MArch Graduate Portfolio

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( 480)9376546| |Tempe,Ar i zona| |Fr om I ndi a sj ai n1 17@asu. edu| | smr i t i . ar ch| | www. l i nkedi n. com/ i n/ smr i t i 16

S Sof t war es: i zonaSt at eUni ver si t y,Tempe 2019/ 8-Pr esentAr

Mast erofAr chi t ect ur e,Pr of essi onal CGP A-3 . 9 9 2012/ 9-2017/ 7 MadhavI nst i t ut eofTechnol ogyandSci ence,Gwal i or ,I ndi a Bachel orofAr chi t ect ur e,Pr of essi onal CGP A: 8 . 7 / 1 0

r onment alDesi gnSol ut i ons[ EDS] ,New Del hi ,I ndi a 2017/ 10-2019/ 7 Envi Gr eenBui l di ngAnal yst

Responsi bi l i t i es:

Day l i ghts i mul at i ons Des i gnopt i mi z at i on Sol ar&s hadi nganal y s i s

Ther mal c omf or tanal y s i s LEEDdoc ument at i onandc er t i f i c at i on Si t ev i s i t sf orc ompl i anc ec hec kr egar di ngLEEDr equi r ement s

2016/ 10-2017/ 4 Ar chi opt eryxAr chi t ect s,Noi da,I ndi a

I nt er nAr chi t ect

Responsi bi l i t i es: Res ear c h&doc ument at i on Si t eanal y s i s Cl i enti nt er ac t i on Des i gndev el opmentas s i s t anc e Conc eptdev el opment

Des i gndev el opment Cl i entmeet i ngs OnSi t eas s i s t anc e Wor k i ngdr awi ngpr epar at i on Pl andev el opmentunderpr i nc i pal ar c hi t ec t

gnExcel l enceAwar df al l2020:Gl obalengagementSt udi o Fal l2020 Desi ngAssi st ant:Ni kol asSmi l ovsky Spr i ng2021 Teachi ngAssi st ant:Har veyBr yan Fal l2020 Teachi ngAssi st ant:Samant haPer ki ns Spr i ng2020 Teachi ngAssi st ant:JasonSchupbach Fal l2019 Teachi ch2017bat ch Spr i ng2017 ace,Thesi sDesi gn2016 Fal l2016 Secondpl

Aut oc ad Rev i t Rhi no Lumi on Gr as s hopper Phot os hop I ndes i gn MSOf f i c e Sk et c hup Radi anc e Sol art ool Ec ot ec t

Hobbi es: Sk et c hi ng Pai nt i ng Cl aymodel l i ng model mak i ng Tr av el l i ng Bi k i ng Adv ent ur eSpor t s Fenc i ng Shoot i ng

Sof t ski l l s: Qui c kl ear ner har dwor k i ng&Dedi c at ed Adapt abl e Goodt eam member c anwor kwel l i ndepedent l y Wor k swel l underpr es s ur e Ambi t i ous Lov el ear ni ngnews k i l l s Empat hi c

C M 1




’S P

’S C






|Envel opDevel opmentonaPar ki ngSt r uct ur e


B 3

P |Adapt i veReusei nPuer t oRi co

P |AnI ndi genoust oucht ocommuni t ycent er edAr chi t ect ur e |Agreenersol ut i oni nacongest edzone

H +S


P 6






|Mi xeduseDevel opment

P |Vernacul arAr chi t ect ur eofHi machalPr adesh,I ndi a

’R B

|Bui l di ngOpt i mi zat i onPr oj ect

|LEEDGol dCer t i f i cat i on





:Adapt i veReuseoft hesi t eY

:2020 S





:Aut ocad,Revi t ,Lumi on,Phot oshop


:I nspi r edbyt hemedi t at i vef eel i ngt hatal r eadyexi st sont hesi t e,t hepr oj ectcont ai nsaser i esofsensor yexper i enceshi ghl i ght edt hr ough l i ght ,shadow,wat er ,r ef l ect i ons,soundandsmel l .ThePr oj ecti sani nt er weavi ngofol dr ui nswi t hnew bamboost r uct ur est ocr eat eamedi t at i ve pat hwayf ul lofsensor yexper i ences.

A :Si ncet hi swasanadapt i ver eusepr oj ectwenotonl yadapt edt heexi st i ngbui l di ngsbutal sot henat ur al el ement s.Hi st or i cal l y ,t hesi t e wasawet l andwhi chj ust i f i edusi ngi vi ngt hesi t ebackt onat ur eandr ei nt r oduci ngt hewet l and.Her ei sal i nkt oourwal kt hr oughoft hi spr oj ect : ht t ps: / / www. yout ube. com/ wat ch?v=Uhr N9gYqc9Y&f eat ur e=yout u. be W

?:Thi swasmyf i r stt eam st udi opr oj ect .Wewer eat eam of3andIwasi nchar geofconcept s.Iwor kedoncr eat i ngmast er pl anandr evi tmodel .Anot herr easont hi swasaspeci alpr oj ectwast hatal lt hr eeofuswer ei ndi f f er entt i mezonewi t honeofourt eam memberi na di f f er entcount r yal l t oget her .Il ear nedwor ki ngef f i ci ent l yi nat eam t hemostwi t ht hi sexper i ence.

Mas t erPl an

Byacknowl edgi nganexi st i ngf l oodpl ai nt hatr unst hel engt hoft hesi t e,anddef i ni ngcont our swi t hi nt hatf l oodzone,weal l owedf orwat er t oexi stwi t hi nt heboundar y . Thi sf l oodzone,cont ai ni ngbi opool s,envel opsnewandol dconst r uct i onandbecomesacent r al anduni f yi ng el ementt ot hepr oj ect .

Adap veReus eSt r at egi es









Exi st i ngEl ement si ncl uded18bl ocks,f l oodpl ai n,wat erchannel ,andwet l and. Nat ur alel ement sdi r ect edt hest r at egyf ort her euseofexi st i ngbl ocks.Thebl ocksf al l i ngi ngr eenspacei s openedupt ol etnat ur et akeover .Thebl ocki nf l oodpl ai nar eopenedupt omer gewi t ht hewat erbodi es.The f l oodpl ai nhasbeenusedt opr ovi debi opool sandal lt henew bui l di ngs,pat hwaysandpar asi t essi t s2f eet abovegr ound/ wat erbodi es-gi vi ngt hem af l oat i ngf eel andl et t i ngnat ur et akeovert hewhol esi t e. Theexi st i ng wat erchannelact edasar ef er enceaxi st owhi chmostnewaddi t i onsar eal i gned.




, ,






:Envel opeDesi gn&Per f or mance Y

:2019 S



:Aut ocad,Rhi no,Lumi on,Phot oshop,Gr asshopper


:Thi swasanenvel opedesi gnpr oj ectwi t hadapt i ver euseappr oach.Wewer er equi r edt oi nt r oduceanenvel opeont hepar ki ng st r uct ur el ocat edonJacksonst r eet ,Phoeni xt ot ur ni ti nt oaDesi gnSchoolf orASU.West ar t edwi t hsi t evi si t sandanal ysi si nt eamsf ol l owed byi ndi vi dualdesi gnassi gnment s. A

:Uponobser vi ngal lt hecont ext ualel ement sf oundi nsi t eanal ysi s,If ocusedont r eat i ngeachf acadei nr esponset ot heSi t e anal ysi s.Thi shel pedmet akeadvant ageofdi f f er entoppor t uni t i esavai l abl eoneachsi de.Ial sowor kedt owar dscr eat i ngasyst em t hatwoul d notj ustactasanenvel opbutsomet hi ngmor et hataddst ot hedesi gnschoolexper i ence.

W ?:Thi spr oj ecthol dsaspeci al pl acei nmyhear t ast hi si sf r om myf i r stst udi oexper i encei nt heUSA.Il ear ntnewways ofcommuni cat i on,pr esent at i onandwor ki ngwhi cht r ansf or medmywor ki ngaswel lasper sonalsel f .Thegui dancef r om myst udi oi nst r uct or Sar aYehi ahel pedmebel i evei nmysel fwhenIwasnotver yconf i dentwi t hmywor kbei ngnew i nt hecount r yandgui dedmet owor konmy weakpoi nt s.

Gr oundFl oorPl an

TheEnvel opei swhatt r ansf or medt hepar ki ngst r uct ur ei nt oahabi t abl ebui l di ng. TheFl oorpl at esar eundi st ur bedonal ll owerl evel st okeept hest r uct ur ei nt act .AnAt r i um i scr eat edbyr emovi ngt he r amps t hatwoul dal l owl i ghtandvent i l at i ont oi nducet her malcomf or twi t hi nt hebui l di ng.

Wi ndEnt er i ngt hebui l di ng Wi nt ers unent er i ng SummerSunObs t r uc t ed Opent omount a i nsVi ews

Sunobs t r uc t edwi t houthi nder i ngvi ews Vi ewT owa r dsNor t h St a c kEec t:Hota i rl ea vi ngs pa c es

Wa r m Ai rL ea vi ngSpa c es Pl a c ementf orVerc a l Sha di ng Opent ovi ews

TheEnvel opei saski n,aconnect i on&awi ndow t ot hewor l d. TheGar agespacei sr eusedasi ti s-wi t ht hei nt r oduct i onofanenvel opet hatpr ovi dest her mal comf or t ,ener gy ef f i ci ency ,connect i on bet ween i nddor sout door s and addi t i on ofvar i ous mul t i usespaces.Thesameappr oachi susedofmodi f yi ngawal lofhabi t abl ecubesaccor di ng t ot hecl i mat i candcont ext ualexposur e.

Themodelhi ghl i ght sdi f f er entshadi ngst r at egi eswor ki ngoneachf acadet hr oughst r at egi cpl acementofpr ecastconcr et ecubes.

म णि कर णि ् का C



:Symbol i cAr chi t ect ur eY

:2013 S


:Aut ocad,Revi t ,Lumi on,Phot oshop

A :Wewer er equi r edt odesi gnacul t ur ecompl exr i ghti nf r ontoft het ombofQueenLakshmi bai .Dur i ngt hesi t eanal ysi s,Igott ol ear nabout t het ombandi t ’ si mpor t ancei nnat i onalhi st or yandhow i ti ssl owl yf adi ngaway .Thef or m andmat er i aloft hebui l di ngsi sdesi gnedi nawayt hati t r epr esnt est hequeen,hershi el d/ swor dandherbaby-t okeepherbr aveactal i veamongpeopl e. A

:Thecul t ur ecompl exi sapl ayoff or m andmat er i al st osymbol i set heQueen,herbabyandhershi el d.Onebl ocki st hear tgal l er y housi ngmuseum,audi t or i um andar tgal l er i esi nmemor yoft hequeen.Thi sbl ocki saconcr et est r uct ur edenot i ngqueen’ sst r engt h.Thecommer ci al bl ocki sagl assdomeshadedbyat ensi l est r uct ur esymbol i zi ngherdel i cat ebabyandhershi el d. W ?:Thi spr oj ectwasmyf i r stt r yonSymbol i cAr chi t ect ur e.Iassessedmul t i pl emat er i al sandf or mst hatwoul dbeabl et o r epr esentt hedel i cacyofababy ,t heshadeofshi el d,t hest r engt hoft hequeen.I twasaver yknowl edgeabl eandemot i onalj our neywher eIl ear nt aboutt hequeenssacr i f i cef ort henat i onwi t hherbabyt i edt oherbackanddeci dedt odesi gnt hecul t ur al compl exxt hatcoul dkeepherbr aveactal i ve i nt hef or m ofar chi t ect ur e.

Commer c i al Bl oc k

Fi r stFl oor Ent r ancel obby Li br ar y Caf e Ser vi ces Admi n

SecondFl oor Shoppi ng Ki t chen I ndoor Out doorCaf e El evat edPl aza

Thi r dFl oor Cul t ur alShops Ki t chen Rest aur ant

Four t hFl oor Backst age Changi ngar ea St or age OATSt age

Sus t ai nabi l i t y

Adapt i ngt oGwal i or ’ senvi r onment ,t hebui l di ngt akesanel ongat edshapewhi chhel pst he passi vecool i ngcondi t i ons. Theski noft hecommer ci albl ockst r uct ur ei shousedawayf r om t hegl assdomewhi chhel pscut downt hesunexposur e.Theski nal soboast saver yuni queat r i um spacet hatal mostspansal l t he ar eason exhi bi t i on pl aza whi ch needspr ot ect i on f r om sun.The openi ngsand gl azi ngsar e pr ovi dedst r at egi cal l yt ot akebenef i tf r om t hevi ewsavai l abl e.

ThePr oj ecti sanecol ogi cal l yr esponsi bl ecompl ext hatcr eat esadeepl yr oot edconnect i ont onat ur e,cont ext ,peopl eandcul t ur e.I thasaver yi mpor t antr ol eof keepi ngt hequeen’ ssacr i f i ceal i ve.




:Si t er esponsi veAr chi t ect ur eY

:2014 S


:Aut ocad,Revi t ,Lumi on,Phot oshop


:Thepr oj ecti sanecol ogi cal l yr esponsi bl ecompl ext hatcr eat esadeepl yr oot edconnect i ont onat ur e,cont ext ,peopl eandcul t ur e.The desi gnpr oposesanopen,ai r yenvi r onmentenabl edbyi nnovat i vesunshadi ngsol ut i onsf orf acadesandi nt er i orspaces.Nat ur alf i ni shes,or gani c f or ms,andsweepi nggar denskeept hewhol epr oj ectasi ngl eent i t y-successf ul l ykeepi ngt heact i vi t i essegr egat edaswel lasi nt er act ed. A :Thef ocuswast ocomeupwi t haf or mt hatwoul dhouseal lser vi cesef f i ci ent l y ,cover sf ort hel ackofgr eener yi nt hear eaandt akes advant ageoft heavai l abl evi ews.Thewhol evol umeel evat ei t sel ff r om t hesi t eval ui ngnotonl yt her el at i onwi t heachot herandpeopl ebutal sodr aws ext er i orspacesi n. W

?:Thi si sper sonal l ymyf avour i t est udi oj our neyf r om mybachel or s.Thesi t ehadal otofconst r ai nt sandIl ovedgoi ngback andf or t hi nt hei t i r at i vepr ocess.If el tal otl i keapuzzl e.Myst udi ogui deMr .Vat sal yaShar maconst ant l yhel pedmesi mpl i f yt hei ssuesIwast r yi ng t oaddr ess.Oneofhi st eachi ngst hatst ayedwi t hmewas:“Youdon’ tgetcr edi tf orsol vi ngpr obl emst hatwer en’ tt her ebef or et hepr oj ect st ar t ed. ”

Typi c al Fl oorPl an

Thel owerf i vef l oor sar et ypi calpl answi t h16uni t seach. Fr om 6t ht o19t hf l oor ,oneuni ti sr educedf r om eachendoft hef l oorpl at e.

Sus t ai nabi l i t y|Func onal i t y

TheBui l di ngf or mi sacr uci alel ementofdesi gnwhi chcat er st ocl i mat e,cont ext ,communi t y . Thesl opedf or m pr ovi dest er r acegar densf oreachapar t mentpr ovi di ngvi ewsavai l abl eandhar vest sst or mwat eratt hesamet i me.t he gar denmakest hesur f acesof t scapedmi t i gat i ngheati sl andef f ect .




:Mi xeduseDevel opment Y

:2016 S


:Aut ocad,Revi t ,Lumi on,Phot oshop

A :Thebasi ci nf l uenceont hedesi gni deawast hesmoot hi ncor por at i onofact i vi t i est hatcanf unct i oncodependent l ywi t houtdi st ur bi ng ot herspaces.Addi t i onal l y ,anot hergoalt hatwassetdur i ngt hedesi gnpr oceswast heext ensi onofsur r oundi ngl andscapei nsi deofspacesgi vi nga f eelofi nf i ni t ygar densandaf acadecamouf l agedwi t hi tsur r oundi ngs-mount ai ns.Regar di ngt hepr oj ect ’ sf unct i ons,i nt endwast omi xt hedi f f er ent uses,si mul at i ngnat ur alt opogr aphybutt okeepever yf unct i onundi st ur bedbymeansofef f i ci entci r cul at i on. A :Thebi ggestf ocuswasonci r cul at i oni nsi deandout si det hebui l di ngandonsi t e.Pl acementofar east ohavet hemostef f i ci ent connect i vi t ywhi l emai nt i ngt hedesi r edpr i vacygr adi ent .Havi ngsi ngl eser vi cepoi nt sf orcont r ast i ngspacesf oref f i ci entandeconomi cf unct i oni ng. W

?:Thi spr oj ectt aughtmeaboutsomanyf act or sot hert hanj ustt hedesi gnofspacest hataf f ect sar chi t ect ur e.Il ear ntabout t hei mpor t anceofpr oxi mi t i esandpr i vacygr adi entandhow t owor kwi t ht hose.Iwor kedonmul t i pl eaccesspoi nt sl i kef orvi si t or s,guest s,st af f , ser vi ce,event ,shopper s-al lf r om onedi r ect i on.I twasaver yi nt er est i ngl ear ni ngexper i ence.

Si t ePl an

Gr oundFl oorPl an

Sus t ai nabi l i t y

TheGues tr oomsar epr ov i dedwi t h r ec es s eds i ngl el oadedc or r i dor st o av oi dheatgai nandenhanc el i ght andv ent i l at i on.Thi shel psr educ e t heheatabs or pt i onandk eepst he bui l tmas st her mal l yef f i c i ent .

St or mwat erc ol l ec t i on poi nt s ar e pr ov i dedatv ar i ouspoi nt st oc at c h 100% oft he r ai nwat erf al l i ng on r oof s and us ei tf or l ands c ape wat er.Thedr ai nages y s t em has beendes i gneds t r at egi c al l yatt he j oi ntofal l s l opi ngr oof s .


’R F

:Ver nacul arAr chi t ect ur ewi t hcont empor ar yappr oach

:2016 :Aut ocad,Revi t ,Sket chi ng


:Ont opofahi l l ,i naquai ntvi l l ageaboveDehr adun,I ndi a-t wo cur vedvol umesf or medbynonconcent r i car cst hr oughnat ur alcont our s i nt er sect ,andat hi r dcuboi dpl ugsi nt of or mt hi sHOMEf orabookl over andhi sf ami l yt ospendhi shol i daysi npeace.Thei deawast opr ovi dea hol i dayhomeawayf r om amet r oci t y’ schaos,embeddedi nnat ur eand br i ngaf eel i ngofbel ongi ngi nt hepl acet ocr eat eahomel yenvi r onment . A :Curvesf r om nat ur e-l ocalexper t i seandmat er i al-adesi r et o l i vehar monni ousl y:i sn’ tt hatwhatni emeyerspokeabout ?

Thi swasachi evedbycr eat i ngapl acet hati sver ycl osei nl ookandf eelt o t henat i vesandatt hesamet i mehasat i ngeofmoder nt ocat ert ot he l i f est yl eofi t ’ soccupant s.Thr eevol umesi nt er sectt of or mt hevol umef or t hi sr esi dencei nt hehi l l sofDehr adun-Over l ooki ngar i ver ,t hebui l di ng l ooksoutt ot hemount ai nr angebeyond!

M R :Thi swasagr eatl ear ni ngoppor t uni t yast hi swas myf i r stpr of essi onal exposur e.Iwast heheadi nt er nf ort hi spr oj ect .Iwas i nvol ved i nt he desi gn di scussi on meet i ngs and enj oyed wor ki ng on sket chesatt het hei ncept i onst ageoft hepr oj ect .Iwasr esponsi bl ef or cr eat i ng wor ki ng dr awi ngs and si ti n meet i ngs wi t h cl i ent s,st r uct ur al engi neerandsi t esuper vi sorwhi chhel pedmeal ott ounder st andt haton si t ewor ki smuchmor et hanj ustdesi gni ngbui l di ngs. W :I nmyf i r stweekat Ar chi opt er yx,al l 5ofusi nt er ns wer easkedt ocont r i but et oconcepti deasf ort hepr oj ectandIcameup wi t ht he i dea ofver nacul arappr oach whi ch was sel ect ed wi t h some modi f i cat i onsasi tmat chedwi t hf i r m’ sval ueofHar moni ousdesi gn.Thi s wasaspeci almomentf orme.Lat erIwasi nvol vedi nal lt hemeet i ngs,I cr eat ednumer oussket ches,andmyboundar ywal ldesi gnwassel ect ed andi mpl ement ed.Thi si nt er nshi pwasmyf avour i t el ear ni ngexper i ence wher eIl ear nthowi mpor t antcol l abor at i oni sf orapr oj ect .

Si t ePl an



:Bui l di ngOpt i mi zat i onPr oj ect

:2018 :Sol ar t ool ,Aut ocad,Ecot ect

A :TheVi l agei sanof f i cebui l di ngt hatr equi r edf acadeopt i mi zat i on f oropt i mum dayl i ghtpr event i nggl ar ewi t houtcompr omi zi ng vi ews. A :Dayl i ghtsi mul at i ons wer e done af t ereach modi f i cat i on whi l eassessi ngt hesel ect edopt i onst omakesur et hespacesar eget t i ng maxi mum dayl i ghtandvi ewswi t hnodi r ectexposur et osun. Thi swasdone i nconj uct i onwi t hget t i ngahar moni ousf acadet hati nt egr at eswi t ht he exi st i ngbui l di ngdesi gnt hatwaspr oposedbybui l di ngar chi t ect s. M R

:Asagr eenbui l di ngAnal y s tatEnv i r onment alDes i gn Sol ut i ons ,I ndi a[ EDS,GLobal ]Iwor k edonv ar i ouspr oj ec t sdoc ument at i onand LEED c er t i f i c at i on.Is uc c es s f ul l ygotar es i dent i alhi ghr i s ec er t i f i edunderLEED Gol ddur i ngmyT enur eatEDS.Al ongwi t hwor k i ngoni ndi v i dualpr oj ec t si nc l udi ng s i t er el at edj obsIwor k edonpar t sofmanys mal lpr oj ec t s .Thi spr oj ec twasoneof t hem i n whi c h we wer e as k ed t o pr opos ef ac ade des i gn t hatt ak esmax i mum day l i ghti nandhav eac c es st omax i mum v i ewsbutk eepsdi r ec ts unawayf r om i ndoors pac es .Mywor kf ort hi spr oj ec ti nc l uded: -Shadowmas kanal y s i s -Shadi ngAnal y s i s -Day l i ghts i mul at i onsf oreac hdes i gnpr opos ed -As s es s mentofv ar i ouss hadi ngandwi ndowdes i gnopt i ons -Pr ov i di ngdet ai l sanddi mens i oni nc l udi ngmat er i alt y peandf i ni s hf orf i nal i z ed opt i onsf oral l f ac ades .



F :LEEDGol dRat i ng :2017 :Aut ocad,Ecot ect ,Sol art ool ,MSExcel ,Radi ance

A :TheCr esti saResi dent i alPr oj ectwi t h6t ypi calhi ghr i set ower s andacl ubwi t ht ot albui l di ngf oot pr i ntof73659. 6sq.f t .ThePr oj ectwas r egi st er edunderLEED NC cer t i f i cat i onandwasi ni t ’ spr ecer t i f i cat i on phasewheni twashandedt ome. M R :Iwasi nchar geofhandl i ngt hi spr oj ectwi t ht he hel pofani nt er nwi t hme.Myt asksi ncl udedLEED Document at i on,wat er bal ancepr epar at i on,wat eruseanal ysi s& r educt i oncal cul at i on,dayl i ght si mul at i on,Vi ewsAnal ysi s,Ther malComf or tanal ysi s,Shadi nganal ysi s, Cl i entmeet i ngs and si t e vi si t s.Ial so had t o coor di nat e wi t h ener gy anal yst sandcommi si oni ngt eam. Thi swasagr eat2yearj our neyofmyl i f e wher eIl ear ntal otofnew f i el ds,col l abor at i on,andgr ew al otper sonal l y andpr of essi onal l y . W

:Thi swasmyf i r stpr oj ectaf t erent er i ngt henew wor l dofbei ngaGr eenbui l di nganal yst .Iwashi r edwi t hapr obat i onper i od of3mont hsbecauseIhadnobackgr oundi nt hef i el d.Af t eramont hmy pr obat i onwasendedandIwasassi gnedwi t ht hi spr oj ectont hebasi sof myqui ckl ear ni ngandgoodper f or mance. Thi swasapr oudmomentf orme andmyf ami l y .EDSwasaf ami l y

I nmyf r eet i meIl ovet osket chf ormyf r i ends.

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