PIENAAR, M - 216000510

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DEPARTMENT of ARCHITECTURE DECLARATION ON PLAGIARISM The Department of Architecture emphasises integrity and ethical behaviour with regard to the preparation of all assignments. Although the lecturer/ study leader/ supervisor/ mentor will provide you with information regarding reference techniques and ways to avoid plagiarism, you also have a responsibility to fulfil in this regard. Should you at any time feel unsure about the requirements, you must consult the lecturer/ study leader/ supervisor/ mentor concerned before submitting an assignment. You are guilty of plagiarism when you extract information from a book, article, web page, or from any other source of information without acknowledging the source and pretend that it is your own work. This doesn’t only apply to cases where you quote verbatim, but also when you present someone else’s work in a somewhat amended (paraphrased) format, or when you use someone else’s arguments or ideas without acknowledgement. You are also guilty of plagiarism if you copy and paste information directly from an electronic source (e.g., a web site, e-mail message, electronic journal article, or CD ROM), even if you acknowledge the source. You are not allowed to submit another student’s previous work as your own. You are furthermore not allowed to let anyone copy or use your work with the intention of presenting it as his/her own. Any student, who produce work that is alleged to be plagiarised, will be referred to the Academic Affairs Disciplinary Committee for a ruling. Plagiarism is considered a serious violation of the University’s regulations and may lead to your suspension from the University.In accordance with Regulation of Chapter 4 (Examination Rules and Regulations), and Regulations 15.1.16 and 15.1.17 of Chapter 15 (Student Discipline) of Part 1 of the 2021 Prospectus, I, Morné Pienaar, Student number: 216000510, Declare the following: 1. I understand what plagiarism entails and I am aware of the University’s policy in this regard. 2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where someone else’s work was used, it was acknowledged, and reference was made according to departmental requirements. 3. I did not copy and paste any information directly from an electronic source (e.g., a web page, electronic journal article or CD ROM) into this document. 4. I did not make use of another student’s previous work and submitted it as my own. 5. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of presenting it as his/her own work. I further declare that this research proposal is substantially my own work. Where reference is made to the works of others, the extent to which that work has been used is indicated and fully acknowledged in the text and list of references.




The research methodology combines quantitative and qualitative data. The desk review will include an in-depth literature review and precedent studies. The site investigation will be based on existing sources and site visits. The site analysis will review photos and maps of the area. During the project, published books, online sources, and journal articles will be consulted to inform the design process. The research will focus on potable water treatment, hydrophilic design, how communities use rivers, ecological urbanism, and reclaiming ground in the landscape for post-industrial architecture.

Although engineering solutions can solve the functional problems of flooding rivers and pollution levels, these ‘solutions’ often neglect social and environmental aspects. Investigating how systems, structures and architecture can live in harmony with the environment can allow for the survival of nature and man in the same context. Norman Foster, Olson Kundig and Richard Rogers are good examples of people who create system design in architecture, especially with ecological concerns. They believe that systems give meaning to architecture. I am taking a systematic approach because I work according to a structure, I have set myself. Surrounding myself with precedents I enjoy helps me to design better and stay consistent.




This mini-dissertation focuses on the Stjwetla informal community located next to the Jukskei River in Alexandra, Johannesburg. The relationship between community and river forms the central theme. The study explores the modern-day use of rivers in urban areas. Other themes include community development and the possible benefits of rivers in an urban environment. The design decisions were guided by an urban framework focusing on sustainability. The design proposal investigates how hydrophilic architecture can enhance the connection between communities, architecture, and rivers. Furthermore, the

design explores the idea of reclaiming ground in the landscape by reviving the remains of post-industrial architecture in the landscape. The constant growth and expansion of urban areas are mostly caused by rising population numbers that lead to an increased demand for clean and sustainable water sources. Existing natural water sources are negatively affected by water pollution, floods, and communities living next to rivers. The refurbishment, conservation, cleaning, and sustainable use of rivers are critical for South Africa.

Figure 1: Post-industrial landscape of abandoned water treatment plant (photograph by author, 2021)








Declaration Research Methodology Dissertation Abstract

3.1 Stjwetla site introduction 3.2 Stjwetla Timeline 3.3 Sanitation 3.4 Communal taps 3.5 Movement 3.6 Understanding the process of water in the Jukskei river 3.7 Photos on site

6.1 Site Plan 6.2 Ground floor plan 6.3 First floor plan 6.4 Sections 6.5 Edge detail 6.6 Axonometric section 6.7 Renders

CHAPTER 1: Project context



4.1 Willamette River Water Treatment Plant 4.2 Solrodgard Water Treatment Plant 4.3 Landscape park Duisburg-Nord

7.1 Site Plan 7.2 Ground floor plan 7.3 First floor plan 7.4 Sections 7.5 Edge detail 7.6 Axonometric section 7.8 Model building




2.1 Hydrophilic architecture 2.1.1 Hydrophilia in landscape design 2.1.2 Constructed wetlands 2.1.3 Thermochromic pigments

5.1 Concept 5.2 Design development 5.3 Specifications

8.1 Conclusion 8.2 Acknowledgements 8.3 References

1.1 Introduction 1.2 Research Objective 1.3 Research Questions 1.4 Rivers in philosophy 1.5 Science vs. Philosophy 1.6 Ecological Architecture and Urbanism 1.7 Potable Water Treatment

Salient investigations



Analysis and appraisal of context

Precedent studies

Design concept and development

Design resolution

Technical resolution

Conclusion and references



The aim of this chapter is to establish the basis for the research towards the design of a hydrophilic potable water treatment facility in the Stjwetla community.





Project Context

Project outline 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Research Objective 1.3 Research Questions 1.4 Rivers in philosophy 1.5 Science vs. Philosophy 1.6 Ecological Architecture and Urbanism 1.7 Potable Water Treatment




This dissertation presents the design of a hydrophilic potable water treatment and harvesting plant. The primary function of this plant will be to provide sustainable water infrastructure for the proposed Stjwetla community of Alexandra by filtering, cleaning, and harvesting water. The site is located in the wet slums of Johannesburg, adjacent to the Jukskei River, which is affected by water pollution, floods, and an overcrowded community.

Silvia Danielak writes about how Alexandra suffers from ongoing violence, poor infrastructure, and environmental problems in her article ‘Disaster management models need adjusting: a case study in South Africa explain why’. With its location close to Sandton, Alexandra is also known as one of the oldest black urban settlements in South Africa. Today it remains one of South Africa’s poorest and underserviced settlements, with a mix of formal and informal dwellings (Danielak, 2021). Figure 2: Post-industrial landscape of abandoned water treatment plant (photograph by author, 2021)





(photograph by author, 2021)

Figure 1 Stjwetla community on the riverbank showing polluted water

In November 2016, floods destroyed several dozen houses and caused the death of a child. But the greatest problem with regard to the Jukskei River is sewage pollution. Backlog maintenance, aging infrastructure, and sometimes the use of superimposed sewage and stormwater systems have a great influence on the survival of the river. The river has two sources of water pollution: sewage from Johannesburg CBD and the community of Alexandra. South Africa will experience a water crisis by 2025, according to Dr. Hlamulo Makelane from Nelson Mandela University. It is a problem that needs to be considered by designers and I do think it can be resolved architecturally. I have great interest in working with this community that lives next to the Jukskei River. Due to the rapid rate of urbanisation, Johannesburg faces problems of natural landscape separation. There are a few elements that make up ecological environments and if these elements are altered due to urban growth, the environments become disconnected. There is potential for ecological transformation, which will come with its challenges, such as opposing traditional methods, and finding the relationship between water and architecture, and communities and rivers. There is a need to create awareness about the improvement in ecological architecture and urbanism because the boundaries between the built and natural environments have become blurred.

1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The objective of this research is to establish a hydrophilic design approach for the Stjwetla community. This involves understanding the environmental problems faced by informal communities that live next to rivers. The research will also seek ways to enhance the connection between communities, architecture, and rivers, with the idea of improving access to sustainable water sources and reclaiming ground in the landscape by reviving postindustrial architecture to create a potable water treatment and harvesting plant that is socially inclusive and water-sensitive.



1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS How can a hydrophilic potable water treatment plant address the fragile relationship between nature and the manufactured post-industrial landscapes that exist in the Stjwetla settlement along the Jukskei River? 1. Can a relationship exist between nature and post-industrial landscapes? 2. Which hydrophilic design principles are relevant in the South African context? 3. Which factors affect the quality of rivers flowing through informal settlements? 4. Can the wet slums of the Jukskei River be rehabilitated?





1.4 RIVERS IN PHILOSOPHY EVERYTHING IS IN FLUX Figure 3: (Left) river of life sketch with different phrases and ecological quotes. (sketch by author, 2021)

The concept of ‘architecture in flux’ derived from the article ‘Rivers in philosophy’ by Mark Vernon (2021). He traces our relationship with rivers through ancient Greek and Chinese cultures. He explains that the river is everywhere at the same time and people have changed over time (Vernon, 2021). Ancient cultures did not think of rivers as topographical features but instead as living things, or even as gods (Vernon, 2021). We can get merely a sense of feeling on how they had seen these natural wonders by reading Heraclitus’s famous words: ‘No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man’ (Vernon, 2021). Other cultures saw rivers as principles, power, or presence. The ancient Chinese had the

Yellow River, which was very powerful. This river caused frequent and devastating floods, so the people named the river ‘Scourge of Sons of Han’ (a scourge was used to whip and punish people). The people saw the river as a power that can cause destruction and sorrow. The Nile was named by the Greeks, although it is in Egypt. The Egyptians did not give a specific name to the river because they also saw it as a god. They named the god ‘Hapi’, meaning flood (Vernon, 2021). A river has a point A and a point B, and every molecule or particle of water that passes a person standing next to a river, will be different. It flows in a constant matter next to buildings and structures, while the water particles change over time. The buildings and structures also change over time, but as static matter. Rivers are alive.



Figure 4: Aerial view of iced water courses in Iceland. (Photo by paxton visuals, 2021)


The scientific meaning of ‘river’ suggests they are watercourses ‒ usually fresh water ‒ that flow naturally towards a sea, ocean, lake, or other rivers. Smaller rivers are known as streams, creeks, brooks, rivulets, and rills. Rivers fall under the hydrological cycle. Water is collected from precipitation through a drainage basin from surface runoff and some other sources, such as springs and groundwater recharge. Rivers are a major element of the landscape in South Africa. The density of South Africa’s river network and the volume of water carried increases from the waterless west to the wetter east. If South Africa’s rivers were placed end to end, they would total 163 533km in length, which means they could encircle the earth four times (Statistic SA, 2021). Rivers have a beginning and an end. They start at the source (or more often several sources) and then follow a path called a course, and they end at the mouth or mouths. The water is usually confined to a channel, made up of a stream bed. In larger rivers, there are often also wider floodplains shaped by floodwaters over-topping the channel. Floodplains are relatively wide in relation to the river channel. This division between river channel and floodplain can be unclear, especially in urban areas where there is much housing and industry development. (Lawrence, 2021)



page 19 Figure 5: Aerial view of ice blue glacial melt water forming braided rivers. (Photo by Jason hoskin, 2021)

Ecological urbanism develops ‘artificial ecosystems’ in places like cities and landscapes. It has the same characteristics of natural ecosystems due to its effectiveness to the environment. It reverses the existing linear pattern of energy in one end/waste out the other (Hagan et al., 2021 ). The focus is on environmental systems, and it is a radically different approach to city planning (Hagan et al., 2021). In an article about ecological urbanism, Susannah Hagan explains that ecological urbanism has the potential to be a new



bridgehead between urban design and ecology, one that projects and defends design as a vital element in the necessary physical transformation of cities and landscapes (Hagan et al., 2021). Ecological urbanism works with environmental problems and keeping the design socially inclusive (Roux & Nel, 2021). For example, Joseph Bazalgette, a brilliant engineer who practiced ecological urbanism, worked on London’s Embankment, which is a sewer infrastructure and urban space above (Hagan et al., 2021).

Philosophers also have pointed out a cultural interrelationship between people and environments: ‘People are impacted by their environments, and environments are influenced by humans’ (Hagan et al., 2021). The city is an excellent example of human impact on our surroundings. Ecological urbanism aims for a balanced relationship between the obliterator and the obliterated (Hagan et al., 2021). It is about the restoration, ‘living with’ rather than ‘living over’. At present, most urban ecosystems in South Africa are dysfunctional due to problems such as pollution, slums, load- shedding, overcrowded communities and floods.

Figure 6: Shapeshifter House in Nevada, USA, merges with the desert landscape (photograph by Joe Fletcher, 2021)


According to Mostafavi et al. (2016:537), ‘Before industrialism, “city” and “landscape” were neither dualistic nor opposing forces. It is only through the industrial era that city, country, and landscape became isolated, discrete zones of practice.’ They also speak about how post-industrial sites bear witness

to the primacy of landscape because it can be seen as a new medium of urban order. It involves using ecology in design. Many designers have observed that postindustrial reclamation and remediation projects involve a trajectory of strategies in repurposing, transforming, and eventually recalibrating the site, and they all make use of ecology throughout the design process. As Jane Amidon notes: ‘Mending centuries of divorce.’ The integration of cultural-natural ecologies in forgotten landscapes is what I am interested in.



Figure 7: SteelStacks in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. (By Mimi Lo, 2021)

Figure 9: SteelStacks in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania showing how landfscape is dominating. (By Mimi Lo, 2021) Figure 8: Post-industrial landscape, Torino, Piemonte, Italia. (designed by Parco Dora, Torino and photo by Lucio, 2021)


1.7 POTABLE WATER TREATMENT Water is found in underground sources by wells sunk into aquifers, or from reservoirs or rivers (OpenLearn, 2021 ). In this article, the author mentions that the safety of water is of utmost concern, due to several million people dying each year after consuming contaminated water in the world. The primary aim of water treatment is to eliminate any pathogenic microorganisms present in the water and this can be subject to pollution. River water is affected by industrial pollution, sewage works and run-off water from roads (OpenLearn, 2021 ). Therefore, it is important to maintain the quality of aquatic environments to ensure the safety and survival of the natural environments as well as the treatment for public supply of clean water (OpenLearn, 2021).

The prime function of water treatment is to produce a safe product and several stages are involved by firstly removing suspended matter and rendering water clean, colourless, and free from disagreeable taste and odour. The second stage is to disinfect the water so that the number of bacteria living in the water is reduced. Removing chemicals that are harmful to human health is also vital, and the reduction of corrosive properties of water for pipe supply and systems. Finally, the minimisation of the amount of material passing into the supply system discourages biological growth. Modern potable water treatment systems typically consist of a series of filters, such as a reverse osmosis system, remineralisation unit, and disinfection unit, such as a ultra-violat or ozone dosing system (OpenLearn, 2021 ).

Figure 10: (Right) Water purification step for drinking water. Figure 11: (by Xylem’s water purification, 2021)





This chapter aims to identify the three components for salient investigation. Hydrophilic architecture and design will be explored through hydrophillia in landscape design, constructed wetlands and thermochromic pigments.





Salient investigations

2.1 Hydrophilic architecture

2.1.1 Hydrophilia in landscape design

2.1.2 Constructed wetlands

2.1.3 Thermochromic pigments



1. Hydrophilia in landscape design

2. Constructed wetlands

3. Thermochromic materials




Hydrophilia in landscape design showing the moses bridge submerged into water. (, 2021)

Figure 12: (Top left)

Figure 13: (middle left)

Constructed wetalnd concept (, 2021)

Figure 14: (botom left) Thermochromic tiles attatched to floating structure in a lake (, 2021)

Hydrophilic means to have an affinity for water and to love water. Integrating water so that architecture can react to it . It also means ‘something’ that can mix well, dissolve, react, or be attracted by water (HZO, 2021 ). To be designed next to rivers and water, architecture needs to feel ‘welcome’. Nature needs to welcome architecture into the environment, while architecture should also be attracted to nature ‒ in this case, water. The term ‘hydrophilic design’ is rarely used in architecture has great value with regard to riverscape design. The Warka water tower is a great example of how architecture is used as a system. Warka water towers collect clean drinking water from the ‘lakes in the air’, as Arturo Vittori calls them. He designed this concept for many remote

villagers in Ethiopia because of the many hours it takes the people to get to the nearest source of water. It also uses evaporative cooling but from the water vapor that is caught in a bowl for the people to drink from. This literature review investigates three different approaches towards hydrophilic designs in the Stjwetla informal community next to the Jukskei River. It explores hydrophilia in landscape design, constructed wetlands, and thermochromic material. This can help combat the problems that can be found in the relationships between community and architecture, community and nature, and architecture and nature in the Stjwetla informal community. It can contribute towards a balanced ecology.



2.1.1 HYDROPHILIA IN LANDSCAPE DESIGN Architecture & community The first approach towards hydrophilic architecture involves understanding rivers and the dynamic processes of water in rivers so that we can design to the change of water flow fluctuations and morpho dynamic changes , designing Urban Embankments. Europe has great riverscapes and has always been perceived with a certain degree of ambivalence. According to Hölzer et al. (2008:22), the significance of riverscapes is notably displayed by the colonisation of the left Rhine bank by the Romans. The natural lines became national borders, but they also became lines for connecting countries, cities, and people. This allowed European rivers to become symbols of identity that forged close emotional ties which continue to bind people today. Hölzer et al. (2008:23) further explain that industrialisation had a great influence on the disconnection between riverscapes and social consciousness, despite their increasing economic relevance. Similarly, we can look at South African rivers throughout the history of human settlements and identify structures that were involved during the industrialisation phase next to rivers. Figure 15: (Left) Scupper drain detail by carlos Scarpa, Venizia. (Flicker, 2021)



page 29 Figure 16: Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California. (Photo by Jason Taellious, 2021)

Figure 17: Erosion on the outer bank of a river bend and sedimentation on the slip-off slope (by author, 2021. Sources: River. Space. Design).

a. Understanding the natural process of water in rivers

Figure 19: Natural water cycle process (by author, 2021).

1. Temporary flow fluctuations Rising water levels and lateral spread across a flood plain are indicators of water changes. Water level fluctuations are reversible. The watercourse can return to its previous state.

The sun is the source of energy that drives all dynamic processes. It causes water to evaporate, and the resulting vapor rises to great heights before condensing into the rain. When water falls and flows down hills, the potential energy accumulated in this way is converted to kinetic energy. The more energy that can be released, the steeper the gradient (Stokman, 2012, 18 ). In the book Rivers. Space. Design., the authors explain that rivers are highly complex systems in which interconnected processes occur at the same time. We will look at spatially operant physical processes, as they are the ones that shape river spaces the most (Stokman, 2012,18). We need to understand the basics of river flow and what it means to riverbanks, landscapes, and communities. 1. Temporary flow fluctuations a. Vertical water level fluctuation b. Lateral spread of the water 2. Morphodynamic processes a. Sedimentation shifts within the river b. Self-dynamic river channel development

Figure 18: The process that occurs in flowing water (drawn by author, 2021. Sources: River. Space. Design).



a. Vertical water level fluctuations Water levels, both low and high, have a variety of repercussions for the ecosystem and human use: While floods and high water pose a threat to riverfront areas, the force and depth of flooding can permanently alter the mix of organisms in an ecosystem. The water level can sink very low or even dry up completely and this can place tremendous strain on the ecosystem (Stokman, 2012).

Figure 20: Vertical water fluctuations (by author, 2021. Sources: River. Space. Design).

b. Lateral spread of the water The river breaches its banks and fills the nearby flood plain during major high- water events. This is called a corrective effect. Flooding the foreland, which has a larger roughness, dissipates the water’s energy, lowering its height and speed. When the river is not altered by human actions, flooding can be limited to the valley borders. Dikes and other flood prevention devices artificially limit the spread of water and hence the flood area (Stokman, 2012). Figure 21: Lateral spread of the water (by author, 2021. Sources: River. Space. Design).



Figure 22: Morphodynamic processes in rivers. (by author, 2021. Sources: River. Space. Design).

2. Morphodynamic processes The appearance of a river in the landscape is the outcome of a multi-faceted and intricate morphodynamic process. The river current is the driving force, which can be characterised thoroughly by scientific technique due solely to its numerous and intricate sub-processes. As a result, it is impossible to make precise forecasts about how a river channel will grow. The water is carried down the valley by the major river. The rotation of water around the main flow direction is called secondary current, and it is created by the variable flow rates near the banks, where friction slows the water, and in the middle of the channel, where it flows faster. A secondary flow is formed, which pushes the water on the sides and pulls it down in the centre (Stokman, 2012). Two opposing spiral flows emerge. The outer spiral flow is concentrated and accelerated in river bends, whereas the inner spiral flow is retarded since the distance covered is shorter. The passage of water generates erosion and sedimentation along the watercourse, resulting in morphological changes in the river space. The sedimentation shift within the river can be differentiated from channel alterations in these morphology-dynamic processes.

Figure 23: Sediment shift processes occur in rivers. (by author, 2021. Sources: River. Space. Design).



a. Sedimentation shifts within the river The slower flow on a river’s inner curve causes sediment to be deposited, creating a slip-off slope. The fast cylindrical flowing river erodes the bank and deepens the bed on the outside curve, the cut bank. The low water channel sinuously meanders from one side of the riverbed to the other, always on the outside edge of the outer bends, due to centrifugal forces caused by the flow vortexes. The riverbed is flat in straight parts of a river, which allows riffles or a ford to form through sediment buildup (Stokman, 2012).

As a result of these dynamic processes, the riverbed’s status is always changing. When discharge is low, water flow is slower, and sediment fills the deeper pools, resulting in an almost level profile. When the discharge is higher, the tractive force is stronger, and the pools are hollowed down even more. The flow rate is lowered, material settles, and the riverbed is raised where there are fords or riffles. The river as a whole is adaptive, and the riverbed’s longitudinal section changes around a very constant mean.

Figure 25: Self-dynamic river channel development. (by author, 2021. Sources: River. Space. Design).

Figure 24: Sediment shift processes occur in rivers (by author, 2021. Sources: River. Space. Design).



2.1.2 CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS Community & nature The second approach to hydrophilic design involves constructed wetlands that can be used as retarded surfaces and natural filters for the Jukskei River to revitalise the relationship between the Stjwetla community and nature. Because of their unique hydrologic conditions and ecotones between terrestrial and aquatic systems, wetlands are among the most significant ecosystems on the planet (Mitsch & Gosselink, 1993). A wetland is a system of shallow, water-logged soil and aquatic vegetation that functions as a biofilter, allowing nutrients to be absorbed and heavy metals and harmful compounds to be removed. Toxins and other chemicals are taken up by the roots of plants. A built wetland is a man-made wetland that treats water by mimicking the natural processes of a wetland. Greywater is pumped into the wetland, where it is filtered and cleaned before being released. The plants’ root systems release oxygen into the water, providing an ideal setting for aerobic microbial and fungal activity (biological breakdown of pollutants and organic materials).

Figure 26: Reed beds that act as filters. (Arm reed beds, 2021)



These constructed wetlands can be designed with any material that can hold water: - Concrete - Waterproofed brick walls - Plastic liner - Fibreglass - Rubber liner In the book DIY Constructed Wetlands, the authors explain how to calculate the size suitable for the volume of water. Size (surface area required) = x(number of people) x 1,5m^2 (GIBB Engineering and Architecture, 2021:4 ). The size formula allows the water to stay in the system for around four days, giving it enough time to interact with the medium and bacteria for proper water cleaning.

Figure 27: (Top Right) Bird’s

eye view of the industrial wastewater treatment plant, Changshu, China. (Blumberg engineers, 2021)

Floating treatment wetlands work best in places like swamps. (ecoreactor, 2021)

Figure 28: (middle Right)

Floating Breakwaters, create new marsh habitat. (Martin ecosystems, 2021)

Figure 29: (botom Right)



a. Understanding the system To ensure that the newly planted vegetation roots are in contact with the water and can develop and thrive, the wetland must be filled with clean water just below the surface of the gravel medium. A typically constructed wetland allows wastewater to flow into the created wetland through a pipe from a septic tank or other form of primary wastewater treatment system. Wastewater can either flow on top of the existing soil or through a porous material like gravel. The flow is uniformly dispersed across the marsh cell’s breadth. To avoid leaks and ensure appropriate water for the wetland plants, a waterproof lining is put on the sides and bottom of the cell. Wetland plants like cattails and bulrushes are planted in this cell. The plant’s roots and stems produce a dense carpet. To treat the wastewater, chemical, biological, and physical methods are used. In both surface and underground systems, water levels are monitored. The typical water level is kept 25,4mm below a gravel surface in subsurface systems, which aids treatment and mosquito control. For more treatment, a second cell might be added. Figure 30: Mini wetlands in China purifying household wastewater. (Panda, 2021)



Suspended sediments and trace metals settle and are filtered as wastewater flows through the system. Trace metals are also absorbed by plants and biological matter. These organic components and nutrients are used as food by organisms that live in water, on rocks, in soil, and on the stems and roots of wetland plants. Plants produce a large portion of the oxygen that creatures require to live and grow. Plant roots loosen the rocks or soil, allowing water to flow freely. In a wetland, vegetation offers a substrate (roots, stems, and leaves) for microbes to develop as they decompose organic matter. The periphyton is the name given to this microbial colony. Around 90% of pollution removal and waste breakdown is accomplished by periphyton and natural chemical processes. When the plants degrade, they provide a carbon source for the micro-organisms and eliminate roughly 7% to 10% of contaminants. Variable aquatic plant species have different rates of heavy metal uptake, which should be considered when choosing plants for a manmade wetland used for water treatment.

b. Types of constructed wetlands Constructed wetlands mainly consist of surface flow systems with free-floating macrophytes, floating-leaved macrophytes, or submerged macrophytes. Free water surface systems are usually constructed with emergent macrophytes. The former relies on a flooded treatment basin in which aquatic plants are held in flotation until they develop a thick mat of roots and rhizomes on which biofilms form, while the latter relies on a basin with a substrate to provide a surface area on which large amounts of waste degrading biofilms form. To preserve the water table and adjacent grounds, the bottom is usually coated with polymer geomembrane, concrete, or clay. Gravel, sand, or a mixture of various sizes of media can be used as the substrate, which is usually limestone or pumice/volcanic rock, depending on local availability (for vertical flow constructed wetlands).

Figure 31: Constructed Wetland with Horizontal Subsurface Flow: Effluent flows horizontally through the bed (drawn by author, 2021. Sources: Wikipedia).

Figure 32: Effluent travels through pipes on the subsurface of the ground through the root zone to the ground in a vertical subsurface flow created wetland (drawn by author, 2021. Sources: Wikipedia).

Figure 33: The goal of a free-water surface engineered wetland is to mimic natural processes such as particle settling, pathogen destruction, and nutrient utilization by creatures and plants (drawn by author, 2021. Sources: Wikipedia).



c. Plants in wetlands Because of their efficiency, Typhas and Phragmites are the most commonly used species in manmade wetlands (Wikipedia, 2021). These two plants were also the most identifiable while walking into the wetland of the abandoned water treatment plant next to the Jukskei River. The website iNaturalist allows people to observe what they see in the wetlands of Gauteng. It is a great method of data collection and it allowed me to fully understand all the plant species involved in the wetlands. The collection of species on the website is based on an initial list of required wetland plants in Gauteng, South Africa. These wetland plants are predominantly found in the wetlands of Gauteng. Below are pictures of these plants.


Water Hyacinth

Figure 34: A common native read found in almost every wetland. (walliscreekwatergarden, 2021)

Figure 35: Water Hyacinth (Infrastructurenews, 2021)






Common cattail



Figure 36: leafy aquatic plants with their distinctive velvety-brown flower-spikes. (pzaSANBI, 2021)

Figure 37: Also known as Duckmeat & Frog’s buttons. (candidegardening, 2021)

Figure 38: Water Lilies on a Pond at the Lowveld Botanical Gardens. (Sproutlandscapes, 2021)



2.1.3 THERMOCHROMIC MATERIALS Architecture & nature The final approach to hydrophilic design involves the interaction of architecture with water through a visual change in materials. Wikipedia explains that thermochromic materials are a way of how substances change colour depending on changes in the change of temperature. Mood rings are good examples of this, but it also has some practical solutions, such as baby bottles which changes to a different colour when cool enough to drink, or kettles that show when the water has been boiled. Thermochromism is one of the numerous forms of chromism. Water tends to feel much colder than air at room temperature because it is about the process of convection, transferring heat through moving fluids. Water will be colder against a building skin that is exposed to the sun. Water absorbs an equivalent amount of heat with a smaller increase in its temperature. Building skins that are exposed to the sun will heat up quickly, while water takes much longer to heat up if we talk about the sun . Two main types of material are used to give thermochromic effect, those that use liquid crystals and the other that uses more organic dyes, known as leuco dyes. Cold




page 41

Figure 39: Thermochromic tiles fixed to floating structure called the Iceberg, willey ponds lake, strafford, new hampshire, USA. (Designboom, 2021) Thermochromic liquid crystals

Figure 40: Thermochromism. A hand print on thermochromic paper. The paper has a liquid crystal compound encapsulated to its surface (pixels.com,2021).

These are used mostly in computer and cellphone displays. We are interested in the nematic and smectic forms of liquid crystals. Chris Woodford explains in his article about thermochromic materials that these molecules are arranged like matches in a box, layers that point in the same direction. Shine a light on nematic liquid crystals and some will give a reflection known as iridescence. This can be seen on butterfly wings and the grooves of an old LP record. Incoming light waves bounce off surrounding crystals and combine in a process known as interference, resulting in the reflection. The hue of the reflected light is determined by the distance between the crystals. When liquid crystals are heated or cooled, the distance between them changes, and they can be forced into a new phase, which changes the amount of interference. It changes the colour of reflected light from black to red, then all the colours of the rainbow to violet, then back to black. So, the colour of liquid crystals changes depending on their temperature, because temperature variations force them to migrate closer or further apart depending on the material (https://www.explainthatstuff.com/ thermochromic-materials.html, 2021).


page Leucodyes Leucodyes are organic (carbon-based) compounds that change colour when heat energy causes their molecules to shift between two subtly different structures: leuco (colourless) and non-leuco (coloured). When printed on a medium like paper or cotton, the leuco and non-leuco versions absorb and reflect light differently, giving them significantly distinct colours. At a wide range of daily temperatures, leucodyes can be mixed in a variety of ways to achieve a variety of colour-changing effects. Thermochromic liquid crystals are far more refined temperature indicators than leucodyes, which typically just indicate ‘cold’ versus ‘hot’ with a single colour change. This is because all they can do is transition between their two different forms. Leucodyes can be printed as minuscule capsules on the surface of other materials, although they are easier to make with traditional printing methods like screenprinting. They are more commonly utilised in mass-production and everyday novelty goods. Examples can be found in thermal computer printer paper (the slippery, curly paper used in checkout receipts that fade quickly in sunlight) and ‘hypercolour’ T-shirts that change colour when touched.

Figure 41: Color changing mug (catskollection.com,2021).



a. Thermochromic TIMBER VARNISH I mixed a 15ml/1 teaspoon of the thermochromic pigment in Dulux Woodgard Interior/Exterior timber varnish and painted a 200mm pine plywood block. Results: I found this experiment to be the most successful between all of the other materials. The varnished plywood block was exposed to the sun for two minutes, then dipped in cold water. Refer to the images on the right.

Figure 43: Teaspoon, thermochromic pigment, dulux Woodgard timbervarnish and 200mm plywood block. (by

Figure 44: Mixing thermochromic pigment into Dulux Woodgard timbervarnish. (by Author, 2021) Varnished plywood block laying in cold water (by Author, 2021)

Figure 42: (Left)



Figure 45: Varnished plywood block dipped in cold water (by Author, 2021)

Figure 46: Varnished plywood block dipped in cold water (by Author, 2021)

Figure 47: Varnished plywood block dipped in cold water (by Author, 2021)



b. Thermochromic CONCRETE Mixing 60ml/4 teaspoon of the thermochromic pigment in pre-mix concrete. the pigment was mixed firstly with the cement before river sand was added. Please refer to the images on the right. Water was added lastly. Results The pigment mixed well with the concrete mix before water was added. The pigment doesnt want to mix with water, It repells water. I found it easier to mix the pigment when the mix was drying a bit. Only a few pigment particles stayed on the cocnrete as seen below.

Figure 48: Thermochromic pigments on concrete, exposed to cold temperature. (by Author, 2021)



Figure 49: Rounded concrete temperature. (by Author, 2021)





Figure 53: Concrete mix (by Author, 2021)

Figure 54: Adding thermochromic pigments to concrete mix (by Author, 2021)

Figure 55: Thermochromic pigments in concrete mix (by Author, 2021)

Figure 50: Added water but repells pigment (by Author, 2021)

Figure 51: Mixing when drying (by Author, 2021)

Figure 52: Poured mix into small container (by Author, 2021)



c. Thermochromic ANTI-RUST COATING Mixing 30ml/2 teaspoon of the thermochromic pigment in the Duram Anti-rust coating and painting it onto a 50mm x 50mm steel angle iron. Results The pigment worked great with paint, especially white paint. Mixing the pigment in any white paint will give the same results as the images to the right.

Figure 56: Dipping steel angle iron with coating in cold water (by Author, 2021) Figure 57: Immediate result of thermochromism after dipped in water (by Author, 2021)



Figure 58: Anti-rust coating (by Author, 2021)

Figure 59: Mixing thermochromic piments in anti-rust coating (by Author, 2021)

Figure 60: Painted coating on angle iron (by Author, 2021)



d. Thermochromic CLAY Mixing 15ml/1 teaspoon of the thermochromic pigment in moddeling clay and shaping it into a small rectangular shape. Results This experiment worked very well although when moddeling clay is exposed to water it gets soft again. Other clay typers may show different results.

Figure 61: Moddeling clay after mix (by Author, 2021) Figure 62: Moddeling clay with thermochromic pigment Hotvs. Cold (by Author, 2021)



Figure 63: Thermochromic moddeling clay dipped in cold water (by Author, 2021)

Figure 64: Thermochromic moddeling clay dipped in cold water (by Author, 2021)

Figure 65: Thermochromic moddeling clay dipped in cold water (by Author, 2021)



This chapter explores the direct context of the project. It investigates and explores the existing context, beginning with the existing wastewater treatment facility and follows with the existing built environment.





Analysis and appraisal of context

3.1 Stjwetla site introduction 3.2 Stjwetla Timeline 3.3 Sanitation 3.4 Communal taps 3.5 Movement 3.6 Understanding the process of water in the Jukskei river 3.7 Photos on site



Figure 66: Stjwetla community next to the jukskei river (by author, 2021)



3.1 STWJETLA COMMUNITY Identifying the site

The Stjwetla community settlement forms an area of 13 hectares between the Jukskei River and Alexandra West Bank Cemetery. It is located just north of the Alexandra township and lies on a floodplain. The river is dominated by urban and residential areas and greatly impacted the human rituals in the area. The key problems highlighted by the Water Management Unit include pollution, solid waste, and access to clean water.

through polluted runoff from the urban surfaces and combined sewer overflows from leaking sewer pipes. The Jukskei River is highly polluted and degraded, and under a lot of pressure due to the presence of high- density informal settlements, like Stjwetla, along its banks. The river is classified as a Class E river (being intensely modified and far from its natural state), and is highly unsuitable for natural and aquatic life.

Also owing to the Water Management Unit’s urban locality, the river systems receive excessive runoff from the surrounding impermeable urban and residential settlements, subjecting the rivers to flooding and in turn, flood hazards for settlements like Stjwetla, that are located on the banks. The river experiences excessive water pollution

The Jukskei feeds into Hartbeespoort Dam, which serves as a key source of drinking and irrigation water for Pretoria and the eastern half of North West Province. The Jukskei in the north flows into the Crocodile River, which then flows into the Limpopo River, which empties into the Indian Ocean.



The prospect for repurposing the abandoned industrial site was recognised by resilient design. The site’s location along the Jukskei also allowed for convenient access to existing storm water drains and municipal sewers, which are trenched along the river’s channel. Processes in industrial ecology were required to be near together, necessitating a large amount of space. The industrial environment thus demanded huge amounts of trash for processing and water purification, recognising Stjwetla’s lack of clean water and waste management as an opportunity for a mutually beneficial relationship. In addition, the Jukskei was identified as a water body that would receive treated industrial outputs via constructed wetlands and reed beds. It played a role in the cycle’s competitiveness. Stjwetla’s absence of essential utilities was recognised as an opportunity to improve the quality of life for both humans and biological habitats while simultaneously cleaning water through a water treatment plant. The position of the site forms a barrier between Stjwetla and Alexandra’s east bank, establishing the Jukskei River as a transitory r ather than a destination. Using the site as an integrated media, urban ecology recognised the site’s potential to



reunite the two communities and re-script their relationship with a pedestrian walkway, together with the integration of nature. The site’s surroundings revealed a lack of public space, economic opportunity, and social interaction, all of which are essential for establishing a sustainable urban ecology. The Gousblom crescent pedestrian bridge on the site’s northern perimeter creates a network of pedestrian paths that direct residents (both north and south) around the site’s eastern boundary. This path connects the east bank and Marlboro Road networks for pedestrians. This project will respect and integrate existing public pathways into the urban plan as well as create new pathways, taking advantage of the chance to create interesting spaces along the route, allowing for interactions with both the project, nature, and people. The site’s boarder on Florence Moposho Street creates a crucial proximity to the public transportation network, in addition to public access through the pedestrian bridge. Furthermore, the site has few vehicular access points, such as First Street and various divisions of Freedom Charter Street.










Figure 67: Stjwetla community next to the jukskei river in 2001 (drawn by author, 2021)

Figure 68: Stjwetla community next to the jukskei river in 2005 (drawn by author, 2021)

Figure 69: Stjwetla community Expansion 2010 (drawn by author, 2021)

The Stjwetla community was established just north of Alexandra next to the Jukskei River. The informal settlement used the river for rituals. The sole access road came from Alexandra. In 2001 the settlement’s population started to increase.

In 2005 new RDP houses were built to accommodate residents towards the Jukskei River for Ext 7 . Soon, even more houses needed to be developed to accommodate the high spread in density.

The original Stjwetla community started to expand towards the outer edges of the boundaries . Existing overcrowded structures were then removed to the south of the community, for new housing by the government.





3.2 STJWETLA TIMELINE The Stjwetla informal settlement, which dates from the late 1980s (Morgan, 2019), is situated on the northern outskirts of Alexandra Township, Johannesburg. Alexandra, sometimes known as ‘Alex,’ was founded in or around 1912. (Bonner & Nieftagodien, 2008). The land was purchased by a wealthy farmer, who divided it and sold the pieces to black families. Alexandra Township provided lowcost housing for impoverished migrants, but it was also conveniently positioned for those looking for work in the surrounding areas (Bonner & Nieftagodien, 2008). The community of Stjwetla (also known as ’Setswetla’) is one of the most underserved informal settlements

Figure 70: Stjwetla community Expansion 2015 (drawn by author, 2021)

Figure 71: Stjwetla community Expansion 2020 (drawn by author, 2021)

In May 2015, the new houses were ready. Further expansion of informal housing continued and population density increased rapidly.

In 2020, the Stjwetla community expanded the most. The sudden increase in population forced people to move towards the river and use it as a dump. Rubbish disposal became a huge problem for the survival of the Jukskei.






3.3 SANITATION Temporary water closet cubicles are used because of their small footprint due to the very dense housing in the community. The water closets are moved towards the outer perimeters of the community, mainly against the driveway to the west. They are open for the public, with no privacy or security. A private company cleans the toilets. Residents have come up with a variety of strategies to deal with the limited access to sanitation. While some of the toilets are in bad condition due to Figure 72: Stjwetla community WC on the main road to the west of the community. (photo by author, 2021)

the huge number of users, some locals have organised collective mechanisms to keep the toilets in their own neighbourhood clean (Morgan, 2019). The toilets are privatised by a group of residents in the vicinity, and the toilet door is secured with a padlock. In a rollout system, keys are shared among the many users, who are then in responsible of maintaining the toilets (Morgan, 2019). Others have constructed their own bricked toilets outside their homes, which are either pit or bucket latrines (Morgan, 2019).






3.4 COMMUNAL TAPS The sharing of taps is one of the major problems in the community. There are not enough taps in the community for everyone. Most of the people have no choice but to line up for clean water. The infrastructure has been overburdened by the large, unplanned population, resulting in low water pressures. Because of the high density and packed nature of the shack development, access for upkeep is difficult or impossible in some places. Because there are no removal mechanisms or drainage infrastructure to carry water away from the communal taps, the surrounding areas are always characterised by ponding water.

Figure 73: Communal taps in the Stjwetla community showing buckets in line for clean water. (photo by author, 2021)





3.5 MOVEMENT Traffic congestion leads to new problems in the area. Despite having two points of vehicular access, Stjwetla’s traffic flow is slow and congested due to just one traffic passage. This passage is to the west of the community where most of the sanitation and temporary water closets are located. A lot of pedestrian and vehicular traffic takes place in this road. Figure 74: Stjwetla community WC on the main road to the west of the community. (photo by author, 2021)



3.6 UNDERSTANDING THE PROCESS OF WATER IN THE JUKSKEI RIVER Using the techniques explained in River. Space. Design., one can now identify places where erosion and discharge may take place due to sedimentation shifts within the Jukskei River. Structures cannot be designed where erosion takes place as it basically eats away the earth during floods and heavy rains. Using retaining walls will counter this action.

Figure 75: Over-dramatic mapping showing sedimentation shift within the jukskei river. (Drawn by author, 2021)



Figure 76: Identifying where erosion and sedimentation shifts may occur and identifying the floodlines. (Drawn by author, 2021)





3.6.1 SEDIMENTATION SHIFTS Most of the informal structures in the Stjwetla community are built on the floodplain. This practice prohibits the natural waterflow. It is important for a river to shape naturally. People building on the banks of the river struggle with floods and heavy rains. Most people living on the banks use their rubbish or tyres to prevent water rising to the ground level of their housing. This lead to pollution in the river. Refer to figure x.

Figure 77: Communal taps in the Stjwetla community showing buckets in line for clean water. (photo by author, 2021)

Figure 78: Juksei river (photo by author, 2021)

Figure 79: Juksei river next to Stjwetla (photo by author, 2021)

a. Discharge on banks of Jukskei

b. Erosion on banks of Jukskei

Small amount of discharge happening on the banks of the jukskei river due to sedimentation shifts

Erosion happening on fast corners and growing with a rapid rate. Access becomes more and more dificult as the earth is being eaten by the river








Most of the informal structures in the Stjwetla community are built on the floodplain. This practice prohibits the natural waterflow. It is important for a river to shape naturally. People building on the banks of the river struggle with floods and heavy rains. Most people living on the banks use their garbage or tires to prevent water to rise to the ground level of their housing. This lead to pollution in the river. refer to figure x.

Figure 80: Juksei river (photo by author, 2021)

Figure 81: Juksei river next to Stjwetla (photo by author, 2021)

Discharge on banks of Jukskei

Erosion on banks of Jukskei

Small amount of discharge happening on the banks of the jukskei river due to sedimentation shifts

Erosion happening on fast corners and growing with a rapid rate. Access becomes more and more dificult as the earth is being eaten by the river







Figure 83: Juksei river next to Stjwetla (photo by author, 2021)


Figure 82: Juksei river (photo by author, 2021)

Erosion on banks of Jukskei

Discharge on banks of Jukskei

Erosion happening on fast corners and growing with a rapid rate. Access becomes more and more dificult as the earth is being eaten by the river

Small amount of discharge happening on the banks of the jukskei river due to sedimentation shifts



The aim of this chapter is to look at precedent studies regarding the concept of re-claiming ground in the landscape and how designers approached the idea of creating awareness of water scarcity and the importance of existing ecologies.





Precedent study

4.1 Willamette River Water Treatment Plant 4.2 Solrodgard Water Treatment Plant 4.3 Landscape park Duisburg-Nord



4.1 Willamette River Water Treatment Plant ARCHITECT: Miller Hull Partnership CLIENT: Tualatin Valley Water District COMPLETION: 2002 LOCATION: Wilsonville, Oregon, USA




The raw water pump station on the south end draws river water up to start the process. Each wall segment represents a different purification process, such as ozone generation, acti-flo (sedimentation), ozonation, filtration, pure water storage, and high-pressure pumps that deliver water to the community. Rain does not discolour the concrete walls because of a galvanised cap plate on the top, which is vital in the northwest environment (Miller Hull — Willamette River Water Treatment Plant, 2021 ). A route of interpretive panels and view window portals on the garden side of the building peer into and explain the functioning processes of the facility to park users as they walk along the path, which eventually ends in a river vista lookout. This wall is connected to a pond by a public meeting area. Two park shelters with long picnic tables for 30 students are also attached to the wall. Future growth is represented along the wall, while plant security is provided right away. Between the process buildings, stone walls act as a gasket (Miller Hull — Willamette River Water Treatment Plant , 2021).

The public park is seperate to the water treatment facility. The concrete wall sperates the main facility with the park. The park also filters water trhough natural processes.

Water ponds in the park attracts nature and animals. these ponds are natural water chambers filled with filtered water.

Figure 84: Concrete wall sperating the public from the

Figure 85: Public park with natural purification ponds (by

Figure 86: Public park with natural purification ponds (by

main facility (by Miller Hull , 2021).

Miller Hull , 2021).

Miller Hull , 2021).



4.2 Solrodgard Water Treatment Plant ARCHITECT: Henning Larsen CONTRACTOR: Jakobsen & Blindkilde COMPLETION: 2017



Analysis About two-thirds of the world’s population faces acute water scarcity. This figure will get worse only if climate change and global crowding worsen. The Solrodgard Climate and Environment Park, which serves the city of Hillerod in northern Zealand, aims to bring the worldwide challenge of sustainable resource usage into sharper focus. The park, which was created from a 50-hectare, one-billion-DKK master design, intends to generate community discourse on resource use and climate awareness by incorporating public appeal into municipal infrastructure (Gallery of Solrodgard Water Treatment Plant / Henning Larsen ‒ 6, 2021 ). Walking trails, a bird-watching tower, and a roosting hotel for local bats are all located here, along with a recycling centre, wastewater treatment plant, and administrative facility. The park presents a unique location where visitors can get a natural, direct view of the community’s natural resource cycle by merging recreational space into public services (Gallery of Solrodgard Water Treatment Plant / Henning Larsen ‒ 6, 2021).

Figure 87: Public stairway to roof park (by Miller Hull , 2021)

Natural ecologies being part of the park is a major contribution to bringing the attention of water scarcity in the world. These ecologies manifest between the two main buildings of the facility.

The public walkway allow people to interact and engage with surounding ecologies and the process of water treatment.

Figure 88: Public park with natural purification ponds (by

Figure 89: Public park with natural purification ponds (by

Miller Hull , 2021).

Miller Hull , 2021).



82 page and jogging (by Urban green-blue grids, 2021).

Figure 90: Public walkway used for recreation purposes such as walking

4.3 Landscape park Duisburg-Nord ARCHITECT: latzundpartner CLIENT:StadtDuisburg, Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft NRW COMPLETION: 1995 LOCATION:Emscherstrasse71,Duisburg, Germany

Analysis The IBA-Emscherpark was established to provide the former industrial Ruhr area with a new ecological, economic, social, and cultural impulse through these restructuring efforts. The Emscher River, which had been utilised as an open sewage until the 1990s, was the blue thread that ran through this reorganization project (Landscape Park Duisburg-Nord | Urban green-blue grids, 2021). Rainwater and cleansed wastewater are now drained into the Emscher. As a result, the canalised riverbed might be transformed into a valley with opportunities for natural development and pleasure. Locally, the systems were tweaked to meet regional goals such as improving the Emscher’s water quality and experience value, as well as reducing the discharge of rubbish into the Rhine (Landscape Park Duisburg -Nord | Urban green-blue grids,

The public park are seperate to the water treatment facility. The concrete wall sperates the main facility with the park. The park also filters water trhough natural processes.

Water ponds in the park attracts nature and animals. these ponds are natural water chambers filled with filtered water.

Figure 91: Public walkway next to natural purification

Figure 92: Purification ponds (by Urban green-blue grids, 2021).

ponds (by Urban green-blue grids, 2021).



The aim of this chapter is to establish the approach towards the design of structures next to rivers by adapting to the environment.





Design concept & development

5.1 Concept 5.2 Design development 5.3 Specifications



5.1 CONCEPT: ARCHITECTURE IN FLUX Rivers, communities and architecture

Ecology concerns in Stjwetla The design of a hydrophilic potable water treatment plant with a multi-funcional landscape for the Stjwetla community. Understanding the environmental problems that informal communities next to rivers face and hopefully have an adequate design and ecological design resolution towards the problems. To enhance the connection between communities, architecture, and rivers with the idea of improving access to sustainable water sources and reclaiming ground in the landscape by reviving post-industrial architecture to a potable water treatment and harvesting plant that is socially inclusive and water sensitive. Figure 93: (Left) Nature, community and architecture in conjunction. (drawn by author, 2021) Figure 94: (Right) Ecology concerns community. (by author, 2021)







5.2 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Adaptive living towards rising water levels.

Water integration and reroute of river into design.

Settlements crouching behind riverbank or dike.

Living on Jukskei

How can a building adapt to floodplains and rising water levels? The concpet sketches act as mini experimentation sketches towards the final approach of the design for example: Any object in water has some force of buoyancy pushing up against gravity, Constructed wetlands can act as retarded surfaces for water flowing and integrating water into the design can help with rising water levels.

Potable water treatment process The Jukskei isolated by the landscape.

Adapted construction to floodplain areas.

Ecological wetlands.




Buildings as part of the flood-protection barrier.



1. Water channel intake 2. Protective bar screen 3. Travelling water screen 4. Water storage and pump well 5. Pre-chlorination process 6. Cascade aerator (BUILDING SKIN) 7. Coagulation and flocculation 8. Clarifier 9. Rapid Gravity filter (BUILDING SKIN)

Figure 95: (Left) Concept sketches of living on Jukskei (drawn by author, 2021)

Figure 96: Exploring program through bubble diagrams. (Drawn by author and edited with Adobe Illustrator, 2021)



Concept sketch 1

Figure 97: First concept site plan (Drawn by author and edited with Adobe Illustrator, 2021)



Concept sketch 2

Figure 98: Second concept site plan (Drawn by author and edited with Adobe Illustrator, 2021)



Final concept sketch This sketch introduced a public walkway that gives clean, sustainable drinking water to the community with various water storage tanks located on the walkway. The public walkway consist of a submerged walkway into the exisiting landscape and ecology, as well as a footbridge that cross from the western part of the river straight through the building.

Figure 99: Final concept site plan (Drawn by author and edited with Adobe Illustrator, 2021)



Water treatment process 1. Water channel intake 2. Protective bar screen 3. Travelling water screen 4. Water storage and pump well 5. Pre-chlorination process 6. Cascade aerator (BUILDING SKIN) 7. Coagulation and flocculation 8. Clarifier 9. Rapid Gravity filter (BUILDING SKIN) 10. Water Storage Figure 100: Final concept site plan wit hwater process (Drawn by author and edited with Adobe Illustrator, 2021)



5.3 SPECIFICATIONS: Hydrophilic architecture & the public. In terms of specifications, I focused on how the public will use the building. A public walkway through the facility allowed me to explore different shapes due the small size. On the one side of the walkway, the public can explore natural purification, and on the other, the more conventional way through cascade aeration.

Figure 103: Architectural language on identification (drawn by author, 2021)



Figure 101: Design exploration with pattern and integration of water (drawn by author, 2021)

Figure 102: Design exploration with pattern and integration of water (drawn by author, 2021) 94


Figure 104: System author, 2021)




Figure 105: Final design concept with cascade aeraot panels, integration of water, existing ecology and public footbridge (drawn by author, 2021) page


Figure 107: Concept model 2 (build by author, 2021)

Concept model 2

Exploring the initial design idea with design. Introducing the cascade aerator facade panel that will allow for water integration and public view.

Introducing pattern of architectural language on plan. Concealing pipework and integrating water with the cascade aerator panel



Figure 109: Concept model 2 (build by author, 2021)

Figure 106: Concept model 1 (build by author, 2021) Figure 108: Concept model 1 (build by author, 2021)

Concept model 1

Figure 110: Concept model of system exploration (build and drawn by author, 2021) page



f e

c b a



a) Concrete footing

d) Waterproof interior layer

i) Cast in items: threaded steel rod cage as per Engineers documentation.

i) Size: 1200mm x 2500mm IBR-profile ii) Material: Polycarbonate iii) Finish: Clear iv) Fixing: Waterproof sealing fasteners to lipped channels

b) Structural steel column


i) 203 x 203 x 53mm H-Profile column. ii) Material: Galvanised mild steel. iii) Fixing: Welded onto base plate and fixed with treaded steel rod cage casted into concrete footing. iv) Finish: Treated with 2 coats of black RB10 water-based metal primer and topcoat acording to Manufacturer’s instructions. v) Manufacturer: RB10

c) Cascade aerator steps. “Bucket shape” (Interior)

Figure 111: Final concept of system (build and drawn by author, 2021)

i) Size: 70mm x 240mm as per Architects design drawings. ii) Thread: 240mm Riser: 500mm ii) Material: Roll formed galvanised sheet metal. iii) Fixing: Waterproof sealing fasteners bolted to lip channel purlins. iv) Finish: Treated with 2 coats of black RB10 water-based metal primer and topcoat.

e) Steel supporting structure i) Size: 127mm x 63,5mm x 2mm lipped channel (Horizontal member). ii) Size: 100mm x 100mm x 13mm T-section and 2x 50mm x 50mm angle iron (Vertical member) as Architects design drawings. iii) Material: Galvanised mild steel. iv) Fixing: Lipped channel bolted to structural steel column and T-section bolted to Lipped channel.

e) Concrete skin (Exterior) i) 1200 x 2500 x 13 mm standard. ii) Material: Fibre C concrete according to manufacturer’s documentation. iii) Vintage matt surface finish according to manufacturer’s documentation. iv) Fixing: bolted to T-section vertical member. v) Manufacturer: Rieder



This chapter explore the final design resolution towards the 3 components of hydrophilic architecture by adding constructed wetalnds, thermochromic panels and hydrophillia in landscape design.





Design resolution

6.1 Site Plan 6.2 Ground floor plan 6.3 First floor plan 6.4 Sections 6.5 Edge detail 6.6 Axonometric section 6.7 Renders



1 2 3 4


6 7 8 9




11 10




Chemical building


Public walkway


Main Building with offices


Rapid gravity filter building


Research Building


Data collection station


Existing ecology


Pre-treatment reed beds

10. Visitors center 11.
























Figure 112: Submerged public walkway next to existing ecology (by Author, 2021) 114 page

Figure 113: Cascade aeration process against public walkway (by Author, 2021) page 115

Thermochromic panels Exposed to the sun



Thermochromic panels Exposed to cold weather or water.



This chapter shows the contract documentation regarding the design by exploring the public bridge and walkway.





Technical resolution

7.1 Site Plan 7.2 Ground floor plan 7.3 First floor plan 7.4 Sections 7.5 Edge detail 7.6 Axonometric section 7.8 Model building





















Figure 114: Column support for bridge walkway above (by Author, 2021)

Figure 115: Fog harvesting nets (by author, 2021).

Figure 116: Cascade aeration process steps (by Author, 2021)





Figure 117: Full scale detail model of public bridge and submerged walkway (by Author, 2021).

Figure 118: Full scale detail model of public bridge and submerged walkway (by Author, 2021).

Figure 119: Panel attatchement to structure (by Author,







Conclusions and references

8.1 Conclusion 8.2 Acknowledgements 8.3 References



Conclusion This dissertation documents an architectural response to the research topic and investigation and should be read as such. The hydrophilic potable water treatment plant with a multifunctional landscape in Stjwetla is a conceptual model for improving on water scarcity and water filtering. The project provides guidelines, design development and possibly the concept of re-claiming ground in the landscape with the help of some principles in ecological architecture. It gives a realistic approach on how we can make people aware of this problem. This dissertation eagerly anticipates further research, exploration, and resolution.



Acknowledgements Thank you to Prof. Jacques Laubscher for helping us through the tough and difficult times of the pandemic. Thank you for always coming up with solutions to our problems. I appreciate all the stressful crits, milestones, and meetings. Thank you for always pushing me to do my best and feel excited about my work. I would like to thank my supervisor, Marinda Bolt, for always making plans for crits even if its at your house. Thank you for always listening and caring since 3rd year. To my friends I have made during our studies, it has been a privilege to study with you. Thank

you for all the stressful nights, laughs and sad moments. I honestly think we are the strongest and closest group the University will ever see. It has been an amazing journey with you guys. To my study buddy, Kyle Peinke, thank you for all the laughs, beer, and cricket together. It has been fun driving to the golf club and grabbing a beer. We will always make a great team on the cricket field and in architecture. To my girlfriend Kyla Goërtz. Thank you for all the love and support during this year. Thank you for always motivating me to be the best. It has been a crazy year but thank you for sticking with me.

A special thank you to my family Wynand, Winita and Ruan. Thank you for always believing in me. Thank you for all the motivation, inspiration, and the boosting of my confidence throughout my studies. Without you, I would have never made it. Thank you for all the love and support. Lastly, I want to thank God. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to study. It has been a wild ride through very difficult times, but it has amazing. Thank you for showing me that even if life is difficult, we can either learn from it or run from it. God has His time, and it is the right time. I am grateful for everyone that had an impact on my studies. I thank you all.



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