Mobley Vice-President: Aysia Prince Secretary: Brianna Manu Treasurer: Celeyse Gipson Parliamentarian: Bryce Braswell Chaplain: Caitlyn Gipson Sergeant-at-Arms: Barry Birch


Motisola Manu, Mishka Symonette-Jamison, Debbie Hines, Amanda Noel, Madetric Wood, Ursula Johnson-Braswell, Carol Gipson, April Willis, Panayotta Birch, Melissa Hill, Betty Prince, Melissa Davis, Kanitra Edwards, Gusti Labette-Deneau, Jean Winfield, Lafae Bacon, Arnater Dowers, Hope Howell, Dee Coe, Lauren Leandre, Josalin Nelson, Nadine Johnson


The Treasure Coast Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was organized in the Spring of 1985 by Claudette Smith and Keilier Baker-Dixon when they saw a need for a chapter in the community. On the morning of October 4, 1986, the Treasure Coast Provisional Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was formally inducted as the Treasure Coast Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., by Dr. Eva C. Wanton, National President of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and Dr. Lynda P. Jollivette, Southeastern Regional Director. There were thirty-chapter members. In 2017, The Treasure Coast Associate Chapter was chartered at the 30th Biennial Southeastern Region Conference in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Today, the chapter boasts 22 active mom members, 35 children, and 12 Associate Members, one of whom is Keilier BakerDixon, a Chartered chapter member.


The Treasure Coast Chapter started the year by honoring Carol Robertson and her impact on the civil and political landscape through age group discussion moderated by one of our newest moms, Mom Arnater Dowers. After the discussion, the chapter members enjoyed a friendly game of bowling to celebrate Jack and Jill Day and the significance of family time spent together. To celebrate Founders Day, The Treasure Coast Chapter members will worship together at The River of Life Fellowship Church in Fort Pierce, FL where Pastor Vernon Shazier is the Senior Pastor. After church service, chapter members will fellowship together for brunch. In keeping with our Chapter’s tradition, Black Family Day will take place on the first Saturday in May. The chapter will have a picnic in the park (Indian Riverside Park) for families to fellowship and enjoy the outdoors together. Activities will include exploring the Children’s Museum of the Treasure Coast and hosting a day of potato sack races, water balloon battles, kick ball tournament, and more.






President: Mara Jones Vice-President: Tomalisa Washington Program Director: Danielle Fulghum Recording Secretary: Crystal Cuby Richardson Corresponding Secretary: Sonia Henley Treasurer: Kenyatta Browne Financial Secretary: Keita Gore Editor: Audrey Austin Chaplain: Kimberly Morrissette Historian: Brometer Kimbrough Foundation Chair: Kimberly Pettway Parliamentarian: Kristen Gibson Little Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Brometer Kimbrough Associate Chair: Robbie Washington Father’s Auxiliary: Tyrone Jones

President: Adia Lowther Vice-President: Reese Conley Secretary: Bryson Kimbrough/ Maya Conley Treasurer: Evan Lowther Parliamentarian: Thomas Boyd, Jr. Chaplain: Jaden Peterson Sergeant-at-Arms: Julien Boyd


Audrey Austin, Leslie Boyd, Kenyatta Browne, Verquita Conley, Lakessiah Franklin, Danielle Fulghum, Keita Gore, Schnavia Hatcher, Sonja Henley, Kirsten Henry, Neumarishel Ingram, Mara Jones, Brometer Kimbrough, Kimberly Lewis, Kristen Little, Keisha Lowther, Kimberly Morrissette, Liza Nicholson, Rosalynde Peterson, Kimberly Pettway, DeMya Petty, Crystal Cuby Richardson, Mia Jacobs Turner, Tomalisa Washington


In February 1989, a group of mothers in the Tuscaloosa area met in the home of Dorothy Williams to discuss the possibility of organizing a chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. These mothers expressed high interest in the goals and objectives of the organization. On July 18, 1990 at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, TN, that group became members of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The installation ceremony followed on August 25, 1990 at the Battle-Friedman Home in Tuscaloosa, AL. Charter Mothers included Grace Adams, Catherine Anderson, Dora Brown, Josephine Dantzler, Betty Dunn, Lajessie Foster, Yvonne German, Patricia Goggans, Roxie Hill, Debbie Hughes, Louise Lewis, Wanda Newell, Janice Palmer, Brenda Parker, Lou Scott, Louise Sullivan, Sue Thompson, Dorothy Williams and Gwendolyn Williams.


The Tuscaloosa Chapter eased into the 2022-2023 program year with a tranquil picnic in the park to celebrate Jack and Jill Day and relish the last days of summer. Families enjoyed connecting and relaxing with one another as they prepared for another impactful year of programming and service. As always, the chapter also took time to remember the life of Carole Robertson and reflect on the rights and privileges our families are now able to experience. Autumn brought cooler temperatures and several opportunities to learn and serve. The teens volunteered at a Halloween-themed STEM event at a local technology center, where they distributed candy and led a rudimentary physics demonstration for children in the community. Children from the chapter also participated in

that event and enjoyed receiving treats from other organizations in attendance. They also know the importance of giving back, which was demonstrated through their involvement as willing helpers at a diaper drive held the prior weekend. For several weeks, the chapter’s Legislative Committee coordinated displays and pop-up educational sessions to help area citizens register to vote, check registration status, and learn about candidates and issues on the ballot for state and local midterm elections. Families then turned their attention to activities centered on gratitude and togetherness, which included a multigenerational movie outing to view the latest “Black Panther” film and bask in Black excellence. Children from the chapter’ s elementary grade groups also gathered at a farmer’s market to celebrate the harvest season and learn about African American foodways. The teens sponsored a coat drive to help keep the community warm during a frigid December. They also joined mother members in hosting the annual Breakfast with Santa event, which resumed fully in person for the first time since the COVID pandemic. Families welcomed the new year by joining hundreds of others in the community for a city-wide march to acknowledge the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. and energize themselves for many more months of leadership, giving, service, advocacy, and cultural engagement. Throughout this programming year, the Tuscaloosa Chapter has aimed to exemplify “the power to make a difference for all children, on mission, on purpose” and strives to continue doing so for years to come.





President: Yashica Frazier Vice-President: Kimberly Parker Program Director: Tamara Smith Recording/Corresponding Secretary: JaNai Thompson Treasurer: Wendy Strain Boykin Financial Secretary: Shamarick Paradise Editor/Foundation Chair: Ashley Spencer-Baker Chaplain: Ericka Pemberton Historian: Zoe Baker Parliamentarian: Florence Holland Teen Sponsors/Advisors: Ashley Spencer-Baker & Wendy Strain Boykin Father’s Auxiliary: Harris Baker, Jr. / Michael Holland Associate Chair: Dawn Marable Cla​y

President: Alexys Frazier Vice-President: Gabriel Spencer Secretary: Antoine Smith, II Treasurer: Parker Scales Editor/Foundation Chair: John Boykin, Jr. Parliamentarian: Rhiley Owens Chaplain: Jade Thompson Sergeant At Arms: Miles Holland


Paula Ayeni, Tiffany Johnson Cole, Alecia Felton, Eboni Grace, Deirdre Gulley, Mia Hutcherson-Holmes, Tenisha King, Stephanie Love Newman, Ivori Redditt, Aletia Thomas, Charlinda Walker, Jamila Walker, Evan-Christina Williams


With pride, we are celebrating 70 years of strengthening African American families and community service. The Tuskegee Chapter was established in 1953 on the campus of Tuskegee Institute, now Tuskegee University. During the Spring of 1953, Mrs. Gwendolyn Persley Kenney invited a group of mothers to her home to plan the organization of the Jack and Jill Chapter. These plans concluded with the installation of the chapter. The National President, Dr. Alberta Turner of Columbus, OH, conducted the installation in June 1953 at a luncheon meeting in Dorothy Hall on the campus of Tuskegee Institute. Fifty-four mothers chartered the chapter, which was the first in the state of Alabama. Gwendolyn Persley Kenney was the chartering president and daughter of famed Tuskegee Institute architect, Louis Persley. She attended Fisk University and was named Miss Fisk University in 1942. She later married Dr. Howard Washington Kenney and, together, they raised four children. Dr. Howard Washington Kenney was the son of Dr. John A. Kenney, who founded a hospital on the campus of Tuskegee Institute and was also a personal physician to Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver. Over the years, our chapter membership has included lawyers, judges, doctors, and the like. During this ​ year, the chapter is privileged to be the home of the Southeastern Region Treasurer, Florence Holland, and also the Southeastern Region Public Relations Chair and National Public Relations Committee member, Wend​y Strain Bo​ykin.


Looking Back. Determined to make our 70th year anniversary one to remember, we kicked off our sophisticated 70th with nine new mothers and our annual retreat. Our grade groups participated in several community​service, financial, legislative and social activities throughout the first half of our y​ ear. A few of these activities were:

delivering cookies to a local nursing home, executing a sock drive, donating to the VA hospital, a cupcakes vs. cookies voting event with a State Representative as our special guest, successfull​y completing our Double Good fundraiser to support the Foundation, an ACT Prep workshop, canned good food drive, voter mobilization mailers, a community partnered health and safet​y event, a public speaking and financial module workshop, and shoebox packing, to name a few. Together, with our precious Associate Jewels, we adopted a local family for Christmas and provided dinner and a holiday​to remember. Looking forward. Our Founders Da​y program is upcoming and in true Jack and Jill fashion, our Fathers Auxilar​y will simultaneously be on the greens, followed b​y lunch at the countr​y club. Our 70th will culminate with our Sophisticated 70s Soiree Fundraiser on the top floor of the Capital City Club. In addition, we look forward to Black Famil​y Da​y and our Senior Sendoff. We’re delighted to have alread​y had an impactful mid-​year and thrilled to execute the remaining events with sophistication and class for all children.






President: Tangela Kimber Vice-President: Dr. Sheila Thomas Program Director: April Doyle Recording Secretary: Regina Kimbrough Corresponding Secretary: Stephanie Bullard Treasurer: Valerie Bryant Financial Secretary: JaTaryia Thomas Editor: Sharah’ Denton Chaplain: Thameka Miller Historian: Sharah’ Denton Foundation Chair: Tina Janee Jackson Parliamentarian: Agila Blankumsee Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Reieana Wright Father’s Auxiliary: Cloise Williams

President: Mackenzie Alexander Vice-President: Nykerria Walden Secretary: Carrie Grace Jordan Treasurer: Hannah Lissimore Chaplain: Tylin Dyer Erick Thomas Sergeant-at-Arms: Tylin Dyer Erick Thomas


Alicia Clemons, April Doyle, Aqila Blankumsee, Brandy Hutchins, Carla Jordan, Carla Williams, Chanel Randolph, Christie Earle, Courtney James, Denetria Morrow-Finnisee, Elbonee Lissimore, Eleshia Turner, Janice Richardson, JaTaryia Thomas, Janessa Williams, Kelley Saxon, LaKeatta Tonge, LaShayla Dyer, La Toya Smith, Leah Baynard, Melinee Calhoun, Melissa Alexander, Natasha Berry, Regina Kimbrough, Rejeana Wright, Shamonti Rizer, Sharah’ Denton, Sheila Thomas, Stephanie Bullard, Tangela Kimber, Terry Johnson, Thameka Miller, Tina Janee Jackson, Tina Quinn, Valerie Bryant


The Valdosta Chapter was established on October 30, 2022. Founding mother was Tangela Kimber (member from the Stone Mountain Chapter). Thirty five moms were chartered along with a Teen and Father’s Auxiliary. They were once known as the Valdosta Moms on a Mission, but now as the Valdosta Chapter who remains steadfast in ensuring amazing programming for children and families, along with service to the community.


The Valdosta Chapter started officially in November of 2022. We have already implemented a Founders Day program and Black Family Day. Previously as a provisional group, grade groups continued awesome programming to include but not limited to an Martin Luther King, Jr. march in observance of his life, a Celebration of Founders Day with the former National President, Joli N. Cooper, a significant Mother’s Tea featuring the Sponsoring President & Regional Program Chair Selika S. Sampson, as a featured speaker and culminated with a Senior & Black Family Day Celebration at the same park where it all began as families a year earlier. At this event, they all took time to celebrate their children, families, members, grade group moms, committee chairs, and the hardworking officers.




President: Laconia Jenkins Dean Vice-President: Aisha Meeks Program Director: Tunicia Giron-Deloney Recording Secretary: January Few Corresponding Secretary: Jackie 0. Asare Treasurer: Cherecka Donaldson Financial Secretary: Regina Jackman Editor: Marilyn Francois Glass Chaplain: Mahala Bain Historian: Kristie Crawford-Bonardy Foundation Chair: Monique Carruthers Parliamentarian: Rae-Anne Alves Sergeant at Arms: Alanya Levison-Farrow Lead Teen Advisor: Marilyn Francois Glass Teen Advisor: Vanessa Mason Father’s Auxiliary: Charles Few

President: Brandon Bain Vice-President: Lauryn Glass Secretary: Lelah Few Treasurer: Johnathan Hunte Editor: Myla Mason Chaplain: William Dean Foundation Chair: Olivia Carruthers Leglislative Chair: Aidan Moss Protocol Chair: Zavier Greene Sergeant of Arms: Kaleb Partridge


The West Georgia Chapter was established on October 14, 2018, becoming the 45th chapter chartered by Jack and Jill of America, Inc. and the first on Atlanta’s west side. An interest meeting led by Berneta Churchill was held in 2015 at Dog River Library in Douglasville and five women committed to a clear plan. Churchill was named president and completing the leadership was LaConia Jenkins Dean (Vice President), Kimberli Brown (Program Director), Danielle Crowder (Recording Secretary) and Alanya Levison-Farrow (Corresponding Secretary). After strategic recruitment efforts, the Greater West Georgia Village, provisional name was finally selected and 23 charter mothers were invited, bringing along with them 20 fathers, and 44 children. On May 9, 2020, the chapter held its first installation ceremony inviting in seven new mothers. Today, West Georgia is a proud village of 28 mothers, 26 fathers, and 55 children. On May 9, 2020, the chapter held its first installation ceremony inviting in seven new mothers. Today, West Georgia is a proud village of 28 mothers, 26 fathers, and 55 children. Living up to its mottos, “West Georgia Excellence. Village Love,” and “Best of the Best from I-20 West,” the chapter has earned several honors in four years including: Jack and Jill’s most coveted distinction, Five Star Chapter Excellence; as well as Superior Programming Handbook; the SER Blue Ribbon Bylaws award; and regional designation as The Best of the Best in Programming for its 2019 Carole Robertson Memorial Program.


The West Georgia Chapter proudly celebrated the 2022-23 program year as we aimed to demonstrate “The Power to Make a Difference for All Children: On Mission. On Purpose.” Our families kicked off the program year in September with the West GA Family Olympics--a fun-filled day in the park, combining the commemoration Jack and Jill Day and Carole Robertson Day. Our children flew “Kites for Carole,” played fun games, and enjoyed delicious food. In October, we focused on civic engagement as

our Pre-K – 3rd graders participated in a mock election and voting exercise; our 4th and 5th graders challenged themselves to “Race to Engage,” completing four or more civic activities in Sept. and Oct. November encompassed all things health as our 6th – 8th graders engaged in “Mission Possible Part 2: Kids Eradicating Monkey Pox,” exploring the roles of front-line workers, public health practitioners and our government in response to outbreaks, and created their own vaccine in the West GA Lab! Our Teens ventured to Serenbe Farm, an eco-friendly farm-to-table community, connecting with nature and learning about the natural and built environment’s impact on health. In December, we gathered for a holiday-spirit filled time of giving. Our Teens led our “It’s A Wrap” gift wrapping endeavor, preparing gifts to brighten the spirits of children in our community. In February, we ventured to the APEX Museum to celebrate the cultural heritage of the Sweet Auburn Historic District and the barrier-breaking history of entrepreneurship and black wealth it created. We also enjoyed an HBCU experience, attending the HBCU All-Star Battle of the Bands and College Expo. March was all about SUPER SATURDAY—our very own version of a “super cluster.” Our kids enjoyed grade group specific activities about financial literacy, STEAM, and entrepreneurship, with lots of fun and fellowship in between!





President: Lori Breaux-Mitchell Vice-President: Rhonda Nelson Program Director: Chantay Dillard Recording Secretary: Angela Lockhart Corresponding Secretary: Latonya King Treasurer: Tamara Lawrence Financial Secretary: Natasha Metcalf-McGee Editor: Candice Flowers Chaplain: Sonja Mallery Historian: Candice Flowers Foundation Chair: Colli Corbin Parliamentarian: Angela Mull Teen Sponsor/Advisor: Jennifer Hollings Associate Chair: Tammy Ozeene Father’s Auxiliary: Shelby Mitchell


President: Alex Jones Vice-President: Christian Mitchell Secretary: Hannah Hollings Treasurer: Javen Boyd Parliamentarian: Tre Sheats Chaplain: Madison Littlejohn

In September 1979, Simone Sheats, a visionary with a passion for her children, recognized a need in her community. Having been a member of the Nashville, TN Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Chapter, Mrs. Sheats understood the impact and importance of the organization. Having a passion to provide children within her community with the unique value of Jack and Jill, Mrs. Sheats decided to bring the values of creating and empowering leaders to the community of children where she resided so they could grow and be nurtured in a premier Mother’s and Children’s organization. Within one month, the group of 20 women applied for membership into Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated and became a provisional chapter. The Williamson County Area Chapter received its charter and was inducted into the National organization the weekend of September 28, 1980. The Williamson County Area Chapter is the 172nd chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated.


The Williamson County Area Chapter started the year with our Carole Robertson Day Celebration in conjunction with the Nashville Chapter. The event “Setting the Race for Our Children” was held at the Nashville Speedway. In October, our Teens collected snacks for a local community center in our area and in November, our Teens held their Black Panther - Wakanda Forever Teen Fundraiser during the premier of the movie. Also in the month of November, our chapter held a holiday gift card drive to support the Tennessee Alliance for Kids. As a result of this effort, $2,000 was donated to this charitable organization. In December, our teens raised over $14,000 as part of our Double Good fundraiser. Throughout the programming year, our children have participated in several grade group activities aligned with our programming thrusts. To wrap up 2022, our chapter families gathered for our Christmas Extravaganza to celebrate the holidays.



The Tate Family

The Clarington Family



The Chaney Family

The Nor r is Famil y




808 808

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The White Family

The Bolden Family

The Bryant Family

y il m a F n o t g in f f u B The ISLES, GA





809 809


The C ar r o l l F amil y GOLDEN ISLES, GA

The Butler Family GOLDEN ISLES, GA

The Chapman Family

The Dawson Family




810 810

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The Hall Family

The Johnson Famil y

The Reid Family

The Rice Family





811 811


The Allen Family

The Seals Family




The Everett Family



812 812

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The JoneTsH FAaTLmANilTyA, GA

The Mitchell Family



The Johnson Family

The McFarland Family

Darrell, Zoe, & Stacy

Anthony, Alexis, Tammie, & Jacob



813 813



The Thomas Family

Payton, Rodney, Jackson, & De Anna


Felicia, Bomani, Carmen, & Brandon

The Nixon Famil y

The Allen Family




814 814

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The Douglas-Jackson Family

The Curry Family



The Nichols Family

The Wallace Family



815 815


The Brown Family

The Williams Family



The Peay Family NASHVILLE, TN

The C o ll ins Famil y NASHVILLE, TN


816 816

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The Young Family

y il m a F s in g g u H e Th E COAST, FL



The Wilson Family

The McDaniel Family



817 817


The Rance Family

The Brown Family



The Kiminyo Family PALM BEACH, FL

The W il l iams Fa

Kitonga, Karlene, Danielle, & Gabrielle



818 818


mil y

Family Albums | EASTERN REGION

The JamH eMsIAFMaI,mFiLl y SOUT

The Leonard Family SOUTH MIAMI, FL

The Scott Family

The Blake Family



819 819


The Sampson Famil y

The Crump Family



The Glass Family WEST GEORGIA, GA


820 820




om Glennda Maria Wash Hall, born October 17, 1962 was a beloved wife, mother, sister, aunt, friend and faithful member of the Atlanta Chapter for 17 years. She was the legacy wife of Woodrow Hall (Savannah, GA graduate.) Mom Glennda was the mother to Taylor (2019 Atlanta Chapter graduate) and Christopher (2023 Atlanta Chapter graduate.) While in the Atlanta Chapter, Mom Glennda held the esteemed honor of serving as Chapter Parliamentarian and Bylaws Chair. Mom Glennda also served on the Executive Committee, Protocol Committee, Audit Committee, Mothers’ Luncheon Committee, and Budget Committee. She tirelessly served the Mothers and children of the Atlanta Chapter by instilling into her children and the children of the chapter a sense of open-mindedness, intellectual pursuit, wonder and an appreciation of the arts. As a dentist, Mom Glennda often lent her professional talents to chapter community service events. Mom Glennda was dedicated to service throughout her life. She remained committed to the goals of the organization by serving others, motivating, and encouraging our youth to become successful. As a Mother member, her fun-loving spirit and wit will forever be missed. The Atlanta Chapter was blessed to have her as a member of our chapter.


Mirian Shropshire ATLANTA, GA


orn in Atlanta, Georgia, Past National President Mirian Edwena Chivers Shropshire received her bachelor of science degree and medical degree from Howard University. She served as an intern at Freedman’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., and completed her residency there in internal medicine. Shropshire served as Medical Director of the West End Medical Center here in Atlanta and as Chair and Assistant Professor in the Department of Community Medicine and Family Practice at Morehouse School of Medicine As a beloved member of the Atlanta Chapter, Shropshire served as recording secretary, president, teen sponsor, chair of the Constitution and Bylaws and Social Activities Committees and the 1966 National Convention Committee. In 1970, she was elected as the Ninth National President, leading more than 129 chapters. She was reelected to serve as National President in 1972. A devoted servant leader with an endless love for Jack and Jill, Shropshire was elected in 1974 and again in 1976 to serve as National Treasurer. In 1966 and 1974, she chaired the National Convention Courtesy Committee. Past National President Shropshire attended local, regional, and national events with delight well into her later years. She

was present at the 2018 National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, and joined us in celebrating Atlanta Chapter mothers at the Mothers’ Luncheon in 2019. She always had thoughtful words of wisdom to share and was so proud of the work of the Atlanta Chapter and the entire organization. She truly had a heart for children and encouraged Jack and Jill mothers to keep their interests a central focus of program planning efforts. Past National President Shropshire also charged mothers to keep order in their households and to bring or send their children to Jack and Jill activities, even when their children’s interest in Jack and Jill occasionally waned. She advocated for teens to do charitable projects in the community and urged for the inclusion of fathers in Jack and Jill programs. Past National President Shropshire was preceded in death by William Bruce Shropshire, Sr., a dental surgeon, who passed in 2015. Among those who will cherish her memory are her three children, Richard, William Bruce, Jr., and Patricia Ann. We will miss Past National President Shropshire immensely, but her contributions to Jack and Jill of America, Inc., will have an everlasting impact.



Barbara J. Harvey GREATER TAMPA, FL


rs. Barbara Jean Harvey was born October 18, 1940, the 3rd child born to the union of Lucille Jennings Willingham and Frank Willingham. Mrs. Harvey was a native of Atlanta, Georgia, and a resident of Tampa, Florida for over 50 years. Mrs. Harvey matriculated at Booker T. Washington High School in Atlanta, George. She received her bachelor’s degree at Morris Brown College in Atlanta and her master’s degree at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Fl. Mrs. Harvey was united in marriage to her Husband, the late Perry C. Harvey Jr., City of Tampa Councilman, June of 1945. They both leave their legacy behind to - Raymond C. Coleman (Cassandra), Perry C. Harvey III, Granddaughter - Erin Kennedy Coleman, Nephew Charlton L. Bivins (Ramona), Stepson Dr. Kermit Harvey, DVM, Stepdaughter Sonya Harvey, and other family members and special friends.

She spent over 35 dedicated years in the Hillsborough County School System, where she served as the Principal of Booker T. Washington Jr. High and founded the International Studies Program. Mrs. Harvey also worked in several other educational and administrative capacities within the Hillsborough County system. Mrs. Harvey was a Charter Member of the Greater Tampa Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., (Legacy Alumni granddaughter Erin Kennedy Coleman – Greater Tampa Chapter 2016; Erin’s mother, daughter-n-law Life Member Associate Jewel Tonya Coleman; and Niece, current Greater Tampa Chapter Program Director Alaina Gibson), The Links, Inc. - Tampa Chapter, and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Gamma Theta Omega Chapter.


Justin Daniel Crouch JACKSONVILLE, FL


ustin Daniel Couch, age 25, of Auburn, Washington passed away on Saturday, September 3, 2022. Justin was born on August 22, 1997 to Joyce Q. Couch and Jeffery D. Couch of St. Augustine, Florida. He graduated with honors from Bartram Trail High School in 2015. He graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering in 2019. After graduating from the University of Central Florida, he went to work for the Department of Navy at the Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, Virginia. In May of 2022 he relocated to Seattle, Washington to work for Boeing Corporation as an Electrical Engineer where he evaluated failure modes for aircraft components. Justin was a fun-loving young man. As a child and teenager, he was active in the Greater Grant Memorial A.M.E. Church Sunday School and Youth Department. He was a Boy Scout in Troop 175. He earned his Eagle Scout Badge and loved the outdoors. More importantly, he lived the Boy Scout Law. He was trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, exceptionally kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. He was an active member of Jack and Jill of America and was presented to society in the Les Beautillion Militaire in 2015. He earned his black belt in karate under the tutelage of Michael Hurst and Ronnie Ferguson. He loved gaming, comic books, Star Wars, the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Buzz Lightyear. He kept up with current events and politics. He was an activist at heart and voted in every election whether it was local, state or national. He wanted his voice to be known about issues impacting his community and the nation as a whole. Justin was an amazing son, brother, cousin and devoted friend. His capacity of love is represented by those he leaves behind to care for his memory: Parents, Jeffery and Joyce Couch. Brothers, Aaron Wright (Katie) and Martin Wright. Grandparents, William E. Couch and Rev. Pauline Couch and Annette Quaintance. He is preceded in death by his grandfather, Herbert Quaintance. Uncles, Herbert (Shirley) Quaintance, Michael Quaintance,

Stephen (Cynthia) Quaintance, Lewis (Quarnetta) Quaintance, and Marvin (Mia) Quaintance. Aunts: Shelley (Robert) Wright, Tracy Couch, Esther Quaintance Ashley, Rosemary (Leslie) Bradwell, Rosezeta Quaintance, and Carolyn (Van) Gantt. He leaves behnid a host of cousins, special friends, nieces, nephews, Godbrothers, Godsisters, Godparents, other relatives and his dog, Luffy.



Beverly Jacquelyn Davis JACKSONVILLE, FL


ssociate Beverly Jacquelyn Davis was a beloved grandmother, mother, and wife during her incredible and fulfilled 82 years of life. She passed away peacefully in Jacksonville, Florida on December 24, 2022. Born in Latta, South Carolina, Beverly was one of six children born to Clarice and Resteyne Wilkinson. She is survived by her loving husband of 59 years, Glenn E. Davis; son, Glenn E. Davis II (Dr. Pamela Davis); daughter, Tiffany B. Davis

(Christopher Baggett); grandchildren, Kayla, Raena, Glenn III (Trey), William, Helena, Olivia and Natalie; and greatgrandchildren, Bailey and Peyton. Beverly devoted most of her life as an educator, making a lasting impact on her many students throughout her 38-year career. After she retired, she found joy in travelling with her friends, spending time with her grandchildren and volunteering in the community.


Tamiya Shepherd Woodard LAKE SPIVEY, GA


amiya Shepherd Woodard was initiated into the Lake Spivey Georgia Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated in May 2022. Tamiya (and the late Damion Woodard) had one daughter. Becoming a member of Jack and Jill was a longstanding goal of Tamiya’s. Her close relationship with her sister-in-law, who is also a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., was a motivating factor in her becoming a member. Tamiya possessed a strong faith in God and loved being a praise and worship dancer at her church. She was an avid reader and excelled in her career as a speech pathologist.

Baking, walking and biking with her daughter, as well as cheering for the University of Georgia Bulldogs were some of her favorite pastimes. Known to give sound advice to her family and friends, Tamiya was always willing to lend a listening ear. Although her time in the Lake Spivey Georgia Chapter was brief, it was evident that Tamiya was an asset to the chapter. She believed in doing things with grace and excellence and looked forward to making a positive impact in the community. Tamiya’s legacy will live on through her daughter, Jill Taryn.



Charles R. Wallace, Jr., M.D. MEMPHIS, TN


harles R. Wallace, Jr., M.D. was a clinical Urologist practicing in Memphis, Tennessee for over thirty years when he passed away after a long illness, March 7, 2019. He received his B.A. from Gustavus Aldophus College in St. Peter, Minnesota and his M.D. from Howard University in Washington, D.C. While in training, Dr. Wallace was chief resident in Urology at D.C. General Hospital. He is a Fellow with the International College of Surgeons, a member of the American Urologic Association, the American College for the Advancement of Medicine and American College of Integrative Medicine. As past medical director of Lee County Clinic in Mariana, Arkansas, he gained insight and interest in preventive and alternative medicine. As a clinical Urologist, he focused on minimally invasive surgery and non-invasive procedures to address men and women’s health issues utilizing nutriceuticals, bio-oxidative and bio-energetic technology as alternatives for cancer treatment and related diseases. Dr. Wallace had testified before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Health Care for the Indigent and had received numerous national and local awards some include: distinguished presenter – First Annual Pentecostal Symposium and C.H. Mason Lecture Series, The National Republican Congressional Committee’s National Leadership Award serving as the honorary co-chairman on the Physician’s Advisory Board, State lead ambassador for American Cancer Society serving as distinguished presenter and congressional advocate. Dr. Wallace was active in the ministry as an ordained elder and a national adjutant in the Church of God in Christ. He is a long time member of Temple of Deliverance COGIC. He served as Health Advocate and a Founding Co-Chairman of Temple of Deliverance Health and Healing Ministry. Dr. Wallace married the love of his life Ann Marie Watkins Wallace and they together had four children, Charles Samuel, Victoria, Jeremy and Madelyn, who have now all graduated from the Memphis Chapter of Jack and Jill, Inc. Dr. Wallace loved his family, the Lord and his patients. He played a very important part in the lives of his family when it came to their spiritual growth and love for music. He participated in Jack and Jill, Inc. for 15 years until his passing. He was so proud of his children to see each one of them participate in the Jack and Jill Oratorical presentations. He will always be remembered for his fun loving spirit, kind demeanor and generous heart.


Michael David Smith MIAMI, FL


n Honor of the Glorious Life of Michael David Smith, Sr., the Miami Chapter recognizes their 2022 Pop of the year

Pop Michael was born into Earthly Life of October 25, 1967 and born into Eternal Life on November 19, 2022. He was born in St. Lucie County- Fort Pierce, Florida. He was a proud member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., the King of Clubs of Greater Miami, and beloved organist and choir master at the Historic St. Agnes Episcopal Church

He received his BA in Music ( St. Augustine’s College) and MS in Educational Leadership (Nova SE Univ.). Pop Michael was the husband and soulmate of Davrye Gibson-Smith and father to Laura-Marie, Michael Jr., and Millicent Natalia.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTHEASTERN REGION



Debutante Alyce-Dean Elam Owens, daughter of Mr. Keith O. Owens and Dr. Alicia B. Elam, was presented to society by her father at the Rosa T. Beard Cotillion, April 2023. She has been a member of the Augusta Chapter since 2011, and has held various teen offices to include, Vice President and Teen President. Alyce-Dean is an honor graduate of John S. Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School and plans to attend Howard University or Florida A & M University and major in International Affairs.


Aniyah Markia Williams is the daughter of Carl and Ricquetta Prescott. Aniyah was presented to society during the Rosa T. Beard Debutante Club’s 2023 Spring Cotillion at The Historic Bell Auditorium in Augusta, Georgia. Pictured is the 2022 Cotillion as a lady in waiting. The Lakeside High school student plans to major in Education at Savannah State University.


Riley Ashford is the daughter of Dr. Rowell S. Ashford II and Trinita Ashford. Riley was presented to society at the Starlight Debutante on March 18, 2023. Riley is the President of Spain Park High School’s Student Diversity Council, the President of the Girls Minority Achievement Council, and a Student Ambassador. Furthermore, she currently serves as the Teen President of the Birmingham Chapter, is a National Merit Commended Scholar, and a member of 6 National Honor Societies. Riley is still considering colleges and plans to major in Computer Science with an emphasis in Artificial Intelligence.


Lauren Gardner is the daughter of Dr and Mrs Ross (Terri) Gardner and sister of Alum Lindsay Gardner. Along with being a senior at Spain Park, she is President of HOSA, RC3 Ambassador, Academic Letterman, and holds positions in three other organizations including Senior Class Officer, National Honor Society and JNJ Teens. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 13 years. Her most recent adventure is enjoying her Starlight Debutante group. Lauren aspires to be a neurosurgeon and received a full academic scholarship as early as September to her family’s alma mater of 3 generations.


Shawnise Elon Gregory, the daughter of Mr. Shawn and Dr. Denise Gregory, was presented to society at the Starlight Debutante on March 18, 2023. Shawnise is an active member of Sixth Avenue Baptist Church serving on the Collision Youth Advisory Board and a member of the youth choir. She is a 13-year member of the Birmingham Chapter. The Homewood High School golfer is still discerning where she will attend college, but is certain God knows the plan.



Debutante Melanie Harris is the daughter of Mr. Nathaniel and Lori Harris. Melanie will be presented to society at the Pelham Civic Center by Starlight Debutante on March 19, 2023. The John Carroll Catholic High School student plans to major in Management Information Systems and attend The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.


Debutante Sydney Nicole Humes is the daughter of Darryl and Lisa Humes. Sydney will be presented to society at the Starlight Debutante Ball on March 18, 2023. The Homewood High School student will have a dual major in Business/Political Science at Florida A&M University.


Stephanie Alexandra Jones (Lexie) is the daughter of Mr. Stanley and Dr. Ke’Andrea Jones. Lexie will be presented to society at the Starlight Debutante Cotillion on March 18, 2023. Lexie, a senior at Thompson High School, has been accepted into several colleges/universities but is undecided where she will attend. She will major in Business Marketing and Economics.


Morgan Elizabeth Lankford is the daughter of Sidney & Erica Lankford. Morgan was presented to society at the Starlight Debutante Ball on March 18, 2023. The Pelham High School student plans to major in Biology on a Pre-Med track on scholarship at Tuskegee University.


Kennedy Talia-Marie Means is the daughter of Mr. Kenneth and Dr. Tammy Means. Kennedy will be presented to society at the Starlight Debutante Cotillion on March 18, 2023. Kennedy, a senior at Hoover High School, has been accepted into several colleges/universities but is undecided where she will attend. She will major in Veterinary Sciences with a Minor in Musical Theatre. She aspires to one day own a veterinarian practice.


Debutaunte Lauren Dionne Ware is the daughter of Linda and Foster Ware III. Lauren will be presented to society at the Starlight Debutaunte Ball on March 18th, 2023. The Hoover High School student plans to major in Psychology on a pre-med track at Tuskegee University.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTHEASTERN REGION


Carrington Smith is a senior at North Atlanta High School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the daughter of Chad and Chiquita Smith. She has been a member of the Buckhead Atlanta Jack and Jill for 7 years. Carrington is active in the community. She is currently on the YMCA Community Advisory Board and Buckhead Atlanta Jack and Jill senior teen Village Keeper. Carrington is also dually enrolled in college and high school. She is undecided where she will be attending college. She will major in Computer Science.


Layla Albright is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde and Danya Albright. Layla was presented to society by the Orchettes Social Club on February 19, 2023. Layla is a junior at Columbus High School in the AP Capstone Diploma program. She is the senior teen recording secretary, and varsity captain of cross country and track and field. Layla also serves in the Young Peoples’ Department at St. John AME and engages in various community service activities including tutoring. After graduating from high school, Layla plans to attend college and major in sociology. She enjoys running, weightlifting, and composing music.


Skylar Lewis is the daughter of Wassel and Jarnetha Lewis. Skylar was presented to society at Thirty-first Biennial Debutante Ball of Columbus on Feb 21, 2023. She was be escorted by her brother, Wassell “Andrew” Lewis, III, The Homeschooler and Georgia Military College student plans to major in Fashion Design at SCAD College.


Belle Charity Noelle McWilliams is the daughter of Dr. Woodrow & Venus McWilliams. Charity was presented to society by The Orchettes Civic and Social Club’s 31st Biennial Debutante Ball on February 19, 2023. She was escorted by her squire, Otis Lofton, III, and her lady-in-waiting was her aunt, Bridgette Hallett. She currently serves as the Columbus, Georgia Chapter’s Teen Foundation Chair. The Brookstone School senior plans to major in Agricultural Business at Tennessee State University.


Brooke Phyllis Elaine Chaney was presented at the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion by her parents, Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Tomyka Chaney. She is a Senior, honor student and athlete at Woodward Academy Upper School. Brookie was escorted by Tyler Alexander Johnson. Her current activities include being a Honor Roll (9-12), Varsity Girls Golf Team, Student Admissions Ambassador, Honors Philharmonia Orchestra (cellist), Horizons Atlanta, Black Student Union and Honors French. She serves as current Teen President of the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter where she leads and serves her chapter and community.


Kijani Clarington is the son of Michael Claringon and Lavonda Clarington. Kijani was presented to society at East Suburban Atlanta Chapter on March 11, 2023. The Union Grove High School student plans to major in Broadcast Journalism in College.



Bryson C Parker is the son of Corey and Nia Parker. He was presented to society at the ESAC Beautillion- Gentlemen of Distinction Ball on March 18, 2023. The Druid Hills High School student plans to major in Architectural Engineering / Architecture Design in the Fall of 2023.


Logan Elyse Pinkston is the daughter of Thandie Hazelton and Kelvin Pinkston. Logan was presented to society at the Debutante Cotillion hosted by the Stone Mountain-Lithonia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated on March 25, 2023. She is an International Baccalaurette scholar at Maynard Jackson High School and plans to major in International Business and Pre-Law at Howard University.


Madison Williams-Zachery is the delightful daughter of Ms. Michelle Williams and Mr. Leonardo Zachery. She was presented to society at The Stone Mountain-Lithonia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. on March 25th, 2023. The Woodward Academy student plans to major in psychology at Louisiana State University.


Jessica Anastasia Hicks is the daughter of Dr. Joya Hicks and Mr. Jeffrey Hicks. Jessica was presented to society at the East Point/College Park Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Cotillion on April 30, 2023. The Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy student plans to double major in International Relations and Psychology at Hampton University.


John Blackshear Hopson is the son of the Honorable Derrick & CaMia Jackson and Granger Hopson. John was presented to society at the 2023 Beautillion Class of the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter. The Sandy Creek High School student plans to major in Business at Morehouse College.


Olivia Grace Powell is the daughter of Richard and Muriel Powell. Olivia was presented to society at the East Point/College Park Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc Cotillion on April 30, 2023. The Woodward Academy student plans to major in Physics/Pre-Med at The Ohio State University.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTHEASTERN REGION


Braelynn Salima White is the daughter of Dr. Byron White and Anece Baxter-White. Braelynn was presented to society at the Marietta-Roswell Area Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. 15th Biennial Debutante Cotillion on November 19, 2022. Braelynn will graduate from Westlake High School in Atlanta, GA and plans to major in Nursing at Florida A&M University.


Debutante Taylor Hannah Buffington is the daughter of Dr. Shontae Buffington and Mr. Eric Buffington. Taylor was presented to society at the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Zeta Iota Omega Jewels of Perservenance Debutante Cotillion. She is the Charter Teen President of the Golden Isles chapter and is a dual enrollment honor student. As a violinist and scientist at heart, she plans to pursue her passion by majoring in Biological Sciences as a pre-med student in the Fall.


Debutante Kennedy Lauren Bell is the daughter of Mr. Derrick and Mrs. Kimberly Bell. Kennedy was presented to society at the Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion sponsored by the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated on December 3, 2022. The Westlake High School senior plans to attend a four-year college or university to study health and human sciences with aspirations to become an orthopedic surgeon.


Kimber Lynne Carr is the daughter of K. LaMonte Carr and Kim Norman-Carr. She was presented to society at the Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion sponsored by the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter on December 3, 2022. The Midtown High School student, classified as a Senior, is active in JROTC, HOSA, No Place for Hate Club, EY Mentorship Program, and the Team Manager for the Varsity Football and Varsity Girls Basketball Teams. Kimber plans to pursue a career in health care or the medical field upon matriculating from college.


Chase Aaron Dent, a Woodward Academy Senior in College Park, GA is the son of Chiquita Dent and Aaron Dent. Chase will be presented on June 3, 2023, in the Leadership Program and Modern Beautillion sponsored by the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Chase has been a member of this Chapter since its chartering in 2012. He has served as Parliamentarian and Financial Secretary in the Teen Chapter. At Woodward Academy, Chase is a member of the National Honor Society, Woodward Thespian Society, Black Student Union, Podcast Club, Chess Club, and Stock Exchange Club.


Kaiden Amaya Dye is the daughter of Clinton E. Dye III, Esq., and Anissa Dye. Kaiden was presented to society at the Zulu Social Aid & Pleasure Club’s Zulu Coronation Ball in New Orleans, LA, on February 17, 2023. Kaiden is an IB Diploma candidate, SGA Representative, Mock Trial Team member, and on the Principal’s List at Riverwood International Charter School. She plans to major in Biology at The George Washington University to pursue a career as a physician.



Peyton Lindsey Funderburk is the daughter of Gerald and Kimberly Funderburk of Atlanta, Georgia. Peyton was presented to society at the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter’s biennial Leadership Program & Debutante Cotillion on December 3, 2022. She was escorted by Isaiah Manning, son of Dr. Kimberly and Harry Manning of the Atlanta Chapter. Peyton will graduate with a Distinction in Service Learning and will attend college as an academic and track and field recruit, majoring in Business Management.


Erinn Simone Gardner is the daughter of Elijah and Erika Gardner. Erinn was presented to society at the Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion sponsored by the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter. The elegant event occurred on December 3, 2023, at the Georgia International Convention Center. Erinn is an honor student at North Cobb High School where she serves as the Editor in Chief of The Chant, the school’s newspaper. She is also a volunteer gallery assistant at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. Erinn plans to attend Spelman College in the fall where she will major in English.


Swan Raine Gaston is the daughter of Juan and Phenix Gaston. Swan was presented to society at the Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion sponsored by the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter on December 3, 2022. Swan is a senior at Westlake High School. She has participated in the following community organizations: Hosea Feed the Hungry, Girl Scouts of America and Naji Foundation. Swan plans to attend college and major in fashion design and business.


Grace Tia Ali McTier is the daughter of Sabrinna McTier. Grace was presented to society at Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Greater Metropolitan Atlanta chapter’s Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion entitled “Elevating Excellence: Refining Her Poise, Expanding Her Potential, and Embracing Her Purpose on December 3, 2022. The DeKalb School of the Arts junior plans to major in Musical Theatre at a major college/conservatory, perform with longevity on Broadway and earn an EGOT.


Noah Mize is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, GA and is the son of Dr. Ida Rose-Mize and Clyde Mize, Esq. Noah will be presented to society at the inaugural Leadership Program and Modern Beautillion on June 3, 2023. The beautillion will be sponsored by the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Noah has been a member of the Chapter since its inception in 2012. Some of Noah’s notable achievements include varsity swim team, writing club, National Honor Society, and Gold Eagle Club. Noah will enroll at Morehouse College in the fall and major in Screenwriting.


Kayla Brianna Rivers is the daughter of Drs. Brian and Desiree Rivers. Kayla was presented to society by the Marietta-Roswell Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. at the 15th Biennial Debutante Cotillion, “Evening of Elegance: 30th Anniversary Celebration” on November 19, 2022, at the Intercontinental Atlanta Hotel. Kayla is a Whitewater High School student-athlete with membership in four National Honor Societies and the Varsity track team. Kayla is the Southeastern Regional Teen Chaplain. Kayla plans to pursue undergraduate and gradutate degrees in media, business and law in pursuit of a career as a film producer and mogul


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTHEASTERN REGION


Debutante Kennedy Nichole Rogers is the daughter of Mr. Kareem and Mrs. Zandra Rogers. Kennedy was presented to society at the Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion sponsored by the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated on December 3, 2022. The Woodward Academy senior plans to attend a four-year college or university to study pre-medicine/biology and intends to continue pursuing her passion for drama, music and theater, performing for audiences worldwide.


Miss Debutante Brooke Avery Smalls is the daughter of Mr. Arthur Smalls Jr. and Mrs. Melody Marie Smalls. Brooke was presented to society at the Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion sponsored by the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter in December 2022. Brooke has been an active member of GMAC since 2012. Brooke is a junior honor student at Riverwood International Charter School. Brooke who plays the alto- saxophone is an avid tennis player/ambassador. Brooke’s clubs include: BETA, FBLA, Black Student Union, Best Buddies Club and several community service activities. Brooke plans to major in Marketing and Communications.


Beau John H. Smith III is the son of Dr. J. Horatio Smith II and Dr. Rhonda J Smith. Beau John will be presented to society at the Inaugural Leadership Program and Modern Beautillion, sponsored by the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter in June of 2023. The Kipp Atlanta Collegiate High School Senior plans to attend a 4 year University and pursue a Business Management degree.


Olivia Camille Williams is the daughter of Charles Eugene Williams, III and Jennifer Legardy-Williams. Olivia was presented to society through the Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion sponsored by the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc. in December 2022. She is a currently a Junior at The Galloway School in Atlanta, Captain of the Concorde soccer team, and an Ambassador member of Girl Scouts of America working on her Gold Award. Olivia plans to major in Chemistry with a pre-med focus and minoring in Spanish, and eventually attending medical school.


Kennedy Gail Brown is the daughter of Philip W. and Dr. Sonya V. Brown and the younger sister of Brooklyn Gail Brown. On March 19, 2022, Kennedy was presented to society at the Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Gwinnett Pearls of Service, Inc. Debutante Cotillion and Scholarship Ball. Kennedy was presented by her parents and escorted by her Greater North Atlanta Chapter fellow Jack, Jon Paul Aguilar. She is a senior scholar athlete at Peachtree Ridge High School in Suwanee, GA. Kennedy plans to attend North Carolina A & T.


Hailey Synclair Douglas is the daughter of Reginald and Rita Martin Douglas. Hailey was presented to society at the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter, and Gwinnett Pearls of Service Foundation, Inc. Debutante Cotillion Scholarship Ball on March 19, 2022. The Collins Hill High School student plans to major in Nursing at Georgia State University.



Debutante Hannah Marie Jean-Gilles is the daughter of Dr. Marc and Mavis Jean-Gilles. On March 19, 2022, Hannah Marie was presented to society at the Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., & Gwinnett Pearls of Service, Inc. Debutante Cotillion and Scholarship Ball. Hannah was presented by her parents and escorted by Grant Godfrey, who is also a member of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter. She is a senior at North Gwinnett High School in the esteemed CHARGE North program. In the Fall of 2023, she will begin her undergraduate studies at a university majoring in Pre-Medicine/Psychology.


Anya Celise Jones is the daughter of Steven and Ursula Donatto Jones and baby sister of Hannah Camille Jones. On March 19, 2022, Anya was presented to society at the Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Gwinnett Pearls of Service, Inc. Debutante Cotillion and Scholarship Ball. Anya was presented by her parents and escorted by her Greater North Atlanta Chapter fellow Jack, Justin Lett. She is a senior at North Gwinnett High School and plans to attend an HBCU.


Tyler Madison Scott is the daughter of Victor and Legacy Mom Tara Scott. Tyler was presented to society at the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter, and Gwinnett Pearls of Service Foundation, Inc. Debutante Cotillion Scholarship Ball on March 19, 2022. The Mountain View High School student plans on attending an HBCU and majoring in a STEM field.


Debutante Jasmine Olivia Stewart is the daughter of Dr. Steven O. Stewart and Deborah A. Stewart, Esq. She will be presented to society as a Budding Rose Debutante of the Stone Mountain Lithonia Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in the Spring of 2023. She is the Southeastern Regional Teen President of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., and an honor student at Milton High School (MHS). She also serves as the Founder and President of the MHS Black Student Union. Jasmine plans to pursue a career in communications and broadcast journalism.


Austin Lewis Adams is the son of Arthur and Cindy Adams. He was presented to society at the 18th Biennial Les Beautillion Militaire on February 25, 2023. He is a Junior at Atlantic Coast High School and is in the 5000 role models program. He is also a member of the Kappa League Jacksonville. Austin was raised in Impact Church. Austin enjoys martial arts and playing video games. He has been a member of the Jacksonville Chapter since 2020. Austin has dreams of attending the University of North Florida and majoring in Business.


Bryant J. Boykin is the eldest son of Drs. Rufus III and Lakeisa Boykin. Bryant has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2008. Bryant was presented to society at the Jacksonville Chapter’s 18th Biennial Les Beautillion Militaire on February 25, 2023. Bryant is a junior at Providence School of Jacksonville, where he’s enrolled in honors and college prep courses and maintains a 3.0 grade point average. Bryant is active in basketball and competes on the school and AAU teams. After high school, Bryant intends to pursue a degree in medicine and play basketball at the collegiate level.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTHEASTERN REGION


Beau Saryn L. Hatcher II is the son of Dr. Saryn and Michele Hatcher. He was presented to society at the 18th Biennial Les Beautillion Militaire on February 25, 2023. He is a member of the Jacksonville Chapter. Saryn graduated with honors from Paxon School for Advanced Studies in Jacksonville, Florida. Saryn is a member of Boy Scouts of America where he obtained the national rank of Eagle Scout. He is a dedicated student-athlete and a member of the varsity basketball, track, and cross-country teams. After high school Saryn plans to attend college and major in Law, Finance, or Engineering.


Beau Jacob is the son of J. Charles and SuDelta Henson. Beau Jacob was presented to society at the Jacksonville, Florida Chapter’s 18th Biennial Les Beautillion Militaire on February 25, 2023. The Westside High School junior plans to major in Computer Science upon graduation in 2024 and hopes to play collegiate-level basketball. Jacob is a dedicated student, enrolled in Honors classes, and maintains a 3.9 GPA. Jacob has been a member of the Jacksonville Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. since 2017. He currently serves at the Teen Legislative Chair for the 2023 year.


Dylan Myles Johnson is the son of Deon and Deidra Johnson. He was presented to society at the 18th Biennial Les Beautillion Militaire on February 25, 2023. He’s been a member of the Jacksonville Chapter for 14 years and served as Chapter Recording Secretary, Vice President and Teen President. He graduated from Paxon School for Advanced Studies where he was the AP Senator of the Senior Class, Vice President of the Black Caucus Club and a member of the tennis team. Dylan plans to attend Florida A&M or Howard University and major in Journalism with a minor in Marketing.


Khalil “KJ” Jabari Osborn II is the son of Chrishonda C. Orsborn and Dr. Khalil J. Orsborn. KJ has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2017. KJ was presented to society at the Jacksonville Chapter’s 18th Biennial Les Beautillion Militaire on February 25th, 2023. KJ is an A/B Honor Roll student at Atlantic Coast High School and a member of the varsity football and track and field teams. KJ enjoys the gym, music and spending time with family and friends. KJ hopes to attend the University of Florida and double major in biology and business administration.


Beau Brandon Tremble is the son of Carl and Danese Tremble and brother of CJ Tremble. Brandon has been a member of the Jacksonville, FL chapter since 2008 and was presented to society at the 18th Biennial Les Beautillion Militaire on February 25, 2023. Brandon graduated with honors from The Episcopal High School of Jacksonville. During his time at Episcopal, he participated in football, rowing, weightlifting and chorus. Some of Brandon’s other interests include technology and scuba diving. Brandon hopes to attend the University of Miami where he will major in computer science.


Jace Walker is the son of Joel and Angie Walker. Jace was presented to society at the Jacksonville Chapter’s 18th Biennial Les Beautillion Militaire on February 25, 2023. He is a Senior at Trinity Christian Academy in Jacksonville, FL and is a member of the varsity golf and basketball teams. Jace is the Senior Class President and was voted Most Likely to Succeed by his Senior Class. After graduation, Jace plans to attend college at the University of Florida (UF), where he will major in Sports Marketing and Management, before completing his MBA and law degrees.



Debutante Kennedy Rhae’ Snell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Charles Snell, II. As a 2022 Eureka Legacy Foundation Debutante, Kennedy was presented to society in Dothan, Alabama, on December 3, 2022. At the cotillion, Kennedy was awarded The Eureka Legacy Foundation Scholarship to use towards her future goals and aspirations of attending college to major in Biology and pursue a career in dermatology. Her favorite quote is “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” by Eleanor Roosevelt. The Lake Spivey Georgia Chapter is proud to present Debutante Kennedy Rhae’ Snell.


Debutante Kylie Jeanethel Jackson is the daughter of Ms. Kynis P. Douglas. She was presented to society at the 33rd Annual Holiday Cotillion sponsored by the Memphis (TN) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated on December 17, 2022. Kylie, a senior at Memphis Central High School, plans to major in Communications or Journalism and aspires to become a news anchor in a major metropolitan market.


Debutante Morgan DeAnna Nichols is the daughter of Mr. Keith and Dr. Sandra Nichols. Deb Morgan was presented to society at the 33rd Annual Holiday Cotillion of the Memphis (TN) Chapter, The Links, Incorporated on December 17, 2022. The Hutchison Upper School student plans to major in Psychology and minor in Art at Spelman College.


Debutante Shelby Rae is the daughter of Anthony & Yvette Williams. Deb Shelby Rae was presented to society at the 33rd Annual Holiday Cotillion sponsored by the Memphis, TN Chapter of The Links, Incorporated on December 17, 2022. The Harding Academy of Memphis student plans to attend either UNC, Spelman College or UT- Knox. With ambitions of seeing more African American women in Medicine, Shelby Rae will serve her community as a future Obstetrician Gynecologist.


Beau Kameron Ball is the son of Kevin and Tennille D Ball. Beau Kameron was presented by the Mobile Chapter of Jack and Jill Le Beautillion Militaire on May 5, 2023. Beau Kameron attends John L. LeFlore High School and plans to attend Alabama A&M University in the fall majoring in Graphic Design.


Logan Boone is the daughter of Lori and LaBarron Boone. She joined the Montgomery Chapter 15 years ago and has served as Vice President for two terms and as Legislative Chair in the teen group. She will be presented in the 2023 Beautillion Militaire. Logan is a National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Scholar, a National Recognition Program Scholar, and a Bridge Builders of Alabama participant. As a violinist, she was selected for the Alabama All State Orchestra three years in a row. She is a member of Resurrection Catholic Church and attends Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School. 838

Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTHEASTERN REGION


Evan Samuel Bowman is in the eleventh grade at Park Crossing High School. He is the youngest of five and the son of Eric and Aronette Bowman. He will be presented at the 2023 Beautillion Militaire. Evan has been active in Jack and Jill since he was two years old. He volunteers an average of 75 or more hours a year. Evan is currently the Chaplain for the oldest teen group and a past Teen President of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, Montgomery Chapter. He enjoys playing tennis and spending time with his family and friends.


Morgan Jeanell Calhoun is a senior at Booker T. Washington Magnet High School in Montgomery and the daughter of Malcolm Calhoun and Karen Calhoun. A member of the Montgomery Chapter for 15 years, Morgan will be presented at the 2023 Beautillion Militaire. She is a senior company dance member at Alabama Dance Theater, a student government Senator at Large, a volunteer dance choreographer and coach, and a member of Ladies of Excellence and Future Business Leaders of America. Morgan plans to attend Tuskegee University and major in Biology. She plans to attend medical school with hopes to become an Anesthesiologist.


Claire Elise Gary is a senior at The Montgomery Academy in Montgomery, Alabama and the daughter of Dr. Brian and Mrs. Helen Gary. She has been a member of the Montgomery Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2010 where she has served as photographer, treasurer, parliamentarian, and corresponding secretary. Claire is a National Merit Semifinalist and holds memberships in the Cum Laude Society and the National Honor Societies for Math, French, and English. She plays varsity basketball and golf. Her college choices include Georgetown University, University of Chicago, and Spelman College. Claire aspires to be a public interest lawyer.


Robert Joseph Guice, a senior at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory High School, is the son of Jason and Jo Guice. A member of the historic Montgomery Chapter since 2014, Robert has served many roles on the Executive Teen Board, enjoyed attending Teen Conference, and participated in numerous chapter service activities. He has been a member of his high school basketball, baseball, and football teams. Robert has volunteered for Catholic social services and Habitat for Humanity. He embarked on his first medical mission trip in April to Guatemala. Robert plans to attend college and major in Pre-Med/Biology.


Chandler Elizabeth Henderson is the daughter of Juan and Dana Henderson and will be presented to society at the 2023 Beautillion Militaire of the Montgomery (AL) Jack and Jill Chapter on March 4, 2023. She is a graduating senior of Park Crossing High School. Chandler has had the pleasure of being a member of Jack and Jill since 2016, including the West Suburban Chicago and Montgomery, AL Chapters. She plans to pursue a major in Psychology, Pre-Med.


Cidni Elise McClain is the daughter of Christopher and Nikita McClain. She is a member of Saint John’s AME Church. Her activities include National Honor Society, Youth in Government, A+ Student Voices, and the Explorers Architecture program, amongst others. An avid artist, Cidni’s sculpture piece entitled “Drops of Pearls” was selected for exhibit at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. Cidni is a junior at Loveless Academic Magnet Program and was presented in the 2023 Biennial Beautillion Militaire. She plans to major in architecture/engineering.



Nicholas Ashley McIntyre is the son of Dr. Ashley & Delecia McIntyre and a senior at The Montgomery Academy in Montgomery, Alabama. A member of the Montgomery Chapter since 2010, Nicholas will be presented at the 2023 Beautillion Militaire. His activities include the Montgomery Academy Robotics Team, MA Soccer, Bridge Builders Program, and theater. Nicholas’s hobbies include computer programming, video gaming and building his Influencer platform. Nicholas aspires to either work as a Video Game Programmer or Engineer. His college choices include Tuskegee University or Auburn University Montgomery to pursue an Engineering Degree.


Connor Owens, the son of Carey, Jr. and Dawn Owens, will be presented at the 2023 Beautillion Militaire. A senior at Saint James School in Montgomery, Connor is a member of the Varsity Football Team and plays both offensive and defensive line. He also participates in Indoor/Outdoor Track and Field. Connor was the 2021 Alabama 4A/5A Indoor State Champion in Shot Put, 3rd Place in 2021 Alabama Outdoor 4A Shot Put, and the 2022 Alabama 4A Discuss Champion. He enjoys weightlifting, hanging out with friends and reading fiction novels. Connor plans to attend college and major in Sports Management.


Evan Owens is the youngest son of Carey, Jr. and Dawn Owens. He will be presented to society at the Beautillion Militaire in March 2023. Evan is a junior at Saint James School in Montgomery, Alabama and the videographer for the Saint James Varsity Basketball Team. He has been a member of the Saint James Tea Club, Science Club, and Robotics Team. Evan is an avid fisherman and enjoys playing video games, learning history and geography, and supporting his favorite NFL team, the Atlanta Falcons. Evan plans to attend college and major in Biology or Engineering.


Jai Ivy Raines, daughter of Nikki and Johnny Raines, III, will be presented to society at the 2023 Beautillion Militaire. Jill Jai Ivy will be escorting Beau Connor Owens. Jai serves as the 2022-2023 Teen Treasurer for the Montgomery Chapter of Jack and Jill. She holds honors including College Board’s National Recognition Scholar and National Speech and Debate Association Member with a Degree of Excellence. Jai Ivy’s activities include Varsity Basketball, Track and Field, and Speech and Debate. Jai Ivy also qualified for the 2022 National Speech and Debate Tournament. The Montgomery Academy senior plans to major in Graphic Design.


Kassidy E. Thompson is the daughter of Attorney Robert S. Thompson and Dr. Nichole Thompson. Kassidy was presented at the 2023 Beautillion Militaire. Kassidy has been a member of the Montgomery Chapter for 16 years. A senior at Saint James High School in Montgomery, Kassidy is a volunteer dance coach, a member of the 2022/23 Bridge Builders of Alabama Youth Leadership Cohort, a graduate of Jack and Jill of Americas Youth Leadership Program, and a former member of Saint James Youth in Government Team. Kassidy will attend Tuskegee University and major in Biology. She plans to become an Anesthesiologist.


Kameron Keith Tuck is the son of Keith and Pamela Tuck. He will be presented at the 2023 Beautillion Militaire. Kameron is a senior at The Montgomery Academy and has been a member of the Montgomery Chapter since 2008. His activities have included varsity football (senior captain), membership in the Heart Club, a community service organization at his school, and participation in international mission work in Costa Rica. Kameron has been accepted to the University of Alabama and the University of Mississippi. He plans to major in exercise science with a goal of becoming a physical therapist.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTHEASTERN REGION


Noah Kenneth Waters is a senior at Valiant Cross Academy. He is the son of Mr. Kenneth and Rev. Catrina Waters. Noah is a member of the Montgomery Chapter and is currently the President for the Capermate Teens. He is an active member of Hilliard Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church and serves as the South Central Region VP for the denomination’s youth council. He is a member of the National Honor Society, SGA, and multiple varsity sports teams. He is a gifted orator and has a servant’s heart. Noah will be presented at the 2023 Beautillion Militaire in Montgomery, Alabama.


Chance Julian Fitzgerald is the son of Chauncey & Toni Fitzgerald. He was presented to society at the 2023 Beautillion Ball & Scholarship Fundraiser on April 2, 2023; hosted by the Nashville Chapter of Jack & Jill. A senior at Nolensville High School, Chance was awarded a football scholarship at Virginia Tech, where he will major in Sports Media & Analytics. He plans to become a Sports Anchor.


Beau Dennis Woods, III is the son of Courtney and Dennis Woods, II. Trey was presented to society at the Nashville Chapter’s 2023 Beautillion Ball on April 2nd. Trey has been a member of the Nashville Chapter for 15 years, and he currently serves as Teen President. He is a Tennessee Governor’s School Scholar, an Eagle Scout, a Morgan Stanley Jumpstart Scholar, the Secretary for the Kappa League, and earned a Bronze & Silver President’s Volunteer Service Award. A member of Lake Providence Baptist, Trey also enjoys playing basketball and football and will pursue a career in sports medicine.


Taylor Brianna Bonner is the daughter of Bray and Jane Bonner. She is a graduate of The Walker School. Taylor participated in the Strands of Elegance Biennial Cotillion Ball presented by Friends of Life Foundation, Inc., June 4, 2022. During the Cotillion, Taylor was 2nd Runner up to Miss Strands of Elegance and 2nd Runner up to the Scholarship Award. Taylor is interested in Veterinary Medicine or Psychology. Taylor would like to attend North Carolina A&T.


Laine Spears McDaniel, daughter of Drs. Michael and Cecily McDaniel, was presented to society at the 11th Annual Strands of Elegance Cotillion Ball in collaboration with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Phi Phi Omega Chapter on June 4, 2022. She is an honor student at Woodward Academy and plans to attend college to major in Biology Pre-med.


Samaya Adejoke Baggs is the daughter of Mr. Reginald Baggs and Dr. Olubisi Aina- Baggs. Samaya was presented to society at the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Psi Theta Omega Chapter Blooming in June Debutante Coterie. This Lake Nona High School student plans to major in Business Economics and Public Policy at the Wharton College of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.



Debutante Taylor Clark is the daughter of Mr. Lorenzo Clark and Dr. Kimberly Carlyle-Clark. The Orange County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Incorporated presented debutante Taylor Clark to society on April 8, 2023 during the Eminence Gala. The Lake Nona High School student plans to major in political science in the Fall of 2023 and aspires to become an attorney.


Debutante Tori Clark is the daughter of Mr. Lorenzo Clark and Dr. Kimberly Carlyle-Clark. The Orange County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Incorporated presented debutante Tori Clark to society on April 8, 2023 during the Eminence Gala. The Lake Nona High School student plans to major in Biology in the Fall of 2023 and plans to become a healthcare provider.


Donovan Francois is the son of Frank and Jacqueline Francois. Donovan was presented to society by Moderneers Youth Education of Orlando, Inc. - Men of Tomorrow 2022-2023. The Windermere High School student is undecided about which college he will attend. However, he will major in Chemistry and plans to attend medical school.


Beau Kyle Johnson is the son of Sonya Wilder-Johnson and Thomas Johnson. Beau Kyle will be presented to society at the 33rd Men of Tomorrow Beautillion sponsored by the Moderneers Youth Education Foundation of Orlando on June 03, 2022. He has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 15 years and has served on the teen executive board. Kyle will graduate from Montverde Academy in May 2023 and will attend the University of Connecticut as a scholar-athlete.


Debutante Logan Walker is the daughter of Mr. Carl Walker and Mrs. Zina Walker. Debutante Logan was presented to society at the 2022 Blooming in June Debutante Coterie Cotillion sponsored by The Pink Pearl Foundation and Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated, Psi Theta Omega Chapter on June 18, 2022. She has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 10 years and has served on the Teen Executive Board. Logan attends Apopka High School and plans to major in Biology in the fall at her university of choice.


Debutante Arianna Young, daughter of Jennifer Brown-Rolle, was presented to society at the Blooming in June Debutante Coterie Cotillion sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Psi Theta Omega Chapter on June 18, 2022. Arianna is a member of Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society), Beta Club and The Charmettes Club of Orlando. The Apopka High School senior plans to major in Engineering at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. Debutante Arianna will use all of the seeds sewn into her to chart her own path, inspire others and trust God to lead her to the destiny HE has for her.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTHEASTERN REGION


Madison Jenne’ Brown is a member of the American Ballet Theatre in New York and a homeschooled senior. The daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Redick Brown II, Madison joined the Palm Beach Chapter as a charter family in 2012. In 2018, Madison performed contemporary pieces on NBC’s World of Dance; and in 2019 graced the cover of Dance Spirit Magazine. Having won numerous National dance titles and performed internationally from Mexico to Portugal, Madison aspires to be a principal ballerina for American Ballet Theatre. Madison’s philosophy is, “Let your smile change the world, don’t let the world change your smile.”


Gabrielle L‘Amour Kiminyo, the daughter of Dr. Kitonga and Karlene Kiminyo, was presented by her parents to society, June 11, 2022, by the Palm Beach Chapter Inaugural Beautillion Cotillion in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Debutante Gabrielle was escorted by her Palm Beach Chapter fellow Jack, Beau Christian Williams. She received the Outstanding Service award for her dedication to the community with numerous volunteer hours. Gabrielle is an honor student with membership in multiple honor societies and various leadership roles at school and in her community. She is an accomplished dancer and will double major in Dance and Environmental Studies.


Beau, Christian Williams is the son of Ellex and Vernique Williams. Christian was presented to Society at Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Palm Beach Chapter’s Inaugural Young Leaders of Excellence Beautillion-Cotillion, June 11, 2022. The Suncoast Community High School student plans to major in Bio-Medical Engineering at a prestigious university.


Marcus Arness Coffee, Jr. is the son of Marcus Coffee and Tracey Robinson-Coffee. Marcus was presented to society at the Epsilon Mu Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Young Leaders of Tomorrow Banquet on February 4, 2023. The Pensacola Catholic High School student plans to attend Savannah State University and major in Business or Cyber-Security. Marcus plans to play collegiate football and be a member of the Navy ROTC.


D’Ayshia Lett is the daughter of Corby Wilson and Leroy Lett, Jr. D’Ayshia was presented to society at the 55th Annual Debutante Cotillion hosted by the Pensacola Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated on March 25, 2023. The Pine Forest High School student plans to major in Nursing at an HBCU.


Debutante Kennedy Pilar James is the daughter of Mrs. Phala (Paula) Jordan-James and Mr. Joey James. Kennedy will be presented to society at the 73rd Debutante Cotillion sponsored by the Miami Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. She is a senior at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Coconut Grove, Florida and plans to attend college and major in Communications with the goal of pursuing a career in Broadcast Journalism/Law.



Debutante Reagan Mechelle Butts is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Marvell (Kristi Fultz-) Butts. Reagan was presented to society at The Stone Mountain-Lithonia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc Cotillion on March 25, 2023. The Greater Atlanta Christian School senior is Culture Club President, American Sign Language Club Vice President, a National Honor Society member, a varsity cheerleader, etc. In Jack and Jill, she is Senior Teen President for The Spectacular Stone Mountain, GA Chapter, after serving as Vice President and other leadership capacities over 10 years of membership. Reagan plans to major in biochemistry pre-med at Spelman College.


Debutante Kari Dickerson is the daughter of Dr. Asha Dickerson. Debutante Kari was presented to society at the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.’s Leadership Program and Debutante Cotillion on December 3, 2022. The Parkview High School student plans to major in sports psychology.


Elizabeth Smiley is the daughter of Terra Smiley and the late Shawn Smiley. Elizabeth was presented to society as a Debutante on March 25, 2003 at the Cotillion and Scholarship Program sponsored by The Stone MountainLithonia Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. The DeKalb School of the Arts student will earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance prior to pursuing a professional dance career with a touring company.


Debutante Mykenzi Camryn Davis-Cowart is the daughter of Dr. Delphinia Davis will be presented to society at Zeta Upsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. on March 18, 2023. The Boca Ciega High School student plans to major in Biology/Pre-Med and she is undecided on the college she will attend.


Gabriella is a senior at Sarasota High School in Sarasota, Florida, and is the daughter of Marcus Stafford and Valerie Powell-Stafford. She has been a member of the Suncoast Chapter for 2 years. Gabriella is the Nominating Chairperson for the Suncoast Chapter Teen Group and served as the Delegate for the 2022 SER Teen Conference. She is a Girl Scout for 13 years and has volunteered and interned with West Coast Black Theatre Troupe. She is undecided about which college she will attend; however, she plans to major in Film and minor in theater with the goal of becoming an entertainment producer.


Beau Brantley Gibson is the son of Lametra and Erik Smallwood. Beau Brantley received his Green Coat and was presented to society by the Tallahassee (FL) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated on March 5, 2023. The International Baccalaureate student at James S. Rickards High School plans to attend a four-year university where he will major in communications and media production.


Debutantes & Beaus | SOUTHEASTERN REGION


Debutante Symone Thompson is the daughter of Emerson III and Renee Thompson. Symone was presented to society on March 25, 2023 by the Leon County Chapter of The Charmettes, Inc. After graduating summa cum laude from Leon High School in Tallahassee, Fla., Symone plans to attend college and double-major in Political Science and Business with the intention of continuing on to law school.


Beau Morgan Christopher Watkins is the son of Mr. Willie J. Mitchell and Dr. Darice E. Richard-Mitchell and a senior attending Leon High School, in Tallahassee, FL. He was presented by the Tallahassee (FL) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated 13th Annual Beautillion on March 5, 2023. He has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated for 15 years. Morgan plans to attend Savannah College of Arts and Design/Atlanta, to pursue a Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) degree in Photography & Image-Making.


Beau Andrew Joshua Watson is the son of Darrick and Allyson Watson. Beau Andrew received his Green Coat and was presented to society by the Tallahassee (FL) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated on March 5, 2023. Andrew is the recipient of multiple awards for academic achievements. The Florida State School senior plans to attend college and start a publishing company specializing in graphic communication.


Gabriel is the son of Mr. Harris Baker and Dr. Ashley Spencer-Baker. Gabriel will be presented to society at the Montgomery Chapter of Jack and Jill of America’s Beautillion Militaire on March 4, 2023. Gabriel is a dually enrolled student athlete and is a member of the National Honor Society and National Society of High School Scholars. His activities include varsity football, basketball and volunteering. He currently serves as Teen Vice President for the Tuskegee Chapter. Upon graduation, Gabriel plans on obtaining multiple professional licenses, playing collegiate sports and attending law school.


Josephine Glass is the daughter of Marilyn and Richard Glass, Jr. M.D. Josephine was presented to society at TEA Rose Debutante Cotillion, Legacy of Pearls Foundation, Inc, Alpha Kappa Alpha Soorority, Inc. Sigma Omega Omega Chapter on Sunday, May 1, 2022. The Oak Mountain Academy School student plans to major in Psychology/Law and wants to attend colleges at Princeton, Drexel, Hampton or Emory Oxford University.


Johnathan Hunte a senior at Chapel Hill H.S. He attended Riverside Military Academy 2021-22 and was a Gold Star Recipient. An AB Honor roll student at Lithia Springs H.S. 2019-21. His hobbies include basketball, reading, coding, and entrepreneurship. He is Teen Treasurer of West Ga Chapter from 2018 to present. An athlete from 2016 running the 400 hurdles for Quicksilver Track Club. He advanced to Jr. Olympics 2 yrs in a row. Johnathan plans to study computer engineering, cybersecurity, and wants to attend N.Y. Univ, Univ. of Ga, or Ga Tech.




Senior Christianna Benay Ford is a dual enrolled honor student at Deerfield-Windsor School and Georgia Southwestern State University. The daughter of Benjamin and Christine Ford, Christianna has been a member of the Albany Chapter for 14 years. She serves as the Teen President and previously served as Teen Chaplain. Christianna is active in her community as a Deerfield Varsity Cheerleader, Deerfield Volunteer Tutor, Girl Scout Ambassador, Deerfield-Windsor Girl Talk Leader, member of 2nd Mt. Zion Baptist Church, and a participant in Colony Bank’s Leadership Academy. She has received multiple college offers and will major in Advertising and/or Design.


Obayemi is a senior at Cedar Shoals High School in Athens, GA and is the son of Eric Akinyemi and Mariel Blake. He has been a member of the Athens, GA Chapter for 13 years. He has served as Teen Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President and President. Oba is an honor roll student, Beta Club member, a member of the cross country, wrestling and track teams, and is in the marching band. His community service projects focus on helping displaced families and those dealing with food insecurity. He is attending an HBCU to major in kinesiology and music technology.


My name is Freddrell Green. I am a senior at Cedar Shoals High School. I am a broadcast editor, radio host, community service advocate, and so much more. It’s always been my dream since I ended my junior year to pursue a career in mass media. I am also a proud member of the Jack and Jill Athens chapter and I hope to continue to engage in as many activities with this organization as I possibly can. My future plans include attending the college of my choice to pursue a career in Journalism/Film.


Alegend, a senior at North Oconee High School, is a member of the Athens, GA chapter. Since middle school, he has volunteered with VBS camp(s) and received commendation. Alegend currently coaches a middle school boys recreational basketball team, has been in Band and sings in two Choirs! Alegend also toured with a Fine Arts group, is a consistent member of his high school’s Chess and ESports Club (Leader). He’s an experienced swimmer (lifeguard certification trainee), track member, tennis player, Boy Scout and a continuous dual enrollee. He plans to attend a university in Georgia and study Engineering and Economics.




Rayne Blasingame is a senior at The Walker School in Marietta, GA. and is the daughter of Dr. J.T. Blasingame III and Katrina Henry Blasingame. She is a 16 year legacy member of the Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill and has served as a Senior Teen Officer for the past 3 years. She is a National Honor Scholar, recipient of honors in both Chemistry and Anatomy, and played volleyball and ran track for Walker. Rayne is also an advocate for Climate Change with Moms Clean Air Force. She is undecided about college but is eyeing Spelman.


As the proud son of Valerie Boucher, Dawud N. Booker is an accomplished student within the 2023 senior class at Midtown High School in Atlanta, GA. He has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for 9 years, while serving as teen officer. He volunteered with the Atlanta Food Bank, and in the community. He is also an accomplished athlete, competing in basketball, MMA, track, and jiu jitsu. He aspires to attend Morehouse College in the fall, where he will pursue the dual degree program in conjunction with Georgia Tech, concentrating in CyberSecurity and Business.


Kadin Carter is a Senior at Hapeville Charter High School in Hapeville, Georgia, and is the son of Kwesi and Shelley Carter. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 10 years. Kadin has participated in robotics and soccer. He has decided to attend Hampton University and major in architecture.


Kellye is a senior at Atlanta International School in Atlanta. She is the daughter of Mom Verna and Dr. William Cleveland. Currently the Senior Teen Corresponding Secretary, Kellye is a 13-year member of the Atlanta Chapter, and has served in many leadership roles. Kellye was the varsity volleyball team captain and was awarded the all-region player award. She is also a leader and co-founder of her school’s Black Student Union and Men’s volleyball team. She organizes voter outreach and engagement for various political campaigns. She hopes to attend Spelman College to study Sociology and Political Science.


Nala Cornegy is a senior at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia and is the daughter of the Honorable Robert E. Cornegy Jr. & Ms. Michelle Robinson Cornegy. She has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for 3 years (Brooklyn Chapter 3 years). Nala is very active in school clubs including: volleyball, crew, cheer squad and an executive in the Black Student Association. Nala is also a member of the volleyball club Virginia Elite and competes in national tournaments. Nala is committed to play Division 1 volleyball in the ACC conference with the University of Virginia in the fall.


Cassandra is a senior at The Paideia School in Atlanta. She is the daughter of Brooke Jackson Edmond and Dr. Roderick Edmond. She has been a member of the Atlanta chapter for 14 years. After learning that the prison system limits educational opportunities, Cassandra began working with X-Books. Cassandra connected X-Books with a women’s transitional center that had banned books and led a book fair at that center. While attending a perfume chemistry class at ISIPCA in Versailles, France, Cassandra fell in love with perfumery and has chosen that as her dream career and plans to study chemistry.



Camille Faith Frontin is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, GA, and is the daughter of Dr. Kenny Frontin and Crystal P. Frontin. She has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for six years. Camille is a member of Cascade United Methodist Church. She is a member of The National Honor Society and enjoys her involvement with the Upper School Chorus and the Theater. She is undecided on her college choice presently, but is strongly considering Howard University, Spelman College, or Agnes Scott College. She plans to major in Political Science and continue her study of Music.


Tyler Gordon is a senior at Landmark Christian School in Fairburn, GA and is the daughter of Kyle Gordon and Twyla-Lang Gordon. She has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for 10 years. Tyler is a trilingual fluently reading, writing, and speaking Mandarin and Spanish. As an Ambassador Scout, she has received her Silver and Gold Award. Team sports include Swim and varsity Tennis while maintaining over a 4.0 GPA. Tyler traveled to Africa to do an Anti-Malaria and Optometry Medical Mission. She is HBCU bound with plans to major in Health Science.


Kaci Green is a senior at The Howard School in Atlanta, GA. She is the daughter of Darrell and Kelly Green and has been with the Jack and Jill Atlanta Chapter for 15 years. Kaci is a member of Elizabeth Baptist Church, a contributing staff member of her high school literary magazine, a member of the National Honor Society, plays on her high school’s volleyball and basketball teams, and is the recipient of the Georgia Certificate of Merit and Scholastic Arts & Writing honors. She plans to attend college in the fall and major in Studio Art.


Christopher W. Hall is a senior at Woodward Academy and is the son of Woodrow Hall and the late Dr. Glennda Wash Hall. He has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for 16 years. Christopher is active in both Varsity Football and Track. He is a 4 years letterman and set a new record for his school’s 800 sprint medley. During his free time he enjoys drawing and connecting with his peers. He intends to major in Architectural Design and minor in Physical Therapy. We are so proud of Christopher and are wishing many years of success!


Benjamin Harper is a senior at Charles R. Drew Charter School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the son of Kevin and Juanika Harper. He has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for 8 years. Benjamin was the past Southeastern Region Teen Parliamentarian, a member of the National Honor Society, and recipient of the College Board’s National African American Student for Excellence in Academic Achievement. Benjamin serves as Vice President of the Drew Charter SGA and a member of the nationally recognized Drew Charter Varsity Golf team. He is interested in attending Morehouse, Howard, or Georgetown and majoring in Finance.


Gabriel Heath is a senior at North Atlanta High School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the son of Frank and Shonda Heath. Gabriel has been a member of the Atlanta chapter for 10 years and is an active member of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America). At this time, Gabriel’s college choice is undecided. He plans to pursue a career in Audio Visual and Technology Production.




Endia James is a senior at Maynard Jackson High-school in Atlanta, Georgia, and is the daughter of Karleen and Eugene James. She has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for 5 years. Endia serves as the SGA President of her school, Black Student Union Secretary, and is a Georgia Certificate of Merit scholar. Endia is a middle school bible study leader and State ranked pole vaulter a part of the Maynard Jackson track and field team. She hopes to attend Georgetown or Emory and plans to study Public Health in hopes of addressing inequality in healthcare.


Miles K. Johnson is a senior at St. Pius X Catholic HIgh School in Atlanta, GA and is the son of Dr. Khadeja Johnson. He has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for 7 years. He has been active in his school’s Robotics team, Track Team, and Sports Broadcasting Network. Miles hopes to attend Howard University to study Media, Journalism and Film.


Morgan Jones is a senior at North Atlanta High School in Atlanta and is the daughter of Terrance and Dr. Frieda Millhouse Jones. She has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for 8 years. Morgan served as a camp counselor with Aloha Camps in Fairlee, Vermont, and participated as a camper for over 6 years. She has been involved in numerous activities including competitive dance with Elite Studios. Morgan is undecided on which college she will attend but is interested in a career in psychology.


Kendall Kirkland is a senior at Paideia School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the daughter of Shenia Kirkland and Courtney Kirkland. Kendall has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for 5 years. In addition to serving as Varsity Girls Golf Team Captain, Kendall founded the Anti-Racism Club and actively participated in community service initiatives for the Atlanta Chapter, as well as for other organizations combating inequality and food insecurity. While Kendall is presently undecided on her college choice, she plans to explore her combined interests in science and humanitarianism and, ultimately, to pursue a career as a physician.


Harrison Gabriel Lee is a student at The Cottage School. He is the son of Nicole and Chadwick Lee and the brother of Pilar Lee (2019). Harrison has been a member of Jack and Jill for 16 years, initially from Houston Chapter, transferring into the Atlanta Chapter in 3rd grade. Harrison is a member of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, where he is an Usher and he has served over 900 hours as a Volunteen at Zoo Atlanta. Harrison plans to study Anthrozoology in college.


Isaiah Anthony Manning is a senior at Druid Hills High School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the son of Mr. Harry Manning and Dr. Kimberly Manning. He has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter since 2013. In addition to working at Chick-Fil-A for over two years, Isaiah has continued to strengthen his leadership and finance skills as treasurer of the DHHS Black Student Union and as a Wharton Business School Global Youth Scholar. He will follow his family’s legacy by taking his talents to an HBCU next year. He anticipates majoring in finance and immersing himself in servant leadership.



Jackson Marshall is a senior at The Paideia School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the daughter of Jennifer Marshall and Jason Marshall. She has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill for five years. Jackson is a student leader in Femmes of Color and an active member of the Tribe group, the knitting club and sandwich club at Paideia. She is also a member of the cross country and track and field teams. Jackson will attend a Historically Black College or University in the Fall of 2023.


Rae-Marie Dupe Oladimeji is a senior at Atlanta Girls School and is the child of Pinita Wallace Oladimeji. She has been a member of the Atlanta Jack and Jill Chapter for 4 years. Rae-Marie is the co-President of the Diversity Equity and Inclusion board. She is also a writer for the school newspaper. She is undecided on a college to attend, but plans to major in Journalism/Communications with a minor in Anti-capitalist Philosophy. Her interests include reading philosophy, listening to music and art. She aspires to become a Global Correspondent for VICE Media.


Elle Jolie Overstreet is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, Georgia, and the daughter of Dr. Alphonzo Overstreet, Jr. and Councilwoman Marci Collier Overstreet. She has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill for 13 years. Elle is a Silver Eagle Honors Student and Varsity Cheer Captain for basketball season. She has decided to attend a Historically Black College or University next fall and has already received acceptance letters and scholarship awards but has not yet finalized her decision.


Nathan Peters IV is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, Georgia where he plays varsity basketball. He is the son of Ms. Genevieve Mays and Dr. Nathan Peters III. Nathan will be attending Morehouse College in the Fall majoring in Pre-Law. Nathan has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter of Jack & Jill for 6 years.


Alonzo Tyrone Sexton, III attends The Westminster Schools in Atlanta, GA and is the son of Drs. Shenara and Alonzo Sexton, II. He has been a member of Jack and Jill, Atlanta Chapter for 5 years and the Athens, GA Chapter for 10 years before that. He plays soccer and serves as a school Discovery Program Leader, Honor Council member and Community Service Club co-founder. He has volunteered in Guatemala building houses and won the Nick Napolitano No Greater Love Award. He is a National Honor Society member and is considering Stanford University with plans to major in English.


Colette Sinkfield is a senior at Woodward Academy in Atlanta and is the daughter of Rick and Julie Sinkfield. She has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for 3 years. She is an elite volleyball college recruit and spends her downtime coaching younger girls in the sport. She is the co-Director of the Black Student Union and excels in social and other digital media. She has decided to attend Clark Atlanta University where she will major in Business Admin with a focus on sports management and will be a member of the Volleyball team.




Cedric Taylor III is a senior at Charles R. Drew Charter High School in Atlanta, GA and is the son of Cedric and Dr. Lisa Taylor. He has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter for 5 years. He is a member of the Beta Club, NHS, and the NSHSS. Cedric has played Varsity Basketball for 4 years and gained numerous rankings and awards. He played a major part in helping the team win the State Championship title 2021-2022. Cedric hopes to receive a full scholarship to play basketball at an HBCU or a D1 college and major in Finance.


Grace Thomas is a senior at Atlanta International School and is the daughter of the Leslie and Frank Thomas III. She is a 15-year member of the Atlanta Chapter. Grace is active in her school’s Band Ensemble, Chorus and Black Student Union, and volunteers with C.H.O.I.C.E.S. and Community Music Centers Atlanta. Grace is a multi-instrumentalist (piano, oboe, clarinet, bass guitar). She studied at Interlochen Center of the Arts and Berklee School of Music programs. She will attend college in the fall and major in Music Technology to pursue a career in music production and sound design.


Gabriella Ugwonali, a senior at The Westminster Schools in Atlanta, is the daughter of Obi and Dana Ugwonali. She is a six-year Atlanta Chapter member. Gabriella is a member of the math honor society, and the National Honor Society. She is a math and SAT tutor, Civil Dialogue Fellow, co-chair of the Student Alumni Council, member of the Discipline Council, captain of the track and field team, and dialogue coordinator of the Young Dems Club. She is a visual artist and singer, and is the recipient of the Emilie Morgan Memorial Award. She plans to attend Stanford University.


Camille Inez Williams is a senior at North Atlanta High School in Atlanta, Georgia. She is the daughter of Drs. Thomas and Heather Williams. Camille has been a member of the Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill for two years and the Nashville Chapter for eleven years. Camille is an honor student, 4-year varsity Track and Field ranked sprinter, 2020 Millrose Games Champion , 2021 State Track and Field Champion team , 2022 APS Champion team, and an Ambassador Girl Scout with thirteen years of civic and community service. Camille plans to become a collegiate athlete majoring in Animal Science.


Ryan Winfrey is graduating from The Life School in Atlanta, Georgia. She is the daughter of Rashida Winfrey and Richard Winfrey and is an 11-year member of the Atlanta Chapter. Ryan has a love of horses and has participated in equestrian activities. She also is a competitive cheer athlete. Her team competed and placed in the 2022 National Championship at ESPN Wide World of Sports. She volunteers extensively in her local community. Ryan deeply enjoys travel and learning about different cultures. As such, she has visited more than 10 countries across 4 continents. She will attend New York University.


Maya Duncan is a senior at Lakeside High School in Evans, GA. She is the daughter of Angela Duncan and Chris Duncan. She has been a member of the Augusta Chapter for four years. She serves in the community and is an honor student. She is a member of Beta Club,National Honor Society, Students Against Destructive Decisions, Relay for Life and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She has been a varsity cheerleader for four years. She has decided to attend Mercer University where she will major in Chemistry and plans to go to medical school.



Alyce-Dean Elam Owens is a senior at John S. Davidson Fine Arts Magnet High School in Augusta, Georgia and is the daughter of Mr. Keith O. Owens Sr. and Dr. Alicia Beatrix Elam. She has been a member of the Augusta Chapter for 12 years and has served as Chaplain, Vice President and President of the Zodiac Teens. Alyce-Dean plans to attend Howard University or Florida A&M University where she will major in International Affairs.


Kaylan Francis Henley is a senior at Augustus Robinson Johnson Health Science and Engineering Magnet School in Augusta Georgia and is the daughter of Dr.Kimbly Walker, PharmD and Bobby Maurice Henley. She has been a member of the Augusta Chapter of Jack and Jill for 6 years. Kaylan is a member of Beulah Grove Baptist Church, MACH Academy tennis club, Project Impact, a graduate of Leadership Augusta, and LAUNCH Academy. Kaylan plans to attend Spelman College, upon graduation and aspires to join the Air Force as an officer, then obtain a medical degree to practice as a neonatologist.


Mallory Breenan Henley is a senior at John S. Davidson Fine Arts Magnet school in Augusta Georgia and is daughter of Dr. Kimbly Walker,PharmD. and Bobby Maurice Henley. She has been a member of the Augusta Chapter of Jack and Jill for 6 years. Mallory is a member of Beulah Grove Baptist Church, MACH Academy tennis club, Project Impact, a graduate of Leadership Augusta, and LAUNCH Academy. Mallory plans to attend Florida A&M University, then upon graduation she aspires to joins the Air Force as an officer, where she will obtain her medical degree and practice as trauma surgeon.


Robert Johnson is a senior at Westside Comprehensive High School, Augusta, Ga and is the son of Kenneth and Chiquita Johnson. He has been a member of the Augusta Chapter for 2 years. He is involved with the Paine College Trio program where he volunteers his time with the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Augusta, Golden Harvest Food Bank, and was selected and accepted to attend the 2023 Wanda Hendricks-Bellamy Student Leadership Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC. He has decided to attend Kennesaw State University or Fort Valley State University where he will major in Engineering.


Leah Tollerson is a senior at Greenbrier High School in Evans, GA and is the daughter of Steven and Sherry Tollerson. Leah has been a member of the Augusta Chapter of Jack and Jill for six years. Leah is a member of the National Art Honors Society, Columbia County Teen Court, Student Government Association, and Greenbrier High School Track and Field. Leah also volunteers with various local community associations. Leah has decided to attend Kennesaw State University where she will major in Criminal Justice and plans to pursue a career in law.


Jacob S. Tutt is a senior at Evans High School in Evans, GA and is the son of Joseph, Jr. and Cheri Tutt. He has been a member of the Augusta Chapter for 4 years. Jacob attends Bethel AME Church and has served in multiple capacities. He has played on Evans High School’s Varsity Basketball team for 4 years and as point guard for the last 2 years and awarded MVP twice. Jacob has served the community volunteering with organizations like Project Impact and the Greater Arts Council. Jacob will attend college and play collegiate basketball.




Aniyah Williams is a senior at Lakeside High School in Evans, Georgia, and is the daughter of Mr. Carl and Mrs. Ricquetta Prescott. She has been a member of the Augusta Chapter of Jack and Jill for 5 years. She has volunteered with the Golden Harvest Food Bank, Lakeside High School Buddy Club, Annual James Brown Toy Giveaway, Ronald McDonald House, student teaching at Blue Ridge Elementary School, Youth Board, and babysitting. She has decided to attend Savannah State University where she will major in Education and become an elementary school teacher.


Riley Ashford is a senior at Spain Park High School in Hoover, Alabama and is the daughter of Dr. Rowell S. Ashford II and Trinita Ashford. She has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter for 8 years and currently serves as Teen President. Riley is a National Merit Commended Scholar, a 3 time academic letterman, and a member of 6 National Honor Societies. She is also the President of her school’s Student Diversity Council, the President of the Girls Minority Achievement Council, and a Student Ambassador. Riley is still considering colleges and will major in Computer Science.


Kayla Coley-Drayton is a senior at John Carroll Catholic High School in Birmingham, Alabama. She is the daughter of proud parents Mr. Don Drayton and Dr. Allyson Coley-Drayton, big sister to Kayden Mark and has been a member of Jack and Jill for six years. Kayla is a member of the John Carrol Varsity Softball Team and plays softball on a nationally recognized travel team. She has been inducted to Mu Alpha Theta, National Honors Society and National Spanish Honors Society, while remaining active in the community and serving as leader at school. She will attend Sring Hill Collge in the fall on a Presidential and Softall Scholarship.


Lauren Gardner is the daughter of Dr and Mrs Ross (Terri) Gardner and sister of Alum Lindsay Gardner. Along with being a senior at Spain Park, she is President of HOSA, RC3 Ambassador, Academic Letterman, and holds positions in three other organizations including Senior Class Officer, National Honor Society and JNJ Teens. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 13 years. Her most recent adventure is enjoying her Starlight Debutante group. Lauren aspires to be a neurosurgeon and received a full academic scholarship as early as September to her family’s alma mater of 3 generations.


Jonathan Graham is a senior at Spain Park High School in Birmingham, Alabama and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Graham. He has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter of Jack and Jill for eight years. Jonathan is an Eagle Scout, an active community servant and member of Spain Park Varsity Track Team. He has decided to attend the University of Florida where he will major in Business Administration, with plans to become an entrepreneur.


Shawnise Elon Gregory is a senior at Homewood High School in Birmingham, AL and is the daughter of Mr. Shawn and Dr. Denise Gregory. She has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter for 13 years. Shawnise plays golf (captain) played volleyball and is a member of Beta Club, Peer Helper, Chess Club, Key Club, and the Environmental Club. She is still discerning where she will attend college, but is certain God knows the plan.



Melanie Harris is a senior at John Carroll Catholic High School and is the daughter of Mr. Nathaniel and Lori Harris. Melanie has been a member of Jack and Jill for 11 years. Melanie is captain of her dance team, captain of her golf team, John Carroll Catholic High School Ambassador, Campus Minister, Vice president of senior class, spirit queen, National Honor Society member, Mu alpha Theta member, and an early college Ambassador for the University of Alabama. Melanie plans to attend the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and major in Management Information Systems focusing on entrepreneurship.


Noah Earl Hill-Shea is a senior at Thompson High School in Alabaster, Alabama and is the daughter of Deaundra Hill and Ryan Shea. He has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter for 8 years. Noah has previously held leadership positions including foundation chair currently. Noah is a member of Faith Chapel Christian Center in Birmingham, Alabama. He is a member of the National High School Honor Society and Beta Club. He has won three state championships with Thompson’s football team in 2019, 2020, and 2021 respectively. Noah is considering the University of Alabama and plans to major in Business Technology.


Carrington Hodge is a senior at Jefferson County International Baccalaureate School in Irondale, Alabama, and is the daughter of Terra and Lamar Hodge. She has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter for 8 years. Carrington has previously held leadership positions including Teen Nominating Chair, Teen Corresponding Secretary, Regional Teen Page Chair, and currently, Teen Chaplain. She is a member of 6 National Honor Societies, YouthServe Inc., a Student Ambassador, and the current Distinguished Young Woman of Shelby County. Carrington is still considering several colleges and plans to major in Neuroscience and minor in African American Studies.


Evan Houser is a senior at Spain Park High School in Hoover, Alabama and is the son of Claude and Monique Houser. He has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter for three years. Evan has served as his class president for four years as well as president of the National Honor Society. Evan is a member of six National Honor Societies and the Spain Park varsity basketball team. Evan was recently awarded the National African American Recognition Award and the National Merit Commended Scholar. Evan is still considering several colleges and plans to major in Bio-Medical Engineering.


Sydney Nicole Humes is a senior at Homewood High School in Homewood, Alabama, and is the daughter of Darryl and Lisa Humes. She has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter for 4 years and previously served as the Protocol Committee Chair. She is a member of the Key Club, SGA, Spanish Club, and FCA. She is Varsity Volleyball Team Captain and an active youth church member. Sydney has decided to further her academic and Volleyball career at Florida A&M University, where she will pursue a dual major of Business & Political Science.


Peighton Cheyenne Jones is a senior at Shades Valley High School in Irondale, Alabama and is the daughter of Anthony and Dina Jones. She has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 7 years. Peighton has been a volunteer for organizations such as Girls, Inc., Birmingham’s Fire House Ministries Homeless Shelter, Ryan’s Hope Foundation and serves at her church, First Congregational, UCC. She is employed with Publix Supermarket. Although currently undecided on her college choice, she plans to study clinical psychology.




Stephanie Alexandra Jones (Lexie) is a senior at Thompson High School in Alabaster, Alabama. She is the daughter of Mr. Stanley and Dr. Ke’Andrea Jones. She has been a member of Jack and Jill, Birmingham Chapter for the past 12 years and has served on several committees during this tenure. She also serves in several leadership roles at her high school. She is a member of 8 National Honor Societies and ranks within the top 2% of her 530 senior class. Lexie is currently undecided on which college she will attend. She will major in Business Marketing and Economics.


Morgan Elizabeth Lankford attends Pelham HS, the daughter of Sidney & Erica Lankford. Morgan is the Birmingham Chapter Recording Secretary, Chair of the Step Team and Community Service. Morgan is an AP/Honor Roll student concurrently taking college courses. Her activities include Ambassadors, Varsity Volleyball, Key Club, and Panther Pals. Morgan’s passion is SGA and served as freshman representative, sophomore, and junior class president. Morgan participates with Youth Serve, Delta G.E.M.S., Walk for Your Heart, and MLK Drum Run. She attends Sixth Avenue Baptist, is on the Collision Board and a Starlight Debutante.


Kennedy Talia-Marie Means is a senior at Hoover High School and is the daughter of Mr. Kenneth and Dr. Tammy Means. She has been in Jack and Jill for 8 years serving in the Mississippi Gulf Coast and Birmingham Chapters. Kennedy is the current Southeastern Regional Teen Foundation Chair with past leadership positions including Teen President, Service Chair, Foundation Co-Chair, and Carole Robertson Co-Chair. She is active in youth philanthropic organizations, theater establishments, and works a veterinarian internship. She has been accepted to multiple universities to pursue Veterinary Sciences and Musical Theatre degrees to open a veterinarian practice.


Hannah Mills, daughter of Derrick and Tamesha Mills, is a senior at Vestavia Hills High School in Vestavia Hills, Alabama. She is the older sister to Derrick Cance Mills. She has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for nine years. Hannah has been active in the community, serving with Feed Birmingham through Grace Klein Community. She is also a Vestavia High School Ambassador. Hannah plans to attend college in the Fall and major in History with a minor in Spanish.


Alex is a senior at Hoover High School in Hoover, Alabama, and is the second born son of Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Overton. His tenure in Jack and Jill began in the Eastern North Carolina Chapter, where his mother was a charter member. He spent three years in the Greater Huntsville Chapter before joining the Birmingham Chapter in 2017. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for a total of 12 years. Alex has been involved with his church as a youth usher, a member of the youth choir, the In Step Ministry step team, and the Teen Collision Youth Ministry. He is a gifted artist and is passionate about serving his community through efforts that address food insecurity.


Haley Russell is a senior at Mortimer Jordan High School in Kimberly, Alabama, and is the daughter of Alexis and LaMonde Russell. She has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter for sixteen years. Committed to community service, Haley has participated in our chapters’ food and clothes drives, MLK day of service, and Y.W.C.A. snack program. She has also volunteered at coaching clinics for young basketball players. Haley has decided to attend Troy University, where she will major in Psychology. She hopes to positively impact the mental health crisis.



Gabriele Walker is a senior at Spain Park High School in Hoover, Alabama and is the daughter of Natasha McGlothan and bonus dad Melvin Moore. She has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter of Jack and Jill for 13 years. She has served as the chapter financial secretary and has chaired multiple committees throughout her time as a teen. A few of these committees include the leadership and financial module committee and the technology committee. Gabriele is her high school’s Senior Class Historian, and is a member of National Honors Society and French Honors Society. She is a member of her school’s Diversity and Girls Minority Achievement Council.


Lauren Ware is a senior at Hoover High School in Hoover, Alabama. She is the daughter of Linda and Foster Ware III. Lauren has been a member of Jack and Jill for nine years and a member of the Birmingham Chapter for four. As a member of Jack and Jill, Lauren has served as Teen Vice President, Membership and Teen Conference Chairs. Lauren was a candidate for Regional Teen Secretary and served as a Page at Teen Conference. She has been on the Step Team, Theme and Scrapbook Committees. Her community involvement includes feeding the homeless, bundling diapers for a local Diaper Bank and packaging meals for Rise Against Hunger.


Logan Ware is a senior at Hoover High School in Hoover, Alabama. He is the son of Linda and Foster Ware III. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for nine years and a member of the Birmingham Chapter for four. As a member of Jack and Jill, Logan has served on the Step Team, T-Shirt and Scrapbook Committees. His leadership roles include Sergeant-at-Arms, Teen Conference Co-Chair and Treasurer. Some of his community involvement included partnering with various organizations where he fed the homeless, bundled diapers at a local diaper bank and packaged meals for impoverished countries. Logan plans to attend Tuskegee University.


Quincy Joi Wilson attends Vestavia Hills High School in Vestavia Hills, Alabama, and is the daughter of Cliff and Tracey Wilson, and sister to Daryl. She has been a member of the Birmingham Chapter since age 4 where she has chaired Carole Robertson Day. She is also Founder and CEO of Variation En Hue™, an organization committed to diversifying ballet. Quincy is a member of the following honor societies: Mu Alpha Theta (Math), Rho Kappa (Social Studies), Spanish and the National Honor Society. She hopes to attend the University of Southern California or the Ailey/Fordham program where she will major in Dance Performance.


Joshua Anderson is the son of Sabrina Morton. He is a disciplined and inquisitive person who stands up for his beliefs. In his activities, he always puts forth hard work and diligence. His peers view him as a role model. Anderson has shown leadership in community service through Jack and Jill, as well as through other local organizations in which he volunteers. His time with Jack and Jill has inspired him to reach for higher heights. It has bred a desire in him to be even more effective in service within the community. He looks forward to attending college and studying astrology.


Anylah Rembert is a senior at West Shore Jr/Sr High School in Melbourne, Florida. She is the daughter of Aubrey and Kawanda Rembert. She has been a member of the Brevard County, Florida Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 6 years. Rembert has served as Foundation chair and Community Service Chair for her chapter’s teen auxiliary. She is a dedicated volunteer at STEM Tech Academy of Melbourne, Florida, where she teaches elementary and middle school students how to program robots. Rembert will study computer science at a higher educational institution in the fall of 2023.




Erick “RJ” Sanz is a senior at West Shore Jr/Sr High School. He is the son of Erick and Vanessa Sanz. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 12 years, where he currently serves as the President of the Teen Auxiliary. Some of his community service work includes serving at homeless shelters and food pantries. He runs high school track and plays saxophone at church. He has participated in the All County State Jazz Band. Sanz has been accepted to many universities. He plans to major in biochemistry and become an internal medicine doctor.


Paul Lawrence Winslow, IV is a senior at Melbourne High School in Melbourne, Florida. He is the son of Dr. Paul Lawrence Winslow, III and Mrs. Scottie Davis Winslow. He has been a member of the Brevard County chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 16 years. Winslow is passionate about baseball and is a member of his high school varsity team. He also mentors and coaches younger players through the Prime 9 organization. Additionally, he serves as a sports counselor at Victory Kids Sports. Winslow plans to attend college in the fall with a major in business.


Zion Byrd is a senior at Midtown High School in Atlanta Georgia. She currently serves on the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council, a body of student-leaders who engage with the Atlanta Board of Education to elevate students’ voices on behalf of the district’s decision-making, operational, and academic strategy. Importantly, Zion’s advocacy played a leading role in the district’s decision to accelerate the provision of mental health support to students through our new virtual telehealth service this school year. She created a platform to support her advocacy with data by coordinating a mental health survey across Midtown High School.


Caron Gee is the son of Dr. Jennifer Christie and Anthony Gee. He is a senior at The Life School where he is a member of the E-Sports team and is the Buckhead Atlanta Senior Teen Parliamentarian. Caron’s goal is to attend college and pursue a degree in computer science and a minor in psychology. He aspires to become a game developer.


Nia Elizabeth Givens is a senior at Marist School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the daughter of Grant and Mimi Givens. She has been a member of the Buckhead Atlanta Chapter for 7 years. Nia played varsity softball at Marist and served as captain her Senior year. She volunteers for Meals on Wheels Atlanta and served as a Peer Leader for Marist. Nia has been accepted to four colleges and is waiting to hear back from several others including Spelman, UGA, Cornell, and Georgetown. She plans to major in Marketing and/or Fashion Merchandising to become a fashion stylist and entrepreneur.


AJ Hoffler is a graduating senior at Woodward Academy in Atlanta, Georgia and has been a member of the Buckhead Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for eight years. He is the son of Tricia (“CK”) Hoffler and Oswald Warrington Hoffler, Jr. AJ has received numerous athletic, scholastic and leadership awards over the past few years and has been on the honor roll for a large part of his high school career. As a scholarly athlete, he is described as a “gentle giant”, who has participated in various community activities including feeding the homeless, reading and mentoring at-risk children, and volunteering at senior-citizen facilities.



Kellen Zack Baugh Moss is a senior at Atlanta International School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the son of Cory and Kendyl Moss. He has been a member of the Buckhead Atlanta Jack and Jill Chapter for eight years. Kellen has been an active member of Atlanta International School’s Student Athletic Advisory Committee and Black Student Union for the past three years as well as a member of the Boy’s Varsity Basketball Team for the past two years. He aspires to attend Hampton University or Howard University with a major in Business Communication or Sports Management.


Cole Oglesbee is a senior at The Lovett School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the son of Coleman and LaShonda Oglesbee. He has been a member of the Buckhead Atlanta Chapter for 12 years. Committed to making a difference in the community, Cole is a member of Young Men’s Service League where he served as President. Additionally, he conducts financial literacy workshops for children at a homeless shelter. He is also founder of the Young Investors Club which manages a stock portfolio, and an avid golf player. Cole will major in Finance, and pursue a career in business.


Carrington Smith is a senior at North Atlanta High School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the daughter of Chad and Chiquita Smith. She has been a member of the Buckhead Atlanta Jack and Jill for 7 years. Carrington is active in the community. She is currently on the YMCA Community Advisory Board and Buckhead Atlanta Jack and Jill senior teen Village Keeper. Carrington is also dually enrolled in college and high school. She is undecided where she will be attending college. She will major in Speech Language Pathology.


Kenneth Southall Jr. is a senior in the Innovation Diploma Program at Mount Vernon High School in Atlanta and is the son of Noni Ellison and Kenneth Southall Sr. He has been a member of the Buckhead Atlanta Chapter for 12 years. Kenneth Jr. speaks Chinese and Spanish and is an active member of St. Anthony’s of Padua Catholic Church and the Jr. Knights of St Peter Claver. Kenneth Jr has been on the high school varsity basketball team for four years. He plans to play college basketball and major in political science.


Carter Spainhour, oldest son of Sterling and Farah Spainhour, is an Atlanta International School in Atlanta senior. He has enjoyed his 10 years in the Buckhead-Atlanta chapter and community involvement which includes feeding the unhoused, mentoring, and CNN profiled anti-human trafficking campaigns. Carter also participates in enrichment programs and enjoyed a paid aerospace internship. He is considering his Architecture program university acceptances and will eventually launch his own disaster relief, affordable housing and sustainable design firm.


Caleb Walker is a senior at Holy Innocents Episcopal School in Atlanta, GA and is the son of Wendy L. Walker and Dr. James T. Walker, III. He has been a member of the Buckhead Atlanta Chapter for 10 years. As a scholarly athlete, he is a State Champion in Track and plays Varsity Basketball. Caleb selected the Nicholas House for his Eagle Scout service project. It gave him the opportunity to demonstrate servant leadership, plan & complete a backyard renovation that benefited homeless families. In his spare time, Caleb enjoys scuba diving. He will major in Business and Entrepreneurial Studies.




Lauren Alice Baker is a senior at Columbus High School Liberal Arts College Preparatory Magnet, and she is the daughter of Chuck and Dolly Baker. Lauren has been a member of the Columbus, Georgia Chapter for fifteen years. Lauren is Senior Teen President and Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science Club President. She is a member of Student Council, numerous honor societies, National Beta Club, Women’s Chorus, Homecoming Court, Flag Football, Soccer, and Fort Valley State University Cooperative Developmental Energy Program’s Mathematics, Science, & Engineering Academy. She will attend University of Georgia for Management Information Systems.


Darius Brown, Jr. is a senior at Brookstone School and the son of Dr. Darius and National President Kornisha Brown. He has been a member of the Columbus, Georgia Chapter for 16 years, and currently serves as Chapter Teen Treasurer. He has also served on teen regional committees. Darius is a member of the National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Music Honor Society, Head School Ambassador, and 4-year letterman in football and baseball. He currently participates in the Morgan Stanley JumpStart Scholars Program and completed the Youth Leadership Columbus Program. Darius has been accepted to several colleges.


Charity Noelle McWilliams is a senior at Brookstone School and is the daughter of Dr. Woodrow and Venus McWilliams. She is an eleven-year member of the Columbus, GA Chapter and is currently the Teen Foundation Chair. Charity is a member of the National Honor Society as well as the Spanish, English, Social Studies, and Thespian Honor Societies. She was named the School’s Top Social Studies Student, is a graduate of the Chick-FilA Leadership Academy, and a recipient of two President’s Volunteer Service Awards. Charity will attend Tennessee State University majoring in agricultural business to help Black farmers tackle food insecurity.


Taylor Michelle Fordham is a senior at Spruce Creek High School in Port Orange, FL and is the daughter of Drs. Brian and Tionis Fordham. She has been a member of the Daytona Beach Area Chapter for 11 years and served as the Senior Teen Vice-President and Secretary. Taylor has been active in the community as a student tutor, chapter president and lieutenant governor of Division 7 in Key Club, varsity tennis player, varsity color guard dancer, and an all county orchestra instrumentalist. She will continue her college studies to prepare for a career in the medical and legal fields.


Lydia Holmes is a senior at Spruce Creek High School in Port Orange, FL and is the daughter of Shawn and Dr. LaKisha Holmes. She has been a member of the Daytona Beach Area Chapter for 9 years. Lydia is Senior Class President, Historian for Creek Against Cancer, and a member of the Academy of Finance. She also serves as the Teen Chapter President of the DBA Chapter. Lydia is a classically trained and competive dancer. She will attend college and major in Fine Arts. Lydia plans to pursue a career in Dance/Choregraphy and eventually own her own dance studio.


Joseph Milfort II is a senior at The McCallie School in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He is the son of Job Milfort, Esq. and Alisia Milfort and has been a member of the Dunwoody-Atlanta Chapter for five years. He serves as VP of Habitat for Humanity, VP of the Black Student Association, President of the Investment Club, President of Blue Thinks, is a Freshman Dorm Residential Advisor, a Varsity Tennis Player, and a member of the National Honor Society. Joseph will attend Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania where he plans to major in Finance.



Grant Polk, a Senior at Chamblee High School in Chamblee, GA, is the son of Terri Julian Polk & Derrick Polk. A 9-year member of Dunwoody-Atlanta, Grant serves on the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee; VP of SGA; Captain of Swim & Soccer teams; Beta Club; JnJ Teen Auxiliary President & the YMCA Leadership Club. Earned the College Board National African American Recognition Award & CHS Outstanding Academic Excellence Award. Accepted to UGA directly into the Terry School of Business & Elon as a Presidential Scholar. Rice, USC, and Duke decisions are outstanding. Major in Business/minor in Sports Management.


Chace Rumley is a Senior at North Atlanta High School in Atlanta, Georgia, and is the daughter of Rob and MaKara Rumley, Esq. She has been a member of the Dunwoody-Atlanta Chapter for two years. Chace is a violist and serves as her school’s Orchestra Manager. She earned the College Board National African American Recognition Program, serves as President of Beta Club, Witness Captain for Mock Trial, and is a member of the National Honors Society, Black Student Union, and Rho Kappa. She has decided to attend Spelman College where she will major in International Relations.


Olivia Tolliver is a Senior at Marist School in Atlanta, Georgia, and is the daughter of Pamela Tolliver. She currently serves as SER Teen Protocol Chair and has been a member of the Dunwoody-Atlanta Chapter for six years in various leadership roles. Olivia is a National Honor Society member, Team Captain of Robotics, and CoPresident of Girls Who Code. She utilizes her passion for STEM to inspire the youth at CTK, Reach for Excellence, and other organizations. Olivia plans to pursue engineering and study abroad at a top engineering school.


Brooke Phyllis Elaine Chaney is the daughter of Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Tomyka Chaney of Lithonia, Georgia. She is a Senior, honor student and athlete at Woodward Academy Upper School. Her current activities include being a Honor Roll (9-12), Varsity Girls Golf Team, Student Admissions Ambassador, Honors Philharmonia Orchestra (cellist), Horizons Atlanta, Black Student Union and Honors French. She serves as current Teen President of the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter where she leads and serves her chapter and community. Brookie will graduate with honors and attend college on a golf and academic scholarship double majoring in journalism and pre-med.


Kijani Clarington is a senior at Union Grove High School in McDonough, Georgia and is the son of Michael Clarington and Lavonda Clarington. He has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2006 and has been a member of ESAC for 13 years. Kijani have been involved in community service through his organizations at school. Kijani plans on attending college to play football and baseball and will major in Broadcast Journalism.


Jason De Castro is a senior at Westlake Senior High School in Atlanta, GA and is the son of Mr. George and Je Quette Cravins. He has been a member of the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter for 7 years. Jason remains active in his community by participating in community service projects with E.A.G.L.E. 7 and Westlake High School ‘s JROTC. Jason will join the United States Air Force upon graduation. Additionally, he plans to pursue an engineering degree at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.




Marcus Leonard is a senior at Charles Drew Charter High School in Atlanta, GA and is the son of Marcus Leonard SR and Monica Leonard. He’s been a member of the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter for two years. Marcus is in the National Honor Society, National Society of High School Scholars, and Beta Club. He donated over 11,000 resources to the Books for Africa Organization and served as an Ambassador in the East Lake Community. He’s the Captain of his high school golf team and will attend an HBCU to pursue a career in marketing with the Professional Golfers’ Association.


Bryson Parker is a senior at Druid Hills High School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the son of Corey and Nia Parker. He has been a member of the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill for six years. During his time with Jack and Jill he has served as Treasurer (two terms) and Sergeant at Arms for the Senior Teens. He is in the decision process for choosing a college. He plans to major in Architecture Engineering or Architecture Design in the Fall.


Logan is an International Baccalaurette scholar at Maynard Jackson High School in Atlanta, GA and is the daughter of Thandie Hazelton and Kelvin Pinkston. Logan has been a member of the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter for 14 years and has consistently served on the teen executive board. She is on the varsity tennis team and an active member of the National Honor Society, Black Student Union, Beta Club and Student Government. Logan is a National Recognition Program Award Scholar and a National JumpStart Competition Winner. She plans to attend Howard University where she will major in International Business and Pre-Law.


Kaden J. Rogers is a senior at Drew Charter Senior Academy in Atlanta, GA and is the son of Darkenia Rogers & Kevin Rogers. He has been a member of the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter of Jack & Jill of America for 12 Years. He was a member of the Drew Varsity Golf Team, First Tee of Metro Atlanta, & the Drew Engineering Program. Kaden plans on pursuing a career in entrepreneurship. He plans on majoring in Industrial Engineering or Business Management and Administration. He plans to continue to play golf, and will attend Morehouse College or Morgan State University.


Zada Amari Washington is a senior dance major at the Academy for Performing and Visual Arts at Heritage High School in Conyers, GA, and is the daughter of David and Tisa Washington. She has been a member of the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter for two years. Zada is a member of Heritage Girls Volleyball (Co-Captain), the Rahk Dance Theatre, Atlanta Performance Volleyball, NewRock Chapter of TTA (President) and TTA (National Asst. Recording Secretary). She plans to attend Southern University and A&M College and major in biology.


Madison Williams-Zachery is a senior at Woodward Academy in Atlanta, Ga and is the daughter of Michelle Williams and Leonardo Zachery. She has been a member of the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter for three years. She volunteers with Horizons Atlanta and is a mentor to middle school girls with The Doll House Club. Madison is a mid-distance runner on the Woodward Academy Varsity Track Team and is a member of the Sports Medicine Club, Black Student Union, Woodward Academy Serves, The National Society of High School Scholars, The National Academy of Future Physicians, and is the Teen Recording Secretary of ESAC.



Laila Elizabeth Wood is a senior at Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology in Conyers, Georgia. She is the daughter of David and Maureen Wood. Laila is an accomplished student/athlete who will be graduating with a 4.8 GPA. In addition to her years spent as a competition gymnast, she is a regional champion in track & field and competed with the Georgia All-State softball team. Laila has verbally committed to play softball at Tuskegee University where she will major in Chemistry. Laila plans to pursue a career in medicine practicing as an orthopedic surgeon.


Wes is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, Georgia and is the son of Mellissa Craig and Drake Craig. He has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter for 10 years. Wes is a member of the varsity football team, Black Student Union and Wizards of Wall Street. He’s a certified lifeguard and scuba diver. He has volunteered with the Midwest Food Bank, Books for Africa, Bloom Closet and Furnish With Love. Wes plans to attend an HBCU to study Business or Biology and aspires to become a small business owner, sports agent or marine biologist.


Kyla Madison Dorsey is a senior at Fayette County High School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the daughter of Aliza Lawson Dorsey. She is a member of the Fayette County Jack and Jill Chapter for 1 year. Kyla has supported with feeding the hungry with volunteering during the holidays, volunteering at the senior living facility and supporting activities with her church. Kyla has decided to attend to Hampton University where she will major in Physics with a minor in Political Science and plans to pursue a career as a Trauma Surgeon.


John Alexander Fleming is the son of Dr. Antoine and Meredith Fleming and has been a member of Jack and Jill for three years. He is a senior at Fayette County High School where he serves as Secretary-General of the debate team, co-captain of the rifle team, president of mixed intermediate chorus, and a JROTC cadet. John was selected as Who’s Who from his graduating class and is the South Atlanta Youth Alliance teen lead for mental health outreach. A passionate history and politics buff, John will attend college in the fall and pursue a bachelor’s degree in political science.


Camille Gabrielle Garrett is a senior at McIntosh High School in Peachtree City, Georgia and is the daughter of First Sergeant Dwayne B. Garrett and Kysha Garrett. She has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter for nine years. She is an honor roll student, member of the National Spanish Honor Society, National English Honor Society, National Society of Leadership and Success, National Beta Club, State Volleyball Champion, Volleyball Regional and All-State Player, and Top 10 Track and Field Triple Jump in State for 5A. She has decided to further her collegiate studies, majoring in Biology/Pre-Med.


Isis Grant is a senior at Sandy Creek HS in Tyrone, GA and is the daughter of Lamar and Tameka Grant. She has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter for one year. Isis volunteers at a hospital 15 hours per week. She’s a member of Student Council, HOSA, and The National Society of High School Scholars. She currently holds the record for running the fastest 800m time in Georgia history. Isis will attend Oklahoma State University next year on a track scholarship and will major in Health Sciences to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse anesthetist.




Jessica Anastasia Hicks is a senior at Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy in Atlanta, Georgia and is the daughter of Dr. Joya Hicks and Jeffrey Hicks. She has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter for 8 years. Jessica served as Chair of Metro Atlanta Teens to Serve Committee, implementing a partnership with Books for Africa Organization. Jessica helped distribute Hygiene Kits to teen girls through the Fulbright Service Corp Volunteers in Malawi, Africa schools. She has decided to attend Hampton University where she will major in International Relations and intends to become a Global Psychologist.


John Blackshear Hopson is a senior at Sandy Creek High School in Tyrone, GA and is the son of the Honorable Derrick & CaMia Jackson and Granger Hopson. John has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter and the East Suburban Atlanta Chapter for eleven years. John is a fashion designer, actor, model, and entrepreneur and was also the 2021 GHSA 3A Regional Track and Field High Jump winner. John has been a longtime volunteer for Flint River Habitat for Humanity and many other organizations. John plans to attend Morehouse College and major in Business.


Billy is a senior at Landmark Christian High School in Fairburn, Georgia. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. William and Cotrina Norris. Billy has been a member of FCAC for 5 years. He is the current Teen Vice-President. He also served as Chaplain and Chair of the T-shirt/Banner Committee. Furthermore, he is the 2-term President of the Fayette County NAACP Youth Council. School involvement: Student Ambassador, competitive Debate Team, and Track. He volunteers tutoring/mentoring children. Billy plans to attend the Savannah College of Art & DesignATL, on an academic scholarship; ultimately, becoming an Executive Producer of shows.


Olivia Grace Powell is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, Georgia and is the daughter of Richard and Muriel Powell. She has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter for 12 years. Her activities have included: Girl Scout for 12 years, The National Honor Society, Varsity Cheerleader and school track record holder. She was selected as Outstanding Female Athlete during the 2021 SER Teen Conference and is a Gold Medal Junior Olympic National Winner in hurdles. Olivia will attend The Ohio State University on an athletic scholarship majoring in Physics and plans to become a Surgeon.


Nigel Savage is a senior at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass and is the son of Angela and Dr. Carter Savage. He has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter for thirteen years. He currently serves as Student Body Co-President, cross-country and track team member, and plays the viola in the school orchestra. Nigel is Co-President of the Phillips Academy Democrats and serves on the board of the Andover Economic Society. He has a passion for economics, business and public policy, and he intends to major in economics while in college and pursue a career in public service.


Kierra Smutherman is a senior at Sandy Creek High School in Tyrone, Georgia and is the daughter of Deldrian and Tanya Smutherman. She has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter for 4 years. Kierra serves as a member of HOSA, Key Club, National Honors Society, and is the Captain of the Varsity and Game Day Cheerleading teams. Kierra has volunteered with food banks and serves as the current Teen President. Kierra is undecided on where she will attend college, however she is interested in attending a HBCU. She will major in Nursing and become a Nurse Anesthetist.



Andrew Taylor is a senior at Whitewater High School in Fayetteville, Georgia and is the son of Keith and Julia Taylor. He has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter for three years. Andrew has a 4.28 GPA and is the 2022-2023 President of the National Honor Society, a member of the Beta Club, Strings Attached Orchestra, and Tri-M Music Honor Society. He has decided to attend Georgia Institute of Technology where he will major in computer science and plans to become a software developer for a technology firm.


Braelynn White is a Senior at Westlake High School in Atlanta, Georgia. She is the daughter of Dr. Byron D. White, PhD and Anece Baxter-White, Esq. She has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter for sixteen years. Braelynn is a member of and leader in the National Honor Society, Beta Club, Science Honor Club, and HOSA. She serves as a Lead Student Athletic Trainer and a Girl Scout and is earning her Gold Award. Braelynn has been accepted to Florida A&M University where she will major in Pre-Nursing. Braelynn plans to be a neonatal nurse.


Camille Williams is a senior at Kulima Montessori School in Fayetteville, Georgia and is the daughter of Colonel Gill B. Williams and Mrs. Bridgette J. Williams. She has been a member of the Fayette County Chapter for three years. Camille volunteers at Midwest Food Bank, Hands on Atlanta, and Leads the after-school program at her school. Camille has decided to attend Beacon College in Leesburg, Florida where she plans to major in Anthrozoology. Camille dreams of a career in the veterinary sciences.


James Williams is a senior at Saint Mary’s Academy in Fayetteville, Georgia. He is the son of Colonel Gil B. Williams and Mrs. Bridgette J. Williams. He has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter for three years. James played on St. Mary’s soccer team and helped establish the school’s first Baseball Team. James has been awarded a 4-year Air Force ROTC scholarship and has decided to attend Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia and to major in computer science. James plans on becoming an officer in the U.S. Air Force and a airline pilot.


Christopher Wyckoff Jr. is a senior at Sandy Creek High School in Tyrone, GA and is the son of Christopher and Joanne Wyckoff. He transferred from the Atlanta Chapter and has been a member of the Fayette County Area Chapter for six years. He is currently the Financial Secretary on the Teen Executive Board, an InRoads scholar, and participates in local civic opportunities. He runs Track and is a member of FBLA and DECA. He plans to attend Hampton University in Virginia where he will major in Business Administration.


Taylor Hannah Buffington is a senior dual enrollment honor student at Glynn Academy and Coastal College of Georgia in Brunswick, Georiga. She is the daughter of Dr. Shontae Buffington and Mr. Eric Buffington. A member of Jack and Jill for 9 yrs and the charter Teen President of the Golden Isles Chapter, she is passionate about science, the environment, and music. Taylor is the principal violinist in the Golden Isles Youth Orchestra and will major in biological sciences as a Pre-Med student to become an immunopathologist and treat immune problems. She will attend Stanford University or Spelman College this Fall.




Terrance James (T. J.) Haywood is a senior at Glynn Academy in Brunswick, GA, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Terrance C. Haywood. He has been a member of the Golden Isles Jack and Jill Chapter since its inception in October 2022. T. J. is actively involved in his church, Bethel Evangel Community Church, and has played basketball at his high school for four years. T. J. has decided to attend Georgia Southern University where he will major in Physical Education.


Justin David Brown is a senior at Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences and is the son of Mr. & Mrs. James and Candace Brown. He attends New Covenant Fellowship Church and has been a member of the Greater Chattanooga Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2014. He was previously the Teen Parliamentarian and is currently the Teen Vice President. Justin has played high school varsity basketball for four years and is currently being recruited by several colleges and universities. Justin plans to major in Economics/Business Management with a minor in Political Science on a pre-law track.


Alia Sherrow is an accomplished academic and athletic Senior at Baylor School in Chattanooga. She is the daughter of Drs. Nicholas and Shevonda Sherrow and has been a member of Greater Chattanooga Chapter of Jack and Jill since elementary school. She is an active board member of her school’s community service program which mentors and tutors young scholars. As a veteran volleyball player, Alia was a varsity starter who led the team to the State Championship finals. Alia is fluent in Mandarin and will double major in Mandarin and finance while pursuing her love of volleyball and community service.


Luke Stepney is a senior at Boyd Buchanan High School in Chattanooga, Tennessee where he is on the Honor Roll. He is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel and Michele Stepney and has been a member of the Greater Chattanooga Chapter of Jack and Jill for four years. He previously served in the offices of Teen Editor and Treasurer and is currently the Chaplin in Future Farmers of America along with other volunteer activities in the community. Next Fall, Luke plans to attend Tuskegee University and study Agrictultural Science.


Justin Bostic is a senior at Palm Beach Central High School in Wellington, Florida. He is the son of Drs. Jonathan and Jacqueline Bostic. He has been a member of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter for 11 years. Justin has participated in several school and community sport programs throughout the years. He has participated in football, basketball, track, and lacrosse. He is also a member of Honor Society and the Athletic Honor Society. Justin plans to attend college and will major in Health Science with a specialization in Pre-Physical Therapy.


Mali Crosby is a senior at American Heritage (AHS) School in Plantation, Florida, and is the child of William and Kristin Crosby. Mali has been a member of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter for seven years. Mali is the Executive Producer of the AHS Patriot TV station, has been on the Honor Roll at AHS since 6th grade, is a member of the National Honor Society, Quill and Scroll Honor Society, and is the President of the Student Television Network Honor Society and the Film Club. Additionally, Mali has won several film awards including the Suncoast Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Student Production Award.



Christian Geter is a Senior at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and is the son of James and Allison Geter. He has been a member of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter Jack and Jill Chapter for 5 years. Christian has served in the Fort Lauderdale Chapter Executive Board as Parliamentarian and Teen Foundation Chair. He is passionate about leadership and has held the office of President of his class at Pine Crest from 9th-12th Grade. He is the first African-American student to hold office for each year and to become the Student Government President and Board Member. Christian plans to attend College in the fall where he will major in business.


Jacob Haynes is a Senior at Calvary Christian Academy in Ft. Lauderdale, FL and is the son of Heather Wilkinson and Sidney Haynes. He has been a member of the GFTL Chapter of Jack and Jill for 13 years. Jacob has participated in basketball from elementary through high school. He has been a counselor for the Kings Basketball Camp, Parkland Buddy Sports and volunteered at Broward Partnership for the Homeless. Jacob is undecided on which college he will attend at this time but is considering Universities in Oregon, Nevada, Maryland and Florida.


India Michelle Miller is a senior at Pompano Beach High School in Pompano, Beach Florida, and she is the daughter of Dr. Eric & Lavonda Miller. She has been a member of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter for 12 years and has served as Corresponding Secretary and member of the Regional Nominating Committee. While attending Pompano Beach High School, she was a member of the flag football team, student athletic trainer, and treasurer of the black student union. She also was treasurer of the National Achievers Society, a member of Delta G.E.M.S, and has over 700 documented community service hours. Currently, she is undecided about college.


Nia Pollock is a senior at Nova High School in Davie, Florida and is the daughter of Nathan and Jamie Pollock. She has been a member of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter for 10 years and has served as Protocol Chair and Recording Secretary. While attending Nova High school, she was a member of the law club for 3 years and is currently a member of the Women of Tomorrow Mentor and Scholarship program. Nia plans to attend a HBCU where she will major in Nursing.


Anna Smith is a senior at Pompano Beach High School in Pompano Beach Florida and is the daughter of Mrs. Dayna Jordan and Mr. Dion Smith. She has been a member of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter for 11 years. She currently serves on the Teen Executive Board as the Legislative Chair. Anna is part of her digital production group at school and is responsible for editing promotional school videos and anchoring for the morning news. She is a participant in the International Summit, attended the National Student Leadership Conference, and has over 100 hours of community service. Anna is undecided on a university, but she will major in business.


Taylor Michelle Williams is a senior at Cardinal Gibbons High School in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, daughter of Carlton & Tamara Williams. She has been a member of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chapter for 7 years. Taylor has served as Teen Editor and is the current Teen President. She is captain of the girls varsity basketball team, member of the National Honor Society, English Honor Society, Rho Kappa Honor Society, National Athletic Honor Society and Vice-President of Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society, with over 550 service hours. Taylor plans to attend an HBCU and major in Physical Therapy or Computer Science.




Joshua Boyd is a senior at Bob Jones HIgh School in Madison, Alabama and is the son of Gloria and Robert Boyd. He has been a member of the Greater Huntsville Chapter for 12 years and currently servies as Teen Financial Secretary. Josh has been active within the musical community. He has played percussion and cello with various bands, orchestras, and musical ensembles. He has decided to attend Auburn Univeristy where he will major in Aerospace Engineering and continue his musical career.


Anna Grace Tucker is a senior, homeschooled through Faith Covenant Academy in Huntsville Alabama. Anna Grace is the daughter of Pastor Augustus and Mrs. Irene Tucker. She has been a member of the Greater Huntsville Chapter of Jack and Jill for 16 years and currently serves as the historian for the teen chapter. Anna Grace is an active member of Tabernacle Baptist Church. She is a 4 year varsity cheerleader, and has danced ballet with the Hawthorne Conservatory for 14 years. Anna Grace will attend college in the Fall.


Marcus Isaiah Clark is a senior at Sequoyah High School in Canton, Georgia and is the son of Marcus and Inga Clark. He is a charter member of the newly established Greater Lake Allatoona Chapter. He is an academic letter recipient and a member of the National Honor Society, Student Empowerment Club, Diversity Appreciation Club, and Journey Club Mentoring Program. He is also a Track & Field letterman, participating in high jump and the 200-meter sprint. He plans to obtain a bachelor’s degree in psychology, followed by a Ph.D. to become a certified sports psychologist.


Kylie Mudie is a senior at Woodstock High School in Woodstock, Georgia and is the daughter of Monica Mudie. She has been a member of the Greater Lake Allatoona Chapter for one year and currently serves as Teen Chapter President. She is the co-president of Woodstock High School’s Women in Science and Engineering Club and is a member of the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, Student Council, and Student Government. She is undecided on which college she will attend, but plans to major in biochemistry and pursue medical school after obtaining her bachelor’s degree.


Kennedy Lauren Bell is a senior in the Magnet Program at Westlake High School in Atlanta, Georgia, and is the daughter of Derrick and Kim Bell. A member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter since its chartering in 2012, Kennedy currently serves as Teen Auxiliary President and has also served as Vice President, Parliamentarian, and Community Service Committee Chair. She is a Principal’s Scholar, member of the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, Beta Club, Sports Medicine Club, and Varsity Tennis Team. Kennedy plans to attend college to study health and human sciences with aspirations to become an orthopedic surgeon.


Morgan Kyli Black, daughter of Li Black Brumfield, MSL and Dr. Art Black, is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, Georgia. She has been a member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter for 8 years, having served as Teen Vice President, Treasurer, and Fundraising Chair. She was named a National Merit Finalist and is Founder/President of UNICEF Club, on Service Leadership Board, Captain of Ultimate Frisbee, and a Varsity Debater. She plans to double major in Advertising & Data Science and minor in Psychology with future aspirations of becoming a Creative Director/VP of Marketing in fashion/beauty.



Kyla M Cain, daughter of Carlos and Shannon Cain, is a senior at The Galloway School in Atlanta, Georgia. Kyla has been a member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter for nine years and has participated in numerous community service and civic activities. Kyla is a high academic achiever who enjoys photography and playing her saxophone. She has been the captain of the varsity girls’ basketball team for the past 2 seasons and has received honors at both the Region and State level. Kyla is committed to play D1 basketball at the University of North Florida and will major in Behavioral Neuroscience.


Christian Alexander Clayton is a senior honor student athlete at Westlake High School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the son of Darnell and Tracey Clayton. He has been a member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter for seven years. In addition to numerous service activities with his chapter, Christian has spent his summers packing and delivering lunches to students across the metro area through Hope Atlanta Smart Lunch Smart Kid program. Christian plans to attend college and major in computer science with a data science concentration.


Chase Aaron Dent, a Woodward Academy Senior in College Park, GA; is the son of Chiquita Dent and Aaron Dent. He is a member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter since it’s chartering in 2012. He has served as Parliamentarian and Financial Secretary in the Teen Chapter. At Woodward Academy, Chase is a member of the National Honor Society, Woodward Thespian Society, Black Student Union, Podcast Club, Chess Club, Stock Exchange Club, and WA Serves. Chase has also played Piano for the past 12 years. Chase intends to study screen writing/film at a competitive university.


Kaiden Amaya Dye is a senior at Riverwood International Charter School in Atlanta, GA, and is the daughter of Clinton E. Dye III, Esq., and Anissa Dye. She has been a member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill since its chartering in 2012, where she has served as Teen Recording Secretary. She is also a Club Soccer Team Captain, Inroads Scholar, National Beta and Honor Societies inductee, and IB Diploma candidate. Kaiden received a full Merit scholarship to attend The George Washington University where she will major in Biology and pursue a career as a Physician.


Peyton, daughter of Gerald and Kimberly Funderburk, is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, Georgia. She has been a member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter since its chartering in 2012. She has held the office of Senior Teen Financial Secretary and is the current Senior Teen Treasurer. Peyton is a scholar tri-athlete having achieved Eagle Academic Honors all years in Volleyball, Track & Field and Cheerleading. She is a member of the Black Student Union and Business Club. Peyton will graduate with a Distinction in Service Learning and will attend college as an academic and track and field recruit majoring in Business Management.


Erinn Simone Gardner is the daughter of Elijah and Erika Gardner. Erinn is a senior at North Cobb High School where she has participated in the international studies magnet program. Erinn is the Editor in Chief of The Chant, the school’s weekly digital newspaper. She is also active with the Black Student Union and Speech Club. Erinn has been a member of GMAC for seven years and serves as Editor for the senior teens. Erinn will attend Spelman College in the fall where she plans to major in English. She hopes to pursue a career in journalism or screen writing.




Swan Raine Gaston is a senior at Westlake High School in Atlanta, Georgia and is the daughter of Juan and Phenix Gaston. She has been a member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter for three years. She has participated in the following community organizations: Hosea Feed the Hungry, Girl Scouts of America and Naji Foundation. Swan plans to attend college where she will major in fashion design and business.


Nathan Alexander Lewis, known affectionately as Alex, is a senior at The Galloway School in Atlanta, GA and the son of Nicole and Nathan Lewis. Alex has been a dedicated member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter for nine years. He is a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and the International Thespian Honor Society. Alex is a Galloway Scholar, won the Galloway Theatre Best Actor award (2022) and is captain of the sprint team for Galloway Varsity Track. Alex received an academic scholarship from Morehouse College, where he plans to double major in Business (Finance) and Theatre.


Noah Mize is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, Georgia and is the son of Dr. Ida Rose-Mize and Clyde Mize, Esq. Noah has been a member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter since its chartering in 2012. Some of his notable achievements include: Varsity Swim Team, Writing Club, National Honor Society,Gold Eagle Award and Congressional Intern for U.S. Congressman James Clyburn of South Carolina. Noah will enroll at Morehouse College in the fall of 2023 and major in Screenwriting. His long term goal is to write scripts for major films.


Kayla Brianna Rivers, a senior at Whitewater High School is the daughter of Drs. Brian and Desiree Rivers. She has been a member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter (GMAC) for 6 years and a member for five years of the Greater Tampa Chapter. Kayla is the Southeastern Regional Teen Chaplain, GMAC Teen Protocol Chair, member of the National Honor Society, Technical Honor Society (officer), Social Studies Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Beta Club, DECA (marketing) and Varsity track team. Kayla’s plans include pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in media, business, and law to become a film producer and mogul.


Kennedy Nichole Rogers is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, Georgia and is the daughter of Mr. Kareem and Mrs. Zandra Rogers. She has been a member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter for nine years. Kennedy is the Immediate Past Teen President and has held various teen officer positions. She is an honor student and participates in the WA Eagle Exchange Podcast, WA Black Student Union, WA Serves, Honors Jazz Choir and the Thespian Honors Society. Kennedy plans to attend a four-year college or university to study premedicine/biology and intends to continue pursuing her passion for drama, music and theater.


John H. Smith III (Trey) is a Senior at Kipp Atlanta Collegiate High School in Atlanta, Ga where he will graduate with honors. He is the son of Dr. J. Horatio Smith II and Dr. Rhonda J. Smith. Trey has been a member of the Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc since the chapters charting in 2012. As an active member Trey has served as Technology Chair and a mentor in our GMAC PALS program. Trey plans to attend a 4 year institution and pursue a Business Management degree.



Micah Martin Trigg is a senior at Roswell High School in Roswell, Georgia, and is the daughter of Mark and Darlene Trigg. Micah has been a Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter member since its chartering in 2012, where she has served on various community service activities and committees. Micah’s passion is helping animals and volunteers at Our Pals Place. She played varsity softball and participated in fencing. Micah has received many awards, including the National Honor Society, Tom Zachary V.I.P, National Society of High School Scholars, Principal’s Honor Roll and earned an Academic Letter. Micah is attending college and studying Astronomy.


Mark G. Trigg, Jr. is a senior at Roswell High School in Roswell, Georgia, and is the son of Mark and Darlene Trigg. Mark has been a Greater Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter member since its chartering in 2012, where he served as Historian and in various community service activities. Mark volunteered with the Democratic Party of Georgia, where he canvassed for Senator Raphael Warnock and Stacey Abrams. He served as the BSU Parliamentarian. Mark played varsity football and was recognized as 1st Team North Fulton and 1st Team Defense for Region 7-AAAAAA. Mark is attending college and studying Business.


Nicholas Christian Allen is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, GA and the son of Dwight Allen and Shelley Dunson Allen. He is a charter member of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter and has served as Sargent at Arms for the GNAC Senior Teens. He has played Varsity Baseball and highly competitive Travel Baseball for 12 years. He’s a Peer Leader at Woodward Academy and is a member of the National Honor Society. He will attend North Carolina A&T majoring in Engineering and play Division 1 Baseball. Nick speaks Japanese and Spanish.


Kendall Baines is a senior at Cambridge High School in Milton, GA, and is the daughter of Dr. Tyrone Baines II and Courtney Baines. She has been a member of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter for 13 years. Kendall is a member of the National Honors Society, Music Honors Society, and Math Honors Society. Additionally, Kendall is a member of the marching band, 1st chair Oboe in the Cambridge Wind Ensemble, and a member of the Atlanta Youth Wind Symphony. Kendall plans to major in chemistry and biology.


Kennedy Gail Brown is a senior at Peachtree Ridge High School in Suwanee, GA. She is the daughter of Philip W. and Charter Mom, Dr. Sonya V. Brown. Kennedy is the younger sister of Brooklyn Gail Brown. She currently serves as Chaplain of her Chapter. She has formerly served as Corresponding Secretary. Kennedy has over 100 hours of community service and is a Scholar Athlete, lettering in Varsity Lacrosse and Flag Football. Kennedy has also been a cheerleader for Peachtree Ridge. Kennedy plans to attend North Carolina A & T.


Hailey Synclair Douglas is a senior at Collins Hill High School in Lawrenceville, Georgia, and is the daughter of Reginald and Rita Martin Douglas. She has been a member of GNAC for ten years and served as Sr. Teen Historian. Hailey was a member of the student youth council for US Representative Carolyn Bourdeaux and volunteered for Get Out the Vote 2020. Hailey is a member of the International Thespian Society and a Student Athletic Trainer for the Football & Wrestling Teams. She plans to attend Georgia State University, where she will major in Nursing, to become a Nurse Anesthetist.




Rachel Everett is a senior at North Gwinnett High School in Suwanee, GA. She is the daughter of Derek and Ann Everett and the older sister of Elise. She has been active in GNAC since 2016 and serves as the Sr. Teen Historian. Additionally, she was Sr. Teen Editor in 2021-22. Rachel is a 4-year Varsity Competition and Spirit Cheerleader. She volunteers for organizations such as American Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity and is the choreographer of the youth praise dance ministry at her church. Rachel will major in Psychology and Exercise Science to become a pediatric occupational therapist.


Grant James Godfrey is a senior at North Gwinnett High School in Suwanee, GA and is the son of Randall and Rhonda Godfrey. He has been a member of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter for 12 years and has served as Foundation Chair and Sergeant at Arms. In addition, he is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Grant lettered in varsity football and basketball at NGHS. He has decided to attend the University of Kentucky, where he will play football on an athletic scholarship. Grant plans to major in Marine Biology.


Garrett Head is a senior at Lambert High School in Suwanee, Georgia where he has been on the E-Sports Club Team for the past four years. He is the son of Yolanda Lynch and Greg Head. He has been a member of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter for 11 years. He has decided to attend High Point University where he will major in Business with a concentration in Marketing.


Hannah Marie is the daughter of Dr. Marc and Mavis Jean-Gilles. She is a senior at North Gwinnett High School in the esteemed CHARGE North program. Hannah has consistently maintained academic excellence having membership in the National Honor Society and Beta Club. She’s also an AP Capstone Candidate. Her tenure in Jack and Jill of America, Inc. spans 14 enjoyable years. During Hannah’s time in JJOA, she has served on the GNAC Sr. Teen Executive Board as Sergeant at Arms and as Parliamentarian. In the Fall of 2023, she will begin her undergraduate studies at a university majoring in Pre-Medicine/Psychology.


Madison Elizabeth Jenkins, daughter of LaShawn and Carl Jenkins, is a Senior at Peachtree Ridge High School in Suwanee, Georgia. Madison is an Honors student-athlete and ranked All-county for softball, All-region for flag football, and region, county, and state qualifier for track. She is also a member of the nationally-ranked Lady Dukes Travel Softball Team. Madison has been a member of GNAC for 13 years and was the Junior Teen 2nd VP in 2018. In addition, she has over 100 hours of community service. She plans to attend FAMU or Michigan State. Her professional goal is to become a Lawyer.


Anya Celise Jones is a senior at North Gwinnett High School in Suwanee, GA. She is the daughter of Steven and Charter Mom Ursula Donatto Jones and the baby sister of Hannah. Anya is in her second term as Sr. Teen President and is a member of the SER Teen Nominating Committee. She has served as the Jr. Teen President, Jr. Teen Vice President, Membership Chair and Sr. Teen Protocol Chair. Anya has over 100 hours of community service and is a Varsity Team dancer, Dance Company member and the Production Assistant. Anya plans to attend college at an HBCU.



Jaide Loraine Kelly is a senior at Peachtree Ridge High School in Suwanee, Georgia and the daughter of the Honorable Tadia Whitner and Will Kelly. She has been a member of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter for three years. Jaide is a double varsity letter and scholar athlete in lacrosse and cross country. A three-year member of the PRHS varsity lacrosse team, Jaide currently serves as team captain and is an active member of Future Business Leaders of America. Jaide has decided to attend Howard University on a lacrosse scholarship.


Chase Lewis is a senior at Milton High School in Milton, GA. She is the daughter of Charles and Daphne Lewis. She has been a member of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter for ten years. Chase served as GNAC Teen Treasurer, is an Honor Student, a Varsity Scholar Athlete in Soccer, and plays club for United Futbol Academy. In addition, she is an active member of several community service organizations. She will be attending Alabama State University on a soccer scholarship and plans to major in Computer Science.


Jeremiah De’Sean Mitchell is a senior at Providence Christian Academy. He is the oldest son of Pastor Jeffrey and Dr. LaDessa Mitchell. Jeremiah serves as GNAC Teen Editor, an intern at Inside the Hashes, and is a volunteer leader for several youth groups. He is a Cooney Center’s Digital Media for Youth Fellow, PBS NewsHour’s Student Reporting Labs Fellow, and a Media Team member at The Faith Center. He is also the director/producer of the award-winning video for the Southeastern Region COVID-19 PSA Competition. He will attend an HBCU majoring in Digital Media and Communications to become a sports broadcaster.


Matthew Joseph Peterson is a senior at Alpharetta High School in Alpharetta, Georgia. He is the son of Tera and Eric Peterson and has been a member of GNAC in the Sweet Sweet Southeastern region for almost four years. Matthew has been a leader in the Alpharetta community as a member of the Christian 33 Club and as Varsity Center, #64, for the Alpharetta Raiders Football team. Additionally, Matthew has been a teen mentor in his church, Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church. Matthew has a passion for computers and programming. He will pursue Computer Science at a University in Georgia.


Bella Renee’ Primus is a senior at North Gwinnett High School in Suwanee, Georgia, and is the daughter of James and Jacqueline Primus. Bella has been a member of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill for eight years and served as Junior and Senior Teen Recording Secretary for two years. Bella is a 4-year honor roll recipient, a member of the National Society of High School Honors, Beta Club, Peer Leader, team captain, 4-year letterman in Varsity Track & Field, and a 3-year letterman for the girls’ Varsity Flag Football team. Bella will major in healthcare sciences.


Cavanaugh James Primus is a senior at North Gwinnett High School in Suwanee, Georgia. He is the son of James and Jacqueline Primus. He has been a member of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill for eight years. Cavanaugh is a four-year honor roll recipient and member of the National Society of High School Honors. In addition, Cavanaugh is a one-year letterman for the North Gwinnett Football team. Cavanaugh has yet to make a decision on his choice of college but plans to major in economics or finance.




Tyler Madison Scott is a senior at Mountain View High School in Lawrenceville, Georgia, and is the daughter of Victor and Legacy Mom Tara Scott. She has been a member of GNAC for ten years and has served as Protocol Chair and Chaplin. Tyler is a member of the National Honor Society, Beta Club, Executive Board member of the Key Club, and Varsity Lacrosse player. She is also a Kumon Reading completer, a member of Top Teens of America, Inc., and served as Financial Secretary and Senior Citizens Chair. Tyler has maintained a 4.0 GPA and is an AP Scholar.


Jasmine Olivia Stewart is a senior at Milton High School in Milton, Georgia. She is the daughter of Steven O. Stewart, MD and Deborah A. Stewart, Esq. and is the sister of Justin Stewart, an alumnus of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter. Jasmine has been a member of her chapter since it was chartered in 2010. She has served as Junior Teen President and Foundation Chair. On the regional level, she is the immediate past Southeastern Regional Teen Vice President and is the current Southeastern Regional Teen President. She intends to major in broadcast journalism.


Zayden L. Wade is a Senior at Cambridge High School in Milton, GA, and is the son of Joel and Sherri Wade. He is a member of the Greater North Atlanta Chapter. He is actively involved in the school band and plays the clarinet. He enjoys spending time with family and friends, coding, video game programming, and volunteering to help others. He has applied to several colleges but is currently undecided. He is planning to major in Computer Science.


Tyler Webber, son of Robert and Jerica Webber, is an 11-year member of Jack and Jill. Tyler is a Senior at Mount Pisgah Christian School in Johns Creek, Georgia. Tyler has pursued a rigorous course of study, including AP courses while playing both Varsity Basketball and Varsity Tennis. Tyler’s numerous community service activities include Project Giveback in Washington D.C. Through Tyler’s membership in Jack and Jill, he has had the opportunity to become a published author in “Why I Matter…a Teen Perspective”. Tyler’s future includes attending Hampton University in the fall with a full academic scholarship.


Moria Bowman is a homeschooled student through the Florida Virtual School. She is the daughter of Lieutenant Commander US Navy Retired Matthew Bowman and Dr. Crystal Bowman. She has been a member of the Greater North Central Florida Chapter for 7 years, where she currently serves as the Sergeant-At-Arms. She is the creator and owner of the Zinger App LLC, a concierge service dedicated to helping people with everyday problems. Moria proudly serves as a STEM Teen Ambassador Host for the BEYA Stars and Stripes Career Day. Moria plans to attend Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University and major in pharmacy.


Sanaa King is a student at Lake Weir High School in Ocala, FL. She is the daughter of Stacey Payne-King and Derris King. She is the Teen Chapter President of the Greater North Central Florida Chapter where she has been a member for 4 years. Previously, she was a member of the Greater Grand Rapids Chapter for 7 years. Sanaa participates in band and volleyball. She enjoys participating in oratorical competitions, community service, and promoting her business. Sanaa plans on attending Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University majoring in Food Science with hopes of becoming a Gastrointestinal Surgeon.



Matthew Humphrey Connally is a senior at Newsome High School in Lithia, Florida. He is the son of Legacy member, Ms. Stacia Humphrey and Drs. Patrick & Quinetta Connally. He has been an 8-year member of the City of Lakes and Greater Tampa Jack and Jill Chapters. Matthew was named “2021 Offensive Skill Player of the Year” and earned 2022 Federal Division 2nd Team All-Conference recognition playing varsity football. His 2022 4x100M team set a school record. Matthew volunteers with Feeding Tampa Bay, Abe Brown Ministries, and Miracles Outreach. Matthew plans to attend college in Florida to study computer science.


Maiyah Hall is a senior at Tampa Preparatory School in Tampa, FL and is the daughter of Rev. Alec and Yvette Hall. She has been a member of the Greater Tampa Chapter since 2010, and currently serves as Teen President. At school she is co-captain of the varsity basketball team and participates on the varsity golf and track teams. Maiyah participates in Student Ambassadors, the Diversity & Inclusion Club, and she also helped create the school’s first ever black student union. Maiyah will be attending a 4-year university where she will major in Nursing in hopes of becoming a Travel Nurse.


Alicia Jenkins is a senior at Sickles High School in Tampa, FL and is the daughter of Andretta ‘Dree’ and Lt. Col (USMC, Ret.) Antoine Jenkins. She has been a member of Greater Tampa Chapter since 2015 and was introduced to society at the 2022 Greater Tampa Cotillion. Alicia serves as Teen Vice President and is a member of the National Honor Society, Beta Club and Secretary of FFA. Alicia won two blue ribbons for her showmanship of swine and alpacas at the FL State Fair. Alicia plans to major in Plant Sciences at a University in Florida.


Zoe Elise Johnson is the daughter of Darrell and Stacy Johnson. She is a senior at Riverview Senior High School where she is a scholar athlete. Zoe started her Jack and Jill journey with the Cleveland Chapter in 2012. She transferred to the Greater Tampa Chapter in 2019 and currently serves as the Teen Treasurer. Zoe is President of Precious Pearls, a leadership development program for high school girls, sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and serves as a youth reading mentor with Reading Pals. Zoe plans to attend Northeastern University and major in Neuroscience.


Taylor Kentish is a senior at Middleton High School in Tampa, Florida and is the daughter of Leroy and Tonya Kentish. She has been a member of Greater Tampa Chapter for 10 years. She has participated in over 10 clubs and 4 sports throughout high school. She enjoys community service and tutoring kids at school. She plans to attend a 4 year university and major in pre-pharmacy with hopes of becoming a Pharm D.


Ryan McCants is a senior at Wesley Chapel High School in Wesley Chapel, FL and is the daughter of Marcus and Kimberly McCants. She has been a member of the Greater Tampa Chapter since 2011. Ryan is an honor roll student involved in numerous activities at school and in the community including Varsity Softball; Basketball Team Manager; Peers as Partners; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Precious Pearls Youth Group; Summer Camp Counselor; Sports Talk Podcaster; and Assistant Youth Softball Coach. Ryan plans to attend Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University where she will major in Biology/Pre-Dentistry.




Campbell Tamia Oliver is the daughter of Michael and Katrina Oliver and has been a member of the Greater Tampa Chapter for 16 years. She is a Senior in the Collegiate Academy at Earl J. Lennard High School in Ruskin, Florida, where she is a Percussionist in the Longhorn Marching Band and active in several student organizations. Campbell is an Honor Student, a 2021 Hillsborough County Public Schools Transformation Network Fellow, and a College Board African American Recognition Award recipient. She will attend Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University where she will major in Pharmacy.


Jayson Pierre Perry, son of Craig and Belinda Perry, is a senior at Walter Sickles High School in Tampa, FL. Jayson is involved with basketball both on the school varsity team and national travel team. Additionally, besides various volunteering activities he participates in, he most enjoys devoting his time each week to training and mentoring young players at a local area recreation center. He has options to play basketball at the collegiate level while pursuing a career in business.


LaPlace Sallis IV is a Senior STEM program student at Tampa Preparatory School in Tampa, Florida. He is the son of LaPlace Sallis III and LaKisha Kinsey-Sallis. LaPlace has been a member of the Greater Tampa Chapter (GTC) since 2011. An active Teen, LaPlace is Captain of his school’s baseball team; a member of GTC’s Executive Board, Key Club, Black Student Union, Peer Counselors/Tutors, and Senior Mentors; the school’s Red Shell Head; and a volunteer with Feeding Tampa Bay, Metropolitan Ministries, and Boys & Girls Club. Upon graduation, LaPlace will attend a four-year university majoring in Computer Science Engineering.


Madison Sheriff is a senior at Howard W. Blake Performing Arts High School in Tampa, Florida. She is the daughter of Al and Yvette Sheriff. She is a third-generation member of Jack and Jill and has been a member of the Greater Tampa Chapter for 15 years. Madison serves as the Teen Parliamentarian, President of the National Dance Honors Society, member of National Honors Society, Parliamentarian/Sergeant at Arms for Precious Pearls and is a LEAD Scholar NYU-Cornell campus. Madison will graduate with over a 6.0 GPA with an Associates degree and plans to pursue a Chemical Engineering degree.


Max is a Senior at IMG Academy in Bradenton and is the son of Marguerita Brunson Sims. He initially started high school at Jesuit High School in Tampa. Max has been a member of Jack and Jill since he was five years old and was initiated in the Austin Chapter of Jack and Jill. Max plays basketball and gives back to the community by helping run camps and programs for younger students that are learning to play the sport. He dedicated many weeks to helping train others to play basketball. Max decided to attend Binghamton University in Binghamton, New York, and will major in business administration.


Brandon Thomas is a senior at Middleton High School in Tampa, FL and is the son of Mr. Bomani Thomas and Mrs. Felicia Thomas. He has been a member of the Greater Tampa Chapter for 12 years. Brandon enjoys volunteering with several organizations including Abe Brown Ministries, Metropolitan Ministries, Feeding Tampa Bay, and Miracles Outreach. Brandon also plays Varsity Basketball and participates in Men of Tomorrow and the Kappa League. After graduation, Brandon plans to attend college and major in Computer Science.



Gabriella Fraser is the daughter of Attorney & Mrs. Raymond H.B. Fraser, Sr. She is a Senior at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School where she is an honor student. Gabriella is also the captain of the varsity soccer team and is a member of the cheer team. She is also a member of the Student-Alumni Relations Team, Spanish Club, and the Global Studies Committee. Gabriella is a second-generation member of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated. After graduation, Gabriella plans to pursue her passion for learning about global and international studies at the University of Mississippi.


Samuel is a senior at Jackson Academy in Jackson, MS. He is the eldest son of Attorney Tony and Kristena Payne Gaylor, Ph.D. Samuel has been a member of the Jackson (MS) Chapter for eleven years. He is the immediate past Teen Vice President. He volunteers many hours of community service with the Chapter’s Fun with Santa event and at the Mississippi Children’s Museum. Sam plays Guard on the varsity basketball team. He is a member of Anderson United Methodist Church where he sings in the choir, serves on the youth usher board, and as a Sunday School leader. Samuel plans to attend college and pursue a career in Athletic Administration.


Sydney Grace is a senior at Jackson Academy in Jackson, MS and is the daughter of Mr. Ron Hewitt and Ms. Shon Hewitt. She has been a member of the Jackson (MS) chapter for 8 years. She is a volunteer for Canopy Children’s Solution, member of the National Honor Society, Accents dance team and member of Holy Ghost Catholic Church. Sydney Grace plans to attend LSU and major in dentistry.


Morgan Alexandra Joiner is a senior at the Jackson Public Schools – Tougaloo Early College High School in Tougaloo, Mississippi, and is the daughter of Mr. Shawne Joiner and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Allen. She has been a member of the Jackson (MS) Chapter for 9 years, where she has served as Corresponding Secretary and currently Miss Sweetheart 2022. Morgan aspires to become an Attorney; thus, continuing her mother’s legacy. She will attend Tougaloo College, where she will major in Political Science.


Kenneth Eric O’Quinn II is a Senior at St. Joseph Catholic School in Madison, Mississippi. He is the son of Kenneth and Jacqueline O’Quinn. He has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for 12 years where he has served as Treasurer, Chaplain, Foundation Chair and Legislative Chair. He is involved in church activities such as Choir and Sunday School Minstry. Kienneth will be attending Tuskege University where he will major in Computer Science. He plans to become a Software Engineer.


Chloe is a senior at St. Joseph Catholic High School in Madison, MS, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Khary Taylor. She has been a member of the Jackson (MS) chapter for 5 years. She volunteers at her school and is the captain of the St. Joseph Lady Bruins basketball team where she has been chosen All-Region every year she has played varsity basketball. Chloe is an Honor Roll student and 2022 Homecoming Queen. She plans to attend a four year college on a basketball scholarship and pursue a career in physical therapy.




Winston James is a senior at St. Joseph Catholic High School. He is the son of Attorney Winston James Thompson III and Dr. Michelle Gibson-Thompson. He is a member of Holy Family Catholic Church. He has been a member of the Jackson MS Chapter of Jack and Jill for nine years. Winston James enjoys scouting and has attained the rank of Eagle in the Boy Scouts of America. Winston is an avid runner. He has run cross country and track. Winston James plans to pursue a career in computer science and possibly join The United States Air Force.


Christian David Williams is a senior at Clinton High School in Clinton, Mississippi where he has been a member of the Arrow Football team for four years. He is the youngest son of Dr. David and Attorney Azande W. Williams. Christian has been a member of the Jackson MS Chapter for 12 years. He is active in his community and volunteers often with the We Are One Community food pantry and the United Way of Central Mississippi. He plans to attend a HBCU and pursue a degree in Engineering.


Madison Agomuo is a senior at JCM Early College High in Jackson, TN and is the daughter of Louis Agomuo and Wanda Agomuo. She is a Jack and Jill member of the Jackson, TN Chapter, TTA President for Jackson Chapter, and Area IV March of Dimes Chairperson. Also, she is a member of the ACT 30+ Club, Mayor’s Youth Council, and Teen Court. Madison has completed an internship at Taylor Medical and Chemistry research at Lane College. She has decided to attend a HBCU where she will major in Biology, and she wants to become a cardiologist.


Jordan Barrow is a senior at Jackson Christian School in Jackson, TN and is the daughter of Dr. Juanjeca Barrow and John Barrow, III. She transferred to the Jackson, TN Chapter almost four years ago from the Athens, GA Chapter of Jack and Jill, where she was a member for eight years. An AP/honor student and competitive gymnast since the age of 5, Jordan still finds time to volunteer as a coach to young gymnasts. Upon graduating, Jordan will attend the University of Pennsylvania as a psychology major where she will compete as a member of the gymnastics team while preparing to become a physician.


Megan Hicks is a senior at Madison Academic Magnet High School in Jackson, Tennessee. She is the daughter of Bryant Hicks and Robyn Winston- Hicks. She currently serves as Teen President and has been a member of the Jackson, Tennessee chapter for three years. Megan is a member of the Varsity Tennis team and has been a Girl Scout for twelve years. She completed her Gold Award (highest award in the organization). She is the reigning Miss Jackson Juneteenth and a member of the NAACP. She is also a 4 -H All-Star member. She plans to attend a HBCU and major in journalism.


Ariana Cobb is a senior at Stanton College Preparatory School in Jacksonville, Florida and is the daughter of Brian and Shavon Cobb. She has been a member of the Jacksonville Chapter of Jack and Jill for 2 years. Ariana has volunteered with Junior Achievement and Pearls Education Enhancement Program in Jacksonville. She currently volunteers at Families of Slain Children with the Black Student Union at her high school. Ariana has decided to attend Spelman College where she will major in Sociology and plans to attend an Ivy League law school in the future.



Kennedy Elise Davis, a senior at Fleming Island High School in Fleming Island, FL is the daughter of Andre and LaTara Davis. A member of the Jacksonville Chapter for 8 years, she’s served as Foundation Chair and Corresponding Secretary. She is a varsity competitive cheerleader and works part-time at a nursing care center. Kennedy serves as a youth gymnastics coach and volunteers with Clay County Teen Court. She is a scholarship recipient from Iota Mu Nu Chapter of Omega Psi Phi, Inc. essay contest. Kennedy will attend college in the Fall and major in Nursing to become a Nurse Practitioner.


Nicole Gray is a senior at Paxon School for Advanced Studies in Jacksonville, FL and is the daughter of Martin and LaWanda Gray. She has been a member of Jack and Jill since 2013 and a member of the Jacksonville Chapter for 8 years. Nicole is a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and is on the varsity softball and weightlifting teams. She likes to volunteer at food banks when she has time. Nicole plans to attend college in the fall and major in nursing, then earn a specialty degree in pediatrics.


Saryn L. Hatcher II is a senior at Paxon School for Advanced Studies in Jacksonville, Florida and is the son of Dr. Saryn and Michele Hatcher. He has been a member of the Jacksonville Chapter for six years. Saryn is a studentathlete enrolled in Honors, Advanced Placement, and Dual Enrollment courses. Saryn is a member of Boys Scouts of America where in 2019, he obtained the national rank of Eagle Scout. He is a member of the varsity basketball, track, and cross-country teams at school. After high school Saryn plans to attend college and major in Law, Finance, or Engineering.


Dylan Myles Johnson, is a senior at Paxon School for Advanced Studies in Jacksonville, FL. and is the son of Deon and Deidra Johnson. He has been a member of the Jacksonville Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for 14 years. Dylan has served as chapter Recording Secretary, Vice President and is the current Teen President. He is the AP Senator of the Senior Class, Vice President of the Black Caucus Club and a member of the tennis team. Dylan plans to attend Florida A&M or Howard University to pursue a degree in Journalism and a minor in Marketing.


Kennedi McGowan is a senior at Stanton College Preparatory School in Jacksonville, Florida and is the daughter of Drs. Royce and Shelita McGowan. She has been a member of the Jacksonville Chapter of Jack and Jill for 7 years. She is Co-Captain of her High School’s Golf team. She is undecided with her college choice at this time, however, she plans to major in Neuroscience Pre-Med. She aspires to be a General Surgeon one day.


Nyla Elle McNair is a senior at Ponte Vedra High School in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida and is the daughter of Drs. Rameek and Vanessa McNair. She has been a member of the Jacksonville Chapter of Jack and Jill for 11 years and served as Teen Chaplain and on several committees including Foundation Committee. She is the founder and Co-President of her school’s Bake a Difference Club that organizes bake sales to raise money for local charities. She is considering University of Miami, University of Florida, Vanderbilt, and Xavier. She plans to major in Biology and be a dermatologist.




Rachel Peterson is a senior at Paxon School for Advanced Studies in Jacksonville, Florida and is the daughter of Mother Nicole Rodgers and Reynold Peterson. She has been a member of the Jacksonville Chapter for 12 years. Rachel has been actively involved in her community volunteering regularly at Daniel for Kids, Feeding Northeast Florida, Clara White Mission and many others. She alone raised over $4000 for the 5 Star Veterans Center during her reign as Miss Freedom USA Teen Jacksonville. Rachel plans to attend UCF and study Biometric Sciences with the goal of becoming a pediatric dentist.


Brandon Tremble a Senior at The Episcopal School of Jacksonville is the son of Carl & Danese Tremble and brother of CJ Tremble. He has been a member of the Jacksonville, FL chapter since 2008. At Episcopal, Brandon was a member of the NJHS, Chorus TRI-M Honors Society, football, rowing, & weightlifting teams. Other interests include video game development, 3D art, & spending time with friends. Brandon is an altar server and Sunday school member at St. Pius the V Catholic Church. Brandon hopes to attend the University of Miami and major in computer science with an emphasis on animation.


Jace Walker is a Senior at Trinity Christian Academy in Jacksonville, FL and is the son of Joel and Angie Walker. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for six years. Jace is a member of the varsity golf and basketball teams. Additionally, Jace maintains a 4.57 GPA, and is ranked #5 in his class, while serving as Senior Class President. He was also voted “Mr. TCA” at Homecoming. After graduation, Jace plans to attend college at the University of Florida (UF), where he will major in Sports Marketing and Management, before completing his MBA and law degree.


Laila Rudolph is a senior at Bearden High School in Knoxville, TN and the daughter of Clyde and LaTonya Rudolph. Laila is Teen President of the Knoxville Chapter of Jack and Jill. She has previously served as Teen Vice President and Teen Secretary. Laila is currently a member of the National Honor Society, Key Club, Bearden High School Track team and Knoxville Area Urban League’s National Achievers. She has also served as a Global Youth Ambassador. In 2022, Laila broke her school record in the 100m placing her in the top 1% in the state. She loves serving the community. Some of the organizations that she has worked with include the Love Kitchen.


Haley Marie Coleman, a proud member of the Lake Spivey Georgia Chapter, is the daughter of Dr. Laivian and Monica Coleman. She attends Union Grove High School, where she is an honor roll student and a member of the basketball cheerleading team. Haley also attends The Henry County Academy of Advanced Studies, where she serves as Treasurer of the Inaugural Student Board of Directors, as well as a teacher’s assistant and mastery level dancer in the dance program. Haley plans to attend a 4-year college majoring in Health Sciences and ultimately plans to attend pharmacy school to become a pharmacist.


Kennedy is a senior at Eagle’s Landing High School in McDonough, GA. Daughter of Dr. Kenneth and Deidrea Collins, she has been a member of the Lake Spivey GA Chapter since 2007 and is currently the Teen President. Kennedy employs her leadership skills in various capacities. She is a Junior Commissioner in her community, Make-A-Wish Youth Leadership Council member, Class President, Vice-President of Mu Alpha Theta, Secretary of the National Honor Society, and Vice-President of Service for Beta Club. She is also lead percussionist in the band and tennis team captain. She plans to pursue a degree in biomedical engineering.



Eres Olivia David has been a member of the Lake Spivey Georgia Chapter for 12 years. Her Jack and Jill tenure includes earning the President’s Volunteer Service Award and publishing a poem in the first Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated Children’s Anthology. A student-athlete, she is captain of her varsity and club volleyball teams. Eres serves on the Georgia State Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council and is a Junior Commissioner in her county. This fall Eres will pursue a Biomedical Engineering degree with a double minor in Environmental Policy and Spanish. She is the daughter of Drs. Eclan and Victoria David.


Kendall Xavier Evans is the son of Keith Evans and Clarez Evans. He is a senior at Pace Academy in Atlanta, GA. Kendall has been a member of the Lake Spivey Chapter for eight years. As a student-athlete he has won numerous leadership awards and has earned two state championships in basketball. Kendall’s involvement in football and basketball will continue at the collegiate level. He is excited to announce that he has accepted an athletic scholarship to play football for the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Kendall aspires to become an orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon.


Alexandria Fuller attends Luella High School in Locust Grove, Georgia. She is also a dual enrollment student at Clayton State University. Alexandria is a member of the Lake Spivey GA Chapter and is the daughter of Mr. James Fuller and Mrs. Montrese Adger Fuller. She has played tennis for 14 years and currently plays on the varsity tennis team where she received the distinguished MVP Award. Alexandria has maintained her status on the Principal’s List throughout high school. Her future goals include majoring in biology, while attending a four-year university and eventually pursuing a career as a medical doctor.


Bryce Charles Miller is the son of Dr. Roderick Miller and Brandi Miller. He is a member of the Lake Spivey GA Chapter, and will graduate from Woodland High School. Bryce is dual enrolled at Southern Crescent Technical College where he is completing his film certification. Bryce participates in the Beta Club, Fresh Films, and the Make a Wish Ga Foundation Committee. He attends MTC Church where he is audiovisual media team member. Bryce is recognized as a member of the National Society of High School Scholars. Bryce will major in film and will attend college in the fall.


Sydney Sierra Redmond, daughter of Spencer and Stephanie Redmond, is a senior at Heritage High School in Conyers, GA. She has been a member of Jack and Jill since the age of 4 and in the Lake Spivey GA Chapter since 2013. Sydney is on the yearbook staff, FCCLA, Make-A-Wish GA Youth Leadership Council, and a National Honors Society member. Sydney volunteers for Med Share and participates in various community events. She aspires to become a dentist and will pursue a degree in health sciences. Sydney has applied to several universities and is currently undecided on where she will attend.


Caleb Emmanuel Reid Robinson, son of Corey and Natosha Rice, has been an active member in Lake Spivey Chapter, serving as Treasurer, Legislative Chair, and currently as Vice President of his teen group. A senior at Woodward Academy, he is a dedicated AP/Honors scholar and motivated athlete with a passion to serve his community. He is Youth Engagement Intern of his local Habitat for Humanity affiliate, founding member of National Virtual Teen Ministry, member of Service Leadership Board, National Honor Society, and plays varsity basketball at Woodward. His future goals include pursuing his interests in business and finance in college.




Allison Elyce Simmons is the daughter of Atty. Peter Simmons and Dr. Oletha Simmons. She is a proud member of the Lake Spivey GA Chapter where she currently holds the position of Sergeant at Arms. Allison is an honor student at Eagles Landing Christian Academy (ELCA) and has received several awards including Miss ELCA and Homecoming Queen. She is the varsity cheer captain, varsity basketball manager, and serves as Vice-President of the Student Government Association. Allison plans to major in health sciences at a four-year university and ultimately attend medical school to become a pediatrician.


Kennedy Rhae’ Snell is a senior at Union Grove High School in McDonough, Georgia and a high school dual enrollment student at Georgia State University. Kennedy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie and Lya Snell. Kennedy has been an active member of the Lake Spivey GA Chapter for six years. She proudly serves her community by completing numerous community service projects each year. Kennedy is an academic scholar who always strives for excellence in all her endeavors. Kennedy plans to attend college and major in Biology/Pre-Medicine with the goal of ultimately pursuing a career in dermatology.


Skai Janae White is a senior at Dutchtown High School and is the daughter of Johnny White and Dr. Tiquette White. She has been a member of the Lake Spivey Chapter for seven years, currently serving as Teen Legislative Chair. Skai is a member of the National Honor Society, Beta Club, Astronomy Club, and varsity tennis team. She proudly serves her community as a Dutchtown High Student Ambassador, Girl Scout, and City Clerk of the Stockbridge Youth Council. Skai will attend college and major in mathematics, aspiring for a career in the space industry.


Macy Fuller is a senior at First Presbyterian Day School in Macon, Georgia. She is the daughter of Drs. Eric and Myrja Fuller. She has been a member of the Macon Jack and Jill Chapter for seven years where she serves as Foundation Chairperson. Macy has been involved in community service with the Boys & Girls Club, Ingleside Baptist Church and Camp Milestone. As a scholar athlete, her extracurricular activities include junior varsity volleyball (9th Grade), Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Track, Spanish Club and Chick-Fil-A Leadership. She has decided to attend Kennesaw State University in the fall of 2023.


Kahlil Syntell Harvey is a senior at Central Fine Arts and IB Magnet High School in Macon, Georgia and he is the son of DaQuanis and April Harvey. Kahil has been a member of the Macon Chapter of Jack and Jill for 4 years. Kahlil has volunteered in the annual Anita Ponder Christmas Toy Drive, volunteering at the Kiwanis Club Teen Driving Roadeo, building theatrical sets at Theatre Macon. Kahlil plans to attend New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts where he will major in Musical Theatre. This experience will help him achieve his dreams of performing on Broadway.


Madison Troy Maxwell is a senior at Jones County High School in Gray, Georgia, and is the daughter of Shawn and Leitra Maxwell. She has been a member of the Macon Chapter for nine years. Madison is a three-sport athlete. She serves Hope For Today church as a substitute teacher, coat drive organizer, social media creator and live stream coordinator. Madison has volunteered with Forrest B. Johnson & Associates for ten years with their Annual Back to School Drive, Halloween Fest and Christmas Drive. Madison plans to attend college as a Political Science major. She aspires to become a judge.



Lathan is a senior at Howard High School and Hutchings Career Academy in Macon, GA and is the son of Dr. Roger & Renee Theodore. He has been a member of the Macon Chapter of Jack and Jill for 4 years. Lathan volunteers at the food pantry of Macedonia Baptist Church and is also on their youth advisory committee. Lathan is a Beta Club member and serves as a state officer for SkillsUSA. He plans to attend North Carolina A&T State University or Howard University majoring in kinesiology. Lathan wants to pursue his doctorate degree to become a physical therapist.


Christian Lewis Watson, a senior at Mount de Sales Academy (MDS), Macon, GA, is the son of Doctors Clinton and Aleshia Watson. He has been a member of the Macon Chapter for 10 years and has served as Teen Sergeant-at-Arms. Christian is also a member of MDS Basketball and Football teams, Diversity Awareness Club, and has a surplus of volunteer hours through participation in numerous community service projects (toy drives, cancer awareness programs, reading books to younger children, etc.). He plans to attend Florida A&M University, majoring in Biomedical Science to continue preparation for his future career in Orthopedic Surgery.


Kimberly Nicole Watson is a senior at Mount de Sales Academy (MDS), Macon, Georgia and is the daughter of Drs. Clinton and Aleshia Watson. She has been a member of the Macon Chapter for 10 years. Kimberly currently serves as Chapter Teen Treasurer and has served as Teen Parliamentarian. As an athletic scholar, Kimberly maintains a 4.0 GPA while serving as Captain of MDS Cheerleading, President of Diversity Awareness Club, Secretary of National Honors Society, and active member of the Cavalier Ambassadors Program. She will attend Spelman College majoring in Biomedical Science with the aspiration of becoming a Dermatologist.


Mark Keith Blakemore Jr. is a senior graduating with honors at Collierville High School in Collierville, Tennesee and is the son of Mark and Michelle Blakemore. He has been a member of the Memphis Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years. Mark served as committee chairman and Seargent at Arms. Mark is a track and field athlete. He is a member of the National Honor Society, Beta Club, NAACP, Reach Memphis, Standing In the Gap4, and New Sardis Baptist Church Youth Leadership team. Mark’s career goals are to attend an HBCU and study the field of architecture or engineering.


Kaleb Kristian Conway is a senior at Collierville High School in Collierville, TN and is the son of Mr. Kristian Conway and Mrs. Chaka Conway. He has been a member of the Memphis Chapter for 5 years and served as Protocol Chair. Kaleb is active in his school and in his community. He is a varsity track athlete at Collierville High School and the captain of his AAU track team, Memphis Mustangs. He is a member of Bridge Builders and Kappa League Leadership which he serves as Treasurer. Kaleb is undecided on his college choice although plans to run collegiate track and major in Business/Economics.


Ramyla Dahmer is an honor roll student and senior class president at White Station High School where she is drumline captain for the marching band. She earned the seal of bi-literacy in Spanish and was the captain of the girls golf team. A passionate advocate and 12yr Girl Scout, Ramyla is the Youth Ambassador for the Sickle Cell Foundation of TN and a participant in the St. Jude Leadership Society. With an entrepreneur spirit and natural talent, she makes money as DJ but is also a music producer and writer/performer. Ramyla hopes to pursue a major of neuroscience in college.




Eva Gautreaux is a Senior at Houston High School in Germantown, TN and is the daughter of Kevin and Shemica Gautreaux. She has been a member of the Jack and Jill Memphis Chapter for 8 years. She runs track at the competitive level, is a participant in BridgesUSA, and a member of various school clubs In addition, she has participated in service through her church.. She is undecided on where she plans to attend college, but plans to major in Business and pursue a career in law or real estate.


Kylie Jackson, the daughter of Ms. Kynis P. Douglas, is a senior at Memphis Central High School. She has been a member of the Memphis Chapter for seven years and currently serves as the Teen Recording Secretary. An accomplished scholar and athlete, Kylie received recognition as Top 20% of the 2023 graduating class. Kylie is Co-Captain of the Varsity/Competitive Cheer Squad and is also a member of the National Honor Society, Bridge Builders and Girl Scouts. Kylie plans to major in Communications/Journalism and is considering multiple scholarship offers. She aspires to become a news anchor in a major metropolitan market.


Sebastian Dewitt Murray is a graduating Senior at Christian Brothers High School in Memphis, Tennessee. He has been a member of the Jack and Jill Memphis chapter for 4 years. Sebastian has decided to attend Arizona State University with a major in Psychology. He will also join the Navy ROTC program.


Morgan DeAnna Nichols is a senior at Hutchison School in Memphis, Tennessee and is the daughter of Mr. Keith and Dr. Sandra Nichols. She has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated for 9 years. Morgan’s community involvement includes participating in Bridge Builders COLLABORATE and CHANGE. Morgan will attend Spelman College and major in Psychology and minor in Art. She plans to become an art therapist and an actress.


Blake Leonard Oswell, son of Drs. Maurice Leonard and Yvette Oswell, is a senior at Harding Academy Memphis. As a 9-year member of the Memphis Chapter, he has attended Teen Conference, participated in oratorical contest, performed in black history productions, and has volunteered for numerous service projects. An avid athlete and academician, Blake was selected to play in the Auto Zone Liberty Bowl High School Football All-star game. He is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, chess club, National Beta Club and Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society). Blake plans to attend an HBCU pursuing a degree in law.


Jordan Robinson is the son of Brad and Felicia Robinson. He attends White Station High School in Memphis, TN, where he is an honor student and Vice President of the band. Jordan has been in Jack and Jill for 12 years, and serves in Boy Scouts of America, where he is an Eagle Scout; St. Jude Leadership Society; National Honor Society; National Society of High School Scholars; All West Red and Jazz Band; and Camp Invention Camp Counselor. Jordan plans to attend North Carolina A&T or Georgia Tech to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering.



James Bazell Stafford, V is a senior at Collierville High School in Collierville, TN and is the son of Dr. Ocpivia and Mr. James B. Stafford, IV. He has been a member of the Memphis Chapter for 14 years and has served in several leadership roles. James is a three year varsity football player, four year varsity track athlete, and an active member of the Kappa Leadership League, serving as vice president. He has decided to attend Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University where he will pursue a Doctorate of Pharmacy degree with plans to one day build and own a community hospital.


Madelyn Anita Earlyne Wallace is a senior at St. Agnes Academy and is the daughter of Ann Marie and the late Dr. Charles R. Wallace, Jr. Madelyn has been a member of the Memphis Chapter of Jack and Jill all her life. Madelyn has held leadership positions each year in school and currently serves as the bodies first African American SGA President. She strives to promote the inclusivity of minorities and encourages the development of student led activities. She is a member of the National Honor Society and is very gifted in music. Madelyn plans to attend college in the fall.


Shelby Rae is a senior at Harding Academy in Memphis, TN, and is the daughter of Anthony & Yvette Williams. She has been a member of the Memphis Chapter for 7 years. At Harding, Shelby serves as Senior Class Vice-President, and a Campus Life Ambassador. In the community, she leads as a member of Bridges USA, the National Society of High School Scholars, Shelby County Youth Council (District #6), and the Raleigh Library Council. She ensures that the voices of youth are heard and amplified. Shelby will attend UNC, or Spelman College, and study to become an Obstetrician Gynecologist.


Rayhana Parris is a senior at New World School of the Arts in Miami, Florida and is the daughter of Ray and Quintera Parris. She has been a member of the Miami Chapter for 10 years. She has proudly earned over 900 community service hours, including teaching middle school kids dance with Break Through Miami. She has a passion for musical theater and the performing arts. She plans to attend a college in the Fall, majoring in Musical Theater and minoring in Business.


Millicent-Natalia Cecelia Smith is a senior at Dr. Michael Krop Senior High School in Miami, Florida and is the daughter of Davrye Gibson Smith and the late Michael David Smith, Sr. She has been a member of the Miami Chapter for 12 years and currently serves as the Vice President of the Miami Chapter Teens. Millicent is a 5th generation member of the Episcopal Young Churchmen at St. Agnes Episcopal Church, the Ivy Rosettes of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and a superior-rated clarinet player and a member of the Black Student Union at her school. She has decided to attend Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University.


Kameron Ball is a senior at John L LeFlore High school and is the son of Kevin and Tennille D Ball. He has been a member of The Mobile Chapter of Jack and Jill for six years and was a member of the Birmingham Chapter for four years. Kameron has served as Chaplain and currently serves as Sergeant at Arms. His community involvement includes Mobile Lamplighters presented by Omega Psi Phi, Inc. and Culturama presented by the Mobile Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Kameron plans to attend Alabama A&M University and will major in Graphic Design.




Christopher Thomas Bracy is a senior at St. Paul’s Episcopal High School in Mobile, Alabama and is the son of Harry and Lanesha Bracy. Christopher has been a member of the Mobile Chapter for 6 years. Christopher has served his community through volunteering in various activities such as athletic camps, Veterans Day programs, the Dixie Rear Detachment for veterans and the Community Gardens Center. Christopher has decided to attend the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where he will continue his football career and explore academic interest.


Bella Grace Jackson is a senior at St. Paul’s Episcopal School in Mobile, Alabama and is the daughter of Maurice and Chasity Jackson. She has been a member of the Mobile Chapter of Jack and Jill for three years. She is involved in tennis, Spanish Club, and Service Leadership. She volunteers at H.L. Sonny Callahan School for the Deaf and Blind, Rapahope Children’s Retreat Foundation, and assists with community events for Veterans. Bella plans to attend The University of Alabama at Birmingham, dual majoring in Psychology and Spanish Language & Culture, and pursuing a career as a Dermatologist.


Madison Motley is a senior at W.P. Davidson High School and is the daughter of Mr. Terry and Dr. Monica Motley. She has been a member of the Mobile Chapter of Jack and Jill for 8 years. Madison serves as Teen President, Youth Leadership Mobile Graduate, Ambassador for the Ronald McDonald House,Creighton Youth Service and Epic Engineering Pathways, President of HOSA, SGA, Alabama Youth and Government Judge, Varsity cheerleader and soccer player, and National Honor Society. She plans to attend Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University majoring in Biological Systems Engineering pursuing a career in pediatric emergency medicine.


Kendall Sampson is a senior at Daphne High School in Daphne, AL and is the daughter of Anthony and Pamela Sampson. She has been a member of the Mobile Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for 6 years where she currently serves as the teen Vice President. Kendall is a member of the Baldwin County United Way Youth Board, the Baldwin County Youth Drug Task Force, the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church youth department, and a student athletic trainer for the Daphne High School football team. She has decided to attend Tuskegee University where she will major in Occupational Therapy.


Logan Boone is the daughter of Lori and LaBarron Boone. She joined the Montgomery Chapter 15 years ago and has served as Vice President for two terms and as Legislative Chair in the teen group. Logan is a National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Scholar, a National Recognition Program Scholar, a Bridge Builders of Alabama participant, and a member of several honor societies and clubs. As a violinist, she was selected for the Alabama All State Orchestra three years in a row. She is a member of Resurrection Catholic Church and attends Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School.


Morgan Jeanell Calhoun, a senior at Booker T. Washington Magnet High School in Montgomery, is the daughter of Malcolm Calhoun and Karen Calhoun. She has been a member of the Montgomery Chapter for 15 years. She is a senior company dance member at Alabama Dance Theater, the senior class student government Senator at Large, a member of Ladies of Excellence, a volunteer dance choreographer and coach, and a member of Future Business Leaders of America. Morgan will be attending Tuskegee University where she will major in Biology. She plans to attend medical school and become an Anesthesiologist.



Claire Elise Gary is a senior at The Montgomery Academy in Montgomery and the daughter of Dr. Brian and Mrs. Helen Gary. She has been a member of the Montgomery Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2010 where she has served as photographer, treasurer, parliamentarian, and corresponding secretary. Claire is a National Merit Semifinalist and holds memberships in the Cum Laude Society and the National Honor Societies for Math, French, and English. She plays varsity basketball and golf. Her college choices include Georgetown University, University of Chicago, and Spelman College. Claire aspires to be a public interest lawyer.


Robert Joseph Guice, a senior at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory High School, is the son of Jason and Jo Guice. A member of the historic Montgomery Chapter since 2014, Robert has served in many roles on the Executive Teen Board, enjoyed attending Teen Conference, and participated in numerous chapter service activities. He has been a member of his high school basketball, baseball, and football teams. Robert has also volunteered for Catholic social services and Habitat for Humanity. He will embark on his first medical mission trip in April to Guatemala. He plans to attend college and major in Biology/Pre-Med.


Chandler Elizabeth Henderson, the daughter of Juan and Dana Henderson, is a graduating senior of Park Crossing High School. She has had the pleasure of being a member of Jack and Jill since 2016, including the West Suburban Chicago and Montgomery, AL Chapters. Her honors and activities include Basketball, Bridge Builders, Student Council and the St. John AME YPD. Chandler currently serves as the Editor of the Capermates Age Group of the Montgomery, AL Chapter. Her college choices include North Carolina AT&T, North Carolina Central, Tuskegee University or Xavier University where she will pursue a major in Psychology, Pre-Med.


Nicholas Ashley McIntyre is the son of Dr. Ashley & Delecia McIntyre and a graduating senior at The Montgomery Academy in Montgomery. He has been a member of the Jack & Jill Montgomery Chapter since 2010. His activities include the Montgomery Academy Robotics Team, MA Soccer, Bridge Builders Program and theater. Nicholas’s hobbies include computer programming, video gaming and building his Influencer platform. Nicholas aspires to either work as a Video Game Programmer or Engineer. His college choices include Tuskegee University or Auburn University Montgomery where he hopes to pursue an Engineering Degree.


Connor Owens, a senior at Saint James School in Montgomery, is the son of Carey, Jr. and Dawn Owens. Connor is a member of the Varsity Football Team where he plays both offensive and defensive line. He also participates in Indoor/Outdoor Track and Field. Connor was the 2021 Alabama 4A/5A Indoor State Champion in Shot Put, 3rd Place in 2021 Alabama Outdoor 4A Shot Put, and the 2022 Alabama 4A Discuss Champion. Connor’s hobbies include weightlifting, hanging out with friends and reading fiction novels. Connor plans to attend college and major in Sports Management.


Jai Ivy Raines, daughter of Nikki and Johnny Raines, III, will graduate from The Montgomery Academy in May. Jai has been a member of the Montgomery Chapter of Jack and Jill since 2014. Jai has served in various teen leadership roles as a Capermate. She is active in her community and the Youth Department at her church. She holds honors including College Board’s National Recognition Scholar and National Speech and Debate Association Member with a Degree of Excellence. Jai’s activities include Varsity Basketball, Track and Field, and Speech and Debate. She plans to major in Graphic Design in college.




Kassidy E. Thompson is a senior at Saint James High School in Montgomery, Alabama. She is the daughter of Attorney Robert S. Thompson and Dr. Nichole Thompson. Kassidy has been a member of the Montgomery Chapter for 16 years. She is a volunteer dance coach, a member of the 2022/23 Bridge Builders of Alabama Youth Leadership Cohort, a graduate of Jack and Jill of America’s Youth Leadership Program, and a former member of Saint James Youth in Government Team. Kassidy will attend Tuskegee University where she will major in Biology. She plans to become an Anesthesiologist.


Kameron Keith Tuck, a senior at The Montgomery Academy, is the son of Keith and Pamela Tuck. He has been a member of the Montgomery Chapter since 2008. He has served as a senior captain of his varsity football team. He is also a member of the Heart Club, a community service organization at his school, and has participated in international mission work in Costa Rica. Kameron has been accepted to the University of Alabama and the University of Mississippi. He plans to major in exercise science with the goal of becoming a physical therapist.


Noah Kenneth Waters, a senior at Valiant Cross Academy, is the son of Mr. Kenneth and Rev. Catrina Waters. Noah has served in several leadership roles in the Chapter and is currently the President for the Capermate Teens. Noah received the Southeastern Region’s Inaugural Carole Robertson Award in 2020. He is a member of the National Honor Society, SGA, multiple varsity sports teams, and serves as the South Central VP for the A.M.E. Zion youth council. A gifted orator with a servant’s heart, Noah plans to attend college, major in Forensic Psychology, and become an attorney and motivational Speaker.


Khalil Anderson is a senior at University School of Nashville in TN and is the son of Greg and Malika Anderson. He has been a member of the Nashville Chapter of Jack and Jill for seven years, most recently serving as the Teen Legislative Chair. In the community, he has coached, tutored and mentored elementary school students for several years. Khalil was selected by his peers to serve as the co-captain of his school’s varsity basketball and lacrosse teams. He plans to study biomedical engineering on a pre-med track with the intention of becoming an orthopedic surgeon.


Kamden Ellis Blackburn is a senior at Franklin High School in Franklin, Tennessee. He is the son of Kenneth, III and Yolanda Blackburn and is a proud member of the Nashville Chapter of Jack and Jill of America. He has played clarinet for seven years and was a part of The Franklin Band, which is a nationally recognized band program. He is a member of several honor societies, including the National Honor Society, and also co-owns a clothing business. Kamden plans to major in criminology in college and eventually become a lawyer.


Gabrielle Bowie is the daughter of Michael and Verdelle Bowie. She is a senior at Lebanon High School in Lebanon, Tennessee, and is dual enrolled, on track to receive her associate’s degree in May 2023. She has been a member of the Nashville Chapter for almost 10 years while also participating in various extracurricular activities, including varsity soccer, the National Honors Society, and coaching at her local soccer club. She aspires to pursue a career in Public Health in order to aid at-risk communities. Gabrielle served as Regional Teen Treasurer for the 2022-2023 programming year.



Solomon Jhames Brooks is a senior at John Pope Prep High School in Hendersonville, Tennessee. He is the son of Malik & Dr. Sonya Brooks. Solomon has been a member of the Nashville Jack and Jill Chapter for 16 years, where he served as the Sergeant-at-Arms (2020-21) and currently serves as the Legislative Chair. Solomon was a member of the football team and the track and field 4x4 relay team. Upon graduation, Solomon will attend college and major in Business Management.


Brock Miguel Burgess is a senior at the University School of Nashville in Nashville, TN, and is the son of Dr. Miguel and Mrs. Laticia Burgess. He has been a member of the Nashville Chapter for 13 years. Brock is a member of the varsity cross country, basketball, and baseball teams. He is the current Teen Corresponding Secretary of our chapter, and has held other elected and appointed offices. Brock is undecided about which college he will attend in the fall, but will major in Biology.


Morea’ Carney is a senior at University School of Nashville in Nashville, TN, and the daughter of Dr. William and Paula Carney. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for six years. Morea is an avid dancer at the Wrk.Plc and member of the competition team, traveling the country. In addition, she participates in many school clubs and activities, including GSA, Black Student Union Affinity Group, Eye to Eye Mentoring Program, and the Lambda Iota Theta Sorority, Inc. While undecided with many university options before her, she plans to major in Biology and have a career in Pediatrics.


Austin Terrence Cason is a senior at University School of Nashville in Nashville, Tennessee. He is the son of Dr. Terrence and Mrs. Stacey Billingsley Cason. He has been a member of the Nashville Chapter for 12 years and currently serves as Teen Chaplain. Austin is President of his Senior Class. A member of three state championship cross-country teams, he won individual All-State honors his sophomore, junior and senior years. In track, he is a state 4X400 champion and in basketball, his team advanced to the state final four his junior year. In college, Austin will study Business or Communications.


Abraham Cromartie V is a senior at Father Ryan High School in Nashville, TN and is the son of Abraham and Kimberly Cromartie IV. He has been a member of Jack and Jill for 10 years. Abraham volunteers in the community through St. Vincent de Paul Church Christian Youth Organization. He is on the varsity football and track & field teams, in addition to medaling in wrestling at the regional and state levels. Abraham is a member of the National Society of High School Scholars. He plans to attend college and major in chemistry.


Chance Julian Fitzgerald is a senior at Nolensville High School in Nolensville, TN and the son of Chauncey and Toni Fitzgerald. He has been a member of the Nashville Chapter for 14 years, currently serving as the Historian. He is also a member of Kappa League where he has held various offices. Chance is an active athlete as a starter on varsity football for three years. He was awarded a football scholarship to Virginia Tech where he will play Wide Receiver and major in Sports Media & Analytics. He plans to become a Sports Anchor.




Autumn Nicole Haddox is a senior at Martin Luther King Jr. Magnet High School in Nashville, TN and is the daughter of Morris Haddox, III and Dr. Trevlyn Haddox. She has been a member of the Nashville Chapter for 12 years, serving on the Teen Executive Board for 2 years. She is a member of Payne Chapel AME church and the Lambda Iota Theta Sorority. At school, she is an active member of the student government association and has been a varsity basketball player for 4 years. Autumn plans to attend college and major in Journalism.


Lauren Hudson is a senior at Stewarts Creek High School in Smyrna, TN, and is the daughter of Mr. Lewis and Cleshette Hudson. She has been a member of the Nashville Chapter for 11 years. Lauren serves as the Protocol Chair for the Nashville Chapter. She has made an impact on her community by volunteering with children, feeding the homeless, civic/social action organizations, and various nonprofits. Lauren is the President of Lambda Iota Theta, a High School Sorority. Lauren has been a 4-year varsity soccer player. She plans to attend an HBCU to pursue a degree in Sports Medicine.


Ziah Jones is a senior at Hillsboro High School in Nashville, Tennessee and is the daughter of Walter and Carmen Jones. She has been a member of the Nashville Chapter for 12 years. She is the Teen Chapter Treasurer and a member of the Step Team. She is the Student Body Vice President. Ziah has decided to attend Morris Brown College where she will major in Hospitality Management. She also plans to pursue a career in Nursing.


Madison Elyse Long is a senior at Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet High School (HFA) in Nashville, Tennessee and is the daughter of Mackey and Atty. Michelle Long. She has been a member of the Nashville Chapter for 16 years. While maintaining a 4.5 GPA taking honors and advanced placement classes, Madison serves as HFA Ambassador, is a varsity cheerleader, and anchors the state competition winning 4x100 relay team. Having been accepted on scholarship to seven universities so far, Madison will attend college in the Fall and plans to major in Biology.


Trey is an honors student at Nolensville High School where he plays Varsity football and basketball and is the son of Courtney and Dennis Woods, II. Trey has been a member of the Nashville Chapter for 15 years, and he currently serves as Teen President. He is a Tennessee Governor’s School Scholar, an Eagle Scout, a Morgan Stanley Jumpstart Scholar, the Secretary for the Kappa League, and earned a Bronze & Silver President’s Volunteer Service Award. Trey will decide on one of the several colleges to which he has been accepted and plans to pursue a career in sports medicine.


Kristianna Young is a senior at Pope John Paul II Preparatory High School in Nashville, TN and is the daughter of Derek and Allyson Young. She has been a member of the Nashville Jack and Jill Chapter for 17 years. In addition to her Jack and Jill involvement, she has also been involved in the Down Syndrome Association of Middle Tennessee’s annual Buddy Walk, the Salama Urban Ministries, and Born Again Church. She has decided to attend the Next Steps program at Vanderbilt University where she will participate in postsecondary education in academics, social and career development, and independent living.



Karis Ellis attends East Lake High School in Tarpon Springs, FL, enrolled in the Engineering Magnet Program. She is the daughter of Cannice Ellis and Saleem Wilson. Karis has been a member of the newly chartered Nature Coast Chapter since September 24, 2022, where Karis serves as the Chapter Teen Secretary. She plays Cello in the orchestra and will perform in the 2023 All-County Orchestra. Karis is in the Math and Science STEM honor societies and is Treasurer for her school’s Multicultural Advisory Committee. Ffter high school she will earn a Bachelors of Chemical Engineering at Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University for a career in cosmetics.


Kaden G. Nesbitt is an IB senior at C. Leon King High School in Tampa, FL, and is the son of Keith and PD Alisha Nesbitt. He has been a member of the newly chartered Nature Coast chapter since its provisional status. Kaden is the captain of his high school and travel soccer teams, and volunteers with community organizations, including Metropolitan Ministries, Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful, and The City of Temple Terrace. He plans on attending the University of South Florida where he will major in Mechanical Engineering.


Joshua Nina is a senior at Sunlake High School in Land O Lakes, FL, and is the son of Pedro and Courtney Nina. He has been a member of the newly chartered Nature Coast Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc since September 24, 2022. Joshua currently serves as the Chapter Teen President. Joshua has played high school basketball and football. He is also an active member of the National Honor Society, E.M.B.O.D.I. educational programming through Delta Sigma Theta and Gentlemen’s Quest of Tampa, Inc. Although Joshua has been accepted to many universities, he has yet to decide. He will major in biology and plans to become a pharmacist.


Taylor Brianna Bonner is the daughter of Bray and Jane Bonner. Taylor has been a member of the North Suburban Atlanta Chapter for 14 years. Taylor is a senior at The Walker School where she participated in the Culinary Arts and the Diversity Alliance Club, several school musicals including “High School Musical”, “Footloose”, “Guys and Dolls” and, “Chicago”. During her Senior year, Taylor was part of the “Step up Leader” program. In this program, high school students mentor the middle school students as they transition to high school. Taylor would like to major in Psychology in College.


Briea Lache Craft is a senior at Pace Academy and is the daughter of Brien and Keisha Craft. She has been a member of NSAC for 7 years. She was also member of the Northwest Arkansas Chapter for 3 years. Briea is a Honors student and received the Scholar Athlete Award. She is an accomplished Volleyball player (All Region / All State / AVCA / All American / State). Briea is on the 18’s Team at A5 Volleyball Travel Club. She is also a member of FBLA, DECA, and FCA. Briea will attend the University of Memphis within the Honors Program and play Volleyball.


Grant is the son of D’Andre and Ellen Davis and is a senior at Woodward Academy. Grant has been a member of the NSAC for 1 year. He is a member of the Business Club, Black Student Union and is a talented visual artist. Grant has participated in the Howard University’s summer scholar program. He has also received a certificate in Social Entrepreneuship from the Penn School of Social Policy and Practice. Grant plans to become a political activist fighting for justice and equality in the political system. Grant will pursue a degree in Public Policy in the fall.




Grant Gibbons is a senior at Woodward Academy in Atlanta, Georgia, and is the son of Nickye and Gerard Gibbons. He has been a member of the North Suburban Atlanta Chapter since 2007. He is a four - year varsity letterman in cross - country and track and field. Grant loves serving his community. Grant serves as Student Visionary for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. He is responsible for guiding team members to raise awareness and funds. Grant plans to pursue marketing and film next fall.


Kenedi Gibbons is a senior at Woodward Academy in Atlanta, Georgia and is the daughter of Nickye and Gerard Gibbons. She has been a member of the North Suburban Atlanta Chapter since 2007. She is an honor student and three - year varsity letterman in lacrosse. She is also an editor of the school yearbook, the Phoenix. In addition to being a Peer Leader at Woodward Academy, she volunteers her time through Horizons, an organization dedicated to helping kids in underserved communities. Kennedi plans to study communications in the fall.


Isaiah Hicks is a senior at Roswell High School in Roswell, Georgia. Isaiah is the son of Darius and LaTure Hicks. Isaiah has been a member of the North Suburban Atlanta Chapter of Jack and Jill for 5 of the 8 years he’s been a member. Isaiah is the president and founder of two clubs. The Financial Literacy Club of Fulton County and the Roswell High School book club. He is also a member of the National Art Honor Society. Isaiah plans to earn a BFA where he studies animation and illustration with dreams of creating his studio.


Jayden Lemond is a senior at Blair Academy in Blairstown, New Jersey and is the son of Troy and Loreal Lemond. Jayden has been a member of the North Suburban Atlanta Chapter for 3 years. Jayden enjoys participating in extra-curricular actitives. He is the starting point guard for the Blair Academy Varsity Basketball Team. Jayden plans to continue his athletic and academic endeavors at William and Mary.


Skye Lemond is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, GA. She is the daughter of Troy and Loreal Lemond. Skye has been a member of Jack and Jill for 5 years. Skye’s academic accomplishments include the honor roll and the National Honor Society. She has also participated in extra-curricular activities including photography and community service. Skye plans to attend college and apsires to become a dentist and own dental offices.


Laine Spears McDaniel is a senior at Woodward Academy in College Park, Georgia. Laine is the daughter of Drs. Michael and Cecily McDaniel. Laine has been a member of the North Suburban Atlanta Chapter (NSAC) for eleven years. She has served as Teen Foundation Chair, Second Vice-President, Vice-President, and is the current Teen Chapter President. Laine is an honors student, plays volleyball and is a member of the Black Student Union. She also serves in the youth ministry and Usher Board at St. James United Methodist Church. Laine plans to attend college to study Biology Pre-med.



Grant Miller is a senior at Lassiter High School and is the son of Cherie and Benjamin Miller. He has been a member of NSAC for eight years. Grant is an Eagle Scout and 4-year Academic Letterman. He is a member of the National, Social Studies, and Spanish Honor Societies. Grant is the Co-Founder and President of the Legal Society and President of his Mock Trial & Debate team. His dedication to service has earned him three community service awards. Grant will attend college and double major in Political Science and Economics and minor in Spanish.


Mariah Pritchett is a Senior at Hillgrove High School in Powder Springs, Georgia and is the daughter of Maurice and Robin Pritchett. Mariah was born into the North Suburban Atlanta Chapter and has been a member for 16 years. She has served as Jr. Teen Vice - President and Sr. Teen Recording Secretary. She is a competitive and performance dancer and part-time ballet teacher. In high school, she performed for two years on the dance team and was co-captain. Other activities include Habitat for Humanity, Crimson Crew, Hawkapellas, and Shoes4everyone. Mariah will major in Pre-Med in college.


Kennedy Marie Rance is a senior attending Campbell High School in Smyrna, Georgia. Kennedy is the daughter of Kenneth and Cheryl Rance, a current member of the North Suburban Atlanta Chapter (NSAC), and an active member of Jack and Jill since 2009. Kennedy’s participation in the community includes serving as the Student Representative for 2022 on the Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education, tutoring middle school students as a volunteer, and participating in her church’s Serving Hands Ministry. Kennedy intends to study Business Administration at either Howard University or Florida A&M University in the fall of 2023.


Spencer Charles Snipe attends Woodward Academy and is the son of Sheldon and Kim Snipe. Spencer is a sixteen-year member of NSAC having served in several teen executive positions. Spencer maintains a 4.5 cumulative GPA, is Varsity Captain of the football team, V.P. National Honor Society, Honor/Disciplinary Council, Honors Symphonic Winds, and Performing Arts. Spencer is most proud of his contributions to the Lymphoma/ Leukemia Society where he led a teen team in raising $30,000. Spencer received fifteen collegiate football offers and will attend Washington University, St. Louis where he will be a Political Science major.


Jaelle Charis Statia is a senior at Brookwood Christian School and is the daughter of Jeff and Loren Statia. Jaelle is a 13-year member of the North Suburban Atlanta Chapter. Jaelle has maintained a 3.65 GPA while navigating dyslexia. Her parents are proud of her and her love of guitar, cinema, and swimming. Jaelle is considering a career in culinary arts, healthcare, or early childhood education.


David Veazie Jr. is a senior at Centennial High School in Roswell, GA and will graduate Summa-Cum Laude. He is the son of Dr. David and Inger Veazie and has been a member of the North Suburban Atlanta Chapter for 4 years. School activities include Technology Student Association, Black Student Union, Engineering Club & Beta Club. David is also a member of the school Marching, Symphonic, and Jazz Bands. Community Service activities include volunteering in Roswell Roots Black History Celebrations. David plans to major in mechanical or electrical engineering and pursue a career in machine and robotics design.




Samaya Adejoke Baggs is a senior at Lake Nona High School and is the daughter of Mr. Reginald Baggs and Dr. Olubisi Aina-Baggs. She has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for nine years and is currently the Vice President of the Senior Teens. She plays the cello, is the President of the African American Culture Club and the Vice President of the National Honors Society. Samaya will major in business economics and public policy at the Wharton College of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. She plans to attend law school and serve her community in public policies.


Taylor Clark is a senior at Lake Nona High School and is the daughter of Mr. Lorenzo Clark and Dr. Kimberly Carlyle-Clark. She has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 12 years. Taylor served as Foundation Chair of senior teens and is a member of the National Honor Society, Beta Club, LANES, Delta Gems and African American Culture Club. She’s the VP of Activities for her senior class, served as a Florida House of Representatives Page and Messenger and is a member of Life Center Church. Taylor will attend college in the Fall and major in Political Science.


Tori Clark attends Lake Nona High School and is the daughter of Mr. Lorenzo Clark and Dr. Kimberly CarlyleClark. She’s been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 12 years. Tori is recognized as an AP Scholar with Honor and member of the National Honor Society and Beta Clubs. She served as Sr Teen Historian and is the current Corresponding Secretary. Tori is Treasurer of her senior class and served as a Florida House of Representatives Page and Messenger. She is a member of Life Center Church. Tori will attend college in the Fall and major in Biology.


Matthew Conley is a senior at West Orange High School in Winter Garden, Florida and is the son of Michael Conley and Britt Despenza-Green and the step-son to Jacobie Green. He has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 15 years. Matthew is a member of the West Orange High School Soccer team and volunteers at local elementary schools with beautification projects. Matthew has decided to attend college and will major in Business.


Donovan is a senior at Windermere High School in Windermere, Florida and is the son of Frank and Jacqueline Francois. He has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 11 years. Donovan currently serves as Southeastern Regional Teen Parliamentarian and Senior Teen President. He is a member and Vice President for the Winter Park Kappa League. Donovan also served as the Vice President of the Southern Association of Student Councils, organizing workshops for the conference overseeing fifteen states. He is undecided about which college he will attend. However, he will major in Chemistry and plans to attend medical school.


Chaney Hollis a senior at the Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, NH and is the daughter of Brian and Tricia Hollis. She has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 15 years. Chaney is the Technical Director of The Exonian newspaper and the Head of Girls Who Code chapter at Phillips Exeter. Chaney has been an avid volunteer at ESOS. Chaney will be attending college in the fall as an engineering major.



Kyle Johnson is a senior at Montverde Academy in Montverde, Florida. He is the son of Sonya Wilder-Johnson and Thomas Johnson. Kyle has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 15 years. In addition to serving his community though volunteer organizations, Kyle is also a member of the Headmasters Leadership Council as well as Captain of the Varsity Track Team. He is the 2022 Triple Jump State Champion and a 2x All-American. Kyle committed to continuing his academic and athletic pursuits at the University of Connecticut.


Miguell David Luckie Jr. is a senior at Windermere High School and is the son of DeNeale and Miguell Luckie Sr. Throughout his high school career, Miguell has been an active member of Jack and Jill of America Inc., specifically within the Orlando Chapter, for the past four years. His membership has allowed him to participate in numerous community service opportunities through both Jack and Jill and his school. Miguell is currently considering two potential majors for his undergraduate studies: Computer Software Engineering and Cybersecurity. He has expressed interest in attending either Morehouse College or Grambling University.


Gian Mahon is a senior at Olympia High School and the son of Janet James-Mahon. He is a starting member of the Olympia varsity soccer team, member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Rotary’s Interact Club and Beta Xi Boule’s Young Black Men of Excellence Leadership Program. He has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for several years and credits it for wonderful friendships, life skills and leadership skills. Gian is also the author of the children’s book, “How the Firetruck Came to My House.” Gian will attend college in the Fall and major in Business, specializing in Economics.


Ryan Stevenson is a senior at Windermere High School in Windermere, FL. She is the daughter of Robert and Halima Stevenson. Ryan has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 7 years. In addition to Jack and Jill, she is a member of the National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society and Co-Founder of People of Color United. She has been an athlete on the Varsity cross country and Varsity track and field teams. She has been accepted to several universities and will make her decision in the spring.


Sean Stewart, a senior at Montverde Academy (Montverde, FL), is the son of Michael and Nicole Stewart. He has been a member of the Orlando chapter for 13 years and is a third generation product of the organization. Sean has competed as a 4 year varsity and Nike EYBL player and received All-American honors for both basketball and academics. Sean’s biggest honor to date is winning a gold medal with the 17U USA Basketball team in Malaga, Spain as a junior. Sean will attend Duke University on a full basketball scholarship majoring in independent studies with an emphasis on business.


Garrett Stiell is a senior at St. Paul’s School in Concord, NH and is the son of George and Robbi Stiell. He has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 15 years. During High School, Garrett spent time mentoring youth in the Concord area while volunteering at Homeless Shelters and the Boys and Girls Club in Orlando. Garrett will attend Morehouse College in the Fall on scholarship where he will major in Applied Physics as a part of their Dual Degree Engineering Program, with plans of becoming an Environmental Engineer.




Reese Taylor is a senior at Trinity Preparatory School in Winter Park, Florida and is the daughter of Lincoln and Kaye-Ann Taylor. She has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 12 years. As president of her school’s Speech and Debate team she was ranked first in the state of Florida and 4th in the nation in Informative Speaking. She served as an intern under Representative Stephanie Murphy and Commissioner Bakari Burns. Reese has decided to attend Barnard College of Columbia University where she will major in Sociology and Political Science.


Logan Walker is a senior at Apopka High School in Apopka, Florida and is the daughter of Carl Walker and Zina Walker. Logan has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 10 years. She is active in many activities in the community including Apopka Youth Council and Leaders of Tomorrow. Logan is also a member of the National Honor Society, National Beta Club, Student Class Council, Apopka Blue Darter Band and Minority Leadership Scholars as Vice President. She is a member of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. Logan will attend college in the fall and major in Biology.


Arianna Nadia Young is the daughter of Jennifer Brown-Rolle and is a senior in the Engineering Magnet Program at Apopka High School. She has been a member of the Orlando Chapter for 11 years. Arianna is musically gifted as a singer, plays the saxophone and bassoon and served as Head Drum Major of the Blue Darter Marching Band during her senior year. She is a member of the Charmettes Club of Orlando, Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society) and the Beta Club. Arianna will attend Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University and major in Engineering.


Madison Jenne’ Brown is a member of the American Ballet Theatre in New York and a homeschooled senior. The daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Redick Brown II, Madison joined the Palm Beach Chapter as a charter family in 2012. In 2018, Madison performed contemporary pieces on NBC’s World of Dance; and in 2019 graced the cover of Dance Spirit Magazine. Having won numerous National dance titles and performed internationally from Mexico to Portugal, Madison aspires to be a principal ballerina for American Ballet Theatre. Madison’s philosophy is, “Let your smile change the world, don’t let the world change your smile.”


Gabrielle L’Amour Kiminyo is a senior at Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, Florida and the daughter of Dr. Kitonga and Karlene Kiminyo. Gabrielle is a chartering member of the Palm Beach Chapter and is the current Teen President and past Recording Secretary. Gabrielle serves as Student Council Vice-President, past Recording Secretary, A.R.T.S. Club event coordinator. She is a member of the National Honor Society and the English, History, French and Dance (President) Societies. Gabrielle has danced for thirteen years and is a YoungArts winner. At university, she will pursue Dance and Environmental Studies.


Madison Mingo is a senior at Cardinal Newman High School in West Palm Beach, Florida and is the daughter of Kimberly and Todd Mingo. She has been a member of Jack and Jill for 16 years and served as Teen President and Vice President. Madison has played on the varsity basketball teams for both Boca Raton and Cardinal Newman high schools. Madison is active in her school’s activities club, green club and takes advantage of various community service opportunities. After deciding where to pursue her undergraduate studies, Madison aims to attain a degree in sports management or sports communications.



Rayna Richards is a senior at Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in West Palm Beach, FL and is the daughter of Wayne and Elrika Richards. She has been a member of the Palm Beach Chapter for 10 years and is the Teen Treasurer. She is a member of National Honor Society, National English Honor Society and earned the AP Scholar and National African American Recognition Awards. She plays the violin in the Philharmonic & Chamber Orchestras, teaches elementary school children to play the violin and is Recording Secretary of the Music Therapy Club. She plans to study Architecture.


Jamir Rolle is a senior at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, FL and is the son of Danisha and Samari Rolle. Jamir has been a member of the Palm Beach Chapter of Jack and Jill for 10 years. Jamir has been active with Touch A Heart, Gateway Community Outreach, Boca Helping Hands, The Boys and Girls Club. Jamir has not decided where he will attend college but he intends to major in Psychology with a minor in Marketing and Advertising.


Christian Williams is a senior at Suncoast Community High School in Riviera Beach, Florida, and is the son of Ellex and Vernique Williams. He has been a member of the Palm Beach Chapter for 10 years. Christian is the Founder and President of the Association of Blacks & Latinos Entering STEM (ABLES), Founder and Co-President of Kindness Matters 365, member of West Palm Beach Kappa League, Key Club, Speech and Debate Team, and 5-year member of the National Honor Society. Christian has decided to attend college, where he will major in Bio-Medical Engineering.


Marcus Arness Coffee, Jr. is a senior at Pensacola Catholic High School in Pensacola, Florida, and is the son of Marcus Coffee and Tracey Robinson-Coffee. He has been a member of the Pensacola Chapter for eight years. Marcus is the 2022-2023 Teen Vice President. He plays varsity football, is president of the Young Peoples Division at Bethel A.M.E. Church, and is a Gulf Coast Diplomacy Youth Diplomat. Marcus has decided to attend Savannah State University and major in Business or Cyber-Security while playing football and participating in the NROTC. He plans to become a commissioned Navy officer.


Charis Amor Davis is a senior at West Florida High School of Advanced Technology in Pensacola, Florida, and is the daughter of C. Marcel and Carla Davis. She has been a member of the Pensacola Chapter for 12 years and served as Vice President, Editor, Parliamentarian, and two-terms as President. Charis is the Girls Weightlifting Team Captain, Girls Basketball Team Manager, and Criminal Justice Academy Honor Guard Detail Lieutenant. She has decided to attend the University of West Florida where she will major in Biology/Secondary Education. She plans to teach High School Biology and ultimately become a High School Principal.


D’Ayshia Lett is a senior at Pine Forest High School in Pensacola, Florida and is the daughter of Corby Wilson and Leroy Lett, Jr. She has been a member of the Pensacola Chapter for 11 years and served as Treasurer, Vice President, and Foundation Chair. D’Ayshia is a member of the Pensacola Tigers Elite Dance Team. In 2020 she launched her own business, StyledbyBraat. She was presented at the Pensacola Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Debutante Cotillion. D’Ayshia plans to attend Tennessee State University and major in Nursing or join the United States Air Force.




Ira Woodfaulk, II is a senior at Booker T. Washington High School in Pensacola, Florida and is the son of Ira and Maritza Woodfaulk. He has been a member of the Pensacola Chapter for three years. He served one-term as Chaplain and two-terms as Secretary. Ira is President of the Senior Class and Chorus Council, Vice President of the Theatre Council, and a member of the National Honor Society, Rho Kappa Honor Society, and African American Achievement Association. He plans to earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre and perform nationally on tours, cruises, theaters, or even Broadway.


Alexander James Nieto is a senior at Savannah Christian Preparatory School in Savannah, Georgia and is the son of Pat Craig Nieto and Kimberly Nieto. He has been a member of the Savannah Jack and Jill Chapter for two years. Alex currently participates in the Service Club though SCPS, which offers volunteer assistance to P.A.C.K., Urban Hope, and SCPS’s Santa Chase. Additionally, Alex volunteers with America’s Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia. Alex has been admitted to numerous colleges and universities however, he is awaiting a few final decisions before he makes his choice. Alex plans to major in international business and then enter the Air Force.


Hannah Buckles is a senior Orchestra Major at Savannah Arts Academy in Savannah, GA and is the daughter of Edra and Renee Buckles. She has been a member of the Savannah Chapter for 15 years. She plays the cello in Armstrong Youth Orchestra, volunteers at her church in the Media Ministry, Teen Cafe, and other various out reach ministries. She serves as president of the Spanish Honor Society, secretary of Key Club InternaMonal and is a member of the NaMonal Honor Society, Beta Club, and FBLA. She also parMcipated and leQered in volleyball and track and field. Hannah has decided to aQend Georgia State University where she will major in Film.


Indiya Nicole Vereen is a senior at St. Vincent’s Academy in Savannah, Georgia and is the daughter of Romel Petit-Frere and Felicia Vereen. She has been a member of the Savannah Jack and Jill Chapter for 12 years. Indiya is currently serving as Foundation Chair, she has also held the positions of Parliamentarian and Treasurer. Indiya has been a member of the volleyball team and is currently participating on the track team. She has worked with the Savannah Youth Ambassadors Program and her church youth group. She is undecided about where she will attend college but thinks she will major in Psychology and plans to use her skills to work with children.


John is a senior at Herschel V. Jenkins High School in Savannah, Georgia and is the son of John and Aysha Parks. He has been a member of the Savannah Chapter for 12 years. John currently is completing a second term as Savannah Chapter Teen President. He previously served as legislative chair, foundations chair, and Sergeant at Arms. He has been a member of the Warrior Football Team for four years where he played right guard and the wrestling team. He is a member of Model United Nations where he has been a distinguished delegate for two years. He is undecided about where he will attend college, but plans to major in Biomedical Engineering.


Kai is a senior at New Hampstead High School in Savannah, Georgia and is the daughter of U.S. Army Retired Captain Walter Carter and Melissa Carter. She has been a member of the Savannah chapter of Jack and Jill for 7 years. In her adolescence, Kai has been a member of the Gifted Programs available until highschool. Within these programs she enjoyed community service donations of food, toys, and treats to varying underserved human and animal shelters within the city. She especially enjoys enriching those less fortunate, something that she plans to continue beyond her Jack & Jill experience. Kai has been a part of many clubs and different hobbies.



Anjolie Leonard, is the daughter of Donyell Gray-Leonard and Michael Leonard. Anjolie has served as South Miami Chapter Teen Treasurer, and is currently the Teen Secretary. She attends St. Brendan High School in Miami, Florida and is dually enrolled at St. Thomas University, with a 4.5 GPA. Anjolie is a Member of The National Honor Society, and the National Social Studies Honor Society. Anjolie serves as President of the St. Brendan High School Law and Global Business Academy, and is a member of the State Champion Varsity Cheerleading team. Anjolie plans to attend an HBCU, focusing on Law and Medicine in the fall.


Kennedy Pilar James is the daughter of Mrs. Phala (Paula) Jordan-James and Mr. Joey James. She is a senior at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Coconut Grove, Florida and has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for twelve years. Kennedy has volunteered over 1,000 community service hours. Kennedy has held many leadership roles in the South Miami Chapter and currently serves as Teen President. Kennedy has also served as the Black Student Union President and Vice President and has participated in many school productions. She is a member of the National Thespian Society and has won state awards.


Tijé Scott is a senior at Robert Morgan Educational Center in Miami, Florida and is the daughter of Toi and Brad Scott. She has been a member of the South Miami Chapter for five years where she has served as Teen Foundation Chair, Teen Chaplain, Teen Recording Secretary and Teen Vice-President. Tijè is a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and is devoted to community service and cultural awareness. Tijè spends much of her time dancing, choreographing, and performing. Having received several acceptances to multiple colleges and universities, she plans to major in Pre-Medicine, Biology and Health Studies in the Fall of 2023.


Keehnon J. Jackson is a senior at Lehigh Senior High School in Lehigh Acres, Florida, and is the son of Steven & Nateefah Jackson. He’s been a member of the SWFL Chapter for one year and is Teen President. Keehnon will attend Howard University to major in Fine Arts. Keehnon performs on stage and has directed/choreographed for statewide shows & competitions. He’s Lightning Theatre Company VP, SGA Treasurer, NHS member, and Homecoming King. He aspires to act on camera and Broadway, model, make music, and host events. Keehnon keeps God first, for without His grace and mercy, nothing is possible.


Corris L. McIntosh, III is a Senior at Lehigh Senior High School in Lehigh Acres, FL and is the son of Mr. Corris & Dr. Shadreka McIntosh. He has been a member of the Southwest Florida Chapter since chartering in 2022 and is the VP of the teens. Corris is a member of NHS, Youth Coalition of SWFL, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and 4 year Varsity Football letterman. Corris volunteered with COVID vaccination clinics and coached youth football. Corris will attend FAMU or USF, major in Business Administration/Analytics, minor in Sports Management to pursue a career in professional athletics industry.


Senior Teen Reagan Mechelle Butts is a 12th grade honors student at Greater Atlanta Christian School (GACS) in Norcross, GA and the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Marvell (Kristi Fultz-) Butts. A 10-yr member of the Stone Mountain Chapter, Reagan is Teen President after serving as Vice President among numerous other leadership capacities. At GACS, she is Culture Club President, American Sign Language Club Vice President, a Varsity Cheerleader and much more. For the United Way of Greater Atlanta, she is a Youth United Board Member. Reagan will major in biochemistry pre-med at Spelman College towards a career as a dermatologist.




Isaiah Collier is the youngest son of Dwain and Chandra Collier and a graduate of Wheeler High School, where he led their basketball team as the #1 point guard in the state of Georgia and ranked #1 nationally. Isaiah has been an active member of the Stone Mountain Chapter for 8 years, serving on Foundation and Service Committees. He has served his community volunteering monthly with the CheauxLove Project in Atlanta. Recruited nationally, Isaiah signed/accepted a full athletic scholarship offer from the University of Southern California where he will study business focusing on entrepreneurial studies.


Joshua Crum is the son of Jimmy Crum and Syllen and Reginald Hill. He has been a member of the Stone Mountain Chapter of Jack and Jill for five years. Josh is a scholar-athlete at Brookwood High School in Snellville, Georgia where he played varsity football and was a member of the varsity track team. In 2022, Josh was the 300m hurdles winner in the Georgia 7A State Track & Field competition. He was also selected to run in the Adidas Track Nationals where he came in fifth place. Josh plans to major in engineering at the university of his choice.


Kari Dickerson is a senior at Parkview High School in Lilburn, Georgia and is the daughter of Dr. Asha Dickerson. Kari is a member of the Stone Mountain Chapter of Jack and Jill. She is a player and coach at the Atlanta Extreme Volleyball Club and Letters for Rose Lilburn board member. Kari is a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and has received awards in volleyball and writing. She intends to attend a Historically Black University and pursue a career in sports psychology while continuing to grow her skills as a volleyball coach.


Ashlyn Newton is a Tucker High School senior in Tucker, GA and the daughter of Eric and Deneen Newton. Ashlyn joined the Stone Mountain Chapter of Jack and Jill four years ago. She has represented the chapter twice in The Ann Owen Gordon Oratorical Contest as well as serving as Senior Teens Legislative Chair. Ashlyn is in Tucker’s IB program, Gold Rush Dance Team, Habitat for Humane Club VP, and formerly, Junior Class President. She spends countless hours volunteering through various nonprofit organizations, creating electronic drives, and assisting with local voter registration drives. Ashlyn plans to major in philosophy pre-law.


Elizabeth Smiley, daughter of Terra Smiley and the late Shawn Smiley, is an honors student at DeKalb School of the Arts where she’s active in National Honor Society, Impact Club, and the Inter Faith Club. In 2021, Elizabeth founded the Good Vibes Association, creating space for her peers to practice creative stress relieving techniques. She will graduate with a 4.1 GPA and 30+ dual enrollment credits. A member of the Stone Mountain Chapter since 2017, she has served as Corresponding Secretary and Service Chair. Elizabeth will pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree before touring with a professional dance company.


Imari Kamil Welcher, a senior at Dekalb School of the Arts in Avondale Estates, GA, is the son of Rev. Kamau and Dr. Adria Welcher and a thirteen year member of Jack and Jill. Imari is the co-captain of Highleit Show Choir, Student of the Performing Arts Drama Representative and Program Manager; founding member of DSA’s Fitness Club and the Morning Drama Troup; a member of the Atlanta Music Project, Youth Ensemble of Atlanta, Alliance Theatre Teen Ensemble, and the Youth Council at First Baptist Church East Point. Imari will attend Morehouse College and double major in music and drama.



Matthew Barfield is a senior at Jonathan C. Gibbs High School in Saint Petersburg, Florida and is the son of Michael and Nikki Barfield. He has been a member of the Suncoast Chapter for 15 years. Matthew has been involved in the school marching band, National Honor Society, Ryan Nece Student Service Program and Sigma Beta Club. Although undecided on his college choice, he plans to attend an HBCU and major in Business or Music as well as participate in the college marching band.


Mykenzi is a senior at Boca Ciega High School in St. Petersburg, FL and is the daughter of Dr. Delphinia Davis. She has been a member of the Suncoast Chapter for 10 years. Mykenzi currently serves as Sergeant-of-Arms and previously served as Foundation Chair. She is Senior Class President and a member of the National Honor Society, National High School Honor Society, Rho Kappa Honor Society, Student Government, Torch & Laurel Society, President of Multicultural Club, and Spanish Honor Society. She is undecided about which college she will attend; however, she will major in Biology/Pre-Med and plans to attend medical school.


Rhegan Duncombe is a senior at Out of Door Academy in Sarasota, Florida, the daughter of Adrian Duncombe and Jennifer Curry-Duncombe. She has been a member for 13 years (Saint Louis Chapter for 7 years and Suncoast Chapter for 6 years). She has served as past Corresponding Secretary. She is an accomplished level 9 gymnast. She has been a Girl Scout for 14 years and earned the Gold Award in 2022. Gymnast to Gymnast, a nonprofit that assists gymnasts in the Bahamas, was founded by Rhegan. She will major in psychology and minor in business with a pre-medicine track.


Tyler is a senior at Clearwater Central Catholic High in Clearwater, FL and is the son of Stephany Greene. He has been a Legacy member of the Suncoast Chapter since 2019, where he currently serves as Teen President. He enjoys serving the community at Church of The Isles, St. Patrick’s Church, St. Vincent’s Church, Water4Mercy, Belleair Recreation Center, St. Pete Youth Farm, and St. Petersburg Clinic. Tyler founded his school’s first coffee shop and has been a varsity athlete in basketball, golf, track, and cross-country. Tyler will attend Morehouse College to pursue a career in film, television, and music production.


Gabriella is a senior at Sarasota High School in Sarasota, Florida, and is the daughter of Marcus Stafford and Valerie Powell-Stafford. She has been a member of Suncoast Chapter for 2 years. Gabriella is the Nominating Chairperson for Suncoast Chapter Teen Group and served as the Delegate for the 2022 SER Teen Conference. She is a Girl Scout for 13 years and has volunteered and interned with West Coast Black Theatre Troupe. She is undecided about which college she will attend; however, she plans to major in Film and minor in theater with the goal of becoming an entertainment producer.


Evan Davis Brown is a senior at Maclay High School in Tallahassee, Florida and is the son of Junious and Monesia Brown. He has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter of Jack and Jill for 10 years. Evan has served as a Vacation Bible School and Summer Camp Counselor for 5 years. He is a multi-sport athlete and has been named a scholar athlete for several years. In Jack and Jill, Evan serves as the Chapter Parliamentarian and on the Regional Teen Advisory Committee. He plans to attend college where he will major in Business Administration.




Brantley Gibson, a senior at James S. Rickards High School in Tallahassee, FL, is the son of Lametra and Erik Smallwood. He has been a member of the Tallahassee chapter of Jack and Jill for seven years. He has served as chaplain, historian, Vice President and is the current President of the teen group. Outside of Jack and Jill he serves as the current president of the Tallahassee Chapter of Kappa League and serves the student-led nonprofit group STEMout. The International Baccalaureate student plans to attend a 4-year university where he will major in communications and media production.


Jane` Rosa Hightower is the daughter of Jacqueline Hightower and Dr. Roscoe Hightower, Jr. She has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years and is a graduate of Lincoln High School. Jane` has enjoyed participating in Pearls of Perfection teen leadership development program, JROTC, the National Achievers Society, and the National Honors Society. Upon graduation, Jane` plans to earn a bachelor’s degree in finance and endeavors to pursue a career as a chief financial officer.


Asiah Lynn Jones is a senior at Leon High School in Tallahassee, Florida and the daughter of Anthony and Brandy Jones. She has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter for 14 years and served as the Chapter’s Teen Historian and volunteers for the annual Tallahassee Science Festival. She is member of Dance Marathon and Interact Club at her high school. Asiah has also danced for 15 years and earned multiple 1st place overall awards for her solo performances. Asiah will pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts in dance, but has not yet decided which college she will attend.


Colin McKinley Young McAllister is the second son born to Rev. Dr. Julius and Mrs. Deana McAllister. Colin is one of three sons. He will graduate from Maclay School this Spring. Colin is a member of the Varsity Boys Basketball Team where he serves as the Point Guard, averaging 15 points per game. He is also a member of the Florida Association of Christian Athletes. Colin is an active member of Bethel AME Church where he serves as a youth usher, member of the Joshua Generation Choir and attends Sunday School. Colin is also a member of the Tallahassee Chapter of Distinguished Young Gentlemen of America.


Jordan Nealy is a senior at Lawton Chiles High School in Tallahassee, Florida. Jordan is the son of Erica Mays and Stanley Nealy. Jordan has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter of Jack and Jill for 12 years. Jordan enjoys volunteering with Bond Community Health Center’s Covid vaccination clinics and food distributions as well as with Second Harvest Food Pantry. Upon graduation Jordan plans to attend Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University where he will major in Computer Science with a concentration in Coding and Cyber Security.


Aida Richardson, a senior at Leon High, is the beloved daughter of Curtis and Nina Richardson. She has been a Jack and Jill member for 12 years. Aida is on the Leon County School Board, representing 30,000 students. Aida is an honor student taking AP classes, and a leader in numerous organizations. She’s a student-athlete in soccer, cheerleading, track, and taekwondo. Aida has numerous awards for her academic and athletic achievements. She received Congressman Lawson’s appointment to the U.S. Naval and Airforce Academy. Aida is undecided but will major in aerospace engineering. She attends Bethel AME Church.



Bryce Mitchell Sawyer is a senior at Leon High School in Tallahassee, Florida, and is the son of Roosevelt and Theresa Sawyer, Jr. He has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter for 10 years. Bryce has served as the Chapter’s Teen Assistant Recording Secretary and Co-Historian. He is a member of Leon’s Marines Corps JROTC and Science National Honor Society. Additionally, he is a member of the National MagLab’s Alumni Centered Decisions Council and NSBE, Jr. and serves as a church usher. Bryce will major in Mechanical Engineering but has not yet decided on the college he will attend.


Kyle Matthew Scott, a Senior at James S. Rickards High School of Tallahassee, FL, is the son of Darion and Taita Scott. Kyle has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter for 14 years. Kyle has served as a student volunteer in Leon County Schools, participant in the 100 Black Men of Tallahassee Saturday Success Academy, and is a member of Bethel A.M.E. Church of Tallahassee where he has served on the Youth Usher Board and Vacation Bible School Showcase Announcer. Kyle plans to attend Tallahassee Community College and prepare for a career in Hospitality Administration.


Hudson Taylor is a senior at Lawton Chiles High school in Tallahassee, Florida and is the son of Edra Taylor. He has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter for 7 years where he has served as the Teen Historian. At Chiles high school, Hudson serves as Student Body President and Vice-President of Chiles Cancer Society. As Student Body President he established a campaign to raise funds for Stroke Awareness with Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. He plans to attend Tulane University where he will major in Marketing.


John David Thomas, II is a senior at IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida. He is the son of Mr. John David Thomas, Sr. & Mrs. Lillie Thomas. He has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter for 12 years. He has remained an active member of this chapter, as well as his church Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, member of Black Student Union and member of Distinguished Young Gentleman. He is the captain of his basketball team and serves on the IMG Student Council. John David plans to attend a 4-year university where he will pursue a degree in engineering degree.


Symone Thompson, daughter of Emerson III and Renee Thompson, has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter for 15 years and serves as Teen Vice President. A senior at Leon High in Tallahassee, Fla., Symone is top 10 of her class; a member of Student Government, Science, History, English and Spanish honor societies, and president of the Pierian Chapter of the National Honor Society. Her community involvement includes Youth Leadership Tallahassee and founding a summer camp, helping students build math skills. In college, Symone plans to double-major in Political Science and Business before becoming a lawyer.


Morgan Christopher Watkins, a senior attending Leon High School, in Tallahassee, FL, is the son of Mr. Willie Mitchell and Dr. Darice Richard-Mitchell. He has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter for 15 years. Morgan is a member of Leon’s Key and Film Clubs. He serves on the yearbook/Mosaic magazine staff. He has served as a Florida Legislative Messenger/Pager. His commitment to high performance has led Morgan to receive awards involving his photography, short-film imaging/creation, and graphic design. Morgan plans to attend Savannah College of Art and Design/Atlanta, to pursue a M.F.A. degree in Photography & Image-Making.




Andrew Watson, a senior at Florida State School in Tallahassee, Florida, is the son of Darrick and Allyson Watson. He has been a member of the Tallahassee Chapter for three years. He holds a 4.49 GPA with industry certifications. He is a member of BIG, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, National Honor Society, Mathematics Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, English Honor Society, National High School Honors Society and participated in pre-college programs at Hampton, USF, FAMU, and FSU. He’s the recipient of multiple awards for academic achievements. He plans to attend college and start a publishing company specializing in graphic communication.


Nicholai is a Senior at St. Lucie West Centennial High School in Port Saint Lucie, FL and is the son of Gusti and Alix Deneau. Nicholai has been a member of the Treasure Coast Chapter of Jack and Jill for 8 years. He served as the Chapter Teen Secretary for the 2021-2022 program year. Nicholai is currently running track and field for Centennial High School. He volunteers at the Treasure Coast food bank. He plans to attend FAMU to major in business. Nicholai aspires to become a business entrepreneur.


Aysia is a senior at Lincoln Park Academy Magnet School in Fort Pierce, FL, and the daughter of Brandon and Betty Prince. Aysia has been a member of the Treasure Coast Chapter of Jack and Jill for five years. She currently serves as Teen Vice President for the 2022-2023 program year and has served as the Teen Secretary. She gives back to her community thru her affiliation with her church, youth girls group, and her Jack and Jill Chapter. She plans to attend Indian River State College where she will major in Nursing. Aysia aspires to become a Registered Nurse.


John Kenneth Boykin, Jr. is a senior at Booker T. Washington High School in Tuskegee, AL and is the son of John Boykin, Sr. and Wendy Strain Boykin. John has been a member of the Tuskegee, AL Chapter for over 10 years. He currently serves as the ‘Skegee Teen Chapter Editor and Foundation Chair. John participates in the Debate Club, the BTW Golden Voices and The E-Sports Team. He is active in his community as a Boy Scout with Troop 170 and volunteers with various organizations having completed over 400 community hours last program year. John has decided to attend either Tuskegee University or Troy University for Computer Engineering and History.


Alexys J’leah Candace Frazier is a senior at Booker T. Washington High School in Tuskegee Alabama and she is the daughter of Anthony and Yashica Frazier. She is currently the teen president for the Tuskegee chapter and has been a member of Jack and Jill for 11 years. She is active in the Honor Roll, Choir, SGA, Golden Ambassadors, Basketball and Softball at her school. She hasn’t yet decided where to go to college just yet but mostly Troy University or Alabama A&M and majoring in computer science.


Johnny S. Paradise is a senior at Brewbaker Technology Magnet High School in Montgomery, AL and is the son of Johnny and Shamarick Paradise. He has been a member of the Tuskegee Chapter since 2022. He has been a volunteer math tutor for Diversity Academy since 2019 and serves Montgomery Bicycle Club during their annual Glassner event. Johnny plans to attend Auburn University in the fall where he will major in Software Engineering. Upon completion his ultimate goal is to design video games for Sony Playstation.



Parker J. Scales is a senior at Auburn High School in Auburn, AL and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Redditt, Jr. Jill Parker has been a member of the Tuskegee Jack and Jill Chapter for 2 years. Parker is an Auburn High School Ambassador, a member of National Honor Society, Afro-Cultural Education Club, and Vice President of Diversity Council. Parker volunteers at her community’s local food bank. She is still deciding where she will pursue a pre-law degree. She has been accepted into Spelman College, North Carolina A&T, and the University of Alabama.


Gabriel is the son of Mr. Harris Baker and Dr. Ashley Spencer-Baker. Gabriel is a dually enrolled student athlete and is a member of the National Honor Society and National Society of High School Scholars. His activities include varsity football, basketball and volunteering. For his athleticism, Gabriel has received several awards and multiple nominations, mentions, and rankings. Gabriel currently serves as Teen Vice President for the Tuskegee Chapter and has been a member for 4 years. Upon graduation, Gabriel plans on obtaining multiple professional licenses, playing collegiate sports and attending law school.


Lowndes High School in Valdosta, GA and is the daughter of Tracy and Melissa Alexander. She has been a member of the Valdosta Jack and Jill Chapter for two years. Makenzie is a member of the youth section of NCNW Valdosta, an active member of New Life Ministries where she has served as a youth usher and youth assistant with children’s church. Makenzie has volunteered at Second Harvest, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, been a four-year member of Mock Trial at Lowndes High School and is currently the senior president of Valdosta Teens on a Mission. She has decided to attend Albany State University where she will major in Marketing.


Senior at Valdosta High School in Valdosta, Georgia and is the daughter of Valerie Bryant. She has been a member of the Valdosta Teens on a mission Jack and Jill Chapter for 2 years. Vanay is dual enrollment student who is the Vice President of her schools recycling club, and member of The Beta club and student council. She is also a mentee in “Pearls for girls” where she does community service. She been accepted into colleges like Brenau and Augusta University so far, and plans to make her final decision when all decisions have come back.


Senior at Valdosta High School in Valdosta, GA and is the son of Dr. Kendrick and Dr. LaShayla Dyer. He has been a member of the Valdosta Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated for 2 years. Tylin is involved in the several academic and community organizations including Beta Club, African American Male Initiate Program at Valdosta State University, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated- Kappa Tau Lambda Mentor Program, Annette Howell Turner Center for the Arts Writing Club, Jack and Jill of America: Senior Teens Foundation Service Chair, National Society of High School Scholars, Navy Corps JROTC.


Lowndes High School in Valdosta, Georgia and is the son of Carl & LaToya Smith. He has been a member of the Valdosta Jack and Jill Chapter for four months. He has decided to attend Rockford University where he will major in Physical Education will future plans of becoming a High School Football Coach.




Senior at Lowndes High School, Valdosta, Ga. He is the son of Pastor Erick and Dr. Sheila Thomas. He has been a member of the Valdosta Jack and Jill Chapter for one year. He has been involved in the Valdosta City Mayor’s Council, National Beta Club, SPARK -Freshman Mentorship Program, FBLA, Alpha Phi Alpha Mentor/Mentee Program, Young Black Leadership Alliance, Envision Experience (Junior National Young Leaders Conference), Georgia Bridgemen Marching Band, The National Society of High School Scholars, Union Cathedral ChurchYouth and Media Ministry. ciety of High School Scholars, Union Cathedral Church-Youth and Media Ministry.


Senior at Valdosta High School and is the daughter of member Denetria Morrow-Finnissee. She has been a member of Valdosta Chapter Jack and Jill Incorporated for 1 year, and currently serves as the Young Black Leaders Vice President. She is a part of FBLA, FCA, Track and Field and the Lady Wildcat Basketball team. She is a Girl Scout of America Troop 40046. She serves in the community on the Juneteenth committee in Thomasville, Georgia. She was crowned Miss Talent Supreme and Miss Juneteenth runner -up in 2022. She is a member at the Church at Pine Hill where she ushers and dances on the dance ministry.


Josephine Glass is a senior at Oak Mountain Academy in Carrollton, Ga. She is the daughter of Marilyn and Richard Glass Jr. M.D. She is a 5 Star, 2018 Teen chartered member of 4 years at West Ga Chapter. She is the Southeastern Teen Regional Teen Vice President. She is an Honor Roll Student. Her community involvement includes Kiwanis Club, The Links, NAACP and Carrollton Performing Arts Center. She also tutors at church and school. She plans to major in Psychology/Law and wants to attend colleges at Princeton, Drexel, Hampton or Emory Oxford University.


Johnathan Hunte a senior at Chapel Hill H.S. and dual enrollment student at Georgia State University and Univ of West Ga . He attended Riverside Military Academy 2021-22 and was a Gold Star Recipient. An AB Honor roll student at Lithia Springs H.S. 2019-21. His hobbies include basketball, reading, coding, and entrepreneurship. He is Teen Treasurer of West Ga Chapter from 2018 to present. An athlete from 2016 running the 400 hurdles for Quicksilver Track Club. He advanced to Jr. Olympics 2 yrs in a row. Johnathan plans to study computer engineering, cybersecurity, and wants to attend N.Y. Univ, Univ. of Ga, or Ga Tech.


Kaleb Ryan Partridge is a senior at Douglas County High School in Douglasville, GA; he is the son of Mother Alanya Levison. Kaleb has been a member of the West Georgia Chapter for five years. Kaleb’s enjoys playing basketball and spending time with his family and friends. In the fall, he will attend either Georgia State University or Kennesaw State University where he will major in computer science.


Javen Boyd is a Senior at Nolensville High School in Nolensville, Tennessee and is the daughter of Theophilus & Melissa Boyd. She has been a member of the Williamson County Area Chapter for seven years. She is active in many clubs at NHS as well as a member of the varsity track team. While in Jack & Jill, Javen has served on the Fundraising and Teen Conference Committees, served as Co-Chair of the Foundation Committee and currently serves as Teen Chapter Treasurer. Upon entering college in the Fall of 2023 Javen plans to major in Biology/ Pre-Med.



Gabriela Joy Flowers is a Senior at Blackman High School in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and is the daughter of Michael and Candice Flowers. She has been a member of the Williamson County Area Chapter for three years. She is a participant in the Blackman A-Capella Choir, which is the highest level chorus at her high school. She is also a participant in the musical theatre program and has been cast in three school musicals. In the fall, Gabriela will attend Middle Tennessee State University where she will major in Marketing Management and minor in Music.


Myles Hallett is a senior at Ravenwood HS in Brentwood, TN and is the son of Maurice and Tonya Hallett. He has been a member of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated for seven years and a member of Williamson County Area Chapter for the past two years. In addition, Myles was a member of North Oakland Macomb Chapter (MI) and Mercer County Chapter (NJ). He has served as Nominations and Teen Retreat Chair in addition to serving on other teen committees. Kappa League, Varsity Basketball and Varsity Football are his extracurricular pastimes. He plans to major in Computer Science.


Sterling Alexander Jones is a senior at Ravenwood High School in Brentwood, Tennessee and is the son of Samuel and Karva Jones. Sterling has been an active member of the Williamson County Area Chapter of Jack and Jill for ten years, having served as Teen Chaplain, Treasurer, and currently President. Sterling has received numerous awards in academics (including AP Scholar with Distinction) and volunteering (including Jack and Jill Outstanding Volunteer Service Award – Gold Medal Awardee) and is a member of both the theater and chorus (Bass Section Leader) programs at RHS. Sterling intends to study Business Administration in the fall.


Jasmine Mallery is a senior at Nolensville High School in Nolensville, Tennessee. She is the daughter of Sharraff and Sonja Mallery. She currently serves as the Teen Foundation Chair for her chapter. Jasmine is an awardwinning gymnast who has competed in the sport for over 10 years. At NHS, Jasmine is a member of the National Honor Society, the National Technical Honor Society, Health Occupational Students of America (HOSA), FORWARD, and Women’s Rights Advocate Group. Jasmine plans to pursue a degree in healthcare at Ohio State University. Her goal is to help close the health disparities gap in the US.


Christian Mitchell is a senior at Ravenwood High School in Brentwood, Tennessee. Christian is the son of Dr. Lori Breaux-Mitchell and Mr. Shelby Mitchell. He has been a member of the Williamson County Area Chapter since 2007. As a chapter teen, Christian has served the teen group as vice-president, treasurer and foundation chair. Christian is an avid tennis player who also enjoys volunteering, working with school organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and video games. Christian plans to attend college in the fall and pursue a career in the field of psychology.


Brandon Carter Nashe is a senior at Ravenwood High School (RHS) in Brentwood, Tennessee and is the son of Dr. Turner and Phylanice Nashe. He has been a member of the Williamson County Area Chapter since 2022. Brandon is a member of Watson Grove Baptist Church, a member of RHS’s Black Student Alliance and a Food Drive volunteer. He has decided to attend Morehouse College where he will major in Business Administration with plans to pursue an MBA.




Karena Prince is a senior at Centennial High School in Franklin,TN and is the daughter of Artie Prince and Lia Scales Prince. She has been a member of the Williamson County Area Chapter for 3 years. She has been involved in community service with Elijah’s Heart’s - Walk of Love Program packaging and delivering food to disadvantaged communities. She has decided to attend Middle Tennessee State University where she will major in Textiles, Merchandising and Design and pursue a career in Apparel Design.






Suncoast, FL | Southeastern Region




Missouri City-Sugar Land, TX | South Central Region




Greater Metropolitan Atlanta, GA | Southeastern Region 912 912

DAKALEN LOVETTE Air Capital Wichita, KS | Central Region 913

MASON WILLIAMS Air Capital Wichita, KS | Central Region 914

MAKAYLA PARKER Bloomington-Normal, IL | Central Region 915

ERICA NJIAJU Greater Pikes Peak, CO | Central Region 916

SCHUYLER ACCOO MIRANDA Burlington County, NJ | Eastern Region 917

AAYANA FRYSON Central NJ | Eastern Region 918

MACAYLA ADDISON Central NJ | Eastern Region 919

LAINEY DOZIER Central NJ | Eastern Region 920

GRACE PAGES Essex-Hudson, NJ | Eastern Region 921

ISABELLA LEWIS Greater Pocono, PA | Eastern Region 922

JULIUS SAMPSON Greater Pocono, PA | Eastern Region 923

MALIHA KAMARA Prince George's County, MD | Eastern Region 924

LONDON MALEBRANCHE Rockland Orange, NY | Eastern Region 925

GAYE CHAMBERS-JACKSON Westchester County, NY | Eastern Region 926

ISABELLA THOMPSON Westchester County, NY | Eastern Region 927

VICTORIA THOMPSON Westchester County, NY | Eastern Region 928

MARIAH TROY Westchester County, NY | Eastern Region 929

VIVIENNE WRIGHT Oakland Bay Area, CA | Far West Region


CHARLENE HALL Circle City, IL | Mid-Western Region 931

RENA HALL Circle City, IL | Mid-Western Region 932

BROOKLYNN GRACE TUCKER Columbus, OH | Mid-Western Region 933

CHRISTOPHER FULLER Greater Champaign-Urbana, IL | Mid-Western Region 934

AVA PORTER Magnificent Mile, IL | Mid-Western Region 935

JAYE PORTER Magnificent Mile, IL | Mid-Western Region 936

ISAIAH MANDISODZA Monarch Cities, IL | Mid-Western Region 937

NOAH CATHEY Dallas, TX | South Central Region 938

TONI STURDIVANT Fort Worth, TX | South Central Region Region 939

ZURI STURDIVANT Fort Worth, TX | South Central Region Region 940

VICTORIA OLABINTAN Greater Frisco, TX | South Central Region Region 941

SAMAYA HORNSBY Missouri City-Sugar Land, TX | South Central Region Region 942

ETHAN MEEKS Missouri City-Sugar Land, TX | South Central Region Region 943

AMARIAH ALLEN San Antonio, TX | South Central Region Region 944

GISELLE ALLEN San Antonio, TX | South Central Region Region 945

GABRIELLA WELLS San Antonio, TX | South Central Region Region 946

BRIEL BLUNT Brevard County, FL | Southeastern Region 947

LAURYN GLASS West Georgia, GA | Southeastern Region 948

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