International working opportunities for Junior Entrepreneurs: JADE Spring Meeting Project Manager Enlargement Project Managers
Are you a Junior Entrepreneur who wants to: gain mul$cultural working experience in a very s+mula+ng environment?
T h e n d o n o t l o s e t h e opportunity to get involved in create impact at European level through JADE Headquarters’ projects your ac+vi+es and projects? and ac+vi+es. expand your network of professional and You will be able to see the personal contacts? outcomes of your work and crea+vity impac+ng the en$re develop so6 and technical skills? JADE Network, all across 15 European countries, 280 Junior improve your level of English? E n t e r p r i s e s a n d 2 0 . 0 0 0 have fun with other like-‐minded young students! people?
Be aware that:
Explore our organiza+onal culture described in this brochure and see if you would fit it!
Check if our adver+sed posi+on suits your knowledge, experience, passion and +me availability!
Send an applica$on (CV + Mo+va+onal Le[er) to our Head of HR, Daniel Falcón at, and we will contact you back.
• There is no salary, but we give you the opportunity to manage important interna+onal projects just to gain prac+cal experience during your studies that will be “heavy” on your graduate CV! • If you decide to work in the Headquarters together with the Execu+ve Board and the other Project Managers, you can have accommoda+on and meals in JADE House for only 2 euro per day. • At the end of your internship we give you a cer+ficate to prove your work and results. • For moving abroad to work voluntarily you can apply for fundings from the European Comission as Leonardo da Vinci.
What we do and how we work
Mission • Represent the European Junior Enterprise Movement • Integrate the European Network of Junior Enterprises thus encouraging knowledge exchange and coopera+on • Support the development of our members (Confedera+ons and Consulta+ve Members) • Foster the Junior Enterprise Concept to non-‐member countries • Encourage entrepreneurship among students in higher Educa+on through Junior Enterprise Concept
• JADE is an integrated Network in which Confedera+ons and Junior Enterprises communicate with each other and have the opportunity to cooperate • JADE Headquarters uses a highly developed Quality Management System, and ac+vely s+mulates the development of the Confedera+ons by providing pladorms for knowledge exchange on European level • JADE is visible and recognised by external stakeholders as the voice of Junior Enterprise Movement and youth entrepreneurship in Europe
Vision (by 2012)
Values Â
Social responsibility Proactive involvement
Committed professionalism
Personal development Entrepreneurial culture
Openmindedness Intercultural exchange
European Headquarters in Brussels
JADE (European Confederation of Junior Enterprises) has its European Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium – the capital of Europe. This is a good opportunity to easily maintain good relations with the Public Institutions like European Comission and Parliament, and also with other European Headquarters of diverse companies.
The Team Arthur Nobrega Brazilian Ambassador Senior Project Manager of Enlargement, JE.NET and IT
Daniel Falcón President Head of HR, Enlargement, Alumni Management and Strategy Control
Luís Eduardo Obregon Brazilian Ambassador Senior Project Manager of CDP and Inner Enhancement
Simona Lascu Vicepresident Head of Private Cooperation
Antoine Sahaghian Treasurer Head of Finance, Legal, Internal Communication and Inner Enhancement
Inés Bultó Secretary General Head of Public Affairs, Civil Cooperation, Events and Media and PR
Mateus Santos Brazilian Ambassador Senior Project Manager of Media, PR and Public Affairs
YOU! Senior Project Manager of JADE Spring Meeting
Open posi$on in JADE Headquarters Spring M Project ee$ng Manag er
Start date: 15th Septembe r Time frame: 6 months Location: Brussels (HQ) Deadline for application: 23rd July 2011
Responsibilitie s: • Creating a project Gantt and supervis all the prepa ing rations for th e event (that take place in will Brussels) • Working in close Executive Bo cooperation with JADE ard to ensure Profile: a quality eve nt ü Excellent project mana gem ü Experienc e in organisin ent skills g events ü Multicultu ral awarenes s ü Good kno wledge of En glish (French be a plus) would ü Proactivity and hardwork
Open posi$on in JADE Headquarters Enlarge Project ment Manag er
Start date: 15th Septembe r Time frame: 1 year Location: Remotely from your country! Deadline for application: 23rd July 2011
Responsibilitie • Keeping tra s: Enterprises cok with Junior Initiatives a nd • Creating su f your responsibility • Spreading pporting material a Enterprise cond safeguarding the Junio r • Travel and ncept a European Cossess existing JEs in oth er • Working in untries c Executive Bolose cooperation with JAD expected goaard to ensure achieving E the ls Profile: ü Excellent p ü Passion an roject management skills ü Multiculturad enthusiasm for JE con c ept ü Good know l awareness ledge of Engli sh
Together we grow!
JADE – European Confederation of Junior Enterprises 119 rue Potagere 1210 Brussels, Belgium