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UPDATED TO 2011 JESÚS ÁNGEL GONZÁLEZ PERSONAL DATA Date of Birth: 10/15/1962 Address: Departamento de Filología, Universidad de Cantabria, Av. Los Castros s/n, Santander, Cantabria (SPAIN) E-mail: Personal website: Tel. 34-942201256, 34-647-391119 Marital status: married (3 children) EDUCATION 2000: Ph. D. Degree in English, University of Salamanca, Spain. 1997: M.A. in Film Studies, University of Valladolid, Spain. 1987: M.A. in Spanish, the Pennsylvania State University, USA. GPA 4.00 /4.00. 1985: B.A. in English

with minors in Spanish and in Teaching Methodology

(Certificado de Aptitud

Pedagógica). University of Salamanca, Spain. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2011- present: Associate Professor (“Profesor Titular”), University of Cantabria, Spain 2009 (Summer): Visiting Fellow, UCLA, USA 2005 (Summer): Visiting Fellow, Yale University, USA. 2002-2010: Assistant Professor (“Profesor Asociado”, “Profesor Ayudante Doctor”), University of Cantabria 2000-2002: Assistant Professor in the Ph. D. program, University of Cantabria, Spain. 1988-2010: English Teacher at the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (a Government network of Foreign Language Schools for adults) in Santander, Spain. 1995 (Summer): Visiting Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. 1987-1988: English Teacher at the Fermín Caballero High School in Madrid, Spain. 1986-1987: Teaching Assistant in the Department of Spanish, the Pennsylvania State University. Instructor in the Summer Pedagogical Institute for Teachers, summer 87. 1985: Spanish Language Assistant at four High Schools in Northern Ireland, on the official scheme administered by the United Kingdom Education Department. MAJOR RESEARCH INTERESTS Literature: North-American Literature, Film and Literature, The Detective Novel and Film Noir, Western Literature and Post-Western Cinema Applied Linguistics: Curriculum Development based on the Common European Framework (Council of Europe), Using the European Language Portfolio (from the Council of Europe) in the language classroom, CLIL at University


The Invention of Illusions: International Perspectives on Paul Auster, Editor, author of the introduction and the chapter ““In Search of a Third Dimension: Paul Auster’s Films from Smoke to The Book of Illusions”, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle, UK.


(pending) Dashiell Hammett, por Lillian Hellman (Introduction, translation and edition), Taller de Estudios Norteamericanos, Universidad de León.


Teaching English Literature, Ediciones TGD, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander.


An Introduction to North American Culture and Literature. Ediciones TGD, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander.


Nuevos marcos, nuevos retos en la enseñanza de idiomas. Edited. Author of the introduction. Ediciones TGD, Universidad de Cantabria. Santander.


La narrativa popular de Dashiell Hammet: ‘Puls’, Cine y Cómics’, Biblioteca Javier Coy d’Estudis Nord-Americans, Universidad de Valencia. ARTICLES


“‘Another History’: Alternative Americas in Paul Auster’s Fiction”, Comparative American Studies, 9 (1), March 2011, pp. 21-34.


“Words versus Images: Paul Auster’s films from Smoke to The Book of Illusions”, Literature/Film Quarterly, 37 (1), pp.18-27.

2009 2008

“Happy Accidents: An Interview with Paul Auster”, Literature/Film Quarterly, 37 (1), pp.28-49. “Promoting Student Autonomy through the use of the ELP: A Case Study”, English Language Teaching Journal, Oxford University Press, 63 (4), pp. 363-373.


“Smoke and Illusions: An Interview with Paul Auster”, Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, Universidad de Sevilla, 12, pp. 55-65.


“La creatividad en las novelas de Dashiell Hammett: Realismo y metáfora”, Gonzalo Martínez, ed. La creatividad como instrumento de comunicación: Análisis, procedimientos y aplicaciones, Santander: Universidad de Cantabria, pp. 47-59.


“La evaluación de competencias y el uso de portafolios en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de idiomas”, Natalia González, ed. Desarrollo y evaluación de competencias a través del portafolio del estudiante, Santander: Universidad de Cantabria, pp. 131-163.


“The West in Moon Palace”, David Río, ed. Exploring the American Literary West: International Perspectives, Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco pp. 291-303.


“Qué es eso del portfolio y qué tiene que ver con las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas”, InterEOI, n. IX/VII-2006, Oxford University Press pp. 17-24.


“La narrativa popular de Dashiell Hammett”, Aula de Letras, Santander: Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de Cantabria, pp. 111-114.


“Postmodern Visions of the West: Paul Auster’s Moon Palace”, American Mirrors: (Self)Reflections and (Self)Distortions, Bilbao: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, pp. 151-162.

2005 “El Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas y las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas”, Actas de las Jornadas de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas de Castilla-la Mancha, Centro de Profesores y Recursos de Guadalajara,

pp. 20-35. 2004

“El Marco de Referencia para las lenguas y sus repercusiones en la enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación de idiomas” Encuentro de Lenguas y Literaturas, Gonzalo Martínez et al. (ed.), Santander: Universidad de Cantabria, pp. 51-61.


“Los cursos monográficos: Panorama general y propuestas prácticas”, Actas del III Congreso Nacional de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, Consejería de Educación, Junta de Andalucía, Alberto Franco et al. (ed.), pp.15-39.


“Las EOIs y la Europa de las lenguas: El Marco Común de Referencia del Consejo de Europa” Actas de las V Jornadas de Profesores de EEOOII de Andalucía, Eugenio Bermúdez (ed.), Asociación de Profesores de EEOOII de Andalucía, pp. 7-37.


“La dimensión europea en la educación” I Jornadas de Innovación e Investigación educativa, Santander: Consejería de Educación, Gobierno de Cantabria, pp.1-8

2003 “Dreams, Parables and Hallucinations: The Metaphorical Interludes in Dashiell Hammett’s Novels” Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, 9 (2003), pp. 65-80, Universidad de Sevilla 2003

“Aplicación en las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas del Marco de Referencia Europeo”, Actas de las II Jornadas EOIs de Castilla-León, José Luis Antigüedad et al. (ed.), pp.709-732.


“Before The Maltese Falcon: The Hard-Boiled Hero in Dashiell Hammett’s Early Stories”, Power and Culture in America, Antonio R. Celada et al. (ed.), Salamanca: Ediciones Almar, pp. 235-243.


“Las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas y el Marco Común de Referencia del Consejo de Europa”Actas del II Congreso Nacional de EEOOII, Consejería de Educación, Comunidad de Madrid, pp.81-105.


"Mark Twain's Progression from A Connecticut Yankee to The Mysterious Stranger" in Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 3 (1990), pp.57-66, Universidad de Alicante.


"Piura and the Jungle: the two 'Green Houses' of La casa verde" in Aleph, 2 (1987), The Pennsylvania State University, pp. 15-25. TRANSLATIONS


"The Simple Art of Murder", by Raymond Chandler, Universidad de León.


"The AIDS Epidemic in a Geographic Perspective", article by Peter Gould published in Geocrítica, University of Barcelona.

1987: "Thoughts on Geography", by Peter Gould, in Geocrítica, University of Barcelona. 1987 "The Intransitive Nature of the Indoeuropean Verb" lecture by William R. Schmalstieg delivered at the University of Salamanca. PAPERS READ AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS April 2011: “Paul Auster’s Life Stories”, 10th Biannual International Spanish Association for American Studies Conference, Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones en Estudios Norteamericanos “Benjamin Franklin”, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares. April 2011: “¿Del jarrón veneciano al callejón?: Realismo y metáfora en las novelas de Dashiell Hammett”, VII Congreso de Novela y Cine Negro: “Crimen sin Fronteras”, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca. November 2010: “Evaluación, plurilingüismo y autonomía con el Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas”, Jornadas del MEC “Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas (e-PEL) y Europass: Herramientas para la formación y la

movilidad”, Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba. October 2010: “Promoting Self-assessment through the use of the European Language Portfolio”. IATEFLEALTA Conference “Putting the CEFR to Good Use”, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. October 2010: “Western Images in Paul Auster’s Fiction: From Moon Palace to The Book of Illusions and Travels in the Scriptorium”. II International Conference on the American Literary West: Beyond the Myth, Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria. April 2010: “Alternative Americas in Paul Auster’s Fiction”, BAAS Conference, The University of East Anglia, Norwich UK. Septiembre 2009: “El Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas: ¿Herramienta para el ámbito profesional o actividad pedagógica?”, XX Congreso Internacional ASELE, Centro Internacional de Estudios Superiores del Español, Comillas (Cantabria). April 2009: “An Ocean of Knowledge?: Using the Net to Teach American Literature”, 9th International SAAS Conference, University of Barcelona. April-September 2008: “Utilización de una página web para un curso de literatura (en inglés)”, Congreso Nacional Internet en el Aula, Virtual web-based Conference June 2008: “Utilización de una página web para un curso de literatura (en inglés)”, Congreso Nacional Internet en el Aula, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Santander. April 2008: “Dropping Murder from the Vase Into the Alley?: Challenging Hammett’s Alleged Realism”, The Literary Art of Murder Conference, Newcastle University (UK) February 2007 “El Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas: Un instrumento para la comunicación”, Congreso del Departamento de Filología de la Universidad de Cantabria, “Unplugged: La palabra como nueva tecnología”. April 2007: “El Plurilingüismo y el Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas”, V Congreso Nacional de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, La Coruña. April 2007: “Words and Images: Paul Auster as a Film-maker”, Annual Conference of the British Association for American Studies, University of Leicester, UK. March 2007: “Smoke and Illusions: Paul Auster’s Films”, 8th International SAAS Conference, Universidad de La Coruña. April 2006: “Experimentación del PEL de Adultos de Cantabria”, Jornadas Portfolio de Adultos, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Consejería de Educación del Gobierno de Cantabria, Santander. March 2006: “Qué es eso del Portfolio y qué tiene que ver con las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas” I Forum EOICAT, Girona. November 2005: “La creatividad en las novelas de Dashiell Hammett: realismo y metáfora”, II Jornadas del Departamento de Filología de la Universidad de Cantabria, Santander. October 2005: “The West in Moon Palace”, The American Literary West, I International Conference, Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria. April 2005: “Cursos especiales: Literatura norteamericana y Aprender a aprender”, IV Congreso Nacional de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, Murcia. December 2004: “El Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas y las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas”, Jornadas

Regionales de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, Guadalajara. March 2004: “Hacia la unidad de criterios y la transparencia de las certificaciones: El Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas y las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas”, VI Jornadas del profesorado de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, Vélez-Málaga. November 2003: “El Marco Común de Referencia para las lenguas y sus repercusiones en la enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación”, primeras Jornadas del Departamento de Filología de la Universidad de Cantabria., Encuentro de Lenguas y Literaturas. June 2003: “Dimensión europea en la educación”, I Jornadas de Innovación e investigación educativa, Santander. May 2003: “Los cursos monográficos: panorama general y experiencias prácticas” III Congreso Nacional de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, Ronda (Málaga). April 2003: “Postmodern Visions of the West: Paul Auster’s Moon Palace”, VI Conference of the Spanish Association for American Studies, Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria. November 2002: “Aplicación en las EOIs del Marco de Referencia Europeo”, II Jornadas de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas de Castilla y León, Salamanca. May 2002: “Las EEOOII y el Marco Común de Referencia del Consejo de Europa”, Jornadas de la Asociación de Profesores de EEOOII de la Rioja, “Perspectivas de los idiomas en el marco europeo”, Logroño. April 2002: Las EOIs y la Europa de las lenguas: el Marco Común de Referencia del Consejo de Europa”, V Jornadas de Profesores de EEOOII, Asociación de Profesores de E.O.I. de Andalucía, Punta Umbría, Huelva. November 2001: “Las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas en el Marco de Referencia del Consejo de Europa”, II Congreso Nacional de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, Madrid. April 2001: “Before The Maltese Falcon: The Hard-Boiled Hero in Dashiell Hammett’s Early Stories”, V Conference of the Spanish Association for American Studies, Universidad de Salamanca.

RESEARCH GROUPS 2003-2009: Coordinator of six Seminars on the European Language Portfolio (Council of Europe), Teacher Training Center, Santander. (50 hours each) 2003-2005: Member of the Research Group on “Writing Skills in English and Spanish: Primary and Secondary Education” Departamento de Filología, Universidad de Cantabria. 1999-2001: Member of two Seminars on Curriculum Development based on the Common European Framework for Languages (Council of Europe), Teacher Training Center, Santander (50 and 55 hours) 1994-1997: Coordinator of two Seminars on the Use of Audio-visual Aids in the English Language Class. Teacher Training Center, Santander (40 and 60 hours) 2011-on: “The American Literary West in the Twenty-First Century: A Territory Without Frontiers”, UPVUC. GRADUATE STUDENT SUPERVISION

2010: MA Thesis Director: Sergio Martínez: “Aprendizaje cooperativo y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras por tareas: Una nueva apuesta didáctica” 2010: MA Thesis Director: Isabel Martínez: “La imagen como potenciación del aprendizaje: herramientas y recursos TIC en la enseñanza de un segundo idioma” 2009: MA Thesis Director: Elena Pérez Santos: “El componente cultural a través del cortometraje en la clase de E/LE” 2009: Ph.D. Dissertation directed (Project), Eduardo Obradó "Place/Space in the Detective Novel", Universidad de Cantabria. 2009: MA Thesis Director: Eduardo Obradó "Place/Space in the Detective Novel", Universidad de Cantabria. 2008: MA Thesis Director: Virginia Cobo "La competencia cultural en tres manuales de E/LE", Universidad de Cantabria. 2008: MA Thesis Director: Piedad Andrés "Literatura y E/LE: Análisis de manuales", Universidad de Cantabria. 200: Member of MA Thesis Committee: Luis Miguel Buitrago: “El Cristo de Espaldas (1952) de Eduardo Caballero Calderón y “La Violencia” en Colombia”, Universidad de Cantabria. 2003: Member of MA Thesis Committee: Francisco Javier Fernández, “Sadismo en la Literatura Norteamericana”. 2002: Ph.D. Dissertation directed (Project) Luis Miguel Artabe. "El villano en la cultura popular occidental: El cómic de superhéroes norteamericano", Universidad de Cantabria. 2002: MA Thesis Director: Luis Miguel Artabe "El villano en la cultura popular occidental: El cómic de superhéroes norteamericano", Universidad de Cantabria. 2002: Member of MA Thesis Committee: Carmen Galnares, “Marcadores Textuales conectivos en narraciones escolares (ESO). Fundamentación teórica”. 2002: Member of MA Thesis Committee: María José Verdejo, “Preámbulo sobre el estudio de las influencias en la obra de José Ángel Valente”

COURSES TAUGHT General Language courses: -

Spanish I, II and III, the Pennsylvania State University


English I, II, III, IV and V at the Official Language School, Santander


English I at a the Fermín Caballero High School, Madrid

English for Specific Purposes: -

English for Mining Engineers, Universidad de Cantabria


English for Electronic Engineers, Universidad de Cantabria


English for Telecommunications Engineers, Universidad de Cantabria


English for History, Universidad de Cantabria

Literature Courses: -

An Introduction to North-American Culture and Literature, Official Language School, Santander


Film and Literature in English, Official Language School, Santander


English Literary Texts, Universidad de Cantabria


English Literature and its Didactics, Universidad de Cantabria

Postgraduate Courses: -

Dashiell Hammett, the Detective Novel and Film Noir, Universidad de Cantabria


Film and Literature in English, Universidad de Cantabria.


The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assessment, Universidad de Cantabria, Fundación Comillas. TEACHER TRAINING EXPERIENCE

2011: “Language Portfolios and Teacher’s portfolios” (3 hours), Teacher Training Center, Plasencia (Cáceres). 2011: “ELP in Secondary School” (2 hours), Teacher Training Center, Burgos. 2009: “Teaching Portfolios: from the ELP to the EPOSTL” (1,5 hours), Teacher Training Center, Gijón. 2009: “Using the European Language Portfolio in the English Classroom” (3 hours), “Reality as a Didactic Resource”, Teacher Training Center, Santander 2009 “From the Framework to the Classroom”, (4-hour seminar), Islas Baleares Regional Authority, Palma de Mallorca. 2008 “An Introduction to North-American Culture and Literature” (50-hour course) Teacher Training Center, Santander 2008 The European Language Portfolio”, (3-hour seminar), Teacher Training Center, Santander. 2007 “An Introduction to North-American Culture and Literature” (50-hour course) Teacher Training Center, Santander 2007 “The European Language Portfolio at University”, (3-hour seminar) University of Cantabria Summer Courses, Santander. 2006: “The European Language Portfolio in Second Language Teaching”, (4-hour seminar) Murcia Regional Authority, Murcia. 2006: “The European Language Portfolio in Second L anguage Teaching”, (6-hour seminar) Madrid Regional Authority, Madrid. 2005: “The European Language Portfolio in Second Language Teaching”, (4-hour seminar) Canarias Regional Authority, Santa Cruz de Tenerife y Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 2005: “The European Language Portfolio in Second Language Teaching”, (4-hour seminar) Islas Baleares Regional Authority, Palma de Mallorca. 2004: “The situation of Official Language Schools in Spain”, Orientation Seminar, Fulbright Foundation, Madrid. 2004: “An Introduction to North-American Culture and Literature” (50-hour course) Teacher Training Center, Santander 2003-2004: “Film and Literature” (50-hour course) Teacher Training Center, Santander. 2003: “European Dimensions”, Teacher Training Center, Santander 2003: “The Common European Framework for Languages”, Teacher Training Center, Torrelavega 2003: “An Introduction to North-American Culture and Literature” (50-hour course) Teacher Training Center,

Santander 2002-2003: “An Introduction to North-American Culture and Literature” (50-hour course) Teacher Training Center, Santander 2002: “The Spanish Official Language Schools”, Orientation Seminar, Fulbright Foundation, Madrid 2002: “Present and future of the Official Language Schools: the relevance of the Common European Framework” Teacher Training Center, Pamplona. 2002: “An Introduction to North-American Culture and Literature” (50-hour course) Teacher Training Center, Santander 2001: “Teaching American Literature and Culture: From Hemingway to Calvin and Hobbes”, Teacher Training Center, Santander 2001-2002: “An Introduction to North-American Culture and Literature” (50-hour course) Teacher Training Center, Santander 2000: “Detective Stories in the Classroom”, Teacher Training Center, Santander. 1999 “Murder in the Classroom: Using Detective Stories in the English Class”, Teacher Training Center, Santander 1997: "Videos and Comics in the Classroom", as part of the course "New Technology and Audiovisual Support in the English Classroom", Teacher Training Center Santander. 1997: "Audiovisual Aids". Teacher Training Center Camargo/Alceda 1997: "Taking the Funnies Seriously: Comics as a Teaching Aid". Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Santander. 1997: "TV in the Classroom: How to Use TV Programmes in the English Class". Teacher Training Center Santander. 1997: "Comics in the English Class" Teacher Training Center, Santander & Richmond Publishing 1997: "Video and Television in the Classroom". Teacher Training Center Santander & Richmond Publishing. COURSES AND CONFERENCES ATTENDED 2010: “Putting the CEFR to Good Use”, EALTA-IATEFL, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona 2010: “Cómo utilizar los indicadores bibliométricos para solicitar sexenios y acreditaciones”, Vicerrectorado de Calidad e Innovación Educativa, Universidad de Cantabria 2010: “Evaluación de la expresión e interacción oral y escrita”, Ciefp Torrelavega 2010: “Creación de materiales docentes Web”, Cursos de Formación del Profesorado Universitario, Universidad de Cantabria 2010: “Creación de Cursos Virtuales”, Cursos de Formación del Profesorado Universitario, Universidad de Cantabria 2009: Diseño de pruebas de comprensión escrita y oral para EOI, Ciefp Torrelavega. 2008: ExpoELE Comillas 2008, Fundación Comillas-Laboratorio de Ingeniería Didáctica de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia., Comillas. 2007: “Jornadas de formación para la elaboración de las pruebas de certificación de las EOI” , Teacher Training Center, Torrelavega. 2006: “Initiatives for plurilingualism: cooperation between teacher associations and the ECML”, European

Centre for Modern Languages, Consejo de Europa, Graz (Austria) 2006 “The CLIL Perspective”, a study visit for education specialists in the European Union, Karoli Gaspar University, Budapest, Hungary. 2005: “La creatividad como herramienta de comunicación: Análisis, procedimientos y aplicaciones”, II Jornadas del Departamento de Filología de la Universidad de Cantabria, Santander. 2005: “The American Literary West, I International Conference”, Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria 2005: “IV Congreso Nacional de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas”, Murcia. 2004: “Jornadas Regionales de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas”, Guadalajara. 2004: “VI Jornadas de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas de Andalucía”, Teacher Training Center of the Axarquía, Vélez-Málaga. 2003: “Polyanna de noche: cinco lecturas de la novela norteamericana” (12 hours), taught by Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander. 2003: III Congreso Nacional de EEOOII, Ronda (Málaga) 2003: “American Mirrors: (Self)-Reflections and (Self)-Distortions”, Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria. 2002: “Ongoing Assessment in the lower secondary classroom—Evolving ICT-based materials on a ‘can do’ basis suitable for portfolio presentation”, European Centre for Modern Languages, Council of Europe, Graz (Austria). 2002: “La enseñanza de Idiomas en el Marco Común Europeo: Pasaporte Lingüístico del Futuro”, II Jornadas de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas de Castilla y León”, (20 hours), Salamanca. 2002: “Perspectivas de los idiomas en el marco europeo”, (13 hours), Asociación de Profesores de EEOOII de la Rioja, Logroño. 2002: Jornadas “La enseñanza de idiomas en una Europa sin fronteras” (12 hours), Teacher Training Center, Huelva-Isla Cristina. 2001: II Congreso Nacional de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, “Las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas en el marco europeo”, (14 hours) Consejería de Educación, Comunidad de Madrid. 2001: “Power and Culture in America: Forms of Interaction and Renewal”, Universidad de Salamanca (30 hours) 2001: I International Conference “Educared”, Madrid (30 hours) 2000: “Contemporary British Literature and Film”, London Guildhall University (40 hours) 2000: Language Methods Workshop, Teacher Training Center, Santander (9 hours) 1998: Course on Internet Tools, Teacher Training Center, Santander (10 hours) 1996: Cinema Course "The Silent Years". Santander City Council. (20 hours) 1994: Course on Audio-visual Aids for Language Teaching. Teacher Training Center, Santander. (60 hours) 1993: Course for Heads of the Audio-visual Department. Teacher Training Center, Valladolid. (120 hours) 1992: Course on Audio-visual aids for Language Teaching. Teacher Training Center, Santander. (30 hours) 1992: Language Methods Workshop, Teacher Training Center. Santander. (12 hours) 1990: “El retorno de los nacionalismos europeos”, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santander (25 hours) 1990: Translation Workshop, University of Santander. (20 hours)

1990: Translation and Interpretation Workshop. Expolingua International Conference, Madrid. (20 hours) 1989: Course on Language Testing and Classroom Methodology. Longman Penguin, Santander. (8 hours) 1988: II Expolingua International Conference, Madrid. 1987: Lozanov Learning Method (Suggestopedia) Course, Lozanov Learning Institute, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg PA. (15 hours) 1986 Language Methods Workshop, The Rassias Foundation, Bloomsburg University. (15 hours) 1986: Instructional Training Program for Graduate Teaching Assistants, the Instructional Development Program of the Pennsylvania State University. (30 hours) OTHER PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS 2005: President of the Organization Committee of the I Regional Conference of Language Teachers, Santander Cantabria. 2005: Book Presentation: “La narrativa popular de Dashiell Hammett”, Aula de Letras, Universidad de Cantabria. 2005: Book Presentation: “La narrativa popular de Dashiell Hammett”, The American Literary West, I International Conference, Vitoria. 2005: Panel Chair, Contemporary Literary Visions of the West, The American Literary West, I International Conference, Vitoria. 2003-present: President of the Professional Association of Official Language School Teachers, Cantabria, Spain. 2001-present: Member of the Spanish Association for American Studies 2003: Member of the Scientific Committee of the III National Conference of Official Language Schools, Ronda (Málaga) 1993-1996: Member of the School Board of the Teacher Training Center, Santander.

HONORS AND AWARDS 2009: Research Grant to stay at UCLA as Visiting Fellow, Cantabria Regional Education Authority, Spain. 2009: Appointment as Visiting Fellow to develop the project “Metafiction in Paul Auster’s Novels”, UCLA, Department of English. 2008: Inaugural Lesson, Master of Spanish as a Second Language, Universidad de Cantabria-Fundación Comillas. 2006: Selected by the Cantabria Regional Education Authority and the Socrates Program (European Union) to take part in an Arion Study Visit, Karoli Gaspar University, Budapest, Hungary. 2005: Research Grant to stay at Yale University as Visiting Fellow, Cantabria Regional Education Authority, Spain. 2005: Appointment as Visiting Fellow to develop the project “Metafiction in Paul Auster’s Novels”, Yale University, Department of English. 2002: Representative of the Spanish Ministry of Education in the Council of Europe course “On-going assessment in the lower secondary classroom—Evolving ICT-based materials on a can-do basis suitable for portfolio presentation”, European Centre for Modern Languages, Graz (Austria)

2000: European Union grant to attend the course “Contemporary British Literature and Film”, London Guildhall University. 1997-1998: Sabbatical leave awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education 1995: Research Grant to stay at the University of Pittsburgh as Visiting Scholar, Spanish Ministry of Education. 1986-1987: Teaching Assistantship, the Pennsylvania State University. 1985: Exchange Fellowship at Saint Andrews University (Scotland), awarded by the University of Salamanca. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE 2011-on: Language Policy Advisor, Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización, University of Cantabria 2010-2011: Subdirector (Deputy Head), Department of Philology, University of Cantabria. 2003-2010: Secretario (School Administrator), Official Language School, Santander. 1993-1996: Head of the Audio-Visual Department, Official Language School, Santander. 1991-1993: Jefe de Estudios (Head of Studies), Official Language School, Santander. 1989-1991: Vicedirector (Deputy Head), Official Language School, Santander. PROJECTS IN PROGRESS - Metafiction in Paul Auster’s novels and films - CLIL at University - Post-Western Cinema

REFERENCES Dr. David Río, Professor, English Department, Universidad del País Vasco, Dr. Ian Williams, Head of the Philology Department, Universidad de Cantabria, Av. Los Castros s/n., 39005 Santander, Tel. 942-201260, Dr. James Seitz, Associate Professor of English, University of Pittsburgh, (412) 624-6521,, University of Pittsburgh, English Department CL 526, 4200 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260

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