Portfolio + Resume 2018_ J.Puccio

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Jacopo Puccio


Experience 04. 2018 - present Licensed Architect Licensed architect in Germany. Registered at AKHH, Hamburg. 03.2015 - 05.2018 Intermediate architect Fehlig Moshfeghi Architekten Hamburg, Germany

Jacopo Puccio Architect M T T

puccio.jacopo@gmail.com +49 (0) 1522 4030 688 +39 346 0913 880


Gärtnerstraße, 37 Hamburg, Germany

Collaboration on competitions and projects for residential, educational, istitutional, touristic and cultural buildings. Assistent for design development and construction documentation of residential buildings. Ref: “Generationenwohnen” Ibbenbüren (1.500 m2 , 13 Units + underground parking) Client facing architect, from initial concept through construction documentation, for commercial development and adaptive reuse project. Ref: “Gewerbeumbau” Göttingen. (3-storey, 4.200 m2) 01.2011 - 04.2012 Intern at VPS Architetti Cagliari, Italy Collaboration on an international design competition for the extension of Cagliari‘s Art Gallery — awarded project. Main tasks: concept design, 2D drawing, 3D Modelling, Model making.



2006 - 2014 Università degli Studi di Cagliari Cagliari, Italy


Master degree in “Architecture of building”, Summa cum Laude. 09.2012 - 08.2013 HCU - HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Germany Architecture and Urban Design program. Foreign student, winner of the scholarship for International studies. 12.2012 - 01.2013 UdN - Universität der Nachbarschaften Hamburg, Germany International workshop “Hotel Wilhemsburg”. Partecipant. 09.2009 Architecture Sommer School Cagliari, Italy International workshop “Habitat tra l‘uomo e il rurale”, with the participation of “Universidad federal de Bahia” (Brasil), “Università SEK” (Chile), “Università degli studi di Pavia” (Italy) and “Università degli studi di Cagliari” (Italy). Partecipant and member of the winning team with the project “Multisite agricultural school”

Autocad, Vectorworks, Archicad, Revit, Sketchup; Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Lightroom; Word, Excel, Powerpoint Analog hand sketching, model making, woodworking, bookbinding Language Italian German English Spanish

fluent (native) fluent fluent basic

Honor and Awards 2007 - 2011 Awared for 5 consecutive years with the scholarship for academic excellence from Sardinia`s region. 2012 Winning Project for the competition “Ricreazione al Libarium”. Project in part realised. 2009 Winning project for the international workshop “The structure and the form of Bridges”, Cagliari, Italy. 2009; Future arquitecturas, n.23 Publication of the project “Multi-site agricultural school” 2006; Le Strade, n.6 Publication of the project for a stress ribbon pedestrian bridge at La Maddalena, Italy.


Marzona’s Archive Berlin, Germany Lernwerk Bocholt Bocholt, Germany Burgwaldschule Wetter Wetter, Germany Elbblickturm Hamburg, Germany Concordia lighthouse Isola del Giglio, Italy Sports - Dome Hamburg, Germany

Marzona’s Archive

project details Master Thesis / 2014 Berlin / Germany professor prof. N. Di Battista, prof. Gesine Weinmiller more at https://issuu.com/jacopo_puccio

A new archive and research center, located in front of the Mies‘s Neue National Galerie in Berlin, will host the colossal Marzona‘s collection about the early 20th century‘s Avantgarde

The project consists of designing an archive for a private Art Collector, Egidio Marzona. The site is located at Berlin’s „Kulturforum“, known for its incredible collection of Modern Architectural Masterpieces including Mies Van der Rohe ’s Neue National Galerie and Hans Scharoun’s Philharmonie. Marzona ’s art collection embodies an impressive quantity of artworks and objects (about a million and a half) from the early Avantgarde Art Movements of of the 20th century. The collector’s vision is to create a public space inbetween an archive and an art center, open for research studies and exhibitions. The space should invite the public to discover the space and its magnificient art collection or to spend time there, focusing on research studies. Inspired by the ancient Greek house typology of „ Prostas & Megaron ” ,

where the most important functions are organised around the central courtyard, my proposal consists of a courtyard, a basement, an emerging volume and a big roof, drawing parallels to the essential elements of Mies’s masterpiece., which is situated just in front of the archive. The access to the building is located on the North side of the basement, in an axial position with the North stairs of the Neue National Galerie. On the first level, the „Promenade de l’Avantgarde” hosts the temporary exhibitions, characterized by a glass front, offering at the same time a new viewpoint on the Kulturforum’s masterpieces. The several activities of the building are organised around the courtyard, which can be used as an outdoor space for the archive‘s café and library, or host as well exhibitions and events.

The basement, the gallery, the extended roof, and the courtyard refer to the Neue National Galerie just in front.

On the 1st level, the glass front of the “Gallerie de l’Avantgarde“ offers an unique viewpoint on the Kulturforum’s architectural masterpieces.

Foyer / Accoglienza, 470 mq Caffetteria, 200 mq Auditorium (60 posti), 140 mq


O +2

Galleria Avantgarde + Spazi Espositivi, 1500 mq Archivio / Kavò, 1770 + 514 mq Archivio multimediale, 110 mq +9.00 m

Biblioteca , 740 mq

o erche Biblioteca

Laboratori restauro, 195 mq Gestione consegna, 215 mq Gestione rifiuti, 45 mq Sala impianti tecnologici, 120 + 90 mq


O +1

Uffici + ufficio curatore, 120 mq Ufficio / Studio Marzona, 60 mq +4.50 m

nade dell’ Avantgarde ione o



Foyer / Accoglienza, 470 mq Caffetteria, 200 mq Auditorium (60 posti), 140 mq

0.00 m Galleria Avantgarde + Spazi Espositivi, 1500 mq

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Archivio / Kavò, 1770 + 514 mq Archivio multimediale, 110 mq Biblioteca , 740 mq

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O -1

o / Kavò

Laboratori restauro, 195 mq Gestione consegna, 215 mq Gestione rifiuti, 45 mq Sala impianti tecnologici, 120 + 90 mq

-4,50 m

Uffici + ufficio curatore, 120 mq Ufficio / Studio Marzona, 60 mq

The building combines public exhibition and event spaces with more private spaces, for research and deep study activities.

The main volume, which is visible from the street level, arising from the basement, contains the enormous archive and the vast library. The interior space of the archive, inspired by the “Megaron“ space of the ancient greek villas, consists of a triple-high void composed of several balconies. The walls function as a support for the objects of the collection. The workspaces are organised both around the void and inside the perimetral research rooms to ensure different levels of privacy for the studies.

The collection is contained in the central archive, a triple-height space, inspired from the “Megaron“ court of the ancient greek villas. The objects are displayed in rotation on the full height shelves and are available for a free consultation

Lernwerk Bocholt

project details invited competition / 2015 Bocholt / Germany collaboration with Fehlig Moshfeghi architekten / Hamburg more at www.fehlig-moshfeghi.de

Conversion of an old textile factory into a new educational and cultural community center

The project concerns the restoration and conversion of the old “Herding“ mill, a 1858 brick building located in Bocholt. The building used to be an industrial centre for a textile industry in the German region of North RhineWestphalia. A new program for the building provides among other an art, exhibition and educational center, a music school, workspaces and performance spaces. The project focuses on allocating the complex program without altering its original profile and character. In order to achieve this, two main interventions are planned: the creation of an internal atrium and the addition of a new volume on the top of the building. The new atrium is composed of a big void which interests all the stores starting from ground floor to the rooftop and connecting physically and visually all the different activities. Inside the atrium a new skylight fills the space with natural light. A continuous free floating staircase

rises up trough the space as a giant sculptural element. The addition of the new volume on the roof top compensates the loss of internal surface by the void, providing at the same time the necessary additional surfaces necessary for the program‘s extension. This new volume steps back from the original facade profile leaving the contours of the original volume clearly readable. Furthermore, a new material was chosen for the addition (perforated metal sheets panels) increasing the contrast between the old and the new intervention. Exposed concrete is used for the new structural interventions, like the enlargement of the main entrance. The addition of the new materials allows the visitors to identify immediatly the new interventions and contributes to underline even further the original parts of the old spinning mill.

A new full height atrium is obtained inside the building. On the top a new volume is added, in order to allow the extension of the required program.



+ 16.00 last floor



+ 8.00 typical floor



+ 0.00 ground floor

The new atrium improves the orientation throughout the building. The free floating staircase raises up from the hall connecting all the floors and acting at the same time as a giant scultpural element.

The use of different materials for the new interventions allows to recognise immediatly the original architecture of the building. perforated metal sheets for the rooftop extension

dark tone bricks replacing the missing ones

exposed concrete for the new structural elements

Burgwaldschule Wetter

project details invited competition / 2016 Wetter / Germany collaboration with Fehlig Moshfeghi architekten / Hamburg more at www.fehlig-moshfeghi.de

Renovation and extension of the primary school Burgwaldschule

The project concerns the restoration and extension of a primary school in Wetter, Germany. The school is composed of a 3-storey building, built in the 50‘s and a one-storey northern extension realised in the late 80‘s. The main building presents some interesting architectural elements typical for the 50‘s like a darker pedestal and a cantilever shed which marks the old access to the complex. The project aims to keep the preexisting buildings and to restore the original entrance on the southside of the complex, reconnecting in this way the building with the main street. The extension consists of a new volume located along the leftside of the site, which proposes the same proportion and materials as the preexisting one. Together with a continuous permeable wall, realized with thin wood boards, the two buildings define a new courtyard which serves as playground and acts as a filter for the noise coming from the street.

An additional concrete roof covers part of the court, defining an archade whose space can be used as a support for the outdoor activities. The new access to the complex consists of a glass volume which creates a joint between the new and the old building. Inside the building the activities are organised on different levels following the same principle of the old structure. The classrooms are placed on the upper floors and the general services like mensa, multipurpose classes and administration are located on the groundfloor in relation with the courtyard. The new building alike the old one is composed of a pedestal, a massive body and a sloped roof. A combination of plaster with sgraffito treatment for the facade, concrete and treated wood for windows and outdoor elements contributes to build the new identity of the school by giving a more contemporary and welcoming image of it.

des Altbaus Die auf und ergänzen ihn so zu einem ermöglicht die kosteneffiziente Nutzung nur tionen ebenengleiche Anbindung an den Altbau der Holzelementfassade Neubau auf, dass auf aufwändiges enbau der soBaustelle wird ein verkürzt, die Nutzung von Gesamtensemble. Aufzuges. einem ermöglicht die kosteneffiziente Nutzung nur eines Errichtung der Geschossdecken, Stützen Untergeschoss verzichtet werden auf kann. ellen, Ausweichquartieren ein Minimum reduziert Die im EG umlaufenden Aufzuges. Holzlamellen fassen den des Treppen- und Aufzugskernes in eine gestalterisch oder ein unterbunden. Die eine additive Bauablauf und geben ihm intimemechanische n Hof den eise. Verbindung der Bauteile lässt einen späteren Ortbeton und geborgene Atmosphäre. Bauablauf intime UmbauBauzeit des Bestandsgebäudes und mit Dachraum weitgehend sortenreinen Rückbau zu. -Kurze vor Ort durch Vorfabrikati Der nimmt die Technikflächen für den Anschluss an den Neubau in den ionen Die soebenengleiche Anbindung an den Altbau der Holzelementfassade auf, dass Bauzeit auf ein aufwändiges Kurze vor Ort durch Vorfabrikation ür Neubau den Schulferiender Geschossdecken, Stützen einem ermöglicht diewerden kosteneffiziente Nutzung nur eines Errichtung Untergeschoss verzichtet kann. der Holzelementfassade ndiges Außenanlagen mit Überdachung im Aufzuges. Errichtung der Geschossdecken, Stützen und des Treppen- und Aufzugskernes in Nachgang n den Ortbeton des Treppen- und Aufzugskernes in Bauablauf ntime Umbau des Bestandsgebäudes und Ortbeton Anschluss an den Neubau in den Umbau des Bestandsgebäudes und Kurze Bauzeit vor Ort durch Vorfabrikation r den Schulferien Anschluss an den Neubau in den der Holzelementfassade diges Außenanlagen mit Überdachung im Schulferien Errichtung der Geschossdecken, Stützen und Nachgang Außenanlagen mit Überdachung im des Treppen- und Aufzugskernes in Nachgang Ortbeton Behutsame Ergänzung unter Berücksichtigung des Bestandes


Umbau des Bestandsgebäudes und

Funktionstrennung zwischen Sockel und Obergesch

Anschluss an den Neubau in den Schulferien -

Außenanlagen mit Überdachung im Nachgang

Behutsame Ergänzung unter Berücksichtigung des Bestandes


Funktionstrennung zwischen Sockel und Obergesch

Funktionstrennung zwischen Sockel und Obergeschossen

Adressbildung durch gezielte Öffnungen


Funktionstrennung zwischen Sockel und Obergeschossen

Adressbildung durch gezielte Öffnungen Zwischen Bestand, Neubau und der Sockelzone entsteht ein geschützter Pausenhof Absenkung des Pausenhofs Barrierefreier Übergang über alle Geschosse Aufwertung des Bestandssockels zum vollwertigen Geschoss

Zwischen Bestand, Neubau und der Sockelzone Absenkung des Pausenhofs entsteht ein geschützter Pausenhof

The new volume has Zwischen Bestand, Neubau und der Socke the same entsteht proportion ein geschützter Paus of the preexisting building. Between the two buildings, a new Zwischen Bestand, Neubau und der Socke courtyard helps to entsteht ein geschützter Paus connect the school with the main street defining the new main access to the complex.





project details direct contract / 2016 - 2017 Wildpark Schwarze Berge / Germany collaboration with Fehlig Moshfeghi architekten / Hamburg more at www.fehlig-moshfeghi.de

Photo credit // Martin Kunze, 2017

A new 45m-high scenic tower to rethink the way we look at the landscape

The project concerns the replacement of an old scenic tower inside the wildlife reserve “Schwarze Berge Tierpark�, in the southern area of Hamburg, Germany. The old wood tower, which has been permanently closed due to stability problems, has always been considered as one of the main attractions of the park as it allows the visitors to enjoy from its top the surrounding landscape and the skyline of the city of Hamburg. The project tries to combine the traditional experience of reaching an high observation point with the possibility of enjoying the landscape even during the ascent of the tower itself. To achieve that, a sequence of stagger

platforms are added to the stairs creating an articulate path inside the structure. Both stairs and platforms are differently oriented, allowing the visitors to discover the landscape from different points of view and inviting them to take breaks at different heights along the ascent. The tower is composed of a steel framework for the main structure and of treated fir-wood for the architectural elements. The wood helps to make the spaces more welcoming and comfortable and increases at the same time the relation with the surrounding landscape. Furthermore the fir-wood reminds the original material of the tower.

Photo credit // Martin Kunze, 2017

A system of stairs and platforms create an articulated path, which gradually reveals the surrounding lanscape during the rise.

Photo credit // Martin Kunze, 2017

Photo credit // Martin Kunze, 2017

Natural Fir wood is used for the architectural elements in order to create a link between the structure and the surrounding landscape, providing at the same time a more welcoming and hospitable space.

Concordia Lighthouse


project details open competition / 2015 Isola del Giglio / Italy collaboration with Marco Deidda

A memorial tower and a meditation house on the site of the Costa Concordia’s shipwreck tragedy.

The proposal concerns the design of a lighthouse as memorial for the “Costa Concordia“ shipwreck‘s tragedy, occurred on January 12th 2012 at isola del Giglio, Italy. After a collision with a submerged rock, the 950 ft long cruise “Costa Concordia”, rolled onto her starboard side lay on a rocky underwater ledge. The evacuation took over six hours and 32 of the 4.052 passengers died. Starting from the study of the lighthouse typology, the project investigates the themes of “commemoration and contemplation” finding some similarity with the lonely life of the lighthouse guardian, a figure which in the past was inhabiting the lighthouse taking care of its maintenance. The project proposes to create two architectures: an obelisk as memorial of the tragedy open to the public and a little house as space to experience

the contemplation open for temporary stays. The traditional lighthouse typology, composed of tower and basement is divided into two separate elements. This physical division underlines the dichotomy between the public monumental lighthouse, and the introverted guardian‘s dwelling. The first one dominates the peak of the rock marking as an obelisk the disaster site. The second is secluded and nestled into the nature as private space to experience the isolation. The tower has a little aperture which invites the visitors to rise up its interior strairway and reach the peak. Inside thirty-two embrasures are opened on the walls, creating a game of thin light blades and representing those thirty-two lives that are so etched in the memory of the island.

windows to enlighten the interior and exalt the relationship with the nature around. To highlight the connection of the four elements we decided to frame the sea and Lighthouse by the two windows, and the sky and rocks by the courtyard. Thus distinguishing the contract between the introverted nature of the house, and the open character of the Lighthouse.

si te plan


elevat ions

s it e plan


so u t h e l ev a t io n



ground floor pl an



figure of the Lighthouse guardian. He represents an important part memory of the island. Simultaneously we focused on the of the Lighthouse who contributed to create its fascinating image. figure of the Lighthouse guardian. He represents an impo We decided to divide the monument and the private house making of the Lighthouse who contributed to create its fascinating them independent parts of the same concept. We decided to divide the monument and the private hou The first one dominates the peak of the rock, and the second one is them independent parts of the same concept. secluded and nestled into the nature. The first one dominates the peak of the rock, and the seco We projected an introverted space reflecting the solitary figure of secluded and nestled into the nature. the Lighthouse guardian. We opened a small courtyard and two We projected an introverted space reflecting the solitary windows to enlighten the interior and exalt the relationship with the the Lighthouse guardian. We opened a small courtyard an nature around. To highlight the connection of the four elements we windows to enlighten the interior and exalt the relationsh decided to frame the sea and Lighthouse by the two windows, and nature around. To highlight the connection of the four ele the sky and rocks by the courtyard. Thus distinguishing the contract decided to frame the sea and Lighthouse by the two wind between the introverted nature of the house, and the open the sky and rocks by the courtyard. Thus distinguishing the character of the Lighthouse. between the introverted nature of the house, and the ope character of the Lighthouse.

The traditional elements which compose the lighthouse typology, lighttower and basement-house are separeted and distanced.

The memorial tower contains the visitor center and is open to the public. The house offers an intimate space for meditation and contemplation and is available for temporary stays.


1:500 sit e plan

eleva 1:500

f ir st f loor plan


sect ion XX




s outh el evat ion


ground f loor plan



1 :2 0


first floor

e contract en

vation s

el ev a t i o n s

Thirty-two slits are carved out of the tower walls as a memento for the victims of the disaster.

s ecti on s YY


nor t h and e ast el eva ti on s


a x on om etr y

c ro s s s e c t i o n X X

a x on om etr y

1: 500



first f l o o r p l a n

or p lan

1 :2 0 0

1: 200

se c t ion XX


section XX

1 :2 0 0

The temporary house, on the other hand aspires to create a more intimate atmosphere. The creation of an isolated condition, inspired by the lonely life of the lighthouse guardian, allows the visitor to find the ideal environment for the contemplation and meditation.

cross section X

Inside the house, few openings frame the surrounding landscape connecting deeply the visitor with its essentials elements of water, air. The sea and the sky become the only and unique companions during the meditation experience, alike probably was for the lighthouse guardian.

the Lighthouse stone of those thirty-two lives that are etched in the of the Lighthouse who contributed to create its fascinating image. memory of the the monument island. Simultaneously we focused on the romantic We decided to divide and the private house making Thefigure introverted of parts the Lighthouse guardian. hem independent of the same concept.He represents an important part architecture of thewho contributed to create its fascinating image. of the Lighthouse The first one dominates the peak of the rock, and the second one is house, creates an We decided to divide the monument and the private house making secluded and nestled into the nature. isolated environment, themanindependent parts of the same We projected introverted space reflecting theconcept. solitary figure of which aims todominates facilate the peak of the rock, and the second one is The first one he Lighthouse guardian. We opened a small courtyard and two the meditation and and nature. windows tosecluded enlighten thenestled interiorinto andthe exalt the relationship with the contemplation. We projected an the introverted space reflecting the solitary nature around. To highlight connection of the four elements we figure of Lighthouse guardian. We opened small courtyard decided tothe frame the sea and Lighthouse by the atwo windows, andand two theThus interior and exalt the he sky andwindows rocks byto theenlighten courtyard. distinguishing therelationship contract with the nature around.nature To highlight connection the four elements we between the introverted of thethe house, and the of open decided to frame the sea and Lighthouse by the two windows, and character of the Lighthouse. the sky and rocks by the courtyard. Thus distinguishing the contract between the introverted nature of the house, and the open character of the Lighthouse.

Two outdoor spaces, a southern loggia and an internal court frame the sea and the sky, reducing the relation with the surrounding to its essential


project details invited competition, 3rd prize / 2015 Hamburg / Germany collaboration with Fehlig Moshfeghi architekten / Hamburg more at www.fehlig-moshfeghi.de

A new urban landmark for a multipurpose athletic center, which will host more then 25 indoor sport activities.

The project concerns the proposal for an innovative sport facility symbolic of the urban transformation taking part on the old east area of the Hamburg‘s industrial harbour. The required multipurpose sport building has an ambitious and complex program, which in addition to a wellness centre, restaurants, cafés and a hotel, includes more then 25 different indoor sport activities. The highlights of the building will be among others, an ice-climbing wall, an indoor wave-pool, a free climbing wall, a 30 m deep dive tower, a body-fly gallery and an electrical karting track. The project aims to define an architecture able to combine the complex and articulate program with a simple and recognisably appearance. The building should be able to show the variety of its internal activities and at the same time act as an urban landmark, capable to activate its

surrounding public spaces. The articulated volume, originally planned for residential use by the approved masterplan, has been turned into a more compact mass, distinguishing itself from the nearby residential blocks. A second “skin” added to the volume defines the profile of the building and helps to underline its own identity. The skin envelopes both, the four sides of the building and the roof, intentionally leaving uncovered the ground floor, which acts as permeable space in continuity with the outdoor public square.

The articulate predefined volume is turned into a more clear and compact mass.

The addition of a second skin as an all- over helps to perceive the articulate volume as a single object.

The main access of the building, located on the Western public square, is easily recognisable thanks to the punctual deformation of the West facade, which happens above the entrance. The activities inside the building are organised around the big atrium, where the main element is represented by the monumental deep dive tower with its climbing-wall. The tower acts as a big sculptural element characterising the atrium and representing at the same time the most important element for

the stability of the entire structure. The building is composed of a steel-concrete mixed structure with prefabricated floors. The thermal envelope of the building is realised with a glass curtain wall. The second skin, which is composed of a metal structure and a system of triangular metal panels, is characterized by different grades of perforations, which allows to look outside and regulates at the same time the amount of daylight and the noise coming from the street.

The second skin leaves the ground floor permeable to the public space. A deformation on the facade helps to indicate the main accesses.

The facade system regulates the daylight and reduces the traffic noise inside the building.

Level 5 Fitness Sauna Sportsbar Event room Level 4 High altitude training Beachvolleyball Fitness Wellness Restaurant Level 2 + Level 3 Indoor Ice Climbing Indoor Climbing Indoor Kart Kids world Indoor Golf Diving Level 1 Indoor Ice Climbing Indoor Climbing Indoor Kart Indoor Soccer Bouldering Bodyfly Groundfloor Indoor Surf Indoor Ice Climbing Indoor Climbing Bodyfly Cafe Retail Level -1, -2 Garage Cafe HVAC

Personal research

FLOATable furniture design In Umbra veritas photography series Architecture impressions drawing series

FLOATable Furniture design Hamburg / 2018

The small coffee table consists of extremely reduced elements in order to increase its sense of lightness.

The material combination of concrete for the top and oak wood for the legs, dramatizes the subtle game of balance between the elements.




5m m

Under the slab the structure is composed of a joint system which STILT connects the TABLE elements together, ensuring the stability Jacopo Pucc of the table and 16.05.2018 giving the illusion of its absence.

In umbra veritas

Hamburg, DE

Photography series

San Francisco, CA

Hamburg, DE

Santa Barbara, CA

San Francisco, CA

Las Vegas, NE

Twenynine Palms, CA

Architecture impressions Drawings series

Thanks !

Jacopo Puccio


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