JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises -
Gazette for Junior Entrepreneurs May 2011
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Lorenzo Uber* President Head of Private Coopera2on, HR and Alumni Management lorenzo.uber2@jadenet.org Michael Jamros Treasurer Head of Finance, Legal and Inner Enhancement michael.jamros@jadenet.org
Tzoanna Tsakona Secretary General Head of Public Affairs, Communica2ons and Enlargement tzoanna.tsakona@jadenet.org
Andre Teles Senior Project Manager Brazilian Ambassador Andre.teles@jadenet.org Renata Perina Senior Project Manager Brazilian Ambassador Renata.perina@jadenet.org
Henrique Conte Senior Project Manager Brazilian Ambassador Henrique.conte@jadenet.org
Giulio Sciarappa Senior Project Manager in IT giulio.sciarappa@jadenet.org
Dear Junior Entrepreneur, To be a successful entrepreneur don’t expect a road of flowers. The only reason why JADE’s GazeWe cover is full of flowers is because this network, from past 2ll now, this very moment, is a “seed” from which the flowers of tomorrow’s leaders grow. Yet also that it is May and the season requires some colors and flowers! JADE GazeWe May 2011 is here ready to be explored! What is that makes JADE GazeWe so successful having 2,000 readers? JADE GazeWe is your voice and energy! Is you sharing your best moments , your crea2ve ideas , your passion about JADE, for JADE! JADE GazeWe is keeping you up to date about where “ Youth Entrepreneurship” is leading us to and what strategy and ac2ons, we as JADE undertake to keep all our capacity and poten2al fully on board! So, un2l the next JADE GazeWe… ENJOY! Tzoanna Tsakona
Joanna Gronowska Senior Project Manager JADE Spring Mee2ng Joanna.gronowska@jadenet.org
European Awards of Junior Enterprises The winner takes it all in JADE GazeWe May 2011
Most Interna*onal Junior Enterprise JADE UK is proud to announce that WBC was, for the second consecu*ve *me, awarded the JADE Excellence Award for the “Most Interna*onal JE”. The Excellence Awards are a means to showcase best prac*ce in the JADE network and were held on Thursday 22 February in the European Parliament in Brussels. WBC had to defend their work in front of a jury composed of Heinz Ludwig Klein, partner at LABBÉ & cie and former CEO at A.T. Kearney, Chiara de Caro (Sec Gen of Y.E.S – European Confedera*on of Young Enrepreneurs), and Lucas Sartoni from 123people.
Most Entrepreneurial Junior Enterprise « Ce prix nous permet d'être reconnu au niveau européen pour notre excellence, notre pérennité stratégique et nos ac*ons entrepreneuriales. Il nous encourage à poursuivre nos efforts pour "réconcilier" l'entrepreneuriat avec les jeunes étudiants français », souligne Thibault Oulès, président d’ESCadrille.
« L'ESCadrille dis*nguée par un JADE Awards » (www.esc-‐toulouse.fr)
Most Crea*ve and Innova*ve Project “e-‐joventut ha sido premiada en los JADE Excellence Awards por el
Innova*on Quest, en la categoría de proyecto más innovador y crea*vo. ¡Muchísimas felicidades” (Facebook CEJE page)
“It’s a BOARD!” NEW JADE ExBo 2012 “freshly” elected at Marseilles during JADE May Meeting 2011
Ines Antoine
Daniel Falcón Guedes : President of JADE ExBo 2012 Simona Lascu: Vice President of JADE ExBo 2012 Inés Bultó Riera: Secretary General of JADE ExBo 2012 Antoine Sahaghian: Treasurer of JADE ExBo 2012 4
“Stop dreaming a consultant, be an entrepreneur!” Working in a Junior Enterprise should not be limited to the role of a consultant, even if the services link to the consultancy field. “Selling” oneself to companies as junior entrepreneurs show the real “nature” of our work. 21% of our Junior Entrepreneurs open their own business within 3 years auer gradua*on (EU average is 4-‐8%). Junior Entrepreneurs may foster an entrepreneurial mindset in the following ways: 1.
4. 5.
Leave their egos aside. “This is my Junior Enterprise and I do whatever I want with it”. Gejng rid of this ajtude is the first step to make your JE beWer. You may be brilliant, but you need to realize that you do not know everything. You may need collabora2on and inputs from other people (alumni, etc). Be curious: you need to develop the kind of curiosity that goes beyond asking about facts and data gathering. Instead, you need to ask ques2ons that dig into possibili2es, outcomes and op2ons. Find real solu2ons that solve real problems and are not just “quick fixes” or “events”. Solu2ons which hit in the heart of an issue, by crea2ng business value, preven2ng a problem or invent a new result for the business needs. Measure the impact: What is the impact, financially or strategically, of any decision (especially cash going out) on your JE? Explore the ripple effect: You may want to know how the current problem or the opportunity under considera2on could affect your life, your JE or your network. Never lose sight of the big picture of the business as a whole. Your JE is part of JADE and there are lots of opportuni2es and challenges out there!
“I am a student consultant”
“Stop dreaming a consultant, be an entrepreneur!” 5. Be innova2ve in their approach to change. They subscribe to the defini2on of insanity that says, "Insanity is con2nuing to do the same things you have always done, in the same ways you have always done them and expect different results.“ 6. They are willing to fail to eventually win. Not everything they consider to be good or right works out in the end. However the real entrepreneur learns from failure and moves ahead to the next right project. How did you learn
about this business opportunity?
How did you develop an entrepreneurial mindset?
Junior Entrepreneur
You are really not just a student consultant! Who are you? “Start using the term Junior Entrepreneur when you present yourself in a company. Consultancy is your services , Junior Entrepreneurship is your poten?al and iden?ty!” 6
BRING YOUR WHOLE JE IN JADE HOUSE! Open Doors Program Brussels, 365/365!
Searching for a place to work with your Junior Enterprise? BOOK YOUR WEEKEND NOW at JADE HOUSE in Brussels!!! More than 1,000 Junior Entrepreneurs have par?cipated in Open Doors program the last 1,5 year!
BRING YOUR WHOLE JE IN JADE HOUSE! Open Doors Program Brussels, 365/365!
Benefits With only 15 € per person per night:
q Work on your strategy or projects together with your whole JE! q Invite a JE from another city or country and work together! q Have teambuilding sessions organized by JADE ExBo! q Meet and discuss with JADE ExBo! q Relax and strengthen your team’s bonds with a Belgian beer! q Take a picture of your JE at the famous JADE wall!
EXTRAS: Meet an inspiring entrepreneur for coffee, to get some new ideas or advices, to make your JE grow.
Open Doors Program Brussels, 365/365!
Ring JADE “bell” at…
How JADE helps to make the right study choice You can help too – share your study experience in 5 minutes!
JADE is involved in a new European project: STeXX – the Student Experience Exchange. Together with many other European student associa*ons, we are asking any student who ever studied in Europe to share their study experience! This way we will help many future students to choose a study in Europe (and promote JADE of course). Sharing local advice and wri*ng a short review about your university, that will help students to make their study *me the best *me of their life! Together we can do this -‐ so go to www.stexx.eu and do your bit. You can write about any university in Europe: in your own country, or about an interna2onal exchange period. Your study experience (and thousands more) will be published on this brand new website -‐ stexx.eu that is. Also, this website will be integrated with a set of very popular European study choice websites from our new partner StudyPortals (like mastersportal.eu and scholarshipportal.eu), where millions of searching students from all over the world find their dream study and scholarship! So go to www.stexx.eu & write a review right away, it only
takes 5 minutes!
Where should I study? What would you suggest? What are my options? Any local tips?
Which university? Would you recommend yours?
hoose c e m Help x.eu! x e t s . at www
If YOU want to develop your skills… YOU might consider EIIL workshops Come to Brussels and enjoy, high level workshops for professionals, made by professionals. The workshop s2ll free for the month of May are the following: • 16th-‐ 17th Leading Distributed & Mul*cultural teams • 26th-‐ 27th Designing the sustainable organiza*on
Hurry up, only 2 places per workshop are available Registra*on and info at: h~p://jadenet.org/html/jadenet/career/ eillworkshops 11
Let‘s take off to new heights We’re gejng closer – the Summer JADE Mee2ng is just 3 months away – StuCon Junior Enterprise is working 24/7 to make this event huge. And unforgeWable for all of us! For more informa2on about all the things we organized for you, take a look at our website:
Entrepreneurs are already registered
Sign up today!
Get involved -‐ organize a workshop! Your Junior Enterprise is well known for its presenta2on skills? Your Junior Enterprise is excep2onal in selling services ? Your Junior Enterprise has some outstanding processes you would like to share with the rest of the network? Then organize your own workshop and show your colleagues how to improve!
The SJM 2011 will host numerous Armando Del Vecchio, JEME challenging workshops, connect you to At JADE mee2ngs, you discover successful business leaders and speakers what being part of a JE really with many different backgrounds – and it means – hard work, passion will be a whole bunch of fun, fun, fun. and off course a lot of fun! Renske v. Dongen, UniPartners Join us in the beau*ful city of Vienna Once you have aWended a JADE renowned congress city and capital of event, you get addicted to it: you The Austria will provide you with a wonderful will meet new people, meet new experience. Schönbrunn, the Hosurg, St. cultures and have a great 2me! Stephen’s cathedral – Vienna is awai2ng you! Let’s talk about Management Management is a mix of science and art and FIND OUR MASCOT -‐ FRANZI future managers and entrepreneurs will Take a picture with Franzi or find need sov skills beyond those taught in him on one of our websites. books. To address this necessity, the topic Upload it to our facebook and for the Summer JADE Mee2ng 2011 will be get the most likes. Win a surprise “The Art of Management”. worth at least the event fee!
Our Sponsors
A big thanks goes to our sponsors, the BMWFJ (federal ministry for economy, family and youth) the Drucker Society of Austria, Austrian Airlines and all the companies and professionals that will Management, what is it good for? contribute their knowledge in key The Peter Drucker Society of Europe invites announcements & workshops! us Junior Entrepreneurs to take part in the Global Peter Drucker Challenge! Join the challenge and contribute an essay 2ll 15th July and be part of the 3rd Global Peter Drucker Forum 2011 in Vienna! Meet the leaders of modern management theory and prac2ce and win a trip to Vienna! We’ll keep you informed! JADE goes high We organized a prime loca2on for the We partnerd up with Austrian Airlines and Summer JADE Mee2ng 2011 – the Tech you will be able to fly to Vienna and back Gate Center Vienna! Part of the General home with any flight of Austrian between Assembly? – enjoy a view from the 19th floor July 1st & 31st and receive and shape the future of our network! Book on www.austrian.com and enter JADE11 benefit from this discount! Luca Sartoni, 123people I aWended the Jade Spring Mee2ng 2011 in Brussels and it was awesome. To be honest, I did not know about Junior Enterprises before it and was posi2vely impressed by all the young entrepreneurs I met. They are full of energy,
Sign up today!
enthusiasm and extremely prepared. They are exactly what the industry needs to start dreaming again about the future. This is why I'm going to aWend the Summer JADE Mee2ng 2011 in Vienna and I'll do my best to contribute to the event.”
Inspiring Junior Enterprise of the month! StuCon – JADE Austria! “How did the idea of Franzi arise? Well, it was 4 o’clock in the morning, a long creative session came to its end. Suddenly, shortly before falling asleep, the idea of this sort of game hit us. The next day, on the way to the JADE Romania National meeting, we found this amazing little puppet in a little airport shop. And I guess that sums what Entrepreneurship is all about. Giving up on sleep, hard working and – most importantly – seeing opportunities and taking the chance.” Chris*an Shmied StuCon JADE Austria
“Franzi became popular and loved from the first moment he appeared into JADE’s facebook page. For sure one of the best promo?on ac?ons of a JADE event we have seen this year. ” Tzoanna Tsakona, Head of Communica2on, JADE ExBo 2011 14
JADE GazeWe for May 2011 ends here… In case you want to: • write an ar*cle • Share your ideas about JADE Network and what can be improved • Publish your JE story (daily challenges in a humorous way) • General comments on JADE or on Gaze~e Annoy Tzoanna at her e-‐mail or call her on Skype! tzoanna.tsakona@jadenet.org, tzoglanaki Together we Grow!!! Ar2cle p.6 Source: hWp://EzineAr2cles.com/?expert=David_Wellman Cover Image by KJordan, all rights reserved Copyright JADE aisbl Rue Potagère 119 B-‐1210 Brussels Belgium