quick knit baby book

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Knitted Hood Sacque, Sizes 6 months to 1year

These directions are for 6 month size. Changes for size 1 are in parentheses. MATERIALS COLUMBIA-MINERVA Nylon and Wool Quick-Knit Baby Yarn (1 oz. pull skeins)4 1 pair straight knitting needles No. 6 1 steel crochet No.1 GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch 7 rows = 1 inch PATTERN STITCH Row 1: K 1, * P 1, K 1, repeat from * across row. Rows 2 and 3: P 1, * K 1, P 1, repeat from * across row. Row 4: K 1, * P 1, K 1, repeat from * across row. Repeat these 4 rows for pattern stitch. DIRECTIONS: Starting at lower edge of back, with No. 6 needles cast on 47(51) sts. Work even in pattern stitch for 6(6 ½) inches. SLEEVES: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows cast on 34(38) sts. Work even in pattern st on 115(127) sts until sleeves measure 3 ¼(3 ¾) inches. Put a marker at each end of work for half of sleeve. SHAPE NECK: Work in pattern st across 47(52) sts; put center 21 (23) sts on a holder; join another ball of yarn and work last 47(52) sts in pattern st. Work even on both sides at once for 6 rows. Then at each neck edge cast on 12(13) sts. Work even in pattern st on 59(65) sts of each side until sleeve

edges measures 3 ¼(3 ¾) inches above markers. FINISH SLEEVES: At each arm edge bind off 34(38) sts. Continue in pattern st on 25(27) sts of each side for 6(6 ½) inches. Bind off all sts in pattern st. HOOD: With right side facing you, pick up and K 18(19) sts on right front neck; work in pattern st across 21(23) sts on holder; pick up and K 18(19) sts on other neck edge. Work even in pattern st on 57(61) sts for 2 rows. BEADING: * Work 2(3) sts, y o, work 2 sts tog, repeat from * ending work last st. Continue in pattern st for 5 ¾ (6) inches. Bind off in pattern st. FINISHING: Sew side and sleeve seams. Fold hood in half and seam across top. SHELL EDGING: Join yarn at left side seam, ch 3, 2 d c in same st, * skip 1 st, s c in next st, ch 1, skip 1 st, 2 d c in next st, ch 1, 2 d c in same st, repeat from * on lower edge, fronts and hood. Work same edging on each sleeve edge. Steam lightly. CORD: Make a ch 36 inches long. Fasten off. Run cord through neck beading and sew small pom-pom to each end.

Knitted Classic Cardigan and Slipon, Sizes 1, 2 & 3

These directions are for size 1. Changes for sizes 2 and 3 are in parentheses. MATERIALS COLUMBIA-MINERVA Nylon and Wool Quick-Knit Baby Yarn (1 oz. pull skeins)3(4-4) for either slipon or cardigan 1 pair each straight knitting needles Nos. 5 and 6

1 steel crochet hook No. 2 6 buttons for slipon 6 buttons for cardigan GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch 7 rows = 1 inch SLIPON BACK: With No. 5 needles, cast on 51(53-55) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 1 inch. Change to No. 6 needles and work even in stockinette st until piece measures 7(7 ½-8) inches. SHAPE ARMHOLES: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 3 sts. Work even on 45(47-49) sts until armholes measure 3 ¾(4-4 ¼) inches. SHAPE SHOULDERS: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 14(15-15) sts. BACK NECKBAND: Change to No. 5 needles and on remaining 17(17-19) sts K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 1 inch. Bind off loosely in ribbing. FRONT: Work in same manner as back until armholes measure 2 ½(2 ¾-3) inches. SHAPE NECK: Work across 16(17-17) sts; put center 13(13-15) sts on a holder; join another ball of yarn and work last 16(17-17) sts. Working on both sides at once, at each neck edge dec 1 st every other row twice. Work even in garter st on 14(15-15) sts of each side until armholes measure 3 ¾ (4-4 ¼) inches. Bind off all sts. FRONT NECKBAND: With No. 5 needles and right side facing you, pick up and K 37(39-41) sts around neck edge, including sts on holder. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 1 inch. Bind off loosely in ribbing. SLEEVES: With No. 5 needles, cast on 31(33-35) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 1 inch. Change to No. 6 needles and work in stockinette st, inc 1 st each end of needle every 1 inch 4 times. Work even on 39(41-43) sts until piece measures 7 ½(8 ½-9 ½) inches. At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 3 sts. Bind off remaining sts. FINISHING: Block pieces. Sew each shoulder seam at arm edge for 1 inch. Sew in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams. Starting at neck edge, work 2 rows s c around each shoulder opening, forming 3 small button loops on each front edge, evenly spaced on last row. Sew 3 buttons on each back shoulder edge. With 6 strand embroidery floss, embroider design in lazy daisy st on each shoulder as shown in photograph. Steam lightly. CARDIGAN BACK: With No. 5 needles, cast on 53(55-57) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 1 inch. Change to No. 6 needles and work even in stockinette st until piece measures 7

¼(7 ¾-8 ¼) inches. SHAPE ARMHOLES: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 3 sts. Work even on 47(49-51) sts until armholes measure 4 ¼(4 ½-4 ¾) inches. SHAPE SHOULDERS: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 15(16-16) sts. Put remaining 17(17-19) sts on a holder. NOTE: Work buttonholes on right front for girl's cardigan and on left front for boy's cardigan. Make front without buttonholes first. FIRST FRONT: With No. 5 needles, cast on 30(32-34) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 1 inch, working 5 sts at center edge in garter st for front border. Change to No. 6 needles and, keeping 5 sts at front edge in garter st, work remaining sts in stockinette st until piece measures 7 ¼ (7 ¾-8 ¼) inches. SHAPE ARMHOLES: At arm edge bind off 3 sts. Work even on 27(29-31) sts until armhole measures 3(3 ¼-3 ½) inches, ending at arm edge. SHAPE NECK: Work across 17(18-18) sts; put last 10(11-13) sts on a holder. At neck edge dec 1 st every other row twice. Work even in garter sts on 15(16-16) sts until armhole measures 4 ¼(4 ½-4 ¾) inches. Bind off all sts. With pins, mark position of 6 buttons, evenly spaced on front border-the first ½ inch above lower edge and the last ½ inch above start of neck in neckband. SECOND FRONT: Work to correspond to first front, reversing all shaping and forming buttonholes opposite pins on first front. BUTTONHOLE: Starting at front edge, K 2, y o, K 2 tog, work to end of row. SLEEVES: With No. 5 needles, cast on 33(35-37) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 1 inch. Change to No. 6 needles and work in stockinette st, inc 1 st each end of needle every 1 inch 4 times. Work even on 41(43-45) sts until piece measures 7 ½(8 ½-9 ½) inches. At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 3 sts. Bind off remaining sts. FINISHING: Block pieces. Sew shoulder seams. Sew in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams. NECKBAND: With No. 5 needles and right side facing you, pick up and K 61(65-69) sts around neck edge, including sts on holders. Keeping 5 sts at each front edge in garter st, K 1, P 1 in ribbing on remaining sts for 1 inch, forming last buttonhole when neckband measures ½ inch. Bind off loosely in ribbing. Work 1 row s c on front edges. Steam lightly. If desired, face front edges with grosgrain ribbon. Finish buttonholes. Sew on buttons. Embroider to match slipon.

Knitted Surplice Sacque, Sizes 1, 2 & 3

These directions are for size 1. Changes for sizes 2 and 3 are in parentheses. MATERIALS COLUMBIA-MINERVA Nylon and Wool Quick-Knit Baby Yarn (1 oz. pull skeins)-4(5-5) 1 pair straight knitting needles No. 6 1 ¾ yds. ½ inch satin ribbon GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch 7 rows = 1 inch PATTERN STITCH Row 1: K 1(2-3) * P 2, K 6, repeat from * ending P 2, K 1(2-3). Row 2: P 1(2-3), * K 2, P 6, repeat from * ending K 2, P 1(2-3). Row 3: Knit. Row 4: Purl. Row 5: K 5(6-7), * P 2, K 6, repeat from * ending P 2, K 5(6-7). Row 6: P 5(6-7), * K 2, P 6, repeat from * ending K 2, P 5(6-7). Row 7: Knit. Row 8: Purl. Repeat these 8 rows for pattern stitch. BACK: Cast on 52(54-56) sts. K 8 rows (4 ridges) in garter st. Work even in pattern st until piece measures 7 (7 ½-8) inches. SHAPE ARMHOLES: Dec 1 st each end of needle every other row 4(5-6) times. Put remaining 44 sts on a holder. RIGHT FRONT: With No. 6 needles, cast on 31(33-35) sts. K 8 rows (4 ridges) in garter st. Keeping 3 sts at front edge in garter st, work remaining sts in pattern st, inc 1 st in 4th

st from front edge every other row 18(19-20) times. At front edge cast on 20(22-24) sts for belt. Working 23(25-27) sts at front edge in garter st and remaining sts in pattern st, work 3 rows even. BUTTONHOLE: Starting at belt edge, K 3, y o, K 2 tog, work to end of row. Work 3 rows more even. At belt edge bind off 20(22-24) sts. (Piece should now measure 7(7 ½-8) inches.) SHAPE ARMHOLE AND FRONT: At arm edge dec 1 st every other row 4(5-6) times and AT THE SAME TIME, work tog the 4th and 5th sts from front edge EVERY ROW. Put remaining 37 sts on a holder. LEFT FRONT: Work to correspond to right front, reversing all shaping and placing of belt. SLEEVES: Cast on 28(30-32) sts. K 8 rows (4 ridges) in garter st. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 6 rows. Work in pattern st, inc 1 st each end of needle on next row and every ¾ inch 5 times more. Work even on 40(42-44) sts until piece measures 7 ½(8 ½-9 ½) inches. SHAPE CAP: Dec 1 st each end of needle every other row 4(5-6) times. Put remaining 32 sts on a holder. YOKE PATTERN: Row 1 (wrong side): Knit. Row 2: Purl. Rows 3 and 4: Knit. Row 5: Purl. Row 6: Knit. Repeat these 6 rows for yoke pattern. YOKE: With right side facing you, pick up and K 37 sts of right front, 32 sts of one sleeve, 44 sts of back, 32 sts of other sleeve and 37 sts of left front (182 sts on needle). Put a marker between 24th and 25th sts from each end of needle. Keeping 3 sts at each end of needle in garter st for front borders, work remaining sts in yoke pattern and continue to work tog the 4th and 5th sts from each end of needle EVERY ROW 21 times more, and AT THE SAME TIME, on the 3rd row of yoke pattern dec 12 sts between markers as follows: Work 6 sts, * work 2 sts tog, work 9 sts, repeat from * ending work 2 sts tog, work 5. Continue to dec 12 sts in this manner every 3rd row 6(5-5) times more, always working 1 st less between decreases on each dec row. FOR SIZES 2 and 3: Work 1 more dec row of 6 sts, dec over every other dec of previous dec row. NECKBAND: Working on 56(62-62) sts, K 1 row, P 1 row. BEADING: K 2, * y o, K 2 tog, K 1, repeat from * to end of row. K 4 rows. Bind off all sts. FINISHING: Block. Sew sleeves in armholes. Leaving a 1 inch opening on one side seam below armhole, sew sleeve and side seams. Steam seams lightly. Run 1 yd. ribbon through neck beading. Sl one belt through side opening, run remaining ribbon through belt buttonholes and tie in a bow.

Knitted Dressmaker Cardigan, Sizes 1, 2 & 3

These directions are for size 1. Changes for sizes 2 and 3 are in parentheses. MATERIALS COLUMBIA-MINERVA Nylon and Wool Quick-Knit Baby Yarn (1 oz. pull skeins) - 5 1 pair each straight knitting needles Nos. 5 and 6 1 steel crochet hook No. 4 6 buttons GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch 7 rows = 1 inch BACK: With No. 5 needles, cast on 53(55-57) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 1 inch. Change to No. 6 needles and work even in stockinette st until piece measures 7(7 ½-8) inches. SHAPE ARMHOLES: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 2 sts. Dec 1 st each end of needle every other row twice. Work even on 45(47-49) sts until armholes measure 4 ¼(4 ½-4 ¾) inches. SHAPE SHOULDERS: At the beg of each of the next 4 rows bind off 7(7-8) sts. Bind off remaining 17(19-17) sts. LEFT FRONT: With No. 5 needles, cast on 30(32-34) sts. Row 1: * P 1, K 1, repeat from * to last 9 sts, P 1, K into 3rd st on left hand needle from front of work, then K the first and second sts letting the loop of 3rd st drop off needle, P 1, K 1, P 1, K 1, P 1. Row 2: P 1, K 1, P 1, K 1, P 4, * P 1, K 1, repeat from * to end of row. Repeat these 2 rows for 1 inch. Change to No. 6 needles and, keeping 9 sts at front edge in pattern as established, work remaining sts in stockinette st until piece measures 7(7 ½-8) inches. SHAPE ARMHOLE: At arm edge bind off 2 sts and dec 1 st at same edge every other row twice. Work even on 26(28-30) sts until armhole measures 3 ¼(3 ½-3 ¾) inches. SHAPE NECK: At front edge bind off 9(11-11) sts and dec 1 st at same edge every other row 3 times. Work even on 14(14-16) sts until armhole measures 4 ¼ (4 ½-4 ¾) inches. SHAPE SHOULDER: At arm edge bind off 7(7-8) sts twice. With pins, mark position on 6

buttons evenly spaced on front border-the first ½ inch above lower edge and the last ½ inch below start of neck. RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond to left front, reversing all shaping and pattern and forming buttonholes opposite pins on left front. BUTTONHOLE: Starting at front edge, work 2 sts, y o, work 2 sts tog, work to end of row. SLEEVES: With No. 5 needles, cast on 31(33-35) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 1 inch. Change to No. 6 needles and work in stockinette st, inc 1 st each end of needle every 1 inch 4 times. Work even on 39(41-43) sts until piece measures 7 ½(8 ½-9 ½) inches. SHAPE CAP: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 2 sts. Dec 1 st each end of needle every other row 7(8-9) times. At the beg of each of the next 4 rows bind off 2 sts. Bind off remaining sts. COLLAR: Starting at neck edge, with No. 5 needles cast on 44(46-48) sts. K 1 row, inc 1 st in every 4th st across row 11 times. Change to No. 6 needles and work even in seed st on 55(57-59) sts for 1 ½ inches. Bind off loosely in pattern st. FINISHING: Block pieces. Sew shoulder seams. Set in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams. Work 1 row s c on each front edge, around outer edge of collar and sew collar to neck edge. Steam lightly. Face front edges with grosgrain ribbon if desired. Finish buttonholes. Sew on buttons.

Knitted Raglan Cardigan, sizes 1, 2 & 3

These directions are for size 1. Changes for sizes 2 and 3 are in parentheses. MATERIALS COLUMBIA-MINERVA Nylon and Wool Quick-Knit Baby Yarn (1 oz. pull skeins)-4(4-5) 1 pair each straight knitting needles Nos. 5 and 6 1 steel crochet hook No. 2

1 d p needle for cable 6 small pearl buttons GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch 7 rows = 1 inch BACK: With No. 5 needles, cast on 52(54-56) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 8 rows. Change to No. 6 needles and work even in stockinette st until piece measures 7(7 ½-8) inches. SHAPE RAGLAN ARMHOLES: Dec 1 st each end of needle every other row until 20 sts remain. Put these sts on a holder. NOTE: Work buttonholes on right front for girl's cardigan and on left front for boy's cardigan. Make front without buttonholes first. FIRST FRONT: With No. 5 needles, cast on 30(32-34) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 8 rows. Change to No. 6 needles and work even in stockinette st until piece measures 7(7 ½-8) inches. SHAPE RAGLAN ARMHOLE: At arm edge dec 1 st every other row 16(17-18) times and AT THE SAME TIME, when armhole measures 3(3 ¼-3 ½) inches, SHAPE NECK: Work across, putting 10(11-12) sts at front edge on a holder. Continue to dec at arm edge and at neck edge dec 1 st every other row 4 times. With pins, mark position of 5 buttons, evenly spaced on front edge-the first ½ inch from beg and the last 1 ½(1 ¾-2) inches below start of neck. The 6th button will be in neckband. SECOND FRONT: Work to correspond to first front, reversing all shaping and forming buttonholes opposite pins on first front. BUTTONHOLES: Starting at front edge, work 2 sts, work 2 sts tog, y o, work to end of row. SLEEVE PATTERN Row 1: K 11(12-13), P 1, K 6, P 1, K 11(12-13). Row 2: P 11(12-13), K 1, P 6, K 1, P 11(12-13). Row 3: K 11(12-13), P 1, put next 3 sts on d p needles, hold in back of work, K next 3 sts, K 3 sts from d p needle (cable twist), P 1, K 11(12-13). Rows 4 and 6: Repeat Row 2. Rows 5 and 7: Repeat Row 1. Row 8: Repeat Row 2. Repeat these 8 rows for pattern stitch. SLEEVES: With No. 5 needles, cast on 30(32-34) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 8 rows. Change to No. 6 needles and work in sleeve pattern st, inc 1 st each end of needle every 6th row 5 times and keeping all inc sts in stockinette st. Work even on 40(42-44) sts until piece measures 7 ½(8 ½-9 ½) inches. SHAPE RAGLAN CAP: Dec 1 st each end of needle every other row until 8 sts remain. Bind off. FINISHING: Block pieces. Sew sleeves to back and front armholes. Sew underarm and sleeve seams. NECKBAND: With No. 5 needles and right side facing you, pick up and K 60(64-68) sts around neck, including sts from holders. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 3 rows. Work last buttonhole on next row and continue in ribbing until there are 8 rows in all. Bind off

loosely in ribbing. Work 1 row s c on front edges. Block seams. If desired, face front edges with grosgrain ribbon. Finish buttonholes. Sew on buttons.

Knitted Layette Set, Wrapping Blanket, Jacket, Bonnet & Booties, Sizes 6 months to 1 year

These directions are for 6 month size. Changes for size 1 are in parentheses. MATERIALS COLUMBIA-MINERVA Nylon and Wool Quick-Knit Baby Yarn (1 oz. pull skeins)-12 for complete set or 1 each for bonnet or bootees, 4(5-5) for jacket, 7 for blanket 1 pair each straight knitting needles Nos. 6 and 10 ½ 2 yds. each ½ inch and ¼ inch satin ribbon GAUGE: 3 sts = 1 inch for lace pattern 9 sts = 2 inches for garter stitch 5 sts = 1 inch for rib stitch WRAPPING BLANKET With No. 10 ½ needles, cast on 109 sts. K 14 rows (7 ridges) in garter st. START LACE PATTERN: Row 1: K 9, * y o, K 2 tog, repeat from * ending K 8. Repeat Row 1 until piece measures 34 inches. K 14 rows (7 ridges) in garter st. Bind off all sts. Block to measure 30 inches by 36 inches. JACKET Starting at lower back edge, with No. 10 ½ needles, cast on 37(41) sts. K 4 rows (2 ridges) in garter st. LACE PATTERN: Row 1: K 1, * y o, K 2 tog, repeat from * across row. Repeat this row until piece measures 6 ½(7) inches. YOKE AND ARMHOLES: Change to No. 6 needles and K 1, P 1 in ribbing until armholes measure 3 ¼(3 ¾) inches. Put a marker at each edge of work for half of armholes. SHAPE NECK: Work in ribbing for

12(13) sts; put center 13(15) sts on a holder; join another ball of yarn and work in ribbing for last 12(13) sts. Work even on both sides at once for 4 rows. At each neck edge inc st every other row twice. At same edges cast on 7(8) sts. Working 3 sts at each center edge in garter st for front border and remaining sts in ribbing, work even on 21(23) sts of each side until armholes measures 3 ¼(3 ¾) inches from markers. Change to No. 10 ½ needles and work in lace pattern as follows: LEFT FRONT: Starting at arm edge, K 1, * yo, K 2 tog, repeat from * ending K 2. Row 2: K 3, * y o, K 2 tog, repeat from * to end of row. RIGHT FRONT: Starting at front edge, work as Row 2 of left front. Row 2: Work as Row 1 of left front. Repeat the 2 rows of each front until piece measures same as back to top of border. K 4 rows (2 ridges) in garter st. Bind off all sts. SLEEVES: With No. 10 ½ needles, cast on 21(25) sts. K 4 rows (2 ridges) in garter st. Work in same lace pattern as back until piece measures 6 ½(7 ½) inches. Bind off all sts. FINISHING: Block each piece lightly. Sew sleeves to armholes. Sew side and sleeve seams. NECKBAND: With No. 6 needles and right side facing you, pick up and K 62(68) sts around neck edge, including sts from holder. K 1 row. BEADING: K 2, * y o, K 2 tog, K 1, repeat from * across row. K 2 rows. Bind off all sts. Steam lightly. Run 1 yd ½ inch ribbon through beading and ½ yd of ¼ inch ribbon through first row of sleeve pattern. Tie bows. BONNET Starting with turn back cuff, with No. 10 ½ needles, cast on 49(55) sts. K 4 rows (2 ridges) in garter st. LACE PATTERN: Row 1: K 1, * y o, K 2 tog, repeat from * across row. Repeat Row 1 for 7 times (cuff completed). Change to No. 6 needles and K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 4 ¼(4 ¾) inches. At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 16(18) sts. On center 17(19) sts work even in ribbing until side edge measures same length as bound off sts. Put these sts on a holder. FINISHING: Block lightly. Sew side edges of back piece to bound off sts. NECKBAND: Turn cuff to right side. With right side facing you, with No. 6 needles pick up and K 62(68) sts around neck edge, working through double thickness on cuff, including sts from holder. K 3 rows. BEADING: K 2, * y o, K 2 tog, K 1, repeat from * across row. K 3 rows. Bind off all sts. Steam lightly. Run 1 yd. ½ inch ribbon through beading. BOOTEES Starting at top edge, with No. 10 ½ needles, cast on 25(29) sts. K 4 rows (2 ridges) in garter st. LACE PATTERN: Row 1: K 1, * y o, K 2 tog, repeat from * across row. Repeat this row until piece measures 1 ½(2) inches. Change to No. 6 needles and K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 2 rows. SHAPE INSTEP: Continuing in ribbing, work 8(9) sts and put these sts on a holder; work center 9(11) sts; put last 8(9) sts on another holder. Work even on center 9(11) sts until tab measures 2(2 ¼) inches. SHAPE SOLE: Work across 9(11) sts of instep; pick up and K 9(10) sts along side of instep and work 8(9) sts from holder. Work in

ribbing across these 26(30) sts; pick up 9(10) sts along other side of instep and work 8(9) sts from other holder. Work even in ribbing on 43 (49) sts for 1(1 ¼) inches. SHAPE TOE AND HEEL: Mark center st. Row 1: Work in ribbing, working 2 sts tog at each end of needle and on each side of center marker st. Row 2: Work in ribbing following ribbing pattern. Repeat these 2 rows twice more. Bind off remaining sts. FINISHING: Block lightly. Sew sole and back seam. Steam lightly. Run ½ yd. ¼ inch ribbon through last row of lace pattern. Tie bow.

Knitted Convertible Cardigan, Sizes 1, 2 & 3

These directions are for size 1. Changes for sizes 2 and 3 are in parentheses. MATERIALS COLUMBIA-MINERVA Nylon and Wool Quick-Knit Baby Yarn (1 oz. pull skeins)-4(5-5) 1 pair each straight knitting needles Nos. 5 and 6 1 steel crochet hook No. 4 6 buttons 1 ½ yds. ½ inch satin ribbon GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch 7 rows = 1 inch NOTE: Sweater may be worn with buttons in front or back. BACK: With No. 5 needles, cast on 51(53-55) sts. K 6 rows (3 ridges) in garter st. Change to No. 6 needles and work as follows: Row 1: K 9(10-11), P 2, K 1, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 17, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 9(10-11). Row 2: P 9(10-11), K 2, P 1, K 2, P 1, K 2, P 17, K 2, P 1, K 2, P 1, K 2, P 9(10-11). Repeat these 2 rows for pattern st until piece measures 7(7 ½-8) inches. SHAPE ARMHOLES: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 3 sts. Work even on 45(47-49) sts until armholes measure 1 ½ inches. Discontinue pattern and work all sts in stockinette st until armholes measure 3 ½(3 ¾-4) inches. SHAPE NECK: Work across 16(16-18) sts; put center 13(15-13) sts on a holder; join

another ball of yarn and work last 16(16-18) sts. Working on both sides at once, at each neck edge dec 1 st every other row twice. Work even on 14(14-16) sts of each side until armholes measure 4 ¼(4 ½-4 ¾) inches. SHAPE SHOULDERS: At each arm edge bind off 7(7-8) sts twice. LEFT FRONT: With No. 5 needles, cast on 30 (32-34) sts. K 6 rows (3 ridges) in garter st. Change to No. 6 needles. Row 1: K 9(10-11), P 2, K 1, P 2, K 1, P 2, K 13(14-15) front edge. Row 2: P 13(14-15) K 2, P 1, K 2, P 1, K 2, P 9(10-11). Repeat these 2 rows for pattern st until piece measures 7(7 ½-8) inches. SHAPE ARMHOLE: At arm edge bind off 3 sts. Work even on 27(29-31) sts until armhole measures 1 ½ inches. Discontinue pattern and work even in stockinette st until armhole measures 3 ½ (3 ¾-4) inches, ending at arm edge. SHAPE NECK: Work across 16(16-18) sts; put last 11(13-13) sts on a holder. At neck edge dec 1 st every other row twice. Work even on 14(14-16) sts until armhole measures 4 ¼(4 ½-4 ¾) inches. SHAPE SHOULDER: At arm edge bind off 7(7-8) sts twice. With pins, mark position of 6 buttons, evenly spaced-the first ½ inch above lower edge and the last ½ inch below start of neck. RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond to left front, reversing all shaping and pattern and forming buttonholes opposite pins on left front. BUTTONHOLE: Starting at front edge, work 2 sts, y o, work 2 sts tog, work to end of row. SLEEVES: With No. 5 needles, cast on 30(32-34) sts. K 6 rows (3 ridges) in garter st. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 8 rows. Change to No. 6 needles and work in stockinette st, inc 1 st each end of needle every ¾ inch 5 times. Work even on 40(42-44) sts until piece measures 7 ½(8 ½-9 ½) inches. SHAPE CAP: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 3 sts. Dec 1 st each end of needle every other row 7(8-9) times. At the beg of each of the next 4 rows bind off 2 sts. Bind off remaining sts. FINISHING: Block pieces. Sew shoulder seams. Sew in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams. NECKBAND: With No. 5 needles and right side facing you, pick up and K 56(6262) sts around neck edge, including sts from holders. K 2 rows. BEADING: K 2, * y o, K 2 tog, K 1, repeat from * to end of row. K 3 rows. Bind off. Work 1 row s c on each front edge. Using contrasting color 6-strand embroidery floss, smock as shown in photograph. Steam lightly. If desired, face front edges with grosgrain ribbon. Finish button holes. Sew on buttons. Run 1 yd. of ribbon through neck beading. With remaining ribbon tie a small bow at center back of beading.

Knitted Surplice, Sizes 6 months to 1 year

These directions are for 6 month size. Changes for size 1 are in parentheses. MATERIALS COLUMBIA-MINERVA Nylon and Wool Quick-Knit Baby Yarn (1 oz. pull skeins)-3 1 pair each straight knitting needles Nos. 5 and 6 1 steel crochet hook No. 2 GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch 7 rows = 1 inch RIGHT FRONT: With No. 5 needles, cast on 49(51) sts. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 8 rows. Change to No. 6 needles. Cast on 5 sts for front facing and work as follows on 54(56) sts: Row 1: K 4, sl 1, K 4, * K 1, P 1, repeat from * across row. Row 2: * K 1, P 1, repeat from * to last 11 sts, work 2 sts tog, P 9. Repeat these 2 rows for pattern st until there are 29(31) more decreases, and AT THE SAME TIME, when piece measures 6(6 ½) inches, START SLEEVE: At arm edge cast on 11(12) sts twice. Continue in pattern as established until sleeve edge measures 2 ½(2 ¾) inches, ending at sleeve edge. On the next row work across 37(39) sts and put these sts on a holder. Work even on remaining 9 sts for 2 ¼(2 ½) inches. Put these sts on a holder. LEFT FRONT: Work in same manner as right front, reversing all shaping and placing of front facing. BACK: Sl 37(39) sts of left front onto needle, cast on 19(21) sts for back of neck, work 37(39) sts of right front onto same needle. Work even in seed st on 93(99) sts until sleeve edges measure 5(5 ½) inches. FINISH SLEEVES: At the beg of each of the next 4 rows bind off 11(12) sts. Work even on 49(51) sts until back measures same length as fronts to top of ribbing. Change to No. 5 needles and K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 8 rows. Bind off in ribbing. FINISHING: FINISHING: With right side facing you, with No. 5 needles pick up and K 28(30) sts along sleeve edge. K 1, P 1 in ribbing for 8 rows. Bind off in ribbing. Block. Weave ends of

border tog, then fold border in half and sew to wrong side. Leaving ½ inch opening in center of ribbing of right side, sew side and sleeve seams. Make a crochet loop on each front edge of ribbing. CORDS: Make 2. Make a ch 18 inches long. Fasten off. Knot each end and tack center of cord to each side seam in center of ribbing.

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