JADE Gazette October 2011

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JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises -

Gazette for Junior Entrepreneurs October 2011

Daniel Falcon President Head of Strategy, HR, Enlargement and JE.NET daniel.falcon@jadenet.org


Antoine Sahaghian Treasurer Head of Finance, Legal, Inner Enhancement and Comm. antoine.sahaghian@jadenet.org Inès Bulto Secretary General Head of Public Affairs, PR, Civil CooperaFon, events and media ines.bulto@jadenet.org Simona Lascu Vice‐President Head of Private CooperaFon and Alumni Management simona.lascu@jadenet.org Mateus Santos Senior Project Manager Brazilian Ambassador mateus.santos@jadenet.org

Arthur Nobrega Senior Project Manager Brazilian Ambassador arthur.nobrega@jadenet.org

Luis Obregon Senior Project Manager Brazilian Ambassador luis.obregon@jadenet.org

Dear Junior Entrepreneur, As you know, the Junior Enterprise movement was born more than 40 years ago. Many things have changed ever since and we have to deal constantly with a series of dramaFc changes in the society, economy, university and currently, in the whole world. As Junior Entrepreneurs you have the opportunity to start changing the way young people are perceived and how the basis for the future is constructed. During the past years in which the movement has been growing, a lot of iniFaFves were supported with the aim of fostering the entrepreneurship spirit in young people. And despite of all the problems that appeared along the way, the movement conFnues to grow and is posiFoned as the most powerful one to put the theory learned in universiFes in pracFce. As you well know the value of an organizaFon is aUributed to the people who compose it. If we conFnue as the most powerful network which promotes the entrepreneurship spirit it is because of you as junior entrepreneurs in Europe and the network that everybody supports; you have the power to make the junior entrepreneur movement grow, and more important, to change the future of Europe! We all have realized how important is to make a clear change in terms of creaFng a sustainable direcFon for development. We can start with our JEs and naFonal confederaFons in terms of uFlizing the valuable resources we have in the network! To conclude we look forward to seeing you soon at JADE events happening in the network and don’t forget to check our social networks and find out the most recent news from us. Enjoy this GazeUe, parFcipate, share and conFnue making your own way! JADE ExecuFve Board 2012


Entrepreneurship Summer School An Opportunity to Network and to Learn from Successful Entrepreneurs From August 30th to September 2nd, the Entrepreneurship Summer School was held in Brussels, Belgium. Provided by Think Young, EIIL and Google with the support of JADE among other partners, the event gave the opportunity to 25 would‐be entrepreneurs of 14 different naFonaliFes to exchange experiences and knowledge with several successful entrepreneurs from different fields and countries. The speakers shared with the parFcipants their personal experiences and recommendaFons, making the parFcipants overcome their doubts concerning the opening of their own business in the future. Aber these four days of discussions, sharing sessions and learning, the parFcipants, divided in four mixed groups, prepared a guide on how to become a successful entrepreneur. Moreover, the ESS also gave the chance to the parFcipants to go to the European Parliament and ask quesFons about entrepreneurship directly to Lara Comi, a Member of the European Parliament (MEP). The ESS was mainly organized by Andrea Gerosa (JADE President in 2006 and Founder of Think Young) and by Steven Price (ExecuFve Director of the European InsFtute of Industrial Leadership – EIIL and member of JADE’s Advisory Board), and counted with the parFcipaFon of JADE ExecuFve Board 2012. It was an opportunity for the Board to learn important lessons about entrepreneurship, as well to do some networking not only with potenFal partners, but also with potenFal Junior Entrepreneurs.


The Innovation Quest 2011 From September 30th to October 3rd, the Spanish Junior Enterprise from ESADE Business School, e‐joventut, organized the 2nd ediDon of The Innova*on Quest in Barcelona! This four‐day event gathered more than 100 parDcipants from all around Europe and its main goal was to promote innovaDon, internaDonalizaDon and entrepreneurship among young people. During the four days of this original event, the parFcipants had the chance to visit and enjoy the nightlife from the beauFful city of Barcelona, get to know people from other universiFes with different backgrounds, parFcipate in crazy team building acFviFes and work in internaFonal teams of four people to solve important companies’ problems. Managers from internaFonal firms such as the car manufacturer SEAT or the pharmaceuFcal company NovarFs presented to the four people teams a real business case and then listened to the parFcipants’ innovaFve proposals on how to solve these problems. A great opportunity for Junior Entrepreneurs to network, show their experience and skills to managers from top companies and have a lot of fun! Because of the innovaFve format of this event, great mix of work and pleasure, this project won the JADE Excellence Award 2010 to the Most InnovaFve and CreaFve Project, as well as the CEJE naFonal award to the Project with the Most Impact. Moreover, this project has enabled the recently refunded e‐joventut to have much more visibility both inside and outside the network, find new clients and partners and aUract talent! Further informaFon at www.e‐joventut.org!


JADE October Meeting 2011 ACend an InternaEonal Event at the heart of Europe ! Do you want to discover or revive the famous JADE Spirit ? Do you want to meet Junior‐ Entrepreneurs coming from all Europe, Brasil or Maghreb ? Do you want to aUend workshops by big companies and professionals ? Or do you want to have 3 days of fun ? The JADE October MeeEng is for You ! 120 Junior‐Entrepreneurs from more than 15 countries are expected from October 14th to October 16th 2011 in Lille in FRANCE to exchange about the theme of Social Entrepreneurship. You’ll have the opportunity to meet big companies like IBM, KPMG or 123 People, or somes NGOs like the MOUVES (Social Entrepreneurship Movement) and JCI. It is the Fme for you to create or develop your InternaFonal Network ! This occasion to work in a mulFcultural environment is the opportunity to do team building or make your new team discover the JADE Network. You’ll also be able to aUend the famous JADE parFes ! Don’t miss this last JADE Event of the Year 2011 ! For more informaFon about the event, don’t hesitate to APPLY now and follow us on our Official Facebook Page. The JADE October MeeFng OrganizaFon Team


If YOU want to develop your skills… YOU might consider EIIL workshops Come to Brussels and enjoy, high level workshops for professionals, made by professionals. The workshop sFll free for the month of October are the following: • 17th‐ 18th Knowledge Management & the Learning Company • 27th am A cultural Skills FoundaEon • 27th‐ 28th pm Leading Distributed MulE‐Cultural Teams

Hurry up, only 2 places per workshop are available RegistraEon and info at: hCp://jadenet.org/html/jadenet/career/ eillworkshops 6

As the Junior Enterprise Brazilian MeeFng 2011 ended, the aUenFons of the internaFonal JEM focus now on Rio de Janeiro. The reason of great expectaFon is that aber eight years benched, Brazil is finally hosFng, in 2012, an ediFon of the Junior Enterprise World Conference, widely known as JEWC. To ensure the quality and majesty of the event, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro’s Junior Enterprise FederaFons (FEJEMG and RioJúnior, respecFvely, in Portuguese) got together to bring this that is going to be the greatest junior entrepreneurs’ meeFng of the world. It is expected that 2,000 people are present, and 500 of them, foreigners. The countdown is on! The event’s going to take place in less than one year. And believe it or not, it’s going to stop the city of Paraty, literally. For the first Fme in a JEM event, there’s not going to be a Host Hotel, but an enFre city will do its job. Modeled aber Paraty’s Literary Fair, a huge tent is going to be brought up in the middle of the town and it’ll work as the ConvenFon Center. Meanwhile, the parFcipants will be placed in several hotels in the city, so they can experience in a very intense way the feeling of being in the “JEWC Town”…


… The moUo for the event, One World, One Network, will be approached from three fronts: Management, Market and Society. Gabriel Matos, one of JEWC 2012 general managers, hopes that these three pillars may be well developed by the event’s programming and that all of the parFcipants might explore them to their max during the event. “The idea to Fe these three pillars up is growing stronger: the JE’s with an efficient management, working for results are able to act with excellence with the costumers in the market, having a substanFal impact in the society we live in”, he says. Marcus Barão, another general manager of the event, sees way beyond. He tells JEWC 2012 has the pretension to be the biggest event in the history of World JEM. “This plot only moFvates us to do more and give our best for every single junior entrepreneur, because when we accepted this challenge, we knew it wouldn’t be easy. But, as I said once, ‘Says who it’s easy to make a difference?’ Certainly, JEM won’t be the same aber JEWC 2012”. The proposiFon is that event takes place in August, 2012 and everybody’s already working a lot so that the event is a success. An AcFon Plan’s Follow‐Up Spread Sheet has already been developed and each manager (Partnership, Programming, Financial, Self‐Structure and CommunicaFon) has their own projects set and done. Next step is the event’s budget approval and, once it’s done, the anxiety begins. JEWC 2012 is closer and closer and the JEM World waits.


PM Process Mapping : Testimonial Process mapping refers to the acFvity of describing every process in an organizaFon, idenFfying the responsible for each acFon and ways to measure performance of the processes. Even though it seems to be a complex task, it is merely discussion with everyone and trying to get the different acFons required to perform a task. As a project manager during one month, I helped JADE to gather informaFon about its own organizaFon, before providing tools to ease some parts. Providing an external point of view, I was able to provide hints based on my past experience as Junior‐entrepreneur and auditor for the French ConfederaFon. Understanding how JADE works also allows the team to enhance the handover and provide a global point of view. As part of quality approach, it is also a step to get to high performance by automaFng repeFFve tasks and focusing on value creaFon. In a personal point of view, I enjoyed working for a mulFnaFonal team (JADE has members from all over Europe and Brazilian ambassadors) : it allowed me to discover cultural differences and develop skills that will help me in the future. Being in Brussels, deeply rooted in European Union, is also a great experience. Jacques de Metz Project Manager


The road to business school The road to business school is certainly a daunEng one, however for the commiCed traveler the MBA admissions process can be extremely frui_ul. In fact, with average MBA salaries in North America and Western Europe reaching over US $86,000, fresh graduates regularly see take‐home pay in the region of three Fmes that of fresh undergraduates. But where does the business school road start? For the majority of those wishing to aUend business school, the road starts off with an MBA fair. Here, MBA hopefuls are able to meet with representaFves from business schools based all around the world. Oben, these events can help those considering enrolling on an MBA program to decide whether it’s the right choice for them. Duncan Ochieng visited the QS World MBA Tour fair in Nairobi in April 2009. At the Fme, he hadn’t decided on whether the ‘whole MBA bit’ was really worth the effort. “But then I heard a representaFve from one of the business schools speak and I realized that I was able to idenFfy with what he was saying,” Ochieng says. “I was able to go through the MBA fair at full throUle in order to find out as much as I could about the available schools.” MBA admissions tests Prior to aUending an MBA fair, it can be useful for those further down the road to business school to take one of the MBA admission tests, such as the GMAT or GRE. This way, those who have decided that an MBA is the right choice for them can use their score to decipher which schools they are likely to be able to gain acceptance at, maximizing their Fme at an MBA fair. US naFonal ShruF Malani decided to aUend the QS World MBA Tour twice; the first Fme to assess her opFons, and the second with her test‐scores in hand to impress the business school representaFves she met.


“It was extremely helpful to have the top MBA programs represented in one locaFon and made it easy for prospecFve students like me to get their quesFons answered without individual appointments with each of the admission teams and MBA students or alumni,” Malani explains. “It was also the only MBA fair I found to be truly internaFonal in its representaFon, which was of parFcular interest to me as I wanted to aUend a business school outside of the United States.” Aber her second MBA fair, Malani completed her journey down the road to business school, successfully gaining admiUance to London Business School in the UK. world’s Top Business Schools. MBA scholarships A real bonus of QS’ MBA fairs is that all aUendees qualify for the US$1.2m worth of MBA scholarships they offer. Winner of the 2011 QS Community Scholarship, MaUhias Wölm ensured that he made the most of his Fme during his MBA fair. “Many aUendees at a fair tend to simply collect prospectuses and ask simple quesFons that they could easily find out elsewhere. “Like me, those that are close to applying to business schools when they aUend an MBA fair need to plan which schools they want to speak to. Then you can research the different programs that each school offers. “Know what your interests are, and work out which quesFons you want to ask the representaFves. This way, you are sure to get more out of such an important event.” The fall 2011 QS World MBA Tour will stop by Zurich on October 19th&20th. To start your journey down the road to business school, register to the fair and come meet the world’s Top Business Schools. Come meet the world’s Top Business School in a city near you. www.topmba.com


25th Anniversary of CEJE On the 23th of September CEJE celebrated its 25th Anniversary in the Nebrija University, Madrid, Spain. Around 100 Junior Entrepreneurs and Alumni of CEJE gathered to celebrate the anniversary. The event had a great importance for the development of the Junior Enterprise concept in the capital of Spain, where currently the JE concept is expanding. Currently in Madrid there are significant numbers of student organizaFons willing to become Junior Enterprises with the support of 6 important UniversiFes in Madrid (out of the 17 of Madrid).

Furthermore, the 25th Anniversary of CEJE also gathered a significant number of other people from important naFonal organizaFons of Spain related to the universiFes, government and the business environment, as well as the founding members of CEJE, among others. This event for the junior entrepreneurs also contained a workshop from Google named “MarkeFng Online with Google” and some working sessions aimed at idenFfying the ways to improve the network by benefiFng from the experience and knowledge of the alumni.

A s a n o u t s t a n d i n g a c F v i t y throughout the event, Jorge Luengo, t h e f a m o u s W o r l d M a g i c i a n Champion organized a conference about the “Magical keys of business success”. Overall the 25th Anniversary of CEJE was the perfect framework for networking, remembering important moments in the junior enterprise movement and work in order to foster its development and a great learning experience from the experience of the alumni.


Launch of JE-NET CI Network has been one of the main words of the modern world. Gathering the right informaFon at a low cost are essenFal maUers to companies’ survival. Lots of providers promise this help; however most of these promises cannot be fulfilled because most of the firms are not able to provide this bunch of informaFon at a low cost. Their logisFcal structure and workforce raise their costs and, consequently, the prices of their services. Not many opFons were available to fulfill this gap, unFl now. JADE and Brasil Júnior, aware of these needs, and to give the opportunity to firms to work on projects with a high quality provider at a low cost, have created a tool that connects companies with Junior Enterprises of both confederaFons. This tool, called JE.NET CI (Corporate Interface), is a direct mean of communicaFon and an easy tool to find soluFons to today’s business problems. Companies just have to announce their project need in the pla{orm, and project managers from many different Junior Enterprises (JEs) will have the chance to get in contact with them to present their proposals. Once they have received many proposals and the deadline is closed, firms will only have to idenFfy the best proposal and start working with the selected Junior Enterprise to improve their business. Both Brasil Júnior and JADE believe that in the 21st century, IT is indispensable to achieve the goal of increasing the turnover of our JEs. This is why, we have created this new service that enables on the one side, Junior Enterprises to boost exponencially the possibility to close projects with clients, and on the other side, companies to face the challenges of the knowledge era regarding costs and Fme; and what is beUer: in a very easy way! JE.NET CI is a complement to the already exisFng JE.NET CooperaFon pla{orm that was developed in 2010. This pla{orm was created by JADE and Brasil Júnior so that their networks could connect and cooperate. This addiFon to JE.NET CooperaFon would not be possible without the partnership that JADE has with MicrosobTM CorporaFon. To get started with JE.NET CI is very simple: your Junior Enterprise just needs to have an account in JE.NET CooperaFon! That's all! Aber that, the login's responsible of your JE will only need to be always alert not to miss a great opportunity that may appear at any Fme! JE.NET Team


BRING YOUR WHOLE JE IN JADE HOUSE! Open Doors Program Brussels, 365/365!


Searching for a place to work with your Junior Enterprise? BOOK YOUR WEEKEND NOW at JADE HOUSE in Brussels!!! More than 1,000 Junior Entrepreneurs have parDcipated in Open Doors program the last 1,5 year!


BRING YOUR WHOLE JE IN JADE HOUSE! Open Doors Program Brussels, 365/365!


Benefits With only 15 € per person per night:

 Work on your strategy or projects together with your whole JE!  Invite a JE from another city or country and work together!  Have teambuilding sessions organized by JADE ExBo!  Meet and discuss with JADE ExBo!  Relax and strengthen your team’s bonds with a Belgian beer!  Take a picture of your JE at the famous JADE wall!

EXTRAS: Meet an inspiring entrepreneur for coffee, to get some new ideas or advices, to make your JE grow.


JADE GazeUe for October 2011 ends here… In case you want to: •  write an arEcle •  Share your ideas about JADE Network and what can be improved •  Publish your JE story (daily challenges in a humorous way) •  General comments on JADE or on GazeCe Annoy Antoine at his e‐mail ! Antoine.sahaghian@jadenet.org, Together we Grow!!! Copyright JADE aisbl Rue Potagère 119 B‐1210 Brussels Belgium


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