Tradewinds :: Vol. 19, #1

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The Latest on the GO Bond Project Includes You


The Iconic McNab House Could Become an Exciting New Dining and Entertainment Destination


Live Like a Tourist and Take a Ride on the Water Taxi





Do you live, work, play or own or do business in Pompano Beach? If so, the City of Pompano Beach will need your input to help prepare Plan it Pompano!

A look back into the 1960’s when Pompano Beach was home-base for major league team, The Washington Senators spring training.

ABOUT THE COVER: A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE BEAUTIFUL HILLSBORO INLET FEATURING THE POMPANO BEACH WATER TAXI. W RI TER / E D I TO R : S A NDRA KING, PUBL IC COM M UNICATION S D IR EC TOR | GR AP H IC D ES IGN E R /PH OTOGR A P H E R : JA C QUE LIN E B A R R E TT Tradewinds of Pompano Beach is published twice a year by the City of Pompano Beach for the benefit of residents. This publication is made possible by the Pompano Beach City Commission. If you have questions or comments concerning this publication, please call 954.786.5552, write us at P.O. Box 1300, Pompano Beach, FL 33060 or e-mail All advertisements are paid for by the advertisers and are in no way an endorsement of the advertiser or their products by the City of Pompano Beach or its employees.

June 2 019 //

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The Latest on the Path to Building Includes you

Last year, the City worked out the dollars and cents for GO Pompano!, and local officials worked behind the scenes to jump start the path to building. Here’s a look at last year’s progress, as well as some important next steps before construction can commence — one of which includes you! Step 1: Recruiting

Step 4: Public Outreach Meeting

Like any big construction project, GO Pompano! needs tal-

THIS STEP INVOLVES YOU! The City has pre-scheduled 36

ented contractors, architects and engineers to get the job

public outreach meetings between April 15th and August

done right. In August 2018, local officials sent out a call for

6th. Each meeting will include a public presentation on Go

talented designers and builders, then ranked them based on

Pompano! and a chance for you to make your voice heard!

qualifications, price and other considerations. By December 2018, the list of recruits was complete.

Step 5: Design Once local officials receive your input, it’s a race to the draw-

Step 2: Approval

ing board! The City will then sit down with its consultants

Once local officials compiled a large enough pool of talent,

to design each project. The goal is to complete the design

they sent their list of top recruits to the City Commission for

phase by mid-2020.

approval. The Commission completed the approval process in February 2019, giving local officials permission to engage the top-ranking firms and negotiate contracts.

Step 3: Negotiation and Approval Local officials are currently negotiating contracts with the top-ranking firms. They have until June to bring those contracts back to the City Commission, and the Commission will have until July 2019 to approve them.


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As you can see, we still have several important steps to complete before we can break ground on these exciting improvements to Pompano Beach. But local officials are putting the pedal to the metal to ensure our GO Pompano! projects are completed as soon as possible.

Meeting Schedule






June 3


Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Construction


E. Pat Larkins Community Center

6 pm

June 4th


SE 5th Avenue Bridge Improvement


Emma Lou Olson Civic Center

6 pm

June 5th


A1A Improvements


Emma Lou Olson Civic Center

6 pm







June 10 Mon

McNair Park Renovations


McNair Park & Recreational Center

6 pm

June 12th Wed

Senior Citizens Center


E. Pat Larkins Community Center

6 pm

June 17th Mon

North Pompano Park Improvements


Highlands Civic Center

6 pm

June 19 Wed

McNab Road Improvements & McNab Road Bridge


Pompano Beach Cultural Center

6 pm

June 24 Mon

Mitchell Moore Park Improvements


E. Pat Larkins Community Center

6 pm

June 26th Wed

Collier City Neighborhood Improvements (tentative)


Collier City Civic Association

6 pm

June 27th Thu Public Safety Complex-Kester Park Improvements (Rescheduled) 3

Emma Lou Olson Civic Center

6 pm

July 2


Terra Mar Drive Bridge Improvements


Emma Lou Olson Civic Center

6 pm

July 3


Fire Emergency OPS Center


Pompano Beach Cultural Center

6 pm

July 8th


Ultimate Sports Park


E. Pat Larkins Community Center

6 pm

July 10th


NE 33rd Street Improvements


Highlands Park & Recreational Center 6 pm

July 15


Kester Park Improvements


Emma Lou Olson Civic Center

6 pm

July 17


Dixie Highway Improvements


Pompano Beach Cultural Center

6 pm

July 18th


Youth Sports Complex - Centennial Park


Emma Lou Olson Civic Center

6 pm

July 22nd Mon

SE 5th Avenue Bridge Improvement


Emma Lou Olson Civic Center

6 pm

July 24

A1A Improvements


Pompano Beach Cultural Center

6 pm


th th

nd rd

th th



July 25 Thu Open th

July 29th


Fire Station #61 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard


E. Pat Larkins Community Center

6 pm

July 30th Tue Open July 31st Wed Palm Aire-Fire Station #114 and Fire Station #52 (FS update only) 5

Herb Skolnick Community Center

Aug 5



Aug 6th


Senior Citizens Center



6 pm

E. Pat Larkins Community Center 6:00 PM

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Blanche Ely House NOW OPEN



Designed to offer an ab-


Ely historical home is an

Above and below: A look inside of the newly opened Blanche Ely House.

breviated glimpse into the couple’s professional and

educational facility devoted to preserving, sharing

personal accomplishments, the inaugural exhibition has an ex-

and promoting the rich history, culture, and contributions

tensive collection of photographs, letters, and artifacts celebrat-

of Blanche E. General Ely, an educator and humanitarian for

ing the educational pioneers and community activists Blanche

African American children and teachers in Broward County.

and Joseph Ely.

A Grand Opening and Ribbon

The Blanche Ely Historical House

Cutting of the historic Blanche

is owned by the City of Pompano

Ely Historical Museum was

Beach and is on the Local Reg-

held in March. The house is lo-

ister of Historic Places. The City

cated at 1500 N.W. 6 Avenue.

completed the renovations to the historic former home and is now

The Blanche Ely House will ar-

opening the home to the public.

chive and research the history of African American commu-

The museum will be free and open

nities in Pompano Beach, pro-

to the public on Tuesdays and

viding a forum for scholarship,

Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. until

historical overview and com-

2:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from

munity participation through

10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

collaborative partnerships.


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Exciting New Concept for the McNab House



he McNab House, an iconic, 1926 historic struc-

Beach. “We’re excited about this project and the possibility to

ture located at 1736 East Atlantic Boulevard, could

save an historic structure and activate the park with uses such

become a new, beautiful and exciting dining and

as a restaurant and bed and breakfast for the community and

entertainment destination for Pompano Beach!

tourist to enjoy,” said Pompano Beach City Commissioner Tom

Adaptive reuse of the existing structure could lead to its

McMahon, former President of the Pompano Beach Historical

conversion into a res-

Society. The Commu-

taurant like the for-


mer historic homes

Agency (CRA) Board



expressed the same


sentiment after see-

destinations in Delray

ing the concept at







their last meeting.


House now

cal Gardens concept


includes renovations




and Botanical Gardens

to the House, lush

project has been met








support from the com-

throughout the site.

munity. Many support-


ers embraced the idea


uses include a bed

Proposed rendering of the McNab House Botanical Gardens concept

and breakfast, and an

of having a destination place like Sundy House

open English-style garden design with a gazebo for wed-

in Pompano Beach. Sundy House in Delray Beach is a beautiful

dings and other special events. Within the McNab House

venue with lush tropical gardens, a restaurant, and inn that at-

and Botanical Gardens concept, a paseo is suggested to

tracts thousands of tourists and visitors every year. In addition

activate the area with pedestrians and bicyclist. While the

to the public support for the project, a letter of support from the

concept calls for private operators, it will remain open to the

Pompano Beach Historical Society was shared with the public at

public during business hours.

the CRA Board Meeting.

Today the McNab House is one of the oldest homes in Pom-

The project, would continue to stir economic development activ-

pano Beach and had been in the McNab family for genera-

ity along the Atlantic Boulevard corridor. “The City of Pompano

tions. In December of 2018, the McNab property was pur-

Beach has a unique opportunity to preserve a piece of history and

chased by a private developer. There is strong support by

save the McNab House from demolition. This area could become

many, including the McNab family, to preserve the McNab

a gathering space for the community and a destination place for

House and avoid demolition. The site identified as an alternative location for The McNab House is McNab Park, a few blocks east of the existing home. There is an opportunity to keep the McNab family ties strong by relocating the house to McNab Park. The existing park is on land that was donated by the McNab family to the City of Pompano

visitors,” continued Commissioner McMahon. Cultural Heritage Tourism is a growing sector of the tourism market and the proposed concept is an opportunity to tap into that market, educate the local community on Pompano’s history, and continue economic growth along the Atlantic Boulevard corridor. The McNab House and Botanical Gardens concept would create jobs, generate new revenue, and continue to put Pompano Beach on the map.

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City E x pa n d s Bulk Trash Services for Homes


n the April 9 th Commission Meeting,

once per week bulk service for single family houses, duplex and triplex dwellings.

the Pompano Beach City Commis-

Residents now have the opportunity to place larger amounts of bulk materials at

sion approved to expand bulk trash

the curb twice per calendar year at no additional cost.

pick-up for residents who live in

single family houses, duplex and triplex

The expanded service is in effect immediately and to participate in the expand-

dwellings that produce large amounts

ed service, residents are asked to contact the City’s bulk trash information line

of vegetation due to annual or semi-

at 954.786.4030 to schedule the additional service. They will be able to choose

annual trimming of trees and shrubs.

which two additional days of service they would like.

Residents have voiced their concerns to City officials that the size limits of

The expanded service works on a calendar schedule so the two additional days

bulk trash allowed to be placed at the

begin in January of each year for each residence. The City will maintain a data-

curb causes them to place a minimal

base of the residences requesting the additional services.

amount of bulk materials for removal each week. In order to resolve this issue, the City has expanded bulk trash services in addition to the regularly scheduled


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Live Like a Tourist:


Ride the Water Taxi

f you haven’t been on the Pompano Beach water taxi yet, you’re missing out! The scenic water taxi service connects Pompano Beach to Lighthouse Point to the north and Fort Lauderdale to the south.

The two water taxi vessels are called The Island Girl and Big Diamond. The Island Girl has capacity for 44 passengers and the Big Diamond has capacity for 40 passengers and has a bathroom on board. The water taxi service makes ten stops on the Interacostal Waterway. From north to south the vessels stop at Cap’s Place, Nauti Dawg, Hillsboro Inlet Park, Alsdorf Park, 16th Street Park, Scott Winters Memorial Park (Marriot), Sgt. Chris Reyka Memorial Park (Beach House), Sands Harbor Resort, Indian Mound Park (Wyndham & Beachcomber), Modera Port Royale and Bokampers Sports Bar and Grill. A daily schedule is posted at each stop indicating approximate pick up times for each boat. You can also track the boats from your phone or get stop information at Call 954.825.0533 for more information. The taxi service is working on stopping 3 times a week at the Historic Hillsboro

All Day Pass Adult:. . . . . . . . . . . . . $22 Child:. . . . . . . . . . . . . $13 Resident:. . . . . . . . . . $16 Military:. . . . . . . . . . . $16 Seniors: ��������������������� $16 Tickets may be purchased in advance on-line from any device or on the boats. Taxes included.

Lighthouse for guests that would like to tour the Lighthouse. Stay tuned!

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Plan it Pompano!

All you need to know about the City’s Comprehensive Plan

Do you live, work, play, own land or do business in Pompano Beach? If so, the City of Pompano Beach needs your input to help prepare Plan It Pompano! the latest update of our Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan). Throughout approximately the next year or so, the City will offer several opportunities, and multiple ways, for you to participate.

the current document, most of which

Why participate? Read on to learn why the Comp Plan is important and why voicing your opinion in this process matters.

and challenges change over time. And

was adopted in 2010, on the Planning and Zoning page of the City’s website at You may be wondering why, if the City already has a Comp Plan, do we need to update it –and why now? Well, the Comp Plan may be a long-range document, but it is also dynamic, evolving as community conditions, aspirations, opportunities since the current plan was adopted, a lot has changed in our City. For this reason, updating the plan as we head into the next decade makes common sense.

The Comp Plan is a long-range policy document that Florida State statutes require

Florida statutes also recognize the wis-

Pompano Beach (as it does all other local governments) to maintain. But the Pom-

dom of updating local comprehensive

pano Beach Comprehensive Plan is much more than that: The Plan contains goals,

plans on a regular basis.

objectives, and policies designed to ensure the orderly and balanced economic, social, physical, environmental and fiscal development of our City. The plan is the blue-

Here are a few of the changes that our

print for the future development of our community.

community has experienced in the past decade, and a hint of how these impor-

The document includes many types of background data about various facets of our

tant issues could influence the content

community, which provide a factual basis for our policies. And it includes maps to

of Plan It Pompano!:

help us visualize the anticipated pattern of development, as well as tools which


allow us to monitor and evaluate our progress toward our goals. You can browse

RISE Do you have a seawall? Do you live


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in a flood plain? Will your property be affected by rising seas that can back up into the drainage system and bubble up through catch basins in the street? Will salt water intrusion affect our drinking water supply? How is and should the City be adapting to these threats? Though the issue of sustainability, resilience and sea level rise is touched on in the currently adopted Comp Plan, the concept is intended


to be added into every element of the Plan as a unifying theme. A specific climate change element is being added to the Plan. This issue will be very important to the next planning horizon as the City prepares for two feet of sea level rise by 2060 and looks at ways to reduce our carbon footprint.

• Go to planitpompano.cgasolu and register to receive

Unified Southeast Florida Sea Level Rise Protection for Regional Planning Purpose. This projection uses historical information from Key West and was calculated by Kristopher Esterson from the United States Army Corps of Engineers using USACE Guidance (USACE 2009) intermediate and high curves to represent the lower and upper bound for projected sea level rise in Southeast Florida. Sea level measured in Key West over the past several decades is shown. The rate of sea level rise from Key West over the period of 1913 to 1999 is extrapolated to show how the historic rate compares to projected rates.

notifications, review published project information and provide feedback. • Follow us on Facebook at My PompanoBeach We are using the hashtag #PlanItPompano for all update-related posts, and you should too! • Attend our in-person Community Workshops. The first one will take place on June 29th at the E.




Center from 10 am to noon. The event will include an “open house” and a series of discus sions

• POPULATION PROJECTIONS: When the current Comp Plan was prepared, the City




“Future of Pompano Beach.” We will even have activities for the

was in the height of the “housing bubble” which eventually lead to the great reces-

kids! stay tune for more details.

sion. The population projections in the Comp Plan, therefore, are much higher than


the growth that was actually realized. US Census Bureau estimates that Pompano Beach’s population increased by nearly 11 percent between 2010 and 2017, while the current Comp Plan had an estimate closer to 20% – almost double the rate for this planning period. The Comp Plan update will include the population projections up to the year 2040 (approximately 135,000 people up from our current estimate




scheduled for the month of October (date and place TBD). • If you have to miss a workshop, take an online survey to provide your input. Once you register on the project website, you’ll be

of approximately 113,000 people – about a 1% annual average growth rate). Where

e-notified when an online survey

should this population growth be directed given the imminent flooding threats from

goes live.

sea level rise? How will the new housing, work places and City infrastructure be made more resilient to hurricanes and flooding?

• Or, take a paper survey. We will

have paper versions of the survey

available at key public locations (to be announced) concurrent with the online survey. • Look for #PlanItPompano team members at community events! As the process moves forward, we will be announcing events where our staff will be available to provide information, answer questions or receive input.

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• MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORTATION In 2010, there were only two community bus


routes operating in the City (Green and Blue). Now, there are two additional routes

the past three years, 993 new residen-

in the system (Red and Orange), and Broward County opened the Northeast Transit

tial units have been completed in proj-

Center – where the four

ects including City Vista, Captiva Cove,

routes converge with the

Orchid Grove, Madison Place, Koi, Crys-



tal Lake and Atlantico. While the City

sit routes which include


still has some single-family units being

Routes 20, 42, 50 and 60

built, the vast majority of new units are

which effectively cover

townhomes and apartment buildings,

the entire County.


thus broadening the offering of more

City of Pompano Beach

urban housing types in the City. The

will need to be actively

Comp Plan update will explore the addi-

engaged with Broward

tional residential opportunities needed

County to ensure that

to serve our future population which will

the 1-cent sales tax approved in 2018 for tran-

Brightline Train

sit and transportation improvements is wisely, equitably and strategically spent in Pompano Beach. Policies to ensure this can be included in the Comp Plan update. Just




there was no such thing as Brightline, Uber or Lyft and autonomous vehicles were only for science fiction. The City is actively pursuing rideshare services like Zip Car and FreeBee. During the next two decades, Broward County Transit Bus

how should we prepare our transportation network for the continued rise of per-

sonal mobility and autonomous driving technologies? What are the implications

City Vista

of these and other related issues, such as the future of parking demand and the emphasis on pedes-

be ever more urban in nature. What about

trian and transit in-

our existing housing stock? How do we

frastructure instead of

encourage retrofitting older homes to be

single-person vehicle

more resilient in ever more powerful and

related infrastructure?

wetter hurricanes and from the potential

How do we increase

of flooding from sea level rise? How do

our infrastructure for

we encourage the installation of solar



power infrastructure on our homes to re-

could soon to be more

duce our reliance on carbon-based fuels?


common that gasoline

If these important changes in our Comp

powered cars? Zipcar

Plan don’t quite persuade you that this process should matter to you, think about it in these terms:


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In the State of Florida, all proposed development in a given community is required to be consistent with the comprehensive plan for that community. So, just like its predecessor, Plan It Pompano! will be used by City staff and by various appointed advisory committees and boards (such as the Planning and Zoning Board) to make recommendations regarding development proposals; and by our elected officials on the City Commission to make decisions based on those recommendations. In ad-


dition, the plan likely will be studied by developers and their agents; and it may be consulted by you, as well, whether acting as a property or business owner, or perhaps as a community advocate.

Because this is an update, the

The Plan should be checked by anyone trying to understand the broader vi-

determine if directions established


sion of the community’s future, and the unique vision for discrete parts of the City. For this reason alone, the vision truly needs to represent a consensus of community input. And your voice should be part of that consensus. It is also important to consider that the Comp





through the Zoning Code and other ordinances, which translate the Plan’s broad policies into the real world standards and regulations that all development in the City



in the existing Comp Plan are still valid and what, if any, changes should be made. To this end, we will examine the Comp Plan in relation to four essential questions: • Where are we now as a community? • How did we get here? • Where do we want to go?

must follow.

• What steps can we and do we want to take to get there?

The overarching goals, objectives and poli-

The process includes four major,

cies of the Comp Plan can also be leveraged

somewhat overlapping tasks:

by the City when pursuing grant funding. The

1. Project Kickoff and Review of

Comp Plan informs the preparation of short


and midrange plans, and technical studies by various City departments to address specific topics or challenges. This was the case of documents such as the City’s exist-



Priorities [approximately 2 months] 2. Background Data, Inventory and Analysis [approximately 7 months] 3. Goal, Objective and Policy Up dates. This includes the prepa-

ing Parks Master Plan, the Stormwater Master Plan, or the Economic Development

ration of a new intergovern-

Strategy and many more, which dig deeper into policy topics identified at a high level

mental coordination and climate

in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Even the recently adopted Capital Improvement Plan

change elements [approximately 8

FY 2019-2023 and related G.O. Pompano! process has its foundation in the Comp Plan.


Similarly, Plan It Pompano! could result in recommendations for new corridor, neighborhood, or other types of master plans and studies. Identifying the community’s priorities – your priorities — is crucial in order to align the City’s policies and actions with the Plan’s intentions. What do you, as a stakeholder in the City’s future, want to see happen over the next 20 years? If you care

4. Adoption and Transmittal. The public outreach and participation process spans across the four tasks. The first opportunity for community input is: June 29 th

about, own land, live, work, play or do business in the City of Pompano Beach, then let’s Plan It Pompano! For additional information, contact Jean Dolan, AICP, CFM Sustainability Coordinator by emailing or call 954.786.4045.

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City Enhances

Park Ranger Program


he Park Rangers program began in 2014 with just a

On a monthly average, Park Rangers travel an estimated

hand full of part-time rangers. Today, the program

3,100 miles within City limits, and visit the parks approxi-

has evolved into five full-time rangers and a

mately 1,300 times. During each month, Park Rangers make

few part-timer rangers, who are trained and

over 2,100 contacts with the public. Approximately 185 City

certified in the Class D security license and civil citations.

ordinances are enforced each month. These ordinance violations range from bikes and skateboards on the east side

The goal of park rangers is to protect the park resources

of Pompano Beach Boulevard, dogs off leash, lodging in

for future generations and ensure the safety of visitors

parks, open containers, bounce houses, etc.

and residents. Park Rangers perform a number of services including informing park patrons about the City’s 52 parks

Park Rangers are on site weekdays from 12:00 p.m. until

and facilities, enforcing park ordinances and ensuring the

11:00 p.m. and weekends and holidays from 8:00 a.m. until

safety of our residents and visitors. Park Rangers also

11:00 p.m. Park Rangers are here to help ensure the safety

conduct inspections of pavilions and their rentals, athletic

of our park patrons.

field rentals, check in’s with public event applications, daily closures of parks, report any park safety hazards and/or

Park Rangers, while on shift, can be reached directly at

vandalism, and assist with special events.

954.740.9147 or 954.740.9152 for any parks-related needs.


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Have a 911 emergency?

You can now Text for Help CALL



Remember these important tips before sending a 911 text message:


• Call if you can, text only if you can’t • Know your exact location • Cell phone providers only offer text messaging as a “best efforts service;” delivery of text messages are not guaranteed, can be delayed by your carrier and may not be received in a timely manner


• DO NOT send photos, videos or Residents and visitors who can’t place a call to 911 in an emergency


can now text 911 to request police, fire, or medical assistance in Pom-

• Keep text messages plain and easy to

pano Beach and throughout Broward County. Text-to-911 allows you to

understand, no slang or abbreviations

send text messages to local 911 dispatch centers during an emergency

• Texts to 911 have a 160 character

when calling is not an option. It is especially useful for people who may be deaf,

limit for a single text

hard-of-hearing or speech impaired or if speaking out loud puts you in danger.

• The Text-to-911 system currently

The phone carriers send your text message to the text control centers which then forward the message to the appropriate 911 Public Safety Answering Point in Broward County. It is important to know your location, address and type of emergency, so the call taker will be able to send help quickly.

processes texts in English. Language translation is not available at this time • You





included on your wireless phone plan • Text-to-911 is not a social media app.

Text to 911 is only for emergency situations if you are unable to speak or hear due to

It is to be used for emergencies only

disability or when a voice call to 911 puts you in a dangerous situation such as do-

• Misuse of 911 can result in criminal

mestic violence situations, home invasions, active shooter incidents or abductions.

charges, fines and jail time

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By Kay Renz, Cultural Affairs Department

Music is Your Ali

Student Accepted to Berklee School of Music From the left, Phil Collen, Donovan Pennant, Joe Satriani, Mr. Pennant and John Petrucci


ost students who get accepted to the prestigious Berklee College of

“Though these lessons I have enhanced

Music have been playing their instrument of choice for almost as long

my proficiency; learning techniques I

as they have been walking, but not 18-year-old Donovan Pennant – he

had never even imagined,” continued

just started guitar lessons in 2016! This tremendous accomplishment

Donovan. “Juan is such a patient teacher, I am so grateful for his support.”

is something Donovan and his parents are very proud of, and they are quick to acknowledge the significance of the Music is Your Ali program.

The Historic Ali Cultural Arts launched free music lessons to children ages 10 years old and up about two years ago. The Music is Your Ali program is offered thanks to a partnership with

“Donovan was late coming to music,” explained his mother Danyel Pennant. “But thanks to his lessons at Ali, he has grown so quickly.”

Donovan was also able to take advantage of a rare opportunity provided by this program to meet three guitar legends while on tour in the area. Donovan posed for photos with Joe Satriani, John Petrucci and Phil Col-

the Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation, which

len, toured backstage the night of their

was formed by guitar legend Joe Bonamassa. Keeping the Blues Alive Founda-

concert and got great seats for the show.

tion (KTBA) fuels the passion for music by funding programs and scholarships for students and teachers who possess the desire, but lack the resources or access

“That was an absolutely amazing expe-

to achieve their potential within the music industry.

rience, and one my Dad and I will never

Through generous corpo-

rate sponsorships by industry powerhouses Ernie Ball Strings, Guitar Center, J&R Adventures, and donors, KTBA has been

“I am so grateful to this program,” said Donovan. “When we moved to the area a few year ago, I took guitar lessons at my high school. I really enjoyed it and started to learn more on my own. But then, my mom found this program and it has taught me so much!”


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able to fund music projects affecting more than 30,000 students since 2013. Donovan is taught by Juan Santiago on a weekly basis at Ali. During these lessons, Juan has coached Donovan to a new level of playing excellence through varied exercises and by expanding his song choices.”

forget,” he continued.

“Donovan is a wonderful example of the caliber of students we aim to nurture through these community-based programs such as Music is Your Ali,” said Shawn Hagood, Director of Funding at Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation. “We want young musicians to believe in them-

By Kay Renz, Cultural Affairs Department

selves and to invest in themselves by using the gift of instrumental music to broaden their perspective of life - creating opportunities for themselves that would not have been possible otherwise. Music is Your Ali was formed as a way to motivate aspiring young musicians in the local Pompano Beach community by providing free access to musical instruments and music instruction. We are sincerely thrilled to witness a young man take advantage of this opportunity and take it to the next level!” Thanks to these lessons and experiences, Donovan is planning a career in music. While he has been accepted to Berklee, his attendance is predicated upon his receiving scholarships to alleviate the tuition costs. If he is unable to make that dream come true, he will seek Berklee trained teachers at local colleges such as Florida Atlantic University or Florida International University. To date, $500,000 has been donated to the preservation of music education in schools. The Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation has affected 60,000 music students in over 350 music classrooms. The Music is Your Ali program is offered on





including guitar, piano and now drums! Please call the Historic Ali Cultural Arts at 954.786.7877 or visit for more information about specific class times.

Bailey Contemporary Arts Celebrates


Venue Celebrates Success as Gallery, Artist Incubator and Economic Catalyst


ompano Beach’s Downtown can trace its renais-

“The importance of Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA) on April 16, 2014. In the five years Arts cannot be undersince the ribbon cutting ceremony, the venue estimated,” said Pomhas been a catalyst for the City’s emerging cultural compano Beach Mayor Rex munity and a key driver for local economic development. Hardin. “This venue put the City’s emerging art Built in 1923, the historic Bailey Hotel was, at one point, scene in the spotlight the center of a thriving downtown in Pompano Beach. with its creative exCity leaders, understanding the historic significance of hibitions, support of the building, looked to the past when envisioning the emerging artists and future and created an ambitious redevelopment plan to a robust schedule of emerge from this historic center. events and workshops. As the second oldest remaining building (right behind BaCA’s emergence futhe old Farmer’s Bank building next door) and part of eled the success of the longest contiguous collection of historic buildings the Old Town Untapped in Broward County, the Bailey Hotel was reimagined as events and stimulated a thriving artists hub. The meticulous renovation re- the economic developsulted in a stunning building that now offers two main ment in the surroundgalleries to showcase exhibitions, the Blooming Bean ing area. There is much Coffee Roaster which also offers exhibitions, and a dy- to celebrate during namic second floor occupied by the venue’s Artists in this 5th anniversary, and we are very proud Residence. (SIDE BAR—Meet our current artists) of all of the people who made this venue a “During the past five years, Bailey Contemposuccess.” rary Arts has showcased an incredible array of artists,” said Phyllis Korab, Cultural Affairs Director. “From established, respected creators to exciting emerging influences, BaCA has given a platform to some of the most dynamic artists on the scene. We are very proud of what has been accomplished, and we are enthusiastic about what the future will hold.” sance to the opening of Bailey Contemporary

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p o m p a n ob ea c hfl .gov





uring the first half of the

jor league Kansas City Athletics.

twentieth century, base-

Pompano Beach mayor Edwin

ball was the sport of

Haynie threw out the first pitch.

choice for Pompano resi-

The Buffalo Bison used the new

dents. In fact, it’s likely that as

stadium as their spring training

soon as a couple dozen settlers

base, but local boosters wanted

had established themselves in the

to secure a major league team

area, that bats, balls and gloves

for the park. An opportunity pre-

came out and some form of the

sented itself when, following the

national pastime was played.

1960 season, team owner Calvin Griffith moved the Washington

As Pompano developed, the game

Senators baseball team to Min-

became more organized and lo-

nesota. A new team was formed

cal athletes formed a town team

for Washington D.C., also called

to compete in an ever-changing

the Senators.

South Florida amateur leagues that at various times included squads from the Keys to Stuart and points north. The local team

From 1961 to 1971 this version of The Washington Senators at the Pompano Beach Municipal Stadium for spring training in the 1960’s.

played on a hardscrabble field

the Senators held spring training at Pompano Beach’s Municipal Stadium. There were few stars on

just north of today’s old downtown. There were no grand-

the team -- probably the most notable player was Frank Thom-

stands; spectators sat on the ground or in cars.

as, who won the league home run crown in 1968 and 1970

As the second half of the century arrived, local civic leaders saw growth all around them and began to think about competing in the quest for a professional baseball team to

(44 HRs in each year). In fact, the players were overshadowed by their managers and coaches, some of whom were former major league greats Ted Williams, Gil Hodges and Nellie Fox.

locate their spring training to Pompano. One big roadblock,

The Senators had only one season over .500, and had trouble

however, was that Pompano did not have facilities to host

drawing fans. Following the 1971 season, the team moved to

spring training.

the Dallas-Fort Worth area and became the Texas Rangers,

The solution came in December 1956, when the Pompano Beach City Commission allocated $25,000 to build a base-

but continued to conduct spring training in Pompano Beach through 1986.

ball stadium. Incredibly, in less than four months, the ball

In those days, before cable television and multi-million-

field was completed and on March 23, 1957 about 3,000

dollar contracts, major league baseball was a decidedly

people attended the dedication ceremonies for Municipal

more casual affair. Sports writer Mike Shropshire did not

Stadium. The featured event of the day was an exhibition

put on rose-colored glasses when he recounted his memo-

game between the minor league Buffalo Bison and the ma-

ries of spring training here:


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Ted WIlliams at Pompano Beach Municipal Stadium

The Texas Rangers had moved to Arlington in 1972, and conducted spring training in Pompano Beach, Florida. The team headquarters was the Surf Rider, a dive that resembled a minimum-security halfway house. It was right on the beach, though, and therefore heavenly. The spring training in my experience was not a family scene. The schedule for the Major League Baseball beat writer went as follows: Get up, gargle with English Leather, and stroll the beach. Then I’d return to my room at the Surf Rider with its mildewed walls to do an hour’s worth of research for the work day ahead. That amounted to studying the racing form to handicap the first five races at Gulfstream. After returning from the track, I’d report to Pompano Stadium, making sure to arrive late enough that the game would be over, and get a copy of the box score.

stop for the Miracle, between its stints

games between Pompano Beach and

in Miami and Ft. Myers. The team was

Miami and were managed by another fu-

brought here by Mike Veeck who pro-

ture Hall of Famer, Earl Weaver. The SPBA

moted the team through wacky promo-

reorganized for a second season, but

tions and gimmicks such as Jerico, a

folded in December 1990, having played

golden retriever who served as bat boy

less than half its scheduled games.

and goodwill ambassador for the club.

Next, I would locate Whitey Herzog, the manager, who by 5 p.m. would be locat-

All three of Pompano Beach’s minor

ed at the Surf Rider bar, actively anes-

league teams played in the Florida State

thetizing his brain from the troubling

League, one of the nation’s longest-sur-

occupational circumstances that con-

viving minor leagues. It was formed in

fronted him.

1919 and, except for short periods during

Whitey had a good reason to be troubled. In his single season of managing the

the Great Depression and World War II, has played every season through this year.

And that was the end of professional baseball in Pompano Beach. The stadium was showing its age and the Major League teams were looking for more expansive spring training sites that local governments would finance, something that Pompano Beach was not able (or willing) to do. When a major league team was awarded to South Florida

club, the Rangers won only 57 games

In addition to the Florida State League

and the Florida Marlins began National

against 105 losses, the worst record in

teams, Pompano Beach was home to

League play in 1993, it was clear to al-

the major leagues that year.

another professional baseball team --

most everyone that Pompano Beach’s

the Gold Coast Suns. The Suns existed

era of professional baseball was over.

In addition to major league baseball during the spring, locals who wanted to see if professional baseball could cheer for a series of minor league team that played at Municipal Stadium: the Pompano Beach Mets, 1969-1973, the Pompano Beach Cubs, 1976-1978 and the Pompano Beach Miracle, 19901991. Pompano Beach was a just a way

only a single season (1989) as part of the Senior Professional Baseball Association, a winter league for players at least 35 years old. The SPBA included a number of former major league players including future Hall of Fame pitchers Rollie Fingers and Ferguson Jenkins. The Gold Coast Suns split their home

Municipal Stadium still stood, but the impact of hurricanes as well as a lack of maintenance and upgrades spelled its doom. Parts began to be demolished in the late 1990s, and the stadium’s end came in 2008, when the final structures were removed, and the grounds reconfigured for recreational baseball teams.

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p o m p a n ob ea c hfl .gov


P p-Up Library

in City Hall


he City of Pompano Beach in partnership with Broward County has

instantly in the web browser of the

launched a Pop-Up Library at City Hall. A Pop-Up Library is a small elec-

device. The user can also save the title

tronic device that hosts eBooks from the public library and creates its

to read later and download the book to

own Wi-Fi network like a hotel or airport network.

their browser’s cache.

The Pop-Up Library program is designed to extend the library’s presence in the community and to create new library patrons and raise digital awareness. The Pop-Up Library puts eBooks at the fingertips of readers wherever they are. No Internet is required, no data minutes are used and there is no app to download. Users simply connect to the Pop-Up Library and within a few clicks they are

In Pompano Beach City Hall, the Pop-Up Library device is located on the 3rd floor waiting area of the Building Department. The device has a broadcast range of approximately 1600 square feet.

connected to the book titles from the public library. Once connected to the library-

The connection only allows users to

branded network from their phone/tablet/computer the user can read eBooks

access the eBook collection.


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City Offers Relief to Workers Impacted by Partial Federal Government Shutdown


n an effort to ease the financial impact





government shutdown to its residents, the Pompano Beach City

Commission authorized a Utility Billing Program to defer water, waste water, reuse water, storm water and garbage fees for federal employees while the partial federal government shutdown was in effect. In addition, water was not disconnected during the shutdown for these residents. Individual customers were provided a 60 day grace-period once the furlough ended in order to bring their deferred balance current. To have qualified, federal employees must live in the City of Pompano Beach utility service area and provide identification and a pay stub or letter from their employer stating they are furloughed. In addition, the City created a section on its Website dedicated to providing access to additional resources to assist our impacted residents.

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p o m p a n ob ea c hfl .gov


Live the

Western Equestrian


in Pompano T Beach

he City of Pompano Beach

paddocks, picnic area, pavilion and a

has its own Equestrian Park

restroom. Horse trailer parking and

and you have an opportunity

trash/waste pickup is also available.

be a part of it! The Sand and

Spurs Equestrian Park is situated on

The City currently has nine stalls

12 acres of land adjacent to the Good-

available for rent.

year Blimp Base at 1600 NE 5th Ave-


nue. The park provides grounds for the

$319 and non-residents pay $408.



Pompano Beach monthly



care, housing and exercising of horses. Saddle up and ride over to Sand and


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Sand and Spurs Equestrian Park in-

Spurs Equestrian Park in Pompano

cludes 41 horse stalls, water and elec-

Beach! Call 954.545.7014 now to rent a

tric, lighted show ring, eight grass

stall before they ride off into the sunset.


The City of Pompano Beach will be celebrating July 4th this year with




at the beach, near the Fishing Pier.

Looking for Free

At 5pm, we’ll start the night off with

Family Fun?

live music, featuring the “Southern Blood,” a southern rock band, followed by the main act “Vinyl”, a top 40’s band. At 9pm, an array of fireworks will be launched from a floating barge


in the ocean off of the end of the ooking for something to do

Dive in Movies is located at the Hous-

with the kids on the weekend

ton Sworn Pool, 901 NE 10 th Street. Pack

in the upcoming months? Look

your swimsuit and cool off with a dip in

no further! Join the City of

the pool while you watch the featured

Pompano Beach’s Parks & Recreation

presentation. Save the dates for the up-

Department at one of our movie series:

coming Dive in Movies.

to enjoy.

kets and lawn chairs are welcome; however personal fireworks, glass containers, alcohol, and pets are prohibited. Rain date July 5th. Parking available at the Pier Garage,

Dive In Movies. It’s free and offer a fun featured flick for the whole family

Pompano Beach Fishing Pier. Blan-

located across from the Pier.

Shark Tale | June 21 st | 8:00 pm Finding Dory | July 25 th | 8:00 pm

June 2 019 //

p o m p a n ob ea c hfl .gov


Pompano Beach’s

Community Garden is Growing


he Patricia Davis Community Garden has been growing in Pompano

include training as well as volunteer and

Beach for one year. It is located at 1089 NW 6 Avenue. The purpose of

employment opportunities.


a community garden is to improve people’s quality of life by providing a catalyst for neighborhood and community development, stimulating

social interaction, encouraging self-reliance, beautifying neighborhoods, producing nutritious food, reducing family food budgets, conserving resources and creating opportunities for recreation, exercise, therapy and education.

management company to ensure the sustainability and success of the garden.












nity Garden’s produce at the Pompano Green Market. The garden also donates produce to the Blanche Ely High School

A local apprentice is learning the basics of urban farming from a professional community

On Saturdays, you can find the Commu-






management of the community garden.

Culinary Department, Blessings Food Pantry, seniors of the E. Pat Larkins Community Center and Our Father’s House Soup Kitchen. To date, the Patricia Davis Community


Garden has weighed over 1,000 pounds

ers and fruit trees. Social community events are held focusing on education,

of produce. The garden is open to the

gardening and healthy eating and cooking. Additionally, the garden provides

public every Saturday from 9:00 a.m.

dynamic hands-on learning opportunities for youth and people of all ages to

until 12:00 p.m.





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he Parks and Recreation

Applications can be obtained at the following facilities:

Department is seeking re-

• Emma Lou Olson Civic Center-1801 NE 6th Street

sponsible, motivated and

• Highlands Park- 1650 NE 50th Court

energetic teens ages 15-

• Mitchell Moore center- 901 NW 10th Street

17 to join us this summer for our brand new counselor- in- training (CIT) pro-

Once the interview process is complete, the CIT’s will receive notification of

gram! This program is designed to pre-

acceptance along with their camp assignment and work schedule. Participants

pare young adults for future leadership

will be required to attend a mandatory training prior to the start of camp. For

roles while gaining volunteer hours

more information please call 954.786.4111.

and valuable work experience in a fun, recreational setting. To be considered

To see a complete listing of our summer camp programs, turn to page 33.

for the program, participants must submit an application and go through an interview process.

June 2 019 //

p o m p a n ob ea c hfl .gov




Mayor-At-Large Rex Hardin:....................954.786.4623

Fire Administration: ....................................954.786.5565

Andrea McGee, District 1: ........................954.786. 4619

Fire Prevention & Inspections:................. 954.786.4719

Rhonda Eaton, District 2 : ......................... 954.786.4625 Tom McMahon, District 3: ........................954.786.4649 Beverly Perkins, District 4:........................954.786.4624 Vice Mayor, Barry Moss, District 5: ........954.786.4618

Disaster Preparedness: .............................954.545.7799 CERT:............................................................... 954.786.4510 Ocean Rescue: .............................................954.786.4510

OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS & OFFICES: Animal Control: ............................................954.786.4027


Bailey Contemporary Arts: ....................... 954.786.7879

Budget: ...........................................................954.786.4276

City Clerk’s Office:....................................... 954.786.4611

City Manager: ...............................................954.786.4601

Customer Service & Water Billing: .........954.786.4637

Economic Development: ...........................954.786.4048

Community Redevelopment Agency:......954.786.5535 Finance: ......................................................... 954.786.4692

BUILDING INSPECTIONS DIVISION: Building Inspections:.................................. 954.786.4669 Building Permits: ......................................... 954.786.4669 Code Compliance:.......................................954.786.4361


Historic Ali Cultural Arts Center: .............954.786.7877 Human Resources: .....................................954.786.4626 Purchasing:................................................... 954.786.4168 Housing and Urban Improvement:.........954.786.4659 Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts: ..........954.786.4111

Business Tax Receipt: ............................... 954.786.4668

Public Communications:...........................954.786.4527

Planning and Zoning: .................................954.786.4634

Public Works: ............................................... 954.786.4507

Urban Forestry: ............................................954.786.7825

Pompano Beach Cultural Center: ........... 954.786.7800

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4 1




RHONDA EATON Commissioner - District 2



Vice Mayor - District 5

Commissioner - District 1

TOM McMAHON Commissioner - District


Commissioner - District 4

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p o m p a n ob ea c hfl .gov



P a r ks & Recre

De p a r t m



This symbol denotes accessibility at the designated city recreational facility. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the City of Pompano Beach Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities at their facilities and programs.


Multi-family discounts will be applied to all city-sponsored youth programs. The first child will pay the full program fee. All other children residing in the same household will receive a 10% discount on their program fee. Siblings must be registered in the same program to receive the discount. A 20% military discount on all department facility rentals, memberships and recreation programs. A 20% discount Senior Citizens discount (55+) on all department facility rentals, memberships and recreation programs. Identification is required for all discounts.

Refund Policy

Full refunds will only be made for programs/classes cancelled by the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Department. If you request a refund due to a personal reason, a $15.00 processing fee will be deducted from the program/class fee paid. Registration and application fees are non-refundable.

Registration Fees ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

A yearly registration fee is charged for all adult programs held at all Centers. Registration Fee valid from one year from date of purchase. All classes, programs, dates and fees shown in this brochure are subject to change. The hours of operation at all facilities are subject to change. Proof of residency is required in the form of utility bill and photo I.D. Residents: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10/year Nonresidents:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20/year

Rainout Line

You can now check the status of any game, field or event on our Rainout Line. Call 954.204.0126. You can also sign-up for text and/or email alerts. This is real-time status for our parks and facility’s. You no longer have to wonder if a practice or game is going to happen. If you have any questions about Rainout Line, you can call your facility for more information, or call 954.786.4115.

Administrative Staff

Mark Beaudreau: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rec. Program Administrator Scott Moore:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recreation Manager Kaitlyn Kerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recreation Manager Kate Belcher:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interim Recreation Manager Brian Campbell:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Golf Course Manager


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Parks & Recreation Advisory Board

Richard Leys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman Walter Clark: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice Chair Kenneth Arnold: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Rafael Katz:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Albert Hill: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Molly Moor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Philip Shulte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member

Important Numbers

Aquatic Center:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Athletics: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beach Conditions: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dog Park Hotline:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emma Lou Olson C.C.:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. Pat Larkins C.C.:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf Professional:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Golf Course:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Herb Skolnick C.C.:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston/Sworn Aquatic Center: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mitchell Moore Park & RC.:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Pompano Park: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Highlands Park R.C.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McNair Park & R.C.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sand & Spurs Stables:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tennis Center:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

954.786.4128 954.786.4119 954.786.4005 954.786.4574 954.786.4111 954.786.4585 954.781.0426 954.786.4142 954.786.4590 954.786.4116 954.786.4131 954.786.4090 954.786.7871 954.786.7882 954.786.4133 954.786.4115

Cultural Arts Committee

Hazel Armbrister: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman Sharon Stone-Walker: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice Chairman Kris Coffelt: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Kellyann Maguire:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Shellie Morrison:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Andy Cherenfant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Sarahea Peterson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman

Education Advisory Committee

Barbara Armbrister-Boynton:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman Gwendolyn Leys: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice Chair Cynthia Malaney: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Brian Anthony Campbell:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Mike Olbel:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Latoya Almonord:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Sue Ford Patrick: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Donna Russo:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member

Golf Advisory Board

Richard J. Porraro:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman Al Siefert:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice Chairman Mike Deberry: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Gary Ruderman:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member James R. Bunn:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Roger Gingerich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Donald Totter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member





Parks & Facilities in Pompano Beach Park/Facility







2974 NE 14 ST

10 AC.



0.8 AC.


1580 NW 3 AVE


820 NE 18 AVE


225 SW 6 AVE

4.4 AC. 954.786.4128

0.2 AC.




1700 NE 8 ST


28 AC.






2.6 AC.


450 NE 10 ST



1320 NE 27 CT


480 NW 7 TERR




1.5 AC.


0.5 AC.


1801 NE 6 ST


2800 NE 24 ST

7.5 AC.


801 SW 8 ST

2.4 AC.


316 NE 3 ST




1240 NE 28 AVE


800 SW 36 AVE

8.5 AC. 2.3 AC.

1650 NE 50 CT





1801 NW 4 ST



340 AC.




5.5 AC.

1.6 AC. 945.786.4142



3.3 AC.

954.786.4116 8.3 AC. 954.786.4590

5.0 AC.


1.0 AC.

301 NW 15 ST

1.8 AC.


1650 NW 3 AVE 702 NE 6 ST

0.2 AC. 954.786.4119

8.4 AC.


2290 SE 7 DR

0.2 AC.


1941 NE 1 AVE

0.2 AC.






.1 AC. 2.5 AC.


951 NW 27 AVE


6.4 AC.


901 NW 10 ST


15.8 AC.


920 NE 18 AVE





4400 NE 18 AVE


3424 NE 16 ST



3 AC. 0.6 AC.


20.4 AC. 2 AC. 0.4 AC.


351 NW 14 ST




2001 NE 10 ST


71 AC.




26.8 AC.


1599 NW 3 TER 954.295.9047

11.5 AC.


6.1 AC.

1.8 AC.

4231 NE 15 AVE


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ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.



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What’s Happening Special Events , Arts & Culture street food, featuring Greek, Venezuelan, Indian, BBQ, tacos, soups and more! All Ages | 12 - 7:00 pm | FREE

[ Every Month ]

Music is Your Ali

A Taste of Jazz

Old Town Untapped

Every 1st Friday at Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). Art exhibits unveiled during every Old Town Untapped event. Live music, food trucks, craft brews, art vendors and more! All Ages | 6 - 10:00 pm | FREE

Lunch with Art

ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

Every 1st Thursday at the Pompano Beach Cultural Center. Every 3rd Tuesday at the Historic Ali Cultural Arts. Every Wednesday at Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). Take a break from your day, bring your lunch and unleash your creativity. All Ages | 12:15 - 1:15 pm | FREE

Life Drawing Studio

Every 1st & 3rd Saturday each month at Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). Live models pose draped for short “gesture” as well as longer poses. This program is ideal for individuals interested in portrait painting, character design, illustration, animation, anatomical drawing. 18 & Up | 11am- 2pm | $20/general | $10/students

Lyrics Lab

Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). Bring your latest work-poems, verse, songs, lyrics and beats to share in our intimate space with a renowned hosts and poets, with out two-piece house band. All Ages | 8 - 11 pm | $10/general | $5/performers

Creative Workshops

Every 3rd Saturdays at the Blanche Ely House. An exciting art form providing both introductory and intermediate techniques that will enhance your skills. All Ages | 11 am - 1:00 pm l $5/includes supplies


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Every 1st Thursday at Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). Features entertaining and educational encounters with the musical genre, accompanied by wine tastings. All Ages | 7:00 pm | $20/adults $10/residents | FREE/students

Comedy Night

4th Thursdday Each Month? - July 27: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. Get ready to really LOL as we present our monthly Comedy Night. Come for the laughs, the food and the beverages. Concessions and full bar available for purchase. 18 & Up | 7 - 10:00 pm l $15

Soulful Sundays

Every 2 nd Sunday at the Historic Ali Cultural Arts. Concerts featuring South Florida’s most highly praised R&B Blues and Motown singers/musicians. All Ages | 6 - 9:00 pm | $5

[ Every Week ] Montage: A Film Series

Every last Thursday, rotating among the Pompano Beach Cultural Center, Bailey Contemporary Arts and the Historic Ali Cultural Arts. An exciting new film series that will that will provide a platform for emerging filmmakers to curated film screenings, attend networking events, workshops, artist talks and panel discussions. All Ages | 7:00 pm | $10/general | $5/student

Farmer’s Market

Every Tuesday to the Herb Skolnick C.C. and pick up food from local growers and artisans. While you’re here grab a bite of multi-cultural

Every Saturday at Historic Ali Cultural Arts. Offering free 30-minute sessions instruction in Piano, Guitar or Drums. Instructors provided by Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation. 12 & Up | 10:30 am - 3 pm | Free

Read. Write. Poems Poetry Workshops

Every Tuesday at the Blanche Ely House, these after school poetry workshops are for students who enjoy writing, reading, and studying poetry. Summer hours: 11:00am-1:00 pm. Regular hours in August: 3:30-5:00 pm. 13-19 | 3:30 - 5:00 pm l FREE

Acting Out

Every Saturday (starting in August) at the Historic Ali Cultural Arts, this class is designed for young actors who are passionate about the craft of acting and are ready to be challenged. 954.482.1553 8-18 | 12:00 pm | $38/month or $10/class

Ashanti Dance Classes

Starting in August, Ashanti offers a variety of dance classes at the Historic Ali Cultural Arts. | 954.482.1553

Ballroom Dance Lessons

Every Tuesday. Registration fee required. Emma Lou Olson:

18 & Up | 1-2:00 pm (beginners) | $12/class 18 & Up | 2-3:00 pm (intermediate) | $12/class Herb Skolnick:

18 & Up | 7:30-8:30 pm (intermediate) | $10/class

Tap Dancing

Every Wednesday at the Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required. 18 & Up | 10:30-11:30am (begin-advan) | $8/class

Watercolor Art

Every Saturday at the Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required. 18 & Up | 10 am - 12:00 pm | $25/class

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Line Dancing

stories in an intimate, relaxed & informal setting. Refreshments Provided. All Ages | 1 - 3:00 pm l $10

Every Monday & Tuesday at the Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required. 18 & Up | 11-1:00 pm (Beginners) | $8/class 18 & Up | 1-2:00 pm (Intermediate) | $8/class Every Tuesday at the E. Pat Larkins C.C. Registration fee required. 18 & Up | 6:30 - 8 pm (All Levels) | $6/class

Plein Air Painting

Every Monday. Locations vary within Parks in Pompano. Instructor Pat Anderson, Plein Air watercolor & acrylics painting with “Leaf Bars.” Registration is required. Info: 954.786.4111 18 & Up | 2-5:00 pm | $100/4 week OR $40/class

Drawing & Painting

Every Friday at the Highlands R.C. Classes are offered in oil, acrylic and all media fine art with instructor Gloria Stegman. Annual registration fee required. 18 & Up | 10 am - 1:00 pm | $25/class

[ June ] Jazz in the Park

Acrylic Techniques Workshop

June 15: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). Learn new acrylic painting techniques, meet creative people, and have an engaging afternoon making art in a beautiful space. 16 & Up | 11 am - 3:00 pm l $40

Slightly Stoopid

June 7: The Amp. Slightly Stoopid is the Ocean Beach, California-based group led by co-founders and multi-instrumentalists Kyle McDonald and Miles Doughty, along with drummer Ryan “Rymo” Moran; percussionist Oguer “OG” Ocon; saxophonist Daniel “Dela” Delacruz; keyboardist Paul Wolstencroft; trumpet and trombone player Andy Geib; plus special guest and “unofficial 8th member” Karl Denson (The Rolling Stones/ Greyboy Allstars) on saxophone. All Ages | 5:20 pm | $34+

Fabric Covered Mini-journal Workshop

June 8: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). Fabric covered mini-journal is a workshop taught by BaCA’s Artist in Residence, Andrea Huffman. Pages will be created using a variety of design techniques, including stenciling, stamping, and painting. 16 & Up | 11 am - 3:00 pm l $50

Storied Workshop Series

Community Bingo Night

June 5: E. Pat Larkins C.C. A wonderful funfilled family night of Bingo. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of each games. 954786-4585 | All Ages | 6pm - 8:30pm | Free

Happy Together Tour 2019

June 4: The Amp. Happy Together Tour featuring The Turtles, Chuck Negron (formerly of Three Dog Night), Gary Puckett & The Union Gap, The Buckinghams, The Classics IV and The Cowsills. This is an evening of hit after hit…after HIT! You will go home whistling the soundtrack of the 60s and 70s. All Ages | 8:00 pm | $29+

June 21: Houston/Sworn Aquatic Center. Come cool off from the summer heat while enjoying a featured flick. All Ages | 8:00 pm | FREE

Intergalactic Bead & Jewelry Show

June 22 & 23: Emma Lou Olson Civic Center. Precious and semi-precious gemstone beads, sterling silver, freshwater pearls, hand blown glass beads and more. | All Ages | 10 am - 5:00 pm

Romeo & Juliet

June 28: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. The Shakespeare Troupe Inc. invites you into the lush, gorgeous world of Romeo and Juliet. Watch as young Juliet and rash Romeo meet by chance and fall madly in love. Watch as some of the best and brightest talent South Florida has to offer bring the magic of Shakespeare’s most know work to life. After the one-hour journey in Verona, feel free to ask any questions you might have in our open forum Q&A. 1:00 pm & 7:00 pm l $25/adult | $15/groups of 4+ $15/residents/child/seniors/veterans

Jokes & SmokesEta Nu Comedy Night

June 13: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. In honor of Eta Nu’s 50th Anniversary, the chapter will holding a week-long series of stellar events. This comedy night features local comedians who are also members of Eta Nu. All Ages | 7:00 pm l $15

Father’s Day Luncheon

June 14: E. Pat Larkins C.C. Please join us as we celebrate Father’s Day for senior citizen fathers throughout the community. Reservations are required. 55 & Up | 10 am -1:00 pm | $5

Blended Conversations

Sabados de Salsa

June 29: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. Join us for an exciting evening of Salsa! Start out with a one-hour Latin Dance Class, then practice your new moves to the tunes by DJ Artie Bronx who will play the latest in Salsa, Bachata, Merengue and Cumbia in between sets of The David Luca Band. Latin Dance Class: 8:15 pm | Dancing: 9:00 pm Concert: 9:30 pm $20/general admission | $15/residents

June 15: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. Join us for our monthly installments as we listen to a variety of local artists share their own real life

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ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

June 1: Annie Adderly Gillis Park. A family fun night of live jazz music from talented musicians and enjoy a bite to eat from one of our delicious local food vendors. Info: 954.786.4111 All Ages | 4:00 pm | FREE

June 8: Blanche Ely House. Facilitated by a writer on Oprah’s OWN NETWORK, Richard “Byrd” Wilson, will provide user-friendly training and techniques to help turn the most meaningful events of life into unforgettable narratives. Culminates in a community storytelling event on September 28th. 16 & Up | 1 - 3:00 pm l $10

Dive in Movie

It’s in the bag!

June 29: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). This even is taught by Artist in Residence, Andrea Huffman. Each participant will design a large canvas zipper tote bag using various fabric paints, photo transfers, stamps and stencils. 11am - 3:00 pm l $50/supplies included

[ July ]

The Magnificent Circus Mystery

Gouache Painting Technique

The Great Pizza Contest

Blended Conversations

July 19: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. A steamer trunk, a mysterious book, and a hat... The audience solves clues, overcome obstacles, and figure out a 90 year-old-secret. 1:00 pm | $10/adults | $8/residents | $5/youth

July 19: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. Storyologists, Page and Kenny transport the entire audience to the town of Mozzarella via their Once Upon a TIME MACHINE. There, everyone helps solve the very cheesy problem of who makes the best pizza. 7:00 pm | $10/adults | $8/residents | $5/youth

August 17: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). This workshop will introduce the exciting effects of gouache paint, color schemes, and composition. 16 & Up | 11 am - 3:00 pm l $40

August 17: See June 15th event for details.

Health & Financial Wellness Fair

4th of July Fireworks Extravaganza

July 4: City’s Main Public Beach. Enjoy the holiday as we light up the sky with amazing fireworks from the barge located near the pier. All Ages | 9:00 pm | FREE

Beautifully Broken Exhibition Opening Reception

July 5: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). Beautifully Broken the exhibit reaches beyond the gallery walls to examine creativity’s role in mental health, resiliency and compassion. All Ages | 6 - 10:00 pm l FREE

Storied Workshop Series

July 11: See June 8 event for details. th

ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

Super Natural Humanoids Exhibition - Opening Reception

July 12: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. South South Florida artists, Aurora Molina and Julian Pardo, create an installation using life-size which with the use of levers and pulleys visitors and children can bring the creatures to life. All Ages | 6 - 9:00 pm l FREE


July 13: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. John Knox Village is continuing its long-standing partnership with the world-acclaimed Symphony of the Americas and will be hosting a Summerfest Concert. All Ages | 2:00 pm | Tickets: 954.783.4040

Paper Mache Bowls Workshop

July 13: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). Transform simple materials into functional works of art. Includes all materials, no experience necessary. 16 & Up | 11 am - 3:00 pm l $40

July 24-25: Emma Lou Olson Civic Center. Mark your calendars, this event is calk-full of great information on health and wellness for the entire family. Free and open to the public. All Ages | 10 am - 2:00 pm | FREE

Whales, Magic & Cheese... Oh My!

July 26 & 27: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. Fantasy Factory Theater’s newest literacy incentive and bully prevention show about a boy who’s stories in his books magically start to jump to life all around him! All Ages | 11:00 am $5/campers/youth | $15/adults | $10/residents

[ August ] Dive in Movie

August 2: Houston/Sworn Aquatic Center. Come cool off from the summer heat while enjoying a featured flick. All Ages | 8:00 pm | FREE


August 2: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. The Symphony of the Americas 31st Anniversary season celebration continues, with its acclaimed summer music festival presenting one month of performances throughout Florida and the Americas featuring internationally acclaimed guest artists from around the globe. 7:30 pm l $20 | $35/cabaret seating w/refreshments

Marcos Conde Solo Exhibition Opening Reception

August 2: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). 2019 ArtLit live painting competition winner Marcos Conde is featuring his work in a solo exhibition at BaCA. All Ages | 6 - 10:00 pm l FREE

Storied Workshop Series

August 10: See June 8 event for details. th

Blended Conversations

July 13: See June 15th event for details.


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Video Skills For Creatives

August 10: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. Video Skills for Creatives provides free workshops designed to lay the groundwork for artists to harness the power of video media and reach a wider audience. 18 & Up | 1:00 -4:00 pm | FREE

Senior Citizens Days

August 21: E. Pat Larkins C.C. Come out and celebrate national seniors days while getting free health screenings and informative health literature from participating vendors. 55 & up | 10 am - 2:00 pm | FREE

Staged Play Reading “For Colored Girls”

August 31: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. The piece is a series of 20 separate poems choreographed to music that weaves interconnected stories of love, empowerment, struggle and loss into a complex representation of sisterhood. Subjects from rape, abandonment, abortion and domestic violence are tackled. All Ages | 3 - 5:00 pm l $10

[ September ] Senior Citizens’ Prom

September 7: E. Pat Larkins C.C. Please join us at for an unforgettable evening of dancing, dining and pictures. Tickets available August 1st at the E. Pat Larkins C.C. 954.786.4585 | 55 & Up | 6 - 9:00 pm | $20

Blended Conversations

September 7: See June 15th event for details.

9/11 We Remember Ceremony

September 11: Pompano Beach Cultural Center. Join us in honoring the local heroes and honor the fallen from September 11, 2001. All Ages | 7:00 pm | FREE

Pen and Ink Illustration

September 14: Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA). Participants will combine ink wash & pen to create a complete Pen & Ink Illustration. Work from your own or supplied photos. Includes supplies. 16 & Up | 11 am - 3:00 pm l $40

Intergalactic Bead & Jewelry Show

September 14 & 15: Emma Lou Olson C.C. Precious/semi-precious gemstone beads, freshwater pearls & hand blown glass beads. | All Ages | 10 am - 5 pm | FREE

Tropical Postcard Show

September 21: Emma Lou Olson C.C. Over 30 dealers from around the country, more than a million cards on display and for sale. | All Ages | 10 am - 5 pm | FREE

[ October ] Halloween Horse Show & Fair

Camp Discovery

June 10 - August 9: Highlands Park. Camp Discovery offers campers an exciting and fun opportunity to view the world around us. Campers will explore force, motion, life science, the sun, and the sky. Campers will participate in field trips, swimming, indoor/outdoor games, arts and crafts & more! Registration fee required. No camp July 4th.

Grades 1-5 | 954.786.7871 | 7:30 am - 6:00 pm Resident: $150/session | NonResident: $180/session Session I: Jun 10-Jun 28 | Session II: Jul 1 - Jul 19 Session III: Jul 22 - Aug 9

Camp M.o.

June 10 - August 9: Mitchell Moore R.C. Camp M.O. is uniquely designed to “M”otivate “O”thers, build character, and encourage active participation within the community. Campers will also participate in a variety of recreational summer camp activities such as swimming, art and crafts, field trips, group games & more! Registration fee required. No camp July 4th. Grades 1-5 | 954.786.4131 | 7:30 am - 6:00 pm Resident: $150/session | NonResident: $180/session Session I: Jun 10-Jun 28 | Session II: Jul 1 - Jul 19 Session III: Jul 22 - Aug 9

Camp H20

Boo Bash

October 25: Sample-McDougald House. Join us for a spooktacular time at this year’s Boo Bash. We’ll be scaring-up fun with carnival games, DJ, music, dance, a costume contest and more! All Ages | 6 - 9:00 pm | FREE

June 10 - August 9: North Pompano R.C. Camp H20 provides a safe, fun and active environment where children can develop new skills, build self-esteem, and create new friendships. Campers will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of water and sport activities; so come engage, explore and learn about the world of water and sports. Registration fee required. No camp July 4th. Grades 6-8 | 954.786.4119 | 7:30 am - 6:00 pm Resident: $150/session | NonResident: $180/session Session I: Jun 10-Jun 28 | Session II: Jul 1 - Jul 19 Session III: Jul 22 - Aug 9

Camp Sports Mania

June 10 - August 9: Mitchell Moore R.C. Experience a summer full of sports, character

growth, and team building at Camp Sports Mania! In addition to athletic instruction, campers will also have fun participating in field trips, swimming and organized camp events. Stay active this summer and experience new adventures at camp Sports Mania! Registration fee required. No camp July 4th. Grades 6-8 | 954.786.4131 | 7:30 am - 6:00 pm Resident: $150/session | NonResident: $180/session Session I: Jun 10-Jun 28 | Session II: Jul 1 - Jul 19 Session III: Jul 22 - Aug 9

Camp P.E.P

June 10 - August 9: Emma Lou Olson C.C. Every day of Camp P.E.P. your child is an explorer! This ten week specialty camp is designed to suit a variety of interests by changing the area of focus each week. Join us as we explore Celebration of Nations week, science week, field trips to Pompano Beach’s greatest landmarks and more! Registration fee required. No camp July 4th. Grades -- | 954.786.4111 | 7:30 am - 6:00 pm Resident: $333/session | NonResident: $345/session Session I: Jun 10-Jun 28 | Session II: Jul 1 - Jul 19 Session III: Jul 22 - Aug 9

Junior Lifeguards

June 10 - August 9: The program is designed to improve young people’s physical conditioning, understanding, and respect for the environment around them. Registration fee required. No camp July 4th. Info: 954.786.4128 Ages 7-8 | Resident: $75 | NonResident: $100 Ages 9-17 | Resident: $150 | NonResident: $200

Arts and Literacy Summer Camp

June 10 - August 2: Historic Ali Cultural Arts. Fines arts classes including dance, drumming, drama; workshops on banking and literacy, performance etiquette, stage make up and more. Campers also participate in weekly field trips to museums, water parks and more. On the last day campers will present a showcase. Registration fee required. No camp July 4th. 5-13 | $70/week | 954.786.7877

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ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

October 12: Join us at Sand and Spurs Equestrian Park for the 11th Annual Halloween Horse Show and Fair. This is a joint family event supporting the City of Pompano Beach & U Can Ride Therapeutic Sessions with horseback costume contest, all ages costume parade, carnival games, hay rides, arts & crafts, face painting and more! 954.786.4133 | All Ages | 10 am - 3 pm | FREE

Summer Camp

American Red Cross Certifications and Training (AC & H/S)

Lifeguard Training, First Responder & Water Safety Instructor classes. Contact the facility for scheduling.

Pool Parties (AC & H/S)

Have your child’s birthday or any occasion party at the pool. Schedule with facility at least two weeks in advance of event.


Aquatic Center (AC)

820 NE 18th Avenue, Pompano Beach, FL 954.786.4128 Mon, Wed & Fri:. . . . . . . . . . 6:00 am - 8:00 pm Tue & Thu: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 am - 8:00 pm Saturday & Sunday: . . . . . . 9:30 am - 4:30 pm *Membership required for entry before 8:00 am week days.

Houston/Sworn Aquatic Center (H/S)

901 NW 10th Street, Pompano Beach, FL 954.786.4116 Mon, Wed & Fri:. . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Tue & Thu:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday & Sunday: . . . . . . 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

We would like to invite everyone to come and take a look at the Aquatic Center and Houston/Sworn Aquatic Center. The Aquatic Center includes an Olympic size pool that is 50-meters by 25-yards with two one-meter spring boards. Twenty-five meter pool under construction and is scheduled to reopen in 2020. The Houston/Sworn Aquatic Center hosts nine 25-yard lap lanes with two onemeter spring boards. *Some programs may not be offered at both pools. Times and prices are subject to change. Call to verify schedule before visiting.

Adult Lap Swimming (H/S)

Annual and Semi-annual passes available. 18 & Up | Mon, Wed & Fri | 8 am - 7 pm Residents: $2.50 | Non-Resident: $4.50 18 & Up | Tue & Thu | 8 am - 5 pm Residents: $2.50 | Non-Resident: $4.50 18 & Up | Sat - Sun | 9 am - 4:30 pm Residents: $2.50 | Non-Resident: $4.50


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Daily Open Swim (H/S) All Ages | Mon - Sun | 1 - 4 pm Resident: $1.75 (Child) | Resident $2.50 (Adult) Non-Resident: $2.25/child | Non-Resident: $4.50/adult Waterobics

(H/S) (AC)

This program is a shallow and deep-water cardiovascular workout that challenges participants of all fitness levels. 55 minute class. (H/S) (AC) | 18 & Up | Mon, Wed & Fri 9 - 10 am & 6 - 7 pm Resident: $3/class OR $25/10 classes Non-Resident: $3.50/class OR $30/10 classes (AC) | 18 & Up | Mon, Wed & Fri 10:15 -11:15 am | 11:30 am - 12:25 pm Resident: $3/class OR $25/10 classes Non-Resident: $3.50/class OR $30/10 classes (AC) | Tue & Thu | 6:30 - 7:30 pm Resident: $3/class OR $25/10 classes Non-Resident: $3.50/class OR $30/10 classes (AC) | 18 & Up | Sat | 9:45 - 10:45 am Resident: $3/class OR $25/10 classes Non-Resident: $3.50/class OR $30/10 classes (H/S) | 18 & Up | Sat | 10 - 11 am Resident: $3/class OR $25/10 classes Non-Resident: $3.50/class OR $30/10 classes

Piranhas Swim Team (AC)

U.S.A. SWIM TEAM. For more information please contact 954.372.5029 or Plus $35 Club Registration & $60.00 League Registration fee. Call for times. 4 - 18 | Mon-Fri | $65/monthly 4 - 18 | Sat | $65/monthly

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Preschools & Childcare Centers

(AC & H/S)

Looking for lessons for your students? We will be offering group lessons. Call us for rates and times. Grants may be available!

College Teams Or Clubs (AC & H/S)

Looking for training for your team? The Pompano Aquatic Center and Houston/Sworn Aquatic Center will be offering training space for your needs, long course (50 Meter) or short course (25 yards). Please contact the Pompano Aquatic Center for dates and times at 954.786.4128.

FREE Adult Swim Lessons (H/S)

The City of Pompano Beach Parks & Recreation Department will be giving free swimming lessons to all City of Pompano Beach adult residents. Lessons will be offered during the summer. To register, visit the Houston/ Sworn Aquatic Center. Proof of residency is required. Info: 954.786.4116 Session I: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 10 - June 21 Session II: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 24 - July 5 Session III:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 8 - July 19 Session IV:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 22 - August 2 Session V: . . . . . . . . . . . August 5 - August 16

Hours of Operation

North Pompano Beach Blvd. & Atlantic Blvd. The public beach is open 365 days a year. Swimming areas guarded 7 days a week 9 a.m - 4:45 p.m. During day light savings the guards extend their coverage until 6:45 p.m (early March to early September). Restroom facilities, showers, picnic shelter and tables, barbecue grills, beach wheelchairs, and children’s playground are located on the beach. The Municipal Pier, 222 N. Pompano Beach Boulevard, is open 24 hours a day. Food and beverages can be purchased at the Pier Concession. The Pier is currently under construction and is scheduled to re-open in early 2019. The public beach has two beach wheelchairs which make the beach accessible to our special needs residents and visitors. The beach chairs are available seven days a week on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information go to Ocean Rescue Headquarters (50 N. Pompano Beach Blvd.) or ask any lifeguard.

Ocean Rescue

Special Considerations

Boogie boarding is allowed everywhere on the beach, however, surfing is only allowed in designated areas. Wrist or ankle leashes are mandatory. Stand up paddleboards have been interpreted to be the same as surfboards if inside the vessel exclusion buoys. Launching for stand up paddleboards is north of Lifeguard Tower 6 located on the north side of the municipal pier or south of Lifeguard Tower 3 located at the eastern Atlantic Avenue terminus. No craft shall be operated at a distance closer than 100 yards (300 feet) of the municipal pier. Stand up paddleboarders outside the vessel exclusion buoys are required to wear a life vest


Boat and Jet Ski launching is available at Alsdorf Park on NE 14th Street Causeway and the Intracoastal Waterway. A playground and picnic area is also available at this site.

Beach Picnic Pavilions, Sand Volleyball & Soccer Courts

Pavilions are available for rent by calling the Emma Lou Olson Civic Center 954.786.4111. Volleyball and soccer courts are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. • Alcohol Is Prohibited On The Public Beach And In All Parks. • Pets are not allowed on the beach or in City Parks.

Beach Conditions

Daily Conditions Report 954.786.4005 Information is provided daily regarding swimming conditions at Pompano Beach. After 9 a.m. daily, call the above telephone number for a recording describing water and weather conditions as well as the presence of Man-OWar or Sea Lice.

Beach Condition Flags Green:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low Hazard Yellow: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medium Hazard Red: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . High Hazard Double Red: . . . Water is closed to the public Purple: . . . . . . . . . . . . Dangerous Marine Life


Adopt-A-Beach is an environmental program for various age groups promoting cleaner beaches. Organizations or individuals interested in participating in an AdoptA-Beach and/or beach cleanup of Pompano Beach can request information by e-mailing

Junior Lifeguard Program (H/S)

Located at the Houston/Sworn Aquatic Center. This program provides a unique aquatic experience by preparing participants for a lifeguard profession through various approaches such as life saving techniques, preventative lifeguarding skills with mock rescues, and assisting with the instruction for swim lessons. Info: 954.786.4128

Session 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 10th - July 5th Session 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 8th - August 2nd 9 - 16 | 9 am - 1 pm | Mon - Fri Residents: $45 | Non-Residents: $55

Junior Lifeguard Program


Located at the main public beach. The Junior Lifeguard Program is to provide quality education and increase self confidence, physical conditioning, and ocean awareness through instruction in water safety, first aid, beach ecology, and surf rescue techniques. Registration begins April 1st, 2018. Info: 954.786.4128. Juniors:

Sessions 1: . . . . . . . . . . . June 10th - June 21st Session 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 24th - July 5th Session 3: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 8th - July 19th Session 4: . . . . . . . . . . . July 22nd - August 2nd 9 - 16 | 8 am - 12 pm | Mon - Fri Resident $150 | Non-Resident $200 Grommets:

Session 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . June 17th - June 21st Session 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . June 24th - June 28th Session 3: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 15th - July 19th Session 4: . . . . . . . . . . . . July 29th - August 2nd 9 - 16 | 8 am - 12 pm | Mon - Fri Resident $75 | Non-Resident $100

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ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

Pompano Beach Ocean Rescue is a division of Pompano Beach Fire Rescue. The beach patrol consists of 17 full-time and 35 part-time highly trained men and women who protect swimmers along 1,200 yards of beach. All of our ocean lifeguards are certified First Responders or Emergency Medical Technicians who are trained to handle any emergency and are equipped with full basic life support equipment such as AED’s and oxygen. Our agency’s lifeguard certification is provided through the United States Lifesaving Association. Ocean Rescue lifeguards receive additional training with Pompano Beach Fire Rescue. Our ocean lifeguards also have extensive knowledge of the ocean and beach environment and are always happy to answer questions from the public.

Hobie cats, kite boarders, paddle and wind driven vessels can be launched at NE 13th and 16th Streets only and must stay 100 yards off the public beach. Boats (both sail and motor) must also stay 100 yards off the public beach. Vessel exclusion buoys are an added visual reference.

Golf Course

Drive Range Hours Apr 15 - Nov 19

Summer Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri & Sat:. . . . . 7:00 am - Dark Wed & Sun: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 am - 6:30 pm Nov 20 - Apr 14

Winter Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat: . . . . . . 6:30 am - Dark Wed & Sun: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 am - 4:30 pm Pompano’s Municipal Golf Courses consists of two 18-hole courses; the Palms and the Pines. The golf courses are conveniently located on N. Fed Hwy between Atlantic Blvd. and Copans Rd. and are easily accessed from I95 and Florida’s Turnpike.

ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

The redesigned and renovated Greg Norman Signature Pines Course opened on January 1, 2013 to rave reviews. With state of the art design, Celebration Bermuda fairways and TifEagle greens, the Pines will most assuredly become a golf destination for residents and visitors to the region. The Palms golf course continues to cater to a loyal following of golfers who have enjoyed the layout for over a half a century. The Golf Shop and Golf Course Restaurant & Lounge are open to the public as well as members and guests. The friendly and professional staff, led by PGA Professional Bob Loring, is also available for expert golf instruction and club/golf ball fitting. Owned and operated by the City of Pompano Beach, our Golf Courses cater to the daily public play, annual members, charity, corporate events, and junior groups. Schedule a tee-time at

Range Balls

Small: Basket: $4 | Large Basket: $6 $30/10 tokens and get 1 token free Range tokens are available for purchase in the Golf Shop.

Adult Group Golf Instruction Pompano Beach Municipal Golf Course 1101 N. Federal Hwy., Pompano Beach, FL Business Hours Mon - Sun:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Phone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 954.786.4142

City of Pompano Beach Golf Advisory Board

Richard J. Porraro: . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman Al Siefert: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice Chairman Mike Duberry:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Roger Gingerich: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Donald Totter: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Patrica Desantis:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member James R. Bunn:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Gary Ruderman:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member


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Sat (Men & Woman): 11:30-12:30 pm | $20/person Mon (Ladies Only): 9 -10 am | $15/person

All prices include use of facility during session/range balls.

Private Golf Instruction

All Ages Individual Sessions, Lesson Series, and On-Course Playing Lessons are available by appointment, 954.781.0426.

Junior Golf Programs

5 - 14 | Tue | 4 - 5 pm $15/person 5 - 9 | Sat | 9 - 10 am | $10/person 10 - 14 | Sat | 10:15 -11:30 am | $15/person

All prices include use of facility during session/range balls.

Summer Golf Rates

(Apr 15 - Nov 19)

Before 1 pm $21/Palms | N/A/Pines | 9 holes w/cart

Before 1 pm $16/Palms | N/A/Pines | 18 holes/walking Before 1 pm $26/Palms | $35/Pines | 18 holes w/golf 1 pm - 4 pm $18/Palms | N/A - Pines | 9 holes w/cart 1 pm - 4 pm $16/Palms | N/A/Pines | 18 holes/walking 1 pm - 4 pm $21/Palms | $32/Pines | 18 holes w/cart After 4 pm $15/Palms | N/A/Pines | 9 holes w/golf cart After 4 pm $13/Palms | N/A/Pines | 18 holes walking After 4 pm $19/Palms | $27/Pines | 18 holes w/cart

Winter Rates (Nov 20 - Apr 14) Before 12:30 pm $40/Palms | N/A/Pines | 9 holes w/cart

Before 12:30 pm $34/Palms | N/A/Pines | 18 holes walking Before 12:30 pm $45/Palms | $65/Pines | 18 holes w/cart 12:30 - 2 pm $35/Palms | N/A/Pines | 9 holes w/cart 12:30 - 2 pm $29/Palms | N/A/Pines | 18 holes walking 12:30 - 2 pm $40/Palms | $55/Pines | 18 holes w/cart After 2 pm $30/Palms | N/A/Pines | 9 holes w/golf cart After 2 pm $24/Palms | N/A/Pines | 18 holes/walking After 2 pm $35/Palms | $45/Pines | 18 holes w/cart

All rates are subject to change. All rates include tax.

Annual Memberships

Resident (Single) $800/Palms | $1,400/Pines & Palms Resident (2 person Family) $1,100/Palms | 1,800/Pines & Palms Nonresident (Single) $1,000/Palms | $1,600/Pines & Palms Nonresident (2 person Family) $1,400/Palms | $2,200/Pines & Palms

Member Daily Rates

$8.50/Palms | N/A/Pines & Palms | 9 holes/walking $10/Palms | N/A/Pines & Palms | 9 holes w/cart $10/Palms | N/A/Pines & Palms | 18 holes walking $20/Palms | $20/Pines & Palms | 18 holes w/cart All rates are subject to change. All rates include tax. Members may make tee times up to 2 weeks in advance of play. Memberships are valid 365 days from date of purchase.

Sports Adult Softball

18 & Up | Thu | 7 pm | 8:15 pm | 9:30 pm Resident: $400/team | Non-Resident: $500/team Pompano Community Park. Mens league. Registration begins in the fall. Standings, scores, awards & playoffs included. Call for season information. *51% of team is made up of Pompano Beach residents and pay resident rate. or 954.786.4119

Adult Basketball

Program Runs: May through June. Come out and test out your basketball skills against other adult players. Location: Mitchell/Moore R.C.

Co-ed Ultimate Frisbee

Six week season and two weeks of playoffs. Looking to stay in shape while having fun? Join our Adult Co-Ed Ultimate Frisbee League. Register at the Highlands Recreation Center. Location: North Pompano Park. 18 & Up | Mon | 7 - 9 pm | $100/team

Open Gym

Come out and test your basketball skills. Location: Mitchell/Moore R.C., McNair Park.

13 & Under | Mon - Thu | 6:15-7:15 pm | FREE 14 & Under | Sat | 9 am - 12 pm | FREE 14 & Up | Mon - Thu | 6 pm - 8:30 pm | FREE

Open Shuffleboard Play

Season is October through May. Equipment is provided. Located: McNab Park 18 & Up | Mon & Wed | 9:30-11:30 am | FREE

Karate Herb Skolnick C.C.

8 & Up | Tue | 7:30 - 8:30 pm | $30/month 5 - 17 | Tue | 6:30 - 7:30 pm | $30/month 3 - 4 | Tue | 5:30 - 6 pm | $30/month

USA Goju Karate

Youth Girls Softball

Registration starts August 5, 2019 Program begins September 4, 2019 Located: Pompano Community Park.

7 - 15 | Mon, Wed, Fri | TBD Resident: $25 | Non-Resident: $50

Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required.

5 - 17 | Mon & Thu | 6:30 - 7:30 pm | $50/month 18 & Up | Mon & Thu | 7:30 - 9 pm | $50/month Come out and get a kick out of this program. This exciting program offers a chance for participants ages 5 and up to build self-esteem while learning the art of karate. Location: Highlands R.C.

ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

18 & Up | Sat | 1 pm - 3:45 pm Residents: $20 | Non-Residents: $30

For more information check out

Beginners 5 & Up | Mon & Thu | 6:30 - 7:30 pm | $7/class OR $40/month Advanced 5 & Up | Mon & Thu | 7:30 - 8:30 pm | $7/class OR $40/month

Youth Soccer

Registration starts October 7th. Season starts November 9th. Location: Pompano Community Park. 5 - 7 | Mon & Wed | 5:45 - 6:45 pm Saturday Mornings - Call for Time Residents: $25 | Non-Residents: $50 8 - 10 | Tue & Thu | 5:45 - 8 pm Saturday Mornings - Call for Time Residents: $25 | Non-Residents: $50 11 - 14 | 8 pm | Mon & Wed Saturday Mornings - Call for Time Residents: $25 | Non-Residents: $50

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Yoga 18 & Up | Mon | 6 - 7 pm | $12/class 18 & Up | Thu | 9:30 - 10:30 am | $12/class Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required.

18 & Up | Mon | 10:15 - 11:15 am | $12/class 18 & Up | Sat | 9:30 - 10:30 am | $12/class 55 & Up | Mon | 9 - 10 am | $12/class Herb Skolnick C.C. Specifically designed for participants who may have trouble doing traditional yoga on a mat. Instructor: Alex Shiphan. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Jazzercise 18 & Up | Mon & Wed | 4:40 - 5:40 pm $15/class OR $45/unlimited monthly classes 18 & Up | Mon - Thu | 5:45 - 6:45 pm $15/class OR $45/unlimited monthly classes 18 & Up | Sat | 8:45 - 9:45 am $15/class OR $45/unlimited monthly classes

Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Jazzercise Lite 18 & Up | Tue & Thu | 9:30 - 10:30 am $15/class OR $45/unlimited monthly classes Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required for all adult classes. Info: 954.785.7973

18 & Up | M, W & F | 9:30 - 10:30 am | $39/month Herb Skolnick C.C. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Zumba 18 & Up | Tue & Thu | 7 - 8 pm $7/class OR $55/10 classes 18 & Up | Sat | 10 - 11 am $7/class OR $55/10 classes

Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

18 & Up | Wed | 6:30 - 7:30 pm $8/class OR $80/11 classes 18 & Up | Tue | 10 - 11:00 am $8/class OR $80/11 classes Herb Skolnick C.C. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Tai Chi 18 & Up | Thu | 10 - 11 am | $12/class Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

18 & Up | Wed | 9:30 - 10:30 am | $12/class

Herb Skolnick C.C. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Nia/Kai Creative Movement 18 & Up | Sat | 11:30 am ­- 12:30 pm $12/class OR $100/10 classes

Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required for all adult classes.


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Hours of Operation

920 NE 18th Avenue, Pompano Beach Phone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 954.786.4115 Monday-Thursday:. . . . . . 7:30 am - 9:30 pm Friday:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 am - 6:30 pm Saturday & Sunday: . . . . . 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Nestled in the emerald green surrounds of Community Park, the Municipal Tennis Center offers 16 lighted professional fast-dry clay courts for day and night play. With a fully-equipped pro shop which includes merchandise. USPTA Professional, Eddie Sposa and staff offers a wide variety of private and group lessons for all levels of play. *Please call Pro Shop for registration and fees. Some classes may be rescheduled or cancelled due to insufficient sign up. For camp inquiries call 954.786.4115.

Tennis Center

Tennis Courts (hard) are available at no charge from sunrise to sunset throughout the City on a first-come, first-served basis. Please limit court time to one hour if others are waiting. • The corner of NE 18 Ave & NE 6 St • Founders Park (lighted), 215 NE 4 Ave • Sgt. Kip A Jacoby Park, S Cypress Rd&SE 5 Ct • Apollo Park, NW 3 Ave & NW 15 Pl • Mitchell/Moore Park (lighted), 901 NW 10 St • McNab Park, 2250 E. Atlantic Blvd • George Brummer Park, 3500 W Palm Aire Dr

Court Fees

ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

Residents Child: $3.75 | Non-Resident Child: $7. Resident Adult: $7.50 | Non-Resident Adult: $10. Lights:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.20/hour/court

Prices include 6% tax. Telephone reservations only, 954.786.4115 after 2:00 pm, for the following day. (Members only)

Membership Rates

Resident Adult Single:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300 Non-Resident Adult Single: . . . . . . . . . . . . $480 Residents Child:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 Non-Resident Child:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 Resident Family (2 person):. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $425 Non-Resident Family (2 person): . . . . . . . . . . . . $650

Private Lessons

30 Minute Session: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35 60 Minute Session: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60 90 Minute Session: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

Adult Clinics

18 & Up | Mon - Sat | TBA | $20

Junior Programs

4 - 7 | Mon - Thu | 4 - 5 pm | $13/class 8 - 15 | Mon - Thu | 5 - 6:30 pm | $18/class

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Leisure Learn to Speak Spanish

ACBL Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge

Canasta Lessons

18 & Up | TBD | TBD | $90/6 weeks

18 & Up | Thu | 12:30 - 4:30 pm | $9/Session 18 & Up | Sat | 12 - 4 pm | $9/Session

25 & Up | Mon | 1 pm - 3 pm | $7/class

Herb Skolnick C.C. Registration fee required. Info: 954.786.4590

Private Piano Lessons All Ages | Tue | TBD | $25/30 minute lesson

Herb Skolnick C.C. Registration fee required. Info: 954.786.4590

Mah Jongg Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required.

ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

18 & Up | Fri | 9 - 11 am | $6/lesson

Herb Skolnick C.C. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Seniors’ Cards & Games

18 & Up | Sat | 11:30 am - 3:30 pm | $7/Session

Emma Lou Olson C.C. Includes lunch. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

55 & Up | Mon - Fri | 9 am - 1 pm | FREE

E. Pat Larkins Community Center. Community Development Block Grant Program. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Actor’s Flow All Ages | Wed | 6:45 - 8:45 pm | $150/6 weeks

Emma Lou Olson C.C. With instructor Howard October. Program runs January through February. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Party Bridge 18 & Up | Tue & Thu | 11 am - 3 pm | FREE

Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Open Card Play 18 & Up | Mon - Fri | 12 - 4 pm | FREE

Yearly membership required. Herb Skolnick C.C. Yearly registration is required. Come out and engage in simple card play. 954.786.4590. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Writing Workshop 18 & Up | Fri | 10 am - 12 pm | $20/class

Herb Skolnick C.C. Instructor: Marjory Diane Lyons, Ph.D. For seasoned and first-time writers. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

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18 & Up | Tue | 10 am | FREE Herb Skolnick C.C. Crafters bring their own projects and work together in a casual atmosphere. Registration fee required.

AARP Driver Safety Program Quilting 50 & Up | 4th Tue | 10 am - 4 pm $15/member | $20/non-member

Pinochle 18 & Up | Mon | 6 - 9 pm | FREE

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18 & Up | Mon - Fri | 12 - 4 pm | $7/Session

Herb Skolnick C.C. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Independent Senior Program Yarn & Ewe

18 & Up| Wed | 9 - 11 am | $5/lesson


Herb Skolnick C.C. Instructor Bill Howe. Includes lite refreshments. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

Herb Skolnick C.C. Registration required and must be made in advance. Please call 954.943.0648 to receive registration information. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

50 & Up | 3rd Mon | 10 am - 4 pm $15/member | $20/non-member

Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration required and must be made in advance. Please call 954.943.0648 to receive registration information. Registration fee required for all adult classes.

50 & Up | 3rd Thu | TBD $15/member | $20/non-member

Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration required and must be made in advance. Please call the center for more information, 954943.0648 Registration fee required for all adult classes.

18 & Up | Mon | 9:30-10:30 am | $30/6 weeks By hand. A class for beginners.

18 & Up | Mon | 11 - 12 pm $30/6 weeks By hand. An intermediate class.

18 & Up | Mon | 1 - 3 pm | $45/6 weeks By machine. Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required.

Tots, Kids & Teens

Tap, Ballet & Jazz

Beginners Ballet/Modern Dance

Acting Out

3 - 17 | Tue - Thu | Time Varies | $35 - $65/month

6 - 9 | Wed | 6:20 - 7:20 pm | $36/monthly

8 - 18 | Sat | 2-3:30 pm | $25/class OR $30/month

Emma Lou Olson C.C. Registration fee required.

Hip Hop & Cheerleading 4 - 7 | Fri | 4 - 4:45 pm | $50/month

Ashanti Cultural Arts at the Historic Ali Cultural Arts. Class runs from September 9th until May 28th. Plus a one-time registration fee of $25. Register online: www.

Emma Lou Olson C.C.

Intermediate Dance

Ali-Ashanti Dance Class

12 & Up | Tue | 6:30 - 7:45 pm | $36/monthly

Contemporary Ballet Beginner/Intermediate 6 - 8 | Wed | 5:50 - 6:50 pm | $30/month

Ashanti Cultural Arts at the Historic Ali Cultural Arts. Class runs from September 9th until May 28th. Plus a one-time registration fee of $25. Register at

Intermediate Modern/Ballet Dance

Contemporary Ballet Beginner/Intermediate

9 - 18 | Wed | 7:20 - 8:20 pm | $38/monthly Ashanti Cultural Arts at the Historic Ali Cultural Arts. Class runs from September 12th until May 28th. Plus a one-time registration fee of $25. Register online:

9 - 12 | Wed | 6:50 - 7:50 pm | $30/month Plus a $25 registration fee. Ali Cultural Arts.

Ali- Serenity Dance Class 6 & Up | Wed | 11:30 - 12:30 pm Residents: $50 | Non-Residents $80 6 & Up | Wed | 1:30 - 2:30 pm Residents: $50 | Non-Residents $80

Ali Cultural Arts.

Tiny Tots Dance & Movement

8 - 18 | Sat | 2 - 3 pm | $30/monthly Historic Ali Cultural Arts. Class runs from August 12th until September 29th. Plus a one-time registration fee of $25. For more information and to register: www.aliarts. org. Does your child enjoy the spotlight? Acting Out will help young actors, aspiring actors and all students rev up their confidence while developing skills including improvisation, characterization, movement, vocal production, script analysis and scene study. Classes are taught by Kendrick Jones, Artistic Director at Epic Arts. Class dates/times subject to change.

Afterschool Program K - 5th | Mon - Fri | 2 - 6 pm Residents: $50/month | Non-Residents: $90/month Mitchell/Moore R.C. Highlands Park R.C. McNair Park R.C. Emma Lou Olson C.C. Your child will be exposed to various activities including arts and crafts, theme based activities, sports, aquatics and more. Space is limited. Plus $25 registration fee.

3 - 4 | Sat | 10:30 - 11:20 am | $36/monthly Ashanti Cultural Arts at the Historic Ali Cultural Arts. Class runs from September 9th until May 28th. Plus a one-time registration fee of $25. Register online: www.

Afterschool Extended Care

Beginners Ballet Movement

Kids Day Off

5 | Wed | 6:20 - 7:20 pm | $36/monthly

K - 5th | Mon - Fri | 7:30 am - 6:30 pm Residents: $15/day | Non-Residents: $25/day

Ashanti Cultural Arts at the Historic Ali Cultural Arts. Class runs from September 9th until May 28th. Plus a one-time registration fee of $25. Register online: www.

Acting Out - CoEd

K - 5th | Mon - Fri | 6 pm- 6:30 pm | $40/monthly

Mitchell/Moore R.C. Highlands Park R.C. McNair Park R.C. Emma Lou Olson C.C.

Mitchell/Moore R.C. Highlands Park R.C. McNair Park R.C. Emma Lou Olson C.C. April 19, June 5, June 6, June 7, August 12, August 13, September 30 & October 9.

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ALL activities and prices are subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm.

Plus a $25 registration fee. Ali Cultural Arts.

Ali Cultural Arts. SESSION 1: March 11th - April 29th | SESSION 2: May 6th - June 24th A series of youth acting classes for children and youth with Instructor Kendrick Jones

Flood Damage The Flood Hazard Everyone should know their flood zone! Call the City Building Division at (954) 786-4670 to find out: • If a building is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area or not. • If a property is subject to erosion. • If the site area has local drainage problems, especially during heavy rain storms. • If the property is in an area that has had flood insurance claims filed repeatedly. • If there is an elevation certificate on file for a building. • To access the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the City. Property Protection • Elevate furniture and other household valuables and electrical appliances, or move them to higher floors. • Place sandbags in strategic places around your property. Sandbags can slow down and divert flood waters. • Regrading your property to provide for better storage of stormwater runoff, in stalling an earthen berm along the perimeter, and elevating the existing structure are good flood damage protection practices. Some flood protection methods require a construction permit so always call the Building Division before making any alterations to your property at 954.786.4670. Staff can offer suggestions and visit your site to offer property protection advice. If you see a project that does not have a permit sign, please contact the Building Division to report the possible violation. Flood Safety • Obey evacuation orders from officials. Only mobile homes and areas east of US1 to have to evacuate. • Know your evacuation zone and route, and shelter locations. Find your evacuation zone at Emergency or go to the City’s disaster preparedness web page at


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{Protect Your Home and Property}

• Stay away from power lines and electrical wires. Electrical current can travel through water. • Do not drive through flooded roadways. Roads may not be distinguishable from canals or ponds. • Do not walk through flowing waters. Flood Insurance • Everyone in Florida should purchase a flood insurance policy to protect their building and/or its contents, whether in a SFHA or not! • Most homeowners’ or renters’ insurance policies do not cover property losses due to flood waters. • Please note that there is usually a 30 day waiting period after purchase before coverage takes effect. • The City of Pompano Beach participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the Community Rating System program (CRS), which provides a discount on all flood insurance policies. • Call your insurance agent today to purchase flood insurance. If you don’t have an agent, go to the website, or call 1-800 427-4661 for help. The City is available to assist. Call 954.545.7780. Stormwater Management Water from rain storms is managed through a system of pipes and drainage canals. Constant water flow through canals, especially during heavy storms, is essential to flood damage protection in the City. City and State laws prohibit dumping trash in waterways. Please report violators to the Public Works Department at 954.786.4028. Only Storm Water Down the Drain • Please keep in mind that it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that our water ways are kept clean. • Oils, lawn clippings and other substances should never be put down a storm drain. • If you see someone improperly

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disposing of waste into the storm drain system or waterways, or any other illicit discharge, please call the Public Works Department at 954.786.4028.

Benefits of Natural Floodplains Natural areas of the City typically collect and retain stormwater runoff during rainfall events which can reduce the flooding levels within the developed areas of the City. These natural areas also enhance the water quality of stormwater runoff by filtering through the ground. Sand dunes on the beach are nature’s protection against inland flooding from waves and high tides accompanying major storms. It is everyone’s responsibility to protect these natural areas and keep them clean! Sea Level Rise The consequences of sea level rise in Pompano Beach may include the following impacts: • Increased frequency of flooding in coastal and inland areas, • socio-economic impacts such as displacement, • decreases in property values and tax base, and • increases in insurance costs. • Visit www.Broward.orgclimate/pages/ default.aspk for more information about sea level rise. For More Information • Go to the City’s Emergency Management webpage at or call 954.545.7799. • Broward County Emergency Man agement Department website at or call 954.545.4670. • Go to the Pompano Beach website at and go to the Development Services Division page for flood info, or call 954.786.4600. • Twitter: @mypompanobeach • Facebook: Pompano Beach City Hall. • The Broward County Public Library has many flood-related documents. Search the catalog for “flood” and “FEMA”.




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Join us for an exciting evening of salsa dancing! Latin Dance Class 8:15pm | Dancing 9pm | Concert 9:30pm

954.545.7800 | 50 W. Atlantic Blvd., Pompano Beach, FL 33060

Funding for this organization is provided in part by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council.

JUN 29 & SEP 21 | $15-$20


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