Smriti Jain Resume

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( 480)9376546| |T empe,Ar i z ona j ai ns mr i t i . ar @gmai l . c om | |s mr i t i . ar c h| | www. l i nk edi n. c om/ i n/ s mr i t i 16


Ar i zonaSt at eUni ver si t y,Tempe Mast erofAr chi t ect ur e,Pr of essi onal Fi r s t Se me s t e rGP A-4 nst i t ut eofTechnol ogyandSci ence,Gwal i or ,I ndi a 2012/ 9-2017/ 7 MadhavI Bachel orofAr chi t ect ur e,Pr of essi onal CGP A: 8 . 7 / 1 0

2019/ 8-Pr es ent

P 2017/ 10-2019/ 7

Envi r onment alDesi gnSol ut i ons[ EDS] ,New Del hi ,I ndi a Gr eenBui l di ngAnal yst Responsi bi l i t i es:

Day l i ghts i mul at i ons Des i gnopt i mi z at i on Sol ar&s hadi nganal y s i s Ther mal c omf or tanal y s i s LEEDdoc ument at i onandc er t i f i c at i on Si t ev i s i t sf orc ompl i anc ec hec k r egar di ngLEEDr equi r ement s

2016/ 10-2017/ 4

Ar chi opt eryxAr chi t ect s,Noi da,I ndi a I nt er nAr chi t ect Responsi bi l i t i es: Res ear c h&doc ument at i on Si t eanal y s i s Cl i enti nt er ac t i on Des i gndev el opmentas s i s t anc e Conc eptdev el opment Des i gndev el opment Cl i entmeet i ngs OnSi t eas s i s t anc e Wor k i ngdr awi ngpr epar at i on BOQs ,es t i mat i on&c os t i ng Pl andev el opmentunderpr i nc i pal ar c hi t ec t

Ar c hi t ec t ur eSof t war es Bui l di ngPer f or manc e Model Mak i ng Ot her s

KeyRol es: -DLFTheCr es t :Res i dent i al ,Gur ugr am,I ndi a LEEDBD+CGol dc er t i f i c at i on| Compl et ed2019 -TheVi l l age:Of f i c e,Kat hmandu,Nepal Fac adeOpt i mi z at i on| Compl et ed2019 -I ndi anI ns t i t ut eofManagement ,Nagpur ,I ndi a GRI HALDGui del i nesanddes i gnas s i s t anc e| Ongoi ng -DLFCamel l i as :Res i dent i al ,Gur ugr am,I ndi a LEEDc or e&s hel l c er t i f i c at i onas s i s t anc e| Compl et ed2018

KeyPr oj ect s: -J ay peeGr eens :Res i denc e,Noi da,I ndi a Cl i mat eRes pons i v eAr c hi t ec t ur e,as s i s t anc e| Ongoi ng -Bedi ' sHol i dayHome:Res i denc e,Dehr adun,I ndi a I ndependentpr oj ec tas s i gned| Commenc ed2016Ongoi ng Ver nac ul arar c hi t ec t ur eandc ons t r uc t i ont ec hni ques Res ear c h&Doc ument at i on| Compl et ed2016


Aut odeskAut ocad,Aut odeskRevi t ,Rhi no,Lumi on,Gr asshopper ,AdobeSui t e Honeybee,Cl i mat econsul t ant ,HEED,Par aSol ,Vel ux,Wi ndow 7. 7,Radi ance,Sol art ool ,Ecot ect Boar ds,Met al ,Soap,Cl ay ,Cement ,Pl ast erofpar i s,wood,pr ecastwor k Manualr ender i ngs,Lasercut t i ng,3Dpr i nt i ng




“ I nt el l i gentFacadeFunct i ons”ZakWor l dofFac adesI ndi a Semi narbyOl i v erHansof@Sc huec o,Hy at tRegenc y ,NewDel hi ,I ndi a

2017/ 12

“ Sust ai nabl eHabi t at ”9t hGRI HASummi tI ndi a Key not eSpeak er-Pr of .Chr i s t opherChar l esBenni nger ,I ndi aHabi t atCent er ,NewDel hi ,I ndi a

2017/ 12

“ Sust ai nabl ei sAf f or dabl e”9t hGRI HASummi tI ndi a Wor k s hopbyGRI HACounc i l ,I ndi aHabi t atCent er ,NewDel hi ,I ndi a

2017/ 12

“ I nPr ai seofSmal lt hi ngs”Dedi c at edt ot hebees ,t heant sandt hees k i mos AT al kbyGol akKhandual ,SHi FTSt udi o,NewDel hi ,I ndi a

Uni ver i t yposi t i onsandHonor s Fal l ’ 19 Spr i ng’ 20 2017/8 2017/7

Teachi ngAssi st ant:JasonSchupbach Di r ec t orofTheDes i gnSc hool ,ASU Teachi ngAssi st ant:Samant haPer ki ns As s oc i at eDi r ec t orofAc ademi cAf f ai r s ,ASU ch2017bat ch MadhavI ns t i t ut eofT ec hnol ogy&Sc i enc e,Gwal i or ,I ndi a Secondpl ace,Thesi sDesi gn MadhavI ns t i t ut eofT ec hnol ogy&Sc i enc e,Gwal i or ,I ndi a

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