The European Language Portfolio
Jesús Ángel González López (Universidad de Cantabria) Santander, Febrero de 2008
The European Language Portfolio 1. Origins: the Common European Framework for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Horizontal Description Vertical Description: the levels 2. The European Language Portfolio Objectives Types Parts: Passport, Dossier, Biography 3. Europass
The European Language Portfolio
Origins: the Common European Framework for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment.
2001: European Year of Languages (Council of Europe) Common language, common levels, common degrees and certificates Political objectives: mobility, cooperation, integration. General context: competence learning, (Bologna Process)
The European Language Portfolio 1.1. Horizontal description of languages: - Action-oriented approach - Teaching and Learning through communicative activities: - Reading - Listening - Writing - Speaking - Interaction - Mediation -
Long-life learning Autonomous learning
The European Language Portfolio
1.2. Vertical description: Levels
A. Basic User: A1-A2 A1 (Access): The most basic level which can be defined. Very simple interaction. In a few months. A2 (Waystage): Intermediate step towards the threshold level. Social functions.
The European Language Portfolio
1.2. Vertical description: Levels B. Independent User: B1-B2 B1 (Threshold level): User who crosses the metaphoric threshold and is able to travel to a foreign country and behave independently in daily situations (public transport, travel agency). 375 hours for English. Ciclo Elemental E.O.I. B2 (Advanced Level): User who is able to argue and manage in social exchanges without imposing tension. Also able to correct mistakes.
The European Language Portfolio
1.2. Vertical description: Levels
C. Competent User: C1-C2 C1 (Effective Proficiency): Not just independent, but competent too. Wide range of vocabulary and grammar. Able to use the language with flexibility and efficiency for social, academic and professional purposes. C2 (Mastery): brilliant user, able to transmit subtle shades of meanings and to use idioms and colloquial language. Not a native.
C2 Competent user C1 B2 B1 A2 A1
Independent user
Basic user
The European Language Portfolio
2. The European Language Portfolio Objectives: - Reporting function: To inform about the linguistic competence and intercultural competences of its owner. - Pedagogic function: To help the user to improve the learning process. 9
The European Language Portfolio
Types (in Spain) 3-8 year-olds 8-12 year-olds 12-16/18 year-olds +16 year-olds
The European Language Portfolio 3-8 year-olds
The European Language Portfolio 8-12 year-olds
The European Language Portfolio 12-16/18 year-olds
The European Language Portfolio + 16
The European Language Portfolio •
Parts: Language Passport Language Biography Dossier
The European Language Portfolio
Language Passport Profile of language skills (self-assessment) Language learning and intercultural experiences Certificates and diplomas
The European Language Portfolio
DOSSIER: Record of work done and materials used (Portfolio of an architect)
The European Language Portfolio
LANGUAGE BIOGRAPHY Pedagogic function: Awareness of the language learning process Self-assessment Learning strategies Future plans Student autonomy Main function: correct misconceptions about language learning 18
The European Language Portfolio Typical mistake
Learning a language is learning the grammar and vocabulary
Right concept
-Language skills
Portfolio Section
Passport and Biography
The European Language Portfolio Typical mistake
- I learn English in the classroom - If I don't learn much, it is because I am not taught correctly
Right concept
-Autonomous learning, long-life learning. Both inside and outside the classroom. -The teacher as facilitator
Portfolio Section
Passport and Biography
The European Language Portfolio Typical mistake
You need the same levels in all your skills
Right concept
-Different levels in different skills are OK, It depends on your needs
Portfolio Section
Passport and Biography
The European Language Portfolio Typical mistake
It takes the same time to progress at a basic level than at an advanced level.
Right concept
- Inverted pyramid - More work outside the classroom as language learning progresses
Portfolio Section
Passport and Biography
The European Language Portfolio Typical mistake
What I do in the classroom is only for the classroom
Right concept
-The dossier as a storing place for classroom work. A link with the outer world
Portfolio Section
The European Language Portfolio Typical mistake
Learning one language is more than enough
Right concept
-Plurilingual competence
Portfolio Section
Passport and Biography
The European Language Portfolio Typical mistake Right concept Portfolio Section
There are first-rate and second-rate languages and cultures. - the Germans are all square-headed, the English are all gentlemen (or hooligans) Multiculturalism, no stereotypes
Passport and Biography
The European Language Portfolio 3. Europass is a document which helps people to: • make their skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood in Europe • move anywhere in Europe Europass consists of five documents: two documents (Europass curriculum vitae (CV) and Europass Language Passport) you can fill in yourself; and three other documents (Europass Certificate Supplement , Europass Diploma Supplement and Europass Mobility) filled in and issued by competent organisations.
The European Language Portfolio
The European Language Portfolio
The European Language Portfolio
The European Language Portfolio • DO YOU WANT A PORTFOLIO? • Ask your teacher, fill it in and keep your teacher informed.
Complete Passport
Forms 1, 2, 3 & 4
Forms 5, 9 & 8 (only the right level)
Form 8 (rest of levels), 6 & 7
The European Language Portfolio TO FIND OUT MORE 31