5.1 Pocket dress The study is taking this tradition a step further by considering a piece of clothing as architecture. Another function of architecture is to create a space that enables users to become productive. The pocket dress is a type of architecture that helps the user by storing the items, this can be described as a storage facility. The pocket dress takes away the dependency of the body on the additional provision of a storage facility as the dress itself provides room for storage. The pocket dress eliminates the amount of trips she needs to make to and from the primary workstation
5.1.1 Developments Initial concept of pocket dress
Human beings are only equipped to carry a limited amount of things with their hands. The trips to and from the workstations are increasingly infrequent for the jewellers. Bags are created to allow people to carry more things at once. The dress reduces the number of trips as jewellers can carry more items, decreasing the number of trips made (Figures 37 and 38).
Figure 59: Concept of pocket dress (Author, 2021)
Figure 58: Woman holding books (Author, 2021)