The Award Winning Buzz Magazine - Newbury Issue 24

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lo ca l | best community magazine



aug.sept 2015

luxury afternoon tea @ Inglewood


property tips for home owners





lawn assessment Breast cancer

deadly sins of


25th September Buzz MacMillan Coffee Morning @Newbury Town Hall |



Buzz goes to Hollywood withtor Actor, Direc & Writer






Wash Common






and surrounding areas




Looking for high-impact campaign? FACT! Not only are magazines read by the initial purchaser, statistics show that the average one is read nearly 6 times, with 80% of women and 67% of men regularly reading local publications.

Buzz Power advertising - your solution n Deciding to advertise in high quality Buzz will enable your

brand to optimise, explore and strengthen its reputation. n Buzz Power shares your advert across multiple channels

including social media, online articles, videos as well as traditional print. Join our members today and start your successful campaign! Call us on 01635 20006 to register for the next Buzz Power event. For more information, visit our website

contents 4 Community 6 Business Focus 9 Buzz Social 10 Wedding 15 TJ Photography 19 Buzz Offers 20 What’s On 22 Education 26 Food & Drink 29 Food Review 30 Health, Beauty

35 fashion

& Wellbeing

36 Property 39 Allotment Week 40 Competitions 41 Garden View 43 Books, Cinema,

24 travel


Editor-in-Chief Jackie Osborne To the Editor: Food Editor Paul Milverton Website Editor Jenny Summerill Community Editor Waheeda Soomro Designer Vanessa Davis

Welcome So pleased that Buzz has attracted Hollywood celebrity Danny Huston to our August issue! With “Pressure” just about to be released in the UK, we engage with Danny to find out more about this exciting movie. Read more on page 16.

Jackie Osborne

are a must for our gardening friends. Our long association with Banjo Cycles continues and it is great to see them moving to larger premises in Hambridge Road. A great opportunity to service your bike and start cycling along our beautiful canal.

With our readers’ support, we aim to continue our journey and be recognised as the undisputed best local community magazine. We have come a long way since our humble beginnings in 2010 and gained recognition for our quality, rich content and above all, we have the community spirit at heart; thank you for all your support and feedback.

Buzz is once again supporting the Macmillan Coffee Morning and our event will be held at the Newbury Town Hall on the 25th September at 10am. We are looking for volunteers on the day and to donate cakes. Please get in touch with Jenny as soon as possible on 01635 200006.

In this issue, we bring you more informative articles, so please take your time to read the article in the Health & Wellbeing section about “Why self-examination is so important”. This article is beneficial to both genders, go to page 31.

Thanks for all your continued support and our next Buzz will be out in October (this will be a cracker just before Christmas).

Needless to say that our summer is well underway and tips in the Garden View

Travel Jane Zollo Copywriter Carlie Cohen


Accounts Julia Payen

16 danny huston

To promote your event: Contact: PO Box 6248, Thatcham Berkshire RG19 9HW Your complimentary copy or where sold £2. Thank you for the continued encouragement from our advertisers, supporters and the local community.

for a daily dose of buzz buzz.newbury

2013 magazine publishers’ awards


Call us on 01635 200 006

best community magazine best magazine design best website/app

Find Buzz Bee offers, fantastic deals on our website



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we are proud winners


Contributors Waheeda Soomro and Kathy Jones



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Although every effort has been taken in compiling the contents, the publisher cannot be held responsible for errors, omissions or information supplied by the advertisers. buzznewbury/ /buzz-newbury

Do you have any news that you would like to share? We’d love to hear from you. . .

y t i n u m com

your Community. your voice.

who are Chamber update

The West Berks Chamber Council has been lobbying West Berkshire Council to find answers to the key questions of whether there is a future site for Bayer in Newbury and what is the medium term plan for the development of the London Road Industrial Estate (LRIE). The latter was seen as an opportunity to develop a northern ‘gateway’ into the town from the M4 motorway. That dialogue is on-going and we will report in the next edition. We have also seen plans for a proposed Premier Inn Hotel on the Parkway site. The focus for the Chamber Council is for any scheme to create jobs and generate cash-flow. A key objective for the new West Berks President Joe Baily is to create a new communications strategy for local chamber members and prospects. This will see the creation of a local business newsletter and website, together with an improved networking events programme.

mro By Waheeda Soo

Eight Bells for Mental Health? This valuable service was established seven years ago by members of the community, who felt there was a gap in provision and support for people affected by mental health issues. This concern was further highlighted after the closure of Hillcroft Day Centre.


riginal founding members, Verity Murricane and Brenda Wilson are still very much hands on in the running of the Centre, based at The Quaker Meeting House in Newbury Town. Upon my visit to Eight Bells, I was instantly welcomed with warmth and interest. Some members sat around a table discussing the new website, others in various chairs around the room chatting, as the aroma of fresh homemade chicken pie filled the room. Kathryn Dundas is the charity coordinator, and is deeply passionate about the Centre, and the crucial role they play in supporting those suffering with mental health on a daily basis. There is a real sense of family and community; members are supportive of one another, and valued for their

individual contribution to the group’s success and evolution. A few of the members spoke honestly about how Eight Bells helped them through difficult and dark times, of depression and isolation. West Berkshire is one of the lowest ranking authorities in relation to Mental Health provision, but despite public funding cuts, Eight Bells continues to thrive relying on fundraising and grant bids. Members have developed their skills in art, catering, woodwork and crafts, producing and selling items to raise money for their cause. Eight Bells ran the refreshments stall for the second year at CultureFest on 25th July, with homemade cakes and snacks made by members.

For more information about the West Berks Chamber of Commerce please call 01753 870500 or email Gary Cranford Business Manager West Berks Chamber of Commerce 4

Eight Bells For Mental Health is an inclusive and accessible space. You don’t need to be referred by your doctor; just get in touch if you would like to drop in on a Monday and Thursday for that extra support and friendship:

We allow them to use the Council Chamber for Coffee Mornings, the Charity Stall on the Market or to hold fetes, etc in Victoria Park.”


Next steps Joyce enjoys her role and when I asked what are the plans for the next couple of years, she replied “I’ve always said that if my role ceases to be fun it will be time to move on. I am still really getting great satisfaction and enjoyment from the role and have no immediate plans to retire.” I’m very lucky that I organise a range of different activities every year. I have different people to work with every four years, a new set of Councillors and every year a new Mayor. Each Mayor has different ideas of what they want to achieve from their year in office. Between us, we do our best to ensure they achieve what they set out to accomplish”.

Jackie Osborne has the pleasure of interviewing Joyce Lewis, the longest serving person at Newbury Town Council. Joyce moved to the area because the company she was working for relocated to Newbury and eventually took up a position working in the Town Hall.“I started part-time and the job has evolved and since the Town Council came into existence it has grown significantly.” She joined in 1992 and in 1997 the Newbury Town Council was formed.

Since the time that Joyce joined the Town Council, Newbury has become a lively and thriving town. She has also noticed that “the evening community is as lively as the day community and it’s good that we have enough to keep people entertained in the town”.


uring the past 20 years of Joyce’s career there have been numerous momentous events, however, her proudest moment occurred in 1996 during the 400th anniversary celebration of the town charter when HRH Queen Elizabeth II came to the town especially for the event. The Mayor at the time was Garry Poulson. When speaking to Joyce, one has no doubt of her devotion and passion for what she does as she goes on to say, “I meet the nicest side of our community - I work with people that run charities

don’t miss the next in theds issue. . . st1san t october

HRH Queen Elizabeth II visits Newbury in 1996 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Newbury Charter

and support organizations. I’m the front face for the Mayor, residents approach me asking for the Mayor’s help with raising the profile of their support organisation or fundraising for their charity.

I meet the nicest side of our community - I work with people that run charities and support organizations.

To share your community news contact

The work behind the scenes in the Town Council is greater than most people envisage and Joyce explains “we have a services department that deals with the parks, open spaces and playgrounds and they are constantly looking at ways to improve what we have and how to change things to make facilities more user friendly. In all sections of the Town Council there are interesting opportunities, it’s certainly not a quiet run down to retirement. All in all it is very satisfying to be part of the growth of Newbury and to have been involved with so many charities and interesting projects involving so many amazing and lovely people.”

things I didn’t know before I read Buzz magazine


7 deadly sins of networking


50% of businesses fail in the first 2-3 years


Buzz Boules got to the semi-finals at the Rotary Club Boules event in Newbury


Hollywood star Danny Huston lives from time to time in a village near Newbury


PizzaExpress has an amazing menu with a variety of exciting dishes and not just pizza.

Go to for more updates on your local area 5

business focus


Business Advice

Anthony Fleming Passion4Life Ltd

fact Over 50% of businesses fail within the

first 2-3 years! 20-30% fail shortly afterwards within 5 years! And many tread water and just manage to pay themselves a small salary.


How can you ensure that your company is one of the few successful ones that grows year on year?

Contact me today at:

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From my observations in business, some of the things that business owners often consider are: n Try to find a ‘magic strategy’ n Continue doing the same thing n Trim down expenditure

I’m sorry to say that there are no magic strategies. Doing the same thing will generally produce the same or worse results. And trimming down expenses is usually prompted by a low income which means that your business is in trouble. The answer lies in trying a new approach. Perhaps stepping outside your comfort zone. Yes I know it is scary, but the rewards are endless and I can help you. My first business consultation is completely free of charge. Contact me today at:

The perfect Elevator Pitch We build websites and applications that add Real Value to your business. Our understanding and love of business and technology enables us to quickly understand your needs and deliver a product that not only meets those needs, but also exceed expectation - on time and within a competitive budget.

Simply put, we are very good at what we do! Call Michael on 01344 426744 for a free quote.

first 45 minute Business Consultation

of Networking 1


Not listening


No business cards

Leaving them in the car, at home or simply not having any is foolish when presumably you want people you meet to stay in touch; it truly undermines your credibility.

The old adage about having two ears and one mouth is never truer than networking. Focus on what others are saying to see where you can help, rather than waiting for your opportunity to speak.


Poor timekeeping

Over promising

Getting carried away and promising more than you or others can deliver, or guaranteeing a lucrative introduction you cannot fulfil will ensure your reputation is damaged.

Wherever you are networking ensure you know when it starts and finishes rather than pitch up later or have to dash off early – it makes you look disorganised and unprofessional.

People don’t have to like each other to work together but when a poor working relationship starts to affect their ability (or their colleagues ability) to do their job, then you have to act.

What can I do?

Two members of staff refuse to work with each other

By Michelle Bailey


f you haven’t already asked them why they don’t want to work with each other then that should be your first step. Once you know ”why”, you are in a better position to decide what you can and should do next. Assuming no-one has suggested anything serious enough to warrant disciplinary action i.e. bad practice, bullying,

harassment etc. then I suggest you try and talk things through, informally, with both of them. Deal with the situation at the earliest opportunity, be approachable, empathetic and fair and you will find it easier to resolve. Talk to each person separately to get an idea of the problem. Explain why you are getting involved. People are often surprised (and embarrassed) when they realise their behaviour has been noticed by others. Ask them to

Even among the leading networking organisations, this rates as the biggest complaint. If you are not going to follow up. . . why are you going in the first place?


Spam emails

Almost worse than not following up on a networking meeting is gathering business cards and then sending unsolicited offers or newsletters to people. By all means ask first!



Remember that great networking is not about hunting but much more like farming. You cultivate relationships rather than hammer them for sales. For more tips and information on social media and networking, visit Nigel’s page at - Ask the Expert.

tell you what the problem is and get them to be as specific as possible. Help them identify what changes need to be made in their behaviour to bring about an improvement in the situation. Try not to offer your opinion or take sides. If appropriate, bring both parties together to talk through the problem and identify what they can do to improve the situation. Get them to agree to make these changes and agree a date to come back and review progress. And don’t forget to tell them what will happen if the situation doesn’t improve. I have invariably been successful managing ‘conflicts’ this way but if you don’t feel able to manage this process yourself you may want to consider using the services of a third party or professional external mediator. If, having gone through this process, there has been no improvement, I would suggest you seek advice from an HR practitioner or Legal advisor before deciding what to do next.

01635 728 728 9

For more tips and information on Human Resources, visit Michelle’s page at - Ask the Expert.

The Seven Deadly Sins


Not following up

business focus

Here are the biggest mistakes networkers make whether they are new to the game or seasoned veterans.


220,000 passing viewers

e N n i g n Showi


We create for free You pay for display We refresh when you say


! t e e r t s h bury hig

es Day Armed Forc

social s, d, Kathy Jone - Andy Cree Buzz Team rne bo Os ie ck d Ja Nick Jones an

In the last two months Buzz has attended the Armed Forces Day, became semi-finalist at the Rotary Club Boules, supported Ring of Fire Bike Ride and attended the marvelous and delicious launch of Chef Rory Dyson’s Picnic Baskets at the Crown & Garter.

Kathy Jones enjoying some wonderful treats from Paula and Jemma from Strada.


e t Ring of Fir ts the grea Buzz suppor Bike Ride.

The Crown & Garter - Launch of their amazing picnic baskets - a must for a perfect outing.


We are passionate about children’s learning An experienced team of level 3 qualified staff In the heart of Newbury town centre For children aged 3 months to 5 years Extra-curricular activities such as French and sports Flexible attendance patterns “learning from an early age, sets children up for their future” Get in touch to find out more or arrange a visit 01635 44184 Like us on Facebook 6 Northcroft Lane Newbury RG14 1BU

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ith our exclusive hospitality package, fine dining and quality entertainment, you’re sure to please everyone. Our Christmas Coordinator will attend to all the necessary details that go into a memorable celebration while you, your friends and family catch up and relax. Set the scene for a winter wonder with Hilton.



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.00 New for 2015, Christmas per person Boogie Nights are a sure way to get the party started! Bar opens from 7pm followed by a 3 course meal. Unlimited wine and beer will be served from 7.30pm until 9pm. Then our resident DJ will then get everyone on their feet boogieing from the 70’s through til the naughties.

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Simon is a radio & TV professional with over 15 years’ experience.

We are an award winning video production company based in Newbury and specialise in creating, filming and editing, high quality video campaigns for businesses around the world.

We’ve worked with local, national and international companies, helping to increase their business reach and brand conversion rates with our expert knowledge and understanding of brand conversations and visuals. Speak to us today about how we can help you succeed in 2015 Call: 07976 625746

Visual Creativity E xperienced in presenting and producing his own home radio service Viking FM in Hull, he moved to Newbury to present on Kick FM, which led to work as head of production for a group of national radio services. Passionate about visual creativity, Simon has had the pleasure of working with some fantastic brands, such as Mountain Dew, Konami & Bednest. Needless to say that he loves working with local businesses, and has recently created content for Indigo Bay, The Hare & Hounds and The Real Macaron Company to name a few.

Jonathan Nelsey owner of the Hare & Hounds Hotel

“We were recently approached by Perception Studios about creating a video for our website. They guided us through the entire process and helped us create a great showcase for the hotel and our brand new restaurant and wedding venue THE BARN. Their expertise, knowledge and professionalism really made the process very easy for us.”

Every business has a story, and Simon would love to help you tell yours. Get in touch for a chat

You said we needed a bigger shop? We listened! We are now at Unit 4 & 5, Norman House, Hambridge Lane, Newbury RG14 5XA 01635 43186


Jackie Osborne interviews Trevor Mant and learns about his journey from the building trade to creative photography.

A fun and creative local photographer T

revor was in the building trade for over 30 years until his body could no longer take the pressure. He was born and bred in Portsmouth but came to Thatcham because of his partner Jenny. His photography interest started when his brother used to go out at an early age to take pictures and admire the different effects each photo produced. Trevor believes that his talent originated from the ability to combine his hands, brain and originality. The result presents itself in areas of his work. “It is nice to have the variety within my work which includes anything from passport photos, scanning and restoration of old photos, studio shoots, repairing cameras and taking LinkedIn profile photos to the large weddings.” Top hat and tails is the market that Trevor is looking for in the future. “I feel privileged to be part of someone’s special day as I can see it all, I get the best view and I can take in what a lot of people cannot see. I would love to do top end weddings.” He opened the shop in Thatcham 18 months ago

when it came up for sale and it coincided with when he was ready to take photography full time. He absolutely loves every photoshoot he has been involved in to date and you can certainly capture that passion when you speak to him. With a very reasonable starting price for a registry wedding, which includes pictures of the bride, groom, best man and bridesmaids prior, during and after as well as attending the venue. For larger weddings Trevor and his partner Jenny team up for the day and if video is required his son Phil also joins him. What’s next? The studio in Thatcham will undergo renovation in the near future, which will allow more flexibility when photographing and welcoming customers.

CapTuring your MoMEnTs & MEMoriEs Weddings & Engagements Portraits Children & animals Passport photos

For further information please contact Trevor : 01635 872572 07826 939240

1A High Street, Thatcham RG19 3JG Tel: 01635 872572 | Mob: 07826 939240 Email: 15

Buzz Magazine interviews Hollywood actor, director and writer

Movie poster of new film featuring Danny - Pressure 16

I had no ambition of becoming an actor whatsoever. For a few years I had no work, so directors, out of the kindness of their hearts, who were friends of mine, gave me small parts in their films - and the parts got bigger! Suddenly I was in a film that was recognised, which I was the lead in! This was the beginning of my career as an actor. I’ve been acting for 15 years, maybe even more, with myself doing no directing at all. But now I am thinking of going back and directing again.”


danny huston D

anny, a Hollywood actor, writer and director, has some local interests. Living in a village near Newbury when he has time off from his busy filming schedule, Danny relishes the countryside of West Berkshire and really enjoys being back from Hollywood when he has an opportunity. Danny tells us about his journey since following his parents footsteps, actress Zoe Sallis and director John Huston.

Career Huston was not intending to work within film straight away, as he tells us. “I saw the amount of people and money involved in film making so I resisted it for a while. I love to paint and draw so I thought I would do that instead. I went to art school and some art openings, where you drink warm white wine and I realised that there was as much nonsense in the art world as there was in the film world, so finally I succumbed to going to film school, where I started making films as a director and writer. Before this, I worked with my father on his film sets so I had a lot of experience with my father ,which was beyond valuable!

The new movie - Pressure - starring the Hollywood actor is to be released. Huston says, “The new film that I am in, alongside Matthew Goode is about a group of guys who get stuck under the ocean in a diving bell. When filming, we were in the water and the feeling of claustrophobia really hits you - the glass fogs up and you get really hot – it is terrifying but challenging and exciting at the same time.”

Tips for film makers Danny gives advice to those budding film makers, as he enthusiastically says, “Go out and do it. Start filming. Right now, for those wanting to get into the film industry, you are able to shoot films on a still camera, like a Canon; the quality is incredible. If you have a good story, then film making is easy. The difficult part however is releasing it, but if it catches the attention of the right person, you might stand a chance. If you want to act, then find somebody in filming to get you to be part of their film, making sure that you tell a fantastic story.”

“The new film that I am in, alongside Matthew Goode is called Pressure and it’s about a group of guys who get stuck under the ocean in a diving bell. When filming, we were in the water and the feeling of claustrophobia really hits you - the glass fogs up and you get really hot – it is terrifying but challenging and exciting at the same time.” PRESSURE is in cinemas 21 August and on DVD 31 August 17

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Family Cadbury World Escape Weekend

EATING OUT Sunday Lunch at Bishopswood Every Sunday

Bishopswood Golf Course, Bishopswood Lane, Tadley 12pm – 2.30pm 2 courses for £13.95 and 3 courses for £17.95 Enjoy a Sunday roast in Sands Restaurant from 12noon (last table at 2:30pm). The menu changes each Sunday but will have 2 meats, a fish and vegetarian dish alone with a selection of starters and deserts. To book your table call and choose option 4. 0118 940 8600

theatre Oliver!

31 July – 19 Sept The Watermill Theatre, Newbury Mon – Sat 7.30pm. Wed and Sat 2.30pm From £17.50 - £30 Directed by Luke Sheppard, an adaption of Charles Dickens’ classic novel. Oliver! Tells the story of runaway orphan Oliver and the colourful characters he encounters following his excape from the workhouse. . 01635 46044

family Forest School Fun 2 Aug

Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre, Muddy Lane 2pm – 4pm Child: £4.50. Adult: Free


Would you like to promote you business and reach the people of Newbury, Thatcham and surrounding areas? We have a cost effective campaign from as litlle as £16 per week. Book now for the next event. Call 01635 200006.

Join once a month on a Sunday for an afternoon of exciting outdoor adventure. Learn how to build dens, light fires, whittle a stick, create a wild art, hunt for bugs and more with a trained Forest School Leader. This month’s theme is Water Play. Booking is essential. 01635 874 381 .

Go ride racing and British cycling children’s fun day 3 Aug

Newbury Showground, Hermitage 11.00am – 3.00pm £3.00 per child If you are aged between 4-16 yrs old, you will have the opportunity to improve your bike skills, take part in time trials and circuit races. Try out multi seated mega bikes to ride, take part in scooter training and practice and also watch a professional BMX stunt show! Book your place ASAP as spaces are limited. Zoe Campbell : 01635 519 679

Build a butterfly feeder workshop 5 Aug

Beale Park, The Child Beale Trust Lower Basildon, Reading 10.30am – 12.30pm £5 per feeder There are more than 24,000 species of butterflies in the world and they all need nectar to eat, so if you want to encourage some colourful ones into your garden this summer, Beale Park’s the place to be! 0844 826 1761

Get arty in the garden

creative with all kinds of eco arts and crafts using natural materials. Hands-on arty fun using our lovely garden as an inspiration. 07717 846 814 .

23rd Annual Classic Vehicle Show 9 Aug

Newbury College Grounds 10.00am – 4.30pm Adults: £6. Children under 14: Free Hundreds of classic exhibits, side stalls and refreshments, all contributing to a great day out.

Bertie’s Bugs and Beasts 12 Aug

Beale Park, The Child Beale Trust Lower Basildon, Reading 1.30pm – 3.30pm Animal Keepers at Beale Park are giving visitors the chance to get up close and personal with some of the residents that live in the Park’s newest area, ‘Bertie’s Bugs and Beasts’. 0844 826 1761 .

Family Activity Day – Clay Face 19 Aug

Shaw House, Church Road, Newbury 10.00am – 4.00pm Free Entry. Charges apply for activities.

£5 for 3 hours (family, up to 4 people)

The children can make a Medieval or Tudor face out of clay. Activities are aimed at children aged 4 – 11 years old. There is no need to book, just drop in. Under 15’s must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Come along to one of the many exhibitions and lectures they hold, learn about the house itself, and have a bite to eat from their cafe.

Calling all budding artists! Make your own willow sculpture, play with clay and get

01635 279 279

8 Aug

Five a Day Market Garden, The Street Englefield, Theale 10.00am – 1.00pm

Macmillan Coffee Morning


25th September at the Newbury Town Hall 10.00am - 12.00pm

We are looking for volunteers to help on the day. Please contact Jenny at 01635 200006 or

Animal Experience Day – An African Experience 19 Aug

Little Squeakers Music Group 27 Aug

Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre 10.00am -4.00pm – Sessions last for 1 hour

St George’s Church, Wash Common, Newbury



Come and meet the keepers from ‘The Animal Experience’. This week they are bring a selection of animals which will bring a taste of Africa to Thatcham!

£4.00 for one child, £1.00 for siblings

01635 874 381 .

Open Day Cat Protection Newbury 5 sept

Cat Protection Cat Adoption Centre, Curridge Road 1.00pm – 4.00pm Adults: 50p Children: 20p Lots of stalls – something for everyone! Cat goods, cakes, plants, books, tombola, raffle, Bric-a-brac. Refreshments available. Free park and ride from off site parking. 01635 770 196

music & festivals Rock n Roll with The Kingcats 8 Aug – 9 Aug

187 Greenham Business Park, Thatcham 7.30pm – 1.00am

* Music fun for the little ones, drop in parent-toddler music group in Newbury. Action songs, finger rhymes, musical instruments, bubbles and special squeaky puppets!

charity Annual Big Sleep Out 21 Aug – 22 Aug

Queen Anne’s School, Caversham 7.00pm – 7.00am £10.00 There will be an evening of entertainment including the famous ‘build your own cardboard shelter’ competition and special guests. Participants get tips on how to survive the night from those who have slept rough before everyone beds down for the night on cardboard with only a sleeping bag for comfort. Helping raise money for vulnerable people in Reading.


Breast Walk Ever

Emily McAuley 07919 983 507

Adult: £22.50 Child: £10 OAP/Student: £10

free 01235 534 211 .

Indian Summer Ball & Charity Auction 19 sept

Masonic Hall, New Street, Andover

The bands we book are the best of the business and travel the country playing their music. Fully licensed bar, a large dance floor, quality sound system, great music and a buzzing atmosphere!

Upload your events free to

Take a walk on the pink side and help beat breast cancer! Against Breast Cancer’s Breast Walk Ever is back for its second year! This event doesn’t require running shoes or jumping out of an aeroplane. It’s open to all ages and involves a fantastic day spend out in the fresh air.

6:45pm – 11.45pm £35.00 or £300.00 Welcome Drinks. Three Course Meal. Dress Code – Smart. 07546 560 803

MacMillan Coffee Morning 25 sept

Newbury Town Hall 10.00am – 12.00pm FREE Come and join Buzz Magazine for coffee and cakes. Help us raise money for Macmillan charity and donate a cake or help us on the day. Please contact Jenny on 01635 200006 or email

6 sept

Rye Meadow Car Park, Abingdon 9.00am – 6.00pm

Some details may be subject to change so please check before you book or travel for an event.


© Louise Bellaers Photography

Below: Amanda Richards from EBP with winners Harriet Atherton and Thea Manton


Above: Quick Cookies receiving £500 prize from Bayer - L to R Harriet Atherton, Joe Brice, Thea Manton, Jackie Osborne, Dermot de Courcy Robinson and Amanda Richards.

young Entrepreneur Challenge 2015 For the past 6 months, budding young entrepreneurs from West Berkshire have been working with business mentors to develop their own business ideas.

Right: Mentor Michelle Bailey from People Essentials with runnerup Eden Laing from Buttonology

Above: Mentor Ed Cooper from Berkshire Growth Hub with Stephen Chooi from DIG

Cultivate is a challenge developed by the Education Business Partnership with lead sponsors by Bayer and Green Common Trust to give young people aged 14-19 the chance to explore what it takes to set up your own business and to develop their own idea with the potential of winning £1000 prize funding to invest in their business at the end of it. Amanda Richards, Chief Executive of Education Business Partnership said, “The creative talent and budding business minds that are emerging from this programme is impressive, these young people have applied themselves to this opportunity and really embraced the chance to learn from their business mentors. It is very exciting to see how they have developed in the past 6 months. It is really uplifting to see the emerging talent that West Berkshire can be very proud of.”

Beth Harris, Mentor Jenny Bowden from Ross Brooke Accountants and Victoria Osborn from Kool Giftz

On the 16th July, the judges, Joe Brice from Bayer, Sam Greenstreet, Dermot de Courcy Robinson from MAXX Design and Jackie Osborne from Buzz Magazine faced a big challenge to choose the winner since every

presentation had a unique concept. The winning team were Thea Manton and Harriet Atherton from Quick Cookies (Mentor Ian Hanson) and the runners up were Eden Laing from Buttonology (Mentor Michelle Bailey from People Essentials) and Emily Ayling from Candles with Handles (Mentor Hilary Purton from Bayer). If there is anyone under the age of 19 who would be interested in taking part in Cultivate 2016 then get in touch with Education Business Partnership West Berkshire for more details.

Tel: 01635 279900 - – Sponsors: Bayer, Greenham Common Trust, TV Berkshire Business Hub, Thatcham Town Council.

Mentor Hilary Purton from Bayer with runnerup Emily Ayling from Candles with Handles

01635 285700 E: W:

Nathalie’s top tips


‘Research shows that the best time to learn a second language is in those formative childhood years, my own experience in teaching young children showed me just how much they were capable of retaining.’

Wonder how your Child can do better in Education?


aving seen my own bilingual sons switch from French to English and back again with ease, I knew that parents could benefit from a fun, bilingual book that they could read with their children. I based “Max et Sacha se disputent” (Max and Sacha have an argument) on a quarrel (fictional, of course!), using only a mixture of French and English to enable readers to get to grips with everyday f phrases in an informal way. see money of ck


ba voucher at of magazine

‘Max et Sacha’ is a 14 page book, wonderfully illustrated to be fun, refreshing and appealing to children aged 2 to 11. It is a very practical story with key expressions (and a legend should you need translation!) You can request a download of the recorded version: (You will hear the voices of the real Max & Sacha!)

For more tips and information on Languages, visit Nathalie’s page at - Ask the Expert.

Is our term-time only nursery for children rising 2 and above. Nestled in the beautiful countryside between Newbury and Reading with 53 acres of woodlands and working farm.

Jubilee Gems W

e have specially designed play and learning spaces with professional and dedicated staff giving our children the best possible start to early education. We accept 2, 3 and 4 year old Free Entitlement Funding.

With places available from September contact Sian, our nursery manager, for more information on 01189 834018 or email Alternatlively, contact us through

Bali Bali is much more than just another tropical beach destination. Its heart and soul is its culture. Known as the ‘island of the Gods’, Bali’s stunning beauty features varied landscape with hills and mountains, rugged coastlines, sandy beaches and lush green rice terraces.

Singapore A honeymoon in Singapore has a lot to offer, a fascinating insight into a modern Asian city. Chinese temples, gleaming skyscrapers and colonial palaces stand side by side. Hunt for bargains in the colourful markets and glittering ultra modern malls and stroll through the orchid gardens or along the bustling waterfront.


Malaysia You wont fail to enjoy Malaysia, one of the most diverse and culturally enhancing countries on the planet, alive with vibrant cities, pristine beaches and lush rainforest. A popular choice for the most adventurous travellers is a climb up Mount Kimabalu in Borneo - an experience of a lifetime.

where to. . . . Rome

Jane Zollo - Gold Travel Counsellor T 01256 806280

Rome offers almost unrivalled sightseeing around ancient history, art and architecture. It buzzes with modern style, designer shops and lively nightlife - all set against this fabulously rich backdrop. Walking around the city, you will find there are so many captivating sights and sounds to discover in Rome.

Customers often ask questions about the weather and when is the best time to travel. Here are some great places to visit in August and September.

Mauritius For a luxury island holiday, Mauritius rewards with sun, sea and sand in a package that stimulates the senses and washes away the cares of the world. With its friendly and relaxing ways, its clear to see why Mauritius is a popular destination with all guests.

Alaska A holiday in Alaska is an adventure in a wilderness land of immense size and beauty. You’ll be spellbound by nature’s consummate light show, the Northern Lights. The variety and type of holidays in Alaska are almost as wide as the Alaskan Skyline, and you can travel around by land, sea or air.

Enjoy a wide variety of classic English dishes, some with a Continental twist. These are complemented with a great selection of Real Ales and Fine Wines.

Come and enjoy our new summer menu and look out for our latest events! ‘like us’ on facebook The Red House Marsh Benham To book and reserve your table please call 01635 582017 Marsh Benham, Newbury, West Berkshire RG20 8LY

No-cook Orange Cheseecake Serves 8-10 Preparation time: 25 minutes plus chilling time Ingredients 15 digestive biscuits 6 tbsp butter, melted 400g curd or cream cheese grated zest 3 oranges, save the segments for the decoration 200g mascarpone cheese 100g caster sugar 3 tbsp milk 184ml pot double cream

Method Place the biscuits inside a plastic food bag and crush them with a rolling pin. Melt the butter. Put the biscuits into a bowl and mix in the melted butter. Put the mixture into a 23cm cheesecake tin and use the back of a spoon to spread it evenly. Put the tin into the fridge for 30mins to set. Put the curd or cream cheese, orange zest, mascarpone, sugar and milk into a bowl and mix it well with the wooden spoon. Put the cream in a clean bowl and whisk until it is the consistency of thick custard. Add to the orange mixture and mix thoroughly. Remove the cheesecake tin from the fridge. Pour the filling over the biscuit base. Decorate with fruit (raspberries are delicious) then return to the fridge until ready to serve (at least 4 hours or overnight).

With a Lava Rock grill, Chef John Cowan and his team provide a top quality grill menu with all meat being supplied by Vickers and vegetables from Covent Garden. Easy parking and the large garden decking area encourages outdoor dining for those sunny days.

01635 862458 MONDAY ITALIAN NIGHT Homemade pasta and sauces plus chicken and steak dishes made on the premises by Porko Grasso Italian Restaurant Head Chef.

Open all day (food) 12.30 - 2.30pm 6.00 - 9.00pm 01635 862458 or see us on

Hampshire’s Best Kept Secret

Sandford Springs Sandford Springs is pleased to announce the arrival of our new award winning Head Chef, David Palmer. David specialises in classic British cuisine, including Sunday Lunch which you can enjoy every Sunday in our Hotel Dining Room. Choose from our delicious selection of starters, Sunday roasts & sumptuous desserts.

The Dining Room offers excellent food, a fine wine list and friendly attentive service in a relaxed and picturesque setting.

Reserve your table on 01635 291 500 Please see our website for more details 26

blueberry muffins These muffins are hearty, healthy and delicious. Freezable for a quick and easy grab and go breakfast any day of the week. Delicious!

strawberries Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamins C and K as well as providing a good dose of fibre, folic acid, manganese and potassium.

Ham and Tomato Pasta


packed lunches

This easy to make meal can be ready in a few minutes and is a real favourite for hungry kids. It can be made in advance or reheated. Try with grated cheese topping baked in the oven - delicious!

for you and the kids

breakfast smoothies

Whether it is a summer holiday picnic or back to school lunch box in September, what should you pack? Leave out the crisps and have something nutritious and delicious instead. . .

FRUIT YOGHURT Strawberry & banana smoothie

Yoghurt can be good for you - it’s a valuable source of calcium and zinc, which are good for the bones and immune system. Alternatively, go for natural ones as they are less likely to contain sugar.

1 small banana 7 strawberries 3 tbsp 0% bio-yogurt 3 tbsp skimmed milk

Mango & passion fruit smoothie 400g/14oz peeled and chopped ripe mango

apricots and cranberries Dried fruit is a much more nutritious snack than junk foods like potato crisps and chocolate bars. Cranberries are rich in phyto-nutrients (naturally derived plant compounds), which are essential for all-round wellness.

2 x 125g pots fat-free mango yogurt 250ml skimmed milk juice 1 lime 4 passion fruits, halved

part of your


a day

vegetable sticks Vegetables add a unique twist. A good way of including vitamins in your kid’s diet. Brimming with fibre and calcium – this is definitely better than any fried snack!

Beer & Pie House

19 Draught real ales, craft beers & cider Local bottle beers & ciders 100 Bottled craft & continental beers Premium wines & spirits Choice of 14 pies available Lunchtime snack menu Children’s menu Monthly beer & cider festivals

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Visit the new revamped Indigo Bay! Book for your table now and have a drink on us.

01635 35000 . 54-55 Bartholomew St, Newbury RG14 5QA


food review Pollo Pesto Right: Leggera Tratufo Limoncello

Buzz visited PizzaExpress in Newbury on a busy Friday evening following a full refurbishment earlier this year.

Great food and not just pizza T

he restaurant has a vibrant cosmopolitan feel that will suit many tastes and different aged diners. We were welcomed on the night by the warm and outgoing Brazilian Manager Katia. Her enthusiasm and commitment made us feel immediately at ease and immersed in the atmosphere. The friendly and helpful staff are well turned out and have clearly benefited from professional training to enhance the diners’ experience. If you have a large appetite you will not be disappointed. We started with olives and nuts and then selected the Classic Italian Antipasto which proved to be a

lovely combination of cold meats, cheese, breads and many other classic Italian fayre. For our main courses we chose a pizza and the very popular Pollo Pesto. It was a pleasure to see the staff rolling the pizzas right in front of us and little encouragement was required to entice them to some pizza spinning and throwing. Great Italian food and entertainment right in the heart of Newbury.

We were rather taken aback with our experience and will definitely be returning to PizzaExpress. If you are expecting just pizza you are in for a surprise with the varied and enticing Italian selection that represents great value for money.

After a cool beer on arrival we chose Berbera d’Alba an intense and beautifully balanced Italian red that was recommended and certainly did not disappoint.

PizzaExpress 17 Market Place Newbury RG14 5AA Tel. 01635 569284

La Regina with smoked ham hock, chestnut mushrooms and buffalo mozzarela

Polenta Chips with rosemary, oven baked and finished with Gran Milano cheese, served with honey and mustard dressing dip

health . beauty . wellbeing

Fancy trying something new? Enjoy a great Halo experience! Our highly skilled, friendly team of stylists are committed to making you look and feel great, right from the warm greeting, relaxing head massage, and delicious choice of drinks, through to the way you feel about yourself when you leave.

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local resource

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aesthetic treatments for ageing, hyperhidrosis and migraines Please visit for more information or contact Sally Seager at

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egular self-examination should take place around the same time every month to help you become familiar with the natural shape and feel of your breasts. Any changes should be easily detected, in particular puckering and dimpling of the skin, new pain that doesn’t go away, lumps or bumps not present in the other breast, and unusual discharge, bleeding or rash from the nipple.

One in eight women will get breast cancer, yet over a third of women don’t check themselves regularly for early tell-tale signs that could save lives.

Why Self-Examination is important in the testicles or scrotum; a dragging feeling in the scrotum; a dull ache in the groin or lower stomach; excess fluid in the scrotum; blood in the sperm and discharge from the penis.

Whilst breast cancer is more common in women over fifty, testicular cancer is a young man’s disease, with males aged 15-35 being most at risk. Early diagnosis can be life-saving, yet only 1 in 5 men check themselves monthly.

For more information about how to self-examine, visit Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies website, where there are excellent video tutorials available.

During or after a warm bath or shower is the best time to self-examine, when the muscles are relaxed and hang lower. Danger signs include pain or discomfort

At Skin Pause we concentrate on the face, but have you ever given a thought to your legs?

Looking after your legs V

ery few of us care about our legs. A quick wash and a run over with the razor is about all most of us do. Have you considered the strain that they are under every day. The blood pumped from the heart to the legs has to fight gravity when it returns to the body. The normal mechanisms that aid this flow of blood, are the calf muscles contracting, acting like a pump, and the valves inside the veins that prevent backflow. As we age, broken valves in the veins and lack of support, can

cause the blood to flow backwards distorting them. These are varicose veins. When the pressure in the veins is high, fluid leaks out into the tissues causing swelling in the ankles. Skin can often be dry and itchy. Wearing supportive stockings in pregnancy, keeping our weight under control and not sitting or standing for long periods can all help to minimise damage to these veins. Regular skin care with good emollients can help to keep skin supple and healthy.

Skin Pause is dedicated to the care of your face. For information and treatment of any leg condition you should seek medical advice. This article is for information only.

n Pause Sally Seager - Ski

If you are a man or woman aged between 18 and 65 why not visit and find out more. 31



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Date for your diary

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health . beauty . wellbeing

Mel Harrison

Feeling twisted? Patients regularly comment that they feel lopsided and twisted in their lower back and although there are a number of different biomechanical factors for this feeling, the most common is due to a torsion through the pelvis at the sacro-iliac joint (SIJ). Your SIJ is the joint at the base of your spine where the sacral bone meets the pelvic bones, so it connects the spine to the pelvis. The SIJ has relatively little movement and is held together by strong ligaments which support the body from incoming forces. So what are some of the causes for this feeling?

Ask mel Buzz Osteopathy Expert

1. Damage or degeneration to the cartilage covering the joint surface. 2. A muscular imbalance between the muscles in your legs. 3. Pregnancy: Ligaments relax to prepare for childbirth. 4. A leg length inequality. 5. Altered walking patterns. 6. Pre-existing disorders such as gout, rheumatism, psoriasis (psoriatic arthritis) and ankylosing spondylitis which lead to an increase in inflammation. 07727 666312

enjoy the gentle benefits of Reiki Offer to Buzz readers - book three sessions d and receive thir e ic pr half

Feel your body respond to the benefits of Reiki

Try a wonderful Reiki treatment this year. If you haven’t experienced a treatment before, perhaps it’s time to join all those who regularly enjoy Reiki.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that requires no specific spiritual alignment. Reiki is an ancient treatment, revived in Japan in the early 1900’s for relieving aches, stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Treat yourself to an hour of deep relaxation, with soft music and the soothing and healing touch of a Reiki practitioner. You can receive a treatment in Chieveley, or at your own home. If you are feeling tired, stressed or suffering from ill health, Reiki could be for you! During a Reiki treatment, the client lies fully clothed on a comfortable padded couch. Each session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. Please contact Marilyn Down 07856 611 194. Please refer to our special voucher (£10.00 Reiki taster session) on The Buzz website or turn to the back of the magazine.

Tattoos Tattoos are on the increase. The number of studios has doubled in the last ten years and 29% of Brits aged 16-44 now boast an inking. So with over 1,500 studios to choose from, how do you decide? First thing to do is choose an artist whose artistic style and ability match your expectations. Be sure to look through their portfolio and check on the quality and consistency of their work. Do you like their designs? Are the lines steady, the shading smooth and the colours solid? According to a 2003 study, 75% of people who get tattoos go on to regret it, so it’s important to do some serious homework before making that all important decision. After all, tattoos are very difficult, painful and expensive to remove! Safety comes next. Make sure the studio and the tattoo artist are both registered with the local council. This is a legal requirement and they should have certificates proving their status.

Certification assures certain basic standards of cleanliness and hygiene of premises, equipment and the individual performing the work. Check there is a current Health and Safety Certificate on display and that the artist wears gloves and uses new needles for each customer. Follow these simple guidelines and you should maximise your chances of a safe and successful inking experience!

Mindfulness Are you suffering from stress? Do you have a long-term health condition? l

Mindfulness could really help to change your life for the better.

l Mindfulness

teaches meditation and other simple techniques which have been proven to relieve suffering.

l It

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The Corner Shop offers an extensive range of gifts for friends, family and the home. If you are looking for the perfect present, come and see us! Open Mon-Sat 9.30am-5.30pm (5pm Sat) Tel: 0118 971 0489 . Bath Road, Woolhampton RG7 5RE 34


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For stunning patios, paths and walling, choose Rivar natural stone and gravel to bring your garden to life. Please quote NEW002 for a 10% discount when ordering* Newbury (01635) 871003 Tadley (01256) 855052 *Discount is on standard retail prices and excludes skip hire.


Are you buying a new home these next few months? I often challenge buyers with the thought that they might spend more time looking for a new pair of shoes than they would examining a potential new home. Follow these top five tips to get the most from your buying experience.

Top Tips for 1

Don’t buy the first property you see. If you love the first property you see, go and see five more very quickly to see if this changes your view. If you buy a property in isolation of the market experience, at some level you will be making a mistake.


Don’t be pressured. If you want to visit and revisit the property you intend to purchase two, three or four times then do it. Take as many photos as you can and get the agent to supply floorplans so you can examine them off-line.


Don’t be afraid to back out. 50% of property transactions fall-through. If you change your mind, talk to friends and family about your concerns but don’t be pressured to complete if you are not sure.

homebuyers 4

Spend time getting to know the local area. Spend a day walking around. Look carefully at the neighbouring properties and how they interact with yours. Think about who owns the boundaries. Your new neighbours might decide to scale back their boundaries and affect your privacy.

The Feltham Group are a long-standing Newbury based Sean Bates commercial builder developer and investor. We develop and regenerate throughout the region from London to Bristol and Oxford Make sure your down to the south coast. We work professionals work hard particularly in partnerships with land for you. Your solicitor and building owners, schools, colleges, should advise you on long term universities and housing associations development potential of the to bring forward much-needed housing, surrounding area for example. commercial and non-profit growth. If Don’t save money on a cheap you’re familiar with Newbury Museum survey, get the best you can afford. for example, this is a recent local Talk to your surveyor and make scheme of ours as is the new medical sure they give you a brutally centre, pharmacy and residential mixed honest view that they can’t use site on Strawberry Hill. quite put in writing. If you wish to discuss any partnering opportunities with us please email We pay handsomely for introductions For more property relating to off market opportunities insight speak to Sean at in particular. The Buzz website blog.


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Phil Adshead runs Supagrass in the Hampshire and West Berks area. He has helped over 1000 customers improve their lawns, and has looked after the greens at two of the top 10 golf courses in the world including Augusta National. For a FREE lawn assessment and quote with Phil, call 01256 461388 or email

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kick start your evening at the Newbury Rugby Club

The Venue at Newbury Rugby Club has been running conferences, exhibitions, private parties and outdoor events for many years.

If you are looking for a regular room booking slot please give us a call, or drop in for a tour and we can discuss the options. We look forward to welcoming you to the Club.

We have a superb new team in place, with many years of experience in the hospitality industry. Whether your attending a regular social night, a private party or a team meeting, we will extend a warm welcome to you and your guests.

Newbury Rugby Football Club Monks Lane, Newbury, RG14 &RW

Our facilities are both wideranging and outstandingly good value including: l Conferencing and meeting rooms l Three well facilitated, fully licensed bars and conferencing rooms l Plenty of open space ideal for team building, social gatherings and exercise classess l A varied range of catering options l More than 300 parking spaces, completely free of charge


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garden view

During World War II and immediately afterwards, almost everyone with a garden grew fruit and vegetables. Food was rationed so people supplemented their diet with produce they’d grown in their own back garden, or down on their allotment. The very word ‘allotment’ evokes memories of grandad and post-war community spirit.

10th-16th August

National Allotments Week D

uring the 1960s allotments began to go out of fashion and continued to decline in popularity until very recently. As a society we were more affluent; more likely to buy what produce we needed from the local supermarket, and vegetable gardening just wasn’t considered sexy! There’s an old saying: what goes around comes around, and it encapsulates perfectly the fate of allotments which are currently enjoying a popularity surge. Suddenly we’re concerned about food in a big way. The number of food banks is growing as families struggle to put even the most basic provisions on the table. There are concerns about additives and pesticides on shopbought fruit and veg, while the cost of organic food puts it out of the reach of the masses. And what about all those thousands of food-miles our strawberries and courgettes clock up on their journey to the supermarket shelves? Surely that’s damaging the environment. Then there’s the thorny problem of childhood obesity. The list of food-related concerns seems to be growing exponentially. In the absence of clear leadership from the top, many of us are

taking matters into our own hands, deciding to emulate our grandparents and grow our own food. Yet modern housing often means tiny back gardens and frequently no front garden, so where are we going to grow all this lovely produce? The answer of course is to acquire an allotment and many people are doing just that. To join them simply approach your council. Price and availability varies around the country. In some areas there are waiting lists. But councils are taking allotments much more seriously and many are actively seeking to provide new sites. If a plot is too large for your personal needs you may be able to rent half or find a like-minded friend to share it with.

Allotment Benefits Diet : You can harvest fresh, organic, fruit and veg. Economic : You’ll save loads of money growing your own. Environmental : Recycling organic waste into compost, reducing food miles and creating a wildlife friendly habitat. Health : Great for aerobic exercise and therapeutic calm. Social : It’s a brilliant way to meet friendly, like-minded people of all ages.

Enquire today and you and your family could soon, quite literally, be reaping the benefits!

The allotment - great for aerobic exercise and therapeutic calm

Useful Website


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Win a meal for 2 at Bishopswood Golf A meal for 2 for any of our Tasting Menu Tuesdays or Sunday lunch for 2 (whoever wins can choose which suits them best) What is the name of the restaurant at Bishopswood Golf Course? 1. Bunkers

2. Sands

3. Woods

Win a Wasteland DVD Documentary Feature How long it took for Wasteland to be filmed? a. 1 year b. 2 years c. 3 years

Win Titanic, the story a few lived to tell For you to win 1 of 4 100th anniversary edition of the Titanic the story so few lived to tell. What year did Titanic sink? 1. 1900 40

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Win a luxury Afternoon Tea for two AT INGLEWOOD HOUSE

Includes a glass of prosecco each and a variety of finger sandwiches, cakes, homemade scones and tea/coffee. What was Inglewood House in a previous life? 1. Farm Estate 2. Hydro Spa 3. Stately Home


Win a Santa Sunday Lunch for a family of four at the hilton newbury Santa Sunday Lunch for a family of four. Includes 3 course carvery and a visit from you know who with a gift for the children! How many Hilton Hotels are there in Newbury? a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

Win a pair of tickets to see Sinatra in Coventry In waht year was Frank Sinatra born? 1. 1910

2. 1915

3. 1923


Win a Humble by Nature book by Kate Humble What year was Humble by Nature launched? 1. 2011

2. 2012

3. 2013

Win Gill Hornby the Hive - there’s only room for one queen bee book Which school did they look out for each other? 1. St. Ives

2. St. James

3. St. Ambrose

Win a free MOT with E.A.Autos Win a free MOT (value of £54.85) with E.A.Autos. In the recent budget the government proposed changing a new car’s first MOT test to. . . 1. 2 years

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n essential vegetable for all kitchens. The onion can be grown from small immature bulbs, called sets, or from seed. Spring onions are immature seedlings and are grown from seed. Immature onion bulbs are the easiest way to get reliable results, each one forms one full-sized bulb. Good results depend on warm spring weather and the time you have to keep weeds at bay. Plant sets from mid-March to mid-April where they are to mature. Carefully push them into well-prepared soil or plant with a trowel. Make sure the tip is just showing, leaving a gap of 10cm between each set and 20cm between rows. When the foliage start to turn yellow, carefully lift the bulbs and dry for 7 to 21 days under cover.

garden view

It’s BBQ season and instead of spending time in the shops buying your vegetables and herbs, why not cultivate your own?

n w o r u o grow y

BBQ delights basil


asil is a seasoning herb which is highly fragmented and perfect for making pesto or adding to salads. Best grown in July and August, happily from a pot in a sunny spot on a window sill – basil will be a sure favourite throughout late summer BBQs. As you pick the basil leaves more will grow back lasting a few months meaning you have a sure BBQs supply at hand.




arlic is grown from cloves in a similar way to onions. Break up the bulbs into individual cloves and plant in autumn or in February/ March. Garlic planted in autumn usually produces better and bigger yields than that planted in spring. Gently push the cloves into the soil, so the tip is just below the surface and leave a gap of 15cm between each clove and 20-30cm between rows. Carefully lift the bulbs with a spade or garden fork when the tops become a yellow colour. Pull the plants, carefully brush off the soil, and let them cure in an airy, shady spot for two weeks.

interesting facts


delicious, aromatic addition. Perfect for adding to chicken or lamb, or as a delicate garnish on a dish or drink. Roasted whole sprigs can be sprinkled over vegetables or breads to add an injection of flavour, or add to meats as a chopped stuffing. Provide the plants with welldrained, sandy soil and at least six to eight hours of sunlight. These plants thrive in warm, humid environments and cannot take extremely cold temperatures. It is often better to grow the plant in containers, which can be placed in ground and easily moved indoors during winter. Pruning will help make a bushier plant.

Believed to repel insects, such as mosquitos, mites and fleas. In the middle ages people ate whole gloves of garlic in an attempt to ward off the Black Death. 45

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#GenerationZ Family Festival 31 July – 8 August



Mum on the Run by Fiona Gibson


Fantastic Four


unning is increasing in popularity these days, and Laura decides to get in on the act. A disastrous attempt in the Mum’s race at Sports Day spurs Laura on to change her life. She joins a ‘fat club’ and takes up running, determined not to be humiliated at Sports Day the next year. Oh yes, and there is the matter of Celeste: the young, alluring French teacher she sees flirting with her husband, Jed. So, the running sessions in the local park begin, spurred on by her new running partner. Who happens to be called Danny, but she doesn’t tell Jed that. Full of humour and wit this novel is a great summer read. Mums all over the country will identify with Laura as she tries to survive life as the mum of three children, including a hormonal soon-tobe-teenager and a pre-schooler. Fears that her marriage is over lead Laura to make decisions that have unforeseen consequences.

Robot Girl


freak experiment involving four young scientists leads to the creation of an extraordinary super-group, who are called upon to help save the Earth.


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Paper Towns


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Absolutely Anything


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Hitman: Agent 47


specially engineered assassin fights to prevent a potentially dangerous invention, but he can’t do it alone.

American Ultra


he sleepy lives of a stoner and his girlfriend are changed forever when he discovers the secrets of his past.


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peace mission from the 1980s goes horribly wrong when an alien force comes to attack Earth.


by Malorie Blackman



military contractor is sent back to Hawaii where an old flame threatens to wreak havoc in his life once again.

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials


military contractor is sent back to Hawaii where an old flame threatens to wreak havoc in his life once again.

Ricki & The Flash


icki gave up everything to chase her rock n’ roll dream, but now must turn her back on music and face up to the family who she abandoned years ago.



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