Affordable Housing Market Demands in Cities Require New Thinking

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Jackie Davis / USP510 / Planning & the Housing Market / Winter 2014 New Teams Needed to Meet Affordable Housing Market Demands in Cities The concept of the American Dream arose from the age of the GI Bill of the 1940s and America’s

postwar economic and baby boom. 1 Homeownership and the single family detached dwelling with a

garage and a yard became the goal of every family in America. However, in light of our modern age, this

structure is no longer meeting the needs of the altered demographic & desired lifestyle. There are more

singles than ever before, comprised of the aged, divorced, and unmarried; 2 and more people want to

move closer into the city to be near jobs and activities. The mortgage crisis surfaced in 2006 and stirred a

series of conversation about rethinking suburbia & housing. The Congress for the New Urbanism spurred its ethos of densification, walkability, and mixed use. 3 We are now at a point where we are forced to reconsider the new parameters of the American Dream.

The project Foreclosed, held by MOMA in 2012, set out to use architects, environmentalists,

economists, engineers, activists, artists, and practitioners of all disciplines to come together to think about new models for future development of suburbs. They aimed to challenge the status quo of zoning and tax codes, and devise new models that imply different ways of living, legislating and financing.4 Teams were asked to generate new ideas of urban and architectural solutions, imagining new financial structures to

create viable new places to live on existing sites. The Buell Hypothesis, produced by a series of research from Columbia, states essentially that ‘if you change the dream, you can change the city.’ Housing the

expanding population of dynamic demographics has been a growing problem all across America, and it’s

not just poor people’s problem, it’s everyone’s problem. Conventional means of developing housing are

not serving the needs of the larger population of low – middle income people, including millennials, young families, and the growing senior population. We need to begin to take this problem seriously and work

across disciplines to find new solutions.

Bergdoll, Barry. Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream. The Museum of Modern Art, New York: June 30, 2012 Masnick, George S. “The New Demographics of Housing.” Joint Center for Housing Studies. Harvard University. 2001. Published: Housing Policy Debate, Volume 13:2 3 Bergdoll. 4 Bergdoll. 1 2

J, Davis / 3.17.14 / 1

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