20th Century Residential Legacies: Figini & Pollini’s Building in Quartiere Harar-Dessiè Book II - Analysis
Politecnico di Milano School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Master in Architecture - Built Environment - Interiors Architectural Preservation Studio Academic Year 2017-2018 Professors: Andrea Canziani, Andrea Adami Professors assistants: Ileana Castelli, Leonardo Calvi, Chiara Ligi, Martina Rosa, Matt Savio
Team 1 Eliza Colunga Edwin James Jacob Westerman
20th Century Residential Legacies Figini & Pollini’s Building in Quartiere Harar-Dessiè Book II - Analysis
The Residents Relationship with its Context Elevation Analysis What is Home? Photo project Video project Measured Survey Condition Survey Bibliography
The residents
Besides providing basic help for the reduction of the unemployment rate, the buildings should also have met the needs for low-cost housing and address the post-war reconstruction in Milan. The apartments tower easily became the recurring typology both for ad-hoc buildings in prestigious neighbourhood of the historical city, and for the intensive development of the many working-class neighbourhoods.
The occupation of this Quartiere won’t be consisted of workers from a specific neighbor enterprise or from a near industrial zone, but of from people that work from different parts within the city that have typically a very cytidine profile.
From the series “Balera” of Italian photographer Mario Cattaneo. Milan, at the end of 1950’s - beginning of 1960’s (Mufoco.org, 2018)
From the series “Balera” of Italian photographer Mario Cattaneo. Milan, at the end of 1950’s - beginning of 1960’s (Mufoco.org, 2018)
From the series “Luna Park” of Italian photographer Mario Cattaneo. Milan, at the end of 1950’s - beginning of 1960’s (Mufoco.org, 2018)
Relationship with its context
A proposal that wasn’t built of businesses, coffee shop and underground parking is projected. That space is currently just a green area with trees and 2 benches, that links Pollini e Figini building with the insulaes.
Masterplan of Building A and insulae. (CSAC Figini e Pollini, General Plans, Table 1-1)
Section of the proposed buissines center. (CSAC Figini e Pollini, General Plans, Table 1-3)
San Siro Stadium and the mountains
Plant of the proposed buissines center. (CSAC Figini e Pollini, General Plans, Table 1-2)
Sectrion of the proposed apartament, designed to provide a view to San Siro Stadium. (CSAC Figini e Pollini, Building A, Table 7-4)
Diagram representing Building A and San Siro Stadium
Even though this building is not precisely in front of San Siro Stadium, its presence affects the context of the building as well as the quartier, especially when there is an event such as a soccer match or a concert. The building is pretty much surrounded by trees and other residential buildings such as the insulaes from the quartier and some hotel-boutiques. The corner of the stadium’s parking lot is exactly in front of Figini and Pollini’s building.
Dessiè Aereal view of Building A in Via Harar-Dessiè. (Google Maps, 2017)
South Elevation
The south elevation’s main aesthetic qualities come from the structural grid. The structural grid is not a perfect grid consisting of equal squares. The grid is in fact an external expression of the internal distribution of the apartments. Where there are stairs and single bedroom apartments the spacing between the vertical structural elements narrows. This provides the elevation with a subtle sense of movement giving the façade its own unique personality. The composition of the fenestration along the south elevation, is not a result of a classical desire for external symmetry but rather a rational expression of the internal room requirements. This being said the architects were sensitive enough to not disrupt the expression of the external structure. They achieved this by ensuring that the windows would never come too close the columns and by having a regular distribution of apartment types along the plan and then stacking the same typology above eachother to ensure there was a visible yet subtle logic in the composition of the elevation. By having the external envelope recessed from the structural grid Figini & Polini were able to provide loggias in the space created in between, loggias were an encouraged design feature of the INA Casa design guides. There were used a method of strengthening the relationship with the exterior and the interior spaces. Something was seen as a way of improving the quality of health of the residents.
Each apartment is provided with an external latice on their loggia on the southern side of their appartment. The latice serves as a method of adding geometric depth to the elevation by exagerating the shadows. The latice also serves as a method of concealling the angled wall of the kitchens behind the structure, whilst providing the residents with an additional storage space.
“Along the south elevation there are screens with a perforated lattice, these screens are a design feature used to express the separation of the external envelope from the structural grid. The latices create a sense of depth through the use of shadows which provides a visual legibility of the architectural hierarchy on the southern facade.”
The latice design can also be seen on some of Figini & Pollini’s other projects of the same period. A feature wich is most recognisble in their project in Via Brolletto.
South Façade Alterations
South-East view. (Savi, 1990)
South view. (Savi, 1990)
South view. (Savi, 1990)
The images above show how the users, as they begin to inhabit the building, change the façade in multiple forms to satisfy their own necessities without taking any consideration in how those changes affect directly the architecture of the building and as a consequence, the history that it states. Multiple additions have been identified that are a common repetition among the inhabitants of the building designed by Figini and Pollini.
Satellite dishes
Air conditioning equipment
Rain covers
Exterior curtains, shades and clothes lines
Plants and vegetation
The satellite dishes are visible and interrupt the rhythm and harmony of the façade. These elements were added when the satellite TV arrived in Italy in the 1990’s. Almost one third of the units have the satellite dish attached to either the rooms exterior wall or the exterior lattice, making it impossible to hide.
Satellite dishes
Satellite dishes located on the South façade
Air conditioning is present in some of the apartments and the equipment is visible as they are located near the private rooms.
Air conditioning units
Air conditioning equipment located on the South façade
The majority of the apartments have an element for rain protection over the terrace. These protections are mainly of polycarbonate sheets either with visible structure or just a single piece and few of them with terracotta. Only 10 apartments are free of this rain protection.
Polycarbonate panels Polycarbonate with visible structure Terracota
Rain protection panels located on the South façade
North Elevation
(Zupelli, 2017)
(Zupelli, (Zupe upelli,i, 2017) 20 017) 01 7)
The original Northern elevation of the building was a composition of horizontal elements extruded across the façade, these elements were a different colour to the main building mass. The horizontal elements are balconies and the deck access to the apartments. The Northern balconies were used as a method of identifying each apartment from the street level, and to soften the overall mass of the building. Currently the façade is now almost entirely a single homogeneous colour, only the deck access is in a different colour to the main elevation, the balconies have been painted brown and are now camouflaged. The horizontalality of the elevation is now broken by a prominent elevator shaft which was later added to the building.
"Un altro elemento di novita e' rappresentato dall'usao del colore che negli edifici in linea erea definite dale coloriture diverse degli intonaci, oggi purptroppo perdute, e nelle case unifamillari dall'uso del mattone a vista: ''questo quartiere [...] inagural violentemente una politca del colore vivace, contro la pigrizia immaginativa dei quartieri ''fatti apposta grigi'' ossia del colore specifico della tristezza e centro le antiche tradizioni italiane.'' - Pugliese, R., 2005. La casa popolare in Lombardia, 1903-2003. 1st ed. Unicopli. “Another new element is represented by the use of color, that in line-buildings was defined by the different colors of the plasters, today unfortunately lost, and in single-family houses by the use of exposed brick: "this district inaugurates with vehemence a politics of bright colors, against the imaginative laziness of the districts' 'made on purpose grays'' that is the specific color of the sadness and it is against the ancient Italian traditions”.
The Northern elevation of the Figini & Polini building went though multiple design iterations. However there is a single commonality on most of the revisions, that is the horizontality of the façade. An earlier version of the elevation expresses the horizontal elevation with a covered external walkway, this elevation appears lighter than the current elevation, but not as sophisticated, the façade that was constructed has multiple levels of design. The covered walkway has been replaced by balconies which offer the same weather protection as the before, the balconies are heavy in there composition highlighting the apartment variations and are coloured to signify the location of apartments, the balconies also offer a practical function of storage, and maintenance access.
North Façade Alterations
North elevation. (Savi, 1990)
North Elevation. (Savi, 1990)
North Elevation. (Savi, 1990)
Google Maps Image capture. (Google Maps, 2008)
The images above show how the users, as they begin to inhabit the building, change the façade in multiple forms to satisfy their own necessities without taking any consideration in how those changes affect directly the architecture of the building and as a consequence, the history that it states. The North façade that faces Via Harar has apparently minor changes from users than the South façade, but the modifications are still visible and affect its appearance.
Air conditioning units
Windows and vegetation
The most obvious one is the addition of the 3 elevators, one per building. One element that has been added and it’s consistent in the building is the stainless-steel handrail that is attached to the balustrade of the external corridor on each level.
Elevators and hanrail located on the North façade
Handrail Elevators
Another change that affects the look of the façade is the presence of air conditioning units as it has been seen in the South façade but in a less number of apartments. Other component that disturbs the original design is the presence of elements over the balconies.
Air conditioning units and elements above balconies located on the North façade
Air conditioning units Presence of elements over the balcony
Overtime users either repaired the original doors or changed them for new security doors that doesn’t even follow the original design with a vertical batten pattern. Windows were changed and some of them are now with a new glazing or new elements to prevent mosquitos to enter the room, leaving no depth between the exterior finish and the window as it used to be before.
Windows that have different glazing on the North façade
New glazing windows
East Elevation
The original east elevation has already been lost. This is due to extensive works that have been undertaken in recent years, an new wall has been constructed on the east, this maybe due to damp or thermal insulation requirements. Two of the corner balconies have also been fully enclosed in glazing, this maybe due to the residents of the dwellings prefering more internal space than a large amount of external space, this is a common feature on many INA casa buildings where residents choice to enclose their private external spaces to create more internal space.
Lost/No longer Present Altered/Still Present
Due to extensive works that have been carried out on the East façade the original feature that made the composition of the east elevation have been lost. The externally visible structural system has now been covered with only a painted grid symbolising its original presence. The openess of the corners which expressed the use of a “free façade” has been covered on two of the three loggias, the doo at the base of the building has been removed and the pilotis have been hiden from view. The external colours of the elevation has also been changed, making the whole building seem heavier than its original condition.
East Façade Alterations The East façade has been altered as well as the North and South, but the changes aren’t as notorious at first instance.
Google Maps Image capture. (Google Maps, 2008)
Google Maps Image capture. (Google Maps, 2015)
North Elevation. (Savi, 1990)
Own photo. (October 2017)
The identified changes in the East façade are described in the images bellow.
The balcony on the 5th floor has been closed with glazing. The window cill which was made of concrete was replaced with another imitating the original design.
The depth of the window on the 5th floor with the exterior finish has increased. The window cill which was made of concrete was replaced with another imitating the original design.
A flashing of stainless steel has been added to protect the concrete.
The apparent structure has been covered and now painted grid symbolizes its presence.
The balcony on the 3rd floor has been closed with glazing. The window cill which was made of concrete was replaced with another imitating the original design.
The depth of the window on the 3rd floor with the exterior finish has increased. The window cill which was made of concrete was replaced with another imitating the original design.
The door that was located on the ground floor has been covered.
A metal fence was added to provide security to the users of the building.
The balcony on the 1st floor remains open. The window cill which was made of concrete was replaced with another imitating the original design.
The depth of the window on the 1st floor with the exterior finish has increased. The window cill which was made of concrete was replaced with another imitating the original design.
West Elevation
Due to the location of this elevation there are no complete historic photos of the entire façade consequently some assumptions were made prior to commencement of this analysis 1. Based on the architects drawings, it is assumed the design intent was to have an elevation equal to the East façade. 2. The elevation was built to the same standard as the East façade.
By comparing the East elevation of the 1950s with the West elevation of the 1980s. A few conclusions can be made. Primarily it can be said that as is true on the East elevation the West façade also had an exposed structural grid.
1950’s East elevation
1980s West elevation
(above) Condition of West elevation circa. 2017 (left) West elevation as designed by Figini & Pollini
As is self evident in the above historical photos the structural grid is visible, whereas in the contemporary photos the structural grid has been lost, however as this is a structural grid and as its function is load bearing it is unlikely that the structure itself has been removed. It is more likely that the grid has been covered over, for thermal insulation or to prevent water penetration. Therefore should it be required the external works on the west elevation should be reversible.
Lost/No longer Present Altered/Still Present
Lost Garden Wall
In the above photo taken in the 1990’s the original wall to the garden can still be seen, this picture was taken where the original shops & café would have stood.
The wall of the garden is an architectural element that is used to link the North side of the building with the southern side of the building. The wall can be seen from the road side elevation as an identifying marker to the location of the edifice’s entrances. The apartment block is consisting of only three levels of duplex apartments (six floors) consequently the building wasn’t originally fitted with an elevator. This being due to it not being economically viable at the time for a building of this size. Pugliese, R. (2005).
(Savi 1990)
(Savi, 1990)
Building Typology
Bus 423 Settimo Milanese - San Siro Stadio
Bus 80 De Angeli M1 - Q.to Romano
Bus 78 Bisceglie M1 - Via Govone
Bus 64 Lorenteggio - Bonola M1
Bus 49 Lotto M1 M5 - P.za Tirana
Metro Purple Line
Line M5
Pedestrian Pathway
Bus Stop
Metro Station
Via Novara Via Bozzi Lines: 423
Via Harar Via Pinerolo Lines: 49, 64, 80, 423
Via Harar Via Pinerolo Lines: 49, 64, 80
SCALE 1:2000
Transportation Analysis
Via Novara, 127 Lines: 423
San Siro Stadio M5 Lines: 49, 64, 78, 80
San Siro Stadio M5 Lines: 49, 64, 78, 80, 423
Via Novara Via S. Giusto Lines: 64, 78, 80, 423
San Siro Stadio M5 San Siro Stadio - Bigami
Via S. Giusto Via Dessiè Lines: 64, 78, 80
Via S. Giusto Via Dessiè Lines: 64, 78, 80, 423
MaisonetteTypologies Functional Distribution
Maisonette Sizes & Fequency
3 x 2 bedrooms & aditional living-room
Living Spaces
2 x 2 bedrooms & a larger balcony
8 x 1 bedroom
15 x 2 bedroom
1st,3rd,5th Floors
2nd, 4th, 6th Floors
1st,3rd,5th Floors
2nd, 4th, 6th Floors
Maisonette Floor Plans For every two floors: There’s a total of 28 apartments. With a combined total of 48 bedrooms. For the whole building: There’s a total of 84 apartments. With a combined total of 144 bedrooms. 1st,3rd,5th Floors
2nd, 4th, 6th Floors
Maisonette Typologies
All of the apartments are of a maisonette typology. The South faรงade is an open glazed elevation that allows natural light into the bedrooms, the kitchen and the dinning room. Whereas the North faรงade is a closed elevation which offers privacy to the residents by preventing people from seeing the internal living spaces.
2nd, 4th, 6th Floors
1st,3rd,5th Floors
The upper level of the two bed maisonette apartment only uses around half of the total space available, this allows for the inclusion of a double height space on the level below. The bedrooms have a small niche in the plan to provide adequate space for storage. The North balcony is accessed via the WC.
The upper level of the one bed maisonette apartment only uses around half of the total space available, this allows for the inclusion of a double height space on the level below. The bedrooms have a small niche in the plan to provide adequate space for storage. The North balcony is accessed via the WC.
2nd, 4th, 6th Floors
The lower level of the two bed apartment has an open plan arrangement between the living and dining spaces, with the separate zones being defined by the change in ceiling height. There is also a loggia located on the south of the apartment to used to encourage a strong connection with the external and internal whelm.
The lower level of the one bed apartment has an open plan arrangement between the living and dining spaces, with the separate zones being defined by the change in ceiling height. There is also a loggia located on the south of the apartment to used to encourage a strong connection with the external and internal whelm.
1st,3rd,5th Floors
Luigia 82, has lived in the Figini & Pollini building for 62 years, she moved into the building the year it was opened, she lived with her mother and father and 4 brothers and her sister, herself and her sister slept upstairs with her parents whilst her brothers slept downstairs. During her lifetime in her apartment numerous modifications have been to the interior of the apartment to make it appeal to her and her family’s personal preference of a ‘pui rustica’ apartment. During an interview with Luigia anecdotal evidence was given to suggest that an elevator was first constructed in 1963 Luigia was able to confirm that the current elevators were installed two years prior. Considering the year that the project was completed 1955 the elevators were installed relatively close to the completion date, this implies that the original design did not work entirely and that there was a real need for an elevator from the residents. Therefore in 1963 elevators were installed in their current location
Luisa 62, moved here when she had her two children and needed a bigger place to live, the person who lived in the apartment before her was in a hurry to sell, so Luisa was able to afford the apartment. She was able to describe how the apartment had this cosy warm feeling to it pointing to the wooden shutters on her apartment she explained how the building had a mature charm. The shutters that she referred to were not an original design feature of the building which implies the apartment already had undergone some modifications prior to her moving in. Luisa’s father was a friend of Gio Ponti whom was one of the architects involved in the development of the neighbourhood’s masterplan and the local buildings. Gio Ponti designed her family’s summer house near lake Como, the table that sits in her dinning room was the table Gio Ponti gifted to her father the be used in the summer house.
Giorgio 70, has spent his married life in his apartment his children grew up in his apartment, and now his grandchildren too. For Giorgio his apartment represents his family, and all the memories that goes with it. During his time living within the Figini & Pollini building Giorgio and his family made relatively few internal modifications, they repainted the interior to match their stylistic preferences and removed the kitchen/living-room partition wall, to make an almost fully open plan communal space. Despite the fact that his children have already moved out the apartment can often seem over crowded, this is mainly due to their grandchildren, because they are often staying for the weekends, which normally results in some of them sleeping on a mattress on the floor. However for Giorgio this is not enough to make him want to move, as he put it the only two things that will make him move are a single storey villa by a lake, or a coffin.
What is home?
Photography + Video Project
Space can often be mistaken for noise by those who can VHH WDQJLEOH H[SHULHQFHV FDQ EH ORVW LQ UHDOLWLHV ¿OOHG ZLWK things, and possessions, cluttering the eyes and minds of SHRSOH RQO\ VHUYLQJ WR ¿OO JHRPHWULF YROXPHV ZLWK RXU OLYHG memories. Destroying the perceived perfection sought after by the arrogance of architects. This photographic essay is D VWXG\ LQWR WKH FRQÀLFW EHWZHHQ WKH QHHGV RI SHRSOH DQG an exemplary example of 20th century Italian architecture.
Stairs are the sculptural elements architects use to demonstrate their mastery RI SHRSOH DQG VSDFH WKH\ HYRNH D FRQWHPSRUDU\ DUWLVWU\ VSHFL¿F WR WKHLU WLPH
People use plants to personalise and inhabit a barren undesirable space with the warmth of an ancestral past in a way that only nature can provide.
An architect’s gift is often a sentiment of how they believe you should live your life this can be said to be true for the table above, for it was a gift to the father of Luisa, by Gio Ponti, after he designed their family summer home near Lake Lugano. Luisa said she doesn’t like the architecture of Gio Ponti despite being a family friend, however Luisa does like the table and took it with her to her Figini & Pollini apartment which she chose to have remodelled.
An open planed uninterrupted mix of functions with a strong connection to the outside is often held as the most desired architectural achievement of Modern architecture.
An uninterrupted link with the external and internal spaces is often seen as the most appreciated architectural achievement of Modern residential architecture.
The wall is an architectural element given by the architect to the residents to inhabit with their personalities conceived as a curated exposition of personal tastes.
Public volumes are conceived as pristine displays of materiality & function. The architect believes the world of paper and theory will be respected, that their design will go unchallenged.
7KH ÀRRU LV ZKHUH ZH DV SHRSOH VSHQG PRVW RI RXU WLPH LW LV VR RIWHQ overlooked ignored trampled under our feet designated as storage space.
Thresholds are the overlooked spaces that signify the transition from public to private. These are the spaces that indicate the different personalities we inhabit.
People form expressions of their lifestyles through the intangible expressive habitual divisions that thresholds create.
The kitchen is life, the kitchen is the soul of an abode, we cook, we eat, we leave, the way we leave symbolises our preferred living conditions.
The food we prepare represents the lifestyles we live, How much does the Modern kitchen of the 20th century dictate our daily culinary habits.
7KH V\VWHPDWLFDO RUGHU WKDW SHRSOH SODFH WKHLU SRVVHVVLRQV VLJQL¿HV WKH YDOXHV that they give to the volumetric architectural geometries they occupy.
Chaos and disorder are signs of a lack of care and a depreciation of value. A book read represents the dedication of time to knowledge acquisition. An ordered bookshelf is symbolic of a respect of time and knowledge.
Bookshelves are gateways into a persons mind, what they truly desire, what they ¿QG LPSRUWDQW WR VWXG\ DQG KRZ WKH\ FKRRVH WR VSHQG WKHLU WLPH ZLWKLQ WKHLU KRPH
Things are acquired through a need, it may be a functional or an emotional need things that are desired are acquired by people to make their lives easier or more complete.
Video Project 20th Century Residential Legacies: Figini & Pollini’s Building in Quartiere Harar Dessie
Please scan this code with your smart phone to view the video
Please scan this code with your smart phone to view the video
What is a home? Does a house make a home or is it something intangible? This is video-graphic study into to an exemplary example of 20th century Italian architecture. Focusing on the transition through spaces which define the thresholds between the public and the private realm, this montage will take you on an atmospheric meander from the chaos of the street to the tranquillity of home, and the dichotomies that this journey generates.
Measured Survey
Condition Survey
METALS CASE M-01 Material: Iron covered in matte black finish Period/Year: Unknown, not original Technological element: External fence Composition: Mullions and crossbeams with rectangular shape Function: Define private property and prevent people to enter Shape: Rectangular with predominance of horitontal element Location: Perimeter of the building Main issue of preservation: Deterioration Process of making or becoming worse or lower in quality, value, character, etc. depreciation Original
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
CASE M-02 Material: Stainless steel Period/Year: Unknown, assumed 2015 Technological element: Corridor handrail Composition: Exposed functional industrial metal Function: Protection from falling, and mobility assistance Shape; dimensions: Dimensioned to match the length of the walkway; handrail width 14.5 cm Location: External walkway/deck access in each floor Main issue of preservation: Deterioration Process of making or becoming worse or lower in quality, value, character, etc. depreciation Original
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
CASE M-03 Material: Stainless steel Period/Year: Unknown, assumed 2015 Technological element: Threshold Composition: Untreated metal, with anti slip embossing Function: To allow safe access and egress between the elevator and the deck access Shape; dimensions: 1 sheet of thin metal, 16.4 cm x 33 cm Location: Threshold of lift, on each elevator stop Main issue of preservation: Deterioration Process of making or becoming worse or lower in quality, value, character, etc. depreciation Original
Preservation Status: almost unspoiled, no visible signs of decay
Material: Iron Period/Year: Original, assumed 1955 Technological element: Handrail Composition: Slender railing, painted with a maroon brown glossy paint Function: Protection from falling & mobility assistance Shape; dimensions: Dimensioned to match the run of the stairs at a height of 100 cm above the stair treads Location: Stairwell Main issue of preservation: Deterioration Process of making or becoming worse or lower in quality, value, character, etc. depreciation
Preservation Status: bad conditions, noticeable signs of decay
Material: Metal, suspected aluminium Period/Year: Unknown, assumed 2015 Technological element: Metallic external cladding system Composition: Proprietary external cladding system with gloss paint finish Function: Elevator cover and finish Shape: Rectangular, according to elevator specifications Location: Groundfloor northern corridor on each elevator Main issue of preservation: Deterioration Process of making or becoming worse or lower in quality, value, character, etc...; depreciation
Material: Steel Period/Year: Unknown Technological element: Security door with peephole, doorknob and 2 keyholes Composition: Vertical batten Function: Privacy, security access & egress Shape; dimensions: Rectangular shape, 207 cm x 78 cm Location: At the threshold between apartment and deck access (Building B) Main issue of preservation: Deterioration Process of making or becoming worse or lower in quality, value, character, etc...; depreciation
Material: Steel Period/Year: Unknown Technological element: Security door with peephole and doorknob Composition: Engraving radial design Function: Privacy, security access & egress Shape; dimensions: Rectangular shape, 2.07 m x 0.78 m Location: At the threshold between apartment and deck access (Building B) Main issue of preservation: Deterioration Process of making or becoming worse or lower in quality, value, character, etc...; depreciation
Preservation Status: almost unspoiled, no visible signs of decay
Preservation Status: almost unspoiled, no visible signs of decay
Preservation Status: almost unspoiled, no visible signs of decay
CASE M-08 Material: Aluminium Period/Year: Unknown Technological element: Window frame Composition: Aluminium Function: To hold the window glazing in place Shape: Oblong Location: Stair landing Main issue of preservation: Deterioration Process of making or becoming worse or lower in quality, value, character, etc...; depreciation
Preservation Status: almost unspoiled, no visible signs of decay
Material: Wood Period/Year: Original, assumed 1955 Technological element: Door with peephole and keyhole Composition: Vertical batten with wooden frame Function: Privacy, security access & egress Shape; dimensions: Rectangular shape, 207 cm x 78 cm Location: At the threshold between apartment and deck access Main issue of preservation: Weathering Any chemical or mechanical process by which the material exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and deteriorate
Preservation Status: bad conditions, noticeable signs of decay
Material: Wood Period/Year: Original, assumed 1955 Technological element: Door with wooden frame with peephole and keyhole Composition: Vertical batten with wooden frame Function: Privacy, security access & egress Shape; dimensions: Rectangular shape, 207 cm x 78 cm Location: At the threshold between apartment and deck access (Building B) Main issue of preservation: Decay Any chemical or physical modification of the intrinsic properties leading to a loss of value or to the impairment of use.
Preservation Status: bad conditions, noticeable signs of decay
Material: Wood Period/Year: Original, assumed 1955 Technological element: Door with peephole and keyhole Composition: Vertical batten with wooden frame Function: Privacy, security access & egress Shape; dimensions: Rectangular shape, 207 cm x 78 cm Location: At the threshold between apartment and deck access (Building B) Main issue of preservation: Weathering Any chemical or mechanical process by which the material exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and deteriorate
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
Material: Wood Period/Year: Original, assumed 1955 Technological element: Door with peehole, flush pull handles and 2 keyholes Composition: Vertical batten with wooden frame Function: Privacy, security access & egress Shape; dimensions: Rectangular shape, 207 cm x 156 cm Location: At the threshold between apartment and deck access (Building B) Main issue of preservation: Decay Any chemical or physical modification of the intrinsic properties leading to a loss of value or to the impairment of use.
Preservation Status: bad conditions, noticeable signs of decay
GLASS CASE G-01 Material: Frosted glazing Period/Year: Unknown Technological element: Hinged window Composition: Glass in aluminium frame Function: Protection from the elements Shape: Oblong Location: Stair landing Main issue of preservation: Deterioration Process of making or becoming worse or lower in quality, value, character, etc...; depreciation
Preservation Status: almost unspoiled, no visible signs of decay
CASE G-02 Material: Glass Period/Year: Unknown, assumed 2015 Technological element: Glass Composition: Glass Function: Provide shelter from the elements Shape; dimensions: Rectangular Location: Elevator’s entrance Main issue of preservation: Weathering Any chemical or mechanical process by which the material exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and deteriorate
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
PLASTIC CASE P-01 Material: Plastic Period/Year: Unknown, not original Technological element: Vent grill Composition: Circular with horizontal slats Function: Air ventilation, design Shape: Circular Location: Groundfloor storage walls Main issue of preservation: Degradation Decline in condition, quality, or functional capacity
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
PLASTER CASE PL-01-A Material: Scratched finish render Period/Year: Unknown Technological element: Scratched finish render Composition: Sand and cement (TBC) Function: To prevent penetrative damp (TBC) Shape: Applied in-situ to the existing fabric Location: External walls Main issue of preservation: Weathering Any chemical or mechanical process by which the material exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and deteriorate Original
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
CASE PL-01-B Material: Smooth finish render Period/Year: Unknown Technological element: Smooth finish render Composition: Sand and cement (TBC) Function: To prevent penetrative damp (TBC) Shape: Applied in-situ to the existing fabric Location: External frame Main issue of preservation: Weathering Any chemical or mechanical process by which the material exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and deteriorate
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
CASE PL-01-C Material: Smooth finish render Period/Year: Unknown Technological element: Smooth finish render Composition: Sand and cement (TBC) Function: To prevent penetrative damp (TBC) Shape: Applied in-situ to the existing fabric Location: All external walls Main issue of preservation: Weathering Any chemical or mechanical process by which the material exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and deteriorate
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
CASE PL-01-D Material: Scraped finish render Period/Year: Unknown Technological element: Scraped finish render Composition: Sand and cement (TBC) Function: To prevent penetrative damp (TBC) Shape; dimensions: Applied in-situ to the existing fabric Location: Staircase walls Main issue of preservation: Weathering Any chemical or mechanical process by which the material exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and deteriorate Original
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
CONCRETE CASE CON-01 Material: Poured concrete in board formwork Period/Year: Original, 1955 Technological element: Deck access Composition: Concrete with formwork expressed Function: Deck access Shape: Rectangular Location: Underside of first floor deck access to apartments Main issue of preservation: Weathering Any chemical or mechanical process by which the material exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and deteriorate Original
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
CASE CON-03 Material: Reinforced concrete Period/Year: Original, 1955 Technological element: Flooring Composition: Concrete and steel Function: Circulation and access to apartments Shape: In-situ along the walkway Location: External walkway/deck access Main issue of preservation: Weathering Any chemical or mechanical process by which the material exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and deteriorate Original
Preservation Status: bad conditions, noticeable signs of decay
CASE CON-03 Material: Reinforced concrete Period/Year: Original, 1955 Technological element: Piloti Composition: Concrete and steel reinforcement bar Function: To support the structure Shape; dimensions: Rectangular Location: Groundfloor Main issue of preservation: Degradation Decline in condition, quality, or functional capacity
Preservation Status: visibly damaged, severe signs of decay
CASE CON-04 Material: Painted concrete Period/Year: Original Technological element: Balaustrade panel Composition: Concrete and paint Function: Weather protection Shape: Applied in-situ to the existing fabric Location: Balaustrade panels Main issue of preservation: Weathering Any chemical or mechanical process by which the material exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and deteriorate
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
CONCRETE CASE CON-05 Material: Concrete tiles Period/Year: Original, 1955 Technological element: Flooring Composition: Glossy, grey, with small decorative elements. Function: Durable surface to walk on that doesn’t get damaged by general ware. Shape: Square tiles Location: Stairwell Main issue of preservation: Damage Human perception of the loss of value due to decay Original
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
CERAMIC CASE C-01 Material: Ceramic Period/Year: Unknown , assuming 1970’s Technological element: Flooring Composition: Ceramic Function: Durable surface to walk on that doesn’t get damaged by general ware Shape; dimensions: Rectilinear ceramic tiles 19.7 cm x 0.97 cm Location: External walkway/deck access Main issue of preservation: Deterioration Process of making or becoming worse or lower in quality, value, character, etc...; depreciation Original
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
CASE C-02 Material: Ceramic Period/Year: 2017 Technological element: Flooring Composition: Brown-pink with matte textured finish Function: Durable surface to walk on that doesn’t get damaged by general ware Shape: Square tiles Location: Deck access Main issue of preservation: Doesn’t apply
Preservation Status: almost unspoiled, no visible signs of decay
NATURAL STONES CASE NS-01 Material: Porphyry Period/Year: 2017 Technological element: Exterior flooring Composition: Different sizes of stones with mortar Function: External groundfloor paving Shape: Crazy paving along the groundfloor Location: Ground Main issue of preservation: Doesn’t apply
Preservation Status: almost unspoiled, no visible signs of decay
CASE NS-02 Material: Granite Period/Year: Unknown, assumed 2015 Technological element: Threshold Composition: Pink with gray spots Function: Division Shape: Rectangular Location: Besides the borders of elevator Main issue of preservation: Weathering Any chemical or mechanical process by which the material exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and deteriorate
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
CASE NS-03-A Material: Marble Period/Year: Original, 1955 Technological element: Threshold Composition: White with gray lines Function: To mark the threshold of the space (interior/exterior) Shape; dimensions: Rectangular Location: Under every door Main issue of preservation: Damage Human perception of the loss of value due to decay
Preservation Status: bad conditions, noticeable signs of decay
CASE NS-03-B Material: Marble Period/Year: Unknown Technological element: Threshold Composition: White, gray and black dots with pink irregular stains Function: To mark the threshold of the space (interior/exterior) Shape; dimensions: Rectangular Location: Under every door Main issue of preservation: Damage Human perception of the loss of value due to decay Original
Preservation Status: well-preserved, minor signs of decay
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OTHERS Figini.L, Pollini.G, Gestione INA CASA Quartiere Via Harrar Milano Casa A Allogi tipo Piano interiore (Variante). Architectural drawing. Figini.L, Pollini.G, Gestione INA CASA Quartiere Via Harrar Casa A Pianta piano tipo (superiore). Architectural drawing.