Let’s talk about Students fostering entrepreneurship. Since 1992 Promotion Program
Who is JADE?
JADE HQ National Confede -rations
The European Confederation of Junior Enterprises is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious international umbrella organisation of enterprises established and managed by students (JEs) JADE Headquarters is based in Brussels, near the European institutions The JADE Network is currently composed of 11 National Confederations and 3 Consultative Member from Europe, summing up 280 Junior Enterprises.
JADE Network
The JE concept
© JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises
Who is Brasil Júnior? The Brazilian Confederation of Junior Enterprises wants to represent the Junior Enterprise Movement and empower it as an forming agent of entrepreneurship.
BJ’s Headquarters is based in São Paulo.
The Brasil Júnior’s Network is currently composed 8000 junior enterpreneurs, 240 junior enterprises and 15 federations.
© JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises
What is Promotion Program? Promotion Program is an Enlargement strategy launched in 2014 by JADE – European Confederation of Junior Enterprises and Brasil Júnior. It all started from one observation: who better than a Junior Entrepreneur can be an Ambassador for the concept?
Thanks to Promotion Program, Junior Entrepreneurs traveling abroad for their studies or an internship get the opportunity to foster the JE concept and create new Junior Enterprises with support from their Confederation. www.jadenet.org
The movement
Š JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises
All around the globe, more and more Junior Enterprises are created every year. Different ways of thinking and solving problems; awesome ideas and business models; a huge mixure of traditions make the Junior Enterprise network one of the most diversed and complementary students network currently operating.
Confederated countries
Countries with JEs
Countries with JIs
© JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises
… but thanks to YOU, it will be more!
Š JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises
Process Apply to become a Promoter!
Get monthly target and daily support! Foster the JE network in your host University!
Š JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises
Who will I work with? You are going to North America, South America or Asia? You will work with Manuela, International Assistant in Brasil JĂşnior Contact her here: manuela.camilotti@brasiljunior.org.br
Š JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises
Who will I work with? You are going to Europe, Africa or Oceania? You will work with Marion and Bernd, from the Enlargement department in JADE Contact them here: enlargement@jadenet.org
Š JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises
Testimonial from Breno, former Promoter My first move was to contact my educational advisor, who immediately liked the idea and suggested to talk with Bruce Cohen, the chairman of the business management program. Following Mr. Cohen advise, I recruited some students in order to start developing our JE. The diversity offered by Cambridge College allowed to build a unique team, with members from diverse parts of the world, such as Brazil, United States, Nepal, China, Belarusian, and Madagascar. During this time, we created the mission, vision, and values, organizational structure, strategic plan, and many other things. Since August, we are also receiving The experience of creating a JuniorEnterprise in the U.S. is a unique experience. More than just bringing the idea, I am bringing a whole movement who are responsible to change the life of many students around the world. Bringing the whole perception of the movement is a challenge, but a challenge who I believe can give students opportunities and experiences only possible because of the JEM. www.jadenet.org
Š JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises
Recruitment Process Apply on Podio by 15th January
Pass an interview between 25th and 29th January
Get a training about Enlargement around 15th February
You are ready to become a Promoter!
© JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises
Apply on … bit.ly/IPromoteTheJEConcept www.jadenet.org