Generations Club 2014 Presentation Brochure

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A word from Jan Mühlfeit Microsoft have worked in close partnership with JADE for several years, connecting Junior Enterprises with opportunities to innovate and show leadership, and working with the JADE membership to extend access to employment and learning opportunities to the broader student community across the EU and elsewhere. We enter our second three-year Education Transformation Agreement against a background of ever-increasing challenges, and opportunities. Graduate unemployment in many countries is at unprecedented levels. At the same time, the opportunities that new technologies offer to students to take a lead and to shape their own futures - and the futures of the nations in which they live - are extraordinary. Our focus in the coming years will be on four areas of joint interest: Skill Development; building an Entrepreneurial Culture; contributing to the growth of Youth Citizenship; and empowering students to drive Social Impact. In our partnership we will look to harness the power of technology to transform learning, empower innovation and to increase student access to training, certification and ‘anytime, anywhere learning opportunities’ which can materially advance skills development and employability. We know JADE, the European Confederation of Junior Enterprises, to be one of the most passionate and effective student organizations on the world, and are hugely excited about the work that we will continue to do together, in the years to come. Jan Mühlfeit Chairman Europe Microsoft Corporation


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2014 Youth perspective on entrepreneurial skills

Since the first edition of Generations Club in 2007, the event has aimed to build bridges between the senior and the junior generation in order to foster an entrepreneurial society. This is achieved through knowledge exchange and dialogue on relevant challenges in education, employability and youth entrepreneurship. This invitation-only event brings together senior representatives of the private and public sector and entrepreneurs together with young entrepreneurial students in order to elaborate high quality output in terms of recommendations for policy makers, business leaders and young people in Europe. This event follows an unique format and round table discussions which combines many highly motivated and experienced participants. That is early a guarantee for inspirational discussions, great ideas and quality results. For this edition of Generations Club, we are inviting to our event the representatives of some of the largest youth organisations in Europe in order to have larger representation of views by young people. The event will last one full day, on the 4th of November.

JADE believes that for today’s challenges, such as high level of youth unemployment and skills mismatch in Europe, we need to create sustainable solutions that can help transform Europe into an entrepreneurial society.


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The Microsoft Innovation Center is a non profit organisation located in Brussels and a private-public partnership between the Brussels Region and private partners like Microsoft whose goal is to sustain the development of the IT sector in the Brussels region with a specific focus on SaaS and Clouds technologies. With an objective of 50 jobs creation supported a year, the MIC proposes a support project based on 4 pillars : ▶ Create a context positive for IT innovation, share knowledge and help contacts between the key players of the IT in the Region. ▶ Activate the understanding of new emmerging technologies with a program of conferences and certifications, in partnership with Evoliris and the Brussels Agency for Entrepreneurship ▶ Encourage effective applied innovation by launching Call for projects linked to bsuiness opportunities ▶ Support IT startups launch with 2 boostcamps a year specifically targetted to the IT sector and the sharing of IT business best practices

Click HERE for more information

This year, MIC Brussels is hosting Generations Club 2014


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Round table sessions




Opening Ceremony


What are the skills that youth need to develop?


Coffee break


When should these skills be developed?


Signing of the Education Transformation Agreement


Business lunch


Pannel discussion


How should these skills be developed?


Education entrepreneurship tools


Agenda Youth perspective on entrepreneurial skills

Save the date! 4th of November 2014 Microsoft Innovation Center Brussels adress: 51, rue Montoyer, 1000

Closing ceremony


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The issues JADE takes youth unemployment and skills missmatch in Europe as a challenge and commits to policy reform on long term.

What are the skills that youth need to develop? The first stage is to find out what are the main entrepreneurial skills that young people should be concerned and aware. For this, on one hand we we need to discover what skills universities can prepare our students with and on the other hand companies need to tell us what kind of employees they are looking for.

When should these skills be developed? During this session it will be discussed when this skills should be develop, if the young people should develop them during high school, university or even after university. Of course, then depending on the period there will be different approaches and methodologies.

How should these skills be developed? After discovering when young people should develop their skills, we want to understand how they can improve during each different period of time and what are the reference tools and best practise they should adapt.


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Generations report JADE, the voice of European Junior Entrepreneurs, aims to clarify the best approach to youth skill development by putting together into one white paper the opinions of the most important student organisations. â–ś This report will state the opinion of the youth in Europe, as to what skills youth should focus on developing, what is the best time in their learning journey to do so and what are the tools for doing this successfully. We are bringing solutions to the issue of skills mismatch and how we can improve the education experience in order to develop lifelong learning skills, such as entrepreneurship. â–ś Further on, we will distribute it at different International high level Events such as JADE International Congress, where every year more than 200 Junior Entrepreneurs from all around Europe attend and in the past had the opening ceremony at the European Parliament. â–ś Another event where the document will be distributed is during European Business Summit 2015, an event that attracts more than 1,500 participants from over 60 countries, including: European Commissioners, Prime Ministers, high-ranking individuals and about 200 journalists.

With this white paper, JADE wants to support an environment where young people can be entrepreneurs not only in their professional life, but more important in their daily life.

JADE Spring Meeting 2014 CLICK


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Education Transformation Agreement All our guests are invited to this symbolic moment. The moment will be followed by a business lunch and a dedicated pannel discussion.

JADE and Microsoft are committed to change the life of entrepreneurial youth all over the world. This is why during Generation Club we are signing Education Transformation Agreement for 3 years, as a partnership of education between the two entities, supporting events and initiatives aimed at making young people more productive and more connected to the their professional future.


Students fostering entrepreneurship

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About JADE JADE – the European Confederation of Junior Enterprises – is an international, non-profit umbrella-organisation of enterprises across Europe established and managed solely by students. The network is currently composed of 13 Confederations and Consultative Members from Europe, summing up to circa 280 JE’s.

Skills development

Entrepreneurial culture

JADE Events

Youth citizenship

Social impact JADE strategic pillars

Each year the JADE network is home for more than 30 events both at national and international level. Their sole purpose is to build synergy and alignment among our members so that they become commited to working for the common value that we share. JADE events are the best opportunity for young aspiring entrepreneurs and members of the public and private sector to build new partnerships and understand better what they can do toghether for a more entrepreneurial Europe.

A global network JADE is connected to a global network of more than 40.000 Junior Entrepreneurs across the world. Together with Brasil Junior and Junior Enterprises of Tunisia we are actively enlarging our concept, opening the doors to North and South America, Asia and Africa.

A Junior Enterprise – is a non-profit civil social organization, formed and managed exclusively by undergraduate and postgraduate students of higher education, which provides services for companies, institutions and society, under the guidance of teachers and professionals with the goal to consolidate and enhance the learning or their members. Junior Enterprises are similar to real companies, counting with the principles of corporate governance like management council and executive board, and own regulation. Learn more HERE.


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Save the date! 4th of November 2014 Contact us: @JADEnetwork


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