Effective management

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Effective Management Rather than sustaining operations, effective management solves problems, eliminates inadequacies, and enhances processes. It makes organizations better. Some people think just because they can multitask somehow that makes them an effective manager. Filling the requirement alone does not amount to efficiency, it indicates we are putting out fires and maintaining the status quo. We have to go a couple steps further, delivering noticeable improvements allowing the organization to remain relevant, keep pace with or surpass its competitors. Effective managers notice problems and develop solutions to eradicate them. They are always looking for opportunities to fix their operation. This results in processes running smoother, procedures less cumbersome, and people better trained and equipped. Their accomplishments are evident; they remove barriers, teardown walls, and clear the way so people can get the job done. Great managers are on constant alert and react decisively to deal with issues including hazards, violations, gossips, personnel conflicts, and resource shortfalls that pop up and interfere with operations. They squash these disturbances quickly so work can continue and the organization keeps progressing. Even the best run organizations have some levels of inadequacies that slow down progress or result in waste. When managers notice these flaws they should go on a witch hunt and eliminate them. Unnecessary spending, unplanned outages, excessive bureaucracy, and recurring failures, negatively affects the bottom-line and hamper delivery of the product thereby threatening profitability and mission effectiveness. If ignored, inadequacies can become a cancer in the organization infecting people and giving them the impression that everything is okay when it is not. People get accustomed to that type of atmosphere and see it as normal. Even though the organization could be on the brink of destruction, they would not realize it. Effective managers create a climate that seek out and rid the organization of inadequacies. Finally, managers should be always seeking to enhance operations by exploring innovations, developing best practices, and instituting improvements. Managers should be futuristic; they should be visionaries, recognizing what the organization needs and tap into new inventions, cutting edge technology, and state of the art practices to make the company more successful and competitive. Effective management is like artwork; we are working to develop the organization into a masterpiece that is always relevant and increasingly efficient. Managers are deemed effective because they made the organization better. They have a fixer mentality; they actively seek out the issues and come up with ways to solve, eliminate or enhance them. The organization benefits greatly from their contribution, where it is continually transforming and improving to remain a significant contender in today's ever changing and fluid environment.

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