Texas Oklahoma Division 5 June's Newsletter

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June 2016

VOL. 5


D5 T-O Key Club

Your Paradise is awaiting CREATED BY: DIVISION 5 LT.G JADA HUDGINS

Don't be afraid to start over. It's a new chance to rebuild what you want. - unknown

Add subheading 01.-02. Lt. Governor Message 03. Our Divisional Board 04.-05. Summer-up: Tasks for the Summer 06.-07. Step-by-Step: COCI & MUC 08. Youth Opportunity Fund: What's that? 09. ICON: Join the KCI Experience 10.-11. Service Partners & K-Family 11.Miracle Treat Day 12. How does Key Club work 13. Divisional & Governor's Project 14.-15. T-O District Contact

T h e of C o n t e n t s

D5 Lt. Governor Message


Hey, Honey Bunches of Oats! How is everyone doing? I bet you guys are going on amazing adventures while on vacation, reuniting with family and friends or just having your thing during the Summer. I have some quick news for you guys for the month of June. Just last month we had our first training at MacAuthur Park. It was exciting to see some of you guys as well as to finally to meet me. I know that in the future we will see each other more often maybe establish a friendship.

During our first training, I went over a few objectives and tasks that club officers should do during the summer to maintain club ordinance. 1. The club officers should meet during the summer to plan out the year 2. How important it is to do reportings and Newsletters so that your school ( or Division) can get the recognition it needs 3. To get acquainted with your Kiwanis and other K-Family It's very vital to do these things because they not only does it help the club as a whole but it will open you up to new horizons and the undying support the clubs have with others like Kiwanis and even the community.

D5 Lt. Governor Message For the month of July, I really want to have at least on social and another PCM so that I can meet you guys and hang out.So I think we should go bowling. Also, I wanted to make sure that I have everyone's information so that it's key to filling out the COCI's and MUC's correctly. Lastly, I hope everyone continues to have a wonderful summer and don't ever hesitate to email, text, or call me. Look out for my reminds messages and Bi-monthly emails Thanks, guys.

Love yah D5! Sincerely, Division 5 Lt. Governor Jada Hudgins


Contact info

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Di re Send a friendly hello! cto ro fE ve nt s

D Co ire mm cto un r of ica tio n


Our D5 Board T-O District

Don't have a Bummer Summer,

get involved in Key Club

to make it Funner! Report Articles Newsletters All articles and newsletters are due on the 5th of every month unless the 5th is a holiday or a Sunday then it is due on the 6th! Please make sure to do so even if your club is not doing much in the summer to show that you are still active‌

All General Officers During the Summer, Clubs should meet at least once to talk about the beginning of the School year especially budgeting for DCON and other events. If you would like me to join you club meet, please give me at least a week notice before the date and address. (I will not be conducting the meeting but the president/VP's will.) 04

Se cre ta rie s

Turn in your monthly reports to Kennie Merbach via MAIL @ 7980 Blue Bonnet St. Beaumont, TX 77713


Please remember to update your COCI on the T-O website under Members only. *Login is required*

Ed ito rs

To get some inspiration for newsletters, go to issuu.com/jadahudgins Newsletters and articles need to be emailed to editor@tokeyclub.com by the due date

*This will not take effect until August


How to pay dues !

07 07

The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is a fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. The fund also provides academic scholarships for higher education. The Youth Opportunities Fund is established through a portion of your Key Club International dues and through Youth Opportunity the purchase of G. Harold Martin Fellowships





How to apply for the YOF: Application must be received by 1. Go to keyclub.org October 15th 2.. Hover over and hit the ‘Serve’ bar Clubs may request funding 3. Under ‘Fundraising’, hit ‘Youth assistance from $100 to $2,000 Opportunities Fund’ Notification of KCI’s decision will be 4. On the far, upper right, hit ‘Apply mailed no later than January 15th for a YOF grant’ Applications must be submitted to: (Steps 1-4 will tell you all about the Kiwanis International YOF and the address to send it to) 3636 Woodview Trace 5. Hover over and hit the ‘Resources’ Indianapolis, IN 46268 bar OR 6. In the bottom left, hit ‘Service’ fax your application to 1-317-8797. On Page 2, the YOF application will 0204 be there Check out the guidelines for filing the application in the ‘Guidebook’ under ‘Board Policies’ at keyclub.org


! The KCI


Experinnce July 6-10 Join the excitement of ICON to meet and share the commitment of Key Club Experience! Contact our District Governor Dianna Cardenas @ governor@tokeyclub.com or Walt Roetter @ secwr@stx.rr.com for more information 09

Service Partners The Children's Miracle Network Hospitals is a non-profit organization that raises awareness and money to benefit the children and all money raised goes towards hospital equipment, research, train staff, and provide health care to children whose parents cannot afford to pay

UNICEF is the only organization of the United Nations solely dedicated to helping children. All donations are used to provide healthcare, water, sanitation, and other necessities in more than 150 developing countries

March of Dime focuses on bringing awareness to preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. March of Dime brings attention to the health of babies and helps people understand the effects of unhealthy babies




Operation: Green Key

The Environment needs rescuing! For out Divisional Project we are participating in The Conversation on Conservation a program that works on rebuilding the environment by concentrating on 3 aspects, 1. Water 2. Pollution 3. Deforestation Each month will have an assignment that will be emailed and posted on what we can do to protect our home!

Governor's Project: American Cancer Society


This year's Governor's Project is the American Cancer Society! The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, communitybased, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating & preventing cancer-saving lives by diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. Please look out for projects and services that support the American Cancer Society.

T e x a

T-O District Board ESTABLISHED 2016


O k l a

T-O Key Club Governor Dianna Cardenas governor@tokeyclub.com

h o m a

T-O Key Club Secretary Kennie Merbach secretary@tokeyclub.com

D i s t r

T-O Key Club Leia George treasurer@tokeyclub.com

i c t



K e y

T-O Key Club Editor Sophia Tran SophiaTran.KC@gmail.com

C l u b

T-O Key Club Convention Liaison Chris Do dochrisn@gmail.com

I n t e

T-O Key Club Administrator & Regional Walt Roetter secwr@stx.rr.com

r n a t i o

Don't forget to send a friendly hello!

n a l

THANK YOU RECUIRT, PROMTOE, & SERVICE WITH A SMILE! Credit: All Graphic pictures- google, Canva, Key Club INternational

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