Jada's 1st newsletter

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D5 T-O KEY CLUB April 2016 Vol 5 Issue 1

APRIL 2016






Table of Contents Condolences Greetings from your 2016­2017 Lt.G Why join Key Club le DCON 2016 Officer Tasks Preferred Charity Contact Information District & DivisonTo­Do list Social Media ICON 2016



I want to give huge thanks to Linda Co the 2015-2016 Leuitnetant Governor just an amazing person , top tier Lt. G at District , and overall amazing friends. Thank you so much again.



Congratulations to our very own D5 member, Diana Cardenas, the elected 2016-2017 Govern of T-O District Key Club

Hey D5 Key Clubbers Hello, everyone! My name is Jada Hudgins and I'm currently a junior at Judson Early College Academy. It is truly an honor to be serving you as your Lieutenant Governor for the 2016­201 term. My plan this year is making a huge impact while having fun. I know this year will be a great year and won't expect anything less from D5. Hopefully, I will get around to meet everyone and cordially introduce myself. My goals this year is to Unify D5 Educate as many as possible Heavier use of Tech & Social Media Service with a smile Constant Communication

Did you answer the Call? This Years DCON theme was Mission Impossible at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas Texas.





Vice President

* Delegate responsibilities * Assist the President and lead meetings * Communicate with Kiwanis * Check in with all committees Advisors and the most wonderful person on earth Lt. G me

Secretary * Take minutes at all club and officer meetings * Send in monthly reports

Class Reps * increase membership withing each class

Treasuer * Keep track of dues and money * Prepare a plan for the club's budget

Historian *take pictures Webmaster * keep key club social medias up­to­date

Perferred Charities UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations solely dedicated to helping children. All donations are used to provide healthcare, water, sanitation, and other necessities in more than 150 developing countries

The Children's Miracle Network Hospitals is a non­profit organization that raises awareness and money to benefit the children and all money raised goes towards hospital equipment, research, train staff, and provide healthcare to children whose parents cannot afford to pay

March of Dime focuses on bringing awareness to preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. March of Dime brings attention to the health of babies and helps people understand the effects of unhealthy babies




When: Sat. May 28, 2016 Time: 11:45am-2;00pm Place: soon to be announced (please check reminds and emails or website)


Who gonna be there: all officers and members (please RSVP on website)

please wear comfortable clothes

Divison 5 Contact Info Jada Hudgins 2016-2017 Lt. Governor Division 5 tel. 210.854.7379 jadahudginsltg5@gmail.com

Walt Roetter Regional Advisor email: secwr@stx.rr.com call/text: (830) 733-0008 *Please remember to update your COCI on the TO website and send a copy of the list so that I can keep in touch with you guys all year*

Divison Check List


Plan your Summer Events: Keep on giving! Plan service projects, meetings, and socials during the summer to keep members excited about Key Club Officer Installations *Very Important* Please elect officer for the 2016-2017 year. Please contact me with a date and time, and place so I can attend your event to officially install them.

District Board Contact Info District Governor Dianna Cardenas 2107482014 District Secretary Kennie Merbach kenniem10@gmail.com 7980 Blue Bonnet St Beaumont, Texas 77713 (409) 291-9327 District Treasuer Leia George (832) 515-6948 treasurer@tokeyclub.com

T-O DISTRICT TO-DO LIST Applications for District Editor and Convention Liaison are due May 18th! Send in your club reports to Kennie and Dianna every 5th of the month. Please remember to update your COCI on the T-O website and send a copy of the list so that I can keep in touch with you guys all year



Please check out our Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube. And please checkout website T-O Key Club Division 5


D5 Key Club


Are you going to the ATL? If you want to attend ICON please contact Dianna Cardena @dcardenas.kc@gmail.com

Thanks for Reading!

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