GRDS Studio 1 Process Book

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Design Methodology Process Book Jade Wild GRDS 385 Summer 2020

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

Overconsumption in fashion..... Leads to over-buying garments that is wanted rather than a need. Today, 3% of american paychecks is spent on clothing. Due to the fast fashion industry, clothing is cheaply made and is now easily accessible.. The issue with overconsuming these items it brings to fast disposal. Due to the low quality of these products these items are discarded quickly and ends up in landfill, or is easily forgotten clothing in one’s closet. Another problem with overconsuming it leads to overproduction. With overproduction there are more garments than the current demand. This leads to waste in resources and materials, such overusing water and labor. A major issue with fast fashion companies is the exploitation of human labor in underdeveloped countries. Many of these workers are children that are being only paid a few cents an hour. Not only are they underpaid, they were in hazardous work conditions that are crowded and unsanitary. Many people tend to gravitate towards hoarding fast fashion garments due to societal pressure of having the latest trends and is easily to haul. Many young teens rely on influencers on the latest looks, and this gives teens a connection to the materialistic and influencer lifestyle. Since not everybody can afford to shop sustainable, and easy way is too consume less garments and shop when need and not want. Instead of shopping at a fast fashion retailer associated with a large corporation, supported second hand shops so you’re not contributing to environmental damage and human injustice.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

Jade Wild

Jane Zash

GRDS 348

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

Attribute List Fast Affordable Unsustainable Bulk Constant Overproduction Connection

Materialistic Discarding


Democratization Mass Haul Influence Want Damaging Risky Continuosly Cycle


Landfill Wasteful Corporations

Exploitation Degrading Unsafe greed pressure

Dispose Seasonal “Cutting Corners� Overworking Underpaid Density Vast Evolving





TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

Materialistic: Excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented. Democratization: The action of making something accessible to everyone. Exploitation: The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work. Overproduction: Production of more of a product, commodity, or substance than is wanted. Jusification: The Action of showing something to be right or reasonable.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

Exploitation: Doing Anything For Fashion.

Overconsumption in the fashion Industry... Young people generallly want the latest fashion trends to conform with society and connect with their favorite fashion influencers. These latest trends are easily accessible to young consumers through fast fashion outlets. The problem is, many of these fast fashion corporations uses child exploitation and unsafe working conditions. On top of that, they are underpaid and leftover inventory end up in landfill. Many times, we justify this system and simply ignore it because we care more about the trends than the harsh reality. This exhibition will display the harsh reality behind overconsuming fashion and the consequences of buying fast fashion.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process


Gotham Black

Exploitation ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Exploitation ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890


Exploitation ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

Exploitation: Doing Anything for Fashion

Exploitation: Doing Anything for Fashion

Exploitation: Doing Anything for Fashion

Exploitation: Doing Anything for Fashion

Exploitation: Doing Anything for Fashion

Exploitation: Doing Anything for Fashion

Exploitation: Doing Anything for Fashion

Exploitation: Doing Anything for Fashion

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

Exploitation: Doing Anything for Fashion Young people generallly want the latest fashion trends to conform with society and connect with their favorite fashion influencers. These latest trends are easily accessible to young consumers through fast fashion outlets. The problem is, many of these fast fashion corporations uses child exploitation and unsafe working conditions. On top of that, they are underpaid and leftover inventory end up in landfill. Many times, we justify this system and simply ignore it because we care more about the trends than the harsh reality. This exhibition will display the harsh reality behind overconsuming fashion and the consequences of buying fast fashion.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

Exploitation: Doing Anything for Fashion Every year. Due to mass production on apparel, it made fashion accessible and affordable. Sounds great right? We see our favorite influencers promoting the latest trends by many fast fashion outlets, convincing us to buy more often. We often see the good on the surface but we never question ourselves “Why is that dress so inexpensive?� We forget that the reason these multi-billion dollar fast fashion corporations producing so much clothing are exploiting people and the environment along the way. Today, on average each person buys 81 pieces of textiles each year. Where do they go when they are ruined or we are done with them? Where does the leftover inventory go when companies do sell them all? Well, most likely to landfill, which is detrimental to the environment. What we can do to stop the on-going exploitation is to buy less often and to shop sustainably.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

*Images used in collages are found on Pinterest

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

* Images Courtesy of Nayoung Kim, SCAD MOA, and Yea Hwang

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

Gotham Black-Caption/ Quotes Exploitation ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890


Exploitation ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890


Exploitation ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

The Truth Behind Fast Fashion & Forced Labor Fast Fashion Is Not Good For You Or The Planet

Exploitation: Doing Anything for Fashion every year. Due to mass production on apparel, it made fashion accessible and affordable.

When people hear the term fast fashion, they

Sounds great right? We see our favorite influ-

know it isn’t on trend with the eco-friendly

encers promoting the latest trends by many fast

and sustainable fashion movement but not

fashion outlets, convincing us to buy more often.

exactly why it is a problem, and labor ex-

We often see the good on the surface but we

ploitation and forced labor isn’t typically what

never question ourselves “Why is that dress so

comes to mind. More commonly known is that.

inexpensive?” We forget that the reason these

fast fashion results in pieces that aren’t built

multi-billion dollar fast fashion corporations pro-

for longevity so they quickly fall apart. That ...

ducing so much clothing are exploiting people and the environment along the way. Today, on av-

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

Americans Throw Away 7 Million to 14 Million Tons of clothinng Each Year

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Table of Contents Introduction Overview Discovery Design Attribute list Mind Map Mood Board Develop Deploy Porject 1: Identity Program Discovery Design Development Deploy Logotype Typefaces Visual Elements Color Palette Project 2: Environmental Graphics Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 3: Narrative Literature Discovery Design Development Deploy Project 4: Product Design Discovery Design Development Deploy Final Work Program Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Citing Process

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